vir.Y m mm - Twin Falls Public I...

JSI V9LyMK5;;NiniyEH.2a IS Ssnator Hi^'Johnson Bittolr AmUf.Pormw'.'.Oolleagn# yhio I •' Fo'ngh't: yrith; E im . i ^ u t ' the •liagdo. ot ,'VtUont; 'Joianu S»^ ioodJ’rPlM Worto Than ., fy ■ Lja^ne ofi'Natleni. ; ' WABHINOTON, 1).: C.. D»c. * » .- . nimrljr:,iud.*«rc#»ticallT,Mi»lUng Senator D«rah' aiia::M(.'propoul tar , I iworld »conomlo.'conler«n(;«:. 9«nii- . tor inrak'^JpbMpn; CAlirornlt. In-ft > .iiptMli la Uio''una(« lo>UVchurstO ; ttit''OorahV.pW,wai laUi»:in]erHl I : «ti tbt.-lnleraiiaoDil^lMoIurt. Il« ilHUred ho, wouW-. rathw »» th« • ,, ;unltrt.flUlM,lR'ilhi U muo ot Na: ] • itaaiUIitn-lB-iiucn a contercnco ai< , B f l « l i l , m i M U ! L , : nijunt ta'fqre! Jnhuion; Martc^ Ii(« : ' ippi^, .B^tulcir Durtdmr-Kow Mez> - left.'lnlroducodi.'ii.,rttoluUoii'. tpr a loid ot'SirW IIIon dollanfio On- muri'to'bo oi^ ln-purohMtnx farm . pnlducta.‘«tnMi*. ln i, ■thil conhtrr.- -n>o*1 oati *Ml'b« i». . ei^d-br'.aemair-lRdBilrlBl lecurl* ^oKDioi'.wbo''ib«rtd' Witb' Dorsh thb le^enblp ’ot Iho Irrsconcilabtci . ta’IhoVnibVaialnit tha'lMKUft'cor oatot * tiirtiM oa hl«: tormar uio- ; -cUla-all tho «Bom ba' foriBtrly ro* ' aOTea-Mr-lhelr-JolBt-oppoBaBii.- Ha lB«racttt*aiclar*d Ihll.Borah wat , , ' and oaad Oorab'a.owB'ttoRla 10 eaa> i. Vn:»B'wiinit'lb"^riih'Btn(fna- '.aoo.;Si^.>Vrron”a°°o>^^ . aU 'ihi;«nld'«ildMtltn.,«ndr. ariR-io>(l 'pli;i;'?.ud'U^lpR;.th(..poi>^t ‘'au* oBt' ' ^ a lr if^VoM^IIa^^d^^^ 'On! Ita 10 th* m t or »;that.wa tollow imv Whal«Tff}AoBta* lh«jr‘n a y nitrk.- W« Thi . . , dktloa l»'<«iU*r>lflto’i^irdt»*’*'m ail; ' alron.,.«ltboot. daflnll*.and o6|«at Tbr Id, or bkaaao ot-Uia'daauaptaUon of | r thMa'Who.Wlii not'bllndlr;ae«()C'aB<) L hiilii L [ ;asa8s&ss»rfi'«.ll| llnctir dtrHti.ibii nadaraUBdtBC aad r 11 .arraattmaJUa-et-apoUtt^Malaroibt :I-W, '. <arrl«r*d:at.V'1t\’would 'bo' impoMlbU “ •••|4'1i**jl-thB;polliletl:iiq4aUpaa-'oiit-*ot aaub»-u^o&i«lllpr~tb*^t)arl*]r'<tA '.'.jij Jola.ln lU/agr*em*Bia and-Jaler'to ■'tt, . BH'to^iMbat'^hor-bacame oparallrr ;i •! otbif ' ■ ;; p ■•\'iKa&awRss-fiK!S ■■ «l'arM>ras:to ael lo'bohalf of thoaa :> , ..UhplleiUdws.ebarxa^ocmaifdtraad "j-.- •anta 'lftil'Aoibfl.''' •■jMmyagKaa? . 4 W.OOO'»o-pr««nLht» raUm han .(•.’ • froa .tolUmorer.ifhw'.hoja ha^^^ EDIl chartad i*IUi tba two murdata.' r' TO ' :’M..OUiir.oBlbraakp* btack. rtt ' A toad-'dM biilao^ ’adniaadrit iiiakt \ |_'|;| Kp [N h\ ' ProsppriiyP. . R e s e r v e B i WABHIHOTON, p. 0, Dec . fir^y bttad oh'ft'ym of virtio iUbierement, the federal reierre. of bminerce, in.yev-ijnil onaljnl ' Uoa’i.builneii, today’U^ted'in pi forAo]erlcui.buiioeuinl928. ' . . Ooipite unsettled' economic ci "cttlUei l a 'i^ 7'^meiUo induitrie) JM lot-Asiuitta biuiseu n st« . The federal. go'Kefninbt,’witl , Interest: .beatiof^dabt-of tbs’com ^elye_ monthi.'eodlntr Docember : — flical-iolldiixity-ferTUie-oountpr;’* ; Of.commerce claimed.;, . ..- . ' Frbduhlon'.la bkslo induitri to.the gefle^,rnle at 'thls titne ; board,atftted-. Tutilo milU weire 'tbia'yearton-lait^iron and Bteel j W ’(o JP'per.cent; petnleum, 16:^ I l»p«ftom 20 to, 30 percent j rub ; 'pu'.'cehi; bnUdl^;.co^ltruc^,on, .'si i cent; bricl^ M perxent; leather, . cut., ''O o^i^dlflf dedines .wero 'u d .47''per'cent in anthndte cm •, .agrlculturtl crop.yi'uei for 1022 oxModea'by 25. per'.cent the .inJa vnlou were only 17 per cent l^ i totol o f.m o ; ' i Incroiedvdemand for labor tt duitrial prosperi^? M d curtaliei ’' elimlnaUd an ttouif loymont'. pro' paitfflent of- ,co m 9 ,ce' deoljired. • b e j i ^ g : > • becope'mimlfpst,i.:i - WtU<i<ettftbllihi9ent]i''and in thb. i - ^ ■■ . )■ pliplp MBaldarad'Inaftiabl*' tB 'iba tormar imin, «ccordlnr to.a. abla'from ■». itbina'toihO'Dallr'Bip^Mloaar:" 'rTj irormer.PranIar Vn)[ialM,.«UlonlBK ^ttnakdown ofibo UntaBpa' ooa. >h*i :ar*»M..)ui'^laIetraphcd' ihe^'Oreakr rarotuUonari’ ’ntaromidL-umlnrr** Worc* n»h«d-:to tiia Orwlc • ;;j trniy In, Thrae* and, that lha IMO ?? Ind Il»M-'nlUtary. 'clauiia- b*'; tilled a ; o>flie colon; tu* ^^ipraareonapondt iBt'eablatL;!.' ' D LyoBlMlH dKland. Ihal lha aoilra tjrai }nek arojl ahould ba itnl lo Tbrae* will aavlBfibnly oni-r*BlfflMX lB’Alh«Bi, tttll rh*'um« -adrkb T«pert'(hai 'Qsn- obIj Int- Paualoa;'araik.'commander' nt mor haa an^^lBtd, a ^ lljr tor ijnn rbitU'nird''XHiit)*;r-'af'nrtnr^^^ ' ay (0 Vwl YialMl. Ilaalbi • J ta r r -lUriBeeBHalddeiBrewerr ffortli i' W.'^IX)ine,''D«,;3i-OTlIani 3, (•>' .♦mp,. 6S,.pr*aIdiBl.ot tha;brew*rjr iompahybaarlorbli BBnet'wu-tound * ’ hbt'io dtalh ln:hli ottlea lodar/' ' tampiMha ibird membar,’ot-'tha ] ■ aaboi brawer tamlly jo ftm ' a'.Ho- •*, •, ant dulhi-had baen ahol twlea "nmr i hecbaart) A> rarolrer w u’toand-nt ' iU;i**t.;.Th«ra wait RO'Bela'ot'ai* , ilannllon.- ;v *' .Huili^Ma oiioclal^ aald tiad .Hrt^Wer/ylnc ovar .tba'paulni'of th* i. irawarr.'Taiued at i4,000.«0|), ■VTho iroparttaa'ara-’now.ia tlia'pnx«ti.6t V l«Bldalloa.--‘ti-/i . j 'tiimp%'ti4har,7onniler''of th'« btiiwr r/.^an'd- a alitar.~.Mrar>EUa'.Umo tfrUht, prarioualy mat deilbVnf.# I'.-, ftqiur-nannar,:.-- .„l V .V ' . ^ C o n ^ ’X«^ay. .&h»du1ad'to:feQy«-1nllrior^ ,''i artisaat approptliU»\bllL-vi •v'r .j . 'Nanl attaln;<$[£l(rab’HHrlB|W Itl lo'r«-aaafKii:pffli«ti:itf u r r and i', larlna corpa.- f 86^iTa?--.-v;v-;' Couldera' Dorab!'HaelaUon :vllh a B!a.probab 1 a . : y ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^i,:: jor.K8PiU8_tt**ci^^^ 'yb C H I C A O O ,' Vj\ fitr waliad tlir vord’otthi.mwlac* - t U n Bdllb Rfckarallir.'.UeComlek nd Edward • ^ a ^ |i ^ ; > n h l ^ ''? ■.V,\ iBcb dlaaiaied'maiViUfvvmli-laks .'.V: lae*,-"t^lIad.hoUr.r->v¥--;Cr;:^ i‘ .'I '' A l.l.: TWIK FALLS, WA ^redii:ted ll 3yFe0^al: 3oardToday Dec. 20.— optimlm ^ iilo induttriiili|ud niKhanical : ^ ve.boai^'.iu'd't)i(<'dopaiiiaent lyib and'fpreca^ of the na. 1 I ptedieling-greater prosperity. ' •! I 3 conditions abroad and dlffl- riei; botb govetvoent agendcs - ^ steady: opward.iWiflf. .an vith i reduction of tbe total *<' oiintiy of 5M7,000;000 in tho , m il,.biased the way toward •' lar 7;'i-stnio^oj--the-depaTtmeDl— itries. is increaring, contra^ ' itne of tlis year, the .reserve ' tie ’ere '20 per cent iMrt:'aoUve '. ’ Ml'prpduoUon'ihcreo^ed'from ' re, Sjper'cent; coke,'‘< 6,^r ijent} p®' rubber, 40 per cetili'tiutoi, 60 . ‘JS| ,.60'per’:put;']ahiber,.36 per ' m jr, 26 per'cent;''snjaru40''per iro 7 per'cent'in blt^ndus El coal, dne to the.strikes. ' i 'er ‘the plight, of the farmer; .922,;accor^gVto the board, •alae-of the cropi Crop ,i l^s than the-'re6ord breaWng * - hib ■itim ^ted by. increasing in.'. ‘"J died-immigration'practically hai problem'this Winter,'the de.' d. Labor shorUgu ore oven out ,:-notobly; in the steel mills, “®i lb. c'dsstmotion industry. -. lyf * ' •■■ 'I lr; llib Arbiickle will Come ' ; .' '^Ba^ as Director a » ; KANSAS oi'TVi Mol.'.bec: a l i - W •-• tr ArbBckla w,lll sK hU-,naw atart l;i . rrssts'Y ?#:"''» -The oair olher corameni 11#^ woul'i Jl, mak< In regard lo il.«>modlah waa Ihal ha.dld.;noi ballara.-ArbBcklo i would appear .In,.hll. torniflr-hol* on A Uu,atf6an tor loat ilme. , ■ . . .,1. D^ftVEIi KOHDiPRANai m i.i :. DBNVEn;'T)«c..-'ttllTha ••DenVir tail torco'otmen'afWroparallnir.wllh i i DBlr ft-amall, tore* tor'tha lail -IS in, monihi.-Emonr:'Aflon,-.l«sl tnanager,- *at< linnauBcwt lodar. ;.'V fedi ! I/• ■/llJAHO W BATim ' • aat r~TffiIihTra-ad'“6alimlirfafF!" . T )AH0,i®BA5?DiciS Millioni. of j l l i ^ . A n Pledged Si Defeat 'iwUce and Protect ll Lawlesnesr tt i«(dtlana lovnr C •MayoT W iirfi?t'A ii'to Prevent I ExtradiUoD;|‘_,', ' .s Mcn iiouai;'£f, uce. tcii< i arat Rniiiil iurr-« K 'u tln i cn<n)unlrr {{rl wllh booded m«W. .won u tli'ioo'.iu- ili> dfl)-. , -. ,J cll). With torir-tlr^'tiien undi-r Kuru-ll- <- a1 lanc* and tli* ,araieVr .'|>urniiinillni: uin I&^ObrisoUH^ flVh b« ' (MrV-'to ^ibe'depininvni ut luiilce i.i nr< \Vftablu|tbh;*i^rar,optrnilvf* urtm v* r«adr-'lo 'rellfe'tfdar wllllo alula' of. .lo tielala tiok'up M .laik at amaaliliiji i|i.- lerroHtt banda ■ira'.rcilurliit; pearo. it> :'8iaio oltitiaiinn'aubceil ther were raadr lo mako;5(ihpleiwlo urrwla lit rw peradna.WollfUM lii>nte»»loni ut |||« lwofli«n^of;.lJ6abUek tnaak«l inol. ij whlcn'klllFd:Wa(M)anlcti.and Tliom- MnifliifrfJ Vv^^l^^l.'afiw airw Engli»h-;DKm^Says rill PrblU]y.iH|nMtC!;iS; :!o . Failure .irnvM. n ir i’wiiaoii ui« Stuart •or;,DlrmlRbi{n...En*tahd. In I'* lha tJnllid.BlalUUjaMiUsjile pro- dli hibltloq,'wUlljioan^ retar br nenvar: be ii’.coftlBfed ihat pcablW. tlon ia a mU^oini;F|Ka retan oplr to l|rl our.”aioTa’ter,'mUbIllbn'' or "cui- | i Unit dowri-eC.'Ui^ liquor irattlc"- mei . SUart,' ai^glnllnaU' trlcBd nt -U’ui- iloi aytooi-:.JobnionJibMk hla haad ud- th Sand^V.rroblblUod: hai‘lallod to'inako T ““ “ “ jilniiMT 8Wii aminEw , ^ ,-.i)BN,VUi;;i>e^'!»-rKedenl AxenU \- MDtU^ad^-whBi toai .parKipi th* i H 5l*1>e«’ ^ late rHi*nlar;i ThoTiim'waa-toaall (fO' Ofl th* IloberlWcCnrl ranch.' A quan- | A Iltr ofmaahiaBd flplihed:ll<iunr wn* ipe blao W|Md.V- ...i ..'... jl: Autd SaliBsman’s: ' * vQeafe’ Invettigated m ' Lour'sviui. Kr; T>*<:S»-InTeiH- ^ . Itallon oMhaiUrlnc-ot^Oacar Hlaek. KA Ci 'automobll* uM n)a^ In lha’betl- ; i ro6m'ot.Urf.'OUira'JoB*a.'proiir dU !' roroea', Chrlaimai er^ waa’ bettia br : ^ a connart ]orr hero lodar. ' V. < Mra.:jonaa deeiarad ibftHhot Dlock ^ In lalt datanaa;. Ho-alUckqad ber, aha den iold; becanie-ho teared aha tedi redt a'r«condl!ailon’wllh1banYonner (lu tiuabasd, Charlei !r..Jonta ot Clncln^ Cha aatl •' Wb rTli* ibooiloc tolloweaTlavUU^F a<xi 3hansa ot Cbrlitmu pmenla between “,dli BUck and Mrs. Jonei.: ,, - ■■ . bw !TS TO ENFORCE PROI vir.Y SMBER 29. 1922. ' ' pPEFAC f^^ :piip: Britiih '0|d>inet|:;Hdili, Special I M ietltip jd-ljomider i'NMr- Eait ; Orites; Europe Stands at Croii J Roads of- Peaoo or'W ar; Lau. i .sanno Conference May Fail. I.ONIM).S. P»c. M.-S'lielfliB ot l1»i j. tJrlHiih raftlHft <oilar, <wMn«llil>' fo L iliiL-iii- rfjiarillnHi, wax- liBllPvnl ; dun l:i » Inrsi- meoiure In lho rrlll- Ml ne* ea.l. Iltuatlon, whero war ulntHls onte more lonined, . Ilritnlii' plnurra the ' Uii>ann>’ inrler-na-im-llie »er*«-ot-#B illi- -• avoldaljle; .brak. Naral iiollelro Mere uiidcniwiil in be’ Bmler dlicui- - lion, tolluwliig the liiirrled ordaN iii 111.-' JleailurraiiMn fleet, to Mocee.l — lt> ih r ’.BiralU, . .,. ,• ■; '■ ' , tMrnpn Imia}',' alooil. a t t h f .ero»i*. ', nnili, oil" path Iracllns tu «ar. lu llie NVar &»i; lha gJief'Wf Pence.'. ™ ,l4in'.atine I’eafa^iadey.-'ltMltat#,*. J’„'J "■(ho Laiiaaiine roBlereiico wa* ,aui. rrf lienUed whll» Uinel I'ailin. rhlrt iiT uu llir 'Turklih .lelfioltmi, •preiinVeil ,h iu'< rrlll)-la .Itie allK-i) ilvmand lhut^lio ,ri TurkR prrnili luiernallaiial' courbi juo III. which M»e» lurntrlBl furfllcnjim .. wouia l<i- trlPil. ; . , |.„ ;'Tlicu\ waa nn olirlntin ettnrl (in i]n: llie pan uf alil» In make II appear vm Uiat Turktnh ubmiiuicr. oa Ihli pulni i,tn Ih relponalble 'tor Ihe Inipendlnc att dliruptlaa ol thn cbntireoce. vrhlla u]] lamel deiIrM llie world-to.'bolleTe tud tiiat llrlllih lirred^tar the. ricb , Moiul olt baalo In '..Muopulamla li .J, tbe real reaion. 'Itm'ii'i reply will robiblr iry lo Ihrow lha blame on rltalB. , , : . ' SJ, Meaawhlte. the Ilrillih eablnfl ml met oiieaalbir (u dlicuia. repaa««L,tev Uoai, bui .tbe quwllon .ot hoatlllll^ lh Ih^Near Kaat probably waa lakan 1 neporl* from'Alh'ena.aald Qreece hdlerea war with iho Turka Inerll- .jbio;. ., ;DBAFT E7ADE&. BEROpOLL ! i' I S . NOT ■BAUJNO; TO - U.’ ;B. ^ : nEnLW-I)M.'‘M - O w e 'r CieVeian'd IK? IUerKdo)l,^iirlean draft.arader. haa .t p “C S > 3 K d 'i « h h ’aaId ^ iTs rfpenl Chrlatmaa liere. ': do; I U-.waa' rdcoBllr.. reportfd; Iti lhe me ^Dnlted'.BIaler ihai'Uergdoll wai'.*n-' wl( loul* lo 'Ami'rlca aboard'a alaoiuer eoi which wilt dock ahorilr at a .Pacine ' .1 PdP. ThIi'n^j«tdJia-iraioa.the W va«el ln Ihejflaguliaot fl aailor,.' . Uo KANSAS- DIKT.. rAllURIl UnbEn - - ulu I m t K£UE11AL JlBHIinVI! aUAIU) or ; ' ’WASHiNQTokto'Ci'-bec. ' j V. II. Chappell, t o e r ot Kiaiai, * todir • wu'reeommendill lo J'rwl- dent Kardlngifor.appolnUnant to the - { federal raienre><.board.-. Ilepreiinla. ; ' III* 'Campbell, .JUniai,’ .Inlrodueed ‘ ' Chappell lo .t/ia proaldoBt' at lha ' - ssis^ffa-sissoi ‘dirt tam er” to mambarihip ot tlia ',\l board.- .. ‘ . .Wl O^IBITIpN I [ j m -- ------ ------------------p ----- New York’s Coal ' j ‘ Supply Dwindles 1 ^ ' NKW vyiiViii'.'.. :r-Npn i ' v.irk’i. ri.;il >U|>|>I)' lo .11 Itto i!n)>' >ti|i|i;)' HI n l>!lii:iril !' liowltil iiriT lh« diy imlay. . I'licl <iihiilnl.iir4ll<iii odii'lKln : I - riUiimi.'il Ill.l rrnrvu loiiiiar.i' *J llllilnlltiitririo ilM lwi..ill. Cl,r,iiil [ lima, ilunilrcili n( (rnniiviii* | hail iirmllclllly nnly. n fuu' d.iy» lupply .111 •tmnil.' i , A mull MUK kllk-il nml .m<>ilnrr ' liijiirt'il In ucvjil.'ninl iUlrlili-.ili(> | Klorui. Ii'i:r>'. Til* liufflcmi« ilwi l-Ivwlii frcmi (tie >ci unrki'il Htll in.lii)umr« nil I.miK lilati'l >ounil, C3 l i o i i i o e E i P R S w i i :;piyfuii[| ■'w-ArtlllXliTO.\-. IK-r. W-'iAn.Irili-t'-’!!'' Klc ilrhr l>y lhe (mlrial .iiuiii in . , iTi'an^ “‘i|,*l'''t,!uf*fi'» Jng .nmvri'ilim* krrp i«n-g wlili n r -l|‘‘,'| rri.111 , iiri,tliabU' .will l iltin' wit nt lH»j , ' iimrenincrta unw li'.ilne iK-lit-Ji^D.ili--1 ttte„li J(lNllr.'« Tntl,! eriir Ha'uKheriy’ unit 'frdi-r,n1 dri'Uli.i'V' .V 'A iihB Ilrat,mon-111 il.o-WimiulKn. , ' I’rtraldeni llardluR.linK aiiirtiil lu'Itli!' , lhi> ;j-JudtiMhlp»,wlili'li ar- im»' vn-.'T cnntl .kluit'nl ini\ite vai'ani'li-n ar.-lt! i>moflc thd :4.aUdlllQiial Juilsi'i <'rv-!7/’ aitd br cnnRra« . laat'aummer .uiwc- . laliy’lu liandli- liquor caiei. Thrra ne* Ijudgf* wera.nimed ya»i<irrtay. . ^ I It'the'lcderal court can hiilam'F ^ jihelp’dockeno Ihe polnl where thrr ;J'|| :ai other elamta .AI wark I: It leli here tbat'lhn rwiult illll'tW lrlficr i,' inlnrcemanl of lha dry lawa anil mori' ,»evere panalllei fop, ylolatora. ^ '''J NARCOTIC RING «' TO BE PUNISHED i’" . r.','.— r - ::■■■' :■■■ ■■■..' ha I ' I.OB AXaKWa' Cal., Dec. 29.- Rrltleiiee of a concrete, nature In . onnneetlnn Vllh the "hither, apa" In i Ibe nan.-olle'rlnpi o f Hollywood and a|| I.oa Angilea.'fii.lB'Ihe lUiidi: ol Unl- mi led etaiial 'Ulatrlet-.'Wtbriiej' -'Joe ,i( nurke, ll .WON ' lear^loday.. : pin A men we really wanl." and betluved Ihat'be wilt ^noii'.hate.iiBOUKh eil- , donee-10 ptaee umter nrreai.tTirtaln • men'in Hollrwoo'il'^iid U ^’.AnReW . . wl(oie prominence wlll ainrile the vllur?o h u bwn' ln cotilefeaco with ,og Ed Roberii.'author of- ‘'The SIm' of enr Hqllrwood," ai'Volume jOf , iplcy aiorlai ot-ih* morla colony.who li o,t uhder ladlclmenl fnr alleged-lalme a. of'rltie.malli'ln.dlitrlbuUne.Iba book, nbu!<,'Iirc. MrT«o more III* Irith rebel prl<«nen vrn eieral. ' ed -loday 'In'UIkfUBy JaiL T he. nfn,;w)iB''i«*e,niiB fnann 'of •_ — r>r ; _ nia IliPpi H0.STON, J)epl;5{LT^Tbr«*’ men". lo^l ibalr;ilV*rbere aiul tear wpa ,'J" , feiriofVafair’ot'aitiall'cnn oft lha;ed!bil Bi' ihe reiall of a.ironh-’ ea'it tile'-ahd ihowilurm ’which "'T, • haa’-ragwl ■•over, ■ NeW',' Eniland ItatH’ for biurii. ;. .1 t •, ':''8tr»ei: rtllWiy tralflc here waa | erlppled''nndittllroada had Olftl- ciilfr; la malyglnlng le fflce. ’^ ^ NBW .YOnk. -Deft '2».-FI»e ahlpa ► '’K a n In-dlitfwi n’n iho'Atlaatlc roaii. f v manr olhtn’-iin otcrdiie, awrea are ^ lield In. porl' iint)ble lo reniure uut. tiin' ^ b iu rd dlli«'''liri'.ahealhod'In Ira 'nui and'flfa" penoM* nno known .lead, < '< ' Ihe’.i^Blt ot'gnlea'whtch raged dur* '“I ltig'lhe lMt>« houra’ . The weather fr« w»a' -clearing '.todar i’and' the wind ^ ^ g o n e down. CO mllea otf Polnl A n'S 0 's'-wai' receUed from the i|] M.'^en,-NorfoV^- lo Doiton. whlcfi wu'pirUr5wiitir*1(>aed.'The ateam* [-;. er>.&’Bltl^'^;iiM'f w u;.-ubore.olt 5tt^^,"YorLi,V/rel*M*d*:Vi i’i®> ••'to -IS l^edBla.ilBcilndlvv.W: 'Cuiiartlir Dar«ggi^^^i;tf..WB« .;;-K ''T b '^ iM M ' w*^:Uilkria-.ij«'# eiiUBd)^b«t* tb* laib-rMOhtd.^a' ''ilr mm .dCD w xra-iio. ».; iiraifl Cilice cf Mosaic .DiMnsB Has letn bl.conr.d wm' S&vu Millions of l)bllars to~ : Oren-c«;or PofalOM, Tomatoe*,'; rLetluco,-Clover; Bean' and ,To-! . ;bacco.' -CSHIMUIlniK, n.;.-,-:!l-TIifl------- isiuii- iiC l)ir..M(isil' .llai'niii-. A'lili'h ilv.. . nlnij'* ni'urly no ju-r im i of ih»'cin’ in... - . iry-a piiniin, i')iii>. nml »'rcaka hnt'oit ' 1)1 Ihn Uilllaiu. liilllt.ii. (', btBU wiajjiiiiiKi'ii’miiii, hll' lu'.iii illn.-m-, I Aiuiiiiiiii rTiinul Ilf Ihl- (llncnrcry,* *, wUUIi, II U';ivr-n'l|m.lli-il, nill MVO Ihl) fiirini-rti of ilii-Viiiiniry hunilred*..ut iDlllliino ol ilulhirii, »vai lurnt.-liy l)r> - Ilny’ .............. . thl- llr.:»'.ir.;iiy ' .it Mirlilrnn In Hir ...... «'f lh.i Amrr- .’fiin Ai>oi'l;ilit)» f<ir Ilir i\<lvallifUiriit of .>!i% ’cil.'i', ' !. ^ iV ' • Dr, .S'('I.uii «;ili1.lhal Iir Imd found’ jiirirr'lonr liirmile,ii!oii ilial a one- irll unlinit'of ihr ly|ii- knOwii .10 U7knl!.r|<< IK n horir>in;iu causea lho UoMlr .ll>cii«i- uhii'li hsa Iw li ;>ni) ' Ilf ihp'Janiim - Bri-nli'«l cnL'm'lia. The i-iilnial la alKinl iwn ili<nia:indlha o( an Inrh iu;ie, hr luld. . ' . ’ Appluiino hroke Ininr vhcn Pr. Nel- ' ftn anmiiinied hii ilIii-nTory BiuUbe— — irlbniu rvnithni lla iKilctit wlitn fae i.hufcil liy Uulcm illdr a mlcroacoil-, l^.pUntiigraph.flf llle Unyt aBlmol, «tiMi fnr jvari liaa wrousht dwinic-.. 'Having Xriiu-'re.l'Tli^' cauie 'lit ' -.fiK'ili','tillejne. . meani nf i-nntrulllng ■ II vltl ba .lertfloped' rapldlyi 11 waa i'railic'tfil, > , " HAII.UI IIKIIMIAIIIIT ' - • WJU, MJT Al'PKAR,; . I’All'lS, Ike. SJ—Sarah' D«rnh«rtl”' ': qlthoiitli reporled ,u'.."beiterfvbr ', Mieudania loilay.- hai sIriQ ... .4 appearing, lu Hadia.aultryii' sew:; r- - lilny. IC.wftn iMrtied;lpday..'.ji',|,V,;,V A nhoilrW aisM ^ : ’^ * ^ 'M<OT|8:;Pacl£ihg' i CillCAOO. I>ec.'$9.~Arnn«ra^Bla ‘ ' mailo for Oio iraniter of Uorrli aad r - company, pifkeri, lo. J.. OgdiflaAr.,. muur wem tuundTiitlifaclorK a i.i cunforcnce nf Armour'wllb rjitliOa ' •• A. and Edward. Jlorrla. Til* enilre deal wu gone ovlir,’aV‘ ' Ibtl meeting of Ihi lhn* prlneW i • “ the lecond held alfic* tbe-'iutt'of ’ :/ iirgoij^ona _ for^ the';aal#;-, ie*e;»l-: . ' Arniour-a plan 'ot pnrmen’t, ^ 'tb* ■ ' .' \ tno.cno.ouo pnrrhaaa price-wbi'.'obI.''-,'-;, lined lo the Morrla brathen and da^'' i:lared by them to meet'Ihelr rw lr* - ‘ ; L,vini:« OMllK WnSIDLB - ■ * ‘-i KMl'IlIK APPEAR^,:pmER' -.IifriVEll. Dec. .rt-Ti'io‘- lid lii\if^ V ^ lhe Inrlaltile Enipir*." Baecr«t‘^Ir^a•^.v.M tailoii, hsa lieen formed.'ln W anr;'- 11 Wll rojwrltd lodir. 'KlBo .’woft'en aileaiM n ic«rel’mie(Inil'liafa''jiti>''.<' L Irnlay where thif.p'iir’poiw;dt‘< h e « o r . f ^ i” ")” ^rmMnberihlp-'dlWrlbUli^^^^^ Kiil< hefldqimri«f»”orHI*;l(6dr''.'',V arc_ wld iQ.Iwldiporfllnd,;^ ^ ,^ :^ ^ irtiiiffiiiiil

Transcript of vir.Y m mm - Twin Falls Public I...

J S IV 9 L yM K 5;;N in iyE H .2a

I SSsnator H i^ 'Jo h n so n B ittolr AmUf.Pormw'.'.Oolleagn# yhio I

•' Fo'ngh't: yrith; E i m . i ^ u t ' the ’ •liagdo . o t ,'V tU ont; 'Jo ia n u S » ^ ioodJ’rP lM Worto Than .,

fy ■ Lja^ne ofi'Natleni. ; '

WABHINOTON, 1).: C.. D»c. *».-. nimrljr:,iud.*«rc#»ticallT,Mi»lUng ‘

Senator D«rah' aiia::M(.'propoul tar ,I iworld »conomlo.'conler«n(;«:. 9«nii- ’

■ . tor inrak'^JpbMpn; CAlirornlt. In-ft > .iiptMli la Uio''una(« lo>UVchurstO ; ttit''OorahV.pW ,wai laUi»:in]erHl I

: « ti tbt.-lnleraiiaoDil^lMoIurt. Il« ’ ilHUred ho, wouW-. rathw » » th« • ,,

■ ;unltrt.flUlM ,lR 'ilhi U muo ot Na: ] •itaaiUIitn-lB-iiucn a contercnco ai< , B f l « l i l , m i M U ! L , : n ijun t ta 'fqre! Jnhuion; Martc^ Ii(« :

' ip p i ^ , .B^tulcir Durtdmr-Kow Mez>- left.'lnlroducodi.'ii.,rttoluUoii'. tpr a

loid o t 'S irW IIIo n d o lla n fio O n- m u r i 'to 'b o o i ^ ln-purohMtnx farm . pnlducta.‘ ..lmpl«tnM i*. l n i ,

■thil conhtrr.- -n>o*1oati *M l'b« i». ■. e i^ d -b r'.a em a ir-lR d B ilrlB l lecurl*

^oKDioi'.wbo''ib«rtd' Witb' Dorsh ‘ thb le^enblp ’ot Iho Irrsconcilabtci . ta ’IhoVnibVaialnit tha'lMKUft'cor

oatot * tiirtiM oa hl«: tormar u io- ; -cUla-all tho «Bom ba' foriBtrly ro* '

aOTea-Mr-lhelr-JolBt-oppoBaBii.- Ha lB«racttt*aiclar*d Ihll.Borah wat , ,

' and oaad Oorab'a.owB'ttoRla 10 eaa> i.

V n :» B 'w i in i t ' lb " ^ r i ih 'B tn ( f n a -

' . a o o .;S i^ .> V rro n ”a°°o> ^^. ’ aU 'ihi;«nld '«ildM tltn .,«ndr. ariR-io>(l

'pli;i;'?.ud'U ^lpR;.th(..poi>^t ‘'au* oBt'

' ^ a l r if ^ V o M ^ IIa ^ ^ d ^ ^ ^ 'On! I ta 10 th* m t or » ;th a t.w a tollow imv Whal«Tff}AoBta* lh«jr‘nay nitrk.- W« Thi

. . , dktloa l»'<«iU*r>lflto’i^irdt»*’*'mail;' alron.,.«ltboot. daflnll*.and o6|«at Tbr

Id, or bkaaao ot-Uia'daauaptaUon of | r thMa'Who.Wlii not'bllndlr;ae«()C'aB<) L

■ h i i l i i L [

;asa8 s& ss» rfi'« .ll |llnctir dtrH ti.ibii nadaraUBdtBC aad r 11

.arraattmaJUa-et-apoUtt^Malaroibt :I-W, ' . <arrl«r*d:at.V'1t\’would 'bo' impoMlbU

“ •••|4'1i**jl-thB;polliletl:iiq4aUpaa-'oiit-*ot

aaub»-u^o&i«lllpr~tb*^t)arl*]r'<tA '.'.jij Jola.ln lU/agr*em*Bia and-Jaler'to ■'tt,

. BH'to^iMbat'^hor-bacame oparallrr ;i •!otbif

■' ■ ;; p


■■ «l'arM >ras:to ae l lo'bohalf of thoaa :> , ..UhplleiUdws.ebarxa^ocmaifdtraad "j-.-

•anta 'lftil'A oibfl.'''

• ■ jM m y a g K a a ?. 4 W.OOO'»o-pr««nLht» raUm han .(•.’ •

froa .to lU m orer.ifhw '.ho ja ha ^ EDIl chartad i*IUi tba two murdata.' r ' TO

' : ’M..OUiir.oBlbraakp o * btack. r t t ' A t o a d - 'd M b i i l a o ^ ’a d n ia a d r i t iiiakt

■ \ |_ '|; | Kp

[N h\' P rosppriiyP .

. R e s e r v e B i

W ABHIHOTON, p . 0 , D ec . f i r ^ y b t ta d o h ' f t 'y m o f virtio

iU b ie re m en t, the federal r e i e r r e . o f b m in e rce , in .y e v - i jn i l ona ljn l

' U o a ’i .b u i ln e i i , to d a y ’U ^ te d 'in pi f o r A o ] e r lc u i .b u i io e u in l9 2 8 . '

. . Ooipite unsettled' economic ci "cttlUei l a ' i ^ 7 '^m e iU o induitrie) JM l o t - A s iu i t ta b iu iseu n s t« . The federal. go'K efninbt,’witl

, Interest: .beatiof^dabt-of tb s ’com ^elye_ monthi.'eodlntr Docember :

— flical-iolldiixity-ferTUie-oountpr;’* ; Of.commerce claimed.;, . ..- .

' F rb d u h lo n '. la bkslo in d u itr i ’ t o . t h e g e f l e ^ , r n l e a t 'th ls titne ; b o a rd ,a tf tte d - . T u t i lo m ilU weire

't b i a 'y e a r t o n - l a i t ^ i r o n a n d Bteel j W ’(o J P 'p e r .c e n t ; p e tn le u m , 16:^ I l » p « f t o m 20 to, 30 p e r c e n t j rub ; 'p u '. 'c e h i ; b nU d l^ ;.co^ ltruc^ ,on , .'si i ce n t; b r ic l^ M p e r x e n t ; lea th e r ,. c u t . , ' 'O o ^ i ^ d l f l f ded in e s .wero ' u d . 47 ''p e r 'c e n t in a n th n d t e cm

•, .a g r lc u l tu r t l c r o p .y i 'u e i f o r 1022 • o x M o d e a 'b y 25. p e r '.cen t th e .inJa

v n lo u w ere only 17 p e r c e n t l ^ i to to l o f . m o ; ' i

Incro iedvdem and fo r la b o r t t ■ d u i t r ia l prosperi^? M d cu rtaliei ’ ' e lim lnaU d a n tto u if loym ont'. pro '

p a itff len t of- , c o m 9 ,ce' deoljired.• b e j i ^ g : > • b ec o p e 'm im lfp s t,i.:i- W tU <i<ettftbllihi9ent]i''and in thb . i- ■■ • . )■pliplp

MBaldarad'Inaftiabl*' tB 'iba tormar i m i n , «ccordlnr to .a . ab la'from ■». itbina'toihO 'D allr'B ip^M loaar:" 'rTj irormer.PranIar Vn)[ialM,.«UlonlBK ^ttnakdown ofibo UntaBpa' ooa. >h*i :ar*»M..)ui'^laIetraphcd' ihe^'Oreakr rarotuUonari’ ’ntaromidL-umlnrr** Worc* n»h«d-:to tiia Orwlc • ;;j trniy In, Thrae* and, that lha IMO ? ? Ind I l»M-'nlUtary. 'clauiia- b*'; tilled a ; o>flie colon; tu* ^^ipraareonapondt iBt'eablatL;!.' ' DLyoBlMlH dKland. Ihal lha aoilra tjrai }nek aro jl ahould ba itn l lo Tbrae* will aavlBfibnly oni-r*BlfflMX lB’Alh«Bi, tttll rh* 'um « -adrkb T«pert'(hai 'Qsn- obIj In t- Paualoa;'araik.'commander' nt mor

haa an^^lBtd, a ^ l l j r tor ijnn

rbitU'nird''XHiit)*;r-'af'nrtnr^^^' ay (0 Vwl YialMl. Ilaalbi • J ta r r -lUriBeeBHalddeiBrewerr ffortli i '

W .'^IX)ine,''D «,;3i-OTlIani 3, (•>' .♦mp,. 6S ,.pr*aIdiBl.ot tha;brew*rjr iom pahybaarlorbli BBnet'wu-tound * ’ h b t'io d talh ln :h li ottlea lodar/' ' tam p iM ha ibird membar,’o t-'tha ] ■

aa b o i brawer tamlly jo f t m ' a'.Ho- •*, •, ant d u lh i-had baen ahol twlea "nmr i hecbaart) A> ra ro lrer w u ’ toand-n t ' iU;i**t.;.Th«ra wait R O 'B ela 'o t'a i* , ilannllon.- ;v *'.Huili^Ma o iio c la l^ aald tiad .Hrt^Wer/ylnc ovar .tba 'pau ln i'o f th* i. irawarr.'Taiued a t i4,000.«0|), ■ VTho iroparttaa'ara-’now.ia tlia 'p n x « ti.6 t V l«Bldalloa.--‘ti-/i . ■ j'tiimp%'ti4har,7onniler''of th'« btiiwrr/.^an'd- a alitar.~.Mrar>EUa'.Umo tfrUht, prarioualy mat deilbVnf.# I '.- , ftqiur-nannar,:.-- .„l V . V ' .

^ C o n ^ ’X«^ay.

.&h»du1ad'to:feQy«-1nllrior^ ,''i artisaat approptliU»\bllL-vi •v 'r .j . 'N anl attaln;<$[£l(rab’H H rlB |W ■ Itl lo'r«-aaafKii:pffli«ti:itf u r r and i', larlna corpa.- f

8 6 ^ iT a ? - - .-v ;v - ; 'Couldera' Dorab!'HaelaUon :vllh a

B!a.probab 1 a . : y ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i,::

jo r.K 8PiU 8_tt**ci^^^ 'y b

C H I C A O O , ' V j \ fitr waliad tlir vord’o tthi.m w lac* - t U n Bdllb Rfckarallir.'.UeComlek nd Edward • ^ a ^ | i ^ ; > n h l ^ ' ' ? ■.V,\

iBcb d laaia ied 'm aiV iU fvvm li-lak s .'.V:lae*,-"t^lIad.hoUr.r->v¥--;Cr;:^ i‘ .'I ''

A l.l.:■ ■ TW IK FALLS, WA

^redii:ted ll 3 y F e 0 ^ a l : 3oardTodayDec. 20. — o p t i ml m ^iilo in d u t t r i i i l i |u d n iK han ica l : ^ v e .b o a i^ '. iu 'd 't) i(< 'd o p a iiia e n tly ib a n d 'f p r e c a ^ o f the n a . 1I p ted ie lin g -g rea te r p rosperity . ' • !

I3 conditions abroad and dlffl-r ie i; botb govetvoent agendcs - steady : opw ard .iW iflf. . a nvith i reduction of tbe total *<'oiintiy of 5M7,000;000 in tho ,m il,.b ia se d the way toward •' lar 7;'i-stnio^oj--the-depaTtmeDl—

itries . is increaring , c o n t r a ^ ' itne o f tlis year, th e .reserve ' tie ’e re '20 p e r cen t iM rt:'aoU ve '. ’ M l'p rp d u o U o n 'ih c re o ^ ed 'fro m ' re , S jp e r 'c e n t ; coke,'‘< 6 , ^ r ijent} p®' ru bber, 40 p e r c e tili 't iu to i, 60 . ‘JS| , . 6 0 'p e r ’:p u t; '] a h ib e r ,.3 6 p e r ' m jr , 26 p e r 'c e n t ; ' 's n ja r u 4 0 ''p e r iro 7 p e r 'c e n t ' i n b l t ^ n d u s E l coal, d n e to th e .s tr ik e s . ■ ' i 'e r ‘th e pligh t, o f the farm er; .9 2 2 ,;a c c o r^ g V to th e board,•alae-of the cropi Crop ,i l^ s than the-'re6ord breaWng

* - • hib■ i t i m ^ t e d by. increasing in.'. ‘"J died-im m igration 'p rac tically hai problem 'this W inter,'the d e . 'd. L a b o r sh o r U g u o re oven out,:-no tob ly ; in th e stee l m ills, ■ “ ®ilb. c 'dsstm otion in d u stry . - . lyf*' ■ •■■ ■ ' I lr ;

• • llib

Arbiickle will Come '; . ' '^Ba^ as Director a»; KANSAS oi'TVi Mol.'.bec: a l i - W •-•

t r ArbBckla w,lll sK hU-,naw a ta r t l;i .

r r s s t s ' Y ? # : " ' ' »-The o a ir olher corameni 11#^ woul'i J l,

mak< In regard lo il.«>m odlah waaIh a l ha .d ld .;no i ballara.-ArbBcklo iwould appear .In,.hll. torniflr-hol* on AU u,atf6an tor l o a t ilme. , ■. . .,1.

D^ftVEIi KOHDiPRANai m i . i

:. D BN V En;'T)«c..-'ttllTha ••DenVir

tail torco'otmen'afWroparallnir.wllh i iDBlr ft-amall, tore* tor'tha lail -IS in , monihi.-Emonr:'Aflon,-.l«sl tnanager,- *at<linnauBcwt lodar. ;.'V fedi

! I / • ■/llJAHO W B A T im ' • aat r~ T ff iI ih T ra -a d '“ 6 a l im l i r f a f F ! " . T

) A H 0 ,i® B A 5 ? D ic iS

Millioni. of j l l i ^ . A n Pledged S i D efeat 'iwUce and Protect ll

L aw lesnesr t t i«(d tlana lo v n r C •MayoT W iir fi? t 'A ii 'to Prevent I

E xtradiU oD ;|‘_,', ' .s

Mcn iio u a i;'£ f , uce. tcii< i arat Rniiiil iurr-« K'u tln i cn<n)unlrr {{rl wllh booded m«W. .won u tli'ioo'.iu- ili>dfl)-. , -. ,J • • cll).

With torir-tlr^'tiien undi-r Kuru-ll- <-a1 lanc* and tli* ,araieVr .'|>urniiinillni: uin

I&ObrisoUH flVh b« ■'(MrV-'to ^ibe'depininvni ut luiilce i.i nr< \Vftablu|tbh;*i^rar,optrnilvf* urtm v*r«adr-'lo 'rellfe'tfdar wllllo alula' of. .lo tielala tiok'up M .la ik at amaaliliiji i|i.- lerroHtt banda ■ira'.rcilurliit; pearo. it> :'8iaio oltitiaiinn'aubceil ther were

raadr lo mako;5(ihpleiwlo urrwla lit rw peradna.WollfUM lii>nte»»loni ut |||« lwofli«n^of;.lJ6abUek tnaak«l inol. i j whlcn'klllFd:Wa(M)anlcti.and Tliom- M nifliifrfJ Vv l l.'afiw airw

E n g l i » h - ; D K m ^ S a y s rill

P r b l U ] y . i H |n M t C ! ; i S ; :!o. F a i l u r e

. i r n v M . n ir i ’wiiaoii ui«Stuart •or;,DlrmlRbi{n...En*tahd. In I'* lha tJnllid.BlalUUjaMiUsjile pro- dli hibltloq,'w Ulljioan^ retar br

nenvar: be ii’.coftlBfed ihat pcablW. tlon ia a mU^oini;F|Ka retan oplr to l|rl ou r.”aioTa’ter,'mUbIllbn'' or "cui- | i Unit dowri-eC.'Ui^ liquor irattlc"- mei . SUart,' ai^glnllnaU' trlcBd nt -U’ui- iloi

aytooi-:.JobnionJibMk hla haad ud - th

Sand^V.rroblblUod: hai‘lallod to'inako T

“ “ “ “ jilniiMT 8W ii am in E w , ^

,-.i)BN,VUi;;i>e^'!»-rKedenl AxenU \- MDtU^ad^-whBi toai .parKipi th* i H5l*1>e«’ ^

late rHi*nlar;i ThoTiim'waa-toaall (fO' Ofl th* IloberlWcCnrl ranch.' A quan- | A Iltr ofmaahiaBd flplihed:ll<iunr wn* ipeblao W|Md.V- ...i . . ' . .. j l :

A u t d S a l iB s m a n ’s : '* v Q e a f e ’ I n v e t t i g a t e d m

' L o u r 'sv iu i . K r; T>*<: S»-InTeiH- ^ .Itallon oMhaiUrlnc-ot^Oacar Hlaek. KACi 'automobll* uM n)a^ In lha’betl- ; iro6m'ot.Urf.'OUira'JoB*a.'proiir dU ! 'roroea', Chrlaimai er^ waa’ bettia br : ^a connart ]orr hero lodar. ' V.< Mra.:jonaa deeiarad ibftHhot Dlock ^In la lt datanaa;. Ho-alUckqad ber, aha deniold; becanie-ho teared aha tediredt a'r«condl!ailon’wllh1banYonner (lutiuabasd, Charlei !r..Jonta ot Clncln^ Chaaatl • ' ■ WbrTli* ibooiloc tolloweaTlavUU^F a<xi3hansa ot Cbrlitmu pmenla between “,dliBUck and Mrs. Jonei.: ,, - ■■ . bw


vir.YSMBER 29. 1922. ' 'pPEFACf^:p iip :

B ritiih '0 |d > in e t |: ;H d il i , Special IM ie tltip jd - ljo m id e r i'NMr- E a i t ;O rites; E u rope S tands a t C ro ii JR oads of- Peaoo o r 'W a r ; L a u . i

.sanno Conference M ay F a il.

I.ONIM).S. P»c. M.-S'lielfliB ot l1»i j. tJrlHiih raftlHft <oilar, <wMn«llil>' fo L iliiL-iii- rfjiarillnHi, wax- liBllPvnl ; dun l:i » Inrsi- meoiure In lho rrlll- Ml n e * ea .l. Iltuatlon, whero war ulntHls onte more lonined,. Ilritnlii' plnurra the ' Uii>ann>’

in r le r-n a -im -llie »er*«-ot-#B illi- - •avoldaljle; .b rak . Naral iiollelro Mere uiidcniwiil in be’ Bmler dlicui- - lion, tolluwliig the liiirrled ordaN iii • 111.-' JleailurraiiMn fleet, to Mocee.l — lt> ih r’.BiralU, . .,. ,• ■; '■ ' ,

tMrnpn Imia}',' alooil. at th f .ero»i*. ', nnili, oil" path Iracllns tu «ar. lu llie NVar &»i; lha gJief'Wf Pence.'. ™ ,l4in'.atine I’eafa^iadey.-'ltMltat#,*. J’„'J "■(ho Laiiaaiine roBlereiico wa* ,aui. rrf lienUed whll» Uinel I'ailin. rhlrt iiT uu llir 'Turklih .lelfioltmi, •preiinVeil ,h iu'< rrlll)-la .Itie allK-i) ilvmand lhut^lio ,ri TurkR prrnili luiernallaiial' courbi juo III. which M»e» lurntrlBl furfllcnjim . . wouia l<i- trlPil. ; . , |.„;'Tlicu\ waa nn olirlntin ettnrl (in i]n:

llie pan uf alil» In make II appear vm Uiat Turktnh ubmiiuicr. oa Ihli pulni i,tn Ih relponalble 'tor Ihe Inipendlnc att dliruptlaa ol thn cbntireoce. vrhlla u]] lamel deiIrM llie world-to.'bolleTe tud tiiat llrlllih lirred^tar th e . ricb , Moiul olt baalo In '..Muopulamla li .J, tbe real reaion. 'Itm 'ii'i reply will

robiblr iry lo Ihrow lha blame on rltalB. , , • : . ' SJ,Meaawhlte. the Ilrillih eablnfl ml

met oiieaalbir (u dlicuia. repaa««L,tev Uoai, bui .tbe quwllon .ot hoatlllll^ lh Ih^Near Kaat probably waa lakan

1 neporl* from'Alh'ena.aald Qreece hdlerea war with iho Turka Inerll-.jbio;. . ,

;D B A FT E 7A D E & . B ER O pO LL ! i ' I S . N O T ■ B A U JN O ; T O - U.’ ;B . ^

: nEnLW-I)M.'‘M -O w e'r CieVeian'd IK? IU erK do)l,^ iirlean draft.arader. haa .t

p “ C S > 3 K d 'i« h h ’aaId iTsrfpenl Chrlatmaa liere. ': do;I U-.waa' rdcoBllr.. reportfd; Iti lhe me

^Dnlted'.BIaler ihai'Uergdoll wai'.*n-' wl(loul* lo 'Ami'rlca aboard'a alaoiuer eoiwhich wilt dock ahorilr a t a .Pacine ' .1PdP. T h I i 'n ^ j« td J ia - ir a io a .th e Wva«el ln Ihejflaguliaot fl aailor,.' . UoKANSAS- DIKT.. rAllURIl UnbEn - - ulu I m t K£UE11AL JlBHIinVI! aUAIU) or ;

' ’WASHiNQTokto'Ci'-bec. ' jV . II. Chappell, t o e r ot K iaiai, * todir • wu'reeommendill lo J'rwl-dent Kardlngifor.appolnUnant to the - {federal raienre><.board.-. Ilepreiinla. ; 'III* 'Campbell, .JUniai,’ .Inlrodueed ‘ 'Chappell lo .t/ia proaldoBt' at lha ' -

s s i s ^ f f a - s i s s o i‘ dirt ta m e r” to mambarihip ot tlia ' , \ l board.- .. ‘ . .Wl



m-- ------ ------------------p - - - - -

New York’s Coal ' j ‘ Supply Dwindles 1 ^

' NKW v y iiV ii i '. ' . . :r -N p n i ' v .irk ’i. ri.;il >U|>|>I)' .U lu lo

.11 I tto i!n)>' >ti|i|i;)' HI n l>!lii:iril ! ' liowltil iiriT lh« d iy imlay. .

I'licl <iihiilnl.iir4ll<iii odii'lKln : I - riU iim i.'il Ill.l r r n r v u loiiiiar.i' *J l l ll i ln ll t i i tr ir io i lM lw i..ill . Cl,r,iiil [ lima, ilun ilrc ili n( (rnn iiv iii* | hail iirm llc lllly nnly. n fuu' d.iy» lupp ly .111 •tmnil.' „ i ,

A m ull MUK kllk-il nm l .m<>ilnrr ' liijiirt'il In ucvjil.'n inl iUlrlili-.ili(> | Klorui. Ii'i:r>'. Til* liufflcm i« ilw i l - Iv w li i frcmi (tie >ci u n rk i ' i l Htll in.lii)umr« nil I.miK lila ti'l >ounil, C3

l i o i i i o e E i

P R S w i i:;piyfuii[|■'w-ArtlllXliTO.\-. IK-r. W-'iAn.Irili-t'-’!!''

Klc i l r h r l>y lhe (mlrial . i i u i i i in . ,iTi'an “‘i|,*l'''t,!uf*fi'»Jng .nmvri'ilim* krrp i«n-g wlili n r-l|‘‘,'| rri.111, iiri,tliabU' .will l iltin' wit nt lH»j , ' iimrenincrta unw li'.ilne iK-lit-Ji^D.ili--1 ttte„li J(lNllr.'« Tntl,! eriir Ha'uKheriy’ unit 'frdi-r,n1 dri'Uli.i'V'

.V'A iihB Ilrat,mon-111 il.o-WimiulKn. , '

I’rtraldeni llardluR.linK aiiirtiil lu 'Itli! ' , lhi> ;j-JudtiMhlp»,wlili'li ar- im»' vn-.'T cnntl .kluit'nl ini\ite vai'ani'li-n ar.-lt! i>moflc thd :4.aUdlllQiial Juilsi'i <'rv-!7/’ aitd br cnnRra« . laat'aummer .uiwc- . laliy’lu liandli- liquor caiei. Thrra ne* Ijudgf* wera.nimed ya»i<irrtay. . ^I It'the'lcdera l court can hiilam'F jihelp’dockeno Ihe polnl where thrr ;J'||

:ai other elamta .AI wark I: It leli here tbat'lhn rwiult illll 'tW lrlf ic r i,' inlnrcemanl of lha dry lawa anil mori' ,»evere panalllei fop, ylolatora. '''J


. r.','.— r - ::■■■' :■■■ ■■■..' haI ' I.OB AXaKWa' Cal., Dec. 29.-Rrltleiiee of a concrete, nature In .onnneetlnn Vllh the "hither, apa" In iIbe nan.-olle'rlnpi o f Hollywood and a ||I.oa Angilea.'fii.lB'Ihe lUiidi: ol Unl- miled etaiial 'Ulatrlet-.'Wtbriiej' -'Joe ,i(nurke, ll .WON' le a r^ lo d a y .. : pin

Amen we really wanl." and betluved Ihat'be wilt ^noii'.hate.iiBOUKh eil- , donee-10 ptaee umter nrreai.tTirtaln • men'in Hollrwoo'il' iid U ^’.AnReW . . wl(oie prominence wlll ainrile the

v llu r?o h u bwn' ln cotilefeaco with ,og Ed Roberii.'author of- ‘'The SIm ' of enr Hqllrwood," ai'Volume jOf , iplcy aiorlai ot-ih* morla colony.who li o,t uhder ladlclmenl fnr alleged-lalme a. of'rltie.malli'ln.dlitrlbuUne.Iba book,

■ n b u !< , 'I ir c . M rT «o more III* Irith rebel prl<«nen v r n eieral. ■ ' ed -loday 'In'UIkfUBy JaiL T he.

■ nfn,;w)iB''i«*e,niiB fn a n n 'of

•_ — r > r ; _ nia

IliPpiH0.STON, J)epl;5{LT^Tbr«*’ men".

■ lo^l ibalr;ilV*rbere aiul tear wpa ,'J" , feiriofV afair’ot'aitiall'cnn oftlha;ed!bil Bi' ihe reiall of a.ironh-’ ea'it tile'-ahd ihowilurm ’which "'T,

• haa’- ragwl ■•over, ■ NeW',' Eniland ItatH’ for biurii. ;. . 1 t •, ':''8tr»ei: rtllWiy tralflc here waa |

erlppled''nndittllroada had Olftl- ciilfr; la malyglnlng le fflce. ’ ^

NBW .YOnk. -Deft '2».-FI»e ahlpa ►'’K a n In-dlitfwi n’n iho'Atlaatlc roaii. f v manr o lh tn ’-iin otcrdiie, awrea are ^ lield In. porl' iint)ble lo reniure uut. tiin' ^ b iu rd dlli«'''liri'.ahealhod'In Ira 'nui and'flfa" penoM* nno known .lead, <'< ' Ihe’.i^B lt ot'gnlea'whtch raged dur* ' “I ltig'lhe lMt>« houra’. The weather fr« w»a' -clearing '.todar i’and' the wind

^ ^ g o n e down. CO mllea otf Polnl ‘

A n'S 0 's'-wai' receUed from the i |]

M.'^en,-NorfoV^- lo Doiton. whlcfi wu'pirUr5wiitir*1(>aed.'The ateam* [-;. er>.&’Bltl^'^;iiM'f w u;.-ubo re .o lt

5tt^^,"YorLi,V/rel*M*d*:Vi i’i®> ••'to


l^edBla.ilBcilndlvv.W : 'Cuiiartlir D a r « g g i^ ^ ^ i ; t f . .W B « .;;-K

' ' T b ' ^ i M M ' w*^:Uilkria-.ij« '# eiiUBd)^b«t* tb* laib-rMOhtd.^a' ''i l r

mm.dCD w x r a - i i o . » . ;

iiraiflCilice cf Mosaic .DiMnsB Has l e t n b l . c o n r . d w m 'S&vu Millions of l)bllars to~ : O ren-c«;or PofalOM, Tomatoe*,';

rLetluco,-Clover; B e a n 'and ,To-! . ;bacco.'

-CSHIMUIlniK, n.;.-,-:!l-TIifl-------isiuii- iiC l)ir..M(isil' .llai'niii-. A'lili'h ilv.. . nlnij'* ni'urly no ju-r im i of ih»'cin’in ... - . iry-a piiniin, i')iii>. nml »'rcaka hnt'oit '1)1 Ihn Uilllaiu. liilllt.ii. (', btBU wiajjiiiiiKi'ii’miiii, hll' lu'.iii illn.-m-,

I Aiuiiiiiiii rTiinul Ilf Ihl- (llncnrcry,* *, wUUIi, II U';ivr-n'l|m.lli-il, nill MVO Ihl)fiirini-rti of ilii-Viiiiniry hunilred*..ut iDlllliino ol ilulhirii, »vai lurnt.-liy l)r> -Ilny’ .............. . thl- llr.:»'.ir.;iiy ' .itMirlilrnn In Hir ...... «'f lh.i Amrr-.’fiin Ai>oi'l;ilit)» f<ir Ilir i\<lvallifUiriit of .>!i%’cil.'i', ' ! . iV '• Dr, .S'('I.uii «;ili1.lhal Iir Imd found’

jiirirr'lonr liirmile,ii!oii ilial a one- ir ll unlinit'of ihr ly|ii- knOwii .10

U7knl!.r|<< IK n horir>in;iu causea lho UoMlr .ll>cii«i- uhii'li hsa Iwli ;>ni) 'Ilf ihp'Janiim- Bri-nli'«l cnL'm'lia. The i-iilnial la alKinl iwn ili<nia:indlha o( an Inrh iu;ie, hr luld. . ' . •’ Appluiino hroke Ininr vhcn Pr. Nel- '

f tn anmiiinied hii ilIii-nTory BiuUbe— — irlbniu rvnithni lla iKilctit wlitn fae i.hufcil liy Uulcm illdr a mlcroacoil-, l^.pUntiigraph.flf llle Unyt aBlmol,«tiMi fnr jvari liaa wrousht dwinic-..

'Having Xriiu-'re.l'Tli^' cauie 'l i t ' -.fiK'ili','tillejne. . meani nf i-nntrulllng ■II vltl ba .lertfloped' rapldlyi 11 waa i'railic'tfil, > , "


I’All'lS, Ike. SJ—Sarah' D«rnh«rtl” ' ': qlthoiitli reporled ,u '.."beiterfvbr ', Mieudania loilay.- hai sIriQ ....4 appearing, lu Hadia.aultryii' sew:; r - - lilny. IC.wftn iMrtied;lpday..'.ji',|,V,;,V

A n h o i l r W a i s M ^ : ’^ * ^

'M < O T |8 : ;P a c l £ ih g ' i

CillCAOO. I>ec.'$9.~Arnn«ra^Bla ‘ ' mailo for Oio iraniter of Uorrli aad r - company, pifkeri, lo. J . . OgdiflaAr.,. muur wem tuundTiitlifaclorK a i . i cunforcnce nf Armour'wllb rjitliOa ' •• A. and Edward. Jlorrla.

Til* enilre deal w u gone ovlir,’aV‘ ' Ibtl meeting of Ihi lhn* prlneW i • “ the lecond held alfic* tbe-'iu tt'o f ’ : / iirgoij^ona _ for the';aal#;-, ie*e;»l-: .

' Arniour-a plan 'o t pnrmen’t, ^ 'tb* ■' .' \ tno.cno.ouo pnrrhaaa price-wbi'.'obI.''-,'-;, lined lo the Morrla brathen and da '' i:lared by them to meet'Ihelr rw lr* - ‘ ;

L,vini:« OM llK WnSIDLB - ■ *‘-i KMl'IlIK A P P E A R ^ ,:p m E R '

-.IifriVEll. Dec. .rt-Ti'io‘- l id l i i \ i f ^ V ^ lhe Inrlaltile Enipir*." Baecr«t‘^Ir^a•^.v.M tailoii, hsa lieen formed.'ln W anr;'- 11 Wll rojwrltd lodir. 'KlBo .’woft'en aileaiM n ic«rel’mie(Inil'liafa''jiti>''.<' L Irnlay where thif.p'iir’poiw;dt‘< h e « o r . f ^

i” ")” ^rmMnberihlp-'dlWrlbUli^^^^^■ Kiil< hefldqimri«f»”orHI*;l(6dr''.'',V

arc_ wld iQ.Iwldiporfllnd,;^ ^ ,^ :^ ^irtiiiffiiiiil

. ' f A a i ;T W O .» -

M n . p . T. Bnneo, S o d r ty 'B

' P i ili In Ike (’MUln-OM cf lhe V tl.riliippiNt amunf the bolMajf inalra ■>« In T»1 4' ChrinmM pirijf *l««o by Joo ary fitSeiTM »l W» hoBB la tin wuiitry un wlll i>

, Tbormlay m tila i. Tli« »iir»ellr« Atiinim ilMfii' Uoiuft WBI <Jecartt«<l in Oliritt* t 'K ry OiBi K m ai, «llb rtd cindin udilliiR xlvcn

. lb . tUff cfrttl. ' n « xu«ili uioiartd cIiurv ' w l ia^ths «*rlr cr*nlnf and th< tlu> >nd ili ' wi» i»ra( lUuclne. Tbrouitbutii iba iKal n

' ivMtPi punch, vaa airred and lalff lilr.ixlt■ SMMl-’wa* im UIkJ br Mra. Irlrnd.

UonMdilteOltaii In iBrvlDi rUlKUblo lililpi.lfijM t:.' Afler tb . dinc. Iha « lif O tM ildiu'lweiM a Hihieil, lb* oilier Cari.r

• llrtta*<»il|i«ulihf<J, ami «T« fn- from Ia happr Haur alDdnic lii ilia

rtBdla j/lht. Tb»rtw«rf fotimuMU. janl^^t

' ‘nTna^ubara of tb . I'robyt.riai.U JB iovrr-i«* i«r «cii inni«i n ' |iU j:lo -lh« latdlnB In Iba cburrl. pa.tlpM-. Tburadar afi«rn»B. and a ,

' rauM I.nT JU*'" |

'8mltS.,»lft.-nraeli»n'an(l Mra.-Zenai »

• ■ WM:d*TOl#<I 10 Iba eliapiar uilcnnl . ’(rem(tba>iiuilr, book; tha leader. Mr*.- aniiled tir Mta.

.. »«Ba»J«l!la.''l)urt»«Th#aoelalho«r iHftiMpMnU wtra atritfd by a com-

, • ntlW»eoi5P«flJ,ol.Mr«,->',,K..nrBck- •

De^y...>lrB|,85BflHa and Mn. U F.

■;>5^#ilrii<lji,nub l l i' lliaFonBlit'htlr'clilbsBTt ;' ' ' ' 1 ptrtx.lar ihtlr huibtilda \ M

,• hMrt, '**». tppropHaltlr. ilteortltd. ■ . .'BmtstUiaelM aottbtK am tol.Iirtdxa . n

' delleloiia. rarreafamtDta w trt a tn td . '. I H. Ur^;'AHliiir.V|BMDt.«u iht.inoti . H

'IdeCHilui amosi llio ladlea and Uit 9. , teD tltiua^ prUa ««nc tt> Mr. Edvard f l

’ . i« !i» r.i;T h t'M alta war#, Mr.-and‘ Mn. ,AHliur Vlneut, Mr.'mil Mn, ^: u^ i^*V ud ir.'1»? ..;ad Mn.W . H. ^

; StdrUtTM r.. and U n. Lwnird Vln- ^. cibi,;.Sr.^iDd:Mr«K Edward Coontr, /• .V&uul Mra, Bari M l. Mr.' and Mra. W ‘ O n ^ la r a U d , Ur. and'M n. a n . ^

K i^ M Mr. and Mra. P. W. Bro- ® • S ^ h ; ;W r t ^ rtl ia Lfonard an<l:Mr. ; ^

/ ’|^ ii4 '< tt'H «n«r«d>-M n..W . D. I f l, AM U'tftB iB'Jott. California, whoi* . ■

. I'MlM ar.tUMl a t'th i bomt ot h tr • H| | t ^ t > ’Ur.-'aDd.Mn; J. a Bt^warU . m M

' . w M tba'-i'atat'of honor al h btauit* ;. . ' M t 'id^olnlad'. rnld^lar luncheon ... ' v T d lir tf ir 'b r ' MUa Rllubtih . 81|

’./'.l& M M II^t'btr.hom i In 'lbt counirr. amb«>' ;ntL 'iib«r.'id taU ;w tra'M n. Ktnron U al

;D W i’k(r|niHI. Mra. (llenn Blut Tork' 'M ^M rlilU n a u /a n d M lia a M riil t dtltg

ptIrhMfboMi'pirtr. on Thuradar ar- _ itrBbfi-ft ttoao^ ot Mn. W, D, Anm

; .'t|L--'<fti''M6 t:# a i iMtnt at bridrc.•. iw 'l ib l ta M 'ptBrtfrtnlarlnK tb»

, lotait ,p(Ur/*hlck diltclBhlt refrtili^

ftnne t j a b ^ e .Slnlh ATt-

f'v. nut eldb net on'.Wtdntidar afternoon .«(U<Jllra.,,\V.rli. Rouib ai h n l t»

. andiinanfH m tm btn pmcDi. Tl.t ’ -J)«iltU '.W ,chan(t;or Iht proxram■ io r IM'Ailtfaoon.aBd *aT« n paperon

<«r/iw ai.eviiom a’:iB rona n i» .

/ r * ^ ® S . M r » l l ^ . * S m ^ V a X l ' \ j■ ■■ InMrpXt'alU mualc lo ibt proKnm. ' • /

/.iW iV ;* " '" ’ "nd rtellclon. Wrreah- ( ’' n^n|^% raplettd tb* afiemiMfn. ^ , I

— p V i t i i e i ^ K G S s T t s i c t f i ; ‘ - f:Z'a n lia SllnlmiBry Foclotr /lljodUt church litld Ibelr ^ ------illnK Ib Ihe church parlor* ilt.all*raoon., Mn. L. JI.I I proiiratn- leader for Uie ,, h'd ib t wai aiililed br lhe I tin r a irli who appeared •" — CMtumMt er clilld wirtuwi W « .

Muilc. waa .eontribuied'hr ''m l wh6 inr* an Ineiru- y in d br Mr*. K T. Kel- ..bjbc, », I t C. Mcflulr. who plar- „

,rt!-'B.UMl.-.Mn..C. B.-,Und w«. hm- Itw ^nd Ihi.waa aa^lateil br Mn.V. ‘ „rt

. K-.NrI'.'M ill Merit Kawlln. Mn! C. „ i , , " ' A;!.VOMpiler; Mn. AMrl Kith. Mn. xiy ..q .

, Irrlii'^ tar. Mn. Mlllau Koch and Mn. '„iVi. ,

T)lnBfr” lo 'l» lil«n-A r- ji'Iyr'** nh if ttt li l i are' b tlui com|i!alnl for -HoVa* lh»8nhtiar,S«w Veardlnnertobaalv- „ i. j,,,, ( .thi local (I, A. IL Riembtri.* lhe ,L:ij|i-t\8f.lhi 0.-A, lU tht Soiii of

Mdlh' o r otm e u t r o i t n i u i i ,aii non:

^ m m sL rn: r-A LV OB D 4 MOTT ' J . '

*, .. . . . . ' *------------- ’ f

W o n i e n C a n D y e O l d ;> F a d e d T h i n g s N e w ' i n . D i a m o n d D y e s

Each’ pacliaiit of "niatnond Dyea” conlalna- dirtctlona to ilmpls anr wonun ean dra or llnl ber wom,(habbr d rau ti. iklrU, waliu, coala. ilscktnjn. iw ealtn. corerlDii, dra- ptrlM,"han(ln(a. ertrrlblne. eren it aba baa noTtr drad befort. Dur "Dla- m oad.'D yti'—no otbtr kind—iben jitrfM liomt drtlnc U lu rt htcawt Diamond Jlrta a rt luanntaed nol lo apot, radt. alrtak 'o r nin. Ttll rour

'. dn iu la t .whethir.(bft niBttrlal rou ," « tlii 'to d r t It.wool or. Illk. or ' whetbar U li linen/.collon or mixed

«»v^~A dr; ■.. .

. 'O u U 'IU M 'aRa Ckalra (trrtnU '/W «;d tlltn M d 'ca ll-(tr. rhaae >

' AU. A. JU T lnnB l t a . ■ •

-------------------------------------- -------- J

iD auBs: , COf’ Bdltor, f a m 88g.B : . . p .

erina and ibelr fajiiillco. Tlila wll | | r | In lilt Odd Kclluua hall nn JnnuIlrat Bl UUI- iiVIiirk. i:arli lainlly n f r

I plniac- l>rll)R a bnikel of lou<l. I Inna other rnnriainnieiit fraturei ] | Ic rr Illl' inuilrnl proanini wlll hr UL»v cn a t Mn. I>. M IU-kiik »M1 b« In /Re, hrr iiri'lietlru will Ire prripnt I ibe hal prrjinrrd a irrlea of mu->1 tiumbvrii lliat will Ix rtpKlally t]!uln« Kl the Illd aiilillrn and llirir nnivn■n' l - . ' . . • , • allenii

. iliroui lilts I'ard I'arir-MIiia Mlhlrrd'Itr. wlin ia Iinine for lllit holiday^ (heir.m brr achiKil In .Ball’ UkV*tlir. ,o thrrtaliK'd a nuinlier ol Irlenda ai''n VflrnUd party Inal >iieiili>s. Tht-isnfaJ irniat

Inctudtd Mlat I’nrlia AuMln. tliD jmunIIM Gladra oud Kdllli Huller and tional ■in. Oordon Krbland, Orrald Jar- R. Msrluu ilBmmoiKl und ilvrbrrt.... sr,,:;IB Women'a l'niKr«»l»» parir held lr rcRulir mcFfliiE 'yeaicrdar af- noon at lhe hJme of Mn. Jolm J»l«d iic n /U i‘<gr RBmca.wert played and lelleloua-lmicli wn* «er»cd.. Ten • U»1 nben arul iwo rumi* were prei- ™BHr , The u tu meeUuB will be Janu- ' "Iirarilie-honTrofMfinra'VellnT raWo

___________ _ Kapsn

■'NeW: Minister ■ ■ *><a

. tht • 'Thl

: knowpouOtnl■ -That


, Itl dt . known

' i t c n l >>a>

<>">< I “w t .h wlUi ’

Judleli ho let

m »'<»>M MboioK in aee

. . J f l * Itxo■ Y ' ^Oor

- Ofllclal

l ^ f l v A f r s ^ ^ f l f l ', iwiulw

Slfsor o'tiaUo Cilu£l,'.raKUU . mbauadtr to ' tb t 'United BUtti, “ " ‘"I' f ^ b in arrlTliv; In Ntw , ork.. B« w uftM U ta m '! iltisuon ot prcdtniat luilani. . i . — and th■ - UHtli'.HANK,"

• ■ • • ' • • ■ ha 'or ' [deny, i


, . • ' Intlilbl■ \ u ■ '• 1» clill

■ L ■ ^ Tlienfi

\ \ Ilon In M flineii

' ' • - "Jodi, Mocuu:' ‘ ' ■I. BfflHtw' f J ^ ^ /A L ‘ I W 0 ? ( membe } ' quallfli

___ • >o-tlier ^ r

/ pifds#'.............. . 7 y . r-in I

youns .fcller »hoiild neter iiro- power P tu hi* inl'over ll>' tWepliiNie until to Join s aura he liai lii’ rlsht iiuiuler. up pnl. _____ _____ _ • ' . larse

M a G o o d ■ ■ . of lla

J u d g e o f L i q u o r l#rK -«lDc« a younx nuiri 'I bad a IJk- fuiitli'lor liquor and waa conildtrrd a Inlo di:y sood Judae cf li at nne Ume. . ennilanl dnvMIns mire me atom- troublt 'rblch beranie' chronic.

Itomacb rfould have been a ral- *r Bddliloti 10 a .s a a factory, of Ibton did'nul.Item to relieve me. i t MrtlUiy my dniRSlit -sni- me lo try- .camo Ir'l Wnnilerful Ilemrdr. nnd I am ruiUilaa sood na new." It Ja a ilm- ;ns mlihiirmleta prepantion Ihal rt< (t,e tiv

ra lhe cAiurthnI mucua from tht u^ncv llnal tract nnd allayi lhe In-

tomncli. liver and Inteatliial alt-' *.*':i. Inrludlns appendlclUi. Ono ,'wlll convlnm nr money re- (K. .At nil druKslata, re in i

. .Courag

. / t l - ' . '.■ . ' TJii-«e aii telephent em p l^ i hai

Ther won ihrlr amtnll aa roUewn <i«I( I ... WJUctut. ^VJmlm . la., rodt alont. a t nit

«r<rator al l>ueb1o. Col., nturaed to'dut by uilns pbsnt to call flestor and to stw

^JjcaJalt, ra., fouibt^a Ufa la Ibt ctnlral <

.....■ .TWIN F


E W S H E I i:Chnrsea tbnl .'the Ku .kTux KInn ___a eliansed lho line of. 114'pollllcal llvlilei nml la uov cenidrtd W li :cm|.lVii» Judicial olflco rouahout tlie-'tinlnd 'Biaiei 'mem- ra Will) ab'nlllhe. reiponilbU ‘.:io ilr Jiaih . lo',i|hn, klan Taihea 'than

the Ro»«rn'iiieni.'aru7.inai!t: by ' Th( imazullapRood In. iht lln l ol‘ a Woo<. :iimtIonal norlea of ortlcica In the pre>r nunrr liaue nl H eanl’a liuerna- cauae <nal masaiirie. hia oSir. llopsood promlaei lo tupport I eipoiure of theae new octlTllIea ,k . , lhe klan wlib Ilala ut namei,.doc-

tenta nud ipeJfic examplea of lere publle uftlclali liavo boen tub- " r " :ted 10 orden siren, br Ibe aulo. . llic chlefa ilf tbe orsanltaUon. •» > Joplie altemplN 'ul auppreailon lii lUr parla of Ihe counto'. niember- Ip in lhe klau la srowlnR nt t ^ , :»-or■^lore^hnn*lO.»o•wt^l(Iy,-)T^ ” T .psood declnrn. Teasa aod Ore- .R, wbert. Klan 'candldaiei. have eadr ' Biade < Ihelr appearance iu mica, are hul Ihe foreruniien dT ' ;oncerted nBtlonal effort. for which ! public mual bo on-suard.ThBl'lhe klan bai hesun lo have .eandldalea (or public oUlce I*

Bwp," dcclarei ’.Mr. Ilapsood In titiiinc Ihe imrpoae of lhe aerlea. hat K haa m en ilr orsonlted a kIbI deparinieni tor yie' pollU- 1)1. ]udse» ni\d olhrr promlneni litn i who iolu In li. la nu under- . ' >od and la tlie moil Impurtanl of dtrelopmeniR. Tht ntw dlrlalon. ' j

own-ni Iho Imperial Klan. i<l mort . . j :n t tbun the real of lhe klan aod -. 1 haa srta l .'pnlltical alsBllltanre.'' , 1 ‘Wllh .tbs'penonal conlroveniei . 1 It bnve rent, lho .kla'B.’' he'add*. ■ e .hBve’notblns'Io do, Tlie topio • ■ h which our expoiure dealt li ■ ip lr ibii-aball our'Korernment, ■ llcllt, tieeuUve-'and leslalatlve, T. le c re ir ' ' 1

iluatnllns lhe flnl arilcla U a \ ilosraph of lhe .Imperial Klan V aecrcl aeaalon. a reproduction of ' 1 tlle^ 'w rllttn hr n membtr of lhe V York branch of the klan.lo Iht lor of Iho Btarchllshi. lhe klto'i clal .newipaper,'and a reprotlue- 1 ot Ihe biadlns ot the Search- It. Ihe medium -throbsh which n of Iht klan'i prnpasamla-for. lUcal auprtmaer li atnl forth. . 'To le i tbe toree' and meanlns 'Ihja new pollllcal dlvlilaii. ii Ii ' - Miorr." Mr. Ilapiood aari. “Io ' lenlsnd.lhe blndlns nalure of lii h. lhe seneral .Idea of lecmy I' the. rapidity ot iha srowih Inuttenl? >' -r""!'"" I'-..... !'* ........ ’'-'AIn sentral, a klanamaR. m n ol

ordlBBrr'elan. Ii eipecied lo r, or enite admltilns. h li mem- * ' ’Ihlp," ho wrilei. •Thla ii made -------ler for him by an elabomle dia- •-----tlori beiween the .klBn and- lh< * lllble. empire. Illi lechnlcal Ulle I clllien'of.'lbe-liiYlalble Briplre. ' . irefore,'If he li aikeil If-he bt- — >1 to Ibe Ku Klux Klan h t (etli ' IIOI mini In anrlRS .no. Thl*.privi- Decen 1 becomea Imporlanl l( Iht <]uea- alallai I la aiktd lo dtltrmine a man’i W. M en to itrve on a Jury or lo hold Trotn iiarilcular olflce. • rtne;ludsea, district attorneyi. eltrled reiary cuUvei nul leslalalon In thla' n - ■>. U Ially a tcrtl .and protecied sraup boem; a lhe aamt oalh aa tha other Iialph nben o( lhe Klaii. in which un- Maclli lined alleslance snd obedience iKer. tlie_:lniperlaUaulbarllr.uid.the _M r. Ihla of the Ku Klux Klan srd lo T«

MnIn onler that men who extrclie ^er nilsbi (Ind ll advantsseoui n.dlili loin, Uie kibn la ae^klns lo build , pnUtlcal dnd aoclal (orce. knd a ,^1 te vt.lius ’ power.- Mr. Ilapc'ood ' lare*. “.Numben became.the baila lla efrorl-rroin the very oiomtBl , l)c«-became ita soal.— Ten dol- I • entrance fee (urnlahet tht ' III'and Ulll fund li asaln.pul ' I drlvlnR .for (iir^her membin." ^

- -■■'■__ her p

• ''Feund Antlent Cain., very auclent cvln'wai klekea tut Ibe cnund i>y a. icn-ycar-vld boy . jij.. Meofunl. »i£lau>L Tlie lad't lot «on 30 lii.ciJilaci «illi a baltered and wert Ull Illver iiinlcb nfc. lho Ild b^ Mr. ai laUiIni;. When be llfied lhe can t»e. • buy untk-eii anuiher ililny tub- Hel'

nn, and piiVe.l up a a l lv c r '^ Iht »Pe'i'll • ot a tfli-ccnt piece. On one ililt I lho impreM uf a queen'i heid ■ I on Uie oUirr ilde Uie llsuret '"L, z r Apparenllr tht Coin ii MO » ■»'»• . •________________ . und ^

j g e o u s H e l i o G i r l s R e i

( j p i I

' f l H F v ! ,

have Juit nctlved illrer mnlali and caih i Itt 10 rishl) Vtrda Itay T^nley. Freet>ori.: nlcbt. te th i next town lo stve alarm aflc

'duty a t atari ot o flood and rrtnalnni unlll Stvt iin l aid dliteilopi; ICexteb E. Weaki. ralofflct... _ ^


QUESTlONANDi!{0oniuet«d.b7 Am

'I'liin ik'imrliiioiil i* open for m r j ali'irlly confiilciitinl nml iiiiDit lie nd AiiKWcr Uox 800, i-Jirc of-T im es" vilAit to Hciiil ill th rir iii'olilciiui. iln-sa, llllly iiiitiul.-i \vill-lie jitililijilii so'tiul fi'iily eiiL-loKi!’ hltiiiiiii'd i-nvcli

Vho.lB GreatestL i v i n g A m e r i c a n uoi

T. haveThe sreiilni IlrlnR Americau •'& 'ilo|>b OOI row Wllaon. loouiy-ievcnth ibeni raKleiil of the l.'nile.l a-ilea. Ue- wai uao wlieu he n n (or suveninr n( bolb a own Riaie. nut ot. lhe &« volei.fWouiI received OS. Then iin accouni

hit sood rhnriicltr nml record of0 puhllc ncrilcei he n n fnr the l>. tildency nf < the ..United Slatei.-ihe urlns Ibr war all Urh lier preaidtai li:\(l ever bnd more Woo.

U . S . t d S e ^ i K

"Amertcsii eyM. n m ytir. maylui,vi iM'ep beauiy of Her llayal JilshntM.'tiit .Mahan wtfe of Iht MaharoVot Takart. THt MaharaiII India a moil btau^ful woman; expecla is i

, I chlldiH O L L I S T E R \ J -

' ■ " ........ ~ - sir.IIOI.I.lSTi'ni.~Tu«iday tTflnliis cember IS, lhe 'Maion* htid In- “““ llaUun ot officer*, tboio wtre: ""'J'

M.. P. I». .Baiei: tfc W., John ChM* aendly, Jr.; J. W- t E. • Uw-f le: 'Ireaiurer, A. F. Craven; ate** ary. W. l \ Kluamtytr: 8. D.. J. j,".* Unsford: J. n ,;C ls n n t P trt-

>Di; iiewnrifa, Rohen I’almcr.^nd Iph Morehouie; manhal. A.' J. ' 7 ' cDonaldi chaplaln.'A. a.'Hoii'ell: er. John nuS .-r.'H flha motored S v i , Twin Faill Wedneiday. -

>In. K. K. Ijiwreiict went to Twin VAmIII Wednrnilay on ’a ahoppine'ex- Sv,'^ Ullon.. •: " r '"1^' ■lr. qnd Mn. Hny WllllaniR.vliHed. u,^."' couniy aeal Thunday. ' kmons thn .HollliitrltM leen lo had i •In f tlU Tueaday k e rfM n /H H . 2“ .’* I. Mni..naiea.-Mr.4anil.M n-nob . ,?*!;. Trelenie. 8. J. Hull ’and Mr. and

a. F. a Uord. • ; . ■ Md IIl» Ullle Chriali.n>ien'Tl'vliltlns ’'' parenta thla wees, ir. ami Mn. A ljj. ' MaeOonald ' Hei ihl tairliimitt wli)i relatlvea In deicr: In V'an*. ' J — i-. .. rloeei iV. am) Urn. K. S.- L v 'renn-nnd iho u1 Wendell, bml .- (BMlq >lllltr itnc, re dinner s a e ti t '« ih'< home o( d jj . aii<l Mn. Kluimeyer.^Chrliimat'

lelcn nnd tlichar^ ‘T>om*roy .a rt iidlnc \hft holldayi-at ;hopit. Th,Ila* VIolel lloldermaft -ia vlalUns ^ 11,., ' aliter.; .Mn. C- U Ma«Farlsnd.1 week. '. v i„ -Ir. nml .Mn. F. U .H auril <Bter* led Mr. and Mn^'A. F..Cra;ten O'T*. i Mr.' nnd .<ln. F.' P. Dalet. aad u*e tl

. e c e i v e M e d a l s f . f o r H e r

p ’> '■ \ —

ih avarila of 12S0 larh'Tn'ni Ihe Theodtre I, Te.x., atuck to U r i«it. alone, afler a Irc iflcr lank robl>en Imd cut all lelejihone. .lel nlll lho itaiiier had iiMrd; t.l1Ilan E. Uarrr. kl. Ilaiboro, Pa., prtvcnitd a train (rom U

ANSWER BOXAnnHo Sue.) . ^,'cry one. AlL'iucriv* nrc liflld' Dd<]reu;tl t o r ‘(jucitinii nnd .

s’’ Kvcryouu ,iK eonliiilly In- I. SIrii your iinitie nii(l oil- ' liiiicil. I t .you (luiiirc 0 per- Ven vclo |ie..l- .. .

■ j

llfflcullidiitle* than \Vooilra.wr Wll- on. And If ut llill iimai»':,wiiuld ■«« 101 have'hail a 'so ^ lle ad tf then. I t VT,0 lelllus w here 'ilm ar(y"« tq ld live atopped. ' He. dally..bad new ioubii nnd (ear* hui.,braVtiy. (ousbt bem Ihroush llli al Inn. Ihe varrai over aud victory, wai' won (or " « i •olb the Unlleil Bute* anriiPreildent ‘ Voodrow Wllann. '• > ; :' s

I>. S. Wr (ailed to laen'iion who. l ! ; ' he f rilrlt In yealenlay'* paper, re- frhiS la 'il wsa Oenrnr).eonard k'ood,~Aunile Sue. ' jj,*',— I , I ; btea

i ^ a n ' B e a u t y ^ . J S

' '’fid


adml*> - Bian

• maki




MrI - Amu

S J .

u i '■' ' f i PW s w . . ' ■ ■ weree i m r . . 10 ;.13 j W ' ; . " V ^ ' . ' ;. Ch'rb

. BdW ’ • WBI

feppenuallretfeaKlnsupoa.the : '■haranee o( Takart. ahown aboVt.: n o ,,aranet. Whtf waa .eleciegrectrvUy. pSlo.vliliihlic^niry. . • . . n

------.', , • Dailldren at dinner Chrliimaa dny. workF. I', liale* wtnt to liolit'. Tuti> llm.ely, . 1, . .• ... • ' he >Mr. and Mn. J.*'W. llouioB.'en. pareiirlBlned Mr. ami Mr*. )l. Di lltail, Hon;ad Mr. ;and, Mn. Arihor. )lesmi P-Dll.children ot Wendell at..dlnner forbrliimaa day. . . , withM r.and Mn. E..R. Lawrenct and W.Illdren aod Mr.. 9ml Mrt. Joe Qort- a Ib:r and children we% dinner sueili . >111 the hohni-o( Mr. and Mn. Iloy >«odl 'illlami, Cbrlitmu day. echoi Ileubeh Illsslni went' lo Twin '>on llia Bilurday retumlns. Sunday. S, L Farley ;6chwlim,.ii( nipoo. C a t - 'Ml ■me bome''liiT%lurdny 10 tpend icndltirliima*.'- ..^ •; . 'V"----- : : cameMn. Myrlle-Weech and dnURhter J?” '’orma iptni Chrlotma* d«r In Twin “ 7,' illl, ”l ’We are having jicK^oi; In Hoilliter III' weekroRlr •otiB-dar'c.-vtyaUon. ehlld Mr. and Mr*.. J..JI.',.Tr6e'iidTn Sr.. ,, ,„ i > Jier sueait at ChH^imai din. ^om er: Mr. and Mri. J. IL Troeiidlr Mr rrnnd-ihtldrinriifd'^Mbert'TTackow Id Oaew^Peleraen. . ' ■ ' n

• J ----- . r ,,Anelei^llEflfllni'irlnB.-'

neieireh brlnsi'lo ilslli InteTMtlnt eicriiilloni of.Orenk/afld'JlumaB to.. 2^ oecii»t;lnitruiuenii.:Viiruvlui.'cltei .10 uie ot Ihd dleptra, chonliatei iini] were ater terela Iri lurtrrln ; up to lOtf A.. arid sivct drawlnei . {{

--------- Com.

' “ - j w . " ' ; _ ,.m ,Tba Deroiheum, ,kn(iwu mon (a-lllarir 01 "Aum t»nillir,".li a ilBle- Mrraed pawuihop and auction' roum lo Antelenna, where a perwn.fait'burVieU Snnd' pawn aluiuii anj ihiiicl All cliuca sir, le the Dorotheun. ' Hou*

e r o i s r i i ' i n L i n e ' , of Dili

lere S. Vpit MenioHsl FumlVor Iheir hertiim I iroi'leal hurricane and flood iud driven lh« ■..lelomi'h and lIsMlns'dmillii.Mn. Jeae irrr, m. Jixriili. Mo., nved Iwo bablei froni n Ulns wmked on a bumlnc Uidfi and As

' ' ' . ' r n r o j

I ■ I. ' ■ ■■ ' Mon

. . . A T THE. , . 7i-‘THEATRES

. . , . ■ lIlKKliril P U Y lilVEH W R H in . T«

nAiinv nr.w u u h k i,h ko^

l'onBS«frr h 'Ckarains in llU U t. wa* e.1 Fllm-Dnma “Srheul

..ZJ.iyi." ' '_ H 'e

‘The Irecile-raced morle eelebrlir.iVeiley flarrT. onco mon snee* tbe ’' •I'icreen 'a t a iunlnary In Oui Ed- *<l*'‘ward*- "6'chool , Day*.r ' which U T -iltown al the Orpheum Ihealre lodar . ind which; will-coflllnue to boihown- ihroushdut the enUre week. Oriie plciun ll aponiored br Warner ‘HDrolhen,- tinif It wat produced hr . i l lllarrr llapt and directed br William ' l |S'ish. . ' . .'IQ

It ll no retietloa on the Bbllllr ot HA^eilty llarry'i paat .pertonnancei § ho .ia r Uiat In “School i)ari" he I* 7 Ileen In a part ihal wlll uodoobledlr if t.indear-hlo i)> hi* eounlleii admlr- ^n . For Ult Uie pfe(urt b u in appeal Thehal ll Jrrealitible. I( ii IrretlillbU Qukiteautt every moUitr. who'baa . ^ 1,' RicHivfrr'man .wlio rememben>la'.l»r-. dhe iood will slorr 'In lhe pranka ollLfi|>«K,llmw i l , . „ ^ .:-----L _ i _

I'KTUltE 8C0KF.8 HEATH,T. ^ Tha .‘iheme bnd ptfwtr .o( -rTht S T

>rld« « - Paloniar.” Ihe v u t popn- „ arltr or.lbt author, Peter D..Krne, hi stnlui o( Fraok Dorusc, tht ireclor...whote Tlumoreiqut" wos hi.PulItxer sold medal u lhe sreat- I t moiloo picture In IHI, and lhe dmirahle- e u t. ' .(ealuriris- '.Forreil lianloy and .Marjorie Raw, eaillf take lhe--Coamopollian *creeB:pro- i) uetlon. ot. Kyiie'i alory.' now .oa .. low at lhe; Idaho theaire, one o( he beat plciurei aeen on lhe illrer heel Ull* ye«r. . ' , ,

R O G E R S O N . : i -■ ■ t

r 'o'f lhe upper sradet 'in the Idai ? chool le(t.'W day(or hli home In f. Iblon ,wbern1ie wlll ipend Ihe hoU* u *ra.Mr. and Mn. 1Iermari-Walcrtt“ at

milcnlim . Anrt amoas . lhe . ibpp. e n -In nosenan. Frldar. .. - Mr. and Mix - a a: Van'EilOD bt ouit Crtek w trt.ln nosmoB.Ftl.*r en rouie lo Itoek Creek where .(< lev apeni Chrlilmu wlth 'rclallvei, Ir nd^lendi.'..Atin^Hurko and daushter,.'MUi “ la rv ^ r in e d . In nosenon Friday M fitt charse of tbd localtholtl. ,Mr. and.Mn.. fleorst R.'Voiburs er> .Ifl Tiostraoa.'Frlday. cn route >,.-Twln. Falli i.w htn '.'Ih tr '.iptnt • hrUimai wlib nlBilvea and (rliBdi.’ ; Bd MeConnell ot Sboihont nailn .v

•Bl a...postr»on builneix'.'Vliliorrldar..','— : . . .................V , . - ; . i ■ ■H. A. Poteiton ot Buhl' wa< a' —

oscraon vlillor Salurdar..Phil Hardy « u In (rom Sboihon't jv

aiiB Salurday on butlBeti. '■Dare .Essldtinn whoi h'u betn A orklns tor' liaao WIIH*.'(or. .'lomi B me ltd . Saturday tor Dnhl when l b e will Ipend Chrliima*'wlih, hli ' arenia, Mr..and Mn. E a r l/E s i lf - ' l o n ; ' ■ . ..-.1.'. . ... ■P. C. D011 and (amlly lelt'Silonliy .*<

>r Buhl w/icrt ihey ipeni' Xmu ■Ith rolallvM aod (rlenda.'''. •W. A. Kinl ot Contact. .Ntr„ w u ^ Ilosenon vlilior Salurdar; . . . . ^

Mlu JcHle Malilir,'who l i , ot- J ladlns, the Albion ' Blate Normal :hool ll ipeRdloS'ihe-holldir vica. '»» on wllh her pannti. Mr. aod Mra. -<l . I* Mallby. • PelMill Alieda Pelenon, who ii al* '«>„

indlns hlRh ichofll al lerome,' " im*-hora»':8alurflajrto“ ipen'a~lhe f o l nllday**wllh:her. parent*, Mr. 'and • :r*.;p. p. Pelenon. • ' , ' ' : . M. A.’ 'Wliom niumed home (rom imberly .Saturday for Chritlmi'i. »«i Mr, and'M n. N. t t nrockettladd ■! iilldren of Orown ".Dench : wire > neiti Saturday and Snndar' a t Iht ame o( Mr. and Mn.' 8. 0. Mulker.Mr. aad Mn. J..JV.-Or*eo-«;-SoI- ~ * ier Creek were amons Iha ifioppen " P 1 Hpsenon' Baturday. ■ >'sBil .Weit weni to Jerome .lo ipend ^ la hollilayi. . . ■ .,-.•>Ir. and M n .'ll. I* Snyder were’ r “

r K , 5 r „ ” " r ' L . ^ . S ’ ! nluae-E . Powell and.W J. Dean I I ere dInner.gueiU Monday at Point inch. ' -Herbert lirown roBde< the trip to umaei will! the maU Monday..'' ' (< A. E. IloweU and Jamei Uoyd re- imeil-Sunday trom , a-Xrclshtlns ..ip to Jhrbldse., ____ •. .Mr. and M n t l S T l t Snyder of ntelopo were'. Ilosenon -vtiUlon

Mr. and Mr*. W.'li. Van Eaton o( \ ou*e Creek were dinner rfneati

i l i t y . - ,


h H b '\ I ■ In ii •'! ' (lal.

' ‘Tl

iimin-tbi'conrwofduty^ Cenlh« Olbtr slrla away; ElU rewpblnt D. Pryor, eblet

M T i t e f f q i i n E i i 5»,ia22. . ;

Monday'nt the homo ot Mr.-and . " Mn. ^'red I’jlerion. ,• •

IL >.I Wnnchcipe.maile a builneu irlll 10 Twill Ffllli .Sunday. ' .

Mr. and Mn. P. W. (lorirton ,oC Roek Creek, are ipendlas tlnT'holl. lay* at the home ot Mr*. Cordon'* , iliier, Mn. I.ewla Ilnrrcli.; , ' "

Paul Ocrlns of Amalerdam' wa* a , . Ilosenon bualneu vlillor -.Tueiday. . •' W. A. y'nuu'tt nC Ilrown Dench . wnt .Iri Ilosenon TiiMilay attondlns 10 bualneu maUen and buylns *up’ 1 pile*.;' ■ 1 ’ . ■''■ - ,

We eipeciaily hiviie lhe laillea io (Illl'uur Dowllns Alier. '..iRilructor il|w»y* on.the ;ob. ' ' ■

T heO H ^F ^ '^rlnk ftf^^^^ ' ' QuUcLunchnHRT<.OmretiFouslalAi.' RlefiMnk,UilttdOcalnEitr«ctlBPow. ^ dHbTebletrdrmi.NoviiUdr-rt.cedii.1. ^ M^Afddlti&UilraiiAdStibtlilslet . .


(IRT TH ?; U y E Ilisn HAHIT .'

T o n i g h t

(Iiirlr m .and .H li.Iler'R ilbe ,. .- •' -.'W ill* !.

“ C o u n t r y S t o r e ’'

'» PUN—PUN—PON . * , . .

(irorerlM' (or ihe Ills telln. randy (er ihe klddlr^ Fun and a seed lanph (er all. Dis pto*' lure presram.. Da lu re 'te be'In llmB (er the (n'B. . " '


:■ Wf de?blf.liMder ihew .'A ll >-.(or one Bdmliilen. So,adranee In jirlcefc : .T ' '

y. .' .— 10c—P ric f th -M fc r .^ ; . '

L A Y E R I N G ■ ■' V TfflX KAIXH. F.IMILY;. ; , -

. • V | . ' , - \T 'h e '; a tr 'i e '- ; ’ ^ .

f J ! T ^ " i f ; T a

/i'. 'Io .D X Y ^ io M q

“The^PRIDEof • ■ ■ :^ L O M A R ”

ubeM (Itry 8pnnl<li 'pMiItBi, w hereikanN h; Meala ot hoBor

'illll e lln slo Iht Aiuericao f f u t . - lh a fa lhe. »HIIn(f o ( ' ' 'Pelit; Bi Kylifl'i g roateil jtoiy.’BomotiM soy- w ith .color .'find' ■ b o W ta m tu ro . , ,•

—w lU i'rate'M nedy '•* ■ • - » HirillIns’bone.rK e • . .“ F l e e c e d f o r , G b i d " , :

, - .(Irtiren. Sheep mei7 - '/. qpoD , a o B N ii j '. '. ' . , ; . ,

i S i i i i l'.TODAY. A im MMOEHOW ' '

TheFamoM Oda EdTrardi’ clu 'ile ' ,, '^WarTlnj

W E S L E Y B A R R Y . ■ '* ^

Thla i'ridBelleB A e e U lW b M ll Ibe Hr«eB Crlilei.M 'tb^. 8 im n

. Clai^Ic ot tlicaeaie'B.;’ .

apprenl-rUne .rrltle M flt- En. . lertalnneBt valae IM per rent. .Anolhrr u x t U ibqa ll. be iboini .,I# sll Ibe world.

' ; AL8D 8IJ0mSfl COKtDT '" • -A ftfreen.MflSMlBe-'

. ' i ^ d - A M i p x F a M r * . ' • I l i 'n D aW Hbdw’ wllh BfeeUl • '. ■ . ■ 'Mo.fc." ,. ■ ■:

- c p j i w o - ,7 /The Xeit niff One-Mao i n n i rIn Her Very Laleit Ten'neelBpe. c iaU .•;' '

‘T h e B r o a d w a y R o s e * ’ :

If* Vrerth.Bivlai B Dale’ t t t , 8n*

Ceneril AdBU*leB-W,,SOifKo' .

Xolii lhe Dooalen* dnb-TedaV.Pro.perllr’l*.neaded'Toiir,W ar. '

IT lipA T .'D iC E S rnE n Kf,1!>:2.

; , ,■ ■ ■ ■ • I, •

' N e w s o f

■IBK stiou il.O t^og i^ '^A tfla^^

■ fo r S p o r t ; F m u I

F re il^ n '. 'p o n U (U ‘ Discou

, Player* toJpiAj; i’or Pnly T Iw o

, ■ .# .> ■ ■ ■ — ' NEW YOnk;'i)ie&'2P-Tli«,Baiion«l '

------ L M 'tunm dw J-fortaw yw rt-purtly —Id tha cspacJtir ot sa ■di’liorr'boara t took •t*p». to-luiinnu»l.m«Mlwi yw- RrlUi^ty: to. idopi cerlAlR changM Id \ oIt* ce&»aiaUDB «>i1e1i'w in Iilunata me lu 1^ ' ODd pUco It In (lie uamlBli*

Jh'th« latlueDco a t tbt body orsr Inltr* .

.<otUiibl« BiIilMic*, thp propostd .}

s,- wlUi to l««U ouUldo’tho N. C. A-. A. Kn mighl! h*T#; bid the «lieci of IllttnE Jt

■ tho K .O . Ai-t«-llluo.ib»'Mloc«tlc d B U ||* V ,'- • I

T h i 'd u h Bi yMt«dar'» m*«IIn* « i uniB.'u.B,r««ulc.ol iho .wofdiog'ot ot tbo iKODi clBUM.-ot tbo BOW conol- »o tuiioD, »blob BUtod Id pan:

“Tto purpoiw ot 'th li' B»ioclatlon ( tl itfi.iuporrliloB of ilie rtsaW 'on H*

V ond cOBd«fby 111 eoDilltuonl DiBin. Aa bon ,flt HBUivolleslBt* .iporti And fl» rtxtoBiland .SBI(ODI) Binaieur Mb- od

• lollo ■tncordi.'r. • ,orlilBBl form It appcarod .]

(bBVIb* Dowipowon ot ih» bmocIB' u i ‘ tloa Dilibt land to encrDOdi od lhe av

' tha prlrlloiici ahd rtgbu horotofore ubi rwaiTBd by tha I. C. A.’A. A. A. and Oi «»ani}bDio of,ih«A. A.U.'-Th«ntorf ,pit, Bllinia heated antumeni tho claina cot

. *a* podlfl«l;byjha iBiertloD of Uie > •woid'.'CBWutaW' In Ot*- Tirepw ?l»M i

- aod Uo noctlor-procecdod with tbadpdorot.iuiipoii. IS

Aiifria^deU^ot lottrttt wni eoD< terad- on' Uio report of lb<- rnolutlofrcomfflliwo, *hleh preienicd.-.altron

•.•.proppiSilJ. laa of w hich.*o«Ilftally . • PBMBd ta tha^toim,of.raiolBil9M. - j

Dean- D. V . Morehog*e of Hriko uRjTrtay'fpnnjMttsttttSwwwion* J«{ u follqwi: ■ . . .1'.“’


• ; • « r a a - .tcur^rfcalitleai. .

^-iAdopeioB:of.lbo-freiI>mBB'mle^,1 ■ 4-2Co.Bi|»jJnialloo. or.i-jfnmp- -,Bih: , ;

• &-Thit ali ,-eoli«Hto •. aiblejw BboBjd ba llmlted^io'thrta yaan _ot

• * T ^ .e n id u 8 ta »iai«nli b«;'‘do« ' tor .'lBlw-«ljetlala

' 'owMo IreihffleD'conKiU Vo- , ’: tvoon 'collem ' • • .i-

(—Tbat alt. colleto BthUtM.-Riuil recatn'ibo poraiLiiton of tbt rocultr . }before competlDS'On olbar Iban col*

■ 'U l t teama.' ■,»-T o tlib l lho betllnr «rll 'In ool-

---------Ibt- fac«ilty-«ioBld-baM ^Bbiolult coatrol ot all colkpi oporla.

n - T b a l atl eolloiei.ibbuld.flzart / tbelr-inflotDcaJoward utorclOB tbo ' rule* ot tho,auoclallon, •

Tho pila-rtianilBi trMbqiaB com* t . pattlioB wu.tlpally lald;on..Ui«,table

. . I

‘. l i l i B i i iSAN.mNCIBCO,'.beci:»4WcJ«c

coait>foolball:tiBi won.iniiad ^p lo-■ day .tor ib»,fiaBd ttnala.ot tbo.jrld* • -'lroBia*aioo./'i 1. ' I- ■-J-

. “ T(«ibrroir'.thiturUln'*o«iJip OB th li 'lu t a d wbeafiUBlord and l‘UU; / I bunhipU y.Bl.Palto Alla. Uoaday , W ill'«ni,tbt:flB l»b wheo.tfo Onl*' Tet^tt^^ :*T

Pm V cw cV is'fK hon’aBi 'U-.Icoaeti '

'* D S m W ^ S l^ M ll '-h a d 'V llMt# •'i

MICAOO, .,Dae.',»rVoUlO«*..>nDt v• ctlpb.4S eati^laeonilD round ■whli* .- f

uekM^TSO>S;''.bBllc:IOOSK: MlDot*■ ",• t t t , ‘,*A1lTMB|M-boya ana flril, lOe.,


l i i

f t h e S p o r t

m I

IliiB' ; " : w

d f tU o a .W ill EDforco S tr ic t Rule* onltjr t f f ' ^ v e 'O o pp le to O ontro];

c o u n s o J , B e ttin g P ro h ib ited tm d to

ID y e a n . • • ' • , ii<

• • . . ■ ' cllS P O R T X A B S 5;

•E V VOHK-Tlio lltSI Ariny.Nary B Rridtrmi l)«l|to wlll bo maswl In Now York Clly accordliii li> Oio announce- me&L or Ck>l. II. J. Kodilcr, wliu 1«111 ^barca 'ot phyekal olucallun at Woat Point. Tho formal approral ol ibaflntltlallR authnrltlr« la all Ihut Ii reodM-lo comiiloio the arrnnRcmonu.

ji ' ■ — . ■ lb ..NBW,YOnK-tliarII« Wtillo,.ricenl J' lllhtwelibl Ylcior over. Hltclilo Mit- cbilj, la'ichedulcd to IncM- tUlek)- KnKiiva oniulliila 'In Itio surdeii ou t t J.Biiary 2!>; . •" \

NfWYOJlK-Tha loTenl'ecnlli con- rcDUon.of Ilia national coMckIbio atb* •« letic aiioclatlon will bo hehl at Ibo Bl Hotel Altor.Iiero'lliti afternoon. . >

' CIIICAQO-Bud Taylor. Ibo Terre >'<llauta wildcat, hai ilincd wllb Toi.......Afldrewi.. Mllwaukeo promoler, . 10'riilit.ruDcho Vilta In Ibe Cream City VOD 'JaBuarylt ac

■ • — lit .DHN'VER—Rumon wcrp curreni' tn

Uieball.drclca b«ro today iliai iboownen of ibo Denrrr Wciicrii leaiuo cybaatball club wero aeeklni; lo bIrd i|iOtfliiy>Mitbow«bii. famoui' aiani ',pltclltr. 1.0 . pilot lho local club ilili 'roaing i t uoD. • i,„

' BC»O.STO f. I’a.-Std'Iluller,'K ni- «, llall llibtwolsht.' won' Irum.' VounK It' naker ol Ibit ctly by a knockoul'ln tha'fifth rnund of uicheduted- ttn rounit bout. , ‘ ^

.’i, - ' i . ■— • Ilil• CHICACO, Dcc. J»~WlIllatii T. Til- r t den, national teanli .champion, ' on fri January fi'and 6, wlll inake bla llm ro lybTjc'apptamnco tinco iba upemvlui

l ^ l j H f;. > uu(pii^»

v i K - ^^ifcm )oK oeH ^a■ Duntoii-v/'B j

.. '^ la tia w n n riC iiK ld lh lh wV ■ Duivatchoifw*jM»ciw ii4t* *

I ,. ' Caiuighoir-ui



'i f j i

Aa Ibt tebn (ulloptd aloDK;FIlp;'i !-;-.r,lhfMliiip CayB’.w8a;nacha<l.'‘ Aroi . • / , Ini 'Jtmlnlea;y ThkyJirart^roUBd ,ta

'-Thty looked’n th tr happy] bot'Jicl •i.; sat tiy.tbuB.aed la lo .lh t 'a T t.^ .

.. A'. .

t W o r l d I

j E s s ' w i u i I S :

i i i i i s i : - ;

/ i . : ' ' —'-*'V '. TACOMA.." Waiti., T)«i-. » .u jn a Wlilard, formor wurld’* lii'utrywclKbi .. cbamiilan bo«r, allowed tila Bluff liaro l u t dIi Ik and 'll was n nnrry uahlbltion. .- j

Willard flounced, aroiitid lho rlni 1 for four ono-mlnuio runnili wlili t rtaDk Parmer, teleran Tocomn bearywelgtit.'

Ttio biR tellnw didn't ibow one << cIuiBco for bcayytvelibt honuri. Ici ‘ nioiio a prospect for 1h crown ihnl J^ck Ucmpioy hook«i^-^rom him

B O B SIA A P P E A J.8 T(> ' ■. IT.' B. F O R A m O K I

, 5 T R A I T 5 . ^ . T ^ I’l

tiuSANKB, ;;lkc.IbroUEb her. forel|ti';i‘:mlblitcr. Tchltclieriii. lodny. appcalfd^to.llbe United 6 ia li|, f«r .»upporl-.|n lho lotlet tight at;tba conterenca ninlnai freedom <)f.lhi‘-*lralii. . . ‘'

'K u a d a 'fh ''ii iu win re-«ilnbllib ber prodti'cllTcataa and ib'ui re-ei- tahllih htr^.well belnir.- Ti'bltcherlu , laliV -wni'tlKfTntled maica alanda l ® r ^

Hob which N il him Iwo ]olnli of lhe middle riDger of bli airbko band. : i

.'NEW ' .VOriK-TIia .•'Atblello' «e- acarcb aoclAtywIII bnld lla ilxioojilb anoual meellni: here today. •

n03T0N'-Tlia Doaton collocebock- '' cy team defeated ilie McOlII unlm - iliy.leain berf,'3-10 1. . * j|

, rHlUDEUPHIA-I/)«-Vouni, for* mer aiar..and. cap.taln ot Ihc t’enn n luam, will aucceed Jobn \V. lletimaD - Bl bead, coach In football ni I'enn. ' I f waa uiiotflclftIly_announc«d loday. t,

SBtV YOilK-I*anclio V»Ila. ' fly- khamiilon. auiphaitcally. de*

nled tbal bis nDkla'wblcb bo Klralncd ll rcUntly In praclire, win proreni blm C from-meetlni Terry Martin In n 1 , round bout In'Madliou Bquaro larden i'

linilgbi.- .p

^ n o r i', i v c r n o . c o A S T '■ - . V^ o 6 m * Ba^C^jOUKicuji*:; ' 01

II \ 1 ci

ixxo C t n i e o r t w e o H - ' i ^ K M tli-cauPOBHM--.-. Dl

’ ■ "

. ' v j i j P H ['*!•|iSV«UM<iMOi*ni’«<. ', /Tlv’M i-.'-»«:Ihinn<au^‘ i;' •' I ' '•' I V ’' ' ' wl

r g S m ma W t f l l E S ; . : ,

h 't ;i^ > fM ll« B d 'b a r)^^ ^ . - kroBBd-ihaoopfW/*W«l:U«:JBBp-';-’ : l.tallowa wtlh' ahort'armt and>]tn-' Jack' b tiiK .u^woadtrvhow. bt'Ccoaid '


i P E R S O N A L S j :■ • h- . I ’

I Mnroli.111 Cliiiii'nmn npvni the Chrlnt- ' iiiMH b«lldu)A huro'lhv Ruvti uf rol- IlltV'C-. I

.Mliu tlruliib Martin returned lu ; Iluhl hm cvi'iiliii; uflcr a vinll In Ihll diy. ' ; ;

Mr. niKl Mr*. J. D. Slark of Uci Mitlnva, luna. iiru hcri' b irjhu bu1i- <l»)’i rlKlllns J. W. Sfracli i/Si\ faintly

k und MiHa llaibrr C<iniJ>t>rll.''IVi<'y «e»l > ti>. lluhl lo viBit lijii'Vvcnlnn.’,. ''

• i l l tlr lle 7 rla ii’" iim ji(i llubl Iasi rrcnliii; lu Yluii frli'niS.

' 0.’ C. HbR'cIl 'wun up from Dubl ' ‘ K iletJut. ' .

>' Preit Uoticliimn and wlfu anil Henry Ulppe cnmo lu inm rwiilhK Irom

; llryan. Nch.. lu vlill Jubn Hippo and ' 1 family.1

KuahMI ramo In frnm Poi-alello 5 todny. Illa brother. Waller Humell I laiiie wllh him for ti iliurt vlall,

Knl fliirria ni»l family arc lier*i'fronl |

Quy. Sloddard and finnily iif Hninili I llui .8prlng> la ju lldn rliy ludny. llu ,

;>ayi'tlia-,weailler«U mu u i colit up i ;h6ni,'ati'Iicre. \

I Joha'C.iWcIclT waa lb,, iroin Jcr- : fnipn^lay."!. ,,-V -/I;

I I- l''.'a'ray,|jamt,dDwn'inmi Cun- , luct laat oreiilB|.^j;L

‘ Mr. BDii « r i i ) i & i'arka'^aru In1' ' Mill Anna 'K tiw lir .Wendell U In {Ibl a cliy. - -4 /‘ ■ — r f , I

If, IS. Oreen ti orer from Jerome ; nn bualiin itpday. i f - ,;, \ r

! Kra^k Keiinedy Tiiu.Ib,from Ilau* ■

. ji^ndy Tbompi(^‘Viui-up‘from Uubt 'I i“Jay. , I' ' I

C. D, Nipper wa*'a''Uu>>> riKlior la- |'• • • t'

A. M. llaljter"ttli' up from Mler *'tbla momlns. ‘ ‘ J

’ j . U. liaiier.'WtipIn lli'a cily froii " I nubl oti huln^.5iJ!tlay.’i.-

• ' Judso A. W.' d^t^fti ailil J & .’fiber-

!• Sllia fcrali UelitJImJnine In from '' I Utirley today lo'->fij-'5llM h'toreace ®

i:;M jt* '4 m TuriibaURh' returned lo [I 'F i» r loaay 'B fur 4*‘»titl- wlUi’' ' b if ' a iier; ■Jlrt. lL ; a Carter. ' '

.■A. K. Howo wal'In li^li clty'from lloicraon'today, relurnlnit ibla^afier* , noon.-:...... ........ . ■ • . ■ “J

' t . C. CoK/atum'ed lu bli bonia in ■- tlARenon lodiy after undarsoins an | operation for appendlclilf.

.Mlaa Once Wiillaun rolurned tt> nubl loday after B abort rlilt In Ibli city. >' ,', • , ■' .

RuiioU Denoyer went lo Kller lo­day lo ' riall frienda. -

' j . N.llelilty'rolurned lo noconon loday. .. ■. V . . , . . ' • ■,.

AMKBICA’X OOVJ!U.Mn!XT PUSH _iMmt.vAri{ixAi..coxi'EnE.’ici:.'- ■ O X U I E V m T ^ fiETTLlUIEST

'"WA's^iiNOTtit^; U~T1io AmVr- IcifD ,|omnmoat plana &n Inltrna* tlonal coaloraflco.ot.ecoHomle and fl- DaBelali«iperU'tb iMilo Iba OanBin n ^ n lio B t problaiB. It.war'ataleil.oD h l8 h 'a ^ b r l ty , 'a i; ,^ t‘W illa-Jtoua

'.'■'thli'^nteroncii wontd, be. parilcN i -patad'In.V-;tbe Uiilted Btatea,‘but'lt la .not eoBlanplatod thnCIt’ba calledlB|WwMBflBB.y::t/.i'.iJi''"

u i i i p V u b m i ^ iiAHjR.u!UEti

‘..'M k, niANClBCO/rD « .'^ M~Tho winejgnpt mirtBsdBdnalry iQ^Uli* fornia. bU. ntBrly;>rtacbtd, llax''pr»- proh]blllon'-pra^rtlMi,'''acconlInR<to fl|ur«a.,inad« poblld. loday by, a U Nouianl.,of tb triulo.departaenl ot fl|Ticullurt.^f.'r « 1 -. • v.'.r.i : Sblpmtsbroul o( tbo atala Ibla >ear totalled'.4».000,'. carloada.. of v ,wino irape«,.»II daaUntd .lo. b« oada. iaio wlae-<oc-'^oma*tlc tiat/:- •• •

Saila T o R n d O u t •' . 1, , -W h a t E u ro p e T e a e W - > - > '^ i ’ O tild re it i l ^ ou t W o rld ,

, :ii. WnllBW \V,"AlfrooJ,itrt.oU" . p.'1'itni'iihrri l-ft'sl.l. ni of Ciiirk- I n-

^ Ui'r»lly nml lUrvctor'uf lbi\ln»ill-' , n ii%t- of hili'rnnllunal InforiiiiHlon.t" 'Iiji'niilKa •ror-l)-tnill—oi- .r.Hrnt»j'

ohint hn wilt In»r»llB»le tho nnt- b , liMlt lunrit In Irarlitni! m.'1iuuI rhtl.t- « rm .nlibol olhtr tounlrl*'#'of IM P .uoria. to ll" roportcd lo H»1 P'H"

Ik Itt Our V,’orld, 1».u writ* of ar*. itiVi,' ThU «orU 1» pnlli|ilntiry.i'>,'- •.ho'wiifiJ cimri-rnicp to !«• bi'i'J Vr,

lho Nnllftliul •iMuralloiial .AMOt-lii- Ilnn In Junf. nml Hr. 'At>>«cKli|

I-- iinillnna will tie'dtatluMM'a by '«liJ-| ratora of many cnuntrln In an rf*l' C«ti to formuipio * t>«llpy a* te bow.

„ comtiii:’ 'acbool p-ntraueni of-»ll, foiinlrlfi may com" ti> in un<I*r* »Wrtdlnif.lhat will »cr»o.M ^ baala-

n . . — ..i ^ -fW*

iioii.tii'.s n„v.v udiuHi: than tjii;

'.,{Contlouod ftom Paeo i.)

,, l^ 'ib 'n^’iii"" ‘ ‘pMdd«m ^. Jubnann. "ii In an. utter nnd olrto-

lulu Iiiipimlbtliiy <11 nrrlvt al a defr „ Ihll.. lotnilon (If Ibe i.cnnoinlc prob-

ir:r? rr,"s" i,;“3s;.ito- Itl terma. it mt>aiin ih it vrorv III

' SE£r3!ESiraluiyin. »aud .(bat wo- undartnko

„ m.m Hoci. not mean. «»n<jHy ibla

1 biro.ndt,read Ita ncwipapar adro* catea.AUtaldo'lbla cliamber. deatanato

, wlial ihey.Axpect lo be arRompllahed b y Ibe. Eonfexcn.ce, nor Indlcaie tbe

, A n ri'____;pn-Deceml3erJ

S t p r a g e Co. too a t e d b y

■’a n d .w in c a r t - y i:

;-V ' C o a I i : ' ~ ; r :...

I IIiEiRERp'; -JCouiSousiy's

mmSmmmmT ' : . '• ■' ■

‘"■jI ' if!

IqO; nip.raotbtliraato hUjlt^i'NUtL::: ■ ,t ^irfuiiiptBic/JImBjlaiH^liilauiblairr'.'a lat^‘lhBK''fA''OTtr'tln:th•'|tDdDd^


MMvltli! vi.Mium.l<' huljl.'i'lN Ullli w lt ld il l j ’^ l l- 'i 'l ll ik'Jil, I - •• | ;t "I |>roli-r u I.r:iKlii' o f N'all<i:i)t w llh I ; ^ u t u u ru lii uf |irn<rclnr<'. ,w llh ih i 'j i I lim-mtH-ni liuiind t>y sm iir p rr lln ih n ry l i I iiKrfcnwiil. li> Ihln r i 'n i oiniillm i |' lu i ln u n r ,» h l ib Ihik ni'l tlicr | liiilia -! i , il|iii4 n'lrr »iinlll<'iiiliim>. ;1 llnritb Wilt IVIlbilrsiT .tiiirniliiirnt '! l^cnulor lliiruh b l . ' liKiity jm i(Hitiii-c|!

thm hv ivMUhl w liJii^.iw 111- :it,ic'iiii.'.. liii-lil lo III., iijtviil a|.iir.ip rU ll.m bill

.Si'luliir t.n<li:i.' Iiait >l:iU'd I lu l iiilnp- Uou iir i l u n . lo i.m.-iiUini'iK uuiihl lie lii.niifiil til . ( f n r i , Iin»' iKlni: in;nli-

'Vh«Ili.-r, i l m il I..... . Ithi In ailjiinfliii:Kumiic'a .‘I niimiiii- im utrli'.

I . |||||;|;’>| rU li'iiii'i il {■ijliiitnl u .llx. UiKKi.iii u b l i h i:r<-n' om ni uniioiini;i'- liiuil Iiy «.'ii;iln r WiiiM.ti. lii.ll.nn ,

! H n t lll« uitihliil,>ir.iiiiin ti.i.l )<ui uul

li-iirn Hivtlirr iIk- I 'n l iid i-nulii , Illd. .

lio rnh . prcM inl WhImhi .ti'lnllr,

llilne fUrlhi-r hm ihu l In- .> ':nu'.l

wuuld |i!-ii)1 111 •.n»l flirl »: . ,i .„ilc l o i i l c r n n t ^ j f i ljty I.-.J t.i niiVii;!;,.;.

' • l>yrMjj ,>j^formcc| Ithi- f i i ; :n i

i w r o

jQmi; Witiv prices as good

W'iiere—An orde.r:fro oonvince'you.

d . , ; ■ ’

; Spwials fo]' yea i{ ' . ''.V ea l SWalta.L'.C';.".\ ■ I'A'lj-'VearStews'.!,'^I , A Choice Cut Pc

i Phone 162 - ,

'! Independent.■........... ' •' '

l o u h c e n•,28th,U922,,'the..Warberi ook over the retail yard f

THE LION COAL CO.,r in ;stock' firs t^ fl^ iljltih j

RG TRANSfER AND Ssolicits ■your'.'liusine^.'gi . 'Quality ;and Service. ' '

— Phone 142—

■ ■ s E S i l s H S s


I}\O E T im E i____________ ^

:b I lillll hv uoUld hnhl bl> . coulvrunco i |:iini'Milnii'm In ri-m-rru fvr prrti-nla-111 nnil 111 the Tiiiiirr If ilii< nclmliilJfm- '

:n-;iluii l,illi: ii> inii-.ilic litopa tic tlei-m- , ; ryii'cl neci-5«nry.

_________ ■ ____________, ,

3 WINTER ILIS1-r n i c selcnllst \ m oflen p- puzzled lo accotint for lhe ';<= cnitatry of co d * liv c r oil.

Tlie dUcovcry of vllamincs IK lias helped solve the riddle.'

Scott’s EmulsionIsricliinlicallh-bulldJngvita.

faclor fn preventing ^I”' : llie sorcallcd "winter ™ '>; ills." 'a t helps keep JiJL

llie v ital/orccs of the body ;..Ill' *lr/)nj«-loycilstdi»easc.'.;V • ■

ik^iiait^^t.iliMnfau.x.), t/-a ■. J

j P F l R j

m w -ci as ybw can get a n y -, . rrom : this'M ai'ket will

or Saturdayto 15c

i . . ; . . . : . i z i to iSc ' ' ’i'

Pot Roast...;;..50c ,' , . \

: We Deliver : ,

Meat Market * ^

m e l tk i |e r g .T r f l n s f e r ’ & . .' '

1 formerly opa^■ '.A i . i j . ;

^ m m .' \ • 1,:- t l;?p ?|tjlV,

h '. ^ n d i W y o m i P g.r:;-uv:|^j!(

;■ ' V ti>R i> k-



a , sI X ' J y S t a w S M S l i h S ' ’ ^ S w

■ c*": ' ■ .

IHE TWIN FALLSl e a d in g : H tw ip o p e r o t t o Oity

Piiuuticd''Ererr X reo lu Kie«pt SUoili_>1 ■ P*nr. Twin Fd

L li . MASTBRfl-----------------------------

■■s'. S o tir td a l 'U it'T wla FbIU PMlalllM a:

‘ , ' j . , ' '; . • .• PulillcMlon. Aprl

.1 . SUBSCRIPTIO:• IW ly , one yeaK,™ u— —

• D t ^ y y t i i a o n tb * — !__________ ..D a ily , v o o f f . 'n o n lh

r 'A liicu v M r o w - ’ W ilson r llie , irnn t_o .-y« t|cn lay .on l l io . o i w

• ‘W « i im |iw l tliBt !io n iiin iin rm l *‘W■ b u rn ,’ llie t I |m I moy rc i i in i . '

•■4T Blimjt l i jd i l :« tc n t ly in the W iujly C . ' tcamrleft/h « o tlio t; tlicy .w ouhl ftel

s p lw 'iliJ jjiW T n tr '-o n d o 'u r . jihsllo lio ' we i|'iii fc li ib tt (liey. w oalil bd J lre t

. - ,T lio ;p fi» \w o y ';(v o n \'l o\ '« C Q fe i-o r co ltcge 'B irlfli;om p8lc(ii •.

v -Sena to i^B oV uli-is fiKlilinR tin? i ' V i |a ^ ; ' f t 5g |S 'lii.Jho ; l/iilte il_H tn lw i

a i lp y a t a ty i i / p n i ’eticBlly..tlifl-winio nn f ig b t p ro n iis ra .lo .b o iim l n b ou t ^

. r o p iib ll( in * ‘wlW ;fouBbt ;\ViUoii nro ii ^ , I t ‘i i | . t io t ;a ilrftni^e. u p r t u i o i i to fii

i iD ^ T ^ ip tn > o in e ',iu c h .espriv-iilDn n . ■ c f c . ' U u t soujo o f thcso nMMpDponi

.BO '.bard 'iicailcil tlia t a p tv s r c u i i 'o id , , j f ' i H l i b n l d by jio iiio liook o r c rook f

Blip^tliroi^ijli,' orgnuH nm i 111911 0 ^

•' j.jTl^o, p u t t l in w .o f tlii^ I'ncifii! K riiil • n j l i ^ d bl a i i 'i in p o r ta n l tnatle^, • r e p ih J lD R .tb c 'ro a d 'i i rc lo bn Inlccii 1

. t l l i t l t l i t .U ii io n 'P a c if io v a i tile

U o a 'fo 'r / r r fd R c rf t td r c a r s .a n d llie.l^ / a l w j 'a 'rciipond to reiiiitu ls w licn i t c

' iiaJeA ra 'cIicw b'cre. ' I f th is liSx been ( *' o f i lb e u n riiij^ ifo rp o rn lio u con iro l ou

J* C ond if iiif i^ ij; tli> ;K «r H a d do nol ' 'i> ra e n t (itnc'ai.ld wiiilo O rcnl iir ita in

fo ric f ifc c t i t i*;'«ot a t a ll 11 ri'iiiotc p■ w ni-'m By apribR n p ; o r t r niK bl.,.;A' diiij'-Turttoj*. i i lio t a t a l l fiir iuipoMlb

w y '< la i i« e ro iw f6 e r Hbb o t t , ' b a ^ . i i p b iit nbi} in fn r from bentcn , . a p ji^ i b 'iH .no t, been chinb^d liy uny :

. d o f^ a a t lo n i i i j io t y e t a ib in ic 'u f tlio | . 1* e e l^ rn iiiiif . lib i lioncy iiW ii brbiiiil

;L i8 ,i^ lr i t i l liiBrvbiiiR on IbhouBli tlio . tliC ;(laliy tipcelal w ire t b e '

k een ly (b a if ib o average ind iv idual lio

■ ^ -

! r i;.‘y « » lS i a y 'Wc' cailcU " tbc rcn d rm i ' . fact;tiiB t;tli'o finoneiiil cunillllim ofTM

• tnlllibn-'d'ollam b e l le r Ibuu Hk\v;wpi te lla l'ou ly p v i o f ibc s to ry . Tbe bni o t . o b o u t '*360,600' b e l te r ib a n a ycm

. -V b a ^ _l(ccuiidimlniiilicd liy- nlni “ UatSneo’o t ovO -V aim lllion 'bcltcr Ibnn

lo tbin .M'ory wl / t i i ^ |n i i d c a n n o t.c n iily . bo dnerib jid . ’ tbU .- 'c o in p -b n ck '.'a ip ir it w liitb ti 'rn w I : . r c rr ip d ^ b o . '^ .M n n y ’ iiiulnciw cslnbliilhn; . •■acc(twtS(iiiid''ii&2n>KOjiitrTio clohc IIik y

- rte^ iii.lobU iln fs .. Ilttpi■ rcdnc^:fuM U o;;ii^fehborlioo<l o f l-i.tKK),

cvojy , .V iis iaea , nnd 'e v e ry im liu.try w Ii'ei^’'l l ic y " M h m eet' Ib e ir .ovcrbcinl aa^io'ta' l i t l l c .tiionei-. F a nnp r* j i r c lo n m ih niort) ho p e fu l n ir tb n n hpN pcrvi c«ii>>’c a r8 ..> V e .p rc d ie t n ffrent yoar

'■ ■' t o RATg HUMANS: SVilb liio p ro iin ils iitlbn o f n plnn

loiUi itvcr^- '.V far i>iiiii!ur to .Ib u cnltl w b lrli o rc fiim ilitir f in ln rcx o f lbfl;nlni Bbcrbon n f- llic KnMMn S ln lc iiu iv rre it) Id ^ t l iH ’ liiunnii ingem iily m ay n ttcm cIun ify iU K 'tbo 'bnm nn Npceirii iu nu in

- fiayit tlio d ir i t i l io n Suicncb i^fonitor.. ' in dcM ribcd a s beinK fo rS liu j iu rp o iio

' fnm ily tbo w ell k n n in t tnnda inc iiln ls cot® w bieh iia»'fr rcvo tiilio iiijtc ik ^ ric n ll K a t iu s 'c la f u f if a t io n o f bunian ezb ib ili

: ; ■ I D IV ISIO N 3 c c - m u C lani-^

• • . . G C S M in B le n d n ll i j 17 v c n n ami 3 C 8 ^ P n i r ; nian' a n d w ife; n o cblii

' S C S ir^ m a ll fBmii>'!-miin, w ifc, dm \t_'.ai>84— A v e ra g e 'fa m ily ; m an, « ifc ,

' , fn tiiily i m an, wlfo, fi, Q uitfl ^M oii, tirfsnm ab li', i t w ill

' I m t , t l i 'a l .w 't f l .any, .tD>th'(< Mtiitfncti . ' , tb a t m an in Tinthinjj nifli-o’ tbnn n bi';*

' .w o n ld abmoUmra n p p ra r ib n t cniikiiloni J io 'b i cvoji e n liili'il lo llio a tlr ilm lo "Ji

,SDA;ILY TIMES!I l t y . a n d O onnty . o t T w in P a l l i

loflar W tbe .Tiisei FiitlliblDC Cgm- FaIUi, I<t*tio

____________ Edlt6r-rubllib#r ;

) M Kceond C lu i u a lu r a i a Dallr pi tpril 11. I918. .

'ION R A T E S •_____.1______________ ;______$6.00 •'

___ ____________ 3,00 il

----- ----------- -v--rccc\vcd . coiiicratulationH frtim

tn n in n o t b U ,b ir tb d o y , i t inoy \Millii'4]|!{J.omp Blill boUlH o u t to rcV .■ '{?

P w d n tb lrd .p r iM 'a t llic CluenRO **' • C ity . "Wo jircillc tcd lieforo ' llio f(ct in to the m oney and m nke a }||‘ ilioii liofi b cvn .ifu ltillcd idtboU gh re t iu p lace o t , I b ird in tho finU b. r cuntexl' in w hich tho tc a in a ’Qud cli


'• . • ' ■ ■ tii' 11} Bomo bntUo w blcli "'VVoodroiV *„ M NcnAlo;'rol ) ‘cnm rigo .. T bo ' "na it m i t At t h a t tiniu n n d lho (0 k b it te r . 3 fa iiy o f tb e - o ld line la B now fig h ting tho Id ab o aonalor. f in d in inany o f Ihew « la n d p a t Bo

I ns "B oriih lB eon v c ra io n ," nnd ors an d ■twuld-bo v 'olitlciuns nro

idea . w onld crnclc liicIrM -ranium k f in d a e re v ii'c ^ o rg o enough tu 11911 fa il to^^ tb ink 'fftr tbeiiuiclvca. tmI—m il Uxprpiii b y tbo-U nion P acific r H b ip p c ^ ’if . th e prcviuuii. olaiiiin n M n n io . ' ' ' i 't liflK been: uanerted 1 ly rood d o in g ’a tra iiK o n tin eu ta l ‘gjl pend w boll)’ on a n o tb e r co rp o ra . / ! (lid n o i ™;il cuuld m alte moro by-H lituiling iho ■n tru e in the jMiNt; tbe -p u rc h a se o u g b t lo. relieve tb lngn 'n g re a t ^

Im• i.' pra

' ‘ . ' ' . ncin o t look vory sntiKfuclorj- a t tho lin is'-perbap! putlTiig np n i iln ff O n f pow ilJillly th a t; n n o ther W orld ^ir! A coalition n f ( ic rn in n y ,,I lu u la • udbilily nnd th e y w ould m ake n t tJic allied w o r ld . ' O cn n iiiiy U E m to cn rlh n n d h e r d o m ina ting ly m en tis .. l lc c .d rc n m o f .w orld ’10 jmut und wlillo Ihb OW KeUer. iml liigh’ barbel! w ire fcnecfl ye t Iio F n llie r ln n d ., Tlione w bo rend le T iw n F a lls pAjicrN Bciwe m ore how c low wc nri,' to tbe te rrib le

■H Ilf T he Timifi iitli 'iilion to tbe '* T w in . r a i l s pimnty. WOK v ir ln n lly "'jj’ ivere 11 y c u r o g o now . H n l th is c . i bnnk dtiposilx xhow nii. iuerenfie ’onr Ilgn' nml tho lo a u s 'd iiu th e w n ubiiiit .$700,000. lhu .1 m nkini; n UI w ere thlK tim o lu st;y e n r .; J in t ™7* w b ii 'lu a ro n o t s e t fo r th in fig .

i)id. H ere i.l a n o th e r ang le : to IS to p'emicnlu ihb n tr iu Sfliilh- B>xn Ihmi’n ta have pnid o ff a lo t o f f! 3'c u r o f 1U22 'w i th o u t n Kingle C..1 Hyiicliont the co u n ty ban boon' KKMKK) lit kaiti: d u rin g 1022 nnd y is gctling .' <lo«ii In h bnKw ?nd a n d . y d nL tb e winic tim e M

lookiu'g n t thc! fu tn ro w ith a T vndcd tbe' n tn iosphere fo r sev- m. i r fo r • s j

S J . I K E C A T T L E ~

ilnn to 'h n v o Inimnn kIocIc cnn-. n ltlo a n d biin>o’. s loek ,coii!cHls N iatf fn im . D r. Klorcnce llm w n nity Inis show n to w h n t horrib le em p t to,, go in iln nm nin fo r

iin n g ino ry e f fo r t lo d u v a to it , - .. T he o b je c t o f t b c s c cnntcKls osu o f ii]'t]il>'ing to tim biim ait l ls q t . ' ‘J ic rc ility " a n d science ?n iture au d 's to eU brci-ding. T he ' b its is a s fo llow s:' ' ,J.M AN, STOCK,

ud a b o v e ; ; 1 . h lld ron ;dne child; . . . 1’ ife, Uro lo .fonr fhiM rcn;

five or mnre children. ' ' ll.,bc ponebiMvely proved—nt aetinn of llirRo invc.stigaton— ' hi';:b.Rmdft nnlinsl. Ipderd. il . omblo (iiii>»|inn ix lofi-wbctber "liigh grailo.”

, " (ry

^ C H k j Rr f ln i Ctiurrli of ClirM, ScIcn'tM.* ICU .Mlllii Avenuu Kiinl.

Suuiljr oiTrici.* ul l l ; Iraiiyii ncr-moil Dfciinbrr- 3.1. ’'Cliriiillan Hti-

■ Bu'ndoj- Mcliuol al 10 a.,ia^ tur pu- , ; plli.unilBrSu.yuim, iitasf.

Tetlfmoiilill iiitoilits' on Wciloca.• llav M(jnln(l,.il 8 l>.'ui. . .

A rMaiaii.imm at 1B4'& .MaliiJir. <V enua’ norlh, !• open ilnlly otcepl .

Hunilnr* ami boUdnyi trum 1:3{ lo : I 1:30 p. 111. The public la cordially> iBTllca tu ailciid thc«D aerrlcct sud > •• Tllll llio reading room. ' ‘ f

■ IF lnl Ilai>ir\t CliurcJi' I

W. II. Tp|llrer, I'aslur.' . • ■Al tbla It.Hit iait Sundi)' Jn Itif

rear lho •upcrltilcndont iii very au»- loua to mako a Rood ilioWinc In al- > icndanee al Ruiidar ichool. .Let nil our peoplo Inke noUto nml try lo be Lt>rM«D[.ot P:45.------------------------

ni« iiiornlDB Mrmoh'lopic 8Bt 11 ’O'clock wlll be 'The UnlrareM ROid.' Upeclal inuifc'«lll lutd to.lhc '> Intcfcil of tbe serrlcM. , " V .

Mrs. Wjni: wIlMpcci «li«;^nlori i »l 6:1B III Ilielr room. ' ' ' N

Tlia. Benlor and Intcmiedlaio so* clellM' will pul on n Jirint proRtam lu ■ tbe mala auailorlu'bi uf llio cliurcli al 7;3V. - Thla will Uko Ibo pptii-. nt '•] tbo Suadar aTcalnK church ierrlcc, U and wlll bo worlh while. Tbo orcbca- Ira wlll jilay a i uaual.

Monday la the b|R procrum nt Ibo Dlitrict (nr Ihe llapllil Yuuns I'rople to h« held at Mlor, bcirliiuliif; ai :;a() la tbe aflernoon amt cluing wl(1) the eveninf seMloo. ' ' . ' ih TuHdir arinlnR la the Aitrlaory q,

Board to be liflil al lhe buiiEalow. - Montblr bOdneM mecUoR .and

prayer larvlco Wediieidny 7;J0. jt,

Velhodht jj(^>lRar U Wblte. I'nalor.' . . -

Sundiy acliooj 10 a. ni. H U Aili- Ai lon, aupi. , . . : ' Hi ' MoreioR wnrrhlp 11, wiih n a< rinon l>y Iho paalor. Kubjcci. "Tlig llhider- Of In* I'ail."

Clan luccllnK. 'C:30. A. C. Wood. Qi leader.' . '

llrRular ereulnR worahlp 7:30 wHh a «nnon by lhe 'pMior. Kubjecl. I’c -8allla« Iiadcr 8eale.t Orden.”

•At cloao nf .Ihe renular ««nln« nervlco lii« RpworlU l.eaRue Imro ar- <’b ranted for a aoclnl linur, rollownl by br lho di'ratloaal and Watch Nlnht ierv> leea,' Topic, “Waich’Ninbl—Wliaf* AheadT'. I andor,' Mlai Iloae Wulty.

Tho resular midweek -prayer aerr. leo will w^y (or lho community. > prayer meeiln'Ki. Completa nnnounco- .it nent latar;; iTho followinR mnilcat ]• 5 E a f f f f .W y i.rvOraaa. iiroluiWl’relmla la C'.Coala'l.i' Aathcm-I'Wlll'KiicI Theo ....Jdhlan w, Of(ertoryrI(oeluriie In.Funlor t,„

J’oat7irdM^md\'ia"'i),'m i^^ "'I ... V ochuer^.

0rcbeur*»8icrc'd Molody..1)anihtiiine 1A nilitm -ftar Kot ■____wL. 1-Varli afi

'• 8ololil-Mr*. Vogel. i-oQuarlet-O IJsht Kiernal. • 1

Mra. muriiloant. Mm. Hell, Ur, ,,r,Turrtcr, Mr. Wlijte. . .

OrcJpaerH—. 1 o .O.rclieitra-^JlMch Slave ________

»aTieTuj!irCTomn‘“ !"......-llaminiOmn.'O rthnirti and chnniS'forty

roIcM.OrchMtra pwllmle. ' ’ '

* hR.1 (lirNllan Chnrrb • j Wllllain (Vllili llurki, I). I).. I'ailor; ,

9i4G a. m.. Jliblo ichool aiitRiliIy.C. R Allen. Supl. '

10:E0 a. m„ .Conmiii'nlnn nnd .aer- mon, BoWcct.'Tbo Old Vear Haa Ila | Wreck*, but We 8»» Jmui." ,1

G:M p ; 'n u . ■ Clirliilan .Endeavor : mpetlag.~Cora~llaiBn#niiBli7'icart8rr~ ’ 7:11),p. m„ Pralio.and aermon-leo- ,1 turo on .'Tffbat of lho Churcli’i >M- lurar'rTbii.w lll tie a (rank illacui- .’ lion ot iomo of Ihe tnmi: ominoui ilgni ot tbo prtiint hour, ' ’'Brcclal Riuile at all lhe aerrleea.The .'Junior! will'moel wllh Mn, <

C..U Brown at i,'Hundiiy,L. U I’atrlck, choir leader. iIllll Grace. Hell. crganUI.

KL Kdnard’i t'ntlioIlR 'Her. Itrmi & Kryier, I'niior.

Maiaei 8und.-iys al 8 and 10::a j’clock B. ni. • , *

Mua on'wcck irayn ul 8 n’clmk a. l|31. ■ tt

Sunday oreninR lervlce at 7i30. II Harmon al all Sunday Vervlcfi.. e

■ • S e e t h i n

■'• ’ ,'Tbe frentltr of Afelianlatan I* on

flj]<ortn»piand marked Ly aBrmtal many tn<lei<»nilfnt trlli^i «( aorlbwhl

i C HE^S. U U.’ S. Churrh ,

< a'-iond AVard.' aKitnil Ate, E, lti>iiu|i (ieurno ntnduilnE,

• .Sunday Mhooi lOiT'J a. la . . '•, l’rl»ibi»xl und llellcC lucleiy meel.

• Ingti 121IR,. Clivir pr;ictice 4:30.

Sacrniuvnl mtellngi preaching'lor- vlcfi TiCli. , 7 ' ,

1 lllxhup Ueurge AVu»l wlll ipeak on J -.Momiuatom nnd,lh« Iloy Scoui.Owli.", Mr.-r;,M, (lUMl wlll iliiR A 1 (c(t-nuinWri by ibffchulr. A;it>otlal

male .duartel ly ’ OeorBa AVard.and company mid a loag by .tba'cborui of primary Rlrli wlll b« tlio muilcal part or the proRram.. ' ,

’ I.uiftenB~ChiircI. ,}. Olhrint,’ I’aiior, •

I 10 a.' ni., Uunday icbool. U u d b - ', Luke 1. Jobn tbu iUpilil.

li^H. in., &TrlCM..3'eit.Lakt.0:S7. . : M, .I 7;S0 p. m. Bixclal leriiion for Naw I Venr'a Eve.

. K«w Year’a I)ay~li):30 n. n . , TezI, ' 4 ll0-:i. Sukjcct:; 'O u r Belt.

.Vew Year'a arcallng.; •..' ‘Vliitora aro welcome In nay ouB.or

all ot ilieno lerrlct*, ’Cdiiflrmatlon . cbiiaeit^ meel aext '

Weilneiilayaiid. Kriday-at Ibe, uiualllnia, '.

yini l‘ft»bylerun Xhureh A. 0. raarsoii, .Itlnlilfr. ’ .

.SHS, SabbnUi'ichwi. .Claiic* tor all auei wlib compoleiit' Icachari,

11:00, Cburcb aarvlce. Bermon by. the pAilor. Subjecl, "Our ■ Adranca Guard,-'

7:30,, Cburcb service wIlU iptclai muile aod short Bddreii.' rreI|ide-l''anlails;-oii - Clirlilmai ^

Solo, 'T tiri7 o V H ^ “tI :~ 3 iV d b o i /Mri, I.JL Miuiera.

Aniltfin, "HlnR, Oillmveiis ..... Tours Duel, "0 Ilcly.K/elil'‘.V,.,.i..._ Adam “

Mr. and Mn. J. K. Hnll Offcrtnry--K\'enlnB"DcIli' nnd- Crndla

Qu»rlelt?i'"Feac7^oii"'Srlii".,OabrleI. Mndvnes. Uurall, 'l/wiRbt. Bmlth

and llrackeii. ■ ru illude -M arche 'T rlom pha lo . ?'•

......................lieckerMIm Tertia ffai(au(, VlollnliU ;

airlilinn Endeavor S.icIc Im fur' all ““ BBCi,, -. ’ ■ Ji*

. . T«lii Fnill JIlK.lofl .330 Jrd BVoHUi'fa'il; I!;

, J, M.'Cloi, Mlaiitt?; ' ' ■ h aunilay. ichool JO ji. in. Claiiea for ‘ ,

alt. Mn. I<U M.-I'orrtrllolil. Suiil, • • .lTtachloi;.jl'»:iMi,: AV«Hfh'Mglil

-eervlce ber,lnnlHE , I'ralio, "imyar, leatlnlony, lovvral.addrnioi will',be sireii by dlJCerciit ipaakari. in’ Wa know Cod *111 lie, preaent by pour* , loe.wil llil Hplrit njiionR ui. a b<iau- tUul treulod In 'tho aplrlt prevalli, !’

TuMday evening frgular niontbly nilielonnry liiretlnR at 7:30 p. m.-Wrs, !■» W. If, Weaver, preiMenl? ' ’

Udlei' pVayitr inrtllnR Wcilnesday ’ aflernoon 3 |i, m. at home df Mra, Me- Cormick.ll7ard'Wrtf;’ ' ' ; • . i'l<

Iteiuliir monthly''bualndii and «<l. .prayer mteling Tliundny 7:30. '', Till million tbst standi (or tbo'full ■*!«o»„i. 3

. ^GTobe F ly e r ' »

W’lly prrparlns (or bU Rlsbraround < tje .^rM n w tprtnr- J t wni b* [ I’ou lli» 'nrat ar®und.tb*-il»b#'-night anj evtralimpt«A ., • - •. ■ .t^ .^ -typ t

ing Ind ia W orries Bril

oneiCjhi-diaewM intaln Jndl* ilenl ■t«mi l” ha .lwn able t

; ■ . t :

'W IN FALLS-DAILY T H' I M E S ' -----------

^ a t l E

i UAVB, l« o witrbtri ' tlia rn sulu (>f (usillpnaMi tlir I'

, .a«now83.yrfln(>l<l,.anllliMi|IV ,'^^-tii»n'l«'tiaialbaBi0jiral;>ru

ta u

, ■ cnuaeM iitil,* ’Dut t}ia'p«(^ ia le.ra ler'In

A to n t toiliy m Utdr hrallli. ti>1 lUet. eiertiA and llw •IrinlinR nd watrr. CuMllpolIun. Iiowevrr. wil>f ' occur from Ume lo tiino no mailn>1 buw ono tHn lo nvoiil IL Ot nrii

Rell/n*. BJ- d a a (o.-nalure. n. . MHiUf. icnre my rcmnly im

' ' comlipatlon. knrmn m Ur. Cnbt ' well's-Syrup' IVpain. ,li a .mibi

r . (Iren.wllinot.wiUlnalr takn Ulln UiJjiJOL -Synjp rViala b plouani-

I, . (ailing,, and .Toungilm. Inve It.t ; ' ll ilocs not srlne. .HiouMnb id . mddmjiava to tb^t

r. :_ O v c r.JO .m n D o n ^ ^^ d ;|^

I aold everryear,nndltUitliainiait


for tlio Waat In anw, etTecUv'C r la Iba. bhM ebroi^ ’cufutlpallofl

I F I L E R " . ' ' . ; ; ; ' '

, The limilii nilMlnnary »oi;lp|y,,of tha ' M. i'l cbui'di mcL sl Ihu.linine vt Mn', ' .M. J . (looda.o» Wi'dneadiy atlernoon ' anil nn liiitrucilra hnur of aludy i|ieni UII .lhB.Rmwtb;nf lb< icbuoti (ur (ho negro of lho iioulh. Tbo utterniibn ^ cluaed wilb Ihi'iorrinu nf italnly ra- Ireshiiienli hy lh« builei»<'ii MiLtdnmei . |.‘. C. Oravei and IL I . I'cik. Tlie rail meellnR lii.four weelia.nt Ihe bomo ot Mrs. a. E. Beem. . _• 5tr. and Mni. II, A. Ileynnldi and ^ young ion, lllcbanl, es|ieot. to. Icuvo ih#‘(ln l ywr for n iflvenl weeks vliU- wltli -Mr. Ilry* ,, nuhbi' aged, moiber/ In lil« old hoine.In J’orry. llllnoli. Sin. P, (X Plerca. wbo Imi been a Rurat'at Iba Unniruf lier diughler, Mn; (teynoldi for some ' Uma wlll reiurn lo ber lionie In Idabo - Falls al Ihe lime of Ihtlr departure it ,-or the 'esiL’ . • ■ . ' i . p,

The iirv.fronl for lho U A; Snull pl building on itain ilre ;t hai been coni- bj tilcl^liaad Iba lumber, siding remov* ^ e<l. and ll inaka.aJiandibme nppear* m anca and wlll .arfonl ample, show ■ ,i|iaco for lhe' CnlR ClotlilnR iinre wblch .will inka poamnlon of lhe building abnul''lhe,(lh or January, . Tha new (ronl w u built lo especial- I ly meet Mr. CralR'a needa and ihowi i hll beHef In (ho continued proiperlg' * ot tlic town and Its futuro growth.- • ^

"■ ~7w «»Ii"8heip llTduitfJ “ ■ Arc-utliis ^ a i Inrreavi] Iti ihtep

nliing loUaitrr.iiolll now It li tlw •Ktind Isrgtst wool cxportlnB eountry In Ibe ft-orld.


■ Ko-To-Bac ,belpad"tli0U»aBdi lo bnnk .lh« coitly. narve-shauerlss lobacco' habit ■ Wlienavir >you have. ■, a longlBi:.for'n imoko or chew Jmt " place, a barmtesi No*To-Bao Ublet In your' moutU Initeid. Alt dtilra ilopi. Sboiily lho. babli li com* pletely broken, and you are bellar utt mentally, 'physically, (Inaaclally,U'a so aaay, ao ilmple. Oel .a box a( No-To-nac and l( It doein't roleuo ' >-ou 'from all craving, for tobacco la any forai, your drngRlit will retuod lyour money, without gneiUoa.—adv. .

r ita in ; '■ ' §

"a rdS lo w ilo » » « p ihowse* ameagibe: |

- ' ' 1 FT

_ _ _ ,„ r , ,-,T-

HaveLearMii in 47 Years

I rn- of an adult. Tbo.formula U'.on '17 .B^-rry |o c k ^ . ,,

f**! . Iloccnllv tlirto Jia.1 |jtm a new.

lioeni (nib, l>ii l m :nvlvftl;f^

' (loan, in n {ireciL-o vt 47 yran''. r'In* 1 bavo never acra any m m i u r ^

tn llidr me wl|rn a mnllrino liia « n f SyrvplV|«IniiiIlnn,.lylb.b6w:/, wdl cli'Juitnaiinvnjitly,.mororian!r-.

illw wvfRoittylwilUlFn'pln#, n^ ,. nrit .wlilmilihcicktolliaiTitan-'' -

^ Kerji frti froffl:(t«tlpoll«il iU '(‘ “1 lowm your itrrnsth 28 ivr.n-ntv.. r!!! iianlcnt (lie OTlrrin ond bringi un ■

J / , preroaluru nlll age. U irnu lU 'u ' iiiiM ' <bir ao i’r willwul n lon>i4 inovo* -

' ,> is only abuul ii cmt n dnoo. - V<o •

bow tIlaorr]<«p,swllnbrcaku|ilrvfa:r ' Bint imlculdi. AIwnnlia^oatKitllotn - B in Um bmoe, and ubime tbh« Ibnn . i .llvo riiln lit iimltli: Karn llw licnd J .itM 'cool, tbo.feel woru), tbo Uracli: ;

■ , ' , '1' i

IlniBH IoilGilaj I,

BAFCTY.FIlOM.BVll/-, * The tear nfUhn Loni ttiiilctli tu.Ilfa: ami be that: luKh ll shall abide a'allafled: be iball liol be v iUcd w ltl^erll,-J'ro«rlii . M:

•Ii.tlLY TmN'HClllI’T ' wi),i 11. Ii;-»iirp'nt M 'lo W,'IL SavidRii }l Int r>, lilk lUt lIuU.

WU„ W. IC SnvldRo el uz io Iloborl D. Sleo’J l aamo, lot. ' .

WD„ Mnrlln V. Siiilly et’ u t tn Al- bcrtJ, Milner MMme lul.

wa. T, F. Ccmelory Ann' lo I’cVcr i'etenon.oLAi:i:0<.Uitr3'Illli^l ccm- uer)-. ■

. ’ ’. , ............... I - /■ "I,• 6U .AuBuitlni, ; I«

' ~S(. Augiiatlnr. I'lll., vrai letlled W '1 Itmbrr 8, 1SC3. hy Smnlardi.under.IH! redm Mcneilez > ’ArIln: lm t-ihV1| plBco hail l>H0 vislled as iedrtr a i U U „ brronco'de Leoa.-.,

Holiday Ratt

“ i fB e t i m e e n - p n i n t j i o n

O r e g o n S h o r t L i r

' ' -B:- : - December ' 31,'and{Ja

. I - . ' Limit-Jan

■ D . s : . s p £ N C B R ; ' ' . ' ; ; \ ; B ; (leutral raiieatrer Afftot / " B

SALT U K B v i r r - ; ■

holiday EX: J ^ n n d . T r i p BalB TickcU Oood

' ■' . . - / • r . 'T H IflB A T E ’m i

Twin Fallfr (o Boue Twin FalUlo'Em jnetl Twin' Fall# to -Mt Hom

. Uake consooiioB-at UL- Hom

Oan all .oloied, with heaters.;

TRASKBROS.I... .. /' Pbopa Beio Uom'ti

Flim jY .' pKCEMBErt’ 2!1. 192S. ;

.ftwtriemiWtiallsI'I. • '* : • '— ~imrff:D:CALOWBCtt‘t - ^ --------

.U on8^lll<,Ua.U9,.y;.,

:l;IREPEATMYFpOfii|: ■-$IO,000«brtlie{lHilKUlM :

' . ; ofSytiip PeiiiiflfrM'. > '

. ' . Vwo Of s KInd, ; , ■ ’ . Don't iroflo your Ilms arsuln|.pcV

■ties or religion. Tlie olher fHIow knniTs ynu are <n the wrnng 'Joil i s ' ' ■ well a i you know |i» ls,tr>lniI!anspolls . filar, " ■ . ..." . '


I Injtantlyl'‘Pape'sDIapep ii'? ’ Coff'ccts Slomach.’sb'.v' ■

Tlie niomealyou 'oi(i;B':tiibiet.or. .' "Paro's Dlapapila-: your .lBdlgMllon la gone- .No .aloro diitreu 'from -s ,. ►nur. BCId, upsei;slomath,'. No (Ul* ulcace.’ bearlbum... p*ipllallofl,- -.or’. ,

yrnlWrvmaklas snios.- 'Correct your ', illgrstlon for a ' few -cenls.';Ew b'.

packsga, euaraolee(t''by.-'dn((|Iit,ito I • bvareoBiB .tloBisdi '•'IrtBbl*, -':- f


y-'- ■ ,

l i n e R a i l r o a d

)er 2i23-2a^^S&- anuary 3rd. __

l-.'Cpnsult Local.Aeenti. ■

i nfoodiUfltfl Jonttarjr ll)..1033--

................................. ^■IHOtDDBS: - r ; '’>■$1400

t $1700me $1100[om8 w i t h : H o , , » / ' g o l i « i ^ l ■

rs. A pleaiant trl^ SnarastQai!.x - -

1 /STAGE C ft V

■ - m iD A Y , DECRMBEnTIO,-1923.

•IHI’ ^ . Wantea-Miacenaneoua v

' t'JlACTJCAI.-.NUHBINO -*•. I'liolio ' « C8»W. 1137'Ninll. m »i. «Wt.

' , ' 1 H.W ANTBl«:ombinn ' 'o f ,700‘| wm

woniw lo ina)i«!»nUKltM.'jifl|u»M babl, «#r:pufI*':inu«voriuii’iloM.•ad Kr»chi;Kbtti;- : Mrt.' -Prank I inliei 8leyeM .|W B';^^^«ttii,:]" - | KetTi

. WANTED;TOBbHtlOW~»j!00 ffom _ P-' 1*0 10 five y A n 'a n 'a vmooth'torir. No-wute UdiI:,'.V«II Iniprorcil. SM - nilloi'troia T irln .ftlli ou pa»ea m il.Box earo

. • WA.\TEtfj-Pl'»l»!ror nriafi-ioy, H.Jo work for rtwniMit bo#ra anil liu 10 Mlibal.HSId«>Jy.speopla’prcterrcU.

.J’fionBCaf ;ifrt|.':Aft(lier. JT “

’ ■l'ASTUHI3.WAiJ7Ebfor;i;he».lof met Twill W U Canal camparir. - .raii

— r•^VA^■TED=ro^^ilv(l'lurk(7^^'Top •price.>oac,B18J4;- > ' ' ■.

WANTED-PJoture.t-mmliij.. whlio

• a r a w s s s'WXSTjaCH-ltfWNlii;' pBUltrr; We ®f ‘■I

a « . pari^k » c fiPihoaTr hena ttili ‘ weak, fftnnlnaaea I'mlucfl Co. Qp»poiUe pAo(flc^.-Mioaa. >m....,- , f«(j ” w iirpat.^»b}oi‘'aBeoRdi(ianVfur» f* “<)iHnr*i hartfeM^Mijona;': Uiiat be '

. cliMp. Pl|oti> M iw .: , , ' ^WANTBD-i-m poultry;'treih te n , * “ ■*

te«elftble*.and rfull., 0«o.,W. Wowi; ^..Public Market.- . ■ ■ • • • p^,

WANTEO-iSioall clillilren lo board• anil lake a r e of. l?tl'7tl> atenue e iu t

' WANT&0>Por'3 acdant, coupef and VO opea can. Ain paytni caili tor atl *>®®«

. .modela. C enlral-auraicj‘318 Sbi>- .• ,ilioae'8l.>-W.-.-- : !: ,

WANTED-Cood farm.or ranch In •xchaop far my'bulldlniw: IS.aparl' .»0“ « :n i building, price HO.OOOj.ll anan- ***k maDUulldInt, price 118,000:4S aparl-

.m<Dt>1)UlldlBg,. $200,000: ilTa liultd-. losi,^JM;^parUn«nia; JtfiO.OOO. . ' S. Woodell, St Soulh LaSalle, Cblcatft “• " j

- WANTEl»:^DarIer aad corn. Plioae 681,1. • t08B,l,- • . JW .

T r u / ‘WANTED<-Cuitom-Cider .-naUoL■TVarik UcConalck. Phoue M3J1. M ___ _mlleiaUt;;;i4'Blts'&ortIi oC ’-lOBriit wi P“ V : ■ • • tionai

’F o rS a le MisCeHaneoueFOR 8AUJ d a -m U B -P o rio w o “ TT

propeny. A Xc.’l'forty. Phone H tJl.; .K m SALE-^O.'linK’.clcan alfalfa Ptler

, ■ liay. Woae lo TwIn TatU. Call.MSJll.; ' r a n BALB OR TAADE-Lnrse alie .Ibreahlis enslno'tn Rood comllllon. A , banala for quick aale, Ddx SOO. care

, - .TUne»;-^. Wjn BALE.On TItADB-rFor lowa - — ;

. properir,'A'No, 1 fo ^ . Phono CUJL ■ .■ —

: .raR .SAL&-AII kinda ot fcwli- SoutI iaeai;«41^ D)noanl dellrered anywhere.

■■'^PQIl';8ALe>^raIa( and' kaliomloe

- for^palnllni.aad kalionilnliig. Phoat ■ i\ .S.iMoon’iJhop .- . r' ' . ■ , I j V rO R BALB^naaoKed pouioei, <0e - m

. iaack; dellT«rcd.,}Oe al lann: W. D. . R'Hoai’.KInberly road. Phong »W . ; : : Oi

" t'or^Sal^A uiom obil^; S•KOR- WL&^Kord;toarlaf car.;,laie

»2L Exlrslgood order, t m Owner 7,17 ■ leaYlng couMryrlL 0,. care of Tlmea

A'ftw uted Fbrda for aaieaa low'aa ‘L lV• 176 to all mod........ .. —

ilariara. 10 -cara ta 'Plck-'troa.^Sell FO:-------S n O T e rrirp iy iiS fl !« » )

and'. bataDcernonthly.. .O enlr|l•,aa^ S78H‘

For,*Pep".M*£fliepJ'lhe Cylladet 126 1 OrlBder, M T «ya»>A ati* norihj. - «Ra.

rOR SALS.OR'TRADB-Uaxirell lerae L lourlnc caMQ cood eoadlUon.--tood nU2. \ . »»«■ W. J. Wy earo Tlmea. •\ Sweet cider by tl<re p ilob lou or -iui i

V m o f t 'l k # gallon; Bd-Vaoee,’.I>ubUc ^

-V. V o r SMe Keal Estate ■: s.’Sl. • •Lewi/itoldormali '.JSO Tealh; M»noe i - .• DC

LOST-PMrUnecklaca' Cbrlitmu .alsbt;.«etVHS.SO::R)urth’aorth''iia(! .

. Idahp; tb(»ai;a..,:neward.:rhoae U l t""LW rConacb: flf. Veya...Call; Jobn* z

, At '

W A M E D ij: ' Y w JobiP rim ihgB uiInm .-'

■ iV '.'

1 ^ 1, FOR KENT) ■'‘V'OIl'aAL&-Furiilture. 1120 EIsIiUiWt. • •__________________ ^

ro i l IIRNT-Seren riiom hniiie. ornur Shonhuiio anil BIxlli.' 1’iioiid 026J. 12 M. or e 1‘. M,

rOR ItG.\Tr>Ii room modern turn*Ihed liouie. IS3S Pth wm. < Bea Me atTaiid. Idaho Ihpirinmut ^luro. or . bone l O M J : __________ _

C room houie, moilero. tlC.OO. II. C. lelten, 110 Main hV Ph. 2» . j

f''lST-ARutlier farnr wllli uyer’a oiitloii. I’hono 1S30.

r o il HE.Vr-Elecl'rIe l.ealiid room, ' lone lu. 31G Second uurtb. .... •

' FuriUahed liouaekMplag ap;irt> menta. KIcclrle beau Reaiouablo rale*: Ouall Iloiae.

r o n rooin bouae. Phone 'IJ or 610R4. ' •r o u RENT-Irrlgaled farm In Coal* ' ' lie, Alberta, Canada. Attalla unil . rain. *CooU dalry.'dlalrlcL e o f caeh , r tllrlBlou of crop; Stale'eqttlpnieut 111] 'caali available. M. E. Wllaon, 110 , Cth HL, Mlnneiipolla, Mlaa. ■ . ROn-RBNT-Threo room furatali- 1 apartmeul, MB per nonib. Qunga* w Apia., 2nd nTenue, C t h - a . r o u RENT-.SIctly - Ub lioard. Pbona lU l. Call 121 ironth areanp norlb,Ft)R llENT-Ugbi bouiektepi» . ’ id ’areepliic rAona, 2!! .Elh areuur a t ' . — . ' -FOR RBNT-PMralabed room, f u r - . i n beat.- i l l T hlrd.iiorth. ‘ TO uliE.ST-ltouio keeplag apart- eau,-comptelely,turalihed (or il|)ii ... Duaekeeplai,'OBe, two aad three . >omi,’olo«o la, aad low ratal, - by .. eak ornonilL Tba Oxford, 428 Ualp

FOR I tE .v r- l and 4 room tlrstabel tbt’ bouiekeeping apartaenu;*alM la 9 mffl.houae-tumlihed, cine la. :4 .m n aouih.. Pbona 707.or pbosa ;83.- ■ .. : y.; • •,

, M is c e l la n e o u s

Will nay cam for 100 aecond mal cu ll rn liten .’ Onabell'a Cnib > esliler Excbange, SSI Stale Slreet. ‘ roalielM''orahe« Dulldlag, Salt Uke. ■ itahllilied 3t yeara. ’ . ' . . . • | ,FOR YOUR SKAyiNQ call at Wa- < irly Hotel , or pboao 12C2U. . Den ..nenoB...... ............ .

— r r- r - :— ‘ ------------------ 1 . 'ItIIOMIC EXCIIANQB-We buy, and

iell ond,excbasiii leeond-hand ar> |,iy. tlclei ot all klndi. !07 SboiboBo Slreet South. .

' ' . . .2Mi B^KERj ROOMS-Datba 2Sc. 448

Qo lo the'Sbodalr Rooma rbr . cteaa^ qutefrooma-. aad. Epod

beds; .i'rl«a.I0e,.7{c, aad |L Special .raiw. by lha week or . moatb;. Phone «a, Mra. J D;. Crea Rogura, maaiger.: Oter Parrott Bne:

.'OpUc«l:Ca,:Twln'r>IIi, Idaho.. g lei . ,......I

Curtalna' Waabed ' o r 'S ln l^ ed — Hem :all ordera,^4<S fl^Ui'UalalvFhope Sprli

I. oi{{Jv e^c fc and Poultry

■ ■ ■■■■ S Sr o u SAU>^100 bead hogi. welRht Tork 6 IM. Peter CbrlateniiB. ' Pl.oao T-bo U, llpllliiter, . '.-i.v SlrlcWANTED'TO ,BUV--Cood youug '' thena. Call 1218W..«8 4lb eaiL Whr; r o u SALB-Two CbMler: Wblle siMi wa wlUi p in . alao one reglalemd Cowi m y Bull. £..j.-MalpRe.- Phoae »ir^

rOR SA LB-ftaaia caBariea. Bp«>

. iiA rpy x t f f ^Elkliore i:ream«ry W. itatlon, 334 Mala, Pbone. 1U8.. SUirin lha <

trkei forr,er«am.‘ podllry, and.egga' Egga r.>hleh^wc-pay.caih..'Chai.' Uader* lUae Wl; RBltt

i•' M r ^ o o y >6oo.m r .p o f f - ^ ^v : - ' l i 70P W P i» T 6 m L v a > $ k '

i THAJ^VOOR R E M tW llU B B 'fr • •-.RAWED ■reH'pOltARS'A, 'y i .


. • .1 ' ,~ ~ • T W I N IfADS"

■Family Ganie ;

'■'.■rhUUronx'W. V.)'gIrIi*,batktt-;‘' boll ttam ihould bare , teamnrerk.. 1,'^

'd ow a to a aeknco-and'they Tiave?- ‘ .The Pryor-aUttn, ptaylag uader,. jnen’a w in, lava n.lonc itrin* ct,

■ ivIetorleilolbilrcredlL From top. • ‘‘o > to iMiiom, Tbty are Helen, Cuher^ Pi . tnr, Amaoda. Sanh,. Mary .aad ' ' p,

' Ca'uie ef Otw.. ) . ■ « |( lt'..wa« tlia'terminal, cxatalnatlop, ’ M'

Jnd a buddlnjc-ptilloioplicr couctudM iilrtiaay on Mother Cartk wlin Ihli itnrlllng iiatciafai:.'-“Tho earth n - •"®‘' rolTM OR'IU own u ta 8&1 llnea^ln 21 Iioura. - Tlila rapld.isellon' ibruusU ^ ipace 'cauiea tU aldo . tb'.penplra; dlla ll called dew,''~L«ndoa ni-Rlli.;

rwin F!ailf L ocal'., Prbduct'M ukets

. . BKLlWa.PRiCtS • OIJ>aam -cbccae . ............... -,30e Ciinck Qiaaae .4«< No.Wery,-'---------- :-------------- THOlOe low.,ellue«,,bunch,.i , - Kq.)rea« — ---------------------- 10c ©71Jirkeya, drawn----------- ^^.__«_SSo ,vo.fana - -------------------------------- Me 074Iprlnwra, M — ..... ..........4. .w

& ,'i,!:;:,:,~ ; 30gtaeon, alce;I._^---------------_ L - .« cl a n '. — ................................ . .28c ',filacn, allced ...........' - 40c A'o n r i t io i i r T :: :n n n m ::^ n E t2 0 4 .>ork ro a a t '.;____________15020c*mb chopa___________...XCOtSc •

L t . . r S '± t i n = ± z j s ; - - »Hrioln ■ alead ~ ^ n , . U0\

.• -npYiNn PRICES ■ ' ttSl

la irn ---------U O (e ||,gi'urlteyi - ...... .■..‘„,.,.v. , .22c , sl

i t i f k V r n r.'T!------ :. , _ : ^ . ^ 9 c Sedlana m —*_u_. — — |».oi pr^agera - 4 -.—:1 o«c

«ab« - '■..........—• j . . . mODDCE . > . . .v6Xigga’ • __ - n iaaeh-butter,-per pound iteai B l t e r l a t . :___...;,.»..4ie«4 aad .

I s o ? VlBlL,COME -fT^,Rt6 H T I* l5R.U 1-THB 5 i .A H 0 L i> f e o , : 'S t‘a RS)»;><ii.av

i ’.'' ■ ■. ' ' '


THE (/ T h o l p ' e r n e w t I . - 1 ^

^ THAT PE 5K > ■5?yasw BOX O F f r e :



- v w h a t He h a p -to s a v

m ri.......... , ' i Sh

IKAIN PItlCES DdOPl'ED ON »!•» ClltU.\(10 nUARl) 0F< TllADF. IIM

CHICAOO, D cc ih» .-A ll. gralai ilued uuerenly lower on ilie Clil> ' y ' ago'noard ot Trade':lo.lay, duo tery « '? anely to tha wcalccloilna ot wheal “iBh :l Urerpool. Heary' Haulilatlon on he patt nt:Wall .atreei operalbra, ■'"* :Tcnlng .up tor. lhkl'ywr e«d.‘ wai :lio_appirinL. , « •«rrorliloni clwedriunchangeil.- December wlieat. opined oft uA.>at

;tJ8K. nmt cluedti'Olt «c;?W ay

'1.14K and eloted-oR IKe.-'-. ' Deeeniber.cbrB'Dpenedioff Hb at ;

JUo and i;loeid-uii :Hc;'M ay op- . ' neiV.uhclianged al"71Ka and closedrT III ?i«l';'July..‘bpened -oil at lMu.and-.'ctoi,rt:;iii?--Mii._-,-.December oaCa'>,bp<Mii'''nnchaiicod.

I 43U6.a'nd.'cloanlVbft'Tio: -May' ips'hed olf He il' 4£Ho -and tioiod ':(f H»: July opiBail. uaUiaitfed 'a t ...8We and c lM «^__K e . .-' _ -

CHICAGO, Dec.;'ss:iCaiU wbeat-i .'n. 3 red. 8ti0;'.N'o. a red. tUO;' .(0. t hard, |l .n ; No. 3 tard, 1.31K

Corn-Ko.' J,-yellow,'73UOT4Me5 :.•0. 3 yellow,-7W07;a!:No. 4 -yeV •• ow. taC JO c; No.-,6--yello«r, «7«e;.'0. 3 mixed, 73Uc:<N'o; 3 mlxed,-7l -K lK c; .\o.;4;.mlMd.-flDO<>UUl I.‘0. 6 mlxe<l, 07^C! S'o:2'whlle 73U .-. 4}74V:-N'6. 3 vth'Ile; .71U07:ci No. I..w hlie.'«S0C5W c.-• :I I-OaU~No. .l while, 42MO»K«. <SHarley-8l07Jc., '■

•Rye-9»c... ' : l | Tlraolhy-M.0008,M. •

.cu>rat»-tl<^020i 0. ___ ;:|f i

: P0RTlA.SII UVE8Tfl{:hV:\ ■ |l ^PORTliAXD, Ore., Deo.;2»,-rCaCllo, \[ )

•Nominal; .. .choica: aleen,.'.17.000 > i ‘.M : fair to good'il«n,.<8.E»eY.O0i Yliolco cowa andihelter, }^7S08.00: iannera,.,8L80O2.00|.:;bulU, J3.000 V 'AJIO! .calra, |4 .0 0 0 8 « .'/ :- : . ' C- iHcKi-Kecelpra HlSi'narkei'nom'- : t

aal; . prlme..';nilxed,-,,:tMS09-SO: ' %ouch hearlM,.'11^ 9944 ; - pigi, ! .fT|.OOCJ.OO.:-. .'V,‘- - 7 - / ' - I- „Sbeep^llarket'ti/mlnat'lo Heady: . ' I J

irlme' Iambi,- I lM JO K iO iJa lr to ■ J-' jedlum..' 15.M610X0; . yearllngi, ».0flO10.00: ..weilier*, I7.00O8.M}' wea,'.H.0!iO7.w.

v:' OJfAHA lim iOCKi 'v -60UT11 OMAHA. Dee.‘«,-<Siltla “ T"

-neeerpla.' lMflr«Kk»l .alo* and -i..':eBib:'.yMrllnKa,’'tf.00O llS0 ;.W a ' SoiBd^helfera.;’t l 2t 08,00;'..,aloek8ra' h» n


i s S S l i l i l


, ‘ n :■. -i .


\P3- ^/siOTC'OMS aEAVER5 ' ' 'P JR.FEI.T, UlTRONKS AKW1.5 PlAHW \ —

l f \ a OTHIR H a m w £ f i o ^

jW D HER'HEAD B U N D L E p 'if l '^ HAD' t o 'CHASE HER NE/


»nd t«ilera\jj^('0fl7.5i); rnlvw.M.MOio.fio: b iu ir Bllli »iiic«, |3.«« y04.75: .aircr*,. jeoooiS.M. • prlc

HoRfl-Hcceipn, mnrkot 10 not015c lower: bulk oC. lalvi, t',750 prlcUO; top, 18.10. . I,

Shccii-rneeerlK. aSOO; market in Ml>:015c lilcher; 'r'rarlliina .tlO.COf .n-i-i12.110: welhen. (7.5008.50: Umb*, —HS.50O.H.50: cwr*. w,ooos.oo. ■'‘'i

CHKMm) SHEEP. “CIIICAOO. Dec. 2J.-Hheo|i — lie- *'

relpii, SOOOj- inatkel aleady: 10c .. ilBher: .Iambi. 5I34I0OI5.40: lamhi,:ull and.eommoii;.»i.i:iiOia.OO:. year- ling . wolhen., 19.35013.00; uwei, ^ 15.6008.60: cuU lo common eww,. • . . , (!ou

I , lh«■ Tl

' o'clc



.'j'Latut t>hbtognpli Of Mra.; Key pri

eharsed wllh plottlBB the . noi death o th tr huiband.'a Ocartwo, -

.IMIeb^.farmer, who, accordlns to '.i Mn. Font, claimed to be a reUUva . Uo of the nolRl abto nnnufiuturer;. . i .

• Slirdenlea aU chargta.. '

< ’r'TTieiiaht'fer Uia'Day. ' • , .1 SbBApecpta.jOmatBOthlsg-aadbit,

US niark ora^ tlma;

:ed a LpngiTime f m i .M ,

(WN ' f

J l I M ' -rLtwHATSEWEfiYBMY ^ : —I I

■no-'n' o^ . Tik.

' M t h k t i^ il E A p L Y ^ ' - ' O ^ C . 1EA R —

____________ Mit- - - , * • . H i

.soTit'i; ’ . —Finl-vlaiR (lr<r>ii.niakaiii: at Italf

lirlcb Ihh wluier. Tnln iiotk-e ilocn nol appear afler Ihla week, hitt the ,, l>rlce« irmalu tho lamo unill March > I. Will lew out by the liay at tl.7C. 1, Ml» K A. KellnsR, Q5 Malu arenue ,,


Notice la hereby’Rireii lhat'lha an* SW lual uleeliUK ot.tlio ilor.kholdirs ot :i lhe Salmon Rl»er Canal Company, — li(mlled,:wlll ba held nt tho olllco of he Company at HollUter, Twlu l-'alU - l.'ounly,'ld«ho, on tho 8lh day ot'Jaiu oarj-, ISn, r t lwo O ^ 'o lock P. M. lor the purpoie of:cl«ilitK d ^ t o n iidJlilliiactInK any nn<ljill lialneM - Ibal mar properly. colSio beforo the * OMilae,-., qe;' The alock tranifer'boob .o t the v :on^ny wUl-be cloaed al tire (5) I >'clock P.. M;, JBnuiry.2od .'l$ a, and remain'Cloted'until none (0) o'clock

J t, January 9, IMX • . lly.onler ot ihe-noard ot Dlreciori.

'Dated thla "ih 'day of'.Depcmber, ~ L t t i i a •

' , , a . il. HALU . _£; Pruldeut. «.»;

3E0; F. quoVEU. Sflcrelhry. - “ jJ

' - TBm 'acnED ULB - (a ty or Mooslain Tlna.)

.-.'ZutlMnBd<0.- MO ________Depart 7:*0 *. a “<o. . : M ._ - _____ Depart.«:10:p.:t» ,E

fn ,M TUp..* r *" * 40. J5S______- . .D e p a r t , 4:80 p. c t O'

,j:nbOEBSOIt DRAKOII liU W B . - “ .< ''..v.SealhlioBBBV. ’.

f a W D tpart'U :4 ()K 'n■ ii: .. , '}fatUib«nB« SOI <0..« e _ ;-..;-:^TA rrlT eN il6 p, m. n

-..PhonaTv:!;:;-::. . st

\ittldM*i.’ Trebv,Sl^oUiB*^^^^ r n r

r.. potjH s tn

FARM LOANS •]' ‘;-r«l#' ot iBlereat.’ A'ten*

year-loan'wllb "eaay pre'paymcBl' ■> prirllegtf^no bonua or prerlooa DoUce . reqBlred.; ; : . ; 1 Jg ;No ’ W i n g tb r Inipaclor,

Monoy la ready wbeti tltla U [ {?, claar;-A ■ .. , ,

■ I

, " . v ;

• ' :• - ■p''.W BU .,'Sw ‘iCAVJ HAVI I -1 ‘ L O iO B o o s t W JTH 'jrs

.VROOFjIT^-plirrViWA- ^ , ;B lM P«NACE:;Vt»4D;n

.:itRE/;rr.ri^JV»&Ji»T;Bui ^ I . H E * 440M t,bP MV'jd

' ' ' ■

B n j i n M S . p i r e c t o r j r '* .

■ A t to r n e y s

I’OKTRll ' t WITHAM, 'Uwyar*,. aulle 1. Hmlth k Rica DlJg.SIIAD U HODOIS-Allomey-8t»Uw, '1, , Ilcom-C, Ttrin Falla Uank ft T nat• li'illillnic. Phone 883._______Jamei 11. Ilolhweli • - Orr Chapman ' ^

nOTIIWKLL t CI1APMA.N Woodi Bhlc, Iloom* C. 0, 7. 8. 9, 10 .. SWRI-:i.EV & SWEELEV-Ationii;!- •

Flni National tiank llldit. ,,A!II1UI U .'w iL 30N -0 ftlee ;..R n t .: Nailonal llaak Illdg.

T a i l o r i n g .jse i: IlAIIUKl, THH TAlLOR'tor aew I ladlra’ and nea'i aulla lo order, at I hll rcildtncr, 3 0 Aah itreel, be*I iwerii 3rd and 4lh arenuu eait.I ouo block from the boulerard.

s h o e E e j a i r i n g

UOYAL SHOE -REPAtfl'SH0P~F, • \ Mrycn. Prop. 130-8eeond St.-B-j—

■ Twin Fall!. Idaho.____________ _

■ Welding-W. .S'. 8KINNKII —' Ozyacetylene '

woldlnr: nulo iprlngi. toade to or* dor;'' blacktinlihlnj;. l^ one ’ iI5 .' a;0 fleccoil 'Ato.-flo.' ' : I-'. _■

MONKY TO 1X)AN <m modern dwell* < - ; log.. Arlhu r .L Swim. ... .

B ic y c le . R e p a i r S h o p ' ■.

SCIIADE REPAIR BHCP-Blcyclf,. . lock and kty worki;' phoDograph .

repairing a ipcclaliy.-'^30( Main ;.. Ate. 80.

HemstitchingMI83 UIMONNCTTB-JM MalttTTW

Ho. Phone 98J.________________ '

I n s u r a n c e1'. w, MciiOllEilTS-bsBeral Aetnt -

Ctniral Aiiurtnco Bocleiy ot th* , Unllfil Slate*. Uoom ~8, .F ln t Na* tlonal Danit Dulldlng. ■ '- ' ' _

FIRE AND AUTO! lower n il» -9 . U Cralc, agent. Smltb-Rlca Bldg. . . • .

/ S e c o n d . H a n d G o o d s

SWEbTS SECOND lUND 6 T 0 I ^ - :61.Mafn E. Phone IMS,-.- Y-y- '•

. : ] ^ i s c e l la n e o v 3 ' V ' : . : i .** , ,DR.UOLA a SAWYSR i '

. . Oiteopathlo-pbyalelaa- Bulli*'land}. Oen BaUdloc. ' .^ i

P^oBe IMO-W. R«a.'lC4l)*J..QEit . BfATB"VOLCANI2INO, .0 0 /- ' V'.

VulcanltlBg and re*trcadlnc vork ; ot all'klBda’-guanuiteed.' PbaDt . . |CM or m Second Art, 'ff.. - " r ; ‘ i

■ \ T r a n s f e r

CnOZIEU TUANSFER COUPAWT- 11.- Pboae 348. • ' (• •- ■

MWCHOLS TRANSFER .ft BTOR-.'''.- -v AOH CO .-aaihaa haDlld • dallr.^t{-. , Phooe 20(U, • ^

• E l e c t r i c a l . R e p a i r s . i ; : i j ■ ■'•'.JELECTUICAi , :r*wlr -by; CL'-.U' 5 T;' h ;

• MALDERO-i-Eipariooced; mctorTi* • h r - '^ wladlBg,>'Botor’ •haarlati. •«*»«. q^riira^Eleclrle Berrfe«;B^<^;?.

S e w n g ^ a i f f i i n e a ; ^SOliai!T.-bOLO,‘,e x c h < B g a i '/n ^ ''J ' T»palred.'-215-,Ualn . s tg ^ .Phbnaiw K ,,:;'

,7 P c L ,^ a i m ,L 6 iM iii^ ;r |^

. ‘Kew,b«tb(!uia io ii |M S .'e ^ '!a a a o M i'« :.t< ‘;;R

:S5 1f,’t!r.!ISS''dl!i I ■ jn e r t ' I I ' t 'i iin < iMpatBU


.PAGE'.fc,SON !

w l B l r ^ ^ W S I

i l t i : : T

l i i i i

.; - flnuijl Sou;of..M ri. O llii W hite J }>; •' D nip i^ l^ ,. Pe«t, on E oclu a n d ij

^ 'In ju r ie i; Suf.f e n Double P m lu r e nnd Dou. J ' j

; ble buiocaOon of B ight Arm. ♦ “{

; .:— ' * '11 ■ U tUc • WhllCf. llO'far-oW 1 .■na-o('i}lra. OIIId Wlilir, »C uTIa .Tliird BTenu«.niai,.Ili'< Iti' ili« TKl n‘i A j

.. KatU Ktnsnl. hcxpUfli In > » r in u i i ^ '^ ' coBdlllon'frcm* (all unfl-ir Itio muiI. |Ilotk MMk lirlil|« 'ii t« tfclodc'lnm i ' ” ;' •iBsiD*.' which, Iraciufcd UU skulU

_^Mil-iCftal6ilJU(louWf-«li»tt>fatlon-iitiil • .......a . (ncluro ; of '.Illl rl*lii urtu, Al-, Tin

, thoanh rcporieij beller loilny he !*• nol'eut-o(. lUnger. -ri

. .\iTli« bay wllh n ataalliT onr. Iliilo ullnwi '-'WlUon /4i-hRri««. «ua;u iiiliT lhe n 'u l

. V ltli* . Oli Iho rocki. wIi«b liia, (oni nM |. '.'*Ilppiiil|-nad 'h < i'« c til.n T tr, (irlk lns 'oii,. r

• oa, .hW’;hMil--’aniJ.Tlni.l •idel»i^i!nvr i .‘rodu'iM ,feei',lxiUnr. ; j/flp.-.ilic

; •,:m(mt.h«.Mi»JnW uM vluuiiivu Mi.clTwrne;n u htlp. U»V«

•‘Til# ibcharlH.„b<Vi n n up im th« «ho 6 ' ■brld(«.aDiI,|ilapm4 Dwltlit Wnllncpiui’ulu'

• Viho-, a i l tP - i ,4 j i ;d o w n ja n .l enrrlhl b i . l flo III*' hoflin, from

. .> h lch jli< w i^iak«ii lo |lio Imv

■ : lit'!, 'OlltaOX FAHllKft W)WJHt) h ,

. . JATL;uS;,jiimtu;K r»A ii« i:l : •

: >UllflHPIEU). Ore.. I)M% 211-U.A, ''art. - •I'efrle, ,nnch#i‘ fmm tli« ritmmr IihIs

KlinhinCreolciKt<un.twlar w » ImU. ’Ilblf, od In lh* Coo».,counix Jail Bl (rogiilllr . . •■ chiifKM' of murder wrto .‘ .plactd wIniMiliR. mprdr. .',K«rria'Mprm>d Thunday nlglii lo ror. »

m M p F m if

, -.Mr.T ' ' ■■'...•■■ .'. , r i ir f- l’rM

, ' 'nrniii((«il t

Sunda;MiiBd-bflii prtpoTtil n dlnaw.j'flB-an.l j

B iw it,'',-'.: •

' - , Dinner Mill be firrtrd frum 2

'^-KrWinaa'ii Orrlimlrn'ln .

i cnu

' i i f f i ifAiI*^Pot“Roaat8 Beef....;....

Be^ ......

j2 lbs. .Shoulder «tealc........lbs. all.Pork Sausage ....

\Z lb's. Hamburger Ste«^....i2ibs. Ilound S teak .............Whole, front quarter Beei Whole hind quarter Beef 11

^Half or-whole corn>fed H . A n o ther Meats in

jAhove l l OQ lim e qndlU ; Meats ns ' We bny ao old cow»-M eata all £

t t p i H A p 11I .niONES 31J-yi2 /

. i ' Delivered Anywhere ii

■•■■fM W ill----- ---------- •*,

r i . ' i i : s i n i - t . I 'n i i t l s i i + I f]• IM I'K U .NKH v i : i i i '. s i i .w

■ -Ol. arcliu/il III .lur <ii.ilo:ii uf Vnm i>uljll>hlnE u »vw>i>ii|>«r oii * iliiilldayi wv (ell Him ll woa 4<i I

' worlh n l i lle lo ineatlu ii .ih« *■ (an Ihal n«xl MoniUy ,btlnK >

Nrw Yenr'* d a r » • w ill n a n *l h 0 '; e a r rf a h l by Riving a u r *»U t»ct\litw tt rm V »iiapsi)- *n rw aiiap rr wllh a lol fif t l ir +la ir t t .lo m J Liid w ire a«w ».,W e + ,, ,(ha t i i 11 u u m U r ' n f ' «iiltBdlii ♦N'ew Vear'« iMlurci nhlnh will * J . , run en Ihls iUl« nml we (»«l' + 111; auro Ihul trnr pnirini* win 'np., * • prn:lalp (l;ln wrvlie (or tli« .+(lr.l .lar ii( 1M3. ,11*

ViV ahull *l«o lho mfrchnnia.- ♦ 1««1 .profmlonni aiul bualntM m.'n ♦ frlosi sonnjillj' ait opMilunliy in '♦ ,h„,„ o i p r t .a ihtAr; S «w 'ffn r'H ♦ ' srpiiiliij;* ibrouRh the <r)liiiiiti» ♦ *'* <i( 71>« TlntM. Wf ahall puh- ♦ Vnim IM fl f.irci-.ial o( bu!rtm-«ii iim- '♦ •In ll:

.IllionH (nr ni'il tnemlHT ♦ wllh (lioti liilcrvlewa ii( ihi- t ' ,KtMl nii,l nrar m « l.- ♦

♦ ('ir a♦ + ♦ + ♦♦♦♦♦ + ♦♦ + + + lliur • n lti'a

.VMJINTH .'ll 'S T IIK I l i :T r i lM :i l ;iil<l € M.KS.H-(ITH»:iHVIKK Sl‘»:i tflKM. » f«ll

I'll* p rinc ip le llia l ’» ri'ien ilm i o( ' '» > « yiiii'iiU-mnclo la nol ap n iriKl In jnin icl o( M io Ihe Kain« ahu ll. t;0 lm '' 'nweil ‘on rt 'iu rn (if th« iiroperi)- ili'a helil Ihla nfliTniKin In tho rai.< .II. t l lioum la a n lm > l A lb cn a 'N e l- <l<nr.

:i,. el a l. U rtg iiry C. (irrirxopnltii .Mr.VP n ro u ira i 'l <i( aa l* i<> A lh c r l-L ihn i.Nnn wlto la te r d leil n l le r inaVint; n ra lhne p ay m fn u . Ilia w idow .(ullt<l in f.o(»l.V« f t i« li« : jsaynitWB «m j 'h ey10 botichi th e co n lrac l from -C oo.ri- "lhe b tilui, a ia r ird aiill in. o tiai b t r nnrt An atu -tiayntf|{U . JudR# W. A. Hal.- v.iber j l 'I l l 'l l ) ' l h a i Hiitr«» ap e c lflc -p ro - in \h Ton H 'iiiu ilu fo r rrivn lj;)n ,< i( pa)‘> niorg Rla they m ual h<> re lu ra f il.. ( l^ .n l• Twin, vrd ren l t n ' Ituum ln (or llin lim e 'r r— I I'lncp wua cKTiiiiI.Ml. I 'n r l t r . ilham reiirp«eni"d M pi. .S'i'l«im. . . y f l

I l ( » l i ; ■ D i -p .^ W .-A l i l l s b r ' 'artl»iiialip ulmrli’ i*n« (rll hrro

ird rr ln i hi* w ife anikJnnn a Cut-

W Y E A R ; i ^oihl'r New Y ear ia u lm o il f f i

YiMi can m ak« n re io^ <* ' I WI tljai will med w lih 'lh^^ i. M ival o( ynur cuilre. famll)’.,'' , m n

I lN E 6 U T O F T E N . \ H

AND " - 3 W I T H D S O P T E H ’

II | . • j|(|e

r . C a r I F o H e l l ' \ «

’rentier o( nil Idalio'-liaa -dourm eniifor. •

lay E;ve., Dec. 31.1 jonn, H l l f c a W to «ll»

11 s ' l # H-l-.* 31.

In Alten.IancN •(■••Ma

m;H........ . ............. ..

V E C A f l E Hlle futisn'r'

[ f i *. . llie 11

8 c I b : i S

........ .' S o l b . a

............. ; ....... . ............ : : 2 S c . 2 , "

........... . ...........................2 5 c

.................... .................. 2 S c

....... ................................ 3 5 c

s c f , l b , . . . ! .......... . 6 c

n b . . , ; .......................... i 2 o '

H o g . . . ; . ; - . ................ 12c. « ;n P r o p o r t i o n j.> : " t i ",*,

ivs f t iw a y i b a n d ie d b y u i ' . ;II g u a r a n t e e d t lio b u t . i>ii.'n

iRI(!ANMARKtT i l !Ili.‘

. , 1‘IHINK 3 i : ■ ■

in Twin'-Falls r .in r.r .Anil'

r H E M T l

W ' i S I ' ll i - w i . ;

■ i l i l , , ,Irlirl I’reialrnl Thai Thrre Ulll lle IlellIntjiortanl .tnimuiiremeiaijjiule iin Si

-1h«-Flr>t o( (he i r a r j Surtrj«r» -IIIM'orklmr-TIiioVay. nc

,lUllroat1 •(IiiveloiHnniln.ure pront- i.:il for.Jauuiir>- 1 or Ihortiilioui* by >«r lonila uf Ihu Idaho t;«ulral rallrnait. in'tiKh Ihe ewci naliir* H[\ho'mOT?1 l,u atillclpaied hai niii beft.! inil^f >ii/,t nnivn. Mnurka Mulra*b11l, whv wna '.{i<i I 1 ilil.-rUi:.yi'*ierday from.l'onia.^ ' ati'il Ill'll Burvo;liir.‘,lM 'cothu hn Vndlly'nUhiiiieii aumeuhhvSjieckrd dinr ir a Ihiin'hy Ihe facl llml aome uf w‘» lu I'liKlnci'rldit crew bvtnmc ularmnl liim tlio I'lihl ntrurk Ihu lamp ond , 1,1 off. He Kald Ihat lufnrnlailon of reliable aurrhiiil bevn rec.'lv.Mt«r»nc'fr-l-lWMn^ -Prrti<l«nl | l-*-ittrail WoKIi.- anil Dr. Ollberi Tel- r4l nn Dcfemher TJ. Tlerinlle plana td been oullUi'i'd lu bcein tho Hnl ' tbe year nnd Him ll wna bellefed lit Kradlnc would alan nlwut lliat;iip. . ■ >/aj.Mr. Mulrahlll tnld lliol Iti apliv n( a ^ n lempnrary olieck on. account o( \,blc falher. Ihe vnglnrar* uro iiiaklnp. n-cel io>l iirocreia nml ll 1« repnrle<l Ihiil tr .C ey UTt ilnurlnii on ib« IncUtun o{ in e brldse uuronx lhe Salmoa. ' 'vere Aa unconllrtiii'd 'report from nn* '-13.' ber anutce wua received yeaierday-ienx

\h(i c((erl llm: Ihey expecH'd l«i "1 '•! ore headguunent (rom Illvcr).ld» in clf.'ii ■•In-WliM In a ahort ilnte. . . Inl U

: h a n g e 5 in b e e f p r IIN UNITED ST

,kr..rt. tj.njji »U|M 0t,MiiB»n cnpli. ilwf jmnlui'llua In llm l/nll«l klnlra ‘t!*'" jl um^rsDna'innrked {hiini.i-t'ahicv f '" '! .V>. tnd 'clilef-Atnunn them la Mm dlf- >'»»rfaM-ln''irhleh'nnliimla lUi- -npIdiflf for aliiiRlilcr uro kiii't un lhe “i'd nna.-.Thla la one of ilie aiuay 'phu»e<

,rtl»pu«w.» In. this I'art^-ik-arllch'. Otir. Ueef Siipidy, ''urin ■i'|i»triM)>'llv«! aiot'k apcclBlliin'nlid \in«nil«l» in' the Dpjianiuent of Acrl- Ilture.' Thla-chaaKU U illtciiamt ln■uneclliin nllh variatlona In lhe ilir- K rcand* of iimiuiiien und Ilia per I’ui” Tin1 nittiuinpilnn of he»'f. (I'niiiWllli a Innier |ihi[>vnhin .<i( beef (or dua .kiii|, and nllh ■‘nlllo aluuili- 'clllnn'd 'Wl nn earlier net*, ll U nuiv-pui IhwjeilAcTW mllu'moro hii't earti.jenr Inrsnlaa wben ijietv neru mora n llle l>hnlIhsdiuniry tlinn al pn«m . Itnw- n|fi<

er.'the ayaii'in uf unlne yuunpT ml- '» «> fur bk( lur.dvi>a ih» At<e of more mnnd,n'r*ie.l feeil |icr IIX> {xfunda of bti'( " ‘f « "dtiri'a alnri u lursernroiMirilmi til. flndjj " e l l n T i r S i n B r t i i ^ l e i ; me. tmd.fd lut Ibnn wua formerly Hiv mw <I.'iiili.'n aiwm wera cnrrlnl four or flvo ler be iKiiiia nn Rram.

BUuatlon Not Seriout. 'A aWldi.* llm .tulnl numbi-r .if'.-anlr In ul llne ciiinilry'bmi dnrvuMil In n-reni birr-ur^'tbo idiuulhm la nut na m-rloua lanllcnilshl Bp|M.‘iir, alni'e Ihe liimilier “f t'Osla

lllu ll sn-nier nmv ihun In nny yi'aC .Neiv ,>m IKW loiniT. Tlio (vnaua ilEur<i> or 24r tone nnd lOLl) idiuw thnt Iher.- huo Kml-:lit kn Inm'aip In ihu ixrcentnsi.i ><f wunl'rf rulvr*. belf.'m..iMwa and bull*, luiul id 0 iln'rraao In llie iH-ni'nWso .if nirniTn. opfilally tisnl atwm. Tlip .MIhiIimlxT o( nillle In ihe tMdnlry In- tlver'nM-n KV.V).U<W fr<im IPH lu Ipl!). cvn.uirlnj thu tail ihrc.ti jcan. iIiitc baa liinilci'n n (iKn'mn uf ;’.lK«>.iiOO Itcnd. Iml n( I' Siraler pruiKinIcmj<f cowii ul pn-'' XcrtliI mtiki-a II iH...jl.le lo i-ww moro dn. r■(, e«|M-<lBll) If nmro of Ihu'calve*. aimt|il ii'fld of bi'In: aluiisliK'nil. aro (>->1. tcctivi; n« ycntllftpt. . . • Ciminriiiii ilii'i'ntmtry rnn rendllymp'ind Mhlcli

a uulrkeurd ilemuml fur beef uii<»* di'iiiiin«lMUH| durins Hie war Vlili>'n pnxliitllnn wua *ii Kllnmluiotl ili<n.It OiirltiK 1017 nnd 1013 ctnnhlnwl tli" ilre Hum l,imi'.|i(»i,n*i |Hiiind< o ( btiff pt.-.«n,r r i'>li('0 .i!, ifh li 'b whm.7 p e r ffW f.irtipf» u r 1'r.M lmllim 'iiijil p e r ccnl o f lnid>

.!ip .'rH ..f Ihv tijifl.I dnrlnif lhaf, u f llqi|i>d, .Sltlrp iilnint Itin'i K.illlh Am|■^ IndiiHm id An»lrBllii l i tn c l .m i Hie r li |e ( ihtihIir .e . .i f . i tn . li i ';b w ( . . .'Jill,-\mi<rli-nn< .trc I ' j l l n : Iv m b w f p a r tca la .

m T IM I

' 7 ' TWIN FAI

. M i li o ' i E i s i

• , 1 ' carr----- ■' 'r*)«

lelum< at OUlee Caunly .lUMto Klenu3.,Hbiov Tlmt Kednellon (or

-llldrr VHilcIe lln* m j n l o llete. 'W UBe o fd if fuualy,-

.VJlhnusVihtiru are *lBlii-niore mn- _ _ or vdiWci^nalila .tAiniy ihU yeur J Nan i \ ^ t .% b a yeur u«o, Ihe re»o. K ' uo r.’<Y)fei1 Ul Ibe uitie*hor’* o((lce r«st-^«Ue» h u InlW o!t ntMly II/,two. Thla 1* 0*111510 the (art Ibm [i.i Iau"nll.iwa n.Uaiouni\>{ oaorlbird , , 1 Hie IlccU»« (flr.B cnp which'lini old tire.'annunI.IlcewprTlio'num- cr o( c in u( Iht' ISlT raodol por- i , , . , hnri'd 111 tltc year itiey were ntf.Jc ‘ua ununtinlly larRn and lho owuem fe rciipliiR IllU ben<(ll.The /oJJotrlniriMH'Mc* are for iJie . 1 . , n.1 II in.miliji of. Jhe preionl year ; ‘|,,T Ild for Ihu whole year o( I9:i. bfll i>jnnV,n Miilis dlftrrimc^.nlnce , “ I.I aninuni so fir rr< el/ed In Ilsrem- . #r bo««b.'cn bul KJ'uiid ll la-iioi k.l,' in\lncn.aae. . . . . «•In l« ! Ihere were •jfill p^.enRcr

I liila'cmniy. In addlllon‘ reYeniii A a t collected on dealun llceiiaei' ' ’IX > chuufloura, llren>ci> mtd S3 molm . ^ “1 'blch'* lrpfiR(era - -The loial anioiini xelred (.ir*ibo7lr<4 11 monlh* war '

■ .tn In »s». pwied^or car* and .iruckr ere vounlnil 1'nKelhtr and niiptberei, "?£.;1J.- Them werolJJ molorcyciea. I.I. I n

wtro I.imcfd ii. I.t tlealen kn( o""'clrm(fmni-nnd-:.D immifera wen I't"

ren. The revunnp inllccled amuanl- -I in Jl(J.VIiSj<. ■ • , , ■ ' « l ;

, Ilreei

R b b u c l^ o N ' ’' ' ' " ^ *ITATES s in g e 1850 g

• tdaii' ' a i S ' tiW '

' ' . .a r f H ira ' '' dra!

ip 'Fi


■ I S S M m i w l f i J l l i a n ’ ”<■ JI”"'

B S r a B B m i n l n S . ' ,lorej

n m M n n l H M s B S WII

ipliii thm fumieTy; I'W Iho tlpirtt !(i>r llml 'ubi-n.ibmand and Sirim a elt ovidu Kiinirieni'aflwuliui the aupply rbo h in lm lorirnied h i bf.'atimrlalngly Pld rhie. :Tlie'ciitiAuipilon,o(;i;ev( I'lii >d vtiii In Ibtl’ yallud’ 8l'ilM"d^' ->ln fiMii .fr<im 87 nhuBdi'per pttiua WW

l«W i« « i nrt •""‘R*iriniloa .<f .27,(wii«ihi.' Ihtiwtta Uie J'®” •rirt.b< of Iiat: iW iiFniidjom o iwj .•re biK hcn'ii d^HrW In'.wniuuttH .u^tiuunilas tu'^pprouuiately »

Tbu nnlclo ttmialni.liiierMilai; la- 'tulldli ni|uMi<:( un ihr Turlitlon* (a deiiignd r dlirercni lilndl ot Ikt'fln'Varlou* Dff lie. und la Hiu dKTcrwH *«tlim* i>f morlR ■’-■^untry^ilsluJaM IloW* (n tlie ‘hli ; rser rtilti want primp.’ fat und'lln- iMl biW, Khlle tb# arera'e# ll(lUI^IfU wanta k-uf Intoltlas 1«« »TMlf. I

wumi -wciither Ihc .'rrjncltml.'.de- iiml li-f<ir ,ieuk aad cltu|>C wMlfr ‘ r-xrlnier trado demaiida'inore n iu u «..p .t1JHilllas.bKLj3iiuinl«Klox.aewl»h. L___Lt.!.- U.11 ouly lho ^ iian ern .ttW le W f i 'iiilh-\ Bf a rule. ITCfcr btadqM^ rbecf. • ■ . .. to

Batf Canumati In e a tt 'A aurvvy )iniao In;ltUO abowed llitt W.'l Ihnl Itur nearly 32'i»r CMit-ot Ibe bo res

.'f vaa nmamiiHMa Ibo'Konli Al- sIn oi rule Maiwi,'wli|eli'.’coBiprii«'New ofiho island, .Sw Vorl’,; l*«nn»ylvanla and !ivji't>ipy. Thu next l»rjti-« ninuuai.21 I'er eent. waa coiiaunl^ria lb. '

iNi-.s’unhtV-niml.dlTl»lon. In oibtr ■nl.. iniiiu llian M > -r ceat'of the ul cn.uinpil.m,«rbeff and «enl ic- hi Ihu lenllory Mil . of'iba . jtr Htkilpid nml nuRh''of'the .'Olilii (rnnii •er nnd Slarjliind. Tlte'ftiallMi pad a; niunnilliin <>i'cum-d in Iho.iiohlhAl- iHc <livi.iim. cuninrlidns lho atulM

IHnwar,-., JiaryUad, ' Vlrjlnla.■rth l’nr.-lli].i. .'}uuOj'Carolln^ (l«o^ *I. Itnd VhiriiLi, ’ Xer, capita con- iiilillnn vnrleil from 83 l«und» In Ui« f T T tli-ni dltl>lim 10 .39 In Ibo'.South 1 nirnl. Tho N’urth Atlaallc <ll«lal»a. r | j f [ lell wn« llmi In lvinl eon^ilitlon.

i‘ .r ri! ’t^i" 1 7 i™ 'b lif^"i 'r iiiM : Ifl/JII. wlddi\ |n udiimi.n to . "f «>n«nniptlon nod-.•mi innd. Infurtnalina on vartoua .U /u iur> Ilf phMl'mibm n'ml inarkeHni;,' •*■ ■< d« to lliv cmiglualun thnt Ihe period - IlntiWnlhm 1» o»cr, and ihul wben , » ii'irliil r»iidlil.>n!i nnd rtloll price* I.oi llill n m> ivnjtimi.iltm of tle«if. • , A tlu i.r..ducur», ilmuld be iir«*VB»iil I lla. . • . ■ - I t


L/O : them on mmmmm . the land ----- T“ ' ' • are both


j L O C A L B R I E F ! , i f |

JIerp;io l.ordloi'Dr. L M. Ixhtback \ iciompaiile.1 hy lilit wHo, come In d] JhlcaKo laal orenlnR lo locnle per- noucnily In Ibll cliy.

Knnir on TnJn Top-Ai ilie nfwn . rain pulled In loiloy n lol of ino». rarrleil trom eajlern lihho Oropprd (rotn Ibe toi» of u car!"*'

. .' , iilai';VorJ+tf»,irre-'kn •WtawActlon lor r 'nrrclhaura on vnltr Ilena wat ba- [! ;un.'thla m o ru ln p ,^ . C. Ilaiel I* ' iitormr. i —5 ^ ; ' '

-.Taken, iT T u e r ^ rT b o d r «c K.X RdiU wbo jdladjhabt-.boapllsl : '

Llc«,M .' i i - V lti -W .' T. rfcilli fhi,' md illancho 1. L>on'were Rrajitod ' ,I llcenie-to marry ibli ader'tinon. ritey uro (rom Hurley., ' ^

injoy fhrWnta* .llowe-ilBrolJ 1!?J' tamble and Mac Gtkidrlcb. iludenlH of rk.V lie CoIleio of Idaho, aro bird for ihe . ulldayn, They aay work'W'lhff'In- Tti lliu<!oai.ot Onldwell .J* braiftvilnR Mr|. P . e n d l d , y . - ^ ^ _ _ ^ ---------- ^

<1. U . It. Illnner Sew. i'Mp'.«-Tlie Ihnd Army >?. lho Itapubllu o( thc )in Mccmd! t^amp. the laillea of th<I. A; I t. and tha goai o( .Volerant rlll linld -a Ww VcBi'a Doy dianer l^iidoy ol llio Odd Kollowi boll at 1

.tllrr «ldnbeiv j7n to i*o-B itraV hlan of Oi^«tolnUar*,lur lii# Itiaii- n r^fV iSa-oheck for Hie w m ent “f " f rw C !L “ <>ut 10 bo naked by ihll onnty. nTTTRhvc Ja_£ii cniindy In

^ImtHriiartnipnl jlNllot; _ Tito treet commlailonera iloparimenl wlll old lli'tfeekly.meeilne lonliilit and I 'III ill# addriilwd- liy Uov. W. W,' , iirb .of .tbo' Chrlitlan chureh ;and f MahiKOf’ J. C.. Wlieelon of lb», , will .Fnlli Canal company.

,.td>niB . Hearhiir Un-The- prelim^»ry, caae o( Ihe aiaia BKalnn Juan dams U oa In Ihe-'probule eotlti

'atieraooa .tieforo Judge U. t>. urall. 'AdamnOi ehareed wltli Ui- ' i|al poiieiilon of a boiHe o( boote. ■ • t I* aald' to hiv* irled'lo ihool. *— UTred IWrrn la order, in en mnwi.l ■

E lil Hold fi«iolrr^Tbre«' 'ri#w lembon were,lalilaled at the nieH- i | of-ibft Elka.lod«'1i»r»-Iuf4vo-) . j in»j;tlie K«a( rjileij.t»lnit Tom lly,-, ' , op,, J. u TeivnuB. U.' W. .Moniu ’<1 J. A ^ow ard. Mu«le « n (urn- he.1 by.Jift hlsh'»eliPol bawl. A ll! nin^-arav WM-iU|ud by iwo rIwat iirif,:D«n Hanien and Dnn DiVry*

r - : ; .— 1Will Ifote gunrter»-Tlie vrirney •• in(eelloitftnr will taonu loia th* Vcy-l r. alto owned by V. A Varney bnl ,

.V«<J.’U'.o bvlldloi TiKAted ni .lliDrevder be thn homo of iho sun'lt Jlardwaro-tompaay. Ii wa* an- ' i lunced fait oycnlnn. .N'o curtallmint either Ilnc of Vamoy'i h plnnitfd,

le.hArdwareiiopk will he IncreoVU;

riin*8ton Fhlurm -O .' K Wriihl. fin m i l inimbnr., and manftjier•ro of lhe \v; Ml. Wrlcht ft ()on»mjiny • , rew tnrt Thur»Jhy lernoon from On’dcn where-he and I,family ipertt Clirliimni.’ He wttl ■conipanl<>d br hla. family and'.by tko.WrlBht, mnnaxer.Bi Idaho ilU- I'lani tor tbe'flxlurei (or Hie ;1 oro IB lla new location In ibe'Elki IlldlnR are Iwlne mule. ,

V tm M f In (•hallel.-Chfltiei Trifiam Ihow a decided deereaao « aII year compared with lu t al.o*« tiy jVRttrei* comirtled h r l)ep- H , 7 Aadllor r . C. l.ynch ic^ay. .In , ' |11 the nui^er. (ile<l Id the eoun- I

Wll -19H7: In the number waa Jk 77 and In 1120 bul K31. In 1921 » number Jumped to a:itj, Thli ir . l i - h i i fallen oft lo' 24!1,’ ■ ' __

/right's Soon Ready to Begin ConstructionW.'H. Wriibi & Soni company wlll ! readr In a ror>' ihcrt time to be-

1 oarpenter work on lhe Interior tho new Ilore In tbe Elki bulldlneIlch. llier will occnpy after >Vbru-r ,1. >l#nflRer C. a WrlKhl laid to-. ; r- t.uko WrlKhl. miniRer of lit* iho F-jiin Itore,'ll lahlni: meature- tnti today. Tho arraiiKemeni ami tu rti will b« of the laieit and mmt uvenleni lori.Itr. WtlRM ana tilu fftmlty a tt latk tni Ojidpn afler Cbrlilmni and re­el an enjoyable Ilme.It tb«.bou>* yon tr* leekfnit li net reirlnel la thli eolnan ioday, la- [ la 'llll le -ad ot'your owa In tbt nied depiripieni and bonit etdam;

w | ! B y. .VuB Bad‘ 'il* fd ‘ V iin iltrirB ''''' / I I.on Ilenl l l r a n i U ir P ricet fA. H. Vincent Co.■bont' 215 .Shotbone 8t- &

The Twin Falls Times to’-^very . issue carries 0 cl 3n the Twin Falls .Trac^ nd of oppoii.Dnitie& ’ Boos ith boosting you. -

l l i i s ■ I l i i i i l f c p i i i Y g

. .77- ^ ■, . QIllni* (roni...lInJwijnu...Ciut>(i ,.,v ' jilctely Ueniollihe/ Klne lloaae ' •

Krrclfd It; Karly. iHrltlere.ToTl D l Traeti Klrc, fomimnr^llHpOtaje | ) \

Klrr (rom ntiknown i-nuie deitroy* - ■ •4 Ihfl lnm« Rtne-twnn. -lwo.»Wry ramo houte'hwiied by 1- J. lllllBr,' ' ; ID Ihe old SMlon place, near Curryr' hh nornlnR. When neen Hie houin- r i i nlreadr ablato In all parta. The 'Iro companr frum Twin Palli ran - loirn'bui coulcI .In iiolhlnR wlih lho ’nldencu,'Ihoiiih-Iher did aaolal In (ceplnR lho 'flamn' from' lho barn. . i’ftIcft^WM,.«r«f. ^ ’The Jiouie wai' -huUt 'by .JtV.‘ nii.l niuc

Ir?. Settion a.'aiirtber ot yean ajn. t—w#»-:«('-fln«-mBter1al“iind' it~.1» itlniMod hl'at lU rrplacemcDt wllli Slid he lame material would-eotl «7.000. {|it^ I wna JWlIy liiiured.; Tho Plarp on fhlcli l( Ifood WM purfliatKl- lumo cun nco by .Mr.-and. Mrt. Miller. . .’bo tlnlihed Uie.iineompleled'jnart . | ( the rmldence. n ty '.la le r anld ' - ' r lie farm and mured to' a place nn ' t lie Kimberlr Toad-wheni they nnw . ' .le. They loqk^Uu place back front' lie I'urctiMer baf I w i ' not motid pek, ao'llio h o t n t f S tempomrlly. ^ acatil. : ' ' ; .T ' ' ' : ' B I

\ ' . We ^ i ^ n e t(i roiithlltlaio \ • .- «SK Illll ST(

: v a r S e ^' ' At. 1ST •Sboebone: «l. K f^V -

All FUturei nl, tbo' Voruoj^ilo


F r id a y a n d !Mwf & |i ' P l a t e , ) t A ll.Pot Roairisi per p on

• Preo D eU vor 'to a q ;’]■ •:

— All linr lieeli jlr»-

:1S6 HI108HO.'(K,VK8T

COMBINATION ll. See It in d u r V in the New Ell ‘

A tlirct-jMMie .Cnnc’'l . ln \ t^ n y ' , covcrcil willi: lircTcnilcdvVclour';

(if I'liK*. One M n lih ^ iiy I/I,ljrt * ' In tca t'ile siffti." j .'

. EiRlil-jiiecc J^iiiiiie Itnom .Siillo finiKhwl nol^,^tllll' iiow objtiiij lunlltiT Kcnt I'linifH ntiil-ntrilfim

rivo-|>ojfR !\Vnliuil K i’dcQoni i foiipltp, {IriMlnK tnMp,' pliiii'’ il'ilit i{iriii(c nnd inaltrchi. j".'

Itl n il ll)-))ipccK o f liiitli oliiwi lied a n d B]iriiig; mioiii;li iQ I

'licn tilifu lly . , ^ ;

.V v ',A L L -F iD !

Hoosier F u i;ii' ■'COMTM’fE

■ i '

td’-your'frierids l)ack inj l' challenge tliat may niea str—teach-them to realize .t lOst yom;.tbwn; Boost iTfc

■ Lssaii>-c»r.w •• • ^

. . . I'ln' i n )AY ,-m 'K .M H K U ;M , -1fl22.'.‘

. Muwllnii-jnakei tho.old^pWW'Wiili. ' ’ Hie yoiini younRcr. >lfetQirA’!»y-,..\t •.

-: C f R E j N V E N T O R T f : ' ,

S t i O E S A L E

Closes Saturday.; Nigli tBOYS'MsfidB:

[Jlu'ck and hroa'fl "eairi" arniy a n d '■Prtntt lot ; wbfatr ' ,■ . ______Sliei.O^lo 'l3'',ii',ipeclalw._.,,_..tin? niiei l ! t o 'S . ipeclil-—3ltei 254', to 0.;*^cla| .


w iB K K iS iS tK iiii r '

iai# ouV ilorei anii mako , ‘STOHE •

:U f;'e n -January.-,lSili'ilortf for lala at hargBlDR.’'' ■ i.

N EY ' ■ ^ ■

^ — ~ .

I ^ t u r d a ^ ^ u . ’

« ) u n d . ’i .u . . i . . . - ^ . ; i ; ! '. ^ ,,

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iQ ;'Pflrti o f , c i ty ' ' - ' * ••'I ■: ‘ ■■■:—T"'- • ' 'i' '

e i a K o i l ' ^ '..... >' PKO.SB l» l . - ,-

B i i f ; "'* i ’1 _____________ _

l|;8^ % u i l d m g ' * '

I . r :ipyLW fflB'liW m'fittrtc; i '.


liilo In 'tw o -to n e whiilii^^,^- ;. ; ' ciiif Mable,! Blit’fei'.lmlne ':• .ifinch b itffei;: .

il S ii i tM J r i 'iK c r , oliif.Oii'^niid lifld 'Coiniilele . '■j",

iim rtiftiH iiro liidudipB Q f irn iiilii . 't l l t te ,,. ' •

'O R

i ; 0 0

n itu r e C o.

l 'riie.Oldii&o elKJe a n ^ J a ' i h o n J e V i , e , t h a t ,b i u ^ i s & i i l , ' ■ i

T h e - T i m e f t t h e y ; ' : ' '' ■'V" '."'''V.v,-.-.:'''- . ' ■■

--------------- ■ .