IBB 'm m m m itm - Twin Falls Public...

;^Ci|p,ffi^ m : ■- ~ i i |P p ' , i i i N G i - i p * ^ ■'• ■■'■ ........... ■' *^' cel .UnderatOQd That English, Jiipahtse and American p •. MihisUr* ^re Drawing U { Up D ^ands for Presen' i tation to Nationalists. J WASHINGTON, Mnrcli ni-Aiimrl- cnn Mtnlfllcr .MaoMiirrny, aciltiK "Kti tho Drltlnli nml Japiiiickc niliilNlcrii nl PcPktne, /n, rfrnn'inif up Jrifnt rff-mtiii-M ' nil the natlonnllst Kovcrniiifini r.'lni* Jnif lo thc NnnklnK rlotn Iintl Ilm an»l- (orclsn Hlluntloif In niiltoiinlh^ icrrl* ( tory, Iho Unllotl Prmifi Icnrncil toilny. ( aecrotnry KoIIokk tlPrllnuM to con- ] (Imi Illlil Infnrniiitloit. of roninii<n' on H. Tho Unllcrt Prwiii jiTirtorMnin^n tbat —M neparato proimwitH'wflc'ii iiiihinlltn'il hy nmi —MaoMiirruy-HiKl-thc-oMirr Iwo inlnln- nrm Iprk nml that n trn'iillvo iohu ilriifl Ton him tiuon w orked n u t nn<[ Mihii>lllt.'>l ihmi to tho ronpoctlvo homo covftnimctitn. Niin Tho finiii rfoeuinoni Im «xtjor'rit to tintl provide for ntaictimiit nf forolKii Tor clalmn to bo niihinlltvil hilcr for iIr- tzi> Rtructlon of Amarlciin nml nlher for- t-'l uljpi llvoB III Nnnldni; Mimh 2i. Ii h« nion nlno oxpoQtetl to ititnmnil Kiniriini»^''i' 'nl'll n(i\lnRl ronirroncvH rlttcwhon-'or Kiich 11 IncWentH. Thero Id nnilernloofl lo lio nninc-Jnrk- ______ot-unoiilmlly-juuoaK-llio lhr«o‘ iM)w. ' «n> roRarillnE Inroritornilon of :in nl- llmalum. •Great Brltnlri cliirlnj: ihp-lnfornrif U PekInc n'cKOtlntlonH In imilor«iro‘l to hnve ntiBKCstcil ihn jmwerii bl<>cn<l? • ; ..__-Uui_Xan«Uo-rivisr ttnlenn.lhL' nntlon- ' nlldt Rovornmoni ncnulcncoii. . ‘rh^'UnUod Eiaion Bovcrumowt, It. I" uwlomtaod, hnn not >'ot nKtecd lo thlf. W hether Grout Urltnln In nlUl ti'oel^K n Joint ultlniiiuim for n Yiini;- " ” lii^hTocnilo'or contemprntlnK ponxlhle ihdW hiJont nctlon of thU kln<l could . ncrf. ba. aiicartojned. , TOKINO. -Mat^h 31-Nntlonoll»l’ "‘‘'J’ IroopB.ftt Nanklnc pulled down Hio ' nBi:q^lRrnhirnd6iiod A.m.ric.iB-«fin^ ■ulatb iinil tore ll to plccr*. It «n» re- IiotIW >oto to*lay. Onllfca Slnle* Mlnlnler MacMnrray "«< nrdoreil the ' Amorlcan confiilii al J Chanwha oml ChiinsklnnK in doio ‘ tb(> cohaulaloa nml removo ilio nrrh- Ives td HankoW n* noon nn Ajnorlcnnii arc evacuated from thono pIH<-i>. Kvi' c- nation' of Americans UiroiiKhoiii tlm ""y nitper YapfiUa valley wnn, ta^iorted * prOKTMBlns satlsfnclorlly. Tlte Contoneso continued flrliiK nt deitroyera anil refugoo nhlpn on llio • VanBtre .rtrcr between Nanking nnd Shanghai,'It wan rejiorted. ' . All AmerlcnnB In the vicinity «f , 'Is w a to w ftxoepl ol* CaihoHcn havo ' i heen eoncontmied nt th'» elly for rvno- ; ' plre ^VASHINOteN. 'March 31-The Cblneno troiibton aupnrenlly havo cx- tended lo TnJngtao In Shantung pro- . Vince. 400 mllon north of'Shanehnl. , The V. 8; 8. Plllnbury wan ordere<l ,» - (0 proceed Ihoro Iwjoy ut tho cnll of . tbe American conniil.’nceonl^K to a . J niBaaaee ta the nnvy drpartmTlit from J!r AtlmlraJ c. 8. Wllllamn, conimnndcr of lhe Asiatic fleol. . OXLT OTfE TETERA.N ON TKAM. u -----CAMBKIDOB-; Mann.. March .11.— Pnln After tfie flnt worillnt: out of the "bai • •own William Sal'/inuLnll,. Hondvllte. tho Mass.. was Ihe only voirran kfi <n itrae lUt** H arranl 'varulty boAts. On«t- It Irey Plait. Npw Vork. caplnlti of :he In » •ranm r haa .been 111 and hnn W-cn whli unabli • lo WMlc. '■ I i. the. lAems AT" = iitt 111 w^pinw I ' . . tree , . noch and Hot Do? Uer- | | .dsH itt'O luh at PoUi; MiDflrs^ H T<3m . .Cwrletl, Hecting .20 Oomaiiitwni«L>; j TOm^AM. Ner^ JiUfcb ai^Wee^ * 9tti'« teeUou. lu utntaf itwti r--aail-bot doc. merdtaou. have * tiU W 'ia a IwtUe.ot baliou and tb4;tali*rt' ticket cmrrJed Nevada** \ mw tcHS eaip'liy,* bic majority. n w s*: W««pab'fl first election. _.y, Tw'eaty rtiwttHt»emMi, ntlifrtMl ^ 't* m M : i^ .o K ft^ a Of .tbe Hec- tnc MUiam campw for tbe pur- .»OM^-nl{ntec.eonsMtlm la the tovft.-. Rtaovml‘«f aqaatters ftom tb* Hftmat tswaalia to a wr loea. ^ ikta vw aeodst Cbartle Beaton, i=S========S=S5========== mtftia « ••• . AaeoclattoM Liiawa .Wlre Bmle* Spanish Stbamer II Afire; Great Number I ' of Troops 'Aboard * XONDON, Mnrch ai.—Tho .‘^iianlnh Rtentnpr Tordoru' wllh mnny S|iiininh iroopii nhoard wAii nflre off Voles Oom em rockn 'to<1ny. n Lloyd'M <11m- palcli from' Glhrultar bhIiI. The S. S. annillln wan uolnR to the ^Tordurn’B nnnlntanco iiftnr rf Tolrlnis-Tin—aT-O.—S.—cnll. ■ ——~ Lloyd'ii recliitor llHtn n Simnlnli* owned H. 8._Toilypi, home jiort Har- celonlii. Of 183H (onu dloiilnci-nient. eANT®HiEF MAKES PRDMBE OFKMNins . Co --------- I’n Marshal Ohiang Sa/s Foreigners fin find Foreign Nations Will.Re. 'n' coivo Pay for Doatruction of ] Life and Property. ”, f^llANGllAl. March It (fi:r.n p, m.T .‘Jj' -Mnrnhnl Clilnni: Kal.Shclt. com- ,,i, iniinilcr In rhlef of tli- nntlonnllnt . irmlrn loday promlm'd lo Indi-tiinlfy 'ort'lKnurH or forelun niitlonn for llm , iHKtriiclloii nf life nml proiHTfy nt '•anklna tirovldod It proved thnt intlonnllM nohlk-iH wcrn reoponnlbln I"' or lanl wreli'ii IhcMeiH nl the YiinK- ii,, ze rlvm- pnrt. , . , , ClilniiK received for..|u‘h m^WHiinner- , Ill'll In eniirerenn-mill ni:iili< lilxntnle. . nenl lo tlinni. . , Jlho iirol«'nioa nHiilnst Om rnniprc- lunnlvu ,iirruiii:iMiu'iil!-. for lhe defenno , . )L-Shaimlnil-iinil..nalJ...!liat defonnc iroimnitinnii nniUliC-mcL'cueiiiDCiidli lifl>» nnd wnrnhl|in "wnn ciiimlnc a :rowlnK iciinuncmi lii'lween Chinese . ind forolKncni." ' Tin- sintun of ShnnK- ini. nnld tlm ninrslinl.'inuKi hci i'han»- .(I. **''® . ‘‘The prcntnen of hnrhcil wire nnd andlmRft-lR-mort-niinittlntinp.— the " narnhiil nald. "you lind not nucli prop. . iratlonn wlinn the iiorlhoru troopn roro horo nmf why do you hnvo them j low? We feel Hint thin reprcnnnin llnerlmlnatlon In fuior of Chlua'n mil. ^<,0 lOTlntn. . ,|el “I am to mainlaln Inw nnd nrder. h,q nd tbo prononco of noldiorn nnd war- ^ hlpn nnd the conlinuail prcpnrntlone I'lth Imrhed wire ure caunins srow- am, tig^tonaartoM.Jt^'fcriBTt'f’Vhe— O hlH fc ml forclKnerit. . ,n„| “Tlm Nnnklne Inrldcnl hnn hocn ox* .K«riite<l ahrond. I pernpnally order- d the commandlnR officer there lo 'enl nevercly wllh pernonn renponf- Idn for endnnKerlnc llio- llvcn . and i„j( iropnrO’ of forelguorn. If tho nntlnn* ijj^i Itnln worn KUlIty. w e'w ill Inko, full nnu cnpoiinllillUy anil pay IndeninlllfiB." -ftni "If ihera were no <llnptny of do- / pii.icn and no' marlinl law.” (.‘lilnnK L.n al»r, Vtlioro would he ho provocation L|,^ t> lhe niobn nnd no iroubl?. Wc arc eiulmlc'd diiUv, of iroiihlo hf thc»e rcparutlonn wlilch defeat their own t ndn ami nroune a feelliiK of Innccur- :y nnd danxor. .'•Tho neltleincnl aulhorlllos nnj Tl iklnK nieanuren iinually lakon by em/ a Irc bullilern lycalnnt colonlnln. nni ,fjnr tetMiiron-oiio-nailon adopUOOward :ift tou: qual. / day “The defenno prepnrAtlonn In tlh ^ Bltlcmenl nrc.hcfltllnK thooo ndopiW y nnvuKcn or Mnil-clvlllze<l colfJi- Itn. TUo nltualton tn mOKl IntoUt- blewind nn the nallounllntV Icade/ I ey thin ImllEnlty." f- ^ iKW -BADiEs; siim r / IN m:rKiNuiiA.n pal I ck WN1>0N. Mnrcli rtV—Uucklnff-im 'alncO' will henecfurlh havi| n babies' sult«" ^o' lx* nei nnjdrt for ho uno of prunent nnd fuiuro hynJ randchildren. I lt''la underMood tt\at Queen pturj « no'pleaned with the ro>-nl n^erj- rhIch abe had ftrransed for jPrln* ns Bllsabeth; wbo In ntfiylL nt be. Palace dtirlnt; ibe Dun ami >ucheaa of York’s vlnlt to Auiralla. hat she baa Klren ordera ilM the uraery Ja to ^e relataeU nn/» pcr- tanenl^ part pt palace. I FORT W0BTK"BlfY8 MI.NAWRK PORT* worth; T»*.. Mar* 31- ■he Ty>n Worth' Te»a» Lea»4e elub »»-imn*e*«H3el<*W-«eMr-Mliie--------- reo from tbe St. Paul Amri ifan A.<* oclation team.' IF.SO lp iMIm WASHINGTON. Varcb InW oatlee flllUm HUt twUy ilealc^ the i^ o n jr'a'usv'UM '18 tba taae of tncialr. oil masnata eo cbhr^' of oaumpt ot th* t^tiate. OoreraoieBt Dd 'tfareuQ' attoraeya w m told ibey iniM arpie aei® a.*pl toBorro* the DMtloa wbetktr'tb* conrkliea Is ea «* or fonr eodtta. A Tal&lmnm sea- . . TW IN .F A IX S, ] JNWSIS i liEW f i-iplES More 'Fhan 300 Miners Sue* C«S8ful. in Escape from . Workings; Three Explos- . ions ■Rocked Mine- and Countryside. JOHNSTOWN. i*a..'Mnr/'li :il-'>-All lllll four of more (han :inn riiliierx trappcil In llm I'snuiiylvnnlii Toni aud Coke rnr;iorjilloij‘« juIhc « j I’n.. hy 'nn explonion encaped nllVi>, a final check up of Mirvlvqrn Inillcliterl lodny.- T'our liodlcK ^ere taken >'iOm Ihe mlno la(« ynsKldny. ^ Two men. kiorked iineomirloiiH' ii}‘ the IdiiKt. w ere‘Kiiv<'i|i hy renciii' erewji. The olhorn ’wfrn nhle to (rKciipe un.. aided, TJiriio cxplfiilona rocked.'Nn.Jl-dElft.. of'the nihui iihorlly after noon yc<. tcrdiiy when pix deep In llm iiiinn he. cauin iKnlteiV Tlm idiockn weri! folt for mlloi ni^und. ' naineii npurled from tho nhiftn of the mine aud. llm llttlo, nfflco (It tlie main nhnf'. crump, led, MoiMb(>ii.nf ihe nfrieo ntnff were cut hy.flylr^ KhiHH. At tlie.fl/nt oxploHlou. atl llio inln- , orn h u n h i four killed and jlic iwo , knockcd iiiconncInuH nounht nnfety by lylnK dowa nr^dodfilnK in iirnieciud rocunnrn li thu'mini;, aud thun ei'cnp* | cd-lnlury^-hon-ttip-ntncr-oxpInRionH : - All tlirniRh' the aflornoon Um worti* , ern nirajtled tn Ihn tiurfncn In Ilitlo , KroupH. Many went arrniii to venturo | out nt rlnt for fear of inoro exploi. , lonn nn< It wnn noL-UnllUuttCLdualc. | that Uu/lnnl of the nurvlvorn reached | Uvu miiivce. INDIfNAPOl.Ifl. Ind., Mnrch ’3 1 - Work Jhlntlen were nounded at cnni , coal n/nen In the contrnl compbllllvn Held tldny for whal {n expected in bo Ihc iJil tlmo In monihn. Al AldiilRht tonlBht. ISff.OOO mlubrn in wAlem Pnnniiylvunhi. .Ohio, Indl-, anu. lllnolB und Iowa will walk oul' rr»ilOnlTro“ o?pIrjiTlon of llm ■aifVecineiit undr which Uii> United Mine Wnrk- ' ors : Rvo bcon ojwrntltts in ih« UllMw- Inok field. ] I'd on offlelnln dcclnrcd today tho idiltlilown u’oul<l not he complete, ll iH/claluiei! mnny mine ownern In'Iho clIMrlct hnvc ncrccd to conllnuo op- nmilon on tho banln of the cxplrlnit wnirncl. . ij Hirlks order wan tnnucd Iiy John I,. I.ewlR, prenlilent of lh«< uilnorH' union, " then njiurntoni refuned to renew the ® n'lifklni: nBreomcnt providing for a ® Innlc vnsit ot »7.M i\ dny. ' ‘ Tho nKrcempnt. intn heen In torcc d fllncft AumiKt 1(5. lyzit. TKNNIS M.\TfHKS PDSTPONKI* n ATLANTA. Qa.. Mnrch 3l.-Sfml* c .flnnln of thq South .Atlantic Ti-nnln n toumamclTl whm ponlitoned—yenler- p day bccaune of rnln., a SEEMS T( V . ' f /r 'm m m , IDAHO, THURSDAY, I Freshb Ball Team Allowed to Land After Inspection YOKOHAMA. -Mnrch .ni—After a careful oxanilnutlon (or nymiunnin of . nmallims. the, Prnnno. Calif., hnncliall loam wan purmltied (o Iniid hero to- day from Iho JInor Koi en .Mnril wlileli S Iti now In Quarantine. On nrrlvni twn caKen'of gniallpox wore found.-Ja.lho.JiH;uru«o_Afier-un. . examinntlon all nieorace pnHHeuKerx woro hold for ohnorvnilon hut eiihln pnnilonKCrK. IncliidhiK the u-iitii, were . permUted to.KO nBhore. E BATTLE FLEET ^ " IN MIDST OF " SHAM B A T H E ; '■'I ________ . * ,,i Various Units of Attacking r Force, Eeprcaonting Imagin* f 10 ary Enomy Attempts to Break Lines of tho Dofcnso. ^ H. uMTii Till-: u. s. i*li:i :t i.v^ caii- " >' HIHBKAN, WATICIIS. March Tll—’Die r haltio /lost todiiy. Hi in ’Im nildnt of.ii fnr-fhmc-mlmlc-Tiicnnfliuenrnrilil-He Houlhern wntcTB wIMi vnrlotfn Unl'n of . an atlncklnK force. repreHenlliiif nn ImuBlneil enemy neehlni: -to break ,, "> Ihrouvh llio ilof.mi>e. reachlUK tho I American fleo'. !’■ All Iho opponinc »ld<'ii a re JoekeylUK about the prohlein han hi-conie more ’ complex, Tl........ . han de- I" *• veloitwl fur more lUrateK/ ilian wnn ” comomphileO nl the nulnei. The prob* *>■ lum In heliiK worked by lioili Mde« wllh Krent ability ho Hint keeo In* ’* ter5L"i_liaH_jH>en..iirniiiiet|_iiu.thc_tJUl _ come. . '^’he reniilt of Ihe moclrtintttc whlch ? > will be announced Inler will he of tho e unwlent vnluo to the dcvolopmi'Ut of ^ “ navnl Htrniocy. In Um opinion of the - '■ comninndlnK offlcwn. Tho location o( ‘ It- Ihft-fieel iioltn-in bclnR krtit neerrt nl- :• 'I Ihlll Htnce of llio xnmo. mmmi ^ : (ffEERSAITO ' Hero of Two W ars W ill Bo R Named Chairman ofOriental Delegation to OooUdgo’s Tri- Power' Peaco Conference. ni * TOKYO. MnrcJi 31.—Admiral Ml- th aoru Salto, horo of two wa>7i nhd if ’ ono of tbn nnvy’n forrmoHt techni* cn enl nuthorltlcn. will lie offered the I fci , chnlrmnnnhlp bf Japnn'n delcKatlnn in lo PrenUlonl CooUdKO'n Irl-purtlUe’ co 1 dliarmnment conferencn In Oennva. Th<} ndmlrni nrrlvon tomorrow from Korea whern he hnn been .ROvernor . Since'- 1019 when ho qulcled the Ilf • ceneral uprlnlnR. Ilo muy accvpl. S< I nlthouKh It In known to prefer Wn <o - prenent-po"t“ tO<^ny other - honomry oti appolnlmentn. In ro BE A HARD GUY TO TfiHMr -5 iV'v5nM®l ' " IBB m itm , MARCH 31, 19^: .F ll M S ? Ifl mm ^m m andcr Pinedo Super- vising- W ork on Plane; Will Hop off Tomorrow on Sccond Lap of Ameri- can Flight. E , Ni;\V. Oltl.nANS. I,;i„ M .iicli'lll ! Comnuinder mnceMeo .j.< I'lonin i.r' I llm noynl Italian nyliii; Kot.... . todny wnn fhe hoi J: «r (•.•fi.ililm: hln huce alrpla'uii (o tain- »rr hiih'm- :g row for Uie neeonil lint> «( hi:: A....... 1- lenn tour. J; Ho now phi_fi,. to ;;o r.oni Im'I.' toj ^an Antonio. Tex., 1 iimi-;mI of Calvis-l Ion or I.nredo on the- flii.- lc.j; ..t lilitj WL'Miward Irlp, ' aalv’tttilon wan rni.-il oni wIm'U iI'- ' Pll'ut'do'lenrne.l It wan a >diorl fll.:iit|' “ aiul_Luredo hccuiine Um lUu-tiruiuU iJ nt that point In Ixdlevi'il tr>o nhallo^v ' “ tn land hlB machine. ' " Tho American Itlmuary i» i;tllltc-n- tatlvo. lln final dclorniliiallon dcpeml- ‘ " inu much of tho iiunllty of i;tiM>llim ' nvaTTiihle nl tho varloii.t ntouiilii): ' ^ 'plaeeH and the weather, 'le l‘liieil« ' Haid. WanhiUKtoii ban Ihtu anlieil fnr ' a forecniit nf weather'cimillilcjiin i>n ‘ tlio routo now iiropotied. I' ’■ The fllor oxpneJH to'iake off f.ir ' ” Snn Autunlo, land nt I^ilie .Mrdlnri, ' '■ 'ro-fnei nnd net onl for 'HI 1‘apo, Ilc > witi-Tint-Btop-nfT:i-riU„rinini"'’f’''''-'i J , norll)u:nrd 70.mll<iH li> IClcphiinl nnti» ' Uam, I-'rom Ukto lie will to Snii ‘ , DIoko anil aloOK Uic I'lirKIc cimi^I line '' IO l^)K AllKeleti. .Sum l*ranel».'0 and “ , Seatlle, ,. Fruiit .Scallk Im.plnnn lu fly lo n • lako nenr Malta. .Mont.. refuel to ca- ^ tiacUy «ml hop i« Cliltumv ibvn^o to * Queboc and Ontario, Uin trip acronn ‘ • the Allanlle will Btort from Ilort.i, .New roumllanil. lake In ,Uie A^oron. J and termlualo at I.Inhon, PorlUKnl. ' Prom Ihoro ho will ho]i to Koine, tho flnlHhliiK liolni. " » Meridian State Bank' ] Closes; No Reasons ' ^ Given by Officials 5 UOISF:. Idalirf, Mnrch 31—Tho Mnr-1 Idlan Stnto Uank cloncd l'n doom on ■ Wcilnonday nnd offlclnln of tho St.-ito DnnkinK dupnrtmonl In^iedlaiely took chnrRc; 'Tho mont reconl report of . tbr'bnnk nhowed doponltn of I I00.-I3 and nnn'etn of $2flr..2Cl,6T. The ( . cnpltnl stock wnn JH^.OOII. No reanoi- ' ! fcir the falhiri) in. Riven, A. I). Stan* I ion wan' prctihlonl and J. M. Po<l.ln. •' canhlor; lyiLI. OKKKU ■R(M-S1I #2.VKMI. , NKW VOHK. .March 3 1 , - B<l<l''; h I flounl^holdnut ccnlerflelder for the n , Sew-^ork Cl.-ilit', ■«'ill b- »ivcn n ti . compromlno oir-.-r of }2S,ono on a li tme-ycnr -contnrt—lt—min—rri)ortcd It lodny. ro ELIMINATE : I, ' II i: A fl « at C ^ ^ '■ - 81 SMt IB tht Waci __ ITBA Faatur* Btrrte* Panama Has Not . Filed Claii^ for Ship’s Seizure WA.'!in.V»iTON. I). f „ .\1;iretl ;il Tlic MlnIe d-'iiiDlnicnt toilny - n;d.l Uie I'iiMUina |;'>vrrniMcal .............. . filed n o r ’ Klven Inl.Mll.m ol rillnj.- any clnlm for ilniiiiii;<-s r<'Miltiiiit from recent K.-i/uvc of ijir l-.d -u l. If nhlp, an allcurd rnni-iniiui< ol|-ili.- jr ralttnfnl;v'cnftS(:"T\>lilMW.r I In rnliro^in Imd cl:,hm .l .-.n.di ii<-- . taken. ' . " •= mrs .M burn ' DENIED P A R T ;; .OF BIG ESTATE '• J ucI rcs Decision End ProlotiRcd > Litigntions Over $-1,000,000 Es. ' ,„ tiitc Left by Lottii Crabtree, ' i'j fto.'^TDN-, .. ........ \l:,|rl, :;i ' |'-">K........ . ovn the Jl, ......,...... , ',1-1 actr.'v.'., npp..:>r..l :;t nn ..ml'io‘‘l.,y ' i.llrdli.winir nil h.Iv. im- ..mn ,|, rls ..... . im 111,, . in.m'Of m'i ... ...... . , hum or S:.li (!:.lirlcl, i':.ll(. - I'rnUiil.. .liidn.. Wllllnm \l. I...... . , |. haa .l.-nl.'d Mn: .Ci. khnin lii.' ii::)it tn l„ coyl.'Sl ............ . «ill, » lili'h lOi.- , ...in.:hi, to bi.i.li I. m il.'-’-...... i.l th:i> , l„ l,oitnVa« her iiiiM'. ,\lr:i, l-.>i Iil,li>M'.. rl.illif lli.' I;i .1 „ or S7 ...... I hy I.,t>iii.'.i Ml/,II,.... ,.r III.' d.M.I .■.>iii.ili;niii-. ,U4ti;l;ilir.:( ,!uim' , „.lnovv hieii detl(.‘d. ,\ln..‘ .«rU ,.i,ii li;i,i ,, Ul.' rltiht to nppenl in lln- nlnlr ;m- preaiir JudU-lnl coiiit. Inn hr.Miir.. nt ! lh ....,anir..-of-.li..l«..-P,..~,'—Hh.lliit!-; - it . Wl.., .t..'ll.'V.M| 111,- Ui.;h, 1- roini wouhl ..iiHlaIn tin- 'l.-.-fsiini. Thc J.iili;.. .Icel.li-d .Mim. <'n,-klniiii ' to l,(ittii Cinhli.-c uho lllll mil jii.li- ’ „ Uon Uie O.rmer In Un will. Alt.-.- n-.J' fcrrlHK l^ llie ilc;.'h of ('rah- „ <ree. I.otta'» hioili.T. lUi- Juiic..-. Iu I.f;. ‘ ileelnlon nald: | ^ "Ixilln Crnbtrce wan Un- I,,:.| of thin ' Crabtree family, and'li. in ’i-.t:.im-nt m . ^ - Mrn, Corkburn b.’cnin,- n .-i>nii :-iiiitt J of.the will Novcmlier 5. i;i:i. BANDlsm BIG SUM FROM : TEXAS BANK f '* .One Oustomor Saves His Money) ' After Making Plea with Rob.t, bers Stating That Ho Waa Notl i Insured A ^init Loss. l-‘ I'A.MPA, Tot,, March 31—Three •; hamlltii who robbed tho Mrnt .Vnllon- ^ 111 Dnnk of I’anipn of $20,000 al noon ! . to.lay Bpareil J, R Mnnnoy. a cunlonirr I hln tl.lOO depnnlt bccaune ho wnnn't ' I Inniireil acniuat Insn. The arme.1 hold up mon Ilntehed to [ : Mn^fiey when Im explained bln money , wan nol Innure.l nnd ankoil thnt ibey . not roll him. - NVhile one of Uie rohbern wnn ncoop- c Ine up all of the money In tho ennh r tliln ami another wan •■covcrInK" otb- o cr hnnk om|i!oye« and ^lx cuMionicrn. one of the rohl.er:i .Ivhated the lion wllb Mns«ey. •'Well. If you're cninc lo Mand tbe losn pernonally. we-ll kIvo ll baek." he flnnliy-nald. rcliirnlm; Uie money io S tho nmnred htoreki-ep.T. n Manncy thnnke.l him. hai-hlnt; u p iJ< aeatnnl the wnll whllu tUv' i-ol.Wry w took place. Whon they h.id ••na.ked" all nf Uic p! money In nlRhl.the Irlo .Inne the cm- ll ployen nnd runioiaorn into the vault rl nnd iofke.1 It. floeInK e.iRtward lu .->n u- nutomobllo. fl BICKEL SPB BUSINESS nOSTON. Mans,. March 31—Speak* ll inc Ix-foro tho Uonian chamber of commerce todny. Karl A. PIckoI, pren- I.lent ot ihe l;nlt^d PrenH Annoclntlorr. ,, declat^ tbat Tnol nlnco 13M have llierr been-such poMlbmUon In tho m torelETi rtfld for yeai or woo for b America sis new.-' .“D«*UM-ooni:U a aovtrtimenl 'by a A blle epInkilC'!.'^* aildert..''and aewa la tbe raar m a(<^l out of-wblch poU* V lie, opinion- la crt>aled. no sreatcr a blUbt eonld fall upon lha- United U Staten than the creation of a tnooop* a "Such a moDopoty. by rli^ue of its ii dotnlaatlos o w the Amtrftan p iw ^ covld abape and okMM thf oatloaal 0 nlbd. ntraB(Ilac piogTwa-aod atapa^ B Xnoc l&iUaUro, Tbo.BTttld ef...Ui* « ITaJied PTM*; wUch-dktdbotas tU V »..»■ -M A nfjf ■inlii«l»n .U * rl oiip ydu. in ii = oROPior i rfflNii Approxim a t e I y 150|000 Mine Workers WUl: Walk Out Tonight When Their Wage Contracts Expire. E l.N'l>l,\.N-.\l'niJS, Ind,. March 3l-i Wiili ina.-ii.',irn- all coal nilnen Ih tho ,-.-,ii.;ii .-lunii.'tltlvc fi.'I.l rendy to niin- li.'iiil \>oili i.inlKhl. lea.hTji of . tho - Ct:ii.-i( .U.I,.' tforki'm tndny wero ro- cd lyloi- on .-.-oiionil.- prcHnnrc for .vlc- loi-> in tin- ..imln:- i.IiukrIc with Op- ''T T ^ n . i-:-lini;ili-<l lhat llearly IRO,- iMii) ^ iin i mlii,-r:> will diep Umir toola loi.iyin In »i-r.i.M-a l',.oii»ylvauin. In- dlafi:i. n!,i„. llllin,(:i ;:iid Iowa whon "■ lli'-iv v.Ar.>. <ul\llACt i-XSilvvs, 'V r.ial iiilulni: will .-.niilini.i In many :ilL ,.f Hi.- . 01.1 I.llmnli'i.ni. .llnlrl.Hll.' ;,IH1 In M,nn<> of U,.. niin<-i< w ilh ln Um i-i-iHial i-oiii|ii'ililvc Ilcl.l, The output' <ir U.'''"' iiilni-t... nil.r.'d to lhat nf tho mlii.'x ill ima-anh.n territory, wtll !*•' in lo t i-trorir, . .-onoiuh: prent.iirc lo • ■" iM'i.r on 111.- o]»nal«H-H Ior enrly nol- , li.'mi-ul of tll.' 'wuKe .Toiitrovel-ny. ll ' ' w:.!i ini'.ll.-l-;.l licrc.* .ITnlon U-ad.'rn heliev.- that . If ihu opcniiorrt ot.'.lw ti-inval tompellllvo '''' fi.'l.iii li.‘.'|i lliclr mlnen cloncd fnr a .-oniddiTuhl.' pitrlod ihelr inarketaVflll h.' lakeii over by cnal from territory iniarfT. rr.1~tir~tbtr-nh»ittiown.— " Kct>imnidhiiiiy for thc nhutilown In Ihc- .■i-nlval coMipetltlCo fields testa wltli tile .>pi-ratorn. offlclaln .of ' Iho United .Mill.- Worltern anitorted. Thoy "• I.ointed 10 Uio offer of llio Union pol- ''•*liry-rommlUr;-Mir!y-ln the * « ) c - - |o - -■ «-.?ni llllle work under temporary aitreij,- ni.-niH whllo dintrlct DOKollatlonawere J iMiInt made lo ncltlo Uio controirersy. ^ : dalejw ® " - OF INDIANA. 7 PubliAff- Arrested Today on \ C riia * Libel Indictment! Hm Been a^Exlle in Ohio for S«T- crttl Weekfi. ! eyi MtTNCII-;, Iml„ Mnrch 31—Qeor*#. 'Ij-Ill. Dal.-. .-.lltor of the Munple Post-, otl Democrat, wnn nrrenlcd hcrc toilay by. I Sheriff Unrry-McAuley on n criml.nal . Ilhel Indlclnient. Dale, who han hcon In exile In Ohio .- for ncvenil woekn, came homo . , "■ cauHo nf thc lllncnu ot hln dannht«r» i:iUnhcth. and wnn taken Into . ifUi*. •• '■.r to d y . Tbc Indlctincnl onji-lilcli.hawaa,ar-. . rrntod charsoii him wIUi c.rimlttal-1l*r bel nKulnnt Judno Clftroaec Eftdrth of ’>■ tho Dolawnro county cli+ult .ieourt' ’>■ JuiIro Donrth In now belnc tried >0-: fora tbo niuto nonale on Inipeachmkillt * . P' charces. rennltlnn trom hli order! (br; dl Relsuro of the Insue ot.the Pont-Dera- '. 1- ocnil which_coatalne<l tbo altackj.'' , -• .\«KA>SA.S CITY 4XJ> KAUM LA^'1> U M )K n WATRR e ^ITTLr: nOCK. Aar/. Marcii 31-r' : o Snow'XavorArlc.'. and the fa'rm ,eoia.muiitty for mllos around It wia Jia^ • ' • p der novoral foet of wnter firlf y «iili llio etxtlre area ,' Wniom from iho nMrta^ si^lsslp^'. . ' c pi woro turned loose on tbe'cflift.miia'*-'- ,. iiy Innl nlshl wbefr li portion •' It river lev.*o snvo way. and y o rlm * .-f n u-ho wcro»ih'rowlnisr Up relafofc*B»B« , *fled ^fare the ruab-of waur. emics-: qnb M c* Iho menaco ot aBCh^a ,t DlckeltH w bject w and the Newa.“ ' . '.I— ~Wq raco' si mo«t daliatt«-ttaiii|i^^>^ Itlr^ stAte oC pttbtle '« aH Lndn-rAnirles.'* h*; ^ 10 nlncerii and *«Hr ir bo lAkes In lilili Iliti^M liM fm fttri n in-Anerloi' awl ^oar!«<^niiAaM W agX-J ly acalB tnte^ ra rBTeatt*jp.r<atoj6M jS |^ ^ H tt >. w* ar« wftwaiilj^.te w ig g M BBW B a yroatjattKin 4 tba Dr«mt c*Msaum|B >• aa OB* IS iB * tb ^ £ ! r a. retar .te a tJUam-

Transcript of IBB 'm m m m itm - Twin Falls Public...

; ^ C i | p , f f i ^ m : ■- ~

■ i i | P p '

, i i i N G i- i p * ^

■'• ■■'■........... ■' * ^ ' cel.UnderatOQd That English,

Jiipahtse and American p •. MihisUr* ^ re Drawing U { Up D ^ an d s for Presen' i

tation to Nationalists. JWASHINGTON, Mnrcli n i-A iim rl-

cnn M tnlfllcr .MaoMiirrny, aciltiK "Kti tho Drltlnli nml Japiiiickc niliilNlcrii nl PcP k tne , /n, rfrnn'inif up Jrifnt rff-mtiii-M

' nil th e na tlonnlls t Kovcrniiifini r.'lni* „ Jnif lo th c NnnklnK rlotn Iintl Ilm an»l- (o rc lsn Hlluntloif In niiltoiinlh^ icrrl* ( to ry, Iho Unllotl Prmifi Icnrncil toilny. (

a ec ro tn ry KoIIokk tlPrllnuM to con- ] (Imi Illlil Infnrniiitloit. of roninii<n' on H.

T ho Unllcrt Prwiii jiTirtorMnin^n tb a t —M neparato proimwitH'wflc'ii iiiihinlltn'il hy nmi

—MaoMiirruy-HiKl-thc-oMirr Iwo inlnln- nrm Iprk nml th a t n trn 'iillvo io h u ilriifl Ton him tiuon w orked n u t nn<[ Mihii>lllt.'>l ihmi to tho ronpoctlvo homo covftnimctitn. Niin

Tho finiii rfoeuinoni Im «xtjo r'rit to tintl provide for ntaictimiit nf forolKii Tor clalm n to bo niihinlltvil h ilc r fo r iIr- tzi> R tructlon of Amarlciin nml n lhe r for- t-'l uljpi llvoB III Nnnldni; M im h 2i. Ii h« nion nlno oxpoQtetl to ititnmnil Kiniriini»^''i' 'nl'll n(i\lnRl ronirroncvH rlttcw hon-'or Kiich 11 IncWentH.

T hero Id nnilernloofl lo lio nninc-Jnrk-______ot-uno iilm lly -juuoaK -llio lh r«o‘ iM)w.

' «n> roRarillnE Inroritornilon of :in nl- llm alum .

•G reat B rltnlri cliirlnj: ih p -ln fo rn rif

U PekInc n'cKOtlntlonH In imilor«iro‘l to • hnve ntiBKCstcil ihn jmwerii bl<>cn<l? • ; ..__-U ui_X an«U o-rivisr ttnlenn.lhL' nn tlon- ' nlldt Rovornmoni ncnulcncoii. .

‘rh^ 'U nU od Eiaion Bovcrumowt, It. I" uw lom taod, hnn no t >'ot nKtecd lo th lf . W hethe r Grout Urltnln In nlUl ti'oel^K n Joint ultlniiiuim for n Yiini;- " ” lii^hT ocnilo 'o r contemprntlnK ponxlhle ihdW h iJo n t nctlon of thU kln<l could

. ncrf. ba. aiicartojned. ,

TOKINO. -M at^h 31 -N ntlonoll» l’ "‘‘'J’ IroopB .ftt N anklnc pulled down Hio

' n B i :q ^ lR r n h irn d 6iiod A.m.ric.iB-«fin^ ■ulatb iinil to re l l to plccr*. It «n» re- I io tIW > o to to*lay.

Onllfca Slnle* M lnlnler MacMnrray " « < nrdoreil th e ' Amorlcan confiilii a l J C ha n w h a oml ChiinsklnnK in d o io ‘ tb(> cohaula loa nml removo ilio n rrh - Ives td HankoW n* noon nn Ajnorlcnnii a rc evacuated from thono p IH<-i>. Kvi' c- na tion ' o f A m ericans UiroiiKhoiii tlm " " y nitper Y apfiU a v a l le y wnn, ta^iorted * prOKTMBlns sa tlsfnclorlly . ■

Tlte Contoneso continued flrliiK nt ■ d e itro y e ra anil refugoo nhlpn on llio

• V anB tre .r t r c r betw een Nanking nnd S h a n g h a i,'I t wan rejiorted. '

. All AmerlcnnB In the vicinity «f ,' I s w a t o w ftxoepl ol* CaihoHcn havo '

i heen eoncontm ied n t th'» elly for rvno-

; • ' p lre

^V A SHIN O teN . 'M arch 3 1 -T h e Cblneno troiibton aupnren lly havo cx- tended lo TnJngtao In Shantung pro- . Vince. 400 mllon no rth o f'S hanehnl. ,

The V. 8 ; 8 . P lllnbury wan ordere<l ,»- (0 proceed Ihoro Iwjoy ut tho cnll of . •

tbe A m erican conniil.’ nceonl^K to a . J niBaaaee ta th e nnvy drpartm Tlit from J ! r AtlmlraJ c. 8 . W llllamn, conimnndcr of lh e A sia tic fleol. . ’

OXLT OTfE TETERA.N ON TKAM. u-----CAMBKIDOB-; Mann.. M arch .11.— Pnln

A fter tf ie f l n t worillnt: ou t of th e "bai• •own W illiam Sal'/inuLnll,. Hondvllte. thoM ass.. w as Ihe only vo irran k f i <n itraelUt** H a r r a n l 'v a ru lty boAts. On«t- I tI rey P la i t . Npw Vork. caplnlti o f :he In »• ra n m r haa .been 111 and hnn W-cn whli u n a b li • lo WMlc.

'■ I i. th e .

lA e m s A T" =

iitt 111 w pinwI ' . . tree

• ■ , . ■ noch

and H ot Do? U er- | | .d sH itt 'O lu h a t PoUi; MiDflrs H T<3m . .Cwrletl, H ecting .20 Oomaiiitwni«L>; jT O m ^A M . N e r ^ JiUfcb a i^ W e e ^ *

■ 9tti'« teeUou. lu utntaf itwti r - - a a i l - b o t d o c . m e rd ta o u . have

* t i U W ' i a a Iw tU e .o t b a lio u a n d t b 4 ; t a l i * r t ' tic k e t cmrrJed Nevada**

\m w tcHS e a ip 'l iy ,* bic majority.n w s*: W««pab'fl first election. _.y,

Tw'eaty rtiwttHt»emMi, ntlifrtMl ^ ' t * m M : i ^ . o K f t ^ a Of .tbe H ec-

tn c M U ia m ca m p w for tbe pur- .» O M ^ -n l{ n te c .e o n sM tlm la the tovft.-. R taovm l‘«f aqaatters ftom tb* Hftmat tswaalia to a w r loea. ^ ikta v w aeodst Cbartle Beaton,

i = S = = = = = = = = S = S 5 = = = = = = = = = =m tf tia « • • • . AaeoclattoM

Liiawa .W lre B m le*

Span ish S tbam er IIA fire ; G re a t N um ber I

' o f T roops 'A board *XONDON, M nrch ai.—Tho .‘ iianlnh

Rtentnpr T ordoru ' w llh mnny S|iiininh iroopii nhoard wAii n flre off Voles Oom em rockn 'to<1ny. n Lloyd'M <11m- pa lc li from ' G lh ru lta r bhIiI.

The S. S. annillln wan uolnR to the ^Tordurn’B nnnlntanco iiftnr r f

Tolrlnis-Tin—aT-O.—S.—cnll. ■ — —~ —

Lloyd'ii rec liitor llHtn n Simnlnli* owned H. 8 ._Toilypi, hom e jio r t Har- celonlii. Of 183H (onu dloiilnci-nient.


O F K M N i n s. Co

• --------- I’nMarshal Ohiang S a/s Foreigners fin

find Foreign Nations W ill.Re. 'n ' coivo Pay for Doatruction of ] Life and Property. ” ,

f^llANGllAl. M arch I t (fi:r.n p, m.T .‘Jj' -M nrnhn l Clilnni: K al.Shclt. com- ,,i, iniinilcr In rh le f of tli- nntlonnllnt . irm lrn loday promlm'd lo Indi-tiinlfy 'ort'lKnurH o r forelun niitlonn for llm , iHKtriiclloii nf life nml proiHTfy nt '•anklna tirovldod It proved thnt intlonnllM nohlk-iH wcrn reoponnlbln I " ' o r lanl wreli'ii IhcMeiH nl th e YiinK- ii,, ze rlvm- pnrt. , . , ,

ClilniiK received for..|u‘h m^WHiinner- , Ill'll In eniirerenn-m ill ni:iili< lilxntnle. . nen l lo tlinni. . ,

Jlho iirol«'nioa nHiilnst Om rnniprc- lunnlvu ,iirruiii:iMiu'iil!-. fo r lhe defenno , . )L -Shaim lnil-iinil..nalJ...!liat defonnc iroimnitinnii nniUliC-mcL'cueiiiDCiidli lifl>» nnd wnrnhl|in "wnn ciiimlnc a :rowlnK iciinuncmi lii'lween Chinese . ind forolKncni." ' Tin- sintun of ShnnK- ini. nnld tlm ninrslinl.'inuK i hci i'han»-.(I. **''®. ‘‘The prcn tnen of hnrhcil w ire nnd andlm R ft-lR -m ort-niinittlntinp.— the " narnhiil nald. "you lind no t nucli p rop. . iratlonn wlinn the iio rlhoru troopn roro horo nmf why do you hnvo them j low? We feel Hint thin reprcnnnin llnerlm lnatlon In fu io r of Chlua'n m il. ^<,0 lOTlntn. . ■ ,|e l

“ I am to m ain la ln Inw nnd nrder. h ,q nd tbo prononco of noldiorn nnd w ar- ^ hlpn nnd th e conlinuail prcpnrntlone I'lth Imrhed w ire ure caun in s srow - am, tig^ tonaartoM.Jt^'fcriBTt'f’Vhe— O h lH fc ml forclKnerit. . ,n„|“Tlm N nnklne Inrldcn l hnn hocn ox*

.K«riite<l ahrond. I pernpnally order- d the commandlnR o ffice r there lo 'enl nevercly w llh pernonn renponf- Idn for endnnKerlnc llio- llvcn . and i„j( iropnrO’ of forelguorn. If tho nntlnn* ijj i Itnln w orn KUlIty. w e 'w i ll Inko, full nnu cnpoiinllillUy anil pay IndeninlllfiB." -ftni

" I f ih e ra w ere no <llnptny of do- / pii.icn and no' m arlinl law .” (.‘lilnnK L.n al»r, Vtlioro would he ho provocation L|,^ t> lhe niobn nnd no iroubl? . Wc arc eiulmlc'd diiUv, o f iroiihlo h f thc»e rcparutlonn wlilch de feat th e ir own t ndn am i nroune a feelliiK of Innccur- :y nnd danxor..'•Tho neltle incnl au lho rlllo s nn j Tl iklnK nieanuren iinually lakon by em / a Irc bullilern lycalnnt colonlnln. nni ,fjnr tetMiiron-oiio-nailon adopUOOward :ift tou: qual. / day“The defenno prepnrAtlonn In tlh ^

Bltlcmenl n rc.hcfltllnK thooo ndopiW y nnvuKcn o r Mnil-clvlllze<l colfJi- Itn. TUo nltua lton tn mOKl IntoUt- blewind nn th e nallounllntV Icade/ I ey thin ImllEnlty." f- ^

iKW -B A D iE s; s i i m r /• IN m :rK iN u iiA .n p a l I ck

WN1>0N. Mnrcli rtV—Uucklnff-im 'alncO' will henecfurlh havi| n babies' sult«" ^o' lx* nei nnjdrt for ho uno o f prunent nnd fuiuro hynJ randchildren. Ilt''la underMood tt\at Queen pturj

« no'pleaned with the ro>-nl n ^ er j- rhIch abe had ftrransed for jPrln* n s Bllsabeth; wbo In ntfiylL nt be. Palace dtirlnt; ib e D u n ami >ucheaa o f York’s vlnlt to A uiralla. hat she baa Klren ordera ilM the uraery Ja to ^e relataeU nn/» pcr- tanenl^ part p t palace. I

FORT W 0BTK "B lfY 8 MI.NAWRK PORT* w o r t h ; T»*.. M ar* 3 1 -

■he Ty>n Worth' Te»a» Lea»4e elub» » -im n *e*«H 3el< *W -«eM r-M liie ---------reo from tbe St. Paul Amri ifan A.<* oclation team.'

I F . S O l piM ImWASHINGTON. Varcb InW oatlee

flllUm HUt twUy ilealc^ the i ^ o n • j r 'a 'u s v 'U M '18 tba taae of tncialr. oil masnata eo c b h r ^ ' of oaum pt o t th* t^tiate. OoreraoieBt Dd 'tfareuQ' attoraeya w m told ibey iniM a rp ie aei® a.*pl toBorro* the DMtloa w betktr'tb* conrkliea Is ea «* o r fonr eodtta. A Tal&lmnm sea-

. . T W I N . F A I X S , ]


i liE W f i-ip lE S

M ore 'F h an 300 M iners Sue* C«S8ful. in Escape from

. W orkings; Three Explos- . ions ■ Rocked Mine- and


JOHNSTOWN. i*a..'M nr/'li :il-'>-All lllll four o f more (han :inn riiliierx trappcil In llm I'snuiiylvnnlii Toni aud Coke rnr;iorjilloij‘« juIhc « j I’n.. hy 'nn explonion encaped nllVi>, a final check up of Mirvlvqrn Inillcliterl lodny.-

T'our liodlcK ^ e re taken >'iOm Ihe mlno la(« ynsKldny. ^

Two m en. k io rked iineomirloiiH' ii}‘ the IdiiKt. w ere‘Kiiv<'i|i hy renciii' erewji. The olhorn ’w frn nhle to (rKciipe un.. aided, ’

TJiriio cxplfiilona rocked.'N n.Jl-dElft.. o f 'th e nihui iihorlly a fte r noon yc<. tcrdiiy w hen p ix deep In llm iiiinn he. cauin iKnlteiV Tlm idiockn weri! folt for m llo i ni^und. ' n a in e ii npurled from tho nhiftn of the mine aud. llm llttlo, nfflco (It tlie m ain nhnf'. c rum p, led, MoiMb(>ii.nf ihe nfrieo ntnff w ere cu t h y .fly lr^ KhiHH.

A t tlie .f l/n t oxploHlou. a tl llio inln- , orn h u n h i fou r killed and jlic iw o , knockcd iiiconncInuH nounht nnfety by lylnK dowa nr^dodfilnK in iirnieciud rocunnrn l i thu 'm in i;, aud thun ei'cnp* | cd -ln lury^-hon-ttip -n tncr-oxpInR ionH :

- All tlirniRh' the aflornoon Um worti* , ern n ira j tle d tn Ihn tiurfncn In Ilitlo , KroupH. M any w ent arrniii to venturo | ou t n t r ln t fo r fea r of inoro exp lo i. , lonn nn< I t wnn noL-UnllUuttCLdualc. | th a t U u/lnnl o f the nurvlvorn reached | Uvu miiivce.

IND IfN A POl.Ifl. Ind., Mnrch ’3 1 - W ork Jhln tlen were nounded a t cnni , coal n/nen In th e contrnl compbllllvn Held tldny for w hal {n expected in bo Ihc iJ i l tlm o In monihn.

A l AldiilRht tonlBht. ISff.OOO mlubrn in w A lem Pnnniiylvunhi. .Ohio, Indl-, anu. lllnolB und Iow a will w alk oul'

rr»ilOnlTro“ o?pIrjiTlon of llm ■aifVecineiit undr w hich Uii> United Mine W nrk- ' ors : Rvo bcon o jw rn tltts in ih« UllMw- Inok field. ]

I'd on offlelnln dcclnrcd today tho idiltlilown u’oul<l not he complete, l l iH/claluiei! m nny mine ownern In 'Iho clIMrlct hnvc ncrccd to conllnuo op- nmilon on tho banln of the cxplrlnit w nirncl. . •

ij Hirlks o rd e r wan tnnucd Iiy John I,. I.ewlR, prenlilent o f lh«< uilnorH' union, " th e n njiurntoni refuned to renew the ® n'lifklni: nBreomcnt providing for a ® Innlc vnsit o t »7.M i\ dny. ' ‘

Tho nKrcempnt. intn heen In torcc d fllncft AumiKt 1(5. lyzit.

TKNNIS M .\T fH K S PDSTPONKI* n ATLANTA. Qa.. Mnrch 3 l.-S fm l* c

.flnnln of thq South .A tlan tic Ti-nnln ntoumamclTl whm ponlitoned—yenler- pday bccaune of rnln., a


V .

' f / r

' m m m, ID A H O , T H U R S D A Y , I

F reshb B all T eam “ A llo w ed to L an d •

A fte r InspectionYOKOHAMA. -Mnrch .ni—A fter a

carefu l oxanilnutlon (or nymiunnin of . nm allim s. th e , Prnnno. Calif., hnncliall

loam wan purm ltied (o Iniid hero to- day from Iho JInor Koi en .Mnril wlileli

SIti now In Q uarantine.On nrrlvni twn caKen'of gniallpox

wore found.-Ja.lho.JiH;uru«o_Afier-un. . examinntlon a ll nieorace pnHHeuKerx woro hold for ohnorvnilon hut eiihln pnnilonKCrK. IncliidhiK the u-iitii, were . permUted to.KO nBhore.

E BATTLE FLEET ^ " IN MIDST OF " SHAM B A T H E ;'■'I • ________ . *

,,i V ariou s U n it s o f A tta c k in g r F o rc e , E e p r ca o n tin g Im agin* f

10 a r y E n o m y A tte m p ts t o B r ea k L in e s o f th o D o fc n so . ^

H. uMTii Till-: u . s . i*l i:i :t i.v c a ii- " >' HIHBKAN, WATICIIS. March Tll—’Die r

haltio /lost todiiy. Hi in ’Im nildnt of.ii fnr-fhm c-m lm lc-Tiicnnfliuenrnrilil-He Houlhern wntcTB wIMi vnrlotfn Unl'n of . an atlncklnK force. repreHenlliiif nn ImuBlneil enem y neehlni: -to break ,,

"> Ihrouvh llio ilof.mi>e. reachlUK tho I American fleo'.

!’■ All Iho opponinc »ld<'ii a re JoekeylUK about the p rohlein han hi-conie m ore ’complex, T l......... han de- I"

*• veloitwl fu r m ore lUrateK/ ilian wnn ” comomphileO nl th e nulnei. T he prob**>■ lum In heliiK worked by lioili Mde«

wllh Krent ability ho Hint keeo In*’* ter5L"i_liaH_jH>en..iirniiiiet|_iiu.thc_tJUl _

come.. '^ ’he reniilt o f Ihe m oclrtintttc whlch ?

> will be announced Inler w ill he of tho e unwlent vnluo to the dcvolopmi'Ut of “ navnl Htrniocy. In Um opinion of the - '■ comninndlnK offlcw n. Tho location o( ‘ It- Ihft-fieel iioltn-in bclnR krtit neerrt nl- :• 'I Ihlll Htnce of llio xnmo.

m m m i ^: (ffEERSAITO '

H e ro o f T w o W a r s W i l l Bo R N a m e d C h a irm an o f O r i e n t a l ‘ D e le g a t io n t o O ooU dgo’s T r i- ‘ P o w e r ' P e a c o C o n feren ce . ni

* TOKYO. MnrcJi 31.—Admiral Ml- th aoru Salto, horo of two wa>7i nhd if

’ ono of tbn nnvy’n forrmoHt techni* cn enl nuthorltlcn. w ill lie offered the I fci

, chnlrmnnnhlp b f Japnn'n delcKatlnn in lo PrenUlonl CooUdKO'n Irl-purtlUe’ co

1 dliarmnment conferencn In Oennva. Th<} ndmlrni nrrlvon tomorrow from

Korea whern he hnn been .ROvernor . Since'- 1019 w hen ho qulcled the Ilf

• ceneral uprlnlnR. Ilo muy accvpl. S< I nlthouKh It In known to prefer Wn <o - prenent-po"t“ tO<^ny other - honomry oti

appolnlmentn. In

r o BE A H A R D G U Y TO

T fiH M r -5iV 'v 5 n M ® l • ' ■ "

IBBm itm, M A RC H 31, 1 9 ^ :

. F l l M S? Ifl mm^ m m a n d c r Pinedo Super-

vising- W ork on P lane; W ill Hop o ff Tom orrow on Sccond Lap of A m eri­can Flight.

E, Ni;\V. O ltl.nA N S. I,;i„ M .i ic l i 'l l l ! Com nuinder m nceM eo .j.< I 'lo n in i.r '

I llm noynl Italian nyliii; Kot.... . todnywnn fhe hoi J: «r (•.•fi.ililm:hln huce alrpla'uii (o tain- »rr hiih'm-

:g row for Uie neeonil lint> «( hi:: A.......1- lenn tour.J; Ho now phi_fi,. to ;;o r.oni Im'I.' toj

^an Antonio. Tex., 1iimi-;mI of C alv is-l Ion or I.nredo on the- flii.- lc.j; ..t lilitj WL'Miward Irlp, ’ '

aalv’tttilon wan rni.-il oni wIm'U iI'- ' Pll'ut'do'lenrne.l It wan a >diorl f ll.: iit |'

“ aiul_Luredo hccuiine Um lUu-tiruiuU iJ nt that point In Ixdlevi'il tr>o nhallo^v '

“ tn land hlB machine. '" Tho American Itlmuary i» i;tllltc-n-

tatlvo. lln final dclorniliiallon dcpeml- ‘ " inu much of tho iiunllty o f i;tiM>llim '

nvaTTiihle nl tho varloii.t ntouiilii): ' 'plaeeH and the w eather, 'le l ‘liieil« '

Haid. WanhiUKtoii ban Ihtu anlieil fnr ■' a forecniit nf weather'cimillilcjiin i>n ‘

tlio routo now iiropotied. I'’■ The fllor oxpneJH t o 'ia k e off f.ir ' ” Snn Autunlo, land nt I^ilie .Mrdlnri, ' '■ 'ro-fnei nnd net onl for 'HI 1‘apo, Ilc >

w iti-T in t-B to p -n fT :i- r iU „r in in i" '’f’''''-'i J, norll)u:nrd 70.mll<iH li> IClcphiinl nnti» '

Uam, I-'rom Ukto lie will to Snii ‘ , DIoko anil aloOK Uic I'lirKIc cimi I line

'' IO l )K AllKeleti. .Sum l*ranel».'0 and “, Seatlle, ,. ‘

Fruiit .S c a llk Im.plnnn lu fly lo n •lako nenr Malta. .Mont.. refuel to ca- tiacUy «ml hop i« Cliltumv ibvn^o to *Queboc and Ontario, Uin trip acronn ‘

• the Allanlle will Btort from Ilort.i, .New roumllanil. lake In ,Uie A^oron. Jand termlualo at I.Inhon, PorlUKnl. ' Prom Ihoro ho w ill ho]i to Koine, thoflnlHhliiK liolni. "

» M erid ian S ta te B a n k ' ] C loses; N o R easons '

G iven by O fficia ls5 UOISF:. Idalirf, Mnrch 31—Tho Mnr-1

Idlan Stnto Uank cloncd l'n doom on ■ Wcilnonday nnd offlclnln of tho St.-ito

DnnkinK dupnrtmonl In^iedlaiely took chnrRc; 'Tho mont reconl report of

. tbr'bnnk nhowed doponltn of I I00.-I3 and nnn'etn of $2flr..2Cl,6T. The ( . cnpltnl stock wnn JH .OOII. No reanoi- '! fcir the falhiri) in. Riven, A. I). Stan*I ion wan' prctihlonl and J. M. Po<l.ln.•' canhlor;

ly iL I. OKKKU ■ R(M-S1I #2.VKMI., NKW VOHK. .March 3 1 , - B<l<l''; h

I flounl^holdnut ccnlerflelder for the n, S e w -^ o rk Cl.-ilit', ■«'ill b - »ivcn n ti. compromlno oir-.-r o f }2S,ono on a li

tme-ycnr -con tn rt— lt— min—rri)ortcd It lodny.

r o E L IM IN A T E :I,

' II

i:A f l

« at

C ^^ '■ -

■ 81

S M t IB th t Waci __ ITBA Faatur* Btrrte*

P a n am a H as N ot . F iled C laii^ for

Ship’s SeizureWA.'!in.V»iTON. I). f „ .\1;iretl ;il

Tlic MlnIe d-'iiiDlnicnt toilny - n;d.lUie I'iiMUina |;'>vrrniMcal .............. .filed n o r ’ Klven Inl.Mll.m ol rillnj.- any clnlm for ilniiiiii;<-s r<'Miltiiiit from recent K.-i/uvc of ijir l - . d - u l .

I f nhlp, an allcurd rn n i-in iiu i< o l |- ili .- j r ra lttn fn l;v 'cnftS (:"T \> lilM W .r I In r n l i r o ^ in Imd cl:,hm .l .-.n.di ii<--

. taken . ' . "

•=m r s . M b u r n' DENIED PA RT ;; .OF BIG ESTATE'• J ucIr c ’s Decision End ProlotiRcd >

Litigntions Over $-1,000,000 Es. ' ,„ tiitc Left by Lottii Crabtree, '

i ' j fto.'^TDN-, .. ........ \ l : , |r l , :;i '|'-">K......... ovn the J l , ......,...... ,

',1-1 actr.'v.'., npp..:>r..l :;t nn ..ml'io‘‘l.,y 'i.llrd li.w in ir nil h.Iv. im - . .m n ,|, r ls ..... .

im 111,, . in .m 'O f m'i ......... . ,hum or S:.li (!:.lirlcl, i':.ll(. -

I'rnUiil.. .liidn.. Wllllnm \l. I....... ,| . haa .l.-nl.'d Mn: .Ci. khn in lii.' ii::)it tnl„ coyl.'S l ............ . « ill , » lili'h lOi.- ,

...in.:hi, to b i.i.li I. m il . '- ’-...... i.l th:i> ,l„ l,o itn V a « her iiiiM'.

,\lr:i, l-.>i Iil,li>M'.. rl.illif lli.' I;i .1„ or S7 ...... I hy I.,t>iii.'.i Ml/,II,.... ,.r III.'

d.M.I .■.>iii.ili;niii-. ,U4ti;l;ilir.:( ,!uim ' , „.lnovv hie ii detl(.‘d. ,\ln..‘ .« rU ,.i , i i li;i,i ,, Ul.' rltiht to nppenl in lln- n ln lr ;m-

preaiir JudU-lnl co iiit. Inn hr.Miir.. nt ! lh ....,a n ir ..-o f- .li..l« ..-P ,..~ ,'— Hh.lliit!-; - it . Wl.., .t..'ll.'V.M| 111,- Ui.;h, 1- ro in i

„ wouhl ..iiHlaIn tin- 'l.-.-fsiini.Thc J.iili;.. .Icel.li-d .Mim. <'n,-klniiii '

to l,(ittii C inhli.-c uho lllll mil jii .li- ’ „ Uon Uie O.rm er In Un will. Alt.-.- n - .J '

fcrrlHK l ^ l l i e ilc;.'h of ( 'rah -„ <ree. I.o tta '» hioili.T . lUi- Juiic..-. Iu I.f;. ‘ „ ileelnlon nald : | " Ix illn C rnbtrce wan Un- I,,:.| of thin '

C rab tree fam ily, an d 'li. i n ’i-.t:.im-nt m .

^ - Mrn, C orkburn b.’cnin,- n .-i>nii :-iiiitt J o f.th e w ill Novcmlier 5. i ; i : i .


'* .One Oustomor Saves His Money)' A fter Making Plea with Rob.t,

bers S tating That Ho Waa Notl i Insured A ^ in i t Loss. l-‘

I'A.MPA, T o t,, M a rc h 31—T hree •; hamlltii who robbed tho M rnt .Vnllon- 111 Dnnk of I’anipn of $20,000 a l noon ! . to.lay Bpareil J, R Mnnnoy. a cun lon irr I hln tl.lOO depnnlt bccaune ho wnnn't ' I Inniireil acniuat Insn.

The arme.1 hold up mon Ilntehed to [ : Mn^fiey when Im explained bln money ,

wan nol Innure.l nnd ankoil th n t ibey . not roll him.- NVhile one of Uie rohbern wnn ncoop- c

Ine up a ll of the money In tho ennh r tliln ami ano ther wan •■covcrInK" o tb - o c r hnnk om|i!oye« and ^lx cuMionicrn. one o f th e rohl.er:i .Ivhated the lion w llb Mns«ey.

•'W ell. If you 're cninc lo Mand tb e losn pernonally. we-ll kIvo ll baek." he flnn liy -nald . rcliirn lm ; Uie money io S tho nm nred htoreki-ep.T. n

Manncy thnnke.l him. hai-hlnt; up iJ< aea tnn l th e w nll whllu tUv' i-ol.Wry w took place.

W hon they h.id ••na.ked" a ll nf Uic p! money In n lR h l.the Irlo .In n e the cm - ll ployen nnd runioiaorn into th e vau lt rl nnd io fke .1 I t. floeInK e.iRtward lu .->n u- nutom obllo. fl


nOSTON. Mans,. M arch 31—Speak* ll inc Ix-foro tho Uonian cham ber of com m erce todny. K arl A. PIckoI, pren- I.lent o t ih e l;n lt^d PrenH Annoclntlorr. ,, d e c l a t ^ tb a t Tnol nlnco 13M have llie r r b e e n -su c h poMlbmUon In tho m torelETi r tf ld fo r y e a i o r woo fo r b A m erica sis new .-'

.“D « * U M -o o n i:U a a ov trtim en l 'by a A b lle epInkilC'!.'^* a ildert..''and aew a

■ la tb e raa r m a ( < ^ l ou t o f-w blch poU* V lie , opinion- la crt>aled. no s r e a tc r a b lU b t eonld fall upon lha- U nited U Staten th a n th e creation of a tnooop* a

"Such a moDopoty. by rli^ u e o f i t s ii do tn laa tlo s o w th e A m trf ta n p i w ^ covld abape and okMM t h f o a tlo a a l 0 nlbd. ntraB(Ilac piogTwa-aod atapa^ BX n o c l&iUaUro, T bo .B T ttld e f . . .U i* « ITaJied PTM*; w U c h - d k td b o ta s tU V»..»■ -M A n f jf ■inlii«l»n .U * rl

o i i p y d u . i n i i

= o R O P i o r i rfflNiiA pproxim a t e I y 1 5 0 | 0 0 0

M ine W orkers WUl: W alk O ut T onight W hen T h eir W age C ontracts Expire.

E l.N'l>l,\.N-.\l'niJS, Ind,. M arch 3 l - i W iili ina.-ii.',irn- a ll coal nilnen Ih tho ,-.-,ii.;ii .-lunii.'tltlvc fi.'I.l rendy to niin-

li.'iiil \>oili i.inlKhl. lea.hTji of . tho - Ct:ii.-i( .U.I,.' tfo rk i'm tndny w ero ro-

cd lyloi- on .-.-oiionil.- prcHnnrc for .vlc- loi-> in tin- ..imln:- i.Iiuk rIc w ith Op-

''T T ^ n . i-:-lini;ili-<l lha t llearly IRO,- iMii) ^ i in i mlii,-r:> will d iep Umir toola loi.iyin In »i-r.i.M-a l',.oii»ylvauin. In- dlafi:i. n!,i„ . llllin,(:i ;:iid Iowa whon

"■ lli'-iv v.Ar.>. <ul\llACt i-XSilvvs,'V r . ia l iiilulni: will .-.niilini.i In many :ilL ,.f Hi.- .01.1 I.llmnli'i.ni. .llnlrl.Hll.'

;,IH1 In M,nn<> of U,.. niin<-i< w ilhln Um i-i-iHial i-oiii|ii'ililvc Ilcl.l, The o u tp u t '<ir U .'''" ' iiilni-t... nil.r.'d to lha t nf tho mlii.'x ill im a-anh.n te rrito ry , wtll

!*•' in l o t i-trorir, . .-onoiuh: prent.iirc lo •■" iM'i.r on 111.- o]»nal«H-H Ior enrly nol- ,

li.'m i-ul o f tll.' 'wuKe .Toiitrovel-ny. l l ' ■' w:.!i ini'.ll.-l-;.l licrc.*

.ITnlon U-ad.'rn heliev.- th a t . If ihu opcniiorrt o t. '.lw ti-inval tom pellllvo

'' ' ' fi.'l.iii li.‘. '|i llic lr m lnen cloncd fnr a .-oniddiTuhl.' pitrlod ih e lr inarketaV flll h.' lakeii over by cnal from te rr ito ryin ia rfT. rr.1~tir~tbtr-nh»ittiown.—

" Kct>imnidhiiiiy for th c nhutilown In Ihc- .■i-nlval coMipetltlCo fields te s ta w ltli tile .>pi-ratorn. offlclaln .o f ' Iho U nited .Mill.- W orltern anitorted. Thoy

"• I.ointed 10 Uio offer o f llio Union po l- ''•* liry -rom m lU r;-M ir!y -ln the * « ) c - - | o - -■ «-.?ni llllle w ork under tem porary aitreij,- •

ni.-niH w hllo d in trlc t DOKollatlonawere J iMiInt m ade lo ncltlo Uio controirersy. ^

: d a l e j w ® "- OF INDIANA.

7 PubliAff- Arrested Today on \ C r i i a * Libel Indictment! Hm “ Been a^E xlle in Ohio for S«T-

crttl Weekfi. !

e y i MtTNCII-;, Iml„ Mnrch 31—Qeor*#. 'I j-I ll. Dal.-. .-.lltor of the Munple Post-, o t l D em ocrat, wnn nrrenlcd hcrc toilay by.

I Sheriff Unrry-M cA uley on n criml.nal . Ilhe l Indlclnient.

D ale, w ho han hcon In exile In Ohio .- fo r ncvenil woekn, came homo . ,

"■ cauHo nf th c lllncnu o t hln dannht«r» i:iU nhcth . and wnn tak en Into . ifUi*. ••

'■.r tody. • ■• T bc Indlctincnl o n ji- li lc l i .h a w a a ,a r- . .

rrn tod charsoii him wIUi c.rimlttal-1l*r bel nKulnnt Judno Clftroaec E ftdrth o f

’>■ tho Dolawnro county c li+ u lt .ieou rt '’>■ J u iI ro D onrth In now belnc tr ie d > 0-:

fora tb o n iu to nonale on Inipeachmkillt * . P ' c h a rce s . renn ltlnn trom h li order! (br; dl Relsuro o f th e Insue o t . th e Pont-D era- ' . 1- o c n il w hich_coatalne<l tbo a ltack j.'' ,

-• .\«K A >SA .S CITY 4XJ>KAUM LA^'1> U M )K n WATRR

e ^ IT T L r : nOCK. Aar/. Marcii 31 -r' : o Snow 'X avorA rlc .'. and th e fa'rm ,eoia.—

m u iitty for mllos a round I t w ia Jia^ • ' • p d e r novoral foet o f w n te r f i r l fy « i i l i llio etxtlre a re a ,'

W niom from ih o n M rta ^ s i^ l s s l p ^ '. . ' c pi w oro tu rn ed loose on tbe'cflift.miia'*-'- , . iiy Innl n ls h l w befr li portion •'It r iv e r lev.*o snvo way. a n d y o r l m * .-f n u-ho wcro»ih'rowlnisr Up re la fo fc*B »B « ,

*fled ^ f a r e th e ru ab -o f w a u r .

emics-:qnbMc* Iho m enaco o t aBCh^a , t DlckeltH w b je c t w

and th e Newa.“ ' . '.I—~Wq raco' si mo«t d a lia tt« - tta ii i |i^ ^ > ^

Itlr^ stAte oC pttbtle '« aH Lndn-rAnirles.'* h*; ^10 nlncerii and *«Hrir bo lAkes In l i l i l i I l i t i^ M liM fm ft t r i n

in-A nerloi' awl ^oar!«<^niiAaM W agX -J ly aca lB tnte^ra r B T e a t t * j p . r < a t o j 6 M j S | ^ ^ H t t >. w * a r« wftwa i i l j ^ . t e w i g g M B B W B

a yroatjattK in 4 tba D r« m t c * M s a u m |B >• aa OB*

IS i B * t b ^ £ ! r a. re tar .te a tJUam-

_• • O w w - n n d U h l1f - M 1i.r cim rliM i.'!• • '..V o ffo l wnu'hoHtiiSH lo tlio nii iiilii-i’i* i>I .

»to©-0rt>eri’i»nil WJiHr. 'J'wJh M booi «onlor KlrU' ^liilj, W nlnrnil:!? Rvenjnc a t iior homo on Swi'iiUi iivi- nuo 'cn« t.' M1«H. JunnUii'SiiicUrrc- [iivl

.M ias H oien Itonnold . cIiikr uilvl»nr>*. w ere preiiont iinrl rh v c mi;:-Rontlona du rin g tliu litfqInuHH xonxlonl w blcb w na opone4 l)>- Dorothy

____ ' Ktrom a n il t'nVCn over hy (,'linrlf>iK?S lm p»on"ln tbr In' ‘lire uwulni;.^ Ttn- liUKlnoM cll^ciiiiiilon co n cp rn cl llio typo of cliiHH liny ilrcmi in liu w nni

„r.-.. ..co thn ienccm cn i w eek. Miir>' Trovoiii Kavo tw o cJt'Vcr rfniJlDKJi am i Chuf- lotio Slmi»int) iiliiycil n plnno iii-l'l-- lion. By rotjiii'Hl C lm rlolto Slmiwon tinil Doroihy D Inkolnrkor. nccninpim- led" l»y Chnrloiio V okoI.'dnnrcd th - Dorchn. At llio cIok« of the ovniiln;:‘

. liffhl roIrCHhinonlK w rru aervoil l»y th o l rommUtoc which Incliiiloil- C h iirlo ti- j VoKel, H ntol HlncK, Wllinn llovor-, com hC j.JJiircnrci llnvnii nnd (^ ir t l ic j Nlch<jt*.

HoKtPMS tn J . 1). Tl.—Mni. J. A, K w f- or very dcllKhtl'iiIly u n io ria lnn l thu mnnih«rn of th f » . rliili n t lii’u home on Third nvenuo no rth WVdnci- dny afternoon. .Mrn. Mort’honmt of KnniiaH Cliy. nml Mm. H . I.. Dlnkol- ack n rrw iro KiirmtH ol llioj:l*fhrV l tilny M rs. D lnkclnckor tfon tho lili:JiS«(;nr^ prl*(i and Mrn. Hoy CArclnor tht; lS»r T bn la llle ii ciirrlcii n cli^vor ii[irliti:'| Umn moUr. A .U'llPlnii.s tw n ronrBu] lunchboR wn» iiorvoil followlnK khiii'-h.

narmimy f’Jnb I/HnrbPOM—.Mrj«. !>«•■ cal W hllo cnlortiiliici'l d m moml.uH ol

lh e H nrm ony ohili with nn n ltriioilvo.Iy nrrnnRnd onu n 'rlock hinchi-on on

■ • 'We<ln«Bduy nt her Iinnf.; tm KlKhth avonuo.vHKl, npiiolntinonlii huliii; iiuiilc fo r tw«lvi-. At hrIilKo fnllowlni; lho

. lUQchoon Mth. J . K. O rr wnii iiu;iiiU'ilUip hiKh iiforo rnvnr.

---------- -----Trfdn<R fl«r'nrliJK r=1'Irn.-Atvln U nr 'l« i i r wnH hoi'tPH" 10 tlio nn'nilxTH <if lho WodnoH.Iny llrl(li;ii_^<-hil. t h h w.-.-U a l hor lipiilu on .Mii[rl<i rtvcniK-. r h r ' '" liiltlrit wor«r‘ III J iliiy iliiHnu' llio nti-

_____ __<>rnooii nnd flra? nnd' h* * ^ ] »\v;inl''"w e n t io M th. Ja ck T h o i N ^ ^ Mm .

F roem an P ohh.

" ^ • v ■ •ScrUiWerH’ C ln U - T h o ni. i n h o . t ? ^ ' -n b e .-S e rl tib lc n i ' c luh inoi w.win- i ili.y : ’ ..n 'venlnii u l tho honm’ of Jcun Hlni;.'!--'

- 'a ekc r. FollowlnK iKo iMUilm-Hs m .;->• filba an d 'w o r'd d rlll. ilio uliori S « i > '

.. f f 'i lu d y V n n can tlnucil. oxHinploii |M'Ur.:| " ’‘I 'n a d by h niim hor of thi- r lu h ih rin-i

; * ; ^ » b ,r * .^ M r n . .W. J*, .r'oifH- i... (. v.-«.•• r .T '- r i» r t ;O f tlwt a u id j 'l .o u k :m.l th .' n -

; :iha lD dor o f Uic nvenliu: whh . . . . . w ith Inform nl dlnriiMnUm, I.IkIh r--

treahTnenta wcro aorvr.i hy ih.- hr. - 1leaa; I

• Kpl-irnpnl tJn lld—.Mr». I’, J . M.-’:’ G ra th onK 'rtalnod tin- |'|iI''|-<>|kiI (iull'l i

n l ' h r r homc on r:iKhtli Ih ' imh' . .i i | T h u radny 'n fto rnoon w Iili -\Irr.. W. \v. ' O w in prealdlnK. Kollow-lni: lln -rrin iln i'I , liualni;na nntl^'^j »liort |irtiKi;iin, \>lil<ii[ ro;i^lM(*cl n f nn lnloro;>i(iit jnni. r iw • ,

■ "H n ly roiKl t.y .\iv:'. I ' ] ,J*ryt>r: tho i r-nmliiiior uf iln- . .......... j ,Wllli Hponi wllli |».']i.iriilU>hr. Im tin' ap ro n luid loa tow rl i-ulo :mil ihittn 'r - lo b« Klvon a t I’arlHh ha ll S;iiii'nl,iv

. p ron ln if.-A pril 2. x riv in s i<f h.-iUn .ii . , 6 :30 fr.'m . .

' • -A«WC»on .liVniio n n h - M ,K ..................^ O n m m o n a e n tpnalm ’il tho A ihllsm i! ;n

A venue Social clnh Wo(ln-^.lay a fi. i • j• noon , cljshl ........ born mul kih- ....... .

M ra. O eoree Tnylnr. alloncUnc. Mr--, j Ilnm inona wnn nnnir.l rhnlriti;in n( ilio i .p rogram on " n o r a l I 'l i l tu ir " n> !..• Riven a t the noxt wfotlnK- 'l'l.-- ;ifi- n rnoon w as .I'pont In i.oulnj; ;mil i Im' boateaa (x-rvi-.l a d .iln ty i\u i <,.iir:" luncheotu ‘

. Y < w » U t f : d in A r c h e r y 'In r n v t i t j r n r . ihori- Ini'* .............. . ■

i ld r r a h lr ofT.TI <i( ri-Wx.n-; :,Whl!.- Hliiic.i .-x .-o ' u-.-.I f.T ‘flahlns riMlN, o^n.r.l Imnil..,i,. 1. -n il. nh le f..r n ia lliia f..r Im

. 'f U e .j rw trr .- ........1 H li.-l,l ic t.,- m.-perl..r. . .M.CIIII J'l Jr.n-» ;u ' | i.'H Oiw a« II jrr*-ai Ml.U.l i.;v*iiiji.. iih>i ai>ort. hut n flor li i . l l im .. .li,- ,-.iua». _ I>:i

Mrs. Dumas — Says Gas Took ^

Her Breath jth a t I couhl har.lK l.ic-.|if7 i !thlnK I a to W rn t ;uuli>-l n .r A i r . : '1 l>r»an laklnK Adi. ilk.i, lti< i;;i ^tpe nml I .-.ii r»oi>tliln: Mr.; i: .1 Duma).. '

A ill.'ril.n .IlCf.-is fro ......... trlne:* h o ra n '. ' it IMTH nil-jS«-r anil hN»<-r l-i» .-l. Ji k ..fynK-m a H K \l. < Ir.n r Ihk, .,i.1 .I .: .:- ' o u t old I>ol* ‘n^ %kliii-h U.'U:||I.\ (.111 . j iw ur. Ra**y n<m'.,irii, ii.-i. n .i-... .

■ ■ ■ • V i l 5 r p i r » ,n ? M . - h . : . i W i . i - ; - 'n v : : - apoonhil atoi'-* ;iii<l r . l i . i . Hi..tfu ll. hI<vit«*J f r r l .n t M. Ill.ll J..II ...I.

. «.«! b c l ir r an.l ^lo. ^ |.? l i r r , „1kiw p1« tnovp llally. .TTTl.rik.i liiin o u t m urh aiW lilonal p.il.«.<in win. hym t a*T*r SueuMtl Wft.' in >i<ur ^>.^l |u ..ml

• ^wUcb m ay h a re Inti;: r.iu-.^I lr..iC:V

1 1 . ; ' - i i f

u.I.Gardening Books .\'l on L ib rary Shelf

ro llnw lnn III a IlM of hookK nn lho NiihJoclH'of iHiiillry anil Kiird'-'n- llli: on tlu- »ln-lvo^ a l iln- puhllo ll. b rary ;

,>nl I’lm llry : I 'n if ilr a l I’m illry I’rodnc- il> Inc. I.iirnon anil K lnchornc-; I’niiu K? la r I 'liiiliry I’olnu 'ri'. H annan; .Moil' ho >Tir-7 ’r)Uli,ry” ic .-i'i> in f:r"srn tr-n ioM ho tf. Ko'i'ii l i in u fnr I 'ro fll, Vnloiitlnp, rn I'raclloiil I’nu ltry Mnnai;!.-uii-nt. lUci

nntl Ih ila fo rd ; Tlii! Hcii a l .Worl(, T- amJ TJj<-, <';iH <>t Ihi- !h»

HoKan,G ardi'iilni:; Iinlb ftrowlnu for Ania-

«• lein-H. Thoiiian: MiiUliin of u Klo'voi (!ardi-n. Ilonnoti: Tin.' I’riioiloa

' - ‘ Klowor ............... Kly; Tho l-UHifiiinlon. Klni:; Tho Itr.Ko In Aniorlca

1 Mrl-'arland; _ ICvoryhmlyV I'lowo ’'*1 (iarilon, Thonm «; ( ’onilnnotin Uloon ' ‘ 'in A 'lncrlra,. Slicllon: Th,- l--indiioapi

I DiirdonInK llo o U -T at.n r Ilnno CJrow I III/: for Aiiiiiii'iirK, TIiosiium; TJji

r . l llni.1i o f lho Ilimo. I'onlor-Mollliir: loM iardoniiia w lih ' llralim , H nok. and

I 'rn rt ln il -.KoIm.oI anil lloniv Car- I di'ii, Hnoil.

11 I

"• i-*UKi-:no.>t r o R t h k l a i h r s• M m o. f^-nlno sayn Knsiiln. la lho

’■ only c({iii{iry In tlm w o rh l w hero '■ wonioii r ea lly nr» omunclpntiiil.

Mayhn thu na-n oiit-ii th n cnim fo r" ........I ovo r tfcoro. . . , D ni'nn 'ltihoh ii'all*o‘ l l i a i every • w om an In c Ainoricji to ilay lia:i lioi-'iiwii I)lel70 . An oiihivni u 'l 'lle r naya iionio ll u f lho lliii^ttl illHhon uia-il lo hll

r.mUoil 111 iiiiiK-r liacii. Now Ihey'i'o oarrli.'d huinu In i.apiir l.aKM aud

, . "•ai1y___ii.,.,eat .\YhuiL_Lh(i_b3i;: :i- ' iii'i-iii’d. . . . All ludliinii m an Is

Hlllll); fo r ilivon-ii boi-anni- lilx wIfn coiikod on ly onu inoal fu r him fn

'■ rlioir cMo »voo'|{« o f niarrfoif llfo. j M:i>l.o Iio'h b .'t io r olf llian hi> ‘

' Ihlnliii. . , T»vci OJtlcaco wi.nioii ; Idi iul IliaC Ilhl tlsrtdO 'Ty of hoano- j kr.'lda'j: III- nl»)llnlii-<I. T lio i.i'a u I

^ lo rinn ii In ll fo r th o tnnn w ho lit- ! r v .n iii a cun o iif ii f r Ih a l runii Qr •

j T iu la y r t I i e a d l l i iu Ih a l p o n ’ll j< ii.-vor «i-«.: ' 1‘ASTOUS P.VSS |

, I l’l..\T K l-'OU I-'U.S'I) TO HrT\*Sl.N’-; | < ;i.A iit i - K \ m t io i .D W A T C ir. j

1 Tivo jtlrlK l i i t r n d u ifd nH ''liust* Ii- lr ls" li> Ju liu O. lloo la.fuU r? 1

wi'i-i! (iri.-iionU'tl u ill i ftlilniiia-ilm : j f iliiuoM. T lie y 'ru r-oud bualiKics I

1 ' I] A New Vorlc jnilito d e rid e d th a t

.1 tw o drli|l;H do no t m ako e v e ry |I m an <lrnnk. TIio c o ro n e r can te ll j' >i'U ahoiic nomo of lliu o iIk-i'.h, I

[ Mi'll n io bi-iior, Ih an wonu-ii u t [{ ll.o iini'Kllikn-aiiHWor »;ainn' I h a t lit ( M. [li.nuU r ih.;i<e dnyH. payn a Clil- I

raKl. iivoTo;i-ior. Hut lil;il n-<l; ><i.nio I i.iilior >»hat to llo w hen th o haby j

NCuiijii|;Ut. la s t . .M:A .‘ic iv k c . Inc.) I—---------------------- -----------------i

S o u : h r r / i E x p r e s s i o n ]III.Mull s " I 'a n . i;ni|..v aliil I'jihio'* i

............................... . s.i..ii -'Nl::.;.'!- In !

BiiK cey !. FOR ‘m B i r ^

Prep.irc<l l-!s]it'cially i'nr liu 'n:it:; •

j .lllll C h ild re n i . | .Ml

Mi.lhi r : I 'li-I.T ^rrT T ^-i.iiI.i h:,:. I..-, n '

O il' 'l '.ir i ;:.irl,-. ‘-JV, il'.lTii: l>i..l>- ^m-l

— : ----------------- :-----------------------------------

1( VJE MW f 1 curvo iC

X * x V ANOrrtCK / GEC: IVStSM lUCrtTSN( Pop'D cos^ - \ —rr ? r

V l 'M GCTTiNS I > '\W.NGRY ^ i

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\n v f II Ice '’orl<,<


‘V '* 'A landCnr*i



l: t—lU - ■' —— ' .... I .... I ■ .

P E R S O N A L Sid i ---------**.

. \I ifc .-T - IJ-. Jo n .— In.~-i.-MirM-.l-Is I ll.T lixiii" In lioli‘1' a fle r ^V 'ad ln i: m> ’» li.liiii' ho ii' al th<> lionx' of h.T dam » i i n , .Mm. Jolin Fi'hlhiim n. - 'J f •rii-ijil.ii.r II. Ilnniior nnd la ira .Ma: ,i ..m l. Uolli of IIni;iTiiian. ir< 'id\.il .. j - m s . ' tn wed ye.-iiorday.“ , .\lri. Ji iinl.' Inv lah l. wlfo of lh.- h I" ;<'harl.'!; K. Invlj;h1, lofl W.-.ln-i.d ' I •v.-iilin: Ior Kiint^a.. r i iy ., I Ml- and .Mill. T aylor I to jv il ro n ai .1 1 'i r . and .Me, C bailii. A II" i\o r llol ^ |niM i' viii.'il . W.diii-Mlay al lho hoi- : if .Ml, and \lr:i. H:iy Sliiyirr,

j .Ml', and..\1t;i. \V, V. M „:„rn ): ,'1 . ' il;uii hl.-r li-ll W..1n-v,dii>' for ilu

: ]''■>■ “ I " ' " ..... . .......: r ’" '" ”'- -__________.

<I 'l l . I 'o s n i i i , I 'l i o i ' SI'

( 'lA M .sr . yn ; > i,\i.\ aV i:. i : . \ s ‘ s io . - n d > .

T ' '■ \ ml y '

- ; OR i le y s E n .illloyV K,ivli'i M llll.i.ry m


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Ni-w fiix ili.iVi;:! ;iii'i . n

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W '*U:U_ CW — f { C'MON LE iSC HC'5 ti^viNCi J I UAIJE (KUdCK A M io v V g a m gr SNITH ^tfCTVTC^

t f i ' 0 ili ii

I ' A L L S D A H i t i c n a t E a .


■ 1 ^ '- - -f

S O ld Englith Superstition*», A siiiioi-aiiliin (.iii-i- oxlKum In'KlU

_A litliu_ll.;il—lh.L_|’mn....,u4ir—w h ic h - : m ,iiu' '" " Iv 1‘1'd I'li-.n i':inh-d- lo hnrliil-

i-iili.'.l II.I- lllor wa.v--waM un lne tj TM-: Wl.v r..iii..Ii'.l niii.n a In'IU.f llm(ll.- ifi-ui alv,:iys f.iK.ii;o.rfiiliorntH liHll' li-l...... . luldliiK I.. III,’. i'iiipii:nlUii

" • " f Ih.' ................... th a t hiorohslnu iivi-r a jialli jiul an evil Hjibl

I. i„t>i n|u .n .... .................... .. •'■■•day ________ __ ____

' Only (u n »oi-ks nmn- tliDi> lo dl.iI an.l |iono of onr fan illu it) filovk. n a rsa lillo l’.' iith 'oa nl QiilUIni: IIuhIuohk Sa te . Ahoni'! ! I ., V incent a.lv,

„ l . j ■ • • ■ llu - i ■‘Sa;j I t w ith Flowers'

" " " ‘ i K n 'le r .Snndii}, .Vjirit ' 17Iloini-niUi'r Ynur T hiireh nn Wi-ll

ns Her.

ia'sj '/ Floral Co


35/er M illin eryII. :.l>li> In Miiarl lall-

I 111 tlu tnl-ilf. ;.lul .lirnn inod-lil l:.r-.i <iv:iil :i.- i- : .ill til.' Il.-w

Iiii li:iliti. ' r>iiii|,n . " and f lo u rr

r fio:,i h. ,1. .i|.riv III t.<‘lh o:t-.|rrn i t : i . r,iv.l \ ;.l i |i- «i- ha»o r>or

of Children’s Hats

A H o t

7ev5 Yf lo -n tcR • ( “ 0 ^ v a e . , \ \,4C A DlNNtR-.WOW — •

) AND MOM'LL QG ------I MADCtfi. THAM A' /

; W om tm B ound and Gaigged; $15,000

^ in D iam onds T^ke_____ 1.08 AN0i3UvS. nCI., Mfirch .11-

handll. wliD^hound nnd KncKcd Mi |b ! Mnltio TQltzor.-.Aiild to bo u niQt H ; he r ' of :n pmniln<‘n t - Kannna .Cl H : ■ fam ily. In her a tm rtm e iiL ln tho K l ■ ' IlnK hote l, nnd cKeniied ''Mlih dt H _ inonila vnlucd n l Sin.OflO. whh tl 3 ohjocl o f « Bonrch hy poHcit. ho n todny. ^ .J . sin • T he ro b b er i'.lo o k phico Inli' Jn S niKht, tho In lru d o r'x a ln lh K .c n lran ra du rln i; tho nbacnco of Mm, T eltzr M W hnn th e woinun en tered hor npnt R — tT ilo n t-ih n - hurR lnr-',-)cW !it-«rr—tn - S cloaet. Shn remiilned n rnptlv'i- i'< m moro ihan nn hou r hift flniOly nur H - inond he lp hy. pounillaK on ihc . rion

w i)H . A. J . ro sT K M , r o o t s ny C IA M ST. S07 .HAI.V AVi:. KAS'8 rilONK H40..~n<lr. ^

9 o o o a o o o o o o o o o O o a o c i e o a o o o o H 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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sp]= 1 1 Notel^esJI^

•U ll- 5 5 ■ , 1 .

H : | 5 0 N eV <nlUiu 5 5 I* S R iiiiiji ic lii 'd . f o r !)ils s i'll

I I ■ l»l- ............... . \

lll.l- 3 9•sain 5 5 | U L

A. g g 1

A real $68 —ill . tiful line pi

they last, aij " |g Come Ear\

New Silks—.5 9 .\ l a r i je a m i lii 'a iil i r ii t r a ih 8 g I'd s i l h s ; oxe .-in iim iil g o v iJ i ij 's a l . y n n l .........................

j p L ad ies’ P u re Sill i l l! g o .S r / 'f i l l a j- ^ 1,111' v a lu e ; S n tj g o .M iiiid n y : ' ]ia ir...:.w .........

■ New Rayc; | g 111 lii -:u ilif iil p a llo i-n s ; re j;ii • g o .^ ;itiii-ilav a n d M o n d a y ,

, L ingerie M at. . ' t | In' .IIIMV I 'o ln r s ; r e tn i ln r -1."

| 2 g v iiliii.; y a r d .............................

S o P u re X inen T ab ito o f e k 'u h i r ’iil.7.'> vnliio ,



V-o t . O n e *

MA'<6 G IT UJCW-DN' //j^ y ^ 8A O . i d e a - T o t t u .

U 'T T C CrtWD-Y



I ' R E A S O N S F O R T H E L A T

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niQtn- • ■■jpPHSBSdHglJHn.c i tyK ip - - d ia n iM ra n iB H M ndtn- '

horo ' r - ] B 8 p8 P * ^ 7 ^ " '—

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Vanityd a y * i n d ^

E Q Urices-^Every One a 1


G oats i 5 0 rIII I'lli.-i w .T

^"lliiilC , . i . -

$ 1 8 .9 5 S8.9SJO N ’T M ISS SE EIN G T I

i S p r e a d S;Siik Rayon Spret ({’colors. As onii ' - - ■ • ■ •■• • •rl ! These Won’t

-just In Ia ih :c <>r n.'W [ir iiil- \v .. in.;i ........

$ 1 .9 5iilk iC h iff6n~ ^s '. Ladies’

. 7 9 cyons ! j

;"::::L"79e'a te r itls

..1 .2 9 c3le o W a s k , F as t..........^ . 1 9 '

IE V A N I T Y SRogerson H o te l l^uildin

o o o o o o o o to o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ciQOOOOOOCBOOOOOOOOOOOtOOQOOODOO

X W T e e A \<V h E L L O ^ i ^ V trA K E H O M C r k .* Ha - h a - w c l l I D Y - — a u r r u T p r g------y R . I ©OOQHT va

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^ r g e s t s a l e i n t h e w o r l d


' S h o p '

M o n d a y

a Real Money-Saver |

o r e ? . .____________ |

N ew D resses | |w.'i'k. III ull i l ie Vory n e w e s t S g t-i.-.-il-i»r -» iiiirh —siflt— III---------------------- § § •

> ,§12^95.:|l6,.?5 IT H E S E . ■ ~ l l

S p e c i a l 1

ead'lh a beau^ ' |n ^ a s ’ $ ^ ^ 2 9 '

’t Last Long!

M illinery...... . a M[-(i'ii7t'-riiil lin e o f lii'ilit- '

;, /:,>nii' i-''id lie a iilio s fru m — ’ O

______ _ l ,

— ;: : : ---------------— ---------------- -----------•:s* F ine STlk B loom ers........ '89c

Plisse C repesand fiunir.-<>; a n-^'itlar *fl O a : ward ................................... ± 0 ^

New P rin ts

.... 17c |ist C olor G ingham s - - S

........ 21c iS H O Plin g ' I I>0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ^ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOO*

- By T ay lo r

^ V U C D V ';LL.MD?es' /> A-BOK. p R G sc N T / : •F O R ‘m e / 1 s u ^ s £ n ^ , T . \ ’wUAVS -■ / 'V r / % " ■F . R S T ^ / > ^ ^ r,

- l i i

0 0 liIdaho's Champion^ ]

Six Point Lefid ii Sw ioh" .of Gam< WMhington Sduai

. . ■ ) ' Z O A U a t E n d o f 1‘ ij Time, f

; ‘ '; CHICAGO, Mnrch

e n try Id tho nnllonal Intor- ; .liiuketbnll (ournpm 'bnl woi I jitcd todny •'whtifl RldRi;tli^

f' • ' clsfeatod Atlionx, Toxnn,’ 1. Wlw 35 lo i l .

In an<)f^vcrUme Romf. t to llo , ‘ Idaho, h igh nchool

T he i ( c ^ ^ ? t tho cna"; ol plnyiilfe llm o wn* 20 to j;80.

CHICAOO, MnrcV 3 l:-^ l> dercatoi) toam n rem oln todn n in th nnnwnl intor-dcholiintic ha ll ^oum nm cnt o r tlic Unh

■ I ' ■ ChlcnRO. •, / •• Thin ovrnlni; tharo will

h a lf nn mnny. nnd .Sniiird tho tw o auJntct* Hur^vinn

___ •. gnmcB und tho t»cmj-flnnlnorron*. ^1 1 m eet fo r th

_^plbniihlp.Y cstcrdny'n RnmcK rctmllci

.EhKlowdod. ChlcnRO, sriV' C________________________________ Z U ~ ________ 1i !: ■ • ... 'M orton , ChlcaRo, 24: Kniri

•vionnn, Cn.. 32; W infield. 7 . . lJoDd9n. Ky.. 20; Snfford. .

'H u r o n , S. D.. 26; U ncoin . G rand Forka. N. D.. 2S:

.field -P a rk , N. J .. 50.E au Ctairo, w ia .. 19 ;.A (lic

; . , M . 17.I 7' nonw all, N. JI.. 20: F o rt J

i’, M e . 1>.|{ BaU svIIIc, A rk., ^8; M

MIcb.. 20.,> ‘ Busoqo, Orn.. 13: . Duv:i1

JackBonvllle, ,FIn.. 12.M aniinry. lIlRh, N'orfplk.

0 * k n id c c , I ^ . . 1C. .. n o re n c e . MIm ., SotKh HI; aeapollB. 17.

[ Colorado SprlnKK. Colo., 22h ..................... O., 18. - - - - • •

. C o nw ta llan RamcK \VcU«««I f ■ oulled:

D urant. Okln.. 36: T Ala.. 23.

k M uscatine. In.. 37: I-'rnni• ■ . IU 23. ^ .

l \ . . Gr««avinc,*S. 3C: Alplnr

' . / ” •{£ • . NorthpaHt H U h. Knanus Cl-11.% . 28:. D eerfield i5hlc1d". Cldci

J I ------------— D u ff i« m r~ N r"C “ 37r BuiJ V I.. a i.

, ConaolaUon Knmcx will < throuithout->ho doy. ' ,

T he « 6Wlar BchoduJo toda follow i:

12 p. m.—noU jw cll. Wu«h.. calollo , Idaho. " •

_ , 1 p. ni.—L ondon, Ky.. vs.■ B. D ak f,

3 p; ni..' O rond ro rk n . N. E au Ctalr<>, Win.

6 p. n . .- n o » w r il , S ,I . ' TlllB. A rk.I . 1 * 1 ^ tn .-i*ten«np. Ore,. v». 7

. -H I bW N orfclk. Vn.7 t>. m.—D ria to l., Coan.. vi

i co(v, '8 p. m-T^Morton. ChlcoRo.

I Kl«irood, Chlcaeo.\ ! 9 p. ni.—V ienna. Oa,. vn

I ^ T Z • , rado S p r ln ia , Colo.

» / \P ro $ p tr iiy H itic i Muf ' ' Aa richM and honor fortakc

w e dloMTcr him to i> e n fool, b»d f rould find U oul lo Ills pro —u S r a y e r e /

QaltUBR Bv»lfle»a'fkAlr coRti oaW; tw o w M ka uO re. A. -H. < ^ ^ r .

. . H IS L O. 'W te e 1

: ^ - A W O L I

V B * A liP B B a

u m ni, 1 0 2 7 . / ' ” • .

f $ 6 F THj : S t a r . o l ^

i i E ' w^ Run Up 'in Extra

me With lad; Tiedif Regular . V.’.|V V | |

—T h o 'T cx aH v:or>flcholn8tlc *wan o llm ln.tl i^ l . N. J.. '' T ho Bcofe H t -

tho I M n B B i l l S M B i>1 tcnm do- ‘ ■ C V

ft'f r«<-.iliir H<‘r«‘» AHhworth Th, of roRula irndInK icorer.oC tho Hock. la in Confercnco. ThnnipK•• lii^ U’llh Monlnim SlatoIglxtccn un* atofcd i t ? point* In i ;odny in the P*’’"*"ntic haakol. Ho wun named, allJnlvcrslty of to r« a rd .


~ WTFH BRnirm onl. W.

Id. Knn.. j.oca: .Man WUI Not SiIn r i t ra c t to Play This Sea2S: nidRo- Twin’t Entry in tho

Leoguo.llicna, T ex- - i - ■

.. T.'\,i,fi„ii n»'t>o'’lii Ihni hnve li.-on m

X I . , K l c i r n c r of.T w ln i'tillH. « lio

Idnho. would piny (hlH nra ,vn1 HiRli. ,ho T»»-ln riillii Iln iln bniioi

woro nhnttprc<l IIjIii iiinrnInK <. \ n . . .1 ; Tinicn rcrclvcil n n-lrc from

stntlnR thllt ho had not Hlcni HlKh. Mln- tr a c t nnd Mini hc lmd no Ifit

putdnR IiIh nnmo on th r iln 22; Dover, o f nny pnpcrii. Hu will lir> I

--- ton u n til nnv 'r inul l;««»dny -TC- plnnn tnld Jnr the ciinilns

which will keep him rrom i TnllnnHcc. tlio propoiuil mmln him hy

cluh ofriclnlH. rnnklln. N. I 'n llu ro In iittnlnliiK Klorfui

lco,n I h lH ^ 'i i r will iiK'an I )lnp. Tcrin-, '^ 'l» )'i>v,> to nroii

fo r nnotlrer in rirlilc r-.w lia ' Clty. Mo.. ''**10 f*’ tho iilvfir nnck

hIcaKo. 24. "tylc-BurlloR lon. prncllca lly asnitrrd.th^, ApcwrBOn. UoKctilu'TC. IKtkok1 continue " ’J '’ ■ '" '" i’-

A c rcn t-num ber of loraJ n oday la a s nnxiniw lo k.

' O ruin P<im<d nml may hn rIVilh VB Po. const, r ra c t lc ii lly a ll tho pin;

, , wero nrllh tho Urulnn Inat yc. va. H uron . condition ror lh'. . _ l«cn plo^’ln s w in te r Ij,i1I on iN. D.. VI.

...n ....- ' lim TH1I1!;» lloMP.I B.VN A-NTONIO. Tox.. Mar

K M anunry IW tilo Manuati. Amcrlcnn U : tln i: cham pion or la st year, kr

VB r in r -I ' ■ >« Rufficlont fo r tbo D etroit 7 o va PlttshurK h Pirn

TUiKK .SKt'OXll.S I.0> HOUStON. Toxaa. Mnrch 3

U olroll TlRcrs’ aecond loam V u cA * cloao Rame yeaterday tn Jln )ke a man to 2.ol. bu t no- 'proajH-rltj. SK.NATORS ITIN OYKIl (

TAMpA. F la., Morch 3 1 -T I ■ e».«ii«n« r tw llv won aiR linum for ba ttle from tho S u Loula Oai H. V incent to i.

.O P ’S O R C H A R D;e iltf Oood TimM ( ^ v . PBIZB ^ 0 & EVER70KE ZBS FOB T E E LOOK7 ONEB^

HE S P O / iW e s t Pacific-C oasi, • ;iV Al U)ii AoReleii:

Kcnttlo ............................... .m S jA . Lok AnRol<-H ..................... .W U ^ 'g Ilallc rioa ; 'Ivdwnrdii.

JunkliiHj W rlRht nml }li

I'VaPcIiioo:J lo r lln jlU .-- ..^ .,-------------

..............Dntiorl'.'ii: lIuKhim ni

.M0udy:4uid ARlibw.

Al O akland:(11 liiiilnKx)./- ' •

.MIiiHlon» .... ............ ........... .Oakland ...............................

linltcrlcnr Ludoli.li, \ on. Diimovlch and WIdii Coopiir and HnKer,' Kcail.

Al Sncram onlo:Hollywood ........SllCrilJ»C7Jt(7 ........................

na tlnrlc:i: .Slicnoiihacl phy; linchnc. KcuUiik an

\ Y A J M P i J TO U G H i '

HI]iipion, l>lay.ato COIIOKO. ----------I,.* ',..’','*,'"** By .MILUi;it HUGlamplonKhIn M anapor M lho New Yoi h a U - w X ^ »'«’• PK T K R S nunC , Kl:

—The VnnkooR aro cxiv h a rd e r oppoalUon In Ihc I.cnRllb ponniilit ra re ihi

i | 7 | l • Iniil iinaaon nnd wn liuH iiI c K '

_________ lt_LnUht_lJu_iliw)utiul_i

r n n lho boat cluh In Iho IcaRi K H th a t ono y e a r of clinmi I f MJ po rlencc'w lll he of heni-fl

• _ _ _ _ _ _ o u r youOK ha ll [ilaynrn ni^ D I T I M v "HOiiKh old pinyc-ru on ll

pr^norvo halancv.

rchurvo atrcnR th r>f the tei bnll wc havo to ho prcpt

. S ig n Oon- hrcakn from Injiirlua nnd Season w ith w ithout capahlo auhHiltuC bo Y ouJB yo throuBh ii U

^ w ith accurlty .Wo ouRht to havn sood

lutlelil l» alronK 'iind Uie oi u iimdi.' dur- ""H'lnK htit wo Imvo to p I, t],.„ a lonB annnon nnd th e cl.ho h'l coach- " “I « “ »ll I.cwl«(on. ---------- 7 -----------araaon with SIIADiC TO MI^Tfl' 31 ....

iniiobiill clul. ClllCAOO. M arch : i l—I InK w lm thu Cnllfornla. and .\Iaxln flou roai K Ictfncr New York, have h ltncd t< ilRned a c<1n- hout hero A pril 12. Tlu:

Ifitaiillon of hi! ICO -pouudw.■ ilnt'od Iltio • ------------------------ho III i^ w u - s i: .v ,\T O its KKr.KAsi:ml haa olh-ir 'i vm I'A . F<a.. March 31-ns Rummor. Ihkioh R<'nalorH havo rckmi arccpiliiK nil'll McCann, nil outfieldhy Ihi- local (;olumliii» <-luh of thu An

Hoclation.I'ffuiT’a r c r v - _______________1 Ihnl Ihv. CAT ,U - T |;« . .A . l ‘lJiU____lirout.aroiiiul ' <;Ar.‘jK.S--HTOT;0;iQ' will Ue '. . ___ :s,ick in inajnr lA vD O N ." M nn.h 3 i.—.

• • a rtah, rec ru tly wnr-; ihiMhalJJolaft^^ ,,n iicre.W,k(TOUMa. ,vlirt, h r r cal

, , ‘tlio tab le whllo (lho wa)im.,1 ronil- j,„,

rn Iron , . t..irivTB Wlio ‘■""’" f ' ' ri-tiirnc-d .a vcnll

i ; ___________

o n 'r t o / o ! " TIMrCa WANT ADS I'AI

MKHSMarch 3 1 - . M ■ j

U aR uo hit- ’ ■ A / mknocked In ■ j ^ W g ,

:h 31 — The fmm Ioat a <

Jloualon. 3 I ^

It CARl>S ^ 9 )- T h o V a s t . . n /m J L i» d i» K _■ ___________— -Cardinals S M X l /

i i ■ ' ■ l 0 E f

. T W I N F A L L S ; D A I L Y

? r W Q R L

«t League YH EES Hi!;=,:;:n CHAMP BIII. tiraham nnd ” -I . y '

■ GLUBTHIS—— _-----------------------------------1— ________

I 'a u d .... W iiiuiell' «'l'- I’lCTjjRSHHUiJ, m.M iller trii«4liis~ i)i;iaaKcr

..................- - - Y o rk - 'V n n k e o v n c rrr haa• It. II. K. nn oxtraVuRant opiluil

Inatead o t uniiiR n pen.... .......... 2 'I. 2 I'J draw ouC how many k............... 1 . 7 0 Ihc Yankeca will hci npxl

prnferH lo fllVeim the i^lror 1. W rlnnrl. Ilry- Ihn I’hlladoliihla Alhlellr, hliuey: lloehter. WnHhiuRion i.SmiatnrH niul •ad. iiihor clulm |ln llie A ninrlr

Ihit till' ninnaKe'r or tho H. H .i:. Ui.uKUfl clmiftiilona will ud

.......... :i !I 1 Irt antiarli'd ivlih Ihe hall............. 7 l'l :■ .'hoiiM h« w ith tlii- hlcheKllack and .Mur- lrc;tloti of nthlH un Iu thn n and iicvcruld. ItoKardk-Ha of a ll tho p

------- i tcuilln*; tho Iran i'fc r o f.T )rfcl’ /W P • T rln spctikct^ to the Alhlol [ ^ M i I Sw ialora, th e , Yankreii a r1‘l i v l hut wcakIi.nKi< nml prohal.

■ HtrouKor thta, Hpajion than 1 I T l j U i r T hnre iHn‘l‘ nny pnrtlculn L l l l T U j on thn le a m 'in aplto o t III

I f T / t / l I I j k T O ^'oonlK 'thnt hla mnu:l i l i l v l I M N In yo ttn s ahortnlop. 1<

L U U U I i l U In need of hock-pfttilnc an hiiH4intlcd him eiibuRli to youuKHinr pliinly or conride

tJCCIN.S. w ith Lou qohriB on flraiYork YnnUccn. i,„ w cr l on aecond ami Joi> Kla.. March 11 n ,|rd hiiae. th e Infield In al

'XnertlHK m w h thu m nflnld w llh lu h e It' Ihe A nierlrau conihi; anil Boh Mous.d I.h t Ihan lhey luul ^trouc'-Ht In lho m ajor leai

■I a hnrd hatlle ’ Tho iiltehln:; iHaff Ihii'i ! . yuuthful hu t I’. I» a i;oi>d m

ul_UuiU-u.'«_jir« -|s-licailrH-h>'*Tr.-|l,-T.TiT7ioc ■aRuo hill I feel southpaw In bnnehiill. implonHlilp PX- T he rlu h han p l-a ly o lefll_ lo Donio of ntrciiKlh and . Ila i.plrll l»I and Ihero urn j.ny.i u |t Keeiii to he lialliiflf I lho cluh to money they a n . acldiTK an

________ _ U \ty_ iirt_ \so rk ls ii; u w ltr .tl»riod w ith lhe

tenni. In haao- .•epared for the W a s h in g T to n A t e

w i t h - k ™lonj? aiaaou ^ V a s V e r y .

ml j.itrhlnR, the • 'e ouiricld lack* COI.UMllUS, O.. .Mari-h0 .play ihrouKh CcorRO W nahliiRlon a te' chnniplonidilp hla knIfo nnd drauk hUipnaon Ih yvcr, a anucer, no l nvnn nu ey;------------------------- Cd. n rco rd ln p ’ trt Leila C............................. ..tension Hpeelnllal In home.-•D ave Shade; a t Ohio Sfnln nnlver^^l^'. RoKonbloom. of DiiYlnit aoulH'W ho I'Kimye1 10 niccl In a lin rardoua ' fo rk In a ttn c l lie wclKlit will pena. wern ron"lr|eri'd

an d crude , <lurlnK (lr, ll----- a ry 'dayi..•!i:-MrCANX , , T ab le nianiieir. :>r. 31—T ho W aah- clmiiKlnK. idie nalil. for In rcloaard Km- Ilmen, oue ft.rL w.m Ie1d<-r. to Iho cn rh knlKht and huiy. Tl A mcrlcnn Aa- nnlcd In 'taK lii;: moiiilifiilr'

ahe aald.----- •' Cl.anKe.1 hav.' ai'a-r.illy■ I —■ ■ , • rccl<’d ll. Klve liliin' lahle 1 ’ VV^KtlirKiTJl com paraU vn ty -rrren t "<i.iv;i

' ' - V - W ' la t '’. w hich decrci..| li »:i i'n t' Viud llona l lo rei<| lhe klille

JilllL"®--'?/. " n , th e p la tn , Im.lead . ?re. p lanked" out from th - iri,cal 4l'aped on ovolved to c re a te ni.vri' "I a)i oatlnn fish. OrIc nnld.Ilowed a hono N apklna w ill he nrxi m«. .Shi! died form iKifofc (h'* wlijm of n a rr lv n l. The prcdlrt*'cl. a Krueral reil 'rilli;! or ncel- aIre a lre ad y l«-lnc a jip a ir

••I would no l Im' mirprUf----- klna would ^oon come Inlo*AY. pletPly uufoliled." »he mid

0 0 0a d v i s e choose a C oe M m ovedM d

Bi g s ta rs i n t h e sax o p h o t w o r ld , lik e la h a tn Jo ^c

^ T e d L ew is, a n d «corM m o r use th e C o n n s a x o p h o n e , b cau se o f its s u p e r io r fe a tu re

'b e a u tifu l to n e , e a sy p b y in s im p lif ie d k e y sy s td m , n e im p ro v e d fo il p a d s , e ^

W \ Y o u w i l l p r o f i t b y t h e i r e x a m p jr C m n f e a tu n s fp e e d y o u tp o s ta

enable quick tm s te ry . C o tn c I mnd let u c ihoW you tfae oew ic provedConn.W oobU8>tibn;we*gUT tQ p^TaTn io'fcatUfCS. “

C h a s . 0 . p ^ e ( s M t i r i c CM c ity n u i n i f r —r t o w u . •

B . ■ , '■ ' • ’>

?• T IM E S ' ■ ■ -

~ ~’"1 Pastor.to'L P I l ^ p


‘ -uiu

haa —

pencil ly RAmeH ext D ctnher, lie Irom ; polniii e llra and llu-niul a loi or I--------- ---------------- ------

„,rl,r,in. T liercu no irason whtho Amovlean • y->ti t awlm tlie Catal

, .I,,,. 1,, “ “ d Ucv. Harold T, S«w,,)l;ivllU..'0 . p1 ;„ „ ,.all r lu i.. I <- T,,„

•ie«t p riced eoJ- . ou his farm um ri;; a 1 in niajoni. ,,„ro ,0 publicity a l- — , n

I c l l g ua rd s WAICORRIDORS

r i S H FORDHOSI: and HuuRhis1 to Rivo lh*;

iri'rhivie T.iiiv T h a t A w aasin ii7 o / i) u V a n ! lu . .A t t e m p te d A re E m11 airoMK, ami D c n ic d ; P o lice , H o w; n u ih , i;a r l S t c W n g J ) r i v e r o f CrI.H p^'rhaii:', the

• . Il.r M. I). f i : , \ c - td ' l^ fr^ jui.M i r n l f d I’le^i- -s i.f f ........nock, lh e IieaC DHTUOJT. ..M lrlt, ,\;.i

Guard.'; loday w.iirli.vi of renervv j,,.,,,.,.

la r.ood: Th-i ,,u a l :ii I)i.;irl.oni « I,'.., hiflerl will, itK' ,.vr,i |„ j ,11 r:,„: iind Ihe U."U

- inow if' iirrIilrm ;'iiiiir<Ti-vy ■ eoiilil !„• l:ivji:|ii'(| on a pi

te P eas . "" ui.„.„ . Lnife bu t .... ...... ... . ,,•y P ro p er n ,;,; |,- ,in mai KonI \va:i t

. nf ;'ti. all,-mule,I a:.;,,Vi,.ln;. rll .,.„unl,'d . I IUI- i'Vi,:

•eh .11.—W lrn v a n . '. l e d In 'iiiiiiirte poaa w llh .................... ..Illrt ii.ni irom || | | , | i jv ,i , i„ „ey.hvi.w ra b - j , , , , ; , , , . , ,

C. O .ln . .V . une oeonomi^;.

• ' / " 'I hl::h<uiy..aye., . 11- j...,,,, ...........liiclJinK th e ir „ p ,,, I,.,'I e.l r.iai' m -ii. Mil ...........J. ll.v .li.I lo u - ,„ . |, r in V.,i,m-i U,.u

? i w r ' f u‘ r i i . y a lte r , n . u r ' ' h i 't l . '^ '^ ’I 'S .leh i il:

ifair; I'f food, n,,,,.,, j,,,.. .uar; li.laiHl,.!. li,.« l)i;

,11y lu'. n er- ,|| I,I,.,,’I- 'I '" - I'-I.rd':. . I,...., „a,| I,arku.iva In die-

T h e ' lii.lii.l,s lo Fc.r,I ii>"■ lr l;,l of Ihe mllll.m .......I.l Df. ' ’a.IUi;-.

<>r It. r |, . ||p , | „im , , ,\uortiey% ( ' "I'-"'''- tiHlay Vml.l lhey v>,-oii1.1 Inrlj

a lte r if i^hereilnrllun in. ' n ,la irn l..rU rd ir n.ip-

S . : ; - ' pi><>"<=i

W AI toinn You

4 ' '§ hold goi\ Q f l an d « kH S * — --------- ^!01d-S[lonc • M edal !» « . c a a l- a i

r £ .d m : ^ n i e a n iying, coa! i l rin tw 14 alm bi

ipHriapp S ; ■ t o I p a d . ‘

ne l a ^» im* -

r " M' I

. , ; Phone 1yf .

T.vv'--;' r 'y r r ^ J ‘.. ,T ■:■


) Take Flmg at Chan;

1 1

(haiinel, fW B W M BW BW Blllil^MTcnr^ariirn, ot

to try li1.ou;i.- 1 . iiiiTk-'i .'.Cll •^{StSsLSSBS^EwsSfia lM.,\ef. ire 1-4 ■'

e r and Lili;l:iifr.


.Moior <'oairMny lelHii:: of ili'iit ami ,-aylni: ".Mr. 'Koi

Jin iitionE m p h a t i c a l l y , : ; ; ; - ; ; ! ' . ' ; ; ; : ; , ' . : ' '[o w cvcr, -AfC , , ,

Car.. . I , I ai .ii.

,\C V '• ! I I '" ! . ••lil-f l . f I , I I'm ii ....... . , [ Sa |,iio irla l. a- ;., -I 'li.'«

.'I-iii li ::l. ! lUiaoi-.'/’ r.f '; |, | irn.-mVl "'i ' v,-M iM r. i'-„r,i ■

Iliy P .inl Aliliii’iiiih i,i|i,i- ui.iiil,,r-:'liei-.' ir,'iit.'. i . ’.,iinr.,'l lmiii, ,ll:,l,'ly a >i.ii Inna lujiiiI 'l: ; iiain'iim 'n llu 'i" no

reVy-i'^ir. Tlial ! Inv eal li;,il r« n s" ‘»Ter~ r ia r l '. pr, '.|d.'iil o r I l.llilo iaf,irm ..il„a na-.1 .h '. M l!h ,|i-! hoa-i'V,T. exe,'i,l |i-.in ar.:

I I'^.rd- Thi' ai o. ,'ti1 n ,lr< ,ll and ':i:i «•!.(' viellul >"idnallon vMTe •’> l '‘» ''•'•'•H'- v.lll,„in .:i1•v i.l.n ." harl —---------------------ti|1inl ;lie ru- I’rlnl Mllnlelllll. r-ri,„I |r:,Mes ;„i,r l„e ,„ . Ular pile.^M.TM. (M i.lla::liull.-.. (..vee.! t.iire i; i . ' i u . . ' y.l

;,r a |V la e .-a i S i - a , | v . . ^

iiilor taa;:a;iiej J a p a n e s e C

SPECIA.t„r F o rd s-C h ev

■■ REGROUNI.r |. p

• p ed ric k .Rin,$15.00

Step-Kei% Un- S-vi'li:’ Ser.iml Au-uue I'

J 142

IB E R D' Is the Co

to Burn3U know lots o f s to jk n a r sroods, ih a t you have tried, .tk fo r. You know th a t * -O ttrch-G leanaer cliaaes -di 1 F lo u r-ev en tu a lly .” .B u t i ion?j b i n d t h e n a m e “ A B ER D E j i i n g : t h a t m a k e s i t o f r e a l

\ n i u c h h o t t e r a n d c i e a n e r |

t o a t e n t i r e l y f r e e f r o m c i i r

i f f s a q u i c k ' S t a r t i n s : f i r e ; n

A T r ia l W ill Convi

m m G! 142 <Day c r N i ^ t F

! J a ile r J a iled fo r . .' I T h irty D ays.Jf

t I . D ry L aw Viol

y "1 I \VIUTi:.SIUiIl«. Ky.. Mni r , . W hilaker, I,«.lrhiT .

j.illi-r wheu he In not. n I ^ - ' eriiiniy iirlKoiUT, la .n lw u l IM l I Irijiii the lUHhli: ou t n;^al)|.'

Tlie K entueky ,'c-oiu-r II haiideil il'.iv'n a di,'elMloh'.'f(i

i H p n liiL' .hli. cimvU’ili.u and nulr> ::u daya iu Jail and I) fll f,.r )ii>s:’ei<si(.ii of whlBkey?

| H H B | ),i'fore ho nerve.lB H n H Iiiiiiiilia' .,eu(eni-o fi.r heallH H B ----------iire".;iu,rirr'iii.r-oyi.-:'r-i,yH U B ] olfi.'lal::. n<rt wife, dopiily

n,l.e>; i-liariie of ih'^ k'eya al . . lik e Ihl;!. -

H n Ki:i.i.<)<i(i DiiN'iK.s iti;i'(. W A.SIilM rrO N . I). Mni

H B .s .e re la ry of S tato IC'.'llORK IH H j a . Ill,',I ree iirrini; ri'iMirli. Ihul

IO l-•' lKU and th a l 1 17) iak .‘ :iu exlen.le.l vacatl '.jl C .intornla.

TruiiVs. Meel llne.l. full al: la r i.rle-' Jlfi.-'la. Q llittlutf Iirli't' ?S.;iS. A. U. Vlncont Co,

- ; "

' . fill., u f iKim ■— :— ■■■ —idia i Tu'.'Mi:iy. T w in Falls* L&ad

---- G lo th ing -sto r.liie ijiow a, n -

l,y III,' F.ird

J U l t'M r .I.im ea..\, w ill ' bo another

Suit W eek .-it 's tho . tim t_lQ _.«cLjU lSt_S]

„ „„ ,i,.r Suit. Uioy are are trisp frcsb, ready for yoi

l., r-: of Koiil'a put on.

'i io 'V e -.i. '.a ''n ' S ty le s ' t h a t a r o o r if iln ia-v.i-r’iiiaiiiin, Y o tin g M c n ’s -S u it s ,• (

ia ri.-,i..' ■ c o l le g iF T n n k w " I a - t :ua-. avaiiaste. n i l t h o now ncfis o f th o

:ii.:<'i-i.-,i-,ii nf gon g iiow s In o v c ry d o t

S22-50 $29*, § 3 4 . 5 0 .

Ila:: ll.is|ni.V„

i f - ■' NEW"'

^ C A P SJuat opened tho most t

le v ’s bnnch ol now SpllM n ^V r , iB new colors and pati I Pins nnd B jjcre.>»ngs

M l S O ----

en Dobbs HaiI'lioue 33 ’

Phone 142

) E E P |:oal v-;I

lames for foods. H om e- • ed . found to y o u r tildnfir " t “ Ivory S o ap f lw te ;” ■' ■.

;ut how do you a ^ 'f o r ‘ ^

JE E N ” th e r e *al .a le . v a lu e .^ : ( V b e r ^ ; . ^Ti i t leaves Uttlelin k e r, soot; never varie* f r t ^

# ir> D E ■” '■ ■■

r TWIN FALLIPublfthcd FVPT7 i:vviiln« F.tc

<)o»ipaDy.• t. H MA8TI!ItS

I }2nlarnd ni llm ’rw ln P n lls I’o nall> I’ubllfi

T H E C i r ^ I ^ I N G

The usc’fiiinusa o f to \-r------ — za tio n s haa been haiulicui:V the n m il populaLion, mto

village o f Idalid depends, r ' in som e instances iTut o f Ii

In stead o f brinjiinti shou ld be m utual there hji “ tow n m an” an d tlie man

: ,to g e t the propel- porspec^- lem s b f each, an d tho fac

h as never been recognizec ; • O neida county, dow!

o f the stiito, has taken Lhe have gotten togetlicr on a su it th a t there is thc fii-fit u

' Bingliam c o u ^ y \v;>.suation, recogni/iingi;-^?^. i

. . fac t th a t they w ere n o t tco rrec t th a t c o n d itio n r

The Idaho F alls char_________long and fa ith fi^ ly in ,tlio

ests o f the entii-© communi OUS success. ■ ,

E ffo rts have been m ad resu lted in lit tle '‘go()d prii

^ th a t e ffo rts v?ere in t! wri’dei'itood, a n d in thc so been kep t up.

A sincere e ffo r t to he ' m et w tih opposition owinj

the m an on thb f arm has th a t i t is nono of-l,he busin

does an d tho w ell-in tende ' suggestions have been reii

, I f the Id ah o Falls clu_________ten d its ac tiv ities to_th^ p

s u l& c o ^ d 'b e m ad e .ib ren a iid a ll w ork fo r Lhe comi

; o rg an iza tio n be strongthei benefited .

- . O neida county has doi in g the effort. I t 'i s worth

• R eg ister. .

I ■ ■ : ■ . T H E NER ead ing newspapci's

N ew Y ork business mai)f7Ti Eng lish language, In* dec): 18 years ago a s a lad of 1;

' fro m reading'^thc’ [ire.ssand Ijlication o f his knowledge paicTU ncle Sam .'?20.(i()0 in

■ _No\yspapci-s, he sa id ,. 1)opks a n d 'a s new s piu-vev<

“They a re invaluable i it, m ain tain ing it am i in s

■ a n d to outsidei-s. The cluun ■' ious luncheon eliihs luM-fdi'

■ . th e ir ethics and ideals th .n in po in t of effeetivi? incnic; id ea ls no r in prociiremcnL ( occasionally , and oim sider fro m necessity. •Th(‘ nowsi once o r twice a day and it i I t a lso m eets and g ree ts ai m ore people of aU ehisst-s a th an all the club resoliuinii

. .That n)an c-ortahTlv h<m ay have ex to lled it itio Iii

—prcssion of-npiniuii.— Pt)eeJ

G aso lin e R u n s

1 9 iO% ------- I'’ 012.0U(

l.t& .OOOpOOO-;1 •- BU4nfl'.1

OATf. _;l|

G ?rn lu ir;il t c'tti'i.'T.. I I : , ; ............

frin.i h - r ..........• ;■ .............JI'J" i;..".-:. . . . 1. .■■! r.InuKh.I r..V . ..r 1 I - . .....n-lll I... ..|;1« r ,..;i . . . . . . . .

________!___ o ,.rJ ir ;Jh- 1-..I cr..;. ;n h l l r ttj<- Ih '.M '.ir n\rrnri>' !• n'<1

000 4CITS ware dcrolcU to oats th

O. K. II-,Hit. s ' - •> ......... . K:.'»h.1Ulti'.o >.l!ll rw ;> l ; . , . ; i , |

TiMK-s Want ap'-. pat

LS daily , TiMES•-TCi'pt I.> Ttir . Tiu.c,y. Tw ill r.illii, Idaho.:l(S, i Iliuf abd i’ubllHktr.

1’oiiliif‘ici: HS S'!conrl ClasB Mnltcr 410 .llc-ailva, April‘n, VJIH. '

IGLES W IT H FA RM ER -.own an d ,c ity com m ercial org: u p p e d o n accoun t h f tlie fac t 1 [loir which evei'y city, lown i s, lias not i)een in close toucii ; L' harm ony: • • -g together ' t h e ' in terests wl has l)een a draw ing a])art and .m on the farm have in)t lieeii eclive in o rd er to-study the pi ac t th a t thev a re inter-depen\: :ed.wn in the extrem e southern i, he in itia iive and town an d cou

a CMOp'erative basis, w ith tlie , un iie rstand ing in years, a.s tiie second to lake up the I if no t pulling- apart, a l least , together, and has jiroceeded

aniixjr of comm erce has lalioi 10, ofCort to g e t loirether the, in: m ilv b u t so fa r wTtii hb conspi

iide from tim e to tim e which hi irinclpally on jic-couni of the f

the i j r s i p lace,'-sb iuetim es )] second pln'oe-thQ '-effwt has'*:

lielp has o ften liecn m ade but ] ing to the fac t th a t un fo rtunat IS fe lt and'exDre.ssed th(> ooin: ;iness ol' tlK‘“" tW n niaTf’"wlirTr ded and frequently construct elected.cham ber of eomnierce would i

po in t wheri!l)v its beiud’iciar* •eacli every section o f tlie coui inmon .g»)od, not only would t lened, but the entire connnuni

lone if. B ingham county is-ma th while' for.U onnevitle.— Tina

N EW SPAPER’•s g a v e 'a (-onipai'alivcly ymi 'TTis <'real(‘Pl help in If.-unii'e- I d a re s . H e cam e to this cnunl 1"). l ie nia.stero(l English hu'gt

nd be m astered :i bii;;ini'.> s 1)V ;i re anrl inform ation, . ib ' has ji n ieonif tax.I ,.arc nut oiiiy valu-'Jilr a^ l-' rvors. but—e In liiiilding o')! (•Diiunnnily sh I se lling lh*.' cDmiiiimiU' to ilsi iml)i?rs (>f cntnmcre-' and the v; ■(inn a fiiie"s(‘i\'ii'(,'. Imt witii : ii*v do not tMiu'h iht- !K'\vspa[H Icatioii of (‘thic-s or pp'm oiinn iL o f p rae ’.ieal iv.-'iiils. Th--y iin -r m ost (jiiL-slions _ pi-rfu'aetori ,-spa|iei‘ iiifi-ts wt i'iily. ?;on!i-i.in it thoroughly digests ;i!l siiiijrc and inten-sis in tli-* «-i)mimiiii

> a l hoHU' aiii! abi'ond in 1.'-: iaa nils v.o’tlil r;';icii in \'rai-s.’’ b<'!i(‘'.’''s :m liic n*'v,<ti;:|.<-r. ' ’ Iiigiily. ( )iir nio'li--;u-

!,‘e.;elio -I rib-ane.

Oat;-. O t: c f G as

QUO,OOO . : ................ -I V’000,000:|' - r , . s c r ‘ [

\T S ■ OATS •

31it a s-rcTesuck AC.nitunu*''!- rou*ow;p

crr'p fM' jr.ir./UIi'Tc will t- AS' thii to nifct iJir Oph:.isJ. ^

K:.'- I. H lla«.- I.‘. • )1, a. ! • "' 1 I'-il i:

......... <; ' J ■ !■;. ; H-

(C..m:.ii„i Ur i;niif.i



t r g a n i - • .........H th u l - '^ > te r o & CentrAl StABi

^ a h t l ! " “ \v.si'i” a t i a m a —.J8-:ii a n d . n....-.''

j .whleb! ATi.A,viii: c irv -2 1nd thei ■n able ' proI)-i


i p a r t . - o im ty l i e r e -

l e s i t - i s t t h . ' i i e d t o ; ,

t ) o r e d ■Jn te ij^ ___ WMAqAV0J.^'7'il';CACCll-«s p i c u - \

I h a v i ’ e f a c t

i i It has, lately!) i n i o n |i a r h " pl o t i v o j

,1 e x - 't ^ -" V „ arn e-;, ____

i ' i J h ’ i t h e a t e ru n i t ) ' ,

,n .A .M i,v(; ri[O N ’n i : i i m a k - 1 » v o .\i» i;iu 11. rf.A v

iiia-M T i.M ; I u o ;

iT Imh-.i i ;n i ii- ) - Till’ |>l xiliirliiiii of " Vltr l-'l

I I 'in illl.'l ' ill III'- la .il'K llil>. »|l<lii(.l l|i:;i Wl. Ii;iwi i-iiil :-...;ii i..m n liiM.il- v .h i.l. Hv.l'M ..- ,m

" ‘'' '••• I'Vr-.- ..t ll.-.M' Alil.-I, i |,:.,,,i-l..||.e' IM IM .-I,.,„.|, M -.ulmn,., .i,- n;.- in .ni.n tiniry:-’! n.- M-inn oi nn. „ro .iK - r;-'.l-i- l;.-ii

■ I .................... 1I-. . .,V a [) . l , ; . , , . , i huriM . i..- tl..-,i i n s t , till- Ml..- .•l:i:--; ll.......... .

\ Ii.n- I Um- •I1.'i1i<>II<-:iI |. Hi. : rilI.'.I,

t ' - M ' ..................... ....... . .! I !> \l, MKIWINC TttVHaM

s h i i - , » u .m u :k n c T i iu ; u y ,\i

H s v i f i 1,,-vat'- ■ .1. t • |,i,m ;i • ■‘■n th - I,l.­

il ; tP I '-lU I ,,,.. II : Il:i,.l i.i-M-iU;,., u

Ill n l

llH ’i-; I •; - I.l. ill,-111' " I II'.' ;ihi>li. n r i h ' i i" <-wi.v 1...... i n i - . ’ ;;;:.;.;;;;;;;; ;;1

nnit’ I.l-aaa ' ; ' '’i- ■ i-i, ..i • .ii. ii ii>-:

■ m3'!< O il. rMl-:iill.- t -ll n -.liiir.- --

.....I ir .-.Ifoiil.. ..rir .-f.in iii;r ii.- iitt-ii-'nt-

r =7T:---. : i„ ................... \ ■_-it ii!. .= = , - | Tll.- w iinili-rdil : . | . . . r . l . ,

I jihou-;iliit m il,-. ..t (.-.■■ n i ■. i;,;

T r a c to rja^fBisszasrrziZxssesmaa

F i c M T c 3 t V / i H I

15-27 Trac*or o

, - S a t a r t

. • Sec Thic G rca

2 1 /2 Miles Wt

^ Consolidai . Mac

B'WTO 'FALIjS d a i l

.Y R A D lW ^

.fl I fo i) CINCINNATI 5TAT1I•n il I silfni nlilit In Clatlaniti.

‘ WKIIH. CLllARWATEK—39*.4-'c o is x t i i r ' WTAM. cluvkLa nu—j'iS.4-

5f»". ;;iJ. s s - 8 » 2 * 1—,.„".._.\V^,l.r, -(...l.lllUl, li:>|.| COBC,: ; ; : : ..'m'.’ » :“i!-or"'li'".ii'/r'('!l.,i. 'w i.

J ' ‘ 'WOC^;'ilAvV'NI'OKT^

,,c '" ;; '|koa^ |m n v 'K ‘- o 'J .« —l«;.-i*'~'’'':in -;oT l’i'r*iLi; ’"N."clli"i

WJIO.^DtS MOINtlS—a s « - i ... ... ...ll :J Di> 11 lou- J’lllll.ir> k^ Oril.rntiHI'I , „ „ , aM.7-;B;i

. V cX-WJA.*iVL“tkO^T—5^^

in : J I.M V\'I)AP.' 'i’oU T‘'w b llH f^ V V ft-.. ,uijiin. .......... -^-inr-n:ui<- Wll.li nolii

,, '“ 'w Tlc;’'liAVTFORl}‘ 7S.l> '-4 , in.O BirUV. V ”; I'imiff V'"*!'-.- I M - '. : l . '- r . im .i ; IJr»aiii.t,......rii.. u i : . \ r . y Cunimcrt

....... .. ’1<'t MS.’'|U>T s I*HIN(1.S—374,«-

. w os. JtnXKSON CITV—I . . I . .fk k iM H;IHI A.!'1r ««r* .n.l tluiUc.

WOAF. KANSAS CITV—305.B—; ,i_-i „| Ihr A,r.

"■ KI'An. ViNCOLN—3V0.7—8#(Jl)-ll.,tfl l..ti,',.l.i Otclit

) _ 4<7,5 . •.;''i .1 . '0 -( 'li ..f i.h-.uy.

Kn._ tO»^ANCCLr.S—»07-*4, ^wi‘lA.j; ^LO^uisvi'LLti'IoM

........ /■

'•’r " ! ' ' * ! . . WIOD. ;mIAMI OEACn—3B4.4—

ti;.iii Id It |i‘nrii ;i-i.j riilivn rnu i iio iJh 'i if (Ik- Viil.iiii Mill |:i(|i|

. J J-|.„„|

. . . -I'll ;t|ili|.Tii;li- .’tlh;' ■!

"■[•||” M:i!;lc tiiirili-n ," Ci'iii- Sll ... ' ■ I 'o i l i 't ’i. la^l iiiul ;;n-iili .1 i.ii.rv. w iru ; <

|„ I n.iiii-ily :iiiil Oi.- l.in-;i^ I’l'd-O-C

II.III.M l. : i) .\s i f iy < ; i .v i in i i i

a , ••-Ijll.-ic.if 1.1.-lUi... It 1,.“ lllll : m u '.-I ." Ill" ii-w IhiMi-r

'- ''■ I '’"!' , iiil!1li-piii>Mt.i t, liii'.v. iila.\||i ; . r i l i i , i . . | , . , , | . , n (n ;,| [1.. 0 | .,l..,.iiiii llu-a'

. . l- irj .it..; t:. ll.- rlt-1>l. . |.I-u llll- .......I .-»1-i l-.iliit

“ I' • |„ -ii,.,itiiii,; i;i i i i .- r ’ ii.- . - . i - h V ,„ii. , 1.1- |'i.-l:iM- h.l... a i-a l

I- i . ; . I ' ; - v.llli liil.-r.vl -Il

“ ' ;l.; 't 1.1..'I.- Ol.-* I ....... . <■

' 7 ;‘ " I ' lllM r.U V.IM. .M- i;r„ |.,||;il|v .-;i

.I -.l , S.ill.v n'.N .ii Wali.'t- .1;ci.ll l-a - . ■ T.,:-, \V :l-.-,.‘ |-|.,;ii-l'i ' m .-!!:, lai. .1. -. n ’!::i 'ii :.;|.| .illu-r II.'ii-.'

........... .. v i;'i 1:1 ' I..U.w.'.i..il.ll,- II , I, Itv, 1... Ml

, l,..iO . ,in.l l.i l ; : , - .is .- .1.. - . \ i a . ; i ' ... rf,.i:ii;-i.-..

i-l;..ii; ■ TV.. . . „f -11 ,-ili„!; Ili.:|. ■> 1(. .ll- . . fiit .1.--.. I i .v !...;, ru< ilI ... - a l . : I.. 111.' \

';..'^I> .1 |;|. ••|,...:.ri;.,, ; i ; , , . .- I - ;• - ,M : i:.r ,, .•‘ ,1 ;..wili

'...-; I.. ll,.-.,-..i;i,1|-. l.,r- ;;ll nl.l 1.. >«■' ;.ii.l lill.’- a .U iiiI ii i ., H.. ' i;

.1 ;limv ; ,.^.'10 v.ln 111.- l.i.h .. | lil .

iiukjr = j

D em onstralisr! E?, C 'vcn w ith .^ h n JD e e n on 'A. E. H olm quist-Frfrm

rday, April 2?at L illlc T rac to r Do


i est on Filer Highwa]

ited W agon ^ ch ise Co.


^ P R O G R A ?■AT.ONS' ; S .S'is’:® !'-,, ').4~«4}.t k. _ 'CI’CF. m 6.>1TREAlA410.7^-O« »

'WK.VK.. U;ui. l.iiui).' irhili'mi'i •>>i.."|..il..ii.I.F.IrA! WOR, NLWARK— Hu U.«—1100 k. I.;l,i .JiU r;niim tt. 1.li.Br..i.N ..1. »;tlll ;i04 — . .•». WEAK NCwVoJlK-^-^’-l.s' "al-'lrihr.ll*. h-45 j I'jS-I-.ittr.il j.;.lV "' .l.l-.'.j;

lh-620 k. luioM l-lill*®‘w 7z*/nEW**VORK—13V.j*‘ViV.,u C

_Wi:.\l-. r;i).| I,;ii:)-I...iiln.v|.;.r^ ii^.rli.in.-vsok. ^citlfk. lo:..n '’r.-’j K;iMm‘« - -•»—IJOk. OTIir.R NtW YORK nIATION;.

W.NYC Itsn i I., iHdil mil.rnra. WAItC IJI<II-~I lU lu M..lnlvli:

& r . v . T - ' ’'o‘.",,’'^,.‘ ;''’iii‘.r'iii.- ■ ^ » U k . S I

_^,KCa OAKt>ND H.l .>- »)0k. B.n—&10 k." Il'-ili( III I-l IhirriMK-.i .i l...;<,viuli.ii.l. . WOW. O M AXA-:;:-»-i;il k.> '_»0k . y;n-i .< l-..i,,|ui.Ic. WI.IT. I*lllt.ADHLI-HIA.-JiX.r. 71.1

mcrt». lo'"" ' ' " I . '* ’'.

i',’i - « b o k . \^ 'i . '^ - i i iL A u L iJ ^ A - ;^

r**"- :;;S '7ZV.

.8—7»0k, WCV. SCHLNtCTADY-.'iril.S ‘ joj-600 k. ‘ .Yj '

l.*J.7J0'k. |!k(!o »iiw-.l’.n‘'i'T!.i"rVvm 'u ’S' A I-'.’WU;:, SPRlNCKIELO-;3J.I- ■lOO'k

| S

WASHl.NCTON—nil*-;. .1.40 »

•l.iin.. I iu.n)

tn r . 111- wln)!n- fam ily rlrl.-rl;. >v-n'tl'li:::'.<111 ^lul.l.-lil.v (H-C-.IVI-I ,

ri;: iiiT.iI^ :i -lii-rn Illl! w i-hr’tiiiilfti(-:• c.-.,-;r |ii!;;l<(;i(, V.> <<iliA';i

iriiiii i ’ll- i|l-<-i'Iil|rm l:i:|.-lll;. l-lMHI'I Inlli"; 111 l(l('KI'(iom; In ;;>i lliVr.i|.;li -.v

, i-n.iiilliii-ni lil^ Iii.ri'Iorot.' Ia;:y . illicit ‘".i'!'-- Uow ll.. -hav<':. fa.-ir’,' alI Tor 10- ’ )>ill)'< Ills vvlf.'i. Iiivi; in joo 'ii i-l;.1:; of 'l..-limifliiciil lo n n .-a l In lliin.iSlViiltiill Iix.v IIOI M ill III.- iilrdiK-.

>ry. -rii.- : Tlioiii.ati.li «if |..'.i|il.< aM>i-i( i ’ ii;;"M>iiii. lit llll- M.'iK-i.. .lllll III). M

0-(ii.ini:i. ' “ "I ’lilt <-fl'il;i a ll ' :i;i «-1al‘oni ■“ ' ' llii-r.-'fii -.h-,' .iM^i:.; ;i: I.'al u r r i>i

; linn. Tin-.'111.. Hl.n. !i.t l lir l.-ri ; i ia ,> * i. ' ' ' i " ' ' ' ' ' - ' ’-i n

I l:iu::li li-iN'i- ; a s v.-I1 a:; a a-. M a . l . - . ' ' ' " ' " ' ' - ' - ________________

M-V i r . \M i i : i ! S r i i : i . i r ( '(O ir...... " I TO o iM 'i i ia 11 T in .tT iM -:

.M oM iw , \ . \ i i r n :

■ilmiMnV'' 'I'-i) iiii’il.lll i.Iriiir. ;> 1..I;. 1 ' I ' M iii'-i*'" (Illlil .liii'ln'4 III.- '"..-i'l v'li’. t ' ” '" '

\ •'1U..I-I.1 llir S.--lial roll.-, Ilf III-II ‘


• .i;i'i'"'. , h : .|.-!l;iii.ilil. ■ <il: • , \

":vS'Pi -i i r ;®

5 . * ' ' i

j ■™ i ■ 3 ■■!n I 1 ¥ > i3 ^

I ? ForFres® X ® _ _____ i i : iL - _ r p H ti_ i j[£ r J t9 U ir r .

I “ I llavnr rr;iJr >'

!: f e :■; -• IS

g l =

Oi jili.'iiin lti .:ili '- Momlny. Ajil Tiii.Ml.i.'. .Mutl .'1. Ululor lliL.

-TT.---- or Hr- ! i!:.:'I.I' iI Aiii 'I'Iciui V(!»'•(111 |.-liii'i|i'r» l-'li-lii" lii'iiM a

, wilt- |i tr1ih-.- |.-ir;i:'.t-l l.y lilt'■jUk. I III. Ill a;. iiU tflal. ' I- 111 a |

• liliaiiia I" ‘I H f' i-_!i'n\liij; a:r H;(. aii't!l..|- a-i Ilu.';' V .1 ; '. l ,

r “ “-- . un.1 U.U-M. ,^a.'I .II ..... liiiir i-;;l;.tr::: a -ilo '

„ . Ill 1! - !.'.;r;: ^ o w r Ii.r (rl., Iuk. . i;>>iillav .olilifi'ii rrii'iir- l- un-

— •• fir;-. ^;|.'1 : m a il:- : - : i l i n ! < -'- ll l 'l ; ;..l a ll l l i - i':i:;.|‘(tniiii ■. ■: < v ..- r .t (- . y . i i ■.■■ill r-, [iii’c Ii-t-; Il'l i-o',iiil.:t|i.

.-!iy f.iilM-i.-. Iinvr |in ....... • -,-'.ifiiliy :;rii ’J-iic; ilay a-i : in'i !

i" ''' |-;.-!ir- rli.y:; In . ml'iili lULl al11;,;;.- i'fial .'.'.i. .J,

}7eglnn!n<y o f C u liiIl'flll.-- iir 'y ll.., 1:11. I III

-ic-i. Iii.-m. 'I I,.. .. 11; In- I Ok.. ., .1 _-..i;li-iy ..f ia . : ; , i i . | . li

k. ' -r II,\vl|-(-. ullli.- rrii ,11.-


.iltli-.ll-,;!i It |.; I.;i ..-a; i ili..! tai !•- ■)70k. I I , | , , •,! .

:i:i; ........ .'.l;U..i'l..a' : liIII. I'll ..II ’lh.. ..- i;-l-., I-l-;.:- ^

y * ii:ii:i ;.II1|I.": .;! a . . ; . t;i;':!M u ■ jo jk . ''u-;.' Il......-.-I?,-;. i-.-;ia:-.Ml. l.-at-.

'OO’k. .Vvniliisli'f JMiiis. K-»iiil iiiHi.'irnlrrliiKii. liv lJ i'Izr, i:.,-Kul.ir

I't. 5IK.:;ti, latllH ii;; I l in u : ; . . prirr-i.:. A. I!. Vl!u-<-iil Cl .-:;i.!v. .

ISH; ..lr„-Ttl|r<.- - 'v V . .

i s !l.l>i-ar III . ■■ ■ ’■. >. h im -. :■.oi'ali' a; 1 ..........1............ 1.. -...1 ............• l>l‘<iiltii-'-. 1;.; ,,., tiinv Iriill ll ;i-.l I'. .-.II1-. .1l.-r Illl.l

a lai.-;II.II-..M' ,l.a ;i,„ 'li,

i li lN t; iS y ru tl r.!l.,-.lll 4ir-l|i;. Ii. .;l;J illi . iKi;n:sii\i.K. tl I.!I.- ................... Ill III.;, Ii.-Il .11 r;i!. il tl. >.-l'

III- f u l l - ;;lrl <u wniiuui. ll- ;- li|r :, ii 1.; II a t Ih r liil.-!y liaiiii1i-i;;; atul i.<i (it. .if.ai

- ■ ' f e ; •yi'.'W'ii . . . T . i

^ IGwn'Gafden—

2sliVegetatles ’Wheii'iirr.al>o,iit_\ m r ow n ganlgn ia Ilu t tli t vf~gl; ly In be nathcrcil whenever you w.inl lliem. A ;e b r l l 'j . W r have made ll verv rj..y lor you Our Sierhi-.i; ;-<ed Uox witli il i h i in j r r jtc l pai in na-.utal color*, is now ilijplaycJ meicha you

Nortlirii[\ Kini; f» Go’s See;!: have Seen riv (or 4." %.-,,iv Nrt I’C ter carJen -eeJ-i ure olie .piicr. .Veil wilNinJ anesecllrn l .-i-.wjitfrent c.l t»>;;u'.ar n» 111:-. iJ.-.iricl. liy plar.ninc you rrU lul chok...;ni; ol v.jr:rtii-i y.nj c-m l.«ep youf ca Imn all r.ninrrrr anit (>IL And dou'l (or^el Jhe C.m a;IJ tu \u u r y a tJ li>;_/lanliii|;a lew pjckeli

At Local Deal

t b r i j p . K »

m mJ

------------TriunSD:VY; JfAnCH 3l’v 1

[ C i , l t f e E . , g u , ; M i l l F yVcH'rriiiM. " • ■ ■ ! ■

,111 a iillieilllr -p.—" 'llll' K.ivorit- 'a im w vrfti'. . z ' . >it :t;> i: - lo r .j / SW /fJS

pliiy.'.l / \ j . -II••'a.'.un 1

;f . fi'i'l UJ./ poULTr.y— -------I|t.;-lri' ;:IK|. ----- - ^ C A - y » X

................. | - \(II iirlaiiiii i! j

li.'i lal i1:iv-;.|— riauilui;^ (K«.ii»IU«I>iu.l^j.Vsil<uUun>l I'liunU.

...... . „rj .T.ip [4 iiiiliilally l.'fr .III till- fu{. bl- fL'il tu fan'll iiiiliiiiil-<.'iiirt-iinl

n Ja 'c 5 ‘ I'lulilu!'! irf ’lh.. Si'Ul'S-lUill, . ..,] I .\m'h-ll!llll':ir l-'inill.Ialiiill. Ill IKl'.• ir- it-,,i,.^ 1‘S 'I nf Ih r wlii-in Unit l-< kIiI|i[i ill- liiii.lr ' ' i ' ’' " ll.-lll .-I'OII

l-i.'li'iMtr ‘ I " .Uut fiiriii IIM mill ri-t‘.l..<, '....S'. J..-'. J lii iiiu 'u ' fuoit I

«' viiliiiiNo nil I,..; I i"U-iaiit fi-.'tl Iti-iii. .ri>|irvliilly ;

..'li.j ! ilitlry M-rilcui. (-alli*! »-.i‘iu.iuM(*. V. ..;• .’r a ' .If llll ll^ llU w tK .

( nr.- r lr lil fp j i r . i i r l i i ’ iiiuI - h‘k.-iI ll _ ................I ii.W w r w llli .-..rn uml liiiikni!!-

I , II. l'r.nlA...-fl liii« ra il .>11. .Svvln.. iiI ii'rM (.r.-al.'sl .'.iiiHiini.-r o f liiill

:.V j' . . j .w 'llli .n..1';r. , lt..K!i|i-H, ."l.tir- Ul '.V .-..iiui^’’ Hni-1-..HlTiTr 't n jioultry iiiui H.l

......i. . ;.y 'la ;; j

I-'-’^''wr-'-i l l c p v fo r i h c R a c ei.'i: M.IV n’li. i ■ "C luuiiaii, rii'V-ii Illlt .i~ ' "" n."i;iilaw>.i:iri f.irni.-ai-.’i Ii. il'i-I ■' ‘'" '’lll 't: , |0 I;IMJ. Ditdl. II < Hu­ll r .1 • .iliv l '^ ''''l l'Hi«iirT« . 'f |iri>|ilti-ln IIII.I

* 'ill'c-iii'Vi-r li".n'i I.illl- ll. .I.'^ri-llii-.::al.. .if hi;iiMiii i.|mrlilIiUy Ih -HI

.. ..II ll-. lilii«.'M.‘aiiil Ilu. IlKtil l« t) ' " -‘ '* ; ii;;: lh;.;U«li ll.s (-hltlU : jiiw.-llillUU-

' 'I'. ;.!.!': al ll luiauui Jlilllirr ix 1>tl:. ................. .-ivai-.l I..VVIII-.I'|||,.||I,—Iliiliih V

. ] .a a n .-.ih.

li W «en Need

£ illd laxative,

I ;-fola“Physieno-, , . \ . i i 11 i-Mii.;;, frv rr iili . lilliOlijl,

.-. .. It ! I I 'l. r h ll'l Klaill.v tiihi.ii ll.I .-U.-. t.i llt.y a l;u^.- Uii-n-iii luill'I.i ti t

I*it- .Il.l. Ihal ii<-lli;-iii.-.||.'lnr o r > , o r ;.iiur. "S>rii|i I’i ii.Uii.” ,\1i>iiiU'.;ll'i. Illl

loi a I 'l u a ; .sA iin .i^ iio T T i.i i \.'.l-l>'..'ir-, Jll;.t ; .-i; ftjr JIJHri'l'If.

'm'.':;' Dr. Caldwell'sSYRUP


^ S S " : I -

u ^ u W ^ T h e n tf-etable3 are itiere - I r t^ h and r,t f,.ii _X A nJ when you trow them your>eH you 10 eliai-.c the torts you like beit ;l packeti,illu%lrjleil ichan tj ' sicrei near


nt r.l all the varieties S c A d sr pUntinc^ aiiJ cate- ' *f cafJen in pioJue- I the eniovmrpt you I C l KCli ol l1ow.er se eJi ^

alei;s ■ I:

N G ^& G O rS ^I

pS j- '" " '’Ii-...... I " ‘' r x i g g a a ^ » a

' ■ ....... T m j i i s l i A Y ; M A iip ii^ .3

' - H K E iF1 FOR STUDY 01' ; M vEw dX, i^Ten A rb A p p o in te d b y S oon; .W o rl t to S t u d y C o lo ra d o I

Development and Make Ei V a t \ N e x t . ^ M 8io n of, Oong

SA NPIUNCI8C0, €ii]ir.. .Man —CImrROil wHli iJic 'n a lt o f nmi llio .Colorndo rlvor <1ovetoinnctii llllon fiiiil r«i»i>rlliiK nt i>io n sx t nlon or CoiiKreiiK, ii romnilH.Hlnn iiitiiicil tDi'Uiy hy S fc rc ln ry or tti lorloi- l lu 'ic it Wnrlt,. Ttic iHicly lnpluilon; ^

S unnier CJini'les W. \Vni«f?>unii. orailo : Jiinien It. aniriulcl, royiiii't rclary. i»r Oio liu iT lor: ('oovi Krnnk C. Kmoriion. W yiinilnc: J (}. Scniuiiinii. forniLT cdvoriiiir o

'."viiilrt. anil W illinm !•'. Diiniiiil of! roni »inlv>T«li.v,

Tlifl coiiitiiiKiiloii ill ctini'KCii i-itl ilenvorlMK in rcI C’oloriiilo r lv jr I ntiitofi inlo finiuo n fiic .'m nil on Ktrcnm’ii (ipvolojim oiit'w ltli pnrtlc rccn ii) in tliu DoiiIiIct iliim prujL-' Aonic xliiillnr iitn:i,

- Doctor W ork niiili'ii r^r ' Iliiiii"lin rtly n llc r aniiniiiioinK '.Ijo iiiliirtion iitoinl)ur:i. l ie liujicii to lliem .m o d tilm :it Ytiiiin, A jnii :: liI.H rn iu rn rrom Uiiwiill.

Farm Machine Hospital Saves' Time and Mo;

bisrliii; colil w iiilrr nml enriy iliiyu III!' fnriii !iliii]> Ih a v rry plnce ror llm , !n im ‘'Nfiil fnrnipr.

. _ mny iirolitniily mlilri> IiU .nimrc I ' tlK'rO'iinil niiiki' rviiiilm oC nil ti

itcrDnlliiK lo .lolifj \V. SJiiKrpii, i i'inli> iirurcSfnr of iicroiiiMiiy, Colb ABMrillturnl cdIIpk.'.'-

• "AiiiDo;; till! moro im portnnt :rp|iiitrn lo In- miiili- n ro : Iti-pir l iro ^ i i liiinimcr »ind forlt Inm overlinnliiiK ’ fn n n mncliint'ry i-qiiil>mnit. uml tlic rcimlrinff tiiiil

l ln s o f wnrk liiiriir'Mi. Un mnny fi tli<* trnctor uml niitomi>)ilti> uro.

.. IHirt o t tliu fnrm . cijiiliiinnit.-,. W------------------------I r ' fnrni- tnnc litnpry-iiw plin l-W n

nillc, ilirK<> ‘ mncliini'ji iiro rinullly linlrcd iin J nilJiiMuii iliirin^ ilic {vl inon’ltw ' ' __ _ , . ■

'*1'li<) riirni kIiii|i iii-ciI not bc ai rplBilvc biiliiliiit; o r cnntntn n I «.«nortni|piit o f expennlro looK toolV ilihV nrt*. v rry ilM lrnb lo -i^ .' in nny rcpnir ulmp; n ru : W ork ik vlni'. hnmincr, Imml *n\v< iilic t

' * \yrpnclii-:<, cold clilH i'U .piinrliK rili- lirillii. Miimm. iuvi^l. liiiicliet, 's r

tJriviT, lirawliiB knire. yokn • "1 y ' (iiruv. nnvll, liinc'ltKinitli; Imm

loncd. srlmlm niic. cn irry rtlicol. i '.jinO liflnu-5H ropMij- IiwIk.

Garden Is Best Pa>nng . j Patch on Average Fiitnritcii tlmi* c<iiiu':i wli'cti Dio f

pr In t>ii’>y tvlili otlior Ii>.'i;<...h xtork Ibnt lie tliinliH |j<- cnnnot * itip tiniu tu t»>t In llie s/irili'ii. .\ K!iy llii'.v cnn 't lliiiilo nromul wli lll tle ,o llt ;;nnl<‘n. Tliu r.-in1i in tlip wirr'nii*nfnuN tlic r«i>p<iiiKlliIlit T\'Ht *s ull ilii> v 'lirk r»r Itll' funn drn.

No m ntlur iiow lo«r tfii- t)rliv furni'cro|i)> rnll, llio. farm er ran \vfly> t>r hnro or n pim l miriti-n

T * , eiioucli lo n it. If iNe wlf.> Iiiin to. i ir ir r Hie eiinlen In niMlti'nt lo

IkiiihcIioIiI lllllk';'. till' cni'ilrn will i-Miirily lie Hninll. I f lln< fnriner ( e l f rpuiiUx more tim a 'in liln ear lie will nml llm l th ^ enrilrn pnyit fi'r tlm n auy |]o|il crrtji liu ciip { for tlir nmnnnt o f iilnii it orciiplea llio Hnioiml «if Inlior nunlruil.—Tl nx H . Sum iivrm K xteniion S e r

■ Colornilo AKricnIlurni Coll/>ec. .

: EUtM R c r aGulilcfl flteni noli fcrliliiy. A b;

^ dsA will Btop ilii-'m.

Uomi pn 'pnru itun «r (lie nee< tmnnily tneuni lliut lean cu iitra

. will be n'pciloii Inter.

Only llie fam icf wtio fee li a <Ili;nliy in liln <niillns Imn Itie r s ttllu d c lo«vurdx farm lac.

Muuey for irsum u nen] linii li ttHfU. In Holl Im pnireincnt U n pr

-»----------------------«t»t8HnTW HnfPt.~not-nn-« pcnae.• • •

To crow i-nrclcM In w aiehlne tori tlic varluns p m lf tnay iofb nfirinua rro p T he »ln

• B0| lj* IJIc Iobk: ^

’ ^ e v e r fn llou tn? w lirni Is n p « d fitfi’cr'l K'' |>li'>N'l>alle. fcrtlilMil

y TIu' ••rre<t lif .,il il« rertlllzntlnn 'frwtipenily bp ehvervnl for ser year*.

r 'l l t i ill*- I'Icli l’rlr«* of pemtf'fli. v A t< tn :;7i rf«i n«rr*- 1*lnn- 'iliin.i III tro jB in n «r r<»io In i»WJiiii1l=Iifi wliile Hm- cm

____________ ______________________ T b-uuroaU nS-' * a d in n iv UiHr crtiw ih by

. N iebnam et e f StatesT he nlckmn>e« o f *on>c of,

M a in , a re : A rlum .i. “DahxT; tliln . “ .S jeke r" : i;r*iiucV;y^, "Dark

. . nicKHlr «ru;i=U".: M.iuiatia. -S ' T o*": O t'niinm a. “Sooner^; Ti-:

^ B w r ; V irjin la . -UoltxtT” ; SIl»»o ■Sttow U c" : ida lte . '‘rWrn.’*

1; 1027 . ■ ■ ■ . ' •

i T v l®CT V *le rc ta ry0 B ivor

n in g -Inrcb .11 . a t a l tMiiilylnjr — --------- :-------------;tii Mu- . backe

... tuJioni‘tboY 'tV ’ w h o l

an. Col­lie r Huc- lovornor: Jnini'ii ' ^ »r of Ni;. 1Df Stuii- I . ■ , .

B p sJr linain inirtlenlnrojL-ul.irj _

Innoiijlii I1? c o m - . ;to Im ve ; • {;

\ ■ ' ■: Ifoney ir *pHnjr ; i . lry btiay 1 ' jIpr. I lc j !rc timo i ’ ’ III horlfl. j : III, nnm). 'lolbrnilo • — .

It fn n n • ' • .•pinclni; _ , •iiiiniliOK. ' j■y uml ■ , . Stillll oil" • J-y funn* f,iTO nlHO r. W lw w ' ^ - ♦ nrnll.----------------------------------------------------

>{viD(«r W g g

! ai/ e*-n IftTge *■

. V S o ■ ■ ^: Irtpcli. ILt MW. . V .ifilnuea.'arrcw-

mmmcr. VOUIh o i T

p a y c

Farm - . Y o u

T J T■t H[inre X x i

s'n :illity n f 7rm p«r- 1 dllC(•liv<i of ( o b t E

' b y £lo lo o t

e r ilini- A i iearilcii. « Jly* ■ H . ep srow . . ,

d a istrricf. r e a d

r e l i a

■ f a c t i

■ , d i s s i1 brusli

. . ' . m■ ' o f F t

c h a i

c o s t

I l.tm r r u l e ,

------------t r o l ­

l s ■ H I

■MxHally iMlttnn. nn' 'ean s c r e r a l |

■en. on* • nuick-

c round •H£_SU1________ . * _______________ _________L



Ti-xn*. f ^.Mourl^

Serelie, >oi/r **Local Kfcrchant g"'tiniely'>‘C(iuilo,iis a Use i Hfractive prices am i offers ked by his local organizali jni'-'arc; pcr/iaps, your fri 5 live next door.

— J

2;ONSlDER y(chant. His bu:

) u r c i t y ’ s i n d u s t r i a l f a l j m e a n d i n c o m e p o s s i l l y e r , e m p l o y i n g h u n d r c D u r i n t e r e s t s a r e h i s i n

IE buys mercha’ as it is possible i c e d , a n d p a s s e s o n t c ) t a i r i s t h t o u g h s a l e s y i r s e r v i n g y o u : s a t i s f a c t i

IIS merchandis[e-constantly tellsl a i l y c a l l e r , ” h i s a d v e r t i s a d y a n d w i l l i n g a t a l l i a b i l i t y b y m a k i n g g o c c t i o n y o u m a y h a v e , s s a t i s f a c t i o n w i t h h i s r

IE is a “ComrGFering a riecessar;l a n d i s e d i s t r i b u t i o n a t i s t . T l i e r e c a n b f ; N O l e . C o m p e t i t i o f l r e ^ k

D l - o f - a n y - i n d i v i ( d u a P o r

IE deserves ally-■ S - •



r^S-Jrethe he itiherar/ f(f y<


n t,” comes, ih the eve- ;c of desirable offerings'TS. immcdiate^delivery,—___llion o f iJCohle, some of friends and neighbors

' - ' i‘ I.. I I ' I i' ? I ' • iiV ?’,

)70ur Local Mer- usiness is a part off a b r i c t h a t . m a k e s y o u r i i b l e . . H e ' i s a l o c a l t a x - ' - ^ I r e d s o f o t h e r t a x p a y e r s , i n t e r e s t s .

andiss as cheap-; for it to be pro-

t o y o u - t h e s a v i n g s h e v o l u m e , m a d e p o s s i b l e

: t o r i l y o v e r l o n g y e a r s .

ise is reliable.Is. you so thru' hisc i s e m e n t / a n d h c i s h e r e , a l l t i m e s , t o p r o \ > e i t s

o o d a n y s l i g h t d i s s a t i s ' - .. B u t y d u r a r e l y h a v e

m e r c h a n d i s e .

imunity Asset,” •ry servicc'-in mer-a t t h e l o w e s t p o s s i b l e

D E X C E P T I O N t o t h i s i l a t e s i t b e y o n d t h e G b n - s r - o r g a n i z a t i o n ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

your patronage..

etu ^ om L sb l nt riniour o wn p'i



- r o n e , j j

mT sorts offilitteririi /’rorfTtfre delivery

- - ^ w — .........ctgain, a

„ I ,! I ll ? i ' i i ! ,

S' 1

. r . i |

. ,0 O N {f ■ ting I ' ■ a C o m m u i■ ' L ' n o t e v e n b i’ ■ t h r u t h e y e

w o n y o u r m e t h o d s b T h e “ b e l l r

■ . a b s o l u t e l y i

f THIS"'' retains a

h i s “ c o m m i g o f e x t r a v a g :

w h i c h “ m a s s i s t o n t h e

. ' S u c h s a v i n g - . m i s s i o n , ” p

p l u s f a c t o r y ’ ' t a k e n i n t o

HIS or ; .s tion, as J

y o u ” i n t o b— - - - - - - - - d o e s n V - h n \

a n d - i s n ’ t a • . h i s m e r c h a i


^Ud^%ocaL ^ging peddl Protection, iH E T JM E S P U B L IS H IN G

! ■

jiist a “bell ringing peddli of inolJlyorttine hours, bring ingJ}ronuscs and a_desire., he advance deposit—aslting ; ry and not caring w hether ' , and usually don’t.

i i im i i iiW i a i i M ? : " m a i i i y m m .


i j ^ r

i l K < ^U m

W l”

JSIDER also tiging peddler.” Heu n i t y p a r a s i t e . H i s b u

b e p o s s i b l e e x c e p t f o r ' t y e a r s , y o u r s o l i d . L o c a l ^ i r c o n f i d e n c e i n a l l ' n

b y n e v e r t a k i n g a d v a r r i n g i n g p e d d l e r ” t r a d e :

f u p o n y o u r c o n f i d e n c e .

“peddler,” whc all of your" initial

m i s s i o n , ” c a n , a n d d o e s , t i g a n t p r o m i s e s a b o u t h i s i l a y ” c o m e u p t o h i s s a m l e “ g r e a t s a v i n g s ( ? ) ^ f o r \ n g s a r e h a r d l y p o s s i b l e a f

p l u s t h e g e n e r a l a g e n t > r y p r o f i t a n d c o s t o f p n o c o n s i d e r a t i o n .

)nly'" solid recon a rule, is his abilr

b e l i e v i n g a l l h i s c l a i m s i3v e - t o - m a k e - - g o o d - o n -

a v a i l a b l e i f y o u h a v e l a n d i s e .

LMerchant ler,'' your c is obviotts!

; g CO. »


dler,” calls a t all ings only samples, e. to separate you _ g you to W A IT /o r LT he ever sees ygu

t e ■ .


the^“bell •le is almost .b u s i i f i e s s w o u l d — r ' t h e f a c t t h a t ,I M e r c h a n t h a s

m e r c h a n d i s i n g a n t a g e o f y o u . . ^

J e s w h o l l y a n d: e .

10 usuallyII deposit as5 , m a k e a l l s o r t s . , .

i s m e r c h a n d i s e ,

i m p l e s ; w i l l i n -

r y o u , k n o w i n g .

a f t e r h i s “ c o m - .

n t ’s “ r ^ ^ e - o f f ^

p r o d u c t i o n a r e V

)mmenda-ility to “sell I S ; f r e t r u e . H c

1 - h i s - p r o m i s e s --------------- — ^

c t r o u b l e w i t h

t^^-Ondr^-^choice,f :, ■ /


D irector of 8ii1t Lhkn Cliy O f« rrftlncfl Interior HccoratluiiH Slatnnry ;Amnjj{emcnl| r i e HJtJi R«eptfoii.-..:.-. u .

• T b a t In te r io r a r t W r k In 'T w in F a lls b le ii ncliobi is a t u

- -.....— ------ -jw rlor-ordor-B nd -tMnlmlort • hitrI t ie ' In te r io r fit s im ila r schooln 'M nBsBChiincltv’ Whoro }io npcn num D cr of yoara, wnn thn »tiit<T

. n a d o T uosdny n rtornoau by tici H . Durliiim . o r tlio S a il I^^ako bljtU \ acliool Klcc d u b . followfn p ro itrain slvon hy tb a t inunlcnl sa n lza tlo n a t tbg niiHcmbly In auUUorliim . Ho nUo prnlHcil

' m n n n ^ l n wlilcli the slu ilcn ts i tluc tcu tbDmae|vcn clurlns iliu in

fn tho ovdnlDR the s ico elub. e poaed o f '23 num bora. cave n i<n d id pronrnm fll tlw I» ivo rJn ;:^ a tre , o tlo r w h ich th o "S n tn t 8 >i p a te r s” plnyod fo r a cinncc nt Concolond pavilion.

T h e Q uarte t Knvo anvernl numI n t ■the. R o tn ry c lub d in n e r n t To

- ' ' 'cn f< r; laat'.,p l|[hL '

M in iste r H o lds .H e a lth C lassesL -in H is C hur

D ENV ER. Colo.. M areh 31.— It Iniposalblo to -linvo "n porfci fu o c tlo n ln s aoul u n til ono Itna pa rfoctly funcllon lnc bod’y ;' Tlobort B . 11. neU . p a a lo r o t T hom na B placopal ehurch In E vor. bellevea.

So Dr. Qell baa Inslltulcd hen lth elaaa am o n s TnemhorM of c bu rch In o rd e r tb a t th e princl "p req iila tto to so u l perfec tion’' n bo nttnlnod.

T h e cln«8 ineetD oncn ovcry. wi III th e ch u rc b . T boro Dr. llc ll, v etl b y CapL J . 1* HoII. a rm y pbj c lan , le c tu re s to chu rch monih on~l& fl' Im portance of p rotirf~ (li

y pH m lnfltlon and oxercfac.■. "Do n o l lo t anyone mialrinl yn

D r. B f l l anld. "In to tho bollcf ll rilaeo«*a n ro caaenilnl to nnlntllnc T oo tn a n y dysp^ijtlcs hnvn hmi h a n d - in tb o m a k ln s of many of c theoloffleal opinlonp.

•'DlBcaao roba a rtian of nmbitl nnd ta k e s h ia Inltlnllvc frnm lil N o m a n . c an bo i>crfrct In ml w hose body I* w rnrked w lih pnln."

“A (tood d id .'- Dr. Hell aiild. • porhnpa tho m ost Im portnnl i>.irt h ta h e a ltb proRrnm. And (ru lt." addod. "form a tho principal InKrci e n t o f th o <Uci.- " 0 « l Into tho hab it of n»lnc c asses and icmonii every day." advlao. "Uao nn r.iiKnr."

H o recomm"HcIoil llio folloul; a s Iho to r u »>'.uncl'd d in n e r:

“B ro iled Hir.iK ' ’Itli liu lirr lem on, hnked '|>ni:ito. combiiiiiili s a lad w ith oIi*lPinnn dn-nnlnK, •'>! R ' . l i t t l e honry . tiirnlpa. Ii'inoii.i' sw ootoned v>'li|i hnncy nml nilX'

■ fn ilta ."

D id th e B lind M an See W h at H e Sa^

nK U K K L nV . fn l . . M arrh : i 1 - n Ma* K ollm . tlir* -l.llm l mnn'- nf M

.Tjffflalpal" rrn lly Kfo u h n l In- na«-, < " v la v e twcQiy of lIic ttn lvpr.'lly of (i'l

I fom ln 'a falroi-t Kirin Mimh n nauRbt.

I t w aa like lIilu. 'I'h'* kUIk, iiirni1i>' ■of th o W o ^ n ’K A lh h tlr av-.ulailr

' o t th e unlvr>«liy w.-ni ii|i to i 1m' till lo. h ik r .

I t wna fn ir .ami mllil whMi iIk'> Ifi An th e y woiinli-'l t.tn' vl"!**' ■.Mt. Tam alp.il!i, to rn-n tn ii.m tr.i . tbc inJIS> 't "PrInK .Ir.'-f-rK.

D rrncbcU to tbo 'k ln .^ t i ry a b f l te r In an Inn. Thi'' "lillnil m.n w as w ith in .-O ff w llb ynu r floihr'H. m j , >r

w ill c a tc h you r-c lfa th nf m id ," >iii tbo m o th 'T ly Inn krci» 'r.

• 'B ut thn m a n !” chnru;iril Ilir rn .. cborua . WuahlnRly,

" F e a r no t. my tlrarK. Ih' k him Klono b lind ." w.i» ib r rri>lv,

Moro loirn w ent la lo tin- IlrrpliH- ^ On tho hack* of c ln lrc nml nn untli'

------------------inn-rackA >t'eul-U io-frodiji itb o s lr la . fllm«y tblnK»,

T h en tw en ty ah lvcrlnc nml-ls. t Ir.il *id In naUKht bu l bc.iuty nWrl ninnni;il dow danced for w arm th , i in tr t trr r ■od u n o fra ld . llk r nyniphu in t!

. w oods f a r from th r h.iiin-s of m ni- fo r w a* n o t thc tillnil ni;ui tilJiul’

•-G reat b ra» rn s . I n-r. I mi-, tli c a ta ra c t I" cnnr." r .im r a muMo about o f ilcllRht from Knliiti. T>»r-nt fa ir m alilena .ttiaiir a for ttiric to the* . O u t of wlndimK .uni i!i««r th 'ry w rn t In th r l r flleht.

K ollm . pe rh a p s, wa* jn'-: hu t If ho r ra l ly r r m i r r i l r\c n ldho aaw — w hat h r saw.

F a m ily S k e le to nMount t j j ^ a . In (iiH f.inua. I« thi

only a c tlr c voI<-ani> In ihl< onnnlrj B u t JOU don’l Bml any ltiliij uti-iut I In the cllmat** pm pacnuila, —Nrw Ot leaoa TiniM -flM yui>r.

6 nU C l » « . Tulcaniis<t t lh r rp p rc U R # t» l* r Prtc« $ :.:5 . Q u lttlnc Dual B«M p r lc« 95c. A. IL V lnecai Co.—*di

oL O o FloTi‘ _ » G e m T L E S P R IIflR ' i - r u A K i i V - r n El U U g - ( \ ^ \ % D A - - / -

S - • N O M O R E . C

m m d ' A ■'ThV C O /? \L ^

h i m - n f -------- T '|:>oln In • l| il . • \ \ ^ A

1,1 ' .itl'mVni , j; ■<Jc"rR« . 1';«• Clly W• ln« ^:a l o r- ' 7 ->n tho ' I .■'*

xti'oi'r • Tli'i"

>’ com- I H M M w <"I’len- I , f S W U I jn —

f c \ s w r o lw lffSynco. hW

itnliora - < / _ J T C t ETnm'n ^ - J H / W l

J Burch * mome.m'Ts- I t la J l __________________ M arfoctly

(MJ)F1SHLAW s„,: PREVAILS UNT- THIRD OF:Mi. weekI. n ld . I --------

Commiiiilpnllnii lt«Ti-lT«-.I lior.- iH'’,'';" _ I )L ’p n rtm a it.J iid lc a Jc * J-l tn l All

'l iif- trr i. W ill i,p .Sijhlrct to .Snmo AH*T Dnto Nnmed.

yoti.All a trom nn w hich w oro cln»?i

llncfs. A pril I u n d e r th e oUl flulilHK lnw ‘O'l ^ eioiK) u t'm ld n lR h t. nnd n il n lbcra if u u r tin open an ununl pondliiR tlin ta

cffcct o f tho new lnw on .May 3, billon -w.ould li-nvo tho Snnko Hvnr un<l

him . ervolrii open hero u n til th tit Unto, mlnil la tlic wny th n t local iiportamCn

111." Atruo Ihn follow lnR comniunlcnlloi I. -'In celved lodny by H. It. O rnnt, tnrni- irt of o f thn 8 oulborD l i ln h o .n a b A C

i,f iiaroflntlon- from V orn Thom an. i -rodl- c lerk of tho dep artm e n t In roply

que ry ab o u t 1000 Sprlnnx.: or- In rcniionae to y o u r Inquiry " h r .March 211. rccon t IcKlalatlvp ci

inpntu n ffrc t a ll w fttem o f tho «(,n( >uini: Idaho w lih rcferenco to tro u t flui

Iv.il- I'lw ^Jiow ovnr, w ill uOi ta k .' .c: un til lho~ ih lrd day o f Slny. whi<f

'Mill w ater:' will h r cIoHeil to tro u t Iln iii'ina < 'xri'pilnn of tw o o r I' '- l id ’‘'rra in ii In ' fb -u rw iitp r oounly.

• , old law w ill.p o v o rn u n lit Ibo Iiitxcil

“Sheep Acves’-’ Is Vof Much Intert

a w .

- PM E x tra F e e d in g o f E w e sB re e d in g T im e H e lp s .

(i'll-r,., irrr-rnr'i) br I>>" Vnli»>f Riilf-a Dtpmrin . t A«rlruUurr.t

c.ltn iirlslii- n in ic t u f npprnxlmi |_,, iiki o f Illlnblo land lu

atlrni nnliii:i1 hu^ll:llnIry I'xiicTliiiciit farn; I'I’I" l! .- ln lir .-. M ,l..' "Sliw-p Arri*!.-

jli 'liliiu ’ many ri-!iuli* lUf Inivreal l-'.'l 'IliM-U |HM1.T« .if l l i r r n l i r d Stairs.* :

nniiic- 1 cnichially ......In;; to nirnrtprciviiis Kt"Uiiil fcir |>ri>l.lc'mi n f »h' |.r..ilii< li^.n iiiMhT lal.'ii..iv'.> rnnrllll'

n f fnrm ra M n j . A prtira l I.’Ill Ilf fi-raKi' iTiip pn»lui

Iiii.-iil i a ll 1‘iiilv liaVI* jihown.' al.l-.. sli.-. ji to 111- |,;.Mur.-<l Ii.iic*-r r

iiinu-.l frnm n.-M tn li.I.I. tlirr.'l.v r irnllinc rnrn«ll<-» nir>rr fnlly ft uln-ii iiinliilr»hifil nn-l'T lln> iiMial r nm ni'n t-pn 'iu ro in.'ilicwi. Tlil* pt Mrr ninU r, |( i>r..vil,|o n l - ' In li«^i fnrm (li'ck mi Ir*« ■•iirr’il f.-rrl, itirri «*\liic r tjir iii ... niir! lalior,

! .\li iill irr Impnrlniit rm iilt o f r ip ' iR rn tn l" w n r i-n r —Shi'fp“ Acr»<” 0 rrrn>i llin rfrf.i r nf rx irn frrillng

I” ’ '■ rwM nt b rrrilln i: tln ir on tlir p r r r t , a ce nf tw in i in iiir innih rroj). An

«anlnSr nf li l laiulu’ p r r JOi) r t !in« ri">'illr,l frnm krrpliii; ru r* It Mclily nniirlfclirilcnii.Ilili.n .liirlne i

O llirr rT i» 'rliiim l« r!f«| w lili cror . of Iam l«. I'olli In n r lg ljt nn.l ^IJ^

• inc <if tv[>«-.ln pu rrtirril u lirrp h r lr.tllv r hr.-Allii2. a m l / r f l l r of w tm 'v lh . Thr* ftrvrW n t/" S Iir rp A rr i-«h«l*ta of ap p rn jlm atrly I'HO nhr

'i"v,' Inr-luillfiR rnmS. <*wi>« anrl lsiiil>«. r ‘ r rn rn tla ? llir Soulhdnwn, ,'ihrop«hl

Hai!ip»!ilr»* nnd rofrlrdalr* h r r r j* . ^ - - P . -A. Ff>M itvr-l»-ln '

1nvr«tH ntlon« • ro m liid ril .nC tlip nn.l It. y . n m n ilm I t «ni.rr

Ilry. •lrnd»nt o f IIic fan n o f -Sh(It It .\rr»>»" l« n p a rtOr- -------------------------

P a c k in g i i ^ k a

cUI. c o rn rr of .:i:T . ninl t'Hluni- on th r r»'ni.-r« < f i:..' I .■.'kv T\.':s n *dT. preven t th r lr t--iii; c’aiiiajr-tl.

> '


O U T Q U R W A Y — BY

--------' J J '( O U W O 'J '? 'NWW. - f r i E E \ W A O - r b C A R R S PPlKii'.rTrKjiE.l KAOS'T o f I'T

1 ^ , 7 4 - -V A iiK f e R - A s o j <m e t - F O R l »t P 0 U S H £ 0 - T C )( — / \ < jQ o \ o o K i T e . COAU , / V FUNM'-Y'I ----

r s V ^ e 'O T o L iV JE . OM l A p P W D A V . ___________________


p n f f MOSCOW. March ,31. - I ' I I I matcheii a ro tu b r miidc »h( I l l i i conform ity w llh llui " rc i

oconomy" rcnuiilnK In U Jl Y ,chaDRei> In th c en tire hovIcI

;try . .I t la e ipoctnd th a t nm I MOO.OOO w in 1)0 Hiivrd IK'XI |cllpp lnK n tju a r le r o f «n Int

r« fnmi*'*** «‘ifcty male


»tc. ThlHiCn cnn-1 _---------

r!-n"Jiirer’ ® °P^® A d m its O o llo c tin g * O nm n' O b tjiijiin ff L o a n f o r in. cliis'f eno A sso c ia t io n ; A ls o ’j j.iy tl) a M one jr G o tto n f r o m

r in a n c o B o a rd .ilry of

cn.ict. cciC IlT UOOM, DKTItOIT. " ’•■'I-' " f M arrh :u .—Judnn Fred M. Ua fl.ihiiijf, in thc t'onl.^KnpIro

I.' ('ff.'i'l v.jHiinr » 5,cJ cane, lodiiy look >-Iu>n III) ,.n^.niz;inc> In t.pcn c o n rt of

Ilniiii.. „ j, InvcniI"" to d r irn n ln e w lirlhiir I lrn ry,o ii.i.'.'i InJi""'''! Sunday, waa a llrm p l

avoid ;iiijy?ft«yic.- un •« w lin .'-iapiro »n<l Jitm m A. lt<-i-il

od tl i r i r con trn t h ffo re ii room harrly filled, and tvill ahoul ton of th i' fo rty ni'w

S r e S t corrm iK m drntu whn, hnvo h th r tr in l. on haml.

T bo B m ntor nouRhl tn nccii e s ‘a t p lro w llh •’fnrcInK” lil«' o r

{tlon plan on Ihe N oriliw n.i U lro w rra ' a«»oclatlon, .Sapiro j-'forcf--’ wna correc t, anrl sa .''d ro lK n - W3H adoplrd hy thr

xlmnti*. j«-latlnn w hlrh wan h"adetl l.y lu Iho I 'V. Jew lll an m annurr. A flr

'arm n t Inc to nhow Snpiro luul < M - la J r iv i'tt UirxiiiKh a l»-lrsrj real to JU arc b ..11*21. lo ailopl ^liii co :>s. T hn tiv r I'lun of inarljellni:. Itor' •an Ihn d-mly hwllched lo tho m rlhr■ nhri’P ji 'lr t i unr-d f i KCt loans f j r Ih r rllllniin wri.l srow rrn .

l'n "rn- S p c a l t t h ^ S e r to u t lyr r 'n n i l U 'nnhliislnn cav r n li .vunrs

. (-«.iiiilry w'iili.iiu |inv. T hink r- n lir ii y n n 'n r o rnllrd ni>i>ii lu al p rr- ' coui«K- of Jury duly.. prac- -------------- -----------Vi'rp B

A hollnr . 1.0 ,, U tl.n only wlu-'n a man o iaklnc thn moat

- - la _ « Ju ln e -th e ..m o ti .w o rk .—Art

________________ .\T^"i} filiatJps whlln they■ ' ' QuiitlnR lin iln rb ii p rice C3c. . ■» In • ' ’Inern i Co.—adv.iR IhAl , , , ~ ------- . . , , ^

S A f t e r th e' wnnl

H — y o u nJ*. H « lp U N M c U d t o R m

- - Y o u r ^ M t e d ^ S l r w■•‘' ” '•'•1' a n d ^ p t g y *

"'F la" IrtVM the body w eakent' ^ mndown.- In lu th r»»et. a tn:

e ira rlr ind lrjlrd . nesloro th e a ; and n d }oune lf of tb s t let>dowil lof.

- f l a “ U a r e r r e n e rra tla s di T thn It IMVM 11* Tifttm* M weak ao , b iliu ied lhat th»r« Is a t m neh t. ,'^ni -from tba afl«r-eir»eu i» froBS th

•* f»«f IU«lf. la Olhrr w a ta t. anaii4ck of t&e “fla,-' fou need a tel

IN FA iitB ^ r i A I t ^ T

f W ILL IA M S•>

M I \ / ----- - ■AKl ME. VWHO \

UU • H A O -TO 0 \ J i . FO O D ;', W £EP P D R - l - r ~ 0 0 M V

/ S A C W iT iB R O K e \ H A P P ^

l l ■


\ ' ' y

M E f t . J T P .w lL f lM s■MU aXT Off, OI»WST««t*tmiCfc»<6.

— SH l^ ittF l ;s ;:“ ROAD<IS I t f i “ £ TONEWBRllXI y ra r byInrb from . —

Mnd niNriiaKra -Bceulc lIlKhwa;.T » \ - .............. l.'r«cH-Uoa4l-jUunK-mm • Itw l.V i l l Nrw ilrliiRO tv KlioNhono, * i / Drli-^nitea K ledctl tu Infants

T T M C Buvnll woa iinnnik U l u L i dcloRato 10 t h t K.v a i A u in lon iiitlonal convention, to }« 1

n i m o m .Momphia- Tonn.. in' Juno. Ju d t I ' I m V I vnll In prealdont o f iho cluh i l l u x J l hna hocn n cuatom 'Io nnmo tho

den t na dclcRato. J ta lp h Muaao c irc led n itornnto. ho being vlco

inff Sum' m » * oxponaen of aondlne t

" ® f^ lth c B o mon to tb la Ratborlnu.3 A d m its : C. i:, I-lmJ dlaeunaed th c poaa in W a r of hulldlnir n road from tb o no

lo rim hrlilso 'nIonR the rlv o r tt ahonc Fnlln. T his w ould ho n

IT Mtri, ■ '''■‘■fnl Kccnlc hlRhway nccordltiiV-,vmZV "

, ' . n il ■ lo 'trlnU bore and alao bo 'iin Inc ™ ' I" 1" IW" c lly kOk lo rm a l, , j „ dlaciirtiod thq ron of runior«;,j,pQ „j.,, s a |n ,o a ,i,k-cmiKnl!tin'Q],,p|p, Pnrk over tbo tilvldn nn nry l-'ord., j |„ Btatrd thn l tho rimptlnK in I,DPI,I ],(,(] iiprnl neven yeara bu •lini'Mn. iiiRhway and It w ould pcrliiii-rl rrK uui-!(«o m nrn hoforo ll Is flnlnbed. a '^o iirl-! iiionllrinrrl Ihn V lo Y Ira ll anil

wllh only „j,niP would m ean to .T w ln Vn ni'vi'Hpaper ii,i' nhapo of brloKlnR tourla ta

hrVn' al thin orctlon. ' ‘The proRrnm wan In chn rso <

ccuNe Sa- inibllc affnlrn com m luoe of ■ orRnnlza- W ilbur lll t t la chairm an.

•Ill W heal ----------- :-------------

Early T raJc C enU rttill' aKiio ‘ V nrk. A lbany nntl.v C ro rcJ "'I'J*' ‘ ' " ’' f portimr.. hr-forn tlm Civil war,

Lam-a.I.T. l'n .. tim.Mnl a live I n rilrr.'il voluinn I■sram. In iip»,iiu||„n. rnllrontbi(•o-o|>rr,^. „..-si,v,,rd Ihl^ Iratle niovi^t o

lo rd hftrti -i.ip.biirich. Iluffa'ln nml »-incii 'thrxl Sa- ,v |il,l. »r.-rr In liirii ri-lip»r,| h r h r /.o r lli . ,.„2„ |„„i r ii j- ^u„| „|||,.V

'.iitir! rlvi-r iiinrI;rM.

l y H a r d L u c krn to hl< ll.-iiiilrrr nUik 1« .Ipllvrred In N U of Hll'l .\iavUn. In frnn-n lilocl:!i. U ntri

lu du a I«<i< inllkinrn hnvr In cu to llm Ix nf ilrlllln f IiiilrH nml ln<rrtInR h- —r»»«lns Show, l.niidoa.

» ' lly p ia rr Composite Churehoal nnliP T h r - r i iu rrh o f Aala” la th o i Arkaaaaa ai>|>llnl-i»-<li«^ T-rnnNnrd-rHlRloo*

., m lurailonni Initltu llnna , Mtabt: hy llir iiita^ti.nt o f lh« various de

hey lanl. innilnnn of lhe I'n liOil-K laiM , { c. II, UrHnlii nnd CnnllnnBtal. E ufop

Chllui. Ja;*an and India.

e “ F lu*^is d v e l e e d a T o n ic( M t o r * Ionic t» rebuild ths s n i t m ao that

may bare ynur old-time aireniU i r » o « t h eo ff |rr« ioH a.~ '

I appetlta up rtd blood corpotem. It inp r

ss,A'Ks^.5’:uSeSd!srd?ai’ diieata. BAS, u a a » from IM toota ef r

and d»< b«rbt a id pl&Bta, and It pM uredh d ia n r Klentise v a r tn a motfuif u o r t tn tbi du- S.&8. I* sold at all toed am c tt

an tr tn la two tltn . Tbf Ufgir t t n is ttelecuvn etoooffljul.

t , IS W lilM3:: J l i i l e l i t * / " ' l l i S H f I

; a oforo_n .Broiip of'pl-oiiilnon lovora, hoadfi o f . civic orjiflnl c ity o fff^u ls . 'o d i iu to ra nnd

; c ritica un n lilih iiillc trilkirohino w hich c h i id c t i 'I t s on O rta tind p o rm iia . o f iin. ii

'I ' in 'u ilc ^ I t l io u t Ibuch^nR • ibo. . / tn e iil . ivna lloiBohBtratiil boro') / ' f lra t l lm o ‘ today. T h e '.liia l ’ifl w hleli 1'h‘ tho .Intoat dovolopn7 / - ......... tb o . f i i ia :-of._ilmaIcaK -rti>roiIII ' wns Invented by onRlnbors / / y ic to r— Tnlklhff Machlno c7 u fto r tw o yenrn of Intenslvo^ mont.j T bo ilom onatrnlton wna, coih a t tb c Sam paon Mualc bbnip! tl. K.-lifiRftii. -VIotor donlorv wj n o u iic o i It na tho fourth, rovi

n ry ; dovolopment o f tbo Vleio pany alnc,o ilio fn ll of 1S36.'. Tho mom nnt the Inatnimoi opened nnd placed In oporatl Hlmpllolty and cnao of or w.oro Im prnsaod ' up o n ' th o m

*• K do ten records woro plath c mnRntlno. w hlcb Is - aui n l nn anRlo nbovo the tu m t Iho Inntrum otit. A t n tu rn sw itch controUlnR tho o loctr r e n t »uppIy .;tlio tu rn tnb lp -bo rovolvo. T lio m ecbnnlcal plctkad tho f lra t rocortl -fro

P . ' . - 'r r

. - T O M O B B O W -

IjGp.IDGEnvoy* mid i ^ttfck-fritm '10 Fallaf . ..^niationiil.

nnnlmoua-K]twnnl» V W ' H J H

}>o \ludeo Du-! \ X . uh nnd It tho proal*uaaor WUB -jf

.SAXJCTQ'NEU.: 7/te ono of ‘B A T T L IN G B U n ;

, A n d A n Im m e o M O a a tpoaalblllly ' ~I now rim!r to Sbo- p *

£ " " . ' 3incentive / .

f lonRor. « «rond up g * • • S

tb ro u ch / x l f f l XI nnd Into,0 Rovern. M A * *' b u jld ln s ‘ i j f mcrim ps bo V R C f v * M W Iled. Ho ’ ' ' a r J l Tnntt what \ A jH R k

t 'n lla In f T W O ftv ' .

S C I l E ^ M p ^*0 of tbe .if w hich L a t e s t N ew * W e e k ly

A c so p s F a b le s T o p ic s o f t h e D a y

era . A S h o w Y o it W il l E n jiand i^ni- I n u u e o K ly

;iifiJor Im- - _______nnd

Ivp atock in

ofx tolnc*innnil ’ ' ‘1 hy t^hl- ' - : i|ii-r Mla-

. 1 , Cntrn ipu* in hoiher

' ,W e .lh e P i 'pr«’ A isbe

f I h n d s i i i t a l

----------------£ e - « » ^ b i

y £ u r > ^ i «

•, Otrtt a te w mo«™ m bene

- . .Y-fqcal fac tsyear. W e

e rL

that roai r s . a a d ............... ............. ..

Tw^ A i

S g S ■ . t ■

1C stemm o n

' ‘f ’l t l l In. th e m W atlno onil' IIIK ’ Rbnity .u p o n tbo rovoWltX . V * * ; lih lp . T ho tonc'i’Inrm awu■ P lay in s position , nfid tbo nbiA V p V , low orod to tho r tc o rd w itn i j L u l ; WhK aecurncy . And a ll, o f tii - j i T i i i J c rn tjona w oro - 'p ifrfo rm o dIII Cir «<)roly. nnd >v|ttL;.aU'oxactmnil ML ho -n m o u n t . o f , b y ;tho I I I W I / I V ,,i n d coiiid q in tb duplicate,

Mr; LORon- d8llo d \ nttontl. W ..-I-. H cularly to th o . s ir ip llclty

roqu iroa ' no ox S in lK ; ope ra tion . T he. Rerles c

nnd. c n m a -a ro com pU toly « Iklnit nin- e lec tric m o to r w hich, i’ r . I t la p rnellca lly troul:J "» • li‘>*ornlory teals, have;v ^ f ^ r }l? k o ^ p o id tc d .o u t ,; . .

1. T h o ^ ln a tn im c n t w llh ho ,S n n r r i ^ e l rn to d - to tllo public rinxt

m ornlpjr. ieg ln n ln js n t o \o c lproducuon, -„n tin u lh k ^ lh r6ush o u t tho *" c o tn p iE ? Sam pson Mualc comitnn) Ivo oxporl-

T o m a to ’* G re a t V a iconducl'Sd Toumtoea linvo brnn knlrl i

impatiy .by «,H ftoda aa the aw lflc ii; siir% w ho AO* certnln nnliirni rem edy 'revolu tion- *l<y- T ha d ie t Hat nf tbo I'ri>atle io r Com* ilolp lta l In New Vork hna plug,g • n t;fh o head of nil food# foe tImonl wna P®*" roduclns wolfiht.iration. Ita ------------------

oporotlnn t„coti$i»t>^nt Being*mmienco, cotum on obaervmion nf II

placed IM noy(„g u,nt u auatonded

im tab lo .o f „rni.ca. rn o f lhe

’'bORnn 't o Thrf lip lscopal Ouild w ill ail t-hnnd" >>»m d in n e r Snturdny•from ■ th e tho P a r ish hn ll heslnnlnR

. ; . o ’clock. COc p e r pInte.—ndv.? T ^ '” _______________

! l 8 ^ Jo e-K Say»:li O lio tl*oiili1c w ith

-Ik KO ( l m d » U y poniliN

l<rf iaiil(p o c ia l . - 1 v T l ^ ^ S L i

•‘IThc'ro 'tho Big' r i e t t

^ — T oinor

It j >" I •

l l i ' ^-2 i l aER? WiiiiMkst 'w ith

- jS r - - l l V S i ' V U i l i i t e

I ' Beatitiful sentijncni I and comedy! Orij

'p icture you ii reau Snjoy I ________


9 0 0 RD irec to ri o f th e T w in F a ll bcia tlon . re ap ec tf i^ ly reqi table fo r <ugrar b eets to pie ' b i i r - c r i > t i p i n ^ a y * t r a - w i H ia e g to th a t e x te n t A f< lor^ g row ers w ill insure o nefit ttf p o w e r s a n d assui :ttti^ thU fa it. W e believ / e have th e p ric e ; the la r

- i T ’ S , I

ii/!ivP a ils" C ou i i i l P p v v e r s ’ A s s o

F R A N K H IC K S , S een

placed dWIsb -tnrn* aw uos ' Into jnbodio .wna I . . y ^ K i a 3 a | « ^ B r o w ltb ..u n e r- J l | | g | i g

of theae op- I . lled silen tly , l - l ; | . > ; | « ; l j ^ U i lic tnoss th a t

- i r j T O N i t i iBity • o f d o - . < , - •. oxperionco, — T h e . S b o w T h a t . a . : C i e

I s H i L l i i i i5 £ g |i | |g a l:5 ®h o 'd n 'y . 'n l ' ' '>Com pan)V fliiM . r m e n t ln f f n D n\m aH c Senillrl Id licnd

siim at nnd -Xhe•d y fo ro b o - • ,

Sbeaker of tl’oc tbc, pur* *■ _ • ''

_ L Houseintfj** A n unnaunl .piny denllnR wlf llfl) will (lueation tiiianMwerrd tbron{t It ik tlio tliv BRVSt .............,vbo I'ljimor y jjono K M en n U o n s 1S> i

- P I t l C E S - . 'A d a lta t I t i n c f F loo r, 60i

111 aon-o n ' ' ' jjn lco a y ,'# 5 cIny ovnhlng i ■ . - •............ 'ilnR 5:30

itli Iho o r i l i im ry w if e is t lm t 'l io j ;v ic g i t t M livci E U . w h a t t . . ^

W f ^ g t ^ - P I N i ^ T O N I T E -

i y U 2 l r a " H o t e l im p o r i a l ” w i I ■ ? _ J E o ia _ N o g r i_ a R l ‘*Th

« w.. ■ -A lailcan A d v e n t u r e s ” »Ietnr«s F lay? . - ,,_____________________ _

lorrow a n d S a tu rd a y —

M I m W P

•I .. Last.and'/ Greatest Stor\Qk. . •.C C eM Q O P ^“ ~ ! "1 : n e n t l i v e n e d ’w i th f a c t '& ctioD l P a th o s O r ip p in g , l iv i n g (c h a ra c te r is a t io n ! A 'e m e m b o r f o r a lo n g t im e ! •

iA N O -V O Q I ^ y : - ^ I O T - ^ t O S A 3 r o ,

. ' . .V - . 'V ' ■*'

R i & r e '

a lls C ouny B ebt Grow* ' ~ e q u e s ts p f a ll hav ing ' p la n t .^ lu 'ffe im a c r e - . ' i ll-p e r im ^ .or m crease— -V ;

few m o re a c i ^ from 5 ou r 5000. w ith m ^ i -Bured o i^ ra tx o n o f th e i ‘ ieve i t . is a -s u g a r b ee t land, a n d th e ' fac to ry . '

i n t y i B e e t

l o c i a t i o nc re ta ry . ' j

^ T H t m S r a t , J L \ I ! O I I 111, 1i . ■ •

' v^ntiiies Directory■ J ^ ' - i ^ i a c e l l a n e o i i s ■

' f l t “ <JTrPOE-W IHTBHS'’, We BflU 'e o ; RBNT ’em ; F IX '

.............. * Air-"iijnlcifc''Doalcra I tf '■, . iO Y A L f :< CORONAL - , ■ • ID X fitf ; tK ^E fW R lT B li EX.H I M ala A vo ,.

BRflXVN’ S T 0 T Ip 7 o y « T 'o u h 6 'H <

- V 6rk/SaU uaiA toiilK ’iai'anleoi). . J U N DB RW OO D T-iprPEnVR ITailB -

wrltB o r phono for

& b d .to rd fl.‘ Im m odtb to’nervier. K . P ork lna . local - roprbaeotai Pbono 677. f .,; ^

. MISS R U BY 'DU jkN , Plano Tonc^ P u p il or qrnUn,J '1nndnrfl. S i t

333 2n<l a vom id 'no rth .

STOVE llR P A in s l for all Mnm rnnkon.-- GnrrlHb'H 2n'(l hand iit

i , / . . rhpiie.M 3. 2 G :^ i>}n-8d..,.^ | f t

MlfLL WORK—Cdhlnot worlt'ilon^ H F order. Antn nnd window • *it

i f l p MoOern lU nntn^'M l]!, U f T M n li' nuo So. Phono G03.


; P h o n e g<S. Storaw -anct CntUng

McNICHOLS TRANSFBR, * 9'*'’ AOB C O .^art>acp Hauled Da

; , P h o a e 200. • ............ ...

- ib lp m eati to dBllforala<-.-.Plop>i

; ■ ' •. •• ■ P u r v e y o r . .

ifl. vr. M ERR ITT—I.lcon*cd KnSln f t S u rrey o r . Ovor P n n k ft- T rua

M jtf Shoe Repairing• W ^ . ' ■ ROTAL SHOE RfiPAIK lN O .

' ' U oyo rs , P ro p . 130 Snd S t. Eaat-'

IDAHO SH O E Rfc’PA lRIN O . Joo \S' a a r , P ro p r ie to r. 218 ila ia Noril

Chiropractor . l i u 8. C. WYATT. Cblroproctor i ' C lo ctrlc Tborap7. Ovor Woolwo

— ...................

• 0 . o . H A L l/^O v o r Cloa Book St«

. Ju n o * B . B otbw ell—W . O rr CbupnBOTHW BLL ift CHAPMAN .

w ooda B M k, R oo n o S, fl.;7..8. 9.

$ 3 S - . SWRBLBY & .SW EELEY—Attorn , Idaba ! ^ o r BoHdlnit

i ^ K ;W ..x . ; - O C N i a - J ^ - O ftloca ..ioom i and 4. Sm lth-Rlco BulldInK, ~

[ I.OANS—FaTro ond C u y Loan#—T«I r » l h T itle f t Ab'a troct Co.

CASU P A ID 'for o il klndB ot poull • > -1 0 3 4 tb Avo. wor.L Phono 680-.

• u ErVB SPECI/XTST— Dr.,TVm. D. R - n o ld i. 209, Main. N oit- door

. -- Oolden R u lp ..__________

•T W IN FA L L S JU N K H O USE^M a la .,Rubbor. aidoB. PcHJt and IM

' v: piaitio Tuning, ~ r w i { 0 TUNKR

r i | p , 's . G. MULL, IS yonrs in Twin Fr w ith CInude, iBrown Mualo compa

" • Phono OW or;»3'm ;

F ^ r S a l ^ M e M ' E s t a t

’ FO R tf \L E —C h e ap ,'n in e lot* w ' Im provoil.'L argo co&pn f o r chickt

. ;o r r a b b lia. I t3 7 E lltah c th avenue.

; PO R SA LE—3 lo u , one' In berri : hotlse a n d b a m . nood location, cbe i:6 a ;R a m a (D -s i. P t io u e - iso s w .v

'r-.TTDR SALQri^&;<5T**^»'.%jA'f* « ' Jfl*, to c o u n u y , sood modflrn. bot

fiR SALE o a LEASE—Ctfl aer of IloIIUler. Chcnp. AU fcnc nted water rlKlu. sraxlng Jm e Georiro Rr Upton..>tcrl<lUn. I< 10-37.- : * W f

*■ ■ POR SALE—Q «cro tract. i:oo<l fo ] y .robin houte, tw o itcreenc<l porch jp a^ iT . clotcl;' and cellar, uarai chicken house and ham . Good fam •OKiliard. Phono 407RL___________^

; FO R SA L B OR REN T—<0 ac ran ch . Im m edalte poasesSlOB.. T en :eaab, H now . ba laaco O ctober J . C a t 831 2nil aTcnna weaL

■; ..P O R SA LE—On very ' tany torm a 'm U h t r a n t to re liab le pa rty . 4 ac tr a c t, cood bulldlne*. very b e il k b a llt a p to ga rden fertili ty . Boat wi

' o r a to r o n T»tin rw ia - lr a e t- pho

. .V o r S A L E -S p M rco ciOM In '• pi«e<l road . f J l t f ' ^ r aere. tIOOO tr

. , . .Iiandle. f a ir Im proveincnla. 80 acn I . fU fO . c l0M> t£ F iler . Good aoll ami

.9 i | |e a o f r*d c lo \« r. T bla la a 80< ' W k . PoM eaaion t t U kan n t 'on<

M urray , F iler . *

. S i t u a t i o n ' W a n t e a

--------- ------- -i-H W A ?fn?0—F arm -of-m py-lilad—w dtk . C all 4 lh houKo on Morrtu a trf lo^ N o laod Cum mlna. jseneraJ de llvn

-! W ANTED—W or* by tw o younR nr tu n o r p a r t Ume. o r any odd io»

jP tb n e M IW . '

■ ; ^ m a l e H e l p W a n t e d

' ' R a n t e d — Elxperlencni -.worn* ' v u t a taowH>work. C oontry p re fe r r t .'P b o aa r o w , ^

, 10 2 7 ' - - . . - '

ry - T I M E

x y o m . ' ' .

L3X. .0, . No. T m c r e 1*3 1

1= - ■ -feffi- IB your od. -

S -C < ?t ■ ' p .for ro- ■

w . H.ntaUv'c. . i-


anOnnI I i l l ? 'ljiitor'o. . • . . ' I L f l J 2 y —

- tifnHii.rd '«vt‘- ---- ---

; _ ■ F o r R e n t

ANY— lUCNT—10 iicri;ii. PJioiii'.n

— — KOiN M 'N T —I'um iico licntcd r STO ll- alno garn5>\, Phono. 1033.D ally. ------ --------------------------------------------

FO R RENT—Houae k o p in c ro ' 4C1 Mnln cvcnuo'w eiiL

(R A G E --------------------------------------------------*rlOU<l I ^ n SA I.n OR RK.NT-.-RO n Pl) 142 liultnlile fo r iliilry rariii. I'lioiiu Rl

” FO R i\i:N T — Ito inn, nlno i_ _ _ bonrtl. 31C 2tul nvcnue nortli.

I'X)lt U K N T -K iir ii^ l^ r .l 'T i^ i iMJ_____ orn lioiiBC. biitli. i;tirji|{<;. Tn<iulr(i

4th avo..cant.

-------p: ► '.KOU UKNT—lIlKhly Jn ii .ro v c l •' . . ’ :i6r<! trn c t. G rootii Ii<>ukc‘, ru n in cr

ClOilo 111, Pluiuir

FOU ItE N T-K iirnlB hrrt liouiiel ^ - Inu room. M oilora 602 M ain av

north .

' r — . I'AUM FOIt U K N T - I n u u I r T ^ L .r ,n , W lioh'wilo n r 435 3r.l iiv<inii» n.

--------- F flR Ill-:.NT-7 roo....... ... iiioutiildo c ity lliiiltH.'Giinlun. orcl

o , (iinnll pniiturtr. Inu iiire T . ‘11. Uii ■ ■ 145-nrfJjl oa«£ nf Itock criinhnr.

FOU UENI'—Fiirnlahcil~i^cinmH o llRht liouHokeoplnK. E lrc tr lc 1

• .Moilorn. 1328 Cih nvenuo emit. PIjranyn T'HW._______________

______ FOU IIICNT—I'Voni bpdroom. <oma 3 trlcH>entr-alffo-j;ooil sa rnco , cloii<

' . £»rane*130l(.' ' ' .

-T w in FO R RB.VT—Fom fabod rooma. o ry tb log .no 'T aod m odern, r icn t;

-------- licat and ho t wi»lec..7 f "I’*’')uUry. ntQ clftanllncaa and oim iforln.of In

Maudo Mny. Onut n u m . lltn lio IIne y - OVC'- ^tlnlfo T heatre.___________ __

Dr lo p o n RENT — HbuiiekcnplnR m_____ monta, com pletely tum iahod for 1—Mow tw o and tIMrrt room s, cfoso fo, nnd low. rates,

_____ w eek ’ o r m onth. T he Oxford.Main N. • _

FOR RENT—ICO o r ' 120 ncr Fn lla uniier crop . n illra fropi tox

ipnny. imune. hnrn And nninnry . ___ _ I., .n aubc. P e rrino Hotel.

a t e ~

I w ell "■ ickona FOH R E N T -F u rn lab e d li« no. bouaekeeplnK a p a r ta e n ta . Phc

465. Jna tam oro Ia n . ' cheap. I--------- — — ------------------------

m ov . Ibomi'. Fum lahed afiftrtm enta to r re

- Oaala Home. P h o a e STL

acroa. - ■■ ■ ■ ■M o n e y t o L o a n

0. Idn. PARAl L0 A N & -6. 10 b r tO : lonna a t 4%% in te re s t. No comi

I alon. C. D. Thom aa and com pany, ; 3 t M « n . W ..L

»rasa, m o n e y TO LOAN—O n fnrm am lly c ity p roperty . C om pany a a d pri

money. C E- P o tte r . RcaJ Bal T w in Falla . ■

rerm a MONEY TO” L O A N -D o n t rc: . Call u i» i m o n c a c e . 'G e l a F ed era l F _____• L oaa. F o r fu rth e r p a rtlcu ia ra cal

" • g " Phone . 6T7JL_____________ '

“ 'i'i W a n t e d - T o R e n t

WANT T O ^ 'R E N T ^ F o i lr 't^ i^. room m oderp tum ^ahed , hiinp il

I on Pe rm anen t. No ch ild ren . R eferen » ■will A ddreaa P. E .'T .. BAx'UDO. CSTB T ir ic rf* . o r phone 38. ________________

" ^ , 5 L o s t , ^ . j F q n n d tonce. L 0 { - r _ j 3 ^ » j g W llcenco No. . i l— 744. L aave M Tlm oa o tn e a . .<

[ ^ ‘ LOST—L oalber han d tooled g laj -------I case , co n ia ln la s popenu P hone l

itre e t [ ---------- — 'Ivrry .l LOST—G reen foun tain p e n -h t"____ ; n e a r pOKtotflee. R ew ard . Phone;R T fn :o r c a ll a t 4 t l 3n l avenue w eiL

* ”'* '1 F o r S a l e o t T r a d e

p J 1 *POR S A L R O R W IL L T R A D E -:-!litooci e ar. a ^ o o .rp ^ y ln g bualneaa i

im an ^ o e b o n * S t. So.rr««l .


E S W A f

■( f O t^UTIFU L.•]1 |>r | ■ .......

V ii

hniilr| . L i v e s t o c k a n d P o i

If. n ir.j:{ ,' WAN’*i :D ~ T o buy a ll klnda--------— fllo . Phone G02J4. J. A. r iy n tid ro o m ,' ■■

FOU KAI.I':—riic iiirr WJilru f “ r . Ijin(lerii.''nii(!:ir ta rlo ry rnui'; roomji. _ J ___________ I_________ i_____

FOU KALK-CO lill»1i.,t:i I------------iKH'it wheat. Pl/ono ir .I J2.

nf^roH, _ _ _ . ■. . • u BI7K:i. w a n t e d —Poultry o f n ll kl

*■ P'-"" ________WANTED—Pouliry. 11. C. J

----------Pliono 0(13W.)III ll l |X l* ______________________________uln i ri'iO WANTED—lloga find Hhui'p_____ Fftllii Junk- Houue. 1’hono 70C.

■•('.1 lIV '- \VANTi;i> TO m iV —l'V..iiU liii K-r liciil. c!0)iii H prliiK .irjj^;, U, l.'lov

I’himo GnrOLWf^

iweUecp- m u . SA I.K -L’ niiernmy'I'lTil aveu'JO 1., Siil'iT. mih- imuiti of

________ I'riiiilnT.

K lnni'y I-XJU .SAI.I-:—Almlit :!no niin (I niirtli, Innil Urd hiiby clilckn every

W nltrr Illiu:urt. ' Pliono . ev C12J2.---------------- :— --- -----------n lioiiH<*._________________ ____________

orcliiirtl. r o u SAM':— IflftO clilr:k capi Uantly. hrom ler. f ln a .r lii i is coinliiloti.

.^fnurt!, 3 mile.'i xoiifh. }'•; ea»(,

IHH fo r POR SALE—PedliTTCPil Qern c hunt, tleu pupplcM. 132C Addlaoa 1. Phone T w in Fnlla. Phono C77.

. . . . . . . .Llco 00 lienn cu t down evR in, o lo r . tlon—RovonKe se ta them a u r ;los<fjin: qu Ick ^ R O o d -o n ’hoBi <00. Fre

pie. D arrow JJroa. Seed ft----------- Co., Tw in Fnlla.'ma. o r - -------------------------------- ------------ --lenty o f I'O U SA Li:—Ono' Rcldlni; co iipprccl- yeurn old. W t. 1.'500. W cll hrok if home, clitiiili. M(iun<l nml true. W ltl iic > Ilo to t. K uarnnteo; Phono 1103. 440 2nd J ____ nouth.

L“S t W anted - Miscellan‘*■7 * “ p o t a t o e s WANTED. S

4*>a " 'n rehoune. Phono 33B.

* ■ • WANTKD-l-'orKO nnd nnvll.’■ Mniitli r(>ck crunhor; John Mlllc

W ANTED—Rhk w cnvtnc. Mr rinlil. Polk S tree t, Tw in Fnlln.

»ry. J . ----- --------------------------------- -------l.E T ME PI.OW your icnrdiT

klitil o f t ia iu work. Cnll n t 37 ----------- riBon.

' ■ ~I WANTED—laidlen' tn llo rln s lict:* drcumpnktnR. Call C08W. Mi«.

Phono cron.

W IL L RUV nll kinila o t cat!--------- - poultry . I.c t iia bid on wlw t yoi

Cnll fo r.R . K. McComb a t th r G rocery anrt M nrket^P lione g:

™ . . _________________ ;I , M i s c e l l a n e o u s

m a t e r n i t y n u r s in g —m i-:^ coll MorKnn. Plione 837J.

------------ P Ijk tN S EW IN<J; >r«nnonnhl y0 y e a r ficntKO L iili. 817 W alniil Bt.» m m l a - ----------------------------- ;-----------------»ny, 123 . PLAIN aow tns and com fort

by ladles o t the CbrlHlian ( — ----- Phone 716W.

p riv ate " ^ r a . P au l H armon ban put E aU te . experienced oi>rrntor nnd will I

to- nccom m odata a ll h e r ciwt---------1- M arcelllnK COc. Phone 884. 3

renew ato. ^aaL1 F o rm ----------------------------------------------ca ll o r BUY VOUR Cblnchllla Fuc I)

IneeeOMe. ChlaebliU RabbU a f — E xchaage, 32C F ira t avenue, Sp

C U S T o iir ilA T C lU N O ^ c pe: IL ia 600 io ta .'am a ll lo u 4\ic. We

t^ t« c l ty 1?AM. l» « e n - a T im es, H a tc h e ry ..P ^ a /e v e n in c » . (

---------- f ’o r S a l ^ M i s c e l l a m

k .. ...FO R S ^ J ^ - H o a e Com fort. A. a s . cu j& oaid . cblld 'a foldlnj

b h y o r piano, ro lta choi_________ •

FO R 8 A L B >«plead ld 'tookk B n rre ogha ad ding m achine ta

_______coog itio i: tri«a“ 6ni>“ m » ^-h i ' o r lAQOlre a t Time* ottlce o r p to f t

"J ' " f o r SA LR-BdW k J coach.----- B paaaenger. A -l e o ^ U o a . goo<

9 a ‘ l>«r. tru ck and a i n x t r n •qnli • DIM wheela. . M oijfaacrtflce .

IWO. c C S lv T ^ l i* a l .e th a ■«» a n d M 4R3. / f8 a . ------- :------------------ ^1------------------

---------- W hen yon need f j o b oae Thew an t c o lam a . . .

B W l W F ? a x S T I


BRINGINGTHERE. 1^,T H E '\ ( E.'AQUl^M R O fA L . P W .U A C E '.l '" ^ :;?-----

j B w t jy V0 '32^ ' ’•’ ■I- .Fr»TtrftrS*iinfr.


’oultvy For Sale-MiscellancIda o t c a t- l.'OU SA l.i:~ iia .v . iMit>-.< s<. ynn. went >if Koiiili I’luk.

lu Klll'i. .P. r o t t SA I.i:—lia y .lcllv.-i..ct nad, w here. I'lintii? lllL 'J.

niclilow " r o i r i ; , \ I . E —Airiilfa .......I. .Carl Ncliiiiii.

I kluda. J . ' k o u A N (ii:i.' FOOD ciik.'Hn n u n .

H un te r. i:.Si:!> PIANO fnr sal<- i'lii‘nt>. I GOISJ.

Ui'p. T w in I KOU S A I.E -S c 'l ,nr worll harn DC. jvoi-y rnnilltloii. I’lioni! r,ii:i,

. i;owii Kiiil 'W U .SAM'i— lO - s /c a i i^ r im r l■lowiTdrw. 0 . Auilemoii. I ln n t Ji!w,«?lry ntn

.1.. J — . i - ' ^ iu i,T :~ I lo llo n Triiiiiiictlirifrrti, H.- rdriK.'t f;<iliil <ii< DOW,-I’honil '-Id,

KOrt' « a1.E — niireHri-fl. Uiiff_________ InKliin I-'. I-:, CraliircK.Clioitn Ii:- r.ir>J:t.

• Tvi>nlnc»! F O i r ^ l . l ’:^-A nto m ille r . It'. 1--------------- W lttj-W nJih in rton -rtrpp t n o rth r_________ 1 phono 1UB3J. :«

ll ■> a ra lo r, iiJsii 28. lliijulrn Fll.T, l.laho. ■

erm un po- “■I - nvt-ntJo------------------ iintchlni: ckkb. DIood’t

Stiilo nccredltcd flock, li m ile --------------- or South Purk 'n to re . I{. O. J.inil

!iuro” 'a n d SAljR-i-400 tona KOod 1Free'a;ini< nilloii'en>iti,of Tliinr.un onU Supply " “ y' I27BW. Tw in Falln

________ TOR .9AJ.E— Kooil work 1comlHK 7 'V ill Uilfo »C0 if >uit.

rokc. U.-n.1 lioll w ith ‘" g- ________ ___________ ___n'l “ f o r , 'SA l.E-R hi.xii- lidnn-l _________ llintchlrin okrh, fi’rtllo. tli

i n e o u s i r S " ' ’

Scnvcr'iij FOR .SAI.Fv—O rtlf l. 'r l Dlcklow iw hi’n t. F lr^ t c rop fm m uliite

-T-—-----— jiirlJ:!'. |I.!iO liunhel n t rn iv li. illier. " ' Plione G77J12. ______.

a,',;- . v i m ;.s t k v k « (j r o w .v '^ r n i t t nn d .rh aile tre.fln, Hhrnbii.

______ vinri*, Dcr»'nnlnl nnd nmnll. rm li idi'nii. An-,- 'tr*' orfored now o l K lm herly Nt 37K Ma.-- Ion. K lm brrly , Idnho. CalaloRui-

Plionc 40.

In s nnd FOR SALl-%-U'nvlnR c lly by I l f . Cam- o f,A pril. Com plete rurninhluRii

Rlx room houae, plnno, Grithonii-------------- dtuln, A lham bra model, K nrM n'n: a t t n and grndo llv ln s room su ite, brown you bnve. hnlnte.rlni;, w llh rovornlble cii.-il th e S tn r good nn new, K arpen ’n rocking cI 033 evi-- !)xI2 n is " . l ib ra ry tab le, o m y

illnlnR room clioirn, tab le, and h-------------- w rfdnR tab le. drennJnjc fable, dre;IS fvm ory, W Incliealer nlidlsun,----- — ----- len lher. cnnc, h n tltonu nnxophomMra. ‘ Jn - 'i)o x , lOd feet Knrdcn,lione, lawn_________ e f nnd o th e r nrlicltui too nuniero7 ; T ” m entloo. Call nny tim e a fte r ,hl) -Inn.. betw een th e hou • _ !i n. m. and G p. m. J . E. Wooi'o rt tyini: 7iii aveuue no rth . Phone CSOJ,

T o T r a d e

nt In 'n'n WANTED—To trad e fox RoodII b e 'ab le W lnchentor pum p guna. Phnnc G: :tutom er3. —— - — .

312 4 th TRAI)f>-<3ood w ork hornRheep d f younR nlock. I’hono GIG

f B earing W A N T E D -T o exchange ^ii.fifif T^iir r a tg e nnd tw o cood cook a tove

ji^J.'^a^yl.hln* or tUcir va lue . u » r "Spokane p roperty to r m Io w ith ua o r we

------------- call and b u r i t U ollenbeck f t ip er e s r ran . Phone JM .

W e ba tch

n” oS'l'! romaloa/orMor*.!a 612J 2. .*5ome (If Uie cliolcew lomaioea

-— nnw crow n on Hie island of Madm e O U ^ nnd fnt' y e a ram ir C anary i»landa.

• • ilcularly TBBt.flfrc. w llh tU TOlir t . W k7 **’"• *■'*' totnatoe* lutin g -c a r t. « rlil»h m nrkrt. T he t*liannel IslJioap, 236 am-r*l>eclaUy.-«<luptwl lo the gn

- • • o f iom n to r< '.a« t-Iin ly provlOinj—— i>ll<-’* fo r C ndam l. iiu l nendlnc

Jkkeepiag « ,r ly toiunli.<-n 10 Uie j;nlt«n! ^^ul t a goodr-BOTrtUi. ----- “ ----------OM at. Vp^eo/ioe* Mar Ceyjerjh . 3-door ta .S fw i n l a n d a re a aomtw:ood,m t>- geyavrf un rtlry o f r ts lf ln s . a(id Inin lpm enu years they w rrv more t^eautifui>. T ako today. Vnlcaiilc ertiptlooa In ISS> Rvenne. almyefl lhe -t« iT ^eea armiiMl ibe

s e n lo many loRtanev*. leelain]-------r “ * Uaa som t ,ao(ab'.« geyser*,rhe Time.* ,stratige4y eimogb. llte ir w a i t ^

the b o ttts t lo Eu>op«.

T lM lW " ' “

j B R I N 6

G UP FATHEIf ■ _ - ''____----------- .

I ..4- [Tb r e w

y f f l f f l T iW Sr r ______.

W H A TJ I C C &

I L. S AW ! . .

LncO U sTW IN F A L L S M ARK -------------- i » ; y i .v« p « k ; i :.sI Minth. —

iW lira i, .N-.. J u r holt.,r ................

i ; r - i i n y . | „ , , , , . ..... . ,_____ IsilK ar, .HIM-.....................................i-i,oni- r i i o n u c K

limic'Vfai. ......................... . . IIUlIlT

ki'H ra il P.nat.H'H ................................ }1.2‘:cn'uli .......................................

— I-.’kk:;. lva.hr ....................................;it>. I’hijno'_______ OH’ ckiF isS ARD f> JirL 8

liu-ni-h lu Heavy h.-ii:i, lln . a ii . / i ip r,:i:!j;i. '-“='‘1 l‘i'im ..nn.i.-r V/. tin............

_____ ,/<-Kliorn tiiiii:i .. . .^... ..... .........m rlo r . C.. r . i v Ktriro, SprlnKcrn. I'ot.ir.-.l ........................

------------- .SiirlnKiTii, l..-i;h..ni ............... ....Iii't innil.rl iirnlloni, P d lo r.'il.'I ’i lo 2 llm. ,

____ DrnUeni. h'ntwrn. }'/, in 2 Ihn. .iiff O rp- --,...........................................

• t>|,|„„. Capdii:!. .N.l. I ...................................('aiiimii, .\o. 2 ..................... ......

........._ .Slip;' ....................................- .................It, S, 1).- Tiirkry-i. N„, i _ ................. .......r tit—T r le . •'i 'lirkryn.-No.- 2- ..........................

Tnrki^yn. ni.t lo m n ........................ — f:-.'iio ................................................;raln .■■cp- ______________________

r,ivr;.STO<:x________ UoKn, bu tcher, cw t. ...........—od-tonto<l. "«>«''■ -•■‘'"'■y ... ...............................:nllo Wi-Rl .........:.............. .............. .......Ind, It. 1. ----------------------- ----:—Cown ...............................................Id iiiralfii Mutton ------------------------------ —, on lilRli- U m b --------------------------------------'a lln . 8EIX1MU ritlC R B------------- Celery ________________________rk rtniio'i. i^.mipniKit.i thli. p„r„ iy» , ncw ~JI!!ZZ !l"I!!"lI.- '_ !;null lll.l- SIrloln a l c n k _________________J________iiound -R ienk------------ --------------------n.l II..I --------------------------

ih rm ua. --------------------------,n . ....... . ----- ----------------------------------

nncon, a l l c e d _________________________ . Poppora. l b . ___________________(low iin-.l I fjiDib chopa --------- 5;;ite r ir -l I Kn»llnhes. b u n e h -----------------------

ii-ran.. s|>KCl,M, SCHOOL El.KCTK

'.V Iiiili-iiendeiil .Srhnol U M rlrl >'.uil«i, roi.on, U.ild n Sne. lnl Klrcll.m April nil plnn i» | ll>^7, n t l llc li SehunI lliillillni;. f Nur»er-1 iH-rlj, Idnhit. . .RUI- -free. I I’lirntinni to 1!I2G Sennlon I-iwi

I Impenitlvi’ th n t (ifhfi.ii illntrlct'i------;— '[tnll to vole o t nunllflod elecior

'’>■ npi-flnl nlertlon for nnthorlly lo IRR for n ,y nd.lllional levy to e a rlonlr Rn- of opcrallnn b f nehoolR,e n n h l« l i h e rrto ro re la-en 7 mllln. 3wn u |). rcRoiircen imn dov«ciwlilonit, jjjjj (innnetnl condition In nuchIR c lin tn ..,^ ,^ pm levy fiI'X “ ‘ '''''•1 Ihi-reby only nnklnR tor 2 mllln. • Ilf b u f f o : . - 20,00, Thin will dre«i»or<, „avi„p „v.-r Innt year of »9J nn. ^willi p in an rla l eomlltlon of diatrtc hone. .lr<* ,,,^ ,ory . We ImvlnR pal» n m na- |j,^ iy p a r J35,000.0n ndvanced b. iierouR H> indchlednenn. one nlute bond of

, 000.000 3' yearn in mlvnnce and hourn^or q^o.Oo tsn yenr« In .idvance of n

I Uy. A fler m n k in r Ihe nliove rii_______ expendU uren we havr nn hnnd

120,000,0(1 th a t w e a re nnw not; InK purcbune of $2n,00t>.00 mor.

--------- -- ou r boiuleil Indeblednenn, whicaiRO a ten y e a r bond.

_ _ _ T ota l bonded lndcble.tnef.n of horw for tr lc f la »76.000,00 nnd If.M iccro 51GU1. re il r in c tho abovo $ :0.000.00 wil

----------- td la l liondMl inriehtednenn toelec tric ooo.oo.

lovea for p o u r ye.trn as© lo la l Imn.letl yShi l.jrWeiJDerj* or DUtrJct WUR ultTH

we will » i , i , 117.000,00 deficiency w arj f t Sulll- w ith reduction in In tiren t on bc

Icvlrblednena w e hopo to hold the----------- in IS m ills to r nex t y e a r o r twep«( th rn g radua lly reduce to a lower IBM a re '•*- ” retlre il. T h is r

clal a tu ln m e n t could no tvhave n I - w l l U o i i l th e fieoriy co-oper

of a l t p» lro ail» o ? 'sa id dinlrlct.th . 'n a n fo ” / ” 0O^

t i^ anJ« "upported a aeemlnRly b lsh levy

By Ai M. Scott, J . L Shepanl. 1 • P o tter; W. I . G raham , 1* U

________ ] tlftn , Clanw TtTiHBcr___________

-«rt Mamm^h liioryiml«er -a ^ n a ta e t ie o f a woman r« d in pa»t iv„ry fm m Ibe tn"U o t a sw J '* " '* i»»«h liaa ix>eii feand in dll« ISSO d r s tr a ta or. Uw O aaabe n e a r ^^enn: Ibe *ey | , |j ,c lars.-st- o f i t ^ U m l y«-t ■l>] atau piivprnl. nnd U assumed to d a le '

tlte. w-rntwi ui-d ln«t so c ia l peri* U#a*-atT c n itrB l Uun.i**. Ilist is. atw ut 2

years ago.

T H E B t


TIU ^ f w H E R E ' ^ J: W E R Y I F ^ J I G C 5 ? ^

_3'3I II '

M f lC H I C A G 0 l : L 0 S i r

: . G R A I N R E V Ir-l ' ' f i K ’A 'i't, ^,;,r••ll :i! .-n -io .i

iiualM I.ci.ilhwivl wiillI.2‘l'Ti •; oil iMhIc:i ciilM'-t ......... r,'lllli|

'l 7r u lira l -111 ill.- CIiIi-m'.o:ii,' •frii.l<- l.iilav iuiil jir l. '-i w.-al

.. jl.L-.i T h - <-asU iii.'lil;.-l wa:- iin.l.an:-.rL 8 r . in i wa« iiiuli-i :.lli-!il |U-.

.........17r iii.i;'' Ilf Ihl- il;iy. mainly mi ::........... i;i<’ Iiy l.i.'iil |inir< ''r'l.in;i)M 'iiid ,............ fc tra.ll..iK ill\. T lir i-anli............. G.rj((,-i wii;. I ,..

........ I " : .- ll"""-

........... Iflc. ,‘IIX'II m -h !•'>"

...........27c| W IIE A T -

........... I:0c-Miiy 1:1:: '. l iH 'i i:-:%

........... 22e .ijii ly ........ i : s ' , ii;;*. l.•^‘ .

............l U 'i .^ 'iii ' . . iJ<; -4 i :v ' .

............11'-1 c n u . s -j .May ■ ' I ' i 72-”, 71

J . . . l t i . 8 5 l j „ , y , ... 77, 7;,,.. s a u

....... 6«P7p, | ,-)a t s —....... 4:1s - l i ' ;

.... Ju4y ........................ 4:;% 44’i 4:1

---------) .A R D -.-f 17c .......

..... lOi-■■ IOC

...........-.Sr May . .. •______jC t J lY E -_____ 30r .''lay ........ 101 i.ios*

, Ju ly ....... asTi ;iy'.-;( n.s-');______30c . I'C y6 !i.*‘.v— -----40f. --------- --______IGr Oi;|)HN UVKSTOCii._ 2 5 e 3 r . ' OOnK.S-. M arch : i l .-H ..;:s . -__ _ „ 6 ' ccl|itn_ ir.14; m arkcl nli-aily '

: hlK iier'iia d rlv .- lnn ; bulk 147 1 tKiimil av.Tar<'r< J ll .lir.: fi-»- m

,. ivclKht hiilclil'ni

p r i r m i i. ‘ I moi'I-i. Kl.ronc lo ir.i- lil;;li.-r Monday: chnx- loa.lH ..t nii-illi

nwn It '» l.laho stri-m ,Ic t‘1 Rlili- ^•ior» I'y Wyomlj>A* nirhrn. Inu) oflo Ipual- ><3.S-l>oimd fi'r ilor hI-'i'IR .-17.7^;

c a rry on ‘’f hulln. 'jri.TS: o.td liciul or lOlR. Thhi Sri.3Gff.';.7.'.: frw vrnl.T» tS/f.n;

Flnnl I'rail of h'-lforn,* JO.SOtl 7, ‘ lovelo|H-d Khorp — R rcelpln 4r.; no nauch 4hul --------- '

fi mllla CHICAIIO CASir-CUAI.V.In. w h ic . CHICAGO, Mnrch 31-I. WhcaI ill be a « ri.,t. $ i,:i lf ll ,3 7 '4 : No. 3 r -d . ; I9JOO.OI). ,v„,- 4 ri'd . |l.2 .1 '4J> 'l.:s.‘tr lc t In Corn—No. .•! yellnw. Ctic; paid off jo llow ,. C.''iH0'C7c: Nn, S .y r llo '

1 IwndPd Xn, g yelMw. 62>.‘ic ; :" i ifl’' Nn. 4' mlxr-d. <5

»nd 120.- ,vo. C mixed. 62H«64V^cir m n lu r - t^ uh lte . OHUc; ,\o . n while,-

" '’’’ l 04>;e: No. C w hile C ijic :pie crndp. SOOGSC;___

«o?« nl' Oafn-.Vo. 3-<Wtrre. rhich if = No. 4 >

. l« 4 0 4 1 4 c : Rnmplc Krnilr. .14' of d l - H flrley-0707& e.

crod It' TlmoUiy~J4Cn<7r,.2r,. w ill rill Clover-»2D J:5ff3fi.

to »r.c,- ---------OMAIIA LIVESTOCK,

letl i,v OMAHA.- Mnrch .".I.—Cattle ruJ3WtwT 7?jprjc~35tio,'~ 'jsarV/'l**TT)iry~»r rarrani.v ,-parlinga. J7.7BOU.25: »*«‘em . ib o n d id 012.7G: eows nnd helfcrn. ».•( th e levy 3 55. „toekern nnd feeder*. »7C tw o a n ! lO Cll.SO ; bulln nnd i•■ 'f 1.-5.760*.I* tta an - 7Kfto; mntkI'® 03Gc h ish e r : built of lulen, ?

011.5G. .IT*I -Irt Sh«^P — R e ee lpu . 8W0; ma ^ n f M tlO-W )»l

' . f n t lamba. t l o d l S ; - ewe*, f c e

STRICT cniCA G O L IT E S T O rcJII. B . . r . CHICAOO. U aiTh 3L—Cattlc- U . Mil- ceipU . 11,000; geae ra lly aleady.

iag .00 nll killiD s c laasea: vcalen — 'low er: atocka a n d T c M e H S a n

-^xarlctli^A boiee heavlea h e re ; ^ . ttX S S : aevw aJ lo sds $10.7S9

iksm- Inaide prlcea bel&xfo i aealliiE ar

, , 1300 poanda: tew ah lpper k la d i y r t dla- • “ '•y* » « ^ * y.^ - f r« B « * » •#rtod of ShM p — Receipt*. ItOCO; It 23,000 lam ha opening ve ry alow. w««

a rouad ISc lo v e r tb a a W edaee

w tmmr P SHVl

i U Y E R S


T I ■

■ -

MARKET REPORTS ‘■ • . 1I ...1-; iT.rly xviinlrit Ini

s I N G i ^ir'.:.''':i .-IihIit haiviv ami 1

V I E W ! ^lod i-alnii j hk iii 'i : d.-ilialili, Ial i»voi Jli.f iih .a .ai l- . tii.jr,; mill h.'ail '. hrHr.. u iiw anl 'IIIiij: » f'{i".rii> : iiii'<k<in> III Kixiii fiiiiKi :;<>aiil Ilf • tll.llf.':! 11.7.'.; l:.i.nl hln'ai llii: lui vvi-alo-ni'il.; lir'lil a li.,\.' t ir.. an:-."l, I lto;;s - • U-<-i‘liitN, lili.Dltll;

in'i",Miii''| tll.M i tial.t loi- >i.\,.ra1 Imnlii IMI III :i.-llini. , Hiu-iHiiuiil vwlnhlji; Inllk lii' id . iiri.'i'i .i ciaili--ITiK III :iiii iKiiimH $1:!.: •anil iii;u - j U’,;.'.: :'l.i 1.1 ilVi-ii.iiinil nioMily $1

Ii’n il .- . '. ; :'i;ii 10 ;iiiii poiindn $l<i,i tv lilt! .’] >"■*'; li^i'l-lni; «IH‘ !1 lar|;i'ly $3.( .•aiiiM'li-...- '‘l'>'>;:liti'r iUkh », iin lirfi'i-l " v.Tii;liiii upw ard Mil--, Thi. • ............ ........................' w o o l..Iiw n .).,i. iin.STON, .M.ir.h :tl,—T bero li

uomI iin-li-il.in.- i» ihe locnl v |.5*l niarki-i iliii|ili<, the amnll fiiianl)

i ‘i l i ' \ - . Ohio rie«ce.iI nuivlnc al Jlt.- and llii-re wan iii

‘ ” ■ jf a i i ly ;;niiil ”l/cil lotn of te rrll i i;Ai;li'l'-liiiii.<l I jirbjIHKwI fll

' ' ‘' i C IIH 'A iai PROUirCK.;ir., ^ , 1^1 CiriCACO. Mnrrb 3 1 .- j lu l t e r : . :i-„ 44>--.: li!rt<nQ:.tR: crenmory,

4:11.. ! ■'i4!i'/4r; r.lainlai-.lH, GOc; firfltji, r ,n s i., |.; M.-iniidn, 44

2nn 1^ 1.1 S'>c.-Ml Ut i IiiI:., 23.312 cnaea;

j dlnary. 2:c ; flrMn, 23ff23>ic: I j^-,i[onilK . 22! ie ; extrnii, 2fic.

i ch.-.'M-; Twin*. 2:i>4c: A m erlO 'l im :., Is-')i ;i;i'.-. I Urrfl|)iR, i e arn ; foi• 1,. i„; ■ : li''.ivy "Sr; diiekn, heavy 32c: |te

I lOr; turkeyn. No, 1, 3Rc; rooRl I ’I 'r; IiidIIitii. 4r,ff|-r,0<'.

; j i t o i u e .h.47 I.l If.l i C llir ,\C O . M arrh 3 1 .-A rr lv aU : ,- hir'linni i i r a r k , - ; ; f t 2; in tran a it 7

WiHroiiKln round whiten tl.O SQ : 10; bi.rt t:-ri2.H>; Idnlio rilRlietM, i:t ir r - i t i i i n i " ' " ' " y , n round |3 ; nwe ii'illuiii .11 "

ns2-t>min<l PiMITI.AXII MIIEAT.I or KOOII rOH TJ.,\N IJ, M .irch .71.—Jl ■.7r.; l.ia.l wlilte. $133; koU nnd w estem wl or lllill^.! and no rtlic rn nprlpg. IL 31 : h

iififi; o'lid w in ter JI.30; w estern re«l. | l J t

LOS ANOELEH POTATOES.I.OS '5 \xgivL ::s. c a i.. srnrcii s

l->'. Snn DIeco new « o c k No. 1, nt'o:heal—N n,’ 7^X 0 ; No. 2. 4©6c pe r pound;*'C "d. » I,:n : l»t nn lm W ednenday, Idnho u « l

. per cw t.; I*. 8 . No. 1 . |l.SO © S.ji •; No. 4 — r -rliow , f.i PORTLAND LlVEfiTOCK. c ; .Vo. .1 PORTLAND. O re.. M arch J l .—( I. <14‘*J? tie— llccclpin,. none: ton» o t 4V)c; No >lm nc to h lg lis r: a tccra , good c n Itie,-' 04«? »3-25©10: m edium , »8.25ffOJ6; oi ■c: nam. <6-7&<^8.16: c an a e rs an il <

te ra $<06.7G: helfera, good .'S T J 4So’ ’” ,Vo' wodlum and com m oo S.7607. 4 w hite *7,5607.76: Jnedi.i4O40e common. |0JK)©7.76; • call

medium choice 190 pouada dow n; 0 9 ; 190 to 2M poaada f l lO lS .

H osa — R«selptfc IM ;- n » r t n llsh tly low er: m edlam , good.'c lK

i; 'CO to 200 p o u n d a .. l lU S O tM S ; '- 10 260 pounda | l l J S e U . e 9 ; ' ;

>0-C0: aUURhter pljpi. 111X 8011 feeder* and atockera » l t S 8 0 l U l

i . 0 9 M _ Receipt*.,-:Id B tno lam ba. 84 poaBda>4Dwib.'<. . , dlum lo <*olce |l l .C o e M :;C u U a . i m tk r t i : « ,n « n o a a . a ll » e l s h t f . r l H ^ >n, 910.40 w K her*. M -SO O ll; «we».-f)MnBM

choice W O T ;- -i:-., , 'i 'I m a rk e t: .. .■__'l,..-i

fl»14,75: ^ .. *,i c e 11. C o o p ! g A . . F a » < . ^ a B t o

.I d I8S0 r i r lm n n 'r t i ^ > i i C . ' h li f irs t novel, t t l e - R * . !« « « > «* ^

H era SOc j",

.7 £ 0 'is .« r • -■lax v a rr: arouQri .U w T n r e n i r t n g y i f i g ^ lada np- |B * e « la « iie a ,S B n 3 l

«0 : to t B . C ^ W U l w bw > w « ^ te

H T f f iCONFERENCE IS HELD IN CITYFive’ Officials of tlio Oregon

Short'liine. DisaiBs Adjustment Hero This Afternoon; H ope’

, for Amicable Settlement of All, Misunderstandings I e E x .

. pressed. ^ "•

Hciipnnillnc In ilic InvlinlUiii n f th ” l>n:ir<l «>r illr<>clorK of itio 'I'n'lii H ininbcr of coiiinn'ri-<- lii rrnifor (in trn lch l iiilJiiHtnii'ntH. fivc iifficliil;! of llic OrcRnn S ho rt Ilix* u rriv n l nil Hx' nnon Im lll nri nvn i(|>i'tiiil rurii uml iiHor iMrtnkliii: nf ii liiiu'Uvoii {it Tnm ’ii ciifo HH Kiii'Hlii of IIji* lioiiril. urt* llili( nricrnnnn illtirUiiHliii; th c viirlniiH

Ttic Tu'In r.'illii Iifiaril lin[n<!i lliat a ll lJi<( d ifforctici's thu l -lin>T iirlKt>irr.in Iio xallHriiclorlly itrriinci'tl, Ono »f llione lim rtli iln w ltli frrlu lil n iti'ii «iii fcctler liiiiilm from NVva>l:i. wIiit c Iii.II Iiiia J x 'c n Klati-<|, i Ik t i- Iiiih Im'i n Wliiil uTiiouiilnl (o a ttlff.Ti-nrc of TiS

-------------n -cin --/ij? iiin n r(u i» v ii“ j ;T ) . ’ RiiT iitr-,o f llll) T w in PuUii K w ilfr rijin|>iiny-Ik' h

^ , lip«n nuoH-d llif'naylni; rtiai Ju- wniilil lirInK no,oon laiiilm lii 'rc tn fcril w i r (lllll mntlirr'ii<IJii«H'ci.

I l wnn nlno claliiK'iI Unit t lir la ic trn c rrliiln iiroiUiclM fm m Tw in T'ltllM in Sun i-'riindiico a m >ili:lii'?s iliaii from Tw in KhIIh fn I’lirllam l. l.n!nli< i rnti-n Ullli imlntoo:! rn-lclitM \v>-n' a lio toncliril on.

T1iom> atlMliIInK-111 li<-lmlf of Ihc cnniimny w«ro J . I.. Amon. niw lilai’i

, . .tru ffle nm iiaK ori.JI. E .. Uo*IwJn. i^.oi- ' ••nil fr<.-lKlii nKi-ni: I>. s , H p n i.c r, ' K'-noral iiaimc'iiKnr iiKonl, from H.iii

. I^ikc C liy: Jn i'l ,1. I>rli'iii, r c n n ;.l I « ax<‘n l fo r Iilatin, frnni Iinli<o; ami I,’ ''

V. Piorcn. ilivlHldii H iiii rr ln i'ir l-1.1. ________from I’ocalftllo. ___ J__ ____ ''


IrhilillKy t<i C lcnr. Itci-unis of il i in ' ilrt'ils n 'Jm U m i- licKMi rn l ' s lm c i .Sjirllltf n f ItCJl amt Ifini- .Mi'»i<l * Awny .M nlci T-.lal I.....I. I.ar«...

D arlnrliiK ilmi tti>" Kii.d nv*| ii: '- ( inn nf Tw in l-'iilln bai. noi y.'i ).-<'ii ohe fkM up tJi!:i y f;n , ntnl will i'>l ' h r u n til nfliT 111-' l lo. Ill:; <|| Inc.

. JiOOkli Satuiilliy nl;:lil. .rainc;i .M. ''. 1^'' <'liy cIiTk, italcl Ilial li « niild -miir | '" Inn lly l>o ttic la rc -v l in ilii' l ih in ry ' j o f tlip cjly, !.|ii‘c - linmlr.'.l., w h o . '’’ r rd n lc rc r l tillin ' llu -^ .|)r iiiu nf ll'JI nnii iia v r niuvcrl away .n*' ; l l l l on th e hnnk;-. '

A nyone whn i.-nl'1 ' n il r.in.c :ln; llm c naincii nri- li-ifally I'nilit'-il io vnto linlc.HH llicy IiaK- iiinv< il . . iS - v "I

---------- o r - h a r r —tnmTtt—rrnnT~"nr i " ' "t"'nnollior. Tlitu cliy 'nvT iT ira llnn lian, o f conritc. iiottiln::' in 'In w llli ilii' j,, rcKliitrfitlon fn r llic-’ c c n r ia l fall c lfc tlon . -w n rrc It I'l rl.-a r ihn i |., pi^I>lf« liavc iiinvril avvay, i l i . t r t ia i iv . (,,, a rc MrlcVcn. hiii tiianv v i l l h r n, ovrrlookcil.

New volrrK um«t U;ivr ul'jnonilin in tlir i^iah- ami ; h i ' r i,r tnnntllH In llir r lly in nnh r Iti l.>i rn litlc il III larcl hall(il-i.

B u rley Cases A rePostponed a W eek I',

T he r.Ticri nf the ! l;i l r n r .iln 'l Itrn’J . T. M orris fur alh'K.-.l r ilm ln a l tlt"-l. nn .t 0Kaln.it W. IV JJiip-.iin. fnr an al- IcRCit n t.ilulory nffrn-.r. w lilrli « r t .- j<Pt fo r A tn ll n a l .fi-rnnv. afM r a 'I clianci* nf \ ^ l l r liml t>rrn i;i;Ullril 'll from lllirtrv^ llav i- h rrll j.ir.timnicl ,il nl' li-.ihl n w rrk . Jiiili;r ltiu :h A. H.iUir <'a In iirck tnc In ha» r an<Hhrr Jin1;;r jk.- I ' Rl.lc .It th e tr ia l. alItio;i;:li Ih r . l];ni-r. >•! of venue wiiK apiiHril fo r ati.l n i.m ;- «'.l on a rco iin ! of a ll.'::r.I ...................... '

ra lJ icr tlian any Mas <>n itir i,.i;i t.i llic Jllilce. ll Is Malr.J hv Atlc'rin > '<■V. 1-arr.on. Ira.llOK n .im rr l f.,r K ' ' ' ' ' .Mr.' llorrlH , ^ ^

iO III. |-..tl..ii M atln-.-s I 'li-M I. L -(i 'i inc . IltiEiilar iirli r Ji:; y .i .in l>" l!ni«lnr«s I i r i .r J-i.;'., a . it. Vn.<

•• • C o .-a ilv , _ ' , I =


T h W a lia n t ^-W h e n ?

Su n .i i iN IIIIT SHUTS,

V<■ need it fr" ' Icn'i <1a'lx lliat . . a rc kniipiicr.'i. an<l a fru mui--

S JiiamH Him a r r !.lrap|>rr?i. anil we w niilJ Imvc a Inl lr...ii KiriM lliat a r r .laiiprr.i,

T lic Jiorjplr «ho lilrk about Ib r inniicy tiikrn mil ol invvii by 111-

I f rwtn;;rllHt o r ih<' <-»M of a r c y vlviil iicv.u' pay a cent, T lirn |i y 1:1 nnne of itirlr hni'liiciiii nml tlicy I l<boiii<I k ri'p l|i")i' iiiirinlln ,'iliul.

. T ll" |H'ci|ilr wim ;.Mrll(J a rc llir I nnivi wlio jiay aii'l nrc natinrirft.

- ' 'n i ry ,:,i lli.'lr m.mcy'» wnrili.■ Wlial iihniil Hahirirs o f Ihilr- lltilli.

gn II i4ioi|rrn i>rl7.c- flnbl. movie i,iitr«r . Thc Iirriiilr wlin rrlllcl/c llilii

n t n^rrllllK Ihr IllOr.t llic Ill0:if Whn PQ- ilniri com.' luiil lu-ar l)i-cMii?i'> «if

liifjiu llcr ami iKnoniiirr or tbey kll.' J liivr a ain In llicir licailu anil

* ilon'i wani to lie •llxiiirlinl,' i A. bl:;li la hniil Kirl xaiil in .nne

I of I u r frlcmlH, ••What a re you ' w -ariiij;7” Slu- i;ai'l. "A Huli;ln ] laft." "I- wiiiibi nol i;o Ul hear

Ir lilm, 11.- Is lO 'i frlvotons.V Obi yon ever hear of aiiythliiK mn fiiv-

111 . Ins fo r a liliUl Mi linril ciilT of I l l l" . i:r'-air..l »lns of ,li.-ir nu iilrr:' » n r l'l m r; ul We h a '.” huiiiani7.C'<t Cm); w -

/ i « i c iW i.'f 1.1,cn. a m r -u r /iai<' '''' iiiln in ii/rii nln. i«


; APRIL FIRSTrniniiiiii;ii Ai;iilii>-'. Noximis ( im n flis

W ill .'<lnr: hj ClicclilnK I'll nn.l l i d - „ Unu* Hcn.lv I.l Jliiforci. III.- I 'l .u J s .

toll'. Ill' Mic \..|> l.;n> In Iilnlin,

. T h.' uiiil-wcei'l caiujialitn will b.-iivhrir.l 111 ...... ..wlirn half _ ji'lo /r ii clr|inib'M nnilri' llie .Iherilon of M. i:. Itraily, w rrd ci'inniiMnlonrr. will

|l i .l .a r i imiUina a 'H ilrvcy 'o f tlie l |ln l^ » lu i • norlnii-. );rowlb» .-an li.' fouml,. T h.' m rn wlin ;:o on: .m ilu- raiii-

|i:.i;'ii,*niTiorin»' a rc K I.. <'ln::ai, an.l

luiiiii.-. iro llifiifr ; \V, NicluilMin. 'r'lvin r a il : .; W, \V. llol.'.;, n i c r ; I 'n 'd Kiini- ley . iliillia'ii,

S rve ra l cliannrK liavc hr..n mmi • In lhe wiri'il lnw wIiI.li Is sahl Io hav.' m ade ll m ore ilr :" ilc , bm lU.. <^i|iv haa nnt y d lu'.-ii i..<<-lv.>.l l.m>. i'n r

f llio iinvi.'n t Ihls N iiiimaii-rlaK for ili.'firM ililni; w lihli i!ir il.'tm ii.s w llf ih.

; III in Ki-I Inroniuillon .ni Ih.' Inml'hui mul rx i. 'n t ..f 111.', hail w ir .is m ih :'l b ri.iniiln;; o f ilie vrason.

i' D ern a n d P ittm an i

E xpected H ere to H onor Jeffe rso n

I llolli f:ov.Tiin f i . ,• ii. l ir ii iof r ia l i . an .l ....... ^ i ; .y )-:(:ti::.ii o|N'rva.l.i. liav.' ^r..ii |iiv l |.,lM n i.,alc

I I...... al III.' l a r ' i ln ' <if Ih r J.'fl. / 'o a I

r l lh r l A lllll II .U- April IJ, 111 vl: -I.'; th.- f,ir'. Ilial « h ll. ' iinvornoi' H n .i / / j

.f t h r 'd al..i .......... a lil.'Vblils < ii- j;;ai;.'Miriit a t O ialrn » lll |>i.'v.'iil b lai I fioni inmfTij; Aliill i:l. Hi” na lal ilayl •>r Ib r liiin iollal ailDior .>f Ifi.' I)ri'l.> .-|jU u U -u L J u JtU J L U il im L iL ________ - ______ _

■llir l.h '.l,.if III.' .I,(fci>nn d u ll Is IO mal:.' lln ' K altirrini; all In t. 'fr la le al- fa ir III hoii.ir of ilir nu'iiiory of a

hihl llir foiinilnllon fnr th.' .'xpaii^- r.m o( Ihr cnnnliy llryj.n.l Ihr nanniv. Iliiiil-I .if (ll.- iirlRliial r iiln i i lr a m fn o l lo IjobI ;r mrrrly hinil •■'h.! I«uir|>-

li.'M IM'I >.'(

A nnouncem ents'l l... l l i^ a l .V.-J;;iii.rr. \>H1 m r.J 111

1 III I. .1 ll r . l,,,ll. \ l' IIIlii: N. Ir-lilMir .

P r a y in g P la n t3Sir ,Iiii;.i.!;-. ir i .-, :i llliu lu |ilanl

trIN cf -punli.*; J.lual".M.b .-v.'clii;: i-r.-lliil.'-. 11. .-ir

III.....I 1),r l.i.iir Ilial liK' I.'tni.lr h-ll-.

uf u II I- s;il,l.

G r a d e C r o $ t in g i P r o v e I t

Iiilaiil Mi.nt.-am. .......I r.r-.vI lif.-rri l;r ,:u l.ir ......... }': s.’,. g a illln ,;

II. V .n ..:;! '...h . ' '' 'i ■■ — ■ ■ ■«

Automobile Owners ;-

.<, r i; If. j.-.Kr :;'.i.-or riinjT'i nij n r h ... in t - ; i ' :l;^p A-'s ali.nit ,llir I'l'UiU I'l.'V. 1.

W . N. Skinnern iM iE i i i i r i iu '

/U a ^ c: " nrwiN


ll _ _ _i.-y

Alnicc .Mcl’li.T.Non unil Kuini;i I"'.. j._01iii-j'_ ..V rc-.uu-.SJdi!lrnclui-and_ <''>■ I .\.>l nn tlie .Mnln 'I,Inc of (.'.i 'l l ' I T n iin ; Jl.irali ({pit .Mciilion.Hi. I

'Ij'' : .Hev. KIwooil J . u n ls in iinnnnn . l.'iin cvcnlnu ihnl Iho fire wlil

1..., ■ " 'ou ld bl.iw tll aniiminr-. tin- li in f id'iiycr each iiinrnlnK rhirlnn[ « ''anj:i'lln tlc iiervice. ' Tlu- cvan I lls l Jh rn nUilcil tlial lli.- T w in K, j ncwKiiiiiicr" lliul hc-n lilvlni: iiircilnKii i<l>l.:ii.ll.l (:o-o|i.'riiiliin

■ jnHtie.l fnr a roiisliiK ch c rr fnr lleW',c|iaii.T« au.l lilia w as Kivr;i. '

|« 'ff.'rlni: (ant --vciiinK wnn t::r;.i:i' Illllll u ill i;n t.iwiir.l Ih r currriii j Iienn.'H nf Ih.‘ nieelin::ii,' In iiii.'iilUnK nf tli.. i.reunii ai;r : '•niupar.'il wltli llu- |i;isl Dr. Itui

\ l !mik-'.t -W li.rc aj'i. ilu ' ••.lai.-m.'ii m.lay, Wc luiv.'iVl any r.'iil iir< (lenlliil liinli.T 4inl<;i<ri II i-l Horn In miciiUUii; «vf Ultimo wlii).»:irY th e nialnlln.- aii.l tho::.- whn lu be.'II lilll~-tl'llclicil In tb.-' 00!l|l.!t STi Mr, IbilKin Miil.'il lliat Aiiii.'r ? I’li.'iann Inul c n iim off nn n id>

. tril.'li ami Kviinii.'llsl Oliver v, h.'lil iiu'.'ilni::i h r i. ' n f.-w y a r i . :

___ w n ii-a t.o off nn_a_;.ld.Mwe n.'eil l;i l.i iirl bacli lo tli.> ^

T tliiie i:na|irl. T b r rr I,, uin '.nm vnliuirlly , nahl l)i, lbili;ln. In ini r-vlvalii.

I’rc«h)tcrliiii-; .Slnn.l ('ii.J.MHl n ld u , brlui'.'' I'Criil.Jlell

His niKlit Dr, HuliUii i.|iuki- on .he .ru .nf Hibi .I'llll'eb aiul lua isr .l Hi.' .a i

Hs. h-ail.TH wlin iniffer.'il ;:o iniii'li III’- I'lirly iliiya o f Sruilam l f.ir .b< falHi. Th.‘ early w .u;,hl|i|irr:i

b .' .Scntllind lin.l in :;n into Ilu- .la a co rncrH and in^n r r lh m ._ io _ ] r

"of iioiMui.0 'n f IlVe 'iu^vrr.'nflon. T .’ill IlniUlfit c lilirrli 'lii tbe Haf.'i.I on .Ir ni-v tr in e nccnrilini; to a inirv.’y uia ail. r i'fe iilly by an cniln rn i illvln.', in- r in ir llc C lark nanK a very fl n.l iiolo la.ll cvcnlnK jn id _ jib n iii I.'.

Iicnjile ntlonded Hio Horvie.*, I’niyi-r fo r T n in Fnll-.,

7)r. R. J . IhilKln r^cpivod ilio f. Inwlni! tclCKmm from niclminn fill ., wh'cro lip JUHt cloHcd n ncrl

" I n f _ ui.'ctinKii bnforo onmInK licj I'.' H ere In llic inoiiNii^p: -

"O n" hum lrpd fifiy-flvp In p ra y inecilnc lon icb t. I.nrKoiii prayi In.'.'iliiK aitcndiinco In lilmnfy nf tl

11., le lin rrh . WV nre united tn prnyi • fo r ynnr. nii’elillKH In Tw in F a l’

W r ^ l,1- A g o o p \ e i ^ c b T O

S p o r tD r e s s e s

''. iti.'n-.- S |w irl D i'. 'sm", inu M r.lio lu '. W l' Ul'.- r.'ntiM

,\ -.iil; ;iiiil jrr '> .-y ■ r . im liiiin li!>• all'll’ i,T S r\' li.,;lll WO.ili-ll . n

In r r n 'iu - !ii 1........... a iu l i'■[lirr,- .-ff i'i'N , r . . l , i i ' . , - l l ia ts jl ila b .lf f . i r S |11II| s lv lr,-Ili I .. .M — .

i $15.00 $25-«


N F A L I ^ D A S y ~TIM ES


N , I.ircnKi-d 1.1 Well—(loorKO f , KIni“ 'iind l,n ln Klliol Rnrni. Tw in I 'nllK, i

I'clvo.l II ninrrliiRu llrcniiu tn.hiy.

A I ......nc from C u llfiirn ln - Mr. aU ' l Mr«, \V. a . Illley have rptnriicil fn

t'alifn riiln w hen- tlu-y iiiipni tlic wl \c r,

ni;e]lst I.Irciisc 1« Iskiic.l—A nnirrl.ii:c id ^ L rc oeni.»-n>i.t-iuMi<-.l-l.iM— evening . (;.i-i|H-l H enry CaMcli and I’ra r l I’nltersnn


l.cn>e f.ir Ailinrllln—\tr , and ,Mi >nncpir uiornlnK f

'1!"“" ' .........lioiirj** ' ' •

” • Sim iin <'..nilii(r Ai>pil ^ 0 — Aim i.inKc- joojtoft stu.-\vn will he rccH-ivcil Aiii

I'Illlil ....... ,,j.~ * r.anie aiiHoclatlnn. ll and .ir '. he VriKiilnlr ln>lnlled - T h e Siuiflow '• lo.lny InHtnlli'il u n.'iv PrlKlihilr |ila

in ll.s iilnrc o f liiislnetia fn r Hu- lian liiiK nf V.'iiia lec rrciini,

u:r :is D i'in.icm ts ) lc p |—Tin- d''inoi-ini [tiilitiii I,.,iiii|iy ci-niral ro inm lit.'e nii't l:i

"f cv.'iifnc (II iJie frrfcaf.'il fjin.lii .'hii tu'.'iii- jiany offlrc in ii.ljnnl nuitlt-ni ir.'iulir .irnli," nln.:.- Ili. c lose of lh .' Iii2fi laniliai::rv ■''> -------------------------

bav.. ChUU- Ar.* .Sliljiin-il—i:. o . Oinisi.-;i ra ln nhl|>|ieil I'wo'. l.ia.lH of fat aiecri. i

' M.'- I’orih .n .l l.i.lay: S. T auber iibii>|)ial.l.'- tw n Inilihi .if sIoiHl lo t l .......am.) uiuwho lll'l. Kolli w.-r.' lnii|u'('lc.l by r , Don

s :iro rns.', h tanil liiMm'cior.-y:jiiii------------------- ---------- '.T -r^ — .... ^ b | . S.-.IIII .Mci-t I 'riiln) - 'i 'h e Tw in I' all.iiini'li S.-nuimaic'er iissnela'.lon will inc.'I ;' inoa: no.in t.m inrrow f.ir luiicb.’on a l 'I'liiii

. cafi-, Al tlilii Hme ll, i;, Ilnr1i:-l'. Hi lucH.'iii rniiiiiih^'M.inrr, will tn rii '<ivr

•ei Uin III'' In hill MU',.'r:ii:nr. i:, V, U- n

. a rly <*ilii' l''cJlo«Y'i tn .li'r.inic ■— S",'Vci'i 'Ii' |„ r a n . nf luenibi'i'K -of Hi.' 'I'wln l'’all

I. O. <1. K will ;;n Io .1i-rniue th is .-v. I,, nln;; i.'i. iinriiciiiale In lhe Inlllniln

.I'li'l’ N'liii. .-vnu wil]'i "iy ' ‘I" '''’ ' ' i ' ’ I'luInK i'aniii;il(;n In Jcrnim

llt-liirn frnm A>-lil.ni--Mii:. \V. II I r ill” I'.ilnrne.l ,yi-ai(uilay fioni A i!i

Inn. w here nhe w aa '?alh -.i l.v Hi< .l.':illi n f .b .'r lltllo nr|iliew . i.nn of Mr all'l .Mrs. .\|. I), .Sni>.lKra»», .Mr. •'«n.:'l

• '■ -Inrii^.^'.-Mrn. S liin lf-y 's-h ro tlirr.H n mi |irrliii.:n ilrnl of tlip*^c|inol« a t Aidiion

’ Altpi'iil Ih D Ism tisvil—T he atil»-'’annnn, „ f nu rvey Wllllnm.snn ncrv lns a Icrn icrl'-ii „ f fidiii tw ,) I,) fjvt- j'cam fnr n.icnni lii'ri'' vinlatl.in nf Irlaho ll.|iinr Iiiwk, - wm

illniiiiiin.-il l.y ilu> iintncni.i rn n rt, wllli-’’" J ' ' ' ' '_________ —raycrr (ho T he rj'vivni iiii.irit In >{Illl at IiIkIi-nyer ti.l.'- Voura In Chrlnt.^iil’s. iSlKuril) •'Kh-M ■ IliiiiliHl Chiirrh,''

^1 J u s t '^ p

I W■ ... ' ! ! ■.00 ' f f ■

i 'V a li i r i . i - . \l iu - \ i i r i i , iv .- \ \

^ Spring Fl

Saturday---^Saturday m oining wi two for the price of oi are . - i l l sm artly styled ))leats. belts and poc atliena, rose, pistach

U s u a l ^ I S . O C

IES ■ ' ' ;I rtui oiijcction ycfitoriliiy n ti nmtlfln I A ll.irncy c riu i'ru l P rnnk U Slt-i.hiir

H iimlKnn-^tnili- I.|piitoiinii(->-Hnr .'>coit H nnilllon, cnnininndlni: llio

!<1iimli cni nnil In ihc nbHonco of C'liiUuIn Ih, I'.j- I.. lln.lRln. WIIII rccoKnlzed Tiivm

Iiy the Unllcd aintcH w;nr .le |iarlnu an fln 'l lii-nicniint of comiiniiy K, 1 li

r. and .-ncincci'K, T w in I-'allii null o f tli6 I. I from lin liiiilnniil Kiniril.. ,vill-

T o l>mlt llv-lnwH-'A l II inuctlnK cn lf cnthunhiHlH. lam nlKlit. ih-pkIiI

;'c ll> nv.-r hy John W. Orillintii. n cnnn

inn of ^

- ' IAbnnl

!; T I R lI'hini 'IL^-

I a n d - S ^W e h a v e t h e tirc!

FiresiE v e r y fib er o f e v i

Dnm- U sed b y t h e operbip. b u y er s m ea su re tn

..... Flrestfl1',11,,'s , S te a m -W eld in g v. Hi.i — assu rin g o n a ir -tieh l

Y o u ,.to o , c a n g e t *’■ b ig tr a n sp o r ta t io n ,le c

c q u ip p in g y o u r c a r w it i'-ail:i W E T A K E YO U ]'•‘ e- un u sed m ilc a g e.'C o m c

3 Old!L e f u s s h o w y o u A

It. I th e tiis c lv c s . C o m ^ r e

I h.' ■ M a tftMr, t i r e 6

iu:d-iion u p -lo -d o te V

m an. B r in g in y o u r o ld

;',“ 1 W O R K G'-''lllll .

T h e 1iiiiib O p p o s i to :

rl,,'- .......... '

T w o W t

F r o c k s ^ a r E o w i

-A 2 -fo r- l Salwe will offer .si.-ity of ou ' one. “All Day” Di-esses.c ed . . with simul ated tWo-j lockets. F eaturing Sprins ch e, French bl ue an_d _bl n

> 0 V a l u e s ‘ > 2 {

• J , . / , \ > n u n ^

;lon 'of tco, cotidtHtlntc of Mr. O rahnm . W ;'' ihiin. Clinpfiinn, I.. E . S jnllh . U . C.

mnndH. I(. >1. .MUfiaer, A. L. Swim, ilnroM C. -Wynlt. C.' D- Thom nn and E . J. 10 In- irnndcr. w-nH nri>olnlcd to d ra ft luln .1. InwH. . —icmUiy ..‘Inicnt l>niil Dclnite Tonl(rht— Tbo ' T< , ll>;ih I' nllii iifflrrtialivo tcnin, >vlth K.6 Mil- llu rch . coacli. lo fl today for Dlnckf

tn dcl.alfl w ith tho Blnckfoot nORiit team , on cnncuIliilloD of tha Fror

lUK nl duht. • Tlio ttlnckfoo l a trirm ntlvo onlilod rivi-.l licro on tho noon trnlrf. to ni imiiiili th e Tw in Falln .ncsn ilvo tonight.

P r e i t o i p l i i AServe You Bell i f v e Y a » i iIrc& a n d t h e t u b e s t h a t are d e ltv e r io s

s t o n e 6 u m * D l p i i ievery cord ia saturated and insulated v perators of the biggest taxicab, motort mileage and demand M ost Miles Per ]

t o n e S te a m - 'W e ld ii vuicanizea the splice in' live oteam— ight tube, 80 im pc^ont to the life of yo get the extra mileage, economy and « leaders and by hundreds of thousand

with these wonderful Gum-Dipped Tire: 3UR OLD T I ^ IN TRADE and wil )me and see tu . . '

d f i e l d T i r e s a n d '[)U Avhy-OIdficld-Tirea and Tubes have-i ire these tires and tubes with any o tha

ade in th e great F ir a to n e fa c to r ies e bailders, a n d carry th e a ta n d a rd g

: Vulcanizing Plant, in charge of i Id tiros and havo them inspected.G U A R A N T E E D — PRK

F red Foss Coito Fire Station--- Twin FaUs----


fo].SiiilH IlfIlilllH- VI- linva ju

Si7i's rn,I'inlly- M nml niis>

- 1-n.v 9 2 :ii.

■\v.- Will n«U Any Drcs-i


ale of D ressesour new Spring Dresses, i of colorful silk. These o-piece effects, tucking, inpr colors of beige,-navy, >lack. -Sizea.l6-to_20. .36

f o r $ 1 5 . 0 0

.,1— . J . ' . ; — ......-

in 'SD >V T ;^_M A llC n,,31,-lp27;';^

W ;'O rr T uesday nlRht, T w In 'F ^ lis ’tifUrniBU* \ Kd- KOO# to F i le r to debate 4M-rtiral-hlRli ■elm, 8 . WIIORO noRatlve com es-Iterp th e ^,am,,'J .-C «- ovnlne............" i'.'f t hy- ' ' " •


(ickfoot . ^ 7 . ' t ’ C tik lr 'b S m H llM r tB i i ''ORtitlvu I ' , - ; ' 'R tifr cp-ihftWWiyig” ?Fronch A

0 mt-rt ';ht. Oil ^

i m m

i n s th o u sa n d s o f o it f t t roiles™*

ped Tires;ed w ith rubber.' '

to r b u s o n d tru ck fleet# . T h ese»er D o lla r . ;

ded-Tubes1— a sp ec ia l F ir esto n e 'proceas f y o u r tirc . ‘

d c o m fo rt n o w e n jo y ed b y the' a n d s o f sa t ls lied m o to r ists , b y rires o n d S te d m -W e ld ed T u b e s , w ill g iv e lib eral a llo w a n ce for

1 Tubesve -in n d e su c h a g ood n a m e for “ " _ ^ e r s o n t h e m ark et.

le s b y e x p e r t . , r d g u q r a n te a

j f a fa c to r y tra in ed v u lca n ir in gI. ; . • • -


om pany-----Phoni 3 69J

11 E ast#Black S atin

SU ITS'or the Misses

o f lit'aek .nporl nntiii w ith Avhite ' v i-s lccs nrc im h ’cfi pojitiln r. W e

jtisi. rcc i-ivril a Khij>mcnt o f rrnin on r N o w ' Y ork o ffice ,

rrmii 111 in 20. T h o y n r c cspc- • sitii.' il i.> llie M nnllcr w om n n iiiis'.r?<. ( ’nm n in m id lliem —


* ' ’

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