VBEK TAKE TOLL - Twin Falls Public...

VUU M . -XlLMBb^R U .>. . ' ^ ■ ' ' . > _ ' _ - __'_rWlN FA1 >LSM1)A110VSAT( IU)AV.Ji£(jl^ST 11; ___ __ * ^ ^ _______1 _ __ ICjVF n 'N 'I^ Miiftiicii W rm 'm m /;. ■ . •’ . m 3tcit< M agnificent" Gather;inj University ;atfr. Palo ClfQice for l^residenl Known the Principl jH e Be Chosen to Hea November. ' AST.VNFORJ) KTApH:.M. Pii i Inill down l»y Ilorbi’rt. Iloovcr. doio. iiijiix n<‘cr])(aTic(< Kiii'cch < ' . r H.lifiliiiin iillilil'ffljiU''!': Tiikinic (Hrpvt iMiiu with fi< n]>i)o;iunt, IIoovi>i' ili'(;|]it'i‘(l Rtriii . ronioment'lliWK nixl iiroiiiiKcd i ____ Hctircliintf.invn.st1tfiilii)n tn dcler now ('XtKniiff. - Tlm ijoinlnoo took llio position tlim (hcao opposo<l 10 pralilbltion mum rirAt cliiitiKO tlio oislitdunth ' nnrcnd . innnL-4tr~Yi cotiBtltiilloiinl wuy l>o(on tboy^^an .tAinpcr with llio ' Volslcji ' act.' ll.li tho Million IioJd by tlx .mont anlonl dryo liko Scnntor Boral .of fdaho uml In dirocll)' opi»iO(V tc S.T,.lth:a c^mnntlon tl'iht thc Volntom ' Act-eitn bo iuc<liriu(I io pcnnli imio o: lltfht Winap nn_«Ub^iw ... ' Hoovar >'cn't even further llinn tin platform of tho party. In nceoptlnt .. pruhlhlllph nn tho kuuko of Uiitllc foi Iho. prsBldonihil' clocllon. Hu' wot moro (loflnliu i<:kurdlUK -fnnn rulloi _ too.' Ho dill nol iL‘2nUiin the moolcil , ('quulluillon too thccry of ihc vctonl • McNaryUluiiKBU ljlll..hiil ho nninunc- cd hlmRoIf hlnmoir In riiw>r of n thrce-fo.til nKrlcultunil procnim fot )iil of primary ImiMrinnco. Mo pro* pdiiciJ”rifBir>ovHion of>xiRti_nirnann raio» lo Afford tlio fnrir.«r ndwjunte prc'.ccUDD. .iccomlly. dovclopmuni ol chciipor tronHportntlon fncllltlvH Iiy moiifrnltlng Inland wntcrwnyH par- (Icnlnrly <lio Mliit>lnHli>l>r nyntu'in. llfo /aroni~l-al<(in opcnint; of / Jl shlpwny frotn the Grcnl Lakc» lo . Ihp- AUantIc' Ocean, nnd. thirdly, ro* nrffan|zatlon of thn ninrkvtlnR nyHtam IlDca. V ' ARrlrnllnml .Hrlii-f. • , "Tho' ircrklnK out of AKrlcuAiirnl rohof connlitntcn tho-mo«t Important obltRntlon of tllo next ndirtlntatm- . tbo,''-ho raid. "1 aUilid ptcilKcd for tli«*«6 propo*ab.'', ■ 1-' Aulilo tromi'thoso tw othnjor lasnea. . Hoover n.ado* hln ponltUn climf' rc* ' tnriilnR oltior. Kovcrniii’cntnl probloma In Cl orlKp. opli:rninm.-itle >«ylo.' Hla entire apooeli was written nronnd tho iPrt ■of- contlnuod pronpcrliy, duvclOp- monr~or~UHL_nnUon'n rw ourcta nnd lho cooituct of''SnI(t55nrrmmirlo a mniinon dcxlitn'cd solely to ,mnko lhl« Miaiir>'‘n n/jrb camforliiblu piatu to, live In.’' Hoojor announced, ho fnvored nn '-«xpi-ndlturO'Of a hllllon dollum In tbo next fciir yrar* for chenponed trnna- portayon. Irrigation. rcclnmatloTi. do- mMiIe wnter aupply. hydro-olocirlc power, public ro.idH nnd public hulld- iOKfl. * Vleif* On Imraliontlon. ' lie definitely opponad (ho- natlohal orlsln clnua* of. lho ItmilKraUoa net and declarod blmaelf in fftvor cf Ihe prMCQt 'Immlsration ' quota xyntem. 'Ho'aeoffed at auRsoattona that tho tariff aboutd tw lowertd. He prom- iwd to-coadncrt *«n bonoU campatim In which '«rery penny would bo ac- counted for. Ho placJKOd' Mmaalf to tho protecUon of trade unlotia,-‘an- doralOR tbft prinelpte of collective haTKalnln* and protdalaR to work for lbe eortallmcnl of tbe uao of In- Jiinctlona In labor -dUpulea. He • pronlaed hualDOas .ilie derclopmeot of belptnl rdatlooi w tu the-K trm - - .denounced. cQrr>ij«ioD in and a^cuaed o:«tnb«t?^or T boU r> nit!ci1'‘»>aHIea' of'TiBTtiir'baBTi ie»pooalb)ft.,for recent acandala in fedoni, ^ to and. municipal affaira. He ursMT ttaai tbe Koremmenl tako a deep'lDlerM^ la child health. ForeifB relatlona abonid bo .con- ducted, ba raaid. U> unn adequate *prepar«dBnf for defpnao aad to pro- ...mote-iOodljrlU.and j>e*ca.wnODr.ia? •aipaa.. Iho'BOpilnea.plodjied blmaelf uT m lc forUier Unntalloa of- araa- —mcuii >iiiuBHf nimiMi- m d igtw y tint aw nauun ilia-r^tBaga-naaiir (o'eotarW ha Uaajnit of Natlona.* H M Ti r. ' tPQ.- n a a n ' cl w r ihit tty , (Coatlsocd' oa psct 71q })' . . 4|;. ----- iFm s e s Po v m m Z in Stadium; Stanford Altp ■ Hears Republican k of United States Make es and Pro^am Should id This'Government Next lo A lio, f.'nlif.. Auk 11.— A *io»c dry till* Hii|iiiblicHn i>r3-Hl(loiiliiil ciiiiiH- li-livori‘d_.todny in llio' vnM fixitiiall IV. Airi't'd K. ,'^nntli. Iiix Di'niocrutio ijrly iinuiiiHl nliy inodirii-ntion of.oii- r (‘loirli'd ]ir(>Hid(‘iit to uiiliHtitnk* n niiiiL- melliHilH f o r> o r i-ci;tiim-iibiisoH l«-------------------— ^ -----T to^'ANGELES OFFICER , . ^ arvBN A villa rifle Sy -traiuil ;pr*lf 1.09 a'nGULKS, Aub. il-A «iwtrd oft~3(}v30_CBlilirx rino..aaiil-to~-]i&v'A b«en cftrrl'ed by llio famouK Moxican’ hiindii. l’aneho Vllln waa prc>«nlod l.nciui of the l,,ofl Aneclon nullcu hy CapL AV. D, Orflct, formcir chief of jw- llco of ni Piiao. ■Tho rlflo wna Riven to (^nptfiln Orcot >?y the Eovurnor-of Chlhuninun iiffor Vlllu WIIB uhot to ilciilh, ll WUH (inlil. ' .SAI.KSSL1> TO i;SE m V K Hr vaiud rnta —. tl'e_trnv<>l|nK_wilc»mniv_la now lakink to tho nlr.' A locul Hhno conipnny l>nn bouiihi a tlir^o-poaaon- Kor Mplnno fnr IUchnr<|..Whlltnan. W hitiiM n will /lonil hl» naiT.pU-A into .iil(ti*lim.o.ftniLfaiLJioin_cliiaQ.ciii-^ Lasf)Mincite . [For Dctify Tl MEXIOOOITYTO . . By‘tlmt IIKM CO CITV. Aiitf, on a n(in*KtA|> fliliil to irnvnm noiinoPil ofricinlly.: T iin H(urV.Vvni K irrm -lm d bl;l;lL-W^Litin^:•f«^r-wo^‘k^ A liliilH* lii-lii!Vi‘d to ln« F i o r r o ' Inn H|jil.‘, nt II :4.'» u. in., ii W eston ' ' . ; BELIEVED-TO Bl TOIiKhO. O;.. A u i 11—-Mw. S Stiirki'-lH, ;f-J. 'u \Yorld Iwnr vpternn tndiiy in w b u l’poliiMj <I;'sc-ribi'd ns Tlio bodicH iivrri' fiiiind huddled t< n hoiisi* under couMiniclion. Tlii whuloiv to tlii'ir rciidi'ZvoiiH o£ cliv favorable trade BW W A S H IN aT O N , AllK. 11— Thi rd tmlnv n United StiitcR favoraj for the fintt hnlf of 1928. or $4!>.9. of 1927. .MorcliondJMc exporta fn KIVC. w e r e $2,:J77.r>:{2;848, nnd impb ' ASSA^INATIOir PL< JCBXTCO CITY. Attjr.* 11-^31 aoiiKht in connfctioii with tho omi Kon. are ]iidiii); here, n policc am Dount^cmont wnmbd nil pcrKona ^Ilcf^ed to hnvo iriyen' .lose de\L< ObrcRon, Hiui'Bhot.' . SQHEBIOA WINS TRM ^STA'^rOFIlD ■milDQErEnglai toniAtionai-trark nnd field nirct-^ events 10 Kix tcHlay, bcfcro a cro\ •all.stnr jratlifrintr. with ttpmbem c tostiiiK (‘Ounti*ii'.<i form inc U)^ te u : ___ l..SEAPtA5B>ILQTjuiE SIIAMI. n«.. A tir. 31— A rtl .lW I>^>A aw n ^ r.-'irht>rtract-iiwTr hUnhe labrrirft ftai dny norih of Andro»-iaIand.’> ahor N ojumu m UI loilny.. A ..b. LiEai^ 31 on a. rough Mt, Uie;mesug«*Mi^ . H i ’’.' ■ • "T' ....... rmM ilc ie s FORD sY a T e T C H A M MODEL STORY F im Daily Production 3,500'.a af Ten Thousdhd. rii'ti-linicl .I>r*>t<H (ctdrt)- imhtlHhi"! nn Inti-fTloiT nlih Henry Fnril ih nhlch Ihl* nuliimiililli' mnntifnMur- iT. IS' iiuiitt'd KK ilenyliiir n'piirl* _ lh a t hi; iniiHt_)i|"ii jh>”^'Lhl'< pinnt - xinirrp-dpiiJijij hlS iinf'iho'ili'roillir- mtiMlp. -•••-■ ."Onr dnily production la nnw n.GOO,'. l-'ord ia uuoiod iw tollln{t Uio Proim corroapondpnt. “althnueh oae-lhird ol our cnpaclty la alill apflled tn ih< ■manUfnclurc of pnrtH for'lhii old car “Our production la'incrcnalnR ernil- uallyi.by. BDTOrnl liundtoil 'a.dnii^Ouj Drfllonl KoW inO.OOO dnily. I nm on: tirolf notlaflod with llio wny thln;:ii nrfl fffllKf lip tn nnw/' " T a W A K ii n T m l !?IW '. InL-ihntiluil flp- ortnlona hud to bo chnnROil when llo roilealf;no<i hln brako nyatcin nn lIic now car. . .• "The orlRlnal doalsn wna moro thun ndt-anale,?. rord anld. ".hut I'm Kinil wo made.tlio clionso hrcnuao wo nnw hnve two Inilop^ndrni hniklnR nya- lenia." -uroi:n>.iiur.i*uo.Mi-coMU.\y __ SAN PRA.S-CI8C0,' Au(f. 'll.-T h o priUfcTJllimcifTZalirarnift Corporation today nppllod to the Stato''RnIIro:id Commiaalon for pcfmlaaion to buy tho Novndn. Ciillfornin nnd Oregon .^ li'; choniUincLTolegrnjhJwnipnny. Jijg News Fidshes Imes / Redd^ts HAVANA BY AIR . ed Press.' • , )t. Ilobcrto Picrro 'Iobk off Hi*Vret- I'n t r.:ir> n. in. loilny, it \nm an- 8*iuadii, from VnUuu'Mii nirdronuv 4-fop fjODd Mi*uthcr.--------- ^ » jinsHtfd over Cnnipeclio, iti Yni*i\. I) Ifn io n nic.K.'uiirt; Knld. . a eyi(OTE PAof }ophi>-'N'wiliort, 27. nnd 'Wjillucn , Kliot niid'l{illcd'thi‘niwlvi'.>j lion* tbo fillfillinriU of u miicide imci. jjipihcr on thc* linK(*rMi*ut Hlnim-of- } omlplu had ernwli>d tbnHlKli u nlh. jA^OE FOR UNOLE SAU 1 ! CoMimerco-Department mmounc- i)l(»-trndc bnlnncc of $20n,l(X),:i.'>2 S2,2i>:{ more* thaa in the fin t half >tit .Tnnnar\* 1 to June iuclu- rts w croJ2,084.432,491}. OXTERS m mDINO [nnui>r Trojo dnd VTnah Jimiiioz, iksination of Prcnidcnt-tlect Obre- iiouncotneni aaid today. Tbe aii- (Oinxt KcerctiuR tbeio. Trejo, mim ;on Tpral tbe piatol witl^ whtoh irgniTm!T " 'V ' »a..AuR:-U—Ameriea won her in- with'tlie nritiab cnnrir»'_by nine rd of 41,000 pcnioiui.. {t^'fra.*! aii if ,tbft-Olj'mpi^teama of the con- yABHTirtlKTC RRfth'll ftfl .V _______ ig? B oUiwd. • pll()t..''>nd Oordon. Hflaiirjr m a i^Tano .amee'the rat~Tliw d tf)SVw»jio y w ou»ir y w t er t inwage to Tl^ical R^iO , A . i S OF \ I ^ ------- High Lights Hoover’i Republican. Presii By Unit •.STANW RD KrAI‘)ll'M . 1‘AIii liert. l l novitr.-tJii‘ J{L‘piil'Hi.’iiii prijsi “ O n r |irn})l(>nis of tin- pn.sl ki roi'on-stru.'limi; oiir pntbli-nH'uf j^n'ictioii.” ^^^•^-7!M .n-rM -nii-hoh,‘MTW»n.pn lii’i-nuiili'd for. lr Khali bi- a InK lo i'oiivi'y our mcnniinf, noi In liii’ .'Tbi- |nioi-limisL' i^i vnnisbinff'i •. “ At- OIII' tiTno Wl* ib'nniiidi’it T Todny wi- dc'iii:nnr lar«cr'i-otnfort anil li-isurc." "Til-- i«-s| of liiisinesK J-H nol 1 ]ji-iii>ui:KL. (;tmi|i<‘tilion, whi’lbi’r ib wbi-tbi-r tl»<-ri‘ ik iiiti*>;i-ily nm l lisiv ..“ (•nvcriinic'iil'^ivciikiiui tbt- .in diitilitoiL’' . . ' . “ T Iht.- iiiiisl li.' Ill) iiliu‘1* fnn.- ____ '.■.Kni'i'd .I'royri-.-is, iiuii:i:ht.s_Ul KTTueti'd i-bildri'ii.'’ "A pivi'riiini’iit. ibut i Ijii' h m il idi'Ols Ilf iis yiiiiiii; iiii-ri nnd womon jM'oph* hnvo n riclil to rxjici-t nnd “ Onr fori*i(:ii policy bns one p “ WV bnve no bntcK; we wish no iniliiJiry thn-nt.H." •“ Anriinvi' fewer mri^-in arm} polii-p nnifonuM.” ■‘I niTiilt to ser our poveninicni n symbol of the nntinn’s jjrehtnes ^W e-ihtm t dircet economic' p KpiritnAl'*prD(froi8t;'’ . ,'*Cftir party platform deaU m/i ournntinh ia tioC an oRjrlomerntinn of djTjninns^or aut^tica.' , Il la children.*' * . “ Hvery nun hM. the riirtit t- StAtc* bi idik^c fa^ h im. w 1»«aiiuie the Bi>ni^io«n party Kai nearly eight yenr*.** . • ,-> r - **Ev»r v '^ m a n hitB the n a h t t her. nun'a-job, ber hopca, ber ha{i .th& continuaDCe of'the.BepbW fAh'' ..... ----------------- VBEK p f I*. llip ' '• ■ ' s i i i ’'' !K ^ flC'' '■ IT HOOVEa s Acceptance Sjieei:h dential Nominee icd liresa . 0 ALTt>. (:al;, Aut'. 11—.Ki>1lowiii« idculiaL.iiomiiiccj ______ _________-___ i-vi'ii yca'rH liave_ been iirolileniiS -ol llje r^ltu^•.• an-'prolilem H'/of rou- iitfn-M‘-^vi'.V'P‘*niiy—w ilU in-piibU uh. i‘ caiiipainiK '‘ We .shall iisu- w<»rd; leil.” - fnnn ns'.” ur liiir workei-M n fnll diniii-r paiL and t^i-i’ater partii'iiialiou in lift il>i size.*-the tesi i« wlielber' Iben lei-e is freeiioni ^roni doininiition riilui'M.'^ of ]iurp(i«e." —‘ _ Hiin'etit llui.( ils int.'ifrily is rvei •yniiusjiu _in tbe ereed of .\nioriL’n.” I'oil. Ihc fei’t of liejiltliy_aiid _iui I'oustnntly wTlc'tirlive up In the 1 fnllH sborl of wlinl lbe Anierii-an 1 demanil from it.” irininr?’ ohjceli^.and’tbnt i« pcnce.” no* further posseKions; wir bnrbor y uniform lodn.v thnn we hnve iu t tfrenl hoth aH an iualnimcnt nnd a.” • irogrcM .‘in support of moral and Vinly with rconomib prolilenw, but of raiIrondlCoC«h'ip«.'oE fartoriM, a luition of men, of TTQtncn, of o ’aak oC ua whether, the' Unitwl Goylfe-g icTltti n a n Jw i ly ilv^-iic s conducted t^e-. ffovemment.for to aak whetKeHierUftf. her home. >pinpaa, vriU be h ettir aaaum O ir 'party In PdVrtr.'" .. ' j • ^ ...... ....................... ♦'"< TAKE ■■^DIDMWHEN MOSES SPEAK5 Chairman of Notificatioj ----- Committee-&rief~in—His- . Address tQ_Nomingo.—^ , S}' United rraaa .STAM AIII) ST,U»U .^r, IMI.II .U.'I'(». I'alliM Aiiu'. 11 ,1 anili-d and enthn-^lnsllc •l{i'|>iitillnui |inr* 1} U cnlerlnv llu- ....................... . ili-i' the . Ii-niler>lilp of (|i-rlii-rl- llimuT nllll Villi niiii’iileiiii- iif •vlitorj, Suanliir liirirui- il. .linsfn .‘,tiilil the niiinliii'i- h>-ri' lodii). Sennlor .Uosi-s ehiilnaaii m’ lln- . nnlJi'Imlliin (-■iuimltli'i>.i>r Hn- Ke. pulillran iinlliiiiiil i-nmnillii-i-. nf. firliilly Infiihnrd 'iliiiner ul tliU selrrlliin nxlhr inirty’-; canill. dnte for iliiv prcslijcnr}. ___ Ilm jiiiilfkallua ■.n-rriuuul-jii-WLf! . Iii-ld In .Stanri>rd rnolliiill iilatliiini jiitrlipd with 11 thriiiii; of lliioi-rr imp liorterH,- rr.ini Ciilirnrnja ninl, ..ihoi ."Vnnr li.'Iccrtiiin wim niinlc wllli ; unnnlmliy niivt-r -iK'fnri' xi'i'ii whin thlu Krcut priri' hi m ir • jinlilUr llf< him liuoa In coiiti-Hi," Si-naiur .M ohu> told ilin. nomlpb•^ -* "In thiH I'iiKiird llie eonvi'ni’loii nC' :uraiuly..rufluctL-il iliii dcHlruH <if Iii qverw^iclntliiK prcpnndftr»nc<: of ite pubiicaiiH who woro mil to hu denlc* In tholr purpoao to cnmmll (iur .canii< lo your haoda. . >i. "Tlio convonilon which Kuw-iu yoi '.he nomination now olflclally iinv iontod,.alMo fonnulnind u ducliirutloi jf-'PrlnclpIos.-whlHi-'eoiiHtKuli-H tin )Vhnl I’latfnnn rontnliii •;ln onr plutfnrni wilt hi< fmind ii rcili-ralliin o f , thOHi- fiindunleillulii >f »opuljlk-nn policy which an- ira- .lllltmiil.' - . ^ . •'\THh ■clinnRlat; rondlllonH; mir jariy. nlwnya fli'xlhlc nnd rimponHlvf' U) tlio cxpuiidhiK nccdil'of lliv nlnu- ry. haa ^^mliarkod upmi the Rreat jniLJlMlraLIn-riifnmia .iililttli nmy ,liu icconipllaliod-wlthiii tliu llm^la of lliu ?onatttiitifln~an<l‘wit7itn"itii^fif(ipc-“ot loiind economic law. "in our prcBCnl .platform wo iiffcr o Ilio country Ihonu propoNola which A -<1 bfllcvr rnnponHlvp In Ihu n-al •lerrta-of -thc-peopli! nnd to whkh wi> aui'o ihe-peoplc wHl)—jirwlm-e-a 'avornhiu reaction. ■'The aplrlt or i.ur platform U un- nlaliikuhlo. nncl It »prlng» from '»ilt •ocord ot tnllh KcpL ihrouptiout, Ihe ■htiro prrtod of our ptiriy hlntory. .'hia Hplrlt. air. you. pi-raonlfy. •'W'o know Jhat in' your li'nUorshlp 4jla aplrlt will vnllKhtcn nnd enkln- llo tho <;o-opemtlon riot only of the ;renl party which haa thua aoucht -on out. bul tlmt It will enci-nder thii 'imirndcahtp of (hnl other Kreat body (Coalloued c>n Pace Two)* ' m RETURNS FROM CHICAGO By Oalua Tr»»a -AIJJANV. N. V.. Aus. 11—gome- what wearied l>y ninr>> than l.COO niil<-» of trnvel In .16 honra, Cov. Al- fri-d K. Sn-lth. Demochitic pri-T-Mcn- tial eaodld.iti*. nrrlvi-d at Albany «lionl>- lii-fore 7 o'clock thia tLomins from hln trip I* ailr.ico for th«« fun- eral ot Oeoree H Urennnn. Ke drove to the executive manalon lo real, nnd mid he would not be available unlll lale tbla nflertioon. If at all. I - pollileal Rliuafiona were practically forsoiien by tb^ Rovrmor whllo cn the trip, bul he waa nol allowed to forecl lhai ho la n preaidentiai can- didate by tho cmwdx In Chicaco and hi aci'eral of the more' important citiea aions hia rooie. Smith made, an tmexpeclWl appear- ■uke* at ClereUnd; Ohio, iaiii niebt. when aevaraJ himd^ed pernons. crcnrd'- ^gr^anrT iT a -Btr.- wni«>Tir'efan>r hai. he'dfKi'udwtloniiB alallon'plat- form and ^ook banda vRh well wisbenu.. ', ' IBISn ATHtB^ S (UTHER . DIJBU.V; A tnrfll-7»tore thaa ?*Oft of Irelaod'a athleiie and aportinic chll- dren. wahr of whCTV hjyt.nw f 6 ^ re ae«B the'»r*fn land or thtfr extrac- tion.', ratharwd har*'today tm t( *11 partt ilf-tho-worid.for-the badBOlAi Oiympica, • . . Vurtsu «sd «IsUkMt| TOLL ii9?E0Pm !| iSAMlNi: _!£n_rt3LKillad.and Millions of j Dollars Damage Done in Several Sections of Coun- liy; Tropical Gale Now Wearing hself .Out- in Southern Georgid, Uy Vaitvd Preii . .................... i-irrlrlriil sjnrais, h .n ij rninx. fm- and Iieni i»>«k u »liles|.re;iil lr>l| In Jive- and prop-. . i-rl) dniaiiKf'in Jlie liist few-t&iytu A|i|irii\Imiilt-ly tl) llies iiere li»>t and pn.Ni-rly duiniii;..' mii lain ihe iiillll<iii>.. ' laiilli' e.iiist and" frnm Horiclh lii • ' .III.' tiiiir.if .sr.Unre.ii-,..' ' III.' ,i^ri':tii.M iliLtii,ni.-i:, ffii;', iln n r x v - , liiinir;ini. ntid llooiMii l-'hirldn. whero * III.' vviiii o!iilniiitvd ai.niore ihnn • $;;,nin),IHIII. iJiTirKlii wail hit )iy’(landa. The iiildillu Wont • and ^Jorlhweal . Kiiffcrcd Inlcnaoly from llie heal, lo : .which 2!» deiiiha wore atlributed. . .' ' Three dcalha from Hehtnlns ntid ' : nniny hcai-proaimtiona wore-record^ 111 .Vew-,York.. ' . • . IliMvy.foK iilonc the aoatHiard inloK- ; ,(i-riil'wllli HhlppInK In .Now York. Boa- ' Ida, Montrt-fll nnd other port*. Tlreniy peraona'weri! injured neoir Ainalisrdiim.:N\;,Y;,-_wbea-i1irtaa*-'r«MB;-- Tl.lMiUfd on tlio .Sew York Central raft-. mini. , - . IVoin .Moiurcnl thnie xipomera'. lijn ' Ahlebitnin. inni-rton and IlllnKHWorth wore reported to iiave jmne ng^und .10 inlirn down, the- Sl. Uiwrcaca.’ - bloeklni; llio rhnnni-l. Ocean' nnllliitjl fi'oni .Montreal wepi delayed.’ . .! .‘*tn-nm< Overf!ow In .Snut!:. . AT1.ANTA, Gii,. Aue. II—A~~.wlD-? ■ Ttnd raiii' aiurm, iiinimitt.-nr Ih fl,.m -- liln liiirrlfani*.’wnw Hweenlrie haelt in.-J:- to lhc Allnnili,-.'today nfler cilualiilt dauiace to-property and cropa ncroaa^j tuiuihern nnd ' inMdic GeorRlii and ' caHlurn Smith Carc}llnn. . , Sironma wore, nl flpod i|ta(?o In cen'- '*' inil lirorcla. — Nenr-A«Knatn.-an.rth(nirlml rrach--:^ eil a lijsh veloeiiy nnd treea wero top-' pled, rotlacrA dnninxed nod tclbphono j Five peraona ware reported injure«l I when housca were Wrecked... .- Al M.icon. Git., lho Ocniulgeo rlvir iwH/i nt flood Htnite after a fall of ikS IlnehcH of rnln Id IS houra. Waahout* on hlRhwnya nnd tha Contral of Q (6 ^' 'isla railroad *-ere rejtorted. , ' , .>ew York (5et»-Itellet. “ '.T ..- I Ni:\V YORK. Ahb.‘ 11-^Now lYofk I and ncnrhy polnta on the Raatoni.ata-* ' bonrd ;ound..sbme relict from tholieiit ltndn>- after a.acvcce electrical ktorli^ which caiiaod Ihreo dentlia trnd con*-, aldcrnble'property damase. ' • •<?# Tho.(norm-J»na preceded by a d«r of fo|( nnd Intenim humidity whl^' hnnipered ablpplnt; (md caUjioti .nutsit. eroua proatrallona. Threo dciitha were due to llghtnlnf.- - Thoauanda of hi>m«*-wor»-flood*ft' In BrcKiklyn. Trolley aenrlce waa Jm>. jmlred nnd automobilea marooned.'..t » JJueh IWfifr In Chlcajro. ' —^ CiUCACO. AUK.'II—Cooilnif breaMB frtMn'tbe Canndlan plalna today .tfir llnved lho Great Uike region from..-ft three dny heal wove. ■,.' • Twentj-nlno deatha hare beea tC-- tributeO to tbe ae\-ere b9a t ... OvraersKpotiOT Is Now EstaMM^ .' syinuuevwe.- , .'.ff' WASHINGTON. Att*. -31—IftTettS'• jntlon by Uie fjedaral B«41o OomaOrf; ^ aioh tnto-the owtiarahip ,of,-ftM iOfjv KMTR. Loa ABWl*. aailatactlom-CoiaBtlsalQB6^aBtttiAe5h2 LafoOTl aaid.today.-:-.,. r • •yjiiS Tha Caltfortila BtaUea,.wM toCBM^n v; owned by C. C. Jn1UK.;»:Br(UsK-n5,^ je«. -wbo latar artdilfcto^htomttw^x^ yr«Blt. P. tioberty. ' lo -^tem|*rW «S« tbe Uw which doea:aot paruiltjitliia ^ (b'owvl breadcaatflir-atilldnC'^g'^^tK a Stibywtocntlj Uw OMftatortO ftig^ >a.-ainS^a«ns*MflaairaM tast^ (I’M brewnW ;K:.ttkJM d ..I L .. i . uj M W II

Transcript of VBEK TAKE TOLL - Twin Falls Public...

Page 1: VBEK TAKE TOLL - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · tariff aboutd tw lowertd. He prom- ... and a^cuaed o:«tnb«t?^or

VUU M . -XlLMBb^R U.>. . ' ■ ' ' . > ■ _ ' _ - __'_rWlN FA1>LSM1)A110V SAT( IU)AV.Ji£(jl^ST 11; ___ __ ■ * ^ _______1 _ _ _ ICjVF n'N 'I^

M i i f t i i c i i

W rm'm m /;. ■. • ’ • . m

3 t c i t <

M agn ificen t" Gather;inj U niversity ;atfr. P a lo ClfQice fo r l^residenl K now n the P rincip l

jH e Be Chosen to Hea N ovem ber.

' A ST.V N FO RJ) K T A p H :.M . Pii

i Inill d o w n l»y I lo rb i’rt. I lo o v c r . d o io . i i i j i i x n<‘cr])(aTic(< Kiii'cch <

' . r H.lifiliiiin iillilil'ffljiU''!':T iik in ic (Hrpvt iMiiu w ith fi<

n]>i)o;iunt, IIoovi>i' ili'(;|]it'i‘(l Rtriii . ronioment'lliWK n ix l iiroiiiiK cd i

____ H ctirc liin tf .invn.st1tfiilii)n tn d c l e r■ n o w ('XtKniiff. ’- Tlm ijoinlnoo took llio position tlim

(hcao opposo<l 10 pralilbltion mum rirAt cliiitiKO tlio oislitdunth ' nnrcnd

. innnL-4tr~Yi cotiBtltiilloiinl w uy l>o(on tboy^ ^an .tAinpcr w ith llio ' V olslc ji

' a c t . ' l l . l i tho M illio n IioJd by tlx .mont an lo n l dryo liko S cnntor Boral

.o f fdaho uml In dirocll)' opi»iO(V tc S.T,.lth:a c^m nntlon tl'iht th c Volntom

' A ct-e itn bo iuc<liriu(I io p c n n li imio o: l l tfht Winap nn_«U b^iw . . .' H oovar > 'cn't even fu rth e r llinn tin

pla tfo rm of tho pa rty . In nceoptlnt . . p ruhlhlllph nn tho kuuko of Uiitllc foi

I h o . prsBldonihil' clocllon. H u ' wot m oro (loflnliu i<:kurdlUK -fnnn rulloi

_ to o . ' Ho dill no l iL‘2nUiin th e moolcil , ( 'quulluillon too th c c ry of ih c vctonl• McNaryUluiiKBU ljlll..h iil ho nninunc-

cd hlmRoIf hlnmoir In riiw>r of n thrce-fo.til nK rlcultunil p rocn im fot

)iil of p rim ary ImiMrinnco. Mo pro* pdiiciJ”rifBir>ovHion of>xiR ti_n irnann ra io» lo Afford tlio fnrir.«r ndwjunte prc'.ccUDD. .iccomlly. dovclopmuni ol chciipor tronH portntlon fncllltlvH Iiy m o iifrn ltlng In land w ntcrwnyH par- (Icn lnrly <lio Mliit>lnHli>l>r nyntu'in. llfo

/a ron i~ l-a l< (in opcnint; of/ Jl shlpw ny frotn th e G rcnl Lakc» lo

. Ihp- A U antIc' Ocean, nnd. th ird ly , ro* ■ nrffan |zatlon of thn ninrkvtlnR nyHtam

IlDca. V ■ •' A R rlrn llnm l .Hrlii-f. •

, "T ho ' ircrklnK out of AKrlcuAiirnl roho f connlitntcn tho-m o«t Im portan t obltRntlon of tllo nex t ndirtlntatm -

. tb o , ' '- h o raid . "1 aUilid ptcilKcd for tli«*«6 propo*ab .'', ■

1- ' Aulilo trom i'thoso tw o th n jo r lasnea. . H oover n.ado* hln ponltUn c lim f' rc* ' tnriilnR o ltio r. Kovcrniii’cntnl probloma

In Cl orlK p. opli:rninm.-itle >«ylo.' Hla e n tire apooeli w as w ritten nronnd tho iP r t ■of- contlnuod pronpcrliy, duvclOp- monr~or~UHL_nnUon'n rw o u rc ta nnd lho cooituct o f ''S n I ( t5 5 n r r m m ir lo a m niinon dcxlitn'cd sole ly t o ,mnko lhl« M iaiir>'‘ n n /jrb camforliiblu p ia tu to, live In .’ '

H oo jo r announced , ho fnvored nn '-«xpi-ndlturO'Of a hllllon dollum In tbo n e x t fciir y ra r* for chenponed trnna- po rtayon . Irr iga tion . rcclnmatloTi. do- m M iIe w nter aupply. hydro-olocirlc pow er, public ro.idH nnd public hulld- iOKfl. *

Vleif* On Im raliontlon.' l i e definitely opponad (ho- na tlohal o r ls ln clnua* of. lho Itm ilKraU oa n e t and declarod blm aelf in fftvor c f Ihe prMCQt 'Im m lsra tion ' quota xyntem.

'H o 'a e o ffe d a t auRsoattona th a t tho ta r i f f aboutd tw low ertd . H e prom- iw d to-coadncrt *«n bonoU cam patim In w hich '« re ry penny would bo ac­counted for. H o placJKOd' M maalf to th o protecU on o f trad e unlotia,-‘ an- doralOR tbft prinelp te o f collective haTKalnln* and pro tdalaR to w ork fo r lbe e o rta llm cn l of tbe uao of In- Jiinctlona In labo r -dU pulea. He

• p ro n lae d hualDOas . ilie de rc lopm eot o f be lp tn l r d a t lo o i w tu th e - K t r m -

• - .de n o u n ce d . cQrr>ij«ioD in and a^cuaed o:«tnb«t?^or

T b o U r> n it! c i1 '‘»>aHIea' of'TiBTtiir'baBTi ie»pooalb)ft.,fo r re c e n t acandala in f e d o n i , ^ t o a n d . m unic ipa l affaira. H e ursMT ttaai tbe K orem m enl tako a deep 'lD lerM ^ la child health .

F o re ifB re la tlona abonid bo .c o n ­ducted, b a raaid. U> u n n adequate

*p repa r«dB nf fo r defpnao a ad to pro- . ..m o te - iO o d ljr lU .an d j>e*ca.w nO D r.ia? • a ip a a .. Iho 'B O p ilnea .p lod jied blm aelf

u T m l c forU ier U nn ta lloa of- a r a a - — mc u i i > iii uBH f nimiM i- m d ig tw y ■ t i n t a w n a u u n i l i a - r^ tBaga - n a a iir

(o 'e o ta rW h a U aajnit of Natlona.* H M Ti r. ' tPQ.- n a a n ' cl w r i h i t t ty

, (C oa tlsocd ' oa p s c t 71q })' . .

4|;. -----

iF m s

e s Pov m mZ in S ta d iu m ; S tanford A ltp ■ H ears R epublican

k o f U nited S ta tes M ake es a n d P r o ^ a m Should id T his'G overnm ent N ext

lo A lio , f .'n lif.. A u k 11.— A *io»c d r y

till* H ii|iiib licH n i>r3-Hl(loiiliiil ciiiiiH- li- livo ri‘d_ .todny in l l i o ' vnM fix itiia ll

IV. A ir i 't 'd K. ,'^nntli. Iiix D i'n io cru tio ijrly iinuiiiHl n liy in o d irii-n tio n o f .o ii- r (‘lo irli 'd ]ir(>Hid(‘iit to uiiliHtitnk* n niiiiL- melliHilH f o r > o r i-ci;tiim-iibiisoH

l«-------------------— ^ -----Tto 'ANGELES OFFICER

, . arvBN A villa rifleS y -traiu il ;pr*lf

1 .09 a'nGULKS, Aub. i l - A «iwtrd oft~3(}v30_CBlilirx rino..aaiil-to~-]i&v'A b«en cftrrl'ed by llio famouK Moxican’ hiindii. l’aneho Vllln waa p rc>«nlod

l.nciui of the l,,ofl Aneclon nullcu hy CapL AV. D, Orflct, formcir chief of jw- llco of ni Piiao.■ Tho rlflo wna Riven to (^nptfiln Orcot

>?y th e E ovurnor-of Chlhuninun iiffor Vlllu WIIB uhot to ilciilh, ll WUH (inlil.

' .SAI.KSSL1> TO i;SE m V K H r v a iu d r n t a — .

tl'e_trnv<>l|nK_wilc»mniv_lan o w l a k i n k t o t h o n l r . ' A l o c u l H h n o c o n i p n n y l>nn b o u i ih i a t l i r ^ o - p o a a o n - K o r M p l n n o f n r I U c h n r < | . . W h l l t n a n . W h i t i iM n w i l l / l o n i l h l » naiT .pU-A i n t o .iil(ti*lim.o.ftniLfaiLJioin_cliiaQ.ciii-

Lasf)Mincite . [For Dctify Tl


I IK M C O C I T V . Aiitf, o n a n(in*KtA|> f l i l i i l to irn v n m

noiinoP il o f ric in lly .: T iin H(urV.Vvni K ir rm - lm d bl;l;lL-W^Litin^:•f«^r-wo^‘k

A liliilH* lii-lii!Vi‘d to ln« F i o r r o ' I n n H | j i l . ‘ , n t I I :4.'» u . i n . , i i W e s t o n

' ' . ; BELIEVED-TO BlT O IiK h O . O;.. A u i 11— -Mw. S

Stiirki'-lH, ;f-J. 'u \Yorld Iw nr v p te rn n tn d iiy in w b u l ’poliiMj <I;'sc-ribi'd ns T lio bodicH iivrri' fiiiind h u d d le d t< n hoiisi* u n d e r couMiniclion. Tlii w h u lo iv to t l i i 'i r rciidi'ZvoiiH o£ cliv

favorable trade BWW A S H IN a T O N , AllK. 11— Thi

r d tm ln v n U n ite d StiitcR fa v o ra j f o r th e f in t t h n lf o f 1928. o r $4!>.9. o f 1927. .MorcliondJMc e x p o r ta f n KIVC. w e re $ 2 , : J 7 7 . r > :{ 2 ;8 4 8 , n n d im p b

' ASSA INATIOir PL< • JCBXTCO C IT Y . Attjr.* 11-^31

ao iiK ht in c o n n fc tio ii w ith th o o m i Kon. a r e ] iid iii); h e re , n p o lic c am D ount^cm ont w n m b d n il pcrK ona ^ Ilc f^ed to h n v o iriy en ' .lo se d e \L < O brcR on , H i u i 'B h o t . ' .


to n iA t i o n a i - t r a r k n n d f ie ld n irct-^ e v e n ts 10 Kix tcHlay, b c fc ro a c ro \ •a ll.s tn r jra t l i f r in tr . w i th t tp m b e m c to s t iiiK (‘Ounti*ii'.<i f o rm in c U )^ t e u

:___ l..SEAPtA5B>ILQTjuiES I IA M I. n « . . A t i r . 31— A r t l

. lW I > ^ > A a w n ^ r .- 'irh t> r tra c t- iiw T r hUnhe labrrirft ftai

d n y n o r ih o f A n d ro » - ia Ia n d .’> a h o r N ojumu m UI lo i l n y .. A . .b . L iE a i^ 31 o n a . r o u g h M t , U ie ;m e s u g « * M i^

. H i ’’.' ■• "T'.......

rm M

i l c i e s


STORY F i mD a i l y P r o d u c t i o n 3 , 5 0 0 ' . a

a f T e n T h o u s d h d .

rii'ti-linicl .I>r*>t<H (ctdrt)- imhtlHhi"! nn Inti-fTloiT n lih H enry Fnril ih nh lc h Ihl* nuliimiililli' mnntifnM ur- iT. IS' iiuiitt'd KK ilenyliiir n 'p iirl*

_ lh a t hi; iniiHt_)i|"ii jh>”^'Lhl'< p innt - xinirrp-dpiiJijij hlS iinf'iho 'ili'ro illir- mtiMlp. -•••-■

." O n r dnily production la nnw n.GOO,'. l-'ord ia uuoiod iw tollln{t Uio Proim corroapondpnt. “a lthnueh oae-lh ird ol o u r cnpaclty la a lill a p flled tn ih< ■manUfnclurc of pnrtH fo r 'lh ii old c a r

“Our production la 'incrcnalnR ernil- uallyi.by. BDTOrnl liundtoil 'a .d n ii^ O u j D rfllonl KoW inO.OOO dnily. I nm on: t i r o lf notlaflod w ith llio wny thln;:iinrfl fffllKf lip tn nnw/ '■ "T aW A K iinT m l !?IW'. InL-ihntiluil flp- o rtnlona hud to bo chnnROil when llo roilealf;no<i hln brako nyatcin nn lIic now c ar. • ..• "T he orlRlnal doalsn wna moro thun

nd t-anale ,? . ro rd anld. ".hut I 'm Kinil wo m ade.tlio clionso hrcnuao wo nnw hnve tw o Inilop^ndrni hniklnR nya- lenia."

- u r o i :n > . i i u r . i * u o .M i - c o M U .\y __SAN PRA.S-CI8C0,' Au(f. ' l l . - T h o

priUfcTJllim cifTZalirarnift Corporation today nppllod to the Stato ''R nIIro:id Commiaalon for pcfmlaaion to buy tho Novndn. Ciillfornin nnd Oregon . ^ l i ' ; choniU incL T olegrn jhJw nipnny. J i j g —

News Fidshes Imes / Redd^tsHAV A N A BY A IR .

e d P r e s s . ' • ■ , ■)t. I lobcrto P ic rro 'Iobk o ff Hi*Vret- I 'n t r.:ir> n. in. loilny, it \nm an- 8*iuadii, from VnUuu'Mii n irdronuv4-fop fjODd Mi*uthcr.--------- ^» jinsHtfd o v e r C nn ipec lio , iti Yni*i\. I) Ifnion nic.K.'uiirt; Knld. .

a eyi(OTE PA of ■}ophi>-'N'wiliort, 27. nnd 'Wjillucn , Kliot n iid 'l{ illcd 'th i‘niwlvi'.>j lion* tbo fillfillinriU o f u miicide im ci.

jjip ihcr on thc* linK(*rMi*ut Hlnim-of- } omlplu had ernwli>d tbnHlKli u nlh. •

jA ^ O E FO R UNOLE S A U1! CoM imerco-Department mmounc- i)l(»-trndc bnlnncc o f $20n,l(X),:i.'>2 S2,2i>:{ more* th a a in the f i n t h a lf >tit .Tnnnar\* 1 to Ju n e iuclu- r ts w c ro J2 ,084.432,491}.

OXTERS m m D IN O[nnui>r T ro jo dnd VTnah Jim iiioz, iksination of Prcn idcnt-tlect Obre- iiouncotneni aaid today . Tbe aii- (Oinxt KcerctiuR tbeio. T rejo, mim ;on T pral tb e piatol witl^ whtoh

i r g n iT m ! T " 'V '»a..A uR:-U —A m eriea won h e r in- w i th 't l i e n r itia b cnnrir»'_by n ine rd o f 41,000 pcnioiui.. {t 'fra.*! aii if , tb ft-O lj'm p i^ team a o f th e con-

yA B H T irtlK T C R R fth 'll f t f l .V_______ig? B oUiwd. • pll()t..''> n d Oordon. H f l a i i r j r m a i ^ T a n o .a m e e 't h e rat~ T liw d tf)SVw»j i o y w ou»ir y w t er t i n w a g e to T l^ i c a l R ^ iO

, A . ,» i

S OF \

I ^-------

High Lights Hoover’i Republican. Presii

B y U n it• .S T A N W R D K rA I‘) l l 'M . 1‘AIii

lie rt. l l n o v itr .- tJ ii‘ J{L‘piil'Hi.’iiii p rijsi “ O n r |irn})l(>nis o f tin- pn.sl ki

ro i 'o n -s tru .'l im i; o i i r p n tb l i -n H 'u f j^ n 'ic t io i i .”

^ ^ ^ • ^ - 7 !M .n - r M - n i i - h o h ,‘MTW»n.pn lii’i-n u iili 'd fo r. l r Khali bi- a InK lo i'o iiv i'y o u r m cnn iin f, no i In liii’

‘. 'T b i - |nioi-limisL' i i v n n isb in ff 'i

• . “ At- OIII' tiTno Wl* ib 'n n iiid i’i t T T o d n y wi- d c 'iii :n n r la r« c r 'i - o tn f o r t a n il li- isu rc ."

"T il-- i«-s| o f liiisinesK J-H no l 1 ]ji-iii>ui:KL. (;tmi|i<‘t i l io n , w h i’lb i’r ib w b i-tb i-r tl»<-ri‘ ik iiiti*>;i-ily n m l lisiv

..“ (•nvcriin ic 'iil '^ ivc iik iiu i tbt- .in d iit ilito iL ’ ' . . ' •

. “ T Ih t .- iiiiisl li.' Ill) iiliu‘1* fn n .-

____ '.■.Kni'i'd .I'royri-.-is, iiuii:i:ht.s_UlKTTueti'd i - b i ld r i ' i i . '’

" A p iv i 'r i i in i’iit. ib u t iIjii' h m il idi'O ls Ilf i i s y iiiiiii ; iiii-ri n n d w om on jM'oph* hnv o n r ic l i l to rx jic i-t n n d

“ O n r fori*i(:ii p o lic y b n s o n e p

“ WV b n v e n o bntcK ; w e w ish n o in il iiJ iry thn-nt.H ."

•“ A n r i in v i ' f e w e r m ri^ -in arm } polii-p n n ifo n u M .”

■‘ I niTiilt t o s e r o u r p o v e n in icn i n sy m b o l o f th e n n t in n ’s j jr e h tn e s

— ^ W e - ih t m t d i r c e t econom ic ' p K piritnA l'*prD (froi8t;'’ .

, '*C ftir p a r ty p la tf o rm d e a U m/i o u r n n t i n h ia tioC a n oR jrlom ern tinn o f d jT jn in n s ^ o r a u t^ t i c a . ' , I l la c h i ld r e n .* ' * .

“ H v e r y n u n hM . th e r i i r t i t t- S tA tc* bi i dik^c f a ^ h im . w1»«aiiuie t h e B i> n i^ io « n p a r t y Kai n e a r ly e ig h t yenr*.** . • ,-> r

- **Ev»r v '^ m a n hitB the n a h t t h e r . n u n 'a - jo b , b e r hopca, b e r ha{i .th& con tin u aD C e o f 'th e .B e p b W f A h ''

..... -----------------


p f■ ■


l l i p ' ■

'• ■ 's i i i ’''

!K ^flC '' '■


s Acceptance Sjieei:h dential Nomineeicd l i r e s a .0 A L T t> . ( :a l ;, A u t'. 11— .Ki>1lowiii«

id c u lia L .iio m ii ic c j______ _________-___i-vi'ii yca'rH liave_ b e e n iirolileniiS -ol ll je r^ltu^•.• a n - 'p ro l i le m H '/o f rou-

iitfn-M‘-^vi'.V 'P‘*niiy—w ilU in -p i ib U u h . i‘ c a i i ip a in iK '‘ W e .shall iisu- w<»rd; l e i l . ” -

fn n n ns'.”

u r liiir workei-M n fn ll d in ii i- r p a iL a n d t i-i’a t e r p a r t i i 'i i ia l io u in lift

il>i s iz e .* -th e te s i i« w lie lb e r ' Ib e n lei-e is f re e i io n i ^ ro n i d o in in i itio n riilui'M.'^ o f ]iu rp (i« e ." —‘ _

Hiin'etit llui.( i l s in t . ' i f r i ly is rv e i

•yniiusjiu _in tb e e re e d o f .\nioriL ’n .”

I'oil. Ih c f e i’t o f lie ji l t l iy _ a i id _ iu i

I 'o u s tn n t ly w T lc ' t i r l i v e u p In th e1 fnllH s b o r l o f w lin l lb e A n ie rii-a n 1 d e m a n il f ro m i t . ”

ir in inr? ’ o h jc e li^ .a n d ’ tb n t i« p c n c e .”

no* f u r t h e r posseK ions; wir b n r b o r

y u n if o r m lodn .v th n n w e h n v e iu

t tf re n l h o th aH a n iu a ln im c n t n n d a . ” •

iro g rcM .‘i n s u p p o r t o f m o ra l a n d

Vinly w ith r c o n o m ib p ro lile n w , b u t o f ra iI ro n d lC o C « h 'ip « .'o E f a r to r iM , a lu it io n o f m e n , o f TTQtncn, o f

o ’a a k oC u a w h e t h e r , th e ' U n itw lG o y lfe - g i cTl t t i n a n J w i l y i l v^- i ics c o n d u c te d t^ e - . f f o v e m m e n t . f o r

t o a a k w h e tK e H ie r U f t f . h e r h o m e . >pinpaa, vriU b e h e t t i r a a a u m O i r 'p a r t y In P dV rtr .'" . . ' j • ^

■ ............................. ♦'"<


MOSES SPEAK5C hairm an of Notificatioj

-----Committee-&rief~in—H is-. A ddress tQ_Nomingo.—^

, S}' United rraaa.ST A M AIII) ST,U»U . r, IMI.II

.U.'I'(». I'alliM Aiiu'. 11 ,1 anili-d and enthn-^lnsllc •l{i'|>iitillnui |inr*1} U cn lerln v llu- ....................... .ili-i' the . Ii-niler>lilp of (|i-rlii-rl- llim uT n lll l Villi niiii’iileiiii- iif

•v lito rj , Suanliir liirirui- il. .linsfn . ‘ ,tiilil the niiinliii'i- h>-ri' lodii).

Sennlor .Uosi-s eh iilnaaii m’ lln- . nnlJi'Imlliin (-■iuimltli'i>.i>r Hn- Ke.

pu lillran iinlliiiiiil i-nmnillii-i-. nf. firliilly Infiihnrd 'i liiin er ul tliU se lrrlliin n x l h r inirty’-; canill. dn te fo r iliiv prcslijcnr} .

___ I lm jii ii lfk a llu a ■ .n-rriuuul-jii-WLf!. Iii-ld In .Stanri>rd rnolliiill iilatliiini

jiitrlipd with 11 thriiiii; of lliioi-rr imp liorterH,- r r .ini Ciilirnrnja ninl, ..ihoi

."V n n r li.'Iccrtiiin wim niinlc w llli ; unnnlmliy niivt-r -iK'fnri' xi'i'ii whin thlu Krcut p rir i' hi m ir • jinlilUr llf< him liuoa In coiiti-Hi," Si-naiur .Mohu> told ilin. nomlpb•^ -*

" In thiH I'iiKiird llie eonvi'ni’loii nC' :uraiuly..rufluctL-il iliii dcHlruH <if Iii qverw^iclntliiK prcpnndftr»nc<: of ite pubiicaiiH w ho woro mil to hu denlc* In tho lr purpoao to cnm m ll (iur .canii< lo you r haoda. . > i.

"Tlio convonilon which K uw -iu yoi '.he nom ination now olflc lally iinv iontod,.alMo fonnuln ind u ducliirutloi

jf-'PrlnclpIos.-w hlH i-'eoiiH tK uli-H tin

)Vhnl I’la tfn n n ro n tn lii i •;ln o n r p lutfnrni wilt hi< fmind ii

rcili-ralliin o f, thOHi- fiindunleillulii >f »opuljlk-nn policy which an- ira- .lllltmiil.' - . ^ .

•'\THh ■ clinnRlat; rondlllonH; mir ja riy . nlwnya fli'x lhlc nnd rimponHlvf' U) tlio cxpuiidhiK nccd il'o f lliv nlnu- ry. haa ^^mliarkod upmi th e Rreat

jn iL JlM lraL In-riifnm ia .iililttli nmy ,liu icconipllaliod-w lthiii tliu llm^la of lliu ?onatttiitifln~an<l‘ wit7itn"itii^fif(ipc-“ ot loiind economic law .

" in ou r prcBCnl .pla tfo rm wo iiffcr o Ilio coun try Ihonu propoNola which A-<1 b fllcvr rnnponHlvp In Ihu n-al

•lerrta-of -thc-peopli! nnd to w h k h wi>aui'o ih e -p e o p lc wHl)—jirw lm -e-a

'avornhiu reaction.■'The a p lrlt o r i.u r p latform U un-

nlaliikuhlo. nncl It »prlng» f ro m '» ilt •ocord ot tn llh KcpL ihrouptiout, Ihe ■htiro p rrtod of ou r p tiriy hlntory. .'hia Hplrlt. a ir. you. pi-raonlfy.

•'W'o know Jhat in ' your li'nUorshlp 4jla ap lrlt w ill vnllKhtcn nnd enkln- llo tho <;o-opemtlon riot on ly of the ;ren l p a rty which haa thua aoucht -on ou t. b u l tlm t It will enci-nder thii 'im irndcahtp of (hn l o the r Kreat body

(C oalloued c>n P ace Two)* '


By O a lu a Tr»»a-AIJJA N V . N. V.. A us. 11—gome-

w hat w earied l>y ninr>> th a n l.COO niil<-» of trnvel In .16 honra, Cov. Al- fri-d K. Sn-lth. D em ochitic pri-T-Mcn- tia l eaodld.iti*. nrrlvi-d a t A lbany «lionl>- lii-fore 7 o 'clock th ia tLom ins from hln tr ip I* a i l r . i c o fo r th«« fun­era l o t O eoree H Urennnn.

K e drove to th e executive manalon lo real, nnd m id h e would no t be availab le u n lll la le tb la n flertioon. If a t a ll. I- pollileal Rliuafiona were prac tically forso iien by tb ^ R ovrm or whllo cn the tr ip , b u l h e w aa no l allow ed to fo recl lh a i ho la n prea identiai can­didate by tho cm w dx In C hicaco and h i aci'eral o f th e m o re ' im portan t citiea a ions hia rooie.

Sm ith made, an tmexpeclW l appear- ■uke* a t C lereU nd ; Ohio, iaiii n ieb t. w hen aevaraJ him d^ed pernons. crcnrd'- ^gr^ a n r T i T a -B tr.- w n i«> T ir'e fan> r h a i. h e 'd fK i 'u d w tlo n iiB a la llo n 'p la t- form and ^ o o k banda v R h well w isb e n u .. ', '

IB IS n A T H tB ^ S (U T H E R .

DIJBU.V; A tn r f l l - 7»tore th a a ?*Oft o f Ire laod 'a a th le iie and aportinic chll- d ren . w a h r o f whCTV h j y t . n w f 6 ^ r e ae«B th e '» r * fn land o r th t f r ex trac­tion .', ratharwd h a r* 'to d a y tm t ( *11 p a r t t i l f - th o -w o r id .fo r - th e badBOlAi

Oiympica, • . .

V u rtsu « sd «IsUkM t|

TOLLii9?E0Pm !| iSAMlNi:_!£n_rt3LKillad.and M illions of j Dollars D am age D one in

Several Sections of Coun-• liy ; Tropical Gale Now

W earing h se lf .O u t- in Southern Georgid,

Uy Vaitvd P re ii. .................... i- irrlrlr iil s jn ra is,h .n i j rninx. fm- and Iieni i»>«k u »liles|.re;iil lr>l| In Jive- and p ro p - .

. i-rl) dniaiiK f'in Jlie liist few-t&iytu A|i|irii\Imiilt-ly tl) ll ie s iie re li»>t

and pn.Ni-rly duiniii;..' mii la in ihe iiillll<iii>..

' laiilli' e.iiist and" frnm Horiclh lii • '.III.' t i i i i r . i f .s r .U n re .ii- , . . ' •

' III.' ,i^ri':tii.M iliLtii,ni.-i:, ffii;', ilnn r x v - , liiin ir;in i. ntid llooiM ii l-'hirldn. w hero * III.' vviiii o!iilniiitvd a i.n io re ihnn

• $;;,nin),IHIII.iJiTirKlii wail h it ) iy ’(landa.The iiildillu Wont • and ^Jorlhw eal .

Kiiffcrcd Inlcnaoly from llie heal, lo : .which 2!» deiiiha w ore a tlr ib u ted . . .'' T hree dcalha from H ehtn lns ntid ' : nniny hcai-proaim tiona w o re -re co rd ^‘ 111 .Vew-,York.. ' ’ . • .’ IliMvy.foK iilonc the aoatHiard inloK - ; ,(i-riil'w llli HhlppInK In .Now Y ork. Boa- ■' Ida, Montrt-fll nnd o the r port*.

T lren iy peraona'w eri! in jured neoir Ainalisrdiim.:N\;,Y;,-_wbea-i1irtaa*-'r«MB;--

Tl.lMiUfd on tlio .Sew Y ork C entral r a f t - . mini. , - .

IVoin .Moiurcnl th n ie xipomera'. lijn ' A hlebitnin. inni-rton and IlllnKHWorth

wore reported to iiave jmne n g ^ u n d .10 inlirn dow n, the- Sl. U iw rcaca.’ - bloeklni; llio rhnnni-l. Ocean' nnllliitjl fi'oni .M ontreal w epi delayed.’ . .!

.‘*tn-nm< Overf!ow In .Snut!:.. AT1.ANTA, Gii,. Aue. I I —A~~.wlD-? ■ Ttnd r a iii' aiurm , i iinim it t .-nr I h f l , . m - -liln liiirrlfani*.’ wnw Hweenlrie h aelt in.-J:- to lhc A llnnili,-.'today nfler cilualiilt dau iace to -p ro p erty and cropa ncroaa^j tuiuihern nnd ' inMdic GeorRlii and ' caHlurn Smith Carc}llnn. . ■, Sironm a wore, n l flpod i|ta(?o In cen'- '*'

in il liro rc la . — N enr-A «K natn .-an .rth (n irlm l rrach--:^

eil a lijsh veloeiiy nnd treea w ero top-' pled, rotlacrA dnninxed nod tclbphono j

Five peraona w are reported injure«l I when housca w ere W recked... .-

Al M.icon. Git., lho Ocniulgeo r lv ir iwH/i n t flood Htnite a fte r a fa ll o f ikS IlnehcH of rnln Id IS houra. W aahout* on hlRhwnya nnd th a C ontral of Q ( 6 ^ '

'isla ra ilroad *-ere rejtorted. , ', .>ew Y ork (5et»-Itellet. “ ' . T . . - I Ni:\V YORK. Ahb.‘ 11-^Now lYofk I and ncnrhy polnta on th e R aatoni.ata-*' bonrd ;ound..sbme re lic t from th o lie ii t ltndn>- a fte r a .acv cce e lec trica l k to rli^

which caiiaod Ihreo dentlia trnd con*-, a ld crnb le 'p ro perty dam ase . ' • •<?#

T ho.(norm -J»na preceded by a d « r o f fo|( nnd Intenim hum idity w h l^ ' hnnipered ablpplnt; (md caUjioti .nutsit. eroua proatra llona. —

T hreo dciitha w ere due to llg h tn ln f.- - T hoauanda o f hi>m «*-wor»-flood*ft' In BrcKiklyn. T ro lley aenrlce w aa Jm>. jmlred nnd autom obilea m aro on ed .'..t »

JJueh IW fifr In Chlcajro. ' — ^ CiUCACO. AUK.'II—Cooilnif breaMB

frtM n'tbe Canndlan p la lna today .tfir llnved lh o G reat U ike region from ..-ft th ree dny h e a l wove. ■,.'• T w entj-n lno deatha h a re be ea tC--

tributeO to tb e ae\-ere b 9a t ...

OvraersKpotiOT Is Now E sta M M ^

. ' ■ s y i n u u e v w e . - , . ' . f f ' WASHINGTON. Att*. -31—IftT e ttS '•

jn tlo n by Uie fjed a ra l B«41o O om aO rf; aioh tn to - th e ow tiarahip ,o f ,- f tM iO f jv KMTR. Loa A B W l*.

aailatactlom-CoiaBtlsalQB6^aBtttiAe5h2 LafoOTl a a id .to d a y .- :- .,. r • • y j i i S

T ha C altfortila BtaUea,.wM toCBM^n v; ow ned by C. C. Jn1UK.;»:Br(UsK-n5,^ j e « . -wbo la ta r a r td i l f c to ^ h to m t t w ^ x ^ yr«B lt. P . tiobe rty . ' lo -^ te m |* r W « S « tb e U w w hich d o e a :a o t p a ru il tji t l i i a ^ (b 'ow vl breadcaatflir-atilldnC'^g'^ tK a

Stibyw tocntlj Uw OMftato r tO f t ig ^

> a . - a i n S ^ a « n s * M f l a a i r a Mt a s t ^ (I’M b r e w n W ; K : . t t k J M d

..I L . . i.u j M W I I

Page 2: VBEK TAKE TOLL - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · tariff aboutd tw lowertd. He prom- ... and a^cuaed o:«tnb«t?^or

. ■ . /. ■ ' '

T -'-. . . • " -'- -'PIQE TWO '_______ ■ .

S0Qil- : ■ ' E t

Efigagenient Ar- F r id a y M o

P a r r o t t - ? j - o c t o r - E n tra .c rc m o n t o f I n t e r e s t _ U ) _ T \ v i n . F a l l a s

a n 3 K i m b e r l y F r i e n d s ,

.AuKOuncInc Dm •'iiuiiiioiiA'iit nf h e r a l d m duilRtiliT, IMliu * l.fiini!l>nrroU of Tw in F;.IIh. I.* .Mr. H . Mil- Ic r 1‘f o r u r . »x)ii nf Mr. iiii<l Mrw, S. M.. J f rw to r-o rK li iilK rly . .Mrtt. HoNuri A i-I*« rron iiroH lileirjii u liitiiitlViilly

o t r Mn;. J)lL'lioyn IMrly ilmiM- cm N inth avoniio .-ant. Mlmr I 'iirrn il. a f^ ld t is to or lll« lIlllVlTKlly of IlIIllKI. «ra« tt n inw livr' n t hint j'f.'ic'fl Jun ior h l fh school t.'iciiJry hrn-,

O ucsU wor(; ^crvt■ll ut nliie^ sii.nM Uvl'lc^j. cucU“ ‘i.r ' wlilcli will- fcn t'T od Wflli A ImHkc-l Ilf ;iwooi iM'ar. Iii. pnsift Ithnilcii ' cnnililiK'ci wlili uvimoiililln. P in k und. yollnu- tninily UaHkctH ntui liliLcif cnxdH L'iiiif|>linaRkntA of Hwuot. |>K\n ,l\nil wtchc'TV of .Idiiilliill' in [link ■ amlJ vMltiw .w«*rc ■ a rtls tlen lly T n in u iir iim iin im iy nitinn*

'M uilcxii noIi-vJlrii)!}, citintHtlnK '*( vocal Hrios Iiy .li licit CiwirKlu ‘SIcMaK- .to r nnd-vl«Hh nclcctloiin \rr Miss IM - o n Pnri'ni't. itlKtur n f tfm lioaor)-)-. cn. icrlnlnoi) llie k iic sis Ijcbvt-i'ti c n iir pij- . A t tlin iiii|iro|iriiilc‘ llm c I'ucii kiii-hI witit jirn tc iiii'd w llli » itulnly iforfni;!) tio lt w tth idiil: and yollnw imilii Btronmfrsi, In iho licai'i nf wiiicli wtu- 'bidduii a HiiiJill n in l ' iiiitKJiincliit; Ihr oncnfivm cnt. ______

Milsical L-uneheori, „__ChaiTning Courtesy

Prom lnenl'um nul.- ilir m nny r l r v r r l ' arr«nKC<f' conncKlpn .'nr ■minmUT vl - I tem ,In T w In KallH wan lliP liinclno 'i

w bjch ' J . A. D.vucri .on iortfiln i''’ fo r h e r IwuillO RUW t,Mrn. W . O. Dari-' o f Snn, Prnncjuco, \V«'iliic:'dav aticir noon n i'M ra . n irkc^ -V 'P .ir iy iionKo-. '

Gar.don flo^s'trii conijjrlaod thn dPf oration»'-'for lho cmiill luttloii nt w lik ’ luoclifoii-ivflji jervBiJ. lo <Ji» sJxH'cr xuosts.' • nni} ’Ja** bofmnctii woro tli< Bff«cUvo lioUHfv' trlm n.

KolIowInK liinclicon a ninui InliTCiO InK. uinHlcitl sim crnm wni> iirotipilioil. l>.' Mrfl. W.-A- Tliompiion. vlnllnlHi; Mn A. F . Qolund. nnt}-Hhi.-Kn ink Slnck t.‘

__________ W STO N SF in ished to S iz e •

S T E P . 'K E N

T o m o r r o w - M o n d a y

I V l a t i r i e e ' - E v e n i n g

l O C A J T O g Q c

C O L L & E . N


C olor A r t Classic •L 'A ra S T P A T H S N E W S I ;

• O rphcw n O jc b c s tra '

o S o o o D o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o w

7 5 c ; : P A R K H

. H a lf r r ic d O h ic k c n -w ith T B oS S T E fS T ’SnSSfT snrS

C ream ed C liickca W ith » P i » - H o t E o lU -C o e k ta il-

- •. ___________ g f t t nnf! Gr>!d60 O E ir r LUNCESC

‘ ■ A n E xpepoB t D innerP h o n e . 4 S 4 - T ^ P a r f e H o t e l e o o e o o o o o o o Q O O o o o o o o Q o o o o o c

I T Y A iiited by Jean ‘Dinkelacki

mounced At 'rriirig Breakfast;>........... ......................

Twill KijJlH. yi)i-al)j.;lfi; ,Mi:;i. J'lnrtmc'^ X r l i 'h i iil 'd <.r iClnilxTly.vdCJilim.H. anil m ivcHy'iiiinilif'rii on ill- iiuiiitli orKaii by .Mr». I'l. 11. Ilarm-ti..

M enibers o f W orth .. W hile C lub M eet

iV io r .S'KwiiiTiii'onUTliilncil iliu iiinnlMT,. Cn-i-k W nrlli Wlilli;

•e lMl.~ ,'n i i - r Iinlll.- I'llin.’?ll.l> .Itl'l l i iiiiiii: H l.'ftorlral Pv'i'ijls nf .Ailtfiwi .w on ' Uic la tfrfM lnK I 'lirn 'n i <.'vriiiH n-siitiml<-d In Iiy 17 iiicMibcAM, Mr;>- M. I.. HIII. J . K. m n . Mn;, OM .McK<'.> and.'.Mrs. .;1<il>i'rl Unisc. Hr., w ere iiiii.'i't's, 1C, m il oiitoViaini-il ih>. cliib w ltli .a mini- H T nf IntorL-'silnj: iT»dlui:i; and nliiiio 'nliiH, Mni. Ifiilii'il IJroi.1' al«o «ayi.' a vocal i r ln . .Mri*. <ii-iir;:i- C iuck 'tl n ;-

-•iulvtul—U M —ju'4;u>~4tiid—MrM.—Muuiuui U irxoji, ‘ cfitKoJatldK, Jfl II A'Kf.'s^/ns ;»iUi-. •riio r l i i ii w ill msaln mi'i't An- JUst a i tiK- linim rrir-M rn; Kd Dnri;- riiK.'. .Sr.. w ith Mrs, .Viira Wlllht and .\lrK. JCil D mnmiif, J r . . a« lio;.lf.HSf:i.

W aterm elon -P ien ie P la n of.Lerid-a-H and

Mrit. I'*ird M.. Kills w as lioK ti'w 'tolln- ......................... r i 'l 'l a y ’ nO'-r-noijii. Mrn. MarKill’rIli! M rr. J.A. -W'. NnM.V Miv.. AV. A. Crtwnnil. Mrn. W. .\l. Wnl(i;ra iiml Mlnii Iliilli Maw- 'oy wcro Kiiii:»lH- of tint rlu li. A flcr 111' litiNlnoiiii I'liKlon llio clnh ruiioat*

od.llii> 'c liili iniittn und tlfc a f ir riio n ir ii i\rO'.rrnin To ^h^«. Clvdo I’ofl'.

'm : a i'ii lH T s cavi* an •liiHTrc.-llhi' TOJr i n lho luiliji'.ct, “'flhlld nollntjiiiMicyt" \ iiiinihcr o f liUorohilriK ciinti'ntn i-oin-

- i >.tu.i . i ii» uti.,rn0 iiu:^ iiitftTifilfiriu j t l . .{crn-iilim<'ni« sorvccl hy ilii< i()Hl(‘«.H. ,affil«!cd. hy M m .jK eo .. Mins '{•■ll'n KIllH iiikV Mliiri Iliilh llifu lcy . rh n Lnnd‘ii-lU |iil c lnb w ill hnvo n >at(!rmidoii iilcnk Snnduy. A ncuni 26. nnlond of ilic rojsnlar liuidncss mcot- nK. . • —

# * • L..___

M.i-e. S ti'obeck IsH o s te s s .a t Pavty'

H onnrlne. licr nliico. .MIhh K ilo K riic- .•nr o f 1/JH Auuolen. Calif., iind Mlnmit

d a larffo m iinhi'r oT (ricndn Monday ift<.Tnooii a i hor hn in t' on Third -.nvi;- r.in oa-il. The roniiiH w oro dPcnnilrd, v lth a ltn ir tlv c 'linii(|ii<-iH of nilxod 'Inwoni. Tin- hnupH w en ' » |ifn l o.x- ;hnriKJnff rc 'm liiJ w n c w nnd Jfift' i;i hv tifirriionn llto hnxtoiiK iiorvrd do- Iclous refronhiuonlM. a fle r wlilch. In io r iiKiCal uloiiiilnR m an n er nnd wltU n >w w oll .-linHon wonlii. Mr:'. S im hn-k •rcBontoil oaHi honor i:iUJiit w ltli a 'OiiiitUul icll). .MlHii KriK'Kor ro ltirn rd

TTiiirR(1ay'tn~Iyiri A'nsrlo*^

Honors Sister A tBirthday Dinnei’.j

In linnnr nf h e r iil:i:or. Nfrs. l.aiii'.i! ••nijiJt'r, »!»>»/> WrlJiilav ll wax. Mr* I ■ ‘ II. Koi-ry oiilc'rtalnoi'l al o frloij;

a i im iii'T !M:iT.- t h■ :;o3ru := -; nt won- Mr. and .Mnn i:i <>r»:r-• \V, ■ i.indor and fam ily nf Ixi; AnKcU->: !r. aniT .Mrs! W alK T'T rxiley and faiii-

•’.y r>f. (JarvlK. O n-.; Mr. and .Mrft._ J.., Hchwinn- .ind fam ily of Jornm o;

. [r. and M r^ K. IL K erry. n«.J Koliort tnnftinl o f Ihf* Salm on tn ic i. nnd M r.' ml M rt. W, K erry of Tw in Fullv

* * * ;

B U H L S O C IE T Y 1Jiiinayslilc-Siiolnl cluli.ii.'. 't W odni-i- 1

ay arior!f»;in hi ili.i linaii' r.f M n . 11. , •1, I... , r tir i;.’y.' Mrn. nonnle W rlciit, . 'iv i'- ii na illak-. • 'n o w o r» ,'’ 'and Mr*. •:iml.lHdl h rondinK. " Il .Is All In' t!i<r ' •amllv.” A ronl.-:;t follnwod wltli

‘l r « - nnd-M lH s-IIIekninn-'W ln--'■'Ijji: ))io I'.rlir,'. .Mr*. Clu.v Cnx, t|i<- ' iT o ‘lili-nt. anil ••Mri'. .M iller, vlco ‘ • r. »!ilo!it, n-'l^inod and .Mrn. (lenriti- :U xior .TUil Mrv. J .irk (’an-.|>li'‘ll wi-ro •1.'<-|1.,1 in tako th o ir Id a c s . Mrs. 'niiK's M arlin uild Mr'.,- i;a lo H.ir:;.in Vic- .'looted now momlier;!, . \ t th e ‘ iiJ^ial lioiir rofr.'hhnioniH woro M-r>od ' ri M m/'irt.’-,Ti iili.I iif:<t«; MH-i lllrk m all nf ran iti 'll ,-, Iri*. itiitl'.orfonl, Mn., Siamplo and Ir.H, Woir, T lio noxt n:i'rilnj; will lyr- I c ity r a rk . A ittu s i wlih Mr*,on;:on as ....... ■ -

* ■*, *Mr.-.. n , O, j;*lnK wni. hnstoM lo th«-

iita r O r .w I'o n im im ltv rh ili 'nn irn- :\y afto rnoon , .Mis, l llrk n .mil Mrs-I w ing ^:a\o Very In te ro itln c roportm f Illo wnni<-f»'«* vac.itloti cam p nt! .n^lfj- lln i >-'|'rin;r», Mr:'. H an-ntm raj Id iu » . W jik o r w rre ;:iie<i.s, Mrj*. i > .ln ^ h .rv rd .rerrrshn-.ony:. aR.-il«r.i;; t;i-r^il.ii-iniier>: .’ T lif n.-xt id.VlTn;.'! ' n Jh< n oTiHdrcn’s plcolr-T irJtJ-at’ tf te ; •


O T E L 7 5 c l l '

F reih_V egeta£ le8 • g ,C8SXjt. f ie i iU i r i 'j *! .■ — - g - — foodies. H om e S ty le o -—S a b d — Ice .C rea m <. * S :J t o B k x _ — ______________ ____ _W A T N O O ir — o

W ell S erved . o!— Axum s . K is ling o > 'ooooo o o o b o o o 6 o o 0 6 b d ^M o ^ ^

WpAM;r. , Ofiice Phone P . B.

A t Thfe Id ah o Tot

i , m- >7


4 ^ . ; -

JOHN S. JIH JH K S , i.eadInK man w ith tht- Toby Wtilk-

er. coniimiiy. uiienlnR nn cxicuile<l on- {MKomrnl In ihe lr bli: len t tho:itcr nc.ir tlio c ity hall. Mondny lilitlit. An- RllKt 13.______________ I______ ■ .

c ity imrk. AiiRim 22. ,

— HrHns n - f lii'li' Tiiu f 'I’hirT.-wtn r - t r lt h M r/. t:uR<- Somier. Mrn. H nrry Show of—OalLlainl._.-C.il..-and_ Mlnn. Fanny I’.n i «'5-r/>' TJj/- nrJi-iTJOonk]K'nt id.iyInK "'>00" and a l iIki iipual Imiir refri-nhnienlu wi-n- »orvod. Mrs. Wnlior Hha\*er will lm llio ni'Xl liosi- Olll. Aimni.t ::;i,—T hp—m nm h irrn -n f-th r-iri7 p irir” in J l Womon'i. chlh ii|ieni a- nodal aftor- nonn al tlii- (innio o f A. J, Klni. TJitir-'ilriv ..fli.mnun ■ __

Tom M ix P ic tu re . • | landing R un T onightj

A woul.-rn iilm to-dram n tlm l ha« been playlnK lo enfhuiilaMilc'nndlcnceu nt Ilte (Trphi-'iim th c u lr r. "Tho Arlzun.i WHdoat." lit nearlnK lho end of lln n m nnd will have n final Mlinwlni: innlchl.

Tom .Mix Itnd IiIn Kroat hom e. Tony. slKiw th a l thoy ra n alw ayn c reate w niel)il«« new In Un-. w«7 of Jhrllln. The Ktory w as w ritten'eH iicclnlly, for li-'.m hy Aili-la UoKom St. Jolm n. an- .hf»r nf m nny bent i'oUer>i...Uorntliy So- i;iHtlan and u 'l in i’ eaht iiiioiinrl Tom. |

OlhotH In lho .Mix cnM' nro- Ilon ' J a rd , C)»«y K llzso ra ld ..D oro lliy , :5e-, laKtlnn. Mnnti- (Ollinn. M arcella Daly m d Conlon KflfntC.

iiH JiiL ,\N ii viKW n , r i » ;Tho llliihland View club iilcnic to :ia\o h'-on h.'ld at Artojilan Siindoy an lio-n |)o lp(med on necoimt of, hi' doath .r Wllllan. Wwllke. 1

for “Telling 1W il l ia m H a

— ------ t h e . . . ..... . - 1 -

ROYAL ,T y p e .w r i te r

. w h i ^ becaose o f its duru- *v- M lity n a d ’speed in r c p o r to r - . m la l w o rk u co n iiao red p a r t ^

•of th e 5tanriard_c<loipm ent .o f m o tt b ig pcw spapcra.______ __

.S ee I t in Op<


Idaho Typewriti22S aW D T JfO S T H * .


r a l EX . JFJorhe Phone ^

J a y a n d T o m o r r o w

\GE /flTEaiNQ WOttLD* ■ .

C o l le e n M o o r e H a s F e a t u r e s T h a t A r e '

■ “ C a m e r a - P r o d r *

.CoHceff Mnoro Is 'fo riu n n le In hav- . llli: f«;alurcn t hut aro aljKOliilcly "cnin-

• A ccordlnc to Cam or-iinin Sid Hlck- ox. who |ihol(icra|>hed Mlsn Mooro'B iiem-.it iilcliiU’, Abo.nl.”

I I in o rro w ,‘i>he Iciiin'i ii xlnRlo “ bnd ancle ." Ah' a reiiirttl n n .n ja l( c r from whnl. iim'ile tlie d irec to r tflttlies n Mono flln ^ d . M lus'M ooro 'w ill" niijic«i' n t hor lio s l on tho screen , '

T b ls Is n valuable nsst>l, f o r lo ts fnmin.nlo t*<n>'crn .m iis i tnko s ro a t cnro to nvnld RlvlnR thu ean iom cor* l^iln vlowK nf their,-.'foatiiroa, w hich TnnXos ilnco ro d rn tn a i lc 'w o rk tniich moro difficult. MIkh Mooro. on th n o lhor hand, novor kIvcb llto ctitriora a tlivURhi. b lit c o ncbn trn ic i on iJto-

w jilch-9he-i''-»r(>r}«lnr;— — E dm und' I<owc ]diiyi> oiipoAlto Mlnn I

In ■ AliiLiirt:-- u 'lilrtf"John McCormick i)r« lnccd f o r Plm t- Nntlonnl. T ho p ic tu re -wna .d irec ted hy W illiam A. S c lti-r 'w ith ft nupfwrt-

UiiK caNt Incli^dini! Lll}7in Taiilininn.- Kdytho Clinpiniin; Clinrlcn Siillon, Vlr- ffinln h'ale nncl niittn', BJHk. TJio n tory In by l-Mmuini Gmildlntr. Dcnjnmlti n ia jie r havlnK preparcil l l i c scenario /ro in . which "Ilapidncm i' Ahond" I*

W n .I .lA M ‘H A IN E a ' M ay.be a Jo k e r— ' • '

"What w e te ll y o a ifl a b o u t’a n ' ELECTROM ATIO. STO K ER

I t ' m ay be all r ig h t to lawgh above Love

B u t w hon you a rc • co ld y o u .w a n f a h o t atovo. ••

O ur S to k e r-m ak es ttniform • heat— . '

You-.can say good*bye 'to co ld feet.

So you d o n ’t need th c d o c to r 's- p i l l — •— ----------------

B u t you cafi savfi SO p e r ccn t . on y o u r P n c l Bill.

T h a t’s W h a t W e A re " T E L U N O T E E W ORLD'*

Detweiler Coal Co.P o r Coal T h a t’s P in e I

Phone 809 I

t h e w 5 a a ’>"in e a .U s e s .

iratlon in- ' , •

E ^ W Q R t C M i — — — - 1S O Y A l T Y F E l^ W tE E S

^ ^ . ^ H O N E 90

■ w m F A L j a D A IL Y T IM B 8 ~

2 9 4 “ r ■

T housands in S tadiumW hen Sen. M oses Speaks

•fC ontlniiod from i»nno 6no> of voior'iTwhouo lndo|iviidunco In po­litica l thotiRbt (ImtN exproM lon In ibu com pnny- of ihone' llkt^ - yon, who m nln tn ln pu rity of Ideal In iiHHocln- llon N w jlli o rp tn lzcd p« rlliian '* ^ c -tlVliy.— .....................- ............ .............

■•Ill lid s wo knoty you-'W ill not neek to irauHcvud u r dh ito rt o r nulll> fy .any portion of y o u r piirty ’K pint- fo rm 'o r dny iioiHlon o l ihu ConHtl- tu ilon o l the United SluteB from w bltl]

of fundnm unlal prlnclpluH, In .ho lh thc ConstUutlon nnd pld tlb rm will rlnff

I'oitfldcnco Tlm t Ih JiHII.. ~ . “ 'Thp-'-opiiOHlilBii eoiiTronU 'u n w lib

all iiHHumrii (.'i>»rii)eji(.-L‘. %Vi- »lu)i(l In IX confIduneo ' tlm l' In’ real.' 11 la ' PCrrt- iilble to pa lllulo polltlcnl prncllccii In prdcodure w hich Is iTliroly local.

“D ut in th o Ittrcor flold o f nn ilon- nl a ffa irs tlilii muy u o i bi.. Thu WblteUOUBO Mliindu Immiiii.-.__________

"W hun, fo r I Hcorn to say .If; wbcn you nocupy It tho people will kndw tUtit^U In In wafl. UeepliiK. . '

" I l . ln ihroiiBU.no a c o ld o tl fo f^ n ll? tic s Uml wet coino to o ffur you thli^ dlK ilnvilon.' T ho nom lnnilon of wblch wd now kIv.1 :you fo rinn l' noilco re- HUiM from nn nccum uliitlou M en- teom, Joynlty fln<i vtiafltlvaca m'UIcIi uro th c n n in n ij outitrow ib ,oC' tli.rf HdVvluo you havo rondcrcd. ;

"Tlio.ciohvenllon liaH cb'nrKod me lo tondor you HiIh nom lnallon ' iind wllb J t 1 a a lu te .y o u un thu ncx i I’resldim l QC^tltM.Unlf.cU.atnlcK."

J. .CA N A lilA X -UH K A T KKI-OIIT r . a y v a i t ta r r < i i ,

O t t a w a : om ...A uK . i i . - T h o cn-nadlan ’ goveriim uni wbonl, r tp o r i 'l i i -

buxholrf lo th o a'cro nn 'com pared .w lih 2G.1 huBhelH tu 1027. C nndltlhn -of H|>rfnK w'liont whh ptiic6d a t IIJ(7 ok ItUfllllHl . IU..I, t iuii J u i i . TW i-M tlit ar w hcnt c ro p .to ln lcd :i,44C.OUU buiibolH an comparod -wllh 22,220,000 Uii'tihelHI n -1021 ...-- ....................... ,. T hun Cnr^ao official fiRurca hnvo ho«n Ktvim .on lho yield o f xprltt^ w Jioat Prlvn lo niitborllJen e»Umnfo thill w in Bbow from S2c.000,000 t<k CSO,OQO,OQO h nilhcls., ■ '• •

j G f e ML a s t T i m e s T o d a y I

: 10 c25c30te I: WU.IAM ' I

m ^ sw n » T O N Y .N - : i

!w i i d c a t

AIho T nn B lb b tr Comedy ' L atent l>atbp Ncwm iO ntheam Orehodir*

------- — OOMINO SOON — r- ;S l l m a n 's I d e a l Stock

Com pany j


~ ‘^ H ^ p i n e s s

: 8 r [ r f r e u i r iCOMING S O O N l-H lL L U A N ’S I I



■.NI2W A1.UANV. Iiid., Aiib. 11— Ctav- enco -Sntltb.' iC ycur old K ardlnbiirc. In d ,, 'fa rm hoy wbo wan nliot durlii« n m id 'o n bln Iwme hy-fi-derttl p ro h l- h lllon ■nBeniH. WUH 'In-, n.-.crltlcnl- coa- d lllon n l ll boHpltal hern lodny. Illn rocovory wan d i'clared ilnubtf^I.

•prohibition iiKen'in untd .'thn w m b nttempccd to fl«ciifie «-/n'ti ii<? x viiM r- dcred o u l of bwl dnrlnK a n ild at! w hich hlfl father, n brotbor* anil twO| o lhcm w ere nrrcntod, The ynu th , tbo nKont« iiald, run 'aK a lnn t a nlioi ruu : bold by ClnirlcH U. U lb o r l. prolilbl- tlon uK enl.'d lncbantlnjr the woupon.

Tbonu nrreHted w ere JameH' Snillh.

■y. T ' . • • • ' ^ '1 1 ■

P/eastKO .ONE. I s A uthorized to So

fo r th c O B P ^ A. K. AM»KU;

NOWi TONITE ; W i l l i a m


~ i

’■ a . s i

J '

l i n u N G :IW O O RE in ' ' - M

r A 6 e a ^ ^ 7 JiT o m o r r o w ' & '■

- M o n d a y ™

J E A t 8 T 0 0 K CO JiPA H Y

A T n l lD A T , A L 'G U S T 11. 1 02 8 . /■ ---^

50."uula Sinllh. JB: TiirnoTDovino. 10, and Mrn.' Pranceu I/>wninn. 63. dwner. <it lho farm )>n ulik-b Ibo.raid wni> ma<|et' . . .

,'lim 'youtira 'ann waM ■aninnlnteil. AKendlnii pliyHlcinnn fear be may din from 1(Tb« of blood nnd nurRlcnl uhock.■ W. O.-Uolnmn, Indlnnqpolbi;, Int}..

wbo conducted the ralif. roporteih,)io ' had- nnllclpatcd trouhle at thc farm-- buuse'where ii llin.Kalloii ntlll luid u nnanlliy of miinnnhlnu and mntili woro cTinilMcTaled.T . '

j AReiitii bad rceulvcd n tlirent .tJiiit '"nomcono. n-oiild lie.Hliof.lf li jllin ran ir wah .{.iicmpied.-Uiity .jtuli;.',',

" T 006 Di/cot>erer'« Name : 'Tbu Viililo nintvlojie iH oallod (ho

"llarrlx butlil.bocninV.Jl waif dlneov- ered by Sir W. C' Harris, uiTlhnr »'f ■‘tWrtralln ilf llio Ciuino and \Vll.d An- '

j Itiials of Siiaiheni Afrieai;L".l.?K!l!y<_Jl»_ iTwniidoirinnS-10~H Hj'iniBnillcc-nt. folio,

book, wllb colrirod plates.


? Noteilicit A dvertising S lide-S erv ice ’

JUM T H EA TR E •s a x , MlimiKer. ' ' "


; | | i g• - .....' ' J^OVJ':. .scnnrtftl. 'w ar

. — sprend oror.every ,^ ' front paKo.

k • Whal ol Iho jnep who Kaihur lho ncwa? Hero

% at laal lu - a pleturoft filiowlni: tbolr.ihrlllinR

•. ^ 'llf iim u r - '__ ,__

Iluliie-i In u ' different RPh '. role! Soa It!

. ■ -iV L SO -

M.'-O. 3f. XK«S/ . '______________ —A I.S p -

' ' ■ • USI'.il. I I_______ FH1CKS

f K E E P C O O L j

Xiler R hot. IlHnjr day yon*n<-ii.Joy Ibe root, rrfreshloff hrwxef

a t lhe

— ‘f i c t n w m i ^

Page 3: VBEK TAKE TOLL - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · tariff aboutd tw lowertd. He prom- ... and a^cuaed o:«tnb«t?^or

Receivers Named For International

/ Life Insurance Co,Sjr O oltaa P.»M T

• ST. AllK. l l - A l to r n e y Obn- nl'nj 'S turlon R in irto lt.n f .MiKiioiirl nnd

J>roWsi»t1nB-Atlomcy H ouun l SItlencr

-cnTO-|iorcrtn(my jvuii 'mHUrnnfic” toln.- n-IOBlnnorH o f ninn Stiit'oR liivoiiClRiil- Intr Oi« nffalM o f i l i o in tcrm K tuiiil J-Wo- ItiBjinineo .C iiii'im ny.. for wJiicli th ree rocolvors Iinrd l)ocn njiDolnlrKl.

■ R o y C . Toomlw, i>rriit<lcnt of Ihn •-company nncU hnrR iil w lili .imbjpzr.lo- m o n fo r ss.fiofl.nof) of tliu com-iw ny, wnn ruiw rtw l Uy ono nf iho cflin- tmlHitlonorn l> Imvu Inforinoil offtclnlii (If 'th o Inquiry th n l Iin uuu. Dnt J n n jioiililoti to , m oko Iminpillfiie roRiliii-

• Ja, In ;c iilcn so .

V S ’t - W U I S , Auk.- 1 U -C irtiilt-J tid fi.s .lla rry ilfa im n jon^of|8

Com imny to lie it)AoIvcni,>cni''li>inK Hh offlclitlfl from c n rry ln c nn tlm himl* nonil,•nntl-npiw lntcil D cn'C. Hyijfrr In- Humnco vnninilsHlunor of MIhhoiiH, itc in jm m r/ro e c lv o r.fo r Iho firm;.1 Action of JitilRQ H anillinn \rna o<i .^Qtltlon of Inniinuicn comtiilHnlonnr of iT iffhm m jT rm T ty -m nrsiiiu -« in w h id r 'tUc c6mp;niy opcrn lru Anil wnli coliicl- iIontiH .•with ii|i |)olntnicni of iwii ro-

•ceivors fo r-.U ic-coniim ny hy Pcilcr.ti tJiidCT ' A lbert L. • Rcavca_or._K(miH»'

In -th o linckRroiintI of ioilay> dovel- spinenU t Jn ..lL o .cbu rK o . o f thu com-

:m l]iH loha^,lha^-$3,t>00^00 I'lniisto oi lho coitipnifyhiro'm iaitinR , T hey hnvo domanilnd h n W o im lln K from Roy C.

■Toomlis. prcsiilont. who him ntnlcil hv• woulil . - c le ir iun ovory,tbi»B" In a :ii tn tom on t.» 'j;tI; . ;

Goc^l^CplI^ge To (SctlSj[fprpfriation

nO O D lN ^r Aug. - i l^ c e r ( M .i r ; r w l a . iioH-iiril «)r'Ai(ilcnK-.- f iocrcury *nt th a iHiiiril o f c<Iiicntlnn nf the Mnlho* d lf l ch'ur.c'h, ban a e n r vrord tlm t nn npproprJntloiv of J 12.000 Iin* ic o n vot-' oa tow ard tho yearly biiiljtet of aooil- InR cnllcRO. ihiiK cnabtJns (Jio c :n - tinun tlon ' of tho fo n v ard movQ'rcnt o f .th o school,n» plannod nnd approv­ed hy tn o bonnl or (rusteeji. An* hounceihcnt iK ^ Is o -m ndb thn l .pll Klftn or IndlvldurtV donorn la ..tU a^ u r- ro til exoonno budRui moy recoive W cnil...Scrvlc 'o ,. c red it. ..thus plndpR OoodlDR colIcKc .o n nn CQ«nl b u l l :*l l h . Uin -m lf.ftlo,na ry nniero r ii ' t ^ oL the-|< |liurch.-.-—. ____

h y th e M ethodlnl Kotjernl conforonce a u Knnmiii Clly.- F u r lh e r ' ncllon to help OootilnK co llese w ill he tnken n l lho nnnnal haiinuot nh il'Irtrslce.m eo t- in c In coniiceilon w ith th e MethodIM ecTiforeaeo w hicli m eets n t Boiso In Ihreo. weeks.

IP M lT f lE FilLLrin n r re l t In Hack—J . A. m r r o t t . r e *

:urno'd. F rid ay from .Cnllfornln.. Mro. tta rre tt, V h o nccom panlcd him on lho .rip , rem ained iiic ro to v is it _frIonilB.,

K eln tri iiT V lili— MrsT j T c T Oiirooit inw a« .'hbr Ruciit, Mr». Harold itf.

le r •soH -'and d n u K h l e r . '

I tA l ln ^ 'M f tn J to r o e -^ r . 8 . ntuuieh, Brecon S h o rt Llpo ARcnt here, rcr .n riiD it'K rldny .T ronfn i—tr lp iu~Pbeii^’ e iio .? . . • •

Ori h b ilnM tf T r lp - R . J . M ackea of ho PA rk hoi*l. le t t til ls nfternoon by n b to r on a bualQCSB t r ip to Snn Frsfl*

A rr li« K o in K l» « w M r . ' a n d ' Mriii. :h u r i« r n r t S g r ^ . - ' K i ^ u o r-;M n , u b e r t j - ^ u t e t i . ^ / l i r ^ ^ n the noon ra in . t o to T ' t p r l f r W E R ihe.PHUilcr lom e.. T h ey '.iu '* .< )ii* A )tte to the fr lomo In C a llfo rfla fi'om-Town' w hero ;^cy^ jM je ^b e j!a_ rJtU la L lrl« n d a

X enlyiredN . t f a r o ^ M r . and M rs. - MwJn D.}-^prJii»or. w ho » e r o ,m a r ­led A u r.' 1 a t tho homo o t the brlde'a larentii, M r.. and Mr*, h . p.JS<.%xi». e tt T liu raday ' e v tn ln r fo r th c lr bomo i I Pueblo, Colo.

, H r r r On T a c a t fo iW o h a W olfe a r - I I red K rW ar S ta t t le .w bera he aa been a a tuJen^ a t Ihe U ntversltr f W AfbloRton. to apend h is racatlo n t 1 th M i p « r a ^ . iM r. a n |{ ' .1 ^ £ . M. t i’o ir ^ . ' . . j , ’> t

Ion y i l l o i c J E ^ ■ X aw lM '>I«> ^hM Ie en T U lt ln ? * W a ls le h i f n . B. R t i r o w n f i e h t ' . t a .« .* 'te l l r . '. 'l « ! t - ,W « r>r Mla«onrl-M«>'OkJ«kliotBlPte vUtU c

B e ta n T 'to '^ 'G a B f ifB b ^ tf ra . '^ e o > s o r e D o « ^ ‘ih 2 j |g ^ U o i( T e d d x . .w h a Ii •TO b e co .rU lU a jt. U r M B e a 'a f»> o [ t r . a V n : 6fade- L o w elir r« tn r se 4 t^LQ«-.::Aa^ e

'iiv to r h ie iS p t tT M H lr V t t e n i l tu i ( b t E

bave ii


oa . <b« davxtiU r. Bfra. b

* a « *


i. ' ~ • - h • • • '

N om inee P la in ly ■ ' S ta te s P o l ic i^ '

. ' H e W ould F d llp w ;- ■ «:nnlll)llril fniMi I'iii;o Oiii;)

uniilii ,ii('u ijiirnili, rcliitrim in i-ntur , ih i''cnm pnlcn:-Jif*~*tpnnuncod-h> '-lni-‘' rliciitlnn iho im ll-ltmim ii > (.'atiinlli!. itiinrKos w hich' laive-lifviT-loveli'd, n l.J hlH npponuiil. , I,

"in i,hl'Wi'M<l'iloilicnti.‘<l lnjc.^oxiinco I;w .O U li : j^ ;o i i ib r « : ik . s - r th ln iu lc r - n n c ''/ ' ilr nnlffi,j^"l con ic-n f Q iiiiK''rl. iii'.cli.- My ancoSini H •weru iiiirno.vutcd , tn r Ihoir-hL-Ilef;i. , liv^ru lli«y miiiKht ' ; ih T ‘ fyiiii.r - r.!ll«Inii«'Trf-otloiii. ' py ' blood nild Iro iiv ln li) :! ''1' Kliind‘fnr rn- ■ iicIn'iiH Inluriiure iioili in net uiiiit n .a i i i r l i . - - ....... ........ .......... .•--------------- 7 '

'•Tlm (fl iiry o f o u r Am.irJenii Idonln i l l ’lho rlKht ot ftvury ninn'^lr) wiirnhlp. Cod iLccordiirs'tn tiiu i11cIiiU<h uf hln own •cnnnclrnri'/'_ H U 2 _ a im lldam -U U L -n tiU d lw w u»^e . KifJtiilod public. iit im io» .nnd . lho so- cnilod "pnwec triiBr'- innucs. excppl • In K cnornM qnnn. . l lo Jinlil-he .liopcd tp have Rom cthlnf:.latflr-Jo.nay-nbiini '

■ I t r '■riilt iir 5ira\iTig5i.w'.ifr f.>r"[<tc>iiihV-• tion .Iho iHiiiiiiice recalled )iIh Ivllcr H) Seiiutor Dorah In>d sprliiK. .In it ho s u te d : "1 -dn n o l fuvcir repojiJ o f . (he l.Sih aiiJciidnioQt. 1 H(;in.t fi^r uf- flc len i.m fo rcc n ic iil o t tho luw n 'on - nclcd Jliu rn iinder." '

‘•C.'ixmon jicn.se roiiiiwiu im lo ren- I tzcT -f.P ' nil-Iv.l In hill Hpeech. " t l in r '

.wliivh tn iirt lj(r rumuillcd.*, A n 'o rsno - Ircd cea rch ln s • iavesllciitlnn of fnct nml riiuaea -C an^ ono -< ltiio 'rm ln r-tho - :»v1nu m eihod or!d ircc tlnc :U ium . - ‘

"<;;rlme and disoficdicnco of law ciilinnl be. pnrniJlU 'U -to.break, down tho conxiKullqn a n d Inw of thc U nit­ed Staln.i. ■ ' ,•• •

ViModiltcniinii V,f tbo eiiforcoaicht hnVo whk-h would pe rm it thnt which

conxlltullon 'fiirbldit Ih ' niilliflcn- tlon. Thin the A mericnn pooplo will no l connlennnco. ClmnRo iu the con*. itHuilon cnn a n d . niu.U bu hrflURhll

Mhoui only th o - jilrnlBhtforn'nrd - •n c lh o d -p r .v ld e d In lho constllutlon :iKclf. ^ . . .

‘T iio re a re thono who do nol bor llevo In lhe purponen of n(vcrnl pro- vlsIonH nf the coiiiilitullon: No^onn

(L Ih u y a re ii<»l.»iihjeci ici crlllclBm •or.nnnortiUK tlm t rlRht; But the lle - ^nbllcnn j ^ l y •.domt dony ’ tli f i rlKht '

consiiii iilon ’ iiy'ln'dirUc- : tlgn." . - • , . ■

•Hoover devotejl Tnoro u'lwce lo fnrm r.'Mof tlm n lo .n n y o iho r nnbjcct In hlH npcecli.' He npprbnchun yiir prob- , toin on tho th e o ry th n t nuriculiurci In : iiot-ono InduM lry.bin n ilozen ’d istinct . 'nduMrlcK. I to^poin ted oiit Iho fal- 'ney of lho iireu inen i ihn l lho fnrm er vlll lie rehabltU nled when he Reis.tho ‘ p re-w ar p rice fn r I'lls 'praHictg. Ho ' tsfierted nK rleulluro wax’ no t on o «ood economic bnatn boforo lho .^ -a r ' i n d - thn t-f«ndnm cntn l--chflnB eT -nro ;

(nrm ro llef than developm ent of In- - land wsterwtfyR to provide cheap : '.M nHrorlntUfl cosln. ho sold. , ' . . “O bjcclion han lieen in.ide th a l '.l jU ) i proBraiR jw laid U nw n by tho pnrly | ■)latform m ny reitulro neveral liundred • millions of dnllnrs of cnpilnl to bo ] .idvnnced- by tho .fcdornl KOVBrnmortt i v ilhou t, ittilicnlion tipon Iho Indlvhi* . uat fn rraur." ho snid! •'Wllli th n l o V , leriinn I hnve llltlo piith<nce. (

" A 'Rftllca ,» |iendlni;'n itio iy Dilillohn ,

iu rc o f a fow Imndyod millions for ! i w orkahlo prORmni ih n l will rIvo tp , jno-th ird o f its populntlon th e ir fnlr ih ir e o f th c nnliqn'i* prosperliy.^' , ^H oovor-wiin Uio-proRmtr.>-"liua ilof- 1

: n l t o - p J n n - t f - r c l lo fp .l i «ood*. .o a ly ii !ho iletnKcd-elnl>onition nf leiilslnlton ‘ nnd_ npp ron rlnilonB • to -P U t- - lt In to | igTcerT • . ■. - . .

C dnciudlac hln fnrm relief rem arks ‘ ‘lo polntetl out how ^hii hiid holpeil I vArlouo loduiurleii- (iK -secre tary o f « somroerco by-culllDK tbouv-into c c n - ^ T O ltattnir= 'ntiohc~tlretr^nit)tcm R. , “ I c should- app ly .tbin - snmo method' tp (i ig r ic u lu irc ." ' ho ’ >nld. "no th a t lho ’o;ider» n f every plioso of ench sroup I 'u n ndvlBo nrid orim nlze on pollcicfl t »nrt, coa?tructIv« d e n iu re n ." y

Ho'close<l Ills 8.8on, vrcci]’ ntnlemenC t Tf- cam pnlsn prinelp lm .wlih a num- q mlnK-up of h l . i - t h 60ty; .o f . -sovcra* ,f,

• “O urpui-pono lA lo bvilt^.ln tliln n« - ,? 'Ion a hum an so d e ty . no l an nconorA; . c ■y«om>'? liQ e a fd ., •iWe wish to ta - , T ta so th t; efficiency and prodiicllviry . 'if o u r ccu n lry bu t Ila final pu^jwso r 'h a p p lo r" hom ns: . ,.

-T ho presidency Is- mor^> .than nn “ id m ln ls ir a i t^ office, l l m usl bo th flj; »rf»tol o f Atportcan ideal*. Tho hlAhi^' \nd tho low ix m u sl bo so e n -^ ith lh « [ “ iwno e re a ,.m c t.in Uio sam e sp irit. I *

“I t m u st Iw • lho . lo strum ent by ,tJ vh leb 'noU onnl eonscionee l i livened & md l t * ^ l t . u nde r th e suldanco of- n Ho .A lic ix h tj- .. 'la te rp re t and fo U o ^ .s i a t conscience ." . tl

T b e -A d ilm * T n P bI1» • - e YoM b r ln f . Mr. C bairm nn, form al il

loUcs o f n y .D om ination b r the R»-!c< lablican p a rr ty to th e P residency o t , U hryJUnlteU S ta te * . . I ftee*pt...U _l«_s »l T eA t^ hono r 'ld 'tw chM en fo ry lea d e r-n t h ip la th a t p a rty w hich b u ao la r te - p r m ade tb e b ls to ry o t o o r country Is beaa la s t 'JO-year*. , ’ ' I^M n C h k lrm o B .'y o u .a o d ,ro a r asio* vl la te t have I n f o n r d a y s trarelfed 3000 a: iiUes acro ss th e c o n d n ea t to b r lo c tl na .- t m - iw UcB. J - 1 rfm ^renJnaed...U »al-ti I i .o rd e r jo .n o tir r :0 o o r» e w «W nirtd ir-h i r h ls '« Jee U o a .. C U 4rftirT lion ipw m *« ie ro U r r , df th a Con*r«««. sp«8 t.H > < in a daya on boraebaek to 'd aU T tr tb a i U s p o r ta a f latellixeBCb 230 ta a c s trom a' ;ew Y ork ta M ount V araoa . . .I d i .^n . a n o th e r w ay.-'too. tbia'oocftaloa-ilM I ln m liu iin 'tb a m llestona o t p ro itrcaa.! sl 9 . ( b e .m a d e a t tb a rmdio M m -mom- n la tlo a . WM liM rd liy mlUIoas o l U

I t a r - t t a - ^ i f l ^ p e e . a o r 0Ba , «U 3 i a r a r aa « » e - m tu u la . '. m i y to j i i H te iw U a a d p a rp o a a ^ -p /w a a t Itt;ha h t» . p a r tl r fp a a tL lf l- a ia i im c tr f» ;a lu t . Todky l in a * .MOM aaCUlooa bava at w i ^ r ^ I w ^ . ^ - a o w '

i r y y B ^ . R ^ p;

• ; jS i l« B tlr > 9 r a M n a d . and lo r : th a t Ja iM oo.'S rw r& T e o b m « 'to -a « . a i ' i t m r y i lar. da iacaU oaa b a T a ^ e e a a - to etherLCt

^ [ u

M dy - W m / f r o B l u a s a i . c i ty

• ' . TWIN r jvoiilii ivliih tn iirn r •frii)ii mu n n i » ' I[iii'»urm> u p o n ., thu ]iluiforiiiT-l& v h lrh -I fu lly -« 'o iic:ur-bn l. iionieihlnr; i f .n iu np lrlt nivi idealH w ith w h k tl ' t Ik Arnpniivd to unrry >11 in tii.adm lnlii?; rn llnV ' '•• . ■ V

;PuIuri) I 'ro i.iriii.lH .C .um lrncll'" ' '• 'O nr iiroiilcmii "of ’llio' I'laiil tiyveu ' I'oura havu. bfoii .-m'ulik-His o f rc'm u i-, itriictlon; o u r problemH iit Iho fu tu re iro prnhlOmH. uf co iiH truclIoii.''’I 'h v y , iru iirobleniii uf i>ri>>:ri‘HH. Nuw .and ;:lk'niitlc torccH iiiiv(i cnm'u Into o u r , rinll(>‘nni-ilte,-T l)e-W <irld-w iir-rol«auod- Idpns o ^ 'so v e m m u n i In p i i n f l l c i ^ t l i j j i i r prliiuiploH.-'W» hnvu Kriiwn. t u ; riiinncbti nnil pbysicnl pow ur w h ld i I itiimpulH UK li|tn -u -iu 'w HoliinHiuHoiiK nntlonn. Sclunco ' iia«' Kiven uh' iiuw InnlH igi'd a * Ihniinnnd luvuntlnnH. I T hrouK iriiiP m 'hn rD ' como to cnch' i)f UH w ider rulalinnniilpH. m oro uoIkU- borii. mnre IvlHuru. .brondur viHlim,] iilRhor •am liitiann.- »:roaHy proltlu]un. To Iniiivfo th n t IIichu (ou Ih-H hall'no t biuiined-lQ -llm lt>Jlboriy .han hroutdii: n viwl a rm y oC (iiiestlons lu rovvi'ji- monl. . ■ , ■• T lw .pnliflB ■of'cD iilnci.beiw eon llio

Guvoriinienl nnd ih e 'p c o p io nrc con*

fiovernm cnlnl pnilcICK ' bccomo i tn c a vital .lii'ioVdlnnry llfo. Ah o u r prob- leinii V ro w ‘ no, dn o u r tomptalioiiif jrro'v lo voHiiiro' nivn>\. from iliose lirinclpicii Upon w hlcii o u r . R epublic wnn fuuudoJ nud upon NtIi IcIi l l 1i :ih Krown to • KrcntnnsH. a tnrcovcr.. We

HupporX of m oral and np lrilun l'p ror;*

O ur pn rly p ln lfo ru i. dcuin m ainly wtth-rcoii/im IC-ii><> '*I««ffn)m -ifiirnip- tlou Ih no l a u aKKlonicratlon of r a i l - ’ roadn, o f Hhiiiq, of fnctorloH. of 'd ynn- mbn.-ot= Dtntlntlcs. I t Iii-n nntlon nf homen. a na tion oT’ mun, n f womon,’| of children. K very m nn .linn a rlRiit lo nsk o tn i i whuilior lho U nited Slnlea > In tt lio lter place fo r him , liin w ifo; nnd hlH eh lld ron lo llvo i n , .be ca u se ' lllu R upu b licn n ’p n rly hnn conducted] tho Bovonimcnt ; fo r nen rly e lR lil' yonrn. Kvery womnu .hns a r lc h t Jo nsk .w hclher hor life, hi*r homu, .lii^r mnn^H'Job. Jior iioptii. h e r hnpplnoim.c will iio b e tte r nnflurod by tho co n llu - | iinijeo of t l i o . Hepiihllcntk 'parly. in< linw er.-I propone lo dIacuHH tbo 'auc jis i iloiin. b e fo ro -m o , in th n l llglft. . I

W itli ihiH nccnHloii wu InnilRurnic ' lho camimtKU. t l Hlinll bo tin hnnuHlI campnlKur every penby w ill-bo p u b - '

cnm^lilKii. \V» fihnll uK u.w ordu 'tocon- vny ou r menpinKt no t to Itldo IL

T ho Republlcnn' pnrly cnme inlo nulhorily nenrly olKhi yearn uro. I t III necennnry 'lo rem lhd ouraolves nf Lhe orlllcnl cnnilltlonK of tlia t a im p. \Ve 'w ora eon tron tcd with' nn incom- pieted penco' and Involved in violent and clauRorouH dlHpu(«n i)Oth h t homo nnd abroad. Tho Federa l O dvernroehl! wan irpendlnK n l tlio rn to o f. flvo nnd one-halt. bllilonH p o r y n r ;- ou r -un- Uonal .deb t Jitood jiLM ho utaRRorlni;iutu i j u rj^y.iunifeiPUfc.j>iin&n8r : i ’i:iif.fo re fcn -doh ta w ere unnptll<ifl. Tlie Konniry wnn iu a pnnic from ovpr-ox- pnnsion duo tn liie w ar anil tlie con- lln u o d ' Inflntion o t c red it nnd cur* rency n fte r th e n rinlsU cc..follow ed hy

p re c lp lu n t nntlon-w lde ' def|n iinu iv l jc b .tn h a lf n. yen r c rn sh n i the prices o t com m odities by n?n riy -i)nei inl>. A Rrlculluro wnir proHtrntet): land won- unsnlenble:. com m erce nnd In'r luntry w ero; Riacnnted; b u r fo^;elKn rado ch.bed aw ny; Iivo m illions o f iiii- impioye'd w alked tho n trocU .'D incou- ,ent-ana-nRltnt.ion*nirainiit--n^rilom nci acy -w ero ram pan t. Fon r toK the tiij uro haunled ' overy h e a r t . ' . 'J.Vl

No pa rty ever nccopteif n :nraro' dlf* Icult la sk o f j-ecomtlructldn l t^ t |;d l i l ho R epulilicnn p n r ty ' in . 'e c 'in n o f t l io i io * B oV bh lm d ' onu-1i6ir 'oars con iftllu te s^n period o t T aro fyiffa«'An H- leAJ<Srsliirv.'n g a ~ c'^ n ^ ^ ^ ive. action. N ever h as a po)lticn] m rty been n b lo .in look back, upon A Jmlltfr period wlUum oro-'ifatlsfnctloiv •ever could I t look forw ard w ilh morn ti^ fidcnco~ lhn l jls rcco rd w oold~be .pproved by'- .tho o leclom te. j

Poaco luis beon mnde. T ho , b e n n nK ii>roc^sufl .o f Rood w ill hajv> e*.{ InRnished, th e firea o f ba te . 'V’ a r by e a r In ou r rela liofin-T \«i..'o’l1ior na- Ions .wo have n i» * in«y?-the IdeaW t law rind of;-pMCO. la '(§ \jbsU lu lioa or to rc ^ . By rl*oM iO ; o«m oia3l,_fed ra l oxpDniits havo boon teU ucaa bj wo billlo 'tti p e r <imum.^TOe .nation* l-dpbt-’luia b c im -r< » « tec aa ^ '|d lr anrf ^ V - : j) l l l lo ty i . T h T ’io f o f t r f id c b H

,av« l)d«n se ttled . M n d n tt0 4 « a a * iw W ik Ju u f lfr 'B e* i5 t-f« x p u i) ; cbtora and fo r o u r uuciw]rcrK ,Taxen avo beon reduced fou r ‘su'cceaBivo Imes. Tbeao red tictlons h a re been' lade In Uie p a r t l c n lv 'J n ta re r t o f th o m a ile r taxpayers . F o r th is purpose u e i upon a rtic le s o f conaum ptloa nd popular s a rr Ic e 4 jn v o baetf . r o - loved. T bo Income la x '.ro lla tod a y lio v a reduccioB' o f so p e r c « a t la tie to ta l r e re n u e collec ted o n . In* ome under $10,000' po r y c a r .* F h lie le y ahow a reduc tion of on ly 38 t>er ■nt In revenues from Incom es abo ro Mil am otint. Bach successive reduc^ on In taxes has b ro u sh l a reduc tion r i h e c o st tV llTlnR-,to a ll o u r peo-

CoBNdeaee I# O r«a l -Com merce and lo d u s iry b a te re ­

ived. A llh o u h th o aiR’Ic tiltu ra l.e aa t a d le x tlla - .ln d u s tr lc a stH i. la s In . le lr re c e re ry a ad sUH req a ire cmr > lld tB d e .,ja t i aiealBUnee . y e l.- 'th ey i r e m ade B abattn tiaT proK reta .'W blh i . a c r ■ - th a iw a r :

iWl 1 f e n ^ r * t r a d « , ' o n r 'u p o r t * .ren If w a a llow to e Uie dap racU tad :

“ w r c e n t f r a a U r th a n * 3 fo ^ (thie w a r . C oastn ic tlve leader*Sip J a d c o ^p e ra U o tt by .th r-fovw a.-^ •laa t luf^B r a M i e d v'aad • a t la a la ta d 'i/i a aa rs laa o t o u r t l a o ^ ; jPbtUi In 'l a ^ a r ^ H M 'b a g i r a a to r a l t ^ a t l . ;

S o t JC I t .B o t 'th r a a s h th e rec fta tloa

l ^ . « v r .& a U o u U < 'la ^ * . '^ k » ^ ln - . w a d bK o n r th ir ty bU tloaa-er d o t. ! n . p a r jm u . o r . 'm r * tb a a 4 f--p « r '

J J j l D A IL Y T IM M ■ ■____

caslly '-dcinD nstrnicil Unit.'lJicHC I,ii-'ii crunii.on' 'iuivu iuion wlduly - miroad ^ nmoiiR bur, wiiok- puople. i ’lom e uw u- '' urnbiii'iuiH itrowii. U lille durln i: tlil'n .,, IiiTlod lliu ' nuiulH-r uf funillloH liaa ,, Increnn^l by nboul I'nuii.OdO wo hnvu ,| bulll mnro . Ihan ;i,r.ilf».oOO now nn.l butior li(]mcii In liiiH iiluirt ilinu wc

miii r ly » itn. niiiiiiifi lunri! honivH. wilh u luolrlclly. ii ii il~T IhruiiKh It druili:ory hnn liuon lllTod, ' frniu liiu ItvuH (if wnniuii. Tiiu Imrrlni'Hl n t llnifl mill'dlKlHiiou bavT iioun HW.opt' ' 7 iw .i>^nnd"ilfo-m atlr-frrer-nTtil ■iantor; ' hy liio InHlalinllon o t'n lx niillKm niorb! lotopiionoH, xevi'ii nilillon riidlii "cik , I aiul tliu H vrvlco.nt an nOdlllcnial .1-1! ' OTflllon' autnmnbileii.-' O iir • ettlcn nro KTOWlnK'-mnHrnlflccnl ■ wUh henutlfu l . buildlUKH.' .pnrkn, ami . plnyKroiindii. ' Our cnuutrynTOo lm»' boon .k iiin iffto ilir - u r w ilh oplcndld roiidn. <* Wu imvu doiihiod iho uko of oluc- [ tr lcn l potw-cr'anil Mj^tli.H wo liayo iiik- en Hwcnt. fi'om Iiio baclT» of men, T ho ' i»t#ClltUlinK-.jtUW<''f'i>i waKoij.liaii hIoikI- ■> ily Inurcniiod. The h n u rn . of Uiiior ' bnvc'docrem iod. T ho IM io iir 'd n y ium ■ hocn nholishod. (iroui proKrciui linn [ boon ‘iiiailu In .itiiliiilzfltlon n t uoiny • .MLTci».a.^.l ■ Indimir^v Tliu tob .J 'L ..^ '- '

.i-ryn'unn hnn iIiuh Itui'ii mndu ninr.i ' (luciiriv—l ’ncm pli'j'niuijt ,Iu tho honno ' o f dlHlrenn In widely dlmippoiirlnK.' *

»U m o l «!t. 7 Jlko lo rom rm Jw r ‘ whnl thin procrons hnti lui'nni to ' Amorlcr.^n ‘ ehlldron.. Tbu jiiirtiil ' of ' Ullllr onporlunily hnn boon ovor w ld - , *

Ktown bul 8 p«r con l wo Imvo .h i- ' creaHvd by 11, |ior cont. ih'o niimhcT .nf cliildrcu lu ou r Krntio iiclioolii; by .f.(J >

■ppr-cont—ilio“ T n im t)tr~ !ir-o u r-b ln ii; iichnols, null b y ."r. por ijcnt liiC num - ' Itcr In o u r {unlltutlons o f h iK h e r,' icnrninfi. . . . ‘

' .SftTlnRj! Prpo.sH.s Uonbleil .Wltli n ii our-iipum ilnK wo hnvo i

doubled snvinKS dupoiiiin in ouriinnkn | a n d ' bnlld in^ nud loan UHHiivlaUnim. , Wo imvo lionrly doublbd o u r litv in- , nurnncu. .^Nor Iiavo o ur peoplo beon i sclflsli. T iiey imvo mol w liii V fu ll hnnd th e -m o s t nacred. obllKiillon o f, m nn—chnrlty. Tbo KlHn o f A m trlc ir; 10 clnirch^H*. to liOHpltnin,'nnd Inntl-, tutlonn for tho oaru of liiu n ffllc lo d .'t nnd lo re lie f trom Krcnl diHaiilor.i, ,

'hnre-HurtuuuuuL.by huudreedn nf m il- « UnMu'ti.iy tniftlJ ntiv HlTnlltir .r io il.ln .nil humnn roconi. ,

Ono oC.4ho.oldi^H_nnd purlinpj- lh o i

I mean tho KrihdluK by undor-nm ir- iiHhment, cold, .um i iBnorniieo, nnd Ifenr of o ld . nRc' nf IIjosii who liuvo flhe w ill to w ork. W e lii A m oricA .io . fdny nru nenro r to tho flnnl. tr iu inpn Iover poverty thnn over beCoro In tl|o iliintory o t a n y 'In n d . Tiio poorhouno iis -.vnnlshluK from nmouK . un. W o Ihnvo n o t yet renched Ihc Ronl b u t iRiven- a chnnco ' In -Ro .forw nni w ith tlho policies .o t.th o Inat elRhl Jearn , i

c ]

; _Compared.witl i .1: in th e fine cai

[ ‘ C e n tu ry m od large advantag

. value, beauty ai i.ance. j r h e y ;a i

completely tail j m o to r (

: Compare Tod

j : '

Uld w'<. idiiill I'OIIII wlili, Um- ln 'lp '>r "f li»i bi-.lii hIVbl l.t Ih.- day wli.'ii ]„ 'I 'ly 'w U l I)''. Ik'iiili-lioil (rrifn thin n^- ,, Ion. .'I'lu'ru '1-. iii> itimi'iiiil.M.' a,r,iln!.t ;inVorly <-<iuiil i i . . a juli Tnr cvoi'y uan. .Tliai 1» Mi.' iirlm ary l>llrI>ll .■ r.f_ :li.' oi-nniii:il'- PdIU Ii'M vv.. ailvoc'H'''. ’ r>I

I -Ml...,-laily r.'ji.l.'.- Ill th .. .•tT.-i'l <il if <jtir lni'i-oa:;r(| nai|(.n;0 i-iri.-h-iu y

la iiT 'lin i^* 'in 'i; T T ? ’? « r '-n ^ 'i in fry Ml IiiI.ur Ic.fili^t lib-aln, llio Noun....... . ib - ' <lKiilrJtuii'l I 'n 'T ry -rftf iiu r/ i>i'f>iili-. 'i;iii- 1:Iniilor^MLliomo j*uiT<uinilliiK'‘. 'li*' '''■ '■ Iiandud. Kclii'xibi iiuiL.pluyKruiiiiiIii. aail -llIho oiilai-K.'il loliiiiro w lilib bavo lo iii'' bw llli o u r ovomiinlc |ir>i>:r<'H:< Ih'iy.- i>bi'oiiKlil )o th r avorai;.. tiim ilv u (nil- oIT life-.' a wUI.-r Diilli.iilc, a u tlrr.'il 'r InioKliiaili.n. and n Ilfl *n_ni.i.ji^ifuii«„.r—Kronnnib-'~irdvanV:r-nronl' bi ii.il mi oml III lix.-tr, .Siiot-'imful d i'm rxra ryrvHiH wiiolly utmii lbc moriil and >'|ilr- 'ilua l nim lliy of Iih peoplo. «tiir«rn;vi;ii "In' u’lilrllual aubI.-voni.'iiiH niii»l li.'op ' pm tr-ffiH rm ii- .g n u '1 11 III I'lliTnir n r . ' i ri-ompllnliini'iilii. .Mal.iriiii pr.mju'rlO '. 'an il-m ora l pr.ii:r.';iH • miiiit. m an-li to- ''KVtlior If wo would liiiik.r lho l^nll.'il V S lalo .1 .UiaL oftmuumwi.'.iUb •ho ju j i n d l j ' l -('nh(;.-lvc.l by. H» f.iuiid.-ni. O ur cov- ?

ou r p.'niil.'. miiHi liav .., c .u itd iiiif I'.'- <■ Knrd f.,1-llic.iunim naii-vSliiV n-iliaiK lvo I (liKiiliy nml iiohlliiy to lif.-. Coiioi'mi- o I'ly n f InipulKc. (•tiillvailnn of mind. <' wllltnnnoHH l.> Ka<:flfico..r.pn<-l.>iii.iio:ii< .» of 'npiril—thoHi* nro .tlio iiuallilon',o w hprn lir-f tm nrw rT nm 'lirK 'T n in jrraT iT T r lA o r nud moro iiliworfiil, m ay Ix- li I'ome ;/Aiu(-rl(:a Ki'oal and nliiilii. .A n poopl.£.«p-«ovuriinioiil In whiuli tlicnu 'I' y o lu M ^ .i - n n t - n ’n trlirrn iin .r ilM 'y 'a r-f un t ta iid b iu . Ill lil peril. S he .-w oa llli a a n il-p n w e r nIono ean i(ot tu lf lll tlio n prnml^u 'o f Aiii'orh^a'fl npportnnU y. - ti

T ho mom iii'Reni.'oconofnlc! problom ' in m ir nntlon f.idny Ih In aK rirul- liiru. I t munt .bo Holvcil If wo an - li> ' brinjf; p roi.iierlly uml pontonlm .'iil [j (o. one-lb lrd of o u r pooplo dir.'o tly ' a n d ’ 10 a l l .o f o u r pooplo Inrilnicily. } Wo hnve piedKod ouraelven lb find a ' Kolutlon. - • - •

AKrlciiltiin^.V4tnl'»t<i'3ll>^>M t f HI In my iiiliiil mom nK rlcu iiu ra i dlH* . ■'

niiiHlniiH KO-wrmiK JiocniiM.' o f iw . i , ' fa'lxo pri-mlHUH.'The flrn l In th n l n iir l- | oulliiro III ono ln d d m ry ..I l hi a do7;en | <■

( in m o nrKii'nlrntion. T bu nccond faliio promliii’ Ik J h n l rolt[viilllt'ili»n *' will bu oomplolo xWioii ll han poai'bo ill'

rlcuiiurt-W UH nol upo'n li nn.tbifa.:'loryi I' hanln. bVforo tho w nr. Tiio alinniliutcil i fttrmH ttf tbo Norllionnt honr th o lr - f ow n leiitlmoiiy. G enrrally thoro wnn J bu t lit tle jifo fll In mldwonl iiR rloul-io lu re to r tunny yenru. oxcept ih n t do- c rived from . Ibo nlow lncrca«eB iu :d farm lund values. Even of m ore Im- I' pnrtnneo ,1h Ihn Rrcnt ndVnilco. In e Hinmlnrdu .o f U vlns- o f n il oceupn-’ i) Iionn nlnco tho wuK So'mo bVnnchca u

E W 1 9 2 S


E & y M i- — ^ — 7 - — :

i . e v e * y . r a a l _ ■ ■ . ^

r field. Newlels re v e a l'es' id price,-adperto rin -.re .th e . only . - w i i L p f l

iored-m etal “c a rs . tury’s 1

Centur‘ rr«« highert i b e m i r i ^ g u

finest ca y , - - a tp r io

a re th< 1 J l ' the^sal

', i i|;rfi 'iilliit.' ba il- j;n .iily r r . n v f tc l . 11

i:- ,|iii('.i ivlMi llu- .iiiw.iril iilai.'li In luT Ill.lllMll'I.'H. - , .', I’T lii'r.' •.IK! iiuiii)' .•ilii-ii;-. iitr fiiiliii'o ,,

r ai;i-i.'i illiin. Io \vlii ll-. m il 'iban- ir Miitbmii;. in .m ,.r liy . Tl,.' i.fl'T -w ar r

W!.-: (iHc-II l.'li Ill.I.-llJ.ll til .............1 II.lll'.l'ri I.t ll.' |.:ilil III .l.'11:il.'d il.il-' ; if::. l'i l. .':i ar.- ..fr.-ii. ili 'iiinrall/.-d: iliroiik-li rliiin . III .Mil- »i;ii'lii''ls dn rllii :' .!iV_ lianA ht i-cjim'ui. I.m'iil la.'ii::! li;u '.;. ( oi'l’ li>''r.'a.'i.'.I . !i. M'.ivl.lr lli.- ln^•i^ ■I'ov.-il i-..a.l:i am l . ...... . -'l'l..' l a r l l f ' j

ual'.- fo 'lM '.iti'rt lui.l U mIU iu ip-iilri ';

..Ilia ....... T;.t.'rf !.liii .- lil.- u.iu 1Vr;.lly a ft''' l ' ' 'l H i'-_ l'i 'l '^ wlili'li li.'. . i-i-i lv.-:i r.ir hi;! lii'oiJTlTli.. -(Itl l- |.|x ; nllll.Ill tai'liii fl. Ill IlliU M i>r Miii'iilin ;

r<>4>-'fni.' aTHTTlaT lir 'lin - -ali-^.il lfi.'ii~i iriidiu'l. it'ri.-ii dc-iti'1-i.f.ltii: '|tri.-.ii li '- ''i iiw lliri'ir Ii'Vi-Ih llia t loiil.l bi' iiiaia... iilliod. •.JU a- .JiJi'd'.-. lmid-'ii.'y_,.£_;.!ir._c).vJll-Lilillllll illirljii; llii'^lai;! r.ii j.-ar.-i lia'i '

'f Ib l' Illlllt. ’.ir ’'i'r.M'fiii'iloa 111 (iril.-r!

.I'd.-rly •iiiljii.'timi’iii of iho flnw o fi iinini.idlili’r. Ill III.- .b-iiiaiid. iiui lli.*; ■iKaiilzaiiiiii Ilf a i'.il.'iiliiir.' lun . I ;lrt:-.|

:ii-ri-af«> Ih'o Illiil! .U lii:i Imlnnl ry w lih - ' | ml la r i :c . ii|i.-ratliiii!», llo Ih today u-itdui-liiK^^ I'll |ii r f.-m mon; ihan ,

i/'i.-aiu' an.l i.i'V-.rtini.d. K annlni: In I .n'd m u’.I r.iiitliiii.- I.l lie an liidlvld- lallNllo Itnnlni^i.n .if 'niiiall uiiIih nii.l , n.l^'pi-ndoiii owiii>n.blii, T b .'' ta rm . In , noro tban a lm:ilii.'i.n: li Ih ii Hialo nf : li'liiK. W.' do niVl w in h 'l l .-onv.^rl.-il . nto ll maHii itroiliu-il.tn marblno.'^ l'hor('f..n \ If tho fariiflTM' luiHlil.’ n In ',0 hi-.ImpritvoiJ b.v. InrK'-r iiprrallonn .1 m u s t bu iloiio llllt on lhi> farm hul , 11 tin: tli'ld u f iliHtrlbiiil/.u. AKrI.'iil- , un- him pa rila lly advau.'.-.l h) ijdn llruelhiit ihi'ouiih oo.o|ioratlv^'n'. and loiib'. llllt Illo iradliliiiial ('<i-it|iora-: Ivi- III oKi-ii not a < <ilii|>lot.- iKtluIlnn.'

l)lff.-r«;nooH .tf n'tpliii.tii an lo lin iir ■iiiini'>n nn.l ronf.-ily havo r.'larrloil' 111-•oomill.'H.iii of a oitnnlrnoHvo prn-^ :ram of^r.-Ii.-f, K Ihm u ' plain .liny n 'soai'ob ou t Iho I'ltnini.tn Kroiiiid .iii | I'liiili wo mobillz.- iMi- nound fiiro.-K. i'il-.iii:rli:ultiiriii n-i-'ni-lriirMnii, ■ fi.ir ■ tla tro n i' lay’n a iiitlli] hii.-ilii jipn iil. I'hluh wo cau biiitil. l l of^era afi a t-; Irm ativu, proiirnni.- • . • I

An ndoijtinio larK f In Itie toiindnllon. i f . fn rm relief. Ou'r coui.iim.tr^. In- roano fniilor* than itiir proilucorn. Tbo lomontie marUut 'mmii Iio protecteii. , ^nrolKn. prnduoln raised undor low- r..* liindardn 'o f livbiR nro lodny com- ii'tliiR' III n u r home mivrkctH. I wouhl IBO, m y ottlco a n d -In flu en c e -Io kIvu

J ; M O p E I


ger is there uncertainty, as i ’er-in^^vanccm ent of - m ot

You have seen the best t nd you can pro.ve Tor yours< best is th e ycar*s best»-»th: y Six and E ight advance : a n d stronger position than stening newness—backed 1 nraftiinanship in design an< es w h i^ m ake-higher pric i g rea t advantages which ' 1 es leader in th e fi^d o f fii

I K E f a m f e

M l

I t o

• . .- P A O i; T r f ic E f l 'I

III" farn iiT ' tli.^ fu ll benufll o t - u u r . h .l.,rl.' ta riff polioy,A larsr- iinrtioii^flf lho-«i)rend bc-

ni-oii w hal lh o fa rm e r rorelven for I’. iiKidii.'iK and w lu il 'lh e u ltim a lii .. .'iii'iiim .'r' [11 hi duo to iiicruntieil n in ip iiriailfm i^iarKen. Incrennu lii allw ay ra l.’n' him buuii uuu n f . t h u n-iialiii s I.f Iho wnr. Thean Incrcnseii

>H.~i,-,i.l»l.-<|-i«i-lhij fon t t o~ t hn— arniiT I.f ri'ai'hliiK Honbnnrd mid for-* ’Ikii marki'lH unit ronull Iborefore Iu I'diictloii Ilf hln prlccn; Tlic fo rm ern '

hnvo .thilH. .bucii...- iiilii'...:ny. iii,il..il iii ilii'lV (lom potillo ii- .v'lHi llu- Ani.'rionn farm er. N u tu rc lan .■iiiiow.-d.iiii wlih-n-Rront; iiynlcm. if .liiliiiur.waterwiiyH. T heir .-miidurnl-^ .aiiinr will auiiprli.ii ll moiit nuhninn-. liaU tuuii'ilm tli.n -i.t-m liiw pnt-fnrtn-re-— lln Illi.l lo III.' .lov.-liipml'iil n f SO - n f '..... iiiUTiitr .s ia ii'n .' T ills • m odernl-rail.iii liirliidvK ,n 'il nnly the ' ^ ren l Mliiiils-.lliiil nyniom. w-lih iln JolnlnR

,f.rr :it ..I,ni1.-i''i .mill .»f..Hia-lM»ttrt~. r.f iiii'iw.'iii mirli-iiltnro lo. lho fiu lf. It'll ab.it a i.hlnway from tho G re a t l.alii M l.t III.-Ailiiiiil.;. TlicKo Im prove- , in. |ilM xi'uald m.'iin hii Jarce iin Incre-!!!i:>il_i.fi'liiijii'-i'-r_iiili:'.‘H .fia-lft_wocraiit_. ili-ir .■iiiiHiiiu'ilnn m nny llmew over.

farm n-ll.-f,lllll wo mii;.i nid Mop here.

.'Jji!rJ.i.'Htii.'" .S/.slrju.•All oniHianilliin p ropoim l. o t llin .''

[ laiiy [ii'.ii;rani lii-lli.» wliolo-lienrtcd pt'i'iic.-' l.'t liiTdlTl7i)io llio reorKifnlza* ilitn i>f ih<’ . iiinrk.'tlnK nyntem upon iiniiail.-r anil tnoro economlcnl .linen. W.' have alr.'ndy. con irlbu led g re a tly . i«v.jlilt-puiiH-...-by-iljr-tict!i-mipportlnB— furni .'o-oiioratlvcnrthc-etilobllB hm ont nf lalorm odlalo croilll banks, tiie reR* ululluu lit. iituckynrdn, puh iroN ex- I'liaiiKi.'H nild Iho oxpnnnlon of Iho De- parim oiit nf A crii'u lliire . T ho p lat* form-pr.tpoHo.l in /o '/ iu i c h fa r th e r. I t - pli'dcuii tli'b crunllou of. a . F odern l— Farm llnnril o f . rRprunontaliVo farm* iTK lo bo o.loiliud- w llil -nulhorlty nnd toMourco-i—w ith - w hicli n o l . only, to lllill f u r ih iT 'a ld fnrm urn' co-«pera« . tlvon and ]iiioltt and'to"nsHint Roherally In. nnluiidu uf farm ' prohloms, b u t mpoi-lalty lo Jiulid up w ith federa l fl.iiaiioT-. r.vrmor>nwneil and farm er- I'l'tffiroilc.i -'xtubillzniinn c o rp c ra tjo n s ' wliloti wll)' p ro tec t th o - fa rm e r from . 111.’ 'dopr.'SKlonn nnd .dem orn llza tlon 'j.r t-.fi.iif T -il p#»rlftrlli*hlplUHOII. ■ ■

Otijoctlon UiH boe)i*’mAde th a t th is proKnim, n« laid down by lho pfirty

bundrod nilillonn n t db lln rs of cap ita l ho nilvaiicoit by lho. Federa l Govern* mont w ithout obllRallon upon th e in ­dividual fnrm cr.. W ilh Ih a t ob jection I Iiavo 'lllt ie patlonce. A nation w lilch~ ' In N pcndlnR 'n inety billionB a . y e a r cniv w ell a fford nn ’ oxpendllure o t a fow hundred^ m llllona .fo r a wcrlcabl#

(C ontinued nn P a R e 'F o u r^ ,.

to w hat the yes^ . •b r^a ^s ty le he industry will • e l f t h a t t h p C ^ . jitth cn cw -1 9 M - I HupmobQe ito a . ever. Shim m er^.- ..j.i- Iiy the: Century’s. : td 'c b n s^ c tio tt— ‘ I« a foliy.-TheTO-' keep HnpmoUI^* icst m otor c a ^ ' V y

Page 4: VBEK TAKE TOLL - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · tariff aboutd tw lowertd. He prom- ... and a^cuaed o:«tnb«t?^or

P a g e F o u i t . '

T W I N F A L L S■ ' ■ ___________ M em bw ;,U nltc i


' B nt«r6d u leeobd c lns i m a tto r - q a T R t o t Miif t h i . ~

. ' P aoiuatc erorr enalnK -txetp t 'n U a . t4Aho. b7 ’

T O S S P U B L IS n •-0.-a OolUiiii.'-RTMlilent • -----• r - t r O rC eU ln»r-Vle« P rM ld e n t-

A dvortlito* M iangor— i -------i------- -

• ' ’■'N'ATIONAL IU2PHBSENTATIVB, - W g ^ O T k 'C l ty r a O 'N ^ t l i M l i f l t w i

: ; ; 8 U n "T R rPO M n o a t l ! . . ! .60: th r w m on ths . » i

: TI113 LAW O P Till-: l.OUD I n W js u' w ise KOii; I j i i l 'l i f llin't. Is

-Tctfr-WV-fittftrrt- Ptyrv. '39 ;t:liqii aiul ilfHglit. ___• . .

V IE W IN G W IT H A L A R M- t o n c t E r n a t i o n :--------- -

* .We are alreatly begihnii -proaching-tempes&tQf-eibquej;aigrr, to-witness the Jightnir

-bpth-the wets and the di*ys • ing to gi'lps in November.' /.• Gentlemeh of the campa

[i 'e&ce, but there \v J] be no kaders, until thc question is whatever parties-and'platfoi

^ in ^ j ' t h T i s s u e i s n o w 'd e f i .d d e and Smith on the other. •^Idrig.those lines.. • 'W e heajr from the platf' liiws which tend.to cuitail t

_Qf_i^er8onal a_c_tion which th sought to'guaranCee to tlie ci

ciehtrvision arid ap])reciatlng pyerlboked something which attention, those’early birildei the .state,ment tha t •' -“ The po\Vers not (Jelegatc Co.nstitutipni nor prohibited ed to the states despective)}; c ly suspecting tha t the times i uonsTand-new- conai.tioni ar am ^dm en ts (o the-documentJd r ------------

■ I t is no lack of reverence which they did to say that.m im der the conditions which i tury.and.ahalf ago, could co\ d'eterize the present day econi tion. ;ThU .piincii)les of govi under them \Ve can and will plicflti6nsof-thcse-principlcs tfon. • .

! Speakers tell us tha t the']

doiisly«4mpbrtaaUhingfflat i ton, is being assailed by presi of the laws, even the one whi has in mind in making that Ameridment, could have beei thn7r% ^hc-vvjll'oM he-p?oi>l elected represcntativps.

• If the exercise of human thc right to act in a manner in aocial.or<ler; iiv/accordance wi we shall -have to 'ta k e ^ lonp desired istatc o f freedom. \V stand fovconti)ul£oiy educa'ti health.aruLnioSto£.tIie^enacU

We are told 'that we have affectionately hark back to ll em nient Government was ; a comi)aratively sim ple‘matt life increase, hiws wiH of nec [>roblem is not lo make Iheii ;o‘ enforce them in a manner 2d when they were enacted.

However; the present ele jountry will owe a debt lo Alf :ut personal Stand on what tl- justanding issne, regardless o Tiaking it possible to decide a )opulace regards the Eighteei ous infringement apainst pen neasure,.to insure the genera

AiidTio niaUer;ho'<v^dflen ve may have to witness the ah' med by our legal infringemei joing to vole for a ri^tum of li ■Qr*a continuance'of the prese: >ersonal,con'Wctions in t?io ni£ ixperiei^e ralher than .by-iltt lue'lol)(iioosedi

Even whh tem p era tu res aj o u tjtefn4dah^r-coff>i>cnsat ing V cno] nirHtiS w h rn fho.mcrcu: e i ^ ^ d low er fiftses.':. '

■ News note in '1928:' A.-hi sual in te r^ t and comment

' ^ A l t t t n a i l t n t i m 'i B n n p tvK ia rc

• — M ,

:■ D A IL Y TIM E^S-pTtM .Ajwoclim on ■ ________

f F b . £ 3 e ~ -

A n tJL i i . J gi s. a t T » l n iTi iii r « i tn fr tf i

BaaiSaT At 3iS Ualo A reno* E u t , T m i

OIO COtfEAin, CI&. 0W.1L CroB*.-SMMt»rTrTuMure;--------------------H nrry-B row D ^lM ltor

...— . -.........— JnA p, Browi......— 0«or^o O. CarUoi

P; C. T lioia Co.. 420 LM lngton A rcnuc W oau^~CblcBcp.

TION IIA TES ! ^.eS; 1^ m ontlii. 13.56; one y o tf . |8.fli

S A M D P R A Y E R ~ i

1>S P I ' J I F M I '— \Vh0S(. ur;‘\>ii\h tli< H conip.V nioii Ilf r i'i lo ii.s iiu:ii slinm

lU ' iii.iKu T iiy Inw ^nii- .iii liy - mr’iiU ir


ig 'to iicar the roai- of the ap- inoQ-whiclt-will-mark-Jhe-cam- jg flash 'o f determinatjOn from who are , q<iite evidently com-

ign com m ittee iiiay cry peace, eace; accord ing to the faction decided by poi)ular vote. And ‘ms n iay declare, in the j)ublic ned, w ith H oover on ' the' one

A nd the actioq will be taken

onh,^vigorous a ttack s on the h a t hum an liberty, th a t right e makeiB o f the Constitution tizenry. liem g liieuisSCilvuii t h rt -f f f y ;g ^Vif-onn<j^nQ<-Vg p n f t_ n » y n '« ; f .

perh ap s th a t they m ight have •.would com m and subsequent •s concluded th e ir labors with*

>d to the U n ite d ^ ta te s by.the to i t b y the statfer^tiw reser\’- tr to tljo peo2>Ie” A lso evident- m ight change, and new ques- ise, - they -inade::pl‘6 VlfetOH-f Oi t which' th ey T iad 'ju s t prepar-

•for the rem arkab le worli D law mado' by hiim an minds )revailed in the w orld a-c’en- 'e r th e conditions which char-. [>mic ap d governm ental sitiia-’ ei-nment a rc stilF sound, an d safely function. B u t the ap*'

anustLvai7 ^tO-Swit_Uie_cpndii

ip-eat underly ing principle dJ the C onstitution the trem en-

2n t day law s, thouglj not one chwcvery sp eak e r ])rosutnabl.\ s tatem ent,, the Eighteentl)

1 'm ade in any m an n er othei ^as-exj»reB6od4hrougli-.ihaiL

liberty is to be c()risti*ued a? dependen t o f th e good of the ith jjereonal convictions^ then ateir ijack ag a in to win. that

V ^ h a ll have lo abandon 'our on, for san ita tio n an d public n g n ls J o r the. publid-Wijlfare..* ton m any law s, and orators lie days o f sim plicity in gov- ?imj)le because living war^ ;er. As the com plexities of ■essity also increase, and thc*:i less than a re needful, but th a t brings the results desir-

c tion jnay ))o decided, -the red Sm ilh fo r tak ing a clean* le co u n tiy believes to be the f political m andates, an d for t the j)olls w hether o r not the 1th A m endm ent as a pem ic- sonal libertv , T)r a beneficent 1 weLfare^o^ the country.■ ( l u r i f i ^ t i i i T n e x l 7 f e \ O v ^ f e ' ii'm' am i cnnsternation awak^T nt o f our ouTi' rights, we Are ' censed sa le .o f in toxicants 6 r[: n t law, accord ing lb our out» Uter, fo rm ula ted by m 'jrpw n ' -N4eienH>r-eHBgan<la-4hat46- -

round lhe 1 0 0 m ark here in '■ f p n M ir tx ; r> r(jfh o ^

ry-U6 «ally-drQp6 -into-ihe U}v- -- _ * * ■ <

arse ^m d-buggy crea ted , unl- * .vhen seen on M ain avenue ^

■ • t

I the ed ito r o rin ts the >'aca- !;

^ N om inee P la in ly : . S ta tes Policies

- " ' H e W ould Follow^ .- jC(mti»iip<r fioiii p a iju 'n )

. r ro c rn m tli.il will «ivo lo niic-lUlrJ i J ll" in>imlnllou Iliolr fHlr’ iilmri' of tl

itiitlnii'ii jiroHiifrll)'. N or <loca lli liroiiiiHiil !>iil llio K ovi'nimi-iif liii

r iMiBlnCHK .T tc 'jil Hll fu r nH It Ih cnlh _ .iil>uu...lu_ruruiaiu4ultlul..cupllhl wll a which i(, biillil up llic fiirniLT to tl , ciititrob oT Ii Ih own ilvHllnirM.

TIilM-.iixoKriim tntiii>tj} llKplf tt) (I••••vi\rlnbl(r-Tirolilcmir^of-nKl1ciiU|il'i'“ il'. iiiil>* lodny bni'w lilcli w ill nrlHC in tl:

fuiuro. I do not bolk-ve tlm t-iiny hIi ] I i:li’ huinun . bi-InK o r any Kr(iii|> i t. hiim un IicIii'rk unit ilvtornilnc fn ai

■villliv n il <iiiPKtlniiii tUat wHI urjmi I ' , HI. VHHi mill <'»iniillcnii'ir nVrinSiiKir

; rn-.T a tci;m of yc:ir». Tlic- tlrHt iiU'ji I , lo orciiU' nn. cffcctlvi* iiKHioy illri-e: ' l l y fo r ilicHo.piirpoHi-n nod lo. clvo-- i nniUorliy «nd tcHonn^piK Tliciiu ’ni. ; 'v ll|

,]!». dotliilii' jilnn-of rell.pf. I t ihiciIb onl 'Itic.' dctnlli'd I'lnborntlbn of loKlnlnllo

n pp rop rlftilons- 'to -^put- li--)tii J forcxK . ■I Diirln'K niy te rm t i« 'S o c ro tn ry 'n: f 'liaim <-ri-t» 1 bin-ii Hirnilllv I'liili-.TyMri'il lo l)iil|(l u|i ll KyHirm of cu<oporniloi

b flw rc n tlip Kori-rnmi-nt nml biinlncKt U nder tlivnn co.opprntlvu nctlnnA ftl

^■l«niM»u-luti‘r<-titfd-ln'-iiio-rrobipm -o i\ pn rtlcu ln r IniliiKiry hucIi nfi nianu fnptoror, «HHtrll)irtoj-. wor'kur'niiif coti aiimcr.. luivi'. boon C(i1l«d lijlo-('oiinol toRctlicr, tiol- fo r u hIiikIo ocrnnloi bo l fo r cnntlnuonn .w ork. 'TIichu of torlH Imvc bcL‘11 tiuccoiitfni bcyofl< uoy Qxpoctnltjon. Tliiiy linvu boen no compllwbwl, wJilwm ,JnJerfi‘r t‘Mco ' 6 rcRuliitlon by llio Koyopnmcnt. 'Hioi Imvo Hocnrcil proRrcKK in tlio Indnn trlcH. ruRU'Uy for itbuxciil'cllmrimtl.ni d f tymiti'’. ri'diictloh of uoHt In prodtic tlnn uod diHti'itniUon. lowor prlcui lo lIic conHiiincr, nml m orc nliiblo cm ptoyniKiii nnd profit. Wlille tlic prol)' Ipin varlofi wllli every dlffvren tcom miJdliy nnd w ith every, differen t pnri of oiir c re iil eonntcy. I Hlionid wisl In .ipuly tile nanic '^ic tliod lo nKrIunI tn ro HO Mill} llio lendern of c rc r)

i>rt!i>iil»o on policies ond.conHtciicUvt

form o f ' nclion. iIh .i t .ImH done Ir o the r ludRRtrleH, cnn prently bcncfH farm er, dlHirlbtilor nnd eonnnmcr.

.IfrriruHuryit JM lcf.■ Tbo worklnK o u t nf aRrlcuIturn'I ru-

tlef connllln tes—Ihe m ost-lm portiin l obllftntlon df tbo ni^xt ndmlnlMtrailbn. I sianc] pIc<lRcd lo thcHO proposdlH, The objcct of our-po ltc le s in to ostnbllHli f o r . o n r fnrm eni' an, Incomc cijunl lu. tlloAo o t o th e r occupall6nii; for llio fiirmcr-« wlfo lUe sumo com forla m r h e r—iiomc-*;is--,w.omcn- in - otn.or croupK; (or llw, foVm b o y s - iu id ^ r i i i lIiS^Homa opportnnltloa in llfo nn .o th - erH ioys a u iL g liln ^ S o fn r i>« m y nwn ab ilities m ny. bo o t Hcrvlce; I d rriF cnto llicm to help Hccuru proMpcrlly and conicn tm cnt In iJint InUnKiry whero I ' nnd m y forefatUor« ^ o re born am i n e a rly a l l m y fam ily s llll obtnlii th e ir livollhood. .

TJiu HepaiiUfiin. pnriy Ji m ever been tbu exponent o f p rotection to n il o n r people from cnmpolltlon w llh low er HiandnrdH of llvhiR abrond. Wo hnvu nlwnyH foiiKbl fo r tnrlKn (IcHlcneii' to entnbllidi lliln p rotection from Jmporte'd 'Boodn. We •nliip'nihrt! onncted ri-Hlrlcilonn npnn ImmUrA- (lon for lho protccllo«i of !iil>6r fronr tlie Inflow of w orkers fanier Umn we. cftn ab sorb tbem 'w ltH oot brenklng iiim-ii UMT w' " r" .J r r V * ..

Tin. Jtepiibllcan priiirlp le of n ir o f - fer:tln '' con tro l of Imported Koodii a n d .n f imm lRratloii Iiuh ronlrlhiili-d Krenlly to tho pro sperity o t uUr i-oUn- iry .' T berc In no "elflKbiie«>i In th is defen»<* of ou r BlJindnrds of UvltiR. O ilier co iin lrli-H itiilif. iiothliit; If the

nnd if We are- iirrrp iited trom l.iilld- Inc a c lvlllznllon w hlcii selH lh e Uvol of hope fnr lho cn tlro w orld. A te n - crn l red n rllo u la tb e tn rlff w ould :id- m lt ft flood o f Kood.i from nbroad. I t’ would, jHjoro every- Jiom". ll would fill o n r H lrr«» w llli Idle workerV. U would . d esl^ .y tlie rcluruN .lo nnr dnirymr-n. .(>*ir f ru i t . 'f ln x , nud Hire-, wtock ^row ern. and nn^ o lb c r furm -

' -------- tii ir ■ Im m lR m nnn -Nr. tii;m Will i.:iy tJij't uny immlKra-

Itriiiloii o r Iirrlff t.nv Ij; pcrtcel, Wc w rlc; Ulr nur new liunilKrnnt citti<‘n ’i an J llu 'lr sren i coutilbu tlou i« ou r nn llon : Wf ^e(•k only to nroieci thi-w ecimilly w lih .tb o i 'i ' nlri-ndy ’ here . Wo .}/all .niir/Jd I)J'* IwrnJi-niDon Jiiw.i tu relli'vc unnror.-.fiirv JianlKhliui upon fanilite^. Ax .t nvn ibe r nf tbe eom- ml»Klon -«hnre du ty it i« to doterniln'" •111* qu.-iii Iw sli under th e rinili>n;i! orlL'iOH Iiim- I buv r tound ll Is lmpO!>- ilhle tr. do im .iccuraiely nml wUhout lia rit 'b lp . The b;isl!< uow Jn effect c .irrlrri o u l Jho e ^ e n tl. l l principle of Uie liiw nnd I favor repeal of t in t p a rt o f th'« :ici c.nlllnK for n now bai>l!t of oo-^las.

We have pleJsed oum elves t*"' uial:>' Kurli rcvl.'lonM In tb e ta riff l.-iwo muy Ik> n c ftxnary lo prnvld.. rea l pro- lection uM lni-t tho ^blftlns.t of t>co- nomlc tide* In o u r A-arlour. tndnntrles.J nm Rare tbe A m rrlcan jx-oplc would ra th e r n i t r m t tbe. p,rf«-rtJiin m th,- ta ri ff to tbe cao:>l«teut frirnd .e f th e j ta riff ffcjn t o . our-«pponcne» . -who' have. a lw aJs reduced o u r .ta r if f " , wfio voU-.l .nealnxl <iur prc:.ent protecU ool to- tb e w o rk e r nnd th e fartfler. anrtl ttho»e w bote ect«om lc thcor>' cncr ;;eo rra ilons hM \ ^ n thft U cjtructloa of Ihl* p M ^ U y e prlnCjl^fe. '

r:.rnt:*J rrV l lvlce wltli .IR'II l . jn c .1 JTJ<Tbol~*ia»p «.ther lUan :litr .n jn ipa thy with th e an-[.IratlntiV of thr.i.e w ho loll. U h#» iKcn m y so:<J fo rtune rturloc lhe pam 13 y e an i to h » re ^^er1red.lJ>« c o -o ^ ir» tion of labor In ic sn y direction*.

rouatry la x tnaiaUUned Iw o d epar. u rr« from »uch m «vrm «sta Iq a ll r tber ooufu'rlc*; ' T h e y h a re be«n .t«uitcli_aiU)SQrtcn o f .A m ericas i s - llvMnalUm aod A tm r tc fs In rtltotioe*. rhey b avc .a t^ H fa w Iy oppo»«d‘;i>at>.

rpedom from f o r H n socUl ao<] lomtc dU eajfrs U Ib l a r n d u r e « diu*0 tbla r r t i# tn c « by d s r ow v labor.

. n n n r A i x t ' b i i t t T i p m

. ' provem ent In 'Industria l niotlioda.' T h l liirKbncsH of mlnd'hBH contrihutod ti Ibu iHivnncInc nlimiliirds ,cT llv lnc o tbo w hole of ou r poople. ThPy proi»

Y c rly ii.'ive- Honuht to parllclfinle— hj rtdd.lllonn Ifi. wnsos— in tlif—T rsu it .o Itiip'rovcnipnlH/and snvloBS w hich the;

■ Ibnve l.eli.fd-IO luakp, . — _i: • 'I,{’I DuH iik Hies.! p a st ycnrii we

crow n Rreatly In th e tiiiltnni under f/cfwcen em pIoy<?r';»irt. en;

I [ptoye, .We hnvu seen ii s row ln tj reii' lllrjiih m by iho cm pU yer tlm t tin

: -'MtsbeKt pr.ictluiblo . waKo. bi llio .roui ; I ' t o - Incrrase il • consnm i’llo n -u n d -p ri .i t

pnrlty and wo iiavo seun u Krowlni I renlluitlou by Inbor ib a t th e maxi

,.iimdiIn>’H _ot-.tJffin ', iintl .'.‘■aof.,^liin-l*«n»>''rotid to low,cr. prottiic.

1 t|(.n"co;1iK fttid In thir. end to' IiIkIioi 1* I rea l.' waKcs., • Undor IbeKu liiipn lao ^Mniid tbo ner>ub]lean prbtoctlvo nysten: J.--our Inilufitrlal ou tpu t h as Incrcnui'il HrHK ficv f- »>»> o iir . wtigwi h nviy jii ro w n sttT irT iljn ti'b io lnp po.wi?r. iJ'jt III workern w llh (h<.‘l r avanii;e wi-oldy l-''wnj!i'8 en a todiiy buy tw p und oflos I t l tb re o .iljtiiMi m ore br^nd nnd iiu i tf t ■o'llinn nny iiKe e a rn e r of Kiir.opo.- -Al | . one tim e wo den~.nuded fo r-o iir w crk-

y now Ko'ao .fnr lioyond coiirepilnn „ Today we denj.ind larKcr couifort um „ .Kn-iiter parllcliw llo ti In llfo an'd Kd

Y TJn* Ke/HibJJrnn p la tfo rm »:ives tbe ,, i i M u f t , r Ijjo /w rly H> Uu* K))pi>on. ol ^ n sn rt:— i r - tm lo r m - ih i r - p r in r tn lc - o f

folli'c ilv i! 'b iirw iin lnK 'iind frep.doin In , labor noKotlftllons. .W e Hland ' nlxo' JileiUed_Jo_t!i,o_U irJ»niuent_pf_excM ^' -live' iisi! of th e Injpnctlon In labo r

dWputcn.Develop H’lifer Kesoureeii _•

■ • Tbo w ar und tli\« neceoPiiry eu rtn ll- ' nieiil- o f expundllUVe difplnt; tho rc-• construction yeuru bnve- ."i»iipondeiJ I tbe con » in ic ilfn o f 'nm ny needed jiijb-• Ur worlin. Moreover, th e tlniff ima r iirrl>i‘4l u-bcn n-f- iindenuko a. f lart-or visioned U ovuloppienf ijC ou r• w ater reiioiircc'H.. 12very drop which I runs' to tbe n en .w hbou t ylolilluc lls• fuU erouornlc service l:v ii wuste.n •.Ve:irly a ll .o f -o u r «i',eiitcr drtjIiuiKCS; contntu w llhln UiculMOlve.** p isslb lll-. lies o f dienponcil triinsporfflfloK, Irrl-. unlloil, reclan 'iitlotj. doniehilc \vuterL suiiply, hydro-olcctrlc |>owur.nnd fro-, <pieutly the ,necciiKlile!i. of flo.nd con-. irol, lin l tbiH developm ent of tour, uiitorM rcatilreii- n^rre definite, na tion-■ Inl- i>oHelei>-|n llie sy<lemiltle (?o-orlll-

rmiloi; ol-Uiosfl dlllt+i-ul u m u ujmui

!l lukon not n'H p a rt nf u w hole ib iii ns• -tbo couscqiionce o f purely locul de-

iiiamlK, We cnnnol Klevctnn-modortia f*e;I w jiter iransportflllon by fsolnfed p ro jccb . • W e m ust 4leveiop U an n dcflnllo and . posltlv.. Intcr-ronncclw l >iysicm nf iranspariiitlon . • W e 'm u s t adJUHi reclam ntion anil Irrlcn tlon to o iir needs o r m nro land. W hero 'they Ht. to s r tb e r we • m u st co-ordlnnto tran sp b rla llo n i w ith flood contro l, th e ; <liivelonuient of liyilro-cluctrlo i»;w crl

T t e i e

t e . !

V y T H E N t l \ c p r o d u c t !

m o t o r cat m a n u f e '

!n f iv e s u c c e s s iv e y e a r s < i n g ty g ^ i q e d i n p u b l i c e

a c h o m e o o d a b r o a d - >

W h e n M c h o f t h e s e a t o a s c o t u d c u t c d a s a le s

t h e w h o l e i n d u s t r y — '

— ~ • : - ^ W h e i t t h e t o t a l g a i n o v t i s t h e o n l j u e c o r d . . l o £ ^

t h e g r e a t e s t / n 2 5 y e a »

b i l e m a n u & c t u r e « -

--------------^ - W h e tH b » a o n m > n c e m c r i t, . . p ft»«ftiet s - s w e e p s - t h » - f l

- m m3 3 3 ? r f a

In find of Irr lvu llon , elee we »bnll n« li tho p;iKt ron-'inll o rrorii tb n t v.-lll tak

)/ ^caM .-md' iu<lllons to ' rumcdy. Th <on«ruHS',liiis iititborl/ed and Iuih Ii

y proect.-!! Af lOKlnlntlon »;reirt priiKroin; if o f .im b lin w orks. In addilion Mo 111

ivorkii Tn dcvelupnioiit o f w n le r, rfi noiiVneii.' we~* b.tVi- In -I’l'i.Krosii inri:'

olui'derink lu i!.* in luilillo r“ dH an'il'UT > contitn ie ilon of public bulldinuii.

AJJ;Jhtw> proj.a-i.'. m J I I ';.r/>b.ibly.,n- I- <iulru‘ an , i« p e n d ltu r ^ 'o f upw ards, o

»lii: b illion dU lai'ii w illilti l l ie nex ll foul-j-.cam . li,com i>rli’ei; Illo h ir^es li ^ um lnou rln ir-conairiirtiu ii t 'v 'e f 'i i iuier

lakeii by a n j/K overnm cu t: I t Invnlvci !• Ih re o -t im e s 4ho. expendlU iro laid ou ll ilDon 'l lie l»,inaiiia ininal. I t tw jiiHtf :- |rJcd by th e Ki'Oivl'HT'nVred'and'“wWJll

o f od r-cou iitry . Tbo.or«{inliatl(>fl um A adm in lsin ttlo ij r f ih ls co iiiilrucllon I: n u renponslb llily of thu fJnii t.rder d Knr It wo muHi noeiira tbu iilmoii!0 itw iw inv. 'b/iJii'Sly ;inilj'jik lll,'. -The?<i

y nrm y of n.eii sbt.uUr no fur, oh piac- rt Unable bo ailJUHled 't o lake up tin r j lu o k c f ilnuniployu^cui elKewhere.1 , f r e jo lm in {he conit.Ie,lion-br loKiii. • tnt.Vin provldlni; oilpiiuiiK' flood coii'

.•jlotie Ibo u liileriiik/ni:'O l u ,Kri;ni jia- llnnul. ta sk bill li coiixtlliileN a <;mi.- tr ibu rlcn 'l o . ih o dnvrlopnioni of lhc noitth. - In onorturai:em.en'. o f .theli erottom ic nrow th lies one of tbi- Kro.-jt lin tlonal oppo rtun ltleii o f lho fu ture.

-------KlirlileenlU—A w m liuei.1---------------• I ree en tly -n tn ied -m y p o s lt lo u ii[lun llio l.sth nm endiueni rw lilcli I uKaln r o |i tn l |_ ^ - _

'.-'r (li> liol ravVir~'tliT‘'T « !p ca |-o r- ilie ISth au '.endm eni. I iitnnd fnr the cf* ficien t efirofceii;cn£ <i( tim Jaw« c(fnct- ed"thn rnundo r.- W hoever Ik choxcin presU onl. I iiia .iinder hln outli llio* :.oU einn <|]ity to iniiviue tiiis course.

"O ur ooun iry Ims dellU -ra icly un- d tir la k e ir 'u Kis-al. roela l. aud . eoonolnlo exiierliuonl. noble In m otive anil far- rcacliInK h r pnrp:Ho. luusl bow orked uu t conntfiictlvely."

C'oinn'On JteuHo cpmi>cls >in lo von- llxo' Jha tiK riive 'f lbun fs have .necurrcd — nbnsini w hich inlint be rcmcdle<l. An nrKiinI>;e<l ' so u rcb lnc InveMltfntlou of Aict itiul ciiiiHcn can nJoiit* (lt'Jer;n/«o th e w ise it:i<hod of eorrec tliii: ihuu.. Q-ifue and dhobedJenco of law c '.m nu 10 iierm itted lo break down th e rou-

oillu ilon iind lawii o f the- Uultcd

M odification of llie enforcem ent

j l h e jo iiH l'n p llo h - forldils hi mil1ttlcn-|

iit 'l couiiionanco.. C liauM In tlu><-on-| s tliu tlo n can ‘ and m u rt bo brouRhr nhf.ut on ly I'.v tho strn lK hlforw anl

r7iT>v-).-]n] Jn (bo conntltullon. Ilaelf. T h e re u re IhniiU' w-lio i|o nnt bollovo In th o puriUiMCK o f -so v o ra l provlsliina o f t h e , co oetltu ilon . N.o ono den ies . t b o l r . ' r ln h t to scolc to nm eud it. T hoy 'a re no t snbjnct to c ritic ism fo r nsaortlnK t h a t riKlU. Dut

jtl ie n cp ub iican p a rty «foe(» tfeny th e 1 r ln h t o f nnyone to :icclc to dustroy

^ i w CUfyster "75"

s o f a single';cturcr have / .overwhelm-a t c c m b o th ^

nnuai gains - - rccord for

- ! v ' .

- r r ^ ^-^-r W — " " r -

oTautOn^* -NeW Chrysler “ 6 J “ 1 ti< »0 :1U dda tr(tn tk rti.

| e £ S

in 'A v e n u e E a s t ;■ P h b n t-i« * V • * .'

• • ' ■ . S

u tho ptirpoi:e:> of the oontitltnllc.n J lutlii-omloii;

Wlioovft' 'l ; i elected prcnlileut tak a n oalh 'u"i. (.ti^y tt> faith fu lly ox eliHi lho office of llio prcnjileul. 0 Ihut ofiih -prnvldoii n llll 'f u r th e r th

'• ho will, 10 tho best of hitt ubllll e .Hie'itvvc. iirotL'ct uud defend the cogTs n tiii.iilP u lllli i ju u . ii

;i)ioulil be liiiiniP f . Ihciio g rea t l r- dl(lijj)r, UDlrue 10 m.v onth of offlc f w ore I 10 decla re ntherwlKe.

W llh iin|u-i-«iilvc proof o n 'n i l iildi I of ninitiiirieeiit pi'OKresK. no' cnu ci - - 'r l ijhlly Hffi'v Iho fiindahjeiilu r .c o rroe n iioss o f our eeonoiiil'c n.vMtui. K61I

Inc, how ever. In, perfec t b u t It wort• fo r pnmrec-j. !0 iir ' pro-em iiicnf m

v iiiie«-ovrri'-> i«tlnni:^tn '-tho-laiizclj:lI yciini h im 'b o o n . d u e < l l H l l n : t l v c '

American -accom |.ll«ltnicnl3.' W.e •> '. no t n«vo ilie:>e accouipllshm enta 1 t o u r viiiit nn lilrn i re.iourcCs. Thei 5 w e have iilwuy.i' had. Tliiry Itnve mn n r^ i'e-.iiu-v. •••\ a i i i r ii.iX^mfm c n ’i H-m• Siblllty to nHllxo ihuso rei;oi:rccs. moi ! offecllvely. I t 1« < u r biihian rcsourct

Ih a t have chunurd . Man for man nti• w om a n ' fo r woiimu, wo -uri! toda• irw o capable' w beiher-in the worlr < ..^f.irni, fn rllir.vvur bu-(lnp*M_H.:in t>r/

TTmin?:— 'll " lL, III .1111, 111,'tsu lH ie i edbcailnnal f-yiiteui. In the ha rd w orl InR. c h a rac le r o f oilg pwiplo. In ll' cup.icliy f j r far-slRlitptl'TW deniblp I liid u sliy .' Ibo' in r.eniilty ..;-thu. dnrin o f, lho i i lo iie » r^ t_ n i: \i; IpVentfouf. I

w ltitoin of o fir untlonul i>ollt'leJ.' •' .! Wllli Ihe i-.niivih ami lucreauin Icom plex lly o f cu r econom ic llfo fb

■|-tolaU6iui.oI-i;»»vcrntm;iil_^il_bUBinc^ arO itnultUilyln;: dally . .T hey aro yent Iy iiiofv (IcsiciKlciii uim i o.icli otlici W hgre It 1 h e lp fu l-a n d neeoi-Hiir) th la reliillon -uho iild be eneoiirnKOi Iteyond. llils It obould no t ko.. 'I t I th e du ty of K overn incnl’tc; avoid tpru hillou OH InuK an oauul opportun ity r n il tlllz<;nn lil no t.invaded .'ind publl KlKbt.-i Violated. rfJovernm eiit shoali 'n o t enKUKo In Im iilness In eou/petl llnu w llh lls cltlscnH.- Sncl>^<itloui ex'UuKuUb th e ou torprlB e.u iid llillla Mve wlil'eh 'h a s been th c p lo ry .f l A mcrlcn ami w lilch lia s been th(v,rw fl/ ll.i inc~t'ir.liicnci) 'iJicJ Ji:itlous of the ea r th , On th e o th e r Kani it In lho du ty o f 'tm sln eas to con)luc< Itse lf r» th a t. R(ivcrnm eni regulnllpi

I oc Knv.tfnniuiU cotni)ctlllon‘ l:i unni^c CRSary.W

I ,.UusInc-ss .in id . (•ov rrnn ifn t- — p f if tlr.nl— li|i t .,U .,.i ; I founded upon fnllh-^rfa'll* a^ionu out

Im'eu. and faith ih iil I t w ill YecclW ■fah-idiiy fi-oni the Rovcrnmont. I t if tho d iiiv o f K overnment In mnlplnln ibiU-XoJIb. O u r. wliolu business sys- tun< *)vould break dow n In a day II tbliro w a a .j jo l '« h l«h sohso of m oral rtfcponplblilly In .our bUHlucsn w orld. T lic w hcle prnetlcn and e lh lca o t busl- ncii's hns m ade c re n t ' strldnn , nf im ­provem ent In th e f lita rfe r ’ Or a ^-ootury. larKoJy liu e 'fo ilic 'c/forc of buslnvsrf and tho profession:!- them -

S o u t t u i l

Tetfftt Siiiai^ fxSjf

enthusiastn f orders a

. than its be. ' T h ^ it m i

. x ^ t j t i s a t e—


•^T" \ \ ' ' You ore <

tS S i!T » u iiS H t^ tl6 S ? . y® ’Pricw=g«f»fli-0 ^ . m standywm i U t ^ } , Si063t3 .da tr Wn3

■ 3 0 _ T w iii FaiU;

-. ........ ■. ■■■ . - ‘ ' ' V ' - * -• ' ......■ — r- '.*'............ 7 —

.ilir,usT v . 'in ivby »,elvf?. Ono o f tlio iiiiist he lp fu l S l^

• o f 'r s c c n t ycar«" ''.lH tlio'- 'slfiyjii:!OH grow th nf nuoclalloiis o f.w C fkO se- farniurs. bU nlntss mon and pro((iB»loiuf aJ mtfa w ftJ i 'a tic sire to c i m th ea t ow n' abuses nnd 'A pikrpdso l6 ‘ Aei‘«y. public Intoru-Ji. .M any prbhlenw Cjin- bo siilved th rough co-oporatlon bi

n-,/a>veiniuK -. a.-'BociiitionB .'to -Jm p fo ^ ;e J inclli'odii and iiractices; 'W tU iil.'}b^

liie.M!i eiiieA lla own ab lU C t'Jlilm nt'i) t-H, se1f.;:pveriuwont - wlilch ^c&npnB( in i i io r c tbnii iio lltln il in s tltu tlW lB ;-" t - t ' "O u ij'6 f ih o Brcatcst'dlfflonlUofi^^« ii- 'bu'-niioi-nviiirK ovaTim ciit-iBrtiio-Ttti: iH{,illiuIe o t unnecessary coniftctit w it tl-rKcvenimcnc. {/urcaiis. tiio U L:.Butl-.laconabtcncy^t;so»orumool-.poll ly^cles. aud th e dupllcatlou of'CQVom lo l i rc n ta l ncllvlU es. ; A 'larR c .p iirlJ 0 It/; th ia Ik «Iuo lo tho Mcalterinis o t tunc nu'H pni; nnd Ibc u rea l confusion o f-rc otiKliouslblllly In o u r fcileriil rirRiiliUn

rei f e n n t burcuus o r ^Koncles enpafred Ii -*s" puhllo woi-Us- and coustriictlon.-.'lfl id (lllcd In nitie d ifferont departincnU c ly-, Iho Eovcrntueni. Lt brinis.i about com nf. p iililo n .beiw eon 'K o v e rn m en t'a jfe n •r-c!<'-c. Iit:i(lc(iit:irr o f con tro l, and :

i-'j im bllc'xvorks'.- W o 'have e lishl'd ltro 'r lel vn t bureaus and .a jtcnc liw i-1mr(;c< ini.w iih couHci'vatlou of nur- iia ta ra l .r c iKi.Kou'rceii, located Jn flvo d lffo ro lit,d c n ! rarimcni.'T o f tlin K ovcrument.., .T/ie«

]lh)m i. Olvldud respoiiHbUlty, w l|h;th< K jah ,encu i f coairalU cd au tlin rJ ijf .jire e .v en td .co n n iru cilv c iinil coitslstcfit do

I '~lor''''‘*''l tii-n-nl i]iitlonn||-pnHMn« n r v fli'i>ubllcan pr*!sidcrit« Ua'v.o re

f- . r('co.T.mb;i<lfd fo .eohxrwi:'■ .'thut 11 would .no t only, ^ rc n lly rctluci I."'px|icpse!i o f hURlaess ln lliclr.coiitneti il ,w lih aovernnicul biit th a t a fcredt re I- (luctlnn c fu ld .h r ! inndi! In- ROvem0 m en ial expunditu re and mnro cimnlKt n v'nt and contlhiied nallonul - pollcloi

i:Quld bo dcvuloped 'If w o 'coutd sc6ur<• <lie Rroui»tni; o f th e se uRdiiclcH devot- s ed lo one m ajor piinvoAc u n d e r slnjrlc• .rcapoiiBlblttly and uu tbc fily . I . l i iu c f ..*1(1 lho sood . fo rtune to he ab le tc t cn rry out Jsuch 'tcorR anlzA llon ’ In r t - fipcci w Ilio 'o f-com m erce

TUo r i'su lts have n iriply Justified its t expansion to ^ o th e r d e p ar tm e n ts 'a n d ‘ I should conulder It nn o b lt^ t lo h ta• onllvt the su p p o r t o f conerosa to ef.

feet It." i'n in in llon ef Duslnpss

-■ri... ..nt. h.. nf ll^-nlll.'|-m>io aid In th e pruniotlqn of biislnesg.

'* d:iai from those ' fluctuaiionii 'frpm ' boom te slitm'p' w hich brlh ir on ono1 hand tbo perlodn o f 'vnemplo>-mont : an ti ImikrHpIey- om l on iJie o the r,

rpo ru la tlon a n d w aste; Both a ro de- itirn c ilv o ' to proKrcs* and friuiBht w ith jtrca i hartlslilp .’t * every home.

• Ily • econcmy. In expODdttiiree, wl«« I laxatlon. and sound flioa l tlnanoo It

, | c an relievo tho burdona upon pound

1 •- •. ico n tlp u ’uil on P a ^ 7)

R easo n ;:

1 and p e a c e s ao Increase icnially ten times greatex > st previous year—

ust l>e appMtxC'cbat the ' • : t o - { > « ^ 'f i> o a d . iQ s n p 0 t i o i - - -1 -

*rgreater-«7te,-highyr^^^V r1'assured long lifel' . '

• .Z, ** '.7 ', ■ 'c s r d ^ f inv ir^ py ptu

nr oam. ¥ o ^ -wiIl then !cpgtii2e ih its sarpafting ^ r ^ d e , sound and ic^xcal

y S E

Page 5: VBEK TAKE TOLL - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · tariff aboutd tw lowertd. He prom- ... and a^cuaed o:«tnb«t?^or

S A T U n D A Y . i \ i ; f l n S T 11. 1!:

B « t f M- ^ O L - P T OCalifornia' Crew. Chucks

Goxawain Into Ct^al, Ac^. cording to Tradition.' •

9 r Valttd P n il ...AMSTICRDAM.'' A iis,. 11—UnNllnlcil

w«5 cfrcn_ lorfaj; .figh t

dlhllnutlvo tm t |>oworrill-liini,’ ’il yoiniR- Hjdr who boru lrd Iticiii. into lirlnRliiR tliC 1028 Olymplo rnwlii;; cliiiiii|ilflii>

-•hit* to: lho..UiUtcJ_Statca------------------. 'I t 'w n s 'D o n BlexiilnR'ii oxlinniilloiis

r im r Ills (Hipcr ooxMWfttniihfit whfcli X raueht the AmcHcnn"cv«w nfroirn Oic flitlitU line of tlio 2,boo' motcrn-courKO Ibrco-Q unrtom of ii t>on't ;cn^(h iilionil ot'tlio'ICDfillHli ciislit.; «port»mcti Jiavo uftrucd.'. I’olo Donlon. Amcrlcnn nlnjlte, nl.no recoivM n ItirKO nliaro' Af tlie crcdli fb r tho victory. W licn Dloimlni; cnll- 0(1 fo r a Hpuft, Donlon ronpontloil .wKli mnrvoIouK precision. -

T he clsU t oared ba ttle wom tho 1»Ht ovcnt on ti progrnm which lncitide<l RoVon final cohlcntH., The- United Sthtoti, wlUi- a first. Iwcr ucconds ami one th ird plftCB. liotil h nn rro« ' Ic«»! o r o r Oront B rltn ln In polntn .nnd the olffht oared m cq bccamo the dcchUnR

tw con tlio, IJnV ersify, o‘ cr’nTr tinVHi"cIbIjI o t E n g la n d ... I l wns n o l until lho-350 m etera m ark ih n i tho Amcr : cana wcro ab le to ovcrlnko tho ir n w niH and a fto r th a t th o rncc,.nroycil & A fter tho tlnul d r u f > ; h l c u c a rried th o A m orlcnoH 'to th e cJiam- •tilonihlD. tho O oldea D onrn . uncflro- S S f i lo iS ly b u t accordinR tfl.Uft.Hllon. S u c k c ^ o t r cow«-«ln Jnlo tho cannh ' Tho offlcla lrtlm o waa C m ln u ie s .J 1-6 Bccond a .'. ■ . • .

A lle n d a le ^ c l io o l

— E r ia r g e s - B u i id in g

to onlarRO tho achool hoiino ,hy build* ^ «'n a.ldlllon. at.ll -n<!4lnH _a^banc. mowt. Tbo c oh lrac i bas E ^ iT T c t^ o «w on*on nnd Crandle. e ra Tbe ImprovcmentH \\l ll Uo pnl'l o u t o t money a lready on h a n d .'m a k ­ln s l l u n n c c o m ry to IsKUO b o m ^

c m n .u i j u ’ W l " " ' , AU n ijt W rdncnilay I n ' tho church pnrloTH

I t W Ulcdeniftn attended “ilio rnm „ 5" i t S l ° r "I-h i Ip u tch ...: .! K r . » l . l . r . a . . m l>« L n f f l u o n »locK Io r ,_ a .,r» re :» r .J

‘'°Mr nna Mt«: M..; qa”'"'’!Children a re here from ^ u n to s f t Al-SS;. cnrf.. s SitIrlondn. T hey removed .froin.U»l» dlHa

t C O A S T L E A G U E 'lI _____ R E S !L J U S _ 2 -"ai iS 'ol ^ a -------- 1 6 0

BatTerlc*:-"' • P l l t t ' s i n d b e r s : N c ^ b « , M ulcahy and D au lc r .

At S^n P ra n c l iw : ______

7 li ■]

i t o u i n i

I2B. ’ ■ ,


a y v& iud r r * i i -, 'iVstnrdiiy’a boro : Jncic Q nlnii. vct-I.T1I1I Aiiii.Tk-jui l.;iii:m.>..Dllc-b<T. wbl;hi’Id WaiiblnRtoii lu four acaltitrod

ibltu. wun It ubiitonU’ victory. K .to 0, und oiiiililud thu riilliiUcIphUi Ath- lotlca l(> keep w llbin fou r and n 'linlf Kumeii' at tb e 'len d in g ' N ew ' Yock YnukH. , '. . ■ ..

Ihu .ycu r. w llt\ ItnHi and GazulUi on Ijnscd, Kiivb ' thu New.,' ' ’ork YunkH Ihroo riiiiH lu Uiu th iril InnlnB nnd (invuil the w uy fo r: lh c lr C lo 2 de­feat o f llio UoBton Rod Sox.—iV -n tn lh -fn« lB K -+ iilly -i:y -auvoU ad . Mrnii uliucked by th o 1 ) o tr a i t TlKcr« ’ nl>cr five m nn hnd been scorcd , nl- | luwlnK' llw T lgc'rd to dufoa l th e In- j . l l n n « r ^ l< r - 7 :— TIi«“ ImllnnH wuro , irnlllHK 8 to 2 w hen tliu InnlnB ()l.cned. ■

Tbe ChlcnKO W hite Sox hunchcdil bitii In thu flrn t nnd clKhlb Innlnca K) Hcoro tJvc rnuH uml defeat tbo St. I. I.rf)nl8 BrowiiK, (> to 3. Thc B row ns' ' niiMi cnmc In one n t u tlmo In' tbo fourth, flfib nnd elKlitb InnluKs. . .

St, Louis .d o w n e d 'tb o I’ltluburKh . I’lrnioH In T2 IfinlnRa. 2 to 1. to im aln - in ln .lh c lr-fo u r-p am o lead In ih o -Na* ilonal leuKuc. Tho C nrdlnals ncored In tho firs t, th o P ira te s lc_ tb u boc» und nnd tbo bomo p into rem ained uo- loucbcd un lll tho- WlnnlnR ru u wna < scored in the 12ili. . )

tYcddy- L lnilatrom d ro v o ' in flvo runs fo r the . Now Yorl< GInutii and • lho I'h llaile lph la N atlonali; aRoln linwed *ln defeat, 8 , ta 4. MndHlropi >iU-4i—liom o . r iin- l i tVtba flm t In n ln r ^ w ith tw o Aien nu bnsn nnd b is ulnRlo | wllil llio' liaaea loudeil-in". ,Uio Ufl/- onth ncored.-UAj m oro mon. T erry • c icarcd tho bnaeo V llh a homo run on lho noxt plny. ......■ Uaa*y Vancu hold Boston'H IJraveii ,

to C hllH and tho D rooklyn IlnblnH . won fk Ramo, C to I I . lllssonetto h it h is lOtli bo rne-run o t. tho year. • ^


eil"tlw“ ^onato rH ^ii~ ro B boro yeator-^ liny, ponndlnK .M olloy. S ena to r iw lrl- ! or, t o r 15 h lta . amoiiBlni; .a n e a r ly i i r a d . nnd. lncrcnfllllg.JLJliroUK K ..tl>o |. ninn InnlnRs. K ivo .runs woro couotcd : hy 'tlio Decs in tbo sovcnlh Inn luR ..• llo raeru w cro Ult hy Mollpy and Donovan. Jo h n n y W alte rs w as thn : huftvy. hlttoc. K ottliiR' tb reo aafellca. ' In fou r tr ipa to Ujo' p la te. .Don Colo- , i»an-«rent-i>l(l<>«i»-lii-lUr<>o.Uiipii-audiJ KInK waj» on of tbjf'Kame. ■ '■■ ,Tho acoroa: It. H . 11Sa lt Lako ................................ 12 15 IliolBO ............... « . C :

n n ttr r lc s; l>qv ls aod L apey rl; Mol» i loy and H ow ard. «,

Rrfiirn Following =Bire^ratlii!D in=:

'Pfj^stern StatesDUHL Aujf. lI~ M r.- apd Mr*. :

Schoonover ntwi-<lniiitliH‘r» -G nnft—tnd-L M arK arei-rcturncd a f te r 'th rc o m onlba lourinit tbo Baxtorn «U to a h f -au tb . Mra. Sch»:i»over sprained h e r ank le ] sh o r tly a fte r they lo ft Bubi und was on cru tchea fo r tho c n tlre ir ip . T hey , retu rned by w ay of Yellowktono n a . . Ilonal park . ' . , '

MIbs IMuHnc H erm an U sp<'nUlnK a | row \vc(‘kn’ vncntlon In Colorado. Mra. | , Runyon I* ta k ln s MUs H erm an'* pli\Co In Ur. A. P . -McCluaky's o ffice.

ii i^ . .M i i t3arJa. SclUM~‘.o f- L lncoinf Net>... la v la ttlw t h e r c :« i‘ln s ., Jo!ic; lailno and Bem lco '^Varner. •• MIM Agnc.t K txleth of E ato rp rljo . Ore.. fet v ljltlni? h< j fsthe r. T ed Ko- dc«h.- Mr. and Mra. H eher Unrron a ro vU- :tloc , re laU fcs a l B urley and Poca*

.-M laa-W llU n jcU a-D nkcr le ft F rlda r. fo r h e r homo u l f to r t Thorena. Ky.. a fte r vlaltlnK a n*onih a t lh o homo o f .Mr. and Mrai A lfred U vlneston . '

Mlaa Nov* J l a y t la apendlnR h e r va- callon from nuraea* traln lnR o t U n wVnselo* a t tiio bc«io o f h e r jwrcDto. .Ifr. oad 51f». W. a Har««-

Mr. and M rs. C h rla i H ahn , Mr. and Mr*. O tto H ahn , am i Itelnhold H ahn a r t . lo u r ln e V cilowatono .nn tJonaJ ba rk .

5fr. and M ra. H oshM of M ountain Grove. Mo., rctu rno tl to th o lr homo tf tc r « ' month'*- > U l f w « lh . Uielr dauRhtor, Mra. H a rry Canada. - Mr«.-B tn n « - H eW .-On>aha.-No»»t-f^ tn rae d M onday a fte r a . m ontti'a vla lt a t .th o honia o f Mr.. a n d 'M r* .'O O w Hahn

Mtai" V ir iln la ■P«lc-l#tl- .T h a rn ta yt t r r ls l t 's n - e i i t i t - a t A b l lw e r r T w a .* . ^^ ^ . ' U S d U H . C. E . H elm oa M d SH u j r r a n c W le R " r i iu f * U r cw>raiB»

a « n ooUnR U».th# Saw tooth ;n o u a . M n e a r lU U ey. ^

Mr*. H o rr r * B * r ry ro turnod- fro m tb a hoapltal* .w horo aho aodorw atft.A n n jo r one ra tlo a . * ' i '.

Mra. B. W . M iller and

: nANCR 1

: ' i with’ p Ie a iS i^ a n i - O p e n A !

V'Ti'’ C

• i ■ T W P

Tunney TaKOIoney. "^“ Into^Wllj Street

-By TTBlt*a Pra ia NKW Y O R K .A ui;. l l . - O e n o ' fu n -

iii'V nm y ' tu1(u'' l i l s ' nilinuTi— (liimrPiT and RO llllo Wull S lrue t w ilb jt.

W hile no aiatc incn t,Jm a como from lliu form or beavywoljsbi cbntnplou ' nil p l a n s 'f o r 'h i s purcnr' a f te r -b ln . mii^rlagn to tho wo'clnlly prom lnepti iMui-wdnimy-AjiuiuAjury-. u iuucn , liiun- ivvro pcrslKliinl roporlH tnday Ibul Kcvonil Wnll S lruu l flrm s-lm d offered Tunney « Job. , ;

Quo offor wns,. sn ld to . hnvo como , from Ihn :flrni o f C5. M. I’. Mur|ili>- i

rhn repo rt jnckvd confirm ntlou, but :i wna’ aalil T nniiey mny ile/:ldu on '| ila_bn8incJia_:i:onncctlou^.bctoro-LJic.,. mils n e x t 'T h u rsd o y for K uropc. ;

YESTERDAY’S GAMES | | '- ...v .v T i( jx A r,j ,i : .i( ;r i: , Ji

At New Y ork: ' U .H .i : . |-’hlhidelpblu .................... ........... -I !t I ' l

Vork '........ .............................8. -O 1 1O attorlun: Sw eetlnnd, McOraw. ■

iVnIitir«n'irLorI«n': Klljslmmcinii. Ot-ii- ] iwk-h nnd lloRnn, 0 'l-''arrctl.

\A t r illabu rR h : . K. If. i:.Ix)ula .......... ........................ ;... 2 8 - J . .

•JtlabiirBli .. ................. ................ 1 JO 2B nttorles: M itchell, Stiordcl nnd

Vllson; hMftsoll nnd HnrRi;eiive«.

At B rooklyn: _ .

lrnril,lvn-_ '_" ........ . ^ « ^i!Bntiorica: B rn n d t, ' C antw ell nn«t ,

rnylor; Vnnce nnd D o b erry .' ,

ibreo Knmeii HCheifuled In Nn- iuunl I.cuRUe. ,

; A JIK m CA xTiEA U LK . ' 'A 't.rh llndelph tu : II. H. H

™;!SXr=::—;2iJ ?■B nttcrlea: O aston. Znchnry. nnd !

Kennn; Q iilna nnd Cncliraac. j

At CblcnRO: ’‘‘- “ •f;- " Jt. U u la ...................................... 3 10 1 ,: b i c ^ “: _ z „ c , . r ....... ........• 's 'lo -1 r

n a tte r lc s : .S te w a r t and SelinnR; Dlnnkonahlp, Lyohti a n U Bimr:-------------^

At C leveland: I t .H .K .,Dclroli .... ............................ ......... 2 h - rt'L'lnvclsnd ................................. ... ^ 1,9, ^

nh tto rlca: -Hollow ny, 'Vnn O lldor, jnd HnrKrn v e l'H u d lln . M lljus nnd L -. jtw oll. . . • . '

At Uoiiton: ___ _ . - I t -11- r -S o ,-V o rk ....... ...............- S ;Doalon ............................. *'U n ttcrtea i-P lpK rn» -«na-lK ti«Q U K li.Ruffins. llarrlSB und Hofnmnu.

w ilA T -«ll.TSTAMIIN{!;ST.UI.S; . H ill YK8TKHH.VY

---------------- nT.l7alW<\--l tn W -IU » t^ ( .3 2 nj - ^ > jn L j^ t le M jU 'four tr ip s . • , '*.Ixm-<;ehi-lK (.acs) b it n hom o run

nml tw o alnclea In four Irlp s . 'Fred LSndstrom {.3G<» h it a Iwma

run nnd u mIurIo a n d drovo In th reerona In tb rco ir lp a . •-»oc-m .-H ornsl»K -(.3W )-IallM -lQ -U lU .In fcu r trip*.. H nrry Ilollm nnn ..208) h it .v, two- bnsscr In four trlp:i,

Al Simmon»;;(.3G7J- a lusled In . four ,

"^Vn'ui W n n c r 'p o ; ) felled to lilt In ,

" "p :m k lo . K rlach. (.a'ju>. slnBlcd tn ;riVO; tr lp ^ ______ - •

f- f i g h S r e s u i j e s 4I L A S T N I G H T ]

S y C alU d P T V t a . .CHICAGO—Y’o u n K -JacK 'T llon ipao i;

California, knocked o u t Eddio Demp*. >ey, Philadelphia , H 7 pounda In tho to u r th - round. P a u l .;A llen . aloppM Sailor " 'Jack S tan ton , both Clilca«o. 13S pounda tn tho th ird r ^ n d .

IIOLIA’WOOD, Cal.-rD lclc Hoppo ilefeated _ Johnoy L em ar In len rounda. _____________ ____ ■

kro VlaltlnK relaUvoa a t D enver. - Mra. D. C. C iirrlnitton le ft -Wednca-

ilnr to vla ll fo r » m onth vrttb rcla - ttvM a t SL Panl. Mian. '

MiM H ickm an o t Pocatello la vlalt* inc a l th e homo o f ho r un ilo , Donole W ri'cht . . . .

M ri-and-M ra. M lU l«aa-of.Sah_Laicc aro v h lllw t » t th o . homo of, Mr. and

“ ^ j * ^ c v - . ’a ^ C . B a rto n o f iho'.Twlo F S lf tr rB aK la t-^ u reh *111 d?Uv«C-tho- a*«B U W r«ddnu .at.U ifi.iu llO ftJN D len . BUfidax ovealiii;. A uetM t IS. ^ S T b c t . a . W. W rt^b t. p M to r o t tho ChH atlan c hu reh o f R a d l^ . :K M - aaa.. wHl p rcse h « t . th a . C h r tr tla o chareb Sun< lir la o m ln x . A v s M 1*-^. .M r. a n d Mra. W a rrr Shaw . O akland, Oal.. «Ttt 'vWlUac a t th * taono o t 'S T aad atr«. W i» u ta P oa t. ^ . . ■ •

'ONTfiHT ^l;co^ort

r l A L L S D A IL Y w aJW E S

Twilight League 1 Season En ds and

Leaders Arie T id I______ i>i

Till) TwIIIkIiI leuKUlf l>;iHi-liiill xi-iiKnu pjkU'iI f'Y/(Jny fi/cftf 'u^Kfi jJi<. K fce. '' irJtJj)n» troHijH'jj oji iln- T n y U nm - 'd ry .» 10 0. Thu TroJa^i-i-ni-v.T Her- " loiivly ihriuiii>iii<d.. Tb>‘ I'U-dirlcn .jiiiiilu. |! •<ia-{itlllus-l(i-nt«>-4>iMuau«f-(riiiiii>-from five 'hllll nnd ii coiijili- o f wiilkii. in tbe scconil fmiriu' Ihi-y iwiiiu throii K' w ore. .counivrii4rrtiU L M itd iil3c = .m ic V TroJunii c o l one h'll in th a luHt-linlf , o f Hie openlnK cnnto. T hui wan nil. '' '

HlRben, wbo ijinrtcd Ik-IiIihI tin- plniu fo r (till TroJnuH, w ent ro f(r»l Imnu m thn Ihlrd Innliii;. iiftur lm had m iilitiii. w l-^ltH iu tL u> t-h l*-tlfA lU m uL —lUiUa "j try inc lo catL-h n bol <uiu. Iioheriaun- toolc blif plnco nil i;ntcli'-r. '

The HCnson lin a ll n'MiUcil tn it ili! ... betwcoii IbV I.-D. Sion- am i-thi: W in- , u l ^ t iT m en. A fliliir«iiiii(; w ll^ p n il.. [,

■ wo trinnn 'in iti'cidu th r I'huMivlonMltip liennnnt w lnm-r of tlic yi ;rr, TMlii Kuinit , bnn no l doflnlti 'ly buen ilicliii'd uiidii yei bui w illjirob ;il)ly l/o iilnycd TrAji'H- ' ' liny. A th re e Knmu iiorlon bdw con ji.o ” Iwo (initnii wns cnnslili 'm i, bnt uti in> •|’-

«"li« 'ilccltlcil tlin fionc K'itiiii- noiiW t.p • luftlcleni. . . '—U iH t-n lK hta-icoro :— ______lU C lw -

Frrty Uuiuiiiry ...... ..................... 0 J ' 1VnuerlcH: W ncJo n m l , llL-liDlck; |.r

.'oBHwoll nnd illKbno, IliibrrtHon.V ' • I.ru)fiif S tandings, , ' n,

: ■ - W. i 'r l . %vI;' I>. S to re ---- ------- - I 1 .son jj,IVInchcflte/; .............. a- . . , I I i.'fiOOitec irlc inns ..... .............. '•> 2 .iIOl)l~ n . S . . - .......................... 2 2 .1500Troy l^ iu n d ry .............I -1 .2iia stPonioffico ...... -n— -i'— .oon s-.

Benefit GamelojBe_ 1; Played Here Sunday "■Tim nIckiMl Tw hi Ku'll.i liuflMi'iilt *^

:e:in> Is to pHiy 'tTio KlU-r iiiw;ri--K»liilffTa;

licrc SuniJny itffernoon v it 2;3t), ne- Si -ordipR to nnnouncunicift mnde by 11.1/. Uinkolnckcx thin n iornins. N’eRoiln. Mionn bn^x hneii undon.w ny wliti. Mi(-r iJTor Boniu tlm o nml th e .tw o leiinin uro 1-''now ready to cro.in bain, Si

A cbu rso w in hi) nindu u t th c Riitea, .Ibo prococds to bo Rlveu lo II. -IJ. 1Wallace.* whoHO ioB waa brnk»n In tw o J idncoii.whlln hc wiih plnylitR In Ii.Twl* ilRhi IcuKiie fiumo thla week. Thofon;;uo fo lt th a t I t aho>il() i)» iia miii.-l) '

Incurred by .Mr. W allnco ilurhiK lllncaa, b u t an aufflclont funda uro not in the txiaseaalon of tlic lunRUc. tliivL.

uertnln 16 he a kooiI Kaino n.H T w ln ! „ {■"lilts hns siiinc c x c r lk 'n t lo v n r IntbTitj... bnll p ln x c rs nnd Klb^r la r<]Unlly n . i : ’ good; T ho fnlthfiil nro rcqiioatPd lo ' nttcnd, bo th to ace {i Rood cnm u und to ') . nW thtf hcncflt fiinrf. ’ | «

— T n r r i : i i i ’V r m r — =—'• .» y r n l t» a P ra ta

Aii.MrIc.-\n Icnue: I , ,Hub. Y nnks '.'....... — ;........................OcbrlK. Y nnks ____ .................. ........ 20j '~ N tt tlc n n l 'l(n n n io r -( 'r — 1-;Wll«iu.:.Ciib!j .................................... 2r.;"Uoitomloy,..Cnr<lji ...... ________ _ 21 ’

U'aKUe m tn ls ;A pirrlcan le.ixui*' ........ ;.................. .'37*Nntiuiial loiigui)-......-............. ........... 4^1) ^

'■ O ra n d 'l ji lu ia - ...:........ ................

W K S T kiix LKAtsT'K 7;H tefifjft 8 ; /•ue£>Jo C. «D «a..M olncatl:.O klahom a Cily O r ^Tulan 2 ; O m aha 1. • S

—lJcaYCE_Yfl..JkjaucillcteBniiic..yllUic _ pl»)-ed Suijduy.

Our new eam pm co: enatiiea ua to do a ll k in d s of m il\ w ork-and tbo b est ^ of- flx t^ ro w ork; Im lldlns conti^ctloi; and body w ork. Modem P lan ing MlU.14< TUlrd ava. M ulh. Pbono 80« .»


. 2 5 YEAn5..0F■ — r T O T W l S l

WHEN Y(y o a n o t o n ly p r e p a r e y o u rw !

p o r tn n i t i c s t i a t . m a y p re » c n

- u a l ly c re a te o p p o r tu n i t i e s . ' .

~ 'T 7 A ;-4 " T « r - ,C 8 ii t -S a v in 8 r-A c c <

• " f a l l s B A N K f t T R t S T

‘ * v - ‘ y o « !* p r o to c t lv o o t 0 '^ “T y o u n C i ' i c c t o r o U ^

^ o f a h S f iT 'o r a s i s t e r e c t in

. ' S f l ^ u j v S K S s i

*411 ,

V ■ . ' ' ' ■ ' ■

Forgery Is Found, .. NotTo Be Forgery


Jnn wen* uciii oul li>- IucmI ol- n ,U-iTH. Uuy l ’ar« '"i- ' Wi-nl In-lliv lollci! her.! y.'iii.'nliiy und cM'lalii<-il .n,, vhy ll'- WUH not n riiis<T. ulilicmcli f.i Ir»i liiit(»';itf»n« pi.InK'il thn t In' « u ! .,io i llA oxpluriutliiii wii» II « ''0'1 " I" ' ‘iii 'l 'i l i biirKoiriiKnliifir blm itlniiil>iii<'ii. > fii:“ :ilr iMr;ion« ululvil tnnt hi'-hnil rnph -'ilnd u' .'bn-lc luri- unil i t huil I...... ii--l,.l.'u rh u d -n u _ iiix u u n i.-H .-- fn td -f i!n t^ i.rJ ili l l:i-ow n- lnlst.-«ke In? bn<l - r-isncil- Ilir: uc lii-ck Ilny A . l ‘iir«iJnri.'w}ill.. (ito lii iiiU )_ Kcount ri-Klhii^icil imdi'i; i l i < " ^lunin llf It. A. I’ursiinK. 'I In- Imiik. up,-«ir«-ni\>\‘ b:iii n<n thi- i« «iiilin'» ,'vvllb Ihr uoi'iiiilK. T l'p iiiuM.'r f.lK l l l l 'd ' NilllllHil-l"! I lj .” *1 ' (KCi lV*

b r c n imviitK'd. , _ ^

■ 'c lu b s t a n d i n g s 1 .V T.vu '-i\'-vm » i.i:.V(u r.

W ,. I .., l’i:I. >oniil,..llo ................... •. I!I II

....- ... I* fJl■;1» 7Jik<- ...........- ......... X' ' •i„l.,„ , ......... I I IKr* --------n r m r ^ T n n t m : — -----------

' w . ' I,. — :s : s - T o n r : , .................■’hilad-illibia ................ JlJf- ............. t -"(fi,hiciiKO ..........;- SI . - 5 ‘

S ;”!::::::::::- . » s.vNATIONAJ,

: in S i iV ' '- ”:'.::.:v.:..'.:;.'n^ - i s ' , jj.:;ii|'lltKbilr«b ..................... '' ' ' ' r“ ; ; : ;2

lSXis;ir'::=:::'i«. -“'I■ 1..111KK! COAST

...is'-fel"I'"*'” '" ' ............. .......... i , \ -V) - . j M l IllHBlo,n» ............... ....... . r ’ Z.. I-II 0-OS AukcIcb ................ « g

Two Americans Arc 1 In Boxmg, Finals

» y UulM4 T r*«», AMSTKRDAM. AUfi. ^ l l ^ n l X

^ U S 'T o T th e o iy m rik h o s ln s cUivw-

''5 S b n '’i ' u S ' o f W nlthnm , >fni.a..,m h c c l 'U m i l^ f iw vy. (o r nnu-.-li!ht u t l r . nnd Stephen llolnlko S l il l m eet O rhm dl o t Itn ly fur Ui<? |

n Ifr>' P c v in c r'ff^ ^ a ”V oreester. •Mums..‘wns cllniln.Hed In 5

BCKil-flnal •round J..alerdn> by g 'nn KInveren. of H ollnnd. . 6

H olnlkn lind IWlcy scorod Imp^**- P

orltoii fo r the title- O

■ ''ti lo ri.' ^ '\m h r^ H e lK lH s 'A 'ld lU i.ii . .

•urnera Aild. KlmUcrly.

M A i u i L i i i E 'E i F n 5 K ~ ~ ~A mnrrluKO llconan w us ls!>uM to

v..n .r.. KiiUm.in-.;r and1,-rtle n . M uaser o t Burley.

H ee'H aw I ^•p.,f K n ir-o im .loiihcy, between n jnk

,r,.i icn i r o r i oKU Mulher-lu inw ^

-Ida blio bccaiiM ahn hna corn* on net any b c r t<^\ hnm,*. 00 tU« ground.


8U SAVE, l f t o B cU e b a s in c M o p .

I t th e m te lv t* — y o n a 4 t-

«TUrt . - w i th - th e - T W I N - _ — r - -

C O M P A N Y w i u w a k o . *" :

i o n t ln u o o i p r o f i t : w h f lo ■ -

1 a b a » is is » .,

■1. _ — '...

- 's n : i ; i » t i i ' A iu i'V :h .m its

.ny Unit»rt rcoaaW.\srit.V<;tO,V, A uk, t t ~ . \ nnw „ M.-ni i„ fai'll^at.. tlir; I'siiiiu .x -, oluiluiit—i^ivkiu'f-v iKfrmlti!__I j__bdi'L* I'lli'Pl.-il liy III.. a>'r;',uaiillr.. b ran rli 1 'v

<■ n .'u J.U.II, 1)1.. I,Iiiildii , 1.11,1:1 llisI|<lli-alliin iikri' lK :iii uuiIm)1|.-i.>I rx - :^lnlni: |ih \;l.'la li wli,,. «-i|lr c..iri<Titii-r.- , r iu - M iulm t Is n->iiiK'i- I'c-.inlr.Ml to ........ n „ . „|,,.((.'.a- .rin lo wa:itiliii;l(>ii., l.-jinn niu-.-c.,.,. lly''l«;iN:.!ui: ib(. iiir-Fii(’rtl-i>t:,,n 'l,'n.III tlio |ili)-iir<'(;i(i w ltl in i io tti f Rtll- lit a |,;ii.'i- „< unriiofli.v, a ll’.wiiii; "I m tn niwrrifo fiCnftln.-prcrffm. n r tliu " luni perm it, . • , - . I"


:_____ - I N V I T E u s T O Y O I

M ackey T ire an d V N E W BRICK 1

R e a r of N ew T ex:ico , S u i i o n , TJi

l O o a o o a o c c a o o a o o a o o a a o a Q o jo c

Safety Dept~“ ~ a r5 -tlro drcapest— . yom-valuables.

lull Lh.; risk-CTf . w e r e n t b o x e s a s lo w

First Natio.---- .--~--~of-^u}in



UlLiriRAV S m a i k i t , ' aad am i/abfe Oi

. . P R O D U C T O F O SN

t o o r m w r to t h e w id e s p np r i c e d »Lc o f u l t r a * s n u n b o d y ty p e * K a v e b e e a j • p e c ta l i p o r t e q u i p m e n t

S ix w i r e w h e e l* I n a t t n ^ m t h c h r o m e 'p U te d £ L u s

mcreafc io^ ie ■ O n - ^ o ^ h t t six o f c o m p a i « w r t a n d o l t f a - o e w o q u l i

“ - - ' - - p ^ W x i & a ^ o w v r ii n K m m a c y le a d v a n ta g a

. . and tiie pet<9rtD ance.*up { n . e n g i a e T r i th t h e 'G 'M 'l

• P t i e s b o o i f $ 9 5 J m i . l *i0 B a l* % o y 7 f tx ia y .

■ ' 1' P A t f E - f j r j g ' •

: Crumb -pf C am fort.." 'lirii vy,. „r,. Il, trouble It Is nlwa;rii friMiici. of .fucnuriiR fiiion t-to -know •

!iai oilii-rs .MiiT.i cninu Iti'roiij-li llk«« xU-Tli.nuTx. Whfii, hns hpcn bnrni* ■ in llrt Bndiired ng liln ; w here vji-iorjra , uy>- h .rn w..i, tb..y nre Mill possible. ' -.'■.’•■•‘■I riinin;hl» Mnt iiT,ln.» . ______ ^

G ood A d v ic e"f.ove, laiiKh nn.l live lonsi'r," nij>M-9' iini> of iiii> f'otynnmi syjuKcnfe' Ki'-rM. .Vlll u_f<*w m rn hnve li>vc<l. n;:lrt'.l.iiiiil.ilvo.l [I'UiirtrK 'in 'm u U r r* ' ' ' f lliN liliKl vor.v iiuich ili-jH-iuls on- h.* ili-,'i,.vw<. ninl Illl* lauRlK'c linp^'-wi..U) bv.—T l.rift >Ili«uf;Iiii*. _ - —

GO OVER YOUR T IR E S 'VoH .1 J-C siirc to I h d some in

■llu; di^pnrd th a t 'w e can v u l. ' t-aiii^e ns t'oocl'iw ^JICW. . In fac t no tiro is too , fiin. gopc lo 1)C hcj;ond rc- ' .flcinpiion nnd,'brougH-4>ivck ■

H f tT T i r i r r ___;o n r c}i.nrfic.T \v ilh 'tho costs o f new tire s iind figure Qiit how m uch m oney y o u c a n ., save. • L e t us rcnovfttB yo'ur . . o ld lire s if ' you [>'e{icve iij

t h r i f t ; ____________ __________________ _

JR BLOW OUTS ' 'u lcatiiz ing Shop.—— ' — 3UILD1NG •ird Ave. nnd T h ird S t. E a s t ' J '


JsitBoxes Iw a y : o f - p r o t e c t i n B — I —

-- ' ■ r• tF s e m a g ^ e a s ^ w h c n • g ■-

a s $ 3 a yearV " '

«<2 / Bank Enlls ^


. ■ • .V

nly to h u tf^ oF~ '_ -

tBR^MOT^^®caddftmandfijralow - i . f

aU Pontiac Si* • •'‘- ‘f . Dxade ai^lable Trtth ' ' - |

i v e c o l o r » - ^ n * r c a . ipgcnufledlnfcnifc;: ’^•«*allareb]|ieladed r '• '

Page 6: VBEK TAKE TOLL - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · tariff aboutd tw lowertd. He prom- ... and a^cuaed o:«tnb«t?^or


T o d a y ’sWHEAT M M E T ’


. u y TJaltart F r t . .ClMCA(JO. Aiik. 11—A tiilii riinli ot

ulKiri oovcrliiK ulioitl lOlKlnlylilt;li«T toiluy on Illo llimril nf Trailp

ri’KiiIur. Si'iiiomlurr kIiowIuk n iiliiirr loHK. OntH wnn 111) IV fniltlloil.

•Wlipiit c lim nl <‘'>riiruiiKctl fniiii a ’ i r Odwii tci lii- IiIkIi- ■•r nn.l on'ii. wut. I’rovH-Uihh'Ak-ci't; HliiiiiiHy liif.ii''''-

Wcuk' U viT pnol cnb li'ii'iion t \vln.'nl >lnwn' lit III'" iipriiliiK ' -un>l jiclrcn w orked HllKlitly lowi-n. nIttioiiKli >iu1l- InK ViUM.not liL-iivy. Slio ri covorliiK nml (■(immlKNtiiii IiiiiiKo (iiiy/ni: d in t u it nitviiiico. UW'i'liiifi woro ST.l oani

Si'iitom lii'r ro rn wiin-wonk on unit- -t*r«U_8oUliiK,—lJui_UiiL_il[Ji:i:r2aL_«l<‘' ,MvurU-n'»liow.'(l - iro n c lh i-nrly..,oii ro . jiorlH of liont iliimuKO In Ni-linmkn. CiiHli co rn . Wllil Htonrly to. V,c. lower.

.Arrlviilii wcro earn.CommlHiilon lioimon w rro Iniyorii of

onlJi. C rop rt'piirlH cnnlliiiH'd fiivor- ul>U*._ IlccclplB. w«'ro- 2lfi_ c n rn -w ltli tlio cnHli m nrko l ntendy.

(JU A iy 'F i rT ru K s O rnln filtiireH rnnKcil nii follnwii:

W J K l iT — Open niK li Ix»w Clnno S e p t liiy% 10K»4, ln !i4noc. A....ai.i5 i i n w , j h hM nr. .... 117'A IIKVi H 7 llti'ACOIl.V-r-SopL ...... .. IH’J; • » :* / s7'/& RS»>1

■TJcc.~7-nr-,T.-Tzu— : r ; - - r i T i -M nr. 7^',3 ,7.TVj 7I>4 O A T S -S o p t ■..........n : • a7->; rt? 37-')iUoo....... ....... JOU .lo's. -Kl'/, ' •mi-jf

.M ni________ n u ___________u is j___ i ! L -

---------- r n ir.x<J<i r x y u •t.’i a i .v— ^CinCA tJO . Aiik. 11.—W lient: No, 2

hn rd J l.oS '.if ii l.ilii '.i: . No. 5r* linril IJ.0714: No. -I liiird ll.iir.Tjfl/it.ii.'iVj; No. 3 itilxiil JI.iin 'A: No. -J mUod »l.n .lO )l.n t; Nunplp Krndo

C orn : No: S yoliow »J.lU: No. 3 yi'llow Sni;; No. ^-yollnw No.fi yellow M e:;.N o. 2 inlxuil No.:i mixod one: No. i m ixed OHr; Nn. i w hitp 0.'»J4o: fnmiitc- cm ilc «7<rS.Sfi.

OiUh: No. w h ite nSHffP-ISn: No. -1 .\vJilto.:3S;; « 3 f le ; ,N o . . -I ..wlilto_301i£('.n?>-- «»m ,.i„.LTn.i..- nn rlo y : cr.fl"no. . ' “

T im othy: $ l.2r.ifM,S6, • CU»vurj-'>SI.Ci0gt23------ . ■

i,iVKST«)CK CIllCAtJO. Aiik. I I —Uo>;ii, -recelptn

20(10: u tondy w ith KrIctay'H livnrnKo: iid .riolH nnd fow loiidH Kood loc-lioloii I70(rs:i0 poiiiidK n t |11.7S^11.90; toji

Cftttio. roeo l|i lH '3Db: nm rket com- pnrvd w lih wook nKo:

H trlctly rlio lrv long - yoiirllnKn U oady: low or Kr/idorf nnd till llKtit roitrlliiKH 2r>(rC0c lilKlier: wvlRlit>' i tpp rn -n ton ilr tc» hlK hl'r: fod i-nwa :s« ;s0c hlKhvr: cutterH nnd tiiillH 1C iT25c' h lR jior; venlorii J l lilKlirr; lonl woiKliiy hi«><-r)< $lC.n.';: Iiiitk f<-<I itocro »115.25 iipw nrd : Kliort feiln $10 lOM-n In t n .n o : . >;rnsMerH tlx r .o .

Ir5ctli:nlly~nll ■ n iF ?eirP rlr“w'otk:~Kn loiiblrn from foodlui; Htnllonii, ') t.siio ■iri-cf: zr<fpi(if. Ilfolino on In-lietwoon rado : 4n«rC0i; hiRlicr ou xtiooii lont ntl-: feodlnfi Iiiinim iiiicliiinKod.

c n ic .v c jo iM tonV ci:ClIICA fiO . AllK. I l i - I l i i l lo r , rifrelptn

4,220 pncknci'N. No mnrkot. iKkki>. rocL-ljitH 10.32t)o Cnsea. .N ;

in rko t..Cliei'Bc, twlnn 24',i<’: yoiinK A m cr- i

r.in2.';<i. ,I’o iiltry . rccolptH 2 rn r» ; fowU.ho.-\vy , ll-: •I.OKliorux 20ir: dni;kH,.ho.ivy ISo'; >--------!----------- -----------------------------------I

L o c ^ M a r k e t s : '• i r j T i m j PRICES 1

W IIE .IT IIcklon- .................i „ ..............................no Ir d tf rn t lo n ................................................ S7 r

jKnr. b r r t ......ir .s i '

' .............. 'ID tterfat . ............... ............. .<R fu tte r , ranch ...... ............. ..........- .........-lO li5Si, HtnndnrdH ......................... — _ .20 fl- CHICKr..N.S AM> KOWLH ^ta v y Ucnn. 4 ‘i Uw. up ...................13Kilt henii. u ndor 4 '.i IIih. .......... - .15 li•sho rn ben* .................... - ............ - .11 f’)CICB . - ...... ............ .03 11irln e cm . co lored , iip to 4 1b*..._ .13 IjirlnEPm . LoRliornH ............................. 17 .irUlSfM. co lorcd . uj) Io -I lbs..........2U --•oiler*, co lorcd . 2 1b»........................22 /iTKCys. No. 1 — .... .......------------- .19 •irk«*jr». No. 3 .......... ....... r i(Q uotatlonk 00 drcKned (urktfys - J '

JOc b is b c r th a n Utc.) , |CM .................................................... -.ft7-ick« .................................... ..— —1- .07i

. LITESTOCK 1)Rt, b n ic h c f ............... ......... ...... r - . l i T ' ;>C». h c a r y ____ -------------------- .07 Vif c n i ____— ................. .............■ .03 f■U «r»-------------------------------- O Sff.na. IT S ______________Ofi«.OS . •i t t o n ..... •________ _______ . . O ’? 1ra b ________________ _____ — .1 3 H ’

•____^SE U ^SO -PRICES

-toin Bteak ------------- ------- ------- .32innd f t e i k ____________________ .22 'l>ona a t e a k 1-:.__________ I__.35 1

ro n . a l lc * ^ -------;---------------------- .BO!mB ch'oxU L L - 1 — - P a m 'cJ iee M '---------------------------- .30^-.b b w o ------- --------- ------------------ -05rrv U , b u a e l i '__________ — .OS'

c n m b e n , c*cb‘ ,, .OS'paraC M , I J b * . to r . lo |

______________ :------------- -M

M ark et a]

' n e w y o j/ (CloalHK

.‘ A lli.'ll i;iioiii. H I i y i i ................... LTT'.-iij AIUh C liiilnitni Mfk'. «’ii, ............i :« i i

A m or.t AKrl., rnoin; ....................... u 'I Amor. Iloi-t Siii;nr <”o . ' ............... 211iA ino r. Can <‘o.........: ..................lAinoiv. { 'n r- ,t|Aiiii-i-. * I'liroicii j-owor ................... ..*■ .. .......

'jA n i'ir . SuKiir-'ltof............................... i5[i%L u n o r. Tol.. and Tol........ ................. ITl'.ii]AiiK’;'. Tohiici

.lAniiM'. WooloilAiiini'. iCIno . ..................................... 2ii?4I Aimcoiula ('.‘opper ;....liti-."*■ Aleliliinii. Topi'lin huiiiii l o .., Hutilwln I.ocninotlvi'ii .... ..........2’10'lla ltln io r 'o ft"; IK Ihtoliom StCallfoniift I’liokiiiK ........................ "i>T»

Iciih im o t nnduvy .................................. .■. . .■7:^ 7

' Cnnitillun I’n Icnito ThroHli.i<’o rro de. Pnrtro rn iiiio r ................ I'l-slCro»«i.e»kt.--& iriileuK o Groii'C lll.. Mil,. S t. I*. & I’HO................. :ini do ■ pfd..................ChlrnKo nnd N orthw entern ......... KlChlcnso. II. I. & I’ao.......................IK .U

ic iillo Ciipiior .................................... -i:i'/4ChryHlor M oiors ..........•.................. !12^

Untl.'H Scrvlco (iMirh4 .................... (15%Cohm ido Fnol iind Iron ........ .. r,'!Comiolldfttcil ‘(lllll ............................ l !C>4C ontlnenlnl Ciin ............... ............. i nC orn •Prodiictii' ............................. . "SMi

iC nii-lblo Stool .............................. 7.1.DodKo A . . . . i . . . ....-............................ 1.S9*U nl’oiit (lo.St-mmirH - & Co. -.7.„-.,...:iG8

,I-:rli) H nllrond................................... '^0%ilC leetrlc 1‘ow or iind MKhl ;........ -11Coiiornl A m erican .T nnk .............. 70%

^(leaornl AHplmil .......,.................... 7.t

T l o r n l R lo o t r l r r i l . ! " . . r . .v ’j! ..-’H 3 i;iiio iio rai. jviiiioril* ....... ............O- nornl Outdoor A<lv. rtf« ........ i .13 .Olmhlo nroiliurn ............ .............. r.li'A

! fjoodrlcli ................. ••...........................74-'>i'O riilinin I’a l t e Mntorn .................... .■;i2-'5i.jO rem -N orllin rn pfd......................... 3(!

do 'ctfK ...................... 21• {:rucnu_CAlU‘« '''‘ ..............................

Ilow n S o n iiilT .......... .r r r f if i—H udson ..Motom ........ ....................... 7 Ii, .

I llllnolH C on trn l’ .:............................ H t, Inlnhd Stool ..... .............................. - 7■'Ji.I lis jd ^ tln n ConH, Coppor .......... 20V»

Ip tornntlon iil N ickel .................... »(!•?«'In to rnatlonn l I’apo r ...................... CfiTiJordftu ,M ot om ............-............. —. . 0 ;

K .illh Alhco O rphoum 20^;. s • ~ '

sm nll ir.c; yoiinK 20e: Koene M«: j 'o iin r .lS c : turkeyiii No. 1.20c; rooHt- orii 17’. ic : hrollor* 2Ur.

I’otuiopR. n rrlva ls 27 ours: on triil-k. 170 'o iirK rii'rtrnnR li- 473 •cnm': K annan| nnd MlHHonrl nnrki'd Irlidi Cohhhirii' 70«?s0fi. . •

” ” d KN”VKU. A iik. I I .—Cntilo’ rocolpls. 2f>0: m urliot Htendy: boot inooni $1.1 'II IR: oows and liolforH »Ki:i ir.; rnlvoi. t l i i f f l f i : Klorkorn and focdcrii iS(i/13; hulls $7fi-3,

frw -fiatm -n i-J1(r7S r* iio -n ihrr-nalen .—'( Shoop; recolpm r.300: m nrkot stondy.

In ICe hiKhor,: c lipped lamlm 1 spr l i iR lam bs J12'0'I3.2C: o\fo(i JSfjG.M).

N n o s T < ) \ « y « i , . noSTON*. Aifir. '11— ncnm iiil’ co'nt'ln- •,

lien Ktcndy nnd fa ir ly KniornI on te r ­rito ry h a lf btood and medium K rados’j ivlth Bomo hnuiieii; T ho dem and nn i :hoHi- Krnde.i I.-. Kood on hotli thn j -liidiliiK nnd.coiiihliiK w ools n t p ro s - '; 'l it m nrkei priLef., I)(mioH'ilc f leceo l. aooIm rem ain ijnlni except fo r ocea -| ilonal xaleit n ii'hn ir .h loodn w lilrh n r e ' i icllliiK n t r.Oc In the Kre.iiie fo rn trlc t- ; y comblnK Ohio SKs.pnd \30n quality . J

.....•' "f»rTi)K\ invKjTTorK j0(!I)K.V. A uk. 11— IlriKS.' roeolpts~l

21: niitlihiK ilone e a r ly ; rocelpis fo r . Ill' week. 3<cn: iinik prlre* fo r w eek ' Iclii und medium woU lit lio .nn r, t l ; i n lxn l und iinderwelKliis a round }S,60 ( 'f lO : parkliiK »0U-K IS5/0. J.-Tattu-. roeeiptH r.l. i.<. ,-nrly h .iIc - jr ro lp ts i;27 . I’r le rs to r w ork : me- 5 Hum itiiil K,md s teers e.-<i.;rs |,s.r.nfMO: ni.'dlum and cood lelfors JS.Siifi M.SO; ti f . l ,-ows J>i'’.n i;>.7.': culIor#- .:r.: bn lls Jfi.r.o r I . . .5 ; v ra le rs $Ki^i 12, |Sheep. reeolplH CWf.: sn ia ll lol IIrI.I I

\m bs J ln f f i i . i s ; recrlpi.-i fo r wc.-k XS03. 1-flc.i, for w ,.rk: 0 ,1,1 l„ tsruck-ln Inmli-i 70 to n : pound-i s

III.=5fM l.n3 . „

pO T^G S.O F THE. ;J/.-rOM ,W AVE .y o u — ••

. . -niO U ^H T Ah/V MORE A B O O r WWERE. 7 0


Qd Financ

IK STOCKSQiiotntlpnn)'

K,-lly SprliiKfl«ld .........' ........ IS'.-. Jtoiin.'tfott_............. ........ . ...... -M -

■iv'iTs,:,. .... .........••.•71^I .ainhert .......................................... IHr.ll.olilKli V alley ................................... l«II.uul>ivl1ti\ and Niiidivllle ..............I l lMliclt Tnieldi .... ................................ !IS,'

I .Mnrlnnd Oil . ....... ......................... UfiSj

Itf lu iiou rl. KanKiii'i and ' ’Texan :”<! 'M issouri r ac lf lo .... ........................ Rl

iM ontuiw I’ow er .............................. IRSViM iuiiK om ory W nrd ...............N iisli. M otors .... :.....■.................... :■■■ s;»-

■ 'yalio'iiij Ill...nill l!o ............:............li'.;*.Vntlonal De.pl. Stori'H .................. -12',:

I National ICnntnolInc ...................... 3UNallonnI l .e n d '.................................. i 20>,<

iNovndii Cons, Ciiitpcr ...•,.................22^1’.Vow Vorlc C en tral .... .................ir.l'.ijN , V„ N. H, '& I ln rifo n I....... ........ f.r.Tt

• i ’aeknrd Molorn ... .....!!... 7fi il l ’nclfli^ (Jail umi i :io c ir lo _ ----------17_Tnn~A m prlc;aif~r. ............. .•..... •I2I-;I’arunioiint Kamoiis l-imky .... .....ro n n n y -J laU ri)a d - .- .......................

I Peoples <hui .....f................... •...IS2i’ere M nniuotle .... ’........................ 12S

I I’lillllp!. Pfitroluum .................... 3fPuru Oil ............................................. 22’fillndlo Corp.- nf A m erica ..............171 •IlondlnK ............................:...... ............Uiipnbllc In in n n d -S tc o l................ fi3 .

. Iteynolds Tobacco II..................... .132Scam - lloobttck------------ .................. :l2fl^S,

t Shell Union Oil ............................ - 2RSim m ons Co.’ .............- .............RS?;

tSlni;l!clr Conwilldntcd .... ............... 27S outhern Pacific ..... .....................113

rSoiillie rn Railw ay "V.:....;,.--...... :.....T43=>;S tandard Ohm nnd K lcclrlc ..........

. Stnndnrd Oil n f Oallf. .................... r.7%Standard OII o f .V. J .....................

;S tuudaril Oil of N, V.... ........v...:..

Texan Ciirtv. . fli

:T linkoii .-Holler H c i ir in K .... ■....'.'...VHV}Tohiieco Prr>duciH .......................... 3.1*1linlon Car. aud Cnr. ................-..IRoUnloh Oil o f t:niir. ........... ■....... fiO'/.

(Union Pacirio ..................................I iriilted OlKar S tores ............. ........ 2n'JiUnited Stiiteii Iliihlicr .................... 32

rU nH rd-S la telf SleuI.......................... l t2T;pfd,. ....... I3'J%

lU nlvornnl PIpn .......................... ... 13 'Vunndlun ............................................. 71'SiWiihanli ............................ ......™ .. ._ 7 I _

-WenHnifhtmsr-—: -.-r.-rr~rr.'........... 3 I--K,

W lllyn-Ovorlunii ..... ................ 2l'AW oolworlh ......................... ..........IM2-

Vellow T ruck n n d ^ ’oncli .............. iii i 'i

. E-(IUT!,.\M) LIVKSTOCK POUTl.ANIJ. Auk. 11—hlvoHloiic re-

celiita lu I 'o rtlnnd . fo r tliu week t’nil- liuf toilny : c a t t lc •24r.r.: ly>Ks .I3lii’: idioep ;iii.Mi. Hlu oiiiy rccolpm loljny were Tin Mh'eep. n il Of w hich were hold for M onday's mnrkol.

Tone of m iirkel na com pared witha_v.-cok _ iiK ^ _ ^ _________ _____

C i ittle : 'A l l ■inatiirord elusi<en Meady tn . atronK . w llli spolH 2.1(1 Title hlKher ou nhe-i.toek nml s teers . CnlvoH an<l venlors r<li9r}I lilKlier.

IIokk: hulc lier c lasses mostly.hliilier. Fender Pli;s.25!}tsti,i up. ------

notably— iitu itty—wUh... a week uko. hu t <leuiuud -ex trem ely w ,'ak a l close,

.Cnttle: Hteorn. cood $II.r.0(m 2,!;0 : nuHlltim llW .7E®li:C0; common J3<if 10.7C: heifers, Kood »S.7C«10; com- mnn. medliiiu JS.n0tfr9.7r.: oowp. jjoiid |S,7r,fl 9.2C:' com m on, inedhim •J7«7 S’.r?5 : low culterii •Jl,75(fi'7: hulls tye.iHlnM '- oKCludodl. KOod $7,25(& ?: c'lTmmnn. medium $C,50f?7.2iV; calvcH tiiodlu;n; choice JStfT ll; cullii. com- luon 'J7 .C 0H 3; vanleni. i;ood. choice. !i::.f.iHi H .50: medium - 'J12®13.r.o;^iilhi. common- i s . c i i t f r i r ---------------

IIokh: henvywolKhln. 250 to 30(i Ihn. ne*llum cliolco J!0.50?J.12,75: 200' to !5il IIJR, JlI,r.0{M 3: l<;o to 200 llm. tl3<',m.2C: 130 lo IflO Ibs. J l l .C o e 13'— pneklne - hoRs,-- n»iiBh,--Bmocilh ;D,r.Otfi lo:.'-.0; slaUKllter iflrs. 30< to 3t» Ihs. $ llfM 2 : slnckera nnd fet'd- ■r«. 70 to 130 Ihs. $10.50^11.25.

Sheep: U mibn. 84 llin. dow n. Rood o chnlco $I0.75«M2.2S: m edium $3.75 710.7.'-.: eu lls. common, a ll wclKlit.-(. sr.flff,!l.7Cr ewes, moillum to choice. 7.riOJi‘.i; cuIIm, tom m on. a ll welcht-i. 4JC5- . •

O.M.VII.V LIVK.STOCKOMAHA, Auk- I I— Uocoipts 3.-;i)i>:

n a rk - i |u-i, l.'.e lilKhor; top $11.4.1: .iitk IS.I Ii> 2r.<i i>ound llKhls aml uilchi-rs Jlii.l*iKni-40.-

rm ilo reci-lpis 30n; com pared, with . week aeo, fed s te e rs nnd jc a r lln K s ironK 10 2.1c l.lRlier. klllinK shc-stoek toady to 2 .v .h lK hPr: hulls mronK to

\* ■ L ill.M -h I welL;,y--- I IN V IT E P I

f I -H A V E N 'T ^ ^' W O R CIE O M U C H I

A B O U T IT . J t

l a ' i ' A

.'■■■■ ■ f'.


ial-News]^c h r y slerI a s.LARGE UPTURN -S H O R T SESSION

I, I • • , , . ................... . ...........

I - J iy tJnlUd rr» f«r NKW Y<)mC.'AuK. I I .— IrroK uhirliy

j{ |>reviilled lu Iho idiorl w eek-end kch- i 'l^loii nn tlic- Sl,K-li ICxrhunKo, .today.

' nto ■ fiiluro, for c red it. 'T h e m nrkot I opened low er w ith 'le a d e rs hoIHuk off

i iiliiirply. C hryaler w as heav ily , jiold i for profit. I ja le r 11* rcegv^ry hoI ‘In '• n n d 'm an v iHiiues blowod ihL-Mlnvwlth .tgnn,U-nlmi.

i -citrj-slor tiirnnd ovor In huRO nmouiiiii. .It (ipened ^vlI|l' losHcn nf

I 2’iiIJ3'.i piilnts, llllt Iftftir nmde up I, morn than Imlf of^thoflo. iC fJenortil flfotorii Hkcwhuj reduced. I an onrly Ions us did n InnK lis t nfi

..[nmiiiiK the Kftlhi-fs. S tcid Hharon mov- -i.tiU hl(:lnir-undnr.h*ad*of-i:nlt<>d-Staloa. ,' Slwel. . • ' -i] Unlou Cnrlihlo, W u n ie r Tlrolhors iP lclilreii VA" rand ..K eith Albco O r-, [phcum w e r ^ n demiind.

Tho iiuij'ircl cloned irrcK uliir. |

.— — !iin e .h lK lio r; -vcahi.und calven nif-lOc lilKlier: slockorn and foodors slronK-

I W.-uk'H hu lk : fed Kteers and y e a r-, hincH $14??IG: ivcof tow n JS.GOiTll: 'iu,-dhim hiijla |S,flG<^n; wolRhly'calvott !jIL-,r,0?,‘13,f»B: Illlllt veals-.up to $ H :jm ockers and f c d e r s $ILE0{;13.• Sl....... rea^lpts -S50. C om pared w ltln

II wei-k UKO, fnt lambff'2ri(n'3Gc'lawcr: I Hhecp, 25(J?fl(lc hiKlicf: fecdorH fiotl lilKhor. CIonIuk hulk.: Xnc raiiKc Inm hsl

iJIl.fiO fill.fiS : fi'd cllppeil Inmhn l$i;i,2r.;- fill e«-e.» JC.fiOffl)?: ranKO, foe,UnK .Inm hs JI3,RU(n'H. fccdliiK i.' }grB -$ r ??T,.i;o,' ’"- - --------------------- ---------

— K.l.N" P IlA S 'M riC irIJV K .W 0( I 'SAN rUANCI.SCO.'AuK.' n . —Cattle,

m arket slondy: nteur», Rood. $Il,2r.ifii 12: OOXVH. Kood $,'<.r.0(ri!3.2B, I , CalvoH. 'luarltoi iileiidy: niL’dlum to

choice $3,fiO(rfU,7CL vcftlcM. m edium . Kood iind'/slu.li-o $ll.r.OdM3.B0.

I (oKs. m a rk u l. ntoudy.: -llR lit. >«12,10 fHS.OO: medium .Sn.nofi'12.10.

Sheep und liimlm. m a rk e t Mteady; Inmhs •$ll,755rl2.K0: 'owes* $3.7COi fi.75: w clher» $7.r.0(&‘9,fi0.

w itK .iT -<rA»t. ' y i ' ^ LIVUIIPOOL, A ur. 11.—W heat f ii"

tureii cloHod'tu*' tollows:- O c l, 'll,2 5 W : pec: >1.27,%:..a iw c h . jL 3 o ; . '. •

NKW VORK PR O ni'C K NKW YOlllC, A uk, l l . - K lo u r .|iilo t

a u d i-aiiy. I’o rk un lo t: mens $:i3.50. I.iird f irm : mldwent i/pol $27iT|-2H.

Sui;ai', raw firm : sp o t fifi le s l do- llverod duly PiUd $ t.i I r r a n u J a t e d

(!offco, Uio .Vo. 7 on Hp,it-17ffM7'ic: Siini,iK- 4ii 2;i?i«f24c.

T allow »|Ulel;. Hpeclal lo ex tra S'lii

j l a r ,-« l , . i i , lv - t6 . firm :- No. .l-4I.2r.€)>- l.r.ii; No. 3 S0(g'$l,(i:.: c lover 754rl.20.

PORTLAND \Vlli:,VT I’0IITI.ANI). Auk, l l —Ciisli wlM-at!

IliK lli'iiil bln,, stem ha rd w hite $l,2S; ■■uifl wliln- fl.i2 :.» ,f.-^lrr.» ..w hilu,t4 ,12:. Imr,I - w lu i r r - 51,03;--tiiirthorn-n|Trlm ? Jl.u.-;; \w i,t.ru -> cd $1.03, . (

Fair and Cooler 'IDAHO: i'-,ilr .loiilKht rfjid ‘Suudny.

Cuoler lu Uk- sou th iiortlon tonlKhL, L oral 'W caUifr ' '

‘One liuudfed nud tilx dcRrceii wnii I llio'lilKli poliii touch,Ml hy the mor- e i i r r y q ‘icr,lay.;nflernoon lu th e T»i'ln • l-'alhi n-Klon and th is In the nhadu, • Ilul It w as a ilry h eat and Ihc unnal •‘persplrlnj; hum niilty" va rie ty so com- J mon lil the }--ist. wmi nUatnnR locally . • ,\nd.<u>:uiiual.-r<illb(.cimve durlnR-,th« . niKht and oarly hotim of llie m orn- ” IllK. the lon iperaturo snKKlnR ' to GC doKre.'s, .The mornlnR forrrnHt pm m - , lno!i cooler w i-nlhcr In ,sou th Idnhn lonlKlit. *

Trm penilu tT * . cMin. Mnx. '

Twill ra ll» ................................... flfi lOfiU,.l.io ..................... ........... 04 104 c*‘hi'-;iKo ............. ...... .................. CR S2 rl)c'nv,T ........................................... CS .HRHolrlii-. ........................................ fiS 'IS (Now O rleans ...... ........................ 80 Ufll'oc:it,-llo .................................... 7C !>SI’orlliiud ....................•................. C2 soS.m Pruaclnco ........................... Cl C2 1.

t I mi-:s w a n t a u s im i .v o r k -S l 'L lS . . ll

oijvu~cnsiiBMRS,;s ro SRENP a 0,H REE W E E K S / IXCI TZfKSiCl-i / 1 ILWBS-r y A600P

•M ' - . - ' ■


CONSTITUTION .Uorlln. Auk. II.— l-'ur iho n in ih 'tlm e. the flo rn i.w rciuilillt; In ' celehratliK;

[ tlin arinlvor.-incy of the sIkuIuk of lh- |eoiiHtllntloii. AllhoiiKh tbo new' kov- j.<jrniiienl-hns-nni-yp.t •Mircitcilnd -h r do-"

• t-lnrlnK Clonstlinllon D.ty.a piihllc hojh dny. It In coiifidrh tly exiioctod In offl- clnl r^unriehi Ihnl iliroiiBhout Ihecoitn-

> try today 's fesllv liles will exceed (hoHc .jo f fnrm er yearn.. in the Capitol llse lf nn olahoralr

lum linj... -HT'tUpeil r 1|-1Tfiri’l p a rt, ’the, flncKlnK. of a ll piihlle ihulldinKii, will he' rldO ly carried out

I '^ rii 'the 'liuKeii and trauienm , con- trolled (>y lh o ' munlcipnllt^-, nro to c a rry lllllo reniildlcnn' fhins. lii ad-

.jdlMoh........ . hiillillnpi ^WJ1run, up tho Roliubllciiiv'color'H: and In coniiviiucncc tho c ity w ill w ear a i<omc-

• wliiit romlvo uspect. even ihouRh ev- e ry lindy 'w ill be. rushhiK to wnrit .-vs

I ' ' .Sehnol n illd re ii llonefit l - -0 tay - ln - tl,.> - in - .w ln au .b f th o -W JL .

holmiilriisnu ihri;e will relKU thc anh-l»iil,-iiLciiim-Dt-aJiolltlay___ ,Valdg.Irom.

jd ie nchool clilldreii. th e cnvernrnent 'fiffl'clnls a re d ie Hnlo bcnefiplarlca of C nnstlludnn Day,

j The celoliriilionH h e re w lll.c u liu l- nn le w lth 'th c trad itiona l aniilveriinry nenslon.of tho RelHChliiK. a tlondcd by.

tP roHldeni Von lllndenbu rg , tho cabl- n d . m om hers o f itio dlplom iillc-corp!' nnd a bonl n f offlclaln of a ll i;radon In the e n rly morhlnK hourii 'the nijutirc

lln fro n t of tho HclscliltiK. w hero fl iRoleliHwohr hnnd w ill »ilny durlnK tho ; foHtlvltlos, wltl ho crow ded w ith slRht- neorn, liopluR for n Klimptio of Prosl-

Ulen't von lllndonhurR , w ho in accord- nnce w ith Irndltloh w ill rovlow the

|i;u a rd of honor, dm w n u p - u l the , RelschtUB'ii hiiKtVstnJrcnne,I--W ith in tho R«luhnluR. Irihhics'^and Uhe p lenary hn ll have been (lecornted prntuHcly w ith flowcrn. evorKruouH am*

---- U 4S.J10C «.»:i>ocl-ed thnt lhe plonarV ha ll will be flllod i in i'-i'.iirAiiiiiiiiMi. .i i i ir im iiiuiii> mu ;c.v tloniiUiilii »ylll roninlu awny from ' d r corenihny which will hc o.riened by r npeeeh hy th e , Socia list deputy, Pro fei<sor Rjidhnicli. nnd coriclnlled b.' C hiincellor H erm ann M noller. lendlnra " llooh" fo r 'l l ie repiihlle,• T hen Prealili:nLVOU.iJlndi-tlburK.-foL lowoil by lho mlnlrdors. will leave th ’ hnlldlUK iiceoalpanled hy lho slra lnii o' the n a llo n a l-n n th em .ro r Jho iroop ro- vlew. . \

lo iter In d ie dny tV r c will ho spv ^•ra1~-.iieh ra llo;iiir~c h |g ig ;^

B erlin , w hich will ho a ttended h )/ memhorH of lho fodoriil and PnisHlai HoveromoaliiL-lQidillKhl-pntntiCtFJ-niL open-a ir mcctlnKn n f i h n Ropuhllcnn orKimlratlonn w ill end thn dny.

N .lT M K aT LKAfJUK •At Ncw V ork: J t .I I .K .

Ph llad tlp h ia .............' ................ " « 0New Vork .................................. < 7

— iUUissia,— Uciua!__ lUULL erlan : lluhhc ll an.l ik s n n .

Al llro-Vklyn: _ .R .IL K . noMim, ...........I .y ‘n r m k ly n '—rrr-.T v.::.-::.TTT7r_-.--.-r iJ —li—-•. n a ile r ie s : G reenfield aml- 'Iny lnr: Chirk. Ilcm pal nnd Ilo.nIIno,

Al Pfi't.-.hurRh: ■ rt. H- le •Inelniiiill .... :...........; .................. « f;.

~ H allrriei.;---- Lnoat*— iiUil— I'loinlc-h;-(irlnion uud HarKreavos.

Al S t. LonlH .nnd'H oeon'd); ' R.Chlciian ................................................ - - •>St. l i iu ls ...................................... ^........0

r t.itt i'iles : Ul.ike ‘nrtd H iirtn rtt: Johiiiiou and J. Wllnon.-

' A.VlKUK AN LKA<U-KAl Ro;iton: » .»I-K -

New Vork ............—.................... 0 15 Ir .is tnn ........................................

Il:;:iorl,-N: Mnyi an.l ........ ouch;M acniy,

•At P h iladelph ia ; R .I I .RWnhhln:; 8 .0Phllndol 1 2

.Uail.Tle.-.: - Jiad ley nml Ruel; Kiirn-'

At Cleveland (eud se v e n th ) ;- U.IV lre ll ------------------- •-............................ Criovel.-«nil ................................................... I

JJiilterlos; .Sorrell nn.l lla rcn -av c : Rhaiito, H ayue .-H nrile r.and Sewell.

Al ChleaKo (ond elK hth): R.Sl, l.oulf. .............................................. Sriilcaso . . . . - ................................................2

ll:iitoil.-:<: Tliom as and DcrE: Orny. DkiIcu aml SelianK.

ix T i:> . 'i i v r k .vrmT m 5• 'W iiyar.- you rimnlnK a steam rol­

ler -v er th a i flo ld :"« » k .-d lhe Btrno-

" i ni try in c in raise mashe<l pota- ;oM." c ip h iln c d -th e farm er. ■

ftwistr • ■</SU: C>U?-VOU.iE £ :iP E - T 0 . 6 0 . • ...........3 t t e .FOR ^ . C l 1 O F ' .OU« VMAVM • 1

’ sIrrigation Hearing Set September' 15

—Byi^onimissioners■riio county chinNilnsloueni r-e1 .''ai-

nrdny. Septemhm-. ir. nt 10 a. 111. le. tho i.luie fo r a public liriirhiK oii ili.' pm- |Kjned'el.-«rUoirror'tli.'.T..Viiial1i.n o r th .' .Soiilliorn Idaho IrrlK»tl<'n IHnirlei ..ui tlM lan.la now ‘wate r.'d by dR--.S;vliuoi'. U lv e r T a m l~ nntl W aier f<nn|';iuy. Ahniit 2fi Hcltlera o f tln r iriiot.- with li-K al'eonnnel. w .ire pi-eiieiit. The iIieoiliiK d lls ;uftj'rnnniiu''w-aa for >h'- purpose of ree.'lvInK the p rlltf iii an-l s.'tlluK the lim e for thn pnhllc hearlUK

jifilK'n llotlnvell. a tto rn ey 'fo r Ihe op-

ol the dalo hy the l;oar.l, Inil at tlm cimMPUt of the a tio rneys Knyhiirn aud P n rry . fo r the nettlerH.,.liiilKe noihw eil Ptesentud ohjecllnna to Ilie i'..’;ilnK of tho-daUi— -U «^ilftw w l-U m l- l h>.-|H'H- tlon fnllcd lo prenent ovidcnce d ia l thc HiKncrs aetunlly-'ow m xl lh<;''lnnd thoy claim ed to own. lie ly j^ he r objected on Ih.i Kronndn th a t |,he pellllon ‘p<'c- senieil-no vnlld purpone o r reason for Iho ostnfilinfimenC o r th'o IrrlKiitfon i»r- tr lc t. A ttorneyn for the iiettlers-and

m liiH lo n e rn w ere of d ie opiuloii at -.l-o 'cJnclc-ilm m lio-am lW iniT iJCT inihs' w ere m nllopi to ho IjrouKht nut at tho pnhllc lionrlnit r a th e r ihan iti tho tlinii forH ettliiK 'a .Inlc fo r the hearlnK.

Tho a llo rneys whn drew- liii tho piJtl- tinn vay It Is identical In form wlih dm pcdllim for the forinrtlloii of the Amerlcnnn_ l-'nlls IrrlR atlbn dliitrtct. '

TIM ES WANT A D S 'U R IN C 'RIJ- SUI^TS. ______________ . ._______

Buy Your"Usek“C ^ ^ ----- — ----- O utstandi)

H 1927 Nash S] — I P r N a ^ ,r 1925Nash-Ai

1926 \ifillp'l

. 1926 Pontiac — 1926:Oakland

1924 Oakland1922 BuickJ1923 Ford To

r r ■. 1 9 i Chevroii1927 Chevrch

HEPPLER NAS319 M ain Ave. W est.

• ■ ' - ■ ■ By I

S . J .: .iftA^ ( I ' M 6 0 I W 6 -v o ^ S E A . u r - r t - E

\ C O W alB i^ t

\ A ---

“ ■ ^ 3____ o , - tf- '/.

’ r y V oV ' - ,

•yV T t^R PA V . A T f i l i s f 11.


I POISON PLOTS'{ . Dy'DnItta.i*r«BB;. * - i;aUOOI..- Mo.; -Auk. -VI—i-',itulUleK . j IiiTIk; iiiyetoiy niahiily w hich n tlarked ,i iiicniOt:rii.i);awAiJumilkuJ(er_e, ln.*roas- '.■.I 1.1 foyr loday wllli tho ilcnlli of •NvtII -Wrnthormnn.- .I r„ -tb rn o - -yvaru

. Inld. a l SprDiKfl.'ldJiOHpltal, 'i- . I lo llere Revenue H

(•‘a IIOOJ.. ,Mo.. Auk, l i - W h l l e C. J . W .-allierinaii .'Xpr.riised ihn opinion Ihnl rovouce had heen th e . motive of

I.l ih rc^m em horH of iHe fatnlly "Ud ll'lnesji to Ih ree othcrn. o ffldn ln to ­.lay w orlic l o n - th e th e o ry ,Ih n l cnn- lamUiateil r.i.id had caused lliu pols-

' The dejid n re Mni! C. J . W calherm nn- of K ausns CUy, who died a l lho hom') nf her inhlhor. .Mrii. Jo seph McOhce. of.C a tioo l; Nancy Lnuino MqSlice. 'j; dniiKliter of ^^^s. McOheo nnil M rs. McOlieo. Cccif W entherm hnn, 3, In In

liv S l . .I«i;i.'nh hosp ital nnd is c ipcc tod

I Classilled,, AdverHsenienls

Too Lala. Flif. .ClassHlcalion 'W A N T K O -T O ' HIOAR- KRO jl O W -

r r o f liin d -fo r unln for fu ll dollv- cry.. O. K. l ln w lo ', Haldwln. Wln- cm isln., .

"V ou G e t R ea t - g g J Vj^ l u e .__^— ------- -------

pedal Coach .

dyaiiced Coach - - - Knight Sedan ledan -

Coach 1 Coupe "7 I Touringjouring;__ 'uring ;t Coach ;t Coach


■ I - -. I- ■ , ' - ___ ,_____

Bufprd Tone.- -’k . .

7h::. p 'V .; ■” _______

' - r t^—A .

Page 7: VBEK TAKE TOLL - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · tariff aboutd tw lowertd. He prom- ... and a^cuaed o:«tnb«t?^or

■ ~ S A T t- l iD A V . A i : n i ; S T 11. 1

M o s t ; o f T

' IBnimess! Drrectory. ' 1

. • . - m S O E L L A N lS O P a

. • •‘T y p E w ii iT E n s "’em ; R EN T 'em ; P IX 'o

r . A ll raakdu. Doolorn ia• " • ^ - " R O V A L — -- • ' COUONA------


* MODERN -WOODMKN OK AMERIC , t t 00P n t I. 0 . 0 . h'. h a i r ovory 2«

' n o d '4 t b . M onday. .

T W IN F A L L S ^ U N fr H d c J S ^ M K alfl, rubber, h i J ob, pclta a nd fura.

HOME PLUMDINO & HEATINO C< Now locnUon, 135 T lilra ,Ayc. 1

• Phono 283; ■ ■ ■ .

-------r ; T f lA ^ O F I iR - s.. ~ '

CROZIER TRANSFER COMPANY- P h c b o 346. Sto^QKO and cratlnR.

■*fcj^ICHOLS t Ha N SFEU ^ B T ^ ABO Co. «Q arl)aeo bnulcd dad] Phono f 00. . ■• . ■

’ Coi- S to raso nnd DDcclnl carlQa r tlp m o D tS 'to Cttlltornla . p l m o 1<!

. S H O E R B P A I R I N a •

ROYAL s n o Q n E P A in i> -o . p .- m b ycfg . P rop. 130 Sad S t E .

IDAHO SHOB nBPA IBIN O , JOI , W agner,' P rop. 218 M ala N. Pli. Ofl

rV flN FALLS SH O E n S P A IR tN O -- - 1 8 8 - B hoshone-w oat.'- -P h o n e 3D8

flprrJco and q u a lity gunrntitced., .

T A H iO P T ^ g _OUR 25 V E A U S ^x T 'IiH IK N C Ii ''iF

' y o u r suiimnlcc.- Sulti^ to o rd er JS'I•— i i n . " I^d lon '-w ftt-W '-rtiir fl)iorl«Uy.

n abbo l (Iio 'T nllor. Ovor Idnlio Dcpl.■ Storo. Phono t3 » V . -• ;


• ft; C. HALIi. . OVER CLOS BOOKBtore. KtiUl iii ia .—

O. P.'D U VA LL. L A W .O PK lC a BOOM 7, Bank & T ru a t Dldg. Phone-747.

XoineB B. Bblhwoll—W . O rr Cbapmao BOTHWELL & CILVPMAN ‘

■ ■ WoodB Bldg. • •

PWBELBY & SWEEI^BY. ATTOR* -ncy« . Idaho Pow er building.

f f . L . D U N N -L A W OFFICES, RJjia '~g7B Btf~«,^8giltb -R lc e -b a»dliig.


Idaho . jP a ll ic rm open* Se iuum btt i - r l Vnw m»nloi? IiikLr.iiL.Wrlln fo t ^ 'ypura todny. ■____________

‘ -M O N E X T O l O A N .

I TH IN K 1 JIAVifl TU B BEST L O ^ o tto re d in T w in F a lls on c ity real* dohcoa and bualncas blockti. Also a d ay^dy ^ fa rm loan . J . 13. W hite.

jaO N ip r TO LOAN oT T FA R M AND d ty . p roporty.-G oinpany and prlTate

—aoB cy.— C .^_^p llO fc .r« !a l,_ea tijlC jT w tji Fnlla. • - ^

LOANS—FAIIM AND C I7*y LOANS.T w in F a lla TlUo. god A b a tm ct Co.

MONEY TO LOAN'. PO TTER REAL . Cfltnlc.':~’Phonn jT j .

O P T IO IA N S 'B r S ' s p f i o r S J i l T C ^ H T i v ^ ^

nolda. 209 M ain. N e z f f lo o r to J . q P «nney C q - ■

— p iA H O -T O N IN O '--------- —^ l A N ^ f U N ^ S ^ ^ O . HULL. 16 Y «3.• In T w in FaU a k tlb Claudo Brow n ' Mm Ic com pany, ^ onc 068 o r S34W.

F O E K B K X '

FURNISHED HOUSE — OKTTEUT ^ R e p l E atato . Above Kldrldgo'5, morP'

?OR RENT—40 TO 80 SHAI^ES WA- ; te r . ArtijUT- L.' Sw im & Co. ’ ' .

n c m -- i« a .v T w F u n N Js iiE D .- .^ ^ 'room a n aro n cn u •Phone C3<J3.

fOR REN T—T H R E E HOOM FURN- ' Ifhod s p a H n o s t . B ungalow A pts. 2nd aTe. oaiL .

O R ' e e n t - f u i i n i s h e d a t a r t . ,:m ta L CaU 4 S i torooooa*. J tu U - s ; m t » In n . ............... ...............~

O B B E N T — HOUSraUilEPINO ^ •p a itm o n U .- c o a v lv te iy fore tahed fo r lig h t botU(skeesla«. T w o ta d O tf l* tooia*. e lo w l a w d low . b r WMk o r ao n tfc . T iu OxfiwdL 439 ^ I to to K • ................. -

r O Z HAT.T,-«HT!ftT> S S T A T S .

3R S A ie - iW N B HOOM :SOMB elOM tn . boU t by form er Ism hennan e ( th la d ty . U b d e ^ bardw ood n o e r t . /6 foo t lo t w ltb n r a i ^ P v t - b ^ t i t r v ts a e d . - T t f « p b o a t - i S . - l o c _ pw tto iU rK . • — r 'v

m SA L B '-nO U B E . _CLOSB IN OS ^ Srd avcnui! ea»t; C<ub o r tfirm s o r n» d e ‘f o rT .w p « r ty - |n ‘ o r n e a r -S a n ^ lot®. C alif, SeV ow ner. Mra. F red - IF frlckaon. a t 6(r0 M ain avenue n o rth , i Phono I W . < .

" r _ B A L I ^ ■ ROOM . PLASTERElS J jouaa, 2 h n y f6 o t ,] o t* .- f 7 S 0 .- - S « - 1 iw aer, 131 8 th ttTtC n o rth . )

K -R E K T -a« -R 0 0 « .-F B R K X 6 K n D tou>fc C all 69<W. • ' •_________ tfGU B*TT— • TTTOWnHn.Ka - ^

T l a ^ ^ " ( ^ U t i o n , Pbone » sa j.

B '8 A L S » C H E T O 0 tC T R O A Iv '^ * t t r . 19M tn o A L Good w a d l tio n . V j w r . a t < n ,M a in WML ' ' . •

B a u ^ W A O O N w r / H OJE. SM oad boui* M » tb t ^ o u J !TMfc t n m RQck C n u h e r . Pbonc 1 0 « J t t___ ' • • • • i :

hese Opporti1 BALE—BnSOgLL*AKEOT

i -o it .‘? A L K _ i:i ;v * c 'n u c"s iT o r :l? ito. Hlllll. Iitiiho. Clirimnlon. lii'Iil OIIK

- J ^ ;Uly..r.«.U,..,irv,Hl— n.-o.ii.H-.mlicli.Ililrty fiioi rinlKlior. i>ll . iikiUci <!<\iilliiii('iil. iinmll mock or Kooil

— .Will «L-H ill :i roiil lmr«iilu if juk« in nncr. h \,r Jiifoniiat/rm w r(i.‘ - » • w<'ictikiuin>. ■100 i:i. Unhl; hliili

-■ PIANO RARGAI.N8: IIARB TRADE I Dargaina in* iiprtKhUi. Kramls nr

------- P lnycrsre tan d n rji- tn n k tiirS o iao n ili• » nuywliorft. EoHy term Jd f’inno Co »d 1C36 Cnll(j»rnla o tre t t . D cnvc t, Co:

orado . ■ •

r- S ^ Y j c n PIANO IN ' S H 5 S ^ coiidlllon, beautiful w nluiit ciiai f. y l th ^ fo n n nnd - bcncli. W nrbef,

J- l-'Olt S z o i iZ T r n ix lT in u ^ c o m . I>1p((i mm room Hot, tloiir ■ liiiuji!

- 'Mrii- I'- C. Hrown, ;i2!l fiili uve,

“ TOR .>?ALi:^;-imi,- c i n i ; j t y iN icoA U ^ • .iTUnk, McCormlgk cl,h-r mill cn.4 o t- tow n, • ,

.1I.\(JKJ.*S I SKD t ’ARS« ■’'‘‘‘'*•'1' l ' ‘»'~inK. r. »lri‘ii

0 '1!>1!0 DocIkc .^oijih!. AT cwidllloii, 1375 I. 1II3C Olilmnolilli! tourInK, J3T/!.> iiizr. wni>'« KniKiJi cuuxv. ta in .

1:^22 DoifKu tourlnir, | i w . • <'' IIH!:: Ovorliiml. runn Konil,' J 75. •• 11) 1 Dodiic Sfi'i^r'ii, |ir ,u .; n t2 t I.'or l, truck , | 20(i,f 192C I-'orilH(m trnctor. inilliT-KOwrnor1 iinil p low s,. 'i' A r .T o m m i .v . roO T M .vr.

FO U Sj\ l e - s i . \ -PUUI-: n n i ; i jHnniiinlilrii rum Inmlm, I’honu 2o:iJl.

■ J . C. P oo . . . . .

i FOR SAI.IC—I , fOI.ONlK.'i O ? hw tJihy l)f«« J» jujimlJird Jjlv'i'j), on.- .»l>orIii m ndrl OMk c ar. Iliclit nK-, Kiioi] comllium . W ould imiko' koo<1 IlKlii. tru ck or. i<|h»';>I wiiKoii, mniit iKrll III oncc,* IciivliiK low n. K |r«i Iilucii wi'Hi nf Wcjietior’ii ' , lo iirli'l

T HK o y jn A J lO PRO^

.te r fal. (’niiytiii (’ounly uliin» |tro - .ilnccd one-fourth o f tlii' e n tire ou l- . pu t iir $5,000.00(V00. Yet, I nni of-

fcrlnK Bovcrnl furniR Ibal help to 'j irotiueo thf« fiiij- ro ll to th e enrituini n t only n (r.ictlnn of tlic ir trun .

—iv o r th -w llh * i» -B m .,l l^ m o n l- .lo w n nnd lonjs enay (orm » n l 0% on 1ml* m ice. You n m Im ro . to inxpcet IlK’se to npp rocla ir fh|H niL JL D.

„ Jtiiier.-Jtw iU ur> -L ’a ld n c l l , .Id n J m .l . .

W AJJTE'D . T O aogL L A IT E O aS . ' w a r n E D T U -HUY—..n h o c p . .P iio n e 398. T w in Fnlla Shoo

R o p .i lr in g ..i «•

■WANTED—PA ST U R E I'O R HOGS nnd cnttle . C. 0 . .Mnrklo, 651 Sec* ontl fvvc. went. Phono li»30. ' Call evcalnBH.

NEW FU RNITU RE, LIVING* ROOM, d ln ln» room and ,l>cd room. F aco trv ropj-cflpjnaUvtf w ljj ha Jicre lnnl ofJ t llH li.1. , )in ■■lilppa/< -InSeptem ber. Wb cnn navo ynu m on­ey unil k'Ivc you Rood pr[cc for your old fu rn itu re , and torm n If you wlnlr.

■■Call-oK Tu-H loV -SK m ’S —F n rn it tiro - . S tore . Phopo 123S. I

I r ^ a r o b k antli, p o o l t e t .WANTED—H O LS T E IN • ANU RUERN-

(ic>* da iry co«i», hcnvy (iprlnffcr«. C. — fr^lnV*tler-6frt*gmi-«v<».-iifnin, I’honn• cvonlngii, 12 3 0 . _______________WANTED—I'OUL’JTJV. II. C. ■UUS-

te r . Phono 003W ., ____________

P O E T E A i)E .

F o i n m D E -W l L trfRT X iSiT E Q inT ^ in Em ox c ccch to r Ford tourln t;

, CaU i : i3 8Jh arc . E . A tto Timea or- flee after. 4 .p . m.

TO T iU D E —80 ACRES. $17G. T H R E E I mlloB fronv F iler . Could uro T w ln 'J •Rtllfl p roperty to nbou t th reo o r fou r : lhou»and_ 40 acrea . J200. b le C- , room lioane, n il nouth it}opo ,J !} r nillea f^oiit F lic)': would trndo on ,

,»3000 home, IG O .acrt's; »160, .C-room ‘ houno nnd ,bath.> OR riv e r bottom . "

"Ttjirihg-w aterrH I^W fihM 'j-no .-n iB lii-:, tcnnneo to p a y .-.4 m llea fVom Pller. T hla Is a annp. E a r l M urray, M lcr. Id a h o .. . _____________________ JJ

F&TJIT8 AND V Z O E T A B tE g ^ITRAWDERiUES. YOU PICK. CCc m _Ballon."Phonn_G37J3^- - J R l f o f s V r P E R BUSHEL O.V ’THE ll ireen, 3 m lte n ^ e n t . 54 mlJp w u th i) of South P a rk , Dick - H ow aiuan. pi Phone 949._________________________

PRICOTS FOR S A L E - J l D u iu E L hi I t. L. W rlBht. K nu ll. Idaho. j"

M A LE H E L P -WANTED.E L IA B L fi ENERGETIC . SG3? of w anted a t onco by w ell k n o w n 'J . er R. W atkins Com pany. Splendid open- Id Inc to d litrih u le famouK. W alklnn c.\ p rodoc u to i te a d r uaer». $35 to >100 «ui wccKjy. c ^ l r i c n e e ne ceata ry . lo: ^Vrlte T he J . R.' WaUclni Company, no 450S HoIUe 8L . O akland. CallfrV an

— S

the flraC year* w rit J roe now . S t ^ g J|“ Doe fo r re ta il atorQa. N ationally od- rertlaed . I3«tabll»hed 'eoncem . Beat leaaon now aLarting ..L ibcn il week- iy advaBce-lo-prodaci>r. D y k * - t r iu ^ llama, MrrU 313 U b e r t r ' Bldg., ; ilerefand. O h i o . _____________ ; - j>MeN.-MBH-BAHN--«36—W ^B K L T —r id d r e a ln r ^ r t f * b<m«fl «pa™ r r a i y e a r w ork. «xperlenc« u n n m a * w

e o ^ w r o ^ » { T o i f « t o Im o

M M for tf lnp ' o'f y«ar* . RM ponilb lo j I la rty . Caah U r « a t J . B . W .. c a ro l I r. F . T im t* . • ^

unities AreN o m i n e e P l a i n l y

■ S t a t e s P o l i c i e s

-------------- H e - W o u l d F o I l o ^I?. ’ --------,„ . fContinufii-from I’nko I)

• !]UHlni.ii« uml iirdnioi.- flnuriciiil ,«i bllliy. Uy i^oiiml turU r i>o)lcl<'H it ri I 'lo ifc t, o n r workiiion. O l i r ;fiirni«'i

J imil ou r n/,iiiufuclijrorn from low' rp »Uin<lr.rrt«-<>f-|lvhlK-iil>Cfidr—Hy-»clc' • tlfic fcK carrli It cun prom ote Invc• lior».fl,„j )m}irov(>ni.>ni Jn inoibotK I

'• .jcononilc r.'h..nrcli iin.l HlnilsUcnl.iU-vtcf ll Clin .[ jro ino lc 'lilt! iillmlnnlir or w anii'»uni1 conirllinio ip itialiljli

P In producllon uml dlairfl.nllon. l! |ir;m oii(m of-fnrclKn trjuli- It can ti

• pnnd till- nuirkots fo r oiir miiiiiirni ‘• ,tn r i‘r;i ami fiirMeni „iiil Ih fiv l/y rni

« |iloyiiii,nt., , O iir pi-oplo kiio ir tlin i tho prniluf. Ilon jimi iHiitriiiiillnn of Kooiln tin C l«ri;n Krnlf Ih not w mnif. Miiny tir ili

nioM im pornint roiiifortH of un r ■|a''', tliv Jiiv im ly fij- itiiiHit iiroifiic, lion iiijil rilHtriluilioii. Holll iininir-inif UiK biinlnwiii !,(iv» llH'ir full t>liice. TJi

ti'n t^nf liimijn'Kit ill ifni |t,i •, III wlK'ilii.r is jjoiit/.-il compi'

litlon, <ylifilipr tliiTo Ik frcr'clniii fioii• iloiiilnntliin.- Miptlii-r. ili"r.''lH liii.^nriij

, rcliiry of Commrrcp I bavii b ivn cri'ul . iy liiiiirriiiK'ii by llio fuel iliai Ilio r<iii;v

liiiliiyil l l f AliUTlran htlKlnr.in In (fi~ In- ili'in'nilt'iil iHDilni'M iniiii. Tin- Uriiart- niiMil Iiy I'niioiiruKOintni of lilu iihxn •'iiiiiomi nnd by prtivlnlnii of Mi«ci;i KorvlcoH biiH iiniit'uvoroil to pliii'o liln in a iionitlon uf <‘qiiiilliy In Inrormii' lion ami nkJIl wilii larK' i' oiirration:! A llkf w liti '.o itr furnioni h ln ’ fii (tir Hlrim'sliolil of A incrlran liirllvl(Iiin|Jly. It' ri*' liorii'ili’i iro ii r loiM rroiyim iriiilr; m'».'lvo Iho lr J{ («. Jiw)Hml w«' ri'fri'iih on r lea'il<>riilii|i"f»ii iarKer enittrpiioi*. W(> niiiia miilntnlii Ills o|>i>i>rliinliy iind lii>i Imllviiiiial iioi-- vli-i'. Ill' unil Illl- inibllc ni.Uiii Iio jirn. iH 'toil (rom nny lioininutiim or froii- p rrtlalo ry 1iu:iinwii. ■

f liuvo imltf Ifiat (fio piolilcnm lie- fjiii' iiii-"iin\iiuirt' tliW*'(‘c-ononiii'. tlmi III a . iiiiifh urciilor ilf'tri*!- i ln y nro iiirJi'jiiiiml I iinJii iiuti uii.i 'i'

M]>irlliiiil w olfarc of onr iii'Ojilf, Tlio p.-irllcliuillon of women in iiolliIi\' meunn n kocniT rciillzatlon of llio Ini- porlanet^ of llicia- nutiiHlnnK, tl iiiouiik iiJjilit^r iwIlcKcnr flMmlartlK.'

I ’xo llf lliilliit Rox. ,—'O no-half-of-oiir-clllRonH -fnll-lo-dX - erdwc ibo roj*pon*lblliilo(i o f tlio-bnl- Int bnx. I would wliilt th n t tlic wnin-

;cn of o u r coiiniry oimld cm brnce tbiH {. problom '-In-olllxanHliip-iiK ^liccullurb'- Itlic lr nwn. I f llioy conltl app ly tlioir bleher.aenHA ot oorv lcc 'and rommniil-

projilcm J i would'bt!coiiie. nii It nhould fli' Itiiinp of ;i]-of01in'<l ]intrlot-

iwii. Tho whole jiluno nf iKilltlciil IfTT would be llftbil, tbe foiindaliomi of <U- m ncnicy mnde innro »ot:iiro.', l n tlilH land , ilcillcnlod to loteviincr.

wo Hllll (Inti nnlliroakrt of (niMxr.'ncr't.1 t-onio.or Q iiakw «iocl(. My iinrhnlor;i' w c to inTiiPCiited for th e ir bfllefn, Hero (fiey nnueht nml Inuml rcl);;inii« frui-. tinm— nml f-onvlctloii I »taml for rollKlbuH tolerance botb In .ii:t aniT Jn n p lr ll . ' T hd Rlnry of nnr-A m erican hlcBla. b Jb ^ ^rljjlit of cx'cry m an .lo wornblti God nfCo^■^InR■l6^h^-lltnntcT of lilH or lilH own coni'clcncc..• In tho pnRt yenra th e re hna been t-or-' rup tlon partlKlpnlcd In by Inim jdiw l offlclnla untl. mcniboni n f Ixjtli polltl- cnl t'nril/*;! Jn nnlJonol, ntnlti-an-l mu- .,i>-t....l .■■fftiirn- Too often tliln i-or- ru iillnn linii been vlewird wUl* l.nllf- ference by n c n U l num ber of <mr p i'op le.' I t woiild'M-cm nnnocc.'iuary to iitulr M*'’ eJoint'Mlal rcnulren ien i lluil K overnmeni mui-t Innplrt- conlltloncf nnt on ly In (tii nfHHiy. bu t In Hh Iniec- rliy” ’ ntniHTtcntj'— In— feovLmmflni- •■helhcr na tional, uUui;. o i.a jiun lc lpal In 'a tIouM o'w ronp. I l 1" trea fo n >n ;ho ntntc. l l iB dcntructlve of iielf-Sov- ’rnn icn t Government In the United ita te " rcm a - n o l - on ly upon the •nnw nt of th e r.ovcrned bu t u im n 'th f lonnclcncp of tlie m»Uon, Government ' rcakon* llie Jjinmcnt Ibn l lU iln tr^ H yR o w n (Jotit)tcfl.- .Uoral Jnconipot^BrJ' ■*,y tboRe'ont^nsied w llh Rovorhmenl I* «, bllRbtlng wind Ujwn .p riv a te iWcR- ' «y . T here munt bc' no plnce for _cj-n- ^:lBm“ 1 n - th f r^ c re n d -o L ^ ic r lc a .. .^ , ,O ur Civil Scrvice htiR proved a Krent

nllonal lioou. Ap.nolntlvc office, bolh I o rth . South, I-iiRt and W rnt. m u « Iw ‘ aRcd i«olt‘ly on -m erli. c h a rn c u r nno " fcu la llnn In the 'eon im unlty in w hich * le nppolnfctT l» lo.).erre.- an ll i* e v ' ■nital for th e proper perform ance of »■ loIr dutlcB thnt offlclnlR »hall enjoy ,0 confidence nnd rCRpcct of tho pco- * :o w llh whom they a e n c . ' 'F o r m nny y eari 1 have beea a»no- ated . w tlh rfforU to Rave life and P, •alth for o u r c.Mldicn. Thenc exper- " nce» » l th rnmiotfn of ch ild ren botb W

hom e nnd abroad h a re leCi nti In- |« •JIble lm p w » io n - tb a t th e grcainc?*

any nation . It* freedom from por- t y and crim e, lla aap lratlona and jalR—nre lh e d irec t ijnotlent of thfi ro o t ItR cb ltd rfn . R acial proero*« of urchea upon the feel o f h6nllhy and el •trueted ch lld rea ; T here fhould > e fa

chlJd ia A merica Ihal J» no t b o m i In d doea n o t live UBd<)r sound condl-iH.f na of h e a l lb ' th a t doea n o t have full} co po rttin liy 6 f M uartloa from tho bo - |w i m ln r to 'tb c - n n l D ^ tm rI t» t]to t lo ta r{ p o It U n o t fre«.fn)B» Itijttrioua la b o r; bo >i doea n o t have ^ ycry »UmulaUon|cH

^ • X O B T AND PO.PWD. ,« ^ A 8 I ? ^ " b 00 IC ^ 'jW eaf no te rvg lite r. F inder b r ln g to le a i

E. W blto Real G n a to offlee.'.'iFS eni «w ard,i---------- :— :— p f ’

S T - B m V T X ^ F I L E R ’AJiD M ILE I *“ 1 lO ttb -o t M acoa_a^.ool a_HOrf r<<ilnw

H o o i o i o i m i T . . 'T j E * ,o £ ^ ; h o v jii r o K a s k t T H u Jm Ei W ir .* -4 n iD d K ? < a t i» w M t ♦

■ V W tw yX TLB nATTTT T

GhaiigingyEp• lo aCroHinili.li tliv fUlU'jil, or im (MIi;ir

■ • i;ii!ii.. .\iRjiliij! liii’dovoliipliii Ml I)t fliib . llfo w liricvor rep la o ' lli" M.iicltinli- o

pjir^ntii ^iiil llif n i ri-.iiiiiiliiii:,i of linin-.' bill ili:i;f»iiy uspi'cfi; bTrfbTialrnli 'u i r olilldriii(' nro ili-pi'ii'li-ni npnn iiic viul. lanro t l ' Bt>vornnitnt.. nallonal, i.tnl*

“ fi;i(l Iwiil.. ' Trilinfo lo Y oalii. .

I*'' I Odpoclally vahio fTi.' i.iiilrilniUon• • tb a l iht.yoiiU i i>f ilie.couiiliy tiiu nniki'

to the BucceiT,> of n n r Am crlrnn ox- , lOrfiuT-iit In tlo iu o o ra cy .-T lii^ im ril i-

liro.cloiiii » :ifl'iir onthusl.isiii, wlilioiii i v-bfrb i|.> .irfiii-tl.f.lK - cun :,.,-ac.:m,ii , illiiiioil. A Kovrrnnioni iliai iliiii: niV ,..'t-nh»fanU y xoi'k lo llki? n|i n> iln ' lilcil • I p o / IM ann*! iwij.'ii.jj. . |K b o rl of w hal ilio A m i'ilcan ''pm plo ..( lia v o a' rlKlii, lo oxiii'ci ami donianil ; , |f r tiin It. 'f o In ir rp r r r tl i , . sp irit of ilir .,.^o^llh Inio the i.Dlrli of on«- i-iiv<iii.

jiiu 'n i; iii"b ilu i. ■iru''H .lll,lili'Ml' iliWi-..jonihnKliiiiin and it'i- flam.' nt lli.'lr. n I Moalliini (llto (In; n.Talrv "C (iio naOnn ' P ‘7*^ M..f fn r A-.-rnijii'.-oi ujjil'jjobljli.v Jn On' Iifi' it jtif tb i' iiatitni, • ' . - •

A I’li'-'-Inn for I’l'ifoi'.,.! I Illlli;: I nmy it;iy ibui I havo wit'-' . I ti,'i,i;i ll iin njiii'li of tim lio rm r and lu'il-. , 'ft'i-lntr of wjir a n 'uoy m b' r Aim i l ' :ui,

il-'riiiii U I liavi- .l.'fiti'd , a 'l lr ti i par^.-lmi, ~-Ciii^iu-tiVyt.—O iil-lijietiUX^i;alU^-^t-'': nr'- ill>!lmai;y ob jtid . aild Ullll I ', in',11.1.. Vi'" ■ . .b : iv c ,l in liatc"i; wo wli.li no fiirilii-r: . lin;i!jo;;i',loii!-.: wi; IjartMn’ fto iiiliUai'y ' . I liii.'iiiii. ■rill' iinitiH'aliaMi' o\p>'l J i 'tu - ' . ,<if Illl- n ro a t W ar. lho iinn-mv iiiai'KlJii n liy .w h lrh i'lvili.'.alft>i{ miivlv.'.l (i-.iiii il;, ijnxliuii:',llnll.-la .:>tlll vivid In ‘ iiii n'.'< | .jiiiln ili'. Tboro |;i nn iiaiiini In ibo . world lnd;<y Ihat iloni iml oarn-:.ily ’• ffic (b,'ti l« ri"! l-trJvlij,',' tm ', i pc':iop; ' • • ' , Ii T bcro nri* tw o rn-njirra tinT fa o lo r -> ,j III lho iiialnioiuiiioo j ) i ppiicc- Dll'I I blllbllu;: o r Itnml.vlll by win- iiod 1 Vni- ,

, I p.-vllii lit? bandlliiK-tVf I n l '- tn a i lo n a r r '- 1 I liiilnnx. and liio ii'Ioniialo pi'oiian dm-: ' 1 ( fo r di'fobia'. Wo iiniKt nol 'm ily J'l"

4 Ju ;a :- Wl:. nilliil.lm.l'OHpi'i'i ''il. T b r o\-1I |it'rlont:o;t / i t llnr w nr a llo riliil ' f in iii ' IfiinH fllw l n-r i-:iiiiiiil J^-oIalc onm lv o ii ' ifron i tiio w orld, llial tbo > ar»i:itarilln ,;;, p rr piai'-i' canm n lio mialii"cl_ by ik;;;-

'i n tbo iilcnniiii-c of u l l , . ri‘n o n i|c iiu ; . a r „ :ia.,an 1‘ii'Lr-nnrnt of ir 't loun l p n i- / Uyy. proven tliai wo .hiiyo ovory ilo.ilr'; j to co-oDiTafo w ith ritficr n.ill<jfi« fo r/ ;|ioace. Iliii tiiir iiooiilt" have .l''torinin-':I p il'tb a t AVO f;ili Kivo tho ;:nv,lor.t voal 1 f he lp—b^il) Jn tlinca o t tviintjulliiy a i i 'l ,! Ill tlmoa of !<iraln—If we nmlnlaln onv iRUl'D'-'n'IcntTi' froni tbu 'po litica l oxIk* cnclcH 'O f tho old w o r ld n i f '•piirf'u-" nnco of tiilH, o n r country ha* rcfuw ed' moinberidilp li> lhc Loni:iio o f. N a-. ,tlonn,_'.bni.w e.nro ;:lad 10 in .o jiera to ' H'|(h tho In }}/i“ cH!}p.^V<>Wr/}'f iirther nc lcniirir, economic and Hicial. w clfaro nml to Rccn.re' llniitatinu of

— • ' . 1 Wfi .bcl'lovo Hint Ibt! .ftinndiilibllK n l“

ppuco fa n he stro n jtih en i'il 'b y ib o ct^’• - 'a tton nf-TnotbOilii-nnit .nH«>ncloB— by.. wlilch .n m iillltiiiln o f tnctilontfcmny b(» tran s fe rrc if. from, Ibo roalm nf prt.‘J- iidlrc a n d 'fo rr t ' to nrb iirn tlon un'd llie

NlcteniilHdtinn o f r IjjJ ii ' .nml wron:: biiKi-d upon Inu^rnutlonal Inv,-. 1

W e hiivo bcnn and " 'h nrt‘ p.irllo- iu lnrly d'CplroiiK of fnrlbi'r lnK tbo Um--. inulon nf nrninm onln.., Ih u - In 'th e

w'orld Ihore Ih nnly o nc rrerln lu Kiiar- nnico o f freedom —fffjil ihul l« prop.-ir- •fjhicBo-for U*;fonacl._lUfl ,anldy_m-dc.-. fiiiid oiirrolvoH. for -thi; p ro \rcllon nf ‘Diir cJllxcnii Uiol wt? m nlnialn nrmn- mont. No c loarer ovlilrnco o t thin can oslRi thnn tbn imlinio fnct tlial we have fowor men in nrmy uniform to-., daj' th an w e bnve In poltcc nnfforni-i, ap .l 'Jh-Jl wn_f]m|nlnl]i a iitandInK In- ■ v ltatlon to t ^ w oi\d 'iTioi~vi. j r r - T l l r way« rt’.-Mly n Ilmll our n.ivul a rm i i- ' mont In p ronorllnn an ibo 'o tlio r n«v;tl natlonH w ill do ilkewliic. Wo onrnoM- ly wish Wiai ihP biirdt-nn' nnd tlanRoni. o t a rraiinirjii npon ovory honio In tho w orld m liiht be lM »eiionrBriI'W (nnust- - nnd nhall m nlnlnln.'onr nnval dcronrjo nnd o u r m erch an t ni.irino In lho Rlrcncth and i-fdclency - w hleh w i l l : yield lo nn a l nil tlnu-« ib e prim ary ' iiM ijrance of JJberiy. ihn j Ir, of ional RUfeiy.

T here )n ono of the Idcala o f A m fr- i l u npoiv w hich I wli'ii nt thlii tlmo 0 lay oHpcc.lal cmphasfR, , t \ i r wo . ibould .rnnHi'anUy tem ouF eeonnm jc.; >ocial am i ROTCrnnienlal >>yi>tcm by^ erta ln itJrn l«H liJehm ii» lfoclro l thriri.; . rh ? 'fo n n (H T T « ^ t..o u c -.rcp u b lle ,p ro -j lounded tbo revolutionary iloclrlue hn i n il m en nrc r re n trd enual nml nil hould hnvo eo.nally bcfort' llie law.1iIh wan tbo e m and in tlon of Uie Indl- Idual. And Rlnce thcHo bPRlnnlnRR. lowly. Huroly nnd .-ilmoat tmiiereept- Dly. IhlR na tion baH- Rdde<l a th ln l leal alhioiit unltiue to A m erica—the lenI o t enu.ll opportunity . Thin 1* the : ifoRuard o t thc Individual. The Rim-,10 life o f early daya In o u r republlel mnd b u t fow llm ltallonn upon < ^ u a l: iportun lty . B ui th e erowdlnR of ou r ; Mple nnd th e Inienalty and com plex-! . r o f th e ir actiriUcR li tnkea today n : iw tmt>ortaocc. I .

K qnalltr bl O pportnnily.E tiiia lltr o f opportun ity la tbo rlRhtj e re ry A m erican—rich o r fxwr. fo r-;

cn o r naiiTo bom . IrreRpectlve of,1th o r <^olor..It ta th i^ r ig h t o f c te ry j dividual '<0 a tta in th a t po iitton - in e 'to w blcb hU ab ility and charac ter UUe h im . By. lia malnwnatftjfc wo 'II alona t ) o ld '« ^ n th a dobi' o f o p - | r tua tiy -to« iafxk8nara tlr tr t.- to .crM Y r i n d g irl. J l t o le r a t e i no prtvlleKed laaea o r caa tes o r group* wbo would Id opportun ity a a tb e ir p re ro ^D v c . ly from in f lu e n c e tb a t . tb U Tight11 b e uptield can flow tb a t unbound* c ourag* a n d -b o ^ w h to b -a d n d la te a - :li Individual tnan and w om an to ! '' lea vor a n d to acbieventent.'T ba auiil j bpJ r ach le rem cut la t&e e a n nUo rTMt o f naUoOal prDgiMa.^ I ^ l d ^ ^ o r f a ^ ^ d ^ l b t m ^ b x ^

loi! b r dM poO ga,.-I t i j aa“ f‘w« -r a ^

tb o to i b m ^lal a u r t} W x to r ld o t a t b t flovtrri- h t- m n » M ~ ia -n a » - -t• . “ ■ilM i.wuuHf.-u'-Ba u u abaV I - *=

B ottv .eoaae lib tioaa . ttm la tac . tb a . ” u t f t tb m (y . u d tb « « m t B «

;ry'.;,Day.:--•-ni.U 'i'. Soi'Uiib'iw bldii (ill to ..li.l jti.- .llra t'o o(|iiai)V. I t liiildi* ii.iok tbo : l” ''''ly

iii-o- *'( l i" MmvosS. .W.Mfliv „ .!hiih1i1 i>r<iv|ilo tiolilioi' iia ln in i; .nov

' t.nould rhu lllld iliii::<',wlio honili will... -I'd iiM 'rvalb-'. jncii-.r>‘s;*l\<' i<iid l» ''i '-

;il ibOHJ.-hl aH'J -"I'iy|.,;il lost ill wlioihi'.r tbi'V I'liiiirlPoi,’ v>

I ('lllllll lii.ponm l'y . w h.-ih ir llioy 1H‘I«',, O jii'n Ibo liooi- t i t iinponuiiUy, 1 , .:dt> mil i’nliv a rc tabu' Ul ihi^ir iiioiuriT in-m ntnT -'vnnt-tnr!r-T m m -''~ iiiiiy :II ' l l \v:iri A brih j.ra l,i»>'oln wUn Itnn iy i •it'-iiiiaolniod ihlM’ r.lO.l' i. m i lu . . o .iiia l:

-i^iiiiiot-. T bo iiiiorhiiiii '.l.aw Avii:i on-. ii.'Ioil-ill i'iiil'''avor lo iioic^ oiw'ii Uo':

' <’( ofitiaf aiipdffitnlfy (n hiii‘fiio>'' Till' coniiiilioiloii'i for roKglallon ol j I pilldic IiHIIUom \..'I-o I'li'iil.rd i« pK'Ti

voiii'illMfrimliiallon In ),.TvJco;i;j*pji'v i vi'iit oxloriltiii In n iii 'ii—and .tlii'ioby I

. KilualKy .o f-" p p o ili ;iii ly I;' a -.ruinl,i-r 'm outu t iiriut'li>(o .i t tiuv iumU'u.-^V.UU ' 5 11 Wo niii.it M'M’ all Olll- |jil i; 'i.'i.-_'liir , I

i J r ; v ‘t -/!•,«,»• i:,rrrrit’:iu-:ii.-' 'j• * .'Mr,. I 'b ii lrm a ii . 'l ro;:ioi ,ili;ii tiino ' ;<lri*.:: (lol iji'riiiit til*' i-'nnpa;i:' t>r maiij 1 iinim ilaiil ijiii'.''lli>j)'.i' I !i"l"' n ' i‘ l.iK

' liOIC. Ill <I|lOlia:l III" lI>.Vc'iO[imi'(ll Ol 'l watorwiiy.i. bliiliwayii. iivlaiion, . lrrl;;-.l.'

, .iM.' I.III'I.'. (iiroi:.'!! Iran*' . a iul -t,-f(nnr-m :irtnr.' II:;' iirmnntTiTli «.r i'diT^i i ~ ‘.<Tiiin7 u 'A-.rf n av '-u ’.T ~ :n»iu\n7:rT:;tvTTr t ■or out: iriiiiiiia l l;w :‘, lii* ''l I'hidiKi. u f . i .m ir V dvotiiitunt (•• (itiiiiio.iHliltii .n id j ' , i a ll>'..iv.':.,lll ‘ IH'iioal V li"ci !.;,|l v uf ooll. i '-rX'TufiTfllt^rl no'utr.Vl i.v,.mri-->.-'...4iioa,.V Mii'oit Itir ii in b i‘1- oooiumiy In t;y>v<rJi-(l 'im rn l ii:id :-.ilUi tlon t.r in \ . '^ - ; i i l ofM .w bb 'h a tf 'iid |ii--ili|c iiia o'f ib-'TUi.l iii-l<

; I. uoiiiil Violi.l.' i,iy ,.„„*u-i<'nco a iu i l i 1 ni- '_ rriilti)d .-. i ..fed*, illd ..t- UQi.-iiHJi 1 = I Ihlli lii'oa.'.ltiii ni>iiri'otuili)u111" i:ii'iil. (i( v.jio K'acU oUr ,■pan;,' tiuUiy. . l ’v . - i l < l > ' i n - l i a a )

I not tiiily );ivon a fiioiiiot-aldi' iii|iiiliii>'- <■tiaiviii. In- U.v,I M l ;i)i iii i f i in i i>l rcc. i liliid,- aitii i.liiii'iaaamdilji mi'iii Ih, i liU.Uiii'_iiI_imr—.,.u .niiy . lll:i Iiit't:in -nc-i

R rofess■ .T h e 'D a ily T im es is pl<

Businesses a n d P ro fess

nesses a n d - th a i r f t e y ^ enJtire satisfaction ..


'V ln d ' Sbletda- .LyW W T ---------- --------------------------

W indow GJnaa ^ 6 * ^ . SctUoE i 'M


. P ro toph C arefu l a n d ‘ Kconomlrfll Serviee '

, T I M E S p tJ B L IS H I N O CO; • .• Phono 38 L

Chaaibtfr o t Com merce d lrec lo ra : | F ira t M ohday of a o u lh . 7:30 p. tn. a t office.- • ‘ . , ,

A m erlcnn L cSIoq ; T ucadaya.Iuoch- eoB, Porrlno, ho te l; aecond T u es­day, 8 p . m .. club room al ‘

E lka : T hu riday , 8 p . » .» tdulJ toom n. - ' . . '

- O d d 'F e llo w * :‘T b u ra d a y , '8 p . m.,. -.^elub-.«otafcT ._’.-~-^TrT::-r.-i.— i,------.-.T

Colfax E acam pw ent No. 20. L 0 .O. F .: B»-ery second and fourlb

’ Tuesday.Colfax. Tw in F a lls No. 13: E very jj . fo u rth F riday ,

p rim ro se Rebekfth LodRO No. “6 : , .P t r t l a n d th ir d TucM tay, S p. m .

Maaonfc Dodlea a t M asonic tem ple : Btu« Lods® No. <5,

day. 7:30 p. tn.R oyal A rch cb ap tc r, tb ir d 'W t i -

d»y evening. KCoBiTDandery, I i r a l F r id a y «va-

nlng . 8:00 ]>. tn.

T w in P a U s-W tU s , N e v , ^ - 1 - S taffo .

L t . D ally ex cep t S s a .r iS O a .in , Conafctl& e a t WelEa > n tb Pick* w ick S IM M u d . S . J f , .T n l o i • - ]

; B t> g e I w p o t —P o r t to B g o t * l j j

STA6 E.LI]!TOa or 8T&GCS • f t p a t t w i a e - a t t u I

• ' 4 c fW H ' • ' *•L m v* ____________• A r r tv

“ r n o -K T a r ; ■l :0 0 p ; in . • ' — ^

. b i m Ub« Io B « I« % _____^n H W irn C T T ; ■ " 3 : 4 0 p . m . —

l a B p rM i,-

r T iraiu ■

A ^ T » d a » y Iff - - J . ^

atch This Pa, ilo ' llltil -di:;n'i(iV!r>!^inimiv''lu [in'ii'! ,c i|'lv ..I i;iiv..iiiiii.,nl, II., Iiai fh iiillil

juv..'|- Iii;,n:.- .v.ai.-, Kl i'Oiiii-. Il (:. liul. ;oiiIy a ,;uty ii'ui li iho |.,irl

:,Mi'-u- !., tlih,

j Nt> man will. M.md'-' hrfoi,- ' tlio . loK'bl.'-. Iu)< "Ilfi b )i-t/jiI'!!L.l'0-l_ '!i'J_! lulll_lo._lilol:lii,t; ' u.liu! tlumi at bil, iiahir'iiluii.'. All ihai .ii|l

1)10111 :.1 I,li.l) <-;,ii ;,,,y |, |ll:.| v.illliu >h"|jx ti -n l uf ilia ahiliii.::. ;;iu’l hli, iiiiiliii:-.' ily Oll'i ll............ u llll 111, I-.,u-i;l.' :■. and w llli l,.|',iii'ir. ul rv oio-:

■ hall h“ c!nl^ra‘''i'uus |\ an.!'''',uio'^l(ion WlU 1.1' ooiiriru.'oiiidy utti iiiim iT. v.'

(l(ir JiPI JXi ;,' h. (:l illljllj il) Ibl;: Ii:i- 'Ih.n a hiiiiuiii Miic'l.,ty, nol on •ounoiiiii'.

triii-y of Olll' or.iintry luit itn (Inul +/iir- i'lir.o hi liiippl. r liii(ii."i, .Wc rliall mii'-| I'Vrct th ri'iiKh Ih)' ta'llh. lb .' - '|oya lL ',,

ti.i;'W oat': t.fiJcfi in r r i i- r l,\liii'i lo;ili. ■ ■ ' !

Tho i.ii,ir,.[;. w iii.Ii 1 hiivf. dl:.on>:;..li i l r . t 'l J r »;i<| /i.-v-.l (!„- j; llld, iiidriuial v,oK,iVi, u t i) iir '.....iiiii.^ j

iiopi'a 1^11 l . l ' 'r . a ll/i d in V’l'uj;.

L*' i' " ’iii-nt, lllli tbo aw;il,,'nfni; iil ih - ii,i'^Joifaf ouiiM'f,,n,.; liiiil liii -,.(fiiiu(ai'4iiii if -Vory Il'll). dl.ii lii'.i'iuy l.- iii il.iii .'.i' .inii'iluii ul, (hi. (i„(|'„i,i,| ,;.,v.'iiimi iit.;

’t>iii-u..,mi IniirriiitKm at;!)'a i.yniliut,if llio nalionV cri'aUii'iiii. '

'I'lio lu i-.i.lit. n o j (.. i.;ni.. lhan an ;jd-mlni:,II';ilivo iiriti o.. ll..^ .n^ | III. III..'iyiiiliiil i.f-Aiu.Tloiili i-t-111-.-Tiir li};;h- .iiiil Mio lowly iiinM 'ho ro.'n 'v llh l b - ’ ,ami. I'y.i., nu<i in tli.' nanu- i.uli.ll..1l',iiiiii.l bo till' liii.iniiiioni l.y vliloh na' i l i in a r ouiiM'lom o In llvonnl 'a nd I!•IIII..I Kfi.J.'f th e <.r Jll.- ,U -‘iilabiy Tnti'n iril and ioliow Iliai ......-j"Honrf.—i-- - --------— — —

i o o a l ^^ased to recom m end to ioM a d v e r tis ed in this ^ nficitiiiLil l- se rv e -y o ir in -a ^ a n n e


.V E R T I S I N a !T i y 'th e T w in F iU b , DaUy

.,Timet! S e rv ic e 1

A T f r O E E P A lR I N G ---------------T a l t o OrJ'nojnff, I’iaJon ' P ln h - -----

RisRai Uearinir* and B fake ' . . . L ining.\T, X. .SK I.\N £li R E P A IR S n O P

._ a 4Q _ s c ^ _ A # rs : .p iio n n <ar. _

CLUBS-LOpGES«O rder EnRtern Slat*', Rccond-ntid „/,*

tourth TaeaJttr. S p. m.•win Falln O range: S ccond-and \ t

fonrth F rid a y , 8 p. m ., Buslnesa. v i ­and P rofeaalooal W omen'a cJub a rooms. , . ' * .Tl

^ ril le ih -.-C « » tn ry --C lo b i-^ --E lra t.B u aTuenday, l p. xn., R o c e n o n bo- m te l: th ird Tueaday, 2:30 p. m., • ro Jua tam ero Inn . . UnU• A. R .: Second Monday, 1 p . m - ' Fi w tth m em bera. *o

jlT ucsday , 8 p . m .. L 0 , 0 .

odem W oodmen o f A m erica: Sec- o n ^ a ^ d fourih^M onday..8 p . nj.. p_

n leb t* o f Colum bttf.' S econtf and founh W ednesday, 8 i ,. m., L O. th. O. F . hn ll. • y,

^ -----------O - I r A S B 1- S iA nlo, W indow anJ^ P la lo '

A nyth ing la th e Glwi> Lino Trf Se llin g D o n e -F tm

VES-RAILROAD H1 * P .= .- ,1 0 :J0 n .a i. „ • ,

R o f R m a ' , Ka.

iv» T n « ^ T b t in t .8 a L » :4 S p .m . ' N o.-* D a l ly ------l - J : ( M > |C a . . w E

~ • * 7 — m t

^TnmoFiBrar '' : Z u O n a l ... '

J t C ' j g — ? r ; ~

~ P .'lilB W ) t BN

Ige Regularly- f T w i n F a l l s

V e t e r i n a r y H o s p i t a l• -D r.-H rB , O roonic.-'V istcrintaian

2C0 2nd ,Avc. S. P iione 20.W

- '_________■ ■ -

foultry-Fi^jduGersW o have a pootl su p p ly of aewi-aolid BwtliArmjlk a t 3o p e t -

p o u n d .W e n lso p . iy th e h ig h e s t p r ic c s

f o r P o u l t r y a n d E g g s .See Us Bcforo Scllui£r

M eridian P roduce Ct>.— = ^ ltti tff3 'i’f ty - A N i> 'R Q Q 8 — - -

tV ' W»M S t - • T^hotie 175 „


- B a l l — B e a V i n s — P u m ^ l n ^ r

'------- U h i t s - f d r i T r i ^ a t i o i T -------1 -

S e n lt 's .'[utnrs, .tiKomiilio'l*ro»suro I S jslo in s l-ir di'i-p hoIIk nnd cIs. |

to riis. '• j

V IEH W EG BROS. .A n tliiir l» < r iliii li 'rs

F a i r b a n k s M o j ^ e P r o d u c t s jllM 'r, Mno a L ender ,.

Pbono r.C.'., 'Jl!2 •I'liinl Av.r- -Norlb Oppoidli! MaKi'l Aillouitjblli; Co.

^ e e t o r y -you, our readers;i the, lirectory. We believe ^"^FrSj^Gve^uisi--- - r-thatr7 1I"fae"to-yoar-: ~

isportation , .

G rnuIncD oco T H E D C rO !fT SH O P .

420 Main A tp. S ^ u n t B ehind F nrw eni’ AnUo Supply Co.

“ , . : : = n

O O M M EBO IA i P B lS lW O ^P h o n e • , .

38 I-y

ijd u e n of *010 W o rld : F irs t 'f t& d ' t i t FrW ay. 7:30 p. nt., D uataaaa 'Qd P ro fcaslonar W omen'a d o b3oma.a ry c lub : F i rs t W ednesday, • o m 'a ' Cafe. C:30 p . rOi O tb*r I’ednesdaya, Tom 's Cafe. nootL •anla ’e lub : T h ird T buraday , • ogcrBoo,.. C:30 'p . - m . O tbar buradnya, R ogerson , aoon. . . lota»-r^d-..Pn>tM Blonal:jfa=^ ^ _ e n 's c lu b : T uesday , d n b

led Spanlab W ftr V e te raa a ti Ira t Monday. 7 t3# p. l a , U a< , nio tem pie.lon Auxlllar}*: F i r s t T bnrsday i p . ni.. w llb njctnbora. ' • lea of the O. X JL ; Second edneaday, 2:00 p. n , L O. O. b a ll.

ibora of W oodcraft, U rat aad Ird T u esd ars a t 8 o 'c lock In e B tu tn e a i a n d ProCeaalsttal onjea'a c lub rooma.

rrUh-« InJtanw fitHntmr. ^ o rado Splnnera. a ll a iiM u ^ 'T ro u i K Ile t.,a ll k lnda . s C u Q - - — eacope S tee l Itoda. m : S & . 7 S ,Ita and Camp C o t j : f # r T B « t t "

JttES ~\i r m i h M \ ------------ V :--.

n « 6

Page 8: VBEK TAKE TOLL - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · tariff aboutd tw lowertd. He prom- ... and a^cuaed o:«tnb«t?^or

: paof; ktcttt .• ■ .


IN SHIZUOSUC raft W iU Locale -Schools___for Benefit.o f-JapaneSe_

Anglers. ^B y VnUea I ’it* ! ' .

• .SM IM IZr. Jiil-Iiii. AllK. 10—Till- iili-- pllin.: lum tiri'Tl fii 111- .‘lil «it

A ciliis oil lill! Iiclli'f lllill If Illl'- liliiiiiM :ii u /valiialil-r i-coiiti- In w;u- lliry cniKlil .H» Ijc. < i|ii:illy vi(Jiwl)!«' I'l' U 'o iiU -to tiiuuli' KcIioul:>. nf. tli':jSlilam kii l’ r<-f<’rii5r<' Miirln<- I 'ru 'l i i 'i ’i , iiRii;i-liilliili>i 'iililiiliiMl Itciiii ill '' sovvrnmoiil a M i; 'n n n ii pluiu-’, i )i-ii- :olly u:in.v.l (lie Ili.ltiiiyii. m "WIili.; l» l.igoii” In l.H'iiI.- ri;.ll j:<-.!imili‘ for !|.iJi.'riiipfi In III'- vli-liitiy <'f iIii''l‘IJ'> nlKtid.

Tlii» .uliitii- will iM irol fl:‘liln;:

irlmojii i)f- ,fis1n'«. to r .lln- iifiH Ilf rlK- iBlioriiiijii.; ’ . ■ ■ .

hi»ih.-i.'i7i 'jTiT"iM'<i''"ni'ii i<uiu '.i 'v -iiinportum i m r i . n t H i - ’ill''i 'i t r'>"i'‘ iO.OOlMHJU ;inij l.llliji'i'l l'""-iji-n.-For l-i’tittiri- ii 4lu- fl.ililiiK itroiiii- II vIlIaMu.'i a ll iil:ii:: .laiMii'n tn -'iii'ii-. [(Hill ('iiaHf ((il<> liuvi- iillli/.fii liirliirl.:

T invrn i, mul li!lr!ic(i|in;. iii.iiiillj i'll if»!li |)iiinwiniiirli'« n ra r . Uk- ri;il>liii:

.UM, wntrliiiii'ii hiiilii): im il'-iuly .wlili :lu-tfloii ihi-iHicliiiut Ull) iliiy In )*li;ii;il Iki riKliiii;; fluul.n ilm luntiltiii o t fUili , cUooIk.. J l Ih 'liiillt-vi'il till- iilrjilaiiL-. ow v w r. w ill jiruVi-' liy t-.u \ \w ni"^U frrcilvo ricoiit yi-l tlcvlii<-ij It r a n . ovti'r Tar*o iirouM raiil'lly aml "iiiiiti'' ll« rhill «y[IIi-ii i>'i"'I< >;r>-:il<-r ili*;:r<-< i f-iicrrtirac j'-llinn- iiiiy ^ilIlrl• n l i r r n a - ion rfiat^m . ' _______ _

W A T C H ■ '^ R E P A IR iN & = —» ^Fnncytslmimd t- rv sh itv f il B +

w Ii ilL 'y o n u i i i l , $].()(). ' ■ All Work Ouarantcfid HI |

■ CON. W ; H E S S E i , & 'SON. I "

130!^n'Avonqo East 9 \

S o y F r i^ tu I— T b i* s u o n th c b a c k .

C t r l F r i c n J —GMyn ' b a c k s o u £ tU ( o l u c t b e i r • b u y G o o d y e a rs .


Equal Niimber Of Boys and, Girls Born During July

j KIkIiIi'i’ii iiilaiiMi Mi-u- Ixini In lliv I Twill KalH ilixtrlri ilin iiiK ili- nuiiiili '■ if.Jirty , iii-'riirclliij! ll. j-.'i'oiiM oil file-a l 11........ r.r ’i)r. II. N .'hfi.'I.-. vlMl!::i;ilblli;liiii- tn r-U ila .- illa ic lc i____ Thu.|r<i-X ra llii fo r llu . iiiniKli wnH r<|ilii1; i-li:lit lii.yit lillll i-lulii |-.lrl« n rrlv liK iliirlii): llu- limntli jur't | iiimki>iI.

h.rl.-rlliii: Illl- l-'i.iiilli Ilf .lilly an lu i' jialnl ilay.,V i-ra Allci- AhIIiIh, rlauKli- HT nf- M r.-niiit-M ri^t!n»n:tr-M .nrtli<(in' AuthlK. vvaH iii>ni iinli-iiPiiili’iirc ilnv,'

T « ln KullM I l 'l l.Il ll- .IM w lih iilni’ l liitaiilH; lliiiiHi'ii m ill l-'lli-r l in l 'fiU'j

■«r-ri.i5<l u il l l a fi'Coril .<>1 lliri'i'i llllilri-ll riir li: aml iii'nr lilrtli riii'Ii .wus riT urilid till- lliT -iT . (lllill iiiiri: Klml)i-rlv, ;

iilllll'* till- d ll 'n .im i l i Wrll- alii-’ i-li (liitilili- Ih l- ' iiiinil.i-r Ilf ili'iilliti. Ihrri- lti:lll;; II rrrriivh'il l.ir Ju ly . (It llii-nc-,' IW.I w n r rilU-l'oVii. IWO ii i l i r i ' <'lill.< llm i. a m l.111.- olli.-r tivi- ailull^,

IJlr.hilayn, iiarrirh '. hiiii|.-s aml Ilu- luitii.-:.* of Ju ly _rlillil_irii-«r.. a» T-iIrJ

—J n l.r - ::;v\rrr-Tiin^n-TrT-t7rTmTi-A iim- (Ihaii r,t l!.TJ'i-r. a m>M., '•

Ju ly •, ,\Ii. iin.l C .-iir:;.- .M;u!l'- -.on Aiilhlii, Twill l'*;ill!i, a ’ila iiK ltiir.' Vi'rii Alln.'. • ' • I•• Ju ly <11. .\Jr. ami \fiii, Kn-il Ilariic-...: irilirrriiT—rt^stnn:— F T r - i i r r i n r - s n n t r n 'Ilai-Iii-., • !:

Ju ly Kl, ,Mr. a;i.| ,Mr ;. 'I luy l.:i lira ;^ |j

r.il I rr . ‘ • *"PJu ly l;;, Mr. an.; .Mn.. A Jhrri J r - . i

Ki-I!;.rn, Twill l-”all«, ii i;nn, i|Ju ly IJ.. IJ!'. am l .Mr..] H ri.rK r W'.li

Unrnf;’.;., T-A'lli V.vllH, 11 lllorlii IIIMa.

.luly II, .Mr, aml Mm, <’liarlr.. I l.tr - ', luliii. llillll, n ilaiiL:lii<T, J.nl:i l.'k 'am ir., |

Ju ly 1,'; Mi',-:iinl Mr.-r. Tlionuin Me--;' n u iiu r ll . Twill KiillM. Il' 1.111, .Marl; ,S-ff. • • • i

J u l y H5, Mr. an.l Mrn. T'aliliM-i riK .lua:.'Illiu-k, Twin K a i l/ , 'a ila iii:li-l, i-iv J iin r Kllrn. •. . . . .•

Ju ly tl!, ,Mr..aml ,\lr,:, ll.ui \Vorl.-v.‘, r»vln I’allM. a .lini;;!il.-r. l lr lly (l.-rom-.J

.Mt^ui:d_Mj’a .-Ja inc i.O rv !lli ' ■i>o|H-r, l-'il.-r, a .iniii;lilf-V H arl^ ifa ] , '.'ur.itu". • Z I ‘

Ju ly l-S.,.Mr.-in.l MuT HrorK.. I.i-ii.l-|r. I f i . . . „ | | . . | i r r ____L;Ju lv l'l. Mr. ami / t ; i . Ilrn ry- U iw- ,"

•■■nrr Hlii-ru;iio;l. Tfffn T’all;.. ii' ilaiinll-,; }

Ju ly ,Mr, aml Mis, I 'o rii-r W .'* IiikIh-k, ■ Tw in I'ali!.. a ilaiiiilili.-r, !' )orl«,

Jn ly Mr. ailil Mr.H,, H lrliar.l H. '.••llj;|.allh-li. Twill R iIIm, ........... Rloli-'ril 1Im:li. ■____ ____________________i- J i i ty - " r ; Tli-, iiiril 'Mr.-J, (icorco W ll- w liviu F f r r ln r . Klmticrly, ii ilniiK liti-r,'t liirlmrn N ril, * ‘ IJ u ly .- :;a .^ J lr .. a n a .Mw. .O rloy . Dc-.l.tl

N Q l


P w ^ \ “ ~ G o iM . - ]"Il ■ ■ yes

, . Tt

__ chc

r c i s t o a g l i

w i lh w ciilr heads—ooc^

- T l

S s l l C T O R S ’ '! CCMSIDERATiON I A M E N D M E N T S1W , D - GilHii'Sa'yS F e w V o L -: era_Know nf the J i-opos- . i ^ Am ondm enls.

I Viiicr:! (ll hl.’ilKi a." f nlii.I.- .lu a'il U.-,vlV/,v llml »» stio S'vvrvut.vl- <; rl>A- !lt'>n th ry will ll.- r a lln l iit.iin lr> 'ilIwiM .-li;)!! ain.-mlnicH.-' I" Itu- <i/n;ll- l |llH o n -n | thr- r.Ml.- Til'-Hnftrn-rnW-V''- ' t), rilllii-.-cr n i r : ' . s .itin .iuy , •' '' 'M j. (:lllh. ll...... ;..rvi'i|.ilii.i.' i.-ii'a:< ;iiIh.- h-(,-h;laliiM-. Ih.- la;-I Iw .rI'V iiin ,!;i r.|i.-ak.'r ciT ili.,-nin'i.Hr, Tli., iiuiM Iiu-

,V<'<'(aiii of. 111.' iiiiii'mluii'Mt-.. hi- laiil. wall lha l liirrraMlll;; llir l.-iiulh at, tlii- otrid-^i l.t j;uvi rm ir. Ih-ui. iiaiit ■■...vrr- I10I-. In-ii- il'n-r. n^l!lll>r^ alto i in-y );rii- <!i'al, .-.iiii'-i'hiirnil.’ni of uiililh- lii.-.i.nir- lloii, iiilnlni; iii»|i.'rlc>i- aml .•■•'.•n-l.ir'

lh.- lir.'iiriil lu ’if v ra r Ii-riii:*.Tlila .......... . |.a;< lli-. ii . ulv.-n

t'lTV faviiralilr <'i)Mi<i.|''ralliui l.v niatir HI 111.- lill llll.:,.! |i , . . i , . i . . . I ' l l..- vUiT ’ Tr~tirTTTfin;r7ir -u rir~i!in i ' r ni~~nr-nrnrp'j w .-rr Ju,-.' lull;: rnoii;;li In la litllla ;|.'. ' III.- llirtiiuli.'lll:, wiill' Ihl' lir.'i:. tlli.'il

l.i'toiit aniithi-i' I 'lirilon . 'a i'ir arriuml .■iml.l|rw ottli;. (;>. |ituli;ihly lout. f/irJr jilar.., .'/'(ll. i,tt-r/ yt a i li rin 'lo :'i nnr^fnTl—rnr^ttr'-^tmrmiTri'niTn;TT'rri” Irll'l M-i^h-r. Ii-1:< |li.Hli;hl.

Aiii.;iu; o lli rr anirliilnirnlii an- lliu..<'

fi.lalnni Cuiiii .fr, n.T ......... i.i « l'i in-rIfi'ui. I.ri;l:ilaiur>i n ialnlaln (Ijat -Dirli my wdiihl liarilly l-l>v.'^ ilic rxpi'ii.;.':.irili.* Irln In lh ........

Tw o iiiuii'i.'.ril ' anii-ii'Jliirnl'i v.iiiilrt illow slirl.' aii.l rruinly iiUl.'lal,. Iii n - 'ilv 'r Ih r l r l>-iy nioillliiv llli.l.'a.l <■! Iiiarl.-r'ly aa I;. III.' ,.y:.l.'iii now in n. r. r ills iiinriiilim-iil n iiulil Iiol lal.'-c llir >ay nr anvoiir imi w.uil.l In rica '^ r 'rlir inml.r-r or nay .Injn.' ' ' ' •' l.oanliii:' <>t n liii'a llona l tiUKli'. v.ill il:;i) ho a tilallri; tor r 'ln a l.lr in ;„ i, jn h r 'o n i l n f an ;.ni.'n 'li|irni ki il..'. I'li.lr aiiii.iliiitiun. Till- am.'m ini.'Ill w.uil.l 'l i la n y llio tlrlil for loaiilii;; tniiihi.

An ■nnU'niiniriir'jiv.'iiri'»'ii“ft'!Tiiiii.'iir- ' . rl J l— lirrsrn i iiyMrui of Ih r ro ll, i- I' il lit la.vra anil iirovlilr w hat iM 'rini- M i'.ril Iiy iiiltny*'iii, n l ir ii r r rn ll.'rilun ,

jU m llirr j i i u r i lO ^ ^ rr);itlali-

ii i^ iim v r ininia.'I.'.'i” * i\iiriTl wouhl imil;.-. II iiuuKlhJ.- fr.r lln ' ; i-uh.laliin- lo tU Ih.- i>al:i.-lL.i of rruili- y offh'i n;. Ai iiri'Mrni ih r ;.alarliM I

.'III T llk-y, Jlan-iri'i. jl soh, .S'lMinaii I ir-wlll. .

Ju ly ;ni. Mr. ami .Mr«. Jolm I.eu l.ll- liii.FJIcj-, u-BOii. Jack

tAf C O^ HAT’S the use ^ about punctures iry-lime you start ot 1 trade us those old t jdyeffl-satlheNEWE i'he lowest prices in G irs of selling tires!

link of this! The pric re paid a short time s :ap, little-known tire n

L i n dT b e


G oodyear T

TAILS DAILTTirai *_i;in'. ik ljiili .-ly .I.'^lnr.l aml allow for iio'! : rlhiu:<r... • 1m.r.n>;i'il .inlIri. of r .lf iri 'r .i! ,''->itM.ii hv 'Ki.iwili .ir cr>iiiiilr.s In var- .li>;is ]iliii'i‘ii Ili LOiislilcrril llio cuiihi.' O t' ‘ til" iii-<>'<iiltrm It! llll-i a iiiriiilnirn). II M r : G illiu I'lalt'il (lllll In iili‘ o]iliilinii;tlii- should kIvc tli-'ii: aniriitl-l: UL'UI ' llmr rnn.'dih-riiltoii I'vtol'r llir-. :.'h 'r ilo ii nml l:n.n\- w hal Ili.-y wimh .'.vulliii: X«r.w)ii-ij,,ihi-y, voicrl, T lir » ia :- : will iiuvf* rnjilrii o t llu- iiro|ioi<i;i1 i ! iiiiii'niliiK-liI.a i.nhllnli.'d la li '/ for Ilu.-;

, I 'llllJ.atloli of Ilur vo lrrn . Ii.' i;alr|. j

M - m g I t '"; C U T T IM R l "P A T H W A Y FIRE, . _ ^ -I

' M lss n irr .A . amr. iu--Tlir«(*[liiinilri‘0 (]\ouMand reel r:f llntliur.’ . ii.ca iiau I r ' i i <‘n : anrl nUlrl.li-d and ' l"'l.>ni;ln« to tln ' .Mmitann l.ntnhi-r'

'<'oiii|iaiiy Ik in 111'- imlli of llii. tori'al til.- wlilcli Ii- i'ii::ln>: lliiri- uiII.'H riihl

.'it Iiuiilnii III llu- l.o ld iiiitlrnial for*’ .--.I. ai-.-<>iilln«'n> ly.ir.l rri-.'lvr.l ill t l i r ’ fori.-M lu 'ad iiu ah fi's .liiirr- U.flay.

— , n u L-.iyut:U—ilay, w hrru li liail l>ririi .'rl hy » :i|iarlEI’loiil yitH-iliit; lijilh , . Th^ fhinir-i

■pll. i . 'tlli 'o iu rira rliif :inU Ji'apiii,'<“ ii(Tr)«;TT Claiirr. forlc of llu- ( 'n liiirlna. rlvi.T. .'

On.- Iiniiilrri'l m.'ii bav.i; li.-rn » in l lo ' ■III' h lazn 'itirl an- w urklni; In rii-u iirr-! .\il«n v,-llli iiicii O'oiii Un- liiinlii-r: iM iiiainy a;i.( vallrun.l nr-w a. Itor«o,'!i

•n m iT n i rtn n ! - '’f-tht*-lttfi^l>pr-»''iii-iniii!ij u r i . ' r. iiio v i.t 'io ,;i]i/r-iy Jnai In lliiii" ill i:.'I Ilii'in Ulll Ilf Illl' road nf III'-;• w .'..|.h r: .lillllll-.1. ' ’Koir;Uiy officla l’i: Ol Ih r l.d io liaiL.lial lo- i-.'il 'jiavi- k-hk^' lo lit..' Ili-.-. Hlil.'h !:■ rlntioylliK m .'r-i ili;,n:alil<.- lliiih,'!'. • .\ua;i'rnii;. 'f ln i 'ir :u r ,h v llii: m-I hy ruilroail Ira liis i>vrry' Uiiy'. T . A, I'Uii.ji! suiw-rvlvwior III.' I^.lo r.i.r:,i, alati-rl llihi nin rn . in;:.

I t i s s o e a s y t o

h a v e c l e a n , . '

b r i g h l ^ s p a r k i i i i g

F u m i t i t f e a n i l

W o d d W o r E /

✓ \^ P o l i s h

. dealers

s t S Cof worrying a geni or blowouts— You ll

it;-when-^U-.-choos ires for new Duty OWTMGES™Weatl oody€ar’s3 0 Tread

Comee you would ' on,th( igo foLsome ^Wqwo low buys you uless!

A u t o m o bF i i ic s l a n d B u t E q u ip p e d O a ro g o : f ic e a n d S h o p P h o n o 299 . P a r t i . P


I’p a r ly S e ttle r O f '; T w in F a lls T ra c t I .. D ies In C alifo rn ia' U 'illian. rim rii. wlio «uiir*' lo .Tw-ln 'F a l l '1,111 lUiiti and ii.'.idc' lila lioir.c lii-ro iinill 1!>1S.. wlirii ho lo ti - to ninko liln'

-'bomo .in Ji'jIiy.wooU. Cal... ilk 'd.^llicrc i I'ai'i Ju ly 27. air.'ordlnK l o liiforitjnllon ; v.->.:rlvr,'il liri'.. Iiy frlen.lu. .I Mr, Clici-k waM ii clin rtp r nicnvbcr of lln- to ra l a 'llnlKt olmrcli mul iictiv'oly r l lta v rd . Ill -r.liurcli-''.work. dUCiDK.. hiU ir.ih lunr.. lirii-.' T lir * (ilinlty rcfllllcil Ull a Tarm ..'a;ti n r inw n. ' A l one tlm o .Mr. Chrick wiirt a can.llilnto ' on tho li.'iiio.'rail.^ tk 'ldit fo r cuuDty coinm ls-

I W i l l a r d II L------- ------------— O O M P L B T :M 'A -T -

■ “ . R a d io Rl

E f f ic ic n c y a n d . S c rv ic i I l l i o o n ly D R I V E I N B . 'i t t c iy a ________. _ •_____T w in , :

^ e e t r i e - ^ e r 'li : i SiiV.iii.l .Uf. .\..rUi W. I,, i:

F o r i n f o r m a t i o n l e

------------------ o r ' p e r s o n r f o u n d ^ f

S i g n s o f

i l E N ^

> L I T TuineGbodyeM!laKeJoutitypesiofdGoc

All-Weathers, Stam ber T re a d s^ d '^ P a lIs, ■-mand let us make yoi use pld tkes—before ] mt orpuncture inakesI

i l e G o .in th o W e s t’J io n 6 -? 0 5 ._ !--------- ' .

T im k en B earings

• ' • .' ‘ . ' sC.M.lIf O f TH.VNKS

. \Vir jvhdi In rxi'irriw nnf . In arl trll tlnililoi to 'o u r nmny frlrnilii n’ml' ri'I- iillw ii fo r .till-.h ija iillfiil (Inriil offi'f- IncH nnd (lymimtli^'.wliloli 'w nn . lie- ftow rd mxiii tiH th rm id i iIki lonK «Ii:K* nuiiH nud ilriitli ot iitii-'..di)rIlnK >)al>y doll, Anllii Joiiii.

Mr. and .MrH.-H. W .'T ata & l-'ninlly. — MrH...Vornla-Su^uao, ----------------- -

- L c3» Snow In A rettea ■T lin l •'ln.-5filio D ^ ih e friii'ilim li'tn-'

T P n iiu ro '.itin ro ' In - iesK“ w in w -lti^ ilip Ardk* .rpicliins thnn In thU I'oiiniry Illl!) bcfii *rev«;iili.'il • Iiy <iftk-liil llxnn’s T lie to la l iinniiiil tiroclplliillnn In ki-I dom Didrb tlm n U -iriiid icn .'w lirii-ii^ .(.-(•nlral imrlH ol tlio L'nilcd Slai<:» . have . fo r ty ' in ' more. . T lio . dry ‘ .iilr, c u u n cd iij tlio lo w tiiin|ii;riitiiro of;t|it* Arcllca, con rIvu rl«u lo lltilu ra in or

S a t t e r i e sTERY-8BRVICS------ — ---- J

p to to S o ry ic tn f f n f A iitom Q liileB . |

e p a i r in g '

0 in A U D e p a r tm e r i to ' In d E lc c t r i c S c r v ic e S t a t i o n 'i n F a i l s ■ • ' . .

r i e e - S t a t i © i i Jiril.SO S', I 'riip . ' I'iinni' ir.

m wa d i n g r t o t h e a r r e s t a n d c o n v i

»ul ky of- defatrtng—o r - dee^ro


L Ei d B e a r s i t o i ^

Bs;iHeaey ,, . ... .MMlard ■ M ' l I j S thfina^r— uj^u g o ffe r ; J | m | your next , j n n ^ them v^* ~ m B I

I m '


' a . '0 . WIlHon a n if . t J to r s o ti'irrlco w rr r 'n a n ic i l ' in. lwo-cntni>liilnlii fllod In iiillHtrlci con rl, llio f lrn t Iiy Genorni .Mo'tnrii A cci'iilaiioo i;(i;in>i'iulon iin.t

; ttm RCMiid Iiy M. A. lk-rry of llio Burry . .Motor {.’iniijiany. a l,U ulil.-

lii i l i r 'fln a .c o tiii iliil ttl iioattCKHlon'ill Snono wol'tli nfKooilH iirul clintlelK or

• iii f iv u iv rv )n so n n r to 8 « ir ii.r -w iih - j5 o o i|nmtiKi'ii a n d nHoriii’y focn Iti riiiucilt- i-il. In ll» ’ aca tnd r6m iH a|»l I'ohhi-p - Hlun n r n 'o a r irf $flOi) fogcllio r . w ltli

daniUKcs and c o u rt coMts'la ank*I'd;— ---------------------------------i

‘ •V U LC O T m E S ■ .C arry n l-y i!ar ' KnaraVitoc nKaltist'

.UlOivoutn.'Ciitfl.’ Hrulnes, Kiin Cuts. I'te;, nt.-n<>.-E*tt-nrCpiiti--

E . 0 . H A V E N S B A T T E R Y 0 0 . , .aSI -MAIii N ortli I’Jinno 016-W

Learn to Fly■ . T H E ,

1 cM ivnP t n n w o p c n '.w ith ftC- i tivo" C lass—.e l e v e n - a n d - fiX ty - 1 - h o u rii.

i “ A L L O U lt S T U D E N T S ' - . . - . ^ .E A R N T O P L Y ’; . *

T H O M P S O N .P L Y I N G S E R -

A ir p o r t , S a l t L a k o C i ty •V P h o n o W a s a tc h , 6 7 6 6 ■

ARDi c t i o n o f t h e p e r s o n,y m g — A <3v e r t i » i n s ' --------- - .

! E L ^ ^


{:Miml'' - IW^BIE B * '

B n l l - I

' ___ .____

• I • . 4 •• ■ * ■ .

Page 9: VBEK TAKE TOLL - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · tariff aboutd tw lowertd. He prom- ... and a^cuaed o:«tnb«t?^or

• ’ •■-VC^ * ’* * ' ■> ■ ■ " - t W l N 1’\ V h l A I D A H O . S A T V K h AV-. .M ' t i l-S T I I ..1 ! I2 S . • ' _____ * * * ' . ' ■ * * * • • • _____ _ ' IM n ('K i-MNMrt

W S m mT E R R

■ M k M ^ - 5 : .

n \o n n r n

s ta tiHeV

M agnificen t G atheri^S U niversity a t P a lo C hoice fo r-P re s id en t K i^Q w n.the P rinciph H e B e Chosen to H ea November..

■ ik ’c liir ii l in ii Tor p ro liil ii l in i i iin il ii . 1 Inicl linw ti ll.v U cH n 'i t H ffiivor.

ll.sli'ulitim n f liiKfllinii iiiiiii'r.'

Tiilciutr iN>iu«* \vilh 0 «oppoiifiil., IIodVtT (Iccliircd Htnm

, . _ ro m jim ii t lliun mikI proiiiisi'd- il Ki'Hrc1iih|f‘Min'PfltifrnTion--t<)Mlt‘t(‘ri now (.'xiKtiii^;

' T lio ;>on4iioc look th e iioAltlon th a l ihcau opppncil In prolilbltlon miixt

■t f l r s f d in n s o ■ iho o lsh ieon th nmcml- nivht Itt ll conBlltiitloiriil -wiiy bcrore ih ty en il' tAttijier w ith th o VolKtc»il DcL . I t lu tb o jiosltlan h c ld .lix t^io mo*L u rilln t Uryii Ilko Sunuior Uorah of I(?,nhs^ojitl_li'‘ «lIrcctly' opp<iHca to

"’ -TiT.IAiVicttllteHlloti • tlm t tbo Vnliitoail " ^A ct cnri'Du jiuo iiie il 'to in>riiiit hhIc oi

llg^ t v ^ n e n 'n n d beer. '' H oo^t* > 0 0 1 ovon furU ior tliiin tho pla tfo rm o f Ihv porty In uccuplliiK

. prohlhllloti OM lho ptiiK^-or bm U f for llio prcfiWciiUnl olcctlon. Ho • wan tiiara dofloltc ivKiirdltiK fnrm relief loo, Hp did ht>l ii.'Jnl|(m tho moolcd i-iiuullzntlon fco Ibocry nf (bo vctncil

'.MrNnry-MniiK<'i> bill, tm t ho iinioiinc-.

""ihKC'-foW JiKrlciillurnl ''proRriiiii for niceiloK thlR iKiMio w blcb ]i<;-cnniildcr- Cll o f p rlm nry linportnncc. llo | i i ^

• podod fim l.-ro v h lo n o f oxbtln i: lijrlff .r.ilcH lo a fford Ihc farn.Tj- ndvrjuaiu jirt^ofillon. .rfoconilly.' d?voloiimont ot

__«->>cnpi-t- tm n n pnrta lln ii fnr111tlo». >ivtnni1f»f*nlTln^* Inlrtntl wn>r*rw*TiVM pnr*llc iila rly lho .MlnslMnlppl nyntom. Iho G reat I jik c s ronton uml oponlnc bf n- Hhlpwny^ from tbo G rc.it Ijike.-! to

o iffn n lu llo n of lho miirkclinK nyniom upon ,T.oiindor .and ir.'Jru I'canimilCiil

• l in c it: ' ■ 'ARriculliirul Ktlli-f^

“T bo wrrltlnK out o f AKrlciiUiirul re lief coniiuiito!! tbc mpM Im portnnt

- obllEfttloii of -tho nex t nitm lnlntrn- tloo ." bo ra id . "I m a n d plcOsod for thonc proposalH." '- Anldo fm m ihcHo twfi nm jor Ixniiex.

. H oover ira tlp bl* t>o*Ulca' c loar re-• sarilltiR o lh o r D)VDrnniontal problcnut

in j f c r lu p onJ^raniinntlc style; liln «n llr« n|M)CCb wns w ritten nrouod tbe tex t o f continued proHperlty, ilovclop- in rn t n f th o nntlnh'ii rFM iircm .iiml tho condu .'t o t nn tlcun l nff.ilr*. In n

' m nancn iloslKpod n o lc ly .to mnke lliln cou n try a nw ro cotnfortdljlo t’lnco toj|,i> I n . ------------------------ :---------- -

• — Hoovflr-. wvhounw^J-- h«—fwvorod—«n czpendltu ro o f a billion dolliin« In thc n ex t fc u r ynam for cbbapencd tm nii- poilA iion, IrrleatloR . rcclam ttSon, ilOf mobile w ater nupply. bydro-cloctrlc t^K -rr, jiub ltc toadtf un<l piilkttc hulld*

VlriTN <lp ImmlimitloD.Ke d>*flnliely opponcd the natlonnl

o rlum clau»o of the' Id.w ljtratlon net and d e c la re d hlmnolf Its fnvor t f tho preaen t Im m lrratton <iuoia nymcm. H» acoffcd a t *nt;8e*tlon» th a t the ta riff itiou ld be low ered. H e prom- iMd to conduct an h o n e tt cam palcn In w h ich Qvarjr p e n n r w ould ba ac ­c ounted for. n e p ledsed h lm ielf to tbe p ro tec tion . t i irarto uaJonn, ea- (loralhK tho principle of to ll rc tlv e b a rm ln ln s u d prarelsInK to w ork f o r .th e c o n a ltp ie n t b f th e u te of Ir-

—iuactlonn— i n - labor— <ltiputa>.'--HB - p M m lta d ■ ^ iln e « » -<>>e-«U’fa ;n p n « J t -O C iic J tfu l ; K la tio o i. w Uhj t h o _ j c v ^ -

inent. . H e . a enounc td _coixuptIon In ' ^ ' ‘» n ir 'P " t nod accused tr.vm ben of faptb po llllca l p a rties of h a r ln s been lenpotu tb le , fo r rec en t scandaU In fede ra l. a U te an<1 m ualelpi} affair*. H e u r p > d 't t n t th*. K orenunea t take a deep Ih tere itr tD 'ehU d health .* P o re l in i 're ta t ie a a should be con- d u c ted ."h e aald^' tr> a a tu re adequate

-p repa f ed a te a d e fen ae a a d to - dto- niotfl BOod w in '• ‘“I Pcace am o n f n«- tlo a s .. Thi^'-nomlnee pladited h lm telf

m enta P0»slb1* and acre^d- tk a t_ ih la _ B iU o n .h a d . r c t u ^ l n n a llz

to e a t e r Ik * .l* a * n e of N ations,- . H c o \ - e r ^ t o w r a a ^ c lea r th a t , bo

• <OonUBtt?d O B-Pi*% T to a s )


VoUldt------- - Ii; in .S tad ium S tan fo rd A lto H ears Rep.ublican of U n ited S ta te s M ake

58 and ' P rogram '. Should d TJhiis G overnm ent .Next

: tlofivilo fa rm ri'lioT jiroirnun wi'ri* tlii''I{<‘iiiilili(;iiii .i>ri‘siili‘i\t illl oiiiKli- i-nVciiMl l([iliiy 111'Itll- vnsi ((iiitliiiir

V. A t r n ‘< r iv Sm itli. his Dt'iiioi-rhlic «ly. ii(fiiiiiKl jui.v inodilii'nl'ioii o f cti- ■ elocNrd pri'siilonl to Kiilisliltili' a iiiix'i-D^plhud.'i f o r corrcvtiitif iiliiisw

♦ _ --------- ------------------------- --------------------

l i 0 g . A H G E L F .B , O £ f l O E B _ .{ a rV E N A V IL L A STFLE

' Waited FrtM ', 1.08 .ANOBLKS;,Aup;. I I —A iwwod

off-.3(M9 callbrn title .wild to buvA

Imndlt. I’linvbo Villa, wna pr.caontrd todny to 0<:lccllvc Lletitonnni lUuburd Lucnn of tho Lon A iisolcn jiollco by

I Capt. W. D. 'O reci. fo rm er chlof nf po- [llco o f KI PaHtj^ .j Tbo rlflo waH clvcn lo Cntitiiln Groot Ibv tlic gavernn r of Chlhtiii'tnmi nftor Vllln wnii sh o t to .ilcntli; Ii wim ;i.ild.

y 11 v siir.t X. fM K -t') iA yF o y UalteA P re is

I IIAST UUlD OBW A Teil. MaHn.. AiiB. 11—Evcu tbo trnvelInK nnlcsninn In

I now tiik lnK -ia thc n lr. A Incnl ohne I com pany han ImuRht <i* tbree-pnsnen- Cor biplnnn for Illchiir.d Whlimnti. -Vniliitjju—w tll—loatl—bin-»aii4>lct. Itito' 4b» -p Iu»^nU -fl)L froro-cH .y to c ity—

Last-Minute—. For /Daily Ti

. . M EXIOO C ITY TO .------ By tTnit<

M KXICO dlTVv Anir. 11—Cnr l.v.0^1 u iinii-Ktop rii^lit In lEnvniiu notiufi'd officinll.v.* Tin* sin rt wm F ii-m i lind hei'ii w nilh it' fo r wookn

A'plnm* h(‘lioV(‘«l t<i lio Fiorro': Inti sfjiti', ill 11 :4') ji. in.; ft .Wi'stori

• ■Biqi.IEVED TO BI > a V > L K D O .-() .. A u c ; 11— -Mr«. H

II W orlil Aynr vo trrnn aoU'4u_iiIZ;vUAt^>olicii-(li:KunIu.‘(Iliui. Thi‘ Uodir.H iwi rt’ found liiiddK'd UII lioiLs<‘ n n d e r onrislnictinti. T lu \viiid«>w to tlie ir ri-m lpzvoitK o f d n

F A T O B A B L E T B A D E BA I^YAfiIII^'f^TO^^ Aup. 11— Tli«

od lixlnv n l.'jjitpd Sffltp.s favoral fo r tho fin it hulf o f ]i!28,_or'i64|l.9! of l!)27. .MorchandtH(-‘ ex p o rts Irc Kivi‘, wiTi* .'ta,;J77.">:i2.8-J8, nml' impo

ABSABSINATIGN PL<^^^ X IC O •C lT V . Aug. -11—Jl

ROiiKht ill oonnootioii w ith th r nMn goii. a re hidinfr here , u pAlice nni iioim cem cnl M-nrned .n ll perBons a>! n llo f jr i^ -J o -b n V ^ R iven • lo se d r I/< O brrijou '^n ix aliot.


tc m n tio r in l t r a c k n n d f ie ld m e e t e v e n ^ to Kix totlny^ before n crov all-K tn r ■ g a t hcrih jrV wUK 'm e’riiKciTJ'e lo ttlin jr c o u n t r i e s fo rm ii i t : th e le a n

SE A PL A N E P IL O T A im ~ > n A a i t> 'F » b . . . .A u g ; l l ^ A r t h

tro p ical fctom r h it theoT ^ n d r o a . la l iq d .j i^ ^ o r

N’asaau na id ’tod'a.T. A . UjCfitilk.'-M on a r«uffli'»e«, t b e - m tm g e *aid..%V-v ■— ;

TORM7m ....#■■

tm m s


STORY FICTION»•« •» T\ 1 • .»_____ »« i-r\rKCiaiiy r ro a u c n o n j j,3iAi at

P r e s e n t W i t h C h ) a l S e t ■ --------- ' ^ a l T e n T h o u s a n d ;* * ---------

Oy TTalttd P r ta i. r i,K V K M X » . 0 - Aiitf. I I —TllP ('It'TKlniiil I*rt‘*« liMjn.v ptilillnbr.'t nil t i i te n ln v kIH i H enry f o r d In wbleb flie uiilnni».WIi» in n n iifn e lu r ..

■ - IT • lH -l|iintisl-PB"«JenrJn|f - re p firt jr- Ih a t ill* muHt Mhnt dotrn hlx piniit a n d n*-de*lKM htn new model aulo*

~ “O ur ilnlly~producUon In now-3.C007" Fn rd la liiioted nn leltlnK tbo ' Prcnn correspoD dont. ' ‘a liho iieb one*Ihlrd uf o iir 'b n p iic lty 'iR n tlll applied to the n iam ifncturo o f p a rta for the -ftW cnr. - •'•Our pTolliictlon iir Incrcim lns urnd- iiuiiy uy " if l 'W a r in r iiii iM -a ’n B y r o j r p rc io n t sonl l.t' 10,000 ilnily. I nm on- liro ly sntfgflcd w ith tho way .thlnKH nfo- ifblnK u p to now." -• •• •

P on l nnid 'thn t 200 incchnnlcal op> crntlonn bnd tn bo chnhK<«l w licn-ho redfistRnod bln b rake nyRlcni on lli'< ;i<!W car.

"T he o rlc lnal donlcn wnn more Ihnn ndetinalo," J-'o<d-»nld. “hu t I 'm liliid wo mndi- thi’ PbonKo li«x-njm» wo now

lilf i llL A M l VIRW rU IH .T b n IlJiihlond Vlow clutT picnic tn

bnvo tiecn held nt Arlenlnn Suuduy bun-b ton ...po stponed ..on.-.acconnt_of.tl,» 1. ,-f-W IHIal<--Wrv>lbft. -

N^ws-Mashes^ •mes ReadersH A V A N A B Y A i e ' sd" Pressll. l lo l io r to K io rro to o k off-K ocri’l- I n t H rl 'i a . n i. U idny . it \r tis nn- i. tnnd i! f ro m V iiH utenn n ird ro m o .I f o r Kooil w en tliiT . 'A I'HRf^eil l iv e r C n in p w lio . in V iicn-\ irn iiin iiii'H.'yiffi', Wlili,

5 S U IO iii)B P A C T loph ie .V eiilie rt . !2 7 , 'n n d ^VuHnco , s h o t « n d k iU i'd t l^ m s c lv c s '^ c r c T lfo T in rillTnpii't »T.*ir>ii li i! lili '.; uii-L!: )K e llier o u th e lii ise m en l ntnir^i o f• itou jtle h n il e ra w le d Ih ro n trh n- utli. —

Ia k o z f o r u n o l e s a u .• ( ‘om n ie n -e D 'c im rliu e n t iii tjto u n c - lie t r a d e Im ln n e e o f 100,352 ^ 2 ^ '> :r in o rc t h n n in th c i ’ir a t h n lf )'m .In n u n rj '. 1 t n . J u n e S d ' iu i-lu- r l8 w c ro »2.om .4:i2 .4I)G . - ' ‘

3 T T E R S m H m U f O ‘a n u e l T re jo " a n d .h io n •lim iiiex , tu i t ia t io n o f I’r e a i i le n l- « le c i 'O h r ^ - to n n c e in e n t Kai<l tm ln y . T h e nn- r a itu n -w e re tiiiR th e m .- T r e jn %mih ;on T o r a l- '- t l^ piK tol w i i J r w h ic h

i iS » .P I K L I ) MEETid ; A u(f. l l i v A m e r i c a w o n h e r .in-, w ith th e B r i t i s h e m p ir e h y n in e r d o f ‘41.0W ,pcrK O ii}i. lL «wn.s nn i r t h p 'O l y n ip l t f te a tn * o f th o con-

P A S S ^ O E B ^iu r " H o lla n d , p i lo t , a h d O o n io n B iw in g - m . . ' 1''>

a t T u e a d a y , w e r e r e a c u c ^ ' e t t e ^ i ' in e a a a g f to T r « p ic a T R A '3 io ^ m

r - — '^ .:‘' / - - " 'a T R S fe R

High Lights HooTer’i Republican Presii

' B y U n it

Ilfl* Hiinio o f ih iv te r s e cp iK rntiiii .fr l» T t I lo n v iT t h r Hi‘p u b lii’1111 iiri'.-ni

■ 'U u r p rohlcniK o f tin* piisf w ri 'c o tm ln i i- l io i i : o i i r .p n ili lo n is o f j» trnc tiou ..lI --------!_______ ___ ________ _

“ I t kIii’i II Ix- Jill lionos t ('iiiiipn n r i 'o tu ito il f n r . It. .kIu iM In- a In u ■H»-rt»trVrj^*nr-ii«jnHt.tt«;—tt'tt—tn -h tt '

' ‘.‘T h e jiitorli.iti.se is v;iiii»ihinfr 1

- ' “ A r n i l . '‘tinu* w<* (!c'iimnil.‘<l -fi T o d n y w o d o n i;iu d la fn o r c'oiiif<iri Iitul io ls iir i '." ^

‘:T hn te s t o f JniHinoK.H i-t Iiol i i.s liono.st i-nn ijK 'litio ii. 'w lic lh e r lh w lu 'i h e r lli>‘iv i> .r n le « r i iy n m l use:

“ ( •o v i'r iii in ’iil. •'\vi-nki'iiK tlie tu d o u h to d ." , ; •

“ Thorc* m u st In* n o plnce* fu r c

'• Kni-iiiT pi'i)j»ro<s m 'a iv lies u ffiir iic io iL i'liil 'ii '< ''« .”

t'ov c-rn m o n t th n t ilo e s not. id o iils o f il.s y iiiin ir iiieti a n d woiiii-i p eopli- h a v e ii r tn l i t to i x p o c l and,

“ O n r fo ro in n p o lic y hu.s otn* p

“ WV havi* n o h ii to s ; w o w ish n o iiiilitJ iry i h n - n ts .”

“ W e h nve f e w e r m e n in n rn i; poliei* u n i f o r m s . ' '

••[ .w ;int to set* o i j r ‘ K « 'o n iin o n i n 'sy iiih iiV o t 'f l i c n ftltoh 'S "K n* 'a tnef

■ “ W c ly iis t JirucL.c irouX itQ ic.]) u p 'r i t t i f l l prokTosH.”

. “ O n r iw t 'ly 7 i1 n tfo n n deahc m r o n r n n t im i . j*i n o t a i t a 'g g jp in e ra lio n o r dyn an tiM o r H intisticH . I t ia cW ldr«‘n . ”

... — ••u v e rj* m n n l i n s 'r l i J 'T l j r t i W S tA tex U f l b e tf e r ’ p la c e f o r h im . h i becaluw? ^the' R e p iu j l ic a a p a r t y h a n e a r b ; c ig i i t .y c a m . '.^ " .

, ' l E v c J y .^ o f a a t i .h * * , t J » e .r i g h i i th a * co n U & u a h « e-.o £ ^b e B i ^ b U e a n

_ _

: ' r '


s Acceptance Speech dential Nominee:'cd P ress____________ '

■onr lh o iiei’e p ln n i’i* sp c cc h o f H er- id o n liiil iio n i in e e :I'Vcn' y e i t r s hn v e liooii prolili-ink o l th e h l l n r e a n -•p ro lilo iii.- i, o f lo ii-

lijjn; -eVory ponny uill lie piiltlic'ly I' ninpniicn. Wo sliall use wjimIw

f ro m U.x.”

o r o u r w o rk i’rji n f u l l i l i i in e r p n il. n n d t;re n U 'r p n r t ie ip u l iu n in life

itH H iz i^ .th o li-sl is w h e lh e r th e re u-i't- is fro o d o in f ro n i d n iii in n tio i i, fnlnoK s o f p u i-p o se .’ '

lon ien l th n t its iir to j jr i ty in ev en

•ynii’isui in t h o i ' f o e d o f A tu e r io n .“

p o i r 'l l io ' fpPt ■ n f ~ l r r n t th y - n iu l - iu -

. i‘o i i s ln n l ly w e k to liv e ilv lo th e II f a l l s sh i i r t o f .w h n t tin? A ^ 'r i o n i i 1, d o m n n il f ro m i t . " \

i r iu ia r j ' f th je e f , n n d th n t is j ie n c e .”

no f i i r lh o r jjoMseKions; w o Im rh o r

y n n i f o n n tiMln.v th n n w e h a v e in

t irren t h n th . a s u tt iu H tn im e ii t .a n d

'r iJK tM s in ' K tippo ri . o [ m o r a l ' u tfd

n in ly 'w i th e c o n o m ic p f o l i lm s , lMit o l m i l m a d » .b f ahipK . o f f jie to rie s . a ; n a t io n ; o f m e n , o f A nnnen; o f

^^i^ K tr~ o f itK w h c th n * ~ tfa tr- ln ii te t^ ifl w if e a n i l h ia e l i i l d r tn f o l iv e in . i« c o n d u c te d th e g o w r m n e u t f o r

to lax k w h e th e r h e r ,I^ e . h ^ .h o m o , [> ^n M s ,-T n lI - b e * J ^ t l« r - a a a A v d .b y l y r t y in p o t ^ r . ” ' j '

' f A K E

STADIUMWHEN- J O S E - S ,S M K ^- Ghairm on—rof— Norificotio;

.Comm ittee Brief inA ddress 'io Nnminec.

• .STANK,VHP 'S r .U l i n i . IM l.ll .U .'IO I 'l i l lu Alik', l l . A iiiillol

.n n d onllnisluklli- llfjin lillm n pnr- I) N oiilcrlni; tin-. caiiiiiulKii un-

' ili'i Ibc lriidi-r>.hl|i of lirrli'ort i li iin e r iilllk fn ll' ciinfidi'iirt* m'

, . . t l c ln o , Si-milnr.i:nirt;-< ll.~.1|i».<i>.-. Inhl Ibe iinniliM-c In-ro tinla).

Si'iiatiit'.-M<i»oo, rbiilrniun «f llu- n iill/lcalb iN 'n iinm lltee <if Ihe Jlr- puhllniii mitloiinl eo inn illtii’. nf- flolnlly Infornii'il. l ln tu r r n f llils «i-l«i'tliiii n - the p a r t j ’s n ind l-

. diite fo r Ih.- nry-M oiipi._________...Tlm iioilficntinn- c'.rrmmnl.vH- 'v<t .

• bvlcl In Siniifiinl bm thatl niai^iuin

P(irt(-r» friiin ('n lltiirrilii :ni<l niln''Wl'KlO/ll

''Vdtu' :icliM;tli>a u'liii mitdn w lili i iinm ilmliy iu 'Vit J ir fo n - w.-n wbt-i IIiIr RrciiL p r ix c .ln nn r piilillc' llti hnit“ b e cn -In -cfin tc!ii.''- Kiin(iir -Mohc-i to ld till* nominee. .

“ In tDIn ri-Kurd tho cimvi'ntloii nc curutnly riiflcctcd thn denlroN of ni 9VorwjioImIiiK..prupondorai><)i-'-<if-Hr IMibllcnnH wliu worn no t lo lie dcnlci In tholr purpose lo com m it nu r cnnm to your Imndi). . .

"Thc ciinvenHim w hich nave to yoi tho iiom lnnllon now o tflclnlly prc Kented, alno fo rm n lh tcd .n . dcclurutloi

clm rt of Iti'piihllninlnm for thc ncxi fo r yearn.

U 'bat I'ln tforp i Cnnfnlno "In oui; p liitform will be found {i

rcltornilon of th thoxu fiindami!ntnli Ilf Ile|iiibllcnn policy whtcb qrc trn- dltloniil.

"W ith cluinelni; condltloim , out party , ulwnyii flexibln nnd roHpoiiHlvc 1(1 Ibe .cxpnriillni; iii‘cil» t<f Ihc roun- ■n-y; hAh i-laburkcd' u p o n ''(l ie "K rca l nnd 'dcHlrnble rcforinH .w itlch 'm ny bi nccompllnbod w ithin thu IlmltH of 'the ConntUuthiu un<l w ltbln tho hcopc ol *<uund I'cnnumlc Inw.

" In u u r lu-i'Hcnt p lntform wft nffor tn tbu c oun try thorn- prapoKnln which wo IipHovo roHiionnlvo in tlu* real nccdH of tho pnoplo mid tn which wc feel nuro the 'p .op io will p ro d u ce ,n fuvorahlc rcncllon.—‘ b t m p irii tir -uitr pm tform ii r i nr- ii)Ii<iuknblc. nrtd It HprlnRH frnm our riicnrd of fnltb jtept throi^Khout (h< e n tire period of o u r Jinrty J i j j to r y . Tliln npirU. Sir. you pcrVonlfy..

•W o know th a t 'I n your Irndernhlp tirin Hplrlt will cnllRhten nnd cnklli- dlo th e . cn-operntliln o n t on ly of ihe (treat pnrly w lilrh hnn (bim HouRht you out. bu t thn I wilt riiRp^dor the com rndnblp o t th a t o the r c r r a t hody

(ConUnueil,.on P a c e Two)

S M n f R f r l N S FROM CHICAGO

By ValtMl r r * t tAI.RANV.. N*. V.. Aiik. 11—Som e­

w hat w earied by m ore tban J.cnn ;ml1r« of tn iv i 'l In .1C hours. Oov. Al- Ifre il I-:, Sn Ub. Di m ocrailc prosldi-n-

t la l -cnndhl.ito, a rrived a t A lbany ibo rtiy hcfore 7 o 'clock tbin n .om lne from hla tr ip tc O ilc .nw for th e fun­e ra l of CeorKe S . Urennnn,

ite drove tu -the executive tnnrtilon tn re»l. and ra id he w ould not be nvikllnble u n lll l.ito t^ils an em o o n . If n t a ll.

PolUlcal altiuitlonn w ere p rac tica lly forso iten by th e Rovornor wliile c n the tr ip , bu t he waa n n t allow ed to forRet Ib a t he la a pre«lilentlal can- d litate by th e crowda tn ChlcaEO and

I a l le w ra l • o t th e m ore im portan t c itie s a lone hla ro u te . •- 9 mtih -tnadc an-«»*«pected-*pp«»r-. tu m ^ tr C le v e U a d .- O hlp .. U at. n isb t ; .wbsn se v sra l Jiuudned peraoaa c ro v d - ed .a round hta c ar. W ithout .coat o r h a t. be de^cetMled to tb e aUtlQo p la t­form ao(I- «book handa w ith . well w Uhera. • _________ . •,

IKI8H A T RLeX ES ^ T H E R S y r a m n * t s '

Dtret-IN*. Ane. l i —More th a e 7000

d rea . t a a n r o f wh;tD had never before I aeen tb e icreen la n d o f th eJr extr«e< U ion. c a t h a r a d - ^ t i T - t o ^ • f ro a i *11

y ^ e ' '^ i r f f a n n

. T ^ c o p T O la c .c e r e jo ^ th a ,fa m - o iw Croke P * t k 'b n » f h t tb e e ta o d a r t lo u rlita 'a a d a leb tM crt t a ' i b a cS t .

TOLLV A P n ' ^ A F ’f l F P

iiHWERIif- J —

Forty K illed and M illions of Dol!nrs Dam oge Done in

j .Several Sections o f Coun*I try ; TrppicaJ G ale Now j W carin c’ Usclf O ut in

.Southern Georgia.J .__________ «y_i?au»(i-Er<ui«:___ L. ...____

ll i in l i 'i i i i r s ■ I 'lr c lr in ir - ( i in tis r;.iii», loe ail'd heni took n

n ld i-p rc iid lu ll In l[>c<- m id pn iji. ■ i r h dnniiiKc In llie lu>t fi-« dnys. '

A|i|ir(>\lniiil<-I} M) Ih e s o e re Innt nnd i.riiiii-rlj dntiinui- n in tulo the rulllhiii-..

/ ' l ln-/r«-aj. .»^'uintT i-\tenileil frnm H cstcrn I'lilii-il S lates to tbe A l. .

' , T h '' Kri'iiicsi i1iiniii;.'» Waii done (.•}' b iirrlca iir and llooil In Flnrldu. wbero

> tJrt' lotii. Uii.M I'uilinateil n.t m ore thnn ' — - - - - , , ^'• '.G i'orW a’ WaH bli hy flooilH, . - --T he-m hhllr-\ve i5 t- -.•!nd- -N nrlhw e*(-

nutforoil liiirnKcIy t r n n r tb e beat, to ' xrhlch 2!i dontliH w ere a ttr lhu tcd .1 Throe doathu from tlKfitnlnc nnd■ muny^;Va|■ jirnHirnilonii w cro recorded I In .NhW 'york .’ n.cavy foe nfonu th e nenbonnrin ter* '

toiV'd w ith nlilpplnK In N’ew V ork, Bo*- ' ton . M on trea l,nml o tlu 'r portn.

T w enly pem nnn .w on I n ju r e d ‘n d ir• Y - w hen npread rnlla..

L th e InH riw o.ciirn of (he M eiropolllan I.halieil on (he .Non- V ork CcnirnI ra ll-

‘ ■ Kroni M ontreal Ihree Nienhierii, ‘.he ‘ A hleharaii. InniTtnn nnd IlllnKiiwohlf• wi-r<- ri'iHirteil to biivi- cone UKrtmtid.^

.SO nilleii. dnw.n (be S t. I ^ w re n c n ,..' Idocklnii Ihe chnnnel,'O qean Halllhitfl■ frnm M ontreal w ere dclnyed. ' ♦

• . AtTw\.V|Pa; Ga,f^AlVK"'n—' .m d rnln no rm ,' reninnnt n f tb e P lor- ' Ida h iirrlcnne. was .Hwo-plns b a ck 'In ­

lo (he' A tlnndc (oifny n t(or causlnic danuiKe lo property and cropn ncroaa

’ noutbern and middle OcorcIn nndcni'tvrn South.C orollnn._____ ___

___ S trcania wore »t rionrt «lnirn In rrti»tra l O co rda.

.S'ear AUKiindi. Gn.. the wind rcach- ' eil n hleh veloeKy nnd troen w e«^(op -

' p l.'.l. cnttiiBo-n .lnn‘mKu.r >HKr ti>k^.oB.<>' , nnd te lca rap h linen nevercd,

n v e pcrnonn w ere repor(ed .Injured''- JKbcfl houfies were w recked. <rV',

■At Mncon. On., th e .Ocmulgee r f r e r '; wnn lit, flood ntnge a fte r n fnll Of S.5. ln(dien of rn ln In IS houra. WaahouW nn hlchw nyn and the C-intnd of O edr-'

'j i la ra ilroad w ere rep o r te d ., , ' » « Y ork tJeta R elief. ‘ -

1 *Ni:W VOHK. Aiiif. 11—N'ew York and nenrby polntii nn the na 'n tem tica* ,

JlKMird fiiuiid »om «.relief from tb o ' l i ^ t Itodn'y n fte r n aevete e lec trica l ito rm • w hich cnuned -threo death s a p d .Cpn- glilernblc oropeVty damttRe. . . •

T /ie ptorm w na'p receded by, a day , n f foK and Intenho hum ldlt}’. w hich ham peretl. nbfpplnu and cnuaed num*nrnua profltrallona^_^. __

T tirec deatbn w ore ilue lb~ IlsH lnlM . ' Thoauandn nf home* 'i»erc flooded

tn nrookl)Ti. T ro lley nerrlce w aa Im- p.-ilrcd nnd nutom obllet m arooned.

Much B e lte r la C h lcw a . . • CHICAGO, AUK. 11—Cooilnif b rew ea ;

from thc Cnnaillan p la in s today • re- lleve<l the G reat ta k e reitloa from a ' th ree 'Iny h eat wave.

T w cniy-nlno deatha h av a t>een '.at** tr ibu ted to th e a e \e re heaL ,L“ ;

Ownership of j p i S j Is Now

■ ■■ i ’WASHINGTON. Att*. ln»0*U -j

sa tio n b y .tb c Federa l I ta d lo Conm l»*l. ulOB I n to - th e ow n * ra h lp -o t—K s m t - m r-*W K elca .-agp a r t » ^ W f

a a t l a f ^ o n . C om m laateier' ‘I t a ! ^ d ? Z l . t a f o u n t aald today. "

T he CAltforaia a ta ttaa ^ H r n m now ned b r C. C .-Ju lian ;}«ct. w bo la te r aold t l to .U < - « tm ji [Q S PraoK P .- - D o b * r t» f i t a ; - t s o « * S « J ia ^ tb e law w bleh. dOM ; o « « * h iU ra 1 tM m to ow a braadcaM lnrf- a taU i»M .;> f:V ^ j^

perv taor ao« t« stla v -

Page 10: VBEK TAKE TOLL - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · tariff aboutd tw lowertd. He prom- ... and a^cuaed o:«tnb«t?^or

^ r x Q E TW O

S O C I i---------~ ^ B c

E n ^ a .gerrient A r F r id a y M o

PaiToti-Proctor‘Eni''n(;i‘nK‘nt df Inteivsl io Twin Falls •

arid Kinjl)cHy Kri(?mis;Aiiliciiliclni; llu; •nl " f iK'rj

r 'M f.l Ml«s Kdnaof '

>f. I 'rohoV I'f KIiiiIkiVij-, .Miv*. ih.iipit

Ul Mrii. ‘ DlcUoy'M I-;irly '■jfoii!..- 'on N'Inlli iivciiiK! , Mii't. I’lir io a ,Krailiinti' o f Uu- I.’ijIvitiiIi .v of Idiiliii, u'RH. u litcr:iiIu.T o', jv a r 'n JuniorlilxJi t.cli()oI fiiriiiiy ,/u ri'.

tm nF ir% r^"^ i7 i7 iv un-itll lt'b.lHkol <>r XXV'.H |>iMr III ]>:'VI<'I kliadiiK ciimUliit'il ^Mllt ;:v|ii-i>[i!iila. I IHnlt n.1. vf.lluu- n.ulllilncc rard ii cniiii'lMfU tli>’ l.itil'' trliiic. D nrkrlii o r >.»'i'>!! [HMH iiiKl wii-Kc'i.i >r uliiilloll in iilivk >{1111 Vl li.'itv v.’i'ji- i i 'iliW iilly 'rjroupcd ui'nm sih' rnnni". 'M iii-lcal I'fliT i llinl., ro'iJiJ'.tliii: of

.OPiil'j.r.lon liy-Mi!*!.-fl.-orrla t r llIKt Vlnlll) HrIf<:tl<iIIK I.v MI 'H H rl- ■n I 'lin-oir. «Ivu-r oT tlu- I r 'n o n - '. rii- ortiiiiiifil U lr t:iii''I.s ,1h'1 w n i roiiTn-i. .A t lh c lUdToiirliiii- liiur- i:ii'';ii-n>i p w f n t r i l « itli 11 'ia iitiy i;iTi'ai:o.■(><!• w llli pink allll y.-II<iV I'litln j|,rca n ii!rH ^ u _ llic ..1 ic u i.titL ttli ld ia u ii.ilildcli II .....Illl r a n i a iinfuiiulnt: ••llirinKnciinii'hl. ^ ^ ^

Musical .Luncheon,. ' ■ Oiarmi'ng. Courtesy

rron jIn i'D l am ofjr il.c tnany c l'-vciiy irrfliiKcil rrt iir f ii lr i ' fur M inntur vlii- inri! in 'IV In Kalin wa:i ll" . liia.-li.oi. ollowcil '•>• an jUK'Hiiioii-muitival. at i »Jiich‘ Mrii. .1. A. l>vi:t M .•im^iiaHi''il ofU cr-lio iiiji' K 'fa i Mni', W . 0 . if. S iin /•'m jfJj'fo . 'V»'j|))i')i.Jj)v nfi_iT- oon III MrH. D li'ltry’H I 'u n y Moiim-.. ,05inli.'ii_rto«a-a .coin|.riiui.| tli.- mllnnH for tlio muall laliloa at w.liicli . iinclicon Wllli srrvoii to lln- iilxtrV-n [iiCHtn, llltil Jn2z l.oii.Mip(a w tn r-i lii- ’ffwrilrp.liminn-trliTnr.-------------------- -- -I^)Ilo^vlnK lunch.'Oil u moM lnliT '':it- ]

;»)c Jniii'.lcal |iroi:ra(ii waa i'v.’:'> iit.-.l Iiy | lm . W. A. Tliinniivoii. v io li iih i; Mrn. [ L K. Onhitiil. imil Mra. K ranti Slai'lc '.I V Jn PaJIii, vuailliilii; Mrii. F In rt'iu -,- *rll’.IU,nn(l M n-. rro<.(or o t KltnhiTljr. j

luUtli^orRJin liv >lrni M. Ill llariir.-,

\lem b e i-s o f W o i’t h . j i [ .W ii le C lu b M e e t iiMia. r.' tc-r Xc .uratl .BI.TIaini-a-'.llii',!; IplliliiT). . r IliK-k, ('i'i I'k W orlli .W 'lil-i ' l)lli r t It.-r Jiotn.. ’J IiuiMlay iitl.'riuii>ii.[ ; r |rtn rH *airrv i'rn 'i"nf.\ij;ii* .|"v .I'tcri’Mliii: c iir rn ti .fv..iiin ri :'|i<itnli . l | ‘ ».li)V I7 m tcm l" 'i:':; M i^ . .M, I.. IIUI, ■'

I ':,.nn it Mrs. n ra .................mil -Mr.'..)nlifc'rl Hrn-.i'. Sr.. « it .' i;in «.f. J ..K .N j l l .-i i l r i la ln til III ■ .h i l . wl'ih a ni:i.i-j,j

‘ ^CHEVROLET AN D FO RD •p i s t o n s ' ‘

. — ..FiTiighad. to . A n y Si^o_____ 'd— S T-E-P-r-KTrN---------

Tom prrow - M onday > M a tin e e - E vening i.l

lOfc 30c i,-• • -•___1-. - __________ ____ ul

f? - il’:

' 0


y io o r 4 £lA C B IH fii - AHEAD^ n

C o ly Ar t C ^ s iic

i:TYAiUied hy jean Dinkelacke

i r i Q . u n c e c l . A t .

r n i n g . B r e a K f a s f

ii' l. I>r 'inli'K ' Hik: n a.lliitM an.l 'iiiann ':l<;., .Mr,..- »i>Jii-rl lira :....... a a v a

r-i'U..,| lir.'ii 'i.i-i/i. ,in-l .' Irs. \fi|.;ii',;'i l .a l- ..n . i-<.|>:oIiit|iili, ill a i:'l<».inr: Itaii.-'. 'I'lic (lii-> Hill aiiajii I 'n .'l .Ml-Kti.- I j:: a l till' I....... " f M.-.i, Kcl Diia •roMi.', Sr., « i l l ' Mrn. N.Ma.. W lllls ami Ml,!. Kl lHlttli^ ,I^,l,l ..^:l■■.Ma•l^^•: '^1,

-W a tc rm e Jo h - E lcn tc -- P la n Qf Lenci-a-'i-iancl

• •Mii..';iV.::l .M.. I':ii1'. v.-as liosl.-,'--; lo lli‘- /,i'Hff.'a-//(in(/ 'Hllh /VJtlni- i i t u r ’ iioiiii. . Mrr. .M.irmii'iiti- Ki .-, .Mn. .1.

■ . \T \ \ r > ''n i - n n : i r u '. a . faw o a .i . .Mr.^ W, M.-WMl.T;. aii.l '.Mh;^ H 'lth l ta « - l.’y w iT'' « iic r:s " f till' d u ll. Alii-r til '. !(ir«lii''.'.i''■•'.Kliitt 111'’ l llli' r f p i 'f i - ; ■*l ill,, i-ril i iiiiiil iV.,Uil llii-.-ni i r r n iinTi*r- I>rni;iaii> lo Mn', f l \ li- I’.i*'.' .Mi‘. 'V. M. W'ali. rii an In l.ri-s iln i: ta lk.:il 111.. "(rililil I.li'llll'tlll'lliy."A nimilii'r : f Itil.'tI'.^llni: .:niiu...|.| ryiii- filr ii.i tho ■•j)!i'j/iifn)".'i'l.li.'ffi.-.hiiuniN w rr.. s.-rv.it hy tl»i.. lioM-i'.-, asfil'l.-il by M rn . Ki-i-. MKs lli 'l.'ti fvllii.'lUl.l .Min:‘ lllllll ll.'iKli.y. Tim l.-n .l-a-llan il .-tuli. \v l l l . liavi. a \var<;rnii'lfin i 'lrn lr Sirtiila;', A'i;;iii Iiii»i..|iil or 111.' r ..i:ii!a t tai:,|ii,-i'i n i.'ri- In;;. ^

Mrs; Strobeck Is '• ii.oHte.ss a t P a r ty

Urini'rinj; luT iil .'n ’. Mli.s in ia Krm-- ;-.T,.tirLoj.^M u^. lrr. i:.ii,lf. ,aiitl n '; fn . 'l r . 'a n i l S(i:i lil JnniKar.l o f Twin, Killlti. Mrn,-O. K Striil'rr-U .•lilrrlaln- . . I 'i i lari;.. iiniiil'iT <>1 frli.ml» Moii'lay

wjtli iiiira.'llv .- Ii»u(|iii'ii> (>r iiilxi ' l ! f low ers.. Til.: li.'.ifa rfi-.r M>:>ttl .'X-! clianKlns: r.'tnlniiic.'tii'cn Tinil Jy i.’ - In liin .aU iiriiou ii-lIi.i In>cl*‘'i« M>rv'.'.l-<l.“ ; IlclouK rcl'ri.'iihtiiL'ii(ii. a f i r r wlilrli.. In. lir r itmlal iilcanlii!: iiian iirr atid w llli ii , r.-w tt'rll gliO!i.'ii wonlii. S lf'tl'.v lt p n ’f .rn l r i t 'r . i r h —lionn?—i;nn.l w illi a I'la tillliil i.-ll'l. .Mixa K n tru i.r r . 'ftin ii'ir T liunalay to l.o.s AiiK''l' .'i.

• -.f ■

Honors Sfttei- At' . ' ! ..■ - Birthday Dinner ;

' iT rhm m r .If lii-r sli.i.'i-. .Mrs. l.iu r ;iL 'I 'l tilrr . w hoi.. I.litli.lav li vvaH, M n i/: I':. M. Ki-rry .•iili.rialiU'i! at a frl.-:l ; 'l iji 'k m .llttnor I'rhlay, Tli .n r , iiri'n -; . ■lit wiTi' Mr. an.l .Mni. liii.Ti-i. ^finit.'P I.illl f.Miilly or I.n:. AliKi-l.^i; 1, Mr, ati,l >ir.. W all.'r T^iil.'y and f a n s ! ' ly of C ;irvls.-O r.,..: M r,.:\nd , Mr>-. . l . j ,.. H vloillin faiiiJly „{ .I.'jy.li;..;,,

S.i't.it.l .If. 111.. Haltiutii tr .ir l, :inil Mr, " Iil.l-M rr, I.. \V. I'-i-rry .if Tw in Pall'i ,

BU H L‘SOCIETY I h----------- ------------------------:.r-------- +1.

■Sn;iiiy:|ili"-Hi'.'lul . Inh n.'-t \Vi"ili.i>-‘lay, ;iti.Tim..n a l lin- ......... -.r Miv. r . \•:, 1... l--|iri:i.y. Mrs. Ilmi'il.. \V rl:;h t" av.'- a i. adini:. "I'lm v. n;," anll .M^^.;

■\-ltnily.- A .•.'nti"ii f..ll 'W..<l ••avliir . Ir:., .iFTi.'.i-n and ,Ml-:i Hh-kinati U 'lii.y llnr. til., i i i lr is , \lr,;, t'luv C.ix. ih.''^,.•rrj-l-rrn?----- nm j— Mr-, - Mill.T. v l . - - ^ii.: :ili 'M , l.'-lKn.’.l ami Mr>r, C r.ir :;.. •' l-lxl.'t' ;.r>il Mrs. Ja rl l C;.'ridi.-ll «.. r i- ';

li:l.t. Ih.-lr lilarvv M r.s.'' a in r,; .\i;ii;lii nn-l .M r-.',lji;lr H ar^.in.-or.. ..1.X.I...1 n .i« 111.'......... At Hi.- ]Ml.il Imur r . 'd . ' h in .ii::' u .:ii . n ' l v . d . '> U ni.-t'K i'i^ Ih.. rolli'ivlnt;''.•M : Mls:i Hl, kin,in of rn ra l.- ll It.', ilnlil..rtiy-'l . .\lv,, S::in '|d .. an.l T' l r : , W i.iiV T Ii.. n.-M ir - '. ln i : will J 'l’. ;. I .'ily,, i..rV . Ansti:.i -J, 'w llli Mrv’, "

Mr . i r n i;>vlni; W:'-. 1|.'.||-.,I t.v ch .'- ,_'.il.ir l>.,i\. I‘:ininiimllv rliih 'T liiir''...J ..lim r..jn ii._ -M ie ..Jiiau i-u iiil..M xc.;.u

f Ik.' ........ .. v „ „ „ u .„ ;;.j:.1i \ 11..1 .''JinlnK', M r., Il.ir.'nhm x ’• nd .Mr-. W .ilkur wi r.' Kin-.i,. .\!r.-, J,.


7 5 c P A R K Hsp ec ia l S a tu rd a y 'an d S

H a l f F r ie d C h ie h c n T -B o n c n n d T e n d e r lo in I

C re a m e d C h ic k e n W i t h . ] P i e s - ^ H o l R o jls— C o c k ta i '

H o t n n d Cole 50 C E N T L U N C H E ' A n E x c e l le n t D in n c

Phone 454— P a rk H otesoooooooooogaooooo’pooooooooc

S u c c e s s a n d■••The drill, infonnation and lho business colloge, I coimt

■ - ,HW e t r a i n . y o u

■ W e i e l l y o u h o w t o s

C a l ! o r w r i t e f o r il


n u m an " ^ 3 ? 7 c e ^ r d n e ^ P r B r

A t „T1iq Idaho Toe


l.vl-iiiL- i .V '.f..l . r..rrp.ihn_..nt<, •|h!!.1h1C'i1 hy lii-rMa'.;:;lii>Ts. T a o ’ ii.-X( ino.'l'lni: u ll he a clill.lri'ii'ii iil.'nic li.dil :il tin- c liy I'ai'k; Ansiii'i L'l’.

-X- -X: ■ .Syr'itiKa .liih ir.i l Tiinrmliiy’'w li li

.Mr.^ I/.iki' SniiiiiT, Mn.. H arry Slitiw of Oak.latiil. r .il.. ;lnd M lis 'K;iiiny

sii.rtriilM yin;: 'T.mi" anil ut llic tiHiliU, hinir r.!Tr.'Hliiii.'nl" 'v rn ' rrrvi-.J, Mi».'

.'.'s Aii};iiii :;i. '- ;

■r:ir tn rnilayii .>f llu- I’fti'lnr HIU] «««».'« '« I'litU m i ' f iifi'-i'-lnoun.iil 111.: Ii.>mc of M ri. A .'J . Kint. r iii;r- 'day a flrn ioon . '

T om Mix', P ic tu re ---- E nd ing R un T onigh t

A wi'Htorn iiluiln-ijr.nmn Mini li.m Tint ti1li>1nc in rtitliiiNUiNtlr iiliiliriicni l l ' i)if> Oriilmuni tl!i;iilrr. "Tliu 'ArUon.i IVIlik.otC l%ttcnrUiK lliv ont^or.»M 'ara n c i 'v in ita.vc-i' fitml ’i|iow inc„toniKlit^

iliow Ihat tln-y..can alwii.yn rm ilV a iin .'th irtR 'iirw In lln- w ay of ilirill« - riio ><!<iry Wii:: w rlll'-ii ...ijicrlally for Im n liy A ilrla Uoxcru SI. 'Jolinii.,lui- lio r o t m nny Im'MI ncllrrii. D ornitiy S-.-' '(ihilan and ii fino ..ast niipiiort Toni.

0 (h .'i 'i In llir M ix .c aM iir.‘ Don Jr.i'd. Climv n taR rrd lfl. Drirnth'y S r- ■;i..iiaii. .>f.'»u.' r '^ninn, .V.in-<'ll.t T>:ily ,nil li.irilon i;ilto ii . ... . • .

Sooding CoTlege To Get Appropriation

.$12,00!) From Boardi';i) inn .v (! , Au;^,. i i - . s . ' i T n n r y -w ;

^ l l a u . i r . l .if .ClilMK--. ?.:<TCtikry of h.. l..uit.I-r.f-;..lilr»ll.>ii .if t l i r MMlin. h : <';mr.:li. lia?. s.’Ht w nnl iho t nn 'iirroi'Tliiiloii of Iian n r rm -n t . ,.1 toT.tir.l ll». y tu rly hmlK.d »f Rooil* :i:: rolli'K r. U iih <'niil>lliic -lli.> t-r.n- iniiatliiu ' .if ih.- forw ar.l niovonitni t tli.' >cliool a:. Dlatinr.l iinil-apprrtv- .1 tiy tfl.. hoard '.if tn i- il rrs , . An* ,:iin. ..ni. n l i" aU.> tiiailr tlint nil I fii .If Imllvi.lnal .lonors m t h r citr- .•m . X|ii.n-.- . hii.l;;.'! m ay r«rlv .>

t i l . «• 1 vli.i r '.w lll. llui'i idiicInK oiiM lns‘ I'iill.'; '.' on nn. ..iliinl ba> l' n il th." inU -lonaiy i'iitrri'ri« r!i of 1.* tlin i'i ji. ', 'T llli l..,;M ciil.in wa» i'4s.sc<l in .M ay

V I'l.. .M ..lhi'dl.s|.'ri-li'-ral coiif..r..|irr 1 Kaii.'a;. *'liy. K nrtb .'r iicilnn loH irC im rllir: Wll! Hr in k rn -a tll' Tinniiar^tt.iTifjnrl nn.l (ni»l».*-iiiu«t» i;; in n m n .'d io ii wltb llir M..ttio,llnt 1 •ir.T.'tU'.. wlilch inc.'IS III Ibilff. Ill <

ir. I- w. i-ks '


[ O T E L 7 5 c ;iunday N ight D innerIj F r« } j VcffctabJca o '■J tca ta , F ren ch F ry s g ‘ffoodles. Horae S ty le oI—S alad—Ice- C ream §I D rin k s g ’>ONiAT NOON o ur W ell Se^^•ed o '■I— A nne S. K |slin g § rl a o o o o e o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Q O '^.

H a p p i n e s s IIG(^ucatiofi I recdved in «u as havinp thc n e a te s t . t><rrecoived.-"’--------- : -J-'on. Lyman J . Gage. [

. W e p l a c e y o u ^

( ta y o n t h e j o b ------- •- ^a f o r m a t i o n ‘ ; sa

^ P p l G E ^ IS. Hoover, Algr. __

W IN F A L tS D A H .T T r t f e S

X 7 - 3 8 : i ~ H o m e - P h o n e S

lay and T om orrow >

l \ JSk. «


CoIIeeaJV lootg H aa-_ _ , F ea tu res T h a t/A re

;__ L. ^“ C sim era-Proof”'('i ill.'.'ti .M.inrr in f.irliiiiiili' In liav-

Inii f.-iiliiri 'i Illlll a r r a liyojutfly “ fiini* |rra* iiroof.‘ ' • ' ., Arr.irdlnK lo Cirini.'rtininn Siii H lrk- I lix. \vliii ]iIioiuKrn|>irnl' MIhh' Mooro'H lin>vi':ii iilrlitr,;^_"Hai.nli.rKM Al.»nd."I wIiIcIi o|i.MiH lit till* Urplu'iin:' lliriitli'r jm o r r o w ; n ia .'|i( i» n 'i ii nlniiil!-"bm i janKl<-." All :i rcKiili. no .m n ttcr Troni ' n'Jml afiffJi' t(i<< (U iector xrMicn ii •ic.‘ii r filn .ril, .Mlnn -M ooreivlU 'Jilili.w r ‘

lior bVsi on tliy Kcntcn;Tlilfi b a vnlliulilr uhhoI, fo r Icrh

ron iinn iv |)tiiyi-r» tmiHi inkc 'K rca l t i i i .‘"in avul.l Klvlns Um ciiiitoni <;rr- _ inln vl(!w« lif lh"cIr',/caiHrcs. which' niiikiis nliici'ru ilrnmutli.- w ork iiliirli tlioro d itflciilt. Mls.s M oorr, on tlip othor liiinil, novcr'filvcK -tliu cam vrn a <li:uKlii. Ixit c o n c r n l r n ( d ' nn .Uto Jtcrnc in •n'blcli n b r i.i worlciox.? Rllinftnil I ^ w c . pluyn o|>i>oiilio MIm-

John Mi'Connlcl: proiliicril fo r Klrnl Nallonul. TIk! jiictiirp waH illrccled by W llllant a . Si'llci* wi.ili ii i\ut>|>flrl- Ini; cas l liidndln i: Lllyuii Tiihliinnn. K.lylltn Clmi'niHn, Clinrlcn Si'IInn, \ 'ir- Kinla Sulc iiml U U pc h^Ilin. Ttiu s to ry , iu by I-'dttiiind (ionlilliii;. Illnjiiir.ln f lln sc r lisvlnj: pri'parcd Ih r sc.'nnrlo from w'lilrli •'Maiti>lncKii A hrad" Is

Receivers Named j For International |

- Life Insurance Co,By tTwHaH ■ I

KT. I .o r i S . Aill!- Jf"—A itorncy CSrn- r ra l S larion S l 'a rt r ll of.'Mlil.Honrl nmi l*ro)ic; nlinR A llornvy Hownr<l S i.lcnc r ' o:_i3L_L-JUla_wi;ra_cflUca_iiila-cnufcr-_ I'lir.* b.T-‘ loil^iy tt 'U lfJn iiu rancr com- ii.ifisloniTH of nln.-.SlniOH itivm^ieni* inj; Ihl- a ffa irs o f tlic In lcrnn tic jm i' l-lfr InM irancr t*oii»|iany, fo r wlilch tb r.'.: rrfi.ivi.ffc Imvo l.ci'n .ii|ipolniw l.

iU>y ('..T fhiniU ^. ppfsfrfroi o f tUe- rom pany un.i I'liai'neil wUh rm b lM ile . nt.'iii of *n.."iOii,f.;ii) of Ibc com*[any was i.'i 'n rl.'.l by * n r of ib r coin- nilJ».Jinicr.s T; 1i.iv .. Jnfrfnnril nfflcliiM of th .. Iii'iiiiry ili.ii, b.i, waH not In tii' poslilon Io iiiiikr Iniinrtlla tu 'rri< tlin* d ; in 'o l :hi. in ln 'in s a*«i'l». T.Mnr.hs is' (n 'Clilcauu. • ■' ■ .

ST. l-0U JS..4V u=..n— C irciilt-^iulR n; lU niU tim -iit S L lMulit irjilCFilar- .

U'l.I lhc In i.'r tia llon iil M fc lon iira iicr •omiiany lo he in so lv ra t, cnJolnlnK lm iffli'lali. from r a r ry ln s on lhe liii.if. i.'.ss. aiiil aiiixilni.'.l Den C. H y.Ir. In -' .iiM nr.' .'onim li.nl..nrr of MlnKOurl. rm im rary rri-,-iv.-i fo r th r firm,

A rtlon of Jn .ig r H am ilton wan m ' i.'iltioii of Iniiiiranri* coniniU nioncr of 'iKbl of ih.. forty odd Slate* in w hlrh lu. ..nm l'any oi»Tiilrn and wnn colticl* li'nlaJ, »)Jli iiiipnintnit'iit n f tw o rr-l I 'lvrrii l.ir th r finu iiany ' by Fnlcr.>r' iiilci. A llirrt 1., K rr r rs of Knjnian '(IV. I

In III." Iiarksronnil nf loilny'n <Iovrl-| im ifn is llir .b a r s r o f th e txjni.l il*.sion.'ri. th a t j.-;.f,nn.ooo a w c u ofi '.. t-tjiMpany n r r niiiminR. They hnvot pni.indcirun .nr.-onntinc from Itny c l oomhM. i'rt.»l,i,'nl. who hnn m ntrd t .r I _

••flc.-'r up ^ v c rJ tb ln ^ '• ' in a —

The^ S u p tr ^ a ic tm a n.• • 0 |\ r y.>ur Idea." u ijrt a put>llcatIoa pviiicil In nrliiii;*. •'of an exam ple of r»..urcrful Milr»ninii»hlp." All rlelii. r ’ll t r j : A M lr.m an , Hpdine lilm»<lf the n r tlir r r rs lo n j. tUHde ‘liii c x -1

•n«r< f.ir Uiq nfHj J e n f t.y M li l i i | |« -tr ir.fH ns_ lu .tIj«L -JtT iL = i-ftna-a iiiL _ircaJJr.

OrBntdatMi Sugar--- f~,— —tt. U.DOt k D ^ n wbo 'K s ta rw o f Um « r t at hoUlag r a c w • -

a c rrm lllD * o r ^ W a U r ■ tit* , ich ksow lcilce u lu to iA to .h tT *li’icd tp bo th A r«b ji >o it India ■« __rlj''** ' In t h iI m i t t i e c a tn r j a 'fb eP ilIc ta a d i l t m T ired a O 'tiv a n J o f 100.000 c row sf

d ie iarceUoD of tb a m o f n a U n cr IB Fif-------:--------------------------- !--------— :


Sen.tMoses Speaks ;-•^■"''(f^'rilitit»’' f ' ^ i n ’ Pogn''<>neV-^— j o f 'v o t'i;w ’ wli(toMjiWp«-n*don(:i! in po- JJliail/b6tiK lii.fR W .*','< |iri‘«Hlon In lltc , conuiiiny of thorn! Ilk .; yoii. who iniiliitiiin purity ii| 'idi-itl In iiiiuoi-lii- tlon wKli orKiinf^v.l |iiirili>an n c ' llv lly . I' " In Ihill Wf know you .will no t iiir.-k to iraiiiiccni] o r dliitort o r nulll- , rj- liny .j’ortloii of your iiiirty'ii- pliil* ] fo rm o r a n y jiortlon of tlic C'onsil- , tn tlon lit the Unite.I Stuti'H frnm wlih^h-nnr-pmtrtmtr-nTTrhiCT:---------------------- r ■

• “ WTii know llu il yon r in lc rp rrtiitlo ii of fiiiiihiniciiliil prlneijdctt, iii both th r Y'otiHilimioii and ~ iHiittorin . will rjnK

('o ii/lilenrc T liiif !•. ; lt i‘iil . '" T in - oppoiltlon i-onfroniii int with

nn nKH«m<Mt ivAiifldi-iier. \Vr Htunil ln a conflilcnta.' fhnc (h roai, (t In i>ok> ulhlc-to-ivillliiK : iiTillilcnI-prifcllct'B' In {iroreiitirc wlilcli Ik liitroly IncnI., " n u t 111 lh.» In rper field of na tion ­

al nffiilrK thid m ay hoi 'li..'. The Wliitc

"W licn. fo r I Hforn lo miy.lC: wbcn you ociiiipy l l . i h u peoiilo will know n Unit li iH In nafi; k.'cplnK.' " l i in tlii'iMiKlk no acciden l o f polj- tli'H ibiil' we rom e to offci' yon, tliih diHllnc'llon. T li.i 'nom ln iiilo ti'o f 'w h irli . wo now kIv.' y .m . form nl nnllr.? ru- KntH from an (I'rciim iilnllon' ' o f rs- tccjn. loynlty n iul, cimfidoiico which n re th c n iil iir a l ' ontR row th of the iicrvlcu you linvc rendered . • .

‘'T he 'ronvi.)ilion hiiH rlmrKi-d mo lo

ll I Hiiliilu you tut Ull! ii.ix t l’r.'3 ld rn t of th r I’llii.!.! SUileii."

. . B row nm g*a CeeM'eIn hlK hiKl L.ni.hin i;aVdi>n Krownlng

-teH L il m ilr IlLxwff'r. ^YlllVll IlfifalU**! . KdlnbiirKli nnd t)iiiiricrl>'. n f le r tlm t pH lr'of vocIfcToUH niApizliic^. C rltlpi. lie wniil. nre litnnnn aeuiic. They cun

wlii'n nii.lIdnuH. ' lli> would mlnill. Ilioucb. tha l till) crlllvai piin.l liiirh.irii

.o t(ier fon-f. fiwuHl.Kiiiy.v fli.‘rc»'ii n . .ducic dives iidr.ilii.v jiiiil hrlnuM 'up n | tr.ipliy. n 'Hivnn Hwlnm cn u t'fu lly to this tKiinf.—Kratiecrt TIitTCNi ltnKf.J'11.In "Onu Word M.ire on llrownliij;."

' . ' ' - - ..q y

L aat T im es T o d a y

1 0 c 2 5 c 3 0 c iwilliam !

., frrunu’

A i i l d— wit« T 0 N ' V ' i n ' ~ ' !

i^jONA^tpC A T

AI»o Vnn U lhher Com cdrL atest l*nlhr X e u i iO rjiheam O r r h r s tn i ---------COMINO SOON

H iU m n ’s Id ea l S lockCom pany i


“ ^ ‘H a j ^ i l i ^ s

O f p h e u mCOMINO. SOON—H ILLM A N -S H

• ' , ■ : . - -c;,,


Uy UnltTa VrOBi • ,NI':\V Al.HAN'V. Ind., Aim; 11—C lar-;

enei- Sn illh . IH y e a r nhl I ln rd ln h u n ;. ' IniU fiirni boy w ho.w aii,iibor.d llrJiiK i a -ra id -on litH.lioim._bi'_ro.|.i|'al_ jirohi-^ h itlon 'nKrfitn; wna .lii_a rrlii.'n l riiii:;i iliilon III n ho!ipitiil Iici'o loiluy. IIImIrocovory .Wlin dtclurcil tloubltill.__ : .1

I'rolilbitlnn aiirnfj* ;inhl lhe .yoiiiIi altenipU'il to 'rhcapp when hr waa o r-l dereri o u t o f b.'d diirinit a raid al'j w hich li'iii failior. a bro th iT and iw oi nthorit w ere arr.'iiU'.l. 'I 'h .' yotiih. lli.!l nccnlfi fa id . ran aitainsi a hliot Kt.ii held l<i' (.'liarlt'K U. l...lh rit . prohll.i-' Lion tis rn l, dlHoluin^ini: ilie wrapon.

'I'liimu nrri'ul.eii were Jaiiicii STnltli.

Twin FallsP l e a s e

NO O N E Is 'A u tlro r i^ c d .to So

' . fo r the O R PfiE


NOW! TONITE — W i l l i a m — ^

HAINIPSi n ' _


~~S.ZZ7.—ALSoZ. T

& H % \

Ml LING ^M O Q R E in A

rAIiead”- ^________________Iir


Tomorrow & 7^_ _ J \ f c n d a y — ; J ™


iTrT}i>AV. n . ' idu.-*. .- — - I -

r.ii, l-;iihi Sm ith. 15: T iirn r r P cv lnc .’l'C, un<l',MrH.,I'*ranccH Ix)winiin. CS. ow ner.:, nf llli: farm <ni lyliirb tliu raid wasIjiiid.;. ■- •

'I'hi; joiKJr.x a rm «'«» «m(»nt;i<oiJ. Atlendlni! |ihyidclan:i jr iir hi- may die fi'oiit loHH ofblood 'aii.l'X iirK lcal idioeli..

' W. O. .Holman. In'dlanjijiollii. ht«l.. ; who ..inndnciod 'lh .' ral.r,' I 'o jio rfcd 'ho '• Iia.I anileliiafeil ironhle a t the farr.i lintmr wlM’re a ITiO itiilloil .ii|lll mid li •inantiiy of iiioonnhriti' nn.l nianli word C'onfiHrulOd. .

j. ,AKi.|I1ii • had r.M'olved h th ri'.it th .it t-camf-on.)'w ould hi. alinl"' If it riihl.on_ '(tnr fa rm ' ivas i«t(rinpt<’iJ. (fi<*y,

i^^^Took-D hcouef^i^'s 'Ffeime-------; Till! siihlo iitilelnpL' U culled .ihO ’' • 'liarrlij-Intel:" lieixu^'’ It wiin-dlHii>»'».I or-'d hy S ir W. C. •Iliirrit*. iiutlior 'i t j ‘l*.>rni'iliK .if. 111.! fliiitii- liiiil Wil'd All- I ItnulH llf SuiHliern Africa,". Ii>sued In I l.und"il III I.Sli) nH a nntunirli.Tiil folio I hnolt. wltb r .i lu w l plali'X. ■

I!i-:a ii t i .m k s - ■C L.vssigiisn A n a .. . .■

"MercliaiitSI . N o t el i c i t A d v e r tif lin g S l id e S c rv ic o'

lUM T H E A T R E — ..........S()N, .Manau’iT l..


L0V 12. ' Hcandnl, wiir- - -^ p r rn d over oi'cry

. front paKi'.

k . W hut of the mon who.V ---------- '-KnHicr tho'T iew s?’ n o ru '“ "

Y • III lunt in - ll picture’ idioivlm: 'ih e ir tiirlllia i;

— druinu! . ,

^ n “ I.UUKIIH. love, aclloll— ^ “ B k . ' \ ■ HalncH in n d ifferent W j. K rok'!_.SL‘« it*

B m . — A i ; s « - .

' M. XKWS ■J - ’ - A 1 .S Q ^ ___________

I 'S fA l!

r itic K .s '

t t jflP y ^ PtCTORg,

WlTM t

, . . -------- KUM— ..

f K E E P C O O L 1

-A fte r a ho t. llrlnir d a j yonaieD-^ - . J")' lhe con i, relreoliinic hrfe»en

a l t i e

. « 1 T )a n S i r P k t s r e s F k y *


, ________^ . --V-, ' '

Page 11: VBEK TAKE TOLL - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · tariff aboutd tw lowertd. He prom- ... and a^cuaed o:«tnb«t?^or

^ S A T U B P A r ; I t 102

; s P M y f M m FLuU icm n ScrrlecH—Tlio llov. Gm r -

_ « « ^ o t .a i« n .w lU J io ld ..B c n lc c a Sun- day cvcnltiK at 8 -fi'clpck nt.tlii) Liitli- e rn ii cfiurcli, Sceom l' avumiu • wcbI.

T o Knslcj H ot SiirJiiBK—w .o .S li ip - ,iimn lefl loiUy for HitHloy llo i SpHriKii w here lie will Jo in IiIh family, wlio n rc VHcallonliiB th c ro .'

. From Son Vniiirlspi>—Ml«n Jiiatillc

ThiirBiJiiy to ii|inm( u monlli w lili Mrti, 0 . DeuBCfl, lii-r moUicr.

M<5uSr nml S is te r JI*ll-r-MrH. Hot- t in AUrn<| »n<l - M k ii 'c :lay AHr«il <il

.iru. lioro on. u vliili. tc 'I 'c r c y A llrfcL 8on nntl l.rcnlic-r.

<ln «(. C o lV r iiln -M r . an<l Mr« J’oler.T \ f l 'JViursiJ.ij-

, ;o r Jlcillanilii. CsJ. Tliny liavo- l)con VlHlllnK wJilt Ihelr ron . WHIlmn Pet­e rs. n l Jerom e. •

■ Itot'iiriiK to C nIlfiiniln—Mr] .‘tnil- ^trn, . Frcd lloildcr wlm hiuvcJ,oeh.\-li.liliits . n t lho homo of Mrn. ’rhtiiiiiSa llm ldiir -hflVfturcLurnuil' ta .m a , A H a to . CiUK.

til T » ln F a lU -M r. aml Mrs. ' ILMI. Brnilloy iitul’ Mr. uikI M r.i.'I);

A ..,S tanri;y cf Oklahom .i. Clly. OKIa'.,

v lnlt In IhlH viclnlly.

I /i'n tcs for S o iith rnsl—Mrn. >MnrIoii VJJJon of Jj)* An«i'lcii, whn han lu'cn

■Ihc Kiioui c t ' h e r iJlMer. Mrs. K. H. ffrotvnflelrf n'fiW fiinifly. tcft . frld n y niprnliiR for MlKiioiirl wnl Oldalioiim.

— T O rf iiT n i5 p itm = rS r .trx m i< n r-T J if : non.' who ri'feiu ly un«lorwonl a innjor opbratinn at tho Twlii V^ills c«nniy RMie'rnl hoiipltul. rr.inrncO to U»u homo of her »l«tcr. Mhm K alhryn Ilrynn. .438 Thlri},4ivenno. uo rlh . thlii iiflch)ODn'.

. .H wJIril |-nsl|)onod -T ho- procraiw Of xncrot] BonK* nnrt hym ns nnnoiinr«d lo bo given « t'^U io ' e h u re h ',o f the IJn llc l BrolhrciV ihl» cvonlnc Jin;'

. hoBU iionlponctl imtl.l no*t W ednesday _prcnhiR , acoordlnB Vo ihc Rov. Ilonk.

m in ister. ’ . ----- r ~ " ’~ ----------- ^

‘ I iItc Hfork .Man H frc —Jack Wlilt* ton . rciirchonllns tho Melndy hrothers llvo stock com m ission-m crchanin of Omnhn. !« In th is c ity on 'hUKlnenM for hl« compttny. |

J l r r o Missth a WWto. dauRhtci' o t Mr. nnd Mro. J.- b:. Whltu,' who h a j been {innnclnloil

-a.-»ii..n»Mn/-l(V-;Lpa- Ang»'lPs. fo r Iho p a s t Bcvcpul monthni b lioru.on vnca* Uon. . • ■

■ I tc ln rih Fri.m H iiylifK-C. E, Dootli o t tho nco th M ercantile cfimpiiny rc« tu rn ed ThurBday nolin from tr tr ip to Now Vork and Chicaco. whoro ho purchakcd ftvll m orclmndlse.

. -KeJuniH. From I.ns AuKrIcn-M rii. Robert Hroso. J r . . who has hfon vIslllnR . th o 'p a s t th reo wtytkn In l/on ARgoI<!N- with ' h e r mollier. .Mrs. A. KAne, rcturnc<^hom o ywiterdny.-

TH'^ncliTUM! vti> it~.«r#. J . n . 'i 't i ru u m ■oTTfiEatBllo rg tnrn cit - Hi:-hi!'r7 hcin<^J Ihcre T lu irsday n fto r vliililnR hor fn thcr.. Jam es A. -OnUaKoa. In T>yln I-'all8. for ihd pn«l week.

> rrtT o H c r . * - ^ " n n . l Mrs. W ullcr Hclm solh ant] family of nush lor, Neh. nro In Twin F a lls u> spen.l n • few wcckn AvIth'Mr. and M rs.-Sehrocdcr.M nir“ HrtTnsothT-ln—n—n lfllc f-o f - Mr.-abhroctlor. , .

Oetx Jicntlnir (’on lm cl--C l)n lrncl for in stn lllnc tlio .lieallnB for the nollcvuo school. nmounUnK lo 4S.0OO. wns le t' lo ttic Homo rinm h lh fi and l iM tln e company o f T w in Falls , ac- coTdlni; to notico kIvcu J . A .' Camp­bell, inanasc^r o f the xcnipany.

Ilom p From T r i p ^ l r a . A. u Caro'y. w ffr o f tho mnnflcfib oC Y yH .ntoro here . Is homo froir/ a m onlh k tr ip 10 ChlcaKo. s i . P au l nnd Min- neapollB, whom nhn h .ts 1>ccci vlsltlni; f riends anU relatives.

' W rite r ‘ vfs'uV Ilpn«^M r« :' Muudo h lU t Trono* and- non. AJfrert Trone, a rrlvott T hursday to opflnd tw o wccka Wiui Ml»« O ertrtido ' Hexrotil. Mrs. T rone' I# conslderod • ono of U tnh’a fo rem ost :wrllcT» .a n d 'if ft i?rodunte<^f in e .U n lv m ity o f inahs,^- •

tv. s . W a lto r f '< H 4 U A ^ t^ '! n d . . re* contly k u e s u ; j r , J ^ . W M n . Thoroi>-

i6 fth V eH " nhrt~<trt)"necnmii4nrc(J 'D y i Ur^&Hd_,Mr». D. D; Jaeo b s o f Lnfay- i >tic. . ' ' . ~ '

(•'« (1) CnltiVfldo— Mr.* and Mm. &I- irln D. SprlnRdr havo loft fo r'P ue lilo , i ::olo- w here th e y .w ill m ake llic lr fu* i uro hoff-c. M rs. S p r ln w r. form erly i k!Ui V ltla E vans o f 'T w ln t'a lls . was | n a rr lc d 'h e rc to Mr. S p rio c e r Ju ly 31* I rhe youns cpuplp havo .Ju s l- rc lu ra ed i rom a tno tor.trfi* thfougli Saw- > ooth m ountains. .

T o Ilavp P k n i f —T he M e n * m of , ho K nights, o f Colurotiua-coimeU* ^ , rw in Falld t t i i f B t ih l . i r t l l b o l f th e ir ,

n ie r 8unda j» .^« 'W « h noon. T here < >111 b e buob iti) « n tl 'o th * r CM iM -«r-

«*■ » - - - t

j i i i e r .« t . _ H ;

.U ek .S . T w la f U l* - ' ‘ ' i '

. b lock • . I

o n t^ a - w o ild 'w M IU l im brosln , t a ' t t a t c t a a a tn pH »-6»*rt.—W « « t

y ew iW u f t ------- - ( r

y '

5 ; . '

Nominee P la in ly 'S ta tes Poficiea'

. H e W ould Follow• • tC;ontlmici|-rrhm 'P iu;(i Oiii'T

,w rnhl .iio t-pftn iiT l' V eiliihn 'i< i- trnl'oT ;<Iui cnmp;.lj;ii. I lc di^noiincitJ hy ,1m- .'l>l!ciiil(;ii Ihli niill-Uoninn ('iiilutllc r'olianii'ft t th lrh kavi- hi-en lovolud iiL , hlK opiioiicnt. ■ II "111 ilil« lan.l vlfdlc;.t.'d lo iol-.,rnncc Iwo fllll ‘ flrnl oiiihrMiliK »r liiio lc r- '

i.nn.T," ho 111 Itl. "I (.iiii;f t.r Q uiikori iJ t -c l :— Mv ;iiir f 'r t i r s \vcri-. I'nrwcfitlcil, r.ir Ki.'lr rii'tli-t>. 1Uti> ilu-y nm icht; |i<nd rtn.nd r..|lK!r>ii:i fri-udom. Ilyt iMnmt nn.l crrivl.-tl..n I m m u \ fr.r r . - '

. Iklnii;. loloriiMfo , hnlh III act andM n Kiilrju', : .1 ........... - ............. .I, -''l'l |t-.tfloiy_i!Lnnc_A inuvlc:ui idfiilK

b Mio riKlil of nvtiry nm n .t.; w onJilp 1 (ind iK-cordln{i_lo_Uj..-.ll..i„i..«-„r~h!5- ;--nni*jrf.nrrl(rnrL-.’' ' * I

Tji» (viH/lW/iiif illi! ihoi.,no-(.ilk'il Viiblh: iillllll.rx and Iht- nn-' ■Iciillod "pijtt'or trn iii '’ Ikkucii, «-xcopi

lu Kt'iitinii .tc rin x . l i e »alil ho hnprdl lo hnvo HOdiiJhliiR la te r to .“ay nhnnl them. ^ ■

In hln iironmiMccmfnt ;<ir i>r«li)1il- tlon_ Ihn ni.mlnco rooaMcd hl» IrtiOr

■ he'i-tiit.'d : "I .I- ne t fnvor re|>.!al-of . thc ISth anicndmi'iit. I Mand for ef- ; ftclnjit cn fo rcyn i 'n t irf Ih ti.li iw s on‘, aci.^.l thurcnn.for." 1

cravo iil.ii-.rn have «i-i-nrrcil-ahn.<.‘ i. 1 whliih niiiHi l><< rcniuiUuil. An orKitn-i

l7ed CCTrchlnj: InvcKilKiilIfin <i( fuel and cauKi-ii. c.nn nlonc- dofcrmln.- tho, ii-fne iiiccJtoil o l rtlrcrtliir: tJu'ni.. "Crime anil .UN.'.Ucdk^not i.C Inw; ciinnnl Ijo m;rnilin-«l lo —hreali—ilu^^.i i!ic -fnnT;{T(ni!oii niuTlini,- o f i i i c 'l i n i t - ' rd Slnten.

"MndltlrntUin cf llio uiif..rcfm .'iit JuwH which, wniihl fx-rmlt thnl which the c..n«iltiill..n forhl.lK |i. i.nlllfl.-n- tlnn. Thin 1)1.1 Aiiforlfiiii peoi.lt; will- nol countonnncu. C hanw In th .' con-' nilintlon can und m ii-t ’l.e l>roiiKhti ahniil imly hy the .HT.-ilKhlforwiKil niuthilil p r .v lilcd In tho ci)»riiiti:iIon Itsnlf,

“T here nro tho«o w lio, <l<> nn t lio- IIpv.* In Ihc iinriMiRCii nf. m-vcral pro- vli.|.)n;i nf Ihn cnnMllItilloii, Nn one tic n lw -ih eJr—rlirlfl-tn -jice it—lo -n m rn .l It. T hey nr.- iio t.n iih jo n tc erlllclr.in r«.r DK.ioiJfnK tlm t r ld i t . fliiC thu «c - l>iil>llcnn party dni:?. ..Icny the 'rli:h! of luiyon.! Id ;u>ck tn dtrMroy tho Vur*

o r iho^ eon tilin ilo ii hy-Indli'oc-

llonvor (Icv.ituil ninr<*:'.pa<ro i;. fnrm

hhi nnc.'ch; II.- n|.proachi'« ilin proh-| l'" ’i nn lhe thi'ory tlm l nvTlcultiir.i ln| jiul nno IndUHtry hill ■llf.ilnct.-

incr of tft'o lU'Kiri.ioni U m l.lho fnri.'t:rl will he lehnhllllaloil w hen hc kcIs Ihei prc-w nr pricc for hln iirciinctn. M I.'; ni-irnpir. aKrlciiliiire wh;i - nol on a Kond’eeononilc-'lmuls before tho .war and th n t funduin.mtnl ' chnriiscn iiro neceBBarj' In the cx ln llns Aytticin.

T here In no inure v ita l ii'Jlhcfl of fnrm rcH rf itian - dovolnpinont of Iri- land wnlenvnyii lo .pii>v<.|e chclilitrn n irn rtiitl tn -.c o H iB .-h o -sa lilr- ''-------

"Olijectlon hats hecn iniiUe Ihnl .hl.i) liroftrnn-.. J18 'Inltl down hy tiic • pncty l.latfnrm may require, ncvrrn l hundrga nilllllini) ‘ ai diillnra (II cap ita l to . c t

wllhnut obllcntlon npon tho Indlvlil* uaJ larm er." ho Mnhl. "W jijt ib jii ol» Joiiilon I hiive lltllo piiilpnci’.- ,

"A patl'cti npeiidlnK n inety mlll!->nn , a yenr c.m ^voll n ftnrd An oxpcn.ll* , tiiro ( I t 'l l few- hundred millloUH fo ri, a wnrkDblo pm i;m m Ihn t will kU c to ono-lhlFd of Ifn pbpultttl(in th e ir fnliVf h n re 'n f . thc-nntlon'B pronpcMlj'T’------ --

Hoovor sal.l Ua- proRraii;' ''Is n def­inite phia r f r e l i e f : . l l nce.fn o n ly . ' thn dot3llc<l r la h o n t lo n oc Icjilulntlnn ‘ and nt.t.roprlftlloos to ' p u t I t Into force,•• • <

Conctndlne hln farm rell.if rem arks ■ he pointed ou t how. ho h a d -h e lp c l 1 varlou* lodiM irles as secru ta ry of < cominr-tre hy c a llln s them Into c»n -|J siiltatloit_Bho\K ..the ir prohlcm n. ‘'l-< nbnuhl a^p ly Ihln nnino inelliod to i

,?»,r ih a t ih c ,'I ^ o r n of ovor}' phiiBO of each urinip I can 'udvlno nnd o rsan lee on pollcle.n t and eonn ruc tlvc mrewure*." | j

-.lie 'c losed h is 8,f.0D w :rd sta te m en t i of, cam pnlcn nrlnclnl<« w ith n m nn- r inlnB-'up“ b r i i l i ” t l i e o r i ^ r “ BOVCrn-'f

• tm » t* * e 4 ^ o b iiJId 'i'n 'tills wa- J tlcn a hum an (uiciuTy,' no t nn econom* . le .nyw oit." h o .* a ld .:'" W c ■ B -ls^ioJn- ? crcas« lhc e ff lc lc n c rn n J nNHlucUvlty,, of flur c « in try b u t It* -fin a l ,pnrj>o«cv' [sh spp le r- .hom es: • | ,

T h© pn»»lilenc»- Is m o re thnn nn udmlnlstratlTo office. ..It m ust be ihn;*' nm lw l o t A m erican tf jcain ,. The hlBh‘ * nnd th e lowly m um hbuneen w ith tlie '^ Bimc cyM , m « J n tho sam e nplrlt. '

"Il »?ii9t' .Innirum eD t byj twlilch national consclenct)'- U livened n ihd'W-Tmist^ -•un(lcr'"thi»~CTlrtajiCT-tJr‘f1 Lhe A lnlR hiy. Jn te rp rc l,_nn !l,_ ,fo llo^n

Tho A ^ r r M In ValL ' c You hrlnc. M r . . Chairm an, form al tl

lotlcc o t my nom ination h y - th e R e - 'c luhllcan p a rr ty to the Pr«i|ldcncy o t tl ho United S tales. I irccopt.' I t Is a tl rreat honor to hc chosen to r loa rto r-( li ihlp lli lh a l p a rty w hich h as so -larpo- p y mad© ih c h is to ry T>r o u r coun try In heio I a s f - 0 years . . ' .1

M r.-C balrm an. y«u and yonr a s so - .v dMet'liAT'e In fou r days ireToIetl 3000 a nlles aeroM th e -c o n tin e n t to b rlhd tl ne i h u u'otlce. I am rem ln d n l-th aL -a n o rder to no tify OeorKe W aihtnR ioa b if hfn «r<rctlon. «Thartc» Ttiorapson o: ^ r t t a r y o f the CohurM *. sp e n l a e r- a a day* on ho rseback lo deliver t h a f l i nBOTUni;lntelUffenc« 230 m iles ( r i r a ' 'c ;ew York to M ount V ernon. ' jdi

In aboiher-w ay ,* loo . J b ls occasion b> U om tnaln . |he_m H eston* of ptD icrw ii >i iy -tlie.i))ORlo-«t t& « -ti4 llo .lh U .n D tu ;.ti n a tio n - t r a a .h e a rd J a * - milUflV. ,.p jU » la r f c f to r c ltlw n* . n o t aereo day » 'U if tir lis oacurr»nc«, n o r o n e 'd » y i .d ' lo r 'e v en o n e .ta ln u te . Th«y v e r« to qi J t tntant* atid ^ rp o se a ,- p reaen t la , h'v ha ll. p a rttttp a n U la the p r o c ^ - ol aci> TtiiUy tb e ie ftuao m illions bave U i« a n l .r e a r toIc« and now a re h e a r- d< OK iBlB*.'Tn> s u n d .In Ih e lr unse«a t«

I t i« f ittln i. how ever, th a t p h* ioaoM e t o a r B»UoiuU~lili, buM by K «oeratlona oT usaee , aboiild'. t t .a.-Jealonily p re te rrw l. and fo r, th a t U

l^ ^ d e tfe l^ tlo iu ' h « •oom «,'''t^o*{w r;ci

• . . ■ T W l K - r .

would wlHh to h e a r from mu' no l n dlnc-oirrnn npim, thu ]ilntf.>rm-~lu which I .fnlly r » n c n r - h u t nometlilrli: of thv "I'lr ll nnd (ileali.' w ith which lljH propoKCd to c a rry ll Into ndmlnlH- traciou.

Futlin i I'fpliieiM lH.C’i.iii.|riTo||..n' Uur prahlciiiH 'u t lJit> {>««£ m-vcH

yenru havo hoen pr'.ihlonid; »if ruco/i-? K tructlun: uu r pmhlemn of trio fuuiriV nro prol.lomi. of cnniilriicth.n. T hey ' a ru prohlcniH o t proKt'cnii, .NVw nnd' p .ipiutic 'forcea hiiv.-. onm.- Inl.> -..nr nallnnal llfo. Th.i W orl.l wnr roloaiu-d ld.iaH of Kovem inent In i-onfllri wlili oiir;prln.^lpl<':<. Wo hnvu r.rown t.>

t'omp.'lH «K. Into a i-'-w nettliiK amnni: nallDiiH. 15ch-rico liaii kIvcii ii* ’ now tnolH nn.l ii llionnnnd . Invnnth.iia. ThrouKh Ihom hnve-comi> lo c a d i ot nu w ider rulnllonHhlps; nuiro 'nc lK li- horn. '. m ori'~ le isu re .-h ro rfile r vliihini

.hlKlitilwnmhltloun.—Kru:ti«i^liruhtcmM. To InHuro th a l Iht-He Uxili. Mlinll ii'ol h « f f t ' J ' J j i i J i JiJjoriy hns nrm m hi u vaiii nrrny . n t .qnewlliiuH In Kovcrn*

T he. points nf cnntact h.-tw.-en Ihu Oovernmciit. nnd iIio-pe..ple nre c .n - nlnnily niiilllplylnK. K very.y.'iir_vtiM . Kovornmentnl polleleii -het-om.i ni.n'o vlinl In n r.llnary life. A «*onr proh-

np mr - g r .TW B i- - d.t - oTii'- 'T t i n p n t e w (.Trtio lo ronliir<.' -nii'rty J ro m thono prlnclplen Upon which o u r llepuhllc w as runirdcd nnd upon w IiIcIl It -haa

m in i" iih ’m ' M ii r m ii I’lriii 'il 'i ' l ii tinpi.t)rt o f m orni and aj.lrliita^ prnc-

Oiir-. iiiiNy pinlform .l.-niN miilnly w ith L-cunomIc prohlom s; hu t .iu r liu- tfoii 1,1 no t nn nKKlniminitlofi o f rull- rvada', of hIiIpk. o t fnctorloii. .)f dyna- m o ..:-n .-^M tlB tto ^H -U ...L -iia U m i ^ homoK. II unt l.m of mvn. of women, nf ehll.Irou. Kvery mnn linii a rluht to .auk o f UK wh.-t1u-r (Iiu United Siau-u Jh 11 hc-iter i.lac.i fn r lilni. hlii wlhj nnd hlK chlldrl-u in llv u 'In . li.'cnimn the 'H ep n h llca n iwirty Iins o n d u c t. 'd tfiK Ktivornhionf.. fo r Mciirl}' chclit ycnm, Kvery woman hni. n r ls h l to ' niik w lie iher h e r 'l i f e , lie r home, h e r ' mniVn Job. her liopeH. h.-r I'lhpplnoiin. will he h e ttcr anKiired hy the eontln- uanco ,o f O'o I.U^uhllcan p n r ty In p.iwer, I propone to'.11h(-uhii lhe i|U.\-i-

W ith IhlB i)cciii.Um w.> InaiiKiirnte Iho cnm|.nli;ri. .(( nhatl he nn hnnetC onmpniKn; every pi-iiny »v|ll he pub- liely ncconnled J o r . I t nhitll l.e M riie cam paign. Wn nlTlilI iii>c w..r.hi tu co ii- vt-y our ‘mennlm:. no t lo hld.--.le. •

'T lm ' Uepulillrnn pnrty camo .lul.> iM illii.nl)'•n.-ui'iy £-IRIlt yoaiT. lir.H.. 1C la nec.-HHary to rem ind iinrxelvi-ii .it th.! erltlenl cnu.lltlnmi of ihnl Umt-.

ronfrnnln.1 •with nn Inenin- pU'Io.l pence nnd Involved • In violent nn.i (lanKcrouA dliipnten both n t homn nnd ahroiid. Tin- Fi-dernl (Jovernmeni wnK HpendtnK n t th e ra io o t flvo niii1 on ifhn lf lilllloiiH p.-r yp r: pu r na- llomil deb t stood n t tho utuBKorlnK, to tn l of tw enty-four hllllons- Tho forclKn dchlH wure HUBcUled.. The country wnn tn a pniilc from ovur-ex,- pniiHlon duo 'lo thO 'w nr nnd the con- ttnuod 'In riiitlo ii o f 'c r e d t f •n n d -^ iir i rency. n f te r the nrm lnllco. follnwe.i-liy R- prcu lp ltnn l nnilon-w ldo ilaflntl'iii v,»lilMi"Hl »h.Mf -n; v;-»r craHliWI IM- p riccs o f xommotlltlcii by nearly One:

w as unsnlealilc; eom m ercu and In­dustry w ere ■nfncnntoil; o a r farofpn trmle chhc.l nwny: five mllH.jim of un ­employed- w nikcd the ntrcetn. niM.-mi- lenl nnd UKltnllon nRalnsl nu r 'dom oe- rney w ere m m papt. Fen r fo r thc tu- Lure h a u n tc l every h e a r t. *

ricult tnnk nf recunHtrut:tlou th a n .llii Lho n e puh licnn ' party In 1921. Thtt •'c<^r<l. n f £}«•»/> KCjon nnd oiiv-lialf I’cqm con(ftltut\:s a period of rn re ;ourni;c In leadersh ip und constn ic - Ivo nctlon , Ne\%'r hns n poUtlcirf ;iarty beeiv nhle In look back upon n ilm llnr period w ith .m u re nutlsfacllon.* <Qver could It look fonvard w ith more ronfldencT th a t Hn re c o rd 'w o u l .rb o ipproTcd by iho ck-etornte.

P rjir^ ' l.n - hrr,, m ailo .T lie lienl..mt proceiineN of nood will have ex- InKulshed Ihn fires o f ba te. Yenr hy ^ear tn ou r re ln t lo n s 'W ith 'o lh e r iin- Inns, wo have' advanced , tho fdenln

and of pcace. In Bubstltiitlon o r fo rc is ’ lJy. rlRorou# cconom y'T t^- irnl 'espensen havo been rediiccd tiy wo hllllon* p e r a n n u m .'T h e nntion- i l ’deh t ban. been reducoU by s ix ond > h a lt b ill io n s .'T h « rorulRn •dehlM lave been- Bottled lii‘ in r w t.n r t nnd h le m # w hiph havo reKitrd fo r our ichiArs nnd for o u r taxpayers , ^ x c n liiTo been rcduced‘'f o u r ancccfjjye Irnc#. T lifso 1 redactions hnvovjioen nnde ln _ th e jia r tlc u l[ir tn tc r ^ '.o fD io mall«c taxpayers . F o r tbla '-^ti^pose uxea-upo 'n arM clcf of, i;qiii«^M tlon nd p o p u la r '.W v tce hatffA bew .r» rc- » t» v o 4 ^ T ttf r-J f l^ r- tT i* » - iiin f r fg a n y how B reduction of 80 p e r cen t I n h e—lo ta l—roganua ■ .rnlUcHnI *00 ln> omo under 110.000 per year, whllo hey show a reduction o f only 25 per en l In revenues from Incom es nbove hat n m o u n t tiic h su tccsslve red u c - lon In taxes h as hronch t a reduction 1 the cost <V llvlni! lo nil o u r peo- IC. ! • '

• Conft.lenco 1* O reat > ' Com m erce nnd Industry havf* Ve-

ired . A lthow th tho a g ric u ltu ra l , conl nd te x tile Industries ntlll laR " In lieir recovery and s ti ll r tq n ire nu r o tlcttude and assis tance , yc l they avTTnsde suh ilan tla l.p roR rcss . W hllo th e r coun tries e n sase d In (ho v a r ro only now re 'ita ln in t th e ir prt>-war ivel In forelitn trade , o u r exports ven If wo allow fo r th e dep rrcU ted o l la r . 'a re 5S por cen t g rea ter, .tban s fo rr lh e w ar. OoiiBlrucUve leader- h lp - l id co-opera tion 'by th e 'KOver.n- i a t - i w ^ r T ^ l c u e t i - i B ' i r t t m i A s t e d

r te e in ouT ^ . o f K onriiB ien t tiaa t r e r I m n c re a te r.But J t ta .n o t tlirau jtb th e r e e tu tk in

t> % 4 > o l ld e a in K orem m eBt alone la i w o 'dem on itra te oUr p n m n ' n o - er nepnb llcan n id a n e e . To tD« tbe >«t I r tb e security , com fort and o rton lty th a t ; t 'a » beea b rouxtit to )». a rc n ijro A n erJc an f««iliy. D u H U lls Iw a tb a h eU h't ye a rs o n r p o p t» itlpn .|}M -Jnoreasejt by I p « r-c ea L

O W (b ir ty bnilMM -ra j ^ r y « r o r m 6ra p e r

/ ' • . ' . ■ .K0-*

M J .8 D A IL Y T I K E l ~ ___

enhlfy dem ountnlted il'mt. Ihi-iio. in - < creii'neii', hnvu hi'uu widely ’ si'ivrtd < nimiiiK o u r w hole j.n.iple' llnm u own- ' en th lp ' hns jsr.iwn. While .iilrlnc llihi . period lho -n n m h er of ramlllen h.i!< J

•liior.!nMed iiy iihonl a.n.MM'fiit w.- ipv .- , h u llt moru Ihan :i,r,<ii..oiin new innl ti . 'lr tr hoineii. Iir' ihln nho n 'tfnie «-.r 'hnvo viiulpped ■ nenvlv niu,- mlllli.ii ' hii.ro''. lio tn i'l i 'w llh 01,'i 'irlc liy . n n d . '

’ thN^ifili ll drhilijL-r.v Ijhk I.... i t l l f n - i l jrm nvth i- liven uf w.iiii.-n. T h .v h a rr le i 'i.r Of llmo nnd dliOiint'.-. Uavi- l.i'oji lU vcpt'| njvny and" life ma.l.' f rr e r and l a r r o r j ' hy'tiH- Inntnllatloii nr ..lx mlllinn m ore!

, lelephones. nevt-n million ra.Uo «cii'.[

inlMlnn antumohfl.->-. tii ir .'lil.'ii an- Krowim;' m nnnltlcntu w ith hi-autlfui '

.h iiildlnnii. • pnrkii; innl phiyi:r..undri. g u r o i in try n ld e hai- l>i-cu itiiit I.ik,-ill- '••r'w 'lth"«pTvndhi i'.Knl«. ■■1 We linve di)Uhlt-.l ili.- iiat- of i-ltn:- Irlt-nl iHiwiiV nn.l w liit ii' w.- have tiiU-

.'CU nw .ai.frfln i th e l,a.'li,i i.r.m.-n. 'rii.v ll.ureliustnK pow er \ir wa«e« han illy Incrcnned. Th.- hnurn' .'.r Inlmr.

ha\-L- decreased. Tlu- l" .h o u r .lay Ima he.-n nhnllHhod. -ar .-iii' proKre-is haa

Ih.ii.'u ma.lo lir stuhlll;-air<)ii .it t-,>in- [jiuirco -i*n]nn.lu!irry . ■Tho~J<.b. n f ev­e ry mnn !li'an Ihmi I.ren made m on.;t'i'^]ir.‘:L-U nrniP l»^pv:m -iti„ iimiaOof .lliitreifs -in widely aisappearliiK.

ofr.nJJ, r Jl/;.', IO m m -m lirr w hat ihf»M.|:Ojrreifi 'haa ni,ennt i.i Aii'ierliT.'H c h ild ren :. The pnrtiii of Ihe lr opp(>riu'nity h iu l.i-.^i evt'r whir*'

KfowVi h u t '.8 peV (;.-nl we hnve In-cri'naed hy II per n-m ihe iiiimlier of ' eh lld ren 'l i i on r Kru.k--aehnnl... l.y fi« pe r . e e n t . Hit. nnm l..'r In' ..n r hlnli

’Kch<ic>I(i,'nfif| liy'TH I'vr cctil llu- riiirii-her 111 m'lr In»tliutl(.uH^-<if hl«li.T ‘Itium lui:__________ , ---- ------------------J

Sntlnfrs I)opo--lls Dnuhlcil 'W ith n il ou r spi-u.lhii; w.- hu^^^ ,

dnuhle.l Havlniifl'dopcialiH in onri.nnlo.nnd. l.nli.ilnK and h.i.n n>isocrail..n.>. ,W., havo nenrly doubled nur ijfo In- ,nnranee. N or havu . . n r . pMipIu l.e.-n .

inclflnh.- Tht-y h a ro .m et wllli n full ,,harul. lhe monl Huen-d olillKallnn of ' mnn—charity . T he cirm oC 'America tu churcheK. to li.ispliah., nn.l ln»tl- tu lln ii.1 rn r the cnre o t the n tflie i.’d. I ,nnd to re llo t trom k'real dlnai.lei':>. |hnve Kurpnssed hy liundreeds nf m il- , i la n n -T in y -lo tn in -fn r- :in y ' B lm tlar-pn- rliul in nil- hum an. I'ccnrd.

One o t tho o ldest and i.cchltpii Ihe (iK.I.l.-hl of hiim an nniiimtlonH liaa l.i-rii ^llitj jiliolltlon of povrriy . Ily povoriy i 1 tn .'n u 'th e . Krlndlni; hy iin .ler-u im r-11 Inhment. cold, an.l Jn n d ra iiee n m ltlfe a r of old ni;e o t tlioi..-. who huv.- 1

d a y 'n re ^ n .;a re r i« ,t l ie riiial Irlnm ph 1 ov.-r' poverty Uian e.vi-r J.efocu. In lhe i hhiiorv 'of any'.U tnd. Jl'lie^ pnorhniis.o I ,

have nul yel reneheil ih e 'r o a l hul | Klven n oh'nnce to r.n forw ard with th(> pollcleri (If th e Inst eUiil y.'nrii, i

L :: . N ]

r . ' € ]


: ^ C o m p a i ^ w i t l

'— — ^ r n r - t h c - f i n c - C O T

C e n t t i r y m o d

" l a r g e a d v a n t a g

! v a l u e , b e a u t y a i

I a n c e . T h e y a i

■ ' . c o m p l e t e l y t a i l

} ‘ ' • m Q t o r t


~ ~ r —-----

un.l w,\ ^ll:.^l n.xili w lih.'llu- In li.'TIT'o (i.nl hi- In ;(h:]ii o t tlio '.L iy w l.-.i |v>v'-.,, . r l ' will I.'.' haiit'ihrd I'nmi'Ui<'< >i;i- , Unn, .'I'ln-ni h n» i;n>ii'uiil,-i- ui'nlnta " pnv.-riv .-i|ual I.l a Jnl. t .a - » it > mail. Thill lifBlji- prlnm rv ininw.ftc- .if(I......... unliv '"" n . I v o . ; . . ! . - . , „

1 '.•.'.j.V.'lMlb' r . 'jo j . - ' Ill , lh .' .'f/.-. i n <>r .110' iii.-ri’ax .il iiallo.ial -IllvU 'iny <1 iipin* Ulc- lm|inivi-fji|.ii! .ir iln- .>nii'i- “ t.'iiii holiil:'. T hai lo III'- xnU 'liiaiv nf I tnir-h.'lllc '-l Iclc-ah-. Ill,, iii.tir.'.' ..I III.. 'I I'jilrllviil ’,'lii-rl;y ..I .m r |i,'.m>I-'. 'rh '. 'l l ifllered h.iiii,- mM'r,n.'nilini;s. lh.- I].nn.l.'il HC'hnnlh ilKcl .................l.ln, an,U IIhn i-lihinrr'cl h-lsur,- «lii,-!i hav....... in.- Iw ilh ..u r .-I'ftilniiili' jM'..(;i'."‘-. .'liiiv,. j hr<.ni;h'ri.riFC iv.'ra“ nTirni,r?rriiIi: (I-r Ilf.-; ,11. w l.Irr .......................... llr rn l .Iniaitlnailnii. an.l n liii In ati|.li-.’iil.MM I

1':<-,.numl<' lulvaiieuiaeVii '.n.>i :.a 1rni! In -llsr1 |,-sn v e n 3 !,lu l ' rI'e'Ki.-. wlL.lty n ix .n 'ih .. luoiiil au.l >.|.li- ’llillll ijuallly ,.r Ita p,-oiil.-, H u r« i’.nvi|i '111 up irllna l ai'lil,.'v.'iu<'iita inuni l:,'i.ii ' jtn e r n'hlr-Tjtjf'-jirtnrth-fjr-pliy-tuiil..................... . M aterial ..prht-p. iliy [iii'it n ionil |iriii:r>.u;i munt ina r,h .i< t- 'K.-lli.-r If woul,I maid: ifi.- Tuli.'-d ' Sl'al.v^ l-i.al .'niuin..nw.-iil1h >n, erainliyronc-.-lvi'd hy in. tniiinl.-r». ( liir :.'H I........ ....... . .. ........... .if Io u r mu'tf havi- idiihIuui r .- < 1!IUM 1. , / l ln f.- -' i'iTiii.i'u v-iilin-. Ilu.f 7:^ ,-" 'I.ll.in liy .nn.1 rnihllliy in Iir<-. il.'n .'in s- ' l ly nr .InipnlH .-,'tiiliiiaili.'n .it mlinl."<w llllnun.'si. to Km-riri.'.', ripfx'I.'niT.in'.'-H < ■..f-eplelt-H^t..-*.—wh,-n.-hv A'm.Tl.'a. );rnwlii>: h k i;e r iiml >rl. liirr nn.l'"ii.ui'.'^' liilW.TriU; 'iriT.'J 'I . . - Ieom .' A meriea cr.-at nn.l unlil,-. A <plcipli- nr ................ Kl which lln've Iv;tlii.-.H a n - iif.l r<-;'.I.,l..-i-au;t,- ihi-y ait- inol lam ilhl-, la In peril, .Sir.-, w.-alih imill pt.tver a ln iivV i.ii ''nm . rulrlll llie ap ro inho or Am>Tl,-a'.' o l.i.nR iiu liy.____ ^• The liioal iirKem ..•nnonilf ' p r..hk in '

ijir..-. II muHl 'l.i- luilvi'.l If w.- nri'.-io ] i.rhu;- pr..»pt.rliy ninl .'nnie.iim '.'iii !, I., oiie-lhlrd o t oa r pi-..pl.- . l lr . 'i 'i ly - ' nnd 11. a ll o f -o n r . profile Im llny ily . i | Wn hav,- j.leihJi-d curiK-lv.-,)'lo rind i.l aolullnii'. .

• .VuTleiillui'..' Vital f r . . l i lo m .' i -lMl. my mind mont n iiri.'iillu ra l r tln .'lI'U riiioiiH Kl. wi'.iiin hi'i'uinn. .if I » o l ltiilHc pr,-ini«.'». Tlu- flrsl in tha t ii'.:vl. i . . uliiiri. K l.n.- In.iiisiry. | r I- a .Inj.-.r;,;^ ■Ih.llnet liiilU'iirlrN. inca]ialil,« ..f Ihe . tn m .- onm ulra iinn . ■ Tti.- -kith,id ! fnl^o- pl'<-inli>,' ia that r-hahl1llivl|r.i> >' will lie .'i.m plele wlu'ii il ha»-ri-a.'hvd '' n poliii cnm parahl,- with |.n -W ar. Ai;- “ ricTiI.ure wa.i nni. upon, a sa llsfn .'lo ry 'I liiiJila 'li..r..n- th<- war. Tin- nl.iin.l.iiK'd riini'ii. .If ih.- ■Vorlh.ai.l hear U nit f

hu t'l< illt- p i'.ir il.lii mlilwi-i.t g i;r ! r 'u |. 'niTtn- f.>r m any year;, e^i-rpi th a t .l.-i. c riv .',1 from Ui.- .»h.w l n e r , - a s . - r . f l

lli.rinnee’ la'--ih.* i:'real advnne.- hi .' ainiidar.la n t llvlni; o f n il ticeiipii- ji ili.iiH hineo th.. Wnr: Somo hriitich'oir'ii

E N T U R f

1 e v e r y r i v a l - —

r f ie ld -, N e w - '•

l e l s r e v e a l

'e s - in - p r i c e , --------

n d p e r f o r m -

r e t h e o n l y w iil 6H

lo r e r i - m e t a l

c a r s . . ' tu ry^sl _.Ccnfey

rw%w higher:; T h e i H - - in g ,g i i!

—- finest cay atpric' arc the

- -...... ..... ' thc sali

NEW 1929 H

E M a

r f a j ^ t QHUPMOfelLE DI

j j u i w i a j

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• '\......; " ■' '' ' ‘

f ai;rl.'iili-it;.' hav,- ri'.'all.v r n i.l-..i,.il.' i .III t;il/,-r'i.;l-. ;i u'inil.- II I'-,mil h.-rp- <

Ui.-r 111,In.Ml.'s. • - ;.•i'h.'i'i- a i - iinui.v .a .is .- . l.u- ll.l lu .-

>r num llillll.. I.l v.lll Hi Ill’ll :-lia|-.' i . f nallnnal M-..:.j..-i uy, --nil-•nlH-'i-w.i,'.................... . |il'i. . . n.,t .Illiv .l.Miii;;til .:i'.-al -H r.-, .............. Itn- ............ l.nl1.1 »i,-. ..ii.-n l.-ii in>|..|ii.'il i.l inlhili-'I !<i|l:^r.'. III . Ik- j>nnl In i|< nal.-<l .l.il-arit.' I'rlr.'^. ii,i- .ili.->r. .....'Jin’iivl'i nial'- iit -....i iiili.I.- Ik .liiiliu'.1... h:irv.-,.| M-a-.ii, l .ii ,-a l- la \.'- liav.'.... I. in'. rJ .iT .l I., -1,1.1, I.ll- 111., lm- '.i-.ivi-.l MM.!;: :i,iil Mir.N.:., 'nn- l;n--,fi' .I '-n ilm ” priiilrifT-:-i-i ^.r'.•^-Irl^-lr7;:,l.•.-in;,1i ... l in - . . . . lui,. ipm i linii,-,n... I'lnn ............. . :i li.- li«-i. ., .r m ..........

a '- Ju a '. aJi.;<U:a I'.ir n ria- .v 'l iU li' l i . : .nlVu.'lV r . i n .n r '. 'i . r ' , i ,u ‘..,''.,i , ‘ai'|il'i,^i-ii-ai'.. in • i|.-Il'll . Ilv.; . ...........r :i!r-n n e .itiTTn’ i^TTiii.- •Ili» !r

llu.-;. i.u.-ii (|..iii-....ii„- pi-U-.-, .....I.w Ihnr... Ii'Vi-K Ili;i1. .-./ill.l In It|-Uu-

Th.- I'li.il.- 1 ,,1.1. ll.v ..I .m r <UII|.

irdi-rly- inIJnMiiiri.t ........flow .,i• .im .u ..iH .i-;:.n ll..- .i.-„„,uil. nm I'll.' irl:ii..l^;,M.'in nl i„-.i-i.-iill ni'.- hiM 'hi'i-;:-, Mi— 41U.-1.. — ll.. J.v--..ulavt*.<I •nim>. Tin- lan'iii-r tin . sll.iwn In- nn ,

'Kll r n l 'j .n ....... ,nil liir.;i; ..p.-rai lo.i-i, - H- la. l.iilny:>r<..iii('lm: ............ ,i-m mm.:J ;;h t y.-ai-.. mit-. w..!i ahm ii- .In ' .n.nn- n-rrn.;.-' an ......... ......... I'armini'. h<111.1 muM n itilla ji. Tn li.- au Imllvl.l. >aH;.tl,- r,i.:.tn.-;M ,,i ^ma ll - milL:-;,m! inl.'pr n,li-nl .nvoi-.,-.||lp. Tin' la ri,, |.,

U-h.lU \V .-\li.’ >iiil wi.l'i ! ' ri'm ^-N nl nl.. 1-. ma-.;. pi-„.I,i.-i|„ii niaihHn-. I'herefcU'.'. If->li.- i;,rm<'i';;' p,.-I'lnn l-i I. I... lm|.r,.-v. .l- l.v-laViii r r.p.-j-nlii.iu;I iii.ir.1 l..> ............... . „„ II,.. i;,,iii hmn Uic M--.1.I m -illnti-|l.mi.iii. .Aerl.^ul-'un- ha.-, pi.i.tli.lly ................ li. lhi;;:llr.'cili.n ijii-i.iu-li i.i-i.p. laitv.". aml .<inh;. l:ii< I'll.. ..............ni.i .',.-nii,.i.|.^Ivi. .......n.'ll m,i a .......................

Iillf.'i'.-iui'.-. .if oi.li.li.n 1,'; -In I1.11I1' ;i,y:i.'.i anil i-.-ni.-iIy )u ,\- r.-lai li.'.l t ti;rr.'.:hpr.''tlfT !i'rr‘.n~rr,n;tnir;lv#^- iii-,>.} rram or ...1l.-|-. -1, , „i ,i„ r pi„!n ih.iv .. «.-ar.'/i ..1.1 III., enmrnon .;r.ii.nil ,u, Uili'h Wl' in .ihillzi' ilii-‘ i.oniiil f,.rr-.'-i If m ;rll iilliira t n 'l'ntiKlni. U iin..' d iir .la ir .iru ' .l.-ii'-t 11 .-,,.11,1 . h;iil;i liiion vh|.-|. Wl- .-an liallil. 11 ..If.-i;, an al- il'Uiallv.' lu-.ii-.ram.

ll' la rm y l l .^ . f ia r ,-.iii-uini.'i;. In- T.'.on' fa;>i.'r th an o t.r p.nilnr.''.'... Tli.-1..m,*ili- marU.-i m.e.i In-. |iri.ii-.-i..||.

r ..inn.larda of livluc aV,- today,.-..m - 1,-iliti: In <\ur hniui. innrk.-H. Iv .iu l.l iMt, my ..rriee -an .l iu rlu .-nc; n'. ulve

r e E S E ' ^


i-U -F R E -M

$cr is there uncertainty as I 'cr in advancement of ihot

You have seen the best t tid you can prove ^or yqurs< ^ t is Uic year’s best,—thi ylSix. a n d E ig h t advapce.j and stronger position tban stening newness-^backed-l :raftsmanshipi in design am zs which make higher pric : g reat advantages which ! cs leadiur in thc field of fii



E l i S H l

STRIBUtORSr — s a w s r a t s a r w j n B --------- : r ^

*, I d k h p ^ ;

f a f f i S S S m m i S S S S a i ^ ^ ^•'- i 'V-

. ' '■; . PA O E T T m E B ^

In -. iii.i iiiVr ,th . .- fu l l henefll o t .onr il.-.i,irf.','tariri jK.ll.-y. ... h .r.'.- i...riion «.r th«-Bprcnd be- ■w. i ii wtini 111,- fa rm e r re c e iv e s 'fo r III'- pr.idiicl'i uud w hnl Hit-- nitlm ntu Loii.'Tuimu.-. |.ay« la , . In e < 0 - It.orenn.-d Iiiin-.pnilalliiii rlnirKi,-K. IiYcrcuH.i iM .nllw j,y rail'll hiiK- 1ji-.-n i»He o f iht* |i.-ii;.lii.T. i,f 11,1- w nr. These lneroinii..iImv.. ..... . a.lil.-.l K, ilie-eoHi in thelu ll.n -r III ri-a.-hiiu; Henhoanl nini for- .-i;:ii m arli.'i;, and r.-i<n1l Iht-roforc .InII ili|.-iri.n o f.h i;. p rl.',-a ..T he fnrm urn nr liiri'i.;il . ..liiiifl.'.. have' lh 'ua 'I.ecif........ al.|.-.| IU Ih .'lr com peililtmwllli 111.- Am,-rli'iin fnrm er. N oturc li;i-• . iiil.iw.-.i. 11., \y(ih ll K reat systen^ rc -in ln m l' w ;ifi'nvay.i.-TIn Ir 'm u,rP 'rii!-" I 'lti.m -v .ill .'„mi.rl...- a mnnt Huh«inn.-ii.il. l uniril.tiTi.m 10 miilw.-ai ta rn i re“ li. l ami I.l ii„ . -d.-v.-l„,im.'iit of ::il of ..111-.iiii-rl.T '.T h lH . modui-iil-. /-.Ii.-.; til. linl.-,. 1...I ..Illy the Krenl .Mi-’.i,.>)Pl.r ,.5;,ii.iii. wilh iiH Joinliii;. 1 11.. Cr.-nt I.ali.'s nml of Un. h e n rtIII mlchv.-i.L i. iu i tn lta r ii lo . t h e Uulf. I i i . t _ ; i i , I l l , r * n y frnm xh,. 'f ir j-a t 'I,.,i,.-i. I.. III.- .Mlaiiil,'.'Tlni.-«- Im prove--I........ w'.iinl mi'aii ar. larK*' UU Incre-n.i ,... p ri.-o . II.. tn w nrrniit

'I I;. I-.' I - nil mnrc vliiil m.rlhod nfi:-J1:j :-------- ------------------------l-I___

lllll )\i- m in t n.ii iil.ip h.-re._,M iirkrlUie S i- t f i i i ,

■ . ,\M ..m.-;i;iu.|im: t.roi.oTiiil of ihij |u / i , ' i'i.>;;r,-,m Im il,;- whnU-.lienrtcd i.if'ih;e.. I" midi-rialc'' ih.- reorm inlM -'II.»i i/r Un- iim rli.'llni: nvni.-i'n luinii i - i m liT - ^ ml' ,1111/.' Vrniinmlenl l l n ^ r Wl- hav.' alr.'iiily .-n iiirihiit.tl crenU y.......... . ti„ - uHn Hupporilnici.-rm ..-/-..fi.Ti.ih'-i.. Ihl- crtfuWMhment I’t lnliriiii-ilUtU' rri-illl liiiiihn, lho roc* iilaMon ..r . HH kyardM.' , puhifu N ex-

li-'lilm .nl' .It A itrieullure, The plnt- n .rui |.r<ipoai-d'ln Ko much fa rth e r. U |il.<i.:.'-. lln- rri-atloii o t ;l I-><lernl.I-;ii iii It-iard n f r.'pri'iii'iitn ilvc furm - . r -/ I--, ll.- .-l.iih,-.! w ith iiiilhorlly nnd......... will,' w hich no l n n l y ' t i i 'jil I) 'f ijrll i.'r ■■ 1.1'—f-,^mffrii‘ .'cn-opcra* tlv.:n au.l [ii.nl:, ,.u,l N. inialNl icenernliyII- --ntmlifii (.r riirm . prohlonin. hut • -.p.-, laily I,. Imll,I u|i w ith tedernlI Ina....... JiTnii.r-(.\>'ii.'d' nn.l fnm ior-I'.inin.tl.'il .!;iril.|ilxntlon corporairi^nii 'Alil' li ■ will i.roio.ct lhe fn rm er from Ull— duiu'u:^;:ltinu„uii.l.<tfC!,mornii*atloiv_

.'.('i,-.onai uIi'itH n iA j.eriodlcnl Hur-

.iiliJr,'H i.n Ima I....... mnde th n t Ihliipm ttram . im laid .h.wii l.y the ' pnrty lilaii.irm . niay n-cinlre Ihn l sovernl hiu'nlri-.l mllil,uin i.f .iQllnri. nf cnpilnl I.......... .l.v Ihf- F e d e rs r Oovorn-iii. iii wltli..'ii nl.llKiitlnn upoii th e In­

'l Ihl!,- I'.alli-ne.-. A nnllon w hich 1-. nii.tiilliii: iiliiely lillllons n y.Oir' ran w.-ll iJ f . .rd .n n exprhdltuco o t n I-U Ii!iiiiiii-ii- miiiimin tu r u n u a b i u '

(Cnnltuiied OII.I'BKO Four)

. S — — -

i s ■ -

t o w h a t t h e y e a r . ,

o r c a r ' s t y l i e a n d

l i e i n d u s t r y w i l l

e l f j h a t t l w C c n -

» t t h e n e w 1 9 2 9 . H u p m o b i l e t o . a

e v e r . S h i m m e r -

i c o n s t r u c t i o n — . . .

e a f o U y . T h e s e

^ e c p H o p m o b i i e

i c s t A o t o r f a r * . . ,

E S S s S

Page 12: VBEK TAKE TOLL - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · tariff aboutd tw lowertd. He prom- ... and a^cuaed o:«tnb«t?^or

■ ' ■ P A G E F O U R ' r • ■ '

W I N F A L L S D A I L Y T I M E S— • • Mcmbo n Um tcil rrc aB APepclatloo _____

1 iTTuO N ES P p .,X . 38’ " ~

E n tored os aceond clana m a tto r A pril r i / lO I S . U Tw in r > l l i &oitotUe< n ndar a c t o t M arch 1.1873. -

- - • Pobll'ahod OTcry o ronlbg oxcttpt S u n d a r n t 268 M ala At«o m f i u t , Twu

T I K » 8 ruui.isuwo rO.Ml*AKT, IHC,0 . IL C ollinf.'B T M idont Obo, U . C roia , a e c re ta rr -T re a ia n -

L . 0 . -CoUlbB.'Vlco P resldcnL H nrrv Brown. Jildiliif_____- 7 ‘&gyCrUarnK M a n o n e r " ...... ~ P. Drowi

Plant.S nperS otendont - ................................................ ________ 0 «or«o O. Oarlnoi'.N A TtO N AL ni3PIlKSRNTATIV13, R. C. T lip li Co,. 420 LcxliiBton,Avi:nu.

New York CHy. 30 Noelti Mlchlgaa Avnnao. CUieaKo.• ------------- -----N-------8U B »0«1P T IO N R A T K 8 ...... — - -----------------

Om m on ta , I .M ; th roa m oatha. ll.f iS; itt 'm o n tH a .'ia .2 K j' on» yoar.~t»-'‘‘'

' B IB LE V E R SE S 'A N D P R A Y E R . '

T I IK I,A W O F n i K I.O IJD IS W hosn llil a w in II u 'is r M .ii; l>iil h .- 't i ia i ,is j, .•.,iii|> iiiiioii d f r i-iio iis uwn '.!i:in> f i l l llis riJ lluT .— I ’ro v . Ii.'I:?. ’

.....J ! a A Y l i l ? r - a . ] i n r . | . w . m - l i i l . .IMAV ollL.AlllibLlM^OLiiL<io ii'in i» l i lo l iiil il ., „ ,

A yEW IN G _ W m AND ' ; ’ , .

.W,e a re a lready beginninj^ to ht‘.*ir llie roar of. the a]) p roaeb ing tejni)0.st o f elorj-iience sH;ich will m ark the earn

j ja jg n . to 'w itness the lijjlilninj? Tlasli o f (ioterniinatioii fi-on

ing to, Krips in November. • .. Gentlem en of th ei-Ciuniiairrn coininittee miiy cry pcaoG

pea?e, but there wiJI be no peace, acconHiJpr t '’ Ibe faclio; leadera, until tiie question is decidod l)y popular vote. An-

• V^hatever paT licran it plat^ornis m ay declare, in tlie inibli ; m ind, tlie issue is now defined, with Hoover on th e on

side an d Sm ith on Liie other. A nd the action will l)e take* a long those lines, - * ' '

'W e hear from th e .p la tfo rm , vigorous attacks oiv th -laW 8-\vhich-tcnd.tdix:m;tail th a t hum an libeutv. tliat rigii ! Of personal action whicfi the makel's of thc Constitutioi - sought to guaran tee to the citizenry.: Being thcm.^'elves th last to' clann that'in fa lJ ib ility o f i-ighteousncs.s and onini;- c ien t vision an d appreciating perha|)s th a t they migh.t hav overlooked som eth ing which would comm and subaequer -a ttu jaluu , llm.se u.'ul> biiildetu c o n e M e'd-'thoir l;\hni-s wiljr. .th e .s ta tem en t th a t ■ ■

— ''nre,'{l7nvel^'ITi)L (leluj'aieTl'Ln iiie\CJniU’(l. toiaies hy UiT' C onstitution, nor-prohibited to it by the stutes,'ai-e resen ’ ed to th e sta tes desi)ectively or to the people” Also eviden: Iy-SUfH)ecting th a t the tim es n \ight.change, and new quer tibris an d new conditions' arise, they-inade provision fo am endm ents to the docum ent which they h ad 'ju s t prepai ed. ■ ■ . -■* I t is no lack of reverence fo r the rem arkable wor

w hich thev-did to sav th a t no law m a'de bv hum an mind the’ con.ciition^ w h ich 'p ro v ^ ^ B IrTthe world a der

tu ry an d a h a lf ago, could c.over th e fe n d it ions which cl)a: acte.nze the preseiTrday ecprioinic'mva govcnrnieiiliil siliu tionl T he prihciides of goyerhm ent a re still k iund , an im d er them w c can arid wnll safely function. But thc ai p lications of these princip les muiJt vary to suit the corid't i p n . ------------------------— 1------- ’■ .■ Speakere tell m th a t 'th e -g re a t underlyijig princijjle (

hu iiian liberty, which m ade the Constitution* the trem ei. dously im portan t th ing th a t IL w as a thc tinie it waii wri' ten , is being jissailod by p resen t day laws, though not on o f the law s, oven the one wiiich every s])eakcr presumabl. h as in m ind in n iak ing th a t s ta tem ent, the I’)ighfc.cnt A m endm ent,-could-havovbeen nuide in any m anner o th t.

tho~wlll-4>f- tho pMoplw aw cxp ivssr.‘d thrniurli . de>cted repreSentiitives.

If the exercise o f Jmm an libeity is to be construed’ » the r ig h t to a c t in a m anner independen t of the goo<I of th social oi'der. in accordance witlv;ii‘iyonal convictio.ns, the - we s h a if have to tak e a long step back a g a in 'lo win tivr dc.slfed sUiic rjfffreedDm. W o .shall have to abandon ou stiind fo r com pulsory education , for san ita tio n ahd pubU beinth ah d inost f)f the enactm ents for the public w elfan

W e a re to ld th a t we have too many, law.s. and orator, a ffec tiona te ly b a rk back to 'th e days o f sim plicity in gov e rnm cnt. - Govejnme/^t .wa.s-.simple ))ecans(‘ J i v i n g .w a . a ' c'oniparativcly s im p le ’n iji.tler.' As. the compiexitios o_ lifeincrenseH uw fi-w iir-of-nt'C j'rfiity-^dso-incivaw rand-ilv- p roblem is not to mako tbom loss than a re needful, bu to en fo rce them in a ^ i 'u n n o r th a t b n i^ s the results desirecrw )ien 0 \ o y w o r e onack 'dl ' .......... “ .............

H ow ever, the pro.«ent election m ay l)e decided, th coun try will owe a debt to A lfred Sm ith for taking a clean cu t personal s tan d im w hat the country believes lo lie Ur ou stand ing issue, regard less of political m andates, and fr)- m ak in g it possible tti deci<Ie a t tbe polls w hether nv not tlu populace regards the Eighteenth A m endm ent an a pem ic ious in fringem ent against pei-sonal liberty, o r a beneficeii m easure to Insure th e g eneral w elfare of the country. i

A nd no m a tte r how often during the noxt few week; we m ay have to w itness the aJann an<l consternation awak- j cncd by our leg a l in fringem en t o f ou r own dghLs. we arc i fioing to vote fo r a re tu rn o f lieenstul sale of intoxicants ot ; for_a_£Qntinuancc of-the preseJit law ; according to o u r own ; personal convi.ctio'ns in thc-,mauer. form ulated by o u r own ' BxperitKice r a th e r tiian by the vioKmt proj/agarKJa tJiat.is chie to be loosed. , • '

. — -------------------------------- =— :— ^ ■ ' IEven with tem pera tu res a round the 100 m ark here in i

southern Idaho , com pensiiting fea tu res a rc tlie delightful- ' [y cool n igh ts w hen the m ercury usmiJIy drops into the.u j'- « [ je ra n d jm v e r fifties. ....... ___ ^ ^ ^

• N ew s 'n o te in 192S: A , horse an d buggy crea ted un- > isuaT in te res t a n a com m eni w nen seen on ^MUin avenue'i"

• >A sm all tow n is one w here the editoi*-prints the vaca- ’ io n le tte rs o f th e .le a d in g citizen.

r ' N oniinee P la in ly ' j . S ta tes Policies

' I H e W ould Follow| . ' ((■.■Iillh u n r m .i ' i . '

. I prnUniiti iliiii u’lll nlvc it» niii’-tliln l J , jl>yinilnlli'ii t l i c h - la lr nliiirc of t

iialloti;.. ■ j.r(.>.j«i;rliy. N »r. .li.rM il |.m (III, Kl.VlTI.tMClll. ll.

. I)IIS||1.;SH .'X.'.-1.1 !I« fn r ii» ll M I'lil)' _ imuu i.,.f ,in il ,.li l»l.lr.1 i.Mnhr'I.^vl I. » 'h l> 'iri\. Iliilbl I1|> llu- r>inniT ir> ||, a .n in .l nf I.Ih nu'i, .Ic.iiiiU--..

'I'lil» i.riiKniiii nilii|>iH li»<'lf li> i!............. . ..r ..Krict.lim.- ti•lit)' loilay l.iil uhU-li will nrlnv tl

.1 iuluri;.-Uilo.jiuLJicU(;Vi:Ulial.':uiy. «l ~ •sl'*~litmiiiti—tiHnc—I liiiMi!>r> lH,'liip> i-iiii lU't'-l'ii'iliic III a

vmico a ll <|iic»ili)i)» llm t \.-nr iirlrn-■ -v'dHt, iiikI «'<>illI>ljritl.Ml illl'tiiiluHl:'• .v<'r » (nrm ..f iy m rs. Tin- flnn «ir-„

•<r .TC.-H.. till cle>Ttln. KfyiicLV. <!lrfr ly f.ir iiml lo itlvi-'Iiilhoi-liy Illlll- I'lrtioiirnM. TIk'Kc- ai«>1i-iiiii |iU'ili;.-M aiKl tlx 'v w in 1>o f|irilltMl tiv till' Kcjiulillcaii niiriv. tl

~ iiom nrr'iiia ii'n 'f' n i i v f i i lirii’iirruV Mir •i''liill<-<l ••1aliiiraii.il) .if I. Klslall.i Ulll )n )»>i II lm

• OnrliiK niy I itmi hh S.’cri'ln ry (

•.i ljiilld up a ity«icni »r m -o iip ralld ‘ii'lu'.'i'ii III.) i;.iv.'Taiacii( iiM.I IiiiiiIiK'm I'liil.'r ItlrH.''(-».t>|u>ratlv<> iirdniiH ii n.'iii.'iKH hii.T.-Ki.'il lit lliK iir.>li1.-iii ( V-jinrlU'iilar iinliiHlry hih'H »« tuiiin 'ariun-i-, (1lx(rl1.mli>’r. ^vnrtuT an.l i'dii

-iuiu.‘j j j i m ’- li , i jn uiiUi.'ilJiiui c;tmid <m.'l!i..l'. IIOI for ll Klnt:).- .iorn«H.i

•jiU for-i-iintlniimiM, wcrlv. Tliem' .»f •oriH tiavi-. tio..|i Hu.'..'i'Hiifiil Ijcynii. lay .•x|.M-tn1ili.ii. Tliey Imv^ nocii ac ‘onii>JfHtii'.l wKdoiK (iitt-rf-T.'iic<- " vK ulallon l.y Ht.' Hovciniii.ini. Tli,-, nivu Hi-oiiri;.l '|ir.>»:ri'Hti In-Mu' linliiH

, rlt'H, ri-ni>‘.ly for iilniH<-H, I’Hiiilniitloi .f vaiKi-. ivilnctloii of .-OKI In'iirtwlui- lou Iin.l illHirlbi.iloii: U iw .t iirliu' •> tl'ir- i-oriKiiiiu-r. an.l nmvc- xialil.i .'iii

mil! })roril. IVJjJ/i- ibi- i>rol» om viirlOH u-llli ,.'v.<ry ilKf.Tciit roin iii.rlliy nn.l xvlili .-v.Ty .llff.T i'nt Har

■ >( o u r /tri’iit .'oniilry . I ■idii.nlil wIhI 'm iip tj"'tl 'if^ rn in r-;m c llto* |-to niBrlnil

u rt' i<(i Unit 111.' Ii'iuUtk nf I'Vnr; •Inifi.' llf i-iioti »:nmi. ra ii.ailv ln i' am 'I'Kunlzo on |.otlfU'H nnil c.iiHtrucllvi iK'axnrcn. 1 am convinced iliiil Hilt

.o rm of lu-ilon. in< It In... <l..nc It >lh.'r In.limlrl.rH, d m Kr.-iilly l>oiii.-ri: iirm.T. .I liiirll.nior anil i-.inKumi-r.

________ W rlfiilliir-il tli.lti.i'.________Till- KorkliiK onl iif a |fr li:u jli^a l r<-

ii;f„'finii'Hum'.-i. Hitt jnitr^i, liafliu’u milillKiitloa .iC lli.) n..'Xi aifuifiilniriiHi.n Hliin.r |ito(ti;(-il (1. llK'tii- |>ri.pimalK, Tin:

tiji'cl o l onr pollcK'ii Lt -to cHlabllKli ■ir o u r t( trm iT » .a n Inr.m x' criuiil .1 UioN.i of oilier <iccn|>all..nK: for Iio farmor-H wife llio Kumo cuni/oriH n lit>r lii.niL' nn wom.ni In iiiliur

lor llio tai in hiiyu'iiiui110 fjanio (>piiorliinlll.rti in llCo iik otii- ir boVH anil clrlB. Su far nrf niy «" 'ii

.tl.llltlcH jnuy l.l* 'of Korvlco. I ilocli- lli.-m lo 1ioti»'i(ocnrr’ proKporlty

■ml cDii’lvntincn i In d ia l InilnHlry A'lioi'o 1 ftiin- ' in r ~[fli'Jin tiipyir-\vT;nv lurn iinil nearly a ll my futiiny ullll

'b tah i thiilr^llvvlllmoil.. I — l uuj :

cpn iIi.‘ ,.'X ]ioni'nt of pnu-'Cflnn l.i111 o n r jicoplu from iromii.'tlttnn wlHi flu’o r • i.laii.larilH of llvln*.'- nbrpii.i. -Vo l.avo !ilu-ay..' fnn»:lii f.rr liirirtn .;xlKli.'-.l to . OHlalilb.|. IIiIh ].ri>locOnn rom In.pnrl.'li v.nixi”- tCc iiIhd {ntyc

•~:i3vtoit“T t’f!tn«to8K -itiim r Itnmlitm- .11 ( ..r l].c i.roli-i'lliin of.'liiUor from

he liitfiiw o( 'workerii f«»'ii,-r ili»n wu■ aa aliHi.rI. tli.-m wli1ii.nl bn-atillii;I.nvn o n r wm;o IovcIh. , . - ..........

Till. K.-iKit.Ilniii prln.'lpli- o f an I’f-‘I 'tlvo lo iilro l n i Imimrli'il Koiii^ Jill .If IniinlKriitlon' Imn cniitrllm l.-.l ■r.'ntty tn ili.'-p rn-j.o ritv of ..u r 'c o n n - ry. T licr.' t« mt i..-lflKliai'..K tn tl.ln lofi'iikc . <>(-;uur -uluiiibLfdii .n f . .llUlu:.

iti:li «l:|iiillir.lH i,r Atni'rl.'n nro ■■iiiiU •••nil If w.. ,:irr t>rtr.'nl.'il from l.nllil- au IV < IVlllZ!itlr>n w lilrli Ml« lliv•f In.pi- fr.r tl .......m iro wiirlil. A Koii-h il r.'iliirilon in th.- ii.rlft wi.ntil a i|. nil IV fl....il I.f );i>iii1h from aliroa.l. It

-^•uulU-,iidiirL’_-jv':DLlitii.i.'. ,l i w.miil III ou r 'K iri’i t i wllli tllli- ttork.TH. Ii

"v.ml.t r t.- ir.iy tin- rciiirii:* ti. onr la/rvm.-n. ..iir frn ll, fli.x; :in.f U v e tn rk 'i;ro\vrni. ninl o u r o ti.c r farm -

(>nr It...... 1.ii»«Nl. i..,,n U'lll - . .y i l .a l n n r-ln iiu i- ia -

la llnn •ir t:irirf la« in i.VrfiTt, \ \> v i'k , :iir m ir n.nv ln.inliT:.nl rlli/.rn'* n.l iJj.-tr ;:r.-.ii <oniill.n iiun to our iill.in;. tti. M.;-l:-only lo Vml.Tl l'i<nl

•i|u.illy win.- ilii.ro ati'facly Ii.'f.-, ,Wi'-iaH.,-nr.fr.,l.Jhiu-.hmi-.!ara;ton taw ji-to •d lrv ,. .r,npri-.-~-:iry luil-l-l.ltw i.f j i iin .lli. ., ,\^ ..•.•iniMT I.t Iln- .o i . - .t.-U .u .Inty tt i„ I.. iKi.-m.liKUl- .|U !.i t.,.^ |.. nmli-r ilu* n;.llri.i:.i

I (u u r f..l(((ll ll f-. IJIIJK/N.II.I.- Itl -I.. M. . if iu ra ir lv aiut wlltiou'.

:i;ir.l.l.li., T tif liaiils mm In •i«rlr>, o rl III.- . •^rii1lal.[>tinrlvl.- <>: In- t.n^ :>n>l I fuM.r r.-|<ral o( tl.:il

,Milt .-f 111- :.<•! ratlliii: t - r a n.jw.a>i» o t .|U>;;.r.,

W( 1.;,..- iiti ils i.t Our.«rlM-> I ni;.kr •ui-li r i> |.|o n « ' in 111.- I;.rlft 1;i«-> ru« h.- nrrr>.. :irv n. pii.vlit,. i.-al pro- ,riir>n .iNali.M Illl- ^l.m in^n of rvo- inn.lc iliic . ia o n r 'a r im n .i.iln if tlr -,

I nil. M.rr tl..- . \tn r iU 'jn ix-opl.- woul.l all-.'I rntrui.1 ilu- [lorfrcllnu of It..-

••nriff I . th,- ^•on^l'I,•ul frlrn .l i f ttn- ;3 rif ; ih.in 10 ou r ow H inrni', " lio I.;.\o aU.-!);. r .c lu ir.l our t.irtffj-. who v:>!-"1 ;is-ilnM ou r p r.'-rn t proU-cllon •o tlK- u n rk .T anil Il;i farn-,cr. an J nlniM ' wtioli- oct'com if Iheo ry o« rr - l 'n - r ..!1..n> tia-. tu'.'n It.r ilm lrnctloan r i l i r prn irciivo im nrliTK ^

- V lr . . . .X. 1..l..ir/fS .ln -- rirrri.-<r« J- uT»i,W v

•iuT i-r,r.ii^t'T -nnnnT tinrr-'n ttiri--t}inn ' ■lir =i.'-il,-M ^xntiW.fir w llli .Ih .' H-. plnillon-. ut Mxi>r .'in III. tnil, K In-, llf. n in \ po-.l f.'rti;n»-,.lurln- th r pe^iIJ >r,tr> 'ti» h a v r rr<-rlv.-.l ll..> rd-op .r ra llo n of t-.lx.r tn many cllrfftton-.; ariil In ;pron;oto;n of rrany puM lc r n r - '

. * • ITh.- ttadf, nnlon. ii.o irn irn l In oni

n n t t f i - _ l .a ! ‘_ r ’n im alnM tw.-> .tij..nr- in rr-. ftum rurlu tnoM -pcalf. in a ll o lh c r co .in trlcf, Tti.-y hnv.* htai.tvch »in'l>o«i’rii o f A oirrli-an In-liHHl L.lllH.l Jl.li A ..L1 |l.UI lU-l t llllllHH>

vrry tr^ i<r.c< rtn^ fron i atiroail. Oi4r rrcrttnm frrm fo rrtc n ro rta t. nnrt ,rcc- aomtf- 1* lti t.-irei' rtrcr^i* .lu rlc) ih l \ r r« trta n f r liy ou r o » n labor, t)ur ir a d r iinlv'tt!*. w titi few f i c f p - ' i io n » ,'h » < r w rlro n iM a ll b .u lf Im -'

r TW PT F A L L S D A IL T m n

, Ifrn-.pmrni.ln lnrtn rin 'a l jiroilinc'lK; Tli lar;:on.-f<H-<ir mliiil liau vontrltintuil I

' • li.e ailriinrtn^; nli.iularih. i f living: '. lill? w liolr nf id tr j..'i'|>lo. Tboy j)r»i

IV <Tly liavo* iiouchl to |iiitlici|inlc— ll jil.liliiinii tn wjiia^^ - i i l tin- rt-.-ull < lin|irovrln.int|i iiuil i.avlnKii w litiili'llu: liavr li.'it-cd to n:iiliu.

„( i 'IJiiiinK llii'iic |i:u-t y.’nrn w.' Imv i,„ , u r|iivn.i:ri!ull}‘..JiL..iIiu..iunLiiaL .iindci ,< I* ■:t.’initIiiK holwri-ii >-iii|iloyi)r nnd l-ii ,.,]p l.iy i\ H'«,fia*-.i W't'ii n nm w liiK 'rl-n ' itU ail.n i t.y ilii.- .-iiijiliyrr Oini Hi

likliuHl |iraflicnl)li--.«-an- i» tliu roa

la-riiy aild 'wo linvc ii i:rowln, i rra llzn ll.in l.y ialinr - llii . i- l li . ' niiu!

mum iii'o of'-machini-». pf L-rf.irl an " ^ :o f ..h lii ia tlio roai) lu ii.v o r i.roilili "'•,ll.-,n i-uMK ami In llu; c-ml. l» hlBiu-n--;.,,,^;|l^uu^u^-----Uiniur— Uii:zii-_Uiipulfcu' ’tr ii in r t l io ; ltnini»jtlrnir|iroi.;i-tli*i?-!iy"lyL

uur ImluKtrliit ontiuii Ii'hm InL-rp.iH'.- «n :„4 iiovor t.c-foro nnd im r xva«ir,i bav ry -iirow n Hii>adlly,ln huy|;ic jMHvur.’, Ou la.'vvoriu-rt. w iiti lli-lv ■ avi.niK i-' wi-Hd;

ti; ilir i-» tin.i-s m or.' h rra il and liiiili- ru- lhan-'nny ajn- oan i^ r of K iinipr. A l-io iio iln tr we lic inin.l.'d tor o u r wi.rli tl, ir ;i u •'fijll Illnnor pnll.” Wc liiivi tynrntc-K ntnrTnr i>i‘yninr iii.it v iiitt:i.i);mn

'j-.Hlay w i-.Iriiianil l i .rw r cnnifi.i-i mu Iircalor i:aitll-I_IMlliill ill life illiil U-I

,, T h .‘-U ri.uiillcan tilinf.ivm tiv c ^ tli< j.J,;dK r U

■•'olirctlv.- harp illilt.;: amt fn-i-.iom Jt tiitior - neKntlnlionr>. Wc Hlaii;1 ah*

‘ 'i jn . 'ik o ii to th - cu ilallinon i of cx.a-t- ^'...tvr w r .if tU f iiO.iiirtluii in ' Ini.ot

'* dJ.-iJ'lll'-f'-• l»i-w lii|.* IVnicr Hi‘M.itn-i-i

I' mrn! o f" . xtn-*ndlrim- .liiriiiK th . ' 'r o -• ri.ni.ii.iiciinn yvnr.^ hav.. anspeiidoil ll ill.- <-cuHinicli; 11 ..f many nni.-dcd piMi-• Ilr w orlik M on-i.nT, tin- •Ilmi- Iiiik£a iin luriL .w liun—w c-lnuzL-iuuft.-jUkt*-/?>' hrr>:(T vi.-l.nirH dovi-lopniri.t of nur- un,it'r r.'-‘imix-(!K. Kvery ilri.w which n rnn» lo III.- «rn V iih-.iu yl"(illn;;..lla- full i-i-oiiniult; H.-i vli:r hv a »'a-,a.'.

.V .nrly a ll o f onr yn-alvr ilrnluaK.-s- rnntiilii w iihlii tti.'iiindv.-s ’ p: wlWll- . tliK of i-lii-aiicut»i Iparipo ria tlun . In l- . isiiloii, roi'lan-.ttlfin. d o n in tlc »v:itnr I'K upjily . Ii'yilri.-ulpi t i i r powi'r and fnr-: ,iiiu i,n lly th e .n«ro..^.|tlo» of fh o d onn- . f l;o!.,.., llu l^tlil;>_.h'y.Uo|inM-nl of inir

' w iilrr,. r c .n ii r i '. rn , '- i^ c f ln itr . i . i lT ! ': i~ i u1.pn li.-irs hi the lO'Hli-niniii' cn-or:li-

nation of Ibouc .llff '-rm i work... uiam i 'cn c lr fir.-.'i, 'Vl- fjnvc iv/thlod, -loor.-:' of nillllomi hy |>rcJ"olK nn.ler- I laUcn mil aa imi't of a whole out af ‘ -ho con,i>iiiioiic* i|f purely loVaJ .le--

jinanila, Wc nini:..i. .’■•v’oloti nioilrrn-.I 'r ■ ...................„ l,„ , 1.V Iw l.i.rd

■ .,tiroJ<^PtK. -W r iiir..M .1',’v.-1..iJ ll a^- a,,

■ '.ivHtcni Ilf iraii-.piiriailon, 'W e itJUM,■ riiljn^t ri'c lainatioii and Jrrii;a iron Ir;

" u r n o n h u r m o i- Innd, W hc/c l1..-y|1 ll.. jnKelhiT «>-• t'itu-.l c./-i)r.lln:tt.v ' iranMiioi'tation, .wtlli fl.md conirol, tliu I , d.'v.-lojiii;uuf o f . hydro-olcc trlr p-.wur

I ^ ' : f b r : {I

I ■I • ' '

j '

i ■

I •' " -

W HEN the procjuct motor car manufa

n five succcssivc years i ingly gained in public t at home and abroad—

W hen each o f these- aiI has constituted a salesj—— -- tl^e-wholcindusify—

[^ - ___\7hert_fbe to ta l.-£ ^ ov.i is fhe only rccord o f itI the greatest in 25 years[ . ‘ bile manufacture—

! W hcntbeannouncemcnproducts -^sweep^ tlte t

‘ 333 Ma

51 __________^ __

iln .find f>f ir r lra tlo n , rl^.r-irr-?iinH -n;i I to the l>a-.t rnt. m il. iirro.->i. tiuit will tali <if an .l irillionK I., remeily. TlJl- toni.-rcii« ha,;i auiiiijrtzcd an d |i<ik I ijy |>ri;<'f'j-s of icrjiMhitinn Kri-nt pri.frmi; or. .(If tml.Iii- witrl-i, til a.Iilition to 'l l i uy workH' in ilov..|;l|;nicnt of wali-r ii

:;m irws, w.- inn .- in |>ro(.*r.:Ka inr;; .•<> iiiiditrini:i,nt I in pnhlle r.md^ nn.l Hi .1-,- :-ouiitruclla i .lof piiLillc .hnlldin;:ii.. r.-> All ili.;ro |ir..J.u-ia will pitilMl.ly r> if- a n ifXt'fiiiUiiiic iiC '10 -me tillllnii .l-llar-H wllhln tiic nO> I. ,f.ini; y ITII. - If f i.niiirl-'t'i-. ih.-' taruo,

I 's lfa k cT b y ’aii.v'Kirviirniii.'iii. It tn a it^ r ,i- ih i.'it IIIIII'M lilo cxi.t-nditiii> Ifll.lJ.iii l.l iipiiii 1ti.- I 'anaiiia <-anai. It In Jii.ui L-. tlcil l.y i.lie Kiowlli. nerd aiijl .vuall ■r a f <iur,riiiin try . •Tlie-ijraanli'-Jitlon an. <ii <ullJlillj,‘;L ra a o il_ f tlh l li MniKlriii-ttnil 1 U. .1 - K '«H.il»ltHiny- ili..-flr* .i. -«5.1oi -.1 l-\.p il Wl- miisi .^ernru the ntm.i-■ <r i:rniii'ii'y . h o n c ty .a .i.l i klll. - Tiir:i tr ,ftorl(s ivlilcli will p n .O .I- J-Im fi.r.m

‘Td/ - " “ l ' * ' " i b■r .ia’clr ; r nnemiilriyiijetil rl;i.-wh.-r.'.11 I roJoU'o In lhc i-<.ni;iiril»n of JouIk I- latlon proviilliiK iilt.-iiuaie tinial n>n p Ool .or iM Ml?M:ihl|ii.i. . I t n ia ilia -n o

li lliin'ai ItiHk Illil ii\o ii) 'tiIn 'leH n .<a>ii I- Ir1l.iilli,n lo th .' ik-volopnient of Hu

■uiuiii. I l l ' oncniiraKCiitciii of ilioli p iti'unotnln KniwHi II.'h mie of ibc Krrai if na llonal <>i>i»i.-iiniillcn of Hi.-. I'lii'urc.If. .f i ig h tm iHi .Stti.oi.liiioiiln - . I ' r . 'c c i i i l v Mall'll nn-. ]i-.:*il1:'n npoi0 ill,- IMh ainendnu-i.l wi.leb I ii:;ali

r - i ' l l ’., not nivr’r ih .v’ rc|i,-a1 of thi l.sih a i: ;-ndm rnt. I Maud fin- iiu- rf-

tilcloii.' <-nfi>rctii,-jin of ih.- Uwa oiia.n-

p ieW o iii han um ler I.Ih oalh ihe n.l- . , 011'n di'-iv to piirMIe lllli* eour:u'-.• ; "(^ iir, c o u n lry liax d - llh rra li. |v iin- < drrtnlcc-n Ki'cal Fi.r-lnl and .‘cnnnmle

<-.\frrrlniV»(/i-«.3Wc_iu_«J»£hi!-.-iHfl titr- ronclii-ii:. In purii:.'il'. 1i tl'.ll^l lie

1 fto i'koii. out' cnniitrurlivcly."1 Comu-5im..flen.'f comneln m . 'to ira -

ilTc th n : i:ravc nhniiei. liavi- oi-ciirre.l i —ahii;.r.s whlRll l.ini.1 b r r.-iiirdird. An• :iixanlz.-il M-ar«-iiliis ' iiivr iilKailnn «I■ fiie t.i.n il caiiKOH c;in alolie dQiormliio• till' wlai- ir.ethnVl nf cnrrocilHK ibm-,. : Criinc nml <1!.'.)lH>dli-ncn -if Inw c an n :i

he pprm lU ed t'j h rrnk Oiiwn l lir .r in i-• Btliuilori nud InwH .if -tbo Uiiltpil

•Kla:i'r-:------------: r -----------------------------------M oilUlrailon o f ' Hie i-nf.>rcPigenl

. luwii wbicli wni'Iil uernilt llinii which ‘.lip i-i)».'.lJliitl»n -forldcTJ la iinlllflrn- tliin. Tbl.-i lb - Ami-rli-an in;oi>l., will n -: r-iiiii.-:iaiiP(>, CtiaiiKo In the Vnn-

' s tlin llon i-nii am> niiifi he tirouRhl ahiml iiiib'- I’V 'the .;iliali:litfi>ruard

l i r h t : ’ 'T l .n ;- 'iirc - iiin '- i- ' wi.u di. b.'.i -In-lh-.vi-.-iJi-Llii^, nurim^:-' of ...-v-ral7l7ravN/-jna <7 (Jto,o n e deiil.'?i lh c lr rUIit in i>i-rk toi fa iren il il. Tli.-y iirc not' «ul,jrcl In' irrltli-iKii. for a iiyrrtlni: llial rl.;Iit. Ilni] till- ll.;p'u::ili-an p arly .hi.'ii duny.H io!

'rl;-.!il o f an y w ir i;» r.c'ek lo- ilo;,lr:.y|

a i STiiiust t e snidimoi;

■ ‘ N t w C h r y t l c r - j f l

s o f a s i n g l e i c tu r e r h a v eo v e rw h e lm - . ' k 7 1e s te e m b o th i ^ J lwXian n u a l g a in s J rI r c c o rd f o r ' ’ ' _ ^

i ' • ■ Y • ’Cf f iv e r e a r s ' - •*---------- ^ -

N e w C h f7 ile{ "7 5 "P ri ts k in d an il 2-p^tfrC »..p*{^tb i

o f a u to m o - uer^wUbmhhuMth'i N rw C h ry ilt r “ 65 “

rHUOn 'w ith . ' / . •. f D t t r ^

lin A venue E a s t ,. Phoni

\ ■■ ■'^ ___• , . 1 -

In the |iiir;-or.-r. o f ’ tho coi'iiiliiritlMi iR iiidlivMtun, ' 'le .•\VI;ni>vcr'1:i i-1e«-tcd [irj'Sldeiit tnk In an . lu u h -n u l ,»nly In fuOhluUiUc: IH i nto ihi^ o fflc ; .if the ' prelldenl.- I;10 tliat «.i:ili providpn niM.I fu rllie r tli ?■ h.- will, to « je b i ^ - of bln ‘abiil ;e p rv ‘e rv .\ i;r.>t.'^t~trtTlI-<1<f.^nd ili'i' cu I,: Miliiiioii vir H.I- '^rnliod .Siaten... jll .iy ld ' lje Jllllr iie ,-I ; Ilii'-U> gren!. It 1- .Itilonr-', u iitn ie in iiiy lu lb i.f nffli if / u> (tiu^litro iiilu'VM-iriy.;l ■ W ltb lni|.ri«>i<lvr proof on n il' aid tl of nia:;:ilfli-i-iit i>ioKrcK5. nu n m r .-_p.lalu.l» dn ij-.fliii fiimt-iuf.-iiial t-tirrm iM nt'^a nf our eoononiic iiy;>i,-ni. Nni11 liij:, how.Acr. I.h iiorfei-l liiii il w..r I- fo r p ioK r.: Our jne .ein iiio iit a h \;tn ri, nv.it' n a llo n i in lho hi’ii r lu .1 yt'arn hici- iic-n ••liie to dlKtlncilvr

A m orlran iii;c'iiiitt'l.-'lltni-nl-'. "Wc i r', nu!:-uw u::u iii;^~te;S jm id l.{b incntn ;:. |t |.^ u r va^l n iiliitnl ruT'ourrcn. The

Wl- h n v illwavK hmi. , They hav.- n n liii-ri'ai<.'*I. U 'hat har. <t|.a.ilii-i| b iii '• ab llliy ti> liiilize !hi‘m« rchiiinee:; nnV e >-f;ri'Jf*"ty, I t t;< >uji-.Jjuuvin r(->0Uli;

d ia l liavu i:luiiii:c<i. Man for inan nt •jw iiiiiaii fo r w on'.in. v-'.- ariT~lfiiI/ - jn iir .- cat>abli. wbiiHior in Ibn wnik .

1*"'-'*''*-'''" Hmn ^OTirdiluailom il :‘,yi.<tpiii. Ill tliu baril .wofi

u Ini' charuL irr o f o u t pl-ii]>I.i. In H r . 'a iia rfiy f t r far-Hli:btoi( lenilrrj'b tti . r. Iiidiiaily. t,ho - Ingenuity. Hl.i darii:

of ih l' i.lonepVfi of new lii'vciiilon«,*l

1 wiK.'nm I.r lin r iia i|ona l ii.iitelr i. „! i; Win. Ill,, " liiinnii an.l-InrtPaK lii

nn-ndcxliy of . u r .-i*inioiulr llf,, tl .- X<'-itIonn of K .iv rn .n im t and ‘IjuhIiip; -Jar.; iim lili.lyin;! da llj'. Tlii-y ai'v ycai • llv m ore .l.'pon.lrni u |.o ii tn rh nthor l\v i„ .r,. I, h,.li.fnt Iin.l uprrreiiif. -IH iIji r .'h iilcn r'hoiild hi- onn.iinifcoi n toyond ib is It Hhould not Kn. ’ li I

-* ih .- lim y of K ovcrnmciit tf avoid rp|;i ■ilailrjii a-- fTin:;a:i'I'nuiil .ijipnrlnnliy t ■’a lf Iv tw l )nv:»lr'<J jjuWI■IrinhLi \'lola;.-d.' O nvorn iiien i. uhonl

not i‘iii;a>;e- In ImiilnoKS In ■‘cniiipfH [tion ,w|Hi lt'< ritl/.eiiH. Sui-h.urU ini , .u lln tn 'i-h tin; <inl-.'ri)rlr«, a w l 'ii i l i la l-lv i- ' wbicn- ha ', hoen Hit* Klory..«

■;Aiuerlni ami 'vbioh ha'n h?rn Hin I'.'n I' if Ita i;ro-( ii'.tniinoc iinioiik' th r na |llom« fif Ibo r a r tb . On Ihu oihur bnn< l i t ir tb e ilu'ty of hU!ilia-i>.t.in condiic hiHt-lf I'l. ahai K O 'rnniioni roi:nlatloi ]'jr iioverninen'. inniii»i;i)tlnn Ih uiinec

! t!iii>Inps« iini) (•iitorniiiPiitIlnKliiriis la iin ictlca l. im l It- I

foiindoj iijin i fHllh~ra1Hi aninn): on p..ii|ili) In Ibn inloK fliy of himiiiusi i.irif, an .i^falH i thn t it w ilt, rerelv. f l i r niay fnnn lhc KiVv.'rnniwiH l l h

I the iltiiy of Kovernni.-nl to iilnlntiiii I Ihal

'IbVr.< w:i:i nol" a Iliiih m;i 'a; o f innra

iTIir, w b llo prac tli'e ninl ol Icii o f ,bn il. 't;r';iK han n ia .l,',-;ro iii ' a ll .lu-t o f . Inr-

provi-ir.eni In, tlio lunt i u a rlo r of n !,rentury. la rge ly 'Ine to the r tfo rt ol [bindiKj-.* and th e profcni.lon;^ tb 'in -

^ S o r a i d -


e n d i t i s i u n

th a n i ts be

T h e n i t m re a s o n s o n

a r t is t ry am


P tieT i-B «w «i Cmp,, in s ta n t ly n tmM4trMi}.SiQej;2.dmr ’ q u a l i ty »n<

su c c e ss .'

e 30 Twin F ^U

A T I': l i l ) A y , - A if e U £ i'

by '.cIvcH,.' Onn nT liiu 'ihoat licliirnl nie: of ri'ccn t - yciirK lii. tho . sironK

lOH K»owUi llf ftwiclnilonB of w crkui to - rnrim.Tii. bu»lnoi<n incn.iin'd jirofcHBlo n il al mon with ii dunlru tb oiiru thc IUl own :.hiisc.i nnd a-tinriK>flo co -(ter ly . infldlp .lni.’riiy|. Mnny iirolilcnm c; in- be :.ih« 'd ibrouKli cn*ui>(.'riitlun b

I tw ren KCr.'nii'nnui ^>nil tlioHC- nol -II- i;ii\ei iiliiK - iiKMocla'tliiiiK to Impro' (•-; inl'tl» 'da •amriM'acllcP(i:-"Wllcn-l>U>

iiir-H ciir«';i.Jl» ow»i-nbu*(j*'lL l.i tn si;lf-i;(.veniiin’iil w li ld i’ cotnprlsi

an rr,-..r.-.tl.an iKillilnil. InnitiiHonK,■ n,,.. ,.f .1,,. Mr.,.it,>m ■.llfflnilltp;! ,

ll- huMiiio;/. \viili Kovernmi.nl U Ui«-innkl. :tiiidu of unncre»i<ary .c on tafiis wit.U K’ vorbiiiint hiirc-^iiiH, <li' i i[iii?.-VUilin111 ami incunidiitoiiry nf. K.ivcrninniit pulIy elci-. an.l th.- .lu|illcal1oti110 t:-ental aciivitJcH. A Wr»{ 'p a r t . i to lhi.': .l«.iliir.:tTi-llie:ni-i.M.'rib!{-i>f-fmn

tlnn;', and tho c roal coiifUHln'n o t r. 01 . iionylhltliy in <wr Tedernl orCTnlxi n r ,:f i; . W.- havc. fo r iniilnncL-; M <11 i-e iV riiiU '" i e,ius o r aKi-nclo.-i L 'nm im l 1 r^i ))!)bil.- worJi;; and i-nuK lnicllo;).. Ii Id '. r,i„d 111 Ii)n,. illtfr.n:Ht_ill-n.ttliilonlH-<iT il i .! ijovcrnm enl. It brhiRip nbnui poii n ti ii..ililon liouvneii i;.ivornmi-nl iiKcr orirli- |i. ‘’f, ^w trn l.^^m ul ^

k- public worka. W o 'havo d c lit dlffoi 10 Olll tnirrailn and aKCncleK chnrKC In witb ciiiisi-rvaHon o r 'o i i r f in tun il.r< ■ K rniirccH. ti.ra tril i(i Hvo (lirfprcnt ill111 i-arim rn r. o} Hif uovernm onl. ThoK ICf^-unlltliinii. <>tUmii-i>aii»;-oLinir-illrnt

, li.im.. Dlviib'il iTsfK.n'«il)tlli?,' w llh ' Hi IK' abiu ni'.r I r oenira llr.td niill;orlly. p n i<''voni;> .-ni>.«tnii:tive anil fonfltitviij .If ‘a 'u 'lri) ;i i-rn ; <;f hroad imtlniinl- pMlcIC! r - , t l i r Koimtdlcan prbsl.li'n ts Imvc rf r. iicateilly j.-.;i.-;i inon.lwi to conKrc.i y.Lli-a!_lL,wniil.l nni nnlv i(rr:vtlr_ rcihip. ;l- fxrf>i»L-s nf hiisln..-:is in th c lr con lart iHi.wlHi Khverniiicnl but tb a t a K»Cat re i- l.lu r iln n e.r.ihl be tnndo In fiovcrn0 niei.tni i-xpen.lltnrc nmi m ore connlnl 'e 'f t i t mill r.iiiilltuicil ii!illr)!»;>i jjoJJcIp

COllIill>o<luvelftui;dJ£_W.tL£0a!tl-*0CUr,i ' t t l . \ " i i ro n p lu iro f .tliCRi' ncencles .dovot -*',cd tli on i- 'm ajor inin.o^o-.unilei- idnRb I- rPHponiiibilliy and au lbcH ty . I,-Imvi •f-4rr.d tbu Rood forliine ln \.o hblo li It carry nni «lii;h rporsnniza llon In ro I- Kiioct 10 ill'.- d rparin ion t o f coinmcrce d .The roi.iiltf. ,Iuivo nniply JntitirfPd li:* cxt^anKlnii t« otbor dL'pnrtmcntii nm a I idunihl conslik-r ll nn obil'p itibn t<

cnili't the iuiii|iorl _«)f conitrciu^ jo ef-

. Pri.ini.tI.iii llf lln*>tnoss -t -Th^- Koxorninont enn he-»of Invnlii fjjililt- aid Iji ibe jirotnotJon of htiBlHCiiH “ T bn -iiloa l hUilU'of bniilneas In frcc- '^‘ .Ica'i from tlioiiu fluetitnlfonH froir I'll.tinm lo Kliinip whicb brink' bn on.'• ;i'.ai)tl Ibu purlodu nf uiiomplnyincnl ;la n i l h iink rnp lry nml 'on ih-j o lb c r

•, ny rcR nrm y in oxnenillttircii. wine ■ 'la;caHoii. and nuiind ftnciil finance 11 ra n rcllpvo tbu |iui'.li.-uii npon fiounU

-I (ConUnned on PnKo 7)

R e a s o n ; ^

€ c e s s f

3 and produces «n increase ictually ten times greater ;; :st previous year—

itist i>e apparent t|iat the e to bc found in snpetioi ,,' , ce, greater ityle, higher * d assured long life.

cordially in v it^ to (>U».:uao .u» t^0nd .com p^_l:. tur own. Y o u 'w ill thea eco g n ^ in its surpassing1 Talue, sound apd logical >r Chiyslcr’s XDOODtiog

I , Idaho . •

•• .. .♦ '• '■ ' . -

Page 13: VBEK TAKE TOLL - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · tariff aboutd tw lowertd. He prom- ... and a^cuaed o:«tnb«t?^or

■ • s A T i r m u Y . A r f i r s x n . i r


m p B E l sC a l i f o r n i a C r e w C h u c k s . C o x s w a i n I n to C a n a l ; A c*

C 0T d lW gT < rT rac!U i6h . *'

Dy V tuttd m i l .AMSTtSRDAM. Ann’, i t - y n s l l i i l r . l

|>rnlHO wnS kIvch imlaj' in oh:Tii

■^inntiiinvFl)iii,i')owortfil-liiiiKi'il yonm:. Klur wli().ln!r«li:il tlifin Inlo liiliiKlnt'’ ttio l'i2R Olyinnic rowliii; (rU!iui|>Ujii- alilp iD lln-' Unltoit SiJiicK. •' I t w nn.D on ntPKiiIiir.'x o!c1iart:il1(iii»

lind lllll. iiii|)i!r cfixitwnlnnlilii wli[i-|iI1u> Ailli-rlr'in f r f " ' :iiTn;in llwj

flniHh IIIIP'nf. lliL‘'2,n00 iiicKtu c<iiir:.p‘ llircca iin rlo rH of.n bnnt tcDKtli ulioiul o f -1110 KukUkIi 'miorimiifii nRrcccJ.

PcKi Doi'iloii. .Aiiirrlcnn tilimTocclvfil-ii- lorcc- sliafc* nt tlic i;rcilli fo r Uio vicior>\. Wlion Tn»'V..liiK *-mi- ml 'o r II H|nirl. Donlon'rc»)»iinlt'(l \v(ili •tniii^'eUiiirt pmcliiloii.’

Tho' piKlil oiirnl lialtlo wan tlio Innl even t on 11 iii'onrniit wlilHi liichidrO doven final cQali'iil». T lu' , Unllcil SUitoK, w llil » tlm t. two hfcnnclK nml ono Ililnl Idiicc. niold n mirrow l.'ii.l ovor Clroni B rllnln In iiolntw iind ttic e ig h t /Mrtvl rncc bivaino tlio dccldlnt; fiic 'o r '

T hen cnino Uio dccldhiK rni*(i »io- tw ccn tliu UnlvfiKliy o t <lnUtorn1n crcu- nml Uic Tliiinii-ii lUiwInK ‘dnti fliKlit Ot U nslnnd. II «'»» “ " t '" ‘I” tlio 3S0 imilcrK 'niiirk tlm t rii« Amerl- cunn wcro iildo to ovprliikc Uiclr tIv- alH Jind iiflKi' Unit llio nice proved v ttne— Aflcy-i-tiMi. fiual-drivn— w h ld i r a r r l n l tlic..A l>iPrk;inH tjLlli!: cliiilii-piutiBiiii). Ill** flcirrrrrdu^ii-c-moulouHly im i iicconHni! to triiilUlon: cliticked th r lr coxnwnln Into ihu ciiiinl.•' T he ottleliil tlmu wnn.O mmiil<.K,..< 1-6 BCcondH.

Allendale School : Enlarges Building

M ouN TA i:^ -A' i i i i r i i . ^ - ^A llcudnto-i'cliool board tn p rcim rln |: lo cnIarKo Uio hcIionMimij'c V^.In^- nn a .i.tltton_nnd ndd nt;m ent. T h c coVitrnCl. Imn I'u tii r 'i - iu fiwcnnon i.n.lcr». Tlic ImprovmciitM .»»t « ( m oney nlrrn.ly on bun.l. iiml • tnK U iiniicccHHiiry to Iw io l.on-K i.cxprdl»K to tho _c^lcrk^Wr«. C. I t

^ ^ h o Com munliy Uidlen’ Aid m rt Wcdiiumtuy III m e du ircii w ith Mm. Uon‘ Stiitforil n t Klovcn mcmborn wero iirciiciil. T h r I t t r r im o M w i" Hl'ont ly ln s c o m fo m ‘J l iV T w lll bn liold lit th o 'b u « a r lo bn licUl HOtnu tiinu In Mivcmber. Al tn ..- doHC o t Um nfternoott dcllclo ih

" h ' t im ' m mHiilt,’ a l F iler . W ednesdny a t which tie purcIin*o<l 2^fonn.liitlon I'lock to r . ii v u r f h r td ,

.nn.l Mr... ' ' “ ' ' i ' V,*' ehlldron nro hero from CountiRS. Al t e n w C.»m.h.. vt«lUnK retattven nii<l ;

Tl.tj- r™Qv;.l rrom l»l« 'H*-wMmmw ill worJC for -CUU.r rn lr ic k on till.liircHliolnB TniiehlnD^ .-Utll* full.

At tIoll)T»ood: ^ >"li)N ‘An6«U‘ii ....... p—,,

McCftbCr Mulculiy nnd nnsMcr.

Al .s « " r S n c l .c o : f * '’’','Snn FYncct»co ..... ......... - ...... - ^ jj, j

^ '^ U c r t c i< r '’Sl'oud>- ami' S p r tm : Nc- rcr« and Z yther. •

At SeftUle: .DaW nnd,......................................

Bryan. T cachoiit and Alnsmtth.^ ^ 3iicn>mcnto a — --------- -

le r: pon d eu Coueli nnd R^ o .

aD K N E E S p e o f i t " - ^B A iraO C K d

« c & 5 n .r >»««> “3*|>Ur >.f .h e t i n t

of th« le H e i M tw o. fuam won to r e*ch ^OKtfen .-s— I------------^ . a t

O^bUr . " j N«r-°°.

ilani wtntAai triM'tgiau. Jl»

g«- '' ' ' ■ . ■ ■ .

w u m


Uy oalte ii m < s . ,. . r._' . r r "s.yr^itifrciiiyii lici'o: Jiirk Unliiii. vet- cn in Ami!rliiin tciiKiio p lic lirr. who litTd Wii!ililni:toii io • four iiviitlL'red. i hllll, wo\i li. xtiiiloni vlt'lory,’ S tii <i, < nud iMiabled llie I’lillniteliUilii. Ath-

JuU ou i(» -k rop -n1 th lrrm ur"iiii(r n liTiTTI rnmi'ii o t ilie leiidlm; New York 1 ( Yanhii.- • ,

t/io yonr, wlili Hutli mul tSiiietlii o i i | \ baHi'ii. Kiive lh o 'N e w Yo|;l( YnnliM n tlirco nm n In lhe ihlrd ' hinlni: nnd h paved Ihe wny for Ibelr S to 2 dc- te a l nf lbe HiiiiIou Ited Sox. f

A iiiim i-i,iiiimTT;"nO t/ ii> u ic a 'i .wutin WIUI HieeU.eil by the D etroit TlKeriii-i n f lr r tlvo rnnn liail hern iieored. a l-.j | lowlni; lhe'TlKiTik to defeat the I t i - h dlnnx. S lo 7.. Tlie ludliinii w ero j,, ira l lln ir ’ S to -’ 'w h e n tb e tiiiiliiK openril, _ ** ■[

liliH lu lho llru t nnd v ^ b lb Innlimn ll) iirore tlve rnnw nnd deteiii the S i. I_ I.uniK Urowiiii. Tl Io ;i. Tho l3rowiin’ niiiH canu' In om- a l a Ume In tlio ’ to iirlh , flfUi anil •■li'bUi InnliiKii._ a t — u u iK -d o w iie d - iiic - i 't i tn m irp n r ■*,I’lniioH III l;; hinliiKN. 2 lo 1. lo innln- Mill llK'lr toiir-Kiiine lend In the Na- liomik leiiune.. T>iu- Curillmiln ncored III Ilio firm, lbe I’li'iitex In Ibc nee- ond and ibo bomo pinie romiituo'd iin- lonehed until tb e whiiilUK 'n m wan o Kcori'd In the l a i h r - . • *■ fru d d y MiulHlrom drove 'In five '

tuiiH for the Now York tilnnlii nmllho— I'liOhiMphfa— .VaUonals__ qcaiiiImwed In dcfpnt. S tn I. Llndxtrom bll a bomii rnn >lu tbe flrnl Inulni; ,, wKli two oil'll on baxe uml bh< iilm.-le ' w llli Ihe tiaHcs liiadod in U_u> »4v- uiilh iieorrd two moro num. T orry rloured lbe biiiioii .w ltb u bomu run on ll|o noxl play.

Dnzry Vniii'e beld Ilonton'ii Ilnivcvi ,, r7."r.~ lilf?Tuiiii Uie Hrooklyn Hi.blliii “

hU'IUUi.lioiiii-. rnn of ih r yunr.

SALT LAKE B EES POUND SENATORS AND W INn o i s u ; Aub, 'n ^ T U o Ilei-H detent- *'

ed.U iu Senatorx i:! ti> 5 .bu re yeiiter- duy, ponmlliic Molloy. Sennlor tw irl- g c r. fo r IG bllH. ninaKnluR im enrly c lc»(l nnd liicrounhiK It UirouRb th o ' ulno Iniilnsn. Five runn wcro counted (j hy Ibe Hecn In the ncvuiith InnlnK- '—J4«niori»-w oro_lilt-t.V _iIollu>:_aniL _ Donovnn. Jol^nuy W-nlteni w nn . Ihu |; bunvy "Iiltlei. KulUiiK*'Uir»'<r- iHilollentc Jn -fon r tr tp«-to-tJm -pln tc . u o n i,o»o<l-

KliiK wnk on o f Ibo'Hnme. JsThn HCore!.; U. H. 1-:.!

Si,lt Lnko ............................ ir. 1H«i«e ................ .............. . r>.. a c >

ItalturloK: Dnvbi and U ipoyrl: Mol- 1] loy_nml Howard.

------------ -------------------— TlWHAT m T S 'i '.\M iI \( ; STAII-S

1)11) VKSTlUtDAV 4— . ay tJnttea rr»»« iP;ibe ftiiili (.32‘J). w ent lillle.i« In j

four trl[i:i. . ' I ILon tle h iU (,2C2) lilt a home n m . '

nnd two nhiKloB In foiir tr.lim, i 'K tfd l.lml,ilr<i:i? (,:154) hlV o biiiii-i|,

run and ii hIukIi- and drove lu tb ree riinti In Uirci- trlfin.■ Morniibv l.37B)_f.lll-l I....... . nIn fenr. irlp-i. '

l ln i ry Ilellniniin h ll n iw o- HliaKKi'r In four trip;*. • f

Al Slnimnnn (,:!07) kIiikIc I Iu ronr: irlpx. •

I 'nul WnnrV t-Ifi?), .Icllod lo h it In il tlvo Irlpn. . , t'

Franlile I'rli>»h hlDKled luflv.;' trlpti, . .|


D A N C E T• w ith p leasure an d

Cool O pen Ai;

H a rd in ’s 0

f o r “ T e l l i n g 1W illiam H a

--------------- I t - I n Op



------- L j— , '• - |

T u n n e y T a k e M o n e y I

I n t o W a l l S t r e e t !

Oy trnlteil.m i l ' ' { NKW, VOItlC. AUK. ll.-{!om ' TilU.l

K-y nmy take lihl - mllllim 'ilollni n iud,.Ko' Into Willi Stroi't wlib ll, - j _lVhlt<,‘-Mn-fltajement-bnfl- conur trom i ho former hrn\a:»:rtKbl • rbiijiijiljio' III plnn» for bli< enr.:iV.*iif|or hla . nnrrbiKo lo . Uu- noebilly protiiliu-iil,'

vore • |iurKl^-nt r<-p!!rtK'”l!!day^'lh!iT~ :.ivrnil Wnli Street flrmii had offeriHl fnuney a Job. •

Ono offer wnu nalil in liaVr', come-j rom llli! 'flriii ot ft. M; J>. .Mnriiliv ■ inil t:i'hllt.lllt' . bl'i.k'e'iHi an.l fliii~ielor;i.~ i riiO'n-port'Rieki-d .•onflrinatloii. bill 1. vvnii'mild Tiinni'y may ilrrble i>ii -, lia tiiinlnoHS onnnoririin bOforc 'be' nlla iii'Xl Tliurnday for Knrope.

Y E S T E R D A Y ’S G A M E S

• NATION'.lt, l.KACn: ,• ‘ i At New,York: It.H .i:! i

'hllntloipina',~~'.'.-.~ ................n—York...................... .........S !i I 1

. Unlterle'ii:, .Swoolland. Mi'O'rnw.'-] t'niMli nnd l^rlau : l-'ltziilmmonn, (li-n- j wleti an.l HnKn'n. O’l-'arrell,, _ .

Al Pltl.'.hnrKh: R. H. It. ]t. UiiilH .......'..1......................... 2 R 1. J■ItiabiirKh ......................., 1 JO 2 ■HnltiTlen; Mllcliell, Sberdel mid

/H»on: 'Fiiiiiiell luid Harareavo.i. • . _

At Rrnoklyn: R .ll.i:oKton ....................................... 1 r., I ITooklyn ................................... K I iIhilturluH: .Ilr.mdt. Cauiwell nn-' |

'nylor; Vanre nml I)i?herry. c. ------I— 1 I

Only Ibreo iinnu'n ucbi'diilrd In Na> (oual-lAiafiUo.------^-L -i-----------

-----------A.'| ].|{H A.vri^,i,.vnr i ' .~n»----------At I’iilliulolpbla: , • R ;ll. i: t

/niiblnKlon ............................. Ti’ -t :! .>'hllndclpblii ......................... H H O;!

Ualtcrien: CJatnon. Zaolmry ,iind | lennn; Qulnn nml Cocbraiie.; ]

Al ChlCui;o: • It. II. i:. | t. Louis ................................... ‘1! I;blc«Ko ;.................................... fi 10 > IHftllcrluii: Stewart and Scbane: »

ilnnhcnHbtp. Lyona nnd Ucrc. <

^A l-C tw nlan.>- ------------ n a u l l ]leiroll ....r............. ................. r..5'IrvuIiTUd-

UnitorlcB: • Ilollowny, Vatt- 01ld.T , nd-H*u'««kvoUlluiWn..iIIlJUii.linil_L. . uwotl.'

Al Illl^lon.: • ■ H.H.i:.>u' York .................................. r, C 0 iloRlnii .............. - .................... MIJatterlrn: I’lpKran and nenKOUcb:

intlhiff.' Harrtrn-anit-Hofmnnnr-;------ i-------------------- ' • I

■ f i g h t R E S U L T S * i

L A S T . N I G H T ] '

ny VDlud ‘ j(cilICA(5G—YoniiK Jnck Tbnmpjion, ‘

'iillfOrnln knocked o u t Kddle Jletup-. ev. Phllndeliihlu. H 7-pounda^ln_t1i/; fu ir i iiT iv .nTi n , - I 'UUI Aiititi iitiminitt - In llo r 'Jn c k rflnnton. hoih ChlcuKO,

ponndH In lhe th ird round.

IIOLI.YWDOI). t:nt.—filck lloppo * i!truled JoUnhy Liiniar. In len , oundii. ' ' “ ■ . .Dur now cfluipnieni'tmatiics ua.to ,

0 all kind.! of mill work and, Uie best , f.tlxturo'Tvork. bulldlne contractlns nd body work. Mortem Planlnir MIIL i •14 Tblrd or*. MUtb, Pbon* dT;________ '


com fo rt in the r a t Jerom e


t h e W o r l d ”in es Uses


R O Y ^-------T-ypewrlter— ----- -w h ic h b e c a iiM oif II* d tir a -

' b i l i ^ a n d s p e e d in re f^ o i to r . i l l w o r k ' ia c o n d d e r e d p a r t

. o f 't h e s t a s d t r d e q u ip m e n t . o f m o f t 'b i g . a e w i p a p e n .

e n U i o n l n

i r W O R E D ” ^r o y a l TY PE W 1U T C T 8 .•

r X C u w I I k v ^ ' ■P H O H * 90 ,

.. .... .. ^

r . y A L t g P A J L 7 ’ T IM E S ■

Twilight League 1 Season Ends and -

Leaders Are TiedTlfi. TwlllKbt lo,ii:ii.- baM-ball i-.-.oion !!

ended Frldny nli:lii w li--ii. i b<- Kler- ' trlrjjin.-* liw iiiw il '>ri tjir- -Tiiiy J.diiu- ,, d ry !l 10 (I, • T b r -rioimm m-vi-r c.-r- ! iuuaULUiuLttmiid-Ti'i.- j;ii.uirlLj^m.iiiu. .iJ lilx liillloH In Uu- mn'iilni: friiiiu- fioin r ivr hlii: iind n'«(<iinb- o t wnlk^. In tlir Hriond franio ibcy m.'irlM U iire I'' mnro ^-onni.'ni from four IiIIh, Tin; ! Troiiinii. col oni- IjH IiI ilie laid iMlf o t th e op.'lilni; ealilo. Tbal )v;im nil.• UlKl;('.','wbo ularli d bi'blnd Ibi'iiVil.- tor tb e T ro jana . wcm lo flr;ti; bnur In Uie llilrd lniiliii:.,n(i< r lie Imd iimtlbil- rd ;i fiiiKcr o f lil>' r li:h i' Hand wbib- i r y in t in enli-h n ^loi ono. IIoIhtIhoii " InnUtlilii tilnee iin r ;ilr lirr . ". ' t l i e H?a;i.ili ll.'.cll rr;,llilrd 111 a lie. .

holwccn tfm 0 , .s'lriir nml the .H'di- ^ I'heator mun. A fliMl i;nnio will ]ir»l>- la ilyjiu-playtul ni-xu^vn'lr lnfwiTN J li'l J : Iwo loaniit l 'l derbb- llu- rliiimpiiiiD-blp penbnnt v.'lnn.ir of llu; >rar,"Mil;t.(:aiiir linn not d rfln ltely li< i-n <lioid<;d njiim p, yel bn t will ^imbably bo playrd Tnii'n-. A. liny, A Hire.' i;nm e,;.rrlrii li.-rwcrn U>o vj; hvn li-iim.i,v.’«-i:Lfiii:^ldiT-;l, Mil n i'H i- l iicr.wi III lbe-loaroK ' bait ."larin’ncd I' wm. .Ir-eid.'d lim t o n r j;;uii<' woiilit, be . Kiitrii;U-ni. ' '

l.:iM nlj:ht» ilto ir ; ll, l l . i : . N'i:io rlrlr:i ................................... !i !' o I'lfro y L aundry .. - : n . I •-K o lU f lw f — D ln«:.v-i.iid— Itulm icU . a ■'nci.woll nud IllKbVc, RobiTlson, f'l

L eninir Slniullm:'..-W. L. IM . ' '

. D.-.Slonr .... ......... • . I* - I .snn 11.iVlnrbcNlrr ......... . f ■ 1 '.S-ki^le.;irleinii» ............. :: — UOt!.^ U ..S ............. ................ 2 2rroy .Ijiiin ilry .... ............ 1 • I . ,2i"i'O 'iloftlcc ...... .............. n , - t ,.lOii Nj

B^nlfirGanieTpBe j; Played Here Sunday ^T be picked Twin, Fnllfl ■ ■baai'lmll ,

cam la to play the I 'llc r nKKroKalion Sn i|. ttn iefli isiinie nl lhe city hall pnrk Ib I.TI- 'S nndny nfterm ion 'at 2::i0. ae-' .Siiordlni; to nnnou n c in o iit mailo Iiy IL C., liln|<ulueker tli l i mornlni.'. .S'eKOtIa- Ml Innii have hecn under way w lib I'Hu"

be iiroroeU:i~^o be. siv rn lo 11, 1-. _ iVallnee,'wboKtfleK wim broken In tw o T ilaceii while be wati pliiyliiK In n 'l> l- J, l«b i 'lenKue j;nm c'U iIh ._wreli. ' Thc iMKiiu te lf 'th n l 11 i<hoii|a do a.i miirh iH poKHlblo tow ard payhiK the expend; n c u rrc t i .h y .Mr. Wallnef! diirluK liliij llncHii, hnt nH Hufticlcnt fnndn ii’re iiitt n the i>o:iBeioilon of •lho IriiKiie. l l i r j . :ame tom orrow wun iichi'diiled. Ii Ih :e rla jn lo lm a.ROod Kamc n« Tw ^n'^\, •'iilla him nome uxecllciit locnl Inlriitir^ ,

w m l.' T b r fa llh /n l nro reiiiicxird to ; Itm nL-hnU riQ iren a TsomI j;«nie aml lo lid, th e henefll fund, ’ — ;— tn

. iH i.n i: u r x c M ’i rJtr W atua Pr«t» ,

'An.'.-rlcnn lo;ini-: \v;liih, Vimka ........ .............. v . '..jchrlK. Ynnkn .................... ............. . 2n vr

NollrnnI Icngue: ~ ** ;

loilom ley. ( 'a rdn . ......... ............ -^ ,voLiaKUe to ln lh : - _•

\m nrlnnn league ............................. 3“"ll—,V jlloiml Ic:.::.ie ...............................

', Or.-uid-.tolahl ........................... h2H Oi------------- --------------- HI

;i» O R T ............................... ........................ - aiiB E C s a z f c iK Z X '.a E ’r s y t s c a i

1>KSTi;UN LKAlil-K I,C.. . . . “

:-Deti Molm^n-l: OkLihonia CUy 0 ...,. ., TnlKn 2: Oiiinbn 1. J:

D enver vs. A m arillo—Kame wlif t e ^ .layerl Sunday.

: L ifetim e uf a W ateh,Ilf'-Ume of n koo.1 wateb_l* W jU

yenn).- In ItK. .Inlly 'dullr* ' Ihe . bai .,1,nncc,_ and-U m trfi'rlns vibrnic IH.IKX' arllmcV e very 'hour, iir 'm o re tbap W7. foW iS M tlmcji It .v. ar. r i’illo ;in e^iinl nlnuQlber o f tick* como from -ibc escape tnmentv;-. -'I

WHEN YCy o n t io t o n ly p r e p a re y o t i r a d

p o r ttm iU c * t h a t m a y p rc « e n t

u a l ly e rc a te opporW tinitics.

A 4 p e r .e c n t S a v in ? Accfi

F A L L S B A N K & T R U S T (

y o u r t h r i f t p r o d u c t iv e ; o f o<

y o u a r e a c c u m u la t in g y o n r . I

_ - - - ( j f - a h o m e o r a n in t e r e s t - in

Forgery Is Found { Not To Be Forgery

Wblle liiilleiliu: iisKln'u I'i: ii|'pri'b.'ii-'i , don Kcrc b r i iu 's c n l om b.v l..c:,| of- lccn.. Kay A, t'liri.on;; w .-n i 'it . ili . 'L ,, icdlce'. tuTi- t.,iiicrilay and .•.>;iibi'iiii d Jn, vliy l if 'w a ;' Iiol a . f o r t r r , a tlll.u ith 'l f,,; Ir.'it'In.llcatiriiiH it'dlllril (bill l i r ’ w ;li.f|(„ lit .•Viibiimllini w a- ;i'Ki«>d one .a n il ' Hn l l.nT T'Tr-niMllbT- l lIbi M i . : -.U<ml.,M.l.'?iil

Mr. l';ir.->iimi i.liind Hml be Iii«l ciii-li- tb>ll a rb.'ck lu-re nnd It bad I.... . r> . '.b -urn.'.I no iir.cnuill. lit- n.ibl Hint by bll llil own iiilhlal.r b>- I'iiil Iilllll.'d Illl' aei li.’.'U .itny A,, I'iifKi.nn. wbll.' bb> .loiii; ' . ^ oi iiiiiii Uiili ...rii5l«l<!rod - -nnd.T .ilull......It,,A. I'arnmiKi ’I'li.- Iiiinb. iip-lar.'iitly., bii<L ilul n<lin.;i'(.'il tb c two iium:, u b b lb r \ . '< in i i i l , T l - iuiillc< lil;* li\c .l :tiil!!ilarliirll}'., no ‘ il.r.i.il iiiylJii; bi'i'ii liitrmrcd.

'.CLUB STANDINGS t^ — ... .1.----- ------------- ♦ , _

, rT .n i-iD .U H ) L i:.\<a i:• W, • I., .•I'.'I.--

'n riit.'llo ...... - ............ 'I I . II .:<•>'Ijfiion ...................... IT 17 ,riunall .l.;iki' ....... '...■ ...: t ‘! 17 -IS*. -'luhti— :__________ . 11. IS-. , t J ^ _

V ,\M i:KH:,t> i.L .tM i; •

■'w. L. l’l ’,.lew Vid'l;- ............. Tf ' .'i'-! .■bllaOi-lplila . . Tu ;i‘.< -'IL;I. f.oiifa ................... .’>r

b 'v rlan il- ... .:i). . . f . ' . ' T■eiroli ,, ........ . 17 • lill ».’.ifblnK ioii.......................i;' *■': . '-1;;^' —oiilon ................ •... , in li.S ."1“ OD

\ t T u i \ A i . . L i i . \ u n : »— ^ -----------U-— 1.1, LoilV; ....... .. <;s • -III -. O'rw Vork .......................'1 II loblenci) :. . t :i , - l!| ' .^j .. 5Ini'lnniiil . . . . .......... ................................§1ii»buri:h ................... •’'*' " O''rook lp i .................. !■*" •'■'I. 5oMon .......................... ;;i . 1'^ 2hlladclplibi ......... '. 2S 71 .2S.1 q

------l*A(‘lF fC ------- g -. -W. L, , i;^cL 5

'o i iy n .? ir ’,..::;.'.'!^r.'..... 2^ in ,«:•■ IIlll r 'fanrlsco ...-...... 21 HI Pakluml ..........................- I <■' 5.................................... .....2( r 2.0 IOK Ancrleii ................ l¥ 2: . t ‘_<" j..n lim .i ••• •. I t- --ll- - j _

fw o^ericansA re | 1% Boxing Finals I, a y .TJnltott Pr«»« . g-

AMSTliltlJAM. Ann. - l l - p i n y two o m rrlram . wilt roiuuci.- In iIii- final g mml to r the Olympic boxing >bnm - 5

Jobn -U ba lcy of W nllhani. Miiim. g •ll|-m eci l--n«7,l , 'o f '1tn1y,'-for ihe -han - g jiTjTtTlKht-UUrrnnrt'S teimen'^rfi'Iinko j> -III m r r i -O r la n .ll-o U It^ ly - iu c — Uu: ^ nhtw eiRhf crow n. SH urry ' D evlnr, f c ji tb r rw r lc h t- of P

I'orcoMer. MiiHi*.. wna ellnilim ird In 5 'II- nrm l-flnal roiin.l yoRlerdny b> 5 , nn Klitveren. o t Hollnnd, . S^HiJlalko nnd - Dnlc^y^ "cored g '

:irlteH for Ibo till.-, 5 ^

A frican Rodent S.Tbc cr.-uml n .t ..r,^rciiind ,p l8 l» 'n E2urrowliip. rnillke rm len f o f South . nd W est Africa., Il I" iwo tcei b n c nd bn i -I very linrxh, hrl>ily bnlr. iitlened, crooved, nnd br.mvn In eoior,I l;f n nour r^-liillvo o f ihu n ’lny '■ MiU-of iraplonLaniPClrni mirli.uiL Ihf ^oypii. litiilB.‘'nn(J other* of tlic-fonilly - •

, ■ Netii Umcm fo r RubberRKbher walls In o llleo 'bn ild ln t^ to

ecrca»i> vlhrntlnn*. nnd Kl ree ls 'n n d Idewnili* piive.l wlFli fnlilier. ii>c' nionc the rec ru i u W cbeinlnlH hnve Mind fur Uie product. Xhey hnvo 1*0 ndupted the mnlerlnl lo lbc mnk- •1C o f . In terior ai'coratlons.—l‘i» u u la r__Icebtn lm MaffAtlne. ' ;

}U SAVE 'Lf t o se ize b u s in e s s op-

t th e m se lv e s— y o u a c t-

a u n t w i th tb e TW IN COMPANY w il l m olce

o n U n n o u s p r o f i t w h ile

f u n d f o r t h e p u r c h a s e •

: a b n sm e ss .' ' ' ■ -—

,'ii’i;i;ri I I* ,ui{ .V k 'u m i 'I 's i

'B y Unl{»it rroila • ' fnWA.SIIfNiri'ON, Am:. I l - A . m « tl • !.trm -1*- li-' Uiiiil.. llu . L;.n.ilici; ol Udi'iit - Iivlalur jiriuii! (•- liciiii; n loptcil by l b - ' ici,)U.i'i;ii--- b n iiu b lu

111,. rim im i,r..; 11 l u .l-. l -,- new i.bin.-tti.- . / i i ’b i r i.iiiir. bu.ri[illc-atb.ii H .-1- .......... .X !iiinliii; i-bv>ui;'iii v '- 'i " i l l .-b.i'ii l: |-

'^» ;.'r"n!iuh .'.l’ tc. ''-lul U i,- ''; i |,|d i.T ; vtm Kl ..................... . f i.:.ll • U . . '. ; - - 'ily |;ir:..ii |--!i;; :-m ;:,l: ,M l .•v,.mi;i:i ' >11 llu- pln>b-i:iil will i,."'u- Ibl- - fiint n iH Irr ..I' aiiUiui lly, ;,i; '•<II to o ii.-r ii.' piiiilin;: i t .i - l in nf ib*-- '' lual pe rm lL , ■ „ .1 t'l



• M a c k e y T i r e ' a n d , VN E W B R IC K E

- R g r t r - g f r y n r - T i 'ya i i ; 'PM

O O O O O O O O Q O aooo ijqooqaqoooooc

-Safety.Depc- Are • thc cheaije.si ' VOU}- va ) ua bl _____

Wh'y I'un tho I’isk (jf wc rent boxes as low

First Natioiof Twin

H E S U L B o f SEQ lO X .U i BANK iiDOODODOOODDOOOOoooubo'ooiaooc

- T7trCafrr<s<rt>

fU nriR A V § wiaVi k i f

j ^ a n d m m i / a b / e m


In answer to the widcspre • priced six of ultra-smarti

body t>-pe» have been i ' epccial sport equipment.

Six wire wheeb inattracti' m th chromc>pLi(ed cLitni fvetls—a folding trunk rad at a slight increase in prio

... • On no other six of comparsmart and ultra'ne%v equip just, as no ocher low-pric

and the petfofiuance cap<.J ... .•«.n.engine.mth_AeG-;M*Ii

- -p rice ic0OlT'$95.extra^Ii:tlonal ••buy" today.

ghonAvyu.w ■ " y rf-: '■— T W n c T A U J

K M r M n C , I l M r t h . » i k ' l k

. P A n K r i v g '-

' C n jm fr o f [Comfort\WIc'ii Wli nn:.l'i> liuiibrc li I» 'n1wn.T« .'oar.'O .tf .;iioniir;isuiiii''iil’ lo know

Itll i i i l i rn bave nu iii' tIiroii;;b llkvxi.crKnuv.!— \Vhat.-bu*».Jieeii -hr>ru&___lb be- oiuliir.'il n;:iiln; w bcre Tlciurb,'"- iiv.- biyii w.ni tl|.',v lir.! sllll pnioilble. .■rriii Tbnii'i;bl!i Mai:nxlne,

. Cood Advice^"Lovr. inii.b ftit'l ll\i- toncer'.” ml- ■-.•H »iii- ..r (b r I'.ilyniuin Hyiidleat^ ^ll•l-... N-'t (I frw men bavo li.v-1. _ iitb - 'l IIII.I lived ^b-iriop. ‘li'r'nmYi.-'i'' ini'. Iilllll M-ry nuieb depi'ml!< .m h« 111- l.ivi-r mill lbe l.im^iee liil}-- ;h I.. b - .-.T lirif i MilKnzlne.

- 0 6 a V E R " v o u r T I R E S ‘■'Voti n rc .sure to f in d so m e in , .•.lie disciii 'cl t lie .t w c 'c n i i v u l . '- ,

;im l n iiiU c’ Hii .good as ih jW:— I n .f.-vct-Jio -tik-o is to o f ; i r BO))c tw . lie b e y o n d ro- d c i i ip t io n a n d b r o u g h t b u c k . ii i to H cry ire tm a in :- C o m p a r e . o u r churgc.3 w i th t h e c o s ts o f n c w t irc a a iu l f ie u r e o u t h o w im tch iiid n ey y o u can ;:avo; L e t u.s ic n o v n to y o u r ,

if vnll bi-lievo in ■'th r i l t , •r u B L O W O U T S ' .

ulcanizing^ Shop JU IL D IN G " - ir ti A ve . iiB t H T h i r i h S t ^ M t ------------

oooiaoQ O O O oooooaooQ O O ooocH

)sifBoxesJ'ivay' or ijrotecting ; |

a's'yrious loss .when . 8 ;v s i i ' y e a r ' / ' |

T ^ j . " ------------- — ~ t r ^

nal Bank: | Falls §■

' " I

JEMEUAL B E SE nV E . fli.STE .-i' | . >ooooooo .o& oo op oo ^ T oo< H a^ o« i.

■ ' .. I-|' '_______ ^


rlUinriRA R iIe^ ■ . '

i c l a 5 'CRAL M O T O R S - .i

addemandforalow.ness, all Pontiac-Slr . - - - .-nade available n-ich ^ .

«colors—twospwo ;■3s cradled in fender . -> k . . . all are include

able cost is tHb ultra-... 't i ^ c h e o b t a l M b l e . * . . • •»d six provide* the * . > • ^

T i o r i t i a o f a I S f i o t . I q l l o d c r h o a . I f c e iv r s r i g a n ^ th i» w t i > -

r a s ! L & a j a » - 7 - v ' ,

i V ' - ' ' ’..'.".: i S a

Page 14: VBEK TAKE TOLL - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · tariff aboutd tw lowertd. He prom- ... and a^cuaed o:«tnb«t?^or

PAOT) frTX. .

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"nn .';. Sf-l'Uic ( n ir l 'l ’ . ^C.ili.ra'lc; [■•iic'l itiMl In .ii ■ ..'. flJ _

t'o iI ih i" 'iir i.r’r< ,v : ■ h : : "lT(i.hu’l:‘ .......... ...................

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AiniTlciiii T;inV ..............i’f-'ii.'Tnl^Alifi'hlill— — J ~ Tr:Ci-niTiil I 'lu a r ........................ ... .'fViC.'iH iiil ,•.............. ...:..... ll! 'Uc.'ii.T iil Mo:cin; . . ; ..................... is:!?*U 'M 'ia l (liililciiiv A'lv. tflfii ....... :i:!Ciiiililc- iirr)iiic T ii................................... Irlrl* .............................. * tvcCr.iliiiln l-nli;.' M.ilnrii ................ ■. llliii

■'II' ' <-ir» ......... -. h-m-j

Ho»c- Sc'iiml . . . : . . ... r'l"' . I-Motor:. . .. ' V i

I (.Viiiml ..........................Inlallil Ktfcl ....................................

iilnii .. -it’.'i’ illcnml Uarv.'H tiT ..............-«S.iflrmal .vic-linl .................... fifi-'i '

iii ii'riiailim al. I’a iuT ................... .. 'il'Twl.i.rrfaii .........................‘ !'* . 'ICaiifai <’ll>' KnutlicTii .. •............. -ITfj 'KvUli.Alboi- DriHifutii .................. -'>?«■ '

lA.:;—yimiiK- •’iir; niriii-__1 11; I,-■niiK!; l iirln rv:i._\ii.:.l^tla:..rum tU .l-•ni • I7>.i(;; ' lin iM crfi'2!n'. ■ " I'i

l*.il:i(ocii. arrival.H ^7 c a r» .;'lU -irm 'k -j , ;ii r.iri'.; iii- r raiir,i r ;t?:i u.il 'r 'i-U nn^nT; ! iKil MhiMilll't :iai'ki-il* Ill::ll .t'lililiIlTH \

. |l----- • ■• . *1

i i i : \ v i : u i .iv r sT iM 'K • - !;■ KKS’VK!!, Aiiu'. 11.—falll<-, I

:iil>; marK.1 :.triiilv: Ik i-f i.l.-fiii SI.1 I ■.11,. ,uu\ l...|i.'V.c , . i lu s 'i :I ii'i.li;; i.lorl;.-ni aail Iml.TM $Sf.. i :! :jv

If'iii; : '.'irn llilii H"i: liiarlii 'l i.li-aily; . c-.v I.all'll al $111.7r>; ii<* o iI h t nalc;'. ' 1

SIk'1'11, l. l n:itiiir iiiarl.'.^l III. ally ''I. ir..' h l.;h .r : .- lip ii-l lamli:. .«i::if " l.r,'i; .•nirln;; lam!.-. Sljri, la.::.-.:

n<iST(iN,-.Aiu:. i 'i- Di.maiul .•oaliii- ,s •••.M.'arly Illlll lali-Jy Kriicial. vn i . t - ’ < itKiy h.iir hlooil anil nL'illnni ma<1':i s •dll ‘mini- tii.ll:,.v., Th.. .l.^Mii.iiil „ ‘■■-r ir ia .|,-i h ,Tni>il „ii I,oil, .lhc- II' loihlii;; aail-(•iiiiil)liu: w.iuIh a l im -.- j:ll_llW l'i;uI_orlt;ta----|I ,h............................ ..'■(il • r.'itiain r |iil.l .•x .r[it fo r r.i',-m. i- ijiial Miirn .jll ha lfV ,-w ir. w hiili a r.'^ tn •'Itm ; al r,ni- In i|t* j;r,'ai.i' for Mi'l. l- j J.'

LO:iil.ins o ii(„ :inil-ri’>s-ritiriliry.‘ ; J l

I.tVKSTIM'K ' I?;' n.tMKN, A.IIT, 1I^ lI .,; ;v . . .n - l |il ' I I: imllihii; .1.1111, .; i r ly ; i , i-, l|.|., i.)i.. ..j- M V ii'lt ::ii;i>:. imll; t n i ' i : , ii>r Vu-il.-,':1i' lyiil ni. illiiai >vrh:hl S It,.„',.i „ n ! i I,.i ' - ' l a ........ .......... ? -..,ti> ,.r?’: ‘ ii;i,-Mll.i:

'I. 1-:1 *'• '<■/., I,,; in c li.iiu Hllllli in i - i - jr .in T n n r .d . i„ .,i ^ ;v . , . i~ i

Iiiiin-H ?;,-,i.-..;.-,;\.',ii.-i, ji- i- '/f:;. ,1.11

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, I.-ln laiiili'. T,. 1,1 i<j iMiiiiiijs I.....I. f i l l511 1 1 . K.,'.


rHOUOHT AMV MOJ?E A B O u r w h e r e : to


id F in a n c ,

i ^ S T O C K S -luilalloiin? ' ' ' ii

K'. il:.- ;;iii'iiii'.ii.'hi .

i.aiiil"'iI. f ■■I.i'lihih V a l t . 'v .......... . I 'll, •'I ...... an.l .\iiiilivlll„ . . . - .H I i.Mark T r ’i ' l ’.-i _ I i'v 'i-.Mailiiliil Illl . . . . . . .Miami (""I........Miiniairi.Mi«M.iiil -l'i..'t(i>- ..------------ — fl}— :MiiiilaiiaM.ililKiiiii'iv w ar,I i ;m ;mN,i-.1i..Vv'” i^‘ ’-I'.:Nlll Ir.II.I I illM'ilIl .1 .>....................... I*,:'

■nm.i._si<'n."i .. - i : ' ;.Ni.lliiiial KiijiiiR'Illif'. . ........... 'I't •.\iilloiial l.rail ............. ................... 1-11'^N, vaila Con:,. Criinii i' .................Nrw Vnrk K 'li lra l . ! ................ I 'M '.

,V.. N. n *; lla rlfi .ril '.

Mnii' S fI'M 'ith' tiaa irail Kli i'li h - ' .. . , 1. l*iiii-Aiii,'vii;in' i r . .. I.’/'H

IViiii.y .ilallroail ‘ e f ; iv n i ih - i i a f . ......................., 1^:; .

I 'lillllin . I '' irnll nni. . . • .............. :j;i

Itailli. (.•iirii, llf' A m i'lha I T l 'U. It.lllli; • • .■ .KriiiiMh- li'rm unil Hl.'iO . . • HIII.yiioldii TrihiK 'ifi.lI. .. .."...... i:IJK-.i.v- K,.,:iiiK'ii , . ................. ..i:;''.'';fi1i . ll Unl.,I) O I J ................_ . ... 2fi_Sliniiii'ii'i Co. ........... TiS-'iSIm-Iali' C.iliKollilali'il .. .. ; -7Winilln-ni I’lu-iric .. “ .......... HH —ScMiiliiTii U alhvay; •........................1 lii'M.siiiiiilaril liiiii anil Kli'i i r l i ' ........ '1;i '.h ,Siau.lai'il o n of C alif......... . r,7':-;i;Slaliil;inl Oil of .S’. '. ! . . . . ......... -IiI n 'f ; i i . i .r i i i r .ro i i~ iry . '~ ^ T :. . .. '— "*’r |SMnl.'liiikr'r ( 'o rii.......... ................ 71 '.-ijT.'.\a.; Ciirii............... I'l

iiikI I’a.iifh; ..........•-............17:;Tiriikcii Itiill.;!- Il.'arlnii .............Tii1iar'('i> Vroiliicl^i’ ........................ ii '. 'lKiilon <’ai-. (Ulll C ar................. ••I'inrtili .n ( m .o f Calif................ ......... Cif'-'.

i 'r t i i 'i i n ,;T ,r .s -» n i. . ., :i :„1l,.|| .^l:it,-:. Iti.liii.'ir i i l l i ’il Sllll--;. .Sli'.'l ............ 1 1- ' .

Iifil, ..nih>,rwiil I’lpo ................................ inVi-.n'aillaii ............................ .. . . . ■ Vl^,VViihafh '................................ . . 71\V inlliti;lioitff- .................... .............. :n ^ .iviiiti. Moloni ............................... , ;ii;‘ i'^VlllyH-()viT;\ll-l .................................111‘i’i\’<ir.hvorili ■.........................................1' -lVri>:hl An-..............................._. ' ...U.iiiiI'cllrnv Triii-'l; anil (^llu•h .......... vH-i

-LTHtTl.AM> I.IVKSTIICK-l*OHTi«^Nl>r-Ailrr-J»-‘-Llr<'mnpK-Tr.•clIilH III.riiriln iu l. fo'r lill.’ <;iiil-TTjr-TOilayt ! riiiH e lloit-. ^910;ll. I 'l l ,..I.MI, T ilt J.ni)' rt’i'i'iiiiv. tiiilii/ Yen' 7HI I'll''.!!, n il o f wlifcli'-Mcri' i<;lil for Miiililay'ii in a rlu l.

’■r,i!ii' of iiiiuki-l-nil c im iiian il "UU

Cal 111': All m.Kiiri'il rla:,i(i;:i>l<'inly o mioiiK .wllh ii[ii.lit '.Ti'li Till.; liltth rr

.i.i.T s y.d-iiil'-.lilKlKT.llocii; Im ifluT . I'Jaitiii'ti. timnily $1

ili;ln'i'. l.'fi'drt- IiIkii USiji fiCi- n(i. , Shv.'I';' <iuntji1i1y ulraOy ' .Vllli 11

«i'i'k acn. hnt ilrriiiinil. i;x lri'iiu ty .'.■.ik al I'lo',,'. , ■ .

Ca.Itlo: i i t r r n i . , cii'iil l.fitHi 12 riO;-. l.'.l 111 III $l|).7r>(li'l I.r.n; I'oniinnti ».7.--: lii'lfiTii, >;ooil S-fl.l. 'ii 10; com- loM. mnllillii $.vrii)iii n,7r.; cow;*, •K.ioil

''iV :,:- 'io 'v cnil.TH '$ « 7fi<(i.7 ; hulli' yfiirliiiKt? .•xi-linl.'d), r.ontl $7,l’ri'.i ; .■iiniiai.n. m.'iUufti Jfi.fitl'ii 7.1!:i: cal'w f iriKnia. i lni|r-i- 11: . <iullii, .'oni- ion l 7.,-.,h;i!<; vi-ai.TP, Ki>ml.-<'lii.l.'.', • i:...-iii''.j I L.ln; iiii'iiliim lo.r.n; 'liH ,-t^ 'intiii'li f '.S n ifili '. ' IHiii;h: li''a \“vw;.li:hln. LT,0 li> HOil l!i«. | nlliilil rliiili i- Jlo.T.i'I'i i:i-71V: UflU lo _| ifl ll>;:.-Sll.rin':, i:i: Jfin to "mi lln , ,

n n - | . i ' u i t iim : iliai'Miii; hni;ii, rniiuli, iliiKioih

' '.iiei I'V 'ii: ;>l;uiKlm'r i>li;«. i‘i> i<> a IK'. $ l l f - n ’: Ltoikr-M mid [.■.•il-

.Sliirl/; I.;iinli;*, .‘' I H>:.. i1i»vn. Roml I'liolr.••Jilt.dr.'ll i:‘.:;.-,r inr-'.tiuni !H 7:,

1,1V.-;,; . nllll, ................ w ll. v.. U;|ii-'.i:wt”....mLdlkUil lo rlioii f.

: :^ r .,iir .,ru ; :, 'o iim n ..n ;7ar.^ -:n i;iii;.;

i n n i i v i . i m :v i o ( K■A r\i!.\, rviTTT^n i i - ' o i p i . . ' - i . '

Iii'a.i.-,I lilt;liiT; l.ll. 511. i:,; li. l-oi l.l I’.'ii jioiiinl lli:hli. am i ' I .a . . , - <M.;.i.'ii I l .ln .•;iiil.. r. I , II>I I :;i“i; ...m iia i. il u l ih W .1. I'I, ,u;.<, t. .1 ;.l, ,'i''. :ii|,| v,-arllii:-'.,ia.; I-I -r.r Iilk;li.T, l.lllliii: i.bi-Mi..-k .Illy h> h l.;l iir ; hiilli. Mfiiii:; lo

D U F F S , ■\ ' I n i rn w whllTiy — w IMVITEC? I

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. ; i; ,v a ll .il la lln; i;Ui.:-| •.•.•«.-i li.i:iid. la i.;^ !hni I'll 111,- Sl.K'k K\. hajiKi' loday '

lllli III niu . r t- iliilv .iu ii: .Uu'..iriiiii.ali-ll . iiitiiii* r..r iTi.,l|i. T in - ; nmi krl. '

. i in U i. .lay-.vlili ]

' CIlIM.I.'l' tlll'licil ov.T, In llll>-.'..'

: : ' , ' i ; : ' i iii.nnn, nur l a l r r . iiiadii »|> ' -iiion. lhan linir or llir.ie. '

C .m ra l .Mnlnr,i llki".yl;«. , r.'ilui-nl lu- I'jiriv Ki'ii :i'< llld a loni; IhH of .

■■..ini' '..'. ■.■('i>i..il--.iiTi' I ,.u".v;..i'ii;uiiii1ii. lU ".ani.im; in.. i:aini‘rii ^ill•J'l iihari'!UIlli>v- I'll hii ln. r uii,|,‘r l|.;i!l of U lilU '.l-Sial.-i

■’ riii.iii <'arhirt... W atynr lirnlh-.n.' '

____________ la r .____

l.ri'ii ini:

llllil.; f..,i -i... i:. am i v. at'.! i----- ---------.Win: I’lr,. vl I: •----- 'I■<•11 w 'lll '

' J r s i !I' latnliii

lam bs i

........ nm. ifininii. m ; (i:i;i{iii;; _ 1

-----------------t'i■ SAN. ri{A \-( t s i (I i,iv i : .s 'i 'o f ic |

KA.S n tA N C ISC ii. .Vm:. r i;- Caii1i-. (iiKirli.'i ^<MiiU:,;,i..Mi'.-VK. iii.oii 1l:’; .-Iiwi.,' «iinil Sv.'.n,‘i> II,:;.".. .• . j l

<'alvi">. inarlir.'l I'li'adv; .ni<.r!liim lo . ,i’h ..in S!i.r.ii'ijJI.7.-,: v..al.rii, niHd;.ini. i Voii'l illlll -I'hohri- j.ll r,n^^ lit.r.n, >

-VliH-li and liinili'’.- laarJiri «ii’ady.;,ji h<iiili.i M|,7.^'-< UT-it; , . -.v,-;. ?:i.7. '-i. :

w.'llrr.r;; ?7.r.'r-:t..’,ti. ’ ‘ If

l.lV K ltl’OOI. .MAI.tHI"!' lil.lV K III’dOl-. -Alli;. I I .—\Vli..ai fn-l

>iin.« .•li.i.,-il Illl tolh.iv,.; Or-i.- ? l.:V i.i: , ID .1-, Mari li Jl.ll'i. , . j |

M :W VOItK I 'itO ltl'C K • I • N l;\\ ' Y im K . A nc. 11.-. K lour .inli-tj,:

mill iia;iy. I'lirli’ rpili-i; iii'i'iH JlJ.’l.r.O.; n L ard Ilrin : nihlw..;.f npol $:;7fi:;s;• Sii:,-ar. ra .v flriii; titu il'ilii li-'i| d t- , '|i

T tv v rF .r - iW ^ lV iT ':? I . T i r i n ^ 'm n l a r ^

' ’ cnffiT . llln 'N o. 7. on kiV J7.Tr 17*'ic ; 1

TalUi'v hhIl-I: !i[ii;i-!a1 S '- rlf

, llay’ i.ii’adv ll. n n n ; .Vn. I X;.T.-,i |! l."if; Nil- :;•^nf„,•.|,^l.-.: i-i..vi r 7 :.iJ l.jn , (.

Less S n o w In ArcUes.

|iVCalni<- IhiT.r U li-sil siiiiw 111 IliP,Vreil<-'r.'ciinis llniii lii Ilil-i nnm fry J‘ lias Im'I'Ii r.'vi.Ill.'il h y ' r.llh-lal •ll:;iiri-.«.Til., lo la l'ann iia l iir..'rliiliall'>ri Ih k'-I- " .lom ninr.. llian Icii lnrln->. wIii-l'i-riHi;i‘nlru1 imrln .if. llu- t.'nili-il .sinli's •[■iVtTlr f«>rly .r.r iiiori'. t Ik' ilr.v nir, ,,I'Mllspd liv Ihr' Iri'.v K 'lniii'raliirc <if»lii- jiA rrilr« , can i:h<. r1si5 ti> llllk- nilli r;l .

' . f n f e r n n t io n o f F i a f ic r yTh,- oiitrli ,)t ohJ on llii- jNorlll

Min'vlrnn • A lliiM lc’ r.>asl l.HH nv.'r- i , ni-'d l.T.l.-t.iym.i'n) poiinBa ji-arly:li.. III..) ::i* yTars.-tl-jn ^IkIi Is liit..r!i:i11,*rnnl.‘ Ni-.rfoiirilliiKil glalclni- .|'l |.<T n lll of tin- riilcli. Can Knln. |».T cun l: I 'raiioc. 17 p<-r »iriillrd Slalr-<. lU’ m-r ci-nl. nml I'nrtu- Bj{fll, 'J [KT r.'iir. • . ' , 111

T h c S h ^ L p i t ' l |‘ Thr- fainlUi.r I'.-rin "filirii' Itiil'* I s . l l f Ii'il'.''i1 (mill (III ol.i S;i\oli 'H -nr.l 'lK ■vhi.-ii ii.i-iiiw :i fii..l|iiiiil, .If lliu ;.1i;iiH< | b .f-n- -------- ' »

C l a s s l l i e i l A d v 'e r t i s e m e i i l s | i

T gg l a l e Far C la ssH ic a l ip n j |

,-A.M 'i:n -Yii iiiiA H r iio M »I'l' . / I..11II l.ir i.ah- to r fall .ft l i .- K 1-0 . II. K. H .u lr-y , lla1il»ln. Wl—

________________ ._____o jm c m HEIM R S , C aR H V FITh) 3 r o S P E N P ■/ PI■^REE W E E kiS / . iT C: STAMCH y &-W E S T * - - ; / ------ ^ A < S O O P B |. < ^ - - - ^ . v s u 6<?Esi/o>j m

i i l i A i m s ; iJ l iE E A L r M T E -

p a L B R E M A NUy U allca rrocn •'■A

iliaili liv illl. n iai| fn r v.liniii in ' iiia.i.- i hi..' I;;.:l ]inllllr;i1 .-rtni'l, ( :.,i.i';:;' i;. > Kri’iimui. ..:io rif (lm I), nuici a lh; ) i;ir- :t ly ’.i ni.il.'. iil.'llir'’:.'|i|i- Ii.;idrin. vu is;: i;. . ll a , nli.il ln i,i;:i- 111 r,- I 'l-n .a,.,, I

■Clo'.'. A |fri;il K Kliiilli iif.'.N'.'W Y u r i ; '' .V.lll., ..I'. II ri'ii'lM, I.- ..I'nii'aiii', IIV.I i l l , 'II i>r<'-irli nlla l . iindldi'.l.-. Iri ii;..y r o |. i^ nial :.i>i.i'l I'l llii' Iniilvlihial wlnr a lil- j ' I 'l llin; III r.iii-iiilm: Ilial, iirmKlnii.. •f

liolil irn I - t h 'a .ln-. K-lKi- I'.iiC'niiih-d \Vi dini'il;i>' iimi'iiim: iit m-iiilr- poii'niiliii.', w.an liil.i^t to I'l-i.i In 111'.- 'llri-iiiian liiinlly l>l'il j In ^M1 lia iil 'a •ii iii. Ir-rv nl r)<'ii|ilrillu,;;.'[ ll)ii..''i.'i iiili.'H w .'ia 'o f Chli'uilii, I

— ill iiriii- lti--.jinail..\v;L;i -liift-l.'tl -miiil-!i IjIII lilu niiiiii, inniiiir-r na ln> luul llv>'d,ll wiLlioiii illi,|iliiy o r -cri'i it. frinnnlliy , | | Siii.'ll had 111',.'II hill l.ii'l I'l-ijlirHi l . i" j | for« Ih'' laiiiic'it' llllo CIk; conia* wllii'li ' j

''.Ulll t lii‘''l'inldli''a l;Vi-ali';:t irllillio xviui ii III,' j-vaiU of Ihls I'ciini';;!. Tliroiiiili* ■ .nit lln- I’lillri; Mi'ryli'cs w lih li lii','-,aii| .• ir ly 111 Ihl- niiiriilni: al ilm .V’i>r1ll[ .■ liio niiarliiH 'Jll'lioiUi-. Ihn |.Iait iif.; i:i(ii|'I/i'/f.r Mifii I'ai.i'/.'rf inif. '1

Kl vt r.ll riiiiiil.,-il, fi'li'inlii nntl i;s:i(i-|j

lay, 111 .11 i,liail''il jia rliir. I l y ‘llir; t i t . n 'l ol Cn.'i'v rt'ir Hiiiliirn a jrlv ;il o n ly li tin,ml.M''i-.. ..f, iln- fiiii.lh ' iitid |i'.'r.'ioiial frl.'iKlii v .-r.- In tin- Imttie. ij

.............. <{iili'l I’n -.iiils ' llTho iioi.-niit ijiili't. v . l i i y p ri'v a ll. i) J

Mii ildi' llu- l.iilMlii!; ;ii;<r.ni |h i 'a t r r i 'ln |w .'ri'p roof, o f . Ihn witill of llii- jiiililfr;III ju'iinl. [Ill fi'ii li.I and li'iiil.-r lii ii lant rvrjiii-.'ii. i|iil.-i a inl nlaiiiHuliy. I

nnv '/riK .r Sm llli KliVi- ilt ilo .n o ilrrv in llir- feu- wllii ri'tnulin'il Wllliln Hi;., Iiiillrllii)*,. ..x |ilalnl:it; lo lilu frPTiilK' lli' had i-n:n<- In jiny “l i l r ri'npw hi In-.vili;:4 -.riloiid.iiiid.^uiuniili;.Jiut-U >.,hi:_Lrn.lr'il a;i a i '1'r;;ld'iiitl;il I'lunlldiili-.

T h ’i iirin '1'nnlnii lo ,ilir- ili trri'Ir nf (tlli; l;a .ly of Moiinl Cnriln '1 ' In.Kan' l:iiiiii'illai''ly. iIo»i-rnor .Smllli ntiil Iil.i j-a'ily ;ind ilir\ fam ily Iradliijc.

Tim I'liili'i;.- (Ir.'W ni> iilnwly l;i fn .n i of ill-' t.loai' •<'jriin'1i. C.iv.'riun-, .-'itiiiili iiti.l Mnyiir Hiiiiiu; atui Hio'

iiwiHi'.I .Mn. llr.'liiiaii. ' 'T il,' wMo'.-,-. Imr dan;:hl.'r.* :\I :u y .‘

r.ill.-.wr.-l III.- id a ia 'j in iy r::;''Ucl In Ui'.'r ;:ni-riiiiy. wimro llu- lioily ri;L'i-jv. d ' hy :i iirl.'i;i. ' [

A iilmvi iiray .-r, aii'l Kiirlnldlnj: of i Ilm. I'.iiOii'l w illi hilly .w ater w as .'oli ;h .w .'il, h.v. tllli in'o'coi'Hlon ' Info •tli.i] rliiircli. . • ' . • . ;• C ovcnu ir Rinflli. iilaiitia ir in’ca- idnniilly . n l • llu- i-r.iwd ' of a jiprnxl- iiialciv lOliO n-lilirli lia.I Kallu-r<-.! ilioiii 111.; I'liiiri'li, ft-I1 III !lni- lii'- lilnil MrH. ilr.'liHnii - ail.] tin? actlvL |i;ililirnr.Ti', . '

MfV. 7.Tr>'iiiiivn 'v illi 'lipn'rlii); un V'till! iiriil'-i- lli<- Hii'iihi o f lli<. nitv'Fc^h. nt'*l ii:ifi' iiiiy ■.m iii' t r t ii't i iT - i t ia ii- ii im iy u f ■li(.“ii nll.-n.ilnK, Crivi-rnnr. SinlUi a p - ' Iifiiri;d 4 '..-Iir, liiiffcrliiL' M'llli llu- in- ' .illim lu-iit irmI iroiiiHanlly v.'Ipr’tl Iilii, :arr' viKi. a liaiidluTt'lih r. I• •Illl' l l iu rc h wail lUIrd hill tl’il 'M.u'(lt.'i1, nilmiiil'ioii hi'Ini: lliniK’il.'and

Mon;>t>iiii>r J.ii^i-pli . Ca.'u-y lii'u-aii' l-'HM'iy .if'hl.H iii'rimnv h h ,'h iu 'v t.l .i, a rt,;Iy iilirlllik. i.v .- ti 'ln t l i i ' ' n n irl >f Ilm niiiK'intdari-. . .

(Inli.ld.. Ilii-'r1iiir<1i a iiall o f 'in li'I.R ri'rni.'il to imv.. ialli';i ov. r lln-1 r.iivrLi, D rii. 'j '.i 'u a ii IliiJ.. rom tnoihiii. on ly llu- tj ..'.•aidi.aal <Ty nf a rlilld Ir.il in llu- B nm acaln.'.i ilic pnlln- 1li\.-;., ;g

IB •. S locked And Equipp

8 Efficiency*;I f h c only DRIVE

ELECII I 'l a S c c o n d A v o . N o r th V /.

R WISH - ........ ..........—y£LL,PipVou Ie c i p E r o C so \ - s j oo r n e RAKCH FOQ ( \ J C r J D P / , O U R. VACA-pOKj ■ - i J

f i

t i

Seport, Southern |.Ida!io"Fisliing.As:.J

Slowly Iraprofing;■ ' . - — . '!

, I'li'lilu;: llii'0nt:1i ;:o tilh rin Malio i ' i •.•|»,1I|.';I by ;v.nrl'a.ii'll i',;i l)i'lli;f liii.'j

ijimili. Tlli;: a lli ilnri.'d Ii> Ilm- lull I a'jnii, ilii; l;r; Itn- carlv nai't rif whfc’; . ll.' Iion i .-vi'i'frd il>i;in>: III'' Illi;li1;:' ll.ll nu- ll.ll',' •,i'-l|ii;; I .tilJlllh lly . Co:;-i ililuii:; .in- liiip.-fivliii! ;:rriiiiall.'. a v ) '.Ji.llhi; to ir jii iila :iia| -ai'v iiow f;iir,.. ....... I (n a il ji i r .io n r. • • . • -/ l'l‘iiii'”r 'S;ilinoir. a h ir l .a l i r TfKioil'-'-'

Buy Y our U sed C ar ’ I , 'O-utstandii

1927 Nash S| ■ 1926 Nash Si , ■; 1925 Nash,A(

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. 1927'Chevfoli


n D - i : ; ■ B A - T ‘plele Battery Servi Ded fo r E lec tric Servicin

R ad io R epairing • and-Service--iiv^AlUi)eiai I IN B aU ery an d E lectri

tion in T w in Falls .

RIC SERVICE st a :L . H U D S O N , P r o p .

- By I

/ ' T f e A - L A - L A -( I 'M G O / W 6 - r o

- — 1— B E - A - L i r - f t e

r n n .w . : \tv if tiT 'i i.~ f iia t7 ' ■i;ooil fa r fly fliihlnR. ■ -

i.o;;L .IClvcr . cntTtitry— Fly flnluni? rnod. ■ ■ ■

'Malmnu rlvor—l-'nir, lo.iii tro u t liclriK .•.'llltlu ilil« y .i i r llian In'nt. .. .■

Mii’riaVi!!li' inli;—'I ’orrli'flH liinB -vcry ;:iinil al l-olli caM nml \vvilt cntlK. ' '’ Siialtc' rlvi-r—Triiui fl.ililnR only fair

.111" to rl." ' nnd fal) «T w nlcm. H slitir- tiir.ii try .'vrryiiditj;, to cntoh fliili.•• Malad rU -c r-n fl ili i t ;- '• c ry KOod iill i-iiiaiiii'r ' loil«. • ■ •

,\lai;lc dnm --W aUT roporluil low mtu .,;^ .,.^_na*iu tt-* iu iuU U niuL Jicii£ r_ iin 'l_ ■'onu' I'.'iiorlii of i‘X(-i-Il<'iil ciitclK'ii.

Ilrnv.-i.|i Mniilc nntl JJlvcMloii iliiiiia-- I'liililii;; i;{Mnl.' ’ „

Wcioil rlv«T fn.m IJplleviic lo Unlloy fiiKid' (loli'lifii ri;llc)rlitil. . . • i

• \Voo.l rlvnr nlniv»!.,Kftdinm—Sjilcii- (Mil nh trlira r(i[wfH'il w llli , ;npl«tti,T:>, li-aKTirwllli licriw liikli'n ami hiiHlicmlK.-

W h ere 'Y o u -G e t R ea l , n g V alue. -

jiecial Coach jMiarSFdan^ dvanced Coach K-ni htSedan . ledkfl Coach

i Coupe'I Touring ■'ouring '; ; uring ;t Coach et Coach

5H MOTOR CO..............................- £ l i c m e - 1 6 4 -

F E R I E Si c e ^g. o f A utom obiles— ^


ic Service S ta-

n oNP h o n e IB

Page 15: VBEK TAKE TOLL - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · tariff aboutd tw lowertd. He prom- ... and a^cuaed o:«tnb«t?^or

SATi-'Kn.\S% . \ i : ’c ;u s i \ 1 1 .

Most of Tilf a t t s i n e s s D i r e c t o r y


■■TYPEWniTEnS"W « ia l l ’em ; RBNT 'um : FXX ’om.

• A ll inakoBi DcalerB in............r o y a l ---------^ o n a N A - - .

• IDAHO T V P E W niT E R ISX. , Ixacal Ottlco: 218 H iiip Avu. No.

MODERN w o o d m e n ' OP- 1VMERICA m eet n t 1. 0 . O. 1'. h a ll every 2na nnd 4 th Mopday.

TW IN FALLS JU N K H O U S E -M B T - Aln. rubbor, bldca, polUi ond turn.

HOMB PLU M ntN O & HEATINQ CO. N o w .lo ca tio n ,. 13G. TliirU Avu. E. Pbono 2Sa; . ■ . • ■

T E A N 8 P E R . '

CnO ZIBR TRANSFER COMPANr—' Phono S'lS.. Storago n n J crnllnK.

McNIOHOLB T n .\N 8 F E H & 8T0K - ago Co; G arbaeo haulcdl dally. Phono 200.

WAUBBRQ t r a n s f e r ' t STOUAOi: Co. ‘ StoraKo aud B iicd n l. carloUd ahlpmcnti^ .to Calito rn ia . Pliono 14!

' SH O E B E P A IE IN O 7 '

ROYAL SHOE H EPAIRINO. F . ItDY- er«. P rop . 130 2nd S t. R._________

IDAHO SHOB n E P A IR lN Q .^ JOE W agner, P rop ., 218 Mnln N. P h . 9f>,

rW lN FALLS SHOB RBPAIRINO— la a Shofihono voat. ‘ Phono' 308, SorTlco and quality gurirantccd.- .

^ n n n i r Y E A R S ’ i :x i-i : r u :n c i: isyour KJiiirmilcc. .Siillii lo o rd fr JCn up. Lndica’ w ork o»ir iiiicciiiliy. Dnbbol the T ailo r. O ver Idaho Dciil. Stove. rUotws M-tW. . _________ _

A T T Q B H F Y a

, Store . Phono 07f RcsrxnBB. ‘

0 , p . DUVAI.L. LAW O F P ica^ nO O M 7, Batrtc & Tcua^ D IJk. Pliono 747.

Jamoa R T nothw oll—w ; O rr Chapmau “ BOTHWELL- & CHAPMAN

WoodB^flldg., ■

BVEELGY' & ' SU’E E bBY , ATTOR- Tityy. Idaho Pow er bulldlug. .

W. L . DUNN—I-AW ■ OFFICES,, JIMS.8 n n a '< , S jnlth-R lco building.

— SOH O O L ^ O ^ O E S ^a o o D i N a c o l u w e '* w id a c E Y ^ ^ ;

M aho. FiUl l<n-m oi>cmu SoplemliorNow-WtntoWUHl-oUtrAVfito-iOC

youra todny.____________

M O N E ^ T O L O . ^ . . •

I THINK I HAVia TUB DF.ST LOAN offorod In T w in Falla on c ity roal-

• i ; ! ' ’";!,"?' '{'“ n ■ yhu°Phono 2<7. ____■ . • .

MONEY T O ^ O A N ON' FARM ANO city proporty . Com pany nnd prlravp ttonoy . a E . Po tto r, rifa l.oaU tc ,

• Tw in F f t l U . _________.L O A N S-FA R JI AND CITY LOANS.

T^wln TallB T itle a n d A bstrac t Co.

MONKY-^O-LOAN^ I!O ltj;U .»F^V ?»

b p n o iA N s~.~^ ^B vS 'tP E C IA L IS T -D R .-W M , D. UKV-• noldB. 203 'M ala ..N o x t doo r ' to

J . C. P o n n y ;Co.________ -

- lb 'T w In -F a lW 'W U i C laudo-.nrow nMnBlo com pim y-Phono AC? o r

F O R _____

P uJ S i8 J ^ F ' ' h 0 U 3 B ^ ' QETTK u V Real l^ ln tc . . Abovo T:idrldKo-»t Btoro-

K )R 'R E S T -^ 0 TO ^O S t lA R I ^ WA* te r. A rth u r U Swim & Co,' ,

W R E N T ^ = r u n N i p E D - ; - ; m ^' room •ap g rtm o n t Phono M«J3. _ _ _

J% R ,nE N 1v-T H R E B ROOM f W - f it^ r tm gnL D ungalow Apts.

' 2nd ttTb. caBt.FOB WCMT—FO R NISHED APAHT? - w a n t -C an 468- forenoon*. Ju r ta :

moro I B J K _____________FO R H EN T m O TTSISBEPINO

a m itm s n ts . oonp lc te lT to m lib ed bouBokeeplng. Two aad

tU rM pocm a, cloao h r wook o r nionBL T h e Oxford. 428M ain W. _____________ _ —

y O E q&T.K-B E A L - g f lT A tK .-

S tU iU d S ! M odem . h M r d ^ iK taat lo t_ ffH h_gariw ..P ^

g r S r i B l i t d . ,Tal«>hoo« m ~ -1 p r y r t l e n U r * - ■ _

FOR SALE—HOUSE. Cl^OSE IN 6N ^ M o n u T ^ - a * b o r te rn i r or

trad e fo r p roperty In <w- Jo»e C a lif .‘S w ow n«r. Mra. r w -

e ric k B o i a t 660 Main a ronuo north . Phono 1120/________ —

r o R 's A L B - 4 n o o M r w ^ i ^ D

jrp R . ^ - T r ^ ROOM FU H N IS lIE li

S ^ a l i j s -JT W u. «r.la.io<y< »-fttidltlon. P h o a o j n f - ^

x fn k f lA L E -C aE V B O L E T R 0 4 P t

ese OpportuiF D R K A I J ^ ^ S O E L L A K E O P S ]i-'uu ,SAi-.r;—i:Uv’< r n n c 's i7 b i : siio i* .

nuhl. hliilin. Cliiimiil'oii. bum om rlt. l l .lv .'w il .n irvc.r 'n7o.HVi .li iic lir r . ~ ililrty fijiji-fiiilKln'r, u ll luoilcrii •'rjul|INI<'nI, lllllllll HlOrIc Dt KOOib. Will '.oil III II rciil liarKnln If iiil«-ii Ul (inci:, I'or iiifnriiiiiiioii J. ^H. U’<ti'»li.'>Hi)i. HUI 1.1. Ilulil. Illlllni, ,

W AN O iLU lCA INS: iUHETR^VDB IN !, U irg n ln a jn .uprlchlii.. KrnndB , nnd

'P laycrn ; stnndnrd mnken. Snino Ilko i—nuw .-j-Sold-anrvficriT i-rnD y-ierm Sr ,

W rite loiltij. UnldwIn P la n o ' Cot, , 1C36 C alifornia aircot; D cnyci, Col-o ra d o .. , . . ' „

PI,AYER PIANO IN EXCELLIJNT !;condlllon, bRnutltiil w alnu t cniic, j.

- uTaniiter''^ nnd bcnch. Wfirliprc

FOR SA I.ir-F L 'IlN rrU R K . COM- >1|tlM<! Jiuii roDiii aol, lloo r lnii>|in; J drciwi'n!; n ilrroni. ilnd riiKn; iilc- ^

• - 'f llV«— .('.NiTni.,!? fi'JiVti' - ii'l “htw-: *'■ Mra, IC. <!. Drown, n;-;rr,ili «vc. No. "

FO It SALIC—I’URK.CIDKR Vl.VICGAIt. «l I'Viiftk .McConiilck (.•id.’i- n iin 'oas i <it f' town. • ' . . t'

c .vR s ^ ti iiiyi;—iiiili>k-^tit4>i«i'—lourioKi— ->i

lu3(iku nml riinii cond. JtliO, • '«

l!i:*c'Oldiiniobllit toiirinc. JtlTfl. . I1!I2I: Wllly;» KijiKlil foupo. ,|HI22 ninl|;i' toiirll'K . T125.................. ... d1!)1‘2-Ovorliirifi, runn- c n o il- |-f ; , " Tl1!IJ| DoiIki! Scri'i 'n . $4Gu. . c1!IJI F on l truck . $200, . kini’O +'or(liioii trncloi;, pulloy-gnvornnr )i

.'inil pKiwk ' I IJtAHtlL ACTQ.MOniLl:: ('O.MPANV ,\

F o i i S A U :: - S jx i* u ii ii u h k o ^. ll.imiiiihlru rain Inmbn. I'hono 20:iJl. _, J. y .. rou,_______ ,

FO R SA Li:— « ’ f ;o i> )N ii:s o f ['lin illby la'i-» .in Kliiuilnjd hlvtH, on.' '"KIKirtri ntiidvl OldK citr, IlKbt nix. 'Kuoil conillli'in.,. Would 'iiiuktt koii'I ''IlK lit'iriick o r «iii'f<l wuKon, mu«t 1'ri'I! n t once. Ii'UvIiik' lowti. Vrir»l Iiluci! w ent o f W(‘i{i'jir’r 'i i ' tourliil

h'li** ilo r fill. CiinyijM C.miily nlini« jiro- i, duced ono.fourtli of Itlin .nn tiro Btil- iI.ut or »S.OOO,000,00. Vol. .I »m o t- r forlng Bttvcnil farma th a t hnl|i to ,ii Itroduco ih ia pay roll to Ihc furmor.i ]i

, n l only a 'f rn c ilo n of tb c lr Iru'! w orth w ith ll «nuill jiiiymf-nt down nnil long cnny turiim n t CC« on bai- c nnc(>. Vou n r il hav»« to liisiiiH't ),

• - these U a iipnv ln te t h h 'nil, M, n . p• lllnt-r, Rcnitiir. CuUlnell, M nhu. , ,

; ^ ^ ^ T E D r 2 5 S 0 B E E V m E 0 U £ ] j

TO n O Y -A L l. KINUS O F J:• tibccp.' Phono 398. Tw in I 'n lls Shoo j ‘

Rpunlrin i: , • j-rW A N T E D -l’ASTUHi: FOR IIO C S 'l

and catti'i-. C. 0.- M arklc. GEI Scc -|v ou<l a v f. weiit. Phone 1230. Call n

■ ovpnlngH. . .

t ^ W V uR N ITU R i:,' LIVING ROOM, j dining room and hed room. Facotrv ,

A u ^ ^ Onr '^11 ho Bbil'ped In ,| Soplombcr. can nave you mon- ,

. ey nnd give you good prlco for yoi.r , old fiirn lu ire, atid te rm s if yoii-wli<h. j Call o r w rite. Swcci'u^ Furnltu.-o

..S toro . phopii 1205. ‘ .________

■ L I ^ B T O O K A N I) P O tm t R T ; ^W .V .S tE D -lldL B T K lN AN?, SUKILN- l— w ^iy fy -ro ii-»~ .l»m vy . snrlni;erfl. t:. i

O. Markl<«, CCV^iid nvo. w e s t Phone icrnn'inga, 1230. ‘ ________i

W A N fijD -P O U L f il? . H . C.- HUN- '— te r. Pbono 0Q3W. • • . j

■ 7 0 ^ T R ^ E ^ j ^ JF 5 irT R ]\D E -^% W .L TRA D E ICQUITY i

ln..Eaaex-CC2ch- Ior.-ForU_ tou riuc . .i Call 1219 8th ave. E. Aloo TImoB of- 1

' fico a fte r i'P . « i. ' ■ . • ' '_____ it F t r a d e - 80 A c n i :s , i k b , t h r e e !

•miles from F iler. Could use Twin , Fnlla proporty to abolit th r fo o r four thcus-ind. <0 ncres. i;0 0 . Wg C- ; room boiHie, a ll aouth alope ,1W 'i mllM from , n i c r i ' would trade nn , $3000 home. ICO ac res . *150, ti.-room

apring w nter, HC laches, no nwlfl- . tenanco to pay. miles from Filer. ThlB Ib a Bnap. E arl M urray, Filer,

y R u i r a A S tD v i o e t a b l i i i [S T R A W D E S S n S rV b U PICK , OOC t

gallon. Phon» 637J3._______________ nAPRICOTS $1 ^ E R IIU SIIEL ON TH E I ' trees. 3 m iles west. ^ mllo noulh t

of South .P a rk . Dick Howsroan. i phone MO. . ,

APRICOTS FOR SA L 1:-$1 D U SIIEI- ? R. L. W rlth t. K null. M aho. I,

_ M A f.T! TTTflj* W A M T E D . ___ .1R E iJ A 'if ii; . ' ‘ ‘ e n e r o e t i c j i a n o

wanted n t once by w ell know n J . c R . W atk ins Company. Splondid open- I Ing to ijm rt ln ito fam ous W atkins c

—y o d uctB to BtOiirty usftr»..t3S to $HM r weekly.- S o .i« w rien c o neees»an-. I' W^He T he X R- .WalWna Company, n ^508 HplllB St.. O akland. Calif. , A

« A T . y . m ^ _ W A y E E D l - ~ o

th e flra t year w rilo me now. Strong line fo r reU ll atorea. N ationally-ad- 1 vertU ed. .E sta ttllsbed coneera . Dest acason npw Starting. L ibera l woek- Jy ,a d » a iie e io producer. Dyk® W ll- i_ llam a; M gr- 313, L iberty Bldg.,

ClBTeiand. Ohio. ■ ' ■WOMEN. MEN. EARN 135. W Q JK LT- a t« r e « B ln « - e « M * - i» « i» ^ p a » ^ m ^ ^

r - • W A H ^ i - r l O R E N T ~ I^> A > fT E a)^TO T »N T P R ^B JT ,

good b n O d ^hBT a n d 2

j ^ t o r t t m o f y w * .'E e « o n « n » i# : .^ U r t r . ' Q u i l 1C m L J . a W;. m

lities Are CNominee p la in ly - |. S ta te s Po licies »

He"W ould Follow i(C ontlnuni itoiii I’aiie l> I

tii;>iuc-.'.u anil proiunli- flnaucliil iila- >1Miy. I!y ixiunri tn rlf t iiolldcM It n iu troleci o n r wnrKiniyi, o n r farn'i-rit, . ■iiil o u r ' ii/.iiiufiKiiiVon* Trntii low er;, iniidnrd'i o t lIvinK ahr.'m l, Hy Kclr'ii-, Ifll- io»itvii’i.|i ll . naii-iii'umotu—liivciu.-: Inn :i|id lm proveii:i'nt lu nK'tlioilH, H y r «<l}'inn{k vu.vift'cU'Aiid kVi'-Ici- il Oil'll-prnnioli; ilii^ vllnilniitlim ' >t wiiMo mul c o iiii'iliu ti'-to 'Klalillliyi* n prm lurllon nnd diMlrilnitioii. lly ‘ ir:mi)iion o t forniKU trat(i> it cnn ex -!; und th'! marliciH t^ r o u r miinutnc--|'

rlliuti' uri'n lly I'o iitablllr.v .antlw.^ini-'> loymcnt. . ■ '* ■" i '•Onrj*iK'opK- Wiow iliat thu 'iirnd iic si- ' [JJth,und «llKiriliulion nooilif (ui a | '

loiil liiiportnm et>nifori;i of oiii- p ro-,^ ll’ nrc only ixuoilble h.v niasu )>rndui'-y Inn and dliiirlliuiion, lloili i<miill Ik liuslni'nx. havo th f lr (ull t>liii;i', 'I'h'- i-;»t o t lmi;liir.an Iji nol .Ilw ‘i.ize—llir i •Kl (« whcKmr Iji honest cniU|H'-1 jilion. wliciliiu- ihe'vc Ih fn 'n lo in fr.....i»mliu>ll«>Ui-wh<Mln-tv(UuH>-iu-liii,iiiirliy IKl nUUCulUIUiS lit t'UIH'OM-. , A» Slll'-K

I' liiipri';>i;ei| l>y tin ' flu-i ihn l lli'c foiiii-, ■ ittiiin Ilf Anici'lcnii Imrlni'riii In ih<- in - |l utiondoni liuiilnoiii; num.. -T bo-U niia iu il ichl.niy (‘uoouiiiKeineni o f bin a ;i»n-.‘ liiilonii ntui liy prm'l»ion of 11ervlce;i hnn I'nileavonnl .to 'iili irn liliiiitI) 11 iiohlilon nf cituiiiliy in in :o ru iu - j' Ion llllli Hklll w ith InruiT i»riernti(ius.: ' > llke 'w ith o u r fiii'iucrn hlii In U m l' trnuKhoUl of Ainorfcnii luillvidnalliv .j I I- Ik bero tb n t o n r l.oc.il •conimunltlen •(■•clv« Iholr lead-Tiihlp, I l W. h c iel b a t wc rcfreiOi " iir lpai1<T»hl|) fo r-i urge.- ontci'i.rlK? : '^^n ;iu» l'-lim m rm n-H ia opjm rninlty nml hin Inillvliliutl. iu t- ; ' Icc. Uc a n d ’llic tiubllc niiuii he i>io- • \ I'c lrd from any 'iIom lnaK on oi‘ fron t;- iri'ilmory huninem>, ' ; '■» li»v«'ivnW UiM lUc jirdWcmii l r - '.

rnre n s 'i ir e luorc tliail teimi'iuiur-llittlrf-j............ ........... . ih.-'L iiri-:'

iiornl am riip irltn iil, I bol.l th a t th c r i ' | |

unill<^'''wbu''lV affof;!'' Ihc" mo^t'l" ifiiil. ' plriu'inl u 'c lf iire 'i/f o u r piu>i.>tc. Ih c , iiirllclpnlUiii o t women in iMillt.o'i. acnnii a 'koem T renlljintlon of the lm- i .ftrfnnee o t tboiic <iuc'Mlon.i. l l m cniir.,' lighor iwilllJtcal Htnudards. ■

' T sc of Rail'll -•O ne-hair o f OAir cllUenii fnll to ox- '

rcisQ llio'reHponHlhiliili'ii o t Hit: hat- * o l.b o x .. 1 would w ish Hint llio w oin-,; n of nu r coun try .could uruhraci- lti l» |i iroblcm in..cltl« 'n»bli> nn .pecu liarly ihclc-oKii___u_ihoucould_ jiu i)b '_ t.'2e lrijilKliey wniHC o r Bcrvli;c niul rrnponxl- <

liH r 'capv irU y 'tw « t.Ulij iirobicm. it would biiconie. a s J t ,

llin' Tbo w hnle 'pV 'iif.o r political'l.lfi- i m ulil bo lifted, tb c foundallonn o ' d r - ’ iiucrney made moro iieeure, J

In thlu lanil. ili'ilitnlcil lo to lc rn n ce ."LIO Mill fliiil oulfirenkn of . in ti .io ra n c ''. ''.-nme of Q unlicr n tod i. My nn.ieKictrw 11

. ,,ro p .'r .iccuted fo.r Ibelr bcllcr.i, H erci i ^ ^ n u l i i and W ind lom, Uy blooa an<l convi.iiion i jo r rcllgloiut to lernnce botb In. iii-i a i.a , i 11 nplrlt.' T h e 'g lory of. m ir A nicHrau ; clcalH l:i tb e ’ rlKbt of every-luaii to ji to r^b lp God aocDrdlng lo the\,dlcl!it.i’ I ■ It bln o r lll i own cousHetice.

itficlnln nnd momberii of )>otli lioiiii •■>1 iifirilen In y td u‘ij* 1'

r'l'Stlmi bna been viewi-d 1‘ci-encn hy a K reaC num ber o f - our '.coide. It-w oubl feein unncoean.iry loj itiit.. Ibn elem enta l rcau lrem rti tlT.il .ovc rnn ien l niiiBt In .i.lro contldciic.:^ « l-o n ly -ltt:iia -ab m U '.J .'U iJn ji» Jn te ,:-ity. Dislioneiiiy In Kovcrnmcu .

L liinip U In-'dexlructivo of oelf-go '-

nl' tbe governed hu t «I>on lh«

r ? r ".1,0.0 cn ln i.ie .1 »■«!■ '‘'’' " " " ' r . -i-

or I

i S f i i lf n n r na tion . IU irecSonrTromTW T- r t^ " a n d crim e. 11. asp ira tio n s and

' e ' ^ ' i l d r n ' S r i r c V e ’; .

,0 chtld In A m erlPft.that Is not, b o ra 1 nd dijCT-ftot live un<<er*Kwnd cond | Iiona of h e a lth ; O iat.docs no t h a « . ^ , ‘n p o t tu n i t r s f tUuilBK to thft.end orou rT nH H ulio iu it J i T u n c i f r « from Injurloua l a ^ r . b [iq^,^H .^.'aQ t\havo ovefy aU nm latloo c

T- J

] e i £ j t M ^ r gister;> F inder h r lo c 10 <j T - g ^ p U 3 f « l EsH*** *

■■ ■' . {l. i A H O T W . - i M r : m a a <

■ ~»rw ty? ' m i T M P A T L T TTWT

Changing Everlo;7iecimi|>ll!<frtb(i f»^l«-taii.ii;..uu;I’leii, •Siithing liMluvi lAjiiiicai of cbif''..""'' life i> lll-.*vef ii'lillii-i' III" MiUi'lnulc; III 11'*

I.llt In 'm any ar^iierlr. t'Olli i.iiri'iil.. iiii.I-;'iti 'h llilron a re :lciien<leiu nimn tin- v lil - i ''h

md io ( " i l , ' ' ' ■’ '• i^'''i'rlliiile III Vniilli. |"-i

I'TM pi'rlally value llir c o iiti l f 'u iln r 'I 'l lllll th" yoiirli t.f Ibo e'.iiiiirv m u iniilH' 'JP (I (lie- hUorcsH Ilf Oliv ,\iiii'rll'.'in e \- M'>ii-i'liii<'ii1 111 denionri'r-'. ’nuli'K. It. l l f ,_iui ii'P.' iniifl"'."Trr"or'r 'iilbii:‘!.i:'iii. «illn>i>l • , vbleb no ;iren1 ilecdn m n I.k ni'com-1 illhbed. A KovcrniiH'tir ihaj c|n<':-. ii'-' cli'i)ni*laiii1v t-cel! lo lil i- '...... . H i'' Id .sil'if li'< .V0U1II- men annd vvriTurii full'. <!,><•hni'l or whnl 'tb r Aiii'-ili'im ...... . Tlilavc II rii;bt, to' cNue'y iia.l ili'iiiaml im rnin 11. •'■" ‘'I ' ‘’MU" , u i

a n i t ; lo hrilli: llie w^iuiilli 'if i1ii'l>' ilu ■rilbu«liituii aiul il-.-. fliiiiu' of lliMr i:,jileiiltMii Into Ihc :i:falrr. .•.[ lhi- nallou in.. I'l m iic ik o n f A iiich .iii ■'ov"iniaen' IrI imiiitlve an il' llvlni; hui;.'. a la ri 'n mu nr jrrcaini'iin and ho lilllij In ib>' lif<' Uu it th e nalloii, . • ; . ;

. A Piissliin f 'lr I’l'ni'c. - ;,l,„I th lu :........... . »ay,ili..t I tia'A. w l ^ . f ,

ic.'-sTil .-IN Hiiil'Ji ot Ihl' Jiiii i't.r aiul rririK of w ar an any n-l.. ;- Anu t 'l i .y . ,va ■Vom. II I hnVi' il-’r l . »i< a d"i |i i»;i;ii liui -,|,|

idim ua--obJi:t:LJimUinii-i:i-tJs;ar-‘-,.avi- no balrr.; «-c wi:,i no , iirili.'r ioiiHe*(fiiHl»: w.-' h iirhor'U ii u illitaiy Iti-calr. Th-' iMi!ipi'ali{.'l.l" _i'Mi.;‘J'l‘-.ni-.'.. la; if til"- (fri'.'ir'W hr, Ihe iiavrmv uiai’i ln : .,,, iy w b ltb c lvllizailnii itu iv lv il fn .in iU .r„i •siluiiiailon. 111 I'.illl' vlvl',t in « u ig i: ',m c iiln.Iri, 'I'ber.' i-l no uallon In • liie |.« i ,vorIil I'idny ili'il .ibu'f' H'H I’ai'ii''!'! 1) <|,. vl:tli ro r.p i :ac e - ilin l i i I'cii iMi'ivlnj'. mi’ ^

T here aVe rwo i-ivop-riiiluit fn.'ton-j in llu: niiilniejiauee of .p i'aee—Uu'i uilldint; of Ko..<l-wlll l.y u h.-' aad nyi'i, ■nalbrtir-hniflllllH-^'r-b'l^uiaLUuuiLJL::.-,,^ alionit.-and llic lu ld u a i ; ' lu r-iiarertnc,-- ,•or di'feiisi-. ... .......... “.'Vv [litlnhi;-w<' mnni h'> ie«i.-r(.-il, jh e cx-ijii.icrlenceji o f ihc. w ar iilfonled ■ I m l '_ironf thul wc caunni hadair onn '.'lv i- ' [rutu ■th...-vvorblrth.-tr-ibt-r«{eKUai'.ltiu,r if i.cai-e cnlinol In' allalni'd by lU';;-■ tf\^- i»-tim n'n n r o i le rV ..' UV;IU,:. u\..n :II. llu- r-lunaliire of «l'- ' r.'fumiH'liy-; '

ii-y. provi-a il'i.al, wc hnv.' every ,ili :ilreII co-o iirriitr w llil otlii-r iiatloiui fur! M'liee, llui o n r t>‘-o|>lc bave il«'ii"niijii- ■ll th a t u c laiil f'llvii the-Ki-'ati:*! rea l: ic l t .-h o ih ift tlm e.1 of ^ tam iullliy aiid i • iir tinjon O f.ntraln—if wc ninlntnln mu' nd^;lll•mlt'nc^ from the indlHenl exli:- :;n<iIoii o f tbc oh! wnrlil. I n ~ i 'i i r ru - inco of Ibln, ou r (country linn refns_i-ii incnihundiip In Hit! l-eaKiic of 'N a-, ilnnn. bul wo. aru Kind, t - .'o.opera.vllll th e Leiiinin in lm endoiivor.i J o ^

'\W c''be'li'evo iti'nl lbe-fm iiiilntlonn o f......„.i„ 1,.. ,,iii.ni!iliPiied by lbe et'--- _llion of tuelbodn ill'll niienHeii py" . ,vbleh a mulllliui.c of lncfdenl.-i mny bo lrniit*feired from the rea lm of [irc> iiilfcL- nud fiirc'c lo .n rb tiralirtn nnd ini’ ilcl'-'rminntloii o t tlnM ''" d wrori': l.ii'iecl niHin InlernalU cm l lav.-. ' .

W e have heen and w e .n rc ii.irlle- .ilarly dei.lrous.of fu riherlug the llm-tHHt»,w r f ...a rm ;»HrllLi-----J H 'U >he ^iiu.-ntitlme we luiliw lh a l In an ariui-d MorlO Ibero is on ly one.cc-rlnlii gua .- inlci- of free ilo u i-n n d Hint In prMiar- eilnefin for defen.-c.' It Is MOlely tfl tie- ti-iid onriiolvcH. fo r lbc .prm ecllon of nur -elllz'-nn lhal we mnlntiiln iiim n- • n .cni. ,Vo cIcar.T ..vidence of th « can r-xlHi thnn tbo unl/'iic fnct bat we luive few er men In arm y nnlfoinii lo- . ■ ....... liiive In police unHorniv..

w c-n w ltit .^ i ll .........‘vlla.lion 10 tb e world Ibnt ;

niciit Yn*1'roiiflrll'in^ Ibo o lbe r nnviij n 'itioiia w ill do tlkewl'ie. Wn enm e^l- U- wl-di thn t ibc- biirilcmi and daiiRcr.-tnf-nnnan irn t^n i-*u i-.-v« ry -lm m c-iiuL ^ .w orld n ils b lh c lo»scned. .Hut u e miiia and Kbiill n iulnialn our nav.al dcTcti^i nnd o u r .m o rch n n t m arine In tbo strenKtb n n j efficiency wblcb w ill, y ie ld -to un nt nil ihnoa lbc p rln in i} : asnum nce of liberty , ihn l in. of u a -.

'°T hcro^l"^one of llie idcnin of A m er-; Icn uiwji wblcb 1 w b h nt thb ' Ume- 10 la y e»pfc!nl cmi>hm*lii„ I’"!' ,.boiild consw o tly t e n our.-cconom l.., lOclnl nnd goccrnm eninl (l)sicm b > , . rt-rinin fdcaU -w hfc liJ ilW -^ w n i^ lhW ^ jTbs founders'O f. n u r rcpu lJ lc pro-j w u n d n l the revolutionary doolrliie - bn t nil men a rc creatpd enunl nnd ull .h o i'ilinn rv^-e iiua liy -w m rc - tb e - la w - n ilsw fts lb ee m an c lp n tio n of tbc ndi- fidunl. And .Ilnco these Iwglnnlngs. ilowly. surely nnd alm ost Imtiercept- blv. tb ls nntlon has added a tblrd deal alm ost un lauc to A m e rlc a - lb e dc.ll of rnual opiKirtiinlty. TW s 1s th e , , a te w a rd of the IndlvU ual. Tbc aim- )le life o f early days*ln o u r repnl.llci onhd b u l few llm liatlonB-upon equal, ipportunlly. R ut the crow ding of o u r *oplc nnd the In tensity and com plex-, ly o f th e ir n c tlr ilie s ll lakes tOilny a . iBw-lmporiancc. .

KaRoll*]- of O ppinnnlfT^ ' - E nualUy of opportun ity Is lhe right j

.f every A m erican—rich o r poor, for-;Isn o r na tive bom . lrresj>ccllva of

nr Tt In tllA rlp b t o f OVfn- _ndlTldUBl tn a lta la th a t posltloh ,lu Ifo 10.w hleh h ts ab ility a n J c h arac ter n tltlo him . Or H* m alalenanco w e , rill jilone hold open th e door o t op-■ottunU yio •TCTy-**nor»Uon. t o w r y -loy and girl. I t to le ra te s 'no prt-rllegea , laaaaB o r casiea o r g roups w bo would lOld oppo rtun ity a s ih e lr preragaUTit. £ m iy frpm confldenc*- th a t thU . r ig h t 1 rill b e upheld can now th a m n b o u n d - } 4 eourag« and hop* w hlch-aU aul^ta*•e h Jndlrid tial m an .and w om an to nd taT or and lo *chl«T «M at. auto .

S ^ a ? f d i S ^ J a ^ '

a m l e d n o ^ o n .-p ro rU a tM tn lB la s ..if t t « n T O n # t i f 1 n r - f lw ^ 'o t b « n a n *

M*.. T ba w inner la . h* w ho ahowa ~ ha DOat eoabdeaU oaa tn i a t e c . tb a . m n u t t a b tm r . ■&« UM sm tO T t e b k ^

• ' * ,BW ■ , ' ■ -

y. Day Wa:lci'. ..iT'.'i'k-IW'i " Id :h .' ih.;If" .( llia l.., • it lu.lil - l-'<k lbe -('-V.ily V.Ul I llu- i.iMc ..r U.I- r'liiv .'S l.. A n:il.liv il . miltl, •lM,'‘vhle i:''Uli::v _ ira lt iln y . , . ;W ;. i|.l tiiiili.', n.-,p..;l,.iii uli'l.- Ilu.'." .ufTiTTiTij loillil nu i au.l lb.i:-i' v.lio iilioiilij u h i.iu v " ('oa.Hi-iviiliM.. i.;,.;:i.- ..|v.- au.l lil '.r-i.U ll lb.)Ui;lii a iu l'aulliiii have llu lr o a ly .:la l

(ual .i|i |»iriiiilty. «vh.'ili.i' ib.-y lu .i.ij. j, .I'll lh>-,i1uor OI onm rM iniiy. HI-Iii'.i n u y ,'.r.’ r,-il;Tr in ili.-ir : n,,, I iiiall.'l ' wlia! ih.-lr riaufi. m;i-«' I. li“ ‘?r.-'AY.nri' 7ni I . i c . i n f l i - i i i l y , l l . u i mne.lal.ni U,|s Id .a! ur. M V .■nilli:.M . iiini-.'. Til.' s'l.-nifaii l.aw wa:-. ili-:H y •(■'ll lu .■miiiivor _io lioM'iH'i-ii>oi' of • ijin l a|.|i.irl'iiiiliy ,lii l.ii-iiui-; s. i iiiei lie'e.iiiiad.'iiilon:. f.i:- rr;;li1all(ui o f jtliaihllc iill1llle..i u.-i.- ereiiie.l, in pn-.llluli III di«i-rliiil:Mil..ti in :..'rv|c-,'-mul | u ' <>

e dei iiiicilou; of I'l.lial opiioriunity . ny:.i lualily .»r« oiiiiiii'iunliy li- a Inn.I.-'-1 l.m I'Uial i.rliuljile 111 o u r n-illon, W l'h |n>-.

ci-M s.or la iliin llj llllf* lirlneij.Ie ,fc. illll' " (I-. l 01' dm- ;;:)vernuienf, - Muvl.Mr, c ijalii.iaii, 1 rea rc i ihai ili ii.'' i.» 11.It iii'niili llie c'.imi.,i!';i o r n ia in 1 ‘ 'I' 11.01 lain .iiix.-iioii,:, I I1..11.' Ill a |:<l.-;-;-IlnII- ' .Kra-11,.,1 r ;i. .f.'vct.ii.iiu'm ..r 'a iu l ili/nvayji. Iii^lnvay;i, 'aviatfiuu li r l ; ; - ; . \ .‘ 'tc Imul: , i..i .'..':ti ii'a.lc ;jin :l ui. i-. \ h..p


II- ::.ivi-rimi.-iil i_.i luihll.' iilllIK.'^. auiliH .ii' lihvavi;, (li .'-iii iouit.v n .‘c-r?>r.:(j-nf rm i- i " f' '

iri-Ti for lurll,li'r <'ci>iuii.iv In i •! I v .n t and r. .Iiu'lli.ii of ia \c> ..-;i|| . .r 'h .il IHi'li affuril lil'obleiiiK i.f Ilje fi|..| o r -jo f I

'1 w.oiilil vinlal.- my'ei.n.ii-li nr:e aiul Ulll te Kraili'.hl.._ I i'ii.|, .11,1 I 1,01 npon :‘j i )l;i oei-ii-.lon exiii.':.n npiii'rclalion .if a!l- <c, Kt.Nil i'r.-:.i.I,nl wlio leads oiiV ^-u ai'I.v l.iilay. I 'i,-:!,l.llt Cot.li.l;;,. l,;„i nm r»r-nntj'T,ivPn-n-mrii-j7rH?^e’n’. l i n i " -ii„ -'Uou, ll-' ha:" I- n nil ilii|irlii1 ,of in '- a.il lit.l.- und, Malo:.iiiali!.(ilii iijiiiu lli"iiu li iMory ol ou r eoiiiil.iy. |ii,( i,;.,. j.,^!

P r o f e s s i_ T h e _ p a i l y ^ i m p S i i s - p l e ;

B u s i n e s s e s a n d P r o f e s s i i

y o u , w i l l f i n d t h e m p r o

’ n e s s e s a n d t h a t t h e y w i J

e n t i r e s a t i s f a c t i o n . -

. Businesses—IACTO DOOR GLASS I ■ w in d -S h ie ld a '

W indow Glass - .Selling Free


Pi®fT0 f ^ ¥Prom pt, Cnrefnl nnd . ' fco o o m lcn t H errlc«


Cham ber of Cq,mtnerce d ireo iora : I FtTst M onday of a o n lh , 7:30 p. 'm. Bt 'o fffte. . ' .

American le g io n : - Tuesdays, lunch- ' '" 'e o n , Perrlno ho te l; secaad Tues- . day. 8 p. Bt.. club ro.oms. ^E lk s : T h u rsd a y ,. a , p. m .,-•club

'rooiha. , . . .^ .O dd i-B c llflw atjJ’lijiteJay ,_8 .B ,,jD ft.__

club room s. .jColfas E acam pm ent No. "0, I . 0 .

- 0 .:F . : E \'o n ’ second and fourtb Tuesjay.-

Colfa*. T w in FnllB No. 13: E re ry r fourth Friday.

PrImroBo jjc b ck a h Lodgo >’o ._7S^ . •F irs t and th ird T uesday, 8 p. jn.

Masonic Bodies a t M asonic tetcrile: Blue Lodgo No. 46. flrBi W ednea- »

day. 7:30 p. m .Royal A rch c hap te r, th ird Tties-

day eTeniog. IiConyaandery, f i r s t F r id a y oto-

, n lag . 8:00 p. m .

T w la F&Ui-WelU, N ev„‘ S tage

. w ick. 8 t ^ « i d S ^ . r . Xmiii*'' S tag e D flpo t-^P cn iiia^ H oto l

STAGE LIT m o r s T i G t s

P t« t tJU O B *

L ea te - A rr tt* ,J*

■' a ;w p .iH.---------- --------------F ^ O T n a T ^• ^ W bo Titno In .I t o t w , . \ »

A rrlT v: T n is ,. T b d r t . . S t t , U B o p a 'W cU i - -• •

^ T . '

tell This Pag1-tir.lMl ...' iV ,l.'ll.li-u lli.11 1.1 our T ~

■illl-)'.-fnmi i:u ' .ic :.;n irjl«n‘-.t; -v.-irr- — ha:. ilr,;iiiri..i .'.t.ii.i.i.j K. :, |,rtii-: ,

I" of i;.»ciiiiii--t:l. 'Ill- li:.:- cliai'l':!! __

...... j Z

:i. lu.ili wl....... . l " ' ; . n e U K . i -illly r.ll.i'; -..tl!.'!! rnniirv Aii-.erjl I n |

1.. I’lM .l:: lll.llil .:i|. Ili'._^'Jl.-L'i;il_.lil-i — ^rf.7,T7u~:m ';:..v 111 il^.'t . ithlii l l - i -VI'KI ol* lit., al.lllli.': . :-ilil III’ a.Illl.>1- ati.l Ii: . li-.li '^.l1l 'I" ." 'll'- :: aiul « |t! i l-.iii|i1:. 1.1 i;M i;- ^. le- r

' i i r " m l l l l . i n i iIk if-i-.

■iuJti-;'ai'iilii..-. lliL ii'i:Uilii..|i..L(-.'.l..l i-I..;il!; u h lil i Ilv.- l..il:iy In .v . ;>J

i-rle;in, • . . :f7 ^I.......... v l:ll lt I liiiv"'ill i- .i ': - i l !■.•lly a lllC .I.va ly ;i;/i-.l Uie l,i..t:U,;

:.idr((ilal n.-ir,i;', i . f u u t ....... .

il.'^lllll lhe avv,',l;l’;-lii;i Ill • rl.i’ tai e o n ^ l.-U.:c iiii.l lu-. : I |.|iiila! ton 1 c i-rry rrm ptiial it-.T-iir;,-'I.' liiilei i^ a I'S Hllou of Uie nailonal ;-i.vi-i iij:i..;';:, , | ^

h an an Innl i iitii."iil and -..v-ol.'i.lIII.- ...... ■;r.-;nii'-r.i:, : |.'III- i.n-sl.l. iuy i-. 1,101" It..... a .......I- ■ Iiilhlrallve ..III.-.'. I t III,.1 .1 l.e ll).' ii)..il.of Amcrii-an Id; a l;:,T li.. hii.li..1 the lowly iiiiisl I..' .'.ell » l l l . III.. 1...... 111"! tii*Uii' '"aiiii- t.j.till. II;:.| 1... till' Illl ll^UllenI■ l.y v htejl 'l.:i- 1 iu.-|—e iin 'i e ir i iK ^ r l lv n ir n -n i i : ! — ir ; -j |:;I uml. I' 111.. i:>iiilan. |. of 111". .\l-;. i;liiy h iie ry ti'i I.li.l Mlbiw Ilia iM .ji'-j ^

b h a l D ira s e d - t p - r e c o m m e n d - t o - ]

o n s i a i d v e r t i s e d i n t h i s - d

> f i c i e n t . a n d c a p a b l e i n

[ I s e r v e - y o u m a m a n n e i

Clubs—Lodges—TranA "B U SIN ESS W O R T H H A V IN G IS W O R TH AD-

V E R T ISIN G 1 .T ry . th c Tw in F a lls D aily ’

T im es S crv icel .

— T A U T O r R S P A ^ q ' . . I TV.tlro G rinding, Pl.iton .P ln i,

Rlngn, Bearing;! nnd U rako -_______ . L ining.

•ir.' 3fi SK IX jrKR JJEPAIR SHOP — 8!itf-Bfc.-Ato.-8.-l»lt«me-4!»&-‘- - -

CLUBS-LODGESO rder E aniom S ta r , second and n_*’,

fourlb T vesdny. 8 p . m . , ■win Fnlia G ran g e:- Second and \ . fo u r th F riday , 8 p . m ., Bualneas K f, ond P rofeastonal' W om en'a' club p

- jo o m i. ------------------- •‘w entlelh C entury C lub: F i r s t Bui

T uesday, 1 p. m.,' Ro(»«raoa h o - - a te l: th ird T uesday , 2:30 p . in ., r Ju s ta m e ro Inn. Uni

). A. IL : Secoad M onday, 1 p . m ., F w ith m em bers.

tooso: TucH Jar, s p ; m . I . O. O. i f . b . l l L . .

todern W oodmen of A m orica : See - \ ond and fourlb M onday. 8 j i . xn., c 1. 0 . O. F . hall.

rnlghtn o t C olum bns: Secoad and t fourth W otlnesday, 8 p . n u L a . ti O. F . ha lL — - - V

O L A S S g'Anlo. i r in d o n and P U le zs

Anyth in g ia tho QIbbb U s e T.; ~ SelUng. D one F t m ------. •H O D E S H . f t A H i i r a w n x iW J h l r < ATtw'a. r u e n e a w

N E S -R A iR O A D lCoodlBt JCaH ~^ . , , N o .

L ^ T * . A rrtr* .

• R a im M n , eaTu M a p ..-;g ;« d ..-F T ^4 l ! 3 0 n . p . ^ o-

........-. ;

e Regularly— — r - T w i n - F a l U - - = — -

V ^ e t g r i n a r y H o s p i t a llr. H , 11. G ro o in c , V e to h n a r in n 'PO 2nd Avc, S'. Phono 20-W

’oultry Producers —Vc hnve a good ‘supply of jmi-tiolid Bultcrininc i i t 3c per ' '. • ■ ■ pound.,

Vo nlso pa.v th e h ightist priccs ,for P o u ltry nnd Eggs.See Ua Before Selling -

V i e d d i a n P r r t d u c e - C . t t ^ ■.- i - 'u i n / r r j v a .s d k q o s —

I'-" M-,,11 • l»hono 175 '


?all -Bcarihg' Pum ping Units' for Irrigation

a 'iili 's .Mitli.r«'. .tiilonintle I're-isun. »)>fcn:.K fur ifii«-|> neIN ' n m l. ci»«


V IEH W E G i^jROS.AiiKiorizeil Iteiifers ,

Fairbanks Morse Productsl ';ie ry M nc « Leiidcr" '

^ 7 i 7 ir.or:. “ i:Tj •riu rd 'A ve, North" UpiiiDilic.MiiKi I AUlomuMbi Co.

ess and— ectoryK o u - o u r - i ^ a d e r ^ ~ t h e :

i r e c t o r y . y / e b e l i e v e

t h e i r r e s p e c t i y e . b u s i - ~ ~

r t h a t w i l l b e T o y o u r '

isportation :

i M f E t i f l S t i M OpDraniofd.G rnnlneD oeo

THK ikUI’OXT SHOP ■tsn Mllln A re . I^h ln d

Fnmier** Antn Snpply Co.

^ g or ,1 | .. _


:______ ^ . _ - 3 8 _ ,

odmen e t Uio W orld: F l ra t 'a n d « a»i Friday. 7:30 p. m., Buelneaa niJ Prgtcsa ionai W omen'a club ooms. .lary c lub: F irs t W edneaday,‘om’s Cafe. 6 :3 0 - p.* m . .OUier Ve«lno!|dv/i, T o w * Cafe, noon. • ■ ranis- < lub : * T h ird T hursday , iQRerwnC- «,5<j p . m . oU»«r fiur»dayA: IWKQr»ott^J»ofla^.'. .-.^ . . slness and P rofessional Wo-

c lu b ; T acaday. cJnb ooms, itoon.Itcd Bpanlsb W ar T e te rao a : - .I m l M onday, 7:30 p. b l , Ma- onlc tem ple. • • d o a A im ifa ry :. F l ra t H n u » d ay , -

a m .. w ith m ejnbera, ' l ia o f - th o O. -A. I t : Second'

\e dnw day , 2:00 p. xn, L a O,'. hall.bbora of W oodcraft, H ra t and hird T uesdays a t « o 'c lock in • bo B usiness a&d Profeaalonal S’omcn'a c lnb poomi.----------------- ~ - t

e rrish 's In d iana S p ln a tr . ea olorado Splnnera, a ll a1t«a i S t ■I T ro u t n t e a . aU U n d a S l U M '^ elescope' S tee l Roda. e a .. ‘e n ls .a b d C u p CoU f e r 'B « i t ' ' — ‘

‘ J

.IHES ■ - '1- '''W M O 0U 4 3 M

XM a t - ......./ ^ ^

Page 16: VBEK TAKE TOLL - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · tariff aboutd tw lowertd. He prom- ... and a^cuaed o:«tnb«t?^or

/ ; l * A O E _ E i n n T . . - ' / I ■

U S E A l f f i i T■ TO HUNT. FISH-

"IN SHIZUOKUC raft W ill Locate Schoolf

— ^ o r-B e n e f it-o tU a p a n c io ^ Anclera.

Sy Unlt«>l I'rcfa S4II.M1>^U, Aiij;. Ji>

jilmio hill*, hi.i'ii I'iitli d fit 111" ,iit'l « ' JU|iaiii'K« 'flfcliLi until.

ActltlK <111 Itnv lnMi'f llnu lf_iili-- Iilliiuv r'ilfo ' v;7!rii!Ii1v ■Maiil-i Ti1 U';ii' iliuy oiiulit tirb '.- <iiiUill)' v itliu lilc ;>'!j*i'(niln to o t. fii'li. i!i"SJiltnokii I'milu;-!!.tiMK. Iiuh •iIiIiiIim’iI ri'niii ilH'cnvtiriimniL n K>-(»it iilutu-. l.iv tl- /•nlly nnti,-.!iJ lli<' liiikiiivti; o r •'WIili.- I)i:ii:n ii/’ to 1nc;ii<' fiKli jirliool.i to r risheriiK'ii' In llji- virln liy o f IliiHiIJo IshlH.I. . . -

— Thti— p>OTn r' ' w lH— pntroJ— Hr-hltis lliroiiKli llin iif.isuii liii/iiliiu

^cllll<)ll^■or fli-jK'ii for ill.; iii 'is Of Ih f fiBjinriiicn. ' • ^

(Ilimrli-H or Jiijian hm IIm'ii I'lViii n Vfi-y liiipniUinl p a n of ilu-'. il|i<i o f h:iiih- XD.OOO.iirii) JiipiiiK'hi- iitiil iiitliji'ci ticn-

i‘%ir in-iitiirlc.''- itu ''(l:>liliii;'-roii[ni J» jil-i'i:: ./iiji.iii'i. tn 'tin-ii-(Ibiiu (ronst 7l»ij litivo ntillrm l vjirlniiii sttlicn.c:! 10 locuto of fhili-

'row f.rs •'llxl tr'Ii'.i;;opi‘ii. llsUillly ‘HI W sft=Ta3nihnrm-irT—n ''rT r-ttir-~ firJ iln j HTWmOs. nn* i;i)Hinfiin llir. Ur.hDin .!n- liaii. wuictiiiioii I'liiiil;^ iiatli'iiily » iili li'aitiM'H llimiiitlioiiL [111- iliiy-io-t*!!-.!)-!! th u rinliIiiK. tk 'olii tlip loc.nliiti o f ri-ih i«-JiW)lir. I t In liullovr.l Ihl- iili|il;i!ti-.. Iiowt-vi-r. w jn-prov i- by f.ir ihn iiioi.ti crfL-L-llvih.Huiiiil ;i:i Jl I'aiiiro v e r liirK'" iirn.in raplilly iitnl i]ia rlnh w llli II riJiii-lr ;'ri-;iii-r iIc-k .''..! :/f lU-nutucy lliiin miy rlinre «li:iirv ii.| [Jon fliailon. ■ i

I ,

R E P A IR IN G K• F a n p v H linncd c rvstn lw f i t . M ! r > w h ile y o n w iu l^ l . tK ) , H r

, A ll W o rk . G uaran teed ' B


1 2 1 .fila ln^ V onuo E a s t

'iu. Boy FritiuI—'l'Uii r.

o n tb e back .C t r l F r i c n t l ^ t x t y

back s ouftht to u se tb c ii b u y G oodyears.

■ ■ >— •----------------V ...........................

'Equal Numl)er,Of ,| Boys and Girls I Bprn During JulyI I'IkIiIii II lil(iilil;i WI'M' fiMln Itl rlli-IT 'v lji Kills <ll;>lln' itufltiK III.' IIIOIIIII

. of .Illlly, loTonllti^M o n,'i'r.riln tin file ’ iiC 111.' offlrc- .if h r , II. N- Li-olo. vlliil' :-fitl.ol.'t,.M f,..- il.U ilK lrlrl___ JU uJ" h>\ lllllo fo r III.' iiioiilli Wull r<|iiiil. ji l t l iL Imy^ uuU .'Iliill vtli'lii u rrlv lu« jiliiriiii; III.- moiitli Jii-n luixin-d.I (Itic liifaill ii 'iii 'rlril I'ler jialrlollnin,

• tliiK 111.- i''i.iinli llf Ju ly u:i In r ; llllllll.iluy. V.-ru A llrc Anililn. ilniiKli- ;l.-r fil 'M r. atlll M r- fli'orr.i- Mii.llf.oii

.uiui. liuni llldt.'|iL-ii(]L ici-. .day. I • 'I’v.lti l‘iill,-< I.-a lho IM wllil nine .iiiliiiK ic llaiiKi'U iiiMl KIliT Ill'll r.ll';!I. rolnl [ilai e,. with ii n 'enn l i>t iln ....

I'lill.lri'n I’li.-li: a inl inii' lilrili oiicIi «;i'. ;<T<iiiiMl h ir ’ IUr"i-r, Ilnhl uml Kltiilii'rly. ■ •

Jlitlli:. r.n- llie ii,.intli w<.ir iiln;*Ml il'iulili: llfu liiiiiih.'r '>■ <l.':ith;t, llu-ro li.'ln;', n r.'.'ovilerl to r .l;^1y. -O f'tln-i

..... . _IU'„ ...l, ,'M t.llrm , i:in.l 11; ■ 'i i I k t fiv.' ailnlM.

lllrilr.ViM;.. vai-'iu.., liinm'A uixl ill.' naiiK-N o t .Ully elillilri'ii a re ;n<' foU

Ju ly .\rr,'Ulill .<li.''.'Clirronl Alien Cliail .If HeV;;er, a .on..J u ly 4, . \li, a iu l ' .\lr>i. C -'onn ' .M.oll-

»i'a Anrlihi. •l'«lii K;i1Im. a ilaiicUi'-i TeiJi :

■ ,1n ly M .'lr, aiul Mr-. Kn-il .llariM-.-'.! Ituiti'.'ii: 'a ' non, - iN .'.lirleli SiaiiU-y j ja n r 's , ,= j ui q c ;:niir:- rrinr :iriT ~ n iir 'T ~ n i7; i ^ ,le r, Flli r, a '.on. D.iiili'l .l^in-eaM.'t'. - •

[■- .Mr, TiiKl Mr;:. Alhi-rl .) v-|K.:n.<.-ii, Twin RillK, a t'Oii. • .I J u ly l:<. Dr. an.l .Mri. C.-nr;;.- W.I IIiiri;e:K. Tivln l-'alli., a -ilannhler. ICIoriii IIII.I11..I .Int,v n , Mr, Ullll Mi.:. I'liarh-u n .- r- ‘ 'lu lo l. Vnlil. a il.oriliU 'r, l.oK K leaim r.,

.Itily ir>. Mr. iittjl .Mr.-*. 'riioman M<--) I’ntiTii-U. Twill I 'a lU .-a 1011. MarU< .Vrff. I

Jn ly lli. Mr. ami Mr.-, 'r .i l r le f* Tlioii.ai: lllu.;l:, Tu-lii l-’all-i, a .liiiir.li; 1

■n'V. .iiiiu- kit; ^ -------- ' . r. Ju ly l<!, Mr. uuil Uou VViicU'y.l Twill I'.ilhi. a .la a th l. 'i '. Iti-liy lii-rPii.-.i

J ii ly ,l« . .Ml-, anil .Mi'.u. Jaia.'H ttivlll,--' (Niniiir. Kiler. |i ilai’iKhlrr, Har1<arai .S'nrcr.f.

Jn ly I.S, .\|r, uml Mim. Oe >ri;e I,”a il- |

Ju ly i:,i.'.Mi-. uml .Mrs. I l.'iiry . L iw - ‘ ■jeare ShiT'SOiiil. Twin K.ill'i, U ila ili:li-’ Irr. l',-L-jv .Tn . ' ;

J u ly 1':. .Mr. ami .Mm, i’o rie r \V,< Mnall.-:i. Tw in l''alli., a" ilam ;!i1er.;' IliirlH. ■ . ■ t.

J u ly 2:., Mr. ami ;ilr.., IH.-har.l II.; F if/|-ijrli:l;., Twill Kalli... a t*oa. Itloli-, a n l Iliiuli, ' ' ' I

J u ly -r.: Mr. ami MiV. 0.-i.rK.< W ll-' llnm Pc-rrlm.-, K linln'rly. a ilaiijjliliir. IJiuliiiru Ni-ll. • (. Ju ly :ri. Mr. ami -’Mr*, Orli-y n . '- !

p i f t Pw o

— 1— ev■ ca:

■ . ” T


u rc is t o i £ t i

s w i t h v v c p t r h c a J s—unc

..... ' '

lARGE Am o u n tr C U f ’T l K R I N - i ^ PATHWAY HR!; - ■ JJy U iilltd PtD»B■ MlK!4t)i:|.,\. .Motii,. Aill--, Jll- •I'liC'- h ntrr‘r ’-'l— l-hTrrt>tnTrt— frri----ri— Htrlrr; wJiIeh l-ii.i lii'lli '-.ll’ i„;i| ...Klihh il an. l.vl'Uiiilr.'x 'e, Ull-, C .ii'.iiany I: in lhe I alh »f Ih .' fm .: M il.' wlih-h I-- laitlli:: IliU’" m ills e:i> Wif D m ilun .ln tin- I.dIo niilliinul for(<{-1; a i'to iillii:. y i tvor.l lere lveil .il tli [farcM • It.'.ukinrirlri'i lirrr-'lfrin.v. - ; Til.- II. • .ljM -.vn'r-.l Wi'.lni',;.i|:i>, w 'hi/e ll h.i.l l.l M l'.i'l hy H iii,-|trl ; Irnm a |:u:':Jli;: Iriilii, Tin- fiiinir '•Wh!| i'i ' | l ln l l a' . jniMi fliK <Tii.jsini ilh n i.iUi.'iail I la rk :, aii'l Iea|ilni; ui'roi' M 'laiJ;'ii fill'll .if i:..- (•-'.llin hln river;I One Iiiiiiilri'.l mi a liave li.'ijn s i ni l< I 'ln - hl;i?.i’ allll an- Worlilii;? Ill rn -o iirr I .lllllll willi 'n;!'!! from (In' linnhi-i : 1-: aHiiinv.'aitil rullriiuil I'revvii. U a w t , ami i r a i 'io m of iIio . Innihi-r I'oii.’iiaio

! in i;.'V llll lll <-i;t of III’,, j'oa.l i.f' Ih. i-w<ei>(ni:'flani.-ii- . K nrl'iiry .iffielfil:

.o f Ul.- I.iilo halim ial fnn-,.l Imvi- i;. .ii- i i>- r iir - j ii i-..^niU 'i. ■i- 'Tf.- -in '.Tr n i 'r i i i r r

eJiaiilalile Uiiili.-r. ''N u n ,.'ru n s fire, m re helm; ia l hy ra iln iaii irulnii ev .iy .lay V. A. Cl.ijip; aHiih.liinl Miiiervi.:.,>i

i.if llle I.illl) .'lai.'Hl, i;:ale:l llili; inai ij. Jflt.

E arly S e ttle r O f ==^w in-E alls-T r^ct--^—■ ..* Dies In C alifo rn ia

Wfllh.ni flio i'li. «i.O 'fai;,V I.) Twill i''a1lH III mnr. aiiil n* ^ .. hi t ho '.i.. lien- lll l l l l ' HO.S, wK.-ii hcf^ell I.l m,i)i|. hi:’ In .m e-in II llv«ii<..fe (’ul.. ,1h.,l ih i'ie la.ii Jiiiy*:;?. rf.'r.iT.llii;! in hiriiniiiit'lon | i ‘ '.'lv.'.l h. IV l.y frleml.'.. . . .

•Mr, Clii'i-I; u a il'u I'liaiiti-r ni"iiih'iT nl Illo loi-al llapliHi cliiin-h nml ;i.'tli,i-ly Mll.-ai',i .1 in •ehiirelk Woik' i Ii i iImk hriH.'iileiu-e lii re. The fanillv ' r . 's l .l ..I».ir-.i-f;-rti»-m rt-nn rnm i— M-niiP'nrn.-~ •Mr. J>h( . li v.M:i ;i i-amliihili' on tli.- lli 'a io .'ia ile llcko t fo r eoiliily i-iniiml;.- .iI.mT,

■ » A K IM ir~ lT lT M { S ■•.V- ■-vl.'ll l-l .xiii'uiu; o iir h rarire li

in on r i»!iit;^tiji:hini_»M,l_..'!. aiiv,-.. ,o r ll.i' li.'aiiilfnl fliinil offi-.'-I.:;..; .a.;.il i.yiiilialhy wlileli • v,us hi:- st.iH'.'il uTifin II'I Hrr'MiL-1. iL-A 1.,

ami .l.'alji of .x ir .h ,llln« hahv lioll; Atlllll .U aii.‘ I

.Mr. am i :\Ir:\ I-;, w : -I'ul,. .1;. Kainily.

.Mra, Vuinla Su-.'fii;.'.

w ill. TUley, ...................I miit. Normuniii.-wiTr>«.-.'

Ju ly . an. .Mr. UIKI Mrs; Jnliu l.ct- M l­lle, F iler, Jiii-l: . . .

F F r aW C O^ HAT’S the use E^aboufcpunctur^ erf^ime^ciu-stari-o n trade us those old lO^dyeSisattKelffiW] The lowwf'prices in ( ars of selling tires!

hink of this!-The prii ve paid a short time eapVlittle-knowntirei



G oodyear 1

T O j A I t T j g H E « ; V .

iHelen Wills Hard ;I Pushed in Tourney

^ ', i-:.\.;r i i , \ m i '1'o,v. i., i„ a u k . ii.-- *.\M ii:'< ,'^tarjorlo M o tr l ir of ' J)i-rlli'uii!: ■* ,\1.i;'.;.. ,l'rlilay ca.vi- ilc le ii Willi; tli<

i hiinl.-.'l ’.-lltllo iihe Itaii im far eiirnnn- Il-T. il In lIi.-..MuhlMiiiie Cllll-'iV uVhiii'ii'k ; l.ilinia tnliriiniili'lilH. Tlie final Hcnre

„ wa;i n-I. i;.!. which falli-ytn Imllcal.*

,| -III Ihl- flr» t n-i "'Mli.n ’MoVrlll wan v'UUHui; oul,oC tu..uuln a tui uot. UnUiiK ;:;iie r r.hula .'orri'cUy. took llie ililrO ,| ;;aiae nml il.'llpeil Ih i-Tiltjl Iw lrr . Tin- •.,'clianijiloii n m om iho m-.tt t v o Kami-a

III w in ihix itul- IM.•- In llii.-i-..-<:oii(|.M'i iMl!>.i .Morrill. Iirohf?

.J ihroniih .Ml.-ci Will.-' i.i'rvk-e fn llio flriii

. I iclm r.-rioint-lliin?:—w.-lll— wroif(r-.wlih,, .Ml.c \V1II»' a i-r \i.i ' in 'H » - flfih, liiii

iiti. 'r iili'i had iloiihli' fanlleil ami 'ail* ;; .-.I lo Ui-l over ii.'r fln.l laTvlee sii.'

riillli'd lu wlki.

iH O O V lF lL S

i-,M.TO AI.TO., C:il-. Am;. II-'FU Iy.- ' r.iiir yirant old and reetiiii: fil. Ilerlierl

lloov. r ri :f-liriil.-.l tils i . l t l l id .iy Kri- •lav wli;, fiili '.Iro-ii ;v<ull.

I 'll I 'a r ll.T than nr.iiiil. In .. c lean 'd

<d Illl- runn ii|ii'.'.'Ii III- 111 Io ilellver Aii/iiM ::i au.l ih.'ii.i:alhen-il lila I'aiii- IKilKir in!iiiai:r;rfr inKoilK'r f n r ' Iiiiiili an.l a' iirlvai.-. Oii .'in^idoii of ihi<'|ii'i»:- l.i:ia <il' Ilia ' Ue.oiildk'an pn-ulileiili.il eaiiipaii:ni .

Ill Illl’ rnnfurciiet' w r r r Ur., Ililbort Wiirli. e h a in n an n f 'th i ' lle |iilhlli'all iia- liima! enm nillti'i'. S i-iia ln r. li.wir^.' j Ma.’iea. elialrf.iaii o f llie ij.ilifleatloii eoiiiiiiltloi-. (Sdv. John S. l-*i»lii!r nt T’.'iiiiiiylvania and aiiiin- nf Ih'; nu- liy iir .le iin in iill'^ nien Imre lo r lla* nol- irr.';. f. ii'n iV'rfTifnn]i-'i~hi'il;ry. .[

I.;.>i..nl;;hl llo v.t a lteii.li'd a Id rlh -' .luy llilllKT Io he Illvi-ll Illlll Iiy \Vaiihini;l<iii n i'w rjiaper rorrc.iliotHf-i . ni;< whn aruoin|iaiii<’il him acri)!!!!, tiK '’ ecinniry. K .ilcr he Kave a lIlMu |irl-; will: [latiy lit hla hnm,. to rtdativeH,

All arranm'iiiVfi'W urn coiiin lrtfil fnV| Uk- llli: niiiiflciitlnn nhow In tl>p utad-

Illu ajH-i'oli III i.ehedllied to M arl Ut ■'I [I-, lu, I’HcIflr Him;. Nliinly-.ine radio MiilIaiiH liiivu hei'ii liiiod n il for w h al' III" prlli^veil lo tii-.llio liirK'^ft railliil

'tirnurloiiHlliiK neiworlc. la m er .uveii lhan th a t proyliltil fnr tho national ('(invcnllonii.


E ? r W IS T s c

of worrying ~^£rgei portlowouts— ^i)U- u t^ h en you— choci tiresfornew Duty LOWFRICES Weat Soodyear’s 30 Tre&(

Comece you would orith ago for-some blowi aowTuy^s'^u ’"tjless

Automol! F in es t a n d B est E q u ip p ed Garoffo >fficc a n d Shop P liono 2d9. P o rts


f e

t 'O M M K l L L E i r - BY B lo w FROM-I. ;

"j’ BySI'^VTTI.W. WaKh;. Aiijr. . I I - 7 AII

•! »viilliildn_nnllen-i.r-K»«Hli—nm l-nw rr; J Iiy olili-a i.tfnKiii F rid ay /o r n .m n n

■'Uw.a . i'tiiii'li .Mrn. I). I I . '.-n ro w n U oJ ThUwII.i ko bnriJ vjUJi lilo.Hai'ilxT- IlliiK a liaffii- a lluri'iiiloii Ih a l tlie-w<>- ‘ Iniati dJcd m^vnral lioiira la lc r it l 'l l ic ‘ (.•Il>-, Iln.i'tillal. ■ , - 'I Mr«. 'l lnnvn ntiil niinilior young wo-

; ' man. u l tc iii lin i; '« 'c arnival hi Wost I H.‘ai1k-. hail iiinvi'd Hit; niiirdpn-r's. ail. '1 ioiii^dillo. afK^r t'litn liiln s ' iicni.ianloii •|riiMii a wn'inati oeciil'an l. ho tlicy 'jco id d park llic lr 'n u -n inaulilni-.' l ' KeHiriiliijf lo hin (inloiiioliltn and

fliallnK l l ' biiliiK iniivcil.. lli(> tnan I'tviiolt Mih, UrnUn iiiid 'fello il -lH-'T^o llii- ii'awnunit. T liri'f |HiIli;i,‘a;c'n nuci* ilon.-il' Ihl.-'n inyor anil thoM rcluiincd Will. I k ' ilrovi! nwny In n cMfpe w llh UIiu coiiiiiniilcn.

Ion of th e -d e ad 'wiimiiii. lolij nulIiorU lleil th a t <ifli-r .tho iillack jiiiiP w hlln

Illl’ 'i)oll<'en.i-ii ‘orilen-il tlii.ni away.

T ram e Houtes-Last •. F iikIiicits llf tliu i.iiiiihiT .Maniifac

.liirci'it' iiiiiioelallon In 11 rotciit nnrvi*y (oiim l'ihiit lho nvi-ir<u llf.! of n linuso 1« at.i.iil 10(1 yi-arM. iililmiiiili ' Imll-'

-vhlinit-itu-oilin?^ij?7ry~nnn~conit1ik^~ “iHiTy •lon;c(-r. A tier a CL-niitfy m n tc -

iiiral dciiri-rlnilon dceiirii Kiiflklonl'to nia ljo 'i, iiiiiiBo 'uiiilr for fiirihcr uuu. \Vel].Iii,||i ftiiiin.. hi-UKi;H,.<leiirt'cInli! la vahut u:ily u liniu niorti than lliusc of hrli'Jt or'm .iiiu, ... . .................. , ’ ...

i i o ^. infprmatiofl li

■ or-p e rjo n s found_ .ijigns of


> L I T Iiiuine Goodyear! . iav^four^types-of-Go se'irouf-^DouWcHEagl ' All-Weathers, Stan ther Treads and Pa ds,i in and let us make yc lose old tires—before out or piincture makes

riie Co.3 in the W est Phone 208. .

T im ken B earings

a | | | | & | | |

...............V ' ; - .

HdlywoddSlient , On Radio Movie!

'n y V o ite ap rea a'i 1K i',L \ '\V 0 0 U . f .il;. Aii«., i J —Th .'f in i lo n nlcliiro 'C olony .wan s ile n t F r

iliiy.,'oVi'r. tlio IMllubnrKli (aiUioiim.-fc m eiti'oC Wi-HllnKh'oiniu K lpctrlc Com pnny tlm l' radio.m ovfcH woro a it uc tiinllly. • • ' ' • '- ^ wcoro of .w oll kuow ii oxccullvc

' U’Jl'ft” l'oiniiii-iiiTm m oat |iliuiii!H oC tlTInilniilry'H (lovclopm cnt plvatluil m or Unio before malilnj: uny Htnlomcn

■ on th e proljnblo rcmiU o t lirondcaiii ' Inc KcrQcu proilin;tlonM.

Jock W n n ie r, o f W arner n ro llw r: ^nmflo lh e b rie f im a o rtlo ti- 'tlm t 1 .i"lopl{ed_Jll{.?.a Hli’u. f o n V ^ r ;n r ~ '-! "I’eoplo w ho do no l n o w n ile n d mo ^ U o u -P lcm rc H . woiiliL-bt'cotno ..liilt'r

OHled lli ro u ^ i ' uccIpk the fllnin li Ibo lr own" liftmen a n d . th e ' th 'eatur w ould Im pro icc tc ll by th e crowi

I t - i s - s o e a s y t o h a y e c l e a n , '

- - b r i g h t s p a d d i M - .

' W o o d w o r k / t / s e ( 1

i s

REWeading.tQ fTiP and cQn\guilty of defacing or destr

R K H O IANNE Ss K lS U N G rPw ner

— --.-J— 1’

'L Eddyears-tP^T— ^le^eavy—'. Jmidard All- J m ithf inder -WMm an offer juBCl your next | I h | | | | I them val'

S A T .rT ^ n A T , ' . u i r i n j ^ T . i y , ^ 0 2 8 . ;

~T- ' ' ■ N.v.in;n i x Vom i’l .vi'm ’■* ' • ' ■. ' ^^ ,G. WllitAn, and ..C oor8c fo tr jc ; ? wi-re n a m 'd In I'vo coin|iIntnlfl (11«

in dliifrk't ro n ri . tlic flm t K? Q eneru Mntnni A ccuinaneo Cnri>oratlon nil' itiL- in‘r;iiid liy s i. . j \ . I lcrry of tlie Dorr;

l.i .Moinr iloniiiany ul JJnlil. ,In th e tira l ..eonu.IiilJil nrfi»«OB«lon «»

tSll'iii .w'nrih o f 'S noda 'and ,cIiaU clii oi '* the .iiim of .IGOOJl'.'losethpr .wllh $501 "!dain»i:cH i|d n ttv rncy f«en li» re<iuc«^'

niii|. *” ''.‘'.• n r ‘ nnj<inn*” to g e lh c r wll>0 «;5(j daniiisea a m r c o iir l co«B i h m Ic

■V'*' ,— — — ----- ' .1 ^ - . I , 'I

i'm . VULCO. T I M S - .C arry o 1-y e a r 'g u n ra n tc o aBtiiniit

- i S n ^ i . c iiir.,',»n il«eiirH ln i CtiU..-'. . rlc .. 'fit .TtiT-Kxtril C o m . ____

E . 0 . HAVENB B & TTEB Y 0 0 . a34'.MAla K grlli Tlinno

I Learn to Flyi T H E ■

rrm v m v THOIVIPSOy W A Y

Two cour/ea now o p e n .w l f l l ^ ^ tivo clasfl-releven, a n d l i i t y

hours. " . ' ’ "A L L O in t STU D EN TS

- • L B A R N T O F L Y ”

.. Vftiic , w ire j j r p hono ..^

1 “ T H O M S O N F iy H H T S E B ”■ r V IO P. 1N0-; . .

A irpo rt, S a lt L ako O ity . Phono W asatch ;.B 705

Mr.tion of the person ovincr A dvertising

?EL[ ' . %^ 5 S 5 = = = = = 5 5 a a B ^

Ib IiIIii

~ L-iJlc