Web viewJack Bellis. November 2015 – St. John’s. SUNDAY. MONDAY. TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY....

TRI POINT LUTHERAN PARISH C A R E L E T T E R PASTOR JAMES SELLS & PASTOR BECKY SELLS PO BOX 343 GENEVA, NE 68361 402.759.3822 WWW.TRIPOINTLUTHERANPARISH.COM TRIPOINTLUTHERANPARISH@GMAIL.COM Prince of Peace Lutheran Church 1026 O Street Geneva, NE 68361 402.759.3822 St. John’s Lutheran Church PO Box 188 Ohiowa, NE 68416 402.295.2324 First Evangelical Lutheran Church 105 South Third Street PO Box 248 McCool Junction, NE 68401 402.724.2441

Transcript of Web viewJack Bellis. November 2015 – St. John’s. SUNDAY. MONDAY. TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY....

Page 1: Web viewJack Bellis. November 2015 – St. John’s. SUNDAY. MONDAY. TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY. THURSDAY. ... 15A.J. Scheerer-Hamm. 17Dustin





GENEVA, NE 68361402.759.3822

[email protected]

Prince of Peace Lutheran Church

1026 O StreetGeneva, NE 68361

402.759.3822St. John’s Lutheran Church

PO Box 188Ohiowa, NE 68416


First Evangelical Lutheran Church

105 South Third StreetPO Box 248

McCool Junction, NE 68401402.724.2441

Page 2: Web viewJack Bellis. November 2015 – St. John’s. SUNDAY. MONDAY. TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY. THURSDAY. ... 15A.J. Scheerer-Hamm. 17Dustin



FROM THE PASTOR’S DESKUsually during this month, this article would remind you of ways to give thanks to God. Because indeed, God has done and continues to do many things around us that we should give thanks to. However, in the Beth Moore Bible Study I have been doing with some other women, there is something I feel called to share with you: YOU HAVE BEEN CALLED BY GOD!

Every once in a while, I feel like we get comfortable with where we are in life and what we are doing, and sometimes lose focus on keeping our eyes on Jesus and that our calling as his disciples is never through until we are no longer above the ground to keep doing what God has ordained and called us to do. This can be exciting news, and rather scary news for those of us still breathing. For this means we ought to constantly be busy trying to figure out what God is calling us to do next. Some of the verses that encourage this from scripture are:

*Eph. 2:10 “For we are what he has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life.”

*1 Peter 4:10-11 “Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received. Whoever speaks must do so as one speaking the very words of God; whoever serves must do so with the strength that God supplies, so that God may be glorified in all things through Jesus Christ. To him belong the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen.”

*Colossians 4:17 The apostle Paul writes, “See that you complete the task that you have received in the Lord.”

If you were under the illusion that all God wants from you is for you to love him, I’m sorry to say, these verses point out that God actually needs you and has prepared things ahead of you to do for Christ’s glory. Yes, of course there might be others with the same kind of gifts as you, but there is no one else who can fulfill your calling in the same way God has called you to do. Therefore, while on Reformation Sunday, we celebrated God’s grace given to us unconditionally, we now hear of a calling God has given very specifically to all of us that God is counting on us answering and fulfilling. Isn’t that both really exciting and terrifying all at the same time?

I mean, what if we aren’t in tune with God’s word or heeding the nudging of the Spirit trying to get us to act and use our gifts for what God intended for to do, thus missing part of God’s calling and ordained work for us to do. And secondly, that God has more than claimed us as just his children, but has actually called and entrusted us to do his work and bring his kingdom near to others through our acts of service.

So as we give thanks for the mighty works God is working through our lives this month, and look forward to the time of waiting in Advent for our God to come to us anew, may be spend time thinking about the ways God has uniquely gifted and called each one of us to be about his mission of saving and loving people all around us. For God’s calling to each of us as Christians, is not simply that we would go to church, but that we would be the church for the sake of the world.

The world is watching and looking for answers. According to Matthew 7:17 “Every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit.” Thus, may the world know us as the church by the good fruit we bear for the sake of world in the name of Jesus Christ, and not by any other name or bad fruit. Amen!

Peace and blessings to you this month, as you seek to answer God’s calling upon your life in the world around you,

Pastor Becky Sells <><

PS. WE are so thankful for all of you! I especially want to thank all of you who have or will step up and help out our family and the parish while I am on maternity leave. Each and every way you have found to help out during this time is truly appreciated and we are blessed to be a part of such a loving community of believers!

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1 2 3 4 5 6 78:30am Worship w/ Pastors’ Sabbath 7am Men’s B. Study 4:30-7:00pm 9am-NoonHoly Communion 7pm NA meeting 10:30am Text Study Soup Supper Office Hrs.9:30am Fellowship 2-5:30pm Office Hrs.& Sunday School10:30am Women’sVideo Study @ PoPL. League: Bowling8 9 10 11 12 13 148:30am Worship Pastors’ Sabbath 7am Men’s B. Study 6:45-8:00pm 9am-Noon 2pm Hymn Sing9:30am Fellowship 6pm Living Water 10:30am Text Study Confirmation @ PoP Office Hrs. At Heritage& Sunday School Celebration Banquet 2-5:30pm Office Hrs. 7pm Council mtg.Luther League: 7pm NA meetingServing @ PCL inLincoln Veteran’s Day15 16 17 18 19 20 218:30am Worship w/ Pastors’ Sabbath 7am Men’s B. Study 6:45-8:00pm 9am-NoonHoly Communion 7pm NA meeting 10:30am Text Study Confirmation @ PoP Office Hrs.9:30am Fellowship 2-5:30pm Office Hrs. Noon Meal at& Sunday School Senior Center

Careletter deadline22 23 24 25 26 27 288:30am Worship w/ Pastors’ Sabbath 7am Men’s B. StudyHoly Communion 7pm NA meeting 10:30am Text Study9:30am Fellowship 2-5:30pm Office Hrs. Thanksgiving& Sunday School7pm CommunityThanksgiving service@ St. Joseph’s29 30 1 2 3 4 58:30am Worship Pastors’ Sabbath9:30am Fellowship 7pm NA meeting

7pm TPLP Mothers’Group @ St. John’s

Parish OfficeRegular Hours 8:30-11:30am 8:30-11:30am 8:30-11:30am 8:30-11:30am

SERVERS FOR NOVEMBER 2015Counters for November: Clark Poppert & LaVon Parde

Bread Baker for November: Val PoppertWorship Date November 1 November 8 November 15 November 22 November 29Greeters Donovan Family Roger Coon Family Coash Family Charlene Brower Birky FamilyUshers Gaston Family Gibson Family Doug Hafer Family S. Hafer Family Hopken FamilyReader LaDonna Pendleton Val Poppert Joan Ackland Jason Bespalec Peggy BirkyAcolytes Bella Lichti &

Sadie BirkyLexi Theis &Trenton Srajhans

KayLynn Sieber &Travis Meyer

Hannah Miller &Aidan Trowbridge

Alexia Dittmer &Sadie Birky

Video Matt Hogue Riley Moses Leyton Hopken Aaron Poppert Cole JividenCommunion Prep. Sylvia Jividen Marsha Kennel Idonna KuhnsCommunion Asst. Wanda Moses Jennifer Trowbridge Clark PoppertSound Board Chad Gaston Jason Bespalec Joan Ackland Max Lichti Jim DonovanSunday School Snack Nielsen/Koenig Family Meyer Family Gaston FamilyFellowship Teresa Kapperman &

Idonna KuhnsKennel Family Loontjer Family Loseke Family Stan Meyer Family

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We once again have the opportunity to share God’s love with children around the world through Operation Christmas Child, a program administered by Samaritan’s Purse. During the first two weeks of November we will be collecting items for Operation Christmas Child. You have different options for participating in this opportunity. If your family would like, you may wrap a shoebox (lid must be able to open to go through Customs) and then fill it with gift items for either a boy or a girl. If you prefer, you may bring items to the church and we will pack and wrap shoebox gifts.

These gifts are often the first gift that some of these children receive. What really tugs at my heart is the message of God’s love that is delivered with the gifts. Once the boxes are passed through Customs, a booklet entitled The Greatest Gift is placed inside each box. With this booklet is the invitation to attend classes so the children receive the gift of coming to know Jesus. What a great message for us to be a part of!

Last year was the first year that Prince of Peace participated in this project. We were able to deliver 36 gifts to the Operation Christmas Child collection center in York. It would be awesome if we could deliver between 40 and 50 gifts this year!

Please let Carlene, Joan, or LaDonna know if you have any questions. Thank you!

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1 2 3 4 5 6 710:30am Worship Pastors’ Sabbath 10:30am Text Study 3-5pm Office Hrs. 7pm Men’s B. Studyw/ Holy Communion

8 9 10 11 12 13 1410:30am Worship Pastors’ Sabbath 10:30am Text Study 3-5pm Office Hrs. 7pm Men’s B. StudyFamily Sunday 6pm Living WaterSchool after service Celebration Banquet

Veteran’s Day15 16 17 18 19 20 2110:30am Worship Pastors’ Sabbath 10:30am Text Study 3-5pm Office Hrs. 7pm Men’s B. Studyw/ Holy Communion 7pm FLC Hospitality 7pm Council mtg.

meetingCareletter deadline

22 23 24 25 26 27 2810:30am Worship Pastors’ Sabbath 10:30am Text Study 3-5pm Office Hrs.w/ Holy Communion Thanksgiving

29 30 1 2 3 4 510:30am Worship Pastors’ Sabbath

7pm TPLP Mothers’Group @ St. John’s

Parish OfficeRegular Hours 8:30-11:30am 8:30-11:30am 8:30-11:30am 8:30-11:30am

SERVERS FOR NOVEMBER 2015Worship Date November 1 November 8 November 15 November 22 November 29Reader Bernace Norquest Vanee Holtmeier Kathy Barnes Al Mack Kent NorquestUshers Jim Kaliff &

Burton NorquestJim Kaliff &Burton Norquest

Kyle Bailey &Terry Chrisman

Kyle Bailey &Terry Chrisman

Jim Green & Marvin Weber

Communion Asst. Mike Vorderstrasse Marvin Weber Jack Bellis

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1 2 3 4 5 6 79am Worship w/ Pastors’ Sabbath 10:30am Text Study 6:45-8:00pm 9-11am Office Hrs.Holy Communion 1:30pm WELCA Confirmation @PoP10am Sunday School Bible Study

8 9 10 11 12 13 149am Worship Pastors’ Sabbath 10:30am Text Study 6:45-8:00pm 9-11am Office Hrs.10am Sunday School 6pm Living Water Confirmation @PoP 2pm Hymn Sing

Celebration Banquet @ Heritage

Veteran’s Day15 16 17 18 19 20 219am Worship w/ Pastors’ Sabbath 10:30am Text Study 6:45-8:00pm 9:30am 9-11am Office Hrs.Holy Communion Confirmation @PoP Birthday Coffee10am Sunday School @ Ohiowa CaféCouncil meetingfollowing service Careletter deadline22 23 24 25 26 27 289am Worship w/ Pastors’ Sabbath 10:30am Text Study 7pm Thanksgiving 9-11am Office Hrs.Holy Communion service Thanksgiving10am Sunday School

29 30 1 2 3 4 59am Worship Pastors’ Sabbath10am Sunday School

Parish OfficeRegular Hours 8:30-11:30am 8:30-11:30am 8:30-11:30am 8:30-11:30am

SERVERS FOR NOVEMBER 2015Organist: Nancy Cradduck

Ushers for November: Scott & Anna Most, Larry & Tanner NunFlowers for November: Barb Dunse

Worship Date November 1 November 8 November 15 November 22 November 29Acolyte Kala Most KayLynn Sieber Kimberly Schropfer Conner Nun Kala MostLay Reader Tanner Nun Barb Dunse Lynn Mussman Larry Nun Vicki Ozenbaugh

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PRINCE OF PEACENov 01 Loseke, Danny

03 Haley NorvellDorothy Smith

04 Jaclyn Luzum05 Ryan Steider06 Jodi Meyer07 Charlene Brower

Idonna Kuhns11 David Dittmer

Lisa HopkenDonald Nun

12 Nathan Meyer15 Ray Mohlman

15 Clark Poppert17 Margrett Wehland18 Evan Hubert

Wendy Rippe19 Travis Meyer25 Trevor Meyer24 Marsha Kennel

Jenna Theis25 Matthew Hogue26 Patt Lentfer

Cole Nedrow27 Anthony Schweer28 Faith Kapperman

Nov 01 Kevin & Jennifer Trowbridge07 Abe & Cathy Eberhardt10 Dirk & Niki Coon12 Carol & Richard Trapp16 Angie & Spencer Hafer23 Mark & Shaunna O’Brien


11 Casper Mertz15 A.J. Scheerer-Hamm

17 Dustin Chrisman24 Carol Brozovsky

Nov 02 Matt & Heather Smith11 Allan & Jeanette Mack

ST. JOHN’SNov 01 Scott Most

Alan Mussman02 Rod Matthies

Morley Most04 Sondra Backstrom14 Robert Wulf16 Lynda Barnell

17 Sara MostRyker Coffman

21 Bessie Wulf29 Ron Kapperman

Gorlyn NunJaslyn Ward

30 Mike Kapperman

Nov 08 Mitch & Katrina Ozenbaugh22 Russ & Krissy Ozenbaugh25 Scott & Tonya Wagner26 Rex & Lynn Mussman


Beginning in November, please join us either on Facebook or through the parish website for a new online study. In this study, we will follow the lives of the Park Grove Community Church as they struggle with their identity and other issues that concern the church at large. The “Pilot” episode is currently available on the parish website through Online Resources – Chuck Knows Church, on on the Parish’s Facebook page.

MATERNITY LEAVE OFFICE HOURS SCHEDULEPastor Becky will be on maternity leave throughout November and the beginning of December, and Pastor Annette Minderman will be leading worship in her place during this time. The pastors’ regular office hour schedule will also be modified as follows:

Prince of Peace First LutheranTues. 2:00-5:30pm Wed. 3:00-5:00pmThurs. 9:00am-Noon

St. John’sFri. 9:00am-Noon

All other regular pastors’ office hour times will not be held during maternity leave. Thank you for your understanding!

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ADVENT AND CHRISTMAS PLANSOur mid-week Advent services will begin this year on December 2nd. As in years past, Advent will be a shared rotation of services which will begin this year at First Lutheran. Unlike years past, we will be suspending the pre-service meal in favor of a time of fellowship over warm drinks and cookies/bars. Our worship service will continue to be the Holden “Evening Prayer” service which we have used in the past.

Advent schedule:12/02: 6:30 pm Fellowship, 7:00 pm Worship, 7:45 pm Confirmation at First Lutheran12/09: 6:30 pm Fellowship, 7:00 pm Worship, 7:45 pm Confirmation at Prince of Peace12/16: 6:30 pm Fellowship, 7:00 pm Worship, 7:45 pm Confirmation at St. John’s

Christmas Eve Services:6:00 pm at First Lutheran6:00 pm at Prince of Peace7:30 pm at St. John’s

Thanks and Peace in Christ,

Pr. James


Thanks to the enthusiasm of our youth and the generous support of many, ELCA World Hunger’s Walk for Water fundraising challenge of $500,000 was met – and now it will be doubled!

To date, more than $500,000 has been received in support of this effort, and thanks to a generous family in the ELCA, $500,000 will be matched – totaling more than $1 million in gifts for ELCA World Hunger-supported water projects.

Your gifts are making a difference! By supporting water-related projects, together, we are helping to create healthier families and stronger economies through projects that provide clean drinking water through spring boxes and boreholes, support for irrigation systems, education about sanitation in rural villages, and so much more, in 36 countries around the world. Thank you!

This is critical progress toward ELCA World Hunger’s commitment to helping communities around the world break the cycle of hunger and poverty. In 2015, we’re working toward nearly $21 million of projects and services (of which over $5 million includes water- and sanitation-related efforts) helping communities here at home and abroad.

If you had fun and were inspired, we invite you to continue the momentum of the Walk for Water challenge with special water-related resources by staying with us on the journey of supporting great water and sanitation projects that help our friends around the world break the cycle of hunger and poverty.

Check these out: • The Walk for Water Tour features AGAPE*, Rachel Kurtz and Joe Davis in concert bringing music, inspiration and support for the water projects of ELCA World Hunger to cities across the country.• Download the free DIY guide to recreate the Walk for Water track experience from the ELCA Youth Gathering in your congregation or community. • ELCA Good Gifts is a creative way to give a gift in honor of a loved one and support ELCA ministries, including water-related projects. Find resources to get your congregation involved this Christmas.

Thank you for your prayers, your partnership and your gifts,

The Rev. Daniel Rift

Director, ELCA World Hunger and Disaster Appeal

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

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The Nebraska Synod will hold Fall Discipleship Days around the state to meet with pastoral and lay leaders about the exciting ministry happening in the Synod.

Each gathering will feature: time with Bishop Brian Maas the opportunity to visit about stewardship practices in the church… what works and what doesn’t information about the Parish Ministry Associate program time to network with area congregational leaders.

Each congregation is asked to send their pastoral leadership and at least two lay leaders, one of whom has an interest in stewardship. There is no cost for attending the event.

The evening in each location will begin at 7:00 p.m. and wrap up around 8:30 p.m. This year, the nearest Fall Discipleship Day will be held on Sunday, November 1 at the American Lutheran Church in Fairbury. Register now!


October Meeting Minutes

October 13, 2015, 7:00pm

Members present: Nancy Meyer (POP), Gaylord Cradduck (St. John’s), Clark Poppert (POP), Tim Stacy (First), Ruth Drake (St. John’s), Kathy Barnes (First), Pastors James and Becky Sells, Joseph Chapman, Pam Norquest, Chris Coash

Members absent: None

Devotions were led by Pastor Becky.


Pastoral EvaluationsThe council reviewed the completed pastoral evaluations and noted that the response was overwhelmingly positive. Prince of Peace board members noted that a few evaluations included comments which recommended that the pastors delegate some responsibilities to lay leaders within the congregation to lighten their own workload. Tim noted that some evaluations encouraged the pastors to make attempts to regain youth and past members.

Review of the Year: Shared ExpensesSt. John’s council members discussed their recent change to Evangelical Lutheran Worship hymnals and how this would thus increase their share of the Sundays and Seasons expenses to one-third, making it equal among all three churches. For other shared items, such as printing costs, it was suggested that there be a meeting of the treasurers from each church as well as the parish administrative secretary to discuss how to deal with these expenses. Nancy stated that she would set up a Doodle poll to find a time that worked for all parties.

Advent PlansDiscussion: The board considered plans for Advent services around the Parish. With December being a busy time of the year for many, and inclement weather interfering with travel, the board discussed the implications of not having Advent services at all; it was suggested that not having Advent services one year may make it difficult to restart them in the

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future. It was also discussed whether or not a full meal for fellowship was necessary. The board also considered having lay leadership lead Advent services.

Action: There was a motion by Tim to recommend to the church councils that Advent services be held on the first three Wednesdays in December, with a fellowship of coffee, cookies and rolls beginning at 6:30p.m. and a service to follow at 7:00p.m.; Clark seconded and the motion was carried.

BudgetDiscussion: The board deliberated over increases for both the salaries of the pastors and the pension compensation percentage. It was noted that continuing previous years’ changes would mean for an approximate 5.3% increase in the pastors’ wages, and church treasurers Pam Norquest and Chris Coash estimated that insurance costs would rise about 7%. It was also noted that the pastors are currently on the high end of suggested compensation rates given their years since ordination. First council members were completely pleased with the pastors’ performance, but noted that lower offering totals meant that a raise would not be financially positive for the church. Prince of Peace Council members recommended that the pastors should continue to stay on the high-end of salary rates, agreeing with First that the pastors are good for the churches and that a raise would be a necessary reward. Although Prince of Peace’s offering numbers were low as well, it was noted that there had been no recent stewardship campaigns and a goal was made to reinvigorate these events. St. John’s also noted financial woes, but agreed that the pastors’ wages should be raised as normal.

Action: There was a motion by Clark to recommend to the church councils that the pastors be given a raise which would keep them on the high-end of the suggested compensation spectrum; Gaylord seconded and the motion was carried.

Discussion: First Treasurer Pam Norquest noted that the pension compensation percentage for the pastors was currently at 10% of wageswhile the suggested percentage was 12%; she noted that it was recommended for parishes behind in such a fashion to raise their percentage an additional half-percent each year so that they may catch up. The board discussed the implications of simply raising the percentage by the full 2%.

Action: There was a motion by Clark to recommend to the church councils that the pastors’ pension compensation percentages be raised from 10% to 12% of wages. Ruth seconded and the motion was carried.


Christmas Eve ServicesDiscussion: The board considered the scheduled times of previous years’ Christmas Eve services at each of the three churches and how they should be modified to accommodate each church’s preferences and the pastor’s necessary travel time. Prince of Peace noted mixed feelings about last year’s 5:30p.m. service, but had a good attendance overall. The board noted that congregation members who work on Christmas Eve may find it hard to make an earlier service.

Action: There was a motion by Clark to set the Christmas eve service schedule for the three churches as follows: Prince of Peace at 6:00p.m., First Lutheran at 6:00p.m., and St. John’s at 7:30p.m.; Tim seconded and the motion was carried.

Other New BusinessTim inquired about the uses of the $200 each church pays for rent of the parsonage. It was discussed that these payments can be used in the future for major projects or repairs to the parsonage. It was suggested that Prince of Peace treasurer Chris Coash bring a report concerning these rent payments and their use to the aforementioned meeting of the treasurers so it may be examined and discussed.

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Additionally, Tim asked about the Pastors’ use of their vacation days and whether or not this was recorded. The pastors stated that they were using almost all of their available vacation days, but they were less sure about compensation days such as funerals. It was suggested that the parish administrative secretary start recording these at the beginning of the new year so that an accurate report was available at any time.

The board discussed the scheduling of the annual congregation meetings held in January. An important concern was to make sure that each church’s treasurer was present at these meetings to provide treasury reports.

Action: There was a motion by Ruth to set the annual congregation meeting dates as follows: Prince of Peace’s on Sunday, January 17th, 2016; St. John’s on Sunday, January 24th; and First Lutheran’s on Sunday, January 31st. Tim seconded and the motion was carried.

With the parish budget being considered, the board also discussed a raise for the parish administrative secretary. It was noted that Joseph will not have been employed for a year until the end of May 2016.

Action: There was a motion by Ruth to recommend to the church councils that they budget for the wages of the parish administrative secretary to be raised to $12 per hour in May; Tim seconded and the motion was carried.

Next MeetingThe next meeting of the Tri Point Lutheran Parish board was scheduled for Tuesday, February 2, 2016 at 7:00pm. Proposed discussion items for the meeting include discussion of annual congregation meetings and reports.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:36pm.

Joseph Chapman

Tri Point Lutheran Parish Secretary

REMINDER:Daylight Savings Time ends on Sunday, November 1st. Don’t forget to set your clocks back one hour so you

don’t show up to church too early!






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