
2 Viatorian Community Spring 2011 Volume 16, No. 2 The newscasts frequently narrate massive, and sometime catastrophic, events — the economic free-fall, 12 million undocumented immigrants in the U.S. living in fear of arrest and deportation, the earthquake and subsequent cholera epidemic in Haiti, the violence in the Ivory Coast, and the recent massive earthquake in Japan. Viatorians affirm that the Gospels challenge us to respond to the emotional and physical upheavals of our brothers and our sisters. This evangelical task is especially pressing since three of the sixteen countries where Viatorians live and work are Haiti, Japan, and the Ivory Coast. To respond to these and other concerns in a proactive manner, fifty-three Viatorians from five continents recently gathered in Bogotá, Colombia, for the second general assembly of the Viatorian Community. Their tasks included clarifying the foundational elements of the Viatorian charism, as articulated in the Viatorian Charter, and establishing strategies whereby international solidarity among all Viatorians will be strengthened. After much discussion, the delegates formed a consensus that Viatorians must continue to employ innovative methods to develop vibrant faith communities, which often entails taking risks. A central feature of these faith communities is close collaboration between the laity and religious. In the past, Viatorians identified themselves as professed Viatorians Reaffirm Their Ministry Around the World at General Assembly Br. Benoît Tremblay of the Province of Canada addresses the assembly. Continued on page 2 Viatorians gather for a plenary session.


2011 Spring

Transcript of Viator

Page 1: Viator


Viatorian Community Spring 2011 Volume 16, No. 2

The newscasts frequently narrate massive, andsometime catastrophic, events — the economicfree-fall, 12 million undocumented immigrants inthe U.S. living in fear of arrest and deportation, theearthquake and subsequent cholera epidemicin Haiti, the violence in the Ivory Coast, and therecent massive earthquake in Japan. Viatoriansaffirm that the Gospels challenge us to respond tothe emotional and physical upheavals of our brothersand our sisters. This evangelical task is especiallypressing since three of the sixteen countries whereViatorians live and work are Haiti, Japan, and theIvory Coast.

To respond to these and other concerns in a proactivemanner, fifty-three Viatorians from five continentsrecently gathered in Bogotá, Colombia, for the

second general assembly of the ViatorianCommunity. Their tasks included clarifyingthe foundational elements of the Viatoriancharism, as articulated in the ViatorianCharter, and establishing strategies wherebyinternational solidarity among all Viatorianswill be strengthened.

After much discussion, the delegates formed aconsensus that Viatorians must continue to employinnovative methods to develop vibrant faithcommunities, which often entails taking risks. Acentral feature of these faith communities is closecollaboration between the laity and religious. In thepast, Viatorians identified themselves as professed

Viatorians ReaffirmTheir Ministry Aroundthe World at General Assembly

Br. Benoît Tremblay of the Province of Canada addresses the assembly.

Continued on page 2

Viatorians gather for a plenary session.

Page 2: Viator

religious; currently, they identify themselves as professed religiousand lay associates who minister together on an equal basis.

Indeed, this new reality leads to the question — "What is a Viatorian"?The delegates soon concluded that the core Viatorian attributesinclude equality, unity, and complementarity.These qualities animatethe community to positively impact the world and the Church. Ofnote is that the ethnicity of many Viatorians reflects that of the localcommunity in which Viatorians minister.The delegates describedthe community as an "ecosystem" whereby members depend upon andassume a responsibility for each other.This reality, in turn, challenges allmembers of the Viatorian Community to see themselves not only ascitizens of their particular countries but also as citizens of the world.

Intertwined with the meetings were celebrations of the fiftieth year ofViatorian ministry in Colombia. In 1961, three Viatorians, Frs. JamesCrilly, CSV, Bert Mayr, CSV, and ThomasWise, CSV, traveled toBogotá, Colombia, to begin an educational ministry that was realizedin the establishment of Colegio San Viator.What began as a school of35 students on the outskirts of Bogotá is now a thriving K - 11 schoolwith an enrollment of over 1000 students. Viatorians also conduct two

parishes within Bogotá. Fifteen professed Colombian Viatorians and 16Colombian associates collaborate in carrying out the Viatorian mission.

The Colombian Viatorians hosted a very dynamic exchange among theViatorians from many diverse ethnicities and cultures. All agreed thatfuture exchanges would deepen the international solidarity that everyonewas clearly feeling. These exchanges would deepen the awareness thatwhat we do in our respective countries often has a global impact.

Additional suggestion included the establishment of an internationalcenter in Vourles, France, the Viatorian birthplace, and the establishmentof an international development office to help Viatorians who areworking in economically challenged areas. This international develop-ment office would work with the general direction and with theprovinces to clarify the community needs and to coordinate financialdevelopment efforts.

As one delegate described the assembly as “an unique experience ofdedicated, talented people working toward common goals. It was all themore remarkable considering the places around the world from whichwe came and knowing that all of us did not speak a common language...

All of it was terrific!”

General Assembly II effecteda deeper awareness ofViatorians as a microcosm ofthe church today — a peopleof God made up of manydifferent cultures andbackgrounds, who share thesame faith in God and beliefin the Gospels, which callforth a response to bringabout the reign of God hereon earth.

Thomas Long, CSV

General Assembly... continued from page 1


The Colombian Viatorians hosted the assembly which included an example of Colombian culture.

equality & unity

Page 3: Viator

Cathy Abrahamian, A Lay Associate Who Makes Things Happen

During a recent interview, Viatorian Associate Cathy Abrahamiancalmly described her decision nearly 10 years ago to become a layassociate — all while handling questions from Saint Viator HighSchool staff members who ducked their heads in for answers.

As the administrative assistant to Fr. Robert M. Egan, CSV,president of the school, Cathy has all the answers — for thingsgoing on around the school, that is, and much more.

As it turns out, she can speak to the question of why she decided totake her work with the Viatorians one step further, by joining them.

“I always wanted to be a priest when I was little,” she said with alaugh. “So, the chance to work with priests and live out my faithwas too good to pass up.”

She remembers that it was in 2002 that Br. Michael Gosch, CSV,and Fr. Thomas von Behren, CSV, approached her aboutbecoming an associate.

“At the time, there weren’t a lot of other associates in the Chicagoarea — maybe two,” she said. “So the role wasn’t well-defined.

“But I believed in the mission of Fr. Querbes,” Cathy added. “Ilove children and I love the message of Jesus, and I love being ableto share that message with children.”

As a result, nearly all of her work in Viatorian ministries includesworking with students to help advance their faith formation.

Cathy works with the club Students Making Smart Decisions,which is a division of Students Against Destructive Decisions(SADD). Last winter they wrapped up their annual toy drive tosupport the Walter and Connie Payton Foundation, and nextmonth she will lead nearly 100 students as they participate in theAmerican Cancer Society’s Relay for Life.

That’s just the start of her work.

She is a regular adult speaker at student retreats, including thefreshmen retreat where new students are just beginning their faithjourney at Saint Viator, and at Kairos retreats for upperclassmen,where they are nearing the end of their high school experience.

Last summer, Cathy helped with the first Viatorian YouthCongress, a role she looks forward to repeating again this summer.

She also teaches religious education to fifth graders at her parish,St. James Church in Arlington Heights, and she serves as GirlScout leader for a fifth grade troop, who are working on theirreligious medal, called “I Live My Faith.”

She also works a day job. As the president’s administrativeassistant, she provides hospitality to his guests, along with takingdictation, preparing documents, setting up appointments andanswering the phones.

She also serves assecretary to SaintViator High School’sBoard of Trustees andits investment board,and keeps the files onall of the faculty andstaff members in theschool, as well as itsathletic coaches for its25 interscholastic sports.

Viatorian Associate Pat Mahoney stated it was Cathy whoconvinced him to take the plunge by becoming an associate.

“She is so dedicated and just an incessant worker,” Pat said.“I figured if she could find time to do it, I could.”

One year after becoming a Viatorian associate, Cathy’s husband,Don, joined her as an associate, a decision their three childrensupport — Sara, 23, Eric, 19, and Emma, 11.

He works in customer service during the day and at night providessecurity at Saint Viator High School. Consequently, he too, is afamiliar face to students and their families, lending a steadypresence to the busy comings and goings of a high school —after school hours.

“This is not a job for us,” Cathy said. “This is the core of who we are.”

Eileen Daday


Cathy actively participates in the annualViatorian assembly.

Cathy Abrahamian speaksbriefly with Fr. WilliamCarpenter, CSV, at the

annual memorial servicefor deceased Viatorians.

After a successful retreat, Cathy and the retreatants pose for the camera.

Page 4: Viator


For almost fifty years , Br. Patrick Drohan, CSV,has been working quietly, steadily, and diligentlyto ensure that Villa Desiderata, a retreat houselocated near McHenry, IL, runs smoothly. Hispresent ministerial focus is on adult retreatgroups, primarily those in 12-step programs,where he has seen thousands of people leave witha firm interior grounding to help them live lives ofsobriety and productivity.

Br. Pat began his work in 1963 as part of aViatorian retreat team which offered retreats toSaint Viator High School students. His mentorwas the retreat master, the late Fr. Eugene Lutz,CSV, a man known for being firm, caring, with aquick sense of humor, and a very firm handshake.Fr. Lutz's experiences as a marine, and as a POWin Asia duringWorldWar II for four and a halfyears, forged in him an intolerance for self-pityand irresponsibility, a quality that everyone whospoke with him immediately recognized.

On the final evening of the senior retreats, peoplefrom Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) would speakto the students about their personal experienceswith alcohol and drug use. For young men beingbombarded with the myth that inebriation equalspopularity and virility, the discussions would oftenbe lengthy and spirited.

When Saint Viator High School ceased sendingtheir seniors offsite for retreats, Fr. Lutz andBr. Pat redirected the ministerial focus of VillaDesiderata. At that time home Masses were verypopular and Fr. Lutz and Br. Pat were frequentguests in local homes where Fr. Lutz celebratedprayerful and intimate liturgies. As the numbersof participants became larger, Fr. Lutz and Br. Patinvited them to come to the villa chapel forSunday Mass, where they did.They established a

faith community that continues to this day. Br. Patcoordinates the Sunday liturgies and is a constantpresence every week.

Many of the Mass participants were recoveringalcoholics. Even though Fr. Lutz was not inrecovery, they saw in him a person of integritywho would immediately see through anyphoniness.Thus, many sought him out to makean inventory of their past lives, so as to beginanew.While he always listened attentively andempathetically, if he felt that someone was notbeing completely honest, he would immediatelytell the individual to go home, do more work, andthen come back. Even though he ruffled somefeathers, people knew he was right and respectedhim for it.Many returned.

In 1971, a group of men from AA approachedFr Lutz and Br. Pat about having their ownretreat, to which they agreed. From this smallbeginning the present ministry at Villa Desideratagrew to what it is today. From the men’s retreat,the ministry has branched out to hosting retreatsfor women in AA, adult children of alcoholics,AA couples retreat, and Alanon. Br. Pat saysthat approximately 90% of the retreats are12-step retreats.

When cancer struck Fr. Lutz, Br. Pat and the localcommunity gladly performed numerous tasks tocare for him in his last days—an example ofmutual ministry.

Br. Pat continues and develops the legacy ofFr. Lutz. In his quiet and gentle manner, he

ensures the good operation of the villa. He checksto make sure that the supplies are purchasedand delivered; the building and grounds aremaintained; and while the groups are meeting,they have what they need.With almost fifty yearsof experience at Villa Desiderata, many peopleconsider Br. Pat a friend and confidant. Hecontinues the Fr. Lutz tradition of not toleratingany sham or self-pity.

His many years of experience have given him akeen insight into the people who come to the villa.He noted that, unfortunately, the problem of drugand alcohol addiction keeps growing and there isno lack of retreat candidates.Many arrive withonly a few hours of sobriety and walk through thedoors because their sponsors are bringing them.They are at rock bottom and their future holdseither recovery or self-destruction — it’s theirchoice. Br. Pat said that he is still amazed at themiracles that have occurred. From all appearances,it seemed that there was no hope for many of theretreat candidates; yet, numerous retreatants haveemerged clean and sober because of a powergreater than themselves to live effective lives wherethey in turn reach out to others.

As Br. Pat celebrates his 48th year at VillaDesiderata, he has seen many people walkthrough the doors. He knows from experiencethe value of personal one-on-one ministry that hastransformed so many lives. By reaching out tothose in recovery, Br. Pat fulfills the Viatorianmission of affirming the value and dignity of everyhuman being, especially those who are accountedof little or no importance by mainstream society.

Thomas Long, CSV

TheViatorian BehindVilla Desiderata Retreat Center

Villa Desiderata Retreat Center

A painting of Fr. Eugene Lutz, CSV, and Br.Patrick Drohan, CSV, that honors Br. Drohan’s

twenty-fifth anniversary as a Viatorian.

Br. Patrick Drohan, CSV, pauses for a moment inhis workshop where he works on various projects

and talks with people.

Page 5: Viator


Steven Dwyer is part of a dynamic duo that makes the Life Teenprogram at St. Thomas More Catholic Community in Henderson,NV, sing. He serves as co-director of this program with his wife,Amanda, heading up the youth ministry activities at the bustlingparish of 6,000 families which is located 15 miles from Las Vegas,NV.

Yet, it wasn’t until last summer, when he attended the ViatorianYouth Congress that he says he really understood what it meant tobe Viatorian. Viator caught up with him last spring to explore thosethoughts and to find out just what drives him.

Q. Tell us about LifeTeen andwhat makes it such a big draw.What is itthat makes it different from a traditional youthministry program?

A. Life Teen's motto is "Leading Teens Closer To Christ" and wereally make that our goal in every single thing that we do. In LifeTeen, we believe in teaching, and in doing, so we make it fun inorder to grab the attention of the teenagers and keep theminterested and yearning for more. For example, even if we have amovie night, we turn it into an interactive movie night so that wecan teach positive messages and relate it back to our faith.

Q. Howmany teens are we talking about?

A. We get an average of about 300 teens each week.Q. Is there any one component that makes the biggest impact?A. Our retreats are a big key to the program.They're great for the

leaders who get more time for relational ministry and they'regood for the teens because they can get away from everything— no phones, internet, or TV— and just slow down, have fun,spend time with God, and share the same morals and faith withtheir peers. It gives them time to pray, to learn, and to focuson themselves.

Q. What do teens remember most about LifeTeen?

A. I’d have to say it’s our special, five-day retreat called LIGHT orLiving in God’s House Together. It is a work retreat where teensfrom the parish go into the community and do service such aslandscaping, painting, feeding the homeless, and general clean-upjobs.The retreat takes place in the summer and if you have neverexperienced a Las Vegas summer, well, it's VERY hot. It's notuncommon to be at 115 degrees. For 100 teens to give up a week oftheir summer vacation to do service work in that heat, wefind incredibly humbling.The teens often say this is the mostmemorable experience they have in their high school days!

Q. Tell me about yourself.Did yougrow up in the Las Vegas area?

A. I was born in New York butmoved with my parents, Steveand Juliann Dwyer, to Las Vegaswhen I was six.We joinedSt.Thomas More in 1987, whenMass was being held at thePalm Mortuary. I made my First Communion there and served asan altar boy.When the parish center opened in 1989, my motherstarted working as the religious education director. I helped herout around the parish, after school.

Q. What about your experiences as a teen in the parish.Did they leavean impact on you?

A. I was a core team leader in our Life Teen program from the timethat it began at St.Thomas More in 1998. I felt it was veryrewarding being a leader, but I also learned just as much as Itaught. I met Amanda at church in 2000.We were both on coreteam together, and she was also working part time at the church.We were married at St.Thomas More by Fr. Bob Bolser, CSV, onNovember 8, 2003.The position of director of Life Teen opened upin 2005. Amanda and I waited several months before ever applying,but we felt a strong calling to apply for the position together.

Q. How have the Viatorians influenced your faith formation, both asa teen, and nowworking along side them?

A. Growing up in St.Thomas More, I was aware that we were in aViatorian parish, but I never really knew what that meant. Itwasn't until after high school that I started to realize what being apart of the Viatorians was truly about. I gained a much betterunderstanding of who the Viatorians are, last summer, afterspending time at the Viatorian Youth Conference. I was able tosee firsthand the community to which we belong, and just howmuch they value lay involvement, how much they value youngpeople by giving them their start in leadership roles.

Q. How have the Viatorians impacted yourworkwith LifeTeen?

A. Our priests at St.ThomasMore are great. Despite their busyschedules, they're always willing to give their time to be available toteens, or help us out with retreats and Life Nights. They also do agreat job with making our LifeTeenMass very welcoming andfocused on the teens. I know for a fact, our teens feel veryappreciative of our Viatorian priests and the program.

Eileen Daday

Q & A with Steven Dwyer

youth ministry

Page 6: Viator

At first glance, Fr. John Puisis, CSV, who grew up in a Lithuanian familyon Chicago’s south side, would have little in common with a private highschool located half a world away in central Japan. But their worldscollided in 1952 when Fr. John accepted an assignment to St. ViatorRakusei Senior High School in Kyoto, Japan.While the Viatorians hadbeen there for only four years, it was seven years since the bombing ofHiroshima and Nagasaki.

“He was among a small group of Viatorians going into mission work,” saidFr.Thomas von Behren, CSV, Provincial. “It’s not part of our tradition.He was one of the original ones.”

Fr. Puisis died on Feb. 8th, 2011. He was 93.

He had grown up the second of six children in Chicago’s Bridgeportneighborhood during the Great Depression.When his father’s job with therailroad was reduced to three days a week, the family stretched his weeklysalary of $11 in order to feed the family. Between their devout faith andability to do without, they survived.

His Viatorian confreres and extended family members alike say Fr. Puisisnever lost that simple, frugal lifestyle, and that his needs were few. He livedhis vow of poverty all his life. “He was a man who lived very simply, in thespirit of humility,” Fr. von Behren added. “He had a keen sense of what itwas to live the vow of poverty. He believed in it and, in that way, he wasan inspiration to us all.”

Fr. Puisis was one of three siblings in his family to enter religious life.His older sister, Sr. M. Paulisa, SSC, entered the Sisters of St. Casimir,while his younger brother, Fr. Leonard Puisis, now retired, served theDiocese of Miami.

Fr. Puisis attended Quigley Preparatory High School in Chicagoand pronounced his first vows as a Viatorian in 1938. He earned hisundergraduate degree in English at St. Ambrose College in Davenport,IA, before earning a master’s degree in English and AmericanLiterature from the University of Illinois. He studied at KenrickSeminary in St. Louis, MO, before being ordained in 1945 in Chicagoby Bishop William O’Brien.

Fr. Puisis spent much of his career as ateacher, including two sessions at CathedralBoys High School in Springfield, IL, aswell as at St. James Trade School inAthens, IL, and at Fenwick High School inOak Park, IL.

For a short time, he served as assistantnovice master before accepting his mostambitious assignment — to teach English at a private high school inKyoto, Japan.This city later would become a leading academic center withmore than 35 universities, but at the time Fr. Puisis arrived, it was stillrecovering fromWorldWar II. An initial group of five Viatorians estab-lished St. Viator Kitashirakawa Church, starting with a chapel and somesmall rooms; by 1953, they undertook building a two-story church, com-plete with meeting rooms on the bottom and an upstairs chapel. It wasthere that Fr. Puisis also assisted with various ministries, along with histeaching responsibilities, after he had arrived in 1952.

“He had that missionary spirit of wanting to share the faith,” saidFr. Francis White, CSV, who was at the Japanese school whenFr. Puisis arrived. Although few of the school families were Catholic,they appreciated the high quality teaching methods of the Viatorians.“They welcomed us warmly,” Fr. White added. “They wanted a goodeducation for their children. There was so much emphasis on gettinginto university; they wanted the best for their children.” Fr. Puisis spent14 years at the school, which later was named St. Viator Rakusei SeniorHigh School. It continues to thrive today and is considered to be one ofthe top 20 private schools in Japan.

Upon returning to the United States, Fr. Puisis served as an associate pastorat St. Patrick parish in Kankakee, IL, before departing for Las Vegas, NV,where the Viatorians are involved in schools and parishes. Between 1968and 1972, he served at Bishop Gorman High School, while also assistingat Guardian Angel Cathedral, St. Anne Church, and Our Lady ofLas Vegas Church.

He returned to the Chicago area and from 1973 to 1981, he served aschaplain at Elmhurst Memorial Hospital while also serving as an associatepastor at Immaculate Conception Church in Elmhurst, IL.

Fr. Puisis returned to Las Vegas, serving for one year as an associate pastorat Our Lady of Las Vegas; then he travelled to Holiday, Florida, where hewas an associate pastor at St. Vincent de Paul Church for two years andserved in the same capacity at nearby Our Lady of Fatima Church inInverness, Florida.

His last year of active ministry was spent as an associate pastor at St.Joseph Church in Springfield, IL, before he retired to the ViatorianProvince Center in 1995. He spent the next 12 years visiting the sickmembers of the community. Br. James Lewnard, CSV, noted that“Fr. Puisis’ later years were focused on the anointing of the sick.He always carried the oils for anointing in his pocket.”

Due to declining health, Fr. Puisis moved to Addolorata Villa in 2007where he lived until his death.

We will miss him.

In Memoriam – Fr. John Puisis, CSV

Fr. John Puisis, CSV, teaching class at St. Viator Rakusei Senior High School inKyoto, Japan.

6 Eileen Daday

Page 7: Viator

It has been more than 40 years since Fr. Charles Maranto, CSV,taught Latin to high school students, but his impact still lingers.Mr. Nicholas Penning, who was a student of Fr. Maranto from 1962to 1964 at Griffin High School in Springfield, IL, went on to becomean investigative reporter, later a legislative aide to former IllinoisSenator Paul Simon in Washington, DC, and now a senior legislativeanalyst in Washington. He still remembers sitting in Fr. Maranto’sclassroom and participating in the various state Latin competitions;he even noted with pride the Latin magazine they read, "AuxiliumLatinum." “He was a kind and gentle man, and he was a passionateadvocate for Latin,” Nick said. “He motivated you to do well; youwanted to please him.”

Likewise, Simon Cory was a student in Fr. Maranto’s Latin classes atGriffin High School during those same years. He now works in thatsame school’s campus ministry department, where he often thinks ofthe lessons learned from Fr. Maranto. Simon drove several hours fromSpringfield to Arlington Heights, IL, for the visitation services andfuneral of Fr. Maranto.

Fr. Maranto passed away on March 18th, 2011, at Addolorata Villain Wheeling. IL. He was 88 years old.

“There was a friendliness about him; he was always in a cheerfulmood,” said Fr. Robert Erickson, CSV, who was a student ofFr. Maranto’s in Springfield before teaching with him at Saint ViatorHigh School in Arlington Heights and later living with him in theViatorian Province Center.

Fr. Maranto served as a teacher at Griffin High School from 1950 —the same year he was ordained a priest — until 1964. From there, hewas called to serve at Saint Viator High School in Arlington Heights

where he taught Latin and religion until1968, and later at Bishop McNamaraHigh School in Kankakee, IL, from1968 to 1970.

Viatorian confreres recalled that hethen began hospital chaplain ministryin Springfield, first at Memorial MedicalCenter, from 1973 to 1976, and later at St. John’s Hospital, from 1976until his retirement in 1992.

His ministerial experience extended to parish work, serving as anassociate pastor at Maternity BVM Parish in Bourbonnais, IL, from1970 to 1973, and later as an associate pastor at St. Joseph Parish inSpringfield from 1973 to 1976.

His sister, Sally Monsier of Chicago, says the family grew up behindtheir father’s shoe repair shop on Chicago’s north side, and attendedSaint Viator parish. There, Br. John Koelzer, CSV, worked with youngpeople in the parish, and he made a lasting impression on her brother.“He used to go there every week,” Mrs. Monsier says. “All the kidswould go down. He’d show them movies and they’d have popcorn.”She also remembers that Br. Koelzer saw the potential in her brother,and he arranged for Fr. Maranto to attend a local Chicago Catholichigh school, St. Mel.

Br. Koelzer’s investment paid off. Fr. Maranto pronounced his firstvows with the Clerics of Saint Viator in 1943 and his final vows in1946. He was ordained into the priesthood in 1950 in Joliet, IL, byBishop McNamara.

As a Viatorian, Fr. Maranto earned a bachelor’s degree in Latin fromSt. Ambrose College in Davenport, IA, and a master’s degree in Latinfrom Loyola University of Chicago. He was the first in his family toearn a college and advanced degree, his sister added.

Fr. Maranto’s retirement years were spent humbly in service, sayingMasses at nursing homes and surrounding Northwest suburbanChicago parishes. But he also found time to attend cultural andsporting events, while following his beloved Chicago Cubs. Oneparticular mainstay of his routine was his bowling league. EveryMonday, he competed, and he strove mightily, his confreres say, tooutscore one of his teammates — a 90-year old woman.

“At the province center, he was very attentive to other people’s needs,in an extraordinary manner,” said Fr. Arnold Perham, CSV. “He didall kinds of small things that made everyone’s lives easier.”

His students and confreres agreed that his life was spent by steadfastlysharing the Catholic faith, Latin scholarship, and in service to others.

We will miss him.

Fr. Charles Maranto, CSV

Fr. Maranto, with his positive attitude, always had a cheerful word foreveryone and was ready to discuss the latest baseball game.

7 Eileen Daday

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In the Footstepsof Our Founder...

Archbishop de Pins Relents and ApprovesThe August 15, 1838, response of Archbishop Gaston de Pins to both Fr. Querbesand Cardinal Sala of the Sacred Congregation of Bishops and Regulars came withunexpected generosity. The archbishop relented and accepted “all changes andsuppressions, all modifications” to the statutes. To Cardinal Sala he added:“If there is … any other point to change, I submit in advance to their change”.For Fr. Querbes this approval “went beyond all his hopes”. (Pierre Robert, FromThis Root, 176)

Time was pressing. The final plenary session of the congregation before recess wasSeptember 21, less than a month away. The archbishop’s endorsementenergized Fr. Querbes. He immediately arranged the printing of a more completesupplement to his original Summaire. He included his March 5, 1838, petition, theFrench text of modified statutes, his letters addressed to Pope Gregory XVI andto Archbishop de Pins, the response, and all documents related to the Cause,specifically the modifications. Everything was now prepared. The only remainingdetail was confirmation that the project of the Catechists of St. Viator would be onthe September Plenary Agenda. Fr. Querbes sent Cardinal Sala a pleading requestfor a place “on the order for the day”. Querbes added “Oh, if it is only God’s willthat all be finished as I come out of retreat”. (Robert 177) Fr. Querbes then begana retreat at the Gesu, the Jesuit Church of Rome.

His prayers were answered. On September 21, 1838, the Sacred Congregation met,reviewed his petition, and voted affirmatively that “if it pleases our Holy Father,Pope Gregory XVI, that the Statutes of the association of the parochial clerics orCatechist of St. Viator be approved ….” In an audience that same day with theSecretary of the Congregation, Pope Gregory approved and confirmed [the statutes]in its entirety and ordered that Apostolic letters of papal approbation be sent in theform of a brief ”. (Preamble to the Apostolic Brief )

Fr. Querbes was informed immediately. On September 22, he wrote the Viatoriansin Vourles: “Sing the Te Deum. All is accomplished. The Society has just receivedits existence … Rejoicing in this success, all that remains is to consider how tobecome worthy of our beautiful vocation.” (Robert Bonnafous, Louis Querbes 109)Achieving papal approbation so quickly was a rarity in the 19th century. It wasalmost unknown to receive the definitive approval of a new religious societyand its rules within five years of its initial foundation. The papal norm was fifteenor more years.

The Pontifical Documents of Approbation (The Apostolic Letters) were signedSeptember 27, 1838. The official publication of the brief would be published laterby the Pontifical Chancery.

The question which faced Fr. Querbes was whether he should remain in Rome toexpedite the publication of the brief or return to Vourles. Some advised waiting toensure prompt issuance of the brief. Others, “his benefactors, friends, parishioners,his catechists, the interest of his health, and his heart, all called out to him to returnto his own”. (Robert 178) What would he decide?

Leo V. Ryan, CSV

Gracious God,

be forever blest for

your gift in

Fr. Louis Querbes,

dedicated pastor in the

education of youth,

and in the service of

sacred liturgy,

and founder of the

Viatorian Community.


Page 9: Viator


The newest ministry ofthe Clerics of St. Viatoris Viator House, whichis located within therectory of St. ViatorCatholic Church onthe northwest side ofChicago, IL. ViatorHouse serves as adiscernment communityfor young men who areconsidering a life ofservice as a Viatorianreligious, but it does notexclude other vocationaloptions, such asmarriage, single life,diocesan priesthood, etc.

Discernment is the effort to determine, in the light of God’s will,what is the best for me now, in the concrete circumstances in whichI find myself. How can I best respond to the Lord? Which of thechoices before me will bring me to the fullness of life? A notedcontemporary theologian on issues which encapsulate religious life,Sr. Sandra Schneiders, IHM, defines discernment as “process ofcoming to an informed decision before God of what I should dohere and now.” Viatorian are looking for candidates who havecarefully discerned their suitability to the Viatorian Communitybefore they make an application to join the community. One

essential element in this process is getting to know Viatorians andexperiencing their lifestyle firsthand.

Viator House provides an experience of community life, of dailysharing in the life of several Viatorian religious, as it is lived withina vibrant Viatorian community. A further goal of Viator House is toprovide opportunities for faith sharing, for reflection, for in-depthdiscernment, and for discussions on various aspects of contemporaryreligious life and ministry in the Catholic Church with members ofthe local community.

Normally, a candidate for Viator House has been in contact with aViatorian for at least six months. Candidates for residency may bemen who are college students or have already graduated and areworking in the Chicagoland area. Candidates are responsible fortheir own financial obligations, contribute financially to the com-munity, and share in household tasks.

Viator House residents are encouraged to become involved in someform of ministry within or outside of St. Viator parish. Normally,this ministry experience is in line with the Viatorian charism ofteaching, of being educators of the faith, and of animating Christiancommunities. If, after a year, a resident feels God’s call to enterViatorian religious life, he can apply to the pre-novitiate programof the community.

This year Viator House has hosted several young men who arediscerning God’s call in their lives. Anyone who is interested inlearning more about Viator House should contact Br. Dan Lydon,CSV, at [email protected], or at 224-595-4070.

Daniel Lydon, CSV

Viatorians Create a Discernment Community

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On February 5, 1951, Frs. Robert Cooney, CSV, and EugeneWeitzel, CSV, pronounced their first vows as Clerics of St.Viator in the novitiate chapel at 6231 Sheridan Road inChicago, IL. The two had been classmates in the class of 1945at Cathedral Boys High School in Springfield, IL. In 1950,they entered religious life as Viatorians. Like most Viatorians,they have served in schools and in parishes. During his years asteacher, pastor, and chaplain, Fr. Weitzel wrote several booksand articles about various aspects of pastoral ministry, and Fr.Cooney was for several years the guardian of books and articlesas the librarian at Saint Viator High School.

Frs. Donald Fitzsimmons, CSV, Thomas Langenfeld, CSV, andDonald Wehnert, CSV, were also classmates at Cathedral BoysHigh School and entered the Viatorian Novitiate in August,1950, following their graduation that June. After completingtheir novitiate and pronouncing their first vows on August 15,1951, all three attended Loyola University of Chicago.

After ordination, Fr. Fitzsimmons spent several years as teacherand counselor at Saint Viator High School in ArlingtonHeights, IL, before working as an addictions counselor. In his

retirement, he solves computer problems for his confreres.Fr. Langenfeld was a teacher and high school administratorfor ten years before he was elected superior general of thecongregation. During those 12 years as the superior generalof the Viatorian Community, he traveled the world visitingViatorians in many countries. The third classmate fromSpringfield, Fr Wehnert served his many years as a priest inViatorian parishes in Illinois and Nevada. His longest numberof years in any one parish has been at St. Patrick parish inKankakee, IL, where he resides today.

Fr. Kenneth Yarno, CSV, is a graduate of St. Patrick High Schoolin Kankakee, IL, that was administered by the Viatorians.His pattern of ministry, like most of the Clerics of St. Viator,went from high school teacher to administrator to parish workand pastor. His last assignment before retirement in 2009 wasas pastor of St. George parish, not far from where he was raised.

Unlike the other six men celebrating 60 years as members of theViatorian Community, Fr. Donald Huntimer, CSV, did notcome from a Viatorian high school but from Madison, SouthDakota. His years of ministry to the People of God included

SevenViatorians Celebrate 60Years of Religious Life

Fr. Robert Cooney, CSV Fr. Eugene Weitzel, CSV Fr. Donald Fitzsimmons, CSV Fr. Thomas Langenfeld CSV

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work in adult religious education, campus ministry, and pastoral work. For the last20 years he was chaplain for the Benedictine Sisters in Tucson, AZ. Last year, Fr.Huntimer was recognized by Bishop Gerald Kicanas for his many years of ministry tothose incarcerated in Tuscon, AZ. Fr. Huntimer retired to the province center in April.

All seven jubilarians taught at Spalding Institute in Peoria as did many Viatorians inthe ‘50s and ‘60’s. For many, Spalding was their first teaching assignment and the onepreceding their entrance into seminary studies.

Fr. Langenfeld speaks well for all the jubilarians when he says, “We became part ofthe Clerics of St. Viator prior to Vatican II, during which time almost everythingabout Catholicism seemed to be already set. As a result of Vatican II we learnedthat movement within the Catholic Church was not only possible but was a plus forreligious life. Consequently, it was an exciting time. We have lived long enough inpost Vatican II to understand the tensions that some feel because of what Vatican IIproclaimed, the rejection of Vatican II by some, the struggles of those who believe inVatican II, and the manipulations that continue. During those same years, religiouslife has struggled to find its proper role. They have been interesting years, with upsand downs. To say we lived as Viatorians during historical times is an understatement.The struggles continue. I suspect it will take many, many years before the world willsee and appreciate what Vatican II tried to incorporate into the Catholic Church.”

Donald Houde, CSV

Fr. Kenneth Yarno, CSV Fr. Donald Huntimer, CSVFr. Donald Wehnert CSV

As Viatorians of the Province of

Chicago, we resolve to expand and

deepen our prophetic role as a

community of associates, brothers, and

priests by addressing contemporary

social issues. We reaffirm our

Gospel-inspired mission to be

dedicated educators of faith and to

raise up communities of believers who

espouse the values of Jesus Christ in

our life and work.

As Viatorians,

we acknowledge and respect

the role of lay men and women

in the Church by ministering

with them as equal partners.

Further, we acknowledge our need

to expand beyond our traditional

roles in innovative, unique

and distinctive ways.

As Viatorians,

in the spirit of our founder,

Fr. Louis Querbes, we minister

to and with young people

in the Church and are committed

to their faith development and

active membership in their respective

faith communities.

As Viatorians,

living in a world of cultural diversity,

we embrace those who are

“accounted of little importance”

by some.

Our Mission

We are Viatorians

Page 12: Viator


thank you

Thank you to all of our partners who continue to support us through prayer and financial gifts. Your generosity enables the ViatorianMission to be carried out in the United States, Belize and Colombia. Here are some additional responses to our, “Why are you aViatorian Partner?” We invite you to tell us why you are a Viatorian Partner by going to our website at

Response samples include:

Jim and I know Fr. John Milton through the Arlington Heights Evergreen Group, a small faith community. He has beenour moderator. Over the years he has ministered at our family weddings. John has inspired us by untiring dedication to helpingothers. We admire the Viatorian Partners in Mission and wish to make a donation towards its success.-Jim and Katie Zlogar

I attended Saint Viator High School from 1965-1969. I had some of my best teachers at SVHS such as Fr. Leo Weiland, Fr.Eugene O’Neil and Fr. Arnold Perham. My older son was taught by Fr. Thomas Pisors at Sacred Heart Griffin in Springfield.-Conrad Rubinowski

When my oldest son attended Bishop Gorman High School in 1995, I met Fr. Corey Brost who presented to me the opportunityof service through Campus Ministry. We made friends with Br. Michael Gosch, Br. Rob Robertson, and Fr. Tom von Behren.We got involved with the Viatorians. My son, Victor, attended BGHS and was an altar server at Guardian Angel Cathedral andmy daughter, Andrea, has been an altar server at the Cathedral since 2003. She is now a Eucharistic Minister. Andrea and Iwould love to visit the Viatorians in Belize and be able to serve. We love the Viatorian mission. We appreciate their presence inour lives. Thank you to the mentioned above, as well as, Fr. James Crilly, Fr. Francis White, Fr. Lawrence Lentz and all the othersthat have touched our lives. I thank God for the Viatorians. A special thanks to Fr. Corey Brost and Br. Michael Gosch whoopened our hearts and made us love the Viatorian mission.-Roberto and Tersa Perea

How are you a Viatorian Partner?

As aMission Advancement update, we have added the ability to accept online credit card donations.You can go to our secure website page at

We are also redesigning our perpetual prayer enrollment, our Mass cards and prayer cards. You willbe able to view and order the new cards online July 1, 2011 at

Once again, we cannot thank our partners enough for their support of the Viatorian Mission.

Randy Baker

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Our perpetual prayer enrollment,Mass cards andprayer cards provide an opportunity to share in theViatorian prayer life. Prayer requests are inscribedin a special book and then placed in the chapel atthe province center. When Viatorians gather dailyin communal prayer, they specifically remember theintentions of their friends and gratefully thank every-one who has so generously supported the Viatorianministries.

To participate in our perpetual prayer enrollment orone of the many other Mass and prayer cards, simplylist your intentions in the envelope provided and mailthem to us, or you can now request specific cardsdirectly online at, under theShared Prayer section.

The Viatorians greatly appreciate your financialassistance, which helps to sustain our ministries inthe United States and overseas. If you would liketo assist us, please send your gifts to:

Viatorian Office of Mission Advancement1212 East Euclid Ave.Arlington Heights, IL 60004847-637-2142

You can either designate where your gifts will be usedor delegate us to distribute the funds where they aremost needed.

As a non-profit and tax-exempt organization, theViatorians are very grateful for your prayers andfinancial support in “educating for the future.”

For wills and bequests:Clerics of St. Viatoran Illinois Corporation


Mission Advancement

Error:In the Winter 2011 issue of Viator,Marine Corps Lance CorporalJames Bray Stack was incorrectly identified. We regret the error andonce again offer our condolences to the Stack family.

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The historic grand ballroomat Navy Pier in Chicago, IL,provided a dramatic setting onApril 9th for one of the biggestcelebrations in the history ofSaint Viator High School inArlington Heights, IL — its

50th anniversary Night of the Lion celebration.Throughout theyear, the high school has rejoiced and celebrated with a myriad ofspecial events to observe this 50th anniversary milestone, includingan opening Mass in January at which Cardinal Francis George,OMI, of the archdiocese of Chicago, presided.

The dinner dance and auction drew more than 900 people, including30 Viatorian brothers and priests, who embraced the opportunity tocelebrate the history and the achievements of Saint Viator HighSchool and its founders — their own Viatorian Community. Guestsgave a standing ovation to the Viatorians, thanking them for their 50years of providing religious formation and programs of academicexcellence to generations of young men and women. “They’ve playeda personal role in Saint Viator High School history and in educatingour children,” said Mary Maher, SVHS chief development officer.

“They are educators and partners in our faith journey.”

School officials said that since 1961, more than 13,000 young menand women have graduated from Saint Viator and Sacred Heart ofMary high schools, and they are making a significant impact on theworld around them.One of them is Fr.Mark Francis, CSV, thesuperior general of the Viatorians. He and Fr.Thomas von Behren,CSV, provincial of the Province of the Chicago Viatoriansaddressed the crowd.

Fr. Francis explained that as the superior general of theinternational Viatorian community, which is headquarted inRome, he had to juggle his schedule to attend the celebration.Yet, as a 1971 Saint Viator High School graduate, he said thathe felt drawn to the event. “Attending Saint Viator came at aformative time in my life,” Fr. Francis said. “The Viatorians werethere, as well as the lay teachers who had an equally positiveimpact on my life. They gave me a vision of the world that Icarry with me today.” He added that the Viatorians operate 18schools around the world and teach 22,000 students. "SaintViator High School is one of our flagship schools, and theinternational community is proud of what they’re doing here,Fr. Francis concluded.”

SaintViator High School Night of the Lion Gala-

Gala Celebration

Page 15: Viator


Viator is published three times ayear by the Office of MissionAdvancement for the Clerics ofSt. Viator, Province of Chicago.Email: [email protected]:

Provincial:Fr. Thomas R. von Behren, CSV

Editor:Fr. Thomas E. Long, CSV

Editorial Board:Fr. Thomas R. von Behren, CSVBr. Michael T. Gosch, CSVBr. Donald P. Houde, CSVFr. Thomas G. Kass, CSVBr. Leo V. Ryan, CSV

Contributing Journalist:Eileen O’Grady Daday

Layout and Design:Dianna Ehrenfried, Visualedge, Inc.

Saint Viator High School administrators designed the anniversaryevents around the theme of Sharing the Memories and Shaping theFuture.Toward that end, Fr. Robert M. Egan, CSV, presidentof Saint Viator High School and a 1969 graduate, announced a$10 million capital campaign designed to boost tuition assistanceand upgrade its campus for the next 50 years. Fr. Egan announcedwith joy that the capital campaign already has $5.75 million inpledges. “This is an important initiative for our future,” Fr. Egansaid of the campaign.

In launching the fundraising effort, Fr.Thomas von Behren, CSV,announced that the Viatorians have made a gift of $3 millionto help jump-start the pledges. “We wanted to make a publicstatement that, as the Viatorian Community, we’ve been here fromthe beginning and we’re committed to being here for years tocome,” he emphasized.

On hand were many of the school’s early administrators andfaculty members, including Fr. James Michaletz, CSV,Br. Leo Ryan, CSV, Br. Donald Houde, CSV, Fr. PatrickRender, CSV, Fr. Robert Erickson, CSV, Fr. John Milton,CSV, Fr. Lawrence Lentz, CSV, Fr. Richard Rinn, CSV,Fr. Michael Keliher, CSV, and Fr. Charles Bolser, CSV.

Br. Leo Ryan, CSV, said he wouldn’t have missed the chance toattend.He is the last living member of the building committee thatdesigned the school, and he served as its first president, beginningin 1972, with Fr. Patrick Render, CSV, as principal, and Br. DonaldHoude, CSV, as assistant principal. “I thought the evening wasspectacular,” Br. Ryan said. “I was the oldest of the Viatorianspresent, and yet it was a thrill for me to be the link from theplanning and building, to the triumphal celebration of 50 yearsof Catholic secondary education in the Northwest suburbs.”

Fr. Michaletz,CSV, who served on the school’s openingfaculty, echoed his confrere’s sentiments. “I was here when itopened, so I’m thrilled to be here,” he said. “It’s so good tosee what has happened.”

Eileen Daday

Celebrating 50 years of Viatorian Excellence in Education

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Clerics of St. Viator1212 E. Euclid AvenueArlington Heights, IL 60004-5799

Newsletter – Spring 2011




Viator is published three times a yearby the Office of Mission Advancement for theClerics of St. Viator, Province of Chicago.Email: [email protected]:

Provincial PerspectiveAs Americans celebrate this year’s IndependenceDay, Viatorians of the Province of Chicago will beboarding planes and packing their cars and travelingto Arlington Heights, Illinois to attend the annualassembly of the Viatorian Community. Each year,we Viatorians from the U.S. and Belize cometogether to share in community, in prayer, and indiscussion that results in strengthening the bondsthat unite us as Viatorians.

On July 5th, 6th and 7th, nearly 100 Viatorians willgather at Saint Viator High School to examine ourcurrent situation as a religious community in the 21stcentury. In this process, we will challenge ourselvesto be open to the Holy Spirit who continually callsus to transformation and change. This same call ofchange and transformation is being heard throughoutthe Church.

Religious community members are deeply awarethat religious life today is very different from what itwas when they entered their communities/congregationsyears ago. And we Viatorians certainly know thatour Viatorian Community has changed dramaticallyover the past forty years. We were once a communityof only brothers and priests; today, we are a communityof vowed religious as well as committed lay men andwomen sharing as co-equals and co-heirs in thecharism of our founder, Father Louis Querbes.And all Viatorians, lay and religious alike, share inthe responsibility of continuing the mission of theViatorian Community for generations to come.

This mission, a mission transmitted to us over theages, remains relevant today. The young continue to

yearn to hear the Word ofGod, those accounted of littleimportance in our worldcontinue to need support andacceptance, communitiescontinue to need assistance in being raised up tocelebrate and live out their faith, and our Churchcontinues to call forth dedicated teachers andinspiring preachers.

During our assembly in July, our challenge asViatorians will be to seek new ways to make ourmission meaningful and alive for those of the 21stcentury. We will explore and discuss options that willcall us to new ways of being, new ways of serving,and new ways of sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christto those we encounter.

I ask that you join us during our days of assemblythrough your prayers and personal support. Aswe seek to transform ourselves to continue themission of Father Querbes, to explore new waysto be Viatorian, we recognize that we share a longtradition together. May the next generationcontinue to share this heritage and become part ofthe Viatorian Community.

May God continue to be with you and shower youwith many blessings during these summer days.

In St. Viator and Fr. Querbes,

Rev. Thomas R. von Behren, CSVProvincial


Page 2Viatorians ReaffirmTheir

Ministry Around theWorld atGeneral Assembly

Page 3Cathy Abrahamian,

A Lay Associate Who MakesThings Happen

Page 4The Viatorian BehindVilla Desiderata

Page 5Q & A with Steven Dwyer

Page 6-7In Memoriam -

Fr. John Puisis, CSVFr. Charles Maranto, CSV

Page 8In the Footsteps of our Founder

Page 9Saint Viator House

Page 10-11Seven Viatorians Celebrate 60 Years

of Religious Life

Page 12-13How Are You aViatorian Partner

Page 14-15Night of the Lion