Using the model… an example of an Internal Marketing plan using hypothetical...

Using the model… an example of an Internal Marketing plan using hypothetical information/assumptions

Transcript of Using the model… an example of an Internal Marketing plan using hypothetical...

Page 1: Using the model… an example of an Internal Marketing plan using hypothetical information/assumptions.

Using the model…

an example of an Internal Marketing plan using hypothetical information/assumptions

Page 2: Using the model… an example of an Internal Marketing plan using hypothetical information/assumptions.

If everyone uses the procedure Geoff has given us to develop a marketing plan we can have

a consistent language of value for all users

an explicit step-by-step plan to follow, all can be confident that all can achieve this goal

greater potential for mutual support since all are using the same procedure

as well as

the ‘ammunition’ we need to choose, provide and communicate a value proposition

Page 3: Using the model… an example of an Internal Marketing plan using hypothetical information/assumptions.

Determining the overall outcome

Articulating important aspects of the customer’s profile

Describing customer features and benefits using an ideal scenario

Cross checking reality and ideal scenarios

Choosing the value proposition using the 3R’s – Reward, Resources, Risk

Describing customer features and benefits using that scenario

Action planning

The procedure…………a series of steps:

Page 4: Using the model… an example of an Internal Marketing plan using hypothetical information/assumptions.

o increased business in support of other faculties through student co-enrolment in VA Foundation Studies TP courses in support of their trade skills courses and therefore resource inflow to VA.

o a manageable scenario that can be reliably and effectively provided leading to

o growth in course completion stats…VA and other faculties..with all that that entails

o increased positivity in perception by other faculties of VA, what VA teachers do and the support they can give

o mainstreaming of a ‘VA support for teachers and teaching in Trade areas’ mode through interfaculty collaboration

o establishment of a sustainable/systematised model to supporto increased market share…more studentso income generationo work for teachers

Determining the overall outcome

The Overall Outcome desired by the faculty is

Page 5: Using the model… an example of an Internal Marketing plan using hypothetical information/assumptions.

Articulating important aspects of the customer’s profile

using 30 segmentation variables for consumer markets

o Demographic variables x 11

o Geographic variables x 9

o Psychographic variables x 4

o and Behavioural variables x 6 to lead our thinking and

help determine what attitudes, combinations or benefits they might want, what trade-offs they may be willing to make etc

Page 6: Using the model… an example of an Internal Marketing plan using hypothetical information/assumptions.

- busy - used to image of self as solution generators - focused on increasing enrolments and course completions - time poor (for some because they have moved from a

trade management focus to an education/TAFE management focus with some different imperatives and are having to adapt/develop different skills/perspectives as they do the job)

- subject to increasing marketplace competition - balancing budgets…trying to do more with less - need to manage change…market context, teacher

mindsets/practice - managing a significantly casual/temporary workforce - sceptical of ‘soundness’ of VA propositions of


Articulating important aspects of the customer’s profile

The customer profile – Trade area HT’s and Trade Teachers

Page 7: Using the model… an example of an Internal Marketing plan using hypothetical information/assumptions.

o Key Steps of Customer Engagement with your service (eg Activity steps)

o Features of this step (Facts/attributes of WHAT you visualise providing for them)

o What will drive customer satisfaction here? (Quality assurance)

o What customer problems is this step solving and/or what unrealised opportunities is it releasing?

o Customer BENEFITS (use the phrase ‘…this means that…’ to turn each Feature into a Benefit)

Describing customer features and benefits using an ideal scenario

Tabulating this using the following headings

Page 8: Using the model… an example of an Internal Marketing plan using hypothetical information/assumptions.

Key Steps of Customer Engagement with your service (eg Activity steps)

1. Introductory session with HT’s/T’s of trades areas

2. Response to client HT/T enquiries – one or more telephone and f-to-f meetings to complete but readiness to complete at first meeting essential

3. Collaboration with VA Tch/Trade Tch to map actual pathway

4. Pre-delivery review of collaboratively developed program incl. adjustments as required

5. Delivery of agreed program

Page 9: Using the model… an example of an Internal Marketing plan using hypothetical information/assumptions.

Key Steps of Customer Engagement with your service (eg Activity steps)

Features of this step (Facts/attributes of WHAT you visualise providing for them)

What will drive customer satisfaction here? (Quality assurance)

What customer problems is this step solving and/or what unrealised opportunities is it releasing?

Customer BENEFITS(use the phrase ‘…this means that…’ to turn each Feature into a Benefit)

1. Introductory session with HT’s/T’s of trades areas

a. Explain new vision and acknowledge reasons for it

b. Clarification of VA understanding of HT/T constraints/

imperatives and those of their client range

c. Explanation of range of services able to provide in support of trade courses

d. Show brochure/DVD of how that would/could look – designed for potential trade course clients

e. Explanation of requirements of trade HT’s/T’s engaging in the program

-credibility built through acknowledgement of past difficulties and shared reasons

-confidence the strategy is designed to meet their needs

-sound knowledge of program possibilities and support options incl co-enrolment interviewing

-provision of materials shows understanding of end clients (DVD because aimed at poorly literate) and

-does a job for the HT/T clients, saving them the work

-clarity, no hidden costs

Solving:-customer scepticism/possiblenegativity

-uncertainty about detail, substance and appropriateness of service offered

-concerns about extra work proposal might generate

-budgetary concerns

Releasing:- program alignment possibilities to match customer needs

a.clients can engage in the partnership with confidence

b. clients can be confident their end clients’ needs will be met

c. clients can be confident their own needs will be met

d. clients feel assured that VA faculty is committed to meeting their need and those of their end clients

e. clients are well informed

Page 10: Using the model… an example of an Internal Marketing plan using hypothetical information/assumptions.

Cross checking reality and ideal scenarios

This step considers what features of any Key Activity Steps could be missing or be poorly executed and tabulates the benefits that will be missing or compromised.

Features – Missing or compromised

Benefits - Missing or compromised

If 1a-1e are NOT performed or are compromised in delivery…eg information offered through a brochure rather than personal meeting…

1a. Explain new vision and acknowledge reasons for it Clients would be likely to see a new strategy as more of the same, just couched in different terms>>>lack of confidence/willingness to engage

1b. Clarification of VA understanding of HT/T constraints/imperatives and those of their client range

Clients cannot be sure that their needs and their clients’ needs are considered in the program design and may feel it is a theoretical rather than a practically applicable strategy>>>reduced confidence

1c. Explanation of range of services able to provide in support of trade courses

If other than personal and responsive delivery clients may not be well informed, jeopardising implementation of strategy and - clients may not be confident their own needs will be met- clients may not feel assured that VA faculty is committed to meeting their need and those of their end clients

Page 11: Using the model… an example of an Internal Marketing plan using hypothetical information/assumptions.

Making a disciplined choice about the combination of benefits we will offer our target customers and what benefits we choose deny them in a given situation considering the 3 R’s…

o eg what financial gain will supporting twelve students in one course give us vs supporting two students in another course when we can only provide support for one course…reward

o eg how flexible will we be able to be given the constraints on the teachers we have to deliver the vision…resources

o eg what happens if we fail to deliver…risk

Choosing the value proposition using the 3R’s – Reward, Resources, Risk

Page 12: Using the model… an example of an Internal Marketing plan using hypothetical information/assumptions.

Ideal and reality scenarios are used to draft a list of

essential benefits to attract and keep customers

desirable benefits that add value by enhancing customer satisfaction

leading to a working list of the combination of features/benefits that it is believed will add superior value to attract and keep target customers that provides the basis for a circular discussion based on the 3R’s to distil an answer to the business case questions…

Describing customer features and benefits using that scenario

Page 13: Using the model… an example of an Internal Marketing plan using hypothetical information/assumptions.

o What will it take to do this? o Are we prepared to commit to this?

When discussion/interrogation of the 3R’s considerations has reached an end point, when the balance has been struck, we have a list of the combination of features/benefits that represent our chosen value proposition in detail

Page 14: Using the model… an example of an Internal Marketing plan using hypothetical information/assumptions.

Key Steps of Customer Engagement with your service (eg Activity Steps)

Features of this step (Facts/attributes of WHAT you visualise providing for them)

Customer BENEFITS(use the phrase ‘…this means that…’ to turn each Feature into a Benefit)

Customer problem(s) these benefits are solving?

Unrealised opportunities these benefits are opening up?

Comments on how essential or desirable each of these benefits are for attracting or retaining the customer

1. Introductory session with HT’s/T’s of trades areas

a. Explain new vision and acknowledge reasons for it

b. Clarification of VA understanding of HT/T constraints/

imperatives and those of their client range

c. Explanation of F/S TP courses able to provide in support of trade courses

d. Show iPhone app of how that would/could look – designed for potential trade course clients

e. Explanation of requirements of trade HT’s/T’s engaging in the program

a.clients can engage in the partnership with confidenceb. clients can be confident their end clients’ needs will be metc. clients can be confident their own needs will be metd. clients feel assured that VA faculty is committed to meeting their need and those of their end clientse. clients are well informed

Solving:-customer scepticism/possible negativity

-uncertainty about detail, substance and appropriateness of service offered

-concerns about extra work proposal might generate

-budgetary concerns

Releasing:- program alignment possibilities to match customer needs

Updated, now based on

the features of the

chosen value proposition

rather than the ideal model

Page 15: Using the model… an example of an Internal Marketing plan using hypothetical information/assumptions.

This represents in detail the


in this situation that we are willing to COMMIT to, PROVIDE, COMMUNICATE and MONITOR to

customers and to all other stakeholders within and outside the organisation.

Action Planning follows, with suggested headings being

 Activity Steps to Deliver Value Benefits (Use Value Proposition List)

Who is responsible? By when? How is quality delivery to be measured?

How communicated to internal/ external stakeholders?