US Embassy Cables_ US Funnels Secret Funds to 'Terrorist Hotline' _ World News _

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    Tuesday, 03 March 2009, 02:20

    S E C R E T SECTION 01 OF 04 ISLAMABAD 000454


    EO 12958 DECL: 03/02/2034



    Classified By: Anne W. Patterson for reasons 1.4 (b), (d).

    1. (C) Summary: Mission Pakistan warmly

    welcomes your arrival in Islamabad. You are

    arriving in the midst of largely self-

    inflicted political turmoil following the

    Supreme Court's decision to disqualify from

    public office Nawaz and Shahbaz Sharif,

    political rivals of President Asif Zardari.

    Zardari engineered the Sharifs'

    disqualification and followed that with

    placing his party's governor in power in the

    Punjab provincial government to replace

    Shahbaz Sharif. At the moment, there are

    multiple efforts to reconcile Zardari with the

    Sharifs and to elect a replacement for Chief

    Minister Punjab. Unless the Punjab issue is

    resolved by March 12, a planned lawyers'

    demonstration-that is backed by the Sharifs--could become

    violent. You thus will find your interlocutors distracted by

    domestic politics at a time when the GOP is struggling to meet

    IMF-imposed fiscal targets and militants are increasing their

    control over both the tribal areas and Swat, a once idyllic

    tourist destination 90 miles from Islamabad.

    2. (C) You will be meeting with key interlocutors in our

    efforts to press the GOP for prosecution of the Mumbai

    detainees, assistance in effecting the release of kidnapped

    Americans John Solecki and David Rohde, and expanding law and

    order cooperation. The issue of FBI access to the Mumbai

    suspects remains very sensitive a decision to send an

    investigative team to New Delhi currently rests on whether/how

    India responds to Pakistan's 32 requests for additional

    information. President Zardari has over-reached in this

    current political crisis, but he remains secular, pro-American

    and our best ally in Pakistan right now. He likely will assure

    you that he has established a new anti-terrorism court that

    US embassy cables: US funnels secretfunds to 'terrorist hotline', Tuesday 30 November 2010 21.50 GMT


    FBI di rector Robert

    Mueller is briefed

    before arriving in

    Islamabad on a plethora

    of thorny issues,

    including the

    investigation into the

    Mumbai attacks and

    visa complaints. Zardari

    has "over-reached" but

    remains America's "best

    ally". And the US aims

    to establish a "terrorist

    hotline", fronted by the

    Pakistani government

    but secretly funded

    from Washington. Key

    section highlighted in


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    will deliver convictions on Mumbai. Zardari will request

    additional USG support for the Northwest Frontier Province

    (NWFP) police we will brief you on our train and equip plans

    for this critical part of our counter-terrorism strategy.

    3. (C) DG ISI Pasha, whom you met in last week's bilateral and

    trilateral strategic review in Washington, continues to

    profess a determination to end ISI's overt and tacit support

    for proxy forces in the tribal areas, Afghanistan and Kashmir.

    Interior Minister Malik is Zardari's point man on law and

    order and also serves as a political negotiator. Malik is very

    supportive of the U.S., but he wants to control every key

    issue personally, making it difficult for his staff to take

    any decisions without his approval. Intelligence Bureau (IB)

    Director General Suddle was personally selected for the job by

    Zardari after a bungled attempt to place ISI under the

    Ministry of Interior, Zardari brought IB firmly under his

    control. Federal Investigative Agency (FIA) Director General

    Tariq Khosa is a well-respected cop, but he must work through

    MOI Malik. End Summary.

    Domestic Situation


    4. (C) The civilian government headed by President Asif

    Zardari and Prime Minister Yousaf Gilani, elected one year

    ago, has been fairly stable. However, President Zardari has

    been preoccupied with his political rival former Prime

    Minister Nawaz Sharif. On February 25, Pakistan's Supreme

    Court ruled that both Nawaz and his brother Shahbaz Sharif are

    ineligible to hold public office Zardari followed that

    decision by appointing his party's governor to rule in the

    Punjab (Pakistan's most important province) pending elections

    to replace Shahbaz Sharif as Chief Minister. This has sparked

    country-wide protests and general political unrest. Nawaz

    Sharif is by far the most popular politician in Pakistan (with

    an 83% approval rating compared to Zardari's 20% in the latest

    IRI poll), but he does not have the votes to bring down the

    government. Instead, Nawaz Sharif is using popular outrage at

    the Supreme Court decision and "governor's rule" to launch

    street protests. Zardari may win the short-term tactical

    battle against Nawaz however, Nawaz is gaining ground by

    comparing Zardari's high-handed rule to that of former

    President Musharraf. Nawaz Sharif is inspiring street

    demonstrations to coincide with a lawyers' "Long March" on

    March 12-16. The chance for violence and chaos is likely

    during continued street protests.

    5. (C) Although we do not believe Pakistan is a failed

    ISLAMABAD 00000454 002 OF 004

    state, we nonetheless recognize that the challenges the state

    confronts are dire. The government is losing more and more

    territory every day to foreign and domestic militant groups

    deteriorating law and order in turn is undermining economicrecovery. The bureaucracy has settled into third-world

    mediocrity, as demonstrated by corruption and a limited

    capacity to implement or articulate policy. The court and

    legal system is slow to the point of inertia due to almost

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    non-existent case management. These problems extend to law

    enforcement agencies, where the police are underpaid, lack

    technical capacity, and face stiff political pressures.



    6. (C) The good news is that the Army/Frontier Corps are

    engaged in combat in the FATA and have just declared victory

    after a six month long battle in the Bajaur Agency. Zardari is

    committed to the fight he knows that Osama bin Laden has

    publicly targeted Pakistan and admits "the militants are after

    me and my job." The bad news is that the militants

    increasingly are setting the agenda. The government's anti-

    terrorism strategy is based on "dialogue, deterrence and

    development" however, it lacks the military capacity to deter

    militants and the financial resources to develop the FATA and

    NWFP. Its historic fallback has been to play for time by

    conducting negotiations with militants, a disastrous tactic

    that only has made the extremists stronger. The government

    insists it will negotiate with tribal leaders but not with


    7. (C) However, in the latest agreement in Swat (once a

    tourist resort approximately 90 miles from Islamabad), the

    provincial government agreed to negotiate for peace in

    exchange for imposition of Shari'a law with the Taliban. This

    was recognition of de-facto Taliban control, which produced

    beheadings, closure of girls' schools, a growing exodus of

    terrified citizens, and the desertion of outgunned and

    outmanned police. Ham-handed military tactics, which included

    indiscriminate artillery bombardment, have further alienated a

    population that simply wants the fighting to end. In just a

    few short weeks, the deal is already proving to be an

    unpalatable one, with the militants demanding more ground and

    continuing violence against the civilian government.

    8. (C) The military's decision in 2008 to strike a deal with

    Pakistani Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud in South Waziristan

    helped to reduce the number of suicide bombings in Pakistan

    but gave Mehsud free rein to infiltrate his forces throughout

    the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA). He has

    exploited sectarian tensions and sent his fighters into Bajaur

    via Afghanistan to attack government positions. This haseroded Chief of Army Staff General Kayani's strategy to

    gradually regain control of the FATA agency by agency. Rival

    Pakistani Taliban leaders Mehsud, Maulvi Nazir, and Gul

    Bahadur have formed a new alliance which they claim will focus

    on cross-border attacks. As recent media reports indicate, the

    U.S. has been remarkably successful in disrupting al-Qaida

    operations in Pakistan's tribal areas. In the past year, 10 of

    the top 20 al-Qaida operatives, including those responsible

    for the East Africa embassy bombings in 1998 and tied to

    Islambad's Marriott bombing, have been eliminated.

    Police/Law Enforcement


    9. (SBU) Although Pakistani security forces are now engaged in

    active combat against extremists, they lack the capability to

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    deal with militants and criminal activity in the FATA and

    NWFP. The resulting decrease in security is impeding our

    efforts to implement development projects in support of

    critical U.S. national goals of eliminating terrorist safe

    havens in Pakistan and stabilizing Afghanistan. While there is

    a need for Pakistani military action now to deal with the

    large number of heavily armed militants operating in the

    border areas, the long-term solution to ensuring law and order

    throughout the country lies primarily with the civilian law

    enforcement agencies, not the military. To strengthen civilian

    law enforcement, State Department's Bureau of International

    Narcotics and Law Enforcement (INL) expanded program in 2009

    involves two tracks, the first focusing on establishing a

    gendarmerie style force in NWFP suited for

    ISLAMABAD 00000454 003 OF 004

    engaging and defeating heavily armed militants and criminal

    gangs. The second track involves expanding the current ICITAP,

    DS/ATA and other efforts in providing specialist and advanced

    training to specific elements of the Pakistani police


    10. (SBU) In conjunction with INL's police program, the

    Department of State's Anti-Terrorism Assistance Program (ATA)

    will focus on providing expanded training and consultation

    opportunities to the NWFP, Balochistan, and federal areas to

    expand rapidly the GOP's antiterrorist capabilities. This

    expanded training will focus on building tactical, technical,

    and investigative skill sets in specialized Pakistani law

    enforcement agencies. Training for these and other units will

    focus on "hard skill" tactical training (i.e. protecting VIPs,

    quick reaction forces, explosives detection/disposal) mosturgently needed by the GOP given the deteriorating security

    environment that it confronts. There will also be an expanded

    effort to develop national and provincial-level forensics and

    investigative capabilities and anti-kidnapping procedures. ATA

    was instrumental in establishing and funding the FIA's Special

    Investigative Group (SIG). In 2007, ATA offered to fund

    expansion of the SIG by 100 officers and pay salaries for the

    new officers we still await an official response from MOI.

    11. (C) Through the Rewards for Justice program, the USG is

    ready to assist Pakistan in establishing a National Safety

    Hotline, through which MOI can collect information from

    Pakistani citizens on terrorists and planned/executed

    terrorist incidents in Pakistan. The GOP would serve as the

    public "front" of the Rewards program all U.S. funding and

    cooperation would remain discreet. The GOP would serve asthe

    conduit for any eventual reward payments, and a DOD MIST team

    has developed a media campaign in support of the Rewards

    program. The GOP will provide daily logistical and

    administrative support RSO will provide to administrative

    personnel to assist in collecting the tip information.

    Visa Processing


    12. (C) Post-9/11 changes to improve U.S. border security have

    dramatically increased the length of time it takes Pakistani

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    citizens to obtain U.S. visitor visas. The local press and

    many politicians repeatedly criticize delays in visa

    processing and difficulties encountered at U.S. ports of

    entry, often citing them as examples of U.S. bias against

    Pakistan. On a practical level, the delays impair U.S. efforts

    to train law enforcement and military personnel, and to

    promote exchanges and academic programs with civilian

    authorities. While the USG does not comment on the reasons for

    the delay, Pakistan authorities know that an interagency

    security clearance process, which includes the FBI, is the

    main factor. You may hear complaints about this issue during

    your meetings in Islamabad, as well as calls for more effort

    on the U.S. part to improve the process.



    13. (C) Indo-Pak tensions are still simmering, but to avoid a

    potential Indian military strike, the GOP needs to continue to

    show progress on prosecuting those Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT)

    operatives responsible for the Mumbai attacks. On February 12,

    the GOP filed official charges against 13 suspects, including

    LeT leaders Javed Iqbal Laqvi, Zarrar Shah, and Abu al-Qama.

    Currently the Federal Investigative Agency (FIA) has at least

    7 of these suspects in custody and they face charges under

    Pakistan's penal code, cyber crimes regulations, and the Anti-

    Terrorism Act. India has welcomed the GOP decision to file

    formal charges against the key masterminds of Mumbai

    Islamabad now awaits an Indian response to requests for

    additional information (32 questions, including request for

    forensics, ballistics reports, etc) from New Delhi to support

    prosecution. Based on the Indian response, Pakistan willconsider sending an FIA team to New Delhi to follow up we

    should encourage that team to go to New Delhi and continue to

    press for additional closures of LeT camps and Jamaat-ud-Dawa

    "charitable" activities, particularly in Punjab. The issue of

    FBI access to the Mumbai detainees remains a politically

    sensitive one you will want to raise directly with MOI Malik.

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    Kidnapping Cases


    14. (S) The Embassy appreciates ongoing FBI support to resolve

    a significant number of kidnapping cases involving Amcits in

    Pakistan. We will update you on current efforts to secure the

    release of UNHCR representative John Solecki and New York

    Times reporter David Rohde. A video of Mr. Solecki was

    released on February 13 which was accompanied by a statement

    demanding the release of Baloch prisoners in the hands of the

    government. The Baloch Liberation United Front (BLUF - a

    previously unknown group) is holding Solecki and made fresh

    demands on March 1 that all incarcerated women be released

    within 72 hours or BLUF will kill Solecki. The GOP continuesto insist that Brahamdagh Bugti, a Baloch separatist leader,

    is responsible for the kidnapping.


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