TWIN FAIJ.S. n)AH( MMm - Twin Falls Public...

T W U ininSTEENTH YEA& ' ' DEALERS SHOI PiVESHGHiy POPMEVENl Overflow Audience W itnesses First Program of Carniva Given by the Tv»entietti Cen , tury Ciub Through tho progrosslvonoss of thi Twentieth Century clnb tho merchant: of Twin FflllB scored another notabl- triumph ■Wodnoflday evening whon th< merchants’ carnival was prcBontci! a 4he Idaho theatre boforo an audienci that ovortaxod tho aoatlng capacity o tho thoatro. Standing room wn crowded beforo tho program of th' evening waa woll •ndor way. Surprisco cajno no froquontly durlni tho program, w>ich ia to bo ropoatei Thursday ovoning, that tho interea of tho audionco was held eontinuonsl: during tho throo houra roquired to pro sent tho ahow. Efficient and thorougl proporatioii and planning ot the ovon wcro in 'ovidcnco and woro rowardoi V • tho applauso nnd expressions o praiao na tho various uumbera wer staged. Forty loeal merchants in practicalb • ■ cvory lino of mcrehandiHo were repre flonto/l in tho event which vraa pro sented in tho fqrm of a pngoaut, spie ^ od with comody. Showing of comody films opened th< program nt 7:15 o'clock. Tho firai uiimlier to follow %vnn n.clovor Dutcl sketch led by Mra. W. IT. Dwight ani a chorys componod of Mrs: N. J. KeoS ♦r, MIhs Lucillo Wolfo, Miss Paitl drtllec, Mrs. Maguiro and Jlrs. P. T Kellogg. All woro ' in eostumo and with nn nttrnctive sotting, the skotcl prtn-ed a mest auitnblo .opening foi thc remainder .of tho program. A dance by M iss'I^onn Yochem anc a solo by Mrs. 0. P. Dnvall, follower bv n comedy eharaeter reading b\ Mrs. Herman Schurgor were well re coivod. Qnooa Introduced Following the opening numbers tin queen of tho Twin F cIIh trnct in thc ?cr«on of Mrs. F. B. Sovillo was in troducetl to tiio fiudieuco from hoi throne at tho rear center of the stngo Mrs.' Don Henry nnd Mrs. S. C. Wyatl occupiod tho positions of mnitls. Tin sotting waa extremely attractivo. Howard Sabin, in costum acted as announcer and introduced tho vnr ious numbers. Models, characters anc: figures of every sort woro passed ir ■Tovitnf beforo iho- ruler of tho oven, ing ^tOT hor inspoetion. ‘Wliilo the Jn tcrpretations woro universally novo ond attractive several deserved speela honors. A local mnrket with n amal ' boy pulling a wagon of moat prod •lets and a girl with a tray of tea waj given much opplauso. Othera oapo cially notable', represented • a drus store, a grocery storo, n bakery, r book storo and the local jewelry deal Tho lanbion abow concludod th< progrnm with models from varloua do tcrnoon nnd street dreaaos, auits and p.irtmcnt and millinery atorea ant ' <Je.alorn in women’s wear prcseuting tnt l.ntcat creations in ovening gowns, nf wraps of all sorta. Demonatrationa oJ capes reoeivod much admiration. Doalors Listed Dealers represontod in tho. carnival in tho order in which thoy wero intro duced wero: Trov Laumlry, ■Wngnci’s Bn^iery BinHoiinclto A rt Shop, Davis Optica <*miipany, Barrett Auto company, Woolworth’s, Clos Book Store, Centra Mnrkct, Imperial Cleaners, F.nrmer’i Digest, Tho Poppy, Fisher Drug com panv, Tho Smoker, Liberty Markot Jfobhins Book Store, Browno Musie company, City Phannacy, Macauley’j Cigar slore, Orpheum Beauty Pnrlora .T.Tnitcd Groccry. Roynl Bnker>-, nooMcj •icr Furnitiiro Company, Skaggs. Gm curv, Idaho Power company, Sabir Advertlaing Agency, Independent Meal Mnrkct, Burkholder Fumlturo com pany, Salladay Hardware company Uilov Millinery, Idaho Theatre, Twii Falls Jewelers, W rlght'a Store, Bif Wliite, Idaho Department Store, Voguo Booth's Store, United Store.i, Mode Shoo Storo and tho Aleo Clothes Shop EXPERT HERE TO URGE -HIGH QUALITY IN SEED '■KI. B. Ahlson, Stato Oommissioner, t< M&ko CanToss of Twin Falls Dls ........ trict; Plaaa OrsifilMtloa . C. B. Ahlaon, aUte «oed comminaionei with tho extension department, arrived luTc Wednesday to survey tho local <lis trict "f^r the piirpoac .if urging thc uae of bettor titi.ility of aceda this year. Mr. Ahlaon cxpocts to- get ia contact with ft number of locil gmwers and it powtiblo to atart nn organiration. . INJURIES PROVE FATAL Former Cassia Connty Sheriff Dlei from Effocts of Etuta Saffered Iz Aeddent at Jarbldfo Mlno W. O. Pratt, former sheriff of Cas ' »<i,a county, died at tho conaty hospi TNjcaday afternoon as a result ol injuries received while worVlng at th< Elkora mining property at Jarbidgi last week. Mr. Pratt's death followed a shori period of improvemeat Monday. Thi body was taken to Bnpert Tuesdaj evening by a son and daughter anc the fnneral will be held there. N F A J Crop Indications Appear Favorab! Farmers Find Pall Irrigati I Gives Qood Results, Oat Manager Reports Although precipitation this year I been aomowhat Iobs usual, soil, particulnriy in thc Buhl diatri Is iu good conilitlon for phvntiwg r preaent indications in connection w this soasou’s cfops ii'o favorable, cording to J. C. Wheelon, genernl m nger 'of the Twin.Falls Cftntil„compji Mr. Whcobn'haa mado aeveral tr throughout, ^hu surrounding district tho luat few weeks, on inspection i In connection w ith'his office. Fnnnora who irrigated last fall early crops thla year havo tho ndv tago over thosu who did not irrlgt Mr. Whoelon stated. Vegetable gr< , CTB, pnrilcnlnrly thoso mising lettv have found it to their advantage ' have tho moisture retained in ' ground over tho winter, and wheat i gated in the full will give bolter reMi lie said. . Several farmers have nlri'ady w«l for irrigation wntor for lettuco nn< few requests nro coming lu nt varii times. Tho eanal company will ti tho wntor into the hiterals for tho ii gation season nbout April l.'i. Rotarians Invited to Donate Bool Needs ’of .Public Library A Placod Seforo Olab in Oo nection with Dr.ive ' Tlio necessity of :in Increnao in I number of volumes tivailnblo lo roi ors tlirough tho medium of thu Tv Fnlla nublic library was called to I nttontion of tho members of the lo' Kotnry club nt ita reg^.lnr Wednead nieeling by W. H. I’l.liidge in eonn tlou with tho' drivo for dohntionn volumes ncheduled for April 13-14. According to Mr. Eldridge, the lirnry n«w contains nprroximately 7( books nnd tho circulntion in tho coui of tt Hinglo month somctixues nmounts moro thnn the total numbor of volum Last vear tho totnl clrnilation of I llbrnry nmountcd to 71;,000 bAok lo: compared to I’oratelh) whero wilh much larger popululion lhe totiU clri I lation for the yenr waa only 5»,OOU. I Tho plan'nmounta to n request i I donationa of books from nil who Im theso to spare. Tho only condition thnt the book numl be In reasonnl good shnpo as to binding. No fuj nro nvailulilo froni nny other ao'urco J tho purchnso bf book*\ nnd ndditloi volumes nro badly ncediod. Thc nsal nnco of tho club wna asaorod in conn tion with tho drive. Upon motion by .Fudgo Walters 1 congrntuIntionH of tho ciub wero ord cd conveyed to tho Kiwanls club Twin Falls upon the enterprise of 1 latter in securing for this city tho <] trict convention of the Kiwanls cl which will be held here next Augu The notary cJub nIsO pledged Its f nMiHlance townrds thi> work of mnki tho convention ft succeas in every wi •T. Wealey King of Salt Lake, w I hat. tho diatinctlon of hnving tho |oi est Botary memborship record in t: entlro nection of the unrthweat, nddre cd tho club nt, length on tho preco] nnd practleo of Botary,. urging renew nttention to thc subject of boys’ woi Boy Scout development in p.nrticul Mr. King's nddress wna a foaturo of. t program. .President Arthur Peavoy gavo a . tailed report of tho illHfrict seaalon In Inst woek nt Pocatello to which, he, T. Peillev, CapUiin C. II. Krengel n fharicH Sweelev were delegntes. C. McMartin of Twin FalU wns slati'd the program for an nddrcK", but throu pressure of unforscen buainosa was i ablo to bo present. SUES TO COLLECT STATE MONEY IN HANSEN BA^ Complaint Filed by National Sun Oompany Askias Judgment of ; 000 on Indoronlty A«roement Tho Nntional Surety compa) throngh Attorney Don J. Henry, fi suit in dintrict court Wednesday to c lect from Georgo I). Crcckctt nnd o crs $.'5,I70."<> on nn indemnity agr ment covering money nf tho atatc Idftho In tho Bank of Hanaen. According to the compaint the sure company put up bonda to protect 1 stato money and tho defendants orec cd an 'ndemnity agreement with i bending company to inauro ngainst ( rompanv's losing the monev. Oil defendnnts named are H. M'. Vand pool, C. Pelemon, Oscar Iveraon n Dan Iveraon. Tho anm of $750 na torney’s feo is alao nrkcd. SOCIETY HAS IN IT I ATIC OTga&lz&tloii of Tonng Uen Ta] Threo Into Mombenblp; Oath Gli at Banqnot Featinvd by Spoocli The 1. F. Thi aoclety held its regu meoting Thnraday evening at the ho .of Morris Bobinson, president. Init tion eerenionic* were followed by a b: quet in the privato oining room Tom's cafe. Tho oat)i waa giv-ii .nnd the fema der of the ovcning nas cnjoycil w toasts nnd spcechc* from membera the club. Those initiated were Fran Flynn. Ellaworth .McHobcrts and Cl cnre Garrity. Tho society was organirod tho fi of the present aehool year. Ita mt bership >a eompoaed principally of hi srhool students, nnd Paul Ellia of 1 liigh sebool faculty Is aponsor. L L S \ TWIN FAIJ.S. n)AH( JEOUESTBIOS - ON MMm : coy«Ty* the ---------- Si First Steps Toward Comple Lc‘ . Research of O fficials’ Re ords are Taken by Board ' j ’» .,Co;hmissioners ind . Following unanimous action tak 5^^ chu board of Twin Falls county co oiiaiiionera ia advertlaing for bids : IW- dinkiiig a comploto county audit « , «over tho four-year poriod boglnni with tho sworn and published sta •rl- mont of the county auditor na of 1 ItH, ■toeond Mondny in January, 191». Bids aro to bo in the hands of I ied •.'ommiaaioners on or beforo April Oa I 1 tho work will start as soon nftcr tl )us (lute na n contract can bo drnwn w ini tho low Inddor, according to J. •ri- Darnlinrt, chairman of tho board. Bids are to bo Bubmitted ond 1 MHdlt mado (itcordlng to written atl] Intiona on file in tho offico of 1 .!Ounty commissioners Tho specificntions. jirovido thnt I tudil shnll bo a “ four-yoor compli iS md iletailod .audit of nil nccounta all dopartmonts, including tho cour agi^ft nnd excepting tho county fi re jnd hoapitnl." Tho renaon given 1 _ tho exclusion of those two depa “ ■ menls ia lhat tholr records nro of separnto nnturo In part from -t (•ounty nnd ft soparnto audit of thi ;ho will bo made, Mr. Barnhart said, id- Tho spccificrftionB furthor atnto th in "auch nudit mnst covor all transi he ciona nnd ineludo the vorificntlon :ui tho correctncaa of the books of i hy :nitnla and caah balnncoa of oneh eoi tfc- Ly o f f l c o r ." of Among tlio othor provialona includ are nn exnmlnation of all claims pn H- by tho county ns woll as nil purchnt O ci and p.'iyrolla, tax rolla, bonded indol ■se oditeHS nnd receipts, and proviaion to mndo for catnbliahing bftlanco ahot and HtntomentH of delinquent taxes a laS property aoid. ^CTrpiiffiyp I H e u y NOT at- ----------- "■ C ity Attorney to Ignore R quest of Higtivi^ay Board S' iVlove Canal Ditch is- - , ---------- Notification hy tho Twin Falls Jiifi wny board that a quarter mllo atrot of canal ditch running alongside t "P road from tho low lino canal to t I;' site of Uio old filtering plant locati muat bo removed by tho city wltli Jl) dnys wna ignored by nctlon tak at tho regular meeting of tho cl commiaalon- Tueadny night leaving d (.,) poanl of tho matter to lho diacretl of a. D. Davla, city attornoy. nrl Tho removal cT tho dllch is deair li(. by tho ‘highway district in order ‘ facDltnto grading and grnveling Ic- (!>» rond. 1,1 Commi.s»ioncr .8. 0. McAul W. brought up tho aubject saying th nd hc had received notice from thu hif 8. wnv board notifying tho city to i in iiiuvo thu ditch nnd 'that legal ate gh would bo tnken by tho diatriet boa in- if neccaaaA-. - - Diacusaion o f , the matter revolv around priority of right to tho rigl of-wnv nnd lho clnim thnt tho car ditch exialed in ita pro-sent Ipcati IK iH-fore tho highway wjia built. In turning to Attorney Dnvis 1 ^ liiii opinion tho council 'wsb inform fiy l)v him thnt ho believed If the loi tion pf tho dilch ia to be chang tliat tlio highway district must p: vido a new right-of-way for it in i :^{ rhnngo for tho one given up. i Davis stated later that his opinloa w that thc ditch wna built beforo t road nnd that ho eould obtain toa Qf mony to thnt cffcct from early re dents of tho district. Attornoy Da' Rtated that in case tho highway boa fie ntlempts to caforco its order that „t. injunction could probnbly bo obtain ; 1 ,P restraining removal of tho ditch. ,jjo J. T. Krivnnck, atreot and -wat ,cr works superintendent, atated tho pr cr- ent atatc law providea that cai nd ditehea bo inaido tho fences along t at- highways. .’^layor J. D. Tuckcr qucationed t motivo of the highway board in brii l|M ing up tho matter at thia time a ho characteriicd thc case na a poll cal move. DAIRYMEN GIVE SUPPORT TO NEW MARKETING PL/ lar --------- me Tho plana of the Twin Falla Cour la- Dair\-mcn’« a-^aociatio.i arc progrcasl m- satisfactorily, nccordinj to U. E. Br at sard, county farm ngent, who aftcnd tho meeting of dairj-men at Buhl M< in- day ovcning. A aecond meeting > Ifh been acheduled to be held here eitl of Monday or Tuesdny ovcning. eia “ Farmorapreacnt’atthem ccting wc ar- cnlhnalttsUc and several more contra* for delive.ry of crcam were signed rst aaid Mr. brossard. “ Dairymen act) m- in the organixation have divided t gh weat part of the eountr into diatric ho each district being allotted to one m to obtain moro members." [Q, THimSDAT, MABOH 22, 1023 District Install! New Pumping I] I Ontht bf 60 Second Feet IT pacity Soon To Bo in Sei II of Milnor liow Lift A now pumping -unit consisting 500 horsepower motor-.u'd a pump ,616 ing lutttaUcd nt tho Iwss'cr wr pri: ... Rtutiou of the Milner low lift i tlou diatriet. I of Tho new punyi hna a eni>uelty cubic feet of water per aecond i ia largo onough to servo several drcd ncrcs of additional fnnn land In nddltion to thc luwur statio district has a smaller ono uaini motors of,50 and CO horsepower which lift water from the upper to a highor level nnd diatributi ovor an ndditiounl 800 ncrcs. ;nte- . . i.. 5 PREDICT BETH : PRICE CfiO ,lpu- —----- Mixed il/lari<eting of Vegeji lyieahs More Cash, Sales ' < ecutive Claims intv fair ---------- for Vegetable grqwora of the Twin 'art- ,;ountry by practicing divcraifii ® of growing and marketing can r far greater profita thnn by rolyli auy OUV- \-rop .•utirolv and throug thnt outlet wlll ho onormouHly iner of nccording to C. J. Kupfor, of ac- well, nudltor of tho Cnlifornia )un- table Union, mnrkuting organi: for tho Idaho Producers' Unjon, 3ed lnclu<lea vegetable growers throu southern Idaho. Mr. Kupfer and B. G. Ulasi Sacramento, Cal., mnnnger of tho production department of tho rui and organir-ation,. addressed n nn of Tivin Fnlls farmers in the her of eommorco rooms Monday on growing- nnd- mnrkctlng »ie They will lonvo Tuesday to con a series of aimilar inecUngH thi out the southern Idaho district. 1 Explains Plans *1 “ One of the aecrots of the si I P of vcgfitable growing, in Califoi L . aaid Mr. Kupfor, "is tiio fact thi growora mnrket several different ot vegotables In cnch car. Up t le- year thc Twin Fnlls growers i- mnrketed thoir lottuco crops- very feiv other, producta in tho car. “ By using tho method of lo mixed cars tho smaller markcti ‘P* (ipencd to tho produeera nnd thc of low priccs on nccount of fl markots at any ono point is cut tlou great deal. I nm aure tlint I thin local growers wlll groiv diver kon crops nnd market in tho aame cUy that from 20 lo (10 ne.w markets dia- of Chiengo will be ojvened up .to Moat of theao mnrketa nro small , nnd unable to uao ontiro cnra oi one product aa soon aa It ia rocoi Mr. Bisaer nddre-taed'the meeti growora principally on growing ilov cultivating methoda. He took u ^hiit Advantages of different meai igh- planting nnd cultivation nnd com rc- tJic apring and fall cropa of vego top* in thla district ns to thoir n ’” ‘1 v a lu e . General diacuaaion of ...,l polJ‘t" mentioned wore engaged rrhtt *«<!Ctlng. Both executives are urging tion JH'Owing of moro cauliflower nm cry in nddition to lottuce and for result aoveral growers have i mcd contracts with tbo California o oca- i.ation for marketing theso cro well aa lettuca -' Mr! COIVIMERCIAL TRAVELER HOLD OFFICER ELECl rcsl- Johnson Is Namod aa H« ^via Twin FaUa Ooandl; 3>oddo oa ,ard Palga to Boost Membership. imjj Plans for iurreaslnr: the memb woro adopted at th-- meeting of . Palla council Xo. r,or, of the T Commereial Traveler'!' ."waoeiatioi inal night in the chaml>er of .cor ^ tre.-uwrer, was eleriM senlnr eom to succced U aoa. Other newlv e ‘“S; offieera are: W. M. Stick, junior ““‘1 rillor: LawTence Hos. past eoun J. W. Foreman, ac^^c^a^^••tren IT. N. Nunemaker, condnctor; J. E man. page; A. F. Murphv, scnlin r n. Bobert:.. F. A.' Webb. J. W. nnd Iv. M. Ouest. exeeutive eomrr AN O. .T. John."on. repres'nt.ative to council at Provo, Lfi.h. nnd ^ ,ntv Stack, altemale. ,in* By deelaion of tho e.r,uncil tho ;ros. 'nr meeting night wns changed fro third Saturd.ay to the thinl Frid Ion- *nch'month. lile' TEN YUAE FlttE LOSS IN FORESTS FOUR MIL Tcrc SAN FBANaSCO, March 22, aeta Firea in tho National Foreata of id," fomia destroyed moro than 1, tlve aeres of timbcrlaad, valned at : tho $1,000,000, during the decade e icta, 1920, according to the United : man Foreat Servicc here. Most o; fires were maa-canscd. C L Y I^ , DEAF CHILDREN. IN Si •i. AttracUon Staged at' QoodUng b n il pils of Btato Bcbool May Bo Prosestatiott Here Au effort la bt’Jng mado to bri Vico Twin Falls the ahow recently put Gooding by the stalo aehool fo deaf, dumb nud bli;id. Tho cast In-the at mction int of a about ehlldren ot the stnte i il [,1 ,. •■ ‘■“I aeveral instructors. Tho pin' ..... ... aDistrict Legion ‘ I Officials Nan two . ---------- , '“ J; A. WUton Peck is Eleoted Ig it jutant at Oonvention of servico Men at Eimborl n A. Wilton Peck wns eloctod M tnnt at tho dislriet mooting o 11 Amorican Legion at Kimborly dny evening. Others oloctcd wi n n I’cck of Hazelton, district J L mander and Harmon Osier of B w . About 1^ membora of tho loca wero among thoao nttondlng tho ing nt which repreaontntivos of ibles at Filer, Paul, itupert, purloy, r«^ ton and Eden woro present, tx- Tho convention oponod with i ner given by tho womon of thb auxiliary nt Kimhorly. Tho huaiiu’as aession foliowinj Fnlls featured by the election of ol nnd reports of ‘ committcoa, whli cludod dlBCuasioii_of forming d Imsoball Icnguo and the rocoipt report bv Dr. W. F. Paaaer, J ' eanization officer 'of tho Twin oting Jteprc.scntntive W. D ., •aaed, spoko on legialativo mnttera. eaid- Filer waa aelrctod for tho nex ^cgo- trict meeting which wlll bo he nlion •>"!>» 10. . vhlch '"“‘Claim Efficiency s: in School Chai oting ______ night Action of Board Eeorgai hods. High and Intermediate ploto partmenta; Karno? to L )Ugh- --------- - Elimination of Die offlco of cijml of the Twin Fnlls high ; cceaa reaulted from action taken nt tl nin," journod meeting of tho achool t tho Mondny night on tho rcotganl kinds of tho high Bchool nnd intorm I thia departments. Tlio refunding of ha % ’0 wnrranta through ft bond issut diaeuaaod nnd left to Jnmea Fl aam«> brndley to invefll Mr. Bradley waa appointed to ai ,, W, E. Fofltor, who resigned on nt of leaving Twin Fnlla. nfo. As a roBult of tho roorgflnl risk the intermedinto dopartmont w; todcd rocognl7.ed aa tho junior high down iiiiil will ineludo the' Bovonth, i tho '>»d ninth grndes Inatond of tho ilfin.i two ns in tho paat. Tho numl pupils in tho junior High will 1 ' crcnsod frnm COO na afpreso nbout 700 nest year. Mrs. ( .hem. ,vna elected ns principal c 000" junior high achool. nny The high achool will bo'con; .ed.'' of tlio tenth, elovonth nnd t' lg of grades. Tho now plan 'wns nt nnd »a being more ef/icicnt and ccoi of MvtchcU, bigh achool intondent, wns electcd to tako tl.e duties of tho high achool ] pal. '‘rket A. E. Knrnea, high achool prii all Hinted ho haa not decided c n by ture i)lana but that ho may ace posilion in California.’ Tho reo tho zation takes effect willi tho begi I cel. of lho ncxl acliool year. ^KliiiSPLIl CONCUIE HE id of onm- prepare to K!al<e District Here in August Big Sue S i!; C. E. W right Reports nlted --------- Kiwaniana of Utah and Idali looJung forward to tli.T diatriot m to he held here in Ai-guat and p indlc-ationa .are thnl between .10 400 will be here at tint time, acci fo C. E. WriKht, wh'. j'ttcnded tl trict convention of Kiwnnia trust PocatcIlo ns the Twin Fall.s rci "'"V tativi'. Mr. Wrighi r-durned W day afternoon. tecs on arrangementa and pl.ina ii.ake tho district meeting here r,-,H in .rvrry .vny. Hcvcnl 1. '• ticnal offieer* are expccted to « ____ Tho convention nt PocatcIlo w ’^5' leaded bv represcntatlvea of 21 o ^ *"5 22 clubs included in Iho.district, covers Utah and Id.aho, Mr. \ said. Delegatea were pre.acnt Coour d ’Alene and frora points rrnw ''outhom part of Utah. Diatriet ernor Wl H. Boeder of Ogden, an. «rt Yoiing of Salt Lake, ihterat ,^1*' Kiwanis offieer, woro nmong the i 100,00 The meeting was informal on ‘•arly for tho purpose .of dtfcusaing Qding .plnn* latoreatlng Kiwanis clubs. Itatoa mitteca were appointed to aid thi the.f^manian» in preparing for the pr here in August. NXmCBBB ll :°:cflwssiEiis : : OEBIITE PE ilT S f OR OIL T ill Opposition Develops to Appl cation for' Right to Insta Containers’ in Vicinity ( Creamery and Lumber Yarc ICU Appllcatlona of the Homo Oil con pnny and Olnf Nelson for permits I , erect oil diatributing lanka nnd atntioi A d- and <iue*tion of tho making of u dt V.-r. “udit for the past yenr, brought nboi an interesting aession nt, tho regub y meoting of tho city eotiimisaion Tueadt night in whieh gasoline, kerosene, bo , Uv, parllaiiientnn- law, politic- ar adju- tho voting rights of-Mnyor Tuekor na t tno member of tho commiasioa Hated i Tuoa> lome of tho subjects covered, iro C. After-preliminar>- nintters hnd hc. .com- dlajioaod of tho evening'a netivitiea upert, oil and butter begnn with nn oratoric . and nrgum.mtlvo effort bv Commisaio i poat " R-, S. Ail. On tho rending of tl meet- Perinlt of the H(uiio companv to.ore posts ‘ni'ka. near tho Steriin;; creamery, M [jazol- Al* nroso and Bald: Fears Tainted Batter. I din- ..J -vk-bh to any that my nttention h logion hum, Cl,Hod to thla projioaition s.wer times rocontly. 1 bcliove thnt if th -wna jtation is permitted to be orcctod i ficors this location the fumes will taint tl h in- productn of tho Sterling creamers*, legion It rightf It Is n well known fact thi of a buttor is oxtreiiiely iuscoptiblo to a Lmeri- aorjition of o<lora. \Ve have a .placo ( Fnlla tho othor side of tho tracka whoro the; Glllis conoorns idiould bo located nnd I nm favor of having 'them orected thoi t dia- whero they enn do no damnge, Id o n “ I um not thinking nf tho immedin future, not merely .he noxt yenr two, but tho next 50 or 100 vohrs. Th; dialrict is bound to bo built up n> it is n question of whether or not the oil tnnks wlll bo obieotlotinblo.” Mr. All waa reminded by Leonard ; Smith, director of thc newly organiz. I P f t Homo Oil emiipaiiy, :hit grocery ator O hnvo. nlwnys kept keu.aeno nnd dal: producta in tho aam.r ;<tore. lizes Insuraneo Eatos Fignre. Do- Tho diseuRaion then turned to rat „„„„ of Inaumnco and thc ways theym i '^ave bo affected if tho oil tanks nrc pc m illed to bo oroctcd. Mr. All stat. prin- informntion from insu ichool underwriters thaj tho rnto wou „ -J bo increased. Commisaionor J. E.-Ro hoflr/1 atated that rntcj would not 1 elmnged if tho tanks nre 100 foot more from aurrounding buildlnRa. SJi • A lottor of protest f'om H. J. Yomi of ‘'’o fiterliiig crenmery, wns reod ' which ho nbjected to tho erection p K "’ lho tnnks ns boing delrlmontnl fo.l igaio. buaineaa nnd croatlng a dangerous fi hawird. ^ Doeialon Doforrod. .«finn Cotnmraaioner 8. O. McAulcy aald : had inveatlgnted tho mattor nnd cou , , not recommend tho gm rting of Iho pc 't i?*i nJt in viow of Mr.' 'iTcuug’a objoctlor All moved that lho permit bo .1 iirst anfl after some heated dlBcussi' botweon Mr. All nnd Mr. Smith nnd II. Stowell. nlao n director of tbo ( company, in regard tc opinions of Bloekholiler of tho cre.imorj' compan ^ tho matter wna hold over I'ntli' M Youngs, who i."' now in tho hosplti post'd can nppear beforo tho commission kclfth oigBft hla own coao. opted Activities nt this polnl aliiftcd fro lomic- oil nnd butter to oil and lumber, with fow moro or less ncrtinont remarks « super- TOOporty -values inteTsperaed ns th o\*or dlacuasion progresaed. Tho npplicntli irinei- of Mr. ffelBon to eroe.t oil tanks opp alto tho Nlbloy-Cluinnel Lumber coi iclpnl, Ijany w;as read, but not approved, n fu- Lximberman Objecta. ^ A lotter of objection from C. B. Cha rgnni- ^i,ic{, i,p protcated ll nning erection of tho tanks unless thoy n properly cncloacd to protect tho lumb ynrd and tho lumber stcreil there. M Sonib’ obji'etlon was ngnin raiaed cmntlng Twia Falla' aecond new < company fo erect Ita t.anka.on tho pro ertv choicn nnd Mnyor Tuckcr Inquin if personal propaganda plnyed any pa ^ I" In tho mntter. Ho naked tho^ comml sion if any member Icrew of nnyoi who was trving to block thc plans _ tho oil conipanlea for their own pt aonal gain. “ I know of one man, Mr. Koel, wl Woot unload aome lots nnd mnko a 1 tic monev ns a rcauit of thla, but : rocc refuaes." said Mr. All. “ Ho ia n that Hind of n mon." Thc appUcatl ef Mr. Nelson was held over uatil t next meeting, after Mnvor Tucker aa cd Mr. All to have p.rsnna opposed o nre tho pormit nppear beforo the comm setin- lion. resent Audit Ooes Over. I) n nd After declining to meet the claim )rding (Jie emintv hospital for tho lato J. 'I 0 dis- Lecdom, touriat park tender, tho coi CCS at niN.-(ton tool: up the m nltcr'of tho nut rescn- miucested at the last meeting 1 wines- John Wolfenden. Oommissioner AU again arose and expressed his opinion. In part, aa follows: “ I think see havo bad J glory enough in regara to anditS'of tho city's booka. I movo tliat yn tienii, pastpono nction on t ^ matt«r aad “ ‘I leave It to tho Incomlns admlnl»- tration. Even If wo did luT» an y?*?" andit made of tho books for tltA ' paat year, where conld tn jmbUsh It? We haven’t got an official dQr paper any more.'* . Mr. Wolfenden replied rather he* cdlv that he had filled his part of I contract and -that It it now np to t commiaslon lo do. ita part. May II Tuckcr -asked Mr. Wolfenden If I eontract called for the nnUaff 'of i audit for tho jBBTywr. IS . Wolfendi ' replied that it did not, bnt that hU eo ogram _ , .......................... - (Continned on Page Eight.)

Transcript of TWIN FAIJ.S. n)AH( MMm - Twin Falls Public...

T W Uin in S T E E N T H Y EA & '


O v e r f l o w A u d i e n c e W i t n e s s e s

F i r s t P r o g r a m o f C a r n i v a

G iv e n b y t h e T v » e n t i e t t i C e n

, ■ t u r y C iu b

T hrough tho progrosslvonoss of thi T w en tie th C entury clnb tho m erchant: o f T w in FflllB scored ano th e r notabl- trium ph ■Wodnoflday evening whon th< m erch an ts ’ c arn iv a l w as prcBontci! a

4 h e Idaho th e a tre boforo an audienci t h a t ovortaxod tho aoatlng capacity o tho thoatro . S tan d in g room wn crow ded beforo tho program o f th ' evening waa woll • n d o r way.

Surprisco cajno no froquontly durlni tho program , w>ich ia to bo ropoatei T h u rsd ay ovoning, th a t tho in terea o f tho audionco w as held eontinuonsl: d u rin g tho throo houra roquired to pro se n t tho ahow. E ff ic ie n t and thorougl p roporatio ii and p lann ing o t th e ovon w cro in 'ovidcnco and woro rowardoi

V • tho applauso nnd expressions opraiao na tho v arious uum bera w er s taged .

F o rty loeal m erchants in p rac tica lb• ■ cvory lino o f mcrehandiHo w ere repre

flonto/l in tho ev en t w hich vraa pro sen ted in tho fqrm of a pngoaut, spie

^ od w ith comody.Show ing of comody film s opened th<

p rogram n t 7:15 o 'c lock . Tho firai uiim lier to follow %vnn n .c lo v o r D utcl sk e tch led by Mra. W. IT. D w ight an i a chorys componod of M rs: N . J . KeoS ♦r, MIhs Lucillo W olfo, M iss P a itl drtllec, M rs. M aguiro and J lr s . P . T K ellogg. All woro ' in eostumo and w ith nn n ttrn c tiv e so tting , the skotcl prtn-ed a m est auitnblo .opening foi th c rem ainder .o f tho program .

A dance b y M is s 'I^ o n n Yochem anc a solo by M rs. 0 . P . D nvall, follower bv n comedy e h a rae te r read ing b \ M rs. H erm an S ch u rg o r w ere well re coivod.

Qnooa In tro d u cedF ollow ing th e opening num bers tin

q ueen o f tho T w in F cIIh trn c t in thc ?cr«on of M rs. F . B. Sovillo w as in troducetl to tiio fiudieuco from hoi th ro n e a t tho re a r cen te r o f the stngo Mrs.' Don H enry nnd M rs. S. C. W yatl occupiod tho positions o f mnitls. Tin so ttin g waa ex trem ely a ttrac tiv o .

H ow ard Sabin , in costum acted a s announcer and in troduced tho vn r ious num bers. M odels, ch a ra c te rs anc: fig u re s o f every so rt woro passed ir

■Tovitnf beforo iho - ru le r o f tho oven, in g tOT ho r inspoetion. ‘Wliilo th e Jn tc rp re ta tio n s woro u n iversa lly novo ond a t tra c tiv e several deserved speela honors. A local m nrket w ith n amal

' boy pu lling a w agon o f m oat prod •lets and a g irl w ith a t r a y o f tea waj g iven m uch opplauso. O thera oapo c ia lly no tab le ', represen ted • a drus s tore , a grocery storo, n bakery , r book storo and th e local jew elry deal

Tho lanbion abow concludod th< progrnm w ith m odels from varloua do tc rnoon nnd s tre e t dreaaos, au its and p .irtm cn t and m illinery atorea an t

' <Je.alorn in w om en’s w ear p rc seu tin g tn t l.ntcat creations in ovening gowns, n f w raps of a ll sorta. D em onatrationa oJ capes reoeivod m uch adm iration .

D oalors L is ted D ealers represontod in tho . carnival

in tho order in w hich th o y wero in tro duced wero:

T ro v L aum lry , ■Wngnci’s Bn^iery BinHoiinclto A r t Shop, D av is O ptica <*miipany, B a rre tt A uto company, W oolw orth’s, Clos Book S tore , C entra

■ M nrkct, Im peria l C leaners, F.nrmer’i D igest, T ho Poppy, F ish er D rug com pan v , Tho Sm oker, L ib e r ty M arkot Jfobhins Book S tore , B rowno Musie com pany, C ity P h an n acy , M acauley’j C ig a r slore, Orpheum B eau ty Pnrlora

.T.Tnitcd Groccry. Roynl Bnker>-, nooMcj • icr F u rn itiiro Company, S kaggs. Gm

• curv, Idaho P ow er com pany, Sabir A dvertla ing A gency, In dependen t Meal M nrkct, B urkholder F u m ltu ro com pany , Salladay H ardw are company Uilov M illinery , Id ah o T hea tre , Tw ii F alls Jew elers, W rlg h t'a Store, B if W liite , Idaho D epartm en t S tore , Voguo B o o th 's Store, U n ited Store.i, Mode Shoo S toro and tho Aleo Clothes Shop



'■KI. B . Ahlson, S ta to Oommissioner, t< M&ko CanToss o f T w in F a lls D ls

........ t r i c t ; P laaa O rs ifilM tlo a

. C. B . Ahlaon, aU te «oed comminaionei w ith tho ex tension d epartm en t, arrived luTc W ednesday to survey tho local <lis t r i c t "f^r th e piirpoac .if u rg in g th c uae o f b e tto r titi.ility o f aceda th is year.

M r. Ahlaon cxpocts to- g e t i a contact w ith ft num ber o f loc il gm w ers and it powtiblo to a ta r t nn o rgan ira tion . .


F o rm er C assia C onnty S h e riff Dlei from E ffo c ts o f E tu ta S a ffe red Iz A e d d e n t a t J a rb ld fo M lno

W . O. P ra t t , fo rm er sh e r if f o f Cas ' »<i,a county , died a t tho co n a ty hospi TNjcaday afte rnoon as a resu lt ol in ju rie s received w hile worVlng a t th< E lk o ra m in ing p ro p e rty a t Ja rb id g i la s t week.

M r. P r a t t 's d ea th followed a shori period o f im provem eat M onday. Thi body w as tak en to B n p e rt Tuesdaj even in g b y a son and d au g h te r anc th e fnn e ra l w ill be held there .


Crop Indications Appear Favorab!

Farm ers Find Pall Irrigati I Gives Qood Results, Oat

M anager Reports

A lthough p rec ip ita tion th is y e a r I been aomowhat Iobs th .in usual, soil, p a rticu ln riy in thc Buhl diatri Is iu good conilitlon fo r phvntiwg r preaent ind ications in connection w th is soasou’s cfops ii'o favorab le , cord ing to J . C. W heelon, genernl m nger 'of th e T w in .F a lls Cftntil„compji

M r. W h c o b n 'h a a mado aeveral tr th roughou t, ^hu surrounding d is tric t tho luat few weeks, on inspection i In connection w i th 'h i s o ffice .

Fnnnora who ir r ig a te d la s t fall ea rly crops thla y ea r havo tho ndv tago over thosu who d id not irrlg t M r. W hoelon s ta ted . V egetable gr<

, CTB, pnrilcn lnrly thoso m isin g le ttv have found i t to th e ir advan tage

' have tho m oisture re ta in ed in ' g round over tho w in ter, and w heat i

g a ted in th e fu ll w ill give b o lte r reMi lie sa id . .

S everal farm ers have n lri'ady w«l fo r irriga tion w n to r fo r le ttuco nn< few requests nro com ing lu n t varii tim es. Tho eanal com pany will ti tho w ntor in to th e h ite ra ls for tho ii g a tio n season nbout A pril l.'i.

Rotarians Invited to Donate Bool

Needs ’of .Public L ibrary A Placod Seforo Olab in Oo nection w ith Dr.ive

' Tlio necessity o f :in Increnao in I num ber of volumes tivailnblo lo roi ors tlirough tho medium o f thu Tv Fnlla nublic lib ra ry was called to I n tto n tion o f tho m em bers o f th e lo' K otnry club n t ita reg^.lnr Wednead nieeling by W. H. I’l.liidge in eonn tlo u w ith tho' drivo for dohntionn volumes ncheduled fo r A pril 13-14.

A ccording to M r. E ldridge, the lirnry n«w con tain s n p rrox im ate ly 7( books nnd tho circulntion in tho coui of tt Hinglo m onth somctixues nm ounts moro thnn th e to ta l num bor of volum L ast v ea r tho to tn l c lrn ila tio n o f I llb rn ry nm ountcd to 71;,000 bAok lo: com pared to I’orate lh) whero w ilh m uch la rg e r popululion lhe totiU clri

I la tion fo r th e yenr waa only 5»,OOU.I Tho p lan 'n m o u n ta to n request i I donationa o f books from nil who Im theso to spare. Tho only condition th n t th e book numl be In reasonnl good shnpo a s to b ind ing . No fu j nro nvailulilo froni nny o th e r ao'urco J tho purchnso b f book*\ nnd ndditloi volumes nro b ad ly ncediod. Thc nsal nnco o f tho club wna asaorod in conn tion w ith tho drive.

Upon m otion by .Fudgo W alters 1 congrntuIntionH of tho ciub wero ord cd conveyed to tho K iw an ls club Tw in F a lls upon th e en te rp rise o f 1 la t te r in securing fo r th is c ity tho <] t r ic t convention o f th e K iw anls cl which will be held here n ex t Augu The n o ta ry cJub nIsO pledged Its f nMiHlance tow nrds thi> w ork of mnki tho convention ft succeas in every wi

•T. W ealey K in g o f S a lt L ake, w I hat. tho d iatinctlon o f hnving tho |oi es t B o tary m em borship record in t: en tlro nection o f the unrthw eat, nddre cd tho club nt, leng th on tho preco] nnd practleo o f B otary,. u rg in g renew n tten tio n to th c sub ject o f b o y s’ woi Boy Scout developm ent in p.nrticul M r. K in g 's nddress wna a foa tu ro of. t program .

.President A rth u r P eavoy gavo a . ta iled report o f tho illHfrict seaalon In Inst woek n t Pocatello to which, he, T. Peillev, CapUiin C. II. K rengel n fharicH Sweelev w ere delegntes. C. M cM artin of Tw in FalU wns slati'd the program fo r an nddrcK", b u t th rou pressure o f unforscen buainosa w as i ablo to bo present.


M O N E Y IN H A N S E N B A ^

C om plaint F ile d b y N a tio n a l Sun Oompany A sk ia s Ju d g m en t o f ;000 on Indoronlty A «roem ent

Tho N ntional S u re ty compa) th rongh A ttorney Don J . H enry , fi su it in d in tric t court W ednesday to c lec t from Georgo I). C rcck c tt nnd o c rs $.'5,I70."<> on nn indem nity ag r m ent covering money nf tho a ta tc Idftho In tho B ank o f Hanaen.

A ccording to the com pain t the sure com pany p u t u p bonda to p ro tec t 1 s ta to money and tho defen d an ts orec cd an 'n dem nity agreem ent w ith i bend ing company to inauro nga inst ( ro m p an v 's losing th e m onev. Oil defendnnts nam ed a re H. M'. Vand pool, C. Pelem on, Oscar Iveraon n D an Iveraon. Tho anm o f $750 na to rn e y ’s feo is alao nrkcd.


OTga&lz&tloii o f T onng U e n Ta] Threo In to M om benb lp ; O ath G li a t B anqnot F e a tin v d b y Spoocli

T he 1. F . T hi aoclety held its regu m eoting Thnraday evening a t th e ho

.of M orris Bobinson, presiden t. In it tion eerenionic* w ere followed by a b: que t in the p riva to o in in g room T om 's cafe.

Tho oat)i waa g iv-ii .nnd th e fem a der o f th e ovcning n a s cnjoycil w to a s ts nnd spcechc* from membera th e club. Those in itia ted w ere F ran F lynn . E llaw orth .M cHobcrts and Cl cn re G arrity .

Tho society w as o rgan irod tho f i o f th e presen t aehool year. I ta mt bersh ip >a eompoaed princ ipa lly o f hi srhool studen ts, nnd P aul Ellia o f 1 liigh sebool facu lty Is aponsor.


JEOUESTBIOS - ON MMm: c o y « T y *the ----------

S i F i r s t S t e p s T o w a r d C o m p le

Lc‘. R e s e a r c h o f O f f i c i a l s ’ R e

o r d s a r e T a k e n b y B o a r d

'j ’» . ,C o ; h m i s s i o n e r s

ind .Follow ing unanim ous ac tio n tak

5^^ chu board of T w in F alls county co oiiaiiionera ia advertla ing fo r bids :

IW- dinkiiig a comploto county au d it « , «over tho fou r-year poriod boglnni

w ith tho sw orn and published s ta •rl- m ont of the county au d ito r na of 1 ItH, ■toeond M ondny in Jan u a ry , 191».

B ids aro to bo in th e hands of I ied •.'ommiaaioners on or beforo A p ril OaI 1 tho work w ill s ta r t as soon n f tc r t l )us (lute na n c o n trac t can bo drnw n w in i tho low Inddor, according to J . •ri- Darnlinrt, chairm an of tho board.

B ids a re to bo Bubmitted ond 1 MHdlt mado (itcord lng to w r itte n atl] Intiona on file in tho offico of 1 .!Ounty commissioners

Tho specificn tions. jirovido th n t I tu d il shnll bo a “ four-yoor compli

i S m d iletailod .audit o f nil nccounta all dopartm onts, includ ing tho cour agi^ft nnd excepting tho county fi

re jn d hoap itn l." Tho renaon given 1 _ tho exclusion o f those tw o depa “ ■ m enls ia lh a t tho lr records nro of

separnto nn turo In p a r t from -t (•ounty nnd ft soparnto au d it o f th i

;ho will bo made, M r. B a rn h a rt said, id- Tho spccificrftionB fu r th o r a tn to th■ in " a u c h nud it m nst covor all transi he ciona nnd ineludo th e vorificntlon :ui tho correctncaa o f the books of i hy :nitnla and caah balnncoa of oneh eoi tfc- Ly o ff lc o r ."o f Among tlio o tho r provialona includ

are nn exnm lnation of all claim s pn H- by tho county ns woll a s nil purchnt Oci and p.'iyrolla, ta x rolla, bonded indol ■se oditeHS nnd receip ts, and proviaion to mndo fo r catnbliahing bftlanco ahot

and HtntomentH o f delinquent tax es a laS property aoid.

^ C T r p i i f f iy pI H e u y NOTat- -----------

"■ C i t y A t t o r n e y t o I g n o r e R

q u e s t o f H ig tiv i^ ay B o a r d

S ' iV love C a n a l D i t c his- - , ----------

N o tifica tion hy tho Twin F a lls Jiifi wny board th a t a q u arter mllo atro t o f canal ditch runn ing alongside t

"P road from tho low lino canal to t I ; ' site of Uio old f ilte r in g p lan t locati

m uat bo removed by tho c ity wltli Jl) dnys wna ignored b y nctlon tak a t tho regu lar m eeting of tho cl commiaalon- Tueadny n igh t leav ing d

(.,) poanl o f tho m a tte r to lho diacretl of a. D. Davla, c ity attornoy.

nrl Tho removal cT tho dllch is deair li(. by tho ‘h ighw ay d is tr ic t in order

‘ facDltnto g rad in g and grnveling Ic- (!>» rond.•1,1 Commi.s»ioncr .8. 0 . McAul W. brough t up tho aubject say ing th nd hc had received notice from thu hif8. wnv board n o tify in g tho c ity to i in iiiuvo thu ditch nnd 't h a t legal ate gh would bo tnken by tho d ia trie t boa in- if neccaaaA-. - -

Diacusaion o f , the m a tte r revolv around p rio rity of rig h t to tho rigl of-wnv nnd lho clnim th n t tho car ditch exialed in ita pro-sent Ipcati

IK iH-fore tho highw ay wjia built.In tu rn ing to A tto rney Dnvis 1

^ liiii opinion tho council 'w sb inform fiy l)v him th n t ho believed If th e loi

tion p f tho d ilch ia to be chang tlia t tlio h ighw ay d is tr ic t m ust p: vido a new right-of-w ay fo r i t in i

:^{ rhnngo fo r tho one given up. i Davis s ta ted la te r th a t his opinloa w th a t th c d itch wna b u ilt beforo t road nnd th a t ho eould o b ta in toa

Qf mony to th n t c ffc c t from early re den ts o f tho d is tric t. A ttornoy Da' Rtated th a t in case tho highw ay boa

fie n tlem pts to caforco i ts order th a t „ t. in junction could probnbly bo obtain ;1,P re s tra in in g rem oval of tho ditch. ,jjo J . T . K rivnnck, a treo t and -wat ,cr works superin tenden t, a ta ted tho pr cr- e n t a ta tc law providea th a t cai nd ditehea bo inaido tho fences along t at- highways.

.’ layor J . D. T uckcr qucationed t motivo o f the h ighw ay board in brii

l|M ing up tho m a tte r a t thia tim e a ho ch a rac te riicd thc case na a poll ca l move.


T O N E W M A R K E T IN G P L /lar ---------me Tho p lana o f th e Tw in Falla Cour la- D air\-m cn’« a-^aociatio.i a rc progrcasl m- sa tisfac to rily , n cco rd in j to U. E. Br a t sard , county fa rm ngent, who aftcnd

tho m eeting o f dairj-m en a t Buhl M< in- d a y ovcning. A aecond m eeting > Ifh been acheduled to be held here eitl o f M onday o r Tuesdny ovcning. eia “ F arm orapreacnt’ a t th e m c c t in g wc ar- cnlhnalttsUc and several more contra*

fo r delive.ry o f crcam w ere signed rs t aaid M r. b ro ssard . “ D airym en act) m- in the organixation have div ided t gh w eat p a r t o f th e e o u n tr in to d iatric ho each d is tr ic t b e in g a llo tted to one m

to ob ta in moro m em bers ."

[Q, T H im S D A T , M ABOH 22, 1023

District Install! New Pumping I]

I O nth t bf 60 Second F eet I T pacity Soon To Bo in SeiI I of Milnor liow Lift

A now pum ping -unit consisting 500 horsepower m otor-.u 'd a pump

,616 ing lutttaUcd n t tho Iwss'cr wr pri: . . . Rtutiou of th e M ilner low lif t i

t lo u diatrie t.I o f Tho new punyi hna a eni>uelty

cubic fee t o f w a te r per aecond i ia largo onough to servo several d rcd ncrcs o f add itiona l fnnn land

In nddltion to th c luwur sta tio d is tr ic t has a sm aller ono uaini m otors o f , 50 and CO horsepow er w hich lif t w a te r from th e upper to a highor level nnd d iatribu ti ovor an ndditiounl 800 ncrcs.

;nte- . — . i..


,lpu- — -----

M ix e d i l / la r i< e t in g o f V e g e j i

ly ie a h s M o r e C a s h , S a l e s

' < e c u t i v e C la im sintvfa i r ----------fo r V egetable grqwora o f th e Twin

'art- ,;ountry by p rac tic ing divcraifii ® of grow ing and m ark e tin g can r

fa r g rea te r p ro fita thnn by rolyli auy OUV- \-rop .•utirolv and throug

thnto u tle t w lll ho onormouHly iner

o f nccording to C. J . K upfor, o f ac- well, nudltor o f tho C nlifornia

)un- tab le Union, m nrkuting organi: fo r tho Idaho P ro d u ce rs ' Unjon,

3ed lnclu<lea vegetable grow ers throu southern Idaho.

M r. K upfer and B. G. Ulasi Sacram ento, Cal., m nnnger o f tho production departm en t of tho rui

and organir-ation,. addressed n nn of T ivin Fnlls fa rm ers in the her of eommorco rooms M onday on grow ing- nnd- m nrkctlng »ie They will lonvo T uesday to con a series o f a im ilar inecUngH th i out th e southern Id ah o d is tric t.

1 E xp la ins P lan s *1 “ One of the aecrots o f the si

IP of vcgfitable g ro w in g , in Califoi L . aaid M r. K upfor, " i s tiio fa c t th i

growora m nrket several d iffe ren t ot vegotables In cnch car. Up t

l e - y e a r th c Twin Fnlls grow ers i - m nrketed th o ir lo ttuco crops-

very feiv other, p roducta in tho car.

“ B y using tho m ethod of lo mixed cars tho sm aller m arkcti

‘P * (ipencd to tho produeera nnd thc of low priccs on nccount o f fl m arkots a t any ono p o in t is cu t

tlou g re a t deal. I nm aure t lin t I thin local grow ers w lll groiv diver kon crops nnd m ark e t in tho aame cUy th a t from 20 lo (10 ne.w m arke ts dia- of Chiengo will be ojvened up .to

Moat o f theao m nrketa nro small , nnd unable to uao ontiro cnra oi

one product aa soon aa I t ia rocoiM r. Bisaer nddre-taed 'the m eeti

growora p rincipally on grow ing ilov cu ltiv a tin g methoda. H e took u ^hiit Advantages of d if fe re n t meai igh- p lan tin g nnd cu ltiv a tio n nnd com

rc- tJic apring and fa ll cropa o f vego top* in thla d is tric t ns to tho ir n ’” ‘1 value. General diacuaaion of ...,l polJ‘t" m entioned wore engaged rrhtt *«<!Ctlng.

B o th executives a re urg ing tion JH'Owing o f moro cau liflow er nm

cry in nddition to lo ttuce and fo r resu lt aoveral g row ers have i

mcd co n trac ts w ith tb o C alifo rn ia o oca- i.ation fo r m arke ting theso cro

well aa le t tu c a - '


H O L D O F F I C E R E L E C l

rcsl- Johnson Is N am od aa H«^via T w in FaUa O o an d l; 3>oddo oa ,ard P a lg a to Boost M em bership.

im jj P lan s fo r iu rreaslnr: th e memb woro adopted a t th-- m ee ting of

. Palla council Xo. r,or, o f th e T Commereial T rave le r'! ' ."waoeiatioi

in a l n igh t in the chaml>er of

.co r^ tre.-uwrer, was e le riM senlnr eom

to succced U a o a . O ther newlv e ‘“S; o ffieera a re : W. M. S t ic k , ju n io r “ “ ‘1 rillo r: LawTence H os. past eoun

J. W. Forem an, ac^^c^a^^••tren IT. N. N unem aker, condnctor; J . E man. page; A. F . M urphv, scnlin

r n . Bobert:.. F . A .' W ebb. J . W.nnd Iv. M. Ouest. exeeutive eomrr

A N O. .T. John."on. rep re s 'n t.a tiv e to council a t Provo, L fi.h . nnd

,n tv S tack , a ltem ale .,in* B y deelaion o f tho e.r,uncil tho ;ros. 'n r m eeting n igh t wns changed fro

th ird Saturd.ay to th e th in l F rid Ion- *nch 'm onth .

l i le ' T E N Y UAE F l t tE LO SS IN FO R ESTS FO U R M IL

Tcrc SA N F B A N aS C O , M arch 22, aeta F irea in tho N ationa l Foreata of id ," fo m ia destroyed moro th a n 1, tlv e aeres o f tim bcrlaad , valned a t : tho $1,000,000, during th e decade e

icta, 1920, according to the U nited : man F oreat Servicc here . M ost o;

fires w ere maa-canscd.

C L Y I ^, D E A F C H IL D R E N . IN S i

• i . A ttracU on S taged a t ' QoodUng b n i l p ils o f B tato Bcbool M ay Bo

P ro ses ta tio tt H ere

A u e f fo r t la bt’Jng mado to bri V ico Twin F alls the ahow recently p u t

Gooding by the sta lo aehool fo deaf, dumb nud bli;id.

Tho cast In - th e at m ction int o f a about ehlldren ot th e s tn te i

il [,1,. •■‘■“ I aeveral instructors. Tho pin'

..... ...

a District Legion ‘ I Officials Nantwo . ---------- ,

' “ J; A. WUton Peck is Eleoted Ig i t ju tan t a t Oonvention of

servico Men a t Eimborl

n A. W ilton Peck wns eloctod M tn n t a t tho d is lrie t m ooting o 11 Amorican Legion a t K im borly

dny evening. O thers oloctcd wi n n I’cck o f H azelton, d is tr ic t

J L m ander and Harm on O sier o f B

w . A bout 1^ membora of tho loca wero am ong thoao n ttond lng tho ing n t w hich repreaontntivos of

ib le s a t F iler, P au l, itupert, purloy , r«^ ton and Eden woro present, t x - Tho convention oponod w ith i

ner given by tho womon o f thb aux ilia ry n t Kimhorly.

Tho huaiiu’as aession foliowinj Fnlls featu red by the election of ol

nnd repo rts o f ‘ committcoa, whli cludod dlBCuasioii_of form ing d Imsoball Icnguo and the rocoipt report bv D r. W . F . Paaaer, J

' ean ization o fficer 'o f tho Twin oting Jteprc.scntntive W . D . ,•aaed, spoko on legialativo m nttera. ea id - F ile r waa aelrctod for tho nex ^cgo- tr ic t m eeting which wlll bo he nlion •>"!>» 10. .vhlch

'"“‘Claim Efficiency s: in School Chaioting ______

n ight Action of Board Eeorgai hods. High and Interm ediate ploto partm enta; Karno? to L)Ugh- • --------- -

E lim ination of Die offlco of cijml of th e Twin Fnlls high ;

cceaa reaulted from action taken n t t l n in ," journod m eeting of tho achool t tho Mondny n ig h t on tho rco tgan l k inds of tho h igh Bchool nnd intorm I thia departm ents. Tlio re fu n d in g of ha%’0 w nrran ta th rough ft bond issut

diaeuaaod nnd le f t to Jnm ea Fl aam«> b rn d ley to invefll

Mr. B radley waa appoin ted to ai , , W, E . Fofltor, who resigned on nt

o f leav ing Tw in Fnlla. nfo. As a roBult o f tho roorgflnl

risk th e interm edin to dopartm ont w; todcd rocognl7.ed aa tho jun io r high down iiiiil will ineludo th e ' Bovonth, i

tho '>»d n in th grndes Inatond of tho ilfin.i tw o ns in tho paat. Tho num l

pupils in tho jun io r High will 1 ' crcnsod frnm COO na a f p r e s o

nbout 700 n e s t year. M rs. ( .hem. ,vna elected ns principal c000" ju n io r high achool. nny The high achool w ill b o 'co n ;

. e d . '' o f tlio ten th , elovonth nnd t ' lg o f grades. Tho now p lan 'wns n t

nnd »a being more e f /ic icn t and ccoi

o f MvtchcU, bigh achoolin tondent, wns electcd to tako tl.e du ties of tho high achool ] pal.

'‘rk e t A. E. Knrnea, high achool prii all Hinted ho haa n o t decided c

n by tu re i)lana b u t th a t ho m ay ace • posilion in C alifo rn ia .’ Tho reo

tho zation tak es e ffec t willi tho begi I cel. o f lho ncx l acliool year.

^ K l i i i S P L I l CONCUIE HE

id ofonm- p r e p a r e t o K !al<e D i s t r i c t

H e r e i n A u g u s t B ig S u e

S i ! ; C . E . W r i g h t R e p o r t sn lted ---------

K iw aniana o f U tah and Idali looJung forw ard to tli.T d ia trio t m to he held here in Ai-guat and p indlc-ationa .are th n l betw een .10 400 will be here a t t i n t tim e, acci fo C. E. W riKht, wh'. j 'ttcn d ed tl t r ic t convention o f K iw nnia tru st PocatcIlo ns th e Twin Fall.s rci

" '" V ta tiv i'. M r. W righi r-durned W day afternoon.

tecs on arrangem enta and pl.ina ii.ake tho d is tr ic t m eeting here r,-,H in . rv r ry .vny. Hcvcnl 1.

'• ticn a l offieer* a re expccted to «____ Tho convention n t PocatcIlo w’ 5 ' leaded bv represcn ta tlvea o f 21 o ^ *"5 22 clubs included in Iho .d is tric t,

covers U tah and Id.aho, Mr. \ said. Delegatea w ere pre.acnt Coour d ’Alene and frora points

rrnw ''outhom p a r t of U tah. Diatriet e rn o r W l H . Boeder o f Ogden, an. « rt Yoiing o f S a lt Lake, ih te ra t

,^ 1 * ' K iw anis o ffieer, woro nmong the i 100,00 The m eeting was inform al on ‘•a r ly fo r tho purpose .o f dtfcusaing Qding .plnn* la to rea tln g K iw anis clubs. Itatoa m itteca w ere appointed to aid thi

th e .f^ m a n ia n » in p reparing fo r the pr here in A ugust.


: ° : c f l w s s i E i i s : : OEBIITE P E ilT S f OR OIL T i l l

O p p o s i t i o n D e v e l o p s t o A p p l

c a t i o n f o r ' R i g h t t o I n s t a

C o n t a i n e r s ’ in V i c i n i t y (

C r e a m e r y a n d L u m b e r Y a r c

I C U Appllcatlona o f th e Homo Oil con pnny and Olnf Nelson fo r perm its I

, erect oil d ia tribu ting lanka nnd atntioi A d - and <iue*tion o f tho m aking o f u d t V.-r. “ud it fo r th e p ast yenr, b rought nboi

an in te restin g aession nt, tho regub y meoting o f tho c ity eotiimisaion Tueadt

n igh t in whieh gasoline, kerosene, bo , Uv, parllaiiientnn- law, p o litic - ar

adju- tho v o tin g righ ts of-M nyor Tuekor na t tno member of tho commiasioa Hated i Tuoa> lome o f tho subjects covered, iro C. A fter-prelim inar>- n in tte rs hnd hc. .com- dlajioaod o f tho evening 'a netiv itiea

upert, oil and b u tte r begnn w ith nn oratoric . and nrgum.mtlvo e f fo r t bv Commisaio

i poat " R-, S. Ail. On tho rending o f tl m eet- Perinlt of the H(uiio companv to .o re posts ‘ni'ka. near tho S teriin ;; cream ery, M

[jazol- Al* nroso and Bald:F ears T ain ted B atte r.

I din- . . J -vk-bh to any th a t my n tten tio n h logion hum, Cl,Hod to thla projioaition s.wer

tim es rocontly. 1 bcliove th n t i f th - w n a jta tio n is perm itted to be orcctod i ficors th is location the fumes w ill ta in t tl h in- productn o f tho S te rlin g creamers*, legion I t r ig h tf I t Is n well known fa c t thi o f a b u tto r is oxtreiiiely iuscoptiblo to a

Lmeri- aorjition o f o<lora. \Ve have a .placo ( Fnlla tho othor side o f tho tracka whoro the; G lllis conoorns idiould bo located nnd I nm

fav o r o f having 'th e m orected tho i t dia- whero th ey enn do no damnge,Id on “ I um not th in k in g nf tho immedin

fu tu re , not merely ’.he no x t yen r two, b u t tho next 50 or 100 vohrs. Th; d ia lric t is bound to bo b u ilt u p n> i t is n question o f w hether o r n o t theoil tn n k s wlll bo obieotlotinblo.”

M r. All waa rem inded by L eonard ; Sm ith, d irec to r o f th c new ly organiz.

I P f t Homo Oil emiipaiiy, : h i t grocery a to rO hnvo. nlwnys kept keu.aeno nnd dal:

producta in tho aam.r ;<tore. l i z e s Insuraneo E a to s F ignre.D o - Tho diseuRaion then tu rned to ra t

„ „ „ „ of Inaum nco and th c ways th e y m i '^ a v e bo a ffec ted if tho oil ta n k s nrc pc

m illed to bo oroctcd. Mr. A ll s ta t. prin - inform ntion from insu

ichool u nderw riters th a j tho rn to wou„ - J bo increased. Commisaionor J . E .-R o hoflr/1 a ta ted th a t rn tc j would n o t 1

elmnged i f tho ta n k s nre 100 foot m ore from aurrounding buildlnRa.

SJi • A lo tto r o f p ro test f 'o m H . J . Yomi of ‘ '’o fiterliiig crenmery, wns reod

' which ho nbjected to tho erectionp K " ’ lho tn n k s ns boing delrlm ontnl f o .l igaio. buaineaa nnd croatlng a dangerous f i

hawird. Doeialon Doforrod.

.«finn Cotnmraaioner 8. O. M cAulcy aald : had inveatlgnted tho m a tto r nnd cou

, , n o t recommend tho g m r t in g o f Iho pc 't i?*i n J t in viow o f Mr.' 'iTcuug’a objoctlor

All moved th a t lho p e rm it b o .1 i i r s t anfl a f te r some heated dlBcussi'

botweon M r. All nnd M r. Sm ith nnd *° II. S towell. nlao n d irec to r o f tb o ( “ company, in reg a rd tc opinions of

Bloekholiler o f tho orj' compan tho m a tte r wna hold over I 'n tli ' M

Youngs, who i."' now in tho hosplti post'd can nppear beforo tho commission kclfth oigBft hla own coao. opted A ctiv ities n t th is po ln l a liiftcd fro lomic- oil nnd b u tte r to oil and lum ber, w ith

fow moro or less n c rtinon t rem ark s « super- TOOporty -values inteTsperaed ns th

o\*or dlacuasion progresaed. Tho npplicntli irinei- o f M r. ffelBon to eroe.t oil ta n k s opp

a lto tho Nlbloy-Cluinnel L um ber coi iclpnl, Ijany w;as read, b u t n o t approved, n fu- Lximberman Objecta.

^ A lo tte r o f objection from C. B. Cha rgnni- ^i,ic{, i,p p rotcated llnn ing erection o f tho tan k s unless thoy n

properly cncloacd to p ro tec t tho lumb ynrd and tho lum ber stcre il there.

M Sonib’ obji'etlon w as ngnin raiaed c m n tln g T w ia F a lla ' aecond new < com pany fo erect Ita t.anka.on tho pro

e rtv choicn nnd Mnyor T uckcr Inquin if personal propaganda plnyed a n y pa

^ I " In tho m ntter. Ho naked tho^ comml sion i f any member Icrew o f nnyoi

■ who w as trv in g to block th c plans _ tho oil conipanlea for the ir own pt

aonal gain.“ I know o f one m an, Mr. Koel, wl

W o o t unload aome lo ts nnd mnko a 1tic monev ns a rcauit of th la , b u t :

r o c c re fu a e s ." said Mr. All. “ Ho ia n th a t Hind o f n m o n ." Thc appU catl e f M r. Nelson was held over u a til t next m eeting, a f te r M nvor T ucker aa cd Mr. All to have p .rsnna opposed

o nre tho porm it nppear beforo th e comm se t in - lion.resent A udit Ooes Over.I) nnd A fte r declin ing to m eet th e claim )rding (Jie em intv hospital fo r tho la to J . 'I0 dis- Lecdom, touria t pa rk tender, tho coi CCS a t niN.-(ton tool: up the m n ltc r 'o f tho nut rescn- miucested a t th e la s t m eeting 1 wines- John W olfenden.

Oommissioner AU again arose and expressed h is opinion. In p a r t, aa follows: “ I th in k see hav o b ad

J g lo ry enough in re g a ra to an d itS 'o ftho c i ty 's booka. I movo t l ia t y n

tienii, pastpono nction on t ^ m a tt« r a a d “ ‘I leave I t to tho Incom lns admlnl»-

tra tio n . E ven I f wo d id lu T » an y ?* ?" a n d it m ade o f tho books fo r tltA ' paa t y ea r, w here conld t n jmbUsh

It? W e h av en ’t g o t a n o ffic ia l d Q r p ap er any more.'*

. Mr. W olfenden replied r a th e r he*‘ cdlv th a t he had filled his p a r t o f I

con trac t and -th a t It i t now n p to t commiaslon lo do. ita p a r t. May

II T uckcr -asked M r. W olfenden I f I eo n trac t called fo r th e n n U a ff 'o f i au d it fo r tho jB B T yw r. I S . W olfendi

' replied th a t i t d id n o t, b n t th a t hU eoo g ram _ , .......................... -

(C ontinned on P age E ig h t.)

w h r rT x rT X T • C 'A T T O W O T T 'T Z T V -KTriTXrCJ 'T W T X T T ? / \ T T C T n A T T O T ^ T T T T P G r i A V M A 'P P . T T 0.9.• - . X V V JL i


ISOESGftlBED:---------- ■' in

S u r v i v o r o f H e r r i n I l / l a s s a c r e , '■

o n W i t n e s s S t a n d , T e l l s o f k

A g r e e m e n t U n d e r W h i c h t h e t

V i c t i m s L e f t M in e t— :------ n

M .UiKIN', M nrch 22 m —Tlio 1' surrcinlor (iiider a /In;,' o f truco and a promiHo o f sa fe com luct n f 18 non­union w orkers in tho mlno o f tlio Boutli- si crn JllhJoiH Conl company l.'jBt Jnno waa li' dcRcribcd b y H obcrt O fiicer, ono o f tlio flurvivord. todny n t tlio l le r r lu riot"' t ila l- ll

O ver th e objcctionR o f tlio dofonno ond in tlio ubHonco o t tho jurj*, O fficer, j, U iiiveraity o f 1‘oiiiim Iv.-itiiii j'faduato , l,i; ond now u rcHidCiit o t UrofiiviJl", Ivy-, Uc tea tifiod th n t ho had telophono con-1,,; vorsiition w itlu ColoiivI Sum lliin te r,' o, roiiTCMentiitivD o f Ihn Blnlo n<ijulnnt „ Renornl, tho nftornoon tho p it was at* tnckud. I.

“ j rn n te r sold W. J . LcHter, ow ner o f „ tho mine, hnd cuMod him up from Chi- tj ciJRO «nd nuthori/.cd him to te ll n» to cloHO tlio mino d o w n ," O fficer snid. f, • • l lo said lio arrunKcd :i tn ico w ith tho union offlcints nmt 'h a t P o x IIiiKhuH. v iro p residen t o f tho Buh-diiitrict, I ia i m ngreed to como over to tho m ine w ith I a w liito f lo g ." r

F iro F rom F a rm Houbo. 8G. W . MUldlcUiuiff, upslstuut u tturnoy

eciicrni, who ims d irec ted tho cxnitiinii- t lo a o f tho B tato 's wilnesHOS, u sreed th a t tJjc substancc of th is t<Oei».'jono convorsntion wns im proper a u d Jndfio Iln rtw e ll ordered i t expunged from thn record. Tho w itness wns po rm itted to , »ti.ttf t l ia t a w hito fUVg vfs\a rn iscd ivftcr K

, tho convorsntion.O ffice r nsHcrted th a : tho firi-t shots

wVro fired in to tho mino th n t afte rnoon from tw o fn rm lioiises an d th n t n fto r th e w liito fliifc w as lu iscd ho nnw nn oirpiiuio ovorltonil nnd lienrd explo­sions. l lo (taid th a l tlio n e x t niotnlu); m nn o th er whito fla n Avas rninod, ttio mon in tlio mino woro to ld to lay down tho ir w a rm s nnd como out, th .it tb ey wonld n o t p« bo Iinrmcd.

Tho w itness te s tif ie d t lm t tho pris- AV oners wero nmrchod n sh o rt dlBtiinco t r w hen ho heard a m an ho could n o t lilon- m

- t i fy uinko n speccti 8 i>y«nir, " K i l l a ll ni o f them nnd w ipe out tbo b ro e d ." an O ther witne.Hsos havo a .isc rto d .th a t Otin r i Ciarlc, one o f th c six dufcjidants, m ado is th ia speech. be


I j. R. Stoel, D isappoln tod in E f f o r t to S tove O ff B ankrup tcy , D ios r ro m wi E up tu rod Blood Voasol l a Brftln ar.

---------- I bo• TOLBDO, M arcli 22.— L. H. Stcol o f

H nffnio, nationa lly Kno'.^n bnslneKS mnn, Id d ied from n a tu ra l cnt*scs on o Now Y ork C entral tra in v n te r in e tho union dejMt ynrds boro cnrlv today, u^o rd * . inir to Coroncr Ch.irlcs J . Jlenselor, w tio conductcd a poBt-mortcin ex.'i'miun-

iJCiith Wiis cnuscd Iiy a rup tu red tdood vessel in tho b ra in . Coroner llonso lcr , found . '

M r .'S te e l 's death enmo w hile ho was j cn routo to Chii;nco.. a f te r conferences ^ ' w ith I’ittslm rjiti nnd Ctevotand fumn- c le rs in an o ffo r t to rniKO $ 1,000,000 Wtiicb, hls nssoeintes s-nid ho licHeved ‘ ‘ would p rev en t his fiiin from in to ‘‘rercivcrHhip. I iis efi’o rts to raiso the wonoy w ore fu tile , i f was said , nnd R iv inc up in despiiir, M r. S teel »fnr(e<l . f o r ChicngQ to rest.

L U iV IB E R IV IE N C L O S E IW E E T .'ei- - _ br:

K fltio tia l A ssociation E m bodying M erg -io rt od W holesalo Bodies, Oonclades Ses- da; slons a t P ittsbu^S li

r iT T S tlU K O n , I'.I., M nrcli 22 UP)~ noi 8 c :iltie , Wnsli., was eclectod from tho mi si-mi-annnnl m 'eetinj; In SoP ten 'bcr of tin tho N ationa l A m ericnn Whcilesalo L>im nei bor iissoei.-ition n t ttie cloning sossion wo to d ay o f tUo couyowtlou iu w hieh a lur m orfier o f tlio tw o wholos.-»te lum ber iii^ d e a le rs ' .issoeintinus was .nffcct'>.l. Thp ro! o th e r m ooting w ill be held in an vftstern nei c itv , b u t tho tim o Jind plnee w as no t ‘ f ixed . - I’ff

\V. II. ChuoUe o f I 'itts l.u rp b , w as fev c ’.ecteil p tpsid i-ja tvf th e m erged cofi'ora- «p tion . ■ ■ . ''rs

• mnW hat t t Good Lent?

A "koc*!!" ivns, In tb r iibntosn ip lile T*!! lense. Is ont- wliicli will p ive n llt•^ j j Tortly <“l ''a r 'd ls H n o t Im uw . w U tiow cnn lls to rtiim . nnd wltlii'U t ■•fnlso Inmiri's." Inn* Thon It Is w llb n h ir to stop , nad a rc iT cr n w ide nncle. Heforo. theroforc,MC n re In n position to sny w lie tlicr a I * n s la "K ootr o r no t. w e know I t w hnt n p e r tu re It w ill w.-yk. nnd ' w hnt nnBle It Ineltidoii, I t Is ev ident, c=A erefo re . th n t som eth ing m ore tbnn a ___o e ro capac ity to Rive sh a rp p ictu re# g e ' a necessary .

Z2xcellent R em edy fo r O onstipation ou rl l would bo ha rd to find a b e tte r 1,03

rem edy fn r constipation than Chaniher- ,jjp.I a in ’s tab le ts . Tliev .-tre rn sy to tak e g ond m ild and pen tle in e ffee t, fiivo th em a tr ia l wben yo'i have nee<l.— adv.

C r e a m P rWe pay moro and m ust have Cash w ith cach shipment— no Givo a home cream ery a tri

m any others have.




Q. Beed, F o m e t B esiden t H ere, H its P essim ists a s B tum blins .B lo ^ in W ay of F u tu re B ovolopm ont

T hn t Tw in Pnlls looks « h (jood lo111 «« ever, i t d id . i i tho s tn to m en t of . 0 . Reed o f Onklandj who' fo r y ears IS n reaidont of T w n PaJls on('up;ud

tlio co n trac tin g tiusincss, and who flpuuding a dny or tw o hero ou bu.H-

ess.C aliforn ia c itics, .tecorditi)' to Mr. ?ed, aro nil boom ia;; nml- th ere is no idenco o f any iium»‘diiito down.10 buildin;; trad es m ']>urticulnr, Jio ys, oro oxceptioiyilly ac tive , y e t tho vill J;'ulJs co u n try . t;irrie s ■ a stroni •pent nnd is frii(|uci.tly ro ferrod tohighly fav o rab le te rm s b / C nlifom ia

oplo who nro fam ilia r w tib fhis sec-

“ Twin P .ills oukIi*. to cheer up,'* y s M r. Itcod. ‘•T he lund is s till ro nnd i t . i s tik good land nil i t o r was. I t w ill jiroduco ju s t as much tho aero as i t over d id , an d w hen it

mes to nctunl prodtiction i t is accond \Tionc. B ut tb e sp ir it is n o t w h a t H ed to bp. Encrj.'y s ilen t in com plain- K nnd ta lk used np in dej>loring con- tions whirh canno t lie helped nm onnts

w'asto nnd wor;<e. I t discournfjcs ospectivo residents nnd sends,v is ito rs t w ith n bad impression. Tw in Pnllu ■eds adv ertis in g b u t n o t o f th a t k ind . " A dvertising o f tho righ t k ind woultl I w orth millioiiK to Twin F a lls jn a t iw. In fa c t i t is fho th in g o f w hich ' is section s tan d s mos-t in n e e d ." • M r. Iteod expects li> bo ih Tw in P a lls r two or th reo dnys. U o s till hna tensive p roperty In terests Iierc.

I I I M N E E l i S P i PRICES

I a h o P r o d u c t S e l l s a s H ig h a s

$ 3 . 6 0 in C h i c a g o a n d i t i s

S c a r e , L o c a l M a n R e p o r t s

Idaho potn toes se lling fo r i i t t io or th in g lioro nro l>iinging a s hiph as .<!0 pc r hundred p o n n d s-in Chicago, lero {woplo nro looking fo r tho Idaho :)duct nnd canno t g e t it.This is tho s ta te m e n t o f W illiam ?roor, who hns ju s t re tu rn ed from n p o f th roo monthi*. th roughou t tlio ddlo w est. -M r. AVerner s ta te d tb n t dtUo w estern c ities nro undergoing

unprecedented pro.ipority and pro. •ss nnd ho reportod th is condition iw popingw estw ard a n d should be fe lt •0 shortly .‘ People back t t ie r j nro looking fo r tho potatoes a n d apples, b n t tbey a rc iblo to g e t th e m ," saiil M r. W erner, (iclilgan, W isconsin nnd even Xow rk po tatoes nro b e ing pushed an d Iety ndvertised nnd ns a ro su lt thoy

p rac tica lly Ihc only vn rio tics to bo Ight. They n re p r ic e d 'n t $2.25 to r.T’ a sack and nro fn r under tho lho spuds in quality .

Compare.'^ C osts. ‘ W hile iu Ciiicago I took th e trouble inijuiro no to p o tu t] prices. I found t Idaho iiotatoen are selling a s b igh

to ,' lustauT.ints. TIicao sam e aloes, figu ring , «cc.)»ding to presen t igh t ra tes , w hich aro cen ts n sack, t in g charges o f " cen ts a wtck nnd rico o f 0 0 ccn ts fo tho grow ers here , td be p u t on tb e m ark e t n t Chtcn^o n to ta l cost o f $1,311 iis a c k ." lir. and M rs. W erner w en t from T w in lls to Jo lie t , Ills., whoro they a»- ded tbe funera l o f ?fra. L. V nloatlne,H. W ern e r’s siste r.'A t Chicngo wo found eonditions iid e rfu l," sa id M r. W erner., “ T hcro in caonnoiiH am onnt o f bu ild ing and gc4 aro b igger th a a th e y wero before ' w ar o r have been since. Carpen- H aro g e ttin g to a n hour;fk m asons get $2 an hour nnd la th- and p laste re rs are Iteing pa id ^2 0 a

\P roapority Bol^ms.

‘ M ilwauki'o la p rospering nnd bnsi- s men thero a ro sa tisfied a n d opti- tic. In ta lk in g w ith M rs. Valen- >’s son, who is a co n trac to r a t M in- polls, lio to ld mo thero w as moro k than could bo dono a n d th n t Iding records o f scvon yearn ivtc bc- brokea. T his yenr w ill be tho big-

t ev e r in tho build ing lino fo r M in- poli-s.‘All o f Illino is flou rish ing and iperous. P arm crs hav o had- very

los.'ps, f a n a v a lu a tio n s have held (TcU aud ci^y projx*rtv in f in n . B ank- n t .varinns places In Illino is sa id i

iey i< co n stan tly grow ing m oro plon- ,I. Rm.Tll loans aro b ea rin g c ish t c cn t in te re s t and la rg e r ones fou r

enver is bu ild ing up very w ell, b u t ilitinns a re n\>t -tH good n t Pueblo,

from Pueblo fo B alt L ak e they n o t en co u rag in g ." , •

OST—Two nty • f i v c ^ o l liTrs (?2.'>) o f i d y 's money. F in d e r pieaso re tu rn d.aho Pow er Co. ntid receive rew ard . lv\__________________________________

r H E B SO M ETH IN O D n T E B E N T F O B T H IS E A S T E B T IM Ebe.iu tifn l K aster Egg, filled w ith

good chocolates fo r in stance, o r a o f our delicious homo m ado can-

. fresh daily.>ccial a tten tio n to m nit orders.


o d u c e r smore cream. w aiting. |

11 and be convinced a s i

'E COMPANY I___________ ^ ^

JGi v v O , X VV Xi-N J J

Radcliffe’s First


Thia in the la te s t p o r tra it of Mias Adn Louiao Coniatock, (k'an o f Smith Col­lege, who hns been oloeted presidont o f H ad cliffe College, th e f ir s t full-tlm o pre sid en t named. Slio buccccds IfoBnron


D rink P lenty W ater and Take - Glass of S alts Before B reak­

fa s t OcoasionaUy

W hen y our kidneya h u r t nnd your bnck foots sore, d o n 't g o t aearod nnd proceed to lon«l your stom ach w ith lot o f d rugs th a t excite tho kidnoyx nnd Itr i tn to tho en tiro urinnry tr a c t K oep y o u r kidnoyp cl-ian Hko you keep y our bow els cloan, iiy flush ing them w ith a m ild, hnnntesa snlts which holpa to romovo tho body’s urinous %vnsto nnd otim ulnto them to th c ir normni n c tiv ity .

Tho function o f the kidneys is to j f i l te r tho blood. In 24 hours thov stro in from i t fiOO grn ins of ncid ntid . wante, so wo can read ily underatand ■ thfl v ita l Im portnnco o f keeping tho k idneys nctivc.

D rin k lo ts o f good w ntor—you c a n ’t d r in k too m uch; also go t.from a n y 1 phnrm nclst about fou r ounces o f Jn d ] S alts. Tako a tnb lespoonfu l in n g lass ] of w a te r boforo b ren k fn st cach m orn­ing fo r n few dnys nnd your kidnoys ] mny then ne t fino. This famous sn lts 1 is m nde from th e ncjd o f grapes .and | lemon ju ice, conibinc’l w ith lithift, nnd j has bcon used fo r yea rs to help clean i and sfim ulato clnggod k idneys; nlso to neutrnlir.o tho ncids in ttio system so 1 Ihoy oro no longer a sourco bf irritn - t tion, thu.s o ften reliev ing b ladder weitkness. ]

J n d S a lts is inexpensive; cannot in- i in re ; m akes a deligh tfu l cffer\-esccnt | lithin-w 'nfor d rin k w hich evcrvono j should ta k e now and then to help keep j th c ir kidneys clean .and nctivo. T ry | th is ; nlso keep up tho wnter- drink ing , l nnd no doubt you _>»ill wonder w hnt | becnmo o f . your kiduoy fTonblo and 1 bncknctie. l iy all ioeana havo y our , physician exnmlno y our kidneys a t | least tw ice a vear.— adv. ‘ ,

-------------------------- ]I f y ou r p ro p erty is desirhWe nnd is

id vo rtlsed in tho ct.isslflcd — y o u ’ll find y onr bnyer. j

I Your Jm ay not find it possiblo

f r gations which you lay 13 H him your executor under

t f He may be incapacital desbe to change his plac<

|i die; and in any of thcso r l suffer through lack of p:

■ Naming thc Twin Falls i? ' pany as Executor or Tma is in chargc of a pem anenII cialists. When you do tl yl property you have accumi 5 adm inistered to produc( ia maximum incomo conslsl

T w i n F a l I & T r u s t (B T W I N F A L L

£ " M e m b e r o t F e d e r a l

Wormn President ~~

I B. Briffga, -who fo r 20 yertrs h ad bc - bo th head o f R adcliffo nnd denn o f t ! I la rv a rd fa c u lty o f a r ts nnd scieni ) M iss Comstock wnn form erly donn I womon n t tho Utiivort-ily o f Minneao

9^ScxeehF IL M OF o a E A T IN T E E E 8 T

I - ■ TO M A N Y RA D IO "F A N S

I R adio " f n n s " .will Ijo in te rested I tho announcom ont o f tho Idnho thont

th n t i t will show today tho Educntion P ic tu res Special " V ia I t i d io ." ‘‘ V liad io ,’" which w as ptodueod under s pervis.lon o f S c lon tiiic Am cricnn, den w ith rntUo te lephony iu a sim ple, cle nnd ' conciao m anner, w hilo avoidii confusing tTclmienlitii's, nnd ia of intc ost not^only to thc radio " f n n , " b u t everyone.

Tho in te rio r o f i?.*dio C entrn l, , R ocky Po in t, Long tslnnd, th c s ta tb in constnnt com m unicntion w ith E rope, and equipped w ith th c finest nt moat pow erfu l app a ra tu s in tho worl is show n, aa a ro scenes o f tUo opc ta tli room o f tho . 8 - S. A m erica, tbo tes tit ship, ’and tho g roa t rihoro-to-ahlp tct phono atntion n t Deat JJencb, Now Jc sey.


T h ere ia n t lonst ono mnlo m otion pi tu ro s t a r who w ill no%’er bo m ixed u p : Rcandal unleas ho mnko n sudden chnff; in his presen t n ttl tu d e to w a rd tho etc nill fem inine.

L ady mcmbem o f h!:i su p p o rtin g ca; havo found him fns'cinnting, b u t bo hi been impor\^iona to the ir charm s nr ttiD m an who knowa th is s tn r h o tte r thn anyono clso in tlio Avorld dectaros thi i t Is duo to Knol)biahncss.

Tho s ta r h n sn ’t y e t h a d .a lad y in h supporting ca st whom Uc Ua« regard* ns b e ing w orthy o f hJ;i a ffec tions.

This unusual st;i_r i^ S tronghen rt, tl poliee dog who hris ju s t com pleted h sernnd I»'iureneo Trim ble-.lnno M urfi production, " B ra w n of tbo N o r th ." F ir s t N ational nttrAeHon w hicli w ill I shown n t tUo OrphoMm fo r tw o days, b' g in n in g todny. To d a tf , tbo loadin Indies in his supporting ca s t havo bee tim bor ond S iberinn w olves nnd n though they have podi.'roes to lie pron of, S tronghenrt tins nssnmod fhe u tt tide tlia t a w olf never ean be as goo ns a dog even on th c days th a t th ey b' havo themselves.

P ederal F.arm Loona, 5 1-2 per eer In te rest.—adv.


0 to discharge tho obli< £ upon him, if yoa namoT Will.

kted by illness; he m ay Vce of residence; he m ay S3 cases your esta to w ill mproper attention. |H

B Bank and T rust Oom- | isteo places your E sta ton t organization of spe- vthis you know th a t the 6lu lated will be carefully G:o fo r your heirs tho Kstent w ith safety . ^

l l s B a n k I C o m p a n y |- S . ID A H O S

1 Reserve System" g

i H d « a i a g a e « a f i i a i a g i 5 i !

SUlPHUe GLEmiS e o y G H ji SKii

F a c e , N e c k a n d A r m s E a s i l i l i i d e S m o o t h , S a y s S p c if lU s t

A ny brenking out ot thc skin, vv fiery , itrJung cczeinn, can bo quick overcome by applying a U ttio M ontl

.. Sulphur, dcclarcs n t noted akirj speci ist., Becausu o f its germ destroyl propertiea, th ia su lphur prepara tion 1 glns.n t oace to sootho irtitnvcil sk«n a heal eruptions audi na rosh, pimples n ring worm.

I t soldom fa lls to romovo tho tprnic . luid (lisfignrcm enf, nuil you do not ha

to w ait fo r re lie f from embnrrasNiiici Im pm vem ent ouickly ►hows. Suffc'ri from sk in trouble should ob ta in a smi Ja r ■ o f Rowlea M entho-Sulphur fr< any good druggist' luid uso i t like tc cTcom.— adv.

FOR S A L B — F o r pain ting , knii m ln ine and paper hanging. Pbono We b n ro w all paper and p a in t 1 every purpoao. M oon’s Shop.—adv.

J T h e B i g \The Store of


F riiiay a nFifteen Oppoi


i" Excellent Values \i. Good quality M arquisctto in oIs ' F rid ay and Saturday,ir apccial, yard ........ .........................K

Figured 1Figured Voile D raperiea. Ve

“ F ridny nnd Saturday,apeeial, ya rd --------------—


' Chfdlies1. • .TO' ineh Chatties. F toarl dcsij

d rapes or covoring fo r differe P ridny and S aturday , apocial,

: RaThti inbotween seaaon fa b r

f to w ear now.

; Fancy[J A now novelty weave In foujt S1.05 value.

Special. ________ ___ _________s

Ratine in Con.s 30 inches w ide; excellent q'uali 1 Y an l _________________________


; Ratine in . W liite, p ink and lavender,

j Vnrd __________________ __

Ratine in iWhite., blup, beige, orango and

I i ’ard .......... ........................................

I 27-Inch Hazel GG ood,range of, patterns.Special F riday and ' S aturday, yi

I Renfrew Gingh32 inch Rcnfrow Gingham. Su: of pa tterns. F rid ay and S a tu n special, ya rd — - ......................

Percale and Gin27-32 and 30 Inch Gingham a from which to mnko y our acl« F rid ay and Saturdny, spccial, ;

Black Sattei30 inch b lack Sattcnct, aultabt< w eight b lack lining fo r coata h P rid ay and Saturday , spccial, j

Women’s and Child(lood grade Blaek Cat and V id o only, i ’rlday nnd Saturday , rpeciaJ, 2 paira f o r _______ ____

Neiif Glo veiWell mado .Mocha Sucdcne Gai acri'Il stitchcd . Colors hroiru and. mode. P a if __— ____ ___

Slippers,P a ten t sandal, 2 strap , medluir medinm h a lf rubber heel; also ono brown 2-strap ; sandal cffc W idths n . C, D.Special selling, p a i r _________ _

I OABD O F Z H A IIS 3To th o frionds and nolglibdrs who ao

I unstin ted ly tendered nsslstnnco ond ly n m itb y d a rin g tlM ).illn o sa-^ d o t tho d ea th o f our denr m othor, w o .oxp resa

CORCOHAI,.y adv . ' M RS. W . A. J E N K Y N .

T he Nows is read tiy n>o perm anont ly co m in g o lasscs.'

9- ■

'■ r/resf!^ll; f / f ro m th e V . f a c t o i y

rs' A

m ^ K ^ l O W

J i R a L L V O U * O W N w t t h I

V h ite S to r e _s t a n d a r d Q u a l i t y

d S a tu r d a y•tunities to Save

In Curtain Materials:ru and w h ito ; regulnr 65o values.

______ ............ _..39c ■

' ' o i f e Drapes ,ry -good vajucs a t OSc and 7Qc.


, Yard 19c^B, much dealred fo r inoxponaivo

“Ud"!!!:_________ 19c

tinesic fo r tho fro ck you w ill w n n t “

Checkscolora; 3C inchcs w ide ; regu la r

________ ,.... . $1.69

ibination Colors.*!:_____________75c

Plain Colors_____ ,........69c

Plain Colors_____ $1.25 ■

ingham, V , i ’2 ,-di r d ----------------------------- ------ l i e

am 32 l-2c Yard1-proof an d tub-proof, good range

________32icghams, 19c Yardnd Pcrcale . P len ty of p a tte rn s ■t;tiou. • - | f l r a r d _____________________ l a C

rel, 29c Yard5 fo r bloomera or whero a good

________ 2 9 c .

ren’s Hose, 2 Pr. 25cr Hose. Sizea 9 to 10 1-2; blnek


r for Easterintlcta, F an ey tu rn back cnff,

____________ $1.69Pair S3.95I heel; p o te n t 1 -strap c u t out, ono brow n slipper, l-s trn p and !ct; medium h a lf rubber heel.

_____________^ _ _ :$ 3 .9 5


S l o c k E x c h a n g e P o s t p o n e s t h e

D a t e f o r D e l i v e r y o f P i g g l y

W i g g l y S h a r e s a n d S c r a m b l e

C o n t i n u e s . .

N E W Y O E If, j in rc li EL- OP)—Tho nl- ' 'tin m tu n f o f C larence Saunders, proai-

d e n t ot tho Pifrfjiy Storen, Inc.,c a llin g ujw u lho trap p ed sh o rt intcrc.ft In tho clasa A stock , om im nted a t Sii.OOO aharcfl, to ao ttlo w ith him iit $150 a eharp boforo 3 p. ni. Todiiy, o r to pay $250 a aharo la te r , ap iia rcn tly tvnn <lia roRardcd by Uio m a jo rity o f tho Hhort:. A lthough E . C. B radfor(j, M r. SaumlcrK’ counscl, oxprossvcl satiHfar.tion a t tlio proffress o f tho so tllcn iout, w hich is L ein^ hand led th rough ab o u t a dozcit iioiiscB, i t w ns ro p b rtfd tlin t th c day 'a bales a t M r. S a u n d c r j ' quoted prico of UCO wero oxcoodingly iniall.

Tho N ew Y ork atocJc cxchanpo, which Bunpcndcd trai1in(C in lh e iaaiio followiii<; itn vio lont 52 po in t flu c tu a tio n Tueadny, todny atruck tho atock from t]io li.nt on th e ( ^ u n d th a t th e re -^vas nuch n' uon< cen tra lio n o f h o ld inp i na to m ako ini-

...^y'ossiblo a freo m nrkc t fo r tho stock.‘ • Tho oxchnnKO alno pofitponed u n til 2:3C• ,p . m. noxt M ondny th e d a te fo r the

delivery on T ucsday 'a trnnsnctlona, th in ;fivln)f sellers o f atocka cominfl^ Jrom

' d is ta n t po in ts tim o to ob ta in tlio uamo fo r purpoflcs o f delivery.

S h o rts In Scramblo.M r. B rn d fo n l annonnccd th .i t poat-

po;iem pnt o f -tlio diiilvcry dnto would n o t’ a f fc c t M r. Sn inu lera ' torm s. Xuw InatructJunn and priccH will bo fflvcn to

.brokon* tom orrow , ho aaid, a f tu r ho had an op p o rtu n ity , to o.onault b y lonp dia

, tn n ro tolephono w iU lilr._8n \indo r8 , who ’ in in Mi'inphin, Tcnn. ’j—,

M r. B rad fo rd , who is a d irec to r of tlio P i;fc ly WiKtlly com pany and n

_ W nahington n tto rn ey , apent most o f tlif 'd a y in th e brokcr.ige offioes o f W at-

Itina an d Conipany, whero ho directcfJ ni'Kotiationa fo r tho aeltlen ien t.

H o lds S tock in V ault.M r. Snuiidcrs* Pi(ii{Iy W lgply slock

Wns in fho v au lts o f lho N a tiona l Bank o f Commerce, tlio New. Y ork corro- apoudent of tlio U nion and I’in n tc rs ’ Unnk nnd T ru s t conipany tif Mempliirf, whero M r. Saunders him Iiih nccount. K'o Htock .would lie relt'iiaed from l!ia t Hourcc, ho fluid, exccpt by hia instn ic- tiona. I• Tho la s t annunl ropo rt o f Wfffjly

Wifjglj- StorcH, In c ., ]>iibllflhcd hero to ­d ay . nhowod n o t p ro f its o f «C53,058, oqulvnlen t to $3.20 n ahiirc uu tlic

200,000 shares o f no pn r valuo claas ' “ A ” common a toek outstand inp .

T U R N li lR I l m S llG E T E Il

If Mixed wHh Sulphur I t D ark­ens So N aturaliy Nobody C an Tell

TTio o1d-limo m ix tu re o f SnRo Toa , -Tind S u lphur fo r da rk en in p pray.ntrcaV -

e d and fadod h a ir is p r.indm otho r’H to- -cipc, nnd fo lks aro at’.-iin nninR it to keep th e ir h a ir a ffood, even oolor, w hich is q u ite acnail.le, nn wo aro liv in jr in on ngo w hen a yo u th fu l appearance ia of th o p ro a te st advan tage . , •

N’owad.ayn, thouph, w c d o n 't liavc thp troublcsom o ta sk o f ■*alhcrlnc fho nnce nnd . tho miiMy m lxiiii; n t homo. All <lni(i atoren sell tho jcady -to uBO pro- «1uct, im proved by th e I'dfliiion o f o ther InpredipntK, called " W yeth 'n SaKO nnd S u lp h u r Com pound.” I t ia v o ry popu­l a r btvausp nol'odv can dincover i t hnn ■been applied . S im ply m oisten your <omb c r a so f t bninli w ith if nnd draw ll i is tlimiiRh your ha ir, tak in i: one Kmall stran d a t a tim i-; b y m orninjr the p ray h a ir di.iappeam . b u t w h a t dellRl'tn Jhe lad ies w ith W y e th 's Raco and S u l­p h u r Compound in th n t, beside* beauti- fu llv dark en in g tho Iinlr a f te r a fc '^ nppilcatlona, i t also produces th a t so ft lu s tre nnd appearanco o f abundance w hieh in so jiftTacfive.— ndv.

7/>BT—T w en lv -fiv c do llars (#2S) of •nobodv’a m oney. P in d e r pleaao re tu rn -to Id ah o P ow er Co. an d rcce lro rew ard , —adv.

C lassified ad v e rtis in g is th e cheap-V c*t thInir you can- m eaaured by

th e p ro fits I t m ay b r in p you.

a t t e n t i o n FARMERS!

On account of bad roads and extent of te rrito ry , our fieldmen may be u n ­able to call on you during the contracting season.To accommodate those of you who wish to con tract wc have opened an office in tho A rthnr L. Swim of­fice on Shoshone S tree t, where one of our men will be in attendance. We wiib be pleased to talk Sugar Beets w ith yon, and Invite you to mako this office your headquarters when in town.TV»a A m a l n a m a t p r i S u a a r


I ?

f ' «

In ivhich CoiI l y i t s c o a t .s l ia ll i s a t r u l y . \ n t o r i o r tliD .se t h a t ji t a k e o f t h o IN i r i s p o s e S u i t s h a v o i

• ' b r o i d o f o d i n t h o S u i t s a r c o f kn i1 t u r e s . T l i r i ‘o - p ic w i t h i« r in t e ( l s i l k


a h o D ^\ ip d a t e

g lo r if ie s

For every Occasion Verily, Coats ai

all have elaboratioi twill, satin or fine backs and long ar checks of color. Tl dered in Oriental c

iew Suitsits stress their importai

1)0 k n o w n t l i o S p r i n g S u i t . T l c a n s w i n g t o j a u n t i l y b o x e d t o i q u a n t l y f l a r e , t h o u g h , t h e y i i a n f l a v o u r o f t h e j a c q u o t t c . C c o n t r a s t c o l o r e d c o a t s , o r th o s e ,

u l t r a c h i c . p r i n t e d m o t i f s . Sp< , t o d “wciivc-*^ t w i l l s , v e l o u r s o r ii CO inodG .s a r o c . 'c q u i s i t e h ’ c o m b i i n b o d i c e a n d l i n i n g — $ 1 2 .7 5 to


C r r e c t t & 3

a r t m e n :

■ T m r ' ' i

T "\ -

W '" .y/A

^ i p rJ T ^ -ft -tf)e (JJ

oringtime WrI a wrap—for every wi ire highlights in styles >n of som e'sort or oth( pile fabrics are drape

ngel sleeves. Topcoaf he short sports Coat is colorings.

i nix-) in o d) S 5 5


r S t o r e1 progressive



I n V

N C 3i f ire ( J / o

ip sap new elaborationsfor Spring. For they ir. Dressy W raps of d, and .have capelike s have plaids and elaborately embroi-

New FrcMany a mode is of 0

r h o i i i f l u i ‘iu-i- o f t h e « » r ie n ta l i :ia.« . s w a y e d I ' r o c k s t y l o s f o r S] I 'r o c k s f o r . s t r e e t , s p o r t . s o r d r e in g s , t ic T s , si< lo < l r a p c s a n d y a i r o s a l i e n t j i o i n f s o f t h o i r s k i: l»al(>aii ( - n l l a r ; s I t ‘o v e .s t h n t a r i i-at'O-liV’'-. a r< ‘ b o d i c o n o t e s , M a in g k n i t t e d w eave.^s, p r i n t e d s i v e lo u r s . 1^'roi‘U s a r e p r i c o j l ........

J . L

MARCH 22, 1923.



i j

\ J ' ' ' p


l l



tcksriental Mood11 c o l o r a n d < lo s ig n s ) r i n g . I t i s s c o n o n s s w e a r . T i n e p l a i t - t h e r e v e n luM ii-line .s.* ts— t h e b a n d a n a o r j l o n g a n d s l i m , o r t o r i a l s i n c l n d o s t r i k - Ik s , t w i l l c o r d s a n d............$ 9 .9 8 t o $ 6 9 .5 0



• D cn iB ■ ' . ■ ; , ' , 1

f ML«XINK. VU A s K ^ C w M i^ 'TO S tp tc w 'to u KNOW 'Jviym "W t o^vwvt»*«T.

GVNV?. # | | ) l B s l l® ftN!> w » tc t / \ \ Stt^=^B8

W /(ll '. ^v^S MOV) Ml :

J - U 1 V^^aaa


_____ _ tl

J a m i s o n D e l i v e r s W i n n i n g R u n f|

i n L a s t o f S e v e n t h B r i n g i n g ^

V i c t o r y b y 5 t o 4 S c o r e t '

A hItirIo In tlio Innt o f tho Bovontli pi ip n in g by Chot Jnm iaon w ith t ’lo win* niijfi n m on th lid gavo tho Bophs a g, h n rd oarnod 5 to 4 v ic to ry ovor ‘tbo H ju n io rs yoHtcrdny ftftornooa a t L incoln Ji f ie ld , in tho noeond of tho cIbm gnmcB. ®

Tlio Rnmo d iffe red from tho frcBh- mnii-noijlor gamo of W odnoaday in x U m t thfl tw o team s woro moor cloaoly L: nintcliud, tho sophs boioR guided by ^ “ M o o se" G nrrity , and tho ju n io rs lis t- *■* cnctl to Lariud Jonk ina fo r advico.

G nrrity s tn rted o u t ns n catcher, Ink ing cnro o f .M n rti.a ’s slnn ts, nnd did fino worlc- beh ind tho bnt, nlthough . tho M ooso-failed to do a n y th in g w ith Jn tlio w illow , ' ' Ct

In tho f i f th in n in g O n ir ity took tbo Li ntiiHk o f f and w ont In to p itch , and th e n tho fu n s ta r te d . T hrow ing w ith Ui bu lle t-liko Bpccd, tho Mooso h ad tho Jo ju n io rs co;nplotoly b a ffled , b u t ho Cc fo rg o t to tak e lu to considoration th a t R( hi» cfltclier, ono Itobortson, c o u ld n 't Sh ■00 them oithor. A fto r G a r r i ty .h n d Di

' fan n ed tho f ira t two men, and both l’n woro cam ping on tho pa th s through niisRiiig of tho th ird s tr ik e by R obert' son, ho Rave th a t young hopeful tho g a te , nnd called fo r Rii.isull D enoyer. sc( liussoll fenrinR tho w ra th oC tho foar- Hr fu l Moose, iiiisflod tbo f i r s t fow balls Ju th a t were throw n, b u t n f tc r 'a foW Hi m inutes Rot his benringn nnd d id good Ho w ork. D uring th is inn ing tho jun io rs m mndo two runa w ithou t tho lenst sign o f a h it, n o t even u foul being mndo [, In thin inn ing G n rrity fan n ed f iv o ;" '; m en beforo tho sido wns re tired , b a t te ry errors being respousiblo fo r tho | dnmngo done. *’•

Jam iaon P ro v es C lontex . Asido fro m 'tl io fn c t th a t i t becamo of] know n th a t G nrrity c n n 'g o t oxcltod,!,fu and th a t ,ho w ill ge t mnd i f th ings ; d o n ’t; go riRht. thu fe a tu re of tho in ii gam e was th e lia llln g o f Cliot Ja m l-]4 * son. On tho first bnll pitchod to him ini in th c f i r s t inn ing w ith Ham m ond on in f i r s t by v irtu e o f a n erroT, C het se n t Ur tho b n ti . sailing over tho riRht fie ld ( 'n fcnce. T hon in lho seventh innin;» llo w hen a h it nicnnt tho gam o th o , h ard hcii h it t in g Jam ison sen t n h o t singlo to le ft, w inning tlio gamo fo r his team* m ates.

Sheehan in le f t field fo r tho juniors mndo n dandy ru nn ing m atch o f Jam l* '^^ ' so n 's lonR fly th a t won him a round ! .„ i o f npplause. . I j . ,

Thp jun io rs scn t,t»vo runs ncross i n V i , , the in itia l fr-Tm6_>Vhen Crom w alked, I y,.,. w ont to th ird on two passed balls, IgSj, and flpored whon Li'iser sluRled to j le ft. I.eisor scored a m inute la te r on j = a b a tte ry erro r n f tc r a rr iv in g a t th ird ' m t on :iii erro r by Day.

T ho ir la s t two m arkers come in tho ^ fa te fu l f if th , when O arrity took tho ifl m ound. I | l

Thc sojihs mndo the ir th ird run in [ tho fo u rth in n ing when McCormick j

TONIGHT llStat« School for D«*f aai Blind i

of Oooding PrwAnts Bl^ t

M instrel Show I

40 DM f'Aod SUnd Artlsta; VB aneflt SUt« School OTsmattle '

r n i ^

Tickota oa S ile a t D rqs Stores, E . 60o—76c ^

— ' C crtala 8:15— B

L a y e r i n g

T H E G liT \ O o n 't KNOW M m 7 ) ^ . , 1 ,

zS .K F n ia . HVS u ,u « J i

| | p f t s 9 e R « ^ . \^ VJe>.K*reT> HNWt 1 SSa 'T o t>0 1 V W IM ’

•'NtT.H U \K \- \ I VI ^ ------

u jo K m & A -v \ VVCTORtS ov WtM- •

-"TVJtH, I •^ L Y- 'J-

y i I 1 ^ ^

\ I

" S S P Cng lo d . to rig h t, w en t to socond on tn k in s ' e rro r and scorod on N av in 'a onn Bwnt lo le ft.W ith two- runs needed ' to w in, tlio phs, led by tho how ling Mooao, op­ted thu inn ing w ith M urray w hif- ng tho or.unc, M artin aen t a hot ahot

rig h t, h is second o f tho gamo, wont sucond whon Donoyor wns h it on

0 f i f th rib , nnd scored w hen M ussoll m illed H am m ond's sw at, - nnd then row w ild ly to flra t . Dunoyor landed1 th ird , and camo homo w ith tho inning ru n w heu Jam ison picklod ono

loft. ■ .Thu froahioB .and sophs w ill p lay th is tefiioon a t -IrlS fo r tho school cham- onship.Tho box score:pha— A B II II P O A Einim ond, l b .............-I 1* 0 7 0 0mison, J’b ............. 4 1 2 0 1 1ly, sa .......... ............3 0 0 1 0 1irrity , c-p .................3 0 0 O' 1 IiC om ilck, c f ___ ..-..2 1 1 0 . 0 1ivin, I f I 0 1 1 0 0nglebaugh, r f ........ 3 0 0 1 0 0urrny, 31> ...... ...........3 0 1 0 1 0irtin , p-cf ............-..3 ,1 2 0 3 0bortson, c ......- ........ 0 0 0 1 0 1noyer, o .............— 0 1 0 4 2 1

ro ta ls ....r............ .-..28 5 7 21 8 fltiiors— AB I t I I PO A E)iu, 3b-n ___ ____ 2 1 - 0 0 1 0Iser, c ...... ................. 3 1 1 7 1 0issell, aa ---- ----------4 1 0 1 0 1dgin, p.3b .......- .—4 1 0 0 1 1ik ins, l b .......... ........ 3 0 1 0 1 2lo, r f ____________ 3 0 0 1 0 1Dvcs, c f __________ 3 0 0 0 0 0jchan. I f _______ 3 0 0 1 0 0erig , 2b ..................... 1 0 0 0 1 0rish, 0 ....................... 0 0 0 - 3 0 0

to ta ls __ :......... _...„20 4 2M 0 5 5Gnu o u t wheu ' w luning ru n was red^iro by Inn ings 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 T otn ls liors ...... ......... -...2 0 0 0 IJ 0 0 ■ 49 .....................1 0 1 ( / 0 0 0 2lbs .......................2 0 0 1 0 0 2 G;h ..........................1 1 0 2 1 0 2 7,ium nm ry: S tolen bases: Crom, Hodg- JonkiuH, Cole, D ucrig , N avin , M ur-

’, M artin : homo run : C. Jam iso n ; uck o u t: by M nrtin 7 in 4 innings, G a rrity 8 in 3 iuninga, b y Hodgin n 4 innings, by Crom 1 in 3 In­gs; bnso on b alls : o f f M a rtiu , 3,

G arrity 1; le ft on bases: S o p h s '5, u o rs 7; j) itrh ing record: 2 runs nnd lits o f f M nrtin in 4 innings, 2 runa I-U h its o f f G nrrity in 3 - innings, lits nnd 3 runs o f f Ilo d g in in 4 ings; 3 h its nnd 2 runs off Crom 3 inn ings; h it by p itchcr: D ucrig. m, CoU' b y G arrity , Donoyer b y in; ehargo defea t to Crom; umpiro >crt W hitzel. Timo o f gamo: 1 r 35 m inutes.

W A U E E E HETAI2JS T IT L E .NEWARK, N . J-, M nrch W>>— ' key W alkor re ta in ed h is t i t le of I d ’s w eUeriveight cham i'ion n t the o f a 12-roiind ne-decisinn bo u t w ith

} I^itso o f Scranton, I’a'., ton igh t cham pion reccivod tho uaanimou.-i

tic t o f new spapor men n t tho ring-

TODAY AND TOM OEEOW M atinee a n d K ls b t

“Brawn of The North”

Tho g re a t foto dram a—Ono ou surely w ill enjoy— E ight reel i r s t N a tio n a l a ttra c tio n —This ack led a g irl to love.

i t l D l ^ h ^ !^ t e w B c r

O ther good subjects. Spccial jsica l acore Orpheum orchestra . , B argain prices— 10c, 20c, 30c., ,



/ w U E H MS \ MftNftXaeSl *TOV,0 M t .

?vo \ o ?W 7 srx io M v jK s v v 1 TRSIMG 'f o K0 ^ I HUMAN

j *T0 C 0 M 6 R t« S - 1- X 'WK5 ^OU> H ts U N C lt

I e>IM H^t> HI»A\ A M tittp N t>Ol.VK^ 'XO

V BUN IN JC 0 M C » « t 5 « - J X ^ r



FmSTJIGTORfA lv o r d a n d M o t t B o w l e r s D e ­

f e a t W r i g h t ’s S t o r e T e a m in

T o u r n a m e n t G a m e

Alvord nnd M ott, ta ll enders, fina lly took lho odd name a t t!\o T w in F a lls r bowling alleys whon they w alloped tlio W rig h t's storo team in tho f i ra t two Rnmes and then lost tho la s t ono b y ' 80 pins. I

A lthough tn ey won tw o gamoa, tho Alvord Si M o tt team did n o t break nnv rocordfl fo r to ta l pina na thoy won* tho f i r s t ouo w ith 772 to 73S fo r tho i storo men, nnd in tho socond gamo th ry took a g n m o 'w ith 702, tho low*' cut score to w in a gnmo sinco tho!' tournam unt s tn rted . In- th is gam e, tho W righ t's sto ro men bowled tho low-* est lenguo gamo on reco rd ,' a topping ' nt 073. In tho i i r a t gamo A r t Flnko,' nnd H an k B ruegem nnn tied fo r high honors w ith IOS) cach, whilo in tho sccond Archlo Andoraon got aw ay w ith high score on 103.

Tho Inst gamo showod tho . W rig h t’s storo m en rea l peovod and th ey p ro ­coodod to 'b u s t .a fow. T hoir to ta l In thia gnmo wna 847, w ith tho grocery boys m nking 707. Charley H ill had high In tho la s t stanza w ith £00,'I which also w en t fo r high fo r thoi evening. |

T H E -WOEM HAB TU R N ED |j A lvord & M o tt 1 2 3 T o ta ls ’,Rexroat .............. 149 13(1 174 450H, B rucgom aan- 109 118 ICO 483MnxwcU ............... 135 IGl 143 439 'A nderson ............ ’ 153 103 150 472 :C. Bruegem ann.. ' 136 124 128 388 i

T otals ....... ....... 772 702 707 2241 'W rlg h t'a Storo 1 2 3 TotalaHill .......... ......... , . . . 13(1 133 209 478Hoy ........................ 153 133 109 485 iK loffciet .......... 115 12(1 128 3C9 iB enoit ................. 135 131 143 409 JFinko ................ 199 150 109. 517 <

T otn ls ............... 738 073 847 2258 .'—" ■ * 1

W hich shon-s th a t i t can bo done. c

B oth tcama wero o f f color, although

tho W rig h t’s store team d id roll a g ;ood giimo a f te r losing tho f ir s t tw o. «

Emcr}' B enoit p u t grease on h!a b



“ A ro o l J hF o u n d e d U p o n

“THE VAIB y E n d ra rtl

A F o o l t h e r e w a s a n d h o m a d ( E ^ c n a s y o u a n d I )

T o a r a g a n d a b o n e a n d a h a ( W e c a l l e d h e r t h e w o m a n

. B n t t h o F o o l h e c a l l e d h e r h i s ( E v e n a s y o u a n d I ! )

A n d i t i s n ’t t h o s h a m e a n d i t T h a t s t i n g s l i k o a w h i t e - h o t I I t s c o m i n g t o k n o w t h a t s h o i ( S e e i n g a t l a s t s h o c o n l d n c 7 i

A n d s h o n e v e r c o n ld u n d e r s t a

T h e a b o v e i s p a r t

........ A ls o S h o w i n g T w o

“CAVES AND C2 , 0 0 0 f e e t ol




■>PKINS O N T H I........ ~

( ^ • ■ s I'wt.'vs OMie I» i a r l \ 'rIyc.E tt T tR J U B 'H - ^—

"■"iR ■ 1 ” ■-'.........I , (lO K O T-K Et

N E W Siiiv erag o 'w h en ho to ta lled b u t 400 J iho th reo gnmea.

Roxront w en t to 174 in -tho b ■ g n m o -a fte r ro lling 130 in tho bocoi

A rt Boono s tay ed ho'mo to rend on how to m ako them go a Kttlo fn c r and in h is nbsonco Ju lia n B filled In. J u lia n to ta lled 485 fo r t

. ovcning, h nv ing 199 in tho laa t gam<

I Lew is was ano th e r who w as absei nnd M axw ell took h is placo. M aj used 101 fo r h is high m ark.

, “ P o p ” K le ffn o r w as told th a t thc was somo good fish ing on tho ban

[of ITudson Bny, nnd w orry ing nbo V n o t being nblo to bo thoro causod h *,to fa ll to a now low lovol w ith 3 'i f o r d to ta l. T his meons th a t “ Pop'i [best gam e w a t 128, w hich goes

’ show th a t K lo ffn o r *Ib a good flahi ^jnian.

‘I Archlo A ndorson did ^bou t tbo sai 'if ls ho uaually does, averag ing 157 f • |th o throo gnmes.

' A r t F inko wns high man fo r tho o [en ing w ith 517. A r t had n dam gamo s ta r te d in tH o-opener w ith 1

• in tho seven th fram e, b u t two l)lo< Ucld Uitn dow n to 100.

Charloy Bruegem nnn borrow ed aor o f Bonolt'n groaso and w en t a aki d in g dow n tho percentago colum 130 w ns high fo r Charloy.

Tlnnk. Bruegem nnn popped ’em f 109 In tho opener b u t w o n t . to tl

I o thor oxtrcm o in tho aoeond w ith 11

I Charley m i l redeem ed himBolf : [ th o - la s t gam o w ith 20D. OthorwL j Charley would bnvo h ad to g o t Bon 'o f B en o it 's groaso.

Tonight, tho Idaho Pow er company team w ill lock horna w itb tho Sugi fac to ry q u in te t, and In addition th is game tho tw o butcher team s wi battio , onco m oro fo r supremacy.

S IO N rO B BOUT OM AHA, M nrch 22 ( ^ —A rticles (

ngrccm.cnt fo r a ton-round m ain evoi n t Om aba, M nreb 29, betw een M orr S ch la lfe r o f O m aha and Jo h n n y Ka; o f Cleveland wore signed hero toda;

.Iim H erm an, of Omaha, who fl'ghi .Taok R enault in Now Y ork M ny l: w ill moot A ndro Anderson o f M innea] oils in tho sem i-windup.

S M IT H W O BSTS K A ISER .8 T . LOUI.9, M nrch S'" C<P)—“ M id g e t’

Sm ith o f Now Y ork, ban tam woiRlH won tho new spaper docision o \u t “ IV W ee” K a ise r o f S t. Louia in . 10 round hero ton igh t. .


r u i i PIOXUBB

lere W as”n tho PoemM PIRE”d KIpUng

dc his p rayer

ank o^ha ir, who did not care) s lady fair,

t isn’t tho blamo brand— never know why re r know why) and;t of the j)oem.

o P o rt Oomedy-------



^Y, MARCH 2 2 , 1 9 2 3 .

: B E N C H ”

T\No ■ \ l J J J

VP M'iS I ST>WfcNe Ot4 MOUR. ^ «

C n \2 E M I R t?UTN'X\0t^V C0MMMN»*t^ c r t \ r E > l Iv^— r— >--------------- 5 0 M t y.I------ ( -WVlfiCt A t

A /hi ^

' L A W Y E R S H O L D B A N K E R S

T O T I E G A M E O N A L L E ^

. C ount o f T o tal P in s Shows Hone E v en ly D irldod w ith 1431 foc^ E a O ontoader

gt l l n n y B en o it 's qu in te t o f tra ind. bow lers tra in ed tho B ank and T n

p in pushers Thursdny nftcrnoon a t t ip Tw in F a lls bow ling nlleys when 1 t* hard w orking fiv o huld tho Bauk( ■y t6 ll 1431 tic.

Futitiy thhigK buiipcii i« a bowli contest, b u t when two tenm.H smn a t pins through two games nnd th

it, end in- li (ie; ono iiD tu r^Iy m ust thi:Io f’( th a t benutifu ll ditt.v, “ L ove’s Lab

L o s t.”Tho f i r s t game showcil thc Imnkt

ro w ith n lead o f 27 pins, tho f ina l ren cs lng in th c npeneT being 741 to 71 i t I la r ry B cnolt w orried th e p inso ttt OJ w ith 190 which gavo him th c high gnn 30 ■ In tho second gamo the money elln >> ers akiddetl to COO, whilo tho appc

a r tis ts sneaked up to 717. Cnptn . . P o r te r salted ’em down th e a lley fc r

seoro o f 192 in th is giinic, which we fo r high fo r the tw o games.

P ro and coti-. . •B nnk nud T r u s t s 1 2 Toti,R vnn ..............- .......... ....... 130 131 27P n trick .............................. 132 IIS 25'

Peck .................................. 142 12-T £CF ix .................................... 155 102 nv

y Linvillo ____________ ion 150 321

■® T otals ........ ................... 741 090 143L aw yers— 1 2 TofaCliapman .......................... 12S 102 2.1i

0 W itham ............................ 112 142 2r,->■ P o r te r ........... .................. 125 193 3 i:1- n . B onoit ...’............ .......... 190 139 32!

B ailoy ....... ....................... 159 142 301

r • T otals ............................ 714 717 143;0 I

UNDrLtTTED OLASS.n Tho law yers d id th e best they cOul0 B = = ^ = S ^ ^ = S = S = ^ ^ = « =0

T o d a v . i i r M *

T o m o r r o w £ 3 2 3

r “S’prise!”0- Y o u 'l l b o s u r p r i s e d 1[ J a c k H o l t i n a r o l l i c ln l o v o - c o m o d y . F i l l e d \

c r a c k i n g s a f e s a n d c ro i n g s m i l e s . W a n d a H i l e y i n t h e c a s t .

T^om th e pU y b y W H U aa L e B a n D iroetod by V

“ E X C U S E M E , S H E R I F F

- ~ ~ ~ ~ 1

16 G w iv - Ai

HECC\C • 'fi'OxHC, '0 1

_____________ X O • .7 , ■ U K e .□ = ■

t o m o w w w *

••W t^) ou 'r

Iind now nnother scric-" m ust be playci) to SCO w hether thoy did o r d id no t.

SO rr Chnpmnn fell to 102 in th e sec­

ond gam e, b u t d id n ’t uecm to m iud, os ” hc h i t 128 in the firs t cn ______

G uy R yan to taled ' 277 fo r tho two gnmea, and la iu hopea th n l tboy w ill

ed namo a cigar a f te r ---------he O. W. W itham gnve thy- bankora a j chaneo in tho f ir s t game, b u t whon

thoy d id n ’t tako ndvanlago b t Jt, ho toro loose In tho sccond uud ro lled 142.

P a tr ic k enjoyed tbo cn tortainm ont^ Hh and proved i t by rolling 113 In tho aoe-

ond gam e.

or Coptal'n P o rte r startotl w ith 125/ b u t in tho accond he sizzled 'cm down tho

” a lley fo r 192. I t taltcs m ighty good 'I ' nrguoing to b ea t thiit k in d o f bowllnfj.'

« W ilto n Pock d id n ’t do ob b ad ly ns tho follow' th n t couldn’t avorago 100, os ho m ade 142 in tho f i r s t nud theo

. 1 eudcd a g b rio u s day w ilh 123.

« H n rry B cnolt gavo th e bankers a th rill w hen ho rolled 190 in th o f i r s t

J (C ontinued on Pago E lg b t)

r -SH IN E ’E M tJP —10. OENTS

■ A T T H E N E W ,

j" Peters Bros. Shoe ! Shop1

Wo hilvo opened a ahoo ahlne stand . Open from 4 to C P . M ., and SATUEDAY ail day.


T h e N e w e s t

2 S C j 3 P i c t u r e s


<=>'•i w -

\ Y

n il II I I I ^

l l V S

h M o n e y \

n—A dap ted b y B eulah M arie D lx—'’alU ce W o n ley

B ig W e s t e r n C o m e d y

. . ' ' j . • ' * ‘ s'

VJNOIILS’ N l i ' B llfli'TOGO

T e n M e t) B a c k F r o m , L a s t Y e a r i

S q u a d A u g m e n t e d b y P r o m -

i s i n g B u n c h o f Y o u n g s t e r s •r — ]

U N IV E R SIT Y O F IDAHO, i■ 2i:irc li — W ilh 10 in\'n biu-k from J

ln s t y e a r 's wjuntl nnd witli a jironilxin” buiicl> o t yoiiiiKtorH rivnilnblo from tlie t ln s t frcHhmnii ltow , Idn lio ’ti bnseball c

• cIinncOH look niigh ly proiiiHini;—so c eood, in fac t, tIin t tlio Vamliil m ontors <]

, lire plun iiin jj to CHtn'jli^li fo r n woek •»' o n ly n npriny trainiiiK caiiii) a t Lowin- 1' ton . ThiB w ill como u t tlie titn c o f 1 nprin;; vucation , tliu f irs t w eek in « A pril.

D uring th a t period the Vnndnl atiiiad C niomberii w ill drop down to it low er iilti- *• tiirc and tlm)ii};li tlicir paces ju s t I>a.i llio b ig IcnjftiorH do in tlic ir «princ ' t iu in in c ciunpft. WimhinKton S tu to col- ‘1 ItRO lias itH sprin j; vnciiflcn n t tlio 1 paiiiv tiiiiu and tlicro is a poflxiliility If tlin t tlio Coiijrnrs will nlso m ove to <1 Lowlflton, w hich w ill |)iovidu suffic ion t tl p rac tico KatiicH fo r li^th tcainH, Tlio o Lniviston booHtora nro ntron(j fo r linv- P' in g tlio oolloRe nino w itii fhem fo r a few days und nro lu'lpin},' in every way s< th o y en» ., LowlMtonV foam m ay got it unitor w ay n l i t t le early in o rd e r to tak o ndvantngo .o f the com petition P' nvailab lo by tlie proHcnce of tho Vnn- t<

" - d a l nnd Cougar aquada. tlId a b o ’fi nino m ade u rea l show ing in pi

tho coast conforenro laa t ycu r. I t ?' seems ev iden t, how tvcr, th n t o ther c! Bchoolfl likowistt have veternn toam s, <>’ so com pefition mny he ns keen in.boiio- C‘ bn ll nn i t wnn in tho bnskotball season juKt closod. G:

Tho pitch in jr s tu f f is exceptionnlly cJ! s tro n c , havinjr boen bolstered consider- nt a b ly l>y tho add ition of Bob, whoso linrliof; Innt spnu ;; led tho frosli th in to m nnj’ a v ictory . The ;rrcint am ount o f inn teru il n v a ila b 'f n-is Ttukc compc- " tio n fo r positions v; i. u i. A chock- fo up of m ateria l in«.!. .lU's vnat Idnho pc m ay count on a position nonrer tho top th n n tho foo t o f fhe |iereen tnce column.

V eternns on the scprad ore “ B nn ji” U Snow , “ L e f ty ” nnd 'Los Eddy, pitcliero; r ru n k K innison. c n tcn er; Ouy W icks, soeond; “ S k ip p y ” S tiv e rs , sho rts top ; U nrrj’ Edw nrds. th ird ; Alox P ox , Artmld Cobley nnd E ugeno O strnnder, otilficld.

Idnho will p lay ‘J'J (jnmes, w ilh 12 o f thvMn on flio home dinmond. Tho schcdulo is q u ite sntlH fartorj', nnd like fho buskotlm ll outl;ij', sfnrts o ff w ith |y n const tr ip . The soni'on follows:

April, UJ^-aO-O. A. C. n t Corvallis. fo: A pril i;7-2R—W n.ihlni:lnn n t S ea ttle , go M av .1--*— O. A. C. i t Moseow. clijra y D -lO —W hitm an n t Xfoseow.M nv 11—W. 8. C. n t I’ullmnn. foiM ny 12— W . ,S. C. n t Moscntr. «=>M ay —>fontnn.i n t M osrow.M ny 25-2(1— Oregon n l Moacow. wjM ay 28-2D—W ashineton a t Moscow, pl- .Tuno 1—W. P. C. n t Pullm an. inJuno 2—W . S. C. «»t Moseow. ;Ju n o •{•5—W hitm an n t W nlla W nlla. f^i

wc“ P A P E R H A N G I N G ” G A I N S >>»

In v o stlg n tc r 'f l ItccordB Show T o rty P e r F ( Cont Increaso In .Toor In Fraudtilon t Check Pasalnff- ia OaUfomla P u

---------- (O AKLAND, C.'il., March 22, t

I'rnxHluU'nt cboi-.k pnHsotn itvctotiBcd fo rty per re n t in California In 1022 1 compared w ith the previous year, ne- Kc; cordiuR to H n rt Schrader ,.Tr., hnnd* H ‘’‘ writInK ex p ert o f tho s ta te hurenu of crim inal invrstifja tion , who recen tly * p repared s ta tis tic s fo r .\u ('u st Voll- m er, ch ief of polleo o f Hcrkclej-, who Icftu rcd to tho U niversity of Califor- j"” ' nl.i s tuden ts on criminolofD’. .

O n o -C n lifo m ia city , choson becnuse j i t ty p ifie s o ther m uniclpnlities in tho s tn tr , ia supportinR forpcrs, bad chcck ‘ J pnsscrs nnd o th e r members of tho ‘ ' papcthatxRlt'K ” profcssiojv a t th e .. ra fo of $8,033 n day, tho atn tom cnt ^ showed. From Jan u n ry 1 to A pril ! , f 11122, tho c ity used ns nn illustxation ' rcw nnled tho crim inals to tho e x ten t ( o f $75,000, S chradcr anid. , ^

Mr. S ch rn d cr’s report s ta ted : “ Even ^•hihlrpn nre , becominj; proficient, fo r r “ only re re n tly nino juveniles, rnng lng " from tw elvo to 's ix te e n years o f apo, ‘ wero .arrested in ono locality fo r flood- ‘ iuR the tow n w ith fic titious checks w r itte n by them selves and -eipncd I j . | ‘ i f r . B ro w n ,' or ‘ M r. S m ith ’ (evon j, tUo bcinj* oroitlcil), and lhom erch an ts read ily took tlieso checks in „p]| paym ent fo r candy, fl.ishllBhta, o te.” „ip,

W orthless cheeks aro cashed In tho .j la rg er c itie s moro rondily thnn in tho ru ra l com m unities, J t r . S ch ra d e r’s tlio s ta tem en t ahowod.

—------- mc-i, J ? A R E M I N E R A L S F O U N D J " '

' IN C O E U R D ’A L E N E A R E A io insM

D iscovery o f P la tln o m and Irid iu m In C onunerdal QuftnUtlea Is A naoticced w ltb P lan a fo r DeTolopment

BC OEUIt D 'A IiE X E , Idaho, M arch 22 n t

(A>)— Di.scoverj* o f pintinum nnd iritlinm and in fho C oeur d ’Alono tuininfr d is tr ic t in po i' com m crcial qu.ontities was nnnounced and hero; todny by officcra o f m ining com- PisI p an ics o f tho d is tr ic t who said plnDs n t bnd been form ulated tor the orection o f tit l i a coaecn tn ito r hero soon to handio tb e locn ore. I t w as sa id it^ a .vays aa hiRh ns I.nli $oC0 to tbo ton . I 'lir


Valspar ^In P in ts and Quarts, Will sti

Varnish for PLOOES o




P R O D U C T IG N R E C O R D S■ tJ‘~ -

>adoi^ in OlasMa of Different Ag« la 1022. M ake ATorago df 20,0s( PoundB of Milk, J.2C0 B u ^ r f a t '

ClflCAGO, M arch 21 W —Tho 1D22 sadors in tho soven classes of d iffe ren t gea o f puro bred Uolstvih. cow a-pro- uced ail svvoraKtt o f 'ia.OSS ponnds ol lilk and 1230 pounds of b u tte r in oii-j oar. In tho fu ll nso und sen ior foiir- enr clnsseo n rov icuB rccords were rokon, nccordinp to n rep o rt o f thc fttional lioadqi,iarters o f thu Ilo lstc in- riesian aasociatlon.D u r in g t h e y e n r m,000 cow s w ere

is to d f o r p ro d u e tio n n n d s in r o tli.> ;tn l> lis lim en t o f t h o o f f i c i a l t e s t !».’>,000 )wa h a v o p a sae d th e ' p r o d u c tio n re- iiirod f o r th c i r aRC, tiio r e p o r t s ta te d .11 te s ta n ro s u p e rv i 'je ii b y s ln t o c«l- Ros o f a R r ic u ltu re . L a s t y e a r 113,77:: o ls tc ij ia w e ru r c g ia tc ro d w ilU th e us- ic ia t iq n .In tho fu ll aRO class, M ny W alker

llie H om estead, owned by th e Minne- tn H olstein com pany u t A ustin , dis. accd Duehcns B kyl.irk Orm sby, a 'asliin},'ton s ta te cow, w ith a pro- iction of 31,610 ixtunds o f milk, nn-l23 pounds of b u tto r. Grahnmliolin Co- nfhii Paulino ScRis, .n M innesota cow,: splnecd nno ther M iunesofa cow in0 sen ior fo u r-year cl'iss w ith a, reeonl

3-S,201 pounds o f m ilk und M-tlunds o f b u tte r .In tho ju n io r four-vear class, Xrnm-11 Jo h an n a , owned by C. L. Spnuld- K o f W urren, M innesota, stood hiRli- t fo r tho y e a r w ith a record o f 3I,.'»1.'3 unds of m ilk nnd 1317 pounds o f but- r. C ountess M atador ScRis, tho senibr ree-yenr clinmpion from W nshinjiton, oducod 2.’),817 pounds m ilk nnd IISV unds b u tte r . Ju n io r threc^yenr ampion, Princess ^ In ida Veemnn■ aed by E n rl Orahnm o f Compton, Iifornia,- produced 20,620 poundi lk , nnd 115-t poiim 's b u tte r . ^Colony ebcRRji V aldessa, senior tw o-year :impion, p roduced 28,!l71 pounds m ilk d 1005 pounds b u tte r . Slio is owned

Colony fnrm , Essondalo, B. C. In 3 ju n io r tw o .yen r -iliiKs, Daisy A rrIo msby, ownotl by Jo h n E rickson of :iupacn, W’lsconKin, wns hlRh cow■ year. ’ Sho produced 22,T.'ll unds m ilk nnd lO S i pounds b u tte r.


tely Appointed Member of Federal ^aerve Board D ies . Soon A fter Be- Itrlcken by Cerebral EetoozTbogo

;VASHINQT0K, . M nrch 22, (>P)—A cbrnl lieniorrhaRo proved fn tn l tolo D. Cnmpboll, o f MichiRnn, reccnt. ^.appointed to tli'b federal reservo ird, death occurriuR la to today bo- c ho could bo rem oved from tho f links o f tho C olum bia C ountryb, wlicro hc hnd collapsed, l r . Cnmpboll, in com pany w ith mer Sena to r Tow nsend of M ichl- I, hnd ju s t complotod fo u r holes of t, when hti wna s tricken . Ilo diod h in ton nilnutce. O atsido of com- iniuR of n cold, CnmpbeU h ad boon tho best o f heam i. l r . Cnmpboll wus sw orn in as " d i r t m cr” m em ber o f tho bonrd only a !k ugp. H o ia su rv ived by a wi- f.

iR D I N C R E A S E S H O L D I N G S

cbaso of M otor* Maker of Huge oal and Timber Interests la Kon- icky Is. Modo PubUc

IN E V IL L E , K y., M arch 22 (;P)— lorta from LexinRton todny th a t iry Ford hnd purch.ised tho imuieiiao1 nnd tim b e r holdiiit^s o f the P . S body sj’nd icnto o f Clilcnpo, w ere ;p tcd by coal a n d tim ber operntoTs :. ns con firm ation o f reccn t persiht nm iors th n t such a deal pond-

hc holdinRS o f tlic P eabody syndi-• in K en tucky ein rraces upjiroxi ely 125.000 ncres, uccord inp to local rntors.icluded in th c boldiuRS nro some of m ost ex tonsivo t ra c ts o f undevcl-

1 conl nnd tim b e r proj)ertv in so u th ­ern K en tucky , i t wns said.

OLLBOB B O X EBS TO CLASHP A N F O R D U N IV E R S IT Y , M a rc h >P)— M e m b e rs o f th o S t a n f o r d box- a n d w rc s tl in R to r .u :s a ro w o rk in j; e v e r j ' n i R h t in p r e p n r a t i o n 'f o r

ehes w ith t h o U u iv t ir s i t y o f S o u th - C n l ifo rn ia , to b o h e ld o n M a rc h 21.0 boxers and six w rc itle ra w ill pnr- 'afo w ith th e Trojnoa in tho com-

to u r n c y . I t is p ln n tre d a lso to ;o n to u r n a m e n t w ith t h o L o s A n - s A th le t ic c h ib w h ilo th o S t a n f o r d

a ro Btill in Lo* A u rc Ic s . ho b o x e rs w h o w o re p ic k o d fo m e t f o rn i a t i r lo r fo tlio cnllinc o f f c f . m n fc h e s b v D r . W. I I . B n r ro w o f S f n n f o rd p iiysirn l c d u e ;it lo n d e p a t t - t in f t p r o te s t nRainst m ix e d b o u ts , p r o b a b ly m a k o th o t r i p , n lth o u R h

:h l l a r r v J ta lo n e v h n s m a d e n c n i te s tn t e m e n t . T h o so w h o se em re d o f p la c e s a ro l .a n e . B o ss , A rm - c r, R o b in so n , I r w in n n d V a n H o o k

BEATTIE MAEKSMEN WINDISE. M arch 22, (/P>—N osing out To-point v ictory , tho S ea ttlo Riflo

R evolver elub overcnmo a four- t lead from tho provioua staRO

won froth tho Boiso R iflo nnd01 club , 035 to 027, in tho ln st of irco-ataRe telcR raphlc riflo compe- n accordinR to repo rts from th e t ' aRRrcRatioa todny. ' Tho S a lt B R iflo nnd R evolver e lub waa1 w ith 803.


I a r n i s h,nd boiling w ater. The nd FUENITUEE

f i n p



A 1

. f pSuits, Cc Wrapi

Como i a for n g lance a t tho nc nro sliowiuR. W c nre glud to show arrivn ls Somothing now ovory day

W^ooUex SuitiW ooltox Suits nro tho resu lt o f. od designers, expert • ta ilo rs, auq I te ria ls obtaiaab le . ' They re f le c t t stylo nnd class. W hether a p la in o r u three-pieco modol, you will- and sty le—

S48.00 TO. $75Lustrous Cape

Capes are again in vogue. To ' s tro e t dress, to slip on over a pai wear'^ on n cooi sum m er evenini show ing a couip leto 'line iu nil nutv

$25.00 TO $50New Sport .Coa

M ny AVO suggest a W ooltox K no wool spo rt coat w ith Uiat snap as tho younger set app reciate , lioitci pin ids’ nnd plain tana. N ever hu ublu to o ffe r W ooltox n t quito euch

S16.95 TO $32£A £ BINGS 68c

A now shipm ent o f somo very clov( Kings to m atch any dress you have.

, V ery spccial _____________________

DOUBLE MESH NE^Double mesh Iinlr n e ts o f guaranti I f you find any tea rs bring them back. All shades. 3 f o r ____

LAOE iSDOESA gain wo jm t out on a tab lo a big of laco edges of all kinds.Surprising values a t _____________ _

STAMPED GOWNSRoyal Society gowns mndo up of sook and ,s tam ped fo r simple

- em broidery ia whito ................... .... -

BRIDGE SCORESSom ething new in brldgo scoro p

jslacu ca tJa , clc. You wlU f in d

MISSES’ PIBEE HOSA fib ro s ilk hoso fo r . tho :g irl3 . SiJ B lack, brown, wbito. A hoso th a t w ill wear. S p o c la l ----------------

SATEEN, ALL COLOIA 'f a i r assortm ent o f 3C inch satci-15c quality! A 'n u m b o rof colors, 3 yards lo r __________ _

SHOPPING BASKETI- D iffe ren t ■ colored shopping basket w ell m ade. Sliould la s t fo r yeara ____ - ............................. -

MYSTIO MITSF o r cleaning pots an d .pass . Scours w here otherth lnga faU ------------------------------------

Hand Bags of A i

Leather $2.95T his offering o f hand bngs m ust to bo appreciated. E v e ry b ag Is nino leather, hand tooled. A ll tings, and largo m irrora. Wo ai. compare these baga w ith ordinj values. I


—a « » o d \ |

^ u s yThese prices ;

morrowi Truly ’ days, for ovcry

in pricc and in not bo dupiicat te rial increaso.

I 1 I V 2 B tion to tho speci

Saturdi » Specia H Dr^ ■ 10-

S atu rday w o ry girl M / f J spring dress Blioiild i

iJU'nt early . Wo are ^ sp ring models, clevei

ju s t two prices—flO. 1-J, 10 n n d '18. Set

n=i'‘: i :rz" S10.0(

FoN E W S T ]

’.h ig h ly trn in- tho b est mu- A new atrnp oxford tho In test In ent vnmp Rray niiedo

I tailo red su it f i l ' t a r y heel. Speci: • f ind q ua lity


^ c ltan thenc up. Vkid gloves, in a ll co l sizcH, vnlues to $3.0'

esS U E D Ewenr over a

i r ty .gown, lo ^ fresh sh ipm ent ol


0.00 -------- -----. Woman’s

Spring ,lockabout, allind jitylo th a t Scoured especially f

S o T o 'b . ™ i» lh ” l»llh prices— ''■T collar. Some

Somo of cream nud i

2.50 ■N E W

vcr oar ricg s . ‘C. { J O beads in all colors a__O o C made th is

price possiblo ....____

WAYKE :iteed q ua lity .

r tC f This week wo o ffe r ._____ t u Q O in n num ber of colon

all sizes, fu ll fashioiic

B O Y S ’ W;g asso ttm cn t

Mado of pongee color...----- - O C A 'c u to su it fo r tho li

fellows. S p e c i a l ------}C fino n a in - , A L L -

Q Q / » The prico has advanc-------- i 7 0 C ^ nii-ovor in

T odny’s price $l.2o.

p a d ., la llio ., BOYS’1 I t . p r ic c . n - M , .

ity ^e rca lo in a ll sirci _ _ Will wash and w earb t l

izes up to 8. N E W 01

__95c A b ig nss'irfiiicutdrapes, etc. Downstai: drapo departm ent.

coas, reg u ln r q q ]

_$1.00 35c goblet. A will grnco tho tablo fo

CS purposes. Spccial,- 3

KIIOHEI■ M ade o f g uaran teed 1

J g ingham s. A b ig assop a tte rn s and sty les _

•» a a d e leans ........W H I T E W ;

C lever sh ir t w aists o l■ sook- N icely mado a

trim m ed in w hite. £

F R E N C H £

. . A pUro th read ailk ho• t bo .conla o r gen- Specially

bavo f i t- ■fk yon to IV O R 'Saary fi5.00

Q {T Thia w eek cod you- n

iPAY, MARCH 22, 1923

j j S ^ ! T P t R M »

Weeki r o v a i l t o d a y a n d ' t o - —

v e e x p e c t , a b u s y t w o t h i n g o f ( e r o d ia l o w

m a n y i n s t a n c e s c a n -

}d e x c c p t a t a m a - ■ i t " a ii

Wo caU your atten-l l o f f e r i n g i n d r e S s c s . ^ ^

.>0 fee t

l y a V e r y J T ! !

I S a l e o f .... .natu rn l ei:esses

$1 -A, ..h lnck coni

;vl,D w a n t, a clovor novr „„omo down to tho depart- >offe rin g 25 drosses, now WRpaisley com binations, n t ^ s ilver i

)0 nnd W5.00. S izes nro thnt- clennitho window. Nono on


l> $15.00 I" '»'«’ . lot o ( 8ilk<

cotton , lest:AP OXFOED

just In. Two strap , pat-<luartor, (P C R A ^ sm nll m

lly priced.—.....tD U ^ O l l J u s t tho rfo r tho sm

CLOVES'-0 o lfe t nu uisBoitmcnt of . , ,


OLEAHEE ^suede clenncr. Clonner

................ ....2 5 c D ow nsfnirsb lnek o r b

. - Ono th n t V . - - P n lr - ........

Neckwear, ityles, 89c

Wo offe rir th is w eek ’a o ffe ring . men n t n f nro B erthas nnd Brom- to d :iy ’a rct in oyolet em broidery, omo o f 'w liitc . Q Q / » v read ily ...............0 5 / C

A C roat bl--------------------------------------- Sl.OO qnlity

BEADS ' ■f bends. 1-4 groaa of 'tld sty les. A jo b o ffo r „

. - /JO 'O O C K*»Kbam of

......................... 'qua lity . Y

CNIT HOSE. pure th read silk I^se,

' handkcrch iet .................Wo have m

ISH SUITS Jl .d poplin. Ages 2 to 0. • - \ \ / j

$1.95 y {OVEES /:d on all overalls. Wo ^ >

..... 95cWAISTSM ade o f excellent qunl- good, s tn

Q Q ^ on y o u r sue voll ____________ * / O C you polish I

lETONNESo f new crctonncs fo r T h a t sanitai1 you ivill H ad a cicvor •’ "'J

-1 bars fo r

!LETB..d looking g la . . th a l

o “ ' ‘_________$1 .00 -

r APEONS• . . , A b ig assor

i n colored percales and • (iresses, swc ■tment o f 1 ( J In colora


O f f ino quaw bito dim ity an d n a in - q u a lity . S t:

' t i a l ________ $1.00EAM HOSE ^e, in brow n and w hite.

prrd”!_ _ $ 1 .5 0* ^ seU is out

n e r ’s cors( an teed to

jy havo Ivory sosp a t e o t styles, a n fa rd O C T ^



Endidye'ar Garden Hose, 50 Feet—$6.95 .

tlo -early to bo ta lk in g of 'garden t wc w an t you to know th n t we nild fu r th is Saturdny wo nro mnk- cry special prlcc. You m ay hnvo

................. $6.95 ;SOAP NOVELTIES ,

I g irls nnd boys, soap f ru it th a t looks ough to cat. Will plenao K O / *;n. S e t o f 2 .............................. .. D » / C

SHOPPING BAGSwell mndo shopping bng, mndo of

i :;Si........... .....29c[GHT’S SILVER OREAM!rcam of superior m erit. A crcniiiI n il k in d s o f Q K / *0 j a r ...... - .................. ....... .............o D C

DROOHET COTTONSrs nnd nil Wo bought a job ), a h igh ly morcorized • e ' •

th n n cost. The b a l l ....... ...... .. D C

M I ^ G BOWLSixing bow! o f th n t ta n enrthonw nre. . ijJbt sizo O C a nil fam ily ....................................< 4 D C

BATH MATTSed Jienvy w eight bn th m a tt, in dif- a nnd pn ttc rns. J u s t abou t h a lf to-

;i.25 TO $2.25 ■CHILDREN’S HOSE

you w ill find n ch ild’s hoao in rown, in nil sizes. A good w eight.

_____________ ___ I 5 c

C^JiVAS GLOVESn honvy w olght canvaa glovo fo r rico below . O C « nil. 3 fo r _____________ ^ D C

TOWELSR h eavy w olght T urk ish towol of

-our c h o ic o ----- ---------------------6 5 c

J7 INOH GINGHAM; num ber o f p a tte rn s In 27 Inch

a n r 2 ! ! L ........ ......................„ . . 1 9 c

EED BANDANASla Cloth b y tho yard . Cuts fou r fs to tho yard . OCT.rt arked It, y a rd .......... ............... ^ O C


The E a s to r S u n o y ^ w ill w an t a nice E n s te r^ b a sk e t In w b lch to .y / ^ b ide blfl eggs. Y on w ill J t / f in d Ju s t th o cu te s t baa-

-koto la ico lo rs a n d td n d »^ a t W rig h t’B.

SUEDE BEUSHES>ng ateel b rush to brusb up tho n a p tlo shoes beforo Q C \/» h e m ..................... ...................... O U C

IJF E BUOY SOAP-y soap th a t is so h ea lth fu l in odor r tc rilires , 2 5 C

DEVONSHIEEor» only. R egular 39o D evonshire, o rtm ect 2 9 C

NEW BELTStm en t o f b e lts f o r the new sp ring

HPED PILLOW, OASES'l i ty p illow tub ing . R oyal Society m pcd fo r,lery _________________________i f o C

rne’rs Rust - Proof Corset 98c

a advancing , thU price oa eor- o f th e o rd inary . Tliese a re W ar­ts and aro rest-p roo f and gnar». . g iv e sa tisfae tioa- Two .d lffe r-

U m ade — .... ............ d 8 C


T W I N F A L L S W E E K L Y N E W S «..................... ............................... ........... ................ . hi

E stab lia to d 1004---------------- ------------- -— ........V

T w in PallB Nows PubU shing Com pany, i,• L td ., Publis&ors tl

—----------- -Isaiicd on ThiirBdny of ovory W eek oi

--------------------------------------- -------- wKntored a« Hccdnd clnss m a tte r Do- rj

erm bor 12, 1004 u t th'o I ’ost O ffico o; At Tw in Fnlls, Idnho, nndor tlio a c t vi o f ConKrcBH (if M nrch 3. 1870. d


AiudyoiH o f tho A n e ric a n Bniiw ny nssoc ia tlon 'a roport o t cnr londinga fo r tl th o -wceJt which cndod M arch 3 shows "j th a t tlio inereoso rocordod is a lon j; (] linen tiin t mircly aud d iroctly le a d 't o w gron ier proHperity. T he num ber o f cars ' loaded in tho period soportod Is .g ren to r ii th a n tlin t o f iiny corrcBponding period p: in tho hi.story o f Amcrienn rn llroads. ,y

In Inrgo jin rt th is gsin is to bo erod C( l ie d to whipnients n f tiiorchandiso and nii!iccllauuoiis frciRlitH, which ineludos nin iiufncturcd products. L ondinps o f i> these classes njrf,'rcBntod fil3,7C2 ca rs— v l iic h wns a notnblo ineronso ovor th.> ji bor loaded durin ;; tho p ro c o d in e . ■week and a much g ren te r gain ovor londiiigH fo r th c eorreaponding periods tr o f tho tw o preceding years. P'

Tho rep o rt shows u o t only th a t pro* ductivo in d u stry ia incronsinRly nctivo . m b u t th n t d istribu tiiin th roughou t tho co u n try is increnaing. Thia m eans In- ^ crcnso in re tu rn s on enpitnl Invested w in productive cntorpriso, increaao i»

• dem nnd fo r lnbor, InercBNO o f conaunip- aj tio n , inpronBo In circularion o f m oney— nil o f which combine lo d rive homo to tho public rcnlizntiou o f incronsing l>:

'' p ro sp erity th n t in* uow w ith i t .I. . IT

T H E W O R L D ’S CH A M PIO N S.Kcwuise Amcrlcnna nro nceustonicd to ,],

cn p tu ring tlio llon'H shnre o f tho prizes oil th e re have been reports th u t foreign- 1“ ' crB on thc com m ittoo fur tho n ex t Olym- d i p io gamos' n rc p innaii.g to hnndlcap U n d o Snin-'H n tldotes by placing on thp p rogram more oventK in which th ey a re Aj not'- p ro fic ien t and reducing tho num ­b e r in which they p.irticu liirly excol. A p roposal tn include bniehnll nm ong th e „.> coinprtilivc- oventa noxt tim e w aa ro- joctod , nnd w ith .th is fa u lt can scarcely bo found, xinco thia is a d is tin c tiv e N o A m cricnn specialty . ' • '

A li.Hl, o f th c w orld 's records in aomo DO ovonts Kliows (lin t Am'erlcniiH hold 37 ]>^ nnd llrito iis 28. Donmnrk nnd F in land tio a th le te s hold aevon oach. Am oricanso ro chnm pion sprin tors and juminsrs, __b u t hold no w alk ing rccord. Thoy nro b e s t nlso n t p u ttin g fho sho t nnd th ro w . ^ in g tho h am m er. ' In tho longer d istance ru n s thoy m ust y ield tJr'c pnlm to tho B ritish . A m oriraiis havo novor done In m uch in eorta in event* requ iring n h igh 'I degree of technical ikill, such ns th ro w ­in g th e jave lin nnd llio discus.- W here Xai n g ren t Imr.Ht o f speed fo r a b r ie f tirj)'% a aupreme e f fo r t rn thor th an long bus- tn in ed enduranco, 5s cnilcd fo r, A m eri- CM ean a th le te s cxcol. J']*".. I t ia gonerally .•idmltted, th n t A m eri- cnn tra in in g m ethods i<ro moro stron - ^ uous th an thoso of .iny o tho r na tion . P re p a ra tio n fo r con 'petition ia on u m oro Bystematic bnsis. A m erienn pro yo u n g men seem w illing to sacrifico dan n n y th in g in th e ir ov trw helm ing dealro to w in. W ie n tho O xford nnd Cam- th is b rid g e a th le te s wero in th is coun try Inst th e ir haphazard tm liiiu g nnd Caroles'* jj a tt i tu d o ovoked somo purpriso. Thoy Don f ra n k ly adm itttv l th u t thoy wero wn- *r Trilling fo m.'vko sucli a serious bualness o f a tlilc tic com petitipn ns th e ir A m eri- K enn rlvala w ere doing. T hey w an ted >«' to w in , b u t th ey wero n o t go ing to p a y n ny ]>rice tn do so. C onsidering th o ir pr,.,i n tt i tu d e , th ev mndc nn excellen t show- clan b ir . rh c r

T here aro g rc .ite r th ings th .in ' b reak- in;,' wnrld ro ro rd v I’.ut A m ericans acom '-jiidlo have shown th.'it they can w in and bo “ good -nports’ ' n i wo’l.


The Xew Y ork Timos n-cently ox-irosKcd th e average m an 's reaction to ------he news a.n cdlore<l ny tiic jiaper he •oads: I f i l agroos w itli wlmt lio him- e lf believes, i t is tru e ; i f i t co iiflie ts ^ v ith i t , i t is jiropag.m da. Iiow ever, ^ ho I'd iton iil, clitltlod “ Criiae.i of tho . ’r o s s ," is interc>nluii{-from otlior Jin- ;le», and wc rop rin t it, as follows:

nri-;ithe-i (hon; t!i'.- m an witho dond who never fo liiinHclf ha th said,

could run a new spaper, o r all th c lewxpaporn, b u tto r th an tlie xuhsiiliz.ed ,iid. Inpom pefi'nt "cou-idrelt who . arc loing i t no w t I f so, w e havo never lot him . Ilon-ever com plete and evi- en t n fa ilu ro he m ay be ns a business ian , a c itizcn , a husband and a fa ther,

Be Tidy! Economize!

H a v e Y o u r F e l t H a t -

R e m o d e l e d 1mto th . I» te « Stjta '

“W c WUI Make J t Look Liko New.”

T W I N F A L L S S H O E ,

• MXero in ono jw in t on A'chich t^o averngo m w ill ad m it o f no doub t Avhntovur— | i a b il i ty to m anage a new spaper.“ I t m ust bo adm itn .l t iu it ed ito rs In ­to somo o f tb is c ritic ism by..tUo vory .turo 'b f th o ir culling, whicli roquirev em to m ako com m 'ints o a tho short- m ings o f public men. V ery liko ly tho ito r o f tho M arion S tn r, fo r example, lien- ho re tire s to p riva to lifo , w ill be th e r m oro lon icn t in liis com m entsI harassed exorutivofl. N evertheless. B von tu ro to boliovo th a t ovoti tho ^ro- iPtion {.T a new a form of llled labor, nnd n o t so easy os it oks.,“ >V nioro tem pornto and friendlv itie th a n most, nnd one who knows0 kindrodd busincaaea o f ■ mugnz.lno IU book publish ing a t f im t hand , Mr. e rb ert 8 . Houston, com tilaiaod th a t0 v e ry volumo o f news from all the jr ld o ffe red to readers today Is bring- g sotno disadvnntngCH wifji It. Wo I'd, ho snid, not only tho nows, b n t tlie to rp ro tn tion o f th c new a; ‘ th o ‘inter- (itlvo jm irnn list should follow th e rc- irting .iournalist .und b rin g tho flood itliiu tiiu ohnnnel o f o rdered knowl- ge.’“ Vory tru e . Too much o f the world w ith IIS. n u t whon tho in te rp re tiv e

iirnalist tr io s to bring tho flood w ith ­the channel somobody w ill riso up to

y th d t i t is tho w roa;; channel. In n ceu t a rlic lo in thc D earborn ladopen n ti contaiiw ng a good dsn l o£>itruth <1 a good deni o f iioiiMcnHe, tho ]>oint. so fa r ns thoro wns, aeems to hav< on th a t thoro was foo much In terpru tion. I>3t tho roportor s tick to ro rting . C ertn ln ly everj-body who .dis rees w ith the in te rp re tiv e reporterII denounce him ns n d is to rte r o f the w« nnd w ill cnll fo r w hnt aro rn ther isoly know n ns ‘ tho fic ts .*“ The tru th is th a t m ost roadors, and rtn in ly m ost roadera o f tho clnss lich is ao freo w ith critic ism , Imvo ly ono rr lte r lo n for tho accuracy of ws, comment or in te rp re tn tio n . I f it roes w ith tho re a d e r ’s provlous opln- I, i t is fn io ; i t Jt co»/Jicf« w ith fhnt inion, i t is a 'p ie c e o f ly ing pro^pa- ndn nnd tho pnpor has boon bought

B ritisli gold or BoInheviflt go ld .”


riio follow ing reg istered w arran ts of . C ity o f Twin P uMh, Idaho , nro cal!- fo r paym ent th is d^to and w ill he

id on prosenln tion a t m y o ffice : IVaterworka,. Noa. 275B to 20S0, in- sive.Jtroot Sprink ling , N oh. S7.'> to D20, in- sivo.n te rc s t nn theso w nrran ta ccases ril ] , 1023.

n . 0 . A LEX A N D EH , 'roasu rer, C ity o f Tw in F alls, Idnho. )o tcd a t Twill F a lls , Idaho , Mnrch 192.'!. — ndv.

O hnm berlain’a Oougb E eracdy ;Mng So Good fo r a Cough or Cold. Kveryono .who has usod Chamber- s Cough Kcinody spr’aks Avell b t i t , ' ’ ' les Kdw ard 1’. M illor, A bhottstow n,' Peopje who onco use th is prepnra-1 a re seldom sa tis fied w ith nny }r. I t Is oxrellen t to a llay a cough < ircak up a eold.— adv.

E G A L A D V E R T I S E M E N T S ;

N o n o E o r W E IT o r [A T T A fn iM E N T "

ilio D is tric t Court o f tho E loven th „idicial D istric t o f th e S ta te o f Ida- „I in and for Tw in F a lls County. t

ional S u re ty Co., a -co rpo ra tion , . jp la in tif f , I

rgo D. Crockotf, H. M. V nnderpool, Ioterson nud O scar Iverson nnd Dnn I ■son, co-pnrtnors, doing business na •son n ros ., defendnnts

ntioo is herohy givon th a t oik ifn rc h a w rit o f a ttn eh m en t w as is-

I out o f th e ahovo en titled court in above en titled action, a tta c h in g tho lerty of tho above nnmed defen- a H fo r th e Hum o f W476.29. ,1 witnos.H wlieri-of, I have hereunto „ my hand ami the .-<001 o f tliis Court » 22iid-'dav of M arclf l023. ,

C. C. SIG G IN S, r C lerk of th e D istric t C ourt, i,

,• r . Ij. Bowen Dej>uty. ti J . H onry : n tto rney fo r ^ n i n t i f f . ^

vin Fall.t, Idaho.__________________ o

N O T IC E TO O B E D lT O B a ,la to o f G e tty W. Driirj- doco.Tsed. itir i' is hereby given hy th e ' uu- guod Admini.-.tralor -of fh(- e s tn te A lo tty W. Drury, deceased, to th e to rs of mill .a ll .persona h.aving ” IS 'ig a in s t the said ileoe:iseil, to >it them w ith fhe neccssarj- vou-I, w ith in ten m onths a f te r th e ol publicnfion o f th is n o tire , to th c («oor>;o I t. Sm ith, ad m in is tra to r, ®

ly o f Tw in F;ilN, S ta te o f Idaho, loing the jilaro fixed fo r th e trans- a tif tho business o f naid eatate . ted M arch 10th, lf>23.

• GKORGE H. SM ITH .Adminisfr:ir<tk-.



1 5 / lb.^ A ^ I N . E Y

n i e U v e C a o d j M an. '


N O TIO E r O E PO B L IO A T IO lfIso la ted T ra c t ,r •-

PU B L IC LAND 6 A LB D oparim cot o f th c In te rio r,U. S. Land O fficc n t H ailoy , Idaho, F eb ruo ry 10, IDliS.

N otice is hereby " iven th a t, aa d i­rected, by tho CommisHihner o f tho G en­eral I>aiid O ffice, under provisions of nn A et o f Congress upprovcd Ju n o 27, 1000 (3J S ta ts ., .'■*17), pursunnt to thc applieation o f A rth u r D. A euff, Serial NO. 02H782, W(* w ill o f to r a t public buIo, to tho h ighest bidder, b u t a t n o t less than $2.2.'5 per acre, nf 1 o ’cloek p. m., on tho 10th dny o f A pril, a t th is o ffice , th e fo llow ing tra c t o f lan d :-

W 1-2 NK 1-J Bectibn 20, Toim sliJp 1-J Bouth, Itnnge 17 V..

“ This tr a c t is order<‘d in to 'th e m nr­ket oil a shtjwing th n t th e g rea te r-po r- tion theri'o f is m ountainous o r too rough fo r c u ltiv a tio n .”

A ny persons elainiing , adversely tlio aliovo-do.icribed land aro a<lvised to filo th e ir elaim s, n r nbjectioi:s, on or beforo tho tim e dosignatod fo r sale.

MAY fl. ANOKL, R egister.N 0 T ic E ”o r W E IT o r


In tho D is tric t Court o f tho E leventh Ju d ic ia l I a t r i c t o f tho S tn to of

• Tdaho in n ^ ' f o r Twin F n lls County.

T h e F ir s t N ntionnl B ank of Tw in F alls, n corporation , p la in tif f

vsII. H. N ipper, dcfendnn t

N otice ia hereby given th a t on Fob­runry 2 lj 1023, a w rit of a tta ch m en t waa issued o u t o f tho above ontitU d cou rt in tho above en titled nction, nt- tacl^iiig the p roperty of tho abovctj nam ed d efen d an t fo r tho a u m ' o f :♦ R35.50. I

In w ltncsa whereof, I havo lio rounto ' se t m y hnnd nnd th e seal o f th is Court th is 22 d ay of Fobruarv , 1023. .

C. C. SIG Q IN S, C lerk of tho D is tric t Court.!

B y C. L. Bowon, deputy. jA. J . M yers, A tto rnoy fo r p la in tif f , |

Tw in F alls, Idnho. . ' |n o t i c e TO OEED ITO ES , j

R ftn te o f M ary E lisabeth Evnns; do- ceased. ‘

N otico is horeby given by th e undor- hiifned executor of th c e s ta te of M ary K lisabeth Evnns, decensod, to th c ered-* ito rs o f aad nil persons h av ing claim s ngninst tho sa id 'd cccaso d , to exh ib it them w ith tho neccssnry vouchors, w ith in fou r m onths a f te r tho f ir s t publlention of th is notice, to tho said eseputor; jit hi.: p ffice , T w in Falls,! County, o f Twia. Pulls, S ta te o f Idnho, th is b e ing th e place fixed fo r thc transac tion of tho businoss o f said estate.. D ated F obrunry 2-1, 1923 rW IN FA L L B A N K & TRU ST CO. I'lxoeutor of th e e s ta te o f M ary E li­

sabe th E vans, deceased.By J . G. Bradley, s ec re ta ry r

N O TIO E TO -CEED ITO ES. ! In tho P roba to Court o f T w in i-'alU >

bounty, STnte o f Idaho . I,,In th c M a tte r o f th ” E stn to o f .I'amt-s '

d . A m h arf, Decoasoci. IN otice Is hereby given b y tho nn -'

lersignod. J . C. A rnhnrt, executor of. hc e s ta te of .Iiiiney M. .\rn h a r f , tie- eased, to tho creditora of a n d 'a l l per- ons h av in g elaiiim ag .iinst th c said de- ■■ eaHo<l, to exh ib it fhoiii w ilh flu- neeos- arj- vouchers, w ith in ton ( 10) m onths ‘ f te r th c f irs t publication o f th is no- ice, to the said undersigned executor a th e o ffice o f A. K Hicks, I.IS Mjiin LVe., South , Tw in F alt.s County o f T w in * 'a lls , H tato o f Idahn, thi.i boing flie , 'laee fixed fo r th e transac tion of th o ! ■ msini'ss o f snid esta te . V.)ated M arch 0, 102:1. «

J . C. A RN H A RT, . 1. Execu to r o f fhe E sta te o f .lam es M .j ;

Lriihart, deccimed. ‘

N O TIO E TO CREDITORS - j E s tn te o f - i f . N . Pom eroy, Docensed.

X otico i.l hereby ^ivon by the un d e r -1 Igned a d m in is tra trix o f the e s ta te o fl I. N . ro in iT ov, doce.'Jsed, to fla- c rc d i- jl nrs o f und all persons having c la im s , ga in it till' sa id di-cca^ed, to exhib it 11 liem w ith th e nccoHsury vouchers, w ith ■'I fou r m n iilh i a f to r ’ tho f irs t p iiM i-.l ntion o f th is notio.-, to th e said nd -1 iiiii.-ilr;itrix a t the offico o f E. L. A sIi-l'I >n. F irs t .N'ntionnl B ank Iniihling, I win F.-ills. (bounty o f Twin F alls, y ta to S r Idaho , th is beinif the p h tce’ xod fo r the tran«:icti<in of tho bu» i-’f' MS o f (■.-lid esfato.D ated 1-Vbriiary 21, ni2n.

.lO SIE PO.MKHOV, dm in isfra frix o f the l> ta te o f M. N. . rom eroy , ilocen-iod.

N OTICE. jN otice is lieroliv ;jiv n i tlm t a pe titio t c

as filed w ilh lii.‘ o f D iroctors ’ th e A m erieaa Falls R eservoir I r r i - ' j .

I N&Guesswil^ e n Y o u ^

f l a v o r m o s t D E u a o u

gatio n D is tr ic t oa tUo 15 th , day Alarcli, A. D. 1023, fu r th e anncxati to sn ld Irrig a tio n d is tr ic t o f .odjae( .lands.

' T hc.n iin ics o f fiic po titio n cr^ nnd duncriptlon’ o f tho lands muutloned said, pe tition nro ns follows:

Nam es o f ’ P e tltlo Q en .' I . N. N oycr.-

Chas. \V. Bowman.■ E. P. Ottcofad.; H . W. Chandler.' Don Shelitian.’ Geo. W. Thurston.J H enry H. Berg. ' '

H osca Berg.’ A. Rupo.

A rth u r J . Snydor.’ 11. V.* Chnndler.’ C. S. Thurston.

. T. H . P aren t.F roero r Bros.W. H. Cushman.

• Oscar Rever. ‘ - 'F . 8 . Buchanan.

‘ Sarah I'nul. ' '■ W :iltor O. Bales.

’ W nlter W. Bnk's.F ran k P. Balett.O rover Shown.A lfred R enbergcr,R. S. H aw ker. _G. N. Cliamberh’iin.F ra n k Thompson.S. E. Beobo. ...... ........

, Sw an Berg. f Wm. E. Brown.

Wm. Hjostrom.C. C. SJostrom.

, J . A. Sjosfrom. t D. L . M urdock.

R alidi R. Davis.I ■ L orin Bingham.

Alcon II. H ansen, k JaniOK 11. Whvfe. i Wm. C. W hyte. ,

.L M. Uriddle. ‘■; -W. E . Wells.. i M arion Clinger.'

j I*. B. D aaee.I F rnnk W. E rtel.

Geo. W. Goosey, Aum iniH trator 1 ' K E. G.'csov E sfa te . • -

I Wm. B. Green.L. C. Murjihv.

• B arney B uffi.I F.. \V. ftl rosi-heim.

>1 .foe CoKCTove.. j. Chos. Young,

j Oscar M. TiOiighland.- ,W ilbnr T. A f^ood.‘ D. A. Stone.

■ DescrlptloQ o f L and L ocated In Blx- ham C6unty.

. I Township Two (2 ) South, Rnn , T h irtv -fo u r (IM) E. B. M.

Scction 3 2 - E 1-2 WW 1-4, SW 1 N E M . . ,

Township Three (3) South, Ran, T h irtv -th reo (3.1) E. B. M.

1 Secfiou • 1—S 1-2 NW 1-J. 8 W l - l .‘ Scction 2—N E 1-1, N 1-2 SE 1-t, 1-2 SW l - l , 6 \V l- l SW M .-

Section 11— N 1-2 N^V l - l .Section 13—N 1-2 N W 1-4. - S w tio n l-l— N l - 2 NI-2.

.-S w tio n 2 C -X 4 -2 XW l- l .Section 30—S E l- l .Section 3-1--SE l - l .SE M . Township Three (3) South, Ranj

|T h irty -fo iir (3-J) E. R. i f .I Section (i—Ii.'l aer?.‘t described b n o te s nnd bounds in XW 1-L.

I TowiiHhii) F o u r ( I ) South, R nnt Tkirtv-one ( ; in E, I). M.

J Soction 13—S 1-2. .! Section 24—X E l - l .

Soction 2.*—SW 1-4.■ Soclion 27— E -1-2 S F 1-4. ■

S e-tiou 34—S E 1-4 aW 1-4, SW 1-SE 1-4.

Towri.ship’ F n u r ( 4 1 South', Rang Thirtv-l-wo (.'12) B. J f .

Section 1—R 1-2 SW 1-4.S.-efion 2—S E 1-4, S 1-2 SW 1-4. Section a—S 1-2 XH 1-4, N 1-2 S

1-4, SW 1-4 S E 1-4.Section P—N E 1-4 SW 1-4, XW l-

S B 1-4, SE 1-4 S E 1-4.' ’ Section 10—X E l - l , W 1-2 S E 1- S 1-2 SW 1-4.

S o -tio n 1 1 - S 1-2 X E 1-4, ’W 1- N E 1-4. X 1-2 NW 1-4, SW 1-1 NW 1- X 1-2 B E '1-4.

.'1-4 Ac. iu S p rin g fi 'ld Twn.Section 1 2 -X 1-2 1-4, SW 1-

9 E 1-4..Section 13—W 1-C RW 1-4.Section 14—N 1-2 6 E 1-4, E 1-2 Sl

1-4 SK.1-4.- Section 1*»— W 1-2 X E l - l , N 1-2 NV

1-4, SE 1-4 NW 1-4.• .So-tion IS— W 1-2 S E i - 4 ^ 1-2 SV 1-J, L t. 3. '"— — I

• To%vnship Four (4) ' South , R ang T h irtv .Ih roo (.13) E. b. .M.

Section * 2 - W 1-2 NW 1-4, XW 1- SW 1-4.

S.H-fion 3 - E 1 2 X E 1-4, X E 1- S E 1-4.

Soction 4—N E 1-J .'-Portion r.—T>«»t 3.Section fi—E 1-2 SW 1-4.Sootion 7—S E 1-J N E 1-4, S.-J.S Ae

in SE 1-4 SW. 1-4, SW M S E 1-4, Nt- 1-4 BK 1-4.

S.v 'tion ' 8 - S E 1-4 NK 1-4, XE l-i BE 1-4.

So. fion 0—X 1-2 Srj 1-4, W 1-2 NW 1.4.

' o r k j | | B

1 <ails fbr mflk-— ik M u id lira u a M . P u r e . s > v e « t .

ALLS, IDAHO THUIof S cc tlon 10—W l-2 ’ N W 1-L JU ’ Section 20—N E 1-4 N E 1-4,- W a t N W 1-4, N E 1-4 N W 1-4.

Tow nship F iv e (5 ) South , Bai ft Thirty-one (31) E . B . i l .

i a ■ Scction 2—W 1-2 SW 1*4-Sectiion-11—W l- 2 N W l-4 . -Soctidn .32—6 W 1-4 N E 1-4, N

- S E 1-4 N E 1-4.Township Siic (fl; South,- Rai

Thirty-one (31) E . B. M.Scctlon 4— L ot 2,* L o t 1.

ro sc r lp tlo n o f H and Locutod in Poi C eunty.

T ow nship Seven (7 ) Soutb , Rni Thirtji-ono (31) E . B. M . .

S ection « - S E 1-4 SW 1-4, L o t 7.S ection 7—N E 1-4 NW 1-4.S ection 7—As much of tho N E :

SB 1*4, 30 acres a s lioa nbovo tlio r i o f w ay required fo r tho reservoli

N otico is hereby givon to all pent in tcw stcd in, o r th a t may bo a ffec by such /cjiaugo o f boundaries of A m erican F alls Resorvoir Ir r ig a t D is tric t t'o appear a t tho offico of board of directors o f tho Amori P a lis Eesorvolr Irrig a tio n D istric t, th e offico of th e Tw in F a lls Ca Company, in T w ia- F alls, Idalio , F riday , A pril Oth, A. D. 2023, a t o 'clock n. m., nnd show cnuso in w ing, i f any they have,, why tho la m ontioned should uot bc annexed .tho A iporican F a lls B cacrvolr I r r i tlon D istric t.

D ated th is IS th d av of M nrch, A.1023.

(SE A L ) W. F . ALW ORTH,k c r e t a r y of tho B nard o f D irect

o f tbo Arncricuu F alls R esorvoir I r r i tio n D istric t.

Impossible H appenlns.“ W hot n te rrib le tiling U m uat b

Bald ho, “ for n womnn to discover io v e -lc lfe r 'in tiie pocke t o f her h b a n d ’s cont Just n f tc r she h n s men<1 i t nen tiy a n d - lo v ln s lr l” T lio wom fimllcd. ‘“r h a t could n ev e r bnppc: sho suld. * ^ h e w om an would Hnd t le tte r flret—th en eho w ould n o t m e tho coat." ____________________

MAY PROVE FATALB ackache is only a sim plo fh io r

firs t;5' B u t If you flnd ’tls frora tho k , , n e y s ;

T b a t se rious k idney tro u b les m. .4 follow ;

T b a t dropsy o r B rig h t’s disoa ;c m ay bo tho fa ta l ond.

You w ill be glod to know tho f( low ing experience.

'T ls th e s ta te m e n t of a T w ia Pal citizen .

Mra. P , A. F ullm ar, 130 S l l lh A t W ., aays! - *‘M y k idneys actod tt ffeq u en tly :.nd m y .back w as lan a n d soro. Thbro w as n continu

p acho In m y k idneys. IlPaduchofl a r d izzy spoils w ere freq u en t a n d som

y tim e s b lack sp eck s cam o befof-o n oyes and aJTectod m y sig h t. I res

c a b o u t D oan s K idney P lll j a n d m a t up m y m ind to try tlicm . Ono bc w as all 1 needed to cffoct a cu re .’*

P rlco 60c, a t all d ea le rs . D on ■Imply n sk fo r a k idney rem edy—g«

D oan 's K idney P ills—tho nam e tb . M ra. F u llm er had. Fostcr-M ilbur Co.; M frs,. Buffalo, N Y.

E v e r yT h a tlCAU

Tha Economy B A

Millions has leai importai

1st No 3GPII<n 2nd N,

^ ^ ^ 3 r d P u j


SDAY, Itf ARCH 22, 192> -. ■ I

3! . ' -

I M easurlnB Corn In C rib .'1.2 T o t lg u re .th e n um ber of 'b u sh e ls

o f c o r com In a <;rlb m u ltip ly Uie ifio len g th o f th e c rib .liy tb® w ldtji by th e

i h e ig h t by fo u rn ln th s If co m is o f I good qtia lity a f te r severa l m on ths In

0 crib o r by four-tcnftis If co m Is new o r o f in fe r io r q u a lity .; I f tbo c o m c a r - ,

ISO r ie s tho shuck, m u ltip ly len g th by w id th by heigh t and d iv ide b y throe. I f th e w id th o r leng th of th e crib is

r s r d iffe ren t o t th o to p and bottom of th c bU« of com , nso th o a v e ra se .

>go ' ________ . -Foim d a C aro fo r in d lg es tto n

“ I iiso C ham berjain '8 S tom nch and L-4 L iv e r Tablotii fo r ind igestion and f in d ?ht th o y su it my cnse b e tte r th an a n y dys­

p epsia rem edy I havo ovor triod an d I >ns havo used mnny .A ffe re n t m edicines. I ted am n early fiT fy ^n e v<*afs of ago and the have sliffered a g re a t doal from indi-, ion gestion . 1 can e a t nlm ost a n y th in g I- tho w an t to now ,” w rites O eorgo . W . Em - ;an ory, Rock M ills, Ala. Those ta b le t i n t contn in no popsin liu t stren g th en tho

nal stom nch nnd enable i t lo d igest tho foodo n ' n a tu ra lly .—od'v.

rit-1 Tho Nows is read by tho perm anen t earn in g classes,

t o ' - - .ga- ly ' ■ '

QdPut their equivalent in

: youi' safe deposit box.‘ Y O U R p r o p e r t y i s ‘ ,

s a f e l y g u a r d e d in

: . t h e b a r i k v a u l t .

I T h a t ia p rac tica lly tho cnae w hen y nur insiirnnco policies are .

BO in your safo d ep o sit, box. Ado- quato fire insurance m ay savn

)1- you from soveru finnnein l losi from fire .

J® Tills ngcncy is prc]nired tostu d y y our p roperty values jind

)., f iro risks, itivo you export nd- »0 vice cn w hat iusuraiico you ro- 10 qu ire , nnd sell you profi^ctioii ia j j fho H artfo rd ’ F iro Insurance J Compnny.

“' A ’phono call today ^ ' ' may savo you loss0 tom orrow.

; Twin FallsTitle ; and Abstract Co.a I P H O N E 1 6 8

W omanJakes widiUMET[K IN G P O W D E R

there are ^ o f d b e m — * )

ned three I t baking

Failures i_ L / 3 Waste re Foods ^

r B S T B A K I N G P O n V D E B

. T - , -- --------- -- ---------- T — -------- .Ill


■ OHIOAGO, M arch- 22 WP)—Althoojrli forolfrn buyiDff of fu tu ro ilellvcric-t ; bolnod givo a m odonuu l i f t to Aviicnl i pricca todny , tho o ffee t fa ilc d to -la» t-in i tho fnco o f la to se lling hero n};uin>t i buy ln fi n t W inniM K. • T ho ChicaKo m nr- 1 k o t cloaod u n se ttled n t tho nnmo os yes- : to rd a y ” 8 yiriiah to l-4 c lowor; w ith M ny ; $1^1 7-S to 1.22 nnd J iily Al.lC 5-8 to1.1G 3-4. Corn fiu lahcd a shado o f f to i 1*8,e up, o a ts a t a shndo dcclino to n j lik o ndvtm cc, an d provtsloQs down 10 j to 17c. ^

A fte r Htnrtinff a t a Irnnsicn t down­tu rn iu sjT npnthy w ith low er niiottitioiis < a t L iverpool, tho- w hont m arke t • here t. ddvanccd* soon w ith offorings rondily t ab so rbed a n d buyom outnuD ibtriu^ hcH' I ora. D om and fo r w hcnl nvnilnblo lo be 1 sM ppod a t >onco nppearcd, however, to la c k volum o a s comimred w ith yentcr- doy , and bu lls wcro iit n fu r th e r dlHud' vnn tngo cw Idu to word tlm t n little m blsturo hnd been re rc ived in tho dry ’boetion o f Knnima. Tlion came iiprpiid- in g operutionfl betw een hero nnd W in- , nipejj, le av in g prfccfi hore Nlnntin({ dow nw nrd in tho finn l h a lf hour. ~

S ales o f 200,000 buHhclB of w hent lo bo p u t in to ntorntm hero rnn trib u ted in Bomo dejfTOO to tho wciffht on tho mnr- k o t n t tho fln iah . In nddition , announce- m ont w as niwle tlu it nil o f tho ryo ,

. n f lo a t in tho CI»icnqo linrbor, 300,000 . hunhuls, had, boen ordered unloaded * in to p u b lic c le v n to n , .thus increnainc th o nm ount o f b rendn tn ffs ready for d' - t liv e ry on M ay contractrt. C ontinued lib- « ro l sh ipm cnta fronr A rgen tina wits the , eh ie f reason given fo r T/ealtncss a t Liv- «rpooU-

Cdnflnod w ifhin na rro w lim its, corn nnd onts ro floe ted tho nclion o f ■, n o tw ith s tan d in g th n t com n t . Omnhn in com m nnded prices equnlling tho highext

.rocord th is scftaon. g<pTOviftionB w e re low ct In Uno w ith il

ho g valuca.— bl

P O B T L A in ) LIV ESTO O K . oiPR T L A N D , Ore., M arch 22 -(/P)—

C a ttlo —S lo n d y i reeeip ta 112; choice atoers $7.75 to 8.35j m ediuni to good J " i , to 7.75; f a i r to mo<lium J0.25 to 7.00: com m on to fn ir $r>.50 to6.25; oholco h e ife rs $0.75 to 7.25; , ' choleo cow s nnd heifera $0.00 to .6.50; m o d lu m 'to good $5.25_to fl.OO: f a i r to modlum $4.75 to 0-25; common . cowa $3.75 lo 4.75; cannora $1.75 to ,

■ 3.7r>; b u l ls -$3 to 5.C0; ehoieo feeders $5 to 5.50; f a i r to good $4.50 to 6.00; ^ cholco d a iry calves $i» to 10.50; primo , H ght $9.50 to 10.50; medium $S to 9.50; h cv ay $-1 to ti.OO. '' H ogs—Itcce ip ta 180; 10c h ighor on tope n d : H ght $0 to 0.10; spiooth heavy 230 ‘ tv 300 Iba. $3.25 to S.?.-); prim e heavy300 pounds nnd up '$7.25 to 8.25; ronch honvy $fl to 7.50; fn t p ig s $3.75 to 8.00: feodora $8:fS fo 9.00; htngs, sub jec t to . . dockage, $5 to G.OO. i l

Shoop—N om inally s ten d y ; reeeipta R; , o a s t o f m ountain Inmbn $13.50 tn M.OO; cholco vn lley $13.50 to 14,00; modium "F $12.50 to 13.50; common *10.50 to 12.50: ' culla $8.50 to 10.50: liR ht yenrlinga $10 • to ll.*D0; h eav y . $0.50 to 10.00; l ic l 't I? w ethers $0 to . 0.50; henvy $7 to 9.00; owes $2 to 7.00. jjj

T W I N F A L L S M A R K E T S •P ricag P * ld P iodoc«n i

S w eet croam , l b . ........ ..........— 30cCliurnlng cronm, lb ................ .................30c ;ioF ^rsh ra n c h ‘e g g s --------- .......— ^ . . .1 3 c OO,H ons, h eavy , lb. ................. ...................13cHena, ligh t, lb. .......... ............... ...........Oe lmL eghorn sp rings ------ -------------------- 'C ND u c k s ___— --------- ----------------X n rk o y s _________________ ____12 to 18c fiv

P o U io w of eoU toc* , N o. 1, c w t . -------------* « ^ 8 0 e »e«

• Jo,W heat, No. 1, cw t----------------— ......$1.05 ,,,,L lT«8tock ll„

C attle—Cows, 3 to lc ; steers, 4 to 5c; ,i„, venls, C to Oc. Oi«

Hogs—P rim e, 7 to 8c. kc:ehocp — M utton , -Cc; no m u k o t; cn.

liunba, Oe. afo-------- ------ ■ th t

H O irU U W IFE’S O U ID B ‘(R e ta il P rieos) a \

FxrUta » o a V o g su tilo i tu tP o l . to e .. tw t . ----------------C »bt«S». P " !> '• -----------------0 « lo rr , b n n e l ----------------7 IncCanllflow or, l b . _____________ =0 to (O .I r e l^ lb . ------------------------ 2 V !*B««U, Ib ------- --------------------------- 2 1 -2 .; AllT n tn ip ., l b . ------------------------------

W , «>.P roTlsioaa and BUploa

r io u r , 48.1b. s a c k -------------♦l*‘*^@2.15Sugar, boot. 100 lb s. ------------------♦ llJW .Q ilS ugar, eano, 100 lbs. ---------------- $12.10 moO ro aa c h o o s e ---------------- ------------- SOoiroiB rick c h e e s o --------------------------------- 40e,,,;iiBobbs 0 !•< to lOeilntB read _____________________ 8 ,l-3@ 10o j IwiB u tte r (cream ery ) ---------------- ------_ 5 0 e |th eB o tto r ( r a n c h ) --------------------35 to =E ggs, d o rca ........ ............. .......... .— .......

U u uBooon ___________________ ^23 35cB*con, s l l e e d ______________—30 to 50c IjH a m _______________________ - - 0 10 3Sc «

^ a , s l i c e d _________________ ?5 to 5 0 c , f,P o rk chops --------- --------- 17 1-2 lo - - I ’- * 'L *m b ehopa _________________ e8@Sft«jP o rk roaat ____________ 17 1-S to 21i l-2e 1 _

US K ID S ^SM^RT u i r t k F ^

Z-* Boy Oft Q jR u m t h e c i / KHCWi THE K ^ n E OF THII KIN& W «0?»E »VVSV BEEH DISCOVERED j -----


~ T T r ^


SPO K A N E, Mnri-h 2.: OP)—C nttle— leci'ipirt 113; nm rkci stead y ; prime tecr«, f7 to .S.00; gouil to cholco o '7 ; mi'd'iuiti to yood $r>..'50 to {J.-3; fair0 mrdiiim ? 5 'fb S.HO. common to fiiif ..lO to .'i.OO; choice cows iiiid hoifers

5.75 to 0.00; giiod-to choice to 5 .‘>Q; icdiuni to good $4 to 5.00; fn ir to ino- iuni to 4.00; runJierH $2 to 2.75; 'u lls • to 4.25; lig h t vonl ciilvo.-*8 fo 10.00; henvy vo;il cnlves $0.50 to .50; Btoekera iind feeders $5 to 5.r>(l.H ogs—Heceiptn 331: m nrket stuiidy.

rimo mixed $i> to 9.2I>: medium mixed9 to 0.35; hojiviea $.').75 to 8.00; fnt igH $8a’."» to S.75; stockers and feeder:- 3 to 8.50.Sneeii— H eeeipts none; m arke t steu-

y ; pnm o Inmba $12 to 13.00; fn ir tn ledium W l to 12; pil:no yenrlingn S'S » 0.00;, primo wether<i $0.5(1 to .S.00; ent m uttou owcti $0 to 8.00; feeder imbs $10 to 12.00.

OM AHA LIV ESTO O KO.MAHA, M arch 22 (U. S.' Dopnrt- en t o l . \g rii-n ltu rc ) -L*P)—Hogs—Ito- >i|ita 20.000; ac tive , 10 to 20i; lowor; Jlk packing uowh $7.25 to 7.35; bulk Itcher lioga $7.85 to 7.1)0; to p $7.H0. C n ttk — U oroipts 0,500; beef ateora

o.Hfly Hteiiily w ith trn Jo in good kind :tive; common und medium grnd<^a owtT Hiiles and onsier n t closo; bulk .25 to 8.75; top $9.15; itho-stock und ills atondy; b e tte r gnidea cowa $0

iir75; othors $4.50 to 5.75; veala 25c ghor; packer lop #11.50; Stocker and Oder (iupply lim ited , :<tondy to fin n . Slieo|>— UePeipta 11,000; ligh t nnd ndyw oight luiubs atendy; othera alow; p $14.55; shoep nnd feedem stondy; oieo lig h t owea $8.03 to 8.75.

OHIOAOO LIV ESTO O K •C IU C A aO , M arch 22 (U . 8 . Depart- jn t o f A gricu ltu re ) M’)—C attle— Ilc- ip ts 15,000; boef a toers slow, uneven, norully 15 to 25c low er; k illing 'quu l- f p lainer th a u W ednesday , top inn- rod atoers $0.90; lig h te r k ind $9.75; lk beef Htoera $8 ts 9.25; boef heif-1 fa irly numoroua, largely 25c lower; I’CKil Jond 3ofs $7 fo 7.75; p lainer id dow nw ard to $fi; beef cows wenk 25c low er; caunotA I'nd cnUora w eak; lifl w eak to 15c low or; spota o f f morohonvy beof bulla; ve:il cJilves alow;

rly trn d in g largely 25c low er; apots ito; m an^ veiilcra a rriv in g Jnto un- d n t noon; atoekera n n d ’ feeders irco, nbout s tcudy ; several lo ts ont

f ira t lianda $7.50 to 8.00; choico ont 974 lb. fcodom to coun try la to ito rday $8,20.Ilogw— licceipfa .'33,000; 15 to 25e i-er; closed unoven, a trong n t dny 'a ilino; l*wlk 150 lo 200 lb . nvcrago i25 to 8.30; top $8.fi5; bu lk 1:25 to i ) lb . bu tchers $7.90 to 8.15; pncking , va nround $7.25 tn 7.40; common fo | ditim pigs $0.50 to 7 25; choice w eigh t ; to $8; oatimaf'cd holdover id ,000.

Jlieop—■Receipts JC^OUO; fn l lam bs : to 25c low er; top $1.".2.’?; bu lk doaira- ' wooled Inmba $14 to 15.00; clipped iba m oatly $11.75 to 12.40; fnll sliorn fo $12.75; nbout 53 geniiino 40-lb.

in g lamba $ 1 8 ; 'one innd 87-lb. fed ' ir llng w bthera $13.25; ono lorid jnlxod irlingH nnd 2-yenr-olda $11.50; desir. '0 108-lb. fed ewea $9; 3 loads choice I i-lb. clipped owea <7.40; 2 londa .80- ' ahenring Inmba $li.GO. '

N E W Y O E K STOCK M A B K E T ■ ) a y ’a to ta l aales 1,130,000 aharea,[■wenty industrln ls avenigcd 105.09; ,: loaa, .14; high l')23, 105.38; Jow, ,30. ,'w en ty rallronds uvt-rnged 80.40; ne t ,J, ,27; high 192.1, 90.03; low, 84.53. ,

:E W YORK, M arch 22 OP)—Speculn- u npprehenaion ov er tho poaaibility nn enrly inerense in lho federal ro- i-o red iscount ra to brought a largo = umo o f aelling o rders fo r both nc- n ts in to d n y ’a sto ck m arket, Iiut fn ir ■ing aupport wus forthcom ing nnd renctiona in mont o f tho popular lii-

triu l issues wero Jiold to frnctions. 'rn tions on tho sh o rt side o f tho m;ir- also wero eneonrnged by tho weak-

d toehnienl position o f a num ber of •ks resu ltin g from tlio rap id ity of - ir recen t ndvnnces. tiffo n in g o f the fiiiio money dnto to Irtiinl 5 1-2 pcr een t basis fo r i'lll .ma- ities nnd tho mnrkir.K up o f tho call iey rn tc to 0 per cen t n f te r . n re- •ai rn to o f 5, called n tton tion to the •onsing stringency o f tJio m onev ait. lon, which was alao reflected tn the lher dtiprecintlon . o f bond vnluea. Iinugh b rokers hnd been b id d in g 5 1-4 , b ankers nnking 5 1-2 per ccn t for e monov fo r somo tim e, fow Inrn*’IS a t tho h igher r n ‘.c had been mndc >r to todny, when sn rh fran- lona 'w ero reportod.

adcpondcnt atTcngth wns shown by iT.-il Ihsuch in th e i,il, rubber, aiigar

m otor ncceanorieH groupa. ^^arlnnd wna heav ily bonijht on th e nnnounce- it th n t Ihl- fon ipany hnd closed a Irnct w ilh tho S fnodard Oil com- y o f New .Tcrnpy w hereby o n e 'o f *h.« o r ’s su lf'id lnrics w ill piirc-lmse bo­on $.10,000,000 nnd $35,000,000 of aurplua crude nil and gasolino of

t r a d e * K A N SA S INCOM EP roperty vnluo $21,000.00, month-

incomo $200.00. in c ity 12,000, nr W ichita . K fo r good rm. W n A T H A V B Y OUf

ID A H O R E A L T Y CO.Bnrloy, IdAho

-----^ /H l i

1 ■I ^

SELY NEWS, TWIN FiIho company. Tho stoek jum ped 3 1-2 po in ts to ."3 T-1, a new peak pric<'. Unl- ifo m ia petroleum touehi-d 102 3-.S, alH<r. a new top, b u t la te r fell back Kharply,!' closing n l IV amaU fra<'JinnnT gnhi. l'h\l-1 lil>H l'otT<JU’flnt*TilHo ;,iui flu' ItarUHilnl isxuea were a trong b u t the .oUijjr oils were heavy.

K elly S|iriij;;fii>ldl I ’. S. Uublier nm! Loe T*rea all aoared »o now h i ; . l i . r w ords .bu t wcro nnable to mniiitn'in all Ihoir gains.

Somo o f tho indunfHal itrim i;' spots woro C luett-Penbody, (‘rnnby ,Mininr, Krcage. Cnso T hreshing Mncliiiie, South P orto Rican Suj;nr ami Union Hag and Paper, nn 1 3-4 to Ti points. Reynolda Spring , iSdhor Body and ’ A m erican Cot. ton Oil common nnd prcf«'rri'il wore nm ong tho oulatnndim r heavy apots. •

L ack of good buying anpport, eauaed m oderate rocoa.iiona In n tiiimber o f iIk* ra ils, p a rticu la rly CauaiVtnn I’nciflc,. Toxna und Pacific nn<l liinnivare and Hudson, b u t W estern M aryland aecond preferre<l-nioved u p ' . n \ r n pulnf.

TndicnMona fhaf the rc 'T u t rise in fh? F rench franc hail lieon too rnpld wen- Been in lo<lny’i) lO-pomt b reak fo n.fii! eonfs. Otlior eonfi'nentnl exclimmoa nlao w eakened sligh tly , while demnnd aterling was v irtnn lly unehanged, sell­ing jiw t nbovo $4.09.' .

G OVERNM ENT BONDSXLnv YOKK, M nrch 22 (/P)—L iberty

bonda closed:3 1.2.«t ..................................................?il01.30ira t 4 l-4s ........................................... H7.KISecond -t'l-tR ..................................... ‘.17.12T h ird 4 l-4a .................. -..._.............. 9S.80Kourtli 4 l-4« ..................................... H7.22Victor>" 4 3-4b («ncnll->d) ............. 100.00U. S. Treaaurj- 4 l-4s .................... 98.30 ,

(N 'oto)—L iberty bonda will be (juofod bc ren fte r in dollnrs nnd tbirty-.aeconda o f dollnrs, instead o f dollnrs and conta. Tlio fm ction will bo d-’signntetl by g iv . • jn g tho num erntor only follow ing n dccimni {>oint. F o r exam ple, 101.5-3-2 would bo 101.5.

Tlio decimal indic.itcs Ihirty-seconda, n o t hundred ths.. t

R E A L H S T A T E T R A N S F E R S '_____ 1

ra ia ls li« d h 7 tlie T w in r«U 8 T itle u A ]A b s trac t O o m p u y

Thursday, M arch 23 ' .P . Moon to B. r . Hoover, $1, lot 5,

bloek 1, Clinpm nn's au'.). , " Q ult-clnim -deed: .1. C lliib b s to B.

Wheeler, $1, 8 1-2 XW IJ-IO-IS.A. G reene to A. E. Cnldwell, $1, S E .

SW, S 1-2 SE 28, E 1-2 SW , E 1-2 NW nm d NW NE 33-15-17.. I

D. .T. Overen'«l to G. P nrgu , $GOOO, SE n3 E N E , S 1-2N 1-2SI-:N E , 18-10-17. „

A. B. B u tle r to .hw. Dunks, $1. SW -24-1M 7. :

C. C. Clino to same, $1, S 1-2 NW , i S’E N’W 1M 2-18.

Ja s . Dunka to C. Q. Clino, $1, SW NW2-1-11-18. Jl

Tho Pnoum oata M o n th . J M arcn is a typ ical pneum onia month

m d usually givea a high rn te of- mor- 1 a llty fo r lho disoaBc. A fte r a longind hard w in ter tho syatem loses nmcli n )f i ts reaiatance nnd people grow care-ca(i. W hen ovory cold, no m a tte r how kilight, 1.1 g iven prom pt nnd inte lligen t ~Itten tlon , thoro Is much leas danger of j,m cumoulo. I t should hc lionio iu m tnd *;hat pneum onia l«' a germ diaeaae nnd '• ireotlfl -in' tho th ro a t, Chnm burlain’sio u g h 'R em ed y ia an expecto ran t nnd I denna o u t tho germ Judonod mucus nndlot only curea a cold b u t p reventa lt> beauUlng In nncnnionin. I t is vleaaaut Po tnke. Chddren tnko i t wdllingly.— Jidv. 2

READ T H E D A IL r N E W a I.= = ^ = = s = s : ^ = = ^ =

• T E A P P E E S Coyoto akioB iu e higher. Soe oa

boforo you aoll youx ca trii. 'jE d Vonco and Sona,

PubUc M arkot ' ^

D o S o m e I n v e s t i g a t i n g

IV f R.J. of Walla WaUa.Wn-.had I" been a sufferer from Piles 25

ycaw. Read HIS letter and thc many others in the FREE illus­t r a te book which tcUs the true facts about such cases as yours— and about my non-surgical, pain­less, harmless treatment.Investigate m j rem arkable w o rk u a highly ipcrialtecd phTtldiin before ful> a o lb ln g to a o -c a l le d "b o rn e " aad “quack'* curea.

R«»aDbtf.B>ytiiatBMBisaaiet*o»tm ltoe8™ >kt*e*i

Send Jor FEES book.

D l t ^ W A S . J . D E A N


KNOWN ftM B W A S ------ ^ )

roof— Ah ^ v\ - f ■


i f o l R' ONE CENT PER W; A d v e r t i s e m e n t s u n d e r t h i s h t

I s o f a r d e v i s e d o f b r i n g i n g th e


I 1*()It s X i X o i f ’m - r \ f--^rrig .ite ilT iror ul.ll fr;ido fo r tow n property. Adrena W. X - care N v’wk._______

FOH SALK—W hy p.ny In te ro s tf '; nmni .seiiii-moderu liou!<e. P an try ni

c i'llnr; fron t peri-li and larj;o aleepii ' jHin-li. Lot '50 by 1-5 on' xouth ai< , Klreet, eloxe iu. Vrico $l2r,0; Terw i ^-0(1 down, biilaiice . 2 .'* per monlh. >

in tereat. A. II., Car'- Newa.FO R SA LE or oxehaii-iw-i.'-, „cr.

pou ltry and f rn it ranch. 2 1-2 milea on jwved road , e lectric nervico. AUbUH >n:»a wired. I'lione 5:i;iM.___________


The .“SW 1-t o f S E 1-4, 31-10-14, conln in ing 40 nerea, fo r aalo ut $100 P E It ACRE. rEHM S.

ir . s . r.EA LS,104 Lincoln S t. ' Twin F alls.


~ O R S .\L l> ^ M o d ei K. 44 Buick roa^ ator; only tw o yenrH’ servico on thl ear. A aiinp fo r cash. Oatea Auto C<

FO R SA L E —Doilge redan, $400; uae iJireo yeara. . Alao Ford sedan in ua fivo m ontha. $.'500 eaah. Phono 280. ~ M O R E FOR VOCR MONKV— I'reaTi L ite B a tte ry S ta tio n . &25 Shoahono 2: Phono 09.


FO R SA L E —Ton head good horses, aota liarnesa. Call 152 Second nv6. &phono 091W.___________________ .

FO R SA LB—15 brood sows; vvil B tart to furrow in a week to ten day* Theao nro Duroe sows, bred to a Duro bonr; a r In good condition fo r farrowini nnd nro not culls, .loo Kollnieyer, l m iles onst, 2 milea no rth o f northeas corner o f Buhl. Pho.TO 307, J 2.*“

FO R S A l i E - ^ I O K E K S AKD EOOi

FO R S A L l J ^ h i t o l ^ g h i j r n eg^ ' t o hatch ing , $1.00 fo r 15; Geo. 3 . F e rrj an d Oregon E xperim ental Farm breed Nono b e tte r . W. E . W allace, quarto milo Routh nnd five-ciglilhy coat o Foundry.

FOR BALE— H uff O r^ingtou e ^ nnd se ttin g hena. Phono 51,5.73.

1-XJR B A L l^ F o u r j.ionzo ticn lu r keys and gobblera. i'hono 503R11.

FORSALl-J— ilu te liin ^ egga, from se lected B arred Rocks, Tliompaon stra in $1.00 per acHlnif. IMione S031U1.

i-X)lt a A L li— Plym outli Uock egga f t ao tllng , fiOc. Phono .'il8.T2. •

iXJR SALB— WlUto L.e(rhoru h a t ^ log eggs, Larsen atrn in , from 300-egi peu, #1.50 fo r 15; $^.00 per hundred J lra . Cari E. W right, K im berly. Phou25R2.______________________ '

FOR*SALE^Uho<1o iBiaml Ued pul lets, hens and B etting eggs. Phoni fi.'iO R. P. 0 . B o t 754._______________


FO R SA LE— Round O ak range, whiti enamel bnck ; w-ill aell cheap. Call ri•105 Second avo. W._____________■■ FOU S A U E~— tn<icMnictU)lo wtrl

chaira nnd tablea, e lec tric ligh t fix tures a t The Poppy._________________________

EATLEOAD TIME TABLE( d t y o r M ountain T in e .)

Eftstbonnd.No. IM _____ D opart 7:50 ». mNo. 8 4 ______ D opart C:10 p. jo.

W astb o n n d .. _No. 8 3 ______ D e p a rt lr20 p. mNo. 15B - D e p a rt 4:20 p. a .


No. 839 ___D ep a rt 1:30 p. m.N orthbound.

No, 340 ______ A rriv o 4:55 p. m.

M A IL M A K E-U P.No. 150 a t 7 a . a .No. 83 a t 12 n .No. 155 o t 4p. m.Ko. 84 a t 5:30 p. a .Bogeraon b ranch a t 12 n>.

Tho foregoing m all mako-np l i operative and o ffee tivo under or­d inary conditions; I t a g reai am ount o f m ail shoald be droppod At abou t th e rogn lar c losing tim e it wonld bo in p o s tib lo to d ispateh tb« a o i l on tho precise hour.


NO* NO* --------H— l l 'C x A n t v t t i T O T - A n k H -


SDAY, MARCH 22, 192i

HORD PER INSERTIO:a d a r e a l w a y s a l i v e a n d a c t i v e

n e e d s o f a d v e r t i s e r s t o t h e a t t (


II FOI{ HENT— 10 acres p artly fiinilwI' ed, 2-roum houae. C:ill cvemngs. 13 _ ^^^tb avy. K. A . Katling.j. I.MPHOVKD fariiw“ fnr re iit.” C. Die

ford , rooms 3-4, Orpheum building.J. F o u IJK.NT— .'lO ^rreH or good^nTn„ fa ir biiildintja, 4 m iles north of .lerom, on graveled rond; crop rent. H.; Powerit. 252 Second nve. N. Phoue 37

FOU I tE N T -O o o d North Bido HO, r, in n lfa lfa . D r. W. U DwiL'ht, Tw:a PallB.I, — — . . . — ■L- FO B SALE—M liO E L L A N E O U S

- SEED PO’F A I’O E S ^ F o r re tu rn pot toea th is fall, special seliictiwl l ’rc fe rn atock for yield. Wo believo fliero ia i bettL'r on tliia trae t. l-’iguro w ith i beforo you decido vour deal. I’Uoi G50U, P . O. box 751.

FO U SALI->-2.-)-3-, carbine, good inow. $15. Phono 1001.1._________•

F U JtN IT U H E J’OH SA i.E — 111 Mui W., nex t door to Onaia.

' I F O U ^A L l-J— I'ijino, a tandard muki 'good condition, n t a ttrac tiv o Tirici

' Phono 958.M.j"i FO R SALE—Sonjo ex tra fin e N utte . Gem i>otutues from ceriiflL'd sood. Phon : 510J2.; ] FO R S A L E —A lfa lfa aeed, to s t HU.O-• ' a . E . Boone, h a lf m ilo w est o f Shoshon

s treo t briiigo.l'X)l{ S A U i^ S m a li chicken iloim

• cheap. Phono 247 or d32W.J-X)R S A L E —A lfn ifa hay, aecond cu1

■ ting , phono 518.14.. ■'UAN<iUET o r A rcadian range; w^I soli o ith er cheap fo r eusb or trudo fo jaom elhing th a t vou d o n 't w ant. Pliou'

\0U 1W , o r call ir.2 Bcc.oml B.[I -MILE JJlU ll grow n aeitl ]>otatoea

N etted Q^in c e rtified aeed, ca r lo t $1.1; cw t.; aamo aeed, two fiold inapectiona

, HOc cwt. Thoao iK>tatoes yioldi^l. OOi bu. per ncro last Hoaaoii. Iriah Cobblera

; nol corlificd , UOc cw t. Box 120, Ash■ ton, Idaho.________ __________

“ FAUM"EIW, N O TICEI OenulMO •Serti; fled T rium ph jw tatoea, $1.25 pcr bun . drcd. C o n frn c tin g ' u t 05c, sncka fur

niahed. Soe na fo r particu lam . A. 'i'I I lunnon Produce Co. J . E. W intern . manager. FOU SA LE— V ictrola w ith records [barga in fo r qu ick aalo. llJO Addiaoi ] ave. E. . . .

C ia v i lF lH l i DIOKI.OW w vd w heal |f>l lbs. per buahel te a t; $2.50 p e r hun [dred aacked. Also onion aeed, 75c po jib. H. 0 . Lind, q u a rte r milea w eat .oShoBhone at. bridge.___________________

, FOU SA L E — L a rf^ “ L lo y d " bab;carria t'e , $15. l^ iono 1034.

I UUUb .MA.IEST1C range fo r salu ju a t na good aa now. Soo J . E . W hitt

, K19 Mnin nve. east.FO R SA L E — Bicycles, tricyclfli

tlroa a n d accossoriot. W o m o r 't B« p a ir Bhop. 224 Sccond Bt. E __________


^ F U R N IS H E D ' I lO U sY , 5 " roopiB; t<ren t. A rth u r L. Swim.________________

i 'o u R EN T—L ig lit liousekeopini .apartm en t. C entral building, phoni1205. _____________________

i 'o u KENT—Furniahed room, mod oni. 502 N qrfh M nin.

BA K ER ROOMS—B ulbs 25c. 448 S M nin. f

; “ FOU UENT— N icely f u r ^ i o d roomn in modorn homo for ren t. 51j Second avo., W. PJiono 1213M.

FO it UENT— N icely lu rnunod room w ith b oard ; tw o gentlomon p referred121 Seventh nvo: S . ‘ Phone 12.14.___

FOU U EN T—Threo room fum U hot a partm en t, $15.00 por month. B nngn low A partm onta, Socond Avo. and SU S t. E .


FOR R EN T—Six-roo.n modern bouse 22S N in th nvo. N. Phono 707.

i 'o u R EN T—(j room houau, 1 bios, from high school. Pbono 635,/.

m o n ! ^ t o ^ a n

'^F A iSn.,bA N ,"$"f,O 0 ';~ on f irs t n iir tga>:e. Exchange H calty Cft.__________




^P O S IT IO N WANTiOn as h o u '^ k ^ - bv midrlle-aged wonmn. Call a t 03( Thir.l ave. W.____________


W A N TED —Woman to work bv th< (la>-. Call a t 20G E lnhth ave. N. ’

/ W E t u . AI ( H E W A !

T T Al1 / . ■ T s r o '

[ L ^

J B i iv s a .

i wsr — ANB WORTH ITI, a n d c o n s t i t u t e t h e b e s t m e a m i

in t i o n o f r e s i d e n t s o f S o u t h I d a h a


hj W a n t e d — lOO w oven wiro.*' have y ouf O. R., cnro Nowa.„ WANTEI>— gooil .Inrsny r»nw I-' W hito L egliorn chickens. Pliono 05W.

WANTED— Good wlTTui iiotatoob.'ll, Call Uf*. C. U C'oour:i<l, phono 1212,e, Twin FalU . ■ , ' j- \V^\N’n ; i T r o IITTy" i- 'um iture . DUIW i- or call J52 weeond S." W A N T E D -U ae .l For.U ; ‘will poy

cjiali. 1 i-au UM! ten Fords. C entral _ Gara;;c.

WA.NTEI)— lloouierv; iilno lublt»^ b.inrdiTH. 121 Seven th N. Phono 1234.I- KIHK c l e a n i n g CO. w aata-----tod clean riiKa, navn jos and upholstering.0 All work guaran teed . Cnll 152 Socond la .Snulh. Phono 991 W.

,To"uii7y — 5Ti _ kinda. J . A. F ly n n , pbono 7S2R.


" TO P CASiT p iTi CE paid fo r nil kinda . o f poultry . W ill enlt t« i lu rgo loin. E d ■» Vnneo nnd Sons, P ub lic M arket, phone

1753.' CALL.444W fo r your tfarden plowing.

‘ l i ’ YOU w nnt to look, y o u r beat iia«>- Franco-Am ericun H ygienic p repara-

_ tiona. Call a t 251 F irtJi uvc. E. Phono- i. 12l4.r.“ W ATKlt TtJ U E N T -4 0 t”o 100 share*. tor th a seaaon. Cnn bo usecf anyw horo ,'"on tho trac t. A rth u r L. Swim , T \rin

Falla.• UOAUU A.NU R O O M -la ^ S ix th avo.

E . Pbone 181W.■ E . D. KELLOGG, agont fo r L a t l - ' ' f m or'a Dry A rsonato of l.,end fo r spray-■ m aterinl. Cnll pbono 050R; P . 0 . box . ____________________________________1 cTTu t A IN S w aslio l or strotcboO- ' Phono 225.1.

>j •____________LO ST /

liOST—K ey rin g w ith several koyB. • 'A lao tool box full, of toola o f f running* board o f car. Pleaae le tiirn ^ to NoWi<

. ' o fficc. Reward._______________________• I lyOST—.Metlium aVzed eanieo pin, oQ . K im berly rr*ad o r in busineaa section., Phone 502 fo r rew ard .. I LOST— P air iif bo:iu-rimmed .noso ; glaaaea in b lade caae. RcAvard. R eturo I to 222 S ix th avo. E .___________________

■i Thu Nowa ia read b y tho porm anont ; ea rn ing clnage«.________________________

P R O F E S S I O N A L ’

; a t t o r n e y s ”

. HODOIN, ST E P H A N & NO RTH , A t-i tornoys, 13Q Bhosbono E aat.' a P . DA V IS, A tto m o y . Orphoum Bldg.• O. O .'H A IiL — .New Orjdieum Bldg.’ JO H N W, GRA H A M — Lawyor« B onk it

T rust B uild ing Phono 035-R,1 A SH ER B. -W UiSON— L aw yer. ■

HO M ER 0 . M H .I^ B o y d ~ B u ild ln g . ' ■; SW E E L E Y <L S W E E L E Y — A ttornoya

a t Jnw. P rac tico in a ll courta. Twin ; FaMs, Idaho .; J . ' h T w IS E —L aw yer. O ff ic o s - I to o a *

0 and 7, over T w in FaUa B onk * T n ia t Co., Tw in F alla . Idnbo._______ '



AOETYLENe ’ ^W E L D IN o ' — V ictory Garago W elding W orks. A m oney

, back g uaran tee. Daiy and niR ht aorv- ice. Phono 225R. - i l l Second nve. S.


I B lacksm iths, welders, bo iler m okerii m athinlB ls, inanufnctiirrT ii; suppUea of a ll k inda; at;en ts A ltm an-T aylor M achinery Co. K rengol M aehino C o ,

. phono 1202. 210-250 Sccond ave. 8. P A IN T IN O

; P A IN T IN O , K A I^ O M IN IN O AND paper hanging nnd aign. p a in ting . AU

: w ork g uaran teed . Phono 410. T in t­ing a Bpccinlty.


w S S b w ^ b l j v S S —w in ’d "shields^ net w ork. M oon’s Shop. Phoge S.


. T w 5 T T ^ A i x s ~ T n o 'B * 'B E P ^ ^ S 5Shop. 132 Shoahono W eal Shoet to- paired whilo you w a it, a i pre-w ar

r pricea, and all w ork guaran teed .' T B A N S F E B .

CROZIER T R A N SFE R CO. Pnone 348.C n lin i; , StornRe, and Lil’o rtv coal.

M cNIOHOLS T R A N S F E R ft STO R A O a —Oarbago hauled d a ily . Phono £00.

B y H . F . O 'N E T L l

lYHOW I KM^W\ O N E OF T H t ) .



C l e v e r S t u n t s a n d A t t r a c t i o n s

A g a i n H o ld I n t e r e s t a t C lo s -

• i n g o f M e r c h a n t S h o w

W ith p rin c ir 'il« cuv-ourngoil l)jr tlio support i;ivon n t th c firKt ahowint; and w ith nnotlipr capac ity audionco iiroHont, tho Foi’ojiil ]>rcBuutntion o f tho mor* cbnutfl’ cnm lviil w as frivcni iljy tJio Tvvi'ntloth Cfiitupy chili Thur«diiy nlfil't n t t l 'c M iiho tlica to r, n inrkinn a fu rth e r ncliicvoiiiont o f tho r.omtmini».y irpiritcd- nr«a o f thoHo who hiivo jilnimod und ca rried o u t Iho proKriini.

TIjo n rrnuR cniuiif (if tlio Thtirndtiy• evenlnR pro;:ram wnx tlio minio ns ou

W odnosday ovcninf* b u t w ith tlio oxper- icnoo o f k>no'aj>po:iranfc tlio inuiiborn w ero Dioro offoctlvo ly nrciionlcfl.i—A fow Blisht cIuiHKO.i and iidditionH wore mado to th e im provom ent o f llio <'i>i’niu« eliow.

Tho proRrnm was ngnin opened by thi* U u tc li Bong lod by M rs. W. 11. Dwijrht, DHdiHU'(Vl>y M rs. K. 0 . P lurtlcvnnt,F lo rii R oth , M iss D ora R oth , M rs. V. T.

' KoIIokk, M rs. Mtiffiiire, Mias >’nith 6n lk o , Mina lincillo Wolfo nnd M rs. N. J . Kocfor. Tho o th e r num bors wcry preaented nccordintf to Hchodiilo nr.d tJjc /rtflljJon bJjovv closed tbo pro;7rani.

MomborR o f tlio Tu-cntioth C ontury club recoivod numerouH oxproBBlonB o f priiiHO nnd eongnituliitioiis fo r tlioir e ffo r ts and liundrodH of persons whn nlto jided tho two progrnm s le f t w ith tho

• conviction th a t T w in ’ F a lls m orchnnt- n rc iip tfi-dn to in ovoty respec t. Thc com m itteo o f rh ib m embors iu clmrg" o f tho even t \yns composed o f M rs. C. .T. Rchroodcr. preKidoiit « f tho club ; M rs.

■ E . M . W tilfo, M rs. W . II. Clour.liok, Mrn.II . C. O i'lte rt, VfH. E nfl A lw orth nnd Mry. T. E . iru n tc r .

P roceeds from , tho carn ivn l w ill bo dovotw l to th e g o n fn il fund of thC TAVentictli C cn tu jy elub to fu r th e r th e nims o f tlio orcaiflr.ation. -Assifttance ' w ill bo piven tlio Bov Scout financial d riv e nnd tho d i.itric t loan srlio larsh ip ; plan ns tho tw o pro joets o f imiiortnaPH '

on llio enlondnr o f tho club ' fo r th e p resen t season. j

Officers Find Booze iThree Gallons of Liquor Taken j

and iPrank Kinnoy A rrostod < by S heriff’s Forces |

ActivUioH nf tli.i B lioriff's offico W odnosday jiiRlit und T hursdny r e ­su lted lli thn «eizuro of throo gallons o f liquor and tho n rre s t o f F ra n k K innoy, aliogod ow ner, n t C astleford .

A rriv in g ati Cft.stU’t'or(l W odnosday n ig h t D epu ty S lie riffs H nm ilton nnd Q abhnrt noufiaoaloil tho w ot goods u t ®

’ K in n e y 's garago , ucoordiiig to tho ir • ropo rt. Thoro w as no ovidcnco o f a Btill. •

K innoy w as n o t p rosont {it tho tim e l o f tho f i r s t v is it o f tho o fficers, h u t \ w as a rre s ted on h is ro tu rn to Cnatlo- o n l Thursdny . Tho a r re s t wns mudo by S h e r if f I-'inch nnd D eputy O ablm rt. Tho prisoner, wlio wili broiiKlit hero • la to T huraday n ig h t, is hold it\ thu county ja il.


- C H A R G E A G I N S T F O W L E R '

ProsecutlQ g A tto m o y Ooiislders P la n to ?U o M otion In F a v o r o f Defend* o n t; Schoduled H o a rin g P ostponed ^

Tho hoaring on m otion fo r disnuKHal 'frnm d in tr ir t ro u rt o f s tiitu to rv chargor .i.t;ainf.t. F loyd W . l o w l j r thnrH duy ‘iiiiiruing w as postponed on account o f . th e triiil o f 1. \V. M eyer on a g ra n Jlar.-i-ny .-liurg.*. ,

I t WIIH iiiiilerslood lh a t n m otion fo r tdiMi.i>sal w ill be filed F rid n y by tho ‘prosrr-utioci. .t. W. T n \h ir , proBocuting j'iittoriH-y, h:i<l not d.-fiuifoly <lccidod j, bis cdurso. l.u t ho s tn ted that" a inotion

. wmild 'iircilialily be filed and Fow lor rc- n rrm li'd .

I'liarloH A. N orlh , counsel fo r Fow ler tn»ii M rs. .Ni.orni K lliioa, a rrcste .l w ith TFouli-r. iisUcil tlm t thn ehargo ag a in s t "F ii« lc il lu- dlHmisKod w hen his cnso np- «

. I 'i'ared fo r tr ia l Tuesdav m orning. Tho *itioli<iii u ;is filed on (},'o grounds tlin t «Mrs. V iri;liii:i Fow ler, w ifo of tho d .- !■fr tiilan t, and who sw ore to th e rfun- ''p la in t, was iiic 'im j'otont to te s tify engninat her bim lm m l v

W I L L D I S T R I B U T E S E E D S ‘

T w in F a lls ' C onaigm nent on H an d e t u Oountjr A g e n t 's O ffice to be G iven tl O a t to I<ocal Q a rd ese rs v

Local res iden ts who havo long cn- b joyed tho brncvolcnco o f congress in ti tho d istrib u tio n of free garilon seeds t' are not- tn lio d isappoin ted th is year.

Thc n a tionn l l.iw -niaking exocntive^ Jiavo ohtn incd a fa irlv good ciuota fo r n TwJn F a lls nnd the seeds n rc now on ti l:nnd ttt th e offico o f IJ. K. Brossard, ~ <ounty farm ngent, fo r d is tribu tion . _ T he allo tm ent ro n tn ia s an nsnortm cnt o f b ec ti, c a rro ts , tu rn ips nnd o th e r vn- rle tiea o f garden vege 'ab lcs .

N O TIC ED o n ’t m iss th e b ig Eastei’ ifom l.iy .

dance,-j:iven l i v th e Catholic lad ies, in 1. 0 . O. F . h a ll. A pril Good tim e— good music.— adv.


N'ew o sd U sed F n m itu rfr—l>ow S e a t Low Price*

A . H . V i n c e n t C o m p a n yPbiuw «06 .215 Shosbona S t. Bo.

r ^ A S L J . M U iL E B o f O aotlerord, ^ fo rm er re p re sen ta tiv e Arom T w in F a lls c9U nt7 In th e Id ah o leglAla* turo , w h o -h a s declined th e appo in t­m en t a s B tate com m issioner o f c ttltu re ten d e red b y O ovem or Mooro.


IN G O V E R N O R ’S C A B I N E '

form W o rk S tan d s In W ay o f A( coptance b y CasUeford M an o f A j p o la tm o a t a s Oommissioner

B O ISE , M arch 121!.— (Special to Th 'Jew s.)—C arl .1. M ijler o f Castlofori las boon tondorod, tho position o f s ta t ;f-mini.H.Hiouor o f agrleu lturo by 0«v iriior Mooro.

CnrJ J . M ille r, i„ Twin F a lN Thuri Iny, staged th u t iho had boen tonderoiIio position o f eouniiidsionor o f agri ulturo, b u t th a t he had dcclinod th ppuintm ont.“ 1 npprociato th e lioiior o f th is n;i

iiiin tm cnt,” sa id M r. .Miller, “ b u t m; a rm ing iut'oroHtn aro luch th a t I wa ohipollod to decline tho poaltioir, ■ ac t which I rogro t. I havo a lw ays /e l Iiut tho ponltiou carried w ith i t a splen id opi>ortnnlty fo r rc il sorvieo to thi arm ors, und lit tho hands o f tho xigh inn could bo m ado of'tlio h ighest vnlui [> tho h g rlcn ltu ra l ia te re s ts o( th e s ta te 'ho previous Incum bent a p p a ren tly sav i t to uso tho o ffice ns n moanfl o f fnr licring h is p o litica l a^i’irutioim ratliei lian UH n moaiiH o f sorvico to th e pcopli nd tho roault bas licou u n fo r tu n a te foi vvrybody conco rnod ."

f P e r ^ y o i L c l I jBusiness M an H ero -C linrlos .Tohnnoi

t A m erienn F u lls , wns hero ou busi ess T hursdny .

V is its a t FU er— Mr?. B ird Cox lefi hursday ' to v is it o y ir F r id a y nnd S u l rd ay w ith M ra. Volma S ykes a t F ile r

H o re on BuslnosA—V.’. E. iru h b a n nd J . E . llttidonroleli o f H anson won I T w in F a lls W ednesday on liuslnosa

U c e n se d to W eft—Russell O. P enn ing in o f K im berly nnd Ivo V. H aw kin ' I Duhl w ero grnntod a m nrriago Ii Miso ycsto rdny .


(C ontinued P rom Pago One.)

ract d id prov ido fo r in sta llin g n nev ) t o f books.TJjo niJiyor th en wjovpiJ th a t Jho ctti

ay M r. W olfenden thc $500 duo biu ad le t th e n u d it go ever to th e new ilm in ifltra tion .. Mr. All thon askei tto rnoy D avin if- tho m ayor had th< g h t to niako a m otion to * tb a t effec t orthcouiinir legnl advico w as to thi rfc -t th a t tho m nvor h ad .th e r ig h t un 'SH u m em bor o f tho i-r.mmisHion rose U p o in t o f o rder, whicfi wns n o t dono.

H old .1 O u t B alance.M r. T u ck e r n t th is point urgod tltai

10 au<lit 1.C le f t to new o f f ic ia l H-ommendliig. th a t it l.e done by >r.n.,f .tb o local accoun tan ts whom ho i-ia« fied as h a v in g I,een an tngoni.stic t< 10 p resen t ad n iin is tra lion . M r. .\l cpress'oil th c opinion lh a t ‘th e niayoi ;is bad lionor-4 oiio;>i;li aud th a t ’ il ould bo boHt to c liviilo’witli th e new tv offteinN . T he m a ite r w as settle.I itJi (Jie iJec-ision (i> (iav ,\(r. V’olfi-n.feti ion on ne.-oiint and Mie balan.-e when 10 books nro In sta llid . - A s a n-sult o f tho n-at nn tho lib rnrv lild ing lu iv ing bi'on reduced to'$;H) a on th th e coiimiission favored re ta in in /o pn -sen t <]unrtvrs. A tto rn ev D.ivi- ns authori/.-'il to fii.. an o rd r r ’ fo r dis isse.l w ith projudi,-c -if i-lnims brongli* ,• tw o local m ea t m arkets fo r ins|.ec. un fees pai.l u nder-a lo rn ie r adm inii- a tion .

I/> ST —T w enty -five do llars ($2.1) of d io d y ’s m oney. F iu 'lc r pleaao re tu rn

Id ab o I ’ow cr Co. m d receive rew ardadv. ] SSIB

M ail O rders 1

New Arrivals Womei

Jn st in— P aton t Y s tra p p qu arte r, low m b b e r 1


~ - f i 2ioe B epo lz ln s

Must Plant Seed Fii e Ibm Weeds

Value of High, Testiig Stool fo r Planting Urged by 0 . E Ahlson; Offer F ree Analyst

A lthough te s ts o f fciuall s<ieds mo, , show thoifl to b o '00.5 p t r cout puro, th

rem ain ing .5 p e r cen t m ay contni: onough weed sood to jeopurdizo un ei: tiro crop, accord ing to C. D. Ahlsor sln to nood conim issioucr w iih tho e> tension dopartm ont. A{r.' A hlson r<. ttirn s to.I^oisu F rid a y or S a tu rd a y ,a f to h av ing boiiio "'i^" eb'ntact w ith fa rm er nnd soed dea le rs hero fo r (litf p a s t tw <Jay» u rg ing h f t tc r o i aocds top lnn ting . • • ,

“ Uso o f c e rtif ied sood is tho b est in suranco ngninnt Bpronding w oods," s la t od M r. A hlson. “ I linvo found thu doalors hero ns n rulo bavo beou carefu in o ffe r in g seed fo r p lan ting . Grower buying tlK ir soed from othor fa rm en howovor, nro tak in g a i lsk on tho buc cess o f th e ir crops an d thoy should b absoluttily aure a s to quality .

“ G row ers w ill f in d : t to th e ir ndvnn tago to send a slimplo o f tho sood th e ’ in ten d to plnn t to tho lab o ra to ry o f th stu to u n ivers ity . H a lf a cupfu l w ill b su ffic ien t, and ju s t a t th is tlm o ro tum

^ cnn bu mndo on to sts w ith in fo u r o fivo d n y s.”

Soed te s tin g 09.5 per cont puro mn; contnin enough w eea seed to resu lt li

r tho g row th o f nbout 300 noxious weed p e r acro on n hnsiit o t 10 ponncla o t ncui

to th e acre , M r. Ahlson said.

■ M E Y E R F O U N D N O T G U IL T 1

Oaso e n T ria l fo r Tw o D ays Cniml ' n a te s In V erd ic t fo r D ofendan t oi

O raad L a icen y C harge •

A 'onlict o f n o t g u ilty w as rot^iriiei n t o 'c lo ck T hursday n ig h t in thi (rJnt o f frv in W. Moyor In d istric

eou rt on u cliurgi) o f f.Tand larceny fo d isposing of pnrtn und nccessorlos o

a m ortgaged nutomobibi. Tho coso w a given to thc ju ry abou t 5 o ’clock.

Tho cnso hns been on trln l fo r thi ' pnsl tw o days. Moy-'r is nlleged ti ' havo sold a b a tte ry , w iudshlald nuc J aovernl i m t s und nccessorlos o f thi ‘ nutom obilo. F rn n k .Mayer, who is ac

ciised o f ‘cojiiioctlou w ith tho nllogoc• un law ful aales, is to bo tr ied no x t wool■ on a chnrgo o f rt^coi/ing sto len prop• orty.

Un account o f h is partic ip a tio n i> tho foreclosure o f tho m ortgago on tin

I autom obilo, J . W. T aylor, prosoeuting■ n tto rn ey , w as d isqua lified a-s prosecutoi• a ad F rn n k I* S topban was ajipointci

to t ry tho enao for tb e s ta te . Moyoi w as represen ted , by T u rn er K. H nck

Potato Growers to ■ Form Orgamzatior; Twin Falls M an Takes Leac

Tow ard S tate-W ide M arket ing Association

! F o r tho purposo o f advnncing n s ta to . w ldo orgnn ization , po tn to grow ers ol

th is d is tr ic t liavo boen inv itod to a tte m . a m eeting n t P n rish hall M ondny n ig h t , Tho m oeting is boing held ns a rosull . o f e ffo r ts mndo n t B lackfoot a n d ’in th i

B urley d is tr ic t to form nn o rgan ira tio / th roughou t -tho s ta te to m ark e t ]>ota tooa indoperidently o f p resen t m arkot in g ngenclos, nccording to reporti reach ing local growers.■ I ’lana nro to sound o u t th e aontimen

. boro in reg a rd to incorporating th< grow ers in the Tw in Fnlls d is tric t in ti

. th e goneral org.anir.atian. Tho m eetinj , w as called by 0 . C. l lu lj o f Tw in Fnlls

1 AT- THE HOTELS> llOGBRlsON— Ed n . Baker, S t. I.nnis• C. !■:. H agelberg , p . E. WicRo.t, W I lIolli-iibai'l\, W. .r. Coleman, .!. A. Gor

lish and wifo, C. F. l{uth, S a lt l*\ko C. I!. K lingeusm itli, A. .C Stanbiirv . ii 1). .lefferson , B. C.. IJiissell. .1. B. .Me I.ain . Boise; 8 . .1. Xcubi-rgcr, ( 'hienyo

: I F ran k .Moi lou, M ilw aukee: .1. L. .Mor ;ri-on , Los Angele*; ( l. 'R v d c r , Denver]

, W illiam T. K iagsley , L . 'g': .\tanill, Cop ; perfio ld , O re.; S. N*. Gla.ns, M urphy

Iilaho; (iliv Vieki'rs, lla irorm an: Set! A. M eA llisler, llorM-nlioo Bend. Mnlio:

: W. L. H all. Ontario-, Ore.; W illiam h C'l.-irk. E m m ett, Idnho; C. C. Malch OyiJe/i; CJj.irJes W. BnrJow. H axelton; C. J . M ille r and wif.., O astleford.

P K R R IN f^ A . X. .\!-'!lin.i, Shoshone; E 11. M orton, .1. A. V ivan ttes , J . S Y undt, Halt L ako ; Ij. M. Stegor, Ed w ard Bloomer, I’ocatello ; H. M. .Butler, Ogden; E. Iv G ilbert, C. E. BrvnnI and w ife, F . Faulk . Halph W nkli, E V. L ittle , Boise; A ugust Nelson, Unri- m io; E. A. Sperbcr. i’o rtlan d : CharlesF . Go.hs, A m erican F a lls ; H . D. Wood, R idgw ay, 111.

C lassified ad v e rtis in g Is th e cheap ­est th in g you ean imv—mo.-iaured bv tlie iirofitn i t m ay b r in g you.

•rompUy F illed

l’s Pumps at $4.85

Waamp, p a ten t vamp, bamboo iieel—-W hy pay more?

! R S H O E C O .lODEL

In C onneiaioa------

, S o c ie tyl o E d ited -b y U rs . R B. W Ullanu

Telophone 300.

C om plim enting M rs. E . R . V a n ' B . who hr loaVing T w ih Fulls to mak' ,4- homo a t L an d o r, W yo., M ra. <

Howlos o n to rtn ln ed u t a cha i bridgo p a r ty W eiinesday hftcrnoo

oy her homo On P o p la r nvonue. Thero ho six tab le s o f p layora, nnd Airs. Van tin rocclvod a .d a in ty guest prize,311-' honort fo r high acoro w en t to M r s . ! )n, M itcholl. FoU aw iiig tlio cnrd g sx- a delicious t^To•cou^so luncheon re- served a t tbo sm all tab les, hnvioj ;or ccnterpioces cryst-ul c iind ioatic lu >rs log yellow candles, Tho m enu kvo ca rr ied o u t tho yollow color scl ’o r M rs. B ow les w ns as.^istod in ae

by Misn iCfltherino Casoy, M iss In. M ather nnd M iss K uth F lynn , it* rooms woro m ost a ttra c tiv o w ith < a t ti t ie s o f sp r in g flow ais.»ui ----------

Tho sen io r ^ r l a 'o f ttio O reen W hito m o t T h u rsd n y evening nt

>c* jiomo o f M ias D oro thy Simpso be E le v e n th avonuo oast. Tho assi:

hostessos w cro tho M isses Consl ■n- H ill, A dn Jo n sen , Ju n o M organ, oy nieo K o lly nnd M arg u ro t M cAteo. ho tho cloao o f n p le a sa n t socinl ov( be ro freshm en ts w cro served, n s

M rs. Doan M ille r on te rta inod Sham rock club T hu tbday a f t e r The homo w as b ea u tifu lly doco: w ith E aflter lilies and tcn mombon

, , ono guest, M rs. I r n Fullo r, sp en t i ligh tfu l social a f to m o o n , d u r in g v a novol guessing co n test w as enji Mrs. Skillm an b e in g tho successful

’Y to s tan t. B eforo ndJoiiTnment ro f nients woro eorvod nnd E a s tc r wcro g iven a s fav o rs . Tho noxt i

i J 'f i n g w ill bo holl] w ith M rs. E . II. on s tead on A p ril 5.

Mr«. P . D .,K in g sb u ry w as bostc ed tho H igh land V iow club W odnesda ho ten ioon . M rs. F rnnlc H icks w as a | c t nnd fou rteen m em bers responded tt o r call w ith q u o ta tio n s o f th o ir own co o f sitioiiR. D u rin g th o tran sac tio n o f a s ness M rs. M an ifo ro waii -wolcomo

memborHhip, nnd nrrungem onts he com pleted fo r rv p n rty to bo Jiold P i to evening, M nrcli 30, n t tho hnmo ol tid and M rs. E lb o rt F^illor. Foliow inj he business session tw o flo ra l g ue ic- contests wcro g iven under lho le; ud sh ip o f M ra. p lo y d B andy. P rize s uk won b y M rs. S ch m id t nnd M rs. D ay p- ligh tfu l re freah m en ts wero sorvec

tho hostess nnd tho club ndjournc in m eet A pril -I w ith M rs. 0 . Oatorlollie ---------- 'lg Tlu* Episeopal Q nlbl m ot T hur o r n ftornoon In th o socinl room n t tho cd Ish hall. A sh o rt business seasion or held nnd thti tlm o w as sp en t w ith k- ing. Tho Ouild w ill nof; m eet n e x t •

and tho w oek fo llow ing n ton wi niven b y M rs. J a m e s R. B othwoll limo anil placo to bo nnnounecd la t

A N N O tJN O E M B N T B .

n Tho d ram n n m l li te ra tu re d ep art o f tho T w en tie th C en tu rv club w ill « card p a r ty S a tu rd n y a fie rn o o n a t

J i r tho nusinesB W o m en 's c lub re ^ Any la d y d es irin g to m ake rosorva t - fo r n tab lo is requested to te lep

M rs. M . O. R lp loy , whoso tolop num ber is -iClW. B ridgo nnd will bo p layed .

.0- -T he reg tila r .m eetin g o f tho Bro

hood o f A m erican Ycomon w ill bo ,• F r id ay n ig h t n t tb o B usiness nnd 1* foHsional W om en’s c lub rooms n t i'c o 'clock.5»l - - -

8 a l t F ro m Pale«ttno. ts P re p a m tlo n s n rc being made^ to

ta in s a l t f ro m .th e se a on n h irgo g n t a t A th llt, nb o u t tcn mllc.n soutl

H aifa , in i ’u lo slliie .—S d en tlflc An • “ ran .Ig _________________

D A rB Y M E N . A T T E N T IO N lA m ooting o f im portnn ro to nil i

ested in nny w ay in da iry in g Is c fo r T uesday evening , M arch i o ’clock, n t th o co u rt houso. A t m eeting questions w ill bo ausw ored

' • in fo n n a tio n o f nil so rts rcgai-ilinc in d u stry w lll be g ivon out. I t will

J’,* von tn a tto n d .(S igned)

C O M M IT T E E O F D A IRY M E»: - a d v .r ; ------- , ■ , =

s D E F E IP

r. J u s t a s dependable as iw these tra d e m arks on y<PS

: (M achines -bearing thes

npon to m ake good on t tended. They ore made and D ecring binders and good. Besides—

You Can AlwaysLook fo r these tra

-------Fnll tin e McOcT w n r r A i L S : :

I . ■■

r [ W E A T H E R S T A T I S T I C

H E L E N A , M ont., M nreli 22 . .Max. M in. T

H a v r e ______________ 44 - 1 8H elena ----- ;.-------- iO 126 '

3 o tt, K a l b p o i l ___________40 24' hor MUea C i t y ____;___ L 44 10!. P . C algary ______ ______ 44 18

Chicago ----------------- 54 42a Los A ngelos Ti 50woro n c u Y o r k ________ 4 W 42C ott P o r t l a n d ____!_____ «*G4 42»hllo e t . P au l __________ 28 10■I* 0 . San F ra n c is c o ______ 08 48m ies S o a t t l o __ _______ 5U 38w as Spoknne __________ .'iO CO

: tor W il l is to n ____ L ...... - 38 0iold- . ,l ______

T » in F a l l . --------- 4G . M\ ln g[tutli W oathor C onditions; Barom otoi Tho. r is in g in th e ' northw est; and ten uan- tu res in tho -sta tes a re h igher th

th is tim o yeste rd ay . H ow over, 1 w estom C anadian provinces ton

andtjm a long tho n o rth P ac if ic coast, wh J on tho m ountaina und in th e pro ' ta u t h eav iest be ing in Ca nnjp Iduho PorocaBl— F rid a y : F a ir . H er. ----------

ninir T he second dny o f sp rin g ap f to havo p u t T w in F a l ls ’ w oathoi in a moro ngreoablo mood Thurada tcm peratu ros w oro con»ldorably I th a n on W ednesday.

F orty-aix degrooa w as maxlmui tho d ay and w ith low a t 20 dogrei

, “ javorngo o f 30 degrees represent* I*';’ ndvnnco o f e ig h t degrees ovor tli

W ednesday.

■osh- L A W Y E R S H O L D B A N K E I

-T O T I E G A M E - O N A L LDim- _____

(C ontinued F rom P ago F our

'* gamo nnd uaed only ono hand ti ' tiio ball. H n rry hnd high avorafi

.the tw o gam os w ith 101.npo.nisi- P h il F ix camo to lifo w ith 35; 1 to 102. Phil''B cnt thom down in u ,7 oru and -tho p ins fo il from fr ig h t.Iday --------—M r. Bill Bailoy w ont th rough tho tho 'g:iines w ith o u t-n n error, and .yo

sing v,-;i« hi.s h ig h 'm n rl:. B ill mndo ei der- (.plits in th e tw o • gam es to biai »ero averago bow ler six nionths.De- ----------

, “ H o o la " L inv illo a w ra g c d 10* thc tw o gam es and would have nve

laoro If he hnd mrtdt) b igger scon

p S B O W L I N G L E A D E R S U P

?cok K olocke a n d Jaco b s B ell In to 1 bo P la c e .In D oubles W ith T o ta l o f

tho Iq M ilw aukee Totm uunentsr. ■ ' — , I

M IL W A U K E E , M areh 22 p lete upsets in tho loaders o f tho blc» and single ovonts fo-attiro<

nont I d a y 's p lay iu lho Am erican bo give eongrosfi to u rnam en t. F . K olackt 2:30 J . Jncobs o f M ilw au k ee ,' rolled oma. f i r s t plneo in tho doubles w ith n ions o f 1205.lono W . K ubnsnik o f Grnnd R apids■ one tho h ig h m an in tho sing les wh< 0 0 " swept- tho n lleys fo r n G88 count,

lng th ird plnco.Tho s tnndings:

her- F ivo-m nn:held petcrson-PnTkw ays, C h icag o .......Pro- W ngncr’s A ll-S tars,'M ilw aukee....7:30 W eisnor Potorson, C h ic a g o ____ _

P eo p le’s Icc Cream , C h ic a g o .......DoubloR:

F . K olncko n n d J . Jaco b s, M il-ob- • w aukoo ...................................... —...

E . M ueller nnd S. Sum m ers, Mil-•"i® waukoo ......... ... ................................ .

, J . P r a t t and W . M.acDougall,cri- D e tro it ......... ...................... .............

S ing les: .K . Schnrio, C anton , O h io ...............E lm er M ilwaukor, _________W. K ubaslnk , G rand Rnpids

illeil ■7, S —till.. H A V E Y O U E IiTINOHnnd A T H E E B S T & BA M B O ’SthiH Oood scrvlco; delicious coffoo pny S |iocial ovory dny—S teak 8:

w ich, l-lc. H o t pics, lo ts o f o: , good things.


^DABLEM Bth e Sterling m ark on silver ar< u r farm equipment.

i trado marks can bo dopendc<1 0 w ork fo r which they are in

by tho m akers of McCormicl mowers. You KNOW they ar«

Get Repairs For Themie m arks before you bny.

i v —:/ EA<T I

rmick-D eering D ealer-------: : : : IDAHC

“ E X H I B I T I O N B A S E B A L L

------^ OliLANDO, F ln ., W E . H .0P>— Clovoland A m ericana ------ — 3 0recip.'- C ineinnnti N a tiona ls ----------4 10

Bnttoriess Sm ith, Covelskio nj ^ M yntt, Q 'N eill; Luque, B lx e / ai

H argrave, Wingo.BRADE.NTOW-V, F ln ., {/P) • B . H.

•— S t. Louis N n tionals ....... 8 15I P . Boston N ationa ls ...................-1 0

B uttorlos: Sherdel,* Sell, . Baxto -TZ and M cCurdy, ' A insm ith , Clomoj •01 ■ Ooschger, M cN am ara, Qonowich a:

Gowdy, O ’Neill.■;■■■ TAM PA, F ln ., , B . H .

B rooklyn N ationo ls ---------- 0 ,9W aahington A m ericans .— .. 4 ft

B a tte r ic ;: R uether, H a rp e r, Vio nnd D eberry , T uylor; H ftnkins, Bi sell nnd L npan , • H argravo .

- SHBEVEP'ORT, L a., OP) R . H.s a rn a t . Louis A m ericans ............ 7 I I ,

Shreveport (Texaa) ...... ..... ... 5 7B n tte ries : V angildcr, K olp, EUlo

“ • D anfo rth a n d Sovoroid, Collins; B a n '^ f^ B Jo iioy “ *'‘1 V aun, Torres,ilo *30 MONTGOMERY, A la., (JP) B . H . , 'luces M ilw aukee (A m or. A s s u .) . . - l l IQ unda. Philade lph ia A m nucaus 0 . I I

B u tte ries : H oariu, Bchalk, L ln g r Bigboo uud S h innu lt; H as ty , H a rr Ogdon and B ow land, B ruggy .

oaredmun O E N A ^ TO MX:BT TAYXOB.

V and n e w YOBK, M arch 22 </P>—r'ran k ligher Genaro, A m orican f lyw eigh t, w

m atched to n ig h t to m eet B ud T ayi « o f Chicago, a t ChicuRo, A pril 4, iu a 1 la tlio round no-doclsion bout. Tho ti t lo w "1 a n n o t be iavolved a s tho co n tra c t ca a t o f fp r j j g pounds ringside.

LOST—T w enty-fivo dollars (*25) n obody’s monoy. F i'id e r 'p lo a so rotu:

' P to Id ah o P ow er Co. and receive rcw arEYS

1 ro ll - ■ —~

IR V IN S. COBB 'I to- • In hl$ •ler^"Th».aoih*»TM / 1%-llng HUa»YeuniAm«rtemFn*-.Mjrv g

a nd “ . . . A gifted lady wrote \ a bock about a beauteoua.' ! but impossible' man*child,

waft and then she went fiirther n bo Qnd made the m istake of

describing his costume. She little recked the evil sba wrought.

^894 i“For all through the land,' 2,809 deluded mothera laid vio- 2,873 lent, detaining liands upon

the helpless offspring and encased his agonized form

' in o ^ ,1,273 Com* lit •h itth teo tnpM uH O /j^ '

' ft*»l ll wrtttta /trsflackgai = .<Toqs' F O R MANLY 1 / BOVS*

'Mothers no longer lay vio*’ ind- lent, detaininghands on their

offspring. j The modem boy hes had hla '

say. He made his clothes = ideas plain—and we heard wmm him. I Jack Tar Togs for boys are • his answer — manly, mod- I ern, sensible. <

For boys two to ten, in four 1 times ten styles of enduring. I washable fabrics, that livo '^up to our "R ub’em, tub

em, scrub ’em" test.)


Idaho Department
