TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Please make note of our...

TRINITY UNITED CHURCH New Glasgow, Nova Scotia “We are called to discover and share God’s presence.” March 19, 2017 Shared Humanity Scripture: John 4: 1-42 (A Dramatic Reading) Special Music: Holy, Holy, Holy Jane Turner Jones Special Music: Stone and Sand and Sea and Sky Lori Miller Accompanied by Donna Hargreaves and Don Cameron Greeter: Linda Hale Hosts, Muffins & TimBits: Vivian Sutherland & Dawn Brown Easy Worship: Jane Cameron Sound: Bruce Fleming Thanks to everyone who participated in today’s service. This morning’s bulletin is sponsored in celebration of Al Lockhart’s 89 th birthday (on Tuesday) by daughter Lynne & grandson Bruce. Karen Crowley is on vacation this week so we welcome Donna Hargreaves who is providing musical direction this morning. Congratulations to Lydia and Brad Sayeau on the birth of their son, Sawyer Ira (7lbs 11oz) on March 16. Sawyer is the grandson of Sue & Bruce MacIntosh. reVision : A discernment and action plan for our church, by all of us. A program that operates on the premise that the whole congregation will be involved and that together we will deepen our spiritual awareness and discern the ministry we are called to be about. Participating in this program can and will transform our congregation if we embrace it together with open minds and hearts. Thank you to the Team Leaders: Shawna Chenell (online), Sylvia Dingle (online), Jim McKenna, Marie Slivocka, Allan Davis, Bruce Chapman, Debbie van Vulpen, Kathy Eddy, Ross MacIntosh, and Lesley Sobey. If you did not receive a yellow information sheet last Sunday, there are some in the Narthex. Please make note of our Easter Services: April 13 - Maundy Thursday 7:00 pm Communion Service April 14 - Good Friday 10:00 am Joint Service with St. Georges at Trinity April 16 - Easter Sunday 8:00 am: Sunrise Service in the Gazebo followed by (8:30) Breakfast in the Auditorium Worship 10:00 am: Easter Communion Service Moderator: Healing Relationships This Lenten Season When Jesus was asked what’s the most important of all the commandments, he said, “Love God with all your heart, your soul, your mind, with everything.” And he said, “Love your neighbour as yourself.” For Jesus these two are inseparable: love of God and love of neighbour. They’re part of each other. And so in this season of Lent, as we focus on deepening and healing our relationship with God, it necessarily calls us to look at our relationships with our neighbours. Where is their brokenness that needs mending? And of course there’s so much brokenness in our personal relationships as well as our global relationships, which actually means that there are lots of places that we can begin to bring healinglots of in-points to make a start at healing those relationships. One of the places I think we really need to focus some attention on healing relationships is the relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people in this country, and especially I think within our church. As part of that work I’ve made a commitment to getting around to as many Indigenous communities in our church as possible, and I’ve actually just returned from two weeks in northern communities in Manitoba. Those opportunities to be with our sisters and brothers in the Indigenous church are so important for me to just listen. Going into the communities to be with people to learn about their lives, their realities, to get to know folks face-to-facethis has been an incredibly enriching experience for me, and I hope one that has been important for the whole church. So during this Lenten season I encourage each of you to think about what is one step that you can take today to bring some healing to a relationship in your life that is broken. May God be with us on this journey. Food Bank Fundraiser: The food bank is holding a " new to you" scarf and jewellery sale on Saturday, April 8 th from 9am - 12pm at the food bank on Granville Street, New Glasgow. The proceeds will assist the work of the food bank in our community. Donations to Audrey MacLaughlin, at the church office or they can be left at the food bank on Mon, Wed or Fri, 9- 11:30am. "You should not see the desert simply as some faraway place of little rain. There are many forms of thirst." William Langewiesche, 20th century

Transcript of TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Please make note of our...

Page 1: TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Please make note of our … UNITED CHURCH New Glasgow, Nova Scotia “We are called to discover

TRINITY UNITED CHURCH New Glasgow, Nova Scotia

“We are called to discover and share God’s presence.”

March 19, 2017

Shared Humanity Scripture: John 4: 1-42 (A Dramatic Reading) Special Music: Holy, Holy, Holy Jane Turner Jones Special Music: Stone and Sand and Sea and Sky Lori Miller Accompanied by Donna Hargreaves and Don Cameron Greeter: Linda Hale Hosts, Muffins & TimBits: Vivian Sutherland & Dawn Brown Easy Worship: Jane Cameron Sound: Bruce Fleming

Thanks to everyone who participated in today’s service.

This morning’s bulletin is sponsored in celebration of Al Lockhart’s 89th birthday (on Tuesday) by daughter Lynne & grandson Bruce.

Karen Crowley is on vacation this week so we welcome Donna

Hargreaves who is providing musical direction this morning.

Congratulations to Lydia and Brad Sayeau on the birth of their son, Sawyer Ira (7lbs 11oz) on March 16.

Sawyer is the grandson of Sue & Bruce MacIntosh.

reVision: A discernment and action plan for our church, by all of us. A program that operates on the premise that the whole congregation will be involved and that together we will deepen our spiritual awareness and discern the ministry we are called to be about. Participating in this program can and will transform our congregation if we embrace it together with open minds and hearts. Thank you to the Team Leaders: Shawna Chenell (online), Sylvia Dingle (online), Jim McKenna, Marie Slivocka, Allan Davis, Bruce Chapman, Debbie van Vulpen, Kathy Eddy, Ross MacIntosh, and Lesley Sobey. If you did not receive a yellow information sheet last Sunday, there are some in the Narthex.

Please make note of our Easter Services: April 13 - Maundy Thursday 7:00 pm Communion Service April 14 - Good Friday 10:00 am Joint Service with St. Georges at Trinity April 16 - Easter Sunday 8:00 am: Sunrise Service in the Gazebo followed by (8:30) Breakfast in the Auditorium Worship 10:00 am: Easter Communion Service

Moderator: Healing Relationships This Lenten Season When Jesus was asked what’s the most important of all the commandments, he said, “Love God with all your heart, your soul, your mind, with everything.” And he said, “Love your neighbour as yourself.” For Jesus these two are inseparable: love of God and love of neighbour. They’re part of each other. And so in this season of Lent, as we focus on deepening and healing our relationship with God, it necessarily calls us to look at our relationships with our neighbours. Where is their brokenness that needs mending? And of course there’s so much brokenness in our personal relationships as well as our global relationships, which actually means that there are lots of places that we can begin to bring healing—lots of in-points to make a start at healing those relationships. One of the places I think we really need to focus some attention on healing relationships is the relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people in this country, and especially I think within our church. As part of that work I’ve made a commitment to getting around to as many Indigenous communities in our church as possible, and I’ve actually just returned from two weeks in northern communities in Manitoba. Those opportunities to be with our sisters and brothers in the Indigenous church are so important for me to just listen. Going into the communities to be with people to learn about their lives, their realities, to get to know folks face-to-face—this has been an incredibly enriching experience for me, and I hope one that has been important for the whole church. So during this Lenten season I encourage each of you to think about what is one step that you can take today to bring some healing to a relationship in your life that is broken. May God be with us on this journey.

Food Bank Fundraiser: The food bank is holding a " new to you" scarf and jewellery sale on Saturday, April 8th from 9am - 12pm at the food bank on Granville Street, New Glasgow. The proceeds will assist the work of the food bank in our community. Donations to Audrey MacLaughlin, at the church office or they can be left at the food bank on Mon, Wed or Fri, 9- 11:30am.

"You should not see the desert simply as some faraway place of little rain. There are many forms of thirst."

William Langewiesche, 20th century

Page 2: TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Please make note of our … UNITED CHURCH New Glasgow, Nova Scotia “We are called to discover

Following the Pictou County Council of Churches prayer roster, please hold in

your prayers the Rev. Peter MacDonald and the congregation of Stella Maris

Parish, Pictou.

Minute for Mission

Working toward racial justice in church and society is a lifelong journey. We must be open to learning from each other, with each other, and with the Spirit, so that we continue to break down barriers and build just institutions.

We need to work together for racial justice within our church. The United Church’s online racial justice workshops are one step on this journey. Because we believe that we are a “whole people of God” with a “priesthood of all believers,” racial justice workshops are open to everyone in the United Church.

These racial justice workshops help participants engage in self-examination around White privilege and internalized racism, as well as analyze the systemic nature of racism in the church and wider society. They offer our ministry leaders tools to begin or continue the work of racial justice in local ministry contexts.

We sing thanksgiving that our gifts for Mission & Service encourage continuous learning and provide resources for justice and right relationships.

If Mission & Service is already a regular part of your giving, thank you so much! If you have not given for Mission & Service, please join me in making Mission & Service a regular part of your life of faith. In all our Mission & Service giving, with a willing heart, we sing thanksgiving to God!

Minister: Rev. Donna Tourneur Ph: 902-755-3856 Email: [email protected]

Minister Emeritus: Rev. A. Fred Archibald Director of Music: Karen Crowley Ph: 902-695-5406 Email: [email protected] Caretaker: John Gillis Trinity Website: Church Administrator: Lynne Lockhart Voice Mail: 902-752-1472


Line: 902-752-4475 Email: [email protected]