Travel Motivation

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Transcript of Travel Motivation


RECREATIONAL TRAVELy People traveling for holiday or pleasure purposes y Costs of travel and destination are borne individually or by

the head of the family y Choice of destination area is at the discretion of the traveler, subject to currency and other restrictions

Factors that Influenced Demand for Holidayy Size of population y Size of income and discretionary income y Urbanization y Educational level y Leisure time y Length of paid holidays y Occupation of the head of the household y Age of the head of the household y Life Cycle y Race y Sex

Business Travely Choice of the destination is not determined by personal

considerations y Cost of the trip is borne by a firm and travel is nt influenced by personal income

Factors affecting business travely y y y y y y y y y y

Substantial fare reductions Level of business activity Trends in employment Trends in the location of industry Trends in the structure of industrial and commercial enterprises Trends in travel motivation Improvement in means of communication Rationalization of company organization Continued growth in world trade The expansion of domestic companies The increase in number and influence of multi-national corporations

Conference Markety Additional market with a relatively high expenditure and a good

seasonal market y Factors for the increase of conferences: 1.Increase in specialization in many fields of commerce and professional activity 2. tendency within those fields to pool knowledge, experience and research. 3. availability of cheap group travel 4. tendency to combine attendance at a conference with a holiday 5. growing influence and budgets of convention bureaus and professional congress organizers

MASSCLUSIVITYy To refresh your memory: the more access consumers have to

quality, MASS CLASS goods and services (the DVD player in your living room probably doesn't differ too much from the one Madonna's children use to watch Lilo and Stitch), the more they want exclusivity and status of a different order. The kind that visibly sets you apart from the masses and gives you access to privileges most others won't get. Consumers yearning for a return to the good old days of luxury and exclusivity for commodities like transport or fashion, will be pleased to learn about the following MASSCLUSIVITY ideas:

Massclusivityy Thai Elite Privilege card. Very exclusive. A

world's first, membership earns card holders benefits and discounts all over the kingdom, ranging from fast-track immigration at Don Muang Airport, heavy discounts on Thai Airways (buy one, get one free), special rates at five-star hotels, free golf at several courses, free limousine transfers, 24-hour concierge service, free spa treatments and medical check-ups, and five-year multiple entry visas that allow the cardholder to stay in Thailand for 90 days

y One of the smallest business lounges on earth:

the Private Air lounge at the Crown Point Airport on the island of Tobago is about 15 sqm but does have its own hostess.

Massclusivityy Boston's new LimoLiner is by no means the world's first

luxury bus service, but the shuttle is certainly the first of its kind to understand the needs of the ONLINE OXYGEN generation of business men and women.

Online Oxygeny This is another Big Trend. Just consider the fact that these

days, consumers don't want online access anywhere/anytime, they absolutely CRAVE it! From airports to living rooms to roof gardens to classrooms to city parks, people go to great lengths to get a dose of what TRENDWATCHING.COM has dubbed ONLINE OXYGEN. Seven years after the first web sites started popping up, and email made its way from science labs to office desks and living rooms, 600 million consumers worldwide are beginning to see online access as an absolute necessity, and there are no signs that the pace of integrating online access into daily life is slowing down.

Massclusivityy Swiss PrivatAir operates 'no coach' flights

between Dusseldorf and Newark, on behalf of Lufthansa y Singapore Airlines (SIA) is planning to offer a first and business-class only flight to the United States early next year (source: Reuters). A first for Asia, SIA will be the second major airline in the world to go all-business class: about a year ago, Swiss PrivatAir started 'no coach' flights between Dusseldorf and Newark, on behalf of Lufthansa. After a successful launch, PrivatAir is now ready to add two more daily flights between Germany and the US. A nice airborne extension of the business lounge!

y Flights with all-business-class seats popular for trips across

the Atlantic will finally fly across the Pacific.

y Best Business Hotel

in the Middle East 2008* Soaring high above the central business and commercial district, Jumeirah Emirates Towers is a dramatic backdrop to Dubai's skyline and a visible statement of the region's growing corporate success.

Travel for other purposesy Private visits for family reasons---VFR y Educational visits y Travel for health reasons y Visitors to international meetings, when

the cost is borne by an individual and not by an employer

Three main sources of information

y Historical and literary accounts y Current industry market research

Travel motivation analysis must be put in context to be useful and meaningful

Travel motivationy Tourist motivation can be defined

"as the global integrating network of biological and cultural forces which gives value and direction to travel choices, behavior and experience". (Pearce, Morrison & Rutledge, 1998)

Historical motivationsy Romans and Athenians

Escape heat of summer in city Social interaction / status y Middle Ages Pilgrimages Religious purpose to visit sacred sites y 18th 20th Centuries Grand Tour finishing school for wealthy young y Contemporary Literature Self-discovery Curiosity John Steinbeck itch or travel bug

21st Century Similar motivations for todays pleasure travelers

Travelers MotivationsMaslows Hierarchy of Needs Self Actualization Esteem / Respect Social (Affection / Belonging) Safety (Home / Job) Physiological Needs (Food / Water / Shelter) Once lower order needs are met (at pyramid bottom), individuals work at fulfilling the next higher need.

PLOGs Theoryy A continuum of psychological types ranging from the very

adventurous who seek the new and undeveloped (allocentric) to those who prefer destinations that are well developed and just like home. Developed ~30 years ago, this theory is limited because it is a single-trait, static perspective and carries a North American bias.

The career ladder emphasizes that people have a range of motives for seeking out holiday experiences

By comparing the needs described in different levels of the career ladder such as need for achievement, for example, and then consider nature tourism activities like hiking, tramping and mountaineering where the tourist proves its competence and if successful achieves a goal, it can be concluded that the travel career ladder is a helpful theory to understand nature tourism motivation.

The need for mastery, control and competence can be a motivation for a nature tourism activity such as scuba diving. Where mastery is required to undergo the activity successfully and safely, as well as competence, and control is basic in case of extreme scenarios underwater conditions.

Gray's travel-motivation theoryy People who live in cities, for example, are motivated to travel

as tourists to wilderness areas because they need to escape from an artificial, monotonous environment.

The desire to go from a known to an unknown place


sunlusta place "which can provide the traveler with specific facilities that do not exist in his or her own place of residence

y It appears that the wanderlust-sunlust motives do help us

understand why nature tourists search for settings which are different from the city-work-home routine and that enable the nature tourist to participate in activities in unknown territory and that are possible in those natural settings and not at home.

Factors Influencing Travel Demandy Age y Sex y Family Circumstances y Level of Income y Education y Cost

What hinders people to travely Weather/extreme climatic changesSnow fall affects travel plans02 February 2009 Travel plans have been hit by delays and disruption as most of England has been blanketed by heavy snow. London and the south-east have been especially hard hit by the extreme weather, which follows warnings of cold air arriving from Russia in Britain. Transport for London has cancelled all London bus services until the weather improves, while all but one of the tube lines have either been suspended, part-suspended or experiencing severe delays. People planning to take flights have been hit by the weather as airports have been severely affected by the heavy snow, Operator BAA has confirmed that both runways are closed at Heathrow, while Southampton is closed until 10:00 (GMT) and flights at Gatwick and Stansted are all subject to significant delays and cancellations. Furthermore, London City and Luton airports are also closed for the day due to the weather. Up to 30cm of snow is forecast as the Met Office warns that further snowfalls are likely throughout today (Monday February 2nd) and into Tuesday.

What hinders people to travely Family circumstances

Airline policies for pregnant travelers Last updated: June 2006y You can fly on commercial airlines without restriction during your first

and second trimesters, but during your third trimester you may run into some restrictions. Airlines rely on an "honor policy" when it comes to enforcement, so it's the passenger's decision to notify agents that she's expecting and how far along she is. Ticket agents won't mention travel restrictions unless asked, so inquire about them when you book your seat. All airlines recommend you consult your physician before travel at any time during pregnancy. Play it safe by getting a "permission-to-travel" letter from your doctor. You won't and shouldn't get one if your pregnancy is considered high-risk. Be sure to take your due date into consideration on the return trip, too. And before you plan a crosscountry or international flight, remember how you'll feel squeezed into a seat for hours.

Air Travel with Small Childreny Many parents have a fear of flying, but not because of safety

issues. The thought of a screaming child in a crowded airplane prevents many families from taking holidays.

y Airlines flight services provide comfort and convenience to

the passengers. Such services include in-flight as well as off-flight services. Various services provided by airlines are online ticket booking, flight schedule information, frequent-flier programs, safety measures, and so on. The in-flight services of airlines depend on the classification of seats. The services provided in the economy class vary from the business class. The higher the class the better is the service. The in-flight services of some of the major airlines of the world are as follows:

For babies up to 8 months

For babies aged up to 8 months 2 choices of bottled baby food 1 airplane spoon (JAL design) Cloth bib Straw For babies 9 months and older For babies aged 9 months or older Europe route meal (sample) Entre: Tomato-flavored fried rice and mixed vegetables in a cream sauce Banana Jello Bread Crackers

y Childrens mealsChild meal from 2 years old and over, reservation required. On the Hawaii, Guam routes, the Lunch Box style meal is available. This service is only for flights from Japan only. Available - Reservations Required * For children aged between 2 and 12. * You cannot order meals for your child on code sharing flights which are operated by another airline company. Please contact our AL International Reservations for full details of child meal's availability.J

y Supplies Available on BoardAvailable Reservations Required * Our bassinettes are ideal for infants weighing up to 10 kg (age 2). Dimensions (length: 77 cms, width: 32.5 cms, and depth: 15 cms). * Please note that bassinettes are available in limited numbers and reservation may not always be possible.

Bassinette infant cribs

Disposable diapers

- Available- Reservations Required * Nepia brand Do Re Mi diapers M & L sizes

What hinders people to travely Physical disabilityAir Travel for Passengers with Physical Challenges There are added obstacles for the air traveler with a disability. From making sure that your wheelchair arrives intact, to ensuring that your service animal is not disrupted during the flight, the skies can seem altogether unfriendly to the traveler with physical challenges.

y Airline Passenger Service CommitmentKLM y 8. Provide Assistance to Passengers with Reduced Mobility

and Passengers with Special Needsy Each airline will publicise the services it offers for handling

passengers with special needs and for assisting passengers with reduced mobility in an appropriate manner compatible with applicable safety regulations. For passengers with reduced mobility the airlines commit themselves to support the attached paper on "Meeting the Needs of People with Reduced Mobility".

What hinders people to travely Fears

How To Cope With Travel & Flying Fears One of the simplest ways to cope with phobias and anxieties is to master some relaxation techniques. Sign up for a yoga or meditation class. Practice deep breathing methods. Creative visualization is especially wellsuited to travel fears. If you are panicky on a plane, for instance, imagine yourself instead at your destination having a wonderful time.

Take care of your body, and your mind is sure to follow. It might not sound significant, but you'd be shocked at how dramatically you can reduce stress through simply diet changes. Stay hydrated, get plenty of rest, eat well, take vitamins, cut back on sugar, get exercise (even if it's just a daily walk).You can eliminate a lot of anxiety by simply cutting out caffeine, which I know many say is the single best thing they did to reduce stress.

Get to the root of the anxiety through therapy with a licensed professional. Even though many may be reluctant to pursue this course, it can be quite helpful - especially with the right doctor or counselor. Our fears are often about something entirely different, and talking through these issues can often reveal the true cause of the stress. This makes it so much easier to cope.

A doctor can also help you cope with stress through medications, however this can be a tricky path. Many anti-anxiety drugs can be hard to stop taking. Since travel is often something done from time-to-time instead of a daily basis, drugs can make a viable alternative.

y I cannot say enough for the power of distraction. There is

a scene in the movie, "French Kiss," in which Meg Ryan is taking a flight to Paris and is terrified. Kevin Kline picks an argument with her and, Voila, the plane is in the air and she didn't even notice. When you travel, bring anything that can distract: a GameBoy, books, games, portable DVD players with engrossing movies, people who carry on interesting conversations, etc.You get the idea.

Avoid fear-inducing references, which can only heighten your stress levels. If you fear flying, don't watch a movie about a plane crash. If your fears are related to terrorism, stop watching the news reports for a couple days. If you are exposed, remind yourself how unusual such events are, or that a movie is mere fiction. This is especially key right before you travel, which your tension level could already be up.

What hinders people to travely Financial Constraints

y Fears

y Physical Incapacity

y Global illnesses or sicknesses

y The end