Then the . tion Gets Down to EoeD- ' ing-Session Work. · volj. 1"no. 209. «j. , kriday .jrjne 10...

VOlJ. 1"NO. 209. «J., KRIDAY, .jrjNE 10. 1892. PRICE TWO CENBK. HARRISON NOMINATED HE POLLS A MAJORITY OF VOTES OK TItE FIRST BALLOT.! Th» Isp*t*d Vat. , TOT l U u * Failed to M»tfri»l)7B »nd His Foreo Weit In Put fcr McKInley.-Oreat iKitement i . th« iin Owing th wisted I**arrange ft)? as «WNtton of state pnblic school wort at the World's Pair, in ;beld last week at Trenton In response to a call issued by State .Superintendent Foland. ;The coiarailtec got to i work Immediately and much was done toward orgaptea- tion It waa decided to prepare an extensive exhibit.of all kinds or school wort 8ped«*»8 of work are t»*e collected from all sections of the State to be euljse'i'tently. the executive committee, and the. most creditable work selected. The pupils will prepare #*eh Bample of work on separate sheets of paper, and these are be. classified . and bound In book*. The members of the committee are as follows: State Hupermteodeot, A,,B. Poland;- Principal, James M. Green, Late Normal School, Trenton; Super- lU-mlent Barringer, Newark; Boperin- tendeot Randall Spaoldlng, MontcSair; ju]*.'riut«iwlent Barry Binder, Jersey City; Superintendent J. A. Rmchart, ^ater^ini Si4>erkii*ndet)t Frank La\kir, Tre&ton; Snperintendent J. A. Dix, Elizalteth; Comity SuperinlendtHit John Terhnne, Hackeawckj Cpanty. Saper- ntendent II. B. Willis, New Brans- wick;; Cppnty Superintendent S. It. Morse, Atlantic City and City Snpcrin- ten dent H. B. Howell, PbilUpaUurg- '; i i i-r:! i BewvB moved for a ballot at J.*a wiictuWwS carried. . A t 9.93 tbe polling of states by the eh»irn»n began. ;.•«•- Total vote 906; tie essary to iiomin ate 454. First bulloLlliig. jEomnieaaBd.-at..3.11 Mil (irocteded" rapidly. Long before bifiw UmnpsUiTO was reJU:hcd it. w&& livuWul Ui« Fjes'ukiiL would be rc-nom- iiinLpd. 'I'll-- vote or Texas settled ibe iJjeers. T!;c <.<;:, inj,,, i •.', i. expected to go tu IWwuu be very uiuHive. Il "< n: in j ii : i'i '.[i-l-: MLJ. y. Heed Hid Lincoln. At 4.22 p. m. Alttiiutey lakes tlic floor ami moves tlitit tlto vote be made onantaonsly for Harrison, which , was But But ChttUr. The game of the Plain field Bicycle ;)iil. with the Flemingtons, which was 0 IIJVVC been played to-morrow, after- vm the grounds.,of. the Caeacent League, is off. Johnston, the Bicycle ;iuli pitclier, baa a glass anil wbk'li is considerably out of condition. The Elisabeth Journal's base ball irophet tliufl soliloquizes, "the Cres- cents won't—well, wait until Saturday and see." the account of the game played een tflio E. A. C. apd Plainfleid, R uins last Saturday, an Injustice was l(Ki« i-> Jt>lnMiH»i!, Me i'.H. C.'s regular litclier. 1U: wa.s sutferiog wstb a lacue arm, did..not (riuy, and iherefure was 'knocked out of the box" as > was stated in tbese columns. McLaaghJjn :M> tin.- player who pitched in vlie first g and to whom reference was mo.le. .-Elizabeth Journal at Oflieeri. Wednesday evening S.o Surrender I-odge No. 3>9, Sops of BtjUebrgc, met miiiciitf'1'UiiiieiUIie.GrtiK 1 Loiigcoflicerh the following officers were Installed [m the coming six months: a Worthy President, diaries Worthy Vice Tresifleii^ ' Jopepli Walla. Messenger, Thoojas Winsper. AiHustant .Messenger, Clemeift Jolley Cliapialn, William CarBne. Sentinel, Thomas Kennett. Secretary, «amuol £ffl»b. [ AwHiatan t Secretary, Joli II BTOpks. Mother J to« *r Vw*Dj)d. The following telegram from J* YoriuwasreeafcedjbjrjLbe Efltor Of t i e Courier, |hlB, morning: To THE. EDITOR OF THE CoriMEtl; - The degree of- Lit. D. (Ductor i literature) was lo-day *.•«« furred by ibe Boarder Trustees,of Butgera Femak CoJlege, apoaJUjorChauiuMy K Hip ley, of Westfleld. Hacinwack. ObjecU to *h« VolMlMS An ordinance bat been adopted by the city fathers of Harkeasack, pro- viding for a fine of t*n d»^rs to i,e Im- posed on all wficcfmeo. of-tjie |*ice wlm (dat/ltf^a out lights, or bella. ,TLe ;polke save have i)ci n notiSed to arrant, all who dis- regard the ordinance. la tte twtfel Gwt. .Van SM, set, down (or iriml before Justice Naah jrcntcnlay, w adjourn^ for a wcet The caao of Hatthews TS.Oo.dlt, jl- so on contract, was adjourned over, uu HI Thursday Of next week. —"TV relation of ihe Presbyterian Assembly, the Mctholfct Cor'— »i"l.tho iiaptlst Congress to Thought," will be I pastor's sermon st OpportultT fcr l KWSIAPOLH, JUD. 10.-The Of 'til* Convtotion foond tbe •Bd BkiM.rukl d«rfd«3Jr in. f*»or of getting down *" **— -i—'1-jrrtpHT T<t\l aa littl* iwlij Mpoaalbla. Tb« t u t Is tint « ffood man j dalflfj and iliiMn u mil, who MOM hwf •r*l d»y* f»rli«!r tb»n is aosMnar •d»»nc» of. tho Convention, a n .tf nlng to get w y tired of tb* rte ruih »d cro^h, H i b r m bnil dram corp. wboopits mnd k«w taatamanta of tba ooDtM^ »od t let Mllth tba idt* tb»t the pro •aar eootr*ci*d «Mt SnniUT. Qmoe itrotiB hints bars bwa «treo to t tb Blaiu mijorltj of tb* Pam- iBd«oU»l« tb*t it mt«ht K t tMt too ttrooglj tb«,Mapt>r of tho Harrison mil of tbe ConTMtioD fcy prolonging «h« iwtwfDlBf nni s«lalT In tk« loUrou of the OWSM. i|tn, who cUim th»t «r«rr d' toprorc. the cbaooea of ttaelr A Chunce For Bpecalator i. The old ('nilml HitilroBd depot st Elizabeth will soon be lorn down, .as ana are about ready for A large, amonnt of gootls which hare been left by careless passengoi., or have been :!d for charges. Tliey consist of an imense variety of umbrellas and para- sol.s, some quite, pretty, and cosily, and a whole cailomi of theatrical goods, op'-rsy oI.tbe.Uaff Opera Company, of .Sow -York. Il Is ipro- .posed Lo dispose of me acvamnlAtli iction, and speculators will iind It a rich (icul for iuviwtuioaw. Eund.j Ka.ic st Solr Cro.i Cknrek The twenty-third anniversary of Holy Cross Cborcli, will take plaoe on Sunday, nud at Uiu same_limc tlie clmir will hold Its fourth anniversary. Following is the order of music.for e musical service Jtenday afternoon. This will be the laet mnsical Bervict itll October. Processional, 140, WeBlcy; Gloria C, Savage; Magnificat D, Calkin; Num.- Dfmittts F, •Trimnel; Anthem, 'fThe I,i;n: is Exalted," West; Hymn, *W, Ward; Aiithem; "J am Alpha and O:uega, Stalner; Recessional, "On Omr Way Rejoicing." .Traded Hli Shoe. «-d Slipped Town. James Jobnson, ol Cottage place, dressed op in hUljestavit of clothes ye«- terday and borrowed * pair of Uje uei«hix.r'8 Bhoee. Ue Look ttie L lo a Park avenue cobbler and exct them for another pair, receiving 91-» in tho bargain. This morning Ow-st*- bie Amos HofteU succeeded ID lociUug the -fthoea ami retonilug tlmn to oaMBlaiBt againM THREE MYS0FWAITIH6 Then the Republican Conven- . tion Gets Down toEoeD- ' ing-Session Work. THE CREDENTIALS AND RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEES CAUSED THE DELAV. BOTH aioss n oon TBBI AMI IOCS. bnil Md k«wlio- at- d th»j did Althoagh tba Committee on Crsdan- abdldvoCUkfaMCMa, * membar. were in HUIOD H .| n br 9 o'olock, u d ft was (r!»en ant then Uat » pM-U»U<-port would H . W < t -«o tb* ConT«ntloa B» tl o'clock .and , further time Mked (or. Cbatg«* (hat the OonTeolfon Hall h*i been.puked in th. Jct«r«t. of Blalna n rery fnelr made by tfa« HurxiMn They Mdd that • t work sad bus nohieTBd tetlinehle profreee. It hopes to be able to report •io.f»«:ht at 8 o'oloek auct ,aaka further time. Oen. Sewell, of New Jersey, w U frn- •ae4hrtily an hla-feet. ninna nn iiieliieei eould be done aoUl the oommMUa waa report he moved that tho Con- vention take s TvcsM until 8 o'clock. Mr. Culljm aad trltd W inLrrapt Gen. Sewall, bat the Chulrman etopeed him. Then Mr. Cullom eeked «,h.t pMiltne: the motion the OoavMtfoa rm eelve-B MeatuUon from kin an 4k* World's Fair. Mr CnUom eent np to the e>enka lotion which- M follow*; *rary OMU, m .fcsixr»- l S S S H The p—ibllky .that the •peeobe. would be made tble Ka*7aDa4ded Interest to the t .... and Increased the deu»ad tor tieketa of edmleeian. At 1:80 » m. It was reported Vbat ex- GOT. Foreker, who had been beMUj " to the Colorado headquarter* ,j after the adjournment of toe on Rwolatiom wea in with Gkajrjaaa . Cleekeon, .•tore Teller and Wolcott, J. Sio»t •sd others of the enti-Admiole- ___idw>. .a«aij>th»nmerH*>w- ing out of file report. w » one- (kit Jn the erent of the probable defeat of Bleine a eomprontee candWat* ID the Would be »pruQ4 on the flret iajlot. CkannoeT Depew end Senior Hiaooek are been doing a.,o*d dwO ot intaalon- work at the headquari*™ of Uoee itloni who hare members on Ibe Late Wedneedar night In siiisi 1&C > hig gathering of MUwuri, K n i u and Dakota delegations Depew aaid that IUrrl«on'e snnilntrtretlnn bad been »aepsaafnl.*nd bleeeed bejoad. a« j eince tbeweraod many o( the people whoe/ere biaterlrepK-ito Um f«Tr -,•«,, w were BOWIn of kit enp- Bnt nothing dffnoiU Cum- of the « n - rtnoe, so far aa tonWb* learned, aad 4»rt ulk. ' Brra rfwe« u>ide to fetn * —llttHW "' St-» d»kg«*. »n one or oiter of tbe IMMC JMW, but aJI of tbem.wer* namooMeatgl. Brerr ffrt tk b of oat dark boreas w*re traceable to *fc* BUtM leader*, fieuntor Woleott m At the barines* n«eUag oT-Ihe' W.< T. U., iMkl onSUntHis, Jl was that a statement pf (he iaie Mayflower F#s(ival**d*»aU»rUiank. •* Bren the epMCaenlar bt«*illB eam* a own to hie m t ucompmld «at* hj ]u*t bebhid _. . pUtform. Seoetor G4rej . and Senator UoMilUn ut ajde b; aide tmtlor tb. llerr- Aaatatunt Poatmuter QeDetWl hhod* w » la h l n c t u u n r d pi^ce and Chairman Eacry Biaghain o(. Pana: ijlwuli « t 1a the Clerk'n.Kwt. A pbM4Mpfcr had set b tion y expMsed by the LOOUI-J.- dele- gution who were toned ton' W«d»ee- Ur >l|bi at, what tkir insjsliier ijShei. fatuity o( eome of their friend, on the Committee, through wfaioh they ebdm their caae was elves away. After the preaenteUau of _ (or UMconteeMMU bl ex-Qor. Wi wbich ls.eeid to bare beennn_,__ HfeetWe, Mr. Chun pbell, of ISlloole, eeM the memben frem Oeor|le a*d Dt»h who had preTlon.iy noted with ten, 0OT. At 11:33 Cbalrman McKlnley with a mtaw of Bounding blowi of the aaw «aTeLend«n»or»d to call the Coorentton to order, bat It warn tome mlDMea he for* the bur* of the eonrenatlon riniiil and the delegatae took tatetr aeate e*d g»*« tbelr attention to bnalnaae. I Her. Mr. Bru.b, D.D., Chancellor of the Univ«mltr «f I Sooth L Dakota, de- Urered the opening Pfa*a*. "After the conclusion of the prayer the Chair aeid- tut n(u' u enter »aa Uie report en oredentl ktr. Congiwell eeddr "Il« Ciranii t np to tb ordor.4 re Eeeo*T«d, That ike WorM'i fclr'Col- lea Expoeitlon to be tMBglnud in ilty of Chicago In 1899 1* riglitluHy " »dbyatl olMeaa of ovrcfiHxu,r- _ of tbeir poiUloalaSliaMuo^ aa great National nod.rtaklng, and tkat .fe*oaTiitton of. I f sbswMer»>en>ejt ongbtto promptly pio»ide far epproprl «te leai.l-tioD soeb nunmbl. aid Mr. .Eohart, of UlinoU, >te>n|n1 a rwolnti on (also referred) proriding Ih.t Grend'Arosj men be erftirttl*) to tuod- iaa- n«ra.,.»od that if , M ; neeee «»ete Tacant tbirtr mlnotM sfUr lbs Conreo- tton wi> called to orderxbey •hooldfce b ._ toooenpjti i receif ed wttei *„ *Tbe Cb»innao then There wtn crle» ot no from all «rer the hall, coupled with ehewts 'for la- " bull* Ue nostsjew Ua Qkmir- jut the motloo.Mil dedarad Hi tkeCr*d*ntleU Tbe Commute* on Credentiali reaa- •embled at S a. n>., and took up (be die- trlct eonteat. from Loui.laua, of which Superior 'Table ^Butter, 18 do*. Eelletg be excluded and The Intimation wae made that the tlilmol tbe ceitertuU m i lot a . Urely Mtttfaotarr to e « o tbe . deiecates. This, of eonree, the niliiiliieay,, •e.k.e.i ti the Committee and they by majority ot three Totea. I»rr« ware two membem of the "leBjiilsMi ebeent when the Tote we* taken end d byU. Harrleo- The> MlaeoDrt delegation aioMet .oeme to blowa orer the eeleetlon of a Na- tlonal CommltteemMi to aooceedOk eay 1. Filley. Thr Kerena tkat Ur nilmj »*d not pg fond where good, anil need it a* an efsnnwat asntfaet hie reveleedoB. FtlJey," en the <Aber baad, brontrbt witneeaee lt P k * b st the Nleoliet to proT* alwa/. e«p*nd«d thef-nd. judcony. The Ulk waa very rapid, the lie being (rl*eo lafdlacrfmlMtely. The yoteetood: Kerene, IB; Filley, IS; Warner, 1. U U>e torn t»!«rnllo*. The Iowa delegation bad a meeting with oloaed doora e ibort tlm the Con emblfng Kew Yer of Harrison -were k d I ent, and a tpeeok waa m»di I, •Deey IL Depew, who «ae ooe ol _, number. The effort WM is) tbe die—Ion of -sttsTeanc abe baahie* the Iowa delegate*, who are favorably,*>. peeed toward Herri too. current «e*t* Ing that the BUine boom, ted _ ; (h«t*la1ne'i name would not placed U l a n the Convention eaaete] the greateet •xollement, and tb» taj* tertona mOTemente of (he Elaine. iup- ihere, their aeerat confereoce* eud •*!- d n l tHeoonragement, led to the aocep*- anoe of tbm mport. true. hilhelr namee-sod Mid they were foiDg ee>-TO*e for -Barrlnoo. *Bepprte erere briarlng the total TOWaaeured telktsn ll alweje be known ae uf J fcow "Boces! ltx. ; Vest>tables a Specialty. UNITED TEA * COTFfiE GROWERS. ASSOCIATION. *ND. '43 "WEST "FRONT STREET. A dinner Unerer rdkbed without» atae* ot./pml wiac -JMT« aleowkh f d he pittilic eencnlly to o v large abd Met taWrfly on of oor patron* and the pi tfctmll tbe attest falected etock of •ALES, POSTER AND "BKKB. •FronfStpaet &Park Avianue Buy of .Jrom fl op Boys' and Chtldren's Suits at lowest wholesale prices, all at oor^ .Q. i *»@< TO .S>catan t *.Xcol» AgonU h •HXIJH net. H.«nj. U m Sl»el Wire P«»». XHE WARWICK. >«mi i! •R/.J.'iSHMOT.TItbffi Keep* * flrst-chuB Drug Store andi Dispensary. T thai-money cair bvy. *ffia 2:10 Salvo good ftmWBr M&R •••c.Ver Pound. . f. MAC *JF-T«MN .CRDCER. ! Telephoiw,«55. 46a^8 I B»nt,"Street, PLAINFIELD, .-N. J.. .KRIDAY, JUNE 10. 1892. PRICE TWO CENH8. Than the Republican Conven- tion Qete Down to Even- ing Sc avion Work. OpportealtT to eM CUHl SB. -Ike Cat nesting of, adurakors ap- lP *i(te4 uj arrange fot aa egWMltoo of HARRISON NOMINATED Superior 'Table Butter, 18 i-a-c. *per lb. Slate ptibUc achool wort at the World’ Pair, waa ;bew laat -oek a Trenton in rcaponee to a call loood b; Superintendent Poland. ; Tb Slate committee got to. wort Immediately and much wan done toward orgaptea- I Of uon. It waa derided to prepare an rer extensive exbfailof ail kind* of «hool 31 wort. Spedoena of wort are toko collected Iron all sections of the Wale to bo pjbeeqnentij. the sure in exeeoure committee, and the, anal la rut creditable wort selected. The popila t u tb. wUI prepare each temple of wort on separate abccla of paper, and theM are to be daaslfiad -nad bottod In beota The membera of the committee are ,ae faHowa: Slate Sopeiteteadeet, A. Jt Poland;' Principal, Jamee M. Green, State Normal Sehooi, Trenton; Soper- Intentlent Berrlnger; Newark; Rnperin- I tendent Randall Spaulding, Montclair; I Sapertatemlenl Harry Snider, Jersey I City; Superintendent J. A. Rinehart, Paterson j Superintendent Frank Iaior, Trenton; Superintendent J. A. Dlx, Hliaheth; County Superintendent John Terbuno, Hmckeuauck; County Beper- ^ Intendent H. B WlUIn, New Rpina- > wick; County Superintendent 3. R. Morse, AUanUc City and City Soperlo- ten dent H. B. Howell, Pbllllpsbnrg. BaM le. Chattsr The game of the Plainfield Bicycle dwb with the Flemlogtons, which waa to t)»re been plnyed tomorrow, after- .noouMin the grounds, .or the Cireceot League, ia off. Johnston, the Bloyele Club.pltcher, baa a glam arm wbb’b la. | consldemhly out of coodition. " Tbe Elljnbetb Jounud’a base bell | prophet thus aotUoquixes, “the Cres- retits wo.i t—well, wait until Saturday and see. * lu the aecoanl of the game played between the E. A. C. apd riainlleM it C. I earns laat Saturday, an ln]niticu war done to Jobneti/n, the P.B. C.’s regular pitcher. Jin wui auffeitng with n bune ( « .rv iu DOPiitu to ni a»rwu.| ticnenil Si-well moved for a ballot at 2..Vi winch.waa carried. At Ml tire polling of states hy the rhairmnn, began. . J-i. j Total vote 906; lie easary to nomin- ate 4H Plot balloulug. and proceeded rapidly. Long before New Hamp-liire wan reached it. was astdoni the UnaMmi would be re-nom- Inated. rTOe vote of Texas settled the buainaaa and the Conveniloi) broke Into aHhougb tea Committee an Crefiaa .Mai. did not taka a nnu aa.ll » a a . tta stamhare ware lu aaaalou again brt Valrek. aad II waa alrea out than that .. parttal otwkwnH bauaafia *o tbe Cearaatlee at Jl u'alocx had . Xurthar Hare aakad (Or. Cbaicrexhet the Ooawaetten Ml baa bare.parked la Iba-Jataraatar Staloa ware ear? made b, lb. Ilu|Mg 1 Tl a 1 .W.a - o. scimpmm * *00, TO W«3T[EB0ST SHEET. Thu voio wImcIi wu* expected to go 10 hJfiUdiu In- very t-'.uuivw. It .wwil ill pari 10 Mfkliiley, Herd ; and UncolD. At 4.22 |r. lu. Alvkfofoy lukcu lb« floor ami moves UttU Uha vote Ikj iuudv onaniinuudy for HurriaoD, which . waa done. not ••knocked out of tbe box" aa - waa stated In tbeae column*. McLaughlin tv ait iliu player a bo pitched lu the Ural ipnliiK aud to whom - reference, waa made. Elizabeth Journal. HEW STORE •Ff^£;JD.*W. UDOTtW, The old Central Railroad depot hi Elizabeth will aoou be torn down,** the ucw nations are about ready for occupancy. A large amount of good* liavo accumuiaied,which hare been left by trairdoM pMflcngm or have been held Tor charges. They consist of to iiumcnne variety of umbrellas aad para- noia, aoma ^aUe. preUy oa<l costly, aad a whole carload of theatrical goods, 0^4*0 tl»e property of the. Uwff opera c oiapauy, nf -Vorfc. It is f*n> jmmcU 10 ibatMMO of the aooumaUUon at auction, and apeculatora will And It s rich flop! for. luvoaUioau. >2imnenasi) ff&Rompf, '42’WMt'TronrBt, IsuallaUaa M oarer.. Wednesday evening So Surrender I/rJge No. 3J9, St*i« of Ht/ieorgc, met and gnterwunfid IbqGrfind lodge uffleon. Tim following officers were Inaiallod far the coming six months: Worthy President, Charles Huron Worthy Vice President, Jarepli Walla Meaaenger, Tlmmaa Wloaper. .Aanlalanl Ateaaengrr, Clement Jolley. Chaplain, William Cnrllne. Sentinel, Thomas Kenneth secretary, Bw*l Bomb. Aaalstant Secrete.j, John Brook »- tfififi 1. rlgl.ta.ll, Bandar Waaie at Hal, grew Charch. The twcnty-Urlrd annlveraacy of Holy Crore Charch, will take place on Sunday, and »klh« a»n*o lino the oli«ir will liold lu fourth anniversary. Following Is the order of inosle far the mnaieai eervlce Monday niter-noon Tbla will oe the laat musical arn-inr until October Proeeaakmnl. U», Weelcy; Gloria C., Savage; Magnificat D, t alkie; bjuot Wmlttls P, -Trimnd; Anthem, 'IThu Lord Is Exalted," West; Hymn, »»S, Word; Anthem; “I am Alpha ,aud O nega, Stainer; Recessional, "On Opr Wny Rqjololag.- -THF. WARWICK, The following Inlegnun from New Yurt was received,by the KUIu.r of the thaurier, this morning: To The EpiTon or ihi Countgn: The degree of 1st. I). "(Doctor or - lateraltrci wea todey .rebind hy the -Board lOtTitoUee.of Rutgwa Komale College, apon Mayor Umuucey K. Rlp- Harhiaaaab. Ofaaau la Vkr galrelare Wheals. An ordinance haa been adopted by the city father* of H»eke»aack, pro- viding for a One of l«u 4a|ip».lo ha Im- P°aed oe all whee#mg» ofd*^gHe who use the sidewalk* Of >)<i^at jl(ht.wiUl- ou. lights, or beda -^he lW |kee bare hare been notified to afreet.pH who dla- regard the ordinance. i-£Si'SS*Sas ! j. ¥. M^ axsuoA «jj**r*Mm.caacsR. to tlmiadynai r. 1-N< 3. 209.

Transcript of Then the . tion Gets Down to EoeD- ' ing-Session Work. · volj. 1"no. 209. «j. , kriday .jrjne 10...

Page 1: Then the . tion Gets Down to EoeD- ' ing-Session Work. · volj. 1"no. 209. «j. , kriday .jrjne 10 . 1892 price two cenbk. harrison nominated he polls a majority of votes ok tite

VOlJ. 1"NO. 209. «J., KRIDAY, .jrjNE 10. 1892. PRICE TWO CENBK.




Th» Isp*t*d Vat. , TOT lUu* Failed to

M»tfri»l)7B »nd His Foreo Weit In Put

fcr McKInley.-Oreat iKitement i . th«

iin Owing th

wisted I**arrange ft)? as «WNtton of

state pnblic school wort at the World's

Pair, i n ;beld last week at

Trenton In response to a call issued by

State .Superintendent Foland. ;The

coiarailtec got to i work Immediately

and much was done toward orgaptea-

tion It waa decided to prepare an

extensive exhibit.of all kinds or school

wort 8ped«*»8 of work are t»*e

collected from all sections of the State

to be euljse'i'tently. the

executive committee, and the. most

creditable work selected. The pupils

will prepare #*eh Bample of work on

separate sheets of paper, and these are

be. classified . and bound In book*.

The members of the committee are as

follows: State Hupermteodeot, A,,B.

Poland;- Principal, James M. Green,

Late Normal School, Trenton; Super-

lU-mlent Barringer, Newark; Boperin-

tendeot Randall Spaoldlng, MontcSair;

ju]*.'riut«iwlent Barry Binder, Jersey

City; Superintendent J. A. Rmchart,

^ater^ini Si4>erkii*ndet)t Frank La\kir,

Tre&ton; Snperintendent J. A. Dix,

Elizalteth; Comity SuperinlendtHit John

Terhnne, Hackeawckj Cpanty. Saper-

ntendent II. B. Willis, New Brans-

wick;; Cppnty Superintendent S. It.

Morse, Atlantic City and City Snpcrin-

ten dent H. B. Howell, PbilUpaUurg-

'; i i i-r:! i BewvB moved for a ballot at

J.*a wiictuWwS carried. . A t 9.93 tbe

polling of states by the eh»irn»n

began. • ; . • « • -

Total vote 906; tie essary to iiomin

ate 454.

First bulloLlliig. jEomnieaaBd.-at..3.11

Mil (irocteded" rapidly. Long before

bifiw UmnpsUiTO was reJU:hcd it. w&&

livuWul Ui« Fjes'ukiiL would be rc-nom-

iiinLpd. 'I'll-- vote or Texas settled ibe


T!;c <.<;:, in j,,, i •.', i. expected to go

tu IWwuu be very uiuHive. Il

"< n: in j ii : i'i '.[i-l-: MLJ. y. Heed • Hid


At 4.22 p. m. Alttiiutey lakes tlic

floor ami moves tlitit tlto vote be made

onantaonsly for Harrison, which , was

But But ChttUr.

The game of the Plain field Bicycle

;)iil. with the Flemingtons, which was

0 IIJVVC been played to-morrow, after-

vm the grounds.,of. the Caeacent

League, is off. Johnston, the Bicycle

;iuli pitclier, baa a glass anil wbk'li is

considerably out of condition.

The Elisabeth Journal's base ball

irophet tliufl soliloquizes, "the Cres-

cents won't—well, wait until Saturday

and see."

the account of the game played

een tflio E. A. C. apd Plainfleid, R

uins last Saturday, an Injustice was

l(Ki« i-> Jt>lnMiH»i!, Me i'.H. C.'s regular

litclier. 1U: wa.s sutferiog wstb a lacue

arm, did..not (riuy, and iherefure was

'knocked out of the box" as > was

stated in tbese columns. McLaaghJjn

:M> tin.- player who pitched in vlie first

g and to whom reference was

mo.le. .-Elizabeth Journal

at Oflieeri.

Wednesday evening S.o Surrender

I-odge No. 3>9, Sops of BtjUebrgc, met

miiiciitf'1'UiiiieiUIie.GrtiK1 Loiigcoflicerh

the following officers were Installed [m

the coming six months: a

Worthy President, diaries

Worthy Vice Tresifleii^ ' Jopepli


Messenger, Thoojas Winsper.

AiHustant .Messenger, Clemeift Jolley

Cliapialn, William CarBne.

Sentinel, Thomas Kennett.

Secretary, «amuol £ffl»b. [

A wHiatan t Secretary, Joli II BTOpks.

Mother J t o « *r Vw*Dj)d.

The following telegram from J*

YoriuwasreeafcedjbjrjLbe Efltor Of t ie

Courier, |hlB, morning:

To THE. EDITOR OF THE CoriMEtl;- The degree of- Lit. D. (Ductor

i literature) was lo-day *.•«« furred by ibe

Boarder Trustees,of Butgera Femak

CoJlege, apoaJUjorChauiuMy K Hip

ley, of Westfleld.

Hacinwack. ObjecU to *h« VolMlMS

An ordinance bat been adopted by

the city fathers of Harkeasack, pro-

viding for a fine of t*n d»^rs to i,e Im-

posed on all wficcfmeo. of-tjie |*ice wlm

(dat/ltf^aout lights, or bella. ,TLe ;polke save

have i)ci n notiSed to arrant, all who dis-

regard the ordinance.

la tte t w t f e l Gwt.

.Van SM, set, down (or iriml beforeJustice Naah jrcntcnlay, w adjourn^for a wcet

The caao of Hatthews TS.Oo.dlt, j l -so on contract, was adjourned over, uuHI Thursday Of next week.

—"TV relation of ihe Presbyterian

Assembly, the Mctholfct Cor'—

»i"l.tho iiaptlst Congress to

• Thought," will be

I pastor's sermon s t

OpportultT fcr l

KWSIAPOLH, JUD. 10.-TheOf 'til* Convtotion foond tbe•Bd BkiM.rukl d«rfd«3Jr in. f*»or ofgetting down *" **— -i—'1-jrrtpHT T<t\laa littl* iwlij M poaalbla.

Tb« t u t Is tint « ffood man j dalflfjand i l i iMn u mi l , who MOM hwf•r*l d»y* f»rli«!r tb»n is aosMnar•d»»nc» of. tho Convention, a n .tfnlng to get w y tired of tb* rteruih » d cro^h, H i b r m bnildram corp. wboopits mnd k«wtaatamanta of tba ooDtM^ »od tl e t Mllth tba idt* tb»t the pro•aar b» eootr*ci*d «Mt SnniUT.

Qmoe itrotiB hints bars bwa «treo tot tb Blaiu mijorltj of tb* Pam-

iBd«oU»l« tb*t it mt«ht K ttMt too ttrooglj tb«,Mapt>r

of tho Harrison mil of tbe ConTMtioDfcy prolonging «h« iwtwfDlBf nnis«lalT In tk« loUrou of the OWSM.i | t n , who cUim th»t «r«rr d 'toprorc. the cbaooea of ttaelr

A Chunce For Bpecalator i.

The old ('nilml HitilroBd depot stElizabeth will soon be lorn down, .as

ana are about ready forA large, amonnt of gootls

which hare been leftby careless passengoi., or have been

:!d for charges. Tliey consist of animense variety of umbrellas and para-

sol.s, some quite, pretty, and cosily, anda whole cailomi of theatrical goods,

op'-rsy oI.tbe.Uaff OperaCompany, of .Sow -York. Il Is ipro-.posed Lo dispose of me acvamnlAtli

iction, and speculators will iind It arich (icul for iuviwtuioaw.

Eund.j Ka.ic st Solr Cro.i Cknrek

The twenty-third anniversary of

Holy Cross Cborcli, will take plaoe on

Sunday, nud at Uiu same_limc tlie clmir

will hold Its fourth anniversary.

Following is the order of music .for

e musical service Jtenday afternoon.

This will be the laet mnsical Bervict

itll October.

Processional, 140, WeBlcy; Gloria C,

Savage; Magnificat D, Calkin; Num.-

Dfmittts F, •Trimnel; Anthem, 'fThe

I,i;n: is Exalted," West; Hymn, *W,

Ward; Aiithem; "J am Alpha and

O:uega, Stalner; Recessional, "On Omr

Way Rejoicing."

.Traded Hli Shoe. «-d Slipped Town.

James Jobnson, ol Cottage place,

dressed op in hUljestavit of clothes ye«-

terday and borrowed * pair of Uje

uei«hix.r'8 Bhoee. Ue Look ttie L

lo a Park avenue cobbler and exct

them for another pair, receiving 9 1 - »

in tho bargain. This morning Ow-st*-

bie Amos HofteU succeeded ID lociUug

the -fthoea ami retonilug tlmn to

oaMBlaiBt againM

THREE MYS0FWAITIH6Then the Republican Conven-

. tion Gets Down to EoeD- 'ing-Session Work.


BOTH aioss n o o n T B B I AMI IOCS.

bnil M dk«wlio- at-d th»j did

Althoagh tba Committee on Crsdan-abdldvoCUkfaMCMa,* membar. were in HUIOD H . | n b r 9

o'olock, u d ft was (r!»en ant then Uat» pM-U»U<-port would H . W < t -«o tb*ConT«ntloa B» tl o'clock .and , furthertime Mked (or.

Cbatg«* (hat the OonTeolfon Hall h*ibeen.puked in th. Jct«r«t. of Blalna

n rery fnelr made by tfa« HurxiMnThey Mdd that

•t work sad bus nohieTBd tetlinehleprofreee. It hopes to be able to report•io.f»«:ht at 8 o'oloek auct ,aakafurther time.

Oen. Sewell, of New Jersey, w U frn-•ae4hrtily an hla-feet. ninna nn iiieliieeieould be done aoUl the oommMUa report he moved that tho Con-vention take s TvcsM until 8 o'clock.

Mr. Culljm aad trltd W inLrraptGen. Sewall, bat the Chulrman etopeedhim. Then Mr. Cullom eeked «,h.tpMiltne: the motion the OoavMtfoa rmeelve-B MeatuUon from kin an 4k*World's Fair.

Mr CnUom eent np to the e>enk alotion which-M follow*;

*rary O M U ,m .fcsix r»-

l S S S HThe p—ibllky .that the

•peeobe. would be made tbleKa*7aDa4ded Interest to the t . . . .and Increased the deu»ad tor tieketa ofedmleeian.

At 1:80 » m. It was reported Vbat ex-GOT. Foreker, who had been beMUj

" to the Colorado headquarter*,j after the adjournment oftoe on Rwolatiom wea in

„ with Gkajrjaaa . Cleekeon,.•tore Teller and Wolcott, J. Sio»t

•sd others of the enti-Admiole-___idw>. .a«aij>th»nmerH*>w-

ing out of file report. w » one- (kit Jnthe erent of the probable defeat ofBleine a eomprontee candWat* ID the

Would be »pruQ4 on the flret iajlot.CkannoeT Depew end Senior Hiaooekare been doing a.,o*d dwO ot intaalon-

work at the headquari*™ of Uoeeitloni who hare members on IbeLate Wedneedar night In s i i i s i

1&C > hig gathering of MUwuri, K n i uand Dakota delegations Depew aaid thatIUrrl«on'e snnilntrtretlnn bad been»aepsaafnl.*nd bleeeed bejoad. a« j eincetbeweraod many o( the people whoe/erebiaterlrepK-ito Um f«Tr - , • « , , wwere BOW In of kit enp-

Bnt nothing dffnoiU Cum- of the « n -rtnoe, so far aa tonWb* learned, aad

4»rt ulk. 'B r r a rfwe« u>ide to fetn *

—llttHW " ' St-» d»kg«*. »n one oroiter of tbe IMMC J M W , but aJ I oftbem.wer* namooMeatgl. Brerr ffrt

tk b of

oat dark boreas w*re traceable to *fc*BUtM leader*, fieuntor Woleott m

At the barines* n«eUag oT-Ihe' W.<

T. U., iMkl onSUntHis, Jl was

that a statement pf (he iaie

Mayflower F#s(ival**d*»aU»rUiank.• *

Bren the epMCaenlar bt«*illB eam*a own to hie m t ucompmld «at* hj

— ]u*t bebhid _ . .pUtform. Seoetor G4rej . and SenatorUoMilUn u t ajde b ; aide tmtlor tb.

llerr- Aaatatunt Poatmuter QeDetWlhhod* w » la h l n c t u u n r d pi^ce

and Chairman Eacry Biaghain o(. Pana:i j lwul i « t 1a the Clerk'n.Kwt.

A pbM4Mpfcr had set b

tion y expMsed by the LOOUI-J.- dele-gution who were toned t o n ' W«d»ee-U r >l |bi at, what tkir insjsliier ijShei.fatuity o( eome of their friend, on theCommittee, through wfaioh they ebdmtheir caae was elves away.

After the preaenteUau of _(or UM conteeMMU bl ex-Qor. Wiwbich ls.eeid to bare beennn_,__HfeetWe, Mr. Chun pbell, of ISlloole, eeMthe memben frem Oeor|le a*d Dt»hwho had preTlon.iy noted with ten,


At 11:33 Cbalrman McKlnley with amtaw of Bounding blowi of the aaw

«aTeLend«n»or»d to call the Coorenttonto order, bat It warn tome mlDMea hefor* the bur* of the eonrenatlon riniiiland the delegatae took tatetr aeate e*dg»*« tbelr attention to bnalnaae. I

Her. Mr. Bru.b, D.D., Chancellor ofthe Univ«mltr «f I Sooth L Dakota, de-Urered the opening Pfa*a*.

"After the conclusion of the prayerthe Chair aeid- tut n ( u ' u enter »aa Uiereport en oredentl

ktr. Congiwelleeddr "Il« Ciranii

t np to tbordor.4 re

Eeeo*T«d, That ike WorM'i fclr'Col-lea Expoeitlon to be tMBglnud inilty of Chicago In 1899 1* riglitluHy" »d byatl olMeaa of ovrcfiHxu,r-

_ of tbeir poiUloalaSliaMuo^ aagreat National nod.rtaklng, and tkat.fe*oaTiitton of. I f sbswMer»>en>ejt

ongbtto promptly pio»ide far epproprl •«te leai.l-tioD soeb n u n m b l . aid

Mr. .Eohart, of UlinoU, >te>n|n1 arwolnti on (also referred) proriding Ih.tGrend'Arosj men be erftirttl*) to tuod-iaa- n«ra.,.»od that if , M ; neeee «»eteTacant tbirtr mlnotM sfUr lbs Conreo-tton wi> called to orderxbey •hooldfce

b._ toooenpjtii receif ed wttei * „

*Tbe Cb»innao then •

There wtn crle» ot no from all «rerthe hall, coupled with ehewts 'for la-

" bull* Ue nostsjew Ua Qkmir-jut the motloo.Mil dedarad Hi

tkeCr*d*ntleUTbe Commute* on Credentiali reaa-

•embled at S a. n>., and took up (be die-trlct eonteat. from Loui.laua, of which

Superior 'Table ^Butter, 18

do*. Eelletg be excluded and

The Intimation wae made that thetl i lmol tbe ceitertuU m i lot a .Urely Mtttfaotarr to e « o tbe .deiecates. This, of eonree, thenilii i l i ieay,, • e . k . e . i tithe Committee and theyby • majority ot three Totea. I»rr«ware two membem of the "leBjiilsMiebeent when the Tote we* taken end

d b y U . Harrleo-

The> MlaeoDrt delegation aioMet .oemeto blowa orer the eeleetlon of a Na-tlonal CommltteemMi to aooceed Okeay 1. Filley. Thr Kerenatkat Ur nilmj »*d not

p g fond • wheregood, anil need it a* an efsnnwat asntfaethie reveleedoB. FtlJey," en the <Aberbaad, brontrbt witneeaee l t P k * bst the Nleoliet to proT*alwa/. e«p*nd«d thef-nd. j u d c o n y .The Ulk waa very rapid, the lie being(rl*eo lafdlacrfmlMtely. The yoteetood:Kerene, IB; Filley, IS; Warner, 1.

U U>e torn t»!«rnllo*.The Iowa delegation bad a meeting

with oloaed doora e ibort tlmthe Conemblfng

Kew Yer

of Harrison -werek d I

ent, and a tpeeok waa m»di I ,•Deey IL Depew, who «ae ooe ol

_ , number. The effort WM is) tbedie—Ion of -sttsTeanc abe baahie* theIowa delegate*, who are favorably,*>.peeed toward Herri too.

current «e*t*Ing that the BUine boom, ted

_ ; (h«t*la1ne'i name would notplaced U l a n the Convention eaaete]

the greateet •xollement, and tb» taj*tertona mOTemente of (he Elaine. iup-

ihere, their aeerat confereoce* eud •*!-d n l tHeoonragement, led to the aocep*-anoe of tbm mport. a» true.

hilhelr namee-sod Mid they were foiDgee>-TO*e for -Barrlnoo. *Bepprte erere

briarlng the total TOW aaeured telktsn

ll alweje be known ae

u f Jfcow "Boces!ltx. ;


*ND. '43 "WEST "FRONT STREET.A dinner U nerer rdkbed without» atae* ot./pml wiac -JMT« aleowkhf d he pittilic eencnlly to o v large abd M e t taWrflyon of oor patron* and the pi

tfctmll tbe attestfalected etock of


•FronfStpaet & Park Avianue

Buy of

.Jrom f l op

Boys' and Chtldren's Suits at lowest wholesale prices, all at oor^

.Q. i * » @ <


.S>catant*.Xcol»AgonU h

•HXIJH net. H.«nj.U m Sl»el Wire P«»».


i !

•R/.J.'iSHMOT.TItbffiKeep* * flrst-chuB Drug Store andi Dispensary. Tthai-money cair bvy. *ffia 2:10 Salvo good ftmWBr

M&R•••c.Ver Pound.


Telephoiw,«55. 46a^8IE« B»nt,"Street,


Than the Republican Conven- tion Qete Down to Even-

ing Sc avion Work. OpportealtT to eM CUHl SB.

-Ike Cat nesting of, adurakors ap- lP*i(te4 uj arrange fot aa egWMltoo of HARRISON

NOMINATED Superior 'Table • Butter, 18 i-a-c. *per lb. Slate ptibUc achool wort at the World’ Pair, waa ;bew laat -oek a

Trenton in rcaponee to a call loood b; Superintendent Poland. ; Tb Slate committee got to. wort Immediately and much wan done toward orgaptea- I Of uon. It waa derided to prepare an

rer extensive exbfailof ail kind* of «hool 31 wort. Spedoena of wort are toko collected Iron all sections of the Wale to bo pjbeeqnentij. the sure in exeeoure committee, and the, anal

la rut creditable wort selected. The popila t u tb. wUI prepare each temple of wort on separate abccla of paper, and theM are to be daaslfiad -nad bottod In beota The membera of the committee are ,ae faHowa: Slate Sopeiteteadeet, A. Jt Poland;' Principal, Jamee M. Green, State Normal Sehooi, Trenton; Soper-

Intentlent Berrlnger; Newark; Rnperin- I tendent Randall Spaulding, Montclair; I Sapertatemlenl Harry Snider, Jersey I City; Superintendent J. A. Rinehart, Paterson j Superintendent Frank Iaior,

Trenton; Superintendent J. A. Dlx, Hliaheth; County Superintendent John Terbuno, Hmckeuauck; County Beper- ^ Intendent H. B WlUIn, New Rpina- ■> wick; County Superintendent 3. R. Morse, AUanUc City and City Soperlo-

ten dent H. B. Howell, Pbllllpsbnrg. BaM le. Chattsr

The game of the Plainfield Bicycle dwb with the Flemlogtons, which waa to t)»re been plnyed tomorrow, after- .noouMin the grounds, .or the Cireceot League, ia off. Johnston, the Bloyele Club.pltcher, baa a glam arm wbb’b la.

| consldemhly out of coodition. " ’ Tbe Elljnbetb Jounud’a base bell | prophet thus aotUoquixes, “the Cres- retits wo.i t—well, wait until Saturday and see. *

lu the aecoanl of the game played between the E. A. C. apd riainlleM it C. I earns laat Saturday, an ln]niticu war done to Jobneti/n, the P.B. C.’s regular pitcher. Jin wui auffeitng with n bune

(■« .rv iu DOPiitu to ni a»rwu.| ticnenil Si-well moved for a ballot at

2..Vi winch.waa carried. At Ml tire polling of states hy the rhairmnn, began. . J-i. j

Total vote 906; lie easary to nomin- ate 4H

Plot balloulug. and proceeded rapidly. Long before New Hamp-liire wan reached it. was astdoni the UnaMmi would be re-nom- Inated. rTOe vote of Texas settled the buainaaa and the Conveniloi) broke Into

aHhougb tea Committee an Crefiaa .Mai. did not taka a nnu aa.ll » a a . tta stamhare ware lu aaaalou again brt Valrek. aad II waa alrea out than that .. parttal otwkwnH bauaafia *o tbe Cearaatlee at Jl u'alocx had . Xurthar Hare aakad (Or. Cbaicrexhet the Ooawaetten Ml baa bare.parked la Iba-Jataraatar Staloa ware ear? made b, lb. Ilu|Mg 1 Tl a 1 .W.a - o. scimpmm * *00,

TO W«3T[EB0ST SHEET. Thu voio wImcIi wu* expected to go 10 hJfiUdiu In- very t-'.uuivw. It

.wwil ill pari 10 Mfkliiley, Herd ; and UncolD.

At 4.22 |r. lu. Alvkfofoy lukcu lb« floor ami moves UttU Uha vote Ikj iuudv onaniinuudy for HurriaoD, which . waa done.

not ••knocked out of tbe box" aa - waa stated In tbeae column*. McLaughlin tv ait iliu player a bo pitched lu the Ural ipnliiK aud to whom - reference, waa made. — Elizabeth Journal.


The old Central Railroad depot hi Elizabeth will aoou be torn down,** the ucw nations are about ready for occupancy. A large amount of good* liavo accumuiaied,which hare been left by trairdoM pMflcngm or have been held Tor charges. They consist of to iiumcnne variety of umbrellas aad para- noia, aoma ^aUe. preUy oa<l costly, aad a whole carload of theatrical goods, 0^4*0 tl»e property of the. Uwff opera c oiapauy, nf -Vorfc. It is f*n> jmmcU 10 ibatMMO of the aooumaUUon at auction, and apeculatora will And It s rich flop! for. luvoaUioau.

>2imnenasi) ff&Rompf, '42’WMt'TronrBt,

IsuallaUaa M oarer.. Wednesday evening So Surrender I/rJge No. 3J9, St*i« of Ht/ieorgc, met and gnterwunfid IbqGrfind lodge uffleon.

Tim following officers were Inaiallod far the coming six months: Worthy President, Charles Huron Worthy Vice President, Jarepli

Walla Meaaenger, Tlmmaa Wloaper. .Aanlalanl Ateaaengrr, Clement Jolley. Chaplain, William Cnrllne. Sentinel, Thomas Kenneth secretary, Bw*l Bomb. Aaalstant Secrete.j, John Brook »-

tfififi 1. rlgl.ta.ll,

Bandar Waaie at Hal, grew Charch. The twcnty-Urlrd annlveraacy of Holy Crore Charch, will take place on Sunday, and »klh« a»n*o lino the oli«ir

will liold lu fourth anniversary. Following Is the order of inosle far the mnaieai eervlce Monday niter-noon Tbla will oe the laat musical arn-inr until October Proeeaakmnl. U», Weelcy; Gloria C., Savage; Magnificat D, t alkie; bjuot Wmlttls P, -Trimnd; Anthem, 'IThu Lord Is Exalted," West; Hymn, »»S, Word; Anthem; “I am Alpha ,aud O nega, Stainer; Recessional, "On Opr Wny Rqjololag.-

-THF. WARWICK, The following Inlegnun from New Yurt was received,by the KUIu.r of the thaurier, this morning: To The EpiTon or ihi Countgn: The degree of 1st. I). "(Doctor or - lateraltrci wea todey .rebind hy the

-Board lOtTitoUee.of Rutgwa Komale College, apon Mayor Umuucey K. Rlp-

Harhiaaaab. Ofaaau la Vkr galrelare Wheals. An ordinance haa been adopted by the city father* of H»eke»aack, pro- viding for a One of l«u 4a|ip».lo ha Im-

P°aed oe all whee#mg» ofd*^gHe who use the sidewalk* Of >)<i^at jl(ht.wiUl- ou. lights, or beda -^he lW|kee bare hare been notified to afreet.pH who dla- regard the ordinance. i-£Si'SS*Sas!

j. ¥. M^ axsuoA «jj**r*Mm.caacsR.

to tlmiadynai

r. 1-N< 3. 209.

Page 2: Then the . tion Gets Down to EoeD- ' ing-Session Work. · volj. 1"no. 209. «j. , kriday .jrjne 10 . 1892 price two cenbk. harrison nominated he polls a majority of votes ok tite

1 'A l tAGRATHS.

0 on fruit broken caady

at Tter-B to-morrow.—Hie temperatw* ^ertendajr was

maximum 82 degrees, nrfnimmn 60

e A Van Aradajtfi • * . » « walt Leather Blucber « * rery popular•hoe.

—The telephone in tb^ North Plain-field engine bouse is saWl to be out oforder.

—Lightning last night seriously in-terfcrred with tbe tcle|ihon« Bervtete atNew Brunswick. • I

—On account of the rain tbe r . .In Oraader's Grove, Evona, was post-poned last evening.

—The report or the dog-powderis four dogs killed yesterday and twoawaiting- sentence.

—Tne famous Cnbau UianU willball with the Untger's College le&ni onMonday afternoon next.

—Central Lodge, No. 41, A. O. W.,met ID regular session last evening,and initiated five new members.

—Mr. Adams, of PlalnHeld, has givenout the plans for seven houses on theTan Syckte farm at South; BoondBrook.

—The question of closing the Cres-cent Leagne bowling alleys will be con-sidered at the next mooting of tlieLeague.

—little Miss Ward, the Spanlalitkirt dancer, in "Mrs. Casey's Mis-haps," made a favorable impression atMusic Hall last night.

—The Secretary or the PlaiufieldWater Supply Company has notified theCity Clerk that twenty-five fire hydrantsare now ready for use.

—The Children's Fair for the benefitof the'Children's Home, which waspostponed, will be held Saturday after-noon, Jane 11, at 29 Putman avenue.

—Sergeant Lynch is to-day servingsubpamaes for witnesses in three caseswhich are set down for trial before Cityjudge Codinglon to-morrow morning.

—Piainfleld and Elizabeth arescheduled to play at Elizabeth to-morrow. A little money was putnp, last evening, but few bets Weremade.

—Hulter, sugar and oil We waydown in price, according to a new ad-vertisement of the United Te& and Cof-fee Growers' Association. * It is worthreading.

—TJie Bound Brook Council metTuesday evening. The application olJames H. Force for a peanut standalongside of tbe Mansion House wasdeterred, i

—A meeting of the Woman's ReliefCorps, No. 110, was beld last evening,to take Inw consideration the receptionof Carney Janeway Corps, of NewBrnnawickJ on Friday evening of rieitweek.

—According io conservative opinions,the ball gakne scheduled for nest Wed-nesday between the Crescents and theStaten Island Club, Twill be the mostexciting game of the season.

—Tbe children's fair for tiie benefitof the Children's Home, will be heldon ttic lawn adjoining F. X. Schoon-maker's residence on Putman avenue,on Saturday afternoon, June 11.

—Some of the fans now in use Iu theCity Council Chamber were presentedby "Parse and Mundy," fully fifteenyears ago while Uie firm carried onbusiness where the Dime Savfngs Bankis now located.

. —tJcre" Johnson, the real estat<auctioneer, of New York, is about toBtart a real estate boom in this city.Beginning early next month he willoffer for sale a tract or land near tbeNetherwood HoteL

—The Crescent League bave decidedto have a fine exhibition of fire-workson their ball grounds In North Plain*field tbe night of Jnly fourth. Col.Moore and Fred Slater have been ap-pointed a Committee on Torpedoes.

—A black horse belonging to JosephFrailer, of Berkley 11 eights, becameIrlghtosod at an umbrella oistreet, yesterday afternoon, and ranaway. The owner succeeded In gettingtbe bone under control after he hadgone a few blocks, and no damaged^ne.

—"Mrs. Casey's Mlahapa/1 was pro-duced at Mosic Hall, last evening, be-fore a small andtence. The play waspoor, and It Is evidently Intended forthe EaaUS.dc In New York, Tbe Com-pany was made np In Newark. Theyplayed twice ID Elizabeth, once in Bah'way, sad the fourth time here lastnight

—A well-known Piainfleld lady aendithe Courier the following recipe fortin^nish cream which she pronouncesdeftdons: Separate .the whites and yolkiof Jour eggs, and with the yolki make

••a belled custard, add a pint of milk and•sugar to taste. Set one-third of a boxof gelatine to soak in a little cold waterTor * few minuted, then dissolve It Inthree-fourths <a a cup of boiling water.When the custard has coded add thegelatine water and the white* of theeggs well beaten; flavor with vanilla,stir all together and put Into moulds.A p ret ty effect can be obtained by u a-bVptok gelatine.

ni to Pm ma

« M N , - U Clan tip ft T>bl« Mm of BMIMM AnThe readers uf the Courier alone had

the information last erenlng of the de-cision of Die Supremo Court In the Lowwater antl newer ordinanceJudge Mitgie handed in thewtiJch 1B roost Interesting to e»erjPlalnflelder. I t cited as the groomfor laying aside the water ordinancewhich the "Big Six" persisted ining over Mayor Gilbert's veto, that theordinance Tailed lo mention theof the six associates which Mr. Lowproposed to have with him 1B his bigscheme. This fatal defect was pointedonl by Corporation Connael Craig A.Hanh when the ordinance was sub-mitted to him. Tlie "Big Six" reportedthis (act to Low, bnt the would-beWater Ring eald it didn't make anydifference and so tbe defective ordi-nance went through.

t ease of the sewer ordinance,the amendment to tbe act of the Lngielatnre governing tbe layingsewers, and which was designed to re-strict the provisions of the act to ctt.eeof the third class was declared to beconstitutions.) and as the ordinance Ibased on this act, it was thrown out aeillegal. Tbe co'urt also mentioned that

defects were sufficient to throwoat the ordinances without considering

her manifest defects.These decisions have proved to Plaln-

Seld people tbe wisdom and forethoughtof their honored Mayor. Mr. Gitbendeclined to sign these ordinances be-cause tiicy were manifestly wrong, noi

ly in spirit but in the mannei of Ihelissage. When the majority, however,

passed them over his .veto, he refusedo sign the contracts and thus involve

the city further in the financial slougtwhich threatened. His veto mewagtwas clear, business-like and convincingYesterday the State's Supremo Cournet their seal of approval npon hit

Harsh, too, is entitled to nosmall mead of credit It is onlyother evidence that his advice Is goodadvice and hasneveryet led the city as-tray. And from the Coondlmenwho stoodsteadfast, who expostulated and plead-ed against the reckless majority but

e voted down, have only rea-son for farther congratulation. Tlirteople endorsed 1 heir action last Decem-

d the courts have just don c so.

Richard J. Clark, aged 82 year*lied at the Albion Hotel last evening.

Mrs, D. S. Roberts, of North ave-ue has gone to Scranlon, Pa., cisit.

Robert and John Cliffton, of WestThird street, sailed for England on thesteamer "Teutonic" Wednesday. The}lave gone on a vacation.

AtCfiester, Pa., on the 8th inst. oc•urred the death of Mary, the onlj:hil(i of Rev. and Mrs. H. M. Lowry,if Port Jefferson, N. Y.

Rev. J. B. Cleaver, formerly pi)f t ie First Church of Christ of thiscity, will deliver tbe oration at theFourth of Jnly celebration at ii<Brook.

Fred. W. Taylor, orEast Fifth-street,went to Ithaca, New York, yesterday.

here he begins to-day the entranceexamination to Cornell University. Heexpects to enter the course in eloctrfca'ngineeriug,

W. 8. Angleraan, of West Fromitrect, successfully passed the exami-nation for admission to the New Jerseybar at Trenton yesterday and was maden attorney-at-law. II is examinationas a most commendable one and came

In for special mention at the hands iUie examiners. The motion for MlAngleman's admission was made byCorporation Counsel Marsh.

Ki<* Bij[«loir'i Muleala.The pupils of Miss Bigelow's select

school gave a moalcale at the residenceif Mrs. Coan), No. 40 PnUnan ave

hut evening. The entertainmentappreciated by all present. Itslated of a piano trio by Miss NettleKellogg,MiMEmma Fish and Miss MaryKUfcr, piano solos by Miss LlbbleJoeeph, M.88 Ethel Holmes, Hiss MabelWader, Miss Maude French and duetsby Miss Florence Serrell sod Ml* MaySmillfe, MIM Lima Moore and .Kate Overtoo, ft vocal solo by MIM Jes-sie Smillie and selection! on theviolin l>y An Irow Carpenter. Th« in-terior of tbe bouse was decorated withdasiee, ferns, e tc , and {taring tbeevening refreshment* wen served.

The following dlipatch was receivedby Mrs. Bennett Brillon, at ScotchHUM, yesterday:Mrs Bennett Britton,

Fan wood, N. J . :Your son, Hon. J. A. P. Richard*,

was to-day nominated for Congress inthe Seventeenth Ohio District

J. T.

—Officer Fredrickaoo who capturedthe Crescent aveuae burglar, was off

Naming theCandidates




Weleott I M J V M tfca Haw* KxtfU udI J i . n l TiuifMi X«l«cl*w Iks ma*.d.Bt,-K(Ii«!.j-| Tiai Mag*. <>•* aBlf i H i l t t of SatLvnua. - Th* 1tiff Lik*)V " Begin L*W la th» Aft*r-

June 10.—The nomina-tions will Co made before niglilfall, tliais, unless all signs fall. The mere ;tion of a candidate's name set tbe con-vention wild with excitement to-dayWhen Blatne's name was presented bySenator Woloott, of Colorado, the enUinslasm broke out The rival faction!

tarn cheered their candidate, thoughIn point of noise Blalnc seemed to takithe lead. It Is not likely that eitherthe President or his «t-Seeretary

iife will be uomiualed. Keep cooid don't bet, MATTHEWS.


MINNEAPOLIS, Jnne 10.—TbeCodven

ion re-convened ibis morning at 11

j'clock. At quarter past twelve £

.or Wolcott, of Colorado, nominate)

Ex^ejret«ry of Stote in a speech thai

was proitounced a perfect gem. The

nomination was received with wik

cheers Ri.-hard Thompson, of Michi-

gan, presented the President's name.

"I homlnate," auld he, "for the Presi

ilency of the United Suites tbe wise

statesman, Benjamin Harrison,'1 Tbe

close of the speech, was folk wed by

cheering which lasted for several m


The managers of the Blalue canvc

say the President cannot be nominated.

They are talking and acting mysteri-

ously, and there are plenty of rumors

hat they will bring out a dark horse.

This morning they give DO figures o

the auti-H&rriaou strength, bnt say thai

ife majority of the delegates will not

vote for the President when the fina

test come.

It is generally agreed that a nomina

>n will be made not later f a n

secoDd ballot, and ibe President's

Irieuds say the roll will be called onlj


la Improved fcuthod of Spoking Wn**U,

Which Will Pjexent Batt mad ConttqaeEt

Brnkoc*.—John V«tt«leio, of Tl»i» City

E u & Fortant u ta« Inrenhoa.

John Vetteridn,J.ho machinist or Ex

•iunigc Alley, has just secured a paten

'or an Improved spoke To,- bicycle

wheels. The best quality of steel is

used the tnanufactare of spokes for tht

wheels in use at the present day.

Their roost vulnerable part Is where

these spokes enter the 'rjm. Man;

manufacturers nlckle [.late thclr^apoke

to.prevent them #>om rusting, but the;

and it Impossible to so protest tin

crew threaded ends.' Rust will come,

IO matter how ranch care is taken a

here is where tbe breakage conn

Mr. Vetteriein's potent covers just this

point. It consists of a nipple, set Into

the rim of the tire in such a manner

that the spoke is screwed into

This both holds the •poke firmly

and adds to IIB strength. The nipple

is set into the rim, dusb with the inner

side, and being beaded prevent* the

spoke from coming through and

jnring the tire. This nipple also la

o constructed that any rider can,

-ith the aid of a small monkey wrencb,

put in new spoke* himself at a cost

ot about twenty cents each, and be-

sides, can respoke an entire wheel In-

side of a couple of hours.

Tetterleia has bad a number

ofofferalbr bis patent from

the largest cycle

America, bnt thus far h*» refused to

selL Ms Idea, la to put bis patent out

on royalty, BO that It will be of benefit

wheelmen of tbe world- He baa

applied for several other patents look-

ng towards the Improvement of the

manufacture ot the apokea and babe of

wheels, and expect* they •rill t*

granted to him by tbe first of July.

Bis Ideas are all practicable and a n

the result of obfterMtoiu which he has

'bile fn the bicycle repair

If is interests will be folly

protected by European patent*.

-Uemben of tbe Crescent League

Wheelmen are requested to report at

club home this evening at 7 30 o'clock

for a d a b ran to Rahway. Captain J.

A. Hayne* in his official notice says:

•The paw will bo tnodertle u d uo

rar Ifax anaSra i u totftr.

Some weeks ago, an. ordinance wnIntroduced In toe Common Counwhich provided tbat when a bicj.'rider approached % carriage or vebi<

any of the public streets «/ thcity, due notice or such appro*-;should be given by tbe rider by rlngii..»Iwli or sounding a whi«tle,*t adistan,or not lew than fifty feet from the spiicarriage or veh'cle: This ordinancewas amended a£ the last meeting or tbeCouncil, making It obligatory upon Inrider to sound tbe whistle or ring th>ell only when approaching a crossiuwhen the said riders were not in ptalview oT pedestrians. As tills a<di nance la practically the same as (beother, tbe wheelmen of Flalnncld feesomewhat incensed over the matter.

The clause of the ordinance whirrelates to tbe ringing of a boil osoundlng * whistle when approaching upedestrian or vehicle, has been though>y many to be unconstitutional Th..claim It to be useless and unjust, amsay that It will only lead to contusluiand accident Horses as a rule sinot frightened by a bicycle rider <

ight, but the enforced ringii^ anwhistling will be very apt to scat

The wheelmen have no objeetions to the clause of tbe liprovides for their carrying lights

i at night, Ant they think tb;icarriages and other conveyances stooh

ded In the same provisions, athey do not considet it fair for suetdiscrimination to be made against lt><wheelmen.

The Chief'Coiisnl of tbe New Jerse,Division or the League'of AmericanWliei'liiii'ii, <.;. r iu! ton Brown, of Elizabeth, in speaking of the matter, sai.that none of the wheelmen had madeany complaints concerning tbe new lawbut :r any came he would reftto ex-Assemblyman Foster Yoorheesof Kli/-aljctli, the acting chairman of tl)League Committee on Rights and Privileges and Herbert Knight, of Newark, whot the other member of tbe committeef these gentlemen find sufficient causeor action, they will seek redress Vi thecourts. Wheelmen have hail to (ighfor their rights ever since the finswheel api>eared and as bicycles are no*recognized as vehicles by the law, theyshould not be discriminated against.

For the pnrpose of learning just Whiright* the wheelmen bave In the premsea, a reporter of the Courier

suited the Laws of tbe State of NewJersey. : He found in tbe laws ofl86Sunder section 3, of Chapter CLVII, thefollowing: "And be it enacted thanothing la this act shall be so construed as to prevent tbe passage, enforcemenl or maintenance or any reguation, ordinance or rule regulating tb>isc of bicycle* or tricycles in publi>it reels, avenues, roads, turnpikesdriveways, parkways, add other publicplaces in such manner as to litdetermine the proper rate of speedwith which such vehicles may be pro-pelled, nor in such manner as to re-quire, direct or prohibit the use of Dells,

ips and other such appurtenances,nor to prohibit the use of any vehicleupon that part or the street, road

irkway commonly known as the or sidewalk."

According to this act, the Mayor antCouncil of the city or borough have tinright to pass any law, ordinance o.regulation which shall lend to th<safely or pedestrians or vehicles upoiany or the public streets from the rois-

i of titeyr-k'8. They also hrer to require the use of bells, lampsother such appurtenances, If they

see fit. Nothing can stop them fromIng any such ordinances and

forcing them. Wheelmen, therefore,have no right, to object to the ordlias adopted.

In tills connection it may not be outf place to call the attention or cyclistso an editorial which" appears in theWestflek] Leader of this week, on t ivery same subject. The reason atten-tion is called to Uie article is because It

understood that some of the cyclistsntend to try to show Hie citizens of this

city this evening bow afaaard the re-itly enacted ordinance appears tom. The article should be carefully

read by all Intending demonstratorsand It a to be hoped that they will de-ide to give np their proposed parade.t s a r s :

"The means which some of the young•eople who ride btoylea have takes to

snow their disapproval of the ordinancelately passed by the Town Committeeconcerning tbe riding of bicycle, uponthe streets, are not aorta aa win win tbe

uiel and orderly portion of the com-mity to their way of thinking. The

'own Committee did not p u t the or-dinance In question whhfcnt giving Itcareftil consideration, and in the! r Jodg-men t does not contain anything thatwould, work hardship to tbe cyclists.

hey bad no other object In view thanthat all might travel the village atreeUn safety, day or night, vehicle, bicycle,

pedestrian, and the nnseenly disorderthat some of the bicyclists created onUie street* several aareiilngt last week

It was dMgrKoM. It Is but Just 1that the older wheelmen dtsewnragedsuch proceedings, and Wed to dlasnadtbe yoong "bloods" Iron making suean exhibition or themselves. Tbe olderriden know what is was to ride abicydbefore the rights of a man on a wheelwere acknowledged of Uie highwayThey have bad their wheels smashedbeen ran down, chased off the roadand even lashed by hoggish team driv

They appreciate Oie standing thathe wheelmen now bare upon the rand tley hate to see them tnrnvhog ando cyling a positive injury.

Tbe wanton disregard for peace iorder displayed waa A direct insultthe Town Committee, and through themto the law-abiding citizens of the town.It has not Increased one Iota the respectfor the wheelmen or brought one thinking person to their side."

la the City Conrt.The case of the city vs. Huff Broth

ers, for ulng font language, willnp before City Judge Codington to-morrow morning.

Hackman McUormlck will also be arrsigned to-morrow morning, for violat-ing tbe hack ordinance.

Cornelius Ginna bos be*n summonedbefore Jndge Codington, to-morrowmorning, npon complaint of S. A.Cruiksbook. The charge is for usingfoul language.

Struck Bv LightningThe dwelling house of David SI

ng, at No. S46 West Third street.,struck by lightning at 9:45 o'clock last

tiling. The bolt struck, tbe chimmi, shattering that into fragment* and

tearing away a groove and about two Teeof tho slate roofing. The bolt alsotered a bed-room on tbe second floorn the north corner of tbe building,n this room the wall was also kuuekef

down. In the garret tbe beams were>n fire, but tbe flames were extin-

guished by members of tbe family.

CUliu Hb Kioe Wai Forgsd.Thomas Price went before Justice

radsworth, lost evening, and lodgedimplaint against a mas named Fierce

of Elizabeth, who, he claims, commit-ted forgery in February, 1891, fosalary. Price Is special agent for an

i ranee company, and to- the" Justicei'j claimed to have good proof for th

complaintJustice VTodsworth issued a wa

for Fierce's arrest, this morning, but asie has not been apprehended.

Tfa* Soldier"* K n u M tConsiderable dissatisfaction Is beingamf«sted among the members of the

Qrend Army Posts on account of tbepostponement of the soldier's monumen

itterbythe committee. The veteiclaim that nearly two hundred dollarshave already been spent in drafting adesign and sending out notices.expenditure, they claim, was authorizedby the citizens part of the committee,

fas not concurred In by the Oran<!Army members.

At Uie Grenada—Mrs. Casey's Mis-ips Co., New York; C. a Bchulta, J.

B. Thomasi Philadelphia; E. O. Brown,Madison, Wig.; A. E. Rose, New YorkA. H. Doughty, Newark; J. L. EJsall,city; R. L. Vilas.Broo lya.

At the City Hotel—T. H. Winsted,New Britain, Conn.; Q. Devon, Hait-ord, Md.; H. Barton, York, Pa.; S.L Crump, Reading, Pa.; T. A. Roct-iill, Trenton; F. A. Quintans, Brook-


BtoycU >atM.Four hundred and nfty wheeli ,

members of the Philadelphia Cyclingflnbe, go to Newark this afternoon tooln in the great century run.

—It Is surprising, but yet it is not.The amount of buttnr J. F. MacDonald

aelling, when you take Into conaider-lon that 20 centa per pound for the

creamery batter is extremely low.J. Bafferty, a dealer in fancy goods

and notions, on Somerset street, wasarrested by Special Marshal JobCoddington, oi North Piainfleld, last

ng, charge with assault nponne of bie employees. He was paroledn his own recognizance to appear be-ore Jiisiice Sperrj- toe a bearingFriday afternoon hezL

I*t K* Stow tonwhat a saving I hare mode during tbelast year by being my own doctor,year I paid out $96.25 for doctors andheir medicine; this year I paid « . 00or siz bottles of Sttlpbar Bitters, andiey have kept health lo my wholenlly. They are tbe best and purest

medicine ever made.—Charles King 60°"iple street, Boston, Hats.

Brerylhlsg in the fray ol

DRY GOODS,Carpets, Mattings

on CLOTH. *. . ,


HOWARD A. POPE'S,1 E«*l Front Street


* on)



SHOEl - STORE,3' W. Front Street.


Of Conrse. lots Of 'em

is all

Styles and Qualities


THE PUuB TO B l \ I won



I l u t Front H n f t PLAINK1BI.D. N. j


Beef, Iron and What,

50 CENT!?a bottle.

WILLIAMS' PHABHACT,80 W a t Front Stmet.




POWLISON & JONES,34 Welt Front Street, • . H U T TO MTTSIC H i l l .

Change of Ownership.Atter Jube 1 We Shall Conduct the Metropolitan

Stables,Formerly owned by A. D. Thompson, aa a

PRIVATE BOARDING STABLEAnd wHl be pleued to ae« our old friend*- at th» Mar ataoa.' '"

K. « . LYON, M a n a g e r . D - * • 'Borough Scavenger Co.

Orp(»itlon to afl. Will b« u t e v w i t o tij

Cesspools anil Vaults CleanedRepaired and Built.


JOHN H. SATEES.Mumtunm- and Dealer In

Hai-new, Saddlery, niankrt*.Wblps, Bobea, Etc

KwrStare. NewGcDdaHO. 30 KAST FKONT 9TKBBT.

TO-RKNT.The Crescent Rink Hall.

Suitable for > market, for a, gym-

•ilnm er loifa lodge room.


C. H. HAND,PUlnnelJ, N. J


U bny.a Roada Leather Mather „e A V»D Ar»e«le'l ll ii . C ra t

MONEY to l o « . t S per cent, intern, onfirw-cUm n o n i i n , W C trWtw

ANTED.—A* old-ft .Wooed

. TTOUSE WANTED-With ux nxxa* inI X X baahlwiMatiasyaadModaliNdwd.t. a t i i . Cil »t CMte far ptitamlan.

~OQ JOU ride the safrtj 7


SHOES!Doane & Van ArsdaleV

22 West Front St.

P.rV-Ar<»d Oxford Tie for I-dios (or • dol-«r touada oheap. We b«vr one for that prlrr

Sie deaUcn wuuld not tUak of •ollinx !«•


At 5 8 Park AvenueWhere tit kind* of

Upholstering and RepairingWill be done with nt*tn«. mod doprtcb.

Wr make and lay Carpets , makeover Mattresses and do Job*

b ins of aU kindsGITC in • nil and ̂ !TO mill'bo mitMt.-l - m>

oor worfc. l » a t fw*M U» namtKr md u n t


If you euro for wear only, voo twnot tbe mm we want to Ulk to, Dot if

want comfort, fit, ityte, and DMqnajny, bonidct good n i r , then uk

torREX Mwi'rShooft OVX

A. 00. 5.00.

Doane & Van Arsdale's.

rrite HjuprgLiS coTram. Friday. JtmE io4 nai

HOSE ANNA ? Of Coirw. Lota 01 DRY GOODS

Carpets, Matting! Candidates!

Styles and Qnsliiln AT PKJT8.




1 Baal Front Buant. The mlm of the Coortor alone hod tin Information lul evening of the de- rision of tin Supreme Coon la Uw Lo* water and aroer ordinance caaen Judge Megle banded in the opinion which la moat Inlereetlng to over) HainScJder. It died aa tho ground for laying aside tho water ordinance which tho "Big Six' persisted In paaa- ing oree Mayor Gilbert's veto, that the ordinance fail,-I to mention the name, of tho an Mnodnlen which Mr. Low proponed to hare wtth him In bla big schema Thla Caul defect waa pointed oat by Corporation Conned Craig A. Marat whan the ordinance was neb mittod to him. The "Big Six" reported thia fact to Low, bol tho woold-be Water King raki it didn't make any dlfferenco and no the defeetire ordi- nance went through.

In the case of tin newer ordinance, the amendment to the act of the Legis- lature governing the laying o sewers, and which waa designed to re-

—Tho tdrphooc in the North Plain- held engine bouse la aald lo be oat of order. —Lightning last night nedowal, In- lerfcrred wllh the telephone ncrvice at

New Brunswick —On account of the rein the picnic la Urandar-a Oram, Krona, was post- poned last evening. —The report of the dog-ponodcr

Is four dogs killed yesterday and two awaiting senlenoo. —The famous Cuban Giants will play

boll with the Rutger's College team on Monday afternoon next. —Central Lodge, No. 41, A. O. W , met In regular session last erenlng, and initiated live new member* -Mr. Adams, of llainllcld, has given ant the plana for seven houses on tic

Van Syckle farm at South Bound Brook. —Tho question of closing the Cres- cent League bowling alleys wtl bo con- sidered at tho next mooting of U.e Lenguo. —Little Mias Wnnl, the Spanish

akirt dancer, In "Mr* Cnaey a Mis- hap*,” made a favorable Imprcaalon at Music Hall last night.

—The Secretary of the llainflehl Water Supply Company ha* nolllled the City Clerfc that twenty-flre tiro hydrants are now ready for use.

—The Children’s Fair for the benefit of the* Children's Home, which was postponrd, will be held Saturday after noon, June 11, at 29 Patman arenas.

—Sergeant Lynch In to-day nerving subpamacs fur witovsaua In three cases which are set down for trial before City Judge Codington to-morrow morning. —Plainfield and Elizabeth are scheduled lo play at Elizabeth to-

morrow. A little money wa* put np, last eveuiug, bat few bets Were nude.

—Batter, augur and oil «re way down in price, according to a new ad- vertisement of the United Tea and Cot fee Oiowere' Association.' It is worth readlng-

—Tho Bound Brook Council met Tucedny evening. Tho application ot Jsir.cs H. Force for s peanut stand alongside of the Mansion House was

rider approached n carriage orrebk" on any of the pnhBc streets «f Ce- city, due notice of such approach should be given by the rider by rtnfh.i n bell or sounding a whtatlo,at adlatan- of not Ism than fifty feet from the aald carriage or reb‘cl« This ordinance




MirrxsPoua, Jane IK.—'The nomlna- Uons will Be made before nightfall, that

SPRINGER’S tlon of a candidate's name Set the eoo- rcntlon wild with ezcllewient today. When Blaine’s name waa presented by Senator Wolcott, of Colorado, tho en- Uinalnam broke out. Tire rival faction. In torn cheered their candidate, though in point of noise Blaine seemed to take the lead. It la not likely that either the Preeldent or hla ex-Becreury oi State will be nominated. Keep cool and don’t bet. MimiKwa.

The danse of Uw ordinance which relate* to the ringiag of a boll or ■landing n whistle wheq approaching a pedestrian or vehicle, has been though', by many to be unconstlunion*!. The,, claim it to be naeleas and unjust, and any that It win only lopd to confusion and accident Ilona as a rale are not frightened by a bicycle rider at night, but the enforced ringlay au-1 whistling will be very apt to scar, thorn. The wheelmen hare no otfici - -lions lo the clause of the law which provides for their carrying light—, lanterns at night, bat they think that carriages and othrw conveyances shot,' ! bo lucludod In the same provision* as they do not eonsldet It Ihlr for aui-l, discrimination to be made against the wheelmen.

Tho Chief Consul of the Now Jereoy Division of the League'of American Wheelmen, O. Carlton Brown, of Eliza- beth, In speaking of the matter, sold that none or the wbeelmcu had mode any complaints concerning the new law. but :r any ralho he wonld refer them to ci-Asaemblymnn Foster Toorheee, of Elizabeth, the acting chairman of tho League Committee on Bights and Privil- eges and Herbert KnlghLofNewari, who la the other member of the committee, ir these gentlemen Bod salBcieot cause for action, they wlU seek redress Ip the court* Wheelmen have had to fight for their rights ever since the first wheel apiicwrcd sod as bicycles are nun recognized as vehicles by the law, they should not be discriminated against.

For the purpose of looming Just whst right* the Wlioetmen have In the prem- ise* a reporter of the Courier con- sulted the La we of tho Bute ol New Jersey. He found tn the lawn of IrtBB under section 1, of Chapter CLVII, the following: "And be it enacted that nothing In tills act shall bo so con- strued us to peeveot the passage, en- forcemeat or maintenance of any regu- lation, ordinance or rale regulating the use of bicycles or tricycles in public street* avenue* road* turnpike* driveway* parkway* sod other pnblic plsoos In such manner aa lo limit and determine the proper rate of speed with which such vehicles may be pro- pelled, nor In such manner an lo re- quire, direct or prohibit the use or Dell*

Beef, Iron and Wind. 50 CENT!?

II nek man McCormick win also Iw ar- raigned to-morrow morning, for yhiat- Ing the hack ordinance.

Corneliaa fllnna has been summoned Judge Codington, to-morrow morning, upon complaint of & A. Craikahank. The charge la for using foul language. SHOE - STORE,


M Wu« Front Btrret ■track Kr lagh talar.

Tho dw,Sling house of David Morn- ing, at No. MS W, ~ " Thirl street, waa struck by lightning at 9 :4S o'clock last evening. The bolt alrurk the chimney fin,', shattering that into fragment, and tnaringaway * groove and about two font of tho slate roofing. The bolt also ca- tered a bed-room on tho second floor, in tho north corner of the building, and lo this room the wall was also knocked down. In the garret the beams were set on fire, bat the flame* were extin- guished by members of the family.

BABY CARRIAGES Neat Jn' Design and Low In Prleo*


34 'Wewt Front Street, . . NEXT TO MLJ3IC tta

1st wins Tornscoesisa.) MuotEAi-ous, June 10. —1Tho Conven-

tion re-eonveoed this morning at 11 o'clock. At quarter past twelve Sena- tor Wolcott, of Colorado, nominatod Ex-Secretary of Bute in a speech that was pronounced a perfect gem. The nomination was received wllh wild cheers Richard Tliom|»*on, of Michi- gan, presented the President's name. "1 nominate," said he, “for the Presi- dency of the United Stolen the wise statesman, Benjamin Ilurriaon,” The

Thomas Price went before Justice Wadsworth, last evening, and lodged a complaint against a man named tierce, of Elltaboth, who, ho claim* commit- ted forgery In February, 1891, for ■alary. Price Is special agent for an insurance company, mad to- the Justice he claimed to have good proof for the complaint. Justice Wodsworth tssuod a warrant for Pierce’s arrest, this morning, bol ns yet he has not been apprehended. “

Altar Juno 1 Wo Shall Conduct tho Metro polite Stables, Formerly owned by A. D. Thompson, ns a


E. 8. LYON. Manager.

mamferted among ibe member* of tbe Grand Army I’oaU on account of U>e postponement of tho soldier'* monument nutter by the committee. The veteran* claim that nearly t»o hundred dollar* b»ve already been spent in drafting a design and sending oat notice*. This expenditure, they claim, »u sutbonzod by the citizen* part of tho committee, bot wu not concurred In by the Grand Army members.

rnsoiAi* Richsrd J. Clark, *gcd RJ year*

died at Uie Albion Hotel last erenlng. Mrs. D. 8. Roberta, of North ave-

nne has gone to Scranton, Pa., on s visit. Robert and John Cliffton, of West Third Street, ullnl for England on Uw steamer “Teutonic” Wednesday. Tl»e> hare gone on a vacation.

At Chester, I'a., on the 8th Inst, oc- curred the death of Mary, ihe only child of Rev. and Mrs. II. M. Lowry, of Port sR'ffcraoD, N. Y. * Rev. J. B. Cleaver, formerly pastor ot t ie First Church of Christ of this city, will deliver the oration at tb«- Fourth of July celebration at Bound Brook. Fred. W. Taylor, of East Firth-street, went to Ithaca, New York, yesterday, wliere ho begins to-day tho entrance examination to Cornell UulvereUy. He expecta lo enter the course In electrical engineering.

W. 8. Angteman, of Wort From street, saeeeWnlly paused the exami- nation tor admission to tbe New Jersey bar at Trenton yesterday and was made an attorney-at-law. Tils examination was a most commendable one and came In for special mention at the handa o! •he examiners. The motion for Mr

—A mooting of the Woman's Roller Corps, No. 110, was held last evening, lo Uko InuJ consideration the recuptlou of Carney; Janeway Corps, of New Brunswick, on Friday evening of next week.

—According to conservative opinions, the ball gainu scheduled for ne*t Wed- nesday between the Crescents and tho Staten Island Club, 'will be the most exciting game of the Season.

—The children's fair for the benefit of the Children’s Home, will be held on the lawn adjoining P. X. Bchoon maker's residence on Putman avcnac, on Saturday afternoon, Jane 11.

—Horae of the fans now In use In the City Council Chamber were presented by “Parse and Moody," tolly fifteen year* ago while Uie firm carried on business where the Dime Havfngs Bank Is now located.

. —“Jcre” Johnson, the real estate auctioneer, of New York, Is about to start a real estate boom In this city. Beginning early next month be will offer for sale a tract of land near tbe Netherwood Hotel , —Tbe Crescent league have decided to have a fine exhibition of fire-works oq their ball grounds In North Plain- field the night of July fourth. Col. Moore and Fred Hitter have l»eou ap- pointed a Committee on Torjiedoea.

—A black horse belonging to Joseph Frazier, of Berkley Heights, became frightened at an umbrella oa Somerset street, yosterday afteroooa, and ran away. The owner succeeded In getting the horse under control after ha had gone a few blocks, and no damage was

A. L. GARCIA CO. ■snnfartsrecisf Hainan dear* lotsl Antral*

At the Grenada—Mr* Caeey’s Mis- h»p* Co., New Tork; a a Sctmltx, J. B. Thom** Philadelphia; K. O. Brown, Madison, WIa; A. E. Rone, New York; A H. Doughty, Me wart; J. L. EJeell, dly; ft L Vito* Broo lyh. At the City Hotel—T. H. Winstod, New Britain, ConO.; G. Devon, Hert- ford, Ud ; R. Burton, York, Pa; R

»■ Mithad of Ssokis* Whsds. ■Blush Will hewt Bast sad Csassqaaal BrsskM*—Jskn TstUrlsta, sf IUi City, Ess a Ports** is ths Iavsatiss. John Vetti-ricln.lho machinist or Ex- change Alley, has Just secured a patent for an Implored spoke for bicycle wheel* The best quality of steel Is used the msoufaeuire of spoke* for Ihe wheelh in use at the present day. Their most vulnerable part is where

theae spokes enter the tjm. Man; innnureelarera nlckle plate tlielr,s|iokes to prevent thorn hum rusting, but the) find It Impossible to so protest Un- screw threaded end*' Rost wLU come, no matter bow much care Is token and here l* where the breakage come* Mr. VeUerteln’s patent oorern Just this point It consists of a nipple, net into the rim or the tire In soch a manner that the apoke Is screwed Into It This both bolds the «prke firmly and adds to its strength. The nipple is set into tbe rim, fiueb with Uie Inner •Ido, n»d being bended prevents the spoke from coining through and in- juring the tire. Thin nipple also la


SHOES! *9 » **• ••***wti, Burn, ra; b. K. Crump, Reading, Pa; T. a. Rock- hill, Trenton; F. A Quluten* Brook-

Doane & Van Aradale’s, ■teyels Betas. Four hundred and fifty wheelmen, members ol the i-hlladelphls Cycling Club* go to Newark ibis afternoon Join ut the great century run. Crescent Rink Hall.


slated of n piano trio by Miss Nettle Kellogg, Ml*. Em ms Fish sad Miss Mary Miner, piano solas by Miss Libble Joseph, Mas Ethel Hoi me* Miss Mabel Wider, Mies Monde French end duets by Miss Florence Sorrell snd Mlse Msj gautlta, Miss Lilli* Mbora nod Mies Kate Overton, a vocal solo My Him Jew ale Btnfllle and selections on Uie vfoUo \<] An trow Carped ter Thn lu- larior ot the bouse was decorated with ifsrtne, fern* etc., and daring Uie evening rertrahmetiu were sswrntl

L Ilia Idee ie to pot Me patent oat royehy, eo th*t H will be of beweflt wheelmen of thn world Ha hoe

In* toward* Uw Improvement of tbe mnnnfnctnro o< the spoken mi babe of wtHdta, and exports they will bn granted to him by tbe firm of Joly. Hie Idene are til practicable end era Uw moult of oUcmMons which he ban

Doane A Van Arsdale's.

SALK.-A hem smtsbi. for Smelly s* Woold Saks s AsW cow m amt * Call sr addrsas y. Park sssna*

Page 3: Then the . tion Gets Down to EoeD- ' ing-Session Work. · volj. 1"no. 209. «j. , kriday .jrjne 10 . 1892 price two cenbk. harrison nominated he polls a majority of votes ok tite







TUB Kxpeeted Tot* Tor Blum* Fsvi!«d

«it«rimli« «.d Hii forcei V n t in Pirt

fer BcKinlej. Grenl KxctUtouat In the

CoaTentiin Daring the Baliot.

Opporton i IT fci School ClUdr «•

The first meeUng of educators ap-

pointed to arrange tor an exhibition o

State public school work at the World's

Pair, Wai ;held hwt w « k

Trenton in response to a call issued by

State Superintendent Poland. The

committee got to work immediately

and much w u done toward organiza-

tion. It was decided to prepare an

extensive exhibit of all kinds of school

wort Specimens of work,are to be

collected from all sections of t i e State

to be subsequently examined by the

executive committee, and the most

creditable wort selected. The pupils

will prepare each sample of work ou

separate sheets of paper, and these are

to be classified and bonod In books.

The members of the committee are

follows: State Superintendent, A. B.

'oh. ml; Principal, James M. Oreen,

State Normal School, Trenton; Snper-

ntendent Barrlnger, Newark; Superin-

tendent Randall Spoulding, Montclair

Superintendent Harry Snider, Jersej

City; Superintendent J. A. Binebart,

Paterson; Superintendent Frank. Lalor,

Trenton; Superintendent J. A. Dix,

Elizabeth; County Superintendent John

Terhnne, Haefccnsuck; County Super-

intendent n . B. Willis, New Bruns-

wick; County Superintendent S. K.

Morse, Atlantic City and City Snperin

dent H. If. ITowell.Phillipsburg.

General Stwell moved for a ballot at

2.52 which vriw cuitied. Ajt 3.05 the

polling or states by the. chairman


Total vole 90G; IUJ euary to nomin-

ate 451.

First bullolting commenced at 3.1T

and proceeded rapidly. Long before

New Hampatiire was reached it was

evident the Presldeut would be rc-uom-

inated. The vote of Texas sealed the

buHliicas and the Convention liruke into

cli cere.

The vote wliicli was expected to go

_ to Ulaine proved to 1« very elusive. It

" weut in part lo McKlulcy Reed and


At 4.22 p- m. HcE

Bai« B».t Chmtt.r.

The game of the Plainfleld Bicycle

Club with the Flemingtons, which was

to have been played to-morrow after-

the grounds of the Crescent

g , is off. JohDBUtn, the Bicycle

Club pitcher, bas a glass arm which is

considerably out of condition. ..

The Elizabeth Jonroal's base ball

irophct ttniB soliloquises, "the Cres-

•euts won't—welt, wait until Saturday

and see."

In the account of the game played

'tween the K. A. C. and Plainfleld B.

0. teams last Satnrday, an injustice

lone to Johnalon, the P.B. C.'s regular

pitclrer. Me was suffering wttb a lame

arm, did not ptay, and therefore was

ked out of the box" as was

etattad in these columns. McLaughiin

'as the player who pitched In the first

miug ii nd to whom reference was

lade. -Elizabeth Journal.

t the e be

lor H.irriNon, wlm-li

Initiation at OOMTJ.

Wednesday evening Nd Hnrreuder

LdOgc No. 359, SODS of SLGcorge, met

and entertained the Grand Lodge o flic era

The following officers were Installed for

the coming six months: .

Worthy President, Charles Burn*.

Worthy Vice Preside1!!!, Joseph


Messenger, Thomas Winsper.

Assistant Messenger, Clement Jolley.

rh.i[.iiiiii, William Carllnc.

Seotinel, Thomas KennctL

| Secretary, Samuel Smith.

Assistant Secretary, John Brooks.

Adettwr Honor for Wo.tfi.ld.The following telegram from New

York W*B received by the Editor of theCourier,! tlite morning:To THE EDITOR OF THE OOCJUER:

The degree of Lit, n. (Doctor ofLiieratore) was to-day conferred by thiBoard of Trustees of Rutgers FematCollege, 'upon Mayor ChauDcey B. Blp-ley, of WesiHeld.


Trustee of Rutgers College.

H*ekM4*bk Object, to tki VOIMIW* Wk

An ordinance has been adopted by

the city fathers of Hackensack, pro-

viding for a fine of ten dollars to be im-

posed on all wheelmen of the place who

use the sidewalks or ride at right with-

out lights, or bells. Tbe police have

have beiin noiifled to arrest all who dis-

regard tbe ordinance.

In th. SwMtiu-t Co art.

plie cane of BpfMT and ethers against

Van Nest, set down lor trial before

Justice Naah yesterday, was adjourned

for a week.

The case of Matthews v i Condit, at-

•o on contract, was adjourned over un-

til Thursday of next week.

—•The relation of the Presbyterian

Assembly, tbe MetboilUt (inference

">d the Baptitt Coogre- to Current

Theological Thought," will be tbe

then* «r the pMtof• sermon at the

rteventh-Day-IUpUat Obareh to-morrow

A Chance For SpMllatori. "~

le old Central Railroad depot atElizabeth will soon be torn down, as

icw stations are about ready foroccupancy. A lar#e auionnt of goods

accumulated,which have been leftai-olcss passengers or have beenlor charges. They consist of an

enoe variety of umbrellas and para*sols, some ijultc pretty and costly, and

hole carload of theatrical goods,r the pro]HTty of the Duff Open

Company, of New York. It Is pro-posed to dispose of tue accumulation

K-tioii, and speculators will find it arich Ik-id for investments.

Sncday Mu«ic »t Hoi, Cross Chn-ch.

The twenty-third anniversaryHoly Croag Chnrth, will take place onSunday, and at the same lime the choirwill hold its fourth anniversary.

Following is the order of music foi

e musical service Sunday allernoonThis will ue the last musical service

if ii October.Procesaioual, HO, Wesley; Gloria C ,

Savage; MagnlBcat D, Calkin; Ntm.Dlmittis F, Trimnel; Anthem, "TbiLore is Exalted," West; Hymn, 1'JO.Ward; Aiithem; "I am Alpha and0:uega, Staioer; Recessional, "On OurWay Rejoicing."

Traded His 81MM aad Skipp*i Town.

James Johnson, of Cottage place,

dressed up In his best suit of clothes yes-

terday and borrowed a pair of his

lelgfabor'B shoes. Ue took the shoes

to a Park avenue cobbler and exchanged

them for another pair, receiving *1.50

in tbe bargain. This morning Coi.sta-

ble Amos Moffett succeeded in locating

the' shoes and returning' them to

the owner. The sboe-maker bas lodged

a complaint against the alleged thief,

bat Ute latter has left town.

MfAt the business meetingoT tbe W.

T. V., held on Tbursday, it WU re-

solved that a statement of the Ute

Mayflower Festival .and a vole of thanks

extended to toe lady purynossca aad

to all those who kindly assisted. The

net proceeds of the Festival were

ol the taUe for toe Creche «34, making

a total gain of 1187.

P R E E DAYS OF WAITINGThen the Republican Convei

tion Gets Down to Even-ing Session Work.


B o m n t > n IIECOHE v

H<rthlns Ace.,n.».I.H*d at tka Thin! I N -

•• 10.—Tha third dayOf th. Convention fonnd tb« Harrisonand Blaine ranks deoldedly Ingetting down to th. nomination, withaa little daisy as posaibla.

Tba faot Is that a good many delegatesand rUitors as will, who cum. her» wr*ral days earlier than is cn»tom»rjjfa•dvinrt of tba Convention, are bej[Innine to gut vary tired of tba eUrnirush and crush, and brass band am_dmm corps wboopiug and bowling attaohmenta of th. oontaat, and they didnot relish tb« fdea that (he proceedingsn i r b* oontracted aver Sunday.

Hftnce strong hinU have been (TITBQ tosome of tha Blaine majority of tha Com-mltMe on Credentials that it might notba policy to teit too strongly tbe temperof ths Harrison and of the Coirbj prolonging the remaining csolely In the inUre.t ot the BUlnsgero, who claim that every day's delayImproves the obancos of their candidate.

though tbe Committee on Creden-tials did not taka a recess until 3 a. m..Its member* were In session again by 9o'clock, 'and It was given out then thata partial report would be mad* to theConvention as 11 o'clock and furthertime asked for.

Charges that the Convention H»M hasbeen paeked la tha interest «t Blalaa

very freely Bade by the Harrlmn

. *forBThs possibility that ths notnlnstlnf

ipasohas would ba made this afternoon,jsve an added interest to the proceedingsaad increased ths demand for tickets ofadmission.

At 1:80 aGOT. Forski , .lammoaed to the Colorado headquartersImmediately after tha adjournment ofthe Committee on Resolutions waa lasonferenc* with Chairman Clarksoo,Senators Teller and Wolcott, J. SI oatFuwl t and others of tb. aotl-Admtnle-

leaden. Among tbe rumors grow-ing out of tbls report was one that Inthe even* of the probable defeat ofBlaine a compromise candidate In theperson of McKlnley, Allison or Shermanwould be sprung oo tbe lint ballot.

Chaunoey Depew and Senator Hieoockhave been doing a good dssl of mission-ary work at tbs headquarters of thosedelegations who bsvs member, oa th*fence. Late Wednesday night In address-ing a big gathering of llisnouri, Kansasand Dakota delegations Depew Mid thatHarrison's administration had bean

ifnl and blessed beyond any sine*tb* war and many of the people wbo werebitterly opposed to him four yean ago

in the frontjaok of his sup-

th*re waa verySeveral efforts were made to form a•alltion of State drleg-YMs oo one or

other ot th* leaser names, but all ofnsDMsaefnl. Every efforttb* members of oa* dele-

gation on OU* Of the minor c-mdidatsawas blocked by wmi BUine or HMrriaonentbuMast who remained true to his al-

[on of these efforts to bringout dark horses wera tr.ioenbU "Blaloe leaden. "

-quartan of ths

he banning and 4UOOMBHOMB more emphatic than oo to.* morn-ng of tbe third da*.

Cbalrmao MaKlnley euros to his *eaton the aUtform a few minutes befor* 11o'clock, to th* cl-pping *f perhaps ahuxired aaads, and th.r. M so d*ai

I h at «*r other

to th* cl-ppaaads, and t

OB M th* Misr

-r~——•-• tngslU earn*down to his sr«t •.ooompnnlsd only bytbe clamor of hU famoua^d n«Utli

Tber* wm-that nauafc .colleetlonnotable. Ju«_b»hind tbe Cb«ir;n*._ .pUtform. Senator Cinj ana SenatorUeHlllan Mt side by-Ida nnrt.r tb.••llery. Assistant Postmaater OeoenlBathbon* was in hi* accustomed place

" ham of A n .d Cbalrfrm*n Ran-y Blnghnm osat lath* Clerk's seat.

.A .photographer had net' up a bigMmera ready to tak* *nsp .bou U thiConvention In KHI

SOT. M*KTMxsrr.

At 11:23 Chairman MoElnley with a•mbsr of soubdlng blows of the new

gavel endeavored to sail th* ConvenUnnto order, bat It was som* mlnntee he-fore tha bail of the eonversattoi. .and th* delegates took their scatt andgave their attention to business.

B*>. Mr. Brash, D.D., University of South Dakota, d«-Ivared the opening prayer.

"After tha eonclaaion of the prayertbe Chair said -the n-gu' u ordar was tba—iport on eredantUls."

Mr CoKgs*ell .waa reeogntsed andsaid: "The Commttte* oa Cndentlals is

It bae been dillgeatlyat work and haa achieved reaioaitbl*progress. It Hope* to be able to reportfn full to-night at S o'clock and aaksfurther tf HIP

(Jen. Sewell, of N*w J«rs*T, waa Im-mediately on bis feet. Since no businesscould be don. until the oommltte* wasready to report h* moved that the Con-vention take a r«ceas ontil 8 o'clock.

Mr Cullym had triad to InterruptGen. Sewell, but the Chairman stoppedhim. Tben Mr. Cullom a*ked thatpendloa: ths motion th* Convention *•*Mlv* a raeoluiloo from him oo th*World's Pair.

Callom sejnt up to tbe desk aordered read. ItIntloo w*Jch »a»

u foUpw«:

RfsoiTt-d, That th* World's Pair Col-umbian Exposition to be inaugurated in

le elty of Chicago in 1803 Is rightfullymsidered by ail classes of ooroitlxens, re-

gardless of their political affiliation., as- great National undertaking, and thati recognition ot Ha character Congrme

ought to promptly provide bv appropri-ate legislation jneb reasonable aidnesded therefor aa will enable tb* gov-ernment to discharge ita *xpre*a andmplisd obligation* incident thereto and

a* will tnsnr* tb* attainment of suc.tresults aa will best the dignity, prognas,culture and development of the nation.

After reading tb* nsolntton was re-ferred to th* CommlttaM on Baaolntlona.

Mr. Bobart. o( Illinois, presented aresolution (also referred) providing thatjrand Army men be admitted to utaod-kg room, and that It any H I M wereicant thirty minutes after th* Convan-on w called to order they ahouid beinwwl to ooenpr them- The resolutionas received wlto applause.Th* Chairman then annonnosd that

th* question was on th* motion to take

There w»re cri.Bi ot no from all ev«rtli* bait, coupled with shouts for la-gall., but In Ib* confusion tb* Chair-man put tbe motion and deolarad It oar-tied.

noes aroe* th* opponaat*of th* MOaja waved ta«tr arm* to e»lltk*lr friaada to tk^r feet, but the st-•mpt waa iiaalsss '

Th* Chairman auiouaeed ik* vote M

The- CommlttceT on Credential* raee-sembted at 9 a. m., and took up tb* dis-trict contest, [ram Louisiana, of' which

four. Considerable lodiaj» • ^ • ^ • J bT^tlM Lo»M*a* toto-

A1W tba preeentatlw. of arfor the oontamente by ex-Oer. Wiwhlah 1. saM to have b**n onwuailyaffective, Mr. Campbell, of till sola, saidth* mambne from - Oeargta and Utahwh* had acted with th .Blaine side, w*r* ready, thea to vote forseating tha quartette of eonteataata bntafter some dlsouseio*. by the d.leg.uson* of th* Harrison meo moved that s i -Oov. Kellogg b* aieluded aad Ik* re-Biatntng oooteataata be seated.

Th* intlmmtlon WM mad* that tb*tlalm of the ooataatanta was not *n-tln-ly satisfactory to even th* Harrisondalegetea. This, tif eoona, th* dafeafjdelegates say, weakened the ease beforeths Committee and thev were ndaeUdby a majority of three vot*a. Thar*ware two membeie- of the CMMmtUeeabsent when the vote waa takxn andboth tbe** are elalmed by '

M i Hlssouri delegation sJmostto blows over th* .wlwtlon of a >fa-tloual CammlttMBiBD to suoceed Chaun-o.v I. Filiey. Th*> Kerens men oUthat Ur. Flll.y had not put tha

OUR STOREWIH always be kaown aa

The Pioneer of Low Prices!Superior Table Butter, 18 1-2 c. per lb.

ri iiimffisn l l t i final Iselliiaeliwl • ' • IMMII fill d I—). • ,


NO. 4 3 WEST FRONT STREET.A diDaer U nerer reliehed without • Blaeeof goud wine. TTl elm BWI In lell 111 elliM

1 of our pitrons enii the public generally to our large and avwt carefully eeleded alock of



J. P. LAIRE & CO,Front Street & Park Avenue


Hani ware — House famishing*,



palgn fnnd wfa.ra It would do l h , ,good, and need Ita* an argnmeat agsjijetBis re-election. FUiey, on the otherhand, brought witnesses Into Parlor Dit the Nicollet to prove that he bad.tways expended the funds Jndidonsly.

Th* talk was very rapid, the lie beinggiven indiscriminately. Ths vote el "Kerens, 19; FtlUy, IS; Warner, 1.

Tb* Iowa delegation had a meetingwith olosed doon a short tims beforethe assembling of tbe Convention.Several New York deleaatee who favortha nomination of Harrison werapresent, and a speech was made byChaanoeir If. Depew, who was OM ofthe number. The effort was In tb.direction Of stlffeoina tha back* of theIowa dalagates, wbo are favorably dls-poaad toward Ranisoo.

Tb* report whloh was enrrsnt aarljtbls morning that th* Blatn* boom hadburst and that BUIne's name would notbe placed before the Convention causedth* greatest excitement, and the mys-terious movements of the Blalna sup-porters, their hurried *. visits her* andthere, their secret conferences and evi-dent discouragement*, lad u> tb* accept-ance of tha report aa tme

At a MUCH* of Harrlaon*m*n heldmmediatelv after tbe ailjnurameat of.tin Convention, over Central Marketiall, tbe roll of tha Convention waesailed and one of tb* delegate* present


I B .Moxtlr. Jft-ue


j*_.a>» H a a i u a i o a— .*—•»*—.saya that twelve more th»n the actual

aiorlty needed to nominate anaweredtheir oamai and said they H i goingvow for Harrlaon. BeporU were

ads by Stats Delegations of absonteaaie would vote for Oes. Harrison,

-.-inglng the total vote assured lo hima p t o "

The Blaine boomers Indulged Ia agrand street parads last night, »od th*packed condition of the thoroughfare*through which th* aggregation pissedindicated that a larga proportion ot th*population of tb* Twin CItl*a bad ( u s -n out for th* oooaaioev Brerybody,. . . orman, wbo wanUd to earry a trl-eoTor phtma or to vrear a Blaine badge,wae welcome to fall In behind and BOthe Us* stretched out to great length.In tbe various divisions were Blaine«lube from Iowa. Chicago, Fort Wayne,[udianapolU, Cincinnati, Tnn-r- City,California, North Dakota, South Dako-ta, and the Fowl Button Club of KanTlalre, Wla. J -

Jnst before the evening sessionibled the impreesion pvevalJed thatson had the upper luwt and thai

- ilaaeat iMiind.not Idle,

i n t i u , N. T., Jnna 10.—Ow». riowwand party arrived U this dty to , «a*>Ul aaTlaat evening. Him ^J*M to vCt-las th* city a* Ul* Urn* la to laaptot thaMtoM aad liatea to tha flaw of th*ri h• ton »i«MI«̂ ad Mr f w

BeMgoraLore, Hammocks,


Sole Agents for Hortman's St«l Fence.

Bay of the Manufacturer if you Want First-class GocdmAt Low FiKiire*.

Look at These Prices.ffi.'^'Vo^::::::::;:::::::::;--."-:;:::':;;^:}i5

Spring OvereoatiRoys' and Chlldreo's Sails s i lowest aliolestde prices, «u at OBT1 relaU atom.


FRED. W. DLJNN,Successor to Bartafcnr * Dnnn.


Zimmerman and Bumpf,42 West Front St.,

M«lte a Sped l ty oi Builder

Hardware, UacUnlsu ' and Car-

penters' Tools-

Agenu, for Welcome Globe Stores,

Ussury's n u t , Buckeye Mowers,

Hartnia. Bteel Wire Pence.

If Vcu W a s t to Buy a •Wheel, Buy me Beat,

THE WARWICK.Hum proof bearing! sDd lire best cm bi «ncl pnenmsUc Ure.

J. Herrev Doavne, agent, 11 Park avenue

R. J. SHAW, THE PHARMACIST. *Keeps * first-claM Drug Store and Dispensary. The b«*t Dmgt u d Medkdneithat money can buy. HU 3 ;10 Salve good for man u d boMLUe. box 8h*w'iWine Coca, 75c. per botde. ^.


JULKE YOU AIVAHEThat tbe Imperial Draped Pinned Pftpw Patterns, with PUtOat by, w e the Best In the World,

DupUcstei to Cat

r Flat Pattern poeaeseca all the ai all the advanlages of ordinary flat palt«rna Bold.Iu addiOon lo this we give yon gratis a Planed and Draped Dea in wWok Is. •perlect guide to work by. For sale by

Misses A. U and M. D. GORSLINE,l i T- m SIT n j / I V * sfFDBWJ ••¥ a falanati n «ar *




Telephone.l5S. 46 * 4 S Eiwt Front Strsat,




OUR STORE Then the Republican Conven- tion Oeta Down to Even-

ing Sesalon Work. The Pioneer of Low Prices!

QlMIBiMW Superior Table Butter, 18 1-2 c. per lb.

THE CREOENTIALfaAND RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEES CAUSED THE DELAY. o»mnin a* ScAmI chuar aa. The Aral meeting of educator* *p- I pointed to arrange for all ai hihttioo of

State public school work at the World'* Fair, w*a '.hold laut week at ’ * .. - ■■


NOMINATED Vegetables a Specialty. UNITED TEA A COFFEE GSOWEB8 ASSOCIATION. Suto Soperintendent Poland. The committee got to work Immediately

and morh wu done toward organ Ira- tlon. It *u decided to prepare an extensive exhibit of all klnda of acbool work. Specimens of work, are to be collected Horn all soctiODB of the Slate to be subsequently examined bj tic executive committee, and the moat creditable work selected. The pnpU* win prepare each cample of work on separate aliecU of paper, and tbeae are to bo clawlfied and bound In book* The member* of tic committee are aa follows: State Superintendent, A. B. Poland; Principal, James M. Green,

NO. 43 WEST FRONT STREET. A dinBCT k aww ..!.*.( wttkeat a atom of re* w»a We aha wt* to cal Ik. attm o.^wpnra.^tkp.blkpndTrt.wbpudM «w*fa»y .MscSei awt a




a call win b. aU. to eowpai* aa> mob fa. .aalln olctalc house. in N. V. Cb,. Apst farBmMft Ala F. LINKE, w~-*2ZJ2,cXfX ru*h ud crush. Rod brin band ond dram rerp* wboopluj and bowling nt- iMbrnnu of lb* orniissl, and thay did aoi relish tbs Idea that the proceeding* mar ba oonlractad orar Su udaj. H«ac« atroog biota bar* bssn |ifM to •ou of tba Blataa majority of Um Com ■lttos on Credential* that It might not ba policy to UM too atroogly tba tamper of the Harrison and of the Oonmatfoa

J. P. LAIRE & CO. Front Street & Park Avenue

I wan. recognised and IT It toe on Credentials la It baa ban dillgaailr Refrigerator*, Hammock*,

ICE CREAM FREEZERS General Sewell moved for a ballot nt

2.S2 wlilvb was carried. At >.01 the polling of states by the chairman began.

Total vote *06; lie (weary to noraln ate (St.

nratbaOoUlag commended at 3.17 and proceeded rapidly. Gong before New Hampahirc waa reached it waa evident the President would be re.uooi. lasted. The vote of Texaa sellled lie bnaiucas and the Convention broke Into cheers

The vote which was expected to go to Blame prove.) to la- very elusive. It went in part to McKinley, Reed and Lincoln.

At 4.22 p. ra. McKinley lakes the! Boor and moves that the vote be made unanimously for Harrison, whirl! was dune.

td have been played to-morrow after- noon on the grounds or the Creeeent League, ia off. Johnston, the Bicycle Club pitcher, turn a glam arm which la considerably out of condition.

The Elizabeth Journal's base ball prophet thus soUioquIxea, “the Gree- ce., la won t—well, wait until Saturday and see.''

In the account of the game played between llie E. A. C. nud ITalnllcld B. C. 1 earns Inst Saturday, an Injustice wu .lone to Johnston, tie P.B.C-'s regular pitcher. Ho waa suffering with a lame arm, did not play, and therefore wua not “knocked out of the box" aa waa stated in these column*. McLaughlin was (he player who pitched In the first inning nud to whom reference was ■nude — Elizabeth JounuiL

the Manufacturer if ton Want Pint-elm aa Gocdu At Low Figures.

Look at These Prices. always upmdad tba fond. Jodie Tbs talk fu vary rapid, tba 1U CiTM lodlscrimlaatoly. Tb. toU Karoos, It; Fit lay, If; Warner, L Tnlbtag to (A* I— Z>ala«.tl. Tba Iowa delegation bad a a with clooad doors a abort tin* tba assembling of tbs Coot.

Spring Overcoats Boys' sad Children's Suits at lowest wholesale prices, ah at oaF retaU More

C. SCHEPFLIN & CO. TO WEST [FRONT STRICT. Chaaocay M. Depaw, who ra OMOf lbs number. Tbs effort waa Id tba direction of stlffaolns tba backs of tba Iowa delegate*. who ars favorably <11*- paaad toward Harrison. Tba report which waa owrrent early this mars lag that tba Blais* boon bad burat and that BUIsa’s nama would sot ba pUoed bafora tba Coovaotloo canoed tba fra*last ncUamant, sod tba mya- toriuna moramtou of tbs Blaine rap- porter*. thslr harried visits bars sad there, thalr sac rat eonfsrsness and avl drat diacou rag* moot, Isd to tba aooept- anoa of tba raport aa Una

Hf""» ■•»-<*» *" Mfarvtos

NEW STORE FRED. W. DUNN, Successor to Burtslem A Dunn. FINE GROCERIES. A Chase* Par tpaealatora.

Tim old Central Railroad depot at Elisabeth will soon be lorn down, as the now at at ions arc about ready for occupancy. A lar*re aoioant of goods have ami in ulal®d,wh i< h have been left by . arclt'M iwwwngcrs or have been held for diargca. They consist of an immense variety of umbrellas and para- sola, some quite pretty And »odtly, And ■ whole carload of theatrical goods, once lho |wu|*rty ol the Doff Opera Company, of New York. It is pro- posed to dispose of too lutumalatlon st auction, and »j>et'al«iora will flud It • rich Held for kavestmeiila.

Zimmerman and Rumpf, 42 West Front St.,

“(ha a Sjred lty at Builder Sardwmie, ldechlalets-end Car- pentere’ Tool*

Agents for Welcome Globe Stores, JCaaurye Fun, Buckeye Mowed,

luUUatU* >t Old.. Wednesday evening No Hurreuder Lthlgc No. 359, Kona of St. George, met and entertained the Grand Lodge officer* T!ie following officeri were Inalalled for

the coming six months: Worthy lVcsidcnt, Charles Hums. Worthy Vice I’restdoil, Jsatph Walla Mcsacagcr, Thomas Wlnsper. Annuitant Messenger, Clcuicut Jolley. Cliaplaln, William Carline. Scoil Ml, Thomas KenuctL .Secretary, Samuel Smith. AnUKiani Secretary, Joba Brooks.

Immediately aftsr tba adjournmaot tbs Convention, <r»*r Central K.rl Hall, tbs roll of tba Convention * call ad and ooa of tba delegates prsat RsaoiVsd. That tba World’* Fair Col- umbian Exposition to bs Inaugurated la tba city of Obleon la ltfM Is rlsUtfully soosidvrsd by all otaassa of oareltlssns. ra KAfdlsss of tbsir political aflIUtioam, as a graat National uadortaking, and that Id recognition of ft* cberector Congreve

11 Ycu to Buy » Wheal, Buy the THE WARWICK.

Ibist proof bearlhg* snfi the beat cui hi art poeamaUe Ure. J. Hervey Dome, agent, 11 Ptok

aeotbe. Hoaor A, V«tl«U. Hie following telegram from New York was received by tho Editor of the Courier, this morning: To Tub Editos or tub Coubju: The degree of Liu D. (Doctor of IJlcrnlarc) was to day conferred by Ux-

Doard of Trustees of Ratgers Female College, upon Mayor Chaancey B. Rip- ley, of Westfield.

Jams T. Hott, Trustee of Rutgers College.



1*1165. * 46 a 48 East Fro

SEA FOOD MARKET! a*. «s was* hhOQHP wmr . - " _u_

Page 4: Then the . tion Gets Down to EoeD- ' ing-Session Work. · volj. 1"no. 209. «j. , kriday .jrjne 10 . 1892 price two cenbk. harrison nominated he polls a majority of votes ok tite

ggff»AY. JUNE IP. 1892.


—special sate on broken eaodjralTIer'e

. —Tlie temperature . , ,maximum 83 degrees, minimum 60 de-

—Doane t Van Andale's ROO Rns-•|s> Leather Hluchcr is t very popular

—The telephone in.the £I«rtb PWn-field, engine house is said to be out oforder. -

—Lightning last night seriously Inttrfcrred with the telejAooe service aNew Brunswick.

—On account of the rain the picnicin Growler's Grove, Evona, was post-pOMdjlast evening.

—The report or the dog-ponnderis /our dogB killed yesterday and twoawaiting seatence.

—Tbe ramoos Cuban UlanU will playball with the Rulger's College team onMonday afternoon next.

-Central Lodge, No. 41, A. O. W.met In regular session last eveningand iuiUated five new members.

—Mr. Adams, or PlainOold, has givenout tbe plans for seven houses

sting to e T o r T l _as tbe ground

Van Syckle farm at South BoundBrook.

—Th« question of closing the Cres-cent League bowling alleys will be consldered at the next meeting of theLeague. •

—Little Hiss Ward, the Spanish.kilt dancer, in "Mrs. Casey's Mis-haps," made a favorable impression aiMusic Hail last night.

—Tbe Secretary of the PialnfteldWater Supply Company has notified theCity Clerk Hint twenty-Live fire hydrant*are now ready for use.

- T h e Children's Fair for the benefit' of the !Children's Home, .whicb was

postponed, will be held Saturday after-noon, Jane 11, at 29 Putinau avenue.

—Sergeant Lynch is toii.n servingsnbpanbes for witnesses in'Utpee-caseswhich are set down for trial 'before CityJudge Codington to-morrow morning.

—Plehnfleld and Elizabeth arescheduled to play at Elizabeth to-morrow. A little money was putup, last evening, bnt few bets weremade. I

—Bntter, sugar and oil. are waydown' iti price, according to a new ad-vertisement of tbe I"i)l(od Tea and Cof-fee Growers' Association. . It Is worthreading^

—The Bound Brook Oooncil metTuesday evening. The application ofJames 11. Force for a, peannt standalongside of the Mansion House wasdeferred.

The readers of the Courier alone hadthe Information last evening of the de-cision «f *1K> %ipMme Court In the Lowwater and sower ordinance eases.Judge. Magie. banded in the opinionwhich Is most iuteresting toPlainfleliier. I t citedTor laying aside the water ordinancewinch the "Big Six" persisted, in. paw»ing over Mayor Gilbert's veto, thai theordinance failed U> mention the nameeof the six associates wHdi Mr., Lowproposed to navej«£,blm in IIIB bigscheme. This fittal defectwss pointedoat by Carporatton Counsel Craig. A,Marsh when the Vdinance waif snb-niittcd to him. The W i g Six1'report**!1

this fact to Low, bat the woskl-beWater King said it Wdn't make anjdifference and so tbe W^Tective ordi-nance went tiirongh- x

In the case of the sewer ordinancethe amendment to the act or UJO L*glslaiure governing Uie laying , o•ewers, and which was designed to reutrli-t llie provisions of the act to citieiof tlie third class was declared to beanlonstltutional and as the ordluance wasbased on this act, it was. thrown out asillegal. The court also mentioned thatthese defect* were sufficient to throwout tbe ordinances without considenepother manifest defects.

These decisions hove proved loFlalnfield people tbe wisdom aud foretbongbof their honored Mayor. Mr. Gilbendeclined to sign these ordinances be-

Mttltey.,were manifestly wrong, nolonly in .spirit bnt in tbe mannei ot Uieiilaasage. WJien the majority, however,lassed tliem over his veto, lie refused

sign t ic coiitrauLs and thus invohthe city further .in :the,,financial sloughwlik-li threatened. His veto messagiwas clear, business-like and convincingV.esterdoy the SUte's SnpiKBe Courtset their seal of approval.ppon lib

lai-]], too, is entitled to m•ml of credit It Is only tin

other evMeuee that his advice is gooftadvice aadhasneveryet led the city as-tray. Aud from the Conm-il men who Moodsteadfast, who expostulated and plead-ed against the reckless majority butwho were voted down, have only ,rea,-

further cengratnlation. Tin->eople endorsed their action,lost Deeem-

• i the com ts have just den

—A meeting of the Woi teliefCorps, No. 10, was held last evening,f.t take Into consideration the receptionsf Carney Janeway Corps, [ of NewBrunswick, on Friday evening of nestweek. |

—According to conservative opinions.the ball game scbednled for next Wed-nesday betftten the Crescents and theSUten Island Club, will be tlie mostexciting game of the season.

—The children's fair for the beiofthe Children's Home, will be heldon Uie lawn adjoining F. X. Schoon-maker's residence on Putmnn avenne,on Saturday afternoon, Ji

—Some of the tans new in ase in theCity Utuncil Chamber were presentedby "Parse and Mundy," fullyyears ago while tlie firm carried oabusiness where Uie Dime .Saving! Bankis now located.

—iJcre" Johnson, the real estateauctioneer, of New York, is abont to•tart a real estate boom in this city.Beginning early next month he willoffer for Bale a tract of land near theNetherwood Hotel.

—The Crescent League have decidedto have a fine exhibition of Ore-workson their, ball grounds in North PUiu-

.field Uie aight of July fourth. Col.Moore and, JFredjSlater bare been .ap-pointed a Committee on Torpedoes.

—A Mack horse bekmging to JosephFrailer, of Berkley Height*, becamefrightened at an umbrella on Somersetstrpet, yostt-rOay afternoon,1 aad ranaway. Tbe owner succeeded in gettingthe horse tinier, control after he. iudgone a few blocks, and no damage •

—"Mrs. Casey's Misaapa,11 na pro-duced at Music Kail, iant evening, bfore a. small audience. . Tbe. play. wpoor, and It is evidently intended forthe East-Side in New Tort. The Com-pany w*s;made up In Naqark. . Slilayed twi« in Elizabeth, ;opce ia.Bah-

" way, and (He fourth time' here lastnight

—A well-known Piainfleld ladj sendsUie Courier the following recipe forSpanish cream which r sh e pronounce*delicious: Separata the, whites a»d yolkiof four eggs, and with tbe yolks makea boiled custani, add a.p)o to{«)lka»dsugar to taste. Set one-third of a boxof gelatine to aoak In a iKUe cold waterfor a few minutes, then dissolve "K inthree-foartU of a cup of* boiling water.When tbe costard has cooled aJd (hegelatine .water aud the whites of theeggs well beaten; flavor with vsfllila,stir all togeOier and pot m i o mould*.A pretty effect can- be obtain*} by a*-'lug pink gelatine. " *

Mlawitf K«abm «T tfe*OH TmUr OfksU fcTtk* »*•tean Dp

Ing theCandida*^



PEBS0M4L.llu'hani J. Clatk, aged 8!

died at the Albion Hotel last iMrs. D. S. Roberts, of North, aven-

ue has gone to Scranton, Pa., on aisiCRobert and John Cliffton, of,Wes}

Third street, sailed for England on UKner "Teutonic" Wednesday. The]

have gone on a vacation.At Chester, Pa., on the 8th insL oc-

curred the death of Mary, the onijchUd or Rev. and Mrs. H. H. Lowry,if Port Jefferson, JU "Y.

Ri.'V. -I. 1(. Cleaver, fonperly pastorof t i e First CJiun-h of t'hrisl of Uiii•Ity, will (lellyfcr U:c- omtion at [In•onrili of .Inly edebration at BoundJreok., Fred. W. Taylor, of Em Fi fi h street,

wentjto lUiaca, K«w , York, yesterdaywhere he begins, t

ij the entrance

ixanlnatieu to Cornell University. 11expects to enter the courae in electrical

i i t oW. S. Angieman, of West Fran

street, sncceasAlly'-{«BBed tbe ezamination for admission to the New .Tersej

at Trenton yesterday and was made&n Bttorney-it-law. Bis examinationwas a most commendable one and caratin for special mention at Uie bauds <•be examiners. The motion for MiAngleman's admission was made- b>Corpora^ioa Cfupset Mafsh.

Thepanilaof SUseschool gave a mttskale at the residenceOf Mrs. Ookrd,' No. 49 Potman avenuelast eieeftEg. Tbe entertainment' wsj

present.of* piano trio Uy U l n Nettle

KelloggjMbs Emma Fish and Miss MaryMUlcr, piauo solos by Miss ZibUeJoseph, H.iat EUiol Holmes, Hias MabelWihtor, Miw Maude French and duats

e Serreil and Misa MaySmiliie, Mlsa Llllia Moore and UiasKaXe OTCrton, a vocal solo. By, Misa J«s-rte ; t5mll!i(; and .selection* , on theviotia by An lrew Carpeoter.' The In-terior of Ui« l^ocse was decorated wkhdasics, h n n , e t c , and during Uieevening refreshments were served.

' u i i o l I u Iwiu t td h r Csafwsa,Tbe foOowmg dispatch was received,

j Mm Bennett Britton, at 8es4ehPlaina. yesterday:Un Bennett Britton,

Fanwoort, X. J.: fVour son, H»fk J. A R JUchanla.

was to-day nominated for Congress inthe Seventeenth Ohio District

don of » uwididate'H. mme «et tae convenlion ..*ril<t wiili cxciLennuiiL .to-dsyWhen .BWoe1? imme.^M.; pjrpBcafeA bydeflator. AVokwit, Of Uoiorwlo, the en

imm Jjnoko OTt. ,Th« jipal fecttonin turn cheered their candidate,.thoughtn point of noise-Bialno spewed ta Uk<|M lead. J | ia iioi .likely. U*at. «ithe

State wi(l be nominated. Keep cooaiid.dcn't Uet.

tion re-Conven«J this morning- at 1o'clock. At ojoftrtcr past twelve Sena-tor Wolcott, of Colorado, uorainateiE»-3e^reiarj' of Slate in a^peech thawas pronDoaceil a perfect.-gem. Tho•oinlnallon was recciyed with ; wildcheera .Richard Tuaayteon, of Mtcfalfan, profttntcd ,t*e,;J^BjIdenl's name"I iwiuiiwte," Bai<] ho,lency of Uie United Pialca tbe, wls<

aU^vftn," Benj««fcii»|.Harrison," | tb-eiosc of-ttia. FJI«W;II wn« foiicwed b;

h lasted .frr a eral mm

a of the Itlaiue canvasy tlie President cannot be nominated

They urc talking iMi'l ,ncUnly. and there wto plenty >of rumors

thfit.Lhcy.will jjrifig out a-dark Lotee.

the niUi-Harriw.m stirnslh, but say tbia safe Majority of tbe, delegates will no

e for the1 President when^ the, finalLest com*?.

It is generally agreed Hiat u nominaon will bo made: sot ' la ter t* an till

secoud . Uitiot,. artl the , rreadenfsIrienils SRJ ihe roll will be callud only

A • 14. BO a BAVUTQ D1V1CE.

«.T«t t«UiB, of TaU City

jliti V«tterkjjn,!liie madHiiist of Exchange Alley, has just secure.! a pntenfor un .imyraved .spoke fo/ bicycltvbeeis. Tlie ixMSt quality or steel isused the mann/ftcture or spoke* for thewbeefe .in anc at '(he present Iday.Their ;inoat vulncrtililc part I* whorethese, spokes eatec (bemano&clncers otekle f-lale their^snokdito prevent iliem-^uni rpstkig, but.the]Qod It Impossible, to, so protest tii.screw tfircaded etuis. Bust will cumeno matter bow. mucU care is taken anchere U wliere the breakage comes.Mr. Vetterleinijauewt cpwrajust tillspoint. It consists o£a nipple, set, intothe rim of Uie tire in such a maithat the spoke is screwed Into ItThis both holds the «prke Anil)atid adds to us .sjj^nglh. . Xbe^aippleIs set into tke rta^Oash cwith>tke Ipuerside, and being headed preyeul* theWoke i frnn. r T H E tiiroagh *nd in-juring the tire. This njpple also isso coimiructed tjjat. Any rider can,with the Bid of a BjnaUiafliikey. wrench,put In- cew apokea hlmneif at i a costof about twenty cenW each, and be-eides, cai, cpajjokejui.. entire irAeel tn-

"e of scoopie of hooTs.

* YU«*i j»,JWdl,»T#iaiberof-offen lor ait patent trom smne of

U thos, J i r . i i . s retoed toaelL ili» idea is tq pot his patent outon rrt>aliyt eb of benefit

whowmen of tlie wortd. Uc has.applied lor.Beyqcal other, pateots look-Jog '

mfacturc ol the.spokcs and hubs ofeU,. aad expeais .they *M b*

grarrted to- him by the first of July,•ills, ideaa JU-C all"Pr*cticaJiie;»d arethe naDlt ol •bKrraUoM w*lch b* has

d faS >made wfaSe > Itot * HH Ipmteetea by European p»tenU.

•Thp pww will be nwdorate a»1 BO that[•corchlqg."

ti* DwMrtnMltM mala la thai TUIaf*ZaatVMk.

eoriitt weeks ago, antatrodnced in the • CtomBJon Otwncwhich provided tnat when a Mcvc.rider approached a carriageon any of- the pohlte strecU of thrity, doe., notice t, or «och 3 Wproa^Fhoold be given hy the rider by rinei:a bell or sounding a whistle.atftdlsteuof not ices Uian &Ry foet Jroai Uie twicarriage or reh'cle. This orfliaan,was amcjukn! a i the.last mecUog of t?Connvil, makiog it obhgatory na«u i.irider to sound .the, wtklsUe or Hug thbell only when approaching a «xoninwhen the aaid.riders were not in plalview or inililrt—II A* this otdItMOM Is practical]* the same as t!iother, tbe wheelmen of. Dalnfielil leesomewhat Incensed over-tbe matter.

The clause of the ordiaance whl<-relates to the. ringing of a bellsoundings whistle when approachingpedestrian or vebtcle, has been thong ijy many to he unoonitiuitkinal. Theclaim It to be useless aad unjust, ansay .that ii-wilioaly lesd to cooftialoand accident. Hornes as a role arcnot frightened, by. a tricycle rider aniglit, but tiie cufoToed ringing auwiiisUing .will ,be very apt to scan,them. : The wheelmen have no pbj^ilions to -the clause .of t i c law vbfcprovides for their carrying light-

at night, but Ihey think Uiucarriages and'other conveyances shornbe Ineladed la tlie same prorteions,bey do nol coiaidei It Jalr. lor sn<liaoriminaUon to. i* made •gsinBt tlwheelmen.

The Chief Couiwl of tiie New Jers-.-'ivision of tbe Leagtiei of America

Wheelmen, G. Carl ton Broirn, of Eiiza>eth, In spettklng or the matter, saichat none of the wheelmen Utul. madany cpwplaints coneerning'the new lawjut If any came, he would jrefei

ex-Assembly man Foster Voorliocs.-Elizabeth, |be acting chairmaii of tit

League Committee on Jiiglu^ ajid Pri vipgos and! I erbe rt K niglit,of Newurk, wlis the other member of the. eesuniUeer,tliose geutkaaen find •wfficieiit cans

for action, they will seek redress in thW*e«teeRfcaTe.,Jt«vl<.to flgli

for their rigtits <ever since the | SmwbesL

jas bicy,ci.e» are n

recognized as vehicle*, by the law, th«bduld not be. discriminated against

For the purpose of learning Just whatrights the wheelmen, have in the promi a. reporter or the Courier coiaulted tlie Uws of tlie State ol N*wJersey. \ He b u d in tbe laws of 188

3, of Chapter CLV II, thfollowing: "Aad be ' it enacted thajoining in this, act shall be so con

i to prevent Uie passage, enor maintenance of sny

ation, ordinance or rule regulating Un.use of. Wicycles or tricycles in publicstreets, avenues,, roada, turnpikes,iriveways, parkways, and other jiuilaces in. BBCR manner aa to limit

determine .the. proper rate of speedwith which aoch. vehicles may be ppelled, nor jn eafti manner u inquire, direct or pnpWWl the. as* of Dens,amps and oilier such appurtenances,

• to [inXiibii. Uie u e of any vebichupon that part or tlie street, road oparkway commonly, known, »a tin1 footpafii or mlewalk." '

Goanci of i he city or boromgh tare t Utright U? paaa any law, ordinance

Uli .wliich _TB1»11 Lei (I .10 thesafety of- pedestrians or vehicles uponany ol the pablic streeU frx«tL Ute . mis-

ofblcyelea. -They also have (uljowet to regntre the ase of bells, U

other auclL. apportenanees,. it theyfit. Nothing can stop ttiein fromi hUng'them. Wheelmen, therefore objoctto the.ordinancdd

. In tbH coaaocUon It may not,bo iit place to calf the ©f cycliststo, an eJllocial, which, ar,pesrn in theVestfleld Leader orthis week, «n this

very fame wbject. The reason alton-Uon is called.t«xiie.artic!e!iBjjecimBcis undento*d. U»t m of the cyclistsIntend to try to show the citizens of thisi this, ermiag. how absurd the re-

Uy4woj»»ed ordin*nce appears tom. - The article ihwld be carefully

road by ill Intending, demonstratorsnd it % Lo,b*.<Mr*<l-U«l<tliey will de-idc. to, give «p their proposed parade.t

"The mtans. wbtch some of tbe youngop!e, who riaeilovles. have taken to

show their disapproval of the ordinance•tely pafMd by the Town Committee

lbs ckling or bicjties ipon.̂ are not men aa n i l win the

u d orderly jtorUott «f the eon-unjty to(*eir way of tUaJ^ng. .Theown Coou»j t4ec did w t - p w tbe or-

dinance in question without giving itcarefal consideration, add in their Jodg-ment do t l f c

ridetikn«wwbatiswaalono>ablcycbefore the rigliU of a m»n on a wheewere acknowledged on toe li ighwa;They have had their wheels smashed,been ran down, chased off the mad

ven iwiied by hoggish team drivThe; appreciate tbe standing th»

the wheelmen now nave upon the road,and they hate to see them torn hoc- ando eyhng % positive Injury.

Tbe wanton disregard for peat*tier diajjlayed was a. direct Insult toe Town Committee,.and through tin

to the law-abiding citizens of tbe to*It has not Increased one lota the respectfor tbe wheelmen or brought one thinking person to theU' skle." .

la t i t City Conrt.The case of the city vs. Huff Broth-

ers, for using fool language, willtp before City Judge Oodrogton to-[uorrow1 morn ing.

Hacluaaa MlcCormick will also be Wraignod to-morrow morning, forvwlatug tlic hack, ordinance.

CorneliuH flinna tea been Bumoonedbefore-'Jndge Codington, to-morrow

iinR, upoo complaint of $Cruikshank. The charge is forf d l ^

StraakThe dwaUing house o l Uavid Mora-

ng, at No. 346 WostTbirtl «ree ; , wasstmck by lightning at 9:45 o'clock lasteveoiiig. The bolt struck, the c&tmiInly abaUerijig that into fragments itearing a way n groove uiid about two Teeof tfaa sbte roofing. Tiie bolt also entered a bed-room on the. second floor

the.north corner of the bnUdln& aoiIn this room the wall was alto kiiockedown. In the. garret the beams wereset on fire, bnt Uie Hames were extln-gnished by members of the family.

j Clauu Ht. Sume WM TargeA.Thomas Price went before Justice'adsworth,. jast evening, and lodged

complaint against a man named Piercewho, he- ctoima, commit-

ted forgery in ,fftbruary, 1891,salary. Frice «-special agent for a

e company, and to the Jiclaimed tu have good proof for thii

JusUce Wadsworth taeaed a warrantfor Pierce's. arrest, tbts morning, bnt asvet he baa not been Apprehended,

Tbt Balditi'te dteaatislaetion i8 being

manifested among tbe members of thGrand Arm j Poats pn .MCOOnt of Ui

tonPjneiitofthe soldier'enatter by the committee. The veteranclaUn Uiat. nearly ti»o huudred dollarlave already been spent in drafUng a

design &nd sending out uoUces. Thisexpenditure, Uiey claim, wasautborued

IJ the citizens part of tbe committee,bub was aai oaaenrred la by tlie GramArm j : room be rs.

At the Grenada—Mr*., Casey's HisapaCa^New-York; C. • 8. Schultz, 3.

B..Thomas, Pbija4ialphla^ E. O. Brown,M d l W i A ^A. H.'Donghty, Newark;. J. L. EJaaJl,it>; R L..Viiasf.Broo lyn.At the City; Hotel—T. H. Winated,

New Britain, epnn.i.G. Cevon, ,Bart-ford,.tlld.j a .i»art»n,.¥ort,i-pa.; aK* Orifssp, Beading, Pa.; T. A ,Bock-

ll, TrenUtn; P\ A. Qiiiutaua, Brook-

Four, bundred.. end.fitty, wheelmen,embers of the-Philadelpuja. Cyclingnbi, go to Serark UiisafUTiKwn

oln in the greet century ran.

bot yet it Is, not,of battnr j . p. Mac Donald

^ into t-onader-ion0ba*20 eesU per pound for the

creamery butter is extremely low.Rafforty, * dealer In fancy goodstiand

arrested bylotions, on Somerset street, was

Special Marshal JobNorth Flsinfleld,

charge - with assault aponone of his employees. 'He was paroledon his own recc<nirancc to appear bo-ore Justice Bperry tor a- hearing <

Frfdaj afternoon next.

hat a saving-1 hare made daring tbea t j ea r by,being my ,Oirn .doetotBMlpaidout»96.2« focdoctoraandleir medicine; tai«.year L. paid W.00r six bouies of Ailpliur Bitten, and

bey hare kept health in my wtnteually. They are tbe best and purest

medicine ever made.-CbariM J f A ^etnpfe street, Boston, Mass.

wrUttug hi ts* Way o


I East Front Street


. 0/Course. Lote Of'

in ill

Styles a d



Beef, Iron and WW

50 CENTSa bottle.

-FILUAMS'PHABMACX,«0 W«tt Front Straet.

Oor. STOTO BtreM.

| -IN «THB « M » « B r | v


FCXWLISON "«5. JQI^ES,34.TBT»ot Front.St • Kffisr TO inrsic i

Change of < Ownership.jj««ie 1 We Shall Conduct the Jlletropolitan

Stables,owned by A. D. Thompson, ne a

p BOARDING STABLliAnci Ml be pteaaed lo « o <air oU.Dtienda at l i e mw stand.

4 D.&-HOBBBTB, Prop.

Borough-Scavenger Co.Oppo«itJon to «U. Will be nate tnrwa i

Ce«Rpool8 and Vaults CleanedHepalred, and Built

A. L. GABCIACO.abMbctmranaf Haraaa d m .


Badillery. Blankets.

Whipa, Bohi, Etc

Store. SewOoodaHO. 10 EABT FKONT STRUT.


The Orescent Rink Hal],

Suitable for > market, lor a gjm-

aiinm or fbifa lodge room.


a H..ttANJ>.


SHOES!Doane & Tan Arsdale's,

22 West Front St.



Upholstering and Repairing

W<- toaU aod laj Carrots, mnkior«T .!N(«™i»e« and do Jo*-

WnH of all kh.d«

bar a- R«MII Leather Blacb<4 V K A»JJe'». fttaTg

OK 8.1. o. To L » Th» Miabla p

MONEY to IM> U 5 percent. Intcrert.M. fcabclsja..-ostcwe. W. C BnW.

A«t« Hfc 41 Noftb U S M , -*—-*•


, beaije. good wear, then H i' • • * *

HenYSlKX* WXfl.0.0.

Doane1 drVain Arsdale's.


psBxnmrr pabao*»h«-

»1 Tter'a to-morrow. —Tbe lempcrstoro


■a&d [ —Roane A Vu JmUt'l U.OO Rai ■U Leather Bhnter isiwj popular

—The telephone lu the North Aelfl engine hosee In Mid In bn ont of order.

—Ufblnlng lint night nrrtoonlj to- ttrHtn-0 with the tefepboas errvke nl New Brunswick.

—On account of the min the picnic In Ornndnr n Grove. Eronn, we. poohd,ln« evening. —The report of the dog-pounrt*r

hi foer doge killed yerterdny end two nwnlUhg nentence. —Tim fnmouj Cobra Giants will piny bell with the Rutger-i College teem oo Monday nlternoan next. —Cnatnl Lodge, No. 41, A. O. W., met in regular eewdon lut evening —Mr. Adana, of Ptatafirid, bu given out the plnne for (even boenen a Vnn Ryckle firm nl Sontb bound Brook. —The question of dornng the Crew cent Lengne bowling elle/l will be con- nldered nt tbe neit meeting of the —Utile Mlae Word, the Ppnnlnh •klrt dancer, In ■•Mrs. Coney's Mis-

haps," made n favorable Imprrwuon at Music Hall last night —The Secretary of the II.hi Acid Water Supply Company has notlOed the

Olj (Jerk that twenty .Ore «re hydrants are now ready for neo. —T»S Children'* Fair for the benefit of the Children's Home, , which was postponed, will he held Saturday after

noon, June 11, at H I'uunait avenue. —Sergeant Lynch la U^day serving anhptenaea for witnraaoa In ^hfee

which arc act down for trial before City Judge Codington to-morrow morning —Ptamfield and Elizabeth are scheduled to play at Elizabeth to- morrow. A little money was pm

np, last cvehing, but low bets were made. —Balter, sugar and oil arc way- down ih price, according to s uew ad- vertJshmont of the United Tea and Cof- fee Growers' Association. It la worth reading} —The Bound brook Council met Tuesday evening. The application of James II. Force for a peanut stand alongside of the Mansion House was

deferred. —A meeting of the Woman's Belief

was held last evening, ilo consideration the reception Janeway Corps, of New Brunswick, on Friday ereoiog of next week.

—According to eooaervatlrnoptalona, the ball game scheduled for ackt Wed- nesday between the Crcncenu end the Staten Island Club, will be the must exciting game of the season.

—'The children's fair for the benefit of tbe Children's Home, will be held oo Iho lawn adjoining F. JL Seboon maker’s residence pn Putman nveaor. oo Saturday afternoon, Juoe I

—Some of the tans now In use In tbe City Connell Chamber were presented by ‘Tame and Mainly," hilly Orteo* yrwrs ago while Hie firm carried an business whore the Mm Savings Bank la now located. —1Jcre" Johnson, the real estate auctioneer, of New York, Is about to

start a leaf estate boom la this city. Beginning early next month he sill offer for sale a Jnrt or Mod near the Netherwood Hotel

—Tbe (Tencent League bare decided to bare a line exhibition of fire-works on their ball grounds In North Plain- ■aid the sight of July fourth. Col Jtoors sod Fred, Water hare boon ap- pointed a Committee on torpedora —A Mark horns belonging to Joseph Frsxler, of Berkley Heights,

frightened at an umbrella on Somerset

this foot to Low, blit the woald-he Water King said It W make axrj difference and so the Tkjfhrtlre ordi- nance went through

tn the cane of the sower ordinance, the amendment to the act of the Legta- lature governing the laying sewers, sad which was designed to r» strict the provisions of the set-to cJtkf of the third class was declared to ha an constitutional sod an the ordinance was tamed on this net, it was thrown oof illegal. The court also mentioned Urn) these defects were sufflcleot to thro* out the ordinances without considenag other manifest defects These decisions hare proved to Plat Held people the wisdom and forethought of Iholr honored Mayor. Mr. Gilbert declined to sign these ordinances be- cause,they, were manifestly wrong, not only In yirll hot la the mannei ol then passage- When the majority, however, passed ifexa oxer fits veto, he refused 10 sign Uie oonUneta and than involve the city fitnher In the to social slough which threatened, ills veto message -Uk* sad convincing SEE Uie BUM'S tjofiOTBc Court w* ti***ra©al of apfioraJ . ppon bl» one Mr. Mar«h, too, Is entitled to pe small sscad of credit. It Is only a» otter evi.k'tn c (feat Ills advice is good advice aad hasneveryet lad tbe city as- tray. And from ibe Coondlmcnwho stood •tesdfsst, who es|MMtelated snd plea*V ed againat the reck leas majority but who were voted down, have only .rest- son for farther congratulation. Tbe jteojdeendorsed theiracOou last Decem- ber and tbe courts have just den e so. .

away. The owner socecodedln gattlng Ih* horse sudor control after, ha. had. gone a few blocks, and

—■'Mil. Casey's Mishaps," was pro- duced ah Music RaiVlart eveolsg, be- fore a small andlrsww. . Tbe. play, was poor, and It I. evidently Intended for thc East-Hide la New Tort. Tbe Corn-

way, aad the night —A well-known Plainfield lady ends the Coarter the following rnrtpa for

r foar eggs, sad wuh te* yolks nmka batted ewatetd, add airtlof milk asd 5 I** 'B~u Briu'». sugar to taste. Bat own-third of a bra af getethsa lo soak la aihtteenM water for a few mlratea, then dtaaolvw-tt hi tbramfosuth* of s ewp W bofbag water. Whw the costard has rank* add the gelaUno .water aad Ibe whites of Uie eggs **! bfotra, flevor,sdth stir all togeJser and- pal -ttt to A pretty effeekeambe obtain** by na- Ingptak grtettne.

CMSM sf ter art tha Pin Uaartty Krahsts sf lbs

fdly 0*SsU ay __ J«T

sUs Hass af The renders of lha Coorter alone had

tbe Information MM evening of the da- ctajoa of lb, dnpgrme Load la the Low water and newer t Judge. Magic baaded le the opinion which llslafielder. It dud as the ground for laying aside the water ordlnaace which the "Big »x" peralsfed^ log over Mayor Gilbert's veto, >bat jh* ordlaance felted to mention tbe of the six associates, which Mr., low propound to b.TU,w«h him In >1. big scheme. This Intel defect was pointed oat by Corporal!*. Oonnsol Craig A, Marsh when tbe

xyJttsgre.tMCWTI-' TheStiO tlaa* will.lW Uttot

mlued to him. The'VBig Hlx" reported ^ up^^^r-fell . T«»gra.

rxxaoriL. Richard J. Clark, aged SI year* died at the Albion Hotel last evening, Mrs D. 8. Roborta, of North nv«- «■ has gone to Scranton, Pa, on a vlalL Robert and John Cllffton, of ,Wfief Third street, sailed for Englaad on tee oer ‘-Teutonic" Wednesday. Hie} have gone on a vacation. At Chester, Pa, on the tttb Inal oc- curred the dentil of Mary, the only child of Rev. and Mrs H. M. Lowry, of Port Jefferson, N. TT. Rev. J. B. Wearer, formerly pastor

of t to First Churrli of Christ of thlo elty, will deHger. the oraUoe at [hi Fourth of Jaly celebration at Boned Brook . fted. W. Taylor, uf£*rt Firth street, wantjo llhacs, kiww .York, yesterday, where be heglna today.the entrance xamttalaoe to Onnieb UatcnfaUy. expects to enter tba coarse laclectrfesl

■W._H Angleman, of„Weat Front street, Siet 8gMy passed tbe examl nation for admission to tbe New Jersey bar at Trenton yesterday and was made an a^lopey-at-law. His eiainlualion a most commendable one and came In for special mention si tbe hands el examiners. The motion for M AnglomanT admission was made lif lor,Miration Counsel Marsh

The pupils of M|*s Bigelow s select school gart a muslcale at tha resilience of Mrs Goard, No 49 Pntmaa avsnue. The entertainment wap appreciated by all person of a plsao trio by Mite Nettie - Mha Emma Fish aad Mite Mvf

Ptow. aoloa by Ubhte Kaa Ethel Holmes, Ml. MatMl voder. Mi. Maude French aad

A^jawaaa^tel The following dispatch

Stelae, ytteerday : ,"1 —taar*




Aeet-Jlagletefh. Bteteedtofet. bat, a W3N*V ■

of not fete thee fifty -feet- -from the te carriage or vrh'cte This onflam,

Ihe. teal moatlOA of die

Boa ad'a , _ rutted,trild. rtih- iimiWaea^hMday. Whee . wane's pfrao«te*by rienator.trakott, of Osterado, Iho ea- Utualaam hcbks pot e1>«rite!Jactloo. In. tare e>mered (Mr, ea^dyaUA-lhoogh la pofgt Of natea-Btelae, teemed to lake Ibe lead, it la,Mt,,Bkaty> thee either me pwtdrat or hi* radteon^ary oi State win be aomluated. Keep cool aod.dou'lbct. .blkXkiiaffa.

coosWe. It folr for aa dlaoru id nation made agateu Un

ifkoaysai roua, Juno 10.—Tbe Cep

lira, re-returned this, morning ut il “ >«**ded la the o'clock. Ataounerpant twelve Bae» *«■*>,b»l. cpn* icr Wotcou, of Colorado, nominated Pk-aejratarj' of Bute lo a^pcoch thal was prooMOced g, perfect, gem. The aomlnallon was received with . wild cheers ,JU.hsr<l Tlumifeon, of Mk-bl- fan, preacoted Ibo TresMeol’a same. "I Donated*," »id be, “lor tbe Prato deney oC the- United.Statue the, wise statqsman,' Benjeatin, Harrison," I The

of .iho, ipaaeli was: followed by ehceringwhteh lasted hr several ana- ?"* , , Tha maagers of tbe Blaine canvass wy the Prasldoiit cmonol be uomlaated. They sre. talking and ,actlnj .xnyteri- oasly, aad there aso pleaty .of rumors that they, alii hrieg out a dark teftae.

Thl* moreipg thfi.givc oo, jjgorc*of the aml-Harrison strength, bnt jaay that

safe laalorlly of the delegate* uHl not r>«o for the Krvtedem when tho. Anal

'AY. JtJNR 10*

** V- - w-

sMSfis la foi mw

lntrodoe*d , In. (ho-Oomosoa OmtecU wbloh provided that wbea a bteycl rider approached a carriage or vehicle oo say of- tha pahtlcjyjfii city, dae . aqUreiot should b* gteen by the rider by rtugl: » beB oraoqadlog a s dlstan order dlaplaftel was a dlreet insult to

lag I t sUvgafoey spss me nder IQ wand,iho, wbteile. or^Mf« lb*, bell only .bee whoa the JobLltltere were act la i view Of pedestrians As this or-

ly the aams as Uie of, Plainfield feel ovte.lhe matter,

of the onagaace wUch relates to Ibe. riogteg Of a bell or adlag a whistle when approaching v pMtetrtaa or rohlele, has born thaagi.. by many to,bu uesnaUlalfonal. They It to b* aoslste aad sryjast, and say,that tv*1U.oolff l*d te coafaslun and accident Homes,as a role are not frightened, by. a b|cyde rider at aight,. hot-tho rafernad •,ringing and whistling..will be very, apt w scare Tbe wbrelmcn fore no ob> , Uon* u Uie clanae .of tbe law which pwetdaa for their carrying Hgbted lam era. at night, hot they think test carriage* aad- other conveyance* abonid

It la generally agreed that u npfnlna- tion will be mads aot taler K an the

•d ballot. **1. the . Pmadcot’s Irieoda say ibe roll will be called only

■ X*k« —-' A l IAMB UVIMO HVKl to. Imams* .jastks* mAasktsr .nak

Mtotk. TUI TrsrteV tort Ufosstomt Brsshsg, Ms TrtterMs, *f TaU City, •“ ■ bsflto* m tea levy alias .John V*iterteie,|te* maetaulat of Ex-

change Alley, has just secured a palcut for an Imiguiod , Apple Itu bicycle wheels. -The heal geelity of. steel la need the raaattfertare Of spokes for the wheeh ji jte at '<he present ,dgj. Tlielr Aoost vuleerable. part 1a where thcee spokes rater tee rim. Many “■hWu nlekle plate tertr.apcbcs prevent themtomi rpatlng, hot tee> Had it haposalble. lo so protest the

threaded salt no matte^ ho*, mock care la. take, and hare Is where the brealage Mr. Vatieririii a/iatrat covers Jun Ihto potat - It craft** Of. nipple, tet. late

Tha tauef Consul of Ih* New Jersey Division of the league of Amerieao .0, pari u» Brown, of Elixa- beUi, lo aprehlng of the matter, said that none o£ tee wheelmen had. made any epftiplslote eoacernieg'the new law. hot \t toy came, he would refer them to ei-Aremabig-man Foster - Voorhces. or Elizabeth, (lie oeting clmlrman of the league Onmmlttee on iUglugaad Priril- *SC.a*d-HerbertKnigbt,ef Newark, who is tee other, meinbcr of tea ranualitee. If,these* gsathaaeo dad smrictavit cause for anion, they will seek redress lu the oratu. ,M'he*laa«» para bad to Dglit. for their rights ever since - the 11 ml whool appeared. *ad as btcyrlnare now recognized as vebfelaa by }bs taw, thuy tofsdd pot be discriminated AgaOnn.

For tee purpose of learning Just what rights tea wheelmen, have in tee prom- lues, a reporter or tee Courier con- sulted the Iran of -tee Bute til New Jcraey lie fosad m tee laws of IRS" undrrtfoctira S, of Chapter CLVII,.te* foUowlag: "Aad be it enacted that nothin* In thla. act tosall be an con- strued as to prevrat tbe passage, ea- rureement or aamteasnee of say regn-' latlon, Ortlteaacw Of rein regulating the one of. Uejrokua or tricycle, in pabto atresia, ereoace,, roads, twvplken, drirewaya, pukrifi, aad other imbllc places In such manner *a to limit and determine tee proper rate of speed With which aaeh vablekra pay be pro- pound, nor la such manner as to .re- quire, direct or pn-Wbll te* oac or Dells, lamps aad other each appertenances.

Tbe older to ride a bicycle before the right* of 1 maa os They Imre had their wboeta amashad, down, chased off te* nrnd aad wra lashed by boggtah tram driv They appreciate tba standing that

horimra now bare spoo tee road, and they hats te sea them tars hor do cyhag a poaMra Injury The wastes disregard for peace aad


teg Tows Committee, aad through them te the 'law-abiding clUtena of the town. It has not Increased oae lota the respect forte* tag person to the*, ride.

la tea City Oeait. north* elty re. H«ff Brete-

■p before CRy Judge Oodmgteo to- Uackman McCormick wffl also be

relgnod te-morccw morning, fur vtulat- log tho beck, ordinance. before Jadge Codington, to-rootrow morning, npon uomplslnt or B. Cruiksbank. Tbe charf* la for ntag fonllraga*.

foul «T Iscktatag. Tbe dwelling haute of Hand Morn-

ing, al No, Aft Waal Third etree;, was struck by IlghUilag at »i*d o'clock last cvculug. Tho bolt struck.the chimney UK, slmllertng that ml* fkagmeatv aad teariagawsy a groove and about two or tee slate readag. Tha bolt also en- tered a bed-room on tee second floor, Id ter north corner of te* bell ling, sad lu this room the wall area alto knocked flown. In tec garret tee beams were n Are, bnt tee flames.' were extin- guished by member* of tee family.

Claras HI. (rafiafeld Tbomaa Price went before Justice

Wadsworth,.last ersalug, aad lodged coasptafot against a maa named Pierre, ol JUiaaheth, -who, he claims, commit- ted forgery in February, lllbl, salary. Priea.iljpraf.I «goul for aa uantance campaay, aad te the Justice ho Claimed to bare good proof for teo ewaptont

Justice Wadswonh tssoed a warrant for Plmca'a arrest, Uyls moraiag, bat aa yet few baa aot brea apprehended.

CfewderatiejUmaftobctioo la being mam rested rawug tee DKiteeri of tee Grand ,Ajnj Po*ta on aacoont of tbe postwpeaMM of tea soldier's monument matter by tee comjpittae. The reuraas claim that, a early two huulsed dollars ham already been spent in drafting a deaigo and sending ont notion. ThU expenditure, they claim, was anteonxed by the eltlaeos partof tee committee, hot was aMeaacmsd la by tee Dread Away, members





J* JV- J?root StWf-

HOSK ANNA? Of Coirn. Lota Of >a

in aU Styles ud Qnalliln


yl*»C»A««rtlUB80 ..n,, ^■oow&


-EBDlTS..fflu. B. P‘: NEWELL’S.

'PEPTONIZED Beef, Iron and Wibe.

50 CENTS abouie.

,WILLIAMS’ PHARMACK, *U Wsst Fiaot Street.



F 1 N«at jin, Design

v-Skfid Low In Prlcefl


3d.Ws*t Pxccxt^txwet. . < J**XT TO iffUSlC HALL.

.Change of Ownership.

After June 1 We Shall Conduct the -Metropolitan Stables,

. Formerly owned by A. D. Thompson, aa a

PRIVATE BOARDING STABLE to4win be pleased ta*ee aur old.friend, at te* n*w ataod.

■E. a LYON,-Manager. D. S. ROBERTS, Prop.

BoroaglrScavenger Co. Oppmiaoa SO an. f«—fOoU arid Vault* Cleaned

Repaired and Built.

upon ihal.jwl.or w^jfjwapteJpv**1 k** pash ortotowalk.

Arrardlpg te tetakCK dfcftiMUP* “-1

OoaaeV often city orbutoagb bare Ibp right te part, any taw, ordloanrc or regn tattoo .which Atoll trad to tbe mfety of pedeatriaaa op vehicles npeu any ottb* pubUcatreet* fount ibe mls- *•* of Slcyrtra -They aJaa- brae mil iwwer w rotiolrc tea **c of.bells, taisp. V.U they

, , oaa stop, (tom from tec rtmpf tbe ttfe la racb a manner D***tog auj.tawk^otdtoaapsajan.1 ea teat tee apolte la screwed Into Tbta both bold, tee sp- kc fe . and add. lo ,u egtogih. .'Jh^ripBl*' Is art Into tea ■y«v“d„b9ng braItad jrerentr te. ■tobe uftwtn. rerarig tbxraglL.swd In- juring tee Tire. vTbls glpple also la

pul t° raw -spohra- t tore If at, a oaat of ritoat twenty ra«s *toh...**d Ira *a.*ntlrn.i We.ofacowplec

Jtr. .TtortMz Jtrta*d.«-eW>er

of ' tea world 9* baa

Berrell and MtaaMmV STadlle, Miss llllla Moore aad

————5 SarsSSftToT?

■- -■ nimiii,., raiiii bi im ffb?e .t. tee,lUcyd.orator » Ills IstaSiMl.wtll.b. l-rarttod by torepera

. total Ditto At Ibe Grenada—Mrs. Laaay . Mta. baps Co.,-New York; C. 8. Bcbultx, J. B. Thomas, JUlladelpJilat K. a Brown, Mmltaon, Wia;.A_-E. Rose, Nww York;

A- II.' Hough ly, Newark; J. L KJrall, pruDfoit tec a*e~ofaay veblcte4cil^'"K^.i..Vttaa,Brea lyn. >*t. jmrt. or Jb^gtreat, road or ** ^ «'T' Hurtl-T. U. Wtataed, bow Britain, 0a»h-i O- heroa, Hert-

ford. Md. , 1L Marten,. York, Fa.; & K- Crump, Reading, la.; T. A. Atock- hlU, Trenton; P. A. guiataaa,. Buook-

SlPriog team. -Wbratareo, teevcftirv, havcao.rightte object te tee .ordinance *JMH*« ulrat l*t> out or place I* ral the suraUao of eyellsu 10,an edUoflal.wJileh.^pran.ln tee Weatfitod Leader of tbta wask, am tela

very tease«mect Tbe rgarae.aueo- •0%M e»Bed.|gte«,*rtlcH> bto* unflmteMfl.tbrt.mraaof tea eyellsu In tend te try to show tee dttaeas of tela city oratlyl agggrtd ordhtgoe* appeal* te teem. The article ahrald be carefully rrad by tel Intending, jlemooalraten ***** lo.b*tor*d-ttot|tl>ey wUL de. oflo, te, gfevrflg tholr prepowl parade. ««■' 'The mean* wfllcs aome of the ym people,, ho rltlabkffle*. bay* taken teow their fllgappmai of tea ordinal lately parted by tea Town Commit tataoarafcg tb« rifiteg of btagra spaa th*terartfe«rt4aarbpartawl.tee l*bd orderly portion af Ih* cooo-

kytoterfr way *f shb*yag. Tbe • «ugMtefl< •rala question wUbpnt glrtag h

filer sis Bstsa. . Pour, hundred and fltty wWoven, membra, of tee fhitadrfphla CjnUng Outo, go w Newark this afternoon to Join la tee great century rwn.

hut yet It Is not of butter J. P. MacDonald •bra ypu 1*1. into UooOba»2« crau per pound for tee best creamery Better.!, extremely low. —J. Rafferty, a dealer la fancy good. aad Ducloaa, on domunet street,

by Special Marshal Jab C»*dl*«ton, pi North PUInlleld, lost "vralog, charge with assault spoo o*o or his employer. J ■raoogutaanoe lo .appear ba- fore Jostice .Specry lor a bearing oa

Friday afternoon next tlsa •hat a raring l bare made dozing Urn

ef-Mpher Blums, and they hare bopt beaks la my whole are the tort aad curie.

A. L. GARCIA CO. * ■■■firUmi §t HiTiu Clfmn,

tv w«,im


Baddlery, Blaakat*. Whips. Babes. Etc.

Raw Storm. KrwGoods •o. m bawt reoarr aramar.


The Crescent Rink

Suitable tor A market, for,* gyav- artam or fo^t lodge room.



Doane & Van A redale's, 82 Wait Front St.

. WA-Ajt«4 Oifor* TI* for LaAlrte fn» • do*- Hn„

Addrara, C. H.-HANL*.

WE ARE OPHfWG A STORE ,At.A8. Park Avenue

Upholktrring mnd‘Repairing Wc-MMOto sod Jay Carpet*, maks orer Kattreaara and do Job- blag of all kind.


w »• *», A*. W only, yue •ot thrijgririwripaat. te talk te, Dal» «raWy. b*sWre good irear, teeo *sk

Mew^otri DUK

Dpano’RrYMfi 'AcpdaJo'to

Page 5: Then the . tion Gets Down to EoeD- ' ing-Session Work. · volj. 1"no. 209. «j. , kriday .jrjne 10 . 1892 price two cenbk. harrison nominated he polls a majority of votes ok tite


THREE DAYS OF WAITINGen the Republican Conven-tion Gets Down to Even-

ing Session Work.


ETUI the upeotamilar In galls Miniown to lii" neat aecampnntad only by

tbe clamor of hi* f*mon> red nroktla.There *xi Hie uiual collation of

notable* ]o*t behind the Chalrm«o'«platform. Senator Carey and SenatorMeMillnH Mt aid* bj .iile iin.lor tfaagallery. Ansistunt Poatmaatar Generalttathbone wiu In hii nee tin to inert place

id Chairman Harr<r Bingham of Peon-Irani* snl In the Clark's M t .A ptaotoftraphor bad. net up A big

d to taka snap shots at tbe


Kolblnx A.«:°mpl.*l><Hi attta. Third•Ion ot tb* Convmtlon C » » m l m «Granted nu-thar Tina and World1* Fair• Tit) lir.inO Arm; RHVIIIIIDIU RsOmd—Tfc» Beported Collapaw of the IllalaaBoom and the A.*-i I Ion That HI. Namew<,..i.i Not Hi' Presented t» th« Con».n-

UimtPOUS, June 10.— The third d*yof tbe Convention found the Harrisonand Blaine ranks decidedly In favor ogetting down to the nominations witas llttl* delay as poMlble.

The (act 1* that a good many delegateand visitors as well, wbo name here H Terst days earlier than is customary liadvance of the Convention, are beginnlng to get « r y tired of the eteruartirin and crush, and brass band an<drum corps wbooplug and bowling attachments of the contest, and they didnot relish the Idea that the proceeding?may be contracted over Sunday.

Hence string hinU have been given tosome of tbe Walne majority of the Com-mlttw on CredantUls that It might Dot

Cr*dentut« did not take a recess until 2 ft. m..It* members were In se*slon agsln by 9o'clock, and It * u given out then thaia partial report would be mitde to thiConvmtlon at 11 o'clock .-.r• • l furthertime asked for.

Charges chat, the Conrention Hall haabeen packed In the interest of Blainawere very freelr made by the UarriunDorK>nira>rs. Tbey said that every mean*,legitimate sod otherwiaa were Iwing re-f .!••-! to so tbat the cilleries might, ifnefd* b*, create a stampede for.BLaine-

The possibility tbat tbe nominatingspeeches would be mode this afternoon,gar? an aililed Interest to the proceeding*and Increased tbe demand for ticket* ofadmission.

At 1:30 a. m it waa reported that .-i-Cfor. Fornker, who had been hastilyaainmoned to tba Colorado headquartersImmediately after the adjournment f

conference with Chairman C l a r k ,Senator* Teller and Wolcott. J. StoatPnsictt and others of ths antl-Adinlais-tloj leaders. - Among tba rumors grow-ing out of this report waa one that Intbe event of the probable defeat ofBlalne a compromise candidate in theperson of McKinley, Allison or Shermanwould be iprung on the first ballot.

Chatmcey Dcpew and Senaior Hfrcookhnve been doing a good deal of mission-ary work st the headquarters of thoaa

fence*Late" Wednesday ".ar'n't l™»Mn**ing H big gathering of Missouri, Kansasand Dakota delegation! Depew anld thatHarrison's administration bad been•nccesafnl and blessed beyond any sincetbewarand many of the people wbo werebitterly opposed to him lour yearn agowere now In tbe front rank of hi. iporters.

J i m s a. deflnlta cam* of the con-

-ar as oonld be learned, and•ry little dark borhe talk.

ci .tlitiou at Stale delegates on one orother of ths lower names, bnt all ofth«m were unnucoeasful. Every effortto unite even tbt members of one dele-gation on one ot the minor eandidataawas blocked by some Blaina or Harrisoncntbutiast wbo remained trim to his al-1'Riaiice. Host ot the** aSorts to bring"nt dark horse* w*ra traceable to thaBUfue ieadtra. Senator Wolcott waaheard to fell a deWiu* yesterday that

TI.U ha, been tha of the Silvertint* delegates from tha beginning.

''!,<• Convention gathered slowly; at IIO clock perhaps tbres-quarUrs of thadHt|iat*i were ID their scats or In tha

It has beon a cold convention fromthe beginning and ltsooldu«H has never'"-'•li man emphatic than on tha ruorn-W of tbe third daf.

Chairman McKlnl«y eame to bis walon the pUtform a few minute* bafore IIo'clock, to tbe eUsp.DK mt perhaps ahundred hands, and thsra was no dem-

•* the leaders.

,mn MeKlnler with ainmber of sounding blows of the neo

javel eaneNvnred to call the Cooventinito order, but It was some minute* be' ire the buzz of the conversation ceased_jdptbe delegate* took their seatagaVe their attention to business.

Rev. Mr. Brush, D.D., Chance]],,* „Ml University of South Dakota, devered the opening prayer."After the conclusion of tha prayer

the Chair wild the regular order was thareport on credentials.'*

Mr Copzswell waa recognized andsaid: "The Committee on Credentials la

mnitlon. It has been diligentlyk and has achieved reasonable

Oen. Sewell, of New Jerser^ was Im-mediately rjn hi* feet. Since no baslneaiould be done until the committee waseady to report he moved that the Coo-ention t.ike a recess until 8 o'clockUr Cullfm had tried to interrupt

len. Sewell. but the Chairman stoppedijn. Then Ur. Cullom aaked tbat•endlntr tbe motion tbe Convention re

Sir. Cullom sent up to the deik a res..Jtioo which was ordered mail. It wias fellows: ,m

Resolve!, Tbat the World's Fair Col-mblan Eipoiitiou to be Inaugurated in

the city of Chicago in 1893 is rightfullyconsidered by all classes of our

v great Nation it I undertaking, and thatn recognition of Itn character Cou^rei.

ought to promptly provide by apprjpH-ate leginUtion such reasonable aidneeded therefor as will enable the gov

i dtue andiplied obligations incident tberei

•u lu aa will befit tbe dignity, progress,

After reading tU* resolution waa re-erred to the Committee on Resolutions.

jlinrt, of Illinois, praseuted an (also referred) providing ihut

irand Army men be admitted to sUtnd-ng room, aad that if aoy seats were

vacant thirty minutes after tbe Conven-(on wax called to ordnr tbey ebould beillowed tt) occupy them. The revolution

waa received witn applause.The Chairman then announced tbat

tbe question was on the motion to takerecess.There wtre cries of no from all over

•e ball, coupled with about* for In-gnlls, but in ibe confusion the Chalr-

declarad U ear-

A New York delegate called for aIon. It waa lur.den. aa (ha ay,.* •p that tbe motion waa carriwi.Tha elerk, however, mada tha i

Wb»*tb« DOB. aroM tf the « « « waved their a

U«lr frianda to their feat, but

Tbe Chairman aunonnoad tba>*», BDdatlliM

ACCTWB Til V.u: ntlsHDII.

tha Cn.doi.tlaU Cosaaalttea.Tba Commit tea. on Credentials

aembled at 9 tL m., aad took op thitrlct contests from Louisiana, of whichthere wan four. Considerable lndignition la expressed by tba Louisiana dele-gation who were turned down Wediday night «t what tbey consider __fatuity of some of their frienda on thaCommittee, through which thay <~their case was given away.

After the presentation of arguroenlor tha conteitanta by er-Gor. Wormothwhich la said to have bean nuusnalleffective, Mr. Cam pball, of Illinois, saidtha member* from Georgia and Utalwho had preTloaily acted with thBlaina aide, wera ready then to vote ftseating the quartette of contestants bnafter some discussion by tha delegatesooe of tbe Harrison men movod that exGov. Eallogg ba excluded and the renalnlng 0ODte*taoU be seated.

The Intimation waa mada thatelaim of the contestants waa notUn-ly s»tl> factory to eiea tbe Harridelegates. This, of course, tha dafeadelegates say, weakened tha oasa befthe Committee and they wure reject*by • majority of three votes. There

.ware two members of the Committeeabsent when tbo "vote waa taken aniboth tUsa a n m i m e d by tha Harrison

The Mlssoari delegation almost camto blows orcr the' selection of a Natlonal Commltteeman to succeed Chicey t. Filley. Th- Kerens men dalthat Ur. Filler bad not put the <

palgn Cnnd wbere it would do ths mostgood, anii uaed itaa an argument agathis re-election. Fllloy, on the ot.,cband, brought witnesses Into Parlor Dat the Nicnllet to prove that ha badalway* expended the fund, judiciously.Tbe talk was very rapid, the Ha being

Jy.m Tba »ota stood

Tha Iowa delegation bad a meetingwith closed doors a abort time beforetha assembling of tha ConventionSeveral New York deleo-atee who favoitbe Domination of Barrison wenpresent, and a ipeseta was mada byOhaancey M Depew, who was one oftbe number. The effort waa (n thadirection of stiffening tha backs of tfaaIowa delegatea, who ara favorably dis-posed toward Harrison.

The report which waa current earlythis morning that the Blatoe boom hadburst and that Blalne's name would uotbe placed before the Convention cthe greatest excitement, and tha itertuus movements of tha Blainaporters, their hurried vt»ita here andthere, their secret conferences and evi-dent discouragement, led to tha auc

TICS of tba report aa true.

At a caucus of Harrison men held•mediately after tba adjournmentis Convention, over Central Ifarki[all. the roll of the Convention WUK

called and oua of tha dfll.-(i«ltm pr«


•ay* that twelve more than tbe actualmajority needed to nominate answeredto their names and aaid they were goingto vote for Harrlnon. Report* weramade by State Delegations of Absentee*wbo would rota for Gen. Harrison,bringing tba total vote assured to him

boouiera Indulged tn ftgrand street parade last night, and thapacked condition of the thorough farea•hrougb which tha aggregation puaactndlcated tnat a large proportion of the

population ot th . Twin Cities had tura->d oat for tba occasion. Everybody,joy or man, who wanted to carrj- a tri-

color plume or to wear a Blaina badge,iru welcome to fall In behind and so;he Una stretched out to Brest lenetb.

In tba v.rloii* division* were Blatneclubs from Iowa, Chicago, Fort Wayne,Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Kansas City,California, North Dakota, South Dako-ta, and the Pearl Button Club of KanClaire, Wi*.

Just before the evening ses*ion••embled toe Impression prevailed that

JsrrUon bad tha upper band and thatlia nomination waa almost aaanrad.Friends of dark boraea war* not Idle,

loned s'bonld a compromise Tllr1Ma.ltjecome necessary. Tee name of Me-Cinley «ame first afUr tba leaders, then

Reid seemed to follow In favor, wltbSherman »n aqnal favorite.

Half M doaen

O»T. nowai-at Aoban.l i m i , H. Y., Jans 10.—Oov, Flower

and party arrived In thi. city In a apeo-ciyu.taT.n1ng. Hisobject lovi . l t .

[ tba city at this Una to to luspeot tba...JIOD aad Uate. to the pleas ot tha•rlsoners wiM t>av« petitioned for par-


M la Thomht Taat With rmpcr Treat-

—.. June 10.—CoL L. _Polk'. condition I* somewhat Improvedto-day and It is thought, that withproper nursing ha will recover. CoLFolk!" from North Carolina and baa been•poksn of as the notnloea of th* Thirdparty National Convention at Omaha.His case at one ttma was considered bopslean by bis physicians. Dr. J. M. Hays, tndiagnosing his ease, said ha had been 11for some time with h*mmorrh*ge fromtha bladder, caused, probably, by atumor, and this It was feared waacomplicated with blood poisoning. DrJ. Ford Thompson U tha consultingphy.lclan.

The sudden change for tba worse In UrPolk'acondition which occurred Wednes-day waa entirely unexpected, tha 1mmediate cans* of which was heartfailure, from which ba baa now re-vived. Twice during Wednesday tbaphysicians thought Ur. Polk had ax-pirad, but aaoh time ha rallied.

Col. Polk waa born In Ansoo County,N C , In 1S37. A few years' attendancrat a little log school house on hlifather's farm and ten months at David'

.aon Collage completed his school Ufa.In ltttO ha waa tant to tba Legislaturefrom his native oonnty, and waa a of that body during tha lntanaa axolMnant of tba ..ce-.ion period. H.made a gallant light against withdrawalfrom tha Union and his waa tba lastUnion speech mada In Anson County.But whan tbe inevitable oame, ha joinedtbe r • ml * tht • •my.

tha aloaa of the war Colonel Polkbecame a farmer. At tba Recrmatruc-tion Convention at Ballegh he was elect-ed by a large majority over an axcaad-Ingly popular candidate. Thia conven-tion repudiated tbe Confederate debt,Indorsm) tha abolition of slavery, and "all way* turned toward the future w t _bonaat purposa to become loyal citizensof a resulted nation and restore pros-perity to the State. For aavaral yearsfollowing tba war Colonel Polk waswithout help. He did his own black-smithing and eaj-pentar work, and withhla own band held the plow. From thispractical work he turned hla attentionto tha relation of tha farmer to the bu»-Ineaa world.

He became a careful student ot theeconomic side of agriculture. HeInstrument<il in aeonring tha estabment of tha State Agrlenltnral Depart-ment of North Carolina and waa madetbe first Commissioner of Agriculture, aposition which ha held until 1880.

Colonel Polk was a leading spirit atgrange mattings and a large organiserof farmers' club*. In 1880, when the•eversi farmer organ IK a tion* Bonaolt-datsd at St. Louis, and forjned thaFarmers' Alliance and Industrial UnliColonel Polk was elected president *has twioa since bean re-electad by accla-mation. For several years Colonel Polkbaa published the -Progressive Farmer'at Raleigh, N. C , a paper of eztensi*-elrculatlon, which la now tbe officialorgan of the State Alliance.


Police still Kenue the Nam

LoTfpon, June 10.—The poisoning ofla two tn.fortnne.ta girln. Shrivell and

Marsh, Is assuming an International aa-pect. It U claimed that the allege*!murderer, whoae name Is not given, for-merly resided in the United State*, and

imitted or attempted similar crime*_ Jrooklyn, K. T. If tha current re-ports are trne, be must be a sort of Jacktbe Ripper, with th< exception tbat be

~ polaon instead of tba knife,i* asserted that the London andYork police have been in oommu-

,Ion on the subject of the allegedHand, and that tha Kaw York police" *ve given Important Information to

•e London authorttlea. ,-The police still withhold tbe name of

the accused, and until tt Is revealedthere will be some public doubt aa towhether tbey have such a man.


CHICAGO, June l a — Mrs. Jewie Hale,former actress, whosa *t*ge name wasDorothea Lewis Hale, has filed In tbaSuperior Court her* a salt to recover185,000, for breach of promise to marryJames U. Paige.

Tha defendant Is th* manufacturer ofth* Paige type-setting machine and acltlun of Hartford, Conn., where ha lareputed to bo worth two or three milliondollare.

It is alleged In th* complaint tbatMr*. Hal. left tha stage and lived InHartford for a year or more aa tha wifeof the manufacturer.

PHILADELPHIA, June 10.—Mrs.' Caro-line UcLaughlin has filed a bill In tbaCommon Pleas Court for a divorce from

husband, James ltcLangblln, andei Beulah Bonnstt and Mr*. Edith

Keyes as eo-respo&danta. Ur*. Uc-Laughlin haa also brought »uit .agaJuatMrs. Keyes for 135,000 for allaoiatlnglar husband's affecttona, and tba co-re-

spondent 1* held on a capias bond oftoOO. Tba respondent i* the inventor of

the storage atreet car motor, and la atth* head of tha lfcLaugblln EUctrlcCompany.. Ha haa made more than

GO, 000 by hla inventions.

French B.>illi l iAtana.d,

— Juna 10.-Th* Roysli.ts arahoroughly alarmed by th* friendly a*-

Utndeof the Valiean toward tha Kepab-le. Front all parta of France they ara

receiving word that Catholics who haveheretofore adhered unwaveringly to tbeRoyalist cauM are deserting It, many ofham |>flm under tbo Isaprsssslaa that

In* Pop* km «4»*n orders to that sff-ctand that sucn order* most be raliglasaLrbd

WaterIEW OBUAira, Jnne 10 —Tbe HtatU-

alppl River at this point again edlpaedtaaVf yMMrday, tha gang* at the C M . 1

street fsrry wharf reglsUrlog ITS f - LThere la lilt I* or no danger «| then - s s k l f b l I ft l

above tba C y ,ifobsibtY stand foe s

ALU»TT, N. Y-, Jan* 10.—IfcE] wain* *tUlics, charged with complicity 1* aJd-ng O'Brien to aaa*o*\ • * • ba*« 4ta-

SLsrt by Jadg. aoVsi. mm . ,

THE OIL CREEK HORROREstimating tbe Lou of Life and

Destruction of Property.


OtL C m , Pa., Jnn* 10.—Fifty-nin*bodies 1B all bsvs b m rwoT«red fromtb* wreck caused by th* (Ire and floodbar*. Thar* ara msny who believe thatwith th* finding of a faw more bodiesthe death roll will be com plat *d, but tba

maintain that the first estimate of 1Micloiiactotfaa i

of these of ity-four persons

* mUsing, which, if tbey hare all per-•hed, wUl bring the total np to 118.

Sradrtrset and Dunn'. MeromnttlaAgencies have rapraaantattvae bare, ea-tlmatlng tha loaa to proparty.

One of theee gentlaman atotaa that tbe>ul damage toproparty wUl reach, Ifot a»e»«d, $800,000, while the otherys that *3«8,700 cover, the entire loaa.•ith tba axoaptlon of flv. concerns, be,ys, BOlndlvidual Ices exceed. $10,000.In the MM* of tha Oil City Tuba Works,

tha company will not receive the moneyfor tha policy bald by It baoanse thelamage done waa by water.

In this city seventy-five dwellinghonsea. In all, were destroyed. Sixty ottha#e buildings were looted on the east•Ida of (Ml Creek, mostly on NorthSeneca street, and tha remaining fifteenon th* hillside on tha wast aide.

Thi. 1. .xcluilve of all budneashouses, hotels, •tables, store* aad nianu-

• ng plants.

the oil region hi . _Tbat twenty-five Polanders lia beneathis ruins of Seneo* street Is now be-

._sv*dtob*on*of tha Ur rib!* corteln-tia* of thi* burrowing catastrophe.

Before the explosion of Sunday laat ajllsh boarding-house atood In tha rear' the Oil City Tube Worts on Senecareet. Between twenty aad thlrfcf

Polish laborers were quartered thara.and wera employed at the tub* works.

When the sheet of burning oil sweptlentwa atreat, and wban tha amok*cleared away, not a vestige of the board-ing QOUM except its u h u remained.

Tn* foreigner* ware nowhere to befound, and tha awful *usplciom thatthey perished with their home* H I I D I t*

spted theory of their di.ap-

OUR STOREWill al war. be known a*

The Pioneer of Low Prices

Superior Table Butter, i8>2C.,per lb.1Standard Granulated 8.>«sr, * 1-i e. por pound; Srellona beat Kerosene Oil OH Met). Mo.

Vegetables a Specialty.





U given a Call will be able lo compare our goods for quality ind price with any Mfirtt-daw wholesmlc house* in N. V. City. Agent Tor Smith*. Ale and Porter.


Not on* of these score or tnnnfonfgner* ha* been teen aincs. Th*woman wbo kept th* boarding house iaalso milling. Tb* spot where tb* housestood ia In the thickest of tha ruin*. Ithaa aa yet been impossible to penetratewhat Is supposed to have bean th* deathplaoa nf at lust twenty men.

At tha bead quarter* of tha Belief Com-tnttte* 694 persons are reported homolees, and of tbe families represented intbat number H persona ara ttlll misa-ng, and ten others, whoa* borne* andfamilies wera saved, haw not yet beenaccounted for They ware In town Snn-day, when tba fire ocoarrad.

MM at the Oil Creek Taller 'DisasterDlseovend.

TTTUSVIIXB, Jan* 10.—Th* a*u*e oftha terrible flood here ia at last known.After three days of speculation a* to itsorigin, a careful investigation of thaSpartaoaburc dam revealed tba truth.Th* dam la ISO feet wide, and Is what 4*[•nerally known aa a wet dam. Thla hi,he second dam on the spot. Tha flrst

built about 20 year* ago by Bldred

iatenoe It waa swept away nodi flood of considerable proportions waset loos*. Tba dam waa than rebuilt int* present shape. Files were driven In

for 190 feet, which ware banked In byearth, boards and roeka.

Tba remaining part of tha dam, ex-tending for thirty feet, waa loowly con-structed on earth and rock* withoutany particular support. This wasnaturally weak. Tha entire dam wasUU feet In height. Tha pond behind Itcovered about 600 acres. Its dimensionswera 11-3 miles by half * mil*. Thabreaking of the dam waa not dn* to acloudburst, aor can It bs accounted forby tbe praunr* of log* which had ao-

i mutated back of It.Tba device for seeping In th* flah

whicb had been placed In th* dun waar*mo*vd on Saturday. Tha accidentwan do* to natural cans** combinedwltb the weakne*. of the dam.

The water had bean rising for aararalday*, and tha torrent of rain whichpoured down Saturday nlgbt ral**d thaare! to such a height that tha loosely-built part Of tha dam gave way nndarth* prasrara of tb* Immense volume ofwatar which than passed < •• '' -flood which WM tha* re)down tha


allay at a terrific rate of___ tha atrangth of a> cyclone,

carrying away big building* and heavytridgas. It tore up the stone founda-

tions of a bip (Dill aa if tbey were built

rfi«aTmora than three day* davuWd. j th* search for dead bodies tha death1st continue* to grow. Sl*ty-on* bodies

have up to the present tlsn* b a n foundat Tiiu.ville. Nearly 1,000still aogaged in th* 'tha two ntanaa

Tha work of burying; tba dead I* goingon as rapidly a* possible in order to avoidtha ueatiUnc* wblcb might anaua If tbada»*f bodies were left Wfsilil, Forty

took place hare yesterday, andM Oft City. -

B u u , Tt., JmM lft—Ta. action erf

ffoM of that, b a n d***rtad th*and there H a* todlaatloa *rf

•Mk-MHw. Tw*Mr tea* «f taa A*-

J. P. LAIRE & CO.,Front Street A Park Avenue




' L A W N X 0 W K B 8

6 Varietica.

Ba/rlgeraton, Hammocks,


Sole Agsali for Ilortmnii'iSteel Fence.

Bay <rf the Manufacturer if Poo Want First-class Coed*At Low Figures.

Look at These Prices.i;000 Vain Tronaera , •>,,_ . ,* « • : : : : : v v : ± ; : ; : - : : ; : J s 8

SpxingBoys' and Children's BnltB at lowest wholesale prices, * II at our retail More.



•rth Avenue,


FRED. W. DUNN,Sacceasor to B&rUlew k Duun.


Zimmerman and Rumpf,

42 West Front St,

Stake a Spxd Itjr et Builder

penters ' Tool*.

Agctiu for Welcome Globe Stoves,

Masnrj's Pwnt. Buckeye Mowers, Steel Wire Fence.

If [ 7ou Want to Buy a Wheel, Buy the Beat.

THE WARWICK.Dust proof bearing! and the best cm h I and pneumatic tire.

J. Hflrrey Dome, agent. 11 Park avenue

R. j J. SHAW, THE PHARMACIST.Kep a first-claw Drug Store u d Dispensary. The bMt Drug* aad Ue4*CaBMthat money c u bay. Hit 2:10 Halve good for mw aad beast, 16c box Siiaw'tWine Coca, 75c per boiUe.



0«r Flat P»tMrn poasciwa all the advantage of ordinary <U pattemaaolilIn addition to thla we give you gratia a Pinned and' Draped Derion which ta •perleet guide to work by. For aale by

M i a s e s A . L . a n d M . D. G O R S L I N E ,




Telephone 155. 46 i 48 East Front Street



She llainfirlh



Then the Republican Conven- tion Gets Down to Even-

■vrn th* <p*«tanUr IngslU cam* do-, to b»* .nom(x«nlod on I j by the clamor of hla famoa* red neck Us Tb*r* ths usual collection of bouMm Ja-» bablud tb* Chairman's platform, ftoaator Carey and Sea a tor McMillan aat alda by .Ida under the ing Session Work.

McMillan «« oy *m# annar the ary. A—i stoat Poet muster Oeneral hone wae Id bis accustomed place

THE CREDENTIALS AND RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEES CAUSED THE DELAY. aylranla aat la the Clark'w M A ph otograpbar had aat ip a MS Convention I

lloa CaiuMl Greet Ei'llmrnt MixjrxAroun. Juoa 10.— The third day of the Coavcutloa found the Harrieoo and UUiue ranks decidedly la favor of getting down to tb* nomination* with aa llllla delay aa poeclbla The fact la that a good many delegatee and rial tor* aa well, who came here aer eral day- earlier tbaa 1* eustomsry la advance of the Con rent Ion. are begin- alny to get "7 Urad of the eternal

drair i of the contact, and they did not relish the Idea that lha proceeding* may be contracted over Sunday. j binta hare f the Blaine majority of the Com- mittee on Credential* that It might not l too strongly the tamper be policy t of lb# Harrieoo end of ly prolonging the •olelyl a Intercut of the Blaine man claim that every day'* dele. Improves the aha a of their candidate

Although tea Committee on Creden- tial. did not taka a recess no til Sam.. Its member* wer* In session again by 9 o'clock, and It was given out then that a partial report would be mad

DOT. n'KIVlgT. At 11:3) Chairman McKinley with) reding blows of th< gavel endeavored to call the Convention to order, bat It waa anm* minute, be fora lb* bn** of the conversation ceased eud.tbe delegates took their arete and gaVa their attention to business Rev |fr. Brush, DD, Chancellor of the University of Sooth Dakota, de- livered the opening prayer. "After the conclusion of the prayer th* Chair aald tn* regular order was the report on credentials" Mr Cogg*»e!l waa recognised and Committee on Credentials la etlll In session. It hsa been diligently at work and baa achieved reasonable It hopes to be dill# to report I to-night farther tlnr Gen. Sewell, of New Jereer, was Im- mediately oo bia feet Since no badness could be don* until th* committee was ready to report be moved that the Con- vention take a recess until 8 o'clock Mr Cullym bad tried to Interrupt Oen. Sewell, but the Chairman stopped

reeolutloo from hi World s Fair. Mr Cullovn sent np to the desk a reso- lution which was ordered read. It waa aa (pllowa: ,m

Convention at 11 o'clock and farther time asked for- Chargee that the Convention Hall baa been packed In the Interest of Blalo* f very freelr made by the Harrison sorted to *o that the g«ll*rles might. If need* be. create a stampede for.Blaine The possibility that the nominating epseebes would be mad* thl* afternoon, gave an added interest loth* proceedings I for tickets of

Gov. Foraktr, summoned to th# Colorado beadqresrtors Immediately after the adjon Beuatore Taller ao>l Wolcott. J Bloat Fa ess it and others of ths aotl-Admtois- tloa leaders. - Among th* rumor* grow- ing out of this report waa one that lo th* probable defeat of Blaine a compromise candidate h parson of McKinley, Allison or Sherman would be sprang on the first ballot. Channcey Depew and Senator Hlncoek have been doing a good deal of mlssli ary work at th* headquarters of those delegation* who hav* member* on ths fence. I Ate Wednesday night In address Inga b|g gathering of Missouri, Kansas and Dakota delegations Depew said chat Harrison’s administration had bean ■•iccesafol and blsaasd beyond any sines th* w*r and many of tbs people who ware bitterly opposed to him four years ago Were now In tba frout rank of hla sup- porters.

lh*m -

Bat nothing deflolu cams of the coo- ferenee. so far as eonld be learned, aod t^ere was very little dark bores talk. Several effort* o'er* mads to form a coalition of Bute delegates oa on* or r of tb# leaser names, bat all of lasful. Every effort to unite even the inemlwr* of an* <UU- gation on one of tb* minor aaodldatoa • a* blocked by some Blaine or Harrison enthusiast who remained true to hla al- 1'glsuc*. Moat of those efforts to bring out dark tiorsoa were trsoaablo to th* BUla# leaders. Benator Wolcott waa bcatd to toll a delegate yesterday that * waa "anything to beat Harrison

•’clock delegate* •Mm, hut the gall* fall. U baa I “• to.lo.1., u4 lu kUmm tu l ■». mor. .a.pb.U« Uoa I. A.I (“«•( U. tklrdd.,. Cb.lrau UoKlnUr him to >1. . . . • HoUerra • «•- ratoeUe Mon II

th* city of Chicago In 1893 Is rightfully considered by all gardless of their political attllailoua. aa a great National undertaking, and that In recognition of It* character Crengroos ought to promptly provide bv appropyl- ate legiaiauoo each reasonable aid aeoded therefor as will enable the gov

ACCOM THKIR FCIRNIM. Loalsaaa D*W*WUa ledlgwaat at

The Commit tea cm Credentials aevnhled atla.m, and took np the trial contest* from Louisiana. of which there warn four. Considerable Indigna- tion is expressed by th* Louisiana deU- l Who s Commute#, through which they claim their oas* waa glvaa away. After tba presentation of argamaa for th# oootestanle by ag-Oov. Wormoth, Which la aald to hav* been nnasui effective, Mr. Cam pball, of Ullaofa, a the members from Georgia and Ul who had previously acted with the Blaln* aide, war* ready then to vote for after _ _ oo* of tb# Harrtaoa mea moved that Gov Kellogg be excluded aod the malnlng contestants be seated. The Intimation wae made that the alalm of the contestants ttrely satisfactory to even delegates This, of oourse, the defeated delegates say, weakened lb* oas* before th* Com ml its# and they ware rejected by a majority of three voice. There were two member* of the absent whea thavote waa both these are claimed by tl and by the Harrison

to blows over th# - selection of tlonal Committeeman I cay I Kllley. Th. Kerens man elaln: that Mr. Kllley bad not put the

wwmrtAW asm. palgn fund where It would do the rnoet good, and n*#d It a* an argument against hla re election. Filley. on th* other band, brought witnesses Into Parlor D at th* Nicollet to prove that be had always expended th* fund* Judiciously. Th# talk was very rapid, tb* lie being Indiscriminately. Th# vote k areas, 19; Flllay, 18; Warner, 1. Talking te Th# Iowa delegation bad a meeting with closed doors lime before the assembling of the Convention Several New York delegates who favor ation Harrtaoa were U *od a • peach waa made by <»y M Depaw, who wae on* of th* number The effort wae In the direction of stiffening the backs of th* Iowa delegates, who are favorably dla posed toward Harrison. Th# report which was current early this morning that the Blaine boom had burst and that Blaine’s asms would not b* placed before the Convention enured th* greatest excitement, and the mys- terious movement* of tbs Blaln* sup- porter*. their harried visits here and there, their secret conferences aod evi- dent discouragement, led to the acoept toe of tba report aa true Tigers a Majority lev Harvlreu. At a caucus of Harrison mea held Immediately after th* adjouruin ths Convention, over Central Market Hall, the roll of the Convention ... called and oue of th* delegates present

It fa Tbengfcl That With 1 — euaa to.—col. u i. Polk'S condition la somewhat Improved to^ay and It to UonghL that with thought, that with will recover. OoL Polk* from North Carolina and has bean spoke* of aa tha nominee of tba Third party National Convention at Omaha.

lean by hla physic! a aa Dr. J. M. Raya, la for a i Ul tamer, and this It w complicated with Mood poisoning. J. ford Thompson fa tba eons*

g* for tha wore* In Mr. Polk's ooodltloo which occurred Wednes- day was entirely unexpected, the lm

THE OIL CREEK HORROR Kattmating the Los* of Life and

Destruction of Property. THC DEATH LIST MOST AOPALUHO.

tb. br tb. In and tot bm Thor, .h u) who hllm that with th. aoOliiu o< • tow wot. bodto. tb. tXb rail will b. — plowd. hot tbo rtrad. T—lo. dorta, Wodorad.? tb. n,0rt,T wbo boow U» mead -Zn pbr.fl... Vr. Polk kod SSIil. tbit plrad. bol ooob tlmobo rolllad. drad will bo oIom <° Ibo dool Hot lb. o tbo IXQIM of thra* OoL Polk WM bora to Anion County, It. a, to 18*7. A tow rear,' attend, ot o Dttl. log Kbool boa-. on


In 1880 b. woo ooot to tbo Ln(tototara from bin o.O.. ooootr, mod woo o mom. bor of tbol bodj dating tbo lotoom ox- of tbo mo—moo portod. Bo ... , not

■*n«. which, If they hav* . will bring th* total np to Brad street and Dona’* MareanOla A grades have representatives here, ce- ll metis f thalaaa to property. On# of thee# goaUeaaea states that th* • to property will reach, If **»,<&, while the other gallant fight against withdrawal ̂ a^lt from tha Union and hfa w« th* laat wI^^amoMeatTffM nZm^Tl Union speech made la Anson Oeunty. tTaiirni^be Bat whoo tb. —, b. fUmd joined the ranks and want Into tha army. At the aloao of th* war Colonel Polk became a farmer. At th* Beeonstrac tloo ConvsoUoo at Ballagh he was elect- ed by a large majority over an exceed Ingly popular candidate. Thia scores- of aUvary, and tn all way* tamed toward the future with honest purpose to become loyal cltiseas of a reunited nation and restore pros- Ertty to tha Bute. For several yean IIowing th* war Colonel Polk was without help. He did bio own black- smithing and carpenter work, and with hla own band held tbs plow From this pradlieal work he tamed hfa attention to th* relation of th* farmer tn th* boa- in res world. Hs became a oarefnl stndsut of the economic alda of agriculture. H* waa laacramsntal in securing tha astabllsh- of th* State Agricultural Dapart- ate Agrieultara of North Carolina aod • th* first Com miss loner of Agriculture, i which he held antll 1880. Colonel Polk waa a leading spirit at grange meetings and a large organiser of farmers’ clubs. In 1889, whan tb* several farmer organisations consoli- dated at SL Ionia, and forpasd tbo Farmers' A 111 sues and Industrial Union, Colonel Polk was si sc led president aod kaa twice since been rasleeted by accla- mation. For several ysare Colonel Polk baa published the “Progressive Farmer" at Raleigh, N. C., a paper of extensive circulation, which la new the official organ of the State Alliance.


Low now, Jane 10.—The poisoning of the two anfortanat* girls. Shrivell aod Marsh, fa assuming an International an prat It fa claimed that th* alleged murderer, whose same ta not given, marly resided lo the United Stales, and

Ip the oane of the Oil City Tube Works, tb* company will no* raoaira tha money for the polio? hold by It beoaaao the lam age don* waa by water. Id this ally reranty-fire dwelling hoa***. la all, war* destroyed. Misty of thews buildings were located on the east aide of Oil Creek, mostly oo North Ben sea street, and tha remaining fifteen oo the bill elds oe the wee* alda This fa asolaalva of all badness houses, hotel a. ■ tables, stores aod mann- fac taring pi no la. With tola recapitulation, poalUvely th* lowest estimates, aompartoon with otbar disaster* that kar* occurred with- in tha last oentury. lean* no donb* that tha calamity of Jon* • waa the greatest the ail region has ever witnessed. That twenty-five PoUadera lie beneath the ruins of Seneca street ta now be- lieved to be ooe of tha terrible certain- ties of this harrowing satnstropba. Polish boarding-bona* stood In of th* Oil City Tub# Work# oo Seneoa street. Between twenty and thirty Polish laborer* ware quartered theiR aod were employed at the tab# works. When ths shoot of ha ruing oil theet of hnralug oil swept it, and whan ths amoks cleared away, net a vestige of Us board found, and the awl they pertebod with their home# aeemi . be the accepted theory of their dlup-

OUR STORE Wiff always he knew* re

The Pioneer of Low Prices

Superior Table Butter, 18 1-2 c. per lb. imMiiMMM.iunawOiBiiaw imwiimh.



rnOlCE SEE HUES, SIOTUBES, CLAIETS, CBIMTASSES, BCKOIWES. El Abo mi io. ind. of WkUklcs, Cto, I to. -loofo. d fa-%. —d *.mm,ic . ud C-dtoto. W.Aitraaita

ALES, POSTER AND U ftrra . call bo.hto to ra-pai. oaf food, (or a—Ik, aod nfca wkk on of Ik. firu-eba. lftd«ll ham. to N. V. <ft* A*ra! fo. S-kk1. Ato rad font,.

F. link Pi, -“-wsaftBrer1

J. P. LAIRE & CO., Front Street A Park Avenue

LEADING BABDWAKE STORE Hardware—UouMfarklthlngo,


« VortMMA RafHgwoiore, Uutmoeki,

ICE CREAM FBEE21R8 Sola Agaata for H.rtmin'i Steal Pence.

Bay of the Manufacturer if Von Want First-clash Gocda At Law Flgana.

Look at These Prices. iron $Iap

■pot where the boa re stood is In th* thickest of the ml an It has aa yet keen impossible to prostrate

committed or attempted similar eri In Brooklyn, N. Y. If tha current ports are Iran, ha moat be a sort of Jack th* Rlppar, with the exception that he used poison Instead of tha knife

culture sad development of tbo Mil After reading th* resolution re- ferred to the Committee oo Keeolutloos. Mr Robert, of Illlaoia, presented a resolution (also referred) providing that Grand Army man be admitted lo stand- ing room, aod that If any seats ware vacaat thirty minute* after the Conven- tion wa* called to order they should bs allowed to occupy them. The resolution was recrlved wits applane*. Tbs Ubairniau then aonoouoed that th# question wae on the motion to lake There were cries of no from all over the hall, coupled with about# for In- gslla. but lu lb* coufutloo th* Chair- 1 pat tbe motion and dralarad It c

A Haw York delegate called for a dial, atom. It waa evident as the ayes stood ap that the met lee waa aarried. gff Tba aUrfc, however, made the "ttril of the reaere

v icx- rxxsmxNT a oaroa. says that twelre more than th* majority needed to nominate answered their names and said they war* going to vote for Harrtaoa. Reports made by Slat* Delegation* of absentee* who would vote for Oen. Harrison, bringing tbo total vote assured to him k. Kleins Dsaaonatratios. The Blaln# boomers Indulged In a grand street pared* last night, and the packed rendition of the thoroughfare# through which tbe aggregation p. * Indicated that a large proportion ol population of the Twin Cl tie* bad tam- ed oat for tbe occasion. Everybody,' boy or man, who wanted to earry a tri- color plume or te wear a Blaine badge, wre welcome to fall In behind aod no the Hue stretched oat to great length. In tbo various divisions ware Blalno slab* fro® Iowa. Chicago, Fort Wayao,

ta. and tbo Peart Bui Claire. Wta. Joel before Urn evening Club of lan

Harrtaoa had tha oppar haad sad that Friends *f dark bores* warn however, and several name* w


fir- who bang petit!eaed tag jar- lag

flaud, and that th* N*1 have given Important Information the London authorities / The police still withhold tha name of th* accused, aod until it to revealed there will bs soma public doubt aa wbsthor they bav* snob a man.

L ALI.ROKD BREACH < Jeest* Mats, a fro.* Aetreea. VoaUIU. OOO frea J. W. Page at Hartford. Ceaa. Cricaoo, June 10.—Mrs JcaaU Hale, i former actreaa, whore atagv name wai Dorothea Lewi* Hale, baa filed ia tbe Superior Court here a ault to 196,000, for breach of pro ml re to marry James M. Paige. Tb* dafaodant la tha manufacturer of tb* Paige type setting machine aud a d tiara of Hartford, Core, where b* fa reputed te bo worth two or three million dollars It fa sllogvd in lb* complaint that Mr*. Hale left tba stag* and lived tn Hartford for n year or more aa th* wife of th* manufacturer.

Mrs HtUoflille Waata PRiLAMLma, Jane 10.—Mrs Caro- lina McLaughlin baa filed Common Plea# Coart for a her husband. Jamas McLaughlin, aod namea Beulah Bennett and Mia. Edith Keyes aa co-respondents Mrs Mis Kay- for $96,000 for alien: her husband's affections, sad tha eo- a pood act fa bald oa a capias hood of $609. Tbo respondent la tbe lave a tor of tb* storage etreet car motor, aod ta at the head of the McLaagblf ~ Company. He has mad* $160,000 by bis Inventions

Pams Joe* 1Q-—The Royalist* ere thoroughly alarmed by tba friaadly a*. Ulede of the Vatican toward tha Bepnb- lte. From all parte of France they are receiving word that OetholMa who have heretofore adhered unwaveringly te the Befalls* oasre are deserting U. maay af

TV" fa Mala *r no danger af the breaking af th* »#▼#*■ la fteet of *r above the alty. fail this record wlU

charged by Jadg* Sterar. ,

p posed to have been th* death place of at least twenty moo. At the headquarter* of tba Ball*! Com- mute* 994 persons are reported home that Dumber $4 | log. and ten at here, who families were saved, have BO accounted for. They were la I day, when th* fire occurred.

Tmravxixa, June 10.—The onus* of the terrible flood here la at last knows. After three days of ■peculation aa to Its origin, a careful Investigation of ths Hpartaoebnrg dam revealed the irntb. Th* dam U 160 fret wide, and fa what fa generally known re n wet dam. This la

a swept away and a flood of considerable proportion* was let loose. Tbe dam wre then rebuilt In its present shape. Piles were driven In for 190 feet, which were hanked in by eairth, boards and rocks Tb* remaining part of th* dam, ex- tending for thirty fast, waa looasiy con- structed oa earth aad racks without nata rally tea fast in height The pood behind It covered about 600 acres Xte dimensions ware 1 l-$ miles by half a mils Tb* break lag of tba dam waa no* doa to a cloud burst, nor oan U be accounted for by tbo pressure of logs which had ac- cumulated back of It Tbs device for keeping la the flab which had bean placed in the dam was removed on Saturday. Th# ass Idee I was do* to natnrnl eansas combined with the weakness ot the dam. Tba water bad been rising for several days and th* torrent of rain which .oared dewa Saturday night raised tbs level te Bock a bright that the loorely- built part of tha dam gavo way nadar the pressure of the Immense volume of water whloh then passed over fa. Tbe flood which waa thus released swept spaed with tha strength of a cyclone, carrying away big buildings and heavy bridges It ter* up th* ato tioas of a Mg mill as if they

than three days devoted have up te th* present Mare boon found ah Tttaarills Nearly 1,000 man are still aa gaged In tha wark af rente ary a* tha two pUess yrewockrt^,^ Si SJ2J

thaa It waa then. It fa aad are! o ad that ths doctor* an te laat a aMlar pledg- ing preaaattea te mea gtteg te wmk.

Spring Overcoats Borr ond Oildm'a Fall, it loarai ahoirnlt prim, al >< mrmad Mora.


NEW STORE. FRED. W. DUNN, Socceaior to Rarfcalaw A Dura. FINE GROCERIES.

IS North Aveni


Zimmerman and Rumpf, 42 West Front St.,

Make a Sped Ity of Builder Tenters' Toot*.

A*wiu (Or Wofconie Globe Morao, Meearj'. Point. Burkrya Mowera, Harunaa StraJ Wire Faara.

If Tou Went to Buy • Wheel, Buy the Beet, THE WARWICK.

IMM proof bearing! ud the beat eaakl aod poeamaOc tiro. J. Hervey Donne, agent, 11 Park avenue R. J- SHAW, THE PHARMACIST. Keepo a om^laai Drag Blare aad Dtapaoaary. Tba beat Dragt aad Mrd'rlaaa Uut raaoejr eaa bay. Hie 1:10 Main good toe Bah aad baaat, i»c. box. Straw, Wloe Coca, 71c. per boula.

°°*-l,r- FRONT STREET. OPPOSITE PARK AVENUE RRE YOU AVi DupUcalea to Cat Tbat the Ira portal Draped Planed Paper liharaefthf^iet Dap Out by, ora th. Brat la the World, Ctar Flat Pattern pnraraoto all tha adnulana of ordinary lot paUrmaaM la addition to thla wo giro you gratia a Planed and Draped ol ~Mnh to a parrara gutda te wort by. Por tale by Misaas A. L. and M. D. GORSLINE, — ruA-nrara.a.1.




Telephone ISO. 4S A 48 East Front 8tr**t TMX FINEST OYSTERS ARE AT





Page 6: Then the . tion Gets Down to EoeD- ' ing-Session Work. · volj. 1"no. 209. «j. , kriday .jrjne 10 . 1892 price two cenbk. harrison nominated he polls a majority of votes ok tite




F. W. V.urym, Sitter M>

<to. I EAST FRONT 9nusR,


jj Uu / W OffUi at ut*H4-Jan m

FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1893.

Tiriff Plctaraa.Republican reciprocity is already do-

log effcctiTB work In gaining newkeu for tlie American producer. Oarexports to Cab* of coral, wheat, floor,batter, cheese and refined petroleumfor tbe three month! ending Marco 311891, were *3«,831

: . aaaaaaaawm,For the corresponding period endingMarch 31, 1892, they were



PrtUet the IBMCUTOTOW Bii-U.FreqaeQt complaints hare come to

W. L. Force, Secretary of the NewJersey Fish and Game Protective As-sociation. One of the Game Wardensof this district says that boys with toyrifles kill native song birds In the woodsof the section. Wholesale slaughteris reported of the choicest singers andof valued inseelivorons ]Force declares that he will insistrigid enforcement of the Bute protec-tive laws, and will arrest and proseciall offenders, most of whom are thepetted sous of wealthy parent*, whohave fancied themselves seenre In theirfamily influence, bat against whom pro-ceedings will be promptly taken if tin-bird destruction is not stopped.

Tk* DsHfatt «f • • d m Tnv«l atpant.**!) Llt>t Kl | l . . .

Little Idea or Uioaglit Is given by themajority of modern travelers to thewonderful advance made within thepast ten yean, not only in the spcecand equipment of trulna, but also Inthe method of conducting them. Tbepersonally-conducted touriat system hasrevolutionised former methods and themarvelous popularity and developmentof this perfect system of touring Isno small measure due to the Pennsylva-nia Bailroad Company. This la Illus-trated in the series of tours Jast an-nounced by tab progressive corpora-tion. One goes to Yellowstone ParkAugust 25 by a superbly appointedtrain, a duplicate of the famous limited,the rate, (190, covering all expensesfor tbe entire two weeks; anotfier Ischaracterized as a tour to the North,leaving Jnly 12, reviewing WaliliwOlen, Niagara Falls, Toronto, ThousandIslands, Rapids of the St. Lawrence,Montreal, An Sable Chasm, LakeaGhamplaln and George, Saratoga and adaylight ride down the Hudsoa river]

to covers all expenses for two weeks.Niagara Falls series leaves July ft'id 28, Augast 11 and 25, September

3 and 29. Ten dollars is the roundtrip rate, valid for return within tendays. On July 2 a tour Is to be run toCresson. Ilure tbe rate of W fromPhiladelphia Includes not only a day'sboard at the Mountain House, bultickets are also valid for ten days, in-luding date of tour. Then on Jane 16

a select tour is to leave for Washington,D. C, to cover three days, tbe rate$11 covering all expenses. These tours

In charge of tonrurt agent and chap-eron, a medium far in advance of theforeign expensive courier. America

Mainly directs a pace for her foreigncousins In the art of travel, and suchinstitution as tbe Pennsylvania Rail-road as an advancing agent 1B wellworth being proud of.

Schneider GeU Thirty Daji.JUKI ice Crosaley held court in North

PlainOeld this morning and sentencedJacob Schneider to the Somerville jailfor thirty days. Schneider broke abowl on his wife's heed yesterday after-noon during a family quasrel.

Mrs. Schneider was also aiVested byMarshal Pangborn last evening chargedwith being the aggressor. Justice(jrosaley also committed her for tendays. t % u

A Chase* Per SpwoUtor*.The old Central EaUroad , depot at

Elizabeth will soon be torn down, sSthe new Stallone are about ready forocenpancy. A large amount 'of goodshave accumulated, which have Ibeen leftby careless passengers or have beenheld for charges. They consist of animmense variety of umbrellas and para-sola, some quite pretty and costly, anda whole carload of theatrical goods,once the property of the Huff OperaCompany, of New York. It is pro-posed to dispose of the accumulationat auction, and speculators will find it arich fic.n1 Tor investments.

XndMl Hit Shoo, ud Stipfre.1 Town.James Johnson, of Cottage place,

dressed up in his best suit of clothes yes-terday and borrowed a pair of hisneighbor's shoes. He took the shoesto a Park avenue cobbler and exchangedthem for another pair, receiving 91.50in the bargain. This morning Coiata-ble Amos MoffeU succeeded in locatingtbe shoes • and returning llu;m tothe owner. The shoe-maker tjas longeda complaint against the alleged thief,but tbe Utter has left town.

Hackmatack Object, to ta< ItiMltw Whcl..An ordinance has been adopted by

the city Tathers of Hackenflack, pro-viding Tor a fine of ten dollars to lie Im-posed on all wheelmen of the place whouse tbe sidewalks, or ride at right with-out lights, or bells. The police bavhave been notified tn arrest all who dlregard tbe •Ordinance.

tU7 BMliaat tnm to* •ayaavar VartivaLAt (he bmdnen meeting of the W.

C. T. U., held on Thursday, it was re-solved that a statement of the lateMayflower Festival and a vote of thanksbe extended to the lady patruuewes Budto all those who kindly assisted. Tbenet proceeds of the Festival wereof the table for tbe Creche *34, makinga total gain of *I87.

In to* Jm»tle.-» Onrt.JThe case of Spicer and others against

Van Nest, set down for trial beforeJustice Nash yesterday, was adjournedfor a week.

The casa of Matthews vs. Condlt, al-so on contract, was adjourned over un-til Thursday of next week.

All the happenings of Flalnflekl af»und daily tn the Courier./—- J

Wednesday, the twelfth of October,1833, marks the four hundredth anni-veraarv of the discovery of Americaand It* observance will be the most Im-portant of the many celebration, whichthe citizens of the United States have

In Chicago, the day will lxmarked by tbe dedication of the Colum-bian Exposition and elsewhere appro-priate exercises will be held. It hasbeen thought that a national observiof the <tay, conducted by the public

•hools or America, would be both fltting and appropriate, as they are thecharacteristic Institutions which llnltogether in one common bond, allneighborhoods, creeds and nationalities.

To this end, notices of sucb celebra-tion have been addressed to all thepublic schools of America and thethousands of responses show thatteachers and scholars alike aro entei

ig heartily into tlie plan. No officialprogramme has been prepared as yetby tbe committee caving the mattercharge, bat, among other things, it willembrace an ode, a popular carol, andbrief oration, which are all to be or-igiiial. There will also be certain re-ligious exercises, as the spirit of re'hgious liberty has been top much thekey-note of American life to be ignored.Another interesting feature of the pro-gramme wjl). be that these exerciseswill be identical, In at least one feature,with the national dedicatory exerciseswhich are simultaneously going on atJhlcago.

The Public Schools of Hoir-fieldto celebrate the day, bo the Board olEducation have decided, and alreadysteps are being taken to formulate aplan for the propor observance of tin3ccaelon. It should be rememberedUnit this movement has not been startedsimply for the sake of having a cele-Dration, but rather to give the Ameiican public schools a fitting prominence

the fruit of tour centuries o! Ameri-i l i la

OpjWrtnnltT for School Children.The first meeting of educators ap-

pointed to arrange Tor an exhibition olState pnblic school work at the World'sFair, was ^ield last week alTrenton in response to a call issued byState Superintendent Poland. Thecommittee got to work immediatelyand mnch was done toward organiza-

It was decided to prepare anextensive exhibit of all kinds of school-e-i-k Specimens of work are to beoUected from all sections or the State

be subsequently examined by tbeexecutive committee, and the most

creditable work selected. The pupilsrill prepare each sample of work on

separate sheets of paper, and these a'ebe classified- and bound In books.B members of the commutes are as

follows: State Superintendent, A. Boland; Principal, James M. Green,

Itate Normal School, Trenton; Super-intendent Barringer, Newark; Super!n-.endent Randall Spsnlding, Moutclair;

iperintendent Harry Snider, JerseyCity; Superintendent J. A. Kinclmrt,Paterson; Superintendent Frank lAlor,Trenton; Superintendent J. A. Dix,Elizabeth; County Superintendent JohnTerhone, Hackensucfc; County Super-intendent H. B. Willis, New Bruns-wick; County Superintendent & B.Morse, Atlantic City and City Superin-tendent II. B. 1 lowdl, Phillipsburg.

Aaothtr Honor for Watfitld.The following telegram from Nework I U received by the Editor of tbe

Courier, this morning:To THE EUITOR OF THE COURIER:

The degree of Lit. D. (Doctor ofLiterature) was to-day conferred by theBoard or Trustees of Rutgers FemaleCollege, npon Mayor Chauocey B. Rip-tey, of WestDeld.

JAMES T. Horr,Trustee of Rutgers College.

—"Tbe relation of the PresbyterianAssembly, the MeUMMllat Conferenceand the Baptist Congress to CurrentTheological Thought," will be tintheme of the pastor's sermon at the

ith-Day-Baptist Church to-morrow

i external remedy ever yet devisedhas so fblly and unquestionably metthese three prime conditions as auccess-


The; are safe because they contain nodeleterious drugs and are manufacturednpon scientific principles of medicine.They ore sure because nothing goes'Into them except ingredients which areexactly adapted to the purposeswhich a plaster Is required. They areSpeed; in their action because theirmedicinal qualities go right to theirwork of relieving pain and restoringthe natural and healthy performance ofthe functions of muscle*, nerves sad

Do not be deceived by misrep-resentations. Ask for ALLOOCK'S, analet no solicitation or explanation in-

you to accept a su bsti tote.

But Sue Chattar.The game of the Plaluflcld Bicycle

Club with the Flemlngtona, whirl) WHSto have been played to-morrow nfier-loon on the grounds of the Crescerji

League, Is off. Johnston, the Bicycle'lull pitcher, has-a glass arm which i:

considerably out of condition.The Elizabeth Journal's base, ball

rophet thus soliloquizes, "the Cres-cents won't—well, wait until Satnrdayid Bee."

In the account of tho ffuuie playeditween tbe E. A. C. and I'lainneld I!

L teams last Satnrday, an injustice wasto Johnston, tbe [Mi. C.'s regal

.litclicr. He was suffering with a lamearm, did not play, aud thereforenot "knocked out of the box*1 as wasstated in these columns. HcL&agblh

•s* the player who pitched in i he firstin ing and to whom referenceiade.—Elizabeth Journal.





The winning eluO's percentage



SnndlT Mtuic «t Holv Crou Chn cb.The twenty-third anniversary

Holy Cross Church, will take placeSunday, and at the same tlmo the choirwill hold its fourth anniversary.

Following is tbe order of mnsic file musical service Sunday afternooihis will be tbe last musical servicentil October.Processional, 140, Wesley; Gloria Ob,

Savage; Magnificat D, Calkin; NuncDlmittU F, Trimnel; Anthem, "TheLord is Exalted," West; Hymn, 495,Ward; Ai,thorn; "I run Alpha and3tuega, Stalner; Recessional, "On OurWay Rejoicing, " j j a ^ ^ j , ^ r -

Initiation ol O&Mn.Wednesday evening No' Snrrendi

Lodge No. 399, Sons of SL George, m<and entertained iheGrand Lodge ofBrersThe following officers were Installed for

c. coming six months:Worthy President, Charles Burns.Worthy Vice President, Joseph

Walls.Messenger, Thomas Winsper.Assistant Messenger, Clement Jolley.Chaplain, William Cartlue.Sentinel, Thomas KenneiLSecretary, Samuel Smith.Assistant Secretory, John Brooks.



North FtalnBatd, June i, IMS.


i l l Cemetery Ass's.







a* »™*er»d u it U B«Ml*«d~Tm e-.i.GMB* M Kaaj Timm as I w ¥lmm-*»GUM. Cnatt a i m » Print

The COURIER offers a prise of a flvc-doliar gold piece to the flrat personwho guesses correcUy the order In whichthe League clubs will stand at mend of the series, alao the percent**.) \of games secured by tbe winningjdub. If no correct gaeas •

ived the pme will be awarded tothe person first giving the guess whlcis nearest right. Tbe full bli.i.1.given below must be cut out and sent i •the Sporting editor of the COCRIE.LThe correct name and address most i»given. Each person is entitled to gut-*as many times as he or she may wlbii.

Each guess will be nnmbered an :filed away In the order In which it .received. None will be opened uuthe close of the contest No guess wbe received after the first day ol Ju.Any sent after that time will btbe noticed. Tbe name and Ku

i of the winner will be publish.,in the first Issue of the COURIER, eu -ceetting the close of the senc*.


Central N. J. League Standing.

PlalnOeWt, N. J l««e.

Tli..-;.•[ulM will finish ID tliis order:

LUMBERMason's Materials, &c,

43 to 60 VxrV »rcn uc.

d with >

soica, RirHro» ^ co.Ploiti&eld Ice and Cold

Storage Co.


Gfftam, 41 Korth Ave.

1 ". '••••'- ' • . ' • ' , " " , " V - ' , ' „ , • " " i>i,-,Ti/tl!:.'.'



Kc. 11 BiBtFront Street-

Windham and Crowlev,

WoolstonS Buckle.

Nr>. Sfi North Aveine.


Paper Hanging.a ALL rre BRANCHES. "

Wall Papers ami Painters' Supplies.

MARSH, AYERS & CO.,U t M iie»irn« In


H O . 7 » E A S T F B O N T B T R E E T .

Hotel Grenada !North Avenue.

The Finest Hotel in tUs City

Is now open for booking rooms, underthe management ol .

us. am VALUQI T. n u n .



iwn Ten nit Goods a Specialty.

Ho. 9 Park Avenue,

Acme Tailoring Co.


Plainfield. N. J.



MO. 10 P A E K A T S K U S *

Tlalnfield, N. J.

, in' public, who are- assuredmins ivili be spared to serve them inirompt and attentive monner with

Tier's celebrated


CONFECTIONERYof their own manufacture. d23-tl

(onsult Tier before buying elsewhere.



Fine Wines, Liquors and St^ar*.

Enjoyable Days!TRY RANDOLPH'S


ROOT BEER IA good dally drink for your bystem.

L. WaiANDOLPH,Prescription Drogglit,

21 Woit Front 8L, FUnfleld, N. J.

Ererything ior the Garden.




Hardv^are, Tinning and




30 Liberty Street. NoT.H-lyr. (Cor. Becond Btn«



23. 26|, 27

Park Avenue.

HI) LETT'S,The Leading iXltisie:

Pianos for Rent, Sold for Cash or onv

Easy Monthly Payments.

If You Want to Buy a Bicycle Call at

Men's Wheel*. - - t $ 6 5 t o * I O ° BoJ'* WheeU, . - - - %y> to | tol d i e s ' Wheels, • - - t ioo Oirl's Wheel's, • • • »IS to |JJ




Pneumatic Tire

On your wbeel ga


42 Central Aye


Latest Novelties N Fancy Chifla, GlassDinner,*Toilet and Tea Ware,

Lamps and Gas Fixtures]

Iu compliance with ac Ordinance

jnst passed by the City Fathers,

Every Bicycle Must btEquipped with tamp andBell, under penalty of a$MO fine.

1 large and complete assortment of all Cycling goodscan be found at

The "Wheelmen's IEiea.d.qiJ.a.xtc;rs.Cor. Park avenue and Fourth street

. . . F . X,. O. MARTDt .

0. M. ULRICH, Ilenlor In aU kind, of Fnah, Salt and Smoked Heata. Consr of the "CrcsreDiratt^oT

Hams, Shoulders, Bacon & Beef Tongues.FINE 8.YUSAUES A SPBCIALTY.

15 WMt ftwit 8treet 1»e Tr«4e SipNW.


WEDNESDAY, JUNE f15, 1892,

■■■■■■■■ 1'HEt PLAINFIELD COURIER, FRIDAY, JtJHK ifl. 1803.



Little Ides or tboagfct Is glvoa by Um nod IU observances will be It. dm* lm- majority of modem tmvelero to the portoM of Ike many eeMmtkm, wbiek wonderful advance mmle within the the dtUres of the Celled Hlates here pot toe yean, not only to the speed had. In Chicago, the day trill be aad equipment of train, tat <h> it marked by Ihe dedleatloe of the CWnrn- Ihe method of rood net** them. The Mae Exporilioa end elaaahera appro- pemowally-cooducted too riot system haa imate excreta* win be held. It bee terolouotitled former method, aod Uie been thought that a aatloaal obeerreoee marreloee popalarlly and development of the day, conducted by the pebk of thin perfect ijelem of touring In la nchooln of imorim, would be both H- no .mall meanere due to the Peaneylra- ting eed appropriate, aa they are the ola Railroad Comply. Thin In lllaa- cbaracterlettc Institutions which link tretod in Um neriea of loom just na- together in oae common hoed, all nonneed by thin progremire corpora- neighborhood!, creed, axid twmmnHues Uoe. One goes to Yellowstooe Pm* To this end, notice, of ad CTdebra- Augum 25 by a superbly .ptiomtod uon hare been addreatmd to all the train, a dapUcate of Umfomou. limited, pahlln school. of America aad Um the rate, UN, corenng all expcimo. Uwtmmida of rea|ionaea nho. that for the enure two week.; another la teacher, and scholar. alike sre eater, erianrtarixed a. a toor to the North, log heartily into the plan. No ofBcUl leering Jely 11, renewing Watkins programme hu beeo prepared .eye. Glen, Niagara Falla, Toronto, Thoenend By Ibo commluee haring Um matter In Islands, Rapid, of the St. Lawrence, charge, hat, nmoog other things, K will it on treat, An Hablo Chaim, taken embrace nn ode, a popular carol, and a Champlain nod George, -Saratoga nod a brief oration, which are all to ba or- daytight ride down Um Hndno-i rirer, IginaL There wlU nlao be certain re- gso cot on ell eipeonea for two weeka Ugtou. exercise^ a. the nplrtt of re- Niagara Polls series learee July It Bgioos liberty be. been too much the aod IS, Augent 11 aod 25. September key-note of American life to be Ignored. 3 nod 2». Too dollar* la the mood Another In'eremlag feature of Um pro- trip rete, valid for return within ten gramme wj|L be that thaw exercise, daya On July 2 a tear I. to be ran to will be Identical, In at loaatotie feature, Creoren. Here the rete of $8 from with the nailooal dedicatory exereiac* Phllmlelpbia lachideo not only a day’, which are stanllnncously going on at hoard at the Mountain House, but Chicago. Uckct. are also r»lia for ton days, In- The Public School* of Plainfield ore tludlug date of tear. Then on Jane It to celebrate the day, to Um Board ol

CURTAINS, BBT GOODS, Nee.H-lyr. 20 Ulmrly Street.

GARRET Q. PAGKEI Boice, Runyon & Co.


23, 25, 27

Park Avenue. Mason's Materials, frc. FRIDAY. JUNK 10. 1801.

HU LETT’S Plainfield Ice am Storage Co.

Pianos for Rent, Sold for Cash or on

Easy Monthly Payments. I avenue snd Pr^m .1 Inlay, Koutu PUit.iu s.

»a, rrr-.i-* Vl«e Pro.* He®.*» < 7

Central .1. J. League Standing. THE POWL*E Acme Tailoring

Compaii.v dlgplayin* the

lj»rgent I.ino M— Mas* ChatUr.

The traino of Uie I'laluflcld Bicycle Hub with Uic Fleming lot i a, which was to have been plftycd tomorrow afler- ooon on the grounds of Uie Crtwcent league, Is ofT. Johnston, ibo Bicycle Cluli pitcher, hss a glass arm which is considerably out or condition.

The Elizabeth Journal's base ball prophet thus soliloquizes, “the Cres- cents won't—well, wait until Saturday and see."

In the account of the *omc plsyed between the E. A. C. and ITalntleld B O. teams last Saturday, on Injustice was done to Johnston, the P.B. C.'s regular pitcher. He was suffering with a Iwrae arm, did not plsy, and therefore was not “knocked oat of the box" as was •deled In three columns. McLaughlin was the player who pitched In Uie flret Inning and to whom reference was made.—Elizabeth Journal.

Mca's Wheels, ladies' Wheels tf6st»*ioo Boy » Wheels, - - 9jo f ion Girl's Wheel's, . . . LAMPS, BELLfl, OIL, Ac. IS GEO. II. FOUNTAIN, AGENT,

For Henry C. Squires.

Onwrtulli tor SeW CklUm. The Drat meeting of eductor, ap- pointed to image for na oxhiMUon ol

Stale pobtie Khool work .1 Uie World'. Fnir, wn* ;held Inst week at Trenton In rew|K>n«' to a call Imued by Slate Superintendent Poland. The committee got to work Immediately and much *u done toward organtza- Uon. It ™ decided to prepare an extensive exhibit or all kinda of Khool work Specimen, of work are to be collect od from >11 miction, of the Stale to be iobeeqnenUy examined by the executive committee, and the moot creditable work relented. Tbe pnpila will prepare each simple of work on reparnte .been of paper, and Uicne are to be clasalQed and bound In book,. Tbe mombero of Uie commltteo are a* follow,: Stale Superintendent, A. B Poland; I'tlnclp.1, J«m« M Green, State Normal School, Trenton; Soper - intendent Barringer, Newark; Seperln- lendent Randall Spaulding, Montclair; Superintendent llnrry Snider, Jersey City; Superintendout J. A. Rinehart, Pntnreon; Snpcrintcndent Frank Lnlor, Trenton; Superintendent J. A. Dlx, EUxahelh; County Saperintendenl John Terhnnc, Unckenonck; County Soper- intendent H. B. Willi., Now lining wick; County Saperintendent a R. Morre, AUanUc City and City Superin- tendent H. B. Howell, PhlUlpaborg.

Moppml. 8ch.elder Oete Thirty Deyr.

Jnetice Cromley held court in North Plainfield thin morning nml sentenced Jacob Schneider to the Somerville jail for thirty daya Srbnclilor broke a howl on bln wife’, herd yctcrtl.y sflcr noon during a family quasrvL

Mrs Schneider was olre arrested by Mareh.l Psnglmm last evening charged with being the aggressor Justice Cromley also committed her for ten daya


In Oils State. They sen.

Third Fourth

IF YOU WANT Tito winning club', percentage. ARTISTIC UTTERS

Addrem Acme Tailoring Co.

NO. 12 W. FRONT STREET, Plainfield. N. J.

A Chase, Per 8yecBl.Urs. Tbe old Central ludlrond depot at

Elizabeth will aoon be lorn down, an the new station, are .boat ready for occupancy. A large mnoant of good, btve accumulated,which have boon left by carelem passengers or have been held for charge* Tlicy consist of an immense variety of nmbrellaa sod para- noia tone quite pretty and conUy, and a whole carload of theatrical goods, once the property of the Bat Opera Comptmy, of New York. It in pro- poeed to dispone of the accumulation at auction, and npeenlators will find It n rich Held for Investments



42 Central Ave tudiy Weals el Bell Creel Cha-eb. The twenty-third anniversary of Holy Cross Church, will take place on Sunday, and at the same time the choir will hold !U fourth anniversary. Following in Uie order of mu»lc for the moalrsl service Sunday afternoon

This wlU DO the last musical service until October. Processional, 1.0, Wesley; Gloria C-, Savage; Magnificat D, Calkin; Nunc DimiUis P, Trimnel; Anthem, ‘The Lord Is Exalted," West; Hymn, <95, Ward; Autbem; “I am Alpha and Ourega, Stainer; Recessional, “On Our

Windham and Crowlev, GAVETT’S. I’Uinfleld, N. J.

Th|* retail!ishmeat 1* now open to Ihe public, who are- furored that no pain* will be spared to aerve them in a prompt and attentive manner with Tier'* celebrated Latest Novelties n Fancy China, Glass

Dinner,‘Toilet and Tea Ware, Lamps and Gas Fixtures.

Irsfed Hu XXoss aa. Iklp9aJ Taws. James Johnson, of Cottage place,

dreaaed up In bis beat soil of clothes yes- terday sad borrowed a pair of his neighbor’s shoes, lie look liie shoes to a Part avenue cobbler and exchanged them for oootlier pair, rocetviig 9150 In lb* bargain. Tbit morning Cot sta- ble Arnos MofibU succeeded In locating Uie alioos and returning them to the owner. Tbe shoe-maker has lodged a complaint against the alleged thief, but the latter ban lea town.

Woolston & Bucklp.

Tbe following telegram front New York was received by the Editor or tbe Courier, Oils morning: To Taw Sutton or thi Oot'nixs:

Tbe degree of LtU D. (Doctor of Ulormtere) was to-day conferred by Un- Board of Truoteea of Rutgers Female College, upon Mayor Chouncey B. Rip- ley, of WestOeld. Janus T. Ho IT,

Trustee of Ratgers College.

CONFECTIONERY PAINTING of their (123-U 1“ com[illance with sx. Ordinsn.-s

Just passed by the City Fathers, "SgjL'jjl WHK livery Bicycle -Mtrsf be

_ r' W rW| Equipped with I,amp ami Bell, under penalty a <xo fine.

A large and complete assortment of all Cycling goods can be found at The Wheelmen's Headquarters.

Cor. Park avenue aad Ftmrtk street r. l. a MJtRTni.

Wedncodsy evening No Surrender Lodge Na 359, Sons of BLGeorge, met sudvnterUined the Grand Lodge odlrers Tbe following officers were Installed for the coming elx months: Worthy President, Charles Bums. Worthy Vice PreeMeuI, Joooph

Walla Messenger, Tbomns Wlnspor. Assistant Mcsaengrr, Clement Jolley. Chaplain, William CarUne. Sentinel, Thomas KeanetL Secretary, Samuel SmtUi. AstisUnl Secretary, John Brooka


An ordinance bus been adopted by the city fathers of Hackensack, pro- viding for a fine of ten dollars to be Im- posed on all wneelmea of the place who nee tbe sidowaJka or ride at right with- out lights, or belts Tbe police have have bees notified to arrest all who die- regard the ffrdlnaace.

Fine Wines, Liquors and Sugar*. Wall Papers and Painters’ Supplies.


0. M. ULRICH, n11 kinds of Freeh, SeU aad Smoked Meals Oarer of the "Creecre irama of

Hams, Shoulder?, Bacon & Bee! Tongues. FUf* HAUSAOES A SPECIALTY.

h West Pmrt Street Tke Treble SnffiW-

A good dally drink for your b/sJcm. North Avenue. L WiRANDOLPH,'

Prescription Druggist, e« Front Bk, Plainfield, N. J

AUCTION SALE Everything lor the Carden.

moire Laid nm, STOCK BRIDGE 1MAMURE&

nonsefnrniahingR, Hardware, Tinning and




Lawn Tennis Goods a SpecialtyV A. M. GR1FFEN,


Page 7: Then the . tion Gets Down to EoeD- ' ing-Session Work. · volj. 1"no. 209. «j. , kriday .jrjne 10 . 1892 price two cenbk. harrison nominated he polls a majority of votes ok tite



_Sped*l aale on fruit broken candy»t Tier's to-morrow.

_Tne temperature yesterday w umaximum 63 degrees, minimum 60 de-grees."

—Howie * Van Arsdale's *4.00 Bns-sla leather Blucher its a Wry popular•hoe.

—Tlie u-l*|ilioiic In tn« ftonh Itain-tk-ld engine bouse is said to be out oforder.

—Lightning Iwt night seriously in-tedcrred with the telephone service atNew Brunswick.

—On account or Ihe ralu the picnicin Ureader's (irove, Evonky * " P°«-pone<l last evening.

—The report of the dog-pounderIs four dogs killed yesterday and twoawaiting sentence.

The famons Cuban Giants will playlia.ll with the Rutgers College wain onHonda; afternoon next.

—Central Lodge, No. 41, A. 0- W.,met in regular session last evening,and Initiated five new members,

—Mr. Adams, of Plainaeld, has givenont the plans for seven houses on theVan Syckle farm at South BoundBrook.

—The question of closing the Cres-cent League bowling alleys rill be con-sidered at the neit meeting of theleague.

—LitUe Miss Ward, Hie Spanishskirt dancer, in "Mrs. Casey's Mis-haps," mode a favorable Impression atMusic IlaJl last night

—The Secretary of the PlainfleidWater Supply Company has notified theCity Clerk that twenty-five fire hydrantssre now ready for use.

—The Children's Fair for the benefitof the Children's Home, which waspostponed, will be iheld Saturday after-noon, June 11, at 29 Pntman avenue.

—Sergeant Lynch is to-day serving..,v-ii,;.i- for witnesses in three cases

t ' (_><j in to-, m

—Plain Geld and Elizabeth an?m-l.cdnled to play at Elizabeth to-morrow. A little money was putop, last evening, but few bets were

—Butter, sugar and oil are wa;ilown in price, ^according to a new ad-vertisement of the United Tea and Cof-fee Growers' Association. It is worthreading.

—The Bound Brook Council metTuesday evening. The application olJanica II. Force for a peanut standalongside or the Mansion House wa*

—A meeting of the Woman's BeliefCorps, No. 1(1, woa held list evening,to take Into consideration the receptionof Carney Janeway Corps, of NewUninawick, on Friday evening of nextweek.

—According-lo conservative opinions,[he ball game scheduled for next Wed-nesday between the Crescents and theStiten Island Club, will be the mostexciting game of the season.

—The children's fair for' the bcoefltofthe Children's Home, will be held"on the lawn adjoining FJ X. Scboonmaker's residence on Putnfan avenue,on Saturday afternoon, Jiiin* 11.

—Some of the fans now In use in theCity Council Chamber were presentedbj "Parse and Mundy," fully fifteenyears ago while the firm' carriedbusiness whtre tbe Dime Savings Bankis now located.

—".Jere" Johnson, the real estateauctioneer, of New York, Is about tcstart a real estate boom n. this cityBeginning early next month he willoiler for sale a tract of landNetherwood HoteL

—The Crescent Leagne have decidedto have a fine exhibition of fire-workson their ball grounds ID North Plain-field the night of Jalj fonrtb. Col.Moore and Fred Sinter have ljcen an-polnted a Committee on Torpedoes.

—A black horse belonging to JosephFrsxier, of Berkley Heights, becamefl-ightened at an umbrella on Somersetstreet, yesterday afternoon, and ranaway. Tbe owner succeeded In gettingthe horse under control after be hsdgone a few blocks, and nodone.

—"Mrs. Casey's Mishaps," w u pro-diiri'il at Music Mall, last evening, be-fore a small The play waspoor, nml It Is evidently intended forthe East-Side in New Tors. Tbe Com-pany wss made np In Newark. Theyplayed twice In Elizabeth, once In Bah-wsy, sud tbe fourth time here Isstnight .

—A well-known Plainfleid tody sendstbe Courier the following recipe forSpanish cream which she pronouncesdelirious: Separate the whites and yolksor four eggs, and with the yolki pukea boiled custard, add a pint of milk andsugar to taste. Bet one-third of a boxof gelatine to soak ID a little cold waterfor a few minutes, then dissolve It 1Bthree-fourths of s cop of bojlinf waterWhen the enstsutd has cooled add thegelatine water and the whites of theegfet well beaten; flavor with vanilla,•Ur all togeJier and put Into moulds.A pretty effect can be obtained by os-

GMIM of U« BUl*r, Cerpo n t l n CMIMIud tks ttn Mlaort ty tabm 1 taiCOMB>«> Cornell T-llj Upa.ld bj U* D«-ei*l»».—It Clmn Dp a T«ry Wtasrs.atttt riaea at Baatswa All Anasd.The readers of the Courier alone bad

he information last evening of the de-cision of Die Supreme Court In tbe Lowwater and sewer ordinance cases.Imlge Magie banded in the opinionwhich la most interesting to everyPlainfielner. It cited as the groundor laying aside the water ordinance

which the "Big Six" persisted in pass-ng over Mayor Gilbert's veto, that tbe

lance (ailed to mention the namesof the tax associates which Mr. Lowproposed to have with him ID his bigscheme. This fatal defect was pointed

by Corporation Counsel Craig A.Marsh when the ordinance WEB sub-

titled to him. The "Big Six" reportedthis Tact to Low, bnt the would-be

Br King raid it didn't make soydifference and so the defective ordi-

ince went through.

In the case of the sewer ordinance,tbe amendment to tbe act of the Lcgis-

•e governing the toying olirs, and which was designed to re-

strict the provisions of the act to citiesof tbe third class was declared to be an-

itltutional and as tbe ordinance wasbased on this act, it wss thrown ont as(legal The court also mentioned thatIJCSC defect* were sufficient to tbi

out the ordinances without considering3ther manifest defects.

These decisions have proved to Plain-Seld people tbe wisdom and forethoughtof their honored Mayor. Mr. Gilbertdeclined to sign these ordinances be-caoac they were manifestly wrong, notmly in spirit bat In the manner ol their•a&sage. . When ihe majority, however,>aased them over his veto, he refused

sign the contracts and thus involvehe city further in the financial sloagh

h threatened. His veto messagewas clear, business-like and com hieing.Yesterday the Stale's Supreme Courtset their seal of approval upon biscourse.

Mr. Harsh, too, is eutlUed to nomil mead of credit It is only an-her evidence that his advice is good

advice and hasneveryet led the city as-tray. Aud from Hie Con uti I men who stood

ifaBt, who expostulated and plead-ed against the reckless majority Init

were voted down, have only rea-i*on for further congratulation. The

luendorsedlhefracttonlast Decem-iiid the"courts have just done so.

* Basta Vpm Wktak tat »»IMSM ComrtNaming the




Eieh«xd TaisiiiBs aUatisM Iks Vrsri-


Btf Mtat l*s«ty to Basis Late l> th. sfttr-

Jnne 10.—The nomina-tions will be made before nightfall, tnats, unless all sign* fai I. The mere meu-

tlon of a candidate's name set tbe con-vention wild with excitement to-day.When Blalne's name was presented bySenator Wolcott, of Colorado, tbe en-

UBiasm broke out The rival faction!turn cheered their candidate, thoughpoint of noise Biaine seemed to take

the lead. It is sot likely tbst eitherthe President or his ex-Secretary ofState will be nominated. Keep coo!and don't bet, MATTHEWS.


Richard J. Clark, aged 82 year*died at the Albion Hotel last evening.

Mrs. D. S. Roberts, of North ave-nue has gone to Scrsuton, Pa., on a'isit.

Robert and John Cliffton, of WestThird street, sailed for England on the

HIT • 'Teutonic" Wednesday. Theygone on a vacation.Chester, Pa., on tbe 8th inst. oc-

sd tbe death of Mary, the onl\of Rev. u d Mr* H. M. Lowry,

jf Port Jefferson, N .Y .Rev. J. U** !".9SiUM.t Ibrmerly pastort ie First Church of CTirwt or tbi'

city, will deliver the oration at thiFourth of July celebration at BoundBrook.

Fred. W. Taylor, ofEaslFiah street,'ent to Ithaca, New York, yesterday,'here he begins to-day the entraoce

examination to Cornell University,expects to enter the course in electricalengineering.

W. & Anglernan, of West Frontstreet, successfully passed the exanji-

for admission to tbe New Jerseybar st Trenton yesterday and was uitorney-at-law. Bis examinationwax a moei commendable one an:l cin for special mention at tbe bands orM»c examiners. The motion for Mr.Angleman's admission was made byCorporation Counsel Marsh.

The pupils or Miss Bigelow's selectBcbooi gave a mnsicale at the residenceof Mrs. Coard, No. 49 Puttnan avenue,last evening. The entertainment wssappreciated by all present. It con-sisted of a piano trio by Miss NettleKeliogg.Mis* Emma Pish and Miss MaryMiller, piano solos by HIM LibbleJoseph, Miss Ethel Ifolmes, Miw MabelWilder, Miss Maude French and duetsby Hiss Florence Serrell and Miss MaySmillie, Miss Ulna Moore and MissKate Overton, a vocal solo by Kiss Jes-sie Smillie sod selections on dieviolin by AD Irew Carpenter. The In-terior of the boose was deoorsted witbdMies, ferns, etc., sod dnriuj? theevening refreshment* were served.

The following dispatch wss receivedby Mrs. Bennett Brltton, at ScotchPlains, yesterday:Mrs Bennett Britton,

Fan wood, N. J.:oar son, Hon. 1. A, D. Richard*,

was to-day nominated for Oowrass Uth S t n t h Ohio D i t i t

—Oflteer Fredrlckson wfco capturedthe Crescent avenue barglar, was offonly eight dsjs, nsrwlng the voaad |w


MIXKBAPOLIS, Jnne 10.—The Conven-ion re-convened this morniog at 11I'clock. At quarter past twelve Sena-

tor Woleott, or Colorado, nominatedEx-Secretary or State In a speech thatwas pronounced a perfect gem. Thenomination wss received with wildcheers Richard Thompson, of Michi-gan, presented the President's name.'I nominate," sold he, "fop the Presi-

dency of tbe United States the wisestatesman, Beitfamln-Harrison," Tbeclose of the speech was followed bycheering which lasted for several min-utes.

The managers of the Blolne canvasssay the Prsifent cannot beaianfaatefl.They arc talktig -as4 acting tnystesj-'

i!y, and tbcre are plenty of minorsthat they will briog oat a dark liorse.

us morning they give no fignres ofthe anti-Harrison strength, but say thata safe majority of the delegates will not

Tor the President when the finallest come.

It is generally agreed that a nomlaa->n will be made not Inter f a n the

second ballot, and tbe President'sIrlends say the roll will be called only

A LA BO a u r i a e DEVICE.

la ImprQTed Kotaod Of Spokinf Whwlt,Wluok Will ,Pr«r«Bt b i t and Connqon XBrMkac*.—Jok. V.tterl.ia, of Thf. City,Sat a FoitBM i> tk« lavamtUA.John Vetterteiu,;tbc machinist of Ex-

chsnge Alley, h«i>*«>cttr«l a patentjr an improved spoke f v - f q e t orheels. The best quattt* of steel is

used the manufacture of spokes for thewheels is use at the present day.Their jnost vulnerable part la wherethese spokes enter the rim. Manymaanfactnrers nlckle plate tliclrjspokesto prevent them from rusting, but theyfind it Impossible to so protest tbescrew threaded ends. Rust will come,

matter bow mucli care is taken sodhere is where the breakage comes.Mr. Tetterleln's patent covers just thispoint. It consists of a nipple, set Intothe rim of the tire ID such a mannerthat the spoke is screwed Into II.This both holds the speke firmlyand adds to Its strength. The nippleIs set Into the rim, Bush with the innerside, sod being beaded prevent* thespoke from coming ibrongh sad In-juring tbe tire. This nipple also isso constructed that any rider can,with the aid of a small monkey wrench,put In new spokes himself s i a costor about twenty cents each, and be-sides, can respoke so entire wheel In-side of a couple'of hours.

Mr. Vetterleln has had s numberof offers br his patent from BOUMthe largest cycle manulVturers InAmerica, but thus Isr fans refused tosell. His ides Is to pat sis patent oaton royalty, so that It will be ot benefitto wheelmen of the world. He hasapplied for several other patents look-ing toward! tbe improvement of themanufacture ol the spokes sod bobs ofwheels, and expesti they wbl begranted to him by the nrtfof/uJy.Hit Idess are all practicable and srethe result of otaorvations which be assmade while fat tbe bicycle repairbusiness. His interest- will be follyprotected by European patents.

—Members of tbe Crescent League

IT urauwii m rvqmamma tm n p v n *•>dab bouse this evening st 7 0 * o'clockfor a dob ran to Eahwaj. OptssaJ.A. Ilaynet In bis (—'-' "'"'•The pew will ht


Some weeks ago, an ordinance wssIntroduced In the Common Councilwhich provided that when a bicyclerider approached a carriage or vehicle

say of the public street* of toecity, due notice of such approachshould be given by tlie rider by ringing* bell or Hounding a whistle, ttadlstaaeeor not lest than fifty feet from the saidcarriage or veh'ete. This ordinancewas amended st the tost meeting of theCouncil, making It obligatory upon thender to sound the whistle or ring thebell only when spproachlng a crowingwhen tbe said riden were not In plainview of pedestrians. As thisdinauce Is practically tbe same as theother, the wheelmen of liainfleld fee!somewhat Incensed over the matter.

The clause or the ordinance whichrelates to the ringing of • bell orsounding s whistle whoa approaching apedestrian or vehicle, has been thought

many to be unconstitutional. Theyclaim It to be useless and trajost, and•my that it will only lead to confusionand aecldsnt. Bones as a rale arenot frightened by a bicycle rider atnight, trai tbe enforced ringing andwhistling will be very apt to scarethem. Tbe wheelmen hare no objec-tions to the clause of the law whichprovides for their carrying lightedlanterns at night, bnt Ihey think thatcarriages and other conveyances shouldbe Included In the same provisions, asthey do not coneklet it fair (br suchdiscrimination to be made against thewheelmen.

The Cliief Consul of tbe New JerseyDivision of the League of AmericanWheelmen, G. Oarlton Brown, of Eliza-beth, In speaking of the matter, ssidthat none of the wheelmen bad madean; complaints concerning the new law.but If any cune he would refer themto ex-Assemblyman Foster Toorheea,of Elizabeth, tbe acting chairman or theLeagne Committee on Bights and Privil-eges and Herbert Knight, of Newark, wbo• the other member of the committee.It these gentlemen find sufficient cause

action, they will seek redress in tlierto. Wheelman have hvl *> ftgla

Tor thole ^gtits * o r since t i e -first"wheel appeared sad «s bicycles awe norrecognized OR vehicles by the law, tbeyshould not be discriminated ugainBt

For ibe purpose of learning just whatrights the wheelmen have in the piIsm, a reporter of the Courier con-salted tbe Laws of the State Ol N P *Jersey. He found in the laws or 1888nnder section 3, of Chapter CLVII, thefollowing: "And be it enacted thatnothing in this act shall be ao con-strued as to prevent tbe passage, en-forcement or maintenance of any regu-atlon, ordinance or rule regulating theuse of bicycles or tricycles In publicstreet*, avenue^ roads, turnpikes,driveways, parkways, and other publicplsces in Bucb manuer as to limit soddetermine the proper rate of speedwith which such vehicles may be pro-pelled, nor In such manner as to re-quire, direct or prohibit tbe one of Dells,

ip> and other such appnrtenanceft,' to prohibit the use of any vehicle

that :i»rt or the street, road orknown as the foot

Is tss City Otmrt.The ease of the city vs. Huff Broth-

ers, for using foul language, will comenp before City Judge Codington to-morrow monrng.

Hackman HcUoralvk wil! also be ar-raigned to-morrow morning, for violat-ing the back ordinance.

Cornelias Ginns has been summonedbeflre Judge Codington, to-morrowmorning, upon, eornplaint of a A.Cruiksbsnk. The charge is for usingfoul Isaguage.

According to this act, tbe Mayor auu-Council of the city or borough bave theright to pass any tow, ordinance orregulation which shall tend to tbesafety of pedestrians or vehicles uponany of the public streets from the mis-use of bicycles. They also bave tallpower to.requlre tbe use of bells, lampsor other n e b appurtenances, if theysee fit. Nothing can stop them frompassing any such ordinances and en-forcing them. Wheelmen, therefore,nave DO right to object to tbe ordinanceas adopted.

!n this connection It may not be ontof place to call the attention of cycliststo an editorial which appears in theWestdeld Lesdrr of this week, ou thisvery same subject Tbe reasoilion Is called to the article is becsnse Itis understood tbst some of tbe cyclistsintend to try to show the citizens of thiscity this evening bow absurd the re-cently enacted ordinance appears tothem. The article should be eareraJlyread bj all Intending demonstratorsand It Is to be hoped that they will de-cide to give op their proposed parade.It says:

"Tbe means wHch some of the youngpeople who ride blcyles have taken toshow their disapproval of the ordinancelately pawed by the Town Committeeconcerning the riding of bicycles uponthe streets, sre not «urh ai will win theo,ulet aad orderly portion of theinanity to Uieir way of thinking TbeTown Committee did not pass the or-dinance in question wtUxwt giving Hc m n l ao**ttoratfoB.«ad la their judg-ment does sot contain anything thatwould work hardship to the cydisU.Tbey had no other object In view thanthat all might travel the village streetsU safety, day or n Igbt, vehicle, bicycle,pedestrias, and the njse—ly disorderthat some of the bkyeSsts created onthe street* severs, era*!**? tost week

It was disgraceful It Is bM josi to saythat tbe olderB»oh proceedhigs, sad tried"tbe young "bloods" from making suchma exhibition of tttemselve*. The olderriden know wast H was to ride a bicyclebefore the right* of a man c« * wheelw e n acknowledged on the highway.Tbey hare hsd their wheels smashed,

i ran down, chased off the roadand even lashed by boggtoh team drlien . They appreciate Uw standing thatthe wheelmen now have upon the road,and they hate to see them turn hog anddo eyling a positive injury.

Tbe wanton disregard for .peace andorder displayed wss a direct Insultthe Town Committee, and through themto the law-abiding cltixeni of the town.It has w t increased one lota the respectfor the wheelmen or brought one think,ing person to their side."

Btrwk Bj- itsktslas.The dwelling house of David Morn-

ing, at No. 348 West Third street, wasstruck by lightning at 9:45 o'clock last

ming. The bolt struck the chimneyfirst, shattering that into fragment* andtearing away a groove and shout two feetof tbe slate roofing. The bolt also en-tered a bed-room on the second floor,in the north corner of the building, andin this room the wall wss also knockeddown. In the garret the beams were

in Ore, but tbe flames were extiignished by members of the family.

SHOE - STORE,3a W. Front Street.

Claim. Hii Mama Wu rttrtvd.Thomas Price went before Justice

Wadsworth, tost evening, and lodged acomplaint against a num named Pierce,of Elizabeth, who, he claims, commit-ted forgery In February, 1891, fursalary. Price is special agent for aninsurance company, and to the Justiceh'i claimed to have good proof for thecompialnV-. Justlrfe-Wftdewoai. tabued -n-wrfmtufor PiapiS-s trrem, this mf/riingvbat "yet be has not been apprehended.

Considerable dissatisfaction Is l>msmfeaied among the members of tbeGrand Array Posts on account of thepostponement oftbe soldier's monumentmatter by Ibe committee. The veteransclaim that nearly two hundred dollarsnave already been spent in drafting sdesign ana sending ont notices. Thisexpenditure, they claim, wss authorizedby tbe citizens part of the «ommittee,but was not concurred In by the GrandArmy members.

Hotel Arrival*.At the Grenada—Mrs. Casey's Mis.

baps Co., New York; C. S. Schultz, J.B. Thomas, Philadelphia; E. O. Brown,Madison, Wls.; A. E. Bose, New York;i . II- Doughty, Newark; J. L. EJsall,city; B. L. Vilas, Broo lyn.

At the City Hotel—T. H. Wiusteu",New Britain, Conn.; G. Devon, Hart-ford, Md.; H. Barton, York, Pa.;&EL Cramp, Beading, Pa.; T. A. Bock-hill, TrtmloBJ F. A. Qaictana, Brook-lyn.

» r hundred sad Dfty wheelmen,members of the Philadelphia CyclingClubs, go to Newark tlii* afternoon toJoin in tbe grest century run.

—It Is surprising, but yel it Is notThe amount of buttnr J. F. MaoDonaldla selling, when yon take into c-onsider-tlon that 20 cents per pound for thebest creamery butter is extremely low.

•J. Baffertr, s dealer In lancy goodsand notions, on Somerset street, wssarrested by Special Marshal JobCoddington, of North Plainfleid, last

inlng, charge with assault uponone or his employees. He was paroled

his own recognizance to appesr be-fore Justice gperry for a bearing oaFriday afternoon next

Lrt « . Ih.w Tomwhat a saving I have made daring thelast year by being my own doctor.year I paid out $96.25 for doctors andtheir medicine; this year I paU «S.Mfor six bottles of Salphnr Bitters, sadthey bave kept health In my wholefamily. They are tbe beat snd purestmedicine tver made.-Charles King, SOTemple ttreet, Boston, Mas*.

BvervtfalDff In the Way ot

DRY GOODS,Carpeta, Mattings








Of Course, lots Of em

in all

Styles and Qualities





B. :


Beef, Iron and Wine.

60 CENTS -• boon.






and Low In Price"


POWLISON & JONES,34 W e * Front Street, . . . KBXT TO MUSIC BAIX.

Change of Ownership.After June 1 We Shall Conduct the Metropolitan


Formerly owned by A. D. Thompson, as »

PRIVATE BOARDING STABLK-And will be pleased to Me our old Mends at tbe nwr itiad.

E. S. LYON, Manager. D ' "" B O B E B T S - p*°»-

Borough Scavenger Co.Opposition to nil. Will be OBtomnM !

Cesspcola and Vaults CleanedRepaired, and Built.

Wf r«p«rtullj- toliclt jour. p«lall otOm to P. O. Box SOL

SI Harrison St.. No


A. L. GARCIA CO.MAnattrtmrrn of USTUU Ctftn,


Saddlery, Blankets,Whip* Bob«s, Etc.


TOEKST. •The Crescent Rink Hal],

Soluble for • m.rtec, tm •

or ro,|. lodg. room.




OP 4.00 wUI b n a Rawta Uaik1 ) De»u>e ft V.n And.]*1*.

P>OR 8ak or To L«L The d

East Front Street. W. C Bi


«• Blacbcr atItfaagicM

•a, 41 Noftl

We make and l«y Carpet*, nuk iever Mattrcnt. «nd do Job- .

blng of all kinds


If yon a n for mar only, joe arenot On Man wo rat to talk to, net tf70a want eoajlbrt, St, etrta, aad iae


Doane A Van Arsdale's.

PF.BTISIOIT PABAOBAPH*. -Fpeetal site on frail broken erttfy

U Tier's lo-iDorrow. —The temperuUte P«rt*J iM • —iwm I Vu Aredsteh *A«0 Bus-

sta Leather Blanker >e • very popster ■hoc. —The leh.pb«to In the North rtein-

Acld englue bouse lr lekl to bo ost of order. -Lightning laat night rariounly to-

terfcrrcd »IUi the u-k-phoee service at Sew Brunswick.

-On account of the rain the ideate in Growler's Grove, Krona, »aa post- poned iant evening. The report of the dog-poanrter la four dogs killed yesterday and two awaiting sentence.

—The f araooa Cnban Giants will play ball with the Rutger's College team on Monday afternoon next —Central Lodge, So. *l", A. O. W.,

met In regular amnion last evening, and Initialed live new members. —Mr. Adams, of Plainfield, has given

ont the plans for aeven bounce on Ihe Van Syckle farm at Sooth Bound Brook. —The question of cloning the Cres- cent League bowling a I leys will be con- sidered at the neat meeting of the

Leegnu. —LlUie Mina Ward, the Spanish

skirt dancer, In "Mra Carey's Mia haps,” made a favorable Impression St Mttale nail Isat night

—The Seerclnry of the Plainfield Water Supply Company haa notified Ihe city Clerk Hint twenty-five Ore hydrants are now ready for nac.

—The Childrens Fair for the bench! of tho Children's Horae, which was i*oat|*oued, will beheld Saturday after noon, June 11, at 29 1*010001 avenue.

—Sergeant I-ynch is to-day serving Mib|Krnacb for witnesBca in three earn* which are set down for trial before City Judge Codington to-morrow morning.

—rinmficld and Ellxabelb arc scheduled to play at Elizabeth to- morrow. A little money was pul op. last cveplng, but few bets wore made.

—Butler, sugar and oil are way down in price, according to a new sd- vertiaemeot of the United Tea and cof- fee Growers' Association. It Is worth rending.

—The Bound Brook Council Tnesdey evening. The application ol James II. Force for a pesnnt stand alongside or Iho Mansion Houao war deft>rre«l.

The readers of the Courier alooe had the information last evening of the de- cision of the Supremo Court la tbs Low Judge Magic handed la the opinion which la most lotarasthig Plain fielder. It riled as tl fur laylog aside the water ordinance which the “Big Six" persisted la pass- ing over Mayor Gilbert's redo, (hat the ordinance foiled to mention the of the an associates wMeh Mr. Low proponed to have with him In hla Mg scheme This fatal detect was pointed ont by Corporation Counsel Craig A. Marsh when the ordinance waa sub- mitted to hint. The “Bl* «x" reported this foot to Low, bat tho woakl-be Water King said it didn't maka say inference end so the defective ordi nance went through.

In Ihe case of tho sower ordinance, the amendment to the act of the LegW lain re governing the laying era, and which was designed to re- strict Ihe pruTlafons of the set to eltlee of the third clam was declared to be on- coeatitntlooal and as the ordinance based on this set, it was thrown ont sa illegal The conn lino mentioned tbit these deforla were sufficient to throw ont tho ordinances without considering other manifest defects.

These decisions have proved to Plate- Bold people tho wisdom and forethought of their honored Mayor. Mr. Gilbert declined to sign these ordinances be-

I they were manifestly wrong, not only in spirit but in the manner ol tbelr passage- . When the majority, however, pssacd them over his veto, he refused

sign the contracts and thus involve the city further in the financial slough hicb threatened. Ills veto message ns clear, business like and convincing. Yesterday the Stale's Supreme Gown set their seel of approval upon bis

—A meeting of the Woman's Belle! Corps, No. lo, was held last evening, to take Into consideration the reception of Curuoy Juncwey Corps, of New Brunswick, on Friday evening of next

—Accord in gto conservative opinions, the ball game scheduled for next Wed- nesdnv between the Crescents and the St*ten Island Clnb, will bo the exciting game of the season.

—The children's fair for the bcnrtt of the Children's Home, will be held if Fast ypfforson, N. Y. on iho lawn adjoining F, X. Schoon maker's residence on Puttsao xvcm on.Saturday afternoon, Jude 11. —Some of tho fana now in use in the City Council Chamber were preaonted by “Puree and Muudy," folly fifteen years ago while the firm carried on business where the Dime Seringa Bank is now located. —vjore" Johnson, Ihe real estate

auctioneer, of New York, Is about to start a real ratals boom In this city Beginning early next month ho will offer for sale a tract of land Nollicrwood Hotel

—The Crescent League hgvo decided to have a lae exhibition or fire works on tbelr ball grenade In North Plain- field the night of July fourth. Col Moore and Fred Staler have been ap- pointed n Committee on Toipedoe*

—A black hone belonging lo Jonepli Frailer, of Bartley Heights, became frightened at an umbrella on Somerset street, yesterday afternoon, eway. Tho owner succeeded In getting the bone under control after he had gone s few blocks, sad no damage was dooe.

—“Mra Casey's Mishaps,' waa pro- duced at Music nail, last evening, be- fore a small sod I#,tee. The play was l*eor, sod It Is evidently Inteoded for the East-Side la New York. The Com- pany was made ap la Newark, nay played twice la EUaabeih, ones la Rah- way, sud lbs fourth nlghl

—A weil-knowa Ptelnfleld lady sands the Courier Ihe follow lag mips ter Spanish delicious: Separate the whites and yolks or four eggs, and with Ihe yolks maka s boiled cosurd, add a plot of milk and ■egar to lasts. Sot oos-thM of • box of gelaUue to sock la s flute cold water for n few minutes, than Assorts B Is three-fourths of s eap of boUag valor. When the enstasd ban cooled add the the llrvsnts.stk Ohio Mrtrlet.

whites of the stir si] to*s-her sad pot Into moulds


Cserse #f tha Barer, On | mil is Oiasill aaS Iks »tv» luritj Imho st lha Osmmsn Oread mOy VphaU hr tha Bn- states.-it chan o, a Tmy

Mr. Marah, too, Is entitled to «rml1I mead of credit. It li only other evidence that his advice la good advice ami haa neveryet led the city aa- irav. Ao<l from ilic Couinlliucnwho aiood tl**a«iraat, who expostulated and plead- ed against iho reckless majority bn who were voted clown, have only rea- son for further congratulation. The peo|do endorsed their action last Decem- ber ami ihc'courta have just don e

maovAirn Richard J. Clark, aged 82 yc«i> tiled at Iho Albion Hotel Iasi evening. Mra. D. S. Roberta, of North ave- 10 haa gone to Scrmuton, Pa., on

vUL Robert and John Cllffton, of Wcet Third street, sailed for England o steamer ‘Teutonic*’Wednesday. They have gone on a vacation. At Cheater, Pa., on the 8th luL oc- irred the death of Mary, the ool) child of Rev. and Mra H. M. Lowry, Rev. J. BT?

of tin Flrat Church of Christ of this' city, will deliver the oration et the 1

Fourth of July celebration at Bound Brook Fred, w Taylor, of East Fifth street, went to Ithaca, New York, yeeterday. where he begins to-day the entrance 11 nation to Coreell Cnlveralty. expects lo enter the course lo electrical rngleeering.

Angleman, of West Front Street, suecessfully passed tbs eiaat nation for admission to the New Jorrt) liar tt Trenton yorterdsy snd an altoroey-sl-taw. HU examination was n most commendable one anil in for special mention at the hands of •he examiners The motion for Mr. Anglomen's admission was made by Corporetloa Counecl Marah.

The paptls of Mias Bigelow's select school gare a muelcele at the rraidsoee of Mra. Coard, No, tl Putman avenue, last evening. The eelertalnment appreciated by all preaeat It Mated of a piano trio by Mias Nettle EeOocg,MlraEmma Plata and HUaMary Miller, piano solos by Mlm Ubble Joseph, Mias Ethel Holmes,'Mlm Mabel Wilder, Mias Maude Trench nod dneta by Mlaa Florence Sorrell and Mlm May Sutllle, Mlm UDU Moore and Kale Overton, a vocal note by Miss Jes- sie Bmllhe and neleetloea on violin by An lrew Carpenter. Tho in- terior of the hosse was deeoruted with daalea, ferns, etc., sad daring evening refresh menu a

The following t by Mra. BeaaeU Britton, at Beoteh nelaa. yesterday: Mrs Hsasstt Britton, Fan wood, N. J. Yoor aoa, Horn J. A. I 'for Congress la


Naming the




• ths Pleas* galfkt sal

lag lokvfy W Isgla Irts la ths Aftsr-

MiitKKAroua, Jane 10.—The nor Hoes vria be made before nightfall, that la, anlem all signs foil The mere men. Hoe of a candidate's same sat the noe. vcnUon wild with excitement to-day. When Blaine's name waa praaented by Senator Wolcott, of Colorado, the en-

ema broke oul The riral factions la tare cheered their randldsle, thi la point of noise Blaine seemed to taka ths lead. It la not likely that either Ihe Prwldoot or hie ex-8eeretary of Bute will be nominated. Keep cool and don't bet. MsrrBxwa

in vni to m oouwj Miwnxroum, June 10 —The Con

ttoo re-convened this morning at 11 o'clock. At quarter pest twelre Sena- tor Wolcott, of Colorado, nominated Kx-Secretary of State In n speech that

pronoeneed s perfect gem. The nomination was received with wild cheers Richard Thompson, of Michi- gan, presented the President’s name. 'I nominate," said he, “for the Presi-

dency of the United Bulee the wise statesmen, Benjamin-Harrison,” done of the speech was followed by cheering which lusted for several min-

Tbc managers of tho Blalno canvass say the Pmklent cannot bonomfoauxl. They nrc tolkhig and acting tnysleq ooaiy, and there are plenty of remora that they will bring oat n dark borne.

This morning they give no figures of the enll-Ilarrteon strength, bet say that

safe majority of the delegates will not vote for the President when the final

It Is generally agreed that s nomina- tion will be made not later f an the second ballot, and the Preaid irlenda say the roll will be called only


■teabags Isha VstUvtala. sTTata Cltj Psrtaas in ths bvaatten.

machinist of Ex for aa _ wheels The best quflMp sed the ssaanfactere of spokes 'heels la use at the present day. Their’most vulnerable part la when these spokes enter the rim. Many

nlckle plate tbelr' to prevent thorn from resting, bet they find It ImiKisnibls to so protest toe screw threaded ends Busi matter bow much rare la taken and bore la where the breakage

Mr Vetter Ida's potent covers Just this point It consists of a nipple, set Into the rim of the tire la such s dial the spoke Is screwed This both holds the s|>. ke firmly and adds to Ks strength. The nipple la set foto the rim, lash with the Inner side, and being beaded prevents the spoke from coming lhrough snd fo- Jurtng the lire. This nipple also Is

tonstncled that any rider can, with the ekl of a small monkey wrench, pat la new spokes himself at s coat of about twenty cents each, am) be- sides, can raapoke as entire wherf In- side of a coople of hours Mr. VeUertela haa had a the largest cycle America, but thus for bss refused to Hla Ides fo to pet hla parent oat on royalty, an that It will be of

He has applied for ssvaral other patents look- fog towards the Improvement of

ol the spokes and hubs of wheels, asd experts they granted to Urn by (ha fire* of July. Hfo Ideas an ell psacllcable and sib ha tha kfoyefie re

forsetab rea to Bah way 7 AS o’dore I. aeiety, toy or .foht. rebicta, bieyefo,

Capture J. pedcrerinfi, and the astefirely dlacrdar Ida. ._ 7'^L.’ ’"“'T A. Haynes hi Ms sfldal noth* reys: that some of the bfoydfofo <**■**> °* - ssfr -fcsssaa

BwakfesgrewM- Hfo that Ihe stdsr wbcehaei hMJMtosq ■vreythtof fo the Way at

DRY GOODS, Carpets, Mattings

before the rights at a man oa s wheel > acknowledged oa ike highway They hare tod their wheats

which provided that when s bicycle rider approaetod a servings or vehicle on nny of the public streets of the city, dee notice of seek appr should to gives by the rider by ringing of not Isas than fifty feet Bom the said carriage or veh'efo. This at the foal sreetlag sf the Council, making It obligatory upon the ndortoooBnd the whistle or rlfig the bell only when approaching a eresang when the said riders were not hi pfoto

by koggfoh team dirt rea They appreciate Ihe Breeding that hare epos lha road,

and they here to sen them tare tog ami do eyltag a positive Injury. The wan ton disregard (or (trace ami dMayedwu


the Town Coamkrea, and throagh them to the law-abiding d Ureas of the Iowa. It haa sot Increased ooe loU the reaped for the wheel men or brought ooe tl fog penoa to their aide."


view of pedestrians As this or- dloauee Is practically the wheelmen of Plainfield feel

The efonae of tto ordinance which relates to ths ringing of a bell or Bounding a whistle when approaching s pedestrian or rah foie, has been thought By many la to neconMItaUonal They claim It to to nsafore and unjust, and say that It will only lead to ooofoston and accident- Hones aa a rale ere not frightened by n bicycle rider at night, bat the enforced ringing and wbtsUfog win to very apt to a them. The wheelmen hare no objec- tions to tto clausa of tto law which provides for their carrying lighted lanterns at sight, bat they think that carriages and other eonreyanees should to lecludod In tbs same provisions, as they do not consider R folr for such discrimination to to made against the

Is ths Ctty Osart. Tto case of the city vs. Huff Broth- era, fos using foal laagasge, will a ap totem City Judge Codington lo arrow morning. Hackman McCormick wOl also to ap

morning, for vMat-



fog the hack ordinance. Cornelias Sloan has been summoned be*, re Judge Codington, to-momw

morning, «P<® »M»pfel»t Craikahank. Tto charge Is for using ★

The Chief Cunsnl or the New Jenny Division of the League Of American Wheelman, O. Carlton Brown, of Eliin- beth, fo speaking of Ute matter, said

of the wheelmen bad made any complaints concerning the saw law.

•Break «y Isghtalac. Tha dwelling hoeeo of David More-

fog, at No. *M West Third street, was Struck by lightning at 1:11 o'clock last evening. The boll struck tto chimney drat, shattering that into fragments and rearing away a groove and about two foot of tto afore roofing. The bolt also tered a bed-room on the second floor, fo the north corner of the building, nod in this room tto wall waa also knocked down. In the garret tho beams were net on fire, but the flames were ex tin- gulahed by members of Ihe family.

SHOE - STORE, J* W. Front Street

HOSE ANNA ? Of Crane. Loti Of 'em

in all Styles and Qualities





•S toss grant Strata, PLAWFIUA, *. J PEPTONIZED

Beef, Iron and Wine, 60 CENTS -




FtAranitu-ie 1 NeaUlnlD«aign



bat If any came to would refer them to ex-Aaecmblynian Foster Voorhess, ofKIliaboth, the acting chairman of the League Committee oa Rights and Prtvil- ogesand Herbert Knight,ofNewark,who 's tto other masator of tho committee, ir these gentlemen find sufficient cause for action, they wbl sock redress la the coarts. Wheelmen here toil So Agin for tkets ^gtiu tfver sIdcc fee first wheel appeared snd as bicycles mm now recognised ss vehicles by the Isw, they should not to illsrrlinliisred sgeiusL

For the purpose of foaming Just wtaal rights Ura wheelmen here fo the prem- ise*, a reporter of the Courier con- sulted the Lews of the Slato Jersey. He found in tto laws of 1888 under section i, of Chapter CLVII, ihe following: “And to it enacted that nothing fo this act shall be ao con- sumed as to prevent tto passage, en- forcement pr maintenance of any regu- lation, ordinance or rule regelating tto use of bicycles or tricycles In public streets, avenues, roods, turnpikes, driveways, part ways, and other public places fo such manner aa to limit and determine the proper rate of speed with which each vehicles may to pro. pelted, nor In such manner as lo re- quire, direct or prohibit tto nac of Della, lamps snd other each appurtenances,

to prohibit the ura of any vehicle or tto street, rood or ly known sa the foot

Thomas Price went before Juslfcc Wadsworth, last evening, and lodged e complaint against n man named Ificree, of Elizabeth, who, he claims, commit- ted forgery fo February, 18*1, for eatery. Price Is special agent for an Insurance company, and to the Justice bo claimed to hare good proof for the

mplnlnV Justlds -Wtdswosfe towed w wte for Piarffi emit, this mvtfraA betas yet to ton not been apprehended.

Change of Ownership.

After June 1 We Shall Conduct the Metropolitan Stables, Formerly owned liyA.II Thompson, as a

PRIVATE BOARDING STABLE And win to pleased lo sac oar old Mends at the nsw stand.

D. S. ROBERTS, Prop. E. S. LYON, Manager.

Considerable dissatisfaction la befog manifested among the members of the Grand Army Ports on account of the postpone meal onto soWlers mooamool matter by the committee. The rets claim that nearly two Bnnarod dollars lave already been spent In drafting design and sending ont notice* This expenditure, they dalm, wtt authorized by the cltlseus part of the committee,

not concurred lu by the Grand Army member*

According to this act, tto Mayor ana Council of the city or borough have the right to pern nay law, ordinance or regulation which shall lend to the safety of podestrfons or vehicles upon any of tto public streets from the min- ims of bicycle* They eieo hove fell power to require the ore of tolls, temps or other such sppsrteosoren, If they Nothing can slop them from ■ay such ordinances sod on-

hem. Wheel area, therefore, have ao riidilto object to the ordinance as adopted.

la this connection II may not to out of plaee to call tto attention of eyefirta editorial which appears fo the Westfield Leader of this weak, oa this —— anblect. The reason rt Uos Is called to Ihe article is becsora It is understood that some of the cyclists Island to try to show ths elUiesu of this cky I Us evening bow absnnl the re- cently enacted ordinance appeals lo

The article shook) to earefislly read by all Islanding l.mnaalratora sad It In to to hoped that they will de- ads lo give ap their proponed parade. It saya: ■The man no which soaae of the young

1UU1 Am rail- At Ihe Grenada—Mra. Casey's Mis. baps Co., New York; C. a 8cbu!tx, J. B. Thomas, Philadelphia; E O. Brown,

Madison, Wto.; A. E. Rose, New Tort; A. H. Doughty, Newer*; J. L. EJssO, city; B L Vitas, Broo lyn. At the CUy Hotel—T. H. Win sled, New Britain, Conn.; O. Devon, Hart- ford, Md.; II. Barton, York, P*;& K. Cramp, Reading, Pa.; T. A. Rock- hln, Treni4i( F. A. qalauna, Brook-

at* ' Btajsta Mi Four hundred and fifty wheelmen,

members of the Philadelphia Cycling Claim, go to Nowart tkls afternoon to Join lo Ihe great century rea

Stow ttolr disapproval of Ihe ordinance lately paraed by tto Town OoramIUee concerning the riding of bteydee epee Ito streets, an nut such as will win the quirt snd orderly portion ofltoeoas- mradty to ttolr waff edshfokfog. Tto Town Committee did Mfi para tto or-

—It la surprising, hot yal It Is not. The amount of bettor J. P. MacDonald la selling, whoa yon take late eooasdar- Hon that 10 cents par pound for tto creamery totter Is extremely tew.

Page 8: Then the . tion Gets Down to EoeD- ' ing-Session Work. · volj. 1"no. 209. «j. , kriday .jrjne 10 . 1892 price two cenbk. harrison nominated he polls a majority of votes ok tite



All the Barcbe«t« family had coma tothe conclusion, separately and colloct-irely. that BOH looked like m princ«w inher while drett with the rtraigbt, clinging fold*, the V nock and t ie knot ofracsat the oonage that lookedACUJ like real trade and leaven.

"Oh, Bess I" cried Honor*, " rlcroar bair in a low coil at the nape ofyour neck with Just a few conning little

CHI conTinoatbe dmr old bungler that he haa made

iktake. Anybov. hell be safennttl Wedneadaj morning, and we aresafe, too I"

•• Madeline, what a oontrira-jtra are 1"ndd Bees. "Bnt I do feel awry forDwrteZabl"

Madeline shrugged her shoulders.•• It's poor policy to feel sorry for any

JW." observed she. "And what doesaa old lout like that know or carewhether he's snubbed or not. .Baal"

At 14 Currant court, however, thaWidow Ransom was forkma.

" Depend upon it, Lucy," said she toher daughter, who did plain sewing for alivelihood, '• thin is one of Madeline Bar-

" I f ymir nncia wfebes to adopt any«," fumed Judge Barcb<«ter, " there's

Xadetme ha* the family brains, and Eth-.fin.iiT beauty."

"And Nora and Dora bar* all tiwheart and word there la fat tbe family,'quietly observed Uncle Zabdiel. " M

London Times a


•nty proprietor* of the

i a fdri's

nothing to do with it- You personate | ft||ly,^t^ B bammoek,by «1mplr turningBern Barchestsr, indeed! You re about j j,iB )„.„,] the oUivr wey.-Sonierviili! Jour-M> much like her as a pumpkin is like aparsnip. i h d f h lti lt

_ d E o d o r a . " D o l t t aynutsi rt the top of your head,

with an ambar dagger or a ropa of Bcjnanpearls. The Greek knot Is all out of

" Win yon hold yonr tongues, both ofyonT" sharply demanded Bess, stampin-her foot. "Oh, dear, how nervous

. feell HadeUne, dear, if th* flrst'ereiing' we have ever given should prove afailure. I—I shall commit suicide."

"I t won't prove a failnre," said Made-line, the eldest slater of all.

MadeUne herself was hopelessly plain.The hair that in Bess's case was Titiangold was in hers dull orange-red. Herweak, pale ey« were red lidded and

- slightly crooked, her nose long andaharp.

Bat, nevertheless, Madeline waa a gen-tns in her way. Old Judge Barchesternerer could have tided over tbe roughsea of creditors, privations and trial*that beset him hail it not been for herhelp.

•• Don't fret, papa." aaid the pale-eyeddiplomats. "That idea of yours of giv-ing np **•'• very bandoome houss is allnonsense. Who earn what the; landlordsaysr Let him watt for his rent. Itwon't hart hfa" if he never gets it. Letthe tradespeople rage; they are simply alot of sharks. Here's Bees, a first clawbeauty, and if she has a fair chance she'sBare to make the family fortunes."

"Everything 1* arranged," said she,composedly. " I ordered the supper ofVaneeae. I had to pay something on ourback indebtedness, bnt I took! care itnhonldbe as little as possible, i Steiner•ends in the Bowers. We've never or-dered flowers there before and the poorfools are anxious to secure our custom.Mr. Bapper, the funny man, is to recite;Mn. Vivyan engaged him for mle. AndMiss Dale will sing a Scotch ballad.There are plenty of nicer people thanBapper and Monica Dale, bnt every oneelse wants to be paid in advance."

Bees colored.

" Oh, bnt we will pay them, Madeline,when we're able!'" said she. " Wedon'tmean to cheat th*m."

Madeline langhW •" Don't be - silly, Beas t" shn said.

•' Every one in this world is more or lessengaged in cheating everybody else."

"Bnt, MadeUne" burst in a shrill.amall voice.

Madeline Barcheeter uttered an excla-mation of annoyance.

Without any ceremony Madelineposhed Honora and Endora from tberoom. I ,

"Horrid little nuisances!" Isaid she." But here's a letter, Bess, that I didn'tshow yofc"

"Another tormenting creditor?"•• Worse thnn that. It's from Uncle

Zabdiel Cooper, down at the Blackfordfarm, where you stayed thati summeryou had the whooping-congh. Don'tyon remember?"

Bns's eyes softened.. A gracions dim-ple came out at the corner of her "Mouth.

" WhatT" she cried—" dear old UncleZabV . r

"Very dear," observed Madeline, con-temptuously. " and very dengntfnl 1 Jnsttha person to make a sensation at your' at home,' under Mrs. Fitmlan's eye andraked by the fire of Mrs. Aubrey Rock-ingham's lorgnette t With bis cowhideboot* and pepper and salt trousers andhis fringe of chinwhiskers and thatchronic catarrh of his 1 My dear Bess, ifwe allow that old nuisance to cross thisthreshold on Tuesday evening it amountsto throwing up th£&si»/$ txzST


Baas grew pale.•• Oh, Madeline, what are to dot"

i Madeline laughed.-I 've managed It," said she. "I've

written back to him that we've moved to14 Currant court. J'wo toW Cousin LucyBanaom to make the beet of the situa-tion. She can personate yon, if she

Le always had a turn for "

_,.. If Bern is ashamed of her rela-tions let her say so candidly."

"Bnt, mother," pleaded meek Lucy," what can we dot Madeline haa got agood deal of work for me among hergrand Wends "

"All that don't make tt yonr duty totell a lie, nor to act it, neither, to suither whims." said the old lady.

"And they're to have a great partyen Tuesday evening, you know."

"Well, suppose they aret Didn'tBest and Madeline and the two girl*spend all the summer at Blackford farmthree years ago! Uncla Zabdiel didn'tmake any excuse for getting rid of themthen, did hat I declare, they've nomore bearta than so many slabs ofgranite." .

At this moment, however, there was aring at the bell and two fair-tressed,slim young girls rushed breedly intothe room, dragging a brown-raced oldfanner between them.

'• It's Dora and me," said Honora Bar-chester, breathleM and red-cheeked." And we have brought Uncle Zabdielwith us."

Uncle Zabdiel's round-moon facebeamed aU over.

" I expect I be pretty stupid," said he." But I guess I should a' fetcned round«J1 right if these 'ere girls hadn't took

hickory no' pound sweets, Endory! Here's

Mrs. Oneral Grant ofien dnexlos herfriends by wearing ear-rliMTs. themmida hi wlilob art) bi« ri.nueh t o • _rant the cal l ing out or tho t i r o Depart-

of a man's boot, will bare t-> iwt ,If at all, on her merits; and thoy lio say•be hasn't one 4o her nurao.—Judge.

Empn>s» CSisrEotte, widow of Maximilianf M i l o o who baa never recovered her

pOf Mt-iloo, who baa

l the ebo

orecovered her

h b dBlnoetheebootlnarof l>er husband,continues to linger in tbe Belgian cha-teaux set apart for her by her brother.Kind Leopold.

FOOT women writers are said to Share Inthe honors awanied by t.tie Jnuiitute ofFrnritw tills : M1I<K. l. i l s year:

Jules Samw:Vile . Mirsn. pw-teflS. and Ume . Garotte,biographical and historical essayist .

Mrs. John A. Logan who. It will be re-membered, recently returned l i o m a tripabroad, is of the opinion U a t Americantourists now ID , Europe ev ince far morepatriotism and less toadyism than didtheir predecessors ol a l ew yeaut ago.

Tbaengagement of Miss Mary Lincoln,e ldest daughter o t H U D . Robert T. Charles Ishara of New York has branaDm>unced. The weddlnir will be sol-emnlzeiJ ID London dur ing the comingeenson. Mr. Isham was fi.rraorly privatea e c i e U r y to Mr. Linooln.

(»•(:! young woman ot Ublo, <Tii JLi' n£fpH a farm of 300 acree. Sion l:or 9*ork acc^rtting to thi* tn

• l by a -• of

.rary to the naual ira priest ontmut book farmers, she la making a suo-'ss of her undertaking.Mrs. H. S. Gould of Georgia Is a railroadouiau. Sho Rave her means and efforts>ttie building of the CovlnRton and Ma-in RaMrond. She has also bad a deal to> with ] ls m . i n i w m e n t , and is said t>>w e hud a abate lo the building of the


late Mrs

the carpet-sack and the paper box allright."

He shook hands heartily with Mrs.Ansom and Lacy."How be yon, PhebeT" pursued he.And little Lucy, toot Got to be a

woman, hain't yon? Livin' with tbeiudge's folks. I suppose? Bat where'eMadeHne and my little favorite, Bea»!" Midd e Georgia and Al

Lucy and her mother looked hesitat- She also runs a farm of *00ngly at each other, bnt Honora plungednto the question at once.

"I ' l l tell yon. Uncle Zabdiel," said £ ~ "sue. "Nora and I aren't fools, nor yet ^ r,,children—and Madeline and Bess have [ h!,\ n ( l U

ited na shamefully, and so we're [ appearsgoing to be revenged by telling their sr*-xets. They're going to have an ' At3oiue ' and they've invited a lot of grand>eople, and when they got yonr letterhey decided they didn't want you."

"HeyT" cried Uncle Zabdiel.••'Yes," cried Endora, taking up the

hread of the discourse, " the mean, un-grateful things—after all that dear, de-lightful summer at Blackford farm, thatsaved Bern's good-for-nothing life, theyaligned at your cowhide boots and chin'hiskers, and Madeline made believe to>Qgh ont loud jnst as you do some-

iinee and"



Meted with the recent Aoton' Food FairIn this elty was tha defeat of EdwinBooth In the eonteat (or tb* position oftha moat popular actor by OM CbarlMDickaon, a ao-oallod comedian, whoa

• WM never beard of l» New York

m d

And n i lot the fanny part of It all.At tha great fair yon could pay fifty eejnts

id east a vote for yonr favorite notor.iwin Booth, tbe gr«it tragedian, founderid generous patron of the Players' Club,id who inscribed one thcu;rnd dollarsthe [air, waa never betl T tl.nn '-eeoud•he t* Hot tug. DIokso.Vs votiw piled

np day after day, pnrt t htt dcris mileof tho onir.oKtre broke S

met of .muchtor when the oioaingoftheMils found Cbarlae Dleiison declared'the most popnlai-ertor in New York'

at fifty cents apiece! B:»'d will tell.A TBACEDT.

*oor f>Sunbeam" tlrv'n"! Whate1

iy bethonirhlofh:i mollwiv'n »«opanjing Dr. P.-rklorst In dciii, ol v!

whatever nti.y be the veidJct rr;:ar;liB reverend rrn:.e<Ur'e jndRmisnt In

owing the y nth lo n't;iesn I he wetrgles In th A

a fail Ui far a-; Ervin

Mthcoutcme of Ier L eoncariiud.ritiug be it a mar:. The strain prod

of nights spento much tor bis n

Never In tbe hit lory of thf city ha" therem ports •nde ftic •

"Well, I declare!" Baid Uncle Zab-diel. relieving his bronchial tubes by the

e identical cough and growing veryred.

llor dnu^liter Fani

ler than a pretty daughter.'


People wbo al

I when away

pifcent Milwaukee JLoi.kliw for flowers

. aeof the best trays 1" thii word of fool-Ing your time away.—Bai

A pair of deaf-mutes - w<-re married the[her day at Tnpelta, One <*f the presents•OB an alarm clock.—KanBae City HUrThe only trouble with the average Hre-

18 that then are not prises)ugh to go round.—Gardiner (Me.) BA-


t<ie b e a t d e t i<• v o u '•'•r.-i i-i [i' i ! ;r t o s e n d to

" Mr. Trotteroprlitf >is b n w j - Y w ; I will send them

iy Winter o w t c a t . - T h e Epoch.When you tau a man say tliat ho hae t a l l faith In hum.inlty put him Jowi

it on (rood ticm-cietca.—BflJtira

1 terns witb hid

y bees swurra, please don't be l'rd about coming forwaM. and speak-r rigul out.—Medina (O lio) Bae Cul-

a read:bout Japan, " Ihe


i« pn.vmunt tor goods porch i e<l at tho•toies ol any ol tjhe mercha s named•eiow, provided the porcfaas amonnU0 HO cenu eaeh for each coupon ureceived.

We agree to accept this coupon onthe above conditions, ami Imrlle you touaU on ns when purchasing good*:

ocM, Ow-sstSaooa ,


"And so," again chimed in Honora,' you were to be made believe that weWed at 14 Currant court and kept out of;he way of the company."

'• They needn't put themselves to all:)mt trouble," amid old Uncle Zabdiel,«ttlng his head drop on hia two hands." If they hadn't wanted me, why didn't:hey say sol I want no one to peril theirsonla by telling falsehoods on my ac

Both the girls flew at Uncle Zabdielwith hugs and losses.

— love you. Uncle Zab I" eaidDora,itly. "We heard it an. even

after Madeline drove us out of the room,tbe register and we made

tip our minds you mhouldn t be' '"Deceived and put upon I" Noraruck in. " And please don't be vexed

with us because we are Madeline's andBess's little sisters I It's quite true whatDora says. We do lore you. We aretired of being scolded by the girls andsnubbed by papa. Please, Uncle Zab. i^mayn't we go back to tbe farm_witb y i m I ̂ • ^ i f ^ t . ^ ^ L ^ t - r i . rdne'tjand be dairygirls^; inillEiiaids or Some- j in tbe Bhada.—LI f.t3^Z ~ ' £*i aindT I'm awful fond of j i t la bettor to try make your homechickens and Dora can weed the onions : heaven than to try make heaven yourand shell corn. Please, Uncle Zab V home—New Turk Herald.

The old man suddenly straightened When a man pets in & towering passiontiimfrif a p and dashed the big ilrope tbere is no correspond ing elevation tnfrom hia eyelashes I POP"!** esteem—Boston Courier.

• - !>t | He—And, darlins:, wbntdoos your father

i a recent bookuette sends herniiple lo signifye h»a Bed."—Oar-

ran <1R>1 'n coins, and t!mt he Is ou

to a profound appreciation of It Bu«iHerald. .


brokers' tickets itouppafcr-^ •

"No, girls," said he, "no 1 That ain't.otion. I've sold the old farm to thlnkofmysulti 8he(8obbin«)-Hethinka

a railway and I have made a good bar- " to * ""sflt^Detrcit Free Pre-e.gain, so folks say. I guess I'm whatmy cousin. Judge Barcheater, would calla rich mail, and I waa coming up here to

'em my money aftereverything's different now. I l l hire ahouse here, Phebe Ransom—herein NewYork—and yon and Lucy shall be myhousekeepers. And I'll adopt Nora andDon for my own. Yea, girls, I've nodaughters and you shall take tbe place

-Oh, Uncle Zabdiel I" ecstaticallyshrieked Dora and Nora with one accord.

Bess Barchester'a "At Home " waa arery tame affair. The funny man didnot come at all. Hiss Dale had «nch acold that rwr voice made no impressionon the company. Th« wromg people aUcame, and the right people all stayedaway. Altogether, it scored as a failnre,m spite of Kadcune'B heroic efforts,

firth* way. girls," said the Jndg«,way,d theas h-opened the morning paper at the-

morrow's late and Insipid breakfast,"yon really most writ* for yonr oldUncle Cooper to come np hen and takesome notice of him. It seems he hassold the old place to some railroad com-pany, who are going to build up a•tar hotel there, with a lot of ml

trivance. Down* told me all about it atAw dab. They call the old man the' Blackford Millionaire.' I don't thinkhe has many relations bat ourselves.See to it, will you. Madrfinet You ai-wayi were the family manager."

"Tea," said Madeline, gloomily, "andI begin to think I've ' managed' all tfaalife oat of It."

Uncle Zabdiel, however, declined tobe " taken notice of," aad great WM thewrath of the judge and hU two alda*daughters when they discovered theinarch thai Dora and Mora b*datPlan.aB

n s ) BPress.

It is somewhat comforting to know thattie canrns-back duck is not in the c"" -luck combine.—Baltimore American.Dazzle—Why do they any truth ia stran-

R l B a sSer thy dction

y o t e y any tru i stranAction? Razzle—Because some

Fish stories are coming in fairly thlayear, notwithstanding all the best fishto t l t I

Outwit—I suppose that when youFrench to Walte you are telling- him n. _ .thlnjt you want the rest of us to knowtothinir about? Outwit—Not at all, mydear fellow. I am telllnjr him aomethlna;I want him to know nothing about—Puek.

Tbe weigh of the traiwhen bo's In too Ice busluet

When the laundryman priests the buttea he breaks It. We t heu do tbe rest

Many men take a rest an Jf thny •.taking something that didn't LeJong toIMfc.

Contrary 4e tbe proverb, tbe lawyer whoproves bijnseU a nsoeaalty usually knowssome lam

If TOO pat tb* modern beg-ftar on bome-back he'll not ride to tbe devil. He'll rideto toe nearest market and sell II.

"Uo Hitt (fivctb to the poor lendeth toU>nl." But the average American inll-lifiunirn won't Lava much to collect Khanbe rencbe« the pearly e»t*j,

WIIMI a man become, wo good that ha•rvndsftli hlstlmBreprovinffhianiijthborslue litviismlWaandaommencea to layupcual» lor future u*o—N. Y. Herald.«.Vn:? K* •«»* *"«• * taree years, I

tack on vice than this same Park;crnsade, but there Is a Wide variety o ' < \ :n-on regarding it* ultimate effectivonFBS nndts present results. Many people bold

that by calling attent:on to sucb muttersmore harm than gooA it done. Other*look upon Dr. Parkhurat as a ]-. r-> itboseheroism has wrought nothing bnt good.And to the unprejudiced mind it seemswell-nigh impossible to answer the ques-tion, what will the harvest beT

A FIASCO.While on then topic*, let me call your

attention to the utter collapse ot Super-intendent Byrnes' attempt to clooe tbesaloons on Bond ay. The first day onwhieh his orders to enforce the law andpermit no "side- door " trafficeants wars osmed out, o ninety excise

e made. The next Sunday their ran np to 127. It was a very• day In tha metropolis, the " dry-r»r known. Seven days later, only

. . i "aide door " arrests were made,and marry Gotham quenched her Sunday

ibborn man, bat Mrs.Partington couldn't defeat tbe AtlanticOcean with a broom and slop-pall, andthe new superintendent will have diffi-culty In overcoming toe determinationof thousand* of metropolitans who likethen: beer on Sunday aa well as on Mon-day or Baturday.

York, la In very bad coed.He has done so mat"

the moat eloquent pulpit orator In New".ion phyaioally.

•k ol late yearsna in- oeen mr » long a target lor tbebase or those wbo do not agree with his

broad views that his strong constitutionneeda net and recreation. He recently

d f t ineed net and recreation. Hreturned from the South and wnt iro

Europe. To those who admirepulpit oratory of the highest order, thehope will come that Heber Newton will' B hia old self In the fall.

OUB QBEATSWT MAW.Pro&kbly tha consensu' .'"rmin'on in

New York gives t h e 6h,«tt' 'or popularityto OoL E W e t t - * . Sbepard, editor, politi-r:£E, Ej l l ona ire i son- in- law, devotedphilanthropist and enthusiast ic qnoter oftb« scripture*. Concerning this Utterhabit of bis, a good story is told.

There is., not tar from the gzvnt man'snewspaper habitation, a righteous restau-rant built on the temperance basis, anddevoted to repairing the wants of tbephysical man while It leads his soul t ohigher things . "Blessed ara those whoeat heartily," Is one of the legend, on thowall. "Clam chowder 29 ets . ," " B emeroiful to those who stand in need,""Oysters in every s ty le ," " D o n n t oyonraell as you would do unto others ,""Spring chicken, fl-OQ," " J u d g e not , thaty*"*a not Jadged," " H a s h " and other

lottoes ot an equally varied type meet>e eye ot the customer, hungry perhaps,at not too thirsty.A few days ago a young Hew Yorker,

-*"it as much reverence for true

to the proprietor, asked calmly: "Where's

Why Colonel Bhepard, ot course.There's only one ooloneL"

"Don't know him. Ncvur beard ol

Tba New Yorker looked aatonUhed,gawd at his «is-a-«U sternly and said:

" Colon.1 Bhepard, air, is the editor andproprietor of the Mail and Express. When1 ratend your place I thought this moatbe his sanctum sanctorum. Good daylI'm surprised at your Ignorance, sir."


Blddeford, M*., boast* of a cat thatdrinks ooflee orery morning with tbefBJO ily, preferring that beveraga to milk.

Iks output of matebesfn tba UnitedStates Moo cU to 112,000,000 yeaily.


W a t bay In the world b Hudataj

7 •WmuS'ta WMS?"" * ° r t b * B d

Th« product of gold tn the United States

t^J**j tos«mrsha« a*T,««.t«l the

The Unitoii sutoa bas about Mso.woworth of pjpital U Mexican railrowe praaiioaUy eontni the railwaytawna oft hat country.


i or n r JKIIMS

l«*vt9l>laJiiflH<latr>J,\ 7.10. Si\THE lj*>. ZJti, J.i&, 4JH. 6

Leave I'lalnBplo at (Jk, U I , ».« a.\JH, SJ30, B.J», SJW p. iu, tunosy at I

Lu»™ £**£n u l i i , , BJO, 11 AS a.•JM, VJTt, p. in. SunJaj -I T.L'p, lU.J^,a.m.;i

i'l-k L.irnij> JKD LAKB H> >r*TCONO.L n v i i'luiiiueld at 7.10, •>. m . ; it A

..-•I 11. LIJ. fi,Jll liilH. f..1! II. IIP.


S.lo a. in .—Fur VU'tuinKton. EaMon, Allcn_

jiiu^ijt, Wiit^tiUdpuci, 'i [i^^iium l

i in a. m. tor sULluna U> b i Bn Drldiro, oot>-U B l o r s U i u u n s o u Hig-ti Urid^u Ui'nuun.

Ji W . A . J i q

itAUiziK. Hurriaburtf, MUL

J i m . way for Junction.'" "".—x'ur t i t .mufeion, filga Brul^f

&3O p. in.—fur t'lei

uiu l̂*urlur L'HT to Miiucfci Ubuuk.,uJAfi. in. way tot J uiicuou, luuuectlnp for

s... a p. i. . i-. ,i fcubuDK. UoaOinit Km-BJU p. in.—t ur basti

I luuon Ubuok, i

' j b t i

, i i n t . ] t-L:!. • - ; . . I. H

ri, BJJU, nju*, *7 UI« lJk, *J)1,

.to, UiA n. in.; IJV, <

,J.ul,a^*,tJB,BJiu,j J«}»—U^t, li.lB, an Ibuuuiore aud W. t.L.i. '.,A\ ]>. MI., l.

. iu_ EJB. 4-ia. 6. U-, p.

p. iu, u i niynt., J.i'... o . i i , *M, p .

ih and Qreen Rreeta, »ju,UU 6 j 8 J A b ^ B ^ 4 pJ U . * . ,

: UNU EH'tr^'m su

UJft, a. m^i Jli.u... Ujji niitht.^a*M aw

anil Clitwtuut—t.UO, S^u, 9J0.<LJV tt^u, oJfl. 11 ia p in

f. P. HAL,I .KIN' . A


• .ilii lK;lmlit». j rl'.J, • V I T

Un, ir ttnll l lu l id ln^ .

NEUMAN- BROSOM upodal attention lo nuu

price* In the lirg« •oJcclion of ihefi

CANNED FRUITS.Oakland Ormnge, Sliced Peacnee, Mucat Grftpes, Tetaluma Pluuift, LentoCling PwchM, Bartlctt Peans Ofand Hiked Pineapple, Martiura (ries, the mow deUciont

COFFEES AND TEASconstanUy ou hand.

A. tt. suinroN & sow.Undertakers and Kmbalmors.


William J. Stephenson

Receptions teas, Weddings and Parties

Furnished with erery requisite.

2O NORTH AV'I .Mi; .

, PLA1SFJ ELD, X. t.


Merchant Tailorustom Work a Specialty. Cleaning-

^ h - l n a - . Ladles' Cloaks Almrwl a u l


HKMtY «<n;i 1,1 It, JR. ,Practical Machinist, lock £ Gunsmith


CABINETMAKER.Furniture Packed & Shipoed-

TO THE PUBLIC IHnviiijf pni'ciiiuit'il from U. A. Brown 11

AMEEICAN STEAM LACXDRYBID pi-' !••"••] t o do all l a u n d r y w o r k I:

u s t unit moet utipruved methudp.-1 !•.,•. 11...-, . ...Ti; : , i 1 , . . . - , , r . . v l - r j u r t v n r

•J uii].rii| IT lililtult iliik'. Lnt-r . iui . i iNri , (Hi(lli-ll 1-.11I.1. 1'IIICW M y WHKUtlB Will I-Jlll In

a ! '<< 1 •. 1 i- Ml auuds iu t lw u l f ur Mil

American Steam I,aund




KlW YOKB M i l l * .

nd*. x. ; 12.30 5.30id tJ.OO P. kt.AKKIVI—7.;J0, 8.40 and 11.00 a «-,

SO and S.lftJ p. •*.SojiiRTii.i.1, EiSTos, (Bo., MAILS:

CLOBB—T.DO A, M., and 4 * J p. 'M.. 4 0 A . K., 1.15 and« .15

Wm. Oassen, 35 Liberty Sirwt.


D r ull for Treulou ahia at 4.:iO p.Mail tor Warrcnville closes Tuesday,

'hursduj aa<t Saturday at 12.001'oBt-offlce opens at 7 *. M. and closc«

t 7.UU p. H. baiurduys closes at 7.S0 p.. Uptu evury etcuiug uuUl «.0U r.

•wncn- of lo«k b o i cUMDi* MAILS—OI>BR at ».S0 i .

nice open troiu 'J.iW 10 10.JU A. H. Mailal b.!W

l i . V I I , V . , , . , , H

W . N * s n , C h i e f J u M i e


Smoke the Toast»The Only KICEST Bcsar Worth ihe

*<••!• i j in U i e d t y . SuU Unly at

GUTTMAN'S, 12 West Second street.


O. M. DUNHAM,Tho Quiils' Outfitter," has u tail line

01 Hpring styles iu

HATS, NECKWEAR, E t aCoil and examine at

M West rront Htrert.

C. BICKDiSOS, PRACTICAL OPTICIAN.orated (,«. U P|rt Atf.lir.


aasT r i v e AND TKKBT



Laing's Hotel'Stables,

Telepbone Call No. ISO.Coacbea for wedding*. Tunerala and prlvali

Light oarrlagea S'r all dnorlptlona ror

Prompt, careful dxlTiT*, 'and food a e m «Horatnfor ladles'drlviiur.

l i n n KeMlre (;.**! Care.

J. FRANK MUNDY.General Atscnx for I np

E'i'jluble Life Assurance Society,

130 Broadway, Saw York,.iuM i-iiit your attention ta the to year i

per cent, vuarantced

INDCMNITY BONDSBled by rliat Society. 8en«t for circular tc

7 East Front Street.

nil Flrv I m m n c e . Oct.. S-m'

J. T. VAIL.Real Estate and Insurance


Blue Stone Flagging, Etc.



InsnrMce, Kcqi Estate.Ins Old Ust ComualH.



goal Sc «tte»a.

E. H. HOLMEs""D~lor Uct ^UIHJ

LEHIGHCOAi/Dry Ending Wood

Kept co iu tuUr on hand.

Office, 27 Swtb Avenue wiibw .Y»rd, S4 MutEiKW Ave,10. ZT• *

trie I J ^

John Johnston,

COAL.261 Sonth Avenue.

— D I M E -


Is now receiving deposits

payable on demand, wiUi

interest at the rate of three

(3) i>cr cent per aunum,


Interest Paid on n




ELLAS R POPE, Treasurer.


FURNI^UREIBaggage and Freight.


Office, 3 9 North AvenueTelephone Call 121.



5 Li

tJrehe Only Cigar Stdre in Plainfield.(NoCivaretto* of any Uad sold.)

We manufacturo theClffSrs and kiiiiw tln-yr t made froni f a i r 'I'.^I-L , .1 (rn.-i' rmm liar-

orlnir. A Pure Havunn filler retailed furio.

Mr. Leal's School for Boys• f r O P R I D

ontlay, September 14,1891.

'or ' .!••• nnd InfonnKtliw npjily to theint I pal,


OHiS E. BEERBOWKR, ^ ^ o ^



First-Claaa Family Hotelfor PerniaDunt and Transient Gucma.

t a b l e s n u d lt i l l ir .r . l* A t l t t t i u i !

Vew Planing Mill!ard Wood Flooirlns;, Mould-

i»iJJS, Mluildw Fraiueir.

Turn ing and BcroU Eav.U

Steam Kiln Dried kiodling Woo

LEHICH COAL,Best and cleanest from shsUiw screen

uinVr and MusonV MittcnulL. A. Ulieatime, Atf't.,


professional tfavcls.W

A l t o r m r - u t B l n w . M u t t r H»<1 A>!iiin

in Chanocrv. OmimlH>1on<'r of IKixIs andi i n r ri'ini>i1y inh^*


iounaelon-at-Law, MaMora In Oiancrrjr, h>varii*Pulil l i \ CiniunlH^iiacra ui ]>,. I'

1 MuU-r, ut«. Corner Park i v r . and S W M


17 I1.L1AM K. Mt-CH HK.

Oouoaelluir-nl-law. Supreoae CourtOnatuliwloDiT.

ret Matlonal Rank BulMlrw. PlatnflrM.W J


» A. DDHUAM, \ -

CM] Entfnwr and i t^


Btreet p. . in, of aJl klMdd a




Dry Kindling Wood

CANNED FRUITS. (attend Ormnje, tOmd PmcHm, Man M Ormpea, f'eUhim. Plaaa, Lniuoa

A. U. RUNYON & SON. Undertakers and Kinbalmore. NO. PAKJC ATDtUR. UNCLE ZABDIEL’S VISIT.

COAL William J. Stephenson

CATERER* 261 Sooth Avenae. DIME Receptions Teas, Wed-


Ia now receiving deposits pnjnble on demand, with Interest at the rate of thro* (3) J*er cent per annum, paj-aMc scnil-nnnu.dlv.

And now fox the fanny part of It alL At tha groat fair you onuld pay fifty easts and aaat a vota for your favorite actor. Edwin Booth, tha rraat tragedian. founder and gonarons patron of tb© Players' Club, and who anbrerlbad on* tbeu-and dollars to tha fair, was ncrer batter (ban reeond in tba balloting. Dkikson’s vote# pilad op day after day, and tha derisive smile on tha face* of the oalcokm broke Into a tear of laughter when (be cJoemA of the polls fooud Charles L-ckaun declared *• the moat popular actor In Mew York • at Ally rente apiece 1 BI.A will tell. A TBAOCKT. Poor “fiunbeam ” Lrv o^I Whatever way be tbonphl ol h:> niolivea'ii xrcjin- panylr.g Dr. Prrkl.orat to dens ol v'ea, or wlnitcvcr mt-y be the vcuLct ri; *r ing tba reverend rratrdcr's Judgment In al- lowing tbo y« oth to « liifs* I be worst orgloa In tb » * r«*», big, lad city. n«-tody era fall lore r t the outc- me oMhc aCoir •olara. Ervin*.; 1- ©mornod. At present writing be la a mental and physic a wreck. The *tra:n jro.'ucv.l by hia esaminat on in court, following the horrid novelty of nights spent in me.! revelry, was too much for bis alet'crod system. Never In the history of I hr Hty ha- there been a more Important and mere lie at- tack on vice than this same Packhur-t cross da, bat there la a wlda variety o' opin- ion regarding lt> alt imete effect, vene*?'and ita present results. Many people bold that by sailing attention to such mature more barm than good la dona. Others look upon Dr. Park burst as a btro whose heroism baa wrought nothing bat good. And to tba unprejudiced mind it semi well*nigh Impossible to answer the ques- tion, what will tba harvest bet A FIASCO. While on them topics, let me call your attention to tba attar ool lapse of Baper* lotendent Byrnes' attempt to close the saloons on Bnnday. Tba first day on which hia orders to enforce the law and permit no " aide-door " traffic in In toil- panto were remad oat, over ninety excise


M. J. COYNE, Merchant Tailor

Interest Paid on all Drponits • HENRY GOELLElt, JR.. Practical Machinist, L*ck k Gunsmith, JOHN W. MURRAY, PrwMcnl

WILLIAM WIIITR. Vl« l r.-ri.lrw NATHAN HARPER, •• .. ELIAS R POPE, Treasurer. Mswn. Uaa Filling and Plun.bit Ing np this very house la an right. ” Donatos*. Who cares what the landlord He shook hands hfwrtilj with Mre. C ” 1 “* anysf Let him wart for hia wot It Hanwnn and Lacy. won't hart him if bo never gets it. Let " How ba you, Pb*b*? ‘ pursued he. lo lb# ̂ th* tradespeople rage; they are simply a "And little Lucy, too? Got to be A con R*nr lot of sharks. Hare's Brea, a first class woman, b ain't you? Livin’ with the do wiUi I beauty, and if she has a fair chance she'* judge's folks. I auppore? But where's , have bod sure to make the family fortunes." Madeline and my little favorite. Bcee?" klidd e C "Everything Is arranged." said she. Lucy and her mother looked hem tat- She also I composedly " I ordered the supper of ln#ly at each other, but Honors plungtd *•» Vancaae. I had to pay something on our into the question at once. SJ*-5. back indebtednma. but I took cure it "TO tell you. Uncle Zabdtel." add n should be M little as posrible. Steiner j Ae- "Nora and 1 aren't fools, nor yet mrlnr ̂ children—and Madeline and Brea have has had i treated us shamefully, and so we're apprius t going to be revenged by telling their ao "mother | creta. They're going to hare an * At Home ’ and they’ve invited a lot of grand . people, and when they got your letter they decided they didn't want you." People « "Hay?'' cried Uncle SSabdM. * nev-r apt "Yre." cried Eudore. taking up the IfTT thnod of the discourse. " the man. un- “>■*•» peteful thing, .fter .11 th*t ta. de lightful summer at Blackford farm, tlnat . . ■avid Brea'a good for nothing life, they otlM,J^y laughed at your cowhide t*»4* ami chin gj, whiskers, and Madeline ma.1* believe to ̂ congh out loud just as you do some- men's rau time* and " enough U ••Well, I declare I” aaid Uncle Znb- j porter. dW. relieving his bronchial tubes by the Parann-.Hare you something to sand to aame identical cough and growing very the heath*-!. Mr. Trotter? Ur. Trotter red. fmopi 1»« hia bn*wl—Y*«; I will saud ibem •'Aso," .grin dM lo Honm. I mv Wl“'*r «*«—*—T*» fc*"1"- ” yon were to he mode believe thot we When you men eoy thst bo hae Meed ot 14 CtoTOOt court end kept oot of ̂ n^r.^nb 7u.rifbTS e ,, ,, aa on# «no la not on gigxi terms witn bis *“• <* “• compray _ oan cn-doroo— Amort cm. lottta* hie lewd drop on hie two hende. werd ehout comln* fiwwerd. end epeek- ■* If they heda't wented me. why didn't ln« reUI ouL-MwIUe (O do) Bo. Cul-

G. W. RHAEHK, . I7 LIIIERTY ST. CABINET MAKER. Furniture Packed & Shifted.

fc.46 s. m. Hundays—For RaaKm. Bdbluhra. Au.nloen- Maucii Chuuk, va Ukeabarec and SJB a. m. Hundars — For High Bridge Branch. Rteaiuu. Anmniwu. luucii O.una. i'a“*■*•!>*». casiu.-ktu." i.ilaiutet' iri Sic. i+U p. ui. tuuurijk—Fur Uitos. ALe-nuiwn. Maucu Chunk. Tama-iua, sn-uiu, riba liar rtaCiurf, *-A» |>. 01. Sunday s—For Kaaton. BcthU-hcm., Mamn Uiuah. ii.-w.iu*. tnmr Loao Umax cm. ocas a Okovb. arc. Ltwvo riaii.n^-l .( Agr. (MM. Us*, a. Ui. ; IJfS «S»l. a>* ,1. at. ruinUa^, k* su*'*H Ovwu OruVvl Fur l\«u» Aaiuv). Arif,, tb, --0U. U.uu a. ms I AC 1 Ui Ik Ik hU '.ltd .. el*.


FURNITUREI Baj-pafre and Freight.


last; and dcu wr all 1 frwuf uhanro. ALL SORTS. Office, 39 North Avenue

Telephone (eU l*|. American Steam laundry,



r a specialty. 35 Ulierfy Street

Lid. jM»i. iM, JH. V J»‘“|,jfuiah^ KUs *" * <•« Uteuuuresod W( iJk ij* h-M*. p. UI, LIT . 11. > I* I Ik k u- POST OFFICE TIME TAfll t-

Kaw Yon Maxi*. *" Closii-T.SW and M.; 1^3 a.ul 8.00 r. m. Ajuuvb—7.90, 8.40 and 11.00 a. u L80 and 3.3U r. u. SOMUTILIX, EaSTOS, CO, A. M.. and 4.0U Amuvi—8.40 a. m., 1.15 and 0.1S F. M. D reel null lor Trenton and PhlledeL phte At 4.W p. m. Melt lor Werrenvil). dow Tue^Uy, rburaday aod Bntunlay al 1100 m. I’oaLofflcv opena al 7 a. m. and cloaca At 7.0V P. M. Saturday* cloaca al 7.HU p. • u. Upuu every vvcuuig uuill 8.0U r. H ;« owner* of lock boac*. < BCMDAY Mails— Oibm at 9.80 A. M. prlnrtpal, >mce open from J.M lo 10.90 a. m. Man cloaca al 6.BO j*. m.

W*. Classen, " Ikm't be-etlly. Been!” ehe enid - Every one to Ihle world ie more oe low merited In chentin* everybody etee " “ But. Madeline " buret in a ahriU. The Only Cigar Store in PlainfieM. <N4. Clrarrttra of aap hind *oldJ Wf manufacture tb* Cigar* and know twy are mad* Trt.m Vnr.T^a<«n. tree Tr»n nav- or'nr. A Pure Havana Filler retailed for la. Al*. i* .rOruga Ookteo ikwire and other JLj. 1 Toimoc*. M. C. IKIIUIINS,

f»ppoait* K. R.HtMiUHi. ' '"’u*'

Mails. UlgUl. uoL.»»rrau . lulu. HM.

care at UouimI Hrouk. A. A. MlLKOD. Pri* and Urn I Manager. C. Q. HANCOCK, Uaa. >W AmU. t*aiiauw(|.ata. U. P. IUluWI.N. Aaa't O.n'1 Pass Aanu. buw fork.

Tba Bav. Uebar Newton, to my mind and la tbeopiolon of a great many paopla. tba Bhost sioqaaot pulpit orator In Naw York, la in wry bad coodltioa pbyaleally. Ha baa dona ao much work of late years and baa been lor ao long a target for tba abaaa of those who do not agrea with his broad viawa that hia atrong constitution naeda rest and recreation. Ha recently rrturned from tba Boatb and want imme- diately to Eoropa. To thoaa wbo admire pulpit oratory of th* highest ordw, th* hop* will corn# that n*b*r Newton will b* hia old sail In tba fall.

Monday, September 14,1881. Inrnrmalloa apply to ibf JOHN LEAL,

" Wore* than that. It* frren Unci# Zabdicl Cooper, down at tb* BUckf.ird farm, where you stayod that irnnmw you had th* whooping cough Don't you remember?" Brea's eyre softened. A gracious dim- ple came out at tb* corner of her mouth. " WhatT ' ah* cried-" door old Unda Zab?" "Very dear." otfrved Madeline, con- temptuously. " and very delightful! Just th* ponoo to make a sensation at your -at home.' under Mra. FiUalan'aey* and rakrd by the fire of Mr*. Aulxvy Rock tihgham'a lorgnette I With hia cowhide boots and pepper and aalt trouser* and hia fringe of chln-whlakeni and that chronic catarrh of hia I My dear Brea, if wa allow that old auiaance to cross this threshold on Tntoday evening It amounts to throwing up th5#a§n-^t CLGT Ite's wrtttea ,_|r on ttuU

3^od0c |>lcclluij3- KKATKK.MTY ANO PHOTBLTlON. L<X Mcuibciablp tt ̂ UL IM l*nih iH-nuUls laid, over r««U)X. sum Jipwiuuiiun. WET* -uPMA' MillCb 3.Mil KNIGHTS O •«0.\OU— Mau DIM, iuIiu iajmI niiu Ttur ■UK ax a|l,.|m.. w utuite t LuUgc Hood —LwMi'*^44io ruLcu tl-OAiJ. B!ck bom Ills p<

iaiiib I. Vam Alsu a a. Dictator. HaL»W A. Four. kU-v-.n. .. V* .lumi'kri UinunaiiGtrj. No,St. rnerta ao mid and lourtii i uaada) evvu.uaa.iu A «iuui| «M Louse lUniOkte. MUAlv ItUll IkAiltetlllg on

A^M. SKGU1NE, —moral btom of— „

Laing’s Hotel’Stables,



A First-Class Family Hotel fur I'MiwAueuI .nd TfannlMi, Kuril a.

Rtablri And Dllllnrrla AtlmTiril

Proribly tb- ™nwn' J 'opinion in N-" Y«r‘ k1"- co..m' or popoUHt, to OoL Ell'ot*- F. Sb.p—rd, odltor, politi- f-K, dUllonnlre, w>n-In-law, devoted phllnnthroplnt nnd .nlh.-lA.l r quote, ol tb- torlptur— Conoemlng tbia tett-r habit of bis, a good story la told. Thar* la, not far from tb* great man's newspaper habitation, a righteous restau- rant Unlit on tha temperartoj basis, and devoted to repairing the wanta of tba phy.!oal man white it leads hia soul to higher thing*. "Biassed are those wbo ret brartUy," la one of tbo legends on tb* walL "Clam ehowder » eta.," "fl* marelfol to thoaa who aland in naad," "Oysters in avary atyle," "Do unto yourealf as you would do onto otbare,'* "Spring chicken, fl-00." “ Judge not, that y*\a not Judged," •• Hash " and other mottore of an squally variad typ* meat th* ay# of tba customer, hungry, perhaps, but not too thirsty. , A few days ago a young New Yorker, who has about as much reverence for Due greatness aa b* baa for a lump of petty, antarad th* restaurant, and, walking np to tbs proprietor, sakedoalmly; "Wham's

On.Front opposite Madison As Telephone Call No. 20.

Coaches for waddluga^fu nereis aod p Light curvlagea of all daaorlptlooa (

Ml lUoiilws :olJ.ILAkl, fund ul ̂ .MMkS.U, ■

New Planing Alill! J. FRANK MUNDY, UMvka ak«vuu" Frtlosra' Had. E^ulUble Life Assurance Society,

ISO Dread way. Hew York. Hard Wood Flooring:, Mould-

ing*. Window Framer. Turning and Scroll £av. izu|

Steam Klin Dried Kindling Woo^ LEHIGH COAL,

think of my suit! Sb* <»obUQ*t-lle thinks It la a misfit—Detroit Proa Proas. It la somewhat comforting to know that th* canvas-back dock Is not In tba ootton duck oomUna—Baltimore American. Danis—Why do they say truth is stran- ger than fiction? Ramie—Because aome paopia are so UUiv of It that It aaoms strange.—Low«U C1UM&. FUh stories are coming In fairly this year, notwithstanding all tb* beat Oah story talent la engaged upon tariff discus- sions—Binghamton RopubUoan. Outwit—I suppore that when you talk Trench to Wait* you are tell lug him aotna- thing you want tha rest of us to know nothing about? Outwit—Not at all. my


INDUMNITY BONDS 28 ffuri I Sliwwl. Smoke the Toast i

The Only If CENT N*ar Worth the Maury In thaCMy. Sold Only at

GlITTMAN'S, n West Second sired.

Lnmber and Masonn Material L. A. ltliraiime, Ag'f., ■r* nHOADWAY. J. T. VAIL.

EsUita and Insurance A’fofcssionnl (fimls. Sl^IiNGISHERE

0. M. DUNHAM, “The Gen la' OulflUcr," has u toll line ol Spring styles In

Blue Stone Flagging, Etc. ^ «. DIIKHAJl.

So. I Iabv Fioit siurr. Insurance, Real Estate.




OPTICIAN C. DICKINSON, maiCAL OPTICIAN, nri. for ful w Uri.-K. I lUrald. lrifl'F tb. luinsm Uri. v^vs skn U» I’ll I .burs P,ri. th7 e-bbsylvssls lib S Writ of niub.r,L.ri MUt,. It sot ■"Sfito toysissoo i. riloiu u iM, icillttoa La PlUaharg an,l Imnwli.u Idnlty. * Unn^dUU

COMMUTERS I "‘i.-’-Ti %JS - Civil Enfiim and