the verb to be (1)

Focus on Grammar 2 Part I, Units 1 and 2 By Ruth Luman, Gabriele Steiner, and BJ Wells Copyright © 2006. Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 1 Introductions The Present of Be: Statements and Yes/No Questions


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Transcript of the verb to be (1)

  • The Present of Be: Statements and Yes/No QuestionsFocus on Grammar 2Part I, Units 1 and 2By Ruth Luman, Gabriele Steiner, and BJ WellsCopyright 2006. Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.1Introductions

  • ConversationTom:Are you a new student here?

    Lea:Yes, I am. My name is Lea.

    Tom:My names Tom Sanchez.

    Lea:Oh, I think I know your mother. Shes Marta Sanchez, right?

    Tom:Uh, Marta Sanchez isnt my mother. Shes my sister.


  • Formareamisare

    Keith Zorn - QUERYTO AUS: See HI, Present. 8, Slide 4 and Int., Present. 6, Slide 4...should this set-up be the same - with word "Form" on;y in label on top, and rest of info below?Add notepad

  • Use of the Verb Be 1He is a photographer. I am They area firefighter.aliens.We use the verb be before. . . NOUNS.

    IS&T - I'm not wild about this head and two following: Use of the Verb Be 1. Seems wordy, especially with the presentation "We use the verb be before..." Again, no big deal. Maybe get rid of 1, 2, 3? Or make the head Use to parallel Form in previous slide? LLD

  • Use of the Verb Be 2 He is afraid. I amhungry.busy. It is We use the verb be before. . . ADJECTIVES.

  • Use of the Verb Be 3 She is in the shower.She is He isfrom Japan.under the bed.We use the verb be before. . . PREPOSITIONALPHRASES.

  • ContractionsIn a contraction, an apostrophe () replaces a letter. I a student.amm Sam from China.iss They excited.arere Im a student. Sams from China. Theyre excited.

  • Practice 1Talk with a partner about these pictures. Use the verb be and contractions.Hes shocked.Shes upset.Its in the air.Theyre the air upset painters shockedExample:

  • Negatives Notyou arentXhe isntwe arentshe isntit isntthey arent isnotnt arenotnt arenotnt

    Subject + Be + NotContractionIm notyoure nothes notshes notits notwere nottheyre not

  • Practice 2Make negative contractions for these sentences.Example:1.2.3.He is happy.Hes not happy.He isnt happy.They are teachers.Theyre not teachers.They arent teachers.We are single.Were not single.We arent single.I am from the U.S.Im not from the U.S.XAnswer 1 Answer 2

  • Are theyTheyQuestionsat schoolisIs sheShe.?youngare.?The verb be comes before the subject in questions.

  • Practice 3Change the statements into questions.Example: She is a teacher.Is she a teacher?1. Sam and Lisa are in class.2. He is late.3. I am busy.Are Sam and Lisa in class?Is he late?Am I busy?

  • Be Careful!Yes, Yes, Im.Dont use contractions in affirmativeshort answers.Are you new here?I am.

  • Practice 4Talk with a partner about these pictures. Use the verb be and contractions.Yes, he is.No, you arent.Are they in love?2.No, they arent.Is he late?3.Yes, it is.Example:Is it broken?

  • ReferencesCopyright 2006 Pearson Education and its licensors. All rights reserved.