Submitted in Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirement for the Degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan

Bunga Respati Ayu











Submitted in Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirement for the Degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan

Bunga Respati Ayu











Submitted in Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirement for the Degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan

Bunga Respati Ayu


Approved by:

Anne I. Timotius, M.Ed Listyani, M.Hum

Supervisor Second Reader








As a member of the (SWCU) Satya Wacana Christian University academic community,

I verify that:

Name : Bunga Respati Ayu

Student ID Number : 112008047

Study Program : English Language Teaching Department

Faculty : Language and Literature

Kind of Work : Undergraduate Thesis

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The Use of Indonesian in Teaching English at SMA N 3 Salatiga

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Date : May 20, 2013

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Copyright @2013 Bunga Respati Ayu and Anne I. Timotius, M. Ed

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Bunga Respati Ayu :




Bunga Respati Ayu

Faculty of Languange and Literature

Satya Wacana Christian University


[email protected]


Nowadays, English becomes an important language to be learned because it is

used as a mean of communication by people all over the world. Therefore, English becomes a

compulsory subject at school. At school, English could not be used maximally because of

some reasons. The aim of this study was to answer the research question, “What are the

teachers‟ purposes of using Indonesian in teaching English to High School students?” The

context of the study was at SMA N 3 Salatiga. The data for this study were collected through

interview with the teachers and observation in the classrooms. In the interview sessions, their

talk were recorded and after that their teaching practices in the classroom were observed by

recording and taking note. Then, those recordings were transcribed and put into some

categories to be analyzed. Next, all the data gathered were analyzed to find out the teachers‟

purposes of using Indonesian in teaching English. The results of this study were divided into

three parts, the first part was the teacher purposes of using Indonesian in teaching English

that both occurred in the interview and observation, the second part was other purposes found

only in the observation, and the last part was teachers‟ reason of using Indonesian in teaching

English. It is expected that the study will help English teachers in developing their teaching,

and also students to have a better understanding about the use of the first language.

Key words: the use of Indonesian, English teaching, teacher‟s talk


Nowadays English is considered as one of communication tools that is badly

needed. Almost all people around the world need English. In the globalization era, English

plays a very important role as an international language and is considered as the gate of the


world, which means that we will know many things about the world through English

(Yulianti, 2007). English is an important tool for communication which is used to interact

with others who have different first languages. Therefore, there is no doubt that English is an

international language because many people all over the world speak English, either as first

or second language.

In education and work, people should be familiar with English because English is

the key to learn scientific and technical knowledge which is needed for the economic and

political development of many countries in the world (Yulianti, 2007). Therefore, it could be

said that when people are dealing with their works, English is important because English is

usually becomes one of the requirements for those job seekers. Usually job applicants who

master English are more fortunate than those who do not. On the other hand, in education,

people should be familiar with the instructional language, which is English, since many

educational books use English.

As the response to the importance of English, the Indonesian government,

through the Department of Education and Culture, has decided that English is made as a

compulsory subject in school from grade seven of Junior High School. According to the

current curriculum, KTSP (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan), the learners are supposed

to be able to use English, both oral and written English, which covers four language skills,

such as speaking, listening, reading, and writing (Department of National Education, 2003).

Responding to that curriculum, many teachers in Indonesia seem to maximize the

use of English and avoid the use of Indonesian in teaching English in order to make the

students acquire English faster (Yulianti, 2007). Target language use in the foreign language

classroom needs to be maximized wherever possible, by encouraging its use and by using it

for classroom management (Nation, 2003). I also believe that if English is used maximally in


the classroom, it will help the students to acquire English faster. In my opinion, when

students are familiar with the use of English in the classroom, they will acquire it faster

because they often use it.

On the other hand, based on my own experiences in High School on my English

teachers‟ talks, most of Indonesian teachers could not avoid using Indonesian when teaching

English. Based on my experiences, my English teachers often used Indonesian in the

classroom when they teach English. This kind of condition may happen in Indonesia because

firstly, many schools in Indonesia are still monolingual which use Indonesian to

communicate daily. Secondly, Indonesian students are mostly taught by non-native teachers

that unconsciously make students tend to speak in their first language (Indonesian) even in

the English classes. Some experts like Long (1984), Charles (1987), and Spratt (1988),

consider that Indonesian cannot be put aside from English acquisition since the education of

Indonesia has not permitted that. We can see that Indonesian is still used in teaching English

because there is no rule that forbid the use of Indonesian in English classes.

If we take a look at the teaching learning process, the success of learning

language is based on three aspects: from the students or learners, teachers, and school

environments (Yulianti, 2007). Based on my learning as well as teaching experiences,

students with low motivation tend to use Indonesian to English, even in the English classes.

When the students are motivated to learn a new language, they will try to use and practice it

to make them understand and be fluent in that language. From the teacher‟s aspect, when

teachers speak Indonesian, unconsciously they allow students to speak Indonesian too.

Therefore, students may think that they do not have to use English in the class because their

teachers speak Indonesian. Besides, environments also play important roles in learning a

language (Yulianti, 2007). If the students‟ environment does not support the use of English


outside the class, practicing English is limited only in the classroom. That is why the students

do not feel encouraged to use English to converse with others.

Teacher‟s talk in classroom plays an important role in teaching and learning

process because the teacher dominates the classroom talks while teaching English (Yulianti,

2007). According to that statement, I can say that teacher-talk may influence the use of

Indonesian in teaching English. Those teachers use Indonesian consciously for some reasons,

so the use of Indonesian in classroom cannot be avoided.

Related to the use of mother tongues in English classes, there are still some

controversies occur. Some experts such as Hammer (1989) and Boey (1975) believe that in

teaching English as a foreign language, mother tongue, in this case is Indonesian, should be

avoided because it will make second language learning go slowly. On the other hand, Long

(1984), Charles (1987), and Spratt (1988) believe that the use of Indonesian can help learners

acquire English faster because they can refer to their first language that might be very helpful

for them.

In regard to the controversies above, Indonesia also faces similar issues in which

the presents of the monolingual school in Indonesia contributes to the way English lesson is

taught in this country. According to Abbott and Wingard (1981), a monolingual class is a

class in which the students have a language in common, so that in oral practice they usually

revert to their mother tongue when their teacher does not pay attention to them. High School

students in Indonesia usually speak the same language since they come from the same areas

of the school they are attending. Beside Indonesian, they also speak their local languages.

Floris (2002) states that those two languages are their mother tongues, and thus, they may use

them, even in the English classes.


On one side, if we take a look at High School English teachers, most of them are

Indonesian. Therefore, they speak Indonesian. According to Abbott and Wingard (1981)

many local teachers are not sure about their English command, so they use Indonesian to

make the command clear. “Not sure” here means that the teachers are afraid whether their

commands are correct or wrong, or whether the students understand them or not, so they

prefer to use Indonesian in order to avoid misunderstanding.

Actually, the success of learning process can be seen from the learners‟

performance in performing the target language. According to Krashen (2005), learners who

are highly motivated in learning English are supposed to be better prepared and be successful

in the new language learning. Schütz (2005) on the other hand, states that less-motivated

learners might find difficulties in comprehending the new language. So, there are two kinds

of learners, well-motivated learners and less-motivated learners. However, the majority of the

world‟s learners of English as foreign language are students who are not well-motivated

(Abbott & Wingard, 1981). They may think that they can live normally and communicate

with other people without English, so they can use their local language or Indonesian. In this

kind of situation, the use of Indonesian in English classroom is likely to happen, especially

for the less motivated students. Spratt (1988) states that there is not any clear line about

whether the students‟ first language can be used in a foreign language classroom or not. So,

most students will prefer to use their first language to English because there is no rule that

require them to use English, especially for the less-motivated students.

According to Spratt (1988) there are three occasions that teachers may want to

use the first language. The first is for instruction and classroom management. Sometimes it is

very useful to say in the first language what have been explained in the foreign language

because the use of the first language will make the explanation clearer. Second is for


explanation and justification. Sometimes it is more effective to use the first language to

explain something complicated. The third one is for communicating meaning and checking

comprehension. Sometimes teachers communicate meaning through paraphrasing and

translating into their first language because sometimes students still do not understand about

teachers‟ explanation in English. Therefore, in such condition, teacher will switch to the first

language to make it easier. Tang (2002), who is a lecturer in English at Beijing Foreign

Studies University and who researched the use of Chinese as the first language in the English

classroom, states that the use of Chinese as learners‟ first language in the English classroom

is necessary in certain learning situations. For example, in his research, he stated that his

participants who were three English teachers used Chinese to give instruction and to explain

the meaning of words, complex ideas and complex grammar points. So, teachers had to

consider things about the needs of the first language and the effective role that might be

played in the use of the first language to decide whether first language can be used in the

foreign language classroom or not. From this essence, I would like to know whether the

teacher in Indonesia, particularly in SMA N 3 Salatiga, have the same reason as what Tang

expressed in his study.

In the learning process, a teacher plays important roles to the successful of

foreign language acquisition. According to Bellack, et. al (1966) teacher is the dominant

figure of the classroom. So teacher‟s talk plays important role in the language learning in

classroom because teacher is the centre of the class while teaching (Yulianti, 2007).

According to Cullen (1998) teacher-talk is now generally recognized as a potential valuable

source of comprehensible input for the learners (p.178-182). Moskowitz (1971) created an

analysis that the teachers‟ talk are based on foreign language interactions which covered six


points, which are dialing with feeling, praising or encouraging, joking, using students‟ idea,

repeating students‟ response verbatim, and asking questions.

As I said before, environments are also one of the important things in learning a

new language. If the environments do not support the use of English outside the class,

practicing English is limited only in the classroom. According to Yulianti (2007) English as

foreign language and English as a second language are very different. Countries that use

English as a second language give more opportunities for people to speak in English like in

public areas. On the other hand, Indonesia uses English as a foreign language. Thus, the use

of English is limited only at school, especially in the English classes. According to Van Els

et. al (1984), the nature of L2 input influences the probability of occurrence of L1

interference phenomena. It means that interference may occur only in certain situation and

happen when the environment belongs to L1. For example, when the use of L2 is only limited

in a scope and quantity (only in an English lesson classroom) like what happen in Indonesia.

Because of the reasons above, I conducted a study about teachers‟ purposes of

using Indonesian while teaching English at SMA N 3 Salatiga. I hope that this study and the

results can help English teachers in developing their teaching and inspire them to manage the

language use for better results in mastering the target language. I expect that this study can

also help students to have a better understanding about the use of first language in their

English language learning.


Based on the background I have explained above, this study aims to answer the

following research question, “What are the teachers‟ purposes of using Indonesian in

teaching English to High School students?”


Context of the study

The setting of the study was State Senior High School 3 (SMA N 3) Salatiga. It

was located on Kartini Street, Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia. SMA N 3 Salatiga was one

of the best schools in Salatiga, which could be seen from the “A” accreditation they received

(Bureau of Accreditation School Province, 2011). English was not actively used as a mean of

oral communication in this place. Students used English only in English classes when they

had English lessons. However, not all students participated in English. Some of them

preferred to use Indonesian to English. A further reason for selecting this school was I also

graduated from this school. So, it would be easier for me to conduct the study there.


Since the purpose of this research was to find the teachers‟ purposes of using first

language, Indonesian, the participants for this research were two English teachers of SMA N

3 Salatiga who taught the first grade students. Actually, there were four English teachers who

taught the first grade, two regular teachers and two conversation teachers. I chose the regular

teachers because the regular teachers and the conversation teachers taught their students

differently. In conversation class, the teachers talked less and the students were more active.

Therefore, there was only a little instruction in the conversation classes. I chose teachers of

the first grade students because it was students‟ transition period from junior high to senior

high where they had to adapt with new environments. So, it was possible that the first grade

teachers used Indonesian more frequently compared to higher level students. The first

participant taught English at SMA N 3 Salatiga for about 3 years since 2009, and the second

participant taught English for about 7 years since 2005.


Instrument of data collection

In attempting to answer the research question, the data were collected through

interview and observation. I first interviewed the teachers, after that I continued with the

observation. The interview focused on the teachers‟ purpose of using Indonesian in teaching

English. The interview was done in two days. When I interviewed the teachers, I also

recorded the conversation to make me easier in transcribing the result. The interview would

be used to identify teachers‟ experience in using Indonesian while teaching, to find out

teachers‟ purpose in using Indonesian, and their opinion about using Indonesian in English

learning. According to Doyley (2006), interviews could effectively be used for a wide variety

purposes, like to evaluate the effectiveness of an educational or social program, to learn about

cultural customs, to develop oral histories of historical events, etc. Therefore, I used

interview to evaluate the effectiveness of educational program in SMA N 3 Salatiga. Then,

the observation was done to find out the situation in the class when the teachers use

Indonesian in teaching English. The observation was done in two days right after the

interview. I observed two classes. The observation was done once for each English class. One

time observation was considered enough because the data I got was clear enough and fulfilled

what I needed. When observing the first teacher, I recorded the observation session and took

note. However, for the second teacher I only took note because he did not want his teaching

practice being recorded for personal reason that was not revealed to me. The observation was

used to validate the interview data for further analysis and to see the real situation in the

classroom. According to Langley (1988) observation allows the researcher to study people in

their „natural setting‟ without their behavior being influenced by the presence of the



Procedure of data collection

In order to conduct a valid research, this study collected data by interviewing the

teacher and observing the classrooms‟ activities. First of all, I asked permission to the school

to conduct the study there. Next step was meeting with the first grade teachers to arrange the

interview and observation schedules. After the schedule was arranged, the first thing I did

was interviewing the teachers, which was scheduled to last around 10 minutes. After that, I

observed the classroom activities to take a note and record the teachers-talk while teaching to

enrich the data needed for analysis so that hopefully they could answer the research question,

“What are the teachers‟ purpose of using Indonesian in teaching English to SMA students?”.

This study was a qualitative study which meant to describe teacher‟s purposes of

using Indonesia when teaching English. After I finished the interview session with the

teachers and completed the observation, I continued to analyze the data. First, I analyzed the

result of the interview and categorized the purpose of using Indonesian. Next, I transcribed

the recording and filled the checklist through the recording and note taking. Then, the data

were analyzed to answer the research question.

Data Analysis Procedures

After I got all the data from interview and classroom observation, I transcribed

and analyzed the data. First I transcribed the interview result, after that I transcribed the

observation result and put all the data into the observation checklist. After that I analyzed the

data based on my interpretation and the literature review related to the use of L1 in L2 in the

classroom. At the end, I draw a conclusion based on the study I had done.



This chapter presents the data analysis of the interview and observation. This data

analysis will be divided into three parts, they are (A) part one that will discuss about the

teacher‟s purpose of using Indonesian in teaching English that occurred both in the interview

and the observations, (B) part two that will discuss other purposes of the use of L1 that

occurred only in the observations, and (C) part three the will discuss about teachers‟ reasons

of using Indonesian in teaching English in general. Each of the part will be discussed further


A. Teachers’ Purposes of Using Indonesian in Teaching English I

Based on the data I gathered through the interviews and observation, I found that

there were 5 purposes of using Indonesian in teaching English like those proposed by Spratt

(1988) and Moskowitz (1971). They were explanation, communicating meaning, joking,

asking question, and giving instruction. I got those five purposes from the interviews with the

teachers and those purposes were proved to likely occurred in the classroom by the

observations in both of classes they taught. In the interviews, the teachers gave their

statements of the use of Indonesian in teaching English and in the observation they showed

the use of Indonesian in their teachings. The analysis of each theme will be discussed in the

following section.

1. Explanation

In explaining the materials, both of the teachers said that they used Indonesian in

explaining the materials especially for difficult materials, outdoor activities, or games.

Teacher 1 stated, “I used (Indonesian) when giving explanation that seemed difficult to be

understood by student.” On the other hand, Teacher 2 stated, “When we have an outdoor

activity, like games or something like that, I used Indonesian to give explanation about that


game to make them understand it faster. So it did not waste my time only for explaining”. In

the observation, I found that only teacher one used Indonesian to explain the material.

Excerpt 1 (taken from the observation with Teacher 1)

T1: “Bella ask Debora, “Where are you going?”

“How is the indirect sentence?”

S: “Bella ask Debora where she going was.”

T1: “Is it correct? Seharusnya sebelum V-ing itu ada to be-nya. To be itu posisinya selalu

didepan, seperti bebek pemimpinnya slalu didepan.”

“So, how is the indirect sentence?”

S: “Bella ask Debora where she was going.”

In excerpt 1 above, the teacher explained about the task done by one of the students

because it was still incorrect. So, she repeated the explanation using Indonesian by giving

example from the real life to make the explanation clearer to the students and avoided students do

the same mistake in the next exercise. She gave the detail explanation about how to put “to be” in

the sentence by making an analogy from a real life event about a duck‟s leader that always stood

in the front in comparison to “to be”.

Using Indonesian in giving explanation was very helpful. It made the explanation clearer

and avoiding confusion. What the teacher did in giving explanation was in line with what Spratt

(1988) said: to avoid ambiguity and confusion among students about the information, the teacher

can use the first language.

2. Communicating Meaning

The second purpose of using Indonesian in teaching English was to communicate

meaning. Both of the teachers said that they used Indonesian in teaching English to

communicate meaning. Teacher 1 stated, “Firstly, students ask about the meaning of certain

words, then I explained it using English, they still did not get the meaning. So, I switched into

Indonesian to save time”. In addition, teacher 2 stated, “For example, there was a difficult

term in English, first I tried to explain and define it using English, if the students still

confused I switched into Indonesian.”


From both of the observations, I found that only Teacher 2 used Indonesian in

communicating meaning. Excerpt 2 below shows the use of Indonesian in communicating


Excerpt 2 (taken from the observation with Teacher 2)

T2: “Any question? For the next meeting please bring speech oration for dubbing


S: “Speech oration itu apa pak?”

T2: “Speech oration itu pidato, seperti pidato kepresidenan, pidato dalam rangka

menyambut hari kebangkitan. Sudah jelas?”

S: “Sudah pak.”

T2: “Any other question?”

S: “No.”

The excerpt above showed that the teacher used Indonesian in communicating

meaning to make it easier for the students to understand. First, teacher explained what

students had to do for the next meeting using English. Because the students did not

understand with the meaning of “speech oration”, the teacher explained it by using

Indonesian. The use of Indonesian in this case was very helpful because after the teacher

explained it in Indonesian, students got the meaning of “speech oration”.

From the evidence above, it could be concluded that the use of Indonesian to

communicate meaning was helpful. By translating the difficult terms using the first language,

teacher could help the students to have a better understanding on the topic being talked.

Spratt (1988) stated that sometimes teachers communicate meaning through paraphrasing or

translating into their first language. In order to make the students got clear meanings of the

words or terms, it was better when the teacher paraphrasing or translating them into


3. Joking

In the teaching and learning process, sometimes students felt bored or stressful. So,

sometimes the teacher made a joke for ice breaking. However, English joke sometimes made


the students confused. Some of the students would get the meaning of the joke right away but

some would not. To anticipate that case, English teacher usually created a joke in Indonesian.

Using Indonesian joke, students would get the clear meaning of the joke delivered by the

teacher. From the interviews, only Teacher 2 said that he used Indonesian to give joke. He

said, “I used Indonesian to give a joke because based on my experience, when I gave an

English joke, they tended to be silent, and silent here means that they didn’t get the meaning

of the joke I gave”.

On the other hand, in the observation both of the teachers used Indonesian to make a

joke. Teacher one used joke for ice breaking and teacher two to attract students‟ attention.

Excerpt 3 and 4 below showed how both teachers delivered their jokes.

Excerpt 3 (taken from the observation with Teacher 1)

T1: “Okay, for example, give me two names!”

Ss: “Tejo, Miss.”

T1: “Okay, Tejo and?”

Ss:” Nita.”

T1: “Okay, Tejo said to Nita I miss you, what else? Apa, I hate you?”

Ss: (Laugh)

T1: “Lhoh..kalian putus kok hate-hate an?”

Ss: (Laugh)

From the excerpt above, the teacher said “lhoh..kalian putus kok hate-hate an?” as a

joke and as the result was the students laughed. The teacher used the combination of

Indonesian and English. The word “hate” was an English word, then she mixed it with

Indonesian structure into “hate-hate an” which meant that the subject told hated each other.

The teacher used this joke to break the ice in the class because some students seemed bored

and the other was stressed because there were a lot of materials to be learned. The teacher

also used joke to attract students‟ attention.

Excerpt 4 (taken from the observation with Teacher 2)

T2: “Okay, pay attention to your book. Take a look on page 58.”

“Ayo itu Farhan sama Miranda pacarannya ditunda dulu!”

S: (Laugh)


The excerpt above showed that the teacher used joke to attract students‟ attention. By

saying that kind of joke, the students‟ names who were called by the teacher and also the other

students would left their activity, like writing or talking to each other, because the teacher had

already warned them by the joke.

According to Moskowitz (1971), the use of the first language in giving jokes might be

more effective since sometimes a joke will lose its essence when it is carelessly conveyed in

another language. By comparing with this statement, I could conclude that when teacher used that

kind of jokes, they were effective to attract students‟ attention and break the ice in the classroom.

4. Asking question

In asking questions, sometimes the teachers used Indonesian to help the students

understood the questions easily. The use of Indonesian in this case was very helpful for both

the teachers and the students. For the teachers, using Indonesian in asking questions could

reduce the time consumption because if the teacher asked the questions in English, the

students did not understand or gave proper responses. When this condition happened, the

teacher had to repeat it for some times, which could waste the time. For the students, it helped

them to get a better understanding about the questions. When they heard questions in English

and they did not know the meaning, they tended to be silent and made a guess about the

answers in their mind only, without expressed them orally. However, when the teacher used

Indonesian, they would understand what the meaning of the question easily. From the

interviews, only Teacher 1 said that she used Indonesian in asking questions. She said, “Then

I used Indonesian to ask questions. Sometimes, I often repeated the same question because

the students did not understand. To avoiding that thing, I asked question using Indonesian

when the question was difficult.”

On the other hand, when I observed their teaching practices, both of them used

Indonesian in asking question. Excerpt 5 and 6 showed the evidences


Excerpt 5 (taken from the observation with Teacher 1)

T1: “Do you still remember when should we use “that”?”

S: (Silent)

T1: ““That” itu digunakan pada saat apa?”

S:”Pada kalimat tidak langsung.”

T1: “Good! Remember that!”

On the excerpt 5 above the teacher used Indonesian in asking a question after she

asked the same question in English. On the excerpt above, the students just kept silent when

the teacher asked them in English. It could be that they did not understand the meaning of the

teacher‟s question. Then after the teacher asked in Indonesian, students answered directly.

Excerpt 6 (taken from the observation with Teacher 2)

T2: “Lilo asks Bagus “are you sleepy?”

“Lilo asked Bagus?”

S: (Silent)

T2: “Setelah Lilo asked Bagus, trus selanjutnya apa?”

S: “That”

T2: “Okay, good. After that?”

S: (Mumbling)

Excerpt 6 above also showed that the teacher used Indonesian when asking question. At

first the teacher asked the students to continue the sentence “Lilo asks Bagus…?” but the

students were silent. Then the teacher explained to the students first by saying “Setelah Lilo

asked Bagus” and after that justified by asking question “Terus selanjutnya apa?” Actually this

sentence had same meaning with the previous when the teacher asked the students to continue the

sentence. When saying it in Indonesian the students got the meaning directly so they could

answer it properly.

In this study, using Indonesian in teaching English was very helpful both for the teacher

and the students. Based on the interview and the observation, asking questions in Indonesian

provided clearer meanings instead of rhetorical ones. The teacher should not include rhetorical

questions (Moskowitz, 1971). It helped students to understand and got the meaning clearly.


5. Giving Instruction

The next purpose is giving instruction. The teacher usually used Indonesian in giving

instruction or direction to make it easier to be understood by the students. Sometimes,

students did not understand the teacher‟s direction because it was a difficult instruction that

contained several steps. The other reason was that the language used by the teacher was too

difficult to be understood by the students. To help the students, the teachers usually used

Indonesian in giving instruction. Based on the interviews, only Teacher 2 gave instruction by

using Indonesian. He stated, “And then when giving difficult instructions, for example when I

asked them to have a discussion, when I used English the students did not get what I meant,

so I had to repeat it in Indonesian. “

In the observation the evidence showed that only Teacher 2 used Indonesian in giving


Excerpt 7 (taken from the observation with Teacher 2)

T2: “Okay, now your job is to make a direct sentence, after that I will choose one of you

to read and the other students will change it into indirect sentence. Understand?”

Ss: “Silent”

T2: “Tugasnya buat satu kalimat langsung, setelah itu saya akan tunjuk salah satu anak

untuk membaca dan siswa yang lain akan merubahnya menjadi kalimat tak langsung.


Ss: “Yes.”

The excerpt above showed that the teacher used Indonesian in giving instruction. The

teacher gave instruction to make direct sentence in English, some students answered “yes” as

the response of instruction understanding, but the rest of the class were silent and kept talking

to each other. It could be because they did not know what the teacher ordered to do. So, they

talked to each other to get the instruction from their friends. After the teacher repeated the

instruction using Indonesian, the students answered yes.

Sometimes the students would disobey teacher‟s command like what happened in this

study because of the language use. This kind of situation usually demanded the use of


Indonesian to help the students acquiring the right message. According to Moskowitz (1971),

the purpose of the first language is to help students to successfully comprehend the direction.

In this study, the use of first language was also helpful since it helped the students to

understand the command from the teacher.

B. Teachers’ Purposes of Using Indonesian in Teaching English (Observation Result)

Beside those five purposes I have mentioned above, there were some other purposes

of using Indonesian in teaching English that occurred in the observation but not stated in the

interviews. They were, praising and encouraging, checking comprehension, dealing with

feeling, repeating student, and giving information. By doing observations, we could see that

teachers used Indonesian in teaching English not only for several purposed like what they

stated in the interview before. This kind of situation showed that teachers were in their

natural setting with their own behavior, in this case was using Indonesian for some other

purposes, like what is stated by Langley (1988).

1. Praising and Encouraging

In teaching and learning process, sometimes teachers praised their students when they

got good marks or could do the exercise given, in order to motivate them to do better. In

addition sometimes teachers also encouraged the students to build their confidence through

asking the students to do some exercises. Usually teacher used both Indonesian and English

to praised and encouraged their students, but in this study I would only discussed about

praising and encouraging students by using Indonesian like what happened in SMA 3

Salatiga. In both of the observation, teachers used Indonesian to encourage their students.

Excerpt 8 (taken from the observation with Teacher 1)

T1: “I hate you, can you change it?”

“Cuma dirubah ke bentuk tak langsung, jangan lupa satu langkah kebelakang. Itu

simple kok.”

S: (come in front to do the task)

T1: “Is it correct? OK good!”


From the excerpt 8 above we could see that the teacher tried to motivate or encourage the

students that the students could do the task because it was not difficult. By hearing that statement

“itu simple kok”, I think student would feel more confident to do the task because the teacher

already said that it was a simple sentence to be changed. As the impact of using that statement,

there was a student came in front of the class to do the task and his answer was correct. Teacher

also used it to build students‟ confidence.

Excerpt 9 (taken from the observation with Teacher 2)

T2: “Okay, now I want you to change this sentence into indirect, who wants to try?”

Ss: (Silent)

T2: “Ndak usah takut salah, ayo sapa yang mau coba maju? Yak Lilo mau coba?”

Lilo: (shake his head)

Excerpt 9 above showed that teacher used Indonesian to encourage the students. He tried

to build students‟ confidence to do the exercise he gave. I think both of the statements in excerpt

8 and 9 were very helpful in teaching, because those kind of terms were familiar for the students‟

ear since the expressions were used in their daily life. They heard those kinds of terms in several

subject. If the teacher used English to encourage students, maybe it would be difficult for the

students to understand. However, by saying them in Indonesian, teachers made it simpler to be

understood by the students.

From those two excerpts above, the teacher gave encouragement to the students to build

students‟ confidence to help them gained a better performance in front of the class. Using

Indonesian to encourage students or to praise was effective. Indonesian encouragements were

impressed students better because sometimes they did not understand with what theteacher‟s

meant if the teacher used English. This statement is in accordance with what Moskowitz (1971)

says that it may be more effective to praise and give encouragement in the first language than in

target language, since it psychologically seems to impress students.


2. Checking Comprehension

In teaching and learning process, usually the teacher asked some questions to check

students‟ comprehension. Usually it happened after the teacher gave some explanations to the

students. After that, the teacher would check the students‟ understanding by asking several

questions. English teacher at SMA 3 Salatiga also used Indonesian to check comprehension. I

found that Teacher 2 used Indonesian to check the students‟ comprehension.

Excerpt 10 (taken from the observation with Teacher 2)

T2: “Raka said, “Don’t believe me!””

“How we change it into indirect?”

S: “Raka said not to believe him.”

T2: “Are you sure? Okay, good. Sampai disini sudah jelas?”

S: “Sudah”

T2: “Now, open your book on page 57 and do the exercise!”

Excerpt 10 above showed that the teacher used Indonesian to check the students‟

comprehension. Before that, he had explained about the task, and before he asked the students to

do the follow up exercises he checked their comprehension by asking questions. He used

Indonesian to check to make it easier to be understood and to avoid wasting time because later he

asked his students to do another exercise.

Using Indonesian to check the students‟ comprehension was helpful. The teacher could

check students‟ understanding about the material by asking questions. This way would encourage

students‟ ability in the whole learning. Harbord agrees with the use of the first language for

comprehension check, though he also believes that the presentation of new structure should be

done in second language (1992: 354).

3. Dealing with Feeling

In teaching and learning process, sometimes teacher dealt with the students‟ feelings

or their own feelings, especially when the students complained that they are confused or

when they just kept silent when teacher asked them to answer a question. In this study,

dealing with feeling appeared in observation with Teacher 1.


Excerpt 11 (taken from the observation with Teacher 1)

T1: “OK, today we will review about direct and indirect, what is the rule, what is the

main rule, what is the main rule of direct and indirect?”

S: (Silent)

T1: “Halah! How is the rule? One step….”

S: “Back.”

From the excerpt 11 above teacher used Javanese word “halah”, which approximately

meant “Oh, my gosh!” to deal with her own feeling. It seemed that she felt disappointed with the

students because they could not answer her question. I could see it from her face expression and

her intonation when she said that word. From the word “halah” I think the teacher wanted to

show to the students that it was not difficult, and she expressed her disappointment on why they

could not answered it.

Here the teacher offered a solution by opening the rule and after that, the students

answered it although in a doubt expression. This kind of activity could happen as a teacher

reaction toward students‟ attitude. In this situation the teacher was allowed to use Indonesian to

deal with her own feeling. Like stated by Spratt (1988), using the first language at this stage was


4. Repeating Students’ Utterance

Sometimes teacher would repeat students‟ utterance for some reasons, like to make

sure that the students‟ answer was correct or not. In some cases, teachers repeated students‟

utterance in Indonesian like what happened in observation with Teacher 1. She repeated

student‟s utterance in Indonesian.

Excerpt 12 (taken from the observation with Teacher 1)

T1: “Yang diubah yang mana, Gisella?”

S: “Yang tanda petik Miss.”

T1: “Yang tanda petik? Yang ini?” (pointing on the quotation mark on the whiteboard)

S:”Yes Miss.”

From the excerpt above we could see that the teacher repeated the student‟s utterance

“yang tanda petik”. In this case I think that the teacher wanted to make sure that she got what the


student‟s meant. So, she wanted to know whether her student‟s utterance was same with hers. It

showed when the teacher said “yang tanda petik?” then she continued with saying “yang ini?”

and at the same time she pointed a sentence in quotation mark on the whiteboard and the student


Repeating the students‟ utterance in the first language meant that teacher tried to make the

students feel at an easy thought. The teacher used the students‟ language and made herself at the

same level as the students and tried to clarify the material (Moskowitz, 1971). In this study, the

teacher was trying to make students feel more comfortable and had an easy thought because the

teacher clarified the material by using simple and easy language.

5. Giving Information

Giving information is one function of explanation, although the purpose of giving

information is just to inform about something in a not-too-detail manner like in giving

explanation. Giving information can be in English, in Indonesian or both in English and

Indonesian. In my study, the teacher used Indonesian to give information to the students. I

found that in the observation with Teacher 1.

Excerpt 13 (taken from the observation with Teacher 1)

T1: “Tejo said to Nita, I hate you, can you change it? Cuma dirubah ke bentuk tak

langsung, jangan lupa satu langkah kebelakang. Itu simple kok.”

S: (Come in front to do the task)

T1: “Is it correct?”

S: “Correct.”

T1: “Okay, good!”

On the excerpt 13 above, teacher informed the students how to do task on the whiteboard.

She used English to make the student understood her explanation. She gave an outline to the

student on how to do the task, but she did not give detail explanation because she had already

explained them in the previous section.

In order to make the information clearer and to avoid ambiguity, the teacher used

Indonesian. It was very helpful for the students because the student might get the meaning clearly


and right away. To avoid ambiguity and confusion among students about the information, the

teacher can use the first language here (Spratt, 1988).

C. Teachers’ Reason of Using Indonesian in Teaching English

The use of Indonesian in teaching English classroom sometimes raises a

confrontation among people. On one side, there is a theory that English teacher should avoid

using the first language in an English classroom because it will make the second language

learning goes slowly (Hammer: 1989 & Boey: 1975). On the other hand, Long (1984),

Charles (1987), and Spratt (1988) believe that the use of Indonesian can help the learners

acquire English faster because they can refer it to their first language that might be very

helpful for them. Besides that, there are several reasons for whether we can use first language

or not.

In this study, based on the interviews, I got several reasons from the teachers on

why they used first language in teaching English. According to Nation (2003), there are some

reasons of using L1, because L1 gives more benefits in teaching L2. Such as, first it is more

natural to use the L1 with others who have the same L1. Second, it is easier and more

communicatively effective to use the L1. Third, using the L2 can be a source of

embarrassment particularly for shy learners and those who feel they are not very proficient in

the L2. The following statements will explain about their reasons.

The first teacher who taught English for three years at SMA 3 said that

Indonesian was very helpful in teaching.

“Indonesian helped me a lot in teaching. When students got difficulties in

learning English, we can use Indonesian as a helpful recourse to make the students

understand my explanation faster and easier.” She also said, “It could not be denied that

Indonesian was very helpful in teaching, moreover Indonesian was daily language that we



The second teacher who taught English at SMA 3 also said that Indonesian was

very helpful in teaching English especially first grade students.

“As I mentioned before that first grade students were in their transition period,

so they still adapted with new environments. There were still a lot of students who did not

understand if I used English. The most important thing for me was that students felt confident

to speak.” He also said, “Indonesian helped me in teaching.”

From those statements from both of the teachers, I sum up their reasons of using

Indonesian in teaching. In general the teachers used Indonesian in teaching English because it

helped them in teaching English, especially when students got difficulties in learning the

material and because they taught first grade of Senior High School and that was their

transition periods and they have to adapt with their new environment. So, the teachers used

Indonesian to help students understood the material easier.


After analyzing the data from the interviews and the classroom observations,

several purposes of using Indonesian in teaching English at SMA 3 Salatiga were drawn. The

conclusion, then, was used for answering the research question of this study “What are

teacher purposes of using Indonesian in teaching English to high school students?”

The answers found in this study reflected some theories of using Indonesian in

teaching English which proposed by Moskowitz (1971) and Spratt (1988). The purposes were

categorized into two general purposes. The first were purposes stated in the interview and

occured in the observation and the second only occurred in the observation. The first general

purposes were giving explanation, communicating meaning, joking, asking question, and

giving instruction. The second were praising and encouraging, checking comprehension,

dealing with feeling, repeating to the student‟s utterance, and giving information. The last

finding was about also teachers‟ reasons for using Indonesian in teaching English. In general


the teachers used Indonesian in teaching English because it helped both the students and

teachers. Because they taught the first grade of Senior High School, and that was their

transition period, they used Indonesian to help students understand the material easier.

Despite the positive response of using Indonesian in teaching English, there were

also negative responses of using Indonesian. To note some of the negative response, students

tended to depend on the teacher, therefore, the students became lazy when they did not know

the meaning of some words. They kept waiting for the teacher to translate it into Indonesian.

Moreover, the students did not have enough opportunity to explore their English skill because

sometimes the teachers used Indonesian to explain something. If the teacher used English, it

would motivate the students to use their English skill to understand the material given.

Another negative effect of using Indonesian was students did not have enough courage to

take a risk and make mistakes when they communicate in Indonesian. They played save in

order to avoid mistakes.

This study had several limitations. First, I only took two English teachers of the

first grade as the participants of this study. Actually there were four teachers, but the other

two were conversation teachers. I took only regular teachers because the regular teachers and

conversation teacher taught English in different ways. In conversation class, the teacher had a

few talk, whereas in the regular class, the teachers were the center of the teaching and

learning process. This condition gave me better opportunities to observe the use of

Indonesian by the teachers. The time limitation also caused a problem in this study because I

only had little time to do the observation. The teachers did not let me have another

observation, because the students would have their final test. So, I could only observe once

for each teacher.


For further research, it will be better if there is much time available for the study

because the researcher can do observation for several times. It also can be done by comparing

the use of Indonesian in different levels of students to find out the purposes of using

Indonesian in different levels.


All the highest praises and gratitude is due to Allah SWT for blessing me with the

chance, ability and strength to finish this thesis. I would like to extend my gratitude and

appreciation to my supervisor, Ibu Anne I. Timotius, M.Ed for the time, patience, help and

advice so that I could finish this thesis and also to my second reader Ibu Listyani, M. Hum for

the time reading and marking this thesis. I would like to express my thankfulness to English

teacher at SMA 3 Salatiga for helping me to collecting the data. Thanks a lot for my beloved

family, Bapak Rianto, Ibu Yuli Fazriyah, and my brother Bagus Ardiansyah for supporting

and praying for me all the time. The last one, thank you so much to my love Muhammad

Abdul Malik for your patience, support, and pray. You‟re the best, Dear!



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Appendix 1

Interview Questions

1. Sudah berapa lama bapak/ ibu mengajar disekolah ini?

2. Apakah bapak/ ibu menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia ketika mengajar Bahasa Inggris?

3. Seberapa sering bapak/ ibu menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia ketika mengajar?

4. Kapan bapak/ ibu menggunakan bahasa Indonesia ketika mengajar Bahasa Inggris?

5. Menurut bapak/ ibu kapan waktu yang tepat dan kapan waktu yang tidak tepat

menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia ketika mengajar Bahasa Inggris?

6. Mengapa bapak/ ibu menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia ketika mengajar?

7. Menurut bapak/ ibu apakah bahasa Indonesia membantu bapak/ ibu dalam mengajar?



Appendix 2

Observation Checklist

Teachers‟ talk coverage

according to Spratt and


Is it


or not?

Note Example

1 Instruction and

classroom management

2 Explanation and


3 Communicating


4 Checking


5 Dialing with feeling

6 Praising or encouraging

7 Joking

8 Using students idea

9 Repeating students

10 Response verbatim

11 Asking questions

12 Other(s)


Appendix 3

Interview Result with teacher 1

Teacher 1: teaching English at SMA N 3 Salatiga for 3 years

May, 24 2012

1. : sudah berapa lama ibu mengajar disekolah ini?

: saya sudah tiga tahun mengajar disekolah ini sejak tahun 2009

2. : apakah ibu menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia dalam mengajar?

: iya, sampai saat ini saya masih menggunakan bahasa Indonesia ketika mengajar

karena tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa Bahasa Indonesia sangat membantu saat mengajar

terlebih lagi bahasa Indonesia adalah bahasa sehari-hari yang sering kita gunakan.

3. : Seberapa sering ibu menggunakan bahasa Indonesia saat mengajar?

: tergantung pada tingkat kesulitan materi yang saya sampaikan. Apabila materi yang

saya sampaikan terlalu sulit saya akan lebih banyak menggunakan bahasa Indonesia. Namun

apabila materinya tidak sulit saya tidak terlalu sering menggunakan bahasa Indonesia, saya

lebih sering menggunakan bahasa Inggris supaya siswa juga terbiasa menggunakan bahasa

Inggris di dalam kelas.

4. : kapan biasanya ibu menggunakan bahasa Indonesia saat mengajar?

: saya gunakan ketika memberi penjelasan yang sekiranya sulit untuk dimengerti

oleh siswa (explanation). Selain itu juga untuk mencari arti kata yang sulit

(communicating meaning), pada awalnya siswa bertanya artinya apa kemudian saya jelaskan

melalui bahasa Inggris, namun mereka masih belum mengerti jadi saya beralih


mengguanakan bahasa Indonesia untuk mempersingkat waktu. Kemudian saya gunakan

untuk memberi pertanyaan (asking question), terkadang saya sering mengulang-ulang

pertanyaan dalam bahasa Inggris karena para siswa tidak mengerti, untuk mensiasati hal itu

saya memberi pertanyaan menggunakan bahasa Indonesia apabila pertanyaan yang saya

ajukan sulit.

5. : menurut ibu kapan waktu yang tepat dan kapan yang tidak tepat menggunakan

bahasa Indonesia?

: menurut saya waktu yang tepat adalah ketika siswa benar-benar membutuhkan

terjemahan kedalam bahasa Indonesia, seperti saat mendapat kesulitan menterjemahkan arti

kata atau waktu memberi arahan yang sekiranya sulit dimengerti oleh siswa karena hal itu

akan sangat membantu siswa unruk lebih memahami materi yang saya sampaikan. Waktu

yang tidak tepat adalah ketika kita tahu bahwa hal itu mudah dan sudah pasti siswa juga

mengerti tapi disitu kita malah menggunakan bahasa Indonesia, contohnya seperti memberi

salam, siswa sudah tahu kalau good morning itu berarti selamat pagi, jadi saya rasa malah

salah kalau kita menggunakan bahasa Indonesia disitu.

6. : mengapa ibu menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia ketika mengajar?

: karena bahasa Indonesia sangat membantu saya ketika mengajar. Ketika siswa

mengalami kesulitan dalm belajar bahasa Inggris, kita dapat menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia

sebagai alat bantu untuk mempermudah siswa mengerti dan lebih cepat memahami materi

yang saya sampaikan. Tidak dapat kita pungkiri juga kalau bahasa Indonesia tidak dapat

dihilangkan karena mengingat bahasa kita sehari-hari adalah bahasa Indonesia.


Appendix 4

Interview Result with teacher 2

Teacher 2 : teaching English at SMA N 3 Salatiga for 7 years

May, 25 2012

1. :sudah berapa lama bapak mengajar Bahasa Inggris di sekolah ini?

: saya disini sudah kurang lebih tujuh tahunan, dari tahun 2005.

2. : apakah bapak menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia dalam mengajar?

: iya, saya menggunakan bahasa Indonesia ketika mengajar, karena jika saya terus

menggunakan bahasa inggris dikelas, siswa banyak yang tidak mengerti, terlebih lagi jika

mengajar kelas sepuluh, saya lebih banyak menggunakan bahasa Indonesia dibanding kan

dengan kelas sebelas dan dua belas. Ya bisa dimaklumi karena siswa kelas sepuluh kan baru

masuk SMA, masa-masa transisi dari SMP.

3. : seberapa sering bapak menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia ketika mengajar?

: untuk kelas sepuluh, lebih sering menggunakan bahasa Indonesia jika dibandingkan

dengan kelas sebelas dan dua belas, alasannya seperti yang sudah saya sebutkan tadi siswa

kelas sepuluh masih dalam masa transisi jadi masih perlu penyesuaian, masih banyak yang

tidak mengerti kalau saya menggunakan bahasa Inggris terus, yang terpenting untuk saya,

siswa itu punya keberanian untuk berbicara.

4. : kapan biasanya bapak menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia saat mengajar?

: saya menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia ketika para siswa tidak mengerti dengan apa

yang saya sampaikan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris. Semisal ada suatu istilah dalam

Bahasa Inggris yang sukar, pertama saya coba jelaskan dan jabarkan dulu

menggunakan bahasa Inggris, jika siswa masih belum mengerti baru saya ganti dengan


bahasa Indonesia (communicating meaning). Kemudian ketika memberi arahan yang

sekiranya sulit dimengerti (giving instruction), misalnya ketika memberi tugas untuk

diskusi, jika menggunakan bahasa Inggris banyak siswa yang tidak mengerti dengan maksud

saya, sehingga saya harus mengulangi lagi dengan menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia.

Terkadang saya gunakan juga untuk memberi lelucon kepada siswa (joking), karena dari

pengalaman jika siswa saya beri lelucon menggunakan Bahasa Inggris, siswa malah diam,

diam dalam arti mereka tidak mengerti dengan apa yang saya maksud. Kemudian ketika ada

aktifitas diluar kelas, seperti game atau semacamnya, saya selipkan Bahasa Indonesia untuk

memberi penjelasan tentang game tersebut (explanation) supaya siswa lebih cepat

mengerti jadi tidak menghabiskan waktu hanya untuk menjeleskan.

5. : menurut bapak kapan waktu yang tepat dan kapan yang tidak tepat menggunakan

bahasa Indonesia?

: waktu yang tepat adalah ketika siswa benar-benar tidak mengerti dengan apa yang

saya sampaikan, bagaimana cara mengetahui siswa mengerti atau tidaknya yaitu dengan sikap

siswa yang cenderung diam. Siswa kebanyakan malu jika disuruh bertanya sehingga mereka

lebih cenderung diam. Kemudian waktu yang tidak tepat adalah ketika siswa sudah mengerti

dengan apa yang kita sampaikan seperti sapaan atau kata-kata yang sering kita pakai setiap

hari. Menurut saya, disitu malah guru yang salah soalnya siswa sidah mengerti kenapa kita

masih memakai Bahasa Indonesia.

6. : mengapa bapak menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia ketika mengajar?

: karena bahasa Indonesia membantu saya dalam mengajar. Seperti yang sudah saya

jelaskan tadi seperti memberi instruksi yang agak sulit, menjelaskan arti kata atau grammar,

mencari arti istilah yang sulit, dan lain sebagainya.


Appendix 5

Observation result with teacher 1

Date : May, 24 2012

Topic : Direct and Indirect

Teachers‟ talk coverage

according to Spratt

(1988) and Moskowitz


Is it




Note Example

1 Instruction and

classroom management

2 Explanation and


The teacher explained

about the task done

by one of the student

because it was still

incorrect. So she

repeated the

explanation using

Indonesian by giving

example from the real


T: Bella ask Debora, “where

are you going?”

How is the indirect sentence?

S: Bella ask Debora where she

going was.

T: is it correct? Seharusnya

sebelum V-ing itu ada to be-

nya. To be itu posisinya selalu

didepan, seperti bebek

pemimpinnya slalu didepan.

So, how is the indirect


S: Bella ask Debora where she

was going.

3 Communicating meaning


4 Checking


5 Dealing with feeling The teacher used it

when she felt

disappointed (I think)

with the students

because they cannot

answer her question.

Can be seen from her

face expression in the


T: OK, today we will review

about direct and indirect, what

is the rule, what is the main

rule, what is the main rule of

direct and indirect?

S: silent

T: halah! How is the rule? One


S: back

6 Praising or encouraging The teacher used it to

motivate the students

that the students can

do that because it is

not difficult task.

T: I hate you, can you change

it? Cuma dirubah ke bentuk tak

langsung, jangan lupa satu

langkah kebelakang. Itu simple


S: (come in front to do the


T: is it correct? OK good!

7 Joking The teacher gave joke

to make students did

not feel bored and to

make them felt more

relax because the

students‟ face showed

T: okay, for example, give me

two names!

Ss: Tejo Miss

T: Okay, Tejo and?

Ss: Nita

T: okay, Tejo said to Nita I


that they were a little

bit stressed.

miss you, what else? Apa, I

hate you?

Ss: laugh

T: lhoh..kalian putus kok hate-

hate an?

Ss: laugh

8 Using students idea

9 Repeating students The teacher repeated

it to make sure that

she repeated the

correct order like

what the student said.

T: yang diubah yang mana,


S: yang tanda petik Miss.

T: yang tanda petik? Yang ini?

(pointing on the quotation

mark on the whiteboard)

S: yes Miss.

10 Response verbatim

11 Asking questions Asking question

using Indonesian

because when the

teacher asking using

English no one

answer it

T: do you still remember when

should we use “that”?

S: silent

T: “that” itu digunakan pada

saat apa?

S: pada kalimat tidak langsung

T: good! Remember that.

12 Other (giving


Teacher gives

information about

how to do the task.

T: Tejo said to Nita, I hate you,

can you change it? Cuma

dirubah ke bentuk tak


langsung, jangan lupa satu

langkah kebelakang. Itu simple


S: (come in front to do the


T: is it correct?

S: correct

T: Okay, good!


Appendix 6

Observation result with teacher 2

Date : May, 25 2012

Topic : Direct and Indirect

Teachers‟ talk coverage

according to Spratt and


Is it


or not?

Note Example

1 Instruction and classroom


The teacher switched

to Bahasa because

the students (maybe)

did not understand

with the teacher‟s


T: okay, now your job is make

a direct sentence, after that I

will choose one of you to read

and the other students will

change it into indirect

sentence. Understand?

Ss: silent

T: tugasnya buat satu kalimat

langsung, setelah itu saya akan

tunjuk salah satu anak untuk

membaca dan siswa yang lain

akan merubahnya menjadi

kalimat tak langsung.


Ss: Yes

2 Explanation and


3 Communicating meaning Teacher used Bahasa T: any question? For the next


to make the students

understand the

meaning of speech

oration, and (seemed)

to save time because

that speech was at the

end of the lesson.

meeting please bring speech

oration for dubbing activity.

S: speech oration itu apa pak?

T: speech oration itu pidato,

seperti pidato kepresidenan,

pidato dalam rangka

menyambut hari kebangkitan.

Sudah jelas?

S: sudah pak.

T: any other question?

S: no

4 Checking comprehension The teacher used it to

save the time because

after that the teacher

asked the students to

do some exercise.

T: Raka said, “don‟t believe


How we change it into


S: Raka said not to believe


T: are you sure? Okay, good.

Sampai disini sudah jelas?

S: sudah

T: now, open your book on

page 57 and do the exercise!

5 Dealing with feeling

6 Praising or encouraging To make the students

feel confident with

T: okay, now I want you to

change this sentence into


their answer. indirect, who want to try?

Ss: silent

T: ndak usah takut salah, ayo

sapa yang mau coba maju?

Yak Lilo mau coba?

Lilo: shake his head

7 Joking Teacher use that kind

of joke to attracted

students‟ attention

because when he

asked student to pay

attention on the book

there are some

students that still

keep talking each


T: okay, pay attention to your

book. Take a look page 58.

Ayo itu Farhan sma Miranda

pacarannya ditunda dulu!

S: laugh

8 Using students idea

9 Repeating students

10 Response verbatim

11 Asking questions Teacher used bahasa

(seem) to repeat the

previous question

because when teacher

asked student to

continue the sentence

T: Lilo asks Bagus “are you


Lilo asked Bagus?

S: silent

T: setelah Lilo asked Bagus,

trus selanjutnya apa?


they silent. S: that

T: okay, good. After that?

S: mumbling

12 Other(s)