The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1902-01-28 [p 6].Tni Sim New York PiM Klo No IJ Orand Hotel Kloiuue No 10...

THE SUN TUESDAY JANUARY 2P 4002 y H 5 4 Pu p I 4 TUESDAY JANUARY JOO- Ttxerlptloa by Mall PMlpald DAILY Month DAILY pu Year SUNDAY pr Yc r UMtY AND SUNDAY per Year IMILV ASI SUNDAY P r Month roiuiolo fortltnrountrtea Added Tni Sim New York PiM Klo No IJ Orand Hotel Kloiuue No 10 HoulevrddeiC puetn- Mr trlinti w manuKTlf ruNIallon lo Mr rf JtrKtf arlUHl rimnwd me n tU ttm lint ifampi f llwl pur POM The Insanity Hill The BrackettRogoni Insanity bill pending In tho Legislature Is verslve of tho Intent If not alao of very language of the State For tho protection of the Insane as na to safeguard other related interests of the State the Constitution In section 2 of Article VIII requires the ure to provide for a State Coramlsslo In Lunacy which shall visit and all the Institutions either public private used for tho care and tho Insane The words visit Inspect when used In this connection have a worldwide acceptation contemplate primarily the examlna tlon with a judicial eye of overy the work of the Institutions affected for the purpoo of discovering and cor reeling evils and tho Institution reforms In tho management of such In Btitutlons In order that their work brought to u high plane of efficiency An Impartial Independent body with out real administrative powers nnlth r socking nor bestowing favors I Intended by the Constitution limy far from thene purposes State Commission In Lunacy has gone let the statute books of the State and tho payrolls of tho State the insane make answer And the HrarkettRogcrs bill seeks to give to the commission tho managomcn and control of tho hospitals Imposing upon It duties absolutely In consistent with the requirement of Im- partial Inspection Tho Lcgislatur might with equal propriety and provide that tho owners of a private insane hospital should also perform tho functions of visitation and inspection over tholr own institution The ab mirdity of such a proposition would once be apparent but the principle at stake In to all intent and purpose tho same as that Involved- In the HrackcttRogors bill giving the management and control of the Slatn insane hospitals into the hands of the commission which tho Constitu- tion declares shall visit and Inspect- In tho State Charities law giving the mandate of tho Constitution which provides for visitation and Inspection of charitable institutions by the State Board of Charities this principle Is dis- tinctly recognized and respect sd by the requirement that no Commissioner shall qualify or enter upon the dutlen of hi office or remain therein while he is a trustee manager director or other administrative oflloer of an In- stitution subject to tho visitation and inflection of such board It Is true that the State Constitution provides that the Legislature may confer upon the State Commission in Lunacy additional powers not Incon slHtcnt with other provisions of the iiibtltutlon but surely no one will attempt to argue that this givns author- ity for the bestowal of powers ahuolutely at variance with the peciflo mandate of the Constitution which d olnrm what l e the particular duties of Th IlrarkeltRogert lull meek to- mnfor Ux n local vUltors but crudely provided for In time proponed act tho- prrxiMi iliillm whlnh thu Coimtlttitlon tall IMI rierrUtMl J y Uiu Kuitu- ommitMion III lAinaoy To the PI ten w liavn Indicated It mutt be j arent- Ilia ilin till prop MM to nullify the pro vuioi of the Ktata Coiiklltution in wlnii It embodied wUdotn Iwntxl on nlulyil many ei it rev luiion HIM kliouM not b tolnralxj- llryniiil lliU the bill t ix nt o do- iolini tu hut apint if inifUigem- iiiiUiiilin y whifh In Yurk and uefclnHii u th iMiiKrwwtli i4 inurt- llMII It KHIlUr Hf illlful ripnnnllira- ami jttUuum piugiuM mean Hiivr lltu ulM 4 f llie Iwiiohl ul tin CM uUMi fVlmM ut IIIMI M- I MUM II M hue Not ilMtiMtl WJ HMMfwt with mtr- I l ti lei ItJIHlNj HUT 11 4- if tM 4 Mt4 Mtt thiii i Ail rr it- t M4 l n mM M wf WM I Mill IM- Iwl It H l of tmu H- fttut it u- I H to tm n e- lf tli HMiiMt In fkil fin fr l fuM I ruaxj bt mt 28 per 010 00 2 00 00 10 ur and II tao 1 II idffi fII 10 now flUb tho Constitu- tion well Icgl lat inspect or treatment- of and They aspect- of of may- be and the alreAdy hospitals- for now thereby safety at effect- to C hall ttit comntmlssion liMit It New I II IICNB IliIt lit tf IHfit IIC liaiilieeie Jtw- tlil a I I I II lor IItC- C MIl II Jltr If Ie r I II- tI 1 jIf I Itf A U- IJ I w Ii lilt MI- J Ke llI M l w UjllnC 11 Ifl eI I- I rft t 61 tM4w4r N40 I UI T II CUT vim t preif ely I Iso the I the bl 445I SIItII WIB id tWe f ate tew N ussi ite lielrsisl 544 5 l iteee a e NHs4 ut i4essswt4 lb asp SIr frMp I H ieeMlI 44 11 t4Wi4iel aduJe- I egm d SDs ihsale h4 i- sir4ss 4ep 4 Is I4i 04 s4r asoei- e e Id S it1mM a I sM W IWI P d h MtUNt lah4eo44 e l- 444s 4 d 4- e Mm Ms Mtfte4d e4 4 M04 I a8e41- i ei4W nj I- I la4S IsliahIh 14 1 IusMw d Jw1ia me- tjs 4d hei Hi Pdl- Mv Md I 4 4Md M5 jihh se H 4 l s 4 sIIi lv f ii- d U- d N gIT S IeiI- I U4 as l s4 J44NerM Nesm 5 bI a d bc- V 0 isp i y- se st 4 ptaS 1c ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > > < > < > < + unless the com ifl oa eertlnea to State Comptroller tbat they are necEssary If under theee droum stance there have been expwdlturea the State Lunacy han failed In ita duty and it Illogical to recommend that lie power be Increased to those of control management- The present system is safe and good- It should be Improved wherever im provement Is possible but there is warrant for Its abolition- To Change the Liquor Law The plan agreed upon by the group of prominent citizens who havo been meeting recently to devise a better scheme of excise waa laid before Mayor Low yesterday Here is the point of it- I Tfce lUInu law abouM be so antrndtd a 10 provide for the uSe of liquor In rettiurtnti t- In hotels and under like eondlUoiu with the Ide that la such cu lb Raloea law hotel would b- dliplMtd mad Its peculiar abu ei stamped out This the Mayor approves though not himself plead for it before the Legislature The existing law alms at limiting the salo of liquor on Sunday burdensome requirement that every lawful liquor shop shall be a hotel which lo denned aa a house with ten bed rooms open for gueeiU A saloon can add a restaurant to Ita accommodations at BO little cost that to grant the license to restaurants is practically to open time saloons without exception Such a state of affairs would be In our opinion preferable to the demorali ration of the police which Is caused keeping the Irrepressible traffic In liquor under tho ban of the law But tho question of change Is for the decision of the State Legislature and some advice to those In favor of change seems timely In the first place tho Rev Dr LTMAN ABBOTTS unwill- ingness to ask the Legislature to paM law to open the saloons In this city be cause it U contrary to the spirit of home rule Is the height of blind war faro on the organization of tho State In the second place New York city will be In a much better position to aak tho Legislature for another liquor law if it request with clean hands as to observation of the law is Dr Schurmans Position The President of Cornell University- on Saturday added to lila Boston a further explanation of his views on the future status of the Philippines Ills explanation Is not any too lucid He seems to limit his prognostication- of Filipino independence to tho Chris- tian Filipinos of Luzon and Visayoa Who Is to become of tho rest of tho population of the archipelago he not one point however Dr Scntm- UAMS position Is quite clear Ho says Pruident noosiTULT mild In nt tneaut to ContrtM that we were to do th FUlplnot more ttuui other nation bad a tropl eat people mad that we were to fit them or lovernment alter the faablon of the reallr cation I am with rrrildfM HooaitiLT This is exacUy what President ROOSE- VELT said In his message- Our aim la high W do not dulre to do the Islanders merely what hat rt where been done for tropic people by even the best nretf n Govern- ment We bop to do them what bu never before been done any people o the tropics lo- mtketbem pt Mltrovernment alter the luhlon of the r aly nation The rhtrartrr of Oo rrnor sod al auorUie and eubordl U such be needed of lb Incerllir of our non t glee Itlaadm a rvMtaetlir I- ncrrulct meaiure ol elfovernniini eiarUf U they show Ibemx4ve nt lo eierclM We tre eiliemHjr anitoin that the natives hall how powri inveinlue Ibrmulvr We U anilau Cret their take and neat b ca It relieve u of a neat burden Ttiie nerd out be the llhleet ar o our not runtlnulKi them olilenlbrr r hi If Ir KcunuuK M with IrurildeiitI- UOHLVKLT In this lr Sciititu lit nil right Hut If heieodi in Iruulinitiii- HwtHK a ilcrlurutlon in favor of Miutlle at any futuin a prediction of th lowering f ties Ainnrlrnii IU by sued by or of tlm abandonment of the kov- er lgtiiy Hivjulrexi by Trmtly uf testis r KriiciiuAV nUliw Mr ltooKVKiTM worth mmiuitniftwn wliicli- U rnllrrly unwHrrMiit i l- Tha Ml in I leigh b rty and govnrnmnnl a rumY in limy lmw- ItiKlliaolvii tit A Her MM II faaliHtll steel Aiiieruwn flag 7lir Illtsiiurl l rlli U lir- uf IIMM sides irtiUtiw i lies rwirlli- M nf it IMIU mli n id- kMXm irf Ual IrvlAy a itlHU4ikr WM- Ml MwM lt ll trflli- MrU ikuke MI H- SI M sal Hi ff1lwiy miiuH riair Now VMrttl- uf M M WIW- IIIMtut 1 hut te r- MIS lm t i i SHIM Hi l uI- SMMSI f Hutu umam MIMi ax- t tf 141 M tsssW istJMil t M- IpvflBvMIHI MltP HP Hv m4 MI the actually extravagant Cammls lon In Is and no he will through- the Sunday by Sunday a a the that dot M- On for don for for for TAr of lb u lb of for to be llbn I u non I IUI r ly I u0 Cur I I u Mn I U K i a 1 I 1 1W I l I f t I- W t 4 N Iun a Ito M I O tt- el i tnakett re- marks tar any fit for Ire OIL i fast It- S give ill for lets limit tie ice self attN tier 1ewUMIS lieu i ii7 II Sale lice 4 leaSt a tIU4itas4 tumeni w yriele tgw a awn Hr leawks wIruwf ibis nIy baa 4 chain bws ill iat e4 a a flew usa hwtmlit eu isIl44 as4 kws wii IIeaI lsss4Ii4liJ4 Ii sttIe aseel hoist S ay i a lull S44I aISII M5J iwai 1a IbM Iaw Swa 4twsel 1l ewMw 0 laei svswi- Ja1SheIka bleat s s MSliWs5iieMe4- w i4w- a d w ws ww 440 Ia fw awitiiaf Ne 0- ist LaMa lw Sb44 S es d s4s mis- w Me iltwiliSe kds 454 bes- saka abs w4 j3atS l d Ms I r4Se Mi Se laea- lIkd flIsIiI s m ioiW M- ia r 01 frfM Me iia Sls aaku 1 ba N- duwtd 04 5 1Md S d- 4e n 1 iie1r Saw 4- 4sr wir 11 ad heet- ew44w4a a SsLJ a44 s 504- wIms Hep I 4pa4 miW- nala IS4mI l 4 ks- N4 a Je 4 c 544 awI- m aww wie 1 41 Ii a pp4 JNH iiI4y a 494 hek ie 1 f ib ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ > > > > < ° + ar W b d turb d very rarely Mrthquaket If haveat o much earthquake bU tory u some countries we can oertaln results of seismic phenomena that are unsurpawed anywhere for exam plo the series of In Missouri near where square miles of alluvial lands subsided at the time of the Now Madrid earthquake ten feet below former level Mississippi rushed In to nil the depreeslona Tho lakes thus attracted a portion of the ad and are lakes today Interesting reminders of the earthquake ever known In the of this country The Explosion The Rapid tunnel has for Ita first of human To every important work of engineering- it seems that some lives must be sacri flood and experience with these large enterprises Is always dearly bought Nevertheless in such a catastrophe common laws of accident must not easily accepted na a shield for re Men making use of the enormous force that la In dynamite are to fore see and provide against danger that hare In this instance wrought such awful havoc The best safeguard for the future punishment for the past Ugh I Has SchleyUm lost tho last spark shame Well we quote from the At- fanfp Constitution SAurso hunt exbuuitfd the iran let Ills son U now to b appointed to Academy Rear Admiral SAMPSON the Com manderInChlef of the American fleet In a war ending with a victory is today too pitia- bly stricken to feel the sting of this brutal Indecency But bitter with jealousy of SAMPSON an the official recognized commander of tho Santiagc and frnntlo at the fact that of Inquiry In effect publicly justified SAMPSONS privnti criticism of SCHLET as guilty of rep rehensiblo conduct the Schley press directs Its slanderous venom at SAMP SONS son Horriblol Most horrible The Ideal Governor Dole The reported Intention of tho to put new blood and brains tho executive management of Hawaiian affairs wilt surprise nobody who ha watched In the islands since their To a great majority of the American people SANFoRD II DotK has typified in his own person the spirit of the revo lution that overturned Hawal Ian monarchy of tho successful reslstnnn against the attempts of Mr CLRVKLANI and Secretary GRKSIIAM to restore Ltu UOKALANI to her throne and of tho union with this republic finally consummated at the time of the Spanish war At long range and under circumstances favorable to an exaggerated view of his Individual importance and influence he has seemed to many to be somewhat of a mldPaclflo OponaK WASHINGTON calm patient farsighted resourceful extraordinarily sagacious and nclfcon- talned the Father of American Hawaii Huch a man as the Ideal President of Hawaii was naturally the of President McKlviur for Oov ernor of this Island Territory under the new order of things If tho real Mr DOLE had ooirewpondod closely to the Ideal Im would be proper to hold that office an long cut ho coo sfinted to serve While Mr POLKH connertlon with the stirring event of i il yearn In Kuwait insure liiin u plaiti In hUtor und while lie U justly entltlmi lo much iri dit und th gfiie rul II IMHI of kind truth reqiilH this aintrment that thn reel man fulln thorl of ties iiiutfni- liwin of ldi l by i vrrnl digre of iliiniiiinii To rrwHHtnbllity of moral chancier mid uitdwilii Imtuwty of Hjr n Im Julie Uiti lirwulth tear miHigth of will Hn lea lMM n at UIIIM alnxwl like n fIgures iif- imtly IH Immls uf lies fa li in Mjr- rwjnding Uliu In the rvrutu ling iniieiialWi hi wn lice rrpi t the 4Mtliw ii 4ni f niriMigiir- D n fuilier luau the lewilnr ansi muni r- if ll Island itrclli Tim ifMi 4l l- t wmH lirllinr a M slut lu MfHH- 4i i HH etalwuri frtMM4 tiii AlHefHHIl Stag W III i tii eel lit HI- wf 4M 4rl ie linM4f 4M- rtttUf Mt fiwMy IU U MW N- IrfMlll III MM plMM H H lM l f DM AH tf I H Mini 11 sit U Iwu Mi istetoi m4ttmf- t iilmii HIM tl L m t vtFvntV VIM 99Hfft9t- ityl IM by We show lake Ark abut their fore leveret Trait the h- ot bund may- be of feet a Into event noL lbs II I fr- t 1 Ir h at I Y 1 I J I- a t I- iI 1 I I J f- e l a 1 1- M P I P 1 1 10 t 1 and called life pet the Natal At- lantic sen- sational pro- nounced Presi- dent per- son thee ten situ liar hoSt tetir utah New taluS a5i4 Mi 4ui4lef r ISMI U- iluesisais IIsIsilIIi atusIs4 his k alas ea44k al- Ihi iaWiIsaik w wei his alffisaau Ussflu a- i44iw Iiaaid lie 1401 wAkn4y aslsieg4ase lea hs eeffi4sj44 lies 1 hew ejssi lest 4wthsp- 1 Is lesss- is less Ieaweew 1k- IMetsd AtewnaHsal aws4ut I- ii 1 aw4sl s4sir it a Misssl C U 45 1 aw4sNs has sd tw- a 44Is w i1 j4jm- 4l4s4M iaIi a asse 4 4 lit 4sd lie Ijegw sjid S jsaie- rIe km ss4 mlsSs- 1s MiIiitIe S r Lw da- tat4 seiaaji as4oes soedses I- I Isa u4eMs hi siWv as i4a Ill lstnw ftiaa a aw 4d 5514 N- asstid ILtIN4I NiS- be Iasaa list 4s f hd sa r diMrfV iae- 4SflgI1i 4x4dIf- a Ma- Is I eSSNIS a b Iii 1i- ka ij Na IIIjUSSP- a 4 S Aa MF U 4 N 04 a 1dw145a4 s- I 0 wew44 4 a SNg 4 1Ag S wwwt4 w45 Ikf saea r > < > < was done entirely by TBfoloKS totally Ignorant of BaU There was some extrt revision of proof by American foremen to b mir but result U omactaffly good There U no mean apparently of tellln how Urge Now York olty Board of Health which Is the repoaltor of the vital statistics of the city and control of the records which fix the city jurisdiction puts at IJ4J7 the acreage Manhattan at 36523 the acreage of Bronx at 33077 the acreage of Brooklyn- at 81720 tho acreage of Queens and 8900 the ocroago of Richmond a total of 1 7S The Department of Public Improve menu the duties of which have sine Jan 1 devolved upon tho Borough puts tho area In acres of the borough of Manhattan the same as does thee Board of Health but the area of The Bronx a- J70 more than 1000 acres lost It tho acreage of tho borough of Brooklyn at Uflti 4000 more and of Queens at 7031 and Richmond at 38001 a total of 1W800 The States Government in Census tho Eleventh Census of IBM devoted to the area of counties In each o the State give 0320 acre aa the aria o Now York county the two o Manhattan and Tho Bronx for Brooklyn MWO for Queens and 384 for Richmond a total of 314040 A comparison of these figures will their variances most notable outside oi Now York county naard TffOtrcpb U J- llrallb tett Itunau Cmvi Brooklyn M177 UC9J Queens II7W 7 I4T M Richmond M 00 M OI l- As to Richmond county there I prao tlcally no disagreement and very HUle a to Manhattan hut there Is no in the figures aa to Brooklyn The Bronx or Queens SHAWS Only 35OOO lie says and Nol 1000000 u has Siren llrported Das MOINES la Jan 27 ExOov- Bhaw has hU business affairs shape to his absence from State for an indefinite period baa taken formal leave of hits late official associates at the Slate and departed for Washington assume his new dutlo- H Secretary of the Treasury Secretary Show haa suffered annoyanoe through the publication In tho Eastern press of statements concerning his wealth The newspapers of the East have contained exaggerated accounts or his financial con- dition his wraith being estimated at vari- ous over 11000000 That the mls causing the na w Secretary real aiinoyanon IM not doubted for the tlmoA in itt farewell talks with friends- In pointing out embarrassments which come to him through the false stories concerning his wealth Hecrotary Hhaw said I find upon striking n that I am of thi goods to tho amount of tl25000 no more 1m lon gains ground In Wanhlngton circles that I am a I will to entertain accordingly and I have to proving a ril nodal I v or swlnn accumulation lifetime of my official terra in reached SKTKCE COMMVTKO- Mrmbrr of tne Nandatahan Outlaw Stand Hated from Hi Gallows WASHINOTOK Jan 27 AguMln Agtitlar a Filipino murderer sentenced to l hanged for killing Antonio Abaya haw had his sentence commuted to life Imprinonment- by Gen CliafTee Thee reason given for committing thee crime was that had a IMC sickness The evidence arcordlne to frn Cliaffce proved Jiowovor outlaw known on Samlataliami that In ooin of niemlieM of hi hn went to thn how of Antonio Aliaya aroused of teeing a py out of men wanton user rUe of an authority tat him over thee head with a club and ptit uHuently cut hi throat with a nalir- eflUJVVi7 TO POSTMASTHft HlUJ The President Still tunIc It and Then He- ppulnt tiles for Annllirr Term WasillNorow Jan 27 It was said at White t lay that the President haiti de ld i lo writ a letter of naming to Pixtmaiter Will of N livllle Tunn and ilieni n iiuiiit him another four ywtr linn lit hU pienent l wtinale r Villa Mime I liiw ago rhariced hy the tlvll- Strviiti r iiiiiiiU Uiii Jesting knlMlixJ fund fur MMiiimlKn HJI IM In- vi igail ii It he had i I t I ft Iwd M II lmlHlil In hllll wlllmut liy mi- Ik itatluii oil hU rt- IalaJ ll rar Allarkt Ann lulr In tltiill- WPIIIKM H Jan IT 11i fatal and HMfh dren4il Mien liwlltli Hurmah lea hivailMl Ike IltllHiMMH HIM U ie lni- lUMM al liillafcen fear Klali lisa I M IHNIIIWII i4 NfiMk lite 4- lMM lll ll r ri y tut- wifl ami fatal utlrrtvt IMilorll I Hirlil l Ilir lu r iiif I mill til I lll H Israel llmnali l r the In The t Unit borough of 2 5ERETAl Over pLO In the HOUR amount thas uts this l be molt R Iho end FIU PlO br- A A I ot band all the fir theist f I 1 j J I kl S I 11 Ir I i J f J I J f 11i f k I I e t 1 0 I I 1 I printers hiss Presi- dent puts show agreement FORTUNE reason referred to thorn expected heat Agiiilar wna a Icisdr luau sifts ca is silt Sill thAt I s a Si 5waiwaitd sueS cIIIMaIJ4515r114lel- is eta flieS ike fee and I A Sealaww idaflS cj St a 0 uaw4sI aa kIssasral isSUe f 1 Ias4k1 is I 0Ie stl wsu slag wu4 aad ass sIsa MIi Vs l4r4 5- Jejmasa iii 8 wi4dS ii S h I lS is bbi as Jild sa jk- eSftd 4 wpb 5 wa NpwIa SUNWiI1I 5 I Na IS4l SeW I I 1 N 4w lie a ta a Ie IiI 45 5 5 51- S rNi Si eM SMdd S aa 4- I 50 ema se e- S Ce 44 10 555 5Ii 4 5 S U 4 W tead 115 I5 5J l5- a asd 517 C S 4- r L iI4 a- I I sw- s5sap ispj s Is bessa ¬ ¬ < > > > << > > = + The president Believes H wzo 8honl- Rfeelvft tl Reward WAflBiiroroN Jon IT Tht question a to who Is entitled to the credit of rexulu- LUut Junes C Qlllmorsof the navy ua hit of sailors from the hand of two years ago U playing an Im pert In the consideration of can dictates for promotion to Drlgadler0eneit In the array President Rooaovelt believe that Ckpt Robert L HOWBO who as Llouteo- antColonel of the Thirtyfourth Infantry oommanded part of the cxp dgon which reaohod Lieut Qlllmore should recolvi the reward The friends of Capt Luther R liars who was Colonel of the Thirty third Infantry and In command of another part of the expedition say ho deserves promotion more than Capt Sena tor Joe Bailey of Texas Is liar movement and baa had several interviews with the President and Secretary of on the subject So for he has not been able to convince that Capt liars actually rescued captives He saw Secretary Root this morning aooomplUhed nothing as tho of War believes that the reward should to Capt The the rescue of Lieut Qlllmore aa shown by the official report Is that Cal Howze and Cot Hare com mandlng separate troops were operating against the insurgents near Vlgan They worked At Iauu whore the started earl In December Col men covered the At San Col Hare learned news of th American prisoners which led him to believe they were BAJI jutxl Ho says In hU report- I sont Col on to with tho Thirtyfourth Infantry and that part of was me on a mountain trail for u Intercept a supposed movement UK enemy at or Hare then tolls about hU capturing emissaries from convinced him theist the had been taken north Ho continues The next rooming I received a despatch from Col that ho covered the enemy that the American pris- oners were and that he hold their trail Cal liar he selected a of men and several later joined Col Rowe at the mouth of a carton thn mountains It was in this carton that im was told the Americans were held prisoners Ho ho found Cola Howzon practically without shoes and U any- thing more exhausted than mine to this condition Cal Hare on the 13th left Col Howzo and proceeded seven miles up the canon The n mfwngur reached him that Cot had received shoes and would him He continues I shortened my march and Howre over- took mo with Jim command night The next morning we left and proceeded over the mountain following by the Insurgent our prisoners were present at the rescue TO 1AXAMA OFFER Senate Commltlre to Canal rom mlidonrrf Vanities WASUINOTOS Jan 27 There will l ea thorough investigation of the canal ques- tion by the Senate Committee on litter oceanic Canals Itpforo any bill I reported to the Senate This decided upon at oninwliat lively meeting of thin commlttoa this morning every one of the eleven mern beta Iwlng prci ont Vheti adjournment took place at i oclock tim all those who sought as to what had boon done to thee chairman Mr Morgan who Mild that It had lx n- drcidod to the n etnlK r of tho Isth- mian Canal lHfi r thee committee sulitnlt tint information in their KM on which I AM their recent report recommending selection of route ditcrmlnatlon reached much KgaitiNt the wishes of tho chairman steel certain miinl r of thn The meiiilmr of the roinrnittret who was anxloim to avccrtolii riHw n for Canal YmiinliMiouN of baix- U Kinutor Harrii of Kaii i unit on hU motion a Hiil viminltt lnt roinKM yi of only who are Inctrurt iil to thn lions Involved In the offer uf Iutmina company to seth lu rixlitn and for io 1 iO In other word thin iulioom- mlttea U to iKxvrlaln h thi r tlw IMIIHIIIH could glvn this 1iillml Slate n- rl ir title If their offer nhmilil nin 4 l Mr iuuwiil i on ilu rulmHii milt are St n lur Tunivr of VYaklilnginu arid Kimter uf l ul Uiia DorniMTatx H m or KiUrrdgff if Iti Hliliran- AuoordliiR to uf oMnmllKe u fur ii Vlraia unlay hut IHili llieit a ilralaliH climiifH uf utlul iii iiilllw a litll lli K lur tie eU thee NlmraKiuui route U Im rv- tfKI nil I pM ldertii Hi niu ki t4lMr- wf thee IIMIIM utter u iay ih i iirf Htmli iiiiM Dialllitan Mvriiaii tii l iriH i4 u lT r Hllll MM I M IMUllUill it M Hlrr StuNs Ai Hr Mr i r i it iui- N l IM W IM PaiMinia IMII l l IMUHIIIielHlMlf Itt iMKfliAIMW uf III- nhaiiia uHHt r iITB a ir ni- iflrf l Mi 1MB- r Iliiirt r m l ji Hilt 4 MH Hit A lll- wl uiuirlllH I tillllr i H Mr tk ti iUi miMi7 4 41- W M- MM M lli INM- Hi 1 i M LLO 01 1 pry the the Howl War thor but go Howl of upon at PUt n net tat lea R 1 lon ali I lII legal I Junta Hal onl gus fiance IIofegly 11 lit Df II JUt I I of Ilewl tI III I is lie lit I I waa by Moo a Ia II II I II ali lilt 0Itt004 JIll wi I wi aaI I kifiiiI to- I IE ref till f r 1 of r j I 1111 lilt I sad Ctzr A 53 1 j I iHoI- I p1 4 4- C1 E t eo 1 11- fl C portaut Secretary expedition advance oi llowso the taking In Joe over- take INQUIRE INTO was members re- ferred information they the the This was ooninlttss most Iii thee wits lawyers lit the w Hweli 4a tie sew tie I relict tsalor ci I I ssItes ersvsea will ate usi I lie salIi te Seeiet last ee4 t Itw N4leekIe b4 CI wI4- tib1 Ii lie Iteet esettsmws s aliSatiy 1ttr 1i444s send Ie Asa4br heba tsk pItw I ci 1 Imur s1ieis IMSee es Ii iMler inset as ssMt4 Sissl e- I h 5 tMsb atlsSya- l wpMmg I 14S II It sIlaIIlIi lie SI H lussIia4wla- elI5wIda w Sw Nes4 s 4- h 44ie Its aluS4su k 54 ao- tu S Ml a a Pl aiNwa saud gi 7ml I- lb aeesL I IsM SI lit w4 I- a I Ill I sal lslsawtIasl g4 Aesdalli 1s- Ia 54s41 bIa4- ueiiwr e- Na M4Sa 1ad l kmsr Na 0 bsiS i 4 0 L5 5 C- qee sass g- ssMSsar a u 4- Pfv1tt iSemmi sa- I5 55w MMw- dw Frt awsN 4 i4 4 s 4 iaan4w4e wee I S is I 5 e a Sc w eaa les a deSe aeaW I 4isd s 4mu4 It 5k sd i ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ > > > < < > < > > < > < < > > < > > > < = UVSTLKD OfF TO BtA- Rrcry Naval OfRoer Artore 1 l Sea F1errlo Is Belor Bent Aw- VVAsnjwgtoK Jan 27 Naval officer duty are being hustled off to a rate that ha set the swrrlce general wondering what In the wind plsjitUon Is slmplft The number of In the navy ha been increased greatly while the number of offloers not every officer nahors who Is available for sea assignment is being sent away Not long ago the number of officer e the rank of Lieutenant and below who shore assignments said to b M of tho whole number Within past few weeks there haa been a decrease in the number of those ashore until now only 16 per cent of Lieutenants Junior Lieutenants and Ensigns are desk or Inspection work percentage Is somewhat greater among offloar higher grades a natural consequence o the fact that there can be only Captain or commander to every ship and no Lieu tenantCommander can be assigned watch or division A lingo number of the Captains and Commanders on thor duty were former engineers who under tho law transferring them to the Une can- not be tea For several years appeals have boon and the Chief of the Bureau of for mora oRlcnrs but ha to provide the relief Naval men cloncyof the wrvloo will be greatly Im A great of imp commission fewer offloers than the number required to handle the vesseLs with Is not a ship In oervlo that lion its Before the SpanishAmerican War rule of assignment was throe years at sea and ashore Since tours of service have changed to months ashore and between two and three at see Within past few woek the period of shore a many young has been radically now It Is doubtful any Junior Lieutenant or will have a year at a shore station Nearly nil tho officers on duty al Department leave been away to It 1 said to Intention to replace them by older men for whom sea commensurate with their rank cannot be found niAnADMlttALSCnLKYS APPEAL President Btmtytni the Cue Thor misjlily and Will Decide It by Feb 10 WABIIIKOTON Jan 37 President Roose- velt Is giving up a great deal of hi time to the consideration of tho appeal of Rear Admiral Bchloy from the condemnation placed on his conduct by the Court of In quiry confuting of Admiral Dewey and Roar Admirals Benham and Ramsay The Prcnidents decision will bo rendered by Feb 10 He ho read the appeal a for midable document consisting of 120 pages or about 85000 words and will give it to the public on Wednesday In tlmo for tim afternoon newspapers of that dRY Then official copy of the appeal wo sent to tho Judge AdvooatcJOeneral of the nvry for comment and the anwer of that officer has been placed In the PresS dents hands It U about onefourth a- long on the appeal and was prepared by S C Lemly thee Judge Advocate Onneral of the navy and E P Uaana- sillcltor of thee Judge Advocate Generals offlc who appeared for the Depart- ment IK fore lice Court of Tho anhwrr will Im given to the pubuo heforn thee end of the There In much speculation In naval circle as to what action wilt take oti the apjieal but It only spocu iHtlon All can IMI sold ItiKMwvell in studying case ruid tlml hn to make the minutest Iminiry Into contention of Admiral M t forth In the appeal During thee sittings of tho Court of thee official report of the proceedings dally ll f aisle to laid In thee appeal of Admiral the answer of Advocate leniral The Judgo Advocate General answer ruh given to the Iriwldent last conference la lliift mora than two hours at thee White Houie between Mr lUxiMivell Secretary iJvK to and Solicitor Han No Mtttteinmit of th nature of thee I obtainable- TO AlIBI UHIS inline hire anil a Klaloo lo a usher Uimlirr IrtililrmI- liNiioH Mn Jan 7 Work ha be n- wfiiii UMHI nil ovurUnd y logoorryiu- gy hy whiih IUUIIMU feet of m Im couvcym annually from Eagle Mk IK luintjxrUlii luiku and the dl- rrt l maui llm Hi Julin to PAMOMOU utter Mini briMiKlit lo lUiiKor maUl In Uarl uf M IK tolil Uj N llruutwlrk- u IM mauufiMtUlMlr- UKUi Ijike wkiiili lists Into tii Ht oltM lUirer Ml ll iHl iflUl take whlnh H uutM lulu lbs Uajvoh tit l- hiJ all r Mial M uuly hy atrip- if Uwi alxxii UIIM iuaitn of a unity alumni i wtn M Iwavy nu t and i ja- l r uw l y HIM and It U- liwU u ft A tlmlwr lo- e ri a f awf iitii lair leeS aa Haitiuf4Wii i aiial s M 4 a Mu e a avM fyi r li- lU uftuf luw U i III I IK I liMi I Of fa Ml I IUVkf- li Mai M ft tatlevl 4OM4- t J N aM- MM D for tea at The ex ships has and a had the marked doing The of to made to of the Nav Navi- gation that It I come soon the sf11 man In lemflnt the the service II n d The Call Is tw 11u and Inlot down t4t1elt send a tOOk IIIIt Long Iud OItlrII OIIlll41I I I j 1 I I s I mil lake I tIaeeur It UI tr 1110 TceseI 1lt sa II SecSk laud Iv plate fut 4 I J NIl fit i- iI I w 1 II 11 sad fI 1 v rt i MIU- lif r wi II Ci J iB 71 11- It far 1tfiHt- ra IV to r t- M 010- 4r I Avail- able on- shore was per- cent one been sent type- written Roosevelt the side bolt loge are lass sad aStir lies I cell 41 heIler Slessi 5 144d Stt Job a ciasi e isisil lore sian lie Its a SushI lea w meit 1w saJ u I wa e4u lSeea4mIIota Wiwee lieS p iieioJ awes slule r4- Ie CISC l w4 a hlaleAW huiwg LIe eaw4y sue Is Ji 54 Is sc ladiig budS i5 Is a4i15 11j aisgSeom ej411 5 S fllek S tads hswid S iie he4 1 Tme4qlass lie U i4r4HIP ileeli 9 5 leek c s j- Aweal IP S44f s- i alaHsed 6 m I- ga 0 Sd its sa I Isol 4 be- I lasS beeuJd37 1 Na IIai t4a4aa S Ma elMss- M ttee 1a tc- St9 5 4 4 e 5- 1sen e4 s- iiW 0 ad 5 t i- a see aleXessed S S4S- I awiTLJ C c 4- is 55 lcd ee e s smss saww5 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < > > > = = + SLACK GEORGIA TVXa WBijg The Temperance Union Celrbratei thrLat tate u TeaM Temperance In the SNionli BOSTON Jan 7 Nearly ago largely through the instrumentality devoted woman aided noble work m specially the Womans Chrltlan Tern penance Union the first Edu- cation law In the world was enacted In Vermont State after State in rapid me cession placed laws upon its Matuit books they were represented In on map of the United States n object lofcon while tho rent of the Union was drawn in black The Governor of Georgia hnn ju t tent Mrs Mary H Hunt Superintendent fur Worlds and National Womans Temper once Union of Boston the ptn with which signed the last of these lawn now pn by the Legislatures Of every one of the fortyfive States of the States ami tho National all of which n QuIre to bo In all State sitS Federal control A of distinguished gathered Informally lIarS r 25 to vltnrw tln removal of this last black rap from tin national and to Iwii m tn white id thus made Delightful rominlxccnt on or phases of tho work were and rot letters were read from Mr Steven rwildont of tilt National Womani- Chrktian Temperance Ililoii JJr Liver- more iwrcla who n a member of till HOIIKO on Edu- cation In IRfl valuable aid In the National Temperance Education law and other This that with other of health the scientific reasons for total ab- stinence Is now engrafted upon this educational of and U fast spreading to other lands lu beneficent manifest In thi greater sobriety of the American working- man Increayed length life are to become more sod Their thorough enforcement- will moan a new generation of cillw nn tro wise to stultify themselves intoxicant and peaceful solution through education of temperance PANAMKRtCA CLAIMS Project for Submitting Them to The Ha cue Court Presentrrt CUT OP MEXICO Jan project for on International oourt of claim pre- sented to the PanAmerican 1 hardly second In importance to the gen- eral arbitration treaty and is of greater practical use owing to the frequency of pecuniary claims against the Spanish American governments and tho difficulty of procuring settlements Article I U aa follows The high con- tracting parties agree to submit to arbi- tration all claims for pecuniary lots or damage which may b presented by their respective citizens and which In with International law can be sub- mitted through diplomatic channels anti cannot amicably through cuoh such claims exceed and further thnt claimant shall not have voluntarily served of the enemies of then Govern ment against which the claim Is provide for submitting tuoh claims to permanent court of ration of Th V pro- vides that the convention shall bind United State and Mexico with regard- to such nations a or parties to The convention The treaty to remain In force for five The conference resolutions proving the Philadelphia Commercial Ilu scum the of Chllsanx and Argentine who contended that the x waaj going outside of Itt pray no to favor Interest JEWEL THIEF KEIIX HERE Ten Where lug Pearl It Brotight Hack Prom New Orleans Valet Edward Kern who stole UOOO worth of Jw lry from Paul Thebaud a weeks ago and arrived In city yeeterday afternoon front rleans where he wa captured ten days Kern com with Detective Sergeant II Kelly who went to New Orleans get him Capt Titus and Mr Thebaud awaiting prisoner at Polio Head Knrn wi espanalvnly dressed worn leather a fine suit of clothe linen He had adopted gold rimmed eyeglasses which clumped ersjio very much The black dj rith which ooloivd lila hair Ufuin- uavlng city liad rtly Mum fl Kv- ovintKl very touch ilnv or come withoiil fi rmanv Y Med I told t Ttt m thought tact i hirilld muet I favor C ISle that he Ul- wn d a numl r uf th niall r itei ut- hn ctolen Jewelry III lili in Hit and In gu and ilie auMr- if III i a ii Uil l i wrtikl turf IM- Iiltcr I had dVM HMl tin iti rt I ld that lee uuti Uwt a xxifH- iiitll h head oornlli MMji- tKnni mwvuiiMl and i i tgrsihe J lid a Ihrri l kinl II will U aii- KtMMl la III GoltefttI HMIHM- Iiii4alii l l- Hl ilff 9 la- triii inn 4i nnil- u lliMUKl rjilrfUliilMiilt Mlurti Cp- AiliMlial 1111- r nielli tn II H A tiMaJ fi My- nd olf HmtM Mrf M it l e- il i 4 i Ik U Uy f limn titHeigv e l i Iti M H- IM M t 4 Wkrio lt WllllteK 1 K i r ttttuial t MtwMei M kwrn- tinf TMet Itj re H Temperance A similar the etc hat United physiology JrK tint 00 ommltlll 1 rl 27The be or aided to tile this acUl A the tow escaped this ago John to were tbe quarters lie patent arid t t I Itch told t uteri U 111- 11Itll 114 TMIt I I iiia al II tAtty I l 1 Lilt j w 4 11 i i s c I fJI III 1- 1A ii- it tt- t E1- MftI 1 fIt Jjo III2S rJ wc r J4 vI- I to j- u Mi n- one whIt speeches laws sntintr destined moss Conference accord- ance lO 000 ante Wont Now abc fins lets theta with thee a lIes lee hit lie r4 jest keel teas till cit tie espiseSnS ha- Iijil ctiie aji4 ssey Ph 5 leSt i tie usew 1 5k adS Na S L- h455 a v k A4es55 wu 5- a IesNSfIee wi4iu Ails as seam II l u4n 5e44id 555 1- 4bisi Sly a4e Ieee e ii- ar tie 41 PIee i 8 wet a- edsdI is I 5ta 1 Il- Ms Lisd 5 a- a 5Ssa 5e5P4e4NSI 4 a 4si 4 II 4 sad tiV i- sl q I e- sa sq a 4 lies l1iLiir a 4 u 54 l5 z I- up si saw S o A c 4- i l uS 4 qs- M s se- fl s o est 4 N ads S eea aa4 ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > > < < < < < > > = >

Transcript of The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1902-01-28 [p 6].Tni Sim New York PiM Klo No IJ Orand Hotel Kloiuue No 10...

Page 1: The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1902-01-28 [p 6].Tni Sim New York PiM Klo No IJ Orand Hotel Kloiuue No 10 HoulevrddeiC puetn- ... 2 of Article VIII requires the ure to provide for a State


4 Pu p I



Ttxerlptloa by Mall PMlpaldDAILY MonthDAILY pu YearSUNDAY pr Yc rUMtY AND SUNDAY per YearIMILV ASI SUNDAY P r Month

roiuiolo fortltnrountrtea Added

Tni Sim New York

PiM Klo No IJ Orand HotelKloiuue No 10 HoulevrddeiC puetn-

Mr trlinti w manuKTlfruNIallon lo Mr rf JtrKtf arlUHl rimnwdme n tU ttm lint ifampi f llwl pur POM

The Insanity HillThe BrackettRogoni Insanity bill

pending In tho Legislature Is

verslve of tho Intent If not alao ofvery language of the State

For tho protection of the Insane asna to safeguard other related interestsof the State the Constitution In section2 of Article VIII requires theure to provide for a State CoramlssloIn Lunacy which shall visit andall the Institutions either publicprivate used for tho care and

tho Insane The words visitInspect when used In this connectionhave a worldwide acceptationcontemplate primarily the examlnatlon with a judicial eye of overy

the work of the Institutions affectedfor the purpoo of discovering and correeling evils and tho Institutionreforms In tho management of such In

Btitutlons In order that their workbrought to u high plane of efficiency

An Impartial Independent body without real administrative powersnnlth r socking nor bestowing favors I

Intended by the Constitutionlimy far from thene purposes

State Commission In Lunacy hasgone let the statute books of the Stateand tho payrolls of tho State

the insane make answer Andthe HrarkettRogcrs bill seeks to giveto the commission tho managomcnand control of tho hospitalsImposing upon It duties absolutely Inconsistent with the requirement of Im-

partial Inspection Tho Lcgislaturmight with equal propriety andprovide that tho owners of a privateinsane hospital should also performtho functions of visitation and inspectionover tholr own institution The abmirdity of such a proposition wouldonce be apparent but the principleat stake In to all intent and purpose

tho same as that Involved-In the HrackcttRogors bill givingthe management and control of theSlatn insane hospitals into the handsof the commission which tho Constitu-tion declares shall visit and Inspect-

In tho State Charities law givingthe mandate of tho Constitution which

provides for visitation and Inspection ofcharitable institutions by the StateBoard of Charities this principle Is dis-

tinctly recognized and respect sd by therequirement that no Commissionershall qualify or enter upon the dutlenof hi office or remain therein whilehe is a trustee manager director orother administrative oflloer of an In-

stitution subject to tho visitation andinflection of such board

It Is true that the State Constitutionprovides that the Legislature may

confer upon the State Commission inLunacy additional powers not InconslHtcnt with other provisions of the

iiibtltutlon but surely no one willattempt to argue that this givns author-ity for the bestowal of powers ahuolutelyat variance with the peciflo mandateof the Constitution which d olnrmwhat l e the particular duties of

Th IlrarkeltRogert lull meek to-

mnfor Ux n local vUltors but crudelyprovided for In time proponed act tho-

prrxiMi iliillm whlnh thu Coimtlttitlontall IMI rierrUtMl J y Uiu Kuitu-

ommitMion III lAinaoy To the PI tenw liavn Indicated It mutt be j arent-Ilia ilin till prop MM to nullify the provuioi of the Ktata Coiiklltution inwlnii It embodied wUdotn Iwntxl onnlulyil many ei it rev luiion

HIM kliouM not b tolnralxj-llryniiil lliU the bill t ix nt o do-

iolini tu hut apint if inifUigem-iiiiUiiilin y whifh In Yurk anduefclnHii u th iMiiKrwwtli i4 inurt-

llMII It KHIlUr Hf illlful ripnnnllira-ami jttUuum piugiuM meanHiivr lltu ulM 4 f llie Iwiiohl ul tinCM uUMi fVlmM ut IIIMI M-

I MUM II M hue NotilMtiMtl WJ HMMfwt with mtr-

I l ti lei ItJIHlNj HUT 11 4-

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unless the com ifl oa eertlnea toState Comptroller tbat they arenecEssary If under theee droumstance there have beenexpwdlturea the StateLunacy han failed In ita duty and itIllogical to recommend that lie powerbe Increased to those of controlmanagement-

The present system is safe and good-

It should be Improved wherever improvement Is possible but there is

warrant for Its abolition-

To Change the Liquor LawThe plan agreed upon by the group

of prominent citizens who havo beenmeeting recently to devise a betterscheme of excise waa laid before MayorLow yesterday Here is the point of it-

I Tfce lUInu law abouM be so antrndtd a

10 provide for the uSe of liquor In rettiurtnti t-

In hotels and under like eondlUoiu with the Ide

that la such cu lb Raloea law hotel would b-

dliplMtd mad Its peculiar abu ei stamped out

This the Mayor approves thoughnot himself plead for it before the

LegislatureThe existing law alms at limiting

the salo of liquor on Sundayburdensome requirement that every

lawful liquor shop shall be a hotelwhich lo denned aa a house with ten bed

rooms open for gueeiU A saloon canadd a restaurant to Ita accommodationsat BO little cost that to grant thelicense to restaurants is practically toopen time saloons without exception

Such a state of affairs would be In

our opinion preferable to the demoraliration of the police which Is causedkeeping the Irrepressible traffic Inliquor under tho ban of the law

But tho question of change Is for thedecision of the State Legislature andsome advice to those In favor ofchange seems timely In the first placetho Rev Dr LTMAN ABBOTTS unwill-ingness to ask the Legislature to paMlaw to open the saloons In this city because it U contrary to the spirit ofhome rule Is the height of blind warfaro on the organization of tho StateIn the second place New York citywill be In a much better position to aaktho Legislature for another liquor lawif it request with clean handsas to observation of the law is

Dr Schurmans PositionThe President of Cornell University-

on Saturday added to lila Bostona further explanation of his views

on the future status of the PhilippinesIlls explanation Is not any too lucidHe seems to limit his prognostication-of Filipino independence to tho Chris-

tian Filipinos of Luzon and VisayoaWho Is to become of tho rest of thopopulation of the archipelago henot

one point however Dr Scntm-UAMS position Is quite clear Ho says

Pruident noosiTULT mild In nt tneaut toContrtM that we were to do th FUlplnotmore ttuui other nation bad a tropleat people mad that we were to fit them orlovernment alter the faablon of the reallrcation I am with rrrildfM HooaitiLT

This is exacUy what President ROOSE-

VELT said In his message-

Our aim la high W do not dulre to dothe Islanders merely what hat rt where been donefor tropic people by even the best nretfn Govern-

ment We bop to do them what bu neverbefore been done any people o the tropics lo-

mtketbem pt Mltrovernment alter the luhlonof the r aly nation The rhtrartrr ofOo rrnor sod al auorUie and eubordl

U such be needed of lb Incerllirof our non t glee Itlaadm a rvMtaetlir I-ncrrulct meaiure ol elfovernniini eiarUf U

they show Ibemx4ve nt lo eierclMWe tre eiliemHjr anitoin that the natives

hall how powri inveinlue IbrmulvrWe U anilau Cret their take and neatb ca It relieve u of a neat burden Ttiienerd out be the llhleet ar o our not runtlnulKi

them olilenlbrr r hi

If Ir KcunuuK M with IrurildeiitI-UOHLVKLT In this lr Sciititu lit nilright Hut If heieodi in Iruulinitiii-

HwtHK a ilcrlurutlon in favor of Miutlleat any futuin a prediction of thlowering f ties Ainnrlrnii IU by sued

by or of tlm abandonment of the kov-er lgtiiy Hivjulrexi by Trmtly uftestis r KriiciiuAV nUliw MrltooKVKiTM worth mmiuitniftwn wliicli-

U rnllrrly unwHrrMiit i l-

Tha Ml in I leigh b rty andgovnrnmnnl a rumY in limy lmw-

ItiKlliaolvii tit A HerMM II faaliHtllsteel Aiiieruwn flag

7lir Illtsiiurl l rlli U lir-

uf IIMM sides irtiUtiw i lies rwirlli-

M nf it IMIU mli n id-

kMXm irf Ual IrvlAy a itlHU4ikr WM-

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ar W b d turb d very rarelyMrthquaket

If haveat o much earthquake bUtory u some countries we canoertaln results of seismic phenomena thatare unsurpawed anywhere for examplo the series of In Missouri

near wheresquare miles of alluvial lands

subsided at the time of the Now Madridearthquake ten feet belowformer level Mississippi rushedIn to nil the depreeslona Tho lakes thus

attracted a portion of the adand are lakes today

Interesting reminders of theearthquake ever known In theof this country

The ExplosionThe Rapid tunnel has

for Ita first of humanTo every important work of engineering-

it seems that some lives must be sacriflood and experience with these largeenterprises Is always dearly boughtNevertheless in such a catastrophecommon laws of accident must not

easily accepted na a shield for re

Men making use of the enormous forcethat la In dynamite are to foresee and provide against dangerthat hare In this instance wrought suchawful havoc

The best safeguard for the futurepunishment for the past

Ugh I

Has SchleyUm lost tho last sparkshame Well we quote from the At-

fanfp ConstitutionSAurso hunt exbuuitfd the iran

let Ills son U now to b appointed toAcademy

Rear Admiral SAMPSON the CommanderInChlef of the American

fleet In a war ending with avictory is today too pitia-

bly stricken to feel the sting of thisbrutal Indecency But bitter withjealousy of SAMPSON an the officialrecognized commander of tho Santiagc

and frnntlo at the fact thatof Inquiry In effect publicly

justified SAMPSONS privnticriticism of SCHLET as guilty of reprehensiblo conduct the Schley pressdirects Its slanderous venom at SAMP

SONS son Horriblol Most horrible

The Ideal Governor DoleThe reported Intention of tho

to put new blood and brainstho executive management of Hawaiianaffairs wilt surprise nobody who hawatched In the islands since their

To a great majority of the Americanpeople SANFoRD II DotK has typifiedin his own person the spirit of the revolution that overturned HawalIan monarchy of tho successful reslstnnnagainst the attempts of Mr CLRVKLANI

and Secretary GRKSIIAM to restore LtuUOKALANI to her throne and of tho unionwith this republic finally consummatedat the time of the Spanish war Atlong range and under circumstancesfavorable to an exaggerated view of hisIndividual importance and influence hehas seemed to many to be somewhatof a mldPaclflo OponaK WASHINGTON

calm patient farsighted resourcefulextraordinarily sagacious and nclfcon-talned the Father of American HawaiiHuch a man as the Ideal President

of Hawaii was naturally theof President McKlviur for Oov

ernor of this Island Territory underthe new order of things If tho realMr DOLE had ooirewpondod closely tothe Ideal Im would be proper

to hold that office an long cut ho coosfinted to serve

While Mr POLKH connertlon with thestirring event of iil yearn InKuwait insure liiin u plaiti In hUtorund while lie U justly entltlmi lo muchiri dit und th gfiie rul II IMHI ofkind truth reqiilH this aintrment thatthn reel man fulln thorl of ties iiiutfni-liwin of ldi l by i vrrnl digre ofiliiniiiinii To rrwHHtnbllity of moralchancier mid uitdwilii Imtuwty ofHjr n Im Julie Uiti

lirwulth tear miHigth of will Hn lealMM n at UIIIM alnxwl like n fIgures iif-

imtly IH Immls uf lies fa li in Mjr-rwjnding Uliu In the rvrutu linginiieiialWi hi wn lice rrpit the 4Mtliw ii 4ni f niriMigiir-D n fuilier luau the lewilnr ansi muni r-

if ll Island itrclli Tim ifMi 4l l-

t wmH lirllinr a M slut lu MfHH-

4i i HH etalwuri frtMM4 tiiiAlHefHHIl Stag W III i tii eel lit HI-

wf 4M 4rl ie linM4f 4M-


Mt fiwMy IU U MW N-

IrfMlll III MM

plMM H H lM l f DM AH tf I

H Mini 1 1 sit U Iwu

Mi istetoi m4ttmf-t iilmii HIM tl L m t

vtFvntV VIM 99Hfft9t-

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was done entirely byTBfoloKS totally Ignorant of BaUThere was some extrt revision of proofby American foremen to b mir butresult U omactaffly good

There U no mean apparently of telllnhow Urge Now York olty Boardof Health which Is the repoaltorof the vital statistics of the city andcontrol of the records which fix the cityjurisdiction puts at IJ4J7 the acreageManhattan at 36523 the acreage ofBronx at 33077 the acreage of Brooklyn-

at 81720 tho acreage of Queens and 8900the ocroago of Richmond a total of 1 7S

The Department of Public Improvemenu the duties of which have sineJan 1 devolved upon tho Borough

puts tho area In acres of the boroughof Manhattan the same as does thee Boardof Health but the area of The Bronx a-

J70 more than 1000 acres lost Ittho acreage of tho borough of Brooklynat Uflti 4000 more and of Queens at 7031and Richmond at 38001 a total of 1W800

The States Government in Censustho Eleventh Census of IBM

devoted to the area of counties In each o

the State give 0320 acre aa the aria oNow York county the two o

Manhattan and Tho Bronxfor Brooklyn MWO for Queens and 384for Richmond a total of 314040

A comparison of these figures willtheir variances most notable outside oi

Now York countynaard TffOtrcpb U J-

llrallb tett Itunau CmviBrooklyn M177 UC9JQueens II7W 7 I4T MRichmond M 00 M OI l-

As to Richmond county there I praotlcally no disagreement and very HUle ato Manhattan hut there Is noin the figures aa to Brooklyn The Bronxor Queens


Only 35OOO lie says and Nol1000000 u has Siren llrported

Das MOINES la Jan 27 ExOov-Bhaw has hU business affairsshape to his absence fromState for an indefinite period baa takenformal leave of hits late official associatesat the Slate and departed forWashington assume his new dutlo-

H Secretary of the TreasurySecretary Show haa suffered annoyanoe

through the publication In tho Eastern pressof statements concerning his wealth Thenewspapers of the East have containedexaggerated accounts or his financial con-

dition his wraith being estimated at vari-

ous over 11000000 That the mlscausing the na w Secretary

real aiinoyanon IM not doubted for the

tlmoA in itt farewell talks with friends-In pointing out embarrassments which

come to him through the false storiesconcerning his wealth Hecrotary Hhaw said

I find upon striking n that Iam of thi goods to thoamount of tl25000 no more 1m

lon gains ground In Wanhlngton circlesthat I am a I willto entertain accordingly andI have to proving a ril

nodal Iv or swlnnaccumulation lifetime

of my official terra in reached


Mrmbrr of tne Nandatahan Outlaw StandHated from Hi Gallows

WASHINOTOK Jan 27 AguMln Agtitlara Filipino murderer sentenced to l hangedfor killing Antonio Abaya haw had hissentence commuted to life Imprinonment-by Gen CliafTee Thee reason given

for committing thee crime was thathad a IMC sickness The evidence

arcordlne to frn Cliaffce proved Jiowovor

outlaw known on Samlataliami that Inooin of niemlieM of hi hn wentto thn how of Antonio Aliaya aroused ofteeing a py out of men wanton userrUe of an authority tat him overthee head with a club and ptit uHuentlycut hi throat with a nalir-

eflUJVVi7 TO POSTMASTHft HlUJThe President Still tunIc It and Then He-

ppulnt tiles for Annllirr Term

WasillNorow Jan 27 It was said atWhite t lay that the Presidenthaiti de ld i lo writ a letter of namingto Pixtmaiter Will of N livllle Tunnand ilieni n iiuiiit him another fourywtr linn lit hU pienent l wtinale r

Villa Mime I liiw ago rhariced hy the tlvll-Strviiti r iiiiiiiU Uiii Jesting knlMlixJfund fur MMiiimlKn HJI IM In-

vi igail ii It he had iI t I ft

Iwd M II lmlHlil In hllll wlllmut liy mi-

Ik itatluii oil hU rt-

IalaJ ll rar Allarkt Ann lulr Intltiill-

WPIIIKM H Jan IT 11i fatal andHMfh dren4il Mien liwlltli Hurmahlea hivailMl Ike IltllHiMMH HIM U ie lni-

lUMM al liillafcen fear Klalilisa I M IHNIIIWII

i4 NfiMk lite 4-

lMM lll llr ri y tut-wifl ami


utlrrtvt IMilorll I Hirlil l Ilir l u r iiifI mill

til I lll H

Israel llmnali l r









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eSftd 4 wpb5 wa NpwIa SUNWiI1I


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The president Believes H wzo 8honl-Rfeelvft tl Reward

WAflBiiroroN Jon IT Tht question ato who Is entitled to the credit of rexulu-LUut Junes C Qlllmorsof the navy uahit of sailors from the hand of

two years ago U playing an Impert In the consideration of can

dictates for promotion to Drlgadler0eneitIn the array President Rooaovelt believethat Ckpt Robert L HOWBO who as Llouteo-antColonel of the Thirtyfourth Infantryoommanded part of the cxp dgon whichreaohod Lieut Qlllmore should recolvithe reward The friends of Capt LutherR liars who was Colonel of the Thirtythird Infantry and In command of anotherpart of the expedition say ho deservespromotion more than Capt Senator Joe Bailey of Texas Is liarmovement and baa had several interviewswith the President and Secretary ofon the subject So for he has not beenable to convince that Capt liarsactually rescued captivesHe saw Secretary Root this morningaooomplUhed nothing as thoof War believes that the reward shouldto Capt

The the rescue of LieutQlllmore aa shown by the official reportIs that Cal Howze and Cot Hare commandlng separate troops were operatingagainst the insurgents near Vlgan They

worked AtIauu whore the started earlIn December Col men covered the

At San Col Harelearned news of th American prisonerswhich led him to believe they wereBAJI jutxl Ho says In hU report-

I sont Col on to withtho Thirtyfourth Infantry andthat part of wasme on a mountain trail for uIntercept a supposed movement UKenemy at or

Hare then tolls about hU capturingemissaries from

convinced him theist thehad been taken north Ho continues

The next rooming I received a despatchfrom Col that hocovered the enemy that the American pris-oners were and that hehold their trail

Cal liar he selected a ofmen and several later joined ColRowe at the mouth of a carton thnmountains It was in this carton that imwas told the Americans were held prisonersHo ho found Cola Howzonpractically without shoes and U any-

thing more exhausted than mineto this condition Cal Hare on the 13th leftCol Howzo and proceeded seven miles upthe canon The n mfwngurreached him that Cot

had received shoes and wouldhim He continues

I shortened my march and Howre over-took mo with Jim command nightThe next morning we left andproceeded over the mountain following

by the Insurgent ourprisoners

were present at the rescue


Senate Commltlre to Canal rommlidonrrf Vanities

WASUINOTOS Jan 27 There will l e athorough investigation of the canal ques-tion by the Senate Committee on litteroceanic Canals Itpforo any bill I reportedto the Senate This decided upon atoninwliat lively meeting of thin commlttoa

this morning every one of the eleven mernbeta Iwlng prci ont Vheti adjournmenttook place at i oclock tim

all those who soughtas to what had boon done to thee chairmanMr Morgan who Mild that It had lx n-

drcidod to the n etnlK r of tho Isth-mian Canal lHfi r thee

committee sulitnlt tint information intheir KM on which I AM theirrecent report recommending selectionof route ditcrmlnatlon

reached much KgaitiNt the wishes oftho chairman steel certain miinl r of thn

The meiiilmr of the roinrnittret who wasanxloim to avccrtolii riHw n for

Canal YmiinliMiouN of baix-U Kinutor Harrii of Kaii i unit on hUmotion a Hiil viminltt lntroinKM yi of only who are Inctrurt iilto thnlions Involved In the offer uf Iutminacompany to seth lu rixlitn and for

io 1 iO In other word thin iulioom-mlttea U to iKxvrlaln h thi r tlw IMIIHIIIH

could glvn this 1iillml Slate n-

rl ir title If their offer nhmilil nin 4 lMr iuuwiil i on ilu rulmHiimilt are St n lur Tunivr of VYaklilnginuarid Kimter uf l ul Uiia DorniMTatxH m or KiUrrdgff i f ItiHliliran-

AuoordliiR to ufoMnmllKe u fur ii Vlraia

unlay hut IHili llieita ilralaliH climiifH uf utlul iii

iiilllw a litll lli K lur tie eUthee NlmraKiuui route U Im rv-

tfKI nil I pM ldertii Hi niu ki t4lMr-wf thee IIMIIM utter

u iay ih i iirf Htmli iiiiMDialllitan Mvriiaii tii l iriH i4 ulT r Hllll MM I M IMUllUill it M

Hlrr StuNs Ai Hr Mr i r i it iui-N l IM W IM PaiMinia IMIIl l IMUHIIIielHlMlf Itt iMKfliAIMW uf III-

nhaiiia uHHt r iITB a ir ni-

iflrf l Mi 1MB-

r Iliiirt r m l ji

Hilt 4 MH Hit A lll-

wl uiuirlllH I tillllr i

H Mr tk ti iUi


4 41-

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Rrcry Naval OfRoer Artore 1 lSea F1errlo Is Belor Bent Aw-

VVAsnjwgtoK Jan 27 Naval officerduty are being hustled off to

a rate that ha set the swrrlce generalwondering what In the windplsjitUon Is slmplft The number ofIn the navy ha been increased greatlywhile the number of offloers notevery officer nahors who Is available forsea assignment is being sent away

Not long ago the number of officer e

the rank of Lieutenant and below whoshore assignments said to b M

of tho whole number Withinpast few weeks there haa been adecrease in the number of those ashoreuntil now only 16 per cent of LieutenantsJunior Lieutenants and Ensigns aredesk or Inspection work percentageIs somewhat greater among offloarhigher grades a natural consequence o

the fact that there can be only Captainor commander to every ship and no LieutenantCommander can be assignedwatch or division A lingo numberof the Captains and Commanders on thorduty were former engineers who undertho law transferring them to the Une can-not be tea

For several years appeals have boon

and the Chief of the Bureau offor mora oRlcnrs but ha

to provide the relief Naval men

cloncyof the wrvloo will be greatly ImA great of imp

commission fewer offloers than thenumber required to handle the vesseLswith Is not a ship In oervlothat lion its

Before the SpanishAmerican Warrule of assignment was throeyears at sea and ashore Since

tours of service have changedto months ashore and betweentwo and three at see Withinpast few woek the period of shore

a many young has beenradically now It Is doubtful

any Junior Lieutenant orwill have a year at a shore station

Nearly nil tho officers on duty alDepartment leave been away

to It 1 said toIntention to replace them by older menfor whom sea commensurate withtheir rank cannot be found


President Btmtytni the Cue Thormisjlily and Will Decide It by Feb 10WABIIIKOTON Jan 37 President Roose-

velt Is giving up a great deal of hi timeto the consideration of tho appeal of RearAdmiral Bchloy from the condemnationplaced on his conduct by the Court of Inquiry confuting of Admiral Dewey andRoar Admirals Benham and Ramsay ThePrcnidents decision will bo rendered byFeb 10 He ho read the appeal a formidable document consisting of 120

pages or about 85000 words andwill give it to the public on WednesdayIn tlmo for tim afternoon newspapers ofthat dRY Then official copy of the appealwo sent to tho Judge AdvooatcJOeneralof the nvry for comment and the anwerof that officer has been placed In the PresS

dents hands It U about onefourth a-

long on the appeal and was prepared byS C Lemly thee Judge Advocate

Onneral of the navy and E P Uaana-sillcltor of thee Judge Advocate Generalsofflc who appeared for the Depart-ment IK fore lice Court ofTho anhwrr will Im given to the pubuoheforn thee end of the

There In much speculation In naval circleas to what actionwilt take oti the apjieal but It only spocuiHtlon All can IMI soldItiKMwvell in studying caseruid tlml hn to make the minutestIminiry Into contention of Admiral

M t forth In the appeal Duringthee sittings of tho Court ofthee official report of the proceedings dally

ll f aisle tolaid In thee appeal of

Admiral the answer ofAdvocate leniral

The Judgo Advocate General answerruh given to the Iriwldent last

conference la lliift mora than two hoursat thee White Houie between

Mr lUxiMivell SecretaryiJvK to and Solicitor

Han No Mtttteinmit of th nature of theeI obtainable-


inline hire anil a Klaloo loa usher Uimlirr IrtililrmI-

liNiioH Mn Jan 7 Work ha be n-

wfiiii UMHI nil ovurUndy

logoorryiu-gy hy whiih IUUIIMU feet of

m Im couvcym annually from EagleMk IK luintjxrUlii luiku and the dl-

rrt l maui llm Hi Julin to PAMOMOU

utter Mini briMiKlit lo lUiiKor maUl In

Uarl uf M IK tolil Uj N llruutwlrk-u IM mauufiMtUlMlr-

UKUi Ijike wkiiili lists Into tii HtoltM lUirer Ml ll iHl iflUl take whlnh

H uutM lulu lbs Uajvoh tit l-hiJ all r Mial M uuly hy atrip-

if Uwi alxxii UIIM iuaitn of aunity alumni

i wtn M Iwavy nu t and i ja-l r uw l y HIM and It U-

liwU u ft A tlmlwr lo-

e ri a

f awf iitii lair leeS aaHaitiuf4Wii i aiial

s M 4 a Mu e a avM fyi r li-lU uftuf luw U i III I IK I liMi

I Of fa Ml I


li Mai M ft tatlevl

4OM4-t J N aM-




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> >




SLACK GEORGIA TVXa WBijgThe Temperance Union Celrbratei thrLattate u TeaM Temperance In the SNionli

BOSTON Jan 7 Nearlyago largely through the instrumentality

devoted woman aided noble work mspecially the Womans Chrltlan Ternpenance Union the first Edu-cation law In the world was enacted InVermont State after State in rapid mecession placed laws upon its Matuitbooks they were represented Inon map of the United States nobject lofcon while tho rent of the Unionwas drawn in black

The Governor of Georgia hnn ju t tentMrs Mary H Hunt Superintendent furWorlds and National Womans Temperonce Union of Boston the ptn with which

signed the last of these lawn now pnby the Legislatures Of every one of thefortyfive States of the States ami

tho National all of which nQuIre to bo

In all State sitSFederal control

A of distinguishedgathered Informally lIarS r

25 to vltnrw tlnremoval of this last black rap from tinnational and to Iwii m tn

white id thus madeDelightful rominlxccnt on orphases of tho work were and rot

letters were read from MrSteven rwildont of tilt National Womani-Chrktian Temperance Ililoii JJr Liver-more iwrcla who n amember of till HOIIKO on Edu-cation In IRfl valuable aid Inthe National Temperance Education lawand other

This that with other ofhealth the scientific reasons for total ab-stinence Is now engrafted upon thiseducational ofand U fast spreading to other lands lubeneficent manifest In thigreater sobriety of the American working-man Increayed lengthlife are to become more sod

Their thorough enforcement-will moan a new generation of cillw nn trowise to stultify themselves intoxicantand peaceful solution througheducation of temperance


Project for Submitting Them to TheHa cue Court Presentrrt

CUT OP MEXICO Jan projectfor on International oourt of claim pre-

sented to the PanAmerican1 hardly second In importance to the gen-

eral arbitration treaty and is of greaterpractical use owing to the frequency ofpecuniary claims against the SpanishAmerican governments and tho difficultyof procuring settlements

Article I U aa follows The high con-

tracting parties agree to submit to arbi-tration all claims for pecuniary lots ordamage which may b presented by theirrespective citizens and which In

with International law can be sub-

mitted through diplomatic channels anticannot amicably throughcuoh such claims exceed

and further thntclaimant shall not have voluntarily served

of the enemies of then Government against which the claim Is

provide for submittingtuoh claims to permanent court ofration of Th V pro-vides that the convention shall bindUnited State and Mexico with regard-to such nations a or parties to Theconvention The treaty to remain Inforce for five

The conference resolutionsproving the Philadelphia Commercial Iluscum the of Chllsanxand Argentine who contended that thex waaj going outside of Itt prayno to favor Interest


Ten Where lug Pearl It BrotightHack Prom New Orleans

Valet Edward Kern who stole UOOOworth of Jw lry from Paul Thebaud a

weeks ago and arrived Incity yeeterday afternoon front

rleans where he wa captured ten daysKern com with Detective SergeantII Kelly who went to New Orleans

get him Capt Titus and Mr Thebaudawaiting prisoner at Polio Head

Knrn wi espanalvnly dressed wornleather a fine suit of clothe

linen He had adopted goldrimmed eyeglasses which clumped

ersjio very much The black djrith which ooloivd lila hair Ufuin-uavlng city liad rtly Mum fl Kv-

ovintKl very touch ilnvor come withoiil fi rmanv Y

Med I told t Tttm thought tact i hirilld muet I

favor C ISle that he Ul-wn d a numl r uf th niall r itei ut-

hn ctolen Jewelry III lili in Hitand In gu and ilie auMr-

if III i a ii Uil l i wrtikl turf IM-Iiltcr I had dVM HMl tin iti rtI ld that lee uuti Uwt a xxifH-iiitll h head oornlli MMji-

tKnni mwvuiiMl and i i tgrsihe J

lid a Ihrri l kinl II will U aii-

KtMMl la III GoltefttI HMIHM-

Iiii4alii l l-

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