The Pickens sentinel-journal (Pickens, S.C.).(Pickens, S.C ...€¦ · Dappenina of a Local ald...

Dappenina of a Local ald Personal Nature. -Pickeis is pulling. --Alias (rnco McDaniel visited in Libumi lj t t k~. -Johln Stenfhon, who has )oon quito sick, is iliproving. ---13orn, onl 3tt 111t., to Mr. anld Mrs. B. T. McDaniel, a daughter. -W. L. L'tkBoon, of Anderson County, is visiting relitives in Pieke" j. -Mr. Baily Pool, of Anderson, vis- iled hie isister', Mrs. J. L. Bolt, last week. ---orn, on 26th ilt., to Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Craveloy, of laile; a daiughter. -Howard Jeiinlan9, of Henrietta, N. , is oil n visit to his father, W. -Mirs. J. N. Hallum was under the care of the doctor laSt week, but is much bettor. -Now that we line an oil mill, look out for other iew industries. They aro coming. -Silts Grillins, ot Anderson, visit- ed his brother, Chiof of Police John P. Oridli, Sunday - Dr. A. B. Wardlaw, dentist, will io inl his oflieo inl Pickens for week beginning Sept. 7, 1903. -Prof. W. E. Dendy attended the Hunday school coiveit ioll which was 1hld in Greenvillo last, week. G. T. Hammond and family, of Greenville, visited his brother, W. W. Hammond, in Pickienls, last week. -Mrs. Minnio Henderson, who his been s)Cnding a fow Ilays in Pickens, returned to Clinton Tues. day. -Mrs. L. S. Grandy and children, itor spetiding several weeks here, have returneld to their homo in Greon. ville. -~li ss Flovilla lRhodes, a Abrim. ing young lady from Suwanee, (ia., is visitilg the family of Capt. J. T1. Taylor. -liss Pet Findley, after a pleas- ant visit to her cousin, Mrs. J. L. Holt, has retirmed to her homo in Andersonl. -R. C. Carter, Liberty, has re- ecived a lot of tho celebrated "Thorn- hill" wagons Which he will soll at the right price. -Misis Zrma SiLton and John Elrod, of Andersoni, spoit the latter part of last week with the family of W. 11. Ashmore. --The little son of John B. Jtme- son, of Easley, Is been quite sick for some I ime with typhoid fever, but is re'portld better. --\Iirs. Jessie Smith and children, Ernrestinoe and Clara, of the Eashey side, are visiting thte family of her unclde, 1H. A. Richey. -Mr. and1 Mr's. Henry Nix, of Spencer', N. C.spent a portion of bast week with the latter's sister. Mrs. Johm Li. Thtornley. --Miss Cor'a B~owen reOturnelld homo last Thursday after an extendled visit to relatives aind friends at Greenville -...4 J. McDonald and famnily left for Oconiee county where they will mnak, t heir futuore horme. We wish themi abundant success. - Mr'. and Mrs. 13. F. Robertson rind sn, of Clemson Uolnge, have hamt visiting the families of W. T1.. 13owen alnd J. E.~Parsons. -C(audet Cleon W. M~auldin, of the dt'. S. Naval Academy, Annapolis. Md., iR spendling his vacation ilt Pickens with his miother' and brothers. - Nork on the oil mill is progress- ing very sat isfactor'il y. Supt. (lure- ton states that the ginnery will be in shape for buinelss by Sept. 15. .-Schiool tenebers and trustees will do well to buy their crayon s from usi. To'n cents ta box, and they are all good. Pickens D~rug Co. -- -M rs. Florence Griflin, who has 1.een1 visi tinig Mrs. D). F. Sutherland, of Mica, and1 Mr-s. Ella Morgan, of Dacusvillo, rotrirned home Monday. -Misses Eva and Laura Hl- comlI:e, of Clement, visited friends near jLierty' doin jg unlion and( pro- t raed meeting Saturday and Sun- daiy. --Miss Bossio Partridge, an at- tractivo young lady ftrom Atlanta, - - -~ eturned home Saturday after enjoy. ing two weeksa of Piecens' refreshing breeze. -Married, at Camp Creek Baptisi chnrch on August 30, 1903, by Rev. . B. Trammnoll, Mr. Sam Pilgrim to Missj Hannah Foster. All of Pickons 'ountity. --S. M. Bolt and1 a par'ty from An- derlson, stoppled' over T1u10sdaiy with the family of Drm. J. L. Bolt. The. party is on its waty to the mountains for a few days. -Miss Josie IBoggs, a charming young lady of Easley, who thas been visit ing heri sister, Mrs. J, N. Hal- humt, retturned home last wveek, munch to the regret, of her friends. -Sloan Miller. who has been con. stablo for Magistrato Jameson, of Easley, has gone to Florida to accept a p)osition) as figmtan on a railr'oad rtunninig fromi Tampa to 'Jacksonvillo. --VT South Carolina Presbyter' m'eets a t Liberty Presby3 ter ian chum ell this week, beginniiing Tuesday night. lion. .1. E. B 'ggs reprosernts the Pickens chunrch, and Mej. J. J. Lewis is alternate. -Ason (of J. L. Valeoy fell from a w~'agoni Monmday afternoon and broke lis left arm a'bove the elbow. l)r's. Webb and Mauldin set the limb and the little follow is doing as wvell as could be oxe coted. -Mrs. Clara Gassaway, widow ci .Phomas Giassaway, (died oni the 24Ih of A ugust, at t~be home of her son Thomas H. Gassaway, wvith whon' she lived. S3he was buried the da3 following at the family burying ground1, 0one mile north of Central, Mrs. (Gassuaway was 83 years of ais and a membher of Fairview M. E church. 11er husband died 49 yeara ago. -Dr. Austin will be in Asheyille ne.s week on business. -- i3ori',.on h9111 ult., to Capt. and Mrs L M. Mauldin, a daughter. -Miss Alice Finney, of Atlanta, is on a visit to her parents in Pickens, -.1 will be in ly offico in Pickens Sept. 8th and 9th. J. 0. Walker, D. D. S. -The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Finney has been quite sick, but is improvimg. -Mess. 0. H. Alexander and T. J. Maildin returned Saturday from the Sapphire country. -The Easley Cotton Mill school will begin on the 7th inst., with W. A. Christopher, principal. -B. K. Thornley and J. R. Ash- more are off for a few days enjoying the beautiful scenery of the Sapphire country. -T. J. Mauldin and family, of Rock Fcnco, Ga., have been on an extended visit to relatives and friends in this county. -On last Friday evening, tbe young peoplo of Pickens enjoyed a delightfil sociable at the residence of Dr. J. L. Bolt. -Misses Lizzie and Eva, hand some11 and accomplished da'ughters of Rev. I. A. Child, from Andlorson, are guests of C. E. Robinson. -Mrs. A. M. Ervin and daughter, Miss Eunice, of Abbeville, are on a visit to the family of J. K. Kirksey at his pleasant home at Crow Creek. -Boys and girl, you may begin to get your b:ooks together, prt para- tory to entering rchool next Monday morning. Take your reports show-. inig promotion along also. - -Give us your order for job print- ing. Our line of stationery is con- plete and we can do your work with neratness and despatch. Call and get our prices. We can save you money. --Bev. N. 0. Clarksoi, of Wall- halla, arrived Tuesday and is assist- ing the pastor, Rev. 0. Ml. Abney, iin the protracted meeting at the Meth- odist church this week. The meeting is growing daily in interest. -IR. C. Carter is connected with two other very large stores and they buy their goods inl such quantities that it enables him to save you money on most everything you buy from him. See his change in ad. -John Keith, a brother to Mee- dames A. W. Folger and W. Z. Davis of Easley, died in Birmingham, Ala., on the 24th uIt. His remains were shipped to Easley and buried in the cemetery at Antioch church. -The supply of peach see I being so much greater than the buyers ex- pecled, we are unable to handle any more at $1.00 per bushel, but want fifty bushels at 60 cents. Craig Bros. -Middleton Hester who has been ia D~r. Black's sanitarium at Green- ville, for- some time, has b~eeli dismiss- ed, as cnred, and caine homie Satur- day ev-ening. His friends will he gl!ad to hear of his compllete recovery. - N. D. Taylor, photographer, will be in his studio at PI'ckens, in the Carrey old building, next Tiucsdany and WVednesday, September 8th and 9th If youi want first class work call on him, and rest assured you will get it. -Judge R1. 0. Purdy and family, after spending 5 delightful summer here, left for their home in Sumter Monday. Judge Pu-dy stated that they wvere sunfliciema . delighted with their stay her-e to guarantee their re- tur-n niext summer. - September, like all mnonthrs, brings sonme good thinigs. The p~res- cut September will be no( excepjtion to tire irule; for W. Ii. Pickens' Sons, Easley, S. C., ar-c offering, for tbis month only, speciaba, in tbn and agate Iware. Read their ad. --Prof. W. E Dendy now occu- pies the r-esidence of Solicitor Julir-s E. Boggs, hiavinrg neoved yesterday. Mr. Boggs will break up house keep. ing as his children will all be oftf at school and lie is away attending court most of the time. --Mesa. James P. Cai-ey, Jr., Ed- gar Morais, A. Brandon Taylor, Le- Roy B~oggs and Ernest Fr-ceman leave Friday for Clemson College, wvhere theoy will stand the enitrane-' examinations for classification at thi. opening of the session. -Jesse Rlopom', of Table Mountain, an aged man and a good christian br-other, died at his home on tire 27th ult.,amnd was bur'ied the day following rat Onlenoy church, of which he was a nmmber. R1ev. Loim Freeman con- ducted the funeral scr-vices. - Dr. Rtobt. Kirksey, of Mangumu, Okla., is at thre home of his father for a few days. He came home with his brother, J. K., Jr , wvho has been sick with a severe attack of typhoid fever. His friends will learn with much pleasure that lie is much better. --Rev. J. B. Trammel has just closed a good meeting at Camp Careek Baptist chaur-ch, near Catec- Qhce. Therec weore twenty-one adldi. tionms to the church and gm-eat inter. ('St was manarifestedi. Truly much and~everlasting good was accomplish. - There will be the lar-gest anid choicest stock of goods ever shown in Pickens the comning fall. They ar-e arriving daily, and ar-c being placed in the shelves. lPickens will have the haeavieidt tr-ade ini her hiitory this fall, and is prepar-ing herself ac- cordingly. -The following adver-tisers brave changed their advertisements this week: W. T1. MceFall, Pickens Dr-rg Co., arid Smith & Bristowv. Readi~ thir notices and profit by their con- tents. Each anid every one of them handle the best in their lines and will treat yqu r-ighrt. -This paper is published to dis. seminmate the news, aind we can only give the news whenever wve learn of it-. We want to give you value re- ceived for your money and all thie news we can, so will appr-eciate very mueh any items you will send uo. While they may not be news to you, remember that others will appreciate reading them. Just send us thre skeleton on a postal card and weo can pnt the althen i If. -A 14-year-old girl living witi Israel Ferguion, run off Snday Israel's wife and son went on a hun for her at-d located her at Easley and after a sharp race, assisted b Chief of Police Smith, silo was cap tured and brought back to Pickens -The Graded school building ha been thoroughly cleansed and put it good shapo for the oponing nex Monday. The building has beet cquipped throughout with excelleni now blackboards, a most helpfu equiplent for satisfactory work. A large opening is expectedl. -Children's Day will be observed at Mt. Carmel on the fourth Sunday in September for the purpose of rais. Ing money to send bibles into desti, tuto sections. Com and bring well tilled baskets and a little mijoy Prominent speakers will help outer. tain you in addition to the Sunda3 school program. -On the 24th ult., while Butler Smith, of the Six Mile suction, wat plowing his turnip patch, a tree thir. ty-five feet inl lel)gth aid eight inche in diaimneter, fell and badly crippled his mule; tree fell across its bact and hips, knocking it (own and bad. ly crippling it. Mr. Smith just did mise being himself struck by tht tree. -Douglas Jenkins, Eq , will gc on the Greonville News next Monday as reporter. "Jenks" has a good nose for news-an instinct for news. paper work, and it will not be long before he has his feet under the edi ior's table and be dealimg out "hot stuff" for some metropoliton daily, He is a capable youngh man and w( wish him all kinds of success in iE now fio'd. --Chief of the Constabulary, U B. Hlamett, of Columbia, spent a fan daIys in Pickons last week, the guest of (livision chii'f, C. L C'Mreton. This wlas Mri. Hamoett's first visit to the up-couitry and he wis very muel: pleased with Pickens and spoko very encouragingly of the outlook for thih towni, as lie sw it. lIo is a very affa blo Cent-lemanl and is held in highesi esteem by his subordinates. -The Easley Progress says: Dur ing a thunder stormn last Saturdla1 evening a bolt of lightning struck t tree in the yard of Mr. L 0. LIathem which stood near the well. Otis, thi little son of Mr. Lathem, was knocker to his knees and pretty badly shocked Somo of the bark from the tree hit by the lightning struck Mrd. Lathem who was im the yard, but she suffered no ijury. -N. D. Taylor, the photographer is in Pickens every week, on1 the date, minmed in his notice, and on no oLlot days will you find him here. Com< to Pickens next week prepared t( havo a nice picturo made. Hie cat give you any kind of mounted worl you want. All of his work is guar anteed to last an( not fade away, al( his price is as low or lower thman yot cani gut first-class wvork done for, clee where. --Miss Lida F~olger and hIC brother, M~r. Ed, of Easley, and theit cousins, Misses Tirzah Hlughes, andt Mario Folger, of Pickenis, returned home last week from an extenldec visit to t hat far off mountainous coun try, Colorado and Idaho. Th'le pafrt) went on top of Pike's Peakc, wher: they had the leasureii of eating snow~ ill August. The party enjoyed thi trip) greatly andl are enthusiastic it the description of the gorgeous sconi ory of that rotmantic c]ounltry, Thecit nmany friends here wvill bo0 glad tt know that all the party enijoyed goot health while gone and that no acci (lent befell them.- Easley Progress if constipated or bilious, call for Ra mon's Pills and be certainl our clerks giva you the genluine) Rtamnoi; C Jmplet P'ickens D~rug Co. Notice, There will be an examination foi teachers at this place on Friday Sep 18l. This examination will ho th< last one uintil tihe third Friday it May 1904; Yours t ruly, R. T. Hallum, 3aw3. Co. Supt. of Ed. No Change or Con!trol. The G3reenvillo News of the 20tl ult., says: According to reports re ceived hero yesterdlay from) Easley, i was imade to appear that the South orn1 Railway hand either leased oi bought the Pickens railroad. F~ron the same sources it was said thal trains would be run on a regulai schedule from l'ickens to this city. WVhen asked yesterday about th<l report Mr. Ju tliuis E. Boggs, of Pick Onls, said thecre was abisolutely n<( foundation for it. 1-o said thatt party of Southern I tail way oaicinh went to Pickens a week ago at his ro quest, but it was on another mattot and had nothing to do with the salk or leaise of the short line. Piokens on a Boom. Rob~lert HI. Curoton, manager of thl( recently organizedl oil mill and gin nery at Pickens, is sp~ondinlg today in the city. WVhen seen by a reporter for The Greenville News yesterday Mr. Cure ton said1 thlat thle oil mill building hand betn completed and a quantity of tht machinery for the oil muill and gin, nery had been placed and it was ex pected to have both plants in opera. tion In timm for the coming season, Mr. Cureton said that Pickons was on a boom; that anl effort was being madle to establish a large brick fac. tory in I'ickens, that the demand up on the presenlt b~riek mill was so great that orders could not be filled at rapidly as desired. It is nuldorstood that a stock corn pan~y will be or'gaiz'ed and will es tablish an extensivo plant. T'here is atlso talk in Pickens of 05 tablishintga knitting mill. Somie of thle lettding bustiness5 men0 arE) doinf the talking and it is believed thtat in a short time an organiizatiotn will bs perfected.-Greenlvillo News, 1st in W~e have on our- shlelves many reme dies for conlstipationl and biliousness, but1 thme never-failing, conimron..sense cu re is found only in Rtamon's Liver Pills anm TomnePellets.' TIs Treatment ures by relieving thme eause of the trouble; th< Pink P1)1 arouses the lhver, wvhile th<t Tonic Pellets tone up the organs and in, sr~re natural and bieflthy cotnditions (Jomplete Treatmnent-two tmed icinles- 25 dose-full directlonP.,,ly 251 cents Big Reduction Sale Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Pants, Overalls, Buggies, Wagons, Harness, Saddles, Blankets, Laprobes And All Kinds Of HARDWARE, TINWARE, STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. My buyer will leave for New York about Aug. 2811 to buy one of the most complete lines of General Merchandise ever kept in this country and will be sold at the right price. I AM AGTENT FOR TIE CEt1EBRATEA) LANOI MOWERS and RAKES. They are the most simple in con- struction and lighest running and most lasting mowers ever made. CMU AND LET ME TILL YOU ABUT THM,,, R. C. Carter THE CASH MERCHANT, C. C rterLiberty, S. C. .MON TO Cues GriP To kure a Cold in One Day I:os. TakeLaxative Bromo Quinine Tabets. on every Seven Million boxes sold In past 12 months. This sig.tre, . ox M1rs. Laura.S.W ,J. N. LL Ph G. I Pickens 0 Drug 0 Company. "IE now have the most comlete line of Spec- wa lstacles that we have ever had VTPRICE: 2,5 cents and up. SoPlenty of Harness Oil at o cent a pint. SOAP } WE HAVE ALL KINDS{SO P Mrs. Laurd. S. Webb. If yot haet nice perfumery we have it. ViconPresdot WVonsui Denitfo- Cwitlo Cabs of sath rn Ohio nd "I dreaded the change of life which Drug was last aproachlng. I noticed Wine P of Carduilno and oid the tr ot- tbre.e ontf ad nI eerufails tno an an sferin k woma of anes f.lling of th duib relievedAN ge.They fou won to the change of lifer. otWeitb's tter wile ow. utn ou ano avoid the- sll 1 oso Wine of C i.l t o mpne lta sein n oed. Cnty ~j of dick es. c~ g ut. of youont h Pls.~ Dorf lif Rs ani ' lalettros wille g ican adlmor J. t~n oes N suffer g a nstr~ )ri~it sell $1 Rottia.o Wde f Rs, Jaaemesffrngorenietc .R-.LiaM:ry c ARheti LizzsiTkcaoo a or arai SoummonsHeoby Sulmofe and rATT- quiredatoanswer th compldin, inDEhi O Cou t f Pikes.utad t sreacoupy of your anston th s ai opain on R~o s s craiber ats his o uice giz(in dick en, o J Crlina5, withi twenty lys ater he as n t f h rof ex- chniv Roh day of osus Jervice in1 thetime afrsad otheaPceletlaorionrrvethsfeeils oth Dctfendantl abovt nahed aoourhetbrnanthot.fooredo Yoe aree deam ul i n ed opant. Duralto aFer, A.e Dil~m 1003,y ido sok oemd p)l iea oplainet ont.i Rossn eila ayi ll- Iib1 redaent de fthen mantio, XNwIi'~ od, e as if k onoic toae the comnplint wind ithe tmosa wid, the foing isti thaco w ill f pled ttihe ou o NheV R~III tCmerk oif dedourt Pinen comant.. ther tvsTuns ro ed D3rd ayobey. SrA. D 1903 J. P. CAREY,WeAeFedorYu Plaintiff's Attorney. C m n e s Seto Jarde A. Ds 19nd I1i4 a Al 'fakenotie tatrial oaintds, . Mc A L Fne igrs o&ihtm Toaccon s- a n woolds in ar th offeofe-_____ ad any o her A. ings 1to3 tedious Jt meti. .R ,Y, Bicycl Rerialgo aflly kin. c.c Cigas & 00.cco, we ooEd. ENTgar CofL, MA. 0.OO TotCre thlding ne Day Takeou La etiveBooQnno Table. OrbueisnwithEatnmrkstouyn. A Bricyt Reaiing Caefmoney Dofe t fa laretsoksvrbogtt hspr ftesaeadi to Aur.- . W.t lovs (isigntr l'is o -e omk om frne od eaeofrn (X . FILKS OPick~ eductDrug in ManyLi. ~ WAG haE just rhaved resh caompet linef Spec ON S. taesed knt hat h e Stuebakes n ..............- he rie v igt.WacE: thi spcen and up.anise s TePlentyxof HarnessmOiluati10 cent ampint. - All dIfiyou waprefund ieefmonry wf htveait. toonr. '. V Gov' sgiitiie som ea ickensceugM orowany OXODVN Talk About Your. "Mill End Sales" and your "Wreck but tbey are not "in It" with our 44i "Knock Down", "Drag Out" Clearance Sale for the A MONTH OF AUGUST. Big lot of Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, 11nti and Gente Frn- ishing Goods to go at and aid bolow Now York cost. Ovgr 800 pas of mens and boys pants all sizes and colors to go at p. icos ntever be foro heard of In the State of Pickens. Big lot of Clothing, como and select your suit name the pric* and take it. This is no fairy tale but plain facts we are talking. We would rather have cost foi every suit fii the house than to the time and trouble to movo and rearrange them in our now storo. We hopo to be in our now -iuarters by Sept. 1, and we conten- plate buying the largest stock of General Merchaidise, consisting ol Clothing, Dry CGoods, Shoes, Hats, Gents Furnishings, Groceries, Hard waro Furnituro, Buggies and Wagons ever brought to this part of the. country. Wo will convert our old store into a wivgon and Buggy ant Furnituro Depository and by Sept 15th we will be prepared to show YOU a coniplete andl well solected stock. 1avo just ordered a car of Mitchell & Lewis wagons which are the best on tho market. Remomber: For the next 30 (lays we will offer some of tho greatest bargains evor offerod in Pickens. Folger & Thornley Clothing-, Hats, Shoes and Gents Furnishing. A Specialty. W. T. McFALL, J. M1). BRUJOE, Presidenit. Casiier. * PICKENS BANK,. OF PICKENS, S. C. CAPITAL, - - $ 20,500.00. PROFITS, - - $ 10,312.09. DEPOSITS, - - $100,055.29. Interest paid on time Deposits. Careful Management. Liberal Treatment to all it's Customers. WE MAKE A SPIECIALTY OF SMALL LOANS TO FARMERS. O*q, DIRECTOR'<SO .1 i \ I AG 00 1 1. C A i T Y 1 0R , IN . 1 . t ill A Y, .Y . . I c F A R1, . H RUC. To 0 Small. OR the last two months wve have hardly had time to get a long breath trying to handle so many chickens and we wvish to say to the poultry raisers for their good aind ours to stop) selling your chickens so small as they are not wan- / ted anywvhere at any price. Large chickens Jways wanted. Hens are in good demand. We want all the eggs we can get and will give the highest market price for them. Call on us for all kinds of merchandise at the lowest cash price. CRAIG BROS. One-Price Cash Store 3September Specials i *TINWARE.* i Gallon Oil Cans, 10 cents. - - , ro Quart Dish Pans, io cents. I pint Heavy Retinnedi Dippers, 5 cents. * 9 quart Covredl Buckets, 20 cents. * Our Tinware stock is complete, and we sell at 0 . prices that cannot be equaled anywhere. . e FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER S We wvill make speccial prices on all T1IN and SAGATEWARE. If you need any goods in these lines we are certain to interest you. Rielliber' "SEPTEM BERt SPECIALS" ini TIN and AGA TEWAIRE. *Come to see us befote buying. We are running g W. H. Pickens' Sons, North Main St. EASLEY, S. C. All Summer and Spring Goods at Cost. It wvill pay you to buy now even if you don't need a suit of Clothes. It's a, good investment, You can't put your money to a f ~better advantage than to buy a big supply-- remember you need clothing next year, and you have saved at least 30 p)ercent on .your purchase. I have added. an up-to-date Merchant Tailoring Establishment to our business. I can cut and make a suit for you while you 1wait. I carry a large stock of piece goods, You are bound to get what suits you. L. ROTHSC HILD Oct2tf. GREENVILLE, S. C.

Transcript of The Pickens sentinel-journal (Pickens, S.C.).(Pickens, S.C ...€¦ · Dappenina of a Local ald...

Page 1: The Pickens sentinel-journal (Pickens, S.C.).(Pickens, S.C ...€¦ · Dappenina of a Local ald Personal Nature.-Pickeis is pulling.--Alias (rnco McDaniel visited in Libumi ljt t

Dappenina of a Local ald Personal Nature.

-Pickeis is pulling.--Alias (rnco McDaniel visited in

Libumi lj t t k~.-Johln Stenfhon, who has )oon

quito sick, is iliproving.---13orn, onl 3tt 111t., to Mr. anld

Mrs. B. T. McDaniel, a daughter.-W. L. L'tkBoon, of Anderson

County, is visiting relitives in Pieke" j.

-Mr. Baily Pool, of Anderson, vis-iled hie isister', Mrs. J. L. Bolt, lastweek.

---orn, on 26th ilt., to Mr. andMrs. W. I. Craveloy, of laile; adaiughter.

-Howard Jeiinlan9, of Henrietta,N. , is oiln visit to his father, W.

-Mirs. J. N. Hallum was underthe care of the doctor laSt week, butis much bettor.-Now that we line an oil mill,

look out for other iew industries.They aro coming.

-Silts Grillins, ot Anderson, visit-ed his brother, Chiof of Police JohnP. Oridli, Sunday

- Dr. A. B. Wardlaw, dentist, willio inl his oflieo inl Pickens for weekbeginning Sept. 7, 1903.

-Prof. W. E. Dendy attended theHunday school coiveit ioll which was1hld in Greenvillo last, week.

G. T. Hammond and family, ofGreenville, visited his brother, W. W.Hammond, in Pickienls, last week.-Mrs. Minnio Henderson, who

his been s)Cnding a fow Ilays inPickens, returned to Clinton L. S. Grandy and children,

itor spetiding several weeks here,have returneld to their homo in Greon.ville.-~li ss Flovilla lRhodes, a Abrim.

ing young lady from Suwanee, (ia.,is visitilg the family of Capt. J. T1.Taylor.-liss Pet Findley, after a pleas-

ant visit to her cousin, Mrs. J. L.Holt, has retirmed to her homo inAndersonl.-R. C. Carter, Liberty, has re-

ecived a lot of tho celebrated "Thorn-hill" wagons Which he will soll at theright price.

-Misis Zrma SiLton and JohnElrod, of Andersoni, spoit the latterpart of last week with the family ofW. 11. Ashmore.--The little son of John B. Jtme-

son, of Easley, Is been quite sick forsomeI ime with typhoid fever, but isre'portld better.

--\Iirs. Jessie Smith and children,Ernrestinoe and Clara, of the Easheyside, are visiting thte family of herunclde, 1H. A. Richey.-Mr. and1 Mr's. Henry Nix, of

Spencer', N. C.spent a portion ofbast week with the latter's sister. Mrs.Johm Li. Thtornley.

--Miss Cor'a B~owen reOturnelld homolast Thursday after an extendled visitto relatives aind friends at Greenville

-...4 J. McDonald and famnily leftfor Oconiee county where they willmnak, t heir futuore horme. We wishthemi abundant success.

- Mr'. and Mrs. 13. F. Robertsonrind sn, of Clemson Uolnge, havehamt visiting the families of W. T1..13owen alnd J. E.~Parsons.

-C(audet Cleon W. M~auldin, of thedt'. S. Naval Academy, Annapolis. Md.,iR spendling his vacation ilt Pickenswith his miother' and brothers.- Nork on the oil mill is progress-

ing very sat isfactor'il y. Supt. (lure-ton states that the ginnery will be inshape for buinelss by Sept. 15.

.-Schiool tenebers and trusteeswill do well to buy their crayon sfrom usi. To'n cents ta box, and theyare all good. Pickens D~rug Co.

-- -M rs. Florence Griflin, who has1.een1 visi tinig Mrs. D). F. Sutherland,of Mica, and1 Mr-s. Ella Morgan, ofDacusvillo, rotrirned home Monday.-Misses Eva and Laura Hl-

comlI:e, of Clement, visited friendsnear jLierty' doinjg unlion and( pro-traed meeting Saturday and Sun-daiy.

--Miss Bossio Partridge, an at-tractivo young lady ftrom Atlanta,

- --~ eturned home Saturday after two weeksa of Piecens' refreshingbreeze.

-Married, at Camp Creek Baptisichnrch on August 30, 1903, by Rev.

. B. Trammnoll, Mr. Sam Pilgrim toMissj Hannah Foster. All of Pickons'ountity.--S. M. Bolt and1 a par'ty from An-

derlson, stoppled' over T1u10sdaiy withthe family of Drm. J. L. Bolt. is on its waty to the mountainsfor a few days.-Miss Josie IBoggs, a charming

young lady of Easley, who thas beenvisit ing heri sister, Mrs. J, N. Hal-humt, retturned home last wveek, munchto the regret, of her friends.

-Sloan Miller. who has been con.stablo for Magistrato Jameson, ofEasley, has gone to Florida to accepta p)osition) as figmtan on a railr'oadrtunninig fromi Tampa to 'Jacksonvillo.

--VT South Carolina Presbyter'm'eets at Liberty Presby3 ter ian chum ellthis week, beginniiing Tuesday night.lion. .1. E. B 'ggs reprosernts thePickens chunrch, and Mej. J. J. Lewisis alternate.

-Ason (of J. L. Valeoy fell from aw~'agoni Monmday afternoon and brokelis left arm a'bove the elbow. l)r's.Webb and Mauldin set the limb andthe little follow is doing as wvell ascould be oxe coted.-Mrs. Clara Gassaway, widow ci

.Phomas Giassaway, (died oni the 24Ihof A ugust, at t~be home of her sonThomas H. Gassaway, wvith whon'she lived. S3he was buried the da3following at the family buryingground1, 0one mile north of Central,Mrs. (Gassuaway was 83 years of aisand a membher of Fairview M. Echurch. 11er husband died 49 yearaago.

-Dr. Austin will be in Asheyillene.s week on business.

-- i3ori',.on h9111 ult., to Capt. andMrs L M. Mauldin, a daughter.-Miss Alice Finney, of Atlanta, is

on a visit to her parents in Pickens,-.1 will be in ly offico in Pickens

Sept. 8th and 9th. J. 0. Walker,D. D. S.-The infant child of Mr. and Mrs.

D. B. Finney has been quite sick, butis improvimg.-Mess. 0. H. Alexander and T. J.

Maildin returned Saturday from theSapphire country.-The Easley Cotton Mill school

will begin on the 7th inst., with W.A. Christopher, principal.-B. K. Thornley and J. R. Ash-

more are off for a few days enjoyingthe beautiful scenery of the Sapphirecountry.-T. J. Mauldin and family, of

Rock Fcnco, Ga., have been on anextended visit to relatives and friendsin this county.-On last Friday evening, tbe

young peoplo of Pickens enjoyed adelightfil sociable at the residenceof Dr. J. L. Bolt.-Misses Lizzie and Eva, hand

some11 and accomplished da'ughters ofRev. I. A. Child, from Andlorson, areguests of C. E. Robinson.-Mrs. A. M. Ervin and daughter,

Miss Eunice, of Abbeville, are on avisit to the family of J. K. Kirksey athis pleasant home at Crow Creek.-Boys and girl, you may begin

to get your b:ooks together, prt para-tory to entering rchool next Mondaymorning. Take your reports show-.inig promotion along also.

- -Give us your order for job print-ing. Our line of stationery is con-plete and we can do your work withneratness and despatch. Call and getour prices. We can save you money.

--Bev. N. 0. Clarksoi, of Wall-halla, arrived Tuesday and is assist-ing the pastor, Rev. 0. Ml. Abney, iinthe protracted meeting at the Meth-odist church this week. The meetingis growing daily in interest.

-IR. C. Carter is connected withtwo other very large stores and theybuy their goods inl such quantitiesthat it enables him to save you moneyon most everything you buy fromhim. See his change in ad.-John Keith, a brother to Mee-

dames A. W. Folger and W. Z. Davisof Easley, died in Birmingham, Ala.,on the 24th uIt. His remains were

shipped to Easley and buried in thecemetery at Antioch church.-The supply of peach see I being

so much greater than the buyers ex-pecled, we are unable to handle anymore at $1.00 per bushel, but wantfifty bushels at 60 cents.

Craig Bros.-Middleton Hester who has been

ia D~r. Black's sanitarium at Green-ville, for- some time, has b~eeli dismiss-ed, as cnred, and caine homie Satur-day ev-ening. His friends will hegl!ad to hear of his compllete recovery.

- N. D. Taylor, photographer, willbe in his studio at PI'ckens, in theCarrey old building, next Tiucsdanyand WVednesday, September 8th and9th If youi want first class work callon him, and rest assured you willget it.-Judge R1. 0. Purdy and family,

after spending 5 delightful summerhere, left for their home in SumterMonday. Judge Pu-dy stated thatthey wvere sunfliciema . delighted withtheir stay her-e to guarantee their re-tur-n niext summer.- September, like all mnonthrs,

brings sonme good thinigs. The p~res-cut September will be no( excepjtionto tire irule; for W. Ii. Pickens' Sons,Easley, S. C., ar-c offering, for tbismonth only, speciaba, in tbn and agateIware. Read their ad.

--Prof. W. E Dendy now occu-pies the r-esidence of Solicitor Julir-sE. Boggs, hiavinrg neoved yesterday.Mr. Boggs will break up house as his children will all be oftf atschool and lie is away attendingcourt most of the time.

--Mesa. James P. Cai-ey, Jr., Ed-gar Morais, A. Brandon Taylor, Le-Roy B~oggs and Ernest Fr-cemanleave Friday for Clemson College,wvhere theoy will stand the enitrane-'examinations for classification at thi.opening of the session.-Jesse Rlopom', of Table Mountain,

an aged man and a good christianbr-other, died at his home on tire 27thult.,amnd was bur'ied the day followingrat Onlenoy church, of which he was anmmber. R1ev. Loim Freeman con-ducted the funeral scr-vices.- Dr. Rtobt. Kirksey, of Mangumu,

Okla., is at thre home of his fatherfor a few days. He came home withhis brother, J. K., Jr , wvho has beensick with a severe attack of typhoidfever. His friends will learn withmuch pleasure that lie is much better.

--Rev. J. B. Trammel has justclosed a good meeting at CampCareek Baptist chaur-ch, near Catec-Qhce. Therec weore twenty-one adldi.tionms to the church and gm-eat inter.('St was manarifestedi. Truly muchand~everlasting good was accomplish.

- There will be the lar-gest anidchoicest stock of goods ever shownin Pickens the comning fall. Theyar-e arriving daily, and ar-c beingplaced in the shelves. lPickens willhave the haeavieidt tr-ade ini her hiitorythis fall, and is prepar-ing herself ac-cordingly.-The following adver-tisers brave

changed their advertisements thisweek: W. T1. MceFall, Pickens Dr-rgCo., arid Smith & Bristowv. Readi~thir notices and profit by their con-tents. Each anid every one of themhandle the best in their lines and willtreat yqu r-ighrt.-This paper is published to dis.

seminmate the news, aind we can onlygive the news whenever wve learn ofit-. We want to give you value re-ceived for your money and all thienews we can, so will appr-eciate verymueh any items you will send uo.While they may not be news to you,remember that others will appreciatereading them. Just send us threskeleton on a postal card and weo canpnt the althen i If.

-A 14-year-old girl living witiIsrael Ferguion, run off SndayIsrael's wife and son went on a hunfor her at-d located her at Easleyand after a sharp race, assisted bChief of Police Smith, silo was captured and brought back to Pickens-The Graded school building ha

been thoroughly cleansed and put itgood shapo for the oponing nexMonday. The building has beetcquipped throughout with excelleninow blackboards, a most helpfuequiplent for satisfactory work. Alarge opening is expectedl.-Children's Day will be observed

at Mt. Carmel on the fourth Sundayin September for the purpose of rais.Ing money to send bibles into desti,tuto sections. Com and bring welltilled baskets and a little mijoyProminent speakers will help outer.tain you in addition to the Sunda3school program.-On the 24th ult., while Butler

Smith, of the Six Mile suction, watplowing his turnip patch, a tree thir.ty-five feet inl lel)gth aid eight inchein diaimneter, fell and badly crippledhis mule; tree fell across its bactand hips, knocking it (own and crippling it. Mr. Smith just didmise being himself struck by thttree.

-Douglas Jenkins, Eq , will gcon the Greonville News next Mondayas reporter. "Jenks" has a goodnose for news-an instinct for news.paper work, and it will not be longbefore he has his feet under the ediior's table and be dealimg out "hotstuff" for some metropoliton daily,He is a capable youngh man and w(wish him all kinds of success in iEnow fio'd.

--Chief of the Constabulary, U B.Hlamett, of Columbia, spent a fandaIys in Pickons last week, the guestof (livision chii'f, C. L C'Mreton. Thiswlas Mri. Hamoett's first visit to theup-couitry and he wis very muel:pleased with Pickens and spoko veryencouragingly of the outlook for thihtowni, as lie sw it. lIo is a very affablo Cent-lemanl and is held in highesiesteem by his subordinates.-The Easley Progress says: Dur

ing a thunder stormn last Saturdla1evening a bolt of lightning struck ttree in the yard of Mr. L 0. LIathemwhich stood near the well. Otis, thilittle son of Mr. Lathem, was knockerto his knees and pretty badly shockedSomo of the bark from the tree hitby the lightning struck Mrd. Lathemwho was im the yard, but she sufferedno ijury.-N. D. Taylor, the photographer

is in Pickens every week, on1 the date,minmed in his notice, and on no oLlotdays will you find him here. Com<to Pickens next week prepared t(havo a nice picturo made. Hie catgive you any kind of mounted worlyou want. All of his work is guaranteed to last an( not fade away, al(his price is as low or lower thman yotcani gut first-class wvork done for, cleewhere.

--Miss Lida F~olger and hICbrother, M~r. Ed, of Easley, and theitcousins, Misses Tirzah Hlughes, andtMario Folger, of Pickenis, returnedhome last week from an extenldecvisit to that far off mountainous country, Colorado and Idaho. Th'le pafrt)went on top of Pike's Peakc, wher:they had the leasureii of eating snow~ill August. The party enjoyed thitrip) greatly andl are enthusiastic itthe description of the gorgeous sconiory of that rotmantic c]ounltry, Thecitnmany friends here wvill bo0 glad ttknow that all the party enijoyed goothealth while gone and that no acci(lent befell them.- Easley Progress

if constipated or bilious, call for Ramon's Pills and be certainl our clerks givayou the genluine) Rtamnoi; C Jmplet

P'ickens D~rug Co.

Notice,There will be an examination foi

teachers at this place on Friday Sep18l. This examination will ho th<last one uintil tihe third Friday itMay 1904; Yours truly,

R. T. Hallum,3aw3. Co. Supt. of Ed.

No Change or Con!trol.The G3reenvillo News of the 20tl

ult., says: According to reports received hero yesterdlay from) Easley, iwas imade to appear that the Southorn1 Railway hand either leased oibought the Pickens railroad. F~ronthe same sources it was said thaltrains would be run on a regulaischedule from l'ickens to this city.

WVhen asked yesterday about th<lreport Mr. Jutliuis E. Boggs, of PickOnls, said thecre was abisolutely n<(foundation for it. 1-o said thattparty of Southern I tail way oaicinhwent to Pickens a week ago at his roquest, but it was on another mattotand had nothing to do with the salkor leaise of the short line.

Piokens on a Boom.Rob~lert HI. Curoton, manager of thl(

recently organizedl oil mill and ginnery at Pickens, is sp~ondinlg today inthe city.

WVhen seen by a reporter for TheGreenville News yesterday Mr. Cureton said1 thlat thle oil mill building handbetn completed and a quantity of thtmachinery for the oil muill and gin,nery had been placed and it was expected to have both plants in opera.tion In timm for the coming season,

Mr. Cureton said that Pickons wason a boom; that anl effort was beingmadle to establish a large brick fac.tory in I'ickens, that the demand upon the presenlt b~riek mill was so greatthat orders could not be filled atrapidly as desired.

It is nuldorstood that a stock cornpan~y will be or'gaiz'ed and will establish an extensivo plant.

T'here is atlso talk in Pickens of 05tablishintga knitting mill. Somie ofthle lettding bustiness5 men0 arE) doinfthe talking and it is believed thtat ina short time an organiizatiotn will bsperfected.-Greenlvillo News, 1st in

W~e have on our- shlelves many remedies for conlstipationl and biliousness, but1thme never-failing, conimron..sense cu re isfound only in Rtamon's Liver Pills anmTomnePellets.' TIs Treatment ures byrelieving thme eause of the trouble; th<Pink P1)1 arouses the lhver, wvhile th<tTonic Pellets tone up the organs and in,sr~re natural and bieflthy cotnditions(Jomplete Treatmnent-two tmed icinles-25 dose-full directlonP.,,ly 251 cents

Big Reduction SaleDry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Pants, Overalls, Buggies,

Wagons, Harness, Saddles, Blankets, LaprobesAnd All Kinds Of

HARDWARE, TINWARE, STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES.My buyer will leave for New York about Aug. 2811 to buy one of

the most complete lines of General Merchandise ever kept in this countryand will be sold at the right price.


They are the most simple in con-struction and lighest running andmost lasting mowers ever made.


C. C rterLiberty, S. C.


TO Cues GriPTo kure a Cold in One Day I:os.TakeLaxative Bromo Quinine Tabets. oneverySeven Million boxes sold In past 12 months. This sig.tre, .ox

M1rs. Laura.S.W ,J. N. LL Ph G.

I Pickens 0 Drug 0 Company."IE now have the most comlete line of Spec-wa lstacles that we have ever had

VTPRICE: 2,5 cents and up.

SoPlenty of Harness Oil at o cent a pint.

SOAP } WE HAVE ALL KINDS{SO PMrs. Laurd. S. Webb. If yot haet nice perfumery we have it.ViconPresdot WVonsui Denitfo-

Cwitlo Cabs of sath rn Ohiond"I dreaded the change of life which Drugwas last aproachlng. I noticed Wine P

of Carduilno and oid the tr ot-

tbre.e ontf ad nI eerufailstno an an sferin k woma ofanes f.lling of th duib relievedANge.They fou won to the changeof lifer. otWeitb's tter wileow. utn ou ano avoid the-sll 1 oso Wine of C i.l

t o mpne lta sein n oed.

Cnty ~j of dick es. c~g ut. of youont h Pls.~

Dorf lif Rs ani ' lalettros willeg ican adlmor J. t~n oes N

suffer g a nstr~ )ri~itsell $1 Rottia.o Wde f Rs, Jaaemesffrngorenietc

.R-.LiaM:ry c ARheti LizzsiTkcaoo a or arai

SoummonsHeobySulmofeand rATT-quiredatoanswer th compldin, inDEhi

O Cou t f Pikes.utad t

sreacoupy of your anston th s ai

opain on R~o s s craiber ats his ouicegiz(in dick en, o J Crlina5, withi

twenty lys ater he as n t f h rofex-chniv Roh day of osus Jervice

in1 thetime afrsad otheaPceletlaorionrrvethsfeeilsoth Dctfendantl abovt nahed aoourhetbrnanthot.fooredo

Yoe aree deam ul in ed opant.Duralto aFer, A.e Dil~m1003,y ido sok oemd p)l iea

oplainetont.i Rossn eila ayi ll- Iib1

redaent de fthen mantio, XNwIi'~ od, e asif k onoic toae the comnplint windithe tmosa wid, the foing istithaco w ill f pled ttihe ou o NheVR~IIItCmerk oif dedourt Pinen comant.. thertvsTuns ro edD3rd ayobey. SrA. D 1903

J. P. CAREY,WeAeFedorYuPlaintiff's Attorney. C m n e s

Seto Jarde A. Ds 19nd I1i4 aAl

'fakenotie tatrial oaintds, . Mc A LFne igrs o&ihtm Toaccon s-a n woolds in ar th offeofe-_____

ad any o her A. ings 1to3tedious Jt meti. .R ,Y,

Bicycl Rerialgo aflly kin.

c.c Cigas & 00.cco,we ooEd. ENTgar CofL, MA.0.OO

TotCre thlding ne DayTakeou La etiveBooQnno Table. OrbueisnwithEatnmrkstouyn.A Bricyt Reaiing Caefmoney Dofe t fa laretsoksvrbogtt hspr ftesaeadito Aur.- . W.t lovs (isigntr l'is o -e omk om frne od eaeofrn

(X . FILKS OPick~ eductDrug in ManyLi.~ WAG haE just rhaved resh caompet linef Spec

ON S. taesed knt hat h e Stuebakes n..............- he rie v igt.WacE: thi spcen and up.anise s

TePlentyxof HarnessmOiluati10 cent ampint. -

All dIfiyou waprefund ieefmonry wf htveait.toonr. '. V Gov' sgiitiie som ea ickensceugM orowany


Talk About Your."Mill End Sales" and your "Wreck

but tbey are not "in It" with our 44i

"Knock Down", "Drag Out" Clearance Sale for the A


Big lot of Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, 11nti and Gente Frn-ishing Goods to go at and aid bolow Now York cost. Ovgr 800 pasof mens and boys pants all sizes and colors to go at p. icos ntever beforo heard of In the State of Pickens.

Big lot of Clothing, como and select your suit name the pric*and take it.This is no fairy tale but plain facts we are talking. We wouldrather have cost foi every suit fii the house than to the time andtrouble to movo and rearrange them in our now storo.We hopo to be in our now -iuarters by Sept. 1, and we conten-plate buying the largest stock of General Merchaidise, consisting olClothing, Dry CGoods, Shoes, Hats, Gents Furnishings, Groceries, Hardwaro Furnituro, Buggies and Wagons ever brought to this part of the.

country. Wo will convert our old store into a wivgon and Buggy antFurnituro Depository and by Sept 15th we will be prepared to showYOU a coniplete andl well solected stock. 1avo just ordered a car ofMitchell & Lewis wagons which are the best on tho market.

Remomber: For the next 30 (lays we will offer some of thogreatest bargains evor offerod in Pickens.

Folger & ThornleyClothing-, Hats, Shoes and Gents Furnishing.

A Specialty.

W. T. McFALL, J. M1). BRUJOE,Presidenit. Casiier.


CAPITAL, - - $ 20,500.00.PROFITS, - - $ 10,312.09.DEPOSITS, - - $100,055.29.

Interest paid on time Deposits. Careful Management.Liberal Treatment to all it's Customers.


O*q, DIRECTOR'<SO.1 i \I AG 00 1 1. C Ai T Y 1 0R,

IN .

1. t illA Y, .Y . . I

c F AR1, . H RUC.

To0 Small.OR the last two months wve havehardly had time to get a long breathtrying to handle so many chickens

and we wvish to say to the poultry raisers

for their good aind ours to stop) sellingyour chickens so small as they are not wan-/ ted anywvhere at any price. Large chickensJways wanted. Hens are in good demand.

We want all the eggs we can get and willgive the highest market price for them.

Call on us for all kinds of merchandiseat the lowest cash price.

CRAIG BROS.One-Price Cash Store

3September Specials i*TINWARE.*

i Gallon Oil Cans, 10 cents. - -, ro Quart Dish Pans, io cents.I pint Heavy Retinnedi Dippers, 5 cents.

* 9 quart Covredl Buckets, 20 cents.

* Our Tinware stock is complete, and we sell at 0. prices that cannot be equaled anywhere. .e FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBERS We wvill make speccial prices on all T1IN andSAGATEWARE. If you need any goods in these

lines we are certain to interest you.Rielliber' "SEPTEMBERt SPECIALS" ini

TIN and AGATEWAIRE.*Come to see us befote buying. We are running g

W. H. Pickens' Sons,North Main St. EASLEY, S. C.

All Summer and Spring Goods at Cost.It wvill pay you to buy now even if youdon't need a suit of Clothes. It's a, goodinvestment, You can't put your money to a

f ~better advantage than to buy a big supply--remember you need clothing next year,and you have saved at least 30 p)ercent on

.your purchase.I have added. an up-to-date Merchant

Tailoring Establishment to our business. Ican cut and make a suit for you while you1wait. I carry a large stock of piece goods,You are bound to get what suits you.