The Social Recruiting Stats You Need to Know

a glimpse at the current stats Social Recruiting


Thinking about trying out social recruiting? Already doing it? The statistics in this SlideShare will help you to recruit, interview and hire the most qualified job-seekers out there!

Transcript of The Social Recruiting Stats You Need to Know

  • 1. a glimpse at the current stats Social Recruiting

2. The user base grew 33 percent from June 2012 to March 2013. has over 2.1 million groups 3. 73 percent of companies have hired a candidate from social media 71 percent of recruiters would rate their social media skills exceptional 4. 39 percent... of employers use social networking sites to research candidates 55 percent of applicants say they have been influenced by employee testimonials on social networks 5. Sources stats-of-2013-you-didnt-know/ dia-stats-to-watch-2013/ cial-media-recruiting-and-how-it-affects-executives/ five-employers-use-social-media-to-screen-candidates/ ing-pocket-guide/