The shining trailer analysis

The shining trailer analysis

Transcript of The shining trailer analysis

Page 1: The shining trailer analysis

The shining trailer analysis

Page 2: The shining trailer analysis

This long shot creates suspense due to the lack of anything happening within the frame. It looks like we are under a bridge and as the audience we are possibly going to see something happen which as a result leaves us on edge.

I particularly like this shot because of the scenery. The fact that it is outside and it has been snowing, gives a sense of isolation. This then leaves the audience anticipating what might happen. Interestingly there is little lighting in this shot and the only light we see is the light in the corner. Light symbolizes hope and the lack of it gives the impression that something bad is going to happen

Page 3: The shining trailer analysis

In this shot, we get a mid shot of a silhouette of a man holding an axe. from the silhouette we can tell it is a grown man who and the element of horror comes from the fact he is holding the axe. In contrast to the last shot, there is a lot more light in this shot which draws our attention to the man and suggests that he is the protagonist and is out to kill someone.

Another interesting about this shot is that we don’t know whether the man is walking towards us or away from us which contributes to horror as he might be coming towards us with the axe

Page 4: The shining trailer analysis

What I find interesting about this shot is that the child is the one being scared. Stereotypically in horror films, children are the one causing the horror and not the one being scared. The close up of his face illustrates his expression and from his expression we can tell he has seen something terrifying. The lighting on his face could suggest that something is coming towards him and we are also joined in fear of what might happen to him.