THE ORDER OF WORSHIP ALL SAINTS’ DAY November 1, 2009 11:00 a.m. ASSEMBLE IN GOD’S NAME Organ Prelude The Life and Work of the Church Welcome, friends and members Please sign welcome folders Nursery care available in Education Building Restrooms found in Education Building Prayer requests for offering plate Fellowship Hour following worship Announcements – please use microphone A Time of Greeting Steeple Bell Choral Introit Call to Worship: Revelation 7:9 I looked, and there was a great multitude that no one could count, From every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, They cried out in a loud voice, saying,




November 1, 2009 11:00 a.m.

ASSEMBLE IN GOD’S NAME Organ Prelude The Life and Work of the Church Welcome, friends and members Please sign welcome folders Nursery care available in Education Building

Restrooms found in Education Building Prayer requests for offering plate Fellowship Hour following worship Announcements – please use microphone A Time of Greeting

Steeple Bell

Choral Introit

Call to Worship: Revelation 7:9 I looked, and there was a great multitude that no one could count, From every nation, from all tribes and peoples and

languages, They cried out in a loud voice, saying,

“Salvation belongs to our God who is seated on the

throne, and to Christ the Lamb!”

*Hymn: “I Sing a Song of the Saints of God”

*Prayer of Adoration

Call to Confession

Prayer of Confession

Eternal God,

in every age you have raised up men and women

to live and die in faith.

We confess that we are indifferent to your will.

You call us to proclaim your name,

but we are silent.

You call us to do what is just,

but we remain idle.

You call us to live faithfully,

but we are afraid.

In your mercy, forgive us.

Give us courage to follow in your way,

that joined with those from ages past,

who have served you with faith, hope, and love,

we may inherit the kingdom you promised in Jesus


(silent prayers)

Assurance of Pardon

*Sung Response: #147 verse 1 Blessing and honor and glory and power,

Wisdom and riches and strength evermore,

Give we to Christ who our battle has won,

Whose are the kingdom, the crown, and the throne.


Prayer for Illumination

Old Testament Lesson: Isaiah 25:6-9 Page: OT 652

Anthem: “Fly Away Medley” Hayes The Choir A Scripture Conversation Epistle Lesson: Revelation 21:1-6a Page: NT 259 Sermon: “Swallowed Up”

*Hymn: #442 “The Church’s One Foundation”

GIVE THANKS TO GOD Offerings of Tithes and Gifts

Offertory Reception of Offerings by Ushers *Presentation *Doxology (#592)

Praise God from whom all blessings flow;

Praise God all creatures here below;

Praise God above ye heav’nly host;

Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

*Prayer of Thanks The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper


Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession

The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven,

hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done,

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread;

and forgive us our debts,

as we forgive our debtors;

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom and the power

and the glory, forever. Amen.

Words of Institution


You may say to your neighbor:

“The Body of Christ”, then “The Cup of Salvation”

Closing Prayer

Please dispose of your cups in the basket near the exit as

you leave. GO IN GOD’S NAME

*Hymn: #526 “For All the Saints” *Charge and Benediction Choral Benediction Steeple Bell Organ Postlude You may recycle your bulletins in the basket at the back of the

Meeting House.


Child Care for infants is available. Please see an usher for directions. Children ages 2 and above may exit after the Scripture Conversation for Someplace Else (a lesson and activities in the CE Building) or remain in worship. Children of any age are always welcome in worship.

Worship Assistance

Please see an usher to receive hearing assistance, a large print bulletin or bible, or a personal seat cushion.

Prayer List:

Nursing Home and Hospital

The Arbors at New Castle: Arline Olds 32 Buena Vista Dr., New Castle, DE 19720 phone: 302-326-4121 Cokesbury Village: Isabel Klein

726 Loveville Rd; Hockessin, DE 19707; Attn: Rm 1026 phone: 302-235-6017 Prayers for:

The Flowers are given to the glory of God by: Brenda Walters

In honor of church members and friends who have given of their talents and monies to the success of the Spirit of Christmas.


Special Gifts Memorial Case: Eleanor R. Shattuck


Harry J. Rothrock


This morning, our Ushers are: Mark & Kelly Chandler

Preparing and Serving Communion this morning are:

Dot Campbell*, Jason Campbell, Dan & Candy Dunson and Molly Dunson

Someplace Else: Yueming Guo & Amy Selheimer

Looking for Pennies

Noon Circle can put your extra pennies to a good use. When we have collected as much as $100.00 in pennies, they are donated to Friendship House. So if you have extra pennies, we would be glad to accept them for this worthy year-round project. You may slip them into a plastic bag and hand them to our treasurer, Gisele Vonrhein, or place them in the Noon Circle church mailbox, and many thanks.

Soup, Bread, AND

At the Spirit of Christmas celebration this year, we would like to offer not only your delicious homemade soups and bread for sale, but also your homemade pickles, jams, and jellies. If you are so talented, please bring these items in jars, clearly labeled, and leave them in the kitchen any time by December 12th. Bless you for sharing your gifts for our Christmas charities.

Spread the Good News!!

Volunteer to distribute door hangers in a nearby neighborhood in the next few weeks, and spread the good news about New Castle Presbyterian Church. The Congregational Life and Membership Committee have developed attractive new literature giving nearby residents the basic story about our congregation and its ministries, with an invitation to try us out! Now all we need are willing walkers to hang them on door knobs! Get some good exercise and get the word out at the same time! Reprinted door knob hangers are now available in a box in the outer office.

Spirit of Christmas Craft Sign Up Sheets

There are two sign up sheets for craft items on the easel in the CE Building. If you have a craft that you are bringing to the Spirit of Christmas in December, please let us know what you are bringing and how much to charge for it. If you have an idea for a craft that any interested people could get together and work on as a group, please use the other sign up sheet and let us know the name of the project and best date/time/location for working on this project. This is a wonderful means of fellowship and a great way to get to know members of our congregation. We have many talented people in this group, so even if you are all thumbs, please sign up and we will help you every step of the way.

Save the Date: Sunday, November 15th

Spirit of Christmas Craft Making Day The Mission and Outreach committee will be hosting a craft afternoon on Sunday, November 15th, from 12:30 p.m. until 3:00 p.m. Lisa Raker will demonstrate how to make beaded, crystal ornaments and Barb Whisman and Ellie Gerhart will be showing us how to create clip-on earring bow tie ornaments. We also have some oyster shells left over from last year that will need ribbon tied on to them. If you are "all thumbs" but would enjoy the opportunity of fellowship with members and friends, you might like to help get the "ditty boxes" filled for delivery to the Port of Wilmington's Seamen Center. All the materials will be ready for you to place in a ditty box and we will help you get a bow tied on to the package. We will be serving lunch at this event, so please put your name on the sign-up sheet so we can prepare enough food. If you would like to help out and bring something for lunch, please put down what you will bring next to your name. The Spirit of Christmas and the "Ditty Box" ministry are so much more than events that our church sponsors. It is more than the money we raise to support the ongoing projects of Friendship House or providing much needed supplies for sailors away from home during the holidays. They offer us an opportunity for fellowship with one another and a chance to reflect on the message of hope from that tiny baby born in a manger so long ago.

Stewardship thoughtStewardship thoughtStewardship thoughtStewardship thought for the week for the week for the week for the week. . .. . .. . .. . .

Sometimes we are made to feel that only the large pledges matter – “that my pledge really isn’t important. Since my pledge is humble, I know that the pledges of others will really satisfy our stewardship needs.” Session wants to emphasize that every every every every pledge is vital. Whether your pledge is $1, $10, $20 . . . $100 per week or more, every pledge is needed. Your prayerful consideration of a pledge for 2010 is very much appreciated. God bless you, The Resource and Development Committee of Session

This Week’s Schedule

SUNDAY 11/1 9:30am Adult Bible Study

11:00am Worship & Someplace Else

Lord’s Supper

12:15pm Stewardship Brunch

Tuesday 11/3 12:00pm Noon Circle

Wednesday 11/4 1:00pm Bible Study

7:30pm Choir

Thursday 11/5 5:00pm Literacy Volunteer

6:45pm Colonial Chimers

7:00pm Al-Anon Meeting

8:00pm Celebration Ringers

Saturday 11/7 8:00am Tai Chi

9:00am Cook-Emmanuel Dining Room

9:30am Qi Gong

SUNDAY 11/8 9:30am Adult Bible Study

11:00am Worship & Someplace Else

12:00pm Fellowship

12:00pm Flower Guild

12:30pm Christian Ed Comm