The Memphis Daily Appeal. (Memphis, TN) 1871-11...

lirMaaBBnaW EEs ATE. Nashville, November 11. After business, Mr. DaBoee presented ape-tltio- n from Bristol soamat thai Las m AMUSEMENTS. F.PHH Spalding A Pope.. P. ISacrl LAST N1UHT Ull OKE or TAB RANKIN OOBXDY CMPAIIY. TBI FRlttAY mfWHUfU, NOV. KTH. ML BENEFIT OF MIS KITTY BLaSCHAU, On whlrh occasion will be the cosrming contedy of "SCHOOL." LATINEK AT Wbca will ba praaaatad. "RObEDALE." TTF.NRT C. ANNOUNCEMENTS. iVLI.I for r at the snsu- ii. i old pal a. i'-x- . ta ah a . wni.raanonM himself a can 1 ulrtate lor Wba im eater at the saaalag .ot'on "1 ater iiu'. -Io rente mall hoaae. or two or H mrwe ioom. preferred, for rio.e keeplD" 1 esgiai Jt X. himself andldate election. JanlirM iurnlsned Lerma and Appeal office. ooll IlOAhD Room aad board for three single in private ismuy. wuere boarders are kept. Address, R - m - 7. r a - - e g iABBIaOF. -- A No 1 oar- - V r age woiaer can com in sieauj tt. fii and go Hi ao Ul LT 63 Union eveet H TWO R A few Bal-- c aas area trat'T'.atg A. act tc Hi no. aos aisin au neni,vii..le. K.Nroin Ubi.l ana, rs li moved bis office to bla maiden je. No. 211 Afiatni street announces January artnr.aa statins- wages, appiy """5" a a of a : A steady woman to cook, wash .. frr a email tamllv EOOi' waeamveu. a dcIt at l.i ' El l loit street. no3 i ! iir.RtK nERN Twal ve Drlnted forward t a s: wlil par liberal wages. For farther ' " ' ""AlXgN A F1BHEB, mot Jackaon. Mia. MH hN Two IT) good preasmen, wltb n.tls'acurv referenoe, at the Arkansas Oil Works : wsge a uu a day. no. 8 BOE dt CO.. Memphis. Tenn. RS We nave inqulrlee for good, GaBUKE to go to Uitle Rock, Arkansas. Appl' to R. Q t'RAlO CO.-- eVed Stores, S77 acd Main street. BOl Mcmpnis. ienn 'Eat U(CR-T- n tte cbavrie or ew mam- - i .t 'C c Male avEn remiifnoiu m im Ji town, pieauuuT m r ' An ecerg etic. cImnbI cmi lMQr can build Op a gjod pyicg arto.. Tnim--U. tbe nobo-n- i for what It v ii tike AddrmTroitm Miwrnlc Acd-etoy- , E-- g eCreefc, P. P.. Bradley Co.. Arlt. 1TC AT1CN By a Swede who In tborouf It daoalad in Knllab( tierman Frecct acd Surniirh BitnaUon as oopyUt or tratu au.r. He would rve well a railroad engi neer cot pa. He relere, by pernillon tome edlw of tbe A npeeu. n.. ol H ai Kurnlture. reatber and Motiaaboid Uootli, of all iLlndfl t ou;bt al t. AlbLa Twenty No, 1 tallore to go to I LitUe Rootn, Ark. Apply to HOWB9 A wrr.LDHJDmc. 0 rront trawl. e21 I UK SAut. RTTTTKT.'ommeclal KeelauranL cbeap, as ..-- - a eU me to Furop. ' B X'KriY With a tall itock. No. 73 Kroni 1 t'at " d. n8 SAFK-- A medluin:i far sale low. Proprietor presented Wbarrmatf Inquired 1 ion Hafe, Cincinnati Inquire t81 Main V U - NCK at a bargain one of tbemost MX Tiip e'e ana oeiiguiini kneiby c u: y. el uated en tbe hjuUi elde lo: iM ei't-ntje- known tbe t oi Mi.i e. rvcentiy owned and oc.aple. by N. 'jront-a- , kirq. ror ieirxe. e;c.,pf-- j a lu KTjmet Bank. DM o ALOON- -a Ho 1 saloon, wttb license, od bosines-- ; tbe bel siand In tbt Cltr. addrta J. K , tbU ifflce. no4 gQ rtfUi PL NT4T1UN Tbe valuable and ' noiy iicaied plantation. known as tbe sxo it riaee. aiiuaiea bue rniviueuw, iu r , n part L'Utelna. one and-a-b- r.. .lee 'rom me town or providence, con tain Hit aeres. for furtber imormatton ap d 1 .Ma ir.. at trie rianier- - UM o. Mempbia,Tenn.. and to Ueoige C. Ti ilia ton on iLe prtisiaea, noo F aKM My la: m tsatlti forstle or rent tbe in tbe neiKiiborbotMi; ananoanoeo a Lieat coitaae. new etabie: ete. lei. for aale, a flu Bnaton-balt- t ( balae, u tadt- of tin port ad wood, will omtlat to i m ouilet. Alan, a K'ne, lor near nunung a m r twist doubie-ua- t rei Mooif in !' d( Hare I offer for tbe return to me o' a larKf tmntl (JOLD WATt H w u-- . No ejhl Jatue Htoddart i - dio). TbU Cue watcb waa left at old Mr CLaouia s. on th- - railroad, be nw Hooefle d oft fre 7th of Juy last. Jaw blebs tjke and tsK V aa YoOttaULvaa aoooaiv 1J.T. w Union streeet. ncUkwIv Mempbla, Tenn R1 II': Ks a freab lot of moles arrived laat lb niHQt ; a rood lot of mnlea and boraea on (n't ai an l ma at t km m jaasa Stable. No. VB leeoond street. Ou Waiuut slrael. on time Appl) w JffTaraou b room and kitchen tkd rvan u" stable and earnaare aftuae., roal nd wood boue. ezoelxen t ciatei l nr lag iit In good repair; prloe low and f'tni easy. Apply on premleea. aeJi OH REo oixe streai: i.our llOifc-T- o rente bouse wltb Ave or sU XI - u;- - nlebt to tualneea. Au di , "ft " i'nj. odv Hotel nok . ItRta-N- o. m Pront traeL Apply to A. - - i. A N l ran Main street. nta'nlnk 7 rot. ma. J 1 'eukir, gond cistern of water. e l prompt payl-.- tenant. (. tti a' u "lulu street i i t. 1 Wih ran Por la eatl on 4t as O. HoiaLalD, "0 U AKkHOOs-B- A warebouae. In iar or -- tore Man. street; rant very vw . - e. app:y at o M MAIN -- B Rtt'l 'EcaV a vary dealrabie brick real on Ubelay street, cioae to ousl- - fte App.yto Mm. Brovn, No. Mala 'w ""Of. w. rraaar, Main street, op. . I. ..... Ua.l 7 !smw U Vaa. OCSt iDKNLftrTeu minutes walk from Poplar street cars. Nine rooms, bath " wirr-woia- c.sttrn, wen, siames ga J . orchard, three acres, well eu craved w u iu go mi oraer Apply to Minor Man- - ascTsas. oev Ka-M- . tiYti.-it- looms, would ecorkm 'mU lta-- n small f.,n.ltu t . a. treaanrer aoiea. with approved iudoraer ueuiui ebau.all liOr-K-- C Hk oil J.c JohNHUM. IS etreet lfciva 4JhN, K uburbaursaidsnce,on Kerr aa avetusi eiable, oanlags b use and 6 I .T: "inn '" apply io Minor Marl - ssswas swsaaw. i) "" T nlas from J street, suitable lor oIBms 'ouma, suiiabit fo'fcleeolng gaSi"" No.jui MaTk wainJCT. B0AR0ER8 HKHiut kh leims ri ioarl straat-- on tioata AND BOARD. also, 5 i at l 1U Maul- ana .1 .iXI ..Z Z". ' eooommoaated. RO mm -- OomiortalAl7ra7aasn"- SSSBTV! ' "J e u..Luits wa;koftou7t aVgoare. and tlf aouars ' of aliet-- t oar. Til airw a. laallgm.a- - n " SBS div j it; ivr: zl il l 7" r li .aaaia OtBU A good frost ee :.d tre- t ( LCSi-- t BVaUaa-a7- Mh Ma aar i I baailFiDa Appl, V0 I p a I'lCAtlit a srnAVED. ui - . : : A. fth. Mry rooms Mala or rooaxa no Bui room and al vwi.v BB ebelbralreeu I " " euuaaoaj nigbl. from ana 1 preuisas st tbe corner oi Jsaeraon Tea vears So marks cep awciteaaodle-markontb- a baoTVnd a .aia ) caaled sore nn tne tezssj&ZAH ?PsSi a i ri Va w jeuarson siresl, ass wuw ui otDJBO " " B. BDCHltiaANl. khn WABu-atray- ad from tbe ,' ""'ad, en tbe 6th lnal , a red- - .7. L'"'0J about r.n asT:,-,'0.0- ' "ward wUI ae Cbl ... r uui en ruth street, D. H A HANUEBH. ua. "'swrnasBjTasorlala iuB advert laement of Dr. Bntta' petiiary. headed Book Millio- n- snarriagv uuiue ill anotuar OOlumn honld read Applr board, Maun airoo., Dls-- lor the be hv all It t oooAtas dross ne the hair beautifully , Tmixu, Hi lieoond atraet. Miaat. BANtsOH a WALKKK. Mrl" ABB BeOBOMI -- This you wlil get by hsyitagur aat With Lasnon's Improvenaant OalulT FRESH Of 8TERS scaived par express Jfuoua, il fsaa ia saresX. by A new company hag been formed in England for lurntehinK rolling-stoc- k l" ihp Atlantic and Great Western wKorr. lav lo;al paragraphs. -- The county Jell is well stocked with the " fruits of Ufa." The criminal oourt wss engaged all day yesterday oe a larceny cae. Tha continued gealel weather la a great disappointment to theooal merchanta. The latest atyle of gold Bracelet! are the gauntlets aad are nearly three lnehaa wide. Necklace composed of large lortolae-a- h 11 beada elaborately carved are considered very elegant. let trimming ha Into faehlon again, and It la oaed.on as cfotb cos lame AID coma very much cloak - Nobody went to tbe slatlonbouae laat itU nt except oiui.iary lotla'en. tbat wa:.:- .titimaie stneiier. Maria AnUtlnette oaoes. of vaivet. uluab aalracban, are to be worn In tbe street, with -- .it costumea. Oils wlnur I aSadlea anar van alaaaat bat tons of mosaic coral, gold or cameos, wltb tbe colored silk vests wtiicn are so jiyuao as pssmwas There are five months In this year having five Sundays wn cn. it aald, does not occur once In Hfty years, -- The moat fashionable color In amoves present is a llgot tan color, without stitch ID g ui wrtstieU. and wltb lour giit outioni, Home very e, eg ant dreeaes Just lsporteJ from raris nave tight airrsreni pic:s to at inched before the costume Is completed. U creat weather for up tbe rl er, tbe low stag of water rendering ns lga ii.Q a ucauisn uuug A new style of overshoes, for winter wear K buttoned up at tbe si dee, s lebed wltb white. and looks exacuy iiae a iiai.u4me aiu uoou Tbe fine scboolhouse on Mafket street Is av vfkiv sLale al rrtna-D- It at for tbe reception of pupils by the day of 1ST. The attention of tbe afflicted Is called tbe card ot Lr. 1. H. Benton, who makes tbe treatment of can cur a sue. iail , and ulsU r.olu I very auwotsBiut. shrank nail, wco nan tae aimruity witn Malllns Haudav tintoou, was admtueo ball in tbe sum ot 9SXj by Judge Plippln. yeeieruay moinizg -- The penalty for obtaining a pa'.r of boots ana stocaincs ou creoi is mecjuatj j Tuat was tbe fate oi Lhaiie! Turner, was before tbe recorder on such a caarge It la asserted on tbe best authority tbat lona iralliUaT dreeeea for the street will not good style, and will not be adopted Dy lavoias WOO Wian to apeax wen in com pany. -- Johnny Beasran, so well known in Mem pbls aiprt goes to tae pu ilentlary ior nr years, a ury, ai nun ooldi. sentenced him o tbat term Wtd aea dey. He la likely to take a spell at ahoemak lng now. How far distant Is tbe when a nob hrtdaTB snan the MlaaalDpi at this polu arross which trains shall from Kansa L'ltv and the northwest, a well as from the boaters o: tbe lilo (Jraude. even from Mexico? A lady lost her pocket book between forty nve ana nny aouars iaai evening, ou Main street, between Adams Jeftenon streets. gen tit man ho was seen tu pick it up win please return it to tin tireei soutb of Adams. We are glad to learn tbat Mahan's patent canai boat is a complete success, and wi l, in al likelihood, uke tbe grand pr.i) ffarad oyewiora. it naa oeeu lutiy ant it 'us' the thing tae canal commissioners o ew 1 ork bve caiieu for, air was brisk yesterday biowina a sun oreesa the southwest. tbat it was a uu tblnc to keep one's ba on down toward the river. change from tbe damp, heavy aim osp here of tbe previous a ays was pleasant sw we.i as neaitay Owing to tbe fact tbe polio allowed the To pass ssuhout warring on tbe Qanlue we bsve now an f species In Memphis Tbetrsappo costs t giro per w by not kill tbem 11 rn ana toe giw among the poo: Thla snajra W11 first assn day shall come and and The main next Tbe dry and rrom d:ffl Tbe tbat race, cross that least day. The committee oi the county court, ap pointee at tne last uunrieny meeting, oui mt;uoed the invaatlgatlon m the B rlour Ltw warrants, yeatfruaj. in luirt Bik-Kj- v office. The following Is tbe committee: ,ulres . Ugfi winter, iioimau, VrSiitcr aau nrooss. Mr. W. H. Bates, superintendent of tbe typographlcsJ departm-n- t of the Charleston railr ud. returned to tbe city from Manitowoc, w BSBssaa n, ana wnu n.m as nis una Miss Mary Borchtrdt, of the latter city. M Bates received the coriirratulatlonto: his mat menus tsierusy, to wnicn we aua ours. The sureties on William McLean's boo da. ror Wbu.uuu. are v. imam uiiott, .uorew k-- kert, John Imtllnfer, Joseph Specbt. Ed stack. 1. Pante, Jarob burklt. Jaiues E. Dil lard. H. Gk Brewer. John tcugel. M. Larkm, 8, nnyuer anu i n, uonit-u- . ineae i snit-- v "I t sa.d Itlllv when tbe tittle oeremou was all over, "that ia a so'ld bond." There was a rousing fight on the levee, at the loot or in ion street, yeeieruay arttrn.j among negroes. There was a dispute among some draymen about loading a mule too heav- ily, when one of tbe negroes picked up a billet oi woua ana sirucs an' inrr scuiae imrna ml tht-l- i ram A plHtol was tired alter but without effect. Both of them were arrett ed and taken to tbe lower station bouae 'rove Mill tar, alias Himon Johnson v sent to J all yesterday, by the recorder t await lies pira-.u- r of be criminal c art About two years sao. rtiiuoa walked away from Vaughn's static u with a wagon and two mutes oeiongiug to anotntr worthy coiorad nr me name o uaraner. us was not seen on Ul Weuuva tay, wnea u trdutr clipped bis eyes on him at tbe (bio depot, aad baa him arrcveu o ooi3tr The Raleigh railroad company wants the iu luuorse inc.: note lot . m ine county says, H Yes, willingly, if the people are aausnt-u- . J rir p,il(.ie will say mi rtatuniav 'tes, we are aatiiiicd we waut rskUroads. ' I eras rall'oads that maae Mem ph la what she Is It was railruails tbat made tlaam ud wil. rebuild her after her destruction by fire. If we had leu railroads in here now. our population would number owl ore l7s. us nave tnem. In answsr to a correspondent we gaote sec Ion lOof tbe of tbe revised charter which mod 11 s ibecbarter of t be city of Mempbla so far as "to provl is tbat bere- - aiter aii owners oi real estate sitaaied witnin lbs corporate limits of said city of Mem pbls, upon woicb taxe. are asaested and c 'Heeled, shall be eeiltiei to vote In all 'l elections In said city, either for city ffioera or the lsvy of taxes, whether tbe said owners or real eale be resident wttbln tne city limits or not. Officer Hicks and Hhelbv arrested a "bov from lalttle Hock here In tbe city yesterday rticaii.alch couiaiuin., the tuloriuailon lor iht arr-v- charaea tbt bov" with lajcenv Tbt offltiers brt'iitiht mm to tbe station-hous- e and put the larceny down aga nat him. He a Koeker, medium bight, stout build pretty mustache, good on the muscle ud pie uan bucoeeded In whtUBlns his man on two uecaaloiia, and la altogether a tkeroU oi a .iinctitn. li ne gees out oi tn)i crape, be may become senator over In Ar Van saw." Tlte I U'to'i Kecord aavs In reference to tbe hill ptuUliig i: the llalature lor the eaH Uahmentot Neshoba oouoty : "It Is a wise provision of our new constitution which is-- o,ulres two-thir- of tbe voters reald ng In tbe territory out of which any new oouuty Is t an ed, to cast their ball u lu lav or of it: be fore It can have any legal existence. Sueb en- - r prines are too oiun set on loot oy tnal c.iaaa r epicurean patriots wno hunaer for omcial oaves aud fiahee. bui who. under tXlatlnu aeo- - kfrapblcal subdivisions ot the HLate a territorv. stand no cha .ot of an invitation to feast upon public pap. There may be good reasons urged In favor of this Neaboba scheme, but we are now utterly at a loss to discover what ihteau raaaona are. The grand council ol I enneaseeP and A on : uesday elected the following offioars aud installed them, after w hich tbe grand council adjourned until the annual convocation James MoCalltun, Pulaski, tnrlos illustrious fraud master; H. M M Am, White's station, O. M.. I', k Grafton. t'hatlanooga, U. P. C. of W., Heverend W. A. Nelson, Naalt- - lle, U. A. it Piper, Joueaboro. G C ot ausense, Alabama treet, fronting I Jlhn Mot ieiiand, aabv iile, graml ssa. n ty Msaassj per month I Jmn r naau, .vasnviiie, ti h - w Jefferson nel9 and old. iT-a- Ti , and oummer .ML next K. .New Mlddleton. G. C, of C: Geo. ttielerle. Navshvi its. G. B. Tbe Vulou and American la lu report, says It was a flulug tribute to the companions thai tbe grand treasurer, grand recorder and arat.d asnlinel. wra. tn m tim of difle'-eii- t oompanloaa, eacu by ac- clamation. We rtioJOe lo at-- one of the 'old guard," rximpaaion James McCallum, of thrice llluairlous urand master of the grand oouLcll He hsts been in tbe harness nearly balf a oeotury, aad be sheds true light and does square work Tbe negroes love tbe inrsterK-- s of learatrjg as muoli a. tbev do tbuaa; wbo practice tue latter .rt, at Ligaiioi gbt, 1I while tb shaver. vouilolaia. Tbose ursu. tuvuaw votaulaa of tbe loriuttf godeaa bow at ber shrlbe In tbe morn lhM. A number of aassl nearoea. wbo hav a uoudeacr pt way of makiag a living, have been oursuiliaf nowlaiifts undtir mnia, i. difficulties bare in Memphis for some time back. There Is an ol i ltl.ow, in partlcuiar. Who treuuenu the blufta at taut moi nnw and. seated ou a bsap of lumber, pursues ht studies wish great v gur and peiinacitv. though with apparently poor success He tar ries about with nim a section of an old and a penc 1. Wben seated properly at work tbe couiortions of bis lace, and the apasmodc BOARD V.D. enormous cistrionie running nis tongue, are painiui to cxu max - a letter In a- out one hundred seconds-tb- at la. wben be is Is good ui. ukwiiw. ne uaa wauiiu vauiuuii business 111 aohlevu.enu reach LoShe In! lowing prodactlons : " wllllaaf eWlui which bis name lie looks upon that as . ucujcuuuiu aaeo in auvaDoa. in rani, 10 n- - quirloa, be a .Id that be was alxly seven years old did noljdo anrmina lu nartlculsr everv Ihltiw hv lurna. anil nothina Utnu M ta ra.) uiuiugu i u, neooine a learneu man. tie aald ne never slant, but walked all BlgbL We sus- pected from this tbat bis principal dart muat anHas eaawssau ana ourgtartaed nam PERSONAL. UBptaln K. O 1 ilV. nnanf tli. .HIMAf aueanreveDortHonthwaatarn i.laik... on busineaa for the Memphis and Shrere-por- t raUroad.for which tbe people are very acetous. We bone tha nantaln .ill la nhsa a. i.k... v 1. .. i . r. - ...e wa ao ui, people a good ao- - o. oiul)ma, ana be able to say, from aotual observation ik.t . .. - 01 our OHlSSOa. Of all nlaaaa. - tha iiivuua Ol anal most aaadaH nt .11 a railroad enterprtsea. Ainong tbe arrival, at that rVimmsieAlal hotel, yeaterdsj, were V. B Joaes, OMU tendeii oounty. Arkansas; Colonel T B. McLean and wife, Virginia: I)r. 8. B Ar- - .sluuis i iBLSi oucxie, ranois: alias W J n... aiwl dalliaa In tl.. ooini. Pine B nff A r ....... a r n...LZ atoUly auivanced pon, Ldttie Kook, Ar Aanaaa 1- - ERNEST PERRIS8, Orgaalat of Si. Pater'a Ohuroh. late of Umdon, and formerly of tha Academy of Music of Mew York. ha. tat. hi. radeaoa In Memphis Will psrmanenaly, and l.b. j or inatrumentalisu. Len. on theo at epaolai rates, Mr. Per ring make, the cultivation of tha voice a specialty. Ap pUoations may ba left at the musio stores! Examinb the grate in thla odea. eracu saving o) foal. Es. 'TlS a But your bats and fore of Wheaton A Co., tha hatters, sign of the tiger, li you want nrsi-cla- ss goods aheap. purpose or nominating candidates ror omoee. There will be a laat. energetic Radical effort, made both by voting and trickery, to get poaaeaaion of thsrrftv nffieea la the COTTON iEtO OIL. 1 he t arl.n. Pradtieu or Ike ample and Mow They era I ililsed TTa. Haw I ad ua try ! baa aprnag ap in Memphis Tbe Extent and Valutiel tbat Sndastry lul ereallng Facie ana Fig Though the uas of the cotton fibre a of the highest antiquity, the oil of tha seeds waa not employed. It appears that the first BdRgeattau for utilizing the oil emana- ted from the laondon society f ar encourage- ment of arts and science, in ITdo, but, even in tbt United States, the oil was Utile known in 1866; very little of it a' still made In Brazil, and the amount ob- tained in Mira. llles from West African seed is not tonsldersble. London mann-fac'-ur- the most, seeds imported from the Inciee and North America; but the production is neither as exlenslvenor ss regulsr si It might be. The annual production of ootton la esti- mated at over one thousand millions of kllogrm , of which the United States pro- duce about idx hundred millions ot The author obtained from two ri pe capsules for 1000 parts ootton 2620 and 1733 parts sfieda. A. can, in bla " Traits complet de la filature du cotton," Paris, 1865, states that tbe prop between cotton snd feeds la very variable, bu. tbat in tbe mean four parte of crude ootton yield one pi.rt of spinning fibre, lesving three parte tor the seed and offal, ao that tbe annual production of aeeas would be between tw 3 snd three thousand millions of kllogrm. But li the cotton seeds are estimated only at one thousand millions rf kllogrm , there might be obtained at least one tundred and fifty millions of kilogrm. of oil. In Marseille", one hun- dred kilogrxt. of crude cottonseed oil are valued at ,u francs; the purified st 106 to 110 franc. The above quantity would therefore n present s value of one hun- dred and twenty mil Ions of francs. The five to seven hundred millions cf kll- ogrm of piess cakes would probably have to be value! at twenty to twenty millions of francs. The aeed that comes from aeventy thou- sand bales af cotton Is worked up in our Memphis oil mills Into various products, Including t ery fine soap, which is calcu- lated to tak e the place of castile soap. If tbe cost of had not been so hesvy, much more seed would cime here. We Dniy receive about of tbe seed that somas the ootton which findu a market here; the cost of alone preventing heavier receip.s. Tha quantity of cotton seed keeps four mills in active operation all the winter, and gives to over two nunania persons, net to mention all the anioialu that find work and grub through tois means. A bale of cotton yields about one thou sitnd pounds seed, which is worth M 60 at tiie oil mil ; and the 70 000 000 pounds of seed which resch here brings 1 the plsnt- - 6r to iu. sdio.ucu. i nereis much or this, however, expended in freight snd dray- - sge. All t lis aeed la used in our tour nulla. I ae ami. wtie-- st the miU. S first ginned, for the purpose cf taking oil anvthiog in the way of fibre that remains upon It. It Is astonishing the quantity of short ootton that is found upon the seed This product is baled up and sold for ten cents per pound st the present price of cotton, i de seed is then nuiieu, toe mesl pasting in one direction and the hulls In another. The hulls are used for fuel, and keep theeigines running, thus saving the price of coal. The meal, which is ciarae after leaviog the hulier. ia subsfuuentlv ground; tten heated in order to disengage the volatLe matter It u then put into nsrrow sicks ana fuoveu under th' presses, tnl the oil tuuezd out at a pressure ol several hundred pounds to tne ttidsre men itus pressure tiro duces the "oil cake" ss well as the oil. rue bags are all removed rhn iiiiaw snd the mcaal, now com Dressed into aolid cake, removed and packed In aacka ready for while the oil a gathered Into barrels. A ton of meal will yield a c: nsiderable quantity of otl. Six p resses wiil yield thirty barrels of oil par day, and about six tons of cake. A vast quantity, estimated in W6larht as well sa in bulk, or the seed received is eliminated before tbe core of tbe seed is reached. Tbe sh irt ootton. I he dirt and the hulls make up the Isrger part of the cottonseed sa it comes from the gins. There Is also about eight or nine per oent. v.. -- .ui i -- i i -- Iu ninjao. i uu uaau ia valua- ble for cattle feed, but not ao vsiusble as to bear long sad expensive Tb.) cko made bare and deeiaoed for the Liverpool market muat besblpped at convenient times bv water, the rail road freight to Mew York beimt so heavy ss to render it unprofitable to ship that way. tt would De altogether out of the question to ship the raw seed any great distance lo a mill The mills muat be right wbere the seed is produced. St Louis, with Its great facilities ofmachin ery and cheap labor, produces little over one thousand barrels of oil in s vear. Qur uiilis turn out that quantity in ten dsvs. Toe reason Is, we are in the center of the seen producing country. Mills have been naa in Cincinnati, but failed, because he freight charges on the seed rendered neir operations unprofitable and ituorac tic. tne aery mucn or me meal pro duced Is aold right here: dalrvmen nur- - chase it, and tboae of our farmers who understand Its value for oattlefeed are be. ginning to patronise it. The oil Is not worked up" here to anv a rest extent a. . - . . it is exported luat aa petroleum is ex ported from the oil resrlons. snd afterward converted Into vsrl ous sorts of marketable oil. We uaa some of It bare. The Memubia oil company exhibits fine snecimens of sosp manufactured from it, and It is aald that very good and cbeap butter can be extracted rrcm the oleaginous product ol ooasunseeu. ine cottonseed oil is of muo taste, g, snd conaesls somewhat below 0' C According to aUes- - aur, ia oinaiasa uiaiuiy Ol Oiein snd pa. ml tin. For technics! purposes. It ranks with rvnne seed and olive oil. nrovidad be obtained colorless or faintly yellow. It is nwiwi in targe yuan titles, oarliai v puilli d. from Kdsiaud aud from Mar ae llles to Italy, whence it a uiive ou. A factory in Rhode Island turns out sweet, golden yellow oil from the crude product ot our mills. Moat likely, tha a marketed all over the country as olive oil. It enters largely into the composi- tion ot most of the unauents med for tha nsir. w nen put up in fancy little vlala. beautifully labeled, snd aoented. It orna ments the shelves and show-case- s of onr druggists and sells at very high figures Cottonseed oil, in its crude state, is col ored purple by oonoentrated sulphuric arm, auu u uicnromste oi pot ansa Da added at the same lime, blood-re- d ; po-- oc.ore it yellowish, and In contact tth the air finally bluish nurnle. After the first reaction, water will separate a matter which dissolves with besntlful colors, ranging betwrsn blue and red, in aioouoi, cuiurviortn, nisuipnide ol osroon, potaaaa, suipburic acid, and ether; if these colors oould be fixed an excellent dye-stu- ff would be gained Tha body ia pro- bably formed by the splitting of a tannin; Kuhimun found it in 63 0 oarbdn and 82 hyd'ognn. Nitric add Imparts to the purified oil a very faint yellowish color ; a oold mixture cf equal parts of nitrio and sulphuric scid renders It THB COMPONENT PARTS or TE1 SAID. The yield In oil, aside from the species and from climatic influences, varies with the trestment of the seeds: the lelt cover amounting sometimes to 14 per oent. ol .no weifua, ti ureeent during the ex pre sion, must retain considerable of the oil lo-- ai psr cent, cf IheoH been nh talned, and after the removal of tha teats SI to over 60 per oent. The economic vslueof cotton seed rests mslnly In the oa au.a au on may oe obtained In eeor-mn- uDsntltlea ss a Calculated from the nitrogen found, the seeds odotain about 23 per oent. and tbe aerneis anout n per cent, of protein a, abowing the value ol tha press cakes si fe d or manure. From 87 to 3 per oent. of ashes hsve been obtained from the seeds, 3 per wa1- - ..wia. mo aeava, va so s irom the serneii, ins amount of water Is 8 to 7, from from have eeit., of gum and auarsr toeatha par cent., the kernels onlv 7 Tvnr rvant K1 UeiaV.UBWs CLERK'S SALE FROST TH IS DAT, Attention Is oalled to the sale of that apacioca storehouse, Mo .Ve Front street on the south Una of the alley between Adams snu washing-to- n streeU. which takes place in front ot the clerk and mas ter 'a oraoe, on Second street, below Union, to-d- at 11 o'clock. i his Deing one of tha iar treat store. houses oa Front street, is particularly adapted to the wholesale grocery trade, and the aale should receive the "' attentliin of those who are paying high saw naa lujsnur cuuan. A H fix TEH. Jettsrann street aiaraet no. ui, beg leave laava to lniorm tneir laraentiah lrienda and pa- trons last they have engaged the Rev. J. Hlrsoh. on the of Mr m Malzsr, aa Schauchet, and will endeavor hereafttr to supply tbelr customers every u my aim 11 au ium., Whi ATOH'a hata are the beat and oheap-- Occohs Ann Oolds are often over- looked A continuance for any length of time cansaa lrritatkn of the longs or some thronlo throat disease. "Brown's Bronollal Troches" axe an effectual sough remedy, ui.y, xveuaur. wuu reoeiveo. lour , 1 ... f" ,11 uiq on tne hundred and seventy-eight- , and ran bla 91 , a littla persuasive ooax- - uuenlon of loaning the credit of the oloae, and lacked about twen- - l!5oTi iVJ'J 4?" f " bI t1orsin: the notes of the Memphis ty-fl- votes of beating sireion. uiu jMeior la .u- - I I iWkUM 1U 1UUUUUH UOIJBUB HI DO DUUU In an. U .1 !... .7.1. ...... dpitadltaVrT;! taiMffl THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL FEIDAY, NOVEMBER IO. 1871. transportation transportation employment transportation, transporta- tion. VALUABLE STOREHOUSE HT8KKT, FVSITBKHBIMta recommendation blTa9' th?and, NARROW GAUGE RAILROAD. We Vase lor the Btnllroad n Sstur-ala- Editors Appeal ThU road pi aad over a apace of country between Memphis and Baleigh, every acre of which a capa- ble of producing the Q aeat vegetables for the Memphis market, hence the country will be settled up along the route, Wbere will settlers get tbelr lumber and labor? The saw milla at the mouth of Wolf river will be required to furnish hundreds of thousands feet of lumber for the build Ings wh'le our Industrious mechanics will be employed in the erection of the hundreds ot buildings required for the families of the gardeners and laborers who will settle all alone tha line of the road from Memphis to Raleigh, ao soon aa they can get an opportunity ot pssslng to and from the city at regular hours and at moderately low rates of travel over our little subnrbau road. This is reason enough for our votes In fsvor of tbe rosd, to ssy nothing ot tne other Den efits thst Will result from the construction of this road, which is to be a part of the road running through middle Into East Tennessee, bringing thousands of bushels of corn, and wheat and balsa of ootton to Memphis to enrich our commerce and give employment in all our industrial pursuits. When we consider that not a dollar a to be collected from any but the stockholders of tha road. It Is Indeed strange that any one should aay a word In opposition to mis road. laborer CAL'CO DRESS BALL. sit of tbe t n I led Hebrew On Thursday, November 2S, the United Hebrew Relief society will give a grand calico bail al the Memphis duo hall. This society, though not aa wall known to the community ss other kindred cistions, is now In existence for over six years, and is composed of the best class of our Jewish menus, xney nsve never called noon the for anv assistance. but hsve quietly relieved hundreds of poor and destitute. The Chicago conn a gration has exhsui.ed their treasury, and in order to replenish the aame, have adopted this mode, snd give everybody a chance to do a good deed and at tbe same tlmesecure an evening's plessure. Messrs, I Hsppeck, N. IX Menken, A. Loeb, E. Lowenstetn, U. M. Judah, la. Halle. J. Sartorlus, L. Levy, S. Rleser and several others hsve charge of.the management. and will mske the arrangements oomp ete In every respect. are two dol lata, which price wiil enable everybody to take one wben oalled upon. We un derstand several isdies bsve offered their servioes for the sale of tickets. We wish them much success. LAW REPORT. first Circuit (.art Helakell, Judge calendar ia as follows: 630 Ran fro va Crowley; 738, Frlerson, surv put, va Apperson, exr; 812, Thomia vs laaird et al Wi, Alexander va Dillard ; 998, Clcaila, admr, vs Taylor et al 9i Moore vs Easel, 941 Bartholomew Jt Al len vs Morrison at al;961, Cook vs Cocke 973, Clcalls, admr, vs Tsylor et si; U74 Mi Henry vs Crook 98B, Jones vs Nor man 10002, Mocdell va Smith; 10C7. Block vs Austor; 1016, Wolfe vs Hodges: 1016. Moder vs Wait; 1030, Wigg fc Co vi W hite; 10BS, van frangitCo vs Kshn: 1027, Myers vs Trowbridge, 1029. M it A of Mimphls vs Oaliand; 1030. Clifton D ma las; 1C3U. Briggs ct Peterson vs Tsy- - ior, aiconue dc jv; iuse, winter vs Mur phy; lu3tf, Boh'on, Ildsedi Co vs Boyd; W'J Fargsson at Clay va Edgdngtooj U4L, Kobble at Corles vt Lawrence; 1043, King vs Memphis t Little Rook R R; 1047. Critchley, Faucett it Co vs Rosen baum it Bro; 1848, Thimnielt. adx, vs J- - c tson Ins Co; 1060 Johnson vsTwohlg: 185S.Moorina. use, etc, vs Cameron & Co; lu54,Socvil it Co vs Howell; lOdj, Downs, use, vs Hsppeck; 1036, Southwestern Pub Co vs MsnaQuld it o- ; ltd., ureeDneia vs tssid 1UVS, Wil-liao- va Brlnkl.); 1059., Williamson vs Brinkley; 1060. Williamson vs Brlnkley 1002, Balli vsUlenn; 1063, Peoris Mutual Benevolent Association vs Meyer; 1064 Brown Co vs Alden ; 1073, Burton it Son vs Dee ; 1083, My era vs Smith ; 1884, Hay ne vs cdmouuson; iuad, smith vs 1 borne 108S. Trousdale vs Keele it Co: 1089. Roar ere vs Hssseubscli; 1093. Picket vs Muss jr. 1094. Flsherty vs Sullivan; 1096, Clark vs riuuter. First naucerT ssrt-Bor- gsa, ( ban cellar. The case of Lot! and vs Coward was taken up yesterday, and cot finished st the hour of adjournment. It will be taken up next luesuay. To-d- ay motions will be heard. Seconal I saswry Court OtoncnUor The jury ia the case of Bank vs Able were discharged, belna un able to agree. Caaea set for 286, i ma. vs morse; sis, ueraty vs ueraty did, Warren vs McOavock; 347, Manual. tai insurance company vs Leftwioh ; 867, Union bsnk vs Aberc-ombl- 801. Hall-ma- n vs Hsliman; 393, Loewenstlne vs Wolf; 394, Polk vs Stanton; 385, Sani vs asciunaid; 396, Mehan va Mthan: 897, Harder', vs Hicks; 398. Brown vs Hunt: 399. Bledsoe vs Bledsoe : 400.aMavor and a (iHruirin (it win t n m xrm li uantiiuir. . in Joot3 v Ticknor; ,UJ. Way vlWav' 4iM,' iavftlrU vb Armour; 4 8, St. Joixn Hodge-f- ; .av. aus.iu va nriaKiey. A CARD, M km phis, November 9, 1871. uuimsa ArraAL in a oartaln rv,rra. poudeiice appearing in your oolumns this morning, the society of which I have the honor to be preeilent. Is brought, witnont our consent,, ueioro tne public. Mere, 1 LTJn leave ao nay, tnat we never transact any business iu anv wav outside of nut omces. Our responsibilities and Dowers re cica.-i- ueuneu in our charter, and we uevor uepart, irom its privileges, or pre sume upon its provisions. WitsSaVmple means tor the successful Dnawtimn of our business; we desire to state onoe Or all, we have not any busineaa relations witn any other company or association of the A if ral K aiiti Alrl B JVJa.Jf , WM. LYLE3. President Misalaaiawi rltulLn JUaJftiiouai ManuravrturinAT tREAl SACRIFICE of FRIXQES AND LACES .' AU our Silk Fringe LESS WAN COHl . Crotchet and 1 bread Lace AT COS 2. Valenoienne and Guipure Lace Al Patent Valtnaitnne and Duchet Lace Al COST. SatA Ribbon and Velvet a 7 cnsn Our entire stock of FANCY GOODS AT CO&7. SEESSEL & SON, 259 Main Street. MAYOR. Tenure al Office Ellftbtlity. ntTiI5 th9 t18111' proceedings in oar special telegram from Nsahville. yesterday, we find the state ment that Mr. Hughes had introduced . hill in the Senate for th. aan.i ... lL 17th aeotion ol the revised charter of the city of Memphis The following la the section thus proposed to be repealed Section 17. The chief eaeoatlve om'oer oi the city of Memphis shall be alvled the mayor, and ehell be elected lor two years and until hla suooesaor has been elected 2 uuallflsd, by tbe qualified voters of "me ana place tor the general election of the general oouncil No person shsll be eligible to the offloe of who ia not aa least tnirtj years of age. and who has not been a bona tide real dent of the city of Memphis one vear hi. i i i ... """ma, auu s citixm of Shelby oounty two years next preceding said election, or who. at tha h. a..? qualifloatlon, holds any other offloe. or fl ( i i a jtaa t lnjll.--a- 1 a - -- ...ji muireciiiy interested In aay contract with the otty; and if after hla election the mayor becomes Interested In sny contract with the eitv nr .,..,., any othoe or sarencv niadar tha r i.j States, or any department thereol, or of the State of Tenneaaee. or nt tha m.i. bUvelby, his offl je shall be therebv va- - oated. Whkatom. tha enta.rnH.lna, k.H.. . Main street, haa a atrinu nr r.,t a. i 'n 'fom tbe top of hla eaubllahmsnt. Look Tbt It- .- Mrs. Wbllcomb daalraa all m try ber syrup: it la tha arrant hilH.i. atoothlug remedy, aud sold at th. price of 26 cents. Heat? entire rjeonle Tickets Cheek D. J R. W&AT. With Mantra. U,.K Call and aee him if you want good and "heap goods. AMKaiOAN Daivnn Wan. mm A Browne's. H1& Second street. New roofs made, tin room naintaH .aj til kinds of rooA repaired by r. i - ,A..nn . . I 1 . . ; ; ; : ; - i . i il ws r I t a, v, wis a?) u.i jroplar street. AMUSEMENTS RaxKiVs Rip Van Wissilb The theater was not crowded last night. The announcement of Mr. Rankin's venture In a field ao well occupied by Mr. Jeffer- son, did not tske with the theater-goin- g people of Memphis, who, generally, are so thoroughly prepossessed in favor of thr Sip as to be unable to bring them selves to a toleration of even a fair copy of t nat interesting character. The audience was, therefore, few In number yet not without discrimination and appre- ciation, aa waa evidenced in tba course of the performance. Mr. Rankin bad a fair trial. Hla audience gave him close attention from first to laat. Mo single point that he made was loat; no motion or movement. They followed him with scrutinizing eyes, and the ver- dict was In ha favor only so far aa ha photographed Jefferson, Whatever waa new, whatever of make-up- , of gag, at of told against tbe per-- f irmance, some times sa a coarse obtrusion upon what depends upon the nicest and most delicate shading tor success. In the first and second acts, Rankin's make-u- p was an admirable disguise, but it waa better, as the swakeced Bip in the third and yet it tell far short ot that which gives to Jefferson's portraiture tha stamp of originality, fust as hla move- ments fell short of tbose which (As Bip maaea witn tne grace oi nature himself Into poses statuesque to the ad- miration of all beholders, snd aa uncon- sciously aa if to tbe life he were indeed the trifling, himself. It waa a daring thing, ev. n for an actor of Mr. Rankin's acknowledged meti , thus to challenge not only criticism, but awaken to contend with the slumbering prejudi- ces of our people for the illustrious actor whose pathos and humor are among onr sweetest memories of tbe stage. A man with less nerve would not have attempted It. But while on any other cccsalon we might admire this pluck, on the present we cannot deplore but it, as In some respects he was the counterfeit presentment nf his great protrotype, but not In all. In bo far aa he was not ha fell short of the ideal "Bip" which Jefferson has stamped upon t hearts of those who have seen him. It waa aa If we were looking upon a tolerable portrait of soma dear friend ; close enough ss a likeness to re- mind us of him, but not true enough testi- fy In the sbsence of the original. Jeffer- son made the character of fitp Van Wmk e It is bis, aa much a part of him aa his own being. We think of Jefferson and Bip at tha same time. Two personages, they are yet one. The face and voice ot Jefferson seem, ss we them, to have been cut ana irMced for Rid. In his dress snd appearance a Dutchman, in his voles and accent a German. Incongruous aa it Is, with all Its Impossibilities and possibilities, It Is sin- gular and alone among the characters wb ch the moc ern stage saords. It a a distinct creation of Jefferson, and fits hla genius as well aa FaUtaff did Hackett. Players may play it, but the people will never be able to see their merits, because the original will come between them sa Banquo's ghost between Mac ie'A and bU guests This much In order to set down what- Mr. Rankin had to contend with. We have told of his mske-u- p snd hsve said tbat his points of difference with Jefferson were rather against than for him. Yet, we would not be understood aa saying or suggesting that the performance was a failure. Had Jefferson not filled our ideal of the drunken good Rankin's ' K p" would have gra tified even while it might not have satisfied. He play sd ha part well, j ust aa he piays any character tbat he attempts but only In one or two instances did he rise to "a conception that brought the house down, lhe parting scene at the oloae of the second act wsu painfully pro longed, the orchestra absurdly enough playing "home, sweet home," while the husband sad wife were in the pains of se paration, it reminded us of vara Twain's travelling showman, whose pathetic description of tbe raising of Lazarus was spoiled by bis musician playing "Rise up. William Rellly, and come along with me." The Intensity of Bip't parting, while prolonged, was not intensified. But let that paas. In the last act, Mr Rankin shows moat his capacity for the part. Tbe recognition by daughter and wlte. though somewhat marred by the skip the former took to resch him, was good, as was tbe opening scene in the mounts. n. indeed. the laat act was very creditable, and re lieved the dullness and tedium of the other two, peroeptib.e when aVin not oa the stage for It a a striking peculiarity oi thla play that it la devoid or interest lu the absence of the title character. The stsge effects and appointments were unusually good, tbe dressing very good, snd the supports well up in their parts, slothing was wanting mat jeuersnu ever uaa usre to maae Kan ain s " Mp "a success" which it was not." It is, however, very much better than McWade's. and therefore stands next upon the list, and very oloae, too alter that ot the Mssier. Miss Blsnchard takes her benefit to night, when will be presented "School. with a cast embracing the full strength of n is aamiraois company, in soma reerjenta one oi tne nest we ever naa here. Pumps, 815 Second street. PROFESSOR JULIAN 0. SCHULTZ, Encouraged by a liberal patronage of the elite of Memphis, will permanently give his undivided attention to the culture of the voice. The Memphis Operatic Society, consisting of his scholars and appreciative friends, endesvor to bring cut young talent, to impart judgment of tone, and artistio conception. Every scholsr re ceives lessons on trial, for which no charge is made, unless the pupil dnds it profitable to continue. LOCAL NEWS. Oo to Leddln's College. Attend Kobertson's Busineaa College Thos. Cubbins, bricklayer, 2H Main st. Armatronir's Phototrraphlo Qallerv. No. 311 Main street. Three faultless gam pictures ior nny cents. Tub cheapest and best Dyeing and Cleaning House in tbe city Is st 26 Sec ond street (Hunt at Hanson's old stand). HAflSUfl WALaSK, Prxpabi for cold weather, and have your grates set with Lemon's Improve ment, Leave orders at 2H5 Second street Stkam Fittiho. UlSSaaoond street. RiVER NEWS. Leaving To-da- St. Louis City or Chbstbb 5ndn laraansaa river. ...aiaai aim i p.m Friar's Point Phii. Atus 4 n.m wuite river siun i.n t a D.m Napoleon A. J. Wbita. 5 p.m river SILVBB Bow 4 n.m jew orieana...... dhusi iu a fl argil w i ' i. j. v teas Mollis Moore Mollie Ebert. -- . Phil Aliln O. W. SL . (.llasgow St. Francla. Oeorge W. M. J. Mel lie chert Oceanus ox Bssata Arrivals. Ocsanos. Francis. Cheek. Wicks. Mollie Moore In the My 8t Orleans New Orleans .. .New Orleans New ..Krlar's rrlar'sPo'nt Vlcksbnrg ..St. river Pert. Loula ..New Point Friar s Point ...St. Loula fit. Loula .. .HL Loula JM. Loals Sioux City. Phil Aliln Mary Boyd Legal render. r ran a rorre.u aUvem, Wenther and Bsulaeae. Yesterday morning early a tine shower of rain fell. At sunrise the weather cleared off, and was pleasant during tbe day. About s p.m. a strong wind rose, and indications of more rain were favor able. Navigation la less difficult, snd Isrger boats are now running, moat of which make good time. Tbe river baa risen In the last 4S hours about 4 lnohes, and la now about IS Inches higher than at lowest stage this season. Telegraph. Orleans Louisville, November 9 River rising slowly, with 2 feet 10 Inches at the bead or the oanai, and 15 lccbea In the chute. naming at intervals sll dsy. St. Louts, Novembers. Arrived: Belle or Pike, MemDhls. Departed : a. S. Tur ner, new Orleans; Aiioe, Memphis. River falling slowly. Rain laat night; dear and cool to day. Freights south are lower and uusteadv. Cisctmhati, November 9. River 4 feet lu inches in the cbsonel, snd stationary, Light rain throughout tbe day, bat par tlallv clear and warm. Caibo, Novembers Port list: Dexter, .sew urteans to at. Louts, it p m; John Kyle. New Orleans to St Louis 8 am: St. Luke, Memobia io St. 8 a.m: Columbia, Arkansas river to St. Loals, 10 s-- Oliver Bow, St. Louis to Hea river, 11 am; Louisville. New Orleans to Cairo. noon; Ada. Hellman. Memphis to Cairo. 1 p.m; St JoaeDh. St. Louis to Mem dp Is. 4 pm; Mary Miller deared tor New Or leans at 6 n.m. River rose 4 lnehaa Weather clear. Mercury 60. Naw Orleans, November 9. Arrived: Belle Lee, Memphis. Departed: Andy Johnson, St. Louis. EvANsviLLg, November 9 Weather dear and warm; rain thla morning. PiTTSBUata, November 9. River has 23 Inches in the channel, and la falling. Thermometer 80. The Legal Tender met with a misinr. tane Wednesday night about 14 o'eloek. Far She struck a snag thirty-fiv- e miles below this city, dissbllng her ao that aha re- turned yesterday morning. She goes on .the docks tor repairs, and will be ready to leave next Tuesday for all poin s on tha White river. Tha Wicks came in from New Orleans, five days out, and discharged thirty-on- e hogsheads of sugar ;twenty six barrels of molasses; fifty sacks salt and fifty barrels of oranges. She had eight hundred tona of freight for St. Louis, including twenty one hundred and fifty sacks of salt and fifteen hundred bars of railroad iron. The R. P. Walt leavea tha morning for White river. The Glasgow cams In from above, three days out.snd discharged several packages, and left for below drawing five and a half feet. The Mo' lie Jaauure came in from New Orleans, six da, 'a out. She discharged seven hundred bundles of cotton ties; one hundred and eighteen sacks of coffee, and had two hundred and twenty five tona of freight for St. Louis, one Item of her cargo was two thousand sacks of salt. ine mil Allin oame in from Friars Point with three hundred and aevantv- - alx bales of cotton, one thousand sacks of cottonseed and a good trio of neonle. Tha Vara Mil!.. U... . u j - "p. , . i. u ii .i , ii. vum- - ter and P.W.Strader ware due from above last night. The O. W. Cheek brought in 76 bales of cotton ana sot sacks of seed, and sundries to oruer. The St. Francis and Q. W. Cheek de parted with fair trios. The Forrest came in from Osceola with 107 bales of cotton and 803 bales ot cotton I'M. The towboat Mary Alice, and bargee, JiiwaDU ull. The St. Franca came in from Phlllina bayou at noon yesterday, with 80 bales of cotton ana du sacks or seed. She resblpped is uaie ui conon at neiena ror rvew The Oceanus paaaed up on Wedneaday night, hve dsys out. She bad 300 tona of sugar ror St. i.cuis. The Mollie Ebert also passed up during the night, six dsys out, after discharging ucm man uniua III wi.nin. Bunts Leaving Tt aay. Fob St. Lotus -- The Cltv of Chaatar v .tifcaiu .testier, leaves st o p.m ior Vairo, at. ajOuls and ali way land ings. Fob Arkansas Rrvaa-T- he fine passen ger steamer, .nary uoyd, captain K L, Haines, leavea y at 6 p.m., for Little Rock and all way landings Obliging offi cers nave cnarge or tae cinae. Fob Napouoh Tbe elegant passenger steamer A. J. White, Captain George Ma-lon- leaves y at 6 p.m aor Napoleon and sll wsy landings. av Fob Whitb btvbb The flneeaVl llght- - ursugut suMsiuer oioux uaptaln U. i irons, leaves at 6 o'clock p.m for Dsvsia Bluff, Jacksonport acd all way landings. Tom Whltledge la her ohief secretary. Fob FRiaaja Point -- The elegant and fleet paaaenger steamer Phil Aliln, Cap- tain James Lee, leavea aa above aa o ii ctocst. ataca laee ana James c Harris are her efficient and obliging BBssnaaa Fob Oscbcla The fine coaat packet Frank Forrest, Captain Randall, leavea to day at 5 p m., for and beads. J. W. Andrews officiates in the office, a; Fob Red Kivek The Silver Bow, Cap- tain Clark, leavcj y at 4 p.m., as sbove. Fob New OaLgAjra-T- he Shannon, Captain Reaty, leavea y at 10 am., aa above. STEAMBOATS FOB ARKANSAS RIVER. Memphis and Arkansas Biter racket Company U. N Mall Line. ror Pine B.uB. U'lle Keck and luronch to Kurt Smith direct. Sr. MAStT BOYD... B. L. Haines, sassier Will leave sa abuve IrmjAY, Movemher 10. h, at 6 p.m. For freight or paasage apply to not) w. li. Kp.i b.lAY Office on Company's Foot of Court or-ef FOR NEW ORLEANS. St. Louis and New Orleans Packet Co. For ISew Orleans and all Wav Landman 8tr. 8HANNON Beatle, nusUar ints eiegant steamer wlil leave is ahawa THi'3 DAT. 10th InsL. at 10 am. J. T. WASHl-vnTO- Agent, OHO Wo. a Madison str FOR RED Una uf Red River Pacxeta.-F- or Jaf-- i.r.nw, oureveporT, UtUtHl 0OrS and Way Landings. Th u Msssie. aaastar - . .. . m ii oavawer wlil leave as abuve J THIS UAY. io t inst., 4 p.n T. WABHItlO'THJsi. Asent. aelU No 3 Madlaon street FOB CAIRO AND ST. 1XJOIB. aOd St. U.S. Mail their to examine for Osceola. Madrid. Ulokmsn, Belmont aad van, connecting at Belmont with the to at 11 on 31 n-- at Cairo with Illinois Central Railroad, and ata ap the Ohio Rtver. CITY OF CHKaTKH Zelaler. master in., eieaiaiia saeaiuer will leave sa auuT. J. THIS DAY. 10th Inst., at o, Ticket or all points via MemDhls and Bt. Louis packeW. Worth, Ea.t sod west: sddit to General Railroad and steamboat offlce, I On is. uux w. our. Coo: t and Main at. Freight received at tne St. Li. a Is Wharibcau ruiaas. onp u doiij w. ra. uLuut Agent. WHITE A LITTLE RED RIVERS. Vaeaaphla aad White Bun Cadtssl Masas sail L ae. Btr R. p. WAJLT W. J. Aan feral. Master win leave MemDhls SAlUnXiAr. litn tnsu. at o p.m., ior Jaoasonpo t and niuie river, for freight or passage apply W. 11. bin is an Y, Office oa Company's Wharfboat, mat Vuui. ot C art isjtul FOR WHITB VER Memphis asd Kbits River Packet For Jacksonport and wav iandlnss. SIOUX C1TV Tl den, master splendid passenater psvcaet wm leave as mis iiAx, iuth inst., at I a.m. nolo ialv Birtr. uen't RI Th'B aoove T. WASHINOTON. Agent, No Madison street aassl Whlae Klver UmUm tnaes aau una. Mr. M. r. WALT W. J. Aafci-ora- l. Master lasnvas ssempnis I .r jscaaonpert MVaaMX lilLrt AX. BL 3D air. LaW AL, Tata DMM W. Klllata. Leavea Memphis for JaeksonBort KV Kia r TTJKMOAY, ate p.m. These boats connect at uevaJl a Bin with tna tram going ap Mon- - days and Thursdays as vs ana Saturdays. ur or on or to or Offlceon K 'A SB. comlng down wednes- - rrelght paaasge apply board t St aa I i.i.w: St.. foot ol W. tt. BUtN MKDAY Compar. Aatenla. lot. (Togrt st. FOB HKLKNA AJSD fOll Autlg. 0, K.. Friar. Pehft. The reiiabla, Orafrelaas rasssugsa packet Cbooi( R. CHJJtK master. Will run above, laavina Mam. pnls every rUKBil AY. THUKcUJAY and SA.I u x.n. a , paacanaif y at a p.m. .For rraigni or passage, apply on board. an st. Francis river Far Friar's Pglat. BsbsAJ. Francis Loula, uuraaay Irswr, gaa Beat. The states Mall Paeatat A. J. WHI! E,, r lura Will iaave Memphis and rSI ti a i o. punctnaaMy at a pun. j wvr migni or passage, apply on board. raMK. Jamas Lee,. Agent. Carter Agsnt, Jefferson Wi MASK Walls Friar Called States Ml.'! MHr, Uattat Leaves Mondays ana Pridavs. at 4 p.m., oonaeoting Ueluna with the steamer caKoDA for Marian na and L'A igpllla river points on FOB RIVER. River Packet Ceaj-- S.Ni THE PAnSKNOSR BOATS line leave points wEnKESOATiai iamb ml- - !, nana. all OF for ail aa, ror fra.ght, paaaage or other Information. . I. . W. H. Y inm ... i . Offloe on Com pany 'a Wharf boat. Toot of Court street. FOK NEW Regular atd New Oritue meet IB Y PA For New Orleans aid the Bents. aaicaa uiasaer u. B. (StliUvan fi.,r. wm isavs Memphis ror Hew Orlann. Thursday... Tbaradav... Thursdav Thursday.. RIVER. Promenade ifharfboat. &eo. reaularlv.aa Hftitana, MONDAYS PMfc. Memphis Axkajuai KLKOANT Memphis asioaii, EKNNEDA UR&DA CKE1. eavaoz. Tbaraday Tfanraday Ntsefiaa PHil. BELLE LEE ioliowa: 1 3 7 X I November llh, at 6 November SUth, atjjm beoember nth, at s pm j lpemhair aUth, ai S p.aa ..January nth, at 5 p.m . Janaary ifAh, at 6 Tbursdav JS"W ..Mnrei 7. Z l Z Z ! "Sx-xiAMi- o. Jeasrson street. AUCTION. By --a9L- la-VLi- or cbdu AUCTIONEERS AMD COMMISSION MERCHANTS 14 FBOsTT art., I Ml AavAMB, WUI sell thas nsnmiava, at la a'elnck. In iota to salt buyers, a full Una of MY GOODS, CLOTHISra, SOTIOSS. scora asd saoavi, Haas, eiaaaware. Cattery, Sta. aay-- Country merchants, sod the trade t c srally, will find It to their Interest to atteuu oar sales. 3' TEBMS CAim. a AUCTIONEERS. C0SSISSI0N MERCHANTS AS0 SAS FACTUHEBS' A6ESTS, WK will eommsnoe our regular tail ursu at Auction, on tUabDaY, Bart " ISTI, and continue them three tlntes a we. a during the season, oar numerous consign- ors, stnhracina- - every Hue of Forelcs. asu Domestic DKI OOODH, CLOTHiUaTUAiri BOOTS, 8HOBJ, MUT10S8. FA-- V N VAKISTY UO'JDrl, Kic, will keep us supplied with every description oi Merchandise suitable for our market, thru offering to elty and country merchants ara.r opportunity to replenish s oeks at prices far a. ow recnlar rates. Out regular sal days will be TcasBAis a TATTTannATS. A. a. iaOesiBMOK). Auctioneer Otis & Co JFtitotoQ VaslTT" 17" maj uy .vcturjcbs or AND No. 8117 Flowo TRIMMED HATS! NT. EXCLUSIVELY WHOLESALE! J. C. TERRY & Cctton Factors, commission merchants, J D. C. & H. M. And Sole Agents at Memphis for the 6IRARD MERCANTILE COMPANY, Of Philadelphia aad New York. S" Libera c tea advances mads mi slanmenta of Cotton to the above at either point, thus alvtns shippers the preference of markets. Offlca : 9 Union St.. Memphis Tiw. 1871 1870 FALL AND WiNTf.R At Wholesale Exclusively ! oo stock or Boots, Shoes & Hats IS COMPLETE, And we are ready tor the trade. areaant Memphis LOWS Lisa I will And It to advantage b 5 to tka at ARKANMAM ORLEANS. Memphis n. oar goods snd prices. 1871-187- 8. RAILROAD nim..':.,'l Beltln iVotlo tlaora, LADIES' MISSES' CO., 332 TRADE TERRY & 5 329 Mais St. Mtmahls. AMDt LITTLE gOCK MAIL BOAIB-PIM- M BLI'tr BMAMCR. NOTICE TO NXRACroRB. BIDS wUI bs received by this Company, at offlce in Little Rock. Ark. 'nr an days, tor batldlna the PINK BLUFF nnnjsctt. rrnm tlev.u a hiqw to Pine B un Ara., a distanoe of about i miles. The wora to consist or gradlB4, bridging and furnish- ing crcsstie. A parly of are now in the Held loo line aald tin a and oroflla. BpectdcaMuns, etc.. will be ready for exam maaion Bt earliest aay puaataie. Bids should be addressed to tha nnrfar. saynsst. at Little Ilooa, rk. ; tbe company iu. hid iiauii mi rrjeoa muj or ail uiua. ar uruer oi tne rresiceni. A. S. L1V1BMDRK. (ienersl tsnparintendsnt, Ootober 23, 187'. oent SOUTHERN HOOP-SKIR- T MANUFACTORY ItWS Main street, near Washington street. SJOMTLEH , ELASTIC SKIMT ""PHE STYLJf OK HOOP-- ssirts tor lsn 72. is 2 yards clronmrerenoa for the street; 24 ysrds for drawing room. Sloping Bastlea supersede the e ones, and are mostly worn attached to the skirt. Ladlea desiring separate bustle, will do well to get. IV NEW ADJUSTABLE' BUSTLK, whlob Is war ranted durable, and will be repaired free o ' euarse. H li uaa oeen oroven oev-ni- i rinnKt .a... v . ern Bnaties are worthless, and only euoU are sold n drv afVHil llniu u.if . m n.uw ana h'rencii ourMta in li a km VhniM.,a IwT. ' LlJlJin ,AaUK A. J. HOACH, NOW Formerly of Somsrvllis. KIKBY A. J. ROACH & CO. Commission Merchants, ASD COTTON FAOTOB8, No. 13 Uileo Street, Lee Stock, Special attention paid to the sale Ootton liberal on the same. faena a. a. k 21 J. PACE tt JOINER Are authorised agents lor HURT CCS PREMIUM ALABAMA Hate. Bl 1 aSSI sn rar hhl r.m,ntni.. Sf"' 2 JP1 0Di- - r'sster, W Eaj per bbi. r .i si tsj lar nnni iw. P Mi n.h.i. - wuw ,1 JIUUllll, No. a-tT- s ZafZ "Corn. Oats. Bran. Ha. mLr. lowest. Termsiibeiai. LIME. irx-ose- t. as U.S. MAIL COACH LINES, PAB8ENaBS by oar lines from Fort Smith . a week, via Pavaitaeriiia miseoabo on the Sooth ern Part do railroad. IW miles: or three Umaa a wb- - Smith. 70 mllea to Fort eihaem i .lu. south IS5 mlirs to Boggy Depot, and west it miles, via Fort Ar InwaU ForVsffi auiuius auu tu asuj tmm noaay 56 miles to Mhermaa and going vestwertLBv Una of U. 8. ForfaaJDD ml uaa nT Kl Pmmn- ni A. of iii i i Texas, or east to Jsaeraon, etc: or rrnm tTJUZrt:. vfLM"111 toLongvlew aad """V aii j eaaa; or from Longvlew, via HunisvuietoNavaaoan. 1M ml M. nil .i, J gers entering Texas by nil, (HAXTIaWrOH OB UDUIU concert than ever befo Cea company, HHIM engineers aBssnphia. advanoes Marshall, generally, PACKET COMPANY, ana sreignt Hhltn IHwnr IhsrtaaH Ktnias. H.II JBUraott 'If asm in low the na.ijr user The SALL1E V run In connection with tba Sarnnni. Little Book Railroad, leaving Davall's a nn afar, kwmt. nauMaua ama ar, Busy, at a onions p.m., ior lies Arc, Augusta Jacksonport. Avery rMsai and Prt. Any Dor all pelnts between Sevsjps Bluir an d aiaaavi siuw nrs,. a n, every TMsnraa mtmmw www mwa t , auu .very 1SSSB1 al B nfalnaS n n. tna Lit,,. I JOH? B. DAVI8, PrsaldenL A. Ctraar, aajomary and Treasursr. sal Drv Goods! Unprecedented Reduction AT Southern Palace, D. C. & H. M. Loewenstine BE UNDERSOLD! BY ANY HOUSE IN THE SOUTHWEST. our AND NE GUARANTEE TO GIVE YOU MORE Good, Fresh and Seasonable Goods FOR YOUR MONjY, THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE IN THE CITY. Sweeping Reductions HAVE BEEN MADE Brown and Bleached Domestics, OF ALL AT Loewenstiiie's, Main DRESS GOODS WE AT ONE-HAL- F THEIR CASH VALUE I ALL NEW AND DESIRABLE! D. C. H. M. LOEWENSTINE. 0. THB SOUTHERN PALACE, 332 MAIN STREET, HAVE made unparalleled reductions in HILL, MITCHELL, MclWlS EXAMINE THESE G900S, FOR THEY ARE BOUND TO BE SOLO. C. & H. M. SOUTHERN PALACE, 332 MAIN ST., Aitura tbeir friends and the public that this is a GENUINE SALE, to reduca an unusually large and heavy stock, amount, ing to over $450,000, and eipecailly urge purchasers ta ex amine it before going elsewhere, and ta call early, as our stock has been marked at prices tbat WILL INSURE MMM ATE AND RAPID SALE. REMEMBER THE PLACE, 332 MAIN ST. Between Union and Monroe. a. Mcdonald & bro. (Successors to Bsdiks A Co..) LUMBER. LATHS and SHINGLES, FLOORING, Weather-Beardin- g & Dress'd Laaber lll-L- S CUT TO ORDER SHORT NOTICE. SB--1 BBBSHal allaauaa gsvaw ss CBtasaBag BVUsa BinBBjs naaa wallrBBa Tlanaaa . mill Ajfit sma 1 Rear SeettMni 00 Works, Froat SL Mbab Mouth Wolf Rivbb, wn. a. THE a. aowau FARRINGTON 4 HOWELL Cotton Factors, GROCERS aVMS COMMISSION MERCHANTS 2S6 FRONT STREET ; ; : : M a n n B a ra. "ans ssw mm mi 1 aI i uuu auar- - anlaail Aaaraaa KINDS, aanaT WN Teeaeeettee PIANOS.' StOU'iS ?) LOL'ia PLAMO nAItrim Bic MAnufaenrnra' 1...I. . u.. gsr st I k. and and U m CK. Ilnath - . mm . Eve O r--sr - "S" weaa. B. Lauia. Sa IN ON imnin. wmtml. Aat.. Memphis, TTenn. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Nfssfsslpp! aod Teaaessee ftaitmd Osrica tsauaaajt. raa uarrr, 1 Uamnhl. St. U UfTI rvN and alter aCMDAT. MAY anuffL anu V for ahar no tine, trains on thla road vblu run as follows : Arrive. Laava Sew Orleans dally ...,., JsM a. lilo pja. Express dally IMao. fea. p.m. Freight dally (sxosptaun- - i.. a :au a. apis Jajb. XOui, aau , .Sep ti OFFER and Cloaks ! LOEWENSTINE, SOUTHERN PALACE, REMOVAL. GGODBAR & GiLLILANO WTTOT.RSA TV. BOOTS AND SHOES HATS AND CAPS, 3225 & 324 MAIN STREET, MeCambsA Co. 'sold Hardware 3tanaL) MmvpJa-lMi- . i , Teaxi ? w"a are now receiving onr Fall tHoeat thelarsaat and most attract 1 to we haveever oflnred to the Trade. wlneat byng.g JOHN LILLY, XjasTOaaaTn ataJTS T.BAI nfa JJf Wines and Liquors, Re. 351 NaJe Stmt. MKMH IN. Memphis and Louisville SUMMEK SCHEDULE, laae 12. 1871. xmin leave Day Exp " aew Turk U "rwnsvUle accommodation leave dally Buapani sleeping ears run 'urounh in aa. Louis and Louis vlUe on the. The 4 sjb. and SSM pun trains do sotTna on Sunday. j. r. BOYD, JTSl SnparlD tan dent. W. B. CAL B R EAT H, COTTON FACTOR COMMISSION MERCHANT. Magnolia Block, ,, 2 Unlea Strwtt : Meawwls. Ttat. MISSISSIPPI A TEriNE&ssEE R a sacKBTs st asm 1'saa rat. prrrca, Mbmfbib, tit oar ia. rpHEAnnnsJMsetiag or th. Stocano "u aau Tnnn issue KaaTT road CnmDanv win h. h.iu rn. Hotsl. Memphis, on Wedt iZ, 12? an election win oe aeld lor itlraaiiaT -U- wniTl 0"' idn?u-KauS- ! (aaia m m , . . - - - -- . ua in. f i 1 wf

Transcript of The Memphis Daily Appeal. (Memphis, TN) 1871-11...

Page 1: The Memphis Daily Appeal. (Memphis, TN) 1871-11 … likelihood, uke tbe grand pr.i) ffarad oyewiora. it naa oeeu lutiy


EEs ATE.Nashville, November 11. After

business, Mr. DaBoee presented ape-tltio- n

from Bristol soamat thai Las m


F.PHHSpalding A Pope..P. ISacrl


or TAB



MIS KITTY BLaSCHAU,On whlrh occasion will be thecosrming contedy of


Wbca will ba praaaatad.




iVLI.Ifor r at the snsu-

ii. i old pal a. i'-x- .

ta ah a . wni.raanonM himself a can1 ulrtate lor Wba im eater at the saaalag




iiu'. -Io rente mall hoaae. or two orH mrwe ioom. preferred, for

rio.e keeplD"1 esgiai Jt X.




iurnlsnedLerma and

Appeal office. ooll

IlOAhD Room aad board for three singlein private ismuy. wuere boarders are kept. Address, R- m



r a --


g iABBIaOF. -- A No 1 oar- -

V r age woiaer can com in sieaujtt. fii and go Hi ao

Ul LT 63 Union eveet



R A few Bal-- c aas areatrat'T'.atg A. act tc Hi no. aos aisin au

neni,vii..le. K.Nroin Ubi.l ana, rsli moved bis office to bla maiden je. No. 211

Afiatni street



artnr.aa statins-

wages, appiy """5"

a a of a : A steady woman to cook, wash.. frr a email tamllv EOOi'

waeamveu. a dcIt at l.i ' El l loit street. no3

i ! iir.RtK nERN Twal ve Drlnted forwardt a s: wlil par liberal wages. For farther' " ' ""AlXgN A F1BHEB,mot Jackaon. Mia.

MH hN Two IT) good preasmen, wltbn.tls'acurv referenoe, at the Arkansas

Oil Works : wsge a uu a 8 BOE dt CO.. Memphis. Tenn.

RS We nave inqulrlee for good,GaBUKE to go to Uitle Rock, Arkansas.Appl' to R. Q t'RAlO CO.--

eVed Stores, S77 acd Main street.BOl Mcmpnis. ienn'Eat U(CR-T- n tte cbavrie or ew mam- -

i .t 'C c Male avEn remiifnoium im Ji town, pieauuuT

m r ' An ecerg etic. cImnbIcmi lMQr can build Op a gjod pyicg

arto.. Tnim--U. tbe nobo-n- i for what Itv ii tike AddrmTroitm Miwrnlc Acd-etoy- ,

E-- g eCreefc, P. P.. Bradley Co.. Arlt.

1TC AT1CN By a Swede who In tboroufIt daoalad in Knllab( tierman Frecct

acd Surniirh BitnaUon as oopyUt or tratuau.r. He would rve well a railroad engineer cot pa. He relere, by pernillon tomeedlw of tbe A npeeu.

n.. ol H ai Kurnlture. reatber andMotiaaboid Uootli, of all iLlndfl t ou;bt al

t.AlbLa Twenty No, 1 tallore to go to

I LitUe Rootn, Ark. Apply to HOWB9 A

wrr.LDHJDmc. 0 rront trawl. e21

I UK SAut.

RTTTTKT.'ommeclal KeelauranLcbeap, as

..-- - a eU me to Furop.

' B X'KriY With a tall itock. No. 73 Kroni1 t'at " d. n8

SAFK-- A medluin:ifar sale low.





1 ion Hafe, CincinnatiInquire t81 Main V

U - NCK at a bargain one of tbemostMX Tiip e'e ana oeiiguiinikneiby c u: y. el uated en tbe hjuUi eldelo: iM ei't-ntje- known tbe t oiMi.i e. rvcentiy owned and N. 'jront-a- , kirq. ror ieirxe. e;c.,pf-- j

a lu KTjmet Bank. DM

o ALOON- -a Ho 1 saloon, wttb license,od bosines-- ; tbe bel siand In tbt

Cltr. addrta J. K , tbU ifflce. no4

gQ rtfUi PL NT4T1UN Tbe valuable and' noiy iicaied plantation. known as tbe

sxo it riaee. aiiuaiea bue rniviueuw, iur , n part L'Utelna. one and-a-b-

r.. .lee 'rom me town or providence, con tainHit aeres. for furtber imormatton ap

d 1 .Ma ir.. at trie rianier- -

UM o. Mempbia,Tenn.. and to Ueoige C.Ti ilia ton on iLe prtisiaea, noo

F aKM My la: m tsatlti forstle or rent tbein tbe neiKiiborbotMi; ananoanoeo

a Lieat coitaae. new etabie: ete.lei. for aale, a flu Bnaton-balt- t ( balae,

u tadt- of tin port ad wood, will omtlat toi m ouilet. Alan, a K'ne, lor near nununga m r twist doubie-ua- t rei Mooifin

!' d( Hare I offer for tbe return to meo' a larKf tmntl (JOLD WATt Hw u-- . No ejhl Jatue Htoddarti - dio). TbU Cue watcb waa left at old MrCLaouia s. on th- - railroad, be nw Hooefle doft fre 7th of Juy last. Jaw blebs tjke

and tsK V aa YoOttaULvaa aoooaiv1J.T.

w Union streeet.ncUkwIv Mempbla, Tenn


II': Ks a freab lot of moles arrived laat

lbniHQt ; a rood lot of mnlea and boraea on

(n't ai an l ma at t km m jaasaStable. No. VB leeoond street.

Ou Waiuut slrael. on time Appl)

w JffTaraou b room and kitchentkd rvan u" stable and earnaare

aftuae., roal nd wood boue. ezoelxen t ciatei lnr lag iit In good repair; prloelow and f'tni easy. Apply on premleea. aeJi




llOifc-T- o rente bouse wltb Ave or sUXI - u;- - nlebt to tualneea. Audi , "ft " i'nj. odv Hotel nok. ItRta-N- o. m Pront traeL Apply to

A. - - i. A N

l ran Main street.

nta'nlnk 7 rot. ma.J 1 'eukir, gond cistern of water.e l prompt payl-.- tenant.(. tti a' u

"lulu street i i t.


Wih ranPor la

eatl on4t as

O. HoiaLalD, "0

U AKkHOOs-B- A warebouae. Iniar or -- tore Man. street; rant very

vw . - e. app:y ato M MAIN --


Rtt'l 'EcaV a vary dealrabie brick realon Ubelay street, cioae to ousl- -

fte App.yto Mm. Brovn, No. Mala'w ""Of. w. rraaar, Main street, op.. I. ..... Ua.l 7!smw U Vaa. OCSt

iDKNLftrTeu minutes walk fromPoplar street cars. Nine rooms, bath" wirr-woia- c.sttrn, wen, siamesga J . orchard, three acres, well eu craved

w u iu go mi oraer Apply to Minor Man-- ascTsas. oev

Ka-M-. tiYti.-it- looms, would ecorkm'mU lta-- n small f.,n.ltu t . a.

treaanreraoiea. with approved iudoraer



liOr-K-- C


oil J.c JohNHUM. IS etreetlfciva 4JhN, K uburbaursaidsnce,on Kerraa avetusi eiable, oanlags b use and 6

I .T: "inn '" apply io Minor Marl- ssswas swsaaw.

i) "" T nlas fromJ street, suitable lor oIBms

'ouma, suiiabit fo'fcleeolnggaSi"" No.jui MaTk wainJCT.


HKHiut kh leims riioarl straat--


tioata AND BOARD.

also, 5i


l 1U Maul-ana .1 .iXI ..Z Z".' eooommoaated.RO mm -- OomiortalAl7ra7aasn"- SSSBTV!

' "J e u..Luits wa;koftou7taVgoare. and tlf aouars' of aliet-- t oar. Tilairw a. laallgm.a- - n " SBS

div j it; ivr: zl il l7" rli


OtBU A good frostee :.d tre- t

( LCSi-- t

BVaUaa-a7- Mh Ma aariI baailFiDa Appl, V0I p a I'lCAtlit a

srnAVED.ui - . : :




rooms Malaor



Buiroom and al




I " " euuaaoaj nigbl. from ana1 preuisas st tbe corner oi JsaeraonTea vears So markscep awciteaaodle-markontb- a baoTVnd a.aia ) caaled sore nn tnetezssj&ZAH ?PsSi a

i ri Va w jeuarson siresl,ass wuw ui otDJBO" " B. BDCHltiaANl.

khn WABu-atray- ad from tbe ,'""'ad, en tbe 6th lnal , a red- -

.7. L'"'0J aboutr.n asT:,-,'0.0- ' "ward wUI aeCbl ... r uui en ruth street,



iuB advert laement of Dr. Bntta'petiiary. headed Book Millio- n-snarriagv uuiue ill anotuar OOlumnhonld read



Maun airoo.,

Dls--lor the

be hv all It

t oooAtas dross ne the hair beautifully ,

Tmixu, Hi lieoond atraet.

Miaat. BANtsOH a WALKKK.

Mrl" ABB BeOBOMI --Thisyou wlil get by hsyitagur aatWith Lasnon's Improvenaant OalulT

FRESH Of 8TERSscaived par express

Jfuoua, il fsaa ia

A new company hag been formed inEngland for lurntehinK rolling-stoc- k

l" ihp Atlantic and Great Western



lo;al paragraphs.-- The county Jell is well stocked with the

" fruits of Ufa."The criminal oourt wss engaged all day

yesterday oe a larceny cae.Tha continued gealel weather la a great

disappointment to theooal merchanta.The latest atyle of gold Bracelet! are the

gauntlets aad are nearly three lnehaa wide.Necklace composed of large lortolae-a- h

11 beada elaborately carved are consideredvery elegant.

let trimming ha Into faehlonagain, and It la oaed.on ascfotb cos lame


comavery much cloak

- Nobody went to tbe slatlonbouae laatitU nt except oiui.iary lotla'en. tbat wa:.:-.titimaie stneiier.

Maria AnUtlnette oaoes. of vaivet. uluabaalracban, are to be worn In tbe street, with-- .it costumea. Oils wlnur

I aSadlea anar van alaaaat bat tons of mosaiccoral, gold or cameos, wltb tbe colored silkvests wtiicn are so jiyuao as pssmwas

There are five months In this year havingfive Sundays wn cn. itaald, does not occur once In Hfty years,

-- The moat fashionable color In amovespresent is a llgot tan color, without stitch ID g

ui wrtstieU. and wltb lour giit outioni,Home very e, eg ant dreeaes Just lsporteJ

from raris nave tight airrsreni pic:s toat inched before the costume Is completed.

U creat weather for up tbe rler, tbe low stag of water rendering ns lgaii.Q a ucauisn uuug

A new style of overshoes, for winter wearK buttoned up at tbe sidee, s lebed wltb white.and looks exacuy iiae a iiai.u4me aiu uoou

Tbe fine scboolhouse on Mafket street Isav vfkiv sLale al rrtna-D- Itat for tbe reception of pupils by the dayof 1ST.

The attention of tbe afflicted Is calledtbe card ot Lr. 1. H. Benton, who makes tbetreatment of can cur a sue. iail , and ulsU

r.olu I very auwotsBiut.shrank nail, wco nan tae aimruity witn

Malllns Haudav tintoou, was admtueoball in tbe sum ot 9SXj by Judge Plippln.yeeieruay moinizg

-- The penalty for obtaining a pa'.r of bootsana stocaincs ou creoi is mecjuatj jTuat was tbe fate oi Lhaiie! Turner,was before tbe recorder on such a caarge

It la asserted on tbe best authority tbatlona iralliUaT dreeeea for the street will not

good style, and will not be adoptedDy lavoias WOO Wian to apeax wen in company.

-- Johnny Beasran, so well known in Mempbls aiprt goes to tae puilentlary ior nr years, a ury, ai nunooldi. sentenced him o tbat term Wtd aeadey. He la likely to take a spell at ahoemaklng now.

How far distant Is tbe when a nobhrtdaTB snan the MlaaalDpi at this poluarross which trains shall from KansaL'ltv and the northwest, a well as from theboaters o: tbe lilo (Jraude. even fromMexico?

A lady lost her pocket book betweenforty nve ana nny aouars iaai evening, ouMain street, between Adams Jeftenonstreets. gen tit man ho was seen tu pickit up win please return it to tin tireei

soutb of Adams.We are glad to learn tbat Mahan's patent

canai boat is a complete success, and wi l, inal likelihood, uke tbe grand pr.i) ffaradoyewiora. it naa oeeu lutiy antit 'us' the thing tae canal commissioners o

ew 1 ork bve caiieu for,air was brisk yesterday

biowina a sun oreesa the southwest.tbat it was a uu tblnc to keep one's baon down toward the river. change fromtbe damp, heavy aim osp here of tbe previousa ays was pleasant sw we.i as neaitay

Owing to tbe fact tbe polio allowedthe To pass ssuhout warring on tbeQanlue we bsve now an

f species In Memphis Tbetrsappocosts t giro per w by not kill tbem

11 rn ana toe giw among thepoo:

Thla snajra








Tbe dry andrrom


tbatrace, cross

thatleast day.

The committee oi the county court, appointee at tne last uunrieny meeting, ouimt;uoed the invaatlgatlon m the B rlour Ltwwarrants, yeatfruaj. in luirt Bik-Kj- v

office. The following Is tbe committee: ,ulres. Ugfi winter, iioimau, VrSiitcr aau

nrooss.Mr. W. H. Bates, superintendent of tbe

typographlcsJ departm-n- t of the Charlestonrailr ud. returned to tbe city from Manitowoc,w BSBssaa n, ana wnu n.m as nis unaMiss Mary Borchtrdt, of the latter city. MBates received the coriirratulatlonto: his matmenus tsierusy, to wnicn we aua ours.

The sureties on William McLean's boo da.ror Wbu.uuu. are v. imam uiiott, .uorew k--

kert, John Imtllnfer, Joseph Specbt. Edstack. 1. Pante, Jarob burklt. Jaiues E. Dillard. H. Gk Brewer. John tcugel. M. Larkm, 8,

nnyuer anu i n, uonit-u- . ineae i snit--v

"I t sa.d Itlllvwhen tbe tittle oeremou was all over, "that iaa so'ld bond."

There was a rousing fight on the levee, atthe loot or in ion street, yeeieruay arttrn.jamong negroes. There was a dispute amongsome draymen about loading a mule too heav-ily, when one of tbe negroes picked up a billetoi woua ana sirucs an' inrr scuiae imrna

ml tht-l- i ram A plHtol was tired alterbut without effect. Both of them were arretted and taken to tbe lower station bouae

'rove Mill tar, alias Himon Johnson vsent to J all yesterday, by the recorder tawait lies pira-.u- r of be criminal c artAbout two years sao. rtiiuoa walked awayfrom Vaughn's static u with a wagon and twomutes oeiongiug to anotntr worthy coioradnr me name o uaraner. us was not seen onUl Weuuva tay, wnea u trdutr clipped biseyes on him at tbe (bio depot, aad baa himarrcveu o ooi3tr

The Raleigh railroad company wants theiu luuorse inc.: note lot . m inecounty says, H Yes, willingly, if the people are

aausnt-u- . J rir p,il(.ie will say mi rtatuniav'tes, we are aatiiiicd we waut rskUroads. ' Ieras rall'oads that maae Mem ph la what she IsIt was railruails tbat made tlaam ud wil.rebuild her after her destruction by fire. If wehad leu railroads in here now. ourpopulation would number owl ore l7s.

us nave tnem.In answsr to a correspondent we gaote

sec Ion lOof tbe of tbe revisedcharter which mod 11 s ibecbarter of t be cityof Mempbla so far as "to provl is tbat bere- -aiter aii owners oi real estate sitaaied witninlbs corporate limits of said city of Mempbls, upon woicb taxe. are asaested andc 'Heeled, shall be eeiltiei to vote In all 'l

elections In said city, either for cityffioera or the lsvy of taxes, whether tbe

said owners or real eale be resident wttblntne city limits or not.

Officer Hicks and Hhelbv arrested a "bovfrom lalttle Hock here In tbe city yesterdayrticaii.alch couiaiuin., the tuloriuailon loriht arr-v- charaea tbt bov" with lajcenvTbt offltiers brt'iitiht mm to tbe station-hous- e

and put the larceny down aga nat him. Hea Koeker, medium bight, stoutbuild pretty mustache, good on the muscleud pie uan bucoeeded In whtUBlns

his man on two uecaaloiia, and la altogethera tkeroU oi a .iinctitn. li ne gees out oi tn)icrape, be may become senator over In Ar

Van saw."Tlte I U'to'i Kecord aavs In reference to tbe

hill ptuUliig i: the llalature lor the eaHUahmentot Neshoba oouoty : "It Is a wiseprovision of our new constitution which is--o,ulres two-thir- of tbe voters reald ng In tbeterritory out of which any new oouuty Ist an ed, to cast their ball u lu lav or of it: before It can have any legal existence. Sueb en- -

r prines are too oiun set on loot oy tnal c.iaaar epicurean patriots wno hunaer for omcial

oaves aud fiahee. bui who. under tXlatlnu aeo- -

kfrapblcal subdivisions ot the HLate a territorv.stand no cha .ot of an invitation to feast uponpublic pap. There may be good reasons urgedIn favor of this Neaboba scheme, but we arenow utterly at a loss to discover what ihteauraaaona are.

The grand council ol I enneaseeP and Aon : uesday elected the following offioars audinstalled them, after w hich tbe grand counciladjourned until the annual convocationJames MoCalltun, Pulaski, tnrlos illustriousfraud master; H. M M Am, White's station,

O. M.. I', k Grafton. t'hatlanooga,U. P. C. of W., Heverend W. A. Nelson, Naalt- -

lle, U. A. it Piper, Joueaboro. G Cot ausense, Alabama treet, fronting I Jlhn Mot ieiiand, aabv iile, graml

ssa. n ty Msaassj per month I Jmn r naau, .vasnviiie, ti h - w










K..New Mlddleton. G. C, of C: Geo. ttielerle.Navshvi its. G. B. Tbe Vulou and Americanla lu report, says It was a flulug tribute tothe companions thai tbe grand treasurer, grandrecorder and arat.d asnlinel. wra. tn m timof difle'-eii- t oompanloaa, eacu by ac-clamation. We rtioJOe lo at-- one of the 'oldguard," rximpaaion James McCallum, of

thrice llluairlous urand master ofthe grand oouLcll He hsts been in tbe harnessnearly balf a oeotury, aad be sheds true lightand does square work

Tbe negroes love tbe inrsterK-- s of learatrjgas muoli a. tbev do tbuaa;wbo practice tue latter .rt,

atLigaiioi gbt,1I

while tb


vouilolaia. Tboseursu. tuvuaw

votaulaa of tbeloriuttf godeaa bow at ber shrlbe In tbe mornlhM. A number of aassl nearoea. wbo hav auoudeacr pt way of makiag a living, havebeen oursuiliaf nowlaiifts undtir mnia, i.difficulties bare in Memphis for some timeback. There Is an ol i ltl.ow, in partlcuiar.Who treuuenu the blufta at taut moi nnwand. seated ou a bsap of lumber, pursues htstudies wish great v gur and peiinacitv.though with apparently poor success He tarries about with nim a section of an oldand a penc 1. Wben seated properly at worktbe couiortions of bis lace, and the apasmodc






nis tongue, are painiui to cxumax - a letter In a- out one

hundred seconds-tb- at la. wben be is Is goodui. ukwiiw. ne uaa wauiiu vauiuuiibusiness 111 aohlevu.enu reach LoShe In!

lowing prodactlons : " wllllaaf eWluiwhich bis name lie looks upon that as. ucujcuuuiu aaeo in auvaDoa. in rani, 10 n- -quirloa, be a .Id that be was alxly seven yearsold did noljdo anrmina lu nartlculsr evervIhltiw hv lurna. anil nothina Utnu M ta ra.)uiuiugu i u, neooine a learneu man. tie aaldne never slant, but walked all BlgbL We sus-

pected from this tbat bis principal dart muatanHas eaawssau ana ourgtartaed nam


UBptaln K. O 1 ilV. nnanf tli. .HIMAfaueanreveDortHonthwaatarn i.laik...on busineaa for the Memphis and Shrere-por-t

raUroad.for which tbe people are veryacetous. We bone tha nantaln .ill lanhsa a. i.k... v 1. .. i . r.- ...e wa ao ui, people a good ao- -

o. oiul)ma, ana be able to say,from aotual observation ik.t . .. -01 our OHlSSOa. Of all nlaaaa. - thaiiivuua Ol anal most aaadaH nt .11 arailroad enterprtsea.

Ainong tbe arrival, at that rVimmsieAlalhotel, yeaterdsj, were V. B Joaes, OMUtendeii oounty. Arkansas; Colonel T B.McLean and wife, Virginia: I)r. 8. B Ar- -

.sluuis i iBLSi oucxie, ranois: alias W J n...aiwl dalliaa In tl.. ooini. Pine B nff A r ....... a r n...LZ



pon, Ldttie Kook,ArAanaaa

1- - ERNEST PERRIS8,Orgaalat of Si. Pater'a Ohuroh. late ofUmdon, and formerly of tha Academy ofMusic of Mew York. ha. tat. hi.radeaoa In MemphisWill psrmanenaly, andl.b. j

or inatrumentalisu. Len. on theoat epaolai rates, Mr. Per ring make, thecultivation of tha voice a specialty. AppUoations may ba left at the musio stores!

Examinb the grate in thla odea.eracu saving o) foal. Es.

'TlS a

But your bats and fore of Wheaton ACo., tha hatters, sign of the tiger, li youwant nrsi-cla- ss goods aheap.

purpose or nominating candidates roromoee.

There will be a laat. energetic Radicaleffort, made both by voting and trickery,to get poaaeaaion of thsrrftv nffieea la the


1 he t arl.n. Pradtieu or Ike ample andMow They era I ililsed TTa. Haw

I ad ua try ! baa aprnag apin Memphis Tbe Extent and

Valutiel tbat Sndastrylul ereallng Facie ana


Though the uas of the cotton fibre a ofthe highest antiquity, the oil of tha seedswaa not employed. It appears that thefirst BdRgeattau for utilizing the oil emana-ted from the laondon society far encourage-ment of arts and science, in ITdo, but,even in tbt United States, the oil wasUtile known in 1866; very little of it a'still made In Brazil, and the amount ob-tained in Mira. llles from West Africanseed is not tonsldersble. London mann-fac'-ur-

the most, seeds importedfrom the Inciee and North America; butthe production is neither as exlenslvenorss regulsr si It might be.

The annual production of ootton la esti-mated at over one thousand millions ofkllogrm , of which the United States pro-duce about idx hundred millions ot

The author obtained from twori pe capsules for 1000 parts ootton 2620 and1733 parts sfieda. A. can, in bla " Traitscomplet de la filature du cotton," Paris,1865, states that tbe prop betweencotton snd feeds la very variable, bu. tbatin tbe mean four parte of crude oottonyield one pi.rt of spinning fibre, lesvingthree parte tor the seed and offal, ao thattbe annual production of aeeas would bebetween tw 3 snd three thousand millionsof kllogrm. But li the cotton seeds areestimated only at one thousand millionsrf kllogrm , there might be obtained atleast one tundred and fifty millions ofkilogrm. of oil. In Marseille", one hun-dred kilogrxt. of crude cottonseed oil arevalued at ,u francs; the purified st 106to 110 franc. The above quantity wouldtherefore n present s value of one hun-dred and twenty mil Ions of francs. Thefive to seven hundred millions cf kll-ogrm of piess cakes would probably haveto be value! at twenty to twenty millionsof francs.

The aeed that comes from aeventy thou-sand bales af cotton Is worked up in ourMemphis oil mills Into various products,Including t ery fine soap, which is calcu-lated to tak e the place of castile soap.If tbe cost of had not beenso hesvy, much more seed would cimehere. We Dniy receive aboutof tbe seed that somas the oottonwhich findu a market here; the cost of

alone preventing heavierreceip.s. Tha quantity of cotton seedkeeps four mills in active operation allthe winter, and gives to overtwo nunania persons, net to mention allthe anioialu that find work and grubthrough tois means.

A bale of cotton yields about one thousitnd pounds seed, which is worth M 60 attiie oil mil ; and the 70 000 000 pounds ofseed which resch here brings 1 the plsnt- -6r to iu. sdio.ucu. i nereis much or this,however, expended in freight snd dray- -sge. All t lis aeed la used in our tournulla.

I ae ami. wtie-- st the miU. Sfirst ginned, for the purpose cf taking oilanvthiog in the way of fibre that remainsupon It. It Is astonishing the quantity ofshort ootton that is found upon the seedThis product is baled up and sold for tencents per pound st the present price ofcotton, i de seed is then nuiieu, toe meslpasting in one direction and the hulls Inanother. The hulls are used for fuel, andkeep theeigines running, thus saving theprice of coal. The meal, which is ciaraeafter leaviog the hulier. ia subsfuuentlvground; tten heated in order to disengagethe volatLe matter It u then put intonsrrow sicks ana fuoveu under th'presses, tnl the oil tuuezd outat a pressure ol several hundred poundsto tne ttidsre men itus pressure tiroduces the "oil cake" ss well as the oil.rue bags are all removed rhn iiiiaw

snd the mcaal, now com Dressed intoaolid cake, removed and packed In aackaready for while the oil agathered Into barrels. A ton of meal willyield a c: nsiderable quantity of otl. Sixp resses wiil yield thirty barrels of oil parday, and about six tons of cake.

A vast quantity, estimated in W6larhtas well sa in bulk, or the seed received iseliminated before tbe core of tbe seed isreached. Tbe sh irt ootton. I he dirt andthe hulls make up the Isrger part of thecottonseed sa it comes from the gins.There Is also about eight or nine per oent.v.. -- .ui i --i i --I u ninjao. i uu uaau ia valua-ble for cattle feed, but not ao vsiusble asto bear long sad expensive

Tb.) cko made bare and deeiaoedfor the Liverpool market muat besblppedat convenient times bv water, the railroad freight to Mew York beimt so heavyss to render it unprofitable to ship thatway. tt would De altogether out of thequestion to ship the raw seed any greatdistance lo a mill The mills muat beright wbere the seed is produced. StLouis, with Its great facilities ofmachinery and cheap labor, produces little overone thousand barrels of oil in s vear. Quruiilis turn out that quantity in ten dsvs.Toe reason Is, we are in the center of theseen producing country. Mills have beennaa in Cincinnati, but failed, becausehe freight charges on the seed renderedneir operations unprofitable and ituorac

tic. tne aery mucn or me meal produced Is aold right here: dalrvmen nur- -

chase it, and tboae of our farmers whounderstand Its value for oattlefeed are be.ginning to patronise it. The oil Is not

worked up" here to anv a rest extenta. . - . .it is exported luat aa petroleum is exported from the oil resrlons. sndafterward converted Into vsrlous sorts of marketable oil. Weuaa some of It bare. The Memubiaoil company exhibits fine snecimens ofsosp manufactured from it, and It is aaldthat very good and cbeap butter can beextracted rrcm the oleaginous product olooasunseeu. ine cottonseed oil is ofmuo taste, g, snd conaeslssomewhat below 0' C According to aUes- -aur, ia oinaiasa uiaiuiy Ol Oiein snd tin. For technics! purposes. It rankswith rvnne seed and olive oil. nrovidadbe obtained colorless or faintly yellow. Itis nwiwi in targe yuan titles, oarliai vpuilli d. from Kdsiaud aud from Marae llles to Italy, whence it a

uiive ou.A factory in Rhode Island turns out

sweet, golden yellow oil from the crudeproduct ot our mills. Moat likely, tha amarketed all over the country as oliveoil. It enters largely into the composi-tion ot most of the unauents med for thansir. w nen put up in fancy little vlala.beautifully labeled, snd aoented. It ornaments the shelves and show-case- s of onrdruggists and sells at very high figures

Cottonseed oil, in its crude state, is colored purple by oonoentrated sulphuricarm, auu u uicnromste oi pot ansa Daadded at the same lime, blood-re- d ; po--

oc.ore it yellowish, and In contacttth the air finally bluish nurnle. After

the first reaction, water will separate amatter which dissolves with besntlfulcolors, ranging betwrsn blue and red, inaioouoi, cuiurviortn, nisuipnide ol osroon,potaaaa, suipburic acid, and ether; if thesecolors oould be fixed an excellent dye-stu- ff

would be gained Tha body ia pro-bably formed by the splitting of a tannin;Kuhimun found it in 63 0 oarbdn and 8 2hyd'ognn.

Nitric add Imparts to the purified oil avery faint yellowish color ; a oold mixturecf equal parts of nitrio and sulphuric scidrenders It

THB COMPONENT PARTS or TE1 SAID.The yield In oil, aside from the species

and from climatic influences, varies withthe trestment of the seeds: the lelt coveramounting sometimes to 14 per oent. weifua, ti ureeent during the expresion, must retain considerable of the oillo-- ai psr cent, cf IheoH been nhtalned, and after the removal of tha teatsSI to over 60 per oent. The economicvslueof cotton seed rests mslnly In the

oa au.a au on may oe obtained In eeor-mn-

uDsntltlea ss aCalculated from the nitrogen found, the

seeds odotain about 23 per oent. and tbeaerneis anout n per cent, of protein a,

abowing the value ol tha presscakes si fe d or manure.

From 8 7 to 3 per oent. of ashes hsvebeen obtained from the seeds, 3 perwa1- - ..wia. mo aeava, va so s irom theserneii, ins amount of water Is 8 to





eeit., of gum and auarsr toeathapar cent., the kernels onlv 7 Tvnr rvantK1 UeiaV.UBWs



Attention Is oalled to the sale of thatapacioca storehouse, Mo .Ve Front streeton the south Una of the alley betweenAdams snu washing-to- n streeU. whichtakes place in front ot the clerk and master 'a oraoe, on Second street, belowUnion, to-d- at 11 o'clock.

i his Deing one of tha iar treat store.houses oa Front street, is particularlyadapted to the wholesale grocery trade,and the aale should receive the "'

attentliin of those who are paying highsaw naa lujsnur cuuan.

A H fix TEH. Jettsrannstreet aiaraet no. ui, beg leave laava tolniorm tneir laraentiah lrienda and pa-trons last they have engaged the Rev. J.Hlrsoh. on the of Mr mMalzsr, aa Schauchet, and will endeavorhereafttr to supply tbelr customers everyu my aim 11 au ium.,

Whi ATOH'a hata are the beat and oheap--

Occohs Ann Oolds are often over-looked A continuance for any length oftime cansaa lrritatkn of the longs orsome thronlo throat disease. "Brown'sBronollal Troches" axe an effectual soughremedy,

ui.y, xveuaur. wuu reoeiveo. lour , 1... f" ,11 uiq on tne

hundred and seventy-eight- , and ran bla 91 , a littla persuasive ooax- - uuenlon of loaning the credit of theoloae, and lacked about twen- - l!5oTi iVJ'J 4?" f " bI t1orsin: the notes of the Memphis

ty-fl- votes of beatingsireion. uiu jMeior la

.u- - I I iWkUM 1U 1UUUUUH UOIJBUB HI DO DUUU In an. U .1 !... .7.1. ......dpitadltaVrT;! taiMffl











blTa9' th?and,


We Vase lor the Mesns.nlBtnllroad n Sstur-ala-

Editors Appeal ThU road pi


over a apace of country between Memphisand Baleigh, every acre of which a capa-ble of producing the Q aeat vegetables forthe Memphis market, hence the countrywill be settled up along the route,

Wbere will settlers get tbelr lumber andlabor? The saw milla at the mouth of Wolfriver will be required to furnish hundredsof thousands feet of lumber for the buildIngs wh'le our Industrious mechanicswill be employed in the erection of thehundreds ot buildings required for thefamilies of the gardeners and laborerswho will settle all alone tha line of theroad from Memphis to Raleigh, ao soon aathey can get an opportunity ot pssslngto and from the city at regularhours and at moderately low rates oftravel over our little subnrbau road. Thisis reason enough for our votes In fsvor oftbe rosd, to ssy nothing ot tne other Denefits thst Will result from the constructionof this road, which is to be a part of theroad running through middle Into EastTennessee, bringing thousands of bushelsof corn, and wheat and balsa of ootton toMemphis to enrich our commerce andgive employment in all our industrialpursuits. When we consider that not adollar a to be collected from any but thestockholders of tha road. It Is Indeedstrange that any one should aay a wordIn opposition to mis road.


sit of tbe t n I led Hebrew

On Thursday, November 2S, the UnitedHebrew Relief society will give a grandcalico bail al the Memphis duo hall.This society, though not aa wall knownto the community ss other kindredcistions, is now In existence for over sixyears, and is composed of the best class ofour Jewish menus, xney nsve nevercalled noon the for anv assistance.but hsve quietly relieved hundreds ofpoor and destitute. The Chicago conn a

gration has exhsui.ed their treasury, andin order to replenish the aame, haveadopted this mode, snd give everybody achance to do a good deed and at tbe sametlmesecure an evening's plessure. Messrs,I Hsppeck, N. IX Menken, A. Loeb, E.Lowenstetn, U. M. Judah, la. Halle. J.Sartorlus, L. Levy, S. Rleser and severalothers hsve charge of.the management.and will mske the arrangements oomp eteIn every respect. are two dollata, which price wiil enable everybodyto take one wben oalled upon. We understand several isdies bsve offered theirservioes for the sale of tickets. We wishthem much success.


first Circuit (.art Helakell, Judgecalendar ia as follows: 630

Ran fro va Crowley; 738, Frlerson, survput, va Apperson, exr; 812, Thomiavs laaird et al Wi, Alexander va Dillard ;

998, Clcaila, admr, vs Taylor et al 9iMoore vs Easel, 941 Bartholomew Jt Allen vs Morrison at al;961, Cook vs Cocke973, Clcalls, admr, vs Tsylor et si; U74Mi Henry vs Crook 98B, Jones vs Norman 10002, Mocdell va Smith; 10C7. Blockvs Austor; 1016, Wolfe vs Hodges: 1016.Moder vs Wait; 1030, Wigg fc Covi W hite; 10BS, van frangitCo vs Kshn:1027, Myers vs Trowbridge, 1029. M it A ofMimphls vs Oaliand; 1030. CliftonD ma las; 1C3U. Briggs ct Peterson vs Tsy- -

ior, aiconue dc jv; iuse, winter vs Murphy; lu3tf, Boh'on, Ildsedi Co vs Boyd;

W'J Fargsson at Clay va Edgdngtooj U4L,Kobble at Corles vt Lawrence; 1043, Kingvs Memphis t Little Rook R R; 1047.Critchley, Faucett it Co vs Rosen baum itBro; 1848, Thimnielt. adx, vs J- - c tson InsCo; 1060 Johnson vsTwohlg: 185S.Moorina.use, etc, vs Cameron & Co; lu54,Socvil it Covs Howell; lOdj, Downs, use, vs Hsppeck;1036, Southwestern Pub Co vs MsnaQuld ito- ; ltd., ureeDneia vs tssid 1UVS, Wil-liao-

va Brlnkl.); 1059., Williamson vsBrinkley; 1060. Williamson vs Brlnkley1002, Balli vsUlenn; 1063, Peoris MutualBenevolent Association vs Meyer; 1064Brown Co vs Alden ; 1073, Burton it Sonvs Dee ; 1083, My era vs Smith ; 1884, Hay nevs cdmouuson; iuad, smith vs 1 borne108S. Trousdale vs Keele it Co: 1089. Roarere vs Hssseubscli; 1093. Picket vs Mussjr. 1094. Flsherty vs Sullivan; 1096, Clarkvs riuuter.First naucerT ssrt-Bor- gsa, ( ban

cellar.The case of Lot! and vs Coward was taken

up yesterday, and cot finished st the hourof adjournment. It will be taken up nextluesuay. To-d- ay motions will be heard.Seconal I saswry Court OtoncnUor

The jury ia the case of Bankvs Able were discharged, belna unable to agree. Caaea set for 286,i ma. vs morse; sis, ueraty vs ueratydid, Warren vs McOavock; 347, Manual.tai insurance company vs Leftwioh ; 867,Union bsnk vs Aberc-ombl- 801. Hall-ma-n

vs Hsliman; 393, Loewenstlne vsWolf; 394, Polk vs Stanton; 385, Sani vsasciunaid; 396, Mehan va Mthan: 897,Harder', vs Hicks; 398. Brown vs Hunt:399. Bledsoe vs Bledsoe : 400.aMavor anda (iHruirin (it win t n m xrm li uantiiuir. . inJoot3 v Ticknor; ,UJ. Way vlWav' 4iM,'

iavftlrU vb Armour; 4 8, St. Joixn Hodge-f- ;.av. aus.iu va nriaKiey.


M km phis, November 9, 1871.uuimsa ArraAL in a oartaln rv,rra.

poudeiice appearing in your oolumns thismorning, the society of which I have thehonor to be preeilent. Is brought, witnontour consent,, ueioro tne public. Mere, 1

LTJn leave ao nay, tnat we never transactany business iu anv wav outside of nutomces. Our responsibilities and Dowers

re cica.-i- ueuneu in our charter, and weuevor uepart, irom its privileges, or presume upon its provisions. WitsSaVmplemeans tor the successful Dnawtimn ofour business; we desire to state onoe Orall, we have not any busineaa relationswitn any other company or association

of the A ifral K aiiti AlrlB JVJa.Jf ,

WM. LYLE3.President Misalaaiawi rltulLn

JUaJftiiouai ManuravrturinAT



AU our Silk FringeLESS WAN COHl .

Crotchet and 1 bread Lace AT COS 2.

Valenoienne and Guipure Lace Al

Patent Valtnaitnne and Duchet LaceAl COST.

SatA Ribbon and Velvet a 7 cnsnOur entire stock of



259 Main Street.


Tenure al Office Ellftbtlity.

ntTiI5 th9 t18111' proceedingsin oar special telegram fromNsahville. yesterday, we find the statement that Mr. Hughes had introduced .hill in the Senate for th. aan.i ... lL17th aeotion ol the revised charter of thecity of Memphis The following la thesection thus proposed to be repealed

Section 17. The chief eaeoatlve om'oer oithe city of Memphis shall be alvled themayor, and ehell be elected lor two yearsand until hla suooesaor has been elected2 uuallflsd, by tbe qualified voters of

"me ana place tor thegeneral election of the general oouncilNo person shsll be eligible to the offloe ofwho ia not aa least tnirtj years ofage. and who has not been a bona tidereal dent of the city of Memphis one vearhi. i i i ..."""ma, auu s citixm ofShelby oounty two years next precedingsaid election, or who. at tha h. a..?

qualifloatlon, holds any other offloe. orfl ( i i a jtaa t lnjll.--a- 1 a --- ...ji muireciiiy interested Inaay contract with the otty; and if afterhla election the mayor becomes InterestedIn sny contract with the eitv nr .,..,.,any othoe or sarencv niadar tha r i.jStates, or any department thereol, or ofthe State of Tenneaaee. or nt tha m.i.bUvelby, his offl je shall be therebv va- -oated.

Whkatom. tha enta.rnH.lna, k.H.. .Main street, haa a atrinu nr r.,t a. i'n 'fom tbe top of hla eaubllahmsnt.Look

Tbt It-.- Mrs. Wbllcomb daalraa all mtry ber syrup: it la tha arrant hilH.i.atoothlug remedy, aud sold at th.price of 26 cents.







J R. W&AT. With Mantra. U,.KCall and aee him if you want good and"heap goods.

AMKaiOAN Daivnn Wan. mm

A Browne's. H1& Second street.

New roofs made, tin room naintaH .ajtil kinds of rooA repaired byr. i - ,A..nn . .

I 1 . .








i il ws




a, v, wis a?) u.i jroplar street.


RaxKiVs Rip Van Wissilb Thetheater was not crowded last night. Theannouncement of Mr. Rankin's ventureIn a field ao well occupied by Mr. Jeffer-son, did not tske with the theater-goin- g

people of Memphis, who, generally, areso thoroughly prepossessed in favor ofthr Sip as to be unable to bring themselves to a toleration of even a fair copy oft nat interesting character. The audiencewas, therefore, few In number yet notwithout discrimination and appre-ciation, aa waa evidenced in tbacourse of the performance. Mr. Rankinbad a fair trial. Hla audience gave himclose attention from first to laat. Mosingle point that he made was loat; nomotion or movement. They followedhim with scrutinizing eyes, and the ver-dict was In ha favor only so far aa haphotographed Jefferson, Whatever waanew, whatever of make-up- , of gag,at of told against tbe per-- f

irmance, some times sa a coarse obtrusionupon what depends upon the nicest andmost delicate shading tor success.In the first and second acts, Rankin'smake-u- p was an admirable disguise, butit waa better, as the swakeced Bip inthe third and yet it tell far short ot thatwhich gives to Jefferson's portraiture thastamp of originality, fust as hla move-ments fell short of tbose which (As Bipmaaea witn tne grace oi naturehimself Into poses statuesque to the ad-miration of all beholders, snd aa uncon-sciously aa if to tbe life he were indeedthe trifling, himself. It waa adaring thing, ev. n for an actor of Mr.Rankin's acknowledged meti , thus tochallenge not only criticism, but awakento contend with the slumbering prejudi-ces of our people for the illustrious actorwhose pathos and humor are among onrsweetest memories of tbe stage. A manwith less nerve would not have attemptedIt. But while on any other cccsalon wemight admire this pluck, on the presentwe cannot deplore but it, asIn some respects he was the counterfeitpresentment nf his great protrotype, butnot In all. In bo far aa he was notha fell short of the ideal "Bip"which Jefferson has stamped upont hearts of those who haveseen him. It waa aa If we were lookingupon a tolerable portrait of soma dearfriend ; close enough ss a likeness to re-

mind us of him, but not true enough testi-fy In the sbsence of the original. Jeffer-

son made the character of fitp Van Wmk eIt is bis, aa much a part of him aa hisown being. We think of Jefferson andBip at tha same time. Two personages,they are yet one. The face and voice otJefferson seem, ss we them, tohave been cut ana irMced forRid. In his dress snd appearancea Dutchman, in his voles and accent aGerman. Incongruous aa it Is, with all ItsImpossibilities and possibilities, It Is sin-gular and alone among the characterswb ch the moc ern stage saords. It a adistinct creation of Jefferson, and fits hlagenius as well aa FaUtaff did Hackett.Players may play it, but the people willnever be able to see their merits, becausethe original will come between themsa Banquo's ghost between Macie'A and bU guests This muchIn order to set down what- Mr. Rankinhad to contend with. We have told ofhis mske-u- p snd hsve said tbat his pointsof difference with Jefferson were ratheragainst than for him. Yet, we would notbe understood aa saying or suggestingthat the performance was a failure. HadJefferson not filled our idealof the drunken goodRankin's ' K p" would have gratified even while it might not havesatisfied. He playsd ha part well, j ust aahe piays any character tbat he attemptsbut only In one or two instances did herise to "a conception that brought thehouse down, lhe parting scene at theoloae of the second act wsu painfully prolonged, the orchestra absurdly enoughplaying "home, sweet home," while thehusband sad wife were in the pains of separation, it reminded us of vara Twain'stravelling showman, whose patheticdescription of tbe raising of Lazaruswas spoiled by bis musician playing"Rise up. William Rellly, and come alongwith me." The Intensity of Bip't parting,while prolonged, was not intensified. Butlet that paas. In the last act, Mr Rankinshows moat his capacity for the part. Tberecognition by daughter and wlte. thoughsomewhat marred by the skip the formertook to resch him, was good, as was tbeopening scene in the mounts. n. indeed.the laat act was very creditable, and relieved the dullness and tedium ofthe other two, peroeptib.e when aVin

not oa the stage for It a astriking peculiarity oi thla play thatit la devoid or interest lu the absence ofthe title character. The stsge effects andappointments were unusually good, tbedressing very good, snd the supports wellup in their parts, slothing was wantingmat jeuersnu ever uaa usre to maae Kanain s " Mp " a success" which it wasnot." It is, however, very much betterthan McWade's. and therefore standsnext upon the list, and very oloae, tooalter that ot the Mssier.

Miss Blsnchard takes her benefit tonight, when will be presented "School.with a cast embracing the full strength ofn is aamiraois company, in soma reerjenta

one oi tne nest we ever naa here.

Pumps, 815 Second street.


Encouraged by a liberal patronage of theelite of Memphis, will permanently givehis undivided attention to the culture ofthe voice. The Memphis Operatic Society,consisting of his scholars and appreciativefriends, endesvor to bring cut youngtalent, to impart judgment of tone, andartistio conception. Every scholsr receives lessons on trial, for which nocharge is made, unless the pupil dnds itprofitable to continue.


Oo to Leddln's College.Attend Kobertson's Busineaa CollegeThos. Cubbins, bricklayer, 2H Main st.Armatronir's Phototrraphlo Qallerv.

No. 311 Main street. Three faultless gampictures ior nny cents.

Tub cheapest and best Dyeing andCleaning House in tbe city Is st 26 Second street (Hunt at Hanson's old stand).


Prxpabi for cold weather, and haveyour grates set with Lemon's Improvement, Leave orders at 2H5 Second street

Stkam Fittiho. UlSSaaoond street.


Leaving To-da-

St. Louis City or Chbstbb 5ndnlaraansaa river. ...aiaai aim i p.mFriar's Point Phii. Atus 4 n.mwuite river siun i.n t a D.mNapoleon A. J. Wbita. 5 p.m

river SILVBB Bow 4 n.mjew orieana...... dhusi iu a

fl argil w i 'i. j. v teas

Mollis MooreMollie Ebert.

-- .

Phil AlilnO. W.SL .

(.llasgowSt. Francla.Oeorge W.M. J.

Mel lie chertOceanus







Mollie Moore




New Orleans.. .New Orleans



Vlcksbnrg..St. river




Friar s Point...St. Loula

fit. Loula.. .HL LoulaJM. Loals

Sioux City. Phil Aliln Mary BoydLegal render. r ran a rorre.u

aUvem, Wenther and Bsulaeae.Yesterday morning early a tine shower

of rain fell. At sunrise the weathercleared off, and was pleasant during tbeday. About s p.m. a strong wind rose,and indications of more rain were favorable. Navigation la less difficult, sndIsrger boats are now running, moat ofwhich make good time. Tbe river baarisen In the last 4S hours about 4 lnohes,and la now about IS Inches higher than at

lowest stage this season.Telegraph.


Louisville, November 9 River risingslowly, with 2 feet 10 Inches at the beador the oanai, and 15 lccbea In the chute.naming at intervals sll dsy.

St. Louts, Novembers. Arrived: Belleor Pike, MemDhls. Departed : a. S. Turner, new Orleans; Aiioe, Memphis.River falling slowly. Rain laat night;dear and cool to day. Freights south arelower and uusteadv.

Cisctmhati, November 9. River 4 feetlu inches in the cbsonel, snd stationary,Light rain throughout tbe day, bat partlallv clear and warm.

Caibo, Novembers Port list: Dexter,.sew urteans to at. Louts, it p m; JohnKyle. New Orleans to St Louis 8 am:St. Luke, Memobia io St. 8 a.m:Columbia, Arkansas river to St. Loals, 10s-- Oliver Bow, St. Louis to Hea river,11 am; Louisville. New Orleans to Cairo.noon; Ada. Hellman. Memphis to Cairo.1 p.m; St JoaeDh. St. Louis to Mem dp Is.4 pm; Mary Miller deared tor New Orleans at 6 n.m. River rose 4 lnehaaWeather clear. Mercury 60.

Naw Orleans, November 9. Arrived:Belle Lee, Memphis. Departed: AndyJohnson, St. Louis.

EvANsviLLg, November 9 Weatherdear and warm; rain thla morning.

PiTTSBUata, November 9. River has 23Inches in the channel, and la falling.Thermometer 80.

The Legal Tender met with a misinr.tane Wednesday night about 14 o'eloek.


She struck a snag thirty-fiv- e miles belowthis city, dissbllng her ao that aha re-turned yesterday morning. She goes on

.the docks tor repairs, and will be ready toleave next Tuesday for all poin s on thaWhite river.

Tha Wicks came in from New Orleans,five days out, and discharged thirty-on- e

hogsheads of sugar ;twenty six barrels ofmolasses; fifty sacks salt and fifty barrelsof oranges. She had eight hundred tonaof freight for St. Louis, including twentyone hundred and fifty sacks of salt andfifteen hundred bars of railroad iron.

The R. P. Walt leavea tha morning forWhite river.

The Glasgow cams In from above, threedays out.snd discharged several packages,and left for below drawing five and a halffeet.

The Mo' lie Jaauure came in from NewOrleans, six da,'a out. She dischargedseven hundred bundles of cotton ties;one hundred and eighteen sacks of coffee,and had two hundred and twenty fivetona of freight for St. Louis, one Item ofher cargo was two thousand sacks of salt.

ine mil Allin oame in from FriarsPoint with three hundred and aevantv- -alx bales of cotton, one thousand sacks ofcottonseed and a good trio of neonle.

Tha Vara Mil!.. U... . uj -"p. , . i. u ii .i , ii. vum--ter and P.W.Strader ware due from abovelast night.

The O. W. Cheek brought in 76 bales ofcotton ana sot sacks of seed, and sundriesto oruer.

The St. Francis and Q. W. Cheek departed with fair trios.

The Forrest came in from Osceola with107 bales of cotton and 803 bales ot cottonI'M.

The towboat Mary Alice, and bargee,JiiwaDU ull.

The St. Franca came in from Phlllinabayou at noon yesterday, with 80 bales ofcotton ana du sacks or seed. She resblppedis uaie ui conon at neiena ror rvew

The Oceanus paaaed up on Wedneadaynight, hve dsys out. She bad 300 tona ofsugar ror St. i.cuis.

The Mollie Ebert also passed up duringthe night, six dsys out, after dischargingucm man uniua III wi.nin.

Bunts Leaving Tt aay.Fob St. Lotus -- The Cltv of Chaatar

v .tifcaiu .testier, leaves st o p.mior Vairo, at. ajOuls and ali way landings.

Fob Arkansas Rrvaa-T- he fine passenger steamer, .nary uoyd, captain K L,Haines, leavea y at 6 p.m., for LittleRock and all way landings Obliging officers nave cnarge or tae cinae.

Fob Napouoh Tbe elegant passengersteamer A. J. White, Captain George Ma-lon-

leaves y at 6 p.m aor Napoleonand sll wsy landings. av

Fob Whitb btvbb The flneeaVl llght- -ursugut suMsiuer oioux uaptaln U.i irons, leaves at 6 o'clock p.mfor Dsvsia Bluff, Jacksonport acd allway landings. Tom Whltledge la herohief secretary.

Fob FRiaaja Point -- The elegant andfleet paaaenger steamer Phil Aliln, Cap-tain James Lee, leavea aa aboveaa o ii ctocst. ataca laee ana James cHarris are her efficient and obligingBBssnaaa

Fob Oscbcla The fine coaat packetFrank Forrest, Captain Randall, leaveato day at 5 p m., for and beads.J. W. Andrews officiates in the office,a; Fob Red Kivek The Silver Bow, Cap-tain Clark, leavcj y at 4 p.m., assbove.

Fob New OaLgAjra-T- he Shannon,Captain Reaty, leavea y at 10 am., aaabove.


FOB ARKANSAS RIVER.Memphis and Arkansas Biter racketCompany U. N Mall Line.ror Pine B.uB. U'lle Keck and luronch to

Kurt Smith direct.Sr. MAStT BOYD... B. L. Haines, sassierWill leave sa abuve IrmjAY, Movemher 10. h,at 6 p.m.For freight or paasage apply to


w. li. Kp.i b.lAYOffice on Company's

Foot of Court or-ef


St. Louis and New Orleans Packet Co.For ISew Orleans and all Wav Landman8tr. 8HANNON Beatle, nusUarints eiegant steamer wlil leave

is ahawaTHi'3 DAT. 10th InsL. at 10 am.

J. T. WASHl-vnTO- Agent,OHO Wo. a Madison str


Una uf Red River Pacxeta.-F- or Jaf--i.r.nw, oureveporT, UtUtHl 0OrS

and Way Landings.Th

u Msssie. aaastar- . .. . m ii oavawerwlil leave as abuve JTHIS UAY. io t inst., 4 p.n

T. WABHItlO'THJsi. Asent.aelU No 3 Madlaon street


aOd St. U.S. Mail their to examine

for Osceola. Madrid. Ulokmsn, Belmont aadvan, connecting at Belmont with the



11 on 31 n-- at Cairo withIllinois Central Railroad, andata ap the Ohio Rtver.

CITY OF CHKaTKH Zelaler. masterin., eieaiaiia saeaiuer will leave

sa auuT.


THIS DAY. 10th Inst., at o,Ticket or all points via MemDhls and Bt.

Louis packeW. Worth, Ea.t sod west: sdditto General Railroad and steamboat offlce,

I On is. uux w. our. Coo: t and Main at.Freight received at tne St. Li. a Is Wharibcau

ruiaas. onp udoiij w. ra. uLuut Agent.


Vaeaaphla aad White Bun Cadtssl Masassail L ae.

Btr R. p. WAJLT W. J. Aan feral. Masterwin leave MemDhls SAlUnXiAr. litn o p.m., ior Jaoasonpo t and niuieriver, for freight or passage apply

W. 11. bin is an Y,Office oa Company's Wharfboat,

mat Vuui. ot C art isjtul


Memphis asd Kbits River PacketFor Jacksonport and wav iandlnss.

SIOUX C1TV Tl den, mastersplendid passenater psvcaet

wm leave asmis iiAx, iuth inst., at I a.m.


ialv Birtr. uen't



T. WASHINOTON. Agent,No Madison street

aassl Whlae Klver UmUm tnaesaau una.Mr. M. r. WALT W. J. Aafci-ora- l. Masterlasnvas ssempnis I .r jscaaonpert MVaaMX

lilLrt AX. BL 3Dair. LaW AL, Tata DMM W. Klllata.Leavea Memphis for JaeksonBort K V Kia rTTJKMOAY, ate p.m. These boats connect atuevaJl a Bin with tna tram going ap Mon- -days and Thursdaysas vs ana Saturdays.

ur or on or to


K 'A


comlng down wednes- -

rrelght paaasge apply boardt St aa I i.i.w:

St.. foot olW. tt. BUtN MKDAY



lot. (Togrt st.

FOB HKLKNA AJSD fOllAutlg. 0, K..

Friar. Pehft.The reiiabla, Orafrelaas rasssugsa packet

Cbooi(R. CHJJtK master.

Will run above, laavina Mam.pnls every rUKBil AY. THUKcUJAY and SA.Iu x.n. a , paacanaif y at a p.m.

.For rraigni or passage, apply on

st. Francis river Far Friar's Pglat. BsbsAJ.




Irswr, gaa Beat.The states Mall Paeatat

A. J. WHI! E,,rlura

Will iaave Memphis and rSItia i o. punctnaaMy at a pun.


wvr migni or passage, apply on board.


Jamas Lee,.









States Ml.'!



Leaves Mondays ana Pridavs. at 4p.m., oonaeoting Ueluna with the steamercaKoDA for Marian na andL'A igpllla river points on


River Packet Ceaj--S.Ni

THE PAnSKNOSR BOATSline leave points

wEnKESOATiai iamb ml- -!, nana.


OFfor ail

aa,ror fra.ght, paaaage or other . I. .

W. H. Y inm




Offloe on Com pany 'a Wharf boat.Toot of Court street.


Regular atd New Oritue meet

IB Y PAFor New Orleans aid the Bents.

aaicaa uiasaer u. B. (StliUvan fi.,r.wm isavs Memphis ror Hew Orlann.























ioliowa:1 3 7 X I

November llh, at 6November SUth, atjjmbeoember nth, at s p mj lpemhair aUth, ai S p.aa

..January nth, at 5 p.m

.Janaary ifAh, at 6 p.saTbursdavJS"W ..Mnrei 7. Z l Z Z !

"Sx-xiAMi-o. Jeasrson street.


By --a9L- la-VLi-or cbduAUCTIONEERS


14 FBOsTT art., I Ml AavAMB,

WUI sell thas nsnmiava, at la a'elnck.In iota to salt buyers, a full Una of

MY GOODS, CLOTHISra, SOTIOSS.scora asd saoavi,

Haas, eiaaaware. Cattery, Sta.aay-- Country merchants, sod the trade t c

srally, will find It to their Interest to atteuuoar sales.3' TEBMS CAim.



WK will eommsnoe our regular tail ursuat Auction, on tUabDaY, Bart" ISTI, and continue them three tlntes a we. a

during the season, oar numerous consign-ors, stnhracina- - every Hue of Forelcs. asuDomestic DKI OOODH, CLOTHiUaTUAiriBOOTS, 8HOBJ, MUT10S8. FA-- V NVAKISTY UO'JDrl, Kic, will keep us

supplied with every description oiMerchandise suitable for our market, thruoffering to elty and country merchants ara.ropportunity to replenish s oeks at prices fara. ow recnlar rates. Out regular sal dayswill be TcasBAis a TATTTannATS.

A. a. iaOesiBMOK). Auctioneer

Otis & CoJFtitotoQ



maj uy.vcturjcbs or


No. 8117






Cctton Factors,commission merchants, J D. C. & H. M.

And Sole Agents at Memphis for the6IRARD MERCANTILE COMPANY,

Of Philadelphia aad New York.S" Libera c tea advances mads mi

slanmenta of Cotton to the aboveat either point, thus alvtns shippers thepreference of markets.

Offlca : 9 Union St.. Memphis Tiw.

1871 1870FALL AND WiNTf.R

At Wholesale Exclusively !

oo stock or

Boots, Shoes & HatsIS COMPLETE,

And we are ready tor the trade. areaantMemphis LOWS Lisa I will And It to advantage










oar goods snd prices.

1871-187- 8. RAILROAD








TERRY & 5329 Mais St. Mtmahls.



BIDS wUI bs received by this Company, atofflce in Little Rock. Ark. 'nr an

days, tor batldlna the PINK BLUFFnnnjsctt. rrnm tlev.u a hiqw to Pine B unAra., a distanoe of about i miles. The worato consist or gradlB4, bridging and furnish-ing crcsstie. A parly of are nowin the Held loo line aald tin a and oroflla.BpectdcaMuns, etc.. will be ready for exammaaion Bt earliest aay puaataie.

Bids should be addressed to tha nnrfar.saynsst. at Little Ilooa, rk. ; tbe company

iu. hid iiauii mi rrjeoa muj or ail uruer oi tne rresiceni.A. S. L1V1BMDRK.

(ienersl tsnparintendsnt,Ootober 23, 187'. oent


ItWS Main street, near Washington street.SJOMTLEH , ELASTIC SKIMT

""PHE STYLJf OK HOOP--ssirts tor lsn 72. is 2

yards clronmrerenoa forthe street; 24 ysrds fordrawing room. SlopingBastlea supersede the e

ones, and are mostlyworn attached to the skirt.Ladlea desiring separatebustle, will do well to get.IV NEW ADJUSTABLE'

BUSTLK, whlob Is warranted durable, and willbe repaired free o ' euarse.


li uaa oeen oroven oev-ni- i rinnKt .a... v .ern Bnaties are worthless, and only euoU aresold n drv afVHil llniu u.if .

m n.uw anah'rencii ourMta in li a km VhniM.,a IwT.

' LlJlJin ,AaUKA. J. HOACH,


Formerly of Somsrvllis. KIKBY


Commission Merchants,ASD

COTTON FAOTOB8,No. 13 Uileo Street, Lee Stock,

Special attention paid to the sale Oottonliberal on the same. faenaa. a.




PACE tt JOINERAre authorised agents lor HURT CCS


Hate. Bl 1 aSSI sn rar hhl r.m,ntni..Sf"' 2 JP1 0Di- - r'sster, W Eaj per bbi.r .i si tsj lar nnni iw. P Mi n.h.i.- wuw ,1 JIUUllll,

No. a-tT- s ZafZ

"Corn. Oats. Bran. Ha. mLr.lowest. Termsiibeiai.


irx-ose- t.



PAB8ENaBS by oar lines from Fort Smith. a week, via Pavaitaeriiiamiseoabo on the Sooth ern Part do railroad.IW miles: or three Umaa a wb- -

Smith. 70 mllea to Fort eihaem i .lu.south IS5 mlirs to Boggy Depot, andwest it miles, via Fort Ar InwaU ForVsffiauiuius auu tu asuj tmm noaay 56 milesto Mhermaa and going vestwertLBv Una ofU. 8. ForfaaJDD ml uaa nT Kl Pmmn- ni



iii i i Texas, oreast to Jsaeraon, etc: or rrnm

tTJUZrt:. vfLM"111 toLongvlew aad"""V aii j eaaa; orfrom Longvlew, via HunisvuietoNavaaoan.1M ml M. nil .i, Jgers entering Texas by


(HAXTIaWrOH OB UDUIUconcert than ever befo









PACKET COMPANY,ana sreignt Hhltn IHwnr IhsrtaaH Ktnias. H.II JBUraott

'If asm in

low the




SALL1E Vrun In connection with tba Sarnnni.

Little Book Railroad, leaving Davall'sa nn afar, kwmt. nauMaua ama ar,

Busy, at a onions p.m., ior lies Arc, AugustaJacksonport. Avery rMsai and Prt.Any Dor all pelnts between Sevsjps Bluir an daiaaavi siuw nrs,. a n, every TMsnraa

mtmmw www mwa t , auu .very 1SSSB1 alB nfalnaS n n. tna Lit,,. I

JOH? B. DAVI8, PrsaldenLA. Ctraar, aajomary and Treasursr. sal

Drv Goods!

Unprecedented Reduction


Southern Palace,

D. C. & H. M. Loewenstine



Good, Fresh and Seasonable Goods



Sweeping ReductionsHAVE BEEN MADE

Brown and Bleached Domestics,


Loewenstiiie's, Main








HAVE made unparalleled reductions in


C. & H. M.


Aitura tbeir friends and the public that this is a GENUINE

SALE, to reduca an unusually large and heavy stock, amount,ing to over $450,000, and eipecailly urge purchasers ta ex

amine it before going elsewhere, and ta call early, as our stockhas been marked at prices tbat WILL INSURE MMM ATE


332 MAIN ST.

Between Union and Monroe.

a. Mcdonald & bro.(Successors to Bsdiks A Co..)



FLOORING,Weather-Beardin- g & Dress'd Laaberlll-L-

S CUT TO ORDER SHORT NOTICE.SB--1 BBBSHal allaauaa gsvaw ss CBtasaBag BVUsa

BinBBjs naaa wallrBBa Tlanaaa .

mill Ajfit sma 1

Rear SeettMni 00 Works, Froat SLMbab Mouth Wolf Rivbb,

wn. a.


a. aowau


Cotton Factors,GROCERS




; ; : :

M a n n B a ra.

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wmtml. Aat.. Memphis, TTenn.

CHANGE OF SCHEDULE.Nfssfsslpp! aod Teaaessee ftaitmd

Osrica tsauaaajt. raa uarrr, 1

Uamnhl. St. U UfTI

rvN and alter aCMDAT. MAY anuffL anuV for ahar no tine, trains on thla road vblurun as follows :

Arrive. LaavaSew Orleans dally ...,., JsM a. lilo pja.Express dally IMao. fea. p.m.Freight dally (sxosptaun- -

i.. a :au a.apis Jajb. XOui, aau , .Sep ti


and Cloaks !







3225 & 324 MAIN STREET,

MeCambsA Co. 'sold Hardware 3tanaL)

MmvpJa-lMi- . i , Teaxi? w"a are now receiving onr Fall tHoeatthelarsaat and most attract 1 to we haveeveroflnred to the Trade.wlneat byng.g


Wines and Liquors,Re. 351 NaJe Stmt.


Memphis and LouisvilleSUMMEK SCHEDULE,

laae 12. 1871.xmin leave Day Exp

" aew Turk U"rwnsvUle accommodation leavedally

Buapani sleeping ears run 'urounh in aa.Louis and Louis vlUe on the.The 4 sjb. and SSM pun trains do sotTnaon Sunday. j. r. BOYD,JTSl SnparlD tan dent.



2 Unlea Strwtt : Meawwls. Ttat.MISSISSIPPI A TEriNE&ssEE R a

sacKBTs st asm 1'saa rat. prrrca,Mbmfbib, tit oar ia.rpHEAnnnsJMsetiag or th. Stocano

"u aau Tnnn issue KaaTTroad CnmDanv win h. h.iu rn.Hotsl. Memphis, on WedtiZ, 12?an election win oe aeld lor itlraaiiaT

-U-wniTl 0"'idn?u-KauS-!

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