The M. A. C. · lar~e number of our...

The M. A. C. RECORD. MICHIGAN STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. VOL. 17. BAND PROMENADE. The first promenade concert of the "ear w ill he givcn in the armory next" Fridayellening frotH 7 : 30 \0 9 :30. The balld j", worki ng tlp:m ex ct:1lellt prognull, and Pr of. King will be present 10 li\'ell up thl' O<:c:t- sioll with se\'eral sek ' ctions. R emember, ,,11 t he bd ies an: iu_ ,-ited to attend, frl'e of cha r :,!c, and the :rdmissioJI fo r the men is the very small sum of '5 Cl'lItS. A good m:tny are prohably not aw,ln: of the pr ogress of halld so far this \lear. It no\\- Ill1ln!)ers 35 mCI!, 'U lI!" h:ts the re gula r milit<lry cOIll]l:lny org-rt lli z<ttioll . Sho r tly .Ifto:r thc of tbe pitch of the bund wa s ch anxed f rom ("oncen to international, placin)! it UpVIl .1 footing, in tl1:lt respe ct, wilh the best ham)s ill the co untry. At the S;l l1l e ti me !len:u new instru- men'" wer c purchased _ four clari- nets,:I piccolo, a conc ut hurn. and an alto saxophone, at a of ;1)- proximately Durin;.!; the Chri;;t lJl ll lS acation. ncw IIHI SU;: st:lnds were also pUrl'hased, which will gre a tly improve the appea r ance of the b:lJ!d in C Oll ce r t. T he plaus uow undc r cO llsider:1tinn In' lile ba nd, to he of still to the st ud ent hody hy in:HIgur:nill;{ a scries of !::iu nday :tfterlloon ccrts, a rc g"i\'en morc ill delHil clso.:- where in issue . \\"e h:l\'c the bcst collcgc h:l!Id ill ;\Iic higan, and we belie\'e the stu- dent ho<ly is proull of il . \\' hy not h,l\'e thc best in the country: \ Ve ca n if we wan t it badly enough to work for it. \Ve the n1<."ll . \V e still need more equipment. Do your s har e to boost your band to the top by up 15 cellts wh en the tickets ar e brought around. Th en, after b u y ing- {he ti ck et, be sure to come to th e ar mory Frid:ty night and get double you r mOller's worth. FRUIT S HOW. T he fourth annual Fruit and Flower Sho w \\ ' il1 be g i lle n by the members of the Horti c ultural Club, pr obablv in a r oom in the agricul- tural bu-i ldi ng, Fr iday and Satu rday of this week. Th is promises to be one of t he largest, most inte r esti ng and tlttract ive shows yet given. A very fine lot of fru it, not o nly from EA .. ':!1' LA .. '\S I :\G. :\ II C IlI Ci.\)i. T l;E,SD.\Y, .1.\.xC\RY 9, variolls po i nts ill ?-.Iichigau. tollcj..{c ;H1I1 the South II<1VCll orclwT(is will be :ltlractivdy played. but there will he illte r cs!iu),;" exhihits f rom On:g-on, the :'\urth· west, [OW", \\ ' i5 co nsin, illdi;l1la, Ohio , York, PCllllsylvnnill, :-. ['l ss ac hllscttS. :tnd othe r seelioll;; of tlw COll lltr\". The lan;!sc"pc gardening stlldents will have ,Ill t:xhibit illuS lr <'lti\'C of this illlportalH suhject, :lnd a large 1H11l1hcr of g- r ccnhousc plant::. will be on <:"hihiliul\. with sOl1\cthill:,!" of the history of each . It is hOf.>t:d that ,HI apple pic CO Il- lI:sl C: HI he arr'Hlg:cd for. llunl h:15 c onsented to ask her scnio r class to If.,- their !larlll Ill:>king the . These will be judged, a mi the win- ner will r"cei\e, as a barrel of apple!'. It i:; expected that this f eainn: of the show will he of COI'- s idera hk T hi" fruit show is free lO all, ami all arc ,'ordia!(v ;nl ' ited to visit thi s disphly, whicli promises to be the hest I'I'e r madc. \V;l h:h the bulle- tin hoards for exact time :Hld pl:l(;e. " MAGDA " ENDORSED BY THE DRAMA LEAGUE. The Dr:mla of Am erica, or ganized iu within the last I'ear or two, with the al'owed purpose of acting" ;IS drum:!!ic cell- sor, arbiter, monitor, and the like in things d ra matic, is 110 doubt Joing (. g-reat wo r k in the matter of estab- lishin!! a dramati c standard in the Cuited !::itates; :lIld its influence is being f.:lt abroad . iL h <l s put its st: mlp o f upprov:11 upon ".\ Iag da," soo n to he given in the ar mo ry by the .\1. A. C. Dramatic Club. As a proft:ss iollal dramatic of- fe ring. "J\'b gda" has becn ma<ic famou s by ;\1 rs. Campbell in the ti tle role. )[0 other profess ion ; 11 actress, who has so br und e rta ken to impersona te the part, has been su ccess ful. Notwith st a ntling this fact, t he play has a lready been attemptell by amat eu r cast s at var i- ous colle ges in neighbori n g" st ates, an d in some cases with good success . The club has been ap proached by seye ral of its friends upon the sub- j ec t of its atte mp ting- a drama, and the M agda is the r Cluit, The club belie ves t he cas t will give a good acco unt of themselves. = ENTERT AINMENT FOR SHORT COURSE MEN. Thc first regular entertainment for men :lUcllding short W;!::; givc n in the ,:111 ..... .:h p:lrlon. :-;atur· lbye\ ·enin;.{. O\o.: r IS0 wer(' pres- ent, ;lnd an wal> made tu han! each man med l'\'er\" othe r man, with th .... r es u ll thnt a en· joyable and nuisy hou r spent. Dean Sh:1\\ the fellows a splendid talk Ih l' line of "The Olll and the New." pointing OUI Ihat the Lansill}:; chuI<.:h r q)re· sented the newcr ideas of chuH·h work ami helpfulness. I Ie :!1I10 ,I u'ept of Ihe privilc'!e5 of tlw Illen's r ooms for social intl'rcourse, attention to til .... het that tlle"e mi<!ht be m ade to senc thclII in the m:ulIlcr i n whid. rcgulars wcrc st"f\'ed h\· our !itcrar\' societ\" rooms. lJi s talk was r ecei\:ed witll enthu· SJ:tSIll . second medin;..;- will he ho.:ltl next en:ninu . at \\ tillie a will he gi\ ·en . in- a "hort ;\Ir. I' at- tl"u).!"ill or !Oome other fon;(-ful speake r. Ref r eshments will he Sl 'n cd . T he men wen; invitcd 10 llrop in at au} tiuK for:l I' isit wilh frie rllls, to writ e etc., and the indi cllio rr s an:: that these offers will he ac('eptell by a number of our short cou r se m en . On Fri llay e\lening"s the en tcrt:1in· ment of the!e studo.:nts will be ta ken c:r re o f fr om D ean 5h:lI\"s ollice, and everything" will be done by all conce rned to make the winte r mont.hs pleas:lflt fo r ou r short co urs e m en . "0. P. H. Pi pe r is a member of the firm of l>iper S: Demske, ma son c ontracto rs and hui lders, locl\led at 520 Fo rest A ve . E. , D etroit. ;\Ir. I>iper is p articularly interested !II the re ·inforc ed concrete work . , 1 I. O. G. And er so n, mem be r o f o\l r 19 11 g raduating class, and Grace Dickinson , with '13, were married at the home of the bride's pa r ents , in Da viso n, on Ch ri st masd:lY. Ivfr . A nderso n is in cha rge of a lar ge farm near Ri c hfield , where the young people wil! make their home . So. 1.; '6.,. Lewis J. Gibson. :t tll{,tlIher o f the class of '6\ , tlicd ll! his horne in Gr:lI1tl OI! Friday of last wl·ck. ;\Ir . had heen in /' poor ht':1lth for SOllie hut his condition nul cOlIsideH'd se rious. Aflcr s\\"cepin;.( his porch on aho\ ,C lillie. he complai ned of feeling" ,"cry tired, '1I1t1, sittin;.!; \low\l ill :1 chair, quietly ;\Ir. Gib::;oll \1 as a promilll'!lt tl, .. dll"r alld mer· ch:l!lt until his Ill·,,\th ftliled him.:I few VC;lr" siJ1cC which time he has ii\'ed q"uietly :tt hi" home ill G ralltl Led.:.;e. [\e was ,:.:"r:1IIIe(1 the dt.'!trce of ,\1 . S. hy thi __ l'01lL-g-t.' in IS6j, :md wa" C lIll' of thl' thn·\.' liv" ing: lIlemhers of his ch,,, ;:; of '64- The IWO rellt:tillin;,: arc I)r. \\"il- !i:\111 \\'. D(lI1ic1I,;, of tlw of \\·i;:;("ol1"io . :rntl i.l'wi,; \ "1I1(!c r- bill, of Phocnix, Ari/. '1)6. \\ '. J. ;\lcliee, with the l!llreall of ill t he UI"tUIlI hous e at ;.; ew Orfc.tns. La .. is kl'pt hus}' tht.'sc days . lie i" in Ihe food :1Ilt! drug lailo rat ory , .ttld work at presen! almO"1 ,·t1tird} wilh il11- I)(,rtcd ;,:oods. Prof. \I.,ker had a pic:tl>anl dlal \1 ilh hi111 Oil h is re- t'ent trip. 'UI. Ilugh P. Bolkcr has :-;tall' Coll,·).!"e . tu a eccpt the eh:l ir of fOTl:stn in the of lIIinui", awl ",iiI a;;;SlImc hi" in Ihe l;lIt,'r iustltlltioll _\pril t. I>wf. Ibkcr wil! o:I\ 'e l'har;,:e "f the cn- lire tkpartllwnt at Illilloi". anti \\ill h1l\e wo rk huth in the \ll1il l ·r " it\ · '02 . .. \. I ·: . Kodler II frotll Slut _\ n 'o llio, T e:-..: ··\\·c an; m"pping , this \I illter, .. bollt 1.000 S(I"a r e mile;;; of soils lI·ill.!:" illll1ll'lliiltdy north and we.,t of I\lItonio,\\ hich is onc "tl'P iI, the Bllre;lu's-,Camlda to lhe Gulf i<e,·01.1I0iS(ltll:e' project begun ill the SUIllOl cr of 11JO,s ." '°9 · Alf rell \Iitchell .\tId .- \m y Ruth Edw a rd s were married in S:m Fr:lIl eisco, Dec, The young people will be at home a ft er .1 :1 11. 15 in tho: Empire Court apart· ment, cor. of Busch and Lt::t"ell- worth Sts., S(UI Francisco . ;\[ itehell W:IS " poplIl'lr mcmner of '09, :U1 d has best w ishes of his man)' friends for long life and happiness. "0. ,.1'\. Bid we ll writ es for all alu m_ ni' catalog fr om Saerllmento, Cali- fornia, and add s; "Th is problem of making a living k eeps mc so busy these days that littJe el se is accompl i shed, althoug-h occas ionall y an old .M. A. C. st ud ent or pr ofes- sor is f ound . Prof. Cook, who taught there in '70, is doing mu ch f or California ho rt iculture, and the ah1! lIl1 i he re seem in pleasant cir - c umstan ces." Mr. Bidwell 's resi. dence addr e ss is '406 Elln St.

Transcript of The M. A. C. · lar~e number of our...

Page 1: The M. A. C. · lar~e number of our short course men. On Frillay e\lening"s the entcrt:1in· ment of the!e studo.:nts will


VOL. 17.


The first promenade concert of the "ear w ill he givcn in the armory next" Fridayellening frotH 7 :30 \0 9 :30. The balld j", working tlp:m exct:1lellt prognull, and Prof. King will be present 10 li\'ell up thl' O<:c:t­sioll with se\'eral sek'ctions.

R emember, ,,11 the bd ies an: iu_ ,-ited to attend, frl'e of char:,!c, and the :rdmissioJI fo r the men is the very small sum of '5 Cl'lItS.

A good m:tny are prohably not aw,ln: o f the p rogress of th~ halld so far this \lear. It no\\- Ill1ln!)ers 35 mCI!, 'UlI!" h:ts the regula r milit<lry cOIll]l:lny org-rt lliz<ttioll . Sho r tly . Ifto:r thc opellin~ of colk~c, tbe pitch of the bund was ch anxed from ("oncen to international, placin)! it UpVIl .1 footing, in tl1:lt respect, wilh the best ham)s ill the country. At the S;l l1l e t ime !len:u new instru­men'" werc purchased _ four clari­nets,:I piccolo, a concu t hurn. and an alto saxophone, at a co~t of ;1)­proximately $~<x) . Durin;.!; the Chri;;t lJlll lS \·acation. ncw IIHISU;: st:lnds were also pUrl'hased, which will greatly improve the appea rance of the b:lJ!d in COllce r t. T he plaus uow undcr cOllsider:1tinn In' l ile band, to he of still fnrth~r !;~rI-ice to the student hody hy in:HIgur:nill;{ a scries of !::iu nday :tfterlloon ~'on­

ccrts, a rc g"i\'en morc ill delHil clso.:­where in thi~ issue.

\\"e h:l\'c the bcst collcgc h:l!Id ill ;\Iichigan, and we belie\'e the stu­dent ho<ly is proull of il . \\' hy not h,l\'e thc best in the country: \ Ve can if we wan t it badly enough to work for it. \Ve ha~c the n1<."ll . \Ve still need mo re equipment. Do your share to boost your band to the top by di~ging up 15 cellts when the tickets are brought around. Then, after buy ing- {he ticket, be sure to come to th e a r mory Frid:ty night and get double you r mOller's worth.


T he fourth annual Fruit and Flower Show \\' il1 be g i lle n by the members of the Horticultural Club, p robablv in a room in the agricul­tural bu-i lding, Friday and Satu rday o f this week. Th is promises to be one of the largest, most interesting and tlttractive shows yet given. A very fine lot of fru it, not only from

EA .. ':!1' LA .. '\SI :\G. :\IIC IlI Ci.\)i. T l ;E,SD.\Y, .1.\.xC\RY 9, 1~1:!.

variolls points ill ?-.Iichigau. tollcj..{c ;H1I1 the South II<1VCll st;~tioll

orclwT(is will be :ltlractivdy di~­

played. but there will he illte r cs!iu),;" exhihits from On:g-on, the :'\urth· west, [OW", \\ ' i5consin, illdi;l1la, Ohio, ~cw York, PCllllsyl vnnill, :-. ['lssachllscttS. :tnd othe r seelioll;; of tlw COll lltr\".

The lan;!sc"pc gardening stlldents will have ,Ill t:xhibit illuSlr<'lti\'C of this illlportalH suhject, :lnd a large 1H11l1hcr of g- rccnhousc plant::. will be on <:"hihiliul\. with sOl1\cthill:,!" of the history o f each .

It is hOf.>t:d that ,HI apple pic COIl­

lI:sl C:HI he arr'Hlg:cd for. [,~()f. llunl h:15 consented to ask her scnior class to If.,- their !larlll Ill:>king the pie~ . These will be judged, ami the win­ner will r"cei\e, as a pri~e,:1 barrel of apple!'. It i:; expected that this feainn: of the show will he of COI'­s iderahk inh:r~st.

T hi" fruit show is free lO all, ami all arc ,'o rdia!(v ;nl' ited to visit this disphly, whicli promises to be the hest I'I'er madc. \V;lh:h the bulle­tin hoards for exact time :Hld pl:l(;e.


The Dr:mla Lea~ue of America, o rganized iu Chi~:ll{o within the last I'ear or two, with the al'owed purpose of acting" ;IS drum:!!ic cell­sor, arbiter, monitor, and the like in things d ra matic, is 110 doubt Joing (. g-reat wor k in the matter of estab­lishin!! a dramatic standard in the Cuited !::itates; :lIld its influence is being f.:lt abroad . iL h <ls put its s t:mlp o f upprov:11 upon ".\ Iagda," soon to he given in the armory by the .\1. A. C. Dramatic Club.

As a proft:ssiollal dramatic of­fe ring. "J\'b gda" has becn ma<ic famous by ;\1 rs. Campbell in the ti tle role . )[0 other profession;11 actress, who has so br unde rta ken to impersonate the ~Iagda part, has been successful. Notwithstantling this fa c t, the play has a lready been attemptell by amateu r casts at vari­ous colleges in neighbori n g" s tates, and in some cases with good s uccess.

The club has been approached by seyeral of its friends upon the sub ­ject of its a t tempting- a ~eavy drama, and the M agda is the r Cluit, The club belie ves the cast will give a good account of themselves.



Thc first regular entertainment for men :lUcllding short cou r~cs W;!::;

givcn in the ,:111 ..... .:h p:lrlon. :-;atur· lbye\·enin;.{. O\o.: r IS0 wer(' pres­ent, ;lnd an 1I1\~'rnpt wal> made tu han! each man med l'\'er\" othe r man, with th .... resu ll thnt a n-lO~1 en· joyable and nuisy hou r wa~ spent.

Dean Sh:1\\ ~a\'c the fellows a splendid talk alon~ Ih l' line o f "The Olll and the New." pointing OUI Ihat the E.t ~t Lansill}:; chuI<.:h rq)re· sented the newcr ideas of chuH·h work ami helpfulness. I Ie ur~c{l :!1I10 ,Iu'ept of Ihe privilc'!e5 of tlw Illen's rooms for soci al intl'rcourse, c:.IJiIl~ attention to til .... het that tlle"e mi<!ht be made to senc thclII in the ~'llIle m:ulIlcr i n whid. rcgulars wcrc st"f\'ed h\· our !itcrar\' societ\" rooms. lJis talk was recei\:ed witll enthu· SJ:tSIll . Th~ second medin;..;- will he ho.:ltl

next ~atunl:t y en:ninu. at \\ hi~·lt tillie a pro~ram will he gi\·en . in­clud i n~ a "hort spel"~'h h~ ;\Ir. I' at­tl"u).!"ill or !Oome other fon;(-ful speake r. Refreshments will he Sl'n cd .

T he yOUJl~ men wen; a~ain invitcd 10 llrop in at au} tiuK for:l I' isit wilh frie rllls, to write lett~'r", etc., and the indiclliorr s an:: that these offers will he ac('eptell by a lar~e number of our short cou rse m en .

On Frillay e\lening"s the en tcrt:1in· ment of the!e studo.:nts will be ta ken c:r re o f from Dean 5h:lI\"s ollice, and everything" will be done by all concerned to make the winte r mont.hs pleas:lflt fo r ou r short course men .


P. H. Pi per is a member of the firm of l>iper S: Demske, mason contractors and hui lders, locl\led at 520 Fo rest A ve . E., D etroit. ;\Ir. I>iper is particularly interested !II

the re ·inforced concrete work .

, 1 I.

O. G. Anderson, membe r of o\l r 19 11 g raduating class, and Grace Dickinson , with '13, were married at the home of the bride's pa rents, in Davison, on Ch ristmasd:lY. Ivfr. A nderson is in charge of a la rge farm near Richfield, where the young people wil! make their home.

So. 1.;

'6.,. Lewis J. Gibson. :t tll{,tlIher o f

the class o f '6\ , tlicd ll! his horne in Gr:lI1tl L~d}!"t.' OI! Friday of last wl·ck. ;\Ir . Uib~ol\ had heen in /' poor ht':1lth for SOllie tim~·. hut his condition w,,~ nul cOlIsideH'd se rious. Aflcr s\\"cepin;.( his porch on aho\,C lillie. he complai ned of feeling" ,"cry tired, '1I1t1, sittin;.!; \low\l ill :1 chair,·d quietly a\\· ,,~. ;\Ir. Gib::;oll \1 as a promilll'!lt tl, .. dll"r alld mer· ch:l!lt until his Ill·,,\th ftliled him.:I few VC;lr" ;1~0. siJ1cC which time he has ii\'ed q"uietly :tt hi" home ill G ralltl Led.:.;e. [\e was ,:.:"r:1IIIe(1 the dt.'!trce of ,\1 . S. hy thi __ l'01lL-g-t.' in IS6j, :md wa" ClIll' of thl' thn·\.' liv" ing: lIlemhers of his ch,,, ;:; of '64-The IWO rell t:tillin;,: arc I)r. \\"il-!i:\111 \\'. D(lI1ic1I,;, of tlw L-l1iver~ity of \\· i;:;("ol1"io. :rntl i.l'wi,; \ "1I1(!c r-bill, of Phocnix, Ari/.

'1)6. \\' . J. ;\lcliee, with the l!llreall of

ch~Uli;'tn' ill the UI"tUIlI house at ;.; ew Orfc.tns. La .. is kl'pt hus}' tht.'sc days. lie i" in Ihe food :1Ilt! drug lailo ratory , .ttld hi~ work at presen! i~ almO"1 ,·t1tird} wilh il11-I)(,rtcd ;,:oods. Prof. \I.,ker had a pic:tl>anl dlal \1 ilh hi111 Oil h is re­t'ent trip.


Ilugh P. Bolkcr has resi~llt.'d a~ profe""oroff(lr,·,;tr~:lt Pl·IJIl~yh.tI\i:l :-;tall' Coll,·).!"e . tu aeccpt the eh:l ir of fOTl:stn in the Ut1i\"er~it\· of lIIinui", awl ",iiI a;;;SlImc hi" dl~[ies in Ihe l;lIt,'r iustltlltioll _\pril t. I>wf. Ibkcr wil! o:I\'e l'har;,:e "f the cn­lire tkpartllwnt at Illilloi". anti \\ill h1l\e w ork huth in the \ll1il l ·r"it\·

'02 .

.. \. I·: . Kodler II rik~ frotll Slut _\ n'ollio, T e:-..: ··\\·c an; m"pping , this \I illter, .. bollt ~ 1.000 S(I"a re mile;;; of soils lI·ill.!:" illll1ll'lliiltdy north and we.,t of ~:1n I\lItonio,\\ hich is onc "tl'P iI, the Bllre;lu's-,Camlda to lhe Gulf i<e,·01.1I0iS(ltll:e' project begun ill the SUIllOlc r of 11JO,s."

'°9· Alfrell \Iitchell .\tId ~Iiss .-\my

Ruth Edwards were married in S:m Fr:lIleisco, Dec, ~9' The young people w ill be at home a fter .1 :1 11. 15 in tho: Empire Court apart· ment, cor. of Busch and Lt::t"ell­worth Sts., S(UI Francisco. ~Ir.

;\[ itehell W:IS " poplIl'lr mcmner of '09, :U1d has best w ishes of his man)' friends for long life and happiness.


,.1'\. Bidwell w rites fo r all alu m _ ni' catalog f rom Saerllmento, Cali­fornia, and adds; "This problem o f making a living keeps mc so busy these days that littJe else is accomplished, althoug-h occasionally an old .M. A. C. student or p rofes­sor is found . Prof. Cook, who taught there in '70, is doing mu ch for California hort iculture, and the ah1!lIl1i here seem in pleasant cir ­cumstances." Mr. Bidwell 's resi. dence address is '406 Elln St.

Page 2: The M. A. C. · lar~e number of our short course men. On Frillay e\lening"s the entcrt:1in· ment of the!e studo.:nts will

The M . A. C. RECORD ~"'." ... ~O .v~.y 'f .. n.,., IIU . ' ~ II n •• co~uc.

'fUll • • TN. " 'eoI''' A'' .'f". . " • • e .. Ly .. ,, _ L COLLO.,O

80 C ItHTS ~IHI VitA"

J!:n\.e!'t'd "' HCOnd~II"" nuo.lI maHer At LaD~II", M Ich.

Addrell!l lLl ....... erlpt lonl .. nd !I.d"lIrttslll lli matter \0 tbe M. A O. HItOOKI>. Ean IAn­liDe. ) lLeb. A"dre~1 All eonHlbuUoDJ W t be Manqlnll EdItor.

RemIt by P. O. MOlle)' Order, o.,.n or Re ll lltere<1 I../lUt •• 00 not ."nd I t aml)!l.

BUllne .. o m c:e with IA .. ren~ '" Van Buren j'r\ntlnll 00 •. tll)-~11 II.IInd A ,'e. :So •. LIw.hllf. M Ich.



A tolill of 338 persons huve en­rolled for work ill our short winter cou rses, :is compll rcd with 32 I in 19'1. Of this nUlllber, 187 have entered for the first year in general agriculture, and .. 1-4 for the second year. The remainder arc di\'idL'(1 as follows: Creamery. 49 j Fruit G rowin}!" 39; Poultry, 16; and Ch~escrnaking. 3. Protcticatlye,'cry section of the state is represented in these COIIl"SeS, and tho:: t'nrotlml'nt blaoks sho w sCI'eral from outside of J.fichignll. Only \WO womell, one fo r the work in Fruit Growin;,:' :md onc in Poultry, ha\'<: enrolled.

It is illter~slin:J TO lIotc prepara· tion o f this clas .. for the work in h:md. The !lumber h:lling rec<:il' ed instruction bcyond the onlin.,ry eighth g rlldc is 1~5' Th e-se art' div ided as follo\\"~: 9 ~rades, H: 10 grades, -II: II ztades, Ii: ,~ g-r;ldes, p. The records show Ih:ll :5 hale IHld one or more years of collc~e or un;I'ersity .trainin~. :mel 16 ha\e a\t\!llded hUSHll;u (:oll~·~e.

Amoll).{ thoSe enrolled w e nulc the followillg: Robert Y. J.arJl\!d, P h. H., Cll ilt.:r.!. ity o f :'-olidlig;m , in Frui\ Gruwin:.!': 1~ :1I1 1 H. Rhons, S. B., t ; niler", ity of Chicll~o in '909, a chctni~1 0)( J)droll, :l1so ill the dass in rnlil Culum:; O scar J. 1100011 . of l...all",ill).!". :) 'lr;hlu:ttc of the C. o f :'-01. lil\\" (IlU rSe- ill 'b7' h:ls en· I('r,-d f,u the "",rK ill Poultn. :lIld l!clln II . T ih!,·. B ...... inl": E .. a ,l:r:i.llu~k of the l l1i\l'r~il~ of ~J kh· ig-IIlI, now of tit,!! ,·j H apid"" is studyin~ fruil ("rowillg.

F olluwlIlg i~ a li'l \Ii th~, .. e who h:I\'e cnl("r.:J Cor Ihe II urk ,hi· .1 l';n :

OKSERAI. -,OItICl'LTrRt P'1R!iT YE.llt,

.\dIl.1I1.~. Llo~'J J .\ la m'J. )hcl,. Anllr., ....... Thomeb \\" 1' .. lOl\l:ey. ~ltcl.

Arnutroflg. t..:lt.r .. tl'~ H . '1p.till,lltl. )!i.cb .

Bal l. Chene:r U IJ , ..... gia.c. ~Ieb B"lIe. eh" w o"UQit Miell. &ltteT Fr~ r !ll ')t1""y Jrlle!, Beach. Lem \ltI'1!.:k. Micb. Be.ngd.I, Juliu~ T ac-btuh, MH'!! B8g. Arthur:-, C.:Jlltv., lhcb BiMeI! . lrt'lng J rj".,nd }tap: 11; )hch Black . John J • Sl;.nojll·~ .!IIlCh Blanchard, I.e.ur H""",,y :M ICf Boersema, RicharJ }f vr .. nd &Opi,I.,

Mich. BoLimer. Earl. He6+.: )11" h. B~yuton, Walter W ., St 19l1lOCl:: lIicb.. Briggs. han D .• Belle\'ue, Mich Buck.ham . Roy. Kalamazoo. }l leh. Lyn n L .. Tillton. Miell . Burger. Vere, Bangor, M.ich. Carpenter. Chuence C., Troy, Miell. CaU. !lIurnl.y 4 . South BM·en. Mioh. Clark. Earl W., Grand Rapids. Mich. Clark. Je&IIe B., Gaines. Mioh. Cleland, Wllaon, KAlamazoo. Mich. Clements, Ferman Ro , Sa.(ine. M.ieh. Coleman, Charles L .. ShsJt.aburg, Mieh. Cook. Clarence D., BrooKlyn, M.ich.

The M . A. C. RECORD.

Cook, Roya] J ., Ada. Mich. Cope, Harvey, Yale, Mich. Cornish, Leo F. If., Lawton. Mich. Co~ert, Ba rry E., Les.lle, Mich. CumminS9. Allen G., Bat.tle Creek,

Mich. Daugherty, Charles R . Me line. Mich. Davenport. Guy V ., Clinton. Mich. Denniston, Msntille. Hersey. Mlcb. Dernmnre, J. Earl. Ashley, Mich. DiCKie. Bruce S .• Pontiac, M.ich. Dobbyn. Da~id. Capac, Micb. Drake. Boward N., Crystal. Mich. Dudley. C. Henry. Brown City . Mioh. Dudley, Rolland A .. Brown Ci ty, Mich. Duncan, J ohn A., Three Oaks. Mich. Dunn. Fred. Bay City, Mich. Dlirham. Clarence 0 .. Vassar. l\1ieh. Eddy, Charles B .. B!ld ing. Mich. Edmonds. Milton. HaI!tin~. Mich. Edward~. Edward J ., Charlo,"oi!:. Mich. Ely, Ralph W .• Oli ... et. lItich. Emmert. Fl1lnk E., Midland. Mich. E,,·ing . G. FranK, Rolls, Mich. E\\'ing, J. Merle. Pent\\'a~er. )llch. Featherly, Willie D .. t-lie. Mich. Fish, AlJel J .. Blanchard. Mich. Fishbeck. Fenton . Alma. Mich. Fitzgerald, Roger J., Shepherd, Mich. Forgar. Roy, Si.J> Le.ketl , Mich. FOSLer. Richard A .. Fowlerville. Mich. Foster. Wesley. Fowler dlle. Mich. l-'owler, Lee. )Iayl"ille, Mich. Frou. Chari&! W .. Gladwin. )lich. F uller , Floyd , Jeddo. m ch. Gibbins. H. Dean . Jackson. ~fich. Gitchell. James G., Hudson\·il!e. Mich. Goble. Warren W., Goble ... iIle. Mich. Gray. Charlie. Middhn·i1Ie. Mich. Gretton. Louis R .• MalKln. Mich. Groll. Paul D., Metamora, ~Jicll.

Groner. Martin J .. Clifford . ~li ch. IIuJl. Hoy C., Cageville. Mic h. HRrgrea ... es. Cil ris. Harbor lleRch, ) Iich. Barris. Ihlph E .. "Wa.n. Mich. Barris. FloyJ. Clark ,tall. ~I ich.

B!l.tha\\"ay. Wa.rd. Odd. Mich. Hayden. Rober~ T .. C"'~30polis. Mic h. LInel. Jatn~ 5 .• Grand Ledge. Mich. 8icb. Earl C .. Ala.nson . l l ich. lIiII, William R. , Gera., Mich. B ird, L9~lieJ . , Deca.tur, Mich Hoffw.!ln, Geor~ \\' . , Sagina"', llich HolmB, Arthur W ., Cilllriotte. ~I ich.

Houlding. Ycrtlon. Grllnt. llich. HOlnl. Rer T , IthlU::a, l\Iich Hudson, H\I.)" R. South Boardman.

Mich . l:oles, Be-nja.min H., Bro .... n City, )lich. Jensen. Serom P .. Sa:l(lu.k~·. llich. Jones. Fred. Ec kforJ. )Ii{·h. Jolm.wn. Henry N. , Pearle, Mic h. Johnson, Louie A , fenndlle. lfi('h. J ohMOn, ReI :'.1., La"'rell~, ~lich .

John~Jn. ltoe, La .... rence, l lh;h. Juengel. Emalluel M., (;8ro .. Mich. Kanouse. l..eon D .. Quiney. JIIich. Ked. Alben ~I., Grand Rapids. Mh;h, Kimball , Gordon F .. Alpena. :'Ilich . King. F. Elgin, 1(oS!<. Mich. Rillg. Karl S., Green\·jI\e. ~ich. Knowlton . ~I arl, J .. ILhlloca . l'IJich_ Koch, Henry J .• Killamazoo. Mid). Kolk. Herma n D. , l-'remont. Mich. Kurtz Hnrace B ., Flint. Mic h. KW"\:z. Clayt"n V., F lint. l l ich . Kuyper. Anie D .. Fremont. Mich Laarman. Edward, l lariun. Mich. Loom~rt. Frank W .. Detroit, ltlch. Latter. Fred C. Whittemore. Mich. Lepeth.y. Ernest E. , Bolt . Miel •. Und5tr'Jrn . Arthur. Cadillac. llich. Lmu.n. I'-Klie W .. Litcht'iI.ld. Mich UUlelield, Franklin f .. Far .... ell, Mich. Luekhilrd. Charles F .. SelJew"illg. Mich. Lyo n , Eugene C .. MlIo6On. Mich. Lytle. Burner B .. Lawton. Mich. Magnu&On. Clyde L .• Cadillac, Mich. Mahrte. Carroll. Eck ford . Mich. Malpas~, Will H .. East Jordan. Mich. Manley. William B ., SandU5ky, Mich. Martin, Irving B .. Lennon, Mich. Martindale, Theodore M .. Grand Rnpids,

Mioh. Muon. Willi8 J ., Mo ntgomery, Mic h. U .. .-well. Myron H .. Mt. P1e&88nt. Micll. .

Meeuwenherg. Henry, Fremont. M.ich. Menill. Lowel.\. E .• Meal1J, Mich. Merriman, Willis, Deckerville. Mich. Messer , VerDe B , Almont., Mich. Miller, Vance, Bowell , Mich. llorning, Otto S., BlUlgiog Rock, Ohio. Montague, Ralph C., M~. Morrill, Mich. Moon, Martin, Brunswick, Mich. Moore. Ori&,ln J .• Oke m08, Mich. Newell, Earl. Burnips Cornel'!!, Mich. Niemitalo, J ohn E., Kalh·a. Mich. O'Brien, Edward )1. . Grand Rapids.

Mich. PArker, Leo, Cassopolis, Mich. Pattison, J . Ford . Kalamazoo, Mich. Peck, FrAnk J. , Ada.. Mich. Pennock, Ralph C., Nashville, Mich. Petteys, nce S. , Byron, Mich. P icklurd. Lisle M., Adrian, Mich. Pierce, Frank , S.'I.nd Lake, Mich. Pihl . Arthur S. , Battle Creek, Mich. Pobanz. Otto P .• Sebewaing, Mich. Reber, Ed "'in J ., 1\Ioll roe, Mich. Renard. Elmer G., Stryker, Ohio. Reynolds, Raymond, Alamo, llich. Riohard80n. I.lewilllyn, Detroi t , Mich. Rickard, Glell 'V., Rart , Mich. Rockwell, Lyle A .• Homestead, Mich. Russell, John D., Kalamazoo, 1I.ich. Sanderson, Earl R., Bronson. Micli. Schaberg. A.rthur R., Geta, m c h. Sehoemheit. Albert c., Saginaw, W. S.,

Mich. Schoo, Tony. PrOliper, Mich. Sch rader, Glen L., Center ... i1Ie, lI ich. Seeley. Charles F .• Evan. Mic h. Shapton. Earl J .• Charlevoi .J>. Mich. Shephard. William, Brown City, illich. Smith. Major 8.. B.I'ron. Mich. Snlitler. Bellry E .. Grand Rapids. '\lich. Stock. Welby A., Meta:nora. Mich. Swanson. J . Victor. :'.Ianistee, Mich. Sweet . Frank R .• Decken ·iIIe. Mich . Sweet. Glen. Carson ville. Mich. Swi~her. Morl J .. Dowagiac, Mich. Tusker. Lloyd J .. Bel!enle. Miuh . Thorne. Perch'al S .• l:'enl ... ick. Mieh. To,,"onen. TOII"O .\ .. KAtd,·a. )Iic l:l . U \,haur,

)lich. Benjamin B., ~lanehe5ter ,

,'nnder Heide, John, Marion. bl ieh. ' ·olz. JSL'Ob J .. MontrOi:le. blich. Wahl. Will;,; )1 . c.:~ nter..-jlle . Mich . Waldoll. Arthur W .. Dowagiac. )Iieh. Walker. Lee C .. Uuoters Creek. Mich. Walk{lr. J. 1:IUllttll'!! Creek.

)lich . Warner. Clare G .. Ypsilanti, :Mich. War,,"r. Lloyu. Defor<l. ~lieh.

Weerd, HlITr~·. Byron C,mte.r. :llie h. We-Ibo rll . Sterling. Kalamazoo. Mieb. Wenig, Ralph. Prattl"ille. l l ich. Wilson. Holnnd J .. ("n o. )IiL:h. Winn. HOrace W., hulay City. Mir-h. Wise. Frank. Ui ... as Junction. Mich . Young. 1:1 . K .. RiI'e~ Junction. Mich. Young. Lynn E .. Ril,t!!> Junction. !tieil.

, .. ""tnd., " (1(,, ... ill b< r"bl;.b.~ ..... ' •• ok.)


To the majontj' of collc;.::c 1lI{"Il,

!::lunJ,I)' afternoon is hy f:tr tIll' long. est half dav of the whole weck, I'N the one il~ which leas! is acnim_ pli-.hcd. A hllnt'h o f men lIIar con· lo;"rcgate in some fellow's room :lnd sW"P slories, o r it few morc lOa}' have a gamc of ords. or try:. hand al domestic scienc ... , with the aid of sOllie other mlill'S eh:lfing dish. etc .. hut neady every man comes to the dose of lhe (l3y with the feelinl; thnt the time h:ls bee n wasted , to a ce rtain cxtent.

R cali:o:ing this condition, and be· liel' in A: that the student boJ)' w ill appreci ate any effort m:lde to im· prove this sittl<1lion, the band is p lan. niug a series o f ~unday afternoon concer ts, to be r iven in the armory during the winter months. These concer ts will be free to all. Th e progrn ms w ill be va r ied in na tu re, and the best talent obtainable w ill be

presented. ArT!lngemenu are being mad e to provide seats fo r all who come, and it is huped the armory may be filIL'd to overflowing at every one of Ihese concerts, demonstrating again and agai ll our need for ;l more cOllllllodious auditorium.

The dllle o f the firsl eoncer! will be posted 011 Ihe bullclin bo~rds ;IS

soon as definite :lrr:lIlge ments can be made.

B r ing your friends with )'ou.

M . A·. C. 70-MT. PLEASANT 10.

1\1. A. C. h;ld ;1 walk.n.way ill the basket 1.1:111 g:lI lle !:::iaturday "vt'n­ing in the college ar mory. Every man pu t up a splendid game, and the team wo rk was :I)so of a high order. The tinal score indicates Ih,lt i\\. A. C. was bus)' ne<1rl~' all the time. Cllpt. C h a In b e r I a in secured ten bnskels, while Gauthic r was a close second wilh 9. Sics, pl:t,l'in~ his first. ,arsity ~:lIne, showed up well III his position at Center} :md a lso won hill shar(' of counts. Several shifts lVere Illude, as is shown hy Ihe fol1owi n~ line· up, :lIId prospec ts :Ire cc r t:linly b rig-ht for a firsl·cl:lss team.

Ct'lller-::'pellccr, ~ies. F"orwurds _ YalS, Spencer, GlIU·

thier. Gu :ltd~ - Ch:lmherlain. li 0 s~,

Dodl-:c. The lIe)'1 scheduled hom .. · J:':Il1h':

will be with , \rmoll r InslilulC, U ll

)':111. -:'i . On Friday of th is "eek the tcam play :\ rmuur I !lSlitule al Chkngv, and un the 13th North. I\estern :11 Evanston .

111 addition to Ihe sclle\lulc pre· \ i,)usly puhlished.:1 gnme hus l'c"'1\ :trr:ull!cd wi th Ihe Internalionals of Buff'llo . \\ho corm' 10 ~I. 1\. C .

J.III. ! /. Thi ~ le,un 11':15 forme I' ll L'ompf/scd of Ihe Buff'llo (i eTm:ms, "ho. :11 the lilllc. held Ihi;' ch:ullpioll' >!hip of tht· l. ~.

Good cb~" g-arnei! :tre prolHi~t"(I, anti we hope 10 puhlish the rc;.!ular eI:ISS s~hcdt1I~' Ill'x t \1 Ct·k.

:'-oJi ... ~ !lilll1nelhe rg:~· r. \\ho n~si!>tl'd ;11 lIIu~ic 1.,,,1 IL'rm, II i1l1101 rdurn to cIJJIc)!~' this \Iiuler. She pbns 10 ;'::0 ~oulh wilh h.:r 1I10 lher f'n " kw monlh s.

Prof . .lcffl·r~ s)lilk ... befor t.' the ag-ricul tllr:11 ~llIllenl" al ~I. Johns I:!st ~!tlUrd:l\, 011 farm m!l II!l"enl(' I\T, .tmi I\ill ;:ive ,I" nddress at:'-ola;;nn on soils nexl :::;"turd:lj.

Mr. and ~Irs. Fred Lorce, of Illni~l . 1\ l'rc g:\Iesl~ of Ihe lat ter 's :.unl, :'-01 rl!. C. i\. COTlII:ll, (wcr !'-iuli' d:II·. "Ir. Loree is a cousin of H obert l.oree, "3,

.\1 iss ScoU, II hile on he r \ :ll'at;oll, W'I~ llll.ite seriou,;ly hurl hi' f:ll1ill~ 011 Ihe: ICl' , ant! W:1S 0111\' :lble to re­turn 10 her IllIti~ as instructor in music 011 Saturday.

Prof. ,ul(1 :'-oJr". \ '. T. \\ ilson vis. ited UI Ihe hOllic of Pruf. ami i\ lrs . Arthur G. I lall, Ann Arhar, X~·w Year;;: '-'roL I lal1 is regisl ra.r of the sCience deparlmel1l ill Ihe uni· \"ersil)'.

111~lr ll etOr :'-olu sslclll nn attended a mceting of the American ASi'oc1l· tion of Al{ricultur:ll Engineers 3t St. Paul, Minn., duri ng the Ch rist· Illas vacatio n . Power machinerv, construction wo rk: and farm m:.rchin_ eryench recei ved a shAre of allen­tiol1 at the meeting, and Mr. i\·I lIssel. man returned wi th II la rger view th an ' eve r of his chosen wor k, in which he says the re is a great future .


Page 3: The M. A. C. · lar~e number of our short course men. On Frillay e\lening"s the entcrt:1in· ment of the!e studo.:nts will



The M. A. C. RECORD .

ROBERT SMITH PRINTING CO. Uhe mills !Dr)? <Soobs <to. 108-11 0 WAS HINCTON A V E . SOUTH



CLASS PUBLICATIONS .... 0 COLLECE ANNUALS WE are z'n larger store quarters and have addul several 11C7.1) lines-Suits, Coals.

\Ve everything ill the line of I'Vais/s, Art Needle 'York, elc., and 71.Ii/l be carry

Annou~cements, Programs, Invitations, Etc. pleased to meet all our collegefriellds 0/ last year, and as mallY Tle'tv friends as possible.

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ELCIN MIFFLIN Norton'S HarOware M. J. 8. B. M. BUGK

-.. '.-~ .. ,

, . . . ABOUT THE CAMPUS -"liss ;'>.[ildre,l R ohll, ill colleg-c

j \Vo y("'ars a.!{o, has returned to con ­linue her colh:g(· work_

}oJ r il . R nler returned, last week , from .\Ja~sh;,ll, .\Iich ., where "he has been (aring for her fathe r, who is scriou sly ill.

~Iiss .\Iary St evens, of .\l arengo, IlL, returned, with ha s is ter, .\Iiss Grncc Ste\-cns, at the beginlli"g- of thc term, and will rellw ill at .\1. A. C . for a b rief visil .

O. I. Gregg writes that he has phlced an order for a la rge number of fruit :lnd walunt trees, to be pl:llltcd on thi: Fairdew fruit :llld poultry ranch at Grant's P:1S!, Orc­g:01l. i\lr_ Gregg enjoys thc \\ 'cst, and st:lles that the \I·t,alhe r is ve ry mild at this time o f the year.

i\liss frcyhofer is agaill ill Ch:l~C of the music at M_ A . C., after a three mo nths' stay in )Jew York C i ty . III addit ion to the pleasu re of -hearing- the best mu sic New York affords during thc fan season, Miss Freyhofer took one term of ~rgan lessons under \VIn. C. Carl, ·of the Guilmant Organ School.

A Illceting of those interested 1ll

local option was held in the church parlors Friday night, at which time M r. j. E_ Hammond, of Lallsing, outlined the plan o f campaign, and told of wo rk being done. Commit­tees will be appointed in each tOWII­ship and village 10 carryon the work. Mr. Schepers was the ullall i mous choice as chairman of the East L ansing division, and w as given authority 10 appoint his assis­unts, four in number.

On account of the crowded comli· lions in the Bot anical departmen t, the ;lItie class rOOIll is again in Ilse.

.\I rs_ Eu Slace cnlert:tineu \V ed ­llcsdar aft~rz!oon , ill honor of her I!uest; .\lis" C.~nfidd, of Gcnev:l, ~- Y.

Or. and .\1 r5 . Hlais(lell entertaine(] at their homc on I'aculty R ow Sat­unlay evening-, in honor o f Prof. and "'Irs. "adal, of Olivet.

)1 rs_ Babcock and daughter, Ger­trude, arc now at 1heir home on Abbot A\,c. Prof_ Babcock is do­in g ve ry nicely, but is still verr weak_

Dr. Thos. \r. ~adal , o f Ol il-et, spoke:1\ both morning- and ('vening" serv ice in th e People's Church S un­dny. R el- . Steensma, Ihe pastor­elect, will move 10 Ea s t Lallsing about Veb. I _

The w ee k of extremely cold weather at .\-1. A. C. wa s follow ed yesterday by a bli nding SIlOW storm. Storms and cold weather arc gen· crOll, and Lansing and vici nity arc g etting their share. Four below is reportcd .

A spednl Bible class has been arranged fo r the benefit of short course men at 9; '5 S unday morn­ing, with Pro f. Myers in charge. The work will Include a study of the social and religions condItions of ou r rural com munities. On next S unday morning the subject will be "Young People's Societies." The ~ I as:l last S unday n umbe red 60, and much interest was shown in this, the lx!ginn ing o f Ihe work.

The freshmen a~ricu 1111 ral st udents hold thei r oration cOlltesl in the chapel S:lttlrday e\'e ning- , Jan. 13.

The poullry depa rtn1ent made a shipment last week o f 3.') birds 10 ml r former poultryman, II. L. f..:l·mpste r, now of '\fissou ri.

Prof. And i\lrs. Polson spcnt Ihe holilbys ;11. the latte r"s home ill '\lilwaukee; i\lrs. Polsull n:Il!;lin­illg fo r a Illore extended visit.

T hc 1l1en's social room is open, both d;l)" and evening, for the be ne­fit of short cou rse men. On each t:iatu rday c~-elling at 7 o'clock there will be o lle or m ore short add resses, discussions, songs, fUll , alid "a snack."

Beginning- ),eslenlay, the sho rt course men are deYotillg one hour - the third period in the afternoon - to such drill or phrsical exercise in the armory as Lieu!. Cron can furni sh them. It is bel ieved th at that this will be of great bl·ncfif to these men, who arc accustomed to a greater f lllount of exercise th llll they will h!t\"e during th e next six or eight weeks.

The 21st annual meeting of the r.lich igan Breeders' and F eeders' Association is to be held in thc agricultural buildi ng, M. A. C.,jan. 17 and IS. Se\-Cral sectional meet· ings w itl be carried on at Ihe same time in various rooms of the build­ing. An illformal reception and joint meeting of all sections will be held a1 5 p. m.,ja n. 17, following wh~ch a luncheon will be given the visiting stockmen by the Agricul . tural College.

Dean and }of rs. L r 111;111 e ll tert;lined :It dinner FrilJay evcnillg" of f:lst weI' k.

B. F. Churchill, the college hus_ man, h;IS pl1rchased it ncw C;lSS aulo lruck for his Lansillg"-Colleg-e tnlde, and plans to make this ma­ch ine do the \1 ork o f his li,-c horses, anti with ~reate r ... ast: :tI1d disp;lkh·

.\Ir. Linton WilS II! N;lsh,·ilJl', T uesday o f laSI week, Oll in"tit ule work, ;ul(l in the evening" spoke at a ban<juet gil'ell by the .Iack:;on Poultry Associ:lIiol1 ilr J :u:kson. Today he is judging poulIn' at E I·art. •

It was fOllll(1 lleCeSSary to CU I (Iown thc large elm OIL the rear o f Delln Shaw's residence recently, ;.s it was endrlllgl' r ing hoth wall Itlld roo f. Thc tree was So led ill height, with an a~-e rage diameter of 32 inches. It W:IS tnm splant..-d about 186", and was 57 yea rs oltl.

L. L. Jon ... s, who co mpleted his college work with tht! close o f Ihe blJ te rm, has :,cce pted ~ position at A~hcns, G:l_, whe re, on Feb. 19, he Will aSSUllle charge of the poult ry dcpartmt'nt in the collcge of that statc. H is work on the s tart will be mostly instruction wo r k, but he will ha ve supervision o f the ne w plaut to be constructed, find will flim to make it second to none ill the coun try . On a recent trip to Georgia, Mr. Jones met F. 1-1. McI;-Intloll '07, with whom he will be associ~ ated in his work. r.'lr. jones is at present helping Mr. Liuton in the instruction work for short course men.


Page 4: The M. A. C. · lar~e number of our short course men. On Frillay e\lening"s the entcrt:1in· ment of the!e studo.:nts will

I The M , A, C, RECORD ,

Evecy body , eads, THE STATE JOURNAL BEC~USE

It cOlllp!ddy ('O\TI1; Ihe field of !ocalncws, politi.:;;, and the world of SPO,"t;;. . ' .

BCC:l IISC ils telegr aph :md corrcspo!l(]cncc se rv ice cn.,hlc it to

" IV \: ils n::::llk rs \hl' blest general ne ws of the da\' III ad­~;IIlCC of :lny Olher IlCWsp;lpcr co ming into L;lll sii;g .

Have TH E STATE J OURNAl:. deli vered to you r home by ca rrie r


T he Cou rse III Far m C ro ps. which 11:15 lW(,11 111 thl' process of rcorg:mi l.1l1ioll fu r thl" la,,\ h'\\

YC:lrs, i" r:lpi.! !., :'pproach inK thr;: s lagl' \\"hen ,,"," shall h" :,h1c \ 0

poim to it ;I S Olll' of the hest in the l 'nilc\l ,stales . Bo th 10 the men :,, thl' he: .. 1 of Ihe ucp:, r lllll'ni am! to tIll' "tud"IlI:' 1:lki ng up this work IS .- rClii l dlle. l ' ll\kr the kaucrship of I'rof . ~ lw~'s1llith, "hu h:ls had l'x \ensin: cXp" rienc" :Ind lrainill).{ in :L :;! rOIl (lIu .\·, )!" n ·:t l work I" beiu ).!" lln,:01l1pli"hed . Ilis ahk· aS5i,; laIl1 , ~lr. llooping-arm:r, nILe o f the blllOu" n:w;:h ty Illucr~, .\1 r. '-':pr:,;.:},!, til plallt hrl"'d in~, :Int! .\1 r . P u!!S, field :1).:"('1\1, arc f:wilil:lling ihe la~l\. The 'X(·l'pliuu a ll.,· \\"dl lil l(''\ lahor:l· lo ries. kl te,.1 appar;t \l1" and iuslru· lne nls, :LtLd :11l ahulld:l11ce o f 1I];!lcr ' i;\lll1:1k ,· Ihe work :\ ""urn' of rcal p leasure 10 til" .<;lUdel!15 w ho we re wise cllolLt-:"h I" "pe" i,L1i .... ,· 11l thi~

line. Thu~ i1 is ""ry "ils il y ulHkrslnod

\\ hy th,' numher of slll,ku lS scle,·t· ill).! a).! rl>l liHllY as thcirll1'ljor is:L lnH'~1 duuhkli lhis yea r. FOllrl~"l:ll scnior " and :ll1o"SI :1 score aud :1 half uf jun io rs arlO lakiu·c :hll'alH.:,·d iIlSlrlll" "'111 ill :t"rol'/IIJ'\'~ 'rhe 5"",or" IlI)1 , . "ul\, "0.:1 "bs;; w ork, bUI a rc :llsl! ~iI'l'll"'lhe opportunily Il' ad f!l thl' cilp:lcily uf jlLd~e" of COrLl . ).!"~ain :1Il.! "tlll'r farm l'rups :II 1"~l nO\l,.

:lgri"ultural f<lirs . Thl' oPI" ,rtu n iti .. s fo r :ll! ronomist,.

:"If<..' "('ry 1lL"'>lllisil1~ : e\'el1 the g-Ol" ,'rlll1lenl 1",·,·\I;':l1i .... "" Ibis f;L~·t ".1" pay· iug th<"ll1 dlL' hi.l!lw,,1 ";; II;, r i.:,;; ~)f :!II.'

,' il' il "l'f\I,'l' p')5ilivll ILl Ihe lilLc "f :1).!"ri'·1Lh!lr~·. F"r il1st:lnce, Iho.' ,,:d· :lfI' of :I f:lirh- ).!"ood g rain jud;!L: 15 :51.~OO 10 $~."lIO per ,..:ar. T he .\.1. ' .\ . C. :,ulde!!':; s'pcak I"LTy

hi;.!hl~ of TilL'i!" 'pcc;a]!.\'. :11111 ,\ill Ill" \'cn' g-bd t., ,t.:i\l· ~vm,· pointer" \0 :111\ OLle illl,· r..:~tl.'<L

AI;other f,·ntl1n.' worthy 1)f Llotice I,. Iht' f.\el th,11 thL ;'::1'..,.1\1;1' nUlllb~r o f f or('i~ n 5111(\,'11(:' 1:lkin:; ]lu~l·

gra.duatc work ill .'\ LIleri..:an :I~ri_ cuhural ~nHe ![c;; "p~.:ci:!]i~e in agron · Oil1\"_ _""'- lar~e (-nro!/mclII (I f such slud\'n:", in future year- i~ ;lJltici ­p:lkJ_

It 111:<1 be worth while to ~omi! Stu~kllb' 10 ,on~ idtr the"", fact", in l'hvosing" their speciallY ·

)1. C . L

Albert H.igtl"fink. '00, with the De Prcc Chemic:!1 Co., of lIolla nd, was a college ,i5il0r I<lst week.

Pro f. [{ak e r r"ports h:I"ing seen PegJ!), ~lcCtic . Dick C rosby, l\l3tt C rosby. the Tr;lcY5, :lnd C. B. Smith, o n his recent trip 10 \\· ash · lng-ton.

Fred Bu sch, who, during the paSI term, assisted Prof. }'1ac klin in athletics, amI. gol OLlr bllsketbaH well on the way, left Satu rday for Detroit. Here Mr. Busch will ell­ter the plant of the Everett Auto· Iloo), Co., and will con tinue the study of the machillt in atl its pa r ts UllIil h e has mastered the ;lutO business.

Hart. Shaffner &

Marx Clothes

Spalding Sweaters Imperial and Knox Hals

Heid Caps

"., Meu's Wear thal proves

itself the w orld over.

The Mapes Co. 207. 2()9 So .. th \\' .. hl n gt .n, ... ,.~.

For )"tOr5 Lensing's Ll.~ding C/I)/II/fl rs.


GRO C ER" @..



COl':" I" Y Ix.,rlTt' "E.".

\ ' an Buren Co .. La"rCllce. !:1Ii. I i-IS: E.I\Ull Co .. Charlulle, ·Jan . Ii"- I.s ; [Ugh;Llll Co .• .\1 :1.5on. } m. 1t;-~o : IS:lhl·l!a C,)., ~It. \'> lca"alL! , J .. IIl. >;_ 1"; : <':1;I 1"e Co .• Clare,) :! n. 1'J-':O : .\1 i,II :lLld Cu .. Colelllal1, 1:H1. ~~ -':3 : Bal' Co .. :\ILI' urn, 1:111. ~3-~-l : Ura'tiOI CII __ :->t. l 'Ol1i~, .1 :111. :: I - ~ .'i : ~:';.;illaw Co., ''''a).!"ltl:m .. l:m. 24 . 2;;: Ul'llesl'" Co .. Flint. f:l ll. 2;; -2('; Cllul(m Co., ()\id . ·Ian. 2'J-~i : Tu,,(ola Co .. ("1Iro . )au . '::6-2i : 11l1 TOLl Co .. lbd .\ xe. ):III. ~')-.30: :->:LfLila.: C ...... .\[,·hill, .I:m. 30-31 : L:I\Il'\' r Co., .-\ I LllIl11! , I:m. :1 I_ F eh. I; ~t. Clair C ..... . :\Ia'rine \,;lt~, Felt. t _ " '\i:l<"olilb Co .. . \r· InaJa, F eh. I_~ : .\1:lsol1 Cn .. Lud· IlL;.:"tVII, .fail. q-:!j: .:\/,mlHe,· Co., Be:.r Lake,j :ltl Z 'i - ~(i; Hell"!.;e Co .. l klldoll,.!;lIl. :!6-~i; Lt·I·I;\ll:1LL C ...... ~.uttOIl·S It~y , ),=111. :Y-311.:. lir:Lt1l1 I nt,'c r"e Co .. [ rll,'Crs..., L,II. Ian. 30-31; Antri m Co .. Elk I{ ajllds.

.1:111. 31- Fch. I; Ch:nl\' \'oix C ... , East Jorda Ll, F ell 1_:: ; K:,lka.,ka (:0., ~a!k:15ka, Feb. ~-3: L;,ke Co .. Luther, F dJ. j_6 : .\) e("05 I;1 C o., Big R ;lpiti s, JaIl. 29-30; XcwaYl!1J Co., Frernont,)all. 30-31; UcellLlH Co., Ilan, j'lIl. 31-Feb I.

' II.

Xeil \-all H orne is tc;\chin)..:" In the Xonbcrn Stale )i o flll:t1 School, at Marquet te. li e elljoys the pro­fession of teach ill)! \'el"\' mu ..:h , and is ge lling along nicely.'

, I l.

Announcement was m"de of the ma r r iage on December 30, o f H arry Lee Baker and Jessie EoJa Macln· tyre, at Dollarvi\le, Mic h. Mr. :I!ld !'L'f rs. Ba ker will be at ho me afler Marc h 15, at Troy, Montana.

J. W. KNAPP CO. o,.·FF.H S I·li e l ,\/.

Inducements on Winter Merchandise

Unuerwear. l:Io~iery. Ualldkerchiefs ror ~ Ien .

l'.\un!;ing Wool Union :;uit~, the l.J e~L $;!grade. Sale prke 82 .25 ~\"Ul sing Wool UuiQU Suit.s. the regllla r $!.50 lluali Ly . Snl~ price j .98

Mun~ing Fleeced Uniutl Silil!l-sell~ at 81 . . ·.0. Special ';l\ la price I. j 9

Fleeced Union 811hs. worth lSI. Spto'dal ~al\< pril'!'! 75c 50,


5c. rOt. 20c. 25t

Silk Li~le ~ocks. '!5l: "nlul!-thro:e pair .

Pure Si lk Socks. ail C!llors, 50e "allle-t hree pa ir


Hnlh robe Blllnke1::1.

1'11/.:: /i'//'L/.::J't/' GR . lr f'RI.\'TI.\·(; CO.!!!'. I,\'}'

En.lj'rAver. Printers StAtio n er.

1.,I X.q.\" lI , .111. ·"";..,. .... •

'lrnl E are espedaJI.v well e,!uippe~ ~ 10 ~upply you wilh anYlhin_~ I

you may need in Ihe line of



Lawrence & Van Buren I Printing Company

Jacob Reed's Sons of Phila.dclphia

. \re Ihe !ar;,:esl tIlal1Uf:1L"ll1rerS


Iht· l ' n il ed ."(;I( \'S. and 11;1\ e \\"Ul1 ;!t1d ]Il:tiutllill Ihe Imsi. lieS" h\' s he"r f,)rec of merit.

michigan JtgrlculTural eOIl~g~

:t fl' tini",h"d "x;l111ples " f 1)ll r p roduct.

= Jacob Reed's Sons

.I/.,k",-J ,,' .. Gold Meda l Uniforms"

14.24..26 Chntllu t St. Philadelphia

Dr RE CTORY L:\:,\:-;I:-\(j I~U~ I ~ E.~ ~ A;:\[)

I'HO F ES~ !U:,\AL :\ l l~ :\. Tlw nume, In I hl~ ]I!r(·~IO '·Y. M~ well M~

1110'" 011111 un, o\!".r " .. h·~r!l~..r~. " r ..... , r~lIl1bl .. Illl nlr •. W " h<)p" fI,"" III" 1"~OIIY .. ,,,I ( 1",10,,,1.<" w ill , like ""In. 10 P"lrolll~ .. t ho_e who Jmlro"l~p 1]' .


T IIY 1"1I ~: X~:"· HA"~:Hy-\\·t"'n· "pl]

~"II Ll"1 II>J" '" ~1 11<l~ 11 ,·. ·".1 . 1·1~~. {·"l;h. 1·, .,);:I"~."nd JI"'''Llh''''I~-Ju,t Ilk,' '"olt ... r ",uk."'. A H' ]11"'·h ~ ·. FI"~I ,Ioor <"lUI "r 1'c\t",·lub. E,I.t ]~\II~jnLl HIt);: .. ry.


C0 I.I.~:{;EHAH ln;H.SIIOP. ]nl!atb Hons~. A"dy-I)o,lI- ~:rll!l". You Ret Illp \W8\ "'ork her~ . Try IIl1nll ~e ...


". "

" "

B .l tJ1J·l)IjP.~ ~lad tl \C, OrJcr


H 11 . I .AH:>:~: J) .-I·hl ll" . ' ·;h,,, ,~ I.ltm"s. • I''', W'\.< III"'/1O" .... ,., •. S.


J E. io;T(!FF~:H. II. I •.. --•• 1/1I,·.·:><'I"'5("llr • :-: "11,.,,,, 1 1'~lIl k Bid". Alllu'"f1(i.- 1>10(1""

1.<11: H"II ph .. ",· "1. F ur""",, .11 . ,\ .• '. ,I II'I ~'''.


R OI'S~:II"'" {'A )'I ·rAJ. I'Hl ' (1 ";1"O1-!~:. "\.. I 'p til .I "I ~. ' ·or'It',· ~!O"'·. Opoo~!lP ~~c'c"c"'·"_"_'·_'_"_·'_·"'k. _


J W . "~AI'I' ",1. l'r-,' ,",~C .. c"--:"C"C":-;;,,C,,:-,, III·hlll"_. "'_' .... ~':'I \\',,·hl""I"" .\'" ,..".

.. /f11 ,I.S I 'I{\' (;,,.'1_;-': 1"'.- 1>,')' •• ""d,. • \ ' l .... ulh. ' ·~." ... \\' ,, 1,1 ' .. \1"1 " ... ·tll<- Work.

EI.·. I,N_III' W" ·hh"",I,,,, ' \" ' . "'""liI.


CA PIT"I . ~:U:( ' T!lh ' ~::-:\ilSE~:KISI' " '. - ~'II II III,,· <or ~:I, ·. · tI"h-" I ";uppIU· ,.

1""I1I1I'"Ll '111(1.·,,\ ·' ~h"'I . " II,ul ",'1·.1_ .• ·Kr· ,"",. 1"","11",, ,,,,,I """tin ... ·odl,," 1'''''1)'' It, E . )lkl, 11<,,11 ,I, ".


1'1 .1. ,I' H.)!. 1I1 ·"J.: .-V"'·"Uw·.· ... ",.,,,., 1\ ' • \1" "'"111 1'"1"" .""'.111101 1,.111" St,,· .. !.

,.; •.• , nd,


N "HT" ~'''; ILIH jl\I · .... I : ~:.- . ;.·II~r"t" "",·.h.·,,,·.·. TI""",·,·. ',,.,,un,·,, ,,,·,·. ,',,1· "·ry. ";1",·,·_. ,·11'. III 1I" ,,·ldll"I"" .... " .. S . S.·.· "II.


, ,[ HS. o. T. j'.\ ;'~:.- .ll """r".·(11,I"". 1\ ~10"",,,.,,.IIII< ,< 1I11lr<l ... ·"I,," I·" d , .,· •. Sw ll~I ... ~ """I,· ,.r .. Ill Iml, or "0,,,"11112"_. nl'" ,· •. 1" ,..·<1 "".1 ,,'''''' n',',1 (II I.",\, ", ",""I II .' "'·W. TIo.· ~·'·n' ''·''· '''''I'·'·I<"'''1 Ib·"h·nli­or"ll· 1 I\ ,.,,";-\I,'~ , ~~I'.'" ':n ..... ,,\(""',tl<­pl .. " .... 'o:··I. ~~"" \I'".hl"" ... " .. \ I"'.";.


G HI:>::O; EI .I . Ill\" S. ·· ' li,·II;"""·.I .• ··"<lI" " )111· ... II"".,.·:' IIh'h ';"a<l~ i'1 ~1I'"

,,,,,I 1· I"y .... 1'1,,,,,,,. _oJd ... ,,' '·"I1\",·!.1 ,'''t ,,""" . ~:""rYIIIIII" I" "''''h' ,,"d ""I_,,",d "",,,,'10,,,,.11-.·. I~II"'"'' 1\,.,.",·11. ~\II :>:. II'n·!,1 ""I .'" .\' ".


'D"'C,C<.-,C,C,C, ,C"C.::-II,. Hill' ~:(;~: I.. """'S.; 10 ~". I n. II' .: ~ I .. j ",,<I ' IO ~ p. m. Sun .

<1l1y .... I ~ to I ",ul.~ 10 ~ p. II '. ~:",\ 1~1 1l._I .. ~ )l ld, . ("11 12~n~ phOlw 1~11.

D K. H. II' . I.A:>: PO:>:. E'L~ I I ~'nsjn ". )11 ,11. ~HII <'" h""r~; .. \(I ~,,(I n. Il, .• It::11 10 ~

n,"1 r,:;ll 10 S p. m. ";1I,,!toys. HI to I I : :~1 " . '" .. r to iii p. til. I ll! I~ .• ·",· pholll" l'":l::"1.


L · ... WHE:>:C E,t \ ' A); I1l'HE:>: I'HI:>:T_ ':>:1; ( ·I' .-~l ""~l~ I:",ud .-\ ' -1OIl\lt' No.1 b. nil,· 1'1'111111112" . Ho,h I'hon~~.

A r.J.~;:>: I'HI:>:TING CO. III Gmnll A,·c. nUClIOlllh \ (;00<1 p.lntlllil. O llie'" ~ IIP_

"Jt ,.~. ~:n IHn"." 1 '·!Hlls . pro"rnl1l~. )!.wc)" Moods. IOO~f h'M I)OO);:~ . fOlllllllln pe,,~ . Hell pho"",11)II 1. AUlO""'llc pholicolOo16.

ROH ~:RT S~I ITH PTG. (JO.-{:or. Wfuh· InllWn A'·".811" lonln ";1.


l 'RY KF: lIi nA],\;S ~ HOP for Shoo He· pahlng. All "'ork l!"u a "ul!eed. MII _

chlneor Hand S e wcll fIolcs . H uhbe. Heels ... ·hlle YOU " ·,,It. Fl nc Jlne of Qonfectloner)" Wal ter ', old nann. ) A \" ~ ..


JA OO B lU:KD "S SO~S .-l~!,""~ Ohl"Unut S t .. Phlladcl"hlll. PII . Makers of '"(;old M cdn l Unl lorm8."



1 'j I