The M.A.C.

I The M.A.C. RECORD. M ICHIGAN ST ATE AGRICULTUR AL CO LLEGE . VOL. 16 STATE OR ATION CONTEST. The fourteenth anlllmi or;1I iOIl ('on test of the ':<'1 ichig:m Omto ri L"<t l Lc;tguc was hdd:ll Yps ilan ti on th e evening' of ':-'I:lrch 3tl. Each of the nine colle ge s com posing the league was represented, and probflbly 1l be ue r contt:s! was ne\'c r held. Al bion, H iJls{lal t' . a nd Ypsil;lIlli we re each r epresented by i:. rj!c and vcry enthusiastic dell ' galions of rooters. and t hei r ri "al r) during thc houT preced ing the o pcninj.!" of t he con test W:lS as tine an ex hi hit ion of colle ge spirit :1.5 olle often sees. The other institutions h ud s maller delega t ions, hut no le"s enthusiasm. r K. O. VAN W AGENE N Of special interest to this college is the f:let that K. O. \'all \\ ' a)fencn, with the orat ion "The :-\ ew er IllS. took se.:ond pb .:e 011 the co n. test. ' ·Th e Ine " ita ble de li"cret! by I' la rry II. of A lbioll, t ook fi r",t plac e. :\Ir. \",111 \\ 'Ilg-t'nCIl WIl S lir;:; t ill thouj(ht ,ltld c um posit ion, a cco rdiu){ 10 the ,·c r · diet of the jud;.:e!'. Uur who has lifted liS to the hi;.:hc st placc we h:I\'c (','cr h<l(i:1I Olle of ('0/1- te sts, if I ,un info r mcd, waS onc of w hom we ';lIty wi'll he pr oud . lIi s high p1:I('e is due 1\1 hard . .:ontinlled, pe r ,..istcll t \\o r k. I Ie rt'prcsc nt ed liS a year ":.:0. Constantl\" th at tillle he h .. been ,,"o'rkill" o\' er hi' onuion, doill" e\' ervthGw that thlJll'dlt and - perl'c,'('rrlncc (:ollid do to (!lake it :l bl,tter orat iO!I. he hllS wi t h- out cess :ttioll ;.:'i,cn l iml' lUl(1 e/ler:,;:) to the imp r o\'emellt of his dcli,er )'. lI is co lleg-c now reap s the benclit of all b ut th ankl ess wo rk. :-;e\ 'e r ht:fore have wc hat! a r ep re· sent :nl\'e who has !!oo (Illstintedl), gi" en of his ti m e ill that he might honor his colleg-e. T hi s is t he rea so n he WO I1 . :\ Ibion h :l s tr allitionally wor k ed in j ust this wa)" that her repr esent: I' li ve mij(h t win, :-.lot w ee ks nor m onths. b ut ye :lrs, ar c reglll:.rly given to the wri t ing of th e o r:l\i on and to the tra ining of the or:lIor who is to r ep r eselll t hat T his is the retl son she will S fi r s! pla l'c, If we c an keep th e pace in work set hy )1(, \-all \VlI gellt'n we sh a ll make 11 good sec- ond to A lbioll, :Iud perhaps in ti me leu\"e hc r se co nd. Fo ur collc)!es w ere r ep resent ed on th e woman's eOntesl, first pla ce being taken by Tre adw ell, o f Y psilanti, and seco nd by :\1 iss J o hn- EAST LAJ.,"SIN G. T L'ESDAY, lURCH " 1 911. son, of Io;::llalll:I';'oo. "is 10 be hoped that we Illay ha"e H repre sc ntativc on this CO li test nClI':t )ea r. Our youn..:- w o m.:n , if they arc willing \0 ma ke the ll eCCSS: Ir\' Slh:rifice, can easi l\" "in rellown ' fo r the co/lege ami f or thell1l5cl\'cs honor along: the lin(' of or:Ho r }' . T. C. H. THI RD ANNUAL ELECTRI CA L SHOW. EN GINEER ING BUILDING MARCH 9, 10, II. The thi rd anllu al d ect ricai show, g:i,' cn by the s tud e nts in elect ri cal cngineering', Occu rs on I hc after- noo ll of Thurst!:t y, F ri day :!IId urd",", 9, 10, ! I, from 3 10 9. "-rhe se sho ws 1111\'e pr o,'ell "ery popul :l r in the past l ind the s tudent s hav e profi te.d by them ery co nsid- e ra I \" , T his ye ar the att empt will n OI b e to cov er so " 1u ch ground as in ol her \"I ' :l rs , but will be more in t he n<tture' of II study of the uses of dectril'ity. .\ vc ry sueCl'ss ful pri- ,' ale lig-ht ing plan t will he on clI':hi· bition , Thi s will he Uctter in m"ny respe c ts than t hal s hown in fo rmer ,' ea r s, in th;tt ,I o' \'o lt cu rr ellt will be avai lahle for mo tors, while the lighting will be 011 t t'c , ,'011 sys· tern, ConsequentlY:l smallnumbc r of b:Htery ce lls ar e need ed fo r the lo w er \'oltage lighting , and yet , La "olts is :1 \":lil ahlc for mo tor amI power work, --- M. A. C. WINS FROM HO PE. 011 T hu rsl!:t l' eveni u ", of last week the humc flaskd bnlt tel un I le - feat ... d I lupe in the IlL st g-ame of l he sea",on hy l\ to Sl,:o r .... T hc tC:lms we rc en:llly matched, ;111(1, as a re sult, the sco re was kept tied llu ri ng th e g re ilter portion of the ":-"lIIe. Challlhe rilitn pIll yell a lille ;.::am(' th r uughou t. and du ri n:;!" the last flow mi nu te>! of pl:l.v secured the l·O llnt wh ich broughl , ic tory to his tcam. fr esh lllnll, played his fir st co lle).:" e ga me , :111<1 pro"cd a good m:lII. Dodg-e wa s also pu t ill 10 Gos,;;, and pu t up :111 ClI':Cellellt glUTlc. T his doses the basketball seaSOIl, ,1I1t1 attent ion will no w be g-i\'cn 10 b aseball. I mlno r p ra cti ce has he· g-U II in real e arnest, ;md fr om th ... number o f clllld id: ttes ('nlistcd I '> r of . :\la ckJin will s urely e,'olve a wi ning- team, Sum nlan' o f the ll opc-. \\, A, C. g :tlll c: HO PE . A. Stegenga ____ . __ . L F ... __ __ .. Duth ie .. __ R F ____ .Goss, Dodge Stege man .. ___ .... C ._" _ Chambe rlaio Von Bron kh onit __ L G . _____ Gauthi t' r Verber l/: '. ___ . ___ R G . ______ .. Hanish Score. first halr, )1. A. C. I7 : Hope 19 ; final. M, A. C, 8S: Hope 82. Baskels from field, Chambe rlain 8, GO&S Duthie, GlIouthier. Dodge Illld Kleillheksel S. Verberg J). Von BronkhOl'llt 2, Stegenga, Stegeman -12 . Baskets from foule , Goss, .. ill 10, Kleiohehe1, 8 in 6: Stegeman, (j in t l. Referee, CoAeh OIl Kr uit. Hope : t ime of halves, 20 min ut el: attflndance 500. t. J. CORTRtGHT ('I\pl"ht{of lit" 11>11 HtI>t ' ooll T .'flflt. ATHLETIC ELEC TI ONS. The eln, tion 0 11 Saturda y, fo r thc pu r pose of choosi ng o lli cc r s for the ye, tr, ce rt ain ly aTi in- ter esti nl-:" OIlC, .. \ good sized \' otc w:ts polled, aud e ach of the ca n di. dates was well supportell. :-\ot alt, howe"e r, .-o uld win. and below is given II list of the th ose ..... ho were su ccessfu l III land i ng th e ":Ir ious pilice s: f or IlIl\uager, H. Ban- croft, for IISi:IlijUl,nt footulI.ll IIll1.nager. R, G. Chnw tJe rlin. f'or b8.seball manage r, L, G. John;oQc , For baseball manage r, L. r. BrUlmu, For tr l«:k manager, G. L. Dimmic k. For &Mili t ant trick manager , E. C, S anf o rd . )fem!JoeN of boH. rJ Of control Seniol'1§ -G. H, Cnllingw ood, G. U . S mith . Jun lofS- f ;, C. San ford, F. U. MDermid. 8o phol li ores - L. C, Car ey, f. L, Bnt.Uij, }- 'reshmen- L L. Kennetly, F, C. Yuh!!El . .\ new hn" he ... · 1\ insti· tu ted this y"ar cc, l1ce rnillg' athletic tllll1llig-er;:. The as"i.;t"n\" del,: t ed Tel c:lch regula r w ill Itt: pr omotell to the lir"l position ne:.t C;l r, the hoa rd of (onl r (JI him In this casc,:1 lIew OJan will he cle,'led fr olll among tht: o thcr .. tc" for Ihe olli e e, Ilcrl'a ft er it will he IleCe'" sa r )' o uly to eled :ls.;is{ant man,,;,:-_ ers. if lh e pl:ln pr o,'e,;:t SUt:cess f ulolw, TIll' aOlelld m(' nh h: l\ c been ma(ie 10 the : Sec. t of Arlide 6: The Officers o f t his llS!IOCiat i on .!.h"n of a presiJ ent, vi QEj presidenl. ret:ordi ng IilCc re tary , treasnrer . fi nancial !tecretary. footlmH man ager, baseb" rr ma oager , t! IlIl\nager, baske tball manager, an d te nnilll wanage r; aoJ 11.11' sis tl!.n t nll!. nage rll for football. and tr ack. The te nnis and basketball manage ... shall be caplaiu:> IJ r their reo spective teams, .sec. of Arti cle i (b,: T..-o weekll before the regular etec ti on t he r espective ct l\Sgeti men tioned below sll&l l fur nish the Board with lilllll of nomin 8@!l1lll follows : Five men ror Asst. Baseball llI anl!.J.:er. Five men tor Asst. Track manage r, Fi, 'e men ror Asst. Football IIIl1,lIager . From eac h or live nominees the Board "hall select three men ror the ball ot. NO. N ALUM '-- ". Jam es 11. Tihhilt ll is :I !!ist:l1l( chief, Bureall of Citizenship, D ep t. o f StOlte, \\ ' ;J shi ng-tnn, I). C. '7\. :\1. T. Rainier. pastor uf I· r csb.r- c hu r ch at Ini ll):, Io;:an., in sendi ng to :\Iiss Y;,kdc y his cO r- r e,·ted :lI ldrcss dated ll, ndds, '. It to me th;lt it i!l just .,0 yca rs ago totlay whe n I fi rs t sa w :\1. .\. C, and w:ts ente r ed the z3d of F eb . IS i l. ti S a s tmient, ' 77· L y m all i\, LiBy, fo r se ve ra l yellrs a res ide nt of l' et osko.: J . is n ow m;,n· ager of \\'hi toe, Farm at :\ I enomince Co., 'j '; . E. 0, Ladd i", loc a. te(\ on the old home fa r m ,:H Old M issioll, G rand Tra ve r se Co., whe re he hM be en e n- g aged for the PIISt yc ar s in gen· cral f arminj( a lld f Tllit g- row ing. Thirty ac res ar c de,·oted to th e g-rowing of fruit, mostly nppln and l'he r ri es, and about 40 to g-cnernl f: .r mi ng. :\f r. L;ldd wa s ill atte n d- Il ncc at the Ro und ·up. ·if)· R oderio.:k B. :-.;rQrlon is see re ta rv ;tTld treasure r of the Il ill Inn",t· ment Co .. R eal E.;tate and Illsur, :tUCl', A rk flflSaS Cit f' 10;: an sas. H esilkllCl" 1 0<) :-':. B. ·s,. Eo Carl Ban k is locl lted ::856 \ Vchster St., Herkclc}. (' .. I. :\ /r. H:mk was for IIl·arly n ine )ears wit h the B CTll ici:t IrO Il Wor ks lind is 110\\ in th e business of impo r ting" and jobbing of h:lf(lw .. and imple- ment s Jlecir lhi cs . r. Ihnk liS the followin;.:- of :\1. c \_ C. !lien flOW ill Francisco: A. L. Re <l din!-{ . prop r ieto r o f thc Pa cific La!.or:ltori l: s ill S ail Fnlll - "ise,); So uth- o.:rll It. It. oflkes, :l n ll rd so l ohn B. Leonard whn was w ith the class of 'S1' 'S1' R ohert \\". Il clllphill, J r" is general man3ger of tht: Lig:ht lind P owe r Co. , al so eli, i !!oio ll m/llla ge r o f thc E:.ste r ll :\J ichigan Edison Co , lI is r.:!>idellce address is ;..1. I1uron St., "-psi /lInti, :\/ ich. ' 88 . Alht-rt E. 1111 150 11 , J r" is professor of o phtholmology in the ludiana L' ni ve r sit y Schoo l of Ft, \ Va)'" c. He is also edito r of the /m..lian a S tate :\le<lic:11 .\ ssoc i:tlioll. '°5 · E-', L. J ohns ton is located tempo- rar ily at 4:': I S, Iligh !::iL,l\ lbullu er- l\lex. , w he re he is with the enginecr of t hat ci ty. '10. M. f.,f, Ba bcock is w ith the Charles Beet Suga r Co., of Han ' ey, Ill.

Transcript of The M.A.C.

Page 1: The M.A.C. ,,"o'rkill" o\'er hi' onuion, doill" e\'ervthGw that thlJll'dlt and ~ -~ ~ perl'c,'('rrlncc



VOL. 16


The fourteenth a nlllmi or;1I iOIl ('on test of the ':<'1 ich ig:m Omto ri L"<t l Lc;tguc was hdd:ll Yps ilan ti on th e e vening' of ':-'I:lrch 3tl. Each of the nine colleges com posing the league was represented, and probflbly 1l

beue r contt:s! was ne\'c r held. Al b io n, H iJls{lal t' . a nd Ypsil;lIlli

we re each represented by i:. rj!c and vcry enthusiastic dell'galions of roote rs. and thei r ri "al r) during thc houT preceding the o pcninj.!" of the contest W:lS as tine an ex hi hit ion of college spirit :1.5 olle often sees. The other institutions h ud smaller delegations, hut no le"s enthusiasm.



Of special interes t to this college is the f:le t that K. O. \'all \\' a)fencn, with the oration "The :-\ ewer IllS. ti ~'e," took se.:ond pb.:e 011 the con. test. ' ·The Ine " ita ble Chall~e." deli"cret! by I'la r ry II. \" o\ln~, of A lbioll, took fi r",t place. :\Ir. \",111 \\'Ilg-t'nCIl WIl S lir;:; t ill thouj(ht ,ltld cum posit io n, accordiu){ 10 the ,·c r · diet of the jud;.:e!'.

Uur rcpresellt"li\'~" who has lifted liS to the hi;.:hcst placc we h:I\'c (','cr h<l(i:1I Olle of t ll("~e ('0/1-

tests, if I ,un ~'orr"cth' informcd, waS onc o f whom we ';lIty wi'll he proud . lIis high p1:I('e is due 1\1

hard . .:ontinlled, per ,..istcll t \\or k. I Ie rt'prcsc nted liS a year ":.:0.

Constantl\" ~ince th at tillle he h .. ~ been ,,"o'rkill" o\'e r hi' onuion, doill" e\'ervthGw th at thlJll'dlt and

~ - ~ ~

perl'c,'('rrlncc (:ollid do to (!lake it :l bl,tter oratiO!I. AI~o he hllS with­out cess:ttioll ;.:'i,cn l iml' lUl(1 e/ler:,;:) to the impro\'emellt of his dcli,er)' . lI is colleg-c now reaps the benclit of thi~ all but thankless work. :-;e\'e r ht:fore have wc hat! a repre· sent:nl\'e who has !!oo (Illstintedl), gi" e n of his ti me ill o~der that he might honor his colleg-e. T his is the reason he WO I1 .

:\ Ibion h :ls trallitionally wor ked in j ust this wa)" that her represent:I' li ve mij(h t win, :-.lot w ee ks nor months. but ye :lrs, arc reglll:.rly given to the wri t ing of the o r:l\ion and to the train ing of the o r:lIor who is to represelll that ~·ollege. T his is the retlson she rC~lIbrly will S fi r s! plal'c, If we can keep the pace in work set hy )1(, \-all \VlIgellt'n w e sh a ll make 11 good sec­ond to A lbioll, :Iud perhaps in ti me leu\"e hc r second.

F our collc)!es w ere rep resent ed on th e woman's eOntesl, first p lace being taken by ~ I iss Treadwell, o f Y psilanti, and second by :\1 iss J ohn-


son, of Io;::llalll:I';'oo. "is 10 be hoped that we Illay ha"e H represcntativc on this CO li test nClI':t )ear. Our youn..:- wo m.:n, i f they arc willing \0

make the lleCCSS:Ir\' Slh:rifice , can eas il\" "in rellown ' fo r the co/lege ami for thell1l5cl\'cs honor along: the lin(' of or:Hor}' . T. C. H.



The thi rd anllual d ect r icai show, g:i,'cn by the s tudents i n elect rical cngineering', Occu rs on Ihc a ft e r ­noo ll of Thurst!:ty, F riday :!IId ~:tt. urd",", ~ht r('h 9, 10, ! I, from 3 10

9. "-rhese sho ws 1111\'e p ro,'ell "ery popul:lr in the past lind the s tudents hav e p rofi te.d by them ,·ery consid­e ra l· I \" ,

T his year the attempt will nOI be to cover so " 1uch ground as in o lher \"I' :l rs , but will be more in the n<tture' of II study of the uses of dectril'ity. .\ vcry sueCl'ss ful p r i­, 'ale lig-ht ing plant will he on clI':hi· bition , This will he Uctter in m"ny respects than thal shown in fo rmer , 'ears, in th;tt ,I o' \'olt cu r rellt will be a vai lahle fo r mo tors, while the lighting will be 011 tt'c 3°, ,'011 sys· tern, ConsequentlY:l smallnumbc r of b:Htery cells are need ed fo r the lower \'oltage lighting, and yet , La "olts is :1 \":lilahlc fo r motor amI power work,


011 T hu rsl!:t l' eveni u", of last week the humc flaskd bnlt telun Ile­feat ... d I lupe in the IlLs t g-ame of lhe sea",on hy l\ 3~ to :~ ..: Sl,:or .... T hc tC:lms werc en:llly matched, ;111(1, as a result, the score was kept tied llu ring th e g re ilter portion of the ":-"lIIe. Challlhe r ilitn pIll yell a lille ;.::am(' th ruughout. and du ri n:;!" the last flow mi nute>! of pl:l.v secured the l·Ollnt which broughl , ictory to his tcam.

G~lIlthic r, fr esh lllnll, played his first colle).:"e game, :111<1 pro"cd a good m:lII. Dodg-e was also pu t ill 10 rcpl~lI.:e Gos,;;, a nd pu t up :111 ClI':Cellellt glUTlc.

T his doses the basketball seaSOIl, ,1I1t1 attent ion will now be g-i\'cn 10

baseball. Imlnor p rac tice has he· g-U II in real earnest, ;md fro m th ... number o f clllld id:ttes ('nlistcd I'> rof. :\lac kJin will s urely e,'olve a wi n· ning- team,

Sum nlan' o f the ll opc-.\\, A, C. g :tlllc:

HOPE. ~ . A. ~ Stegenga ____ . __ . L F ... __ • __ .. Duth ie Kleillhek.~el. .. __ R F ____ . Goss, Dodge Stegeman .. ___ .... C ._" _ Chamberla io Von Bronkhonit __ L G . _____ Gauthit' r Verber l/: '. ___ . ___ R G . ______ .. Hanish

Score. first hal r, )1. A. C. I7 : Hope 19 ; final. M, A. C, 8S: Hope 82.

Baskels from field , Cham berlain 8, GO&S ~. Duthie, GlIouthier. Dodge Illld Hani~h-l4. Kleill heksel S. Verberg J). Von BronkhOl'llt 2, Stegenga, Stegeman -12.

Baskets from foule , Goss, .. ill 10, Kleiohehe1, 8 in 6: Stegeman , (j in t l.

Referee , CoAeh OIlKruit. Hope : t ime of halves, 20 minutel: attflndance 500.

t. J . CORTRtGHT ('I\pl"ht{of lit" 11>11 HtI>t' ooll



The eln,tion 0 11 Saturday, fo r thc pu rpose of choosi ng o lli cc rs for the ellsllin~ ye,tr, W3~ cer tain ly aTi in­teresti nl-:" OIlC, .. \ good sized \'otc w:ts polled, aud each of the candi. dates was well supportell. :-\ot alt, howe"er , .-ould win. and below is given II list o f the those ..... ho were s uccessfu l III land ing the ":Irious pilices:

f or (ootbl~1t IlIl\uager, H. I~. Ban­c roft ,

for IISi:IlijUl,nt footulI.ll IIll1.nager. R, G. ChnwtJerlin .

f'or b8.seball manager , L, G. J ohn;oQc , For ~ii!tAnt baseball manager , L. r .

BrUlmu, For trl«:k manager, G. L. Dimmick. For &Militant trick manager, E. C,

Sanford. ) fem!JoeN of boH. rJ Of control Seniol'1§-G. H, Cnllingwood, G. U .

Smith . JunlofS- f;, C. San ford , F. U . Mc·

Dermid. 8ophol liores - L. C, Carey, f . L ,

Bnt.Uij, }-' resh me n- L L. Kennetly, F, C.


. \ new ~chenK' hn" he ... ·1\ insti· t u ted this y"ar cc, l1ce rnillg' athletic tllll1llig-er;:. The as"i.;t"n\" del,: t ed Tel c:lch regular JIIalla~er w ill Itt: p romotell to the lir"l position ne:.t \·C;l r, ullles~ the hoa rd of (onl r(JI ~'ole him inelli~' it:nl. In this casc,:1 lIew OJan will he cle,'led f rolll among tht: o thcr ~'a lldid .. tc" for Ihe olli ee, Ilcrl'aft er it will he IleCe'" sa r)' o uly to eled :ls.;is{ant man,,;,:-_ ers. if lh e pres~'nl pl:ln p ro,'e,;:t SUt:cess fulolw,

TIll' follow i n~ aOlelld m('nh h:l\ c been ma(ie 10 the ~'ons tilutio ll :

Sec. t of Arlide 6: The Officers o f t his llS!IOCiat ion .!.h"n

ooo~i"t of a presiJe nt , viQEj presidenl. ret:ordi ng IilCc retary, treasnrer. fi nancial !tecretary. footlmH man ager, baseb" rr maoager, t! IlIl\nager , baske tball manage r, and te nnilll wanager; aoJ 11.11'

sistl!.n t nll!.nagerll for football. ~seb'lli.

and track. The tennis a nd basketball manage ... s hall be caplaiu:> IJ r t hei r reo spective teams,

.sec. ~ o f Article i (b,: T..-o weekll before the regular etection

t he respective c tl\Sgeti ment ioned below sll&l l fur nish the Board with lilllll of nomin8@!l1lll follows :

Five men ror Asst. Baseball llIanl!.J.:er. Five men tor Asst. Track manager, Fi,'e men ror Asst. Football IIIl1,lIager. F rom each l~t or live nominees the

Board "hall select three men ror t he ballot .


ALUM ~--

'--". James 11. Tihhilt ll is :I!!ist:l1l(

chief, Bureall o f Citizenship, Dept. o f StOlte, \\ ' ;Jshing-tnn, I). C .

'7\. :\1. T. Rainier. pastor u f I· rcsb.r­

u~ri:tn chu rch at Ini ll):, Io;:an., in sendi ng to :\Iiss Y;,kdcy his cOr ­re,·ted :lIldrcss dated F~ h. ll, ndds, '. It OC~'u rs to me th;lt it i!l just .,0 yca rs ago totlay when I fi rs t saw :\1. .\. C, and w:ts ente red the z3d of F eb. IS i l. tiS a s tmient,

' 77· L y m all i\, LiBy, fo r se veral yellrs

a resident o f l'e tosko.:J . is now m;,n · ager o f \\'hitoe, Farm at \V h ilflcy~ :\Ienomince Co., :\I i~'h.

' j ';. E. 0, Ladd i", loca. te(\ on the old

home fa r m ,:H Old M issioll, G rand Traverse Co., where he hM been e n­g aged fo r the PIISt ~i ycars in gen· cral farminj( a lld fTllit g- ro w ing. Thirty acres arc de,·oted to the g-rowing of fruit, mostly nppln and l'her ries, and about 40 to g-cnern l f:.rming. :\f r . L;ldd was ill attend­Il ncc at the R ound ·up.

·if)· R oderio.:k B. :-.;rQrlon is seere ta rv

;tTld treasurer of the Il ill Inn",t· ment Co .. R eal E.;tate a nd Illsur, :tUCl', A rkflflSaS Cit f' 10;: a nsas. H esilkllCl" 10<) :-':. B. ~t.

·s,. Eo Carl Ban k is locllted ~tt ::856

\ Vchster St., Herkclc}. (' .. I. :\ /r. H:mk was for IIl·arly n ine )ears wit h the B CTll ici:t IrOIl W o r ks lind is 110\\ in the business of impor ting" and jobbing of h:lf(lw .. r~' and imple­ment s Jlecirlhics . ~ I r. Ihnk ~i\'cs liS the followin;.:- n:lll1e~ of :\1. c\_ C. !lien flOW ill ~all Francisco: A. L. Re<ldin!-{. '~,~ , propr ietor o f thc Pacific La!.or:ltoril:s ill S ail Fnlll ­"ise,); '\. l~;trk, '~,,\\iththc South ­o.:rll I ' adfi~' It. It. oflkes, :ln ll rdso lohn B. Leonard whn was w ith the

c lass of 'S1' 'S1'

R ohert \\". Il clllphill, J r" is general man3ger of tht: \V:t~htellaw Lig:ht lind Power Co. , a lso eli, i!!oioll m/lllager o f thc E:.ste r ll :\J ichigan Edison Co, lI is r.:!>idellce address is ~t9 ;..1. I1uro n St., "-psi /lInti, :\/ ich.

'88. Alht-rt E. 1111 15011 , J r" is professor

of o phtholmology in the ludiana L' ni versit y Schoo l of ~redicine, Ft, \ Va)'"c. H e is a lso editor o f the /m..liana S tate :\le<lic:11 . \ ssoci:tlioll.

'°5 · E-', L. J ohns to n is located tempo­

rar ily at 4:': I S, Iligh !::iL,l\ lbu lluer­q ue,~. l\lex. , w he re he is with the enginecr of that ci ty.


M. f.,f, Babcock is w ith the Charles Po~ Beet Sugar ~lfg, Co., of Han'ey, Ill.

Page 2: The M.A.C. ,,"o'rkill" o\'er hi' onuion, doill" e\'ervthGw that thlJll'dlt and ~ -~ ~ perl'c,'('rrlncc

The M . A . C. RECORD . U.~'."C:O UC~~ TunDo.. DUll' .... T'" =LLC".

TUII liT ,.He .. ,<="'<;. ..... T An U"IIC"'LTu"U COLUGC

eo eENTS peR VII:/I,R

I!:nt@red u IM!OOnd~I .. maJl m.lllter At ..... u&ln". Mich.

It.-mit b7 1' . O. )Ion ... ,. Order. Ikart o.r ReIl"IIU!re<i LPu,('Ir. 110 1I0t ",'Old 1\l1n'P/!.

Addn!.H ,,11 lubo<crlpUo"~ .. nd "d'-ertlsln ll! t<} the )1. .\ , l, itt:l'OKf), Kan I .... ,,· ,Inl(. Mlcb. Addrtsl<!! flll ooutrlbUtlolll to \bl' M"nal{\Ila 1':.111\.(1', ,

Bwll"t'~f om(' .... · .... lth , ......... ".,." "'- ' .&n BUTl'n Prlnttnll' 00 •• tlU-111 ('mnd Av('. ,sol" r..nBln ... ltIh:b.



The fiftecn.h aunual reunion of the ChiclWO Association W:lS held

o 'b Saturday c\cning, ). C • :5. 191 t. at the Lewis Institu te huilding, and was II SUt-ccSS from "tart to finish. The college wrlS repr~scllted by Pres. SIH'der, [Jean Blsl!>ell and Dean :-;h:l~w. The committees hal-_ ing in Charge the arrange,me',lts ~or thi!. meeting spared no p:IIIlS III ;en-­iug thc li!.itors a pleasan,t. time :Uld tho,,;e who Ilcrc pfl""legcd to ;'I.lteml \\ ill not soon forget th~ t 5th annual. . .

Thc ollicer;; of the a:'1';OCIll.t101i arc J. W. Pcrri:,co! '9+, pre~ident, CI'y(~e Lilh', '0" \-u;c preSIdent, C. 1:.. Ho)·t. '9S, sc<.:r"tar~·, Philip U, \\' oodworth, 'S(, permanent secre· tan.

the music and lbncillg comm ittee con"i~'ed of J II. Prost, '05. T. F. l\l cG rath, '89, alld r. U. \\ ':Ide, 'oS. Follo\\ il1" is H list of those who • s~f\'cd Oil the

ItI:;CIiI'·'·IU" CO)I.\1 1T1·EE.

l~. ~1. Chamberlain, 'S8; 11. E. \'OUllg, 'O~; II. R. Kingsley, '03; ~Iable ~kCormicL: Young, '04; J. Willard Bolle, Jes~ie Browll Bolte, \Iablc OOWIIC)', '05; G. Heb· blcwhite .:\Iildred ~latthew5 IIcb. blewhite: J, E. Fisk, '06; Olivia Amlre"".!;. 'g6: l~. B. \\'oodworlh, .::.6: Lu<'\ Chile \r oodworth, '93; Fushia R'ntH '1'11£1. ·11; I(oward Taft, '10: 'Irene \\"IY Fisk, '06.

THE ltE. ... c. Oli..-e. Saltpd Almonds

0Yliter Ui!l<lue Scalloped llRlihut Cablmge Relish

Snratoga ChillI! Fillet uf Beer )Ia.~heu PutlHoe!I

Dor Roll" ('reamed Mu~hrooJIIs

S"'edish TimbaleH Chenr [ee Cream

Cake Crackers



Pn:". I. L. Sn~'dcr, "~lichigan . . " Legislatures. Dea rl Geo. \\-. Bil\~c1I," Smiles." Dean R. S. Shall'. ,. Bulletin;;;." Prof. L. G. Carpenter, "9. of Ft.

Collio'S Colo., \\ho arrived Late, was als~ added to the list of speak ,

.", Following is l li",t by classes of

those in IItteodance :

Snyder, J. L, (Pree.), 8i!lSeIl, G. W. (Dean). Shaw, R. S. (Dean). Carpenter. L. G, .jl).

Wight, W. A " '82. , Dixon. J . S ... ~, IlIId Wife. RUlnmler. W. R .. '86, wife and sister. 'Voodworth , P. B .. 'i!0. Chall1berltl.i n , P. M .. '88. and wife, '96. HarriSOIl, H. E., '&I. Teller. O. L , '88, and wife. McGrlLth , T, io'" '89. and wife.

The M . A. C. RECORD.

WilLIS O. WING 'It :!01~~b .. "Ic.h" .... , "1>1<>. ,,-1>0 spOka On

"<.:orn .nd Alflllf" ... ullur.· .. III Ih" Roumt.t·p.

Bauerle. F., '92. Merritt, 'V, G., '93. And ,,·ife. Woodworth, Lucy Clute. ·!l3. Nics. J. D .. '9-l . Simmolls. G. E .. ·O-l. aud wire. Pond. A. L .. '9;. aud wife, lliIrtholome"'. F. L... '9 •. Hoyt. C. E., '9S. Rupert, a. J., '00, and wife. Arlllstrong, " '. G., '02. ann wife. Brown, 'V. B., 'OZ , and wife. Shedd, W. R , '02. Young, B. E .. '(l'J.

Armslrong, W. C .. '03. and wife. Kingsley. B. R, '03 . Mart in, G. E., '03 Balbach. Edw" 'O-l, Frey, A. F., '04. and wife. Prost, J. li., '04. Robbins, G. 0_, '04 Young, Mable MuCorulick, '04 Bolte. J. \V., '05. Bolte. Jessie Bro ..... n. '05. Case. Florence, ·OS. Douglas. J08eI)hine. 'O;j, J ohnson. W 11.. 'ro, and guest. Kingsley. Mable Downey, '05. lIebbie.t"liite, G, W., '06. Uebble ..... hite, Mildred lIatthews. '06. Poole. J . E , '06. and wife_ Smith, E. F., '06. and wife. Towner, :\ . A , '06, and wife. Armstrong. A. S,. '00, and wife_ Canfield, R S .. '07. Glazier, B. t , 'OJ, Prak-ken, S .. '07. wife and mother. Me rrylee.s, A., '98, alld wife. Sha:;sberger, E. J. , 'OS, and wife. Uittscbof. Bertha Muehlmall, '09. and

hu>,band. SoOey, A. L., '09. Stephen. G. H, '09, Jordan. T. A., '10, Shaw, J. L .. '10. Winchell, A. B" ·10. Taft. Howard, '10. Taft. FU!lhi& Rrall. 'II. Bu ckley, O. 1:1.. '\ 1. Oakes, S, B .. '12.


An open meeting was enjoyed by the Eunomian and fricnds last Sat, urday evening in their rooms.

A literary program of four s~b­jects was rt!lldercd, after which liO"ht refreshments were sen ·ed.

o , I The rOOmS werc atl ract l,'e y decorated for the occasioll, lllld, with Prof. and ;'-.Irs. \\"ilsoll pres­ent liS patrons, the tillie for .; The Call of the Coop" at te ll bells ca me all too soon .

" '. . . ,', -, , . ,

A l'OIl1'TQ:< 0.. ' Til.; .'1<,'11' ""0\\':< t·KQX Till! W"_~TI':H:< '1lelll<l .... J\y',' KI.O f'Xr.Sl'

U'·"y''''· ."T T Ill': eIlIC"GO I."SI> "So> '''H'''''1'rO'- roS (1 Hr.",;.

OS'E 01' 1'111': 1!<T1!:"~"T'!<" """./tIT>! "T Till! HOl· S ' >- C ".


The Institute held the PlSt wl'ek was well attended and in each scs· sion g reat interest WlS shown. The lectures gi\ en by Profs.J effery, ,",ed7.ic, lind Shoesmith were :l.p' preci:llcd as was shown by the many questions and interesting dis· cussions which followed.

On Tucsday e\·ening Dean Bissel gave some I'alllable hillts 011 modern mcthods of home heatil)g and out, liued ways by which cI'cry farm horne could be heated successfully nnd economically. F. F. Rogers, deptl! \. SI:11c Jl ighw:w com missioncr, told of the g-ood work gOillg Oil ill the statc in lhe, wav of road build, ing, IIlld h~w conmiissioners s~ould go about It to St'cu rc state :11(1 011

their road bu il{ling. John 1. Gibson, of Traverse, closed the cI'clling's progralll with an i1[IISlrated h.·ciure on agricultural possibilities in north­wcstern .\lichigan. With the aid of the stereoptican many finc farms and brill homes were shown, and, as the secretary of lin cntcrprising de\C'lopmelll bureau, .:\Ir. Gibson left nothing unS:lid which would ;lid him in p rO\'ing- that western ~Iieh. igan \vlS the p roper place ill which to huild a hOllie.

On \V(:dnesda\· afternoon thc subject of '·Essentials for Success in Fruit Cuhure" WlS h1111dled b,' Prof. S. T. ~Ia\ nard, of ~Iass:i, chuseHs. The I-;Irious steps neces · s:~n· to success-site, soil, stock. markcts, de., werc all taken up :l1ld hIlly discu<;sed.

Paul Rose, of Frallkfo~t , Ihcn gUI'c one of his :;plcndid talks on frllil growinj! . .:\Ir. Rose iS:I frllit man who has ;lccomplishcd re<>ults, !lnd told ill lin interesting mlllner his experience in uorth,wcsterll .:\Iichig'an. ~I r. Rose h:ls competed sllC\;es!lfutiy with the fallCY fruit from the west and has (lone it by honest packing and with proper labrls.

l~roL ~lcKcc",er, of Kansas. next spoke 011 ,;Better Boys and Girls Oil lhe Farm," and urged Ihat at least some study be gil'cn to the needs of the children as well;1S to those of stock, fruil, and the soil.

The music fo r this session was furnished by the Stille Industri:ll School for Boy s,

Il on. Chllrles \V. Garfield, of Grand Rapids, glll'o:! a splendid talk \\'ednesday e\'ening on "Play" and urged tl13t we spend more time in good who lesome recreation-IIttend, ing a big picnic o r a farmers' insti· tute occasionally is not enough .

\\" e should h;n·c with thc chitdrcn kecp young.

pIa),. and in

~Iillgle this wal'

Jud~e Collingwood next glll'e an excellent address on ., Conserva , tion of thc Boy," and told interest, ingly of hi$ recent "isit to thc George Jr. Republic where 160 boys lind girls make their own laws, govern themselves, :lml make :1 suc· <''C5S of it too. ":-"'othing is gained except by IlOOr," is the wlltchword, hut all !:thor is plid for. :\'inety per cent of theS(: boys :lnd girls make good wheo they St:lrl out in life.

Prof. ~lcKee\"cr closed the el·CII, ing's program with an :lddress 011

"Somc l~r:I C l ie:11 Aspe..:ts of Race Iluildillg." Elllironllll'nt WHS placed far lIhol"e hcrt'dity, :md the speaker urged lor lcgi"lulion which would properly prcplre the boy for a usc· ful life.

The l'ollcge orchestr;1 allrl choi r furnishcd excellcnt music.

Thur:;day IIfternoon the regular prog-ram was carried out, an inter­esting dis..;ussion following each IIddrc,,;s,

Prof. J lumphrey, '01, WIIS gr<'"eted with the t'ollc"c \ell whcn he told of the pride ~illl which he 1I0W<i thc imprOIClIIClltS!lt ~I .• \.C. since his gradu:ltion.

In thc evenin;,:- P rof. John Il amil· IOn of the C . ::;. Dept. of A~ricu!, ture, spoke on :'EduCHtillg' Fllrnlcrs' Institutc Lcrturcr~," I'rof. Shaw told of '·lJow the Agricultural Col. leg-c I Icl])!> the FurHler," :llId I~rof.

IlullIphrey g'a\'e an illu"tr:l tecl :Ld· dress 011 "The COll:;en:Ltion of Good Dair\' Blood,"

.:\lr. \\,iilis O. Wing, ~Ir, J. X. ~lcBridc of Burlon , lind Dr. It. 1'. Lnllln Wl'rc the speflkcrs al the la~t gener;,1 sC!lsion Friday :Iher-110011.

The \Y omen's COl\gre~s pro\'ed popular, e,'cry scssioll being well :!.ttl'nded and :111 scem~d to enjoy it \ery much. Good llIu"ic was pro­\' idcd and thc' program was carried Ollt with hut few ch:Ul~cs.

Tht· bltl·teriological exhibit was visited by man)' during the week 311d much interest shown in this phase of the work being done 'at ~l. A. C,

The fruit exhibit was rine, and the exhibit of spray outlits was the best ever shown at this iliStitlitioll.

The attcndlnce ranged from 300 to 800 :It each session. There were on exhibition 22 power spray OUt, fits, beside liS many hand outfits.

A good delegation was present fro III Ilorlheru and northweste rn !>.lichigan, the upper peninsula be­ing represe nted.

• ('



Page 3: The M.A.C. ,,"o'rkill" o\'er hi' onuion, doill" e\'ervthGw that thlJll'dlt and ~ -~ ~ perl'c,'('rrlncc

-The M. A. C. RECORD .


IF- DANCER-BROGAN W W E make a specialty of providing every- CO. E~ thing in the way of fine stationery, LANSING'S LEADING S TORE ++f. +++ 'f-+f: announcements, invita tions, programs, tr~+++t+i' +++. ++. :t+-f 'FFf. + -f'J' etc. CJI Our facilities are complete for - -+++T, ++i> +++ +t:T. +++

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Matresses wh ich makes ccrt:lin that thl' l ' II i I! r" pcrfcctl~ , and Ra:r:or Uones ..... ..... @ .We

wi ll he along the lines of Fashion 's latest diLutcs. l'Ulzor ::;trops .. fu. .jOe tu ~.~. On Book Cases Desks Come '" ;<nd sec II hat w~' h;I\"(.'. VOII w ill b, sat isfied .


"cooo THINGS 70 WEA R" III \\"I,.hl'''I"IO'' ,\"'. S. M. J. « B. M. BUGK coUeke B uss H •• d q uarler~


~ .. - , . . ' ... - . . , ,~ ."

l Ion. C. [. ;\IOllro<: anti wife ""rl' in allclI!l;lI;~'c;1\ till" R ound·up l:\"t week .

I. J. Cortrj.~ht \\'a~ eit:l"Icd COlpI:lin of the basehall team at a Ineetill).:" helli \\ 'CdIlC511:1\' :lflcrnoon in I' rof. ~i:1cklin's ullin:'.

l ' rof. Jl unt o f thl' DOI"l·~tic

~ci"IKe IJq J:U'II"C111 w a" ,':llkd to hcr oil! hume :1\ H..i,iuH. Ill., Salur· da.I·, 0 11 aU'ounl of thc dC .. lll of hl'I' mother.

C. 1. Secl(:I', 'ut. alt.ended the se:>· siolls'lIf tin' ·j{{)und.L"p la"t IH·ck . :\ I r . ~c ... ·Ic\· ha" hcel] with thc in· d ust ria l tk:p:lr tment of thl' h:llama· zoo :IS)'lu m cI'er siuc.: he lch Ihe colle~e.

D e:l n Bissell is preparill).! malerial for a rC liscd directory o f the en).!"l. necring- :Iluroni w hidl will he plln. !ishcd in April. A 1:trge lltlll1berof responscs arc cOlllinJ.: in and th is directory proHliscs to be cvcn mo r l' com plete than the first.

Among- :-'1. A. C. pcople to at· tend one o r more sl'ssiollS of the institute last week ,,"ere 11. J3. Can· non, '.sS,o f \V ashington, :\I ich.: G. F. StoW, '88, F o wle r: 11. 0. \\·al· d ron, with '93, Ionia; Jason II ood · man, '81, Paw P aw; C . l. Good· win. '77, Ionia; ~ . P . lI u!!, '89, D imondale; E . \\'. Ralllley , '00, Grcelll-iJ!e; Burt \Ver mulb, 'o ~, D etroit; C. B. Cook, '88, Owo;;so; F . R. Smith, '8i, Somerset : ehas. H il tou, '00, B e n ton 'Harbor; II. T. R oss, '0~ , j\'I ilford ; E . O . Eln:er, '03, D evereaux; B. h. Bentley, 90, Marshal1.

I lOll. ~\. B. Cook, '93. o f Uwosso. :Klcll as chai rm an of the SCSSiO l1 of Ihe R last week .

.. \ fU l' ne(k.pie~·e was Icft in the ell;..::inecrin;.!" Imiltl in;: la~t \\"l'ck ,lIld ]!lay be had hy ~'alli 1l ;'; :11 \)e,H\ Hi,,· 5dl's otlic~·.

I '. C. Sd1ron·r. 'oS. w ith tIll' Eddy lleatin:,.:- Co .. is now loca tl·d al .\Ihion whcn: hc is in,,\al1in;.:: he;nin;..:: ~y';lems.

J. ~. ikhrid" who addn:l:o!:ed thl' In stitute Oil Vrid:II' afterilOOIl was " .. sis \:I])t professor' of history ,11ll1 politic,!i l·conOIll.'" ;1\ :\1. .\. C. dllr· ill),!" l~il;:-'93 '

"\1 the Hl'pllhlil"OUl !;t;l\e Com'cll ' tion held in ~:I.<::"illall' r l','cntil", [. \\' . Beallmont. '.s~ . "f Ddroit; :ll;d [,ISOII \\-oodtn:l11. 'SI . of P:III" I~:lw,

'wer~' lIomillat~·d as rnel1lilcrs o f the ~ !:lIe Hoa rd of A ;.:: rind ttln: . T h e uemocr;nic party hal'C pl:rccd J oh l1 A . \\ 'cstOIl, Lansing, and A. E. Stn-ensoll, of P Ori I luron, in nonri· n:lIiOIi for these p0.,ltiOIiS .

At the puultry judging com~st for swt!ellls, held recently . twe nty ­tll"O perSOn! competcd . T he bird~ were firSI scored hy th e studen ts and then by the judg-e. Fift~cll b ird s \l"cre scorell by cach l·ompcti· tor. C . J. Burkman, :r short cou rs~ man, 'iecu red first prize. C arl h llOpf, '11 , second, and \\·tn. I I Bert rand third . The ti rst pri ze cOll1!isted of the Zen ner T rophy Siln.~r Cup; tht: seCOl1(1 :t copy of l-iall' k 's Science :tIn.! A rt o f P oultry Cultu re; :lI1d thc thi rd ,I copy o f " P erfected P oultry " by ;\·l cGre w.

D :lin' week :\1 a rch 6- [ I.

l'roL l 'cHit adllr~'ss('d 111<" m('l11·

hers of the I l illstl:tle hi).!"\! .~,:hool ::;;lturdal of !:r"t \\cl·k .

.\ 11 c"cc\!cnl pidu rc of Or. \\ ' . .I. Bea! was lli~pbyed nn Ihe h:ul;.:"l· hullons worn by institute people.

;\1 f. SimOIl 1l:tl4"ad{}rn. who has in~l ructed in d:tir~ in:.!" Ilurin,!" the .,hort ,·(lursc,;. has a"eeptnl ,( pl)~i.

tion I\'i l h the Dur,Hul Creallwr.1 Co.

! lerhert \\ ' . lla rt . '9i. l11ade \.",,1· le~" friend.~ ,I hu rri"d \ i~it reCl'nt II' . .\Ir. llart 0 \\11~ a brill ncar ( i rCl'll\'i1Je, hut i~ ;It pr~·~e!ll 011 the r"ad in the intere"h "f:1 dru:,.:- n'lH pany .

;\lrs. C. ;\1. ]) udd, for \11"0 "ears slen,'g-ra phe r 10 !' residcnt SII~\"(ler, h:l<; res i;.::rted h ... ·r po"ition :11111 will he at home f(lr the p resellt 011 L:lthrop SI. ;\[r. alit! ;\Irs . lJudd w ili !]l01 e to T h ree Ri \'crs ill it

short t ime wher.: thc\' will CI1"lI"C in the g-ru wing of sn;a ll frllits'~:l~d in poult ry raisi !!g-. The ir lila!!)' :\1. A. C. f r icnds wish the m thc b~'l!t of Sl1ccess in their new n·lltur~· .

There is to be ~i\'e n thi s c\'cning at 7 o'clock . in room I r ,. e ng-i neer. inl-:" hall. an illilstrated Ic\."tur~' Oil '·The R ecent I>rogress in Europe:llI .Air .N avigation," by ;\Ir. :'\. A. Blonck, consu lting cng;incer, Chi· cago. Thc lceture is g;ivell under the aus pice" of the :-' 1. A. C. en~i­nee ring society and promises to be intensely intcresting . A rcport of this IcclU re w ill be pu blished ne"t wee k.

Thc exkw"ion work in h<lrti<.:lll· turt· is . tarl iug off Il'ry nicdl. ;\l oTl' Gtll~ an; COrni !l).!" in :tire:r(h· thau carr he t:rkC II C:lrc of.

A pri!.e i~ offered to the studl'n t suhlllittin:::- the b(:st po~ter as :!l1 an· n<lurl~'':IIIC'l!l fo r the hi!.; :Ithlcti,' c:lm il:!!. The jl'Jtilc r is I" he :!n"ln ill, Ill"" 111 !;i!.c 1111.1 ill thn'e <.:"lors.

II. I I. ClIrti". at the in~li!lltc l:l"t week, :llir!Ourh·t:d Ihl' bi r lh IIf a hOI illl0 his home tin . F .... h. I~. :\1;'. Curtis hl"~ill~ hi~ l:!h"r~ :>lIon ~s rH;lll,lc:-cr of dll' StlIr~is E-;tOlle, ~t lIr!.;i s , :\1 i...:)l.

E. :-'1. ll tlill . ·IJ9. of I.:lusing , repre~"cl1tin).:" .\. I. I{ "o\ ,\:. Co., of .\Iel lill;!. Ohio. had dl!:rg-c of an e:\.· hibit of hee supplil'''; at the \{Olllhi. L'p la~t lI"uek. ;\Ir. lIunt i~ the Llul"in!.; reprc~entalil'~' of thl' ahO\'e CU lllpall~ .

T he !c;..:i"lati\·e .... Ol1lm iltee in X chrask:r h;l\'e rccorlll1lcntlel! that Ihe ullin.' r" ill hc mon·1i out frozn the c it\" to I h~ stak f:rfl11. This has J,ecom~ neccssar\" o n >UTount of the c rowded l'omlilions e~istin" .. t Ihe . . . 11111\ e rSLt L

T he A ppalaehian bill, placillg" parts o f tht: ,'\ppalachiau w ate r shed illto lhe forest r~'ser\'e, has passed hoth houses of COIig-ress and Il' ill doubtless SOOI1 heeo me a law, This will pla{'e abollt ti\ t: m ill ioo a t' res of the \\"hite :\lollnt:'11i district in reScr v\: and s i" million acr es in \'arious pa r ts of the Appalachian shed. This will make a iic!d for a g-re;\t man,· fore s ts ill the Hear fu tu re . .

Page 4: The M.A.C. ,,"o'rkill" o\'er hi' onuion, doill" e\'ervthGw that thlJll'dlt and ~ -~ ~ perl'c,'('rrlncc


L-Ilclc Dave \\'oociwllrd, of Clin­ton, :'-otich., ad<]rcsseo the Hort. Club :\Iarch 1,011 the "Problems of Apple Growing ." Uncle Dave is 8i years old, aud OM been g rowing apples successfully for 35 years. At the age of 84 he set out a ~orth­ern Spy orchard, and expects to ex­hibit the fruit when he has reached the ('"elHu r), mark. lIe is H type of the hardy ).Iichigan pionC'cr, lind came to Jackson county in IS3 __ I> but hI,! still possesses the rugged health and the boy ish c>::uberallcc of &l years :lgo. ~o morc sensible, yet humorous, talk was ever delivered before the H ort. Club by a morc remarkable mall.

Uncle Dan' says that it is good pOlicy to renew the old trees by budding or grafting, as it lakes 100 long for the Dew ones to g row, the dead-wood is cut back to the g reen and the height reduced, :liS it is not profitable to go beyond 20 feet for apples with the present price of la­bor. Apples should be thinncd, the same as peaches, shorlly aher the June dropping, and the fancy fruit should be graded honcstJy and packed in boxes. He is now mak­ing experiments in orchard propa­gation, which he expects to report upon in fifteen years at the age of 10'::.

lIe has made as high as $45.25 011 one Grimt."S Golden trcc. Some orchard land is rented aud consider­able fruit is retailed to the Illinois and Indiana trade, shipping by the box to indi\'idual customers.

The ~'oung orch:lrds arc culti. vated, but the old oncs left in the sod, as it gi,'es II better color to the fruit.

The Tolman Sweet, Ben Davis and :\'orthwestern Greening are the best stocks, and U ncle Da,'e is IlOW trying western varieties ill :\1i~'higan on thesc stocks. lI e started in the apple business because he lo,'cd the work nnd admired good fruit. .\t thc close of the nlcctillg hc was m:lde an honorary melllbcrofthe llonicultural Society.

H. G. K.


The Idlers t.;:n o'clock held in tht' parlor of the \\' oman's building S:lturda,' c\'cnil1g was olle of the most ullu;,u:t! ami enjoyable so!;ial events given by the duh.

E "cry olle enjoyed the rea<1in;,:- by ~ I rs. Burtoll, particularly those ill dialect. )Olrs. Burton, besides be­iog!l reader of great ability, has a charming personalit~·, alld delig-htt.'d hu audience by giving :1 program thaI displayed her ,'ersalility. The musiall lIumbers were given by l\liss Freyhofe r and 1\lr. )'lorse, and were thoroughly enjoyed by those present.


On Saturday evening, Feb. 25, occu rred the winter term party of the Phi Dclts in the Agricullural Building. The patrons were Prof. aod )OIrs. \'edder and P rof. and ~I rs. H all igan. Bunting and pen­nantS were used as decorations, and a most .;:njoyablc c,'cning was spent hy all pres<.'nt. A large Ilumber of out Gf town guests were present.

A . N. Robson, '06, is located at Lake George, N. Y., R. D. z.

The M. A. C. RECORD.


The foJ!owiu g committees have been appointed to take charge of the important felltures of the big carnival 011 April S.

Localioll-L. G. Johnson, F. J. Gibbs.

Fealure or Stlml-C. R. Gar­vey, II. L. Bancroft, L . G. John­wn.

Caln'as am' Tellis-E. E. HOlch· in, G . L. Leonard.

Prilll"'lj[-K_ M. Klinger,J. G. Hays, C. R. Garvey, F . R. H a rris, E. C. Armstrol1!!'.

Parade-G. F. Kimball, J. H. M cCutcheon, L. \V. Scriber.

The event will be held in the Armory and in tents nbout the grounds.


C. L. Hodgmlln is with the Union Steam of Battle Creek , Mich.

drahsman Pump Co.,

R. Z. Ilopkins is doing design. ing and experimental work for the :\'lurphy Potter Co., of Detroit.

E. E. Kurtz is teaching mathe­matics and science 'i" the high school at Clinton, Micb.

L. D. )Olead is II. draftsman with the American Clay Machinery Co., of Bucyrus, Ohio.

C. D. Moore is drafting for the :\larion Steam hovel Co., Marion, Oh io.

Hugh Lynch, '[0, is in COllege for a short time, laking some spt.'Ciai work ill forcstr)' .

A lIew gi rls' literary society has been o rganized, and is known as The Sesame Literary ~ociety.

Thirty men h:I\'e registered for .the one week dai ry farming course offered al the college this week.

Chester \Vagner, '10, of Port Huron, has bee~iting college friends the past wee k, and incident­ally preparing for ch'il service ex· aminations.

In a prcliminary Thursday night the freshmcn won from the sopho­morcs in basket ball 16 to 10, thus securing for the class the 1911


Chapel was conducted by \Vells ;Hld \\,illi:ulls' Jlall students 011 twO da,'s of last wcr.:k. ~ow thc co-cds arc planninK to show ",hIll they call do along this line .

Miss lIanlll\h \\'iI1illlllson, who was operated upon for double mas· toid in the cit)' hospital rettntly, is gelling along very nicely. 1-1 iss " -illiamson's trouble "as caused by measles.

At the freshmcn oratorical can· test of the Delphic Society, held Saturday night, )1 r. John Gunnell received first place, Mr. Blakeslee Cra nc second, and L. C. Mar­tin third.

Y. H. G:lrdncr, 'OJ, called on college friends lhe past week on his way to Corvall is, Oregon, ..... here he will be connected with the Agricul. tural College of that state in the horticultural department.

The Eclectic Society gave an en­joyable party at the Society H ouse S:lturday evening. Decorations were in the society colors, red and white. Palm's orchestra furnished the music. T he patrons were Prof. and Mrs. II. K. Vedder aod Prof. and :\1 rs. I I. S. Reed.

New Colleee Clothes Tor Youns Ladies,

Wool and Silk Dresses.

Fut" Coats. Suits.

New Curtains and Ruas.


On Frida\' afternoon short ad­dresses were- made by Go\'. Osborne Banking Commissioner Doyle, At · lorney General Kuhn aud Dairy and Food Commissione r Dame.

In the I/o/cad election on Satur­day 44 c VOtCS were caSI, and the reo suits were as follows:

For Editor·in,Chief. G. V. Branch. For Auooiate Editor, O. L. Hager.

m.n For Boaine1!3 Manager. B . S . Coplan. For AllSilItant Rosine8/! Manager,

Chu. Lord. For Member!! of Liberal Artll Union,

E. F. Bock. A. A. Sorenson. E. E. Bot· chin



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CAPITOL EI.EOTRlO R S GINEERISG 00.-1'\111 line of Ele<llr1"'''' 8upplle • •

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