The Kooks Music Advert Analysis

Character: This particular music advert doesn't reveal any form of character, other than an image of a blue heart. This could be a representation towards character in the ways in which a heart is stereotypically used when in reference to the themes of love and romance. The way that they've chosen to use the colour blue for this heart could possibly juxtapose this stereotype by representing the character's (the band) to have an 'ice cold heart,' suggesting that the album doesn't contain the idea of Setting: The advertisement doesn't establish any specific setting, due to it entirely being computer based. The typography used throughout the whole of the advertisement is The Kooks' well known, iconic font. This would be a USP as fans of the band would recognise this automatically, knowing that their new album Narrative Event: The narrative event is shown within the typography of this advertisement. The way that the font is sharp and rigid would question people, who aren't particularly familiar of this band, as what their style of music is like, as their font is very indie/rock based. Barthes hermeneutic code could be applied with this advertisement in terms of the main image as there is a narrative engima created with how the audience isn't quite sure on the representation of the heart and the colour scheme. Due to all the possible connotations of the colour blue, such as the idea of sadness or, in opposition, the idea of an 'ice cold heart,' the viewer is left intrigued and asking questions as to what the style of this album is. In terms of this juxtaposition of the connotations of the blue heart, Levi Strauss' binary opposition theory could be applied with the idea of warmth/coldness. As the heart is Iconography: The colour of the heart is iconic in terms of the colour blue possibly being symbolic of coldness; suggesting the idea of the band's having the 'ice cold heart,' when looking at the image. However, without listening to the music on this album, the connotations of the colour blue could also be to suggest sadness. In terms of the heart, it could have possibly been iconic to the idea of the music being possibly about heartbreak and sadness. The typography used is iconic when looking into the band as a whole. This particular sharp and rigid font is used in all forms of advertisement with The Kooks, which would be recognisable for fans when they see this music advertisement in a magazine or on a poster. Also, the main image, being of Technical Codes: The advertisement, being computer based, has used technical codes in terms such as the colour scheme to attract an audience’s attention. The colours which are mostly used is black typography against a white background. This has the element of the indie genre, being black and white and simple. However, the way that the image is a bold and striking blue colour, which is more eye-catching; creating the advertisement to become recognisable and memorable. The image of the heart is shown as the human organ, rather than the traditional heart which tends to be used to represent themes such as romance and love. This is

Transcript of The Kooks Music Advert Analysis

Page 1: The Kooks Music Advert Analysis

Character: This particular music advert doesn't reveal any form of character, other than an image of a blue heart. This could be a representation towards character in the ways in which a heart is stereotypically used when in reference to the themes of love and romance. The way that they've chosen to use the colour blue for this heart could possibly juxtapose this stereotype by representing the character's (the band) to have an 'ice cold heart,' suggesting that the album doesn't contain the idea of love and romance and may be quite the opposite. However, when looking more into the music advertisement, we see that within the blue heart, the word 'Listen,' which is the name of the album, is written in various different languages. This could be in reference to this album being 'close to the band's heart.'

Setting: The advertisement doesn't establish any specific setting, due to it entirely being computer based. The typography used throughout the whole of the advertisement is The Kooks' well known, iconic font. This would be a USP as fans of the band would recognise this automatically, knowing that their new album has been released. The font which is used is quite masculine and sharp/bold. This could be a representation to the style of band which The Kooks are, as well as the music which they produce.

Narrative Event: The narrative event is shown within the typography of this advertisement. The way that the font is sharp and rigid would question people, who aren't particularly familiar of this band, as what their style of music is like, as their font is very indie/rock based. Barthes hermeneutic code could be applied with this advertisement in terms of the main image as there is a narrative engima created with how the audience isn't quite sure on the representation of the heart and the colour scheme. Due to all the possible connotations of the colour blue, such as the idea of sadness or, in opposition, the idea of an 'ice cold heart,' the viewer is left intrigued and asking questions as to what the style of this album is. In terms of this juxtaposition of the connotations of the blue heart, Levi Strauss' binary opposition theory could be applied with the idea of warmth/coldness. As the heart is usually symbolic to the idea of love, romance and warmth, the colour blue is symbolic to the idea of coldness and sadness. The ways in which the advertisement chooses to show the comments in which high class newspapers have described the new album would make people engaged and captivated into listening to their music. The comments are quite specific and unique, for example 'a radical chance of clear.' The word 'radical' suggests that this band may be extreme or different, attracting attention as people would be intrigued to find out why this music is so high rated.

Iconography: The colour of the heart is iconic in terms of the colour blue possibly being symbolic of coldness; suggesting the idea of the band's having the 'ice cold heart,' when looking at the image. However, without listening to the music on this album, the connotations of the colour blue could also be to suggest sadness. In terms of the heart, it could have possibly been iconic to the idea of the music being possibly about heartbreak and sadness. The typography used is iconic when looking into the band as a whole. This particular sharp and rigid font is used in all forms of advertisement with The Kooks, which would be recognisable for fans when they see this music advertisement in a magazine or on a poster. Also, the main image, being of the blue heart with 'Listen' written inside would be iconic as it would be seen as a type of logo for this particular album. Due to it being such a unique image, with a striking, bold blue colour, fans will automatically become familiar to this image being in reference towards their new album.

Technical Codes: The advertisement, being computer based, has used technical codes in terms such as the colour scheme to attract an audience’s attention. The colours which are mostly used is black typography against a white background. This has the element of the indie genre, being black and white and simple. However, the way that the image is a bold and striking blue colour, which is more eye-catching; creating the advertisement to become recognisable and memorable. The image of the heart is shown as the human organ, rather than the traditional heart which tends to be used to represent themes such as romance and love. This is different as it creates a more hard-core vibe in terms of looking at what type of music they produce, suggesting the indie/rock genre. The way in which the advertisement has included big named news companies such as The Independent, quoting positive things about the album, would also attract an audience's attention as they would be engaged and curious as to how good this music is.