The Hadia Story: Digital Storytelling in Election Campaigns

Digital Storytelling in Political Campaigning A Case Study of a Second Generation Migrant Politician in Norway Eva Bakøy & Øyvind Kalnes, Lillehammer University College, Norway Article available at http.// from July 1., 2010



Transcript of The Hadia Story: Digital Storytelling in Election Campaigns

Page 1: The Hadia Story: Digital Storytelling in Election Campaigns

Digital Storytelling in Political Campaigning

A Case Study of a Second Generation Migrant Politician

in Norway

Eva Bakøy & Øyvind Kalnes, Lillehammer University College,


Article available at http.// from July 1., 2010

Page 2: The Hadia Story: Digital Storytelling in Election Campaigns

Research questions

How did digital storytelling contribute to the political career of the Norwegian-

Pakistani Labour politician, Hadia Tajik?

1. Construction of political identity

2. Attraction of public attention

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Empirical focus

Five video stories released on YouTube during the 2009 Parliament campaign

1.Contents (text analysis)

2.Reactions:–On the net–In the traditional media

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1. Contents: Self-presentation

Conscious catch-all strategy, well known in political communication

Migrant background, party affiliation or any ideological “baggage” are downplayed.

Primarily presenting herself as an empathic and trustworthy individual.

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Communication of identification with voters

We often talk about having a home, having roots somewhere.

But people do not have roots, we have feet. We can move around freely. Home is something we have in our hearts.

And because I have feet and not roots, I am free ....

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2. Reactions: Cracking the viral code

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Viewer reactions

Very nice video. … I think it is very important to get

background information about the politicians we are supposed

to vote for, it becomes more personal and one can get a

sense about what kind of person you really are, unlike

sterile TV-interviews or newspaper articles.

Great, looking forward to the next video.

What a completely hopeless candidate! …. Dearest, learn this: Norway is a non-muslim country! We have Western culture based on Christian values, and NOT Muslim.

Why cannot Muslims live in their own Muslim countries? …. (sic)

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A double spinoff effect

The videos were successfully promoted through viral networking on Web 2.0,

Instrumental in attracting attention from TV and other traditional mass media,

Which in turn inspired more people to watch the videos.

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Digital storytelling / Web 2.0 can be an efficient marketing tool in politics:

1.Content: Catch-all strategy

2.Reactions: Double spin-off

Uniqueness of the case:

Good timing, good looks, as well as political correctness in the Norwegian media

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Theoretical perspectives

In party politics and campaigning, the use of digital storytelling and Web 2.0

• E-ruption in politics or politics as usual (Pascu et al.)

• Non-elitist and democratic or catch all - / electoral-professional parties (Kirchheimer)

• Intimacy: Front-, back- or middle stage (Meyrowitz)

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Digital storytelling / Web 2.0 can be efficient marketing tools:

• E-ruption in politics or politics as usualpolitics as usual

• Non-elitist and democratic or catch all - / electoral-catch all - / electoral-professionalprofessional

• Intimacy: Front-, back- or middle stagemiddle stage

Successfull construction and communication of a gifted individual politician with few ideological, party political or ethnic ties holding her back