The Global Framework for Climate Services - gfcs … TT mtg slides - April... · The Global...

The Global Framework for Climate Services 2016 – 2018 Operational and Resource Plan (ORP) IBCS Task Team on the ORP - 18-19 April, 2015 Meredith Muth (US-NOAA) and Joy Shumake-Guillemot (WHO/WMO) Chairs, IBCS Task Team for the ORP

Transcript of The Global Framework for Climate Services - gfcs … TT mtg slides - April... · The Global...

The Global Framework for Climate

Services 2016 – 2018

Operational and Resource Plan (ORP)

IBCS Task Team on the ORP - 18-19 April, 2015

Meredith Muth (US-NOAA) and Joy Shumake-Guillemot (WHO/WMO)

Chairs, IBCS Task Team for the ORP

Adoption of Agenda Proposed Changes

• Combine agenda item 3 (Background) and agenda item 4 (Objectives and Outcomes)

• Move presentation of WMO Results Based Framework in item 6.3 to agenda item 10 (obj 3)

• Move presentation on systematic approach for national implementation to agenda item 8 (Nat’l Impl)

• For item 8, 9 and 10 - focus will include aspects of ORP Part II (Strategic Objectives) and also Part III (Operational Plan and Budget summary (other issues)

• Remove identify new chairs in agenda item 11

• Remove section 6.4 due to overlap in other sections

The ORP Task Team for the GFCS

Agenda items 3-4: Background, Objectives

and Outcomes of TT meeting

Phase II of GFCS Implementation Phase I (first two years, 2013-2014): • Start-up phase for establishing the Framework’s infrastructure a • Demonstration projects • Emphasized strengthening of regional support networks and institutional

capacities Phase II (2015-2018) • Development and scale-up phase of pillars and priority area applications • Initial two-year demonstration projects will be replicated in other parts of

the world • A mid-term review of the Framework during this period will include

consideration of such progress Phase III (2019-2022) • Wide-reaching benefits from improved climate services will be evident • Improved services throughout the world, across all climate-sensitive

sectors and across global, regional and national spatial scales

Task Force Terms of Reference

• Support the Intergovernmental Board on Climate Services (IBCS)Management Committee in implementing Resolution 7/1 (IBCS-2, ORP).

• Ad-hoc Task Force on the GFCS 2015-2018 Operational and Resource Plan (ORP), established by the Intergovernmental Board on Climate Services (IBCS) 2nd Management Committee.

• It will be responsible for further refining, prioritizing and finalizing the budget and operational plan for the GFCS for the period 2015-2018.

Process for Developing the ORP

The IBCS ORP Task Force met on 27-30 April, 2015. The diverse Task Force membership included: • Member Countries: China, Norway, Russia, Switzerland, UK, U.S. • PAC Members: WHO, UNISDR, UNEP, UNDP, WFP, FAO • RCCs: ACMAD (Region 1), IGAD (Region 1), CIIFEN (Region 3), • WMO Technical Bodies: CCL, CBS, CHy, JCOMM, The product of this TT meeting was a draft ORP. Relevant WMO constituent bodies and programmes and the GFCS Partners Advisory Committee (PAC) were provided opportunities to review and comment on the draft ORP. This was a major agenda topic at the October 2015 IBCS Management Committee meeting.

Several pathways for Phase II Implementation

There are MANY climate service investments being made by the

global community and are contributions to the GFCS.

However, the ORP is filling gaps that are not currently being

addressed and help to connect existing initiatives - and not

intended to capture every activity

Key Context Points

• ORP activities originated from the GFCS Implementation Plan, with updates and refinements, and in some cases prioritization, following consultation with key partners.

• Most ORP activities currently do not have resources. Therefore, this is an important document to mobilize support for key activities.

• The budget numbers reflect estimates provided by the contributing experts, and can be refined following this meeting in cooperation with the section leads.

ORP Document Scope and Purpose 1. To focus on key strategic priorities in order to ensure that we are

building on earlier success and making meaningful and sustained progress towards the GFCS vision;

1. To communicate the strategic priorities for climate service development with governments, donors, academics, the public, and other interested parties;

1. To guide necessary investment strategies and decisions to fund the prioritized activities needed for the Framework to meet its intended goals;

1. To provide a basis for monitoring and evaluating progress on key elements of the Framework

1. To provide a basis for monitoring and evaluating progress on key

elements of the Framework.

• Connectivity of Objectives

– Ensuring that core technical capabilities (Obj 3) and mechanisms (Obj 1) are responding to user needs (Obj 2) was a frequent comment and potential gap

• Identification and Prioritization of Activities

– Lack of clear focal points and ownership for some parts of the ORP

– Avoiding impression of duplication in the context of Obj 1 and 3

– If further prioritization of existing activities is needed, how to

proceed? – Do activities need to be initiated or implemented or both during the

course of this 2016-2018 work plan

• Improved messaging on unique role of GFCS

– Articulating impacts and Managing expectations when engaging with partners, countries and other entities.

Areas of ORP Improvement

Designation of ORP sub-objective leads

Roles and Responsibilities of leads – Update list of leads from IP development – Consolidate activity level information for development,

updating and monitoring ORP – clearly identify results/impacts in each activity and show

links to other pillars/priorities – Should coordinate with key implementers as relevant

Designation of ORP sub-objective leads

Objective 1 - Priority Areas – Ag/Food Security, Katiusca/Bob/FAO – Health, Joy – DRR, Alasdair H./ISDR/Jcomm/WFP – Energy, Roberta – Water, Fredrick/Chy

Objective 2 - Mechanisms/Bridge - Global (GFCS Office), - Regional (K.Kolli), National (GFCS Office) Consult - WMO Reg Offices/Reg. Associations) Objective 3 - Priority Areas

– CSIS, CCL/Roger. WMO/K.Kolli /A.Harou – Obs/ Monitoring

Lead: P.Hechler/L.Peter consult: GCOS/CBS/WIGOS/JComm/GCW

– Research Lead (WCRP/WWRP) – Capacity Building, lead: WMO-DRA (R.Master), ICPAC

To revise, improve and finalize this strategic work plan that will guide GFCS Phase II implementation in 2016-2018. This includes: • Refining and Prioritizing the current list of activities to ensure that core

technical capacities are responding to user-needs, and mechanisms for feedback exists

• Re-frame messaging to focus on benefits and impacts of investments • Ensure duplication in efforts between ORP activities and other key

initiatives are mapped and managed • Shorten and streamline the document, and • Clarify lead or lead(s) for each subsection of the ORP - can’t develop and

implement without ownership of different components. • Partners have a clear idea on the direction forward for engagement and

support • Ensure the ORP can be monitored and evaluated, and will inform • Clarify outstanding issues including scope of ORP activities

Key Objectives of this TT meeting

• Remember - we are filling gaps that do not exist elsewhere and are adding value to existing initiatives/programs

• Keep in mind the big picture - what critical activities can be done in the next 3 years to serve the GFCS

• Keep interventions short and on topic • Where possible, offer specific recommendations • Focus on the most important questions • We will try to accomplish as much as possible while

everyone is here, but TT members may need to help with follow up after the meeting

A revised ORP needs to be finalized by mid-May, and will be reviewed by a subset of the IBCS Management Committee and PAC in June

To meet these objectives, the Task Team will need to:

The ORP Task Team for the GFCS

Agenda Item 5

Structure of the ORP

Executive Summary • Drafted by TT members/GFCS Office after ORP is complete -

will serve as foundation for ‘resource mobilization’ needs Part I - Introduction and Strategic Objectives • To be finalized by TT Part II - GFCS Operational Plan (activities) and Budget Summary (costs needed to implement activities) • Activities finalized by TT, budget for activities may need

follow up after TT mtg Part III - 2016-2018 Resource Mobilization Requirements • To be completed by GFCS Office after TT mtg Annexes

Proposed Final Structure of the ORP

The ORP Task Team for the GFCS

Agenda Item 6

Cross-cutting issues

• Scope of Activities (Part I)

– Restrict ORP activities to those funded through the GFCS Trust Fund? [Decision: Edit Text p10. remove trust fund] Kat/Jane/Jim help w/ language]

• Connection of Objectives (Part II) – Incorporate a proposed ‘bridge’ figure and language to

emphasize the connector role of the GFCS? [Decision: leads to clarify expected results/impacts in each activity and links to other pillars] [improve higher level messaging to connect objectives][Decision - use bridge, put priority areas at top and make Obj 1]

• Role of 8 initial PAC focus countries (Part III) – Should be reflected in the document? [proposal: used to

demonstrate proof of concept - particularly mechanisms]

Cross-cutting issues relevant to broader document

Objective 1 UIP Mechanisms

Objective 2 Priority Areas

Objective 3 Technical capabilities

Optional: Conceptual summary and linkage of 3 ORP Objectives

The ORP Task Team for the GFCS

Agenda Item 7

ORP Part I


• Should we include concrete examples on impacts of the

GFCS? [National example, merge with definitions in pg 5 box, possibly Africa - ask Prof. Ogallo]

• Suggestions for streamlining and shortening? – [if captured in other docs- refer to it – Focus on Phase 1, include rest in annex. – Focus on needs around connecting separate initiatives,

communication, bridges, ‘operationalize’ the framework-bullets? • Who can help revise this section? [Jeff, Jim B, Katiusca, Shanna,


Key issues for Part I, Introduction

How can we re-frame this section to focus on benefits and impacts that investments will result in? • Combine Part I and II • Incorporate some of the following messages: arrows pointing in same

system; voice to unite different parties; link to COP21/adaptation at both climate variability and climate change scales, and mitigation aspects

• Revise para on $700M example to streamline, but don’t lose core message. Don’t over emphasize what we are doing, but what we ARE NOT doing

• What is the risk of NOT doing • Try to excite reader up front - keep about the doc, what is the GFCS,

what does it influence, how it can help partners complete their mission, outcomes focused

• Utilize UN definitions for clarifying terminology for output, include in glossary; definie user needs consistently

• Consider annex - the strength of main partners in each obj/sub ob, map key partner contrib.

• Reframe pg7/8 as subsection to introduce strategic ob][user needs define consistently]

• Bring up page 10, line 22, earlier in document • Add private sector reference

Key issues for Part I, Introduction

The ORP Task Team for the GFCS

Agenda Items 8-10


Strategic Objectives overview

1. Are the tables and figures sufficient? – Table 1 - include ‘key implementation partners’? -

[Replace ‘key’ with ‘examples’. And add language][reorder?][private sector-add, in PAC, energy, etc.]

– Figure 1 - replace with the ‘bridge’ or other suggestions? [enabler role?][move obj 2 on top][replace user needs with user oriented - obj 3]

2. Do we restrict implementation of ORP activities through GFCS Trust Fund? - no

3. Should we comment more on the common aspects of the objectives? capacity building, coordination, facilitation of initiatives, etc.

Key issues to address for Part II, Strategic Objectives

1. Justification of Activities – Do all activities meet the basic criteria as found in the

annex? Which criteria do we use? 2. Prioritization of Activities

– Can we prioritize further? If so, what criteria do we use? [decision: 9 criteria] achievable [i.e possible progress by 2018-low hanging fruit], leverage potential funding, ownership, critical gaps and “low-hanging fruits”

3. What is level of activity detail for main document, and what can be put in the annex? Template for consistency to include for each activity, 1 page max. per sub objective:

i. brief description, with approx. budget ii. linkage to other objectives iii. outcomes and outputs

Cross-cutting issues for Part II and III Strategic Objectives

The Global Framework for Climate

Services 2016 – 2018

Operational and Resource Plan (ORP)

IBCS Task Team on the ORP - 18-19 April, 2015

Meredith Muth (US-NOAA) and Joy Shumake-Guillemot (WHO/WMO)

Chairs, IBCS Task Team for the ORP

To revise, improve and finalize this strategic work plan that will guide GFCS Phase II implementation in 2016-2018. This includes: • Refining and Prioritizing the current list of activities to ensure that core

technical capacities are responding to user-needs, and mechanisms for feedback exists

• Re-frame messaging to focus on benefits and impacts of investments • Ensure duplication in efforts between ORP activities and other key

initiatives are mapped and managed • Shorten and streamline the document, and • Clarify lead or lead(s) for each subsection of the ORP - can’t develop and

implement without ownership of different components. • Partners have a clear idea on the direction forward for engagement and

support • Ensure the ORP can be monitored and evaluated, and will inform • Clarify outstanding issues including scope of ORP activities

Key Objectives of this TT meeting

Designation of ORP sub-objective leads

• Additional guidance for sub-objective sections – Monitoring and Evaluation – WMO Results Based Framework – Systematic Approach to national level engagement

• Refine and prioritize activities - Break out groups – (1) 9 criteria in annex – (2) complements and add value, not duplicates or being

prioritized in other initiatives, addressing key gaps/needs – (3) connectivity to other objectives - informing each other

• Break • Objective 1 - Mechanisms for enabling, the ‘bridge • Objective 2 - Priority area applications • Lunch • Objective 3 - Technical capabilities • Annexes, Next Steps

All activities should have some level of connecting (informing, being informed) by other Objectives

Designation of ORP sub-objective leads

Roles and Responsibilities of leads – Update list of leads from IP development – Consolidate activity level information for development,

updating and monitoring ORP – Clearly identify results/impacts in each activity and show

links to other pillars/priorities – Should coordinate with key implementers as relevant

Designation of ORP sub-objective leads

Objective 1 - Priority Areas – Ag/Food Security, Katiusca/Bob/FAO – Health, Joy – DRR, Alasdair H./ISDR/Jcomm/WFP – Energy, Roberta – Water, Fredrick/Chy

Objective 2 - Mechanisms/Bridge - Global (GFCS Office), - Regional (K.Kolli), Consult - WMO Reg Offices/Reg. Associations) - National (GFCS Office) Consult - WMO Reg Offices/Reg. Associations) Objective 3 - Priority Areas

– CSIS: CCL/Roger. WMO/K.Kolli /A.Harou – Obs/ Monitoring

i. Lead: P.Hechler/L.Peter , consult: GCOS/CBS/WIGOS/JComm/GCW – Research/Prediction/Modeling Lead (WCRP/WWRP) – Capacity Development, lead: WMO-DRA (R.Master), ICPAC

The ORP Task Team for the GFCS

Agenda Item 8

Part III, Strategic Objective 1

The ‘bridge’ - user engagement and service

delivery mechanisms

Objective 1: UIP Mechanisms

1. National Level Activities – Flagship projects? – Focus of Frameworks and links to Flagship projects – Consistency in terminology of projects – Inclusion of 8 initial focus countries

2. Regional Level Activities – Role of WMO RAs, RCCs as interface between

NMHS and partners – Current example box

3. Global Level Activities – ‘Governance’ terminology, comments on activity 1 – Any activities of the GFCS Office NOT represented?

4. How are these three areas connected?

Key issues for Strategic Objective 1

The ORP Task Team for the GFCS

Agenda Item 9

Part III, Strategic Objective 2

Priority Area Applications

Objective 2: Priority Areas

1. Are partners still comfortable with the activities and budget?

2. How do these activities link to Obj 1 and Obj 3? – Is there any redundancy in the budget?

3. Can these activities be prioritized?

Key issues for Strategic Objective 2

The ORP Task Team for the GFCS

Agenda Item 10

Part III, Strategic Objective 3

Technical and Scientific Capabilities

Objective 3: Technical Capabilities

1. Do these activities complement, rather than duplicate, other initiatives and efforts?

2. Do they meet the criteria for a GFCS project in the annex?

3. Technical capabilities for user-driven climate services – How are these activities being informed by the

user community? Connection to WMO activities including the data requirements expert team?

4. What is the role of WMO Regional Associations? 5. Can we prioritize activities?

Key issues for Strategic Objective 3

The ORP Task Team for the GFCS

Agenda Item 11

Other Issues

1. Annexes – Review need and content

2. Budget 3. Resource mobilization 4. Executive Summary 5. Sharing with the PAC 6. Briefing sub-set of IBCS MC

– Recommendations on future need of this TT

Other Issues

The ORP Task Team for the GFCS

Next Steps

Objective 2 - Priority Areas

– CSIS, CCL/Roger? – Obs, ? – Res/Monitoring, ? – Capacity Building, ?

Designation of ORP sub-objective leads Roles and Responsibilities of Leads

– Update list of POCs from IP development – Consolidate activity level information for development,

updating and monitoring ORP – Should coordinate with key implementers as relevant

Objective 1 - Mechanisms/Bridge - Global (GFCS Office), Regional (?), National (?)

Objective 2 - Priority Areas – Health, Joy – Water, Fredrick? – Ag/Food Security,

Katiusca or Bob? – DRR, ? – Energy, Roberta

• April 20-22. Provide ORP to Monitoring and Evaluation Task Team as basis for M&E work in 2016-2018.

• May__. Submit edits for correction purposes only (e.g. GEO)

• May ___. Writing teams submit their final drafts. • May __. Budget and Resource Mobilization needs

developed (coordinated by GFCS Office) • May ___. Executive Summary drafted • June ___. Presentation to a sub-set of IBCS

Management Committee • July-Sept. Final revisions per IBCS MC. Development

of outreach documents. • October. IBCS MC.

Next Steps

Thank you for your attention

ORP Resource Plan 2015 – 2018

Includes both: – Expected WMO regular budget resources – Expected extra-budgetary resources – Approx 62.5 million for four years, need to mobilize 55 million

by 2018

ORP Proposed Budget for 2016

Budget for 2016 on agenda item 7.1

Objectives and Outcome GFCS actions catalyze the development and application of climate services that support nations

and communities to develop sustainably, reduce disaster risk and adapt to climate change.

Objective 1: to enhance mechanisms for user engagement and service delivery. Activities respond to priority needs identified in the GFCS User Interface Platform (UIP), and contribute to creating sustained mechanisms to support effective user–driven, end to end climate services at regional and national levels. Key implementing entities : GFCS Office, regional and national level organizations, and partners that identify user needs and appropriate stakeholders at the national and subnational level.

Objective 2: to support the application of climate services for decision-making in the five climate-sensitive GFCS priority areas. Activities respond to priority needs identified in the GFCS Exemplar documentation, and contribute to improving decision making and investments in climate sensitive sectors through the support of climate services. Key implementing entities : PAC and other partner organizations.

Objective 3: to enhance core technical and scientific capabilities for user-driven climate services. Activities align with Pillars of GFCS and respond to priority needs identified in the GFCS Annex documentation, and contribute to meeting national needs through enhanced skills, processes, tools and technologies that enable and support climate service delivery. Key implementing entities are the WMO and its GFCS partners, WMO Constituent Bodies, and NMHSs.