The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.). (Corvallis, Or ...€¦ · WEEKLY (iilll VLLfS GAZETTE, Tf...

Tf VOtl Want A. noaf ir rf nainfinir m T1A. WEEKLY (iilll VLLfS GAZETTE, j - " " - j r o r call on E. H. Burnham. E. EE. BUpH AM HOUSE PAINTING, GRAINING AND PAPER HANGING. Corrallis, April 18, 1879. WESTS) DE EXTENSION Nevsr ha? the future of Corvallis looked more bright and cheering than ' at 'present. The few days, of sunshine gave an impetus TO THE CITIZENS OF WASHINGTON, YAMHILL, POLK, BENTON AND LANE COUNTIES. Having examined the plan and style of a County Atlas of Washington, Yamhill, Polk, Benton and Lane counties, proposed to he published by Edgar Williams & Co., and believimr it to be the most thorough, complete and comprehensive of anythinp of the kind ever before examined by U3, and that such an Atlas of our Counties would be of general use and advantage to property owners and business men throughout the Counties, we therefore take pleasure in recommending them and their project to your favorable consideration, trusting that you will see it to your advantage to give them such informa- tion and support as will insure the success of their enterprise, and enable them to put forth an Atlas of our Counties of such character that both patrons and publishers may feel well satisfied. J W McGrew, merchant, Perrydale. 0 H Shelton, farmer, Bethel f MM Ellis, merchmit and Co. Clerk, Dallas, Polk Co. L M Hail, Sheriff of Polk County, Dallas. 1 F 41 Butler, County Judge of Polk Co., Eola. Joseph Craven, farmer. Monmouth. WORK IX MY LINE PROlfpf LY ALL to on reasonable terms. .' Paper hanging a specialty Orders may be left at: Graham, Hamil- ton and Co. 's drug store, or S. O. HcFadden's carpen- ter shop. ' Corvallia, April 8, 1879. r 10:15tf. to business, of all kinds, and the " music of hammer and saw," are heard in all parts of MONROE ITEMS. Editor Gazette : Our farmers look blue this stormy weather, especially as some of the fall sown land has to be replowed and sown. . The wolves are very troublesome to the sheep-owne- in the hills. Willie Palmer aged 14, died a week ago. Mr. H. Boenr one of the old settlers of the county, while at work in his blacksmith shop, last week, accidentiy stumbled over a piece of iron ; being lame, he could not help himself, and in falling broke one of his thighs. He is doing well, and is in a fair way of recovery. The Monroe literary society have received another invoice of books for their library. Gilbert & Starr are now at work in their new wagon shop. Wm. Kay intends to build a new dwelling house this summer. . ; Our school is well attended, and the teacher gives satisfaction. Rev. Isaac Belknap, from Nebraska, is visiting among his relatives in the " Belknap neighborhood" He likes our Valley and intends to send for his family and settle among us. He is a member of the United Brethren church.. I was at meeting in the above neighbor- hood yesterday, and heard a sermon on Mis the city. Several handsome residences will be built this season. Mr. Thos. Graham has already let the contract for his new house. Dr. Farra and Messrs. J no. Smith and J. H. Lewis also intend to commence building in a short time. Real estate is going up in price, new goods are being rushed in, while there is a constant demand for laborers and Enjoy life. What a traly beautiful world we live in! Nature gives us grandeur of mountains, glens and oceans, and thousands of means for en- joyment. We can desire no better when in perfect health ; but bow often do the majori- ty of people feel like giving it up disheart- ened, discouraged and worried out with dis- ease, when there is no occasion for this feel- ing, as every sufferer can easily obtain satis- factory proof that Green's August Flower will make them as free from disease as when born. Dyspepsia and Liver Complanint is the direct cause of seventy-fiv- e per Lent of such maladies as Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick Headache, Costiveness, Nervous Pros- tration, Dizziness of the Head, Palpitation of. the Heart, and other distressing symp- toms. Three doses of August Flower will prove its wonderful effect. Sample bottles, 10 cents. Try i. Sad Havoc is Created Among the tenants of the mouth by allow- ing impurities to collect upon their surface or in their interstices. SOZODONT re- moves every vestige of tartar from the teeth, and renders their premature decay impossible. It not only imparts to them whiteness and vigor, but communicates hardness and rosiness to the;, gums.- The breath acquires a most acceptable fragrance from its use ; it is a purery botanic liquid, and it may be relied on to accomplish its beautifying effects without injuring the en- amel like a gritty tooth paste. 6" The National GOLD MEDAL wasawar edto Bradley & Rulofson for the best Photographs in the United States, and the Vienna Medal for the best in the world- - - 429 Montgomery Street San Francis . CANDIDATE ANNOUNCEMENTS. I hereby announce myself as candidate for City Marshal, at the. ensuing city election subject to de- cision of the legal voters. A. R WOOLEY. Corvallis, April 8, 1879. . 16:16w4. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of City Rebc-rde- r for the City of CorvalMs, at the ensu- ing election in May, subject to decision of the legal voters of said citv. C. H. JAMES. Corvallis, Aprii 8, 1879. 10 :15w4. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of City Recorder of the City of CorvaHis, subject to the decision Of the legal voters, on the first Monday in May, 1879. W. A. WHEELER. Corvallis, April 9, 1879. 16:15w4. mechanics. The westside road is being pushed toward Corvallis, as will be seen by the following from the Oregonian of the 15th inst : . ... The line of the proposed extension of the Oregon Central, or Westside railroad, has been definitely located, excepting at one or two points, and the rtht of way in Yamhill county secured excepting in the cases of a Administratrix. Notice of Ees-ignatio- n. IS HEREBY GIVES' THAT NOTICE Robinett, administratrix of the estate of Stephen Robinett, deceased, will, on Saturday, the 10th day of May, 1879, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. , apply to the tew land tracts owned by For the privilege of passing over these lands W H Faulkerson, farmer, Monmouth. LS Butler, attorney Dallas. J D Lee, merchant, Dallas. J M Powall, physician, Monmouth. Ezra Poppteton, merchant, Monmouth. T F Campbell, President of college, Monmouth. D T Stanley, editor Messenger, Monmouth. TW Belt, merchant, Independence. N M Skipworth, physician. Independence. I yanduzen, merchant, Independence. O W V hi taker, farmer. Independence. Crosson and Williams, publishers Itemizer, Dallas' J H Conoway, druggist, Dallas. Warren Truitt, attornev-a- t law, Dallas. T O Richmond, farmer, Dallas. WD Fenton, attorney-at-law- , Lafayette. RP Bird, merchant, Lafayette. A R Burbank, merchant, Lafayette. J E Hubbard, acting postmaster , Lafayette. J W Watts, physician, Lafayette. E Rogers, County Clurk of Yamhill Co., Lafayette. J M Kelty, Sheriff Yamhill county, Lafayette. J F Calbreath, physician, Lafayette. Amos Cook, farmer, Lafayette. B H Bowman, merchant, Dayton. S W Sitrler, merchant, Dayton. AL Savior, druggist aud postmaster, Dayton. A L Alderman, farmer, Dayton. B F Lewis, county com Yamhill Co., Dayton. James Fletcher, farmer, McMinnville. BW Dunn, hotel proprietor, St. Joe. RH Todd, druggist, McMinnville. B F Hartman, merchant, McMinnville. AM Faulconer, farmer, Sheridan L Delashmutt, merchant, Sheridan. AW Luelling, Co. Clerk Wash. Co., Hillsbord: TB Handley, attomey-at-law- . Hlllsboro. Geo E Robinson, attorney-at-law- , Hillsboro. W D Piltenirer. merchant and County Treasurer of the company may Je compelled to sue under sions by the Methodist preacher. What oounty court to resign her trust as adminis- tratrix of said estat' j. . about the sermon ? Well, I have not much to say about that, being a poor judge ; but MARY ROBINETT. Try the justly popular fine-c-at tobacco, "Charm of the West.," at .Ray's. Horse bills on short notice, at the Ga- zette office. Prices very low, for cash. Don't fail to read the candidate announce- ments in another column. If you want an office, say so through, the Gazette. Don't forget the elocutionary entertain- ment at the Presbyterian church, this even-in- g. . , Superior stock of fine cloths, just receiv- ed Messrs. Drake & Grant, merchant tailors. Call and see them. Try a bottle of Mrs. Cook's cough medi- cine. We have found great relief from its use the past week. D. Carlile has a new billiard .table1, and runs his establishment on strictly temper- ance principles. Aug. Knight has just received a large lot of handsome baby carriages which he is selling cheap for cash. Give him a call. Bill heads, letter heads, cards, posters, circulars, and every. variety of book and job frinting, House. neatly executed at the Gazette F. A. Vincent now boasts of one of the handsomest dental offkei south of Portland. E. H. Burnham, with his "little brush," contributed much to its beauty. WHtte the .Spirit of improvement sseems to be so rife in this city, T. J. Buford pro- poses to keep even step. See his handsome mirrors and new " fixtures" j ast from Frisco. Call and see our new job presses and ma- terial, and make the acquaintance of Mr. Keady, if you want first-clas- s job work. No trouble to " show goods." Genuine New Orleans molasses sugar-cure- d hams, fresh roasted coffee, cod fish, a fine assortment of Eastern stoneware, with full bills' of crockery and glassware, for sale, at i Ray's. Services at the College chapel, next Sab- bath, morning and evening, by the pastor, Rev. Joseph Emery. Everybody cordially invited. Rev. J. A. Hanna started this morning for the Yaquina Bay. He goes to resume his ministerial labors in the western portion of the county, and will be absent lor six weeks or two months, probably. Mrs. Mason will return from Portland, this morning, with a full stock of Milliner goods latest styles. She will be found at her old stand. (Jive bcr a call. Notwithstanding the rumor on the streets, Tuesday, it is not true that our young friend Zephin Job, had left for San Francisco. Business called him in Portland. Strange how some " stories" get started. Third quarterly meeting of the M. E. church, for Corvallis charge, commences to- morrow afternoon at the Grange Hali, four miles west of Corvallis. Usual services on Sabbath. Rev. j. A. McCain, P. E. Geo. M. Gerhard has purchased the stock of tobacco, cigars, and fancy goods, lately owned by Geo. Von Lange and is now do-in- a business on his own account. Mr. Lange expects to start for San Francisco in a short time. Dr. E. H. Taylor has returned from San Francisco, and is now ready for business, at his office, opposite Graham, Hamilton & Co's drug store. First class dental work the collection amounted no 540 00. Administratrix of the Estate of Stephen New this Week. Kobinett, Deceased. Corvallis, April 10, 1879. 16:15w4. The third quarterly meeting of the M. E. Church will be held at the church in Monroe, April 26th, the fourth Sunday. Monroe, April 14, 1879. Y. Z. THE IMPORTED PEIHEROBWAN STAUI01 From the Oregonian, April 12. A VOICE FOR FOULWEATHER. I read in your issue of the 7th inst. a com- munication on the subject of a harbor of refuge, signed by " Traveler," and I should judge by his reckless statements and his style of argument that he was a lineal de scendant of the celebrated "Arkansas Trav- eler," or, perhaps, that ancient gentleman himself. He has discovered a serious objec- tion to the bay north of Cape Foulweather on account of its entire bottom being "lit- erally filled with large and small boulders." When was the discovery made, and who made it? Nobody except "Traveler," and 1 imagine the largest boulder he ever found was in his hat. He attempts to prove that the bight north of the cape is "to fortune and to fame unknown," arid produces a num- ber of names of persons that h say3 were never there. Well, what does that kind of negative testimony prove ? Nothing at all. 1 notice among the names that " Traveler " attempts to array against Foulweather is that of Capt. Winant. Well, Capt. Wiiiant knows a great deal more about Cape Foul- weather and the bay north of it, than does "Traveler." Aud here is an extract from an article written lately by him on the sub- ject and published in the Alameda Encinal : "To sum up and make this article brief; 1 claim that it (Cape Foulweather) contains such a basin, enclosed by such a reef as set forth in Mr. Habersham's report, and if a harbor of refuge can be constructed at a figure far below the cost of any cher point yet mentioned, it is a matter well worthy the attention of the engineers." And when " Traveler " says that the gen- tlemen he has named would scoff at the idea of a port of refuge at Foulweather, in the face of the favorable report of an experi- enced engineer and in absence of the fact that they had ever given the place any ex- amination or had even been there. I am sat- isfied he is nsihg their nairie3 without any authority, and the assertion is about on a par with his assertion " that the interior of our state has sacrificed lives euough for the want of an asylum for vessel s " I would, like to ask " Traveler " when and how the interior of the state ever sacrificed a single life for the want of a harbor of refuge ? And I denounce this charge against the people of the state (or the cow counties, if you choose) as without foundation and utterly false. All that has been done by the j i pie of the iuterior of the state is to nro upon con- gress the necessity of an early construction of a harbor of refuge at some suitable point on the coast, so as to prevent the loss of life and property continually occurring from southwest gales.' "This is 1 ad and front of their offending,; it a.:..'.: ' extent and no more. " "Traveler " has also discovered dense fogs at Cape Foulweather. This, like his other brilliant discoveries, was probably made when he was not there. To say that the fogs are any worse off Cape Foulweather than they are at Crescent city, Trinidad, Port Orford, Coos Bay, mouth of the Ump-qu- or the mouth of the Columbia, will do to tell to the marines, but it in too thin for an old salt. On the boulder question if "Traveler" will examine the bottom of the roadstead at Port Orford he will find ten boulders where there is one in the bay north of Cape Foul- weather. If "Traveler's " idea that a harbor of ref- uge cannot be of any benefit to ships if it is to be entered from the southwest, or west, be correct, then the report of Col. Wilson " that the gale3 most dreaded by mariners are from the southwest " is all wrong, for a harbor that a wreck could drift into would be no harbor at all. Notwithstanding the assaults of " Trav- eler " and "Shipowner," the facts remain that the bay north of Cape Foulweather is the most avail.acle point for a harbor on the whole coa3t. for the reason that the injury to shipping being caused by southwest gole3. no point south of that would be of any prac- tical use, especially when we consider that vessels leaving the Golden Gate must beat five or six hundred miles westward to get the trade winds. That the capacity of the harbor is am-d- e is shown by Col. Wilson's reeort, said report showing that the harbor wou'd be about a mile long and a third of a LADIES' IMPROVEMENT SOCIETY. Editor Gazette : The last meeting of the Ladies" Improvement Society was held Washington county, Hillsboro at the residence of Mr. D. Carlile, on the DRAKE & (?RAN1Y MERCHANT TAILORS, CORVALUSj- - OREGON. XRTE HAVE JUST RECEfVED A LARGE AND Vf well selected stock of Cloths, viz: West of England Broad Cloths, French Cnssimeres, Scotch Tweeds, and American Suitings, Which we will make up to order in the most approv- ed and fashionable styles. No pains will be spared in producing good fitting garments. Parties wishing to purchase cloths and have them cut out, will do well to give us a call and examine our stock. DRAKE & GRANT. Corvallis, April 17, 1879. 18:16tf. LOGAN, WIDE AWAKE AND WELCOME. A. J. FAIRBANKS, Proprietor. LOGAN TvUl make the season, commencing ADril 1st and ending July 1st, 1879, at Albany and Corvallis Mondays and Tuesdays, at Marshall's stables, in Al- bany. ' Wednesdays. Thursdays. Fridays and Satur 5th inst., and was called to order by the President, Miss Katie Carlile, minutes read and approved. Selections were read by Miss Laura Thompson entitled, "Darkness;" Miss Katie Carlile read a selection, " Con- versation;" "Hope," another select piece by Mrs. W. Wheeler, and "Pride," a com- position by Miss Mary Thompson. The following officers for the ensuing quarter were elected : President, Mrs. W. A Wheeler; Secretary, Miss Laura Thompson; Treasurer, Miss Mary Thompson ; Librarian, Miss Edith Tuller. On motion adjourned to meet at the residence of Mr. D. Carlile's on the third Saturday in the month, the 26th instant. All ladies respectfully invit- ed to attend the Society meetings. Mrs. W. A. Wheeler, Sec'y days of each week, at King's stables, in Corvallis. Terms Season. S25: navable Julv 1st. either In the law condemning rights of way. In any case the progress of the work will not in any way be hindered. The company is now se- curing right of way in Polk county. The contract for grading the first ten miles of the road, from the present terminus at St. Joseph in Yamhill, to Amity in the same county, has been let, and the work is pro- gressing fairly considering the state of the weather. Another contract for grading from Amity south will soon be let. Piles for the bridee across the worth fork of the Yamhill have been built, and the bents set ap ; and the pile s driven for a pier on the west side of the main stream. The work of driving piles for a bridge to span CSozine creek, near McMinnville, will com- mence in a few days. . Almost all the tim- bers for the larger trestles and for the truss bridges of the northern part of the road are framed and ready to be set up, at the build- ing yard at St. Jo. Over 17.000 ties have been completed, and a special train is now engaged in carrying them to St. Jo, from where they will be sent out by construction cars as required. SILETZ AGENCY. The telegraph announced a few days ago that E. A. Swain, of New York, had been appointed agent of the Siletz reservation. Who Mr. Swain is, or what hjs qualiffca-tions- , we knnw not, bat it seems a little strange that a New York man should be ap- pointed to a Federal office In Oregon, espe- cially in view of the recommendation made by the last annual conference of the M. B. Church, under whose supervision the agency is supposed to be placed. It will be remem- bered that W. G. Piper, of Albany, was recommended for that position in cise of a vacancy. Jude Piper hs the confidence of the community in which he lives, and Ts certainly worthy and competent We do not know that he desires the situation, but this certainly is a strange proceeding. Tha above is from the Salem Statesman, of the 15th inst. In the first place, we were not aware that a vacancy existed in the po- sition of agent at Siletz reservation. If .there is, we think the person recommended by the conference of the M. E. Church, should stand first on the list. Can it be pos- sible that there 13 no person connected with that Church, on this coast, capable of filling the position. If that is true, then send a " hand " from " York State." cash or secured by note. To insure, 835 ; payable when the mare is known to be in foal or disposed of. Due care taken to prevent accidents, but no liabili- ties assumed. "DEscaimox Logan is five vears old : is a verv W A miley, pnysictan ana surgeon, HiiisDoro. C T Tosier, Co. Assessor Wash Co. , Hillsboro. James Imbree, farmer, Cornelius. T D Humphreys, farmer, Hillsboro. H B Morgan, Sheriff Wash Co., Hillsboro. TR Cornelius, farmer, Cornelius. WE Smith, Co. Judge, Wash. Co., Cornelius. R W McNutt, merchant, Cornelius. H S Angell, physician. Forest Grove. C Sloan, hotel proprietor, Forest Grove. WD Hoxter, merchant, Forest Grove. AT Smith, farmer, Forest Grove. I Myer, druggist, Forest Grove. L Kelso, merchant, Cornelius. J M Adair, agent OC R R, Cornelius. AS Moore, druggist, Cornelius. S King, Sheriff benton County, Corvallis. B W Wilson, County Clerk, Corvallis. W S McFadden. County Judge, Corvallis. H Herron, Co Co.n'r Benton County, Monroe. J E Edwards, Co Com'r Benton County, Monroe. J Kelsay, attomey-at-law- , Corvallis. H Green, physician, Corvallis. Max Friendly, merchant, Corvallis. Sheppard & Jaycox, merchants, Corvallis. W Baldwin, merchant, Corvallis. J S Palmer, stock grower, Corvallis. HE Harris, merchant, Corvallis. J B Lee, physician, Corvallis. A Cauthorn & Son, merchants, Corvallis. A Hale, farmer, Philomath. J K Bailey, physician, Corvallis. f"'f Jacobs & Neugass, merchants, Corvallis. Thomas Graham, druggist, Corvallis. Smith, Brassffeld & Co merchants, Junction City. Wortman and Sons, merchants, Junction City. J H Berry, hotel proprietor, Junction City. L. Solomon, meivhaiit, Junction City. Sternberg, Senders and Co., merchants, Junction. J Ware, Co. Clerk Lane Co. , Eugene City. WR McCormick, Dep Sheriff, Lane Co. , Eugene. H Knox, attorney-at-la- Euyene City. P H Farrell, marble dealer, Eugene City. J H McClury, supt arrange store, Eugene City. F M Wilkins, druggist, Eugene City. Thompson and Bean, att'y s Eugene City. Unlerwood Bros., brokers, ngts WFCo., Eugene. T G Hendricks, merchant, Eugene City. H ICKincade, editor Journal, Eugene City. A Blew, livery stable proprietor, Eugene City. in explanation of the foregoing, we would state handsome dapple-gray- , carries a fine head, beautifully poised on a long arched neck ; deep shoulders and broad breast ; large girth heavy back and loin, and well rounded rump ; has a long body, with plenty of Done ana muscie ; legs ana feet are periect; lsagooa traveler, and an extra draft horse : 1C) hands hiuh : weight 1900 pounds. NATHAN BOND, State Treasurer's Sixth ISTotice. State Treasurer's Oftice, ) Satjsm, April 10, 1879. J IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT NOTICE are funds applicable to the re- demption of warrants of the issue of 1873,, numbered as follows : 1126, 1154, 1309, 1312, 1313, 1318, 1319, 1320, 1320i, 1323, 1324, 1325, 1326, 1327, 1332, 1333, 1342, 1346, 1348, 1349, 1350, 1353, 1354, 1356, 1357, 1358, 1359, 1360, 1363, 1364, 1374, 1390, 1395i 1398, 1401, 1405, 1410. 1411, 1412, 1413, 1414, 1416, 1418, 1419, 1422, 1423, 1425, 1426, 1434, 1438, 1445, 1448, 1449, 1450, 1451, 1454", 1457, 1461, 1466, 1468, 1471, 1474, 1475, 1476, 1477, 1481, 1482j 1483, 1484, 1485; i486, L487, 1488, 1489, 1490, 1491 1493, 1494, 1497, 1498, 1499, 11521, 1523, 1524; 152V1527, 1528, 1530, 1531, 1532, 1533, 1531541. 1542, 15?5, 1546, 1550, 1551, 1556, 1558, 1559. - . Also all warrants indorsed subsequent to Sept. 9th, 1878, up to and including date of Agent. April 7, 1879. r 16:15m3. Executor's Sale of Eeal Prop and prices to suit the times. Give him a erty. 1CTOTICE IS HEREBY GITJ5N THAT ll under and by virtue of a order of the ' call. Mr. Barnett and Capt. Chas. Lutjens, ar- rived from Yaquina Bay, last Wednesday Arrested. The city marshal of Gervais arrested two boys, Charles Jennings and James Roche, for smoking opium. 'Ihey had a hearing before the recorder, and were sent up for five days, each. Salem States- man. Wherever the ' heathen Chinee " gets a foothold and establiehes a wash-hous- it is safe to look out for an ' opium smoking den." We are glad to notice that cur City Fathers are waking up on this subject. It is a matter of vital importance, and " an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure." Give us a good, strong ordinance on this subject, and then enforce it, at all hazards. evening. . The Captain is en rjute to San r ran Cisco for the machinery tor his new County Court of the State of Oregon, for the county of Benton, made on the 8th day of February, A. D., 1879y the same-bein- a day of the regular February term of said' court begun and held at the Court House, m the city of Corvallis,- - in. said county and steam schooner, which will be ready for launching early in May. An invitation was respectfully extended this notice, except Warrants No. 1822, of by Young America Engine Company No. 1, at Corvallis, Benton county, Oregon, at their last regular me. ting to the various that in case of sufficient encouragement, we propose to publish a combined Map and History of Washing- ton, Yamhill, Polk, Beaton and Lane Counties, in at- las form, containing an index and table of explana- tions, a double page Mop if the State Of Oregon, issue ot lSi. Interest on the above will not be allowed after date of this notice. EDWARD HIRSCH, 16:16w2 State Treasurer. State on the nrst Alonday the drtt day ot February, 1879, and continuing until after the 8th hiy of the same month. The undersigned Executors of the last will and testament of B. F: Robinson, de- - ceased.'were authorized and commanded to sell the real property belonging to the estate of said B. F. Rob.nsoft, deceased, situated Wx'ib inches, nneiy colored and eorrected up to the time of publication, with population of counties .find cities according to last census. A Map of Washington Yamhill, Polk, Benton and NEW GOODS! CIRCUIT COURT. Lane counties, colored by precincts, showing the loca- tion of towns, postofnees, wagon roads, railroads, etc. in Benton county, Oregon, and described as A history ol the hve counties from the earliest set tlement up to the present time. After tnis comes one of the most complete, and SHEPPARD. mile wide. That it can be built for about one-sixt- h the cost there that it can at any other point is also shown by the report. If a harbor was constructed at Port Orford at a cost of millions to the government, not one vessel a year would enter there to escape a southwest gale. COASTER. largest collection of Maps ever published on the Pa- cific coast , cutting all such lands in the counties as have been surveyed into townships by the Govern-- . ment surveyors, into sections, such as will cover one page about 13x10 inches, which will there be produced JAYCOX & CO on a scale of one and inches to the mile. This will enable us to show the original donation claims original donees, names, with the number of acres do Attorneys from Abroad. The follow- ing legal gentlemen have been attending court in this city during the week : S. H. Hazard, Dist. Att'y, Empire City ; R. S. Strahan, L. Flinn, W. R. Bilyen, J. K. Wea-therfor- d and D. M. Conley, Albany. Mrs. E. A. Knight has just received a full assortment of latest styles of spring and summer milliner goods. Demorest's patterns for sale. The new I. X. L. store, opposite Sol. King's Livery Stable, Corvallis, has just opened, with a fine stock of dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes, carpets, and fancy goods, which will be sold at prices to suit the times. Please call and examine goods and prices. Ad. next week. Rev. J. A, Hanna will preach in Newport on the 3d Sabbath of April at 11 o'clock A. m. , and on the 1st Sabbath of May, and at Toledo on the 4th Sabbath of April ann the 2d Sabbath of May, aid expects to fill simi- lar appointments regularly during the sum- - nated to the same, ine names 01 suDscnors, witn the position of their farm lines, the number of acres, The following is the disposition of cases by the Circuit Court of Benton county up to the hour of going to press Hon. J. F. Watson, Judge : State of Oregon vs Isaac Lemon, Vineyard Brock and Frank H.awley, charged" with "riot ; defendants pleaded guilty and fined $100, each. Maria Armington vs Sol King ; continued. Jacob Nash vs Henry Stroud ; continued. W. F. Dixon vs Jas. Gray and Kk B. Smith ; continued. Willis Worley vs Thos. P. Worley ; settled and dissmissed. C. P. Westfail vs R. M. Hanson ; settled and dismissed. Philomath College vs Geo. P. Wrenn ; trial by jury, verdict for plain- tiff. John Conner vs Wm. M. Pitman and A. Bridges; continued as to A. Bridges. W. H. Judson vs E. Marple ; settled anil No time to write Advertisement. From the Oregonian. THE VOICE FROM JUNCTION CITY. Junction City, April 11, 1879. At a meeting of the citizens of Junction and the location of their houses, orchards, etc. ,' will also be shown on the maps on lands outside of the city and village corxrations. Also the location of wagon roads, railroads, streams, mills, manufactories, churches, school houses, cemeteries, blacksmith shops, etc City, held on Thursday evening, April 10th, FIREMEN'S BALL Hon. C. W. Washburn was elected chair The mountainous part of the counties which are still un8urveved, will there be shown on a scale suffi V ire Companies of this htate, to participate with them in a firemen's picnic, to be given in the city of Corvallis, on Friday, the 9th day of May, 1879. Mr. Geo. P. Wrenn, whose advertisement appears in another column, has opened a general intelligence office and real estate agency in this place. Office with E. Hol-gat- e, rear of Rosenthal's store. Mr. Wrenn is one of the pioneers of Benton county, and too well known to need any recommen- dation from us. Gen. E. L Applegate and Thos. Mon-teit- of Albany, returned from Yaquina Bay. last Wednesday. They went for the purpose of investigating Cape Foulweather as a harbor of refuge, and return well satis- fied, as to its practicability, and are highly pleased with the Bay country. It is mmored that an "opium smoking den" exists in Corvallis, nnd frequented by young men of the city. If such a "sink of iniquity" exists, the city authorities should look after it, at once, and bring the offenders to time. Opium smoking is one of the most pernicious and demoralizing vices, and should be abated, like any other nuisance. Services at the Evangelical church, next Sabbath, April 20th, at 11 a. m. After the sermon the sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be administered. In the evening, at 7:30, o'clock, there will be a missionary ser- vice, consisting of addresses, music and other appropriate exercises. Rev. Mr. Baker, of Salem, perfected the organization of a Baptist Church, in this city, last Sabbath. Seven new members were added to the church, four of whom, as follows, were baptized on that day : Dr. H. Green, Wm. Fergurson, Mrs. Drake and Miss Emma Allphin. man and J. E. Houston secretary. Mr. ciently large to show all tha is necessary. . , ... , . - t. i .: I ..ii, Washburn, on taking the chair, stated the ..TO BE GIVEN BY. obiect of the meeting to be to give expres Also nne piats 01 me recurueti civics hh v vkob iii each of the five counties, showing the original part of the town, with the u.iditions to the same, by colors, with the numbers of the blocks, lots and namss of sion in regard to the location of the harbor of refuge. He then spoke at some length default. A. J. Zumwalt vs Sol King ; dis- - HU M Aim H to. No. X, l ! strcuits, with a brief historical sketch of each. , , T T 1 T . . . . T 1 . favoring (Jape foulweather as the place, tor lUlgsetu rf. Ld. xariifiru vs uusius uhwjub ; settled and dismissed. Max Friendley vs the reasons that a breakwater can be con- structed at much less expense at this place A business direct-r- of those who patronize the work, giving their names, residence, business, post-offic- e address, nativity, and when they came to the State and county, with number of acres of land they own, if any, in the State. Justus Brooks : settled and dismissed. The follows, to-w- it : I he undivided one halt ot lots 1; 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, in block No. 9, in Dixon's addition to tbe-Cit- v of Corvallis, and the undivided one half of lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9 and 10, in block No. 10; in Dixon's addition to the City of Corvallis ; also the undivided one-ha- lf of the following tract of land, begin- ning in the center of Main or Second street, on north boundary of the City of Corvalli3, running 27 deg. E. 2.95 chains; thence, south 64J deg. ecM to Willamette river ; thence up said river 2.95 chains ; thence-wes- t to the place of beginning, excepting all ferry rights and privileges. Also the" undivided one-ha- lf of the. fo lowing : The S. W. i of the N. E. i, N. W. of the 8. E. i; East i of the S. Wi of section 36, T. 11, S. R. 7 west of the Willamette meri-- ; dian in Benton county, Oregon. Also all the following described- - premises,' to-w- it r Lots 5, 6, 11 and 12 in block No 10 in Dix- on's addition to the City of Corvallis, in Benton county, Oregon, all the above de- scribed real property lying in Benton coun-t- j , State of Oregon. And in pursuance of said order we winVon , . ', r , Wednesday the 30th day of April, 1879, At the court house door in the City of Cor- -' vail is, in Benton county, Oregon, between the hours of 9 o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock r. r. of said day, to-w- it : At the hour of 1 o'clock P. M. of said day sell at public auc- tion, to the highest bidder all the real prop- erty above .described. Terms of sale, one half cash in hand on-da- of sale, remainder on one year's time, secured by mortgage on the property sold, and to bear interest until paid, at the rate of one" per cent, per month. . WALLACE BALDWIN, F. E. ROBINSON, ? 7 Executors of the last will and testament it B. F. Robinson, deceased. Dated March 21, 1879. 16:13w5 Friday Even'g, May 9, 189. than any other on the coast making a sate Corvallis City Hali Association vs B. D. Boswell : continued for service. A R. and commodious harbor, and at the same Fine lithographic views ( per contract) from pencil Locke vs George Stout ; settled and dis- - drawings of a number of prominent buildings and farms in the counties. time lessening the cost of transportation on grain and other exports from the Willamette valley, by building up a commercial point that will hasten the completion of the Ya It will be about 16x17 inches square, finely bound, making it an invaluable work to the business men missed. Peter Polly vs Jackson Chambers, et al. ; settled and dismissed. J. E. Hinkle, etaL vs E. R. Horner; default. H. C. RECEPTION COMMITTER : S. H. Look, J C. Taylor, Nick Baesen, W. S. Mc- Fadden, T. J. Buford. j i COMMITTER OP ASFAXQEMEXTS : John Bakef. Al. Pyjrall Cy. Powers. J. C. Taylor. and property owners of the counties. In his instructions to new members, last Sabbath evening, Rev. Mr. Batatt was very explicit in his requirementsrelating to "close communion." After hearing his re- marks, no person need mistake the tenets of his church on that subject. pacifk; coast. Oregon, A saloon has closed at Independen ce for want of patronage. quina railroad. To insure accuracy, we nave a corps 01 expenencoa men. composed of civil engineers, artists and histori Clemmens vs Isaac Newhouse; trial by jury, verdict for plaintilf. J. R. Bayley vs V. t ' i i - ic t n a.1 George M. Gerhard. ans, who are each particularly adapted to the depart FLOOR MANAGERS : Myer Harris, M. 8. Woodcock, Frrok Vincent, Geo M. Gerhard, Zepb. Job, John Baker. JOL Jr. w. was ne called ana made an excellent speech, givi: g some inter- esting statistics on the subject, and calling attention to the fact that the most danger- ous place, and the one most dreaded by oacou UU1IEIIUI ; imiauLb. in. vy. vwi- - cock vs David Hugs,ins $ default. Jas. A. Cant horn vs King k Bell ; trial by jury, verdict for nl'ff. W. A. Wells vs B. W. TICKETS - - - (without supper) - - $2 00 Wilson and E. W. Fisher ; default. Otto Music by Brotherhood's Band. Corvallia, April 17, 1879. 18:16w3. Wes. Baltimore is the champion glass ba"l shooter of Albany. Fox'ft'.Bro. vs A. AugeTbrigbt ; judgment by stipulation. E. Marple vs R. McClaiu ; continued for service. F. A Chenuweth vs manners, is within the vicmitj of Foulweather. " The very name Foulwea- ther" said he, " is enough to show the ne- cessity of having a breakwater constructed within the vicinity of the cape." Mrs. Wm. Tucker of Eola, had a leg brok en last week. S. H. Oliver ; settled and dismissed. R. T. Baker vs Sarah E. Baker'; settled and dis The temperance movement has reached short speeches were then made by oapt. A. L. Ewing, J. S. George, J. W. Brastield, Heal Estate Agency General Intelligence Office, CoaVALLis, Oregon. missed. Sarah E. Baker vs R. N. Baker ; La Grande. G. H. Marshall, Judge Thompson. J. M. The of Pendleton have subscribed people - . . - . . 701) toward Duying a nre engine. Indians Arrested. The Portland Stand- ard of the 11th inst. says : " From Klamath Agency we learn that Agent Nickerson has arrested ten Indians of the Snake tribe, who are suspected of having taken an active part in, the Bannock war last Summer. They have been accused of. killing horses and cattle, and burning dwellings, and two of them are charged of murder in Warner val- ley. The testimony taken at the agency is very strong against the Indians, and also Dallas finds its city charter, granted in 1874, defective and nearly useless. UNDERSIGNED HAVING OPENED AN THE in Corvallis, is prepared to attend to nY Some wretch stole a handsome plant from ment in which they wopic. An experimental canvass will soon be commenced, and should it meet with sufflcent encouragement to warrant the publication, we shall endeavor to finish the work in from seven to twelve months. It is impossible for one to get a correct idea of the work without seeing copies published of other coun- ties, which you will have an opportunity of doing, when called upon by our agent, who will take pleas- ure in showing and explaining it to you. Hoping that the enterprise will meet with your favorable consideration and support, we are, Very Respectfully, EDGAR WILLIAMS 4c CO. 23marlG:13inl. Publishers. Don't Forget It. If you are troubled with nervousness are disheartened tired of life, fear death or feel out of sorts aa the saying is, you may safely conclude that ypu have : the Dyspepsia or Liver Complaint. The liver is very apt to become torpid this season of the year as poisons arising from stagnant water or decaying vegetation are more numerous and are through inhalation taken into the blood Unless the liver is strong and active and furnishes a supply of fresh and pure blood to drive out the impurities, the above mentioned symtoms surely follow, and if not heeded, end in more terrible diseases and death. White's Prairie Blower proves itself the Great layer Panacea. Its action on the liver is different from any medicine ever compounded. Its cures are truely won- derful. Try it.- - Price twenty-liv- e cents and seventy-fiv- e cents. Consumption Cured. settled and dismissel. Thomas, Thrasher vs Catharine Thrasher ; divooce granted. J. L Taylor vs School Dist. No. 14 ; dismissed. Melissa D. Thayer vs W. F. Hilliard, et al. ; default. . School Commissioners vs Ezekial Marple ; default. , Board of School Commis- sioners vs Melcena Right, et al. ; decree for pl'ff.. Mary Allphin vs Milton J. Allphin ; continued. J. H. Newhouse ys Joseph Sav- ior, et al. ; sale confirmed. Lucy A Hamil- ton vs The Corvallis City Hall Assoiation ; sale confirmed. Joicey A. Towner vs Van Buren Towner ; sale confirmed. matters m relation to the Duying ana selling ol Heal Bstato the grave of a young lady at Albany re cently. For anv and all parties who will give him a call. Land Shelley and V. Kratz, all favoring foulwea- ther as the most suitable place for the said harbor of refuge. A committe of five was then appointed to draft resoulutions on the subject, consisting of Col. F. W. Folsom, J. M. Shelley, J. W. Brasfield, J. E. Houston and John Wort-ma- n, and report at a subsequent meeting. On motion the chaitinan was a Ided to the committee. On motion, adjourned to mset at same place next Monday at 7:30 P. M. After adjournment the chairman ordered the proceedings of the meeting sent to the Oregonian for publication. John Rankin, aged nearly 70 years, was sold for a reasonable commission, or bought, as parties may wish. Will also attend to RENTING and implicates Ochoco and his men in stealing last Tuesday arrested at Salem for selling town or country property. whisky to Indians. horses and killing cattle. We understand 5TPersons having lands for sale will do well to Dr. J. W. Watts, lately appointed receiv that the testimony has been sent to General City Property for Sale. ORDER TO BE WITH MY DAUGHTERS, IN of the mountains, I have concluded to offer my property iiCervallis or Bale, . . , at a Bargain If disposed of immediately. The property consist of tvo handsome lots, well improved, with choica fruit, shrubbery, etc., large and comfortable dwelling, barn, outhouses, etc on the corner of Van Euren and Second Streets. A very desirable location, with One view ol the river. Also household and kitchen furniture, beds, bed ding, etc., and entire outfit for a family. The furni- ture will be sold with the house, or separately. For terms and full particulars, inquire of the proprietor, on the premises JOHN MORGAN. Corvallis, April 8, 1879. 16:15tf. send me a description of their land, number of acres, how much plow land, or timber, or grass, how im Howard and to Camp Bidwell, but have not proved, and terms of sale. I will endeavor to assist er of the land office at Oregon City, will re side with his family at that place. Gen. John F. Miller will build a fine resi any wno may wwn to preempt or nouiestoaa lana. yet learned what disposition is likely to be Bv a close annlication to. and intecrrity in my busi made of the case. " dence on his place two miles from Salem ness, 1 hope to have the patronage of the public at during the coming season. ELOCUTIONARY ENTERTAINMENT. Four million five hundred thousand feet Home ana aoroaa. I invite all to give me a call. ' - GEORGE P. WRENN, Corner of Second and Madison Sts., CORvAllis. Corvallia, April 17, 1S79. . I6:16tf. Miss Sarah Tuthifl, of New York, whose of saw logs have arrived at Albany from the entertainments are highly eulogized by the mountains within the past tew weens. On the 5th inst., a little daughter of Mr. Portland press, has consented to give one of Change of Firih. FRtrrr Driers. The greatest excitement of the week has been caused by the model Plummer Fruit driers, and samples of fruit, fish and vegetables preserved by this pro- cess, on exhibition at the Vincent House, by Messrs. J. J. and Frank Cooper, of Salem. W. S. Plummer, the patentee, was expected np yesterday afternoon. Messrs. Wheal-do- n & Edwards have purchased the county rights of these celebrated machines for Ben- ton and Lane counties, and will soon give fruit growers an opportunity of knowing jusff what they propose to do. This machine has the advantage of being a home Stephen Staats, living near Monmouth, fell from a ladder, breaking her right arm be her popular readings for the benefit of the ORLANDO C. TAYLOR, Inventer and Proprietor of Taylor's Presbyterian church, in Corvallis, this even low the elbow. ATOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT B. R. C The Corvailij Blue Ribbon Club had another very interesting meeting, last Saturday evening, and a large attendance, notwithstanding the unpleasant weather. The address by Dr. H. Green, was both able and entertaining, and well received by the large audience. The Dr. " wheels into line," like an old wheel-hors- e of temperance. The programme for next Saturday evening, at 7:30, at the Presbyterian church, is as follows : music ; prayer ; music ; address by Hon. F. A. Chenoweth ; music ; reading WONDERFUL ing. The Oregon ian reporter, says : "The Mrs. .L. Bilyeu has resigned a position of i.1 the general merchandize business here- tofore carried on next door south of the postoffice, in Corvallis, under the firm name assistant teacher in the Albany Central readings of Miss Tuthill fully justified the School and Miss.Martha Wheeler takes the numerous eulogistic enconiums of the eas place thus made vacant. The Odd Fellows of Albany have collect tern press, and we have no hesitation in saying that the flattering notices which have ed a very fine library for the use of-- their members, and will soon open out a reading frequently appeared concerning her aie well by Prof. Royal; music ; volunteer speeches ; DITCHING MACHINE Proposes to cut a Ditch five feet wide at the top, one and a half feet at the bottom and . two feet deep, throwing the dirt: two- - feet from ditch, for the small consideration of Thirty-thre- e and one-thir- d Cents per Rod. This he guarantees or no charges. He h?a three' machines now in operation. One each in Linn, Benton and Lane counties. Junction City, Oregon, Jan. 17, 1879. . Ifj:3m6. room in connection witn ic, wnicn win ue merited." The programme for this evening, music. free to all. J. A. HANNA, Chr'n. Ex. Committee. comprises some of her choicest pieces, and our citizens, who attend, will enjoy a rare treat. Tne object is a worthy one, and we An old physician retired from active prac- tice, having had placed in his hands by an East Indian missionary the formula of a sim- ple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per- manent cure of Consumption, Bronchi! .s, Catarrh, - Asthma, and all Throat and Lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for General Debility and all nervous ' com- plaints, after having thoroughly tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, feels it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Thereceipe will be sent free of charge, to all-wh- desire it, with full directions for preparing and successfully using. Address with stamp, naming this paper Dr. J. C. Stone, 44 North Ninth Street, Philadelpha, Pa. , -- r A representative of the Yamhill Reporter has interviewed ff Dale, in his " prison ce'.L" The ex sheriff says he had no intention of wronging any one, and in- tended to give himself up. Strong drink and its concomitants have brought him to grief, and his family to disgrace. " At the last it biteth like a serpent and stingeta Ukft an adder." . The business of Independence don't seem to be at all disturbed by the recent disas- trous fire at that place. New buildings are springing up on the old sites, and prosperity hope to see the church crowded, this evne- - ing. Entertainment commences at 7:30 and style ot - . Sheppard & Jaycox, HaVe this day taken in as a partner, Mr. O. TJ Barlow. Hereafter the business will be carried on at the old stand under the firm name and style of Sheppard, Jaycox & Co.' Mr. George A. Sheppard, of the firm, will in future reside in San Francisco in connec- tion with the firm, thus enabling us to offer superior inducements to customers. Our motto being in the future as in the past, low prices andfair dealing, a liberal share of pat- ronage is solioited. ' " , - In consequence of the above change all parties indebted to the old firm are request- ed to call and settle their liabilities without delay. SHEPPARD JAYCOX. ' .January 1, 17. 21fcbl6:8tf. o'clock. is general. At the Marion county grange convention EOBERT N.BAKER, the following representatives were elected Three Cheers for Eugene. The Eu Apologetic. In' consequence of extra work, occasioned by preparing for and re- ceiving an entire new, and extensive job office, we have been unable to devote our usual time to editorial duties, this week. In connection with Mr. W. P. Keady, late of Salem, we have purchased the entire job printing establishment of Mr. D. T. Stanley, lately connected with the Messenger office, Monmouth, and are now ready to do all kinds of plain and ornamental printing on short notice. Further particulars next week. This will account for limited amount of edi- torial matter in this issue of Gazette. gene Journal of April 12, in speaking of the to the Qeegon state grange : Hon. R. P. Boise, Mrs. Irene Hiilery; Hon. Geo. S. Poor Fap.m. Five hundred and thirty-seve- n persons have been admitted into the Multnomah Poor Farm and hospital, from Nov. 1, 1870, to Dec. 31, 1877, and have been disposed of as follows s Cored and discharged, .230; removed by friends, 10 i left vpluntarily, 109 ; died, 57 ; discharged for disobediance of rules, 43 ; 'sent to the asylum, 35. A new and commodious pavilion will be put np on the fair grounds near Salem dur- ing the coming summer. work of the Blue Ribbon Club, says Downing, Mrs. Mary C. Downing. " What's wrong with our saloons. Three A man giving his name as Wm. H. alias Robert, was arrested at Cottage months ago we had eight in full blast and at fTIORMERLY OF ALBANY, WHERE HE HAS JJ given his patrons perfect satisfaction, has deter- mined to locate 4n CorvaHis, where he hopes to be fa- vored wi'h a fair share of the public patronage. All work warranted, when made under his supervision . Repairing and cleaning, promptly attended Bi Corvallis, Nov. 28, 1878. 16:4tf Grove, as the burglar of the safe at Eugene, the present time there are only four. Four of them have blue ribbons on the front door and in default of $300 bail, now languishes knob." in "durance vile.

Transcript of The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.). (Corvallis, Or ...€¦ · WEEKLY (iilll VLLfS GAZETTE, Tf...

Page 1: The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.). (Corvallis, Or ...€¦ · WEEKLY (iilll VLLfS GAZETTE, Tf jVOtl Want A. noaf-irj"" rf nainfinirr o m-T1A.r call on E. H. Burnham. E.EE. BUpHAM

Tf VOtl Want A. noaf ir rf nainfinir m T1A.WEEKLY (iilll VLLfS GAZETTE, j - " " -j r o r

call on E. H. Burnham. E. EE. BUpHAMHOUSE PAINTING,

GRAINING AND PAPER HANGING.Corrallis, April 18, 1879.


Nevsr ha? the future of Corvallis lookedmore bright and cheering than ' at 'present.The few days, of sunshine gave an impetus




Having examined the plan and style of a CountyAtlas of Washington, Yamhill, Polk, Benton andLane counties, proposed to he published by EdgarWilliams & Co., and believimr it to be the mostthorough, complete and comprehensive of anythinpof the kind ever before examined by U3, and thatsuch an Atlas of our Counties would be of generaluse and advantage to property owners and businessmen throughout the Counties, we therefore takepleasure in recommending them and their project toyour favorable consideration, trusting that you willsee it to your advantage to give them such informa-tion and support as will insure the success of theirenterprise, and enable them to put forth an Atlas ofour Counties of such character that both patrons andpublishers may feel well satisfied.

J W McGrew, merchant, Perrydale.0 H Shelton, farmer, Bethel fM M Ellis, merchmit and Co. Clerk, Dallas, Polk Co.L M Hail, Sheriff of Polk County, Dallas.1 F 41 Butler, County Judge of Polk Co., Eola.Joseph Craven, farmer. Monmouth.

WORK IX MY LINE PROlfpf LYALL to on reasonable terms. .' Paper hanginga specialty Orders may be left at: Graham, Hamil-ton and Co. 's drug store, or S. O. HcFadden's carpen-ter shop. '

Corvallia, April 8, 1879. r business, of all kinds, and the " music ofhammer and saw," are heard in all parts of


Editor Gazette : Our farmers look bluethis stormy weather, especially as some ofthe fall sown land has to be replowed andsown. .

The wolves are very troublesome to thesheep-owne- in the hills.

Willie Palmer aged 14, died a week ago.Mr. H. Boenr one of the old settlers of

the county, while at work in his blacksmithshop, last week, accidentiy stumbled over apiece of iron ; being lame, he could not helphimself, and in falling broke one of histhighs. He is doing well, and is in a fairway of recovery.

The Monroe literary society have receivedanother invoice of books for their library.

Gilbert & Starr are now at work in theirnew wagon shop.

Wm. Kay intends to build a new dwellinghouse this summer. . ;

Our school is well attended, and theteacher gives satisfaction.

Rev. Isaac Belknap, from Nebraska, is

visiting among his relatives in the " Belknapneighborhood" He likes our Valley andintends to send for his family and settleamong us. He is a member of the UnitedBrethren church..

I was at meeting in the above neighbor-hood yesterday, and heard a sermon on Mis

the city. Several handsome residences willbe built this season. Mr. Thos. Graham hasalready let the contract for his new house.Dr. Farra and Messrs. J no. Smith and J. H.Lewis also intend to commence building ina short time. Real estate is going up inprice, new goods are being rushed in, whilethere is a constant demand for laborers and

Enjoy life.What a traly beautiful world we live in!

Nature gives us grandeur of mountains, glensand oceans, and thousands of means for en-

joyment. We can desire no better when inperfect health ; but bow often do the majori-ty of people feel like giving it up disheart-ened, discouraged and worried out with dis-ease, when there is no occasion for this feel-

ing, as every sufferer can easily obtain satis-factory proof that Green's August Flowerwill make them as free from disease as whenborn. Dyspepsia and Liver Complanint isthe direct cause of seventy-fiv- e per Lent ofsuch maladies as Biliousness, Indigestion,Sick Headache, Costiveness, Nervous Pros-tration, Dizziness of the Head, Palpitationof. the Heart, and other distressing symp-toms. Three doses of August Flower willprove its wonderful effect. Sample bottles,10 cents. Try i.

Sad Havoc is CreatedAmong the tenants of the mouth by allow-ing impurities to collect upon their surfaceor in their interstices. SOZODONT re-moves every vestige of tartar from theteeth, and renders their premature decayimpossible. It not only imparts to themwhiteness and vigor, but communicateshardness and rosiness to the;, gums.- Thebreath acquires a most acceptable fragrancefrom its use ; it is a purery botanic liquid,and it may be relied on to accomplish itsbeautifying effects without injuring the en-amel like a gritty tooth paste.

6" The National GOLD MEDAL wasawar edtoBradley & Rulofson for the best Photographs in theUnited States, and the Vienna Medal for the best inthe world- - -

429 Montgomery Street San Francis .


I hereby announce myself as candidate for CityMarshal, at the. ensuing city election subject to de-cision of the legal voters. A. R WOOLEY.

Corvallis, April 8, 1879. . 16:16w4.

I hereby announce myself a candidate for the officeof City Rebc-rde- r for the City of CorvalMs, at the ensu-ing election in May, subject to decision of the legalvoters of said citv. C. H. JAMES.

Corvallis, Aprii 8, 1879. 10 :15w4.

I hereby announce myself a candidate for the officeof City Recorder of the City of CorvaHis, subject tothe decision Of the legal voters, on the first Mondayin May, 1879. W. A. WHEELER.

Corvallis, April 9, 1879. 16:15w4.

mechanics. The westside road is beingpushed toward Corvallis, as will be seen bythe following from the Oregonian of the 15thinst : . ...

The line of the proposed extension of theOregon Central, or Westside railroad, hasbeen definitely located, excepting at one ortwo points, and the rtht of way in Yamhillcounty secured excepting in the cases of a

Administratrix. Notice of Ees-ignatio- n.

IS HEREBY GIVES' THATNOTICE Robinett, administratrix of theestate of Stephen Robinett, deceased, will,on Saturday, the 10th day of May, 1879,at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. , apply to the

tew land tracts owned byFor the privilege of passing over these lands

W H Faulkerson, farmer, Monmouth.L S Butler, attorney Dallas.J D Lee, merchant, Dallas.J M Powall, physician, Monmouth.Ezra Poppteton, merchant, Monmouth.T F Campbell, President of college, Monmouth.D T Stanley, editor Messenger, Monmouth.T W Belt, merchant, Independence.N M Skipworth, physician. Independence.I yanduzen, merchant, Independence.O W V hi taker, farmer. Independence.Crosson and Williams, publishers Itemizer, Dallas'J H Conoway, druggist, Dallas.Warren Truitt, attornev-a- t law, Dallas.T O Richmond, farmer, Dallas.W D Fenton, attorney-at-law- , Lafayette.R P Bird, merchant, Lafayette.A R Burbank, merchant, Lafayette.J E Hubbard, acting postmaster , Lafayette.J W Watts, physician, Lafayette.E Rogers, County Clurk of Yamhill Co., Lafayette.J M Kelty, Sheriff Yamhill county, Lafayette.J F Calbreath, physician, Lafayette.Amos Cook, farmer, Lafayette.B H Bowman, merchant, Dayton.S W Sitrler, merchant, Dayton.A L Savior, druggist aud postmaster, Dayton.A L Alderman, farmer, Dayton.B F Lewis, county com Yamhill Co., Dayton.James Fletcher, farmer, McMinnville.B W Dunn, hotel proprietor, St. Joe.R H Todd, druggist, McMinnville.B F Hartman, merchant, McMinnville.A M Faulconer, farmer, SheridanL Delashmutt, merchant, Sheridan.AW Luelling, Co. Clerk Wash. Co., Hillsbord:T B Handley, attomey-at-law- . Hlllsboro.Geo E Robinson, attorney-at-law- , Hillsboro.W D Piltenirer. merchant and County Treasurer of

the company may J e compelled to sue undersions by the Methodist preacher. What

oounty court to resign her trust as adminis-tratrix of said estat' j. .

about the sermon ? Well, I have not muchto say about that, being a poor judge ; but MARY ROBINETT.

Try the justly popular fine-c-at tobacco,"Charm of the West.," at .Ray's.

Horse bills on short notice, at the Ga-zette office. Prices very low, for cash.

Don't fail to read the candidate announce-ments in another column. If you want anoffice, say so through, the Gazette.

Don't forget the elocutionary entertain-ment at the Presbyterian church, this even-in- g.

. ,

Superior stock of fine cloths, just receiv-ed Messrs. Drake & Grant, merchant tailors.Call and see them.

Try a bottle of Mrs. Cook's cough medi-cine. We have found great relief from itsuse the past week.

D. Carlile has a new billiard .table1, andruns his establishment on strictly temper-ance principles.

Aug. Knight has just received a large lotof handsome baby carriages which he isselling cheap for cash. Give him a call.

Bill heads, letter heads, cards, posters,circulars, and every. variety of book and jobfrinting, House.

neatly executed at the Gazette

F. A. Vincent now boasts of one of thehandsomest dental offkei south of Portland.E. H. Burnham, with his "little brush,"contributed much to its beauty.

WHtte the .Spirit of improvement sseemsto be so rife in this city, T. J. Buford pro-poses to keep even step. See his handsomemirrors and new " fixtures" j ast from Frisco.

Call and see our new job presses and ma-terial, and make the acquaintance of Mr.Keady, if you want first-clas- s job work.No trouble to " show goods."

Genuine New Orleans molasses sugar-cure- d

hams, fresh roasted coffee, cod fish, afine assortment of Eastern stoneware, withfull bills' of crockery and glassware, for sale,at i Ray's.

Services at the College chapel, next Sab-bath, morning and evening, by the pastor,Rev. Joseph Emery. Everybody cordiallyinvited.

Rev. J. A. Hanna started this morningfor the Yaquina Bay. He goes to resumehis ministerial labors in the western portionof the county, and will be absent lor sixweeks or two months, probably.

Mrs. Mason will return from Portland,this morning, with a full stock of Millinergoods latest styles. She will be found ather old stand. (Jive bcr a call.

Notwithstanding the rumor on the streets,Tuesday, it is not true that our young friendZephin Job, had left for San Francisco.Business called him in Portland. Strangehow some " stories" get started.

Third quarterly meeting of the M., for Corvallis charge, commences to-

morrow afternoon at the Grange Hali, fourmiles west of Corvallis. Usual services onSabbath. Rev. j. A. McCain, P. E.

Geo. M. Gerhard has purchased the stockof tobacco, cigars, and fancy goods, latelyowned by Geo. Von Lange and is now do-in- a

business on his own account. Mr. Langeexpects to start for San Francisco in a shorttime.

Dr. E. H. Taylor has returned from SanFrancisco, and is now ready for business, athis office, opposite Graham, Hamilton &Co's drug store. First class dental work

the collection amounted no 540 00. Administratrix of the Estate of StephenNew this Week. Kobinett, Deceased.Corvallis, April 10, 1879. 16:15w4.

The third quarterly meeting of the M.E. Church will be held at the church inMonroe, April 26th, the fourth Sunday.

Monroe, April 14, 1879. Y. Z.THE IMPORTED


From the Oregonian, April 12.


I read in your issue of the 7th inst. a com-munication on the subject of a harbor ofrefuge, signed by " Traveler," and I shouldjudge by his reckless statements and hisstyle of argument that he was a lineal descendant of the celebrated "Arkansas Trav-eler," or, perhaps, that ancient gentlemanhimself. He has discovered a serious objec-tion to the bay north of Cape Foulweatheron account of its entire bottom being "lit-erally filled with large and small boulders."When was the discovery made, and whomade it? Nobody except "Traveler," and1 imagine the largest boulder he ever foundwas in his hat. He attempts to prove thatthe bight north of the cape is "to fortuneand to fame unknown," arid produces a num-ber of names of persons that h say3 werenever there. Well, what does that kind ofnegative testimony prove ? Nothing at all.1 notice among the names that " Traveler "

attempts to array against Foulweather isthat of Capt. Winant. Well, Capt. Wiiiantknows a great deal more about Cape Foul-weather and the bay north of it, than does"Traveler." Aud here is an extract froman article written lately by him on the sub-

ject and published in the Alameda Encinal :

"To sum up and make this article brief; 1

claim that it (Cape Foulweather) containssuch a basin, enclosed by such a reef as setforth in Mr. Habersham's report, and if aharbor of refuge can be constructed at afigure far below the cost of any cher pointyet mentioned, it is a matter well worthythe attention of the engineers."

And when " Traveler " says that the gen-tlemen he has named would scoff at the ideaof a port of refuge at Foulweather, in theface of the favorable report of an experi-enced engineer and in absence of the factthat they had ever given the place any ex-

amination or had even been there. I am sat-

isfied he is nsihg their nairie3 without anyauthority, and the assertion is about on apar with his assertion " that the interiorof our state has sacrificed lives euough forthe want of an asylum for vessel s " I would,like to ask " Traveler " when and how theinterior of the state ever sacrificed a singlelife for the want of a harbor of refuge ? AndI denounce this charge against the people ofthe state (or the cow counties, if you choose)as without foundation and utterly false.All that has been done by the j i pie of theiuterior of the state is to nro upon con-

gress the necessity of an early constructionof a harbor of refuge at some suitable pointon the coast, so as to prevent the loss of lifeand property continually occurring fromsouthwest gales.' "This is 1 ad andfront of their offending,; it a.:..'.: ' extentand no more. "

"Traveler " has also discovered dense fogsat Cape Foulweather. This, like his otherbrilliant discoveries, was probably madewhen he was not there. To say that thefogs are any worse off Cape Foulweatherthan they are at Crescent city, Trinidad,Port Orford, Coos Bay, mouth of the Ump-qu-

or the mouth of the Columbia, will doto tell to the marines, but it in too thin foran old salt.

On the boulder question if "Traveler"will examine the bottom of the roadstead atPort Orford he will find ten boulders wherethere is one in the bay north of Cape Foul-weather.

If "Traveler's " idea that a harbor of ref-

uge cannot be of any benefit to ships if it isto be entered from the southwest, or west,be correct, then the report of Col. Wilson" that the gale3 most dreaded by marinersare from the southwest " is all wrong, for aharbor that a wreck could drift into wouldbe no harbor at all.

Notwithstanding the assaults of " Trav-eler " and "Shipowner," the facts remainthat the bay north of Cape Foulweather isthe most avail.acle point for a harbor on thewhole coa3t. for the reason that the injuryto shipping being caused by southwest point south of that would be of any prac-tical use, especially when we consider thatvessels leaving the Golden Gate must beatfive or six hundred miles westward to getthe trade winds. That the capacity of theharbor is am-d- e is shown by Col. Wilson'sreeort, said report showing that the harborwou'd be about a mile long and a third of a


Editor Gazette : The last meeting ofthe Ladies" Improvement Society was held Washington county, Hillsboroat the residence of Mr. D. Carlile, on the



XRTE HAVE JUST RECEfVED A LARGE ANDVf well selected stock of Cloths, viz:

West of England Broad Cloths, FrenchCnssimeres, Scotch Tweeds, and AmericanSuitings,Which we will make up to order in the most approv-ed and fashionable styles. No pains will be spared inproducing good fitting garments.

Parties wishing to purchase cloths and have themcut out, will do well to give us a call and examine ourstock. DRAKE & GRANT.

Corvallis, April 17, 1879. 18:16tf.


A. J. FAIRBANKS, Proprietor.

LOGAN TvUl make the season, commencing ADril1st and ending July 1st, 1879, at Albany and CorvallisMondays and Tuesdays, at Marshall's stables, in Al-

bany. ' Wednesdays. Thursdays. Fridays and Satur

5th inst., and was called to order by thePresident, Miss Katie Carlile, minutes readand approved. Selections were read byMiss Laura Thompson entitled, "Darkness;"Miss Katie Carlile read a selection, " Con-

versation;" "Hope," another select pieceby Mrs. W. Wheeler, and "Pride," a com-

position by Miss Mary Thompson. Thefollowing officers for the ensuing quarterwere elected : President, Mrs. W. AWheeler; Secretary, Miss Laura Thompson;Treasurer, Miss Mary Thompson ; Librarian,Miss Edith Tuller. On motion adjournedto meet at the residence of Mr. D. Carlile'son the third Saturday in the month, the26th instant. All ladies respectfully invit-ed to attend the Society meetings.

Mrs. W. A. Wheeler, Sec'y

days of each week, at King's stables, in Corvallis.

Terms Season. S25: navable Julv 1st. either In

the law condemning rights of way. In anycase the progress of the work will not in anyway be hindered. The company is now se-

curing right of way in Polk county.The contract for grading the first ten miles

of the road, from the present terminus atSt. Joseph in Yamhill, to Amity in the samecounty, has been let, and the work is pro-gressing fairly considering the state of theweather. Another contract for grading fromAmity south will soon be let.

Piles for the bridee across the worth forkof the Yamhill have been built, and thebents set ap ; and the pile s driven for a pieron the west side of the main stream. Thework of driving piles for a bridge to spanCSozine creek, near McMinnville, will com-mence in a few days. . Almost all the tim-bers for the larger trestles and for the trussbridges of the northern part of the road areframed and ready to be set up, at the build-ing yard at St. Jo. Over 17.000 ties havebeen completed, and a special train is nowengaged in carrying them to St. Jo, fromwhere they will be sent out by constructioncars as required.


The telegraph announced a few days agothat E. A. Swain, of New York, had beenappointed agent of the Siletz reservation.Who Mr. Swain is, or what hjs qualiffca-tions- ,

we knnw not, bat it seems a littlestrange that a New York man should be ap-

pointed to a Federal office In Oregon, espe-cially in view of the recommendation madeby the last annual conference of the M. B.Church, under whose supervision the agencyis supposed to be placed. It will be remem-bered that W. G. Piper, of Albany, wasrecommended for that position in cise of avacancy. Jude Piper hs the confidence ofthe community in which he lives, and Ts

certainly worthy and competent We donot know that he desires the situation, butthis certainly is a strange proceeding.

Tha above is from the Salem Statesman, ofthe 15th inst. In the first place, we werenot aware that a vacancy existed in the po-

sition of agent at Siletz reservation. If.there is, we think the person recommended

by the conference of the M. E. Church,should stand first on the list. Can it be pos-sible that there 13 no person connected withthat Church, on this coast, capable of fillingthe position. If that is true, then send a" hand " from " York State."

cash or secured by note. To insure, 835 ; payablewhen the mare is known to be in foal or disposed of.Due care taken to prevent accidents, but no liabili-ties assumed.

"DEscaimox Logan is five vears old : is a verv

W A miley, pnysictan ana surgeon, HiiisDoro.C T Tosier, Co. Assessor Wash Co. , Hillsboro.James Imbree, farmer, Cornelius.T D Humphreys, farmer, Hillsboro.H B Morgan, Sheriff Wash Co., Hillsboro.T R Cornelius, farmer, Cornelius.W E Smith, Co. Judge, Wash. Co., Cornelius.R W McNutt, merchant, Cornelius.H S Angell, physician. Forest Grove.C Sloan, hotel proprietor, Forest Grove.W D Hoxter, merchant, Forest Grove.A T Smith, farmer, Forest Grove.I Myer, druggist, Forest Grove.L Kelso, merchant, Cornelius.J M Adair, agent O C R R, Cornelius.A S Moore, druggist, Cornelius.S King, Sheriff benton County, Corvallis.B W Wilson, County Clerk, Corvallis.W S McFadden. County Judge, Corvallis.H Herron, Co Co.n'r Benton County, Monroe.J E Edwards, Co Com'r Benton County, Monroe.J Kelsay, attomey-at-law- , Corvallis.H Green, physician, Corvallis.Max Friendly, merchant, Corvallis.Sheppard & Jaycox, merchants, Corvallis.W Baldwin, merchant, Corvallis.J S Palmer, stock grower, Corvallis.H E Harris, merchant, Corvallis.J B Lee, physician, Corvallis.A Cauthorn & Son, merchants, Corvallis.A Hale, farmer, Philomath.J K Bailey, physician, Corvallis. f"'fJacobs & Neugass, merchants, Corvallis.Thomas Graham, druggist, Corvallis.Smith, Brassffeld & Co merchants, Junction City.Wortman and Sons, merchants, Junction City.J H Berry, hotel proprietor, Junction City.L. Solomon, meivhaiit, Junction City.Sternberg, Senders and Co., merchants, Junction.J Ware, Co. Clerk Lane Co. , Eugene City.W R McCormick, Dep Sheriff, Lane Co. , Eugene.H Knox, attorney-at-la- Euyene City.P H Farrell, marble dealer, Eugene City.J H McClury, supt arrange store, Eugene City.F M Wilkins, druggist, Eugene City.Thompson and Bean, att'y s Eugene City.Unlerwood Bros., brokers, ngts WFCo., Eugene.T G Hendricks, merchant, Eugene City.H ICKincade, editor Journal, Eugene City.A Blew, livery stable proprietor, Eugene explanation of the foregoing, we would state

handsome dapple-gray- , carries a fine head, beautifullypoised on a long arched neck ; deep shoulders andbroad breast ; large girth heavy back and loin, andwell rounded rump ; has a long body, with plenty ofDone ana muscie ; legs ana feet are periect; lsagooatraveler, and an extra draft horse : 1C) hands hiuh :

weight 1900 pounds. NATHAN BOND,

State Treasurer's SixthISTotice.

State Treasurer's Oftice, )Satjsm, April 10, 1879. J

IS HEREBY GIVEN THATNOTICEare funds applicable to the re-

demption of warrants of the issue of 1873,,numbered as follows :

1126, 1154, 1309, 1312, 1313, 1318, 1319,1320, 1320i, 1323, 1324, 1325, 1326, 1327,1332, 1333, 1342, 1346, 1348, 1349, 1350,1353, 1354, 1356, 1357, 1358, 1359, 1360,1363, 1364, 1374, 1390, 1395i 1398, 1401,1405, 1410. 1411, 1412, 1413, 1414, 1416,1418, 1419, 1422, 1423, 1425, 1426, 1434,1438, 1445, 1448, 1449, 1450, 1451, 1454",1457, 1461, 1466, 1468, 1471, 1474, 1475,1476, 1477, 1481, 1482j 1483, 1484, 1485;i486, L487, 1488, 1489, 1490, 1491 1493,1494, 1497, 1498, 1499, 11521, 1523, 1524;152V1527, 1528, 1530, 1531, 1532, 1533,1531541. 1542, 15?5, 1546, 1550, 1551,1556, 1558, 1559. - .

Also all warrants indorsed subsequent toSept. 9th, 1878, up to and including date of

Agent.April 7, 1879. r 16:15m3.

Executor's Sale of Eeal Propand prices to suit the times. Give him a erty.

1CTOTICE IS HEREBY GITJ5N THATll under and by virtue of a order of the '

call.Mr. Barnett and Capt. Chas. Lutjens, ar-

rived from Yaquina Bay, last Wednesday

Arrested. The city marshal of Gervaisarrested two boys, Charles Jennings andJames Roche, for smoking opium. 'Iheyhad a hearing before the recorder, and weresent up for five days, each. Salem States-man.

Wherever the ' heathen Chinee " gets afoothold and establiehes a wash-hous- it issafe to look out for an ' opium smokingden." We are glad to notice that cur CityFathers are waking up on this subject. Itis a matter of vital importance, and " anounce of prevention is better than a poundof cure." Give us a good, strong ordinanceon this subject, and then enforce it, at allhazards.

evening. . The Captain is en rjute to Sanr ran Cisco for the machinery tor his new

County Court of the State of Oregon, forthe county of Benton, made on the 8th dayof February, A. D., 1879y the same-bein- aday of the regular February term of said'court begun and held at the Court House, mthe city of Corvallis,- - in. said county and

steam schooner, which will be ready forlaunching early in May.

An invitation was respectfully extended this notice, except Warrants No. 1822, ofby Young America Engine Company No. 1,at Corvallis, Benton county, Oregon, attheir last regular me. ting to the various

that in case of sufficient encouragement, we proposeto publish a combined Map and History of Washing-ton, Yamhill, Polk, Beaton and Lane Counties, in at-las form, containing an index and table of explana-tions, a double page Mop if the State Of Oregon,

issue ot lSi.Interest on the above will not be allowed

after date of this notice.EDWARD HIRSCH,

16:16w2 State Treasurer.

State on the nrst Alonday the drtt day otFebruary, 1879, and continuing until afterthe 8th hiy of the same month.

The undersigned Executors of the lastwill and testament of B. F: Robinson, de- -

ceased.'were authorized and commanded tosell the real property belonging to the estateof said B. F. Rob.nsoft, deceased, situated

Wx'ib inches, nneiy colored and eorrected up to thetime of publication, with population of counties .findcities according to last census.

A Map of Washington Yamhill, Polk, Benton and NEW GOODS!CIRCUIT COURT. Lane counties, colored by precincts, showing the loca-tion of towns, postofnees, wagon roads, railroads, etc.

in Benton county, Oregon, and described asA history ol the hve counties from the earliest settlement up to the present time.

After tnis comes one of the most complete, and

SHEPPARD.mile wide. That it can be built for aboutone-sixt- h the cost there that it can at anyother point is also shown by the report. Ifa harbor was constructed at Port Orford ata cost of millions to the government, notone vessel a year would enter there to escapea southwest gale. COASTER.

largest collection of Maps ever published on the Pa-cific coast , cutting all such lands in the counties ashave been surveyed into townships by the Govern-- .ment surveyors, into sections, such as will cover onepage about 13x10 inches, which will there be produced JAYCOX &

COon a scale of one and inches to the mile.This will enable us to show the original donation claimsoriginal donees, names, with the number of acres do

Attorneys from Abroad. The follow-

ing legal gentlemen have been attendingcourt in this city during the week : S. H.Hazard, Dist. Att'y, Empire City ; R. S.

Strahan, L. Flinn, W. R. Bilyen, J. K. Wea-therfor- d

and D. M. Conley, Albany.

Mrs. E. A. Knight has just received afull assortment of latest styles of spring andsummer milliner goods. Demorest's patternsfor sale.

The new I. X. L. store, opposite Sol.King's Livery Stable, Corvallis, has justopened, with a fine stock of dry goods,clothing, boots and shoes, carpets, and fancygoods, which will be sold at prices to suitthe times. Please call and examine goodsand prices. Ad. next week.

Rev. J. A, Hanna will preach in Newporton the 3d Sabbath of April at 11 o'clock A.m. , and on the 1st Sabbath of May, and atToledo on the 4th Sabbath of April ann the2d Sabbath of May, aid expects to fill simi-lar appointments regularly during the sum- -

nated to the same, ine names 01 suDscnors, witnthe position of their farm lines, the number of acres,

The following is the disposition of cases

by the Circuit Court of Benton county upto the hour of going to press Hon. J. F.Watson, Judge :

State of Oregon vs Isaac Lemon, VineyardBrock and Frank H.awley, charged" with"riot ; defendants pleaded guilty and fined$100, each. Maria Armington vs Sol King ;continued. Jacob Nash vs Henry Stroud ;

continued. W. F. Dixon vs Jas. Gray andKk B. Smith ; continued. Willis Worley vsThos. P. Worley ; settled and dissmissed.C. P. Westfail vs R. M. Hanson ; settledand dismissed. Philomath College vs Geo.P. Wrenn ; trial by jury, verdict for plain-tiff. John Conner vs Wm. M. Pitman andA. Bridges; continued as to A. Bridges.W. H. Judson vs E. Marple ; settled anil

No time to write Advertisement.From the Oregonian.


Junction City, April 11, 1879.At a meeting of the citizens of Junction

and the location of their houses, orchards, etc. ,' willalso be shown on the maps on lands outside of thecity and village corxrations. Also the location ofwagon roads, railroads, streams, mills, manufactories,churches, school houses, cemeteries, blacksmithshops, etcCity, held on Thursday evening, April 10th, FIREMEN'S BALLHon. C. W. Washburn was elected chair The mountainous part of the counties which arestill un8urveved, will there be shown on a scale suffi

V ire Companies of this htate, to participatewith them in a firemen's picnic, to be givenin the city of Corvallis, on Friday, the 9thday of May, 1879.

Mr. Geo. P. Wrenn, whose advertisementappears in another column, has opened ageneral intelligence office and real estateagency in this place. Office with E. Hol-gat- e,

rear of Rosenthal's store. Mr. Wrennis one of the pioneers of Benton county,and too well known to need any recommen-dation from us.

Gen. E. L Applegate and Thos. Mon-teit-

of Albany, returned from YaquinaBay. last Wednesday. They went for thepurpose of investigating Cape Foulweatheras a harbor of refuge, and return well satis-fied, as to its practicability, and are highlypleased with the Bay country.

It is mmored that an "opium smokingden" exists in Corvallis, nnd frequented byyoung men of the city. If such a "sinkof iniquity" exists, the city authoritiesshould look after it, at once, and bring theoffenders to time. Opium smoking is oneof the most pernicious and demoralizingvices, and should be abated, like any othernuisance.

Services at the Evangelical church, nextSabbath, April 20th, at 11 a. m. After thesermon the sacrament of the Lord's Supperwill be administered. In the evening, at7:30, o'clock, there will be a missionary ser-vice, consisting of addresses, music andother appropriate exercises.

Rev. Mr. Baker, of Salem, perfected theorganization of a Baptist Church, in thiscity, last Sabbath. Seven new memberswere added to the church, four of whom,as follows, were baptized on that day : Dr.H. Green, Wm. Fergurson, Mrs. Drakeand Miss Emma Allphin.

man and J. E. Houston secretary. Mr.ciently large to show all tha is necessary.. , ... , .- t. i .: I ..ii,Washburn, on taking the chair, stated the

..TO BE GIVEN BY.obiect of the meeting to be to give expresAlso nne piats 01 me recurueti civics hh v vkob iii

each of the five counties, showing the original part ofthe town, with the u.iditions to the same, by colors,with the numbers of the blocks, lots and namss of

sion in regard to the location of the harborof refuge. He then spoke at some lengthdefault. A. J. Zumwalt vs Sol King ; dis- - HU M Aim H to.

No. X, l !

strcuits, with a brief historical sketch of each., , T T 1 T . . . . T 1 . favoring (Jape foulweather as the place, torlUlgsetu rf. Ld. xariifiru vs uusius uhwjub ;

settled and dismissed. Max Friendley vs the reasons that a breakwater can be con-structed at much less expense at this place

A business direct-r- of those who patronize thework, giving their names, residence, business, post-offic- e

address, nativity, and when they came to theState and county, with number of acres of land theyown, if any, in the State.

Justus Brooks : settled and dismissed. The

follows, to-w- it : I he undivided one halt otlots 1; 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12,in block No. 9, in Dixon's addition to tbe-Cit- v

of Corvallis, and the undivided onehalf of lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9 and 10, inblock No. 10; in Dixon's addition to theCity of Corvallis ; also the undivided one-ha- lf

of the following tract of land, begin-ning in the center of Main or Second street,on north boundary of the City of Corvalli3,running 27 deg. E. 2.95 chains; thence,south 64J deg. ecM to Willamette river ;

thence up said river 2.95 chains ; thence-wes- t

to the place of beginning, exceptingall ferry rights and privileges. Also the"undivided one-ha-lf of the. fo lowing : TheS. W. i of the N. E. i, N. W. of the 8.E. i; East i of the S. Wi of section 36,T. 11, S. R. 7 west of the Willamette meri-- ;dian in Benton county, Oregon. Also allthe following described- - premises,' to-w- it rLots 5, 6, 11 and 12 in block No 10 in Dix-

on's addition to the City of Corvallis, inBenton county, Oregon, all the above de-

scribed real property lying in Benton coun-t- j, State of Oregon. And in pursuance of

said order we winVon , . ', r ,

Wednesday the 30th day of April, 1879,At the court house door in the City of Cor- -'

vail is, in Benton county, Oregon, betweenthe hours of 9 o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock r.

r. of said day, to-w- it : At the hour of 1

o'clock P. M. of said day sell at public auc-

tion, to the highest bidder all the real prop-

erty above .described.Terms of sale, one half cash in hand on-da-

of sale, remainder on one year's time,secured by mortgage on the property sold,and to bear interest until paid, at the rateof one" per cent, per month. .


Executors of the last will and testament itB. F. Robinson, deceased.

Dated March 21, 1879. 16:13w5

Friday Even'g, May 9, 189.than any other on the coast making a sateCorvallis City Hali Association vs B. D.Boswell : continued for service. A R. and commodious harbor, and at the same Fine lithographic views ( per contract) from pencilLocke vs George Stout ; settled and dis- - drawings of a number of prominent buildings and

farms in the counties.time lessening the cost of transportation on

grain and other exports from the Willamettevalley, by building up a commercial pointthat will hasten the completion of the Ya

It will be about 16x17 inches square, finely bound,making it an invaluable work to the business men

missed. Peter Polly vs Jackson Chambers,et al. ; settled and dismissed. J. E. Hinkle,etaL vs E. R. Horner; default. H. C.


S. H. Look, J C. Taylor, Nick Baesen, W. S. Mc-


John Bakef. Al. Pyjrall Cy. Powers. J. C. Taylor.

and property owners of the counties.

In his instructions to new members, lastSabbath evening, Rev. Mr. Batatt was veryexplicit in his requirementsrelating to"close communion." After hearing his re-

marks, no person need mistake the tenets ofhis church on that subject.

pacifk; coast.Oregon,

A saloon has closed at Independen ce forwant of patronage.

quina railroad. To insure accuracy, we nave a corps 01 expenencoamen. composed of civil engineers, artists and historiClemmens vs Isaac Newhouse; trial by

jury, verdict for plaintilf. J. R. Bayley vsV. t ' i i - ic t n a.1 George M. Gerhard.ans, who are each particularly adapted to the depart


Myer Harris, M. 8. Woodcock, Frrok Vincent, GeoM. Gerhard, Zepb. Job, John Baker.

JOL Jr. w. was ne called anamade an excellent speech, givi: g some inter-

esting statistics on the subject, and callingattention to the fact that the most danger-ous place, and the one most dreaded by

oacou UU1IEIIUI ; imiauLb. in. vy. vwi- -

cock vs David Hugs,ins $ default. Jas. A.Cant horn vs King k Bell ; trial by jury,verdict for nl'ff. W. A. Wells vs B. W. TICKETS - - - (without supper) - - $2 00

Wilson and E. W. Fisher ; default. Otto Music by Brotherhood's Band.Corvallia, April 17, 1879. 18:16w3.Wes. Baltimore is the champion glass ba"l

shooter of Albany.Fox'ft'.Bro. vs A. AugeTbrigbt ; judgmentby stipulation. E. Marple vs R. McClaiu ;continued for service. F. A Chenuweth vs

manners, is within the vicmitj ofFoulweather. " The very name Foulwea-ther" said he, " is enough to show the ne-

cessity of having a breakwater constructedwithin the vicinity of the cape."

Mrs. Wm. Tucker of Eola, had a leg broken last week.S. H. Oliver ; settled and dismissed. R. T.

Baker vs Sarah E. Baker'; settled and dis The temperance movement has reachedshort speeches were then made by oapt.A. L. Ewing, J. S. George, J. W. Brastield,

Heal Estate Agency

General Intelligence Office,CoaVALLis, Oregon.

missed. Sarah E. Baker vs R. N. Baker ; La Grande.G. H. Marshall, Judge Thompson. J. M.

The of Pendleton have subscribedpeople- . . - . .701) toward Duying a nre engine.

Indians Arrested. The Portland Stand-

ard of the 11th inst. says : " From KlamathAgency we learn that Agent Nickerson hasarrested ten Indians of the Snake tribe, whoare suspected of having taken an active partin, the Bannock war last Summer. Theyhave been accused of. killing horses andcattle, and burning dwellings, and two ofthem are charged of murder in Warner val-

ley. The testimony taken at the agency is

very strong against the Indians, and also

Dallas finds its city charter, granted in1874, defective and nearly useless. UNDERSIGNED HAVING OPENED ANTHE in Corvallis, is prepared to attend to nY

Some wretch stole a handsome plant from

ment in which they wopic.An experimental canvass will soon be commenced,

and should it meet with sufflcent encouragement towarrant the publication, we shall endeavor to finishthe work in from seven to twelve months.

It is impossible for one to get a correct idea of thework without seeing copies published of other coun-ties, which you will have an opportunity of doing,when called upon by our agent, who will take pleas-ure in showing and explaining it to you.

Hoping that the enterprise will meet with yourfavorable consideration and support, we are,

Very Respectfully, EDGAR WILLIAMS 4c CO.23marlG:13inl. Publishers.

Don't Forget It.If you are troubled with nervousness are

disheartened tired of life, fear death or feelout of sorts aa the saying is, you may safelyconclude that ypu have : the Dyspepsia orLiver Complaint. The liver is very apt tobecome torpid this season of the year aspoisons arising from stagnant wateror decaying vegetation are more numerousand are through inhalation taken into theblood Unless the liver is strong and activeand furnishes a supply of fresh and pureblood to drive out the impurities, the abovementioned symtoms surely follow, and ifnot heeded, end in more terrible diseasesand death. White's Prairie Blower provesitself the Great layer Panacea. Its actionon the liver is different from any medicineever compounded. Its cures are truely won-

derful. Try it.-- Price twenty-liv- e centsand seventy-fiv- e cents.

Consumption Cured.

settled and dismissel. Thomas, Thrasher vsCatharine Thrasher ; divooce granted. J. LTaylor vs School Dist. No. 14 ; dismissed.Melissa D. Thayer vs W. F. Hilliard, et al. ;default. . School Commissioners vs EzekialMarple ; default. , Board of School Commis-sioners vs Melcena Right, et al. ; decree forpl'ff.. Mary Allphin vs Milton J. Allphin ;continued. J. H. Newhouse ys Joseph Sav-

ior, et al. ; sale confirmed. Lucy A Hamil-ton vs The Corvallis City Hall Assoiation ;sale confirmed. Joicey A. Towner vs VanBuren Towner ; sale confirmed.

matters m relation to the Duying ana selling ol

Heal Bstatothe grave of a young lady at Albany recently. For anv and all parties who will give him a call. Land

Shelley and V. Kratz, all favoring foulwea-ther as the most suitable place for the saidharbor of refuge.

A committe of five was then appointed todraft resoulutions on the subject, consistingof Col. F. W. Folsom, J. M. Shelley, J. W.Brasfield, J. E. Houston and John Wort-ma- n,

and report at a subsequent meeting.On motion the chaitinan was a Ided to thecommittee.

On motion, adjourned to mset at sameplace next Monday at 7:30 P. M.

After adjournment the chairman orderedthe proceedings of the meeting sent to theOregonian for publication.

John Rankin, aged nearly 70 years, was sold for a reasonable commission, or bought, as partiesmay wish. Will also attend to RENTING and LEAsi.noimplicates Ochoco and his men in stealing last Tuesday arrested at Salem for selling town or country property.whisky to Indians.horses and killing cattle. We understand

5TPersons having lands for sale will do well toDr. J. W. Watts, lately appointed receivthat the testimony has been sent to General

City Property for Sale.

ORDER TO BE WITH MY DAUGHTERS,IN of the mountains, I have concluded to offermy property iiCervallis or Bale, . . ,

at a BargainIf disposed of immediately. The property consistof tvo handsome lots, well improved, with choicafruit, shrubbery, etc., large and comfortable dwelling,barn, outhouses, etc on the corner of Van Euren andSecond Streets. A very desirable location, with Oneview ol the river.

Also household and kitchen furniture, beds, bedding, etc., and entire outfit for a family. The furni-ture will be sold with the house, or separately. Forterms and full particulars, inquire of the proprietor,on the premises JOHN MORGAN.

Corvallis, April 8, 1879. 16:15tf.

send me a description of their land, number of acres,how much plow land, or timber, or grass, how imHoward and to Camp Bidwell, but have notproved, and terms of sale. I will endeavor to assist

er of the land office at Oregon City, will reside with his family at that place.

Gen. John F. Miller will build a fine resi any wno may wwn to preempt or nouiestoaa lana.yet learned what disposition is likely to beBv a close annlication to. and intecrrity in my busimade of the case. "

dence on his place two miles from Salem ness, 1 hope to have the patronage of the public atduring the coming season.

ELOCUTIONARY ENTERTAINMENT. Four million five hundred thousand feetHome ana aoroaa.

I invite all to give me a call. ' -

GEORGE P. WRENN,Corner of Second and Madison Sts., CORvAllis.

Corvallia, April 17, 1S79. . I6:16tf.Miss Sarah Tuthifl, of New York, whose of saw logs have arrived at Albany from the

entertainments are highly eulogized by the mountains within the past tew weens.On the 5th inst., a little daughter of Mr.Portland press, has consented to give one of Change of Firih.

FRtrrr Driers. The greatest excitementof the week has been caused by the modelPlummer Fruit driers, and samples of fruit,fish and vegetables preserved by this pro-

cess, on exhibition at the Vincent House, byMessrs. J. J. and Frank Cooper, of Salem.W. S. Plummer, the patentee, was expectednp yesterday afternoon. Messrs. Wheal-do- n

& Edwards have purchased the countyrights of these celebrated machines for Ben-

ton and Lane counties, and will soon givefruit growers an opportunity of knowingjusff what they propose to do. This machinehas the advantage of being a home

Stephen Staats, living near Monmouth, fellfrom a ladder, breaking her right arm beher popular readings for the benefit of the ORLANDO C. TAYLOR,

Inventer and Proprietor of Taylor'sPresbyterian church, in Corvallis, this even low the elbow. ATOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT

B. R. C The Corvailij Blue Ribbon Clubhad another very interesting meeting, lastSaturday evening, and a large attendance,notwithstanding the unpleasant weather.The address by Dr. H. Green, was both ableand entertaining, and well received by thelarge audience. The Dr. " wheels into line,"like an old wheel-hors- e of temperance.The programme for next Saturday evening,at 7:30, at the Presbyterian church, is asfollows : music ; prayer ; music ; addressby Hon. F. A. Chenoweth ; music ; reading

WONDERFULing. The Oregon ian reporter, says : "The Mrs. .L. Bilyeu has resigned a position of i.1 the general merchandize business here-

tofore carried on next door south of thepostoffice, in Corvallis, under the firm nameassistant teacher in the Albany Centralreadings of Miss Tuthill fully justified the

School and Miss.Martha Wheeler takes thenumerous eulogistic enconiums of the easplace thus made vacant.

The Odd Fellows of Albany have collecttern press, and we have no hesitation in saying

that the flattering notices which have ed a very fine library for the use of-- theirmembers, and will soon open out a readingfrequently appeared concerning her aie well

by Prof. Royal; music ; volunteer speeches ;

DITCHING MACHINEProposes to cut a Ditch five feet wide at thetop, one and a half feet at the bottom and .

two feet deep, throwing the dirt: two- - feetfrom ditch, for the small consideration of

Thirty-thre- e and one-thir- d Cents per Rod.This he guarantees or no charges. He h?athree' machines now in operation. One eachin Linn, Benton and Lane counties.

Junction City, Oregon, Jan. 17, 1879.. Ifj:3m6.

room in connection witn ic, wnicn win uemerited." The programme for this evening, music. free to all.J. A. HANNA,Chr'n. Ex. Committee.comprises some of her choicest pieces, and

our citizens, who attend, will enjoy a raretreat. Tne object is a worthy one, and we

An old physician retired from active prac-tice, having had placed in his hands by anEast Indian missionary the formula of a sim-

ple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per-manent cure of Consumption, Bronchi! .s,Catarrh, - Asthma, and all Throat and Lungaffections, also a positive and radical curefor General Debility and all nervous ' com-

plaints, after having thoroughly tested itswonderful curative powers in thousands ofcases, feels it his duty to make it knownto his suffering fellows. Thereceipe will besent free of charge, to all-wh- desire it, withfull directions for preparing and successfullyusing. Address with stamp, naming thispaper Dr. J. C. Stone, 44 North NinthStreet, Philadelpha, Pa. ,


A representative of the Yamhill Reporterhas interviewed ff Dale, in his" prison ce'.L" The ex sheriff says he hadno intention of wronging any one, and in-

tended to give himself up. Strong drinkand its concomitants have brought him togrief, and his family to disgrace. " At thelast it biteth like a serpent and stingeta Ukftan adder." .

The business of Independence don't seemto be at all disturbed by the recent disas-trous fire at that place. New buildings arespringing up on the old sites, and prosperity

hope to see the church crowded, this evne- -

ing. Entertainment commences at 7:30

and style ot -.

Sheppard & Jaycox,HaVe this day taken in as a partner, Mr. O.

TJ Barlow. Hereafter the business will be

carried on at the old stand under the firm

name and style of

Sheppard, Jaycox & Co.'Mr. George A. Sheppard, of the firm, will

in future reside in San Francisco in connec-

tion with the firm, thus enabling us to offer

superior inducements to customers. Ourmotto being in the future as in the past, lowprices andfair dealing, a liberal share of pat-

ronage is solioited. ' " , -

In consequence of the above change allparties indebted to the old firm are request-ed to call and settle their liabilities withoutdelay. SHEPPARD JAYCOX.

'.January 1, 17. 21fcbl6:8tf.

o'clock. is general.At the Marion county grange convention EOBERT N.BAKER,the following representatives were electedThree Cheers for Eugene. The Eu

Apologetic. In' consequence of extrawork, occasioned by preparing for and re-

ceiving an entire new, and extensive joboffice, we have been unable to devote ourusual time to editorial duties, this week.

In connection with Mr. W. P. Keady, lateof Salem, we have purchased the entire jobprinting establishment of Mr. D. T. Stanley,lately connected with the Messenger office,

Monmouth, and are now ready to do allkinds of plain and ornamental printing onshort notice. Further particulars next week.This will account for limited amount of edi-

torial matter in this issue of Gazette.

gene Journal of April 12, in speaking of the to the Qeegon state grange : Hon. R. P.Boise, Mrs. Irene Hiilery; Hon. Geo. S.

Poor Fap.m. Five hundred and thirty-seve- n

persons have been admitted into theMultnomah Poor Farm and hospital, fromNov. 1, 1870, to Dec. 31, 1877, and havebeen disposed of as follows s Cored anddischarged, .230; removed by friends, 10 ileft vpluntarily, 109 ; died, 57 ; dischargedfor disobediance of rules, 43 ; 'sent to theasylum, 35.

A new and commodious pavilion will beput np on the fair grounds near Salem dur-ing the coming summer.

work of the Blue Ribbon Club, says Downing, Mrs. Mary C. Downing." What's wrong with our saloons. Three A man giving his name as Wm. H.alias Robert, was arrested at Cottagemonths ago we had eight in full blast and at

fTIORMERLY OF ALBANY, WHERE HE HASJJ given his patrons perfect satisfaction, has deter-mined to locate 4n CorvaHis, where he hopes to be fa-

vored wi'h a fair share of the public patronage. Allwork warranted, when made under his supervision .

Repairing and cleaning, promptly attended BiCorvallis, Nov. 28, 1878. 16:4tf

Grove, as the burglar of the safe at Eugene,the present time there are only four. Fourof them have blue ribbons on the front door and in default of $300 bail, now languishesknob." in "durance vile.