The Chantilly Highlander · Architectural Control Committee: Mike Donatello – ACC will provide...

The Chantilly Highlander Your Community Newsletter Serving Chantilly Highlands In This Issue: Community Dates to Note Board Minutes Legal Memo from CHHA President ACC Walk-through ACC Property Checklist Classified Ads Board & Committee Contacts 1 2 3 4 5 10 11 April 2010 Dates to Note 4/7 Wednesday —CHHA Board Meeting at 7:30 PM at the Community Center 4/12 Monday —Chantilly Highlander newsletter deadline (see page 11 for more details) April 2010 Be a Fun-Maker! The Community Events coordinator is look- ing for additional committee members for the planning of this year's events. Events such as teen pool parties and Community Day will not be held without committee members and volunteers. To join the fun, contact [email protected] get your friends and neighbors together and join as a group! The CHHA 2010 Annual Dues payment dead- line was March 31. Payments postmarked after this date will be assessed a late fee, and commu- nity privileges (such as pool use) will be suspended until all fees are paid. Contact [email protected] with any questions. POOL CONCESSIONS Anyone interested in selling ice cream and candy at the pool this sum- mer? It is a great way to make some extra money. Duties include ordering, stocking, and collecting money. If interested please contact the Board at [email protected] . Responders will be given directions on how to provide a proposal, and how a selection will be made. NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH NOTICE Get exercise and help keep our neighborhood safe! The Chantilly Highlands Neighborhood Watch pro- gram is looking for volunteers. Volunteers simply need to attend a training class and be willing to walk around the neighborhood a few nights per month. Contact Gerard Eldering for more information at [email protected] . will be held at the Oak Hill Cafeteria on April 28 from 6:30–8:30 PM. Come get informa- tion on the new online registration system, the upcoming summer season, purchase swimsuits and other logo wear, and meet the coaches! Want more info? Contact Sarah Chich- ester via email at [email protected] . Community Yard Sale Community Yard Sale Community Yard Sale Saturday, May 8th Saturday, May 8th Saturday, May 8th 8 am 8 am 8 am - 12 noon 12 noon 12 noon Rain or Shine! Rain or Shine! Rain or Shine!

Transcript of The Chantilly Highlander · Architectural Control Committee: Mike Donatello – ACC will provide...

  • The Chantilly Highlander Your Community Newslet ter Serving Chant i l ly Highlands

    In This Issue: Community Dates to Note Board Minutes Legal Memo from CHHA President ACC Walk-through ACC Property Checklist Classified Ads Board & Committee Contacts

    1 2 3 4 5

    10 11

    April 2010 Dates to Note

    4/7 Wednesday—CHHA Board Meeting at 7:30 PM at the Community Center

    4/12 Monday—Chantilly Highlander newsletter deadline (see page 11 for more details)

    Apri l 2010

    Be a Fun-Maker! The Community Events coordinator is look-ing for additional committee members for the planning of this year's events. Events such as teen pool parties and Community Day will not be held without committee members and volunteers. To join the fun, contact [email protected]—get your friends and neighbors together and join as a group!

    The CHHA 2010 Annual Dues payment dead-line was March 31. Payments postmarked after this date will be assessed a late fee, and commu-nity privileges (such as pool use) will be suspended until all fees are paid. Contact [email protected] with any questions.

    POOL CONCESSIONS Anyone interested in selling ice

    cream and candy at the pool this sum-mer? It is a great way to make some extra money. Duties include ordering, stocking, and collecting money. If interested please contact the Board at [email protected].

    Responders will be given directions on how to provide a proposal, and how a selection will be made.


    Get exercise and help keep our neighborhood safe! The Chantilly Highlands Neighborhood Watch pro-gram is looking for volunteers. Volunteers simply need to attend a training class and be willing to walk around the neighborhood a few nights per month. Contact Gerard Eldering for more information at [email protected].

    will be held at the Oak Hill Cafeteria on April 28

    from 6:30–8:30 PM. Come get informa-tion on the new online registration system, the upcoming summer season, purchase swimsuits and other logo wear, and meet

    the coaches! Want more info? Contact Sarah Chich-ester via email at [email protected].

    Community Yard Sale Community Yard Sale Community Yard Sale Saturday, May 8th Saturday, May 8th Saturday, May 8th

    8 am 8 am 8 am --- 12 noon 12 noon 12 noon Rain or Shine! Rain or Shine! Rain or Shine!

  • Page 2 The Chantilly Highlander

    Chantilly Highlands Homes Association Board Meeting Minutes

    Wednesday, March 3, 2010 Minutes are tentative and will be reviewed and approved at the next Board Meeting, scheduled for Wednesday, April 7, 2010

    Members of the Board present: Bob Bevins, Mike Do-natello, Michelle Doucette, Gerard Eldering, Brian Keagy, Mike Laverdure, Dan Overbey.

    Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:40 PM. Introduction of Homeowners: One member of the commu-

    nity was present and requested the Board consider rental of the community center to the Episcopal Church congrega-tion for Sunday morning service. (The congregation cur-rently meets at Oak Hill Elementary School. The Board advised the resident that this matter would be considered, the Sunday morning schedule checked, and he would be contacted shortly with an answer. Should the Board ap-prove of this rental, the homeowner was advised that a rental agreement must be signed and that he (or another resident signing the rental agreement) must be present dur-ing the rental period.

    Old Business Minutes from the 3 February 2010 Board Meeting were

    unanimously approved. The Board completed required Employee Dishonesty In-

    surance paperwork to comply with VA law and ap-proved the annual fee payment.

    Committee Reports: Treasurer’s Report: Dan Overbey – 455 homeowners have paid their 2010 dues to date; 454 re-

    maining; 7 delinquent from 2009. The Board discussed at length the merits / drawbacks and op-

    tions regarding no longer allowing the Dolphin Swim Team to make use of the community pool, pool house and community center free of charge. Use of these facilities to any resident normally incurs a cost of $50.00 per hour. While the members of the Dolphin swim team are children of CHHA homeowners and residents, the swim team is unaffiliated with CHHA as a legal entity and is not an amenity of CHHA. Given the financial challenges faced by the CHHA, and discussion of requiring some level of fee by charged to the Dolphin Swim Team, the Board agreed that an official dialogue should be opened with the Dolphin’s Board immediately, as registrations begin in April for the swim Team. Bob Bevins, Community Facili-ties Liaison took the action to make this official contact.

    Community Facilities: Bob Bevins – Discussion regarding Phase II of the playground project was

    tabled as the volunteer community member leading this effort was unable to attend the Board meeting.

    The Board agreed to indefinitely table further discussion of a pool access card-key system as being unaffordable at this time.

    Pool Rules will be sent to the Board members for review, up-dating and approval prior to being published for the up-

    coming season. Land Management: Michelle Doucette –

    A total of $1,600 has been spent thus far in 2010 in land management costs (primarily snow removal).

    The Board agreed that in the interest of saving money, annual plantings at CHHA entrance signs and at the Community Center would be scaled back. Gerard Eldering, Land Man-agement Liaison took the action to investigate other, more affordable options.

    Architectural Control Committee: Mike Donatello – ACC will provide the Board with a checklist and training with

    which to conduct the community walk-through. Mike Do-natello, Board Liaison to the ACC took the action to pub-lish a sample of this Checklist in an upcoming newsletter along with a “Top 10” list of common issues. The Board discussed various approaches to completing the review of 909 homes within the community. No specific plan was decided upon. The Board agreed that recordkeeping needs to improve with regard to ACC approval, issues, Board walk-throughs, corrections and correlating all this informa-tion.

    Community Events: Michelle Doucette – The Board agreed that due to the lack of volunteers, the annual

    CHHA Egg Hunt, scheduled for March, 27, is cancelled. Civic Affairs: Jeff Parnes – For the record: As part of the proposed FY 2011 Fairfax

    County Budget, the county is proposing to eliminate the 929 route, the bus that serves our neighborhood and con-nects at the Herndon/Monroe park and ride to express buses to West Falls Church and the Metro. The announce-ment is at The Board of Supervisor's is scheduled to take this matter up at their April Public hearing. [The CHHA Board has no position on this matter.]

    Neighborhood Watch: Gerard Eldering – Gerard reported having taken the 1.5 hour Fairfax County Po-

    lice Department (FCPD) Neighborhood Watch Training. As the Neighborhood Watch Liaison, those members of the community interested in participating in this important program should contact him. Volunteers will be required to complete this FCPD training. The Board agreed to pay for official “CHHA Neighborhood Watch” t-shirts for offi-cial volunteers.

    Communications – Newsletter/Website: Greg Zilberfarb – No items to report at this time.

    Long Range Planning: Mike Laverdure – Nothing to report at this time.

    Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 PM.

  • Page 3 April 2010

  • Page 4 The Chantilly Highlander

    Mention “ACC” in the spring around here and most folks think of March Madness. But there’s another ACC, closer to home - the Chantilly Highlands Architectural Control Committee - which you may be hearing more about in 2010.

    As the community ages and properties see more changes in ownership, it becomes increasingly important for everyone in the community to understand the ACC’s role and guiding policies. As noted on the association’s web site (

    The ACC has the responsibility for administering the architectural standards and guidelines. The intent of the ACC process is to assure residents that the standards of design within the community will be maintained. This in turn protects property values and enhances the commu-nity's overall environment for everyone.

    Beginning this spring and lasting through 2010, the ACC and CHHA board will begin a walk-through of the neighborhood, noting each property’s compliance with ACC guidelines. (The ACC guidelines are available on the association’s web site at Where exceptions are noted, home-owners will be contacted so that they can bring their property into compliance.

    As a guide, this month’s newsletter includes the walk-through checklist used during neighborhood inspections (see page ##). You can use this checklist to check out your home in advance of the ACC tour.

    Also, listed below are 15 common problem areas for Chantilly Highlands homes with respect to ACC guide-lines. Take a quick look and see whether your home needs attention to:

    1. Worn or peeling paint 2. Splintered, rotting or separating wood on doors,

    trim or other exterior surfaces 3. Pet waste not properly disposed of 4. Trash or other waste receptacles visible from the

    street 5. Unacceptable colors on paint, siding, roofing or

    other exterior surfaces 6. Missing grids (or “mullions”) in windows 7. Missing siding or shingles 8. Lawns, bedding or garden areas in need of mow-

    ing, weeding or other maintenance 9. Shrubs or trees that block sidewalks or windows

    10. Vegetable gardens not located behind the house 11. Unacceptable styles on storm doors 12. Mailboxes that do not meet neighborhood require-

    ments 13. Excessive landscape lighting 14. Gutters or downspouts missing or in need of repair 15. Fences or sheds that do not meet neighborhood re-

    quirements Again, it’s important to remember that the ACC guide-

    lines are in place not to prevent anyone from enjoying his residence, but to help maintain safety and property values for all homeowners.

    Lastly, ACC and board members are Chantilly High-lands residents who volunteer their time and take a rea-sonable approach in working with fellow residents whose properties are found to have issues. If you’d like to vol-unteer your time to this year’s walk-through inspection, please contact one of the ACC members listed on page 11 of the newsletter, or me at [email protected].

    By Mike Donatello, CHHA board liaison to ACC

  • Page 5 April 2010

    2010 COMMUNITY WALK - PROPERTY EVALUATION SHEET (Violations noted below are in addition to any previously cited violations)

  • Page 6 The Chantilly Highlander

    2010 Reduced Cost Rabies Clinics Take advantage of the county’s low cost rabies clinic to have your pet vaccinated against this deadly virus that can also infect humans. It is a state law and county ordinance that all dogs and

    cats over four months old be inoculated. The dates are as follows: • April 10 • May 16 • August 22 • September 19

    More information about rabies and the low cost clinics can be found at

    Residents Encouraged to Give Feedback on Advertised FY 2011 Budget

    Fairfax County residents have numerous opportu-nities to provide feedback and comments on the

    Fiscal Year 2011 Advertised Budget before it is for-mally adopted by the Board of Supervisors on April 27.

    Residents can submit comments online or call the budget hotline at 703-324-9400 to record feedback. Public hearings on the FY 2011 plan have been set for Tuesday, April 6, at 6 p.m., and Wednesday and Thursday, April 7-8, at 3 p.m. Those wish-ing to speak at any of the public hearings should contact the Office of the Clerk to the Board at 703-324-3151 or sign up online.

    Proposed cuts include the elimination of Fairfax Connector bus route 929 which serves our neighborhood. For complete budget information, including slides and video of the county executive’s presentation, visit the budget web page at

  • Page 7 Page 7 April 2010

    Be a Responsible Pet Owner and Neighbor

    Spring is in the air and everyone is wel-coming its arrival after our exceptional

    winter! In just the few days of recent mild weather it seems that everyone is taking to the streets for a long walk or quick jog. Some residents have complained about some poor pet manners, so please remember to be a good pet owner.

    Before you head out with Fido, or send your child out to walk the dog, everyone needs to remember to be a responsible pet owner and ‘scoop the poop’ for our four-legged friends (because they can’t do it them-selves!). This includes when your pet makes a ‘deposit’ on the sidewalk, another’s property, or any of our common areas. Yes, you must clean up after your dog if he relieves himself on the common areas of our community. It is not the public toilet, and children and adults alike want to enjoy the areas for recreation! Not only is it the mature and responsible thing to do, but it is also Fairfax County law.

    Make sure that your children pick up the ‘business’ when walking the dog, whether it is their own dog, or the neighbor’s. Both Ziploc bags and the long, plastic newspaper bags are great for this (you can tie a knot in the long newspaper bag or zip up the Ziploc bag to contain the odor).

    Also make sure your pet’s ‘business’ is deposited in YOUR trash can, and not the nearest trash container on the street (residents without pets do not want that smell in their container).

    Some other good pet owner reminders include: Keep your dog on a leash when not on your own

    property. Do not allow your dog to bark continuously day or

    night—there is a noise ordinance. You may tune out your own pet’s barking, but it may be disturb-ing to your neighbors. If you frequently walk your dog, consider joining

    our Neighborhood Watch program to keep crime out of our community. See page one for more in-formation.

  • Page 8 The Chantilly Highlander

    Mailbox Vandalism Did you know that mailboxes are pro-tected by Federal law (18 USC 1705) and it is a crime to vandalize them (and to injure, deface, or destroy any mail deposited in them)? Any act of mailbox vandalism should be reported to both the police and the Postal Inspection Service.

    Judges Needed at State Leadership Conference April 23-24

    The Virginia Association of the Technology Student Association (TSA) needs judges at our State Leadership Conference, “Technosphere ‘10”. This event will be held at the Sheraton

    Premiere at Tyson’s Corner, Vienna, on April 23-24, 2010.

    At the state conference more than 1,400 students from Vir-ginia gather to compete in leadership and technology related events. The Virginia Association of the Technology Student Association fosters personal growth, leadership, and opportuni-ties in technology, innovation, design and engineering for its members. There are over 70 events for middle and high school students that deal with all disciplines of technology. Judges are need to provide meaningful educational experiences for these students. The competitive aspect of TSA allows students to develop leadership skills and demonstrate their understanding of technologies of interest to them.

    TSA is comprised of over 9,000 members statewide who are enrolled in or have taken Technology Education courses. TSA includes educators, students, and business leaders located around the world, who are committed to making a technologi-cally literate society.

    For more information about TSA at the national and state level visit and Students will go on to compete at the national TSA conference, held this year in Baltimore, MD, June 28–July 2. To volunteer, contact Chantilly High School TSA Advisor and Technosphere Plan-ning Committee member Deb Neuberger at [email protected].

  • Page 9 April 2010

    $12 HAIRCUT

  • Page 10 The Chantilly Highlander

    Classified Advertising Lawn Mowing+: Mow, Fertilize, Weed control, Aerate, Seed, Mulch, Shrub Pruning, Spring/Fall Cleanups. Reli-able svc w/prof results since 1991-Professional Property Maint. Inc.703-273-9626

    Residential and commercial cleaning -MSC, LLC has been servicing the Washington metropolitan area for 20 yrs offering competitive rates and great references. Free estimate, (703)723-3850,

    Certified Personal Fitness Training IN YOUR HOME Indiv. programs, nutritional guidance, weight loss, pre-natal/post-partum, yoga, pilates & more. All ages/fitness levels. 17+ yrs exp! Stephanie 703-542-2595.

    Need your grass mowed? Responsible 18 yr old Chan-tilly Highland resident available to take care of all of your lawn needs. Call Max 703-471-0329/ 703-577-4238.

    Experienced Tutor- Tutoring students K-6 gr. Elemen-tary Ed degree/Masters in Reading. 10+ yrs classroom & tutoring exp. Chantilly Highland resident. Ref avail. Carey Gray 571-331-5489 email [email protected].

    Lawn Care—Chantilly High graduate; $25 mow $30 w/bagging, other services/references available. Availability May 15-Aug 19. Call Corey 703-399-1559.

  • Page 11 April 2010

    COMMITTEE INFO Board of Directors meets on the first Wednesday of every month at 7:30 PM

    at the Community Center. Meetings are open, and all residents are welcome and encouraged to participate. To include a specific item on the agenda, please contact the Board President.

    Architectural Control Committee (ACC) meets monthly at the Community Center. Contact any ACC member or appropriate Board member if you have ACC questions or concerns.

    Chantilly Highlander newsletter welcomes your articles and community photos of specific events. Advertising questions and other information may be emailed to [email protected] or mailed to the Editor at P.O. Box 710238, Oak Hill, VA, 20171.

    Civic Affairs Committee for comments or questions contact Jeff Parnes at [email protected]; enroll in the Civic Affairs mail group at [email protected] to receive related notices.

    Community Activities Committee organizes events for Chantilly Highlands families. The committee meets as events are scheduled, and chairpersons vary throughout the year. Interested residents should please contact a Board member.

    Community Facilities Committee (ComFac) meets as needed regarding our swimming pool, tennis courts, playground, Community Center and its grounds. To become involved and participate in the meetings, contact Jeff Boehlert at 703-435-2836.

    Land Management Committee handles all issues that involve the common areas of our community, primarily lawn care and snow removal, meeting as needed. Contact Paul Thurneysen at 703-318-1468 with questions or to help on the Land Management Committee.


    Non-Resident $ 10.00 $ 20.00 $ 50.00 $ 70.00

    Resident $ 3.00 $ 15.00 $ 30.00 $ 55.00

    KidWorks (Under 18 yrs) Classified Ad Business Card 3½”W x 2”H Quarter Page 3¼”W x 4½”H

    The Chantilly Highlander is a monthly publication which informs the community of upcoming events, committee meeting highlights and deci-sions, and provides a forum to communicate items of interest to your neighbors! Articles are reviewed (subject to editing), and published at the discretion of the Board of Directors. Published advertisement is accepted, however it is not considered an endorsement by the Board. Electronic submissions are encouraged via email; however, please also provide a “camera ready” printed copy for comparison if there are graphics or fonts (print styles) that must be maintained.

    Email address: [email protected] (Include ‘Chantilly Highlander’ in the subject line so it is not deleted as spam)

    Mailing address: CHHA, c/o The Chantilly Highlander, P.O. Box 710238, Oak Hill, VA 20171

    Please submit articles, advertising (with payment), and photos so they are RECEIVED by the 12th of each month for consideration in the next month’s issue: be sure to allow sufficient time for mail processing. Submissions or payments received after the 12th will be held for the following month’s issue. Any non-profit notices will be included only if space allows—guaranteed placement must be paid ad-vertising. Classified & KidWorks ad wording should be no more than 30 words and is subject to editing due to space constraints. Advertising Rates:

    Chantilly Highlands Committees Carla Abbud Brian Keagy Michelle Doucette Jeffrey Parnes Answering Machine Michelle Doucette Jeffrey Boehlert Greg Zilberfarb OPEN Paul Thurneysen Gerard Eldering (see Comm Facilities) Lori Manik Karin Johnston Steve Edwards Greg Zilberfarb Greg Zilberfarb

    Architectural Control (ACC)

    Civic Affairs Community Ctr Rental Community Events Community Facilities Database Administrator Garden Club Land Management Neighborhood Watch Pool House Phone Resale Packages Swim Team Chair Tennis Courts Webmaster Web Posting

    703-925-0949 703-909-7698 See to the right 703-904-0131 703-435-0736 703-435-2836 OPEN 703-318-1468 703-435-2081 703-796-1061 703-437-5452 703-742-3353

    When calling board or committee members, please be mindful that they are volunteers, with jobs and families, making sacrifices to serve our community. Try to contact the appropriate liaison or committee chair for the

    best response to a concern/question.

    2010 CHHA Board of Directors PRESIDENT Michelle Doucette [email protected] VICE PRESIDENT Bob Bevins [email protected] TREASURER Dan Overbey [email protected] SECRETARY Mike Laverdure 703-481-4511 [email protected] COMMUNITY FACILITIES Bob Bevins [email protected] LONG RANGE PLANNING Mike Laverdure 703-481-4511 [email protected] ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL Mike Donatello [email protected] NEWSLETTER, DATABASE & WEBSITE Greg Zilberfarb [email protected] NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH, LAND MGMT Gerard Eldering [email protected] COMMUNITY EVENTS & CIVIC AFFAIRS Michelle Doucette [email protected] BOARD MEMBERS Brian Keagy 703-909-7698

    [email protected]

    [email protected]

    [email protected]

    [email protected]

    [email protected]

  • Chantilly Highlands Homes Association P.O. Box 710238 Oak Hill, VA 20171