
D&AD:The Telegraph By Ximena Arnold

Transcript of Telegraph

D&AD:The Telegraph By Ximena Arnold

Main InsightsThe Telegraph has the highest average age of readers in the UK. Appealing to the older generation, with no new redesigns, its kept its look the same.

For intelligent and confident people who are aware of their skills. Reading the Telegraph will give them the self confidence to those who haven't found it quite yet.

Younger generation need to be less closed off to the world instead of focusing on just whats in their own lives, they need to understand the bigger picture.

They are finding news by chance from what a friend has mentioned on social media, should be discovering it for themselves.

Young people like to voice their opinion, find the right way for their voices to be heard.

The Telegraph is reliable and wont deceive you like other vast amounts of stories shared online do. Make them see that real news can be found here.

Young people rarely expose themselves to ‘harder’ news, only light, the telegraph has a perfect balance.


Main Insight: Telegraph has a combination of light and dark topics and allows you the chance to discover.

Strategy: Helping young people to discover more about the world and themselves.


Dare to Discover

Dare to try something you haven't before such as reading a newspaper and see what this enables you to find

Initial Idea 1

PERFECT VIEWPOINT - This concept uses viral video and a mobile app to get people fully involved in a story of a thief, it teases a bit of the story every few days with a short video which is uploaded online. Taken from 4 different points of view, the narrative is one that reveals itself more and more as time goes on. A visual of what each person’s fabricated story is shown and asks to create a hashtag of who you believe broke in and stole the mans money. Within the ‘Telegraph: The Investigation’ app there are ways in which the user can discover clues and evidence to build up a case. There are sections in which you can navigate around the crime scene, using your fingers to zoom in and grab these clues. This investigation’s duration is 2 weeks, within that time they must either not eliminate anyone and make a prediction that all of them have committed the crime, non are innocent. If they manage to solve it correctly, they receive a prize, urging them to go on and read about crumble cases in the telegraph and discover interesting things within the many stories.

This was not chosen due to the fact it related too closely to crime and no other topic, not conveying to the viewer of the many topics it has to offer, how they discuss stories into depth.

Initial Idea 2THE STORY OF LIGHT AND DARK - This viral video focuses on how the newspaper follows two different tones as appose to just one, showing both sides of the story and representing the worlds events in the right way by having light and dark topics. This allows for an even balance and a better understanding of all the things that are constantly happening around us, we shouldn't focus on one or the other but both as this allows us to be hopeful as well as doubtful of the decisions people make and the environment around us. Here, dark and light are depicted by two very different type of men. See the dark man witness a school explode, a hurricane and a flood, seeing the destruction around him, he can only see the world in one perspective. While the light man see’s achievements being made in sport and science. They meet and they feel it necessary to show that there is both good and evil. The dark showing the light a robbery and the light showing the dark a rescue mission gone successfully to save miners who are stuck underground. All related to actual real stories that have occurred over the past decade. Seeing this opened there mind and they couldn't be ore thankful they now knew more about all the events in the world. All this, makes the viewer see the benefits of having such a newspaper and seeing it as something far more than just a way of consuming news, you are consuming far more.

This was not chosen because it was far too complex, the message may not make a great deal of sense and having men representing light and dark may be a bit of stretch for some peoples imagination. There also needs to bea stronger link to digital.

Initial Idea 3

UNEXPECTED PLACES- Here a bus shelter is used as well as an accompanying mobile app, working together to get you thinking about the latest news and how the most interesting things can be found in the dullest of places, that place being a newspaper. In the print there is an image of a fork, a very mundane and everyday object that if you were to look closely has something of miniature size at the top of one of the spikes. The poster is daring the viewer to look at it further and for longer than you normally would in order for you to discover a burning house. The relation to both may seem to be very little but its what you do when you find this image is what makes it interesting. With the app, you must scan the image you have found and it will be revealed to you what story is related to it, giving you the full article so see if digging keeping than you are used to doing pays off, getting full understanding of how it happened and why. You collect these and store them within the phone so you are able to view the stories. If one story is found, it gives you the chance to win a free newspaper, knowing you have the skill to look further.

It was not chosen due to the concept being too vague and it not having enough daring qualities for the younger audience.

Main Idea

LONG STORY SHORT- This was my chosen concept that’s message surrounded the fact that news stories read online, don't contain everything in full amounts of detail, its summarised into something that might now appear to make a lot of sense and cant be understood to a full extent because it doesn't go into depth about the issue. Doing this however isn't the most rewarding nor satisfying experience, you should be discovering more of what there is no know and not being exposed to short stories. To covey just how bad a short story that needed to be explained and elaborated on can be, mini videos are made which display the start and end of a story that becomes shocking once seen in this way but would have made far more sense if it had all the bits in-between. Leaving the viewer with a sense of emptiness and frustration, wanting to know how the outcome came to be. Using other digital mediums such a Twitter, Vine and an online app, it asks the public to create their own short stories so others have a wanting to discover the bigger and longer story. Looking to generate a light tone to go against the darker stories that may arise in the paper and must also be read in full to be understood. Reviving these young peoples love for reading and discovering.

Viral VideosThese viral videos are incredibly short in length to highlight the idea of a story containing so little. This mini narrative, shows a man asking for a picture next to the statue of liberty, he seems extremely excited at the prospect and poses just in position to get both him and the statue. However when his image becomes exposed, he gasps in shock at the sight of topless statue with only the bottom half in tact. Yet how could this happen? There must have been something that was missed. The feeling of not knowing settles into the audiences and they realise a longer explanation would have come as a great help, otherwise its utterly confusing. Others like this will be uploaded online in the aim to shock, humor and entertain viewers, sending the clear message that shorter and concise isn't better,the telegraph give the full story. A hashtag is created to help spread the word and generate a trend amongst social media .

Vine & Twitter On Twitter, the telegraph account will ask for followers to create a short story of themselves that will get people intrigued as to what it is when explained inn full. Only using 3 words, they are to convey a long and elaborate humorous story. Keeping on the lighter side of things and asking the younger audiences to get involved and have a voice. The best stories will be published. Giving them a reason to buy and read the newspaper.

On Vine, we ask the public to create once again something short. with only 7 seconds they are to create a story that only have a beginning and end no middle. An example could be a before and after an event has occurred, may look completely different. Once again another way to create a trend that people will follow.

Mobile AppThis mobile app is used to detect news stories, helping to convert the short stories into long ones. Stickers can be found in different areas of the UK on walls and on benches, places where it can easily be seen, where you are able to capture it on your phone and receive the full story as a reward to discovering it. There are stories that have been posted from followers online aswell as real serious stories. As soon as you get one, you get a clue to where the next one is located, a fun way to venture for news, with a variation of light and dark topics much like the newspaper itself. The aim is try and get younger generations to start reading the news again, if its something they enjoy they are more likely to do it and discover reading detailed articles is more interesting than once imagined. Slowly altering how they consume news.

Evaluation Choosing this D&AD brief, I wanted to do something that had no relation to what I had done previously, its’s a product thats been around for many years and to gain the attention of a young audience is a very big challenge so I thought I would take this challenge on and see how well I deal with the obstacles in my way. Looking into the brand itself, I found myself being surprised by the array of different subjects they cover, knowing most people of my age would have no knowledge of this as the news is often depicted as incredibly serious in tone, however this has a variety of tones which makes for a far more interesting read. People are able to express themselves and bring to light some important issues that couldn't have happened unless they stepped up and spoke. Knowing young people like to voice their opinion constantly via the internet , I felt as though this could be a way to attract attention. What I found to be the biggest challenge is how to get these audiences to consider a less convenient method of getting the news as they are currently gaining most of their insight of the worlds activities through social networking. Yet it was the authenticity of that news that would be a way to ultimately persuade them to change their minds as so much false articles deemed as facts are circulating the web and confusing people. With a vast amount of insights I settled on focusing on the discovery side, daring to venture somewhere different and do something they don't normally do in order to discover more about the world around them. My aim being to inspire them to read the telegraph by having the urge to discover the news themselves and also finding out more of themselves in the process.

During the idea generation, I found that the brainstorming method seemed to produce some of my most interesting and well thought out ideas, whilst I struggled with coming up with well worth developing concepts for techniques such as random words and image surfing. These are the ones I normally get the most out of but I believe it was my proposition of ‘Dare to discover’ that lent itself to a few strong ideas. As I began creating my initial ideas, I noticed that I lot of them strayed from the proposition and dint quite fit in, in the way I had hoped. I found it difficult to think of not only videos but apps and other digital media too. I prefer to work with print or tv as it allows for an impactful message to be displayed without having to think about how it could have an interactive element with links to the online world. I think I should have given myself more time to tweaking initials or producing more as I found I had a smaller amount than I do normally meaning I have far less to choose from. I believe my final idea could have been more effective, it doesn't quite meet the the criteria and I’m not sure whether the campaign has the potential to change young peoples views of the news and how it should be read. Despite that I am overall happy with what I’ve made as its successfully helped to redesign the product, has the ability to help those who have the skills to read and are in intelligent but don't have the confidence to do so, slowly easing them in with light topics. There voice can be heard via twitter, sharing stories and getting involved in something they never previously had interest in. And allows the younger people to exposed to harder news as well as light, a combination they will love.

If I had the chance to do this again, I would approach it differently, marketing more towards the intelligent younger audiences, instead of generating trends for those who spend most of their time on their phone and not reading about the outside world. I would have also given myself more time to develop ideas, come up with better initials and execute to a higher degree.