Success for Youths Within Reality's Grasp?

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Transcript of Success for Youths Within Reality's Grasp?

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Copyright © 2009 Genevieve Tan Shu Thung [SUCCESS FOR YOUTHS WITHIN REALITY’S GRASP?] 

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How does one define success? For one, success may be the size of their bank account, and foranother, it may even be attaining a particular level of spiritual realization. Whatever it is that

success may mean to you, it is indeed possible to attain it if you know the fundamentals of the

Universal Law. This Law, when mastered at a tender age, will prove beneficial and helpful in

increasing one‟s self -confidence and willpower to attain one‟s life-goals. Once a teenager has astrong grasp of this Law, he/she may be assured that his/her life aspirations are bound be realized.

Having said so, thus begins our exploration of this fundamental law  – the Law of Attraction.

The Law of Attraction basically revolves around the notion, as introduced by Napolean Hill, that

whatever one‟s mind can conceive and believe, it can definitely achieve. This is because, as

Prentice Mulford, an influential figure of the New Thought movement has stated, in his famous

 book „Thoughts are Things‟, “every thought of yours is a real thing –  a force”. Quantumphysicists have proven that each thought emits a certain frequency and can thus be measured.

This wisdom of life has been around since time immemorial. It was not until Rhonda Byrne from

Australia who produced the documentary known as „The Secret‟ that people all around the worldbegan to realize the fundamentality of this knowledge of their inner power. Having been an

extensive researcher for years in this area due to my innate passion for the Ultimate Truth of life,

I would say that „The Secret‟ was actually not a „secret‟ after all since many great teachers suchas Neville Goddard and Thomas Troward have succeeded in revealing this knowledge to the

public way before „The Secret‟ was produced, though the information back then was not able to

touch a great volume of audience as „The Secret‟ did due to poor technology advancement at thattime.

The main four steps defined by modern teachers these days are basically to ask, believe, receiveand surrender. You have to be completely clear as to what you really want to achieve / attain.

Indecisiveness would just mean unclear goals that would lead to vague results. Thus, one mustclear their mind and implant in it the specific goal that you would like to achieve.

The second step, believing, will require you to have absolute confidence and faith that you are

indeed in touch with the infinite Source of Life, which will supply you with whatever you may

want and need. As you are one with this infinite Source of Life and Supply, anything that you

want or need must exist as a possibility for you. The Bible stated that “whatsoever ye desire,when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them” (Mark 11:24). You should

therefore never entertain any doubt that will cause your faith to waver in getting what you wantusing this infallible law. Doubts will only weaken your resolution and patience by acting as

resistance in delivering to you whatever that you desire. Henry Ford once said: “if you think you

can, or if you think you can‟t, either way, you are right.” Therefore, doubts that arise will onlyact as impediments to the attainment of your goals. In her book „Attaining Your Desires‟,

Genevieve Behrend has stated that “nothing can prevent your picture from coming into concrete

form except the same power which gave it birth –  yourself.” 

The importance of the third stage, receiving, can never be stressed enough. The ability to receive

means that you will have to „feel‟ as if you have already achieved the desired goal. Go aboutwith your daily life, but feel from within that your desired ideal has already been attained. If, for

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example, you desire to be a high-achiever in school / college, feel yourself to be one. Do not longto be one, but feel that you are already one. The best way to do this is to set up a visualization

routine. This powerful process of visualization of imagining your goal as already manifested in

your life has been prescribed by all teachers of self-development in the world. All you have to do

is to set aside 5-10 minutes to imagine you are indeed the person whom you want to be (eg. if you want to be a high achiever, imagine yourself already having gotten good results on your

report.) Discipline plays a vital role for anyone who wants to achieve anything at all in life. Thus,

when one has scheduled a time used for visualization, one should adhere to it with discipline.The best time for one to do creative visualization is before one goes to sleep. This is the time

whereby your mind is most receptive to any information that you wish to imprint on it to deliver

the results.

The final stage of surrender is basically to „surrender to one‟s ideal‟. Buddha once said: “all thatwe are is a result of what we have thought”. You should believe that you are now your ideal (the

 person whom you wanted to be) that you no longer feel the craving or wanting to be „that‟,

 because you truly believe, deep from within, that you are indeed now „that‟. You believe thatwhatever you wanted earlier already exists, although still yet to be seen in this 3-dimensional

world. Thus, since you have already released this desire to the Universal Power / Law tomanifest it for you in this 3-dimensional world, there is a renewed zest for life as you feel lighter

due to having released unnecessary load off your mind. Your ability to completely „surrender‟ toyour ideal will determine the „length of time‟ to manifest your desired outcome in your life. 

At the end of the day, utilizing these simple steps will enable you to have a brighter hope for life

in achieving the desired „success‟ in life as per your own definition. The rule of the thumb is that

the more you utilize this law, the more familiar you are with it, the greater your confidence inusing it, the faster the result.

Although this law has been made known to millions of people around the globe, some may still

not have heard of it. If you happen to be one of them, you may have your „doubts‟ as to whether the above techniques work for they might have sounded „too good to be true‟. My advice to youis therefore to try it out for yourself. After all, you have nothing to lose and all to gain. Just as Dr.

Martin Luther King Jr. has once said: “Take the first step in faith. You don‟t have to see the

whole staircase. Just take the first step!” Good luck! 

- THE END –  

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Genevieve Tan Shu Thung (also popularly known as Geneviéve Christa

 Renate Francesscätti) is an international youth personal development guide. She is also a news journalist and an author, who writes

inspirational articles related to the power of right thought to motivate

 youths to cultivate confidence in the pursuit of their goals. For this,

Geneviéve has given seminars and one-to-one coaching to youths all

around the world on essential techniques to achieve the objectives they

have set for themselves. A long practitioner in alternative-medicine,

Geneviéve is also now authoring a book on the relationship between the

mind and diseases. To find out more, visit  http://genevieves- .