Strategic digital marketing

5 Benefits of SEO to Your Business 6/23/2016 Aladesuru Walter Adewale!

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5 Benefits of SEO to Your Business


Aladesuru Walter Adewale!

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Grow your BUSINESS through Strategic Digital Marketing

SEO is the process of increasing the number of visitors to a website by ensuring that the site appears high on the list of results returned by a search engine like Google and Bings.

The more your business website can be found online by your target audience, the more the possibility of closing more sales.

Search engine optimization is also the art of helping the search engines find your business web pages.

If your business website is not properly search engine optimized, it’s likely that your buyers will not find your website and they will end up buying from your competitors who are having better search engine ranking.

If you are a Business Developer and I intend to buy your service, I will simply head over to Google and search for “Business Developer’s in Abuja” because I reside in Abuja and would want an advisor close by.

If your business is not listed in the search result on the first page, you can be sure of losing enormous opportunities of getting more customers because Google will be sending you highly targeted customers who are interested in using your services or products right now.

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This has been one of the strategies I have used in getting more customers over the years because my business website is ranking on Google first page for various keywords of the services I provide.

If your business is not yet getting listed on search engines like Google, you need to start working to actualize this.

It has a long-term benefit because your business will continually rank on search engines for years to come.

My business website has been ranking on Google for over three years for various keywords that I have a solution for.

Here are 5 SEO benefits to a Business website:

1. Targeted Website Traffic

Your business website may be the most attractive website in your industry, but if there is no traffic to it; then it’s doing your business no good.

Every business website needs a lot of traffic to close more sales online.

The more search engines list your website in their search result, the more traffic your business website will get which will lead to sales.

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2. Improve Brand Credibility

The higher your business is listed on search engines, the better it looks for your business brand.

The major reason is that everyone trusts Google to provide them with relevant information.

By occupying results in the first page of search engines in your industry, you will be gaining more respect in the eyes of your target audience.

3. Higher Return on Investment

Compared to other forms of marketing, SEO generates the highest return on Investment due to the fact that you are not paying search engines to get listed on their search result.

This means your business website will be getting high quality traffic for free. When your business website is already listed, you just need some maintenance in order to remain in the search result.

4. Increase Sales

The main goal of every business website is to make more sales.

A proper search engine optimized website will attract more sales to your business.

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5. Outsmart Your Competitors

Every business has competitor.

With millions of website online, you need to have effective SEO strategies to be able to get find by your target audience rather than your competitors.

Having a higher ranking on search engines than your competitors is one way to outsmart them online.

“Knowing where to start is often the biggest challenge in making the most of the opportunities of digital marketing!”

-- Aladesuru Adewale, Brand Development Entrepreneur & A Global Citizen

Those are the five business benefit of SEO.

If your business is not currently getting more sales through search engines, then you need to start thinking in this direction.

Consumers have a lot of trust in business they can easily find through search engines like Google.

You need to maximize SEO for your business in order to attract more targeted audience that would lead to more sales.

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Get to where you need to be, faster!

Marketing today is tough.

Digital media give us great opportunities to be creative and expand our audiences, but there is more competition than ever before.

The web is now over 25 years old, but my research shows that although all businesses are doing digital marketing many don't have a planned approach...

I believe that to cut through and compete online it's essential you use a planned, data-driven approach to create a sharable, engaging brand.

To help you develop I aim to offer highly structured, actionable resources to help you navigate the inspiring, ever-changing, but challenging world of today's marketing.

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To making life better!!!

Yours Advisor,

Aladesuru Adewale

- Helping you and your business to the next level