Start My Home Biz university

Start My Home Biz University Preparing students for a home-based business Discover all the ways SHBU provides students with the skills to build a profitable business from conception to profitability. In the pages to follow it will become clear that the solutions to your long-held fears about starting a business have been solved through our 12 week Home-based Business Start- up Course. You will discover the simplicity, and clarity with which this course delivers a thorough knowledge of starting and growing your personally selected home-based business. StartMyHomeBizUniversity.Com (SHBU) Operations Manual


Online University Courses

Transcript of Start My Home Biz university

Page 1: Start My Home Biz university

Start My Home Biz University Preparing students for a home-based business

Discover all the ways SHBU provides students with the skills to build a profitable business from

conception to profitability. In the pages to follow it will become clear that the solutions to your

long-held fears about starting a business have been solved through our 12 week Home-based

Business Start- up Course. You will discover the simplicity, and clarity with which this course

delivers a thorough knowledge of starting and growing your personally selected home-based


StartMyHomeBizUniversity.Com (SHBU)

Operations Manual

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I. Introduction

Start My Home Biz University is also identified as SHBU for the purposes of this manual. We operate a

number of training courses including a 12 week Home-based business Start-Up Course for students who

want to learn the key steps in creating and growing a business into profitability.

“We don't provide degrees that lead to a career. We train you for successful business

ownership that leads to a better lifestyle, including financial independence." is an online program designed to provide strategic training

courses to students who desire to become equipped to build and grow a home-based business

to profitability. Our standard program is called the Home-based Business Start-up Course. This

is a 12 week course that offers 12 video tutorials that provide students with the knowledge and

skills to systematically learn all the key aspects of starting and growing a home-based business.

Students will get access to our online membership site where they can download selected

video tutorials on subjects ranging from, creating the mindset of a business owner to, creating a

powerful marketing strategy. Our services provide the following additional layer of supports to

our students:

personally assigned business coaches;

weekly conference calls;

opportunities to promote your products and services on a weekly internet radio show;

and a member forum that serves as an interactive classroom.

Most Americans know that the economic challenges have stripped away the perception that

they have any security in their employment situation. In fact, they know that they are only one

or two paychecks away from a desperate situation.

The reality is that we as a culture save only about 3% of our monthly wages. In fact many don't

save anything at the end of the month of laboring at a job that stress them out, and causes a

helpless sense of servitude, and dependence.

You also know that due to the emergence of the "new global economy" (stiffer competition

from oversees) your job security is almost a thing of the past due to outsourcing, a changing


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Why is our 12 week course your obvious solution?

Our course shares with you many of the hidden secrets of building and growing a business that

our competitors don't want you to actually learn. They don't want you to discover these secrete

strategies because you will no longer need their services, and you can start your own consulting

company and potentially steal their customers.

We're not worried about other online universities learning the strategies and stealing our

customers because most are not positioned to effectively duplicate our, systems, efficiencies,

marketing, and value added service.

Our 12 week course prepares you to get started in business immediately, with the assistance of

business coaches that help you apply all the concepts, strategies, and principles.

Here’s what further differentiates our 12 week course from our competitors… You don't have

to worry about being left alone without support during the difficult stages of the course. You

will have continuous access to our coaches, online library, member forum, and weekly

conference calls throughout the entire process of developing a home-based business and taking

it to profitability.

We understand that due to the information age, and the “Idea Economy” we live in, more

millionaires will be created during the next 5 years than at any time in the last 10 years.

"Our goal here is to get you to see the big picture about the possibilities of creating a lifestyle

for yourself and family where you can, at some point, choose where you want to live. Know

that our course equips you with the knowledge and skills to decide when and how you want to

retire; create a legacy that will provide a way of life for your kids; and finally, take control of

your most valuable asset which is your time."

No more traveling to and from work three hours a day! No more day care centers for your

children! No more back to work after Thanksgiving Day because of limited vacation time due to

others on your job having more seniority!

Imagine waking up in the morning, meditating for an hour; exercising for an hour; having

breakfast with your spouse and kids; and then going to the office, "in your house," to start

managing your business. How cool would that be?

Our Home-based start up course not only provides you with the blue print but it trains you in

the application of the newly acquired skills to start and grow a home-based business from

conception to profitability.

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II. Orientation

Welcome to our 12 week Home-based business Start Up Course. This course requires you to

have an email account and access to a desktop, laptop, tablet, or smart phone to: view the

video tutorials, sign on to the member forum, get to your dashboard, view the online library,

and read the study guides and learning objectives.

The course is 12 weeks in length, however, we have designed flexibility so that you can proceed

at your own pace. In fact, this course is not designed to provide you with a degree that can be

used to enter a career; instead, it will equip you to launch your very own home based business.

We do, however, issue students a Certificate of Completion upon meeting all the requirements

of the course.

We therefore recommend that you do the following:

take your time to study the course materials and video’s;

actively participate in the discussions in the online member forums;

develop resources and relationships by networking in the forums;

actively engage your assigned business coach to learn practical applications for the

strategies learned;

join in on the weekly conference calls to get tips, tactics, and common sense guidance

for putting together your business;

and take advantage of the opportunities to promote your products and services on our

YouTube TV Channel or our Internet based Blogtalkradio show.

How we manage the course:

Students will notice that our instructors are pro-actively monitoring their assignments,

submissions, and reminding them of upcoming deadlines, and changes in the course content

when needed. We will place greater emphasis on helping students during the first three weeks

to establish the baseline expectations and a proper support system for their success.

Ultimately, our students are in control of how far and how fast they can go through the course.

If you register for the course when others are in weeks 5, 6, or 7 you are still able to begin at

course number 1, and work your way through to course #12. We would not recommend

skipping around the courses; however, some will find that it’s more interesting to get started

with course topics that are more informative and challenging.

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Students First Steps:

After registering and paying course fees, you will receive an email detailing the steps to get

started with your 12 week Home- based business start up course. You first email will also

contain your pass-code to get into the Home-business Start Up Course classroom section on

our website, which is available to registered members only. Just be aware that pass codes will

changes from time to time to protect our course from unauthorized users.

Once in the Classroom section you will again use your pass-code to log into the Video tutorial

for course #1 in the series of 12. As you get to the course you will find your dashboard page

containing the following: Video Tutorial; Learning Objectives; Study Guide Questions;

Resources, Tools, and Tips; and finally, detailed instructions, and reminders from our Dean of

Education, on how to access the weekly conference calls, member forums, and Business


Students are required to participate in a brief pre-course assessment that will provide us with a

baseline from which to measure student retention and progress from the same assessment by

the end of the course. You will also be required to take brief tests prior to completing each

course. These tests will reinforce what you’ve learned and ensure that the business concepts

are applicable to your plans to grow a home-based business.

A critical aspect of refining this 12 week home-based business start up course is to learn from

our students what methods of teaching are most effective and which content adds solutions

and skills for business building. We solicit your recommendations, articles, resources, materials,

and content to make this the most effective course possible. In fact, in our member forum you

will find a comment feature, allowing for peer feedback and a report function managed by the

forum moderator.

The Copyright Issue:

Content created in the Video Tutorials, membership forums, weekly conference calls, in our

articles, video’s, audios, etc., fall under SHBU copyrights. The aforementioned cannot be

duplicated, in part or in full, without credits given to identifying

the source. Therefore, we respectfully ask that if you do use our content, please identify as the source of the information.

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How to Become an Instructor with SHBU: is always looking to expand our ability to provide business

growth education though our in-house instructors. However, we also seek to partner with

knowledgeable business experts who seek platforms to share their expertise.

Therefore, you are invited to contact us to make your courses available to our student’s, just

email us at [email protected] of your interest to become an instructor and

we will schedule a phone conference with you.

Business Coaches and their Activities:

As we indicated, one of our unique competencies is that we provide our students with their

very own Business Coach. However, we understand that many entering the business world do

not know what a business coach is and what sh/he does.

Our business coach is a highly experienced individual who has start and run his/her own

business, and has specific knowledge and skill in most areas of running a business.

Your business coach will contact you and work with you to drill down into the lessons you are

studying in the “Video Tutorials” so that you can apply the strategies to your home-based

business. You will have several methods of communicating with your business coach including

email, and by phone.

Your coach will probably want to schedule a specific time with you on a weekly or less frequent

basis depending upon your needs, to review your questions and talk about strategies and

tactics to move forward in your business.

The relationship you form with your business coach will form the foundation for building a well-

structured home-based business that is highly profitable.

Business Coaches maintain the following performance standards:

1) Develop a contingency plan to continue working with the student if the website goes


2) Provide verbal or email content to students that is always clear, concise, and actionable.

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3) Give feedback to the Dean of Education on students understanding of the practical

application of the content being taught, and the performance of the systems being used

on the website.

4) Encourage students about the importance of them participating in their learning


5) Seek ways to facilitate the learning process, and provide feedback to the Dean of

Education on improvements needed.

6) Build a close relationship with your assigned students to ensure that they feel

comfortable with their progress in the course, and to ask for assistance when they need


7) Keep students engaged in the process by encouraging participation in the weekly

conference calls and asking for feedback.

8) Ensure that your expectations as a Business Coach are clearly defined from the very first

encounter. Make sure you lay out how important it is for your students to schedule time

each week to spend on the course and with you.

9) Log into the member forum at least weekly to share your thoughts, give resources, and

encourage students to stay engaged in the learning process of building a profitable

home-based business.

Significance of Peer Learning:

Our 12 week course offers foundational teaching resources to educate students on the process

of starting and growing your own home-based business, however, the most powerful aspect of

learning is your individual initiative.

Our Video Tutorials, Coaches, weekly conference calls, and resources can only take you so far in

the process. Beyond these activities we see ourselves as facilitators to help students start

conversations, share experiences, solve problems, and help your peers maximize the learning

experience offered by the course.

We set high expectations for the performance for our instructors, coaches, and our students,

from the time the initial registration process begins. Our goal is to give all participants constant

feedback throughout the course to push you to learn and become excited about building your


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Course Goals:

I. Teach individuals interested in getting into business ownership the knowledge of

critical aspects of starting and growing a business.

II. Provide students with the knowledge to build a business from inception to


III. Provide critical supports that equip students to discover practical applications for

the information learned.

IV. At the end of the course you will be able to identify clearly the reasons why starting

a home-based business in this economic recession is the right thing to do.

V. Understand the tax advantages for starting a home-based business.

VI. Understand the number one question from customers that every business must

answer convincingly in order to earn their business.

VII. Poses the knowledge of how to brand and position your business as one of the

leaders in your niche market.

VIII. Learn how to utilize financial instruments to monitor, manage, and grow a profitable


IX. Learn how to build a board of directors that positions your company to raise capital.

X. Understand the critical aspects of writing a business plan and why they are

important for the life of a business.

Additional Course Information:

I. Students will enroll to add clarity to their basic knowledge of how to start and build

a home-based business.

II. Every student will have learned the critical aspects of how businesses operate and

what is required to become profitable.

III. Students will receive significant support and direction to participate fully in the

weekly conference calls, online membership forums, and to utilize the

recommended resources and engage their individual Business Coaches.

IV. Students will receive multiple resources (articles and links) for increased clarity on

the strategies taught through the weekly Video Tutorials.

V. Advanced students will find resources for higher level business growth strategies

through the member forums, weekly conference calls, and their Business Coach.

VI. Students will receive tests and brief homework to ensure that they understand the

Video tutorial lessons, and are utilizing the resources of their coaches, and

conference calls.

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VII. Students will receive emails that will give additional information about course

content, business coaching assignments, tests, additional resource material, and

updates on how best to use the member forum.

Course Topics:

Although these are a list of the present 12 week course topics, SHBU reserves the right to

change these topics as we see fit without the express consent of our students, instructors,


1) Creating the Mindset of a Business Owner 2) The Foundational, and Legal Principles of Business Ownership and how they must be


3) How to choose the Best Business in the right Niche Market to Start

4) Setting the Business up Right & Preparing to work from Home.

5) Creating a Marketing and Selling Strategy

6) Creating a Marketing, Operations, and Management Strategy

7) How do I Brand my Business and why is this important

8) Key strategies to picking the best Distribution Channels and the strategies behind Pricing

9) The Business Plan, why you need one, and how to create it

10) The Business Plan, and managing your Business Financials

11) Expand your business through Joint Venture Partnerships

12) Hiring, Managing, and Training Employees.


Students participating in the 12 week home-based business start-up course will find an amazing

opportunity to expand their thinking about starting and growing a business. In addition, the

association with other business owners striving to increase their knowledge will change your

mindset, and create a higher level frame of reference. Your knowledge with grow exponentially.

You will learn a whole different language of business terms and concepts that provide you with

motivation and inspiration to build a truly profitable enterprise.

The 12 week course will introduce you to resources, connect you with a business coach, and

provide you with a membership of like-minded individuals hungry for success. Participation in

our networking activities, associations with business owners, and mentorship through coaching

is essential to a start up company’s success. We take great steps to make sure you are provided

with the benefits of all of the above through our program.

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If you find that our courses and the support that our program offers you exceed your

expectation, then we ask that you refer a friend that would benefit from course as well.

We also extend to you an offer to participate in our twice per year Live Seminars (Boot Camps)

held in the spring and fall of each year at 50% off the registration price. In addition, students

will get 50% off the price of products sold by SHBU though our online sources.

Finally,, its partners; affiliates; board members; instructors;

coaches; agents; do not guarantee every student participating in the 12 week course will

experience a profitable business as a result of this course. A students progress and ability to

build a profitable business is based upon their individual actions to carryout the principles,

strategies and actions according to their understanding and effectiveness.

Students who find that the value provided in the course exceeds their expectations can sign up

for our higher level coaching groups for businesses currently preforming in the growth phase,

also at discounted rates off the going price. To get more information about (SHBU) you can email Jerry Burt, Dean of Education, at

[email protected]. Visit us on our website at, or call 8560359-4851.