St. Cornelius Church10:00 a.m. Fr. Joseph Savariyar Lector: Bert Howard 12 noon Fr. Mike Gleeson...

St. Cornelius Church

Transcript of St. Cornelius Church10:00 a.m. Fr. Joseph Savariyar Lector: Bert Howard 12 noon Fr. Mike Gleeson...

Page 1: St. Cornelius Church10:00 a.m. Fr. Joseph Savariyar Lector: Bert Howard 12 noon Fr. Mike Gleeson Lector Joe Hamamoto 2:00 p.m. Bishop Sartoris Confirma on Mass 5:00 p.m. Fr. Joseph

St. Cornelius Church

Page 2: St. Cornelius Church10:00 a.m. Fr. Joseph Savariyar Lector: Bert Howard 12 noon Fr. Mike Gleeson Lector Joe Hamamoto 2:00 p.m. Bishop Sartoris Confirma on Mass 5:00 p.m. Fr. Joseph


Regardless of why you are here, we are glad to have you with us. Please come back. The schedule of our liturgies and other events is in the parish bulle n. If you would like to regis-ter as a member of this community please contact the rectory. If you are a Catholic who for whatever reason has not been ac ve in the Church, you might be interested in calling me to discuss aspects of the church or of our lives that have led you to some degree of al-iena on of the Catholic Church. Please call (562) 421-8966.

If you are not Catholic, but are interested in finding out more about Catholicism contact our rectory office. Please remember that regardless of where you may be on your faith journey, you are al-ways welcome to worship with us. We thank you for being with us today. Our prayers and best wishes go with you as you leave this spe-cial celebra on to share the Good News with others. On behalf of all the priests, sisters, and peo-ple of St. Cornelius, I wish you a peaceful and



Siempre Adelante,

Fr. Mike

Did the church seem crowded to you to-day? You bet it did and we all know why. It's Easter me and once again our ranks are swollen with great numbers of people who show up here only twice a year, usually around Christmas and Easter. This provokes mixed reac ons from all of us, both "regulars" and "visitors". Let's talk about it.

Most of us who are "regulars" know this community is a special place. That is why we come here. One of the things that makes it so special is that it is a warm and welcoming community, not only twice a year, but all year. It follows that we should be especially so, at the most important me of the liturgi-cal year. Being a li le crowded, is a small price to pay for the opportunity to share this special day with those who have not been with us on the other days we have gathered as a family. Let us make them feel most wel-come and help them to recognize this gather-ing and prayerful place as something both special and worthwhile.

And for those of you who have not been here before, or who a end but once in awhile ... a most warm welcome! We are graced by your presence, and hope our com-munity serves the needs that brought you to us on this glorious day. Some of you are here with friends or rela ves, other drawn here alone perhaps out of some deep need to cel-ebrate Easter within a Chris an community.

Page 3: St. Cornelius Church10:00 a.m. Fr. Joseph Savariyar Lector: Bert Howard 12 noon Fr. Mike Gleeson Lector Joe Hamamoto 2:00 p.m. Bishop Sartoris Confirma on Mass 5:00 p.m. Fr. Joseph

WEEKEND MASSES Saturday, April 2 5:00 p.m. Fr. Mike Gleeson Lector: Valeri MacRae Sunday, April 3 8:00 a.m. Fr. Mike Gleeson Lector: Susana Tuiloma 10:00 a.m. Fr. Joseph Savariyar Lector: Bert Howard 12 noon Fr. Mike Gleeson Lector Joe Hamamoto 2:00 p.m. Bishop Sartoris Confirma on Mass 5:00 p.m. Fr. Joseph Savariyar Lector: Mon Bigelow


MASS INTENTIONS † = Indicates Deceased Sunday, March 27—Easter Sunday 8:00 a.m. †James ‘Buddy’ Dougherty †Anthony Tri Pham 10:00 a.m. †Mr. & Mrs. John Gunning (Church) †Lore a Silvestre †Jacqueline Redford 10:00 a.m. Esther To (Birthday) (Hall) Olivia Alvillar 12 noon Jeffrey & Melba Jorda †Joe Malagamalii Monday, March 28 8:00 a.m. †Bertha Baginski †Thomas Hogan 5:00 p.m. †Luis Marron †Joe Malagamalii Tuesday, March 29 8:00 a.m. †Barbara Hogan Jack Alva Cooper 5:00 p.m. Randy Gonzales Family Reyhrpolito Family Wednesday, March 30 8:00 a.m. †Gerald Belle †Peggy Boylan 5:00 p.m. †John Garnica †Teresita Gocho Thursday, March 31 8:00 a.m †Bertha Baginski †Thomas Hogan 5:00 p.m. †Bernardo Saldarriaga †Joe Malagamalii Friday, April 1 8:15 a.m. †Barbara Hogan 5:00 p.m. †Joe Malagamalii †Reyhrpolito Family Saturday, April 2 8:00 a.m. †Bertha Baginski †Thomas Hogan 5:00 p.m. †Marty Jadus †Connie Gu errez Sunday, April 3 8:00 a.m. †John G. Weisenborn †Patricia Mcgee 10:00 a.m. Hasse Family Jack Alva Cooper 12:00 noon Camacho Family 5:00 p.m. †Barbara Hogan

EASTER SUNDAY The Gospel for Easter this year reminds me of li le chil-dren. Mary of Magdala runs from the tomb when she sees it has been opened. Then Peter and the other disciple race each other to the tomb. The other one wins the race but Peter goes in first (John 20:1-5). Besides running like excit-ed kids, there is another way they are like children. Re-member the Gospel about St. Thomas, who would not be-lieve Jesus' resurrec on un l he could see him? Compare that to the disciple in today's reading, who "saw [the empty tomb] and believed" (John 20:9). That is the kind of faith we find in a li le child. Children will believe in things they cannot see, especially if there is a good reason. We "bribe" them into believing in Santa Claus or the tooth fairy by giv-ing them Christmas presents or money under the pillow. If we teach them that God made them and loves them, if we love them ourselves and teach them to love others, they will have good reasons to believe in a real and loving God. As they get older, we can teach them how to pray, save money for the poor, visit the sick, or volunteer to help the homeless. Jesus didn't say that only children could enter the Kingdom. He said we must become like children if we want to enter the kingdom of heaven (Ma hew 18:3). Be-coming like children does not mean being selfish or stub-born, throwing tantrums when we don't get our way. Those are childish behaviors that we put aside. Instead, we can keep a child-like faith and trust in God. Teaching them about God is a great way to help our own faith to grow. By giving them real examples of God's love for them, they will con nue to believe long a er they have given up the fairy tales of childhood. Tom Schmidt Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co

Page 4: St. Cornelius Church10:00 a.m. Fr. Joseph Savariyar Lector: Bert Howard 12 noon Fr. Mike Gleeson Lector Joe Hamamoto 2:00 p.m. Bishop Sartoris Confirma on Mass 5:00 p.m. Fr. Joseph



PRAYER LIST As many of you may have no ced our prayer list con-

nues to grow. O en mes family members and friends call us to ask that we pray for individuals dur-ing a trying health issue. Most of the me they do not call back to let us know if the person is well. Some have been returned to health, others may have returned to the Lord. Please contact the Recto-ry if your loved ones can be removed from the Pray-er List. Always remember that at each and every Mass we pray for those who are ill, names known and unknown. God always hears our prayers.

Helen Whitwell Ellen Bollinger Mar n Metz Alexis Teodosio Jason Taylor Andrea Boyles Donna Williams Sarah Irvine Maureen Walsh Michelle Stevens Lori Garcia David Wheeler Adam & Carla Mars Mary Larkin Harper Deaton Niko Greco Michelle Carranza Olivia Alvillar Sandee Bradley Marge Hengehold Jim & Ursula Hall D.J. Barwick Albert & Olivia Howard Bob Early Peggy Hasse Dolores Lounsbury Randy Kunkel Jennifer Carey Marta L. Rodriguez Julienne Aoga Danny Castaneda Jeff Newon Eric Fairchild Barbara Bain Gabriela Paradiso Monica Frank Juan Carlos Andrade Arlene DeWalt Martha Burris Jenni Rojas

Frances Boudreau Lee Hicks Irene Brauer Silailai Tamasoa Christopher Cathart Jerry Siler James Lynch Henry Sarnecki Jeremiah O’Brian Helen Walsh Kevin Allan Fernando Rodriguez Larry Gaudy Kimberly Fregoso Ed Chandler Lourdes Coranda Frances Athey Mary Collins Kit Gonzalez Jeffrey Jorda Trisha Ward Polly Morris Joan Aimerito Peggy Pen s Rosa Claudia Lopez Jason Rosier Rick Briggs Luella Diel John Herrera Clara Milena Jimenez Catherine Warrens Melanie Liu Dean Cheney Deanne Schumacher Sio Patolo Brandon McKenzie Kasiano Alai Patricia Wolfe Margaret Haskins Samuel McCarthy Jim Alder

Martha Montes Dennis Meza Ferdie Ann Melinda Harne Roxanne Lindsey Melanie Velasco Antoine e Utaoff Rafael Carigma Mark Carigma Travis Melnick Veronica Tolliver Sherill S llwell Judy Klenk Ed Barwick Todd Johnson Jonathan Kolt Tiffany Poblete Frank Novak Marck Chacarian Gale Gargiulo Sr. Claire Liz Smith Jack Alva Cooper Richard LaPorte Venus Butler Robert Dougherty

PRAYERS FOR THE SICK Please pray for:

HEALING MASS There will be a Healing Mass Monday, March 28 at 7:30pm. Fr. Bill Delaney will be the Cele-brant. All are welcome.

Please Pray for the Souls of


May They Rest in Peace

PILGRIMAGE TO EUROPE St. Barnabas Church of Long Beach and Adria c Pil-grimages are coordina ng a 15 day Pilgrimage to Po-land, Czech Republic, Austria & Italy from September 8 to September 22, 2016 with Fr. George Reynolds as a spiritual guide and culmina ng with an audience with the Pope. For more informa on and reserva ons, please see the no ce on the church bulle n board or contact Be y Lowther at 562 201-2491 or email [email protected].

PILGRIMAGE TO MEXICO Colonial Mexico & Our Lady of Guadalupe Pilgrimage with Fr. Jim Hartne as Spiritual Director June 8-14, 2016 All -Inclusive Custom Tour....The pilgrimage be-gins as we depart Los Angeles arriving at Guadalaja-ra. We will visit Our Lady of Zapopan, San Juan de Los Lagos Cathedral, the impressive Christ the King at Cerro del Cubilete, San Miguel de Allende, Queretaro, Mexico City, the Shrine of Guadalupe and much more.... Daily Mass & Spiritual Direc on. For more informa on and detailed i nerary, please contact Claudia at (714)414-2038 or [email protected]

Page 5: St. Cornelius Church10:00 a.m. Fr. Joseph Savariyar Lector: Bert Howard 12 noon Fr. Mike Gleeson Lector Joe Hamamoto 2:00 p.m. Bishop Sartoris Confirma on Mass 5:00 p.m. Fr. Joseph


SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN Did You Know? MYTHS: Human Trafficking Human trafficking is an issue that has received extensive a en on lately in local and na onal news, yet the issue can be confusing and is o en misunderstood. Many people believe that a vic m must be moved from one loca on to another, or across state or interna onal borders. Transporta on is only one element. It is important for us to remember that vic ms could be exploited in their own states and neighborhoods, or even at home. We need to pay par cular a en on to the reality that chil-dren, one of the most vulnerable and sought-a er popula ons by traffickers, could be vic-

ms of trafficking and yet could s ll come home every night for dinner, sleep in their own beds, and be present at school every day, as the traffickers will do whatever they need to do to avoid detec on. For a copy of the VIR-TUS® ar cle “Human Trafficking: Dispelling 10 Myths” contact [email protected].



Easter Holiday Closure The Office of Religious Educa on is closed through April 3 for the Easter Holiday. All programs will resume the week of April 4. Happy Easter! First Communion Retreat Reminder The First Communion Parent/Child Retreat for all Level Two/2nd grade Religious Educa-

on students and 2nd grade St. Cornelius School students will be held on Sunday, April 17, from 1:30 pm un l 4:30 pm. Make sure this very important date is on your calendar.

CONFIRMATION Youth Ministry wishes everyone a most Blessed Easter!! There will be no Youth Group mee ngs this week! The Sacrament of Confirma on will be cele-brated at a Mass on Sunday, April 3rd at 2pm. All are welcome. Please keep all the teens & adults in your prayers

Today as we celebrate the feast of Easter we find the challenge of also seeing and believing the resurrec on that comes through our own lives of self-sacrifice which brings new life to others . Through your gi s, the Society of St. Vin-

cent de Paul is able to help the poor celebrate the joy of Easter.


Page 6: St. Cornelius Church10:00 a.m. Fr. Joseph Savariyar Lector: Bert Howard 12 noon Fr. Mike Gleeson Lector Joe Hamamoto 2:00 p.m. Bishop Sartoris Confirma on Mass 5:00 p.m. Fr. Joseph



Christ the Lord is Risen today.

Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Rosary and Mass for Life Join us the first Sunday of every month to pray

for an end to abor on, for those in need of healing from the grief of having had an abor-

on, for the men of lost fatherhood, for the protec on of our unborn

brothers and sisters, for people who work in the abor on industry,

and for all affected by abor on. Rosary is at 4:30pm, followed by the Mass for

Life at 5pm.

Our next Rosary and Mass for Life is Sunday, April 3rd.

The Power of 7 App

The Power of 7 will teach you effec ve pro-life replies to 7 common pro abor on arguments.

-The Power of 7 App - A Pro Life Tutorial created by AudioGirl Ministries The Power of 7 app is FREE and available NOW at

Google Play and in The App Store. Direct links available at Sylvia Aimerito 562-429-1965

Like us on Facebook. Twi er @AudioGirlM.

SACRED HEART RETREAT HOUSE Alhambra’s Sacred Heart Retreat House is celebra ng its 75th Anniversary of promo ng a deeper spiritual life among God’s people. In honor of this celebra on, a Commemora ve Book will be published in thanks for transforming our hearts to be er serve God and community. The goal is to reach $75,000 for much needed facility upgrad-ing. Please send your tax deduc ble gi to Pam Branch, Parish Sacred Heart Representa ve, 3409 Tevis Ave, Long Beach, CA 90808. Checks should be payable to Sacred Heart Retreat House and mailed by March 26th. We hope to create a St. Cornelius Parish Tribute. Call Pam at 562-421-9087 for more informa on.

*For businesses, a business card size adver sement for $200 is also available in the book.


Gree ngs everyone,

Being a good Irishman, I hope you had a blessed St. Patrick's day! I would like to take this opportunity to say “Go Raibh Mile Maith

Agat”; as they say in Galic “One thousand thank yous” for all who were involved in our

parish Lenten retreat. It was a true celebra on of God’s mercy

for everyone!

Please hold me in prayer, as I will you!

God Bless,

Fr. Laurence

Page 7: St. Cornelius Church10:00 a.m. Fr. Joseph Savariyar Lector: Bert Howard 12 noon Fr. Mike Gleeson Lector Joe Hamamoto 2:00 p.m. Bishop Sartoris Confirma on Mass 5:00 p.m. Fr. Joseph

7 COMMUNITY NEWS PARISH MINISTRIES Altar Servers - Mike & Irene More ne 420-4565 Altar Society - Vicky Hudson & Nellie Cabulaje 421-8966 Ancient Order Of Hibernians - Daniel McGowan 826-6140 Bereavement - Nancy Himes 928-2474 Cub Scouts - Shawn P. Kelly (714) 713-2015 Choir Director - Joe Patolo 421-8966 Cursillo - Frank Diaz 972-6195 Deten on Ministry - Sr. Teresa Dougherty 429-0033 EM & Lector Coordinator - Michele Bradley 420-6481 Hospital Ministry - Frank Schmidt 225-7571 Italian Catholic Federa on - Stephanie Hardy 544-2222 Steve Dipietro 225-9447 Knights of Columbus - Victor Magana 420-3214 LB Young Adult Ministry - Jason Pillon 716-2608 Music Coordinator - Kathy Clay 420-3894 Parent Board - Laura Goglia 425-7813 People for Others - Jenny Davidoff 420-3425 Project Achieve - Kathy Cabral 429-3835 RCIA - Sr. Kathleen Burns, S.N.D 496-3224 Religious Educa on - Evelyn Padian 420-7613 Respect Life - Sylvia Aimerito 429-1965 Sacred Heart Retreats - Pam Branch 421-9087 St. Vincent de Paul - Claudia Meza 421-8011 Safeguard the Children - Pat Reyes 431-1142 School - Nancy Hayes, Principal 425-7813 Seniors Group - Rectory Office 421-8966 Serra Club - Richard MacDonald 425-1863 Sick & Elderly - Sr. Claire 496-3339 Ushers - Sam McCarthy 594-8212 Wedding Coordinator - Silvia Cerna 421-8966 Wedding Rehearsals- Chris ne Cramer 421-8966 Youth Ministry & Confirma on - Kim Amaral 420-7613

Fr. Mike Gleeson, Pastor Fr. Joseph Kennedy Savariyar, In residence

Richard Boucher, Permanent Deacon 5500 E. Wardlow Rd.

Long Beach, 90808 Phone: 562-421-8966

Fax: 562-421-5096 E-mail: [email protected]

Secretary’s E-mail: [email protected] Rectory Hours: MON-FRI

7:00 a.m. —7:00 p.m. Sat & Sun 9:00 a.m.—1:00 p.m.

Mass Schedule Saturday 8:00 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. Vigil Mass

Sunday 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m. 12 noon & 5:00 p.m.

Monday-Thursday 8:00 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. Friday 8:15 a.m. & 5:00 p.m.

Confession Schedule

Thursday & Friday a er 5:00 p.m. Mass Saturday a er 8:00 a.m. Mass

Saturday 4:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.

St. Cornelius Catholic School: Principal - Nancy Hayes

3330 North Bellflower Boulevard, Long Beach, CA 90808, Phone: 562-425-7813