Sponsorship Letter (Improved)

27/3/16 Dear, (Company) Hello my name is Luca Rodrigues and I'm 15 and I'm writing on the bases for a sponsorship to help me in my career in Motorsport. And by sponsoring me for the BRDC F3 Championship, I'll create sales and marketing activities and awareness, that will surly drive fans to know your brand even better and consider your brand more at the end of the day and with the championship attending in two European Grand Prix it will also gain the visualisation in those other regions and in any possible way i.e. the media. I've contacted a team to start off my career called Hillspeed Motorsport and they are happy to let me race from them in the BRDC F4 Championship which can lead me into the pathway to formula one, but I need finical backing. My goal is to reach to that stage of Motorsport and hopefully you can be my main sponsor. I'm a team leader and have a strong belief that I can make it into F1, and I’m not going to give up, I’ll do anything to reach my ultimate goal and hopefully we can do it together and move into higher divisions which will boost me as driver and you’ll get more coverage from the media. The BRDC is very committed to supporting and promoting the prospects for young British racing drivers aiming for F1 and has been the major partner with MSV for the BRDC Formula 4 Championship since its launch in 2013. By sponsoring me there are benefits on your side. For Example TV: All 24 rounds of the Duo BRDC F4 Championship are broadcast free-to-air by leading UK television network ITV. An hour-long standalone show is screened one week after each of the eight events in a prime-time Sunday evening slot on ITV4 and ITV4 HD.Once aired, the show will also be accessible to view online and on mobile devices via the ITV Hub. The programme will feature highlights of every race weekend’s three races, as well as the pre- race build up, podium celebrations, post-race interviews, and behind-the-scenes features on the drivers. Also the same with BT Sport: The BRDC F4 Championship is also screened on non- terrestrial television with BT Sport showing a highlights programme following race weekends. The channel, which launched in 2013, has become a hub for quality sporting programming

Transcript of Sponsorship Letter (Improved)

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Dear, (Company)

Hello my name is Luca Rodrigues and I'm 15 and I'm writing on the bases for a sponsorship to help me in my career in Motorsport. And by sponsoring me for the BRDC F3 Championship, I'll create sales and marketing activities and awareness, that will surly drive fans to know your brand even better and consider your brand more at the end of the day and with the championship attending in two European Grand Prix it will also gain the visualisation in those other regions and in any possible way i.e. the media. I've contacted a team to start off my career called Hillspeed Motorsport and they are happy to let me race from them in the BRDC F4 Championship which can lead me into the pathway to formula one, but I need finical backing. My goal is to reach to that stage of Motorsport and hopefully you can be my main sponsor. I'm a team leader and have a strong belief that I can make it into F1, and I’m not going to give up, I’ll do anything to reach my ultimate goal and hopefully we can do it together and move into higher divisions which will boost me as driver and you’ll get more coverage from the media. The BRDC is very committed to supporting and promoting the prospects for young British racing drivers aiming for F1 and has been the major partner with MSV for the BRDC Formula 4 Championship since its launch in 2013. By sponsoring me there are benefits on your side. For Example TV: All 24 rounds of the Duo BRDC F4 Championship are broadcast free-to-air by leading UK television network ITV. An hour-long standalone show is screened one week after each of the eight events in a prime-time Sunday evening slot on ITV4 and ITV4 HD.Once aired, the show will also be accessible to view online and on mobile devices via the ITV Hub. The programme will feature highlights of every race weekend’s three races, as well as the pre- race build up, podium celebrations, post-race interviews, and behind-the-scenes features on the drivers.

Also the same with BT Sport: The BRDC F4 Championship is also screened on non- terrestrial television with BT Sport showing a highlights programme following race weekends. The channel, which launched in 2013, has become a hub for quality sporting programming and continues to screen the UK’s premier single-seater series in 2016. Some backup information: Just to prove that the nation or the public will be watching the coverage, so that your company name will be viewed by many.

ITV4 television statistics*

ITV4 is an entertainment channel aimed predominately at a male audience aged between 25-44 years old.

In an average week, 10.1 million adults tune into the channel. 65% of all its viewers (6 million) are male.

It is the 4th biggest digital channel in terms of men’s SOCI *Source BARB/DDS/Techedge - January - October 2012

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So air time on live national Television, people will see your brand ‘(Company)’ live, which is beneficial for you as a company. Moreover, The Championship press officer.

All teams and drivers competing in the BRDC Formula 4 Championship will have many press officers working to promote the series to a wider audience. Race reports, news stories, features and driver interviews will be distributed to the media, together with high- res images, as well as being featured on the championship’s official website. In addition, the BRDC F4 press officer will be on hand throughout each race weekend to assist all competitors, teams and their sponsors. Furthermore, Online, print and social media. The F4 championship already generates a continuous stream of on-line and print media coverage. Press releases are regularly sent to regional, national, international and Motorsport publications by the championship’s dedicated press officer, together with news and features on the championship and its drivers. Every test and event will be extensively covered. There is also a strong social media presence with official F4 Facebook, Twitter and YouTube channels. So there is a huge potential to get your Companies name viewed nationally and globally with the help of the internet and social world. Finally, to maximise the championship’s extensive media and television exposure, all areas of the F4 car and race suit are available for driver sponsor branding, except those indicated which are reserved for championship use.

The Man Power

There is little need for man power as the team 'Hillspeed have all the man power then need, but if you want to asses us as a team or to create a activity booth or any other promotional activities man power will be need and with the teams help of course and time management will be low/medium depending on delays or other circumstances. Funds are key to key Motorsport, so funds will be needed, Funds asked outside the budget agreed on at a later date, will be a violation as we won't to keep the agreement as fair as possible. So the funds that we need will be asked for and whatever we agree on, on funds will be done for, for the rest of the season unless it is a emergency.

The BRDC Formula 4 Championship is the most popular junior single seater series in the UK.

Motor Sports Vision, who previously organised and operated the FIA Formula 2 and Formula Palmer Audi Championships, manage the marketing and broadcasting of the series.

Formula 4 races are held at the greatest race circuits in the UK including Silverstone. And Germany’s Hockenheim and Belgium’s Spa Francorchamps, where the Formula 1 Grand Prix is held every year. Three race weekends are part of the high profile Blancpain GT and British F3/GT events, which attract crowds of over 15,000 people.

The championship employs a full time press officer working to promote the series to a wider audience. Race reports, news stories, features and driver interviews are distributed to international, national and local media organisations, together with hi-res images which are then distributed online and in written press.

Social Media

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Social Media has become revolutionary in this time period. And I think it can become a good platform in engaging with your potential customers and current.

• Social media extends your organization’s reach. Instead of a handful of fans seeing a sponsor’s banner or logo at a race, a sponsor can access hundreds or thousands of race fans online.

• Social media provides concrete data on how many people are engaging with your sponsor’s message, which offers greater accountability.

• Some small businesses that sponsor local sports clubs may struggle with social media and want to tap into your expertise and fan base.

• Today, people spend a good deal of time online, but don’t often click on ads. Many brands are also aware that their products aren’t very interesting and that people won’t naturally follow a granola bar or a brand of deodorant on Facebook or Twitter. To reach their target audience, brands must align themselves with things that consumers are already passionate about, such as sport. By sponsoring sports organizations, brands can reach their target audience in a more effective way.

There are some ways in which I'll try and engage with your brand and its goals.

My ways in which to engage with you as a sponsor or a partner via social media:

1 Research

2 Making a plan

3 Share (Your) Sponsors message

4 Create mutually beneficial content

5 Make a story

6 Honesty

7 Hold a contest (maybe)

8 Express Gratitude

9 Show results

10 Creativity

1. Research

Before you can properly engage new or existing sponsors, you need to know what your social media presence can offer them. Start with the following questions:

• How many social media followers do we have?

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• What’s our social media reach? Using Facebook Insights, you can easily see how far your posts reach every month. Though you may only have 500 Facebook followers, for example, some top posts might reach up to 30,000 people because your followers share your content.

• What are my audience’s demographics (age/gender/location)? Pay special attention to valuable markets (men aged 25 – 34, young families, etc.). Sites like Facebook and YouTube and what they offer this data via analytics. You can also use Google Analytic to figure out the demographics of the traffic that comes to your website via social media.

• How does my organization stack up against similar social media accounts? If the BRDC organization, has many followers do other Motorsport i.e formulas organizations have? What about motorsport organizations across the country? Being able to say that your Facebook page is the most popular Motorsport (BRDC F4) social media account in (Any region in the UK), or the third most popular account in UK, gives you a boost with sponsors.

2. Making a plan

Meet with (you) sponsors to create a social media plan that will maximize their involvement. By finding out exactly what your sponsors hope to accomplish through the sponsorship, you can come up with creative ways to meet their needs. Also by me creating an agreement that outlines exactly what I’ll offer and check in periodically with analytic to show your progress. Some organisations that host large events have specific social media offerings for platinum, gold, silver and bronze sponsors, while others prefer to work with sponsors directly to come up with solutions tailored to their goals.

(For me) Remember: I may need to crunch some numbers to figure out how to maximize the returns on your social media assets. Would it be better, for example, to give one big sponsor exclusivity on your webcast, or should I offer ads to several sponsors?

3. Share (your) sponsor’s messages

By me Re-posting, sharing and re tweeting the content of sponsors and partner organizations is an easy way to provide social media benefit. Some sponsors will even provide you with a list of approved tweets and Facebook posts, which you can schedule in advance. Follow your sponsors on your personal Facebook account to see their posts, and make a list on Twitter of all you sponsors so their tweets are easy to find.

Remember: strike a balance between sponsored and organic content. If too much of your content is from your sponsors, your followers will tune you out.

4. Creating mutually beneficial content

Take you as a sponsorship to the next level by creating content that benefits both your organization and the sponsor. Sponsors especially love photos or videos because it allows them to showcase the

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good work they’re doing in the community and helps promote their products and services in an organic manner. Photos and videos are also highly shareable, increasing the reach of your content.

Keys to success:

• Post and tweet photos of your members interacting with sponsored products. You could, for example, take a photo of some fans enjoying a sponsored product or of kids playing with equipment purchased with a grant. Short video clips are also popular.

• If your sponsors provide you with banners, make sure they’re visible in action shots posted on social media.

• Tweet at and tag your sponsor in content that features them. If your sponsor has a particular hashtag, use it.

• Offer your sponsors exclusivity in a type of content. Perhaps all athlete video profiles are sponsored by one company and include their logo and branded messaging.

• Allow your sponsors to engage with your audience by blogging on your website.

5. Make a Story

Storytelling is a powerful way to create content that benefits both me and you as a sponsor. Me creating a video or blog post that tells a story that aligns with your sponsor’s values and in- turn they may consider sponsoring it. For example, an insurance company or family business might want to sponsor a series of short videos that feature athletes talking about a time when their family supported them through a difficult injury or loss.

Many organizations turn the answers to these questions into a one-pager and use it to make sponsorship asks, so remember to share this information with the person in charge of sponsor acquisition.

You should also research the social media presence of existing sponsors and partners. If they don’t have a strong social media presence, you can offer them one. If they do, you can get a better idea of how you can complement their existing social media presence.

6. Honesty

I won’t offer any value to you as a sponsor if you alienate your fan base, so be clear when an initiative benefits you as a sponsor. For example, if a sports equipment sponsor writes a blog post about the benefits of their latest model, make sure that you clearly denote that the content is sponsored so that your fans can see that the blog isn’t unbiased, neutral advice.

7. Hold a contest (Maybe)

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A simple social media contest or giveaway can increase your social media followers and provide value for your sponsors.

Keys to Success:

• Keep it simple. Getting entries to contests can be difficult enough without making your followers jump through hoops. Photo contests, caption contests and contest where fans enter by retweeting or liking are most popular because they require little effort.

• Ensure that the greatest number of your fans as possible can enter. For example, a contest that asks fans to post their best skiing photos will only appeal to skiers. A contest that asks fans to post their best winter photos, however, appeals to everyone.

• Factor likes or retweets into the judging to get more social media traffic, but consider having a final judge picking the winner so that you’re not stuck with a low-quality or joke entry as the winner.

• Provide a prize that people want. Remember: not every prize has a monetary value. A meet-and-greet with a high-performance athlete is free to you, but might be priceless to a fan.

• Make sure that you comply with the media platform’s rules on contests. Facebook is especially known for constantly changing its contest-hosting rules.

8. Expressing Gratitude

Sponsors, partners and granting organisations like to feel appreciated. I'll tweet a thank you message or post a photo of the kids in a program holding up a thank you banner. A little gratitude, however, goes a long way, which hopefully you as a sponsor could be granting me or considering my proposal next year.

9. Show your results

Send you as a sponsor an analytics package that highlights your success. These analytics can be pulled from Hootsuite (for Twitter/Facebook), Facebook Insights or YouTube Analytics. If a certain type of promotion takes off more than expected, I can suggest increasing this type of promotion. Some things to consider are:

• Increases in followers/likes/subscribers

• Increases in retweets, mentions, share and comments

• The most retweeted/shared/liked posts

• How many retweets/shares your posts get that mention your sponsor in them

10. Get Creative

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Social media is an evolving field and creativity wins high marks with sponsors, who are often looking for the newest way to share their messages. Even small, simple touches of creativity can go a long way. For example, a restaurant recently donated a chicken dinner to athletes at a tournament. Tournament organisers filmed the volunteers serving the food doing the Chicken Dance to thank the restaurant for their donation. The video took 5 minutes to film and another 10 minutes to edit and post, but it impressed the restaurant, which included it in their company newsletter and sent it to their head office and marketing team. Thanks to 15 minutes of work, the tournament organisers were able to get increased sponsorship from the restaurant.

I think I have shown how Social Media is a big part of getting your brands message across the nation and beyond, and clearly I have a good idea on how it going to work out. As social media is a part of my life and for many others. And I think I’ve shown a fundamental social value.


I know that Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat etc. all of those avenues need to be strategized differently, and knowing how to use them differently and the way to 'activate' them, so they all work together in a lot of way but also how they work differently in a lot of way. They should all be used for a different strategy, some are more photo driven, some are more story driven, some are more hashtag driven.

Moreover, I know that with this approach to social media, I have to be myself consistently in where I ‘am interacting a lot, creating those friendships, creating interactions as a celebrity type person, so it's just not about me making friends as is showing for value and leadership as a celebrity to influence other people. So I want to be myself in a 'bigger way', but I want to influence people to be like me like, 'Hey look what I’m doing today it's really cool, it’s really great' and a lot of people may resonate within saying 'Well I like that' or 'I'm like to be that'. And to attract people into your brand and exploit social media into it, I can do this by weaving it into my daily life, so say (Company Name) are car to victory with a photo of me and the sponsor on the car, I'm conveying the point that BLK has powered the car to victory, by the use of hydration' for example Or that Due to driver having to be fit I can do something creative and say (Company Name) is a part of my daily lifestyle to keep me healthier and fitter than ever before. Get your (Company Name) today?’ So I’m tagging myself in the picture with the item, so I just want to incorporate the products what I'm doing and then I’ll just tweet about it and tag it, which is beneficial for you as I’m tweeting about your products while I’m using them naturally in my everyday life. I fell that the use of these social websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube etc. will be used to get the attention of your branding a positive, complementary ways, so complement your products, the use of your products, put your products in my creative tweet, put your products in a creative video.

Social Network Statistics

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Twitter User and Demographic Statistics

-The number of people that use Twitter (320 Million)

More Statistics at http://expandedramblings.com/index.php/march-2013-by-the-numbers-a-few-amazing-twitter-stats/

Updated February 01, 2016.

Update 10.03.2013: 500 million people now use Facebook and half (250 million) log into their accounts each day.

Most people correctly assume there are millions of people using Facebook. But here are two statistics you might not know:

More than 70% of all Facebook users are outside the United States.

The average Facebook User (as of September 2011) has 130 friends.

With its clear global impact being made, business owners are wise to use this powerful social media platform to make their own presence known. Source: http://womeninbusiness.about.com/od/facebook/a/How-Many-People-Use-Facebook.htm (20/2/16)

Social Media is a great, and we'll use it as an effective tool to promote your brand name and goals towards our audience.

Popularity and Profile

-Motorsport is the second most watched sport on TV across the world, behind football.

-Formula One attracts the biggest audiences of individual sporting series – on average 300 million watch each Grand Prix. (If you remain as my sponsor throughout my career)

-Motorsport has the widest demographic profile of followers (from children to retirees) 65% male 35% female.

-Motorsport is gaining more female followers than any other Sports.

Media value is high in motorsport the coverage is so well broadcasted worldwide.

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Top Sponsored Sports in Total Reported Value 2007, $m.

Motorsport - Other so not F1 came 6th with a value of 260 but with F1 being 4th with a value of 482 (Source: The World Sponsorship Monitor 2008/9)


Share of Reported Deals by Category 2008

By number

7% arts and culture 6% Broadcast

4% Other

4% naming rights

79% sports

Sports clearly is having a big impact on marketing. (Source The World Sponsorship Monitor 2008/9)


Share of Reported Deals by Category 2008

By % total committed investment 2% arts and culture 1% other 2% broadcast

7% naming rights

88% sports

Again clearly Sports having a major impact. (Source The World Sponsorship Monitor 2008/9)

Equally important,

Exploitation Benefits

-Image and Brand Association.

-Strong PR and media opportunities with all drivers.

-Association with TV Programme/Series.

-Internal communication and motivation opportunities.

-Networking with associated sponsors and partners.

-Driver endorsements and appearances.

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-F1 Association at a cost effective level.

-Consumer/client participation through competitions and invitations. -Hospitality at selected motorsport events.

-Potential long term association with a successful driver(s).

Sponsorship Commitment

1- Racing is a direct link racing is a direct link to incremental business which is usually a business to business deal. I'll bring more business to sponsor in return your reward is response from the racing

2- Racing as an experience to share with their consumers whether business clients in fact hosting guests to get their attention to build a relationship to reward loyalty basically hosting guests at the races.

I feel that we can sell a platform for your sales and marketing needs, an incremental business deal hosting experience for your customers.

I think that Motorsport is a great way on selling your brand, setting all your guidelines in assigning sponsorships.

-Alignment with your brand positioning, attributes and values

-National/regional impact

-Media value

-Resources that we need to invest (time, funds, man power).

This Sponsorship does also link in to the experiential value and how it can be derived through the following:

-Ability to invite consumers to experience our products first-hand in a relevant and unobtrusive way. (When we get to a higher division but we can always try that’s the whole point of experimenting we have to try it out, and we would happily do so.)

-National coverage or extensive reach across multiple states

-Access and reach to several hundred to thousands of our target audience.

I think this is a good opportunity, for you to do business in a relevant arena.

There may be a relevant fit between your products and your brand personality, brand personality, costumer audience and the personality and passion of racing and its audience. Equally important, motorsport fits the sales and marketing message of 'technology', 'innovation' 'experimental'

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something that your brand could bring to the sport, and in which the message could convey into your products. Racing could also give your brand a personality bump with the images that racing conveys.

Racing is about speed excitement competition, but we can brand it as the cars, the passion in the car culture and what the fans are like and share experiences, the technology, the specialised skills. We can see that we start to differentiate this racing as something unique from everything else.

Questions about your business.

- What are your objectives?

- What are your needs?

- How do you sell?

- How do you do your marketing?

Case Study on AON in Motorsport as a Sponsor:

AON – Financial Services

In 1982, Ryan Insurance Group merged with Combined International Corporation, with the company being introduced to Wall Street in 1987 as Aon. In just over 25 years, the business has grown to become a global industry leader in insurance broking and risk management, making nearly 450 acquisitions and together with its organic growth, is now a global number one in all of its core businesses, in terms of revenue.

Reasons for Sponsorship

Despite this success, Aon was not valued as a top 500 global brand, an accolade that they greatly desired. In a globally coordinated manner, the company planned to increase brand recognition by sponsoring sports teams, Manchester United and Vodafone McLaren Mercedes, creating their own team in the World Touring Car Championship and sponsoring individual drivers in GP2 and British Formula 3.

By sponsoring in two of the world’s most popular sports, Aon have managed to raise their brand appeal. With Formula 1 and GP2 visiting 19 different countries, the company has been able to engage with potential customers in current and future markets.

In addition to generating brand recognition, Grahame Chilton, Chair of Aon Benfield, highlighted further benefits to marketing in sport: “These sponsorship initiatives encourage employee engagement and promote the success of the company. We believe that many people will recognise Aon as a company that can 'get things done' for clients and colleagues due to its partnership with such winning sports teams.”

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Case Study

Using their sponsorship of the Vodafone McLaren Mercedes Formula 1 team as a platform, Aon have developed effective case study material that showcases their services. The company provides the insurance coverage for the McLaren race team, McLaren Automotive and the individual policies for its drivers; Lewis Hamilton and Jenson Button. This case study material can be used to attract future business from similar organisations and individuals.

Business to Business

Through networks within the Motorsport environment, Aon has opportunities to increase their business to business sales. The VIP Corporate Hospitality centres are a perfect place for Aon to meet other companies that are marketing in Formula 1, GP2, GP3 and other support races who could potentially become their clients.

Community Involvement

Alongside their sports marketing programmes, Aon are conscious of their corporate social responsibility. They have supported many local community projects, ranging from replacing electrical fittings at a charity shop to painting the music room at a children's hospice. Such small contributions have had a massive impact on their public relations, helping Aon to become integrated with the communities and local councils that they operate in. This community involvement has also strengthened staff morale and relationships.


Motorsports marketing has proved to be an excellent environment for Aon to achieve their objective of increasing brand recognition. By sponsoring race teams and individual drivers, Aon have reached worldwide current and future markets, created powerful case studies that highlight their services and networked with potential clients. They have also built a stronger relationship with the communities that they operate in and raised staff morale through their corporate social responsibility programmes.

Achieve These Results

This case study demonstrates the potential for motorsports marketing to have a significant impact on the growth of your brand. While GP Marketing were not personally involved with Aon’s campaign, we can apply the very same techniques to achieve similar results. Not only that, but our experience in digital media allows us to achieve great reach, customer involvement and gather data at a price not previously possible.

Another Case Study Kmart:


Kmart is one of the leading American retail store groups and in the early 1990s they became title sponsors of the Newman-Hass race team, competing in the American IndyCar racing series.

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A tailored marketing strategy was constructed to ensure that the retail store group maximised their return on investment. As a headline partner, Kmart received many benefits including the rights to the prime advertising spaces on the race cars and drivers’ suits to promote their brand.

For their promotional events, such as the opening of a new store, the Newman-Hass race cars and drivers were made available, helping to promote the occasion and strengthen the relationship between Kmart and the communities that they operated in. The retail outlet brand would invite the local press and public to events to meet with the drivers, see the cars and collect autographs.

The cost of becoming a title sponsor was understandably a substantial amount but part of Kmart’s marketing plan was to encourage their key suppliers to enter into the sponsorship agreement and meet part of the cost. In addition to strengthening their relationship with one of their largest customers, Kmart’s suppliers received such benefits as:

• Branding on the car on advertising spaces that had been purchased by Kmart but not used.

• Access to prime merchandising locations in Kmart stores.

• Involvement in Kmart’s promotions.

By developing an extremely cost effective marketing programme, with the majority of the sponsorship fee being paid by key suppliers including Gillette, Dirt Deveil, Havoline and Energiser, Kmart were able to become a headline sponsor of one of IndyCar’s most successful and high profile teams. This motorsports marketing programme proved to be a massive success as the brand association with the Newman-Hass race team continued for 15 years.

Achieve These Results

This case study demonstrates the potential for motorsports marketing to have a significant impact on the growth of your brand. It also highlights that the effective use of advertising space and other company assists can greatly reduce the cost of a campaign. Motorsports marketing, when met with an intelligent approach, can potentially be one of the most cost effective promotional activities available. While GP Marketing were not personally involved with Kmart’s campaign, we can apply the very same techniques to achieve similar results. Not only that, but our experience in digital media allows us to achieve great reach, customer involvement and gather data at a price not previously possible.

Finally another Case Study on RedBull:

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Red Bull

Red Bull is the world’s most popular energy drink, selling 4.6 Billion cans in 2011 alone. Dietrich Mateschitz, an Austrian entrepreneur, created the Red Bull brand in 1987. At that time, there was no market for energy drinks.

Mateschitz knew that if his energy drink company was to be successful, he had to ensure that it was viewed as more than just a beverage. It was critical to devise a marketing strategy that would create brand tribalism and a sense of a community. “It is essential that one develops a unique communication and advertising strategy, above and below the line, a campaign that combines body and mind in a very non-conformist way. The image of Red Bull is definitely nothing to do with any food product, but has a luxury, lifestyle identification,” explains Mateschitz.

The energy drinks company has undertaken numerous TV advertising campaigns targeting the mass market but the major success came when they began associating their products with extreme sports and VIP events.

Red Bull started their sponsorship strategy by supplying their products at events, allowing athletes, participants and fans to discover the brand and become real, authentic users. Continuing on from this subtle brand introduction, the company sponsored teams and individual athletes, entering their first sponsorship agreement in 1989 with Formula 1 driver, Gerhard Berger.

The energy drink company gained momentum and established a form of credibility among the key professionals who participated in adrenaline filled sports. Athletes began to use Red Bull, thus increasing awareness of the brand and its products to the millions of fans watching events. With this worldwide exposure, Red Bull turned into an international brand in a very short period.

After continued sponsorship in motorsport in the 1990s, Red Bull expanded their motorsports programme by purchasing the Jaguar Formula 1 team, renaming it Red Bull Racing. After this acquisition proved to be a success, they purchased Minardi and renamed it Toro Rosso, Italian for Red Bull.

Red Bull is now also marketing through the GP2 and GP3 Championships, the feeder series for Formula 1. Both championships run as part of the Formula 1 events and receive live television coverage worldwide. At a fraction of the cost of Formula 1, Red Bull are able to continually promote their brand through developing drivers and teams.

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Through their involvement in motor racing, Red Bull have used brand tribalism to develop their brand, promote image transfer and increase market reach.


Since they began their involvement in motorsport, Red Bull have developed into an international brand. By marketing in an area of interest to their target market, in a way which compliments their habits and lifestyle, the energy drinks company has developed a strong community of loyal customers, resulting in the company becoming the market leader.

The exciting and dynamic motor racing environment has helped the company to strengthen its brand image and also increase its market reach. With their unique marketing programme and involvement in motorsport, Red Bull is in the top 100 of the world’s most valuable brands, worth an estimated £5bn.

Achieve These Results

This case study demonstrates the potential for motorsports marketing to have a significant impact on the growth of your brand. While GP Marketing were not personally involved with Red Bull’s campaign, we can apply the very same techniques to achieve similar results. Not only that, but our experience in digital media allows us to achieve great reach, customer involvement and gather data at a price not previously possible.

Also the RedBull relationship with Infiniti, by the use of brand awareness:

Increasing market share in global markets is not easy, especially in a competitive segment such as luxury cars. Infiniti, the luxury car maker, is embarking on an aggressive global growth strategy driven by new products, market expansion and a globally consistent brand image. Its innovative and challenging marketing strategy aims to improve awareness of the brand and highlight the superiority of its Infinity, originally set up in the United States in 1989 by its Japanese parent Nissan Motor Company, produces luxury performance cars, coupés, crossovers and sport utility vehicles (SUVs). Its brand promise is ‘Inspired Performance’. A brand promise represents the benefits and experiences that a consumer can expect from a particular brand. For Infiniti, the ethos of ‘modern Japanese luxury’ is at the heart of everything it does.

The luxury car market is highly competitive. As Infiniti is a relatively new entrant into this market it required an innovative and creative marketing strategy to create global awareness of the brand and its brand promise. International marketing is the process of identifying and anticipating customer wants and needs across different national markets and then demonstrating how these requirements are being met. For Infiniti, Formula One is a key element of this creative strategy to build global brand awareness.

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Partnering with Red Bull Racing

To achieve its global growth plans, Infiniti required a high visibility platform to showcase the brand to its new markets. A marketing platform is a mass communication tool that allows a business to increase brand awareness and thereby lead consumers to purchase its product. Partnering with Red Bull Racing and Sebastian Vettel provided Infiniti with the brand exposure it required on a global scale. Formula 1 racing has a global audience and is the perfect showcase for high performance cars and technology. The fact that Sebastian Vettel, arguably the best driver in the world, wanted to help design a new luxury Infiniti model demonstrated the strength of the brand and its cars.

This case study illustrates how Infiniti formed its partnership with the Red Bull Racing F1 team to increase its global brand awareness, enter new markets and increase its market share in the luxury car market.

Marketing strategy

Infiniti 18 Image 2A strategy is a plan that enables an organisation to achieve its aims and objectives. For Infiniti, the key objectives of its marketing strategy are to improve brand awareness and increase share in new and existing markets. In terms of market expansion, Infiniti’s growth strategy focuses on countries where demand for luxury vehicles is high. For example China, Infiniti’s fastest growing market, has a new dealership opening every week.

Infiniti models are now available in 47 countries through 450 Infiniti Centres (dealerships). Key markets include North America, China, Russia and more recently Europe and Australia. Infiniti’s growth strategy will grow its product range from seven products to at least ten products in more than 70 markets. By 2016, Infiniti aims to have more than 800 Centres. The long-term aim is for growth that results in Infiniti achieving a 10% share of the relevant luxury vehicle market.

Marketing objectives

To achieve its objectives Infiniti needed to engage with a range of target groups. These included media, prospective dealers and of course, customers. A major part of its marketing strategy is formed around the exciting world of Formula One. In March 2011 Infiniti became the key partner to the Red Bull Racing team and, in November 2012, announced that it would become the title sponsor and exclusive technical partner to what is now known as Infiniti Red Bull Racing. Infiniti’s products and technology will support the F1 team from 2013.

Red Bull Racing is a relatively new organisation but has made rapid progress in Formula One. There is a clear link between what Red Bull Racing and Infiniti are each trying to achieve as both have a shared ambition for incomparable performance. This is known as brand synergy. Synergy is where the combination of two brands leads to results that are potentially greater than the brands would achieve individually. Infiniti’s customers stand out from the crowd. They are passionate about design and technology and they want the best possible performance from their cars – ‘Inspired Performance’. These qualities fit perfectly with Red Bull Racing’s core values of being creative, innovative and doing things differently.

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The ‘strategic fit’ is excellent. This is where each organisation’s plans, target markets and other aspects of the external environment in which the organisations are operating closely relate to each other. For example, F1 already hosts a Grand Prix in many of the markets that Infiniti wants to target, including Australia, China and countries across Europe.

The marketing mix

The marketing mix, often referred to as the 'four Ps’, is a means for organisations to combine the four key elements of product, price, place and promotion to achieve its business objectives. Every business is different. Each must decide on its own marketing mix that balances the four Ps to suit its products. The mix will depend on factors such as:

- Competition

- the type of product

- the market it is selling to

- findings from market research.

Infiniti’s marketing mix considers:

Products - luxury cars with Japanese cutting edge design as a key differentiator.

Place - vehicles sold through state-of-the-art Infiniti Centres which are expanding globally.

Promotion - with a focus on sports marketing using the Infiniti Red Bull Racing F1 team and World Champion Sebastian Vettel.

The elements of the marketing mix should be integrated. For example, Infiniti’s luxury cars are sold in state-of-the-art Infiniti Centres that complement the premium quality of the vehicles. Having the right marketing mix enables an organisation to achieve its business objectives. Infiniti’s business objectives include increasing brand awareness, international growth and meeting its brand promise.

Core, actual and augmented products.

Marketers differentiate products into core, actual and augmented products. A core product describes the main benefits that customers receive when consuming a product. Put another way, it is the essentials a customer is looking for when considering making a purchase. Infiniti’s core product is its design, advanced technology and driving satisfaction, referred to as ‘Inspired Performance’ by its marketing team. The actual product refers to additional benefits that are enjoyed above the essentials. These include Infiniti’s range of luxury cars, for example, the Infiniti FX Vettel Edition model. Finally, the augmented product consists of elements such as delivery, warranties and servicing arrangements. The augmented product helps tailor the actual product to the target market.

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The price of a product needs to reflect the costs associated with developing and constructing the product. At the same time the pricing strategy also needs to be in line with a product’s positioning in the market. Infiniti’s marketing activities reflect its premium position by associating the brand with the Formula One World Champion team and driver.

The ‘place’ refers to the Infiniti Centres selling Infiniti cars. These distribution outlets support the brand promise of ‘Inspired Performance’. Infiniti Centres are known for their striking architecture, welcoming environment, state-of-the-art technology and high quality customer service.

Promotion covers a variety of techniques used by an organisation to communicate with its customers and potential customers. A distinction is often made between above-the-line and below-the-line promotion.

Above-the-line promotion

Above-the-line promotion is paid-for advertising using a wide variety of mass media channels. These include:

- print adverts in magazines/newspapers (trade and consumer)

- TV, radio and cinema advertising

- online advertising and websites (Infiniti’s websites are tailored for each geographic market)

- billboards by roadsides, in airports and similar high visibility areas.

This form of promotion reaches a wide audience and is an effective way of creating brand awareness. Infiniti uses global TV adverts to highlight the superiority of the products. However, this form of promotion is costly and it can be difficult to target the likely customers precisely as the messages are pushed to a mass audience. It is also difficult to measure results of mass media promotion since the increasing popularity of TV formats such as Sky+ enables many TV viewers to fast-forward TV adverts. There are different types of advertising that organisations use. Two methods often used in TV advertising are:

Informative advertising. This is designed to increase awareness, for example a public health advertisement.

Persuasive advertising. This is designed to convince consumers to purchase a product by highlighting features that make it more desirable than others products. For example, Infiniti’s website and TV advertising campaigns highlight the vehicles’ key differentiators of design and performance.

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Prior to each F1 Grand Prix, Infiniti ran above-the-line promotional campaigns alongside its below-the-line activity to create maximum exposure and brand recognition amongst consumers. For example, vintage F1 posters were used in a campaign to highlight the attributes of each particular race track and how relevant Infiniti technologies and design would benefit the driver.

Below-the-line promotion

Below-the-line promotion is a narrower, more targeted approach to communicating with consumers. These methods allow for more control and can be tailored to create deeper engagement with target audiences through specific initiatives. Examples of below-the-line promotion include:

- Public Relations

- Sponsorship

- Hospitality

- Merchandising

- Social Media (Facebook and YouTube).

Infiniti uses a range of below-the-line techniques to support its sponsorship of Red Bull Racing. This activity is underpinned by three-time F1 World Champion Sebastian Vettel’s work as Infiniti’s brand ambassador. Sebastian Vettel goes beyond just endorsing Infiniti products; he is the global ambassador for the brand. His own personal car is an Infiniti FX50. Last year he used his experience and passion for cars, working with Infiniti to design the Infiniti FX Vettel Edition which was unveiled at Frankfurt Motor Show.

Public Relations is defined as:

‘A strategic communication process to build mutually beneficial relationships between an organisation and its public.’

The other key component of this is ‘media relations’, which is a strategic communication process enabling a brand to earn branded editorial (non- paid for) coverage by creating stories which are genuinely newsworthy. This has been a key focus for Infiniti in Formula One to date. Sebastian Vettel works closely with Infiniti to support public and media relations activities coinciding with each Grand Prix. These activities include:

Press conferences, media events and company visits. This included a journalist hosting programme throughout the year at Grand Prix events, and a Sebastian Vettel Media Driving Day in China.

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Competitions. Infiniti ran a test-drive campaign giving consumers the chance to win a ‘money-can’t-buy experience’ with Infiniti and Red Bull Racing. It also ran incentives for salesmen and dealers to win Grand Prix tickets.

Viral marketing. Social media has played an integral part in Infiniti’s promotional activity. Infiniti’s ‘Inspired Performers’ video clips created a huge amount of global exposure as Sebastian Vettel and Mark Webber swap skills with other like-minded, inspired performers. These were all leaders in their respective fields, including martial arts expert Celina Jade, music star Melanie Fiona and Red Bull Air Force Manager Jon DeVore. They then swapped roles so the F1 drivers could teach them performance driving skills. This series generated thousands of hits on YouTube and other online channels, plus delivered editorial media coverage on TV, in newspapers and magazines across the world.


It is important for organisations to find the right balance for its marketing and communications mix. Integrating the elements of the mix is vitally important to ensure appropriate promotional activities are used to link the brand with target consumers’ interests. For Infiniti, the linkage to Red Bull Racing and brand ambassador, three times Formula One World Champion, Sebastian Vettel fit perfectly with the company’s brand promise of ‘Inspired Performance’.

Infiniti continually improves and extends its marketing strategies through constantly evaluating its promotional activities. Evaluation is essential to:

- assess which promotional activities are effective

- ensure the marketing mix is balanced

- establish if the marketing objectives have been achieved.

For Infiniti, evaluating its marketing activities takes many forms. Printed media coverage is Infiniti 18 Image 12evaluated through volume of press cuttings while evaluation of TV exposure from its partnership with Red Bull Racing is carried out on a race-by-race basis. An independent sport marketing survey gives a report on the exposure of the brand throughout each race (IFM Sports Marketing Surveys). Since the partnership first started the visibility of the brand in Formula One has risen from zero to 4th in 2011, up to 2nd place in 2012, with Red Bull being consistently the most visible brand. The statistics make it possible to compare exposure at different locations. For example, at the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix, Infiniti had a 7.9% share of exposure amongst all sponsors. For this race it was measured as the top of the car (with 43.1%), followed by the driver’s overalls and front torso (with 15.5%) which yielded the greatest TV coverage of the brand’s logo. This information was analysed to try and increase exposure in the following race.

Infiniti also used additional evaluation data sources to further its understanding of the impact its F1 partnership with Red Bull Racing was having. Its success was demonstrated through OMD Global Snapshots Survey findings, such as:

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A 30% uplift in consumer perception from June to December 2011.

Consideration to visit an Infiniti dealership improved 27% globally.

These results illustrate clearly how Infiniti has developed an effective marketing mix to help it achieve its growth objectives and how it is striving to adapt its marketing activities to increase brand awareness. And we could exploit the same manner of effective marketing but only in a Lower Formula but still work up our way into F1.

Motorsport is a fantasttic environment in which to develop your brand

Marketing in an area of interest to your target market is a great way to attract attention, by building a strong relationship for the future and holding your interest in a way when traditional marketing methods simply cannot. Whether your aim is to raise brand awareness, emphasise its image or develop its value, i'll hopefully provide strategies that will make this happen.

Brand Tribalism

At Grand Prix Marketing we are experts at harnessing brand tribalism. This is becoming a powerful method of not only attracting and maintaining consumer attention but also developing a real feeling of enthusiasm and connection with your brand.

Brand tribalism is a modern marketing concept, created when businesses become deeply involved with their target market’s interests, gatherings and rituals resulting in their brands developing into a powerful symbol of their customers’ culture. Fans wear your brand proudly, purchasing causes a real sense of fulfilment and they willingly involve themselves with your public relations efforts because doing so is a part of their lifestyle.

Brand Awareness

To increase brand awareness, we can market your brand in association with race teams and drivers in the motor racing categories that suit your requirements and objectives. Motor racing is extremely popular and attracts huge media interest. Races are shown live to billions of people across every continent and over ten million people attend motor racing events every year.

As a race team’s partner, you will benefit from the many possibilities to generate brand awareness. Promoting your brand on the race cars, the driver’s suits, team clothing and online, will increase brand visibility and recognition in international markets.

Due to sports live and unpredictable nature, championships, drivers, teams and partners competing prosper from additional free publicity, through international, national and local media outlets and conversations between friends, social networking and online.

Brand Image Transfer

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Motorsport evokes many images and emotions that will be reflected onto your brand. Marketing in motorsport provides a unique opportunity to develop public perception for your brand, creating a connection between your brand and the many desirable attitudes associated with the sport. Our methods help to create an emotive response from your target market, something that conventional advertising doesn’t do.

Motor racing is:

• Exciting

• Glamorous

• Modern

• Hi-Tech

• Innovative

• Fashionable

• Elite

Brand Value

Marketing in an area of interest to your target market helps you to develop a powerful and more personal communication link with them, thus increasing brand value. Your target market will find a brand more appealing if it is associated with the drivers and teams that they support. We ensure that the teams and drivers will be respectable and responsible ambassadors for your brand.

More Information

Market Research

Through market research campaigns, we can enhance our clients’ knowledge of their target market, industry and activities, which can be used to develop future marketing strategies.

Both quantitative and qualitative research can be gathered through mediums including telephone, database, online, face-to-face surveys and social media monitoring.

Media Evaluation

The worldwide media platforms play a massive role in allowing sport to engage with a global audience. At Grand Prix Marketing, we ensure that our clients’ involvement in sport is justified by promoting them effectively through the correct networks. We can can generate leading media analytics used to measure, evaluate and audit sponsorship activations through the following mediums: TV, online, radio and social networks, print and mobile devices.

Web Design

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I currently don't have a website but I’m willing to make one with your support. Hopefully we can give the web design a friendly and natural look to it so it feels inviting to our target market.


I'll create a user friendly website that will attract potential clients into loyal customers. The shopping carts that we provide are easy to populate with your own products, custom shipping details and customer payment options.

Search Engine Optimisation

For a successful website, SEO is the key. To keep you ahead of your competition, we review the search terms a potential client might use when looking for your products and services. We will then optimise your websites content to fit Google’s best practices giving you the best possible chance of ranking highly in the organic search results.

PPC Management

Worried those organic results aren’t enough to give you the competitive edge? I'll build and manage your pay per click campaigns actively driving potential customers to your webpage through Google Adwords.

Domain Name Registration

Having the correct domain name is one of the most important decisions I’ll make about your online presence. My goal is to make this as simple and affordable as possible for you. Each domain name registered by us will include the following: Free Domain Parking, Free Web Forwarding, Email Forwarding, Free DNS Hosting, Cost Effective Web Hosting options and total 100% control over your domain name.

Digital content

I'll implement your news updates, product developments or upcoming offers and create engaging, readable and easily accessible articles for use on any digital or printed platform increasing inbound links and referrals to your websites as well as enquiries from potential leads.

Public Relations

For your public relations, we will create a variety of custom articles, press releases, flyers and brochures and more.

Case Study Development

Involvement in Motorsport also provides the opportunity for you to develop powerful case study material. By using your expertise to support elite drivers, race teams and others, we can create articles highlighting your service which will help to attract future customers.

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I understand the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility and how it can develop your company’s public relations.

Community Involvement

Contributing to your community and being involved with charitable work is now accepted as an essential part of a responsible company's profile.


If you’re currently involved with a charity, I can help to develop ways in which you can use your resources to help them further. If you don’t currently support a charity, I can still hopefully help you to become involved with one.

Driver Appearances

As a driver and my race cars, they could be available for charitable and community events, helping to create added interest.

VIP Corporate Hospitality (More likely in the higher formulas i.e. GP2 or F1 when we get there)

We can provide hospitality packages for all race events which allow you to entertain your clients, prospective customers, suppliers and staff at one of the most exciting sporting events. We can manage everything, from organising your entry passes and catering to your travel and accommodation.

Corporate Track Days

We can organise corporate track days where you can drive amazing super cars at the world’s most famous race tracks. In addition to the driving experiences, hospitality, catering and conference rooms are available and are the perfect environment for customer, supplier and staff entertainment.

Hospitality based on this season (2016)

All circuits on the 2016 F4 calendar offer hospitality packages for guests, sponsors and families of drivers. Prices start from around £70 plus VAT per head, which includes access to a hospitality suite with food and drink provided and views overlooking the circuit.

For further details, contact the MSV Corporate Sales Team on 01474 875224 or email [email protected].

The BRDC Clubhouse Hospitality

At the Silverstone event in 2016, drivers and three Members of their family benefit from access to the BRDC Clubhouse, a flagship for the British Racing Drivers’ Club located right at the heart of the circuit.

The following is included:

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- Complimentary teas and coffees

- Access to private grandstand

- Covered roof terrace- Cash bar in operation

Lunch is available with a three course option for£29 (plus VAT) and a two course option for £21plus VAT). Limited places will be available for other guests, on request. Details will be sent to all participating drivers in due course.


MotorSport Vision (MSV) is a UK private company owned 75% by its Chief Executive Jonathan Palmer (Former F1 Driver, World Sports Car Championship driver and 1985 LeMans Driver coming 2nd), employing approximately500 people. It is among the largest motorsport operations in the world, owning five of the UK’s most celebrated circuits, including Brands Hatch, Snetterton and Oulton Park.

MSV owns the commercial and organisational rights for the British Superbike Championship, and has previously run the Formula Palmer Audiand FIA Formula 2 Championships.

MSV hosts around 140 race events every year including major meetings including four rounds of the British Touring Car Championship and seven rounds of the British Superbike Championship.

Meanwhile, MotorSport Vision Racing (MSVR)operates 21 UK-based championships and series, including the F3 Cup, while MSV Trackdays (MSVT) organises more than 150trackdays annually. MSV also runs PalmerSport, the world’s best corporate motorsport event, which is based at Bedford Autodrome.

BRDC More info

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The major partner of MSV for the BRDC Formula 4 Championship. The BRDC plays an active role in the operation of the championship with specific benefits including:

• High profile support and following for Formula 4 in BRDC communications

• All F4 cars carrying the BRDC F4 logo

• Entry to the BRDC Clubhouse for F4 drivers and family members at the Silverstone F4 events

• Presentation of race awards by notable BRDC members

• BRDC SuperStar status eligibility for the champion if British

• BRDC Rising Star potential for other promising drivers

• Presentation of a major award to the top British driver in the BRDC Annual Awards

• Serious consideration for the leading British driver to be selected as a McLaren Autosport BRDC finalist

“The BRDC Formula 4 Championship gives us exactly what our sport is missing: reliability, slicks, wings, good horsepower and affordability. Most drivers want to gain the right experience as quickly as possible before moving up the racing ladder and this is why the British Racing Drivers ‘Club is backing F4 and MSV.”

The Level of Funding acquired: £30,500 - 75,000. Which will be used for flights (Europe: Germany and Belgium), Website, Logo printing of the car, helmet, race overall and inside the car garage and also a booth (have to check on that one) and for contact payment and monthly payment during the course of the season. And for any other additional funding

With my desire to wining and compete to the highest level together we can achieve greatness together as a sponsor.

Equally Important the share, For winning the championship (if we do go into business together) we get 25,000 pounds plus a Formula 3 Test with Carlin a successful team in motorsport and a further 100,000 for (Serious consideration) for the leading British driver to be selected as a McLaren Autosport BRDC finalist (2014 Champion George Russell won that year's award and 2015 Champion Will Parlmer) including a F1 test with McLaren, a team with a lot of success in motorsport.

I know that if it does work out I’ll try my absolute hardest. These words probably don’t mean anything to you but I’ll put it onto action on the track. Hopefully ‘(Your Company Name)' can be one of my sponsors. And together we can promote your production line and marketing efforts.

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Here are some attachments, going into further detail and also with the links that the team Hillspeed have been sending me as me and the team have been in contact. But I cannot show you on this Word Document, so please contact me via email: [email protected] for these important attachments.

Last of all since I can't do the championship this year due to the fact that I'm to young by a couple of months. Testing is always available so hopefully I can still have you as a sponsor for the Testing sessions as well, it could be a taster for both companies working together of the next season and discussing plans, this is a one year contact agreement. But can be extended if wished too during our relationship.

P.S: The date for the 2017 F3 BRDC Championship is TBC but I can still run in practice testing this year (2016)


Mobile phone: 07768135225

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 02074289919

Thank You for your time and cooperation.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Yours Sincerely,

Luca Rodrigues