SoundView Advisory Overview

Company Advisory Services Overview Summer/Fall 2012


SoundView Advisory Company Presentation

Transcript of SoundView Advisory Overview

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Company Advisory Services Overview

Summer/Fall 2012

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About SoundView SoundView is a research-driven strategic advisory firm specializing in Investor Positioning, Advisory and Development (“IPAD”) services for emerging technology companies.

The two senior partners, Kris Tuttle and Stephen Waite, have a passion for technology and working with emerging tech companies. Each have three decades of direct experience in investment research and management, and have worked extensively throughout their careers with publicly-traded and private technology companies.

The company specializes in producing strategic, thematic, fact-based, and company-focused fundamental research for investors. It also provides an array of advisory and development services, leveraging its extensive network. It is not a broker-dealer, but has relationships with broker dealers if these services are needed.

The company is based in Boston, Mass. with locations in Paris, NYC and Connecticut. 2

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What We Do

Provide research that improves visibility with investors – illumination of company’s technologies, strategy, management strategy and execution and intrinsic value. Build and maintain an independent, objective and defensible assessment of intrinsic value for private or public markets and M&A. Form our own overall investor positioning based on all the elements of the company from the perspective of active investors. Link in additional organizations that can accelerate business development and growth – like channels, marketing, additional products & services. Assist with capital structure formation and development and provide introductions to potential investors or partners. 3

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What SoundView Is Not Not a broker-dealer or registered investment advisor: Our published research reports are unencumbered by securities regulations which limits breath, time horizon and distribution.

Not an IR or PR firm: Our ‘IPAD’ services are complementary to IR. For some clients, we can provide emerging IR services as an add-on and then migrate these clients to full service IR firms when they are ready.

We don’t do “promotion”: There are services that cater to a trading-oriented audience. They may help improve trading volume but that’s not our core business. In summary we focus on “pure” research based on an understanding of the markets and companies we cover with an emphasis on facts (versus opinion) and intrinsic value (versus ratings.) 4

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SoundView Clients 5

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“The response to your research report has been very positive from shareholders and parties that have called us. Additionally, whether it is causative, correlative or just plain serendipitous, there has been an explosion in our stock price over the past two days.” - Doug Jamison, CEO, Harris & Harris Group

“This in-depth analysis of Motorola by line of business with separate valuation models was just the research and insight we needed for our board-level decisions.” - Bill Hambrecht, Board Member, Motorola

“Your research report on the IBM software business was excellent. We will use it as a basis of our strategy discussion in our next board meeting.” - Bill Janeway, Board Member at BEA Systems

“Your note on Google was the shortest and most on target of all the ones I read.” – Tim O’Reilly, Founder and CEO of O’Reilly Media 6

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“I doggy-eared your report on us.”

- Chris McGurk, CEO, Cinedigm

“We were impressed with the quality of the content given the limited amount of time you required of the management team.”

-Bill Beck, Co-founder, EVP Business Development, Laser Light Engines

“The report looks great! We would like share it with other investors.” - Jeff Yurek, Corporate Communications Manager, Nanosys

“Great job on the report!” - John Ryals, CEO, Metabolon 7

“This report is comprehensive, balanced and well written. Thanks for writing it – it’s a very well crafted product!”

- Vern Brownell, President and CEO, D-Wave Systems

“We don’t pay ‘analyst firms,’ but would like to license your report to distribute to potential investors.” – Steve Perlman, Founder and CEO of Rearden and OnLive

“You did a really nice job of summarizing all of that science.” -Dr. M. Karen Newell-Rodgers, Professor of Medicine, Texas A&M University, Chief Scientist, Viral Genetics

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Growth Partners 8

We are part of the GigaOM Pro platform and can leverage their infrastructure,

resources and readership.

Folio provides management services for our IPO Candy Folio of post-IPO


Online-savvy IR services being used by more companies like Dell. We

use this for our emerging IR add-on.

We work with Sharespost on research

reports and analyst coverage of their

private companies.

Covestor provides the marketing and client services

for the SoundView TechFund.

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SoundView Network

•  DELL Corporation (Michael Dell) •  Gilder Technology Group (George


•  TheInfoPro (part of The 451 Research Group)

•  The NanoBusiness Commercialization Association

•  New York Biotechnology Alliance •  Good Data Corporation •  eTrade Investment Banking

•  The Strategic News Service •  Lippert/Heilshorn Media and

Investor Relations 9

•  Keating Capital

•  Warburg Pincus

•  Alsop Louie Partners

•  Balderton Capital

•  TVM Capital

•  Saugatuck Technology Research

•  Elevation Partners

•  The InVentures Group

•  NanoMaterials Innovations Center

•  Taylor-Frigon Capital Management

•  Aberdeen Investment Management

SoundView has a deep and diverse network that it leverages for clients

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Sister Companies 10

Independent research platform with world class distribution that includes Bloomberg, Thomson Reuters/First Call, S&P/CapIQ, Factset as well as direct with email, blog/RSS and social/professional networks.

Analysis of the overall IPO market as well as pre- and post-IPO research on companies. Typically ranked in the top 5 of IPO analyst firms on Seeking Alpha. Also manages the investable IPO Candy Folio of recently public stocks.

Deal-focused information service covering company fundings, M&A and public offerings. (Recently acquired and in development.)

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‘IPAD’ Services

In-depth, institutional-quality research and reports including intrinsic valuation model; reports can be distributed widely to investors through Research 2.0’s platform at client’s request. Business development assistance: introductions to potential corporate partners, technology licensees, investors, analysts, IR firms, and investment banks/bankers. Pre- and post-IPO research and advisory services. 11

SoundView’s ‘IPAD’ services have a base price of $30,000/year ($7,500/quarter) but scale down to $10,000/year for private companies and up to $60,000/year ($5,000/month) for companies that also want emerging IR services. (Full service IR and PR firms each charge about $7,000 to $10,000, or more, per month.)

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Broad Distribution Network 12



Research Content

IR Content •  Press Releases

•  Conference Call Information

•  Links to videos, articles and news

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SVA Managing Partners

Kris Tuttle – Director of Research

Kris became captivated by microcomputers in 1979 when you still needed to know how to use a soldering iron. He moved into artificial intelligence and expert systems at Carnegie Mellon University in 1981 while getting his undergraduate degree in Computer Science there. Moving to IBM in 1984 Kris spent the next 9 years there commercializing advanced technologies and applying them to problems in transportation, telecommunications, and finance. After picking up an MBA in Finance from NYU Stern Kris took his technology obsession into the world of business models and the stock market. After a few years at S.G. Warburg (now UBS) he became an equity analyst at SoundView Technology Group where he worked with most of the leading public software and Internet technology companies. Kris subsequently become Director of Research at SoundView and ran a 70+ person research organization with offices in New York, San Francisco and London. Kris also served as the DoR for Adams Harkness (now Canaccord Adams) before starting his own research boutique in April of 2005. He received his BS in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University in 1984, and acquired his MBA from the NYU Stern School in 1992. 13

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SVA Managing Partners

Stephen Waite – Director of Strategy

Steve is a noted institutional investment manager, strategic corporate advisor, professor and author, with nearly three decades of experience on Wall Street. He was a co-founder of a multi-billion dollar investment management firm. Steve has extensive experience in global economic and financial market issues with tenures at Morgan Stanley & Co, The Capital Group, Merrill Lynch, and CSAM/BEA Associates. In addition, he helped found ThelnfoPro, Inc., an independent technology research firm that is now part of 451 Research, and served as the company’s Chief Knowledge Officer and was a member of the Board of Directors. He is currently a member of the NanoMaterials Innovation Center Board of Directors and also works closely with the NanoBusiness Commercialization Association and is a member of its Advisory Board. Steve also serves on the Strategic News Service Future in Review (FiRe) Technology Conference Advisory Board and has worked with the partners at GaveKal Research. A former highly-rated Adjunct Professor of Finance at Quinnipiac University in Hamden, Connecticut, Steve is the author of the book Quantum Investing and co-author of the book, Boomernomics. Born in Ann Arbor, Michigan and raised in Saginaw, he has a Masters Degree in Economics from The Pennsylvania State University and is a past participant at the Santa Fe Institute. 14

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Contact Information

Kris Tuttle Managing Partner and Director of Research

[email protected] 617-934-1877

Stephen Waite Managing Partner and Director of Strategy

[email protected] 15