Social media and your business tallahassee

Social Media and Your Business How it Works in Tallahassee

Transcript of Social media and your business tallahassee

Social Media and Your Business

How it Works in Tallahassee

Where are the Tally Peeps?

• Facebook

• Twitter

• YouTube

• Flickr/Vimeo

• Groupon/Living Social

• Email/Blog

What do Tally Peeps Want?

• Meaningful Content • Silly Stupid Stuff

This is where you put all of your MEANINGFUL Content…

Then from here you share it in emails and all the other stuff…

…and people can subscribe to it…

Stats show that bu$ine$$e$ with blogs do 57% better than those without…

…also helps your rank on search engines and keeps people coming back to your website…

No Es Muerto…

94% of all online adults use email. 73% of those aged 12-17 do so

Social media users are over 60% more likely to check email at least four times a day than those

who don't use social media







1. Post weekly

2. Send Monthly

3. Be Consistent

4. Be informative

5. Add in some silly

6. It isn’t all about you…

7. Use pictures and videos

8. Number everything

Average person spends 15 minutes per day watching

videos…and most of that is on their Smartphone

46.2 years of video is watched each day on Facebook…linked from YouTube, Flickr, Vimeo,


Make your own channel/profile on YouTube, Flickr, and Vimeo

YouTube is searched as often as Google…

• 50% of our active users log on to Facebook in any given day

• Average user has 130 friends• Average user is connected to

80 community pages, groups and events

• Average user creates 90 pieces of content each month

• More than 30 billion pieces of content (web links, news stories, blog posts, notes, photo albums, etc.) shared each month.

• Every month, more than 250 million people engage with Facebook on external websites

• Since social plugins launched in April 2010, an average of 10,000 new websites integrate with Facebook every day

• People that use Facebook on their mobile devices are twice as active on Facebook than non-mobile users.

• Yeah yeah yeah…but what about the good ol’ TLH?!?

• Tallahassee Users • 18+: 227,780

• 25+: 178,480

• 35+: 82,200

• 45+: 49,780

• 55+: 28,660

• College Educated 25+: 77,400

• Male Single 25+: 79,240

• Female Married 25+: 95,020

Instant connections

to people you

may have never met…

…but you have a common interest and come together…

#TallyStorm #NPHW #CharlieSheen #hashtag

Lists are awesome…and so are retweets, DMs, and #FF…

…IE Tally Business, Social Media Peeps, Celebrities, …group people the way you naturally would…


1.Pictures2.Video3.Blog posts4.Events5.Facts

"Stewardesses" is the longest word that is typed with only the left hand.

No word in the English language rhymes with month, orange, silver, and purple.

"I am" is the shortest complete sentence in the English language.

Average life span of a major league baseball: 7 pitches.

• Embed profiles on your website, in your emails, on your social media sites…everywhere!

Do you like a good deal?

Pros: LOTS of exposure…

Cons: Expensive…

But now you can do Facebook Deals…so all is well again!