· Web view“Let me tell you what I didn't like the most was, I...

Name: Period: Social Studies 8 Date: Enduring Issues Essay - Industrialization An enduring issue is a challenge or problem that a society has faced and debated or discussed across time. An enduring issue is one that many societies have attempted to address with varying degrees of success. TASK: In this essay, you will need to: Identify and define an enduring issue raised by the set of documents provided. Use your knowledge of social studies, as well as evidence from the documents, to argue why the enduring issue you chose was significant and how it endured across time. GUIDELINES: In your essay, be sure to: Clearly identify the enduring issue based on a historically accurate interpretation of TWO documents Define the issue using evidence from TWO documents Argue that the issue is a significant issue that has endured over time by showing how the issue has affected people or has been affected by people Include outside information from your knowledge of social studies, as well as evidence from the documents.

Transcript of · Web view“Let me tell you what I didn't like the most was, I...

Page 1: · Web view“Let me tell you what I didn't like the most was, I couldn't understand what they were saying. It's awful hard to understand what it means

Name: Period:

Social Studies 8 Date:

Enduring Issues Essay -

IndustrializationAn enduring issue is a challenge or problem that a society has faced and debated or discussed across time. An enduring issue is one that many societies have attempted to address with varying degrees of success.

TASK: In this essay, you will need to: Identify and define an enduring issue raised by the set of documents

provided. Use your knowledge of social studies, as well as evidence from the

documents, to argue why the enduring issue you chose was significant and how it endured across time.

GUIDELINES: In your essay, be sure to: Clearly identify the enduring issue based on a historically accurate

interpretation of TWO documents Define the issue using evidence from TWO documents Argue that the issue is a significant issue that has endured over

time by showing how the issue has affected people or has been affected by people

Include outside information from your knowledge of social studies, as well as evidence from the documents.

Page 2: · Web view“Let me tell you what I didn't like the most was, I couldn't understand what they were saying. It's awful hard to understand what it means

Document #1

The Industrial Revolution brought not only new job opportunities but new laborers to the workforce, namely children. By 1900, 18% of all

American workers were under the age of 16. Many children worked in mills - these boys were hard at work in the Bibb Mill in Macon, Georgia.

They were so small they had to climb on the spinning frame just to mend broken threads and put back the empty bobbins.

Source: Lewis Hine/The U.S. National Archive (January 1909)

Enduring Issue shown in this document:

Page 3: · Web view“Let me tell you what I didn't like the most was, I couldn't understand what they were saying. It's awful hard to understand what it means

Document #2

Source: New York Evening Journal, March 28, 1911.

Document #3

Enduring Issue shown in this document:

Page 4: · Web view“Let me tell you what I didn't like the most was, I couldn't understand what they were saying. It's awful hard to understand what it means

Political Cartoon - "Let Us Prey," by Thomas Nast

The ultimate Nast judgment, and perhaps the best-known American political cartoon, has Tweed and his fellow vultures clinging anxiously to their storm-

lashed perch.

Document #4

Enduring Issue shown in this document:

Page 5: · Web view“Let me tell you what I didn't like the most was, I couldn't understand what they were saying. It's awful hard to understand what it means

Our mission has been the protection of the wage-worker, now; to increase his wages; to cut hours off the long workday, which was killing him; to improve the safety and the sanitary conditions of the workshop; to free him from the tyrannies, petty or otherwise, which served to make his existence a slavery.

Inquire from the thousands of women and children whose husbands and fathers were suffocated and crushed in the mines through the greed of stockbrokers. Go to the mills, factories, and through the country. Visit the modern tenements or hovels (shacks) in which thousands of workers are compelled to live. Ask employers whether the laborer is not regarded the same as a machine, thrown out as soon as all the work possible has been squeezed out of him.

Are you aware that all the laws ever passed for the ventilation or safety of mines, factory or workshop is the result of the efforts of organized labor? Do you know that the trade unions were the shield for the seven year old child from being the employer’s trophy until they became somewhat older?

Source: Samuel Gompers, leader of the American Federation of Labor

Document #5

Enduring Issue shown in this document:

Page 6: · Web view“Let me tell you what I didn't like the most was, I couldn't understand what they were saying. It's awful hard to understand what it means

The following excerpts come from the Ellis Island Collection. They express the real life experiences of

immigrants in the early 1900s who passed through Ellis Island Immigration Center.

“Let me tell you what I didn't like the most was, I couldn't understand what they were saying. It's awful hard to understand what it means that you can't understand a word, what anybody says to you. And, I'll tell you, if anybody would have said, "I'll give you the money, and you can take the boat back to Denmark," I would have done it any day in the week. And it took me I would say just about a year before I conquered that, because it's hard to understand that you can't understand what people are talking about. Get up in the morning, you can't understand them, you go to work. They laugh at you when you say something because it's, I suppose it sounds crazy to them, and so you just go along.

Some day when I come back, no matter what happens, I'm going to stay in that particular place that I was born. I wouldn't move. I found that out in life. I would never move from my birth place because when you do that you're making an awful mistake. You make it awful hard for yourself. Unless that you have energy enough to go through and learn the language that you were born in, because that is missing all your life. You hate to think of every time I opened my mouth, they know I'm a foreigner, and I don't like that.”Knud Larsen; Immigrated from Denmark at Age 24 in 1923

“My mother used to love to play the music. It was Armenian and Turkish music that they played. And in the summertime the windows would be opened. And my playmates now were both Armenian and non-Armenian. And they'd hear that music coming out, you know, they'd call us "foreigners" and things like that because of that music. And I used to go home and tell my mother, "Shut it off," or "Stop that music. Everybody thinks we're..." and that I distinctly remember because we didn't want to, and I love that music now myself but at that time, you know, they always think you're, they always looked upon you as being not native, you know. They looked down on you, they did. At the beginning they did look down on you.”Armen Jermakian; Immigrated from Turkey in 1923 at Ellis Island

Enduring Issue shown in this document:

Page 7: · Web view“Let me tell you what I didn't like the most was, I couldn't understand what they were saying. It's awful hard to understand what it means

Name: Period:

Social Studies 8 Date: Enduring Issues Planning Sheet

Document Identify the issue in the document

Evidence from document

that supports the issue you

are identifying

How has the issue affected


How has the issue

continued or changed over







Name: Period:

Social Studies 8 Date:

Enduring Issue shown in this document:

Page 8: · Web view“Let me tell you what I didn't like the most was, I couldn't understand what they were saying. It's awful hard to understand what it means

Enduring Issues Essay Response Guide

Introduction Paragraph:Through the course of history, every society has had to address enduring issues with different results. One enduring issue is (issue). This issue was apparent during the era of (time period) when (example). Like with all enduring issues, (issue) has affected and been affected by people and has continued to be an enduring issue.

Body Paragraphs: Be specific and elaborate – tell the reader what the issue is and how it is evident in

the documents you have chosen Be specific and elaborate – write how the issue has affected people or been

affected by people Use information from TWO documents and include outside information to

support your issue as well

Conclusion Paragraph: Restate what you believe the enduring issue is Explain how that issue has affected people or been affected by people (no details) What impact has this enduring issue had on the present?

(chosen issue) is an enduring that has affected American society. Both (topic of first chosen document) and (topic of second chosen document) have impacted the issue of (Chosen Issue) throughout US history. (Chosen Issue) will continue to impact American society in a (positive/negative) way until (what happens…).

Enduring Issues Essay Rubric1 2 3 4

Understanding of Topic

The student did not show an adequate understanding of the topic.

The student seemed to understand the main points of the topic, but didn’t present with ease.

The student clearly understood the topic in depth and presented their information with ease.

The student clearly understood the topic in depth and presented their information forcefully and convincingly.

Structure of Paragraphs

Shows limited understanding of

Attempts to address the task

Supports the introduction with

Richly supports the introduction

Page 9: · Web view“Let me tell you what I didn't like the most was, I couldn't understand what they were saying. It's awful hard to understand what it means

the task; omits concrete examples; details weak or nonexistent.Attempts to complete the Task, but demonstrates a major weakness in organization.

but uses vague and/or inaccurate information.Writes a poorly organized essay, lacking focus and using few facts, examples, and details; includes information that includes inaccuracies.

relevant facts, examples, and details, but discussion may be more descriptive than analytical.Addresses all aspects of the task by accurately analyzing and interpreting a majority of the documents.

with relevant facts, examples, and details.Writes a well-written essay, consistently demonstrating a logical and clear plan of organization and including one main point per paragraph.

Identification of an enduring issue

Student does not identify an enduring issue and does not provide any documents in their discussion.

Student is able to somewhat identify an enduring issue; however, they make no use of the documents and outside information.

Student is able to identify an enduring issue; however, they make limited use of the documents.

Student is able to identify an enduring issue and use at least three documents and outside information in their interpretation.

Argument Student is unable to argue the enduring issue, not using outside information or the documents.

Student is able to argue the enduring issue only using the documents.

Student is able to argue the enduring issue; however, they make limited use of documents and little outside information.

Student is able to argue how the enduring issue has affected people using documents and outside information.

Name: Period:

Social Studies 8 Date:

Enduring Issues Essay - Reconstruction

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Page 11: · Web view“Let me tell you what I didn't like the most was, I couldn't understand what they were saying. It's awful hard to understand what it means
Page 12: · Web view“Let me tell you what I didn't like the most was, I couldn't understand what they were saying. It's awful hard to understand what it means
Page 13: · Web view“Let me tell you what I didn't like the most was, I couldn't understand what they were saying. It's awful hard to understand what it means