Sinta Prima Feedmill Beef and Dairy Cattle Feed Trial...2020/05/29  · untuk (Uji coba pakan ternak...

PRISMA Page 1 Medium Request for Tender V6 Nov 2019 Australia Indonesia Partnership for Promoting Rural Incomes through Support to Markets in Agriculture Request For Tender Sinta Prima Feedmill Beef and Dairy Cattle Feed Trial Tender Reference Number:RFT_302/2020 Date of Issue: 29 May 2020 Submission Date and Time: 11 Jun 2020 and 17:30 Please note: Tenderers are advised to monitor the PRISMA Website ( in order to receive any further information (including amendments, addenda, and further conditions) that may apply to this Invitation. The funds are provided by the Australia Indonesia Partnership for Promoting Rural Incomes through Support for Markets in Agriculture (PRISMA)

Transcript of Sinta Prima Feedmill Beef and Dairy Cattle Feed Trial...2020/05/29  · untuk (Uji coba pakan ternak...

Page 1: Sinta Prima Feedmill Beef and Dairy Cattle Feed Trial...2020/05/29  · untuk (Uji coba pakan ternak sapi dan sapi perah Sinta Prima) (“Kegiatan”). Jika organisasi Anda memutuskan


Medium Request for Tender V6 – Nov 2019

Australia Indonesia Partnership for Promoting Rural Incomes through Support

to Markets in Agriculture

Request For Tender

Sinta Prima Feedmill Beef and Dairy Cattle Feed Trial

Tender Reference Number: RFT_302/2020

Date of Issue: 29 May 2020 Submission Date and Time: 11 Jun 2020 and 17:30

Please note: Tenderers are advised to monitor the PRISMA Website ( in order to receive any further information (including amendments, addenda, and further conditions) that may apply to this Invitation.

The funds are provided by the Australia Indonesia Partnership – for Promoting Rural Incomes through Support for Markets in Agriculture (PRISMA)

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Medium Request for Tender V6 – Nov 2019


Tender Schedule A. The Request For Tender Documents / Permohonan Pengajuan Dokumen Tender

Attachments / Lampiran

Attachment 1 Required Format for Company’s Experience Sheet / Format untuk Pengalaman Perusahaan

Attachment 2 Required Format for Curriculum Vitae / Format untuk Riwayat Hidup Attachment 3 Required Format for Work Schedule or Programme / Format untuk Jadwal

atau Program Kerja Tender Schedule B. Scope Of Services / Lingkup Pekerjaan Tender Schedule C. Financial Proposal / Proposal Keuangan

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Medium Request for Tender V6 – Nov 2019

Tender Schedule A. The Request For Tender Documents / Permohonan Pengajuan Dokumen Tender


Australia-Indonesia Partnership for Promoting Rural Incomes through Support for Markets in Agriculture (PRISMA). PRISMA is seeking proposals from organisations interested in providing services for the (Sinta Prima Feedmill Beef and Dairy Catle Feed Trial) (the “Activity”). If your organisation chooses to lodge a proposal (the “Tender”) it must be submitted on the terms of this document and any attachments (together referred to as the “Request for Tender” or “RFT”). The required services (the “Services”) are described in detail in Tender Schedule B

Australia-Indonesia Partnership for Promoting Incomes through Support for Markets in Agriculture (PRISMA). PRISMA mencari proposal dari organisasi-organisasi yang berminat untuk menyediakan jasa untuk (Uji coba pakan ternak sapi dan sapi perah Sinta Prima) (“Kegiatan”). Jika organisasi Anda memutuskan untuk mengajukan proposal (“Tender”), maka proposal tersebut harus diserahkan berdasarkan ketentuan-ketentuan yang terdapat dalam dokumen ini dan lampiran-lampirannya (bersama-sama disebut sebagai “Permohonan Pengajuan Tender atau “RFT”). Jasa yang dibutuhkan (“Jasa”) diuraikan secara rinci dalam Jadwal Tender B.

1.1. Structure of Request for Tender 1.1. Struktur Permohonan Pengajuan

Tender (RFT)

a) This RFT is comprised of five parts: a) Permohonan Pengajuan Tender (RFT) ini terdiri dari lima bagian:

i. Tender Schedule A: The Request for Tender Documents. This Part includes general advice to tenderers in the form of terms and conditions;

i. Jadwal Tender A: Permohonan Dokumen Tender. Bagian ini meliputi saran umum kepada para Peserta Tender dalam bentuk syarat dan ketentuan.

Attachments to Tender Schedule A. These Attachments provide Tenderers with required forms and templates to be submitted as part of the Technical proposal;

Lampiran untuk Jadwal Tender A. Lampiran-lampiran ini berupa formulir dan templat (pola acu) yang harus diserahkan oleh Peserta Tender sebagai bagian dari proposal.Teknis;

ii. Tender Schedule B: The Scope of Services. This part outlines the Services to be provided by the Tenderer

ii. Jadwal Tender B: Lingkup Pekerjaan. Bagian ini menguraikan Jasa yang akan diberikan oleh Peserta tender ;

iii. Tender Schedule C: Financial Proposal. This part provides information on the Financial Proposal to be submitted including relevant tables and description of inclusions and exclusions;

iii. Jadwal Tender C: Proposal Keuangan. Bagian ini memuat informasi tentang Proposal Keuangan yang harus diserahkan, termasuk tabel dan penjelasan yang relevan mengenai apa yang harus dimasukkan dan yang tidak;

b) The five parts are designed to clearly identify tender and contract requirements that will apply to this RFT. The conditions contained in this RFT apply to this stage of the procurement process and supersede any earlier stage conducted by PRISMA.

b) Ke lima bagian tersebut dirancang untuk menyampaikan persyaratan tender dan kontrak yang akan berlaku untuk Permohonan Pengajuan Tender (RFT) ini dengan jelas. Syarat-syarat yang terkandung dalam Permohonan Pengajuan Tender (RFT) ini berlaku untuk tahap proses pengadaan ini dan menggantikan tahap sebelumnya yang dilakukan oleh PRISMA.


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Medium Request for Tender V6 – Nov 2019

Please read this statement of Tender requirements carefully. At PRISMA’s sole discretion, non-conforming Tenders may not be accepted.

Bacalah pernyataan persyaratan Tender ini dengan teliti. Berdasarkan kebijaksanaan PRISMA, Tender yang tidak memenuhi syarat tidak akan diterima.

1.1. Tender Particulars

2.1. Keterangan Mengenai Tender

I. Name / Nama: Sinta Prima Feedmill Beef and Dairy Cattle Feed Trial

II. Funding / Sumber dana:

Funded by the Australian Government / Didanai oleh Pemerintah Australia

III. Tender Activity No./ Nomor registrasi tender RFT_302/2020

IV. Closing Time / waktu akhir:

5.30 pm local time in Surabaya (WIB), Indonesia. 11 June 2020

The Closing Time will be applied strictly to the Tenders.

17.30 waktu setempat di Surabaya (WIB), Indonesia. 11 Juni 2020

Waktu penutupan akan diterapkan dengan ketat pada peserta Tender.

V. Eligibility Criteria / Kriteri Kelayakan

a) Eligibility to tender is restricted to the Indonesian incorporated company carrying on business in Indonesia, established in accordance with Indonesian laws and regulations;

a) Kelayakan untuk mengajukan tender terbatas untuk organisasi nasional yang diakui oleh pemerintah Indonesia, dan didirikan menurut undang-undang dan peraturan Indonesia;

VI. Mode of submission/ cara pengajuan:

Tenderers must deliver an electronic copy of the Technical and Financial proposal to the E-Tender Box noted in item VII

Peserta Tender harus mengirim copy elektronik dari Proposal Teknis dan Proposal keuangan ke Kotak E-Tender yang tercantum dalam Butir VII

VII. Tender email address for submission/ alamat email untuk pingiriman tender:

[email protected] cc [email protected]

VIII. Electronic Format

Files to be in both Microsoft Word and PDF (Portable Document Format). Financial tables are to be on Microsoft Excel.

Arsip harus dibuat dalam bentuk Microsoft Word and PDF (Portable Document Format). Tabel Keuangan harus dalam bentuk Microsoft Excel.

IX. Language Tenders are to be submitted in English Tender harus diserahkan dalam Bahasa Inggris

X. Maximum Page Limits/ batasan halaman maximal:

Technical Proposal must be in format outlined in the Scope of Service in Schedule B

Proposal Teknis harus sesuai dengan format yang tertera pada lingkup layanan di Jadwal B.

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Medium Request for Tender V6 – Nov 2019

XI. Tender Validity Period/ Masa berlaku tender:

180 Days from Closing Date / hari dari Tanggal Penutupan.

XII. Pre-Tender Information Session

i. A Pre-Tender information session will be conducted by Skype or MS Teams / Sesi informasi pre-tender akan dilakukan melalui Skype atau MS Teams

ii. On 5 June 2020, 13:00-14:00 WIB iii. Required staff to attend this session are Team Leader and

technical staff/Personnel yang perlu hadir adalah Team Leader dan Staff Teknis.

Registration closed date/ Penutupan pendaftaran pre-tender information session

: 03 June 2020

Registration PIC/ Pendaftaran melalui

: Email to: [email protected] .id

Please provide your SKYPE ID to join the session / Mohon berikan identitas skype untuk mengikuti sesi ini.

XIII. Tender Interviews/ Wawancara tender:

Shortlisted tenderer will be invited to an interview/technical presentation meeting with PRISMA assessor team. Due to COVID-19 pandemic, session will be done online.

1.2. Tender Format All Tenders are to have the following:

2.2. Format Tender Semua Tender harus terdiri dari:

a) Covering Letter. A cover letter signed by an authorised person from the company

a) Surat Pengantar. Surat pengantar yang ditandatangani oleh orang yang berwenang dari perusahaan.

The cover letter should have the tenderer’s contact details and should also include the following statement:

Surat pengantar tersebut harus memuat rincian kontak peserta tender dan juga pernyataan berikut:

“If negotiations are held during the period of validity of the Proposal, we/I undertake to negotiate on the basis of the proposed staff. Our Proposal is binding upon us and subject to the modifications resulting from Contract negotiations.

“Jika dilakukan negosiasi selama masa berlakunya Proposal, kami/saya berjanji untuk ber negosiasi berdasarkan staf yang diajukan dalam Tender. Proposal kami mengikat kita dan dapat diubah sesuai dengan hasil negosiasi Kontrak.

With reference to the tender policy, I certify that:

Dengan mengacu pada kebijakan tender, saya menyatakan bahwa:

The information contained in this Tender including the CV’s of nominated personnel submitted is factually based and I understand that if such information is found to be inaccurate or misleading it may result in disqualification of our Tender.

Informasi yang termaktub dalam Tender ini, termasuk Riwayat Hidup personil yang ditunjuk, diberikan berdasarkan kenyataan yang sebenarnya dan saya memahami bahwa apabila informasi tersebut ternyata tidak benar atau menyesatkan, hal ini dapat berakibat pada didiskualifikasinya Tender kami.

1. The personnel nominated in the Tender have been approached and have confirmed their availability to undertake the Services at the time specified.

1. Personil yang ditunjuk dalam Tender ini telah dihubungi dan telah menegaskan kesediaan mereka untuk melakukan Jasa pada waktu yang ditentukan.

2. The tender is accurate in every aspect 2. Setiap aspek tender tersebut adalah

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Medium Request for Tender V6 – Nov 2019

and contains no false or misleading claims or statements.

benar dan tidak memuat pernyataan palsu atau menyesatkan

3. We/I have not received improper assistance, or colluded with any other companies except those named in the tender, if any.

3. Kami/saya belum pernah menerima bantuan yang tidak sah, atau berkolusi dengan perusahaan lain manapun kecuali, kalaupun ada, yang disebut di dalam tender ini.

4. We/I are not: 4. Kami/saya tidak: a) listed on a World Bank List or on a

Relevant List; i.

center/sanctions/Programs/Pages/ Programs.aspx





a) tercantum dalam Daftar Bank Dunia atau Daftar yang Relevan;

i. Programs.aspx





a) subject to any proceedings or an informal process which could lead to listing on a World Bank List or listing on a Relevant List;

b) tunduk pada proses atau proses tak resmi apapun yang dapat menyebabkan masuknya kami/saya dalam Daftar Bank Dunia atau Daftar yang Relevan.

c) temporarily suspended from tendering for World Bank contracts by the World Bank, pending the outcome of a sanctions process;

c) ditangguhkan sementara oleh Bank Dunia untuk mengajukan tender kontrak Bank Dunia, sambil menunggu hasil proses sanksi;

d) temporarily suspended from tendering by a donor of development funding other than the World Bank; or

d) ditangguhkan sementara oleh donor dana pembangunan selain Bank Dunia untuk melakukan tender;

e) the subject of an investigation (whether formal or informal) by the World Bank or another donor of development funding

e) merupakan subyek investigasi oleh Bank Dunia (resmi atau tidak resmi) atau donor dana pembangunan lain.

I understand you are not bound to accept any Proposal you receive.”

Saya memahami bahwa Anda tidak berkewajiban untuk menerima setiap proposal yang dikirimkan kepada Anda.”

b) Technical Proposal. The Technical Proposal outlining the company’s understanding of the task, the approach that will be taken, and the personnel who will be engaged to work on the activity. The Technical Proposal should address in turn each of the Scope of Services as mentioned in Tender Schedule B. The Technical Proposal is not to exceed the number of pages noted in Tender Schedule B of the Tender Particulars, including any tables but excluding allowable Annexes as described in Section 2.3.

b) Proposal Teknis. Proposal Teknis yang menguraikan pemahaman perusahaan tentang tugas, pendekatan yang akan dilakukan, dan personil yang akan dipekerjakan dalam kegiatan tersebut. Proposal Teknis ini juga harus membahas masing-masing lingkup jasa seperti tersebut dalam Jadwal Tender B Proposal Teknis tidak boleh melebihi jumlah halaman yang tercantum dalam Jadwal Tender B mengenai Keterangan Tender, termasuk tabel tapi tidak termasuk Lampiran yang diizinkan sebagaimana dijelaskan dalam Bab 2.3..

c) Annexes to the Technical Proposal. These are noted in Section 2.3. below.

c) Lampiran Proposal Teknis. Ini tercantum dalam Bab 2.3 di bawah.

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Medium Request for Tender V6 – Nov 2019

d) Financial Proposal. The Financial Proposal is to be submitted in accordance with this RFT and Section 2.4. below.

d) Proposal Keuangan. Proposal Keuangan harus diserahkan sesuai dengan Permohonan Pengajuan Tender (RFT) dan Bab 2.4. di bawah

Notes: Catatan:

(i) All material is to be presented in A4 pages (except where specified elsewhere), Arial 11 pt font, and all margins are to be no less than 2.5cm.

(i) Semua bahan harus disajikan dalam halaman berukuran A 4 (kecuali jika ditentukan lain), Arial font 11 pt, dan semua marjin (garis tepi) tidak boleh kurang dari 2.5 cm.

(ii) The PALLADIUM, PRISMAPRISMA or DFAT logos are not to appear on any Tender documentation.

(ii) Logo PALLADIUM, PRISMA atau DFAT tidak boleh muncul pada dokumen Tender apapun.

1.3. Annexes to the Technical Proposal 2.3. Lampiran Proposal Teknis

The following annexes are to be included with the technical proposal.

Lampiran-lampiran berikut harus disertakan dengan proposal teknis.

Annex 1 - Relevant Work or Projects Lampiran 1- Pekerjaan atau Proyek yang Relevan

a) Tenderers should provide relevant company experiences on similar work/projects in the format outlined in Attachment 1 which demonstrate strongly their ability to fulfil the objectives of the project. Only relevant examples completed within the last 5 years (prior to the RFT issue date) should be included.

a) Peserta Tender harus menyebutkan pengalaman kerja mereka pada perusahaan dengan pekerjaan/proyek sesuai dengan format yang dicantumkan dalam Lampiran 1, yang dengan tegas menunjukkan kemampuan mereka untuk mencapai tujuan proyek. Hanya contoh-contoh relevan yang dilakukan dalam 5 tahun terakhir (sebelum tanggal dikeluarkannya Permohonan Pengajuan Tender/ RFT ini) yang harus dicantumkan.

b) Tenderers are to provide two referees from past clients who may provide substantive comments in relation to the organization’s execution of the activity or project. Where possible this must be a senior representative of the client. No referees are to have a financial interest or involvement with the Tenderer

b) Peserta Tender harus menyebutkan dua pemberi referensi dari klien di masa lalu yang dapat memberikan komentar yang sebenarnya sehubungan dengan pelaksanaan kegiatan atau proyek oleh organisasi. Sedapat mungkin, mereka harus merupakan wakil klien yang senior, dan tidak boleh mempunyai kepentingan atau keterlibatan keuangan dengan Peserta Tender.

Annex 2 - Curricula Vitae (CVs) Lampiran 2 – Riwayat Hidup (CV)

a) CVs must be in the format outlined in Attachment 2, including referees and may not exceed the number of pages noted in item X above

a) Riwayat Hidup harus dibuat dalam format yang dicantumkan dalam Lampiran 2, termasuk pemberi referensi, dan tidak boleh melebihi jumlah halaman yang tercantum dalam butir X di atas

b) The CV must include the declaration noted in Attachment 2 and be signed and dated by the nominated consultant.

b) Riwayat Hidup harus menyertakan keterangan yang tercantum dalam Lampiran 2 dan ditandatangani serta diberi tanggal oleh konsultan yang ditunjuk

Annex 3 - Work Schedule or Programme

Lampiran 3 – Jadwal atau Program Kerja

a) Tenderers are to develop a detailed work schedule (Gantt or Bar Chart) that identifies the main activities of the

a) Peserta Tender harus membuat jadwal kerja yang rinci (Gantt atau Bar Cart) yang menjelaskan kegiatan utama dari

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Medium Request for Tender V6 – Nov 2019

Services, their content and duration, phasing and interrelationships, milestones, and delivery dates of any reports or other specified outputs.

Jasa mereka, konten dan jangka waktunya, pentahapan dan hubungan timbal baliknya, kegiatan-kegiatan penting yang akan dilakukan, dan tanggal penyerahan laporan atau keluaran tertentu lainnya.

b) The work schedule should be presented on A3 or A4 pages in the format indicated in Attachment 3).

b) Jadwal kerja harus disajikan pada halaman A3 atau A4 dalam format yang disebutkan dalam Attachment 3

1.4. Conditions of the Financial Proposal 2.4. Kondisi Proposal Keuangan a) The Financial Proposal is to be submitted

in the format provided at Tender Schedule C.

a) Proposal Keuangan harus diserahkan dalam format yang disediakan dalam Jadwal Tender C

b) The Financial Proposal is must the best offer based on current market rate including all costs, escalation, taxes and any allowance for foreign exchange rate variations for the duration of the contracted Activity.

b) Proposal Keuangan harus merupakan penawaran terbaik dari harga pasar yang berlaku, termasuk semua biaya, pajak dan tunjangan untuk perbedaan kurs mata uang asing apapun selama berlangsungnya kontrak Kegiatan ini

c) The financial proposal is to be expressed in IDR.

c) Proposal Keuangan harus dinyatakan dalam Rupiah

d) PRISMA will treat as non-conforming any Financial Proposal that is:

d) PRISMA akan menganggap Proposal Keuangan tidak memenuhi syarat jika:

I. Not substantially in the format provided at Tender Schedule C; or

I. Tidak sepenuhnya dalam format yang disediakan dalam Jadwal Tender C; atau

II. Not firm fixed price (including any inflators).

II. Tidak mencantumkan harga tetap yang stabil (termasuk hal-hal yang menyebabkan harga melambung).

e) The financial proposal is to include any VAT as a separate figure. The Tenderers will provide information regarding their tax liability.

e) Proposal Keuangan harus memasukkan PPN sebagai angka terpisah. Peserta Tender akan memberikan informasi mengenai kewajiban pajak mereka.

f) Tenderers must provide details of the following:

f) Peserta Tender harus memberikan rincian mengenai hal-hal berikut: :

I. The name of the tendering entity and its ultimate owner(s).

I. Nama badan yang mengajukan tender dan pemilik utamanya.

II. The names and financial relationships between the tendering entity, its parent entity (if relevant) and other related entities within the group.

II. Nama dan hubungan keuangan antara badan yang mengajukan tender, badan induknya (jika relevan) dan badan-badan terkait lainnya yang termasuk dalam grup.

III. The previous years’ annual financial statement for the tendering entity. This annual financial statement must be prepared in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Standards applicable to the Tenderers country of residence (audited if available). The annual financial statement must include a:

III. Laporan keuangan badan yang mengikuti tender dari tahun sebelumnya. Laporan keuangan tahunan ini harus dibuat sesuai dengan Standar Akuntansi yang Berlaku Secara Umum di negara tempat tinggal Peserta Tender (diaudit jika ada). Laporan keuangan tahunan ini harus mencakup:

• balance sheet;

• profit and loss statement; and

• neraca keuangan;

• laporan mengenai keuntungan

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Medium Request for Tender V6 – Nov 2019

• cash flow statement. dan kerugian; dan

• laporan arus kas.

1.5. PRISMA’s Rights 2.5. Hak PRISMA a) PRISMA reserves the right to: a) PRISMA berhak untuk:

I. seek Tenders from any organisation; I. memohon Tender dari organisasi apapun;

II. accept or reject any Tender; II. menerima atau menolak Tender apapun;

III. terminate, extend or vary its procurement process for the Services;

III. menghentikan, memperpanjang atau merubah proses pengadaan Jasa;

IV. request clarification in relation to a Tender;

IV. meminta penjelasan sehubungan dengan Tender;

V. seek information or negotiate with any organisation that has not been invited to submit a Tender;

V. meminta penjelasan atau mengadakan negosiasi dengan organisasi apapun yang belum diundang untuk mengajukan Tender;

VI. terminate negotiations with the preferred Tenderer and commence negotiations with any other Tenderer;

VI. menghentikan negosiasi dengan Peserta Tender yang disukai dan memulai negosiasi dengan Peserta Tender lain;

VII. evaluate only those Tenders that are conforming and achieve the minimal technical score as noted elsewhere in this RFT; and

VII. hanya mengevaluasi Tender yang memenuhi syarat dan mencapai angka teknis minimal seperti yang tercantum dalam Permohonan Pengajuan Tender (RFT) ini; dan

VIII. negotiate with any one or more Tenderers.

VIII. mengadakan negosiasi dengan satu atau lebih Peserta Tender.

1.6. Tenderer’s Acknowledgement 2.6. Pengakuan Peserta Tender a) A Tender is submitted on the basis that the

Tenderer acknowledges that: a) Tender diajukan berdasarkan pengakuan

Peserta Tender bahwa:

I. it examined the RFT documents; I. mereka telah mempelajari dokumen Permohonan Pengajuan Tender (RFT);

II. the RFT specifies PRISMA’s rights in respect of the RFT and the Tenderer agrees that PRISMA may exercise its rights as set out in the RFT in respect of the RFT process;

II. Permohonan Pengajuan Tender (RFT) menjabarkan hak-hak PRISMA dalam hal RFT , dan Peserta Tender menyetujui bahwa PRISMA dapat melaksanakan hak-haknya berkenaan dengan proses RFT sebagaimana dikemukakan dalam dokumen tersebut;

III. it sought and examined all necessary information which is obtainable by making reasonable enquiries relevant to PRISMA’s requirements, including the risks and other circumstances which may affect a Tender;

III. mereka mencari dan mempelajari semua informasi yang diperlukan yang dapat diperoleh dengan mengajukan pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang wajar dan relevan dengan persyaratan PRISMA, termasuk resiko dan hal-hal lain yang dapat mempengaruhi Tender;

IV. in lodging its Tender it did not rely on any express or implied statement, warranty or representation, whether

IV. Dalam mengajukan Tendernya, Peserta Tender tidak tergantung pada pernyataan tersurat maupun tersirat,

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Medium Request for Tender V6 – Nov 2019

oral, written, or otherwise made by or on behalf of PRISMA other than any statement, warranty or representation contained in the RFT;

jaminan atau pernyataan resmi, baik lisan maupun tertulis, atau yang dibuat oleh atau atas nama PRISMA, selain pernyataan, jaminan atau representasi yang terkandung dalam RFT ini;

V. it did not use the improper assistance of the PRISMA Office and PRISMA staff or ex- employees, or information unlawfully obtained from PRISMA in compiling its Tender;

V. mereka tidak menggunakan bantuan yang tidak pantas dari Kantor, staff atau mantan karyawan PRISMA, atau informasi yang diperoleh secara tidak sah dari PRISMA dalam menyusun Tendernya;

VI. it satisfied itself as to the correctness and sufficiency of its Tender;

VI. mereka telah memastikan dan merasa yakin bahwa Tendernya sudah benar dan memadai;

VII. it is responsible for all costs and expenses related to its involvement in the RFT;

VII. mereka bertanggung jawab terhadap semua biaya dan pengeluaran yang terkait dengan keterlibatannya dalam RFT;

VIII. the Tenderer understands that the selection of a successful Tenderer must have prior approval from DFAT before PRISMA can award a contract for the Activity and that DFAT reserves its rights to accept or reject any Subcontractor for any reason;

VIII. Mereka memahami bahwa seleksi pemenang Tender harus terlebih dahulu mendapat persetujuan dari DFAT sebelum PRISMA dapat memberikan kontrak untuk Kegiatan tersebut, dan bahwa DFAT berhak untuk menerima atau menolak Subkontraktor manapun untuk alasan apapun;

IX. the Tenderer will comply with the rules set out in this RFT.

IX. mereka akan mematuhi peraturan-peraturan yang ditetapkan dalam RFT ini

1.7. Tender Requirements 2.7. Persyaratan Tender The Tenderer may only submit one tender. If a Tenderer submits or participates in more than one tender, that Tenderer will be disqualified. However, this does not limit the participation of the individual experts of inclusion in more than one proposal.

Peserta Tender hanya boleh mengajukan satu tender. Jika seorang Peserta Tender mengajukan atau mengikuti lebih dari satu tender, maka dia akan didiskuallifikasi. Namun, ini tidak membatasi partisipasi ahli perorangan untuk diikutsertakan dalam lebih dari satu proposal.



1.1. Minimum requirements 3.1. Persyaratan Minimum

The following is a summary of minimum requirements under this tender. As part of the assessment all tenders will be assessed for conformance to these requirements. The Tenderer is encouraged to use this as a checklist prior to submitting their Bid. PRISMA may reject any Tender that does not meet these minimum requirements.

Berikut adalah ringkasan tentang persyaratan minimum dalam tender ini. Sebagai bagian dari penilaian, semua tender akan dinilai mengenai kesesuaiannya dengan persyaratan ini. Peserta Tender dihimbau untuk menggunakan daftar pertanyaan di bawah ini sebagai checklist sebelum mengajukan Penawarannya. PRISMA berhak untuk menolak setiap Tender yang tidak memenuhi persyaratan minimum ini.

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Conforming Criteria

Kriteria Kesesuaian

1. Does the Tenderer meet the eligibility criteria noted in Item 2.1.1? Apakah Peserta Tender memenuhi kriteria kelayakan yang tercantum dalam Butir 2.1?

2. Was the Tender received before the closing time noted in Item 2.1.1 or any later addendum? Apakah Tender diterima sebelum waktu penutupan yang tercantum dalam Butir 2.1 atau addendum yang dibuat kemudian?

3. Is the Tender in the format outlined in Item 2.1.2 to this RFT? Apakah Tender dibuat sesuai dalam format yang diuraikan pada Butir 2.1.2 dari Permohonan Pengajuan Tender (RFT) ini?

a. Contains compliant covering letter? Menyertakan surat pengantar yang menyatakan kepatuhan?

b. Is within the maximum number of pages specified? Terdiri dari jumlah halaman yang berada dalam batas maksimum yang ditentukan?

c. Uses compliant font and margins Mematuhi penggunaan font dan marjin sesuai ketentuan?

d. No PALLADIUM, PRISMA or DFAT Logos in the proposal? Tidak ada Logo PALLADIUM, PRISMA atau DFAT dalam proposal?

4. Does the Technical Proposal Include: Apakah Proposal Teknis memuat::

a. Attachment 1: Experience Data Sheet as noted in Item 2.1.3? Lembar Data Pengalaman seperti tercantum dalam Butir 2.1.3?

b. Attachment 2: CV’s as noted in Item 2.1.3? Riwayat Hidup seperti tercantum dalam Butir 2.1.3?

c. Attachment 3: Work Schedule as noted in Item 2.1.3? Jadwal Kerja seperti tercantum dalam Butir 2.1.3?

5. Is the Financial Proposal in the format noted at Tender Schedule C? Apakah Proposal Keuangan dibuat dalam format yang tercantum dalam Jadwal Tender C?

PRISMA reserves the right to seek clarification of Tenders that do not satisfy the Conditions for Eligibility at Item 2.1.1, the Financial Proposal specified at Item 2.1.4, and the Tender conformance Requirements specified at Item 1.1 in accordance with Item 1.1.1.

PRISMA berhak untuk meminta penjelasan mengenai Tender yang tidak memenuhi Ketentuan mengenai Kelayakan dalam Butir 2.1.1, Proposal Keuangan yang ditentukan pada Butir 2.1.4, dan Persyaratan Kesesuaian Tender yang ditentukan pada Butir 1.1 sesuai dengan Butir 1.1.1.

1.2. Alternative Tenders 3.2. Tender Alternatif a) PRISMA reserves the right to accept and

consider alternative Tenders providing they: a) PRISMA berhak untuk menerima dan

mempertimbangkan Tender alternatif jika Tender-Tender tersebut:

I. are submitted with a conforming Tender; I. disampaikan dengan Tender yang memenuhi syarat;

II. clearly identify the differences and improvements offered in the alternative Tender;

II. mengidentifikasi perbedaan dan perbaikan yang ditawarkan dalam Tender alternatif dengan jelas;

III. are fully costed; and III. dihitung biayanya sepenuhnya; dan IV. are clearly marked with the name of the

Project and the words “Alternative Tender”.

IV. diberi tanda nama Proyek dan kata-kata “Tender Alternatif” dengan jelas.

c) Alternative Tenders will be considered only after completion of the technical assessment of conforming Tenders.

b) Tender alternatif hanya akan dipertimbangkan setelah selesainya penilaian teknis terhadap Tender-Tender yang memenuhi syarat.

d) PRISMA reserve the right to consider any and all Alternative Tenders

e) PRISMA berhak untuk mempertimbangkan setiap dan semua Tender alternatif

f) Alternative Tenders will be technically f) Tender Alternatif akan dinilai secara teknis

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assessed against the selection criteria contained in this RFT.

berdasarkan kriteria seleksi yang termaktub dalam Permohonan Pengajuan Tender (RFT) ini.

4. TENDER SELECTION CRITERIA 4. KRITERIA SELEKSI TENDER The Technical Proposal will be assessed against the following criteria.

Proposal Teknis akan dinilai berdasarkan kriteria berikut:

Criteria / Sub-criteria Kriteria / Sub-kriteria Maximum Score


Organisational Capacity and Experience / Kapasitas dan Pengalaman Organisasi 35

The Capacity of the organisation / group to provide the range of administrative, managerial, procurement and technical skills required to implement the Activity.

Kapasitas organisiasi/kelompok yang akan menyediakan berbagai keterampilan administrasi, manajerial, pengadaan dan teknis yang dibutuhkan untuk melaksanakan Kegiatan.


Track record and experience of implementing activities of a similar size and technical nature

Rekam jejak dan pengalaman dalam melaksanakan kegiatan dengan ukuran dan sifat teknis yang serupa


Program Understanding and Approach / Pemahaman dan Pendekatan Program 35

Technical approach and methodology / Pendekatan teknis dan metodologi 15

Detailed Work Plan including technical strategy (e.g. location selection, transporting feed for trial etc). / Rencana Kerja terperinci termasuk rencana teknis (misal pemilihan lokasi, rencana pengiriman pakan, dll.)


Staffing Schedule 10

Qualifications and Adequacy of Personnel / Pendidikan dan Kecukupan Personil 30

Appropriate qualifications and experience of proposed personnel, and their ability to work with diverse partners to achieve outcomes

Pendidikan dan pengalaman yang tepat dari personil yang diusulkan, dan kemampuan mereka untuk bekerja dengan berbagai mitra untuk mencapai hasil.


Team Composition and Skills / Komposisi dan Keterampilan Tim 10


Minimum Passing Score (Technical Evaluation) / Angka Lulus Minimum (Penilaian Teknis) 70%

5. TENDER ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION 5. PENILAIAN DAN EVALUASI TENDER 1.1. Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) 5.1. Seleksi Berbasis Mutu dan Biaya (QCBS)

a) Tenderers will be assessed on both the Technical and Financial components of their Proposal. The Technical Proposal (Response to Selection Criteria – as noted in Section 4 above, and specified Annexes (as outlined in Section 2.3.).

a) Proposal para peserta Tender akan dinilai baik komponen Teknis maupun Keuangannya. Proposal Teknis (Tanggapan terhadap Kriteria Seleksi – seperti tercantum dalam Bab 4 di atas, dan Lampiran-Lampiran tertentu (seperti yang diuraikan dalam Bab 2.3 di atas).

b) Once Tenders are received and verified as conforming to the specifications of this Request for Tender, (refer Section 3) an assessment will be undertaken by the TEP in accordance with Section 5.2

b) Setelah Tender diterima dan dinyatakan memenuhi spesifikasi Permohonan Pengajuan Tender (RFT) ini (lihat Bab 3 di atas), akan dilakukan penilaian oleh Panel Evaluasi Tender (TEP) sesuai dengan Bab5.2.. di bawah.

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c) Only Tenderers that demonstrate their capability to undertake and run the Activity successfully will be considered for short listing, and possible interview.

c) Hanya Peserta Tender yang menunjukkan kemampuan mereka untuk melakukan dan menjalankan Kegiatannya dengan baik akan dipertimbangkan untuk dimasukkan ke dalam daftar pendek, dan kemungkinan wawancara.

d) Following the Technical Assessment PRISMA will open the Financial Proposals of the Tenders that are assessed by the Tender Evaluation Panel as technically suitable.

d) Setelah melakukan Penilaian Teknis, PRISMA akan membuka Proposal Keuangan para Peserta Tender yang dinilai secara teknis cocok oleh Panel Evaluasi Tender (TEP).

e) Financial proposals will be scored in accordance with Section 1.2.

e) Proposal Keuangan akan dinilai sesuai dengan Bab 1.2 di bawah.

1.2. Technical and Financial Assessment 5.2. Penilaian Teknis dan Keuangan a) Each conforming Tender will be given a

technical evaluation against the Selection Criteria noted in Section 4 and receive a technical score. Bidders will be rejected at this stage if they do not to achieve a minimum technical score of 70%.

a) Setiap tender yang memenuhi spesifikasi akan dievaluasi secara teknis berdasarkan Kriteria Seleksi yang tercantum pada Bab 4 dan diberi angka teknis. Peserta tender yang tidak mencapai angka teknis minimum 70% akan ditolak pada tahap ini.

b) The technical assessment of the proposal will worth for 70% of the overall score and calculated in accordance with the below formula:

b) Penilaian teknis proposal akan dihargai 70% dari angka keseluruhan dan dihitung sesuai dengan formula di bawah ini:

Technical Score =

Tenderer’s Weighted Technical Score (out

of 100) X 70%

Highest Weighted Technical Score (out

of 100)

Teknis =

Bobot Angka Teknis

Peserta Tender (dari 100)

X 70%

Bobot AngkaTeknis Tertinggi (dari 100)

c) Financial Proposals will be reviewed for accuracy and consistency with the Technical Proposals. Where required the Financial Proposal will be adjusted to correct for errors and inconsistencies following which the Financial Score will be calculated as indicated in the table below with the lowest acceptable evaluated financial proposal given the maximum financial score.

c) Proposal Keuangan akan ditinjau ketepatan dan konsistensinya dengan Proposal Teknis. Bila perlu, Proposal Keuangan akan disesuaikan untuk mengoreksi kesalahan dan inkonsistensi, setelah mana Angka Keuangan akan dihitung seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam tabel di bawah ini, dimana proposal keuangan terendah yang disetujui akan diberi angka keuangan maximum.

Where the Bid Price is calculated as: Total Fees + Total Reimbursable costs and excludes any Provisional Sums nominated by PRISMA.

Price Score =

Bid Price of Lowest Priced

Technically Suitable Bid

X 30%

Tenderer’s Bid Price

Dimana Harga Penawaran dihitung sebagai: Biaya Keseluruhan + Jumlah Biaya yang Dapat Diganti, tidak termasuk Jumlah Sementara apapun yang diajukan oleh PRISMA.

Angka Harga =

Harga Penawaran dari Tawaran

Terendah yang Secara Teknis

Memenuhi Syarat X 30%

Harga Penawaran Peserta Tender

6. Negotiations 6. Negosiasi a) PRISMA intends to conduct contract

negotiations only and directly with the highest ranked Bidder. The results of any negotiations will be incorporated into the final contract.

a) PRISMA akan melakukan negosiasi mengenai kontrak dan secara langsung dengan Penawar dengan peringkat tertinggi. Hasil negosiasi akan dimasukkan ke dalam kontrak akhir

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b) In the event that PRISMA is unable to satisfactorily conclude contract negotiations with the higher ranked Bidder, PRISMA reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to terminate the negotiations and enter into Contract negotiations with the next ranked Bidder(s).

b) Seandainya PRISMA tidak dapat menyimpulkan negosiasi mengenai kontrak dengan Penawar dari peringkat yang tertinggi, maka PRISMA berhak, berdasarkan kebijakannya, untuk menghentikan negosiasi tersebut dan melakukan negosiasi Kontrak dengan Penawar dari peringkat berikutnya.

c) Having selected the Preferred Tenderer on the basis of, among other things, an evaluation of the proposed professional staff, PRISMA expects to negotiate a Contract on the basis of those staff named in the Tender. Prior to commencement of negotiations PRISMA will require assurances that the Professional staff will be actually available for their assigned inputs. PRISMA will not consider substitutions during contract negotiations unless both parties agree that undue delay in the selection process makes such substitution unavoidable or for reasons such as death or medical incapacity. If this is not the case and if it is established that professional staff were offered in the proposal without confirming their availability, the Consultant may be disqualified. Any proposed substitute shall have equivalent or better qualifications and experience than the original candidate and be submitted by the Consultant within the period of time specified in the letter of invitation to negotiate.

c) Setelah mendapatkan Peserta Tender yang terpilih berdasarkan, antara lain, penilaian terhadap staf profesional yang diusulkan, PRISMA berharap untuk menegosiasikan Kontrak atas dasar staf yang disebut dalam Tender. Sebelum memulai negosiasi, PRISMA perlu mendapat jaminan bahwa staf Profesional akan benar-benar ada untuk memberikan masukan yang ditugaskan.kepada mereka. PRISMA tidak akan mempertimbangkan penggantian staf selama negosiasi 65kontrak berlangsung, kecuali jika kedua belah pihak bersepakat bahwa penundaan dalam proses seleksi atau alasan seperti kematian atau ketidakmampuan karena alasan kesehatan, membuat penggantian tersebut tidak dapat dihindari. Jika tidak demikian halnya, dan jika terbukti bahwa para staf professional ditawarkan dalam proposal tanpa memastikan ketersediaan mereka, maka Konsultan dapat didiskualifikasi. Setiap pengganti yang diusulkan harus mempunyai kemampuan dan pengalaman yang setara atau lebih baik dari calon asli dan disampaikan oleh Konsultan dalam jangka waktu yang ditentukan di dalam surat undangan untuk mengadakan negosiasi.

d) Notwithstanding the above, where personnel provisions in the proposal of the highest ranked Bidder are assessed as inadequate, as part of the contract negotiation process, PRISMA may request changes to the personnel. Changes may include replacement and/or additional personnel resources. In such cases the Bidder will be advised of the proposed changes at the time of the issue of the invitation to negotiations.

d) Terlepas dari hal tersebut di atas, andaikan pencantuman personil dalam proposal Penawar dengan peringkat tertinggi dinilai tidak memadai, sebagai bagian dari proses negosiasi, PRISMA dapat meminta perubahan personil. Perubahan dapat meliputi penggantian dan/atau penambahan sumber daya personil. Dalam kasus seperti ini, Penawar akan diberi tahu mengenai usulan perubahan pada saat dikeluarkannya undangan untuk negosiasi.

e) Negotiations may include a discussion of the Technical Proposal, the proposed technical approach and methodology, work plan, organisation and staffing, and any suggestions made by the Tenderer to improve the Terms of Reference. PRISMA and the Consultants will finalise the Terms of Reference, staffing schedule, work schedule, logistics, and reporting. These documents will then be incorporated in the Contract as “Scope of Services”.

e) Negosiasi dapat meliputi diskusi mengenai Proposal Teknis, usulan pendekatan teknis dan metodologi, rencana kerja, organisasi dan susunan kepegawaian, dan saran lain yang diberikan oleh Peserta Tender untuk memperbaiki Kerangka Acuan. PRISMA dan Para Konsultan akan menyelesaikan Kerangka Acuan, jadwal kepegawaian, jadwal kerja, logistik, dan pelaporan. Dokumen-dokumen ini kemudian akan dimasukkan ke dalam Kontrak sebagai “Lingkup Jasa”.

f) If applicable, it is the responsibility of the Tenderer, before starting financial negotiations, to contact the local tax authorities to determine

f) Jika berlaku, sebelum memulai negosiasi keuangan, Peserta Tender bertanggung jawab untuk menghubungi pejabat pajak setempat

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the local tax amount to be paid by the Tenderer under the Contract. The financial negotiations will include a clarification (if any) of the firm’s tax liability in Indonesia, and the manner in which it will be reflected in the Contract; and will reflect the agreed technical modifications in the cost of the services.

guna menentukan jumlah pajak lokal yang harus dibayar oleh Peserta Tender di bawah Kontrak. Negosiasi keuangan akan meliputi penjelasan (jika ada) mengenai kewajiban pajak perusahaan di Indonesia, dan bagaimana ini akan tercermin di dalam Kontrak; dan akan mencerminkan perubahan-perubahan teknis yang disepakati dalam biaya jasa.

g) Negotiations will conclude with a review of the draft Contract. To complete negotiations PRISMA and the Tenderer will sign the agreed Contract. If negotiations fail, PRISMA will invite the Tenderer who’s Tender received the second highest score to negotiate a Contract.

g) Negosiasi akan diakhiri dengan peninjauan kembali terhadap naskah Kontrak. Untuk menyelesaikan negosiasi, PRISMA dan Peserta Tender akan menandatangani Kontrak yang disepakati. Jika negosiasi gagal, PRISMA akan mengundang Peserta Tender yang Tendernya menduduki peringkat kedua tertinggi untuk menegosiasikan Kontrak.

h) Negotiations will be held at the PRISMA Office at a date and time to be advised.

h) Negosiasi akan dilakukan di Kantor PRISMA pada tanggal dan waktu yang akan diberitahukan.

7. Debriefing of Tenders 7. Penjelasan Pasca Penentuan Pemenang Tender

a) PRISMA will not enter into discussion or communications on the content of the Tender debrief once it has been completed.

a) PRISMA tidak akan menindaklanjuti diskusi atau komunikasi terhadap isi penjelasan atas penilaian Penawaran yang telah dilakukan.

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Attachment 1: Company’s Experience Sheet Lembar mengenai Pengalaman Perusahaan

Details of relevant activities or projects in which the Tenderer has been involved for the previous 5 years which demonstrate the Tenderer's ability to fulfil the objectives of the Activity must be presented in the format outlined below. This annex must not contain more than 3 examples.

Perintian mengenai kegiatan atau proyek yang relevan dimana Peserta Tender telah terlibat selama 5 tahun yang terakhir, yang menunjukkan kemampuan Peserta Tender untuk memenuhi tujuan Kegiatan, harus disajikan dalam format yang diuraikan di bawah. Lampiran ini tidak boleh memuat lebih dari 3 contoh.


Activity Name/:

Nama kegiatan:

Activity Location(s)/:

Lokasi kegiatan:

Activity Duration/:

Jangka Waktu kegiatan:



Activity Value/:

Nilai Kegiatan:

Year Completed:

Tahun Berakhir

Brief description of the activity or project / Gambaran singkat mengenai kegiatan atau proyek:

Brief description of Services provides and any outcomes / Gambaran singkat mengenai Jasa yang diberikan dan hasilnya:

Statement of the similarities between this activity and the requirements of the activity currently being tendered and how this activity supports your statements addressing the Selection Criteria:

Penjelasan mengenai kesamaan atau kemiripan antara kegiatan ini dengan persyaratan kegiatan yang saat ini sedang ditenderkan dan bagaimana kegiatan ini mendukung pernyataan Anda dalam menyikapi Kriteria Seleksi:

Nominated Activity Referee / Pemberi referensi mengenai Kegiatan yang ditunjuk::

Name / Nama:

Position / Jabatan:

Company / Perusahaan:

Work phone / No telepon di tempat kerja:


Each Past Experience Form must not exceed 2 A4 pages / Setiap Formulir mengenai Pengalaman Masa Lalu tidak boleh melebihi 2 halaman A4.

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Attachment 2: Curriculum Vitae / Riwayat Hidup

Name / Nama

Proposed position / Jabatan yang


Nationality / Kebangsaan

Qualifications / Pendidikan: Qualification / Date / Institution/ Pendidikan /Tanggal / Institusi

Languages & degree of

proficiency / Bahasa & tingkat


i.e. fluency in spoken and written language / Mis.kan fasih

dalam bahasa lisan dan tertulis

Countries of work experience /

Negara dimana pengalaman

kerja diperoleh

Specialist fields / Bidang


State up to five only / Sebutkan paling banyak lima saja

1. Summary Of Relevant Experience [Please include one or two paragraphs only] / Ringkasan

dari Pengalaman yang Relevan [Masukkan satu atau dua paragraf saja]

2. Relevant Professional Experience [Starting from most recent ] / Pengalaman Profesional yang Relevan {Mulai dari yang paling akhi]

Date / Tanggal : month/year / bulan/tahun to month/year / bulan/tahun/

Country / Negara:

Position Title/ Nama Jabatan

Donor/Employer/ Donor/Pemberi Kerja

Project Title/ Nama Proyek

Main Responsibility/ Tanggung jawab Utama

Enter brief description / Masukkan gambaran singkat

Main Duties / Tugas Utama

Date / Tanggal : month/year / bulan/tahun to month/year / bulan/tahun/

Country / Negara:

Position Title/ Nama Jabatan

Donor/Employer/ Donor/Pemberi Kerja

Project Title/ Nama Proyek

Main Responsibility/ Tanggung jawab Utama

Enter brief description / Masukkan gambaran singkat

Main Duties / Tugas Utama

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Date / Tanggal : month/year / bulan/tahun to month/year / bulan/tahun/

Country / Negara:

Position Title/ Nama Jabatan

Donor/Employer/ Donor/Pemberi Kerja

Project Title/ Nama Proyek

Main Responsibility/ Tanggung jawab Utama

Enter brief description / Masukkan gambaran singkat

Main Duties / Tugas Utama

Date / Tanggal : month/year / bulan/tahun to month/year / bulan/tahun/

Country / Negara:

Position Title/ Nama Jabatan

Donor/Employer/ Donor/Pemberi Kerja

Project Title/ Nama Proyek

Main Responsibility/ Tanggung jawab Utama

Enter brief description / Masukkan gambaran singkat

Main Duties / Tugas Utama


3. Commitments / Komitmen: Please note any existing or potential commitments that may

affect your ability to deliver the services / Catat komitmen yang ada atau yang mungkin ada,

yang dapat mempengaruhi kemampuan Anda untuk memberikan jasa.

4. Referees / Pemberi Referensi: : Referees must not be from the same company / Pemberi

Referensi tidak boleh berasal dari perusahaan yang sama

Referee No. 1 Referee No. 2

Name: Name:

Position: Position:

Company: Company:

Phone Phone

Email: Email:


p to



to Applicant

5. Certification / Pernyataan:

"I [insert name], certify that the information provided in this CV is accurate and hereby authorize PRISMA to make whatsoever enquiries it may consider reasonable and necessary to undertake in the course of the selection process in relation to information I have provided in this CV or any other matter which may relate to my suitability for the position noted above.

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"Saya [masukkan nama], menyatakan bahwa keterangan yang diberikan dalam Riwayat Hidup ini benar adanya dan dengan ini memberi kuasa kepada PRISMA untuk mengajukan pertanyaan apa saja yang dianggap beralasan dan perlu dilakukan dalam rangka proses seleksi sehubungan dengan keterangan yang saya berikan dalam Riwayat Hidup ini atau hal lain yang terkait dengan kesesuaian saya untuk posisi yang tercantum diatas. I confirm my availability and commitment to the Project as described in the Technical Proposal. Saya menegaskan ketersediaan dan komitmen saya kepada Proyek seperti dijelaskan dalam Proposal Teknis ini. I have not been convicted of an offence of, or relating to, bribery, fraud, or child abuse, nor am I subject to any proceedings which could lead to a conviction. Saya belum pernah dihukum karena tindak pidana, atau terkait dengan, penyuapan, penipuan, atau kekerasan terhadap anak, maupun sedang berada dalam proses yang dapat menyebabkan penghukuman. Signature/ Tandatangan: Date/ Tanggal:

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Medium Request for Tender V5 – May 2016

Attachment 3: General Timeline/ Kerangka Waktu Umum

Activities / Aktivitas

Schedule / Jadwal

Kick Off Meeting / rapat koordinasi pertama June 2020

Design methodology / perancangan metodologi June 2020

Methodology and budget approval / persetujuan metodologi dan anggaran June 2020

Feed formula selection / pemilihan formula pakan July 2020

Field assistant briefing / briefing asisten lapangan July 2020

Field trial implementation and data collection / uji coba pakan dan pengumpulan data

July – September 2020

Quality control / pengawasan mutu Every week

Data analysis / analisis data October 2020

Advisory works on NPP / konsultasi untuk NPP September - November 2020

Reporting / pembuatan laporan October – November 2020

Delivery Draft Report / pengiriman draft laporan November 2020

Report presentation / presentasi laporan TBD

Delivery Final report / pengiriman laporan final November 2020

Notes// Catatan:

I. Tenderer to indicate all main activities of the assignment, including delivery of reports (e.g.: inception, interim, and final reports), and other benchmarks such as PRISMA approvals/Para Peserta Tender harus menyatakan semua kegiatan utama tugasnya, termasuk penyerahan laporan (mis.nya laporan awal, laporan interim (sementara), dan laporan akhir), dan tolak ukur lain seperti persetujuan PRISMA..

II. Duration of activities shall be indicated in the form of a Gantt or Bar chart similar to the one above / Jangka waktu kegiatan harus dinyatakan dalam bentuk Gantt atau Bar Chart yang serupa dengan yang di atas.

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Tender Schedule B. Scope Of Services/ Lingkup Jasa

1. Background 1. Latar Belakang

1.1. Australia-Indonesia Partnership for Promoting Rural Incomes through Support for Markets in Agriculture (PRISMA) is a multi- ear development program working to accelerate poverty reduction through inclusive economic growth. PRISMA adopts a market systems development approach by partnering with key-stakeholders to improve agriculture market efficiency and sustainably benefit the poor. The program aims to achieve an income increase for a total of 1,000,000 smallholder farming households by 2023. It operates in six provinces of Central Java, East Java, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), West Papua, and Papua.”

1.1 Australia-Indonesia Partnership for Promoting Rural Incomes through Support for Markets in Agriculture (PRISMA) adalah sebuah program kemitraan pembangunan multitahun yang bekerja untuk mempercepat pengentasan kemiskinan melalui pertumbuhan ekonomi yang inklusif. PRISMA menggunakan pendekatan Pengembangan Sistem Pasar (Market Systems Development – MSD) melalui kemitraan bersama berbagai pemangku kepentingan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi pasar pertanian dan secara berkelanjutan memberikan keuntungan kepada masyarakat miskin. Program ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pendapatan 1.000.000 rumah tangga pertanian kecil di tahun 2023. PRISMA beroperasi di enam provinsi di Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB), Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT), Papua Barat, dan Papua.”

1.2. Beef sector and dairy also becomes important prioritized sectors to intervene with the goal to bring sustainable systemic change in the market system. In the past few years, the government imported live cattle and frozen beef to cope up with the growing demand. As the government wants to reduce dependency on import, the famers can benefit from the widened gap of supply and demand. Unfortunately, the majority of farmers in Indonesia are suffering from low beef productivity resulted by poor inputs. Traditional feeding practices and long calving interval become some of the factors that contribute to the low productivity of milk. As East Java and Central Java – part of PRISMA’s working area contribute highly to the local milk production, PRISMA works in improving farmers’ access to knowledge and good inputs to help them tapping this potential.

1.2 Sektor sapi potong dan sektor sapi perah adalah sektor yang diprioritaskan untuk diintervensi dengan tujuan untuk membawa perubahan sistemik yang berkelanjutan dalam sistem pasar. Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, pemerintah mengimpor ternak sapi hidup dan juga daging sapi beku untuk menjawab meningkatnya permintaan kebutuhan konsumen. Karena pemerintah ingin mengurangi ketergantungan pada produk impor, para peternak dapat mengambil kesempatan dari makin besarnya ketimpangan antara penawaran dan permintaan. Sayangnya, mayoritas peternak di Indonesia mengalami kesulitan produktivitas sapi yang rendah akibat pakan yang buruk. Pemberian pakan tradisional dan panjangnya jarak lahir sapi perah merupakan beberapa alasan rendahnya peningkatan produktivitas susu sapi. Dikarenakan provinsi yang termasuk wilayah kerja PRISMA – Jawa Timur dan Jawa Tengah memiliki produksi susu sapi yang besar di Indonesia, PRISMA bekerja untuk meningkatkan akses peternak terhadap pengetahuan dan juga pakan yang baik untuk membantu mereka memanfaatkan potensi ini.

1.3. PRISMA works with several input providers in bringing sustainable change to the market, one of them is with feed companies to promote concentrate feed in improving cattle growth performance. The intervention focused on expanding distribution channel and educating farmers on its practice and benefit. In 2016 – 2019, the result of our partnership is more than 11,618 beef cattle

1.3 PRISMA bekerja sama dengan beberapa penyedia input dalam membawa perubahan berkelanjutan pada pasar, salah satunya bekerja dengan pabrik pakan untuk mempromosikan pakan konsentrat dalam meningkatkan kinerja pertumbuhan ternak. Intervensi berfokus pada perluasan akses distribusi dan memberi arahan pada peternak tentang praktik dan manfaatnya. Berdasarkan

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famers experienced increased income as a result of increasing cattle productivity which lead to shortening fattening period. To scale up such impact, PRISMA is facilitating PT Sinta Prima Feedmill (SPF) - to produce and market good quality and affordable beef and dairy cattle feed to smallholder farmers.

hasil kemitraan kami pada 2016-2019, lebih dari 11,618 peternak mengalami peningkatan pendapatan sebagai hasil dari peningkatan produktivitas ternak yang membuat periode penggemukan yang semakin pendek. Untuk memperluas dampak positif tersebut, PRISMA memfasilitasi PT Sinta Prima Feedmill (SPF) untuk memproduksi dan memasarkan pakan ternak yang berkualitas dan terjangkau bagi peternak kecil.

2. Purpose / Objectives 2. Tujuan

The main objective of this Tender is find a successful tenderer to undertake a new product development study and feed trial, analyse the result accordingly and provide recommendation on the best quality and affordable feed which can be commercialized based on Sinta Prima Feedmill’s (“SPF”) resources and small farmers’ need and behaviour. It is expected that quality feed intake, among other good rearing practice, will lead to improved beef cattle and dairy milk productivity at farmer level.

Tujuan utama dari tender ini yaitu untuk menemukan pemenang tender guna melakukan studi pengembangan produk baru dan uji coba pakan sapi potong dan perah, menganalisis hasilnya, dan merekomendasikan pakan dengan kualitas terbaik dan harga terjangkau yang dapat diperjualbelikan berdasarkan sumber daya PT Sinta Prima Feedmill (“SPF”) serta kebutuhan dan perilaku peternak kecil. Pemberian asupan pakan berkualitas, di samping praktik pemeliharaan yang baik, diharapkan mampu meningkatkan produktivitas sapi di tingkat peternak.

3. Scope of Work 3. Pekerjaan

The Successful Tenderer (or later we will recognized it as Consultant, from here on, consultant refers to individual consultant, a group of consultants or a consulting/research organization) will be requested to undertake the feed trial and advisory work with the following scope (the consultant may include other consideration stated in the proposal submitted to PRISMA):

Pemenang tender (atau yang nanti akan disebut sebagai konsultan, mulai dari sini, konsultan merujuk pada konsultan perorangan, kelompok konsultan atau organisasi konsultan/penelitian) akan diminta untuk melaksanakan uji coba pakan dan memberi nasihat dengan ruang lingkup sebagai berikut (konsultan dapat menggunakan pertimbangan lain yang disebutkan dalam proposal yang dikirimkan ke PRISMA):

3.1. Understanding and compliance, as far as is reasonable, to PRISMA’s Animal Welfare Guideline. (refer to annex 2)

3.1 Pemahaman dan kepatuhan, selama masuk akal, terhadap Pedoman Kesejahteraan Hewan dari PRISMA, mengacu pada lampiran 2.

3.2. Methodology arrangement with PRISMA and company partner (PT Sinta Prima).

3.2 Penyusunan metodologi dengan PRISMA dan mitra perusahaan (PT Sinta Prima).

3.3. Finding and collaborating with farmers and agreement for cattle (most common cattle reared by beef fattening farmers and dairy farmers) needed in the trial, including arranging the trials with feedlots as suggested by both PRISMA and/or SPF.

3.3 Mencari dan bekerja sama dengan peternak kecil dan membuat kesepakatan mengenai jenis sapi yang dibutuhkan untuk uji coca (biasanya sapi yang dipelihara oleh peternak sapi penggemukan), termasuk mengatur uji coba dengan feedlot sesuai yang disarankan oleh PRISMA dan/atau SPF.

3.4. Use the feed of PRISMA partner to do the following, among others:

3.4 Menggunakan pakan dari mitra PRISMA untuk melakukan hal berikut, antara lain:

(a) Provide inputs to PRISMA partner on their feed product formula to be tested.

(a) Memberikan masukan kepada mitra PRISMA terhadap formula pakan yang akan diuji coba.

(b) Lab test on the formula. In the absence of lab analysis due to force majeure, alternative method of lab analysis should be proposed.

(b) Uji lab pada formula. Jika laboratorium tidak dapat digunakan karena force majeure, metode alternatif untuk analisa laboratorium perlu diajukan.

(c) Adapt the formula to develop at least two options for each type (regular and

(c) Sesuaikan formula untuk mengembangkan setidaknya dua opsi untuk setiap jenis

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premium) to identify the best feed for each category particularly in terms of its impact on cattle performance and business viability/commercialization aspect.

(biasa dan premium) untuk mengidentifikasi pakan terbaik untuk setiap kategori terutama dalam hal dampaknya terhadap kinerja ternak dan aspek kelayakan bisnis/komersialisasi.

(d) Palatability test. (d) Uji palatabilitas.

(e) Digestibility test (in vitro and in vivo). (e) Uji kecernaan (in vitro dan in vivo).

(f) Growth rate performance assessment (e.g. average daily gain, feed conversion ratio).

(f) Uji pertumbuhan (contohnya, rata-rata penambahan berat badan harian, rasio konversi pakan).

(g) Carcass ratio test and meat percentage test.

(g) Uji rasio karkas dan uji persentase daging.

(h) Proximate analysis (moisture, ash, crude protein, crude fat, crude fiber)

(h) Analisis proksimat (kadar air, abu, protein kasar, lemak kasar, serat kasar)

(i) Analysis of milk productivity and quality for dairy cattle

(i) Analisis produktivitas dan kualitas susu untuk sapi perah

(j) Costing analysis for each option based on availability of raw materials in a year around and pricing strategy/ceiling up to end users.

(j) Analisis penetapan biaya untuk setiap opsi berdasarkan ketersediaan bahan baku sepanjang tahun dan strategi penetapan harga/batas atas hingga pengguna akhir.

(k) Periodic sharing of the trial finding. (k) Berbagi temuan uji coba secara berkala.

(l) Reporting (in both English and Bahasa Indonesia) with full finding from the trial.

(l) Melaporkan hasil temuan dengan lengkap dari uji coba (dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia).

3.5. Feed trial is expected to start in the beginning of July 2020 for duration of around 4 months until reporting, with methodology and budget agreement by June 2020. Feed for the trial will be produced by the partner company with 2 different formulas each for 2 feed product grades (regular and premium) for beef cattle and dairy cattle respectively. Ideally this feed trial study will also look deeper and give insights for 2-3 cow breed types that are most common among small farmers (e.g. Limousin, Simental for beef cattle and Fries Holland for dairy cattle).

3.5 Uji coba pakan diperkirakan akan dimulai pada awal Juli 2020 dengan durasi sekitar 4 bulan hingga pelaporan, dengan metodologi dan perjanjian anggaran yang akan dibuat pada bulan June 2020. Pakan untuk uji coba akan diproduksi oleh mitra perusahaan dengan 2 formula berbeda (biasa dan premium) masing-masing untuk sapi potong dan sapi perah. Idealnya, penelitian ujibcoba pakan ini juga akan memberikan wawasan dan menggali lebih dalam pengetahuan mengenai 2-3 ras sapi yang paling umum diternakkan oleh peternak kecil (misalnya, Sapi Limosin, Sapi Simental, dan Fries Holland untuk sapi perah).

3.6. The successful tenderer will be responsible for all administrative, management and logistical support required to carry out the work / service.

3.6 Pemenang Tender akan bertanggung jawab untuk semua administrasi, manajemen dan dukungan logistik yang diperlukan untuk melaksanakan pekerjaan ini.

4. Management and Coordination 4. Pengelolaan dan Kordinasi

4.1. Review and discussion on the understanding of the whole methodology including on cattle, form, assumption, data, report draft, or other works.

4.1 Tinjauan dan diskusi tentang pemahaman seluruh metodologi termasuk tentang ternak, formulir, asumsi, data, draft laporan, atau hasil lain.

4.2. PRISMA reserves the right to inspect any of work independently, and Successful Tenderer must make adjustments to the implementation based on the results of the inspection.

4.2 PRISMA berhak untuk melakukan pengecekan atas pekerjaan secara independen dan Pemenang Tender harus melakukan penyesuaian dalam implementasi berdasarkan hasil pengecekan tersebut

4.3. The Successful Tenderer must actively engage, build and maintain effective relationships with the relevant stakeholders including, but not limited to: farmers, other market actors, and related PRISMA’s staff.

4.3 Pemenang Tender harus secara aktif terlibat, membangun dan memelihara hubungan yang efektif dengan pemangku kepentingan yang terkait, termasuk tetapi tidak terbatas pada

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para petani, aktor pasar lain, dan staf PRISMA yang terkait.

4.4. Any additional coordination between each step should be made possible when declared necessary by PRISMA.

4.4 Setiap koordinasi tambahan di antara tiap tahapan harus dimungkinkan ketika dinyatakan perlu oleh PRISMA.

5. Reporting Requirements 5. Persyaratan Pelaporan

5.1. Successful Tenderer agrees to provide, under the direction of PRISMA, the reports listed in Annex 1 of this Schedule and described below. All reports must be user-focussed and must address the needs of PRISMA. The scope of each report should be agreed in writing with PRISMA.

5.1 Di bawah arahan dari PRISMA, Pemenang Tender bersedia untuk menyediakan laporan yang tercantum pada Lampiran 1 dari Daftar ini dan diuraikan di bawah ini.. Semua laporan harus fokus pada kebutuhan pengguna dan harus memenuhi persyaratan by PRISMA. Ruang lingkup setiap laporan harus disetujui secara tertulis oleh PRISMA.

5.2. All reports should be accurate and not misleading in any respect

5.2 Semua laporan harus akurat dan tidak menyesatkan dalam hal apapun

5.3. All reports must be provided in English and Bahasa Indonesia and Microsoft format, unless otherwise approved or requested by PRISMA.

5.3 Semua laporan harus dibuat dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia dan format Microsoft, kecuali dinyatakan disetujui atau diminta lain oleh PRISMA

5.4. The reports must not incorporate the DFAT or PRISMAlogo

5.4 Laporan tidak boleh menampilkan logo DFAT atau PRISMA.

6. Timing 6. Waktu

6.1. It is expected that the Intervention and all associated deliverables, reports and administrative obligations will be completed within the timeframe of this Agreement as outlined in Attachment 3 Tender Schedule A

6.1 Diharapkan bahwa Intervensi dan semua capaian terkait, laporan dan kewajiban dan administrasi akan diselesaikan dalam jangka waktu yang tercantum dalam perjanjian ini sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Lampiran 3 Jadwal Tender A

7. Proposal Format 7. Format Proposal

Submitted proposal should be in Microsoft Word file and follow PRISMA’s format as follow:

• Institution profile, relevant experience and

CV of personnel (max. 3 pages)

• Background and objective of this activity

from Tenderers’s point of view. ( max. 1


• Methodology, including data collection,

analysis, and quality control process (max.

3 pages)

• Sample of report from related experience

(max. 2 pages)

• Detailed Work Plan including technical

strategy (e.g. location selection,

transporting feed for trial etc) (1 page)

• Budget in excel Sheet, please use the

template in Section C.

Proposal yang diajukan harus dalam bentuk Microsoft Word dan mengikuti format dari PRISMA sebagai berikut:

• Profil lembaga, pengalaman relevan, dan

CV anggota (maks. 3 halaman)

• Latar belakang dan tujuan studi menurut

pemahaman peserta tender (maks. 1


• Metodologi, termasuk metode

pengumpulan data dan proses

pengendalian kualitas (maks 3 halaman)

• Contoh laporan dari pengalaman serupa

(maks. 2 halaman)

• Rencana Kerja terperinci termasuk rencana

teknis (misal pemilihan lokasi, rencana

pengiriman pakan, dll.) (1 halaman)

• Biaya dalam format excel, menggunakan

template pada bagian C.

8. Qualifications Required

8. Kualifikasi yang Dibutuhkan

The assignment expects a consultant with the following qualification:

Pekerjaan ini mengharapkan seorang konsultan dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:

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• Hold at least master’s degree in animal

husbandry related major, preferably

ruminant nutrition.

• Demonstrable expertise and experience

in ruminant nutrition particularly for beef

cattle at least 10 years.

• Having access to necessary laboratory


• Experience in working with private


• Experience in engaging and working with

smallholder cattle farmers.

• Minimal, memiliki gelar master dalam bidang peternakan terkait, lebih diutamakan nutrisi ternak ruminansia

• Memiliki keahlian dan pengalaman yang

dapat dibuktikan dalam bidang nutrisi

ruminansia khususnya untuk sapi potong,

minimal 10 tahun.

• Memiliki akses ke analisis laboratorium

yang diperlukan.

• Memiliki pengalaman kerja pada

perusahaan swasta.

• Berpengalaman dalam berinteraksi dan

bekerja sama dengan peternak kecil sapi.

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Reporting to a standard acceptable by PRISMA Due Date

a. Feed trial methodology design completed with frameworks, sample size, number of cattle and feed needed for trials, monitoring forms/sheets, tools and materials, data needed, personnel and timeline.

Menyusun metodologi uji coba pakan dilengkapi dengan kerangka

kerja, ukuran sampel, jumlah ternak dan pakan yang dibutuhkan untuk uji coba, formulir/lembar pemantauan, alat dan bahan, data yang dibutuhkan, personel dan jadwal.

June 2020

Juni 2020

b. Periodical progress report along the feed trial process. This might also include advisory works for the licensing arrangement (NPP).

Laporan kemajuan berkala selama proses uji coba pakan. Juga,

termasuk nasihat untuk pengurusan Nomor Pendaftaran Pakan (NPP).

Every fortnight

Setiap dua minggu

c. Final report that covers all aspects measured, attached with raw excel data and analysis. This will also include proper feeding practice information to be used in promoting and socializing the feed to farmers (product knowledge).

Laporan akhir yang mencakup semua aspek yang diukur, dilampirkan

dengan data mentah Excel dan analisisnya. Laporan ini juga mencakup informasi praktik pemberian makan yang tepat untuk digunakan dalam kegiatan promosi dan sosialisasi pakan kepada peternak (pengetahuan produk).

November 2020

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111079 CC GL25 Australia- Indonesia Partnership for Promoting Rural Incomes through Support for Markets in Agriculture (PRISMA) – Animal Welfare Guideline

Approved by: COO, PRISMA-2 Guidelines type: Project 111079

Guidelines number: CC GL25

Responsible official: CEO, PRISMA-2 Version: 1.0

Effective date: 1 July 2019

Revision history

Version Effective date Approved by Summary of changes

1.0 1 July 2019 COO, PRISMA-2 NA


This is a controlled document. The master document is posted on the Company intranet. Representatives may print off this document for training and reference purposes but are responsible for regularly checking the Company intranet for the current version.

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Version: 1.0 Document uncontrolled when printed

Schedule 1


1. Purpose ................................................................................................................................................... 1

2. Applicability............................................................................................................................. ................. 1

3. Definitions ................................................................................................................................................ 1

4. Guidelines................................................................................................................................................ 2

4.1. Principles of Animal Welfare .............................................................................................................. 2

4.2. Principles for Animal Husbandry ........................................................................................................ 3

5. Cattle Welfare.......................................................................................................................................... 3

5.1. Feed and water ............................................................................................................................. ..... 3

5.2. Tethering and space................................................................................................ ........................... 4

5.3. Handling ............................................................................................................................. ................ 4

5.4. Identification ............................................................................................................................. .......... 4

5.5. Animal Health Management ............................................................................................................... 4

5.6. Breeding Management .................................................................................................................. ..... 5

5.7. Dairy Management ............................................................................................................................. 5

5.8. Physical Alteration of Cattle ............................................................................................................... 6

5.8.1. Teat Removal ........................................................................................................................... 6

5.8.2. Castration ................................................................................................................................. 6

5.8.3. Dehorning............................................................................................................................. .... 6

5.9. Humane Killing ................................................................................................................................... 6

6. Poultry Welfare ........................................................................................................................................ 7

6.1. Feed and water .............................................................................................. .................................... 7

6.2. Facilities and Space ........................................................................................................................... 7

6.2.1. Cages ....................................................................................................................................... 8

6.3. Handling and Management ................................................................................................................ 8

6.3.1. Manual Handling ................................................................................................................. ..... 9

6.3.2. Hatching ............................................................................................................................. ...... 9

6.4. Physical Alteration of Poultry ............................................................................................................. 9

6.4.1. Poultry Identification................................................................................................................. 9

6.5. Laying Chickens ................................................................................................................................. 9

6.5.1. Lighting..................................................................................................................................... 9

6.5.2. Stocking Density ...................................................................................................................... 9

6.6. Meat Chickens.................................................................................................................................. 10

6.7. Breeder Chickens ................................................................................................. ............................ 11

6.8. Humane Killing ................................................................................................................................. 11

6.9. Poultry Slaughtering Facilities .......................................................................................................... 11

7. Pig Welfare ............................................................................................................................. ............... 11

7.1. Food and water ............................................................................................................................. ... 12

7.2. Pig housing....................................................................................................................................... 12

7.2.1. Individual housing .................................................................................................................. 12

7.2.2. Group Housing ....................................................................................................................... 13

7.2.3. Farrowing Accommodation .................................................................................................... 13

7.2.4. Tethering ................................................................................................................................ 13

7.3. Pig Husbandry ............................................................................................................................. ..... 13

7.3.1. Pig Health.................................................................................................... ........................... 13

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Version: 1.0 Document uncontrolled when printed

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7.3.2. Farrowing and Weaning ......................................................................................................... 14

7.3.3. Boar Management ................................................................................................................. 14

7.4. Physical Alteration of Pigs................................................................................................................ 14

7.4.1. Castration ............................................................................................................................... 14

7.4.2. Tail docking .................................................................................................... ........................ 14

7.4.3. Clipping of Needle Teeth ....................................................................................................... 15

7.4.4. Nose Ringing.......................................................................................................................... 15

7.4.5. Identification ........................................................................................................................... 15

7.4.6. Tusk Trimming ....................................................................................................................... 15

7.5. Humane Killing/ Slaughtering ........................................................................................................... 15

8. Duty to comply ............................................................................................................................. .......... 16

9. Associated Guidelines ........................................................................................................................... 17

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Schedule 1

1. Purpose

These Guidelines are to be used by PRISMA Employees when determining intervention designs with private

sector Partners that involve livestock to ensure the humane treatment of animals. These Guidelines are

based on the Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines1 and the World Organisation for Animal

Health Asia Region Strategy2 and are used as a guide only.

2. Applicability

These Guidelines are applicable to all PRISMA Employees and Representatives.

The Responsible Official (the Chief Technical Officer), with input from Palladium as appropriate, is

responsible for preparing and implementing the related SOPs, Business Processes and Tools as they are


3. Definitions

Boar” an uncastrated male pig over nine months of age.

Beneficiary” is a term used to describe a person who receives assistance as part of PRISMA

“Business Process” means a sequence of linked tasks and related decisions that result in or contribute to the

delivery of a product or service.

“Company” refers to Palladium Group Holdings Pty Ltd and all of its subsidiaries or related companies

“Disbudding” is the removal or horn buds from cattle

“Dry sow” a female pig that has been mated and has not yet farrowed. Dry sow includes all gestating sows,

sows waiting services and barren sows

“Employee” means any person who has a part-time, full-time, continuous or fixed-term employment

relationship with the Company.

“Farrowing” giving birth to piglets

“Finisher” is a pig generally above 50 kg live-weight, until they are sold or retained for breeding. The same

meaning applies for pigs referred to as 'finishing'. The term 'finisher' usually refers to pigs that are in the final

phases of their growth cycle and may include pigs from 50-70 kg

“Gilt” is a young female pig selected for reproductive proposes but before she has been mated

“Grower” are pigs generally with live-weights between 20 and 60 kg. The same term can apply for pigs

referred to as 'growing' (i.e. throughout the entire growth period cycle from weaning to finishing)

“Guidelines” means the written elaborations on a Company policy that provide further information and

interpretation for the implementation of the policy

1 Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines for Cattle. Animal Health Australia (AHA) 2014. Publication record: Edition 1 Version: 1.0 January 2016 Endorsed. Available on the internet at Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines for Poultry.Animal Health Australia (AHA) 2017. Version: Public Consultation 2017. Available on the internet at Primary Industries Standing Committee (commonwealth of Australia). 2008. “Australian Model Code for the Welfare of Animals (Pigs)” CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood, Victoria (currently under review) 2 The World Organisation for Animal Health (OiE). 2013. “Regional Animal Welfare Strategy: Asia, the Far East and Oceania 2013-2015”. Regional Animal Welfare Strategy Coordination Group.

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“Heifer” is a young female cow that has not borne a calf

“Operator” is the person or entity that manages the livestock production unit

“Partner” means an organisation executing a project or undertaking work supported by PRISMA.

“Pullet” is a hen usually less than one year old and has not started laying eggs yet

“Representative” means an Employee or any person who has an independent individual contractual

relationship with the Company, whether a contractor, consultant, or agent of the Company. This includes

“Senior Manager” means the PRISMA-2 CEO, COO, CQO, CTO and Heads of Portfolio

“Standard Operating Procedures” or “SOPs” are the detailed written descriptions of Business Processes that

aim to ensure consistency and quality in process execution

“Sticking” is severing the major bloody vessels around the heart or neck by inserting a knife either in the

chest cavity or the neck

“Stock-person” is the person who undertakes the immediate day-to-day animal husbandry tasks associated

with looking after the livestock

“Supernumerary teat” are a congenital abnormality resulting in additional teats (usually one to four)

“Weaner” is a pig that has been weaned (permanently separating piglets from the sow) until approximately

30kg in weight.

4. Guidelines

These Guidelines provide parameters for consideration for PRISMA Portfolio staff when assessing the

potential of business ideas and the risk profile of working with potential private sector Partners in sub-sectors

dealing with livestock. These Guidelines need to be read while recognising the cultural, religious and social

economic differences influencing animal practices within Indonesia. So, for example, halal slaughter

practices may not allow for some of the methods outlined in these guidelines. Poor pig farmers in NTT may

require significant Good Agricultural Practice training and a step-wise process in pen building before being

able to implement housing standards to their maximum.

The Guidelines are not prescriptive but are to be used to determine what reasonable standards for livestock

handling and husbandry practices would be expected to ensure a good level of animal welfare. The

Guidelines are not enforceable, but rather a point of engagement with potential partners and a tool for staff to

build a risk profile to determine the likelihood of a partner being able to move towards the standards as an

end-point in intervention design and implementation.

4.1. Principles of Animal Welfare

Adherence to good welfare principles is essential to meet the welfare requirements of animals. The basic

tenets of good animal welfare and husbandry include meeting the basic physiological and behaviour needs

of the livestock that PRISMA has in their selected sub-sector. Adhering to the internationally recognised five

freedoms of animal welfare3, the program’s principles in intervention design includes ensuring:

A level of nutrition adequate to sustain good health and welfare

3 Freedom from hunger and thirst 2) Freedom from discomfiture; 3) freedom from pain, injury or disease; 4) Freedom to express (most) normal behaviour; 5) Freedom from fear and distress

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Access to sufficient water of suitable quality

Social contact with other animals

Sufficient space to stand, lie, stretch and perform normal patterns of behaviour

Facilities that minimise stress to the animal, including precaution against extreme weather

These principles apply to all livestock sub-sectors in PRISMA, including cattle, poultry and pigs.

4.2. Principles for Animal Husbandry

Adherence to good husbandry principles is essential to meet the welfare requirements of animals. The basic

tenets of good animal husbandry include:

Procedures to minimise the risk of pain, injury or disease

Provision of appropriate treatment including humane killing if necessary

Minimising the risk of predation

Provision of reasonable precautions against extremes of weather and the effects of natural disasters

Selection and breeding of animals appropriate for the environment and the level of planned

management to be provided

Assessment of the need to undertake any husbandry procedures that may result in significant short-

term pain against alternative strategies for the long-term welfare of the animal

Undertaking any husbandry procedures required for planned animal management in a manner that

reduces the impact of these procedures and minimises risks to welfare.

5. Cattle Welfare

The following guidelines should be used in the design of interventions or the assessment of the suitability of

potential Partners in the beef sub-sector. This includes beef cattle as well as dairy cattle.

When using these standards to determine partner suitability, or intervention design, Employees should be

aware and recognise the cultural, religious and social economic differences influencing animal practices in

the target Province. It should be noted that these standards are not prescriptive but are to be used to

determine what reasonable standards for cattle and dairy welfare practices would be required in the design

to achieve best practice. These standards are an end point rather than a beginning point.

5.1. Feed and water

Feed supply should be based on body weight and extra demands for different physiological

conditions, such as pregnancy and lactation, should be factored in

Major changes in diet should be introduced over an appropriate length of time and be closely


Cattle should have reasonable access to water at least daily

Lactating cows and cows in hot weather should have access to water at least twice daily, although

constant supply is preferred

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5.2. Tethering and space

It is recognised that in Indonesia most cattle are housed or tethered. The following considerations should be

considered and built into the design of any intervention related to cattle in terms of tethering and space.

The surfaces or yards and pens should be constructed and maintained to minimise risk of lameness,

slips and disease

Faeces and urine accumulations should be removed regularly

Cattle should have the opportunity for exercise

Tethering length should allow for freedom of movement (e.g. standing, resting, grazing, and moving


Calves not yet weaned should not be tethered

A person tethering cattle should ensure the tether does not become entangled

Cattle should not be tethered by the leg or foot. Halter tethers are preferred

5.3. Handling

Any intervention with training for cattle handling must consider the following when designing the intervention:

Cattle should be handled quietly and calmly, taking into account their flight zone4 and natural

instincts. The aim of handling should be to minimise stress

Handling aids, such as flappers, flags and rattles, should be preferenced over strike objects to move


Calves less than 30 days old should be handled with care

Mechanical restraints are preferred for immobilising cattle

5.4. Identification

Hot iron branding of cattle should not be undertaken if the cattle are wet

Hot iron branding of weak and underweight cattle should be avoided

Ear tattooing, and tagging should be undertaken in a way that will prevent infection and tearing of the


5.5. Animal Health Management

Unexplained disease and deaths should be investigated to formulate appropriate remedial and

preventive action

Appropriate veterinary advice on cattle disease diagnosis, prevention or treatment should be sought

as required

4 The flight zone is the distance from an animal that the handler must maintain for the animal to feel comfortable. Cattle that have daily handling will have a smaller flight zone that free-range cattle, for example

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Cattle should be vaccinated to protect against likely infectious diseases if there is a significant risk to

the welfare of cattle

Internal and external parasites should be monitored and controlled

The major sources and pathways for spread of pathogenic agents to and from cattle needs to be

determined as part of facility management

Sick cattle should be given appropriate treatment at the first available opportunity from a trained


5.6. Breeding Management

In any intervention related to cattle breeding the intervention design should ensure that the person

responsible for breeding management understands the reproductive behaviour of both the cow and the bull.

In addition, the following guidelines should be considered:

Heifers should not be bred before they are physically mature enough to ensure the health and

welfare of both dam and calf at birth

In the last 4–6 weeks of pregnancy, management practices should minimise stress on cows and

reduce metabolic diseases

Calving should occur in a sheltered and well-drained area

Care should be taken to minimise calving difficulties by adopting suitable management practices

Cows that receive severe injuries during calving or that are affected by a severe adverse outcome

(prolapsed uterus, unable to remove calf) should receive urgent treatment, or be humanely killed

without delay (see section 5.9)

Weak or orphaned calves with very little chance of survival should be humanely killed without delay

Calves should be raised in an environment that is:



well drained

provided with sufficient bedding

draught free and well ventilated

free of projections that may cause injury.

5.7. Dairy Management

Milking machinery and equipment should be regularly tested and maintained

The milking technique should minimise the risk of discomfort, injury and disease

A mastitis management strategy should be implemented and should include practices for prevention,

early detection and effective treatment.

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5.8. Physical Alteration of Cattle 5.8.1. Teat Removal

For dairy cows, removal of the supernumerary teats should not be done unless their presence

interferes with the placement of the milking cup. In these cases, it must be performed within 4

months of age with pain control

If required for calves or heifers older than 4 months, it should be performed by a veterinarian

5.8.2. Castration

Cattle should be castrated as young as possible (less than 12 weeks old) and the procedure should

be done before the cattle are weaned

Pain relief should be provided unless the calf is under 6 months old

Calves should be more than 24 hours old when castrated

Calves more than two weeks old should be castrated by the cutting method in preference to the

tension-band or tying method

5.8.3. Dehorning

Disbudding is preferred over dehorning

Hot iron cautery should be used in preference to excision methods

Tipping should only remove a solid, nonvascular portion of the horn, and result in a blunt horn end

5.9. Humane Killing

It is recommended that killing methods for cattle result in rapid loss of consciousness, followed by death

while unconscious. The following methods are recommended:

Close range firearm - between 10 and 100 cm - either using frontal method (A), poll method through

the top of the head just behind the base of the horns into the centre of the brain (B) or temporal

method (C)

Captive bolt to the brain using the frontal method (A)but the bolt must be placed directly of the skull

and the cattle restrained

Blunt force trauma to the head – this can only be used on calves less than 24 hours old and should

use a poleaxe or heavy club using the frontal method (A)

Exsanguination (bleeding out) should be done by a skilled operator using a sharp knife or chest

stick. It is preferable if the animal is unconscious.

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6. Poultry Welfare

In the design and implementation of interventions on PRISMA related to poultry, Portfolio staff should ensure

that reasonable action is undertaken by private sector Partners and poultry farmers to ensure the welfare of

poultry under their care.

When using these standards to determine partner suitability, or intervention design, Employees should be

aware and recognise the cultural, religious and social economic differences influencing animal practices in

the target Province. It should be noted that these standards are not prescriptive but are to be used to

determine what reasonable standards for poultry welfare practices would be required in the design to

achieve best practice. These standards are an end point rather than a beginning point.

6.1. Feed and water

Feed supply for poultry should be based on age and body weight and free of contamination

The interval time between hatching to first feed and drink should be as short as possible

Food particle size should be suitable for the size and age of the chicken

Feeders should be cleaned and maintained regularly

Feeding and watering design position and height should allow access with minimal effort or change

to normal posture

Feed quality and nutrients should be considered if poultry display negative or abnormal behaviours

(e.g. injurious feather pecking, cannibalism).

Poultry less than 3 days old, should have reasonable access to drinking water at least once in each

24-hour period

Newly hatched poultry should be provided with feed and water within 60 hours of take-off or 72 hours

following take-off if provided with hydrating material

Water in drinker lines should be regularly flushed

Uncontrolled water sources should be assessed for water quality and biosecurity risks?

Medicated water supplies (if used) should be correctly dosed

Water should be available up to the start of transport pick-up.

6.2. Facilities and Space

In areas where poultry are housed the following guidelines should be followed:

Any exposure to stimuli that may cause fear or distress should be minimised, including the

placement of feeding machinery and ventilation fans (if used)

Poultry should have enough vertical and horizontal space to stretch to their full flight and flap their


For brooding poultry on wire, temporary flooring, such as paper or matting, should be considered

For outdoor housing, there should be sufficient drainage, shelter and shade

Chicks up to 7 days old should have a maximum lighting period of 23 hours in a 24-hour period

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Ventilation should be sufficient for stocking density and hot weather

There should be appropriate litter management.

6.2.1. Cages

Excreta of laying hens in cages should not accumulate to the stage that compromises poultry health

and welfare

Multi deck cages should be arranged so that the poultry in the lower tiers are protected from excreta

from above

Cages must be at least higher than the maximum height of all the poultry standing normally

Useable areas and any area occupied by feeding and watering equipment and nest boxes, on one or

more levels, should ensure that:

Each level is easily accessible to the hens

Headroom between the levels is at least 45 cm

All levels are accessible to stock workers to observe and reach birds that are sick or injured

Feeding and watering facilities are distributed to provide equal and ready access to all hens

6.3. Handling and Management

Any intervention with training for poultry handling must consider the following when designing the


The stocking density should be reviewed regularly and adjusted, according to the age of the bird,

flock size, enclosure conditions, behavioural needs and the likely occurrence of disease

Poultry should be managed at a stocking density that takes the following into account:

Growth rate

Competition for space

Access to feeders and water

Air temperature and quality


Litter quality

Housing system

Production system

Biosecurity strategy

Genetic stock

Sex ratios in breeding flocks should be monitored to ensure that there is not excessive aggression or


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6.3.1. Manual Handling

Manual handling of poultry should be kept to a minimum during stocking and depopulation

A person should not carry more than 4 birds in each hand

Poultry should be released by setting them down on their feet or from low heights that enable them

to land normally, feet first. Avoid releasing in such a way that requires flying.

6.3.2. Hatching

Steps should be taken to ensure that unhatched eggs are killed within the day of hatch

Hatching trays with live young birds should be moved smoothly. Trays should be tipped to remove

chicks and unhatched residue in such a way that the birds do not pile or become trapped

6.4. Physical Alteration of Poultry

Cutting of feathers including the wing feathers from live birds should only be carried out by a person

who has the relevant experience, knowledge and skills in the procedure. Feathers should be cut no

closer than 10mm to the bloodlines

Feathers without a ripe bloodless clearance above the bloodline should be left on the bird

Alternative strategies for managing injurious (feather) pecking that minimise the need for beak

trimming should be employed

New, more humane technologies and methods for performing physical alterations, such as beak

trimming, should be adopted as they become available

Alternative strategies for inducing moulting that minimise the need for feed restriction should be


6.4.1. Poultry Identification

Identification devices permanently or temporarily attached to poultry should be lightweight and safe

to both the identified bird and to other birds in the flock

6.5. Laying Chickens

Guidelines for laying chickens include birds being reared and managed for table egg production, but do not

include birds being reared and managed for purposes of breeding laying chickens (see instead section 6.7).

The following guidelines should be considered in the design of interventions involving laying poultry.

6.5.1. Lighting

Where hens are housed under artificial light, lighting schedules must provide a minimum of 4 hours

of continuous darkness in each 24-hour period

6.5.2. Stocking Density

All caged laying chickens weighing less than 4.5 kg live weight should have the following minimum

acceptable space allowances:

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Number of birds per cage maximum floor area

3 or more birds (<2.4 kgs) 550 cm2

3 or more birds (>/= 2.4 kgs) 600 cm2

2 birds per cage 675 cm2

Single bird cages 1000 cm2

All laying chickens weighing 4.5 kg or more live weight should not exceed the following stocking


Number of birds per cage maximum live weight per unit of floor

3 or more 46 kg/m2

2 birds 40 kg/m2

Single birds 26 kg/m2

For non-caged laying systems, stocking density should not exceed 30 kg/m2 (measured as bird

density in the useable area) for rearing laying pullets and for managing adult laying chickens.

6.6. Meat Chickens

The following additional guidelines should be considered for meat chickens include birds being reared and

managed for meat production purposes but does not include birds being reared and managed for the

purpose of breeding meat chickens.

Catching of meat chickens should be done under dim light

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Where perforated floors are used, the gap between perforation should not be more than 25mm

Feed and drinking water should be provided in a sheltered area

6.7. Breeder Chickens

The following additional guidelines are specific to breeders, include birds being reared and managed for

purposes of breeding either laying chickens or meat chickens.

Hens should be provided with a minimum of one single nest for every 7 birds or 1m² nest boxes for

every 120 birds

Where perforated floors are used, the gap between perforation should not be more than 25mm

6.8. Humane Killing

Humane killing for poultry means using methods that result in rapid death, or loss of consciousness, followed

by death while unconscious. Specific guidelines that should be considered in intervention design include:

Cervical dislocation or decapitation for poultry less than 6 kgs

Stunning by blunt trauma followed by decapitation or bleeding out for poultry over 6 kgs

Electrical stunning

Gassing using carbon dioxide or a mixture of inert gases

Captive bolt


Immediate fragmentation/maceration for unhatched eggs and day-old chicks

Not all methods may be available in Indonesia, but new methods should be introduced when the technology

becomes available.

6.9. Poultry Slaughtering Facilities

All holding areas should provide suitable ventilation and be regularly monitored

Stunning systems are recommended and may include electrical stunning systems or controlled

atmosphere systems

Where exsanguination is used, bleeding out of unconscious poultry should be done using a suitable,

sharp blade. Bleeding times prior to immersion in scalding water or prior to plucking should not be

less than 90 seconds.

7. Pig Welfare

In the design and implementation of interventions on PRISMA related to pigs, Portfolio staff should ensure

that reasonable action is undertaken by private sector Partners and pig farmers to ensure the welfare of pigs

under their care.

When using these standards to determine partner suitability, or intervention design, Employees should be

aware and recognise the cultural, religious and social economic differences influencing animal practices in

the target Province. It should be noted that these standards are not prescriptive but are to be used to

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determine what reasonable standards for pig welfare practices would be required in the design to achieve

best practice. These standards are an end point rather than a beginning point.

7.1. Food and water

Pigs must be provided with daily access to feed that is free of contamination and maintains their

health and meets their physiological requirements

Remedial action should be taken if persistent bullying is leading to deprivation from food for other


Condition scoring can be used as a guide to assess the adequacy of nutrition, healthy and

productivity for animal welfare. A guide to condition scoring of pigs is given in Appendix I:

condition score of grower and finisher animals and boars should be 3 or above

condition score of breeding sows at farrowing should be 3-3.5

condition score of breeding sows at weaning should be 2.5 or more

Drinking water or another wholesome liquid should be easily available to pigs at all times (other than

during handling and management procedures), to meet their physiological water requirements.

7.2. Pig housing

Floors should be installed and maintained in a way that minimises slipping and the risk of injury and

allows pigs to stand normally

Solid surfaces to which pigs have access should be made of materials that can be readily cleaned

and disinfected

Where deep litter systems are used (deep layer of bedding e.g. sawdust or straw) the litter should be

replaced or refreshed at intervals that ensures good hygiene, provides for comfort needs and avoids

compromise to welfare from scalding (heat burn) and lameness

Faeces and urine must not be permitted to accumulate to the stage where there is no clean area for

pigs to lie down.

7.2.1. Individual housing5

In the case of a sow kept in a stall, the floor space of the stall should not be less than 0.6 metres

wide and not less than 2.2 metres long

In the case of a sow kept in a farrowing pen, the floor space of the pen should not be less than 5 m2

where possible

In the case of a sow kept in a farrowing crate:

The floor space of the farrowing crate and creep area (the area inaccessible to the sow), when

aggregated, should not be less than 3.2 m2;

The floor space of the farrowing crate (which may include space occupied by a rear anti-crush

rail, appropriately placed) should not be less than 0.5 metres wide (when measured at no more

than 450 millimetres from the floor of the crate) and not less than 2 metres long

5 Housing dimensions are based on best practice standard minimums

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In the case of a boar kept in a stall - the floor space of the stall should not be less than 0.7 metres

wide and not less than 2.4 metres long

In the case of a boar kept in a pen - the floor space of the pen should not be less than 5m2 where


Sows and boars accommodated individually in stalls must be able to stand, get up and lie down

without being obstructed by the bars and fittings of the stall, to lie with limbs extended, to stretch and

to be able to undertake such movements freely

7.2.2. Group Housing

For each sow kept in the housing - the floor space of the housing should not be less than 1.4 m2

For each gilt weighing more than 100 kilograms kept in the housing - the floor space should be no

less than 1m2

In all other cases the floor space of the housing should not less than the number of square metres

calculated in accordance with the following formula: 0.030 x (P 0.67) where P is the average weight in

kilograms of all pigs kept in the housing (see Annex II for space allowance calculations by weight).

7.2.3. Farrowing Accommodation

Stalls and farrowing crates must be designed, constructed, maintained and operated to minimise

aggression between pigs and overlying of piglets by sows

A sow should not be confined in a stall for more than six weeks of any gestation period. An exception

is for individual sows that are under veterinary advice or special care by a competent stock-person

Facilities for a lactating sow should allow her to:

Stand and lie down without obstruction by the bars or fittings of the crate

Give birth to piglets without obstruction, and minimise losses of piglets from crushing, trapping

or injuries

Lie down and extend her limbs freely and position herself so that both sides of her udder are

accessible to her piglets

Access feed and water without obstruction.

7.2.4. Tethering

Although tethering is very common for pigs in Eastern Indonesia, the practice should be discouraged. Also

see section 7.4.4 on nose ringing.

7.3. Pig Husbandry

7.3.1. Pig Health

Weaning must be managed to minimise any negative impact on the health and welfare of the sow

and piglets

Sick, weak or injured pigs must be treated and, if necessary, isolated or destroyed

Animals incapable of moving must be destroyed on location

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Dead pigs must be removed as soon as practicable

If the person in charge is not able to identify the causes of ill health, they must seek advice from

those with training and experience in such matters.

7.3.2. Farrowing and Weaning

See section 7.2.3 for guidance on farrowing accommodation. In relation to health guidance for farrowing and

weaning, the following is recommended:

Sows should be placed in farrowing quarters before the litter is due, to allow them to become

accustomed to their surroundings

Farrowing areas should include a creep area and an anti-crush rail or similar

Each piglet should have the opportunity to receive colostrum

If weaning of pigs under three weeks of age, management and nutrition needs to be of very high

standard to prevent piglet mortality and ill-thrift (failure to thrive).

7.3.3. Boar Management

Aggressive adult boars should be housed individually to prevent injury from fighting or be kept in

compatible groups

Mating should be conducted under the supervision of a competent stock-person to prevent

aggressive behaviours and injury to boars, sows or gilts

Boars may need to be kept in stalls or individual pens to prevent persistent aggression to other boars

Boars that are raised together are less likely to fight one another and may be compatible in pairs or

small groups.

7.4. Physical Alteration of Pigs 7.4.1. Castration

If required, castration should be undertaken by a trained operator

It is recommended that piglets be castrated after two days of age, after they have established their

suckling order, and before seven days of age. When pigs 8–21 days of age are castrated,

appropriate and effective restraint is necessary.

Surgical castration of male pigs older than 21 days must be performed under anaesthesia and by a

trained veterinary practitioner.

7.4.2. Tail docking

Tail docking should be avoided where possible

Where tail biting is a problem, all aspects of the environment, feeding and management should be

investigated to identify the contributing factors so that remedial action can be taken e.g.

environmental enrichment with straw or other materials that can be manipulated

Where tail docking is practised as a preventative measure, it should be carried out before pigs are

seven days of age.

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Schedule 1

7.4.3. Clipping of Needle Teeth

If aggression between littermates or damage to the sow is a problem, this procedure should be

carried out within three days of birth. It should only be done where unacceptable injury is occurring to

littermates and/or the sow's udder

Only the tips (no more than a quarter) of the teeth should be removed.

7.4.4. Nose Ringing

This practice should be avoided, unless it is a last resort

Nose rings should be placed through the cartilage of the top of the snout or the tissues separating

the nostrils.

7.4.5. Identification

Where it is necessary to mark pigs for permanent identification, the ear may be tattooed, tagged,

notched or punched, or the body may be tattooed

Ear notching should be avoided where possible. Where ear notching is performed, it should be

carried out before the piglets are seven days of age.

7.4.6. Tusk Trimming

Tusk trimming should be conducted using embryotomy wire (see below), where possible, or a wire


The boar should be appropriately restrained and, if necessary, anaesthetised for restraint.

Tusks should be severed cleanly above the level of the gums without causing damage to other


7.5. Humane Killing/ Slaughtering

It is recognised that many of the slaughtering practices outlined in these Guidelines are not currently

available nor widely used in Indonesia. These Guidelines outline best practice in terms of humane

slaughtering standards and can be introduced gradually as new technology becomes available.

Exsanguination (bleeding out) is the most common form of slaughter for pigs. Best practice would require

stunning prior to bleeding out as outlined below.

The animal should be quietly handled beforehand to ensure it is not unnecessarily distressed or


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Schedule 1

Methods that are recommended:

Carbon dioxide gassing – this should be undertaken in a well-ventilated area using the correct

equipment and only for pigs less than 30kg

Anaesthetic overdose – suitable for all classes of pigs

Close range firearm (please note firearm restrictions in Indonesia and abide by all relevant laws

related to firearm ownership and use) – correct aim is essential and used for pigs greater than

15kg. Captive-bolt pistols should be used for housed pigs, to avoid the danger of ricochets. The

range should be less than 5m, but the muzzle should not be placed directly on the pig’s head. It

must use either the frontal (a) or temporal (b) method:

Penetrating captive bolt - correct aim is essential and used for pigs greater than 15kg. Only the

frontal method (a) should be used, and the muzzle must be firmly pressed to the pig’s skull. a

follow-up method of ensuring death, such as bleeding out, is required

Blunt trauma to the head – must be performed on small pigs with rapid force strong enough for

instant death using a hammer or other suitable solid heavy object – only suitable for pigs less

than 15kg.

Electrical stunning – placement where the skull is thick should be avoided. Water can be used

to assist the electrical current but the whole head should not be wet as this may prevent the

electric charge going directly to the brain.

Exsanguination - The objective of bleeding is to kill the animal with minimal damage to the

carcass. However, this must be undertaken in a humane manner and preferably after stunning

(see above). ‘Sticking’, or severing the major arteries of the neck with a sharp knife or chest

stick undertaken by a skilled operator, should immediately follow stunning

8. Duty to comply

It is not expected that Employees will enforce these standards on partners. Rather these Guidelines are to

be used as a decision point for Employees to determine:

If a partner is suitable, from an animal welfare point of view, to engage with as an implementation


if an intervention should continue or not based on animal welfare conditions

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The likelihood of an ICN being successful from an animal welfare standpoint

As a measure to help assess the quality of a livestock intervention

9. Associated Guidelines

No associated guidelines.

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Schedule 1

Appendix I

The following table is the scoring system for determining body condition of pigs.

Guidelines for body condition score of pigs

Numerical Score

Pelvic Bones, Tail Head





Pelvic bones very prominent. Deep cavity around the tail head.

Prominent and sharp throughout the length of the backbone

Loin very narrow. Sharp edges on transverse spinal process. Flank very hollow.

Individual ribs very prominent


Pelvic bones obvious but some slight cover. Cavity around tail head.

Prominent Loin narrow. Only very slight cover to edge of transverse spinal process. Flank rather hollow.

Rib cage less apparent. Difficult to see individual ribs.

3 Pelvic bones covered. Visible over the

shoulder. Some cover further back.

Edge of transverse spinal processes covered and rounded.

Covered but can be felt.


Pelvic bones only felt with firm pressure. No cavity around tail.

Felt only with firm pressure

Edge of transverse spinal processes felt only with firm pressure.

Rib cage not visible. Very difficult to feel any ribs.

5 Pelvic bones impossible to feel. Root of tail set deep in surrounding fat.

Impossible to feel vertebrae.

Impossible to feel bones. Flank full and rounded.

Not possible to feel ribs.

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Appendix II

The following table of standards for space allowances must be provided for pigs housed indoors and are

based on current scientific knowledge and good practice. All dimensions and measures refer to the clear

space provided for pigs inside of rails or partitions

Minimum space requirement (m2 per pig) for weaners, growers, and finishers (LW = Liveweight)

LW(kg) m2 LW(kg) m2 LW(kg) m2 LW(kg) m2

1 0.03 31 0.30 61 0.47 91 0.62

2 0.05 32 0.31 62 0.48 92 0.62

3 0.06 33 0.31 63 0.48 93 0.63

4 0.08 34 0.32 64 0.49 94 0.63

5 0.09 35 0.32 65 0.49 95 0.63

6 0.10 36 0.33 66 0.50 96 0.64

7 0.11 37 0.34 67 0.50 97 0.64

8 0.12 38 0.34 68 0.51 98 0.65

9 0.13 39 0.35 69 0.51 99 0.65

10 0.14 40 0.36 70 0.52 100 0.66

11 0.15 41 0.36 71 0.52 101 0.66

12 0.16 42 0.37 72 0.53 102 0.67

13 0.17 43 0.37 73 0.53 103 0.67

14 0.18 44 0.38 74 0.54 104 0.67

15 0.18 45 0.38 75 0.54 105 0.68

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Schedule 1

Minimum space requirement (m2 per pig) for weaners, growers, and finishers (LW = Liveweight)

LW(kg) m2 LW(kg) m2 LW(kg) m2 LW(kg) m2

16 0.19 46 0.39 76 0.55 106 0.68

17 0.20 47 0.40 77 0.55 107 0.69

18 0.21 48 0.40 78 0.56 108 0.69

19 0.22 49 0.41 79 0.56 109 0.70

20 0.22 50 0.41 80 0.57 110 0.70

21 0.23 51 0.42 81 0.57 111 0.70

22 0.24 52 0.42 82 0.57 112 0.71

23 0.25 53 0.43 83 0.58 113 0.71

24 0.25 54 0.43 84 0.58 114 0.72

25 0.26 55 0.44 85 0.59 115 0.72

26 0.27 56 0.45 86 0.59 116 0.72

27 0.27 57 0.45 87 0.60 117 0.73

28 0.28 58 0.46 88 0.60 118 0.73

29 0.29 59 0.46 89 0.61 119 0.74

30 0.29 60 0.47 90 0.61 120 0.74

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Schedule 1


Medium Request for Tender V6. Nov 2019

Tender Schedule C. Financial Proposal / Proposal Keuangan

Komponen Biaya Satuan Unit Frekuensi Harga

Satuan (Rp)



Biaya Personil

Penanggung jawab orang/hari

Konsultan/Peneliti Utama orang/hari

Asisten orang/hari

Analisis pakan (bahan baku,

harga, feeding practice, dll)

Uji lab (disertakan rincian jenis uji

lab yang dilaksanakan) orang/hari

Uji kecernaan

In vitro kali

In vivo kali

Uji Palatabilitas

Sewa sapi ekor

Asuransi ternak ekor

Tenaga lapangan orang/hari

Pengukuran kinerja

pertumbuhan sapi (ADG dan

produksi susu)

Sewa sapi ekor

Asuransi ternak ekor

Tenaga lapangan orang/hari

Biaya Obat-obatan dan

penanganan medis

Obat-obatan dan penanganan


Penyusunan laporan

Pembuatan laporan berkala dan



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Schedule 1


Medium Request for Tender V6. Nov 2019