Single Plane Balance 091401

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Transcript of Single Plane Balance 091401

  • 7/31/2019 Single Plane Balance 091401


    Dr. Peter Avi tabi le Universi ty of Massachuset t s Lowel l Single Plane Balance 091401 - 1 Copyr ight 2001

    Mechanical Engineering - 22. 403 ME Lab I I

    ME 22.403

    Mechanical Lab I I

    Single PlaneBalancing Not es

  • 7/31/2019 Single Plane Balance 091401


    Dr. Peter Avi tabi le Universi ty of Massachuset t s Lowel l Single Plane Balance 091401 - 2 Copyr ight 2001

    Mechanical Engineering - 22. 403 ME Lab I I

    Why and How Do St r uct ur es Vibrat e?









    f(j ) y(j )h(j )


    Mot or or diskunbalance

    can cause unwant ed

    vibr at ions or wor se

  • 7/31/2019 Single Plane Balance 091401


    Dr. Peter Avi tabi le Universi ty of Massachuset t s Lowel l Single Plane Balance 091401 - 3 Copyr ight 2001

    Mechanical Engineering - 22. 403 ME Lab I I

    Any init ial unbalance in a r ot at ing syst em can have devast at ing

    ef f ect s as t he syst em is st ar t ed up, slowed down or r un at or

    near t he cr it ical f r equency.

    Operat ing anywher e near st r uct ur al resonances can r esult in ver y

    large dynamic loads which are or ders of magnit ude gr eat er t han

    t he nor mal st at ic loads.Theref or e, ext r eme car e is exercised in balancing high speed

    st r uct ur al syst ems t o avoid any pot ent ial problems.

    This labor at or y will delve int o balancing r equir ement s.

    Rot at ing Unbalance Pr oblems

  • 7/31/2019 Single Plane Balance 091401


    Dr. Peter Avi tabi le Universi ty of Massachuset t s Lowel l Single Plane Balance 091401 - 4 Copyr ight 2001

    Mechanical Engineering - 22. 403 ME Lab I I

    Bent ly Nevada Rot or kit

  • 7/31/2019 Single Plane Balance 091401


    Dr. Peter Avi tabi le Universi ty of Massachuset t s Lowel l Single Plane Balance 091401 - 5 Copyr ight 2001

    Mechanical Engineering - 22. 403 ME Lab I I

    Relat ed I nst r ument at ion & Signal Condit ioning

  • 7/31/2019 Single Plane Balance 091401


    Dr. Peter Avi tabi le Universi ty of Massachuset t s Lowel l Single Plane Balance 091401 - 6 Copyr ight 2001

    Mechanical Engineering - 22. 403 ME Lab I I

    An eddy- cur r ent probe measur es t he dist ance bet ween a sensor

    head and an elect r ically conduct ing sur f ace. The sensor is based

    on eddy cur r ent s t hat are induced at t he conduct ing sur f ace as

    magnet ic f lux l ines f r om t he sensor int ersect wit h t he conduct ingmat er ial; t he eddy cur r ent s ar e sensed wit h an impedance

    (induct ance) br idge.

    Eddy Cur r ent Pr obe

    The sensit ivit y of t he sensoris dependent on t he t argetmat er ial and illust r at es

    higher sensit ivit y f or

    nonmagnet ic mat er ials.

    For magnet ic mat er ials, at hin f ilm of aluminum, f orinst ance, can be bonded t o

    t he st r uct ur e sur f ace.

  • 7/31/2019 Single Plane Balance 091401


    Dr. Peter Avi tabi le Universi ty of Massachuset t s Lowel l Single Plane Balance 091401 - 7 Copyr ight 2001

    Mechanical Engineering - 22. 403 ME Lab I I

    An eddy- cur r ent probe uses a pr oximit or and power supply/ signal

    condit ioning unit .

    The out put volt age is pr opor t ional t o displacement and has high

    sensit ivit y wit h very linear char act erist ics.

    Eddy Cur r ent Pr obe

  • 7/31/2019 Single Plane Balance 091401


    Dr. Peter Avi tabi le Universi ty of Massachuset t s Lowel l Single Plane Balance 091401 - 8 Copyr ight 2001

    Mechanical Engineering - 22. 403 ME Lab I I

    The keyphasor is a once per r ev indicat or measur ed by an eddy-

    cur r ent probe and shaf t displacement can be measur ed also

    Eddy Cur r ent Pr obe - Keyphasor & Displacement

  • 7/31/2019 Single Plane Balance 091401


    Dr. Peter Avi tabi le Universi ty of Massachuset t s Lowel l Single Plane Balance 091401 - 9 Copyr ight 2001

    Mechanical Engineering - 22. 403 ME Lab I I

    Using bot h t he keyphasor and displacement , t he largest and

    smallest displacement mot ion of t he shaf t can be det ermined

    r elat ive t o t he keyphasor as some angular r elat ion

    Eddy Cur r ent Pr obe Measur ement s

  • 7/31/2019 Single Plane Balance 091401


    Dr. Peter Avi tabi le Universi ty of Massachuset t s Lowel l Single Plane Balance 091401 - 10 Copyr ight 2001

    Mechanical Engineering - 22. 403 ME Lab I I

    Using t wo probes in t he x and y dir ect ions, a relat ionship can be

    plot t ed wit h x/ y super imposed or plot t ed verse each ot her

    Eddy Cur r ent Pr obe Measur ement s

  • 7/31/2019 Single Plane Balance 091401


    Dr. Peter Avi tabi le Universi ty of Massachuset t s Lowel l Single Plane Balance 091401 - 11 Copyr ight 2001

    Mechanical Engineering - 22. 403 ME Lab I I

    The shaf t cr it ical speed is det ermined using a simply suppor t ed

    beam wit h a lumped weight f or mulat ion and is

    Cr it ical Speed Det erminat ion

  • 7/31/2019 Single Plane Balance 091401


    Dr. Peter Avi tabi le Universi ty of Massachuset t s Lowel l Single Plane Balance 091401 - 12 Copyr ight 2001

    Mechanical Engineering - 22. 403 ME Lab I I

  • 7/31/2019 Single Plane Balance 091401


    Dr. Peter Avi tabi le Universi ty of Massachuset t s Lowel l Single Plane Balance 091401 - 13 Copyr ight 2001

    Mechanical Engineering - 22. 403 ME Lab I I

  • 7/31/2019 Single Plane Balance 091401


    Dr. Peter Avi tabi le Universi ty of Massachuset t s Lowel l Single Plane Balance 091401 - 14 Copyr ight 2001

    Mechanical Engineering - 22. 403 ME Lab I I

  • 7/31/2019 Single Plane Balance 091401


    Dr. Peter Avi tabi le Universi ty of Massachuset t s Lowel l Single Plane Balance 091401 - 15 Copyr ight 2001

    Mechanical Engineering - 22. 403 ME Lab I I

  • 7/31/2019 Single Plane Balance 091401


    Dr. Peter Avi tabi le Universi ty of Massachuset t s Lowel l Single Plane Balance 091401 - 16 Copyr ight 2001

    Mechanical Engineering - 22. 403 ME Lab I I