Simon Says

1 of 7 As per our [Preface] in the Book of Yahi & The Book of Wisdom “we are truly indebted to our late Spiritual Mentor Ray Johnstone Master Research Agent Extraordinaire or Dad Ra as we called him; Below are some of his exceptional writings and works of which he wanted the world to know about. SIMON SAYS: - EVERYBODY BOW. Have you ever played a game, SIMON SAYS? All the governments of the world at present are playing this game. Have you ever wondered how, that when your government make certain laws, or does something, all the rest of the world is also doing it? Let me tell you the full story so that everyone knows all the pros and cons, and don't go on a stupid rampage. We shall go way back into history, and we shall start with a lie, for history is studded with lies, and unfortunately many traditions have built up upon lies. Lie number one: - Israel dwelt in Egypt 430 years. (Exodus, 12:40.) Now there are twelve generations from the patriarch Israel to Joshua, who was the deputy to Moses. 9 1 st CHRON: 7:20 onwards) Twelve generations do not make 430 years, it would be 240 years at the most. Two tribes came from Patriarch Israel, these were descended from Joshua, the son of Israel, and these two tribes, the tribes of EPHIRAIM and MANNASSEH dwelt in the land of Goshen. Now seven generations of the descendants of Israel had been in the land of Goshen, there came the HEBREWS from the land of Hebron. (GEN: 35:27.) The patriarch of these people was Jacob, and they dwelt four generations in Egypt, from LEVI-KOHATH-AMRAN-MOSES. (1 st CHRON: 6:1-3.) As Joseph was six generations before his so-called brother Levi, then Israel and Jacob could not be one and the same person as stated in GEN:32:28. There were two groups of people, the ISRAELITES and the HEBREWS, and Moses brought about the uniting of the two groups, forming the federation of the tribes. Moses invented a god, so that he could control and impose his rule over these people, and every time something went wrong, these people were told that they offended this god, they were taught, thou shalt not fear the lord thy god. These tribes settled in the land of Canaan, becoming a very small nation between large

Transcript of Simon Says

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As per our [Preface] in the Book of Yahi & The Book of Wisdom “we are truly indebted to our late Spiritual Mentor Ray Johnstone Master Research Agent Extraordinaire or Dad Ra as we called him; Below are some of his exceptional writings and works of which he wanted the world to know about. SIMON SAYS: - EVERYBODY BOW. Have you ever played a game, SIMON SAYS?All the governments of the world at present are playing this game. Have you ever wondered how, that when your government make certain laws, or does something, all the rest of the world is also doing it? Let me tell you the full story so that everyone knows all the pros and cons, and don't go on a stupid rampage. We shall go way back into history, and we shall start with a lie, for history is studded with lies, and unfortunately many traditions have built up upon lies.Lie number one: - Israel dwelt in Egypt 430 years. (Exodus, 12:40.) Now there are twelve generations from the patriarch Israel to Joshua, who was the deputy to Moses. 9 1st CHRON: 7:20 onwards) Twelve generations do not make 430 years, it would be 240 years at the most.Two tribes came from Patriarch Israel, these were descended from Joshua, the son of Israel, and these two tribes, the tribes of EPHIRAIM and MANNASSEH dwelt in the land of Goshen. Now seven generations of the descendants of Israel had been in the land of Goshen, there came the HEBREWS from the land of Hebron. (GEN: 35:27.)The patriarch of these people was Jacob, and they dwelt four generations in Egypt, from LEVI-KOHATH-AMRAN-MOSES. (1st CHRON: 6:1-3.) As Joseph was six generations before his so-called brother Levi, then Israel and Jacob could not be one and the same person as stated in GEN:32:28.There were two groups of people, the ISRAELITES and the HEBREWS, and Moses brought about the uniting of the two groups, forming the federation of the tribes.Moses invented a god, so that he could control and impose his rule over these people, and every time something went wrong, these people were told that they offended this god, they were taught, thou shalt not fear the lord thy god. These tribes settled in the land of Canaan, becoming a very small nation between large aggressive nations, thus every war that took place, these people had suffered.The so-called holy city of Jerusalem, is the most bloodstained city in the whole of the world, and these people, now known as Jews, have been the most suffering people in the whole of the world, believing that their god has caused them to suffer.Eventually Christianity came about, and the canon of the New Testament was decided at a council held in Rome, in other words 27 of the books were picked out of the many books, the ones that were considered not harmful to the power of Rome. These 27 books became the basis of the world power, and religious stupidity began to circulate among people.It was said that the Jews were responsible for the death of Jesus, and stories were invented such as THE WANDERING JEW, the one whom supposedly spat in the face of Jesus. Another story circulated was that the Jews owed to magical practices their incredible success in financial affairs, they had inherited their occult arts from Moses and prophets, it was because Jesus wanted to betray their secrets to all the nations of the world, that he was crucified. All this rubbish began to circulate, the Jews were responsible for the death of Jesus, they also refused to become Christians because they were so afraid of offending their god.

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2 of 7After 1,300 years of discrimination and suffering, these people had become a very embittered people, and in the years within the 1500's books were written of accounts of their suffering. One such book: - written by Joseph Ben Joshua of Venice, called EMEQ HA-BAKHAH, was an account of Jewish sufferings up to the year of 1575.At this time Rabbi Isaac Ben Solomon, surnamed Ashkenasi, 1534-1572, who was a spice merchant with headquarters in Alexandria, put together a document which was later recognised as the practicle part of the Kabbalah. It read as this: -Know the machinery of diplomacy well, closely examine it down to the smallest detail, the whole apparatus of war and peace, the government of men. Look for the connections between things, observe the absurd and subtle limitations of the great.Know that the one reality of this world is money. War and peace, life and death, the virtue of women, the power of religion to bind or loose, enthusiasm for liberty, the purity of confession, the ships on the sea, the coercive power of princes, the indoctrinisation of people, love, piety, cowardice, wantoness, blasphemy and virtue, they are all derived from money and they would all turn into money, and they could all be expressed in plain figures. Learn to sit at the source and be able to divert the stream to bring barrenness or plenty. Be not so simple to cry your power aloud.Always be ready to buy information if the price is right, for knowledge is power, and money and power are one and the same thing.Have no time for theories, dismiss them with kind and elegant scorn. Enter the closets of princes and kings quietly and unseen, and boast not your connections with the mighty, always keep them in your debt. Do not display your wealth outwardly, remember that an I, O, U. in the strong-room is better than gold lace on the coat. Understand the refined pleasure of power secret.External signs of possession only promote hate and jealousy and will eventually be your undoing, it is better to have a jealously-guarded chest containing a bond on a city.Seize power but do not display it, be the power behind the mighty fool. Humbly steer and manipulate him, cater for his lusts and desires and he will be your slave and you will have the real power. He will spit on you and despise you, but he will not be able to do without you, each time he spits on you, his spittle will turn into profit and power.Use fools to create complications that you may discredit your enemies and turn them into profit. Show no emotions that others may read you. Only use the means of wealth until its first complication and then unload it swiftly at a good price. Never journey except for profit. Keep your cash and bills of exchange in many countries, for should your wealth crumble in one place you will still have the others to build up upon. If a country hates you, then know that you have done well, if you hate a country pull out swiftly there will be no profit to be had there, the hate of a country is good for one’s credit. Always take an interest in a beautiful young girl, outfit her and introduce her into the world of the theatre and arts, help her to make a name for herself, you will eventually be able to sell her to some prince at a goodly price. Never introduce your own daughters into the courts of the wealthy, keep them hidden and unknown. Never take a public office, for these are the fools that take the blame for the clever schemer.

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3 of 7When invited to functions, circulate silently and listen to the gossip, but when approached be courteous but reply, “I am not a very good talking man. Always act modest and reveal as little of yourself as possible. Always try keep to the same topic about yourself to all people, that they cannot put all your statements together and get a full story. When placed in an embarrassing position in the course of a conversation, seek out a face that you know and introduce the person to the other and then excuse yourself, leaving them in each other’s company.It is cleverer to shake off a friend than be involved in his downfall, but always be gentle about it as he may one day rise again to power. Never destroy an enemy in person, manipulate others that wish to destroy him and support them secretly, be sure to say, “I am against this, but as a businessman I accept your proposals, but solely as a business transaction. If the enemy wins make sure that he cannot know of your part, and as for the others, you will foreclose on their debt. Dukes and princes always need money, you will devise means for them by which you can squeeze the last cent out their estates, of which of course you will obtain your percentage. Elderly civil servants can be dismissed from the office as new candidates will offer higher prices for their posts, you can always put in a word for an eager candidate for a price and he also will be more likely to serve you in the future in knowing that you also have the influence to have him dismissed.Invent unfavourable laws for the prince, that you may let loose on communities and private individuals a hail of writs and summonses which can only be settled by enormous fines, make sure that you control the purse strings of the prince and make sure that his profit suits his needs and yours. Agitate and create disobedience, and turn this disobedience into profit.Always be on the side of the law and where possible influence these laws that you may turn into profit. What you make in one country, conceal in the next.Always be ready to amuse your noble client with alchemists and astrologers for you will always be able to make profit around the fringe, but as the profit begins to wane, be ready to denounce the fraud and upbraid your noble client for his waste of money which you had continually advised him against spending.Be always able to read a face, as the marks upon the face can be translated into a sum of money. You can only get a wasters money once, then immediately set out to discredit him, as should you not be able to do this, he is likely to become a liability.This philosophy was put together by this man, embittered by the treatment of his people by a superstitious, ridiculous religious trend of thought. He felt that it was the only way that could be used to survive.The Jews in Europe suffered hundreds of years of persecution and discrimination, for the so-called slaying of Jesus and for rejecting Christianity. Laws kept them from owning land, joining labour guilds, or entering professions, and as a result many Jews earned a living by lending money at interest, and it had come about that merchants and kings often depended on Jewish money-lenders for cash to conduct their businesses.Strong Jewish centres formed in Poland, Prussia, and Lithuania, and during the 1600's they suffered severe persecutions.

Conferences and the removal of tariffs that protected our industries.

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4 of 7 With these tariffs removed, it allowed the multinational companies to make profit out of cheap overseas labour, hence wrecking the industries of the more affluent nations, which cannot keep up with the cheaper overseas productions, thus the closing down of factories and mass unemployment.

A government could slowly, one by one re-introduce the tariffs, first starting with the non-essential items to enable these industries to start up again, thus slowly increasing the publics capacity to spend, until eventually with fuller employment, the general public can now afford to buy locally produced items, in other words work towards making the nation as self-supporting as possible.

But would this be possible? Simon’s weapon is economics, and if a nation starts breaking international agreement, that nation is likely to have actions against it, look what has happened to the children of Iraq. Anyway Simon has made sure that no nation can become fully self-supporting, and that all some way are dependent on exports. Simon said, all countries shall adopt a multicultural policy and shall sign an agreement to accept people from less fortunate countries.

This policy put out by U.N.R.W.A. has caused nations to be overloaded with so-called refugees, and the capability of a nation to produce enough food locally for its people is overwhelmed, all nations are now dependent on imported goods, thus vulnerable to outside pressures. Governments of the world must act together, to form power blocks that can disregard what Simon says, otherwise Simon will eventually bring about a world government of which Simon will be controlling. Simon will even secretly promote anti-Semitism if it helps him to achieve an objective. .So beware all you ordinary little Jews, Simon serves himself, not you, you are the ones sacrificed on Simon’s altar to Mammon. Remember, all things start out with good intent, but eventually the money making power-brokers take over and original causes become used solely for the benefit of these few.

The greatest benefactor of Simon was that ignorant fool Adolf Hitler, Simon certainly turned his spittle into profit, if it had not been for Hitler and the holocaust, Simon would not have the power he has today. The cry of “This must never be allowed to happen again” became one of Simon's passports to a behind the scenes power in the United Nations. It may seem that I am to a certain extent defending the Jews, and to a degree, I am.I have outlined all the facts from their earliest time in history, and although some of the points that I have mentioned may not seem relevant, they are, for all these things helped to serve the Jewish nature, until eventually it enabled Simon to develop.

I have outlined all these facts so that people may understand things better and not be misled into an anti-Jewish hate-session, because these Ordinary little unimportant Jews are the ones that these power-brokers throw in front of them when danger threatens their cause.Who is Simon? is he the HASIDIM or the ZIONIST movement, or a combination of the two?It does not matter, whatever these power-brokers call themselves is immaterial, we know their history and how they came about, we know the cause became perverted, we know the means by which they impose their will upon this world, and knowing these things we know that they have to be thwarted in their purpose, as they have shown that they are anti-free-will, and even god does not overpower the free-will of mankind.

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Another warning, do not be panicked by all this talk about the FEDERATION OF EARTH, which is aiming towards world government, this is only a stratagem to distract the people from what is really going on, it is also a world-wide scam for making money.

No government is going to surrender its sovereignty that easily, and anyway nations are protected by their constitutions and a thing of this gravity would have to go before the people in a referendum, it cannot be claimed by any government that they have a mandate to join such a thing unless it has been approved by a referendum of the people. Government plots and agreements with aliens from outer-space is another diversion for the most gullible.Most of what is put out by this manner, is from long-forgotten science fiction paper-backs and comics such as Eagle Comic. Check it out for yourselves if you don't believe me, start searching out these old paper-backs and comics about fifty to sixty years ago, but anyway a lot of money is being made around the fringes of all this.

I hope that what I have written may contribute to a more understanding and rational world. Please note that Dad Ra had the finger on the type writer long before the computer & the internet as indicated below. PS; Would you please make out photo - stat copies of this, and circulate among your friends and local politicians.

Put out by: Baime Cultural & Spiritual Research c/o [email protected] (ABN:44615835484) Copyright BOOMBA DJUNEBUN & NURUNDERI; Per THE ASSEMBLIES OF BAIAME SPIRITUAL ABORIGINAL CORPORATION AND THE RA-HARAKATE.'

As per our [Preface] in the Book of Yahi & The Book of Wisdom “we are truly indebted to our late Spiritual Mentor Ray Johnstone Master Research Agent Extraordinaire or Dad Ra as we called him; Below are some of his exceptional writings and works of which he wanted the world to know about.

GLOBALISATION. Man is incapable of calculating the final results of his actions, thus it is said that “The pathways to hell are paved with good intents”.

It is true that what is taking place in the world today, has originated from the Jewish source of “THE HASIDIM HA-RISHONIM”, but other worldly powers had to see what they believed to be some merit in the plan, to be able to put it into operation, but with the fallibility of the human mind, can we honestly say that any particular group of people can possibly work out what is beneficial for the world as a whole?

Before talking about globalisation and other things, we must first not only research what it is all about, but also the intentions about it.

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6 of 7The intentions behind most things are usually good, but bearing in mind that the pathways to hell are paved with good intents, we must also realise that these pathways are also stalked by packs of wolves in form of greedy moneyed people that are ready to turn every mistake into capital gain, we have a good example of this, in the way the multi-national companies have benefited out of the lifting of tariffs, brought about through the G.A.T.T. Conference. It seemed very good at the time to free up trade, and all these grand thoughts of equal playing fields etc.; but we are now aware of the damage these people with their good intentions have done. Let us take a look at what these do-good meddlers claim: -


1. Lacking World Government, nations have squandered many trillions of dollars in a nuclear arms race, deploying 50,000 bombs when exploding even 100 can wipe out civilisation, while nuclear wastes pose lethal hazards for 1000's of years.

2. The arms race continues to rob the people of all nations, while dozens of hot wars ensue.

3. A climate crisis has grown insidiously to where it is almost out of control. To reverse climate change, an emergency global campaign of 500 billion dollars per year should have been started long ago.

4. Dozens of environmental problems transcending national boundaries have proliferated without solutions.

5. Generations of billions of people suffer needless extreme poverty (especially in 3rd world countries) from lack of global finance system designed to serve human welfare.

6. Scores of other supra-national problems accumulate without solutions, and become more complex.

RESPONSIBLE GOVERNMENT MEANS. 7. A Legislative Parliament to which the citizens of Earth elect delegates.8. A World Executive and Administration responsible to the Parliament.

9. Mandatory World Courts with jurisdiction over all supra-national issues, together with all departments and agencies, designed for maximum human welfare.

10.Universal disarmament; non-military procedures for global administration and enforcement.

This plan is what these do-gooders have been trying to force upon us through the United Nations and all its agencies, and on the surface of it, it seems to be quite good, but then, is this not the case with most things of this nature? that is until the plans begin to become unstuck, and when this happens people suffer.Oh well! Back to the drawing board and let’s make some more mistakes. Where do these do-gooders go wrong?Well, first it is their arrogance, they know better than anyone else, therefore they have the right to decide other people’s destinies.

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7 of 7 They do not believe that the ordinary masses of people have the intelligence to have any input into those things which will effect their own lives. These great policy makers in their supreme wisdom overlook the simple facts of human nature, and that all people are different, also that what is beneficial for some, is beneficial for others. They overlook the nastiness of religious differences, of national pride, of age old enmities among people, of greedy parasites ready to grasp any situation for capital gain. They overlook the fact that the foundation has to be made right before their plans can hope to work, but how can they realise this when they themselves are part of these foundations? They must come to realise that a new world cannot be built on rotten foundations, for when the foundation is rotten all will crumble.

People must get rid of their religious dogmas and seek truth.The power of Governments must be truly vested in the Common people, and must be able to have input into those things which will effect their daily lives.all must get together and try to work out the solutions to their problems, and Governments must be more ready to listen to what these people say.THE GAP BETWEEN RICH AND POOR MUST BE LESSENED.

These are only some of the things that must be put right, but the main question is: - Will these present plans for a world government work? The answer is: - Not in this world the way it is at present. Two points that must always be remembered are: -


Put out by: Baime Cultural & Spiritual Research c/o [email protected] (ABN:44615835484) Copyright BOOMBA DJUNEBUN & NURUNDERI Per the; “Not for profit THE ASSEMBLIES OF BAIAME SPIRITUAL ABORIGINAL CORPORATION IS BUT AN EXTENSION TO OUR PPIRIVATE RESEARCH GROUP THE RA-HARAKATE. Whose teachings are about our Ancient Ancestral Beliefs in this world; All Painting prints, literature and sacred books distributed will enable further research, to grow the Cultural & Spiritual Heritage of all people upon the Planet.