Significance of Emotional Intelligence

Sikkim Manipal University DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SIGNIFICANCE OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND ITS IMPACT ON JOB SATISFACTION Submitted to Sikkim Manipal University In partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the award of Degree of Master of Business Administration 1

Transcript of Significance of Emotional Intelligence



Submitted to Sikkim Manipal University

In partial fulfillment of theRequirements for the award of Degree of

Master of Business Administration



1.      Name of the student   :     Ratika Asthana

     2. Enrolment No.     :   510919466

     3. Programme with subject :     M.B.A. in Applied Management 

4. Title of the project           : Emotional Intelligence

5. Period of Study    :  2008 -2010 

    6. Address of the candidate : 36 Ashok Nagar


7. PIN CODE- : 282002

Place:    Signature of the student  

Date:      Signature of the Guide   



I hereby declare that the project entitled “Emotional Intelligence "

submitted for the degree of Master of Business Administration in Applied

Management is my original work and the project has not formed the basis

for the award of any degree, diploma, associateship, fellowship or similar

other titles. it has not been submitted to any other university or institution for

the award of any degree or diploma.

Place: Name:

Date: Enrolment No……………

Signature of the student………………



“Sometimes our light goes out, But is blown into flame by another human being. I owe deepest thanks, To those who have rekindled this light” Acknowledgement is the perfect way to convey heartiest thanks to all outstanding


I consider myself fortunate to receive my summer training in an esteemed organization

like LIBERTY SHOES LTD. Yet the opportunity could not have been utilized without

the guidance and support of many individuals.

I am grateful to all staff members for providing me the required documents, which

lead to the successful completion of this project in its present shape.


Table of contents: SR. NO. PAGE NO. .


1.1 Emotional Intelligence 4

1.2 Job Satisfaction 12

1.3 EI and Performance 14

1.4 Use of EI in HR Application 14

1.5 Objective, Need, Scope and Research methodology 15

1.6 Research Methodology 15




5.0 SUMMARY 64

5.1 Findings 65

5.2 Limitations 66

5.3 Recommendations 67




1. Introduction to the Subject

In the present scenario, cut throat competition, stretched goals, cultural differences

among the diverse workforce and imbalanced work life have lead to increasing level of

stress in employees, also increase the job dissatisfaction. This satisfaction adversely

affects the performance of the employees and becomes an undesirable and paramount the

organization problem. Hence the scientific researchers shown that the emotional

intelligent person is more adaptive to the environment and more productive for the

organization. Therefore, tools stress due to the job dissatisfaction can prove to be

important for making the employees more efficient and effective. Research also reveal

that emotional quotient contributes 80% in the success of the person as compared to the

20% contribution of the intelligence quotient (IQ) only.

Therefore, EQ is undoubtedly a very important dimension of a person’s personality.

Researchers also suggest that Emotional Intelligence oriented interventions can be

successful tools for making employees more job satisfied and stress less.

By developing our Emotional Intelligence we can become more productive and

successful at what we do, and help others to be more productive and successful too. The

process and outcomes of Emotional Intelligence development also contains many

elements known to reduce stress for individuals and organizations, by decreasing

conflicts, improving relationships and understanding and increasing stability, continuity

and harmony which leads to the job satisfaction.

1.1 Emotional intelligence

To understand the concept of emotional intelligence,it would be useful to have an idea of

what emotions are . the word emotion comes from the latin word motere which means to

move this donates that all emotions induce desire to act the Oxford English dictionary

defines emotions as , any agitation or disturbance of mind ,feelings, passion.


Emotional intelligence is the “capacity for recognizing our own feelings and those of

others, motivating ourselves, and managing emotions well, in ourselves and in our

relationships”.from definition we can identify that emotional intelligence has two major




Personal competence includes awareness of the self, i.e understanding one own emotions,

feelings etc and management of the self, i.e the ability to deal with changing situations.

Social competence means social awareness and management of relationships. Social

awareness is the ability to understand the feelings of others while management of

relationships is the ability to work effectively with other persons.

According to (Higgs and Dulewicz ,1999), EI is to achieve one's goals through the ability

to manage one's own feelings and emotions, to be sensitive to, and influence and to

balance one's motives and drives with conscientious and ethical behavior. EI is

conceptualized as an intrapersonal construct in these definitions. According to other

academics, EI is related to understanding and managing ones own and others' feelings

and emotions (Cooper and Sawaf, 1998; Goleman, 1998).

(Salovey and Mayer 1990) defined EI as a form of social intelligence that involves the

ability to monitor one's own and others' feelings and emotions, to discriminate among

them, and to use this information to guide one's thinking and action. They conceptualized

EI as conceptually related mental abilities that can be divided into four branches

1. The ability to recognize emotion/Perception of emotion.

2. The ability to use emotions to assist the thought process

3. The ability to Understanding emotions./aware of emotion

4. The ability to Managing emotions (Mayer and Salovey, 1997).


The first branch involves the ability to understand emotions from the facial expression

and postures of a person . It involves the perception of a emotions expressed through non

verbal channels of communication .The second branch involves the ability to use

emotions to assist the thought process. Understanding emotions is the ability to

understand emotional information, to understand how emotions combine and progress

through relationship transitions, and to appreciate such emotional meanings. In addition

to these, managing emotions is the ability to be open to feelings, and to modulate them in

oneself and others so as to promote personal understanding and growth. It is also stated

that EI comes out if a person uses his or her competencies at the right time and place.

Thus, EI can be considered as emotional competencies that a person uses in self-

management and in relationships with others. These competencies supply effective

communication among individuals and control of emotions (Boyatzis et al. , 2000 ).

The concept of emotional intelligence received worldwide attention in 1995 with the

publication of the book Emotional Intelligence .Why It Can Matter More Than IQ by

Goleman .Goleman defined emotional intelligence as: “a different way of being smart .

It include knowing your feelings and using them to make good decision; managing your

feelings well; motivating yourself with zeal.

According to (Goleman, 1998), the emotional competencies are both linked to emotional

intelligence and they are based on emotional intelligence. EI indicates a person's

“potential” to learn basic practical skills. Emotional competencies indicate the degree of

application of the potential while working. These competencies are learned and they lead

to higher performance at offices/working areas. High EI does not guarantee the

development of emotional competencies, it only shows that there is a potential to improve

emotional competencies. Therefore, a certain level of emotional intelligence is necessary

to learn the emotional competencies (Gowing, 2001). For instance, the ability to

recognize exactly what another person is feeling enables one to develop a specific

competency such as influence. Similarly, people, who are able to regulate their emotions,

will find it easier to develop a competency such as initiative or achievement drive

(Cherniss, 2000).


Goleman attests that the best remedy for battling our emotional shortcomings is

preventive medicine. In other words, we need to place as much importance on teaching

our children the essential skills of Emotional Intelligence as we do on more traditional

measures like IQ and GPA.

"Emotional Intelligence is a master aptitude, a capacity that profoundly affects all other

abilities, either facilitating or interfering with them."--Daniel Goleman

The term encompasses the following five characteristics and abilities:

Self-awareness--knowing your emotions, recognizing feelings as they occur, and

discriminating between them

Mood management--handling feelings so they're relevant to the current situation

and you react appropriately

Self-motivation--"gathering up" your feelings and directing yourself towards a

goal, despite self-doubt, inertia, and impulsiveness

Empathy--recognizing feelings in others and tuning into their verbal and

nonverbal cues

Managing relationships--handling interpersonal interaction, conflict resolution,

and negotiations


Goleman’s definition of emotional intelligence proposes four broad domains of EQ

which consist of 19 competencies:

Self-Awareness Emotional self-awareness: Reading one's own emotions and recognizing their


Accurate self-assessment; knowing one's strengths and limits

Self-confidence; a sound sense of one's self-worth and capabilities


Emotional self-control: Keeping disruptive emotions and impulses under


Transparency: Displaying honesty and integrity; trustworthiness

Adaptability: Flexibility in adapting to changing situations or overcoming


Achievement: The drive to improve performance to meet inner standards of


Initiative: Readiness to act and seize opportunities

Optimism: Seeing the upside in events


Social Awareness

Empathy: Sensing others' emotions, understanding their perspective, and

taking active interest in their concerns

Organizational awareness: Reading the currents, decision networks, and politics at

the organizational level

Service: Recognizing and meeting follower, client, or customer needs

Relationship Management

Inspirational leadership: Guiding and motivating with a compelling vision

Influence: Wielding a range of tactics for persuasion

Developing others: Bolstering others' abilities through feedback and guidance

Change catalyst: Initiating, managing, and leading in a new direction

Conflict management: Resolving disagreements

Building bonds: Cultivating and maintaining a web of relationships

Teamwork and collaboration: Cooperation and team building


Emotions are all-pervasive in an organisation. These emotions can either positive and

negative .Both these types of emotion will have an effect on the behavior of

employees and this in turn will affect the total organizational culture.


Many organisational problems such as absenteeism, high employee turnover, decreased

productivity,etc, can have their roots in the negative emotions in the organization to


which authorities have not paid attention. Some of the indicators for the existence of

negative emotions at the workplace are the following.

Poor working conditions

Lack of job security

Lack of team effort

Poor career prospects

Employees who are not suited for the job

Very high or low levels of stress

Lack of job security

Constant fear of change in the organisation

Negative emotions that are not recognized can become toxic in an organisation. If unchecked ,these emotion can lead the organization into serious trouble, affecting the normal work-flow of the organization . following are some of the existence of negative emotions at the workplace.

Low productivity


High employee turnover

Lack of motivation

Increase in conflicts

Loss of team spirit

Loss of faith in organisation

Reduction in production quality

Increase in customer complaints



Positive emotions in the workplace are those which helps in achievements of

organisatoinal goals. They can lead to high morale, improved performance, and better

job satisfaction. People who have positive emotions can think better and do their work

more effectively. Healthy employees are the asset of organisation as there will be

reduced absenteeism due to sickness and as a result ,reduced on spending on medical



Many Indian organisation have realized the importance of emotional intelligence and

have come out with innovative ways to motivate employees who are high on emotional

quotient and low on monetary cost to the organisation .These ‘reward and recognition’

programs which include cash incentives ,gift certificates, and stock plans ,and paid

holiday packages-all of which are aimed at motivating the employees emotionally.

Emotional Intelligence as a factor for managerial promotions in Tata Group

The Tata group which has about 10,000 managers all together , has developed a method

to continuously evaluate its managers with a high level of objectivity. They have

developed a matrix which tracks the emotional intelligence which they call ‘energy’ of

their managers against intuition which they call ‘experience’ . The distinctive leaders as

per this matrix have multi-location and multi-functional ‘experience’. they should also

have a high level of physical , emotional , and intellectual energy.

The analysis provided by the matrix helps the group to keep track of the potential leaders

in the group and utilize their abilities for the betterment of the group . the matrix is fairly


easy to follow and provides a rational basis for tracking key managers and in

idennnnnnntifying high performers or proven leaders.

L’Oreal’s experiment with Emotionally Intelligent Salespersons

Cosmetic major L’Oreal gives importance to emotional intelligence as one of the criteria

for selecting applicants for sales jobs. The company realized that the sales staff chosen

on the basis of emotional intelligence was more productive than those who were not

selected on this basis . the sales staff chosen on the basis of emotional intelligence

achieved higher sales figures than those who were not selected based on emotional

intelligence as one of the selection criteria . it was also observed that the sales staff that

was choosen on the basis of emotional intelligence stayed longer at the job than others.

1.2 Job satisfaction

Job satisfaction refer to the collection of feelings that an individual holds towards his or her job . A person with a high level of job satisfaction holds positive feelings about the job , while a person who is dissatisfied with his or her job holds negative feelings about a job .

Job satisfaction describes how content an individual is with his or her job. Job

satisfaction has been defined as a pleasurable emotional state resulting from the appraisal

of one’s job, an affective reaction to one’s job, and an attitude towards one’s job. (Weiss

2002) has argued that job satisfaction is an attitude but points out that researchers should

clearly distinguish the objects of cognitive evaluation which are affect (emotion), beliefs

and behaviours. This definition suggests that we form attitudes towards our jobs by taking

into account our feelings, our beliefs, and our behaviors. The happier people are within

their job, the more satisfied they are said to be. Job satisfaction is not the same as

motivation, although it is clearly linked. Job design aims to enhance job satisfaction and

performance, methods include job rotation, job enlargement and job enrichment. Other

influences on satisfaction include the management style and culture, employee

involvement, empowerment and autonomous work groups. Job satisfaction is a very

important attribute which is frequently measured by organizations.


1.2.1 Job satisfaction and emotions

Mood and emotions while working are the raw materials which cumulate to form the

affective element of job satisfaction. (Weiss and Cropanzano, 1996). Moods tend to be

longer lasting but often weaker states of uncertain origin, while emotions are often more

intense, short-lived and have a clear object or cause. There is some evidence in the

literature that state moods are related to overall job satisfaction. Positive and negative

emotions were also found to be significantly related to overall job satisfaction. Frequency

of experiencing net positive emotion will be a better predictor of overall job satisfaction

than will intensity of positive emotion when it is experienced. Emotion regulation and

emotion labor are also related to job satisfaction. Emotion work (or emotion

management) refers to various efforts to manage emotional states and displays. Emotion

regulation includes all of the conscious and unconscious efforts to increase, maintain, or

decrease one or more components of an emotion. Although early studies of the

consequences of emotional labor emphasized its harmful effects on workers, studies of

workers in a variety of occupations suggest that the consequences of emotional labor are

not uniformly negative.

It was found that suppression of unpleasant emotions decreases job satisfaction and the

amplification of pleasant emotions increases job satisfaction. The understanding of how

emotion regulation relates to job satisfaction concerns two models:

1. Emotional dissonance . Emotional dissonance is a state of discrepancy between

public displays of emotions and internal experiences of emotions, that often

follows the process of emotion regulation. Emotional dissonance is associated

with high emotional exhaustion, low organizational commitment, and low job


Social interaction model. Taking the social interaction perspective, workers’ emotion regulation might beget responses from others during interpersonal encounters that subsequently impact their own job satisfaction. For example: The accumulation of favorable responses to displays of pleasant emotions might positively affect job


satisfaction. Performance of emotional labor that produces desired outcomes could increase job satisfaction

1.3 EI and performance

A study of Indian situation confirmed the positive interrelationship between job satisfaction , job performance and job motivation.

Recent studies showed that EI based competencies are better predictors of performance

than IQ by itself (Cherniss, 2000; Feist and Barron, 1996; Snarey and Vaillant, 1985).

Success depends on not only EI, but also EI based on competencies (Goleman, 2001a).

Emotional competencies indicate the level of individuals' work performance. That is to

say, even though they have similar IQ levels, individuals may have different work

performance because of their EI. (Sevinc, 2001; Emmerling and Goleman, 2003). A

discriminate function analysis indicated that EI scores were able to fairly identify high

and low performers (Bar-On, 2005). An analysis of job competencies at 286

organizations worldwide by Spencer and Spencer (1993) indicated that eighteen of the 21

competencies in their generic model for distinguishing superior from average performers

were EI based (Goleman, 2001b).

McClelland (1998) investigated that the division of leaders of a global food and beverage

company with a critical mass of strengths in EI competencies outperformed yearly

revenue targets by a margin of 15 to 20 percent. Among life insurance company CEOs,

the very best in terms of corporate growth and profit were those who drew upon a wide

range of emotional competencies (Goleman, 2000). (Boyatzis's ,1999) research showed

that experienced partners at a large consulting firm contributed significantly more profit

to the firm from their accounts if they had demonstrated a significant number of the

emotional competencies.

1.4 Use of EI in HR applications

The importance of emotional competencies and their relation to performance lead

organizations to develop and maintain emotional intelligence in their present employees

(Emmerling and Goleman, 2003). Therefore, human resources (HR) departments use


more emotional competencies based applications. There are basically two ways to

increase emotional intelligence in an organization:

1. Hire people who are emotionally intelligent.

2. Develop emotional intelligence of the current employees (Jacobs, 2001).

For both of the applications organizations need to determine competency models for

every position and job that describe the key competencies that are required for a certain

job (McLagan, 1980). These competency models can be either set for the organization

itself or determined for every occupation groups such as sale, marketing, HR.

1.5 Objective, Need, Scope And Research Methodology

1.5.1 Research Design

Research Design is a series of advanced decisions that taken together comprise a master

plan or model for the conduct of an investigation. So research design provides a

framework of plan for study, which guides the collection, measurement, analysis, and

interpretation of the data. The research carried out here is descriptive in nature.

Descriptive research provides data about the population or universe being studied. It can

describe 5 W’s, 1H i.e. what, when, why, who, where, and how.

1.5.2 Sample Design and Size

The population of study is corporate office LIBERTY SHOES Ltd. And the sample size

of 100 employees working in Corporate office, LIBERTY Ltd. This study is based on

convenience sampling for which areas of are limited to LIBERTY SHOES Ltd,Karnal.

1.5.3 Method of Data Collection


The fourth step of research methodology is data collection. It can be done through

primary or secondary techniques. In this study both the techniques are used to collect the


To collect primary data a survey will be conducted on Employee Satisfaction

through a questionnaire, which will be filled by the employees of Corporate

Office. Various questions will be asked to gain maximum information from the


For secondary data I have referred journals, magazines and Internet.

1.5.4 Scaling Technique

Scaling techniques is used in this survey, for understanding the co-relation between

emotional intelligence and job satisfaction and the answers of the respondents are

elucidated by asking them to indicate their level of agreement on a given five point likert

scale with values ranging from “1” (strongly disagree) to “5” (strongly agree).

1.5.5 Hypotheses formation

In order to fulfill my first objective, following hypotheses is formed.

H0- There is no correlation between job satisfaction and emotional intelligence.

Ha- There is a correlation between job satisfaction and emotional intelligence.

1.5.6 Data Analysis and Interpretation

Weighted average will be calculated for all the values on the Likert scale and

CORELATION will be applied to check the relation between Emotional intelligence and

Job satisfaction.


The data is processed and analyzed by tabulation interpretation so that the findings can be

communicated and can be easily understood. The findings are presented in the best

possible way. Tables and graphs will be used for illustration of principal findings of the


Overview of the industryDevelopment of the footwear industry in India

The footwear industry in India has been dominated by the unorganized sector. The

market size of the domestic footwear industry is around Rs120bn-150bn. According to

Liberty's estimates the organized sector occupies only 25% of the entire domestic

footwear market. Benefits available to the unorganized sector have given them an

opportunity to produce shoes at a much lower cost. Besides the dominance of the

unorganized sector, the footwear industry in India is driven only by necessity. The

average consumption of shoes is low at 0.6 pair per person as compared to the average

consumption of shoes world over which is 5-6 pairs per person. Footwear consumption in

India is not yet driven by fashion. The majority demand of shoes comes from need based

shoes like hawai chappals, 8 school shoes and plastic footwear. One of the primary

reasons for footwear not developing into an important fashion accessory is due to the lack

of availability of good footwear brands due to the large presence of the unorganized

market. Besides low consumption of shoes, the Indian footwear market is also

characterized by low average realizations which are presently close to Rs150 per shoe.

Footwear, as an industry has not been given the necessary opportunity to thrive. Tax

structure on footwear is higher as compared to tax on apparels. The excise on footwear is

16% while that on apparels in nil. VAT on footwear is also higher at 12% as compared to

4% on apparels With growth in organized retail as well as increasing consumer spend we

expect strong growth in the footwear sector. According to The Marketing Whitebook,

2005, 13% of a consumer's expenditure in organized retail is on footwear (Refer Exhibit

13). The average consumption of shoes in India is expected to go up to 1-1.5 pairs per

person over the next 2-3 years from the current average consumption of 0.6 pairs per


person. Along with consumption the average realization per shoe is also expected to go

up to Rs.300 from Rs.150 as on date. The recent introduction of the VAT regime has

given an opportunity to the organized sector to increase their share in the footwear

market. In this changing scenario in the footwear market, we believe that Liberty's

strategy of introducing various price points to cater to different income groups will help

them in garnering a greater market share. Moving up the value chain by introducing

brands to cater to higher income groups as well as putting up retail shops in malls will

auger well for the company. This strategy will help establish their

brands as well as increase margins. Another interesting aspect is the company's change in

focus from men's shoes to concentrating on shoes for the entire family.


Liberty Shoes Ltd. is the only Indian company that is among the top 5 manufacturers of

leather footwear in the world with a turnover exceeding U.S. $100 million. It produce

more than 50,000 pairs of footwear a day covering virtually every age group and income

category. Products are marketed across the globe through 150 distributors, 350 exclusive

showrooms and over 6000 multi-brand outlets, and sold in thousands every day in more

than 25 countries including fashion-driven, quality-obsessed nations like France, Italy,

and Germany.We produce more than 50,000 pairs of footwear a day covering virtually

every age group and income category. Products are marketed across the globe through

150 distributors, 350 exclusive showrooms and over 6000 multi-brand outlets, and sold in

thousands every day in more than 25 countries including fashion-driven, quality-obsessed

nations like France, Italy, and Germany

Review of literature

Goleman (1998) research demonstrates that Emotional Intelligence has proven to be

twice as important as any other competency in any job role. The tougher and more

challenging the role the more Emotional Intelligence becomes the important factor in

success. Sales people, high in emotional intelligence, have proven to outperform others


by up to 319%. He also found that 90% of exceptional leaders results are attributed to

their Emotional Intelligence and observed that being successful is much more than just

intelligence. IQ only accounts for about 4% to 20% of results. It shows the critical factor

for sustained achievement is not only a function of ability or talent but 80% of

achievement is dependent on Emotional Intelligence.

McClelland (1999) found that when senior managers had a critical mass of emotional

intelligence capabilities, their divisions outperformed yearly earnings goals by 20%.

Division leaders without that critical mass under performed by almost the same amount."

He found that the more positive the overall moods of people in the top management team,

the more cooperatively they worked together - and the better the company's business


Egon Zehnder (2000) found that Emotional Intelligence Leads to Success in Top

Executives. Around the World For 515 senior executives analysed, those who were

primarily strong in emotional intelligence were more likely to succeed than those who

were strongest in either relevant previous experience or IQ. In other words, emotional

intelligence was a better predictor of success than either relevant previous experience or

high IQ. More specifically, the executive was high in emotional intelligence in 74 percent

of the successes and only in 24 percent of the failures The study included executives in

Latin America, Germany, and Japan, and the results were almost identical in all three


George, J.M. (2000) reported that in Working With Emotional Intelligence, 80-90% of

the competencies that differentiate top performers are in the domain of emotional

intelligence. While IQ and other factors are important, it's clear that emotional

intelligence is essential to optimal performance. Leaders excellence begins and ends with

their inner resources: “Executives who fail to develop self-awareness risk falling into an

emotionally deadening routine that threatens their true selves. Indeed a reluctance to

explore your inner landscape not only weakens your own motivation but can also corrode

your ability to inspire others.


John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. (2000) investigates in his study the relationship between the

gender composition of an employee's work group and the employee's job satisfaction,

using a random sample over 1600 U.S. workers. After controlling possible confounding

variables, analysis shows that the level of an employee's job satisfaction is related to the

gender composition of the employee's work group, and that the relationship of these

variables does not differ between male and female employees. Both men and women

working in gender-balanced groups have higher levels of job satisfaction than those who

work in homogeneous groups. Employees working in groups containing mostly men have

the lowest levels of job satisfaction, with those working in groups containing mostly

women falling in the middle. These results are consistent with predictions based on

Blau's theory of social structure, that satisfaction would be highest for employees in more

heterogeneous groups

McClelland (2000) reviewed 30 companies and found that higher EI scores

differentiated the top performers from average ones. Some of the companies reviewed by

them are: In a landmark study of one of the UK's largest restaurant groups, there was

clear evidence that emotionally intelligent leaders were more effective. Managers high in

emotional intelligence had restaurants that outperformed others with increased guest

satisfaction, lower turnover, and 34% greater profit growth. The link between EQ and

leadership was also clear at PepsiCo. In a pilot project, executives selected for EQ

competencies far outperformed their colleagues, delivering, 10% increase in productivity,

87% decrease in executive turnover ($4m), $3.75m added economic value, over 1000%

return on investment. In organizations where leadership is most visible, the affect

(emotional behavior) of the leaders plays a major role. It could be seen clearly in the way

some teams "walk on tip toes" when the boss is "having a bad day." Perhaps that's why

their study showed the most effective leaders in the US Navy use EQ behaviors -- they

are warmer, more outgoing, emotionally expressive, dramatic, and sociable. A study

conducted by him of 358 leaders within Johnson and Johnson identified a strong link

between superior performing leaders and emotional competence. The conclusion is

powerful: "Emotional competence differentiates successful leaders."


HayGroup (2000) found that there is a great deal of research that links emotional

intelligence with individual performance and organizational productivity. Partners high in

emotional intelligence in a consulting firm delivered 139% more profit from their

accounts than other partners. Sales people trained in emotional intelligence competencies

achieved a sustained 87% improvement in sales and the training delivered in excess of

2000% return on investment in the first year. Sales people selected on emotional

intelligence competencies had 63% less turnover than those selected in the traditional

way. Insurance sales people strong in emotional intelligence sold policies on average of

twice the value of those low in emotional intelligence. Exceptional leaders attributed 90%

of their success to their emotional intelligence.

Eq Consortium (2000) A study of 80 Ph.D.’s in science who underwent a battery of

personality tests, IQ tests, and interviews in the 1950s when they were graduate students

at Berkeley. Forty years later, when they were in their early seventies, they were tracked

down and estimates were made of their success based on resumes, evaluations by experts

in their own fields, and sources like American Men and Women of Science. It turned out

that social and emotional abilities were four times more important than IQ in establishing

professional success and prestige.

Benjamin Schneider (2001) found that whatever kind of organization you run, a primary

measure of success would be the way your customers perceive you. Your organization's

ability to attract and retain customers requires far more than customer satisfaction. To

create loyal customers, organizations must endeavor for "customer delight.” Emotional

intelligence is at the core of relationships, and a sales maxim is that” relationships are

everything." Just how much do relationship factors affect sales and the customer’s view

of your organization? And what internal skills do your people need to create customer

delight? MetLife selected salespeople on the basis of optimism -- one of the emotional

intelligence competencies -- they outsold other MetLife salespeople by 37%. So the

emotional skills of people in your organization have a profound affect on the relationship

between the organization and your customers.


Boyatzis (2002) found in research conducted in Deming Center for Quality Management

that 50% of time wasted in business is due to lack of trust. In other words, emotional

intelligence has a profound impact on productivity and individual success. Perhaps that's

one reason why after a Motorola manufacturing facility used HeartMath's stress and EQ

programs, 93% of employees had an increase in productivity. Likewise, after supervisors

in a manufacturing plant received training in emotional competencies, lost-time accidents

were reduced by 50%, formal grievances were reduced from an average of 15 per year to

3 per year, and the plant exceeded productivity goals by $250,000.

that many organizations view EQ as an investment they might make when they have

Davidson (2002) found a significant correlation between the interpersonal emotional

component and specific performance. Thus the capacities of empathy, social

responsibility and social relations may predict better performance in the specific

characters of IA. Moreover, the correlation between EI and adjustment dimensions

showed significantly higher correlations; while cultural adjustment is not correlated with

any EI dimensions, interaction fit correlates with all the EI dimensions except for stress

management; adjustment at the work place was only correlated with intrapersonal

emotional component. The correlation between adjustment variables and success

variables shows that cultural adjustment is positively correlated with satisfaction among

global managers. Adjustment at work correlates negatively with the wish to terminate the

assignment. In other words, those who adjust less well to work show greater interest in

terminating their assignment.

Matthews, G., Zeidner, M., & Roberts, R. D. (2002) found that the primary reason

people leave a job is relationship based. One of the key factors is the quality of the

relationship between the employee and her/his supervisor/manager. As leadership guru

Richard Leider says, "People don't leave companies -- they leave leaders." What

distinguishes relationships that lead to retention? They found the relationship between EI

and effective leadership. Understanding precisely how EI relates to effective leadership

may have several implications for human resource practitioners and leadership search

firms, particularly in the area of selection and leadership development. Specifically,


aspects of EI identified as underlying attributes of effective leaders may provide

additional selection criteria for identifying potentially effective leaders. Moreover,

research on EI and effective leadership may identify new sets of emotion-based skills,

which could be used in leadership training and development programs to enhance

leadership effectiveness. The knowledge gained from research into EI and leadership may

increase the understanding of effective leadership and help produce powerful tools for the

selection, and training and development of leaders, potentially enhancing organizational

climates and performance.

Dainy.N.garrison (2003) found in his study, “The Impact of Employee Attitudes on

Market Response and Financial Performance” that how employee satisfaction and

engagement drive an organization’s bottom-line success, even if those employees have no

direct contact with customers. Results of the study suggest that influencing customer

behavior goes beyond advertising, beyond delivering on a brand’s “promise,” beyond

customer service and beyond product research and development. Influencing customer

behavior, which in turn affects an organization’s success, also requires specific efforts to

maximize employee engagement and satisfaction. The study addresses a universal

business principal: it is far less costly, and more fiscally prudent; to serve and nurture

relationships with current customers than it is to acquire new customers.

James R (2003) explored the emotion work of leadership, which was defined, as the need

to manage ones owns emotions and to influence the emotions of others. The recently

renewed interest in emotions in the field of organizational behavior, as demonstrated in

recent research that focused on emotion in the workplace, emotion intelligence, and the

emotional aspects of transformational leadership. They discussed the challenges that

global leaders face when dealing with emotions and emotional display in unfamiliar

cultures. Finally, suggested the ways that increasing cultural intelligence might help

global leaders meet these challenges.

Judith Timson (2004) observes that it is one emotion that is purely up to the individual

to define and identify for herself. For workplace leaders, this knowledge can be very


useful in maintaining high levels of employee satisfaction within your company. Giving

employees challenging (but not unrealistically so) and new opportunities and projects can

help keep them interested in doing their job, which can in turn keep productivity levels

high. This is also good to keep in mind when there is a job opening in your company;

hiring from within will not only save on training costs, it will also provide employees in

new positions with new challenges to keep them stimulated. Timson also notes that

another source of satisfaction is in knowing that you have done something well, so

leaders should also take care to offer genuine positive feedback. Compliments are

excellent motivators, if they are heartfelt, and they are free to give, so make sure your

employees know when they are doing a good job. High levels of employee satisfaction

are correlated to high levels of productivity and low levels of absenteeism, so companies

can save money by contracting a consulting firm to measure for employee satisfaction

and to identify areas that can be improved to increase employee satisfaction

Meeking Alan (2005) that job satisfaction is one of those terms that might mean different

things to different people. For some there is no satisfaction in any kind of work. For

others, all their personal dignity comes from their job. Job satisfaction can be measured in

terms of money, status, benefits, pension schemes and holiday bonuses. A good employer

will, of course, acre about all of these issues. Productivity is however, their main

responsibility. At times, this sets up a conflict between a workers job satisfaction and

employers needs. This then is when unions appear most necessary. Their stated goal is to

assure workers rights and create a decent working environment. Thus, job satisfaction

does have an impact on union membership.

Semra Ayden (2005) explained the effect of emotional intelligence and its dimensions

on job satisfaction and organizational commitment of nurses had been investigated in this

study. This paper examined the relations among emotional intelligence, job satisfaction

and organizational commitment of nurses and the mediating effect of job satisfaction

between emotional intelligence and organizational commitment. It was found that job

satisfaction is a mediator between emotional intelligence and organizational commitment.

The other findings of the study was that self-emotional appraisal have direct effects on


organizational commitment whereas job satisfaction is a mediator between “regulation of

emotion” and organizational commitment.

Cooper Cary (2007) warned that even a modest drop in job satisfaction could and can

lead to emotional burnout of "considerable clinical importance." Depression and anxiety

were now the most common reasons for people starting to claim long-term sickness

benefits, overtaking reported illnesses such as back pain. He said;"Employers should

seriously look at tackling the consequences of job dissatisfaction and related health

problems with innovative policies. This would be a wise investment given the potential

substantial economic and psychological costs of unhappy or dissatisfied workers.

Workers who are satisfied by and in their jobs are more likely to be healthier as well as

happier. New working practices and technological advances are rapidly changing the way

we work. Many jobs are becoming more automated and inflexible. Organizations are

reducing their permanent workforce and converting to 'outsourcing', which is increasing

feelings of job insecurity. These trends have contributed to a 'workaholic' culture

throughout the UK and Europe-a climate that is impacting negatively in the levels of

enjoyment and satisfaction that employees gain from their work." Line workers at every

level are feeling these effects and most are unaware that something constructive can be

done. Management- from senior to junior- has a real part to play in developing EQ within

the workplace, which is benefit, filled. Businesses, which are progressive and forward

thinking, should consider EQ awareness through education to benefit its most vital

resource-its employees. Emotional Intelligence has been shown to develop people and

working practice which in its turn, improves that all important efficiency and ‘bottom


David (2007) This investigation among 158 freshmen examined the association between

emotional intelligence (emotional-relevant abilities) and stress (feeling of inability to

control life events), considering personality (self-perception of the meta-emotion traits of

clarity, intensity and attention) as a moderating variable. Results suggest that emotional

intelligence is potentially helpful in reducing stress for some individuals,, but

unnecessary or irrelevant for others. We highlight results among the highly stressed

intense but confused participants in particular because they have average emotional


intelligence, but do not appear to use it, presumably because they lack confidence in their

emotional ability.



4.1 Salary

4.1.1 Table

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Disagree Strongly Disagree

19 39 9 27 6

Figure 4.1.1


Interpretation: This shows that most of the employees at LIBERTY are satisfied with

the salary provided to them as 39% of the respondent agrees and 19% strongly agree that

the salary provide to them is sufficient and satisfactory whereas 27% disagree and 6%

strongly disagree that they are not satisfied with the salary provided by company.

4.2 Benefits

4.2.1 Table

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Disagree Strongly Disagree

18 38 13 24 7

Figure 4.2.1

Interpretation: This shows that most of the employees are satisfied with the benefits that

are provided by LIBERTY as 38% of the respondents agree to the statement and 18%

strongly agree whereas 24% disagree and only 7% strongly disagree that they are not

satisfied with the benefits that are provided to them by the company.


4.3 Frequency and amount of bonuses

4.3.1 Table

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Disagree Strongly Disagree

19 36 8 30 7

Figure 4.3.1

Interpretation: 36% of the respondents agree that they are satisfied with the amount and

frequency of bonuses provided to them, 19% of the respondents strongly agree and 8%

shows an indifferent attitude towards the statement whereas 30% disagree and 7%


strongly disagree that they are not at all satisfied with the amount and frequency of

bonuses that are provided to them by the company.

4.4 Connection between pay and performance

4.4.1 Table

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Disagree Strongly Disagree

17 39 15 24 5

Figure 4.4.1

Interpretation: 39% respondents agree that there is a connection between pay and

performance and 17% strongly agree whereas 15% shows an indifferent attitude and 24%


disagree that there is no connection between pay and performance and 5% strongly

disagree to the statement.

4.5 Security and administration of your pension plans

4.5.1 Table

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Disagree Strongly Disagree

19 47 13 17 4

Figure 4.5.1

Interpretation: Maximum number of the respondents feel that there is security and

administration of their pension plans as 47% of the respondents agree to the statement


and 19% strongly agree and very less respondents disagree to the statement as only 17%

disagree and 4% strongly disagree.

4.6 Workload

4.6.1 Table

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Disagree Strongly Disagree

20 49 20 9 2

Figure 4.6.1

Interpretation: The result shows that there is a lot of workload as 49% of the

respondents agree and 20% strongly agree that there is a excessive work load in


LIBERTY, 20% of the respondents showed an indifferent attitude and very less disagree

i.e. only 9% and 2% strongly disagree that their no workload in the company.

4.7 Flexibility of working hours

4.7.1 Table

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Disagree Strongly Disagree

18 18 21 39 4

Figure 4.7.1


Interpretation: This shows that most of the people are dissatisfied by the flexibility of

hours provided by LIBERTY as 39% of the people disagree that the company is not

providing flexibility of hours and 18% agree and strongly agree that the company is

providing flexibility of hours and 21% of the respondent shows an indifferent attitude

towards the statement.

4.8 Physical working conditions

4.8.1 Table

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Disagree Strongly Disagree

19 43 24 12 2

Figure 4.8.1

Interpretation: Most of the respondents are satisfied by the physical working conditions

as 43% of the respondents agree that the physical working conditions provided by the


company to them are satisfactory and 19% strongly agree. Only 12% disagree and 2%

strongly disagree that they are not at all satisfied with the physical working conditions

that are provided by the company.

4.9 Opportunity for advancement

4.9.1 Table

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Disagree Strongly Disagree

3 25 15 43 14

Figure 4.9.1

Interpretation: The result showed that most of the employees are dissatisfied with the

career advancement opportunities that are provided at LIBERTY as 43% disagree with


the statement and 14% strongly disagree whereas only 3% strongly agree and 25% agree

that LIBERTY provides good opportunity for advancement.

4.10 Job security

4.10.1 Table

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Disagree Strongly Disagree

6 19 28 38 9

Figure 4.10.1

Interpretation: This shows that most of the people are dissatisfied with the statement as

there is less job security in LIBERTY as 38% disagree and responded that there is no job


security and 9% strongly disagree whereas only 6% of the respondents strongly agree and

19% agree that job security is provided by LIBERTY.

4.11 Ability to influence decisions that affect you.

4.11.1 Table

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Disagree Strongly Disagree

5 20 19 41 15

Figure 4.11.1

Interpretation: The result shows that the employees don’t have any access to the ability

to take the decisions that affect them as most of them have shown a negative attitude

towards the statement as 41% disagree and 15% strongly disagree whereas only 5%


strongly agree and 20% agree that they are able to influence the decisions that affect


4.12 Opportunity to work on interesting projects

4.12.1 Table

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Disagree Strongly Disagree

6 17 30 37 10

Figure 4.12.1

Interpretation: this shows that the employees at LIBERTY don’t get enough opportunity

to work on interesting projects as 37% of the respondents disagree with the statement and


10% strongly disagree that they don’t get any opportunity to work on interesting projects.

Only 17% agree and 6% strongly agree with the statement.

4.13 Access to company sponsored training and seminars

4.13.1 Table

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Disagree Strongly Disagree

3 15 25 45 12

Figure 4.13.1

Interpretation: This shows that employees at LIBERTY are highly dissatisfied with the

training and seminars that are sponsored by the company and that employees have no


access to such seminars as most of the respondents disagree with the statement i.e. 45%

disagree and 12% strongly disagree where as only 15% agree and 3% strongly agree that

they have an access to training and seminar and are satisfied with them.

4.14 Transparency in company’s policies

4.14.1 Table

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Disagree Strongly Disagree

15 30 20 35 0

Figure 4.14.1

Interpretation: 30% of the respondents agree that their is transparency in companies

policies, 15% strongly agree, 20% of the respondents shows an indifferent attitude and


356% of the respondents disagree and responded that there is no transparency in

companies policies.

4.15 Communication with your supervisor

4.15.1 Table

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Disagree Strongly Disagree

10 30 23 35 2

Figure 4.15.1


Interpretation: the chart shows that 35% of the respondents are dissatisfied with the

communication with their supervisor and 2% strongly disagree whereas 23% of the

respondents showed an indifferent attitude towards the statement. 30% agree that their

communication with their supervisor is good and 10% strongly agree.

4.16 Your overall relation with your supervisor

4.16.1 Table

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Disagree Strongly Disagree

10 30 23 35 2

Figure 4.16.1


Interpretation: This shows that 30% of the respondents agree, 10% strongly agree that

their overall relation with their supervisor is good, 23% showed an indifferent attitude

and 35% of the respondents disagree that they are not satisfied with the overall relation

with their supervisor.

4.17 Your relationship with your peers

4.17.1 Table

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Disagree Strongly Disagree

15 49 15 21 0

Figure 4.17.1


Interpretation: this shows that employees are satisfied with their relation with their

supervisor to greater extent as 49% of the respondents agree and 15% strongly agree with

the statement, 15% of the respondents shows an indifferent attitude and 21% disagree that

they are not satisfied with their relation with the peers.

4.18 Your overall satisfaction with your job

4.18.1 Table

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Disagree Strongly Disagree

15 33 10 37 5

Figure 4.18.1

Interpretation: Most of the employees are satisfied as 33% of the respondents agree,

15% strongly agree with the statement, 10% of the respondents shows an indifferent


attitude and 37% of them disagree, 5% strongly disagree and showed their dissatisfaction

towards their job.

4.19 Negative feelings help me to address what I need to change in my life.

4.19.1 Table

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Disagree Strongly Disagree

33 30 10 15 12

4.19.1 Figure

Interpretation: This shows that 33% of the respondents strongly agree that

unconsciously but negative feelings help them to address the change in the life and 30%

agree, 10% show indifferent attitude towards the statement, 15% disagree and there are


12% people who strongly disagree with this statement as they find it difficult to handle

the negative feelings. Large population in LIBERTY Ltd. is there who are able to manage

their negative feelings.

4.20 I use both positive and negative emotions as a source of wisdom about how to navigate my life.

4.20.1 Table

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Disagree Strongly Disagree

16 32 18 16 18

Figure 4.20.1


Interpretation: This shows that large population agree that their negative and positive

emotions are the source of wisdom to navigate their life as 16% strongly agree and 32%

agree to the statement and 16% disagree, 18% strongly disagree that they don’t consider

their emotions as the source to navigate their life and 18% of the population shows an

indifferent attitude towards the statement.

4.21 I am able to motivate myself to try and try again in face of setbacks.

4.21.1 Table

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Disagree Strongly Disagree

18 22 28 18 14

Figure 4.21.1

Interpretation: The result shows that 18% of people strongly agree that they are able to

motivate themselves to face the setbacks, 22% agree with the statement, 28% people


shows an indifferent attitude whereas 18% disagree and 14% strongly disagree that they

are unable to motivate themselves to face the setbacks.

4.22 I am calm under pressure.

4.22.1 Table

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Disagree Strongly Disagree

21 19 8 27 25

Figure 4.22.1

Interpretation: This shows that 21% strongly agree and 19% agree that they are able to

remain calm under pressure, which is very good for their work life where as 27%,

disagree and 25% strongly disagree to manage the workload or pressure with calmness.


This shows that large population is unable to manage the workload or pressure whereas

8% shows an indifferent attitude towards the statement.

4.23 I am effective at listening to other people problem

4.23.1 Table

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Disagree Strongly Disagree

34 28 9 17 12

Figure 4.23.1

Interpretation: This shows that 34% of the respondents strongly agree that they are

effective at listening to other people problem and 28% of the respondents agree, 9%


shows an indifferent attitude whereas 17% disagree and 12% strongly disagree that they

are not at all effective at listening to other’s problems. That means maximum respondents

at LIBERTY Ltd. are effective at listening to their co-worker’s problems.

4.24 I can get the people calm down in difficult situation.

4.24.1 Table

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Disagree Strongly Disagree

16 35 20 19 10

Figure 4.24.1

Interpretation: This shows that 16% of the respondents strongly agree that they get

people calm down in difficult situation and 35% agree with the statement whereas 20%

shows an indifferent attitude. 19% of the respondents disagree that they can’t get the

people calm down in difficult situation and 20% strongly disagree which shows that most

of the respondents at LIBERTY Ltd. are able to get the people calm down in difficult



4.25 I can easily shake-off negative feelings.

4.25.1 Table

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Disagree Strongly Disagree

22 27 17 15 19

Figure 4.25.1

Interpretation: This shows that 22% of the respondents strongly agree that they are

easily able to shake-off their negative feelings, 27% agree with the statement whereas

15% disagree and 19% strongly disagree that they are unable to shake-off their negative

feelings. This shows that large numbers of respondents are able to easily shake-off their

negative feelings.


4.26 I am sensitive to the emotional needs of the other’s.

4.26.1 Table

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Disagree Strongly Disagree

39 47 14 0 0

Figure 4.26.1

Interpretation: This statement reveals that 39% of the respondents strongly agree that

they are sensitive the emotional needs of other people, 47% agree to the statement and

14% shows an indifferent attitude towards this statement. This shows that maximum

people at LIBERTY Ltd. are able to understand the needs of their colleagues, which is

good for the organization.


4.27 People view me as an effective coach for others emotions.

4.27.1 Table

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Disagree Strongly Disagree

24 37 11 15 13

Figure 4.27.1

Interpretation: 24% of the populations strongly agree that people view them as an

effective coach for other’s emotions that means they are able to understand the emotions

of the other people but 11% shows an indifferent attitude and 15% disagree and 13%

strongly disagree with the statement that they are not an effective coach.


4.28 I try to be creative with life’s challenges.

4.28.1 Table

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Disagree Strongly Disagree

29 51 10 10 0

Figure 4.28.1

Interpretation: This shows that 29% of the respondents strongly agree, 51% agree that

they are creative with the challenges of the life and always find new ways to face the

challenges of the life, which is again a good trait. 10% of the respondent’s don’t agree

with this statement as they found themselves not as much creative with life’s challenges.


4.29 I respond appropriately to other people’s moods, motivation and desires.

4.29.1 Table

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Disagree Strongly Disagree

19 29 25 17 10

Figure 4.29.1

Interpretation: This shows that most of the respondents respond appropriately to other

people’s mood as 19% of the respondents strongly agree to the statement and 29% agree

hence large number of the respondents are able to respond to the mood and desires of

other’s and motivate them appropriately where 25% of the respondents shows an

indifferent attitude and 10% strongly disagree with the statement.


4.30 I cannot stop thinking about my problems.

4.30.1 Table

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Disagree Strongly Disagree

25 59 6 7 3

Figure 4.30.1

Interpretation: The results shows that most of the respondents cannot stop thinking

about their problems as 25% strongly agree and 59% agree which shows that 84% of the

respondents cannot stop thinking about their problems and only 7% disagree and 3%

strongly disagree that their problems don’t affect them to greater extent.


4.31 I am capable of soothing myself after upsetting moments.

4.31.1 Table

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Disagree Strongly Disagree

14 24 14 28 20

Figure 4.31.1

Interpretation: This statement shows that 14% of the respondents strongly agree that

they are capable of soothing themselves after upsetting moments, 24% agree to the

statement, 14% of the respondents shows an indifferent attitude, 28% disagree and 20%

strongly disagree that they are not unable to sooth themselves after upsetting moments.


4.32 I worry about things that other people don't even think about.

4.32.1 Table

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Disagree Strongly Disagree

7 20 28 29 16

Figure 4.32.1

Interpretation: This shows that very few respondents worry about things that other

people don’t even think about as only 7% of the respondents strongly agree to the

statement and 20% agree whereas 28% of the respondents show an indifferent attitude.

Most of the respondents disagree with the statement that they don’t worry about the

things that people don’t even think about and 16% strongly disagree with the statement.

4.33 I need someone's push in order to get going.


4.33.1 Table

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Disagree Strongly Disagree

13 32 14 26 15

Figure 4.33.1

Interpretation: 32% of the respondent’s agree that they need someone's push in order to

get going and 15% strongly agree to the statement whereas 14% shows an indifferent

attitude. 26% of the respondents disagree and 15% strongly disagree that they don’t need

someone’s push in order to get going.

4.34 Sometimes I feel my life is full of dead ends.


4.34.1 Table

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Disagree Strongly Disagree

21 36 4 25 14

Figure 4.34.1

Interpretation: This shows that most of the respondents feel that their life is full of dead

ends as 21% of the respondents strongly agree to the statement and 36% agree whereas

4% shows an indifferent attitude and 25% disagree, 14% strongly disagree to the

statement i.e. they don’t feel sometimes that life is full of dead ends.


4.35 I am not satisfied with my work unless someone else praises it.

4.35.1 Table

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Disagree Strongly Disagree

27 49 3 17 4

Figure 4.35.1

Interpretation: This shows that most of the respondents are not satisfied unless someone

else praises it as 27% of the respondents strongly agree to the statement and 49% agree

and only 3% of the respondents have shown an indifferent attitude whereas very less

respondents strongly disagree i.e. only 4% strongly disagree that they are satisfied with

their work even if someone else don’t praise it.

4.36 People who are aware of their negative feelings are better pilots of life.


4.36.1 Table

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Disagree Strongly Disagree

29 60 11 0 0

Figure 4.36.1

Interpretation: This shows that maximum people agree that those having awareness of

their feelings are better pilots of their life that means such people are able to run their life

in a better way as 60% agree with the statement and no respondent disagree with the

statement and only 11% shows an indifferent attitude.




H0- There is no correlation between job satisfaction and emotional intelligence.

Ha- There is a correlation between job satisfaction and emotional intelligence.

Correlation value of Emotional intelligence and job satisfaction is .851

We know,


Coefficient of deterioration= (r)2 = (.851)2

= 72%

72% variability in job satisfaction is employed by emotional intelligence.

Now we check the probable error,

P.E = 1-r 2


= 1-0.72


= 0.28


= 0.028

We know that,

r <P.E………………………..No correlation

r> P.E………………………...Weak correlation

r>6P.E……………………….Strong correlation. i.e. 0.85>0.168

Hence there is strong correlation.

r P.E

r = 0.851, P.E = 0.028


Hence correlation lies between this range. So at the end the researcher can say that null

hypothesis got rejected and alternative hypothesis may be accepted for the given



5. Summary

I have conducted this research by taking two variables, Emotional Intelligence and Job

Satisfaction. The topic of my research is “ Study of Emotional Intelligence and it impact

on Job Satisfaction”. This study is conducted on the employees of LIBERTY SHOES

Ltd.Karnal. The sample size of the study is 100. It seems logical that emotionally

intelligent person is more job satisfied as compare to others and emotional quotient can

be assumed as the major determinant of job satisfaction. From my study I have found the

correlation between the Emotional Intelligence and Job Satisfaction. The scope of the

study as there are number of footweart industries in India is limited up to certain

parameters, i.e. it is conducted on the employees working in LIBERTY SHOES

Ltd.Karnal. The research that is carried out is descriptive in nature and convenience

sampling is taken. The statistical tool, which is used for the study, is correlation, through

my research I have found that strong correlation exists between Emotional Intelligence

and Job Satisfaction. Even it is found that employees in LIBERTY are more dissatisfied

by the extrinsic benefits provided by the company rather than the intrinsic benefits and

the end suggestions are given to enhance the satisfaction level of employees.

Hence as there is a positive correlation between Emotional Intelligence and Job

Satisfaction, at the time of selection and hiring of the employees, company should

conduct a test to check the Emotional Intelligence of the employees and must provide

training and seminars to enhance the emotional quotient.



There is a strong correlation between Emotional Intelligence and Job Satisfaction.

The value of correlation comes to be 0.85.

Employees are satisfied to greater extent with the intrinsic benefits provided by

the company like salary, benefits, amount and frequency of bonuses.

Employees are dissatisfied to greater extent with the extrinsic benefits provided

by the company like no participative management, less flexibility of working

hours, less carrier advancement opportunities which are very essential for growth

of the employees.

The major reason for dissatisfaction is no job security in LIBERTY as they are

changing their norms very quickly they reduced the retiring age of an employee

from 60 to 58 and have given only one month’s notice to an employee to leave the

organization which is wrong. They are opening new department’s and retrenching

old employees with 1 month even one day notice like they opened have opened

new department i.e. water jet looms for which they have closed various

department and have retrenched around 1200 employees with 1 week notice.

Employees are highly dissatisfied as LIBERTY is not providing any opportunity

to work on interesting projects and employees are facing a lot of problem of job

monotony, which is affecting both their efficiency and effectiveness.

Most of the employees are unhappy with their job and job profile.

Employees are dissatisfied with the training and development programs organized

by the company.



As the research is based on a sample, therefore findings may not reveal the factual

information about the research problem, though an utmost care was taken to select the

truly representative sample. Carrying this survey was a great learning experience for me

but I faced some problems, which are listed below:

There is small sample size of the study due to organizational constraints.

Many of the respondents will not give response that makes the data collection

vague to certain extent.

Only a small part of Footwear industry and small sample size is taken from

LIBRTY Ltd. To study the emotional intelligence which is not sufficient to

predict the exact impact of its on job satisfaction.

Generally the respondents were busy in their work and were not interested in

responding rightly.

Respondents were reluctant to disclose complete and correct information about

themselves and the organization.

Due to lack of awareness it is difficult to get proper data from the employees.

The last but the most important point that survey was carried through

Questionnaire and the Questions were based on perception.

Employees must be given new and interesting projects to work on and more of job

rotation and job enrichment must be done to decrease job monotony and increase



5.3 Recommendations

As there is positive correlation between the Emotional Intelligence and Job

Satisfaction. So at the time of selection and hiring of the employees, they must

conduct a test to check the Emotional Intelligence of the employees.

There should be proper training given to the employees on enhancing the

emotional quotient and developing their Emotional Intelligence traits or


When asked for suggestion, most of the employees perceived and portrayed

incentives plan to be a strong reason or motivator to be satisfied in the


There should be participative management in the organization as most of the

employees feel that their views and ideas should be valued and considered.

Training should be given for skills inventory enhancement.

Work hours should be provided.

Employees must be provided with more job security and all the terms and

conditions regarding retirement must be defined clearly and if company wants to

do any change, it must be done through proper amendment and employee must be

informed about any amendment at least 1 or six months before, not 1 week or 1


Company must focus more on team building interventions to promote superior

subordinate relationship.



So it could be concluded that there is a strong correlation between Emotional Intelligence

and Job Satisfaction and there should be proper training given to the employees for

enhancing the emotional quotient and developing their Emotional Intelligence traits or

characteristics. Emotional competence is the single most important personal quality that

each of us must develop and access to experience a breakthrough. Perhaps many of the

companies experiencing powerful results from EQ have done so with a modest

investment of time and money. The American Express Financial Advisors project started

with 12 hours of training. The Sheraton turn-around included less than 24 hours of EQ

training. The Air Force project cost around $10,000 in assessments. In other words,

improving organizational EQ is within reach – and the return far exceeds the investment.

As there is positive correlation between the Emotional Intelligence and Job Satisfaction

so at the time of selection and hiring of the employees, they must conduct a test to check

Seth Emotional Intelligence of the employees which will help in reducing the

dissatisfaction among the employees and will help in enhancing their satisfaction with the

job and their overall satisfaction with the company.




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Psychology, Russell Sage,

Cooper Cary (2007) "Emotions and leadership: the role of emotional

intelligence", Human Relations, Vol. 53 pp.1027-55.






Please show the extent of your job satisfaction to which you agree with the following statement, by putting a tick in the respective boxes.

Strongly agree (SA), Agree (A), Indifferent (I), Disagree (D), Strongly disagree (SD)

SA A I D SD Salary


Frequency and amount of bonuses

Connection between pay and performance

Security and administration of your pension plans


Flexibility of working hours

Physical working conditions

Opportunity for advancement

Job security

Ability to influence decisions that affect you

Opportunity to work on interesting projects

Access to company sponsored training and seminars

Transparency in company’s policies

Communication with your supervisor

Your overall relation with your supervisor

Your relationship with your peers

Your overall satisfaction with your company

What would the company do to enhance your satisfaction as a company employee?




Please show the extent to which you agree with the following statement, by putting a tick in the respective boxes.

Strongly agree (SA), Agree (A), Indifferent (I), Disagree (D), Strongly disagree (SD)

SA A I D SDNegative feelings help me to address what I need to change in my life.I use both positive and negative emotions as a source of wisdom about how to navigate my life.I am able to motivate myself to try and try again in face of setbacks.I am calm under pressure. I am effective at listening to other people problem.I can get the people calm down in difficult situation.Some people make me feel bad about myself, no matter what I do.I am sensitive to the emotional needs of the other’s.People view me as an effective coach for others emotions.I try to be creative with life’s challenges.I respond appropriately to other people’s moods, motivation and desires.I cannot stop thinking about my problems.I am capable of soothing myself after upsetting moments.I worry about things that other people don't even think about.I need someone's push in order to get going.Sometimes I feel my life is full of dead ends.I am not satisfied with my work unless someone else praises it.People who are aware of their negative feelings are better pilots of life.



Name: ________________________________________

Age(yrs): 18 to 25 _____ 25 to 35 _____ 35 to 45______ 45 and above ______

Gender: Male _______ Female _______

Designation: _________________________________________

Work Experience ______________________________________