Sept 2016 Zionews - Zion Lutheran

1 ZIONEWS SEPTEMBER 2016 Zion Lutheran Church 1906 - 2016 An active congregation of the Montana Synod of the ELCA Sisters and Brothers in Christ, September has arrived, and with it a whole host of activities. This month kicks off Sunday School, Adult Education, Confirmation, Youth Group, Quilting, the Hymn Bracket, Choir, and other things. “Rally Sunday” is September 11, complete with a potluck and presentation by Ben and Courtney Clapp. “Youth Sunday” is September 25 – it is good to empower leaders in the congregation, and be reminded that we are all ministers of the good news of Jesus Christ. September has arrived. For me, it is always a time of excitement. Much of my life has been governed by school schedules – primary, middle, and high school, community college, university, seminary. School supply shopping, sorting through clothes, the invigorating nature of newness, and the wonder at what is coming all rush over me in September. But September is also a time for reflection. How has the year been going so far? What did I do well at in the first 8 months of the year? What will I focus on now? In four months, or eight months, or twelve months…what do I want to have accomplished? One thing we will be looking at over the next year is this question - "What does it mean to be a Lutheran?" This October marks the 499th anniversary of the start of the Protestant Reformation - so this is a great time to dive back into Lutheran teachings, why we do church the way we do, and really look at what we as individuals believe. Another thing that will be happening over the next few months is congregational participation in our Strategic Planning Process. The Council has had a few conversations about who we are as a congregation and where we want to be in the future, and we'll be including the whole congregation in this as well. Finally, if you haven't turned in your hymn bracket ballot with your list of top 10 favorite worship songs, you have until September 5th. These can be from any season of the church year, any hymnal (or not), and century. The hymns with the most nominations will be put in the bracket. Those with the most nominations will get the higher "seed", or placement. September has arrived. There is a lot going on here at Zion - a lot of good energy and enthusiasm and an amazing God whose Spirit is moving and forming us again and again. -Pastor Will If you have further questions about the hymn bracket you can check out some links on our Facebook page. If you miss church or can’t make it physically, you can listen on KXGN 1400AM, watch on our website, or read the sermon after church at

Transcript of Sept 2016 Zionews - Zion Lutheran

Page 1: Sept 2016 Zionews - Zion Lutheran




Zion Lutheran Church

1906 - 2016

An active congregation of the Montana Synod of the ELCA

Sisters and Brothers in Christ, September has arrived, and with it a whole host of activities. This month kicks off Sunday School, Adult Education, Confirmation, Youth Group, Quilting, the Hymn Bracket, Choir, and other things. “Rally Sunday” is September 11, complete with a potluck and presentation by Ben and Courtney Clapp. “Youth Sunday” is September 25 – it is good to empower leaders in the congregation, and be reminded that we are all ministers of the good news of Jesus Christ. September has arrived. For me, it is always a time of excitement. Much of my life has been governed by school schedules – primary, middle, and high school, community college, university, seminary. School supply shopping, sorting through clothes, the invigorating nature of newness, and the wonder at what is coming all rush over me in September. But September is also a time for reflection. How has the year been going so far? What did I do well at in the first 8 months of the year? What will I focus on now? In four months, or eight months, or twelve months…what do I want to have accomplished? One thing we will be looking at over the next year is this question - "What does it mean to be a Lutheran?" This October marks the 499th anniversary of the start of the Protestant Reformation - so this is a great time to dive back into Lutheran teachings, why we do church the way we do, and really look at what we as individuals believe. Another thing that will be happening over the next few months is congregational participation in our Strategic Planning Process. The Council has had a few conversations about who we are as a congregation and where we want to be in the future, and we'll be including the whole congregation in this as well. Finally, if you haven't turned in your hymn bracket ballot with your list of top 10 favorite worship songs, you have until September 5th. These can be from any season of the church year, any hymnal (or not), and century. The hymns with the most nominations will be put in the bracket. Those with the most nominations will get the higher "seed", or placement. September has arrived. There is a lot going on here at Zion - a lot of good energy and enthusiasm and an amazing God whose Spirit is moving and forming us again and again. -Pastor Will If you have further questions about the hymn bracket you can check out some links on our Facebook page. If you miss church or can’t make it physically, you can listen on KXGN 1400AM, watch on our website, or read the sermon after church at

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ZIONEWS September 2016

In this issue:

1. A Word from Pastor Will 2. Table of Contents Church Staff Listing 3. Stewardship Corner, Information to share,

Attendance Statistics, Pastoral Acts 4. Church Council Minutes 5. Memorials, Financial Report 6. Youth and Family Ministry 7. ZLCW, Announcements 8. Congratulations-Please help by submitting INSERTS: Zion’s Church Calendar

Worship Leaders Schedule

Zion’s Mission Statement:

As a body of believers, created by God,

redeemed by Christ, empowered by the Spirit,

we are called to bear witness

to God’s love.

Church staff:

Pastor: Will Johnson

[email protected]

Office Administrator: Cammy Sue Oakland

[email protected]

Youth & Family Ministry: Cami White

[email protected]

Prayer Chain Contacts:

Church Office - 377-3369

Marilynn Knapp - 365-8110

Carmen Miller - 377-2841

ZIONEWS is published monthly by:

Zion Lutheran Church

401 Riverview Avenue

Glendive MT 59330


Submit your news to:

Email: [email protected]

phone: 406-377-3369

fax: 406-377-3360

2016 Zion Council Members:

Don Idso, President

Gary Kirkpatrick, Vice President

Sheryl Stansbury, Secretary

Janna McCormick, Treasurer

Bill Miller

Michelle Sickler

Tami Conrad

Tyler Gabbert

Paul Shearer

Kyle Voss

Tom Trangmoe

Danielle Wold

Cheyenne Damron

Thursday, 6 p.m. Worship

Sunday School, 9 a.m.

Sunday, 10 a.m. Worship

We are celebrating Pastor Will’s first

anniversary of his Ordination!

Join us for cake and ice cream

following worship on September 25th.

Shhhh! This part is a surprise! . . . A card is

available to sign in the church office and

donations toward a fuel card are welcome.

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ZIONEWS September 2016

Stewardship Corner

During the month of September, we

con�nue looking into Stewardship

Principles as outlined in Mark Allan

Powell’s book, Giving to God. Here are

five more principles derived from select

verses in the Bible:

“1. Giving should be propor�onate to one’s income and

circumstances, as each is expected to contribute according to his

or her means (2 Corinthians 8:3,11-13).

2. Giving can also be undertaken as a sacrifice, as some will feel

inspired to give “beyond their means”

(2 Corinthians 8:3).

3. Giving is a privilege, something we appreciate being able to do

as a result of God’s grace (2 Corinthians 8:4)

4. Giving involves more than financial contribu�ons – we first

commit ourselves to the Lord and to the church at large

(2 Corinthians 8:5, 24).

5. Giving is a witness to the gospel, demonstra�ng the genuineness

of the church’s love (2 Corinthians 8:10-11).” Giving to God,


You will no�ce that all of this month’s references are from the 8th

chapter of 2 Corinthians. Once you have read the references, I

challenge you to read all of chapter 8 and “catch the flow” as Paul

makes his appeal for the collec�on to be sent to Chris�ans in


1 Peter 4:10 “Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God,

serve one another with whatever gi each of you has received.”

Pastoral Acts for August

Funerals - 2 Mary Irene Tre<z 8-11-2016

James “Jim” Waddell 8-12-2016

Bap(sms - 0

Transfer in - Ashlyn Striegel

Weddings - 0

Private Communions - 5

Other Communions - 20

(includes - Grandview and GMC Nursing Home)

August Sta(s(c A,’d Com Offering

Aug 4 Thurs 14 14 200.00**

Aug 7 Makoshika 28 25 906.00**

Aug 7 Sun 101 96 5,854.00

Aug 11 Thurs 15 15 50.00**

Aug 14 Makoshika 30 27 515.00**

Aug 14 Sun 58 56 1,654.25

Aug 18 Thurs 10 10 315.00**

Aug 21 Makoshika 99 85 3,935.00**

(**This service offering included in Sunday Total amount)

See next issue of Zionews for August 25th and 28th stats.


TO: Zion Lutheran Church, 401 Riverview Ave. in Glendive

WHEN: Sunday, September 11th

, 2016

FOR: “Faith Connec(ons in College” Rally Sunday

(Guests from DCC, feel free to come for one, two, or all three of these events.)

10:00 AM Church Service

11:00 AM Pot Luck Dinner (Guests from DCC – food will be provided for you.)

11:45 AM Presenta�ons on InterVarsity programs at MSU by Ben and Courtney Clapp

and at DCC by Joe and Daneen Peterson

WHO: DCC Students, how can InterVarsity work for you? How does faith development fit with academic pursuits in college?

High School Students, how can one connect with people of faith when heading off to college?

Zion Congrega�on, how can we encourage faith development op�ons for our youth when they head off to college?

A free will offering will be taken on Sept. 4th

and 11th

. Proceeds will go to the InterVarsity programs at MSU and at DCC.

God’s Work Our Hands

1 Peter 3:18 “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”

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ZIONEWS September 2016

Zion Lutheran Church Council Minutes

August 10, 2016

Members Present: Paul Shearer, Janna McCormick, Michelle

Sickler, Sheryl Stansbury, Tom Trangmoe, Gary Kirkpatrick,

Cheyenne Damron, Pastor Will

Mee(ng was called to order by Gary Kirkpatrick.

Devo(ons were given by Pastor Will.

Minutes were approved (Michelle Sickler/Paul Shearer).

Treasurer’s report was given by Janna McCormick. Addi�onal

expenses were from the Youth Mission Fund. VBS was checked as

a line item and may be added in the budget discussions for next

year. Report was approved (Paul Shearer/Tom Trangmoe).

Pastor’s Report given by Pastor Will.


Insurance adjuster: Following the damage from the last hail storm,

an adjuster from Custard Insurance Adjusters came to look at the

church. He will file a claim with Church Mutual (our insurance

company) for the following: replacement of the cedar shakes on

the south side of the sanctuary roof (4 bundles @ $150 per bundle

of shakes x 87 bundles =$52,200); recommends trea�ng the north

side with linseed oil; replacement of fascia on the east side of the

educa�on wing; replacement of air condi�oner cover Pastor’s

office; cosme�c damage on roof of educa�on wing but no

structural damage there. We expect to hear from the insurance

company and have more informa�on on repairs in September.

Deacon scheduling: Debbi Kaul will con�nue scheduling only

through December of this year. We need a volunteer to take over

in January.

Commi,ee Reports

Property/Management: Thank you to Donna Siegle, Georgina

Hansen, and Lila Flesjer for pain�ng the main floor bathrooms.

Evangelism/Stewardship: Plans for a table at DCC orienta�on are


Youth/Educa(on: Several teachers and a music director for Sunday

School are needed.

VBS went well with 61 students and 15 helpers along with Badlands

Ministry team. Offering free VBS with the Congrega�onal and

Methodist churches to be discussed but will need $1000 more in

dona�ons for that to happen. They would like to set up a dona�on

box to help cover expenses.

Rally Day is September 11. There will be a potluck and

informa�onal mee�ng about InterVarsity for DCC with Ben and

Courtney Clapp. Everyone invited.

September 25 will be Pastor Will’s first anniversary and will be

celebrated with cake.

Cami is working on a supply drive for teachers at Jefferson School

to help replace ruined materials from the basement flood.

Sunday School, Youth Group, and Family Ministry brochures are

done. Facebook also has informa�on.

Please contact Cami White to volunteer to help with Sunday


Old Business

Tiles for the basement floor have been ordered from Koch


New Business

Hike for Hope is September 17. Zion will be the pick-up place for

t-shirts. Mo�on to donate $250 was approved (Michelle Sickler/

Cheyenne Damron).

Lawn mower replacement is needed. The current mower is 2006

model and the bagger assembly does not work well. Milne

Implement has a comparable model available for $2500.

Bell Street Bridge Celebra(on is in need of a portable sound

system and asked to use ours if available. Mo�on to allow use of

sound system if we are not using it was approved (Paul Shearer/

Tom Trangmoe).

Contract for Pastor Will needs to be renewed.

Request for job descrip(ons for church staff was discussed. More

work is being required by the staff and the council would like

informa�on to help with plans.

Request made to propose Recogni(on Day for 1st

Responders to

City Council was discussed. Gary Kirkpatrick will work with Avis

Anderson to present request.

Pray for Peace Banner to be placed outside the church was

discussed with mo�on passing (Sheryl Stansbury/Janna


New council members needed beginning in 2017 for three

members who have served two consecu�ve terms. Please contact

Don Idso or any council member if interested.

Congratula(ons to Cheyenne Damron for being awarded the

Samsung American Legion Scholarship for Montana.

Strategic Planning discussion con�nued with opportuni�es and


Mee�ng adjourned with Lord’s Prayer and Mission statement.

SubmiUed by Sheryl Stansbury

Ac�ng secretary

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ZIONEWS September 2016 FOR THE RECORD: July 2016 Treasurer’s Report


Furniture Room 25.00

Misc Income 60.00

Tithes/Offerings 16,132.00

VBS 161.98

Youth Group 171.00

Total Income $16,549.98

Expense Advertising and Promotion 56.00

Benevolence (ELCA) 1,623.38

Dues and Subscriptions 260.00

Insurance Expense

General Liability Insurance 739.67

Health Insurance 542.68

Total Insurance Expense 1,282.35

Janitorial Expense 36.01

Landscaping Expense 361.84

MDU 437.24

Mileage Reimbursement 21.71

Miscellaneous Expense 328.00

Mortgage (window debt) 415.00

Office Supplies 563.25

Pastors Housing 150.00

Payroll Expenses 5,220.15

Pension 523.86

Postage and Delivery 60.77

Repairs and Maintenance 370.54

Sunday School 24.83

Telephone/Internet Expense 559.37

Wage Tax 1,945.83

Water 277.02

Youth Group Expenses 503.70

Youth Mission Fund 2,000.00

Total Expense $17,021.05

Net Ordinary Income -471.07

Net Income -$471.07

7/31/16 Statement Balance $69,451.78 7/31/16 Savings Balance $45,960.05 7/31/16 Mortgage (Windows Balance) $42,264.60

August Memorials

Memorials and Thanks given to Loaves and Fishes

from Anonymous Thanks to Sheila Kennedy & Bonita Jenkins

from Janet Meland in memory of Mary Treftz and Jim Waddell

In memory of Jack Downs, Betty Downs’ husband and Georgia Norderud’s brother

from Carmen Miller for Basement Flooring

from Carol Hilliard and Lori Conner for Basement Flooring

In memory of Yvonne McGrane

from Carmen Miller for Basement Flooring

In memory of Mary Treftz

from Esther Shearer for Basement Flooring

from Evelyn Gehnert for Undesignated

from Anonymous for Undesignated

from Marian Chouinard for Undesignated

In memory of Bessie Nelson, Lillian Nemitz’s sister

from Marian Chouinard for Undesignated

In memory of Jim Waddell, Dianna Waddell’s husband

from Esther Shearer for Basement Flooring

from Karl and Madeline Overlie for Dining Room Redecoration

In memory of Don Efta, Diane Dohrmann’s brother

from Don and Adele Idso for Bathroom Redecoration

from Karl and Madeline Overlie for Dining Room Redecoration

In memory of Mary Treftz, Jim Waddell, and Ty Milne

from Neil and Cammy Sue Oakland for Basement flooring

In memory of Ty Milne

from Karl and Madeline Overlie for the Dining Room Redecoration

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ZIONEWS September 2016

Attention 7th and 8th graders!

Our first year and second year Confirmation

classes are asked to attend a kick-off event on

Wednesday, September 7th, 3:45 - 5:15 p.m.

This is important to receive information for

this years classes. Join us for this fun event!

Please contact Cami if transportation

needs to be arranged!

First year class begins September 14th.

Second year class begins in January.

September Schedule

Sept 7 3:45 - 5:15 p.m.

Confirma�on Kick-off (7th & 8th grade)

Sept 11 Rally Sunday

Teacher Installa�on

11 a.m. Potluck and InterVarsity Presenta�on

Sept 14 3:45 - 5:15 p.m.

First year Confirma�on

Sept 18 1:30 p.m. 5th/6th grade Youth Group

3 p.m. 7th/8th grade Youth Group

5 p.m. High School Youth Group

Sept 21 3:45 - 5:15 p.m.

First year Confirma�on

Sept 25 Youth Sunday and Bible Sunday

2 p.m. 6th grade Bible retreat

3 p.m. 7th/8th grade Youth Group

5 p.m. High School Youth Group

Sept 28 3:45 - 5:15 p.m.

First year Confirma�on

We are looking forward to the fall schedule full of

events, projects and growing together in our faith

together. The monthly Zion Youth and Family ministry

leUer can be found on our website and Facebook

page. Remember in September we will look at “God’s

Work. Our Hands” opportuni�es in our community.

Rally Sunday is set for September 11th.

Join us as we celebrate a new year of Sunday School! Parents are invited to attend with their children to meet the teaching staff. We look forward to a wonderful year of fun and growing in faith together.

Youth Sunday - September 25

Our youth are encouraged to par�cipate during our worship

service. Please be thinking of how you would like to

par�cipate. More planning and informa�on will be shared

during Sunday School and Youth Group.

6th graders will receive their Bible from the church at the 10

a.m. worship and meet with Don Idso at 2 p.m. that


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ZIONEWS September 2016

Zion Lutheran

Church Women

Bible Study Circles:

Hannah/Dorcas - Tuesday, September 13th, 1:30 p.m.

Sarah - Thursday, September 15th, 7 p.m.

Elizabeth - Monday, September 19th, 7 p.m.

Circle of Prayer meets: Wednesdays at 10 a.m.

Chancel Guild meets: September 21st at 2 p.m.

Quil�ng resumes Monday, September 12th

at 9 a.m. in the church basement.

All are welcome to join this mission and fellowship!

All ladies are invited and welcome to come and join

us for our circle meetings for Bible Study discussion

and fellowship. There are three meeting options

available, see list on this page. Our membership is

small and you are needed. Please come! Please call

the church office with any questions.

2016 Hymn Bracket Ballot

Zion Lutheran Church, Glendive, MT

Instructions: Please fill out 1 ballot online, via email, or by paper copy, and return to the church office or Pastor Will by September 5. You may list any worship songs/hymns, they do not need to be in our current hymnal. The first round of voting will be between September 8 and 11. More details at church, on Facebook, and in the newsletter.

1. ______________________________

2. ______________________________

3. ______________________________

4. ______________________________

5. ______________________________

6. ______________________________

7. ______________________________

8. ______________________________

9. ______________________________

10. _____________________________

When: September 17th, 2016

9 a.m. to noon

Where: Makoshika Park @

Diane Gabriel Trailhead

Why: With your help, we aren’t just

figh�ng one type of cancer—we’re

figh�ng for every birthday threatened

by every cancer in every community

Come to our second annual Hike For Hope and help us

create a world without Cancer.

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SZ[\Z]^Z_ 2016







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We want to celebrate with you. Please share your joys with us. Let us know if your children or grandchildren are, new babies,

weddings, and other accomplishments and we will celebrate together. Please call the office by the 20th

of each month (377-3369) or email to

[email protected].