Semi-weekly interior journal.. (Springfield, KY) 1900-08-03 [p...

c 7 F N- SEMI WEEKLY I INTERIOR JOURNftL t ISSUED EUERY TUESDAY fiND FRIDKY KT 1 H YEAR > I VOL XXVIII STANFORD KY FRIDAY AUGUST 319009 A M NO 44 n IN NEIGHBORING COUNTIES I A postofllco has icon established at Troipur Knox county John II Tros per imsluiaitor- Tho drug store and building of Gco Scboolllold at Burgle was burned loss 92500 Incendiary j Tho L N will replace the COpouad rails with 80 pounders on lie heavy grades on tbo Cumberland track Gcoruo Mallard who killed Tom Irv- In ¬ Johnton at Uoreu depot Saturday surrendered His plea le Boltdefense Tho consul otllca at Washington has made public tlio population of tho city of Cincinnati It la 32fiW2 an Increase over the last census bf 23091- Wllllamsburu Institute has notice of the coming of more girls than it can accommodate It sadly needs n girls I boarding homo which can bo erected for 12000 Argus C D Chenuult for 30 years calhler- af the Madison National flank resign cd his position and hat boon lucccodcd temporarily by Mr Waller Dennett president of the bank Dr John Williams a prominent phy Iclun of Ford 12 miles north of Hlch mono Is reported to have been drown ¬ ed in a collision at sea while on rojto to visit bis old bomo In North Walci oThe friends of Cam Williams of Plttaburg who Was sentenced a year ago to Imprisonment for two years tn tho State ponltontlary for killing Chas Junes a young man are getting up n petition to Coy Hcckbnm asking for the reloaio of tho prlionar A 20000 flro occurred pet Harrodi burp Tuesday which destroyed two business houses The cornor house was occupied al a dry Roods and millinery establishment by Mrs John Dixie Tho adjoining storeroom was owned by MM Lluoy and Wild occupied by Ma ¬ rlon Davis jowolry and furniture deal- er It Is thought the fire was duo to Incendiarism CHURCH MATTERS It turns out that bcbwotnfurth tho Illinois menlati bus married his Ho- I and has turned chrUtlan scientist Ray D C Ilorton will preach at Preacbqrsvllia next Sunday and at tho Stanford Methodist church Sunday the rah Mm Welch has a letter from Rot George 0 Darnes slating that bo ned wlfo celebrated July 20th the anolvor vary of their marriage by joining Uowlos Zion Christian Catholic church Ala and alack Fourloolsl olden who had been using Incendiary language wero cap ¬ I turcd by a mob at Manstlold 0 Two of them were released on promlso to leave and tho others were stripped painted and paraded through tho streets Georgia papers say that Sam Jones the evangelist Is about to forsake his old homo at Cartersvlllo that State and remove to the vicinity of Atlanta and they Intimate that his change of residence will bo made almply because be has loaf bis grip on the Carters villa people At Ulysses ICes ono night last week the Hov Mr Johnson prayed to God to lava tho farmers crops and soon tor ¬ rests of water camo down The rain wee tbo heaviest for many years and It continued all night The Rov Mr Johnson and htscoogrcgallon could not loavo tho schoolhouse and tho night wee spent In prayer and songs of thanksgiving r RUBBLE- S Dunbar bought a pair of work mules of D G Fax for 82SO L CJ Hubblo sold his fat hogs to Fox As Me Carley at Ito Georgo Wood wont to Dee Lick Saturday to recolvu about 100 sheep JT C Rankln sold a work mule to B U Fox for S120 J C Kutmnkn ioUJ his QHV crop of hay to JtU Itaughinun delivered on our at Stan ¬ ford for S5o L G Hubblo hue lost three Ono oalvijs fruin bluok leg In the last tow ay s Jt J Walker has beer vl outing onlvol In the vicinity since ad o fur no more hate died from lu r lam + Irvine df Pula kl uounty Is wiui I F lilgnuy for u few days Oeo- k Runkin t+ building him a new stock burn Mrs T O Rankin U on the puny lIet but U much bolter ut this writing MOd dulilea H C Walters and A M Lucd nro attending tbo cump meeting ttt WllmOro Miss Flonnlo Hammonds has gone to Casey and Rug sell to spend a fo3v we Dies with ruin lives Johu Robinson bits gono to tho mountains alter some sheep Mr Doll of Ohio is in looking attar aoiaa food ing cattle If you have n baby in the house you will wish to know tlie best way to chock any unusual looseness of tho bowels or diarrhoea so common to small children O P M llolUdny of Denting Iml who line MI eleven months old chld siiys Through the months of Juno and July our baby was teething and look a running oil of tho bowels and sickness of the atom nch Jib bowels would movo from five to eight tiuius a tiny I had a bottle of Chamberlains colic Cholera and Diar ¬ rhoea Itanedy In the house and gave him four drops in a teaspnonful of water and he got butter at once For sale by Craig tc hockey Druggists Four girls wero caught by tho under ¬ tow white bathing ut Ocean City and drowned MATRIMONIAL- TP Mooro 20 and Miss Laura Say lor 18 woro made one on tho 2d by Rev David Monk- sAaronNoakf 25 a cousin of Cnpt R R Noaks was married to Miss Rebecca Harris 10 at Rev J G Livingstons by that gentleman on the l t- At the ago of US years n woman of Waterloo N Y has jut taken upon herself tho vows of matrimony and Is proud of the tact that sho Is probably tho oldest brldo In tho world Miss Mary Margaret Harding of Plcasantvlllc who made frequent visits to this city to her undo and aunt Mr and Mrs Robert Harding Will bo mar- ried ¬ on Aug 8th to WS Throlkcld Danvlllo Now Mr John L Kennedy 22 eon of Mr Grovo Kennedy and Mies Mary Cum ¬ mine tho pretty 17ycurold duughicr of Mr W H Cummins were married at tho latter residence on tho let and start life with many good wishes from hosts of friends Mr H G Pointer and Mrs Harvey of Garrard wero married at tbo St Asaph Wednesday by Rev S M Ran ¬ kin Misses Payne and Roberts and Messrs J R Bradley and John M Payne accompanied tbo couple and nil enjoyed a fine dinner spread for them at the hotel Mr and Mrs William H Sheer of Danvlllo celebrated the COth anniver ¬ lary of their marriage Wednesday They are both In good health and arc 70 nod 71 respectively Ten children wcro born to them five of whom are lying Mr Shears Is tbo oldest mer ¬ chant In Dan 11110 Without previous notice to their many friends Mr Charles D Miller and Miss Mary Gentry wero united In marriage Saturday night at tho resi ¬ lance of Rev Jasper K Smith who olllelatcd tho attendants being Mr Duke Gordon of this city and Miss Stella Wilmot of Frankfort The bap ¬ py couple repaired to the residence of tbo grooms brother Mr A D Miller und there received tho congratulations of awaiting guests who bad been ap ¬ praised of the marriage Richmond Clluax A MINISTERS GOOD WORK I hada severe attack of bilious colic JOt a bottle Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy took two doses and wee entirely cured snys Itev A a- Oaerof Kmporla Kan My neighbor cruse the street was sick for over a week had two or three bottles of medicine from the doctor Ho used them for three or fOllt days without relief then called in another doctor who treated him for some days and gave him no relief so discharg ¬ ed him I went over to tee him next morning He said Isis bowels were in a terrible Gx that they had been running ofTso long that it was almost bloody flux I asked him if bo bad tried I hatnberlains Colic Cholera and Dianboea Ret ued and he said No I wont borne net brought him my bottle and gave him one done told him to take another dote Jn fifteen or twenty minutes if be did not find relief but he took no more and was entirely cured I think it the brit medi ¬ cine I have ever tried II For sale by Craig h Hooker Druggists Low Wcet Railroad bargain days via tho Monon oute Tickets will bo sold by the Monon route from Lou Isvlllc Ky to Klnts In Arizona lint ¬ ish Columbia Colorado Idaho Iowa Manitoba Minnesota Montana Ne ¬ braska Now Mexico North Dakota Oregon South Dakota Utah Wash ¬ igloo Northern Wisconsin and Wy ¬ oming at one fir toll1sli faro plu82 for the roundtrip on June 10th July II 17 Aug 721 Sept 4 18 Oct 2 JO Nov- O 20 and Dec 4 10 llmltod returning 21 days Pros pooling pttrllas rind tout ¬ ists will be furnished with suhodulax and further information by addrorslng K If Bacon District PussfDiror Agont MonotiUouto Louisville Ky REMEDY FOR lLuxSqulre Jumos M Llllard gives us this ure cure fur flux says the Harrodsburg Damn cm Fill a tumbler half full of apple vinegar put a tennpnon full oaoh of Crab Orchard and Epsom suits and a utblaspounful of table < salt Take A spoonful every hour until six doses have been taken and then every fwo- I hours and you will be well before you know It A NIGHT or TEiinonA- wml aIISMI WM kit fer the widow of the braY Oral Hurnlwmof 3laehhSDlr whin be duetotr wkl tit could c Its Slrs tl ll Unan who uiientlwt TlC the ttful IathAU thought the wed roan rite tma llIflllnllln bu ikw brgtl Iur Ill Rings Eew ItuJYlry suyleg It bawl were thou fiH fay lIer- nr ker W Cauew ttut tires III floodsdibadi4trsdl7J1 u ChI IDtI I- yrtr I his uurvel uw to euro all 101110 wsdkdae Ii Chl ou I and Lens 4leu Only ear and 51 Trial 00111111 free at 1tooyl drutl sure Robert Cunningham 00 proprlotor of tho Cunningham Hotel at Kansas City was fined 500 In police court for mashing on complaint of Mine Maud Watson and Miss Emma Pryor who- pped at his hotel Tho laws of health require that the bowels move encroach day nnd ono of the penalties for violating this law Is piles Keep your bowels regular by tak- Ing ¬ a dose of Cbninboilnlns Stomach nnd t Liver Tablets when necessary and you will hover have that severe punishment Inflicted upon you Price 25 cents For sale by Craig do Hocktr Druggists LANCASTER Garrard county will bo well repre ¬ rented at the Uustanvlllo fair Tho coroners jury agreed that Hen ¬ ry Hughes was killed by tho north- bound ¬ train last Sunday morning about 3 oclockMr A Robinson had three cattle to dlo which acted as If tboy were mad and It Is reported that a rabid dog was coon snapping at them Elijah Siodghlll and Lizzie Elmons both colored were arrested by Mar sbal Pierce and Judge Drown fined them 41 for a breach of tbo peace on Battle Row 18 Elkln has bought E W Nor rls meat store and will continue busi ¬ ness at the same place Mr Norrie bas made many friends and Mr Elkln Is an old hand at tbo business Bro Barnes article In the iNTKUiOFt JOURNAL In reference to the future existence of dogs Is full of good sense ard reason The faithful dog Is truer than man and possesses traits that make us ashamed of ourselves A good dog Is more faithful than any man and mod a bad dog Is bettor than a bad man Speaking of a cull session of tho Leg Islaiuro to modify tbo election law I suggest that In order to get close to tho people from whom all Slower comes a law bo enacted requiring tbo precincts to bold meetings 30 dupe before the election to appoint men to meet at the court bouse to appoint election otllcers We follow this plan to nominate candi ¬ dates fo less Important oftlccs and the work Is reasonable when wo consider the fact that an election officer holds tbo noaltloa upon which depends the election of all olllcers and the peace und dignity of the Commonwealth Tho sudden death of Mine Dorcas Leave at her home three rupee from town on Tuesday morning of heart disease caused a deep gloom to per ¬ ratio the entire community Funeral service were conducted at the Pre by ¬ terian church Wednesday by Revs A W Crawford and U N Faijlconer A large crowd was In attendance and the services wcro duly Impressive many sympathetic chords being touched by the grief of she mother sister and brothers Sho was 18 years of ago Just entering womanhood and tbo picture of health buvlng been effected but a few moments before her death She was a member of the Presbyterian church very much admired by every- body ¬ and was related to some of the best families In tbo county- F D Flsslngcr and two traveling men named Baker and Helzer disa ¬ greed about the amount of their hotel bill and the latter left for Danville af ¬ ter paying part bf the turn demanded Flsslnger swore out a warrant cbarg ing them with fraudulently obtaining hotel accommodations without paying for same They wore arrested In Dan ¬ ville brought back anti tried In Judge Drowntf court the jury agreeing that they were not guilty Mr Fisstnger Is now the defendant in two suits of 15 000 each for damages on account of the melts Mr Flsslnger had charger them for all tho meals during tbelr stay but they refused to pay for one meal which they did not eat because chicken was not served claiming that that was the contract at the beginning which Mr Flsslngor denies Tomlin son and Owsloy represented the plain ¬ tiff and Hurodon the defendants Mr and Mrs R E Hughes of Lou ¬ isville will visit relatives hero next week Mrs R E MuRoberla rind danghlur Letllo went to Louisville Wednesday Dr and Mrs W S El kin of Ailaiitu liD l Mr iSmrgo Ma- In ¬ of dilution ore hfiv with rela ¬ tives Mr T I lUUD r 1 tnt well Mr Grorpe LurkU ou dury i s U S- orekr at CrenQtsterd Mr R M Dilletmy o < I h with us and will burn another brick kiln this fall Prof J tl Pauor onwllconduut the Doyle county teachers lnktltirtpnext wvk nod is cure 141 give tatisfaetion M acme C D Powell George Palmer H C Uiiinllion J Paul Miller Theo Curry lr and Earl Farru bavo prune to Niagara Falls Mrs A D Ford hue turned from Wllaioro MUSSM tot P HlKtli E P Moribund tber faD llos were here Tuecduy 1laater Rob rt Walter boa symptoms of fovorv Mr and Mrs Edward Price entertained a few bleed ut tell Wednesday vonlog 0 S Oreenlenf lelII TUN DOLLAUS Michigan and re- turn ¬ A via steamer Mnnltou to For Wednesday August Kith the Monon Route will sell tickets from Louisville via Chicago rind S S Manltou the finest haM on Lako MIoh Igan to Maoklnac Potojkoy tiny Vlow Wcquetonslng and sister resorts at the remarkably low rate of 810 for- e round trip Tickets will bu good returning 15 days Bookings should bo made at once as the party will bo lim ¬ ited to accommodations ueslgnod Par ¬ ticulars of E H Bacon D P A Lou ¬ isville 1 Tho grout wall of China la tho largest artificial structure In tho world Ht is 1500 mlles In length and varies In height from 40 to CO foot It was bulk over 2000 years ago THAT THROBBIia HEADACHE KingIw f I their oittclilns merit Idatb They wake bloool and wdod build ul your heiltb Easy SerrollsI Try them Only rents Money back cured bold bj Penny Drupght I MT VERNON A majority of tho common schools havo opened The Bank of Mt Vernon will open for business Sept 15th S W DavIs bas nearlycompletedhlB twostory storehouse near the railroad crossing Lloyd Maret Is In receipt of a Deck barn button enclosed in a loiter with compliments of the governor to The turnpike question has again been taken up by our county paper and tbo people rare taking considerable interest in tho tubject Theo Wesley has moved his drug store to the Joplin store houee Cox Bros will open a store In the house va ¬ cated by Wesley Brick layers are making good prog ¬ ress on the Bock Adams bulldlnjr John Suter the noted atone mason is In charge of tho stono work Mrs Fannie Pennlngton wife of Samuel Pennlngton died of typhoid fever last Saturday morning Tho reo mains wero laid away In the cemetery here Sunday morning The Ml Vernon band left Wednes ¬ day night for Nlcholasvlllc where they will play two days for the street fair Prof Alf Cbiesman of the famous London band Is with them The telephone line building In Rock castle Is moving right along Connec ¬ Lion with Hansford will bo bad wllhln 10 days Poles are being set on lines from this place to Wild Ie Langford and Orlando London will be talking to the outside world by tho 25th By tho completion of the telephone line from Richmond to Ford last week the Independents are now enabled to do business with Winchester Lexington Paris Ml Sterling etc By Sept 1st tbo new line from Lancaster to Rich ¬ mood will be completed which will graatly I Do provo tbo service Judge R G Williams who Is n mighty sick man Id at Mallory Springs HIs host of friends and admirers earn ¬ estly hope that the doctor diagnosis of his case will not hold good The med ¬ cal men Informed him that bo would probably not live more than six months Tbo Judge bravely said I will try and fool you Wo aro In receipt of the Interesting program of the G A R reunion for the blue and the gray which takes place at Woodstock on Aug 15 10 and 17 Huston Osborn and Dr G W Is ¬ aacs are In charge of arrangements and they will see that every one attending bOIl a good time The Mt Vernon band bis been engaged to furnish the music Miss Ida May Adams Is learning tbo mysteries of the switchboard and at slsilng in tho telephone exchange Fritz Krueger Is back from Manches ¬ ter Hyden and Sbelbyvllle where he Is putting up buildings Mrs G A Rice and Mrs Dr Lawrence visited Leye Green Fifteen men from Level Green neighborhood went to Favetlo county to work In the tobacco fields A H Beetle was up from Lancaster dur ing four days of last week reconstruct ¬ ing his Rockcastle lines Quite a party from here spent Tuesday with Mrs Zack Hansel at her country home near this place H C McCann who Is traveling In the interest of the new government survey has been In Mt Vernon almost a week and Is still meet ¬ ing with great success in his work here LAST EXCURSION TO ATLANTIC CITY On Thursday Aug 10th the Chesa ¬ peake C Ohio will run Its annuM ex ¬ cursion to Atlantic City and Cape May Tickets will be sold for both morning and evening trains for S14 for round trip from Lexington Winchester Dud Mt Sterling good returning until Aug 27th Through sleepers for Atlantic City will leave Lexington on the F F V Limited nt 11 A M reaching Allan ¬ tic City next afternoon Sleepers to Washington only on night train At ¬ lantic City Is the most popular seaside rewirtand a visit there Is never to be forgotten Send in your namoj for f 1ttplnr cur reservation or any Infor ¬ mation you da lru George W Barney Dlv Pass Agt LAxIngion Ky Various report from the several V priHonH at Pakfn of dates as late as July 22 loqludlng one from Minister Conger leave no doubt of their safety adalso force a roiillintlon of tlio ne cessity of tho Immediate departure of the relief colnmh for though they ate alt the perils have not been remov ed There seems to be no doubt that China and Russia are at war in the Amur government and that nil the ministers aro held as hostages but further than that there Is no reliable news as to the political situation The gravest danger teems to bo that If the advance Is begun tbo remaining Eu ¬ ropeans In Pekln may be put to death Three grand midsummer excursions Niagara Falls Thousand Islands and Toronto all In ono via tho Queen L Crescent route Aug 2d fltb 10th only 81005 Niagara and return from June ¬ tion City Through trains day coaches and Pullman sleepers Cincinnati to Niagara Aug 2d via Big 4 A1ug Oth via 0111 D Ry Aug 16th via Erie Lines Tickets good 12 days to return See small bills or ask agents for furth ¬ er particulars Tho 7th victim of tho Negro Charles bullets at New Orleans has died i 1 HON BEN V SMITH Of the democratic nominee for Con ¬ grew In the llth district who will nut down the republican majority and make many hundred votes fort the National and State tickets his home paper the SomersetJournaleaye Mr Smith was born In 1880 on a farm In iho northern part of Pulse county where bo lived and tolled for a ilvolleood and to curn money with which to procure an education alter ¬ nately laboring teaching school and attending Kentucky University He was graduated In a Normal school In Ohio receiving degree of A B and since that of A M and L L B He removed to Texas whore ho remained nngaged in teaching three years re ¬ turning to Somerset In 1809 where he- ws admitted to the bar and since that tlmo bas been actively engaged in the practice of his profession His first ac ¬ thc participation In politics was in 1595 In the campaign of Hurdln and Clay being a warm supporter of the former In 1800 be was among tbo Drat- to declare for the free coinage of silver tied was sent as a delegate to the Chi ¬ cago convention In 1890 ho was mude Stale Central Com ¬ a member of the mittee and devoted his time and mon- ey ¬ to help organize the district In 1807 ho made his tires race for office the judgeship of Pulaski county und although McKlnlevs majority in the Smith with dif ¬ county was l5t9 Mr acuIty was defeated bv the small ma- Jority ¬ of 392 Mr Smith ts a stump speaker of no mean ability bright con ¬ fident and quick at repartee always aggressive yet never abusive He mar ¬ sled a republican In Ohio whom with all his natural and acquired gifts In persuasive and argumentative power tie modestly confesses he has never been able convert Q C C R Ri Elks street fair horse show and earn ¬ val Lexington Aug 1318 Ono fare for the roundtrip from all Queen Creszent points In Kentucky nnd from Cincinnati eachMay of the fair These tickets are good to return until Aug 20lb Do not fall to go Ask ticket agent for particulars Patrons of Ibe horse show and carnival of 1000 will be Introduced to a roost gorgeous and ex endive array of amusement features Within an enclosure will be aggrega ¬ ted no lees than Ib separate and distinct shows which will conspire to furnish every form of wholesome entertain- ment ¬ known to man A hundred dither ¬ ent features with the thousands upon thousands of varied effects will make it the Mecca for both young and old Many of these features have already been secured with contracts for other are dally being negotiated and will be announced through all papers bill- boards and other advertising mediums Among the features already contracted for are the performing horses ele ¬ hunts camels trained dogs donkeys menagerie of wild beans and Japanese theatre ExcunsiON TiutOLoit CANADA TO NIAGARA FALLS The C nII D Ry excursion to Niagara will run n popular FII111 by WilY of Detroit and the MIHI gan Central through Canada Ticket on ate Aug 0ih roiurn limit Aug 20in Price for the roundtrip from Cincinnati will be 7 correspondingly low rates from nil points Apply to C U fc D Ry agents for ballet giving full information An experienced agent will accompany the train to look after the comfort of passengers If you take this trip you can say you have physical wonder of sueD the greatest our earth r What most people want is something mild and gentle when In treed of n phys ¬ io Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets 1111 tho b 11 to a dot They rare easy to take and pleasant In effect For sale by Craig Hocker Druggists A FniCSHTFUL BLUKDER Solid Cut or Hum Will otlf n raiiM a horrible Ihieklen Atnlca italrr the It lu ibe Itrulw mnilvlv hut II world will kill the Ia1n and lIa Felon Ours 01t Sores Fever Musa Ulren Krupilonf lIt IMU 118 III SrVh alISklll nl CUTO I1 Ilbylenny imiggUt About one seventh of the reports off been tab- ulated the pew census have already and from these It Is estimated that the total population will be be- tween ¬ 7500000 and 70000000 an In- crease of about 14000000 In 10 years p Secretary Long says the naval work now under way by tbo JJnlled States will cost 02000000 Stat College of Kentucky + ea tl1Bfolowlng SchoolIssilcal ofwhich extends over tour years and leads to n degree Post graduate courses of study are also provided leading ench to a masters degree Each course of sturdy B profcasorsand BnwIIlIhl8 modernThe It j f I 830000 for drill hall and gymnasium for men CongressGraduates nail V thocolltJoIII 503For information regauling courses of study and terms of admission app y to JAMES K ATTEItSON Ph D LL D President AgentFall + r I 6nlv6 I a k Minutes of your time and drop in and see our new quarters and Incidentally let us show you some of t- heMidSttmmer Bargains We are oflpriug in Clothing Straw tints Shoes fie IT PHTS TO TRADE AT THE GLOBE- S Your money back if youre not satlsCed Miller Hirsch Danville Successors to J L Frohman tit CoI Trusses I Of All Kinds and Sizes Prices Very Reason ¬ able Craig Hocker Stanford HM A C SINE CONTRACTOR BUILDER STANFORD KENTUCKY I make close estimates on work and guarantee perfect satisfaction as to work ¬ manship and material as will be attest ¬ ed by any one of the many parties for yearsthat I carry a full stock of Doors Sash Blinds Metal Roofing Rough rand Dressed Lumber Lath Shingles EtcJ 0 I will duplicate any prices offerecl- J 4JAOtU tCD4d00 43AIIQ a Glotbing llndflatsy 1 q At Close To Close Out Now Is Your Chance To Get Bargains In Tho Above Lines eoI Farris G Co PENNYS D UGs10ijE Drugs Books s Stationery Paints And Oils Telephone No 2 Stanford Ky r c s r

Transcript of Semi-weekly interior journal.. (Springfield, KY) 1900-08-03 [p...

Page 1: Semi-weekly interior journal.. (Springfield, KY) 1900-08-03 [p ] · 2013. 6. 15. · c 7 F N-SEMI WEEKLY I INTERIOR JOURNftL t ISSUED EUERY

c 7 FN-






A postofllco has icon established atTroipur Knox county John II Trosper imsluiaitor-

Tho drug store and building of GcoScboolllold at Burgle was burned loss92500 Incendiary

j Tho L N will replace the COpouad

rails with 80 pounders on lie heavygrades on tbo Cumberland track

Gcoruo Mallard who killed Tom Irv-



Johnton at Uoreu depot Saturdaysurrendered His plea le Boltdefense

Tho consul otllca at Washington hasmade public tlio population of tho cityof Cincinnati It la 32fiW2 an Increaseover the last census bf 23091-

Wllllamsburu Institute has notice of

the coming of more girls than it canaccommodate It sadly needs n girls

I boarding homo which can bo erectedfor 12000 Argus

C D Chenuult for 30 years calhler-af the Madison National flank resigncd his position and hat boon lucccodcdtemporarily by Mr Waller Dennettpresident of the bank

Dr John Williams a prominent phyIclun of Ford 12 miles north of Hlchmono Is reported to have been drown ¬

ed in a collision at sea while on rojtoto visit bis oldbomo In North WalcioThe friends of Cam Williams of

Plttaburg who Was sentenced a yearago to Imprisonment for two years tntho State ponltontlary for killing ChasJunes a young man are getting up n

petition to Coy Hcckbnm asking forthe reloaio of tho prlionar

A 20000 flro occurred pet Harrodiburp Tuesday which destroyed twobusiness houses The cornor house was

occupied al a dry Roods and millineryestablishment by Mrs John DixieTho adjoining storeroom was owned by

MM Lluoy and Wild occupied by Ma ¬

rlon Davis jowolry and furniture deal-

er It Is thought the fire was duo toIncendiarism


It turns out that bcbwotnfurth tho

Illinois menlati bus married his Ho-I and has turned chrUtlan scientist

Ray D C Ilorton will preach atPreacbqrsvllia next Sunday and at tho

Stanford Methodist church Sunday

the rahMm Welch has a letter from Rot

George 0 Darnes slating that bo nedwlfo celebrated July 20th the anolvorvary of their marriage by joiningUowlos Zion Christian Catholic churchAla and alack

Fourloolsl olden who had beenusing Incendiary language wero cap¬

I turcd by a mob at Manstlold 0 Twoof them were released on promlso toleave and tho others were strippedpainted and paraded through thostreets

Georgia papers say that Sam Jonesthe evangelist Is about to forsake hisold homo at Cartersvlllo that Stateand remove to the vicinity of Atlantaand they Intimate that his change of

residence will bo made almply becausebe has loaf bis grip on the Cartersvilla people

At Ulysses ICes ono night last week

the Hov Mr Johnson prayed to God to

lava tho farmers crops and soon tor ¬

rests of water camo down The rainwee tbo heaviest for many years and Itcontinued all night The Rov MrJohnson and htscoogrcgallon could notloavo tho schoolhouse and tho nightwee spent In prayer and songs of



S Dunbar bought a pair of work

mules of D G Fax for 82SO L CJ

Hubblo sold his fat hogs to Fox As Me

Carley at Ito Georgo Wood wont toDee Lick Saturday to recolvu about 100

sheep JT C Rankln sold a work muleto B U Fox for S120 J C Kutmnkn

ioUJ his QHV crop of hay to JtUItaughinun delivered on our at Stan ¬

ford for S5o L G Hubblo hue lost

three Ono oalvijs fruin bluok leg In thelast tow ay s Jt J Walker has beervl outing onlvol In the vicinity since

ad o fur no more hate died from lur lam + Irvine df Pula kl uounty Is

wiui I F lilgnuy for u few days Oeo-

k Runkin t + building him a new stock

burn Mrs T O Rankin U on thepuny lIet but U much bolter ut this

writing MOddulilea H C Walters andA M Lucd nro attending tbo cumpmeeting ttt WllmOro Miss FlonnloHammonds has gone to Casey and Rug

sell to spend a fo3v we Dies with ruin

lives Johu Robinson bits gono to thomountains alter some sheep Mr Doll

of Ohio is in looking attar aoiaa fooding cattle

If you have n baby in the house youwill wish to know tlie best way to chock

any unusual looseness of tho bowels or

diarrhoea so common to small childrenO P M llolUdny of Denting Iml wholine MI eleven months old chld siiysThrough the months of Juno and July ourbaby was teething and look a running oil

of tho bowels and sickness of the atom

nch Jib bowels would movo from five

to eight tiuius a tiny I had a bottle ofChamberlains colic Cholera and Diar¬

rhoea Itanedy In the house and gave him

four drops in a teaspnonful of water and

he got butter at once For sale by Craig

tc hockey Druggists

Four girls wero caught by tho under¬

tow white bathing ut Ocean City and



T P Mooro 20 and Miss Laura Saylor 18 woro made one on tho 2d byRev David Monk-

sAaronNoakf 25 a cousin of Cnpt R

R Noaks was married to Miss Rebecca

Harris 10 at Rev J G Livingstonsby that gentleman on the l t-

At the ago of US years n woman of

Waterloo N Y has jut taken upon

herself tho vows of matrimony and Is

proud of the tact that sho Is probablytho oldest brldo In tho world

Miss Mary Margaret Harding of

Plcasantvlllc who made frequent visitsto this city to her undo and aunt Mrand Mrs Robert Harding Will bo mar-



on Aug 8th to WS ThrolkcldDanvlllo Now

Mr John L Kennedy 22 eon of MrGrovo Kennedy and Mies Mary Cum ¬

mine tho pretty 17ycurold duughicrof Mr W H Cummins were marriedat tho latter residence on tho let andstart life with many good wishes fromhosts of friends

Mr H G Pointer and Mrs Harveyof Garrard wero married at tbo StAsaph Wednesday by Rev S M Ran ¬

kin Misses Payne and Roberts andMessrs J R Bradley and John M

Payne accompanied tbo couple and nilenjoyed a fine dinner spread for themat the hotel

Mr and Mrs William H Sheer of

Danvlllo celebrated the COth anniver ¬

lary of their marriage WednesdayThey are both In good health and arc70 nod 71 respectively Ten childrenwcro born to them five of whom arelying Mr Shears Is tbo oldest mer ¬

chant In Dan 11110

Without previous notice to theirmany friends Mr Charles D Millerand Miss Mary Gentry wero united In

marriage Saturday night at tho resi ¬

lance of Rev Jasper K Smith whoolllelatcd tho attendants being MrDuke Gordon of this city and MissStella Wilmot of Frankfort The bap ¬

py couple repaired to the residence of

tbo grooms brother Mr A D Millerund there received tho congratulationsof awaiting guests who bad been ap¬

praised of the marriage RichmondClluax


I hada severe attack of bilious colic

JOt a bottle Chamberlains Colic Choleraand Diarrhoea Remedy took two doses

and wee entirely cured snys Itev A a-

Oaerof Kmporla Kan My neighborcruse the street was sick for over a week

had two or three bottles of medicine from

the doctor Ho used them for three orfOllt days without relief then called in

another doctor who treated him for some

days and gave him no relief so discharg ¬

ed him I went over to tee him nextmorning He said Isis bowels were in aterrible Gx that they had been runningofTso long that it was almost bloody flux

I asked him if bo bad tried I hatnberlainsColic Cholera and Dianboea Ret ued

and he said No I wont borne net

brought him my bottle and gave him one

done told him to take another dote Jnfifteen or twenty minutes if be did notfind relief but he took no more and was

entirely cured I think it the brit medi ¬

cine I have ever tried II For sale byCraig h Hooker Druggists

Low Wcet Railroad bargaindays via tho Monon oute Tickets willbo sold by the Monon route from LouIsvlllc Ky to Klnts In Arizona lint¬

ish Columbia Colorado Idaho IowaManitoba Minnesota Montana Ne ¬

braska Now Mexico North DakotaOregon South Dakota Utah Wash ¬

igloo Northern Wisconsin and Wy ¬

oming at one fir toll1sli faro plu82 forthe roundtrip on June 10th July II 17

Aug 721 Sept 4 18 Oct 2 JO Nov-O 20 and Dec 4 10 llmltod returning21 days Pros pooling pttrllas rind tout ¬

ists will be furnished with suhodulaxand further information by addrorslngK If Bacon District PussfDiror AgontMonotiUouto Louisville Ky

REMEDY FOR lLuxSqulre JumosM Llllard gives us this ure curefur flux says the Harrodsburg Damncm Fill a tumbler half full of applevinegar put a tennpnon full oaoh of

Crab Orchard and Epsom suits and autblaspounful of table

<salt Take A

spoonful every hour until six doseshave been taken and then every fwo-

I hours and you will be well before you

know It

A NIGHT or TEiinonA-wml aIISMI WM kit fer the widow of the

braY Oral Hurnlwmof 3laehhSDlr whinbe duetotr wkl tit could c

Its Slrs tl ll Unan who uiientlwt TlC thettful IathAU thought the wed roan rite tma

llIflllnllln bu ikw brgtl Iur Ill Rings EewItuJYlry suyleg It bawl were thou fiH fay lIer-

nr ker W Cauew ttut tiresIII floodsdibadi4trsdl7J1 u ChI IDtI I-

yrtr I his uurveluwto euro all 101110wsdkdae Ii

Chlou I

and Lens 4leu Only ear and 51 Trial00111111 free at 1tooyl drutl sure

Robert Cunningham 00 proprlotor

of tho Cunningham Hotel at Kansas

City was fined 500 In police court formashing on complaint of Mine Maud

Watson and Miss Emma Pryor who-

pped at his hotel

Tho laws of health require that thebowels move encroach day nnd ono of

the penalties for violating this law Is

piles Keep your bowels regular by tak-



a dose of Cbninboilnlns Stomach nndt Liver Tablets when necessary and you

will hover have that severe punishmentInflicted upon you Price 25 cents Forsale by Craig do Hocktr Druggists


Garrard county will bo well repre ¬

rented at the Uustanvlllo fairTho coroners jury agreed that Hen ¬

ry Hughes was killed by tho north-



train last Sunday morning about3

oclockMrA Robinson had three cattle

to dlo which acted as If tboy were madand It Is reported that a rabid dog wascoon snapping at them

Elijah Siodghlll and Lizzie Elmonsboth colored were arrested by Marsbal Pierce and Judge Drown fined

them 41 for a breach of tbo peace onBattle Row

18 Elkln has bought E W Norrls meat store and will continue busi ¬

ness at the same place Mr Norrie basmade many friends and Mr Elkln Is anold hand at tbo business

Bro Barnes article In the iNTKUiOFt

JOURNAL In reference to the futureexistence of dogs Is full of good senseard reason The faithful dog Is truerthan man and possesses traits thatmake us ashamed of ourselves A good

dog Is more faithful than any man andmod a bad dog Is bettor than a bad man

Speaking of a cull session of tho LegIslaiuro to modify tbo election law Isuggest that In order to get close to thopeople from whom all Slower comes alaw bo enacted requiring tbo precinctsto bold meetings 30 dupe before theelection to appoint men to meet at thecourt bouse to appoint election otllcersWe follow this plan to nominate candi ¬

dates fo less Important oftlccs and thework Is reasonable when wo considerthe fact that an election officer holdstbo noaltloa upon which depends theelection of all olllcers and the peaceund dignity of the Commonwealth

Tho sudden death of Mine DorcasLeave at her home three rupee fromtown on Tuesday morning of heartdisease caused a deep gloom to per ¬

ratio the entire community Funeralservice were conducted at the Pre by ¬

terian church Wednesday by Revs AW Crawford and U N Faijlconer Alarge crowd was In attendance and theservices wcro duly Impressive manysympathetic chords being touched by

the grief of she mother sister andbrothers Sho was 18 years of ago Justentering womanhood and tbo pictureof health buvlng been effected but afew moments before her death Shewas a member of the Presbyterianchurch very much admired by every-



and was related to some of thebest families In tbo county-

F D Flsslngcr and two travelingmen named Baker and Helzer disa ¬

greed about the amount of their hotelbill and the latter left for Danville af ¬

ter paying part bf the turn demandedFlsslnger swore out a warrant cbarging them with fraudulently obtaininghotel accommodations without payingfor same They wore arrested In Dan ¬

ville brought back anti tried In JudgeDrowntf court the jury agreeing thatthey were not guilty Mr Fisstnger Is

now the defendant in two suits of 15

000 each for damages on account of themelts Mr Flsslnger had chargerthem for all tho meals during tbelrstay but they refused to pay for onemeal which they did not eat becausechicken was not served claiming thatthat was the contract at the beginningwhich Mr Flsslngor denies Tomlinson and Owsloy represented the plain ¬

tiff and Hurodon the defendantsMr and Mrs R E Hughes of Lou ¬

isville will visit relatives hero nextweek Mrs R E MuRoberla rind

danghlur Letllo went to LouisvilleWednesday Dr and Mrs W S El

kin of Ailaiitu liD l Mr iSmrgo Ma-



of dilution ore hfiv with rela ¬

tives Mr T I lUUD r 1 tnt wellMr Grorpe LurkU ou dury i s U S-

orekr at CrenQtsterd Mr RM Dilletmy o < I h with us andwill burn another brick kiln this fallProf J tl Pauor onwllconduut theDoyle county teachers lnktltirtpnextwvk nod is cure 141 give tatisfaetionM acme C D Powell George PalmerH C Uiiinllion J Paul Miller TheoCurry lr and Earl Farru bavo prune

to Niagara Falls Mrs A D Ford hue

turned from Wllaioro MUSSM totP HlKtli E P Moribund tber faDllos were here Tuecduy 1laater Rob

rt Walter boa symptoms of fovorv Mrand Mrs Edward Price entertained afew bleed ut tell Wednesday vonlog

0 S Oreenlenf lelII

TUN DOLLAUS Michigan and re-



A via steamerMnnltou to For Wednesday August

Kith the Monon Route will sell ticketsfrom Louisville via Chicago rind S SManltou the finest haM on Lako MIoh

Igan to Maoklnac Potojkoy tinyVlow Wcquetonslng and sister resortsat the remarkably low rate of 810 for-

e round trip Tickets will bu goodreturning 15 days Bookings should bo

made at once as the party will bo lim ¬

ited to accommodations ueslgnod Par ¬

ticulars of E H Bacon D P A Lou ¬


Tho grout wall of China la tho largestartificial structure In tho world Ht is1500 mlles In length and varies In

height from 40 to CO foot It was bulk

over 2000 years ago

THAT THROBBIia HEADACHEKingIwf I their oittclilns meritIdatb They wake bloool and

wdod build ul your heiltb Easy SerrollsITry them Only rents Money backcured bold bj Penny Drupght



A majority of tho common schoolshavo opened

The Bank of Mt Vernon will openfor business Sept 15th

S W DavIs bas nearlycompletedhlBtwostory storehouse near the railroadcrossing

Lloyd Maret Is In receipt of a Deckbarn button enclosed in a loiter with

compliments of the governor to

The turnpike question has again beentaken up by our county paper and tbopeople rare taking considerable interestin tho tubject

Theo Wesley has moved his drugstore to the Joplin store houee CoxBros will open a store In the house va ¬

cated by WesleyBrick layers are making good prog ¬

ress on the Bock Adams bulldlnjrJohn Suter the noted atone mason isIn charge of tho stono work

Mrs Fannie Pennlngton wife of

Samuel Pennlngton died of typhoidfever last Saturday morning Tho reo

mains wero laid away In the cemeteryhere Sunday morning

The Ml Vernon band left Wednes ¬

day night for Nlcholasvlllc where theywill play two days for the street fairProf Alf Cbiesman of the famousLondon band Is with them

The telephone line building In Rockcastle Is moving right along Connec ¬

Lion with Hansford will bo bad wllhln10 days Poles are being set on linesfrom this place to Wild Ie Langfordand Orlando London will be talkingto the outside world by tho 25th

By tho completion of the telephoneline from Richmond to Ford last weekthe Independents are now enabled to dobusiness with Winchester LexingtonParis Ml Sterling etc By Sept 1sttbo new line from Lancaster to Rich ¬

mood will be completed which willgraatly I Do provo tbo service

Judge R G Williams who Is nmighty sick man Id at Mallory SpringsHIs host of friends and admirers earn ¬

estly hope that the doctor diagnosis ofhis case will not hold good The med ¬

cal men Informed him that bo wouldprobably not live more than sixmonths Tbo Judge bravely said I

will try and fool youWo aro In receipt of the Interesting

program of the G A R reunion forthe blue and the gray which takesplace at Woodstock on Aug 15 10 and17 Huston Osborn and Dr G W Is¬

aacs are In charge of arrangements andthey will see that every one attendingbOIl a good time The Mt Vernon bandbis been engaged to furnish the music

Miss Ida May Adams Is learning tbomysteries of the switchboard and atslsilng in tho telephone exchangeFritz Krueger Is back from Manches ¬

ter Hyden and Sbelbyvllle where heIs putting up buildings Mrs G ARice and Mrs Dr Lawrence visitedLeye Green Fifteen men from LevelGreen neighborhood went to Favetlocounty to work In the tobacco fields AH Beetle was up from Lancaster during four days of last week reconstruct¬

ing his Rockcastle lines Quite a partyfrom here spent Tuesday with MrsZack Hansel at her country home nearthis place H C McCann who Istraveling In the interest of the newgovernment survey has been In MtVernon almost a week and Is still meet ¬

ing with great success in his workhere

LAST EXCURSION TO ATLANTIC CITYOn Thursday Aug 10th the Chesa ¬

peake C Ohio will run Its annuM ex ¬

cursion to Atlantic City and Cape MayTickets will be sold for both morningand evening trains for S14 for roundtrip from Lexington Winchester Dud

Mt Sterling good returning until Aug27th Through sleepers for AtlanticCity will leave Lexington on the F FV Limited nt 11 A M reaching Allan ¬

tic City next afternoon Sleepers toWashington only on night train At ¬

lantic City Is the most popular seasiderewirtand a visit there Is never to beforgotten Send in your namoj forf 1ttplnr cur reservation or any Infor ¬

mation you da lru George W BarneyDlv Pass Agt LAxIngion Ky

Various report from the several VpriHonH at Pakfn of dates as late asJuly 22 loqludlng one from MinisterConger leave no doubt of their safety

adalso force a roiillintlon of tlio necessity of tho Immediate departure ofthe relief colnmh for though they atealt the perils have not been removed There seems to be no doubt thatChina and Russia are at war in theAmur government and that nil theministers aro held as hostages butfurther than that there Is no reliablenews as to the political situation Thegravest danger teems to bo that If theadvance Is begun tbo remaining Eu ¬

ropeans In Pekln may be put to death

Three grand midsummer excursionsNiagara Falls Thousand Islands andToronto all In ono via tho Queen L

Crescent route Aug 2d fltb 10th only81005 Niagara and return from June ¬

tion City Through trains day coachesand Pullman sleepers Cincinnati toNiagara Aug 2d via Big 4 A1ug Othvia 0111 D Ry Aug 16th via ErieLines Tickets good 12 days to returnSee small bills or ask agents for furth ¬

er particulars

Tho 7th victim of tho Negro Charlesbullets at New Orleans has died




Of the democratic nominee for Con ¬

grew In the llth district who will nutdown the republican majority and makemany hundred votes fort the Nationaland State tickets his home paper theSomersetJournaleaye

Mr Smith was born In 1880 on a

farm In iho northern part of Pulsecounty where bo lived and tolled for a

ilvolleood and to curn money with

which to procure an education alter ¬

nately laboring teaching school andattending Kentucky University He

was graduated In a Normal school In

Ohio receiving degree of A B and

since that of A M and L L B He

removed to Texas whore ho remainednngaged in teaching three years re ¬

turning to Somerset In 1809 where he-

ws admitted to the bar and since thattlmo bas been actively engaged in thepractice of his profession His first ac ¬

thc participation In politics was in

1595 In the campaign of Hurdln and

Clay being a warm supporter of theformer In 1800 be was among tbo Drat-

to declare for the free coinage of silvertied was sent as a delegate to the Chi ¬

cago convention In 1890 ho was mudeStale Central Com ¬a member of the

mittee and devoted his time and mon-



to help organize the district In

1807 ho made his tires race for office

the judgeship of Pulaski county und

although McKlnlevs majority in theSmith with dif ¬county was l5t9 Mr

acuIty was defeated bv the small ma-



of 392 Mr Smith ts a stump

speaker of no mean ability bright con ¬

fident and quick at repartee always

aggressive yet never abusive He mar ¬

sled a republican In Ohio whom with

all his natural and acquired gifts In

persuasive and argumentative power

tie modestly confesses he has never

been able convert

Q C C R RiElks street fair horse show and earn ¬

val Lexington Aug 1318 Ono fare

for the roundtrip from all Queen

Creszent points In Kentucky nnd from

Cincinnati eachMay of the fair These

tickets are good to return until Aug

20lb Do not fall to go Ask ticketagent for particulars Patrons of Ibe

horse show and carnival of 1000 will be

Introduced to a roost gorgeous and ex

endive array of amusement featuresWithin an enclosure will be aggrega ¬

ted no lees than Ib separate and distinctshows which will conspire to furnish

every form of wholesome entertain-



known to man A hundred dither ¬

ent features with the thousands upon

thousands of varied effects will make it

the Mecca for both young and old

Many of these features have already

been secured with contracts for otherare dally being negotiated and will be

announced through all papers bill-

boards and other advertising mediums

Among the features already contractedfor are the performing horses ele ¬

hunts camels trained dogs donkeys

menagerie of wild beans and Japanese


ExcunsiON TiutOLoit CANADA TO

NIAGARA FALLS The C nII D Ryexcursion to Niagarawill run n popular

FII111 by WilY of Detroit and the MIHI

gan Central through Canada Ticketon ate Aug 0ih roiurn limit Aug

20in Price for the roundtrip from

Cincinnati will be 7 correspondingly

low rates from nil points Apply to C

U fc D Ry agents for ballet giving

full information An experienced

agent will accompany the train to look

after the comfort of passengers If you

take this trip you can say you havephysical wonder of

sueD the greatestour earth


What most people want is something

mild and gentle when In treed of n phys¬

io Chamberlains Stomach and Liver

Tablets 1111 tho b 11 to a dot They rare

easy to take and pleasant In effect For

sale by Craig Hocker Druggists

A FniCSHTFUL BLUKDERSolid Cut orHumWill otlf n raiiM a horrible

Ihieklen Atnlca italrr the It lu ibeItrulw mnilvlv hut IIworld will kill the Ia1n and lIa FelonOurs 01t Sores Fever Musa Ulren

Krupilonf lIt IMU 118 IIISrVh alISklll nl CUTO I1Ilbylenny imiggUt

About one seventh of the reports offbeen tab-

ulatedthe pew census have already

and from these It Is estimated

that the total population will be be-



7500000 and 70000000 an In-

crease of about 14000000 In 10 yearsp

Secretary Long says the naval work

now under way by tbo JJnlled Stateswill cost 02000000

Stat College of Kentucky+eatl1BfolowlngSchoolIssilcalofwhich extends over tour years and leads to n degree Post graduate courses of

study are also provided leading ench to a masters degree Each course of sturdy BprofcasorsandBnwIIlIhl8modernThe Itj f I

830000 for drill hall and gymnasium for menCongressGraduates nailVthocolltJoIII503For information regauling courses

of study and terms of admission app y toJAMES K ATTEItSON Ph D L L D PresidentAgentFall +

r I

6nlv6 Ia


Minutes of your time and drop in and see our new quarters and Incidentally let usshow you some of t-


We are oflpriug in Clothing Straw tints Shoes fie


THE GLOBE-S Your money back if youre not satlsCed

Miller Hirsch DanvilleSuccessors to J L Frohman titCoI

Trusses IOf All Kinds and Sizes Prices Very Reason ¬


Craig Hocker StanfordHM


STANFORD KENTUCKYI make close estimates on work and

guarantee perfect satisfaction as to work ¬manship and material as will be attest¬ed by any one of the many parties foryearsthatI carry a full stock of Doors SashBlinds Metal Roofing Rough rand DressedLumber Lath Shingles EtcJ0

I will duplicate any prices offerecl-J 4JAOtU tCD4d00 43AIIQ a

Glotbing llndflatsy1


At Close To Close Out

Now Is Your ChanceTo Get Bargains In Tho Above Lines

eoI Farris G CoPENNYS D UGs10ijE

DrugsBooks s

StationeryPaintsAnd Oils

Telephone No 2 Stanford Ky


