i SEMI = WEEKLY INTERIOR JOURNAL IVOL XXX1I1 STANFORD KY FRIDAY APRIL 119048 A M NO10 LAND STOCK CROPS ETC Polled Durham Dull call for sale A J Uooob Maywood FOR SALElOO owes and 80 lamb nutlman White sc Sons 0 P Huffman bought of MrCamen lab tome butcher stuff at 3J to 4o The Dugan farm of 415 acroi near Perry fllle changed hands atU5 Two Polled Durham bull calves for sale J W DauKhmaa Stanford 2i Alton Edelenof Burgln aold to O W Oatu of Monticello a green saddle lUlllon for 1575 FOR SALE Barred Plymouth eggs Hawkins stralm II per setting of 15 Hubert Carpenter 2t The Tawney Tobacco Bill was ad ¬ versely reported ln tbo House by the Ways and Mean commltleo John W Davis hat sold and shipped to the mine In Virginia and Wet Vir ¬ ginia 100 milk cow bought at from 130 to 13360 Lex Democrat a n Beailey will stand this year Ante Carlo a floe harness sulllon a beautiful Sbotland pony and a mulo Jack See advertisement next Issue Before a crowd of 10000 people the classic Montgomery Handicap was won at Memphis from a field of 10 by Little Scout the four yoarold colt of George C Bennett ft Co making the mile and a sixteenth In 140 The deecrlptlon and pedigree of that iplendld saddle stallion Preston ap- pear elsewhere It will be seen that ho has defeated all of the crack saddle stallions and all know that be Is a One breeder as well as a show horse AI pair of geldings by him sold for 15000 while many of his sons and daughter have reached the 11000 mark In sales J F Cook and J Carroll BaUey have aright to feel proud of too doe fellow Read the advertisement carefully and lea what he has done PREACHERSVILLE Wm Spangler thud a large blow log viper on John Qoltselawt place Jeff Dunn of Bryantsvlllo bought of James Rlgsby a horse for 1120 J J Thompson bought a bunch of bogs of J T Blngaman at 130 Troy Duvall who has returned from Indianapolis bad the misfortune to break his leg while alighting from a buggy He fell from a bridge last fall and broke the same leg Drs ICdmls ton and Pettus of CrabOrohard were In attendance and be Is roiling easy The organ has been put In the flap tilt church and all aro greatly pleated and unite In saying that It Is a much needed Improvement A thorough test was given the Instrument Saturday evening by Mrs F F Cummins and Misses Ella Tbompton and Boulah Jor ¬ din all of whom are splendid must clans D F Thompson Is convalescent J D Hortoo has grip Walter Peltus Is Inillsposed from a cold Mr Garrison Is almost well again from grip Mrs Purcell Is dangerously Illof pneumonia MUs Mattle Cormlny of Rowland U visiting at J F Paynes D T Luns icrd and wife wore vlslslng at G B Colsoos Rev and Mrs B G Horton of Mlllersburz aro with his parents here EASY WAY TO CURE CATARRH Broatho Hyomel And Kill All Ca tarrhal Germs Konoy Back If It Falls Says- G L Penny There Is no dangerous stomach drug- ging when using Hyomol Tho healing andaromatic balsams which compote this wonderful treatment aro breathed through a neat pocket Inhaler that comes with every II outfit In this way the germkilling mad health giving Hyomel penetrates to the most re mote evils ot the lungs It searches out and kills disease germs in tbe air of the head throat and nose tootles and heals the irritated mucous membrane and absolutely drives catarrh from the s- tem ¬ Such remarkable results have followed tho uso of Uyomel by the best people of Stanford that Mr Penny has the greatest confidence In Its power to cute catarrh Ho believes In It so thoroughly that he will give his personal guarantee to refund tho money If it does not cure the purchas ¬ er to be tho sole judge This is an unusual offer and tho first time that any medicine or treatment for the cure of catarrh has been sold In thin way If it cures the expense is tilling while Iflt falls tho cost is absolutely nothingl aro fortunate enough not be troubledwith catarrh tell your friends of Mr Pcnnyfl offer and got theta to take advantage of it GILUERTS CREEK Miss Susie Za none is visiting Miss Annie Ashiock Was Alpha Traylor returned to Lan ¬ caster alter a visit to her nncle G T- Aeblock0 T Ashlook is la the city buying rood When a woman hasnt any money aha can always know where to go shop- ping nr MORELAND Moreland Is on a boom Asa Peyton lost a very tine cow this week one be bad refuted 1100 for W B Wright and family are visit lOll his father In Lexington W O Greening was here from Lexington on businessProtracted meeting Is going on at the M E church conducted by tbe pas- tor ¬ Rev Walker and assisted by Rn- A P Jones Good crowds aro In at ¬ tendanceA Is on foot to get a street from Moreland Crossing to the Carter lane on the west side of the Q k C If this Is done the west side of Moreland will come to the front as there are some nice lots that can be told W B Compton oblef clerk lorD P Sbewmaker the Q d G agent hat been promoted to tbe night telegraph job at Moreland Alonzo Gordon of Uweoton has taken the position vacat- ed by Mr Compton Mrs Ed Show maker Is very sick at herbome Beech wood W A Vandlvcer of Unrrods burg spent several day with B P Sbewmaker Hues ft Coffer merchants hate pur- chased the old Bridgowater stand and moved tbe building to make room for a large ware house which they have completed and unloaded In U a car- load ¬ of wagons plows salt and a full line of stoves and hardware They have repaired the old building and rented It to J H Minks who will move the poitoRIse toll They have also built office for our produce shipper A Slaughter and built a now side walk In front of their building and setoutsbado trees along tbe pike which will add to tbe looks as well as to tbe comfort of our town RUBBLE The farmers are busy sowing oats L 0 King is up from a spell of grip A dishwasher has arrived at the home of James Jones and wife M B Bubaoks has purchased a Ono Ie of harness and now ho wants a finer team Rev P J Row lost his family mare train lockjaw caused from a wound on the hip I Rider F M Tinder will fill his ap- pointment ¬ ai the Obrlttlanoburch Sun- day afternoon Tbe county road via A C Carmans farm which has been discussed for years Is now opened up The quarterly meeting was held at tbe Methodist church Tuesday morn log and night by the presiding elder J W Simpson assisted by the pastor E B Miller spent a few days with bomcfolks In Mt Vernon while his ton Frank was here looking after the In ¬ terest of his farm Dr W F Hlckln has returned to the Medical College at Louisville after a few days visit with relatives and friends hero liDo IT To paxTho timeworn In junction Never put oil ill tomorrow what you CIO do to day Is now gener ¬ ally presented in this Do It 1a111 That Is the terse advice wo want to give you about that hacking coughor demos all lng cold with which you have been struggling for several days perhaps weeks Take some reliable remedy for it TOBAY and let tnat remedy Le Dr Boschees German Pyrup which been in uso for over thirty five years few dotes of it will undoubtedly relieve your cough or cold and Its continued use for a few days will cure you completely No matter bow deep semted your cough even if dread consumption has attacked your lungf Gorman Syrup will surely ef foot a curea It has done before In thousands of apparently hopeless cases of lung trouble New trial bottles 25c reg- ular ¬ site 76o At all druggists C M Strode a Louisville l man who died March 6 In a Philadelphia hospital directed two days before his death that his body should bo cremated and the ashes scattered on the waves of the beautiful Ohio rlverll It was the eccentric request of one not bollcv lag In the hereafter but his wishes will bo carried out Thursday at mid- night ¬ before guests specially Invited Tragedy Averted Just In the nick of time our little boy was saved writes Mrs W Watkins of Pleasant City Ohio Pneumonia had played sad havoc with him and terrible cough sot in besides Doctors treated him but he grow worse every day At length wo tried Dr Kings Now Discovery for Consumption and our darling was saved Hoa now sound and well1 Everybody ought to know its the only sure cure for Coughs Colds and all Lung diseases Guaranteed by G L Penny Druggist Price BOo and 81 Trial bottles free r Attorney General Hays will be con ¬ gratulated upon his attack on Gov Bcckbam and Gov Beckham will bo congratulated uponhls reply to At ¬ General Hays Mr Rays will be congratulated by the republicans and Gov Beckham y the democrats Glasgow Times NEWS NOTES IDavid Blair was killed In Harlan county by unknown parties Edward foyer killed himself at Cov Ington an bo lay in bed with his two little children Joseph Richardson son of J W Richardson editor of the Glasgow Times Is down with small pox Cracksmen entered tbe postoBlce at Clinton blew open the safe and secured about 191005 In stamps and money Rev TF Man gum presiding elder of tbe Eufaula Ala district of the M E church Is dead at Montgomery The mayor or Adelaide Australia has barred Elijah II Dowle from using any public building for services there declaring Dowlo a disgrace to his na tionalityDaniel It J Sully has made a proposi ¬ Lion to his creditors to settle at forty coots on tbe dollar cash the balance to be settled by notes payable In one two and three years A motion for a new trial has been mado at St Louis by the attorneys of Senator Joseph R Burton A bill of exceptions Is also being prepared with a view to an appeal George F Slosson the bllllardlst has broken the world record at 18 loch balk line two shots with a run of 201 The previous mark was 222 made In Paris last fall by Ora Mornlngstar The friends and family of W T Ha vcns of Frankfort are convinced that be was the man seen to jump from the bridge Sunday night Into the Kentucky river No trace of him can be found N H Ford a timber mac of Jackson was found dead In hit bed at tho Bailey Hotel at that place He was rooming with a man named Polly whowas found to be very 111 also The cause of tbe death and sickness Is not known Senator Burton of Kansas was found guilty In the Federal court at St Louis of the charge of accepting money to protect tho Interests of the RlaltoGraln and Securities Company of St Louis before tbe poitofflce department The Bennett will was admitted as a competent document for probating at tbe hearing of William J Bryans ap peat from tbo decision of the Probate Court before Judge Gager at New Raven Bryan a counsel sought to have the sealed letter admitted as e Ideoce and the argument consumed 11 e bees part of the session of court In Memory Of Miss Martha Pearl King As a soft summer breeze that gently dies away In tbo leave or a lovely rose that fades before us even so was the passing of tbe life of Martha Pearl King at dusk of March 19 To those who knew her It seems that no sweet er braver spirit could bavo animated a fairer or more flowerlike form for as- a gentle Elaine a pure Lilymaid II she walked among us and In all the safety and calmness of a lovely Chris ¬ tian character will her spirits white bark be guided over tbe river of death Purehearted lives like hors though given to us but for a short time radiate such joy and sweetness while with us that they live In our hearts always Tbo life ot the rote may be fleeting but the memory of tbe rose Is undying With all of lifes sorrows come patience and strength to beat them Those left bornA too shall cross to tbe othor side where the loved and IIlost for awhile will be found again and whore spirits live al ¬ ways I ° the 1ny of eternal reunited bliss SISTER It Saved His Leg P A DAnforth of LaGrange Ha suf- fered ¬ for six months with a frightful running sore on his leg but writes that Bucklens Arnica Salve wholly nand it in fivo days For Ulcers Wounds Tiles its the best salvo in the world Curs guaranteed Only 26c Sold by O L Penny druggist Naw said little Albert I dont go to Sunday sqhool no more Why I am surprised said th Friend of the Family Dont vou In ¬ tend to go again If they begin giving trading stamps ma might send mo back again II the ea ¬ gacious child replied Chicago Jour- nal ¬ It Never Disappoints F J Williams proprietor of the lIam ¬ ilton Drug Co Hamilton Ohio says Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy IB practically the only remedy be tells for carmps diarrhoea and colic for the plate reason that it nev ¬ er disappoints For sale by W N Craig When thieves fall out honest men will get their dues The editors of the Louisville Herald and Post are engag- ed ¬ In a war of words Lexington Dem ¬ ocrat A man dont have to get married more than once to learn that cold jiidg meat has no show against luck LANCASTER Mr John Walter who recently sold his farm on the Stanford pike will occ- upy the Stone cottage on Richmond AvenueMarriage license was Issued this week to Louis Anderson Sowder and Miss Mottle Botklns They are both of the Cartersvlllo section The class In physical culture under Mrs Taylor of Boston Is large and In terestlog Most of tbe young ladles In town are receiving Instruction In the development ot the body Tbe Easter opening of tbe millinery stores are attracting a large number of visitors The windows arc gay with beautiful hats and all those things eb dear to the feminine heart An unusually large crowd attended court Monday The chief attraction was the horse show but It proved to bo a disappointment to tbo people as few goodborses were on the streets W B Burton has offered for sale his livery horses and rigs to be sold to the highest bidder on Saturday April 9 Ho does this In order to have more room to handle sale horses and mules Mrs Edward Stevens who was Miss Nannje Hopper Is visiting her family here Of late years she has resided In Mexico as the climate Is better suited to the constitution of her children She with her bright boys will return to her western home next week All the Lancaster boys are working hard training for contests In athletics at tbe Blue Grass Graded School Tour ¬ nament to be held In Nlcbolasvllle May 20 27 and 28 Aa Lancaster has a few boys who can come into the eleven second class they feel sure of carrying off some of tho prizes People are take ing great Interest In the State Tourna ¬ ment to ba held here In June for It promises to be the best held In tbe StateAt a tneetlng of tbe democratic cone ¬ ty committee last Monday on motion of Henry Patterson O S Ballew M F Rout and R L Burton reported tbe following resolution which was adopt ¬ ed We your committee afterrecelv log the resignation of E L Woods as chairman of this committee desire In behalf of tbo democratic party to ten ¬ der him our thanks for his leadership and splendid work resulting Inthesuc ceis of the party In 1003 Mr W G Gooch was elected chairman of the committee to Oil tbo vacancy occurring by the resignation of Mr Woods Miss Lizzie Hudson baa returned from a visit to Richmond friend Mrs Wesley West entertained tbe children ot tbe Junior Endeavor Inaveryunlque way Friday evening Miss Smith of Richmond will take Miss Louise Kauff mans place as governess In the home of Mr Jesse Fox Miss Kauff man has accepted a position an teacher In Vir- ginia ¬ Miss Ethel Dunn has accepted a position with tbe Logan Dry Goods Co Mrs J R Mount and Mils Joan ot Covlngton will be tbe guests of Mrs R E MoRoberta until their residence U ready for them MUs Lena Rlgney has been the guest of the Misses Cot ¬ ton In Danville HIGHLAND F Rogers E E Young A L Young and Miss Mabel Norton are sick Mrs C M Young who has been sick for severalweeks Is convalescing slowly Elder Carr of London preached eev oral sermons at Mt Morlab recently He will preach there again tbe fourth Sunday In April Rev G H Cannon pastor of tbe Methodist chnrcblsmak tog an effort to build a new cburob at this place A Jot has been secured on the pike near C M Youngs store and work on It is expected to begin next week Dr R L Dvtsoo of Stanford was hero Tuesday doing some dental work Harry Walls has gong to Highland Park bliss Emma Godbey who has been with her sister Mrs CM Young during her Illness has returned to her home at Bethel Ridge much to the re grot ot one of our young gentlemen L E Speaks of Lancaster was visit ¬ Claude Guodpastor and family ot Nicholas yule visited his father J Y Goodpas- tor Working Overtime I Eight hour laws are Ignored by those tireless little worsenDr Kings Now Life Tills Millions are always at work night anti day curing Indigestion Dill ¬ I ousness Constipation Sick Headache and all Stomach Liver and Bowel troub ¬ les Easy pleasant safe sure Only S5o I at Pennys drug store y A horrible etory of the alleged opera lions of a malpractice Bjqdlcate was told byltDr Mosler on the witness stand before a coroner Investigation In Philadelphia The witness asserted that Infants bad been burned to death In a crematory Occasionally you find a man so lucky that his wife goes to visit his mother 1 IB wt I New Things for Easter jl 1Ve can fit out a man or boy from his hat to his shoes in Fresh UptoDate Clothes Our assortment is complete and well selected we can please you in pattern and in price i ClothingHatsShoesNeckwear i j Fancy Hosiery luy Something New for Easter j sstsaaae T 0 mILLER Danville KU THE GLOBE New Corn Planter ss We have just received our Our New Tiger Disc andR Runner Corn lla ter I Something new Call and see th- emHigginsMKinney I STANFORD KENTUCKY J BUG PROOFij J il If can not make a cistern bug tight nobody in Lincoln county can I will use a cast iron cistern platform a galvanized iron pump and a Haseldcri Potent Filter These three excel ¬ lent articles win forever faithfully guard filth 1 from your cistern Call and examine Phone 116 Depot Street J S H ALDRIDGEr Depot Street Stanford Ky MASTIC ReadyMixed Paints I Are mixed ready for the brushare ab ¬ solutely Pure and Unexcelled in qual i ity durability and finish Satisfac ¬ tion Guaranteed j 41 Pennys Drug Store IGO TO I WB McRoberts FOR I LAN GARDENSEED 1Ky ISTANFORD IGARDEN WALL PAPER DRUGS t READY MIXED PAINTS BOOKS AND STATIONERY

Transcript of SEMI WEEKLY INTERIOR JOURNAL - University of ·...




Polled Durham Dull call for sale A

J Uooob MaywoodFOR SALElOO owes and 80 lamb

nutlman White sc Sons0 P Huffman bought of MrCamen

lab tome butcher stuff at 3J to 4o

The Dugan farm of 415 acroi nearPerry fllle changed hands atU5

Two Polled Durham bull calves forsale J W DauKhmaa Stanford 2i

Alton Edelenof Burgln aold to O

W Oatu of Monticello a green saddle

lUlllon for 1575

FOR SALE Barred Plymouth eggsHawkins stralm II per setting of 15

Hubert Carpenter 2tThe Tawney Tobacco Bill was ad ¬

versely reported ln tbo House by theWays and Mean commltleo

John W Davis hat sold and shippedto the mine In Virginia and Wet Vir ¬

ginia 100 milk cow bought at from130 to 13360 Lex Democrat

a n Beailey will stand this yearAnte Carlo a floe harness sulllon abeautiful Sbotland pony and a muloJack See advertisement next Issue

Before a crowd of 10000 people theclassic Montgomery Handicap was won

at Memphis from a field of 10 by LittleScout the four yoarold colt of George

C Bennett ft Co making the mile anda sixteenth In 140

The deecrlptlon and pedigree of thatiplendld saddle stallion Preston ap-

pear elsewhere It will be seen thatho has defeated all of the crack saddlestallions and all know that be Is a One

breeder as well as a show horse AIpair of geldings by him sold for 15000while many of his sons and daughterhave reached the 11000 mark In salesJ F Cook and J Carroll BaUey havearight to feel proud of too doe fellowRead the advertisement carefully and

lea what he has done


Wm Spangler thud a large blowlog viper on John Qoltselawt place

Jeff Dunn of Bryantsvlllo bought of

James Rlgsby a horse for 1120 J JThompson bought a bunch of bogs of JT Blngaman at 130

Troy Duvall who has returned fromIndianapolis bad the misfortune tobreak his leg while alighting from abuggy He fell from a bridge last falland broke the same leg Drs ICdmls

ton and Pettus of CrabOrohard wereIn attendance and be Is roiling easy

The organ has been put In the flap

tilt church and all aro greatly pleatedand unite In saying that It Is a muchneeded Improvement A thorough testwas given the Instrument Saturdayevening by Mrs F F Cummins andMisses Ella Tbompton and Boulah Jor ¬

din all of whom are splendid mustclans

D F Thompson Is convalescent JD Hortoo has grip Walter Peltus IsInillsposed from a cold Mr GarrisonIs almost well again from grip MrsPurcell Is dangerously Illof pneumoniaMUs Mattle Cormlny of Rowland Uvisiting at J F Paynes D T Lunsicrd and wife wore vlslslng at G B

Colsoos Rev and Mrs B G Hortonof Mlllersburz aro with his parentshere


Broatho Hyomel And Kill All Catarrhal Germs Konoy

Back If It Falls Says-G L Penny

There Is no dangerous stomach drug-

ging when using Hyomol Tho healingandaromatic balsams which compotethis wonderful treatment aro breathedthrough a neat pocket Inhaler that comeswith every II outfit

In this way the germkilling mad healthgiving Hyomel penetrates to the most remote evils ot the lungs It searches outand kills disease germs in tbe airof the head throat and nose tootles andheals the irritated mucous membrane andabsolutely drives catarrh from the s-



Such remarkable results have followed

tho uso of Uyomel by the best people ofStanford that Mr Penny has the greatestconfidence In Its power to cute catarrhHo believes In It so thoroughly that hewill give his personal guarantee to refundtho money If it does not cure the purchas ¬

er to be tho sole judgeThis is an unusual offer and tho first

time that any medicine or treatment forthe cure of catarrh has been sold In thinway If it cures the expense is tillingwhile Iflt falls tho cost is absolutely

nothingl aro fortunate enough not betroubledwith catarrh tell your friendsof Mr Pcnnyfl offer and got theta to takeadvantage of it

GILUERTS CREEK Miss Susie Zanone is visiting Miss Annie AshiockWas Alpha Traylor returned to Lan ¬

caster alter a visit to her nncle G T-

Aeblock0 T Ashlook is la the citybuying rood

When a woman hasnt any moneyaha can always know where to go shop-ping



Moreland Is on a boomAsa Peyton lost a very tine cow this

week one be bad refuted 1100 forW B Wright and family are visit

lOll his father In Lexington W OGreening was here from Lexington on

businessProtractedmeeting Is going on at

the M E church conducted by tbe pas-


Rev Walker and assisted by Rn-A P Jones Good crowds aro In at¬

tendanceAIs on foot to get a street

from Moreland Crossing to the Carterlane on the west side of the Q k C Ifthis Is done the west side of Morelandwill come to the front as there are somenice lots that can be told

W B Compton oblef clerk lorD PSbewmaker the Q d G agent hatbeen promoted to tbe night telegraphjob at Moreland Alonzo Gordon ofUweoton has taken the position vacat-ed by Mr Compton Mrs Ed Showmaker Is very sick at herbome Beechwood W A Vandlvcer of Unrrodsburg spent several day with B PSbewmaker

Hues ft Coffer merchants hate pur-chased the old Bridgowater stand andmoved tbe building to make room fora large ware house which they havecompleted and unloaded In U a car-



of wagons plows salt and a fullline of stoves and hardware They haverepaired the old building and rentedIt to J H Minks who will move thepoitoRIse toll They have also built

office for our produce shipper ASlaughter and built a now side walk In

front of their building and setoutsbadotrees along tbe pike which will add totbe looks as well as to tbe comfort ofour town


The farmers are busy sowing oatsL 0 King is up from a spell of gripA dishwasher has arrived at the

home of James Jones and wifeM B Bubaoks has purchased a Ono

Ie of harness and now ho wants a finerteam

Rev P J Row lost his family maretrain lockjaw caused from a wound onthe hip I

Rider F M Tinder will fill his ap-


ai the Obrlttlanoburch Sun-

day afternoonTbe county road via A C Carmans

farm which has been discussed foryears Is now opened up

The quarterly meeting was held attbe Methodist church Tuesday mornlog and night by the presiding elderJ W Simpson assisted by the pastor

E B Miller spent a few days withbomcfolks In Mt Vernon while his tonFrank was here looking after the In ¬

terest of his farm Dr W F Hlcklnhas returned to the Medical College atLouisville after a few days visit withrelatives and friends hero

liDo IT To paxTho timeworn Injunction Never put oil ill tomorrowwhat you CIO do to day Is now gener ¬

ally presented in this Do It 1a111That Is the terse advice wo want to giveyou about that hacking coughor demosall lng cold with which you have beenstruggling for several days perhapsweeks Take some reliable remedy forit TOBAY and let tnat remedy Le DrBoschees German Pyrup whichbeen in uso for over thirty five yearsfew dotes of it will undoubtedly relieveyour cough or cold and Its continued usefor a few days will cure you completelyNo matter bow deep semted your cougheven if dread consumption has attackedyour lungf Gorman Syrup will surely effoot a curea It has done before Inthousands of apparently hopeless cases oflung trouble New trial bottles 25c reg-


site 76o At all druggists

C M Strode a Louisvillel

man whodied March 6 In a Philadelphiahospital directed two days before hisdeath that his body should bo crematedand the ashes scattered on the wavesof the beautiful Ohio rlverll It was

the eccentric request of one not bollcvlag In the hereafter but his wisheswill bo carried out Thursday at mid-


before guests specially Invited

Tragedy AvertedJust In the nick of time our little boy

was saved writes Mrs W Watkins ofPleasant City Ohio Pneumonia hadplayed sad havoc with him and terriblecough sot in besides Doctors treated himbut he grow worse every day At lengthwo tried Dr Kings Now Discovery forConsumption and our darling was savedHoa now sound and well1 Everybodyought to know its the only sure cure forCoughs Colds and all Lung diseasesGuaranteed by G L Penny DruggistPrice BOo and 81 Trial bottles free

rAttorney General Hays will be con ¬

gratulated upon his attack on GovBcckbam and Gov Beckham will bocongratulated uponhls reply to At ¬

General Hays Mr Rays willbe congratulated by the republicansand Gov Beckham y the democrats

Glasgow Times


IDavid Blair was killed In Harlancounty by unknown parties

Edward foyer killed himself at CovIngton an bo lay in bed with his twolittle children

Joseph Richardson son of J WRichardson editor of the GlasgowTimes Is down with small pox

Cracksmen entered tbe postoBlce atClinton blew open the safe and securedabout 191005 In stamps and money

Rev T F Man gum presiding elderof tbe Eufaula Ala district of the M

E church Is dead at MontgomeryThe mayor or Adelaide Australia

has barred Elijah II Dowle from usingany public building for services theredeclaring Dowlo a disgrace to his na


J Sully has made a proposi ¬

Lion to his creditors to settle at fortycoots on tbe dollar cash the balance tobe settled by notes payable In one twoand three years

A motion for a new trial has beenmado at St Louis by the attorneys ofSenator Joseph R Burton A bill ofexceptions Is also being prepared witha view to an appeal

George F Slosson the bllllardlsthas broken the world record at 18

loch balk line two shots with a run of201 The previous mark was 222 madeIn Paris last fall by Ora Mornlngstar

The friends and family of W T Havcns of Frankfort are convinced thatbe was the man seen to jump from thebridge Sunday night Into the Kentuckyriver No trace of him can be found

N H Ford a timber mac of Jacksonwas found dead In hit bed at tho BaileyHotel at that place He was roomingwith a man named Polly whowas foundto be very 111 also The cause of tbedeath and sickness Is not known

Senator Burton of Kansas was foundguilty In the Federal court at St Louisof the charge of accepting money toprotect tho Interests of the RlaltoGralnand Securities Company of St Louisbefore tbe poitofflce department

The Bennett will was admitted as acompetent document for probating attbe hearing of William J Bryans appeat from tbo decision of the ProbateCourt before Judge Gager at NewRaven Bryan a counsel sought tohave the sealed letter admitted ase Ideoce and the argument consumed

11 e bees part of the session of court

In Memory Of Miss Martha PearlKing

As a soft summer breeze that gentlydies away In tbo leave or a lovely rosethat fades before us even so was thepassing of tbe life of Martha PearlKing at dusk of March 19 To thosewho knew her It seems that no sweeter braver spirit could bavo animated afairer or more flowerlike form for as-

a gentle Elaine a pure Lilymaid II

she walked among us and In all thesafety and calmness of a lovely Chris ¬

tian character will her spirits whitebark be guided over tbe river of deathPurehearted lives like hors thoughgiven to us but for a short time radiatesuch joy and sweetness while with us

that they live In our hearts alwaysTbo life ot the rote may be fleeting

but the memory of tbe rose Is undyingWith all of lifes sorrows come patienceand strength to beat them Those leftbornAtoo shall cross to tbe othor side wherethe loved and IIlost for awhile will befound again and whore spirits live al ¬

ways I ° the 1ny of eternal reunitedbliss SISTER

It Saved His Leg

P A DAnforth of LaGrange Ha suf-


for six months with a frightfulrunning sore on his leg but writes thatBucklens Arnica Salve wholly nand itin fivo days For Ulcers Wounds Tiles

its the best salvo in the world Cursguaranteed Only 26c Sold by O LPenny druggist

Naw said little Albert I dontgo to Sunday sqhool no more

Why I am surprised said thFriend of the Family Dont vou In ¬

tend to go againIf they begin giving trading stamps

ma might send mo back again II the ea ¬

gacious child replied Chicago Jour-


It Never Disappoints

F J Williams proprietor of the lIam ¬

ilton Drug Co Hamilton Ohio saysChamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy IB practically the onlyremedy be tells for carmps diarrhoeaand colic for the plate reason that it nev ¬

er disappoints For sale by W N Craig

When thieves fall out honest menwill get their dues The editors of theLouisville Herald and Post are engag-



In a war of words Lexington Dem ¬


A man dont have to get marriedmore than once to learn that cold jiidgmeat has no show against luck


Mr John Walter who recently soldhis farm on the Stanford pike will occ-

upy the Stone cottage on Richmond

AvenueMarriagelicense was Issued this

week to Louis Anderson Sowder andMiss Mottle Botklns They are bothof the Cartersvlllo section

The class In physical culture underMrs Taylor of Boston Is large and Interestlog Most of tbe young ladles Intown are receiving Instruction In thedevelopment ot the body

Tbe Easter opening of tbe millinerystores are attracting a large number ofvisitors The windows arc gay withbeautiful hats and all those things ebdear to the feminine heart

An unusually large crowd attendedcourt Monday The chief attractionwas the horse show but It proved to boa disappointment to tbo people as fewgoodborses were on the streets

W B Burton has offered for sale hislivery horses and rigs to be sold to thehighest bidder on Saturday April 9Ho does this In order to have moreroom to handle sale horses and mules

Mrs Edward Stevens who was MissNannje Hopper Is visiting her familyhere Of late years she has resided InMexico as the climate Is better suitedto the constitution of her children Shewith her bright boys will return to herwestern home next week

All the Lancaster boys are workinghard training for contests In athleticsat tbe Blue Grass Graded School Tour¬

nament to be held In NlcbolasvllleMay 20 27 and 28 Aa Lancaster has afew boys who can come into the elevensecond class they feel sure of carryingoff some of tho prizes People are takeing great Interest In the State Tourna ¬

ment to ba held here In June for Itpromises to be the best held In tbeStateAt

a tneetlng of tbe democratic cone ¬

ty committee last Monday on motionof Henry Patterson O S Ballew M

F Rout and R L Burton reported tbefollowing resolution which was adopt ¬

ed We your committee afterrecelvlog the resignation of E L Woods aschairman of this committee desire Inbehalf of tbo democratic party to ten ¬

der him our thanks for his leadershipand splendid work resulting Inthesucceis of the party In 1003 Mr W GGooch was elected chairman of thecommittee to Oil tbo vacancy occurringby the resignation of Mr Woods

Miss Lizzie Hudson baa returnedfrom a visit to Richmond friend MrsWesley West entertained tbe childrenot tbe Junior Endeavor Inaveryunlqueway Friday evening Miss Smith ofRichmond will take Miss Louise Kauffmans place as governess In the homeof Mr Jesse Fox Miss Kauff man hasaccepted a position an teacher In Vir-ginia


Miss Ethel Dunn has accepteda position with tbe Logan Dry GoodsCo Mrs J R Mount and Mils Joanot Covlngton will be tbe guests of MrsR E MoRoberta until their residenceU ready for them MUs Lena Rlgneyhas been the guest of the Misses Cot ¬

ton In Danville


F Rogers E E Young A L Youngand Miss Mabel Norton are sick MrsC M Young who has been sick forseveralweeks Is convalescing slowly

Elder Carr of London preached eev

oral sermons at Mt Morlab recentlyHe will preach there again tbe fourthSunday In April Rev G H Cannonpastor of tbe Methodist chnrcblsmaktog an effort to build a new cburob atthis place A Jot has been secured onthe pike near C M Youngs store andwork on It is expected to begin nextweek

Dr R L Dvtsoo of Stanford washero Tuesday doing some dental workHarry Walls has gong to HighlandPark bliss Emma Godbey who hasbeen with her sister Mrs CM Youngduring her Illness has returned to herhome at Bethel Ridge much to the regrot ot one of our young gentlemenL E Speaks of Lancaster was visit ¬ClaudeGuodpastor and family ot Nicholasyule visited his father J Y Goodpas-


Working OvertimeI Eight hour laws are Ignored by thosetireless little worsenDr Kings NowLife Tills Millions are always at worknight anti day curing Indigestion Dill ¬ Iousness Constipation Sick Headacheand all Stomach Liver and Bowel troub ¬

les Easy pleasant safe sure Only S5o I

at Pennys drug storey

A horrible etory of the alleged operalions of a malpractice Bjqdlcate was

told byltDr Mosler on the witnessstand before a coroner InvestigationIn Philadelphia The witness assertedthat Infants bad been burned to deathIn a crematory

Occasionally you find a man so luckythat his wife goes to visit his mother 1

IB wtI

New Things for Easter jl1Ve can fit out a man or boy from his hat to

his shoes in Fresh UptoDate Clothes Ourassortment is complete and well selected wecan please you in pattern and in price


ClothingHatsShoesNeckweari j

Fancy Hosieryluy Something New for Easter j


T 0 mILLER Danville KU


New Corn Planterss

We have just received our

Our New Tiger Disc andRRunner Corn lla ter

ISomething new Call and see th-





If can not make a cistern bug tight nobodyin Lincoln county can I will use a cast ironcistern platform a galvanized iron pump anda Haseldcri Potent Filter These three excel ¬

lent articles win forever faithfully guard filth 1

from your cistern Call and examine Phone116 Depot Street J

S H ALDRIDGErDepot Street Stanford Ky

MASTICReadyMixed Paints


Are mixed ready for the brushare ab ¬

solutely Pure and Unexcelled in qual i

ity durability and finish Satisfac ¬

tion Guaranteed j41

Pennys Drug Store

IGO TO IW B McRoberts