Scottish Initiatives in e-Learning - Enhancement-Led Innovation

HeLF 10 th Anniversary Event Scottish initiatives in e-Learning Enhancement-led Innovation Dr David Walker University of Dundee @drdjwalker


Slides from keynote presentation given at UK Heads of e-Learning Forum (HeLF) 10th Anniversary Event. Slides reflection on a cross section of key Scottish e-learning initiatives, and their impact, over the last 10 years.

Transcript of Scottish Initiatives in e-Learning - Enhancement-Led Innovation

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HeLF 10th Anniversary Event

Scottish initiatives in e-Learning

Enhancement-led Innovation

Dr David WalkerUniversity of Dundee


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Fixed term funded educational technology projects " pedagogical transformation" which ends when funding runs out.

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Pedagogy Pre-defined?

“…a lot of what we do online has been pre-defined by learning management systems, pre-defined by the web spaces we inhabit for learning”

Pedagogy of Uncertainty (Schulman, 2005)

“…students are making sense of their own discomfort…together”

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• Learners and the Learner Voice• Strategy• Curriculum Innovation

• Future Directions and Conversations

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Learner Experiences of e-Learning

• Jisc-funded project as part of e-Learning Programme

• Learner Experiences of e-Learning (LEX)

• Collaboration between GCU and Open Learning Partnership

• Focus on learner voices across post-16 education

• Interpretative methodology (IPA) – capture rich narratives

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Outcomes & Implications

• Learner experiences and preferences similar across sectors – highly developed views on role and benefits of e-learning

• Relationship between lecturer engagement with technology and learner attitudes

• Learners skilful in deploying preferred learning strategies when using technology

• Evidence of increased engagement through enhanced choice and control

• Informed research in other aspects of e-learning, assessment & digital literacy: – Jisc ‘In their own words’ publication http://

– Rethinking Pedagogy for a Digital Age

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TESEP Project

• SFC e-learning Transformation Project• Transforming and Enhancing the

Student Experience through Pedagogy

• Collaborative project between Edinburgh Napier, Lauder College and Telford

• Focus on strategic approaches to developing learner-centred learning and teaching practices

• Learners in control

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Outcomes & Implications

• Expert group supported practitioners (seconded to TESEP project) to make changes to practice – cascade model required each practitioners to disseminate information internally.

• Videos case studies and evaluation matrix developed• Tools produced to help institutions apply TESEP approach

with interactive practitioner & institutional case studies

• Informed further initiatives and new models to support embedding of e-learning:– Taking forward change in technology-enhanced education

– 3E Framework

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REAP Project

• SFC e-Learning Transformation Project (managed by Jisc)

• Re-engineering Assessment Practices

• Collaboration between Strathclyde, Glasgow and GCU

• Redesigned assessment across 19 HE classes supported by technology

• Range of case studies and project outputs – online conference

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Outcomes & Implications

• Learning and efficiency gains across a range of disciplines

• Students given active role in their learning – evidence of increased time-on-task and greater feedback satisfaction

• Principles developed embedded within strategy/policy – subsequently informing learning design across sector

• Informed other sector-wide projects e.g. PASS project

• Informed research in other aspects of e-learning, assessment & digital literacy – Jisc ‘Effective Assessment in a Digital Age’– Jisc interACT Project

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• Increasing scrutiny of publically funded provision particularly duplication

• Content versus experience – added value (Welsh initiatives)

Future Directions and Challenges

• Report of the Review of Higher Education Governance in Scotland (Von Prondzynski, 2012):

– collaborative approach a ‘fundamental principle’ of Scottish system and – “…interest of Scottish collectively best served by creating

collaborative partnership arrangements with other higher education institutions, and this should override any perceived competitive advantage for an individual institution.“

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Learning Conversations

Channels and topics facilitating technological and pedagogical agility and innovation:

– ALT Scotland SIG – established in 2012 and led by Linda Creanor

– Open Scotland – summit to stimulate strategic thinking on open education facilitated by Jisc Cetis

– Jisc RSC Scotland Joint Events– Moocs – expansion into niche areas and new

entrants into the space

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Pedagogies of Uncertainty

“One persistent error teachers make is to get a bright idea for a different way of teaching and then to spring it on students without preparation. Suddenly, a teacher unleashes a combination of group collaborative learning with portfolios and technology and expects students to respond positively to this new game. The students don't even know how to begin.”

“some things continue just because nothing deflects them in another direction--pedagogical inertia”

“Part of what we have to learn we must learn from one another within the universities and colleges”

Shulman, L. (2005)

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Contact Details

Dr David Walker

Library & Learning Centre

University of Dundee

[email protected]

Twitter: @drdjwalker