School power



Well this is a power point i made for school!

Transcript of School power

  • 1. Fort hunt Elementary School News

2. Pledge of Allegiance
"I pledgeallegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all
3. Moment of Silence
Please stand respectfully.
4. Please Continue stading.For the Fort hunt Fox Pledge
5. Fort Hunt Fox Pledge
I respect my self
I respect others
I respect property
6. Todays lunch menu
Cheese pizza
Pepperoni Pizza
Fish Fillet on Wheat bun
Peanut Butter and jelly
Yogurt Biteable
Choose of two
Steamed Broccoli
Zucchini & Baby carrots W/Dip
Chilled peaches
Fruit sherbert
7. Science Question Of the day
8. Can Oil Be Recycled?
A: Yes Oil can Be recycled!
B:No Oil cannot be recycled!
C:Mabey,Its not proven yet.
9. Science Question Of the day
Are you ready to find out?
Drum roll please!
10. Can Oil Be Recycled?
Answer is.
A:Oil can Be recycled!
11. Have a Nice day!
This is the fort hunt news signing off Enjoy Your School day!
12. Credits.
Director: Kelly Larkin
Directors assistant Emma kelly
News ancor 1: Brook alen
News ancor 2: Unknown person
Creator: Maxcorbett