SACRED HEART GIRLS’ COLLEGE NEWSLETTER 20 October, No. 331 October 17, 2017 Prayer on the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty Good and gracious God, bless the cry of the hungry, who have gone without for too long. We ask for your grace on those who could share their wealth and resources with others. We are resolved to tackle this enormous issue in collaboration with those living in poverty, but we can only do so with your help. We ask for your wisdom and guidance to remove this scandal from our world, which you have blessed with such abundance. Amen. We are neighbours Based on the updated poverty line of $1.90 a day, World Bank projections suggest that global poverty may have reached 700 million, or 9.6 percent of global population, in 2015. We are neighbours Eighty percent of the worldwide poor live in rural areas; 64 percent work in agriculture; 44 percent are 14 years old or younger; and 39 percent have no formal education at all. We are neighbours Every day, 800 women die from causes related to pregnancy, childbirth, or postpartum. Most maternal deaths occurred in developing countries. We are neighbours In developing countries nearly half of all mothers and newborns do not receive skilled care during and immediately after birth. We are neighbours Eleven children under age 5 die every minute, and 35 mothers die during childbirth every hour. We are neighbours Across 96 countries, around 1 billion children ages 2 to 17 experienced some form of violence in the past year. We are neighbours "The times talk to us of so much poverty in the world and this is a scandal. Poverty in the world is a scandal. In a world where there is so much wealth, so many resources to feed everyone, it is unfathomable that there are so many hungry children, that there are so many children without an education, so many poor persons. Poverty today is a cry." — Pope Francis, Meeting with Students of Jesuit Schools, Q & A, June 2013 God of Justice, open our eyes to see you in the face of the poor. Open our ears to hear you in the cries of the exploited. Open our mouths to defend you in the public squares as well as in private deeds. Remind us that what we do to the least, we do to you. Amen. —from Being Neighbor, the Catechism and Social Justice, Catholic Campaign for Human Development, ©1998 United States Conference of Catholic Bishops


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20 October, No. 331

October 17, 2017 Prayer on the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

Good and gracious God, bless the cry of the hungry, who have gone without for too long.

We ask for your grace on those who could share their wealth and resources with others. We are resolved to tackle this enormous issue in collaboration with those living in poverty,

but we can only do so with your help. We ask for your wisdom and guidance to remove this scandal from our world, which you have blessed with such

abundance. Amen.

We are neighbours Based on the updated poverty line of $1.90 a day, World Bank projections suggest that global poverty may have reached 700 million, or 9.6 percent of global population, in 2015. We are neighbours Eighty percent of the worldwide poor live in rural areas; 64 percent work in agriculture; 44 percent are 14 years old or younger; and 39 percent have no formal education at all. We are neighbours Every day, 800 women die from causes related to pregnancy, childbirth, or postpartum. Most maternal deaths occurred in developing countries. We are neighbours In developing countries nearly half of all mothers and newborns do not receive skilled care during and immediately after birth. We are neighbours Eleven children under age 5 die every minute, and 35 mothers die during childbirth every hour. We are neighbours Across 96 countries, around 1 billion children ages 2 to 17 experienced some form of violence in the past year.

We are neighbours

"The times talk to us of so much poverty in the world and this is a scandal. Poverty in the world is a scandal. In a world where there is so much wealth, so many resources to feed everyone, it is unfathomable that there are so many hungry children, that there are so many children without an education, so many poor persons. Poverty today is a cry."

— Pope Francis, Meeting with Students of Jesuit Schools, Q & A, June 2013

God of Justice, open our eyes to see you in the face of the poor.

Open our ears to hear you in the cries of the exploited. Open our mouths to defend you in the public squares

as well as in private deeds. Remind us that what we do to the least, we do to you.

Amen. —from Being Neighbor, the Catechism and Social Justice, Catholic Campaign for Human Development, ©1998 United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

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Thursday, 2 February – Friday, 31 March


Monday, 17 July – Friday, 22 September


Tuesday, 18 April – Friday, 30 June


Monday, 9 October – Friday, 8 December


Monday, 23 October Year 12 Breakfast, Morning Tea and Final Assembly

Science Talent Search

Year 9 Alpine Hike

Monday, 30 October Year 9 Alpine Hike

Confirmation of Student Details sent

Year 7 Geography Fieldtrip

Tuesday, 24 October VCE Indonesian Oral Exam

Year 12 Valedictory Mass and Dinner

Debating at McKinnon Secondary College

Wednesday, 1 November Year 7, 2018 Transition Interviews

Year 7 Geography Fieldtrip

Wednesday, 25 October VCE Auslan Examination Thursday, 2 November Year 7 Geography Fieldtrip

Thursday, 26 October VCE Dance Performance Exam

Friday, 27 October Year 7, 2019 Final day to Accept Offer

VCE Indonesian Excursion

World Teachers’ Day


Cantor, Emily Rumble (Year 12) and the College Orchestra, under the guidance of Nancy Calo (Music Co-ordinator) and John Davis (Instrumental Teacher) made a beautiful contribution to the Minaret College Arts Festival last Friday evening. Minaret’s Festival held at their Springvale campus, also showcased excellent art work by students from both Minaret and Sacred Heart. This is the second year that both colleges have contributed to each other’s arts festivals. Sacred Heart will welcome Minaret students and their work at our festival this Friday evening. Mr Sead Omerovic, Principal of Minaret College and his staff, showed excellent hospitality to the Sacred Heart students and staff at their festival. This is a wonderful initiative that continues to grow in a mutually beneficial way for both communities.

Mr Mohamed Hassan (OAM), Founding Director of Minaret College, reflects on the establishment of the College in 1992.

“My goal in setting up an Islamic school is to provide our Muslim children with a site for the preservation of their Islamic identity by fostering in them the Islamic values and preparing them to be model Australian citizens that participate positively in building a prosperous, harmonious and safe society.”

Minaret’s motto, “Faith, Knowledge and Practice” echoes our key values of Knowledge and Virtue from our crest and is reflected in our Motto “Semper Superne Nitens”. Like Sacred Heart, Minaret places great emphasis on education that reflects the faith tradition of the community. The development of enriching relationships leads to greater understanding and acceptance. It is truly a wonderful way to the future for our community, and on a larger scale, our nation as a whole.

Mr Steve Dimopoulos, MP for Oakleigh, has made two visits to the College in the past week in support of the College’s application for a Victorian Government Capital Grant. Sacred Heart applied for this grant last year and Mr Dimopoulos has offered great encouragement to the College to ensure success. In Parliament on Wednesday, 20 September 2017, Mr Dimopoulos spoke about Sacred Heart’s application:

“I wish to raise a matter for the Minister of Education. The action that I seek is for funding to be provided to two Catholic schools in my electorate for much-needed works. The two schools I refer to are Christ Our Holy Redeemer Primary School in Oakleigh East and Sacred Heart Girls’ College in Oakleigh…. While it is not the only determinant of a good school, their NAPLAN results are very impressive. Just as important is the passionate enthusiasm of the students for their schools. But as good as they are, we, on this side, know that schools can be made even better with the right facilities, which are modern and state-of-the-art. On behalf of my local community, I would appreciate any assistance the minister is able to provide to these schools to upgrade their facilities and create an even better learning environment (Hansard Wednesday, 20 October).

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Tiffany Kasimis

Mr Dimopoulos announced on his visit on Tuesday, 17 October that the College was successful in its application and the Victorian Government will provide $1 million to assist in the redevelopment of the upper and middle corridor of the Euphrasie Barbier building along with more adequate storage facilities in Kendell Hall. This project can now go to tender and hopefully begin after the VCE exams finish later in November.

On behalf of the College, I thank Mr Dimopoulos for his wonderful support that will enable us to continue the implementation of our Masterplan. Congratulations to the Holy Redeemer community who were also successful in their application for a funding grant. The redevelopment of the Salvos site has begun with Bowden Corporation, under the guidance of our excellent architects, Williams Ross, taking possession of the site to begin their work. It is hoped that

the redeveloped Salvo site will become operational in March 2018. Both these projects have been given excellent backing by the Archdiocese and Catholic Education Melbourne. The formal farewell assembly to acknowledge the excellent contribution to the community by the Class of 2017 took place on Wednesday, 18 October in Kendell Hall. At this assembly the students and teachers reflected on the gifts and talents of all members of the Year 12 class and the great blessing they have been to our community. Mrs Carolyn Greely (SHGC 1989) was the guest speaker at this assembly. Carolyn entertained the students and teachers with stories of her school days at Sacred Heart. She spoke of the great friends she made and the values of the College that are with her as she journeys through life. At this assembly four awards were announced and presented to the members of the graduating class. Congratulations to Dominique Crasto on being presented with the Euphrasie Barbier Award; Sara Bird, the Principal’s Award and Molly Greely on being the Valedictorian of the Class of 2017.

This year an additional award was presented by the Victoria Police. Inspector Allan Price, Senior Sergeant Sven Koernig and Sergeant Stavros Makarios presented Tiffany Kasimis with a special commendation award from the Victoria Police. Tiffany assisted Sergeant Makarios at a serious incident, offering excellent support to Sergeant Makarios as he dealt with the person involved. Tiffany, watched by her very proud family and admiring class mates, was overwhelmed as she accepted this significant award. Sergeant Makarios, when speaking to the assembly said that a potentially fatal situation was avoided through the care and attention given by Tiffany. Congratulations to Tiffany on her excellent response, demonstrating maturity beyond her years. At this formal farewell the Student Leadership Team, under the excellent leadership of Alana Hanney, were acknowledged. These young women have been fine models of Christian leadership based on service to those around them over the past year. No task has been too great, no challenge has stood in their way as they have served the College with great expertise and pride.

Congratulations and thank you to the Student Leaders of 2017.

Amanda Dhammanarachchi Deputy College Captain


Shimona Albuquerque Deputy College Captain


Alana Hanney College Captain

Dominique Crasto Euphrasie Barbier


Sara Bird

Principal’s Award

Molly Greely Valedictorian of the

Class of 2017

Shania Kelu Deputy College Captain


Gemma Quinn Deputy College Captain


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This term we welcome back Carmel McConnachie, Anne Grynberg, Laura Dixon and Fiona Adams after their periods of leave in Term 3. In your prayers and thoughts please remember Vivian Huynh, a Year 8 student at South Oakleigh Secondary College who died suddenly over the holidays. Vivian is a past student of St Andrew’s Clayton and was a beautiful friend of a number of our Year 8 students. Also we pray for the repose of the soul of Pietro Saffigna, father of Paul Saffigna who was previous Chair of the College Board and grandfather of past students, Madeleine, Alexandra Giselle and Dominique. We remember the Saffigna family at this time. We ask for God’s guidance and care of our Class of 2017 as they complete their final days at Sacred Heart and commence their VCE Exams. Every blessing for the term ahead. Christopher Dalton Principal “It is the duty of the human family to help free every single person from poverty and hunger.” PopeFrancis@Pontifex…17 October 2017


RNDM Staff Immersion to the Philippines During the term break six members of staff traveled to the Philippines to learn about the ministry of the Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions in the Philippines. Sr. Kate O’Neill, an Australian RNDM, welcomed us to the Kuya Center, a home for street children. Sr Kate, the Director of the Kuya Center, explained that Kuya is the Filipino term for a Big Brother, a trusted mentor who plays a central role in the growth of the child. Ten former street children currently live in the Kuya Center, which is located in metro Manila. These boys benefit from the regular diet, access to education and the secure accommodation the Kuya Center provides. Sr Kate, her co-workers and the house parents provide guidance, routine and structure for these children. The Sacred Heart teachers took games such as Connect Four and Trouble to the Kuya Center, providing the opportunity for these children to consolidate their numeracy and literacy skills. In addition to these educational games, we carried suitcases of daypacks and satchels gifted by the AFL, Cricket Australia and Arinex, an events organising company based in Melbourne. We acknowledge and thank these organisations for their wonderful generosity – these bags and satchels will certainly be put to good use by the boys of the Kuya Center.

Theruni Seneviratne


Shereen D’Costa SRC


Natasha Pepes SRC


Molly Greely House Captain


Marni O’Connell House Captain


Gemma Caputo House Captain


Madisson Upton House Captain


Sarah Waite House Captain


Ysabel Dalamagas SRC


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Staff and children of the Kuya Center with the daypacks and satchels gifted by the AFL, Cricket Australia and Arinex Events.

Michael Smith Mission and Ministry Team

FROM THE DEPUTY PRINCIPAL - WELLBEING Welcome back. Term 4 is such an exciting time as the College community enters the final weeks and months of the school year. New student leadership team It was wonderful to witness the excitement and willingness to share as the 2017 College Captain, Deputy Captains and House Captains met with the 2018 team on 10 October. Each 2017 leader had prepared a journal of their experiences and tips to support the new leaders – which built upon the conversations they had held in late Term 3. We thank our 2017 student leaders for their hard work, dedication and sense of fun as they led by positive example – assemblies, House events, Fun Fridays, SRC and so much more.

Exams and wellness It is natural to want to maximise your efforts, reduce stress levels and achieve your very best – thoughts that I am sure are at the forefront for students preparing for the Unit 3/4 exams, their teachers and families. To assist with this final leg of the year’s journey, students and their families may wish to check out resources to support physical, emotional and mental health for ideas relating to exams and stress, study tips, studying with chronic health issues, etc. Headspace “Surviving school exams and stress” provides such information and has links to take students to other useful sites:

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I would also like to take the opportunity to wish our Year 12 students, and Year 11 students undertaking Unit 3/4 subjects, the very best for their exam preparation and performance – oral, written and/or performance based. I hope that all Year 12 students, regardless of whether they are undertaking exams or not, finish the year with a sense of personal growth and satisfaction. May they have the courage and confidence to live a generous life, be ready to strive, to fail forward and always bounce back. Thunderstorm asthma warning system Students and their families may wish to follow the new thunderstorm warning system for forecasts, information and alerts which draws upon data about weather conditions, hospital presentations and pollen levels. The warning system runs from 1 October to the end of December. Download the Vic Emergency App or check out the website ( Students are also reminded to ensure that they are following their asthma care plan. City of Monash Youth Services Students may wish to take advantage of Monash Youth Services activities, particularly: Individual Youth Support Free, individual support from either a youth worker or EACH counsellor from across three separate sites – Glen Waverley, Chadstone and Clayton. Job Seeking Skills Workshop

Free workshop to help young people develop a CV, improve their interview skills and find job opportunities. The last session is being held on Thursday, 26 October from 4:30 - 7:30pm at the Mount Waverley library. Activite A range of activities are planned for Term 4, including;

- Tough Mudder. Exciting obstacle course for all abilities focusing on building mental and physical toughness - Treat Yo Self. Learn some really fun and practical ways to increase self -are in your life – especially leading

up to exams! - Mad Science Night. Experiments! Slime! So much to learn and do!

Exploring Concerns of discrimination Students may wish to contribute to a Monash Youth Services’ Youth Ambassador’s online survey exploring discrimination and ways to promote inclusion and equality Telephone Monash Youth Services on 9518 3900, visit the website ( or email to [email protected] for more information about these opportunities and find out more about services to support youth living, working or going to school in the City of Monash.

Carmel Feeney Deputy Principal – Student Wellbeing


Semester 2 Exams Term 4 is well and truly underway. This week, Year 12 classes formally concluded and we celebrated the achievements of the Graduating class of 2017, with the Formal Assembly, held on Wednesday 18 October. Final preparations for the Valedictory Mass and Dinner, to be held on Tuesday 24 October are nearing completion. This milestone represents a significant rite of passage for the girls, as they prepare for the transition from school life to all that waits in store beyond Sacred Heart. Final examinations have already commenced with a number of students completing VCE Language, Theatre Studies and Dance examinations this week; with the English exam scheduled for 1st November. The girls have access to their teachers during their study leave and are encouraged to stay in touch and seek assistance as needed. All the classes, SACs, assessment tasks and practice examination papers are now complete. We wish the girls every success for the weeks ahead. Years 9, 10 and 11 school based examinations are scheduled for November. For the first time this year, VCE Units 1&2 will be part of the end of year examinations for students in Year 11 and Year 10s completing a VCE Unit. Following the 2016 review of our examinations and VCE Early Commencement Program, a decision was taken to replicate VCE Units 3&4 examinations. This replaces the Unit 2 examinations scheduled previously. We hope this will assist the girls to

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become familiar with the final examination format, including 15 minutes reading time and preparing two units of work, instead of one for their final examinations. We look forward to sharing the girls’ feedback on the revised structure and their learnings. Please see the attached timetable for further details. 2018 Booklists The 2018 Booklist is now ready. Once again Campion Books is the chosen supplier to the College. The closing date for book orders is Tuesday 5 December. Parents have the choice of either home delivery or collection from the College on Tuesday 23 January 2018. Booklists are completed online via Campion’s website: Please see the attached flyer for further information. Fiona Hyslop

Deputy Principal – Learning and Teaching


Important dates 2017 - 2018

October Tuesday 10: SEAS application and supporting documentation due to VTAC Tuesday 10: Access Melbourne University, Monash University Guarantee, RMIT SNAP (selected schools) and Victoria University PPP (selected schools) applications close via VTAC SEAS Monday 16: VTAC scholarship application and supporting documentation due

November Wednesday 1: VTAC registration payment due

December Friday 15: VCE Results and ATAR released. Change of Preference period begins Tuesday 20: VTAC Change of Preference period closes at noon

January Tuesday 16: VTAC Round 1 offers released. More offers will be released in later rounds Mrs Connolly will be available at school during Change of Preference time if students would like help reassessing their preferences. Please call the College on 9568 5488 to make an appointment.


Friday, 15 December 12noon onwards Monday, 18 December 8.30am onward Tuesday, 19 December 8.30am onwards Wednesday, 20 December 8.30am – noon

The Change of Preference Period (15 – 20 December) is an extremely important period which allows students to reassess their course preference list and revise their initial application in a way that increases their chance of receiving a first-round offer. Some students will receive better results than expected, some will receive exactly what they thought, and others will not receive the results they had hoped for. No matter what the outcome, students should use the Change of Preference period wisely. Remember it is not the end of the world if you do not receive the ATAR score you were hoping for. There are many different pathways to get you to where you want. A lot depends on attitude and passion. Students are encouraged to be proactive and should seek out lots of information. The Change of Preference period is also an opportunity for students to include new courses which they may not have known about or considered when they first put their preferences in during September.

Useful Hints Students should check for new and cancelled courses on . There may be some courses which have been accredited late and therefore require you to apply directly to the university – these courses can be applied for in addition to your 8 courses on your Preference List.

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Once results have been received on 15 December start reassessing your preference list early. Do not leave it until the last minute. To access COP log in to VTAC user account using VTAC ID and PIN.

Be realistic with your choices. If you have received an ATAR score of 65 it is unrealistic to aim for a course that has an ATAR requirement of 93. Choose only courses in which you would be prepared to accept a place.

List courses in the order in which you prefer to study them. Make sure you have correct pre-requisites and met any extra requirements – have you sat the UMAT, completed additional forms, attended information sessions and interviews?

Always check the VTAC codes of all the preferences you are re-entering.

Do not PANIC Universities and TAFE Institutions will have Change of Preference Information Sessions – students can get first hand advice about courses. Students can talk to staff about course options, entry requirements, fees and costs and alternate entry pathways. Daily newspapers will have advertisements regarding these information sessions. Margaret Connolly Careers Counsellor and VET Co-ordinator


Junior Debating Association of Victoria Program – Round 1

Round One was held on Tuesday 10 October at McKinnon Secondary College.

Sacred Heart Girls’ College won four out of five debates on the topic, ‘That we should have video surveillance in all public places.’

Congratulations to Team 1, who as the Negative team won their debate against Caulfield Grammar School. Team members consisted of Ananya Wickramaratne, Gina Mathew and Avantiika Singh. Congratulations to Team 3, who as the Affirmative team won their debate against Kostka Hall. Team members consisted of Georgia Tsipos, Caitlyn Vaz and Nalini Jacob-Roussety. Congratulations to Team 4, who as the Negative team won their debate against Kostka Hall. Team members included Elena Salatas, Adriana Lapsanas and Alexia Politis (who was nominated as Best Speaker for her debate). Congratulations to Team 5, who also as the Negative team won their debate against Caulfield Grammar School. Team members consisted of Shalea Mazloum, Elizah Taylor and Yasmin Aoun (who was nominated as Best Speaker for her debate). Unfortunately, Team 2 lost their debate by one point against Kostka Hall. Team 2 members included, Oneli Buthgamuwa, Liana Montibeller and Victoria Soong. Well done to all five teams for their first round of debates. Bronia Koperszmidt Debating Co-ordinator

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LANGUAGES ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE- FINALISTS IN THE BERTHE MOUCHETTE POETRY COMPETITION-2017 In keeping with what has now become a tradition at Sacred Heart Girls’ College with the study of Languages, our Year 8, 9 and 10 students of French participated in the Berthe Mouchette Poetry Competition towards the end of last term and fared very well. Our Year 11 and 12 students of French participated in the Oral Tests and for the first time we had two students also participate in the Written Test and both students were awarded a prize. I am very pleased to announce that we had six Year 8 Finalists, three Year 9 Finalists, two Year 10 Finalists and one Year 11 Finalist. Our Year 8 finalists attended their finals in July whilst our Year 9 and 10 finalists attended their finals in August. Our Year 11 student of French just recently had her finals and all our students performed extremely well overall. We thank our participants and congratulate our Finalists and Prize Winners in the Years 8 to 12 competition: Year 8: Megane Boucherat (Highly Commended) Nora Crosbie Rachel LiYoun Fong Demira Reddy Rachel Sundararajan Caitlyn Vaz Year 9: Lisa Ho (State Winner of the Written Test in Year 9) Estelle Coralie Angelica Giaquinta Year 10: Arabella Howard Juanita Joseph Year 11: Clare Rodricks (Finalist in both the Written and Oral Tests and 2

nd Prize Winner of the Oral Test)

We thank all the students who participated in this competition and warmly congratulate our Finalists and Prize Winners. We also extend our gratitude to Mrs Esser, Ms Burgio and Mrs McDonald for the support and assistance they offered our students. VILTA- INDONESIAN ORAL COMPETITION- 2017 In May, VILTA once again ran the Indonesian Oral Competition which was held at Heathmont Secondary College. Twenty students of Indonesian in Years 7, 8, 9 and 11 participated in the competition and we are pleased to announce that eleven students were selected to attend the Finals in June. We congratulate the following Finalists and Prize Winners on their wonderful performance: Year 7: Natalie Kuoch (2

nd Prize Winner)

Jeanette Moreno

Year 8: Janmee Dissanayake Monica Nguyen Sameeksha Manjunath (Highly Commended) Emily Soa Year 9: Brianna Alphonso Bianca Pham Natalie Robinson (2

nd Prize Winner)

Year 11: Melanie Robinsion Karen Gosalim (Highly Commended)

A big thank you to the students who participated in this competition and congratulations to our Finalists and Prizewinners. We also extend our gratitude to Ms Awiati and Pak Daud for organising and assisting our students. Terima kasih!

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DANTE POETRY FINALISTS & PRIZEWINNERS- 2017 We commend the following students of Italian from Years 9 -12 who made it into the Dante Alighieri Poetry Finals in July. With over 3,000 participants from all around Victoria 20 students were selected as Finalists from Sacred Heart Girls’ College. The Finals took place at Melbourne University in July and two students were awarded 1

st Prize. Chloe

Tikellis of Year 11 also participated in the Discorso Competition (Public Speaking) and was awarded 1st Prize. The

names of the prize winners have been highlighted and I have included their category and placement.

Year 9: Juliette Colantuono (Italian Australian) Madeline Scandurra (Italian Australian) Jasmine Arvantitakis (Non- Italian) Dana Fomin (Non Italian) Georgia Katsaros (Non Italian) Serena Kim (Non Italian) Gizelle McFarland (Non Italian) Chloe Rose McKay (Non Italian) Holly McKeown (Non Italian) Riva Marshall (Non Italian) Isabella Pahljina (Non Italian) Helena Papakos (Non Italian) Sienna Ryan (Non Italian)

Year 10: Kiara Cristiano (Italian Australian) Caitlin Sciffer (Non Italian) Emily Stewart (Non Italian)

Year 11: Chloe Tikellis (Italian Australian) 1

st Prize for Poetry Recitation & Discorso

Ella Clifton (Non Italian) 1st


Year 12: Josephine Garretto (Italian Australian) Rhiannon Salter (Non Italian)

I take this opportunity to congratulate our Finalists and Prize Winners who attended the Awards Presentation Ceremony with their families in September. I would also like to acknowledge all the teachers of Italian (Ms Buratto, Ms Dell’Anna and Mrs Mance) who prepared and offered their support to our students in what was a mammoth task. Carmel McConnachie Head of Languages

SCIENCE DEPARTMENT NEWS The results for the 2017 Science Talent Search are in and SHGC students performed very well. All students are to be congratulated for the time that they spent on their entries, all of which were completed by the students in their own time. A special mention is made to the following students who won bursaries. These will be presented at an awards ceremony at La Trobe University on Monday October 23. Minor Bursary Ruby Ford & Elyse Pretty (Year 8) – Experimental research Rosita Devassia & Ayomi Goonetilleke (Year 9) - Experimental research Melanie Noonan (Year 9) – Creative writing Beth O’Brien (Year 9) – Science photography Danica Oung (Year 9) – Science photography Andrea Perez & Wendy Nguyen (Year 9) – Science photography Laetitia Teo (Year 9) – Scientific poster Major Bursary Jerita Hean (Year 9) – Science video production Antoinette D’Angelo & Danica Machaya (Year 10) – Scientific poster Kerrilee Pywell Head of Science

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Anyone who has experienced the excitement of driving a high-speed car, leaping over a raging river, riding a horse whilst firing an arrow to open the gate before the guards catch you, knows all too well the attraction and lure of the gaming world. We have come a long way since our early gaming experiences of the Commodore 64 and Atari consoles. Gaming offers the gamer a chance to live out new experiences. It can challenge their thinking, fine motor skills and even rapid

response and reflex systems. Gaming can offer significant benefits. However, as with any source of great pleasure, it can also lead to disturbing life patterns when used inappropriately or in excess. In our spotlight on technology we aim to highlight very briefly some of the main benefits and concerns surrounding the games world. This is only a snapshot of information; the article will guide you to more extensive material and downloads that can provide you with far more detailed information and advice regarding gaming.

Positive effects of Gaming

Think back to the first few video games you ever played. More than likely they came at a time when you were young and had very little control of your life or even important life decisions. Experiencing gaming as a young child or adolescent is a time of great wonder and amazement. You are suddenly propelled from your otherwise ordinary daily routine into a world of magic and wonder. A great gaming experience can make you feel like you are a character in a movie or even more amazingly living out a different life in an alternative parallel universe – a universe with the added advantage that you can come back to life as often as you like. Despite the pure excitement and enjoyment, gaming can also teach us:

Cognitive skills – problem solving, strategy development and decision making

Emotional skills – including being a vehicle for self-expression

Manual skills – games encourage reading and hand-eye coordination along with rapid response skills

Social skills – despite the visual image of a lone gamer surrounded by empty pizza boxes, gaming

offers the user a chance to connect with other players and friends to allow stronger connections

and social interactions with others.

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Concerns regarding gaming and advice for parents

Knowledge is often the best defence against potential threats. Gaming has its benefits for all ages, however there are some aspects of which parents and students should be aware. The risks and concerns of gaming include:

Excessive gaming/ gaming disorder / gaming addiction


Violence and other inappropriate content

Cyber safety issues

Many games have a rating code to help parents decide which games are age appropriate. A great resource for parents wanting to understand more about the gaming world can be found at - a website developed for parents and professionals who want to know more about video games

and their impact on children and the community at large. It brings a balanced and evidence based approach to today’s most popular form of entertainment – video games.

Gaming has become a popular past time with over 97% of homes with children having computer games. Games can have benefits for wellbeing, work and learning. It can encourage a sharing culture and has social elements that allow gamers to connect and play online with each other. However, games are designed to make users want to play them. They are strategically designed to target users and to keep them playing with varying levels of challenge combined with continual reward systems. Both the gaming and gambling industry learn player engagement tactics from each other. This can lead to gaming having a negative impact in one’s life. Being an informed gamer or parent of a gamer may help lessen the negative effects of gaming and promote the many positive aspects of gaming.

Provided here are some statistics related to gaming as provided by IGEA (Interactive Games and Entertainment Association). Additional statistics related to gaming can be found in the Digital Australia Report 2018

Alison Robinson (eLearning Co-ordinator)

& Mai-Anh Nguyen (eLeader)

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2017 Semester Two Examination Timetable for Year 9

Tuesday 14 November 2017

Wednesday 15 November 2017

Thursday 16 November 2017

Friday 17 November 2017

Reading Time (RT):8.50am to 9.00am Writing Time (WT):9.00am to 10.30am

Year 9 English

RT:8.50am to 9.00am WT:9.00am to 10.30am

Year 9 LOTE

RT:11.20am to 11.30am

WT:11.30am to 1.00pm

Year 9 Science

RT:8.50am to 9.00am WT:9.00am to 10.30am

Year 9 Maths

RT:11.20am to 11.30am

WT:11.30am to 1.00pm

Year 9 History

RT:8.50am to 9.00am WT:9.00am to 10.30am

Year 9 RE

RT:11.20am to 11.30am

WT:11.30am to 1.00pm

Year 9 Geography

2017 Semester Two Examination Timetable for Year 10

Monday 13 November 2017

Tuesday 14 November 2017

Wednesday 15 November 2017

Thursday 16 November 2017

Friday 17 November 2017

Readig Time (RT)::8.50am to 9.00am

Writing Time (WT):9.00am to 11.00am

Year 10 English

RT:11.40am to 11.50am

WT:11.50am to 12.50pm (Dance) WT:11.50am to 1.20pm

Year 10 Dance

Year 10 French

Year 10 Indonesian

Year 10 Italian

RT:8.50am to 9.00am WT:9.00am to 10.30am

Year 10 RE

RT:11.20am to 11.30m

WT:11.30am to 1.00pm

Year 10 I Have a Dream RT: 1.40pm to 1.50pm

WT:1.50pm to 2.50pm (Food Studies) WT:1.50pm to 3.20pm

Year 10 Food Studies

Year 10 Heroines in Literature

Year 10 Visual Communication

RT:8.50am to 9.00am WT:9.00am to 10.30am

Year 10 Science

RT:11.20am to 11.30am

WT:11.30am to 1.00pm

Year 10 Fixing the Future

RT:8.50am to 9.00am WT:9.00am to 10.00am

Year 10 Maths Exam I

RT:11.20am to 11.30am

WT:11.30am to 12.30pm

Year 10 Fitter Faster Stronger

Year 10 Stagecraft

Year 10 Tech Connect Communicate

RT: 1.40pm to 1.50pm

WT:1.50pm to 3.20pm

Year 10 Art

Year 10 Media

RT:8.50am to 9.00am WT:9.00am to 10.30am

Year 10 Maths Exam II

Year 10 Foundation Maths

RT:11.20am to 11.30am WT:11.30am to 1.00pm

Year 10 Taking Care of Business

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2017 Semester Two Examination Timetable for Year 11

Monday 31 November 2017

Tuesday 01 November 2017

Wednesday 08 November 2017

Thursday 09 November 2017

Friday 10 November 2017

Mid Term Break

VCAA exams continue

Melbourne Cup Day

Student Free Day

RT:8.45am to 9.00am WT:9.00am to 12.00pm

Year 11 English RT:1.15pm to 1.30pm

RT:1.30pm to 3.00pm (Dance)

RT:1.30pm to 3.30pm

Year 11 Accounting

Year 11 Dance

Year 11 Geography

RT:8.45am to 9.00am WT:9.00am to 11.00am

Year 11 Biology

Year 11 Indonesian

Year 11 Media

RT:12.00pm to 12.15pm

WT:12.15pm to 1.45pm (TStudies)

WT:12.15pm to 2.15pm

Year 11 Economics

Year 11 Physical Education

Year 11 Theatre Studies

RT:8.45am to 9.00am WT:9.00am to 11.00am

Year 11 Health & Human Development RT:12.00pm to 12.15pm

WT:12.15pm to 2.15pm

Year 11 Chemistry

Year 11 Computing Year 11 Italian

Yr 11 Outdoor ES Monday 13 November 2017

Tuesday 14 November 2017

Wednesday 15 November 2017

Thursday 16 November 2017

Friday 17 November 2017

RT:8.45am to 9.00am WT:9.00am to 10.00am

Year 11 Maths Methods I

RT:11.00am to 11.15am

WT:11.15am to 1.15pm Year 11 Business Management

Year 11 Physics

RT: 2.00pm to 2.15pm

WT:2.15pm to 3.45pm

Year 11 Art

RT:8.45am to 9.00am WT:9.00am to 11.00am

Year 11 Maths Methods II

RT:12.00pm to 12.15pm

WT:12.15pm to 1.45pm (VisCom)

WT:12.15pm to 2.15pm

Year 11 History Year 11 French

Year 11 Visual Communication

RT:8.45am to 9.00am WT:9.00am to 11.00am

Year 11 Text and Tradition

RT:12.00pm to 12.15pm

WT:12.15pm to 2.15pm

Year 11 Legal Studies

RT:8.45am to 9.00am WT:9.00am to 10.00am (Foundation) WT:9.00am to 10.30am

Year 11 Foundation Maths Year 11 General Further Maths II

Year 11 Specialist Maths II RT:12.00pm to 12.15pm

WT:12.15pm to 1.45pm (Food Studies)

WT:12.15pm to 2.15pm

Year 11 Food Studies Year 11 Literature

RT:8.45am to 9.00am WT:9.00am to 10.00am (Spec) WT:9.00am to 10.30am (Fur)

Year 11 General Further Maths I

Year 11 Specialist Maths I

RT:12.00pm to 12.15pm

WT:12.15pm to 2.15pm

Year 11 Psychology

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Sacred Heart Girls’ College

Booklist Information


Sacred Heart Girls’ College uses Campion Education to co-ordinate our online booklist system.

Booklists are completed online through Campion’s website From Campion’s homepage click on

ORDER NOW and select ‘Sacred Heart Girls’ College, Oakleigh VIC’ from the drop-down list. Follow the steps outlined

on the website to complete your order.

Access Code: UQV4

Closing Date: Tuesday 5 December

Book Collection Details

Books can be delivered to home addresses;

Economy Home Delivery ($15.95) or Standard Home Delivery ($5.50 up to $21.95)

Alternatively, books can be pre-packaged by Campion and collected in person from the College. (See details


Book collection date: Tuesday, 23 January, 2018

Location: Sacred Heart Girls’ College - Lower A

Student surnames Time

A – G 9.00am – 11.00am

H – M 11.00am – 1.30pm

N – Z 1.30pm – 3.00pm

Payment: All orders must be prepaid by credit card.

Books can also be purchased in store at 1/170-180 Rooks Road, Nunawading VIC 3131

PLEASE NOTE – Electronic products (digital) cannot be purchased in store and can only be purchased online.

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