S iilit IboDI liOilGlEilS- iBimi®!: IF MlttOi^ SJiGliJUll...

THE r- — V Q L-I0.-)S[0^^& =^^ I -PERiniii oe -1-^ ---------- -Flood-Diclalcr-Warns-Womcn y . Children, Aged and Infirm t( Evacuate District; 1()7,4(K :---------------------P c r s o n r W l t h l n b a n g c r Z o n e •<By Tlie AssoclnleU Prea)' KEW ORLEANS. May 20-T lie shftd ow oi the knululppl flood peril »a thnn-n over llre iiddlUonAl parishea h MuU) ccnlral Louisiana today as Johi M. Parker, Hood relief director. wani« residents ot one of tlicm tJiat there wa Imminent danger oC more vater affotns li)elr levees tiion could be held. . f . Worn.Women and Cbltdren I Ke (irBenUy requested ihftloll womer and chlldren.and all a<ed«and Inflnr person* evacuate polnl«'Coup«l>ari4l ond that preparallon Iw mode to re- move livestock. ------------ -------- XrUic'Binie'Ume'll'was polnWy'oul there was a'Poulbillty that'Uie-inlUlonf of tons of vater pushlntf through Uie Tensas basin, but might cut a nev^ cliannel for Uie river along the path ol ------------ ttre-Atehafftlay><— ....... .......... ' Wlllle authOrIUiii''porn{ea"^rtfiii - - . was conjectural they regarded, thei-dan- —: ger (o Polnte Coupee parish as Imml- .nent. Tlie parlsli Is located at .Uk point of'Uie wedee alonx Uie sides ol ----------------- wiiicn beat Waters 6( the Atcnaiaiaya and the MlssUslppI and with Old river, connecting Uie two rivers, forming the Up. Thouttndi Face AanlhllaUon The parish, «IUi a populaUon of 34,* . C97, U at Uie upper extremity of Uie ’‘sugar bowl” and a break along Uie levee front In Uiat parish would' loose _________ Uio flood wat»-f« !"»» nari»hM_nl AssumpUon. Iberville. V/eat Baton Rouge and Terrebonne, which have a total population of lOTiOO persons. Tho warning of Dictator Parker to Polnte Coupee ra u e h u took Into con> , slderaUoR Uu imminence of d a n m to Uut parish should Uiere be ft b rM ia tht embttnkanita as the enst cd the ---------------- flood-be*n.<lown upon i h e m . - - - fcM PaHiha The other four parishes further fhim ' A total or'faidtt’thtn aioOOM) acres of cane lands is Included in tho area . which will be In Uie paU) of Uie waters from a break along Uie Polntc Coupee levee. The danger points are approil- ---------------- matelylMmlles-nortlJwcst-of-New-Or- leans and on Uie opposite tide of Uie acm?«cnc?wiui Major John Ootn-als. commander of Uie relief tranaportaUon ---------------- n w f c n - uiB- o i a - m e r .- g ho' m r a n r ______ ... complete InspecUon of the area yester- day. [■ raM si SH IP ’S j i Ft Twenty-Five ■ Men Aboard Steamer Imllana Harbor; Oil West Coast, Still Unrescued. ' 8A NPRANCI6C0, May 30 yft-A ll efforts to save Uie crew of 2S men ot the stearter Indiana Ilaibor, ashore , since Wednesday midnight Gd a reef off L_ Port Oarda.Vs mltw souUi of Eurekn. have Uiui far faUcd. This afternoon o . } light line was floated ashore from Uie / stranded steamer,' which la being 1 A pounded by heavy. seas,_but_»hcn-iui -ottempt waa made to haul a-hesTler - rope boftrd U»t-vtt>el-from*thB-shore ^ TT trokeTTaaioTneoBFir-eontttting ‘!--:------^lfi|^nftttl6n2]rtceIve^ ';i..''-aftem oon salSan army plane sent'from -•— -."'6an-'macl*eoTtCTtrtnr*ir'trnii“R5m ^ shore to ship had returned to Its base .wlUiout moklns the attempt. Fora BWpi ZUaMti By ' Pour ahlp* are standing by the In- diana Harbor but the sea Is too rough to pennlt Uie launching of boats from dUier Uie stranded steomtt-OC-tha rsHwThat are wallETw niake Uie'ef- fort. The message to the Radio Corpora- tion of America stated Uiat a light line waq successfully floated ashore wlUi a hatch CQver but (hat as a heaWer rope was being hauled'tn.tbe ship It broke. . Army Plane Seai'to Sblp •nie army airplane sent to the wreck, cd vessel from San Prandsco wlUi two ....... . .'.'aiOO foot steeLcablaJwlUi UutrucUons to string a Ung from shore to ship cir- cled two or Uireo Umes over Uie vessel and Uien headed back to ^ Fran* . cisco. Ilie fUen erldently de^med-lt impossible to lay Uielr line because of _ tlie.prtclplt<ius shOTa.Ilnc.opi»eltflJlic Indiana BaAor.. ^ ----------- -UlB fttta.of Um jicnLmcmbeajri. denUy rest^ wlthrthe-obillULOf Uiq — rcmot 'PWttim lH pjn ^ tlftT^ . - ,, FEKt EABTHQDAKB ’■ -BELUNOHAM. W i s h , - : M > | r 1 —A light earUiquak* « u felt la Bel- - - f — ilngham-and- ^InU-iHlbln-W '-mae - ; wgl ^ wa* 77 ' -i.n^sED Tvmn MEunEn of — AKSOCIATXD rnK H H ------------- —T~ '5 , KILLED IN ACTION_ men.-pB H W E iig -^-^A .'.J m to ,400 5 ^ J L ' shad- ,1 was hea In John was :omen THE BODY OF CapUla UUhart nflrni DnchanoB. Unlltd_f?UtcsJUj«l; iorlsli ~'rorpi, [i on lit way io Washlnct^ ,0 re- tils' former ' home. Bbchaasn )»> killed by Nicaraguan rebels at I ^rrentnrr --------------------------- llllons --------- --------- s iiy f.sm i S^TltSPllllI t .Uic ” , , • - _^ '• Iw o f ________ Oil Magnate Will Serve Thro ' Months’ Time lor Contemi ) 24,. Unless High Court Intervene: f Uie • _____ ; UiQ loose WASHINOTON. May 20 (fl^-Har 3aton serve Uirce'monUu In tlie District i ive a Columbia jail for contempt of tl I. United SUtes senate unless Uie hlglv er to courts lnter>-ene. con- This sentence, plus » fine' of IMO, wi E to Imposed today by JusUce Rllz In tl in District of Columbia-supreme coui > the as a result ot filnclalfi convlcUon I -' - 4-Jury-of-a-refusaH4^«n*i^r-certal questions in' the senate naval oil h ffom qulrylnlW 4. fS ... ------- An appeal was noted Immediate: acres uid the lessee of the Teapot>,Doti area naval oil reserve In Wyoming was agaJ «t4rrs liberated on Uia tMOO which he ga^ jupee after, he was Indicted nearly Uiree yeai irozl- ago. ror---TTio-ease-u'in-be-roughruiroiigiru; r Uie United States supreme court and ma take two years for final determlnaUoi a^’ sp w ^ M and^oU^^ ap n s T hij counsel had anUclpated.' 'Tiey ha hoped for the minimum scntence“ < one monUi in Jail and a tine of llOi The maximum fixed by lay is 13 nioiitli ond.ttOM. Faces Trying Ordeal The mon who In a brief span of yeaj 11 rose from obscurity to a place as one c ni Uie leading oil operators of Uie'cour n IL trj-. faced an-even more tb'lng ordt ____: tnriay_thBn hw./llri-fm nljh» r May 10, wh«n->3 men-retumed thel , ^ J verdict of guilty- after deliberating to 1 r a nearly eight hours. -ATtcn>EfUfi W: UtUclCtrSf-^ei m i Y ork^ho made,.M.e!oquent.plca.Xc J cicmcncy, Sinclair was commanded b jeCl. JusUce mU! to stand up. Replyl^ t ------ thB'usual'qiiesUon-as' to whethn'h had anyUi'lng t» sa y before sentenc —All was lmposed/.^e announced In a clcai m ot fM< '’olM ll'ot he had noUilng to adi shore to what his counsel had said, tf off JusUce Hits remarked that the de rfVn. IK,. mpr»ty«f **^\jrl In llie Me on 0 Dougherty ease thot the’senate hot I the power to compel the attendance of wit King nesses was binding upon Uie lowe sTler — - " liiiiM i iOFMiEI jMii Lynoliinff Follows Oonfogalon o: rrcsn I, Murder of W hit.o Farmer _tho i-Tttken-From -OffloerB,----------- J ef- ____ MACOK, Miss.. May 30 (A^Du ora- Aadersoa 33, negro, was lynched by i line mob late today os he was being trans- wlUi ported from .Tuscaloosa. Alabama, U irtcr Macoa 'He vu alleged toJiaw con- p It fessed tlaylng ot C. T. Edwatds .' youhg. farmer of aiftonvJUe, Mlssb- alppL cck- Hie mob numbering between 3M uk .two a»jnen,JolIow«d.8hcrlff,T. B. Adamj ions ot-Noxubce-county.-MlBlsslppl..Jrog clr- the Alabama town to a pctot Jusi !ssei across the Mississippi line, whert the] ran* took-Uie,prisoner and riddled his bod] d - lt wlUi' buDets. according to. Chailei e of Rlcharts, 'Uacon' attomey, who.-froj Jbe wjth ’U» sherltr* party. Anderson, who had been soughtalnoi Sunday night, was arrested at Bred A l a b i z k ^ a y . ' -------------------- ihe-pri^.-aDd-startedbaek-wlUi hto a!(cf.liarir«ureania wouId'betBo-nwb-tcUon.---------------- Bel- llu tDob cloiwd-in on Uu sheilfl nae ahd bis sman 9uty >*t;an«r-Uie} was had cnMs«14j)to.:4isslssippl near.Pkk. ' easTllle. Alabama. - . . I- iitrm m iim m n i IlfcB ._._-CTIN ..F A LLS,-ID i S iilit : llPKrM:lf 4 - FranlrLTSIephairlssuErOpir < ion In Support o | 1927 Legli A latlve Art-Dcclaring-$10, I - -boo,oOO“RoSI-issurG8a (By The Associated Press) - -BOISE, May 30-In amplifying U ■ ' opinion ot Attomey General Prank : Stephan. Issued today, which uphol( Uie legality of Uie special acu of U I 1937 legislature valldaUng tIO,000.01 I worth of Idalio highway district bond R. W. Katemdahl. Dubois, represenu Uve of Clark county and chairman < me Jiidleltiry commUtce declared ial, ure of highway dbtrlcu “to pay Intel est and principal on outstandlng,pl 7"* llgBUOns'wrn'bTron'trary to law ar 'ii": destroy Uie credit not only of U highway district but of Uic sUte.ltself After clUng q supreme court.declsloi ^ which declares acu of Ui.e leglslatui to be consUtuUonal unless a clear vl< latlon of Ui'e consUtuUon is shown, Ui opinion of Attorney General 8t«pha ___ says: - . . ___ IM prohibited from enocUng such I U Idatlng acu into law or from adopUc " " Uie highway dlstricu, defined and de ' records of Uie cwnt ree ot iuelf,-but,'0n Uie oUier hand, Uu Uie validating acU In fUesUon are legi nnf ahd Uiat the bonds of the' district V . affected by such acu are valid, blndln ,nr obllgaUons." 19W AeU Involved The 1931 legislature passed 119 Indl ^ vidual acU. volldoUng Uie Issuance c bonds bv Indlvlduoi htgh»«v ribtricL """■jand two general acU. one a l^lankt ‘ ” validation act and Uie oUier an act au the thoriilngthe levying of taxes by high iiier dlstricu to pay ouUtandlng lii debtedness. ThU l^laUon wu ne WM cessltated to maintain Uie credit of th the sute following a federal court declslo: lurt, which tn>-alldated dU tttcfbondsluv I by declared Idaho's highway district loi tain-unconamuUoiml.-— in- ----------- MRS. BORAH IN MOSCOW -> XOeCOW. MIL, May 30 wuitam'-E."Banih.,;wUr;cr:8en*Ui Borah of Idaho. Is here visiting he moUier, Mrs. WllUaa j. McConnel: and her sUter. Mrs. Ben E. Bush. Mn Borah said today that Senator Bora] ^ will probably arrive in Idaho early ii .JuntjHKL-ffUl-SPcnd.the-summer-Jj Uie Boise nay • ------------------------- ion. TO DIE IN CIIAm thr|-xnTEETUX!lCArTCTaSr20'iff^- ftP- Lonnie DUon, 17-year-old negro, wa had tric.chalr,for.the.murder,of.PloellalIc of Donald, 13, on April 13. 100. . lUlS - am — ' ' II 5 of ~| ■■ un- S __________________' .• ( be le ir --------------------------------^ --------OU tor 1 ------- •. --------------------- . .to _____ 1- --- ----------- ^ -------------- --------- by , . - -•--------- : t o -------------------------- ^ j Ian . ^ ^ r a IS- ......... ............... to ' ? '■ f nd ' ' ms s Iff . . 'Bb~Pi{iSWNWspAm m m . lD A H O ,-S A T U R D A 'i;;-M Q R SQOIRREL ONLY ANIMAL llOT-AFRAID-OF-FLOO V ■ 'B R O O K F I E ^ i o . , May 20 (,?) •I’- •. - -Animals s^ p ercd In panlc'fKim I . the Mississippi rlVer lowlands when irnff ^^uskraU hutened 10 the lillls, !U n Mrrylhjf'Uj-elc “cubj','''Daii Browii. ibUU trapper, related today, ond-rabblts showed toemSelvM 10 be excellent swimmers, altheugh they stopped Qp|„, fl_u Brown telli of seeing o fox and a .egis- . pock 0t,rabblu fleeing side by side 5,ft ____froRj_lhc_rWng « tm , __________ >IU,- But Uie squirrels wrre sluinc =j«ttr=Higtitttht;?TC:i<!i!apiui; .egai. ample storm of fooo.tliryualchrd nonchalantly while waters »wciU In. sFM iirw i P iST iiMfl-fiy lan of _____ ! iall- inw. W aters in Snake Rivsr Rise 31 Ig.pOi------------------------ ---- --------------------- Inches in 12 iHours; -Gro Ventre W aters on W avtoSea clsloa. _ . . ______1 .................. - i'S IDAHO PALM, ' m., 30 m -T l. ri UlB Uie Oroj Vemre dam flooc ■u„ which took six lives in Wyoming Wed nesday, completely wiped out Uie towi cC=itdtT==Ky antat .: .aaaranunaat» L Uiousands of acrcs'ot ^ cu ltu ra l lont OD^ iri rifc morning. Measuring dn’lcrt stiowe. g riM In the river of 30 Inchw bctwcei •V., morning. } le&al flooded areas Is rapldl itS ij receding tonight and reporu from al indinu ***•'* Snake- river north o Idaho Palls IndloaUd Uiat by toiilgh Ui5 river would bei flowing normall Indl. Peports from Jackson todo of Uu river was bock In Ul channel at all Wyoming points. lanket Church and SebMl Remain ct au. At KeUy Uiere U noUilng left but i high- churcli and the schodi house and thes » Iri- may never be used atfaln. It Is said, a I ne- ^ doubUul wheUicr Uie to«-n wll Df the ^ rebuilt. At Helse, Idaho, where the water wa I~ I^ ’ nlne-feec deep at 3:30 'niursday .'aftu t b a Doon, rtaldenu w t’tfow removing mui and-CebrU;f»W4h(ar:isiida.'-^— The tact that the water failed to ris r .. to Uie hlgb levtls onUdpated Is at^lb .^Un. utcd to,^q./act that.the heavy drift jttur ^ timb^forfaied*1t a p a a i r gaBg'am I her In check. 1 innfll, U Uttle danger of damage fron Mrs. Uie MuUi of Idaho Palb and-Ui Uorah P^od which 'tented lU fury for twi rly in K °ns to be ended. - itrJn -------------- ^ ^ ------------------- OMTT -SERVE- AND “OBBV PKIUDELPHIA. May 30 (/P)-Cmls t/ft~ from .the marriage service- of- Uie re , w u formed Episcopal church was' propose ailc- general council of Uie church in ses Islon here. DAVID AND GOLIATH BETTgR p i c k ) ____________ OUT-A-BIC.— -O - '/ 7 ■ ■ \ V ■f. . • >EjiJN twin I puls ^ coi ORNING,te21,-1927."- IboD IliOilGlEilS- IF M lttO i^ EHFRH llcnt- . ' pped SywpatfietlcrPiilJlfc-AssTres-R^- habilltation of Strickened ~Michl()an~CoTnmDnitv: Sena^ :hcd ~torCouzens PlTcfg^R^iFfi t in. _____ 'fl (By The A.«oclated Preui ‘h BATH. Mlelu May 20-Whllf funeral ■U cavalcades crept along country roods today freighted wlUi ^lie child vie- I I P tims ot th ; BaUi school explosion, a I I 1 aympaUieUo public ossured the reha- L L U blliiaUon>of the stricken rammunlty. United States Senator Janies Cous* ens pledged /Inancla] relJe/ of the af- - .fllcted families and Uie restoration of 8 ^ 0 Uit.bulWlng which wtu tom down by - demented Andrew Kehoe. ’Friendly brOS lumds strBtchfd“ouroirBiniiies"witn olfeis ot oasbtonce. Aid was tender- Rpa ed freely; In Uie hope that Uie grief of-th w ~wir(n B n5Vea~oti5 niight --be evtnallghUrmlUgated.'"- ............. _Th(. Many Are- Osried tlocJ Muiy of. Uie 44 who lost Uiclr lives Wiw<‘ In the school explulon Wednesday town wrc'burled today. The short main rr churches and bereaved homes. Part of Uie funerals were held here, oUiffff 'o*"! from farm houses and some InTjuislng tw^cen iuuLeeigtoatine-tea:ns-ltinUt<ii-tiM» called In frgm a wide area to conduct the services. Puneral equipment from ipldly mam’ cities k- u called In to meet tho m all situation, “I of Flowers Piled High At Red Cross headquarters flowers " '“‘■y were -piled high. They wtic sent today largely by donors who knew neiUier n the uiose who died nor their families. ____ IV ’T' tin>yh>wip» frUnrt. nt Hi». I - aftllcated families came lilacs and but a planU, from liome gardens. Uiese Tlie remains of Uie madman who Id. as loosed Uie scourge were burled unsung 1 will and unmoumcd In St. Jolins. Ills sis- , ter Miss Alice Kehoe. of BotUo Creek. rwoa arranged for a cdsket. The body was after- lowered' inlo' Uie’ grave' by on' umJer- . taker. In Uie presence ot some grave ------: diggers. -No tears-wcre'shM. Tliero 0 rise W'fe .ttrlb- Sharp ContrnU drifts In <tarp.cpotn«t .werpTlGeTuneiSiB »-ond crthcM-wBoTiaKr-tteiTliis'Twiuse' -■ of/^oe's mad.-meni^ plot.- from iJtUe ’girl school mates gaUiered id-Uie wild flowers In Uie woods ;m d strewed r two them about the home of Rev. and Mrs. Scott MacDonald, whose 13.year-old ____ daughUr._Thelma._WM burled.lhli.af-. - temoon. The funeral proccsslon went , 30 miles from Uie MocDonoldjiome In P"**; BaUi to Uie Springport cemetery. Sen-lccs tor Mrs. A ndrei Kehoe. whn WM »lttln anrt partially rr>-mfitM by >1W mohlocal husbyid; were (ConUnued on Pago Two) 1 m u ; roVNTY m = M fS 4|— HOPS;OFF-TO-PARISr EjLai 3lei^ ■ -T i on. a reho- unity. Cous* :eaf. ^ CAPTAIN C»ABLE8 LlNDBERCl "ho U all U well. U fl S ..«tf«rc_llie.nBrier_w»tmjiLJl)e. Untie Mean lo his monoplane ' Sblril of SL Uuls.” He U scl _.nlght ai 10 o'clock. Twin Falls t iiiili itPiSSiGMlI iduct iTOtn [_||,Qo|p Q, jniii-ew s and Roy Haynes to End Work in P ’S ; ■iilbition' Enlorcement oili 'ilher _____ , lilies. ut>«. w«qirTwnmv,umnn(ffi)..,;,ift and 0. Andrews and Roy A. Haynes, the ouUtandlng figures in federal proli «ho enforcement, soon are to pass I iiiing Uie picture. I lU- They will b« succeded by Seyn was New York sUte, and Dr. Jam a ider- D6nin,''chW'chemlsl of the prbhlbl' rave bureau,_____________________^— P»ro — _^ pk U1 UUslen FsUUIed Anditwi leaves office, on Augui ___ at hU own request, hU jpeclal mis 'e'rSs having been lulfllled;_Hs^M goeta ause' six years on^fii^gnd-' iner s mo»y, hare regaM»®*aj> a " t « t lered »trengUi betweeri Seotlary Mellon ewed Wayne B.'Wheeler, chief counsel of Mrs. AnU-Solooa league. r-old Iiowman will replace Oen^ LOf- drews.as'.aaslsUDt-to-Uioa«eTotar] UTnt Uie treuury in charge of prohibit ne ih customs and coast guard; Dr. Dc Tlie^p^ilblUon bureau, ehoe. - Annoooce Changes lated . .When ItaynasJrill-qulUs-acUng-i re^.[hlblUon conunlaloner.-to which. ) ------ [he was named two moaths ago. w u made clear In the treasury annout _ ment.late today of the changes. j fact there was no mention of Haynes in Uie sUUment. which co ed a page and a half. —— * ^ e secretary of the treasury nounced Uut he has appointed to otflu of commissioner of prohlbl Dr. J. M. Doran, president head of teclmlcal division of the bureau of.j hii)lt]on.'''aaid the announcement. 1 brief statement n-oa amplified by 1 _____ pfjlejali^lHLjftlfLMf., Haynea'_fc naUoa was expected bnmedlattiy. ------------------ -Detllaii'id-Comm'enl------ Mr. Ilaynu tonight declined to p erfcnt'on'SecreUiiy MclloVs uinoui ment that he was to be replace o Indicate when he would, submit reslgnoUon. No comment.^ either; to forthci Ing ’rrom'oiriclols of Uio AnU-Sol le t^ e . whose exccuUve committee which Uie prohlblUon commlsslonen ... was discutsed.and p2ans..were-lol( raise a leOOMO fund for use oga political candidates hosUIe to Uie ' • : Ticad.-.lig:Marthfc:eighteimUi.ttmc -iiBiRF ; eimiti Oonrl Adjonrna in Trial of P : Kelly, Star Actor, Ohar{ ~W itn Mnrdor drBaymDnd. L 08 ANOELES, May 20 UP)-' quttUoa'of Paul KcUy's fate for ' allesed murder cf Ray Ra>-mond left to remain unanswered wer week-taJ. when wSloummenf ol trial was token today unUl Mom His counsel was In Uio midst ot defense closing address to Uie Juo eight women and four men-when- dofs session ended, and will resum nutt week. The-tJlal'only approached lU el . as iu second, week ended. In it ' atatt'has acciiscd Uie uUileUc yo film actor with fatally pounding song and. dance nun in a flsUe atts . KeUy-ianJentlova-frf OoroUiyMs . wife of .Raymond,;w«i sertM 'to have' proro^ ^ e -^ . .OObert.sbitlng.hu flnal nnurfct, , *<>Unt:i>:tbMuting (}«««• KonpiD . ^.pn(laiaarr.elaslnK.ror.lba'«ati = 1W=niSU-;»;tajMBe^HteTpi» tion'»m :W ttiw e^:itrtiii»ri« peri'.Aantt-Ui^,^MXb iratb gf*"’ --------- FRICETGESTi iBimi®!: SJiGliJUll |iMriO:Ptitl W ' Chlries A. Lindbergh, Dariii M Ex-Mail .Pilot, Avoids Ai ^ rp a c k 'liifHuiilFNeFfioiic “ToTUnlfetTStates Ali Albiii » I lUj Thf An«Ul.d Pm.1 V > .ST. JOHNS. N. F . May 2 « - f > ObwrTfn who saw Ihe “Spirit -of I Ht. -U uli' Ihe great monaptane pItoUd by CspUlD Charla IJnd- berili on hU Nrw York to Paris fllghl. pass over St. Johns (o- i.v, , night, reported that the pilot L J seemed lo be making sar*. of his bearings here before bunching CH of forth lata the trawMUnllc Uf ot fljlni hli Journey. ^ej\t-. — The-tUffvsf-the-OommertUl > '|Th? Cable eorapony. whose efflee is en the waterfront, said they heard > Ume. puae coming-np the h srw rrom the sea. AfUf a Ume Uie pilot ' tamed Uie machine aboot, ap. ft ------- parenUy saUsfl^'iflUrhls wbere* ■S s oboBU. and dlappeared oot U »eii •U flying low and very fast rifir -NB\V Yow^MiTwlHl^Tylng^ M u h llquely toward Uie dawn,' “LQttj L llL Undbergh was on'hU pioneering w« :_____tomnfrtrniigm,-- ---------- ,— His progress between 7:62 o'clock Ui • . morning, when he hopped off. unt jy n . dark tonight, showed thot he was'run _ nlng os true to schedule as an 'cxpres rfO* train, or as one of Uie air mall plant . . Uial have been hU every day al nice, mounu. First Ifonrs Uneeriain The first few hours cf thu niehtjua ho twn "irouded In uncerulnty, cousing n „u.b. small amount of concern. Taking-U: in iwlrling fog, Charles Undberg disappeared from sight a n d ' houi »mour * “» lewned definite] nor of ho’ding to his course lU ^ M the veteran airman that he U for i S l i S W^-J,oulWulness.-..-;-^^........ *■ ------------ Durtng-Uilsperiodof-anxietynwior Uie mott Interested perwnsat the Los , Island flying field Irom whlch U» ho of the E*n»p.-Is',Iatcsifid ■ On boUi sides of:the AUtotie ZJni ^ An- berg's daring was ths talk of Uu d« «y-of From-hl«he8tT)tliclal»'tirtinniW«nai blUon. uens, ;he talk was of Uie *'luek7,,kU Doran and d e hope w u general Uut hU ItU In France, preparations were model - light the alr beacons so that when U: ^ »hen Ireland hasBS M ^ t «e«’b e » ^ ‘^ “2ngliad'pflisWril mnce- (ConUnued on page two) s. In . . - -iSTiBGi:; sJEiBJEIi if.Pro----------; ------ ... ■mu ■- ■- ^ MovieJiotcess_D{nlSi.EiBse!ic ^ --------at'Kerriok'Home'atTims'o TtS Killing in Long Teslimonj It his ................ LOS ANOELES.'Moy 20 W>)-An Ot ncom- lejnp^ Qf iru-Bums to prove that sh Jaloon ^ not present when Tom Kerricl ee to- film cowboy, w u killed wlUi a pish her tilaJ ’srtUi fcmr olhen lor his mm deratoparty. Mra. Kerriek. AnIU DavU. Henrylse ------------------- -T41» Bums'related thTTSaaaTi; - — - tbeicmtct'qDBntfTftMrh»*aTOntt . asked her If she had heard Mrs. Kei rick make any UireaU ogolnst her bui r u n band. Min Bums sold she left Uie fli LilU shortly alter the occarTtnce. Replying to quejti^on'cronexaa InaUon ahe said she only yBterdny R membered ths quarrel and Uu reiau d. . by Mrs. Kerriek. Miss Bures' -state ment after Uie killing and before tii r-The coroner's.Jucy.dld.not.lnclude aayJtf ir the erence to tho Incident. 1 was The trial conUnued today to-rtsolr r Uie ItMlt Into a baUle between unlU of Ul hts nvB aided defense In which altomej )nday, o n ottonpUng to throw Uio blame e; if the others ot the defendants and in s iry of doing, taking Uie port of Uie proiecu m-to- tors.'"' ............ ........ ———— —— mic U •Hen2Uounder»'Hita ,*everecroaex omlnouon irom.Bei^i.X>ennisa:ui^ el(» district attorney. Ha s a i d , I n i .“ >8 tended, ■leaving .for. MeiIeo-,CU/-oi I'®®* April 0 and wanted to » y good hy* t s Uu Miss Buras before-Ieaiing. >,K«BW i, A i. S b? ■iwP

Transcript of S iilit IboDI liOilGlEilS- iBimi®!: IF MlttOi^ SJiGliJUll...

Page 1: S iilit IboDI liOilGlEilS- iBimi®!: IF MlttOi^ SJiGliJUll ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · L_ Port Oarda.Vs mltw souUi of Eurekn. ... to

T H Er - — — V Q L - I 0 . - ) S [ 0 ^ ^ & = ^ ^

I -PERiniii oe

-1 -^ ----------- F lo o d - D ic la lc r -W a r n s - W o m c n

y . C h ild re n , A ged a n d In firm t(

E v a c u a te D is tr ic t; 1()7,4(K

:---------------------P c r s o n rW lth ln b a n g c r Z o n e

•<By Tlie AssoclnleU Prea)'• KEW ORLEANS. May 20-T lie shftd ow oi the knululppl flood peril » a thnn-n over llre iiddlUonAl parishea h MuU) ccnlral Louisiana today as Johi M. Parker, Hood relief director. wani«

• residents ot one of tlicm tJiat there wa Imminent danger oC more va ter affotns li)elr levees tiion could be held. .

f . Worn.Women and Cbltdren I Ke (irBenUy requested ihftloll womer

and chlldren.and all a<ed«and Inflnr person* evacuate polnl«'Coup«l>ari4l ond tha t preparallon Iw mode to re­move livestock.

------------ -------- XrUic'B inie'Ume'll'was polnWy'oulthere was a'Poulbillty that'Uie-inlUlonf of tons of vater pushlntf through Uie Tensas basin, but might cut a nev cliannel for Uie river along the path ol

------------ ttre-Atehafftlay><— .......— ..........

' Wlllle authO rIUiii''porn{ea"^rtfiii - - . was conjectural they regarded, thei-dan-

— : ger (o Polnte Coupee parish as Imml- .nent. Tlie parlsli Is located a t .Uk point of'U ie wedee alonx Uie sides ol

----------------- wiiicn beat Waters 6( the Atcnaiaiayaand the MlssUslppI and with Old river, connecting Uie two rivers, forming theUp.

Thouttndi Face AanlhllaUon The parish, «IUi a populaUon of 34,*

. C97, U a t Uie upper extremity of Uie ’‘sugar bowl” and a break along Uie levee front In Uiat parish would' loose

_________ Uio flood wat»-f« !"»» nari»hM_nlAssumpUon. Iberville. V/eat Baton Rouge and Terrebonne, which have a total population of lOTiOO persons.

Tho warning of Dictator Parker to Polnte Coupee r a u e h u took Into con>

, slderaUoR Uu imminence of d a n m to U u t parish should Uiere be ft b r M ia th t embttnkanita as the e n s t cd the

---------------- flood-be*n.<lown upon i h e m . - - -fcM PaH iha

The other four parishes further fhim

' A total or'faidtt’ th tn aioOOM) acres of cane lands is Included in tho area

. which will be In Uie paU) of Uie waters from a break along Uie Polntc Coupee levee. The danger points are approil-

---------------- matelylMmlles-nortlJwcst-of-New-Or-leans and on Uie opposite tide of Uie

a cm ?«cnc?w iu i Major John Ootn-als. commander of Uie relief tranaportaUon

---------------- n w f c n - uiB- o ia - m e r.- g ho' m ran r______ . . . complete InspecUon of the area yester­

day. [■

r a M s iSHIP’S j i Ft

T w e n ty -F iv e ■ M en A b o a r d

S te a m e r Im lla n a H a r b o r ; O il

W e s t C o a s t, S t ill Un re s c u e d .

' 8A NPRANCI6C0, May 30 y f t-A ll efforts to save Uie crew of 2S men ot the stearter Indiana Ilaibor, ashore

, since Wednesday midnight Gd a reef off L _ Port Oarda.Vs mltw souUi of Eurekn.■ have Uiui far faUcd. This afternoon o

. } light line was floated ashore from Uie / stranded steamer,' which la being

1 A pounded by heavy. seas,_but_»hcn-iui -ottempt waa made to haul a-hesTler

- rope boftrd U»t-vtt>el-from*thB-shore TT trokeT T aaioT neoB F ir-eontttting

‘! - - : - - - - - - ^ l f i |^ n f t t t l 6n2 ] rtc e Iv e ^'; i . . ''-a f te m o o n salSan army plane sent'from

- • — -."'6an-'m acl*eoT tC T trtnr*ir'trnii“ R5m shore to ship had returned to Its base

.wlUiout moklns the attempt.Fora BWpi ZUaMti By '

Pour ahlp* are standing by the In ­diana Harbor but the sea Is too rough to pennlt Uie launching of boats from dUier Uie stranded steom tt-OC-tha

rsH wThat are w allE Tw niake Uie'ef-■ fort.

The message to the Radio Corpora­tion of America stated Uiat a light line waq successfully floated ashore wlUi a hatch CQver but (hat as a heaWer rope was being hau led 'tn .tbe ship It broke. .

Army Plane S eai'to Sblp •nie army airplane sent to the wreck,

cd vessel from San Prandsco wlUi two........ .'.'aiOO foot steeLcablaJwlUi UutrucUons

to string a Ung from shore to ship cir­cled two or Uireo Umes over Uie vessel and Uien headed back to ^ Fran*

. cisco. I lie fUen erldently de^med-lt impossible to lay Uielr line because of

_ tlie.prtclplt<ius shOTa.Ilnc.opi»eltflJlic Indiana B aA or.. ^

----------- -U lB fttta.of Um j i c n L m c m b e a j r i .denUy re s t^ wlthrthe-obillULOf Uiq

— rcm ot 'P W tt i m lH p jn ^ t l f t T .

- , , FEKt EABTHQDAKB ’■-BELUNOHAM. W i s h , - : M > |

r 1 —A light earUiquak* « u felt la Bel- - - f — ilngham-and- ^ InU -iH lb ln -W '-m ae

- ; wg l ^ wa*

— 7 7

' -i.n^sED Tvmn MEunEn o f — AKSOCIATXD rnKHH------------- — T ~


m e n .-p B H W E i i g - ^ - ^ A . ' . J

m t o

,4 0 0 5 ^ J

L '

shad- ,1 was hea In John


:omen THE BODY OF CapUla UUhart nflrni DnchanoB. U nlltd_f?UtcsJU j«l; iorlsli ~ 'rorpi, [i on lit way io Washlnct^ ,0 re- tils' former ' home. Bbchaasn )»>

killed by Nicaraguan rebels at I^ r r e n t n r r ---------------------------

llllons --------- ---------

s i i y f . s m i

S^TltSPllllIt .Uic ” , , • - _ '• ■Iw o f ________

Oil M a g n a te W ill S e rv e Thro

' M o n th s’ T im e lo r C on tem i

) 24,. U nless H igh C o u r t In tervene:f Uie • ■ _____; UiQloose WASHINOTON. May 20 (fl^-H ar

3aton serve Uirce'monUu In tlie District i ive a Columbia jail for contempt of tl I. United SUtes senate unless Uie hlglv er to courts lnter>-ene. con- This sentence, plus » fine' of IMO, wi

E to Imposed today by JusUce Rllz In tl in District of Columbia-supreme coui > the as a result ot filnclalfi convlcUon I

- ' - 4 -Jury-of-a-refusaH 4 «n*i^r-certal questions in' the senate naval oil h

ffom qulry ln lW 4.

f S . . .------- An appeal was noted Immediate:

acres u id the lessee of the Teapot>,Doti area naval oil reserve In Wyoming was agaJ

« t4rrs liberated on Uia tMOO which he ga jupee after, he was Indicted nearly Uiree yeai irozl- ago.ror---TTio-ease-u'in-be-roughruiroiigiru; r Uie United States supreme court and ma

take two years for final determlnaUoi

a ^ ’ sp w ^ M a n d ^ o U ^ ^ ap

n s T h ij counsel had anUclpated.' 'Tiey ha hoped for the minimum scntence“ < one monUi in Jail and a tine of llOi

’ The maximum fixed by lay is 13 nioiitli ond.ttOM.

Faces Trying Ordeal The mon who In a brief span of yeaj

11 rose from obscurity to a place as one c n i Uie leading oil operators of Uie'cour n I L trj-. faced an-even more tb'lng ordt____: tnriay_thBn hw./llri-fm nljh» r

May 10, wh«n->3 men-retumed thel , ^ J verdict of guilty- after deliberating to 1 r a nearly eight hours.

-A T tcn>E fU fi W: U tU clC trSf-^ei m i Y o rk ^ h o made,.M.e!oquent.plca.Xc

J cicmcncy, Sinclair was commanded b jeCl. JusUce mU! to stand up. R eplyl^ t------ thB'usual'qiiesUon-as' to w hethn 'h

had anyUi'lng t» s a y before sentenc —All was lmposed/.^e announced In a clcai m ot fM< ' ’olM ll'ot he had noUilng to adi shore to what his counsel had said, tf off JusUce Hits remarked tha t the de rfVn. IK,. mpr»ty«f ** \jrl In llie Meon 0 Dougherty ease thot the’ senate hot I the power to compel the attendance of wit King nesses was binding upon Uie lowe

sTler — - • "

l i i iiM i— iOFMiEIjMii L ynoliinff F o llo w s O onfogalon o: rrcsn I, M u rd e r o f W h i t . o F a rm e r_tho i-T ttk e n -F ro m -O fflo e rB ,-----------J ef- ____ •

MACOK, Miss.. May 30 (A^Du ora- Aadersoa 33, negro, was lynched by i line mob late today os he was being trans- wlUi ported from .Tuscaloosa. Alabama, U irtcr M acoa 'H e vu alleged to J iaw con- p I t fessed tlaylng o t C. T. Edwatds

. ' youhg. farmer of aiftonvJUe, Mlssb- alppL

cck- Hie mob numbering between 3M uk .two a»jnen,JolIow «d.8hcrlff,T. B. Adamj ions ot-Noxubce-county.-MlBlsslppl..Jrog clr- the Alabama town to a pctot Jusi !ssei across the Mississippi line, whert the] ran* took-Uie,prisoner and riddled his bod] d - lt wlUi' buDets. according to . Chailei e of Rlcharts, 'U acon' attomey, who.-froj J b e wjth ’U » sherltr* party.

Anderson, who had been soughtalnoi Sunday night, was arrested a t Bred A la b i z k ^ a y . ' --------------------

— ih e -p r i^ .-a D d -s ta r te d b a e k -w lU i h to a !(c f .lia r ir« u re a n ia wouId'betBo-nwb-tcUon.----------------

Bel- l l u tDob cloiwd-in on Uu sheilfl n a e ahd bis sman 9 u ty >* t;an « r-U ie } was had cnMs«14j)to.:4isslssippl near.Pkk.

' easTllle. Alabama. - . .


i i t r m m i i m m n i

I l f c B. _ . _ - C T I N . . F A L L S , - I D i

S i i l i t: llPKrM:lf

4 - F r a n l r L T S I e p h a i r l s s u E r O p i r

< ion In S u p p o r t o | 1 9 2 7 L egli

A l a t lv e A r t - D c c la r i n g - $ 1 0 ,

I - - b o o ,o O O “ R o S I - i s s u r G 8 a

■ (By The Associated Press) -■ -BOISE, May 3 0 -In amplifying U■ ' opinion ot Attomey General Prank :■ Stephan. Issued today, which uphol(■ Uie legality of Uie special a cu of U I 1937 legislature valldaUng tIO,000.01 I worth of Idalio highway district bond■ R. W. Katemdahl. Dubois, represenu

Uve of Clark county and chairman < me Jiidleltiry commUtce declared ial, ure of highway db trlcu “to pay Intel

‘ est and principal on outstandlng,pl 7 " * llgBUOns'wrn'bTron'trary to law ar 'i i" : destroy Uie credit not only of U

highway district but of Uic sUte.ltself

After clUng q supreme court.declsloi ^ which declares acu of Ui.e leglslatui

to be consUtuUonal unless a clear vl< latlon of Ui'e consUtuUon is shown, Ui opinion of Attorney General 8 t«pha

___ says: - . . ___

IM prohibited from enocUng suchI U Idatlng acu into law or from adopUc " " Uie highway dlstricu, defined and de

' records of Uie cwnt

ree ot iuelf,-but,'0n Uie oUier hand, Uu Uie validating acU In fUesUon are legi

n n f ahd Uiat the bonds of the' district V. affected by such acu are valid, blndln

,nr obllgaUons."■ 19W AeU InvolvedThe 1931 legislature passed 119 Indl

^ vidual acU. volldoUng Uie Issuance c bonds bv Indlvlduoi htgh»«v ribtricL

"""■jand two general acU. one a l^lankt ‘ ” validation act and Uie oUier an act au the thoriilngthe levying of taxes by high

iiier dlstricu to pay ouUtandlng lii debtedness. ThU l^ la U o n w u ne

WM cessltated to maintain Uie credit of th the su te following a federal court declslo:

lurt, which tn>-alldated dU tttc fbondsluv I by declared Idaho's highway district loi tain-unconamuUoiml.-—in- -----------


— w uitam '-E ."B an ih .,;w U r;c r:8en*Ui Borah of Idaho. Is here visiting he moUier, Mrs. WllUaa j. McConnel: and her sUter. Mrs. Ben E. Bush. Mn Borah said today th a t Senator Bora]

^ will probably arrive in Idaho early ii .JuntjHKL-ffUl-SPcnd.the-summer-Jj

Uie Boisenay • -------------------------ion. TO DIE IN CIIAmth r |-x n T E E T U X !lC A rT C T a S r20'i f f^ -ftP- Lonnie DUon, 17-year-old negro, wa

had tric.chalr,for.the.murder,of.PloellalIcof Donald, 13, on April 13.

100. . • lUlS -

am — ' ' I I5 of ~| ■■un-

S __________________ ' . • ( b el e i r --------------------------------^ --------O Utor ■ 1

------- • .--------------------- .

. t o _____ 1- --- ----------- -------------- ---------by , . - -•---------

: t o --------------------------


Ian . ^ ^r aIS- ......... ...............to ' •

? '■ f ■

n d ' ' ms


Iff . ■ .

'B b ~ P i{ iS W N W s p A m

m m .l D A H O , - S A T U R D A 'i ; ; - M Q R


“ llO T -A F R A ID -O F -F L O O

V ■ ■ 'B R O O K F I E ^ io ., May 20 (,?) • I ’- •. - -A nim als s ^ p e r c d In panlc'fKim I . the Mississippi rlVer lowlands when

i r n f f ^^uskraU hutened 10 the lillls, !U n Mrrylhjf'Uj-elc “cubj','''Daii Browii.ibU U trapper, related today, ond-rabblts

■ showed toemSelvM 10 be excellent swimmers, altheugh they stopped

Q p |„ ,

f l_ u Brown telli of seeing o fox and a .eg is- . pock 0t,rabblu fleeing side by side5 , f t____froRj_lhc_rWng « t m , __________> IU ,- But Uie squirrels wrre sluinc

= j« t tr= H ig tittth t;? T C :i< ! i!ap iu i; .egai. ample storm of fooo.tliryualchrd

nonchalantly while waters »wciU In.

sF M iirwi PiST iiMfl-fiylan of _____! ia ll-in w . W a te r s in S n a k e R iv sr R ise 31Ig .pO i-------------------------------------------------

In ch es in 1 2 iH o u rs ; -Gro

V en tre W a te r s on W a v to S e aclsloa. _ . . ______1 .................. -

i ' S IDAHO PALM, ' m . , 30 m - T l . ri UlB Uie Oroj Vemre dam flooc

■ u„ which took six lives in Wyoming Wed nesday, completely wiped out Uie towi cC=itdtT==Ky antat . : .aaaranunaat»

L Uiousands of acrcs'ot ^ c u l tu ra l lontO D ^iri rifc morning. Measuring dn’lcrt stiowe.

g riM In the river of 30 Inchw bctwcei

•V., morning.} le&al flooded areas Is rapldli t S i j receding tonight and reporu from al indinu ***•'* Snake- river north o

Idaho Palls IndloaUd Uiat by toiilgh Ui5 river would bei flowing normall

Indl. Peports from Jackson todoof U u river was bock In Ul

channel a t all Wyoming points. lanket Church and SebMl Remain ct au. At KeUy Uiere U noUilng left but i high- churcli and the schodi house and thes » Iri- may never be used atfaln. It Is said, a I ne- ^ doubUul wheUicr Uie to«-n wll Df the ^ rebuilt.

At Helse, Idaho, where the water wa I ~ I ^ ’ nlne-feec deep a t 3:30 'niursday .'aftu t b a Doon, rtaldenu w t ’tfow removing mui

and-C ebrU ;f»W 4h(ar:isiida.'-^— The tact tha t the water failed to ris

r .. to Uie hlgb levtls onUdpated Is at^lb .^Un. utcd to ,^ q ./a c t tha t.the heavy drift j t t u r ^ tim b^forfaied*1t a p a a i r gaBg'amI her In check. 1innfll, U Uttle danger of damage fron

Mrs. Uie MuUi of Idaho Palb and-Ui Uorah P^od which 'tented lU fury for twi rly in K °n s to be ended. -i t r J n -------------- ^ ^ -------------------


t /f t~ from .the marriage service- of- Uie re , w u formed Episcopal church was' propose

a i lc - general council of Uie church in ses Islon here.


B E T T g R p ic k ) ____________O U T - A -B IC .—

- O

- ' / 7 ■ ■ \


■f. . •

>EjiJN t w i n I p u l s c o i

O R N IN G ,te 2 1 ,-1 9 2 7 ." -

IboD IliOilGlEilS-IF M lttO i^E H F R Hllcnt- . ' pped •

S yw pa tfie tlcrP iilJ lfc -A ssT res-R ^-

h a b il l ta t io n o f S tric k e n e d

~ M ich l()an~ C oT nm D nitv : Sena^

:hcd ~ t o r C o u z e n s P l T c f g ^ R ^ iF f it in. _____

'f l (By The A.«oclated Preui‘h BATH. Mlelu May 20-W hllf funeral ■U cavalcades crept along country roods

today freighted wlUi lie child vie- I I P tims ot th ; BaUi school explosion, a I I 1 aympaUieUo public ossured the reha- L L U blliiaUon>of the stricken rammunlty.

United States Senator Janies Cous* ens pledged /Inancla] relJe/ of the af-

- .fllcted families and Uie restoration of 8 ^ 0 Uit.bulWlng which wtu tom down by- demented Andrew Kehoe. ’Friendly brOS lumds strBtchfd“o u ro irB in iiies"w itn

olfeis ot oasbtonce. Aid was tender- R pa ed freely; In Uie hope tha t Uie grief

o f- t h w ~ wir(n B n5V ea~ o ti5 niight- - b e ev tnallghU rm lU ga ted .'" - .............

_Th(. Many Are- OsriedtlocJ Muiy of. Uie 44 who lost Uiclr lives Wiw<‘ In the school explulon Wednesday town w rc 'bu rled today. The short main

r r churches and bereaved homes. Part of Uie funerals were held here, oUiffff

'o*"! from farm houses and some InTjuislng tw^cen iuuLeeigtoatine-tea:ns-ltinUt<ii-tiM »

called In frgm a wide area to conduct the services. Puneral equipment from

ipldly mam’ cities k-u called In to meet tho m all situation,“ I of Flowers Piled High

At Red Cross headquarters flowers " '“‘■y were -piled high. They w tic sent today largely by donors who knew neiUier n the uiose who died nor their families.____ I V ’T' tin>yh>wip» frUnrt. n t Hi».I - aftllcated families came lilacs and but a planU, from liome gardens.Uiese Tlie remains of Uie madman who

Id. as loosed Uie scourge were burled unsung 1 will and unmoumcd In St. Jolins. Ills sis-

, ter Miss Alice Kehoe. of BotUo Creek. ■r woa arranged for a cdsket. The body was after- lowered' inlo ' Uie’ grave' by on' umJer- . taker. In Uie presence ot some grave ------: diggers. -No tears-w cre 'shM . Tliero

0 rise W'fe.ttrlb- Sharp ContrnUdrifts In < tarp.cpotn«t .werpTlGeTuneiSiB »-ond crthcM -w B oT iaK r-tteiT liis 'T w iuse ' -■ o f / ^ o e 's m ad.-m eni^ p lo t .- ■ from iJtUe ’girl school mates gaUiered id-Uie wild flowers In Uie woods ;md strewed r two them about the home of Rev. and Mrs.

Scott MacDonald, whose 13.year-old ____ daughUr._Thelma._WM burled.lhli.af-.- temoon. The funeral proccsslon went ‘ , 30 miles from Uie MocDonoldjiome In P"**; BaUi to Uie Springport cemetery.

Sen-lccs tor Mrs. A n d re i Kehoe.whn WM »lttln anrt partially rr>-mfitMby >1W mohlocal husbyid; were

(ConUnued on Pago Two)

1 ■

m u



m = M



3 le i^ ■

-T ion. a reho-unity. •Cous*:e a f .

^ CAPTAIN C»ABLE8 LlNDBERCl "ho U all U well. U fl

S ..«tf«rc_llie.nB rier_w»tm jiLJl)e. Untie Mean lo his monoplane ' Sblril of SL U uls.” He U scl

_.nlght ai 10 o'clock. Twin Falls t

i i i i l iitPiSSiGMlIiductiTOtn [_||,Qo|p Q, jn i i i - e w s a n d Roy

H ay n e s to E n d W o rk in P

’S ; ■ i ilb itio n ' E n lo r c e m e n t o i l i'ilher _____ ,lilies.ut>«. w «qirT w nm v ,um nn(ffi) ..,;,if t

and 0. Andrews and Roy A. Haynes, the ouUtandlng figures in federal proli

«ho enforcement, soon are to pass I iiiing Uie picture.I lU - They will b« succeded by Seyn

was New York sUte, and Dr. Ja m a ider- D6nin,''chW'chemlsl of the prbhlbl'rav e bureau,_____________________ —P»ro — _ ^ p k U1 UUslen FsUUIed •

Anditwi leaves office, on Augui _ _ _ a t hU own request, hU jpeclal mis 'e'rSs having been lulfllled;_Hs^M goeta ause ' six years o n ^ f i i ^ g n d - ' in e r s

mo»y, ha re regaM»®*aj> a " t « t lered »trengUi betweeri S eo tla ry Mellon ewed Wayne B.'Wheeler, chief counsel of Mrs. AnU-Solooa league. r-old Iiowman will replace O e n ^ LOf- drews.as'.aaslsUDt-to-Uioa«eTotar] UTnt Uie treu u ry in charge of prohibit ne ih customs and coast guard; Dr. Dc

Tlie^p^ilblUon bureau, ehoe. - Annoooce Changes lated . .When ItaynasJrill-qulUs-acUng-i re^.[hlblUon conunlaloner.-to which. )

------ [he was named two moaths ago. w umade clear In the treasury annout

_ m ent.late today of the changes. — j fact there was no mention of

Haynes in Uie sUUment. which co ed a page and a half.

—— * ^ e secretary of the treasury nounced U u t he has appointed to o tflu of commissioner of prohlbl Dr. J . M. Doran, president head of teclmlcal division of the bureau of.j hii)lt]on.'''aaid the announcement. 1 brief statement n-oa amplified by 1

_____ pfjlejali^lHLjftlfLM f., Haynea'_fcnaUoa was expected bnmedlattiy.

------------------ -Detllaii'id-Comm'enl------Mr. Ilaynu tonight declined to p

erfcnt'on'SecreUiiy MclloVs uinoui ment tha t he was to be rep la ce o Indicate when he would, submit reslgnoUon.

No comment.^ either; t o forthci Ing ’rrom'oiriclols of Uio AnU-Sol le t^ e . whose exccuUve committee

which Uie prohlblUon commlsslonen . . . was discutsed.and p2ans..were-lol(

raise a leOOMO fund for use oga political candidates hosUIe to Uie '

• : Ticad.-.lig:Marthfc:eighteimUi.ttmc

- iiB iR F ; eim iti

O o n rl A d jo n rn a in T r ia l o f P : K elly , S t a r A c to r, Ohar{

~ W i t n M n rd o r d rB a y m D n d .

L 08 ANOELES, May 20 UP)-'— ■ quttU oa 'of Paul KcUy's fate for

' allesed murder cf Ray Ra>-mond■ left to remain unanswered w er

w eek-taJ. when wSloummenf ol trial was token today unUl Mom His counsel was In Uio midst ot defense closing address to Uie Juo eight women and four men-when- d o fs session ended, and will resum n u tt week.

T he-tJlal'only approached lU el . as i u second, week ended. In it ' a ta tt 'h a s acciiscd Uie uUileUc yo

film actor with fatally pounding song and. dance n u n in a flsUe atts

. KeU y-ianJentlova-frf OoroUiyMs . wife of .Raymond,;w«i

se rtM 'to have' proro^ ^ e - ^

. .O O bert.sbitlng.hu flnal n n u rfc t, , *<>Unt:i>:tbMuting (}«««• K onpiD

. ^ .p n (la ia arr.e la sln K .ro r.lb a '« a ti = 1W = niSU -;» ;ta jM B e^H teT pi»

— t io n '» m : W t t i w e ^ : i t r t i i i » r i « p e r i '.A a n tt -U i^ ,^ M X b ir a tb


iB im i® !:SJiGliJUll|iMriO:PtitlW ' Chlries A. Lindbergh, Dariii M Ex-Mail .Pilot, Avoids Ai ^ rp a c k 'liif HuiilFNeFfioiic

“ToTUnlfetTStates Ali Albiii

» I lUj T hf A n « U l.d Pm .1V > .ST. JOHNS. N. F . May 2 « - f > ObwrTf n who saw Ihe “Spirit -of

I Ht. -U u li' Ihe great monaptane pItoUd by CspUlD Charla IJnd- berili on hU Nrw York to Paris fllghl. pass over St. Johns (o-

i.v, , night, reported that the pilot L J seemed lo be making sar*. of his

bearings here before bunching CH of forth lata the traw M U nllc Uf ot f ljln i h li Journey.

^ e j\ t- . — T he-tU ffv sf-the-O om m ertU l> '|Th? Cable eorapony. whose efflee is en

the waterfront, said they heard

> Ume. puae coming-np the h s r w rromthe sea. AfUf a Ume Uie pilot

' tamed Uie machine aboot, ap.f t ------- parenUy saU sfl^ 'iflU rh ls wbere*

■S s oboBU. and dlappeared oot U »eii •U flying low and very fast

r i f i r -NB\V Y o w ^ M iT w lH l^ T y ln g ^ M u h llquely toward Uie dawn,' “LQttj L l l L Undbergh was on'hU pioneering w«:_____to m n f r trn iig m ,- ----------- ,—

His progress between 7:62 o'clock Ui • . morning, when he hopped off. unt

jy n . dark tonight, showed thot he was'run _ nlng os true to schedule as an 'cxpres rfO * train, or as one of Uie air mall plant ■ . . Uial have been hU every day al n ic e , mounu.

First Ifonrs Uneeriain The first few hours cf thu n ieh tjua

ho twn "irouded In uncerulnty, cousing n „u.b. small amount of concern. Taking-U:

in iwlrling fog, Charles Undberg ’ disappeared from sight a n d ' houi »mour * “» lewned definite]nor of ho’ding to his course lU^ M the veteran airman that he U for iS l i S W^-J,oulW ulness.-..-;-^^........ *■------------ Durtng-Uilsperiodof-anxietynwior

Uie mott Interested perw nsat the Los , Island flying field Irom whlch U » ho

of the ■ ■ E *n»p.-Is ',Ia tcsifid ■On boUi sides of:the AUtotie ZJni

^ An- b e rg 's daring was ths talk of U u d« « y -o f From-hl«he8tT)tliclal»'tirtinniW «nai blUon. uens, ;he talk was of Uie *'luek7,,kU Doran and d e hope w u general U u t hU ItU

In France, preparations were model - light the alr beacons so tha t when U:

^ »hen Ireland hasB SM ^ t «e«’b e » ^ ‘ “2 ng liad 'p flisW ril mnce- (ConUnued on page two) s. In . . -

-iSTiBGi:;sJEiBJEIiif.P ro----------;------ . . .

■mu ■ - ■ -

^ MovieJiotcess_D{nlSi.EiBse!ic--------at'Kerriok'Home'atTims'o

T t S K illing in L ong T e s lim o n j

It his —................LOS ANOELES.'Moy 20 W>)-An Otncom- lejnp^ Qf iru-Bum s to prove tha t sh Jaloon ^ not present when Tom Kerricl ee to- film cowboy, w u killed wlUi a pish

her tilaJ ’srtUi fcmr olhen lor h is mm d e ra to p a r ty .

Mra. Kerriek. AnIU DavU. Henrylse

--------------------T 4 1 » Bum s'related thT T SaaaT i;

- — - tbeicm tct'qD BntfTftM rh»*aTO ntt . asked her If she had heard Mrs. Kei

rick make any UireaU ogolnst her bui r u n band. M in Bums sold she left Uie fli L ilU shortly alter the occarTtnce.

Replying to q u e jti^ o n 'c ro n e x a a InaUon ahe said she only yBterdny R membered th s quarrel and U u reiau

d . . by Mrs. Kerriek. Miss Bures' -state ment after Uie killing and before tii

r-The coroner's.Jucy.dld.not.lnclude a ay J tf ir the erence to tho Incident.1 was The trial conUnued today to-rtsolr r Uie ItMlt Into a baUle between unlU of Ul <« hts nvB aided defense In which altomej )nday, o n ottonpUng to throw Uio blame e; if the others ot the defendants and in s iry of doing, taking Uie port of Uie proiecum -to- to r s . '" '....................—— —— ——mic U •Hen2Uounder»'Hita ,*everecroaex

omlnouon irom .Bei^i.X >ennisa:ui^ e l(» district attorney. Ha s a i d , I n

i .“ >8 tended, ■leaving .for. MeiIeo-,CU/-oi I'®®* April 0 and wanted to » y good hy* t s U u Miss Buras before-Ieaiing. >,K«BW

i, A i.

S b?■iwP

Page 2: S iilit IboDI liOilGlEilS- iBimi®!: IF MlttOi^ SJiGliJUll ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · L_ Port Oarda.Vs mltw souUi of Eurekn. ... to

. I ' Pago Two ■ ............

z|„.zLDilJll:Piil!--------J :---------------^BllBu»4-Ftoin-P«|.>e-On»)-r-

I paiJj' to I^rS'’wiri>TaijiM^ing liigliwa • ' ].• .. CTcr which Uic Intwpid youlij may /I

I os thoujh In Uie (I«yll8ht. .____ f Ijidlcailons ucre ccrtulii Uiat Ui

“ Prcnch people will give ihc youns al■ • mall pilot troin Uic middle w « t a roya

•wclccmc If lie tuccccd* wlicn Nuiibcsm . • ond Coll failed, ami fluilrrs daivn li

j Paris tomorrpu- iiiglit.

____:Y 6RK..-.M a^^20—J , A. Llndbcntli. »1io avoliln Uic'nlr |iic!1 nnd liutiU tils lidii'or.i alone, ua,

____ "acnred"-when lie left noojcvell flek' J on Long Island fur ParU joday,- Dir

J u Will iiu rT iip ir 11 tf^^'TWfeciriii/ of 0 . football player, aho ijiiaka am

' J ' shakes In h li 9h0r:> as lie awalu c J , retcTN's whfsllc itaniiiir a Banie am:

___ j — — the next mioiitg rhan:c and knacfa"■ 1__ ■ an opponent twlcr IiIr ilie flat on lil: ____ ________________________________________

0 T rnicnru Grlpi Airmani( There, jtv.ft.lcnsc.l"«k -iw^t '-siinrn 4 LUidbersh's rye* ■» he u l In III: “itllncl'J ■ caltn, looklnt a t hU Inslnjineiit-slud- a ' ded board os Ills molora were tunins npa for a dosh over an air' route Uiat he1 ' was' lo feel for wtih his faltlilul com-

R pa&9. As Uie msior raced and Uien t Idicd. Uie yourts MtMOiirt captain iievei t look hi* eyes from ihc Instrumciiti,

.1 which will make or break hliii os li; I • trtej to make Paru ilie next tt.uior X after New York' on the air cxpres;.J ' ,r ianeL *»fcj Ground Slonlf,I ■ Llndbcrgir* «liiitlc whirling motor 3 nnd dark gny (ucelane had SIM) psundi

[ ,1 » lo take Into tho air, and only a mile of‘ ---------iiviinui«"iifouiT(i"Ofr\ni!«Ji lo 'get' <ip'.

eiiouih speed to •nfgollate the lajk.i IU* night almost ended nt lls begin-

.. . . . iilng. The plane .waa iIoT.ln cslUng up speed, as It prepared to learc the Rround, lor a momlng rain had made

• the track hca»7. Before real si>ced was---------- .dcvelopetl.Uicre was it Blip, almoat a

*■1 Blldc. and the upcclaton gaipjd as the a plane seemed about to tunl over.

_ ^ But Tie pulled the plane back inia lu

f Ing hU touch. . rt . , D arlnj liniem rtom SlarlJ Tlicrc WM an lionwt-lo-guodnesja “on your w ay lUBKcallon from the atr-

i n man's tumds on the control xUck whenI i a road-roIlIng plecs of machlntry

I loomed up, much too dote for aafety, J Some of the spvclators enld Ihe plane

!j And then a to ft ip ji . l-fi by th j y morning rain, threw Ihc »i««;dln6 plane *1 oul of Its stride agAln, and all four '

! wheels left Uie track. Tlity were In the air. but Lindbergh did not w.in: Uiem there In that faalilnn. nnd he brought them down, happily right

- — ilr tf up.- ------- -------------- --- . . 1— -------fn?9no1fr».TelfplipiieJY/rfa____ i........... J u n as.’Jie got Inta Uio air, Uis cap- i

. .U ln fo u n d 'a network of telephone 1 Klh* strung out In front of hbn. I

He barfly. clc»red,Ui» alrcj. Liii I y .------ Rart«niatt'irCn*TO {'*Q {hTrsiae-nnir«

. T .Bffaln it leaned Uie fllght'wos not to IjJ be.. H ow m r.'ho got Uit craft straight- ^II cned out in Uie nick of time, and r.Utri- ? ed away. Soon Uie plane was M feet

' 9 up. Uien 100 and finally UO ns he dls- ^* J appeared, a fellow airman rrnorted

later, flying 110 miles ViFfiour, "

‘ )YILI. SUpSlST ON AHMY KATIONK= j (/P i-B r«kfB«r s■ 5 ■ lunch nnd dinner will all look alike to «

I fcaptam Lindbergh. Por he will sutolaiOHnrltiJTIrtertteiicyraUoni, o monoion-

— - — ^oiu.-if noiiashlng-far*. ' ---------------■ ~Emcntency raUons are composed of '

. ‘ arled bctf. whicli ccnUliis wit; hard ‘ tack, which includei salt. and . lUne; t

- - J with chocolate nnd white* of eggs for• desert, topped off wllh a bli ot caffeine, fj

The meals a rt o tnled In tin cans cl wllh lead leals which may be readilypuUed off. / ,t

, _____ ^ ouncM of these rations form a m

• ounces, enough lo last seven days.'

E X rnM S ADMIRATION to “ S ---------- WAemNOTONr-May M ,,T^-On | ’=__ : _____ ^eyery.Jiand^c{Ilclal.\Ya*hlngtQiutodA)’ ’><

J n p r ts ie d adtplraUon for llie daring ._ .j — :~«ltmpf6f-O harleaA rLlndbirrgh-tofly

• across Uie AUanUc alone and Uie hope S U ut he would- succeed hi hts odven-I ture. of

.....................At thp .Wille H ou« U waa said Uiatf President Coolldge was watching wlUi “P I interest the flight and had best wbiie'.1 for Lindbergh's success.

“ f ---------- Al Ull!' Jury—onmnmEllt, "wlicre 7“evM^-ono .was pulling .for Uie lanky K

f ■ UUiourian. even Uiough he got Uie ^• I . Jump on Commander Djrd, •'the navy's ,__ _ ,lw«oIHcfr.;dtpsrtment.-_ rcoillHl wim.pridB-Uat>Llnd»

I ■ n ^ l pilot. At llie-headw ncra cf thp ^ IwnTfi tTKTl~|fulnictFJ

" e II* ships on Uie nor|h AUamic traffic V I lane to bo on ,lhe lookout for ilio

( •flier, and nmon* gowmmcni aviators - - . m tcrcsl was inlen«.

y . Past nonble,lx>okonl !!,'*J .STEAMSraP PRESIDENT I^OOSE- r i.7, VELT. Enroute to New York, May 30--. .' W - A double lookout lonlslit was m' • posted Aboard. Uic President ItoojcvcliA . in th e , hope Uial soijieUnic between X

J midnight ,ami d a « u Uie uans.At"■ ^ ------ ta W lc -p lan e -o fC ap u m Cllarlc* A'.

Llnd(«rgh. speeding frmn New York -~ 5, ^ to Ptri*. would be sighted.^ . CapUin O corge'W ed, informed by f\ • Associated Pres* that Uie Am<rl- * can A«i4t0i‘ had hopped off from New ‘ • York, altered Uie' liner's course slijht- •: . ly, to Uic north In order to cover Uic

AtifJp:clock::iQ%ljt;.la-laUtiide-6l- ' ' dnreea 3 0 'm loutcs .an d 'n q n h loniU

tudtf n 'd f g r m 'p 'm te u lw la b o i i t 15}•. . m ile* 'off a te cfc8t’^f>'Ireland, the

----------P resld en rR W ia^e ltito stetmltig'duc-I • * ts l '» la n j.-h er. '*Jtehl4 'eouh«..''The , ■' •T O U ie r a r o i t- u f t i f 'a ld 'W ir a p p a FIr -U^nrahlc v T h e t» ■'iwfti-oec^oim 'rain

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

’ ; - - -TW iNFALfc


■^way ' ^ ’ 1■ay fly i

It thens air i i a f c jI royal ■ j B 9 B E ^ w 4 3 8 S B B i

r ro |^ B 6 |


1 'ilU a : ’ nocks ^>n


tig uphe ;

com- 'I;. n M H a M i i i i i i l i H i i i jUicii ■ ***'•• ........ •

iievci T in s WOMAN t»ad« e ve^ Uoe pf leiiU bll'on.w hlch lo base |iope for IS h .' Cliarle* N unjewr. inlulng Pari .itlor wefki sfe.-


L lk ’l'B O IS E .-M ay » (,?j-Gaylord San lord. Poealcllo. waa today ricetcd prcsl dent of the Idaho Slate Jluslc Teacli

Jj!- ers* nssoclallfin al tlie coiicliidlnii'sci slonprthccanvcullon here., B. P. An

^ dcrsA. Pocatello, was mado vlcc prcil , , dent r t .large tmU.T. B. Kelly,.Boisi

was-nain«t wcreu»ry-treti:ur*r.' District vice prnlrtcnU named arc 3 m /.Ilss Lucy Kobb, Caldwell; Mra, R. II

^ dlimlon, Lewiston; and MIsa' Orac; Bryniit, Twin Fall.i,

s , • . I f i i lH 'T f iB o th T e a m s E la y F iu o B a ll

, 1, W en l E nd T ea m H avlnfr E d g e : an : L n s t .G asia f o r B ulil H igh , he — —

gilt JEHOME, May M (Siycla] to Tlie . Ncwai-BuhI.hlgli school ball lcam de­

feated Jerome herCjoday„bi',.Mor!!_o,f, ap . S-S'ih V-w^l playM eanusL..Davis ot one Buhl hurlcdSiopd bBlI, striking out 13

batsmen, while pavl* of .Jerome; was t„> toucUttl up { « ft lew. mote MM and in-f itrucr-outTjnt-U 'JrBum-piajTrerTTiT

to game w u Uie last of Uie season-for l,t. Buhl, and but one ganiB has been lost rt- llie west end clly. •

Score: R.H,E.l" : Buhl ....... ........ . .................... 013 3■ Jerome ...•.- ................ 5. 8 3~ -aa ttcrtes:-ID 3rt3*and-Q ulrr:-D nvl*

nnd D lau. j KK — — ^

SORROWING PARENTS LAY. I -CHILD-i;.|CTIMS-AT-R6ST-Pf • iCoiitlnucd From I’age One)

Ul U ie'church of Uie Hesurr«llo« in i®i Lansing, I'or Other corwgcs moved lQR■ly from 'c . farm liomcn, Lansing and Bath ehur* u% cl«8 and cJiapels.Uy And so Uie sad program went

ihr6ushout Uie gloomy day. Tlie fu- a ncrals will conUnue through Caiurday

t<s a iiu suiitny:— »:----------------------------

'■ fooF'oT'ST 'Louis*'w a«'*cnroulc lb )n Paris toiilxht his friends’here, where IV he leanied Uie flyiri; ’"iramo" wereIJ- T m lllng-foriilm .-— r r - - ------------1?, UndbergU-came lo-Ut\coln-tn-lWlT ' riding a dllaplflated iholorcycle. The

lanky, bony youth chugged up. to Um office of Uie Lincoln ,alr cmft school.

,, climbed olf Ws "otie lunger" nfld ,, opproichediRay Pngt,-lhe manager.":) “ I want lo learn lo fly" lie an- ■ nounced. I

'! l w i n s his prospcctlrc' student skcp-? Ucally........... ................... - ,f- "Well, there's the caih , book me up " , ^ he lold P a « . I

--j\^-SilM oirX lBdbtf5lJ-’“ «»-larilnrtT * nnrt nol Jii?l|ncd l(L pi^ .lrtcud* ..U ui.|j

^ « n n a n « -u 'M t iiU 'm thU l inchul 1.' . t

t(;i’/~Tlic crowd of clow to 30.000 spec-

e uiicrx- a t the Sharkey-Maloncy fighl J* tonight stood (or a mlnui* wlUi bared i

heads. In response to the requrst of c the veteran announcer. Joe Humphries,10 offer a silent J^rayer tha t Captain

* d ia ries Lindbergh, overacas filer, rcach - I ‘'llic heart of Prance, a victor." Thl« j 5 loUowcd upon t. ehWT for Hit an- i, I nouncement by Ilumpjirics that press . '•d lfp sich tj reportedvUie flte/ otrt Dver ,

' ‘” 11 ......~i

- -

50 voo f a '^a~\veJ\c'A...... UAVC TX»l<TI*Kgnn.0SCQTr3^ T n

* ' Ori'JJ W WKV I H p p corn KI____ saoavtnriu^cm>-UM7 -seKi “


C a ^ D A l L Y N I i i W S . r T W I N

I o p H P A i n ! ; ' •

w g m r g im c i* M a a .- a iB i ^ u ^ '

i p i S f

)f the I'aritlan papen. searching fur somi r her u n . She U ihe mother of CapUli irU-lo-Nor York filer, who left i'arli Ini

BEiEirJ lLTFirPlli

O lo s io g E x c rc is c s to Be M a rk e d by M u sic a l N u m b e rs anti

. T h roe A c t P l a y . '

,rc; Edword’s parochial Mliool clailn'i {[. cxerclses will be held In tho lil«h

JJ-; 8 -o'clock. Program will coiuUt of several musical numbers, und 'a ihrcc- act play.

Tlic first number w-111 be'n rendition of "Carmen" by a violin crmiplcom- paied of Jllldn Sweiilngcr. Raymond Scliwnru, Mildred Tcls. tYaiiccs Hra- filer. Donovan flush. Edna Klans. Leona

Iff DIeboll, Robcrl Macuuley. O-.vcii Bu- i l l chanan. Laurrttn fitrelfiin. Hrrifv

Y)ionicy.““w:ui AUmW Klua.i at iho

th A violin wlo b}- Iteno' Thomry. . . sccomimnltd by Veronica Thomcy;

' Pulk dance b.v Raw Urckwllh ami Aline King action sonc by primary grades accompanied by Sara Ann Wat-

iie ince, and iwo musical celcctluns bv c- Hubert and Elizabeth Pltzpatrkk, v.lHpl. .preced«-B_thrM-uct-pliij'.'_ . ___ot Tlie p lay ."D ie .Ship ln-Ui» Wake-" 13 will be presented by the following stu- is deuts: Paul. McComb. ^pce Logan; Id l ltn o ' Thomcy. Itaymond/Bchwartz.. iTTiriTM iailaiiarToliirTirrtncCrHobert' 3r Macauley. George Wallace, Joseph st Altiegerl, William Doll. Bcrt Knefel.

Bud Salmon, Francis Toy. ilaurlco E. Klaos. Carl &tuegerl. Francis Buchan- 3 an. Hcrschcl Kloas, Leo Tharp, Lloyd 3 Wolf. Virgil Lang. Robert Dean. .Rrcd

Is C!*»en.-Pr8nk-flabala.-Lawrcncr K tic jrRalph iftsendrup, Robert Smith. Don-' uid Ifanlon. Edward Tliarp. Harold Ma-

” tng-th‘ p to rw iir^ b ^^


■ ' MERIDIAN. Ida-, May 20 (/p)-N or., ma Rowe, four-year-old daughter of

Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Rowe, was drowned y IrrigaUoii ditch near the Rowe

stream Uiree-quarlers of a mile before L i t *’a-i.rjcoverfd.frcm a drop trop.5 W. A. Foster. Bobe fire chief, brought t 0 pulmolor lo the RoWe’home but all e efforts to revive the child failed.■ ■■ TIie'youngsrer haJTjccM playing wiiii ' T an-older sister-W irm m B 'Teinm a'U ic ' 5 dllcli. Tlie sister lummonwi the motli--• er but Uie cliild had disappeared before . Mn. Rowe arrived.


BURLEY, . M nr20 .(;p )-M rs; Byrra - Winter*, polevtlle, Utah, .waa icriouily injured near here last night on th? O m iin d ■'filgliiuij::: ihoicnV in !■ «'Jl{e}i.*lUL R-as.ridiag,and a .gc»dm r, - l&lVm J jiuQ eore .liuilcr,: Oakley,-eoi-

wa* cut a iou t ilie face by flying gla.v.. .AlUiough Uie Winters car, driven by

Mr. Wlhlera. contained fh-e adulU nnd nine children, no onc-w-os Injured ex- cept Mrs. Winters.


Payelle-Bolse. water users' assocbtlon “ to enforce paj-ment o f astwsmentj iga ln jt certain . stockholder* stops It ,fro rncqllf^giroin,ouiec.atockholdcii ..Ute Idaho supreme court decided today in reversing Uic decWon ot Uie Canyon ' counly disuict court In awarding Judg­ment for UiB association agoinsL Amoj J...M111CT. a stakholdcr.

BO IsrCO UPLE ARRESTED - SACrtAMENTO. May M (fl>)-Pnink GM rBuch,-30,-arid-Honni B u rc T 'a : “ both of BoUc, Idaho, were ftnarted.lMt

! night near Woodland on chirge* pre- . fcrred'by Uie. woman's hmband. lllff Burd. of Boise,. ;

U U Bll«n«d tli i t Norma Burd,'n5oUi. er of.# two-year-old clind,--J|ed-from her Bo|m hemc.two tack's ago in-ccni-

...".S'o;ftn»-'vriii ktifiu' imythlifg - for jii fertoln,".iiays flip |N’»iiiiiii«r.- ».\ii >ou' ;^hi dl. l^.lii’ Ullpk,-. Aim'liu|f-«if ni


. lucKiifoisl". i N I E B ^ ' l i l S l

§ — O ln im -M ftd e ^ ^ B o ily T b n r T a s ~ - a t l o n - - l8 r - U r i c o n B n iu t f o i f iI j _ i T i s r c u B i o i i a w i O f l d s ;

Meeting in. pcotcit of the 8tal« .tJ I aUon on motor tnicks. ^0 tnick owm

ndopW * ^ i u t ! ‘*-'’'' '" '^ d * '“ ’1 j l prcjcnt eu tc law providing for ta f l alion of injcklng in 'e x c J^ Of t / past ilccnse practice. Truck ownt f coniplain tha t while they are nssea

on opcmllng llccaw on. a hlgher.La:___ than tourtnlf or nlf.Tnu-e mglor ea:

— Bddnronal-iajc-of-fnim-»25-to-n3-p iltmrlcr Is also imposed upon them, i!

■ pending upon Uie tire of Uie vchlc (ipcrateO.

cliulrman and J. H.'Dariiea Mcrclar IiivfsUKallon ,And dl.«iualon brougl

, out Uic fact that a tiolc org,anliatlc • of tnickmcn existed'w ith Uie purpoi

of-combattintf-Uie (illiKcd-unJust-Ui

b!idv’dK!drrt^fo ^ ’“ll ^ 1“ jni^fmbenlilp in ’ the siai» on;anl2atioi

/frtirkm en cldm the law Is unconati liitlohal on tlig ground.Uiat-it. U*« |iroi«rty twice for the same purpi>& the conienUon being tluit the mone irum boUi Uccnio fees is used fc hlKhway coastructlon.

A iiicellni of the group will be hel

some ?hjb'’rwnu*^'’ipUIn - , , 1 _________

’ PRUNE . BBOWERS. ELECl^ "BO ISE, May 20 M ^-W ilh-grow«i

. rcpresrn'Ung » per c :n t of Idalio' prune ncrepge, signed up a* member of llie Kipp plofl.of operation for bet

D M fiavn el«ted j , H .^icBim o-, Boise president o fU ic new a*.v>clallon, Uu dfpartmont of agriculture nnnouncw

•kcd ' “ ''‘i’- Oilier Lcrcwcj-s rcprcsentlna l! ,1 per cent of the acrcagc. have promlsrt

to become me.-nJttb_. ;F,,0;.Ahlnrand. Fnililand,'lias bc'cr nami-d Wcc president and M. U-tleaii

wln'i dhcctor of plant Industry, lias hcei:

[ of Sletie, i^ m ia ; Joaon’ Kelly, Enimelt;J, J. Allison, Caldwell I and A. C, Dud-

lilon « " " • ____________ .

»S PROJECT PLAN REAOY SOONBOISE, May 20 (/]>)-Columbla basin

projtcl In Inlcresti expect to liavejilam ’ ['l^lltlttiy mr iunil6 by July I ' liiH^TITto

-Hate enn sta rt its examination ot how •ncy. the jirojcci will affect Idr.ho. Qcotcc N. iiey; Cartir, coinmlwloncr of reclamation, and announced today upon his return from inry meeting In Spdkane wllh the Columbli Val- river alli>c.illon board,

bv Twenty thouwnd dollars was madt will available for ib5,jun'cy or Idaho water----- rcsoui'ccs-by-'Ulo-iast.-.lcKisIalHrc'-wlthke-" particular refcrtuce to furthcfstudles siu- ot Pend Oreille lake and river In con- »»: necllon. wltliT |he{ Oolumbln rIve basin

W ILllS W ira Hcc SAN ntA N CI8C9. Moy 20 o n -Ja c k ,an. Wlllls, San .Antonio. Texas.' middle Q..J weight, itopiied Marcel Tliuru. of

France, in the 'fifth round of tiiclr

mn.’. ring tonight. A tcrrillc battering lo ^r„. the stomwh’^Miit Uie Frenchman to

Uic canvas.iithen Uie bout was half

u « ' — v~ ; ’" i r . r/iougfilM T e l t c f i a r a b l e r -----

'A* ncilliln;: revt-nlK . ciinriu-irr llfci! fh« ttiiiiiiaiiy »v.i krop no nutliliig f.w - IcIIh futurlly like Um ilioughiN nvrr

■»tj whi.-li nv br.nnl,—Newell Ilwlglit IIIIIlii,


■ i M B miih !■

ire '


il! i l l

u<. . V. ^ g i B F y n P W T ^by

■i.....„ .x S H K Z j K 3 M S i3 !

r . ------


■ URS,' A ^R inU S 'A. yoi^kK iitltc of'Vlw^ ‘ dcnt-Bf the \fomph’*;j<«H(»iiii ;D t^


I f ■ ■

i« .tax^ . ownen evening » - U ie ,'I*Of Uio ownenissescd - W ^C Tin B Hai

r cart,.73-per r -----m, de- Va .I.-vehicle | '< g F 'y W W B [

y horc . B U ^ ^ B a y inc?~£T------- i w f f i a ■rvlarj-,' [w p lB l |L W

lutlonurposet-ux< —

local 'u u io c ____ l l l ^ K B D ^ ^lation. WW r a W w r j ^ j M H B H M onsti- I b jf l jH w H .. ’• w y j N a n B uxcs V ^ H K n

- If fn H w iiT 'noney • d '

tlzent .


Boise. MRK EVANdELINE LriTbBERGiri*, tlie ton's attempted flight from New

She came from Detroit to New Vork 15 poie kissing'"the F l jln r Fool,-and


sPEfflEbTEiiEPISTfll -i[_[ meliiiIgs

Dud^ ------- -E cv , E , 0 , L o w e to T a k e U p

R e v iv a l . C a m p a ig n L o u n o h cd )O fj H ero by M rs . M a ttio C ra w fo rd

lasln Revival meetings under ausplccs of ilam ytUicI^

7 ^ L<a Angeles In u big tent n l the cor- „ nt!f of,Maln.Bvenuc and Tlilrd-strcet

ca.1t last Sunday afternoon, w ill. be r rZ ' ovenlnB if weather per-‘‘J '" mils. It wus onnounced lust evening.

MecUiigs for the present. It was stated.„ will be conducted by Rev. E 0 . Lowe,

naue pa^^or of Te,np]p_ „.|u ^m except Monday.

* ■‘^ffs.'CrnwfortTah'a'membcrsTof her rnh Thursday mflming for South

WILL UNDERTAKE SURVEY ,BOISE, May 26 (/}>)-Inlllallon of a «

iiclr facilities. boUi urban .^nii niid_rual.Jii_U ic_iotcrcil-of..ord«rly ‘ , ,g markcUng.was announced here today } I by W, L, Ilan'cy. .Denver, cxccutlvc i l.alf reprcscntfltlve rf tlie ceniraJ western ' -----ThUip try - udVkory' boahl,. who U In ]

~ slilppcrsr.afu.-.Junc-23.... — ______ j»;<• LtsUng of available sloragi! fMlllties 1 •f«- will assist In orderly marketing, M r » vpr Hnn’ey said, "which avoids glutted « rM markets to the benefit ot producer* and

Improved car sert'lce." . t

w crlnusE ?

t m m . S c i ; , ■ -p tM roaU . ctob. 1 , 14, . U. , ..

[ # B 8 H N P ^ P

il M snxlotuly awaiting Ibe oBieome of New York to Parlf. bat she w ont'show Vork . to bid him goodbye, b st ttf iaed

r and left before his take>off,

HOiEfiilOfiilENIffiNHEMipiu p S b a d L , H o d g ls W ill O eliv

hod P r in c ip a l A d d re s s D e o o ra t i o rd -. D a y : O b aerv an o e P lanhod .^

« of SelecUon o t'S h a d L. llodgia f'

cor- ance in Twin Riils brings the pit reel nearer-completion, bul several"!

be rangemenu pending must be cleai w r- before amiouncemeni of the 'compli ing. prognni may be made, ted. Capuiin P, W. M«V)berts ha* be 3WC, selected ns marslial of Ihe day, a . be various organizations are planning

. . tn t t r tlie progmm wlUi fuU ncM rt.,

J HOLSTEIN BREEDERS „ _i^M LL^IT„RANCHE_ y R eun ion of Holstein .‘ircedcr* pU C I ned for next Monday, will inclii

i^ lU to various ranches-in' IhU'M ,I a tIoQ, and will be followed by a mee ban 1» ‘he Holstein grower*. Ti sriy y5e™rJ'_.wlil_lnclude_Uie_folloBli day Hcmplcman. Louis Tend

- « TimnrTlntviin iiy .' a t •ldBh5"e»tth s}t— sm ice : P. W." Alkesbn/ Unirerstty" lies Idaho: and R.-E.-Brerly, neld-'heph Mr. scninUrc o f 'Ih e .IUlstcln atsociallo ted »Hi be presenu

“ “ APPOINTS REPRESENTATJV■" BOISE, May 30 (/}>M3ovemar H. (

. Baldridge tmiight, at- Uie request <

U .r '^ .o“ c n n 'e T a ^ n te J Joe D. Wood, commli

sloncr ot public works, w the Idah reprcsen^Uve o l ■ coofereoce of. Idth'nnd-^75oiflln8-6rnchls*ori"lKriavIfii^ the .Alpine lirldge. of Uie Rw hvcI .h lB b m a iie a tM J ita b & ila fe U ld o ^ flood w nten of U ie i^ U i lofk of Uii snake river,

Commlsslaner Wood 'w^s «uUiotI«< by Govemdr Baldridge to meet Oover

Slatestnictufc.-' ' ' ; ’

" inainV A Y DAMAGE SMAU.; BOISB. May Jo (fl>)-t«gh-water U

Idaho streams thus fa r h**' done onlj .^ .I'SlbleJdam ose^V ital& JiighirA ^'i (scept moderate damage a teu t'Id ah i


,cnglneer,ttldW *>;^Tlid fbtce'o<'Wi(> ppper.Snake rlyei flood, duit' to Uie' bun tln s of Uie nai. ural retttvolr bn‘ the Gros Venire river, I w been spent above Idaho FtU i and the . surplus'flo*' will b e 'a tao rb ^-b y

- ih#-Am erican-Pall*'TotTTOtrriaruie tower river vUl not be' affected', re* ixtru to Uie bureau' Indicated: "

. • 6abnon.'r)ver.. h U 'n o t reached Its Peak^’becaiw it U fed. fro n higher ceuntrf^yjkS’.any- oUier' flref-.ln the »Ule.-Mr.'^.phoemak*. aaid;' As Uio

, hwi}i pjid iputh W gnw»y-li'(ullj-(if. t ^ feet:ibovJ.lhe usual high-water lerel UUle.-trouW li anUclpaled even p>ough hlgti'tv ittf tn d ie m m nm 1* I n . t h p . i ^ . . "• ■

- fP S T P O W 'lB li ' . - ' • ;

ence DTpHiwi^rlt?«.'T»n«‘ of--thB • - Bellg;c« m o n a p l^ -p ^ tlltthtt, u j i _

.ntnmc^ ,^«V tb'p'^propoiW. s ta r t..to m o rV n 'e n p a ol'ijie-pUna.on,

;; “ .M'.ItiWe. ppw .'E M t.'if ; ; r . •.• r . 8AMP80M;MlJSIb*00.'' -

3TSCS=S=. . I ' I

| - :ii8|Si|iLB,H l l ’ W » VoVer^^'B 'Xiiy Pla■ I ........ lo r .O o m m p ip o ra l l.o f f .p f ^M .... -,-;tion'fl‘ H ero io ’- D c a d ^ - . . :

B j ' F l l i i k May aJ-TliB'Amerlcan I M l glon will hoid.romarlarexcrcUes li. I B 80.. Pller-.Pott No. 47, will bea ' c i ^ e .H • ‘The Ltgloii'Tiuiliiary wllI have

t p ^ mHUng-at the home of u Jam e*. Tomlin Tuesday. Hostes wlll be Mrs. T. D. Connor and W

*• Ed B^lfhyrt .__________________-T " "P rO fts io r-m n k 'U - H ow ard 'b r'i

Albion s la te ‘nornial will speak a l.l Cedar Draw commencement cxerct Friday afternoon: 'A' picnic will pi

^ S9da..U n-c]tcfcbrA _X - ___, KorUi street is being hard surfac

UiU week;— - “ M r i ' CUlre 'G illllin; instructor

music In Uie Flleb grade ichools I— Uie-past-year.-«xpocU-to-Btt«nd t

university a l Seattle Uils coming ye:Ttip Pllfr niral iilgh nrhnnl lyitppif

S cifll class composed of 70 students c Q Joyed a picnic lliursday a t Uie coun f f l . fair grouiids. ' . • i l l . . . M r.'o iid MrsJ Jeaii Nancolas ai ^ family moved to JeroiAe tills.w et

Mias Elsie will slay a t the Ed DeMc pj; home unUl Uie close ,of Uic schc y year.■ Mr*, victor Pease ot Martinet, Ca)■ lomla, Is-vislllng a t Uie W. F. Mack■ home?■ . Mr. and Mr*. Roderick Andenj■ lefl by abto Tuesday tor Lcwlsto I yherc Uiey wUl m ake.thelr home.— I r " -B. t K a w ^ left Monday for n . visit a t Grenola', Kansas,

M r i Laura Cedarholm rccenUy'n_____ t u i ^ frcCT Nebwka. where she wi

ciueti-by uie oeath of her mothM,,f her Mr, and Mrs, Foster O u lld tjjile i )w It; twined ttonday evening a t Uielr hon ed. le fpr,Mr,.pna.Mrs. Roy L uicasU r.-'n ;

'• bride and groom received a^number ( gllw. Quests Included Rev, and Mr

------- J. O, Grout and fam ily ,'M a BeasJI • Slerer, Mr, a n d J J n . s , Y. LoncasIf N ^ -W in n m -B p e n e e r .-M rs . tS n S ' • ■ - epencer, Mr. and Mra. Charles Reichy x a ‘ n-iI T f t Lailea*icr.nnd fnmlly. Mr. and Mr

•H O' ®- Mildred GobiErma Allen. Agne* Uincastor an<

livBr " “ rt. Ned.-Emesl and Harbl, .y « ! ^ “ Mter. RefreshmenU were lervei • tion n i c senior cliss play, 'The- Cinder I. ellft Man,- wiU pe given Friday eve . ' nlng In Uie new high school audl for- torlum.

E l to f Ktfnmerqiilst was a bumserv. w m e uountry Women's club Wednes plans tlay n t Uie home of Mrs. D'. W, Dun^

'"■* *** on "Ap.lared P'l«l EducaUon.f Mrs, HammerquU pleto U »tnto chairman of tbe departmem

0 app led education of wepien'* club been of Islalio, .; and „ Walter Musgrave, Jr., and hei

! ^ »eb,K>l Class enjoyed.ft partjd l . . . >'*J^o_?»Btls{.?hurch.parlor*.Wediic*-

doy evening____ r - ’- • .O. M, TTiomMon and family recent-

resldertce. Mr, Keenan 1* Uie new .h^B secretary for the'eounty fair,

S)-dney E. McLaughlin for Uie tlast

p . E. 8ugj, for Uie past year in- tHp- **" ‘S ' ^ , ' " J *>«-PI»er-rural-hlglrschDct

? 1 § M r a - f f i ' B nirrtnley '’wiu- iS to pre^ « '» " :? « 'her home,at_Carey..Idaho.— Jon Mr. and Mr*. James Tomlln exocct■ to moVe'Bopn to tte ir farra 'nw r Mur*'/ . laugh,

V E ' PARMEd"tO LOGAN CLUb” ~ , . -SANPRANblSCO, M ay'20'()H -S ld • C. Honsen. pitcher, and Prank Woodson,

catchw had been farmed out t>y Uie ^ a M . Pranclsco-S«aUt <Khe-Logarrdnb-

of-Uie-Utah-Idaho-ltague, BoUi «mj- jjj* c o n s id e r excellent proipecto. '

:------------CA ETURfajtpLA*____ -----PtnJAlAN,' Wash„ May 20 'w>j-Cap-

g t t u r l ^ Uy re la y a h e deddlm r ^ t . ^ - 2“ r f t l ^ y a r a r W a s H r w o r s u ^ e ^ ^. cinder men nosed out Uie Univerallyot

i m » M u a -M A N - B y v s P i r n i “ Ff 211 m i l ' H.

Master*, former Twin naii. w .hn— m d ’Pniv-y; U t i h ' n e ™ M r ^ to d S "

purchased Uie Idalio su ite^ o iim ll. r £ WPer. H i? Jm m al

has bien published.for Uiree and onohaU '-yem T m otf-riK o-ed ltoW nr'o ir”

m 5 ? " i? - ;^ < -S n i^ w iio .M ir .« n tIn u e : . n F v i th - iM . n e v ’- o rg u b i t lm - iu - l ie a d -Ssf tr w S X fIt* _ _ -«>■' r-- - ■ ' • • = " ? = = ■

i I ^ a h Q M o t t > r % y :

T t^ P f l l l s T o '

, P o c a t e l l o ;

h i I ' ih« t r a r c u u ll i) 1 p.

tillq i p. a . , M tlr, Twin lU I , B " C- ” ■ c«««n|lo« w lu T d i III t i k . » ] I i> i0 W ii, M i l ,^ Cffl o l B om rapb, Pertini!

(ini! P a rk 'if f lfd : ■' ■'

A iio r t i i j r o ro n a

w in iifii kciii l i l t o ft pur

8 A i j | j q s ; : » g y g ? q o T "

r" 3 E S !! ': ,§ ^ 5 S tz r ." !"

Page 3: S iilit IboDI liOilGlEilS- iBimi®!: IF MlttOi^ SJiGliJUll ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · L_ Port Oarda.Vs mltw souUi of Eurekn. ... to

i p - —

- IMIPiSFDI: . ;.m m M W i

• B leachE fs a n d G ra n d s ta n d Are

. D v erlia u le d a n O J I l i i i l ^

p r o v e m e n t s ' C o m p je tcd for

. S e a so n ’s O pen ing C ro w d s .

_ J n ie lb oard of <lli%-cton-Of-tlie_!rn'liiFjinj club In mceUnj ycstenloy after-

' ■ noon ■ completed plans for cp«nln« .. . Rome here May 21. whrn Bruins meet

Loean In the (In l liome series'of the . year.

Tuetdar'a came Es scheduled to start a t 3 p. m.. wltli all Uie trlniinlnpi tha t Eo Tittt opening day.

Extensive repalm liave been made n t AtJiletlB park. SprinUlnj raellltle.i are now w arransed Uwt the outfield

J , na well as tlie Infield can be wet dosm. m tiuu av-oldlns Uie dust nulsuice -or

_ . I_JOiU i-eM _-Jito«herrTO TTrand »Utid . have been overhauled ond been 'sub-

Jectcd.to a rigid InspecUon by the cUy injpcctor nnd pronounccd O. K.

A ralllna b to be pu l out In /rent — gratiTl Bland on-Occond i tn r t '

to allow passage front the Ucke't wln---------- -dowtoUie-welt-gata-ttJUioutXiwvlh?-

througli 0 wall of automobllea. Oates, ----------- nre m fixed Uiat the grouniu can !«

emptied more rapidly Uuui lost year, nnd’ It Is Uie ptap of Uie board to tear out Uw w rttn in Ironl rf this

2 - - .IT ^ C ian d s tan d nnd, put up 'f tecrccn that . will aUow better visibility. '.

A tentative hour for eubsequent week dnv imrTi>-< hm h>i»iM ■•/■I f l [;

“ , JI, m. and Sundny games a t J p. m.- A ballot Is 'to be given wiUi each adult ticket on openlnj day callinc for a

. popular voto on the liour cf opening games and nfter a check up has been made Uie iteie ot sU rUnj games may be changed. ^

Extra G am a Frombed ^ ^ e sdiedule now aUndi Idaho Falls has Uirtc consMutlve wis'kn nt iioiHc nna one of Uie Mrleji Is wlUi Tttln Polb. A propMlUon to transfer Uie Twin PalU series of June 14 to 10 from Idaho R illj to Tw’ln Palls liai been accepted by Uie board nnd If plans do nol miscarry Twin Palb will Jiavc nn ndded week of baseball.

Membera of the board are now sell* Ing n booster ticket for $3, Ui!s ticket

J is good lor any a t home m me ot UieS ---------- • M d-w iti - be -cxcWingedrnt "Uie■■} • Ueket-office to r one-general-ndmls;

• Blon nnd one grand sU nd *eat. value .' 75 M ts , Uxe excess on (Ira ticket to bo

. / ____k : ^ .to . defrny_.apc4 s ; - - ^ v o d J i o\ t Uie tnUnliw,8e a i w r ^ - f ^ “ '-“ ' . . -

Here U Uie te it ot Uie report made by Harold W. Merritt, -city engineer.

I on h b InspecUon ot .Uie smndstnnd and bleachen.

. “TJio’ m ndstand nnd blcaclieni atj ‘.______ Uie local baseball pttrkJiave_becn-Jn-

'!■; spccled. and a new system ot bracing 11 Installed In accot;|lance with my sug.

!■— ----------gliM»HHruetures-«TemuUii u tf l Wrthe purposes Intended, nnd may be

to ^ p ae lty during tjie comlnit

~ '~ U - I T E A G U r d A M E S CAlJl^ED


POCATELLO, May 20 tW -C old weatlier called Uie postponement et Uie roeattllo-Twin FUU game here today. Providing weaUier con-

-------------- tlUlnnt- i termH.- Jo a w e i> -« game------------- w m -s ta r t - .U 5 :« - « r f - a - * « b le

header will be played Sonday, U>e first game lehednled for t o’clock.

Oiden.Idohs FoUs nod ’ Salt Uke*Legan games postponed od

--------------aeewnt'oJ w c a U ia ^ n d iU « n £ :=


-------- k : c l « l --------- — -------- S o n - t o i t - m : Jr Salt Loke C ity -------------3 . 0 1.000 |

TtVlN FALLS ............ . t 0 1J»0 1Ogden ............. ........ ....... 2 , 1 , .0<n

“ ■'^--poeftt<Do^^.,.‘ ^™ !,;!::^o '•■ “ a '■ '.ooo i

=r=?^:^=^-N A TIO K AE^LEA<JUB—------^ - O l Q b ----------------- — ^ o n t S l P e t

New Y o rk ------ ---- -------10 . l l ,013 ,Chicago ---------------------16 11 i ’n IPittsburgh------------------ IB 11 JSTJ ,Philadelphia ----------------M 11 joo ,

.. St. r«ub ----------------- ^ .:5 13 M i_______ Poston ---------------------’..10 14 ,417

. . B r o d l5 3 r 'Z z : : . - r = r r : i s — 16--;406 -ClnclnnaU ------------------ 8 21 578

AMEBICAN LEAOOE . Ctub.-._, W onXostPct.New Y o rk ---------- --------31 0 .700Chicago .-------- ;------------18 14’ mfit. L o u is ------------------- 15 • 14 i nPhiladelphia 1 ------------- IS .w J io

• Washington ----------14 18 .483Clc ’e ta n d ------------------- 14 ,18 .487!D e t ro it------------------ _ 1S .4041Boston------1-----------------_7 31

PACTrto COAST ELAGVE--------- _ .c iu b -----------------------W o o L o rtP c t______ Oakland----------------- ,„ .-.:J2 -3 0 — .815- - san Prancbco.------a — J49

' MbsJons ---------------------37 JiBs a c n m e n to ----------29 .SUPorOflnd ---------- : - ; - i _ J 4 34 JOOSefttUe----------------------- 33 35 ..4TO

—-L o»-A i>*et«-=~= :^=-aJ— » z n w: \ / . _ . n o a ^~n«r~ ~: 1-......

. ^ . /n f tU e c b ia f C m m tri9 r ••■ 'I “ Tlio «mmirrce of IntenKt l»« ra i* .“

" 1 (ant tboret. The in a ll. retail dealer — ’ IradM only wllli bU 'no'ffliloh wtim

----------- tb# trea t merthanl traaea-ft* liokt-Ui#-lOBC^flBUtitn ot Iba i! 9b ^ -S Q lE e r .- .

HE w q r ;IC Jack Sharkey’s Crut

Jim Maloney Out 0“ Former Sailor Wins Teciinici j l l i r ■ Knockout Over Boston Cor

j f j Bio Crowd Sees Battle.

J u t WPW v n n ir Jnt.plning an Unexpectedly cruiJilng aitac

to r Jackiiehntkc)', ciant-cx.sallor. knocki out htj Boston rival. Jimmy Midonc

S. tonlBlit ta the fifth nwnd ot & l5-co\si____ matcU^iint.upiet.allxalculayons.____

While a pop'eyi'd croft’d of 30,Oi looked on In astonblinient. Sharks •m u tfrcd 'M iio itcf'in th 'T rw w natrn

enlmt down tlmeet chubby Irishman Just before the er t the <^-Uio fourth round-ond (Inlslied h i

In the UfUi wlUi a slashing right liani start ^ assault tliat ielt the beaten man nlngs gory ond battered figure.

Tethnleal Knockout Vielory made u was n technical knockout victor llltle.1 for Uie referee. Lou Magnolia, steppt tfleld In to stop Uie bout wlien Uie coui loft-n. ju j, reached tlx on mJone}-'s Uilrd an ^ la st’knockdown. but Uib did not affn

the detblvenesa of Sharkey's triumpl X , • Maloney Ifadly Deaten

Maloney, bleeding from Uie left ey front ihouUi luul plunged to U:

handers to the head. He fell over U; ivlhs low m tnm d-of-ropertricd to struRnl jatcs Romely to hb feet, but fell back. Oni n Ik again.'gamely, he sUggertd up In: year. w»y. on one knee, stnrUng tou-nrd III [1 to toe but plunged headlong again to th

thi! canvas, couroBtoujSy so \i« lorKsmS'bv that virtually.-out.” ' ‘ '

Twice before Miloney liifd udne dow luent under the impact ot Shnrkeyi vlcloi a t - 6 . lef t lieeka-and Jabs. Jelluwid hr mimH >• A Ing overliand rights, but e ad f th n e 'ti idult Jirniped up without a count to rus 3r a back Into the fray. This gameneu pw

slbly coJt him a chance to rccoup wm ot hb waning pon’era,

YANKEE STADIUM. New York. Ma -inh« 20 (/P)-Jack Sharkeys eruslilng ovc;

hand right smaslied Jim Maloney'on

rounds tonight In Tex Rickard's ccc jg ond 15-round sem ifinal of Uie ellmliu

} j„ tlon tournament. Maloney w’as dowi d If Uiree Umcs In the fifth session befor will the relerce awarded Uie bout to Slur

key on a technical knockout. The saiii sell, punch dropped Maloney on no count li Icket the fourUi round.

Uie In spite ot_balmy weather, prosp«l "Uie bf a slim obwd grecM tho Jack Shar m b; keyiJlmlfaloiiey heavyweight elimina 'alue tlon batUe tonight. ShorUy before th0,bo preJlmlnariea were lo begin, a t 8:IS i:

raj-no t-‘ra«t~^han~l«flOO-'sp?ttiWJ• were scnttered In tho far flunff rcoche w c 0/ Uie big American league ball yard.

• The ringside aecUon. seating torn: 6000. was well filled wlUi the mon

, fashionable patrons, including most o Tex Rickard’s fomous "600 mllllonnlre,s'

.]„* bU flhe covered"^ndsTM fc In ih ^ quotas slowly nnd Uie.out«eld.blcaeheri

^ presented an almost unoccupied ex-

be • ttoand 'one ' ■ling Sharkey tore out wlUi a left to Ui<

Jim cnrrirf Uie cx-gob into the roper • “ where he smashed hb opponent vie-

EO louily w4Ui boUi hands to Uie stomach, - - Jim chased Sharkey into Uie open and t H cracked nsun igh t left on Uie Jaw. The

Celt U»e to cJtBo agnln with n lell Id and right to Uie body and Sharkey's I t left opened a smoll cut over Maloney'i >e right ej’e. Jim Jabbed two le tu U) Uic1. head but took n rousing barrage about t«“ Wa-own—head. ■ J lw burled a ' hiavy le right-deep-under-Bharkey's-hcnrt-'Just le before Uie bell,K. Bound Two-

Jack pecked a t Mnlonev's bum e>-e It wlUiout damage Uklng n left sock w ID the stomach In retum. The/_bell5tl — Ilirfoiiilylnllcacfil'oU ictsIjnldrlfLIn

Sharkey's comer. Dancing out £i;aln _ Sharkey ■ clipped Jim with a hearty

left to the Jaw but wns content to dancti I owtty. Sharkey told Jim n left was low _ and the big Zilshman ripped in wildly. ..... boUihands.nallIng..Jack.ducked clev­

erly evading any punbliment. TiieT tr TOtnr m iBW iunng i'm tiuiek ^ tt be^ ooo gan. ITiey were pecking wlUi lefts to OM Uie head a t Uie bell.8<n . Bound Three333 ’:rJlm'8-Jeft:eyeTOaiflhad'#llapc‘a»‘h® 229. .^?-t6jUia.cpitcr.,..The-rcfer£C.stop? Wff PM thc-n8isnr'pull"dbw h"shnrkey‘s

S*y-wov*Mouiw UieT»i*flo(hrtng-elev» ■Ct erly to evade Jim’s left lead. Jim man- ^ aged to get in a lell and right lo tho ~ b ^ , but Jack smashed n hard right

tinder Jim’s short ribs to even Uie J™ counL They sparred aimlessly In the

center o f'the ring, Hliarkey contented

i|-Tlie ORPNEi517 f

iiS ■ . m u M Jp r e s e n t s

(10 . . m

AeUoo - Sttspeose — l|Iirin>~

[*•“ 'F B j r v i m f l 'B re n u iM 'o f a b * ,-

^ lorHn* I n i ^ t


ishing-Rigfit SmasHe J ' of Heavyweight Pictunical . ■ BOSTON CHAMP

Jay- I ack.

■‘" f ^ ^ ------------ '

ory, I H g a g U s - ^ i y . ■ •j'Ped » K _ y . JS ' luiii g H V r 'and f f . R ? .“-i ..feet ■ ' . E a , ’ipll’ I I '■

eye. . f l , ’>Uie ■ 'ighi - H "


’^^W F r

iJo " r ~ ]ush M 7 J . A

,tay ..

out JACK SHAnKtr^V n,i.tnnlivr 'l niio dispotrti of Jim Maloney in fire«c- rounds ot a tcliedulrd IS.round (I|h llu- taul n lih t a t the Yankee xUdlum In)wii New York. Sliarkey won a teehniealorc' knoekout. Hr aims for a chanee a(uv the world's heavyweight ehamplon- Line• m -■ — ----------- ----------------

S i i i M i D C K S r ziJJHELDOyeOlLLlies - —

T w o Oam cB f o r P rJc o o f O ne P ro m ise d b y O a to O ity ; O ors W a n te d to O a r ry P la y e rs .

^ — T w ln -Palls-B nilne~nnd ' P o a '- '" tello Bannocks will engage in » double header a t Pocatello Sun*

~ ..present -series, .stated President,. , George B. SandholtJ last evening. ^ -O oU >.B am a»-«f»-foM he-priee-of-

one admission.-he-;8latcd. and a " ^ large number of-Twin Palb fans

arc expicted to attend.-«• As many cars os possible are ™ B-anted by President'Sandholti U> ' ne bring back the team Sunday n ight clt .y's — ------ -------- -— =■*--------y's himself wlUi dancing up u id down .to h e evade punbliment. Jim whipped in lUt closcfagaln ond a straight left u t hb TT hUMi' tu UlimilH. ill ty Were.sparringtst flSftln'al-Uie'beli;— ;-------------

Itound Four . . . Jack smiled confidenUy as he pecked

n half dosen times a t Mnloney’s bad -J eye. Jim chased Sharkey to the ropts. ^ poundlnrw tU rbottnw DM .ta head an3 f“ bodrnnd-blood-began-to-trlckle-from J Jack's left ej’e. Jim plunged botli ^ hands into Sharkey's body. Sharkey

_ danced out of range and'contlnued his I left hand salvos to Maloney's head. J ' Jack's clevcmcss kept Mnlonw mbslng. L A-tmasMnj-right to the -d ito taocktd ^Vft>lrr»y .te-th».floofon no count. Hr

was up as Uie bell clansed. iRound n r e i

Maloney's ^aee waa badly battered^ ioT )l(}6 d 'd rip ^ nw n lips and ^ a* he H'.camtfnp tome«t,Sharkoy'««in(lng ieft.~ ’■« An overhand right sent Malonar.down Zi attftitijOLPttJOUat. AnoUier.orcrh«>d.i f* Ught «i4U alonw '8"bo^T oU eaiie lp* j !• leasly. on Uie canvass. His effort, tot 10 climb up tailed and Uio reterec waved It him to hb comer. . le Sharkey wins technical knockout...le ----------•d SDBSCIUBB FOR THE N BW a-.......

M l U a t i s o o a n d E r d a in g L A ST S H O W m o


O N l i i ! :( ^ I M W O K D I H P O S S B ■,........


woiwflqiR■ t.B eel Coxa^y ^

_ . . . r o o L P - .w m o w s - , - —P»lh?-Jfewi- - -

-I -A E S O M -P A B tE S sr— —


p f f lH iS^ GiEMWEl, IndiansJven.Series. With. Ne\ [ — ~T6rliT iaill' HyWilfijing'Cio~s H Contest; Score 1 to 2.

i i ____ CLEVELAND. May Mland evened Uie series with New Yor

^ ' today wheff Ulile took a iiliclicm' dui■ Irom lioyl. 2 lo 1. Eatli pltchcr allon

T-^— ed-scvcn-hlt*;-Uhlc-p3s.r«i-Kl!rini'nTbl sUuck oul five. Including Oclirlg twlci

_V___ oncc wlUi two on base ami iwo mil.The score— R H

■ New York ........ l 7H Cleveland . . .3 7,M • ] - B atteries-H ojt nnd Grtlwwskl; Uhl H ' and L. Sewell.

* ATHLETICS HAMMEK ClllCAOD CIIICAQO. May *30 (;i>;-riilladelphl hammered three Chicago iiltcliera liar today and defeated the Sox. 13 to i The AUiletlcs w orfd sevpji n ;n j In Ui first Inning, driving Dlixnkrn.ililp' ani Jacobs off Uie hlU before a runner liai been retired.

T h eM M ^- I t H 1 | | . Phlladelphla_............................. 13 14

I iiat^rles—llomrnell. Gray and*CMh■ rane; DIankenshlpi Jacobs. Connall)

Cote nnd McCurdy. Crou«.

T C o a s t L e a g u e K e s u l t s

ii: ■ 'At Los Angeles— " r if |'i j Missions...................A..;...............5 JO I

Los A ngeles.........................' 4 0 :TT “ UattcriH —.I'UUllc mid W nU^

■ WeaUiersby, Cunningham. .Siiilih nm J Sandberg.

W, At San Prancbco— .R H j f-; Hollywood ............................... Q < (■.“ San Francisco.............................5 0 :

Batteries—W .-M urphy ami Cook; May 'and Vargns.

, flre ^ A t Sacramcnto-^ R II I,I ,h t O akland ................. ....................1 7 1m In Sacramento ........ ............... ... D II 1nleal Bi^Uerles—Hasty, Doglla and llesd K a t Bool; Singleton and Koehler, plan- -

PorUand and SeatUe double headet ____ postponed: wet grounds.

IILL-----------i u y vptff

O ne p o i t l t r ^ / J a rs ’-------

» '• " % I P ;ft B e

n> . *

:n t . ^V- ‘ . W

■ a" •—

„ . C keFriemS "Tlic taWicrs at THE INDl _ T h n t’K’T fhy w e ’r e , nlw ayfi

O n e F r i e n d '. h b , ______________ A n d w h y n o t?

W o n re c u t t in g *' T ho v e ry b e s t Si

. . A s w ell a a S p rinLaml> a n d -n i i lk 1

,pa . •____________ A t r ia l o r d e raSa W ill c o n v in ce yo i

« IndependeiSS : P h o n e 1 6 2 - 1 6 3 -:ktd ; .........—............— • ^

red^ ______________th e ............................... — — ■ " \ / 3left.- - -----------------------------own

[vS S p e c i a l P r o g r a m f o

J o e - K . s a y s : - .The fellow who coined

^ Uioughla" mujt have been setUj “ Eh what?

IHgiailTgI J ! l = f c . V J r l :

"Where The B lf Plctert* PUj

i - T O M O R R O W - ^


I R D A Y - M O R N I N G / M A Y a

q i i r i s Kj jm i iM.8 Cincinnati Takes First Game TQ , by '6 to 3 Scorc and Loses - tu Second to Piiiladeiphia.

'U p.y PHILADELPHIA. May lO-(,T>)-Tlic t to t double Uco4ct ot the lop^v iJoMn

CIoT p ' T nultpd^n 'nn-cven-brc& V tliirarfcF noon. Cmclnn'ati wtnnliuf the (irM came.'O to’3. and Phl!nilcl|ihla pound;

• ing out a. 15 lo 2 victory In Uie,second

Cy Williams "tarred a l bat wlth Uireo home runs and n triple, tiie third

York ijomer,coming wiUi. three on base. Thb ' duel tic .m n t with Ruth and Oehrlg. of Uic

Yankees with nine home runs caclV-Xot the season. '

twice, H fst g o n ,j_ . , r h e

C incinnati...................................fl-lO-a» E piiiiadelphla........................... •. 3 5 1." * Batteries—Donohue and Hargrave;

0 Pruetlind-W lbon.; uhle Second game— R H E

ClnclnnaU....................................2 S 3Plilladelphh............................. 16 IS 3

IGD Batterles-Luque. May. Nehf and elphla Carison and Wlboii, Jannard.I hard . • --------


>"a‘fid BROOKLYN. May 20 (/p )-T heC hl- r ind sUnlght raver

the Robins here today in a long drawn u g oul game, knocking Jim EUtoll out of , , . Uie box In Uio fMirUi inning and win- }n n nlng. eventually by 7 to 5. Brooklyn

i ^ r ^ ' igm glirpicaerinittU e nufnan : Rob- „ Ins' f ln t basemnn. h ll two homo runs

bringing hb Uitnl for Uie season up to . . six. but cost'his dub two runs wiUi a

wild Uirow In llie eighth Inning.]*(, Tllcsco^^- R II,,ZH8__ oiilcago.,------------------------------7-ll;.3

Brooklyn ......—..............-.:6 10 1« E BaHcries-jKaufman and HnrUiell:10 0 Elliott. Plltt. Ehrhordt. Doak and De-0 2 itfniint

U crs:.................... ...................I nnd rinS B U R O H TAKES GAME

NEW YORK. May 20 (fl>)-Piltahurgh H E took anoUier toll out of Uie Giants here 4 Q (Aday by coming oul on top c t a 12 tn>0 3 nlng batUe by 8 to' 3. Lee Meadows

:ook; had a alight edge on hb New York op« ponenl. and «-on h b lifUi straight game

____ m b spring.-Thut fi>r-h»4i«»-not-bee«>-11 E ctiarged wiUi a defeat The pirates 7 1 won on Greenfield's wildness In the

IJ 1 twelfUi when he walked Uiree men and ilesd. yielded three hiU. including a home

• ran by T ^ynor wlUi Uie sack* full.•nie sco^^~' R H E

fader P ittsb u rg h -------- -----------------8 12 0New Y ork ...... .........._______ :..3 12 1

— -oirr .f 'y / ) io i t

kn d T eS sh o ierN D E P E N D E N T s u r e kn o w m e a t.B s a tis f ie d ."

id T e l l s A n o t h e r1\g “ O nly"t S te e rs a n d H e ife rs , pH ngilk fed V eal


lent Meat Co.6 3 — ^ W e D e l i v e r

I f o r K i d d i e s a t 1 0 A . M ;

led Uie w ntencc;'"A penny for your" setUng in- a penny ante poker* game.

.l'.,-rFlNAl._TODAYr^— . . |

l y P . BICHABD DIX In . .“KNOCKOUT BBILLY” JGood Comedy Newi i

- O N E D A Y O I ^ Y - „

iE T T rD R S O f ^ -

rimflMfflS"liyNiJTiSTfcBII-------W iU im n - T r n id c n -R o n -e w n il

a m e ■ a i ry W ith Rono. L a c o s to a

OSes O v er th ro w s P la y e r W ith Eoi

CT, CLOUD, 'prance. May 20 (ff —-me blggnt. crowd which cvr

— watthed .tumb-playcd-ln rranc MW the United SUtes and rranc

.litewfci-weii-iodsj^-ltWJVf^iVSirf mutches of the Pranco-Aiiicrica

“ , . tourniunent. William T. Tlliicii rc i ■ 'newtd lib tcnnb rivalry with Ren

____Lacsit?_nnd_flycitlir^«_Hie-Ercac:[1 pinyer In sirttlght..sets..C.4r.7.:

■ wlille Jean Borotra. "Uie bounilln "beai TUden’s teammat.

r7h« 'f^ncb T. Hunter. 4-0,8-4.0-4. Tli mauhe* were decli5ta''on n bc!

-two-ourof-uiiTc basb.-------------, , _ More than 7000 tcnnb enthUAloAi j0’- 2 turned ont.at the prospect ot seelii 5 1 —


y Mon Savi YourSatun

p “ •

it” G a l i f o r n i a O r a n g e s ;J f ; 3 d o z e n f o r .......

S ; F i i 'm R i p s B a n a n a s'p “ . p e r B o u n d .......

“ L a r g e k ' i g h t I t a l i a i

i f f 3 . p o u r i d s J o r — ......

1 S e e d l e s s R a i s i n s ; .n , ; '3 p o u n d s f o r ...........

~ F r u i t - G e l ; a- s e l a l i i : i G r a p e , L e m o n a n d ,n h g u a r a n t e e d G e l a t i mS 2 f o r ...................... ,..........‘ow» P r e m i u m C r a c k e r s ; ame I p o u n d b o x ..........

’ S T o i l e t . S o a p ; 5 f o r

•m? P . & G . . W l i i t e N a p t , E S o a p ; 1 0 b a r s - f o r

; ? O v a l t i n S a r d i n e s i S a u c e , l i b . t i n s ; 2 f(

■ r - E x t r a : : g u a J i t r R y e - ' m e d i u m 'w e i j f h t .......

- - P r e s h - R a n o h - E g g s rp e r d o z e n ...-...:;........ ,

F r e s h S w e e t R a n c hB u t t e r ................................

_ B u t t e r - f o r -----------------, C o o k i n g ..........................

- - C o c o a n u t - B o n - B s n s -n u t a n d s u g a r ; i

- - 8 - o u n c e 8 r f o i '- . . , ^ . W j

P e a n u t S q u a r e s ;, 8 o u n c e s , fo i- -;.-.:.^.".-

B i g 5 c C h o c o i a t e B e 2 l o t ........................ . ......

A L L D E L r

P h o n e s N

Idaho D

■ J -■ - A 'b a n k i n g - ' i n s t i t u

' O p r f c s i r f 'h a B E i n e s s - T C = l - i n d e e d 4 h e ^ c o r i ’ecfc=p- I t i o n . W e s o l i c i t y o i

I b e l a r g e o r , s m a l l . T l• I i n s t i t u t i o n a r e y o u r i

| . s o i e n t i o u s p e r s o n n e ? f a i t h . C o m e in a n d

iF ir s tN a tI of Tw

P a g o T h t e t

Tlldcnln-aoUon, Tliejr'were r e - ' wartled .with, a n . exhibition which' ■

-• tCtt'. bcUcved.:Uiat-Uic -six .time*,' l i r i l AmYleaii champion ever had ex>' yrjU : —r riirti-tn-tii< gnr rQ-rrrm rff-ff^ i'tir •*-11 : mvccbig-mii-nn ovaUoff:aitcnte '

had ovcrtliro^i'n LaCoste wiUi a dl«-------'-verslHixi-altaek-and.-f.ince-honorrR iv r '• were cvrm innrT otin iam cnitrw oir

• hbnip happy. . ' . ' a n d - _ ■ —

lose . Nca's Want, Ads reach the people yoi wish to attract,

m —

n c a - .N cw _ E c iIc ta l.Z n ig h L -L i,4 « 2 .^- 1 !0 N .T R U C K ____

can ' ' a t D e a le r ’s C o s t '*" .

Clip ■ Diic 10 the fact Uiat we lu wTifli ulllng lrtTrl-« u-n nr»

clojlng out one new Federal Knight .I 'j- :- ton trutk a t cost. U )-ou nre In nwd of a good truck.now b

3f 3l ‘ vwif t\\ancc to save some money,

~ M O ^ I N O 'A U T O 0 0 . ”■lllR t ,.,. ,, .

ing Values For rday Purchases! L . . . . . : ............... ; . : . i l : 6 3 C

’ : 8 c :

i n P r u n e s ; ' 2 9 ®

i .w . .1 .. 1..

d S t r a w b e r r y f l a v o r s ; a

n e d e s s e r t ; : 1 5 c

1 . ^ ^ . . ^ ........... ................. 2 5 c

...... . 2 5 c

) t h a L a u n d r y ..............3 3 C

^ in T o m a t o - 2 3 ®

-T 4 e - :B ro o m —

' 4 0 c

: . . . . = : = : 3 0 - c -

s - m a d e - f * o m - p u v 6 - c o c o a —


i I V E R I E S F R E E

1^0. 0 a n d N o . 1 .

' s t

tantiafFriendi: u t i o n - t h a t = h a s . t h e - r c o m - : . r | T o H t s ‘; c I i e n t s - a t - h c a . r t - i s " | p l a e e 4 Q = m a k e - a i c o n n e c c j o u r . - b u s i n e s ^ w h e t h e r i O r h e r e s o u r c e s b e h i n d o u r ':.• p r o t e c t i o n , a n d t h e c o n - ,e l a r e y o u r ' s o u r c e o f - i g e t a c q u a i n t e ' i .........

t im a t^ a n lrcin Falls

Page 4: S iilit IboDI liOilGlEilS- iBimi®!: IF MlttOi^ SJiGliJUll ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · L_ Port Oarda.Vs mltw souUi of Eurekn. ... to

j Pti(EO


OfiD Vp r ___ u . . ....... ...........- ....•' HIx iiiontli* ----- ---- ------------- - }'5f. Thrct*. tuonlhs ----- —~rl.»

__________ Uno_;UontJi_..-.-.....------ -------'i .u tu r ;

.M'rll I. UU. Ill Ih- pnmnHlfn *l Tuln _ i ------------ riniri<UtKt,-unafr-tne'act;or-Uarcti 3,-

■'7 ~:— *1— ti*ur«“ p«Tnr- tnarolnf-fiw til ilofliUV'.I -• TttlJi IVI1» .Vpi>> Co.. liii;.I . (rjiaMi.i»'d __i , 'VniiaiKiY oT^utsotriA fi:D 'i’iii:f'«.* TIta .A«oi'UlfJ i‘irJ» 1» fxrJtulvrly

nilllkil l'> Ills iii>c fi>r n-imlillvall'iti nl ill jiEws Jliiuldir* tttilllcd lo.lt.crnol

• • DttiffWlix- .rcilllr'l !n •llili pivcf. Biiil.ilmi tlm lnr*l ti'^nn ixiMliIivil lirrrln. .VII

• rJiclili <-r firuiOW.illiin. nf iptcu: <)li- ' pulcjif* tuTflii .1l«o rfjcrvf.1. .

.1____ '■ ■ _. . . . 'rlift Ni-Mii i.i'it'iiHTiilpfr of llir.Ao.lli j

lliinnii ot OlrruUliuIir/rem «1*um full Ju[iic'l^'iVlx"r'irri’'l"'-.i*lli>iu I'clalltif lii/'ir- I

' ...........' .I ■ ,\o rt"i-'iii:-Hi|llly U iwuiiipfl'for tti»I .i.ic- of iiiiuillelic‘l iiutiU9crl|>IK. liliolo-' ' Kniplm or oilier foiilrlliulnl mailer. .\r-I ' • ik'|.n .ul.mllli'l fnr.-i'Uljllcallnn-. will l>r' ' , ivnl Iir !1»I ol lIic ill«firHon cit Itio csjllor. j

) - 1,V,| nu iiuiiuiKtii'iii will U' miiriit.1 , ____ :__ uultMiu;a)iaamldI_l'iJlcC‘:fMD'W!li'SO. f

l' ' - ' . NATJyN.M-Ili:i’lli:>'l*-NTATIVKS.I, 1-. I’niilikti. Kliie bmiI i’ru.lil'n.

• New Vork, nil«Ki). ll.niuii. H.111 ITaii- ■ cl*cu. 1a>< Aniiclrp. Ucullln

1' BEST WISHESI ,T « 'ln ' Fa'lU ciilzcni. Joining with i.' ■ iticinlKn litre ol H)c Iralcmlty, deem 0

11 a prlvllcce to cnicrtaln Oils weeU Uie ^,j officers nnd delfgalM atlenillnc UnnuM a.1 . . meetings of Uic Idaho Onuiil Cli»j)ler.* Royal 'Arch Mazoiu, and Uie Idaho r I Onmd Cottimandery. Knlglils T ^ p la r . I r ^ l i i r viiit' tcndJ. io '/6ileTfamlllarUy 1. I . on Uie part of Idaho cltUeni wlHi olhcr

J ------------ aaliQlU ol t o l r >iUite, and tiHord; op- ^‘ portu'nlly for p lc -^ in » r J 6nai aisoela- y

Inn* ■ -------------- -------------- »■ I t genes to remind of tlic exall«d ob- I

■ ; JccUvcs and Uie high fra tcm lty ’01____ loundcnJJf Uie anclcnliirtlcr#-to>'hleU

• ' Uicse o,rsanUaUoM tniec. llIcT r^g in . vt and'fum ljhcs on example of Uie bene* {Ita Uiat flow from perpetuaUon of ^

J------------{hWBOuallUw. • __________^ prTwin W U cltUcM apprcclalc, Uie

sojourn here of the vblting lodscnicn. ^ and hope Uielr viill may be. a pleasanl and profitable one. ^

TEClfNICALITIES AND JUSTICE gp One of Uie Uilnga about legal proved*

Importance of tcchnlcallUcs. The f a c ts ‘ '1 • of-ft-apeelfle-ease-may b* well known, (n

bul il & mechanical or technical error < Is tUscoTered, prosecution miut stop, the l i n t indictment must be nolied and an- ^ oUier Boueht.

One such example, citcd by a Judge,-----------concerned the Indictment oJ.»-rcal-e».

' , tate' operator, chatted with larceny by {1. .trick. In conhecUoi wl'Ui 0 stock in n s-

trial. It was learned U ut tho wrone ( company h id been named as owner of 8

- Uic stock.' The Judge was Indisnant t and crtUclMd Uie prosecutor's office for ^_______ Uiat and similar mistakes. The prose- J_i1 cutors calley it a "mere tcch n la llty ‘*~ I ho t to bo blamed on them or on Uie

The defense in s'ucti cases takes ad-

— h i v i i ' ' i j i ]_ succccd. there

\ Is delay and conAision that do not lielp ’ In liio csUtbilshmenl of Justice.

I»MlbIc effort, of coumc, slioiild be made eliminate'tueh er- j j j rors, wiieUier Intentional ns they some* times are. or accidental. There m’iplit ' j evcn.bo.'toma tort-<rf-p«nalt}aM-tlmnT — On Ihe oUier hand, in Uie opinion of Ii Uie public. Uie Importance of mwl

. -technleaJ errors Is crcaUy'exaggerated r ^ — ^by-ttw yen and qpurts.-and Uiey a re a l- b«l

^owecl to have far too mucli'lnnuence in getUng cases thrown out, or re-trials pu^

---------- or'postponementa granted.-------W hat our J u d i ^ lytlem needs more

Uian anyUilng'else is greater empliasis pn esscnUal justice, regardless ot tecli- pan nlcal details.' dim

- ■ • • - M i l l — _______ ^

• v . • SreSTERY HOLDS FORTH LURK“Wear t|ie cJoUics Uiat becomc you „

most but follow t^e.'gcsle' of Uie pre* . . . 1, \-alllnff'mode” Is Uie advlec Blnor t i l Olj-n g iva to her BM. .*■ "If short dresses a rt becomln* and « _

• a re -In voijue.- w r-them ,"-M adam e i-rOlyn »}s . “but if longer skirts are belter suited to you wear Uieni ns long as preVaUIng styles permit. Dress to j,„r suit 9w r figure and personality.” n'i

.- : . . ^ . : _ a io otJ31yn- ls.,th e:.TCcwxtod:mifa .u ,Uess of feminine psj-chology. ’Her b«oki bare been built on the basis of i an understandlng'of thing* ftmlnUje. . », Thi* applies to her two moit recent

— . • work*.' '11," which appeared on the fam,. . icrccn wlUi Clara Bow lu the embodl-

— - m ent o f-* l t" -a n d h a -n e w t t i storj ® ° ,• -n iuy-..w hich w u . filmed by Para-

.mount u A .itoirtng vchicle for SeUyBroajon and'UTive* a t Uie Idaho Uie- , „ . i

^ ^ .--a tre-^m om ^W r-S undayrroT .one day ^

z - w - AT THE O a n i B U M - ': . = = - - A ' »pJendl(rT»l«jr,Tnnii’ ‘ - - a n d

!^ :,^ to j> :fliT it« f :* « n in r- ill-h e lp to p r o - 1--- = -dBte w - en teflaiiU B ient-that-tfaM tt P *

T.7-'":pig-ftndieface-tt-aM o ip lJ e u m : '- :* :- '


. . . . . . . . . . . . .

_ . TWIN FALLS.IVQ Whom Is Ideally 'j i i i i« n o r 'h ls or'hoi V 9 role, -splendlti Ktnlc backgrounds an<!

Tom MU a t his best and Uio result I; It.flo bound to be v.liat It b , splendid cn^

lertalnment.■’•Jj ■ There is' aa[bn,'«ii»pcnserTaug1il«i iSL and thrllis'lii UUs p lcture.uid stunts “ «.■ T}ie=laHerToiriMIK.-*upp:i«C^Wo-do>i.

bllng-ln-Uie4c.Jor_Tojn.‘a-facc.ls.casllj xec«niaiblc_ln:tlic,m o«t..(l#rlns..oi

: \ r Uiem all. And he teem* to enjoy .them. j*V Bom c'ol them n ic 'ti l'm ch -T m iiiiirt

Uiat It 'Kcm!! lo border on madness fcr nny nclor lo a ttm p j Uiem. But

;y|)- Tom docs, succcrjfully.1 of ‘mill I •

Z M o . P r o g r a m s

ftU J J tF I. -Los Anjeltf. '407 Bletcn I BU KUbeyclcj . Twin Falto Time

-T C T p. ni . - Dcr^tontc-CTch eatTa. ■ 111* 7;i5 ' i )7 iM.—Riullotorlal 'period; ' • ‘i'll 7;30 P- m.—Acollnas danec orchcslra. ■|>e ’0:30' p, m;—Felipe -Delgado, lyric

Spanltli baritone a n d . Enda Clark! |L ; Miilr. planUt.. . , ~0'p." in^N iiUoiiurnroodawing'conl-

pany prosram. • • ' •10 p. m.—Tlionias Wallace, baritone.11 p. m.-'Paclwrd m d lo club.13;0l, a. m .-K FI mldn^hl-frolic.

{ KGO. Oakland 3G1.3 filelera I 830 KIlMydei Twlo FalU Time |

Ith 'em 0 p. m .-Nnllona\ flroadcaitins com-

pany pfom m . • •10 p. m.—Conccrt by Kenrl Welch

““I and his Sj-mplionle .Mostcni.■eT, 11-p. m.—Daii'cc music.-,

( >VOa Davenport • 48U) M etm ' “M (KOTiilocyeles Twin F a lU .I lm o J

ler ' B p. m.—Musical proRmni from Uie ,n Atwnler-Kcnt station WEAP In Now ^ Ycrx c n y ' fi:l iirrt-th tuugli - tlil5- r,ia-' “ ■ tlon.

t l i KCW, 'portU nd'” « l i Meier* I I CIO-Klloeydes Twin PftUs.Time.. |

'i l . 7 -P .-n i.- t1w .p leca-orcliatra-w iU vin. voral soloiils.___ _ ___ ______ “( i 8 p. m.—Concert presented by Power , engineers.

9, p. m.-Nntlonal flroadcastlng com* pany program,

lie ~11 1>. ill.—UHliU' lim li, /iiiluriiif Herman Kenln and Ijls orchestra.

I n r o . S in Fnnclteo 42U M eten 100 Klloeycln Twin FdU Time

WO • p. m.-I*alaco hotel ccnccrl orchcitttu . .

1* 0:30 p. m.—Studio program.7:18 1). m.—atock nuirkct quotatlom

j. |a im gciieflll llliuniiauill.7:30 p. 111.—States reilaiirant orciicj-

n. tra'. ’}r 9 p. m.-NBilonal nroadcasUiu; com-

pany prognun.10 p, m .-Dancc music.

KOA. Denrer 3S.4 Meter* c, m Kilocycle* Twin FalU TIm«

^ —8'p.-m:=iCoJonWa'Drch«ini;------- ---ly ------ :--------------------------------------- -i. KMOX. BC.UtuU ,.,U O £M elet« 1 It KlloeydM -Twin FalU Time

5 fl p. m .- 8 tclndei string quInteL if 0 p. ni.-H olel Coronado dance or*{ chcslra.

' I WOW. Omaha S:o M eten \: ]_1000.Wa»»____ ^TwIn.Falls.T Iro e J

• 0 p. m.—Tmcy-Drown Oklalioinani dance oittiestra.

- - 1 0 p: IH j-P a i l^ U s I c .-------------------

; BliETflliELl■ M d m to ff l o f O lassog’ n n d ’ F a c “’ . n l t y J o in F o s tiv o O ccasioD a t 'O lo so o f S choo l T e a r .

t HAZELTON, May 20-T lic Junlor- , senior banquet w u held In Uie base­

ment 6f Uio Presbyterian cliurcli Sat- ' urday evening. The guests Included■ boU rciafccnm d'the-hlihT chB oJ-fap ', uUy. Dinner was served to 29. The

Ubies were placed under a canopy of ' purple and gold crepe paper. Uie class

co lors.--cold-eolottd-andles-ln-crys- - I *tal holder* wxro Ued wlUi purple, and '

Uie place cards which contained-Uie menu nnd program were large purple pansies,-Uio class ' flower. PoUowlng dinner, the party epjoyed Uic per^formann* of tCrn-Mn\-nrirrt tn -Hnmn. where In Sonora." a t Uie S tar liicatrc;

PuplU of Uie first four grades ot the grammar school cnJo>'ed-a picnic - Wednc«}ay wlUi Iheir tencliers.^^:.Jlic-Ladi»^A id-sockl>--m ct.4t.U iB .home-of M iit E.' S. Xliicald/WcdQes--d i r a f te n R 6'h 'fw lU r^ -a i:- -W t''> fa ^ -r

'-M w rW U llam -K eefer^s-ii-^U iiiH S ~ Uic Twin Falls hospital.

Mrs. J. D. Dickinson entertained (cn girU Monday evening a t dinner In honor of the clevenUi blnlidny nnnl- irrsary of her daughter RuUi. Those present were Mary Bryant. EdlUi Slal- ter. Alma Baird. tc lU Tliomii, Nina ' Sfhwinn. Carmen Wells, DoroUiy Watson. .Hilda Zehner, and EbJe Sum-h e r . - --------------- _

Dr. H arry Smltii, a Twin Pa'fls den-tUtf-»‘»*ln>?Ca»gltAn^nn_hTi': Ti tgdays thU week.

E. A. Finkelnburg left -Tuesday for a few daj-s' fishing on Silver creek.'

Mr. and M n. Bm er Rieman and family left -Monday morning for a motor trip to point* In lown and WU- ' ccnsln .'w here-they will spend Uie * summer. . . .

The students, of Uio high school and teachen were plcnlcken a t -Slue LukeV<anadiy;, ~~ ........... _ '

■ News Want Ad* reach the people von •

I n r .~ n r r ^ ^ ^ ' ^ r w t e r . - b 4 -Three Dooii’ West of

• BAMPS0?« MUBIC CO.’S T , X e ir% » U « n

M a i n West .

-w . ----

S D A lL Y .-N E m -'m iN .E

g» ataenei

: M1 , . . . . ■


“ lUsOeri ar« IndtbUd i# no eurVtnt novelist 10 mucb m lo a v r i t Usrih

a . ; ' ror ilipletln* th»


tirsrg* Miina. «»« •P'lchirieiirltilc* or

~ ttietr (v«r>'d>r llvta. Ttii Ititlo iraa- rdle*. Iht bis li»»rt»thM, Ih* p»iho».

J llie drip lort, llii Rrltn hal* and utrrnptfi -nf :nuTran-of ■thrt#- <lw»ltin- ■' III lh» g ru tn irh lU plscti ^»v l iirtrr

e l)t#n mor« iru lr o r more vlrldly de- K icrlhea Ihtn by-him.

nut KO quits (0 (ar norlli i» In lomo'_ ..t til* prerloun talPB. /ciltm li oon-.t HnnJ-tw-«hW«tiici>-H»rTTill"Hl^wliloh,-

whlle ■omewhnt nrsrer liomf. I> ilMI I •ufflcltntlr w |l4 'fu r lli* |>urpoirs .or

J vlrllt roniine*. Th« fur iradlni; i>o«t« tv jir i .a J liiU -n * 4r«^to-<W «»l|un “n'i

1 re irh ii or Ihl 7 i r Korlh. bat ih s’wll*^ d«rtifH ch»r»oltrl*llr« of ih« rountry

ar* nol ••MntUli)’ Irx. nor the lypM • nf' ln lm lltinti-«nil lh» »urt of lift

Il!T much ilirffrtni. ,li.I.iit Ih. - nlfnitiVn -of _

Itudion n ty .lh t bodr »f wuler Ufiioml. naltd aa Jan Pa)'. ba< « nilliirr •uni* intr liul a tcarrolv trrrllrtnewitilfr than Iht nllitr. l n upMaila are no Um bltak nor lli fruten myalerltii leai lnlrl(ulna. WInur I* Iht prrlod and an liolated irndlni: peit iht iccn* of Ur. Uarsli'a itorjr.

----- ----------C H A E T E a j _ ^ _______

. Out . where . pliiIMcr riwjil .bnnlts funeti wllli grny water* Uio dullcn bay tnftiinwl fitfully. AlPnt slion-. ploi-or, inndplper nnd yflloivtcg*. godwlt adiI c u rjw fed beliliiU the retreatinB llilo, Khllo rostlesn flocks of teal ond plo- tall patrolled the nut* between Iho

-mnrahcs and-ilie'MB.— lnl*ad.-Tfhenj - mlci^liunilng hnwk^wi* wheeled oml , dipped low o rcr’}ho.«ra*» flala. black tluck rose ^ n i . i L r « l - “• * •’enrjly ,.

'banlcned’ flgure.fnafle )l* way alowly townni n tent on an aider-grown longun of liighcr lani] Ihrustliig sen- ward into llio marsh. Afi Uio iiinn I neared Hie camp, n ilog harked. Tlii'n '

•tho wnnilng. siujgli nnd Blinn>. unft- • e'ned 'ib wlikie* und yelps <if n ‘p»Kbl> ‘1 tlon. riunglng nt a stnVe, a huge nirc- f dnio wricclfd nn or»lnllc welenme to I his gooa^l^den iimstpr.

■■Hello. Bliol. old boy r With on t i - « “HftfiTa{iwii"t'f*rT!lef7the‘ iiiaii^stiTttiie*t* ‘IiJb arniir, for ViU In'nrt iiaB WienTiMlTyr \ He WAS rangy ami well made, Ms lean, ' ^tMnEly_m<xleleil feature* bmnieil by

_______ WHICH I


. • I ■ ‘


' ' ^ 1 1 ' .Jw L a iiliS & T w M .tii H g C O . ~ ^ ^ t j | i i S r ^ StRVlCC;

■tnt .wrnd.'nn’d ninL iruinllic'coriicr «>t iho ‘f;*’ right e y e ,a *cnr crossed the ciieek

bone to the oar. - oj I'iocing hi* mm In the tent. I^n

:lon Roose-himtor freed the pluniilng dog. Iht* ‘'ri>™"*l'®t>t-tbo'innirhonni-of.theTlBr un. n prisoner nt h ll Ktnkp. noso iortureil a s b y th o 'sce n t, eyfs hungry wllh the

sight nt pssslng duck and geese, |b<» |"h niri'ilnle w entm ad at.hU .rtlease..- bat While Iho. nnlmni worktd oIT iilx h t pent energy In IhruHliliiR ihnnigh llie

Aiders a i^ long grais -In llie vlclaliy gg. of the camp, hU ma«ter started 11 Urc l i t iini) pnt nn a kettio nf gooio to lioll; " • then'went In iearch of drift cedar. fnr

n.September norther on Uio west coast ■</t ot Jsme* ba^ inuy blow'for days, auil !«• cedar kiodllon kept dry in a tent arc ” • useful.,

-..lo.an-hour-tbe-oiarsliH-were {lUrple- rrr wlih 'diuk. Then over Uie bay an nm >•' iiroken roar an of a Uiousaud guas, _ ' coimled with tbn i.is of linhl. sIcnalM me- the turn of Ibe llde, and (be lmrr|gu '0-. of wind and rain «i>eneiL’ Along Ihe m’ ' ^ ‘JoTicatflH-TihUlldrrwl ilie siirf. A or mile ba^k In the rocking nlilers,- In a ita low terit nnclidfed nnd propjved agalniit j ■»i Ihe^ioundiDR of (hb ^inil.sit man lay

Mry As Onrth aiithrle Ustencd to. the »s clamor of Ifae wind, tbo far drunilient 'J* (if Iho ndvanclriK U'le. llie drivo of the

mln;-lilc«-macliliie-Kiin liiirstB on' his

11* bing years liirouRli wlHch ho hud Jiut lived..'- Here, In this wild niglit on the

„ gray coBst of Ihe hay. liow shadowy od II seemed—Hint war which had c n i^ t a* him up. a boy'freiir from Mllege,'nnil'

dro^ip«4l lilni-n in&u, tcarred o t limly— - illsllloslonod.' Kveii Ethel ieenie<t

shailowy, nUliouyli her last letter

, from Fort Albany hanlly two veelis ^ l»efor«, hidHicked him with reniursi>--

rogret, uioioitt, /o r his Oeclsinn lo wln- ter again on the iiay-Elhel, whom he hnd.talicQ by storin (bs lie thooghl) a t Iho time |0f bis sliort learc home.In MontreM, afier*4he Irsglc yomme.

“ ,- _ l t lifl^bM n^aJyplcai^war.ffnolnfc . ™ Enlisting.n*.B iirlvnte. he hnil goiio

oversea* wi(h, the first Cnimdlan dl- " vision. nn4 ■returned, lata in lOin,-a ?• • veteran plalAfirt-' lendi-r. wr«rtnc--»

'y wound strlpp and the Mllltarj- cro.»s;for ono muminc. in his Kngiish .iin*-

IQ iiiinl, Ueiil. ^iurth liu^liHe bml r«- .[] relveit 11 iloublo surprlce—n diTorntlciii ( X- for.KnllAntry nmi sixty days' homo « ,ir -lenrinm ne-iitin roan tirinB fm rm -r*-: - p. rovered lls strenglli. -n ils i;i*t w.is 1 to imleniiy the lYork uf hU oilier limilier, | “ •Cirurlrs.'"T«'liiisn ' ilolitS-nl tillll'ilinr - r . shops weri'-rimiiUigJilsliLuiid-iIiiiL.?!!..

^ovwHiiiiviii-fh e il^mirHetSi-f^c-lwmo- -< yr -lenve-^BT-mrfl amonirtlw Cansdlstni'' l n. ' 'i'hrri he hnii met Etiiel. 1ty W‘'li n '’"V iwenty-foop. wlm, two-1

LH_w ouldjejjje_mor'e. painl

- — W fer

w S i f

-■■ ■ J . . • : - C o p y ^ h t ; ^ ,

FRDAY- MQBNiNG,:-MAY-^21• ; ■ years bciyie, Imft carried, l|ie d^catiis

•. o f a coll«se'Mnlop''ln{o;ihe slmtiible* of Flanders. Uic hosn . spent with the

; lovely Eihel Falcopbr eould march to . . itu'r.ooe fBlHIluienL .iA.member of Uio.

. nnnmg • corp* ■ organUed hy . Clarn t ~ : aaUIrle,-Oarth■|-efflclnl^sltter•ln-lftWJ- I “ T brglfl-haa-ejpninid lilrlniigiDBUon }------- i r i h c i r ‘fln r.n if> tin s .'rT d iin ir:’Taf,-• - ' aniujht-auuirrd-sinnjonfl tln re itv -

1 Bo— -wduBded-oDd'ilectrnited'for iiravery,-

and ■ tro ib e r 'o f 'lh o m a k e r/i rn n m l- tlons"'fnd number o f goremmeat lioards,'!ia«t''fq'thoso tense,'drnmatip days, found to hU delight that the

' coune'of tnid ford often nins surprls* Ingir tmootlk In a manner foreign U> esrlier..^eraUoQ*,'< Ethel ^aieooor.

fronlr. T hedo^aof h ldeavew erelon cruelly ilidrt lo be wailctL In a week

i_ *hD was yeartng hi* rlagi •_________Iho ...Tlifn:c«nio lbVDgrllDf..anii {ha.two.

leek ghastly •year^n lgb ln iarcs of .grlma enij nlauki-tcr, sotil-bsrrowing luuuins of ^ilsraat* hop«-aDd despair, fol-

X t i55e^.by-y|ftBn.U J:o.U ifljD aiLijiii*. In tl^o tent *bakan by Uio *tonn r»- lumed Uis hc« ot Ethel, r lr ld ns

^ when, on his relam from overieat, hs stood a t Iho rail o t hi* sblp being

• .warpod lo 'lta plw. ' ; ' '.!Jl I t had been a proud and happy

; lionjeeomlag.for-MaJ. Qnrth'Oullirle.’ D. S. 0., but Uie (lire* wound stripes

. . . m «if> *J«(vi) of M* ttmlc were not -fnr wtnbol*. There reraalned'tannst c learcut taem-

, ory of tbc'njomeiit.‘whiD"lit**y»Bni*- Jng itmi had released hte u i Etbet iiad gBsp«d^’‘Oh; Oirth.' how tbin and ,

.£l!Ly"u'.vo .grownlf-:.-!^hsn,-a*-,h# - ' J . turned to hug a * r t and hi* brgtikr,- 1

Iho Ill-conccftled sfart-.U ia look of iialn when Elbel Falconer first *aw, ,

eyu lu ear.. Hi* ie t i tn bad caanally , , 'mcnilflDed~n.*cralch.da.UiLllieot for I' i t wns gas which had held him wetka |

I ,• in the hospital. Untll h e 'm et Ethel

'■ y ' *. 80 poignant was ibo memory^hat ,the man, Btrelcbed on hi* blanket* In :

.,g the dim .candle llglit InitlocUrely ,raised ills right band (0 trace with hi* *

' bad senrod hi* face. Then with muchfUg tfruming n hairy body .wriggled iU “

way to ’a place bcsldo him; tho mbist ^aose of a niaislvc, leonine head was ”

{ ,j- n tiru snn to tirT aeo , wIillc from o’ d « p ^_ _ throat came low noise*.' ' u( I ■'Elienne is surety, moklng a ve tIter nlRht of It in the husli. iShnf." said the "

bursts against iVe Btfalnlng V o t tlioT^' leal. Tiien w itb jhe hairy bulk of Uio

rin. -conie'nted tiog sprawled agarnst tb« '' tip length of bi* recumbent ‘body, head Jl

t,,) propped on . oae h ind while tbe other nibbed tho aircdaie’a ears, Outhrltfi " thoughts went again wllh bis home- "

ng. conilni, two yean before.___________llic . ih e icnso.ilaya follotrlng bis lam:- ^ dl. Ingm arehed.paithU drsam lageyesln "j , -a 'a.pagpaijt 'of caian llfe-and fflllitary- T, ilulloa -pre<«iUig4 li» dlMhargo-of-his- - •s; linitor'y; sw ift.houra-wllh Fjhel. lUn. J*,' AS. nen with hts family, reunions with , ^ eld friends. AgilB hs-rodo through

oil cheering thouiiand.? in the llnol rcvlniv hi110 of, his brigade.. ____________ lof*-: —IT ecnuckleTaniie memory ot flhlTr *1'-1* Binrrhlng with battalion hendijunrlers etpr. fn full field kit snd wearing n blanket co1”^ with iisjv.(!und siripS ! luPP- _ A t J h t j l n i f l > f his discharge the, nrn®- «nrfeon*-had-fih«ltffRhr?FliMd*-nTef- iri

woods yet, he had been told. “A long (VII- rcsl'in-tiic-««i'Mj- (lire o r-r* 'i‘H-havo ill


I' Ulw

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“ I* ■;^Iiiniit8; P j v f e■ to ■ : r '

.......lani "



Iris- .

iinsfol- Wdug. A *’ W '


ling < ipccUl eomffliltce will act en a pi...........p o u l'to Umlt recoinlUoD-er-dlroR

.to ease*,-where infldellly U t - gnnnds, a t a metllng in San P n ckco, May t i . Dr. Clannca Edwa MoeCarUiey,. of Pittsburgh.. U a

not thor ef Uia- proposIUon.: t a ___________________

Irouble with that cniwt." liut'.a dei Tn'n iirofflce'or tlhailB ratrthrla'w ai td him and he bad kept hU on counseL .

.? • ■■• ‘Tda'vd lost flve-ycar*,-oid'mnn bis malerinilit brother hod dcprccnle

•'Von’ro twcDty-ili and have a \<^ to .leam ."_____________ :_________ 1

.H o t blood had darkened nartij * ' face. "Lost Ore y e an ) . Where woiil

i m and -your money b e jf millions c 0* hadn't lost five y e sn l" lib blilrfe'i

“Oh, y jo know 1 apprecisle all thn s fe Ihf tinm r^fm rg

t W a -uM eceisi^^A i^T iU -fo ' triH'a , how proud I ’am of your record, hii I you know nolblng about Ihe bu'lnex

hi, “» ye t; :nnd.I,wantJ<L*ee..you in iwiltfon to marry,"

ijf, True, liarth had acknowleilged. h 1 linow notlilnf of thn liuthrio Htet

comtiany, Whlci', created end devel oiied b r Uiff energy and ablllly n

^ Ctiaries Oulhrle, Imd, through irA cnntracts, m ade h it brolher n mil

, lionalrc. And then Ihorc. was'Kllie , wailing. 80, Initead of (lio suinmr

lo Ibe open.air on wbich.lho ducinr Jisu insi|itca. tio had gone lit work.

Tho flngera of the' man lying In lli I,, lent shut rconvulslvely'on Ills tlild

mane of hU dog ns ho remembere' tho pain which Ihnist liiniugh hlii when bo hnd l in t reallted that E tht

ip. novcr Toluniarliy walked o r.ia t on lil right side. Coming from a world 0

^ brokemnenrTThere-thB'bllnd am|-|hi , maimed wero com'monptices,'lu» ]id<

almost forgollen (he shock Ihe sta ,Z .in lij'» .e .h?? !rJ> iiili« lw nJ icrJ)iO ii;

nf his bomrcominr. I/npleasan though It mJglit be, Ihl* mhI gash, t(

I Innk upon, I t ' wa* lidrertheless' th< symbol o f his serrlce, the mensuro 01

IV his innnhooil Tet to tho girt wtu loved him. I t seemed a lliing of aver

IT slon—repulsive., Followlng.Uie.dlii«iv. s ery, bo had, on meeting ber tronlcnil] L covered the clcalrir with his iinml. ni

iuVni«rhia head, hat ihe" red shnme ic. nnd the passlonato tears nf protest, ■f: irH t< H t-iim triabtr-lwlncTd.-chectffliK Wm. ------------------- f - .............s Tliat nilicl Falconer was not of tin ■« fllter-of-m anrof theTromM 'hi-'kncu' ~ who patently elierUhed the scare ol

I" their men—^orled. seemingly, In tlitfw proof«'oMheicr*acriCcor.fflrr:Canflda and the empire, had forced Itself upon Ihe consclousni'ss nf Oulhrle wiUi ti bUtemeis'w ltli whlrh h it philosophy

_ vnlniy conlcnded yeliement fi* wer< her protejils. her..denlBis, when. ln~w nu>meri{ of'depirsslon aml'dlitillnilo-j, ho hnd suggested-that to hold her (n a promlie made lii 1010 io a mnn whosa

- faee^s-pre*enlAble-and-hody-Man4^ was grossly unfair, now lhat he had relum ed In her the flotsam of war, Karred, Xlianged,’ he nevertheleas k‘n e tn h 'a l‘Ktliel, loo, was having her bad half bourn. Hut nntwlllislanding his M m ent of doubt, hts gray moods, duo h i much to phyilcat’condltion ns unliapplness, Garth Onthrio' had vnl*

_ lantir rlnng to 'the d rw nu.of Ihe fair gtrl he hail taken back oTfrscaa wllh

- him after tbo golden fortnight In Jliin.Then, ofler six Jiionths'In the ofHc*

*i«! foundry ef Chsrle*' Galhrte. the

Telope^a bmdlKon .which medical an* •* Uinntin|- « lt-rf>raieiFWi=i>liT«>l>»S^- rp rtiU m ansierttiiirlti' IhP.-foothlllrnf ■" the IjivrTnltatn' un* tho flni^enillTW

nriler, nnd llie wedding fh tho s'prlng, fnr which Kthel And Clam duihria .had so mellpulously planned,'was .In- dcliiiitely |M«t|i^neil. 1 . .

iConUoucd tn next Usue) ^


! ■' ; ■ " I

T w o T ^ M iT l W ^ 'a e i r T io m r h '

r<nifl-N«W - York Sl«re

i / ^ s j O N MUfllC^Cp.,_____“ A ftirai We*l

s I ^ J IIIIIWWB M B g C i^

' - ^ W i l i r a ’8=‘ V a f i o i r B t o r t ' ^ b -N ert^D oente-ihc-Kew-l I w e a t -

--8 A M P B 0 K :lW 8 r0 '-C C > .'-

• A y « » iH w 8R i ^ r a i B r _ V,.

• ' ‘. ..

. 'B iia n . ' ' -• 'T -T r~ in?-M »to '-r4rt;“We*t • • -

r beher demand for wool IN western AND EASTERN MARt^Sr PRICES.FIRMEf

a ------- S O e r O N i- M a ^ ^ lM ^ 'n je - d o ar ' merda) BollcUn tomomiv wUl-say;I - • .- "T h e rr tr ifb e U c r detoand-for-woo i boUi In-Uie coatem and vcslem mar J _ k#t*...j’r l ^ l ^ r a » = ^ i n n « r c

naLW )pr^Biy_dearcr,_in_U ie_jrcst]■ __tpffing h u been moderttt except lij a T ex u .' w hen Mgb price* prevailed ii 3 ’ . Uia.Ban Angela tale.:i2 monUi^.vooL M l bfloglflg from 97 to l l f ic u id eigh 'M i months vooU-91 to S3 cents, whicl S prices orie Just about equal to Uie'peal 9 - prlees'of U ify e n r .,| | u ...gBfflgn ^i^rteJ J t w n ^ _ ._ _ ^

rd31 it~ fon ign -iina ritrtartn i ;jitniiit 'Rm English an^ continental tbp mak-

f l m . t r * QuoUng very firm prtie*. Ai 9 ' ^ t h e OrUbaoo tale U iU.veek, valuet j | i were illiiiUy above tha la st Sydnei M r m * '. iiUioOgh the Kiccilon waa-onil* 1- ordinary,-on:Uw:whole.--------------------[ / • ‘•Jmprorement U reported in Uit

good/- market* both in wonted anc I - woolen llnea. Bpinnen are getting ar __ litUe.roore-bmlntai>.an(licciaben..ar([ ' standing.pat OQ prices.' 'Idohalr U slow, with prices allghUj

•TTie rail and water ahlpmenti ol W j from ..Boston .from . January. I,

"J** 19J7, to May l>.- m t. Inclusive, were 70,435,0000 poundi. agaiw t 7#«4J)00

^ pound* fcr Uie *ame period lost year. The receipt*-frcm January I. 1927, to May » , \Vtt. toduslve. w r t \aa»,flOO pouflda against -}U,1D3,3&7 pound* for

— U16 same period lost year." liesk Bnllellil’qaoUUonsv»it- 'zSTifl'Commerclah^uUeUD-tomorrov own WlU print'lhe'follditing'quolaUonj:■ ------------------ DomesU?..........- .........

nn,“ - -O h io and-Penniylvania'fli'eaa^D e'; iled,‘ laine unwashed 43Hc to 43Mc; halt

lot blood combing tic to t3c;Uire«-clgliUu • blood combing 4Ic: Quarter blood

:n ? r combing, 40o to 41c. •7 Michlgw and New Yorit neece»-Dc-

lalna unwashed 40c to 41c; half blood •!'t c o tiib ^ 410. to 43ci- Uiree-eigbUia feu. blood--conihlB g^l6i--auarltiL jilood hni. combing 4tlc. ' •----------- •*

Wh„i elghth**lood3»c:-(iu4rter blood 38c.

' Scon red B uU . . Te<a»-P1ne 13 monUis selected »1.05

; to 11X18:-fine-8 -monUu 90c-to 0Jc.

middle county B2c to 95c; eouUiem leel 72c to 7Se. •rel- Oregon~Northem $1.05 lo $1.07;

nt fine and FM clothing 90c to flSo; val- :rflr ley .N o.l,:jO otoflte-...w . .,„ll. Territory-M onlana and almllar— lu, Pine auple choice »l.OS lo ll.lO i.lia lf

blood combing He to I I ; Uiree-clghUis blood combing . 830 to M c|..quarter

“ Pulied-D dalne »1.08. to ll.io ; AA Uie ei.05 to $1.07; line A eupen l>3o to lick- OBc; A supen 8Jc to 00c.' ' red'


EstnlC-OlMary.P. Barnhill. Dereajcd....• , --Notice U hereby given by Uie under--

i“ '' sighed'admlnlitrtlor. of Uio estate of

Siant against U o *aid‘deceased,, to exhibit to Uiem. wlUi the necessary vouchers,

the wiUiinidz monUu after, the f in t pub- of llcation of UiU noUcc, to Uie said ad-

:ho mlnUtralor Ot Ul* Office ot B. L. Asii- tM , F in t yatlonol Baiik Building, Clty_

nv- oca County' ot Twin FalU, SU te of ,11; Idaho. UiU being Utefilaco fixed tor Uic ^ transocUon of Uie businct* of tald es

Dated May 20,1027,

^ A dm ln ls tn to ro f-th resta tirijf-M arrF .'Barnhill, dedased.

Estile of Horace.O. McOermonC. Dc- f'l , cea*ed.

•w ,_NoUcc_lth{;cby.glTcn.by-Uia.under._ 'J'T signed •‘Admlniitralrlx-'bf Horiwe a . on McDermonl, d ^ tu e d . to Uie credlton

a • of and a ll persons Having clalma liy against tbe said deceased., to exhibit ivf_ th r o with me. ncceiw y .YOWnBS .-

n wiuun s u monUis oftei^Uie f in t pub* j-j. llcaUon of Uiij nbUee.':ib Uie said a d -“ , ,1 ministratrix. a t Uie office of John W. . . . Oraham, ollomey. in Twin FaU*. r County_Qf_,‘T w l n J ^ 8ta te.o f.M aho.,

‘T IhU bcingTEiTpUefl fixeator Uio tra n s -- f''- acUon of Uie busine** of tald n ta te .

Dated May 6,1927. - -M KaUiarine-Winter* atrobridgc.-------'®r AdmlaUtralrlx.n s John W. Oraham, attorney for odmln- 1*. ’ istnitrix.n» ........ . " ' ............I ■' I ■nl- I ■— ■ ^ —■rt i t 6 3 8 teD B JrQ m jP crring_H Q toL \ th U •i<V SA M PSO N M U 8I0 0 0 .c* New -Locallon• -. ■.........he _ IS7 Main A n . W »tI f 1 • • • -------------- - •*- •,lU' ^ B S B B a B s i s s = = s 3 s a H -

t z ± 2 h t i o e d u i E " , r r z : :

!{j; , W EsraouN D„ No. • ............ .......... • Dub • '

83 12:45p.m._ 155 _ _ ?.-»??•“ •

TD w e l l s . MONDAY. WEDNES*• • • DAY Atro FIUDAY '339 •• l:j5 p .m .

■ • . EASTBOOKDJ iSB --------- 7:40fcro.- -'i 8< i ' .5 :S 0p .n .

tto m WELLS. TUESDAY, TltU nS- -pA Y -A ^paA T unD A y. - ,

?i|) ■ • . . 4:05p.m.


V / / a T O f f i t r i 3 H D _ _ _ _____T n ln Mo. o --------ftlfBlng-TlmB _

• W - . .

..P^ ^ O .- < n ; . . - r r .~ C l O t i^ T O -

. . • j .T o ^ T O x s ; • TRAfafrMOinJAYr’TreDNESDAV i - T O D A Y , •' JtAdBw'«n!S0AY;'V^3BPBS0AT; - Ii;i .- rA K D a i 'n m n A Y ;iF .u > - t ' • f

Page 5: S iilit IboDI liOilGlEilS- iBimi®!: IF MlttOi^ SJiGliJUll ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · L_ Port Oarda.Vs mltw souUi of Eurekn. ... to

. * CiilCEilTtOS i i i i i i==^-ToW-S6verGradiiatesdl(irfl

ceive Dlplb¥aT afCulmlii X tlon of Week's Events.

BUllL, May SQ,—Commeficcmi■ ■ wetk begins Sunday/ May. a and ?

‘ teven gniluatM rcceU’c diplom TIiB bftccalaurcate kttIccs wlil

' held Sunday evening In ihe audltorli• ■ ■■• U f jh V high . hullrilng bs fl

' Iowa: protessloo&l. “Mardio Joycui-------------------J,-Albert jctJ:ray.J)on)Uiy,.tnd Fnmi

Grow; lovocatlon, R«v. ’ A.- 0. La( rope: 'suppllcaUon. "A Prayer." MorUn Davids, liigh school orchesU

:--------- .vocai-du*t, J to e a « _ B o u c h o llo -f t- Dolores Holmea;ecrjplura reading, n

Ouy Sharp: • music, double quartoH hymn, "Oome, Thou Almlfhty Klni congrefatlon; sermon. Rcr. J. HIli fiUmp;.. '-*Tbe -Far-A way.iJtlls.’’- W(

I tell Gordon;. benedlcUon. Rev. 8.Orr. Vocal music wtU be directed MUs Doris Galley; orchestra .direct by Harry W. Barry and Mr. Ounl Fletchner of Twin Falls. Double qua

• tcllc .will bo composed of Floren Nelson, Florence Bouchelle. Bv'cl Falrall, Dolores llolmes. - Virgin

* - Brock. Mary Anna U a r e . Jeane ft y ~ — niBBrQoreJdy7ie.-M ois<i:s=st^--:. • - - - ■ The-commcnccmenl ptoffram ulll■ held-In the some buU dl^Thursd i

evening. May'2(J. The class colors, nt and white, will predominate in tl

decorations of 'l l ie 's ta se and-aud-------------------torluin~and~imslcl~»haded ‘ drt » es~w

be A’om by Uic girl gniduatea. Tl proRram: Overture. “Lustiplll" Kelle Bela, hlsh scliool o rchesin; Invoa tlon, Hov, 0 . E. Helman; duet, Floi

. . - cnee Wclson. Virginia Brock; saluli ~ lflnajrJohn-8 tndm cior: volcdlciarln

tctte; address. Judge Huifh A. Bake presentation of graduating clau. supe:

'■ intcndent M. M. Vatf Patten; prcse: ■ _u tlon cf dlplom ajPw . R. HaUlel

president of bodrrf of ediicaUon; A

Uiomc'. high school orciwslra,v, Ci ehestra directed by Mr. Barry ar

- Mr. Fletchner. V ^ l music by ML Doris Galley. — - - . \

SyWnfs Teachers \• Tlie teaehcn employed In tlie. 8i

, rlnsn school district .for Uio comln year Include MUs Ruth Ownbcy. ur per., grades; Miss Margaret Shari

Dr. Charles Evans of Chicago L-i guest a t the homo of his brtilhfr.w n . &’ons wliUc'lCoklng after hla fat* here.

Mrs. A. B. fihrlver received wor this week of the death of her fathc a t his home In Winfield, Kansas.

The adu lfcom m lttce elected fo the Olrl'Reserves for the comlns yea

............ “ -rincluacs“ Mr8.-H." W.TW rlghtr-chaltman; Mesdames C, ,S. Peck; J. ( Muiphay. Ralph n i ^ ’y a lra li O. F

p. MeClusky, J. H. Barker, E . Daley, Sherman. Selpian. E. R. Brook M. M. Van Patten.. J. M. Shank. Min tun, John Hlgbee.

M n. W. A. Gray will leave-Monda: - for nock Island.-Illinois, whoro-sfv

will visit a monUi, visiting enrout o t Columbus. Nebraska.

Mr. and Mrs. P. P . Ahlqulst an<------------- '-J im ariri ekpeit .'lo 'ieave May 5B b;

motor for Beatrice, Nebraska. Mt

----------------l« ln - to -A U M » la .-a^ ta ' on-buunes!8unmer in Vlrflnla

‘ --------------M r».-0. N. McCartney and soiFrank will leave Sunday for Fairfax Virginia to spend the summer will Mrs. McCartney's mother.

----------------- -BonirTo-Mf.'and-Mrs.-J.G. KnightMay 16. a daughter;: to Mr. and Mn Jack Thompson; May 10. a daughter

Rev. Neuman K. Burdick of U» Presbyterian Board ef a irlsU an EdU'

__________ fatinn nf Vnrir «Hn „t th.------- - Presbyterian church Sunday.

The Women's Missionary soclet: of the Presbyterian church wlU meoi Thursday wIUj , Mr*. A. J. MUnei

------------LuUier Pierce will leave Mondaj

for Chicago to enter the conservator.— --------- of musle-ln Uiat dty.— •-— ----------

Mr. and Mra. J. P . Cornelius ore ex< pected here the last of this monU) foi a visit a t tho home of their ion. Wit' lard Cornelius before returning U

> . Uielr home In Callfomla. after ai V extended visit -In Oklahoma.

--------r ---------------- Sn5 ^ ce"A!aiTag«------------/ Rev. and Mrs. A. 0 . U th tope of

BapUst church anoouoee the eoblni• marrloge of Uielr son C arleton.A

U thrope to Miss Helen Marie Dou(..................of,:Marysville. Mlssourt-The-'-younf

^ • • '•■ "W p i e i a m :h d f t i e : - - w t t r J d i i e - n

■ day evening to Uie Past Matron's ciut o f ’Twin FfcUs. Past motrons of toe Buhl chapter Including Mesdames J. H. Barker. Charles • Bcynolds, B. J

-Daley, Robert Hughes,-J.-M .-8tiank. . Ralph 0. Motse, J. H. Murphy ojid I

F. Constant n r e gu«s(& M n. Fred Porlsb. the, present matron.’ and -Uu

_ L _________ ■ . 'Next Doer t o ___________

Wall's Cash Orotery :

........ BAMP80N..MUSIC CO. .New H o m e ."" ''

---------- ~

„ ' - T O I N - F M i l

' [ I f c S ( ! i i a t o r f o W e (

(o ^R e-


necmeni v . f 5 C 2 ? 1 [ .L - yuid will ^ Iaerc lses-------------=ForiyVIplomos. I B B , ‘ f f lB R p zwlil be 'lltorlum , f V h R

oyeuje,"F nm «s M M k - ■

er." N; "

llo-and, a g ^ . f '

directed -

e«juar- •


K l - ’ ^

o iL B E itT :M .v ,n rrc n co c K ..o f braska. wlio sen'ed (wo tem u In

•!f' Mnate. and Mivi yaudl- ^femphIl, are lo mi

" . ceremony will onlle iwo larije : v . i i j r (ones, bat- greaUr Interest In

marriage has been caused by f i^ u e n t mention of nitchcock d ™ « r .U . pA.ld™ iM Umhr.

Jarlnn, — - ■ ...............

i MiElrtM•V, Of- . . . ___

y MlM 5 ^ o w o ra Fi. O o n so la tio n in E uow ine: T}\ M othB D o N o t T brlvo in OoIC B y „ , ________ •.

y "up- \ . May »>-(8peclal to 1ShorU, news)-Spreyln8 Jor’-cwSdltaR-mo______In.. ths niTDlc prtliartfi trihil»ryo -u a BuJii has been intemipted Uiu w ictAw . byiUie high wind and rain co Uut farnis a^m all number of Uie trees have b<

sprayed. However, orchardlsts word as the cool wenUicr r

foUier vails the moUu do not Imtcli out u . rapidly. I t will take about 10 (I d for to spray toe orchards of tols sectl S year as many of the smaller tracb aro i jliolfr pcndent-upon- some ■ one - who d J . H. commercial spraying..O.-R- Those starUng their spray ouL fa re w tW8-Hrefc*«TerArJrMJIner. «.• 0."C ish. A. R. M. Ha>-8. E. E. Beeman and Jos< E J. Weber. Jr. Each of thwe men hi

Srooks. approximately 40 acres of fruit.' Th . Min- a r t oi number of smaller Itacls rai

Ing'from a few acres up. Arsenate londajr lead spray will Imve to be appl e-sfio Uir«o-Umefl-durinj{-toe-#eason-to- nroute effecUve, fruit men aay, and In soi

cases ■ four-applicaUoiu will be it and qulred. ■/___________ , _______3ff-Dy ------------ --------------------------------Ip T ht CuUible MaleUneas.- Aln-syatclvo xvninen-erfiHc-foe tM

When a fakir rcIs tiuay on, a strc I son corner It l l llie nieu ivlio furnish hi ilrfax. on nudlcnco and money.—Atclilsi

wlUi Globe. . _

ijight, ! - ! - ..............................J-.-.. -1 Mrs. auoelato matron, M n. 0. N. N «htcr. Cartoey, also attended. The hosles: f toe served a delicious luncheon.

I T h e . annual dally» vataUon_ Bll

, . of age wll? bo held a l 'too ..Bapt ociety chureh May 31 to June 17. The s< meet ^ons wlU bo he ld .daaylrom 11 to

and. WlU be directed .by Miss Ms Ayres-wlw-hos-liad-Beveral-yeara-e

^ pcrlencc In too work. Hdodlcn and- manual training will be Includi

ro ex-to for Preraloin .IV ikery 'is Fosr Deer , Wit- -ig to Froin Onr rtew Home


« i. A. - J l-- ■ ■ .iiiit tI club W' t h e • • •les J . mmm.B,. J. ■ •hank. Vind I. - .Fred . ■

1 toe . i f t e f f l K K t f m f

^ ^ V:V--^ ■ ' ................

-,C :i(;rltliraiC *«rj»I'PV f

1 3 B A I t ,Y N E W S r T ^

O il f i t i- l e i l i i

! p ( c y j Q S a r G ^ ^

K A cadom io C ouncil to C o m

^ A ffa ir In to A nnual P icn ic

UNXVERSITY OP IDAHO, Mos( Mny Ift-T he traditional scnlor-.sm

j c - - which often has developed into-ft w Ih #— riot-when-membm*of-the-jnnlore H atU mpted'.to prevent tho depart n of th tir upperclassmen. U no mon

■ i cll'has moved lo convert the’ *'sne n ~ m ta 'ftn 'uii^ual picnic.''as a result IF] the serious injury.of Mls.n Irene C f . / lejlo^ Twin • PalU, a senior who

■“ " class'strugtflc.’ MSss Cosullo. whc ' In a Spokane hospital, lias been

ported recovering following on op< ' Uon intended to nmove a blood '

• from her brain, Her arm was bro '-- '•f and her'ik-Jll sllBhtly fractured wi •, ,V: slio feU fmm toe truck, loaded «

' ]■ General student opinion favors : move lo chanjc Uie tneal: inlo

plenlc. U -has been developed by t • , Argonaut, a student seml-weckly ne

<• * paper, boto In Its editorial and m columns. Tlie c u n tn t toue o f .

------ - paper-carries Interviews from mf Ne. promlnentjiituaenls. Oil the camIn the '<'ho express toemselves ns ' being Mir- favor of toe action. Included ami

n u rrr tJiese are Harry 0 . Bauglmian. Clsr L i i i c ^ti...W whlngHn, rmtlcnt lioth'.„Dn> (or- dent; Prank W. Click. LewUlon. pn I, II,e dent-elect: Tom Owlncs; Moscow, a y II,e tain of last year's varsity looU ck: SI prominent member of-i

vanity "I" club; ahd Glenn Jaco Bomiera'Ferry, (juarwrbaek .on 1

= • year's football team. ,- 7 :^ - -Otoyfs a teW H C anaui;:.;^

-----------Under toe now plan Uio seniors \attend an annual picnlo and. J

n n n Junlo". iMtead of seeking to previ Q nC tiielr departure. wUl nlve -a send- n u j demonslraUon IndlcaUng Uielr plei

Under customs of Uio tradlUnn. wli p i.H tliD graduaUng senion deseijp^io cai rp. pus eacli class moves fcrw artono y( T h a t Jn status and. enjoys Uie privileges 3oW. U io -B d ran c ea 'n a irro n iie -d a 'y n r> expected Uiat Uils new plan will

followed next sprlnj.

nonth M in n r n i | / r n T f l n n r i L

week u U U u L U H ilun IU U T u il

■pIlTlLGDIiNfflENpre-ut so • _ _<iay.i M cm bora o f G ra d u a U n g Olai

, o f 47 M e m b ers O om plfito E: does i a m ln a t io n B ;J lv c n ts .O u tl in c i

uUlU BUHL. ■ May 20 (Special lo Tl "OrT Hews)—J\iige H m h-A ^Bafce t ol f t jseoh deliver.Hh'4"’t»inmencemchave address to to a high Mhool graduatli

class hero on next Thursday evenlr Judge Baler has given cc\-eral a

I , o{ dresses In Buiil and Is said lo be

completed Uielr. examinations tods re. and WlU not bo in attendance

school next week. Tliere are 47 — to tn f tg r r -g n m m tihg '■ d o ss ;' lO' s?

and 31 girls. GraduaUng exerels____ *M JK8ln_pn-i?unriay- cvmlng- a-li,M*vril«e;bacealaiae«ite sermon-by-the Re ;reet Mr, SUmp. The senior class play w

be presenled on Monday evening, at ItoD finiduatlon exercises on Thurtdi

evening. Dress lehersal of Uie pli cast was held F r id ^ evening. •

Me- CraeUns t i Risht “ *** AnoUier of tho world'* giwlln

-casks Is dletlng.-WoII Street Joaroa

pust r — "" ' — — — ■T H E M A JE ST IO PHABM AOY

J»jn_gnc.c9nK ru«ndJU ey's.M iI*

craft llntnr store Is en Uu otoer eoraerided. ■ • _____

e f- th e 'b lo e k 'ln ~ w h lA our new

, itore is locatede n

SA M PSO N M U SIC 0 0 .

In the heart of toe busy block.

“ 137 ftUin' Arenoe West

ut'Boidensf ■. . y ! ^ - / ; f L A q u f l l i t y - p r o d u c t —

l y f f o r y o u r ‘t a b l e — '

. ‘ l _ jB o r d c n ’« E y a p o * *_

r a t e d K Is f i i l l '

c r e 'a m c o u n t r y

. m i l k w i t h t h e

;-r-: ^ “ ■ " w a ' l e r " r e m o v e d ” ' "


■jlin - SUIiL SCHOOL TEAQHERS f i . " ~EHTERfAlN_TOR FACOili r i l / BUHU May J0-(6peclal -to 1 l-fcrfl'lt HMwl ^ e M h tn f l l lhfl-Prantf-Hr-B: . U n l l seliooI buUdlnH. entertained fscu

m nuiicrs'ftnil'to*'superintendent ■ - to e -o to e r-tw o school bulldlnii-

D«hl‘ o n \V ednctday-cvenlnB"ro n if lll tJ ie lr ..bu ild ing ...n c .r a in , prejc:

< . . cd ..to D . anuclpdled ride to--o convert Sttlm' Ifl toe Banbury Nut, The ^a' ’ evening-90S spent In gomes on.,ic n ic . lawn In which all parUclpat

' • One of too features of entertalnmi u-as an In-door baseball gam e.'

Moscow, Picnic supper was ser\’cU of welni r-.sneok. sauer kraut, buns, pickles'ond coti -ft-n«ar- Tho wolnen ood marslunellow-Wi loreioss toasted'O vrrfrjcamirttni-Bunnfl*!eparturo ju r is t park. . . .

SHiSENJaCiSIIUSi'EmEBIEHGii-ho fell ■. • •t - l n t e r - __■ - ......... . ~ -who Is SM pOTlaW BaeTm ..E , B a te s ai

leen rc- H is s L o ls Sho tw c ll to Stu< a t U n lv o re lty of O ttllfornla.

1 broker.^ when HAN8EN.-MBy JO-J. B, Bates, w ed wtUi has been superintendent cf toe Ha 0 senior ««» rcliool for toe pest Uiree yea

will Icnvc for Berkeley, Callforn 'o n too « » n to' enter school, into a Mis. Bates imd children will vl by T hs *'IU» relative# In Konwu during vac y news- tlon.Id news M lu Loris SliotwdI win; leave 1 of - toe Oerkctcr. Caliromla. Thursday nig

n more to enter school for the summer.' campus ■ M to Grace Gray,.Mi«* Doris Wrij eing in ' McVlcker, lericlicra I n i

omons H a i« n school toe past year, w Clarks- leave for liiclr liomei Uie last of t ! nrwl- *'wk.I, prcjl- 0 , 'u.-Merrick.-eigmii (trade teoelii w. cap- «'IH spend two weeb with friends football l ‘'^ln'PaUs.■of-toe Frank...Docdw iU -.and-fam llyai Jacoby, Vltsil Halt and family visited rcl » last a t Gooding on Sunday.

prevent Processional. Mn.’ J.' R. Hail; Invi endHJff call®” ' J.-a.JUll!-maIe duartel.-Vem

p le u . Naylor.JWlljls Bam i^n, Otis Bampso

I. wlieii antoem, Chorus; clisj Mrnio ,ocom-R«'<'- Valentine' Delch; bcncdlctlo le year John M. Rlgney. e g ^ o f Tlio H ^ eUhUi grade pupl [ i r t f went to^GiuQ lAjces~Wedncsiiay ftwill be Pl«»c- . ; ...........................

Graduollon exercisfs for llie eight - - Brtde class will be held Kutuiay cm '

[ [" ly ing, M a^ 22, a t Ifomen Communli

Lj 1i» liver Uie class sermon, .

flr | | T The losing side of. Uu N. A, R. men: l-N bership drive gave a banquet Wednei LII I doy evening In honor of Uie wtimln

side and -too new memben. The: n in .a * “ “ attendance. .U ia ss gocjj fjjjj a n j ^ 'splendid prograi0 E r . ' was enjoyed,lined.______ -'r-rrrr:-------

O u r /m m e n ip Country^ S ® __A mnlnrltl t ravel!;? nt »> mllin m« m eat fnriihrro yeart on luatln; *“y i over Amerlciin lilcliwiysu-llh venlng. out seeing Uio same milepost in lc e .' si ad- — — :----- ---- I1 be a \

today.ice in . .47 in . . , .. ^

rE o y J ------------------- ;-------T --------------erelses \ u-a-ltlL--------------------------------- 1--------------

ly wui f/tg. and ------------ureday Ul5 play -• . . I i

ucllng>araal' j f l K .

lO Y

"Hew' ' I

I. j j l i

iiotk. H i .M

T . Hisi

■'T .......

5 k- ■ y V 'r- - . ■ OOtDSI



snoanispi:giliiiEiiiiMw to _ • ‘ • -------• • ' ' ___

m itu ” D u t i ln o ;P r o ’( i r a m ‘ o f t x e r c i s e

» i S - i n - C o n i m c m o r a t l o n - o M l aon.,Uie ■cipatcd. t io n 's H ero lo D ead .ilnment . •,

“' S ' KIMBERLY. Kay 20-Elght of to were different organlullcns of Klmberi

-liTtlis- w re - re p re e e n te d -a t-a -m te tln g -e . Wednesday evcninc a t Uie Legion lial

to formulato-,plans and rarrange fo I Memortal day exercises to be held l:

I i f in i Tho delalled program wm be announc

operate wlUi Uie commllteei In maklni__ ___ tob-memorlaL.servlee-one' ot-h isto rIS a n d fOT 'K im ^ ly .' Po«owing toe repre' R tudT MnlaUvei from toe W. 0. T. U.: Mn

' W. 8. Marvin; Ladles' Pioneer' clul Mra. R. H. IXnton; National Guard. C E Stone; Christian church. N. Vj

ts. who swearlngeni L. D. 8. church. Mr. Me s Han- Farland; Boy Scouts. Harold Newmai

yean, and Warren Staley; American Leglor Ifornla, d . 0 , p e U p p ond E N, Petlj-grove

II visit Don"D.^GIbhs. ‘nie'txeeuU re c ^ m l" f vaca- (ee comprise! E. N. Petlj-grove, C, E • . Stone and N. W. Bwearlngen and 0

‘ve Jpr 0, DeUpp. • commltteo on speaker night muslD commUtec, A. McFarland. Mn

" • ' . W. 8, Martin, Mn, Carrie Chapin ani U n .J l. lH _ D a n lo a : .d * » m U n e ,« »

‘n mlttee, Warren yStaley, Harold New. ;» and'LymaA BuUnlller; •Auxiliary

Mra. Carl Emenoti,.Mra. Lloyd Jame;

* Sen'"*' Clau Plenlc ■me senior -claw ot toe Kimberlj

/ and Khob) and advlson ' John W : rela- Deckwlto and Miss Katolecn Pove}

spent a mQst>dellshtful class day pic-

Jundill' il i c ^ n - ia f = - ia e r - e n f e l ’ c n }gnmi swimming a t Banbury's naUtorlum

Invo- more eat« and o t o o’clock' toey mo- •Vance to red -to -toe -hom e-o f-M U r-B stoei tnpion Bnerson. where lee crcom. cake onil

crmon,' son. Afle'rward too party voted to Uctlon, completo toe day and evening by see.

Ing a picture show at toe Idaho toe- puplls atre In Twin Falls. Mrs; J. L. Hog- ty -for gardt-Bceompttnled-tiic 'p arly uu toeir

- . ■ exploits o f toe dayr- 'clghto . Miss Blanclie-Pennlngton'aiid Miss eveur BeUxjl Blalw motored lo Jerome Bat-

nuniy urday ^ trip.

Charles and. Jhy and Mr. and Mra, mem- Frank GoodweU and. mnklln-.CaUeo nines* motored to Gooding'Sunday to visit liming Miss Lily HaU and for -o picnlo lunch There In Uagerman valloy. ice. A A. M- Scott, left Saturday morning

- --------- - - D olp Up" i r " ~ ~, .KAIL'B BABDER SHOP


■ yttiOntttMtt .-•-.■■■• ■ ■ ■

y-21,1927. ■ '■...... ri n i , - for Oolton,-Oallfonila, having ill called toere by toe dcaO; of his fa IU . Mra. Ralph BUtUr is tonvalci

from a fllego'of liiflu tnu 'an tl (

A complications of illness of 4C' - wceks^duratien.::—

. ...E , E.J>owera relumed late-Satu front .PoeateUo. .^here he .ottendeil

■ track meet during too aftemoon..“ <1 Mra- ^ Wllson.-Mr.

CISCS Mrs. Pred Riley, Mn.-Etoel Lacey -W a Wi 'ki'*” “ d Mines Frs

JO}-ed 'an aU-day outing and plcni toe American Falls dam site on i day.

Mr. and Mr*. W. P . Sweatlcijen, of tho Mf*- -Hartey Newkirk, Mr. mberly W n. Wluilea and'M r. and 'M n.'{

Sundoyaaernoon,le for ---------Pojlpeho Cslen'ds'r TeV■eld l:i The Calendar tea for May, give WJIW. .Ul«^-womfn-«^tlle-M«lllodlnl-Epl9( ic loe t tiiurcli, will be hcld-at tiie horn lounc- Mrs. rioyd'Jones on'Thurcday a ‘V.ine noon,. Ma* 20. havlng.bcen 'postp

one week and Uie day-changed . wklng wednesUay to .niunday. “n ie aj ilstory tnirhO!tfs.'*s-RT'toB-titterT’.« ir «p re- Mesdames K ilbum rc.'Jones, Clai : Cise. Medcalf,.Oc(^o DeUfcp.

club, jon, u o y j Jones, and Prank Boj-d Jfd ,0 , Mrs.- Roy,Kemp, who is a pa . in Twin 1

iJ reported lo be Improving at :wman u ^ e .

Tlie many friends of Miss lUrel Hpulen, who has been 111 toe

•ndent ,|,rcc months a t toe home of 'nmit- parents. Mr. M d Mrs. William C, R Houten of Kimberly, are giad-to-

O; eh,c Is sufflclenUy recovered toat <“ «r, lo niara U> her work' a t I• M "; In Ihe near future. .

Mr.andM raA;j^W l|son_w ero j

{few- dinner porty f o r ^ e n ^ n 'o f ^ ^ scliool focully. Including Superin dent Don D.’ Qlbbs and Mn. Olbb

■ - w."i''ori>csriibya Hodson.-Jonn uwlto, Mn. £Ua..PIedscr, Misses

nberly busU Place, Katolecn Povey, Fta n W, Wlcklund,.Louise.Medcraft, Mr. Povey Mrs. IL E Pftwen. Mr. and M rs.. f pic- Shepard and Miss Betoyl Blake, i ’. « t o eral.iames-ofTbridse.w«r»«ni(irM

>rlumr Forbes-high for,the.men.'' mo- j t n . w . 8 . MorUn enlerUined au jer a o'clock dinner on Sunday, hono

her granddaugliler. Irene Scott, on

id to jn t r lableliodtUllcally decorated cake wlto

' w e- lighted eandltt toat pleased toe I Hog- pjfsls. Present w en Mildredjw e tr M nm rct-po ttC T T R lItirB tD ttrT i

Carrol and Hr. and M n. P. V/, 8i Miss Mr. and M n. Earl Barnliill h

■ ^ ' l l i o k . e u t o( l te ironl wlhflfltT Calico ” cw store aod yeuli hcvisit ......... ' 'Tom 's Cafe.'..............

SABIP80M iiuS IC CO.■ m Mato Are. West .

■■ Fobr Doon West of the ' 0 _ . GRILL C A F E ^'— - -v i ra T i-n j iB - o u r i? e < rB i5 r r

SAMPSON WUSIO CO.• m Main Av^ Wcil

• ' ' '


.......................x - ^ T i m k E R .✓ . . demand the be------- ............—aftcr-enjoying

, nearly half a ^ ' i.s only one tl

...............ei tofl in conce---------1— ” thc'-quallty“ )' / • high. ,

------- -----TT-mould-that-taay , tiiinofthefin

, ' world's choici roa.8ted and hi

- less atmosphe ----------------- ;~i<ortliwii5t:- '

' T h e r e i

m M i

: bwi'jmcchased toe'O ^vJii:Otrew ''pT0pft father, on, East:Cent«r;*ln»t.*iid.wUrDio

mrnbetly _ a ^ t , 4 u t ^ t .' Mr. and 'M ix , Frank 0. Cagle e« v e w tertalned'.iit -a^a’fi'clQcklSunSy di------TJtTTiriliJirKimrh'wrKKKrly'liturday M rr-tnd-M n.'-I>an-D ;“ on> iarM led-toe Beekw ith-and-eon-John'-Bcckw ll!•...... Mr.-and.Mrs..Jiasfl-rcnnlngtan,-H(tr. and bcrt Ponnlnpton and Blanche.PenniB ey and lon.-Mlss n o s i’Fowler, Miss Edna M lances C^p!n4M la_netliyl.fllaJu^Jl._w ..p r r^ i iF and po b m Fowler. , - ^ - l

f a u n - • ■ ' - Dlrlbday Clob •A most' enjoyable aftemoon x

:n, Mr. on Moaday-sA'thrtwmo ol-M r. and Stoiio by Uie members nr-tho KIrtw . 0 , E. I-sil'M’’ D irihday -au b r tiie occasi in.Olty tionprlnn lllfllMtlJ^'ghl

versary. The ladles'eiijoyed a progrn and social chat during Uto early-ofu noon and later a dainty luncheott w

ven by Mr\’ed by M n. Albert StonJ and M rlseopaMJrtwrltcgua for'toB'MOBlUllU U6r jme ot Bomcrr and Brown of Twin Palb; w: after- were sutsi^ of toe club and M.

■tponed Suearliigen,.N._WJI.ST(irlnscn. Edfi 1 from Wilson, Carrie Oliapln.'J . J. Tuss< assist- P. C o j le ^ , BarfyiY r tly 1j t r a l i r STKfartln. D. T . Turner, E. PreUit; lorenee J. M. SleelsnilUi and toe hostess. T I, Gib- club pretcnled M n. stone wlto'V j-d. customary gift. She also received moipatient otoer tokem from 'near friends oi 1 Fails, relatives. • n

*1 Van ^e psstof her f i r " ^ • ^ * * 1 Bn Van w ■ » — ' o-hear --- ----------B ~ Jy

rinten- K M I f t I M b wbbs. J. _

i rawB®sev-

t t ' i i f * ----------- ^ S t x o i r e e n C '“ r ?

(•raqu inu

Samir■ | ~ T ® c e ~^ye fo r over

ymrs■ \ ^ M i m f j m j d s u s e ^

i z :

R S - f n i l i e - m r ld - , '; -I-----------t— -

best. We have found; •ig your-patronage^for-.......... -a centuiy, that there, thing you are inter- '!crning vour'coffce-^ • ' ~tttff5t“ bQ~invariably---------'

"Co^crhas-helpcd'tff” " ^ aflte-preferencerSelcc- .., — 7^ inest berries from the icest coffee cnops— • blended In the match- . liei'e of the Pacific

T / i ( t f s _ ____ . :

i s m : ' : 1

Page 6: S iilit IboDI liOilGlEilS- iBimi®!: IF MlttOi^ SJiGliJUll ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · L_ Port Oarda.Vs mltw souUi of Eurekn. ... to

' T r - ' : ■ '■ / . ■■■77

' ‘ I PflgB S ix ' ___

IZ!.,L. Jwo—Rer.i 0 ds-.Covered-by ■ I " “ Awar/is; Schools in twin Falls close for'Siimmer Vacation.

-Close'of tlic school V «f ycslmlnj-, — ItUle slons ot acUvHy otoumi ilit

. } • various Ttt’ln Fall-. k IiooU, wltli itic___ ' ..iiiirtflnu. -

‘1 " leathers prciwirti lo Icnvc clllicr nti . , J tliclr vacations or fcr lUelr lioniei

>Vlll) ttie close. Uic Jimior IiIkIi ncliwl i nnnounccd two tionor ttstx, one for the

---------------PMr i^K'c,Ur7 ll~ u1Hcr~ro n trclxsV ~atx weeks. Forty-one imnics were on Uie fitx weeks' Iionor roll, and on

__ I.J____ttic_8emc.iter_rotl. Ttio^[o_recilvc. ' ourililon 'w e re i 'o n ’tlic (icmMtcr’ rDll: ‘

----- 1------- E ic h t-“A“-KTBdf.-‘ - K(?mell -Anderson,' -I Loutic Aujtin, Miriam Dabcock, Vem I Ereckson. Fontctli Ciiirdiier, Lmirlia I aardner, MarKflret Mcl«a, VIrclnl.T , Voung. Janet Murray. Alinn Carson, '

Arctft Gosscttn. Jrnnte Iteaji. .Vlnttnta ”• Standley and Joyce Wiltlams,

V, E lgin-"D " Rrnde: Ventu A!jbott,| . Mamaret Anderson ami Ellubetti Am

' Jones. Stvenlli "A" (innlo: Kallicrlnc Boone. Vtrglnto Carbon, El.w Contfs, Luitier Evans, Bnrbara Oainllc. Froncl/i

, Oeorge, Martam Oniliani. Ruth GrlBBn.I KImintc- Haclitya. Eiennor. Ktueiider,

. Berl Jjtrsen. McClaid und.1. , K atlnrine Walu. • _ • _ ___

I Scvcntli ••n" grade studi-nia were ,, — 7 ------^ arflw ' B'eviTley. RuUi Brown, Jcvis “

Sorenion. • • li'__________Sluden tJ ,^ ;! .!!!** l!< wivki- tvrln.l,,n'

roll tt’erc; Elelit "A" Krade. Loidie Aus. m tin . Miriam Babcock; V cn Erickson, w Fontclla aanlner, Louella Gardner. »

• ...........-lU-rberrJIorUleld; Jr:inU-He3i>; ^^J-rtle -j'• K lnj. Margaret McIrj. Janet Murray, i

Sliiln Stanley nnd Vlrgtnla Young, ol ' ' - Eight "B" grade: Venlta Abbott. Mar- Jo

— (jarct'AndertonraJH^TTIreBiiacr ontt C, . Irene Clirlstapherson. ‘ pi1 BtvtnUi A gmdc;.. Kalhcrine Uoonr,

Virginia Carlson. EltafCortfes. Luther j / i E\'ans, Barbara Oamble.'Marian Ora>

liam. Boy Gray.'B ulh Orlcss. iChnmIc------------Hnctilva. AIIIp Ho»«<, AlInn l-jniten. ^

waller. Deri Lorwn. Margaret McClain, „ Opal Mechcm. Eunice Phillips. William ^

• Smtth. ICaOxtrlnc W&lu.awl-.Pran^ls “ •White. 8cvenU r'0” enidcnieraI)cn'Qn Uie Itsl.w erc Jomea Beverly. Hulh vt- Brown. Javis Mulkey and Melvin Schu-

we------------------------ ■ pj

_ ( ■— ^ He

M |• . Ml

--------------------- -------------------------Tl:................ nOOBBSON-Mrs. n io B. Spangler, I ' '- — DcmTr: D.-J."E1rOd dnii'\i^fe, Poca*

-lello ; R. A. 'W w d. POT«anil; .w . 11, ' Coolc. PorUand: Frank. BaUartf, Port-' ' land; P. J. B iriih t, CUIcagorrinilcr rW»

~hL BOdelirPccallllq; T.' A. SwanMn. Pocatello: H nny Payne. Idolio F^lts: Uk Andrew McCauley, Idaho PalU: J. 8.

)' Dlffenarfcr and family; Orotlno: L. V*' , BuckmlUer, Ogden; Waller Douck-

i wcrdt. So,n rrnnclsco; J, K. Pendleton.= f===D cnrre;= ^H ,--o .-8«[0!ntmr-O00d lnrr ^

. Thomas C. Brown. Seattle; Kuptri 2? ' f . Shaw. Boise; H. E. Wcinel and wife, I*"

Albion: Mr. and Mrs. A. Navis. Porir *,''®---------U ndH lr-H ^R enrdtnrltfMcuw; .o rorW

L Boise; C. B^ SmlU^^:tol«e;'

■: — non,-salt U k e ^ a ' i L - y i l d m ^ ^• den; M r,juid>lr» Webster Way. Boiii;

der, Montana: Mrs. Jotjn WaWi. Boul- der; Charles McDermolt, Burley: Ben ^ Jackson. Burley; IL R. Rijley, Bol«: I’ „

! C. C. Hannon, Boise: R. and J. Pratt, n )• Bol«-, R. E. Tliomft*. BolMi c . \V. '

Waycon and wife. Boise: Pred Itarterv ; loua and wife, Caldwell: Mrs. Nelson. T

Caldwell: a . j . Tolmle. San Francisco' hiw G. T. Wilder. Salt Lake; 8 , W, Starr.

4__J_A lilujon,-B ol»e[.N .-J,-M onainH dfl- ;j • ho Palls; Jack LynM. BoIm . day

PA R K-C. II. Coon, American Palls:H------ John-M aM n-jm d-Trifer-K em m prerr

George 8. Owens, Montpcller;-x.lL-C,• I— Ou»ler,~St.~Imjls:"Waller Held. Salt I Lake: Mrs. P, W. Barclay, Los An- . geles: Jack Henfer, Denver: J, u

1 Welch. Salt U k e; R. II. Steinbuck,. Boise; R. T. Aarbuck, Balt lake: P. ” ,

n . SchetUer. Salt U ke: T. D, Hughe*,O. S. U ; R. w . Dlerck. Sail Lake: , , J . P, Hurt. Salt Lake: Jf. H, Bullcn.

I Sail Lak..:-. I. T WHgl,t , . v - T AT K, Thompson, Boise; Joseptj ji, I*

Paham, Pocatello. ^

__ p m m B E - F . j ^ p m v - . i » i - , i r , , a sPooilello: John W. Eagleson, B nlv

. — I to u I i - S t i t lw wirBJl^U, il. N. ll lck tt — and wife, American FnlU; P, H. Rich- n

m a i v ^ r L a w n t - 'V V ^ * ^ +-...iP jlp;..R oy_IJunlC £jE ocaW lni-A _.i, 4J-"

RUi«JL“ I>caUlIo£rW'.ID: a t i n 'i iK i ' '• wlfc,-Pocalello: a itf lbeUi Jeatcn. Pn.

' - - o m i o r m n 7 c H h c r i ^ > n o r I K TOoldsmllh, Pocatello: C. H. Limleman I Rockland; H, T. Comer. Sail L ak f ‘l'“-i A. P . Ryan, SaU Lake; W A. Wrlglil Miil, ond aons, Ogden; Arthur T. Coulton. M«r

— Dol«f-0*orH<x-Saucr*,-Bolsc: L. John--------son. ScatUe; Mrs. E. H. Halloway. S i li = Lake; George Petcreon. Salt Lake; P” Carl J . R « h r . Jr.. Scaltle: Emtsi a . T ScJinelder, Boston; Oeorge L. Ambmv ond wife. Mackey; Noman McCirty

::_-Alb'o n -• - ................. - - - _

PrcMeroihg P a p e r M ap ■ L _IS Iiiflko' n . paper map more =

durable tlio United States bureiru ^ o f itnnilnrtl* suffse*!*'dlppios It In a.

. W ak #9\ut5m> of .lilsJi-Croflo nnlnial ■* irtooM a imnrlnc 'tlio niap'oTer n line’ V'-'tjnlU'UiotBoglilf. dry. - Tills can In'

— T haV >-ihe-yffr^ toeiU»n'- ^ ■ - —- SASttSdH MIT8W do: ■

^ J W S w '-Y m « n '« lU r t w w : Store

r : : * ■

( POOC OL' PAt.'. i KN< UU. ,. ^H O ;i/-V O U -PeeLT-*rW n - LONESOME - f o r SK£E

----- --------- l.'JUCT A5-rAM ,-"‘" ' (

jiis , ■■ ■

on. k I-

,.v. . P - M l k L aB o f i ta a a i l


iwi w m h HWIho TallMllBllIE C ---------------

511: ■-----------------------

---------•Ila Inl.T ----------- --------- --------- •on. ■ n • —

r W jy AND M Sinc ......................... ■Im , pdl'cd Uycl/i Mni. E, B, Wlllltms«»• Phone .UIOle r ,________________________ _________

The Twin Fall.i ch.ipior of American Wiir M olhm mci-Kridiiy-afiemoon-in Uie Ptm liyutbivthuK h- ia r lo n with wives of rivll Mir vjl^raiis as Uielr Kucsb. After it sTIort business session presided over by Uu- president. Mm.

OUjOi TT-Bnr»<-t>-tin>!:TBm wn.i - tn Joyed, I** Mrs. T. H. Irwin gave an address of »». welconie lo llie' giiwU lind M n. W; W tr. Ilimiphrey. n'.ipondi^ (or the'vi.ilior*. lie •J'tie state president, Mrs. David Brown, ly, 4 m intrwiuced and spoke a few word* Xi £Lju:ccUiiiu.-CaauiiunUy-iliwinrT>t Ig, old lime .Civil uur songs In which all r- Joined wa.i greaUv enjoyed. wlUt Mn.

C. B. U aney n r llie ' plflnof-rMembcrs put on ‘h drill and prescnl each guest

If, with a bouijwLflf flowers, M n. T. H. Jf Irwin, Mrs, H. J. Youngs and Mrs. J . Patrick Wynn singing Uie verses of Ij •There's a Loni; Long Troll o’ Wind- T ing.*' as the ladles marched. Mm. ^ lu iTiLT, uim m Uic guesls. gave ex-

' perlenccs &lie had during the war when . ' living hi Uie SouUi. A spelling beo '* was 0 feature of tlie nftcmoon, Uic'

mtmbfni being on one'team end ihe ■" vtiltom on llie other. A social hour i *• closed the afternoon ond rcfrtahmenu _ were served to the membera ond Iwcnty

guests os follows: Mesdafiies Adams, Holm, Wtuidell. Eden. Dryden. Smith.

ner, Rc)Tiolds. n« |uo. Geliys, Haye.i. Pettyjohn, ^(cDode. WhllUngton, and i M n. Lucy Strieker cf Rock Creek, l] Tlirce guests who were not wives o fi.

, veltnuu w^re Mni.-Mary Peck. Mrs.-1Ij T. M. piierl*“ahd-Mrs; Towen;----------

I, • -•••-’— ............... ‘Tlie .Past. Noble, Grands' association

t, rWas rnterlalnnl .llii03da;-eixnlfig-by. - .Misses Ixn nnd EHiabeUi Driskell. o t ’

; llie Oriskell home on Walnut slreeL [. M n. Claro Boll assisted the hostesset., Lnree bowls of tulips ond lllnca oltrac- . ihTly decorated the home. I t Wos de- I elded during the buslnew MUlon to I -. i to a t f lwclve..ilna:n tablocloUi^to-Uw . I Odd Fellows home, ot Caldwell. Idalio, i

Tlie program. In charRC of Mra. C. J . Ivon, Price, was as follows: AJrs. E T. i r auUMy.-roadlnBr-^FrleMdBhlp;‘ f c a ,

ItaJ>rt.i}cell..tt paper,v'L ire.-lh'FSelir - _ « ;'• Mbs B to b rth Prj-ikril. nn artlelfl *

■ Mrs. E .'o . na!nM!'’an tn t e ^ ln g ??t- ’ ler from Uie ossembly president. Mra, •<

; Effle Watkins, At Uie close of the- progmm a two coune luncheon wa: »med. At Uie next' mecUng Mra. E.

’ O. Iinlncs will entertain.

TIic .losing utun of n contest which liM been in progress for r«mc monUis 1‘

, aiiioiiRRt the membera of Ihe Women's

• nlnK-t«im-wtUi-o-hmchH)n“ ^\'cdncaT-" da^ 01 the jliome of 'Mrs. Jutie Kick- iiinii. The' tuesla were seated nt three (ables Mliicli were tasUly decorated n

- aUli-»i)rliitf-flowers.-A-fartwcin!hBn!r ~ , ,HiiS.glvcii.to-Mrs.-8haw.-fl-mRnbcr-of u

Ihe cliil) who is Aoon to depart from Twin Palls. After luncheon had been c' sencd those present assisted In tying a (luUi for M n. Klrkman. which with other omiisenienla afforded a pleasant

Mra. Enkden entertained Uic Uni« t ver?ial club Tuesday evening ■ nt her liijin'c on aevenui ownue east. Cords wc« enloycd. M n. M. P. 6eftr» ■son ■ »R i priM. M. f , Seors won second. Dalnly rcfreslimcnts .wefe-served.------;

To Patch P la ite rn’allbnnrd Joliils .nnd nlw ninnll •

•crackiranit-tiolM -In -p iB irtrr 'm iiftfl ' ’ !l!li'd« j!h '^o iy> o .l^^ .

iliiclii'nciMvlih rlosicr of Imrlii Tills Ik tifii'n’uKHl by pnf^rh n ngcm In J

Tnrri*!nTTi5TiTennVTicii,"[ifllii' paiMT caa* ho piiic.i|-over it immetllately rikI It iIiH-H not flirink noUcenbiy or rnu«o ' Hiiliis lo nv'pcor.—I'opular HckiweMoiilhly. ■ _________ _

THE PERRINE CIGAB STORE li 'O n iy Seren Doon from \

13T a is in .A re ...W es l, . , j

iop&bino m i »

~ m t r y w i r noonday lunch os well.a l j-

■ MAIN ST. and KIW^ y n r j B P i K f l ..

3 J 3 A f e Y - N E W S , - - T - W F .

w w j u S T y : . f rr 'S A T - -WITHOUT.--

•E Z iK 'C r-^ ------' - ' T - »'»<N0'COtNCi TO

-0AC K *-"o - * . V ......... '■ v -B e -w o n '

, ............. • . . :-v

I g l n i r c b S e r v i c e s• Atcensioti’ Epiieopai Churrli

Rev. W. II. Ward in Cliarge.0:45 a. m.-ChUrch school.11 a. m.—Morning prayer nnd (ser­

mon. '- i-rnxsi OToX. “OiiJde Afe, O TTiou 11 Great Jehovah," Dykes; Venlte, llobln- n son:-Te-Deum.-Vcn-Boakerck:-Bene- • h m nii3,-l!enihcote;-llym n, 'O iir B to l Ir Redeemer,- Dykes; Offertory Aniliem, • » "Wlwt Arc Tliese T hat Are Armyed j »• In While Robes," Stainer; Rcco.wlonal. , ^ “I-Hf-aM Ulc 'Soimd of Voices.'.' ijtorer. '

,, FIral rm by le rian Church ■ "AI'O. Pearsori, Minbier'

t 9:45 ' a. in.—aundny fr)'""*! i'frhrr - t FeidhustnrznjKfllilendent. ■II 11 a. m.—Morning worslilp, Tlie Rev.I. William F. E lim onn-of-Logon.-UUh.'J a will Drcach,-__The anthem is O aul's 'J t "No Shadows .yonder," j '

m .- Jm lo r ChtlsUon En* ‘ i. deovor society will meet with Mra. f Marian Dunn. M. 7 p. ni.-Interm edlate nnd Senior C. i i, E w lf tlrn will m rft In IhMr r>.»v.r.l>• tive rooms, I* 1 8 p. m .-Evenlng woralilp.- T hcR ev.r) William P.. Ehmann of Logan vi\\[ J: Iireach again In the evening. The on- ^5 them Li "Ponder My Words" by Unrir ker.1 _____■ ................Methodlil EpUtopal . . I

Rev. II. G. Humphrey, pastor.• P:4Q O ^m .-fiunrtnv <rhnnl P r

• n 0. m .-Preaching by Uie pastor.I :Sermon subject, “Pbnted In Uie House ;lof the Lord," Tlie music will be as

follows: _ AnUiem, "Holy Lord Ood,",H eyserioJferton-.rcavaU na/'R nli,-- i

7 p, m .-Epworth leaBUC devotional. WTVlCC," ■ ,, 8 p. m.—Song'servlco; onthrm, *trum

r. Y t_B>cn-lo-M e."-H arlter;- offertory.- ".Melodie in F," Rubenstcln.

Bapllit E. C. Barton, Pastor,

0:<S a. m.—Bible sludj hour. I, n , ' Mastera In chatge. I-U -a.-m ,-M om lng-w orBh!p:-#etTie^ will be conducted by the pastor; sub- ’ Ject, •'Tlie Queen of the SouUi a n d ' Polk of Tills Generntion." • Tlie music '^ ■ • ■ • w l O h t tK O n U io r ic n lS ^ I ^■ fl:« p. m .-B . Y. P. u , and Inter-1

8 p. m.-E\'ening worship;’ subject. "God's AppoinUnenl WlUi You."

SU Edward's qaUioUe Rev. Remi S. Keyier, Pastor,

- M w s on Sunday a t 8 and 10:30 0. m. ]

Mass week days a t 7:M a. m,. fol- lowed by May devotions.

Sundoy-evenlng service'7:30.' “

Cbrlillan Science Chnreh 160 NlnlU Ave. East

Sunday service, II a. m. Lesson ser­mon, "Soul and Body,"_____________ !~SUirafly“scliooUtTio.a.-m,-for-puplU'under 20 yftr* of age. ' ' !

Testimonial mecUng on Wednesday! evening ol 8 o’cl«k.

Kimberly Christian .'Choreh J. Elliott SUmp,. Pastor. I

'Hie Bible school will meet a t 10 0 clock. Ccmmunion n( u o'clock,' Morning sermon, a t 11:30; subject,'.^=Th»-Pouf.-Kindj ef auli.— c t imuin r

ir.:SAMPSON_JttUBld 00— •Moved lo

i f V r r ^ n l : J ) e U u - p m n r * d r - t a . -

s trre your musical needs.

Visit oof modem musle store oad ,

give as the “once“eTcr.!!— _ .


WIU HoU ' ft Cooked Food ?alf ;--------n * T im n '^Y r~MAY 11 ____

at. Uw-OiamoDd .n a rd ira n ..S to re {

= = ^ = = = 5 =

Barbecue j

M B E R L Y R O A U j

'.f a l l s / i d a h q , saq;liri:


A TOUGH LIFE WMATEVEUTvWIM;-BEUEWE=^ -A /yV 0 ODS^ |<N0 W r r. _AW‘ I'M ;iO fj''H lM 3 I TD‘ H A \t HIM'" ' THE LCGA - - • o R 't i F E - w o i v r r v — ~THE~cirCTa v o m H ' a - f p s o i o k— ]— - f ! - . CAN D is a

L .11 ^ ■~~A~C?VERCClWI■ X ^W O TOC

“ Endeavor a t 7:30, At fl o'clock Hi p» young people of tlie.Clirliiian Endeav ^ or will have charge, ,

The pastor will give Uie boccalaure- atc «cmon lo « « jinifluaVlnB tk s a a l Buhl on Sunday evening.

Tlie pastor' will alw speak o t Rus- " * sel-Lane ol 3 o'clock In ihe aflemoon.

......Beihd." Tcmpio ._____« 0 Tlilrd Ovenue West

w l ■ ’siinday-ichoel’ 10 a. m.'n'- • MeeUiig a t lent, corner Moln avenuo ■cd and third jlreet ea.it, every eveningIgk < a tm M oncliiy.,.-------------------------1

____~:<itthadi«friii?;^ ii.'K im h7 ;i/~ '• Charles D. Fletclicr, Minister

Sunday tchooTjd J n - o 'o l o e i g - I ^ prinrno'. de-

pwlmenti Mlss SiUng, superintendent, jy. Morning worslilp a t 11 o'clock; sub-

Iject for sermon,."Tlie Homing Xnflu-' i,.,.cnre.Qf..Uie-Spirit.'.i-Tl.e:]adie3'-cholr.

I frill sing "Jesus, Saviour, Pilot Me." PeartR.

I EpworUi leoffue de\-otlonol meeting ' a t 7 o'clock. Topic , for discussion.

f, 1 "Keeping Faith WiUi Our Pledge."„ I.Mra. Metcalf will have ehnrer nf »hi«

,ucvo.yoijs ond lead in-uie discussions. Evening, service ■ a t 8 o'clock. The

;Ul ‘Jlscuss: 'Tools SuUed to

'Tlie Colendar . club, will meet on i

i - j -------------- ------------------------------------

3r.xe Ios 1 . "i." :g • __________________:

al.j.',1, f — II

m m _________ ______________ _________----------------- ----

b-;Id' I •

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• •• s




E V E R O A J j r N l . • _____* C

^GAL'.ON eS AMD ■_____B '' " 7 :!___wm mf, ^


— .

the Tliursday, Moy 2fl. a t Uie home of , tav- Mm. Floyd Jones, a t 2:30 in Uie after- I

. noon. ' . . ' lire- ' / ; _____

* Hanien Community ChnrcbValentine Deich, Minister

10 a; m .-Sunday school. M. B. Toy- lor, superintendent: Mra. Grace Durk, . superintendent of primary department. *

11 a. m.—Morning w oi^ip, Donald . — =• K astrlcoderr-8olo-?t1Ui'viatln'bbbirga- "

to, "I Do Believe." Oroff. Mr, and Mrs. ’ J . R,- Durk. Sermon by Uie pastor;

ling "Tlie Divine Voice."

eighUi grade, pupil* of Uie Ilanseh " — nuPlle~tchooli GeoTKc Xfe^ick_wlU 1

liovo c h a r g ^ l ^ c i r e f i w ^ ^tonwHP^weacn I h f cuiss sermon, th e

' j . ; subject being "Looking Aheod." Pol- S lowing Is Uie program: ' I

uh. Orand March, church orchestro; in - I vocation: scripture reodlng; 'solo by v Foj'e.ShccslBy:-.scrmoa:.-claa..wm.by. .6

,,H Ttoysm lUi:'-orchD itra'T ium berr^lass ' prophecy by DoroUiea Wofcl; .ptesei\-

tatlon of diplomas; benediction. h ion. — --------------- ‘ ' ®

!;■; ANN.QUNCEMENTS Iins. ' " e“he The board of dlreetors of Uie Rural to Federation of W ctnen't Chl»s wUl

meet Botnrdoy, May 31. ot 2:30 p. m. “ on in the Business Women's club rooms. C


T y H A T used to be a " ' buggy'is now just

1'o.idster.Where dancers used to

date steps of the polka the with the joint-disloeating

And compare one of Jan :r^eenie-descriptions-with-i

Fitzgerald's' latest novel.This is an age of spec

speed. “I just can 't find ti cepted as an adequate ex;

' doesn’t do this or doesn’t

tisements-because they an__They.telLypuJn_crisp_sen1=pi(!tures~alroul>the l^ s t - i

improv'ements, the most m ‘ ^ e m n e 7 B u . i ' - - t i i n e : a n d e n «

;tj;=iAn'd^when=yon=gO'^hoi ^ ta ts .h av e .a lread y io ild j'c

ing you what you need, 1 store.

^Read"ths'ady6rtisements _ t i m e ^ r even a jump or

Save time by tak ing : advcrtisen

I ' ................. '

' 2 1 ; - 1 9 2 7 . ' . ' .

V , . ■ . ,

“-.T ^e .O E T E C T IV E S .. - rA N D -P O ac e-rO U O H T rr ='~ :' . : : v :.-.t o -m a v e s o m e t h in o 'I BV T H r6 t im e ; I ^ '



•ay- : ____

sn t P o n r E c c o I v o 'H Ig h 'S c h o o rD ^ ^ p l o m a s a t O om m pnccm on

1 7 F la U h E l j t t l i Q cad e.

UURfAUGH.-May iy-T fie"elgh

seh <it the high school auditorium Is fviil Tliuradny evening, '^ h e foUowln a lic ftgv ^ose"wBC"griauaied: Inei Tolma the Rea CalUn. Mae Rondail, U o ra iU 'oi. gins, Irene Rose. DoroUiy’ Sturgeo

’ Marjorie RuUedge. Phillis McForlon in - Hilda Utleou, Noris Goodman, Mo by vln Sterry,' Tliomas Rutledge,-Hem

•by. Sllyer»;_A illlut_Tpriy._W llnier_H Bss NoTTis“ Moyn~and~EdnifHoratOT. ■ :n* T^e commtnctmtnl tx tttlsw Jot U

high school graduates were held ot U oudltorium Pridoy evening. . Thoi

( graduating were Doris Clawson, Ploi _ Higgins. Eldon Okleberry ond Wllliai Silvers.. M r. and Mrs. R. A. Hansen and M

ond k in . Jones, oil of TuUiUl. Soul ns. Dokota, were visltora a l tho home <

g-is^on the~

a long ride in fa ther’s 1st a dash for brother’s

to glide through the se- they now sh^ke the floor mg Charleston.James Feilimore Coopfer’s th-a-chapter-from 'Scott 'el. '•ipeed. Speed—and more d time" is universally ac- explanation of why one

n’t do th a t^ m e -tx r re ad jie-adver^ are time-savers lo r you.

>entences-and-sighifieant st-inventionBfthe=new€5t t modem devices for con- e n e r ^i h o p p i n a “ t h e ? a d v e r t i s e »

ij'ou -w hatto -buyJb j^ ll- d, before you enter the

ints and keep up with the or two aheadL.

ng time to read the sements . , . , ^

Mr. U anHn'i sUier, Mrs. C. 0 . Kimr • • last Thursday and Friday. -

'M r, and Mn, E. O. Brown of Burle} I I n were visltora a t Uie Taylor ronch Sat-

JL u Mr.’and Mra. 0 , O. King motored U Indian Springs Sunday u» attend thi Hansen family reunion.

D f. Mr. ond Mrs. A. C. Zachorlos and , „ f , family and Mr, and Mra. W. Toyloi

•wtrc-dlnner-guesta-of-Mrs.-Ruby-Tod- lock Sunday.


— F ^ S rin tr-D ee d -J .-Jr-S le eU m U h -U i H ljl E. Emmo Clotlt I I p t L: 7-8 B 5 Tur- ;«n , ner Add. '

Have yoa heord the new Brunswick ,nrv organ Record? Sold 'exclusively al JrftI Ptnbaugh'»-A d v . ____________


nose ■lora The B arter Shoe Co. Is'd irectly

iaSL - . a u u u t l i u i t i u t Kum'--------

Mr, SAMPSON MUSIC CO.’S«ilh » « • B»” '


's .'s


r ,______ ^

s ■


e ■ '

:............. -

- ■



Page 7: S iilit IboDI liOilGlEilS- iBimi®!: IF MlttOi^ SJiGliJUll ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · L_ Port Oarda.Vs mltw souUi of Eurekn. ... to

fe v . and Prdspicts for Wet Wear . tiier f(avo B|il!!s|i Effect.,

CmCAQO.- MM M M ^ D « p l l t U -S ..iinkvy^prellM A kln«H w nt-4<xlfty^ovrr- -

topped (he seuon 'i h la h « t prices for — ^ ^ • 3 u i r « n j F B ^ m b e r r “» lth ‘'M #rlm np» -

' the f ln t Ume In months. .AdvtrM plafttlna conditions m 'wcU k a proapecl of mWo »et weather lo*

P ^ r 2 r _L7^'>7v •«lccliledly.|)uu5n7f(ect,I'.v.V^- Cora closed unsclUcd to I 'ic nel

'l i ls h e r . w h » i Im ju U r He off-io 'le •ViV’j ' . up. oats. Ho to *ic doftTi: and provl., lions >-wyln» from 6c dedlne to a

;■ C « n W irk il DIf ......... ..........S t o ' Tliroughout the day.- the com- niar-

;k tt .« -a s a bla. broad affair. I t «-as a t e pointed out tha t the preKnl iltustlon

as lo.com U panillellns 1921 .when on m ■fr account of a toW.-wet rortnff, the J lrjt 21 r j^o rn c iaT O W )'rep d ri« on July Vshowed | Urd the lowtsl condition on record and f m j the final yield * iu only 3J09.000M0

bushel*. According to one of Ihe prin* r t® dpal crop'authorities hero, the prc»-

. cm IndlcaUon* can hardly be regard* '' a i forecasting any larjcr acrtajo

cither than that of 1D34. t^ ,ln the face of the fact tha t the new

E S ------corn crop-l»-cetttng-an-«itrcnwly-lat». - IK | a lart..tlio movement ot old com to | B ' market today conUnued light, and old .

B — ul

■ Mm here . today were 203.000 hushebL M

■ -E m e a l A v en tti Hither .B Wheat-nreraged'higheir'-on account-___B n of scattered n lr i northweil and b e r =

-T3nire"bTT«porUTr*eiW~det«rr(5ra{Ioir ~ iTk southwest and wesL Oklahoma ad- „ l - \ ‘ vicea were wpeclally unfavorable, thou- . ^ [ « ! Kind, o t ' t lc ld j b t ln g 'r ifp o t lti . « j » “ ■>7, • rearcely able to rclum io bushels, P " ' K i wlitrtas TO to 30 bushels ha^’ been 9 ^ "Icofccdfui. MUUrnOllii «,-U jOiolik'*'I r a cn of Canadian setillhg delays. On £?,‘J ® the oilier hand, export businto from **“

North Amcrica was-aealn:»low,.totnl- inir only about 3004»0 bushels. .

■:-7A Profit taking wakened the oalsmarket. ' halt

—^P*icr»'.semng..unieUlc4-provl»lons,. notwlthstandinff : firmness - of ‘ hog values.______________________ • j—

^ e a l — Open Illfb . low Clwe ^M ay..............1«!4 JO !; M u; -i « hJuly ........... IM IJD'l 1S8 1384 ,

- ' inu... - M u . offn 19 '894 prj;

F July-V ......... BUI ••pJii-'- J H r-M T T Tum[^ P ^ - . - ....03^

....ASK UK Xvuly.'.:..........5 0 . M li « ! i . «?4 I®"-Sept.-............ « » ; 47K «T i W.i ------

CASH GRAIN ThomCAOO^May 20 op-W lifat-rN o. were

_2.ro lji;« :io .» li« L N o . 2 liaitl ' to »1,<8. • • ^jCcm-No.^3^,mlxed OOc; No. 3 K l-

O a l* -N a 2 * h ltc B P ic to i3 ',ic ;N o . Hcav _J_whlle 48HC to 52c. Cou-sr-S a r t^ = « > c-fai : « t=r --------= r = Jietft

T lm olhy-4l to I4JJ. 8lecrClover *eed-WO to »30. VealL*rd.:4l2.«. VcflrlRlb»-813.1J. SprinDellle*-|M M . ‘ u

PORTLAND CRAW LightPOniTiAW). May 20 m - W h e i t - * 5 |) '

DBB liard .white » li7 ; hard white

-U?!.- BrolU■ winter » l.« : northern spring ’ l l .« ;■ w c s U m rc d lM i • ®Prtn■ • eprln

a l? x im 7 U iy 'W ~ « T ^ W lT e a l^ N 6 rf ~H hard l l J s to HJO; No. a hard IU 8 ‘i ; S ? * m No. 3 hard *135;, N a a mUtd »U 2 lo f» l I J i , ' * N o .l^ Cofii-No. 3 whilfl 88We; No. 3 yet*n low 88c: No. 9 mixed Ue lo 8»Hc. No. 1■ O ali-Sam ple white 38c lo 41>. c. Na 2

y y . . ' TOLEDO S E E D ._________TOLEDO. May 20 /ff l-W hea l-N a_ M o ^

r r 7 3 red ll.43‘V l0 81.OlJ. N a 2\ | ‘ Com-NO. a ytllow'Q<!jo to OSHc.'

I ua ta-N o. 3 white 63'ic lo 5<!tc. ,

' ~clover-.Cash, imnortea 8M asked;. October I l f i i i UW. • U g ; '

, ■ ' :^^ClilCAQOLlJVE8IOCK______CRiOAOO', May '20 ' | / r v ^ t t l ‘e ^ ^

./r;cdpis MflO;>>killipg-tlftM^itUjaiteaayy son« ivealtra He hlgber; n in Bmall, medhim Buttei

,-tO..-JlPPd.-OTda--jitBfaMTllh«tir«--ja Var*~ ■ steen; best 1188 pound s teen 812.10; i

^ few loads 811.2S to l t l .75; plain kUlendown Iq to and below; se\-eral loads No. 1

1%' light yearlings., steeni and helfera, and N a 3g t r slralght; helten I9J0 to 8ia40| oowy Qeans

very scarce; best madium tniHa 17.39; ' ' 'Bro’ bulk plainer. grtulM $&78' to 87: Ught Cane Sgfe- vealen |».7# lo - l l l j »)»Jpper itinds up S R to 811WJ.I ® Hop-j-Bccelpla I8 « 0 ; generally Wheat i^ IL «i!« !U oJ9« .h^^ et;J* tO ittlea .bu leh il Bran^a j ^ c n aroijnd steady; top.Hfl.lO: s e t t i^ Bran.

/•loads•1Irto^8ffn0•300:poufia-*tCTw e fe k a t l h a tV c i ! b 61k :i» to aoo pbunds fiibckW.7J to I l 0 « : most^alO'te a w pounil -------aveh»e^ »#.70.to,|I0;a80toS00poundi Lemon « i p , t o , t t .w :g w to w e i8 « ^ ^ ^ p rw j t

• downward’tfl f^ .» o r;S l||h lly .,u n d er; Orapel .m p t t .p i c U a « . f i ! ^ . |^ Potatogooi,a i^ -cholec alau*Hter7pl«s't#JS Carrot to 80.751 ahlpp8nH<Mt.'(500; tstlraated Cabbot holdoyer-SOOO....: .i. LeUua

:_ B h te p r r ^ ip U . l i ^ ; - f a l - o J lp p e d Oaullfl lambs' mdtUy steady with yesterday; Oelery

hattvu |16.7S 'to tn /n m ir-'s^ rU tte n Ridlih •arm iM .8U ::io« jU iw d.U raM *»M to fiennji $H.3i;-cholee k in A ’ahota 88 ^ Onioni

u l grassy klnds downwtW lo ^ tijjS ! W ’ ;

n g ---------- ----------bY lN fi^T P ..K N O W .'!t ' - WMKT- J TVIOUfiMT a . OF (SfgOR&E' MV >

n ‘


1 NEW yOBK-Steeks-ifitrong; In- . w lm enfr Issues readi new peaks. |5 Bond*-Plrm; New York- irac-

tlon Issues rally ., . . . ‘ t Foreign' exchanges — Itiegular; ^i. -.Ispnnf^f- rm.ffcoYct^____________I C b tu ^ E a sy ; ■ improved wcatlier, [n

■ Bugai^Hlgher: steadier, spot. In c -miirkeL „, ............—

■ ■‘‘X H f c A O O - - \^ M tM d r r - - in i ^ ( i Milled weather. .'• . : ’ L

C attle-eieady. , |slHogs—Firmer. • ' fl'

BOSTON WOOL B0W 5N . May 20 (/ip)-Wcalem Ire

wools continue to se ll-a t a -steady ai price, especially choice lines. Limited U ’l quanUUes of Texas 12 months woo]|io

ported -lo have realised 81.10; lo islili with good French combing and aver-1 age strictly combing sUple are bring-jna lh8“ *ia5"to"81i«:'‘Bem.-rcaTmlsrPnir co sited salea are reported on tcrrlloo' t^' halt blood M-CO's and three*el{htlu ou blood MJs strictly combing. {in- *...........

Tlifie pricci nre nWaliipJl .blly at I*® i o'clwk In lh« Aritrnooii rhiI Bm I Iniendtd'io rovrr only t>>« itvcmsr of poi

, prler*. Wlier# rcrWIn ilnilrr* inr I iq •

I eliiile nudi iiuniAlIont. OiioiiitloM iiro pa<[•?rtTmil-5liould “' r h r i i . W^Wduc* j jI flre’ n a e U h e ^ r lii**/or. y »

low prlec#. to'--------------------------------------------------- 1 t n

ra id to Prodncen *j’ Tho Twin Palls markets yesterday

were aa_tollqw8;_ _ ________ _

^ ------------------- i - JH ogs........------------------------------- lo fo ^LlghLilcarjaiogs----------------------S m “ JHeavy K ogs---------------------------- 87JJ0c o w s----- -----------------i.U X to 85iO "„(jHetfu j_______ :;;;„.:= .j- :A 5fQ-fan»aJ0 ^fileen ................ . .Z Z n .ia j» 1 o -8 7 M ?~Veal Calves ............_....:„.t5« to 87iMVesrllng Lam bs....... ..... t8M to 110.00Spring L am bs------ ---- ------------»12Jio ^

Fowls V Be,Heavy liens, 4'.& pounds and up 17c tteiLight hens, under pounds___ *130 ^Leghorn hens ........ . On crcocks ................... ...................... _ .. Oc son:DroUen ..................;....................... 15o | 7j

BroUen (Leghorn, lU Ib. to 3 lb.) 16c la nSprings (colored) ____________ _ l(e ticaSprings (L cghom s)..... ........... —> lOe talkStags ................ ----------------------- 10c m :--------------D re«U -T iirtejs-----------------Ko: 1 turkej-s________________ 37c S'Mo. turkey*________________37c opeiMa 1 old t<OT.... ............^ — 310 OJ.a,

Lire Tuney*Ma 1 turkeys--..______________ 27c eVa 2 tu rkeys------------------- ;.•— JOc gf■ia I old toms .................1--------- 22c__________ LlTB-Capons___________ J k bifLj__________________________ a :aja£ iu<a 2 ---------------- :--------------- : - _ n c Sh

to ra-T T zz T .^ -..-™ ----.^ ....- .- - a s c

:gg8 (local s io re ) ....................... - 17e i k UiOeuts and potatoes good

e l Potatoes______ _________ 83.00 ?he-iaP o U lo e s ..........- ................4 t00 u ?5

Iea ia*{ 0 r»«»o rtne ra033 i0 to |6 J0 recel ■ Bngar-W holm le • pouji

!ane ...........!..’......................-.........-87.7S aW t.-,. 4 7 « ehd<

Wheat and Mill Feed ' 813 7nieat, N a a or b e tte r________ 81.11 i i m

.......... :^-^....,.-81.tt ^Iffn. J ^ l b J O t t___ ____________________tock tood. 100 lbs..............._ . . i l i 5 CKlock fo(>d,'000 Ib. lots ......4 IJO A lin------------ r u e u i l Prices — — a ccnons; do t;;— ------ 300 and .U e n r torrw je*,.d»......;,.-'-.._--S!>candet)o la ijeirapefmlt L .-1------------ ;— 3 fo r S8« “ Po(otatow,.».Uw..yor-;;.~.,-..-, . ,» .,..,J ,J to « r * t a g t W tjhlu

e U u e & ,h d iin » i iI f« B ^ )tto mand

jpfttagus. a lbs . - i J i i . : : : , a s c mftiti Ulstaes.''bunch ■ fff om iida Onipns, p o u n d i n p i U Bloiu butjch.------ .:— :---------- - :9d U1BP^

■" i f fi|t{cf:~(geaiPC7)7"..,..:____ ^o/aoOT. ---------- .'..-_ ...-J : - .- .,- . ; : .V » c j ttb ra i

I ,


0 1 7 P 1 > M £ THAT AAAKES ■-/-^ 1 - 'R y E - 'l .O V E -B O J l.- ...........f -l A ) ------ A -M A N -V W W O — 1-f r i / W i n s a ' w i p s ' vjithouT I ' o/ \ A,N EFPORT WILL J \ ^

• V l^ A V E .n rR , THE y . V . W A Y r ^ ^ . ,


NEW YORK. May 20 W ^Sxcept tor a brliil flurry of selling In a tew railroad shares, the stock market today = dL'HTgarded.' the Inlertlale commerco P commlulon's rejecllon of the proposed

mov^^lnto^ncw J i l g h ^ u ^ ^ t o ^ e

and‘ ip « h U la r^ u I * M to ^ r a ^ around W O O W shares.-■ ^ ir 'rca cn iJ fir 'a r r- tf f -n e a r ly '.O W - - points v’c n recorded by tho- s h a ^ of

^ »..^tfnrti)rt hv th r mpfgfr flwb t slon. but good buying sup|»rt «us 'quickly fortlicomlng, and the ioues were, cut In hW before tlie ijcsslon £

-wa* an hour old. While ''beaf" trad- ^ fin-undoubt«lly-w#r#-flcUic^:oacli-iit. 5 ? Uio early selling was, belicYcd to rep- resent llijuldallon by nen'ous Investon ' and speculalon who recalled Uiat ll I*® was an a(^'er*o IntenUle commerce K Commission decision in the Nickel - I

tic March break. \ ^ S prcubton tor the advance were ■ .

not disposed, however, lo rellnuulsh n,control of W p r i e e movemenV and gn ihey su rted lo bid up pricea from theoutset, centering Ihelr efforts a l (Int, «in .tKcfOrcalltd.l’blue.chip". Issues scllr____ing over 1150 a share. ^

OMAHA, May JO (4^-H ogs-R e- :tlpls.BOOO; steady to. 10c higher; ICO .0 200 pound lights. tS.CO lo 10.73; laclica l lop t0.7S: bulk 200 to 230 w Mund butchen tO-50 to 19.60; bulk 330 o'370 pound averages t02S to 19.50;[70 toJMLpmnd weighU 18.90 to tOJS;-------lacking ■ scu iT aartnB S O .---------------lP (‘W c=J]lJ«lD t«_1300:_fca'6l«en, pne -earilngs. and she-stock ac(l\-e; steady buy 0 strong; Blaughler steen to.90 to - 11.80: weighty steer* 13H pounds 13J9; beef cows t4.7S to 88.50; tew vN (tedium bulls tOiO: heavy beet bulls sugi TJ5; butcher, bulls up lo 8805; prec- dayIca]-top-voais-813i0,-----------------------prtc' Sheei>-Rccelpl8 0500: lambs steady Cub j“ 2Se-hlJlicr:'bulk-callfomlA"*pring onlj rnibs 8ICJO; some held a t 818.75; fed Philitp jw n a m iin v iT w e. in w u i w n u r mot0 choice light clippers here; sheep Innd_ffede^_«n_chanj[fd:^»horn e a ts rootownward trom 87; CallfomU.fecdlhs ter-imbs uptfafa'IrW U 'tn;------------------- ccur


Iccelpt* 175. tew early ^ e s ; looks thoiteady; seven loads medium California coverass steen not shown; odd head low- withr grade butclier cows t533-to-|550i »«slime common 82MI: slaughter calvcs nigh73S;.cliolce light vealen 112.- R<

irgely*on contract and dlrect:-pr»c- — ^ cally nothing sold on open market; ilklng^about^tll ^ h t butch*

Shee^RecelpEs none; raost c l a ^ ''T li x n ln ; steady; email lots choice < uly f.«: shorn ) w l l n j Iambs, tU M ;» a 1« pound clipped ewes <0. >

SAN FRANCI8C0 LIVESTOCK and BOOTH SAN FKANCI8C0, May 20 An »)-jroR8-R ccelpts 350; three can ebSMka.i.dlrrct; m e laul, IBfl, pmind

Bheep-RecelpU 000; tour c an dl- ^ e t; steady; choice under . 75 pound <• glblo 113; ahom yearlings ^.75 to ^ tc B;, ^ o m eTO^I5.75. _ . _

•~ COB~AyGELEB’ LITESTd CK----- ^ ------LOS ANOELES, May 30- tn - H o g s - « lpt»JM :_»taK lyL JciH U 8lJ » u n d i tchers t0pped al-811-4«:-Uirt«-l0MU

Cattle-Rccelpia 100; otteting^mosl- d i h r ^

lUons; no s teen ottered; medium to od (luoted 8730 to 19.18; unall loU e-stock 855S to W.60: a irc iilte ra H iS i n to MJO; b u u s 'ts s n o i«. Calves.»lpta 100; steady; load choice 348 und Callforaiaa 813J9.She«i>-RecelpU none; me<Uum to 7 ,,,olcd sp ring-lam bs-(;uo lidT |ij to -. V"I.7S; common to ch()lee--ih6rn ea-e*80 to 88M. ' ■ •' ■! •—— — ------------------- - ' ■ ' '.^.^ciUCAQO-EBOnUpE.^_____ 1 .19.»£lOTCAGO. May ?0 ( f f j^ p u l t r y - Jn l'" ' .re, steady; receipts tour car*; (owls ColM r w a s ^ i c : b ro ik n -aa e lo 33c; ’ Ing* 40c; turkeys 33o;- hxa ten i f , dueks 29c to 90c; geese 18c.. >0UUH*^RecflpUf •Ne# Sa;;old '47: ^ n tk . - D w > j . o ia -iB ? i n i M U lied Slates shlpnenU s k ' b a ^ a flaffK«kUtock-suppIl»»;|behl,--de- nd and-tnd ln* alow; nuirktl about ‘0 be sdy; W lsco n s liraW M rN ^ w h lle i t to t i i » to }?^P; ,nc»-»)ock;«jTOliej-llb. •L uehiuiiI luui .uajUuu 4V9.’U0i/! '. rkeC yraW T i'PT l^ltnret; /iabam a ked BUSS Triumi*^ M io to 84J0;JtJr 84.73; ;T em -4»c ii^B l& * Tr{i

' r e ^ V M ^ Hotrt

3fl!4c; --K wragp.p a c f c e d ' • J / . . . ir'lsb.l


: /c r :? fo a n 'iw ~ T H S .T — '— \ ~ r li L , o u i m - L : ± l i . l O E _ ^

o h . BBk

Hmw .•• . .■y — . - ".I ..................-I —


I _______________________________ -\ m

All Want Ads alive and active ana-^' ^

P o A iib ^ ''p L A jr r 8 . ''A i i ' 'k iN M pc , cents a hundred up. Ed Vance. Pub* t ; lie M_arkeL . . Tui r o i l BA L E ^A B T^- CELEliy, CAB- K I bage and tomato plants, any time ex- 1

^•R A W B iautY T pE «jT t3 :> itoaK ia- Qui ' slve everbearing and large annual PC Oemi, now r e a ^ ; llanson. Phone 1 5ia-R-3. WI------------ --------------- 1------- . ... qui


O T tM cS C unbrokw iia^^ stocb. too tew sales repcrled to cslab* PL llsh market; new stock: Demand good, e market tlim; San Ditgo, local lug g r boxes rouftd whites N a l.-mos(ly 4o>

_________DENYEB.HIIEEP— ______-'DfeNVSRr-Mi^!-2a.wa=ahccii=Qnly. c?r one. loa«| w w W 'lam bs offered;, .no buyenouU ' ^

SUGAR “V NEW YORK, May 20. (fl>)-Tlio raw sugar market was firmer In tone lo* ^ 1 day, with a belter Inrgulry ot last paid w prteesrbat-otfcring* w nr-ligh t-w llh MA Cuban holders asking advances. Tlic Ka1 only sale.reikirled was 14,000 bags ot p< Philippines.-due the middle of next nvn.mouth a l m --------;--------------- ^ ^

Influenced by the better tone to tlie ' gBflLiPirfcet.ftiia e.tDa;iatlQna.oU.bctf. tcr demand-for-mflned-sugar o n -ao ' ccunt-of-1he*more-ravomb|e-weatlicr, --S ; raw sugar, futures w re firm and more * " active. Houses wlih Cuban connec- tlons were the princlpol buyen. al- though’ Ihere was also considerable covering and better'outside demand e ; i: with llnal pricea a t the best of (lie m> *etslon"and"trom S 'to 'd - w j ln tn ie r m t i higher. Approximate sales U.600 tons. Bos

Refined sugar prices were unchanged n g t - f t l ( M o - ^ » - for-fin e -ra n n ta te d :- ^

META18 1 ! ^

m SI n a i - S i ^ r and unchanged.. " « Lead-Easy; spot t«AO.Zinc-Steady; East St. fcouls spot REm

and futures t«.OS. retAntlmdny-Spot |135S. l e f t ;

-------- on U

4; Urne loans’steady;, mlxrt'w ltaleral! ■M to 90 dajs 4« to '4H ; rour lo six ____months 4H; prime mercantile'paper parj


LIDEB’n - BONDS, - . ■ ^

i« s .....t i f l i .- '& -C 0

second 4U s .......................lOOJ pro

'» u r th 4 ‘; i r - - .......... .............. 1.; 104.2J. 8 . iTfMUry 35is_______ .A . J03.13r. s . treasury 4s___ __________ IM J y,*“7. 8 . 't rw u ry 4‘i s ____ -___ _ l l t f l !2n™


Niearagiia j i p p.Til* republic ot Mcaragua In Cm- j j m ral Amnira Ims nn a rtn of 31.000 o ty ignaro' n i te s . . It conialps « populB- in lw-<f-O40.000.-ijf-'wlmm-aboot'tlir*«r l°« £ U g Jg -rni»H .¥ "<>j.a m ljlie jc s i. icLPe ndlnns.' Nlearnsitn wa* dlscorered by 5 751 ^)ltMnbl|i.ln,lW.i. uH

^ KW e tJ the Ccumi ^ w y

...Some i)itn'nbf{>rbi|iei£iin(oDnaUoa!«!?•«.throusli, |h? > « d

£ts ._ ln . IheJcrmer. ciM, tliey ought0 be subscribsrt to.aH ilie-lyctura

........___________L*-- • ■

iryoD t r ( lD )^ r l« j4 < ( la ujy la- rtrect,' f*imeni-bBiJo#*-and.^ftclilh«Inrs« = » •-- d -b iij. stbetVinaVe tt-U T * '* tdct.~ 4 FOU rrU U q ri^ ia B iB lil----- -^------ -------------------------------------------

T f ^ W aat A dt'ttaft^ lbe people ytM l s b . t o :a f f l^ --■ K j ^


; - 0 4 i y j v - Q p l - v / c r p

FO R S A L E - R E A L E ST A T E ,F (

FOR b a le^ ^ o u i u iq o m I m o d s h n . rUtJQtt, pfJccd to sell. Would consider — w r. f f . P . Bmltn. RralE atoid .. 2 ^

Warm Spring*. • or sec Dr. F. C. ^

A d ^ U ^ tT T ^ ^' ^ g h t a t Flier. P ric«4S600.-«««W . .and-Mr«.-OU0r^w»iwsr-yil«r.. —i m ^ b ^ ^ h i i o o i r i s m s m i ? “ )• on paved street. |4JOO; tenna. Twm

Falls Title and-Ahslract C o . ----------- WH^o r ; S a l e :::b V‘"6\\‘n er7 W IliT is _ ff,

qulck’sale, . Terms. Phono 700. *’*' F o n 'T 8 A iS * :rT f f in V ~ D E g in 3 ^ ^ —

small acreage, weli-locaied-elose-ln. FOI Will sell I ’to 3 acres. Priced right for ^ quick sale. Terms If desired. Phono h a^

--------------:................... a o (■ JO i

PIANO TO RENT , - SEe ' ^ a'UD Brown Muslo'Co. .’ - aa)

S A B B C B T foliiira r o i l «hire. Phone Ofll’.liooM _Ai<ng(iaWi.,.pJlnMt-lilliW. .S S

4W Second ave. nor th . _ _ _ _ ^ K H i-R EN T.^xm t>roW 6 oD“ T O E : " i ? ! .-wrlt«rr3U-4lh-ftVd;cast,'^Phone706. o - E f ? T f r g g T r ^ a i f t t e A tiio ^

transportaUon to Colorado, week of May 23. Phone I318-J. ^ FOU R ^ r - V A O U t / M b i m E t t f i ^

witli attachments. 5ASY WASHINO . “ i MASHINB-OO.— ---------------------------k A W ^ ^ ^ ^ IT O v a im ^ ic ^ A ^ ^ D > x :

per hanging.' p. A. Roa-ao. 337 Cthm .c M L p iiD nftac-j....- ..- ---------E S P S n ira o m -p iA N O TBAChfiT; ^

tha t .bftikc.thc-window Uj-my store. **1 Harry 'Applebaum. M urtaugh.''E i D . 'm i o a o r x a t S ' T r o R a i i i

mer^ Aisenalo of Lead for spray FOi na ttr ials. CaU phono 650-W. p. o .Bos 764. 304 2nd ave. north. FORrWAMT TO t o v A i M m r m i E ' »«■ —age^ltlu-Qc-wiuioul-improvemenlSf F o a - near the clly limit*. Give price and ‘ Coni locallon In reply. P. 0 . Box 813. Twin SA^R12!!*:_________^ _________ a u fX A K E N .U P .A T 'M y-P L A < ^P < ltB —e sst-nna-trw u th 'from ’ cd ireJW o f F o iT Main sL bobtail Kolslcltl b e l/a . Owni gooc er a n have samo by paying for ad, a . Ah. dyny te and Inm ble-.JohrtH anson .-- wn tc

retum of n framed poem, which wiu left In the drawer of a chiffonier sold mod. i

~ L O A N S S” ck'



modern houses In Twin Palls. Ar- and 1

n to 8H per c c n t . See J. W.McDow*U,Twin Palls;RbUto'3, phone 677-;j*l. bath..': IS S eV t 6 lo a N 61) R 3i nd ty proper^'. Soma prlvatfl'mdoej ; nJihi

and desirable farm lo a o . ''t (hint; It t\e best farm loan Pr9oalUon ever ot- u c r c tred on ths Tirin Falls tr a c t U WlU P r r •jryou-toseeaV bflfcTO -pIam g youf

tV£.aOOU-UOOERN H O U 6 5 % n i ^ ^ 3 sarage. Walt*t:Roller;'< S « = i f f i i ^ = ? S 5 5 a 7 ^ i S ^ ^

!?or -sa le^u rIW u re : 'B MtoHijf''aaisx3QK ' s t n r c ’ ^B o i -fw -int j^ flng i - and7ih a ttf fcsfc~ .>lT » ;^ J .-a i w t ^ nU 31«8thafe ;nsl.«P bane;U IH W .

/ \ .O F I B U R O m P A I & N “ V T T o '6 t r tS '5 A 'F . '’,YES _ V WITH Kn ENC.A

riiipi= = = = = = = = = = = J = = = = = = = = = = = =

FO R S A L E -F O U L T R Y ANDi : v .-T .-i ■ : Ef l QS— ~

BABY CHICKS. W U TE FOR pRfoBS.• Asiui I’ouiiry^YMSi, Ogden, Utah,

■ :ilUJin_babyL:«hTcki.-i-Phenin'-M3J2; Rlggerts Quality; Batchery. ' >

Clifford Denney.f ^ ^ a T o H i c i T f e A L & r a i r w S B i - J lE D ljm nl.:aocfc,an<l-nftlf.iU^nro* ■cni'oailli3c3clfttry.--Phon8<B8. M. a . t tm ^ a . _ . . . IW Hrfs“ iiQ W R « -d in c K tf" p ^ ^ ^ .selected hen* ’mated . wltft record

majcs;: safe; g ^ v a l fflam te ed .. .i.toy,

draham Hatchery, Hfyward. Calif.

F0RSA|.E^M!SCELWNE0USHAYTOR SALE^PhoneVlO-R -S .'' ~ d o p S B F S A T IiE t^ tb H SALg'p'HTOe

608*J*6..- 1 ,

Wi u ltd a ^ u t fl months. Phone 1217.

^ ^ 0 at

cbndtloa' throiigliout. 810. B « 37.

ii^ R dV E O (3kk- lngs,-83 io p c M ^ -L ln d -A u to m i^ e icom^ny.-^-- ---- - • ----------- 7- - ^ - -

r w u c a n f l Qo. - Tjrin Fftlij Title & •

eaUng poUtoes. 8105 per eack; also h andjielted. Qem sced-potatooa^n an - -7 son. J» h w e 818-R*3. ^NCT M O blL 'E U R E K A ^W m i.'A T- f

OHINE CorBpaby. ' ■. • ^


whlto coUica. mads and -femalo. ? PhM(>'iya;;_‘_- ■ ' »

. f p p . 5 a i . e - a u t o m o b i i . e s ' IFOR SALG-FORO BUG. PHONE

303-R.3. - • fi

» C ^ H o n ; 836Q.^^P^e?W. 5

Ttupmnhlli» ftljj t«lgh> .>nwd>t- ^-smaa d ir .. inquire 3p3 7th ave. oast li

TOR 8ALB-KUDS0N TOURINQ, IN ~ good condlUon; new U i^ . B u ta ln . PI Anderson.’hU t mile north Washing- S

on s c h ^ . Blue Lakes blvd. '

box 'o n .b a c k ; ' runs good; rCbber vQ nod, and only 835.00. Star Six Oe Luxo

prica fa

lew and - the price will please jon. J lulck 8U Touring, good rubber and « • ood cofidlUori, ahd only 8150iW. Olds ^ Ja-LuxeO^ehj-can't teiriTTrbmrB n r r ne a t ■ big aiscounU 1938 Model Chev- „ JH ' UflUtK. um nu ie t iumiug. .euu- ;*■

E Q IW :flE IH W JlP A R -T lilE N I8 * w

'-J.n a u . : Phone 124*J. I . L Benoit.;O h RBNT-iiO bERN TWO RoSHfl - s and Utohenetle; d a ^ n ^ jn M U b le . 1 ad:«rBh<aKone west 5 T T m = ? U K N m n S * - ™ E r . r o

.tlMPlflS • porch and.private ht t i t ' ^ o o t t i m . . • • ' ' f 3


ANTtD ,— f o r OBNHIAL fC j tibuseworjC,.Phone 5^B-W. . ‘ . 'h

A t e a g c n t ^ ^ t ^ ?;'ro

i l E E E S E S S

— -I- , ■ '_ ; j '

7 y t :N 0 t \L jT .! ^ 'Y O u .> 1 ’ _______

i . : . „ A a ^ j tQ U _ ;M A U £ ____S j A N lb--C O M £ .H bf^E - - - - ■AGtEMENT Ri n g ONI .C A N T 'F lfN Jifc-R - ' .'T OBJECT IF ME' 6 JSS' ----------

Ea r l yIN'T FOtWaET l,0«E IS D BUT 50 IS A PUPPY THE PiRSr n in e I5A.YS-. .

aRTONilli i i i»•

i -~ m 0 MJEY8 . : ._

i W. L-.WJNN-Law Cftieej-Rootiii a~l'- -and4rem it>i*R li»sundli® ------------------\ t i i t i b i r o D O b J , - ^ o o m n W O i n S r


■ ^ {T W illR iiuB ^IIU w yer. Hank Trust Bldg. Phono 9J5-W. ”

• B ^ V E E L B ^-8W E E i:E V =G i^n5S;rv-, ^IdahO'Power ■' ■

I lUSlNESr°^“ ;V. . r r / _ . ^ . . iN 8raA N ce -:::--" -

A «T O ~ IN S U ^C S ^W tb. ‘n S r p S r o i '” -

: Phone 874. " '!

B K U IVO BK A .G U PS , . ‘ r . -

: WINDOW G U fl^W ladsh leld i.'cab if I - , . net work. nhrp Phonn Bj ‘


^ • T R A N S m '- •••• • '

•CttOZIEItTlMNW BB-COrT^®^Orollng. Ctorace and Liberty Oo>L - . ‘ ‘

h i iS d d ^ * ■'

_ m ? W W iU i,0 B Q A N l£ m p ^ 4 B -^ -^

H o b ^ WOODMEN OF A W BICA'!'’ ' m e tu in L o . 0 . P . haU e re iT a te ffld '- • and rottnh- W « d n te d a y . - - ^ - - .^ - ^ u.'- :

)«APEp-MISCE|.!JUIEgi)5','::;:W /W r a ) - ^ L A ^ 8 TO Otri*. p M

WAwl'iaj—40 HACKS vVHlti{ - 6 f t 'Gem seed potatoes, a J. K u t, Han- '

sen----------- - .._ '.......

tor 4-dMr Sedan. li2B or.1037 inodd.-»-.^. Phone 334-J.l. BuhL - • • ; T O i ’JO) x.'SM ALL.^PUBW lSflB5 •-

liQuse. near Pane Hotel. OaU Paifc —' ; Hotel dining room. . ' . -

J io tiae . when school .b o u t Pi«a}o 808-J.W iU iT T O - e o tS m N lr f lW , i t U t t ’ *‘T ■. - b c - ^ inixrHmrTniir(riiirt«^tiarn<^^

B rtnd .tlio . W n c a n fo ta n d d iU w r; -^ . MooreYTOpalr 6 h o p . - r w i m i 'e e B n c : ^

I'clpck forenoon. • , ' . .. ;

REN-S URNISHED-fOR RENT - ROOM IN P R R ^ Jrf-'!; hoc?e. - P h o n e .m •' .■

'6 k • f t t i n u r t i s y f ■ t o - h w h i- '.^ 'r : :Ul , PhroB 1308-W. : ‘c ' ■

'!I t:*6ft torf~w!>bttWgM USbfcRK iM tid*hed-*Q iw ,''cbelee-Jocitto\V ...r

f l S I T U A J S N ^ ^

Page 8: S iilit IboDI liOilGlEilS- iBimi®!: IF MlttOi^ SJiGliJUll ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · L_ Port Oarda.Vs mltw souUi of Eurekn. ... to

■ P flgoE igh t ,

TT lCliaLOiSDItzzdJiPJtlMlt|=E3Il«lMltiI M a rc h o f U n ifo rm ed L o d g e m a

i W ith D cmolav. B oys’ Bam

I ■ T h ro u g h T w in F a lls S tre e t :

I ' F e a tu re E v en t o f S t a te M ee t

Cftlc City corjmiandcr>'..P9caU:jlo, li^ ................ c'onipciltlon wlUi Itlnlio cominandcry

------- Bol.'sc.—nt-‘<ftf t--d«r-Brgion.T-tit—th'I ' tttpiily-foiirth anr.iial conclavc. Idalit j ■■ Rrantl commandfry. Kniglita Tcninlar

here FtlJay won pcroiaiimt posscssloi' I ~ of the Cru-'jider's _cup lhat wm of-

=fcr^-ia-a-Ti'nic-<or~coni|>i.-UUvc dftll , by. William Wallin or Pocatello, |)atlI grand commander of the Idalio grand.' commandery. three yeon ago. »TheI Pocaicllo •cncam|)!iifnl has won th:! cup ut Uircc succomIvc tran J com*

____________iiiniidro’-J^onclavcj.------------------Oconin O. niihn, n«l«!r8«>nd-lrm*

tircr of the Brand conimantlcry, will provide llie inpliy for compcllUvc drill next ycar. lt tt'M announced. •

. Confcrrlnjf or Uie Order or tho I . Temple, by Uie Oaie Cliy commandfry{ Ul Motonlc Temple PrWay evcnlni

nmrkcd Uie dos« oT /Jrsl day nesslaru. Tlie Brand encampment H(lll adjourn

I • eatiirriny.artcmoon-rollowlnj-clecUoni ' ■■ 'or offlccra and (liiiaim tlcn^rjllC-iiM t■ « -= -= = --n S c X Jn 5 ^ ro ^ -------------------

rublle Sliarw In ^ c n l The march of"lffe unirol7n«l” Mnu

mandery Maioiis' Ihrougli Ttt’in ' Palt* « r« ta wllli the Pocawllo DeMoUy boyn’ band to rccclrc.oftlKn or the

'______ BTond cncampment a t the Hotel Per-

Temple.woi one of tho outstanding• ; . , .anttlJm preulin fiventii.or the day. awl

' one , In which the public , n m per- — i-— ;— m illrtHo-^harr.- Nearly one' hundred

Masona ln the elaborate d rtu 'rcgalla ot .the . commandery were in line,

..-..groupcd-about Uie national colora nnd . .commandery aundartU or BoIk . Poca-

_________ mio_and _TwJn..Pallj eomnuinderjes.

from Uic Temple, vheellns into lino . on Shoshone s tiw t lo be reviewed

by Uie m n d commandery ofllcera. Ag a to ^ f g r o ^ a ,c o lu m n ^ h e -c o m > maMery Masons wlUi Uie band ot Ih tlr h t ^ , marchtd Wi.the Masonic Temple, prccedlna Uie Brand com*

- tnandery oWccis^wlio-aRaln.rovlswedUie commaoderies In line, u they

. • r in t fntcred hflll.'I'hrce post grand commanderj were

received wlth Ui® grand commandery -- oWcers. .They were William •■Wallin

or PocatcIIo, It. P. OUndemaa or Coeur d'Alene, and E., J, Ostrander or

’ Twln-Pnlla.__________ ,______________- !.............. - D ana-K yi lh',B«ihip !

• — ■ ' “Tlifr-oniy—ta to y j^ J ' U3;urnineB''or * _ j ^U » e_ -d av j« u rm l li?_e«inectlaa.wJth .

Uio Journey of Uia Pocatello boy*’ band . in automobllee to Twin Falls Friday ; momlnjr. One or the c an carrying a 7

; number or tha young musicians le tt : : Uie rood and ovetlwrned m a r Amtil* ' : can Falls. None or Uio party was f

seriously injured, and an conUnued ‘------------ on“ tho-tnp-herer'T hT lT iem beS~ or *

the band lert. during Uie aTlcnioon ; reluming to PocatcIIo^

} side UiB Temple walls, was Uie*ad- dress delivered .at Uie. afternoon aes* g

— _8m nd, commande r-o t-ttie -M o n tan a ® : grand commandery Knights Templar, ^ ; Who has been desifnated spcclal rcpre*

senUUve of Uie grand inasler of Uie m n d encampment KnlghU Templar ”

■ or;the 'D im ed-statcl' Opcning'of Uie ^ , • grand commandery ond rcceptlon of

Uie spcclal representative rollowed re* ceptlon to.vislton and reglstraUon in Uie Masonic Temple Friday mooWs\g. “

During the business session appoint* ^------------ m«it“Of eommittccg TM' 6niigiiHga~by “.. • IcwU W. Ensign, right eminent grand S i , commander, who Is prtsldlng a f Uie I grand commandery sessions, other

Uio conclave'dre John a " ^ l l c ? * i ^ ’* -----------M ariesr-T lcc-em inent-deputy-gnind i i

j • commander; Chester O. Taylor, emln- S - w t grand BtnmillssJmo: ila l le U J a t f . S

- • ' ■ -M n, Gooding, em lntnt^ irand ' captainRcnerai; Sidney 11 Smith, 8andi»lat. ^ eminent grand senior warden; Samuel ^ jr . KayJer, Twin Palls, eminent grand ^ Junior warden: Oeorge E. Koepper. c m | n f n t ^ d prelate: Qeort^ n ^

■J W c# ic r^ rijfflfon l."O ^U ri. emliieM •I Brand recorder; Alonio Cont. Black- t" I • root, eminent grand standard bearer-i ------- EdganLH . ■Chrismttn..Mo«coi>^emln« -

i‘______<;9t_£nu)d-8yonl bearer; D ^o .-B e l- -»“«len: «

■ . Dr. J. W .-8omm llle. Li-wlidnn _ J ; uient grand captain or.Uic cuard.

Thf nr*i w n m it i«iVmfnt known ,• wa i tm l t r i n n a r T T r i n T e r n ^ a : ^

liBd, Tlie olJort one In Anierlca Is la_JM »fin!fl!tii^_ftiio._lt.'W is-biiilt-iii-

1892, and Is still In tise,

. . Masle or Flower* “.TWIN FALLS FtORAl- CO. ■

. . For.; beaoU/ol-flow w»-jB il (Ire dMra west from onr new stare

SAMPSON MUSIC CO,— r~ r r — i n - M ^ r y fa-oe W at---------

I m p r o v e a T y p e o T ^

n — C a f ^ W i n g S ” ~

'Is '- $2.50 P e r P r .

^ i M n d ^ i r t b i n o M ^ ;

• 1; \


IS T Willie Willis '• n v R o rrR T Q U ittEN

cmen iMr

-n n -.......- M '[ l 's fajhlon»blf_ror me io ,jlo. In bareroot." . .

ndery. (CopyrKtht. 1027, PublWiere Syndlcat


; r B R E ^ ^ T l E £Harry“ neno;

ijait attorney, will Itave today for Poci irand " *”’lct v(nlt on legal bus,TI,e ncsj.-I ths — • —com* VliiU ilol fi]irlnx>^Rev. B.- C. Bai

ton, pa.itor o f.ihr Baptist church, <yl r m - spend -the-nnct- week-at-M aglc'Hi

will Springs.Utive .

Counly Board lo Meet-Twln Fal tho county commbaloncrs will meet hei

iilery today a t an adjourned seuion cf Ui snlnj Ttgui&T monUily niwWng. ilom. «loum Take Marrlaie JJceni^-iWejley Mox cUon |c7 of Hollywood. California, nnd Ad. ;iiext van"Ndy‘ 6 fS a lt Lake,'oblalnSl mar

riage - license Friday momlnj;.

Mason :0Ta'ln FalU, .u h o l ia n w ir n r 'a n c n d

f» '“ ance a l Uie Afasonlc conclave for thi loiay p m three daj-j, ie(t for his home las

evening. •Per- ■ ^J P '" liu ln e u VliilorW dhn V . Eaglesor

ot.Uie Jdalio Flrc.lnsurance ccmpanj ond his son. Don-JI. Eaglcson, arrlvct Priday-from.Bolse Oil a-brlcf-ttulncsf

‘i " ' : So tar Man TrateU -W . O.-Swond- son. manager for Uie AmalgamatcC Sugar company, relumed Friday even-

IS d from ft hgadquar-

ing by way ot Richfield.

Io Visit Hot Sprlnp-rJlev. O. 0. CurtUi-pastor^f-Uie-christlairchuich;

, who returned TTiursday from a U-q imc ^ Springs, will

leave today 'f o r ,Magic Hot Springs. M n.-Curtla Is cspetted lo T c c o m ^ y

Here for SummeiwW. H. Jon«. raUicr o(-Harry JL Jones, former Twin Falls high school Instructor, has re-

. "{ turned from .. Piedmont,.. Caliromia, where he spent .the wlnUr wlUi his

— son-w ho-u -com pteun rh lr fifUfyear as superlnUndeni , of Piedmont liigh school--------------- -----------------------------

M > u n r a i i : ; E R o W 'o tUifl Gray Mining company, Conuct, a rriv rt Thursday evening from Con-

■ tact for » rcw daya business visit here. II. ^ p o * " "ow Ixlni eoMtructed

a t ConUct by the Gray company prob* ^ ably wUI l» complpted wlUiln a few

w eek9.-M rr'O m r slated.---------- - '

Instruetor a l b u r g - D l l I a r d Be-

gon Agricultural college,*Con-aUU,.ha»

gon, senior high school.

h* Of/Ieer»-Orflcers here have been requested to o rresf Uis driver of a

lie Nash-tourtng-oar.-bearing OalironilftQj license, th a t wrecked a Ford car own*

cd by a m an named Quinn arter rorc* In ing it orf Uio highway near Buhl , p u r sd a y evening. Tlie hunted car It- bean California license No. 180.3*3110.

JJ SECOND JURY CONVICTS .? ON POSSESSION CHARGEi t _ •'Buck'.' Vad EatQaJi.guilty.or-U l*- « ga possession of a (piantlty of moon- I ' » y » ^ sr f-wad by poUee o U itm f- under the m a ttn ss in his rtiom. ac* ^ ^ I n g j^ J e r d ic l returned by a Jury “j in JusUce i f Uie Peace J. e D avta’ f* court PridSy afternoon. A Jury In a

rormer trial in the case, earlier Jn the

I I in t i—^ ----n»C- ^

« • -----------A lv o rd "« T f fo U ’s

i: Croeery Store I s 'jM t S e r e n ^ r a

_ _ , •.----- .fra ia .r___ _... ' i

- — - '• ^ X i i i? j6 ? r 'M e i r c 'c o :^

L N «w -.B « id r-te -O rert-¥on -|jrO nf 1 N « Hone

‘ " T lJ 'M .E T A m 'w ,,!

L i i i i l

m> .^ h « s i j i s L J U _ i m M _ y o u r - r a n g e b o ile r . w a ta r -h e a le r .G e t o u r p r lcca . W o n o IO.*

B R IZ E E I M e l a l ’W o r k s

L S D A I L Y N E ^ ^ g , T O I N

n f iis i i i ls

- - Tclephone.an T«lcgraph-fion .pany Rescue Groups Afti State Championship.

MeeUng lonight In stale compel tlon, r in t aid teams ol ’ Mounta: States Telephone and Telegraph con pany exchanges rram Pocatello, Idal

MOr. BUlaZ2fliml>a.'rCaldttcU,-Rtiburi{;^S ' go AnUiony. ,Aalilon. Drlgis and TwI

Falls • will compete for suto honor with Twin Palls standing a goc chance to flnncJt_PcrmflncnLPO»«»lP

3SS, of iJie Mountain Stntea Telephone an

S. Telegraph Safety Siilcld. tlUo lo whlc is gained by winning. Uiree slate meet Program of events calls for the ti\

__ _ tcom s.-to—work—IdenlicalTTinkiio'*'lolt; probicmsrwlth'hlghcsnrttidlng'award 3ca* ed by Judges d»lding winner of ’.h usl* meet. EvcntS'ii'Ill be iKld In the Elk

club. - •Tlie sla te coniesl, the liltli annug

J , . . evenl of lls kind, had lls Inceptioi ,,, from desire to train employees li

J i J propcr"precauuan” Bgiilnit:acciiIciit and fauillllcs, wlUi the contest belnj the close of a long period ol training

L,1, The work of the Icams in Uiese con tesU Include diagnosis. resuscitaUon bandaging and spilnls of all kinds preparing for and transportation oi ihv Injured. Immediate care of casf:

^ of electric shock and suffocation, anc « • for InJuries'TCJUlUnrin'arMnfll'bleed-

lnjL.Comp!elc-abilltyto assume cJiargt or an Injury case Is the object or Uie training; ..

, Judges or Uie work will be Dr. O. A, :0f Kellogg, or Caldwell, cliier ludge: Dr.

W. P. Passer, D r.D , 1*'Alexander, and the Dr. jQlm P. qaugWta. ot .Twin Palls; ast Dr. A. T . McClusky and Dr. J. H.

Murphy 'or Buhl. Time keeners will — Oc Dum AllUl‘ftflll' iliirlcy; ItoEwt «n SteJnback. and Elmer Wyland, BoUc, ny E. E Lawrence, Hollister, and Cliarlca ■cd L.. Shennatf. -BuhL-noeorter wUl; boSS5 im y 8jwre,'Ddlse. .. ' _____

rro tram or EreaU

• P rogram -for'the evening' ullj'' bc 'aa^ rollow s:.............

InUTJducUon and greeUng or teams, i l l hy.,CL.Ci. Hnrmnni Holi»i-ld*>t»-p)an t ■n* superintendent: address by H. n .

iUsley, Boise, Idaho manager: intro* duction of Judges and teams, and In*

C. stnjcUons lo teams. Yan.JiL_Clark.DoEe, secre'tary. f lii t aid committee.

*■*1 Es'tnl No. 1. from sealed envtJope, ’111 five teams competing.!»• .■Trombone -sold.. "Carnation" ..Jloy ny McBride, 'accompanied by Merlin O._ __________________________________

Evenl No. 3, from sealed envelope. M. five teams.In -Vocal solos; " I Love You." and “On e- (he Road l oMandalay,” Wilton Peck, ia, Ei-ent -No.-3.-from sealed envelope,-lls fU’f iJfftm s.. ---------------------- r r :ar Reading, "Ike's Indifference.'* Misslh Leona M ahnken.______ •

tv c n i Irom sealed envelope,flve-team*.--................................ —

or Plano solo, "Poet and Peasant," Miss :t, Mary Snow.-1- Event Nok 8. from sealed. envelope, V. five teams.sd Mixed quartet, "Oh lUUa, Oh 6* Italia." high school Quartel composed ■w of M lss_^a;_D uniM n. soprano,. Elya

Oowberry., olio, Alvln Kelly, ttnor, end Edwin True, bass.

)• Following presenUUon of Uie pro- a . gram and-ftw ardlnnjr-the-statrchara* (• pionshlp, n danco will be held In E ta ks club.---------- -------------------------- -

S e e i c T h r e e M e n f o r .

n T h e f t o f A u t o m o b i l e

^ Ofdccri here and elMwhere throujh- out UlU ttgion have been r»jueslcd

, to maintain look out for Uiree men * who are accused of Uieft In Boise ‘ -Wednesday of • an automobile U ut

waa-wrwJwd-Deae-Hountaln-HomcTmd abandoned. The suspected men are reported to have Itoarded a train a t

■ ^ ^ t a i n l^ m e . of ih»n de*

' inches tall, alender and of dark com-_ plexlon.is.aaid-to-have-been-deconted. wlUi a bl4ck eye aa a result o f j fla- I U9-etiemmtef'.'"OM‘crhl»'conp6niona, also is believed to have sustained In*f Juries In Uie automobile wreck, i'; They U o k Alike. It takes aoine oiperience to dlslin.

■ and bad^maonera—liartfonl T Im u ”

- D e p e n d a b l e u s e d - c a r s t

a n d s o f m i l e s o f g o o (

Dodge R o ^ ^ , new_pft!nt and tc •a reU 'buy a t ------------------ ------

Essex c o ^ ' , T\uu. ptritcU ^' and 'more quickly ..............................

pfcd Ton T ^ck , a 'good chance to

Studebak'er. lightSix S e d a n ------ ----------------1:

OldnnobUo Roadster wlUi 'nn«BK se •._ovti^>arf,"new .D u w _ j:^ t_ .- ....- -

— ^ E a s r . T

BroftTiing: " : r r ? E ^ O p e n S i u i d a y ' c

[N, FALLS,.' roAIIO,-:SAtUl


lu ■ N E W -IN S T IT U T IO N HEI

T l r ~ A 'ldg '«b in ,'B uilt of e s p ^ l y sa« L r Umbers^ will house a new b iu lnmL L - T w u ™ i I * ' t h B 's ^ l i . " ~ ----------

•• . -PaU ern lns a fte r Uie barbecue slaiUiat (lot Uio highway!! in t>i» (‘mt n

1 .0 IIF jiavg erected a Ior cubln-barbecue * i i „ . Uie JuncUoh of Main street and ICli MItCI berlv road.__A ncv/. modcl_cleclrl

raUiscrie' haa b « n installed to insi Ranltary handling of barbecued mea Tlie even application or lieat> due conaU nt.rotaU on ot Uie food bel< Uie fire is aald to retain the fc

unlain Juices in their pro|>er proportions a I com- Siv'cs a flavor that surpos-ws In las Idaho »“ ■'> otlicr cooking.

■if;^5t. .i^ aL m anagcm cn«chJnd= -tno --ft Ttt.in venture will cater especially to t

lonors. nlghl crowds, the' Uicatre and dan good P«Ple for whom a spacious parkli

«u |nn ffrounds haa been . Drovlded,______ic and ','Servlcc a ry o u r car" wllfbe oneffhleh tl« ouUUndIng features.- - ...........meet*. -------------------

- SPOTTED fffllTIInnual -

D elos P . S w e e t D ie s ' W ithi iiiciiu i.- 'iy o . 'W o o k a . 'A fe t lO o n tra c l i i l minT M a la d y . •

con* pluon. ijjajio shccpmiin. died early Friday a:

temoon a t hl»-l»me here from efrcc ” ^ ot tjw lled fever which h t conlracU

B'hlle on a viift lo one of hts ranchi iisS “SO- Apparent in

provcmcnl In hU pondition, which ha been crlUcal for some aays, »-as.note

‘ early In Uie day. He was 46 yeon oli- . Tho body was taken to Uic Blue funj j l pwlor*. ■

-A r ru iM ie iL trJ s L jy n f ra l-M r ilc c h a « not b « n completed.

, „■ Mr. Sweet Had been a resident c '- a j . Twin F a llj for about IB vei>r< rnmln r § 3 heni irum-Nibhwita a t Uie tlme-or hi

marriage in 1012 to Miss RuUi Oambli arlea daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max I

pamble, o f ’.TwiD .fB ll i . .■ ■ He Is survived by his widow am

by ills mother. Mn. CWoe Sweet,- wh' lias lived in Twin Falls since'Uie deaU oI-hcr-husbond'ln-New-YorirH-KBr ago. Three brothen and one slstc

™ also survive. The broUiers'are Franl ^ RwrfI, nf «a)tnou8n Kew Vuik; Vuuain

Sweet of New.CasUe,'Ncbraskn, am Iru-ln Sweet o( T*-in Palls. The slS'

Jn. ter b Mr*. Emma Day of Auburn, Nevlark, . __________JJ. “ Mr. Sw N tw M .bom near Port Byron lope, New Vork. t ,,

He was o member of Uie Presbj-tcr- iloy .i«n .church,___•. ___ _ . ..

— F u n e r a f " l ! > e m c e 8

F o r P i o n e e r W o m a no n Funeral. Mrticcs for Mrs. Ilelw

Forbes, wlfc.of,Roben:Forbes..and roi many.ses,n.aaciW ts\t..oJ.Twin-FftJis

Ijj— will-be-held-fronrtho-fttmlly-home7G3C Third avenue .west, a t a n'ciofV ih i.

— sftem oom inacr dlrecilm or Blue mor. '0 ^ tuary..willi.Uie'.Bev. IL-O.Humplu:*j ... orridaUng. f. '•

Mrs. Forbe* wfli a pioneer resident, coming to Twin Falls ln 19M. and waa a member of the Old Settlers society

ftw or Twin Falls county. She Is sunlved ^ by her husbaRd:cuid five children.El™

S: -SuiWiy-Special^E ta —

= r = 0 r a n g e = € r c a i n —

■ S h e r b e t - -----------

3 5 c Q T,

iiM A t th e F o u n ta in

ouS NTo (Ic livo ric s o r p a c k in g n l ________th is p r ic e .

I W E-Y -. t e d ' ----------------- —---------------------------

The Live Cjandy Man " " 1 3 3 S h o s h o n e N o .

P h o n e 1 5 6 9

I : ---------T H E J O P P Y ---------

S. Best Buysr s t h a t ' h B v T i f i a n y ' t l i o i i i ' - ’ "

o o d w e a r l e f t i n t h e m .

i..!?L-.:±z,__r:.:$i90‘^ . .H4nn

.......................= = = = 4 5 7 5 .

IS seat In back, maior § 3 Q Q

r . T e r m s ______ ____________

<; Auto toy a i i d E v e n i n g s


i.«aIiEiiPss^rM -iiiiislands .isL attd ____ .

i M a n i b i r N ^ e r ^ n ^ r s i n c

e J £ i - I n t r o d u c t io n - o f In d u s try i

d U r S S e v e r n Id a h o ;belore .• ---------

. Southern Idaho's sugar beet cro; , , in all the history of Uie sugar Indai

try In this .region, has never lookc

Penons familiar with conditions her for many years.• Quotlns this verdict, ,W. O. Swcnd son. manager for Uie Amalgamate

— 6ujar-eOTipanyr«attd‘h c irJ a m rfa ! .’’""-.O' Ing Uial prospccls ror obtaining lUg:

tonnage of bccls are exceptionally fav , orablft .unlesa .someUilng-unforejce:

flM - sliould develop to prevenLn i l__ ._TliimilnK..of-lhe-crop.ls-wcll-unde■ way Uiroughout Uie region, about 50 T IM employed in th b work

i l l O'*® hundred more men for work li Uie fields arc t o ' aalve lod*y, Mt Swendson'stalcd.

Within M*'- SwendMn returned last cvenl;« cliiliT ‘fom-n-few days^vislc^to, the.Amalja ' ‘“ 0 matcd'cbmpany'a headquarters,In Og

den. On his return he* inspected field a t Richfield, where a snuli acrcage o

athcm bcela Is bcliig grown this seajon. ay af- . ________________

W e d d i n g , C e l e b r a n t s

“ ' t a t P a y F i n e a n d L e a v eh had ........................■tnoW celebranta of a wedding in Boise rs Old. who w-reeked Uielr. automobile la col-

lUion u-lth a .telephone pole on Uie . . Iilghway w c«t.o fJw ln Palls Thunday

«*ccj aflemoon, -were released on"|>ayment ■nt of ol the Pcacy‘ j . E

.w ni.iccr,.cncreL tl« .c^e^nt3 .^p lj^rt ‘0 Of “ aulomo*

rnible, bile while Intoxicated, and his com* « P. panlon,woc A. Brwirinn, admitted lilc- - •~ * r BalT»ss3jsslon'or liquor foijnd in U«

“n'i car. The men were cmployra of ilm , wno pjioenlx Conslniellon company otd w tl' American ______________■years'----------- _— T U T

--su D S C R ra E T O R T iiE m rim •ttJJlnr 1. n nil Jll-----


Is Only Two Door* frnri tlie New

yron, ^ Heme of the

pj-ter* .SAMPSON SltS IC CO. •

137- Main Ave. Wwt


l a n ■ ** Arrow liic Slrect from Wen SAMPSON MUSIC CO.

Z Z ra 2 : - M a lR - A w 7 w e ia ........-


g j


= — ~I-wmtey

Ini'fTilor of I-0><'A-C0

WILSmRE L .!___K- ._Uic.Xoundcr_flLthe.faniou!

1.after him. He la ccnsld-

— ^rWed—jconomlcs in America to­day. Ills 'latest aehiei'ex

_ menl Is Iho invention ofthe I-0N*A*<}0, tased up*

____ DQ-the-i»o«nl-dlsc<nTT7'6fProfessor OUo Warburg,

................ Uie..ndted German Biolo­gist. T housand or prom­inent people ^ 'o v e r the

_ — --------------w orld-are-lesUfylnrto-themarvelous results Uiat Uiey liave secured, frroi the um

. ___________BLihiLl=ONtATCO_____

------------S S S S l J S ! i i ! S S & “ ‘'

g '2 1 ^ 4 9 2 7 ;

F a i r W e a t h e r C o m i r

' S a y s - 'V V e a t h e r J

" f i l f fair with r t

■ — - '- W h n H th e -w o a U ic r : 'y ^— v,-3SBilghllymoreBetUed.Utan;•Ciiipp "^crO nyr"thr-trm perature-w8»-

from agrcwblc, yUlii Uie-govt , , , tpcnl weaUicr obscn-siory rcgis n Ing 55 niaximmn and 33 minim

No precipitation u-as recorded; •year ago yesterday the tcmpe lure recorded w-a.5 IS maxim and i l minimum.

, crop. ’ ------------------------indu.i- News Want Ads reach Uie pcopl looked wUIj no attract. . | - ^

s here ------- -

i,.cnd- ' ’ S A L E S riIA N . W A N TED>matcd_ _____f o r O lo t l jD.fr.Sto re

' on S a tu r d a y sly fov- Address J*. O. Box J 2 . _ireseen ■

under -ut.500 H H a B H Iwork. M — i i ^ i i

^rk 1 ,

■ave, !

W o m e n ’ s (

1 u i . A N e w O n e -:t3day ...............................m ent'J . R A nother

___ af buying fo r le s s - r^:omo* ta ilo red ^ d i c e to p and com* ■Mile- .

every ll-persoi

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P I A n UniJ l before. But

* and take a jcIiRliiful 1 may be the object of :

For in many a tc s , tlie ” "~»^"*2neotiJ-rcsult3.— E'

}u\-e'responded to it. others nuy hajycn to >'ou hav^ nothing co I

| r from suffering,' rcnew c

Tliis offer is made s|m{ — ---------- wJUo-foT-yoUr-Surely

-------------u h ich th H ^ e N n V e Qis w-onh makini;, Visi call, tcIcphor\c and wc v

RE Li' dcraonjtratio

i n i o u i _ ^ -------------Uero-U-a-partia.^ ---------- - 7 — — ftc n rm p tm d ._wn-_ _ _ - ■ .•iwnHl'3^jn jlj . ............ A r th r i tij D iabcm r a : - ------^ E c r a4 Balttnesa . G astri

B lad d e r.' H cm o f , ■ -T roubles H ea rt

f ■ ---------B ronchitis— H rg ln0 “P* ------- :-C atarrh--------- -P rc i

Colitio - In d ig e ^ .-— C onatipation • Insom Jrom ' C ystitU - '. N cura

r the ________

c UM... .........Do >-ou know that-thc. — ______________________________________________________rrgcat tliscovciy-of-thfr

■ , . fcao r O tto W atburg, h . method o f treating discaj

_ - _ Z . -------- csp iiinsitin -dctailrtc lli. ^ i n t h e l x j m c . I f y t

* * •* » '- - ' '■isit.nWKnd fo raccpy .

~ '-^— ^^OtflCg'flgTIW.

• Il '

ing d e a t h s ■SCllLAirr-rOiacon Schlaht,' age

— ------S3^•o^Mr^-and•Mr^^O.-Wr8rtla^llFiler, died yesterday afternoon a t T

------------ Paili'ctmnty -general-hospital.-aj-of.- blood • poisoning, due - to

ttrday • old ii)TeeiIOTreontranM:sonit:iIins:' „ yea. - ii-hiie living In Portland, Oregon.-Ol i»-fBr-p tm-arrlved-rfeenlly-lo-visit-his pare )vem- and upon being stricken, was nishct rister* uie hojpltal. where an. operation Imum. performed in hope of saving his l d; A Iff b 8un-lvcd\by liis parents,.Ui ipera- broUicrs and two sisters. Body Ilea Imum Dralsc funeral pdrlon, nwalllnR r

Iher orraneemenU.


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