TWIf aiXTHEMTi n rBAB iS I W FOB THE Fllfi, 8]Sieoi^.llntertaliuneat Attrao- tions ^ be Offered this Van—Added PrenUixms ' , EnterUlaneat extnordlBwy will foa* | tore thia yemr|i «6ttntjr iilr. But thoro j ' will be BO e»nlVBl. Thftt fo«tnre of tbe > patt folrt ia thta connty haa lieea e11m< isated for th« benefit of the fair, ac* < cordSBK ta S ^ ta rx .J .^ M. Markel; ] "B ut we hivfkllaed op loine features ‘ ttiat are real high elau nttraetlont," * ^ Mr. Markel avers. 7a the list of saper affairs of on entertainment sort the fair ‘ .-m oHur lh« Kellys a big thoatrloal [ troupe; whieh ,^»}il atago productions * ^ifCcmoon and ovcnlus on all regular * days of the fair. The Ralt Z<nke opem ^ ' quintet, too. will bo prcientod, and ^ there' will be all sorts of foatnro racos cach afternooa, including Roman roccs, ^ flioriot and straight race# with some of I tho oooatry'i best horses participating t OhildreB’A Day. - Priday*. September 17 wiU be chll J - dron’s day at tho county fair, thla day _ 1 having been Mlwtod by tho fair man- ( • agcment In oHer that school work will ' be interfered with- n> little aa possible. „ ' Speciikl .trophies^ offered by the aeT> end nitiooal assoalations. bavo been ro- ccived'^ Mr. Markel, and aro now on f txMbitloB at tha' office of tho seere r tary of th*f«sI?->a*)elaUon. j nbly' omitted f r ^ tho prominm Kit ■ when printed, Mr. Markel cxplaiaa. Tho tuaaagemcat of thft fair fall/ appteel- ates the generosity of the Idaho SUto bank and the' AmalgamaUd Sofar eom- . may asd >remts that the. offerings have aot‘>jiad.-th« aenllpn they,war rant. . Uato.ataU Baak. "k Best ahotihowtow o w S years old ’ ' saving,a^tuti'.depoait of «7^. | ; B*A &h6fthor^ cow' oader 8 years * old. aAsiBgf aeeount,. deposit of ^ Best;BI^Ftfaoni heifer ealf, saving* 'a c c o o B t *5. ' ^ . B ut filxrrUbm ball calf, savings ao. ' count, deposit.ofi^S. •. **Mlgamstbd -Sugar Oonpatty. " ' <Best eoUeetiihi/of craning, not les«. - ,thaa£4ja»,-*V;fe^|i,v^,-.. ^ I . .Bboyttom. :^a»od ation. t Swctopstakea'^amplonsbip, $10. { $1 cash per head for each Shorlliom entercd a f the fair.-to be distributed j according to plans of county olob.lrader ), and secretary of thtf fair. • - - • g .'-Prisrf'WiOTthorttttbbone'io-each clnss. j > ------------- • - ! FIIILS DISICT- ? nils SOI GOOD fit : . ^ . t PcaohBB Are of Kno (JnaHty, J Though Shot Orop, Beady i for Hofinfc Sept. 1 J .That the Twin rails district orchards T did not suffer aa extremply as those of ‘ tho.eoontry gonerally is indicated In ' the fact that many of the pcach dia- ” tricta ia this'seotioa wUI develop a fair crop of thnt fm it Grower* hereabout* * tell of a fair crop of praehes, with gen- .eraU picking due about 8 *ptemb«r 1. v rather later tban usaal. P Dnring the budding period laat spring % heavy frosts did tremendous damage in . pcach orchards everywhere. Califorala r has oaly.* fair crop, Oregon and-Wash- I ington have no peaehcs at all- and tho snme ia. tm e ot tbe more southerly ’statea. Michigan will havo a small crop. . * -As a rule -the Idaho yirld will be light, btlt in maay aeetlons of the Twin Falls . district, especially in the eanyoas and / In some counties, the crop will be juit fair. T. Oeorge Hlslop, of the Cooperative , Orrhards company, says lils company ;wlil have a fair crop ^ peaches of ex- cellent .ijnauty. .The Icrop will r«pen <• rather later than usual. Crawfords will he ready for picking nbout Septembe: e ■J, with Elbertas and Hnie* a woek or so later. • Tht' company will sell direct * to tbo consumer where order are placed or customers' apply at tho orcharda J Departure from t Tidn FaUs Part _ d of Court Ruling 0 t, W. Stevens Pays Fine for ? - Dntnkenness and Mast Leave Twin yalla Oounty t <1 Tn addiUon to paying a fine of llOt) L. W. Steveas. of 3fll Fourth avenue , north, haa agreed to settle his loeal J business affairs and leave Twin PalU fptinty. Bytlie terms of the agreemeat .Plevens Is to depart fot:j»nother plaeo * ' outside the Twin Palls dfttriet earlv ^*TTie sentencft was imposed on Stevens 3 M- Jodge O. P. Duvall In the nrobate , •rourt •Friday afternoon after the de- fendant had admitted guilt when eharg- ea with dmakenneas. He w arrettM about a week ago by Prank Miltoa, lo- ral traffic offieer. A eharge-of resW- J ing aa offieer was tried la the muaicl- i ral eourt earty this-weok snd a verdict * ot guUty brought. , StoTcns waa fined ■t that tlmA hnt-hii counsel gave notice !r A bond of *530 1. brid i. the police court. ' , jJXJSmD T O *WKD ] The foUowtni morriaga lle««w hara , * beea.iasuad by the county clerk: To c Lawson-Xoekhart, a«d 2«, aad«0^ Turaer, IB, both of.fc«^>«lr; »« f «1FAL lOii’S PUNS FOB ^ ONION DRY KRESS Sayor WUtaker of. Pocatello ia Engaged to BbUce-Oooasional Address in Porlc . A committee, aproiated by the Oon> ral Labor onion aad the building trades Duncii and assisted by delegates from ach loeal^nntoa, ia faking exteasire laaa for a xouiing celebration begtn- ing Labor Day. W. P. Whitaker, labor mayor of Po- ntello, haa consented to come to Twia alls for the oecaaioa and wUl speak m ie- elty park,-Jmmediately followiag le parade. ' Tho program for Labor Day Ineludos first class bollng mateh biU with Oor- oa McKay'and Borneo'Hagen, head* ner& The American Legion will'march iu 10 parade and asalat during the remaiu* Br of.the celebration. Tbe committee baa secured « booUn; , f tjie Browa Amusement'company to i ut ^n a camlyal, to show throughon 1 10 Vcok'. The carnival iaoludes ten ; jowB, a morry*go-ronnd,.a'ferria whfloJ; nd numerous othor fua-faaklag attrav ; ons. Tho show.grouads wlll b« situnN < 1 at tho south'ond of tlio new Bock j reok bridge. ~ ' i Time of tho parade and speaking has , )t been docldod upon but will be un* luaoed later. The eomniittee in-ehargo leludoB Prod J.. Myers, E. W.- Bale^ , harles Bnaam, John Barkley, A. 8 . s'cr, Nellie Parker, Chester. Ault and alph MUler. . fH M lO j HIINTEEFUi! ifteen W ell^npwn, District i Bnsiness Men named to . ] ^ ‘ . ^ndle Guarantee < ■■■ ' - '■ . c With 1." of :th^ best known buslnen 1 en of tills distriet named as directors i rticlea of incorporation hnvo been filed ] I tbe offieo of tho rount.v recorder for 10 Idaho-N'evada Holding company, he ■imrposo'of thn corporations Is to. wdio*n!i'TMitty<jpicrffi^^:? 6&i* ; )fs of tho proposed railroad .fram Twin oils to Wells, Xev. Tho dirntors areV J. A. Keefer, J .'s . BuiaoH C. 1{. catty, Twiu Falls,-L. H. 'WoMon. Klm. I irrly: ^ D. Pollnfk. IlaaBea;'Ouy-H. Iionri'r, Piler; W. "A''Sheansrt'-ftlcr;' iiks -W.- A llred,' BuliTrtT. ‘H.- Ba^rk(r, uhl; W. H. Craven Hollisler; W. M. incs,,Rogcrson; J. M. Maxwell, Twiu. nlU; T. P. Nash, Mnrtauffli; W. IC urner, Kimberly: Aiher B. Wilson, win Falls. ' ■ \ It is tho purposo of n business'Aoh-'s immittee, srJoeted sonic months ago >aid Jn tho proposal to constniot u rail lie that will glvo Twin Tails a direct entem aud eastern eonuectlon at WcHh I offer a bonus of $500,000 to bo givijn r the company sucee<^iog iu construct* ■ :g such a lino. This bonus Is to he aced in tho handa of the directors of ' le holdihg company to be paid , tha i ill concern building the line. Tho cost j ! construcfing and equipping thn pro- ' mnd.llne will bo from $4,500 000 *o i/>oo,oon. . . ] Collections of the piarantco' bonus | ill be mode Immediately and whco • ado,wlli be placed to the credit of thi ‘ )ldlng company. j 'ell City cierk, \ H^ll Find^Tour. ' ' Missing Thinga \ .diministration Decides to 'Es- ] tablisb Oentral Lost. and ( ■Found Department , _ j If yon linvc loqt .-tnything, toll the ty clerk. If A'ou have found nnythlnir, tell the 1 ^ you know of niivtliing lout, stolrn. rayed, found, tell the eily elerk. Henceforth the eity clerk Is to he the ‘{reiver gcnernl, ami the elty hall tho • rposltory of all thlncs found, and n lace where notice of lost things cnn t lodged. The adMinistmtora of the eit.v Mon* ly night reaehcd conclusion that thero tilts in this pTaro a dire aeed of n , ■ntral placc wherr arllcles plrkcil up ,sy be left, and where Information may f ' lodged pertalnins to things lost rayed or stolen. Through the fuse- oninc of this dpjiartmenl proj>erly vrill nally be Tcitorrtl to the rightful irnrr. ^ank Clearings Show Increase Over L a ^ Week tosiness Betterment indicated i by fietnms from Pour Pi- nandal Honses With A total of «1.12r,G73.M Twin i alls linnk riearinir* In^t week »how an : irresse of »221i75.S2. over the w*ek i Tiling Saturday, Anguit 14. This ll according to a report i*su<d V Leo P. Bracken of tho Idaho State ank< who,is handling the clearances lU month for the loeal banks. The be«t dar of the week jnit cloic'l as Moadav .when clearings amount'd ' ^ ««0,BM.4S. The lowest bnsinw day ; ■aa Thursday, with 1113^2120. By ; ays the report is: Mondav «240,9M.4B: Tuesday, •1»V 30.20: NVedaesday, «208,112.20; Thnrs* »y, $U3^±Mt ^iday, •1M.78444; itufday, $iSJi090.S4. ,LS V\ * TWIN FA£LB, IDAHO. TBUB WINSiOGIIIll John Robinson Field of Municipal Wctr . mentbLaying’—Rock Cn as It Stands—City will Eicept for ono or two major mattort M aeoding attoution tbe citjf emmail Mon* f ‘ Jay night might aa well hav© seen itho "j, •ircus. tin fact one m.mberdidlgD;' DU* of eusslons-woro tbo 'prlneipal. busii&saa, te tome of. those being of extraordlnoiry length, and somo being hold aa a % ''moonlight” featnre when the Ugbta '*'* >ver town all wont out , .The business- of groatest Importanco lo -tbo administration, and to tbe city iU ^nerai, was tho rendili^of contractors’ [iroposala for tho coastruetion of eoment lidewalks. For this work, whieh covers *' about 60,000 square yards of construe* Lion, there wero six bidders, with John Robinson and B. Sorenson of Burley sub- '''' nittlngthelowbid. .To-thia concera '.he ''' mard was finally mado. Work Is to 1>e itarted in 10 days froni signing of tho ’ ■ontract. • , Hi 0ema Bids ara High Cn Those ,submitting proposals, togethor a irlth tha,price per cable foot of i! 9a* -do itruotloa}’ are: ' , . wi John.-llobinaon a a a ; 8 : SoreBso^ of P*’ :iurIoy;' sa Z*S: Shlpmaii Brotben, Twia f!’ •'alls, 24.3*4; Holman Brothers, Twia J.'l ra1bi, £tM 0;H ..A .Polker, Twin Falls, }4 S-lOj Cooper *. Salmon, Burley, 85 :iS; Helneeka Construetlon eompaay, I*” Talli, 27 8*4. , Be^noval of ilea'and raila. .eonatitst* leis o f «iOOJS0 .o v a r^ amoadt of bopi leld by the ^ to meet, eoat ct 4 na* t.u Ige tbe munielipaUiy nicfat be pBt-ttf la L cmoval of the traeks. lii order to j^a'et hia extraordinaijr ax^ndjtura tha^alty ittomey 'baa b en Inatraeted to maka Jaiiit /or the exeeas agaiast the Twii ,, ;'a!Ia highway dlrtrict, which bolda aa j. imount due the old street railway com* inny for material purchased. Aeoapt Bridge _ „!• Final report was rapelved from B. M. Inl A iiBILEffl CyCLSTjW 3ar Driven by Montanan ■•by ll-year-Old tee Ro Bi;6ken in. Two Places ' More or Less Serious H Wiih one-leg broken ai>ovc iind bo- Ju ow Ihc knee and luffcrlng from nl-j>|l i]ost innumerable 'otl(e)j_injuries about he body and head, Lve'Sb^sh, 11 year <jt lid son of Mr. nnd Mrs. itfic r Rounb, to >f 420 Third avenuo cast, lies at tba cn Joyd hospitai whero ho is belftg-cnred by or.- John A. Treuthhart, n Dor.cmnn, lil< kfontann. lawyer, will remain- in this of ^irinity on his own rccognlutnce, pond- nd ng the outcomo of the lad's Injuries. by Young Ilouah wns Injnrcd Saturday sp 'Vcning on the road about onc-half niUo set lorth of W ater's corncr. Trentliart, tin rho is in camp near tho J. C. Maxwell nv ilace on Perrino coulee, is reported to pc K> rAsponslblo for the boy.’s condition, lis dr. Trcuthliart ia said to liavo mndo a Tr lumber of solicitous calls at tho hospi- sh: 111. Ho is also reported to have staled on 0 John Ji. Ault, juvenile officer, that of 10 would meet all claims accruing from sh lio necldent. of According to Infonnntion recclvcd by thi LOS I B E I E S T i l l ’ FOVIDEIID F. W. Howard, Represeni cern, Dies Suddenly froi Meniber of Elks’ Lodge be Forwarded in His H< Death from Keart disease was the ly rinding of Dr. J. R. Morgan, who lait light conduc-ted a post mortem cxarai- latJon of ibe body of F. ,W. Howard, round dead in'lied at a loeal hotel late fa afternoon. . The l>ody Is at of :he Groisman undertaking house to be mi Vnt to Lo» Angi^es. nc Howard, who was o.' years old, is lald :o l>c a fruit buyer reprcsentlDg the ef f\tein-Simpson Pfnit compaay of Los rli \ngele*. He eamc to Twin PsJls Thnrs- a lav from Poetttello and Immediately de ■egisienHl at a" Twin Palls hotel. Hr H -etiimed rather early that night and.i io nothing more wos heard of him. Short- Tn 8T£Ali BUO Tliievcs entered the W. H. BurkholJ- •r residence. B2S Seeoad avenae west, er =^turday night. As far as 'has been fo earned all that wns taken was a small, b< ?Ut valuable hall rug. '^ e cnlprita ea- bs tered through the front door. The theo- Bi rv is that they knrw tha hablU of the S. r'amil«: aad watched for the membera to pi leav«^-r'.:s;^ ^ /EEK ESDAt. ADOTOt aSr I«»' ; toni ; onge n IL n iiiii Sorenson Enter Lo.c^l rk with Low Bid Jor -eek Bridge is^Accepted ISeal Le&y Gutters- Murray, engtoear. with ralatloa to the now. Book Oraak bridge oa ,8 hoah<me Itreet Thla report ahowad tho eoattnie* :loa to' be eanplete with tha exeepUnn )f Installatloa of llrttlag faatorea. Ma- terial for thla worlc haa not been re- reived. Aftor a lengthy dlasusslonj related moat to tho roadway of :ho" bridge, the memlieni of tho council leclded to aeeept •^fiaj.structnre. Mr. Murray’s report showed tho load •apacity of the brfdge to bo 18 tons i>n rour wheels passing-over nt a rate of IS jilles-on honr. Ho-’suggested the uso ■t longtltudinnl planka for tha passago )f hcav»’ tractors over tho bridge. Tho ;ity withholds tho sum of as ft 'nnil guarantee for tha Initallatloa af III* lighting systein. , to.B^-Laaky Oottara ' Council, on recommondati.on of A J. [till, Hupcrintondent for the 'Warren l.'onstruction company, deelded to hnve 1 I ccrtain nmbunt of gutter Msealinjt^' tono by force neconnt. The decision rns reached after the rending of a pro- K>sol from th e Warrea Coastructluii cimjmny for doing as extended, job of his klud^ Tbo admfilatratioa found ittic need for pointing all of.the elty's :utters and reached the eonelutlon, nf* cr discussion, that the work': eould be lone by the elty eaglaMriiw forea. i lot bitumen for thia work. irflTba aup* ilied by the Warren ConatructlOB com- lany nt cost, aeeording to'* gtiamntco nade by Mr. HUL . ; Tho ‘‘sealing.'* la propoaad fa r tha urposo of water^roam g gnttara whiteh > it present permit watar to leak iala ! msincss basamenta. - , Patrick fe Johnson, • eommiaato* ] 'irm appealM) for permission to;..ara9t . I warrnonse platform at their biwaoaa , ilnce on Fourth 'avenue aouthi ' TTio , >c-rn:it was granted with eertaia ccti* j lltionx, which involve conformity in , liM nnd height with the eity’a regu* , ntions for lueh platforma. ^ , WIirHIEHilfi 1Strikes Wheel Ridden ' bush who Suffers' Leg ; Besides Marij^ Other i Hurts I uvrnilo offirers Young Boush was rid- ng a bicycle whrn ho was struck by a •Ig car driven hy tho Montanan.' The . ame Information also intimates that i rrcutlilinrt was spoeding in an,offort 0 V ovcrtako another machine. Both iirs turned out to pnss a car occupied »y Oeorge Smith, which'was In trou* ilo and had been run to tho rlglit side f tho rond to await help. Treuthhart • dmits having struck tho wheel ridden >y the bo.'%-but denies .that ho was i peeding. 'lIo says tho lad was ob- , cured by dust hnd was not noticed nn . lie rond unti! It wns too lata to entirely j void him, That'a determined and des- «nite effort Was iaailo to avoid a col- ^ Ision Is indicated in tho fact thnt ^ [‘ruuthhart throw his own machine j harply to one side Into the rond dltcli, j nc of tho front wheels boing wrenchod ; >ff and broken to pieces. Tlio wind- < hield, too, was slinttered. The fender i if ihc car struck'tlio bicycle and throw < ho lad lomo distance. ! ELINGiN IH S BED HERE iting Coast ^ u i t Gon- im Heart Disease^Was 1 to which the Body will [ome Town y Iwfore 5 o'clock Friday aft<vnoon i maid, employed preparing rooms al he hote). entered Howard’s room- and lound him dead. ; Decedent was lying on hia side, his ’aclal expression ahnwing no symptom# »f pain at death: Coroner P. J. Grow- nan, after the post mortem, concluacil 10 inquest wonld br necessary^ Papers fonnd among the dead man's rffeeis indic.ate he has relatives nr 'lose friends in Los Angeles. 'He-onLo I member of Iha Elks’ lodge, and or- lers were rreeU'cd Saturday by T. E. I>«iu...»eerctary ef the local lodge 0 hava:1he body seat to the fraternity M lx>s Angoles withont delay.’ BTJHL BEATS POCATELLO. The Buhl-team, winner ef the South- rm Idaho leagne pennant. Sunday 'ound no difficulty in beating Pocatello M-st'of-tbe elnbs in the Yellowstoa" jall league. The game was plaved at Snhl. the west-cnd*team winning, 11 tc 1. "Lefty” Hall bad tbe bettor'of ;>Itching against Win Noyes formerly the major leaguea. H fE fT T f ’PBICEFOnpOOEF^ Blectrioian*B Praieas a t Xing's • Place Oosta K ia $78.80 in Polipe Ooort - 0 A mtla "toot” * nad aceoMaayia^ lilarioua time eoat W. O..Stoddard 178.30 ia actual cash. Stoddard ]>aid the imount into the. polico oourt aa line aad .' •osts of trial. . . Stoddard, whb has been aa mployo if tho Idaho Power compaay, aecordlag ^ 0 Policeman Frank Ham, at* about * 0:a0 p. m. Monday appeared at'Ring’a “ -eslatirant on ShosWaff street weat la a Iriinkcta condition. • Ha made some de- „ tiands on lho cnf«’i force ihat were not P' oniplied with and Stoddard Is said to lavc invaded the' kitchen, whoro ho ob* “ aincd |)o»*ession of a steak knife som<* P H inchos iu Icngtli. Armod with this \'iniK>n ho attempted to enforce com*^ dlaueo with tho origltial denumds, and uceocdcd in driving the help from the ^ daco. , *; Appeal waa made to'the mliee with r ho result that Stoddud was mado a irlsoneiT and lodged 1 ft the eounty Jnll or aafekoepln^. At the jail, it Is said, ItoddaM'made conaiderable troublo aad lad t<ubo subdued. He was haled Into he '^ ilc e . court Tuesday and found nlity ot intoxication aad disturbing tho ff Alee. , - mi lESfiOOSTEfl iSMIIMBD! Sqnalixation Body Increases tKo Panu Lands and Bii)dnesi{" th : Lots; also Bailroad - ' i «<> •I-'-'" ' • • : : . I ; all By the» aetion of tbe atate board of qoaUsation in ralaiaj clakalfleatloa of ertala. praparty Ja .Twia Palli eounty _ hta io u a ^ ’a t^tal aaaessed'. valuatloa 1 Inereaaed; approximately *3,W>0,000. Tha-^ iaereaae ebmea through raiilag f:claaalfl«at{cma'af agricultural laAdB I” ad city bnsin'ess'Iota.' Th«'#ttrtii€f*ri» aetowed-'in vnlue S0 -pef ee]^UirDagii ho action'of tho oqnalfsaUiM^I>oard and *** own bnsincsi lots nro/^oited 20 per m t.' T, •TnV^ increase .voar’a as- ^ ori/hi^y, bo nfade-||ttho'tTgolarspecI. iril time.- for n ia k i^ sudi coilectiolif.. ^ Aeciirdlhg to Dcpun* {^iinty Recorder R* ^rnnk C. L\Tieh tho Original aasessmont oils of . this county, submitted to tho tntc’botfrd of'c^uhliutlolif for affiroi^ST ^ liowed' n total properiy valuation of ff pproximatoiy ♦57,000,000. Tho.revi* •" ion liv the stato board brings the total 0 about ♦. 10,000,000. Tiie board raised tho asseismont oC ^ bo Oregon Shortlino branch through O 'win Falls $3000 por mllo. iioojffailD. IE soto THIS M 7ool Growers Association Will Offer Fine Stock Animals o< at Anotton^ hi Under . direotbn ' of tlie South'ern ^ daho Wool Growers' association a sale if blooded sheep will be held at Hlor ?huraday and Friday of this week. Tho [ aia will feature rams of a rare order, 31, Hth aome of U uJ^at in the west of- ered aader the Ua£mor. |,j 1Much latorest haa been manifested in Us sale by ahciopmen from various sec- .1 ions of the west, and already thore are ^ tore -than two aeore consignors. The locks of D. P. Detweiler, n. H. Bchlld- Bin and Henry Nice, all standing high R this distriet, will be toprr«nted at ij, his auction. Some especially fine {>edl- :reed rams are to Iw placed on the dbck on this oceaaion. iiiGommis - : CITED BmiCH: _______ in Hust Appear in P^eral Oonrt September 15 on w ater Case ,1 of the Dammans ti ------- -- V* -Copies of na order Issued Thuradav ly Judge P. & Dietrich in federal dls> *lct court at Boise^ directing the Twin i^alls Canal comnany to appear in his H :ourt on SeptcmMr 15 to show canse I] vbv it should not co-operate with ■Vank R. Damman, Mary Alice Dam- nan and Edwin Damman in InstalUng a •ertftin ir.eisuring bix for diversion of rrigation waicr to lands held by the • >nmmnn.<i northwest of Buhl, have been I< •eteivcd here by Tnmer K. Hoek- nkn and S. T. Hamilton, .attomsys for be Dammans. IsAance of the court’s order grows lut of controversy over a decree grant- 'd last September ^y Judge Dietrich a< [warding right lo certain irrigation t« vater carried tbrongh a patt of ihe In anal company’s system to the Dam- u nan's lana. tl The Canal company recognises no u ight of tho Dammaai to any water t« nrrled through ita system. o] BATS WITB QUIT BIM. ti In a divorce bill of partlenlars filed n <ii»trlrt eoarf Monday bv.Sweeley n k Sweeley, nttonieya, Jobn W. Bnmsey l! leeusea 'iithel Msnn Bnmaey of deser- P ion. He wants e-iurt to officially sever ai he marital bonds. Aeeordlajr>lo the ui omplaint the pair married In Harmons- cl nrg, I’enno, Apttl 17, 191S. Desertion is s aald to have taken place la April, fc .915. tl EWS m B a ilBRNiENTSS^ hamfiw of Oommw’tMi-Woric- ing on W ar Department for Obsolete Artillery • A-coneaatrated effort ia being made t the Twin. Falls Chamber of. Com* eree te obtala from the .war depart- sat a aumber of caaaoa and othor eapoas naed in the lato war by men om Idaho for park and publlo'liall teoratlve-purposes.- Last wr«k Congreasaiaa Adiflaon T. nith wired tbe seeretary of war urg- g that some of the nioces bo seat ^ re r tho-decoration of the propoaed Le* ob Memorial hall.. Thu week, the amber of commerce ia intensively ear. - ing on the campoiga, aa indicated in e following, addressed, to-the adju* nt general of the war department, at aahuigton, D. C., on the lubjeet o f Rcement and .distribution af-tuaerv-' ^Bble artillery guaa. “ Wo ara advised tliat field artillery nn having dona service in Fraaev - vo boen allowed by tbe war .depart- ' mt to local organizations for eertain rposcfc We have In thia commnalty no-two, bimdred men who serried ia > a 140th Field artlHery, 66 th brig^e. ist of them being in B a tt^ B, whleh U e^ naed guaa aimberad 13*14-16 "Endosed la copy of affidavit by ptaia James W. P o ^ r ahowiag- that ) period of aerviee of theia guaa'waa ictically completed dnriag the term aetioa 'oader hla- persoaal obaerva* ■a.t • r . ' ' • ‘Therafofe, ia behalf a f ^ a aoldlan. le-^aaed-thtee. ^ a aad-.ia': bahslf Thti eliixtta' ot-Uiia eomanaity, ir* tuest that 70 Q saenra peradpioa.freai.. I -^arar.' departataat -ta ZaaB -or .'doasta- WgSt ta tta elty of Twja 'ar » few of tha idtotleal gna BasA.; aad la 11m aftldaTlt of Q vtsta ^ b^a'the '■ a»' la iru' elty parka irfU te & aaaaa. #farthatbr,pe«OtiiiB-.aB$'.t5eietlBS- votiaa Mdleaauaaalty prite^ia'tbe : rt aaraaldiara taok la tba-worlAwar^ ■<Our eoBgrMBBM. Haa. Aaaftob .T. iKb, WiU- ca-0 Mnat«vfnUy with your |ke la asslaltnt.iit aeeim.'fUa re: In hU aiifldavU-Captalft Jaaaa. W. > rter'iai& ttaV S a; fattB ttlr k»U-tha nk of captnlA attll- ryrBmrtBgy§lieer 3f?fleld «UUary. B avera' that:tha'*una‘for which ab- lention haa 'been made were used ii\ c nervice.ahd.ara'.Baw unsarvieaabl^; id of va1d<i only aa'reliea.''.' Sapportiajr^ia-Bwranuak-M*^r> ' Sldridgo haa addreaaad ak'pet^ e secretary of'w ar aakiag tofohtor 0 cannon for ornamental-purpoies la . >■ , roomeDeni^ Permission to Conduct Kennel eterinarian’s Plea for License is Declined at Meeting of . Oity Oonncil Six months or more ago Dr. H. R.' -oome, atate voterbarlaa, askeid the ^y legislature for a permit groatlag n the right to'-«pii^e a dog-lcennel. ie reqdest was refSf^od to some fu> re time for eoaildatatioB. - Ifow Dr. Oroome wanta to kaow what a become of hia netitioB.-" . "I'd like to.hear'fm m the eoaaell. nceralng my re<raast for penaiasion. operate a keaael,*' aald Dr. Oroome .an indleted aanoaaeemeat submlttad Monday aight'a session of the cona- Dr. Oroome got a reply to his reouesi d.anleas'he violates the order of the ly ndmlnlstratbn he wQl operate no g .kennel within the coaflaea of the via Palla .mnaiclpallty. The text of the reply waa that a eitv no'plaee for the pnpantlea of the Ig kud,'whether theae dogs are bine- ooded canines of the highest type or* "j'aller” dog of real sport daya. Attention of the conacll waa directed the fact that a kennel, ^ lla r to 0 ono for which permission was sought '..J>r. Oroome, had been established id operated in the heart of the city. fact directly across Seeoad street irth from the Baptist church aad only le bloiek removed from Ihe^eibyte- in chureh and the conrthouse, and >0 blocks from the pollas station; Ko rmlsslon was over asked It Is under- ood. for the operation of- this dog o^agation plant. « ONGRESSliiliTli : ORCES TIME HEARING laho BepresentatiTe A|ks the OommisBoin to ^ a f Moot Discussion Soon . . Congressman Addbon T. Smith'haa Idressed aa argaat appc^ to'thi ia- rstata commerce eommiaitoa Iv^WWi* gtoa, D. C., for aa early haariag «f e argumeats favoring a choaga ef ne la Idaho. Coagraaamaa sZ th . has ked the commission to^Uka aetiaa ward the change befo^ aehool. terma >ea. ' la hla message the Idaho repreaeata- re in coagraoa aayar ” It ia «araestly hoped that-tkfr eon-..- IsaioR. may grant an early haatiag aa e onestion'&f ehaaglag Idaho nam »«lfle to Meaatala time. eat ia the state appean t« ba almost ilversaUy ta favor of the; prepeeed'’ v «a«e. aad it U hoped tkat.the hoar* g may be had aad the ardar isaeed b*<> ra th«k opeaiag of achoola aa tha-thir- eath ef aaxt BOath.'*- fc" . . .


Page 1: EEK E W S ONION DRY KRESS * TWIN FA£LB, IDAHO. TBUB … aiXTHEMTi n rBAB i S I W FOB THE Fllfi, 8]Sieoi^.llntertaliuneat Attrao-

TW Ifa i X THEMTi n rBAB

i S I W FOB THE Fllfi,

8]Sieoi^.llntertaliuneat Attrao- tions ^ be Offered this

Van—Added PrenUixms ' ,E n te rU la n e a t e x tn o rd lB w y w ill foa* |

to re th ia yem r|i «6 ttntjr i i l r . B u t thoro j ' w ill be BO e»nlVBl. T h ftt fo«tnre o f tb e >

p a t t fo lr t i a thta connty haa lieea e11m< isa te d f o r th« benefit o f th e fair, ac* < cordSBK t a S ^ t a r x . J . ^ M. M arkel; ]

" B u t w e h ivfkllaed op loine fea tu res ‘ t t ia t a re real high e l a u n t t ra e tlo n t," *

^ M r. M arkel avers. 7 a th e l is t o f saper a ffa irs o f on en tertainm ent so rt the f a i r ‘ .-m oH ur lh« K e lly s a big thoatrloal [ troupe; whieh ,^»}il atago productions * ^ifCcmoon and ovcnlus on a ll regular

* days of th e fa ir. The Ralt Z<nke opem ' q u in te t, too . w ill bo prcien tod , and ^

there' w ill be all sorts o f foatnro racoscach afternooa, including Roman roccs, ^flio rio t and s tra igh t race# w ith some o f Itho o o o a try 'i b est horses partic ipating t

OhildreB’A Day. ”- Priday*. September 17 wiU be chll J

- d ro n ’s d a y a t tho county fa ir , thla day _1 having been M lwtod b y tho fa ir man- (• agcm ent In oH er th a t school w ork will

' be in terfered with- n> li t t le aa possible. „ ' Speciikl .trophies^ offered b y the aeT>

e n d n itio o a l assoalations. bavo been ro- c c iv e d '^ Mr. M arkel, and a ro now on f txM bitloB a t t h a ' o ffice of tho seere r ta ry o f th*f«sI?->a*)elaUon. j

n b ly ' om itted f r ^ tho prominm K it ■ w hen prin ted , M r. M arkel cxplaiaa. Tho tuaaagem cat of thft f a i r f a l l / appteel- a te s th e generosity o f th e Idaho S U to b an k and the ' A m algam aU d S o fa r eom- . m a y a s d > re m ts th a t th e . offerings have ao t‘>jiad.-th« a e n llp n th e y ,w a r ra n t.

■ . U a to .a ta U Baak."k Best ahotihow tow o w S years old ’ ' sav in g ,a^ tu ti'.d ep o a it of « 7 ^ . |

; B*A &h6fthor^ cow' oader 8 years * old. aAsiBgf aeeount,. deposit o f Best;BI^Ftfaoni heifer ealf, saving* ' a c c o o B t *5. ' ^. B u t filxrrU bm ball calf, savings ao . '

count, deposit.ofi^S . •. •**M lgam stbd -Sugar Oonpatty. "

' < B est eoU eetiihi/of c ran in g , n o t les«. - , t h a a £ 4 j a » , - * V ; f e ^ | i , v ^ , - . . ^ I

. .Bboyttom. :^a»od at ion. tSw ctopstakea'^am plonsbip, $10. { $1 cash per head fo r each Shorlliom

entercd a f the f a i r . - to be d istribu ted jaccording to plans of county o lob .lrader ),a nd secretary of thtf fa ir . • - - • g.'-Prisrf'W iOTthorttttbbone'io-each clnss. j— • > ------------- • - !™ FIIILS DISICT- ? nils SOI GOOD f i t :

. • ^ . t PcaohBB Are of Kno (JnaHty, J

Though Shot Orop, Beady i for Hofinfc Sept. 1 J

.T h a t th e Twin ra i l s d istric t orchards T d id not su ffe r aa extremply as those o f ‘ th o .eo o n try gonerally is indicated In ' th e fa c t th a t m any o f the pcach dia- ” tr ic ta i a th is 'seo tioa wUI develop a fa ir crop of th n t f m i t Grower* hereabout* * te ll of a f a i r crop of praehes, w ith gen- .eraU picking due about 8 *ptemb«r 1 . v ra th e r la te r tban usaal. P

D nring th e budding period laa t spring % heavy fro sts did tremendous damage in . pcach orchards everywhere. Califorala r has o a ly .* fair crop, Oregon and-W ash- I ington have no peaehcs a t all- and tho snme ia. tm e o t tbe more southerly ’sta tea . Michigan w ill havo a small crop. .

* -As a rule -the Idaho y ir ld will be light, b tlt in m aay aeetlons o f the Twin F alls . d istric t, especially in th e eanyoas and / In some counties, the crop will be ju i t fa ir.’ T. Oeorge Hlslop, o f th e Cooperative

, O rrhards company, says lils company ;wlil have a fa ir crop ^ peaches of ex ­cellent .ijnauty. .The Icrop w ill r«pen <• ra th e r la te r than usual. Crawfords will he ready fo r picking nbout Septembe: e

■J, w ith E lbertas and Hnie* a woek or■ so later. • Tht' company w ill sell d irec t *

to tbo consumer where order are placed or customers' apply a t tho orcharda J

Departure from t Tidn FaUs Part _ d

of Court Ruling 0t, W. Stevens Pays Fine for ? - Dntnkenness and M ast Leave ”

Twin yalla Oounty t■ <1

Tn addiUon to paying a fine of llOt)L. W. Steveas. o f 3fll Fourth avenue , north , haa agreed to settle h is loeal J business a ffa irs and leave Twin PalU fptinty. B y tlie term s o f the agreemeat .Plevens Is to depart fo t:j»nother plaeo

* ' outside th e Twin P alls d fttrie t earlv

^*TTie sentencft was imposed on Stevens 3 M- Jodge O. P . Duvall In th e nrobate , •rourt •F riday afternoon a fte r the d e ­fendan t h ad adm itted guilt when eharg- ea w ith dmakenneas. He w a rre ttM about a week ago by P ran k M iltoa, lo- ra l t ra ff ic offieer. A eharge-of resW - J ing aa o ffieer w as tr ied la th e muaicl- i r a l eourt earty this-w eok snd a verdict * o t guUty brought. , StoTcns waa fined■ t th a t tlmA h n t-h ii counsel gave notice ! r A bond o f *530 1. brid i . th e police court. ' , ■

j J X J S m D TO *WKD ]■ The foUowtni m orriaga l le « « w h a ra ,

* beea.iasuad by the county clerk: To c L aw son-Xoekhart, a « d 2«, a a d « 0 ^ Turaer, IB, both o f .f c « ^ > « lr ; »« f

«1FALlOii’S PUNS FOB ^ ONION DRY KRESSSayor WUtaker of. Pocatello ia Engaged to BbUce-Oooasional

Address in Porlc .A committee, ap ro ia te d b y th e Oon>

ral L abor onion a a d th e build ing trades Duncii and assisted by delegates from ach loeal^nntoa, ia f a k in g ex teasire laaa fo r a xouiing celebration begtn- ing L abor Day.W. P . W hitaker, labor mayor o f Po-

ntello, haa consented to come to Twia alls fo r the oecaaioa and wUl speak m ie - e lty park ,-Jm m ediately followiag le parade. 'Tho program fo r L abor D ay Ineludos f ir s t class b o lln g m ateh biU w ith Oor-

oa M c K a y 'a n d B orneo 'H agen, head* ner&The American Legion w ill'm arch iu

10 parade and asalat during the remaiu*Br o f .th e celebration.Tbe committee baa secured « booU n; ,

f tjie B row a Am usem ent'com pany to i ut ^ n a cam lyal, to show throughon 1 10 Vcok'. The carn ival iaoludes ten ; jowB, a m orry*go-ronnd,.a'ferria whfloJ; nd numerous othor fua-faaklag a t t r a v ; ons. Tho show.grouads w lll b« situnN < 1 a t th o so u th 'o n d of tlio new Bock j reok bridge. ~ ■ ' iTime o f tho parade and speaking has ,

) t been docldod upon b u t will be un* luaoed la te r . The eomniittee in-ehargo leludoB P ro d J.. M yers, E . W.- B ale^ , harles B naam , Jo h n Barkley, A. 8 . s'cr, Nellie P a rk e r, Chester. A ult and alph MUler. .

f H M l O j H I I N T E E F U i!ifteen W ell^npw n, District i

Bnsiness Men named to . ] ‘ . ^ n d le Guarantee <

■■■' - '■ . cW ith 1." of :th^ best known buslnen 1 en o f tills d istrie t named as directors i rticlea o f incorporation hnvo been filed ] I tbe offieo o f tho rount.v recorder for 10 Idaho-N'evada Holding company, he ■imrposo'of th n corporations Is to.w d io * n ! i 'T M itty < jp ic r f f i^ ^ :? 6& i * ;)fs of tho proposed railroad .fram Twin oils to Wells, Xev. Tho d irn to r s areV J . A. K eefer, J . ' s . BuiaoH C. 1{. catty , T w iu Falls,-L . H . 'WoMon. K lm . I irrly: ^ D. Pollnfk. IlaaB ea;'O uy-H . Iionri'r, P ile r; W. "A ''S h ean srt'-ftlc r; ' iiks -W.- A llred ,' BuliTrtT. ‘ H.- Ba^rk(r, uhl; W. H . C raven H ollisler; W. M. in c s ,,Rogcrson; J . M. Maxwell, Twiu. nlU; T. P . Nash, Mnrtauffli; W. IC urner, K im berly: A iher B. Wilson, win Falls. ' ■ ■ ■ \I t is tho purposo o f n business'Aoh-'s

immittee, srJoeted sonic months ago > aid Jn tho proposal to constniot u rail lie tha t will glvo Twin Tails a direct entem aud eastern eonuectlon a t WcHh I o ffer a bonus o f $500,000 to bo givijn r the company sucee<^iog iu construct* ■ :g such a lino. This bonus Is to he aced in tho handa o f th e directors of ' le holdihg company to be paid , tha i ill concern building the line. Tho cost j ! construcfing and equipping thn pro- ' m nd.llne will bo from $4,500 000 *o i/>oo,oon. . . ]Collections of th e p ia ra n tc o ' bonus |

ill be mode Immediately and whco •ado,wlli be placed to the credit of thi ‘)ldlng company. j

'ell City cierk, \H ^ll Find^Tour. ' '

Missing Thinga \.diministration Decides to 'Es- ]

tablisb Oentral Lost. and ( ■ Found Department , _ j

I f yon linvc loqt .-tnything, toll the ty clerk.I f A'ou have found nnythlnir, tell the

1 you know of niivtliing lout, stolrn. rayed, found, tell the e ily elerk. H enceforth the e ity clerk Is to he the

‘{reiver gcnernl, ami the e lty hall tho • rposltory o f all th lncs found, and n lace where notice of lost things cnn t lodged.The adM inistmtora of the eit.v Mon*

ly night reaehcd conclusion th a t thero t i l ts in th is pTaro a dire aeed of n , ■ntral placc w herr arllc les plrkcil up ,sy be le ft, and w here Information may f ' lodged p e rta ln in s to things lost rayed or stolen. Through the fuse- oninc o f th is dpjiartm enl proj>erly vrill nally be Tcitorrtl to the rightful irnrr.

^ank Clearings Show Increase

Over L a ^ Weektosiness Betterment indicated i

by fietnms from Pour Pi- nandal Honses

W ith A to ta l o f «1.12r,G73.M Twin i alls linnk riearinir* In^t week »how an : irresse of »221i75.S2. over the w*ek i Tiling Saturday, A nguit 14.This l l according to a report i*su<d

V Leo P. Bracken of tho Idaho State ank< w h o ,is handling the clearances lU month fo r the loeal banks.The be«t d a r of th e week jn i t cloic'l as M oadav .when clearings am ount'd ' « « 0 ,B M .4 S . The lowest b n s in w day ;

■aa Thursday, w ith 1 1 1 3 ^ 2 1 2 0 . By ; ays the report is:Mondav «240,9M.4B: Tuesday, •1»V

30.20: NVedaesday, «208,112.20; Thnrs* »y, $U 3 ^ ± M t ^ i d a y , •1M.78444; i tu fd a y , $iSJi090.S4.


W IN S iO G IIIllJohn Robinson

Field of Municipal Wctr . mentbLaying’—Rock Cn

as I t Stands—City willE ic e p t fo r ono o r two m ajor m a tto rt M

aeoding attoution tbe citjf emmail Mon* f ‘ Jay night m ight aa well hav© seen itho "j, •ircus. t i n fac t one m .m berdidlgD ;' DU* of eusslons-woro tbo 'p r ln e ip a l. busii&saa, te tome of. those being o f extraordlnoiry length, and somo being hold aa a % ''m oonligh t” fea tn re when th e Ugbta '*'* >ver town all wont o u t • , ’ .T h e business- o f g roatest Importanco

lo -tbo adm inistration, and to tb e c ity iU ^ n e ra i, was tho re n d ili^o f con trac to rs’ [iroposala for tho coastruetion o f eoment lidewalks. For th is work, whieh covers * ' about 60,000 square yard s o f construe* Lion, there wero six bidders, w ith John Robinson and B. Sorenson of Burley sub- '''' n i t t ln g th e lo w b id . .To-thia concera '.he ' ' ' m a rd was finally mado. W ork Is to 1>e itarted in 10 days froni signing o f tho ’ ■ontract. • , Hi

0ema B ids a ra H igh CnThose ,subm itting proposals, togethor a

irlth th a ,p ric e p e r cable foo t of i!9a* -do itruotloa}’ are : ' , . wi

John.-llobinaon a a a ; 8 : SoreBso^ o f P*’ :iurIoy;' sa Z*S: Shlpm aii B ro tb e n , T w ia f!’ •'alls, 24.3*4; Holman B rothers, T w ia J.'l ra1bi, £ tM 0 ;H . .A .P o lk e r , Twin F alls,}4 S-lOj Cooper * . Salmon, Burley, 85 :iS; Helneeka C onstruetlon eompaay, I*”

T a ll i , 27 8*4. ,Be^noval of ilea 'and raila. .eonatitst*

leis o f «iOOJS0 . o v a r ^ am oadt o f b o p i leld b y the ^ to m eet, eoat c t 4 na* t.u Ige tbe munielipaUiy n ic fa t b e pBt-ttf la L cmoval of th e traeks. l i i o rd e r to j^a'et hia extraordinaijr a x ^ n d jtu ra tha^alty ittom ey 'baa b e n Inatraeted to maka Jaiiit /o r th e exeeas a g a ias t th e T w ii ,, ;'a!Ia highway d lr tr ic t, which bolda a a j. imount due th e o ld s tre e t railw ay com* inny fo r m aterial purchased.

■ Aeoapt Bridge _ „!•Final report w as rapelved from B. M. Inl

A i i B I L E f f l C y C L S T jW

3ar Driven by Montanan ■•by ll-year-O ld te e Ro Bi;6ken in. Two Places ' More or Less Serious H

W iih one-leg broken ai>ovc iind bo- Ju ow Ihc knee and lu ffc rln g from nl-j> |li]ost innumerable 'otl(e)j_injuries abouthe body and head, L ve'Sb^sh, 11 y ea r <jtlid son of Mr. nnd M rs. i t f i c r Rounb, to>f 420 Third avenuo cast, lies a t tba cnJoyd hospitai whero ho is belftg-cnred byor.- John A. T reu th h art, n Dor.cmnn, lil<kfontann. lawyer, w ill remain- in th is of^irinity on his own rccognlutnce, pond- ndng the outcomo o f the la d 's Injuries. by

Young Ilouah wns Injnrcd S aturday sp'Vcning on th e road about onc-half niUo setlorth of W a te r 's corncr. T rentliart, tinrho is in camp n ea r tho J . C. Maxwell nvilace on Perrino coulee, is reported to pcK> rAsponslblo fo r the boy.’s condition, lisdr. T rcuthliart ia said to liavo mndo a Trlumber of solicitous calls a t tho hospi- sh:111. Ho is also reported to have s ta led on0 John Ji. Ault, juvenile officer, th a t o f10 would meet all claims accruing from shlio necldent. of

According to Infonnntion recclvcd b y thi


F. W. Howard, Represeni cern, Dies Suddenly froi Meniber of Elks’ Lodge be Forwarded in His H<

D eath from Keart disease was the ly rinding o f Dr. J . R. Morgan, who la i t light conduc-ted a post mortem cxarai- latJon of ibe body o f F . ,W. Howard,round dead in 'lied a t a loeal hotel la te fa

afternoon. . The l>ody Is a t of:he Groisman undertaking house to be miVnt to Lo» Angi^es. “ nc

Howard, who was o.' years old, is lald:o l>c a fru it buyer reprcsentlDg th e eff\tein-Simpson P fn it compaay o f Los rli\ngele*. He eamc to Twin PsJls Thnrs- alav from Poetttello and Immediately de■egisienHl a t a" Tw in P alls hotel. H r H -etiimed ra th er early th a t night and.i io nothing more wos heard of him. Short- Tn

8T£Ali BUOTliievcs entered the W . H . BurkholJ-

•r residence. B2S Seeoad avenae w est, e r =^turday night. A s f a r as 'h a s been fo earned all th a t wns tak en w as a small, b< ?Ut valuable hall rug. ' ^ e cnlprita ea- bs tered through th e fro n t door. The theo- Bi rv is th a t they k n rw th a hab lU o f th e S. r'amil«: aad w atched fo r th e membera to pi leav«^-r'.:s;^ ^

/EEKE S D A t. A D O T O t aS r I « » '

;t o n i ;onge nI L n i i i i iSorenson Enter Lo.c^l rk with Low Bid Jor -eek Bridge is^Accepted ISeal Le& y Gutters-Murray, engtoear. w ith ra la tlo a to the now. Book Oraak bridge oa ,8 hoah<me I t r e e t Thla report ahowad tho eoattnie* :loa to ' be eanp le te w ith th a exeepUnn )f Installatloa o f l l r t t l a g faatorea. M a­terial fo r th la worlc haa n o t been re- reived. A fto r a lengthy dlasusslonj

re la ted moat to tho roadway of :ho" bridge, th e memlieni o f tho council leclded to aeeept •^fiaj.structnre.

Mr. M urray’s report showed tho load •apacity of th e brfdge to bo 18 tons i>n rour wheels passing-over n t a ra te o f IS jilles-on honr. Ho-’suggested th e uso ■t longtltudinnl planka fo r th a passago )f hcav»’ tractors over tho bridge. Tho ;ity w ithholds tho sum of a s ft'nnil guarantee fo r th a In ita lla tlo a a f III* lighting systein. ,

t o .B ^ - L a a k y O ottara 'Council, on recommondati.on o f A J .

[till, Hupcrintondent fo r the 'W arren l.'onstruction company, deelded to hnve 1 I ccrtain nmbunt o f g u tte r Msealinjt^' tono by force neconnt. The decision rns reached a f te r th e rending o f a pro- K>sol from th e W arrea Coastructluii cimjmny fo r doing a s extended, job of his klud^ Tbo adm fila tra tioa found ittic need fo r pointing all o f .th e e lty 's :utters and reached th e eonelutlon, nf* c r discussion, th a t th e work': eould be lone by th e e lty eaglaM riiw forea. i lo t bitumen fo r thia work. irflT ba aup* ilied by th e W arren ConatructlOB com- lany nt cost, aeeording to '* gtiamntco nade b y Mr. HUL . ;

Tho ‘‘sealing.'* la propoaad f a r th a urposo o f w a te r^ ro a m g g n ttara whiteh > it present perm it w atar to leak ia la ! msincss basamenta. - ,

P a trick fe Johnson, • eommiaato* ] 'irm appealM) fo r permission to;..ara9t . I warrnonse platform a t the ir biw aoaa , ilnce on Fourth 'avenue aouthi ' TTio , >c-rn:it was g ran ted w ith eerta ia ccti* j lltionx, which involve conform ity in , liM nnd height w ith the e i ty ’a regu* , ntions for lueh platform a. ,

W I i r H I E H i l f i1 Strikes Wheel Ridden ' bush who Suffers' Leg ; Besides Marij^ Other i

Hurts Iuvrnilo o ffirers Young Boush w as rid- ng a bicycle whrn ho was struck by a •Ig car driven hy tho M ontanan.' T he . ame Inform ation also intim ates th a t i rrcutlilinrt was spoeding in a n ,o f fo r t0 V ovcrtako another machine. Both iirs turned o u t to pnss a car occupied »y Oeorge Sm ith, w h ich 'w as In trou* ilo and had been run to tho rlg lit sidef tho rond to aw ait help. T reu thhart • dmits having struck tho wheel ridden >y the bo.'%-but denies . th a t ho w as i peeding. 'l Io says tho lad was ob- , cured by dust hnd was n o t noticed nn . lie rond unti! It wns too la ta to entirely j void him, T h a t 'a determined and des- « n ite e ffo rt Was iaailo to avoid a col- Ision Is ind icated in tho f a c t th n t [‘ruuthhart throw his own machine j harply to one side Into the rond dltcli, j nc o f tho fro n t wheels boing wrenchod ; >ff and broken to pieces. Tlio wind- < hield, too, w a s slinttered. The fender i if ihc car stru ck 'tlio bicycle and throw < ho lad lomo distance. !

ELIN G iN ’ I H S BED HEREiting Coast ^ u i t Gon- i m Heart Disease— ^Was1 to which the Body will [ome Towny Iwfore 5 o 'clock Friday aft<vnoon i maid, employed preparing rooms a l he hote). entered H ow ard’s room- and lound him dead. ;

Decedent was lying on hia side, his ’aclal expression ahnwing no symptom#»f pain a t death: Coroner P. J . Grow- nan, a f te r the post mortem, concluacil 10 inquest wonld b r necessary^

Papers fonnd am ong the dead m an 's rffeeis indic.ate he has re la tives nr 'lose friends in Los Angeles. 'He-onLo I member o f Iha E lk s ’ lodge, and or- lers were rreeU'cd S aturday by T. E. I>«iu...»eerctary e f the local lodge 0 hava:1he body sea t to the fra te rn ity M lx>s Angoles w ithont d e lay .’


The Buhl-team , winner e f the South- rm Idaho leagne pennant. Sunday 'ound no d ifficu lty in beating Pocatello M -st'o f-tb e elnbs in th e Yellowstoa" jall league. The game w as plaved a t Snhl. the west-cnd*team winning, 11 tc 1. " L e f ty ” H all bad tb e b e t to r 'o f ;>Itching against Win Noyes formerly

the major leaguea.

H f E f T T f’PBICEFOnpOOEF^Blectrioian*B Praieas a t Xing's •

Place Oosta K ia $78.80 in Polipe Ooort - 0

A m tla " t o o t ” * nad a c e o M aay ia^ lilarioua time eoat W. O ..Stoddard 178.30 i a actual cash. Stoddard ]>aid the imount in to the. polico oourt aa l in e aad . ' •osts of tria l. .. S toddard, whb has been a a m ployo if tho Idaho Pow er compaay, aecordlag ^0 Policeman F ran k H am , at* about * 0:a0 p. m. Monday appeared a t 'R in g ’a “ -eslatirant on ShosWaff s tree t weat la a Iriinkcta condition. • H a made some de- „ tiands on lho cnf«’i force ih a t were not P' oniplied with and S toddard Is said to lavc invaded the' kitchen, whoro ho ob* “ aincd |)o»*ession o f a steak knife som<* P H inchos iu Icngtli. Armod w ith th is \'iniK>n ho attem pted to enforce com* dlaueo w ith tho origltial denumds, and uceocdcd in driv ing th e help from the ^ daco. , • *;

Appeal w aa made to 'th e m liee w ith r ho resu lt th a t S to d d u d was mado a irlsoneiT and lodged 1ft th e eounty Jnll or aafekoepln^. A t th e ja il, i t Is said, ItoddaM 'made conaiderable troublo aad lad t<ubo subdued. H e was haled Into he '^ i l c e . court Tuesday an d found n lity o t intoxication aad disturbing tho ff Alee. , - ■ mi

lESfiO O STEfl i S M I I M B D !Sqnalixation Body Increases tKo

Panu Lands and Bii)dnesi{" th ■ : Lots; also Bailroad - ' i «<>• I- '- '" ' • • : : . I ; allBy the» aetion o f tb e atate board of

qoaUsation in ra la ia j clakalfleatloa of ertala. p rap arty Ja .T w ia P a lli eounty _ hta i o u a ^ ’a t^ ta l aaaessed'. valuatloa1 Inereaaed; approxim ately *3,W>0,000.Tha-^ iaereaae ebmea through ra iila g

f:claaalfl«at{cm a'af ag ricu ltu ra l laAdB I” a d c ity bnsin'ess'Iota.' Th«'#ttrtii€f*ri» aetowed-'in vnlue S0 -p e f ee]^UirDagii ho ac tion 'o f tho oqnalfsaUiM^I>oard and *** own bnsincsi lo ts n r o /^ o i t e d 20 perm t. ' T,•TnV^ increase .voar’a as- ^

o ri/h i^y , bo n fad e-||tth o 'tT g o larsp ecI. iril time.- for n i a k i^ sudi coilectiolif.. ^

Aeciirdlhg to Dcpun* {^iin ty Recorder R* ^rnnk C. L\Tieh tho Original aasessmont oils o f . th is county, subm itted to tho tn tc ’botfrd o f'c^uhliu tlo lif fo r affiroi^ST ^ liowed' n to ta l p roperiy valuation o f ff pproximatoiy ♦57,000,000. Tho.revi* •" ion liv the sta to board brings the total0 about ♦.10,000,000 .

Tiie board raised tho asseismont oC ^ bo Oregon Shortlino branch through O 'win F alls $3000 por mllo.i io o j f f a i lD .IE soto THIS M7ool Growers Association Will

Offer Fine Stock Animals o< at Anotton^ hi

Under . d ireo tb n ' of tlie South'ern ^ daho Wool G row ers' association a sale if blooded sheep will be held a t H lo r ?huraday and F rid ay o f th is week. Tho [ a ia w ill feature rams o f a ra re order, 31, H th aome of U u J ^ a t in the west of- ered a a d e r th e Ua£mor. |,j1 Much la to rest haa been manifested in U s sale by ahciopmen from various sec- .1 ions o f the west, and already thore are ^ tore -than two aeore consignors. The locks o f D. P . D etw eiler, n . H. Bchlld- B in and Henry Nice, all standing highR th is d istrie t, w ill be to p rr« n te d a t ij, h is auction. Some especially fine {>edl- :reed ram s are to Iw placed on the dbck on th is oceaaion.iiiG o m m is - :CITED B m iC H :

_______ inHust Appear in P ^ e ra l Oonrt September 15 on w ater Case ,1

of the Dammans t i------- -- V*

-Copies of na order Issued Thuradav ly Judge P. & Dietrich in federal dls> * lc t court a t Boise^ d irecting the Twin i^alls Canal comnany to appear in h is H :ourt on Septcm M r 15 to show canse I] vbv i t should not co-operate w ith ■Vank R. Damman, M ary Alice Dam- nan and Edwin Damman in InstalUng a •ertftin ir.eisuring b ix fo r diversion of rrigation w a ic r to lands held b y the • >nmmnn.<i northw est o f Buhl, have been I< •eteivcd here by T nm er K. Hoek- nkn and S. T. H am ilton, .a ttom sys fo r be Dammans.

IsA ance o f the c o u rt’s o rder grows lut o f controversy over a decree g ran t­'d la s t Septem ber ^y Judge D ietrich a< [warding righ t lo certa in irrigation t« vater carried tbrongh a p a t t o f ih e In an a l com pany’s system to the Dam- u n an 's lana. tl

T h e Canal company recognises no u ight o f tho Dam m aai to any w ater t« nrrled through ita system. o]

BATS W ITB Q U IT B IM . tiIn a divorce bill o f partlen lars filed

n <ii»trlrt eoarf M onday bv .S w eeley n k Sweeley, nttonieya, Jobn W . Bnmsey l ! leeusea 'iith e l M snn Bnmaey of deser- P ion. H e w ants e-iurt to officially sever ai he m arita l bonds. Aeeordlajr>lo th e ui om plaint the p a ir m arried In Harmons- cl n rg , I’enno, A pttl 17, 191S. Desertion is s aald to have taken place la April, fc .915. t l

E W Sm B ai l B R N i E N T S S ^h a m f i w o f O o m m w ’tM i-W o ric - i n g o n W a r D e p a r t m e n t f o r

O b s o le t e A r t i l l e r y •

A -coneaatrated e ffo r t ia being made t the T w in . F a lls Chamber of. Com* eree te ob ta la from th e .war depart- s a t a aum ber o f caaaoa and othor eapoas naed in the la to w ar b y men om Idaho fo r p a rk and pub llo 'lia ll teoratlve-purposes.- •L ast w r«k Congreasaiaa Adiflaon T. n ith w ired tbe seeretary of w ar urg- g th a t some of the nioces bo se a t ^ r e r tho-decoration o f the propoaed Le* ob M emorial ha ll.. T h u w eek , the am ber o f commerce ia intensively ear. - ing on th e cam poiga, aa indicated in e following, addressed, to - th e adju* n t general o f th e w a r departm ent, at aahuigton, D. C., on th e lu b jee t o f Rcement and .d is tribu tion a f - tu a e rv - '^Bble a rtille ry guaa.“ Wo ara advised t l ia t f ie ld a rtille ry nn hav ing dona service in F raaev - vo boen allowed by tb e w ar .depart- ' m t to local organizations fo r eerta in rposcfc We have In th ia commnalty no-tw o, bim dred men who serried i a > a 140th F ie ld artlH ery , 6 6 th b r ig ^ e . ist o f them being in B a t t ^ B , whleh •U e ^ naed guaa a im b erad 13*14-16

"Endosed la copy o f a ff id a v it by p ta ia Jam es W . P o ^ r ahowiag- th a t ) period o f aerviee o f th e ia guaa'w aa ic tica lly com pleted d n ria g th e term ae tioa 'oader hla- persoaal obaerva*

■a.t • r . ' ' •‘ Therafofe, i a b eh a lf a f ^ a aoldlan.

le-^aaed-th tee . ^ a aad-.ia ': b ah slf Thti e li ix tta ' o t-U iia eom an a ity , ir*

tuest th a t 7 0 Q saenra p e ra d p io a .f r e a i ..I -^arar.' d ep a rta taa t - t a ZaaB -or .'doasta- W gSt t a t t a e lty o f T w ja 'a r » few o f th a id to tle a l g n a BasA.; aad la 11m a ftld a T lt o f Q v t s t a ^

b ^ a ' t h e '■a»' la i r u ' e lty p a rk a irfU t e & a a a a a .# fa r th a tb r,p e« O tiiiB -.aB $ '.t5 e ie tlB S -votiaa M d le a a u a a a lty p r i t e ^ i a 't b e : r t a a ra a ld ia ra ta o k la tba-w orlA w ar^■<Our eoBgrMBBM. H a a . A aaftob .T. iKb, WiU- ca-0 M nat«vfnUy w ith your |k e la a s s la l tn t .i i t a e e im .'fU a re:

In hU a iifldavU -C ap talft J a a a a . W. > r t e r 'i a i& t ta V S a ; f a t tB t t l r k»U -tha n k o f captnlA a ttll-r y r B m r t B g y § l i e e r 3f?f leld « U U ary .B avera' th a t : th a '* u n a ‘f o r which ab- lention haa 'been m ade were used ii\ c nerv ice .ahd .ara '.B aw unsarvieaabl^; id o f va1d<i on ly a a 're l ie a . ' '. ' S ap p o rtia jr^ ia -B w ra n u a k -M * ^ r> '

S ldridgo haa addreaaad ak'pet^ e secretary o f 'w a r aak iag to fo h to r0 cannon fo r ornam ental-purpoies la .>■ , room eD eni^

Permission to Conduct Kennel

e t e r i n a r i a n ’s P l e a f o r L i c e n s e i s D e c l i n e d a t M e e t i n g o f .

O i t y O o n n c i l

S ix m onths o r more ago Dr. H . R.'-oome, a ta te v o te rb a r la a , askeid the ^y leg isla ture fo r a perm it g ro a tlag n the rig h t to '-« p i i^ e a dog-lcennel. ie reqdest w as refSf^od to some fu> re tim e fo r eoaildatatioB . - Ifow Dr. Oroome w an ta to kaow w hat a become o f hia netitioB.-" ." I ' d like t o .h e a r 'f m m the eoaaell. nceralng m y re<raast fo r penaiasion . operate a k eaae l,* ' aald D r. Oroome .an indleted aan oaaeem eat subm lttad M onday a ig h t 'a session o f th e cona-

Dr. Oroome g o t a rep ly to his reouesid .an lea s 'h e v io lates th e order of the ly ndm ln ls tra tb n he wQl operate no g .kennel w ith in th e coaflaea o f the v ia Palla .m naiclpallty .T he te x t o f th e rep ly w aa th a t a e itv n o 'p laee fo r the p n p a n t l e a o f the

Ig k u d , 'w h e th e r theae dogs a re bine- ooded canines o f th e highest ty p e or*

" j 'a l l e r ” dog o f real sport daya.A tten tion o f th e conacll waa directed

the fa c t th a t a kennel, ^ l l a r to0 ono fo r which perm ission was sought '..J>r. Oroome, had been established id operated in the heart o f th e city .

fac t d irec tly across Seeoad street irth from the B ap tis t church aad only le bloiek removed from I h e ^ e ib y te - in chureh and th e conrthouse, and >0 blocks from th e pollas station; Ko rmlsslon was over asked I t Is under- ood. fo r the operation of- th is dog o^agation p lan t. «ONGRESSliiliTli : ORCES TIME HEARINGl a h o B e p r e s e n t a t i T e A | k s t h e

O o m m is B o in t o ^ a f M o o t D i s c u s s i o n S o o n . .

Congressman A ddbon T . S m ith 'h a a Idressed a a a rg a a t a p p c ^ t o ' t h i ia - rs ta ta commerce eom miaitoa Iv^WWi* gtoa, D. C., fo r a a ea r ly h aariag « f e argum eats favo ring a choaga e f n e la Idaho. Coagraaam aa s Z t h . has ked th e commission to ^ U k a aetiaa w ard th e change b e f o ^ aehool. terma >ea. 'l a hla message th e Id ah o repreaeata- re in coagraoa aayar” I t ia «araestly hoped th a t-tk fr e o n - . . - IsaioR. m ay g ra n t a n ea rly h aa tiag a a e o n estion '& f eh aag lag Idaho n a m »«lfle to M eaa ta la tim e. ea t ia th e s ta te a p p e a n t« ba almost ilversaUy ta fa v o r o f the ; p repeeed '’ v «a«e . a a d i t U hoped tk a t .th e hoar* g m ay b e had a a d th e a rd a r isaeed b*<> ra th«k o peaiag o f achoola aa tha-th ir- e a th e f a a x t B O ath.'*- ‘

fc" . . .

Page 2: EEK E W S ONION DRY KRESS * TWIN FA£LB, IDAHO. TBUB … aiXTHEMTi n rBAB i S I W FOB THE Fllfi, 8]Sieoi^.llntertaliuneat Attrao-

-'■ W O j , "


B O JR IP E R SAmerican Bar Association Com-

' m ittee Urges Extension ot Jurisdiction to. Itiolude Anti-

. Trust Law Infractions— 8T. LOUIS, tJFi—•Brondtntai: o f tlib

’ power nml improvement bf tho practice « f tho fpdcrni frn d e conim iulon tn o r­der to hrlnu nbout “ ii moro itnfliifnc^ tory mltnlnlat'rfttlon of—ju»Hcb” by it wan rornmnicmlrd in' Uio report o f 'thv coinriiitteo on commercoi trado and com- tncrcial In'v, prcncntod -ftt tlio conven­tion o f tbo Atnorlcan ^ n r oaiiocintlon -

s. liiTe todny.rominllleo rcroinmonded tb n t tbo

(toihmlaiilon bp ompoworcd lo lnvoiitl)pJlo ull uWiirJirn of aiitl*inial Iukh, nnd tlint procGcdlDRB ill reference l<> tboao lawx nboitld bf-tTannflT rcd from courtn to

'th e cijmnilsBion w ith tbo rigbt to npponi * from ^tbo commioBlntt to fcdorni ctlnrts.

T b f report nlso rocomnieutK'd. tliat ' I’ll cnioH fnllln;; n-Itbiu tho nnti*tnMt

lawa shutild I'n prinmrUy tnHtllnti'd be- forp. tho conitulBalon.,

“ The federal trado ooninilMlon,” It oniitintied, “ liftvinR jiirladirtion f^*i-Hu* purpoBO o f lnvoBtlKnti«in, o iic b ^ lo bo

. pormlHed not only Jo complotftf tli'o 1>\* vontiirntion, but lo en te r an ^ rd iT In

■ • confonni'ty with J (b fJndlnK'h rftibjoi-t tn righ t o f nppenl.”

To carry out tb ia sii;;f;pi>IIon tbo com- m itten advopnted nmendmpntB to the" w

’ fodcrnl trade commiaidon law , tho Clay- ton act, nnd ‘*all f<iIorul nntl-tn iat

, T lia r e p o r t nlao u rg e d I b a t th o eom - y m ljialon r e n d e r w r i t te n o p in io n ! « n “ n l . lo n a t” e v o ry now cna'o pom lnfr b o fo ro

. i t to cB tabllah a syBtem oC la w a n d pro- c n lo n t i h n t w ill e n a b le th o b u B iu e a ro f th e c o u n try to k n o w w b a t t b e la w ;i« e on a g iv o n p o in t

*111*1 eo m m itteo m a d e n o rocom inondfl-• tion o n -a proposed amendment lo thi)

traaaiiortation a^tA w hich would, malto chalnntuiahip o lH tbe In tersta to . eom*

-mereo eommlBaiOQ perm anent Inatcnd of rotatintt. The reiw rt s ta ted , however, tha t-tho committeo favored auch a nlnn.. Qtroaalng the itnporlnnco of codifying

tho law of '»?ilc8 ht Interatato and fo>,• olgn comipiT'-*'' common j ;carrlora in IntcrBtnto and foreign com- r

' merce, tho r e p r t atatod the eommlttw* — favored tho iiroftinjr b f billa proponing to provido the n e« M ary legialatlon.


X iiT tle r T«kM Xime w ith Oompaxlffia b y A M lcU at Poatm M tor

. 0«D «nI

LONDON, (JFi — Announeemont by P iko PeoM , tho naslafant poatm astor t'l' g e n e ra l , 'th a t Uu> Ameriean telophono oil nystem if ' now inferior to th a t in th is -tei country, iq d isputed by S ir Joaeph Du* i veen, who dlvm es his timo equally, bc* . tw w n tills an d , tho U nitedStatea. In nn In tM vicw 'w ith the Pnll M all G azette 81^. Joaeph aald; J”

“ The telophono 5er\-Ie? hero enn only bo deacrlbcd na ro tten . I f tho Post* '

• m aster gonerol dpes n o t realise the d^^ , , feroneo het«/een tlio -A m erican nnd _ n ritlsh service*, h'o should acnd’ n few men to Now York fo r a m onth, and tell thom to note tho diffcronpos, nnd fhen m learn how i t i"' done. • jjj,

“ Feraon«lly,.In Amcrlcn, I prnctlc-iil-• Iy spend all my day ou .tb o telophono. Hero I hard ly over use i t , 1 havo n e lth . gi, er the tim e nor poticnec. Tlio service, „y like M r. P ease ’s ptatem ont. Is a jo k e ." ,vh


ZlotUU BCobUlsed fo r 8« t 1c« L1&* 0»p!t« l to Tampico

M EXICO CTTT, (ff)—Esloblishm ont o f a ir m ail service between Mexico O lty t . , and Tampico has boen determ ined the governm ent, noeording to Conno Hi* . >- nojosa, postm'nater goaoral.

By nuthoriKation o f P rorjaionol ,,,ridcnt Adolfo do la J lnerto , a sm all flfr*

. tilla o f airplanes, o f-M ex ican mann* u... fncture, w ill be utilized.

I t la believo] tb a t the t r ip fro t^M ex* - j Ico C ity to th e go lf port can bc m ade l a haa about tb ree hours. Thero wUl be a o on. in term ediate atops. A tr ia l f l ig h t w ill a t bo m ade before tho end o f tha p re w tit gro month, i t wtts announced. >


-MONAGHAN, Ireland , yp>—W hot is bellftved to . be the f ir s t ease o f ‘ 'sed l- 5f t io n ’ ' agnlnat the Iriah BepnbUc to romn before a Sinn Pein court haa been , sotUod here.

A fa rm er who ha<l been fined b y »Sinn fW n .e o n rt doelined to p a y and "P*] when Tislted by %’olonteers he prodne- 7ed a p iteh fo rk and shonted “ T o ----------w ith t h t ro tten Bepubliean p l i e e .”. Tlw roltin tecrs le f t , b o t la te r th e fa rm er w as a rrested on a charge o f se* ,, d ltion a a d compelled to pay a bigger fin e a a d ap o lo g ia . • •

laviN« Call t* Intsrfsr*. mac

U y iMlChbor'* Uttle fon^T*«lM)ld wat f lr t ia r tr j old-f«iihlon«<l. I was tlB | off some detd llmbt from my tre t •efOM tbe «trcet from ber and abe w u w ttdbtsg me. SB* celled lo tae 'and *»ld: -W bat are you d o la g r I a»- i , , ! ■weted. *’0 h. only cattlo* some dead to «

_br»Bche» off. If» an t ta ’t I tr , 0 Sbe tboD ^t a talaale and replied, *1 rive tOM i m ; yonr trje."—Bxchange. the

' - o m C b M o f Baw i« ZtmiUA. : . .A , 'e U U o f -Royd O ibora, W otaiy wati I*^b'Ue -of’ D ao(»B soa, V a^ v u ta k e a in s w ith bowel, troab le. i t r . O sbors g a re '’" 7

. I t . G lu n b tf la ia 's CoUe a a d D iarrhoea B m M y U ld i t q tdekly Toeorered.' I a ciov s p ta U a f « f tHis rem edy lie inye. « I t sion, Js tk e ^ e e t I e r e r aeed.* '—A dr. ' the


English Women Moat I- ■ ' \ ' : \ : ' A r t

(iIvKmSjpm" i

I ■ -

’ F irm in the be lie f tbaC tb e EngHsli (;0 . IIopt>o, noted English nrtin^p^otog^ find nnd photograph tho f ic e m ost bo

:-in w ith the fivo women whom bo consl id. Thoao-oro tho Viscountess Gurzon. : iM troone, L ady Jt>bn Lavorj} and -MJUli m Cuxzon and L ady Duf6Coopor, who t lied th e moat b eau tifu l g irl in England0 lower rig h t Inset is shown M r. Hoppe.

l O i S B U iA■ sypPLr N j i&ml s. A. Bicker, Iri-igai Inmiense Subterraneai — oiiM Irrigate Adde ■Arid Lands if .Proper thered ^ ' ■' *

B y PA U L B. A. B iO K E U . ' l< I rriga tion Engineer. '

1 gri'At opportun ity bns boon ovoc- l(cd In tho undergroiiDii w ate r on

g rea t lava flow o f tho west and sler places whoro there is enough wo- "*

to Irrlgalo a million 'o f ncroo of, ■ mll. " , rilapccially along Snnko B ire r valley tllOst evvrj'W here w ate r can bo bad t<?n sinkinR well frorti one hundr;ed to wr hiindreu fr« t in ilenth. m >u the D. K. Shoots n v e r in OregonI mnny o ther plapos IhiA is trup. Uu- n

tho T w in Falls t rn r t from Salmon mIs river to Ameriean Fulls, from k<Ind .Springs nlong tho N orth Sido hiin I ^ lla Irnc t,'M in idoka tm c t. Lost we r and along tho weat aide of Snaki' *| e r vaUoy as fa r a s Dubois th is wo-Ifl founij. , cl

lapppiallf on tbp Twin F alls North tl i> tracl-w hojo about SOOO neeond feelw alor ia flow ing (undor thi\ land) aidi f inds its w ay through thp B)u>7 f(ua, Thousands Springs n^d* many I pr aprlug* along Snnko rivor, enough- Ior 10 Irrigate 400,000 acres o f la.nd. ' 'Ilia w nter goes l o ^ ^ s t e b u t some0 in th» fu ture a ' ^ o d portion e f ,1 will be used fo r Irrigation and fer. Pfobnbly onc*thlrd o f lhi< " >ont w iil bo used o n 'la n d between ome and Bliss dnd perhaps fa rth er

ho reason thn t nnly p a r t cau ' be1, say ouo-half, Is because the win- w ater flowing jua t tho same as in ” m er, canno t iw (itored b u t can be1 fo r power whero i t drops in to tho von. V Wnouffli of a a underground survey becir made to ascoirtain th a t a la i^e ^ unt can be developed by driv ing " innol to the flow to tap tho under ind w aters.?ith a tunnel th ree miles long to tho flow and s<ivera] m iles to col- ”® tbe w aters i t Is-reasonablo to s ta te „

; a la rw am ount o f w ate r may be “ (loped In a mannfsr much th e same , , lOs beep dono by th e fa rm ers in the :erman va lley ..he wntor seems to flow w estoriy in rrgfound lakes In tho porons lava rrallv between o r a t th e base of th r •*r flow and tho ea rth or elay for- lon between the flow s w here un- n >trdly the w ntcr w as flow ing in tb un> sim ilar to tho w ay the eouUea ^ a t tbn present tim e, flow ing where ^ canals are running. .■fhaps- too, th is U ad was irrigated . new flaw o f lav a ran and spread ^ the«e stream s aad hot molleit " coming in contact wfih th e w ater tb

e i t M urous th rough 'w hich aow tho >r flows, baeks np aad flow s on n. T liese-lands w ere a t one tfffle i bito<l by aalm als, rem ains o f whiehI been tueoV ere^ A t th e in take le Soutb Side caaa l during coastm c- ^ w e'uncovered one of these which bones five fee t long and tee th six ^ Ight inches in d iam n le r.' hers have been fooad along Snake '. A fle r we go w est o f B lla In nover Creek the wells do nol show same a s above a a d saad s to ae is an tered ; also p e tr i f ie d 't r e e s and Is^are . frequeatly fonnd and the r when atrTirk by th e d rilW rises imo placra to the aurfaee a a i pro-■ a s artesian flow which i ^ g e a r warm aod some tim es a sprlags a re fre q o e a t from •r ere<« to -M o n n ta la Home and : tho MDtb side o f the valley aeat >ase o f the foo th ills f n n tM U ev , L


ieatiiiful, Saya Noted ' iat

H J oi

h Tv ' i , tb<

irl is tho m ost boaatlfu l in the world, iphor, nrrived in th is country roconUy lu tlfu l womon in -America to comparo (Icrs to be tho m ost beou tifu l in Engt L«dy D inana Duff-Coopor, Viscountess en t, Ducboes' o f Sutberlandj Viacoiuv- ,-fls tho form er D ianna M anners, ofton , uro shon'n Iu tho. nbovo layout. In

N T IT E R IR O U N D FLOW:ion Engineer, Tells of I'Rivers in This gtate d Millions of Acres of

Schen^es Were Fu -

I B runeau riv e r w here the na tu ra l for- (iilon show* up.Qns hos bet'n encountered along th ir roteh a t B m neau to O ntario and Wei- fr. I nm pleatloS to know th a t our. a te geologist has. boen out_ m aking ft irvoy bocnuae I alao bavo obaerved la burn ing from , tbn ground in Uagor*, an valley. Wlicn oil o f tho Snake vor w ate r has been uaed fo r irrigation lOre aro o ther eources o f w nter supplyI bo pioBpeetpd by men who have oney to go developing Our country nn* nnd moro. ^I wixli to stnto tb n t tbo N orth Side

■mpany, through Mr. K. K. Shepard, nnnRor, hna bnd th is survey mailo bv .'•■ping log 6n nom f SOQ woils which IVO boon driven to th e nndcrground ntora^^alao n record' o f - th e ,m a n y iringa a l ^ g tbo Snake river.Fro'tn-tblA d a ta I have m ade my con- usions'Vif tho underground w aters lulO lav ay o rm atio n ^

Cenaua BulletinaWASHINGTON', I>. C., (ff)—Bolae,

Inlio, 21,303; lncrcas6 -1035 or 23.2 por nt.llu tch ioson , K ogsas, 23,208; increase iS-t o r 42.4 p c r cent.Independence, K an.. 11,002; Increase40 o r J3 .7 per cent.E l Paso, T exas (rev ised), 77,543; In- ea se -33,264 or 07.4 per cen t; previ- sly announeed 83(930.■\Vatertown, S. D., 0400; increase00 or 34.1 per cent.M arlon, O... (rev ised ), 27,801; Increase 50 or 53 p e r cen t; previously aa- nnced 28,591.Coshocton, O., 10,S47; increasA 124413 per ccnt.

V icksburg, Miss., 17,031; decrease 83 or !3iU pcr cent.Bichmond, Vsu. 171,607; increaso 44,-0 or per eent.H e le n a ,-A rk .,'0112; Inercasn 340 or1 i>er cont.Ardmore, O kla., 14,181; Increase SCC304.0 pijr cent.

O et Along W ithout M U t,W hole teccfl 'o f men. com priilag aay m lllloaj o f Jodlv lduaK lire • Ir en tire llvee w ithout m eats o f aay rC. and w ben fed a sufflelent am ooat

o th e r foods a ra w onderfally Tig* ooa, p ro lific .’ endoring an d IstelU* o t, 'tyitnesa tb e Brabmlnii o f lad ia , e e ^ d d b ls ta o f China nnd Ja p a a aad e tecm lag m iillona of C ea tra l Africa;

Deeen*t L o ^ a t WMI. T hougV ^ e Teal in color, a a d beef la ta c t^ n m e l ’t hoaip Is a favorlt* deilcftqr

oog tb e -Arabfc •

KODAK FINISHING ISlcbM k Q a a l t t r T t a k

T re e B n L u c e M S tt M a s y o v f ih s t to

;K O D iK D K P iB T M E S T



{ ' ■



Tstai sl rsa«M Ina Tka Nm Mm 0<f M s ; 'is}«sr.iM9 :

A.' N. S p r a ^ o has re tnm ed from a rW t In PocatcJIo. • '

, Tlio w ntcr in tn rrin o couloo’wns turn* id o ff f o r two days th is week wbllo Za Mjrmaooiit .b ridge was' being p n t in a t lie ra ilroad crossing.

'K im borly citizens report th a t thu nek rabb its oro rapidly doercasing In lumboni In th o t< ilftin lty . C onstant booting seeraa to M v o frigh tened tho ong carod pests and tbey a re seeking pther quartOiTs:

Mr. and J in ,- IL F . Allon hnvo- ro- iirncd from the eoast whero thoy have icon fo r sovoral weeks. M r. Alton said ?win F alls wan now well rM)rt>scDtod in he Idaho building a t P o rtland and tbe xhibita from th is soetion w ero a ttrn c t- iig m iidi atten tion . H e aliil said th a t rork would bo pushed on tho now build ng which .tho Allen Mercaa.tllc com- ony is erec ting ou M ain stroot. (T his . luildlng ia aow ocouniod by tho Idaho lepartmont store. E i )

Tlio Boll Telephone com pany’s (

Shoes For ^iices that

A good chance these shoes- eight to

' we are now offering . We want' you to com]

tised—you will shoe

S h o e s :

Brown Calf-ShMiliUiry heel, m c tU u u i Bhort

• 2 1-2 to 8,- all widths—.- ^ 8 . 0 0 —

S h o

y * ^\ Mies

MIbsgh’ kid button sboeH, su o '

, 3IinsL‘8’ black calf Ince hIioos,

S h o e('h ildren’s white canvas butt<OH 8 1-2 U> 11 ...........................Children'8 gun metal scuffe8 ..................................................................

ChiMrenV flcufferti, brown 1top, sizes. 5 to 8 .....................C'hildreu’H patent button jsttop, sizes 5 to 8 .....................Children's pun metal scuffer

Children'H patent button scufitize8 8 1 - 2 t o l l .........................Children’s hrowTi button scuff W2GH 8 1*2 to 11 ......................Raby HhocH, patent button w


^Y, AUGUST 26,1920throagh loag distiuieo lino bos Seen rom plotod-to Mini<Iokn and<it is now [iossiblo to convorso 'w ith ea«lern ciUos I w ithout going Toiml ^ w ay o f Htiilcy. ] rb o ' company will extend its lines ,to ■, Buhl townsiU) w itliout delay. Tliis Uno . ivlll u itim ately-fonn p a r t o f a c ireu lt to Boise by; w ay o f O lenn'« Foi’v - ^

' 1 Tho card p a rly g iven .by Mm. Jam es i

S’ibloy and Mrs. C ^ n c o B. Channel In:heir' a ttrac tiv o homos ;Wodoesday aft-'m oon proved to bo onb o f the most on- - ioynblo a ffa irs o f tho k ind ever givona th b city . Tbo guests gathered a t »he home o f M rs.' Nibloy whero high <’Ivo was, indulged In tiU aoven gam es Ivero played. ITjo first-prizo was won j»>. Mrs. C.- A. Camp and M rs. W. F . |*iko was awardod> aocond prize. Be- ,:rcnhmeatB ;w ct» sen ’od in M rs. Chan- jlo l's home, a color achemo o f p ink anit ^ chlto being used to t^dorh tho tables. 3igh1een ^ e s t s Wore present;.

hlot So Nice W hen He Was Ethel w as wheeling bcr Hltlo baby

brother nbout tho yurd and I stopped ond exclalmcd over him , snylng how smiling nni<l good natored ho looked.But EUicl Interrup ted w ilh : , "Oh. ho Isn’t alw aye so nico—when bo 's m ad be otllT* h im self so yoo cnn 't even Ktake a crock in him."—Exchnngo.*

lU M ift^ Ads n a d desirable boaid s=S5S3gaaaA.. i'i.’. = s a s ; = ^ : g ^ = ■

Every Boy a w m Compelt o g e t s h o e s f o r y o u r c h

: e n m o n t h s a g o a t p r i c e s 1

t h e b e s t m a k e s o f s h o e s

) a a - e o u r s h o e s a n d p r i c e s

iT O u r c h i l d r e n h e r e a n d s s

F o r t h e G r o w i n j

oes B lochv a iw p , s iz « 8 ■ J i i l i t a r y h e e l , u u

8 , a l l w i d t h s - ^

e s . F o r t h e M i s s (

w ’ g u n 'm e t a l b u t t o n s c u f f e r , n ize i

3 s* * sm o k e d b l u c h e r w c u f fe r s ty le ', 1 1 1 -2 t o 2

}s! b l a c k c a l f b u t t o n shocR , s i z e s 1

■s’ p a t e n t s c u f f e r , m a t t c a l f t o p , si

2s ’ E . C . S c u f f c r , t a n v a m p r l i g l

e s - l l 1--2 t o ■ , M i s s r s ’ p a t e n t $ 4 .0 0 to p , s i z e s 1 1 1 * 2 i

s i z e s 1 1 1 - 2 J l i s s e s ’ b r o w n c; $ 4 :6 0 - 2

5 F o r t h e C h U d i

n s h o e s , s iz - C h i l d r e r i ’s - p l a y n .............. ^ . 0 0 k i d t o p , w e l t s o le

’ 5 t o c h i l d r e i i ' s p a t e i i ..............s i z e s 5 t o 8 u t t o n , l i p h t ....... $ 2 .5 0 C h i l d r e n ’s b ro w u

affer, matt l-» i-W. hocl, wei ............. $ 2 .7 6 C J i i l d r e n ’H b l a c k

s i w s 8 1 -2 ® 11 ..............$ 3 .0 0 ( ’h i l d r e u ’s p l a y n re r , k i d to p , s l io e s , w e l t .w le , .............$ 3 .0 0 to 3 2

; r , l i g h t t o p , ( ' h i l d r e n ' s p f a j ’n i .............$ 3 .0 0 w e l t s < j le , m a ^ o ]

t h w h i t e t o p s , s i z e s 2 t o 5

S h o e s F o r t h

r s ’ c a f f s k i n s h o e s , a n n y l a s t , s i i c r s ’ t a n e l k h i d e s h o e s , s i z e s 1 1 1 - 2 r s ’ t a n e l k h i d e s h o e s , s i t e s 2 1 -2 h

:h' b l a c k c a l f :S k in s h o e e , s i z e s 8 1- : s ’ b l a c k c a l f s k i n s h o e s , s i z e s 1 1 1 -


• KeeplR0 tKe Blrdi-'A wajr,-. v.-': -i T h e roof r i d w o f a C lU neM -Iioa«

I uMittlly d ( ^ t c d frltb a n c e r a t e ilas ie r ornam ent In th® fo rm .<rf a a**Jgn ombodylOK th e . c h a rac tw “fo,* Jgnlfylng bapplnew . > To prevent theim ainca t being domugetl by bird* th i; , )waer o f the bouse stickii n am ^rp iu ' inTlnary lew log -need le* point- oot- ranJii in to the so ft plaster. -

Beginning of Sprlhg.. ;sp r in g begins w ben the^stia en ter*

he sign o f Aries of tbo zodiac, o r th o - onstcllotlon o f PWces,Imo o f t l J s event varies a U ttle from •eiir to year. The d a te s .o f th e com­mencement <jf --lhe .,Bea»on8 may bo a ted a s abont M arch 21, jq n e - a i .

jept«m ber 22 D e ^ b e t a .SSS^=S^^S=SB =ESSSSaSB =^aB S=S .

For Salfe !Bost Bnsbel Fcaoh a a d AppIe.DAs* kots. Order oarly. Also i f flood­ed,/eould - j^ t advanee fo r you on your crop. I w aa t to flginre w ith you fo r yonr Poaehe^ A pplet .nnd

. Po tatoes fo r roUable- peoj^e.

B . D. SBLLOOO. AjS S S T PbonefiSO-B F .O .'B o x 7 M

nd Girl at A.ttentiohi l d r e n — w e b o u g h t

; h a t w e r e r i g h t a n d -

a t v e r y l o w p r i c e s . "

w i t h o t h e r s a d v e r -

v e r i i o ' n e y .

i G i r l

•Calf Shoess \ i n m v a m p , o z e s 2 1 - 2 to .

47M —

BS1 1 1 1 - 2 t o ' 2 . . . . ; ......... $ 3 .0 0

w e l t s o le , 1 -2 i n c h h e e l , - -■.........:........ ......................... $ 3 .2 51 1 -2 t o 2 ......................$ » .5 0z e s l l 1 -2 t o 2 . .. '..^ . $ 3 .5 0 . i t t o p , s i z e s 1 1 1 - 2 t o 2

.......... .......................... $ 3 .5 0b u t t o n s h o e s , m a t t k i d

:o 2 ............... .......$ 4 .5 0

i l f s h o e s , s i z e s 1 1 1*2 t o '............................................ $ 5 .0 0

* e nl a t e p a t e n t b u t t o n sH iie , ., e i z e s 5 to 8 ................ $ 4 .5 0

t b u t t o n s h o e , t a n t u p , ............................................. $ 4 .D 0

o f f i c e r s h o e , p l a i n to e , t K ole, s iz e s 5 t o S . . . 4 4 .5 0

c a l f s h o e s , 1 -2 in .cb ’ h e e l , ......................... .. ........$ 4 .5 0

m te g u n m e t a l b u t t o n s p r i n g iie e l , s i z e s 8 1 - 2 ............... ............. . $ 5 . 0 0 ,

a t e p a t e n t b u t t o n s h o e s ,) ,8 iz e 8 8 l - 2 t o l 2 . . . . $ 5 . 0 0

................ .......... .................$ 2 .0 0

e B o y s

fl 8 1 -2 t o 1 . ...............$ 3 .C 0t o 2 ? . . . ^ _ ..................... $ 3 .0 0) 5 1 - 2 _____________ $ 3 .9 5

2 t o U 1 - 2 ________$ 3 .7 52 t o 5 1 -2 _ ..$ 4 a n d $ 4 .5 0


- I •

Page 3: EEK E W S ONION DRY KRESS * TWIN FA£LB, IDAHO. TBUB … aiXTHEMTi n rBAB i S I W FOB THE Fllfi, 8]Sieoi^.llntertaliuneat Attrao-

P B l f i l E S i : M S H iN r n T O

PICK H fliN EtSIncumbents of Principal Offices

Including Senator J o n ^ iand , Governor. H art are C and id ,

• da tes for RenoinihatiojiOLY H PIA , Waah.> (iP>—Condidfttox

fo r Wo8h{n;rton'B «Ieetlvo stnto offieea, toffolhcr w ith ono Unitod St*tc« m b s-

' torahl[> ami the a ta to 's iivo >amta In t»io bonso of roprosenU tiros w ill be iK.mlnatecl a t p a rty prim ary oloctiona Sop tom W 14. Tbo caadidatcs. nomlu* atod TtmTnako tho f in a l race n t .tbo gea- oral election Novombor 2.

Incnmbon^s o f Ibo principal o fflw a, ijicIudlBa U nited S ta to s Senator Wctlcy

'■ J*. Jonca and Qovoroor Louis R ..I Ia r t ,, nro (Tnndidtttcs fo r re-nominatJon. Sena­

to r Jouos, who ia complelini; bla accoud term , ia arckingr the fopublican iiomlna* tion. On his pn rty tieko t ho la oppose.]

•by CoionrI W lU am TorUi, 8oattlo, ovor- waa WOT votorajj;' Porrcat Ix Uudson, Seattle , wlio hna ,xndor«»mcnt, ' tb? Jlnllwaj-tnen'ii . • W olfnro lenjruc, and t ’rnnk Erlekaon B verott. Ooorjr© P . Cotlorlil, form er m ayor o f Scnttje, ia' the only eandidnto fo r tho democrntic nom ination fo r aonator..

Woman Wonld B« Oorsiaor.• Governor H art, republican, form er

IJeufeaant go y ern o r , who . bocamo tbo Htnte 'a chiof exocntlve on tho death of C ovenior E m eat IJa to r, dcmloetat, laat year, is qpnoaod fo r the p arty nom ina­tion by -Jo h n Strlnjrer, Seattio aborlfr o f K ing eonnty ; Colonel ^ I n n d H. H artley , B vcrett, form er membor o f t h e ' ' IfRialat'iro; Edwin T, Comao, Bpoknne banker; John A. GoUntly, W cnatcheo f ru it (rrowor; B tato Senator Goorge 6 lAmpinir, SeatUo, and Mrs. A nnaM oc- EaeJiorn, Seattle , tb o 'f i r s t woman to seek th e gubernatorial nom ination la W aahlngton. In tlto demoeratle column Judgo W. W. Black- Evorett] S ta te Sen- « to r A- E. Judd , Chobolla; Btato Sena­to r 1. G. O 'H ara . S eattle labor loader, and Edw ard T. Matboa, Bellingham, aro

' seeking the nominaUoa for governor.Fbr liostenont govornor, a noat now

vacant, republican votora ■will: choose ;, 1>otween" S ta te Senator Edw ard L.

frc n e b , V ancoorer; S ta te Senator I fa rrc . W» Phlppii^ Spokane; Jo h n L . — jshnrpateln W alla W i a ; W. y f . Con- “ iipr, S cattio , o;jd Captain W illiam J .

- Coylo, overaoaa w ar veteran and form er I 'n iv e rs lty of W ashington footbaU-otar. Only one eandldato. II. C. Uolxlke, S ea ttle f ru i t grow er, baa declared .for ibo ilewocmtic nomination.

For nominationa fo r seats in the : house of ’-roprrsentatlves, Boproaenta* . riv ra A lbert Johnaon, th ird d ls jrie t, and A . Iiln IT. H adley, socond d is tric t, bo th tc - publleuaa, nro unopposed in tho lr party . Rcprc^eatatlve John ' P . M itleri f l r i t d ia trie t, la pnpoaed for renomiAation .by Hugb C. .Toff, S M ttle ; IL A f m i lo o ra , Sonttle, nnd F ran k Piereo o( -H arper; Yfi B.. K. Brown, Ellonsburg, ia aeeking tho a m liold by RepreaenUtlvo Jobn W. Suhimora of tho fourth d ia trie t and R i'pre«entatlve J . S tan ley WobstAr, f if th d is tric t Is nonteating w itb Thomaa j W; C oikery, SpoVnnc, l o r tho nomina- „

. tion. Demoerata have ono candidate in i'flrh of the fivo dlatrieta.

TTinvi PifVy NominatloiL J.. G rant H inkle, named scerfttary of

M ate reeently on the death of Seere- wh to ry L M. Howell, ia aeeking tho ro- ]<■> publican uomlnatlon fo r tb a l office. Gcorgn IJaztord, Tacoma, in a candidate fo r the post on tho domocratic ticket. F*\

___F or Btnto Ircaaurcr, tho rcpublknn can-(Udatca arc John B. Orton, Aberdeen: '" ’j C lifford L. B abcock.-pITH ^^^elea..nnd John U M urray, F r id a ^ s J T b o r . At- lorndy Gonornl L .'L . T b t^ H W , ii aoek* lag 'renom ina tion 'Kckcr a n d 'la o p p o a e 4 ^ ^ H T \« iH u n t , > ‘ Seattle . C lark Ypr eighty e a r * r o m m l^ n e r ^ f l K l i c >ud* , U V lthout opposition o jR tk e republican tickol. F or a late InirtirAce eommiaaion- - Jj e r , H ; O. F lthbaek , A eum bcnt, l« op- * noaed fo r the repubMean nomination by ii . E. Dwyer- Seattle. Jeaao P . Mur- •' o

. phy aeeka the dcn\ocratic nomination.Mra. Joaophino Corllaa Preston, form-

IT prfnident o f the X ntlonal Education aaaoclation, ia aroking renom ination on ]•<> Ihe pepublican tiekot for her noat na j'**;

- Dtate auperlntendcnt o f publle Instru t- tion. She ia oppbwd by Misa ElU aboth | "** Jonc", Seattle. O ne demo«!rat, .M laa

■ C atherine M ontgomery, BtUlngham, a candidate fo r th e party nom ination.;

T tis W liyfer# of th s Lakes.L akes a r* nom arons in tn e northern

p a r t o f tills c o n o tr j and ra re In tho •ea th e m p a r t b«canse tb e gradnal ef­fect* of a tm ospheric afencle* and tho * pow er o f w ater to carry solid m atter fro m d e ra te d places and deposit It to dsp rew ed pU ces tend to reduce . tJie land to a general level and to m flil op th e Iw sios o r th e Iskea. ate

• catW h at SIM aheu ld She Oo7 laa

• A cnrlT-headed tot named Erelyn . ,1 t&re« yea rs old. w as aaked by her j„ , o e tb e r I f sbe bad been a t tb e bo lr tCBtf bo ttle and she replied. T « s . A. iAotl»sr. X dW nse U—my dolly 's b a ir iro t f com ing o n t In bnndies. I bad to -do M m etblng to stop tt." *' "

Champion Almanao Hoarder.A Philadelphia wbo bofl reached tb* nei

-U * o f one h m d re d and tw o year* has I 'nn aecm nnU ted the g reateat collecUon of ayl tlffionacs In the wortd. And yet^they wnnt to ^tve na monkey Rlanda to J

-m a ts 0* llv^ lonKer.-^artoon’a SliiS- ozlne. ' L?

« de, E aa K«T«c S m q .Their BqooL w«

'■ I have used C ham bcrlaln’a Tab- be trtR for atomaeh tronble- blllonsaeSs C» an<l ronstipatlon o ff aad on fo r tha Iai n* it t-'n ears. I h a re n e re r seen the ir

.rqna l ye t. They etresg theaod m y dl- or cestinn. reUered me of headaehes a s d wi had a inUd p leasan t action on m y th

-els. I tak e nleasnro la reeommsndlag K: th e m " w rite*. H . D. P . - P w w n to r .

.CrideT*Yille. Ohio.—* d r. Cl

i , . UU r q H FARf


Slzt7 >|}Te bnskx BoUanders with . their families reeently nrrived in

Canada. #TTley ,w « _ b c a n d - for Albert*, where they will in re it i -e ^ . 0 0 0 they bronght from their

.homeland i n d proceed to work Ibelr p n ir le faim s is tbe thorough

. jagnper that ha* made Holland •ndi • rich •gricaltum l countn.

Tb* tide cf immigration from E!urope to Cnnada that whs Inter-

. mpted by tb* war h s set'ln again, •tw *rex7 Teasel (rom- Europe hritigs it* quota of m«n nnd women eager to «ta?t life anew'fn the Last Sreat W est The newcomers are of a r«ry high eUsa, many coming I n n tb* M t ltb Islet and north- m t t a n Europe. This is nn eo- eoumglns tenture, as these ore the stocks tbn t n v e to Catuda and the Dnltsd Stale* tbeir O n t sturdy

HoUasd i* noted for it* dykea tad Its tsttps. To tnaiur ft means

- bot a Isod goslnt sad mctnre^r'i.^ U Is that, M ft is A o a tk b garden load. Brery indi of the (and that bs* been ndeemed from &e ses Is esltirsted intensely.'

" ^ p d a ^ s S p o i


G O O D jm sm oN s vnkee Oaranxen WeU .Placed ’or Begatta Near. BmsBels .

Tomorrow ciiBr

N T W E ^P , (/p>—American onruneu N’« well pbiced in tho prelim inary heats *’J the Ol.rmpic regntta which will he 1 near Bnisaolii tomorrow and Snl- Hi ny, aa a reault .o f tlic dravrlnRa I'll ch took place yrnlcrdo.v. Tho Eng- elght-onred crew and the Canadian

r 'a ru considered tho moat dangeroui ^ ils o r t h e American sweep awlngcrs, p f thoy will not ment,- in any event,

j r c t h c acm l'finala on 8 aturda>’. . woileu, Canada and Switzcrlanil nrc ^ ivn in the fire t heat for four-oared Ila, which wiil be rowed Saturday ^ ■moon n t 2 o 'clock. ’"orwTiy, Pruj^.o an d Bcleiuin will P* t in the aeeond and Brazil, Amerien , ' Czccho.-Slovakia in the th ird . Th'e V i

•c w inners will meet In the final at 'clock Sunday afternoon. >lie prrlim innrica fo r tbe eight-oared va w ill be held F riday aftem oon a t p; ‘clock, Norway and Czccbo-Slovakla t in g in 't h e flra t. Switxerland and :Iand in the aeeond, Amcrica and ^nm in the th ird , and France and » land in thn fourth. Winnera in ^ tc heata w ill meet in Ihc armi final- q* jrd ay afternoon- and the final hent ‘ . be rowed la te on Siinilay afternonn.

ghtweight Class ' t'ankee Wrestlers

Lose at Olympiadt America Gets Ample Bep- Bsentation in Other Depart- Si

ments of Oame.NTW ERP. (ff>—Am rriran wreatli\ra n Ihe lii^ tw eigh t claaa were elimin- I in tho preliminary' eatch-aa-cateh-

bouta o f the Olympic gamea here ^ n igh t when Svcnaoon of Sw.^len, ^

la ted George U etropoulea o f Gary,., in the th in l round and A ntllta of M laad b ea t J . Shlmmoo', New York

in the qnarte r final*. The Amer- B< ja, howMrer, qnaliflcd the ir faU Ct >ta o f two men In each of tbe other PI uiea. .n th e o ther bouta the resulta were O followa: _V alherweighta: C. D. A 'keH y. Oor- I u n irfra ity , beat Dlalctea of Greec* Cl1 8 N. Oeraon Univeralty of Penn- - k-anta drfcateil MakinKin of Eng- ,t; middlewoighla: M arDonald, Amcr- a. bant L opponrn o f Tanada; iight- .vyweiBlita: W alter &. M aurer icngo b ip i Iladran of France aa<* 'Utenant .1. R. Redmond, U. 8 . N.. 'eated Wilaon o f England; hear.*- Ighta: N. Pendleton, New York A. C.It S alida.o f Finland and F . J . Tklever Icago H. I., defeated Maaon of En^-d.n the cjuarier Tinalii Oerroa and ‘.\ek- y won th e ir boota in the feather Ight elaaa, the form er defeating Bara- IB fif France, and thi> la t t t r iSnwalng ,l«er o f SwUaerUnd. -

lasl/led Ads flad dcatrable board




' / tv s :

« A p7n O WW6AT <1

WhcHi. oHik. tmritiv . nn r>« are (arm staple ccops; flax, sugar beets, to- ing* iwiN'u and hemp a r j also erown: tbe < vegetables nre cultivated lo near^' tbe I perfection, while -Dutch dairy from prodocts are world famous. potwi

Dutch farmers xn trsJned to get stock the maximum from tbeir boldinga. borne EUch bit of (m and mnst grow Tt* tbelr two crops. When the wheat ts cut, forwi tlw s ta b le is tnroed ondsr tbe < planted to yonng cabbages or som* ehtldi other vegetable. Days are spent tn taJda tying up the heads of endive. TheM of th

---------- ------- ------ — - ■ ]

•tingfjew s' ' ■ ■ * Snn

. ___________ U s^ Port

BASEBALL j j s n c i

ffATZOITAI. L E A 0 I7 S aiS ta n ill i ig o f O lnbs ’

Won.- Lost. Feb Loairinnnti .................... 05 40 .G70 Bnooklyn ..............C7 .'51 ' .569 ^«n '■w York .................... C2 .rJ52tfshtjreh .................. 5ft 57 .S04 uieago 61 CO .50-J■ Louia id .02 • .47.'>atiin ,. 17 84 .424 .=".1?ilndciphlu .............. . 47 70 .402

YB8TBBI»AT'8 QAMB&ore: B. B. E. Soorston — —................. ___ 0 3 3 -Vernicogo ............................... 4 , 7 - 0 'I'ortBnltcrica. TownK’nd, Scott and Gow- • Bi . O’Neill; Tyler and O’Fnrroll. » nnd

oro: B. H. E. Atooklyn ............... ........ ....... 4 10 J Bcor:tabnrgh — ____________ IJ 1-P n ^[lattcriea: Morquard. Mamnnx aad tier; Ponder and Schmidt. ^ «hnd>re: * * ' B. H. E.iladclphia .............. ...........1 7 0leinnati ...... .......... ........... 5 t> 12 .Batteriea: Blxoy and Witherow;'El- . I'f

and Alien. man-------- . rinir,

jro: R .U .B 2:12w York ............................. l! in J» Grnn

Louin ...... :............................... tt <l 1 ond3atteriea: Douglas, Banxrt and Sny in tii ■; Kirclier,. Schupp and ClemOna. orn '

■ — _ deciiAMESIOAK LEAOUZ ,'SS;

S ta n d in g o f O ln b s - ^........................... -Won. Loat. Pet.

Icago____ Tti .g3hjv e lan d ..... ............. 73* 4C .015 • "IW Y ork__________7C-\ .C«7

Loula ............... . 53' VS7 .504.aton ......................... CT aiL .483troit ........................ 4B -y/5r .397 •j’ffmhliigton ............ 4H tu — .437iln.lelphia ............ .. .IS SI Jl:> | ‘*’j

T£8TEBJ)AT'a OAUB& ore: ^ *>aton __________ _______11 12 - 0 S']Batteries: Sothoron aud Bevereld; >Joot vera nnd Schalk. aggz

-------- bcorore: B. IL R. ran.Gvcland ___________ __ 1 .4 1 lo sliladeiphia __________ __ 2 10 2 'j.-awBatteriea: Coveleakie, Morton and 'Neill; Harrla and P^fklna.

- - Saaslfled Ads find desirable board. ^

n V E A C R ET h is is ' a r e a l o p p o r tn n i ty i f

I t i s c lo se t o to w n , t h e h o tu e is l5 a n in c n lt iv a tio n .

— -$5/m,i I R R I G A T E D L A N ]


A PRAIRIES I ^----- ^ »


/lER.'f t tS A ru i^ C .CAMAOA

- *"K OOINO ^ ■ tl: II r o s t t ll h«

^ l l *'W5 I to

r d f c m ^ T jii*^dont

. he— ■ > ---------------------- o tIM CANADA'S ' dn



Vtun e rs b ring to the ir la rg ti Q iil^ t(ni I on the rich A lberU p rsirie* ; hi-, ^ t e m l i u t i t m and to a « t L-ot la s t sv slU b l* busbol of w heat

n th e ir acreiu attd tb* . la s t * nd o f b u tte r from tbe ir da iry * . Tbey a r e planoing tb* .nnf . “ ‘ ies th ey m esa to, baQd v i th , r w b est fo rtunes, sisd looking r s rd to pn ttinff tbe ir chHdren In "

C a n a d u n scnools, wber* all dren a re social equals, and to insr p a r t in tb* adm inistration y b e land o f tb e ir adoption. '

P A O IF IO C O A S T L B A a n iE ' S ta n d in c r o f O ln b a

Won. Lost. P e tIt Lake ....................... 7P 02 .500rnnn ...........»............. 81 Q.l ' .58^Util- .................. ;. 72 00 .511 . 'tl F ranciaco .............. 72 70 .307s Angelea .................. 71 72- .4P7rtland ...._.................. OO 71 .4H2k l n n d __.................... 07 7it .4-'5iiprnmonto ................. ,0 1 81 ' ,430

reS T C B D A T ’S GAMES. 7.^,^ t Loa A ngolea^ 5®' ira: B. H. i l ,t Lnke ................................ 3 fl i> 'I Angelea ....... .................... 7 H 1iatterica: Cullop; Goold, Thuraton f>‘'

nnd Bylcr; Keating and Baaalor. ' ^

VI San Franeisco—.ro: -w . B. H E.;rnmonto .............................. 52 7 0 «'PI Franciaco ........................ 0 10 ; th rBnttcrlca: Kunz and BelinnB; Mc- ild , Couch and Yellc.

— ----- forkt Portland— otl)ire: . ' B. H . E. teamon --------- .................. ........ 4 8 2 thertland ------ ---- ----------a s. _3Jattcrics: W. MitehBil^ Smallwood * I Dcvormer; Sutherland nnd Koehler for

--------- toU Seattle— fo rre r B- H . JS. Icad an d _____________ ___ 0 4 1•ttie ______ _______ _____ 1 5 1 6latteric^: A ltea and Dorman; Oeary I Adania. bnt

— - , theQ B A K D O m O U IT B A O £ B | ,

>0U 6U K EEPSrE, N. Y., ( ;p j^ l* itt- |}}i n w ith K orthorn Direct won a a tir ir, fnur-heat victory in “ the V n a ^ r”S claaa pacing, tho foatnre o t tlu ' j ind Circuit ycaterdn.v. I’lnving k-c- 1 to Sym bol-8 Foreat and Uarveatcr the f ira t two heats the ana o f N o rth ’ n e

N an took the third and fourth' and Up id ing miloa wlth-beaDtlful bitrata of od down thi) home «trcieh. H a r­te r wna aecond. . tonny Hcl outclawr.l. the field in a tro t w inning all three lien ta l>abi> tb« Well th ird .in ^ th e aumjnnrica. Toot- p o Tnlae nnd Selka hnd a tigh t dncl in all] 2:07 tro t, but the-form er hnd the

te and won all three heata. Itnn Jay . leat. Old Campaigner made hor firs t ^ >earanee here alnce het b ig yenr ” 7 bot found the ' going not to het ™ ing and waa drawn before the th ird S*!it.V after having rated th ird in the __Rt two.

“ B B S A S S ” TO VICTOBA.JTOCKHOLM, yP>—The Stockholm >tba1l team defeated the S t. Louis' n'CgaUon Waiting th la^o u n try by a re o f 3 to 1 hero today. Tho Ameri- L forw arda loat manv opportnniUea More aad all the “ h ttaV a" o t th t

um were to tho victors.

Qettlnfl' a Hsno.S e ^ t t f t o r y men are In dem and a t Dner*—proyldlni; their flrat p to r ia U e a hlt,-<*-aHoon« Maca»ltH*r '

T R A C Tr y o n w ia h a 6 - a c r o t r a c t ,

s n e w , l a n d i s p e r f e c t a n d



AY, AUGUST 86,19^

iDDING INTEREST r TOUCH TO MISKE- I DEMPSEY CONTEST LIttle Publicity Sent Out to Help n Enthuse the Folks who have l ii

Bingside PriceBEN-rON HARDOBi’Mich. ( f l ^ n c k jm iw y ' world la henvytveighl Hiam- ’ . Dll, nilm ittcd today th a t both he and uiiagcr .faok Keahia had aerli^iia re- l i t ^or B illy Miakc, the S t. Panl nlli’iigcr. whom DcTnpaey mcota In n iimpionahlp match hero a wook from iiiidny. Ill an ticipation nf a hard, iielling conical, Dempaoy has settlod wn to n vigornua tra lnfng aicgo and rniddly rounding Into pcrfect fighting ndltlon.Dcinpaev saya ho regnrda Miake a*i jc ttv r fig h te r than Jcaa W illard'w hom inpflCi'-wJilppcd In tho th ird ronnd o f fir monioralih’ bn ttio n l Toledo 14 tnlUa ago. He la an ublo judgo of r> figh ting qualitiea of botii mon,

Ima fouglit Miako twice and failed knock him out in o ither ongogomont. ‘ .Miake ia na hlg na I nni nnd perhopa

II a lightly outweigh me when ho ofs me on Labor d a y .” anld Dcmp- •. 0 ‘ l f igu re to go into tlio ring un- ’ llltl lUO-fKtund notch. I hopo to be thi< Knin'i yrcight aa I waa when I

lElit W illard—1H7 pounda.” iliirry Orpb, th e - P ittsbu rgh light ivj’w cight, will jo in Dempsey'fl s ta ff aimrrlng parlncra w ith in n conple o r ' k-s. . _________ __________ left

Brief Bits of Sport •«)1 ______ _________________sue

Cvcn lho tail-ehdura of tho Amurienu wna;ui* atiowr^l up (Ito.crarked Cloveidjiil nlglliina yesterday. j

liirria, one of Connie M ark ’a re- f ” '! ita liuld Spenkf-r’a wrcckora to three ( nnd one run, beating tlie mightv '.Icakio. .

______'.vlrr wna tho hero ‘ o f yo a to rd a /’a ’’ tra t between Chicago and the libs- 7 “' Brnvca.. The Chicago vctcm n Ipldnpponcntrt to' thrci'< hlta fg r f rio

sir, wc did not anv all wrestlers crooked.

■ of III'lint WP did aay, aud wiiat \re reil:e ia th a t nil tho wreatlera wc overle-aciosa.Are not exnetlj-.atm*?**--------- - ..!a n m nttor o f fnct If a g r a m w h :iglit he w on’t be a grapplor ^ak l w iil get in to aowe bnatncua th m ’a bgni

• tn in tcd .' . L fihe... [1 «ort

'lie Tniriiy-hnud<’tl aon- of . to ll tliMC, o f \ a gcta th a t wnv tu rn in g the Btoor>&'|t ^'el o f Ills limousine. ^ ^ T

It team b a ttin g th ^ 'S a l t Lake Beea o ii i: week .Iropjied ' r t f 13 points, o r c iyin ;t00 to :.'87, ^ a t t h - heads tho Tat league Uat. \ Phau, -----^ woo'he com ing football aenaon o f thu ere: 'ific eoaat conforonce will orobrnce gamea ex tending over 11 weeka, ifn n ' determ ined to know. ^

levelnnd promntora aro aald to bo sklieavoring to bring Champion.Johnn.v bujil)one nnd .Tohnny M urray of New l*ctU logelhi-r enrly in, September. a t

he Reda yoatcrdny nhnwcd aome of Iild lOlP'diapoaiHon when they came strong ill the fina^ fram es ngalnalI’hilliea and won, 5-1 »bl

______ Uoirhat a g rand and giorioua feeling *en

Ontario fana—tliey woke up the ropfr morn and found' four Canuck ___na m aking up th e fir-at diviaioil o f -----Michlgan O ntario Icngue cirrn it. n m

im-Thor])ci atnr football plnycr and ucr member of the Olanta, la si^id , i>e' p lay ing a a ta r brand of baaeball the kron elnb in tho Intcnialiohol

. _ _ iim Smiley, sagobrush aagc, saya: , verTjody clso may be ofTen t h ' job

th* bankers still tnke intereat iu . r basinesa. ” *

ill Gleason, catcher thla season w ith tJerom e club, haa been sold, o r aome- ,ig, to the P ittsbu rgh club o f the •ional league. 1

ill m a y .b o a rookie but h o 'a 'n n . th. W e'usod to know th ia chap when woro shlnguarda and thlhga fo r the * ena V igilantes back there la old . on aaaoclation daya.'

La'dy-Sllpper. l i r e e o f th e well-known varietle* of beaotirn l o rchid fonnd tn tb e tern-

a t* sone'-*r« called tbo pink lady^ ipCT. the yellow moccaain dower. |I th e show y lady-allpper wblcb is [t* witb purp lish pink or crimson jwa.*' T hese nam es b a re b ^ n given flower* *s they bea r * curious r»>

fiU ince to .a,. tU ppet. _

WHENFT COMES!You should use good go lectmg your optometris :atid fitting, glasses is n me, thatfs my business-

PermM ently located (;en years. Think about

b r . R . A . PSpecialist in ^yfttwininy Kyt

12a UASS xn. B an.

4 O. HimTBB, Of Olndimstl,'* • Ohio, who Bays Ttnlae iu*

srtalnly proven Its winrtb'ln both.U own. a ^ Us wife's ease. -Ha wasn’t- able to work when he begSD ' Jc lng lt ■ ^

■ " ■ y "

■■■ I

U a t fail I had tho ‘F lo ’ and it mo in n vory weak ond run. down

jition w ith no appotito a t nil ondI n weak stomaeh th a t even theII o f cooking made mo sirk. I

aw fully nervous and niglit a fte rt I couldn’t sleep to do ony good, ould g e l up In tbe mornings' tired

worn out nnd. w aa.jw short of th J h u l a hnlf hou r's job would ^ n a much na a wbolo d a y ’a w oik

to. In fn c t 'I ’'fi;tally had to give good job.

hen-I firs t started on Tonlac I was <ing fo r the Goodyear Rubber Co. ^kron, Ohio, I decided th a t aay-- g thnf 'w as being ta lked about av !i wns n t least worth an .honest trial, rorked liko n charm in my case. I t ed m e rig h t from thff s ta r t, and by timo I had tnken my th ird bottle >11 ly tronblea wore gono and 1 found ilf well und atrong again. ,Whilo In A kron m y w ife got so , couldn’t e a t She loat weight nn4 very pale. Tanloc was doing me soV good I g o t hor to tr j) I t and a fte r ag tw o .1)ottleB, aho Is looking fino n . . l][oi jippftlUe Is itts t splendid anv\ looks liko n d iffe ren t perwn. I t . lin ly haa proven Its worth to b'bth ,B and haa eomo up to every word, vo read and heard about i t " ^10 nbdve atatem ent was mado by <V* lu n te r , 100 W. Tth S t , Cincinnati,I, a woU known mbchtuilo now in the ' loy of tho O ihelnnatl A bato lr Co. u Ja e is sold in Tw in F alls l.y C ity rm acy; in Hansen b r O. J . Bell- - d a a d b y th e lead ing druggists o£7 e it/.—adv.

Monopoly ef Mochs Shaepsklna ‘he worlrt'a aiipply of Mocha s h e ^ * I la 'dbtnloe# by about a dosen era. who have . the ir o n tlre col­ors In cam vuna to collect the skin* rarlouB eem eni, o f which Mocha, bem , Zeyliili and Hodeldali a re the0 polDla,.froin whlfU they nro sent Aden, * Hrlttab coaling statloD. ch. ou accouiii o f th e exact loca- I. ia the aiii|)|tlng point for skUS C to London, the ruu tlneut o f Eu-e. and the Unlteil Htstea.

Splendid - 80=Acre K a n c KBPItBinUD M AOBB &AK01IIn grave l ,road south o f Jerome; lys f ine ; all in cu ltira tlo ^200.00 per nere. Im m ediate pos- eseion w ith all o f 1»£0 crop. Icasoaable caah paym ent — bal- neo Sl,000.00-per year. TH IS IS

L SN A P and will be aoid a t once.

Phone o t write— , '

r i a i l l - G r e n z e b a G k . Realty Company

__ TTiaTirt .. i^ E L E P H O N B Jiff—

X)Y011EYESod judgrment in se- b . Examining eyes- ot a side line with ^

in Twin Palls for it.

A R R G T Ts and n t t ln g Glasses

p r o y B 8194:

Page 4: EEK E W S ONION DRY KRESS * TWIN FA£LB, IDAHO. TBUB … aiXTHEMTi n rBAB i S I W FOB THE Fllfi, 8]Sieoi^.llntertaliuneat Attrao-

■ ■' * 9 ^ .

m n E R '

S E C R E m O IE S -' Death Claims **Tama Jim” Wil-

. son;. Olosing Career of -W id^ TTseifnlnesB “

. TKAEB, In., m — Jamea -WilBOB.Tcr. f; nicr aecrefary o f ag ricaltn re , dl«d « t 11 a. m. todajr a t hta boiso here. >

Tho foDoral -trill bo a t 3 p . m. fiatOT' v •lay in tho tTnited Pro«bytori*n cbnrcb “

J.L o w O a U n tt lu c ia i . ' ^

j(un r5 W iluQ woa bead o f the b; nnrtm ont of agrloultnre fo r 16 y e a n , ai

/ (luring whieh he contribu ted lorgoly to c< tho phenomenal n^rrieoltural develop- tc

' m ent o f tho UnUcd S ta tes . H ia long . itcr>’ico in th n cab inet constitu ted a ree- pi nrd. A lbert Gallatin, once seeretary of In

,tho treasury, had previously held, tho f i rccord w ith -sorplee o f noarly, 10 years. Cl

Mr. W ilson’s 8orvic<s however, wa* Hi more notable fo r tho constructive worlc which I t Inciuilod, ra tbo r tb an fo r tlio , , rem arkably long limo which >io held tho .V\ portfolio , w ith complete ncccptability undor th ree pre/iidcnts o f divorao tem- peraraon^s—M cKinley, Boosevolt anV T a ft. ^ Di

F rom F a m to IieKlslatQie.Mr. Wilson wa& an low o former.•Bom

A ugtiit 10, 1 8 3 5 /ho was tho son of a ,' Seofcbmon, who le f t Ayrslilro. Scetlafid,’ in 18CS, to sottlo hia fam ily in tho TJnl- ^

ted 8 tatr« . N ear tb<! presen t town of T raer, la ., tho fnm ily fouuded tho now home, and in th o t noi^^hborbood tho son Jam es began farm ing on his own oe- count ns enrly a s .1661, and a t the samo tlm(s hcg a a . hia po litical c a rro r iritb election to tho Iow a Btato legislature, “f In 1872 ho was sen t to congrcss and sor^’od in all three term s. Ho w as-re- l^ h t o f tho Iow a university from 1670 pa to 1874, and f e r aix years p rio r to bo- wr coming secretary of agriculture, ho.w as ini director of tbe s ta te nxporlment sta tion p)< and professor of ag ricuhn te a t tbo lown S ta te A gricn ltum l eoll<^:«; H is appllca- me tio a o i science t o a t^ c u l tu ra l p ractice a l bronght bim to such national promt- ho nenco th a t Prosidont M cK lnlry mado w l him secretary, q / agrieulturo, l ia rc h ’ ■!.

- 1W7. \ • oslU ik M D « p u tin en t Belpftil.

W hen Mr. W ilson took offieo the . ngrJenltund developm ent o f th o conntry ®„,

was already rom nrkable, b u t in tho year* daring w hich he was n t tbe helm ; ‘ ' o f i ts in terests so f a r aa tho federal governm ent w as concem ed th is develop- C h m ent w as Inerensed f a r boyond the boundaries o f n a tu ra l pramiso whioh

'm ore land aad worii afforded . Tho in ' creasing .helpfu lness whieh the f e d n a l pM govem m ont exercised In th is develop* i m ent is ind icated to somo ex ten t b v tho f a c t th a t when M r. W ilson becnne aeerotary ther« w ere 2444 employes Sn % tho departm ent, a n d : th a t whon he lo f t n • i t ther# wero approxim ately 13.00U.Thla increase, invofviag altogether larg- e r and larger . appropriations, Mr. W il- aon obtained ' on tho m e r i ts ' o f - ono -x° aeU !evem («t-after ano ther, n sU i i t bo- came « universal belief am ong tho farm - ^ era tb a t the departm ent o f agricu lture w as w orking w « b a single-minded pur- ^ose fo r the ir benoflt;

lit t ta d a o w 17aw Orop^ . sisaSecretary W ilton in troduced in to tho tnst

U nited S ta te s a n e a t num ber of. valu- able cropa which h itherto hnd been sue* proj cn isfu l only in foreign countries. AUfoog these w us Durum w heat, which came to BAI yield n o a r l y 000 000 a year to tho \ farm ers o f tho northw est. H o thua ex- . . tended th e posslbiiitios o f w bnat grow- , " ing. fa r beyond tho fo rm er clim atio lim- ' “ *■ its. IJnder hia adm inistra tion tbe best sugar industry waa alao -feater«d, a sernm fo r hog cholera waa discovered, th e wholo country w as aroused on the aubjent o f tuberculosis In cattle^ and the eare-and handling o f m ilk was s ^ . tem aticed and improved. S am ple ' sec­tions of good roads woro b u ilt in almost every stAte, and com m nnities w ere In­structed how to build good roada w ith th e ir local m aterial. Tho forests wero a tud ied and rem arkable advances mndo tow nrd the eonsrrvatlon o f them',, a ad -the re-p lan ting o f tho deforested arena.I n copneetion w ith th e d epartm en t's a c tive w ork, tho - o ffic ia l agricu ltu ral lite ra tn ro was developed to th e end th a t

. 'd ep a rtm en ta l bu lle tins becam e o f g rea t Talue am ong the farm ers, p r e s e n t^ as tboy wero in slmpio language alon^ prac tica l lines. - . -

P r a e m a Y on th fn l v ig o r.A s a n octogenarian, M r. W ilson was

.s till e reet and vigorous a m an six fee t ta il, a ll bono and musclo. In Iowa hin ' «}ld frienda and associates know him afroetionately aa " T a m a J im .” Of the P resbyterian fa ith , he was, aa a boy, modn fam iliar w itb th e o ld m etrical vorsfon o f tho Psalm s from which ho frtsquontly quoted ia - a q u a in t w ay w ith rem arkable effee t. K o form alities ever hedged aboot him ; the p la inest farm er who visited h is offiee in WoiUiisgten received tb e same g rasp o f the haad i and coo^troM a tten tio n th a t w as « iven to leaders in offie ia l l i f ^ '


T e r a m K a a a c w o f B an k o f K o rtu Da­k o ta iM g n a SxacotlT*

• W ASHINQTON, D. C , (#>—<*ordonW oodbory,i f o m e r ly a mk'mber 'o f th e |N ew H am pshire legislature, haa been | appoInt«^ asa ia taa t a e c re ta ^ o f tho nav y to succeed F ran k lin D. Booaevelt

M r. W oodbury’s appointm ent byP rea iden t Wilson was announcoid to d a r Ib y S ecre ta ry Daniels. The new assist- :a a t w cretavy repreaeated N ew Hamp- Is h in on th e reaolntiona com m ittee iU !th e S a a F ^ e i s e o convention and has it a k e a a prom inent p a r t ia th e poUtieal ' IU fe o f hi* a ta te fo r m any y e a n .' I

M r. W o o ^ b o ry y g re a t nncle, LeviW oodbury, w as aeeretary o f tb e nav ^ | doring Jackaon’s^ ad m ^ ia tra tlo a . . ' I



an Johnson^ Has Oonfereiice w ith W s Spoakef; Learns*'

, Something

PH IL A D E L PH IA , (ff)—Ban John- n, president o f Itho-Amorican' league, day held a long conference w ith Trie ' te iuer, m anager o f ‘the Cleveland t nnl.' ^ t Ita conclusion both adm itted « ov had diacusA d tho r e p o r t‘th a t a i tUion fo r a boycott against C u ) ays, p itch e r fo r tho Now York Amori- 1 hs, w ho accidentally h it Ray Chon- t xn w ith .a p itched ball and cauicd his •! a tb . had ,boon M nt to the othr>r .tcam<)' the Cleveland playera. They refuBod* ' solutely to say any th ing furthor ex- f p t to doelaro th a t othor basobnir mat- i rs woro also dlseussod.A Clovoland p layer also adm ittod tho s tltioh hod been signed by tho, Clov(>- c id mon, b u t declined to say anything rthor. This wns corroborntea b y a »i Dvoland club o ffic ia l who is travel- o g w ith tho team . s


___ Vm ocratlc V lco -P reddeatla l Oaodldato r BecelTea F U tte r ln g Boceptlon in

S a lt I iaka '

3ALT LAKJS- c i t y , U lnh, | ^km en u t the ca r repa ir shops of t!ie ’ nver ond Bio. Grnndo railrond horo ncrted tho ir d inner palU todav to * i r F ran k lin D. Booscvi«lr. ilcniocratic-*" :e-prcsidential nomlncc,''snnak on po- icni issues. ■ V - ■ rMr; 'Boosovolt, wJjo nxri.'t-d tho rlly “ c r.noon from Los Angoloi, told the n i t w as tho policy of Goveinor Cox Ji’ I him self to bring th e ’coniln,; ■iiin- on fo tho popple tlicmsolvtis nud it s fo r th is reason ho wns .now toiir* ”: tho -w est' and tlm t Govfjfner Cox nned to comtf during September. P L largo delegation of Utnh doniucmts t tho Boosoyolt p a r t / on 'tljo ir n r r iv ind th l^ afternoon-M r. Itno^ovelt wna lor guest o t a bnnquet. . TonI(;ht bo «}l.sponk n t tho M ormon-tabernacle kt tho c a r shops ono of tho workinon od M r. Boosovolt w h a t atAnd tho v c ra t lc p a r ty takes on prohlhitlon. . w as to la tb a t no action w as taken ' ,i, tbo question a t San FraAcisco I be- p, so “ tho dem ocrats do not consider ,i, ) national is su o ."

ARGES TOWNLEY OWNS ^ ilSAL COMPANY CONTROLn e r M «mb«r o f N e w ' Hamflshire lOglaUtor^ tc^ ba N«W A stis tan t

. o f N ^vy ^

AI^GO, N . D .',v f/iV rC harR csihat.A .'ownloy, p r e s e n t of. the Xdn-partl- ^ league; ow nt^tho controlling inter-'

in a sisal cqfapany n t M iami, FlaJ contained in a 's u i t fllod Tnesday by e s 'B . W aters, form er m anager b f « B ank o f N ortfi D akota. ^ t r. W aters dem ands paym ent p f 810 w hich no alleges w as the annual T prom ised him by Townloy fo r ' : llidg tho l a t te r 's In te rest in tho mi

compnny. M r. Townlej* recently iaj fled iu b ankn ip tcv proceedings th a t co: nd ^ 0 in te re st o f any k in d in any str o sa l - thi

» ' . DoiB B U T H OBAOES OUT ^0

FO BTT-FO U ETH BOM B BUN BW YOBK, M>)—Babo R uth; stei- i s ' Sntsman o f th e Now Y ork AmeVl- om , m ade his -l-ith.homo m n o f the on' >n a t th e Polo grounds today ia tho om s w itb tho Chicago W bfto Pox. Jic.

' . / ■


Uso Pafhe Revie


mPBOMISESFIGOBES "Ropublican National Ohairman

i s ' SohedtUed to Make tic t ' Di^olosores JJ

N E W Y O IlK . (JPy— I t THis a ta ted a t P*” epubllcan na tiona l beadquartera horo oday th a t W ill H . Huys. national hnlrroaiij w ill p v o somo s ta r t in g fig- res regard ing democratio campaign unds in Chicago nex t M onday w hm0 te s tifies beforo tho 'senate u m m it- „ ' ne investiga ting presidential^ ^ m p a ig n _ xpenditures. ' *

Although nono of tho pa rly 'sJo ad o ra i'ould s ta to . tho exact nnturo o f the nets to bo. presented by M r. H ays, tho' j»t (npresdlon given wap th n t tliey would e a r w ith sum s raised by the democrats Inco 1010, " g r e a te r than the republi- ans have raised in tho samo period.'*

'*1 will t r y to confino tho sonato com- Ml l i t tc e 's a tto n tio q to . tho fundam entals t Qovornor C ox’s c h a rg es ," M r. Hays aid. ' ‘Bognrdless o f tho amotmts ho as (luoted, howovor ridleulous thoir IX Ize, Governor Cox m ay no t-a tto ck tho iitOKrity o f thoao who havo eontribut- d toward th e fund o f leai than a mil- on which wo havo raised. Thoso ources oro n o t ^sin ister,’ not 'coy- co: iip t.' Thoy represen t tbe b est 6 f our de .mcricnn cltifCDship. ' fn"!'-fThen I w il provo to tho committeo ^

lintr tho s ta tem en t rcgo rd ln g /m illio n s wl lined by th c .n a tlo n com m lttoe’ la un- ret ru e ." meM r.;iray s refused to go into detail on nsi

te fac ts th?it he would presen t regard- ba lg tho dem ocratic fa n d i.. L v . 'Ocorge-W liite, chairm an of- the demo* n n

ratio national committeo, said th a t ho th'J Bd no comment to m oke 'on a publish- me1 report th a t the fo lln ro of tbo donjo- bui o tic pn rty to ga in financial support to om the quaztera upon whieh I t nnd i-oa lunted prec ip ita ted Governor Cox’s ;tncka on tho republican budget.


•------. . o r yBUM Authority for Denying Second OlM s Stall PrlvSegea Becaase of

Part l*w Utfnwtlon* .W A SH IK O TO ir, ( ® —Tbo poitoHleo p a rtm en t h a s no a ^ o r l t y ^ under the plonago a c t to en te r a Jflankel.ordur ny ing second clnss .mail privileges to

SD rlodical because o f alleged p a s t vio- ons o f th a t ae t, in tho opinion of isoelate Ju s tice H itx o f (he D lstH ct Columbia supremo court.

Tho ru ling w as contained In o memo- ' ndnm by tho ju stice aanonncing his for rposo. t a sign an order readm itting a f tho seeond* class m ail prlvilogo snch fea'

tnro copies o f t ^ -Now York CJall, a app ulnlist newapnprt? aa aTo m ailable un* 1 r the law.- . y , thoBecause o f 'c e r ta in ortieles publlslted mni

tho Call d u ring tho w ar, tho postof* of a departm ent on December 0, U»l!>, Son ued an b td e r b a rrin g fu tu re copies of son, } publication from .the m ail. fra t

» sue<IF J jrA B V B D K A T O B OF ' Roe

CO BS S T IL L OLINGS TO Z JFB F ra LONDON', tfP)—Toronoo M atSneooy, yoi^ of C ork, desp ite two serious, col* tho isea la s t n ig h t dne to h is crititsal ffai* id itlo n resu lting from h is hanger t r ia ik f in B rix to n prison, was brigh ter ^ i a■ m orning w hen v isited by F a th e r weri minick, b ia personal chaplain. H e C a too' wonk to spoak . moro th an - a theV words, however. atro:t w as o ffic ia lly s ta ted today tb a t tiio i policemen wore injnrod, nono seri- clos:

lly. du rin g '4 ast n ig h t’s d istn rhanc'x ; :side B rixton pHson when o crowd ' ■ raged in a‘ free fig h t w ith tlio po- N

. cloai

ilLM 1. ' . V

- 'v£.' !•"' • -


i i X t J ^ • thefolio

u tea

. N

w—^ p ic s of the


JTAH REPUBLICANS M E ^='ift«e;i A sp iran ts . f o r ’ O Q bem atetlal

'H onors B efore Oosventfmt

SALT L A K B O IX Y ,, (/P>—Tho Utoh ta to republican convention, to nam e la rty candidates fo r tbb November elee- lona w as convoned hcxo a t 10 o ’clock his m orning w ith delegates and p a rty ollowera from all, p a r ts o f th e ' at&to iresont. ' ' . • .

F ifteen mon a re asp lraa ts fo r gnbor- latorlal honors.’

The keynote convention speech was ead by ropubllion s ta te ehalrnuia Hen- y Walsh o f S a lt Ldke. .Th-cn W. LIV- Dgstono o f S a l t Lake was introduced s.tPJnporary chairm an nnd committees ppointod.

b a llo tin g fo r candidates, leader^, ez- lected, wonld begin before n ig h t .B q- iomlnation of u n ited S ta te s S t a t o r {cod Smoc^ is concedeid to bo a certain- y , os ho had no opposition fo r the of- ice. ••


>eclde on A d h m n c e to oH glnal Pro* gnun D arin g V isit -In Eorea». B«.

ly in g opoa Police "-------- . ' , 1

SEOUL, K oreo, yP)—Tho American i ongrcssmcn touring th e F o r E ast ha%’a. > ccfdod 'to adhere to th o ir.o rig ina l pro* '• Tom whihs in K orea, i t w as announced ] Tuesday. Thia ddclsiort was token not- rithstanding reporta o f an alleged Ko* ' ean plot ngtLinst thnzn, tho congress* j ion -declaring thoy wonld re ly on thp < ssuranccs o f tho polico th a t tho la t te r i avo tho s itua tion weU in hand: - ] Tho poliee assert th a t thq K oreans t

r r c t e d recen tly in eonnoctioa w ^ i ( [10 alleged p lo t aga in st tbo congrdCs* len posaeased revolvers and dynam ite i u t confessed th e ir objoct w as merely t } figh ten tb e p a r ty a n d thnb' embar- i iss tho goveriunen t________ {


CHIOAQO, ( / ^ B e q u e s t ' has been , ado by M rs. u a rrie Chapman C att, resident o f tho N a tiona l A inerlcan ^omon S u ffrag e association, tbat-ev*7 boll and- Tt;histlo in Chicago bo lunded at-n o o n nex t B aturday in eelo* g ration o f t l f l e a t i o n of tbo su ffrage a n endm entMrs. C a tt has sen t sim lhir requests o

iroughont th e coantry .■ --- t g

T o d a y a j ^ a . r k e t s

N « v Y ork S tock M ark e t . y .N E W Y OBK, 'broaa deib’a n 'i -r rails, w bicb la te r ^ te n d e d to bonds ' the sam e group w as th e dom inant - a tu re o f to d a y 's stoek miorket. Sales iproximatod 370,000 shares. ITbe uneertidn nev am o n t.o f 'p rleo s u t i 0 sluggish opening; o f to d ay 's stooK I irk e t expressed tb e -divergent views I

traders. Invostm ent ra iJs ,-ao tab ly { n them PaclfTc, U n ion 'P ae ific . -Atohi* a. G reat K o rtb o m -an d B eading were nctionolly h ig her,'w h ile the jnn ior to­es, sueh a s M isaonri P o d f ie , S t. Paul,>ek Is land .an d • S t Z «nis and San ancisco reacted m oderately .' M exican trolcnm S um atra Tobacco sa d some of 0 obscure food shares scored vnriablo ins. Am ong th e b e tte r known indns- als, Replogio, Am erican Can, Indus* n l A lcohol-ond Bbthlohem M otors ire 4ioavy. 'doalors, P o e lflcs , Oils on.d sovoral o f s equipm ents and m otors wore tbe ong foaturos o i tho la s t hour, al* jugh call monoy ra te s hardened. Tho sing was firm .

L ib e rty Bonds NEW Y ORK, (ff) — L iberty tionds flcd: 3x l-2 ’s <80.00^ f i r s t 4 ’s <81.71;

r H E y s; The Gre:



ilid e rslayed by an All-Star Ca;

' Robert M(

Ixh lh tto r’s T rade B a rlsw — f tu - 2d ISO reigns ssprem e iff "B idera of

D aw n.'» One e ic lt lS g situation lofhi hard upon anotber, and thsture as a w bole a ffo rds entertain* hyliat o f the b e s t And m ost tonviae* tivi:

qnallty . Boy S tew art contrib- anyis tho m ost v ividly im prtssive east rae te r sketch o f hla career. ' eiaa

; Day-v€omedy

i,- A u6uST 26,192o! " 'iceond 4 's ,« 8 « JS ; f i r s t 4 M 's . »84.00; H^cond 4 1-4 's 184.48; th ird 4 1-4’s >87.68; fou rtb 4 l*4/s $84.80; V ietory’ .I 3-4’s 105.84; V ictory 4 3*4's «&5.4S: ”

G rain a n d P roriaions p- CHICAGO, (AT—W heat s ta rted 1-40 lc lower today, w itb a cash houjo lellicg d f a i r am onnt o f Decem ber pAriy rhich w as regarded a s hedging a m ln i t lountry pureboses in tho. son thw est fhere yras samo bn y in g by a hom e ' v ith aeaboud -conpoetiona an4 also lomo seattered p rofesslonal b n j^ g . The loerease o f around 1 1 ,^ ,0 0 0 tu s h e ls J n lupplles o f paaaago tbo la s t week h a d ^ «mo . e f fe c t , M t« r Decem ber had ilarted a t I2.3S I-a t o *2.83 and M areh » It * 2 ^ 1-S, a raUy^.-quickly'set in w llh S k fa ir ly broad trad e -an d .ca rried p«fces 8 ipward. ■ ' - ' "

December w hea t showed' a firm un ° lortone, although, tho b e s t p rices wor* n lot-m aintained because o f thb weakness « n other grains. The M arch delivery? b ros under p r e s s u re , 'n n d 'a t tho closo ' bore was a wido n r e o d betw een tho , wo doUverles.. .P r ice s a£ the .fin ish voro .1.1-Ce lowor, -witli n }ocbmber.»2.88 1*4 'to ' »2.83 1-2 and «< tfareb «2.28. • - • ' «!.September com ao(cd tigh t a t th e V

i n r t today on sca tte red soiling. i>ut horo w as a good' c lass o f commianion lOUM bnying and tho early loss wus «; lo re th an rogaisod. A fte r oponing uu- *. hanged to 3-4c low er w ith Septem ber ei 1.43 1-2 to ♦J.44 a n d December 31.18 !• -4 to ,II .ID 1*4. tho m arke t began to lick up stjiength.

E ffo r ts to advanco com p rlje s m et g rith t i t t le success. Thero w as froo <>1* as ag on all bulges .and th e m arke t wodk- ned quickly, tbo .fin ish boing well to> rard tho low po in t, w itb prices 1-4 to gt

3-8c not lowor, Septombor being j,j 1.42 Z-8 to «1.43.-and. Decem ber> .0 $1.10 1-8.- “ fit O ats s ta rted firm ■wltli* prices u p 1-8

D &-8c above y e s te rd a y 's fin ish w lth .j„ eptem bcr (37 1*4 to 67 l-2c and Decern* or 07 to 07 .l-4e, w ith some buyftng o f eptem bcr delivery b y cash hooses hich added additional streng th to the cr larket.- *. ' ■Provisions wore stronger w itb hogs.' fii

i ltla l quotations be ing up 17 to 40o 45 bove y este rd ay 's close.

Oaah Q o o t a t l ^ ’ ^ CHICAGO, (;p)—W h e a t.N o . -2 rod

>.fiS to 2.56 1-2. N o; 2 hard «3.54 to 56.'Com. No. 2 m ixed. to 1.64; No. eh

whito 71 \ c ; No. 8 White hi|1 1*2 to 70 l-2e. , 'Ryo No. 3 *2,03 J -2 . IoB arley SLfO .to U 2 .T im othy .seed 10.60 t& 7J!0.Clover seed t2S to 27. o iP o rk nominaL - lorL ard *18.25. ' "W bs *14.50 to 13.50., , 801

ELOF AN]Merchant Tailor o

, Has a Large Line of . Suitings on Dis

.. Rogerson HotelWhicli he Cordially


l T R Eit Epic of the Northw<

[ E , G R E Y ’'Novel Entitled " ,

t o t W Ias a big feature fotopli

of the DI t , including—Roy 'StewE :Kim,- and Joseph Dowli

R E V I ^ S :otlon P ic tu re N e w —" B id e ra o f Mov D aw n " serves up enongh action «lease a n ^ speeU tor. There U no _____ _ing fo r th e acUon to begin. Thisions ingredient, o ffe red w ith a ’^ d hi:g s ta r t and m ain ta in ing its ae- the gry to tho eonelusion, wiQ m ake stuckn«} sit op a sd take .no tice . I h e \ sterand setting* a re beyond criti* baekgr

, • ' ac tc r t

: : Usual Admission,

. . ' f- •'

M ln D M p o U s F lo n r^ O in ln . .. *- M IN N E A P O ljS , (ff>7 :iFIoiir 10 to 400

Icher. I n citi-Io'ad Tots; fam ily p a ten U ■ uotcd a t *12.00 to 13.40 a g arre t In t'8 • onnd cotton sacks. . - i .B ran *42.Coro t l M to 1*05. . .OaU 04 1-Hi to 65 1-40. . 'Barloy 88e to *1.08.Byo No. 3 *1J)2 5*8 to 1.03 5-8..F lax No. 1 * 3 J9 to 3.M.

Chicago U T S s^ c k cm O A G O ,' (ff)—C attle receip ts I I ,- .

}0; s t e a ^ to 2 S i h igher on b e e f ' :eers; j^'od g rades etronger; quality iforaged p lain ; ea rly to p «l7.05j bulk jod and eholce, *15.50 t * 17.25; b est rassors strong, othora- , only ateady. ixlk s a le s .*0.50 to 14JS0; aho-sto^k . ostly 10 to. 15e highorj ba tch e r cowa ostlji *6.60 to .12.50; canners *4 to 7S; J)ulls.slow to 25o lower; bologna , aUa *S.60^^tO'6.75xbnlk good-and chuice salors *16 to 17; stoekoxs slow, steady.Hbg roccipts 18,000; fu lly 15 to 25e

igher thdn y es te rd ay 's tfvorage, medl- n and hoav^ p a c k o n gained mont; irly top *15.50; bu lk ligh t and butcV ’s *14.75 to 15.40; 'bu lk packing sown 13.05 to 13.85; p igs 25 to 40e highor’.Sheop receipts 26,000; a teady to uu- - renly higher; vorw good lamba b ‘d .4 held hlghorj early top na tive lambs- ,3.50; rango M ontana tw o y ea r wetb- . •. a *8.25; feeding lam bs largely *18 to 1.25.

Omaha L ivestock OMAHA, N eb., (/P) — Hog receipt*DOO; m ostly 'lO to 25e higher; bu lk of Ios *13.75 lo 14.25; top *14.75.Cattlo receip ts 1000; beef, and butchr

enttlo stendy ,to £5c higher;-voflils , cady; stockers nnd feeders 25 to 50c jlher.Sheep rece ip ts -20,500; kUling lam bs . rong to 25c h ig h e r ; b est rango lambs . 3.25; 'sheop stead y ; feeders slow, jstl;) 25o.lowor; top .sale early *J2.75.

' Ohlcaga Prodoco OinCAGO, (ff) — B uttor unsettled ; )omory 44 to 55 l*2c. . ^ ' *Eggs h igher; reco lp ts 8^28 .oases; , s is 48 to 4i)o; ord inary firs ts -4 3 to e; a t m ark, cases inelndod 45 to 48e: irago packed fira ta 5a to l-2o ; ponl- .<■ alive, ^ o w e r; fow ls -j!8. to -3 3 c ; rlnga 84 l-2c. '

H ans)u O lty Produce KANSAS CITY, (ff) — B u tte r un- inged. .Poultry hens 2 7 ,'to SOe; springa le Jior 32c. • •5 ^ , firata l e higher, 50c; seeonda

7HICAG0, (ff>—P otatoea; Beceipts ‘ cara; m arke t stead y ; oastorn Cobb-

s *5.25 per bbl.; Je rsey Cobblora, ked, * 3 .^ to *3.40 per o w t; Minnc- a E arly Ohloa *2.i)0 to *3.00.

3ERSONfBoise,IdahoFall and Winter, play a t the'

Rojom 226 ■ Invites You to

I t ; ' .

MATINEE and N i o n r


’S, ■; -

lieat”i ^ w n ” ;,rt, Clair Adams, t i g - ■V

Ing P lc to re W m U M JenoraU y terta inm ent is " B id e rs o f Ihe '. Benjam in B. Ham pton haa ' lid of tb e dom inant mood o f ' ipplag Zaoe G rey novel and nn sis ten tly to i t th r o n ^ o u t «ling eaat, ita t i t l in g .an d iU onnds give d ig n ity and char-> " R id e ra o f tho D a w n ." ’

Only 15c and 2 5 c

: ? • : • ■- '

Page 5: EEK E W S ONION DRY KRESS * TWIN FA£LB, IDAHO. TBUB … aiXTHEMTi n rBAB i S I W FOB THE Fllfi, 8]Sieoi^.llntertaliuneat Attrao-

. I N W S y B T E : P 0 S S *D i x o n O h o io e 'O f B e p n t> ] io a n 8

a n d W h e e l e r D e m o c r a t ’s . H o m in e e f o r G o v e r n o r

H ELEN A , M o n t, (ffV~A^dU!anal ru- tu m a from Tuesday 'a p rim ary and a re- choek o f J iga tea tro m 10S2 completed p rre in e ts o f tLo.lfiSS in M ontoaa, to sboir ony.difforofleo in tbo rela tive posUioDS o t ropuljliean-nnil dopiocratl» candidates fo r conffrcBs or governor. •

F orm er Unitod S ta te s S e n a to r '! . M. D ixon \T08 the . Iradinfr cand ida te fo r tbo ropubliean nom ination fo r governor ■with a m argin o f 230S votes over H orry L. W ilson. A ttorney G eneral S. O; Ford

’ w o s 'tb ird v i th 1072. ^F o n n e r U nited S ta te s A tto rney B. K

W heeler, N on-partisan Ipaguo-eandidato, waa ahead in tho race fo r th e demo- c ra tlo notniuBtion for. governor. Hn had moro than 10 OOO votoa ovor bia

• itearent opponont, L ieu tonant Governor• W. W. McDowell.

F o r tbo democratic nom ination for ' ' congrcBS'in tho f i r s t d is tric t, Conip’osa*

• m an Jo h n ,Jf- Evan« w as m ain tain ing his lead and -apparently w as tho only Bueecnsful asp iran t fo r dem oeratie nom­ination to a s ta te offieo runn ing with- o iit the* indoracmont o f tho Sfatlonal N on-partisan league.

On tho face of tho ro turna th e leaguo candidates s w ^ t tho demoocatic pri- marioa w ith thiS singlo exception.

E v a n s ' loading opponent w as B urton ~T W atson, tho Non-partisan- Icnguo cnndi-

dato.In tho second d is trie t M. M c0uskor,

tho N on '^a^ iann leaguo candidate, waa ' lead ing J . T. Carroll by moro th an 2000

' votes.W. J . McCormick; republican, fo r con-

gresBs, f i r s t d is tric t, was lead ing J . B. G riffin and John M cLaughlin.


T nn»oon tla«n ta l A eria l B xpedltloa DoQhlM B ack on .V cack .to M ln . I

oola, 17. T ., firom N o n e

N O M E ,. Alaska,' (/P>—Threo o f tho four p lanes in the U nited S ta te s A rm y ’s A laska aoria l expedKion took tho air on the re tu rn flig h t to Mineoln, Now

-Y ork, a t 3:30 W ednesday a fteraoon . T hs f ir s t log .o f thrdr tr ip w ill take them to R uby, 300 milos east; Captain 1 S t. C lair S treet, commander o f th e ex- t jMdWon, expeeted to hop o f f ca tly t T buradar. . . . . i

Captain StroPt hopped o ff w itb b ir N iomnanion av ia to rs b u t ro tum od to tho' 1

fie la becauso o f .niight troublo w ith hfa -engine.' Pltm es 2, 3 and 4 w ill aw ait i his a rriv a l n t E u b y bbforo continuing to t F a irbanks, the n e x t stop. \


OOLOBADO OIT 8FB A K E B S LIST DEN'V EB; Colo., M>)—Governor Thon.- t

M E . Campbell o f A rizona. Governor ' Oliver H . Bhupp b f Colorado--and’- f a - ® tional p a rk sorvico offie ia ls o f-W ash- < ing ton wero speakers a t th e eoremonics ° o f th o 's ta r tin g o f tho park-to-park au- *> tomobilo highw ay tou r horo today . .Tlio

■ tr ip w ill covor 5,5D0 m iles th rough 12 national p a rk s in nino w estoni s ta te s f, n«d w ill require 70 days. f

E i a B L E O T M o’ p O w B a ’pL A N T *, PLAOTTBD T O E SW ITZBELAND ^

BEB N E, Sw itzerland, (/P)— A n olcc- tr ic power p lan t, to dovelop 350,000 a horso powor is planned on S a in t Goth* a tvrd m ountain. Tho cost is estim ated u t tl about •100,000,000., - - • b

Two littfo villngea whoro Uvo I,'200 A people m u a t^ o movod out o f tho Ursorcn o valley which will bo'dam 'oied’ and' will tl become a g rea t lako. T he powor is to p bo u tilized ch iefly fo r tho Swiss elee- C trie railw ays. t(

B E L F l T l i l l ; SCEBEOFBIOT;

____ __ • t;. military Ficcs on Crowds .in ' ' VarioQB Qnartors; Oasnal- u

ties UncountedPELPA ST, IreiandTf/P)—Fierce riot-

Ing oecurrrd hero th is afte rnoon and n the m ilita ry n rod on a. crowd. This tj aftern o o n 's rio ting occurred jn CTonal- lon s t r « t , eas t Belfast.

W hen the mllitar>’ (ired volley* a f th " rm w d A num bcr'of portions were sm u tn fall. Tho firo brigade was caugh t b<»- - tween hoBtUft stone-throwing nlobs and ^ had to ro tnm to Its station.

■The c n y w as quiet thi* m orning a f l ­er a n igh t of desperato rio tin g and bloodshed, b u t the atmosphero contin- tied surcharged. D uring lho n ijfh t 's riot- ing tho casualties woro reported as ono ' person killed and SO injured, inclnding two young women. One of tho la t te r " ia In a c r itle a r 'a ta tc ... .

Tho f ire brigade If.eportcd 28 incen- « diary fire s in tho I S ^ o n r s ending a t «'7 -o 'clock th i* mornings T hirty-nine P' porsona w ere arrested for rio ting and

■ kindre«J offenses. ,B iotlng was resumed early th is mom- al

ing in th e Ballym acarrett seetioa o f th is A ^rjttf. <*sl o f tbo river Isgan . M ilitary ^

forces summoned to the scene o f tbo V.^isorUer fired o n ,a crowd, k illing ono M

^.■ jjaan and d a n g e r ^ g ^ r f f o o a d ln g ^two m

* ^ ^ ^ t i ^ t wa* renewed a t noon today il in \<»oIff and F oundry streets. T he po- tw lice quelled th e outbreak.

H A L L PIX 0H B 8 IT O ^X T _____ . .O A U B A O A U raT OOLITUBVS

ST. PA U L , M inn., (/p> -C harlio HaU, ,leading p itcher la th e Am erieaa a*«o- ^e lation , la po in t o f gamM w on,-hnrled q a no-hIt gam e aga inst Oeltmibtia in thef ir s t game o f a-doubleheader w ith S t. _Panl tpday. . S t. P aa l -won elx to 0. p,

' mJ . H ; u P-lg t t , P la s te r C on lrae to t. Bs.- ^

k r r B oom sA ^S M ain A v t So., Tw in fcr i j l s , Idahtf, Phone 225J.—a d r . • in

T W IN F A U ^W l

I “ i/ou; C a o^ / W This Chaint

' '*■ _ N1

• ^ ;------- ------


■ormer Ambassador . Myron Herrick Tells Republican Nominee Party’s Position is Fully Understood Overseas

MARION, O., (/p>—Tho views of 'nding European statesm en regard ing10 presen t sta tu s o f tho league o t na- ;on» w ere convoyed to Sonator Hard- jg today by Myron T. H errick ;’ form er m eriean am bassador to Prance, who as ju s t returned from a trip abroad.Mr. H errick said tho position of tlio

•publican p a rty was ^uliy^ understood broad and th a t thero was no appre- ttnsioa as to tho results o f an Amori* in foroign polley undor direction o f ,

ropubliean- adm inistration. iTbo nomlnoo would n o t comment on j overaor Cox's charges of an exeosslvo ipublicaiS campaign fund. Ho also de- ' Incd to. discuss tho statom ent by ' aron S. W atkins, prohibition candi- ' tto fo r president, a tta ck in g h ls prohi- ition reeord.

Cnbs to Do B i t ‘TIio Chicago Cubs oro to do th e ir b it . ir Bonntor H o rd in g 's ' fro n t porch ,■ impaign by coming to M arion on Sep ml>cr 2 to p lay a froo exhibition imo w ith an nggregalion o f loeal mi-profossionnls. ,Th(' ongngement was mode today na reauU of a chaneo rem ark by the aeir- o r th a t ' ono o f tho b ig handicaps o f I0 fro n t porch was his inability , to so<, isoball games. W illiam W rlgloy and , D. I*askcr. .two o f tho chiof owntT^ -the. Cuhi(*’/i’n d ;b o th connectotl w ith b piibliclly end, o f tho JIhrd lng cam- ilgn, arranged fo r. the trip nnd of- < red to loan tho 'lOcaTs any Cab b a t -i rv th e y .m ig h t pick f o r - th o gamo.' ] i-ler an<l O T arro ll have been selcetod. c

'H a rd in g s A re F u s . ^Both iho 'senator and M rs. H ard ing '•0 fnns and they havo promisod to do . eir share to m ake th e occasion a rod tter d a y 'a t tho M orion ba ll park . Tho . nd idate will pitch tho f ir s t biUl. , M o st' o f -today Stfnator H ord ing en t in consultation w ith various par-Itxadora on campaign polities. Among ,

OSO on his appointm ent lis t w as for- ‘ Br Senator Georgo Sutherland of tah. I t was undorstbod th a t tho - ijnio issue waa tho principal snbjeet diseilssion. M r. Suthertaod ia .p resi- *

n t o f tho Am erieaa B a r ^ s soctation ^

■ T i s s n i i i m ! annoiii'siiiJiLisco;cdro Zamora Holds American and British Oitiiens to^Ob-

tain Guarantoes iWASHINGTON, d7 C., T ed ro m ora, the M exican b an d it who kid- ppod a num ber of Americans a a d ft Jtish enbject a t th e m ining camp o f « inle, Jalisco, and his band aro report- » surrounded by 3,000 M a ilcaa troops, !

cording to advices tp the sta to do- j- r tm en t todoy from tho A m erican eon- J1 n t Guadttlajariu - •

Zam ora was sold to ’ have released : the eapU res except W . A. Gardiner, nerican, and W . B. Johnson, B ritiahj . lom 'h o is holding I n ‘o rder to ob tain ‘ e guarantees he has demanded o f .the sxiean governm ent a s conditions.of his ' rrcoder. - ' ».General Callcs, secretary, o f w ar a t Bxlco City, who le f t the eapitol Ang- . t 24 to negotiate w ith Zam ora-Cor " B b a n d it’s surrender, has arrived a t ladalajara. „

W A WOMBK M A T OAST ^IB S T VOTE m n } E B OBDBB ° WATERLOO, la ., (ffj—W om ea re- [lag In p a ^ o f Black H aw k and I undj* comities m ay have th e honor a being the f irs t in the U nited S t a tn e vote by v irtne o f th e ra tlfica tio u h

jclam ation o f t i e snffrage-am end- n t to the federal eonstlta tlon . n e y11 ro to tomorrow In a sehocl elcciionr which bolloU fo r women w ere be- e I hnrr^edly p ilo ted today. «


i ! E M . y : ] ! p ^ , S . : T ; W I N

Tin, With I id to My Leg ?

• I


Qrun'c k : lUmllton v t Jude*' ' . —■ 1

m S f f i r ;TflSPEIlKINGENISTIllE ■Democratic Presidential N om i-.

nee to Pay Visits to Boiso t and Pocatello >

NEW YOBK,” S - ^ ^ B » * . tfiQ ^ itinerary of Govornor C ox 's 'w astern speaking trip , Includlug caocollailon o f ^ engngoments to speak a t B illings and Missoula; M o n t, and Fargo , N . D.,’wero ^ announced hero' today by tho democrat- ie national committeo. • ^

L eaving Minneapolis Septem ber 0, lie t will speak su cco ^ v e ly n t iGrand Forks, Dovils Lako and M inot, N . D., on the n 7th; a t H av re and G reat F alls, M ont., h on the Sth; H elena, B iitto an d Anaeon- t) la , M on t, on tho Oth and a t tho Spo­kane, Wash., Btato fa ir , on tho lo U . rh e rca fto r tho dates and places o f his ipeechcs ore:* • ‘ ,

S e p t 11, Tacom a and Seattle, W asli.;12 ond 13, Portland , Ore.; 14 Huntln'g- I ton, Ore., and B oiso,'Idaho: IS P oco tu - Io, - Idnho, and Ogden and Balt Lake I : i ty , U toh; 10, Reno, N ev.; 17 Sacrj.- nento, Cnl.; 18 San Fra&eiseo: 10 -.ud n , Los Angelos; 20 San D iego; L2 Phoenix, A rlz.; £3 Albuquerque, N . M.; ' EHioblo and Denver, Colo.; 25 Ohoyeans, ffyo. _______ -

E lE C T i i ly L D lIBEIillTEDEBS

Socialists . Dismiss Difficulty ' Abont Freeing Presidential tn

Nominee ‘_____- ee

CHICAGO, (/Py—U Uio socialist tide- ' it xhould w in In tho fa ll cloction thoro ^1 vould bo no d ifficu lty about g e tting w; Eugene Debs, candidato for president, I lut o f A tlan ta -p en iten tia ry , Seymour tli itednian, tho vieo-presldential candi- late, announced today.'

" I f the socialists havo o majority, ^ a tho 'olectoral college I can bo-tnaugu- a tod-prosident in D «bs' s tead 'an d can ben, by virtue-, o f m y office, pardon )ebs, restoring him to his righ ts, in- « lud lug hla r i ^ t to bo p residen t Or wl bo in angur^ ion can bo hold in A tlan- all a pen iten tiary and Debs can pardon - Im sotf.” (b wl

M r. StcdHtin, campaigning for M r. ^ )ob^, w ill .s tart a western speaking ^ our September' 5 a t M ilwaukee. He d ll also speak a t M inneapolis, Bia- >arck, N. D., Yakima, Seattle Hnd Cen- — ralin. W ash., Portland^ Ore., San F ran - “ Isco,' fre sn o , Los Angeles, Ban Jovs, Oakland and Sacramento, CaL, Reno, rev., Ogden, U tah , Denver, Colo., Groud sland, Nob., and DaTenport, la .


d en u ty o f M o r d ^ ''K e v Jersey Woman 1« EBtabUAhed b y Mole

on E e r Back

QRANTWOOdT n Tj ., The body f thb yo'ung’ woman, found slain in ho Grantwood woods yestordav, today .-as idcnttfied as thot o f Mrs. Blanche ^hulz, o f E ast 135th s treet, Manhat- an. The identification was madn by lie w om an’s husbandi F rank Schulz, at

H ackensack morgue, fichulc who (• aa employe of th»

nterbornugh Rapid T ransit company, nm cdialelv iden tified the clothing rom by the dead woman. H a wonld o t lo o k a t . th e body, b u t told tho po- icc lh a t his w ife had a mole on her ack, whieh they found a< described.M ra Schulz, according to her hi^s-

and, bad l>cen employed in. a Manhat- an departm ent store, bui had be«n litising from home ilnce last Saturdav igh t. R e aaid th e had w ith her nd wore fivo diamond rings aad wed- ing ring, which were missing when bo body was fonnd.

An autopsy perform ed b y Oottnty 'bysldan < ^ e h showed th a t th'^ worn- n ’s th roat bad beea cn*. from .ear to s r and th a t th is cansed her death. She ad been struek o heavy blow on the !ft templf*, Dr. Ogden said.

D t. j . p . M e y m bae changed l«Vs Cflce to th« Tw in lU Ts cliale bolldiag r e r the U nited Stores;—a d r .



'••.My nam e.” snld th e T im ber Wolf, "Ib T lm nnd I n tn 'th c son o f Mr. ahd Mrp. Ju fto .T im b er Wolf. I will te ll my story If anyone would, like to hear If* . ' f .. .

Thp o lher nnlm nls. nearby in tho xoo .po litely -sn ld they would lovo to h rn r liis story.

•‘Woll," wild’ tho Tim ber 'Wolf, -wben my m other and fn ther enme to 'th o zoo I h ad n 't arrived . T he n ex t yen r. 1 cnmo wtth tw o o th e r llttlo Cnblcs. N o 'S o o n e r lind wo nrrlvod nnd owr m other wna loving 'u s and telling w hnt henutlfitl bnblc« we w er« thnn .n grent M g‘rn t cnmo nIong to the next y n n l> nd_w ciu n f tc r ono o f-tho neigh- ■bor’s ch lldrvn-^irh i. Thbroaa Timber W oirs yoniig son.,

•■Well, tho wolves Just, aald they weren’t gnlng to have -thnt. nnd my poor m other w n s 'd re a d fu lly frigh t­ened. Here, you see, slie had three l i t ­tle .bnWea nhd ot_ Course sh e loved them. N ntnm lly Sho d id n 't wont to hnve h e r babies ea ten op. o r killed by m ts. I do n 't believe a n y m other would.”' Tbe others nil nodded tb e lr Heads as though to ngree w lth-Tlni.

"W ell, the n e x t litgb t b g re a t old m t cnme In onr^yard nnd my m other wnx the h m v e a l 'th in g lo th e w orld. Slie fought th a t old m t and though tw o of 08 w ere b itten she killed him .

"W nsn't th n t bm ve of h e r? Sho feared nothing, no th ing a t fill, when th e liven of h e r babies we;:^. a t stake. And w hen T sny* th a t I m ean tvhen the lives o f her babies w ere In g rea t, grent danger. , < ■

" I w as too yonng to know m uch' of i f b a t happened,’ except th a t th e b ite I received w as very p a ln fa l and I re­m em ber I crled—I th ink I did—«nd m y little b ro th e r w ho bad been b itten cried too. M ^ h e r h ad to leave us alnne when ahe w aa bavlog tb a t flgbt w ith th e r a t . ' -

"Rnt ofterw nrds d id ahe Ue down nnd rest? . Did she He down w hen ahe hnd .won th e g rea t’ v ictory over tbe bru ta l rn t? ^

•‘-Vo, Hhe cfime to na and com forted Tin nnd >vlilKorrefl sw eet w elf a p e ^ j | |a

W hispered Sw eet W elf Speeehea. -

int(^ on r e a rs td m ake na happy and. :o - m ake th e b ite s w o had r t o lv e d reem[ leas.

**When I wna th ree m onth»>old 1 Ellled th ree ra te In a day. W ell, xrosn’t m y m o th c r proud,<of m e t And [ w as 80 g lad I could do f t F o t by liftt tim e ever7 w olf in th e 'w h o le aoo v as .up ID .flmja n g a ln st the r a t i w ho voutd aneak In In s u c h ,a aly, deceit- *01 w ay aimV try to a ttack , th e bablea If the m other wolves, ■

“Yes, every w olf w aa agalnat these a ta . an d every w olf d id all tb a t waa vithin h is o r h o r pow er to destroy ill th e r a ts who cnmo around.

‘‘Sometimes wo h ad hard battlea f l th thero—b ut w e 're Im proving all h e .tim e . Yes, we retilly aro.> We’re. M tlDg to be strong and the r a ta a re •ecoming few er and few er. ._2iroHl£C wolves nTV> n o t ^p.

2 0 %

Savingon all

Millinerya t all

— Seasons

S t o u t sstale Shop

3 A Y . A U G U S T 2 6 , 1 9 2 0 '

bow; f l$ e ii5 ra re 'f f Ig h l« ie 8 " a f li8 * F . A nd I t la r ig h t they ahonld be. The Idea o f th e tr com lbg a f te r . baby

W oY nn .j They eeem to b% eepeclally fond o f ,b aby wolves, b n t we’r e tangh t tbem -n letoon.—'A n d w e h aT O ’t J n s t y o rk e d fo r onrselvea. we’r e worked fo r a ll o th e r wolvea. W e 're Jn a t gone- Ttgbt In to tb e w ork s e ' t h a t al) tSe ,w olr(p 'w ould b e safe.. * ^ o w th e k e e ^ r s haVe adm ired na l B n t I th in k I t Is on ly 'rig h t, and only r tg h t especially th a t w e 'sh o n ld not on ly th in k of oureelrea b n t th a t we ahonld th in k o f a ll ^ e w ofrea la the *00."

“T h a t Is w h e t you have a ll been do- t n g r a sked^sno ther animal.

" I t ie ,- said Tlm . “And becanae w e've been b ra re and becatlse weVe done o o r best fo r e re ry o th e r w olf apd fo r th e soo people by ie t t ln g 'r td o f the r a t s th n t snenk in, a s I aald be­fore . jpo 're admired.

“I t {8 n ice to b'o adm ired, b n t nicest o f nil l8 th e fn c t th n t th e lltU e babies w ho com e, to tho soo from oow on w on’t h a re 'su c h ti dangerone, flreadfol tim e, fo r th e wolves b a re tan g h t the r a ta a good .lesson. •

"They won’t be b itten a s I w aa b it­ten . W e've go tten rid o f the ra ta ohfl e re ry one Is g ln d . ' • . ,

"B o t th e onei^ who a re .m ore-glfld th an nny o thers n re th e M other W olves a*-y.on can all onderstand.*

" r in e , fine,” sn ld -th e o th e r anim als.

• D isappointing d e j . . 1 _ i Jock—W hat, w r t o f a dog )a t f a t •

yoo’r e g « )l-^ pointer.Joe—No—a 4 1 aap i^ ln te r! — Bfijw *

*“■ t Introduction of EnQllah:Walnljta. ' C

, - T he English wotnu't fnm o. to-tho Po* “ clflc const In 1807. when Joseph Sex- ), to n ’of S an ta B arbara, Cnl.. brooght a j, s a c k 'o f nu ts from C hile nnd grew -1,000 t ^ e a t -001010. . ,

----------- !-•--------------■ PT heir A blutions Soon Over.

PersonoUy w e’hove m et many k inds | o f chum ps In ou r tim e, b o t we h a re ' n e re r eaconnteA d. one wbo loafed very long In a cold bath.—D allas r Newa. . • Jg w i'ii 'i ii

- I I I -Idaho Depari

A ]

Sea|sonable During Oi

OpeninjAll Boya’ School Si

. ~ : : This s8 9 c b l a c k s a t e e n . . . . . . . .

H o p e m u s l i n ; ................

3 9 e G o l d B o n d c h i l d r

e r s .............................

$ 2 . 9 5 ' W o n i e n ’s ' s i l k h

e r s ’ i r r e g u l a r s , " " b l a c k

5 9 c B o y s ’ B u s t e r B r o v

4 S c B o y s ’ B u s t e r B r o y

Big Reduction on All Blouaea and Gint

$ 1 . 2 5 S c o t c h p l a i d s u i

$ 5 . 5 0 w o o l c o a t i n g s . . . .

- $ 2 . 2 5 s t o r m s e r g e : ........

$ 1 - 7 5 F r e n c h s e r g e . . . .

$ 1 . 6 5 S h e p h e r d c h e c k (

? l - 2 5 s t o r m s e r g e .............

3 9 c p e r c a l e s .............................

3 9 c d r e s s g i n g h a m s ...

2 5 c c h i l d r e n ’s h o s e s u ]

S e e O u r B i g W i n i S a l e I I


■ I-r - ' . ' WJ™’ .'

' '■Peop.RIchard.'*'Poor Richard was . tho “pen nome,"

the name assameO br benjoroln ' Fmnklln In a series of' almanacs pnb* llshed froip vm tja 1707. These al- monocs ^ntaln; maxims and precepta0 0 temperance ^nomy, cleanllneai thastlty and other homely virtnesi, and to sereral of the maxim's are added the words, “Aa Poor Richard say8.'’'0 .

Cempllnient fo r Uncle DIek.Uncle Dick, a bachelor, fond of ch fr

dren. was a g ree t favorite with h l f little n l^ s - n n O nephews, so when th e new. baby came and popa told theoa tha t tho 8t(}rk had loft, (t a t tiielr house. Buddy «Jl.d_t»ioughtfolly: *Too bad th e stork d idn 't kpow whore Uncia ' Dick lives.- ' -

Wood Flat's Peculiar Trick.The wood o r pnclc. m t.-common lo

tho northw estern p n rt o f the United Btalcs, hnn th is peo ilio r t ra it : I t lenves h its o f wood. I c a ^ or tra sh S8 spbstitu les 'fo r th e ifiatcrisla It . e a r i ^ nwny. - '

Classified Ada find desirable, board.

±©4TOO U ljT B n m pLABBmOAXXOH)FOR^iB-Balc* B0V0n-pa * nge

or. In (fine condition. SS& Sixth ave-

FOR SoLE—Heavy rb’odator or will raJe for touring car; terms if desired, all 401 Fourth ave. 'Wt I^ono 1277. •\VANTED- To rent. .2 or .3-ro^'

ouBo or apartment for light boUBckoop- Ig, furnished. Phone 43> Skaggs store •

SALE—Good solid cabbago for raut, 1 cent ft pound. Pickett-Bros.) hone S27 .R 4-’for sale—Bcomaa ono-horso gar- Btt tractor; prico very . roasonaDle. hoBeg27Jl. . .■^#rBD—To rent four or five- lom house. Pbone 440W. Call <28 Ifth are. N. .

inent Stores -

any Money iving Items re Being fered on ferchandise - ir ScliQol r Salelita RedjKed for ale ' \ ,

.............................^. . . . . ; ................................ ; dOc5n’s h o s e s u p p o r t - .......................... 2 SC

o se , m a n u f a c t u r - o n ly '. . ........... . .$ 1 .9 5

o i h o s e .......... . .. ..4 9 c

m h o |e ,_ ._ „ i ..... 39c

ChUdretea Middy jham Dressest i n g s ...'....... .......98c

............................ $4.75

.............. ...... $1.95

............................ $1.59

iress goods.... $1.49....:..... ................ . ...9 8 c


.......... ......... 5 5 c - -

p p o r te r s .______ 21c

l o w D i s p l a y o f

e r a s

:nt Store ltd "B n a P r o g t f f u v * '

Page 6: EEK E W S ONION DRY KRESS * TWIN FA£LB, IDAHO. TBUB … aiXTHEMTi n rBAB i S I W FOB THE Fllfi, 8]Sieoi^.llntertaliuneat Attrao-

V - ■

TWIN F^LLS WPEKLY n e w s ,E a u b ilifted T o M •• ^ ~ ,

vvln Fulls Nflwa P ub llth lsg C om panr, a Ltd., PublUhera ■ • c


' The combatnnta would « l ia u « t tho ir rosourccB In » to tf month* and th a t i

• wouW end t l i e ‘co n flic t ‘'T ha t wna the •jcneral bollcf when the world w ar op- o cncil. ' I t wns an ofk-oip,ro8»cd op(nlon i th a t tS>t> w at would n o t on ly *po«dily

. bankrupt the nation* engaged, b u t th a t the nniiies would bo deelm atcd so rap- idh-! th n t nn end would be brpught to p iioat^U ies becaua<r t o ^ fighter* wo^uld n be le ft. T he erro r o f aueli fo recaat wft* long *lnce *hown. Howovor, i t wna g thought whou hoBtilitlea in tbo g rea t tl theater* of w ar ended th a t au rv i^ u g t< people* would of ttceeu ity tu m to poo.< o i, Industrie* in ordor to avoid a tarvatlnn , ^

~ th a t there lind t e e a *o much life an.l tl property lust th a t the war^weary na- tinn* would revolt n t tho thought o t fu rther m artial a trlfe . I t waa averred jj thn t Europo in largo pa rt wa# “ bled ii w hite.” tl

Long before Uio w ar was brough t to n tho arm latico wo h ad hoarJ o f tho doBtitutlon • th a t p revailed over ^ a largo ‘p a r t o f Europe. Buaaiii, b ) lh ^

, iK'cause o f her original p a r t in tho w ar, ij. and tho ravages o f the BoIaUovlki, wo* {„ siipponod lb ho in nn a l a ^ l n g *tato q( imd it cortniply bo*'grow « wor*e w ith ^ the pnaalng year*. J ’oland *ufferod rc- ^

, p rn ted ly from tho rftvogo* o f e o n ^ e t- ^ ing nrmlfB. Both m ight h a v o to e n con- p, aidered long p a s t tho p o ia t o f p a ttin g effectivo mlliar)i f o r c e s ^ the fie ld , to

’ T )io 're su lt showa t l ia t tbo o t q,reasoning on which men re lied on la to order to reach a eonelnsioa t l ia t i t 'rti- quires largo t r ^ u r o and ab o n d aa t eo Btoclia of food aa wtU &» vaat, jpjof men-J;i order to carry on w ar d id n o t Hi take stock of aome reaerve th a t nppar- fi, en tly 'haa. been ealled to tho aid o f Bus- „ aia, Po land and othora wbo“ « iU p e ^ nj|

' a lit In 'a eek in g to aettlo dlapatea. by tic force of a m * . an

By aome meana tbe ' Buasiana nre n-c equipped and fed , myaterloua* tboogb to: tho wurco is. Poland mny have .b a d |,q belp from E n ten te aources, thotigii aueh Q;

**. o ld boa' been earofuUy eovorod, I f (Kv* ai,< OB. A nd these are n o t th e on ly “ ottor- go:

ly exhausted*’ nations thougli th e m o it mt aotnblo, tb a t ’are able to carry on w ar go long n f te r aueh a condlUon aeemed Im- jif

. poaaible. I t wonld ae«m th a t i t 1* nee- oaaary to roviae pro.wac ooneopttoaa o f g}, w hat ia neceaaary to proH outo m lU td ij operaUoJut ' • , a . ,

I t w ould.8oeo tb a t U is poadble to t^] carry o n 'w a r a f te r tfie teaonrcea n ic-

'‘‘eaaary to snpport a nation in peaco nro ^ai 'o s t i r e l i | oxbaoatod. S o w i t ia aecom< pliahed 4a a p u ttie , b u t We are faoed With tho f a e t


The' Wnahlngtott S ta to D epartm ent of A grfcn lture 'a M onthly New* L e tte r J a au tho rity fo r thp *tatem cnt.tlia t tlie .to ­ta l value of fie ld aeeO* im p o r ts Jn to * tb e Unitod S tatos^'from foreign eonn-

4JrJaa d ^ ln g tho 11 1-2 month* ead tag■ Jnno 15 am onats to about IM,©!)®,®®©

wholc«»le: V- ' ■ ap<^ e lis t o f im portant seed importa-

tion during th a t period, oa giVen by the >Tewa L ette r, follewa:

Ponnd* u^ I f n l f n _____________ _____ 18,7*2,000Clover: bui

A ls lk e _______________:— 5,647,700 ca-

«SSSO rchard O raaa-------------------- 8,770,500' •'.«B o p o ________________ I------ • 6,763,700 6 tEn(cliah a a d l ta l la n Bye ,

Orasa __________________: 2,n8,G00H airy and Spring V etch------ .2424,400 to-

SlatCd purpose o f tho News L e tte r in calling a tten tio n t o ^ i a sitnatlon is tb

, ind ieate th e p c^ b llitiF * o f ex tea jllag ^ ^ aeed prodoctioa to m ake the tTnited

•Stated independent bf foreign aupp'v Brf impUeation tbe Kews L e tte r as i

stirta tb a t im{H>rtatioaa o f foreign gruwn •eed are m ade wboUy fo r th e po}|>09« o f m eeting a domestie dem and th a t i* “ “ v n fu l f i i l^ by domesUc production.

I f thla l>e the eaw , then eertn ln ly the ^ outlook fo r th e Tw in FaUa e o n t ' . ,

which ia excelled by-none la p o in t o f na tu ra l conditlona and advantagea fo r •eed prodnetion, onght to be a o a t b r ig h t

I f o n .the.o ther hand, any p a r t o f th5« i am ount o f im ported foreign grow a seed lo c is being bronght to tJii* conntry beeanae ra t4 i t ia prodoeed moro eheaplj* ab;D*d and jh^

becanae i t eaa therefore be aold a t a «roi ' k w r priee thao the-dom estie p roduc!, iU (

i t ee rta ia ly behoovea aeed growisrs o f red A ia e r i^ la general and* of th e Tw in wai FalU eooB trr In parrUeal&r| nnleas they hen ^ 0 wiUiag to grow and m arkot Oteir «ad aeed on a p lane o f eeoaomie eqnaU ty ey w ith th e forolgB grower, to aee io i t ata i th a t pivpe'r actloa is tak en to gnaran- It a te e a m arke t level in Am erica th a t ean- ap lt .M t.b a a ffectod b y prodoeiloa eeaU ia waa lo rA l^ conntriea. beln

1 ' . • ' ■ - .


Seed lo w e r s of* thla v lcb ilty wlio ave r a ia e d ^ n d attem pM d to m arket !cd cropa (h ii y o a r^ u g h t to bo in po­tion beat to determine whothor for- Ign growa seod 1* bolag im pbrtod whol- ■; tb Ihoe t n demand th a t' cannot be ippllcd b y p resent hom B^rodlietlon, or liotlio'r i t Is brought In ,««>^y because la cheaper. ■ . •

And having determ ined t h lP ^ h o r o Ight to bo no quealion an iong thom n< I the nctlon to bo token.


itobert Dunald, cbaiim an o f tlie Im- irlol Prcsa Union, nnd d e se r ib e d '^ s onu !^f tho forem ost Bowspapor m ea

England, looka' wiUt real Borrow- up- I the moral lap^o o f Amoriea as ono nC '0 tragedies o f h ia to ^ . ’ ' Ho n t t n

tho failu re o f the^U nitod, S tate* lo icomo a member o f tho league o f ' n v jns. Z t^ is ,-o f acouroe, very aad th a t0 dotormined atand o f A m erica fo r ^0 m aintennnco o ^ l ta own .aoverelgnty ould hnvo *o distressed thia w orthy | -itiah-journalist^ In tho m id s t,o f hia . nientnlioua he appears to ovorloak ‘0 f o c f th a t tho alUea won tbo wnr ly because tbo U n ited S ta tea throw . to the confllot 4,000,000 mon a n j cp- irds o f th ir ty bilUona of doJlarj. A* * result o f th a t v ietory, m ado poaaibto

A m erican-anna, th e B ritlah Empvvtt ereasod J t s w ealth by «100,000,0^-0, according to ' nn_ catim ato by tb e , •w York Sun, wliilo tho U n ite d ‘State* t nothing; a-re flee tio n th a t appears t to havo been Indulged In' by M r. inald. \ • , / :i t seems !to some of us furtherm ore, .bo a moral lapse on tho p a r t o f cfTt B rita in to perm it the Bolsheviks continue^ tho iiuassaa lt u ]^ n Poland

thout rendering aM Co tfie la tte r in try , in aeeordance w it t^ th o obH' tWna o l tho league covenan t; to on. . t tho Bor\’lccS of Oreek aoldlera' to :ht B rita in ’a wnr .against T urkey; to a(le a id to Prance when .she wna

l ia menacod b y Qermna dcmonatm- • na in the B uhr Milley; never to m lm o pp o rtu n ity . o f oxtending B ritish

rid dom ination regardless o f tho pro- • :t, tho m ost reeent.lnstancea o f whinh fo been tho bringing o f P ers ia un<tcr Itish ln flu o u i« ,.th o acquisition o f )u t fo u r-flfth J o f the form er GertniSn onlea-ondoc tb* guiao of n le a ^ b ndate, tho eata^ lalunen t o f a .B ritlah ’ernor oyer tb<5 '* fre e ” port o f Dan*, nnd, the a p p o la tm en t-o f nnothi^r tlsh governor o ver PaleatU e^ I t wa«) som ething o f a “ moral la p se ’.’ la r t r when n B ritiah g e n e i^ Im e d . or- . s th a t eauaed tboi a laughtering In m lnntea o f -800 poor Ind ian natives tho wounding of 1,500 ollior* be- ,

so they had the tem erity to^ rcsU t tlsh dom inatbn , ai^ ac t which was orally approved thronghout th e B rit. '• E r o p i^ ' 7, the U nited S ta tes does n o t take illy to being acensed of a ^'mera] »e” by any Englishm an. ^


en a to r H ard itig g ro w s ' in* popular or aa th ^ cam paign progressea. W e p w he wonld.’ 'H o Is th a t typo o f M t. H e deeilno's tb be led in to n back co squabble with. M r. Cox, whe Ilka dlaparagingry o f f ra n t porch ipolgns. M r. C o r relies on 'f r . M^ng'a sense of fa lc p lay n o t to dip1 personalities, which -the D em ocm t- cl ean'didrte h im seS hns indulged In,i f Mr. Cox is' wise he w ill go a b it ^

c on th a t sort o f flilng, fo r ^ r . ■ding hns frienda who m ay deeide i” ' t there 'are aomo thlnga in tho life Mr. Cox th a t w ill provc^in terestiag he. p»>blle, if not pre'clsel^t pleaaing ho Demoeratie nominee or beneflei- n his candidacy. T.rffator H arding Is pursnfog n o t only [gn lficd 'bu t a ver^ \igoroua t»)iey . bns.decU ned to be draw n a

Ire deba te ,” )>ut he haa bad nil the cr.-or-the argum ent to date . A* fe r f ro n t porch c a m p a l^ , i f be coi'tln- Bu to atrlko th e keynote o f a ituatlona * hoy arise , as he haa done alnee Lia ination, there w ill be no ground fo r plaint. Sometimes a candidate Ios- la much a* he .gains b>f a “ awing md the elrele .” . . . ., pa;

’ . ” ru)ilU aPL O T PEOM A M U M S E D , g j

. .P U B U O < i t .

oatm aster CUSeral B nrltsos haa !•- Is1 an -« rd er ercating new ctfaveraioa s fo r foreign n o n ey orders. U nder i t new ru ling a Britlah pound will ho le^ th M instead o f #4.87 ns heretofore. fs fo r o ther eonntriea havo boen leed aeeordiagly. Throoghont the th e post offiee departm eat has t-d-

d to the’ pre-w ar eoaT tn lon ra tea, aayoao deairing to pnrehaao a moa- me ) ^ e r payable In ' £iy(laad, fo r ia - ^ ce, baa beea c o a t p ^ d t« p ay fo r Ta t tb a , ra te ofSM-87 p e r pooad ia

o f th e fa e t th a t the ae toa l r s lo a ^bi w ay below th a t A gnre, a t oaa tim e eoi ' as low aa The differcaee

L Y N E W S , T W I N F A I i L

between tb e amotmt recoired .b jl H r . Purieson from th e p n re b a w o f tho >rdor, and tbe am ooai h is departm oat (vaa-eompollod to p ay wbea th e . o rder was presented G /o a x 's r lta ln f f r r»-' Joinptloa w as u e d ite d oa .the boo lu bf :he post o ffiee departm ent m p rofits.Lq\ tb a t w ay mUUona o f dollars -bava xr [>0011 mnde' by the. depa^iineat ia the .si [last few years, and those p ro fits have joen Qtillzod by M ryBorleaon b t mip- of jo r t o f hla b o a ^ th a t hla adm lniatra- tion 'o t th e postal aerviee' .b a a - beeu ivlthout loan and m arked by g re a t of- ca lciiMiej<. . ' . S

The foreign monoy order buaiaeaa b f ux he post ((fflce departm ent' has baen ao ixample o f ju a t th e sort o f g iv ^ prof- tee ring •which Another departm ent o f k i ho. governm ent has been buslJr try in g0 suppress. F o r y e a n ' M r. ;BurIesbn ,ui ina been aolllng foreign money^jiordera0 th e public >for, only a fraatlon o f ^ heir truo w o r th . ' H e h as a .mooop^lfi£ the .busincsa, and could cbargo w bat « plcajwd. Even pjjder tho new ra te s be if exehango which he haa prom olgnted T ilO will 1>o m aking tmcooaolonablo prof-. fs—na mnch na thlrtyt cents on W ory ti< louud s te rling o f nn. English order, in >cldItlon to th e rogular fees fo r ttie eerv- CO. • ■ . . ' nn


(Pnrgo Forum)Appeols by politicians for tho in;

vo tes o f ox-BOltllers and aailors o f p r tho wnr aa aoch are a praetlee th a t uu should bo <ondiimnbd by overy pa- - w triotic-A m eriean, moat o f a ll bj1 tho

, fo rm er . sorvice mon thomeelvo*. w( Thla appeal to tho man-o’-wara-man po wa* etnphaalted In r^ rg o M onday tii in the addres* o f F rank lin IX r^ o s - ' T t ovelt, dom oerat rnndldate to r vleop 3a preaident^ M h Botnevelt d id n o t <la m ention tho American le g io n bn^ , he drow a atrong pietnro o f “ J im ” ’*><

' Cox'a -alleged u a rem lttlag dovotlqn ■ tb tho Am orican apldlor during lhe T^ar, pcArtmying -tho “ g rea t wtlr governor” a* the ln*t home figure '"I soen b y tho e m b a tU ^ Ohloana na they aailcd»nway t r f th e flelda o f P<;' g lory beyond tho .M lantic and tho f i r s t to g ree t tho v e te ran s in- j o y . .. oO* w elcom e.on tho ir re tu rn to Vt' Americn. Well, maybe J im d id a l l ' th a t. A nd w hat patrlo tio American d id n ’t do th e same as fa r as Itl* op* * ~ ' portnnitlc* pcrm lttod f Overlooking tlie fa c t th n l M r. Cox’s '’pap«T took ft. snrpriflihglv anti-w ar stand n t „ ono tU e . I t la- accepted th a t M r. C o x - ^ hla fn ll.d n ty by tho bravo • ' Buckeye boya throughout the w ar and a f to r n a 'th o rest o f tho loyal govem ora and o tber offieiala < aa wall fla p riv a te citizens did.' . i i i e po ih t la tb a t no politlciana ahould appeal to ela** feeling in any; , form in toe o ffo rt to gain Tote* and secure election': The ex.*oldiera a nd ,{(q a a ilo n 'ahonld* vote aa In d iv id u a l,' |j,„ loyal,AAmorican eititona, n o t aa tho p . , membera of tbo Expeditionary Ar- my, tho Begnlar#, the M arinea or tho'nn%‘nl o rg n n iu tlons.

M r. Boosevolt la no more a trana- ' greaaor tban th e maas o f politlciana o t p rb so n t appealing to to o aoldlu'r aa auch b u t he certa in ly m uat bo nwaro o f tho dangera.of e laaa^iv is- n,a* l o n i a A m erica and n a llz o tho in- nirf adv isab ility o f fostering and in- 0 , , c reasing th is division by any> m ean^ frei o r fo r nny purpose whatsoever. >' 7 ^0 ex-service men should bo tbo j|, f i r s t to rebuke thla claas.m'ppeaMo . niai th e n . I t does amall honor to e ither <vrf tb e ir p n tr io tis s , so well proven, b r to th c ir intelligence .as American clUrena._________ _________ • . .


____ fc.., • . liltJm lgv 0 . 1 . Baum wW brard . evj- nee In tho contention! aga in st .tho t y ’s pl^D o f nascsslng com er lota, H. onday nfternoon handed <Io,wn -two >ro decision* In the nmn.v cases filed. ^ I'n c ity hold th n t com er lots should l“ fi' a r all tb e txpcnso of la le ra l’ improve, to » 'u ta . Judge Bonm liolds' thn t com er opert.v* need be required to bear onty n'oi proportion o f fho exiiense. n ed s to ft to th is e ffee t waa o rig ina llr O tdc known In a find ing several weeks '(-nnio. ^Yesterday T%t* same find ing w as Lak idercd a(rainst the c ity in fnvor o f loot J . Woods, S. C. W yaJt. W. A. Browp^ pro] rn e lia B. Amsbarr*, W. A»JBnlf*ock trac d -P . 'W . ^ro aau g h .


------- _ • ■Ina o f I s t ^ e t n r a B n ilt b j spaslab Madras r o a n d la V W plty c f K«c»- „

’OGALES, Arixona, *DP>—Re-^Wf# t b y tho earl.i' Spanish padres ro- , Itly l i^ to th e looatioB b y F rnnk ' lU cy o f th e B tatea. n4\ltinaV•k service of^ihb m ins c t a a o lU ^ rl- ' la m ission w hich had never ef-

ta thougW , 'w ai fooaded in 1770.Vitothef oVd mlsaloa, ye t on"*v«rdetl. •J®" in thU dU trie t, M r. P iackley rca. The aeeond mlasion, walcb l*oro1 nam e Saa L ola Baeaaeoa, Is lo o te d , St LS believed, aomewhera near Uie~-Mnr'n border. P lo k le s la to m ak i nn ox- "hee taivc aearch fo r tb a rola. . ~ hla

red o f Stcxraacb T iosbU aad Oos. stipatiaB . mob

lachel Cribley of B ea re r Dam, Ohio, ^ a d c k fo r tw o yeara w ith atomach uble and eonatlnattoa. ta U a g oae dicine a f te r ano ther w ith oaly tam- B4 r»ry re lie f.. “ M y. aflighbor spoke Mefr

ea thna iastiea llr o f Cham ber ta la ’s luml bleU'” aba says * * th a til p roenrfld .a relat tie o f them a t oo r d rag s ta re to madi few days trea tm en t coaviaaed lae Tort it th ey v e ra Joat w bat I needed. Ia tu m itiaaed there n w fo r several weaks Arro I they, cored me.—adr. T cni

L S . I D A H O , T H P R S D A ^

p E O B B H O M A H m S S .

W ar A c t in u a a Obangad to P ra c t lc i l ^ o r t a f o r th a f i ^ t l i a a i B appl.

a e n o f 0«aar* l M b llo s ..

' (Contribute^.D .Every ouo kpowa b r tb e baaefie ieat

work b f tho Red Cross du rlag ;h e yeara ilnce i t sprang Into ll£d a t tbo beheai ) f Florence >fightlngaIo fo r tho pnr* pise o f m itigating aome o f tho horror? >f war.,- .

Up to th a close, o f th a recent world ivnr, when i ta g rea test and m ost woa- lo rfal achiovementa wera reached- w ith exception .of a few isolated oecaaloas, ;ho Kcd Croaa was know a only la ' eoa- lOctloa w ltb w ar a n d tb e re lie f o f It« inDSoal and aw ful conditions.

Now, bowover, i t bas 'entered npoa o low phaan o f ibeaefieenoo whieh 'h a s ' lo t y e t become n* welt nnd generally <nown as wo believe I t abonld bo. To ho end thua indicated,^ tha organlxa- ion ia b ^ g fn lly perpetuated ,, both lationaU y-nad loctilly, and it is to ita ^resent leas apectacnlar b n t equally. i^n- >ortant work th a t wo desire to d irect Ittentlon. ' . .

In porsuaneo of th e new purpoaea a ad icU t'ulea o f tho Eo<l Cioaa, iU w « - inio organization in th is county h£s >ccn continued and re-vivified. 'T h e rwiii«Fnlt« chapter, o f which M r. E. J . ^iiich is preaitfcnt and M rs. Edw ards, eerctary. hna numeroua useful activl- icK. oQu o( eneclnl Impottance being ha t .conducted by the publle health iiirning committee, w ith tho aid o f ifa xccutive officcr, Miaa B osettft MeOml), mil the active co-opcratlon of th e coun- y public health offieial. D r. McGInnia, i'i\d thft phyaieians o f tho-eounty genet- ill.v. ' X ■

The purpose of the campaign thus bo­ng carried on ia .tho safe guardiagf'and >romoting o f the health of tho com- ijunity RcnemJly, • w ith espee la j/re fe r. flico'in tho cM ldrca. ]

Hrnco the child wolfnro clinics which . i-on' liolil la s t woek n t th ree d lffe reo t loints in tho county ' and w ill bo eon. inunl n t tho high aeJiool building in j I'w in,Falls n ex t Thuradny, F riday and , latiirdn.v, beginning a t 0 a<fl)..on each ,

The f i ra t o f theao eilniea w fs held a t ro lllster on W ednesdoy o f laaV-weei:. j ollpwod by sim ilar meetings a t F ile r on | 'hursdov and K im borly on F rid a y ., ,

Tlio child w elfare conunlttee.-conalat- ] ng of Mewlomor B . E . Morse, Q. D. ] kikcn nnd K. U ^ a r r e n and some loenl oople nsniimcd charge of tbesK 'clInlctr :itli tho county nbrse, Mias MeOrail, 1 irecting. Tho necessary t^ehalcal and c rofcaaional assistaneo waa rendered n t 1 [olliKtor bv Doctors M.vers,. M ilford, i ,01'lc , -.vith D r. Olsotte, d e n tis t IA t F ile r Doctor* C ald#ell, V aa :C o tt, t

egni N ew hi'rry ,, Oo^de dnd C artn e r f f lc la tc d . ' A t itlm lifrly D octors Mil- nrd, Caldwell, Pns*cr,-D nvlsj Scfta!,* < rnmtad nnd Fisher. — cThe prae tiea l feature o f 'these clinlcii £ nn tlie 'exam ination ^nto the physical * MidUiou o f th(\ children who w ere pre- s •nied. w ith rxplanntirm s and reeom- C lendations in eaeh particu la r eoso tha t oirtd, o<, cotirao, m ake for the benefit id in s trn c tlo n 'o f nil present. * v Po'mdble ailm ents wero classified, on» T

vrclnlist exam ining th e teeth, another t to eye, cbr,' nose, and th ro a t, another a It* torso; the abdomen nnd the.H m bi. I aeh of these clln ira w as well supported n id n ttended lo cfllb 'an d mnch int,crest \ nn ifestcd, paren ts paying eager a tten DM witli manlfcBt appreciation o f tho >l>ortunUy.. 'cThe laat of-tho presen t hcriea o f d in - c >• win t o hcld-ncxt week In Twin F alls v tv a* abovo mentioned where childreji e nV be broiight fo r exnminntion I f de- d red, It being tmderston'd thn t e v e ry I ,l»g in fonucctlon wUh th is w ork U h

Wh<m children are to bc brought and cftso apeeiai anpolntment* am no»

a d e * 'b e fw han«, n small sheet or a rap shonfil be brought fo r each child, o

B R E V I T I E S ' 5

S iH tiff Oofts W eat — S heriff A . N. ^ im gue haa gone to San Francisco to ^ tend A convention o f tho National rafTTi O ffico rs’ association.

F rom A rlio n » 7 -Mj«. £ ^ r l Cary and Ltio son B illie arrived M onday from tizona t\nd a re gueaU, a t tho home of n t C nry 's p a re n t^ M r. and M rs. W.. Oroenbow. j

T o M oot F a raa ta — I^awrence 'W alk- * gton le f t Snoday fo r Cambridge, N ek , acctimpany b ia p aren ts, M r. .and Mr». scph W alkington, home a f te r n two nntim’ v is it there . ‘ g

OolBg to Balt L ak fr-C harlea H. Mull, f! n trne to r, left Tueaday. for' Halt ike, wSero he wfit spend aoxeral days ^ liking aft<-r bnsines.^ connected with n oppsed north aide' constm ctlon con- ic t. ■ ■ . ’ tl

B a ta ta from U tah—Oliver Burkhold- ^ Tiaa retu rned from C edar.C lty , U tah. ^

lorc be; sp e n t the p ast three weeks. , a bro ther. Carl B urkbolder'and fam- ’ rctorae<1 w ith 'h im tn make- thelt me In th is c ity . ,

Ooaa t* Kanaa* C tt7 ~ A . 'I<. StokcC t M onday m orning fo r a few ,week* " ■It ia Kanaa* C ity and otber.M Iasonri ^ liTfa, Ineluding tho old home h e 'Ie f t yeara ago . This Is the f i r s t v a ra

n ba baa taken In more than 20 .veara.. - v l • Hm ilV a t H eanold-'H om a — M r. apd l i •a. Paul Dold o f COmbrbldgo. Neb., « -. a a d Mra. ErBeat Jackaoa of Black* ^ It and M r. and M rs. A lbert Bellamy ^ 1 Moa B odney o f B arley spen t Moa- V a t the W. 0 . Honnold home. .

I t u t t K « * T » rrTueadftv a tnrtcd .eoastmctlon o f a

-etiron bultdl&g. 00 b y ISS feet, on ^I p roperty a t the com er o f Second „ ?nne and Third a tree t e a a t Mr. T e rr ll'o eeapy tke boHding w ith aa onto- . b ll« w rM kiag coacem . 'H « experts jt. complete eonatruetion w ithin

^ n j------ * P»

UtQzna f n m Canada — Fred W. ar eeh haa ro tn rncd from BritU h Co- cii >bla w b e ro ie apeat threo weeka w ith b» s tire a a t Spoxxpm. M r. Meeeh de th e oatboand t r ip by i ra y of rtland. S ea ttle aad Vasetfavrr, re- e f n ia g by way o f the Bevelatoke, the a i rowhead lakea, Xelaoa, Spokaae aad v l id le tba. m:

AUGDST 26; 1920 jQ a A n O lttlag—'S.' N . P lo ry a a d fain- It

ly d eft .M onday fo r a ten d ay 's outing tl It L ava H o t Springa. . -.

. O o U ln ^ o a i ^ la a d i—M ias'B u th MU- ^ a rd o f w is e , a h iv o d Saturday fo r n T' hreb weeks! v is it w lth frienda. • ,

V acatioa C om ple tad -M r. and Mrs. J .J. Thorpo ro to tacd Sunday .after-sevf. f} im l days spent a t Boblnaon Bair on tho “ Jalmon'VIver.' ' , •

M ottled—W ord Kaa been deceived hero 5 if the m arriage of Charlea. A. North Tv ind Mies ,B«sn M urray, Wednesdoy. August 18, la Seattle , Waab.

To I4 t « itt 8orl«rr~D ougias Davies laM moved hla fam ily to Burley to ru- lido. M r. Daviea Is connocted w lth 'th e V arw a ■Conatmetioft corni»any. ^

• • , ” ' Fv ia it io g P a n a ta - M la s B yrd W all ar- u

ived Soaday -from Chicago fo r a tw c oi re e k s’ v is it a t the home o f hor par- «i lats, Mr^ and M rs. J . W all t t

H ero l e t «<.d M n Oo««o “L W illiam s, nnd A oIr ehlldrcn, o f Og- [en, nro in Tw in F a ils fo r a v is it o t the „ j . , a . E rekaon homo on Fonrth avenue' JJ lo rtif.. ; ' - , ?

P h y a ic U n P a y iF la * —D r. H. N. Locto 5raa arraigned I n ’tho police court Sat- tLirday afternoon on charge of-violating mhe t ra ff ic law. H o paid a fine of ^U.CO. ",

W—B aek f r o n Oamp>-Dr.F.-C.*B«y)bo ond

am lly ro tum od Saturday from their ' nmmor cam p,. Seldum ia-lodge,. aUbve Cetcbum; w herojthoy bavo beon spend; ng tbo at^aon. * ■ ^

. ■ ■■■* •" ■ .' ■ sl To E lec t Officers—Kim berly chapter dr

if tho W. G. T . U. .will moot a t th« ni ipmo o f M rs. B. S .' Woods Sep teobcr an fo r the annual election of o f f l^ rs . All ta

nombers are requested to be present. N m El

O nest t f i W all H bm a-'M r*. Jam es B. Fl llU or n h iv e d hero S aturday and ia the Ei Meat o f M ra. Henry J . W a ll 'M ra. Mill- N r ia en rou te to ht-r home In Webb :it.v. Mo., n fte r a v lalt t o tbe e o a a t '

F rom Mlaaoaxl—H. C.-Rancock, w ith W is m other nnd alster, Jiaa na gneata a t m Is home, hia slater, M iu M ary B an- sn ock o f Knnaaa C ity, and two annts. cti lra . John G uthrie of.-MIapii, M o.,'and Qi fra. BobN-t H nyott' o f Thtnraball,' M o .' on

LeaTe fo r H o a » —M r. and Mra. 0 . B. 'uller, who havo boeo' v id tln g iheiraughter, M rs. S tu a r t H . Taylor of ^llghth avenuo north, le ft Monday L.or the ir home In D otPoIt Mich. They ^ave been here during tho past two ^

; ■ « "i Baok f t o a O n tia g -C . ^ Booth and'

tm lly re tam ed ' Sunday frem a a o n tln j , , C aeveral d a y j Spent a t Guyer Hot pcibge-aad Boblnaon B ar M rs.'Bootli - ad ehlldrcn w ith -M r* :, BnUes have M a t'm o s t b/, tho ’summcr seaaoa a t uyeK, - -.'■■I

Viaiting. B a U tiv a a -P o r a viait o f a cck M r. aad Mra. Clorcdco H ill of olse a ro here. T h ey w ill >bo kuesta la .r . '10 homea of Mra. F lo ra Wooas, Third « u u o weat, .and M rs. I*. I*. Wood, ourth avenue- north. The form er Is nthor of both Mra.‘ H ill . and M rr. :

s;"Ohurchv Oelabtataa '.— Sunday the , '''R ri'gn tin iro f tho F ir s t P ieabjrterlan lurch qltfarvod tljc fifteen th anal- jraary o f tho orffanitation of tho local lurclu .A api’ic iar'program with ad> | •CM Woa given a t the w om ing aervlcb. ^

Im reported thn congregation aom- Jl" >r» 700 enrolled mombers w ltb a pro- irtlonately large Sunday achool. ^

Names N ew Officaxv—A t a general oekhoidcrs' m enting of the Idaho Co- ’ w rn tive ' Sugar compaivv, held here tic Itu rday afternooj^ th e xoilowlng-oCIl- •rs Wcro choaen: J . B, Bothwell, presl- ?nt; Oswald W ilson, vico preaident; L.. M erryficld. aocretary-troaanrer. W ith »!• icio F ran k DeKIotx, J . A. Handy. H. hot '. Vanderpool and A rthu r E. Anderson j j j •n itiiu te tbe directorate. .

S o a a fro s t E aat—M n . Andrew Bog- ^ snn loft S aturday foc.ft moath-’ii viiat ‘ her form er home ia Illinois.

S U tl a iu il> -a ) i» u d A ndtr. ? ”« , both formerl.v eonaeoted w ith the rowning brothera garage and repair q ° lop, have o^toned a gtmeral anto repair S°! tnidlshm ent a t 128 Second ave»«? eat. • - _

B ah a FamUs; B a tczn a -M r. and Mrs. £ J . Hnhn and aona retuj;nod FH^ay

om n -v is it 'in .N e b ra a lta and Minne- ta. Mr.. H ahn fa roc<ivorittg fnAn n . rioua opcm tion p erfo rw id a t Itocheat- . Minn. • •

— ^ O iP en aU to Bnlld—F o r the' construe- >n o f a l2 _ b y 25, oae-atory fram e rurture, to be ereetcd in South P ark Idlliou, , JV. M. RucUt Saturday ok 'o u t a bu ild ing p e rm it The atrne. | re w ill cost t3S5. . . L k

“ ofTO U v o l a D aovar — Mr. and Mrs. 'to t hn Tracy le ft Saturday for ^ n ^>er r wbere tb ey w ill m ake th e ir h w e . ^ r. T racy hn* beea employed with tbe W ' dzier Tm asfDr company. He b a other o f M rs. J . E . W hite. Ele

-!___f besB(±ool ^>paaa 8«pt. U F rank E . ' »ward, o f the Albion s ta te normal, ar- -ed Prida.v to spend a fow daya. f reporta th a t th e norm al w ill open on ptcm ber 14, and tb a t there w ill be a r ln •gc n ttcndance from thla couaty. t o '

M ajor L aa BCakaa'Oan—M ajor Alva e o f tho arm y reeralting beadquar- •a in Salt l a k e , waa a v isito r a t th e has al afntlon.>-e*terdav. M ajor Lee ex- t i n fs»c«l g ra tifica tion n t the progress Hni idp by rrcm lte rs in obtaininff enlist- >»,» 'nta from thia d is t r ie t -

Paia N arj> Bzam a—Inform ation th a t ^ W. Cobnm and B. W. B zx tjr , locaf '

I tr ic t yontha who recently eisllated fo r . .T ro l aervico bere, hava p^aaed the ir mo< illm inary exafflinationa a t S alt Lake boa a are now on th e w iy» to Saa P taa - win CO, waa reeelved here la te yesterday rho. ree ra itiag offieiala. - den

• eaa*Saala K akaa « a i l—C hatlc i W. Beale to i W anace,'eaadldate fo r the republican aad tatorial nonvlaatlen, w aa.a Twin F alla witl i to r yeaterday. M r. B fale haa beea a a t k ing a aum ber o f atopa in aonthem th is

laho/niid feels h lg h lr oacouraged over f oq tleok ia a political aenso.' ' ,

^o tm d b ro r—A fte r heating evldenfu <the s ta to ’s 'c a sa a m o a t B. Qoldberg ^aterday o f te raooa 'Judge 0 . P . Duvall ' ■the probato court' ordered th e do- . n d a a t hold to th e d ia trie t court for* lal, Bonda of '>500 were fix o d and ’ mlahed. Goldborg Is accused b f p m c' ililg medicine w ith o u t a atatfi.Ueeaao.

D istric t Oourt to D odda—Judgo 0 . P . " . iivall o f the probato conrt yesterday dored C. !<. P^^erman bound over to e d is tr ic t conrt fo r tr ia l-o a a Bhiu y a ^

embt^xilomcnt.- Peterm an ia alleged A Itt^vo le f t tbo country w ith an auto /

uck, belonging to tho Jo h aso n . Auto ilea company. • V

- ^ • '"“rBolM Btilldla^ F tm d — F riday New- '7 'I S, W ight, ^eero taty of ' the Twlo lila Chamber o f Commerce asalsted by la* p a y Fowler, by m aking a canvass • - tho b n slncu diatrie t, raised th o eum

' $500 needed fo r the erection of a rm bureau ju n io rs’ building a t the ■unty fa ir . ^

D n o l^ F im lly 9 « tn m s—A ftor an ab- nco o f more th an fou r months E . P. in lap nnd fam ily have returned to frla ^ l » to yeslde.' Mr.-'Dtfalap laat ■ ring sold h is fnrm four miles eaat o f • .»in F a lla and w ea t'o n a trii* th» tf«he c o a t O a tbo outbound jo n rafy 1^ irchased an automobilo in Chieago and I k t h i a machlno. to reach New York id Telura lo T w ia Falla. H t made00 m ilea liy maohlnc.

Miss M innie ^andorson onteirtaiaed n t c o ’clook dinner and enrds o a Wednes- y ovoning a t her liomo on X^ath a v o - ,^ no rth . Y elbw gardea fftw era and ' ectpeos decoHstod (bo rooms aad -ihn bio. H igh score waa won bv M rs. Z.. irth . Covers woro laid fo r the Mlsjos tla Fox, Oraee B r ^ t , Jano Maxwell, oronco Costello, £ d ith D y?ert, Mra. irl Sm ith, Mrs. D. Young, Mra. 2. irth and Mrs. B ernard Strieker.

Mrs. J . B. m i t o en tertained Thora- y ia honor, o f M oater- Eonaeth h lte 'a eleventh b irthday . • l%o p a rty I* motored' out to A rtudan C ity fo r .a im, a f te r which a pldnle d luaer wna Joj<cd by all. Tho gueats w ere Balph IlMto, F red V arney P a t B ranla , Carl d Glen Leonard o f Filer. M rs. Whito s. a assisted by l/oonilla B eno it

\ p a r ty was H ven a t Baalbnry’a mgo laa t S u a d a r b y M r. and Mrs. orgo I>avison and M r. an d M rs. Hugh wlis. A deligh tfu l plen'io d ian er waa ved by tbo bostesaca i n c a f e t e r i a |e under a canopy. ' The gueata wcro - *

and M rs. H al Bieler, Mrs. H . F. ile^ M r. and M rs. W alter Dofreane,■i. A rth u r Dufnisno o f Salmoa, Mr.1 M » - J . B . 'Wblte, M r. and ' M rs. ' « rt K eater, Miaa Norma Schaaa, Baygnn and M r. G lllmaa o f Lo* Angeles. .

’ ttul A. Y ager o f Browning brothora ■ce, waa m arried In D enver on Saffir*- r. Aiigtiat 14, to MIfls MHdred-Narron. c coupio re tu rned to Trvia f^ ll* ibla ek and nre now n t Immo a t 213 Wai: t s treet. M r. T flg e r wa* form erly p ident o f F ile r b u t fo r *omb yeara now.I been donnocted. w ith Brow alag ither>r except fo r a fow mvnth* last'Ing w hen .ho rc*lded In Denver. '

lie A drom a clnb m ot F riday aftcr- in w ith Mrs."W ilUam B a k e r ,.a t he^ no on S ixth aveijuo coat. & m lnl- neea o f-trip s takon thla summer woro « on b y 2 ^ a . B. D. S tbver and Mrs..M. Flslior. A fte r tho program the

tcM 'assisted by her .daughter, Mias na B aker and b y Mis* M ildred Lan- I'hcbi.i aerved a dellclona Iwnrtcon.

Srn. I t D. S tover enterta ined 26.11t- folka S aturday after«ooa In honor of ’ daughter, E d n a ’a seventh b ir th d a y ., ' nica wert) played on (he lawn a f te r , ich rcfrcahm ents were aerved by the tcss jisaiated by Mra. Ptfffbt and MIs^, rgaret Dunlap. Those preftoat w ere: nc P a r r o t Helen P a r ro t D orothy * ”I H«dea W brnor, E dith W ick, M arion , bcock, P ra n d a M urray, Em eatlaelitc, B e tty Bolton. B e tty Blue, How- \: Patrick- Mack F e lt, Tom IVaraer,» ge B cnjie tt, Jo a lo r A ldrlcK >Mil- d D eaton, Bibhard Dnvall, H arrie t vail, C lara ' M ay Bowles, Engen(r-v ith, M argaret A j^ h , Belen Smith.Tol Kellog, C. IjT McN ow, -H arrie t nlap aad £d n a Stover.

imberly Wheat 76 Bushels to

Acre in Fieldarlea Lloyd Beports Eztraor- Jinary Crop from 27 Actea

of Land:IM BEELy ^ S p e c la f , . — C h a r ic a ^ ^ yd haa enmpleted thrckhhig a field 27 aercd nf w heat whJeb yielded aII crop oC '2000 biisbebi, n r 76 buaheb . pere.

It. L lo y d 's w heat tested No. 1, fu ll pounda to tbe buahel, aecording to :ement o f o fficials o f the Kim berly vator company, w ho declare i t th e 'I crop thua fa r reported thla seaaoa his v ic ia ity . - •

TAXBB POSITXOK Wc t w tr. and M fj. B. I a Hngbea..have ar- ■<1 In Tw in Falla from Engeno, Ore., ‘ oake th e ir home. M r. ^ g h e s has ra ebnrge of the Idaho D e p a ^ e o t« clothing section. Ho ia a m aa o f ----- r-e experience In. c lothing line* aad been employed w ith Iw ge eaatera

ia. Misa W m Bolick, aiater o f M rr.;hes. came with them and will en- In tb e Tw in PaUs hlg); school.

banbcxJolQ’s Ooac aad'D laxTboaa >\ ; Bamady. ^ -

his is unqncsUoaabiy one of the t sueessafai m ed le la tt bit usa ■ fo r e! compbOata. A few dosea o f U cara a a ord inaiy a tta e k o f diar-

^ I t haa beea osed la ala* epI- V Ic^ o f dyaaatary witA perfect sac- < ^. I t eaa alw ays b« depaaded apou ^iTs m a m p t raU^f i» caaeM ot colic

ehoterm motbua. W hea ^rsdneed ■ .I w ater Aud a w sa teaed .it is pleaa to take. E very fam ily ahoald ke«|F remedy a t hand.—adv.

Page 7: EEK E W S ONION DRY KRESS * TWIN FA£LB, IDAHO. TBUB … aiXTHEMTi n rBAB i S I W FOB THE Fllfi, 8]Sieoi^.llntertaliuneat Attrao-

I B O T E C T iO r : , fBRESTSyilfiEfl

' Afisooiaiion President, Wonld Spend Obe Million io Stop

, Pire Loss •??£W l 6 o t ON,"n " ' h :, (/F^-K xpcn-

cUtufo of 11,000 000 a year fo r th e pro- tcctiOD o f Amorican foroats agaioBt the

• WO,000,000 * y ea r fin* loaa a a a d w ' ra ted lioVo today by Charles Ltfthrop Pack , prcBldcnt o f tho'Am oricaiT For-

y , oatry A>aoc!fltioD, in addi'caAing a con- fcrc»co_of forestorfl, tim ber laud own- rrB, paper, pulp m on 'aad lumbormon/Hc.

- nlao urged u $2,d00 000 a yenr nppro '' p ria tion fo r tho aeqoialtibn o f fo rest lond b y Ihe Roveminoi,c fo r th e purposo o f Rrowinif tim ber toj-eplnco " o u r ra pliHj' dlaappearinp snppHca-"

M r. P ack apoko boforo tlic mcetinfr of llie Society fo r tbo P ro tection of Now llnmnahiro, ro re s ts . I

• " “ Our m atura forcats nre n o t only bo- iu(; T<cipQd'OUt by dcatructivo coafla- jsm tions h» well as by iiuiueroua sranll

* fire s b u t theso fires also p reven t fhe imturni reforestation o f bnn^c<ls o! tbonannds o£ aerea of cut ovi;r lo n d ,”

' he xaid. “ Our d irec t loaa in tim ber by theao-firra is $30,000,000 a yoar. Alto; gethor tbero aro 310,000,000 aerea nf

* s ta te aad -p riva te ly -ow aed foroat land in tho protection, o f w h ich 'tb o govcm- nient should co o p i'rftte ., A t^ ro ao n t half o f 'th f» v ast a rea is 'w lw tly wnmjvjoclcii

, nnd pro tection for fho other h a lf ia en­tire ly inadequate. Legialation nuthor-

^ i n g flio Rovc^nment to spend 41,0i)0,- •^000 annually in 'co-operatlon w ith the

s ta tes fo r firo pro tection ig iramediatoly' caaontiaL '

“ Thoro sUouId bo Immodittto coroplo- Mon of tho odginnl proeram fo r the protection of watt^raheda o f navigable ntrcama by sponding WiOaaOOO a year

.in acquiring 1,000,000 acros in New England. 5,000,000 acres in tbo South­ern Avplachaina, and fo y is t lands in tho p r in ripa l fo re st regions. '

“ Spooking 'for tbo 'A jncriean .roreatry UBSoerotion I aay w ithout rtwervo tb n t tho a a a o c la ^ n Ja heartily in favo r

■t>f tbo ,p rom pt ^ A tm e n t 'o r io g ia la tS o n n lo ag .^ eao lines.'*M S lS f i lf iT T J ) WITiOlD WOMEN’S VOTE

I _ _ _ _ 'American Oonatitutionol Leagrao

Brings Snit to Prevent Pro- ‘ • - ,• ■ mnlgation ' j

• W A SniN O T O :^ D, O., Applica- j tio a fo r an in junction to rcatroin 9e»o- to ry Colby o f th e Btato dop -irtm en t-w m ,

, p rom ulgating ra tific a tio n of the federal floffrage omendmont w as filod in tlw. d is trie t suprean> eourt today by coun- { »c\ fo r tho A m oriw a Co»BtU\j\lonnl j league. Associato Juatico Slddons re ­quired' th a t au tho rity fo r aoch proced*

.u ro be c ited and agreed to hear conn se] on tho p o in t during the day- '

A pplication w as m ade by A ttorney . A. D. Sm ith in Tieholf o f .Charles 8.

. Fa irch ild o f Now York,- p tcsldea t o f tho leagne. Juatieo >^Slddons said ho

. could n o t 'c o n s id e r th ^ m atte r un til connacl had preaented au tho rity under wliich he contended tho court mlgbt

■ ne t to reatra in procknnntioa of rntiffen- g ' lion oa rceeip t o f cortlficaClon o f tlio

oction of.TenneaafKS as th e tblrty -fliith \ alatv. Juatico Sldflona agreed fo rq- <j tn a ia in hia chambortf during tho d)iy to robslder tbe authoritios-w bleh coun- ^ »el m lgb t la to r presen t. j


» B eflner Qoote«-latozvstliis SU tlstlea to ^ OatbexMl in Eonolnla • ^

ilONOLULU, T. H ., WP)—In ISOTRhe ^ li&wallan ialamds produeod SOO tons of . sugar; th is y e a r ’s ou tput will approxi- * m ato COO,000 tons, nccordlng to figures .

f:ivon by K F jiio n Bishop, member o f * argo firm o f su g ar faetorle* hero, fo * delegates to tbo Paa-Pnclfje scien tific ® eongreaa. Tho scientiata opened th e ir .

sesBiona Auguat 2 ajid p lan to closo “

sugar ou tpu t ]h 1876 had p grow n to 20,000 tons aald M r. C lahop . and a t tb a t timo tbe old -Vlagdom' of ^ H aw aii concluded a reciprocity ogreo- , m ent w ith the U nited S ta tes , which lift- od th e d n t r o f naw aJian sugar ca te rin gtho U nited S tates. This gavo tho in- "dnstry a g relit Impotns nnd in 1883, ae- ®

t cording t a M r. B U hop’s figurea, tho ont- »p u t had jum ped-to S7,00g tons. -From ^then on the increase w as stoftdy, w ith _tbo exeeptlon o f th e M cK inley ta H ff fyears, 1889 and 2800, u n til It reached ^th e 000,000 ton m ark of today. =


OMAHA. Neb., (ff-)—Om aha s tree t earm ea will -meet Septem ber I to paa?

,^upon 'a recent decision of th e N ebraska ra ilw ay commission denying them an ise rr«so in wages, A. H.‘ Bigelow, eono- sel fo r (bo m enisnnouneed today.

- The carm en aoaght. a n Increase o f la cen ts an bour. A t presen t motormen and conductors reeeive from S.t to 55 cen ts per hoar fo r tho f i r s t y ea r and 5 7 'cen ts thereafte r.


• E e a r ^ m anager o f J a e k Dempsey, the w orld ’s heavTwelglit champion, in-train* in g hero fo r h is labor day tit le b a ttle w ith BH bt H lsk e , today ia n o d a denial . o f a w iS ispread repo rt th a t Dempsey had s iu ta ined serious in jn rie t In an au- tomoblTo accidenL K eam a denied lh a t D enpaey had flgnred ia aAy acciden t a s d .aaid th a t ho h ad s o t l e f t bis camp since he h ad s ta r te d tra la in g . ^

0 IT E B 8 *10,000 V o iT ^ S B Z T .■CHICAOO. (/P>~Thn Chieago Board

o f T rad e today annonnced a a ofXei of110,000 fo r tb e b e s t ' exh ib it o t hay. g ra la and seeds a t th e In tem a tlo n a i H ay and O rain show p ^ held here N o re ttb e r 27 to D sennber S.


im w iF E s m is KTEO ON FBEIGDTEIkritish Tessel Dodis at;Bio "dc

Jane^o with ,Leroy in ' O osto^ -

RIO D E .TANEntoTw*)—Erigene Lc- w onted by .Uio police o f D etroit,

M idi., in connection w ith the murflei o f a womon supposed to bo h is w ife, wai arrested on board fho B ritiah freigh ter Drydftn, which arrived her© lasto Tues- •<iay aflem lfon. fcoHoy'^nfs a Tncmber o f tho'CWJw,' • •

N EW YORK.” ' ; ^ - The •BrlUah froigbter Drydcn, upon whleh Enffeno LcRoy was a rrestrd ye^»terday o t Rio do •innclro, in connection w ith the .trunk

f stery m urder aiUlcd from N e ^ Y o rk Augnst 3—ten days a f to r fhe body hia supposed * if( , found jammed ir. n tru n k in a local warehouse.

- Thft nuthorltica learned a w eek a fte r th f Dryiloii (willed th a t a m an answering LoBoy’n description w as 'o n board, and tlip froSghter’j cap tain w as requeatod by n-lrcicsa to hold tho aunpect fo r the Bio'.tnnAirn police. Simultaneoualy, Detroit polico o ffic ia ls-filed w ith the atnto dopartm ont n t ;Wnehington an ap- |>Hcntion fo r L6Roy’s n rrcst nnd e itm - illtlon should ho n tfcm pt to laJQ in Rrarll o r any country en route.


Oenie Application for Order to Prevent Batification Fro.'

m'ulgationW ASHliJOTON, (/P) — , Ju s tice Si.l-

Ions, o f the d is tric t supreme court, de- lird today nn ontl-snffrago appUentlnn or a rcHtraining orde^ to provont pr.i- lu lgatlon of tho federal s^jffragrs nm- Hdment by the s ta te departm ent.

Irfiagno FUea ObJacUoa ■y*«c nppllcntlon w ns lilod by counsel

o r tho Amorican CottstrTSlional league.The Issuing of a tem porary Injupc-

ion, tho justice a ^ d , would bo unwar* an ted InterforcncD wiih a purely ad- iln la tra tlve net o f tho secrctar^t of ta le . Dlsdilssal o f thd' proceedings laven th e vm y open fo r tb is Jcagno to ]ipca l/b fhu D istric t o f Columbia eo 'irt f nppcale.

Focoa QD B opm ae C oort T he antl-auffrftge force? w ill'm ako l o

urther o ffo rt to block, proclam ation oflio suffrage amendment ns law by 8ot- Dtnry Colby, A ttorney Pred D* Sm ith lid n f te r Ju stice SU dons b ad d ls m l# i the bill. E ffo rts o f tbo opponoiits f suffm go, Mr. Sm ith si^d , wUl bo Bcused in the fu turo on on a ttem pt ) obtnln a ruling from th e U nited ta tes .supremo court deelarlng tbe ml> Ication Ulegal. -

BEIILESTJlTETn)IMS:|Faxnlshsd B y th e fw ln 7 U U T ltl*

. and A W trac t O om paaj ^ -------------- — N , . IC- A. n la lr to John M. 'Wllliams*«l. J-2 .8W ,-jnvS W 13-15-17.T. M. Callahan e t nl fo George H.

t046.s0, lo l 24, l a t Add.; win Pnlla. • , :Casper .Nygord to 0 . A. McCTellnncl

!400, p n rt lot 13, block 4, .Murtaugh,It Add.. Twin Falls.J . S. FIpo* to L. O. P a r* n s W, lot1, block i . South P n rk A d 4 :H enry I « e to R. J . Phillips »1. NEBW12-15. , * -F ran k 'B iasor ‘ fo A lexander W hyte, 100, lo ts 3, b Io ek ^ 2 0 ,,T w in Falla. Sadie A. Rogers to W . F . Cetchrn.

15 and_10, block 74, Twin

W.' T . Potehtn to C luriB . A . Holm flOO aame lots.C. S. Peek to M artha M. Logsden000, lol 2, Peek 'a Add., BnhL P ran k BelM Ho to P . H . B ryan t, ,000,- lot U , block 36, Twin F a l l t T aylor Cummins to B. A. S u tc liff, * !, t 7 block 18. Twin FallB. iA delaide A. F ranek to R. A .-S atc llff sam e lot.

Hownrd Conover In M. O. Conover,2,QOO, NE8W C-ll-18.J . O. Sommivr fo F ile r Hdw. Co. #8000 L 10, bloek 1, Twia F a lls e rc .-p ^ t- A. N .'Sprague, S heriff, to H. O. MU- r. *2 J,8159.44 SW SE, S^WSW and .E J-'2 JSW O-JO-18.A rthur Creaacy to R. D. B oyd •2S00, WSW 23-1013.Vivian I* Rantzew to -C ity .o f Twin * ills 91, p a r t lot 13. block 6, T w in .'l ,11s. ' I*

“Try It O ut■ay* the Gc

. i t CO

W-B C U T is a long fine-cut B IG H T C l

B K L Y ' N E W S , T W I N ^ ^ F A




> N otice-is hereby given, Tliat T. T. Rutledg<v and 'O iherf, havo .th is date filed w ith tho Clork of tho Board of Connty CommiBsloners df Tw in F alls County, -Idaho, th e ir petition fo r the

, orgnnlKif'lon o f an Irrigation diatrie t under the name tff the M nrtaugh I r r i ­gation Diatriet. U la propoaed in aal^l

' petition ' to cflnalruet a new canal sys­tem,- . f l^ n ^ b e n o f th o ’ seetions In which Tjnr^Snds a rc m tnated which i t is proposed to ^ c lu d d in said distrl'^t are aa followa: ' . '

Sec tions.33, .12, 31, in Townahip II ^ i i t h R angi*«l, E. B. SL ^' Sectlona-4, ?, 0, 7, 8, iS , 10. in Town­

ship 11 South, Range 21, E . B. M.' . .tseetlon 3(1; In TownaUiii 10 Soutli,

Rango 20,. K. B. M.Sfctiona 1. 2, 0, 10; 11, 12, 13, 34.

S i- 22, 2;Jr- .M, 25, 2(3, 27. 2S, 20, .'10. ;n ,-32 , X), M , 35, 30, iu Township 11 South, Rnng<v 20, E. B .'Jir.

dectlim it-4, 5 0 iu Tnwn'ship 12 Houtli, i -Range 20 E. B. M. >

Soetiona 1, 2, a, H, 5, 0 in Townahip i32 South, Rang!- M), E. D. M.

8(yrti»ns 1, 2, 5, 0, 7, IJ , 12, 13. H - i17, '18, 21, •>2, 23, 2472.^, '2fl, 127, 2H, 20,^0 ,.;!1 , .12. XI, 3-1 .35, 30, lu Tun-nshi]S 11 Soutli, Rnngo ID, E. B. M. J

Pci'tiona 24 ^3, 12, 1 in Tou'iiihip 11 ] 8<.ntli. Riingi* 18. E . B. M .. i

Sections HV21, 22, 2.1, 20, 27. CS, 20, .11, 32, ?’) -HIJ, ill. Tnwawtliin 10 South. Jtnugo IW,' K. B. M.. - \

S(i-tion :i(l in Townnliip 11 South, I Rauge lH, K. B.. M.

\ All o f nnid' Inndn. being situated ' In Tw in F alls and CanOn Coniillrit, Idaho, ioil o f -laiil, Innds tiuing more im'rticii- Inrlv- dcHcrJbrd ia n.iiii jwHtion.

Snid poUtlop'-'WllI bo pri'«entcd fo - tho Board of Cminty CominiaBloDcra nf Twin Fnlls l-'onuty,-at a regnlnr meet- In'g o f snid County Cominltuiloncrs, to l«> held nt llio CoMitbnHW In T^-in Kulla County, Idaho, o u 'th e lU h day of fleptembCr, 1920, a t 2 oVl<jck'p. m, o f isaid dav.■ Dated Auguat 20, 1020.

O. C. BIOGINS, . ,--€le.rk o f Board of County Com-

Trilfslonerfl of Tw huPallB Coun- t'tv , Idaho.- <r (Seal) I

By, JO H N F\ HANSEN, D enuty. I ' No. 3H-40 b

____________________________________ Ifc CNOTIOBl ‘ ' I'

, A ngnst io , 1020. p To Tbo Stockholders o f tho T w is Falla tl

Canal-Com pany:- <-'O w ing to tho aeeossity o f tr«&sfer< n

r ing th e atoek ledger i t w ill be impoa* il siblo fo r th e office foreo o f tho TVIb ,Ii F alls Canal OostpKtiy to send oot »tato> ll m ents to oach stoekholder fo r tbo mofn* fl teiianeo charge doa Septem ber 1020. v

F o r th is reason wo are pnbliab lsg th is f< notiee to the stoekholders, ao th » t tbey y m ay be advised th a t tho paym ont o£ y11.00-per aero w iU .b e 'dae S eptem ber p 1st, together w ith lOo p e r oereaoa a p Q)ocial asaesanent, the. aotteo o f which y' appears elsewhere.

n e B oard o f D ireetara earnestly ro> e qnest tho stoekholders to m oke p r w p t H paym ent o f thesa e ^ g e t , oo th a t th a B obligation o f th e - Com pany' a a y be promptly n e t oi• TW BT F A L L S OANAIi COMPANY ri

B y ~W. O. Taylor,. S e e r e ^ ^ . ^

To bny the rJg si th ls g i n s t e u o f Lho w rong one m ay m eaa lo buy sails p, raetina Iqstead o t reg re t and .vexation Vj] Study the

AFTEfll SEVEN YSIRS »IVfIn Falla T eatlm ony Rem ains Urv*

shaken .TIxQO ia tho .boBt -lest 'of. tru th .

3ero is -a Twin Palla a tory tb a t has rtood tho te s t o f timo. I t la a sto ry 'nj, v lth -^ po in t w blcb w ill eomo s tra ig h t lom e to m any o t ua.

C harlos W. S<jcord, carpen te r. 160' acK ln loy Avo.. Tw in Fnlls. saya: j j , 'W hen I w as llv iog In M inneapolis l vha sufforlng w ith palna in m y back md o th e r U ^ o y trouble . 1 osaA )oao*s K ld n ^ P ills u d ih^ty sorely mvo mo flno relief. SLolw aya recom - Or Borfd D oan'a h ecao ia 1 y n o v th ey a ra f<M w itthle.’' , ' m.

'Ia o a in p r a i s e s .O vor sev en ':^ a T ^ -ia tc r Mr. SoeorA

• M : _"At -ono 'tim o I w as so bad o it phrttH k'tdn^y troublo 1 couldn’t do a th<rbola dty^BNaork. t to a a 'a K ldnoy Ptlta c',«ni=o(l n io 'a n d sinco I g a ra a y lua t ^ta tc m c n t.I , havo been freo -from alt ^nch troublo. I have boon a a atJT>ng ^s d hea lth y os aoy m aa ." ' ^

P r ic e 60c, a t a ll dealers. Do&t gg.Imply aak fo r a kidney rem edy—g e t in>oan‘« Kldnoy PlUs->tfao vsam e thafc ao [r . eoco rd had. F o a te r-U itbarn Uo.«[ fn B uffalo,-N ..Y . . .

a “ ■ — g = - th«

: .Yourself" |) o d Judge

yoa wih find how - b m m satfsfaction a IS of tiiis Real Tobacco ' •<>

I yoa than yoa evei* ' *'®1 rom abig ohcw o£ tbe . sai ia?y kind. good, rich, real to- >

[> taste lasts 90 long ri; don’t need a fresh ' nearly as ofterf. So Bts you less. ' man who uses tbe Tobacco Chew will “

ou that.-—,. '■ - '-**P u t o » i u tVDQ s ty le s j.

t o b a c c > > • \ J>‘

J T i s n s h a n - c u t t o b a c c o

I L L S , I D A H O , T H U R S I

LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTSXj ^ ^ s u m m o n ^

In the ' l l js ir ic l Court o f^ h o Fourtl Judiclnl Dii»trlct, S ta to o f Idaho, in am fo r the County of Twin Fnlls ,

R«b<(rt nolme», P la in tiff , tb. K a li M ay Holmes, D efonsnnt.—A lias ,Sum nipns.

Tho- State- o f Idaho sonds g reeting to Katilo M ay Holmcfl, th e nbovo nAraci defendant:

You nre hereby notified th a t a com tilaliit has bcoti filed ngalUBt-you In t b Dislrifr* Court o f tho Ponrtfi;'5tidicio DiMrlrf o f the S tn te o f rd n h V Ju an< fo r Twin i ’alla ■ CoUfjJj/ by tho abovi nnmi'd p la in tiff , tfhii you nro hereb ' d irected to nppeirf and answ er sali i-omplnlnt within* tw enty days bf th ' service of th is autnmons ifo c rv e d w ith in this judii-inl d is tric t w rty dn.vs if gert.-ed elsewhere. I *

•A nd you ar.‘ fu rth e r notified,, tha; tttiloM yon #ft appenr nnd answ er shlc conijdninf w ithin tlie 'tlm o therein ape cified, the p la in tiff will tako jtidgniem uKiiiiiot .von iiH proved for«in said eom [dnint.

Thnt Hhe olijcci aud .g en em l piiqiosc o f nnid notion is to prochre n divorce froni'di-fendnni on th e ground* of de iH-rtion nnd nlinndonnient w ithout suf ficlciit <-nui>e nud oxcii.iie and ngainB: thi. will and consent o f tlio -p la in tiff lieri'ln. ’ '

p ’itiK'HS niv imnd nnd senl o f tht' said n i? lric t Court th is J2tli day of ,Aiipi-*l,io:Jo. I - / -(Si-nl) I C, C. r ilO aiN S ,

^ \ Clt-rk..I/inK'H H. Wise, Attori^cy for I 'ln in­

tif f . re s ld tn c ' nn.l office. Tw in Fnlls Mnho. Nof37--12

“ “ aS a s s u j m o n s .In tbe D istric t Oourt o f th e Fonrth

Judicial D lB tr lc t ''o t- th a S ta ta o f niaho, co nn ty o f T w in Palls.

Tho Pi'veri'nux M ortgage Company, a i-orporjiliou. P la in tif f va. ThonmM 11. Dro'ifJr and Clyda M. Brewer, his w ife; O. P. Batea. and the Uvi- knou-ir Jlc'irs nntl DiU-iscca o f Ro )>occn .1. BittcH, deeeahcd; W illiam P. fox , Twin Fulls Cnnal Compnny, a torporntion, D efrndants. Allnb

■ Su^iuiona. . . •Till- S ta te o f Idaho sends greetings

to-.. Tlion.ns H. Bn-vver and C lyda M. Brew er his w ife; O. P. B ates nnd tho Unknow n'fllcirs hnd tooviaees o f 'R e - brcra .1. ffliTes, .lecensed. W illiam P. Cox. Ttt-iii Pii)lH.CnnS>Compnnv, a cor- pnrnlloji. ' ' '

You are herj^liy n^otified thnt .n com- plnint 'h a s lieon filed against you in fhe Disl'rici court <«f th e Fourth Judi- <-inl D istrict o f tho S ta te o f lilaho, in n m l'fo r thu County o f T^riu Falls- bv lln ' Miore named plnlnU ff and you are lnTi-bv dirccti'd tpM fm car affd nnswer Ihe said complaint w ith in 20 days of. tlio sen-ice of th is aummons if Borved w ithin tho .fn.licial D istric t, nnd w ithin fo rty da.vs if served elsewhere; and you nre fu rth e r notiriod ih a t unlesa you BO .xitincat and answ er sald.^ com­plnlnt w itnln th e 't im e apC^fied, the p la in tif f will take , judgm ent against you as-praj’-ed In said com plaint.

You are fu rth e r no tified th a t the general nature of thia action i f lo fof^o- Hose ft mortgoge given b y Thothas H Brew er and Clyda M. B row er, liJa w ife, to the D fvereaux M ortgage Company, on tho f irs t day o f December, 1017. anr] recorded in book 45 a t pago 200, o f Ibw icu u d s-o f MoilRagcB o f Tw in FalW County, 'Idaho, on tho 14t1i day of- J a n ­uary, lOlSj a t 0 o 'clock A. M. The tald mortgage coverlnif fho following ’ escribed lands in Twin F a lls Count.v. Idaho.

The eouthweat quarte r o f tho aoi/th- \ c s t quarte r (SW 1..4-o{ SW 1-4) of Bection 0 Townsliip 10 South, Rang" 14, Enst o f tlie Boise M eridian.

W itneas my hand nnd the seal of ial.1 D islrie t Court th is -1th dny o t \uguBl, 1020.

' C. C. SIGOINS, :8cn l)- ' i Clcrk.

By C. L. BOWEN,Deputy.

Swanson ^ Tydciuan, n ttom eys for daint if f> lU 'sidenre:-I’o fa leno . Idaho.

, ' No. 3C-41

A U aJ SUMMtH??B.'n tho D is tr ic t 'C o n rt o f th a Fonrth

J n d ld a l D istric t o f th e .8 t« to of I4aho In and fo r m r in F alls Ooonty. *

.1. n a i lM S tacy, P la in tiff , va. F rank Irahlm an and.Jjcnnlo M."Gral>lman, De- endanta. A lias Summo&B’.

Tho S ta te of Idalio sends g reeting to ^ a n k Orahlman and Jennie M. G i^ I - mn. tJIe nbovo named defendanta.

You are hereby notified th a t a t;om- la ln t haa been filed againat you in ho D istric t Court o f lho Fourth Judi- iai D istric t o f the S ta te of Idabo, in nd fo r Twin P alls County, by tho bo\-o named p la in tif f , the ob ject anrl rayer of which ia to estnblisb, confirm nd quiet In lho p la in tif f th e l ill6 to ;0 t E ight (8 ), In Block O n rH n n d re d nd S ix (106), o f Twin P alls Townaito,1 Twin Falls County, Idaho, as agaljjst nv and 'n ll-adverso claims, in te re s ts or ons held by e ith e r of you an d yoti aro irected to appear oad answer-^ said om plaint w lthm tw enty (20)' daya of he service of th is snmnjona. I f served , ■ithln aa ld Ju d ic ia l'G la tric t, and with- I fo r ty <40) days- if s e r ^ d elsewhere; nd you a « fa r th e r n o tified th a t nn- !SB yon so appear aad answ er said com- la ln t w ith ia tho lim e herein apeeifleil ‘ le p U in lif f w ill take Judgm ent a ga in st | 9U as prayed and a dreree w ill be eii- | ired in his favo r ag a ia st yon, eatab ‘ shing, eonflnn ing and q u jjt ln g h is * tie to lh« te&l.ailAte above described * J a g i la s t a a y and a ll adverse claim s ‘ )ld by yon. *w itn ess mv band and tho seal o f ■

lid D U lrie t 'C o u rt, M a 16th d ay o f J lly , 1920. ^ • *Seal) , • a O. SIGOINS, «

/ C lerk, D b tr ic t C ourt. o S w e e le y /* Sweeley. A tto rsey s fo r «

I s ln t i / f jM M ln g a t Tw ia F alls. Idaho, v 0 . 33-:S r • L_. ■


I' thar U s tH e t Oonrt o f tho -Ponrtb .‘- Jn d icU l D U trlct, o f th a 8 U ts e f 'Idaho , In - a s d fo r th a O oosts fo f Tw in PaDs. t

K elley B. W iQlana, p la in tiff , vs P>1)0, Theobald, defendant. A lias Som- fonS: t JTbe S ls te o f Idaho scnda g reetlBga to *

>ba Theobald, the ahovc^^uunod d»- <ndan t: ' . s You a re her<I>y notified th a t a cots

) A Y , A U G U S T 2 6 , 1 9 2 0

LEGAI, ADVERTISEMENTSplain t hua’ been filed ngnlu»l vou ia

; tho D iatriet Court o f tho Fourth Judi- c ia l-D latrie t o.f fho S tato of Idaho lu Jind fvr' tho County of Twin F a lls by

• th i' nbove-namod p la in tiff , and yon nro horeby directed to appear and answer Ihe said eomplnlnt w itlila tw en ty days o f tlio aorvlco of thia sumn’ions if served w ithin. Kaid Judiclnl D istrict, nnd w ith­in fo rty days If aervert elaowhero;-nnd .vou nre fiirthcr uotlfiod th n t unlesa you so appear and answ er said compllilnt w iihin Ihe timo heroin specified, fho p ln in tiff wlll tnko judgm ent aga lo st you ns pm yed in said complaint.,?

The said action is brought to have cnncellod and satlafiod of record a ror^ tain mortgage mnde eXccutcd and d° livcrcvl.on tho 3tU- dav of A pril. 1010, hy W alter Hanlon, nnd Orrn Hanlon. Iiushnnd nnd wife, morfgngora, to you, tlio jJefendaut.M ohn Theobald, mortga- Rce, covering the following deseribed proniW a aifuntft in fho Countv of Twin Falls, Bftote of Idaho, lo-w it: Such por­tion ns lies bolow or north of tho H igh Lino Canal of the Nortlicnat Q uarter (N E -l:4> b f flio SouthwcBt .Q uarter (SW j-4), Seetlb<i Thlrfv-two (32), Township Ten* (10) South of Bango Sixteen (10), Eost o f tho Bolso Meri.t- inn. coulnining 27.10 acres more or loss, nccordlng to tho U. S. GoW rnment .S iirv ey thereof; nlso thu t portion oF fli.' Southeast Q unrter (8 E 1 -4 ) o f the Southwest Qunrlor (SW 1-4) o f Sec­tion TUlrty-two (32J, Township Tea (10).8onlh o f Rango Sixteen (10) Enst of ihti Boiao M eridian. lying-^nortb of tlio H igh Lino Cannl, containlug-S acres more or less; snld niortgng.' being given10 -secure fhe jm.vment of .two notes of pi-en dato. ono fo r #1000 jluo October l.l, 1010, w ith 8 por cent ilftorcst Ttlien due, and ono fo r $1000 duo Octolier IS, 1(11,7, w ith 8 iior cen t in te rest payable nnnunll.v, which snid morlnago wns dnly ‘ filed fo r rero id in Ihe offieo of tlic Rc- ' . onler o f Twin Pnlls County Idaho, on ' tlie U th day of April, 1010. tind ap- ' pears of record lu Book 38 of M ort- 1 gages, a t poge 100, records of Twin l-'olls C ounty ,.Idaho , nnd whicli said I niorfgago haa been fu lly paid and satis- \ fiivl; also for p la in tif f ’s costs and dis- \ bumoments heroin and the fu r th e r sum ; n f CIOO.OO as p ro d d ed by Soctiou 0300 ' Idnho Compiled Statutes,. 1010, a ll o f which will moro. fuH y apnoAr froip ) plnifffiff’s verified com plaint on file In said cause.

W itness mv hand and the seal o f said ■ D istric t Court, ih is 23 n l day of Ju ly , 1020. ' I' ■ ■ •

. C. O.. SIGGINS, ,Clerk. -

By C. I* BOWEN,Deputy.

(SEA L) ■- - ■ • •Taylor Cummins, A ttornev-for ,1‘laln- •

t i f f ; realdenco aud postofflco addrcssv Twin F a lls Twin F alls County, Idalio. ’ No. 34-ao. • !

A L IA S .SUMMONS.I n th®) D is tric t Oonrt o f tho T o n rth ; , J t t ^ d a l D istrie t o tl tbb B tato o f ' Idadio, in Ahd fo ^ T w in F ^

Oqpnty. _ , 'T w i n ^ ^ s B aak and T ru st Com- :

pany, a - corporation, P la in tiff , v«- Charles A. G roen ,. Defoud&nt. A llas i Burnmoasi • ' ■

Tho State ' o f Idaho sonds grootinga ^0 Charles A. Green, tho abovo aiunod- Jofeadaat.

You aro hereby n o llf l* d .tb a t a com­p la in t has boen file a agolast b’ou in t tho D istric t-C ourt o f tbo F ourth Ju d i- 1 ilftl D is tric t o t tho e ia lo of Idaho, In - nnd fo r Twin Falla Couaty by tho I nBovo named p la lu tiff . and you aro iiereby d ire e ^ d to appear and answer lald com plaint w iihin iw onty days a t th o -sirv ico o f th is summona If aotyod _ ivithii/flnia Judicial D ia trie t,.and w ith- " ;n fo ity days i f aorved olaewhoroj and ^ ■011 aro fu rth e r .notified th a t unless you |

r ar and aaaw er said com plain; , ihO tlmo herein spec ified ,^ lO M ainliif w ill • lako jadgm ont^bgsinBl lou n / p rayed i n said complalfat.

T h a t said cauao of action Ib brought .0 recover from you tho sum o f IS06.0C 2 jpon onc\ chock d a te^ April lO, 1020, ror $400.00, mads payaolo to Charier K. Groen and signed T. P. W arner and mdoBied b y the 'defeadaat Charlos Al. P Srooa; an d ono check dated A pril li), 1020, deposited w ith 'the Twin F a lls “ S'atioaal B ank drawn on the' Twin F alls 3ank arid T rust Company, made p ay ” kblo to Charles A- Green in the sum o f , (106.00. signed I* A: W arner and eh ( l o r s ^ by tho defoaftant, Charles A ^

W itaess roy hand and the seal o f tho ? a id D is t r ic t C ourt th is 17th d ay o ita ly , 1920. ' ‘ !;

C. C .'SIG G IN S, I Seal) Clerk.Jy JO H N HANSEN, ' .,

Jam es H. W ise, A ttorney fo r P lain- ^Iff, residence and office Twin P alls, * daho. No. 33-38

NOTIOBl ii• •‘A ugust 10, 1920'

'Q Tho Stoekholders o f th« Twin Falls Canal Compaayj ”Yon a re £ 1 ^ b y Hotifi«4 th a t a t a g

egolar m eeting o f tho B oard o f Dlree- r ors o f tho T » ^ FaUs Canal Company, e ld A ngnst 1 ^ 1920, tbo following rea- In tioa was a#bpt«d: ,i

S ew lvod, th a t, fo r tho pnrpoao of ay ing tho costs o f tho purehaso pries f 20,000 acro-feet o f stored w ater do- j,, vered b y the U alted S ta tes Boclaoia- lon Servico a t *1.00 per acre-foot th sra e and ibero is, bor& y Ioried against11 tho land to whieh th e .w ater a a d wa- ]r r ig h t belonging to o r diverted by p.10. irriga tion « r k o f th is eorporatlon, ^ I dedicated o r^ p p o rto a a n t, reg ard leu I to whether w ate r Is nsed on o r fo r vid land and tho Owsers-OT h o ld n a lereof, and aga inst a lH jth e r la a d np- B whleh w a te r is actnally nsod and a iraera ICad holders thereof, a nd aga inst At »eh aad all o f th e s to e ^ o ld e ra a a l m a to r righ t.b o ld ars ia th ia eorporatloD s< I a special Uoll a s se sn sD t and ehargo sr th e pnrposo above m aatioaed th a ^ im o f lOe per 'aero shan# o f stock or 3 j a te r r igh t, th e s a n s to be dne and pay- jle o a o r bafore Septem bar 1 , 19S0.A ad. th a t th e offleara o f the corpora- N

ov*>«. “ d th e same a ra hereby dl- icted a sd aatheriaed to eoUeet SQeh >ecial toll, asseasment a a d eharge and ^ ike sneb st«ps aa m ay .be necasB ur. o r ^ roper tow ards aeetxrlag; perfecting , |^, aitalainlng, o r foreelosisg aay liaa hich th la eoTporatiaa m ay hav» on ^«Ottnt o f aaid le ry , o r to otbsnrlasl i , illect the same. -f,

T W IN FA LLS C ANAI. COMPANY ti.B y W . O: Taylor, Secretary. e l


.M ry a x i '. ;


E s ta te of,,Na'tban B .|S am h ill, Deeoased N otice is hereby ^ - e n b y 'tb o oader- -

slgnofl oxtcntrix of tbo, eatate of Va.- than B . Boinhill, deceased, to the credi* tora f i t dnd- all persons bttTing' elalms - aga in st tb e 's a id deeeaaed, to. exhibit 4hi*m w ith th s necessary voueherf. w ith in ton months a f te r tho first- pnb- ' lication of this-notlco, to tho said ex- ceu lrlx a t tbe offieo of £ . 1 / . Asbton,F irs t N ational B ank bnlldlng, Twin FnUs, Oonnty o f T w i^ F a lls , S tato o t IdaliQ, th is being tho placo fixed f o r \ . tho trnnsnction of tho bnsiness of said estate; . <

D atnd August 0, W20.; MXr Y F . B A SN H ILL, -

E xocutrix o f tho E sta te o f NaUmn B.• BnrnhUI, Doeeased • No. 30-90

NOTIOB' W " c ^ f f l r i o B S E sta te of J . L . W ard, Docoasod

' Notice Is hereby given by tho ondor- BlgneA Idn F . W ard, ad m in ls tra t^x o f th<f.estnto of j . L. W ard, deceased, to thn crodltors o f and all'persons hav ing ' . claims against th e 'sa id docoasod, to cx- lilbi^ them with thd neccasary voushers, within fou r (4) months ofto r tho first- pnblicntion o f th is notico, to the sold ^ tm m lnistralrix , Ja t the law offieea ofE. i f . Wolfo, in tho Olty o f Twin Fails, County, o f Twin |U la , S tate of Idaho, th is boing the placb fixed fo r tho trans- nctlon o f thosbualncss o f said oatato.

Dated August 10th, 1020. ,• -ID A -P; W ARD.'

A dm inlstrnttlx of E sla to of J . Ji. W ord, Deceased. No. 30-30'

NOTICE TO OBEDITOSS .E atato of John 0 . Skinner, Deeeaaed

Notico la hereby, g iv en 'b y tho nnder- ilgneJ, ndm lnlstrafor of tho ostato o f. lohn G. Skinner, deeoased, to tho eredl- ‘:ors o f and nil porsons hav ing claims igainat tho said deeoased, exhibit hem w ith tho necessary vouchors, with- n four months a fte r the f ir s t publlea- ion of th is noliTCt to tho-sald admin- stra td r. a", this, pffieo of E. L! Aahton,•'irst N a tio n a l. Bank building,'Tw U i •?alla, Idaho,' Cgfinty of Twin Palls, ita te o f Idaho, thla being tho plaeo Ix ed fo r tho transaction o f the husl- ICB* o t w l d rBta’tcT' ' ’ •

D ttleC 'A ugust 11 1020. ' • •P . C. ORA'VBS,

Adminiatrator 6fv4ho E sta te o f JohnG. sk in n e r, Deceased. .

•^0. 36-30 • ^


In -th e p is tr ic t Court nf tho Fourth luJiclal D iatrie t o f tho S tato o f Idaho n nnd fo r Twin Palls County.• -.1. W. Houck anfl C. Q. Kelly, co-part- icrs, doing bualness under the firin fame hnd . s ty lir o f Houck i . K elly, ?laintiffB- vs. II. E. Herron, Defendant. -N ollccs o f W'rit o f A ttad im ent.

77otieo la ho reby -g lven -tha t on A u­gust 0 , 1920, a w rit of atlhebm onf wa-« ■ esucd o u t o f 'lho above en titled eourt n tho.j^bove onlllled actiop, a ttach ing 'lio property o f tho abovo named do- ;cudant fo r (ho aum o f <626.00.

In wltncsa ♦hereof, I bavo ie ronn to^ icl my hand and the seal of th ls< o u r t Ills l l l h day of Awgnal, 1020.:& 8l) 0. C. SIGOtNB,,^ Clerk of tho D la trie tC ourt.

B y C. L . BOWEN, Deputy.H om er G_M llls, A ttorney fo r Plain-

if f . Twin Falla, Idaho. , fo. 37^30........................... .................... .


A ii USBNotice IB horeby given th a t a t 10 a. *

1. o n .th e '4th day of.Soptem ber, 1020, t Tv?in F alls, Coonty of T w b Falla,Intc nf Idaho , beforo C. C. Siggin^, no- . • ir<- public, proof will bo subm itted o f ' \ !iu Application lo beneficial use of 0.8 ubie fee t per second o f tho w aters of. ndcrflow o f Dry crook in accordance •itir'tho ferm -1 nnd eondltions o f Por- lit No. 8251, heretofore lasued b y the , ta tc Engteeer o f tho S ta te of I d a l^ . - Tho namo and postofflco add ress ''c f

10 person or corporation bolding saI3 srin it are B.-P. Hays, K imberlv, Idaho.The !use to which said w ate r 'h as boon

p ^ ied is irrigation aad domestic nsO.The am onnt applied to benefiblal 'nso0.8 sec. f t .Tho p lace where said Water is usod

if fo tf Irrigation , give fo il an d 'a c o n ­ite (ICMription of tho lands Irriga ted ):B 1\4 of SW 1-4, See. 36, T. 11 R.) E. IV M . ,Tho u t o of tho priority whleh flald

«er la p repared to cstabliah la Ju n o 27,)12. I . - , . •

;W. O , S^^UENDSEN, Commissioner of Beelamation.

0. 35-38. •'


otlce o f P roo f o f AppUcaUos of W ater \tO Use.

Nofico is hereby glvrn-4h«t a t . on the 27 th .day of Scpfcmbec/^020,: Tw in F alls Counly^of Twin Falls, lato of Idaho, before. C. C. Siggins,Iftrk of D iatriet C ow l, proof w ill be ibmitt«*d o f the applicatioft to benefl- nl use .of 0.4 cubie feet per second Cf >e w a te ra ^ f an unoamcd eouleo in ae- >rdance w ith Ihc terma and com lltloni

P erm it No. 137.15'hereloforo isA ed ' the S tate ' Engineer of tbe S la te of nho.Tbe nam.* and postofflce address o f e p e rso n 'o r eo ri^ ra tio a holding aald rm it are "Ellis, E. C rabtree, T w i t ^ ills, Idsbt). The use to wMeb s ^ d _Ite r has 'been applied Is irri^ tlo n "^ d domestic. ,The am ount applied to beneficial nse0-4 cn. f t . per second.

Tbe plae« where said w ater is ttse<1 f fo r irrigation , give.'full aad aceur.B deserlp tioa of tho lands Irrigated) _ ; i - 4 SW J-4 Sec. 11, Townahip 11 ^ m b , o f Bange 16 E . B. M.The d * ^ o f the p 'r^ r ily wbleh aald w is V w a r o d to e ttab llsh Is Julj- s t, 1 9 1 ^ ^

W. 0. SW BND6EN. • Cosuaisqioner of, KeeUmatTon.

). 3,1-41 ^ ^

Store com petition operates aow as a>-*' lys -to prices o r m erehanSasWB to the low est po a lb le basis. This w c f t n d e ia eonaidered' ao esastttlsl b n r baslaese' Ufa th a t law a 'a re m ul* prev en t coah laa tiona .whaas eb jeet to hooft p rices th r o n g a freem ant. '

I p r o f i t ' f ^ y throngh the eo&peti- a e f th e vtarea yoo m nst k t« p ia >se tonch w ith store advertisiag. ,

Page 8: EEK E W S ONION DRY KRESS * TWIN FA£LB, IDAHO. TBUB … aiXTHEMTi n rBAB i S I W FOB THE Fllfi, 8]Sieoi^.llntertaliuneat Attrao-

C H i t D M m t : . E w s m i i i sBed Orosa Oondnots Series of ; Physical JBdaoation Meetings

in Parish HaU^ V Today a child w elf|ira cllnieJta b o le s '

L61H In Parish H all, i m ^ r tho d irectlod | o t Tw in P alls to o a tv ehapU r, A nerlCM i; Hod Crona. Drs. J . P . M y en , £ . & U il- ford and IL X. L c ^ ta '^ v la g profeatlOB- al BcrvJc© and M i e . M Jtt E o*otU .»o- Orail, Bod' Cross aod county 'h u n o , is oetlvoty direetioff operan6iu .

Tho ellnlo w ill contloua th ree 'days and m a orlKlaally planned to bo held

/ iu th e h igh aehool audltoriom . Q a m - count o£r t h ^ « ^ ( co n d itio n 'o f tb a t

^ sohool building; d ue to co n a tn e tio n aad renovation operaHons. .the »udltorl«m is not in fondulon fo r pnblio ga theriags and Parish I to ir^ a s su W itn ted . Sim ilnr cdurationnl gatherings w ere bold U st

'niH Wook-in F ile r, K im borly and HolUafar. V '- ' The child welfare commlttoa consist*

foK Of M esdam ei B. E . M orse, 0 . D. A iken ond R L. W arren aad somo local pcoplo OMumed cbargo of these ollnles w itli thfl coun tj^nu rae. M iss M cOrall dircctingl r , '

Concornlng 'ttio clinicn the committee ' oxjilainii:

^ rriic prootical fea tu re o f these ciln- . ics was th e oxam ination in to tho jtbysl

cal. condition c f the eblldren w b d ^ ^ IircBontcd, w ith ' exp lana tions; aod r<^'

' omDMOdadons in each .particu la r cMo tlm t would, o f courso, m ake, fo r-t|> o

lA- benefit and instniotion 'of all p re se n tf'P ossib lo ailm eats ^wcra)^eIaasified,

* * ouo specialist qxsm iolng t t f < ^ e tb , aa* . o ther th e eye, car, aose. a n d th ro a t, an- Othor tho torso, the abdomen and tho limbs. Each o f th<M clinics w u well supported and attended locally and muelt in terest, m S alfe sted .ija ren ts pay-

- .. lug eager a tten tio n w ith m anifest ap-prcolatTon o f tho oppqrtnnJty. - !

“ Tho lo st q(- th o -p r(« p a t aeries o f ■ clinics w ill bo held n ex t w^ek la 'T w la ' Falls c ity os abovo >nontloned.-where : childrea m ay b« b ro ttg h r «Kam!na^ ' tloa i f d e d r ^ i t being nnderstood th a t ' c v e r y t h l ^ n connection w ith th ia w ork j

^ 'W lu n dtU drca m to be brought and in case, special appolntm cata a re ^ no t made befortvhand , a small shee t o r \ w rap should be b ro Q ^ t fo r,eaeh c h i ld ." ^

m N S T F I f l i l l iSamuel Broom of MnrtangH Ao-

cosed of Shootii^'at William a Lewia,. Neighbor •. . J

•Two « h a r ^ a t j u ( i 'm th e r o M t^ o f * tho probatn court o ^ n s t Sam uel Broom u M uHaugh d is tr ic t fa rm er. O ae la .

' m itdom eanor'aad the> tother 'fa lo ay . Broom Is l a js l i a w a itln g 'th o a r r l r a l of a Voad fo r ySOO.ior la t^ r i^tpearaace.

’ A eeo rd lng 'C o '.the o o v t ao thoritle* ' Brcom seVen.1 d a jm .a n t<>do W illiam Liswis, a fa n n e r oelghbor, bodily In ju ry .. Thla c h i ^ oonatitutes tho f i r s t counU* Iia te r Lew is charged » Rroom w ith having ahot h l m - ^ t h 30 riflo. This l» tho fe lony charge. ■, «

Broo'm and Lew is appear to baVn f' 'b e e n a t loggerheads fo r somo tim e o v ^ ^ la n d ren ta l. E a tly th ia w eek Irfw la a?^ « pealed to th e co n it to have B room tjir 1

. vrated' and placed under .b6nds to keen J ’ th e peace.. w C ore service w as o b ta laea g

Broom callod th e sheriff 's^o fflco froW . M ilner and alleged th a t ^ w l s had p u ll­ed a revolver « a him. Tm ttediately afOu^ a th is call th e sh e r if f* departm ent. h no tified by X owU th a t Broom h ad ahot s a t him w ith a rifle . Broom wa* or- i; dered to come to Tw ld .F alla a a d re p o r t n

•to tho au thbrltles. T his he d id yeater- ' ^ flay « n d waa lodged in ja lL This esora*

ing ho was a r r a l ^ e ^ o a eha tge o f as- c sau lt w ith a deadly weapon. H o do* ^ diod g u ilt a n d ' was*'Temanded t e th e «

■ c u s t o ^ . ^ f thn sheriff va lil-auch tla io a iM a proper boad lo r appearance i* ex* t

Sims G A S aA L T T 0 0 U P A H 7 h- - Acting fo r B.' Goldberg, B. V. Xatsoii. *

attonsoy,-has filed a pe tition In th e dis- Str ic t cou rt fo r jodgm ent aga in st the Ji

A etna C asualty f t 8 tu « ty eompany .and O R irhard M . -White. T h e am ount '• la - « volved is IS O ^ a^d la based upon «1-

- l(>ged fa iln re to perform th» term s ofn con tract"fo r (ho erection o f dw elling P'

houses n t M urtaugh.______

S iiT W iU X £ B A B REgTEDD. F . Detwttilor, p residen t o f th e T w la

FaUs TQnes, waa a rrested th ia u o a l a g o n chafge^of exeeedlng th e speed lim it while d r l v l u an autom obile th io ag b Twin* F a lla A rraageeien ts Here made fo r appearance fo r hearing -next Mon- _

In the police c o u r t Mr. D etweiler w as on th e Way to a f la h ia g 'c a n p . . q,

, A H H O TfK O EU Elis. ■. Dr. C. A. Ernes aaaeuaces the removal IT

of hU o ffice to th e Smlth-Blce bnUdiag. Beccption rpom 'w ith T w in Falla C llale. Io Office phone 135. ^Res. phone lS9c—adv Fi

•150,000 to lend .M t ^ e f fa r ta s le only: eheiweat m oasy .in tow a. H e a n J . Wall.—ad*.

. » — . — ' TtD r. Em m a 0 . O tasalaad, O ateopathls Bi

4 ehysieiaa, anaonaeea tho rem oval o f hor > if f lc e to 8m lth.B lee b a ild lB g .-a d v . . q

------------------- ■ - .

American Le: ^ y b r b c 6.;K oi

F t t J r o i D A Y

■ G o o d M u s i c — W o n

. ■ \ E v e r y b o d y

.. . ' ' V ' - > ■ . ' ■' '


HIGHUSCnT :iUHHFOBTlllltHrGtood Instnmiental Program has . be6h Prepared for' Weiakly-; .

. P a r k A p p e a r a n c e ^

The program for touight'rf^band con- :£rt ia prnctloolly boroft o f jo tz - s tu ff. iJcing composed m ainly of " r e g u la r " uusic,^w ithout running to tbe o ther ex- ;tcmo o£. heavy operauc atra . Oiie 'F o x T r o t " and a “ O n e-S tep " a re the

>n1y 'aeloctiona o f ligh t order. '- Ona o f th e p r in o f e a tu r e s 'o f thU

ibneert Is a com et duet, “ Swlsa B o y " yr O n in l ^ I e r and vcraon W alters. •The 'Wedding o f the W inds,” b y .the m tlre bahd, is ono of the heavier selec- .loaa carded for to a ig h t 'a perform ance, rhe concert w ill oloso w ith '^G abriel 3uard,V a s tirrin g p ia rch -by A lezan ler. The complete schedulfl foUows.anroh, T he.Scream er___ _____ .'.jJewellkleo tion , T ho Blue Paradise__LFrlm l•V)x T ro t, J p a n s --------- -------------- M oret)verturo, Oiphcus ------Orpcnbach.hornet D uet. Sw lss-B oy..,,, ..............B ent

Messrs. Fuller and W&ltors. .iValtx, W edding o f the W inds------^ a ] l?neS tep . D ixie B o l l s ________ l»_M1IIi^ c h i .Gabriel Guard J ....„„A l(w iador

S P E G l O l l l F O B S T y m s

University 3»Qdents from Xwin Falls will Eliminate Ohangba __ a t Junctions ;F o r the aecom aodatlon o f T ^ in 'P a lls

tudosts enrolling a t the U niversity of daho 'p lans have been , mode fp r pro- id ing special travoling nrrangem enta rh ich . e lim inate a ll chABgei bo* woen T w in .P alls and Moscow. A'Pnll* ion sle0i>ff' is to b e placed a t tho dis- osal o f studen ts going to tho unlvera- t y ' f n p th is place.T h a -^ Ia n fo r procuring a Pullm an

oaob a s a apeolal aeeom nodatlon>fca- i n w as ia lt la te d b y George D. Alkon, rha h a a '^ ak en charge o f tbo guaran- Bes for. tfie oar. The coaeh will ac6om- lodate S3 p ersons.and already 17 res* rvations bave boen pledged. . V Thla sm rice w ill e lim inate a l f

hangea a t, ju n c tion connections thua iv isg users o f tb e oar a stra ig h t i iro u ^ rua from T w in Fa lls.. B y tah- >g th e teg u la r tr a la w ith th e fftaluary ccommodaUoas provided, changes must e mad« a t M laldoka, Nam pa, Idaho, nd Colfax, Waish.I t la the. p l u to have th e coach set

lit hero early^Saturday ,l6 cptom ber 11, ad w ill leave th a t evening a rriv in g a t Coscow on B ouem bor 12. The scheme IS prox'od d ^u d o d ly popular w ith ' ImaI .udents, and., by. ih e wrck-end a ll res- •vation* are expccted to be taken. ,

^ o c i a l ] ^ o i : © j S

M iss Grace B rjiu it enterta ined a t din*T W ednesday evening a t her home on u> th 'avenue north , in honor o f Miss elono AUmendlngor, who leaves soon r O akland. OaUfomla. The guests Bro D r. and M rs. W . B . D w ight. Judge >d M rs. O. P . D uvalL M r. a a d M rs. 7).. B ry aa t, U iss U ian ie Sanderson, unes TTnl] aad Misa Helene Allmendin. '

M rs. E. P . Lauberheim estertaliroff X little girls W ednw day afternoon in >nor o f ber datw hter, Sara-M argaret's x th b lr^ t ta y . The a f tem o o a w as spentI p lay ing gam es a f te r w hich refrsh- ents w ere served by, the; hostosa

TTio E pw orth .league of th e M ethodist lurch Vkill have a ra y rack rid e aild einer ro a s t . F rid ay eveaing oil thle c«k. T he p a r ty w ill leave toe ^ u rc h . 7:1S and go to Shoshone F a lls fo r le evening.

'The j £ 6 . and S. club m et a t the >me o f M rs. Quy S tu rm on W ednesday 'tem oon. A s a portion o f tho pro- am Mra. A. J . Kequa gavn an inter- ting description o f her rocont t r ip lo (lena su m m it Outlinlog elub work r th e eoming year, plans w ere made . adopt an A r te s ia n orphnni cach

embnr earn ing an asscsim cnt fo r tbo irpose.

i i s E p s r iramlabad B y tha Twto TaB» Tttl* I

a a d A b t ta t tO o B p a a y

Buhl Im p. Corp. L td ., to P . W ar- ke, 4*5, lo t^ O . block 11.. E a s tn y a 's : Add., BuhLI’a te a t : S ta te of Idaho to John W. >rd. IbU 1 and M M 4 .P. K. B ea tty to Samnel S tearly , SSO.

7, block ] . South P ark Add., Twia lU.V. R. W illiams to a ^ E . 3£oUn MOO.

9, Osbornes 8 nb.. Twin F alls. ' *

Doa .J: HeBry, a tto raay , ia a a u a ta s na^al o f offieo^to . Boom 1, P o ^ i^disg. adv

Msinod Ada a ra ahaap—affaa tiv a

ion Dance) f G a r d e n

! R "

O T G H t

i e r f u l Floor—[ n v i t e d '

............................. '■ , ,t

J o c a l Q r e v i t i e j !

L----- ;------ --------" I --------- * iV o t in g Son—M rs. John M cOlinchy

of Payotto arrived W ednesday to v is it i a t tbo home of bqr son. D. D. A l v o ^ J

- H a a ' O peA tlon—M ias H azel GUI o t ! Ilneclton w as o p e n te d on a t the county hospital yesterday.

, -VlBlt&g Old E b t^ M n . E. J. Flneh i is''spending a fow wooka at her former i homo in Xp0wiohr.8oatli Dakota. }

aCMt. Txldaj^Th'o Nal^bora of i Wooderaft. wiU hold thalr. rogolar meet* ing in I. 0 .0. F. baU Friday Voaiag at 8 o’clock. / I

Kewlywada Hona MK and Jib% 1Charlea Nortb and Un.lfbrth’B m o f& fj ) Mra Murray, arrived Wedaeeday from : Seattle, Wash- ]

IB O rltU al'O o ad ltlo x ^E . U . Cook"of tho P la in Price atore who w as operatflti on a t a local hospital W ednesday Is in ' n c ritica l condition. J

Prom Oklahoma—lUss Palth Boper of 'Viaita, Okla., nrrlvod today to te T tho guest of her alator,' Ura. Howard Conover, fpr aovoral ruontha

B o ta n s jH o a e —llis se s E velyn and ; E thel 'JulsTn retu rned to th e ir home ia n Burley W ednesday a f to r a v ia it o f sev- 1: om l days w ith Mra. 0 . L igge tt. o

. —II m -« iBuilding Pennlfr—A i>emit covering o

This IIThursday,'Frids

will be a 'specia l'o f fe School will poon open need the new frocks, £ sitiies. We have alrea tation for h a v i ^ 'i u ^ '

_ a t the righ t price./ ' W i r A

A C O O ^ U

M irw .A lu i“I t r«(lecte good houBei

ial features. Spouts, baadi aro welded on witb pare al nent no*bum knobe.

- > ; GUAEiany piece of Mirro A

V ^/i,iirm aterialor worknjansliip, ho wiil either replace i t or

T’cnms Shoes ^ ^■\Vitli the opening of school comes tho call for tennis shoes. There a rc basketb.ill' pamos, the gym exercises^, all

, callinfr for good durable rub­ber soled canvas shoeR. "We

. have ft '.complete, range of IQ208 ........ ..........- ........$1.46

W a is t8i:jomc new models d ircct from Kew York in » ^ rg e o u s a r­ray o f 'co lo rs and , models. They ar^pioHtly of-tricolettc, ombroideried with fancy yam s. .lu st the thing for tt practical school blouse: Price .......................... - ...... .. $6.i5

■ Specials .' ■ I

. 94 unbleached sheeting, tUc .y a r d ..........98cJlen tho la tun i........-.-*------ 45c-Crcme Oil ^ p , the doz..90cFancy Pillow licking__ 83c |Im ported Dotted 8wiss_$1.75

' Aiworled Royal Society Pack- agt*8, 1-2 lesR45'iDch Pillow Tob»n|f.... i

'7' ,

■ L S . l i ) A H Q ; T H U B S D i

.the conatrnctioa o f 'a garage w as today iasijied in fav o r o f 2 1 ^ NolUo Olden Tho baUding wUl bo’ eroctod on prop­e r ty in Surl«vs Bub-dlvUlon on K im bor­ly r o i^

OtmpbeU P ay s P la6—A rthur, Camp* boU w as a rraigned in tb e noUce court tb is morning on charge olT park ing a car .near a f iro h y d ra n t H o w as fined $?.S0. w hich he paid.

Dlacnasaa Sxhlb it*—M iss Ednn L ad ­wig, home dem onstrator o f tbe county fa rm bureau, bas re tu rned from F iler, wbere she s ^ a t yestecday on Inulness conhocted' m tb th e w om en 's, depart­m ent o f the cona jy fa ir . ' \ .

iLgalost Kbpplsm an—A ction sttoklng tbe recoveir.’ o f jndgm ent on tw o promissory notea agg rega ting «3800 waa filed in the d i s t r la eon ri y e ste r­d ay a fte reo o s b y A ttorney T. K- Hade- m aa, ac tiag fo r M . a a d M . A. Kopplo*

To TaaclL a t K lm b « lj .^ U B a Gladys Finch o f Let&mon, South D akota, ia a

r Mt hero a t tho homo o f ber unele, E . Finch. Sho wUl e a te r npon hor uut* ios as in strue to r In th e eommerelal do* partm en t of th o K im berly h iJV pehool a t

the beginning o f tho school year.|

Boya A ra W am ad—Tn th e poliee eoort yesterday .afternoon E . O. 'Vvalters, J r .. an d WiUlam .S a n g e r , 'J r . , wore haled in to th'e polico court to answ er charges o f violating th e c ity drivb ig law. Both lads a re under 10 y ears of ago and-woro arrested on oomplaint th a t , thoy drove

- - - - - ^ ^

Veek Ena y ' a n d S a t u r d a y t h e r e

e r i n g i n e v e r y - s e c t i o n ,

n a n d t h e k i d d i e s w i l l

s h a e ^ x S f i S ^ o t h e r n e c e s -

a d y ^ ^ t a b l i s h e d a r e p u -

w h a t t h e c h i l d r e n n e ^


T O T X A b a


it one dozen of .these, very at- ctive Jersey frocks that look so 11 on the liigh school girl. Tho i cls are tiie latest and the col- good. 'They-comein navy and wn. They aro specially priccd scbool opening.— $16.50

mintimwear'ikeeplng.*’ Some of the epoc- ' lle*e&rs« SQ^ets, Iiingcs, etc., ilominom; Bivetless, perma-

tANTBE ^ /CNAluminum is found defective 5, return it to your dealer .'in'3 • give the money back.


JtibhonaA now Hhipment of hajf bow ribbons in an array 6f very

. new and attractive colora. Then* -are so many uses to which rjbbon may now be put. In both narrow and 'widewidths The yard ....... 4S(c

- •‘ • t ' , ’.______________

* opporti

. Silk Hose\\c are standardizing our Rtock of hose; eliminating fOl num ^rs that we consider un- dpisirohle and concentrating ■ on tln»*o that we can recom­mend withbnt qnalificiiUon. We carry the Gotham, the Wayne Kmt and the Hoore & Fisher $L75 np


r ; : j ^ u q u s l 2 6 , . i 9 2 0 :

4^ aJtainmaker• the WetUh^man, -

ia Bush LeaguerA FTEB slipping the ' d is tr ie t

aa early m orning aprlnkle of ra in the w eather jugg le r do*"

elded th a t was enough and 'tum*.ed back th e cllmatlo page back- to " .f a i r .and w arm o r." T hat

■ . condition is to ob tain toa igh t and tomorrow,. . Can y o a b e a t .i t f

, ProeipitaU oa d u riag the lost24 honra waa .01 lach , o r aljout su ffic lea t to irriga te -a> e a a a r r and g ive him* a bath,

H igh tam peratore . yesterday w as 79 aad fo r la s t , a ig h t the low s p p t j r a a 45. , 4

aotomabUea eon tra ry to. tho loeal t r a f ­f ic sUtutOK Tho lads admUtod th e tro th -of th e <!harge and w ere w arned agalnat repetition . , •

A M U S E H IS N T B ' j

OEM — “ Tbe *Bldora o f th e D a w n " , -from th e '■ novel “ The. D esert ,'W hoat" by -Z ane G ray; also Patlio ■BeWewrSconlcs and. Comedy.

ID A H O -r-"Tbo Fortune T eU er," fea- , ^ r i n g M arjorie B aatbean; also com*

eSy, ^ 'T ho BUl P o s te r ." — ;DBPHEUMl — W U llaa Desmond and

vandeviUo.' - '

■StationeryJust think of a large box .of Btationery containiug

‘ four shadra of paper and 'envelopes to matdi. Tbe qhalit;^ of tbe paper is ex­cellent . These are special-

i y priced for tliis week en^

69c ^ ^t- • •

Buttermilk CreamA delightful, soothing, cool- ' I ing cream that promotes skin I hygiene, cleare and revives n <1 iiegle<rtcd skin, ta rge tube s.......... .............. Y-......... ................ OOu ..

-^oucm h ^A complete a ^ r tm e n t of coi^^ or8 diid utteruH in-standard I oil cloth and Sanitos. 50 and t 54 inches wido. The yard li ...........-..*f:.... :.............. . 48c' ..; V

Muslins ■ia>r"the balance'of this week ' gi we t<hdll wntinue tbe sale of muslinH ^ advertised la^t week. There are the' daint- icst ^w ns, chemi?e,' skirts, f| combinations.' Your choice

.........\ ................................ % V iS '. a

Sale Extraordinary C..•rWon are in-the market or not fnil to see thi« wonder- ring of Furs. Onliiiarily a

TUf this size docs not make .

a«JL this tc r^ o o - I t iff-tm initj\ seldom to b<‘^had. and Saturday only. ri

------- --------- r — ---------- 7 ^— — * tc

Middies - ' .• ■ . V '

Are recommended for theNch(H)l prls. Tliey are nvt Cexpensive ‘ahd can be lann- J jderod so nmny tones.' Wo AImve a goo<l assortment in the I>white and some trimmed in 2Cred and blae. They arc s^*c- f®ially p r i c ^ * Bl

■ >

. i .

FIBST mobtgaob invest­ments. . Arthar U. Hwim.—adv.

Why satifihed when you .. cen gel the. best?

STRATTON’S CLaiERs”912 Ikatbaaa 81.1. ■ PbaM 401


rm the Imp"W a tc h ''F o r Me



You should not foil to advantage of this opportu­nity to buy Cudahy’s White Rorax Naptha Soap a t $2 . le&s. than tlie wh^oleesle price. Until it is gone'you niay have 22 bars for

$1.00The case •

$4.75- i' - .,.ii..Z ;-------- ------- - - ' I W

Coffee ^L. pound carton of a superior, leaded coffeo. \ I h steel cut nd of aiicli flavor tlilit it is ure to ptellso. .ThiH ^veek

............. ......... ...... 49c

' Tomatoes '. well ?illed can of meaty ftah to^ toea; ^Ve are tohr>'^dt tho^e toinatbes contain tore meat than tho averapi ..................... . 2 or 25c

V!k l iv e l ie s t I'Siveatenr. be made from.the. beauti> o ^ r tm e n t of yams that ’ aow have in stock. Come 'er Tuesday or W e^es- • morain^ and receive ruction in.any flUtch you re.

N ■ ~

Ferris Waistskillful desipiiiig makes the t^rris Waist the perfect >un(|ation for the growing gure. No rigid steels are ‘eded. Light bono wives ad rows of strong cording Vo conifi>rtnble support........................$1.60 and up «

: Blanketso havo jnst received a large isortment of blankcta of all “scriptions. There are cot- n woolnap and pure wool uong them. We booghi'them Kht and are pricing theih r quick (lispAaal.....$3.75 op ,,

Specials ,in>et Waiii^.................60cI X -------- 11*:nmlnum Fry Puns.... $100itcli Cleanser__ ____ 10c .Mule Tenm Soap, 19 bars

f :...... .......... ........... $100•ooms, $1.50 value._....79c