: TWI VOUIilK 7, NUMUKR i)(l, Bioiisifl -lE W E Mexican aovcmmont Boccivca ^ ____ Report Thai Agrarian Slnycrt of Mrs. £vans-Havo Bcon Pri - vately Exocutcd; Obrcgon Ex- S presaes' EcgfCt for Murder Which Oompiicatcs Affaiii! . MEXICO Clry. auk! n ^ K o u r cit ---------------------IM iiKritriiitnr'bniKiirK- wiro-Biiofun.T hlllccl'-MrB. Ilosnlld Kvkiin. wotiiiin rniicli ownor nml i\ llrlllnli niilijiTl, wrro eai'lurcit ljy fctlprul ncoiiln ycHtorday nml xummlkrily oxviniioii. ocrordllig lo iirlvnlo iiiciinaKi'n hen- loiiuy. . -..-.•..aira,j;yau».WBa..inui:ilm;a_uii lOic ob'n, Snturclny.'nml tliu imyrul) n)iu wnn cnro;JnK wiin nloli'ii. _______________ (Ive III InvtKllRitlInK ili» tniR<'il>: liv- IloTliiK {I mny liuvi: Iimh lunplrcil \’r pollllcal plollorx, _______________'Tlio OBiiaMlnnllon nf Mrn. Ev- —! ___ _______ ttca...\Yaa-plapni;J.!ig-_.Sn». AnUmlU. Tein»,"'"Uio‘ ri*>rRpni>pr >:i~ BtiT niilJ, liiiliiinllrii; llm crinio wn« jiarl of ' II i>lmi nf oiio of llio rovolullonory Juiiiuii 10 cTnlnrrn»fi llio OUrcRon Kiivfrnment. Atncflciiii Conaular AKciit Jfltiklnii l.'.i nrrlved In Mnlw. City frum rucliln to KiTc Ills rrporl on ilio murder. MliilnU.r of Wnr Surrnnrt anil Oeneral Qomcr. nnd Qonnral Mnr- -------------: ------- irerrHBid' «fTonl5Hrnco~mrili;rill'- uxe »ldc*iircnd military nieanui-ov^o round up tli» acrarlnii bniiilllH In . I’uobln and complete dlnnrmlnK of the clvlllnii populntlon. '' I'rcslileni Obreeon. In on Inicr- rlew with llio' United Prmn. lald: •'In tho wlioln- nt my ^xceutfTa career I hB.To norcr encountered o .ijtiuuliia jBoro. dlaturblufc or aniwr- V irffe.-H M-»uWi n*ttMinyiui'i»Mti ' ■. ttit B« .wor« weaiw of MuUco. 1, can Ri(iur« yon Ihs Rovorninonl ’ will use IlH QlmiMt cfform to e|lm> * Innto'tlic cauacM of (licno crave tro- . reilloi." ' Ounnralo (irrnnnn, (inmcz, MnrO- net nnd Holiflrio Cnixi', Ruvnior of I’liolttu, hiiTo worked ont ii |ir»r;mni for paclflcAtlon or TiirbLi'uiiU |iun- Ixhinent nf the iimrdcrnrii. itio prcni- (lenlanld. llrltloh CnnHiiI Klnc Inih' l.iken olmrBC. of UlO InvcKtlRailon owliij; tt> what nrliUh re«l(lenta consWer tlio dUatory Inctica of Iho Ameri- can , embaBiy. Kinr; anlil Iio wltl bring Iho. Iiwly nf Mrn. KvnnB to Mexico Clly dcaplto ih i opponUlon of the Puebla autHorltles nnit will nimod to jilaco Rullt un llio rcnl inurtorcri. (XATK nilHHKIlY .nOTIYKi WA8HI.N0T0N. I). C.. Aur. 5— Tho McxJcan 'RDVoninivnt Is conll- . . tlonl thni an (nvoAilKnilun jj L iJU o kllllnc ot Mra. llO T ^ -H rtu iT n ^ her Mexlran ruiirtrfwlll prove Hint rolibory »na the monvo nml It wiiii ID BO way related lo tKi dlttlcullle* botwoon Mni. Kvnng nml tlio Mexi- can auiliorltloB-. tlio Mexican umboB.y aald Jn a »laiumcni limucd lioro lo- tlay, I BRYANPRMSES : * ^ , :|N W. V IR« ' CLaRKSBURO. W. Va-. Auj. G— WIUUd ‘.Joanltica .Drraa cauo to Clarktbttrt.lBlo ygttordv and opened > h’a -acltiHUX U)« hone town ot John fTr 'n T ti.' aamocntlc proil- dentlal iiamtDw. by reeolrlnx nown. PBpVrmen for BD lnlorVlaw. ‘The' oommonor aald h«*wna In ac- cord wllh hit brbttatr. Charloa W. aryu;.ioTi>rnQr ot N«bruka,'la op- ------------ minr^PNaldmit “ prbcla- roaUoD-of raobllluUon day Boptoin- ...... -ttr l irr ------------ —' ft »orr foollah, moVo-by •V . “Pmo .viw^U-rooBDlnc won." -Bryan Mid. ."OoRsnl Porahlnic U -a flm rttiow.bnl'fiii i d ^ dO'TiorniTfflOT: IM t^ ix a u t tImM.'witii the'Ideas ft - ~ ot T>eqplfr-ln wnonh.” •— - -------------- —rBi7an-*al4-lb*-i-«wil**-M« -of tho word 'noblllutlon waa belna mlaundtritood Iti liuropo. wbtro ' tnobltl^UoBi DitataB war U Imml- U- coins -to. spilU tba -- ..................repiaufc*jj;ijjatl».V-*allJ3rm.."JuIit as R o ^ a t t ’ dld la 1912.. ____ ___-JJVli^^ohB-jyw-OaTtt-aaUTBn bla acetpunca' aptech hsro naxt wook,**'Bmn Bald.-“li« will pro?# ' Jut ai'tiroKmilTo a aplrlt'as'La- • •yollotte.^*^ ' ...... N ¥A 8 Labor Federation Observes Defense Day as Lawful N ~ATT;A7.Trr-flTV. N.-J:;'A'ir.-rr - -Till' Ani.Tlniii I'Vil. -’ailmi ot •l.nlinr imluy nilvinnl Iln M ’orhriii lo iib«crvi' nnllonnl di'fi'ni>p ilni- In nrcnr.lnnn- wlili Uic.ilculri'ii Tit X I 'rM lik n l P<ij>IIi1ki'. Arnln nnsmiac Iln nmiiwirll- iinnlnni llii' I'xi'Cullvc roiiiull ii'- * -fn!ifd-to-lBl<'*'«n-*>frirlnl-rm>KT»f-- Ilnu of llu- lUMU- 1'c-UlK fonshl oul liy till' rcpHlillcnnii. itcmm-riitfi VC8 nrul llid<']><'nili'nln.. niilliorlri'il lii- iiiinticr of a iitnti'nii'iil dccInrlnK ®I*. - ilrfuiiHi! .<lar?it?i..iL iiiultfi' nt luvf. Till- itlnlcnicnl wnn Imuu-d l.y Mill- lliiiw. Won .iii'lUij; nn tti)nUn>iiiiin Ex- fnr gnnini'l nnmprrti; ' dcr ^F M G -C lE r I A il KLOm : STAGE BAO II I)] ----------- J ------------- TIiMiiMiiid IVnplr on'- lliirkrje SlaU Jllx Thlni.'ss »lKhl«.rInK I'olirr ------ Anw-irallrHH-Vnl'l—N«—Hrtiur?il-lf Hliilp Aid -Mnde. e ;. Nll.l«, 0.. Auk. r..—With iv.<n'''r- alU. Hunn n-rlnimly liiiiirwl. Ht-vi'ral ln'-il- aid, oa-anrt- *lx-unilnr-nrrfMi*:— of iluy beKliR nn , InrunllKUtinn ot wlinl nry l« i'ci‘"flc'l '*> have bi'cii an open (jon clnnli lictwoim knlKliln of -iliu n n m - fnK Clrtle, nn nntl-kliin orKiiniziitlnn ilnii aii‘1 iiieml)-.T*. o( tho Ku Klux Klnn rum licro lii*t iiI bIi' i . tlio One llviO«»tul iiurnomi arc unlit li lliivo purtli-ljinloil 111 tho tiu-I?e. anil Tliu • flKh( - T H u irf < r ' iinlI.'-ir->iaM Inr- wlipn hnndrMlii of ilu-'oppimlnK or- ’Sit- Ranl:nllnn» met In tlio rtrcctn. - ............... .ir-^r.brfr U4.0 wore i---in..il In uml nnhlnifil Nllen In pollco In Ijpiiiklnr iii> tlio rloi. ot . --------- COUyUlU?. O,. AUK. r..-<Iiivornot ‘f - Donahey loduy anld ho Iind rpculveil ‘' ‘’ = nn rrqncnl trom ollhor tho Ku Klux Klun or the kutnt.'^ of tho Flaming ^ Circle of Nllea lliar hA.atAri ouster Kc«-SJ?ll>iB".;.f>KnJniit- «ho -Nllf* m ote* fM«r pollco chief. - icnl -GOWDY GEFSBIG. HONORS W M s ARI OF AMERICA (fer erl- . --------- FaniouH N«.n York Cnlcher ffhfr ilie llaM'boll l-Uyrra and Van. Inlii (Irrnl >Vur (Jcli. i:niwaa: *111 Trlbplr._________________ •• .N-nw yt)iiic AiiK. t^irniisuui lionor fomcn tiKluy to llnnk Oowily 5__iunky niicber ot llio .Now York (jinntii, tlin Tlo rnllml Sliili-K nrmy #nil or. ■??? Tvilxcd ba»eb;tll hnvo nnlleil K hnt niakp lliv bniihtnl veteran un Wllll conitorlablo UN pna>ill>ln.wlili a|ii;orli?r tie* and cnRroDiicil lenllmooln'fl. tiilllliir> Dxl- rerlow nad a lol ut npplniitc. Anythin bccuiiiiv llnnk, liacl^ir 10- miT ■•Jumped” tlio Natloiml lijanuc for the bliiser cam.} nml tv(st over aeaa tor iwu ynira nervlce in llx ranka or Ibo A. R I-'.' (iowdy vni tho tlmt biK leiiRUe plnyer to on- Ilal. nlmwlns the wny ovcniunlly ir • , n B'lod Tnany othera. ' The occaalnn tn .tlio toniial Inform' Ing of Hank llvit u Rovornnitnt bal I « pnrk and ulhletlc field nt Kort Hen- A nins. 0«.. lian been nnmwl "Oowd) L/1 field" In hla honor. Tho ceremony aavorn a Ultio ol 7^ TTnmoiffytUR‘ iir~t)aTfti"aind"<,'o»»Hdff •, thal’ thoy .havi! boon, nominated tii atandard-boarora ot tholr partlo# bo- J{ cauao Oowdy already knowa about H - -Why dlda^l you namo Jt 4flet ® Hddlo Orantr- bo aakod JllralBhl- forwardly. "1 cnmo tuck, bul Ekidic (formor New Vork capuln) dlUn’tr ^ n waa axplalned that tht dealr< (raa to namo ibo Fort Qannlns field Bfur-aA-onlUtodlma&A&d tlut tbsrc b|_ novcr had boon any Quoatlnn ove« — r th'«.-«bo!e*-oHh* •tf*w-hali#d,-tap. u- py-Dature<l aneular catcher ot tbe jZ ■' ________ tlDB _ Bo Ooway had bla unitor” Protjod vn] niiQBt'Biand 'BBd"foe«lTo;t!w-«lt leaa lUry-rMlaw,'ono of'Ihe t«w-Umei . ■: liat • auch an-hoaor niaa~Br«r-Il>n -ot an_6nUiitd_mBa;.^ ________L___! iln* , ThV cere'moBy takoa place a t lh< i«ro Polo troundi and tho'Cub*-are tc iml- play! the Qlaou aflerward*-' -XJiBkrM-lJilUard:.*B4.Qea«aL.W' O a «Qt-:Well8-ara ;takUiK..p«rt.la.^< |uat ''Oowdy day”, careaonlae. Tba Ut. ler will prwent .M aak'^h a cbH ten. at-Uia-war dflpartmont crdii^ nan- «xt iag the flow. ! , . w -I hope tbe occatlon :wlU.JmprM> La* (laelt on Uia routhV.ot the nation,’ dflrief*rwella_;aald. ...... ^TT.S , TWIN FALLS, JiE S DEFEAT r iN IM ^ .. iJ O lffi Fedcnition Regards Defeat of w-------- EcpuWlconB—iv8-Mor«---In»pQr- - an Tliah ElecUou of LaFol- ’ Idle: Charge Thai G. 0. P. ------------Vlco_P«i.flidcj\tiRl-Jiommcc_ia ^ Arch.Enemjr or Labor. ' ■'-VnTANTIc'l-|TV.''Nr7.,' Aii^ ,n Uliur'ii, iiltucli lu Iho Ihrrr-rornnrua 111 iiri...i|(lciitlal lilt muit lu- <llr.T.l<.d aKUlUHl Chnrli'B U. lliiw.'N, nn anll- AT uuI oiiIhi, tlio .(u>ini«lKn coiiiinliipc nt II Ihl- Ami'i'ltan Kod'iruiliyi uf Uilmr, j U ilcTrri'il heri! today. . -----------lu-liii-llriiU4trilur-iu-4U-ibrv»-mlU •tialf " wn|-nlnK unainiirN^>-<.iiuib- „,lr„ llwn rnnaidnivtw,nul Kavo TitH^lmt .Cttmi)jli:u-.nliii;iin •'riiltn- ifrll ivlUi. H.OI liml Murln.'^ . IK'Icat ot Ihu roimblkllll llrltrl in - rtBunk-il an rvtn ' morn m.'cn'«nary *’"■ Ihnn •.-k'cilon of ijarolletie. lb« labor -’-nn'llilntt'-'-The-initrttni;—mamt*ni"nr “ ''"I «rh»iiiiriK Iho d^L"unle-r'uf’'irm nvu- open " ■ luliirc hiivp .nioniiU«<I i-i.,n * <i"m|irr» N W ltrr. ' leriifmi by Snmuul ComiM’ru. lahor'ii d ■" cl.lot, wlio niiyii ,lbit n-puhUcan vlCB ■iirM|c|(.ntliil_ iiimilnpo "typlflr* the 'oxlrrm.- |.ncml..« oC our <au-e.- of llic Chli-ni;o Imnknrn uti.d unihor Sllen Tfliiaralinna plan, wcro ordered |iro- parpil by tho coiiimitleL- for clrcu- iBllnri. rnor Thcun di'rumpnln «hiirKo Pawi-n lived with nrlKlnntlUR tho ' orKanlxntlnn Ktu*' known aa-'Tho Mlnutn Men‘ of tbe nIns Connltntlbn." nnd thrnuBlv ll, nt- islor luinptlnR tu doatroy orRnnlxud labor ate**.- li9r-‘crMUD& o6:U>e opctukhoji. Thoy •: 'accuae.hlo of ’*und|«Kalaed capltal- - Jim" and-"dollar despotUni." ' To KO tilon^ with thin, tbo punipb- lela aBseri the n-cord nt' Prcnldenl CnnllilRn In tho Ihnlou police nlrlkn whuro they mnlolnln ho rovmlcl nn ^ anil-unlon ninml. I, Will SlMiw llcrnrd. r . Mallhew-Woll, v.-lv>-lit nrllnc-nit V tlonipcr*' rlKht hnnd man- tn tho Ia caiuiialcn. cxprcn.Hcd thu iionllmunlii jlJl ot Iho voinnilUvi- In a ntu|.-mrni <le- ,y U clarhiR 'Ihnl "Oenorul, DnwoH’ roc- * ord wlll ri-celvo thn proi>or nltfn- llon nnd we nro not without Infnrmn- llon nH lo lhal. rccunl nn .fnr aji labor la conccrnod.” >'«n» %viih.ihla heuled nitnek upoii ibe Ktml rcpulillnin nomlnuP, Woll hnjicu lo ------ lutnltlUij,- ruru^iit.ir HiaJ..'ilj)ll<-Ha camimlKu. ' - ' muul Tlicru irnti iio ilmn Ium In cel- (CoBllnued oa pasd 4.) ^ THEkE ARE TO . Aueti ^ anuo liio ' ..... . -rj^ wna ___ jy ^ I I'lii orm* , \ Hdpr -------j ^ 1 TIB i I bo- ; J — -^^7' "vT- > Jt It- : f .......... //4^ •fier - ; ------ aidio ^ ft jy-If'/m ealro --------- - .* field I ;hBro over , ...... bap< tbo • ii««d -nil.---------- \i T*re V—“T B SsCa lit- - •- cb»‘ -- •; nan» __ -• - • • ' >rMK . imr ....... !.! ___ DAI] S IDAHO,'TUESDAY, t l i i p i 'FnimoGo 5;:iMECi of Aerecment ^?'iich''Wa.i Prenin- ,[v — Itircly-Dccla.td-Ciirriad-U-Do- jl. ’ . fealed Beca: ai' Mie- Miwcoviicii p. Would Not'Accept Tcriu-i of la Arliclc Foiii : End Camo To- day. i.O.S'lMl.V. , At :. -Till. Ilrlllii'li „d forVlKn ottlce lit.ni.'cl a <'(iiiiiiiiiul<|0< ' ,,i| Kicl.iy iilallni.* tl-.ii "ncToll.ill.iiii bi- ll. tw.'vii IIU Kdvrniinriil ami „f nuinaciiUitlvcs uf tlic Un«:!lriii ■ criinu'nl hnvc lirul.'-n cUnvn ami ihi- prniin-ccl oumin-iulal ir.-aly util 11. n.y(-.l)c. iilpii':^,::^ _____ ______ ... _ ul __'.riu- Aiittl<i;»H>. Ian ! r :|i)L- i_'-'Jlf--T-. I,, enci: mnalnpd In .-yi.iidu’ all iiii;in. Ttl ili'lnji'nlni nn liolli i.li|i-.i nirlvliii: r.,r Ui. » I.U '1 inlliuir ur.ri i'iih.|i|.___________ A i:oliimiinii|lll' 111 at Oil -'Illl' .\iii;lii- („ 8iivi-ji cimtorohci'. ntirr nlitiiu; In ry crininlUtL- nf tl.< whoix Salunlay „P and Sunday. mi<l In |i'i.|nr>' Mrnsbm 7:i:ra,'111. Tiffiflafiy." ' — "An Ihl' aovlot! ili-l<:);ailiiii w:tti uii- .y. ablo lo aixcpt nnu'ii<lnii.nt:< -.iml ion- Ii-""liinn»otterod 'nuurclUiK arlli'lr I Ilf till- (Irnfl o t ^li.' jircivoni'il lii'aly. I(. liu nftri'oinpnl wnn ri'uclini." r'„ . It Ihcn wun ‘iiiu.mnri'cl ibai ilu' gB contcn-ni'c wan Inmililcr.'il to Imvr liiiiki'n down n^.l that ilu' ir.uK Inaly, npull 'wlllih Imth Tnnntrlp-i td hall pinned rutiBlih-ralili’ hiiju'^, „r 'vuiihl niii bo BlKmil- -lUDEiiFFIS E M f OFTHE I FASdST FORCE lb- -nl •(Vli-hrnlPd Cnu nil Trlrx lo Stem ko Thlr Ulilrh Ih Hcltlnsr In ,U.iiln,.t, an Ihr IlmclluiM.sj iVjH I'rnlial.ly >lpfl Knllur<'. nit - 1IK«1,INV Alir.. t^.-drni^ral l.iub'ii. ho dnrrt haK tiilirn nvtr thr nrtual Ipail- ll8 ursblp ot fuiK-lMii III .Ouriiiany. le- 111' hull r-.imnlHHlnni'il I)"piiiy 5C- atruimiT, •'fulkl.r ilriiKKlt.l, an Ibi- m- nomlnnl rlilpfiiiin. of Iho now dlHln- in- teRrntlnK fnncl-t forces 'lo ri-plnci- aji tho BpBclncuhir fonnor Hl»;n iialni«r. Ado>r Miller, who, from bln crll bo In tho lJinrb.b.'rR jlrlMon. laid down lo bin mnmlni" a-. folkUi lemlur. tld __ mtler. thr flmf-Jiombinlli; "Iruui..- p«ti>r;’ of n new "TaK" tor Corinnny. Dl- huii ht'on biati'ir In nn Inlorntti row K^nUuiii'<I on-pat;c 3.) LY T AUGUST 5 , l i ) 24 . LaFoilette Will . Be Independent in W isconsin ............WASlllNUTU.N--.\u:;^a....;-..li:i._U *^111 ail nil liuh'iicmlc.ni i>io;:ri"i:'l'r, mil an a rrtiiilillrnii. In iiiili'V >i»i in torn. l‘n'.ii.l.'Ul <'(..illcli;i' lo imi an nn Inrli'prnilrnl In lh:ii Malt’ II. rllll In;; lhal "Win,mi, I,. luii. riT.'inlvci liMvr n.'v.r r.-M.irii.l i.. ___ n!uirji.lJulllJi;.-l!.ni.ai;tIi:L;i..iuiiI. h jll— , l.'ll.', .ll'.. Mill ut Ilir i'.iii.ll>lal<', lo I clay «ro|c- Wtllian. M. liiiil.i, j n. I'lialrmau «r Uu- 11 luihlu'riii ii:iilinia1 j JCOLORAOOCAVE i. ■leiED O FlF” ' E oFFip force : II,. >:i|iii|s lo Smnki- Ont ^liindllH » llli|' til Chlnrlnn Uii< I'roii-v Kiillln (luliii; ur i:uANi) JI NCTIDN. I'oin.. Am:; r.. I I'rilrrnl aCd couniy uttli:ur;i ;il- , ~ 'I.'iuii!lirA“ lo 1mUI11IT1-J In brliivrd III h:ivi- rolilinl Uu- 1‘all'i- ' ay iid.M imnluftlrn ot Ji:>,r.'tS In tilaintiH • im mill ^a>ih lu it l''rld;i>- trnm ;i itrHrrl- III ...I-mill.. lit'HI' l'..ll..a.|-.. hiiVf no t.ir: — br«n—nn»ivlltttl--(il -cVfpy-turii - by n- - An allriiipt yrslrrilay nflminiiii In I briii^ Iho Irln trom Ih.'tr hlilliiK ly. phKrH by llu- U»r of rhbirino r^'ifr ' liirl ullb ralliiri' wbrn llir>. hanillln vr Ilir ill'.I.lly fiinius i ,K MrnilMT» uf lil,. ,.ii. rltfa pcur.r p-i •j-tinrrllnr • thr-oiiiPr ttinnrH-ot- Hif-[ mlm- bavi- b.'i ii'«i"i| at varliuM iln....| ' Io illnri ibrir rlllr Iln- nl ilmnnilm lU'o'vii uul' by Ihr l.:imlll;'. l{«|'i.rlK., ^ llial any of ibc li;inililfi M ;iV<.' ■■ lir.'ii wiinndnl 'in lb- t:i;l,ilm; arr IH'Ul unxvai'ranlnl. An allrniiil will l.o- ...............lay lo ! um.':irlli ilji!. Ihrr.' im-n by milpbtir fnniuu. IL bLinc ihnUKhl Ihc cua fr<illi (hl«. rhenilcnl will ppn".lrnt« Ibo E llKl/ei>t barricade Ihi'b aiidlla lan ~^*irrrirr'7c/r^rniB(itr,-^#ir''a '»n»r • nK-aiiH of inklnK ilie men nllve. hna licBlcil nolkcH In Ibr mine cnlmOcrn aiiklm: Ibnn tn mine out of thu niliiV. nnd kIvo ibi-niBPlvon up- Rhode island News |< Hound-Gets Brandj- WllOX.SOCIvi'X il. I.. Aiir-. C— jl l.url;in r. Kan Soiirl. rrportrr on|. , ' llir 'ri-ffjiiau. II Ki'i'iirh 'puiillintlon. I I \v;m branilol wllb ft lurKO lellcr Ii-l. " on llic for<-lu.ad and Ihc lefi wrlnt j' wlipn Ivt wan *'llnIriilnK In" on n j‘ .[ jipcrcL ' inopiInK nciiK. lilackatotip,IJ Maiti.. Inst niKhi. ncponljng lo u 1. hliiry piibllHhrd in llio pnpEF^toda);. 1 San aom-l wn» iylug in n field | I *■ wlioii fliriio men. wenrlnR'IflowluF: j’ 1 ,^! whiKi rnbrn, o\Brpnwered him. In |’ __ a toiv nllmiiefl hn wnn anrroiihiled ' by ll fcnrn of Iho hoo,lad flRnrpn. ' SINGER] ">Pi;.EDG CONFI - Chnncdini'--Marx* Savjr- I Gonil Will iVoin I to I’l-opo.^a! for _J_—VV-eihu^stlay-tii.' H'luirsi 1 . ' l.uM inv. All-. . •! I ..... ri p .''il.h tilr t'.il.' ..l-’,i:.'| Ili.',t.> .In.' ...... ......................... ...... 4<->_ I-'"'' ...... p .n i^ f.'i u... - rn 'iu irr U'iiu-...,v .M.i.'l li.i/ai.i, i i,.,i . „r 0|,ti,l.,:.u, ;,„.l frrii,,;: ;,t t ........ 'n .- ui-i.i.ii-.- u.., . iih ............... i'.'n'iu.’a,i.i,...n.,U..v..h li, Til,, lirnaa,,'.. „h„ aiTMr,! ......... . ............... . ^-TirtTPTIIRrTV-Tr'—lM^"niViii','.; II|.' |'., r., i.r U.S S|„-r.lv ;i'. ,u.s,ii.i.' Ill M.ui, i.iriiarv M'.sin.i, I.iv L.uii.in.v ^■m FOR H e | m« lo Immetnc Crowd Will Hear Jolm ,11 , W, Davis Tako_ Nomination of| Demw^rtlo Party; W alali Dc- < , livers^ Address of Nollfitalion; ,na Broadcasting 'Arrangement Io Complete. CI.AIIK.sniTHi;, W. Va. Am;, f..-- Chirliabiii;; h. u>li di r:,r,l|i>t U |> In.lay j ,f(ir III.' <;.'ii.'muny Ik m j;cxi .Mouduy by .which Jnhn W, Uav|;i will Im- tnnunllv iliollfiril (but M hUK I.... a ..boki'll |>ir:.l. ’-'jdvnllul iiuniln... nf . lb.. .l. nuN'imi.' ‘JJ’ l|.nrty. 'li.i •<'-'irp<>nl.'rH w r r r biir.y i-v.-rywhrrc , ..|liulldlnt!.i.'iiipnrnry iiini<'liii'.-« tor ilu' iJi;i'lrhrallon and cnrpn .if workcrM - Bln'rtcd throuKh Ihi- nlrcciK drnplhy 'IflaKH uml bnnilun from biilldim; In I . hulldln;:. ’ * * L.|,'i Soiinlor Tboinnii -J. Wnlub, .Monlunn. Tj^rtiairmnimr-ihr— ),i nnmliinlcd llnvhi, will (li-l|v..r lh<- l^.d Bpr.-.-h <if Iiollflrnllnn. The Inwn wlll br nbl.' If) rnr.' fnr 7S.U00 vlailorn. otfl- — clnlH lirM.'.v.’, Wni k Hiftri.'d luilny ou ib - ".•oiiri ol lioiiur," u name wiiiib Ui.' Iioitir rom- Ini; I'ominlll.'.- bnn' ^rh.'li lu Ihc club- •irul.' i,prak.'ri,' nami. Ovrrtlow crnWdB will I.c iil.tr lo b. nr Ibr r.Triimny IIiiourIi amplltli'iit be «m: llinlnllrd In Imllx n n d ’ibrulcn, ilowniown. Am iiiKin Uli tbr lu;ii nprak.T bn;i fln- bilii'd red firo ivili |.» Kinri.'d ..a ull Ihr hiiltop;. nrniinil Ibc lii'wii, un.im. I.nni.'d l.y vojlryj, ot flrcworkx.. Tbf coniniiilpi' in clinrRo of brnud- rniiilnu Ibc nprccb.-a haa nnnnunccil lhat Ihc ntnilnn wlll bo aironK <nnukU lu avnd rudlo^avni to rvrry pati uf Ihe coimiry. Big Suit Agaiiist -----------------K o r d - f o r - S e r v i c e DFrrUOIT, ^Uch., AUK, E.-Snll for froo.nnn waa Inatiiuted analnat the rord .Motor company In circuit court here tndny by Warren W. Ayrea,. I>)tmll. who iilieKen ihni amount la due him 'nn pnyincnt for •licrvlPeH In pnsliiccrlnc tho ptirchnie of air«:k from John nnd Horace. Dodite- fo r- ISS.non.OM.----------- ------ --- 1T_ _„1,ii ,hl«„ Kililc.ii_ AyrcB. Bays iJial at tiic rwiuMt' of Kord ciiRipany - oftictnlB hn tarried thronsh th'} deal hy whioli Iho I)o(!ro brolbara. who hail, becu a"«Dclsiert..wiih Jo rd 11. »lac"'» ibo. beijanriln of hla company. — - Tp a irrr oot-tho-ta'ilr,-T\rnM-«tTa, Ka eMnl«B wero - required from Jannanr 17 t.o 'Judo S9.. IDIO, and ' the halt mllUon.'doUara aaked' ia' 7* ft rmoniiblB^payoient-for ,tb«-B«rr- •^OROIUV..lli:-BDd Taylor. Torr* HaTiir-iom)r;-aiiil--Pein-8ahnlant6} Ptliploo; will clash la tha main bout ot a bostsK abe«-hera-7rtaar Dl|bt. The bora ar» banums. . ' S Knir HilKlil and Tn. s.lio: llu chaliUP lu ...... .. illJ) VOL. XIII. NO. R5 LITY IS ERENGE ?r -n 0-1 ^I'i n p.- M D g(r •not' ------- ;' 'u tn iiic K(,*])ul)li(;; Answer •I'fim'nl oT'AUk's Coming rsilay ____ ___ ------------------------------ ------------------ . ri,.' ,if.T..., ,,r ........... . <i..- ' M . i;r(" Ilui'..)..' 1 ....... . will iiiul -------________________________________ n-n -;i.,-;-rii':it «vi;.r.|ir--.Mrtin'n'fl- 'liV.............. .. ii.iii. .'ilfir \i:ir\ L.iu-’i.il *nfi' ii l.nrsl rt till' inl.'I' iliii- li I'.'|i.iruti.M|H •'uliriT- -, -VMUll.lr'..,.;- 'l.iu! rt.lll.MilMlr 11(1.1 till' lil ll iialc. hi'iril';. ____ Il. r.' tiii. iii..r|ini;r uiul wi'iil nl^ . ,v..i'.. ii,.i..Ul .. .ir.ili ui:' .ml..|--iillj.'.l i''''l i'‘r<ui',:lii. lliry iu'i.mi-.c.i lu j" tiui\ ui;' III-"..'- a!;ri'i'iil.iU', -NlidtluT nnv. liul nion- iiiu-ly Tiiiir.Mla\. will I.DMiON. Aur. r.-T h .' allk'd <;on- .jiiil.. umal..JiiujiiiUiuL..UlUX«-.- ... .. . Mil'll ailh'.I .iiKl (Irriiun dc1cic;tl.m .... I al It..' f.ir.lKli t>irit'.''lii pU-iinry '.'r-. .Inn ;il .....ut Kii.v. AtiUal lit Ib.- Ii'riii;.ii drIeRiitlon i.'iii ;i i.mrli ot coirr oml oxrllcmcnl’ U. .........M'l.... ar.uiiiil tlir lor-lRn ot- ’ Ii. i- a-, Ib.' drl.'i;.iln Kulbrrcti fur i-» . rilm.. itiniillrr '.MicUuRaUI wulked y . jiLtuafl-Iimu—\u. n l>xi«ului;..BlrecL------------ I rl'iinl h,' a lariTP onwd. After I thr alllril b'ailrii, li.id nrrlvuil. cnino________ .;lKii Mlnlrvicr Sirr*Mniiun and Dr. l.titb.T. Iho ' i-i-oniimlBt. Im l..>ii<ti>ii poligc hail Uikrii extruor- Idliiary iirrrnuilona lo ;ircvcni any d''iiuiiiittratloiia. .. ' ' Thu (irrninmi arilvcd la London ' ihin ninrnlnR nnd wern 'Kreoled at }n;;lhc »iailuu by Kir rtoMid Waller J I lIuiKp, rcprtn»ntliO!“ ~ n h e -' itovoni- I’ri-vlnuHIy "nru'iltlcRallon. which hmiK'd frnin thn rlnnnpl boat at: Vliirwli:b. hnd been m ft by a apcclal f;..vrriiiiirni ri'prriMtniirn ami on 1 ,,^. liial iir'ailnu. n Hpi’ktviiiiiu Ihe ! (:.'rnf,ui.i drriiirrd: • ,,i;. ! "Wr Vou,;. wllli o jiinVrm donlrn ............... •;.l. i I" i nulrll.illr- lu tll'cnV'^.rlnR lh'.! Ileal i,j,'■ iu-llii"l o( pnitlnR iho eipcrla plan illll. arilon, uniilliM''i! and in Iho i-liiril nf Uic antbom. '"W.. dr«irc Hint iIk * plan ahould i !ip In rffrrt na nnnn un poaaiblfl and !!!’" liHcnd lo. coiiirlliuiii our part to l,.ynl luUUltnrnl, ^ "Wp do nol douM that w o.w ill Uu.l il\. iiiinip itpirlt prevnlllof; In ' ‘I - , I.;Oii.1ot' nn.l ir Hi^ Im thp fjgo wo________ ^ ' I ' ^ ' l l l '>I>rrillly reach iiKtf«m«l.'* '*"■ Marlionnlil M»,leM W ii u the plenary- iPMalon' wna uprm'ii - Mai:noiiaI.I madn a llttlo I'lirl t;li lit wckoini lo Iho aorifiah I <d I ihli Ttnlrri’ and exvmneil the hopa >in-i||iai t.undnn would tursiih an' at- ub-1 inrsjibrrc cnndiicite _ lu. amlcablo .ar' .'<iir.ikinK in Retinaii, Chancollor br. M.ir.x rri.ilrd, ibnnUitt; tho Dritlah .i„ primr iiitulnior nnd oxproBalns de- iirnilnniluii to »cc»pi the provi- ' Moiii, lit. Iho fxperu pUn and lo ’ ,ill Inrre ibroiii;li Ibn rdchaiai; any noc- innnry i..>.*lK|silon, Arrept Ubbph i'lsR.. , Mnrx cnnflrmrd tha declilosi of ' ih.' (ierman CTVcrttmeat th- accept itii Hjwii* t'rosrani an a baala tor . anlntloii of tbo rcpiratlona (|ueaUon »fid aald (ierinany U ready lo pass ' k'Rl«lation . nocoaiiry to -maka hor arrrplance effocllv*. •■We arc In Iho D^wol plan," tho ami ii'uai Rive Oerniwy hor troodon and at Iho aamo llnto xlTe’h o ra n >nli opporl'unliy to oo-op*raU wllh other n«t eatiuiui for tbv rocoutruclloa ot Eu- ;ult rope, ! W. '"It Ihls conforeB» U euccaaafal. hm an 1 hope confidettly It will bo, for \hrn the whole QirmaB ptoplfl'. M Me (ooir aa osaential --CUBdlAateS'-'toP-...........- aco. llielr freedom aihd tconamlb bcUtI- — iini-hnTB bmm-r*ttt^rwlU'-d»^*- • Iial eatire itronctli to carrrlnk ' ■ my. tiv> obiiRaiion* bap««<t'ra'liSaonSr th , ttl* -Uwea'. recommiadall0ai."i— ;;u---------- ira. Primo Mlnlalor JbcDoaaU-pointed V ord -Oul- It waa nol iiK»»«arr-'tor. lh» - -i-i ear O ^ i'nVTQ- propoaod to land'jt»r Ihe'dn^ 'al". • od.’tbo QeraaBB to inj mcai oLlhtlr,,yUjf» .*® TJ»»*^»^^ lUleoebt,, M c\v'-]3 Ottt ^ r' 1V^n ^ggSBiBaawMj ■■■ . ______

Transcript of : TWI N ¥A^TT.S DAI]LY T , TWIN S IDAHO,'TUESDAY, 8...

: TWIV O U I ilK 7, N U M UK R i)(l,

B i o i i s i f l

- lE W EMexican aovcm m ont Boccivca

____ Report T hai A grarian Slnycrtof Mrs. £vans-Havo Bcon P ri­vately Exocutcd; Obrcgon Ex-

S presaes' EcgfCt for Murder W hich Oompiicatcs A ffaiii!

. MEXICO C lry . auk! n ^ K o u r cit---------------------IM iiKritriiitnr'bniKiirK- wiro-Biiofun.T

hlllccl'-MrB. Ilosnlld Kvkiin. wotiiiin rniicli ownor nml i\ llrlllnli niilijiTl, wrro eai'lurcit ljy fctlprul ncoiiln ycHtorday nml xummlkrily oxviniioii. ocrordllig lo iirlvnlo iiiciinaKi'n hen- loiiuy.

. -..-.•..aira,j;yau».W Ba..inui:ilm ;a_uii lOic

ob'n, Snturclny.'nml tliu imyrul) n)iu wnn cnro;JnK wiin nloli'ii.

_______________(Ive III InvtKllRitlInK ili» tniR<'il>: liv- IloTliiK {I mny liuvi: Iimh lunplrcil \’r pollllcal plollorx,

•_______________'T lio OBiiaMlnnllon nf Mrn. Ev- —!___ _______ ttca...\Yaa-plapni;J.!ig-_.Sn». AnUmlU.

Tein»,"'"Uio‘ ri*>rRpni>pr >:i~ BtiT niilJ, liiiliiinllrii; llm crinio wn« jiarl of

' II i>lmi nf oiio of llio rovolullonoryJuiiiuii 10 cTnlnrrn»fi llio OUrcRon Kiivfrnment.

Atncflciiii Conaular AKciit Jfltiklnii l.'.i nrrlved In M nlw . City frum rucliln to KiTc Ills rrp o rl on ilio murder.

MliilnU.r of Wnr Surrnnrt anil O eneral Qomcr. nnd Qonnral Mnr-

-------------:------- irerrH B id ' « fT onl5H rnco~m rili;rill'-

uxe »ldc*iircnd m ilitary nieanui-ov^o round up tli» acrarlnii bniiilllH In

. I’uobln and complete dlnnrmlnK of the clvlllnii populntlon.

' ' I'rcslileni Obreeon. In on Inicr-rlew with llio' United Prmn. la ld :

•'In tho wlioln- nt my ^xceutfTa career I hB.To norcr encountered o

.ijtiuu liia jB oro. dlaturblufc o r aniw r- V irffe .-H M-»uWi n * ttM iny iu i'i»M ti' ■. t t i t B « .w o r« w e a iw of MuUco.

1, can Ri(iur« yon Ihs Rovorninonl ’ will use IlH QlmiMt cfform to e|lm>

* Innto 'tlic cauacM of (licno crave tro- . reilloi."

' Ounnralo (irrnnnn, (inmcz, MnrO-ne t nnd Holiflrio Cnixi', R uvn io r of I’liolttu, hiiTo worked ont ii |ir»r;mni for paclflcAtlon or TiirbLi'u iiU |iun- Ixhinent nf the iimrdcrnrii. itio prcni- (len lan ld .

llrltloh CnnHiiI Klnc Inih' l.iken olmrBC. of UlO InvcKtlRailon owliij; tt> w hat n rliU h re«l(lenta consWer tlio dUatory Inctica of Iho Ameri­can , embaBiy. Kinr; anlil Iio wltl bring Iho. Iiwly nf Mrn. KvnnB to Mexico Clly dcaplto ih i opponUlon of the Puebla autHorltles nnit will

nimod to jilaco Rullt un llio rcnl inu rto rcri.

(XATK nilHHKIlY .nOTIYKi WA8HI.N0T0N. I). C.. Aur. 5—

Tho McxJcan 'RDVoninivnt Is conll- . . tlonl thni an (nvoAilKnilun j j LiJ U o

kllllnc o t Mra. l l O T ^ - H r t u i T n ^ her Mexlran ru iirtrfw lll prove Hint rolibory »na the monvo nml It wiiii ID BO way related lo tKi dlttlcullle* botwoon Mni. Kvnng nml tlio Mexi­can auiliorltloB-. tlio Mexican umboB.y aald Jn a »laiumcni limucd lioro lo- tlay, I


^ , : |N W. V I R «' CLaRKSBURO. W. Va-. A uj. G —

WIUUd ‘.Joan ltica .D rra a cauo to C larktbttrt.lB lo y g tto rd v and opened

> h ’a -acltiHUX U)« h one town otJohn fTr 'n T t i . ' aam ocn tlc proil- dentlal iiamtDw. b y reeolrlnx nown. PBpVrmen for BD lnlorVlaw.■‘The' oommonor aald h«*wna In ac­

cord wllh h it brbttatr. Charloa W. aryu ;.ioTi> rnQ r o t N « b ru k a ,'la op-

------------ m in r^ P N a ld m it “ prbcla-roaUoD-of raobllluUon day Boptoin-

...... -ttr l i r r ------------— 'ft »orr foollah, moVo-by

•V . “Pmo .viw^U-rooBDlnc won." -BryanMid. ."O oR snl Porahlnic U - a flm r ttio w .b n l 'f i i i i d ^ dO'TiorniTfflOT: IM t ^ i x a u t tImM .'witii th e 'Id ea s

ft - ~ o t T>eqplfr-ln w nonh.” • — ---------------—r B i7 a n -* a l4 - lb * - i-« w il* * -M « -of

tho word 'n o b lllu tlo n waa belna mlaundtritood Iti liuropo. wbtro

' tnobltl^U oB i DitataB w ar U Imml-

U- co ins -to. spilU tba- - ..................rep iaufc* jj;ijja tl» .V -*allJ3rm .."JuIit

as R o ^ a t t ’ dld la 1912.. •____ ___- J J V li^ ^ o h B - jy w - O a T tt- a a U T B n

bla a c e tp u n c a ' aptech hsro naxt w ook,** 'B m n Bald.-“li« will pro?#

' J u t a i't i ro K m ilT o a a p lr l t 'a s 'L a - • •yollotte. * ' ...... • ■

N ¥A

8 L a b o r F e d e r a t i o n

O b s e r v e s D e f e n s e D a y a s L a w f u l

N ~ A T T ;A 7 .T rr-flT V . N .-J:;'A 'ir.-rr - -T i l l ' Ani.Tlniii I'Vil. -’ailmi ot

•l.nlinr imluy nilvinnl Iln M’orhriii lo iib«crvi' nnllonnl di'fi'ni>p ilni- In nrcnr.lnnn- wlili Uic.ilculri'ii Tit

X I'rM liknl P<ij>IIi1ki'.Arnln n nsm iac Iln nmiiwirll-

iinnlnni llii' I'xi'Cullvc roiiiull ii'- * -fn!ifd-to-lBl<'*'«n-*>frirlnl-rm>KT»f--

Ilnu of llu- lUMU- 1'c-UlK fonshl oul liy till' rcpHlillcnnii. itcmm-riitfi

VC8 nrul llid<']><'nili'nln.. niilliorlri'il lii- iiiinticr of a iitnti'nii'iil dccInrlnK

®I*. - ilrfuiiHi! .<lar?it?i..iL iiiultfi' nt luvf. Till- itlnlcnicnl wnn Imuu-d l.y Mill- lliiiw. Won .iii'lUij; nn tti)nUn>iiiiin

Ex- fnr gnnini'l nnm prrti; ' d c r

^ F M G - C l E r I A i l K L O m : STAGE BAO I I I ) ]

----------- J — -------------TIiMiiMiiid IVnplr on'- lli irk rje SlaU

Jllx Thlni.'ss »lK hl«.rInK I'o lirr------ Anw-irallrHH-Vnl'l—N«—Hrtiur?il-lf

Hliilp Aid -Mnde.

e ; . N ll.l« , 0 .. Auk. r..—W ith iv.<n'''r-alU. Hunn n-rlnimly liiiiirwl. Ht-vi'ral ln'-il-aid, oa -an rt- *lx- unilnr-nrrfMi*:—

of iluy beKliR nn , InrunllKUtinn ot wlinlnry l« i'ci‘"flc'l '*> have bi'cii an open(jon clnnli lictwoim knlKliln of -iliu nnm -

fnK Clrtle, nn nntl-kliin orKiiniziitlnnilnii aii‘1 iiieml)-.T*. o( tho Ku Klux Klnnrum licro lii*t iiIbIi'i .tlio One llviO«»tul iiurnomi arc unlit li

lliivo purtli-ljinloil 111 tho tiu-I?e.anil Tliu • flKh( -T H u irf< r ' iinlI.'-ir->iaMInr- wlipn hnndrMlii of ilu - 'o p pimlnK or-’Sit- Ranl:nllnn» met In tlio rtrcctn.

- ............... .ir-^r.brfrU4.0 wore i---in..il In uml nnhlnifil Nllen

In pollco In Ijpiiiklnr iii> tlio rloi.ot . ---------

COUyUlU?. O,. AUK. r..-<Iiivornot ‘f - Donahey loduy anld ho Iind rpculveil ‘' ‘’ = nn rrqncnl trom ollhor tho Ku Klux

Klun or the kutnt.'^ of tho Flaming Circle of Nllea llia r hA.atAri ouster

Kc«-SJ?ll>iB".;.f>KnJniit- «ho -Nllf* mote* fM«r pollco chief. -



s A R I OF AMERICA(fererl- . ---------

FaniouH N«.n York Cnlcher ffhfr ilie llaM'boll l-U yrra and Van. Inlii (Irrnl >Vur (Jcli. i:niwaa:

*111 T rlbplr._________________ ••

.N-nw y t) i i ic AiiK. t^ irn iisu u ilionor fomcn tiKluy to llnnk Oowily

5__iunky niicber ot llio .Now York(jinntii,

tlin T lo rnllm l Sliili-K nrmy #nil or. ■??? Tvilxcd ba»eb;tll hnvo nnlleil K hnt niakp lliv bniihtnl veteran a» un Wllll conitorlablo UN pna>ill>ln.wlili a|ii;orli?r tie* and cnRroDiicil lenllmooln'fl. tiilllliir> Dxl- rerlow nad a lol u t npplniitc.

A nyth in bccuiiiiv llnnk , lia c l^ ir 10- miT ■•Jumped” tlio Natloiml lijanuc

for the bliiser cam.} nml tv(st over aeaa tor iwu yn ira nervlce in llx ranka or Ibo A. R I-'.' (iowdy vni tho tlm t biK leiiRUe plnyer to on- Ilal. nlmwlns the wny ovcniunlly ir

• , n B'lod Tnany othera. 'The occaalnn tn .tlio toniial Inform'

• Ing of Hank llvit u Rovornnitnt bal I « pnrk and ulhletlc field n t Kort Hen-

A nins. 0«.. lian been nnmwl "Oowd) L /1 field" In hla honor.

Tho ceremony aavorn a Ultio ol 7 ^ TTnmoiffytUR‘ iir~t)aTfti"aind"<,'o»»Hdff •, th a l’ thoy .havi! boon, nominated tii

atandard-boarora ot th o lr partlo# bo- J{ cauao Oowdy already knowa about H

- -Why dlda^l you namo J t 4flet ® ‘ Hddlo O ran tr- bo aakod JllralBhl-

forwardly. "1 cnmo tu c k , bul Ekidic (formor New Vork c a p u ln ) dlUn’t r

^ n waa axplalned th a t th t dealr< (raa to namo ibo F o r t Qannlns field Bfur-aA-onlUtodlma&A&d tlu t tbsrc

b|_ novcr had boon any Quoatlnn ove«— r th '«.-«bo!e*-oHh* •tf*w -ha li#d ,-tap.

u - py-Dature<l aneular catcher o t tbejZ ■'________tlDB _ Bo Ooway had bla un ito r” P ro tjod

v n ] niiQBt'Biand 'BBd"foe«lTo;t!w -«lt leaa lU ry -rM la w ,'o n o o f 'I h e t«w-Umei . ■: l i a t • auch a n -h o a o r n iaa~B r«r-Il>n-ot an_6nU iitd_m B a;.^ ________L___!

iln* , ThV cere'moBy takoa place a t lh< i«ro Polo tro u n d i and th o 'C u b * -a re tc iml- play! the Q laou aflerw ard*-'

-X JiB krM -lJilU ard:.*B 4.Q ea«aL .W ' Oa «Q t-:W ell8-ara ; ta k U iK ..p « r t . la .^ < |u a t ''Oowdy day”, careaon lae . Tba Ut.

■ le r will p rw ent . M a a k '^ h a cbH ten . a t-U ia -w a r dflpartmont crdii nan- « x t iag the flow. ! , . w - I hope tbe occatlon :wlU.JmprM> La* (laelt on Uia routhV.ot the nation,’

d flrief*rw ella_;aald. ......


J i E S DEFEAT r i N I M

..i J O l f f iFedcnition Regards Defeat of

w-------- EcpuWlconB—iv8-Mor«---In»pQr- -an Tliah ElecUou of LaFol- ’

I d l e : Charge I» T hai G. 0 . P.

------------Vlco_P«i.flidcj\tiRl-Jiommcc_ia Arch.Enemjr o r Labor.

■' ■ '-V nT A N TIc'l-|T V .''N r7.,' Aii^, n Uliur'ii, iiltucli lu Iho Ihrrr-rornnrua 111 iiri...i|(lciitlal lilt m uit lu- <llr.T.l<.d

aKUlUHl Chnrli'B U. lliiw.'N, nn anll- A T uuIoiiIhi, tlio .(u>ini«lKn coiiiinliipc nt I I Ihl- Ami'i'ltan Kod'iruiliyi uf Uilmr, jU ilcTrri'il heri! today. .-----------lu-liii-llriiU4trilur-iu-4U-ibrv»-mlU

•tialf " wn|-nlnK unainiirN^>-<.iiuib-„ ,lr„ llwn rnnaidnivtw ,nul Kavo T itH ^lm t

.Cttmi)jli:u-.nliii;iin •'riiltn- ifrll ivlUi. H.OI liml Murln.'^ . •

IK'Icat ot Ihu roimblkllll llrltrl in - rtBunk-il an rv tn ' morn m.'cn'«nary *’" ■ Ihnn •.-k'cilon of ija ro lle tie . lb« labor

-’-nn'lliln tt'-'-T he-initrttni;—mamt*ni" n r

“ ''" I «rh»iiiiriK Iho d^L"unle-r'uf’'irm nvu- open" ■ luliirc hiivp .nioniiU«<I

i-i.,n * <i"m|irr» N W ltrr. '

leriifmi by Snmuul ComiM’ru. lahor'ii d ■" cl.lot, wlio niiyii ,lbit n-puhUcan vlCB

■iirM|c|(.ntliil_ iiimilnpo "typlflr* the 'oxlrrm.- |.ncml..« oC our <au-e.-

of llic Chli-ni;o Imnknrn uti.d unihor

Sllen Tfliiaralinna plan, wcro ordered |iro- parpil by tho coiiimitleL- for clrcu- iBllnri.

rnor Thcun di'rumpnln «hiirKo Pawi-n lived with nrlKlnntlUR tho ' orKanlxntlnn Ktu*' known a a - 'T h o Mlnutn Men‘ of tbe nIns Connltntlbn." nnd thrnuBlv ll, nt- islor luinptlnR tu doatroy orRnnlxud labor ate**.- li9r-‘crMUD& o6:U>e opctukhoji. Thoy

•: 'accuae.hlo of ’*und|«Kalaed capltal-• - Jim" an d -"d o lla r despotUni."

' To KO tilon^ with thin, tbo punipb- lela aBseri the n-cord n t' Prcnldenl CnnllilRn In tho Ihnlou police nlrlkn whuro they mnlolnln ho rovm lcl nn

^ anil-unlon ninml.I , Will SlMiw llcrnrd.r . M allhew-W oll, v.-lv>-lit n rllnc-n it V tlonipcr*' rlKht hnnd man- tn tho I a caiuiialcn. cxprcn.Hcd thu iionllmunlii j l J l ot Iho voinnilUvi- In a ntu|.-mrni <le- , y U clarhiR 'Ihn l "Oenorul, DnwoH’ roc-

* ord wlll ri-celvo thn proi>or nltfn- llon nnd we nro not without Infnrmn- llon nH lo lh a l . rccunl nn .fnr aji

• labor la conccrnod.”>'«n» %viih.ihla heuled nitnek upoii ibe Ktml rcpulillnin nomlnuP, Woll hnjicu lo------ lutnltlUij,- ruru^iit.ir HiaJ..'ilj)ll<-Ha

camimlKu. ' - 'muul Tlicru irnti iio ilmn Ium In cel-

(CoBllnued oa pasd 4.) ^

T H E k E A R E T O

. A u e ti ^


liio ' ™ ...... -r j^wna — ___ • j y

I I'liiorm* , \

H d p r -------j ^1 TIB iI bo- ; J — - ^ ^ 7 ' " v T - >Jt It- : f ........../ / 4 ^•fier - ; ------

aidio ^ • f t j y - I f ' / m

ealro ’ --------- - .*field I;hBroover , ......bap<

tbo •


\ iT*re V—“T B Ss C a

l i t - - ’ •- cb»‘ -- •;n a n » __ -• ■ - • •'

>rMK .imr .......! .!___


l i i p i


5 ; : iM E C iof A erec m e n t ^ ? 'i i c h ''W a .i P ren in -

,[v — I tir c ly -D c c la .td -C iir r ia d -U -D o -

jl. ’ . fea led Beca: ai' Mie- M iwcoviicii

p . W ould N o t 'A c c e p t Tcriu-i o f

la A rlic lc F o iii : E n d Cam o T o­day.

i.O.S'lMl.V. , At :. -Till. Ilrlllii'li „d forVlKn ottlce lit.ni.'cl a <'(iiiiiiiiiul<|0<' ,,i| Kicl.iy iilallni.* tl-.ii "ncToll.ill.iiii bi­ll. tw.'vii IIU Kdvrniinriil ami „f nuinaciiUitlvcs uf tlic Un«:!lriii ■

criinu'nl hnvc lirul.'-n cUnvn ami ihi- prniin-ccl oumin-iulal ir.-aly util

11. n.y(-.l)c. iilp ii ':^ ,: :^ _____ ______ ... _u l __'.riu- Aiittl<i;»H>. Ian !r:|i)L- i_'-'Jlf--T-.I,, enci: m nalnpd In .-yi.iidu’ all iiii;in. Ttl ili'lnji'nlni nn liolli i.li|i-.i nirlvliii: r.,rUi. » I.U'1 inlliuir ur.ri i'iih.|i|.___________

A i:oliimiinii|lll' 111 at Oil -'Illl' .\iii;lii- („ 8iivi-ji cimtorohci'. n tir r nlitiiu; In ry crininlUtL- nf tl.< whoix Salunlay „P and Sunday. mi<l In |i'i.|nr>' Mrnsbm

7:i:ra,'111. Tiffiflafiy." ' — — "An Ihl' aovlot! ili-l<:);ailiiii w:tti uii-

.y. ablo lo aixcpt nnu'ii<lnii.nt:< -.iml ion- Ii-""liinn»otterod 'nuurclUiK a rlli 'lr I Ilf till- (Irnfl o t ^li.' jircivoni'il lii'a ly.

I(. liu nftri'oinpnl wnn ri'uc lini." r'„ . It Ihcn wun ‘iiiu.mnri'cl ibai ilu' gB contcn-ni'c wan Inmililcr.'il to Imvr

liiiiki'n down n^.l that ilu ' ir.uK Inaly , npull 'w lllih Imth Tnnntrlp-i

td hall pinned rutiBlih-ralili’ hiiju'^, „r 'vuiihl niii bo BlKmil-

- l U D E i i F F I S E M f OFTHEI FASdST FORCElb--nl •(Vli-hrnlPd C nu nil T rlrx lo Stem ko Thlr U lilrh Ih Hcltlnsr In ,U.iiln,.t, an Ihr Ilm clluiM .sj iVjH I'rnlial.ly

>lpfl Knllur<'.

nit - 1IK«1,INV Alir.. t^.-drni^ral l.iub'ii. ho dnrrt haK tiilirn nv tr th r nrtual Ipail- ll8 ursblp ot fuiK-lMii III .Ouriiiany. le- 111' hull r-.imnlHHlnni'il I)"piiiy 5C- atruimiT, • 'fu lk l .r ilriiKKlt.l, an Ibi- m- nomlnnl rlilpfiiiin. of Iho now dlHln- in- teRrntlnK fnncl-t forces 'lo ri-plnci- aji tho BpBclncuhir fonnor Hl»;n iialni«r.

Ado>r Miller, who, from bln crll bo In tho lJinrb.b.'rR jlrlMon. laid down lo bin mnmlni" a-. folkUi lemlur.

t l d __ m tler. th r flmf-Jiombinlli; "Iruui..-p«ti>r;’ of n new "TaK" tor Corinnny.

Dl- huii ht'on b ia ti'ir In nn Inlorntti row

K^nUuiii'<I on-pat;c 3.)

LY T■ A U G U S T 5, l i )24.

LaFoilette Will .B e I n d e p e n d e n t

in W is c o n s in

............W A SlllN U TU .N --.\u:;^a....;-..li:i._U

*^111 ail nil liuh'iicmlc.ni i>io;:ri"i:'l'r, mil an a rrtiiilillrnii. In iiiili'V >i»iin to rn . l‘n'.ii.l.'Ul <'(..illcli;i' lo imi

■ an nn Inrli'prnilrnl In lh:ii Malt’• II. rllll In;; lhal "Win,mi, I,. luii. riT.'inlvci liMvr n .'v .r r.-M.irii.l i..

___ n!uirji.lJulllJi;.-l!.ni.ai;tIi:L;i..iuiiI. h jll— ,

l.'ll.', .ll'.. Mill ut Ilir i'.iii.ll>lal<', lo I clay «ro|c- Wtllian. M. liiiil.i , j

n . I'lialrmau «r Uu- 11 luihlu'riii ii:iilinia1 j

JCOLORAOOCAVE i. ■ l e i E D O F l F ” 'E o F F i p f o r c e :II,. >:i|iii|s lo Smnki- Ont ^liindllH » l l l i | ' til Chlnrlnn Uii< I'roii-v Kiillln (luliii;

ur i:uANi) JI NCTIDN. I'oin.. Am:; r.. I I 'rilrrnl aCd couniy uttli:ur;i ;il- ,

~ 'I.'iuii!lirA“ lo 1mUI11IT1-JIn brliivrd III h:ivi- rolilinl Uu- 1‘all'i- ' ay iid.M imnluftlrn ot Ji:>,r.'tS In tilaintiH • im mill ^a>ih lu it l''rld;i>- trnm ;i itrHrrl-III ...I-mill.. lit'HI' l'..ll..a.|-.. hiiVf no t.ir:— br«n—nn»ivlltttl--(il -cVfpy-turii - by

n- - An allriiipt y rslrrilay nflminiiii InI briii^ Iho Irln trom Ih.'tr hlilliiK

ly. phKrH by llu- U»r of rhbirino r 'ifr' liirl u llb ralliiri' wbrn llir>. hanillln

vr Ilir ill'.I.lly fiinius i,K MrnilMT» uf lil,. ,.ii. rltfa pcur.r p-i •j-tinrrllnr • th r-o iiiP r ttinn rH -o t- Hif-[

mlm- bavi- b.'i ii'«i"i| at varliuM iln ....|' Io i l ln r i ib r ir r lllr Iln- nl ilmnnilm

lU'o'vii uul' by Ihr l.:imlll;'. l{«|'i.rlK., ^ llial any of ibc li;inililfi M;iV<.' ■■

lir.'ii wiinndnl 'in lb- t:i;l,ilm; arr IH'Ul unxvai'ranlnl.

An allrniiil will l.o- ...............lay lo !um.':irlli ilji!. Ihrr.' im-n by milpbtir fnniuu. IL bLinc ihnUKhl Ihc cua fr<illi (hl«. rhenilcnl will ppn".lrnt« Ibo

E llKl/ei>t barricade Ihi'b aiidlla lan

~ ^ * irrr ir r'7 c /r^ rn iB (itr ,-^ # ir ''a '»n»r • nK-aiiH of inklnK ilie men nllve. hnalicBlcil nolkcH In Ibr mine cnlmOcrn aiiklm: Ibnn tn m ine out of thu niliiV. nnd kIvo ibi-niBPlvon up-

R h o d e i s l a n d N e w s |< H o u n d - G e t s B r a n d j -

WllOX.SOCIvi'X il. I.. Aiir-. C— jl l.url;in r . Kan Soiirl. rrp o rtrr o n |.

, ' llir 'ri-ffjiiau. II Ki'i'iirh 'puiillintlon. I I \v;m branilol wllb ft lurKO lellcr Ii-l.

" on llic for<-lu.ad and Ihc lefi wrlnt j' wlipn Ivt wan *'llnIriilnK In" on n j ‘

.[ jipcrcL ' inopiInK nciiK. lilackatotip,IJ Maiti.. Inst niKhi. ncponljng lo u 1. hliiry piibllHhrd in llio pnpEF^toda);. 1

San aom-l wn» iylug in n field |I *■ wlioii fliriio men. wenrlnR'IflowluF: j’ 1,^! whiKi rnbrn, o\Brpnwered him. In | ’__ a toiv nllmiiefl hn wnn anrroiihiled '

by ll fcnrn of Iho hoo,lad flRnrpn. '

S IN G E R ]">P i;.E D G

C O N F I- C h n n c d i n i ' - - M a r x * S a v j r -

I G o n i l W ill iV oinI t o I ’ l - o p o .^ a ! f o r

_ J _ —V V - e ih u ^ s t l a y - t i i . ' H ' l u i r s i

1 . ' l . u M i n v . A ll- . . •! I ..... rip . ' ' i l .h tilr t'.il.' ..l-’,i:. '| Ili.',t.> .In .'

............................... ...... 4<->_I - ' " ' ' ...... p . n i ^ f . ' i u ...

- r n 'i u i r r U'iiu-...,v .M.i.'l li.i/ai.i, i i,.,i . „ r 0 |,ti,l.,:.u , ;,„.l f rr ii ,,; : ;,t t

........ 'n . - u i-i.i.i i-.- u .., .iih ............... i ' . 'n 'i u . ’ a ,i. i , . . .n . ,U ..v . .h li,

Til,, l i r n a a ,, ' . . „ h „ aiTMr,!

......... . ............... .^-TirtTPTIIRrTV-Tr'— lM^"niViii','.; II|.' |'.,r., i.r U.S S|„-r.lv ;i'. ,u .s ,ii .i . ' Ill M.ui,

i .ir iia rv M '.sin.i, I.iv L .u ii.in .v

^ ■ m FOR

H e| m«lo Im m e tn c C row d W ill H e a r Jo lm

,11, W , D av is Tako_ N o m in a tio n o f |

D e m w ^ rt lo P a r t y ; W ala li Dc- < , livers^ A d d ress o f N o llf i ta l io n ;

,na B ro a d c a s tin g 'A r ra n g e m e n t Io

Com plete.

CI.AIIK.sniTHi;, W. V a. Am;, f..-- Chirliabiii;; h. u>li di r:,r,l|i>t U|> In.lay

j ,f(ir III.' <;.'ii.'muny Ik m j;cx i .Mouduy by .which Jnhn W, Uav|;i will Im- tnnunllviliollfiril (but M hUK I....a ..boki'll |>ir:.l.

’- 'jd v n llu l iiuniln... nf . lb.. .l. nuN'imi.' ‘JJ’ l|.nrty.'li.i •<'-'irp<>nl.'rH w rrr biir.y i-v.-rywhrrc , ..|liulldlnt!.i.'iiipnrnry iiini<'liii'.-« tor ilu'

iJ i;i'lrh rallon and cnrpn .if workcrM- Bln'rtcd throuKh Ihi- nlrcciK drnplhy

'IflaKH uml bnnilun from biilldim; InI . hulldln;:. ’ * *L.|,'i Soiinlor Tboinnii -J. Wnlub, .Monlunn.T j^ r t ia irm n im r- ih r—),i nnmliinlcd llnvhi, will (li-l|v..r lh<-

l .d Bpr.-.-h <if Iiollflrnllnn. The Inwn wlll b r nbl.' If) rn r.' fnr 7S.U00 vlailorn. otfl-

— clnlH lirM.'.v.’,Wni k Hiftri.'d luilny ou ib - ".•oiiri ol

lioiiur," u name wiiiib Ui.' Iioitir rom- Ini; I'ominlll.'.- bnn' ^rh.'li lu Ihc club- •irul.' i,prak.'ri,' nam i.

Ovrrtlow crnWdB will I.c iil.tr lo b. nr Ib r r.Triimny IIiiourIi amplltli'iit b e «m: llinlnllrd In Imllx n n d ’ibrulcn, ilowniown.

Am iiiKin Uli tbr lu;ii nprak.T bn;i fln- bilii'd red firo ivili |.» Kinri.'d ..a ull Ih r hiiltop;. nrniinil Ibc lii'wii, un.im . I.nni.'d l.y vojlryj, ot flrcworkx..

T b f coniniiilpi' in clinrRo of brnud- rniiilnu Ibc nprccb.-a haa nnnnunccil lhat Ihc ntnilnn wlll bo aironK <nnukU lu avnd ru d lo ^ a v n i to rv rry pati uf Ihe coimiry.

B ig S u i t A g a i i i s t -----------------K o r d - f o r - S e r v i c e

DFrrUOIT, ^Uch., AUK, E .-S n ll for froo.nnn waa Inatiiuted analnat the ro rd .Motor company In circuit court here tndny by W arren W. A yrea,. I>)tmll. who iilieKen ihni amount la due him 'nn pnyincnt for

•licrvlPeH In pnsliiccrlnc tho ptirchnie • of air«:k from John nnd Horace.

Dodite- fo r- ISS.non.OM.----------- ---------1T_ _„1,ii ,h l« „ Kililc.ii_ AyrcB. Bays iJial

a t tiic rwiuM t' of Kord ciiRipany- oftictnlB hn ta rried th ronsh th'}

deal hy whioli Iho I)o(!ro brolbara. who hail, becu a"«Dclsiert..wiih J o r d

1 1 . »lac"'» i bo. beijanriln of hla

company.— - Tp a i r r r oot-tho-ta'ilr,-T\rnM-«tTa,

K a eM nl«B wero - required from Jannanr 17 t.o 'Judo S9.. IDIO, and

' the ha lt m llUon.'doUara aaked' ia' 7* ft rm oniib lB ^payoien t-for ,tb«-B«rr-

•^O R O IU V ..lli:-B D d T aylor. Torr* H aT iir-iom )r;-a iiil--P ein-8ahnlan t6} Ptliploo; will clash la th a main bout o t a bostsK a b e « -h e ra -7 r ta a r Dl|bt. The bora ar» ba n u m s. . '


K n i r HilK lil a n d Tn. s .lio : llu chaliUP lu

........ ■

i l l J ) V O L . X I I I . N O . R5


E R E N G E?r - n 0-1 I'i n p .- M D g (r • n o t '-------; ''u tn i i i c K(,*])ul)li(;; A n s w e r • I 'f im 'n l o T 'A U k 's C o m i n g r s i l a y ____ ___ ------------------------------------------------

. ri,.' ,if.T ..., ,,r ........... . <i..- 'M. i;r(" Ilui'..)..' 1........ will iiiu l


n-n -;i.,-;-rii':it «v i;.r.|ir--.M rtin 'n 'fl- 'liV.............. ..ii.iii. .'ilfir \ i : i r \ L .iu-’i.il *nfi' ii l .n r s l

rt till' inl.'I' iliii- li I'.'|i.iruti.M|H •'uliriT--, -VMUll.lr'..,.;- 'l.iu! rt.lll.M ilM lr 11(1.1

till' lil ll iialc. h i'ir il'; . ____Il. r.' tii i. iii..r|in i;r u iu l wi'iil n l ^ .

,v..i'.. ii,.i ..U l .. . i r . i l i ui:' .m l..|--iillj.'.l ■ i ' ' ' ' l i ' ‘r<ui',:lii. lliry iu'i.mi-.c.i lu j"tiu i\ u i;' III-"..'- a !;r i'i 'i il.iU ', -NlidtluTn n v . liul nion- iiiu-ly T iiiir.M la\. w ill

I.DMiON. Aur. r .-T h . ' allk'd <;on-

.jii il.. umal..JiiujiiiUiuL..UlUX«-.- . . . .. . Mil'll ailh'.I .iiKl (Irriiun dc1cic;tl.m.... I al It..' f.ir.lKli t>irit'.''lii pU-iinry'.'r-. .Inn ;il .....ut Kii.v.

A tiU al lit Ib.- Ii'riii;.ii drIeRiitlon i.'iii ;i i.mrli ot coirr om l o x rllcm cn l’U. .........M'l.... ar.uiiiil t l i r lor-lRn ot-

’ Ii. i- a-, Ib.' drl.'i ;.iln Kulbrrcti fur

i-» . rilm .. itin iillrr '.MicUuRaUI wulkedy . jiLtuafl-Iimu—\u . n l>xi«ului;..BlrecL------------I r l ' i i n l h,' a lariTP o nw d . A fter I thr alllril b 'a ilrii, li.id nrrlvuil. cnino________

.;lKii Mlnlrvicr Sirr*Mniiun and Dr. l.titb.T. Iho ' i-i-oniimlBt.

Im l..>ii<ti>ii poligc hail Uikrii ex truor- Idliiary iirrrnuilona lo ;ircvcni any d''iiuiiiittratloiia.

.. ' ' Thu (irrninmi arilvcd la London ' ihin ninrnlnR nnd wern 'K reoled at

} n ;;lh c »iailuu by Kir rtoM id W aller J I lIuiKp, rcprtn»ntliO!“ ~ n h e - ' itovoni-

I’ri-vlnuHIy "n ru 'iltlcR a llon . w hich hmiK'd frnin thn rlnnnpl boat a t: Vliirwli:b. hnd been m f t by a apcclal f;..vrriiiiirni ri'p rriM tniirn ami on

1,, . liial iir 'ailnu . n Hpi’ktviiiiiu Ihe ! (:.'rnf,ui.i d rriiirrd : •

,,i;. ! "W r Vou,;. wllli o jiinVrm donlrn ...............•;.l. i I" i nulrll.illr- lu tll'cnV'^.rlnR lh'.! Ileal i , j , '■ iu-llii"l o( pnitlnR iho eipcrla plan

illll. arilon, uniilliM''i! and in Iho i-liiril nf Uic antbom.

'"W.. dr«irc Hint iIk * plan ahould i !ip In r ffrrt na nnnn u n poaaiblfl and

!!!’" liHcnd lo. coiiirlliuiii our p a rt to l,.ynl luUUltnrnl,

^ "Wp do nol douM that w o .w ill Uu.l il\. iiiinip itpirlt prevnlllof; In

' ‘I - , I.;Oii.1ot' nn.l ir Hi^ Im thp fjg o wo________^ 'I '^ ' l l l '>I>rrillly reach iiK tf«m «l.'*'*"■ Marlionnlil M»,leM

W ii u the plenary- iPMalon' wna uprm'ii - Mai:noiiaI.I madn a llttlo I'lirl t;li lit w ckoini l o Iho aorifiah

I <d I ihli Ttnlrri’ and exvm neil the hopa >in-i||iai t.undnn would tu r s iih an ' at- ub-1 inrsjibrrc cnndiicite _ lu. amlcablo

. a r ' .'<iir.ikinK in Retinaii, Chancollor b r. M.ir.x rri.ilrd, ibnnUitt; tho D ritlah . i„ primr iiitulnior nnd oxproBalns de-

iirnilnniluii to »cc»pi the p rovi- 'Moiii, lit. Iho fxperu pUn and lo ’

,ill Inrre ibroiii;li Ibn rdchaiai; any noc- innnry i..>.*lK|silon,

A rrep t Ubbph i'lsR.., Mnrx cnnflrm rd th a declilosi of ' ih.' (ierman CTVcrttmeat th - accept

it i i Hjwii* t'rosrani a n a baala to r . anlntloii of tbo rcpiratlona (|ueaUon

»fid aald (ierinany U ready lo pass ' k'Rl«lation . nocoaiiry to -maka hor arrrplance effocllv*.

•■We arc In Iho D^wol p lan," tho

ami ii'uai Rive O ern iw y hor troodon and at Iho aamo llnto xlTe’h o r a n

>nli opporl'unliy to oo-op*raU wllh o the r n«t eatiuiui for tbv rocoutruc lloa o t Eu- ;ult rope, !W. '" I t Ihls conforeB» U euccaaafal. hm an 1 hope confidettly It w ill bo, for \hrn the whole QirmaB ptoplfl'. MMe (ooir aa osaential --CUBdlAateS'-'toP-...........-aco. llielr freedom aihd tconamlb bcUtI-— iini-hnTB b m m - r * t t t ^ r w l U '- d » ^ * - •Iial eatire itronctli t o carrrlnk •' ■’my. tiv> obiiRaiion* b a p « « < t'ra 'liS ao n S rth , ttl* -Uwea'. recommiadall0ai."i— ;;u----------ira. Primo Mlnlalor JbcD oaaU -poin ted Vord -Oul- It waa nol iiK »»«arr-'tor. lh» - -i-i ear O ^ i'nVTQ-

propoaod to l a n d ' j t » r I h e ' d n ^ ' a l " . •

od.’tbo QeraaBB to in j m cai oL lh tlr,,yU jf» .* ® T J » » * ^ » ^ ^

— lU le o eb t,, M c \v '- ]3

Ottt ^ r ' 1 V ^ n ^ggSBiB aaw M j

■ ■ ■ ■.______


"MqS c u Mrs. II. E. ilc

Slioni r fur 111 Mr.Mlnn i;i(iiiiiir Miiiiiiiiii iiit'l Min. Wil-

Imr Kowhi'iry i iili rcnlin-.l ,Miinil;iy pvrnliiK u( H»'I'yri'x fliow i'j. tuiimriiii:, MImii Aniiinclii lii-yiT. n brWtn '>t llir wi rli. TIu' rtwiiii''

nml llirr.. _iiil)li n w m '. iirriiii«-'<l fni- IiiIcI'k''' Mrn. 1~ (.liuiniiaii ili-iIv liI IIi>: Jiivrtr for lllnh iitorr. At n lal.- lidiir [||<' linrilrnH m rvi"! IIkIK rcfl i Klllili'nlic (o Ih r foIlovOuK .-iirntH: M.xdaNirH KVlltHt. Wnvu-u TnfkoT Mw\ Mii'wvi Until lli'niu-liiiiiip, MnrKHfrt Jlrnni'Il,

----------------- -rtilm -llr' Hoh1ni'Titr--KitrtHR— WrnniCl'-o IX'WIll mnl Olivo .nm l (iracr Smith. y

.Htfltr I'n-oMriil II......._____________________ UuaUit:;.'!__ jiUil_Jiiuti:;iloii:il

B Mtuuluy vwiam;w hrn III'; cliil) .'iiliTlalii'-rl wllli ii tllii'

^ u r r In lionor of .Mli*u I'nrrl.- Minult Jdiim . jiiiitc iirrAhli-nl of Iho oikuU'

, _l7nll(>ii. OoviTM wrrii I»1J for 'ir. nl li’iMrii liirrncilvcily ih coifiU^nn yrlltm

____ _______ R»r<fun tlow.im..— .Mru. - J .- A.(lanK n Kroiip nf iion;;i iiiul MIiih (irm - vn l-'K jn KHv.' (h r i.clclr.-«.. of wolfoiii. nmt MlsR Jont-ii i:n.v«' ii iuotH •lultTr.il- 111* f'Tnr.l i>r tlir null'innl •coiivrnlldii wlilcb witH rrtriiily lu.'lil nl Wcjii Ilmi™, Indlann.

Anntinl r ifu lv .___________ TtlB aiilllial |i|rnli; >ir Un' I'llrrrnl~ «'v^lit VlcpnrliiM^'l nf Uii' IV rn lfrK i

O 'ultiry cdijlt>i(1m hrlil Momlny n l llir home nf Ml«» AU irrii t'lmniulii. Thrrc

— - — . - wcrB-4H-mpmliPr«-i>rc*cnc-to-«’nJo>- a--------------------lH»nnir<iMiinrli-«.iiv>HU«iar«lorla-H(yl.

nn Illf npnclnun Iftwn, AfUT tlit lunch 'the followinc «j>lrndlil iirourniii

• . . WOK Klvrii; llrd in ilun l.y .V!"’* Olivlf 'Cliniiman. nn otiillnr of ilio cliil> jiro-

____________i;r(viiv.Ior..lli«..C'-"i'ini;-J'<'i>r,.>'y.M'';i..,l’\V. McItobrrU, 0 xyiKiliHlH of n Hiirrcl: Klven ll)' HiiiHTl Jlud lrn . »4jo \<rdl known wrltiT. nl thi' i-onvrimim _oi tlm C«ncrol Kcilcratlon of W oinn’is clilliK in AnKrlrii. vrnn c lv rn l>] Mrn. M. J. Swi'i'lry. An InirrcMilnK'tl'.' Bcrlptloii of n rvcnil Irlu lo re li t ' iBkc In tlir SawtDnih niogntnlnn wm

, Klvcn liy Mrn. U. W. (;iyuJirl^ a nlmr------ — li»tk-»'y-Mr«:-Ji-Wv<Jltfli>nmn. niiil-Mri'

Kfnncfly I’nckiiril Knvn a rr<'lliiHin from Slmki'«i)i'nr(«. I .llllr .Mlnn Killll

a nolo. A m ini|ici'of niminliiK cimun tiruiuB wrr<- i)roi>oiiiiilrd ’ l>y Mrii. II F. 8>»'rrt. Tho du ll iiKrrrd Dili) wni oiiti of ibe monl tiijival»li: uffiiirn o th r di'parliiirnl. . -

\'nunRcr S r i to lloncr.Mr*. W. II. i ’rlrbc Imn limurd Invlln

llnnn fnr n> dnnrhiK imrty fo r Hi yoiinKcr nrl Tlliirndny rvnilnK n l he hoini’ on Movrnlli Avruux rimU

Tlic \VniJirn’/i MiKnIoiinry m irldy o tlio Chrlnllnii diu rch will n ir r i n t Hi hotnn n^Mrii. KrAi>k..KrHBrr Tliiinidii fo r i»n ftll-dny mi-.slm;.' Cnni Icuvc i]i

) cliurcli a l iu:30. Kvu-ynuc: brliiI Kamlwlcli for IlM'nmrlrrH uml ,ii eov

j rrod dlali, nnrl nlno ih rir own iIIbIiw- All nirmlMTn oro rcniitiiioil lo Iw prrj

t n l nnd vimiorn nre wricninc.T lic nifthlanil View rliil. will mrt

W cdnrnday. Aiisunl C, a l llio homu c Mrn- Jolinnon.

1‘rlmronc U.bcknh lotlcr will met ■ lliln rvi'iilnc In llir I. 0. O- R liall. .

i:ood ntirnijanor ii dralrt'tl.

Tlio Kkolrlu Cnini> ult-lil rrliii rti frnm Ulvrrnldo camii on Wnn

. .. f^prlnpn c rr rk . w hrrr lliry liavr ji|iAi llin pniit two wrrk*. .‘'iHulay rvclilUK-

Itcrd ; n . II. AiklriMin to Mrn Mi iKtl M errill I I , lui’l b lw k 3

. Klnibfcrly.

s u f f e r T dW


M r*. J a h r R nally R elieved b:______ L y d ia E . K n k h nm’g V e ge»

„ “ Compound

Howard Luke, Minr>rnuia.*—" I w rll to le t you knuw tha t 1 have lak rn mv

I ntjj?7j!-ierjU botilcji o f you

j j j j ^ ^ Uireo montlin. an

otncr^ trou^ca wd

^ - \ l | w crk^S crh tfc jrou ^ .« ll 'A d-lln the paper

“V '> '. M V f i / t a h l c Com

■ , • • I poimd» UiaL 1 sn■■ rx x l r o n l u from it on't foel ablo to d

-------------------- TOT-JioaMwaTfc 1(0*71 OicCBTiavo I5i------ --- _ . . nfp* in« .-bu»«ft*rttlrtn rttra inp illeln

, V " ^ ' , I a im elleT ed from'painB lha t I ha ' , suffered from fw yearn. I rccommen

.tbo Vecctablo Cocnonind to my frlcmlf . Mid b o ^ thia lelterw ill be aatUfaetor

................. f»tyoatopubli»h."-M r».JK H K tnJ*nnR . i N o - i lk>*ai.Howafd U ko.M liir

- . - • . - T t c f t T jpon l l « n u e » i--------------- L fd ia -E . f tn k h a a ’a i ’rivatO 'TM :

■ Boo* upon '■AllmenW Poculiar tn Wt n»en’’ will bo asnt you froo. upon jt oD w t W rilo to thn hvdia Ji. Pfalchai

- - - T- H odJdaif M a .S S aa» tD ' ' Thla book conlaina valuable Informitlo

' th a t oTcry woman abaald have.K

I-' f

E x :UciAB, P h o n o 0 2 ^ ,

1( P E R S O N j \ L S I

',‘,'iin‘ »■ i:. SImn»ou w rnl In IHlrlry oi

,\lnl. i:. I'liri'Oli rrliirn rd In hn luiinr 'in M<i:Aiiiiiion Indny. n firr ii vl;i 11 <Oi|i Mirt. W. r. nrlffin',

itrv . {). I». Iliirrln. |ia«ii>r of ihi <-lillr>llnll .'l.iirlh, lrfl tor Ilulh.. Ilili innriiliK tii n llrnd llir iilalo Jioiin iiirrlliii: (it th r iiiliiiiloriiiry nnrlr.llen.

.Mhiii I'-ninpr n i> h r r j '’rlil.ic) /ybloi i7i'<iiiy It) I'lH-nil n <tiw t!i>y» vimiiin frll n'l".

r.. (’. .SIvrrii It'fl fnr IlrnlnnvUli Ark.. Ulln inornhii:. »h:ivlnr rrcrivri

' u o td of Hu- m'rloiin Jllnrnn ot hif-t i." - .- ------------------------------- ------------

Mi«. A. \VrlnpIirniiJn« rrlunu"! I liiT liiiiiir 111 illiililohn indny, iillrp vl«lt wiili t irr uliiirr. Mr«. C. .Moi driihniu>r of Ilni:< riion.

Mlnn NiiiA Cnlr Irfl for A m irlrn ’_ 2 i kiilln Ihln imimnii; .ulillf—lL..\lttiL .Jl

Ihr homr of-.Mr. und Mru, I’r id I'aiiir--------------------------- ------------------Mrn. Wllblir U onfirrry lian Knru- I

lUiir IJikr II) it|M'nd Ihr vnrnllf.n wll Mr. will Mr». Thoifliw U«'«l>iT7y.

.Mr. nnd Mrn- ll. N iinrniukrr vinllr ‘ Ihclr non. Jat;k. nl Ihc m;oni. cabl

Suiuluy. ____Mrn. 1). Seilllim and'K nii. Wllllni

Hlii','1!, niid •Kr«ni|ilniif:til<!ni. Mnrln nnd lla r rte t McAfdle (if, JJult-?. ■ loHl .irrlvcd .Monday to «mll fi>r n fin dnyn wlUt Mrn, (li'urKo iKily an lninU>. \ t 1

y “ fo si'u itic . J tyl** — mninn!i” lln rn —o n t H '“ T(lntin~ni

iiiirtmi'Ui Sion-^ roiiirhivl frum irlp to New York, Mwiduy. .Mn

1'’. '' Uora;. .who . aetumpuiiluJ. .lilm -caoi '7 ; 4l(.i'prd in-MlnnenpnllS-tO-VUlt TCt.l • ilvM - fu r -u -f«w--d»yi*i------------------

i l R E E i S c S J I t L 1 1 J L l u E t o i" " " .KorniBl Atithii'rUallim Ii« (JItrn Htrtx " licjKirlniPiil tl. I’M W d 1.1 (i>t III

of llie l'n)>Ian T hu t Aro llrru l Inff I'j. SldPualkn nf tlie Cily.

' hw* (‘IrdlhiK o f ,a ll poplar Irrfn dnn jn,r . iKlnK clly workn will bo uml-rtnkr

murllnit AiiKunl IT., ucciirdlnR I „ ,>ijinn iiKn-rd minn by Ihn cnminli

Ul,, ilonern .Mnndny orenlnc. ,,„ i-. An onlnr wun juinncd. nl llm li ' ;f ,, ulanco of Cnmiiiln.loaiT S. S. Al

intb .irlilns i.tn',n ..Irim rtin rn i n ieov. l» “ II In llilirn InlnrtorlnK wllli nldrwulk

' piivrmcMl, or Bcwcrn.Tho cnnnunl uf ilii> propprly. owi

inrri ''f" ' “* I’osnlldep will liu_ »u> 01 "urod litiforB tho tree* nro in I

Rlrdlrd. ■mcfl tPD'dny nullro will hi*- ncrv< I A ‘>i> ll’'* ownerx noilfyliiK Ihnm ih. ■ ■ ^U \T ir r .^ niusl Rt>. TUu RltdUj

H'lll Ur dnnn by Iho city, hiil ll y ' <llnpiinlll.m uf Iho d ru i irri'H vri riiTT th« "iin.prrty*(.w nfir:—I'nmt Nni'' ^" >*111 Kl'on Imiirt.llntr iliAni rrnld 'iiln nf I’oplnr and Mnp JJ. tir r rln w hrrr Ihr jioplani haro l>

I'omr piinU'iiUiriy dnmnRlnR.__ Clly Ailnriiry .Myrrn wnH dlrrcli S tliftfl un tiidllinHVPM niilnnn.''' irrm Klinitlcd on priru m jiroiu-rly w hrrr thoy lu lcrtrru wl

ptiblli: In ipm vrm rn^t^

>VKIt>KSl).lV.H VIYk '*HKST UAllKl KK.VTrilKS .

I 30. _____■ (Copyrlchl IlCl, Iiy l.'niied I’ri'nc

\S C \V , («63n\Jp. in. l':ST ~ l'. S. Army hnnd.

w o e . rJavrnport HS<niI S ' p. l • r.sT -O rK n ii'V c lw l by Krwln. Swl

WKIIII. ChlcuBn (moiu) lOiJO m. (’ST—Lntc |iriiKram nf pujiul. II ninlir rn.

[b - 'VCM). I'lillndflpliln (r.ftOm)<11, KSTIi—Coiicvrl frtim limiM.

^ li'ill. I’litv rr.llv . u f - J ’uunjiylvuiilit- WJZ, Nrw Ynrk ur.r.ni) 7:15 p. |

. l-:.‘< r - i:nKll«Ji. proKniin 1>y the Ool man band, illrccl from Crnirul pui

........................ —


"'anS f Maw,CAN IJWME 16ME CP THOSE- o'

my c o q k i t s T- SA X Ityour CAN- X- AOM *ip«r. J ) (_

>3tn- - • \

ui^o \

leln# — ' : ' ^

imJd. ’• /

aim. . ~ r - )

roxts , S a s f f i r i ! ' ------\ .

OJC- I > 0than •■tta. - V' .

H i n t s F r o m

• 1 f t r r s CTfi g f e P - j -

Ihr I I

; rjblon ___________________________________

“Z S a m m e r i n t h e

K i t c h e n f'I lu , • ,t ip n • ' ' .Moi- ' TASTY RELI8HC8 f^OR COLO

! MEATSrlrnii '

------- •t»‘>'l“ r'l” IolI»“ Wlt“ aIrr«>«— ----- ta eurrant jgllr. and ao'm ucti Dtts

' Ui« currunt bgoo auoclnlud witli wl r hoUBOwl»uB do not

-ignllze. UiU iplcud currnnia aro ;ory cood nnd currunta and rasp-

inlird lurrlct make an eicolluBt ]diu. cabin aod p m hjo curruali

.......... WDfully acd..placa in ao oDani-llinin dod traro proscrrlnx kt:llla, tho urloli . »urcelaln-llka lu rta ra of wlilcti* la iloiii.. lo t aSudfid Dy tho ncidt to fruit,

frw Add (Liiiur In piupurtluu a t unn and :up ot nuenr lo ono anil ono hnlf

J r l j i «{ Vho Uuil. Couw iU'wly utiUV «i» siirrnnfa aro »oft' 8 ilr well, ro-

j 7 i r ----- m nro -tno 'coT H foriii»" ttrtii(r«nnI n cook (tuvro unlll (liilln Uilck: thun .Mrn. ‘‘'J l" o tal)lrnii..,ii.fiil. of whole

.cool........ eiovni, it)o,»nm<( vl »iii;h_eiaiiamoD

__ ______ Jam.__ 3'tili..felti!h_of_aiilcod^urLmnln in tm rliriiliirl;. cood «ilti cold mpati nf uiiy Vtiirt. Jam niinlo ot Onlf ciirrnnii. and halt raspbnr

' . riei It vury cuud TRr - sUKivr «liuuld lir cup tor cup. HHr otloli with a loni; niinninird warn npoon,

I nutll all m >iaooih iut:«tniir. A niuill rn n m iM wuro dippi-r «Ii|. I). t.mnd mom iinnliil in pullUic

_________ Uia4uuulDUi.cla»aiia-.->f-Wr*— ..

. M10 a U t.' M It n C ti EIIVIH 0

StrtTl k-'>-t Illd i;«iiip*iiiiu u iu lull •.kniHrruk . oanmclod wuro praourvlnK Mutlle

mur»' approciAlrd limn »hun tliv • totd tra in imu«elinrfUni nirruiiift.

dnm- cuuiobdrrk-s, ilr ., vuniu upon ll.u tnkcn'<> trulin luna uiiuUKb and «lu»lyniulB; onuuub to make Juni and cmiipotna

iB i-unnlUIo lo Ilia purcoluln-llkti 1 1»* eiiaiuulvil wuro k.TllI", which out . AH. uuljr liiBUius intvty troni unjr au.

<-in< . . iiu a . o r ' «cld, but aUo Kcopa lha 1 lliti ttu ll tiom daikirtilnn. no muuui «ulkn, how looR ll has buvo coukud.

CUornei aro rury suud cauncd . own< and tho farurlie varluiy tur cun ,u no* . alD| la Morcllo. wllh lli .b rlu h l [,>■ bo color'and "Olld flavor. This eborry

. alBO makns a sood prtiaorTo. Whos chcrrlea are caonad lha Btnnaa ar<

1 lha l • for proB«r»oa tb«cdUtVK aionof luould bo ra^o 'od '. i'ui ij alonsd ctiorrloi in an oniuuoloc

^111 ware proBtfrnnc kj<ttle. For aact------ .— cupful oC Ul* ulivrrlua. add a oupfu

iiKt»iv sranulaiod ' au jar. Co»or On' knltla BOd lut It (Und all olKhl.. ll

ui« momlnK thora wUl bo anoust ” Jiilco 10 u a r t lha ottorrloa «^tli

Tliero will «>• oo neod to ^dC "C lod w „(„ . Pm ,h# chorrloa on a alu« ■St'B tt firs aod cook so'nily, W hrnihnybo iflvui,* jin to COI toft, aiir tfonncntly win

wlib a loog aoaorftud » a fo apooD


p. in.Swin- —

■JO p. Anllrl|infr» l.nrK rr Tn■j'pulur ''r . 'l ln irn i Tliaii I.ani Y.-ar >Vhri

.Srliiiiil Opi'ri. .Momlny. .Srplrm lirr S::ift p. ------ ^Minvtm Ji nul)^vnniliil Incrranr In i:Urn»nu:n

o»ri“ th(rt-n f-!a« t'jT nrnf|-ftiitrc!p5f." p. pi. by Ibr nrlKMil iKiard In ocrur 'nn .Mnn Oold- day. SrplriiiliiT S, tbo dato a rl fo park. Ih r oih'IiIii;; nf Ih r fall Irrn i III Hi


B 1 AJ0,T»S-7UEVCE poa ^ f«' ViUWN **15 H*JE COMBVJy I 'Wi L A N O zioT nrjT rT fT ir*

/ / ■ '


r T W m F A U . S D A I L Y ']

n a H o u s e - ^

. i t c h e n D i a r y

1 F l l in i f m)m1 '

Hl i f f i r ' — —

ffli f M i .

Cook 'until tho cboirlaa are a .0 nmooLb Jam, Pat In glasa Jara or

slaiaoa. ' U ttaara la moro julcs ilias >B daslrtd, taka 'ou t aomo ot lL.vtilJo.Uio.e2iarrlaa.woaUU.coak.....

“?■ liig....f*Ut_tllU_JaIC* ■ln.-*--amalI — fnamalod trarq aaucepan. DrlB(10 a quick t»olI asd tk im earot^lly v ltb onamsled va ra .aklmtner. lioll o6 onco acala kud botUa a l onco. TWa tulca la dslidoua in frull »nncO 'or aa a lubBUiula for


Whllo aaaaiolod wars' Is a l a ^ i Hlo Idoal mnierlal for picnlfr-outflu

f.5n«ploh^^r‘‘lD "no o i h . ^ w a ^ ^Iho flanjor dl ruat b« na.idi-d. li

lOD convenlonco lo...Anv« in

ulTinalla aesilna for thn-wcok-vnd tripar—W ith-an-num t nr nRamflli>d— ■■

‘ woro ths mouir yliehininno will B»l only t\a-.» duhoa M»d pnn» wlilch will ooi-ruBt. but nlno dlnbua wiikn «Hl wiuiiiand iho rousb

” ' unnne thoy are sure in .'RCnuntor when 'w anhed up" by wllllnR bul

, Jiintpon ainnUura. mninr^ tinat owuora prefer onun.rlr'l wi.rr ““ muiiB aiul aouis llka.ili.. rhapo ut

- tna -annmfllu7J-WA>*— TTiVI.5irflr-----S'Une wnnl plsloa and'>:uir<>ra and .

*p>mr Ilnd plnloa alonr .iilflrln ia ,

...KIM !>.• Ilttla rnmli.rl In llll* •IL-Ii'l liniIirV.',ip|ne" ri> a tin:il

i.'nn<"i .llll prafHcaliv ijnhm ik

tile p - :-------------- ------------------------1----Uii ^lU.UANt UtiUCACl&&

..,KU Wu lm>« lU aiuiij iruili Ihul w»• ly aru Itpl 10 uuKlv' l ■•uU dlaiuKurd)tna lliul KliKllali iaviiill*. thu kOua» 'llkti burry. We use Ku<»'<-b0rrl0B moat-u»i ly IU Uiair iireoo muiu fur auuvu uiBU- lu pldB. Tboy KOod 10 tb .lIho «ra)r. ihuuRb very «cit|.'but Uio bur'Ilur nna aliould always bo eoohed l>*

furo puttiug lu pit'* ot puddlnsB:ica, Knuaiulod waro » liK h .la Uupurcun- viouB 10 fruit a iiW -will ooiiKht cliauRo ths color ot iha frull, aodirry la therofora deslraiiia to r .Lhsioboo UBoa. ' « 'ar« For (ruao (ooi.:l>errr aauco.tba cook tbu aougabeiriua la an anam>ihit olod va ra Buucopaa until B^ft. andsled Iboo Add BUtiBr cup Cur cop. Wbaatacb npa the coosobarry make* a verypful uloa-jao-m lxad wlib raapbarrloa.lha IMt tbe berrisa loto ah onamoled

. . l a ware proaorviac keiiia aad eru,BblUBb with a lo&B ooama’lud v a ra apooa.m u. Add ausar. ooa cup of lu sa r to oaaid d aod ono-bair of frull. Coq|c alovly,ilow a ttrrw c otton. w ith ,tba covor offr bo- the katUb Cook uolll tha Juloo la■rttb cooked avay aod I ta barrloa a ra ■ooo. amooUi Jaia. • ' ' •

i:.w|n rn lln clly (ichnola, ‘which wll wltpcnn Iho relurn of m any a bo: mill Kin from vacBllr|ii Iiirea and tb

H fv rrnumlnK of nchool imraiUla.< | | | Cliy Achonl rnrollniept reachcd ll J l / i ^ 'M n 1921 and ibrn a alum p aot I.

which ronllniird iinill laa t yoa r whe: Hut nunibpr am ilio o l ^ tilld rca beita:

i;ii. "> '■ll’'"- Prm'lnlfiii fur" a fu rih e r an hrn 1* I'l'ing jnado by th

honrd III urranKrini'iiin'for Ih'b co'mln T S. icrni.

Xi'w Trrn-,nrrr. n rn l i ; . X. n o rv . ai Ih.- K i.riii.'TI In.^ilnK .Monday rvrnlns, tendered ah dnn- rvcclviil acci'pianec of.Lla rcnlitnatlo

for OH irraniim r of the d ln trtc t T h la 'a i Ih r Hon'WIUI taken hy Mr. F lory In antic

" ,. Q u i c k

\uA ir Ar e . ^ V A A ' y y j C T B P f W ^ ^’- t - t <Sffri STUlM• J -J

* - r -


' i i l T E R

FORracroNT im e S o t f o r A r r iv a l o f Incrciiae

in F lo w b y O ne T h i r d o f th e

A m o u n t R e c o n tly O lv o n ; ‘W ill

— M ta n M u c li- to * T m c i:

lurrcnne to 60 V t <;'-'nt normal wnicr di'llvnry, tloclded upoa Mon-

Cannl comiihBy, will -ho iivallablo lo wtvier wi'CTD ovst Uic irtic i be- KlmihiK •Tluirnday moriilnK.' In thv .opIiilDii of Uurion HmlUi. Kcnoral ninnnftpr.

----- -- Thf> rcIsaAo-.of-Bloraxo—Jh—Lako----- -W(il.t.ll-nhovo- 5MffidSfcr-ilom. wlklch

in mnklriK ponnlblo Iho nddlllbnnl wnior, .will a rrlvo ul Mllnor dnm about 6 ti'clnck lom nrrnw mornlnK uud win ihiMi Ivo l« n \e d Snl« Ow nynltim for dln\rlb«llon.

ThniiBh for nomo ilmo NlornRO wn- liT wan n«ed to malnlnln tiro iC per cent tfellvory. fo r novcral dayn paxl iiufflelont nn tu rn l now ' hnn liPcn uvallnblo In the .Snako river lo luakt^ poBBlblo A nmall atoraKo

• In. adilllluii lo tho diminished dollv-

• ConIlnu^ for W « k . ,-----------rnpTUir*~firT ;o-nrr*-CTiiT-Ts-t.iT

ppc'ii^ lu conllnuo tur n wook, when rrveralon to 4G per pent 'w il l tnke

'Hlorn'Kfi~nccumulntc.l ih l.,aKo no luo tr ' nin?reitnl«i-aom o—11,000—flcro—fecli

WbU'li will bo onHroly run oU dur- IRK (Uo .week, oiliauallnK tlM ln»l of the reaorvo watora fo r tho Twin I- iIIb Boulliildo trncl.

D^nrflln ilrunH.Culllvalod crnpa, pxpcclnlly hnnnn,

ancar beota. nnd polaloeii, especially rcguiro w ater a t ihla ~tluiu' In - the

___ Bdmmer, nnd the arllnn taken by"tho canal mannftonipni was delcr- mlnc^ upon in vlcv." oC 'UrlndnK

'.Hipno cropn to full nmtiirlty.^wo ihnonand acru feci.~ inciuticd

in tho wilier to urrlvo n l Mllncr Wtrdnenday mornlnK. waa loa^ by llio upper rlvor viilloy iiaera lo Twin F'allB when a dam a t fho head u^ iM liluckfnol capnl ravo way rc- conlly..


f t'Iio iiivinberH nf thn I^dlcB of Iho (5. A. IL clrclcii o t Idnlio are pre- imrlur ll record book o t ench mein-

. iirrn wllh nil tho lUln of rolntUcn- who nerved In - tin y w n r . ...................

Tho rcKlracni, roi^puny, riiuk, wl'iin enllniod, wliun dlnpIiurRcil, whprc iliMchargml, clc., nro roiueai- i‘d of cach member: whoHior rolu- llvo aorved In Iho war of IRIS. Rov- olullonary, Spanlab.Aincrlran. Worlil war, Doaor 'robolllon ■ Iu . Chino, ur Indian warn.

Iilach member' I* nckoil tn aond Bucb rccordq ur dula un In avutlahle In tho' nlato nrcreiury. Currie lIol>

. loway. « 0 South Tvaih airtirl. Holae UH ifoun 'iin la jioiinlhle or convoiil- oDt, 10 oxpedlla the romplUnR ul Hio record bonk whicli la ti> be pro-

■ Burv*d f o r ' poalerUy.

^ B ib le H w u g h ty S t 'M a g‘ KVEllY DAY. — Thla la lliu dny

whiph Ihe Lortl hnili mnd**: wn'w lll • rejolco and'bo slnd In It.—I'a. 118:2-1,

will palion of an extended tr ip to Callfor boy nla. 8. D, Pcrrlno waa acloclcd v

1 tho trpaaurcr lo auccrotl .Mr. Flory. whn ailll rcialna mrm lwrshlp on ihc

d IU l><«rd.o l ln Tenlallvo acHnn Wan taken .by. llu when tranaporlailon eommllleo In iho ronl' « a n InB of the flvo molor trucka oblalnrC and lo Btipplrmont aomo .tw olvo horao^

' the drawn wasona uaod In bj-lncInK chll. mine drcn lo achool frJsn ru ra l diatrlcta.

_ .-i T rachrra Ile*l|r». RAlcnallona .woro accop'ied fron

w ard Mlaa^AlhPrtlnc—Bwiolt;- Mfu: ‘T ea r I and ScarlelL who han accepted nnolboi atlon poalllon. and Mlaa GcorRla Oaln. wht a 'nei h a a^ h d tn _ !; li08^n aa rifih grhdi otici- 'iP4ichcr.________ ___ ----- ■

Ik W o r k !

Iv > . CV rtff l i l o r o p A jsw c o o w ^ J jB ^ T ) . 'n u o ’s -o fj& y e c tL

COMPANy AN’ s«£ J l ■

___ j V - ' . r .........

- Tl


(Coptlncod from Page L)

only ipcakcra nt tho , plcnnry mooi-

I IOK and npnku In 'KnKllnli and (Jvr- man, rcupecllvulj;^

Tho Urllliih prime m lnlnlor,. In wnlcbmlnB the (icrinan doIcKftlcB, nuld: '

• . "Ynur Ourmnmi huvr copm here W lo Icuru how thu cxprrln plnn will

I Y hu_i)iii into oporailnn.”

all l<; vffccl ull flrrrpm rnt nnd ho- Bin carry.lnK'oui a i)rt)r.niin of mul' Iinl .renponnlbHliy in a i*inrrro nnii

eiue honcni ntlompi tn tnlflll (ibllKatlonn "nfler every ur«iiiiicnl haa beet

th e f iiriy iicard."W ill Tho nponVor om lln td lh>- Inler___ nlIIi:d-flsrocini!nla.-.uujiiiIui: uul_C ct

muay’a viown nr^i nouKlil uium ihoni AKrcemopln hccannc rnnnerii of thi Ocrinnn people In rr.iulrcd for ihtili

■mal tultlllmeni. Ilu uiiip!(a»U!;d lhal Uii Ion- aulo duly ot ihdconfcrciu 'i.' I" tt ’alia T UI thu ~CT]iprt n r epor t ' iiiin I't fr r ablo mid anid. thnt ho an chtlrniaii, wm

lorced lt> <-onlljiD dlnuWKRlnnn >'l> fV ll"-' lo till' Dawcn ri;c.)nimrmlnlhi««r

oral „ i ,i„it ’by a a iilrlt of <-o, uporallon, wu will a rrlvo u l n niict-d;

.Ako •_________^-----------------------------inch Try 'm k liib laUia for rfipdmotlnDi onni n c jialD So. Phonu adr.d n m --------------------------:----- -------- -------- r -nlPK ____iSio ■ ___»j. Do-wn W iliw. 'and stewing SuS . Q U I C K Q U A K E R - Dllv- k itc h c ru , n o n o :

- b £ T -------------------T - T E R g '9 th trn e w rrhen . X X Q u ak e r, th « ncA*"*'* - • R ich n n d finvory , a

™ ^ M _ _ _ _ 6 o o ite d ,—ic n ic d - m tL df „ , . . ----- -— A — * u ia y a o d «poUe#«.■lur- T a k e s th e p lace o f tl

th c K rcos^th to ke ep w o m e n freed o m fro m

• T r y i t . N o lc Us r i d

' ‘I*® S ta n d a r d f u l l $ ize ------------ ------- W ^ * ,m ;- l l^ -p o U n ii l

CUlR ^

T”’~ TSSIncr

. Q u i c k C


Ihoprt^- '


' Those , whorfieil.

S : - U s u anov-

Ghained toaond ;lahio _ _ _ ,I,;;;- • Those who : r»r • Are cerl_ Financial ia

dny • .

5 You are th: i Of your D,


'.U io . . .

r " F i r s t N a tchil.

. . OF-TW:S — “ W rS eek -M o 'ftT B u

olhop * who

jrkde ' ,, r

V tx ; 6C

' § — C O M R C VHVttS ' @>^7 'Waw'-'

c c m p A M /f! J g g

i •

TL’i'^SD.V V ,-AU G U ST r>, 1021.

* agrccmont onabllnR the cotiforonco lu he nuceonntul In mnklui: poniilblo runiornllon of friomlly rolullonn bu-

----- tween the govcrn indn la 'o t a ll Ku-row .'' , - - - -

= NOTICE^ _ Q u a I i l y - r © . o u g h n w t * — — «uu O n l y 2 0 c a n d 2 5 c ‘i-oS:! D o z e n .l«t!U -We JU»o Handle -

I c e C r e a mQ . . and n (Inn lino of honi(vnm4U hone " V A - t r y - l h n l l n - m ^ m l P d * ^

[,,P undpr tho m o n t^ n l la r y con-htilr . ""*■ ‘tho ' <'OMK .AMD -HKK

I to FOK yOUltSKLF. .ffpct^ ------^ B U S I N B S S - H O m tS ^ ---------------------

. ' From 7ia0 n.* in. lo » p. m,Dnlly oud .Sunday


_l!lG .^C D nd_iU enue J(urllL ------------------lIkdi, T w in 'F iilN ' ......................

i t h C o o k i t ^ ;j u m t n e r mornii^ .......

— ready in 3 t o '5 m i n u t e . N o no m tu j , no fqy ing f>ana fo ct^-an

n n r 6 iunn ie r'lv reak fast.‘‘Q uick ' ' ' n e w Q uaker O ats.

r, a com p lete v ia o r b ren k faa t, ______________id--ent<?n. th e k itcbenT de ttretl__________________

-------------------------------,--------------------of to o hcatiB g foods, givea you e p u p S u m m er vitalit} ', Etvra o m k itchco w o r k . ; r ic h Q uaker Q avo/. S e e w h a t

x e a n d w e ig h t p a eka g ea — nd*; Laigt! 3 -p o a n d t ,7 o z ,— •

^ -O '^ Q f i s a k e r

3 to 5 m l « i u .

- ■ ■ ■

10 spend freelyaally end ~ 7 ’to their work.'

0 save regularly ;rtain to wiif inj^pendence^

the Master Destiny.

" p

a t i o n a l B a n kX ^ l N F A L L S ______

b u a m c s s on . O u r R e c o rd ” J


---- - J - -

• • T U E S D A Y . .A U G U S T Ti, m i , r

] m e w s 6 fP R E S B T t E l H A N - W A

B A P IS T G A M E O N -^■■ . Ycilcnlr

gAynwiI »m.t TI.IpJ H l.i-. tlnlil»rl Wb<ae Ul/l. Kxi.cct«a lo SlBKc OrfAl UMItc .''"v

neiritrtilnK n t Ct,10 Thifi KyoiiIiir. Yunkn »---------. troii, T

Tho DaptluU, rUlUR llkv a lorpo- f*''"* do friini tlifl foul (itTln' rluirch l«nK»ie mumllnK. will clo»U wlili Uie I’f.m-

_ ljylcrlana_ihl5_eY cnlnc-iiu .fl:3Q _tlU '. _.W ltabur coin (iolU, wUt> pviialty o t roHuit tu llrduklyii tlvj ttfAni.nol ri'Acty to tnko Uil* dlu- It vrnn .Ih iiiund nt t li i i t ' Ilitio, tl Kamva

• Thu CniTlniKtii. thmiKti ttiey iiiiTi'lont .(liuir Hiiproinni'y. ,»ru xwll xct Tlic Oil

tlm ’ liiiptlntii ^*lli ptiico til" two with nixtcitinii a i 'n .COO tlu. In iivt'iit b t 'a In ihu fl

. I ’roiibytcriiio • v/ctob’. lliu • rhiircli ii'coiiil 5 Xmijuo niundriign frill not lju ultiTc<li.l)lOUKh then lllll Bullntn woiihl Uu Clov.ilai

uliii liolil tfilnriil'ucc (ivci- i l ic ' Mvth> „i, |„ | ) ui bdh /n rntlDR a l .2U0. ’ A Pronljytu-tUiA v ic to ry .w ill iiut the (.’iilViinlnlii i-rrnrn'

• nt .C66, K'uvlDK.Jlici Cl.rintiaim luuil- rt.ullvunui-Itij; nl ,800. ,

Subm arine ilnllrrjr StiFoiiir.- Chlur- rellnnco by llm Har>l>iIiuUn Tim u rin pluctid in (liuir biUti-rt’. byona nnd -o tf iti I

- -Hnintinclt. which hnn ^ccpntty dc- hey himvi'lopcil in ta n wlnuiug (..niiljhin- vViiigUliiEl Hull.

Tiio rrcHbylarlnnn w in likuly iiitcU UfvkvrnJudiiun Tlmin. I^ch nchool athluto. him nndw ho hos bt<oR recmltcil hy them- Itt - —

— atl—effort t o ~ uccnr?- n—wmondnnmii-who can u<iuul hl» <>|i]><>sltioa. Unr* ' I I Iry WiillnCit. cruck flrnl ImnuniBii ■ of . V V ,

— rtliO- ltM iin,—Id- lilMrlll-uIi-ft-VHciitloli ................— tut,dU io-C a lv ftn la [a ,:r iiiirih 't! lr„ ,km —A tniim— jim nu-nni:k—uaufu ltclcd . ______ . ^

T ------. incrauiorr in iJV n B L P in A , r a ,—Nate. Oold- i’ortlafid

__mnn. }’yind«l^)u_]lKlMwcl'itht._ won liaitorltiiu ■JuilKuir"(lccliilon M er'-fiia- Unr- e rj-n iid liurlan,' Dutroit, in I d roundn- Nntctirorvd n knockilown in llio nliith No nl

(Ivlphld, oiilboxud and outxIUKRod Tul Mornu; New O rleans I u . 10 IIIroiindn. J ic k JU rlc. P U to O |l> . out- poluica Uny Mlicholl. ftitlaaelphin.In 10 roundt.. Joo Dundee. Haiti- nm h., Y; triore, anil Joe TipU lt went 10 Fournier,

, ruundii to n draw . . .Ilaunvr,- . — - --------- .. WiilldtnB,

NHw ' y o R K .-A I 1a*l ihiilRt nr# ilorn.by. under way . fo r Uio }lenny-i>ioDnril- 'l"TtnoH, M lckty W nlker -weltorw clglit eham- tiplouKlilp tracnn. I t In lo ho nl lly> 'ociibiinn Yankee .mutlluRi, AuRunl 20 or Auk- ^’Hllo/i''. u . t 22 If U rains tho HrBl nlKli(.■Wulknr iiud Ulliy Oibion fMlRncrt «o6p«t.-

■ iiKreemvttla .yesterday with Jlmm'y YaJrthnnton, m atchm aker o l tho"'« la- dium. Tlio tw o mna a ro . lo ro k Soono. T

'ro iin d a ' to a dicliilon; ‘ O no' thinR BilII In lo bo neille. L e o n id i i sup- rO I-llW poxMl to fight I’al Moran a l Cleve­land. AUBUSI-Il. .T h o Nbw. York . boxlDE c'onimliHlon ' has asked Oib* DGTR< nnn lo put thla f ilh l off until the nan W.

. W^alker bo u t.. OiU oa promlNvd to .’our bat KoL Ib loucb wiChs(ho ClevolAnd pro- branch i molorti.- *• 31adwln

----- r - ' 'Ireet ulNBW-YOIUC—Kid Sullivaa. junior raped w

lieh tw elsh t champion, has slKnud to >crl Doi moeC Pepper M arlin a t- th u Qucona- boro ■(•dium, Augusl .18.

I - - - - - - DAWI, \ p (

V ____ ' •N Snvf;V ortlt—8ad &am Jonea,-one

of the n l n a u y s ot tho Ynnks, pltcli- iok cr«W.‘ h&« ' le ft iho lenin n l De­tro it litf o rd e r to take treatm cnla . •

' for h la ;* rm a t nochost«i?*N. Y.

NEW CYORK.-H»tei» W lils 'to d ay Will - u n ; a . . r i e . of rracllce m atches In ‘ preparation for defend- inK iie r A m erican tit le a t / f o r o i t Hiiis. She’ w ill play t t o b t i t wrall- “

' ablo m in pSayera and. ligvenil prac- .. .Ucfl mfttcbcfl hnro beeo armnneil ^ . J b p i ie r ; w »a “U u ie a i i r JotiBinm.-

'c in C A flO .^ H I.—Cleveland tneels **•* Bt. Loiiii, ■ a C 'P iu l clisIiM 'w l lh

' Itefroit. and H un \iton and .Wash- ‘loston tigh t it* ov t.< o ilsr In ihe Poiiowprin te rs In t« m a U o u t b u e U I t duun- de^sU loplon ih lp (tlrrXTUto; p a rk . ; ; Chicago c l i ^ p a tp r in te r! w m 'n tM t'tb d w lo a ir ot the ten tbo

' O le rtlaad -S t. LoQia game. The Ca- attentiontia d lf tr iM m from -MamiUcv. Otit,, t-uther, jy n iir^ y ^ ^ C ti ia te d CiBClpnatl. 6 ^ 4 . the itn i

W IT Jt:B i* !n [ A T m s ^ A T , white, t■' , ; _____ ' ^ • UbUnl II

____JP lra r .ta n ln ir-D o h b le d .../ ,.* .. ot. WhiiiT h ird . iOBlhk-rJ^nned. • Th* c P l^ h lq» lti« -^H it'S4 tb bome rha . & Lm

____ SBTenlh 4 to left. « . tieiol-Ninth-,

GieTeatli_ ln& Juff~W «)led.. the aaa:' expei^t i

YEST E B p A rg n OM^ RON her inoi -"'lUl'n .'BBK ' -pnfpts^i

• Uon. oos• n tjth ,' ' ....... . r r r a i r ’

........- C i W 5 2 M i C ? l = 5 ' ....... .........a ta u , Wttialda. Colter, Po ru u:

................. • " U o w *

— —

.................. ^ ...........................................

F T A /E S /• . . r j •

A T C H I N G T H E ' l f \ T \

S C O R E B O A R D I,10 INNi.Ni

____ • Al N wrll«y'K hero: 'jjoh MphiioI. i»i;iKle In tho cluvenih Vftor i liml . bcon pfiiHi’cl, tirnugM , ,■ Witt iiouiu nml Kfive th".'•H U to 8 vlclory over Do- 1,^00 Tho Ynnks wont hack Into i>ii|,.hiiri:!

lac. l.urioK the ga.i.o Jtiitii ,„ookly.i lis ihlriy^fourth homer. imiKirlc

------- . HciitliiT. IburKli..l)vnclicd_.hliii._n[£..ni’o _______yn iillcl¥;rn and won f, to a. 11 I.^N1 •Ihlt Icnih victory In llii- l.vil I At I'hll.

iiva for Iho I'lrutvn. l.-iiilcnnal------- . l'hlln.l-ii-1

Olanm nnd (.'uIjh >i|i1K .n dou-j ilalli'i'U

llx bltn tor n to’ in vU-lory tlmr. Illll Joiii'ianl lout the At HoA5 t« .’jS. '' f't- i iiiLL

_____ • - lloiiloii ....'land poumled ii-vorai ihmlDii l*i*'''i J'

)f8 hunchod wUli l iirinv’H cf- Yn?nuKH i;avc f;incUnmtr 11 tt t«i i>viroli ory ovor l’lilluilcl]iNn-. ' ' ualtrri,

llrownn won their slxtir’vie- . Ituth I ti llin InuL novmi K'miiw wli 'n iimK iii> n r. to 2 win aKaluia • At Clili luEion. . . I’hilniici}!

—— . .-rx • (■hli;n»:olerinan hi-lil’ihc llravi^ in iilx itunurl nd tliu Canlii won. 4 lu <1. aud iVrli

O J ^ ® G O E “ i l------------------ ----------------- J'UIludi.Ii.

__________ ,, .. |chlcn.;o■ — ‘' ’■."■l.TTUinirr!

r->lio .......................... 1: a 0 Thiiinloiic ............................... ;i .s 1;cr<«:n: Poi dcr uiiil i’ctcrn; ai Clo iind Ilaliiwln. - IIobKhi .

I’ortland— / tL II. K. ' iJatterlmonto ............. . 2 .2 Covoiisk>fi'l , ............... .......... * H iierl«s_: Ilngiies nn.|_Slica; Win- At .<?i.ind tjuury. . . • . Wiuihlnn'

—:---- ■ St. Ixiiihother Cnajii ' lenRiio . j:iimcil Hallcrl

110.^nritux I,K.U)KH.S. P J^Y ]

ler, lirookijB'"".','," '22 T frr. I'hllndulphlu .... IK 12 /• Iv iiWb, - Browns -.-.— -la........IS-f’ “ 'iby. Cariin ......'.... 15 U \ ‘ .oU. Cubs I........ IS C UEYK

Oiani* ............ H 9 IJcutonsvm, Ilrowna ..... 12 r> , l**«Ir Afcs. Phils ............ 12 28 fTUn' >1'I Urown . I......... 9 ' O ' iani InKiV.-Wlilto Box ..... K 7- wicli “YankiT............... H 4 Tho 1t. aiants .......... H 2 hay herI, HciT Sox ......... H 0 irtonK It

-------------------- and -maim U N 8IK1T IIY ready V

SirCCKSHVlIL III'IKJLAR.S will uin----- . tho dff

rnOIT, Mich., Aur. G.-Pntroi-W. G. Ashworth wnn killed by wealharbank robbers who liuld up a Althoih of' itio Contlnoninl .bank ut cUUien'In a^xnue nnd Chorlavolx tl'ere v

ut 11 o’cloclc today and cs- ihwla*!)with u m . PatrolmB Iler- "horu a

Dolo was ailBbtiy wounded. co"J___________ nolo nc


U r iN COURT H i. . : —^ ^ f '• laiided

i A.S0BLE8, Cal., AUR.:iiifC that ho. failed'to koo|] nn Am .inled contract. o( tioo.ooo. the L.I l|{ of Ana LnUier. titian hairedIB, oBBlnit Jack Whilor weaiOir, . . :K^man, was to ro before ‘ a I fHxlay. . ■ y. Ita clalma lhat »e naver en-

ir. u d |n luni, dbmauds $10.- ^»b(cb ba says wan loaned, ta eireas to-»lr«..her h ne^ ‘stftrt

, ■ . t I O ’c!lowing tb*'narration, from a up aomfl ^oti by Harry Mount, ot te^eit.hi patne' parlleB .daring which ^ e DfH ho tahio Is aoger owipg to hts UotU tlon lo other Women, MUs ^ i n g r, a study ia vivid colors,- looki 6ife |Q j itand ' todar la ber . <100,000 m aa i^ tr^t.'contraet;s6ir’DcaiBst'Jack wu-mi >. talliloDiilre/ mining' opetalor. gtated, 1 I la a former businesa partser republicbit*. ____ _ coal«he> champagne ‘party Incident la iait »r« H Angelti hoitelry. qowreli eoatroT* etot - oftlc^ by Miw troU>ar» forT.' J iwi obJeeUods- io tmvel under { n C T lam* ot Mn; Jack J ^ l ie aai)' aaoag' ■t s&aAowlBg by delacUties .ot posiUoa inbrementa marked the high elkli^v OA“\M-re<id|iir-ofUi6 depbil- •’-r-r-:-; oompieted iii£ before tbe mort», „Owlm Si ti>Qlt 'tb*‘waad- ' mem6^fl’"ffli&;.luiai2breeJ- 'toHi«tuV itba n>s-CDtllep-BtiL'»'H(WW««-'M't>iM Utfa -llri wnd-nl6itan:;--tr-ybntta-^ir]^ nfoettnB ildad,- follbnlBg" 4e\»fiJW|B*jrr*i ojcljjclt

unffttorable ;tq he? cHracter, K*» ^ v n - r*rMi*d- by- the-^pCalUon;


PORTWCMAY'S C « S | ™M.SG.'! ..................... . ..... ‘S- w Yorkl * ]{. II. K, ^ - tt) ....................... 1 7 :!

_____ •• ' Striinit Ilirooklyn: • It- H- K.uruli ...... ................ . H 10 • o 'Tom Flylyn ............................. .. 1 i 2 Uluc nioiinKirli'K. Krciiicr nncl .>^t'hnil(li: ih« Huh) < icr. HohcriK nnd iJclHTry. Aihlt-ilc jm

........... ......... ....... ........... iMthoiifih^NlNCrt , toT»-lni-<iPhiladvlphln: 11. J i. K. u ,„ |„.cii |ilOall .............................. I ■ II .1 yiialloiii'-ll>hln ......................... ;1 in :i Crayii nroli'VU-.'t-Klx'cy, .\lnyii aiiif^ lia r- vlclory. t-M tt<-hfl*r-Hrttn-at«J-W tl-.n.------- ^niTTITi

Ii ll 1:.’• '•tl/ 'r - ....................... ■■■ ► 1; i„'0 .................................. .. f* '' ■' llial Mill irt. il.i,--Stiini t nn.l (l0U7«lcn; ,\li-- . u-u.LHi:uluiuitml_Utilii'Jli.____. _______ ! .

Clh . • l-llnt V'Bii.i rn i i; 11. 11. i:. n-nown.,nYnrk ................ ............ 7 In III"'

.!> .............. .-......... ............ 1 ta.in nriLi

.trrli >t Iluiih and Scham:: W .iln; lhal wlll■r Httd Itntiniiir. Imm'lmll dth hll homiT flrnl of fifth. OUier I

<riili-ni:i\ flrnliHtinic: It. II'. K, I'lonii in 1 licljiliin. .L .. ........ ......... -2 »; II .,

Ii"rl.'n--;'llarris;' liiniit' ^ u 'rn a f il r p n i \iVrkliiH:' rn l.f l Connnliy uud V iV U .I

S t ......■ . , i ; . : . ” l ! 9 ),di.Ipl.Ui - ______________ 1 ------ ---------

u'rrRi<SBOiiiirl<'ti:znTiit-iir:no:)T.nlou mill Craiiownkl.

Clov.liind: It. H,. K. sia t.i •aII,:>» -................. ........... ...... 0 fi 0 Pp„ „ „-la>'<» ...........- ................. 1 ' 1 Ili'Uial IttprU-n-fcrKUBou nnd O'Neill: Ji,,,,, tu icskio and Myatt. . .

.<?!. l.niil!i,,flriit'.:amc: It; 11. K -i JiloJ A ilnKton ' ;i "J nrnnlou of xiiilH I 0 iiuarint. S llc rlcn-/.a lin lm T n n d Tuii;; j j , wjuis Xct n ml Mctrfr l i t : - -.--------------- -- whVilici- a


' J ____ ' tfstlmonyEYKJAVIK. Iceland', AufC- C.— ""itonantn Sm ith nnd Nelson fluw. Loverly, r American worhWUKht planes I ITnrnafJord to Ituykjuvik todity '

16 nrmy Iplnnen nbtilod in th# ' . hero W lef Ih e l^ llO mllo fHKhl.l,h,. jiffe

iR tho coftsK -M & land . with „,■macliinen In ROod cowlltlfin nnd now'ar

ly to RO-on to Grconiund. T lic j - i m«ko >b. n . i l lioi. . • .onn a . dM lrnyer nnd c ru iser convoy

a ls lha t nil In rea d y ' and tlw ,|,g‘Iher /aToruble. ,IthoUKb there wern few dlffl- i,ien Itl path of .toilny's fllRht. ^ ron„«"' e was great choorinR ami on- ..p„jiii' ilnsm atnonR Uio crowds on ihe -Now i •i! a^a.am ooR naval, offlucrs of i^ono],i'' convoy. Iwcausc of the unforiu- „„wor to

, accident ^iMt pu l U eut. I^U h le oul ot tho rnco. Dcfensileulonnnt Wado had lo come • llg as n passenger aboard ono ot involved.

uruisersH: lie . . Is lh# object .of . „ ,1, . fl! ira l sympnlhy. The sliRht etj- I trouble wlilch forcod hla plane' tMo co

heavy • «iea» /wftoro i t had lo ^ nbundnnod dem onslratod -bow . c ^ ^ c

ht n IhinR cart Im peril tlw world u . aow drawing 10 a close. he two remaining .w orld planes jj,led In a sho lttred harbor bo- gjI th ^ breakw ater here. Crdwi'


of tlllj* CIV . ......................... ............ a m a r 7

tio e la tio n th is afternoon pni- "Yo*;* ed 'few atrlklnp featurOA when It "THai/

in' the several ^ l l ln i r places a)l tkei4 ' o ’cteck. - I t Is estpecled to warm bood foai

lo m e w h a t^ n re 'n lg h t. bu t tbe In- deteoaor' st.baa D o i ^ n iBleaao. - . "Of cot D fH ocrats Q et' Totlag Plae«. l>r. Ke< BtU today tbe democrat* bod n e amlnatlot ing p lae* lo th* fourth precinct, 12:2S p: 1

the- »bsehe*-'br''Commltte«- Obief J I « K l « l i t r y / -Tbo Boyd buUding autrromo

d e c tt i ta i ro . W .-W ltnftied, aQd(.thlBtB p i t unde f-irar . Tbe mortttogi Ib l iu i^ a re ■ tlltw ork lak m a 4 ^ o : > :« h i^ d e in o ^ ta [ H at.» r o g ^ V I » - ir * < a U l. Iw b jee t o(

: r o v e ^ .a n < u t lT l t r . i SUekera .-d<br th T.'-J. Lloyti. HBiTT-C ifBokbam - « r iiT T i5 W r-w « m lrC T ra « ic r tf la w S o wng d-em ieral*.^dr the ' lefU W Ive :tloas. .There, a ro tbree to .b e (nyotbt)

w ins to . the . fu l- th a t se re ra l .. . K n b m o t t h e JeHerM n iliib r ^ p > ‘ A wm iH ^ m lt tM ( o r thO -aU to'eonven- ac)ileven I T ir m T re W I u r -n i—to ll lK f th A T nrM O t i t l n r p « l - f r t ’^ l f W B r m x n i - t t t - 1 cjt»e-W M k At tba c tansber commerce ob whiel I ^ t p o a e d UBtll tomcirro w a t S lt'a< peri

' • " • • •

IV .;-. I . . , . . . :


OifiLD I■ D i


: «)»ir III--------- from IV

itiiliiir fur TivlllKht linw c ll'llh ‘'i<'—fn tiT r i'iiniirfun— im m lm rri—It I.lin'iipH) Chiuc I'iillnl

^ _____ .. l'*ONl) IFlynn In h ill'll lo banilli' ihc •'■'''•‘r"

oimd loiuorniw cvonlu^ wlu'ii [‘Itj 111 Ornyn pt«<- Twin I'nlln al : iw k nl 5:ai'.' > j']',',iiith •hnr<n(r'i>«t-Jhrcr-rnmr:^ '',iI [••nllnwlii/ii^lmilou-oiir. I.....I ,II Iiroiliigins'n wmiilo>-/ul com-1 a n i l ' MutiaKiT (Jilmvol.I’n ' ' " nro nni jvrilinnt iilianrcii of

I .w ith ii.v, ,al uufoiuiiial.. ^n.W AI lluhl ill <'ip.M.d to n-nrt nmi .,.^.,1,,

in .'IVln FnU'. wllh « linen . i]u„ ,i 'u a liII more Ihnn rfnrry tin- wlniiln;;

rc-roiilcclT7T:T‘i'u^tn"i*» '‘i ' r 7 r r T 7 7 r ; r w in c “

V'm*. lluU ri'v lil.T of no little track, nnI., nlll opposi- 'i lll.cn iln ii Tom" Norilii-rii4 x . and I.0U1 lUiiy «nii lllu.- w(i->l|c.l .1ri.>x|.i'ctinB a |.iu-l;lii;: <lucl rcciulrcil 1III c l n w t l lu lc t i ic 0! i ( i c n c i - * t I 'rn iR T f; il d c l l l ih l. • H ovcrai 11r Ihnn lim |.lich. ii<. iicKIm.t hy the', hi n mnliinc any' ilpddril nitrr.-i- .Monilny. ill lUi"-iip fr<mi -lnnt Siiiuiuy. fonimiiiilc-

(fO lA K E S | i p i r i T T H E i l J i lU R D E R JC A S E S

• , which cut♦ V • - liurillli c(

AIMnicy (Jrln ,\ilmNKlon Thai Tcinphi^ i.n of Trrmi-hciciiiKly Almornml I’’-'Inl l.lfc iit Insnnci Wonld h y w ainl dnnin I tu VKTlum. TSUmntPit-

' ; ______ ' of di.lhinMi.s'Ai.. fo u i.tT IlOOM, r m - - Am:.. B.—A l Ihia oritrnoon'iiI of the L.K,i.old.i^.cl, mur.lerK. Smio-n Atioriiey f ro w c iii-k.d matiirlnK Illlam Ilcaly. Ilontou oUeUli'l.

mal iuncr tncni.1l life" wan In-( an« ail'

n '^ho dootorM reply nf "yen,"iniiV‘'<llutciy ilimnndcd ihnt _ -

I!. Caverly Impaiul a ju iy to r o r i t K.n thc nnultylir tho hoyn. VfJU*•1, conH/mUd-lUat tiiV ulleninl'n , “ony nhowj'd ihal,both hoyn cnmo .'th a t cUnrnct_Yrlinllon._ Junticuly. however. <)vcrruU'd 'tli.! dc- c i ;dAK

rlalini! ilini ho. would .connid- f „ r i fichn l y Ihu definHion of, lixa l Innnn-^ furnicr ai laid down hy ihu auprcmc court' j.;, mn

InQh. clear (rJl.ies tlio dof(!ndant Nniban t.ropnli> Y„r)( ,nf‘ defendant Richard-Locb know j , j j o r AllIfterenco huiwccti, riKht and 1 ,n in, ntir*" Crowo ankcd, MOrtlnc from „( igjg. '' anfile. • . . Corimrnhliik—yen—Ihoy know iho diftrr- etandins

Dr. Ilealy rrsponded. * 1,1,ith andw, docior/^ran tinK they. Jtnnw the ahots.UfforcnD« lirtW crn -riiihl nnd that strucr. dl^^'lhcy havt» t h e 'p o w r 't o Hchneide -bttw cen rl.Rht - and dolnK yoar«. un

'■ ‘. court al ' rliape, lu t oii]; In.K mcaauta.:! fy-iuJnikw ,;Icfs bft niiuclflc. Did Nathan - i do uId .oh Mai' : i , ' l5 2 4 , Tiavo tho except lh■ tqchM so h. tWocn killing Rob- not." .Schranks or no t kllllti g h lm r ' , y within ai!n'so.^(lynjiel Bachrach objoctvd me whenII 'aties'[lon','on .the sround tha t 1t not havo ed,,1i;cnl. InsAbUy u laid down Cronkhiit ! qllnols.suprcn)e court. mado no

Court T a tes RccfS*.court suntalncdJJacbrach and n e w ^

}rdered-a rfcena. Amurlcanwc ln ‘fle«klu< to forco a Jury jrinh Joand to f itlic i hanc lliu l«ya or niooi in.cm.conriooir>lth crim inally In- jjt i tonlg

Darrow )au;;lja a l .lils 'c la ln i *.0 can do elUiiT ono or tbo other. I.VIIKKffi'broUEhi oill In a .s c r ie s ofoak tha t m urder . la prom pt- . ' . (C£Uib.lntDtlccl: thb t a ll tbo detaliii ^ --------«!onceIved by the inlcjloct and 1"rpmplod-by'oioollon. Lndenrtot olher word*, doctor, a super

tl lntclicct and a norm al Inlcllcct »1>IIb HIresponsible for Ml Jhc dBialin ,Inlo UieI crlmoT f» tha t r lK h ir Croye °

aoetor' rep llc l. rny m .lh a i/ydti,bollPve. don 't you, tbat “n^ 'toddy l.bar'storlcn and cjilldi b»'l» offaa tu y Is only an allb l for Ibu l>»» Pf'w r . v r - . . fMCIim 1covrso, I don 't bellevo tha t.'' exteni, a:K«tlr.i«raa aUIi under croea-ez- favorlDgUon when Uie court reeoseed a t “Tag”p; UJ. unUl 2 p - e l ^ - / r T ^ : »«» '

- Hitlerno CQ an.'«:euW (tffc'4 ',*»«u on « •rO a m l^ e l r - M M i- d u il i iK - the w orked^n g - ^ lo £ > j( ' > iilieh on^

“ 0 ; ; ■"^rd to r to InvMtJcaUoBS cendoct- ‘

' ” ”"*** lo v l r * ^ ^ I"

s- haa fnwer tb u n d tc n o n n r Ih t* PM«<1 »tb» i*e< U ««pItU T JB iledata t*» «od aom

. . . .■ . parlUm#'

' '» o m tB -a M i* r ..;* .iM a to t h l i U nulu tl.vem en u JiB ^ rie tp tc tii Wm for |n h lf nW » a ri« rW T i^ fc lo M 'h lB -Ksi'tlfiilrhU -4»c lt;a r^JV *-;8 towft. pooto i n e e t a thleb tb* aon ihlBB* and becaoa- - ^ 1 1 "p e r f e c t l y « « * •.aJnM ,.b#-tald^i-K xdU li«K i-.;?;- . - - _ a l l r - m


OF IliE FLOOD= ::_____ • Jiii; Incl

i«Ia Tniiu-. llosiijuV^ sTrilcc mn;,.,,,','.',,',')'' Ilr-ronli'd M'nyx Iml Ihiniier sdUiiir.mu

W ashoiiii ('miiluDcs to .>lcu- [.i,ii-iuii,rrr Iho Sd-llou Arcttlid CiuuI'Ik'U '- linili."

I) DU 1,AC. Wla.. Auk, r . . - |! 'e e ricailv are fell Iviro today liitK liicjiii Ji.ii't. an 11 al fuini.b..llM|iorl will lir-iik ■ llic IUwh- tiie rinOi of llio flou.I «Mlor«. era In <1ei l.'ii Ic-I >«|unrc aji|>eaicit nf I.ihi.»l.c, lellhiR ..Ux.'i", ihoUhalitii. «f l.cKlimiiir I

. *nf’ w a lle r ' ’lirn iii'ri Vti llu - i‘i ' ' a ' fi'....if ll.e jv a h T are eii.l:iii,',ereii. 'I'iu- Jir.i . lllll in I-oiij: l-ike i::ivr wav 'lie Iijw .’hiinilnK lin.i liic ............ W.,.! I1..1 I.-..... .I'l .-Xlieileil li>.‘ i;n o i / iiny mini Jcnln

------------------IVAI'ICJ'-.I-:, W1.1.. AIIK.' Tl.- ‘I f <•.iiervi.c, li;i.Uv ............... I l.y lur ti.mi 1

vwilers thriinniii'iut W l'iciwiii .................I'Kiimccl Imliiy hill triilni "e re erniiiei.l Ic Icil 10 aviilil 111.' Ilnucl an il". ei-, ar.' . ni c : ^ r T i i j . r “ n iT ,u y - i i . ein-iii-i— r r nn Ih e ri'riil o f 'w ay r.r llv ru & Milwaiikeii w e r . '1 .nil, Hj-r.TJl .layii will i.e •ll lo repair ill.. .Iniiiiii;.'.-., J RTly .iliininlie •-Mliiiul.'cl aK I million .Inllarr. wan .lun .e il' ..'.heavy ral.li. .>f fiuniiay ainl] • n r. TclPKnitilt nnd Ivli.jihiine,

a n incriiiunly dainuKed hy hluii

m;;" , j ; ....f r o nhiinlivt hO l.y th.-. nuiriii._________...................... .................. .....p a . v t.STdllM V i s n s lillliJ.

d.-tiiii laru3.'.\v,Lti;_burui'a><'nil _•iH I.f oalll.' wcr.i klliwi- liN ^ __j-ttiiij— !uml_.,clC':!rl‘'“i - . " . '. n r i '^ -------------cut a rivc-mllc nwath ilin.iiRli

I county ilurliii! tl|o iilRhl.phone liuc.i were .lown In a H n a a Bpl;M-cn. T r .... . w.-rc ut.rooU-d — ~ -

iminKc til 111.' iiiilon rr.ip wnn ’ tPit-nt-hiimlrnl-*-••l-ili.'UH.m.ln- --------------

KAIttJrt VIS1TKH. ' /tTin;.; N.'*'n.."-AirK-. s .- iu n v y - J r InK truiiii ill ii-iitr.'i.h "ix inllcK and three iiiiicn wide worn

lurm ln-»;irneii. llrii;i;n. Sleele. . . and T rnlll • coniiti.-". N..nh ^

mer Soldier I«V'itneBS for Army

Capti RbseoBWUV______ ^

lAK KAPIIW. Town. Aiik. Ii.—Ichnrider. w ealthy Joncn county r and forii'ior Noldici’ In ih.r A. ,mny bu Ihc wltnenn who will

trSlitftln nnl.ort-Honcnbluih, Now ,of tho cnarKo. of murdrrlflR * Alexander (•ronkhitc nl Camp

, n tn r Tncomn. Wash. ,ln ihe fall- 8.iiural Schnclilor dodnren he wan ;ns w ithin a few fte l of iloSun- ‘ ' and not far from Cr.mkhllo when lots rang out nn iho cifle ronKu truck the m ajor down, neider hon kopt silent all Ibosp

unlll subpoennml to fppcar lu al Tacoma October 16. lo Icstl-IwiUalt.of Itoflcnbluth..^_______ _ !lo uol know' w1io fired llin shnls. t ' lh a t CapUln Roijenhliitli did .Schneldor said loday. "Hn wan I a .few feet of mo and facinc icn the slfotn wore firrd. He did avo a. Run In h is hnnd. I saw hiio fall nnd ran to his side. He no nccusatlonn' before ho dicil."

W YOIlK.—Vrati'kift Gennro, the lean flyvyelgnt-chftmiilon, and

Johnny CorUn. iKtntum, will In a I^^rimCTUQilt In IlTook-

DDlsht.- - ’ •

l E X n O O T ^ S S OK T in :

.(i^DUnucd 't ro ^ p a R c 1.)B fascial- eam o. ahd the mna M j tdorff, wlio w ent free In Uie cellar putsch of last November,

H iller w ent to Jail, now steps he directlDg position.1 appointment ol LudondorfftMVt t h n M p .h l p tinn- _________Klbods th a t mnde th i magnetic

a popular Idol In Iho beer (J(_of old Munich. I l^ e * n ^ , lh a t “pToleUrlan" appeal, " idea tn m baa.been dropped to a large I, and th a l Iteroafler the grou^ lag accomplishing-- U ifr-. ne«.’ pa rtly via parlhninlarlBm be-la tb e saddle. ' o i .ter ballofed Ib ao jArltamenia. iranted them dttched.' atid he ri’ ; r o l l o w » ^ up u» j . l A i b on th is point. • , .

• JUwtbcr y r u t i ta - f f f

.....B O 'longer JU rfb*erf% aU ta l- ,

: = e * k1 largely e l old m lU tarr-. » « - . $IT. some IntelU ctaaU , arfoed tha t j imontary w ork aould b* very

11 a n « * d too, t h t m t f t lo * •u t i c - freriiy H itler .•M n*J; W r - --------■ n lg h tl^ 'b e * r ,h a « ro w id i; '» M f

B ^. bhaendorlf ■and'«>rAW TIIJ.; < • m d - H t t le r - o B t- r t I * ■■■■"

■ .. \

:.r --------------. ..„ L .

l-.-aii,.o,,n,-,'..ei.. ,,n Jiily^

mv vl..H..r-. Ill \j U ■ I.MU'iy il„- ev'.iiluTrr ceil, unit »*it hi' «;is — _____i;iii;ai;ca lu . wri’itiii: .1'/iimiii. T ry Tnrl .1 n e w ;tin .I. lu ll.e f.ucbi .5110 H .ilu .

.ni It. C rn.iany. . | ~ ------------

..il.i.l.lV liiarkn' 111... rn .„ l\ l„ ' i.llaii^.. nt 111.. f..lkl.C ' \V.. aio

u iliistrljili.l. W lihilniu. ’ ,i: in ' lnlIlll.lllllli^l•.. uli.i iiiili..II,. ' 1. In 11

niivliy r.ir ,ui.,.i.rl tli. ........ MT.,I'lil.f a r.' i.i.i.rl.-il t.. l i , . s . - --------- ' —IV,-1. Ih .lr ,il.l, lliu:. J.,.vlii); —

Tl,'.' 'im l'.r 'H ;u ‘," ' ' ' ' 'J u ',

. '■ T i 7 ' i i i i r i i / ' " p i r r ' ' ^ ' ' ' ' ' '

WH- reiK.rt will iii,i;';, .. d..,v <1enfl;iiiyr. iiiiit.iiini life.

■vl..'. 111.' ,'...iwriii iml.il,' i'.

/;’Vir'ii;.-!'i '.'::!' ';'cVi';rT';.'i';:.^,' 'W o B r

;;,,‘’.,,,’ii'' Sec■^'e-.‘V iru7 .^ ';ri '"n ,-r7n :--r,:T -- — i.r- 'i

I " ; ; ; ' ! " : ; , : ' ; : : : ; w a i i .e 'll i . 'ir <.i..rn11..0'. if.it I-..'-.1 l..ailei-,i njel iieuu n l'o in . rv- ' innvine.'ti liial 111.- H,sini’. lu -------

F O R■■ K .

B e a u t i f u l 5 * ro o m b u n g a l o

11 h a r d w o o d f l o o r s t h r o u j

o n t a n d b a c k p o r c h c s . F

E L v e d _ a lre e t;_ w ill-« o l 1 wa t - a -

i r n i j j i e d o r u n f u r n i a h c d .


N ew S h it' -a f -

Fall Clot^ ■■

—For Men ai

MATERIALSA ll V iru iit wonl worhti-ilH

miTOH: Kiioli WL'll k u o w ii.

M i;t.n lf . L nporl.-, I l in l , it

c o l 6 i?s ■H row n . Kroy, In ti, Itltio,


■SIZES ' ■ IA ll Hae.H ill rcK itlant, aliniH

$24.50 $27.50Q th fr^ tio w -»u ltft-4 liu t-^ra -oq tM lly ; .ga ♦ 17.56, 110:50; S22.T)0. ...W c. bo gl in Aitd itiKpcet thi'Md RfiUnilit] v iiluc kq

' ' V

■ p .A a n T im E B

ly !'• a»;ali.;.I niillcalliiu, uud' :.:,l|.' IiiUltnc ,'i.un.e will li.) ' <■nlual rnill,',. _ <

rnrklah hofhi fur ilieumtUsm. lu S> ritune (tu.—adv.

.'?OTn r • . .110 i.turllui: Sunday. AuniiHt 3.1- Siin.in)- chicken illnnrrn from

l>, in. U<...'rvall..iiii munt l.o n ii.h an .e . 'fl,.' Clianliele.r.m :.iu i, j

r r o w B r o s . S e e d &S u p p ly C o . ________ ^

Tulu I'ulls Idnho. >Hiindi.'r-i «f-

. «'l..,cr Seed ^AHnlfn-^^ “

ll.-nusB tty .-R c :c lc 3 T i--0 T -0 ra d e - ---------- -------

lnlM> In Kc-rleaiilnir iind liiK IXf-lirmIc and MUrd

i,..!-.S e c u s b e fo re selling r-'lto^irnntnc'-Tnhr-JlPfil-^-- ---- --------- -

i h o ’s L e a d i n g S e e d H o u s e

V I .E ■ 'k .l o w w i t h g a r a g e ;

> u g h o u t , s c r e e n e d

F in e l o c a t i o n , U n

a - B a c i ^ i f i c e t - e i t h ^ p - ---------- --

. T e r m s t o s u i t . _________



j i ■



'il . I

V '■a lK ^ Y o u n g M e j i ' ..

.-ilH-niiil runh-VII. fnljrii-H nN

, n tnl ( li lh e rt .

, ..StriptMi nntl

[jiH nifil "st<iuiR.' ’ *'' j ^[jj i

4 i . d ^ . i i i a a i r i B i M £ !} giHo'fa«rtS"70U:eome..i! Roil*. ........... -.

POTi! r o t m '


TTie TimcB b a a ^ o f a r t tu lc ra . i i I : X _________p tif lio a t

PabU ibld B r t r r £T«&log Except Su CotDpaor. Twin ]

I H . M A flT E nfl_________________

^ ■ . -------------" -= 9 6 ^

Bnt«T«d ftt Ul* Tw la Fatls Pogtotric Oallr I’ubilciiiloD. .

___________ _______________ _ „ s . u . n 5 C K i m o :D n«ly, ono y e a r ........ ......................

‘ D n U y , ■^c n;oal>iR ...... ....................D a ily , o ae m o n th ....... ...................

r ■ i t : i « - u “M r iir r6 'h r i 'm i ir rc ;n tio i r ;Ihl! itiob ilizalio ii issu e rn ifly . It T lic .u sm im iitin n Uinl wc- nn- w o rld ttr u ( fn - i i t 'p n r t tlicriMif iti 1 fro m m oH iilznlioti •milcsH ir N ^ 'in i i i '

--------------- -for penP(>’ |)n t tlmT w.i . 'x i i n ' r ^ '^ c ,Raid, till- on ly n o rt o f liiHJinimiiii-n

' f n r UR nifKri’Hsivc M irf iin - is nouircrii o n d .n r iU o r iiihlcd tlm l tin* .siTtiiid

■■ w nn liko th e bccoikI N tro iiK ^t hiiini' " IK m g " possililo to ho ld . Sfrii'itor Hen

cnl pcttifoKK.i»K- T h is in e.T tnitily norotnpliH hcil i>oIilieiil ])eltiroh’K>T i

C O N G R E S S M A N . ^ ^ P

____ ___________________ '( i j y , J .U l E S _ U .- .

_______________T he j.rnt(* ,P tive_ ,|iirifL i:u itiii)l. till- j ----------- raa ty ir—I t - r B n T - n n r t - i t ^ r r s n n ^

fro m e n te r in g th e Aiiierii-iiii iiiurlsi't d u ty on th e j ir o d n u t . Tin- tliinfjH I

V w cre HO w ell p ro tec li'd iim they iire t ii> thc hom e m n rk e i, it p n ile e ts lh<' ])(;Lilinn n t liom e; it hni* j ip v i t heeti

_ .y r n t th c p ro jlu c c r w h a .n d ls liis j in a to iicoejit th e w n rl il’ji j i r in ' fo r wliir

____________ FVom I!)18 th i-re wuh a Ireiiieiinn d prieett r fo c iv n i llie refo r In fim •the de clin e hus i)eeji n l)ni|H , ftri' j X ren lly d im in ish e d . '.H ere iiri' th e .o

E.ximrtK of A nier Y en r ■ Uiwl

...................... . r......................................... 178,51l ! i l 8 , .......r.............' ;w„l

l !>20 ...............................1!)21 ...........................

■1H22 ....................... 2()8.:i;-----^ 102.1 ............................... J.VJ.!),. . . . \ .• . . . ]!I24* ■............. ............. !: G7.2

•N in e n ioiitlm emiinK Mnri\l T h e re is tlio reen rtl n f fori'iftn

p o r ts in 11)2*2 d ro p p ed :tO per cen(. - ^ l u o OH G om pnri'd w iih ihi'^jiri'v ii

, ■* v e y e d 'l l WBriiirijj’ tlm l fthonld jm v .ended . Inev ilJ ib ly nnilitBu ilmf Hn w ou ld hofon .lo p rod iiee wlieiit foe o u tlo o k fo r w lieiil n tiirld-U nnd pt h id dinff. In nhn rt. o u r wlrt'iil p m d pro«liiet)on, n n d -o n n litri;*' Mide, id

'w a r p ro d u c tio n . H u t th e y enntinii t ie a n n d iiow they , nro sn rfe r in ij t Hympnlhizefl w ith thei'ii und eouKre: p B s ib le , to m e et th e tem poriiry .en h u t th e p e m a n e n t rem edy enn oiil.v t lo n .— A ild ison SmillwH T iiriff Spee>

v r M r. S m ith in miKled in th e ni RMUincfl Ih n t th e A m erienn p rice ii a n d tihnt w h ile w e n re Hlii|ipini; \^ii a m a rk e t w h ich Ih lo w e r U iiiisjjiir 0

^ th e com m o d ity in n o t nioiiopolixcd.in g , i“om en in a lo n tr tlie iio rder to li

* B u l th e um o iin t th n t ih sthipped nlir a l l cIrcum tiluneeH tlinn Ihe cotiipnrn' in frn m C ium dn. A nd tlie prieu of an th e p r ic f o f .w h ea t riiincd here ,

__________ u h ro a il , c x ee |) t“on r a re o.-cnsionK wr 'h ro u R h t « n h y n m n i ^ i i t o r . K . i n i

n o t H vll.n liMKliel nh ro n d nnd .Mr. t r u e i f h e w ou ld u top to f tii ik in« lo f th e A jn e ric n n K eonom ist nm l leatflic . A n d , hy tho t h e t a r i f f meanii h iR lie r j W f c on t c n n w h e a t I t hiw rep c iited ly enijil tio n . A t preH ent th e m u re severii O ne In t h c rc ln l iv e ly w hort w orld h

. t lo n o f buU ij'nnd hennt, tnkinf? ndv 'A m c r ie n n exporlH con titn ied

n f tc r th c pntmaKe o f th e ta r i f f law ■ • ; ■ i t ea^iac o r co -incidenee nn yoti w ll

: ( f c a t i t i { a : ,i:yupm <l » r, ^ i l o E u ro p o u n p ro iliic tio n d id no

_ _ _ - - . . f » lo w in g th e g r e n l n -netion ennsed N nlion* . I t .w a s n o t R e l i v e ni

. i t a t c a a b ro a d tn p u t u p linrrier«. T........... ........; i i i .c v c iy - 'lc t te r - f ro tu tn iy e lm . . \V

~ -o f tb e 'c c 6u,Dmio h a t e r s w h ieh P r t----------------» p w d i - o n - t h e - 14-p o ln tf ,-J H n u a ry -___ ^ A n d i t m a y n g a ” ' .*’« a -eo-inc

■■■ f a e t Ahn^ tJie f o r e i a i Htntes nr_c_hc *•; P ^ D C t a j u s t a t th e tim e tlm t the

....... .................... -


l. in th is city than any other eatioK

SUDdajr b r tlio TlmM Publtsliloe a m n i , Idaho.

_________________ JMIl(»r-PublUh»r

rtlco o« Becood C l u i M att«r u ^D. April 11. 1918. ’

'JO N -K A 'X IiS_____________________ .................... ......... .......................... $fi.00....................... ................................3.00......................................... .............. eo.

rif.tim i'T riih irw v r ) , .v r rT v i ir iu 7 i:i-is_p/ir c i’ly a r iia lltT o f vii-w piiiut.

i j ^ t d he coni]»-lli-rl to iik-vI Ihc tl tno rln l cotuljal enn e iis ily flnw _ mief.stood no t otily U nit w e hope i^c. A s ‘Ihe lu te D cnirki “ f ’oc lirn if " lent is co m p lete ' d isn rn iu tiic iit ho c rncd , , T he no ted .New Y o rk w it • nd filroiiKesl nav y in llie w ovhl n il’ in P ^ W ; th e -m o st-d a ii(^ e ro u s iieeii siireaH ticnIly n -fe rn t/i po liti-dy n <^nnl>lilll.•lll^^olu th e ......r in A m ericn.

^ H ^ D X H E _ V a i p A X _

D.-..W1JELTN..)- - ________ ___ ________

tllluF- t l i e jn w - of, su ii|ily ...2iiid. de-^ t —rompc!rinir^oraJfrn'~prnf)n(!Tn “ Isi't w ilho iit jm yin i; n jjood ro n n dH Ihe fa n n e rs hnvu Io 'hell n e v e r fi■e tiow.; linl llie [ iro lei'lio ri a ]ip l ie s fi lln ‘ fnniicr.s at.Minsl fo re ijrn eoni-cen p re te n ile d th n t il w o u ld p re- !‘in idu i;L ah ruad -fro iiL -hn inK -itL liK cd n'l in t r tc Ni'lls •al>r<iad. • • • hle m U is rise in ' e x n o rls o f w lient .i rnr»1 t;n n n irk c ts . w\uh- « incc i;»21I' p r ice s rei-eivcd- liiivinfr so v e ry i|c. offiv in i fiuiirc.s: t, iiericnii W heat.- fj tiw litls. V tdni'. t<

, ■}2-i.:>-i;{,oi(i „4,lJS.H.'i:{ .'hSll,Kl)2,r)-l2 . ,1 -Vj;«i,724 ;iiiii,ii;;i,(i2;f ;i,2ii7,(;:i7 .8.:i2i,n.oi_ 27!i,n.-.(;.-i7f! ; i

l!)2,0I*i,:iL»H l l '■7.2(il>.-l7:J .7l.ttOS,-J7-l ' . . | m ill ;ii .< n \aV ^nK o f o n r \vlie;it. O n r ex ­it. in tp n in lily n n d •!;{ p e r e.-nl in c'vimjs (p en k ) y e a r. H u t it co ii-j' QN’e been heede.l. .T h e w a r wn^j^f Hnd siisiiunded w h ea t p ro d iie iio n for lliem sclven anew , .so th a t th c ai prc.fitn lile w hea l p r iee»t-waR .for- ^

Midut>er.s hlld rcnson fo r e iir tn irim i' ti , IlK eo lnpnred w ith w n r n n d post- " inned to p T ^ u e c a h n o rn ia l .pniii- IJ th e , ccnisi'<inetiees. T h e c o u n t r |‘-V iresH has KOiiuhl lo h e lp Uicni, if " .eniliarraH-^menl eo iifron tin> ; llien i,

lllly lie found in decreiiscil p ro d iie ' <■

leecli. • llmaze' o f his ow n a rn iin ieiitT I le v

!• is h iljiic r lh a n th e fo rc it;n p ricc v^lieiit <ihr(iad w c a re s c n d in tr it to f, r ow n. Thi.s i^V^i a h s u n ii ty w hered. A l i t t le w nciii. r ch if iv c ly Hpeak- J; o Ilf innn iifin itiired in to f lo u r here , t n liroad is m nny lim es In rK er tind i-r <1 irntiv-ely Iriv iiil a iiioun t_^ hal eom en Jo f th e w hea t from l^tiiindn a.s w ell i

re , <lepeii(lH on th e ]»rice o f w heat ; w hen th e re is a le m p o rn ry e o rn e r [ n i l i . s w ere uo l tlie ense w e Vs'iTTlTiT i r. S m ith w ou ld rc a lire tlm l th in is | in s tea d o f aeeeptiiiK th e iis su ran ee tl th e A m erican I’ro tc c tiv e T a r if f ta r i f f leag u e doe.-* n o t nV»;iie .th a t II th e A nicrieiiii m a rk e t f o r A m eri- n jih iitien lly rc]iiidhite*l th a t us.siimp- e rn l eaUHus fo r llie r ise in w hea t..1 «iipp ljy<A niitlier iH. th e m an ip iila - idvan taK e of th is n ihm tion .-” - d to inerea.se a f te r i l i O 'w a r u n t i l iw e x e rp t fo r a Kium0 in 11*20. f u l l irill, th o fn llin r f 'o f f in p H ec a n d in upo n tiie h e c k o f tlm t m emi^iire. n o t p ic k u p , l^iw ropcun .ta riffB iIkT sed b y o ilr re je c t io n b f th e L eague I! n t.o n e c fo r it to o k nome, tim e fo r

T he e ffe c t of the.-ie h a rrie n * Is told> W e a re -t iu ffe rin g f ro m the__effeetx

I ‘rej*ident Wil.-iijfl d e n o u n c e d , 'iu hinr y - .8 , - i a i8 .s - - ......... -------------------------inc idcnce, b u l S c j i J t o n c th o Ickh a lict?iutiiuB t o d en in iid m o re o f o u r

he lic ag u e o f Nntioim-iH reeoveriuK

j ^ P

’w KI).S>^;DAY. AUGtlST c.

WMlnntdajr'ii n«trt I’raturr*.WJt. NBO- TOU_«:ol<!ni«n IIukI . ,H oa rniUDcu-iiiA—iiou.iui> ii^i |

” ninj. *'■ j I‘"'’a i* " I :

------- . (|-:a3.ten> Sl«r;tiirtl.;i.1mf.)... ,

• f kl li 'r ; I

( I'. d IV 1 ’

r ..........• ■ i

" * 'i 9 1'- 'kV

1 l a ' ■ I

nou.'HntAOMj'itiA—40B. '

ivn. i-uiiADiemtrA_Ma. ,

— —-^..lilu -1 ’— .TUulwjik-A.^*-4hThtttre7— -t

■ L i S 'S S 's f f i s : t------------ e»llM.-.luiuui. .—

~ ^ LJ jT*” ' *

1;J» e, MmIcJ i pw snZI ______________________________________

!• f ro m ’ Ihe c ffi'c t o f o n r rcp iid in lio ii 1 ^ fivcly.

T h c licncfieilil cjTei't o f llic ^ i t• i'conoinii; in tcnlepcinlc-m -c. rccm -im s: i maiiife«ie<l-iii.-ihe-r.-<liieii(.M -by l-’raii.

hiiK lj<>en 11' jioli'iit fac 'to r in tlie p reL nnd i-tiiiw KpiiiiitJtieiuwtwtHttHrm:-------1 , ' T ile o fficin l fiK iires w l.id i .\ lr . H

flia t ll ie 'w h .'i i t f a rm e r-w n s niii<-h lii tn r i f f th a n iiiidc-r th e ]iri'.if'nt rcp iih fiK ure it fo r y o u rse lf. AYlmt h a s I to li K reat d e c re e lo heef, ckjis ni a lnm t \j;liich th e re is 11 n n -n t dciil o f p rc ta tio n Ijciiit; c irc iila li 'd tcxlny hy connreHsiiiijii ih n distiii('iii>chcd m en



I-1' upisi-:, Atis. E-niarK oH ot a nwcci>. ^plnK and Heimutlnnal charneti'r asainnt

Iloy MeKniK. pni^rcMivo pnrij- na- '* tlcjnal c'ommUli-cninn. worn mndo In nn c addreHit ln-ro lanl nlclit by CoorKO I- . Wml, former |iroi;re»»lvo »Ulu necr»i.L. tnr^- whn ,l,.>-l,. r,.,l II,nt Mi-tfnl|- tiiiil }"}1 tried lo deliver (lie parly lo tin- com- t . miinlht* and Hint ho ^ i now nooklns U>, linu.l U« vole ovor loN eniitor William '* K Uorali. He cliarKed thal Ctialrnian V W. W. Kiinnell of (lie Alln cmmly com -1'"' Jf lulKee unn m the name iiort u t w ork i" ’

and tliai an .ctto rt wan bcla): iiiadu lo l ‘’'< keep votem la M pn-elncln from cs-l}* ' i rtlui- of tb r lr rlntiin In the prlmnrlen. p '

ituHRi'll and G. F, Kroeijer. Holno a l - ' ' liirni'y. denivd the cUarjH-n made hy

le Wr»l. ' j‘">Ve.t TnlkK. |“"

• Mr. \Vi-m'ii Bpoceh 111 pnrl wa* an •" folloWB: Ire •T lie *lliifranrJil«emenl of tho J>r»>- ‘ ' 1 jirt-Hiilvu voiern of 11. iirrclncln of Adn

■ connly by Mr. .McKali: In the cntmlna- e. tlon of a Inne ilrnwn out alrnuKlo to i-f deliver thu voiini; nlrenRih of onr

parly to Sennlur William li. llorali.-J” ajid 10 repoao Itie oonlrol of llie iiariy

'll In (tip hands of n croup of coimnun*„ t Uln..-hratird hy McKnIc. Know In a J

word tha t evury ponnlble effort bns ' been exertml l.y la.- ond oilivra lo

n r ev -a ii~ tTfe riitii~ t> n i'BTOTimrrT 'n n n ia r i flia r t^ I-:ncb 1 Rllvmpl ban mul liar* |) rk'Pi of iintrifth. of 'i iac icd nj^-ilni;H pi

ee and of cli.tracler aminjinlnatHSn. fiiff "So uniicriipiiloiin hovi. been llio

. mclliodd lhat 1 have been trlviJ nnd vv foimd KUlliy on a iruiapod-iip cliarRo

ri- of UnvlnK offercj t'o nell ont, ibo Pro- Rrt’flsirc pnriy. 1 Jiavo iioimUi for

‘ over a year to have my <lcfeniiu pre- » ncnl*-d bvtoro nn tinparllal calliurlnc 4

la- ot Prosri'Hslvi-ii. .My frlendn bavo 'triv i y lo_^oln tor mo n-clianee In be iivorit. ji bul without avull. And tbiin, when

t l l tlQoUy tbo day appronrhed, w hrn ull Ibrouiib tho p riu ia rr «-way waa open* ,,• lo mo ,Uio boiin'ln dxnpm U on ord«m’ g,

Uiat no prim orlci nholl be beld wbcrore. be t* In danger. „ [X KonflSfl-resn-itrTPFiapittjr-D m nFiT;. . clncla wlirrc Progreaslvca hove .,

dlifrwichlaod havB.tallcd m e . u p ' o r {,o r called on me to do soRictbint to re- „

itaiD ih slr prIvlloKo tu tizurclM ihelr ^ roUnR power In tho primary. 'I bavo

’t« dono m7_utnio!>l to make tbem under­lie lU nd lliat i aoi In no way rinponiilblB

for thi* piariy bojia o f.tila work, ond— ibal-U -la sat. Ui«- Icton t o£ tho ran k <

a ttu l file of Ibo party to doprlvo any- tone of tbe lr rlKbt*. I have, ia Inct. »

— trfo«{-l«-bol(l th e -ra H rrti» m farM a b ier “ K truF to It# avowed purpose o f'a clean- t

' X


vv 'J

i W l l ^ ' 1’“

. lj._ « I-.

* Tllil.n «ii,iViiy/- I V

II I'. C|,l, X Ac>i»ltun«. i.Su


t I- M

w rs : o»rnoiT—i l l . . .i r

»"i‘,~ir=-i[l'i"..2»i{’;i.V'-‘ i-in^n'o -Tr.Mi.k ~

XttJCL, • 1;J, “TAM. Cr.«VRlJ».Si>—.W

M0NTiir.Ai— j(miuit iiidii icr CK-iu Ii-« r t !•<

’• ( fc f t tn l Sf«mUrtt Tfnie.) ■■ '■

ltl\* .li rr lu 'r( I*. If IjflitKo.

- >■"»»» w'tMir 'iW iiiTn-

' iiii' § 7^t I- >1| - r . w'.-i^A.'M.-)'i*im wiai»u..- or. it.Hf’

II m id stn rliiiK In liitic tion c ffm -

te in er renlijiution nf in tc fim lio n id j^H.s o f Ihc Americ-nn n t t i t i id e i.-* •iiiiee «f-tlifi-«lutij' rm -w henl w liieii pri'Hciit iiicrenseil fcn'iKH dcm nnd

Hiiiith <|notes,iii-(iv.' conclusively lic lJcr o ff im iler Ihl' d e iiio e m tic mn

n ib licnn Inw. Tal:.- n -jiciicil a n d f"'' s been sa id n iw it w lien t ni'plicH

nnd m nny o the r, fn rm produut>i mn o f miK informiilion n n d 'f a ls e in te r- ‘-’f »y the p n r iy ol' w hich o u r p rescnl. lem bcr..--------------------------------------------- uri ------;----- ^ ------------------------- ’i.;!!

H er'.o f pollllrn, ibun a dciiimiU-r .’rlj iherrof.

. lliibbed uf Vtctnry. .“ 'Horo wp a rr. memhorti of -a pnriy,

rnbbod of Hint whieh Mexico and IIiik- Dla have bul won altler yearn of ulrun { cle nicalniil bnni; tyranny. 'Wonld you ' idnlf Inln ntmciiK- ' quiolndo. nhidlnR your lime n-hcn.yni} were to Died wiili nnolhflr abnck fr<nn tbe party boim. or wonld you cxeroUo your God-clvea rlR bt^ f a freemiin, looking iiion par- tics bul an Inntninietu* of ncrvlee loj n.clil-iiin, and, (l. iiUrh before nil, the Inlgulllon you liniivT cl| l» t.-w iib ln a ny an3 nil partleii., e io jl^ o u r own, iHifl' '*>'« mako for rorriiinioq in KOTernmeai? 1

••Somo of tbe makeup .of the I’ro- wl; Breimlve parly l« In- olher nfflllailon lot

jmombers of Coniniunlnl orcanltatlonn,., ler .a brand of orcanLiatinn Imbued wlib pa |lho eonvicilon tliiii Kunalon Coinmiin- Mu |lnm I* a uplniion of a lt nodal prob- III jlcmii. ■ 80I *Tlic program uf tbene tollown In (0 C bore from within, In a ll labor ond po- Uc

jllilral arRnnlzotlijiis; lo Roln eonirot. Mi and ibroiiph tbeiii to snip cunlrof ii( qu novwnnioni. • u i

I "ijMiainr nornli’ri loadernblp of ilie ce ' I’riisrcniilvd parly t< iniendcd for Uie Mi bulldlni: lip of itir. Hopubllcan parly. Ir lie would takv iln-m by a c ircuitous Ki route in tront itenii In hlu own party, dj illH Imnilmald In llio'TroKrennlvu parly ih

.iH ilip Cfiiumnnli.1 group. hcaUeil tiy J» •Bonn’ .\tcKalK." i,|

--------------------- J,,1).HVK.S PKKKAT MAIN OWKCT. vi

< - —- - J.,(Conilnueil from paso 1.) u,

' Tlm^jlio niiivuniiirl'uruier ia r.'T F ard -■ ly hu<l llic fn*loMttnent of iho Inde- ' pondunt ilekt'l nnnounccil bo-

foro Ihe oimmliloo boKnn - working «■:I oul the dulnlla ot lt» campnlM . ll l>‘I will ejiU iipan l.;J!\illotto In Woah- 1’'’ hiKton nuxi w.'iH onU pUdco lla n• nunU-i..n to him. M■ Woll finyrf Ihe-. commlltoe will le ' work In cumpliiip Harmony w tih tbo -hi■ dlrccilne UJ'oH..Ho commlttoo In Si ‘ Wnnlilnclon und aid w herever p o n l- Hi• ble- w on ^^^RTomfel 'I jP o l le t te '* U ‘ reply lo ir.> endoraamoni Myfni;: W ’ " It Ik of Krenl Imporianco bccau»o b■ Somo cf tbo iw iulor'a c ritlc i hovo It ' lutlmnled thal 'lliero w ai In tho a scnator'n pronomy •fflcleney n ntraln n,.qL-i:«ri»nc£_wnh in . Hla tadorge-. _

' munt of our non>partiaai^ p o l^ ca l 1 proc'rain fornin a soU 'm n'-pt^A u Td . the whole Amorlcin^peopte, a pleilso -

• of reitliiitlon. rBnb»ailoa nntl de- ,, m oo racy 'ln K orcm m ent.' , |

V,---- :— , , n> ' O liU tf B o o k in BraxU> 'T tie tildial knnun biH>ic ro liiluc ex- \ t clunlvely H> Unull U Ihe ■■m.lory of• Iho rroTlnce of Suntn .rru*." wlilrh [i

WUI piihllnlj<-<l al l.uixin' In TMd. l i t g

• life little ll knoivu. ' , |

l A I L Y TlMES^

I liftl^':u»lilifl Itr-lrljiu.i. OIIt4' * ■ w M it’cuieA oliliifc

i»aj tl«n « .Slfk A Tfd, ihiiil. rin-(ir.lr».Wt.AU. WiN.NISAlK)UIt>-«IT.-

r e. t i . - i i ^ b .n . M.UII U'<.r. tbulijj I': 1

■«vi>i*r. KANiuA n n ’- ^ i T “1? r,,M -;j*..i-.|.vi .ii>«-Air._Wii»it________“.nilj1 , Y w ri,s :‘" r | , - . r ip f f ^ ;K i i ‘,:;: diuc

‘ ivitn. KANiua ccrv—411.

•1 ' ? 'c. ^.311 JVH—OUl.Utn«-L4hi uiiuj.auu»u:______ _____wnn. ATI.Af(TA—4t9.- j |WMC, MKMnillt-lAM.' llRe

WUiUV .MUIBVIU.B—toe. .•i I'. W . - - W I I A H f>alurf>. .iHtlU


(I’adne C w l JMandard 11m*.)XOO.-pAKIJlK»—313. ^

IV JiJ.-jill, (•,u.i»ri^(iirli».ir«. fron

Kro. lAK rRA;<nHCO—4S3. ‘

V.'. • : w............ ; . >->-1

Km. lOlt |uS0H-E»-l8B5_,^r u - *n iiu-niMrt un x ; jj,

U r M-.Art ntclmillt.'. I1rrli«.m>..i«it.> ; <>IUIu rt. Lon ANOKirjt—ino. V V ^r«ii

.%■! uiM TU ____________ I

BURLEY NEWS “____■ ' • Hitn

. - llC;ilLIJY...-.JduIui,_\UR. .\-C.l-M rii. .‘‘-'i" Loilcliiii Allon, wlfr?-of Jonepli Alten.

'fo r niuny yenrn n prominent rout

urcloek nonn I'rlilny .from ill.ilieii'» a l the fnmlly rcnidunno. 211 S. Xor- ami iivenue. Hho w-ua horii In Cull* ' tiiralii. Hviilumlivr 2l>. IHSt. IloHliIrn lllll bmibond nbe In nurvlvod li)' ii dnuRlilor and non from a former mnrrlaRo. Mrn. Btlivl. S tfoa . ol l.a l.’rii.iiie. Wunl'i, nnd Clnri^co Ilarnen nf Wyoming: nljio two UnUKlilvrn j j u and lllll nnn from Itio Bocund mnrrl- ' • URf', Mrn, MnliKl Iturrtu and Mr«.I-;il«n lliith Muchnm of Luwlnton, - . Idubo, nn.l Mnnon - Allen ot Hurley.Thu funi-rnl orranRuinchtn huvo not „,p, ycl be rn 'm ade unlit word linii lictn recvlyed from ibu dauBhluni In WnfihlnRion nnd l>«wlHton, . ,,,,,

D nnee ' KoruA •nio •'Dunce Hevuo" glyon Friday fe'vi

evvnlnR u l Iho llurluy 'tlicutre by .S'u Ihe dnnrlnR puiilln of Mlnn Dctlien at Cutter wan w rit rerolvod hy ,nn nu- apr dluni-e t in t puckeit.lho ihrjitro.. All dnii of the tlicle Ririn tnkinic' p a n In whi (be onicrtftlnmpnl porformeO their k»I

■ntunU ailni'irably and brnuRhl fordi will much unplaiiao; The ■ proKram .lor cd

!’nn(urnl iluileu by 6, K. LoRun in which LucU't-t McMlllnn. Ardu Tayi

I lor, Ilurnvitn t'niierHon, U lllan W«»»- ler. Heatrlco H u rd nnd Olortn Hich parlltlpnlod: (ID. ••The Wlijd and Ihe Lfait-. Carl KoIllnK ly ain>CRr<!l lllll und Helen Cutler; .S’o, 2 \ a ) . Soldter'a Quurd from tho Toy ShVa > C llue rtn b y l-'rancon OnlloRly and llobtrin Warlike: (b). Dolln from Many l.andi by (ieor«o t^ apouldhiK- Quakcr«dollfh f>hirli.-y Ann-Coo npd ilarrliTti l'U lun . RnKlUI« doll; Kran- ce« ,I>!Wvy; Old F a ih toned . dulU. Mnrihi* Turiror and Barbara Pixton;Irlnh dolls. PoRisy MoMlilan aad

iK dlib Weanler; Hcolcb dolt, LeWan- I du HUU S'punixb doll. Jncnuetlne I Itoo: (e). l le l t / a Muil^i Dos. Carrie

Jiieobn »ond by Olurlo Rich and LItltan W ew lor; «J). Ballor^n Horn

I Pipe b y '^ la rK are l Cutler: (o), Oa- viitie Air by t^u ln X lll , Curnetla I ’a lteraon . nnd Arda T nytor; (f), Itunaliin Uniice. Ounlnv .Mkh|,cl by

: ■siarcQror-TTtit.-'------------------------- ;—Farei«elt I'nrijr.

. Mr». A. W. llononcran* onterlalu- ; cd >TUIny aflernnon wllh a brldRo

party for th« miSnbor* of th e Pau . Puk« Keowix rlub In tho nuture of I n f»re>voll parly in compllmoat lo

Mra. MorRO Itiltor Sm ith wbu I leaven, ne'ii Saturday to Join her , .haiband a t Kly. Nov.. whcro Dr.I Smilb baa opened up a practice In . ihot cily nbuul aix wofka D80> Al I ttio cioia o t nn cnjorabta BttcmooD.: Mra. SmUri' wns pre ien tod ' wllh a> beaulirul {Inen ' lundieon net by ) tho membora of (ho club nflor'w bich I a dainly tw o courae luucbuon wa*I aorved. ^

.« A n o lA e r P e triS cd F oreri^ ■ ;A '«mBilT^|rlile_d; liiw ii"c«n*^nfnj ° of n nuiniwr n r 'i t u n i ^ nsd fnltra * 1«|rs, bna tieen illBCnrrrrO.'lA. tbc.hllK

Ihut rtm jb e Klojnve drnerl.'lSS inlldi northeant of I ^ * ’An|el»«..

- . - F ir* c C A antm iT O B< The'flrai, CbajiMuquB a»»emb1f « u> In Hi-mlnn from A ufu it 4 to 18, 1874,> s f ' Ilm renutt nf n plail fonned by p- T.oTrii-S!m#r-fif-AtnmrOW n,-ant!ntn

Ilev. Jotin' 11. Vlaceni of New York.



-------- at<aUu

Wnrninj; to dog owner* aiminnl — tbu ponnlblo iiprond>>t..ralilcii nmonit the cjinlno inhalTiiinln Iho clly wnii mailo imlny tiy Dr. II- lC «room V . ^Yuloflnary._____________ _______- ■__

'fw o doftn Invo rei-eiii'y been kill-] ed by Dr. Qroome folliiwlnf doviilop- tnent nf th*» malady. Tho flrat doR. n-nette’r. conirnficO the dinoiuie from a btiu by, n mad coyiiie. llrn ln ex- 'iO)Ln‘*‘i ‘2'J-i’,ho.weU_n_|iad,.rabl,d_coni ^ dlUon. Tlio BL'tond iIok eonirnctcd — liydrophobln frnm Ihu nciler. ‘IJ

r L O C A i L - B R I E F S Z

l.Iren»i'd lo W isl-V lv lor llnwnian rci iiRe : t . ot t^iHtli'ford. nml l-lntvllii nui Wllnnii. MKcl i;i, Hun Jaclntn, worn (he .iHtiUed *a liiiirrmne Ik-eniip Ihln iiinrn- Ihe iniT-------- :-----------------------------------------<-r*

' rmullllo'n Im pr.-.iod-:ilr»,- r . T . ^ " ' iluni-e hun dUlfiuienlly Imiirnved ’’’ from linr iiliiMn ii> be removed lo '*b Iier lionie from (hu hoi*|il(ul,

I.enTe» ILispllnl—Mrn. « . Franlt Woodii h'H Ihu eouilly M npllnl yen- _ turilay.

, ifiro rcm —W. L. (.Mnlner of ftoj;- i rmin ban -heon dlfichunted from Ihu enumV hniipina ufler rero?erlni; from bl^ lllHonii. '________________

Foreign P a t r ^ t t• Tho ekb l iiipii Ilf forelL'»-(>lr(ii who •iljini-il till- fedornl (VinMltnilim ui-re «

'> ;itifiili:e 'nerri\’wlii7\^M"TOrii liwKmt- li.t.d:-Km nci«- I«-wla. Wi'Jlm-.- Uel-.-rt -•-

.Hi.‘0 -b .'.K iii:b iflil;-Jum m _Sm L l]i._ ln i._ tuna-. Mailtii-«r. Tlmhtlon. irelnnd; tl.-<iri;e.Taylnr. fri'litiid; Tniiu-« Wll«un. Sentliinii; Jolm WU^^mpnnn. Hcotlnnd.

T h en H e IF o t^ n d th e CatWVve nll helirii atmut Itie nlinenl-

nitmlMl profMKnr who pnureil iiin dtnip ilean liN biiek imdrake, but tho nne tlmt wnrrieM un lli the nnn who pnureii ratHUii oil lili

' . a t \ - h b . . .

T M E A T R E S >

M ir.U i IIANCK K K V IK W if ^• V THK U>A11() KltlllAV .NHJIIT

a O ^ a p u c la i uddud nilracllon to tbi2. . ^ : t i i r o . {trnRrain n l the Idaho ihenir?) next Fridny nlRht. SlumiBer Jnu-K /nnnonncen thut bo ha* eon- inicled wllh .Mb*» lle llm ' Cutior. thv dapclnR inniruclor. In ii'rpscui br.r local dancing clou* in a dance - fevup. Mlnn Cutior w ho hnll* from Now York , clly, but l'n now located nt hurley, eumo to Twin l-'^lia laHl aprlUK ami proHonioii bor Hurley dnnclng. clnas in o itoncu rcvuu, n l - which time uo mnny of Ibo -T w in , Kiill" iiiircnm w e r o ^ o Impreaaed with ber work ihnl nho wn» aollcll- cd in romo to thin clly wUh ilie

J o c - K S a y a :

« I t i s n 't .w b o ro y o u a ta r i, coun ta . M nny a lo w ly co u n tr] o th e rs p o s s c u in s o i l tb o ad v an tj

\ hovtj fa iled .

| g l a i . M T i O )---------- L A B T T IM B a

V A U D E V I L L E y A r F r e e m a n ’s C o m e d i a n s -

P O L A N E G R I i n “ I\........... - ......................... ... . . . — A N I

-------Q g r - G a n g - € o m e d y =

— S T A R T I N G T

T H E F A V V A K l

■With 0. D U tinffb ish(


------T h e T a l e ; <; B y W ilU a m

f ' ^ a y . n i c

D A N O IM a

^ g D A N O IN O -------P * A :O J — i N - i i D i i - M o r a a c K

l ' - ' ■ • >. y E S D A T , . A u n c s '] ; ; '

Idon of atnrilnj? a duaa. V b i» c u i- li-r catni/horir olghl weeks uro n ihl-v .sUirtod.-rlKhi» In . umchlnft a claan.. wblch nho. Imd to liuill to 3&. Tho ehltdron tinxo .had .1C 'leaauun nnd il In' wondurful w hal time nnd pa- lipneo Iiiivo ai-complUhwl. Tbo. r o - ^ vtio wit'.’ hc pri-ie.nitud ]ii*t onco nnd ll Ih ndvlnuhle lo be ul Ihn ihonlro onrly In order, (o oblniy n cood aenl. Th'j fixiltire picture ia to bo Uiinlcr Keaion In "Shvrtock J r ."

Dad ;eet treated, palnlei*. ^ S,MtOn 8 t rhune H il__________ ,


' Valves Faced 7Bc per Set

Stopkon Oyl. Grind. Oo.

.HT()I{K.S T A N ^ T HKM, TIlK.SK..Mimt ihlntin lhal.. men i\it o r wi-nr j

rnn bo boilKhl al Rloreii, When.KOoda 'aro liouKlil llmt wny Ihey travirl ,throimli nian^ halld^. wti>;h nre the f9Hory. wnrphoiinen, w holmatn bniinen, • - • retail •Mtoren-ami fliinliy to die c o n - \ - Kuiner. i:ach of ih.-Ko tnuat h n v '- j^(heir pcreentaKe ot profit, and liJ V f (he time* (hu KoodN rcueb ihu counum- ' 1 i - r 'f r i r 7 'l t l ir i^ n iili r . '"v n li i6 'o i ^ o o 1expJ^ilvc. AlthouKh-one ihinK ean- j5ioi- l>c nhtirtiird from, iitorin 'and th iif; ' ; la tbu Comer Aliweatber Overcoat. |vriilch.conien dlreel from Ihe.faclA ry :and -111 thn ' InrKi'iK eoinpnny of Kn |kind In Ihc world. P rlcrn havo tieen- IClli. See C. G. llnvemi, : i! l Dilil ’ I i-lreet, Konib Park. /

^ F p o i r ^ !E ver t ry S h m ld e d W h ea t— topped w ith d ie n l peachcj o r. 'o th e r fru iti? . |

Y ou’ll enjoy i t th li«um i9 c r . . N . - f o r n n v m e a l o f t h e d a v . l t ‘a ^ligh t, bu t full o f n o u riih m e n t.I t ’t j i u t th e c risp w holcM m e ifood yourayitettt is ca llingfbr.

-I, b u t whoro you- finish tb a t ntrjA lad haa woji fame w here antoges tha t wealth can s ttp p l^


£ K iddlek.....................l i o ■3 A dtU U '............300, 4 0 j ^

IS TONIOHT---------

A N D P I C T U R E S n s - 3 B ig D e L u x e A c t s “ M O N T M A R T R E ”IHD— ' . M

l y = f e ^ N e w « - W e d { l i r — '

T O M O R R O W — r - ;


ished Oast J iie la d ia g - .


am J . Locke !■, . .

H IO H T ;^ONLY—i ^ s E ^ i n k d m ^ ^ F A L L S ^ — - NO CLASS ■ 'BANOINd -N Y M PH 8' - i f f H TS.JW ^ANCELAin)> ■ -----------------

/ ■ •

T r i ':K n . \Y , A i - r i r s T m \ .

B n s i n e s s D i r e c t o i ; ;

A t t o r n e y s •

PO nT E R — W rniA M , L aw ron . OTor - ClM Qook 6ior«.

O. C. H A U >- O v c r C lw Dook Store.

.Jam es R. BoUivrull — O rr Chnpmui U OTnW liLL & CIIAl'MAN ,

Wood* Dlila. nooma B, 0. 7. H. 9 .1 0

-SWEKLBY A SWUICU'Y—AtfomejB I"' F i rs t N stlo iu l Uank UuilOlDg. rl

ASHER .< ir^ \V lL S 0 N -0 m 6 # i F ln il |1

S h o e R e p a i i i n g ' it

'B L U t^ S H D B UiCfAIKINO, up-to- it Uato 'Kortiii-rly I 'cicni Uron.

___ Beat worli. nintcrlnlii. nliucn^ ..........." " t y parccrfl [h-hi. wii poy-'-tfouluKt',* f

IZ l Bhonbono South.______________. ROYAL, a u o i : UEPAlIl SHOPS—F. 'I

Mcrerg. Prop. 130 Scconn BL E. nod 217 vMaIii onnt. Twin Knlls. Ida- >'

• bo. Wo uIbo c iirrynfiw bIiocb. 'IllTWIN FALI.^ SUOB REPAJItlNO «

^ —Q u*lllj mnlorlalB. Priciat tUo brBi. ,, • W a ll work Kunriintocd. 132 Waat Slio* ,

' iHonc SL Phono 88?._______________ [_ _ _ : : T r a n s T w ”

----------------OftOZIBIl- -THAN9PBK -COMPANY—Phono 8i8. Storago and cratlOB. *'

McNlCHOLS T R A N B reir*ft *BT6r - '!AOE CO.—CarbBBO h&uled dallr.

. Vhoap 200._________ ■ •

WARBERO TRANBPl^R & STORAGE $ CO.—Storaso tn d special carload i

• thlpm enta tb California.^hono U S. c

’ • ^ . B l a c k a m i t h i n g I

DLAGKSMITn — MACmNB S H O P ^ ! Blackimlthlnff, Bbllarroaklng. Weld-

_____________L“lL,M achinl«tt. jD ila K -W flrJO to a i :u fiolur*r». B uppllu p t a ll kinds. K roncel Machine Co. -Aiionta to r . A ultm an-Tajio r M a e h l n e r r C a Pbono 2301. - SI0-i30 2od South.

------------------Z—'.‘ , ' 1 - , . —•_____ i -.z:.-.' . I______ _________: . _ _ C m r o p r a c t u r 3 ____, ___ i

. ____> D a . . G. t E L F o n n — m n E L i i a h h '■-XhlTOpradori n

118 Main North. - Phono 184-w. , CallB aUcndod day o r oJehl.

DR: a C. WYACT ,Q itropraetor. '

IS l 8rd A^b. No. Ottlcft Phono «87 '

P h y s i c i a i i a '

■ DR. ntn*A C. BAVTTER '

’ U JL*I**^ud^j” u c » f ^uriuing- ’ Phono I MO-w Rea 1C40-J <

^ M i s c e l l a n e o u s

■ TW IN J-ALI^a JUNK nOOBR—Mot- [ a n . Rubber, n idoa. PelU aail Pur*. •

to p ro re d Ulolhoda o t CTLIN- . ■ r 'O M AWOtgftANKiBHAW! ORINO- . > JNO.- Lawreoco->M#eh*no-Work*.

I t l T h ird lirc n u e w e t t Phono 73. \

, rAiHTEHS B b rp n is 1F o r Sale—Palnla. Dlls, Muroaco. ,

Kalaomtno la bu lk : Doe Buppllea, | B e rry box«o,' A nto WJndahlold*. Plato .and Wlojlow Olaaa and Wall Paper. Moott'a Shop. __________________

■ -D iB ra P U C B . '' Now and . accond hand c lothlns bobgbt and told. 80B S ou th '^ oahono

ELKHORN CREAM STATION. " s M Main B o u lt Tw»< Phons 1548. Sco tu betoro nollliie cream ,' poul-

- t r r l o r o j i t i 'T cB . wo come ou t.n t- te r your pooMry. Chaa. Underwood.

P lrtn* for band palDi«Hi chtna. 880 . 8rtf_oorth. Phone IBM.

F I M T CLASS SASDIiB nOBSBfl F o r k lre, fo r ventiem ea q tf 'U .

<!««. H o n e i Home. S e e o s M v t. Soalk.

BAILBOAlt TQtK l i B l i S ’ B u tb o o sd ■

N a 189 -------------Depart 7:60 a. m.

f c i = : S ! . : S g £ £-;; ' Vortbbouoii'•* No. » « 0 , , ■ 4:86 p. ta .

' Boffenon Draocb TralnaSontbb«nod

Na | t 9 Itopar t 1110 ^ a .

^ E v o l i i t i o i i I s U p .

B e f o r e E d u c a t i o n

B o a r d i r i C a l i f o r n i a

^ « « a n d in * . ^ Iho evolution Uioory In C a llto ra la 'i public schools U atlll

. very mach~ln doubL . I ts tnie may bo «onoBnca&r>jal«V'104lay by the sta te board ot education.

Foltowjap looK and moro or less heated *rfumbnU,,-moetly, by mlnis-

.. ter* 6 t oppoeiog belletsVo'esierday atlernoon,-the board w ent-Inlo secret

- MMlon lost n lsb t bBt ibrlTed a t . Do decfiilon.‘'. 'A c tln c .'o n a w rl tlo n jp le a from

, ' n w .“ W orgo . U 'Tbbrpb*'of~CorO Ta,; 'm inister* o t thn tnndi^en tiU lst

Kroup urRod-the board t o ' r u t qut -O t tito::i(abUo-eohoor tjrstant’a ll - t ^

bookiiiA eblD if on the,Dti^wlnian or ' *: k lttdred;lt£eeri«a- THo d e b :^ wa>

___________ led OR.tUl« .Ido fcT Jlor- E . E. V a » .Bacramento';' R er. - B .' 6 . ^Dallenxer.

^ — I—S eventh-D ay j^T w itls t ^ r e b . Rl»^

mento,' and F._D .'N Icbole, editor ot; an.A tf»*D niT*publlcalloh.-'................^ Ob tho other tide oC the argn- ---•moftirrKoMb* U ia t-th o r.lheoriea ' o r

• » c lo n w '. '* ro —^ U r e l r “ 'Tecoocnahl«' wlth.:bthlleai doctnloes, were Rer. R.

’ F. '^ T e n s , U nitarian ohiTrch. Berk- -------- — -clay-^RBT^ & UL—W arner. antf^ltoT.-

r~ * ^ B e M f * l5 t m t^ ^ ^ ? * s t i e B ^ j»t " th e N local jun io r., co llege..........................

: . , H e ljr^ a n te d I‘ M.\N, ciipriii'tlr nnil rrllnlili', wniili'ct , tor fnclory n'i>roiiriiintlv<' (o biimltn n |im r btl llu•.■l;1 In Twin Kallii illi.lrkl; (,

Iiiiniiniiiit (tii|iorliiiiliy. wilb furimic fo rio rUbL " r fi'l)!!''! n n - |- j i c f < : wrlio fully Syncru Mciiorm (Nl., Ilniili- rrcc'l(. Mil'll, _______^

BAUOBMAIwExcepiJorial opportun­ity. Iliiiitiun!' carulnr;n bln. \Vrllo

- .McClccry Calendar Faclary, W ash- ii- Inrtoir, la. • • h i 'sau ;.sT T ;0P I.!^ "waNTKD — Thor- u o iiK lilr'rxprrln icril-tin -in -dair 'fta lrn -- “

«<)iimu fcir woiiitnii ri'iiily In w m r ~ iili>i> niilrninnn wKIi iilillliy lor iiiciih

c-liilhlilK. Alil’Ilcuiil» niiiiit 111! pioil ilr- iniriiui'iil I'lfcjiidvi'H ('!i|ialilf of pro-, ilucliii: viilnmii bunlii.'nii. SluiuN'Xix r-

- iuucL-..,,ri;fLKntc!i. nml. iialary. \wiiir<l,' iilvhii: Cull jiuiilculiini l u '

" firm l<‘l« ‘r. A'l<ti'('.'i» l!ox ir,H, .V'liiiiim. iIclnlio, ' i

- -W A N T K l» -ny «c'pi.-ni1icT f lm tr -n i inlclcMo ni:.'cl c.r .'Idcrly Indy 16 lin-|.' Ijoxuiii—tu c -1111121,- 'Ifu a u il. iiuO' - cJilIU J Onrltii: tin- kcUdoI yn ir. Wrilc nr I’nII" (in Mni. Jny W. ('.rr<'n, lloniiUcr, Mj.

'• TAlI.OItlXd ACiD.NT.H 'ro concl men wniitvil, wli’j cnn rnrti ■

E $&0 wi'i'kly Iiml up. Oar Iiuu' ccn- d inInn 2i!0 biK value nil wool fnbrlcn >'

lo retail a t $25 to $I7.CU for.Bultn nnd - ovrrcontn. - Your profit IS to J9.E0 lu ' nclvnney. Ul/r C-xO /r«’a(cli nllffit fn'o. llc-fcrcnci'S rodiilrod. R. H. Huimcll,

I ,MKr., Ilox 11)37, CblcnKO, • ^

*■ NiRbt work wnrili'cl by rcllnbln coui- oc tca l jnunrjunrrkiLuian.-Q ixraK K or

_ bookii;-tuij')^t;-..\'daru»«.X-J'lmefc-----

S _l,\VA.VrEi^W orls: on. tarifl b y ju u u u l nKccl m an; would prefer Jnb by tbo

'■ niontli. J . J. Mnck, 'IV ln ralln Uooiiin.

\YOMAN wniiln work in' cquulry. 1.,, caro TlnioH, . , ^

- For Sale Real Estate" ‘■!'W"SXl'.P;=Si:~afrcS"'lin3 lnTiTK

Hubl,.Cooil bouHP. liam , r tf . Cn;iii|'l<T “ Trficix rciri/is'AuKi'ii'n ' iifftiaPiy. 3 : i :w 'J COtll St.. 1,011 AUK(l|t'H.

FARM FOR SAI.K—12 ncrrs, worlil Invontlcntlon, bulf uiMn wrni of Kliu-

I- bcrly. I„ A. .Scbock.*. " - ' ■

FOR S A I.E -40 acre dairy farm-and I- 40 aero orchard land. Pliotio G17R3,

». FOR BALI!—80 ncrcs pood land.. no.oo an acre, own walnr rlsh l, kooiI ” hoiiBo nnd bam ou plnee. 36 ocrca

clunrocl nnd In crop. Will lako c a r an pa rt payment nnd ^ m atl'a n io iin t> n t

*■ cnnb linlnnce, 'tcrinn aa iiucdud.- Ad- (Ircnn Ilox H. care Tlmcn. •

- . For Rent .^ FOR IlKNT—Fur'nlnhfcl rnnm for

hoUMi'kwiitnfc. dowuntalrH. P b o j iu _ <l!l-W. 459 Srcond jvcnuc nortli.

8* n^A R D AND HOO.M—Oood board. ,1 comforutblo roornn for 3 or 4 Indicii,[ . In m ortem .cleclric b jnted home, four J , lilockn trom biftii i . blockn—' troiu DIckcl. Inuulro a t &17-'4lh ave- SO nue eaat, ■.- t FOR RE.ST—1-iKbt boimekcepinB I room clone In. Phono '83G. 4G0 Scc- , ond norlb.

FOR KKNT- Iliioiu for line or two I pMpl>'. nlfio board. Cloao Jn. SIS-2nd

“ avenuo. nortli.

•Uoard nnd m ru ro i^ l lU rc n . Call Tlmca for addrr.in. ^

^ FOR licN T—W nler In T ^ln Falls Sl. Canal system. H. 3 . Dcala, Twin

Fallo. ______________________

a- FOR R K N T -5 room house on Sixth ^ avenue o u L Phone 78SJ.

. , I-OR R E N T -l-teh t housekeeping and alooping 'room s. 223 Clh avenue

..................... '^ FOR REN T-Honskoeplng apart­

ments, cocnpletelr (umlabed tor light ' houaokecplog. one. two and three

• rooma close ln.*»nd low ra te ^ by a week o r m onth. The Oxtord,'^ 188 "MaalhNr-

’T O T “ nENT"— r ^ ^ ^ u r n B B e f f ,, apartm ent, reasonable Bungalow

A i^ -O th atreei and Second avetiae

10 ------- '■ - -------“ J A I S E S M A N ,$ a m - ^ly

0 , , A d UWE. t o GLT l\" F t PICTURE. FOR

tn L1TTI.E, FEllO vJ, PIE «.l ‘ .........■'X •

i i T j a i pr. — - "i j


z : Z 1 - :10 ^ '


CFor Sale-Miscellaneoua

cl IH) Iti^AI.K—Al a liiiri-.nln 4 mom " luiidorn lic)U«''. Ilaiiy tcriiiii, l.ciivlni;: t<iwu._ Munt ll.'ll nt I'lni-o, 1‘bone Zi'W

-,|i KOlt SAI.1J, — (inU iinl/i.l lii^ i Call . n f SU5 I'ourtli nviuiit t

1. — I10 KOlt .SA t.i;-Tw o .Vci, 1 inlllc cowm;1- nlno ciwiil drlvIni: Imriio nnd lop

tinsKj-. fnr nnle or trad i’ nn irniid " Kor.l, K, Atlll.'.r. two lullrii niiiili

utuL l,l;:LjullMi-\YvaL.uLCui:ry._____

•r l'-i)lt S A l,i :-T w o buiniT I 'lm ric i« Hi(»v.', I'lioiio li: i lJ .

r . ‘ All l;liichi nf bounclinid furnlltirc.[.y ^Inrhnlllii;. i-l'rolrli: nill}:r, rt.V^i Ir [„ I ' iiu>'i'[ii't'. blind piiluli'd illnlii - new- |„ , lui; nm.lilii.'. iIiik 'I m nli.i:. iiiod.'l. i• I iiood rUKii. fn l l -Iniw.

■"Ft')U Il'c.VT- Modorn liuniTn’lo '^ rIU! . l^iiM,______i i iM ' •_____________

MriiiiiMiold l-Hiinlluri< Kor .S n lr- lln lf uUlc- \v.-!it of Klnibcrlj', I., AJ■Sc:lioi'li. _________

n- I''U^SAM ;--i:ifclrli; raur.o und lur*CII uli'iiro, rc'iuiunublu. I’bonu 237W ur:id STfiV'-_________ f .

Will 111')) my .iiroc-.-ry iitoclt nnd flx-I,' lu n .......c u t ilio bulldiiiK. I t u lll pny

’ you In In o k ,It ovrr. If you bnvii 'tlic ^ <Tiidi. Am forccd to I(tnvi> on nccnunl— nf iu i lifntin:— Tt:nnD'74j^'r*t;tncolir

«ro ., 55;: 5lh avcnuo nortb.

For rriiln anft poloto. itnclia. Wp bnvr ilii.’ui. Buy. wbcro you canVvvu

__ imim'^C ^ . 'Tirindlo^gV ^ffO u'iT 'av;-: mil- Iiorlli, Do* 751. Phone COOW.

[|^ *~roluniMu C ra^’noln^and'V’eiwcliTfS' snlo clienp. 3G1 Sih avenuo uortli. Plione 1557.'

Ilay, Kravcl ;»nil nand dollvi-rnl any _ place In ili'» clly. Team work of all JJ kinds. WanbliiKlon Bam. PbAie 307. -

— __ FOR SAI-lV-Blnkj. lavatorlci!,' an- __ t>nn ni)iTier hoie, C»fl —

canvas hono. Idabo Jtink House.

'» B0 u» ° ° ° IT

_ Ft>irH ,V T ,K ^,uiiibi'^ ynrd. Mrllc '(I, lo ClUii nx I.um lc r Co., M'eIN, Nrv. r,

~~FOIl HAt.lT^lOOO KBllnr.' Kowanna ' proii3uro tank uuvcr bccu unod. I'hooo f'

nd ______________________________ 'l: W anted-Hiscellaneo\^

WANTKD—To pool o r nban\ cnr to »>•ea Kanaaa C l i ^ U A^'Hcliock, Klmliorly. j

n( WANTKI>—SiTOiid band rcapnr: . k(i. DfcrlnK preferred. Wlll pay canb.

— in CASKS of c‘i;kh wanted earli d wei>k for ciuili: Kil Vwici-, Publlo C

_ .Miirk.-t,- i

for , \VANTI:D—Your crpam. rsHn and ®11 u poultry. .Mutual Cntm icry. 221! Sbo-

nbone wcni. C

AVANTKD—All kinds of frulln and ;.,i[ vesolabk-n In mnatl o r la rro lolii for . lur tho .R . I t ,c a m p s and hooiu trailo. lhi •lin Vnnco. Public Market. • r

WANTED—ilscfl tum llu re and n iss . ”__ W lll pay casb . Phono 40C. A U,

Vincent Co.

« - W AN TEI>-A t once for caah. used Ford cars. Phone 147W. J. B. While

— CO. 333 Main E.wo — ' —- ------------------------------------------nd All rnbt>or case Fnrd-nizn b.-itlerlei,

8IC,H5. At Ihn ProH t'O 'M lo. lliiltery— Station. 325 Bhosbonu SI. Bo. Pboao . u ll C9 ______ _____________________”

— FOR SA L B ^P ala i ana kalsomlue ' lls to r painting and kalsomlnlng. Pbohe ' rin i. - Moon‘« Sbap.___________________ 1

Miscellaneous i• . «V4 PE R CENT »»0:«:T rO R FARM i

LOANS—Gan got you ,iho money la >^ ton daya trom date o t application, a , : - A . RoblniQO. .

ru Livestock and- Poultry ‘[ h t ---------------------------------------------------- i '•ee .W A N T E D -T cn carloads of poultry, i by J. A. Flynn. .P b o n a 702W. «

' FOR SA T.^-^Reglstor^ Duroc sow. | ^ o r to Dut out on shares. PlioneJSSW.

>w FOR SA LB-RegU terotl boar, have' ao papeea. M mllo east on Addison and -*

\ i mile soulh. Phone 6S3J3. ^ c






M U ^ L A iE ^ 'o C K Ca n D - 7 'i B o o k s -FOLDJN& A L u n a Y s


J U J r T O J 1 - * ^ HOftseiiv > • w m iw 0>

SFCET_____■ S f e

■------- r -A U H T . S A R A H P S A B O ^

? F O R T ' e S U P P R E S S lO ^------ i A ~ B o 5 r ‘C d N T A lN ;M < i ^


I * ____ _

; To Tradei FOR SAI,E OR TltADK fnr acro-*• hit :-. l i i r Tontiiimrpr2;rflttrTn7!i. ■ - ■ -

I* TO TKADK—ll-ro.)ln boii'ir, -nr- •rnnited lu four ni':i«liiu nti': ro<nl In- ,

J enm.-, P rlro I'Goo, S;iii l»li';;<i, Cal,7 'D for luimil farm m u r Twin i'allii. l.ln- '

ll.)- Adrtr.-iiB 100 WnnUlni:ion-N.

• KOR S A U : 0^1 .TRACli:-Kor li. r t: iinm.i nooil cci»*, ,’ ftlno onn ymritnj: i

n ni'ute. Pliono ri'IS-R2. i

For Sale-AutonwHjfles .: _____________ ___________ . _ ■, I

FOU S A l.n-T ourlnfr rnr. G rylin-II (fer, run 8000 inllcii. A I>ur);nin. I'iioiiu '0 C8. - .__________ _______________.

Ofto ton OldKioobllo truck fur ualo.,1 Sea IGS lOlb ntvniiv .'hnt,. '

For "Pop" see "Stop,*! tLe C}i(nder iOrlodor. 147, Sucond avenue north. ;

; Lost and Found>1 1.0ST— Urown shepbord dos. nhlr- ' re.|. Rnwunl. mllo no rlb 'aud '4* mllo east of W.uhlnRton xebnol,

' Men Solons Insiston Smoking: a t Meet!:

* l,ONI)ON. A'lR, r,.—Womnn'« mtff- :■ 'ersRO inii'C a.i popular In llm (nivn'• of llnntlMES Ki H'linpd 10 ,110, And ! >" nil bcc-nuM Ilf . so iilnipb’ n ninit.T ® as n clnnreltff. ;

• Tbo . Ilnnlln;;! town cnnncll lia lg been In iiotiiiloii tn r tlv.i iinlld t»oiir». J e wrnHtllnK' witli: some wclsjity pruli'.

1cm. an .l men miimt)C|;!i woro fnm- i ~ l»h-d for n rnnoke. Bcvcrnl uipm-

bor» li^il Btaried to smoke—.in they■ Jlo t'sforo w.imeii boi’niiic1 mpmuera n( ilie council—bul .lUoy ( ^ had liecn ilcippocl Iijt tlio d"iiuiy !

mnyor, MLin AbnRSlI Uio. Tben I _ a : man monibi'r: moved to a/nond ihn <* ruled, 00 as to n llow ' smokltiR. The 1

motion prernilod by a mnxcullno 1' majority, but tho deputy mnyor<'Ks i

coDtlnued to refuiie her pernilmlon. I■ TIioA’ a mall moved Qini tlw meet-* In g . adjourn—and 't h e niun'n volo (1. r-rrln,t ihat .wlAllnfl l w< nmi HVITV- J

hotly w ent home, the' mnnlcipal biinl- ) i uufln isbod-bu t. .onyho»\ thoy i^ c o u ld smoke. . . . ■ 1

* Sam Says—“T

LL Q£- X'M AmWO , J ^ NTH1NG ^RrfftNcrmeR • vjiul do -ICTVlRE. BOOK I M > A s _ ^TORE. --a^TT^ r ^ 7,/— ^ • ■

n C3 t


g g g B i i B< .SPELLINS (wow PAR f ffU C K E es ( WILL Y E R • T l'SB CR £A M 1 HORSe <30 V h

ow A O o h t i r V

C>Y^EAT)>fe S j ^ i c r t .ION -OP P IPE S WCKIM^. F0IJNI>

c o r n 'x o b P iP .es " STORE -ro -

(iKAI> ItVVIKM, ll.' (.'IMCAdO. Atii:, - ih ; iv y ' rcn li i- 'n

_ ln t In nniic-liiiitlun of ;i tuiiN'iii cnv-, n '[ iTiiMi.nl rc'porl III 1H' iMMinl T hiirn .jii

day. iDoli Iba cdr.e oft Oir I'.rnliiii j ' i _ anil broiiKhl n lower f.iiiMi': I.11i(.'inl lii'dKliii: iir.murif utiil prnt- 1 j; ll ^ull-n uud wllb liii}tiii; imwrr nnil

no njTliri'Kilvn tirnhi' wliiat pffC'K. I .s " Winnliiri; nnd .MInnrj|ioll« ' nll|ipfil | ,s S "ff. boili mnrki'in fultlni: to ictli'ci • bl.irk nml l;i1k, 5

Corn -;i>i.-d <-rr v.liu «i^',ii. Iow.t u I'linb iirli'.'ii nnd f.imr.ililo i;row4iut, m

wi':itller, ' i ll‘ A nympiiiht!il« dip w.i:i jiuuln In I {

ciniK, UVutlier wn.i rrcnrdi'il ;iiil.' - Idrni fur .ti‘Vctoiim.-iit nf tlie crop J I mill lu, Komii xrctKinn'Iurvi;:itliiR w:,ri i

r-'i'cirti'il iiniltT w,ny. • v1’rnvli.ionH f.'ll Hie i!ft.'rl:i cif l.)W- I

IT Krainii nnd niii;>:>'d ntt, v7 Opon- lllllli, l.'iw. Clcmn,i WIIKAT—

.‘••c.i-t.......... 132% 'i : : : '- . ii'i . 12h'.;. H it,. .......130 -inn i:: :. 122U,

May ....... 1111 1 140% i:i7’ |:i7%l■ CCfH.V- i J*

! tls .-p t. ..... iir-'.i lir .! ; ii:’',i 11:1 |viJcc- '. .... inr,»i It.i;u iw.y. lo i i s t

r. M*y . . . ioi5->i .1'1‘i i- l.'i4>i;vn 0-\TS— lld si'jit. r,ii»; r.i>; vj in'-; «r iii'c ........... r.t',; r,iv, r.iTt h

M;cy .. .... - c n or,'/i : i i ; g iv ; ti I I.AllD—

». S rp i............ 1400, nun i;;r.7 137« ,ltllJ.S— ..................

I- h i ' p i . N o i n l i i n l 1 2 3 j.i,. ----------- ;b,y CHU’A«!(I l.IV KST»rK . 'k10 CIIICAUO, Ann, S.-H iiM — Htv- u ly i-«ipln Iti.uoii; innil^i'l 2r>c mi; lu|i. II y $10.cri; bulk ,» r mi'i'n. fU.<)H0.2G: s n heavy wolKbt ' $M,mKirlO-4n: incdiuiu « in welitht »l().sri1?l*.«r.: llnhi w^lRbt.- v 10 ir>.'joi;{>io.cs; ukui hkiuo, I9'1go i> 10 10,3C; packing Kniuutb }H,SO7;0.2G;■n pucklns. rough, tS.4n&S.!lD; nliiugli- 11 :|. (Jr ptRi IS.C0«2D.G0. ' $1- Cattlo — S teers (1100 poiimlt up) II 0 choico und prime SI0,8liIfll.7C: good a

J2JIJiaU :jn i.n llum JL iO Jirilh jilo ,Jlum i I- »7.2GeiO: c o in n iw i-» t^ 0 7 .4 » ; bolf- y ur», Rood and cK-Jlto mOlO; common 1

medium . <<.C0P8; cows, good and <

‘They’re Even Funnier”

■\ s o THERE'S ) 3USt ' s -SSOWE'FUNMV - /W T > l’ Cl£n>

✓ PICTURE, ' m ;iArt3ME.MT


Is i r i c e 1 p u tTHEM ROBBErit NTIRE’S ON ^ if;

\p'< ^ ‘'^y [}'/'Ttol)S«y-A UN T) _______ 1'

J \SftRAH 'S / / f f io ^ n o - ] S«C 11 ’ WRECKIAJ HE«Rt.W ILl . I

PUT * n r ij■:ji WK . d


^ S r f F i f e / ^ ■ 'M \ HCME I I

_____ I

• ■. ~ ' ' :

ir/ni«»iM, IVM.br ?<l> .Vt^vr. 111#.! )

jcholcc. Sr>.7:ifS; •e^'iiinum nnd„’ni.'.

T j r ^ i l i ; Vi^TiWi'^fmiT-"j:T.7r,Tf7'.MiT;iiti'iTri. c-o.iSiion chiiln- Jl.r.llWS.^r..]■ SliU'i;— iliiiiliri. n ifa inn r'pnm n ts r I i.ouiul:i dinvnl. }ll.r,ii<-ii IJ; l Ull cnm.

t- m.m. •all wuIkIiIh, }s,;;r.!i/.l 1.M>; cnn- '•-IiiiT.'. :inil ciiIlH J l^ r i ; .'w.'n, com- i-jiiKin t» rbnk'n . liXji 7.Tr>; fi'udluK il j'iiiiili-, riiiujii iitoi'U, Jll((ii:!.

t - ! CHM AliO (’AMI (iltAIN. ill) f.niCAiiO, •HI;, Auk. O ^W hual —K.I.Vi,. 1 rod ri.a;i; .Vo. rvd. $l,:i2; '•i|.s'o . 2 iinrd $i,;iii>i(iri,:i]^,

Oaln—rilVjiiri<L-; .No. 4 *lilti' 521^ iil.U", niancliir.l GO'.AQf.Mc,

T fiirn Nn. 1 yrltow J l . i n 'i ; No. ''1^2 y.-l1-iw J l . I f i^ iS r l .n 'i ; .Nn. 3 y.d-

ito\v Jl.ir.'ii 1.17; No. •! y.'llow 11.ir . n ff?i,i7; Nil, 4 yplinu- tt.ir.ffM .in’j : 'iil.Nn. r. y.'llnw j l .M H : Nn. fi yellow 'P , Jt,i:i'.4V1.t:*‘4- 4 m lxnl. II HJi'i l 1,141; ; .Nb. C mUi'd ll '1 2 H ; -N'n- n

wlillo n .in ifr i,iV .'i ; -fcn,—^ w i.itr. V. »1-1E; NO' G ubllK J l.M ; No,, fl

wliile l l . l . t 'i ,.„, Tlnintl.y—Jf..2r.1iK,-jr,,


i ^ ________ wool..\ \ linS'i'DN, Mun-.,. A_UC. f..--Tli.' m ar-

] ket IidIiJk'V 'Ty-fileii.ly wllli n raro' jvo lum e-nf bunlnnnK In wool. Sumo

s tbrc-e-rlKlilbK ldnn<l wonlii wlilrb Jast ; wo..k ixitd 111 ifH- un.l 4UO am now Ill'll! nl 47.' In .Rreniie. Klnn Htaiiln

^ wool* nllll rnuK.' fr.ini ll.3r. to 11,40 Ti, bill till' Imik cjf lliln wool luoven ut' •A tbo |1.::g lovol.

:n KA>^AK riT Y i ,iv »:.sT(»c k .K.\-VSAS c i t y . Mo.. Auk, t,_—Cul-

15 lie—llerolptn I.I.OUO; riav.-H ;iriUO; 'linldover cnillo 7521; nuu}<et slow; 'k illing (jualliy «omewhnt Improved;

iv-junderlonfl w eak; strlcOy cbcilce yrnr- li. ling- Bloorn nvflrngo 822 poundn lo S; small packers u t »11,60; cnlvirn m mostly nUmdy: practical top flobl it.' veabi $R; stookurH and feeders, alow;0 best Kansas feeder* early IH.60,;; HoK» — Receipts. tOoO; shipper 1- mnrkul mostly 2Gc'*n»li:her; tcfp.• $10.30: bulk desirable lKO-270 pound 1) llveral. ovor Jt0®10.25; packers In- Id active; few packing sows a t IS.2G m fiS.GK; i l ock |ilB» 30iQ35c'TBW»r. ^ t- Bheeii — Iteceipts. C560; lambs. Ill slow, about steady: Colorndoo, 118.25 Id e J 3 J 0 ; early top natives <12-75:

STEP WER 'N M HOJ ftOOOT “ft ^£mtlM6 «PT V COPY OF OCIVVP L M T-TnilN K \ 5TV\.E.-Q00V^ IX NOU U P - - -

^A G i3 p m J .


•!;iii-.iv-\vi,oi,:.nii-, b i'ii ..............J8.ni;Sili;,u-—Wliidc null', < iin.; ....... ....... }I(,X3jCrcum r n ro n , . --------------------- ------ JQo

— ■.t.ii iiu '', 1iiiii.li. c'lil.............. ..........17^6

I N.'W i-alilp;ii:i-. Ill------ ---------------------- 80i.'nrroUi, m w _______________ _ _ _ 10oiH.'I'I''’, nc’W ..................... ..................... 10a.Turuliia..iiow.----------------------------- _ 10* .........-llK^lliiIii-n. 2, liuiicbes IC"[i’c^puro. tb,, calr _______________ 2C0iHrcnil ________________________ lOoTurkcyn. drnwp ________________ 28aI’ork Buunncu 11T-lIono MtrttU - • ' "K"Slrlola Btunk ' . .Ham, nllci'd

iPork c l io p i_________________ lC©22alljim b c b n p n ___________ L _ 2 6 0 i3 B oH.'ni.' ___ ___________________;__ 8O0Hound n tc B k ___________________ 20omc o n — ^ I 2 t p 3 0 o ' • nnroo, f ille d ___________________ 40o

- Ilniu ...................................... — ,810 .. -iirV l.N d PRICK.H

W ll,at. No. 1, II..r .-,W( Jl.P.H '1liiii:i Sc;Hti-i-ni ........................................... <{tS<S---------

• Cnw:' - .................--------------------- a# 4 oC a lv i 'H __________ll.-nn- •.......................................- ; , .-^ _ I3 cMultotlI-iniliii ......................................■■Spyjnc' cb lc lii 'n ii..... ........... ■ _ 20o

PRODUCfclliillirfnl. nt f.Ti-lnry ............... -,-_i"5Q

.................................!................. 2,1c- 1:1:1:”- ...... ....... .......... •-....... - ..... J Ofl______

lU-a clov.'r, No- 1 ____________ *18,00Alfalfa .No, I ---------------------------n7JldAlslkii clov.’r No, 1Iteaas. No. 1 _ _ .«4.tiOC«.7» •

-li.-.-I. ii.'ilv.-; •ruHv-t«l»-ndy; »l-.l-WKlh--------------• -.T— JKTn;—ToITTir Cu-riienl' |S .r.o V "’

C«lor.^dn cw.':i J7.----- -T

I iii<-,v4;<) 'P i t t iD rc i : .CHICAIK). AUK 5 ,- llu ll tfr — Uo-

^ v 'l iiu cri.MimTy 35V ic:-B inn .-.- danln. :ir.‘ic : tlr.'ils 33(b’3J>in:: Boc-

uliiU 31U!iil!2i;.i'i‘ l-itKH — 11.‘<:mIi>ik ifi,714; ordinaryoT ■Jii-.l 2i;>.s>T7lf"t»'27(n’2Mr------------ ------------------

rill'.'Ill- - - 'I'wiii^. ia>~c; /Vmerlcuii ‘ 'TP --------------- T— -----------------------------—n- I’o u llry -llc ce lp tn . 7 cnr;i: fowls, n- Ifl’icr; .l.icka, 17i'; kC>-»o, 13c;■11- iijirlnKn ISi;; iiprlnK«, 27e; turkeys,. iiK 'Jiir; rcioiitfrn, If.c; broilers, no quo-

. . I’liUiliH-n-Ui'<-ol|iti., 2X1 a i r s ; aKn- nnn'niiil Minnouri cubbti-rn, |l« 1 .3 r .^

- Mlnurxota -iirly OUioa. J l ; Virginia uolibliTJ. }2.tO«2.7C.

I.;, Pl)UTI,AM> WHEAT.’ rt)nTi.AN l». Oru., Aug. C,—H ard

. wiii..^ jt.r,0 ; nnft while Jl,34; wcsl- „ ll ''iW cQilIe J i: i: t ; hnrd wlnlnr, *1.31:, r nonli.'rn nprlni: »l-31; weslern n)d.

Jl-20- . ..................................... - .........................

P(IRT1„ISD MVKSTOCK. .,. a l‘OUTt,ANI>. Ore., Aug. G .-^ sttleII,.. —lloculptu, none; tonn ot m arket,

fl nomluul; nleors. good grado, no (]UO-,luilou; ■ medium *7.25®8: common.

liulfnrn. iue<llum and common jn,7K(rfl,23; beof cows, niodlum. and r.inimon. JWf4.r.0; cnnners'and cut-

. lurs »l.50®3: -buIU. b o lo g n a a n d , r - i-unnurH. ti.Gf)ff>3.60; calves', nie-m j rtfitm -rhn»re-*7,M <flO ;-3CO -pound*— ---------mo up IGffO.GO-.is t lloRB — Market aom lnal; medium,I'W kocmI. obolro-IOn-200 lbs, 110-60011;;iln 200.2r,o pounds $10,tW9 1 1 : UO lbs.'40 u[i )t).r>ii$iil<i.2r>: packing smooth, 48 o t' 0 9 ; iineklng rough 170 8 ; slaugti'lier

pics |9,GO«MO,2G; feeders and ilock- or» JS.GOOD'GO.

•Sli.iep — .Market nominal; lambs, ill- hiarywciKbts. mCdlum and ,choice.10; | 8.60® 10; culls and commons, a ll

wclKlits *G.5utU)8.r>0: w ethers. 84.SO d ; ©7.50; owes, common ..to,'.cbolco,»r- »3«5. _ , ,

. W fc in . «.o*r W J iu «Some men *re mevert by leaf* olh-

*■ rrs by a frsnk fit o f nig«,-hnt thei*, ^ arvpr wss ono who te l l jo r a whig#.— j " Exfbnnge. . •'

Aioancm in ’. Tlicnr are only about h a l t , a _ d w

- ehrniW i rlrmenra yet lo be dlaeeinH*4.I,“ n jn 'm im uiw'rt m »parrt( kfnthvr'B artk —•25 tor Uiem: n«w ..thcr.,nfu)^ ' thee# « t , , ,B; Vnni B ehart. ..r

' By S w a n ^ ■;


rAoi'! m x •

f i i f l OF iro s

- M i l• 'I'.. S;

Mnklnc 111.' thuil iiliir.- ])c'i.. ICi.Uniilily SlK-rlff Cliiirli-B K. .liiini mi<l I'V

------- I/To-ItrnHirn.— fnli-rnl--nfftprr—hni- I.nlir <■April 1il"W ti|< Ihr (wo hii|'<-r-protlii..Itir. nllllt< III llm "Kllly ll.il IIiiU'- MiikrI'oniilry. hllunli'il In llio mIUIx nf < 'i ruruli

•{M?yh.-o cniiniy. Hlu'rlff M. IJ, I'liuli '■ "I'i '• ' 'iili.l^lHTniry J dIiii \V, Ci.bliiirl llili> I llUi :i'

. . iiiurnliii: .liroutlV- lu . A -..ti Ijiiicr)- . . . mid II. I-. I ln rrrll, nllr'i;i’il . moi.ii-[ i.lilli.-rr.. wlinin Iluy H rrr-lr,! id.c.ni Sui.id)-I n. III. Ill Until. «.irl.lm ;-H i <..i,. .\l')inla> •iiHK-llot. will, Aiiily Wllr-ni., ilnlil . i:t ilL t_ ijt. iiulii;c...ivnd .Jljjui__nlKlil iiiilr.iliiina', ’ “ ] “

K oriy m i'irli Mf ino-i.iMiinr »IiIk. J'nrk . kry. II 1> ri.1.1, w rri' ruiilul In lli.lr Ni l'>nii,

|m«iipi.«llru. Wlicn lirrrnH'il fnllnwlm: tn .iil.ll B hot inirViill II[> nnd iliiwii ijio iillcy.'i H'" > iu. and "trfi-t* of Iliilil. Nv'v Vc

VollnwliiR llm iirr.'nl .if I tv moon-, uliliHT,. Hli.-r.lir r iv 't i inTnoii.ilJy ‘ " “ '■I ,->r ' Irt! a nislil raid tilnni! wllli I"""" o

• <;alili;iM und rid .'f WIbon. ni. >1 4 a. ni, on llir rlaiK /ilill ■ I'lMi: op i.n icd liy Itii- olfcrulrr:. in nm '■ niii-l.

.lo n e liino'f Cfr.'k raliynn, Ifi nillm . aoultiwrnl of llillll, nu jr '111- 0 «y- To

bon c imniy Him. ' H'"*

w nili. Wftn iIi'Klroycd by n»> orriim i n" ” nnd ohiy lliri,--**^; and ro n ilm -T l'l»>'Kr-i

_____■mrr'' tiroHKl/l l>ark^ pvlili'ni-. XofinlKhrd 't l.iun r nnn r.aiml o iillii;

• ••-'•iifiU‘'rn<hiiiK>tt7Jnn-niortniireToTi!CK:Ii.nl lii'<«i tnkrn to lliilil for ri'lnll. 'II la tM-ll.-v..il. SlaictJn

I’lnid .\nl (.iillt). "•Arrnlencil bi-foro 1'riilmlc Jii.U.' ’' ’o ir it

O. !•. tliivnll tliin inornliiK an noon "'I” ■''* Hip rom plnlnl niiilcl !«• inmlr onl.

tho I'uilr m trtP il n l>lc’U .if not »;iill- ly und ttio proltiiilnurv ttim >ul for " ""

■-3 o'clfKrk W*diV'»d«>\ Uund- .waji ------- Tlxni1"tlt-t500.------------------------------------

Ktnrfy in iinli] to havr In-fn Inkrn I',"

OlO nrri'iil III lly». imir ranm an Ihr *'. s. > jM iilt .u l.s c v 'rn i inoiiilis ban i woi^ •

by tbn o(flri-rn. I’rpvlnui iillriniiU to tornl.1 thn Bllll. kno»ti t.i li.' llic .m iiinp of larRfl li.iollfK lonslrii- ' , uienlK. hud imivuii -Juillu. ' ,

(.•Vis «'ult. LJ. Ciill n iini' nl II oVImk M.mdny ,

ovmliiK. lo Shrrlff Klmb fr.ini Cklrf 'Wllnon 'tiy jihonr Infurnilni; Iilin llinl Ibo' cnnu wnn ftbiiiit "rljm" im In-

.foriilBtloH tlllil Iii'.'n» i;nlni\l of tin- cniiilnK ot ft i-arRo ilvii i-vi-iiinu.

'TukhiR with liim Drpiiiy r.nlihiirl. y i li tlm nlirrltf f. f l ' tniin.dlatrly f.ir ‘ lIUliI w hrn- Jl" Jolni-.l Chlrt Wlboii >r'

■ nnd I’lilrolinnn t>rnntn. - - “ .' *'Tho ahlliriicnl wan iu bn .•.iilinl '

In the busiimcnl of ih r iriliil.ili huld '' for nnnlbor |iurly, ..o i lv oril.-i'ni j, . npcrntm lli"insrlvrii In a <<m | idirit ‘ uml itmnll cnnrrrio nini.tiir*' In tli.> Ti .rear of till.-tiiitcl. i ’.M iv

-Mnonshlrirrs .trr ltp . ''Tho pnlr n rrlvni mi Ki'ln .lulr bul , ,

did n.il .jrtv r no to 'llic rviir ;.i> r)^- pi'cird- InnL'iiil H orrrll Kol mil .if ‘

____ tbfl cur wllh u Ixvi- k:i1I..ii k.'i; ;iiid ^*Ki'l~II~iJown lirnTiTc (III. Illij.- imi- _ _ , t r r l r tioiini., vlrliiafTy iinil.T lliV. v T J Hour Ilf Sheriff f l n . h Tlu; iitflin ,, l J ‘l l iMilchly nrrrn ln l lilni I.nt nir.inwtilh.>7ntvy had drtvrn ar.iuml 'iIh- blmk ¥ ' tll thn Btrrri In inm l of ih.- Imlrt. I , Wllll n .irr .d t 111 fUHiody. Iliry * ' Jnmprd Into ih r nlirrlff:. ra r nild itruve uronnd Inlo ih" n lrrri

■ ( i l . r Cha-r.Knipry. wlin wan imikloK (li:ini:r

fnriotclni; a nalr, niiw (I,, nrflirr.i nn ibi-y r.nindi'd llir .•„rn.T nti.l jr:.,.- , |iih lr Inc Into tlin car nllrmnUil lo 4...- • ,,|,ri

' .. ........... . •l- '-rl.'.l ,..H• 111 tbnt llm r of niKlii nml .Inrlinr,.,, j„ ;

In favor of Ih.' fiiRlllvi-. th r ..Ifi.-. tn imrjilio.l III.' Kincry n .r In nml mil v,tho dark allcyn nji.i tlnally i.iriu:rtil in ,i„., Iitni n ra r n Krnln rlrvaio r In lli-' , 1,.^

T tir IWO .Wurr li'.dKf-.l In 'ih r .llv jnll ami llif .'nr, n C li-vi.iln. ...u - ..llncalrd. diini-r

. T tit . rrm alnlnn HkIiI Knllnti" ..f il,.,• vrhlnkry. <.oiiliilii.'.l In a IT, ,;nllon

“ — ■?c'-’(rr-v ..ri'-fn<k.»l-uii i-r.rnf.r-in-nio vr.TTTi wccdn u loi;e_il!.' rirtil i)i;.i uMrlii Ihr r;iHl iililr n( ih.. I.iwii»llr, ni„.,ll

■ ~ l.m tp on itiilit.A flrr .llnii..HlnK of 111.- i.rl-.iui.T, ]

Shrrlff KUmli, n.'lmly Caliliari nml Clilrf Wllhon lrfl f..r Uir Idiii; i lr lv ,, to Honnr <',r.'nli wl.;r.. ih r ntlll, llii.lr ^|:n,.

___aMoir.l jiroiirfiy, un.. Khowii lo lu!•iriiiilril ncnr wli.T.. ili- Jarlildj:.' n-),;;,ri rond Tw kn fur llcn.-r^ion nn.l llonr- ,.||..|nl

" v n d - r Ih r W > yyi lliV^Mnm 7lir

J offlrers niailu ihutr xvny ihronuh llir jn f.-ii. wit.j and dviolm r r.mnlry tn H im 'r ,i„ crork-

A rrlip 111 I A. ,)I. inlVnl.A rrlrlnK Ih rrr uh il.. fir,..i I irIii

ot il»uii wun n lr r jkliiR Ih.. .'n^ilrrii

. , m » d « _ th e lr ._ » w for ib rn ' niil..^ Mionr down,Uia .ror-lcv.Jrcuao C r ru ln jii ju n ", where tlip Hitll waa Iik hIoiI. i..The mooHnlilne npimrniiin_^ - ___

' ' ''c b a iltru c li 'd ' muKlljr wlililn a ■.rrfi-ji ■ ■ ■ of btrVuU. TliB .f ir» i bttrml wua

- coppcr, .liouom rd auii tim lalncd llic; / w orm w lihln tho ulrtlKtU rncUmiir".'A cooHult frmn ,tt>ls led nff ihr.iURli

, . . .f t. b«m)l..couliilnlnii: wiHrr and wan cioniteiueil Inlo n tlitnl rpcrtnaclp. |

-------------M iiW ra i» ~ n ii 'f“ i h t t n 7 n ! « - i ; - t 4 ] ; i i ^ =

• '----- ~ .• 7 '' ■■ ’

TWf l’T il.’nlr.iUiii; lUr I'laiiC. Illr * '■-rrn ...................... lIuliI. u lirr.. -

tl.fl- I'lil.-f Wll.Mii ami [d .k.il Jl III.- ,irlMT..T-.. 'l-liry a rrlv .a a i 1 |

.................... U r., nl M::ni ilil:.

..... . - ...........................

- s

r in rn ir . in ’I'rii. Mi. nnd Mr;.- ().

I..! (i.uii r..llliirnl:i afliT a iv%d iMk.- vii.atf.m l.nlr ..f III.' w .-.l.ij,,,,

.S u i t l.iitir .Mr. mi.l I Im I. v | ' jtoil 11 ami laiiilly M l Illl-...... .......no ,111.1:iiii.. Jor a va.nil.in lil]. 1., Sail j j,,.,n

---------------------- |- - T i i r

iiUrs Ihiinr In Cltj J..I111 A. H ' - ' w irulic lui'l fntii'ly lin\.' iii.nt.l (nin , , ,II l-'iill). Ill iiinkr i Ih Ii b.iiii. al -I-'.-j ii^ .m M .i,jio i'h .

I-Iillj IllliriK ai U n .Main III. _________ I ;

irk rrom itiijlni; Trii. 'Mi'ii. D or.J mn, o f ilii.Tomi.-. -ha:. - | .-l.mi.-.I | i .n th ir . ' w .'.kn' biiylni; vinll lo i ..a,.l.ou.i,oylri,: .;.-ii1n-n. imUiilln.

m r....... V l-ll-A fl.T »l..iihir. al ih r.-o f Mr .nnd,m;-.,-A .i ;...... .III Wllllaiiii. au.l .-hll.I U-fl .Monday V f'"'-

iiik:. I. liiriiln;: Io .....Ir li.ini.- In ...........I'f Jiin.'<(<.n. r.iio ia.t.., ?!'V.'

. .ntlcll lla M -Ii iiI I- .H rr .m ii iir lid a -l ,P " iH inmir by rlly roninil.-inlonrni

; tininiiall KIOIllliI; an lllr n.-iioola Kroiindji a r r avnllablr for h:l:lrllM^ ni; Ih r niiinin.-r iiionitin. , ‘

1 i*nrnh'tin--:ir— rr— TTTr^r.~Kir7r l.r-.:rTirilH;T.nT>!o3--f loral. ,

;t;n i.lorm, nnlvi'd In r.ira lr llo l.i- ‘ ‘I.l hi.|'oi;ii. ninnnc.'i' of ilir Slui:;:;a | ' r lli i 'ir, ^Irn. Titniil.-ii and itiollicr l.-*v,' l.ininrroiv lo Join him,_________ ______ III.' ii;i

IU n rr .UI01M..I U llh all.i».-<| for uini'ilh or -Inly hy ih r . Ily .•omii.M I-'rli' day ri.-nini; w .'rr ji.-nrrnl liind^ ^ '" '“ " ‘ ;,4j,.^Bi«>»..hhH-ti.i7»-wvwiTrn>ki- n n s E JT-S.I.I. Illiiaiy fri.'o, nlKi'i lijilii- ban.in. fl'ir.l,fi.’I. local ltii|ii-ow-ini-ii1 dliil- likTK.'- n.f.7_________________________ __ ijLuilU

.).i.H<. Ilrlnr .r.nirlnu* -Tlir imllcr ......... .' hri-ii illi.-.i.-'l lo M.»i> nil diimj)- ‘I'lrjta ot h rln r fioiii l.'r crrani f r r r jirn ^l.rlni: »lir.-ln nn.l flltryn j.aNr.l wllh 1'lrnlo I'V I)!iii4lihlc nr rn n rr r ir. Thin a r- wnnlu wnn inkrn opon ilm rrrrom.'ii.ta- ''•‘'"'IJ' nf n r rp rriirn ln tlro 'o f thn W arr.’n

I'iriii-llon r.inipany i.Ji.mlm: Hint | rc ?.all In diinipi'd by Irr .'r.-aiii _ ->.irn Ihr iiatcuii'hl luu> coumiLiicv<£----- 1_1l.'lrrlo lali ',

Mllpk' Jnlinsons - - .Mlr.n I-:iI,.n i;lrv J.iliiiMin .if Alr.crr'iin, \V.

aii'l ,Ml"r. I^mliir f .iy.- of I'lii-1“" ‘‘ '0 a r r vhiiliiK al ll-.-' ti.mi.! ,n :and Mr-. J. A, J..lin^..in <il .vlii-.ii U:''"'"'-

n Johon.in U a nlrtu. .\iinn !i Johu.-ion, .laiir.hler ut .Mr. and ' John-oyi, liaii arrive.I l|i T'.vlu I" fr.nn Ilall.'y lo Ohil. WMli hiT ‘'■''If'*' lilv-i. an.l will a.-.-.'ni|.anv -Ml'.s ‘''''I'-n 1 C au.l tiiT i-aiiHlii an I.'ir an »;.U »■''>' ' ..' f i ly wh.-r.- .Mb.»i lu-Ui J..hn.-.'n1 rrn ,a ll. M'v,-ral dayn IniylnK for . .T l 'l '' , ............... . llallcy, '




n irlpn iil) tVlll Join Malm Dr- 1 'y r i in rln iriilt II. T . Crnrlrs Is Kx. Thr i r r trd la ,\r t i'nr Cllf nnd. Mlntr Cro.il u S rrn ri ' Sanllnry <'oii.IIII.iii'. In~p.'i

•avor .'f atinmli'iinirut of iii.-ai ptnm. I'." il.iii iin.l<.r rlly <jrdlii;iur.. ..fli ' h.iiw- lit .-.i-o|irrallni: » llli llm nlal.- '''" 'i .' 'a r tn irn t of pillill.- Ii'-:.llt« l.illi...... . iim lrr l l i i .^ : . l .- _ „ 1allll.n G a i' rxpri'sfrtl liy ili.'T tfC H.iimnU- fn.-r, .. ........ .. rv.'nlm;, afi'T An- • '•-.V J. .\lyrr:.. lily a lloini-j. bnilli:lilor.' ih» .Him.-II l l i r '" la l.' :,l;.luU;u Knf.-rm';; iii.-:7r'inr|u...iJ.rnT'-

I'll.' iilni.' law piilii Ih.' ui-al In- b:iRr ..lltiii w.irl; In Ihy h ^ .in .if .lb.- Ihr Ir .k i'n rlm .n t .it piibll.- U rlf.irc loun ill has .-.iiiiulrlr.l drL.ll.'il iiroM- nion.'in-l r.iv'-ilnii r.'i:nlalloii, .................InK •

Ir ami ...... liy allornr)S. Hp.-- IU:.[irI.- rrr;nli>h.<nn ........... 1 forih In lo III;;.ril to whl!i-wn..lJnK -'f |il;uil, lln-.inllii.^n. pnnlljill.'ll, rl.Xliliir. an.l i.mlililUi ut. t;niilujr:i.- luEcUur u llh r-fuK..duu- pr.ivl-lnti n::aln«l -.-ariTir>!ir ' •-li'jd wllll aiiilirax or

’o far. Ill ih<' opinion of iln- r.ini* " nnlontrii. .llic atilmalH finfll forpnicnl h a v I.... .. nlaiiKhlurril for'ai'H ulit. I'n .Irr h lair rrK.ilnllon.; .^niiiiV" nn'Miinm t lv no.ln r ' - ' .innihltlts miilur i l i t . uuiliutliy of g• r .iunty Ijciilih binir.l.Mayor Hoildln U loilay ' KclllnK —

A u t o T e n t s a n d C a m p I

A . H . V IN C E N T CV urultiit/'

' - - ' T TW 1>

WIN-FALLS i 3 ' ' MA5I MAY BE | i r ]

COMMANDER:_____ ' i

nrr) Hrimll ,\]iprar- ii> Slnniir.(aiiilldali- fur NrM M nir l.rk’hin'}!i-ailt P<l.‘i:atr> l.rn tr TiMiu.r-'ri>» f.T Stiilr ( 'ontrnll.ni. I

lln rry ll.-n.itl, T »(n K.illn, npp.-nir.; on.' Ill Ihr iilriililir il .'.-.lllll.lalrr. \

niinliil raiiipnlilii, -n. r.ir.Hint I..1 rilli-lii.iu. of I.M-:il I.-rl.ni mru. ITli;' ll-l.'j-.ai.-"'fr<Tni Mm'T'vIn 1-T.HVj..........;.l Ilf II. ' Ani.'rlrnn I^'iil.m. rh r- .- |I- Wi- c, lln rry il.'null. It. Tarry j d Dr.- Kroilrrlrk V:. Snyoh, w lllj

,1.11.- f.ir l'.i.-'nl..l1o 10 'all.Mi.l lli.. it t r rimvrnilnn of Itir- .A jniTlrnn.............i:l..n. Io hr li.-lfl 'I’linni.Iny. l-'rl- y an.l Snlnr.Iay,ir.ilt.-v III .-ip.'.ii:.] to mnk.' i)ior<'iu;i.-Ml hl.l (or •llm ronv-nll.ni

il.im. nr.' iilnnnlni: In ninki' “ a uiualr.ii fur L.c»'l;iiini» . . „

(■iilrrnor to .Utriul.A lli'iidaiii.' nniniirrhii: n'lim- .''tfnI 'Calr'. h. rxp.Tli'.l III Ih r .'.ilivrli.Ill/ whhll will h r nllriiil.'.l .by iv.'rn.ir r.. Moor.' .if tiliili.., ami >v.'rii.ir J. II. Srrnnhnin of .NVvmla..'III. Uh:.!!.'II I.,. -MailKhnn linn li.a'ii • vlir.l ii> llv' runvi'nli'iii, I in i''> 1.ii I r . a .Irtlnll" rrjily Inn h.il liccn i'.'l(-vil fri)lu him. yfm .-unvi'nll.in will oprii Tlinrn-

111.irnlni;.'anil onr ol lli.' linpnr- i','l r.-niur.'i. .If 111.' ,|av will -he . .i-'- 'piinV.v'^~i.r i i r- n r -'ia- .'ii ---------rniiii.'im'niri hav.. lii-rn liinili' wllh I- Sliorl Mil.' nml Illr luinlnr'u' aiK _.,f_U i.^ i:il.y—u:h..r*fliy—uyi*rv-----------

Hrd- I” lirtir - I'liM -lir^-llr.-l»irftd*'-----------i.< biiKV'' and. .Irnm <orpn of III.'<. a lrll.i I'o-I. Ill" ll.ih'i ' !.<'>;l.iii . u.l au.l llic IlIackr.Kit U'i:lon band

w-i-ll ni. l.K-nl bnmlM. will liu In ' pnraili'.

“ Ill nml S~ I'anidr.I-Vl.lny r«-nlnK l-'i Snrlrl.' ilr:i tn ininii'n n ’ .S fii.-vanx will ]i..1dm rru iih :n ..K U U ic .-jQ iio y c ii;j» --j------------li.liU'l a t- llm Ito lrl' llainmck. A I -K.'- clan;' of ramll.latr:. will h.' ^ u l , la :u - U li :^ ' r ik r-JU Ul - -U»^ -----------

' rvcnUiK 'Iian ' tii'-n arrnnn.'.l. Tli.'J Irjtairn will I.c lakrn l<’> In.llnn |rlni:;i. ......... Aiiu'rh-nn I'alln. f.ir a 1riilo Krl.Iay v.'nlni:. nnil llm K |. mill nn.l K.ilnry rln l» liuvu pIuilKuil arly . JOO earn for lli-j trip. .

'w i n F a l l s S h o w s - U p - W c l l - C o m p a r e d

lo t h e G o l d S t a t e

Ml).- A. I’. T\iili. r .if Dni'ilon. Trxaii..1 ilaiitiili'i-. -Min. \V, V. Winn .oj illnn. Tr.-»n-.- nu.I .\l»i««i-..| .i;iayl<m. - -nnd-dauiitil.-r of Mrn. Tuim-r, ar- ’.'ll .Monday for n vlnlt wllh .Mr. d Mr;.. \V. T. Snll nnd fn iu llr - -- s^Having- Jiu.l rnnm fioiii iv lo w iiT tj .IKorlii. Itny fill.I tlial Iti" Twin Ib roiinlry roinpni.ii v.-iy fnvor- • . ly w llh , Ih r far-famnl Irrlcatinn ith . of t'liai Mlnlr.Thin h. .\lri.. Tiiin.'i-:. Itiird Uip 1.. lin I’lilin ainl i-li.' It. .iiilli' Itiijir. .ii'. il,lll_lll'.:_rtllllUl':.1_Jlll'_v '_ai-'._!i!lV |L ______iiiirIiI.

ill.i.'i In nhiiiii tnrrtny;...Mrn. S .a l I.-l n nl. c nt Mm. Tuim r.

i.> ..iiiiinniii.-aM.'ii wllh H..VI.I Iliir- •II, :'liil.' ..i:ninl'.i'l.iii.-r ..f pnhlli- .'Uni.', In vl. w .ll arrani-.lni:-a nm- l .n . " wh.-r.'liy Hi,- l.„-al i.iinallmi av I,.- lai.l h i'[..rc‘ III.' I'lnl.. .iffl- nl,i wllll .n vlrw ,it Jolm rtniUol,- - rlly , . onnly an.l nta........ . .T h r iilaii' In In npp.diit li. T. ro.iUn, r.'.>ml) m:i.|c rliy mrnl I i~p..|l.ir- 'Itnl- ilrpiily nml llir illy .II’, nh;ir.' pari of i.alnry. if llu; tnm. rnnnnhl.'.l by llir rliy „f{|-

nii' anthiirlllr'i, ' '

G a r b a g e E n f o r c e m e n t . O r d e r e d b y C o u n c i l

Knf.in rini'nl n( ih r o r.lrr rcinlrlnKTTpnr.TTtnn" nm i P T l t y x : i r - -------

liKr^fSTT iilatU'd lit tli.r hand;i of ir poltn- by arllnn v f . " " 'n'lim-il la .I wrniiiK, a'llrr'l '-.iainih.- lonrr Ki-.'l hml r-p .irln l llm rx lil- iK ..im lilloni.Till' Ii..llr.- will a . i a - w nllary

i;i[iri'l.jrn uild ilrlvrrn will rrp.irl 1 llii'iii a ll prrKons-^alllni: lo pul :ii- r.llh lr Karhai;.- In u i.cparali- oniiiiiH'r fr.iiii rnbllidi an.l oili.'r"fuKi; iu ufdiT, lliul lliv fu i'inu t.in iy . -----

C onn, Iluntooii, h rok rn A rrbrt:« te iL 210 JliiIfl-So.-rhoDfl 8W. •,


StapkeiT Cyl. Qrind. Co. • -

? F u r n i t u r e f o r R e n t

r C O M P A N YS07.203 .miDKlii.iiP SoolU

F A L L S D A lL Y T I M E

n a :;.ilr valui: a;. Juo: fi'.:il. ' ! tin; llii

-n a i.' f.'iind hi lli" i .nilalncr j imiial. i wnii'- fo.u1. ,tli" .IrUi'rn liavri. The '

llli.l. .-liy official., will rn iiiirg ; and n

<GardeGarden Cdart ia the oi tectly blended casencc

, I t U delicate, but laatii JTie makcra o f thia celel

- —conJunctldn^with thlM cel m e n Coart Articlej^ (wh

' ^Oe or more, and tvewU Paste or a big 50c fafce < The makers permit only

50) tub a5D<>Twb

n w t h i



. fja A R D E N O O U ET E X T R A1 oz..................' .......................... •C A R D E N O O UET E X T R A G IF T B O T T L E .....................

— 0 A R O B ir C 0 U E T - B E N 2 0 IJ.O T IO N — A f ru ff ru n t lo ti lo f tc iu a n d ta tn ls o bappod lu sW n; -d elig h tfu l Bliavi O A RD BN COTJET TALOU: U lo, dBlIcatoly

/ po rfu jned ...............................C A R D E N CO U RT D O U B I CREAM — P u n o t io n ln j b o tl

. ofid a v a n lih lo ff c roam , clei a a d is a p e rfe c t b a se fo r

Siw d e r .......................... —& R D E N CO U RT CO LD

' d e lig h tfu lly ic « i t* d c o ld c r tho Bldn q u o k ly . oo d th o ro t I t *oft, «m ooth a n d ro frw hG e t k U ff 6 0 c tidM b f Mj

b y ptarchBiHns SOc

I ^ Exceptiopai____ _ —T IU vE 3C EA -t-L________

S P E C IA L . . . . . . . . . . .O L D D U T C H - n g

• C L E A N S E R . . . . . . . . . . i tE A G L E B R A N D O jlyTH.TT ............... ..................

K O TEX —SP E C IA L . . ; ...................E I R E ’S BO O T B E E R

- - - E X T R A C T - ; i . T 7 : C A L IPO R N IA B Y R U P

- P I G S . . . , . . - ...............CA STO R IA —B P E C IA L : ................E PS O M B A L T S A r ,

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Individual In linim'dliilrly dl*i-1 rrl'iul.-.■ ..'r ihltf carlianc nt Ids per-low n rn ll. iijn'iiNC.' ' l o f IhrIk- rliy will Iiikri- rllUur a ll ' ur I''Of 111" carlm rr, IVhrr.; hofeln lUiI;. f.

nn la iirnnu ni-tl jhc lr cillbtu! Ii'-; port

T H U R S D A Y - P R I D A Y ->A¥OF THE FA]

en Courto d o r o r i h c f l o w e r g’o r r f c n c o f I

ICC9, a n d is o n e o f fh c n io a t s u b t i t in g .‘.le b r a tc d l in e h a v e a u th o r t t e d u s c e le b r a tio n . T h c 'p lia h ia 's i fh p lc - 'jphieh a r e p o a it iv e ly aa fin e a n d , w U l'g iv e y o u a fu l la a e 'B O c ~ iube IB o f C o lo n ia l C lu b S h a v in g C rea i l y tw o s u c h d e a la io e a c h c u tto m

b e o f M a^«Lac b e j o i f | 0 ^ h ^ ^

EachPurchas Toilet Article i^ Cofoniai 1

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^ j b j T h c C o c o a n u t O il

J jjm S h a v in g C r e a m ■ liv

B u Culoti'al m.il> Fnavln*'. - .j2W a (;r.-i»m pr.'rtui-cn‘nn nimn- hof/M dnni. rich, .-ivaniy. non-m dry'.nK lalhrr llinl nmn J‘{|;W IiWii in wplli II cnnlulni a o.if l Imlf-fiotloiilnc • lnerr.i:ont th.f j lln l inaic.'i Khnviiii:, rasy •f j unit y rl li It'.tvci.lhA lico ' C'I I.6II. cool aiul rrfrrc.'icil. (u

• Tl/ ft EOc l« l> c 'frco wi

by purcliA uns SOc w orlb . d

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aO IN -A N D -A L M O N D — K S ^ a ^ ^lo tion th a t p ro m p tlyi ftnd rouffhoned ' R n i c x » / ' i M illav ing ; ................ 3 ^ 5 ^ ^CUM— A p n ro I ta l ia n ‘ i f l B l B i M

2 5 c : 5 0 c

^ ’d o M B IN A T lb N» t h aa a co ld e n a m I ' e i g B g f i ®c lca iu in g , b ca 'u tlfy ing ,„

IJ)’ 0 B £ A M - A p u n , B H H B : c n a m , w h ich c lconses )ronghly , le av in g R A k« h e d .....................M a g 'U c T o o th P u t o

Oc w orth of G ftH c n k H H H B S K S E r t A rtide* ._______________________ .

a l 3 - D a y S p e c i a l s — T h

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3 f o r 5 Q c ............................C O L E M A N ’S M D STA R]

4 9 e H A L F P O U T O . . . . . . . .

............P H IL A D E L P H IA M IX I--------I 8 C B IR D - B E E D - .- . . . . . . .

............•3 Q „ O L D -M O N T IO E L L O -.............- 'W C t o n j c - . . ; ; ........................

2 7 c i r .c I M i’E R lA L T O IL E T........... ............... r c r f c c t l y Bolublc-Jn w u f

r . | 2 C cloR d r a i n ................. .............. • • p ip e s

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llu-y imiil dlii]>oi.r of llmlr atnoiintrnbhlil. ahn wllliunL llm aid per (Is

Ihr .il>', • ronncltIli-Bdj fu r llb K Thc

il;. for III" pui-rlimic i i ^ l i r . Tdl- Iho pipoilionn ol. tho*clI>' 'KurbaKc. pavud

f - S A T U R D A Y T TSAh^MOUS .

f Toileiio f ihe w oftd—a boquct o f Uni ubtiy piquant and aclightfu l oi

u s to extend a most attractive , 'lc—^a t't i it^ '~ 'y o u 'b u y any one i d perfect a ^ h e whole world f ibe o f M d g & M ilk -of-Mag. ream FREE! A fu ll do lla /s wt tomer.

c I b o th p a s te o

ise o f a Gfti e; : a t SO f^A rm oi

, Thr M ilb.nf. -a i t f l — , Maghena T nUQ-u

Tooth PasteI'riimlnrnt dentl*l*«crM< \ \ ^ Bthat MIIU u t MncnMla ' X 'D e f l W

-■.I,..uld b4 UMd on the W W H._ l«elh..w llh rinuU riur;____ii.t

UOC-IJU) Tooth r u ( |« . m vB w V Ihowovor. inakfi ih li B -p Snnnflcrnury, li«ran»e It - H .Sgc.mlnlna ihbbhuIb In H ibo proper form nnd Itn | |d.illy u.o Vlll «lv« t« I ft -vfl. th® t«elh tho re«julr«a 1 Ut, f, uniount. / '1 G et ft fu lU tz e d SOc \

. o f M a g 'L ac • - \ A■ T o o th P « t o froo ^

w ith 'y o « r 5 0 c 'p n r - ’. choM - o f . G u d m

' . . . , - ,

G A R D E N C O D R T P A C E in f in ite ly f ln o t h a t i t w o n 't ta k e n o ff. I n - y o n r f a v o ii te

"fl Bhado .............. .. . ; .............. 1 . . .| > « ” a A » D E H -O O n S T - H A M D - i i i S j RO U G E — I n d a rk , m odiom a n i

on ingo ................... .............................^ G A R D E N C O tm T COM PACT

P O W D E R ................... .......... T . . .^ G A R D E N ' C O U R T DOTTBLZ M W l .P o w d e r a n d ro o g o , ^ t a o o d

h inged -covo r cnso w ith d a in tyI ® s n d tw o p o f fs .................H O A E D E K 'C O tm T T O IL E T ■ K W A T E R .................... ......................■ G A R D E N C O U R T L IPM l S T IC K ......................................S B G A R D E N C O U R T COCOAlTa g n SH A M PO O .'....................B H G e t A fu U 'tiz cd SOc (n b e 6 f SSSa Pftile f re e w ith yo tff SOc pur<

C o a r t T q P r t A rtk

Thursday, Friday^ SatiC O L O I U T E -

— I S c S S i r 'B P B c i s i r T r r . ~ 7 : i

................ BOo W H IT E L A W NI 9 C 3 8 C ™ -donblo ih e e ts

. . . . b o x .................................

'A R D _ C*Va W H IT E IiA W K C I C -E N V E L O P E S

iOo B U S IN E S S

.............. ...........w i s P 5 0 X 0 G E A ]> ...... - S I I f i L oobo le a f, a r t i f id a

b in d in g , 7*10 BlM .

L E T T IS S U e I 9 ™ L A S H b E - pw u fc r ; w ill n o t " l .o o * ® ” ...................

t W A T E R B U R Y,^-B . t O t l A a C . I Ar.AHW -OLOOK- .^

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J■:.^I)AY, A P G I W .V W 2'i. I

iii.ntinf: to npiirniim nIrlr,.ono tfin (lay. will bi> reccltod 'b y 'itio ' '

licit nrxl Jinitdny iilRlil. hc cliy w |ll muku tlollvcry to

piircliBKcr over gfnvellcil or ;d rouds. ' . ,

r mIuf(y^lwo per- “ o f' all odors, ^

;c free offer in ____^_____ • ■>niTbrthe Car- J prodaces) at^ n e i ia 'T o b th ........worth for. SOe. ,

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%B P d ^ m S R - S o I 't come o f f n n t l l ■

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