Rexroth IndraDrive Edition 07 Drive Controllers Power ... · Rexroth IndraDrive Drive Controllers...

Instruction Manual Electric Drives and Controls Pneumatics Service Linear Motion and Assembly Technologies Hydraulics Rexroth IndraDrive Drive Controllers Power Sections HCS03 R911319656 Edition 07

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Instruction Manual

Electric Drivesand Controls Pneumatics Service

Linear Motion and Assembly TechnologiesHydraulics

Rexroth IndraDriveDrive ControllersPower Sections HCS03

R911319656Edition 07

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Rexroth IndraDriveDrive ControllersPower Sections HCS03

Instruction Manual



Edition Release Date Notes

DOK-INDRV*-HCS03*UL***-IB01-EN-P 2007/01 First editionDOK-INDRV*-HCS03*UL***-IB02-EN-P 2009/09 Corrected editionDOK-INDRV*-HCS03*UL***-IB03-EN-P 2010/10 Corrected editionDOK-INDRV*-HCS03*UL***-IB04-EN-P 2012/01 Corrected editionDOK-INDRV*-HCS03*UL***-IB05-EN-P 2012/01 Corrected editionDOK-INDRV*-HCS03*UL***-IB06-EN-P 2012/03 Corrected editionDOK-INDRV*-HCS03*UL***-IB07-EN-P 2012/03 Safety instructions in

further languages inclu‐ded

Purpose of Documentation This documentation provides information on the installation and operation ofthe described products, by persons trained and qualified to work with electri‐cal installations.

Copyright © Bosch Rexroth AG 2012This document, as well as the data, specifications and other information setforth in it, are the exclusive property of Bosch Rexroth AG. It may not be re‐produced or given to third parties without its consent.

Liability The specified data is intended for product description purposes only and shallnot be deemed to be a guaranteed characteristic unless expressly stipulatedin the contract. All rights are reserved with respect to the content of this docu‐mentation and the availability of the product.

Published by Bosch Rexroth AG, Bgm.-Dr.-Nebel-Str. 2, D-97816 Lohr a. MainTelephone +49 (0)93 52 / 40-0, Tx 68 94 21, Fax +49 (0)93 52 / 40-48 85http://www.boschrexroth.deDC-IA/EDY4 (CR, BB)


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Record of Revision

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Deutsch English Français

Lebensgefahr bei Nicht‐beachtung der nachstehenden Sicherheit‐shinweise!Nehmen Sie die Produkte erst dann in Be‐trieb, nachdem Sie die mit dem Produkt gel‐ieferten Unterlagen und Sicherheitshinweisevollständig durchgelesen, verstanden undbeachtet haben.Sollten Ihnen keine Unterlagen in IhrerLandessprache vorliegen, wenden Sie sichan Ihren zuständigen Rexroth-Vertriebspart‐ner.Nur qualifiziertes Personal darf an Antrieb‐skomponenten arbeiten.Nähere Erläuterungen zu den Sicherheit‐shinweisen entnehmen Sie Kapitel 1 dieserDokumentation.

Danger to life in case of non-compliance with the below-mentioned safetyinstructions!Do not attempt to install or put these prod‐ucts into operation until you have completelyread, understood and observed the docu‐ments supplied with the product.If no documents in your language were sup‐plied, please consult your Rexroth salespartner.Only qualified persons may work with drivecomponents.For detailed explanations on the safety in‐structions, see chapter 1 of this documenta‐tion.

Danger de mort encas de non-respect des consignes de sécur‐ité figurant ci-après !Ne mettez les produits en service qu’aprèsavoir lu complètement et après avoir compriset respecté les documents et les consignesde sécurité fournis avec le produit.Si vous ne disposez pas de la documentationdans votre langue, merci de consulter votrepartenaire Rexroth.Seul un personnel qualifié est autorisé à trav‐ailler sur les composants d’entraînement.Vous trouverez des explications plus détaill‐ées relatives aux consignes de sécurité auchapitre 1 de la présente documentation.

Hohe elektrische Spannung!Lebensgefahr durch elektrischen Schlag!Betreiben Sie Antriebskomponenten nur mitfest installiertem Schutzleiter.Schalten Sie vor Zugriff auf Antriebskompo‐nenten die Spannungsversorgung aus.Beachten Sie die Entladezeiten von Kon‐densatoren.

High electrical voltage! Dan‐ger to life by electric shock!Only operate drive components with a per‐manently installed equipment groundingconductor.Disconnect the power supply before access‐ing drive components.Observe the discharge times of the capaci‐tors.

Tensions électriquesélevées ! Danger de mort par électrocution !N’exploitez les composants d’entraînementque si un conducteur de protection est in‐stallé de manière permanente.Avant d’intervenir sur les composants d’en‐traînement, coupez toujours la tension d’ali‐mentation.Tenez compte des délais de décharge decondensateurs.

Gefahrbringende Bewegun‐gen! Lebensgefahr!Halten Sie sich nicht im Bewegungsbereichvon Maschinen und Maschinenteilen auf.Verhindern Sie den unbeabsichtigten Zutrittfür Personen.Bringen Sie vor dem Zugriff oder Zutritt inden Gefahrenbereich die Antriebe sicherzum Stillstand.

Dangerous movements! Dan‐ger to life!Keep free and clear of the ranges of motionof machines and moving machine parts.Prevent personnel from accidentally enter‐ing the range of motion of machines.Make sure that the drives are brought tosafe standstill before accessing or enteringthe danger zone.

Mouvements entraî‐nant une situation dangereuse ! Danger demort !Ne séjournez pas dans la zone de mouve‐ment de machines et de composants de ma‐chines.Évitez tout accès accidentel de personnes.Avant toute intervention ou tout accès dans lazone de danger, assurez-vous de l’arrêt pré‐alable de tous les entraînements.

Elektromagnetische / mag‐netische Felder! Gesundheitsgefahr für Per‐sonen mit Herzschrittmachern, metallischenImplantaten oder Hörgeräten!Zutritt zu Bereichen, in denen Antriebskom‐ponenten montiert und betrieben werden, istfür o.g Personen untersagt bzw. nur nachRücksprache mit einem Arzt erlaubt.

Electromagnetic / magneticfields! Health hazard for persons with heartpacemakers, metal implants or hearing aids!The above-mentioned persons are not al‐lowed to enter areas in which drive compo‐nents are mounted and operated, or ratherare only allowed to do this after they consul‐ted a doctor.

Champs électromag‐nétiques / magnétiques ! Risque pour lasanté des porteurs de stimulateurs cardia‐ques, d’implants métalliques et d’appareilsauditifs !L’accès aux zones où sont montés et ex‐ploités les composants d’entraînement est in‐terdit aux personnes susmentionnées ou bienne leur est autorisé qu’après consultationd’un médecin.

Heiße Oberflächen(> 60 °C)! Verbrennungsgefahr!Vermeiden Sie das Berühren von metalli‐schen Oberflächen (z. B. Kühlkörpern). Ab‐kühlzeit der Antriebskomponenten einhalten(mind. 15 Minuten).

Hot surfaces (> 60 °C)! Riskof burns!Do not touch metallic surfaces (e.g. heatsinks). Comply with the time required for thedrive components to cool down (at least 15minutes).

Surfaces chaudes (> 60 °C)!Risque de brûlure !Évitez de toucher des surfaces métalliques(p. ex. dissipateurs thermiques). Respectez ledélai de refroidissement des composantsd’entraînement (au moins 15 minutes).

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Deutsch English Français

Unsachgemäße Handha‐bung bei Transport und Montage! Verlet‐zungsgefahr!Verwenden Sie geeignete Montage- undTransporteinrichtungen.Benutzen Sie geeignetes Werkzeug undpersönliche Schutzausrüstung.

Improper handling duringtransport and mounting! Risk of injury!Use suitable equipment for mounting andtransport.Use suitable tools and personal protectiveequipment.

Manipulation incorrecte lorsdu transport et du montage ! Risque de bles‐sure !Utilisez des dispositifs de montage et detransport adéquats.Utilisez des outils appropriés et votre équipe‐ment de protection personnel.

Unsachgemäße Handha‐bung von Batterien! Verletzungsgefahr!Versuchen Sie nicht, leere Batterien zu re‐aktivieren oder aufzuladen (Explosions- undÄtzungsgefahr).Zerlegen oder beschädigen Sie keine Bat‐terien. Werfen Sie Batterien nicht ins Feuer.

Improper handling of batter‐ies! Risk of injury!Do not attempt to reactivate or recharge lowbatteries (risk of explosion and cauteriza‐tion).Do not dismantle or damage batteries. Donot throw batteries into open flames.

Manipulation incorrecte depiles! Risque de blessure!N’essayez pas de réactiver des piles vides oude les charger (risque d’explosion et de brû‐lure par acide).Ne désassemblez et n’endommagez pas lespiles. Ne jetez pas des piles dans le feu.

Español Português Italiano

¡Peligro de muerte encaso de no observar las siguientes indica‐ciones de seguridad!Los productos no se pueden poner en servi‐cio hasta después de haber leído por com‐pleto, comprendido y tenido en cuenta ladocumentación y las advertencias de segur‐idad que se incluyen en la entrega.Si no dispusiera de documentación en el idi‐oma de su país, diríjase a su distribuidorcompetente de Rexroth.Solo el personal debidamente cualificadopuede trabajar en componentes de acciona‐miento.Encontrará más detalles sobre las indica‐ciones de seguridad en el capítulo 1 de estadocumentación.

Perigo de vida em caso de in‐observância das seguintes instruções desegurança!Utilize apenas os produtos depois de ter li‐do, compreendido e tomado em considera‐ção a documentação e as instruções de se‐gurança fornecidas juntamente com o pro‐duto.Se não tiver disponível a documentação nasua língua, dirija-se ao seu parceiro de ven‐da responsável da Rexroth.Apenas pessoal qualificado pode trabalharnos componentes de acionamento.Explicações mais detalhadas relativamenteàs instruções de segurança constam no ca‐pítulo 1 desta documentação.

Pericolo di morte in casodi inosservanza delle seguenti indicazioni disicurezza!Mettere in funzione i prodotti solo dopo averletto, compreso e osservato per intero la doc‐umentazione e le indicazioni di sicurezza for‐nite con il prodotto.Se non dovesse essere presente la docu‐mentazione nella vostra lingua, siete pregatidi rivolgervi al rivenditore Rexroth compe‐tente.Solo personale qualificato può eseguire lavorisui componenti di comando.Per ulteriori spiegazioni riguardanti le indica‐zioni di sicurezza consultare il capitolo 1 diquesta documentazione.

¡Alta tensión eléctrica!¡Peligro de muerte por descarga eléctrica!Active sólo los componentes de acciona‐miento con el conductor protector firme‐mente instalado.Desconecte la alimentación eléctrica antesde manipular los componentes de acciona‐miento.Tenga en cuenta los tiempos de descargade los condensadores.

Alta tensão elétrica! Perigode vida devido a choque elétrico!Opere componentes de acionamento ape‐nas com condutores de proteção instalados.Desligue a alimentação de tensão antes deaceder aos componentes de acionamento.Respeite os períodos de descarga dos con‐densadores.

Alta tensione elettrica!Pericolo di morte in seguito a scosse elettri‐che!Mettere in esercizio i componenti di comandosolo con conduttore di messa a terra ben in‐stallato.Staccare l'alimentazione prima di interveniresui componenti di comando.Osservare i tempi di scarica del condensa‐tore.

¡Movimientos peligro‐sos! ¡Peligro de muerte!No permanezca en la zona de movimientode las máquinas ni de sus piezas.Impida el acceso accidental de personas.Antes de acceder o introducir las manos enla zona de peligro, los accionamientos setienen que haber parado con seguridad.

Movimentos perigosos! Peri‐go de vida!Não permaneça na área de movimentaçãodas máquinas e das peças das máquinas.Evite o acesso involuntário para pessoas.Antes de entrar ou aceder à área perigosa,imobilize os acionamentos de forma segura.

Movimenti pericolosi! Peri‐colo di morte!Non sostare nelle zone di manovra dellemacchine e delle loro parti.Impedire un accesso non autorizzato per lepersone.Prima di accedere alla zona di pericolo, ar‐restare e bloccare gli azionamenti.

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Español Português Italiano

¡Campos electromagné‐ticos/magnéticos! ¡Peligro para la salud delas personas con marcapasos, implantesmetálicos o audífonos!El acceso de las personas arriba menciona‐das a las zonas de montaje o funcionamien‐to de los componentes de accionamientoestá prohibido, salvo que lo autorice previa‐mente un médico.

Campos eletromagnéticos /magnéticos! Perigo de saúde para pessoascom marcapassos, implantes metálicos ouaparelhos auditivos!Acesso às áreas, nas quais os compo‐nentes de acionamento são montados e op‐erados, é proibido para as pessoas em cimamencionadas ou apenas após permissão deum médico.

Campi elettromagnetici /magnetici! Pericolo per la salute delle per‐sone portatrici di pacemaker, protesi metalli‐che o apparecchi acustici!L'accesso alle zone in cui sono installati o infunzione componenti di comando è vietatoper le persone sopra citate o consentito solodopo un colloquio con il medico.

¡Superficies calientes(> 60 °C)! ¡Peligro de quemaduras!Evite el contacto con las superficies cal‐ientes (p. ej., disipadores de calor). Observeel tiempo de enfriamiento de los compo‐nentes de accionamiento (mín. 15 minutos).

Superfícies quentes (> 60 °C)!Perigo de queimaduras!Evite tocar superfícies metálicas (p. ex. radi‐adores). Respeite o tempo de arrefecimentodos componentes de acionamento (mín. 15minutos).

Superfici bollenti (> 60 °C)!Pericolo di ustioni!Evitare il contatto con superfici metalliche (ades. dissipatori di calore). Rispettare i tempi diraffreddamento dei componenti di comando(almeno 15 minuti).

¡Manipulación inadecuadaen el transporte y montaje! ¡Peligro de le‐siones!Utilice dispositivos de montaje y de trans‐porte adecuados.Utilice herramientas adecuadas y equipo deprotección personal.

Manejo incorreto no trans‐porte e montagem! Perigo de ferimentos!Utilize dispositivos de montagem e de trans‐porte adequados.Utilize ferramentas e equipamento de prote‐ção individual adequados.

Manipolazione inappropria‐ta durante il trasporto e il montaggio! Pericolodi lesioni!Utilizzare dispositivi di montaggio e trasportoadatti.Utilizzare attrezzi adatti ed equipaggiamentodi protezione personale.

¡Manejo inadecuado de laspilas! ¡Peligro de lesiones!No trate de reactivar o cargar pilas descar‐gadas (peligro de explosión y cauteriza‐ción).No desarme ni dañe las pilas. No tire las pi‐las al fuego.

Manejo incorreto de baterias!Perigo de ferimentos!Não tente reativar nem carregar baterias va‐zias (perigo de explosão e de queimadurascom ácido).Não desmonte nem danifique as baterias.Não deite as baterias no fogo.

Utilizzo inappropriato dellebatterie! Pericolo di lesioni!Non tentare di riattivare o ricaricare batteriescariche (pericolo di esplosione e corro‐sione).Non scomporre o danneggiare le batterie.Non gettare le batterie nel fuoco.

Svenska Dansk Nederlands

Livsfara om följande säkerhet‐sanvisningar inte följs!Använd inte produkterna innan du har lästoch förstått den dokumentation och de sä‐kerhetsanvisningar som medföljer produkt‐en, och följ alla anvisningar.Kontakta din Rexroth-återförsäljare om do‐kumentationen inte medföljer på ditt språk.Endast kvalificerad personal får arbeta meddrivkomponenterna.Se kapitel 1 i denna dokumentation för när‐mare beskrivningar av säkerhetsanvisnin‐garna.

Livsfare ved manglendeoverholdelse af nedenstående sikkerhed‐sanvisninger!Tag ikke produktet i brug, før du har læst ogforstået den dokumentation og de sikker‐hedsanvisninger, som følger med produktet,og overhold de givne anvisninger.Kontakt din Rexroth-forhandler, hvis doku‐mentationen ikke medfølger på dit sprog.Det er kun kvalificeret personale, der må ar‐bejde på drive components.Nærmere forklaringer til sikkerhedsanvisnin‐gerne fremgår af kapitel 1 i denne dokumen‐tation.

Levensgevaar bij niet-naleving van onderstaande veiligheidsinstruc‐ties!Stel de producten pas in bedrijf nadat u demet het product geleverde documenten en deveiligheidsinformatie volledig gelezen, be‐grepen en in acht genomen heeft.Mocht u niet beschikken over documenten inuw landstaal, kunt u contact opnemen met uwplaatselijke Rexroth distributiepartner.Uitsluitend gekwalificeerd personeel mag aande aandrijvingscomponenten werken.Meer informatie over de veiligheidsinstructiesvindt u in hoofdstuk 1 van deze documenta‐tie.

Hög elektrisk spänning! Livs‐fara genom elchock!Använd endast drivkomponenterna medfastmonterad skyddsledare.Koppla bort spänningsförsörjningen före ar‐bete på drivkomponenter.Var medveten om kondensatorernas urladd‐ningstid.

Elektrisk højspænding! Livs‐fare på grund af elektrisk stød!Drive components må kun benyttes med etfast installeret jordstik.Sørg for at koble spændingsforsyningen fra,inden du rører ved drive components.Overhold kondensatorernes afladningstider.

Hoge elektrischespanning! Levensgevaar door elektrischeschok!Bedien de aandrijvingscomponenten uitslui‐tend met vast geïnstalleerde aardleiding.Schakel voor toegang tot aandrijvingscompo‐nenten de spanningsvoorziening uit.Neem de ontlaadtijden van condensatoren inacht.

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Svenska Dansk Nederlands

Farliga rörelser! Livsfara!Uppehåll dig inte inom maskiners och mas‐kindelars rörelseområde.Förhindra att obehöriga personer får till‐träde.Innan du börjar arbeta eller vistas inom driv‐systemets riskområde måste maskinen varastillastående.

Farlige bevægelser! Livs‐fare!Du må ikke opholde dig inden for maskinersog maskindeles bevægelsesradius.Sørg for, at ingen personer kan få utilsigtetadgang.Stands drevene helt, inden du rører ved dre‐vene eller træder ind i deres fareområde.

Risicovolle bewegin‐gen! Levensgevaar!Houdt u niet op in het bewegingsbereik vanmachines en machineonderdelen.Voorkom dat personen onbedoeld toegangverkrijgen.Voor toegang tot de gevaarlijke zone moetende aandrijvingen veilig tot stilstand gebrachtzijn.

Elektromagnetiska/magnetiskafält! Hälsofara för personer med pacemaker,implantat av metall eller hörapparat!Det är förbjudet för ovan nämnda personer(eller kräver överläggning med läkare) attbeträda områden där drivkomponenter ärmonterade och i drift.

Elektromagnetiske/magnet‐iske felter! Sundhedsfare for personer medpacemakere, metalliske implantater ellerhøreapparater!For disse personer er der adgang forbudt el‐ler kun adgang med tilladelse fra læge til deområder, hvor drive components monteresog drives.

Elektromagnetische /magnetische velden! Gevaar voor de gezond‐heid van personen met pacemakers, metalenimplantaten of hoorapparaten!Toegang tot gebieden, waarin aandrijvings‐componenten worden gemonteerd en be‐diend, is verboden voor voornoemde person‐en of uitsluitend toegestaan na overleg meteen arts.

Varma ytor (> 60 °C)! Riskför brännskador!Undvik att vidröra metallytor (t.ex. kylele‐ment). Var medveten om att det tar tid fördrivkomponenterna att svalna (minst 15 mi‐nuter).

Varme overflader (> 60 °C)!Risiko for forbrændinger!Undgå at berøre metaloverflader (f.eks.køleelementer). Overhold drive componentsnedkølingstid (min. 15 min.).

Hete oppervlakken(> 60 °C)! Verbrandingsgevaar!Voorkom contact met metalen oppervlakken(bijv. Koellichamen). Afkoeltijd van de aandrij‐vingscomponenten in acht nemen (min. 15minuten).

Felaktig hantering vidtransport och montering! Skaderisk!Använd passande monterings- och trans‐portanordningar.Använd lämpliga verktyg och personlig sky‐ddsutrustning.

Fejlhåndtering ved transportog montering! Risiko for kvæstelser!Benyt egnede monterings- og transporta‐nordninger.Benyt egnet værktøj og personligt sikker‐hedsudstyr.

Onjuist gebruik bij trans‐port en montage! Letselgevaar!Gebruik geschikte montage- en transportin‐richtingen.Gebruik geschikt gereedschap en een per‐soonlijke veiligheidsuitrusting.

Felaktig hantering av bat‐terier! Skaderisk!Försök inte återaktivera eller ladda upp bat‐terier (risk för explosioner och frätskador).Batterierna får inte tas isär eller skadas.Släng inte batterierna i elden.

Fejlhåndtering af batterier!Risiko for kvæstelser!Forsøg ikke at genaktivere eller opladetomme batterier (eksplosions- og ætsnings‐fare).Undlad at skille batterier ad eller at beska‐dige dem. Smid ikke batterier ind i åben ild.

Onjuist gebruik van batter‐ijen! Letselgevaar!Probeer nooit lege batterijen te reactiveren ofop te laden (explosiegevaar en gevaar voorbeschadiging van weefsel door cauterisatie).Batterijen niet demonteren of beschadigen.Nooit batterijen in het vuur werpen.

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Suomi Polski Český

Näiden turvaohjeiden noudat‐tamatta jättämisestä on seurauksena hen‐genvaara!Ota tuote käyttöön vasta sen jälkeen, kunolet lukenut läpi tuotteen mukana toimitetutasiakirjat ja turvallisuusohjeet, ymmärtänytne ja ottanut ne huomioon.Jos asiakirjoja ei ole saatavana omalla äi‐dinkielelläsi, ota yhteys asianomaiseen Re‐xrothin myyntiedustajaan.Käyttölaitteiden komponenttien parissa saatyöskennellä ainoastaan valtuutettu henki‐löstö.Lisätietoa turvaohjeista löydät tämän doku‐mentaation luvusta 1.

Zagrożenie życia w razienieprzestrzegania poniższych wskazówekbezpieczeństwa!Nie uruchamiać produktów przed uprzednimprzeczytaniem i pełnym zrozumieniemwszystkich dokumentów dostarczonychwraz z produktem oraz wskazówek bezpiec‐zeństwa. Należy przestrzegać wszystkichzawartych tam zaleceń.W przypadku braku dokumentów w Państwajęzyku, prosimy o skontaktowanie się z lo‐kalnym partnerem handlowym Rexroth.Przy zespołach napędowych może praco‐wać wyłącznie wykwalifikowany personel.Bliższe objaśnienia wskazówek bezpiec‐zeństwa znajdują się w Rozdziale 1 niniejs‐zej dokumentacji.

Nebezpečí života v případěnedodržení níže uvedených bezpečnostníchpokynů!Před uvedením výrobků do provozu si přeč‐těte kompletní dokumentaci a bezpečnostnípokyny dodávané s výrobkem, pochopte je adodržujte.Nemáte-li k dispozici podklady ve svém ja‐zyce, obraťte se na příslušného obchodníhopartnera Rexroth.Na komponentách pohonu smí pracovatpouze kvalifikovaný personál.Podrobnější vysvětlení k bezpečnostním po‐kynům naleznete v kapitole 1 této dokumen‐tace.

Voimakas sähköjännite! Säh‐köiskun aiheuttama hengenvaara!Käytä käyttölaitteen komponentteja ainoast‐aan maadoitusjohtimen ollessa kiinteästiasennettuna.Katkaise jännitteensyöttö ennen käyttölait‐teen komponenteille suoritettavien töidenaloittamista.Huomioi kondensaattoreiden purkausajat.

Wysokie napięcie elek‐tryczne! Zagrożenie życia w wyniku poraże‐nia prądem!Zespoły napędu mogą być eksploatowanewyłącznie z zainstalowanym na stałe prze‐wodem ochronnym.Przed uzyskaniem dostępu do podzespołównapędu należy odłączyć zasilanie elek‐tryczne.Zwracać uwagę na czas rozładowania kon‐densatorów.

Vysoké elektrické napětí! Ne‐bezpečí života při zasažení elektrickým prou‐dem!Komponenty pohonu smí být v provozupouze s pevně nainstalovaným ochrannýmvodičem.Než začnete zasahovat do komponent poho‐nu, odpojte je od elektrického napájení.Dodržujte vybíjecí časy kondenzátorů.

Vaarallisia liikkeitä! Hengen‐vaara!Älä oleskele koneiden tai koneenosien lii‐kealueella.Pidä huolta siitä, ettei muita henkilöitäpääse alueelle vahingossa.Pysäytä käyttölaitteet varmasti ennen vaara-alueelle koskemista tai menemistä.

Niebezpieczne ruchy!Zagrożenie życia!Nie wolno przebywać w obszarze pracymaszyny i jej elementów.Nie dopuszczać osób niepowołanych do ob‐szaru pracy maszyny.Przed dotknięciem urządzenia/maszyny lubzbliżeniem się do obszaru zagrożenia nale‐ży zgodnie z zasadami bezpieczeństwa wy‐łączyć napędy.

Nebezpečné pohyby! Nebez‐pečí života!Nezdržujte se v dosahu pohybu strojů a jejichsoučástí.Zabraňte náhodnému přístupu osob.Před zásahem nebo vstupem do nebezpeč‐ného prostoru bezpečně zastavte pohony.

Sähkömagneettisia/magneet‐tisia kenttiä! Terveydellisten haittojen vaarahenkilöille, joilla on sydämentahdistin, met‐allinen implantti tai kuulolaite!Yllä mainituilta henkilöiltä on pääsy kiellettyalueille, joilla asennetaan tai käytetään käyt‐tölaitteen komponentteja, tai heidän on en‐sin saatava tähän suostumus lääkäriltään.

Pola elektromagne‐tyczne / magnetyczne! Zagrożenie zdrowiadla osób z rozrusznikiem serca, metalowymiimplantami lub aparatami słuchowymi!Wstęp na teren, gdzie odbywa się montaż ieksploatacja napędów jest dla ww. osóbzabroniony względnie dozwolony po konsul‐tacji z lekarzem.

Elektromagnetická/magnet‐ická pole! Nebezpečí pro zdraví osob s kar‐diostimulátory, kovovými implantáty nebonaslouchadly!Výše uvedené osoby mají zakázán přístup doprostorů, kde jsou montovány a používánykomponenty pohonu, resp. ho mají povolenpouze po poradě s lékařem.

Kuumia pintoja (> 60 °C)! Palo‐vammojen vaara!Vältä metallipintojen koskettamista (esim.jäähdytyslevyt). Noudata käyttölaitteen kom‐ponenttien jäähtymisaikoja (väh. 15 minuut‐tia).

Gorące powierzchnie(> 60 °C)! Niebezpieczeństwo poparzenia!Unikać kontaktu z powierzchniami metalo‐wymi (np. radiatorami). Przestrzegać cza‐sów schładzania podzespołów napędów(min. 15 minut).

Horké povrchy (> 60 °C)!Nebezpečí popálení!Nedotýkejte se kovových povrchů (např. chla‐dicích těles). Dodržujte dobu ochlazení kom‐ponent pohonu (min. 15 minut).

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Suomi Polski Český

Epäasianmukainen käsittelykuljetuksen ja asennuksen yhteydessä!Loukkaantumisvaara!Käytä soveltuvia asennus- ja kuljetuslaittei‐ta.Käytä omia työkaluja ja henkilökohtaisiasuojavarusteita.

Niewłaściwe obchodze‐nie się podczas transportu i montażu! Ryzy‐ko urazu!Stosować odpowiednie urządzenia monta‐żowe i transportowe.Stosować odpowiednie narzędzia i środkiochrony osobistej.

Nesprávné zacházení připřepravě a montáži! Nebezpečí zranění!Používejte vhodná montážní a dopravnízařízení.Používejte vhodné nářadí a osobní ochrannévybavení.

Paristojen epäasianmukainenkäsittely! Loukkaantumisvaara!Älä yritä saada tyhjiä paristoja toimimaan tailadata niitä uudelleen (räjähdys- ja syöpy‐misvaara).Älä hajota paristoja osiin tai vaurioita niitä.Älä heitä paristoja tuleen.

Niewłaściwe obchodze‐nie się z bateriami! Ryzyko urazu!Nie próbować reaktywować i nie ładowaćzużytych baterii (niebezpieczeństwo wybu‐chu oraz poparzenia żrącą substancją).Nie demontować i nie niszczyć baterii. Niewrzucać baterii do ognia.

Nesprávné zacházení sbateriemi! Nebezpečí zranění!Nepokoušejte se znovu aktivovat nebo dobí‐jet prázdné baterie (nebezpečí výbuchu apoleptání).Nerozebírejte ani nepoškozujte baterie. Ne‐házejte baterie do ohně.

Slovensko Slovenčina Română

Življenjska nevarnost prineupoštevanju naslednjih napotkov za var‐nost!Izdelke začnite uporabljati šele, ko v celotipreberete, razumete in upoštevate izdelkompriloženo dokumentacijo in varnostne na‐potke.Če priložena dokumentacija ni na voljo v va‐šem maternem jeziku, se obrnite na pristoj‐nega distributerja Rexroth.Samo kvalificirano osebje sme delati na po‐gonskih komponentah.Podrobnejša pojasnila o varnostnih navodi‐lih najdete v poglavju 1 v tej dokumentaciji.

Nebezpečenstvo ohrozeniaživota pri nedodržiavaní nasledujúcich bez‐pečnostných pokynov!Výrobky uvádzajte do prevádzky až potom,čo ste úplne prečítali, pochopili a zobrali doúvahy podklady a bezpečnostné pokyny do‐dané s výrobkom.Ak by ste nemali k dispozícii žiadne podk‐lady v jazyku svojej krajiny, obráťte sa pro‐sím na svojho príslušného predajcuRexroth.Na komponentoch pohonu smie pracovaťiba kvalifikovaný personál.Bližšie vysvetlenia k bezpečnostným poky‐nom zistite z kapitoly 1 tejto dokumentácie.

Pericol de moarte în cazulnerespectării următoarelor instrucţiuni de si‐guranţă!Punerea în funcţiune a produselor trebuieefectuată după citirea, înţelegerea şi respec‐tarea documentelor şi instrucţiunilor de sigur‐anţă, care sunt livrate împreună cu produ‐sele.În cazul în care documentele nu sunt în limbadumneavoastră maternă, vă rugăm să con‐tactaţi partenerul de vânzări Rexroth.Numai un personal calificat poate lucra cucomponentele de acţionare.Explicaţii detaliate privind instrucţiunile de si‐guranţă găsiţi în capitolul 1 al acestei docu‐mentaţii.

Visoka električna napetost!Življenjska nevarnost zaradi električnegaudara!Pogonske komponente uporabljajte samo sfiksno nameščenim zaščitnim vodnikom.Pred dostopom do pogonske komponenteodklopite napajanje.Upoštevajte čase praznjenja kondenzator‐jev.

Vysoké elektrické napätie!Nebezpečenstvo ohrozenia života v dôsled‐ku zásahu elektrickým prúdom!Komponenty pohonu prevádzkujte iba spevne nainštalovaným ochranným vodičom.Pred prístupom na komponenty pohonu od‐pojte zdroj napätia.Rešpektujte časy vybitia kondenzátorov.

Tensiune electrică înaltă!Pericol de moarte prin electrocutare!Exploataţi componentele de acţionare numaicu împământarea instalată permanent.Înainte de intervenţia asupra componentelorde acţionare, deconectaţi alimentarea cu ten‐siune electrică.Ţineţi cont de timpii de descărcare ai conden‐satorilor.

Nevarni premiki! Življenj‐ska nevarnost!Ne zadržujte se v območju delovanja stro‐jev.Preprečite nenadzorovan dostop oseb.Pred prijemom ali dostopom v nevarno ob‐močje varno zaustavite vse gnane dele.

Pohyby prinášajúce nebez‐pečenstvo! Nebezpečenstvo ohrozenia živo‐ta!Nezdržiavajte sa v oblasti pohybu strojov ačastí strojov.Zabráňte nepovolanému prístupu osôb.Pred zásahom alebo prístupom do nebez‐pečnej oblasti uveďte pohony bezpečne dozastavenia.

Mişcări periculoase! Pericolde moarte!Nu staţionaţi în zona de mişcare a maşinilorşi a componentelor în mişcare a maşinilor.Împiedicaţi accesul neintenţionat al persoane‐lor în zona de lucru a maşinilor.Înainte de intervenţia sau accesul în zonapericuloasă, opriţi în siguranţă componentelede acţionare.

Elektromagnetna / magnet‐na polja! Nevarnost za zdravje za osebe sspodbujevalniki srca, kovinskimi vsadki alislušnimi aparati!Dostop do območij, v katerih so nameščenedelujoče pogonske komponente, je za zgor‐aj navedene osebe prepovedan oz. dovoljensamo po posvetu z zdravnikom.

Elektromagnetické/magnet‐ické polia! Nebezpečenstvo pre zdravieosôb s kardiostimulátormi, kovovými implan‐tátmi alebo načúvacími prístrojmi!Prístup k oblastiam, v ktorých sú namonto‐vané a prevádzkujú sa komponenty pohonu,je pre hore uvedené osoby zakázaný dovolený iba po konzultácii s lekárom.

Câmpuri electromagnetice /magnetice! Pericol pentru sănătatea persoa‐nelor cu stimulatoare cardiace, implanturimetalice sau aparate auditive!Intrarea în zone, în care se montează sau seexploatează componente de acţionare, esteinterzisă pentru persoanele sus numite re‐spectiv este permisă numai cu acordul medi‐cului.

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Slovensko Slovenčina Română

Vroče površine (> 60 °C)! Ne‐varnost opeklin!Izogibajte se stiku s kovinskimi površinami(npr. hladilnimi telesi). Upoštevajte čas hla‐jenja pogonskih komponent (najm. 15 min‐ut).

Horúce povrchy(> 60 °C)! Nebezpečenstvo popálenia!Zabráňte kontaktu s kovovými povrchmi(napr. chladiacimi telesami). Dodržiavajtečas vychladenia komponentov pohonu (min.15 minút).

Suprafeţe fierbinţi (> 60 °C)!Pericol de arsuri!Nu atingeţi suprafeţele metalice (de ex. radia‐toare de răcire). Respectaţi timpii de răcire aicomponentelor de acţionare (min. 15 minute).

Nestrokovno ravnanje medtransportom in namestitvijo! Nevarnost poš‐kodb!Uporabljajte ustrezne pripomočke za name‐ščanje in transport.Uporabite ustrezno orodje in osebno zaščit‐no opremo.

Neodborná manipuláciapri transporte a montáži! Nebezpečenstvoporanenia!Používajte vhodné montážne a transportnézariadenia.Používajte vhodné náradie a osobnéochranné prostriedky.

Manipulare necorespunzătoarela transport şi montaj! Pericol de vătămare!Utilizaţi dispozitive adecvate de montaj şitransport.Folosiţi instrumente corespunzătoare şi echi‐pament personal de protecţie.

Nepravilno ravnanje z baterija‐mi! Nevarnost poškodb!Ne poskušajte ponovno aktivirati ali napolnitipraznih baterij (Nevarnost zaradi eksplozijali jedkanja).Ne razstavljajte ali poškodujte nobenih ba‐terij. Baterij ne mečite v ogenj.

Neodborná manipulácias batériami! Nebezpečenstvo poranenia!Nepokúšajte sa reaktivovať alebo nabíjaťprázdne batérie (nebezpečenstvo výbuchu apoleptania).Batérie nerozoberajte ani nepoškodzujte.Nehádžte batérie do ohňa.

Manipulare necorespunzătoarea bateriilor! Pericol de vătămare!Nu încercaţi să reactivaţi sau să încărcaţi ba‐teriile goale (pericol de explozie şi pericol dearsuri).Nu dezasamblaţi şi nu deterioraţi bateriile. Nuaruncaţi bateriile în foc.

Magyar Български Latviski

Az alábbi biztonsá‐gi útmutatások figyelmen kívül hagyása élet‐veszélyes helyzethez vezethet!Üzembe helyezés előtt olvassa el, értel‐mezze, és vegye figyelembe a csomagbantalálható dokumentumban foglaltakat és abiztonsági útmutatásokat.Amennyiben a csomagban nem talál az Önnyelvén írt dokumentumokat, vegye fel akapcsolatot az illetékes Rexroth-képviselő‐vel.A hajtás alkatrészein kizárólag képzettszemély dolgozhat.A biztonsági útmutatókkal kapcsolatban to‐vábbi magyarázatot ennek a dokumentum‐nak az első fejezetében találhat.

Опасност заживота при неспазване на посочените по-долу инструкции за безопасност!Използвайте продуктите след като сте сезапознали подробно с приложената къмпродукта документация и указания забезопасност, разбрали сте ги и сте сесъобразили с тях.Ако текстът не е написан на Вашия език,моля обърнете се към Вашиякомпетентен търговски представител наRexroth.Със задвижващите компоненти трябва даработи само квалифициран персонал.Подробни пояснения към инструкциите забезопасност можете да видите в Глава 1на тази документация.

Turpinājumā doto drošī‐bas norādījumu neievērošana var apdraudētdzīvību!Sāciet lietot izstrādājumu tikai pēc tam, kadesat pilnībā izlasījuši, sapratuši un ņēmuši vē‐rā kopā ar izstrādājumu piegādātos doku‐mentus.Ja dokumenti nav pieejami Jūsu valsts valo‐dā, vērsieties pie pilnvarotā Rexroth izplatītā‐ja.Darbus pie piedziņas komponentiem drīkstveikt tikai kvalificēts personāls.Detalizētus paskaidrojumus attiecībā uz dro‐šības norādījumiem skatiet šī dokumenta 1.nodaļā.

Magas elektromosfeszültség! Életveszély áramütés miatt!A hajtás alkatrészeit csak véglegesen tele‐pített védővezetővel üzemeltesse!Mielőtt hozzányúl a hajtás alkatrészeihez,kapcsolja ki az áramellátást.Ügyeljen a kondenzátorok kisülési idejére!

Високоелектрическо напрежение! Опасност заживота от удар от електрически ток!Работете със задвижващите компонентисамо при здраво закрепен заземяващпроводник.Преди работа по задвижващитекомпоненти, изключете захранващотонапрежение.Обърнете внимание на времето заразреждане на кондензаторите.

Augsts elektriskais sprie‐gums! Dzīvības apdraudējums elektriskā trie‐ciena dēļ!Piedziņas komponentus darbiniet tikai ar fik‐sēti uzstādītu zemējumvadu.Pirms darba pie piedziņas komponentiem at‐slēdziet elektroapgādi.Ņemiet vērā kondensatoru izlādes laikus.

Veszélyes mozgás!Életveszély!Ne tartózkodjon a gépek és a gépalkatrés‐zek mozgási területén belül!Illetéktelen személyeket ne engedjen a gépközelébe!Mielőtt beavatkozik, vagy a veszélyes zóná‐ba belép a hajtásokat biztonságosan állítsale.

Опасни движения!Опасност за живота!Не стойте в обсега на движение намашините и частите на машините.Не допускайте непреднамерен достъп нахора.Преди работа или влизане в опаснатазона, спрете надеждно приводниямеханизъм.

Bīstamas kustības! Dzīvī‐bas apdraudējums!Neuzturieties mašīnu un mašīnas detaļu kus‐tību zonā.Novērsiet nepiederošu personu piekļūšanu.Pirms darba bīstamajās zonās pilnībā apstā‐diniet piedziņu.

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Magyar Български Latviski

Elektromágneses /mágneses mező! Káros hatással lehet aszívritmus-szabályozó készülékkel, fém‐beültetéssel vagy hallókészülékkel rendel‐kezők egészségére!Azokra a területekre, ahol hajtások alkatrés‐zeit szerelik és üzemeltetik, a fent említettszemélyeknek tilos a belépés, illetve csakorvosi konzultációt követően szabad azadott területekre lépniük.

Електромагнитни /магнитни полета! Опасност за здраветона хора със сърдечни стимулатори,метални импланти или слухови апарати!Достъпът за гореспоменатите лица дозони, в които ще се монтират и щеработят задвижващи компоненти сезабранява, или разрешава само следконсултация с лекар.

Elektromagnētiskais /magnētiskais lauks! Veselības apdraudējumspersonām ar sirds stimulatoriem, metāliskiemimplantiem vai dzirdes aparātiem!Tuvošanās zonām, kurās tiek montēti un dar‐bināti piedziņas komponenti, iepriekš minēta‐jām personām ir aizliegta, respektīvi, atļautatikai pēc konsultēšanās ar ārstu.

Forró felületek (> 60 °C)!Égésveszély!Ne érjen hozzá fémfelületekhez (pl. hűtőtes‐tekhez)! Vegye figyelembe a hajtás alkatrés‐zeinek kihűlési idejét (min. 15 perc)!

Горещи повърхности(> 60 °C)! Опасност от изгаряне!Не докосвайте метални повърхности(например радиатори). Съблюдавайтевремето на охлаждане на задвижващитекомпоненти (мин. 15 минути).

Karstas virsmas (> 60 °C)!Apdedzināšanās risks!Neskarieties pie metāliskām virsmām (pie‐mēram, dzesētāja). Ļaujiet piedziņas kompo‐nentiem atdzist (min. 15 minūtes).

Szakszerűtlen kezelés szál‐lításkor és szereléskor! Sérülésveszély!A megfelelő beszerelési és szállítási eljárá‐sokat alkalmazza!Használjon megfelelő szerszámokat és sze‐mélyes védőfelszerelést!

Неправилно боравене повреме на транспорт и монтаж!Опасностот нараняване!Използвайте подходящо монтажно итранспортно оборудване.Използвайте подходящи инструменти илични предпазни средства.

Nepareizi veikta transportēša‐na un montāža! Traumu gūšanas risks!Izmantojiet piemērotas montāžas un trans‐portēšanas ierīces.Izmantojiet piemērotus instrumentus un indi‐viduālos aizsardzības līdzekļus.

Akkumulátorok szakszerűt‐len kezelése! Sérülésveszély!Üres akkumulátorokat ne aktiváljon újra, ill‐etve ne töltsön fel (robbanás- és marásves‐zély)!Az akkumulátorokat ne szedje szét, és nerongálja meg! Az akkumulátort ne dobjatűzbe!

Неправилно боравене сбатерии! Опасност от нараняване!Не се опитвайте да активирате отновоили да зареждате разредени батерии(Опасност от експлозия и напръскване сагресивен агент).Не разглобявайте и не повреждайтебатерии. Не хвърляйте батерии в огън.

Nepareiza bateriju lietošana!Traumu gūšanas risks!Nemēģiniet no jauna aktivizēt vai uzlādēt tuk‐šas baterijas (eksploziju un ķīmisko apdegu‐mu draudi).Neizjauciet un nesabojājiet baterijas. Neme‐tiet baterijas ugunī.

Lietuviškai Eesti Ελληνικά

Pavojus gyvybei nesilaikanttoliau pateikiamų saugumo nurodymų!Naudokite gaminį tik kruopščiai perskaitęprie jo pridėtus aprašus, saugumo nurody‐mus. Susipažinkite su jais ir vadovaukitėsnaudodami gaminį.Jei Jūs negavote aprašo gimtąja kalba,kreipkitės į įgaliotus Rexroth atstovus.Prie pavaros komponentų leidžiama dirbti tikkvalifikuotam personalui.Išsamesnius saugumo nurodymų paaiškini‐mus rasite šios dokumentacijos 1 skyriuje.

Alljärgnevate ohutusjuhiste eir‐amine on eluohtlik!Võtke tooted käiku alles siis, kui olete toode‐tega kaasasolevad materjalid ning ohutus‐juhised täielikult läbi lugenud, neist aru saa‐nud ja neid järginud.Kui Teil puuduvad emakeelsed materjalid,siis pöörduge Rexrothi kohaliku müügiesin‐duse poole.Ajamikomponentidega tohib töötada üksneskvalifitseeritud personal.Täpsemaid selgitusi ohutusjuhiste kohta lei‐ate käesoleva dokumentatsiooni peatükist 1.

Κίνδυνος θανάτου σεπερίπτωση μη συμμόρφωσης με τιςπαρακάτω οδηγίες ασφαλείας!Θέστε το προϊόν σε λειτουργία αφούδιαβάσετε, κατανοήσετε και λάβετε υπόψη τοσύνολο των οδηγιών ασφαλείας που τοσυνοδεύουν.Εάν δεν υπάρχει τεκμηρίωση στη γλώσσασας, απευθυνθείτε σε εξουσιοδοτημένοαντιπρόσωπο της Rexroth.Μόνο εξειδικευμένο προσωπικό επιτρέπεταινα χειρίζεται στοιχεία μετάδοσης κίνησης.Περαιτέρω επεξηγήσεις των οδηγιώνασφαλείας διατίθενται στο κεφάλαιο 1 τηςπαρούσας τεκμηρίωσης.

Aukšta elektros įtampa! Pav‐ojus gyvybei dėl elektros smūgio!Pavaros komponentus eksploatuokite tik sufiksuotai instaliuotu apsauginiu laidu.Prieš prieidami prie pavaros komponentų iš‐junkite maitinimo įtampą.Atsižvelkite į kondensatorių išsikrovimotrukmę.

Kõrge elektripinge! Eluohtlikelektrilöögi tõttu!Käitage ajamikomponente üksnes püsivaltinstalleeritud maandusega.Lülitage enne ajamikomponentidega töödealustamist toitepinge välja.Järgige kondensaatorite mahalaadumisae‐gu.

Υψηλή ηλεκτρική τάση!Κίνδυνος θανάτου από ηλεκτροπληξία!Θέτετε σε λειτουργία τα στοιχεία μετάδοσηςκίνησης μόνο εφόσον έχει τοποθετηθεί καλάπροστατευτικός αγωγός γείωσης.Πριν από οποιαδήποτε παρέμβαση,αποσυνδέστε την τροφοδοσία των στοιχείωνμετάδοσης κίνησης.Λάβετε υπόψη τους χρόνους αποφόρτισηςτων πυκνωτών.

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Lietuviškai Eesti Ελληνικά

Pavojingi judesiai! Pavojusgyvybei!Nebūkite mašinų ar jų dalių judėjimo zonoje.Neleiskite netyčia patekti asmenims.Prieš patekdami į pavojaus zoną saugiai iš‐junkite pavaras.

Ohtlikud liikumised! Eluohtlik!Ärge viibige masina ja masinaosade liiku‐mispiirkonnas.Tõkestage inimeste ettekavatsematu sise‐nemine masina ja masinaosade liikumispiir‐konda.Tagage ajamite turvaline seiskamine enneohupiirkonda juurdepääsu või sisenemist.

Επικίνδυνες τάσεις!Κίνδυνος θανάτου!Μην στέκεστε στην περιοχή κίνησηςμηχανημάτων και εξαρτημάτων.Αποτρέπετε την τυχαία είσοδο ατόμων.Πριν από την παρέμβαση ή πρόσβαση στηνπεριοχή κινδύνου, μεριμνήστε για την ασφαλήακινητοποίηση των συστημάτων μετάδοσηςκίνησης.

Elektromagnetiniai / magnet‐iniai laukai! Pavojus asmenų su širdies stim‐uliatoriais, metaliniais implantais arba klau‐sos aparatais sveikatai!Prieiga prie zonų, kuriose montuojami ireksploatuojami pavaros komponentai, aukš‐čiau nurodytiems asmenims yra draudžiamaarba leistina tik pasitarus su gydytoju.

Elektromagnetilised / magnetil‐ised väljad! Terviseohtlik südamestimulaa‐torite, metallimplantaatide ja kuulmissead‐metega inimestele!Sisenemine piirkondadesse, kus toimub aja‐mikomponentide monteerimine ja käitamine,on ülalnimetatud isikutele keelatud või luba‐tud üksnes pärast arstiga konsulteerimist.

Ηλεκτρομαγνητικά/μαγνητικά πεδία! Κίνδυνος για την υγείαατόμων με καρδιακούς βηματοδότες,μεταλλικά εμφυτεύματα ή συσκευές ακοής!Η είσοδος σε περιοχές όπουπραγματοποιείται συναρμολόγηση καιλειτουργία στοιχείων μετάδοσης κίνησηςαπαγορεύεται στα προαναφερθέντα άτομα,εκτός αν τους έχει δοθεί σχετική άδεια κατόπινσυνεννόησης με γιατρό.

Karšti paviršiai(> 60 °C)! Nudegimo pavojus!Venkite liesti metalinius paviršius (pvz., radi‐atorių). Išlaikykite pavaros komponentų at‐vėsimo trukmę (bent 15 minučių).

Kuumad välispinnad(> 60 °C)! Põletusoht!Vältige metalsete välispindade (nt radiaator‐id) puudutamist. Pidage kinni ajamikompo‐nentide mahajahtumisajast (vähemalt 15minutit).

Καυτές επιφάνειες (> 60 °C)!Κίνδυνος εγκαύματος!Αποφεύγετε την επαφή με μεταλλικέςεπιφάνειες (π.χ. μονάδες ψύξης). Λάβετευπόψη το χρόνο ψύξης των στοιχείωνμετάδοσης κίνησης (τουλάχιστον 15 λεπτά).

Netinkamas darbastransportuojant ir montuojant! Susižalojimopavojus!Naudokite tinkamus montavimo ir transpor‐tavimo įrenginius.Naudokite tinkamus įrankius ir asmens sau‐gos priemones.

Asjatundmatu käsitse‐mine transportimisel ja montaažil! Vigastu‐soht!Kasutage sobivaid montaaži- ja transpordi‐seadiseid.Kasutage sobivaid tööriistu ja isiklikku kait‐sevarustust.

Ακατάλληλος χειρισμός κατά τημεταφορά και συναρμολόγηση! Κίνδυνοςτραυματισμού!Χρησιμοποιείτε κατάλληλους μηχανισμούςσυναρμολόγησης και μεταφοράς.Χρησιμοποιείτε κατάλληλα εργαλεία καιατομικό εξοπλισμό προστασίας.

Netinkamas darbas subaterijomis! Susižalojimo pavojus!Nebandykite tuščių baterijų reaktyvuoti arbaįkrauti (sprogimo ir išėsdinimo pavojus).Neardykite ir nepažeiskite baterijų. Neme‐skite baterijų į ugnį.

Patareide asjatundmatukäsitsemine! Vigastusoht!Ärge üritage kunagi tühje patareisid reakti‐veerida või täis laadida (plahvatus- ja söövi‐tusoht).Ärge demonteerige ega kahjustage patarei‐sid. Ärge visake patareisid tulle.

Ακατάλληλος χειρισμόςμπαταριών! Κίνδυνος τραυματισμού!Μην επιδιώκετε να ενεργοποιήσετε ξανά ή ναφορτίσετε κενές μπαταρίες (κίνδυνος έκρηξηςκαι διάβρωσης).Μην διαλύετε ή καταστρέφετε τις μπαταρίες.Μην απορρίπτετε τις μπαταρίες στη φωτιά.


如果不按照下述指定的安全说明使用,将会导致人身伤害!在没有阅读,理解随本产品附带的文件并熟知正当使用前,不要安装或使用本产品。如果没有您所在国家官方语言文件说明,请与 Rexroth 销售伙伴联系。只允许有资格人员对驱动器部件进行操作。安全说明的详细解释在本文档的第一章。



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电磁场/磁场!对佩戴心脏起搏器、金属植入物和助听器的人员会造成严重的人身伤害 !上述人员禁止进入安装及运行的驱动器区域,或者必须事先咨询医生。

热表面(大于 60 度)!灼伤风险!不要触摸金属表面(例如散热器)。驱动器部件断电后需要时间进行冷却(至少 15 分钟)。



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Table of ContentsPage

1 Important Notes........................................................................................................... 131.1 Safety Instructions................................................................................................................................ 131.1.1 General Information........................................................................................................................... 131.1.2 Protection Against Contact With Electrical Parts and Housings........................................................ 141.1.3 Protection Against Dangerous Movements....................................................................................... 151.1.4 Protection Against Magnetic and Electromagnetic Fields During Operation and Mounting.............. 171.1.5 Protection Against Contact With Hot Parts........................................................................................ 171.1.6 Protection During Handling and Mounting......................................................................................... 171.1.7 Battery Safety.................................................................................................................................... 181.2 Appropriate Use.................................................................................................................................... 18

2 Identification................................................................................................................. 192.1 Type Code............................................................................................................................................ 192.2 Type Plates........................................................................................................................................... 202.3 Scope of Supply.................................................................................................................................... 20

3 Ratings and Dimensions.............................................................................................. 21

4 Reference Documentations......................................................................................... 254.1 Drive Systems, System Components................................................................................................... 254.2 Motors................................................................................................................................................... 254.3 Cables................................................................................................................................................... 264.4 Firmware............................................................................................................................................... 26

5 Instructions for Use...................................................................................................... 295.1 Overcurrent Protection.......................................................................................................................... 295.2 Connection Points................................................................................................................................. 295.2.1 Wiring Diagram.................................................................................................................................. 295.2.2 Connection Diagram.......................................................................................................................... 305.2.3 X3, Mains Connection....................................................................................................................... 31

Important Notes.............................................................................................................................. 31HCS03.1E-W0070.......................................................................................................................... 32HCS03.1E-W0100…W0210........................................................................................................... 32

5.2.4 X5, Motor Connection........................................................................................................................ 33Important Notes.............................................................................................................................. 33HCS03.1E-W0070.......................................................................................................................... 34HCS03.1E-W0100…W0210........................................................................................................... 34

5.2.5 X6, Motor Temperature Monitoring and Motor Holding Brake........................................................... 355.2.6 X9, External Braking Resistor............................................................................................................ 38

Important Notes.............................................................................................................................. 38X9, External Braking Resistor HCS03.1E-W0070…0210.............................................................. 38

5.2.7 Terminal Block, 24V - 0V (24V Supply)............................................................................................. 395.2.8 L+ L-, DC Bus Connection................................................................................................................. 40

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5.2.9 Ground Connection........................................................................................................................... 425.2.10 Shield Connection............................................................................................................................. 43

XS1, Shield Connection Control Lines........................................................................................... 43XS2, Shield Connection Motor Cable............................................................................................. 43

5.3 Installation............................................................................................................................................. 445.3.1 General Information on How to Install the Drive Controller............................................................... 445.3.2 Sizing of Enclosure and Control Cabinet........................................................................................... 45

Multiple-Line Design of the Control Cabinet................................................................................... 45Arranging the Cooling Units............................................................................................................ 46

6 EMC Measures for Design and Installation.................................................................. 496.1 Rules for Design of Installations With Drive Controllers in Compliance With EMC.............................. 496.2 EMC-Optimal Installation in Facility and Control Cabinet..................................................................... 506.2.1 General Information........................................................................................................................... 506.2.2 Division Into Areas (Zones)............................................................................................................... 506.2.3 Control Cabinet Mounting According to Interference Areas - Exemplary Arrangements.................. 526.2.4 Design and Installation in Area A - Interference-Free Area of Control Cabinet................................. 536.2.5 Design and Installation in Area B - Interference-Susceptible Area of Control Cabinet...................... 556.2.6 Design and Installation in Area C - Strongly Interference-Susceptible Area of Control Cabinet....... 556.3 Ground Connections............................................................................................................................. 566.4 Installing Signal Lines and Signal Cables............................................................................................. 576.5 General Measures of Radio Interference Suppression for Relays, Contactors, Switches, Chokes and

Inductive Loads..................................................................................................................................... 58

7 Accessories.................................................................................................................. 597.1 Overview............................................................................................................................................... 597.2 Information on Accessory HAS02......................................................................................................... 60

8 Service and Support.................................................................................................... 61

9 Environmental Protection and Disposal ...................................................................... 639.1 Environmental Protection...................................................................................................................... 639.2 Disposal................................................................................................................................................ 63

Index............................................................................................................................ 65

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1 Important Notes1.1 Safety Instructions1.1.1 General Information

● Do not attempt to install and operate the components of the electricdrive and control system without first reading all documentation providedwith the product. Read and understand these safety instructions and alluser documentation prior to working with these components. If you donot have the user documentation for the components, contact your re‐sponsible Rexroth sales partner. Ask for these documents to be sent im‐mediately to the person or persons responsible for the safe operation ofthe components.

● If the supplied documents contain some information you do not under‐stand, it is absolutely necessary that you ask Rexroth for explanationbefore you start working at or with the components.

● If the component is resold, rented and/or passed on to others in any oth‐er form, these safety instructions must be delivered with the componentin the official language of the user's country.

● Only qualified persons may work with components of the electric driveand control system or within its proximity.In terms of this Instruction Manual, qualified persons are those personswho are familiar with the installation, mounting, commissioning and op‐eration of the components of the electric drive and control system, aswell as with the hazards this implies, and who possess the qualificationstheir work requires. To comply with these qualifications, it is necessary,among other things,– to be trained, instructed or authorized to switch electric circuits and

components safely on and off, to ground them and to mark them,– to be trained or instructed to maintain and use adequate safety

equipment,– to attend a course of instruction in first aid.

● The technical data, connection and installation conditions of the compo‐nents are specified in the respective application documentations andmust be followed at all times.

● If the components take the form of hardware, then they must remain intheir original state, in other words, no structural changes are permitted.It is not permitted to decompile software components or alter source co‐des.

● Do not mount damaged or faulty components or use them in operation.● Only use accessories and spare parts approved by Rexroth.● Follow the safety regulations and requirements of the country in which

the electric components of the electric drive and control system are op‐erated.

● Proper and correct transport, storage, mounting and installation, as wellas care in operation and maintenance, are prerequisites for optimal andsafe operation of the component.

Improper use of these components, failure to follow the safety instructions inthis document or tampering with the product, including disabling of safety de‐vices, could result in property damage, injury, electric shock or even death.

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1.1.2 Protection Against Contact With Electrical Parts and Housings

This section concerns components of the electric drive and con‐trol system with voltages of more than 50 volts.

Contact with parts conducting voltages above 50 volts can cause personaldanger and electric shock. When operating components of the electric driveand control system, it is unavoidable that some parts of these componentsconduct dangerous voltage. High electrical voltage! Danger to life, risk of injury by electric shock or seri‐ous injury!● Only qualified persons are allowed to operate, maintain and/or repair the

components of the electric drive and control system.● Follow the general installation and safety regulations when working on

power installations.● Before switching on, the equipment grounding conductor must have

been permanently connected to all electric components in accordancewith the connection diagram.

● Even for brief measurements or tests, operation is only allowed if theequipment grounding conductor has been permanently connected to thepoints of the components provided for this purpose.

● Before accessing electrical parts with voltage potentials higher than50 V, you must disconnect electric components from the mains or fromthe power supply unit. Secure the electric component from reconnec‐tion.

● With electric components, observe the following aspects:Always wait 30 minutes after switching off power to allow live capacitorsto discharge before accessing an electric component. Measure the elec‐trical voltage of live parts before beginning to work to make sure that theequipment is safe to touch.

● Install the covers and guards provided for this purpose before switchingon.

● Never touch electrical connection points of the components while poweris turned on.

● Do not remove or plug in connectors when the component has beenpowered.

● Under specific conditions, electric drive systems can be operated atmains protected by residual-current-operated circuit-breakers sensitiveto universal current (RCDs/RCMs).

● Secure built-in devices from penetrating foreign objects and water, aswell as from direct contact, by providing an external housing, for exam‐ple a control cabinet.

High housing voltage and high leakage current! Danger to life, risk of injuryby electric shock!● Before switching on and before commissioning, ground or connect the

components of the electric drive and control system to the equipmentgrounding conductor at the grounding points.

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● Connect the equipment grounding conductor of the components of theelectric drive and control system permanently to the main power supplyat all times. The leakage current is greater than 3.5 mA.

● Establish an equipment grounding connection with a minimum crosssection according to the table below. With an outer conductor cross sec‐tion smaller than 10 mm2 (8 AWG), the alternative connection of twoequipment grounding conductors is allowed, each having the samecross section as the outer conductors.

Cross section outer con‐ductor

Minimum cross section equipment grounding conductorLeakage current ≥ 3.5 mA

1 equipment groundingconductor

2 equipment groundingconductors

1,5 mm2 (AWG 16)

10 mm2 (AWG 8)

2 × 1,5 mm2 (AWG 16)

2,5 mm2 (AWG 14) 2 × 2,5 mm2 (AWG 14)

4 mm2 (AWG 12) 2 × 4 mm2 (AWG 12)

6 mm2 (AWG 10) 2 × 6 mm2 (AWG 10)

10 mm2 (AWG 8) -

16 mm2 (AWG 6)

16 mm2 (AWG 6)


25 mm2 (AWG 4) -

35 mm2 (AWG 2) -

50 mm2 (AWG 1/0) 25 mm2 (AWG 4) -

70 mm2 (AWG 2/0) 35 mm2 (AWG 2) -

... ... ...

Fig.1-1: Minimum Cross Section of the Equipment Grounding Connection

1.1.3 Protection Against Dangerous MovementsDangerous movements can be caused by faulty control of connected motors.Some common examples are:● Improper or wrong wiring or cable connection● Operator errors● Wrong input of parameters before commissioning● Malfunction of sensors and encoders● Defective components● Software or firmware errorsThese errors can occur immediately after equipment is switched on or evenafter an unspecified time of trouble-free operation.The monitoring functions in the components of the electric drive and controlsystem will normally be sufficient to avoid malfunction in the connecteddrives. Regarding personal safety, especially the danger of injury and/orproperty damage, this alone cannot be relied upon to ensure complete safety.Until the integrated monitoring functions become effective, it must be as‐sumed in any case that faulty drive movements will occur. The extent of faultydrive movements depends upon the type of control and the state of opera‐tion.

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Dangerous movements! Danger to life, risk of injury, serious injury or propertydamage!A risk assessment must be prepared for the installation or machine, with itsspecific conditions, in which the components of the electric drive and controlsystem are installed.As a result of the risk assessment, the user must provide for monitoring func‐tions and higher-level measures on the installation side for personal safety.The safety regulations applicable to the installation or machine must be takeninto consideration. Unintended machine movements or other malfunctionsare possible if safety devices are disabled, bypassed or not activated.To avoid accidents, injury and/or property damage:● Keep free and clear of the machine’s range of motion and moving ma‐

chine parts. Prevent personnel from accidentally entering the machine’srange of motion by using, for example:– Safety fences– Safety guards– Protective coverings– Light barriers

● Make sure the safety fences and protective coverings are strong enoughto resist maximum possible kinetic energy.

● Mount emergency stopping switches in the immediate reach of the oper‐ator. Before commissioning, verify that the emergency stopping equip‐ment works. Do not operate the machine if the emergency stoppingswitch is not working.

● Prevent unintended start-up. Isolate the drive power connection bymeans of OFF switches/OFF buttons or use a safe starting lockout.

● Make sure that the drives are brought to safe standstill before accessingor entering the danger zone.

● Additionally secure vertical axes against falling or dropping after switch‐ing off the motor power by, for example,– mechanically securing the vertical axes,– adding an external braking/arrester/clamping mechanism or– ensuring sufficient counterbalancing of the vertical axes.

● The standard equipment motor holding brake or an external holdingbrake controlled by the drive controller is not sufficient to guarantee per‐sonal safety!

● Disconnect electrical power to the components of the electric drive andcontrol system using the master switch and secure them from reconnec‐tion ("lock out") for:– Maintenance and repair work– Cleaning of equipment– Long periods of discontinued equipment use

● Prevent the operation of high-frequency, remote control and radio equip‐ment near components of the electric drive and control system and theirsupply leads. If the use of these devices cannot be avoided, check themachine or installation, at initial commissioning of the electric drive andcontrol system, for possible malfunctions when operating such high-fre‐quency, remote control and radio equipment in its possible positions of

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normal use. It might possibly be necessary to perform a special electro‐magnetic compatibility (EMC) test.

1.1.4 Protection Against Magnetic and Electromagnetic Fields During Oper‐ation and Mounting

Magnetic and electromagnetic fields generated by current-carrying conduc‐tors or permanent magnets of electric motors represent a serious danger topersons with heart pacemakers, metal implants and hearing aids.Health hazard for persons with heart pacemakers, metal implants and hear‐ing aids in proximity to electric components!● Persons with heart pacemakers and metal implants are not allowed to

enter the following areas:– Areas in which components of the electric drive and control sys‐

tems are mounted, commissioned and operated.– Areas in which parts of motors with permanent magnets are stored,

repaired or mounted.● If it is necessary for somebody with a heart pacemaker to enter such an

area, a doctor must be consulted prior to doing so. The noise immunityof implanted heart pacemakers differs so greatly that no general rulescan be given.

● Those with metal implants or metal pieces, as well as with hearing aids,must consult a doctor before they enter the areas described above.

1.1.5 Protection Against Contact With Hot PartsHot surfaces of components of the electric drive and control system. Risk ofburns!● Do not touch hot surfaces of, for example, braking resistors, heat sinks,

supply units and drive controllers, motors, windings and laminatedcores!

● According to the operating conditions, temperatures of the surfaces canbe higher than 60 °C (140 °F) during or after operation.

● Before touching motors after having switched them off, let them cooldown for a sufficient period of time. Cooling down can require up to 140minutes! The time required for cooling down is approximately five timesthe thermal time constant specified in the technical data.

● After switching chokes, supply units and drive controllers off, wait 15 mi‐nutes to allow them to cool down before touching them.

● Wear safety gloves or do not work at hot surfaces.● For certain applications, and in accordance with the respective safety

regulations, the manufacturer of the machine or installation must takemeasures to avoid injuries caused by burns in the final application.These measures can be, for example: Warnings at the machine or in‐stallation, guards (shieldings or barriers) or safety instructions in the ap‐plication documentation.

1.1.6 Protection During Handling and MountingRisk of injury by improper handling! Injury by crushing, shearing, cutting, hit‐ting!

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● Observe the relevant statutory regulations of accident prevention.● Use suitable equipment for mounting and transport.● Avoid jamming and crushing by appropriate measures.● Always use suitable tools. Use special tools if specified.● Use lifting equipment and tools in the correct manner.● Use suitable protective equipment (hard hat, safety goggles, safety

shoes, safety gloves, for example).● Do not stand under hanging loads.● Immediately clean up any spilled liquids from the floor due to the risk of


1.1.7 Battery SafetyBatteries consist of active chemicals in a solid housing. Therefore, improperhandling can cause injury or property damage.Risk of injury by improper handling!● Do not attempt to reactivate low batteries by heating or other methods

(risk of explosion and cauterization).● Do not attempt to recharge the batteries as this may cause leakage or

explosion.● Do not throw batteries into open flames.● Do not dismantle batteries.● When replacing the battery/batteries, do not damage the electrical parts

installed in the devices.● Only use the battery types specified for the product.

Environmental protection and disposal! The batteries contained inthe product are considered dangerous goods during land, air, andsea transport (risk of explosion) in the sense of the legal regula‐tions. Dispose of used batteries separately from other waste. Ob‐serve the national regulations of your country.

1.2 Appropriate UseThis product may only be used for the applications mentioned in the refer‐ence documentations (see index entry "Reference documentations") and un‐der the described application, ambient and operating conditions.This product is exclusively intended for use in machines and systems in anindustrial environment. This is to be understood as applications according toIEC 60204-1 "Safety of machinery, Electric equipment of machines" andNFPA 79 "Electrical Standard for Industrial Machinery".

Components of the drive system Rexroth IndraDrive are productsof category C3 (with restricted distribution) according toIEC 61800‑3. These components are not provided for use in apublic low-voltage mains supplying residential areas. If thesecomponents are used in such a mains, high-frequency interfer‐ence is to be expected. This can require additional measures ofradio interference suppression.

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Important Notes

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2 Identification2.1 Type Code

The figure illustrates the basic structure of the type code. Oursales representative will help you with the current status of availa‐ble versions.

Fig.2-1: Type Code HCS03.1

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Bosch Rexroth AG 19/67


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2.2 Type PlatesType Plate (Power Sections, Sup‐

ply Units)

1 Device type2 Part number3 Serial number4 Bar code5 Country of manufacture6 Production week; e.g. 08W23 meaning year 2008, week 237 Hardware indexFig.2-2: Type Plate (Power Sections, Supply Units)

2.3 Scope of SupplyThe scope of supply includes:● 1 × touch guard● 1 × connector X3 (only for design W0070)● 1 × connector X5 (only for design W0070)● 1 × connector X6● 1 × connector X9 (for order codes ‑xxBx)● 1 × Instruction Manual (in the English language)

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3 Ratings and DimensionsUL Ratings and Dimensions

Description Symbol Unit









Listing according to UL standard(UL) UL 508 C

Listing according to CSA standard(UL)

Canadian National Standard(s) C22.2No. 14-10

UL files (UL) E 227957

Pollution degree (UL) 2

Ambient temperature with nominaldata (UL) Tamax °C 40

Ambient temperature with reducednominal data (UL) Tamax_red °C 55

Mass m kg 13,00 20,00 38,00

Device height (UL)1) H mm 490

Device depth (UL)2) T mm 262

Device width (UL)3) B mm 125 225 350

Minimum distance on the top ofthe device4) dtop mm 80

Minimum distance on the bottomof the device5) dbot mm 100

Horizontal spacing on the device6) dhor mm 0

Rated control voltage input (UL)7) UN3 V 24 ± 20 %

Rated power consumption controlvoltage input at UN3 (UL) 8) PN3 W 22 25 30

Short circuit current rating (UL) SCCR A rms 42000

Rated input voltage, power (UL) 9) ULN_nenn V 3 x AC 400...500

Tolerance rated input voltage (UL) % +10 -15

Input frequency (UL) fLN Hz 50...60

Tolerance input frequency (UL) Hz ± 2

Rated input current (UL) ILN A 50,0 80,0 106,0 146,0

Branch circuit protection fuse(UL)10) 70 100 125 175

Required wire size according toEN 60204‑111) ALN mm2 16 35 50 70

Last modification: 2010-08-04

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Bosch Rexroth AG 21/67

Ratings and Dimensions

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Description Symbol Unit









Required wire size according toUL 508 A (internal wiring); (UL)12) ALN AWG AWG 8 AWG 4 AWG 2 AWG


Field wiring material (material;conductor temperature; class) Cu; 60/75 °C; 1

Output voltage (UL) Uout V 3 x AC 0...480

Output current (UL) Iout A 45,0 75,0 95,0 145,0

Output frequency range (UL)13) fout Hz 0...1600

Power dissipation at continuouscurrent and continuous DC buspower respectively (UL)14)

PDiss_cont W 800,00 950,00 1150,00 2000,00

Last modification: 2010-08-04

1) 2) 3) Housing dimension; see also related dimensional drawing4) 5) 6) See fig. "Air Intake and Air Outlet at Device"7) Observe supply voltage for motor holding brakes8) HMS, HMD, HCS plus motor holding brake and control section;

HCS01 including control section9) DC bus L+, L-; mains input L1, L2, L310) Use listed AC input line fuses (class J; 600 V AC) or listed circuit

breakers (600 V AC) at the mains supply11) Copper wire; PVC-insulation (conductor temperature 70 °C); installa‐

tion method B1; table 612) Copper wire; PVC-insulation (conductor temperature 90 °C); ta‐

ble 28.1; Ta ≤ 40 °C13) Depending on switching frequency which was set in parameter

P‑0‑000114) Plus dissipation of braking resistor and control sectionFig.3-1: HCS - UL Ratings and Dimensions

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Ratings and Dimensions

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A Air intakeB Air outletC Mounting surface in control cabinetdtop Distance topdbot Distance bottomdhor Distance horizontalFig.3-2: Air Intake and Air Outlet at Device

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Ratings and Dimensions

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4 Reference Documentations4.1 Drive Systems, System ComponentsTitleRexroth IndraDrive …

Kind of documentation Document typecode1)


Part numberR911…

Drive Systems With HMV01/02HMS01/02, HMD01, HCS02/03

Project Planning Manual SYSTEM*****-PRxx-EN-P 309636

Mi Drive Systems Project Planning Manual KCU+KSM****-PRxx-EN-P 320924

Supply Units, Power SectionsHMV, HMS, HMD, HCS02, HCS03

Project Planning Manual HMV-S-D+HCS-PRxx-EN-P 318790

Drive ControllersControl Sections CSB01, CSH01,CDB01

Project Planning Manual CSH********-PRxx-EN-P 295012

Additional Components and Accesso‐ries

Project Planning Manual ADDCOMP****-PRxx-EN-P 306140

C Drive ControllersHCS02.1, HCS03.1

Operating Instructions FU**********-IBxx-EN-P 314905

1) In the document typecodes, "xx" is a wild card for the current edition ofthe documentation (example: PR01 is the first edition of a ProjectPlanning Manual)

Fig.4-1: Documentations – Overview

Title Kind of documentation Document typecode1) Part numberR911…

Automation TerminalsOf The Rexroth InlineProduct Range

Application Manual DOK-CONTRL-ILSYSINS***-AWxx-EN-P


1) In the document typecodes, "xx" is a wild card for the current edition ofthe documentation (example: AW01 is the first edition of an Applica‐tion Manual)

Fig.4-2: Documentations – Overview

4.2 MotorsTitleRexroth IndraDyn …

Kind of documentation Document typecode1)


Part numberR911…

A Asynchronous Motors MAD / MAF Project Planning Manual MAD/MAF****-PRxx-EN-P 295781

H Synchronous Kit Spindle Motors Project Planning Manual MBS-H******-PRxx-EN-P 297895

L Synchronous Linear Motors Project Planning Manual MLF********-PRxx-EN-P 293635

S MSK Synchronous Motors Project Planning Manual MSK********-PRxx-EN-P 296289

T Synchronous Torque Motors Project Planning Manual MBT********-PRxx-EN-P 298798

1) In the document typecodes, "xx" is a wild card for the current edition ofthe documentation (example: PR01 is the first edition of a ProjectPlanning Manual)

Fig.4-3: Documentations – Overview

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Reference Documentations

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4.3 CablesTitle Kind of documentation Document typecode1)


Part numberR911…

Rexroth Connection CablesIndraDrive and IndraDyn



1) In the document typecodes, "xx" is a wild card for the current edition ofthe documentation (example: CA02 is the second edition of the docu‐mentation "Selection Data")

Fig.4-4: Documentations – Overview

4.4 FirmwareTitleRexroth IndraDrive …

Kind of documentation Document typecode1)


Part numberR911…

Firmware for Drive ControllersMPH-08, MPB-08, MPD-08, MPC-08

Functional Description MP*-08VRS**-APxx-EN-P 332643

Firmware for Drive ControllersMPH-07, MPB-07, MPD-07, MPC-07

Functional Description MP*-07VRS**-FKxx-EN-P 328670

Firmware for Drive ControllersMPH-06, MPB-06, MPD-06, MPC-06

Functional Description MP*-06VRS**-FKxx-EN-P 326766

Firmware for Drive ControllersMPH-05, MPB-05, MPD-05

Functional Description MP*-05VRS**-FKxx-EN-P 320182

Firmware for Drive ControllersMPH-04, MPB-04, MPD-04

Functional Description MP*-04VRS**-FKxx-EN-P 315485

Firmware for Drive ControllersMPH-03, MPB-03, MPD-03

Functional Description MP*-03VRS**-FKxx-EN-P 308329

Firmware for Drive ControllersMPH-02, MPB-02, MPD-02

Functional Description MP*-02VRS**-FKxx-EN-P 299223

Drive ControllersMPx-02 to MPx-08

Parameter Description GEN-**VRS**-PAxx-EN-P 297317

MPx-02 to MPx-08and HMV

Troubleshooting Guide GEN-**VRS**-WAxx-EN-P 297319

Integrated Safety Technology Functional and ApplicationDescription

SI*-**VRS**-FKxx-EN-P 297838

Integrated Safety TechnologyAccording to IEC61508

Functional Description SI2-**VRS**-FKxx-EN-P 327664

Rexroth IndraMotion MLD Application Manual MLD-**VRS**-AWxx-EN-P 306084

Rexroth IndraMotion MLDLibrary

Library Description MLD-SYSLIB*-FKxx-EN-P 309224

1) In the document typecodes, "xx" is a wild card for the current edition ofthe documentation (example: FK02 is the second edition of a Func‐tional Description)

Fig.4-5: Documentations – Overview

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Reference Documentations

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Title Kind of documentation Document typecode1) Part numberR911…

Productivity AgentExtended Diagnostic Functions WithRexroth IndraDrive

Application Manual DOK-INDRV*-MLD-PAGENT*-AWxx-EN-P


1) In the document typecodes, "xx" is a wild card for the current edition ofthe documentation (example: AW01 is the first edition of an Applica‐tion Manual)

Fig.4-6: Documentations – Overview

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Bosch Rexroth AG 27/67

Reference Documentations

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5 Instructions for Use5.1 Overcurrent Protection

Protect the components against overcurrent:● Branch circuit protection has to be provided externally● Dimension the branch circuit protection according to the data "Branch

circuit protection fuse (UL)" (see Ratings and Dimensions)

5.2 Connection Points5.2.1 Wiring Diagram

Power section = HCS03

The components marked with gray background color are absolutelynecessary.

1) 24V power supply unit can be omitted when using devices with inte‐grated 24V power supply (HCS02.1E- or HCS03.1E-...-NNNV withcontrol section CSB01.1N-FU)

Fig.5-1: Drive System Rexroth IndraDrive C

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5.2.2 Connection Diagram

Fig.5-2: Overall Connection Diagram

Apart from the indicated connections, it is necessary to wire theBb contact at the control section for signaling the readiness foroperation of the drive controller (see Project Planning Manual"Rexroth IndraDrive Drive Controllers Control Sections").

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Instructions for Use

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5.2.3 X3, Mains ConnectionImportant Notes

Lethal electric shock by live parts with morethan 50 V!


Exclusively operate the device● with plugged on connectors (even if there haven't been any lines con‐

nected to the connectors) and● with connected equipment grounding conductor!

Notes on Installation Dimension the required cross section of the connection cables according tothe determined phase current ILN and the mains fuse.

Equipment grounding conductor: Material and cross sectionFor the equipment grounding conductor, use the same metal (e.g.copper) as for the outer conductors.For the connections from the equipment grounding conductorconnection of the device to the equipment grounding conductorsystem in the control cabinet, make sure the cross sections of thelines are sufficient.Cross sections of the equipment grounding connections:● For HCS03.1E drive controllers, HMV01 and HMV02 supply

units at least 10 mm2 (AWG 8), but not smaller than thecross sections of the outer conductors of the mains supplyfeeder

● For HCS02.1E drive controllers, at least 4 mm2 (AWG 10),but not smaller than the cross sections of the outer conduc‐tors of the mains supply feederAdditionally, mount the housing of HCS02.1E to a bare met‐al mounting plate. Connect the mounting plate, too, with atleast the same cross section to the equipment groundingconductor system in the control cabinet.

For outer conductors with a cross section greater than 16 mm²,you can reduce the cross section of the equipment groundingconnection according to the table "Equipment Grounding Conduc‐tor Cross Section".

Cross-sectional area A of outer conduc‐tors

Minimum cross-sectional area APE ofequipment grounding connection

A ≤ 16 mm² A

16 mm² < A ≤ 35 mm² 16

35 mm² < A A / 2

Fig.5-3: Equipment Grounding Conductor Cross Section

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Damage to the device!NOTICEProvide strain relief for the terminal connectors of the device in the controlcabinet or use the optionally available connection accessory HAS02.

HCS03.1E-W0070View Identifica‐

tionFunction 3‑phase operation Function 1‑phase operation

(only HCS02.1E)

L1 Connection to supply mains (L1)

L2 Connection to supply mains(L2)

Connection to neutral con‐ductor supply mains

L3 Connection to supply mains(L3)


Connection of equipment grounding conductor of drive con‐troller

Screw connection at connector Unit Min. Max.

Tightening torque Nm 1,5 1,7

Connection cross sectionStranded wire

mm2 1,5 16

AWG 16 6

Occurring current load and minimum requiredconnection cross section

See technical data of device used (ILN and ALN)

Occurring voltage load See technical data of device used (ULN or ULN_nenn)

Fig.5-4: Function, Pin Assignment, Properties

HCS03.1E-W0100…W0210View Identifica‐


L1 Connection to supply mains (L1)

L2 Connection to supply mains (L2)

L3 Connection to supply mains (L3)

Connection of equipment grounding conductor of drive con‐troller

Terminal block Unit Min. Max.

Screw thread M6

Tightening torque Nm 5,5 6,5

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Connection cablesStranded wire with ring cable lug

mm2 1×16; 1×25; 1×35; 1×502×25; 2×35; 2×50

2×16 with accessories

AWG 1×6; 1×4; 1×2; 1×12×4; 2×2; 2×1

2×6 with accessories

Occurring current load and minimum requiredconnection cross section

A See technical data of device used (ILN and ALN)

Occurring voltage load V See technical data of device used (ULN or ULN_nenn)

Fig.5-5: Function, Pin Assignment, Properties

5.2.4 X5, Motor ConnectionImportant Notes

Lethal electric shock by live parts with morethan 50 V!


Exclusively operate the device● with plugged on connectors (even if there haven't been any lines con‐

nected to the connectors) and● with connected equipment grounding conductor!

Damage to the device!CAUTIONProvide strain relief for the terminal connectors of the device in the controlcabinet or use the optionally available connection accessory HAS02.

Notes on Installation The indicated connection cross sections are the cross sections which can beconnected. Dimension the required cross section of the connecting lines ac‐cording to the occurring current load.

● For optimum shield contact of the motor power cable, useour accessory HAS02, where possible.

● For the connection between drive controller and motor useour ready-made motor power cables, where possible (seedocumentation "Rexroth Connection Cables").

● When using NFD03.1 mains filters, the maximum allowedconductor cross section is limited to 4 mm2.

● For selecting the motor cables, observe the information con‐tained in the Project Planning Manual "Rexroth IndraDriveDrive System" → "Connection Cables to Motor".

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HCS03.1E-W0070View Identifica‐


A1 For power connection U1 at motor

A2 For power connection V1 at motor

A3 For power connection W1 at motor

For equipment grounding conductor of motor

Screw connection at connector Unit Min. Max.

Tightening torque Nm 1,5 1,7

Connection cableStranded wire

mm2 1,5 16

AWG 16 6

Occurring current load and minimum requiredconnection cross section

A See Technical Data of device used (Iout)

Occurring voltage load V See Technical Data of device used (Uout)

Short circuit protection A1, A2, A3 against each other and each of them againstground

Fig.5-6: Function, Pin Assignment, Properties

HCS03.1E-W0100…W0210View Identifica‐


A1 For power connection U1 at motor

A2 For power connection V1 at motor

A3 For power connection W1 at motor

For equipment grounding conductor of motor

Terminal block Unit Min. Max.

Screw thread M6

Tightening torque Nm 5,5 6,5

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Connection cablesStranded wire with ring cable lug

mm2 1×16; 1×25; 1×35; 1×502×25; 2×35; 2×50

2×16 with accessories

AWG 1×6; 1×4; 1×2; 1×12×4; 2×2; 2×1

2×6 with accessories

Occurring current load and minimum requiredconnection cross section

A See technical data of device used (Iout)

Occurring voltage load V See technical data of device used (Uout)

Short circuit protection A1, A2, A3 against each other and each of them againstground

Fig.5-7: Function, Pin Assignment, Properties

5.2.5 X6, Motor Temperature Monitoring and Motor Holding Brake

Lethal electric shock by live parts with morethan 50 V!


Exclusively operate the device● with plugged on connectors (even if there haven't been any lines con‐

nected to the connectors) and● with connected equipment grounding conductor!

Dangerous movements! Danger to personsfrom falling or dropping axes!


The standard motor holding brake provided or an external motor holdingbrake controlled directly by the drive controller are not sufficient on their ownto guarantee personal safety!Personal safety must be achieved using higher-level, fail-safe measures:● Block off danger zones with safety fences or safety guards● Additionally secure vertical axes against falling or dropping after switch‐

ing off the motor power by, for example,– mechanically securing the vertical axes– adding external braking/arrester/clamping mechanisms– ensuring sufficient equilibration of the vertical axes

Function The connection point X6 contains the connections for● monitoring the motor temperature● controlling the motor holding brake

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Via an integrated contact element (BR), the power sectionswitches the voltage of the external 24V supply (connection X13at HCS02 power sections) to the output for controlling the motorholding brake.The integrated 24V control voltage supply of power sections ofthe order code ‑NxxV is not available at the connection point X6(see figure below "Block Diagram of Internal Control Voltage").Therefore, an external 24V supply is required for controlling themotor holding brake.

BR Circuit for brake controlLT Power section, e.g. HCS02ST Control section, e.g. CSB01int. SMPS For types HCS0x.1E-Wxxxx-NxxV: Internal switched-mode power

supplyZK DC busFig.5-8: Block Diagram of Internal Control Voltage

View Connec‐tion

Signal name Function

1 MotTemp+ Input motor temperatureevaluation2 MotTemp-

3 +24V Output for controlling the mo‐tor holding brake4 0V

Spring terminal (connector) Unit Min. Max.

Connection cable solid wire mm2 0,5 1,5

Connection cable stranded wire mm2 0,5 1,5

AWG 20 16

Current carrying capacity X6.3, X6.4:

HCS03.1E-W0070; ‑W0100; ‑W0150; ‑W0210 A - 2

Number of switching actions of integrated con‐tact element for controlling motor holding brake

HCS03: Wear-free electronic contact

Time constant of load 1) ms - 50

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Switching frequency Hz - 0,5

Short circuit protection X6.3 against X6.4 (output for controlling the motor holdingbrake)

Overload protection X6.3 against X6.4 (output for controlling the motor holdingbrake)

1) Maximum time constant of load: t = RBr / LBr (RBr = resistance of brake;LBr = inductance of brake)

Fig.5-9: Function, Pin AssignmentConnection Diagram

The connection of the equipment grounding conductor can either be atterminal connector X5 or directly at the drive controller (this figureshows a terminal connector X5 with connection of the equipmentgrounding conductor).

Fig.5-10: Connection of Motor Temperature Monitoring and Motor HoldingBrake

Notes on Installation Make sure the voltage supply for the motor holding at the motorbrake is sufficient. You have to take into account that voltagedrops on the supply line. Use connecting lines with the highestpossible cross section of the single strands.

An external contact element is required, if motor holding brakeswith higher currents than the allowed current load are to be sup‐plied at X6.

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5.2.6 X9, External Braking ResistorImportant Notes

Lethal electric shock by live parts with morethan 50 V!


Exclusively operate the device● with plugged on connectors (even if there haven't been any lines con‐

nected to the connectors) and● with connected equipment grounding conductor!

The external braking resistor must be parameterized via the firm‐ware to protect the drive controller and the braking resistoragainst overload.See also Parameter Description of the firmware used:"P-0-0860, Converter configuration"and"P-0-0858, Data of external braking resistor"The drive controller monitors the operating data of the externalbraking resistor against the data in "P‑0‑0858, Data of externalbraking resistor". Select braking resistors with a performance thatcorresponds to the parameterized values or more powerful brak‐ing resistors.

X9, External Braking Resistor HCS03.1E-W0070…0210Function, Pin Assignment X9 is used to connect an external braking resistor which is controlled via the

internal switch.

For HCS03 devices, the connection X9 is contained in the ordercode -xxBV.

View Connec‐tion

Signal name Function

1 n.s. Connection braking resistor

2 n.s. Connection braking resistor

Screw terminal (connector) Unit Min. Max.


Connection lineStranded wire

mm2 16


Tightening torque Nm 1,5 1,7

HCS03.1E-W0100, -W0150

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Connection lineStranded wire

mm2 25


Tightening torque Nm 2,0 2,5


Connection lineStranded wire

mm2 50


Tightening torque Nm 8,0 9,0


Voltage load V n.s.

Short circuit protection To be ensured by means of appropriate fusing elements inthe mains connection at X3

n.s. Not specifiedFig.5-11: Function, Pin Assignment

Notes on Installation Maximum allowed line length to external braking resistor: 5 mTwist unshielded lines.

Danger by insufficient installation!CAUTIONProtect the lines with the appropriate fusing elements in the supply feeder.For the connecting lines at X9, use at least the cross section of the lines formains connection at X3.

5.2.7 Terminal Block, 24V - 0V (24V Supply)Function, Pin Assignment Connection of external 24V supply:

24V supply of HMS, HMD, HCS power sections (not at HCS02)● For the power section of the drive controller● For brake control via X6● For the control section of the drive controller with the optional modules,

except for such optional modules (e.g. safety technology S1) which re‐quire their own power supply

Technical Data of the Connection Point

View Identifica‐tion


+24V Power supplyConnection to neighboring devices with contact bars fromaccessory HAS01.1

0V Reference potential for power supplyConnection to neighboring devices with contact bars fromaccessory HAS01.1

Screw connectionM6 thread at device (terminal block)

Unit Min. Max.

Tightening torque Nm 5,5 6,5

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Power consumption W PN3 (see technical data)

Voltage load capacity V UN3 (see technical data)

Polarity reversal protection Within the allowed voltage range by internal protective diode

Current carrying capacity "looping through" from 24V to 24V, 0V to 0V(contact bars in scope of supply of accessory HAS01)

With contact bars -072 A 220

Fig.5-12: Function, Pin Assignment, PropertiesConnection Diagram

A Cable (to source of control voltage supply)B Contact barsFig.5-13: Connection Points and Connections of Control Voltage

Notes on Installation Requirements on the connection to the 24V supply:● Maximum allowed inductance of 100 µH (2 twisted single strands, 75 m

long)● Parallel line routing where possible

The input 0V is connected in conductive form to the housing po‐tential. It is therefore impossible to use an insulation monitor at+24V and 0V against housing.

5.2.8 L+ L-, DC Bus Connection

Lethal electric shock by live parts with morethan 50 V!


Before working on live parts: De-energize installation and secure powerswitch against unintentional or unauthorized re-energization.Wait at least 30 minutes after switching off the supply voltages to allow dis‐charging.Check whether voltage has fallen below 50 V before touching live parts!

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Function, Pin Assignment The DC bus connection connects● several drive controllers to one another● a drive controller to additional components

HCS02.1E-W0012 drive controllers do not have a DC bus con‐nection.

Technical Data of the Connection Point

View Identifica‐tion


L+ Connection points for connecting DC bus connections


Screw connectionM6 thread at device (terminal block)

Unit Min. Max.

Tightening torque Nm 5,5 6,5

Short circuit protection Via fusing elements connected in the incoming circuit to themains connection

Overload protection Via fusing elements connected in the incoming circuit to themains connection

Current carrying capacity "looping through" from L+ to L+, L- to L-(contact bars in scope of supply of accessory HAS01)

With contact bars -072 A 220

Additionally with contact bars ‑042 and endpiece

A 245

Fig.5-14: Function, Pin Assignment, Properties

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Fig.5-15: DC Bus Connection With Contact BarsNotes on Installation If in special cases it is not possible to use the contact bars provided to estab‐

lish the connection, the connection must be established using the shortestpossible twisted wires.

Risk of damage by reversing the polarity ofthe DC bus connections L+ and L-


Make sure the polarity is correct.

Length of twisted wire Max. 2 m

Line cross sectionMin. 10 mm2, but not smaller than cross section of supply feed‐er

Line protection By means of fuses in the mains connection

Dielectric strength of singlestrand against ground ≥ 750 V (e.g.: strand type – H07)

Fig.5-16: DC Bus Line

5.2.9 Ground ConnectionThe ground connection of the housing is used to provide functional safety ofthe drive controllers and protection against contact in conjunction with theequipment grounding conductor.Ground the housings of the drive controllers:

1. Connect the bare metal back panel of the drive controller in conductiveform to the mounting surface in the control cabinet. To do this, use thesupplied mounting screws.

2. Connect the mounting surface of the control cabinet in conductive formto the equipment grounding system.

3. For the ground connection, observe the maximum allowed ground re‐sistance.

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See Project Planning Manual of the drive system (index entry "Mainsconnection → Project planning").

5.2.10 Shield ConnectionXS1, Shield Connection Control Lines

Property damage due to temperatures higherthan 105 ℃!


Observe the indicated minimum distances!Above the devices there may only be such materials which● are not combustible● are insensitive to the occurring high temperatures

Always connect the shields with the largest possible metal-to-met‐al contact surface.

Fig.5-17: Shield Connection XS1 (Control Lines)Function Connection point for the shields of lines connected to the control section and

of which the connectors do not have their own shield connection.

XS2, Shield Connection Motor Cable

Risk of damage to the drive controller by toolong screws!


Exclusively use screws of a maximum length of 12 mm for the thread ofshield connection XS2.

The connection consists of an M6 thread and is used for mounting the fixingdevice for shield connection of the motor cable.

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The accessory HAS02 contains all parts required for effective shield connec‐tion of the motor cable (see index entry "Accessories").

5.3 Installation5.3.1 General Information on How to Install the Drive Controller

Lethal electric shock by live parts with morethan 50 V!


Before working on live parts: De-energize installation and secure powerswitch against unintentional or unauthorized re-energization.Wait at least 30 minutes after switching off the supply voltages to allow dis‐charging.Check whether voltage has fallen below 50 V before touching live parts!

Damage can be caused to the drive controller or circuit boards if electrostaticcharging present in people and/or tools is discharged across them. For thisreason, please observe the following information:

Electrostatic charges can cause damage toelectronic components and interfere with theiroperational safety!


Exposed conductive parts coming into contact with components and circuitboards must be discharged by means of grounding. Otherwise errors may oc‐cur when controlling motors and moving elements.

Such exposed conductive parts include:● The copper bit when soldering● The human body (ground connection by touching a conductive, groun‐

ded object)● Parts and tools (place them on a conductive support)Endangered components may only be stored or dispatched in conductivepackaging.

Rexroth connection diagrams are only to be used for producinginstallation circuit diagrams! The machine manufacturer’s installa‐tion circuit diagrams must be used for wiring the installation!

● Lay signal lines separately from the load resistance lines because of theoccurrence of interference.

● Transmit analog signals (e.g. command values, actual values) via shiel‐ded lines.

● Do not connect mains, DC bus or power cores to low voltages or allowthem to come into contact with these.

● When carrying out a high voltage test or an applied-overvoltage with‐stand test on the machine’s electrical equipment, disconnect all connec‐tions to the devices. This protects the electronic components (allowed inaccordance with EN 60204-1). During their routine testing, Rexroth drivecomponents are tested for high voltage (in accordance with EN61800-5-1:2007, section and insulation (in accordance with EN60204-1:2006, section 18.3).

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Risk of damage to the drive controller by con‐necting and disconnecting live connections!


Do not connect and disconnect live connections.

5.3.2 Sizing of Enclosure and Control CabinetMultiple-Line Design of the Control Cabinet

Arrangement of the devices, air guides/drip protections, blowersPay particular attention to the maximum allowed air intake tem‐perature of devices when they are arranged in multiple lines in thecontrol cabinet.If possible, place devices with a high degree of power dissipation(e.g. supply units with braking resistors, DC bus resistor units)● in the top line and● near the outlet air aperture to the cooling unitMount air guides between the lines to● protect the devices in the upper lines against the warm outlet

air of the devices beneath and● protect the devices beneath against penetration of liquids

(e.g. dripping condensation water or leaking cooling liquid)Additional blowers convey the outlet air to the cooling unit andcooling air to the upper lines.At the installed control cabinet, check the air intake temperatureof all devices.

To extend the module bus connection, the accessory RKB0001 isavailable. Observe the assignment.

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1 Discharge of heated air to cooling unit2 Interior of control cabinet3 Conveying direction of heated air in area where air flows off4 Device in control cabinet5 Air intake at device6 Air guide in control cabinet (for liquid cooling, this is also the drip pro‐

tection for the devices beneath)7 Blower in control cabinet8 Supply of cooled air from cooling unitFig.5-18: Example of Arrangement for Double-Line Design

Arranging the Cooling UnitsUnless the nominal data are reduced, the drive controller may only be operat‐ed up to a specified maximum ambient temperature. A cooling unit mighttherefore be required.

Possible damage to the drive controller! Op‐erational safety of the machine endangered!


Observe the instructions below.

Avoiding Dripping or Spraying Wa‐

terDue to their operating principle, condensation water is formed when coolingunits are used.For this reason, observe the following aspects:● Always position cooling units in such a way that condensation water

cannot drip onto the devices in the control cabinet.

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● Position the cooling unit in such a way that the blower of the cooling unitdoes not spray accumulated condensation water onto the devices in thecontrol cabinet. Mount the air duct in the control cabinet accordingly.

Cooling Unit on Top of the Control Cabinet Cooling Unit at the Front of the Control Cabinet

1 Cooling unit2 Interior of control cabinet3 Air duct (protects devices against condensation water)4 Device in control cabinetFig.5-19: Arranging the Cooling Units

Avoiding Moisture Condensation Moisture condensation occurs when the temperature of the device is lowerthan the ambient temperature.● Set cooling units with temperature adjustment to the maximum sur‐

rounding temperature and not lower!● Set cooling units with follow-up temperature in such a way that the inte‐

rior temperature of the control cabinet is not lower than the temperatureof the surrounding air. Set the temperature limitation to the maximumsurrounding temperature!

● Only use well-sealed control cabinets so that moisture condensationcannot arise as a result of warm and moist external air entering the cabi‐net.

● In the event that control cabinets are operated with the doors open(commissioning, servicing etc.), it is essential to ensure that after thedoors are closed the drive controllers cannot at any time be cooler thanthe air in the control cabinet. For this reason, sufficient circulation mustbe provided inside the control cabinet.

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6 EMC Measures for Design and Installation6.1 Rules for Design of Installations With Drive Controllers in

Compliance With EMCThe following rules are the basics for designing and installing drives in com‐pliance with EMC.

Mains Filter Correctly use a mains filter recommended by Rexroth for radio interferencesuppression in the supply feeder of the drive system.

Control Cabinet Grounding Connect all metal parts of the cabinet with one another over the largest possi‐ble surface area to establish a good electrical connection. This, too, appliesto the mounting of the mains filter. If required, use serrated washers whichcut through the paint surface. Connect the cabinet door to the control cabinetusing the shortest possible grounding straps.

Line Routing Avoid coupling routes between lines with high potential of noise and noise-free lines; therefore, signal, mains and motor lines and power cables have tobe routed separately from another. Minimum distance: 10 cm. Provide sepa‐rating sheets between power and signal lines. Ground separating sheets sev‐eral times.The lines with high potential of noise include:● Lines at the mains connection (incl. synchronization connection)● Lines at the motor connection

Lines at the DC bus connectionGenerally, interference injections are reduced by routing cables close togrounded sheet steel plates. For this reason, cables and wires should not berouted freely in the cabinet, but close to the cabinet housing or mounting pan‐els. Separate the incoming and outgoing cables of the radio interference sup‐pression filter.

Interference Suppression Ele‐ments

Provide the following components in the control cabinet with interference sup‐pression combinations:● Contactors● Relays● Solenoid valves● Electromechanical operating hours countersConnect these combinations directly at each coil.

Twisted Wires Twist unshielded wires belonging to the same circuit (feeder and return ca‐ble) or keep the surface between feeder and return cable as small as possi‐ble. Wires that are not used have to be grounded at both ends.

Lines of Measuring Systems Lines of measuring systems must be shielded. Connect the shield to groundat both ends and over the largest possible surface area. The shield may notbe interrupted, e.g. using intermediate terminals.

Digital Signal Lines Ground the shields of digital signal lines at both ends (transmitter and receiv‐er) over the largest possible surface area and with low impedance. In thecase of bad ground connection between transmitter and receiver, additionallyroute a bonding conductor (min. 10 mm2). Braided shields are better than foilshields.

Analog Signal Lines Ground the shields of analog signal lines at one end (transmitter or receiver)over the largest possible surface area and with low impedance. This avoidslow-frequency interference current (in the mains frequency range) on theshield.

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Connecting the Mains Choke Keep connection lines of the mains choke at the drive controller as short aspossible and twist them.

Installing the Motor Power Cable ● Use shielded motor power cables or run motor power cables in a shiel‐ded duct

● Use the shortest possible motor power cables● Ground shield of motor power cable at both ends over the largest possi‐

ble surface area to establish a good electrical connection● Run motor lines in shielded form inside the control cabinet● Do not use any steel-shielded lines● The shield of the motor power cable mustn't be interrupted by mounted

components, such as output chokes, sine filters or motor filters

6.2 EMC-Optimal Installation in Facility and Control Cabinet6.2.1 General Information

For EMC-optimal installation, a spatial separation of the interference-freearea (mains connection) and the interference-susceptible area (drive compo‐nents) is recommended, as shown in the figures below.

For EMC-optimal installation in the control cabinet, use a sepa‐rate control cabinet panel for the drive components.

6.2.2 Division Into Areas (Zones)Exemplary arrangements in the control cabinet: See section Control CabinetMounting According to Interference Areas - Exemplary Arrangements,page 52.We distinguish three areas:

1. Interference-free area of control cabinet (area A):This includes:● Supply feeder, input terminals, fuse, main switch, mains side of

mains filter for drives and corresponding connecting lines● Control voltage or auxiliary voltage connection with power supply

unit, fuse and other parts unless connection is run via the mains fil‐ter of the AC drives

● All components that are not electrically connected with the drivesystem

2. Interference-susceptible area (area B):● Mains connections between drive system and mains filter for

drives, mains contactor● Interface lines of drive controller

3. Strongly interference-susceptible area (area C):● Motor power cables including single cores

Never run lines of one of these areas in parallel with lines of another area sothat there isn't any unwanted interference injection from one area to the otherand that the filter is jumpered with regard to high frequency. Use the shortestpossible connecting lines.Recommendation for complex systems: Install drive components in one cabi‐net and the control units in a second, separate cabinet.

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Badly grounded control cabinet doors act as antennas. Therefore, connectthe control cabinet doors to the cabinet on top, in the middle and on the bot‐tom via short equipment grounding conductors with a cross section of at least6 mm2 or, even better, via grounding straps with the same cross section.Make sure connection points have good contact.

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6.2.3 Control Cabinet Mounting According to Interference Areas - Exempla‐ry Arrangements

Infeeding Supply Unit or Converter

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DR1 Mains choke (optional)E1…E5 Equipment grounding conductor of the componentsK1 External mains contactor for supply units and converters without inte‐

grated mains contactorML Motor blowerNT Power supply unitQ2 FusingT TransformerZ1, Z2 Shield connection points for cables* Not allowed at HNF mains filterFig.6-1: Infeeding Supply Unit or Converter – EMC Areas in the Control Cabi‐


6.2.4 Design and Installation in Area A - Interference-Free Area of ControlCabinet

Arranging the Components in theControl Cabinet

Comply with a distance of at least 200 mm (distance d1 in the figure):● Between components and electrical elements (switches, pushbuttons,

fuses, terminal connectors) in the interference-free area A and the com‐ponents in the two other areas B and C

Comply with a distance of at least 400 mm (distance d4 in the figure):● Between magnetic components (such as transformers, mains chokes

and DC bus chokes that are directly connected to the power connec‐tions of the drive system) and the interference-free components andlines between mains and filter including the mains filter in area A

If these distances are not kept, the magnetic leakage fields are injected to theinterference-free components and lines connected to the mains and the limitvalues at the mains connection are exceeded in spite of the installed filter.

Cable Routing of the Interference-Free Lines to the Mains Connec‐


Comply with a distance of at least 200 mm (distance d1 and d3 in the figure):● Between supply feeder or lines between filter and exit point from the

control cabinet in area A and the lines in area B and CIf this is impossible, there are two alternatives:1. Install lines in shielded form and connect the shield at several points (at

least at the beginning and at the end of the line) to the mounting plate orthe control cabinet housing over a large surface area.

2. Separate lines from the other interference-susceptible lines in areas Band C by means of a grounded distance plate vertically attached to themounting plate.

Install the shortest possible lines within the control cabinet and install themdirectly on the grounded metal surface of the mounting plate or of the controlcabinet housing.Mains supply lines from areas B and C must not be connected to the mainswithout a filter.

In case you do not observe the information on cable routing givenin this section, the effect of the mains filter is totally or partly neu‐tralized. This will cause the noise level of the interference emis‐sion to be higher within the range of 150 kHz to 40 MHz and thelimit values at the connection points of the machine or installationwill thereby be exceeded.

Routing and Connecting a NeutralConductor (N)

If a neutral conductor is used together with a three-phase connection, it mustnot be installed unfiltered in zones B and C, in order to keep interference offthe mains.

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Motor Blower at Mains Filter Single-phase or three-phase supply lines of motor blowers, that are usuallyrouted in parallel with motor power cables or interference-susceptible lines,must be filtered:● In drive systems with regenerative supply units, via a separate single-

phase (NFE type) or three-phase filter (HNF type) near the mains con‐nection of the control cabinet

● In drive systems with only infeeding supply units, via the available three-phase filter of the drive system

When switching power off, make sure the blower is not switched off.Loads at Mains Filter of Drive Sys‐

tem Only operate allowed loads at the mains filter of the drive system!At the three-phase filter for the power connection of regenerativesupply units, it is only allowed to operate the following loads:● HMV supply unit with mains choke and, if necessary, mains

contactorDo not operate any motor blowers, power supply units etc. at themains filter of the drive system.

Shielding Mains Supply Lines inControl Cabinet

If there is a high degree of interference injection to the mains supply line with‐in the control cabinet, although you have observed the above instructions (tobe found out by EMC measurement according to standard), proceed as fol‐lows:● Only use shielded lines in area A● Connect shields to the mounting plate at the beginning and the end of

the line by means of clipsThe same procedure may be required for long cables of more than 2 m be‐tween the point of power supply connection of the control cabinet and the fil‐ter within the control cabinet.

Mains Filters for AC Drives Ideally, mount the mains filter on the parting line between area A and B.Make sure the ground connection between filter housing and housing of thedrive controllers has good electrically conductive properties.If single-phase loads are connected on the load side of the filter, their currentmay be a maximum of 10% of the three-phase operating current. A highly im‐balanced load of the filter would deteriorate its interference suppression ca‐pacity.If the mains voltage is more than 480 V, connect the filter to the output side ofthe transformer and not to the supply side of the transformer.

Grounding In the case of bad ground connections in the installation, the distance be‐tween the lines to the grounding points E1, E2 in area A and the othergrounding points of the drive system should be at least d4 = 400 mm, in orderto minimize interference injection from ground and ground cables to the pow‐er input lines.See also 6.2.2 Division Into Areas (Zones), page 50.

Point of Connection for EquipmentGrounding Conductor at Machine,

Installation, Control Cabinet

The equipment grounding conductor of the power cable of the machine, in‐stallation or control cabinet has to be permanently connected at point PE andhave a cross section of at least 10 mm2 or to be complemented by a secondequipment grounding conductor via separate terminal connectors (accordingto EN 61800-5-1:2007, section If the cross section of the outerconductor is bigger, the cross section of the equipment grounding conductormust be accordingly bigger.

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6.2.5 Design and Installation in Area B - Interference-Susceptible Area ofControl Cabinet

Arranging Components and Lines Modules, components and lines in area B should be placed at a distance ofat least d1 = 200 mm from modules and lines in area A.Alternative: Shield modules, components and lines in area B by distanceplates mounted vertically on the mounting plate from modules and lines inarea A or use shielded lines.Only connect power supply units for auxiliary or control voltage connectionsin the drive system to the mains via a mains filter. See 6.2.2 Division IntoAreas (Zones), page 50.Install the shortest possible lines between drive controller and filter.

Control Voltage or Auxiliary Volt‐age Connection

Only in exceptional cases should you connect power supply unit and fusingfor the control voltage connection to phase and neutral conductor. In thiscase, mount and install these components in area A far away from the areasB and C of the drive system. For details see section 6.2.4 Design and Instal‐lation in Area A - Interference-Free Area of Control Cabinet, page 53.Run the connection between control voltage connection of the drive systemand power supply unit used through area B over the shortest distance.

Line Routing Run the lines along grounded metal surfaces, in order to minimize radiationof interference fields to area A (transmitting antenna effect).

6.2.6 Design and Installation in Area C - Strongly Interference-SusceptibleArea of Control Cabinet

Area C mainly concerns the motor power cables, especially at the connectionpoint at the drive controller.

Influence of the Motor Power Ca‐ble

The longer the motor power cable, the greater its leakage capacitance. Tocomply with a certain EMC limit value, the allowed leakage capacitance ofthe mains filter is limited. For the calculation of the leakage capacitance, seethe documentation on the drive system of the drive controller used.

● Run the shortest possible motor power cables.● Only use shielded motor power cables by Rexroth.

Routing the Motor Power Cablesand Motor Encoder Cables

Route the motor power cables and motor encoder cables along groundedmetal surfaces, both inside the control cabinet and outside of it, in order tominimize radiation of interference fields. If possible, route the motor powercables and motor encoder cables in metal-grounded cable ducts.Route the motor power cables and motor encoder cables● with a distance of at least d5 = 100 mm to interference-free lines, as

well as to signal cables and signal lines(alternatively separated by a grounded distance plate)

● in separate cable ducts, if possibleRouting the Motor Power Cables

and Mains Connection LinesFor converters (drive controllers with individual mains connection), route mo‐tor power cables and (unfiltered) mains connection lines in parallel for a maxi‐mum distance of 300 mm. After that distance, route motor power cables andpower supply cables in opposite directions and preferably in separate cableducts.Ideally, the outlet of the motor power cables at the control cabinet should beprovided in a distance of at least d3 = 200 mm from the (filtered) power sup‐ply cable.

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Converter - Routing the Motor Power Cables

With cable duct Without cable duct

B Area BC Area C1 Cable duct for mains connection lines2 Shield connection of motor power cable via

clips at least at one point; alternatively, atthe device or on mounting plate at controlcabinet

3 Cable duct for motor power cables4 Parallel routing of mains connection lines

and motor power cables over a maximum of300 mm

5 Distance of at least 100 mm or separated bya grounded distance plate

Fig.6-2: Routing of Motor Power Cables With CableDuct

B Area BC Area C1 Cable duct for mains connection lines2 Shield connection of motor power cable via

clips at least at one point; alternatively, atthe device or on mounting plate at controlcabinet

3 Control cabinet outlet of motor power cables4 Parallel routing of mains connection lines

and motor power cables over a maximum of300 mm

5 Distance of at least 100 mm or separated bya grounded distance plate

Fig.6-3: Routing of Motor Power Cables Without Ca‐ble Duct

Fig.6-4: Routing of Cables for Converter

6.3 Ground ConnectionsHousing and Mounting Plate By means of appropriate ground connections, it is possible to avoid the emis‐

sion of interference, because interference is discharged to ground on theshortest possible way.Ground connections of the metal housings of EMC-critical components (suchas filters, devices of the drive system, connection points of the cable shields,devices with microprocessor and switching power supply units) have to bewell contacted over a large surface area. This also applies to all screw con‐nections between mounting plate and control cabinet wall and to the mount‐ing of a ground bus to the mounting plate.The best solution is to use a zinc-coated mounting plate. Compared to a lac‐quered plate, the connections in this case have a good long-time stability.

Connection Elements For lacquered mounting plates, always use screw connections with tooth lockwashers and zinc-coated, tinned screws as connection elements. At the con‐nection points, remove the lacquer so that there is safe electrical contact overa large surface area. You achieve contact over a large surface area bymeans of bare connection surfaces or several connection screws. For screwconnections, you can establish the contact to lacquered surfaces by usingtooth lock washers.

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EMC Measures for Design and Installation

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Metal Surfaces Always use connection elements (screws, nuts, plain washers) with goodelectroconductive surface.Bare zinc-coated or tinned metal surfaces have good electroconductive prop‐erties.Anodized, yellow chromatized, black gunmetal finish or lacquered metal sur‐faces have bad electroconductive properties.

Ground Wires and Shield Connec‐tions

For connecting ground wires and shield connections, it is not the cross sec‐tion but the size of contact surface that is important, as the high-frequency in‐terference currents mainly flow on the surface of the conductor.Always connect cable shields, especially shields of the motor power cables,to ground potential over a large surface area.

6.4 Installing Signal Lines and Signal CablesLine Routing For measures to prevent interference, see the Project Planning Manuals of

the respective device. In addition, we recommend the following measures:● Route signal and control lines separately from the power cables with a

minimum distance of d5 = 100 mm (see 6.2.2 Division Into Areas(Zones), page 50) or with a grounded separating sheet. The optimumway is to route them in separate cable ducts. If possible, lead signallines into the control cabinet at one point only.

● If signal lines are crossing power cables, route them in an angle of 90°in order to avoid interference injection.

● Ground spare cables, that are not used and have been connected, atleast at both ends so that they do not have any antenna effect.

● Avoid unnecessary line lengths.● Run cables as close as possible to grounded metal surfaces (reference

potential). The ideal solution are closed, grounded cable ducts or metalpipes which, however, is only obligatory for high requirements (sensitiveinstrument leads).

● Avoid suspended lines or lines routed along synthetic carriers, becausethey are functioning like reception antennas (noise immunity) and liketransmitting antennas (emission of interference). Exceptional cases areflexible cable tracks over short distances of a maximum of 5 m.

Shielding Connect the cable shield immediately at the devices in the shortest and mostdirect possible way and over the largest possible surface area.Connect the shield of analog signal lines at one end over a large surfacearea, normally in the control cabinet at the analog device. Make sure the con‐nection to ground/housing is short and over a large surface area.Connect the shield of digital signal lines at both ends over a large surfacearea and in short form. In the case of potential differences between beginningand end of the line, run an additional bonding conductor in parallel. This pre‐vents compensating current from flowing via the shield. The guide value forthe cross section is 10 mm2.You absolutely have to equip separable connections with connectors withgrounded metal housing.In the case of non-shielded lines belonging to the same circuit, twist feederand return cable.

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6.5 General Measures of Radio Interference Suppression for Re‐lays, Contactors, Switches, Chokes and Inductive Loads

If, in conjunction with electronic devices and components, inductive loads,such as chokes, contactors, relays are switched by contacts or semiconduc‐tors, appropriate interference suppression has to be provided for them:● By arranging free-wheeling diodes in the case of d.c. operation● In the case of a.c. operation, by arranging usual RC interference sup‐

pression elements depending on the contactor type, immediately at theinductance

Only the interference suppression element arranged immediately at the in‐ductance does serve this purpose. Otherwise, the emitted noise level is toohigh which can affect the function of the electronic system and of the drive.If possible, mechanical switches and contacts should only be realized assnap contacts. Contact pressure and contact material must be suited for thecorresponding switching currents.Slow-action contacts should be replaced by snap switches or by solid-stateswitches, because slow-action contacts strongly bounce and are in an unde‐fined switching status for a long time which emits electromagnetic waves inthe case of inductive loads. These waves are an especially critical aspect inthe case of manometric or temperature switches.

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7 Accessories7.1 Overview

Overview Content and usage

Accessory HAS01 contains:a) Screws to fix the device in the control cabinetb) Adhesive labels with notes on safety in the English and Frenchlanguages. Place the adhesive labels clearly visibly at the deviceor in the immediate vicinity of the device, if the adhesive labels ex‐isting at the device are hidden by neighboring devices.c) Contact bars for connecting● the DC bus● the control voltage supply● For high-performance devices, there are additional elements

which increase the current carrying capacity of the DC busconnections and which are screwed to the contact bars:

d) Joint bar to connect the equipment grounding connections ofneighboring devices

The accessory HAS02 is screwed to the bottom of the device andused to● connect the motor cable shield to the device● provide strain relief of the motor cable

The accessory HAS03 (control cabinet adapter) is used to com‐pensate different mounting depths of devices mounted to a com‐mon mounting surface.● Maximum allowed tightening torque: 6 Nm● Mechanical stability of a device with HAS03 requires the rigid

connection via DC bus contact bars to a neighboring devicewithout HAS03.

Fig.7-1: Accessories – Overview

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7.2 Information on Accessory HAS02The supplied product insert shows how the parts of the acces‐sory are arranged.

Fig.7-2: Product Insert Mounting Example Accessory HAS02.1-002

1 Screw in thread at bottom of device2 Fixing device3 Shielding plate4 Shield of motor cable5 ClipFig.7-3: Strain Relief and Shield Connection of Motor Cable

How to mount the accessory1. Unscrew bottom mounting screw of device.2. Put fixing device to bottom of device and screw down mounting screw of

device again.3. Screw supplied screw in thread at bottom of device.4. Screw shielding plate to fixing device according to desired cable routing

of motor cable. (The figure illustrates cable routing with 45°.)5. According to diameter of motor cable, fix motor cable at corresponding

point of shielding plate with a clip. Make sure that shield of motor cablehas good contact with shielding plate.

The mounting of the accessory is similar for all devices. Exception: WithHAS02.1-010 (at HMS02.1N‑W0028 / 54), the fixing device is screwed to theequipment grounding conductor connections of the device.

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8 Service and SupportOur worldwide service network provides an optimized and efficient support.Our experts offer you advice and assistance should you have any queries.You can contact us 24/7.

Service Germany Our technology-oriented Competence Center in Lohr, Germany, is responsi‐ble for all your service-related queries for electric drive and controls.Contact the Service Helpdesk & Hotline under:

Phone: +49 9352 40 5060Fax: +49 9352 18 4941E-mail: [email protected]:

Additional information on service, repair (e.g. delivery addresses) and trainingcan be found on our internet sites.

Service worldwide Outside Germany, please contact your local service office first. For hotlinenumbers, refer to the sales office addresses on the internet.

Preparing information To be able to help you more quickly and efficiently, please have the followinginformation ready:● Detailed description of malfunction and circumstances resulting in the

malfunction● Type plate name of the affected products, in particular type codes and

serial numbers● Your contact data (phone and fax number as well as your email ad‐


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9 Environmental Protection and Disposal9.1 Environmental Protection

Production Processes The products are made with energy- and resource-optimized production pro‐cesses which allow re-using and recycling the resulting waste. We regularlytry to replace pollutant-loaded raw materials and supplies by more environ‐ment-friendly alternatives.

No Release of Hazardous Sub‐stances

Our products do not contain any hazardous substances which may be re‐leased in the case of appropriate use. Normally, our products will not haveany negativ influences on the environment.

Significant Components Basically, our products contain the following components:Electronic devices Motors∙ steel ∙ steel∙ aluminum ∙ aluminum∙ copper ∙ copper∙ synthetic materials ∙ brass∙ electronic components and modules ∙ magnetic materials ∙ electronic components and modules

9.2 DisposalReturn of Products Our products can be returned to our premises free of charge for disposal. It is

a precondition, however, that the products are free of oil, grease or other dirt.Furthermore, the products returned for disposal must not contain any undueforeign material or foreign components.Send the products ”free domicile” to the following address: Bosch Rexroth AG Electric Drives and Controls Buergermeister-Dr.-Nebel-Strasse 2 97816 Lohr am Main, Germany

Packaging The packaging materials consist of cardboard, wood and polystyrene. Thesematerials can be recycled anywhere without any problem.For ecological reasons, please refrain from returning the empty packages tous.

Batteries and Accumulators Batteries and accumulators can be labeled with this symbol.

The symbol indicating "separate collection" for all batteries and accu‐mulators is the crossed-out wheeled bin.The end user within the EU is legally obligated to return used batteries. Out‐side the validity of the EU Directive 2006/66/EC keep the stipulated direc‐tives.Used batteries can contain hazardous substances, which can harm the envi‐ronment or the people´s health when they are improper stored or disposed of.After use, the batteries or accumulators contained in Rexroth products haveto be properly disposed of according to the country-specific collection.

Recycling Most of the products can be recycled due to their high content of metal. Inorder to recycle the metal in the best possible way, the products must be dis‐assembled into individual modules.

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Metals contained in electric and electronic modules can also be recycled bymeans of special separation processes.Products made of plastics can contain flame retardants. These plastic partsare labeled according to EN ISO 1043. They have to be recycled separatelyor disposed of according to the valid legal requirements.

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IndexSymbols24V supply.......................................................... 39


HAS01, HAS02, HAS03 ............................... 59Accumulators...................................................... 63

BBatteries.............................................................. 63Braking resistor

External ........................................................ 38


Documentation ............................................. 26Components

Documentations ........................................... 25Connection

Braking resistor ............................................ 38Control voltage ............................................. 39DC bus ......................................................... 40Equipment grounding conductor .................. 31Ground ......................................................... 42Mains ............................................................ 31Motor ............................................................ 33Motor holding brake ..................................... 35Motor temperature monitoring ...................... 35Shield (control lines) ..................................... 43Shield (motor cable) ..................................... 43

Connection diagram............................................ 30Connection points............................................... 29Contained substances

see "Significant components" ....................... 63Control cabinet

Area A, interference-free .............................. 53Area B, interference-susceptible .................. 55Area C, strongly interference-susceptible .... 55Avoiding moisture condensation .................. 47Cooling unit .................................................. 46Interference areas ........................................ 52Multiple-line arrangement of drive con‐trollers .......................................................... 45

Control voltage.................................................... 39Cooling unit

Arrangement ................................................ 46

DDC bus

Connection ................................................... 40Dimensions......................................................... 21Disposal.............................................................. 63Distances............................................................ 23


Cables .......................................................... 26Drive systems ............................................... 25Firmware ...................................................... 26Motors .......................................................... 25Overview ...................................................... 25Reference documentations .......................... 25System components ..................................... 25

Drive controllersMultiple-line arrangement ............................. 45


Measures for design and installation ............ 49Environmental protection.................................... 63Equipment grounding conductor

Connection ................................................... 31


Documentation ............................................. 26


Connection ................................................... 42Ground connection.............................................. 42Ground connections............................................ 56

HHAS01, HAS02, HAS03

Accessories .................................................. 59Hazardous substances....................................... 63HCS03

Dimensions .................................................. 21Ratings ......................................................... 21Scope of supply ............................................ 20Type code .................................................... 19

IIdentification........................................................ 19Installation........................................................... 44

EMC measures ............................................ 49General information ...................................... 44Ground connections ..................................... 56Signal lines ................................................... 57

Instructions for use.............................................. 29

LL+, L-

DC bus ......................................................... 40

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MMains connection................................................ 31Mains filter

Motor blower ................................................ 54Other loads ................................................... 54

Measures of radio interference suppressionFor relays, contactors, switches, chokes,inductive loads ............................................. 58

Moisture condensationAvoiding ....................................................... 47

MotorDocumentation ............................................. 25

Motor blowerMains filter .................................................... 54

Motor connection................................................ 33Motor temperature monitoring and motorholding brake ................................................ 35

Multiple-line arrangement of drive controllers..... 45

OOvercurrent protection........................................ 29

PPackaging........................................................... 63Power consumption............................................ 21Production processes......................................... 63Project planning manuals.................................... 25

RRatings................................................................ 21Recycling............................................................ 63Reference documentations................................. 25Return of products.............................................. 63

SSafety instructions............................................... 13

SScope of supply

HCS03 .......................................................... 20Shield

Connection (control lines) ............................ 43Connection (motor cable) ............................. 43

Signal linesInstallation .................................................... 57

Significant components....................................... 63Support

See service hotline ....................................... 61

TType code

HCS03 .......................................................... 19Type plates......................................................... 20


Instructions ................................................... 29

VVoltage load capacity.......................................... 21

WWiring diagram.................................................... 29

XX3........................................................................ 31X5........................................................................ 33X6........................................................................ 35X9........................................................................ 38XS1..................................................................... 43XS2..................................................................... 43

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Bosch Rexroth AG Electric Drives and Controls P.O. Box 13 57 97803 Lohr, Germany Bgm.-Dr.-Nebel-Str. 2 97816 Lohr, Germany Tel. +49 9352 18 0 Fax +49 9352 18 8400