Recent breast cancer research at indiana university by bryan schneider, indianapolis

Recent Breast Cancer Research at Indiana University By Bryan Schneider, Indianapolis

Transcript of Recent breast cancer research at indiana university by bryan schneider, indianapolis

Recent Breast Cancer Research at Indiana


By Bryan Schneider, Indianapolis

Recent Breast Cancer Research at Indiana University

An associate professor at the Indiana University School of Medicine in Indianapolis, Dr. Bryan Schneider conducts research into hematology, oncology, and clinical pharmacology. In 2010, he received $50,000 from the Inflammatory Breast Cancer Research Foundation and the Milburn Foundation to investigate treatment for a rare but aggressive form of breast cancer.

Recent Breast Cancer Research at Indiana University

Although inflammatory breast cancer only accounts for approximately 20% of breast cancer cases in the United States, the condition has a high mortality rate and is hard to diagnose due to the lack of presenting masses and tumors. Inflammatory breast cancer is highly present in sub-Saharan Africa and disproportionately affects African-American and young women in the United States.

Recent Breast Cancer Research at Indiana University

Using next-generation sequencing technology, Dr. Bryan Schneider and his colleague Milan Radovich will access the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Tissue Bank at the Indiana University Melvin and Bren Simon Cancer Center in Indianapolis. By investigating the multiple samples at the facility, Dr. Schneider and his colleague seek to determine differences between abnormal and normal breast tissue. Their discoveries may lead to the formation of novel drugs and targeted therapies for inflammatory breast cancer.